#updated post with missing panels lol
What a fucking baby, lol
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Ya know ... I wouldn't be surprised if Alfred banned trivia games from Family Game Night/Wayne Manor completely.
Knowing the Batkids, they would be just as competitive as Bruce and/or go out of their way to antagonize each other and Bruce (mostly Bruce, let's be real) with wrong answers only.
Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised if Alfred had to deal with toddler Bruce throwing a tantrum of epic proportions over an argument regarding some obscure fact related to the first discovered dinosaur or the various theories surrounding the Mary Celeste.
You cannot tell me that Bruce hasn't always been an extremely weird kid with hyperniche interests and a horrific competitive streak. Poor Alfred, lmao
(Also, Bruce throwing the Oliver Queen disguise at Alfred was a nice extra touch. Fuck, I loved that gag so much this episode).
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sepostscreencaps · 7 months
small hiatus for new post possible
Maybe won't be daily panles for a month or two, please stay tuned, should return with a bang, hopefully
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randomyuu · 6 months
so hold my hand (consign me not to darkness) [1/4]
Ah, yes. The fic that made me realise I’m in desperate need of Cursed Spirit Gojou in my ever-growing favourite GoYuu tropes.
Content Warning!
Major Character Death. Other characters are disrespectful to the corpse.
I highly suggest you read the fic first, or just the fic, since I don’t think I was properly able to adapt it into drawings. While I managed to use roughly two weeks of on-and-off planning, researching, and storyboarding, I only had a full week to finish it. You can read more of my thoughts below the comic if you’re curious.
Title: so hold my hand (consign me not to darkness)
Author: qalb_al_louz
It’s ongoing, and as of this drawing, the fic is in its third chapter. While this is (sexually) SFW, always be mindful of the tags! Please keep yourself safe and sound.
Please read from right to left, and enjoy!
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You can only upload 30 images in one post, huh Damn, I gotta divide it into parts
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Alrighty, I'll put my watered down unhinged thoughts below. No extra drawings down there if you're curious haha (unless you want to see the storyboard and the characters' full body character sheet, lemme know). You can skip the stuff underneath the Keep Reading for all parts.
This fic had me grinning from ear to ear every time I read this. The atmosphere, how it goes from POV to POV—of pure fear and panic—and the peak excitement I got when Yuuji properly meets Gojou, like brooooo 😭
Gosh I cannot emphasise how much I love this fic. I’ve always been wanting to make a whole comic out of it, especially since it was 2 chapters and it doesn’t look like the author will update it, but it just… kind of forgotten ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
But then the author posted a new chapter and I told myself this is a sign I should really start.
also goddamn I was so naive to think I can tackle 2 chapters as comic—no I was in fact cannot
The moment I laid my eyes on the first paragraph, things were portrayed very vividly in my mind. The panel, the angle, Gojou's head rolling down... I was like, hell yeah. Then I continued reading and I finally succumbed to my desire to draw this out.
At first I want to adapt this into a vertical format like those manhwas. However the longer I try to learn and storyboard it... I am simply not yet comfortable with it, especially for such a big project. Even the 1st storyboard starts vaguely vertical before the panels quickly crammed into that B4-B5 format lol. The first sketch estimated 69 (heh) pages for 90% of chapter 1. I said "no" for my own sanity and fully focused on the usual manga format and it was narrowed down to 60. Still a lot though, quantity and time-wise. So with a heavy heart, I can only do the majority of chapter 1 :”) I really really want to draw Sukuna talks back to Gojou—do you have any idea how good that scene was??? Gojou tried so hard to restrain himself, he���s so other I love him 😭
Due to the sheer length of this comic (I'm still in disbelief), I have limit lots of things, and that includes the drawing. If you've seen my other JJK fanarts, they are more rendered than this one. Well, this one is purely sketched with the help of the eraser to tidy up some lines. This is also the first fanart that I did purely on Photoshop, so I can control the typesets and drawings in one place. Usually, I use Photoshop for panels and typesetting and Krita for drawing.
I don't really like Photoshop's brush, but it did really well in curbing my perfectionist tendencies, so that's good.
It's also been quite a while since I draw in general (sobs) so... yeah, you might find differences, or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
I know setting is important, but maaan I genuinely won't miss rereading chapter 83-93 with a heavy focus on background and character locations. I just want to read the action and dialogue😭 However continuity is really important. But my spatial intelligence is almost non-existent even GPS sometimes can't help me. All I'm saying is that if you find some silly drawing mistakes, do forgive me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_I only drew all this in a week because otherwise I won't have another chance to complete this.
Well, lots of things I won't miss from this project, but haha let's talk about the characters instead because holy shit what was I thinking, starting this year drawing this many characters in the same project??? I have never drawn anyone here except for Yuuji, Gojou, Nanami and Megumi. I don't think I've ever drawn older Getou before. I already forgot how to draw my boy Yuuji and I gotta draw all these people???
This is what you call making a bad decision, kids. Don't do your "drawing warmup" after months of not drawing and tackling a project of a scale way bigger than you've ever tackled before.
Thank you for reading this far! I hope you find my complaint entertaining! But make no mistake, I genuinely still love the fic. Drawing this, even with all the headaches it gave me, only makes me adore this fic even more.
Thank you very much to each one of you who follows and leaves comments and tags on my silly art—it never failed to make my day :D And I sincerely wish this one also made your day or even made your minute! I'll see you in the next part!
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lawbin-archive · 7 months
Law & Robin Similarities Part 1
I actually listed about their similarities on twitter before but I found so much more later on LOL so I'm going to list it here with sources! I will keep updated! I tried to find the similar panels and took me longer than I thought ><
I put it in time order and with different categories. But I might messed up or missed something, so let me know if you found something wrong. Here you go!
Their hometown destroyed and burned by WG (Ohara & Flevance) 
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Sole survivor of their hometown
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Their family died in front of them
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A marine saved them (Saul & Corazon)
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Another marine related to their saviour (Aokiji & Sangoku)
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Get called as “monster”
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Their saviour left them with a smile
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Work with warlords before (Crocodile & Doflamingo)
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Almost get killed by the warlords
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The warlords have an organization with ranks (Baroque works & Donquixote family)
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Hate the government and navy
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Only 30 images per post :/ so I need to separate it ><
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thedarkmongoose · 5 months
okay, so. the hannibal panel at c2e2.
this might be a hot take, but it was a rehash of basically every other interview they've ever done. regardless, i highly enjoyed attending the panel and getting to see a live interview between them with lovely fannibal friends. they have a great dynamic and it was heartwarming to watch in-person.
it's been 11 years since the show aired, so they probably stuck to the same/safe questions/answers bc hugh and mads didn't remember much of it. which is fair! but even they looked exhausted from the same repetitive questions and were itching to hear something new. mads did answer one of the q's which was like, "what was your favorite memory on set?" with "there's tons of them. the problem with favorite stories is that you can't remember them. but when you're in the midst of it, it's funny and crazy. but when you get the question, you can't remember." which is true.
and also tbf (i think) hugh said that he flew in and got drunk with mads. if i remember correctly, they joked about how hugh was late for his first fan op (bc the had such a good time drinking the night prior), but mads made it a point to say that he still showed up to his. 😂 mads also said he missed hugh and it was sweet. you could tell he was being genuine.
thus, you have 2 hungover older actors doing a panel about a show they did 11 years ago at an event that was hastily thrown together at the last minute. it's no surprise they played it safe. the fan q's were pretty lame tbh. some were what i consider inappropriate. but hugh/mads seemed to light up at the silly questions the most. (which ofc, they're there to have fun). the fans would cheer/clap/shout "i love you!" after everything they said, which you could tell was grating on them after a while. like there were definitely appropriate times for commotion, but it happened after EVERY SINGLE QUESTION/COMMENT. (it's impossible to focus in a setting like that) also the "hugh dancy loves fake blood" bit got old real quick and you could tell he was over it lol.
on top of that, bc it's a reunion, they probably went for the nostalgia angle vs trying to do something contemporary. it's the safest way to ensure the guests/fans have an easy, fun time. the moderator had the right energy and knew how to ask questions/transition the convo properly. just the questions themselves were not interesting or new. they also cut the panel like 10 mins early.
the only real "new" bits we got was hugh dancy's answer to the q "why did will graham wear glasses sometimes?" his original answer from back in the day was "because i thought it/will would look cool with blood on his glasses" but his updated response was sth like "because it helps shield him from the world"
that's all for now lol. i'll post more panel bits as i remember them.
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rwbyrg · 11 months
You could do an entire "why RG is canon" post just made up of Miles's cameo vids.
lol. you got it boss.
Reason Why Rosegarden is Canon: #007
Miles Luna (affectionately referred to as RG King by many shippers), one of the show's head writers since Volume 1, has shown constant support for the ship at panels as well as in viewer submitted questions on Cameo. Everything from direct questions about the pairing's validity to talking hypotheticals, he often puts emphasis on Rosegarden in ways that are pretty difficult to ignore.
List of Miles' Cameos
The RG Dynamic
The RG Age Difference
Little Prince Allusion Confirmation
Oscar's Birthday
NND and RG
How Oscar May Inspire Ruby
Oscar in The Ever After
The ship has also seen support form other members of CRWBY. Including Eddy Rivas (another writer) interacting with RG fanart on twitter, to some enthusiasm from a couple voice actors, most notably:
Oscar's VA - Aaron Dismuke
Emerald's VA - Katie Newville
I'm pretty sure this list is not exhaustive, so if I missed any please send them over and I will update it accordingly!
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What makes Asa Mitaka from Chainsaw Man the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Asa-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a manga panel of Asa in the top right corner, she has been edited to be wearing a blue cap with the words "Please be patient I have autism" printed on the front. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"Goes to the aquarium with a guy and infodumps about sea anemonies."
"I kin her unironically. Unbelievable social awkward. Goes to an aquarium date where she spends the entire time explaining facts about the Animals fully in an attempt to impress her date. She must be avenged from the ADHD vs Autism bracket. Is isolated from her peers. Chronically lonely but won't open up to anyone(not sure if that's an Autism thing or just a personal problem probably a combination of both) Have you read the Manga?"
"has a VERY hard time with social interaction"
"She is absolutely baffled by everything + doesn't get most things at first"
"there's an extended scene where she flirts with a boy by lecturing him about sea anemone life cycles, breeding patterns, and other extended trivia. the whole time she is thinking to herself "he must be falling in love with me right about now. this is an irresistible date." "
"Literally infodumps to the boy shes on a date with for like 3 straight pages and then goes "i'm so alluring. he definetely wants me now" "
"from the scene that was all over tumblr where she infodumps about starfish on an aquarium date and considers this her Ultimate Seduction Technique. a guy on reddit literally got diagnosed because he could relate to her. it's awesome"
"Tried to impress a guy on a date by monologuing starfish facts about him, was genuinely astonished that that didn't drive him wild with desire. Also she's sharing her body with a horsewoman of the apocalypse but that's unrelated."
"If her long-winded rant about sea creatures as an attempt to seduce someone wasn't enough, then a lot of her trauma is based around being ostracized for being weird and quiet. She doesn't understand people but wants companionship anyways, even if shes also afraid of it."
"She feels disconnected to her peers. She literally infodumps while on a date for thirty minutes about starfish. She doesn't see this as a social faux pas, but rather something any sane person would do. (Basically, doesn't realize this is abnormal.) She misses social cues frequently. She feels below average empathy, I'd say. Asa also said she wanted to die after embarrassing herself in public. That doesn't mean she's autistic or anything, but I'm autistic and I do it a lot. Also, I'm autistic and I relate to her, so she kind of has a peer reviewed diagnosis by me lol."
"Socially awkward and prone to info dumping."
"shes cringe fail and has no idea what shes doing ever i love her so much (shes just like me fr"
"I’m sure you’ve seen her failgirl cringe aquarium infordump that she’s sure will charm any boy (note: fails to charm the world’s loosest teenage boy.) She sucks at a lot of social stuff but also doesn’t get why and just thinks she’s wrong or cursed or smth. Likes animals over people. Doesn’t have a single friend until another loner who happens to be more extroverted basically adopts her as her friend."
"1) thought lecturing her date about sea creatures for like 30 minutes each would impress him and make him like her and was confused when he wasn’t into it (I would be into it tho it’s ok bby he just has adhd). 2) had the date planned out to the MINUTE and told the poor guy to shut up when he wanted to do something different. Literally a formula for how to have fun and she thought it was foolproof. 3) encyclopedic knowledge of sea creatures either points to a special interest and/or she just decided to research all that shit the night before for the date (she did say she went to the library in preparation), either way. tism I love her I’m rotating her in my brain" End ID.]
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deadn30n · 6 months
An Update.
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So long story short things are looking... kinda O.K on my end? I'm about to leave for an appointment but I wanted to toss this on the dash so people know I haven't forgotten about my blog or them, for that matter ;_; I don't have hardly any opportunity to check on here anymore.
I did have the worst tooth in my mouth recently removed, alleviating a lot of problems I was having. I'm due for further dental work over the next few months that I'm glad for. I also had a shitton of bloodwork done recently and found that for the most part, at least blood wise, I seem to be alright. No diabetes, no anemia, etc.
Next month I'm slotted for appointments with a Psychiatrist, Hand Specialist, Neurologist, and a Gut Specialist as those are my worst problem areas right now.
I'm potentially due for hand surgery thanks to how bad it's gotten. I apparently developed a condition in my right hand called De Quervain's Tenosynovitis.
We've managed to control my acid reflux with medication now! Buuuut we now need to run several panels and go over my IBS as well as inspect what's going on with my stomach. I haven't been able to eat well for months and the little that I do eat, I get very bloated.
I also developed something called photophobia ( sensitivity to light in the eyes ) which has not helped me LOL. A neurologist wants to take a deeper look at my head because I could potentially have a tumor which... is really not good, and could be why my eyesight has been worsening steadily
So what I'm essentially saying here is shit's fucked, but most of that fucked shit is very fixable and on it's way to being fixed through the doctor's and appointments I have coming up. That being said, with my list of health issues being as lengthy as they are, obvs I'm still not quite ready to come back here yet ( esp if I have to have surgery ) but I am planning to come back the soonest I can.
I really miss writing. Like, really, really miss writing. :( April and May are looking to be the roughest treks of my health but once I get beyond those, I have a feeling I'm going to be a-ok.
But hey, in the meanwhile I still very much am reachable on Discord deadn30n
I also have a public server that's been growing over the past couple weeks if you'd like to join us. Been filling my spare time with games and such, we're almost always hanging out lmao.
Server Link Here
I'll make sure to post another update as things progress but just know I love you guys a bunch and I really do miss being here and being involved with my moots :( I miss seeing all the cool concepts and creativity you guys come up with and it sucks my health deteriorated so quickly dskjghd
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elizmanderson · 2 years
remarkable retirement updates
the print edition is finally populating at major retailers! this means you can now preorder without paying an arm and a leg for shipping, even if international. my Linktree has been updated with more buy links (click "in print or digital from other retailers" > "see all," then choose your preferred format and retailer)
my publisher is crowdfunding for an audiobook. we're currently a little more than a third of the way to our goal, with 53 days remaining. I'm really hoping we meet our goal so we can make this book accessible to more people. if we go over, the additional funds will go toward preorder goodies, more/better book swag, and funding events for me to go to
there's a goodreads giveaway running until march 14. enter to win one of five (5) paperback proof copies (u.s./canada only). if you use goodreads, enter here. (if funds allow, I'll also do a print storygraph giveaway at some point. not sure if that's limited to u.s./canada as well or if I have more options? for the e-ARC giveaway I was able to open it internationally, but goodreads does the same for digital copies yet limits print copies to u.s. and canada)
there's an open-internationally giveaway running until march 10 at 2p.m. EST on twitter. enter to win one (1) signed paperback proof copy. I'm doing this one myself. details are here.
if you miss the twitter giveaway, I'll be doing another one on instagram next week. same deal: enter to win one (1) signed paperback proof copy, open internationally, and I'll link to the insta post once I open the giveaway. it should open on march 10 and run until 2p.m. EST on march 17.
there will be an in-person book launch at Gathering Volumes in perrysburg, ohio, on april 21 at 6:30p.m. EST. do I know what we're doing yet? no. but we'll be there. and there will be snacks.
there will be a virtual book launch on april 24 at 7:30p.m. EST. I'm SUPER EXCITED for this one because author sj whitby, of the cute mutants series, has agreed to be my host for this launch. literally can't overstate how delighted I am that they agreed to this. there'll be a "which character are you" quiz while we wait to get started, book launch bingo throughout even though edna hates bingo, an interview, and some fun prizes culminating in the giveaway of a signed copy.
the northwest ohio teen book festival is march 18, 9a.m. - 4p.m. EST. this isn't an edna event because the event is for YA/MG and edna is adult. but I'm including it anyway, because it's a neat event open to teens and tweens in or near the northwest ohio region and I'm volunteering again this year and like to plug it when I can lol. there will be panels, a poetry slam, a pitch wars event, an escape room, board games with the authors in attendance, book sales, and book signings. lunch is provided as part of the event. registration is still open!
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blaiddraws · 2 years
Why does it look like Emmet is wearing the Warden bracelet?
got this ask after i posted this one. in reference to the second panel.
well, my friend, that would be because he IS wearing it congrats on catching that
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(in reference to this)
well! it will be! a bit. I've got (six, now) posts in the queue and we have yet to get anything close to concrete answers. lol. as for total updates! I'm! not sure! whoops
and i would be surprised if it WAS obvious. there's still Quite A Few pieces of information y'all are missing that would make it easier to figure out. more dots to connect to see the bigger picture. etc.
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i could say yes. but i could say no. but i won't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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rosia4309 · 1 year
Silverpelt's Terror (Page 81)
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First | Previous | Next
Silverpelt's Terror updates every weekend.
Missed another post. Sorry everyone!! I'm juggling loads of projects rn, and the background in the first panel took years off my life LOL. I'll see about a double upload next week, but there's no promises!! (Special thanks to @seyriix for helping me out with some of the shading! <3)
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aspl1tl1fe · 2 years
Setting Up Audre 5.2
Today we’re back at the PI Strip on 10 Pleasant Boulevard to take a look at the last retail shop that I fully renovated in @one-plumbob’s custom world, Pleasant Isle. As I mentioned in the first post for this lot, one-plumbob had 10 Pleasant Boulevard set up as the world’s elixir shop. The areas currently reserved for the unfinished housewares store, and the Audre African Arts Gallery were just shells. The only area that was furnished was the section of the building featured in this post.
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This building I now call Sun and Sea Pharmacy, because the sign I used had those images on it, lol. While the structure was a multi story community space, I either cut access to the basement, or completely deleted it. I can’t remember with certainty which I did.
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The front of the building pretty much remains the same; two entrances with yellow benches sat out between them. The changes I did make were mostly cosmetic. I moved the neon sign that was once above the gallery entrance onto the pharmacy’s outer front windows. I added some welcome mats in front of each entrance, although I totally forgot to recolor them. I also decorated the window panes with custom medical posters that I want to say came from @aroundthesims, but may be from another creator. 
If anyone wants to verify/correct me on this, just comment and I’ll update the post.
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The original lot used a nice wood pattern inside that I decided to add to all the shelving. I also used it for the register/prescription drug section of the pharmacy. That being, the columns, the half walls, counters, etc.
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I think I might have lightened the white of the windows, switching it from wood to a custom miscellaneous white. I also changed the color of the paint above the wall panel, but the floor is the same as the original.
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Unlike some of my other games, where I have a sim dedicated to making potions, Audre isn’t meant to be played in rounds that allow me to make sure all my sims are contributing to world upkeep. Additionally, while @anitmb’s merchant mod sales potions fine, I think it can’t clone them, so I wouldn’t be able to load a sim’s inventory from potions made in another game and resale them using the clone option.
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So there are no potions. Instead, the pharmacy carries all the custom soaps, bubble bath, and bath bombs (which I think are rubber ducks) by Sandy, @mspoodle1, and @phoebejaysims​ (I might be missing someone here, lol).
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Sun And Sea also carries the shower in a can and mosquito spray bottles that came with World Adventures, and probably one or two custom recolors of those items most likely made by one of the already mentioned creators.
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Of course, using the merchant mod means being able to sale the custom personal care and house cleaning items on display. So there will be plenty of other items on sale here.
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Several months back I introduced a friend to TS3 by loading up this save and showing off my renos. They’ve heard me talk about the sims, and watched a few minutes of Let’s Plays, but this was there first time really getting a look around in one of my games. This friend lives in the area that Pleasant Isle takes it’s inspiration from. They complemented both Sunflower Fresh Market (the most popular reno from this series), and Sun and Sea Pharmacy. 
I guess these shops look the most like the places they visit on the daily.
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Well, that’s it for now. Once I’m able to complete another reno for this world I’ll post more. Hope you all enjoyed theses posts and are having fun simming in your own games. 
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allfiredupfornalu · 1 year
Chapter 46: Tear
That was a very long gap between the last chapter. Unfortunately, there is no NaLu moments.
Story so far, from our last update wherein Natsu vs Yuuka and Toby. He managed to defeat both, fast actually. Natsu seems to be witty the first few chapters. Then Lucy managed to defeat Sherry by letting Aquarius flush both of them. One great thing tho, Lucy learned to use the force gate closure here. Yay! Erza arrived at the Galuna island, ties Lucy and Happy. Then Gray explains the situation, Erza understands (after getting heated w/ Gray) and helps her friends. Natsu faces Lyon, but is then interrupted by Gray who attempts the Iced Shell (1st try). Past forward, Gray manages to defeat Lyon and Deliora is dead already. I encourage you guys to read /watch. I think I'm just being talkative today hehe.
Going back to our goal!
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I was actually taken aback, I didn't know they have this panel.
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Lucy was asking Gray about the scar on his face (but why in that position?!! And what's with the wink???!)
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With Natsu fighting again with Gray, so ... Is it because of that? Hopefully yes haha.
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Look at two of them brawl (because of that???!! Lol I'm just trying to make this a jealous Natsu scene, which I doubt huhu)
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Since Erza hijacked a pirate ship, Lucy doesn't want to ride it wherein Natsu offers to swim. Aw I miss the two of them together already! This scene is cute tho with Natsu grin face.
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Don't worry Lucy, he believes in you 🩷💛
Context here, they did not get the money for the job but accepted the golden key which is Sagittarius.
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I just want to save this since it is too cute. I remember how Natsu's imagination salutes!
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And for my final entry, look how he puts his arm on her. I can't stop screaming!!!
I'm so excited about the Phantom Lord arc. Since this is kinda the start of the trust and bond between these two 😍
Hello! There may be a slight delay on my posts since I'm working 9-6 :( but hey I'll do my best, let's finish FT for the nth time!
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nocontextonepiece · 2 years
you can call me soda! i am extremely unhealthy about one piece and have been for years, and recently decided to re-read the whole thing. i made this blog to archive the funny out of context panels to show my friends (who dont know anything about one piece) but started joke posting and now its kind of blown up so im making this post to cover some basics. this blog posts untagged spoilers!
currently on: Egghead
tagging -
i primarily utilize the basic “one piece” tag along with character tags that i deem relevant to the post. any posts that are not based on panels will be tagged “not panels”, a tag which primarily consists of joke posting. if youre looking for the haha funny posts thats where you wanna go. thats also an “art” tag for art ive reblogged.
“discord liveblog” is the tag for my friends who have never watched one piece being forced to learn through osmosis.
posting -
i utilize tumblrs queue system to post throughout the day. the queue is set to post four panels a day, and usually ill just post random jokes whenever i feel like. “not panels” posts are posted directly and do not go through the queue system.
i accept submissions, for if i missed a panel you think is deserving of a spotlight! if submitting, i request that you try to stick to panels from arcs that ive already covered, and have not already appeared on this blog. the arc i am currently on will be displayed above and updated when i move to the next arc.
asks -
my ask tag is “asks” because im very creative and original. you can send whatever you want as long as its not super vulgar or rude. we have fun here. i love getting asks especially ones where i can engage super hard. love talking to people about things im obsessed with.
“what are you going to do when you catch up” -
fuck if i know lol. maybe i really will start posting the warrior cats au.
update: i already started its in the “opwc au” tag
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chaoticwistfulness · 2 years
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I posted 5,691 times in 2022
264 posts created (5%)
5,427 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,723 of my posts in 2022
#destiel - 261 posts
#cockles - 234 posts
#destiel fanart - 166 posts
#misha - 140 posts
#jackles - 106 posts
#njcon2022 - 73 posts
#cas fanart - 73 posts
#destiel pain - 68 posts
#hahahaha - 57 posts
#happy 43rd birthday dean winchester - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#it's not like they had like a 2 million budget per episode and couldn't afford different cutouts or something simple to decorate that set
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happiness isn't in the having. It's in just being aware the tapes exist. It's in just cherishing the fact he decided to make them.
Happiness is in Destiel. It's in just Cockles.
70 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯Manifesting Jensen singing Watching Over Me during the Cockles panel at Jib this weekend 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
96 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Started with a JIB mention and ended talking about what a pivotal moment Cas' declaration of love and his and Misha's goodbye to Dean and Jensen was
The Tapes!! Jensen mentioned The Tapes!!
He called him Mish 💙💚
Impersonated him when he's naked (how do you know?) "When I'm in the room..." And how do you know about his bruised butt?
He's ok with us hate watching the prequel lol
Gotham Knights. Soldier Boy. (Yes to Jensen playing Batman on GK 🕯🕯🕯)
He's not thaaaat funny, mr unicorn laugh lol
The smiles and heart eyes!! 😍🥰
How I've missed them
Good things *do* happen!
116 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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171 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I need an update on that update 🤣
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See the full post
300 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hismercytomyjustice · 3 months
Omfggg I cannot believe my little BG3 fic is about to hit 70 subscribers!!! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
It is wonderful and terrifying all at the same time haha!!! It’s also weirdly humbling knowing almost 70 people trust me and this story enough to want updates as it’s posted???
Thank fuck I’ve written most of it already because otherwise I would be STRESSING TF OUT.
I crossed the 75k word threshold the other day. The 75k maximum I thought I would probably hit seeing as I’ve never written much over like 50k before and that was only once in the fanfic world and 3x in the “this will likely never see the light of day” original work world haha.
In the event you clicked to see more, just know you’re about to see a lot of rambling of mental health and writing.
I’m winding down chapter 14 now and chapter 18 is at least 50-75% done after I skipped to it in a panic due to the massive writers block I hit in 13 over hardcore stressing over my characterization of Cazador. Just “he is not being horrible enough, he needs to be more horrible, but not too horrible or this fic will need to be even longer and I’m already wildly out of my word count comfort zone” lol.
So that leaves the tail end of 14 and 18, and then I just have to write 15, 16, and 17.
Oh thank fuck. It’s only three I thought it was four full length ones left. Oh god. This simultaneously brings me relief and anxiety lmaooo.
Oh god.
But this fic is going to have such a special place in my heart because writing it has reminded me THAT I LOVE WRITING.
I’ve barely written in the last decade for a variety of reasons and tbh until I started writing this fic, I was starting to wonder if I really even enjoyed writing and wanted to do it anymore.
Not because I didn’t, but because the level of passion I used to have for it seemed to just be…missing? I kept thinking “it’s so weird how writing used to be such a huge part of my life and now I never seem to be able to do it or want to do it”.
I’ve come to realize in the last month or so, the biggest culprit was my previously semi-diagnosed OCD. Second biggest may have been my definitely undiagnosed ADHD.
Any time I’d try to sit down to plot or draft or anything I would get into OCD spirals and either completely talk myself out of it or get into it for a little bit and then hit a roadblock in the story I couldn’t get past or convince myself what I wrote was awful and no one would ever want to read it because I would get bored writing it so why the hell would anyone want to read it? So then I’d convince myself I needed to read up on the craft of writing to make up for my deficiencies. And the more I learned the more I realized I didn’t know or the more deficiencies I saw and the more I’d get into my own head.
I spent some much time kind of wishing I hadn’t read so many books, went to so many convention panels, listened to so many podcasts about writing, etc. Because any time I looked at a blank page, I couldn’t get out of my own head enough to fucking WRITE.
Just an endless stream of: The first line is super important and has to hook the reader, make sure you start in the middle of the story, your protagonist should have xyz, your villain should have abc, every sentence should do more than one thing, if you don’t regularly make time to write you’re not a real writer, all these other people make time to write and their lives are way busier than yours so what’s wrong with you, you must hate writing otherwise you’d actually do it, you’ll never get anything published because you lack discipline, etc etc etc.
I just desperately wanted to go back to the days where I could just flip open a blank notebook and go to town without giving a shit about what anyone else thought a story had to be and without second guessing every single letter I put on the page.
And then such a weird combo of stars aligned that finally made me remember why I fucking love writing and why I do it in the first place???
Consuming media that makes me passionate about storytelling and reawakens my creative drive.
My friend offhandedly mentioning she writes on her phone sometimes and isn’t a phone kind of like a little notebook you can carry around and whip out whenever? Bonus, you don’t have to retype everything after writing by hand!
Getting officially officially diagnosed with OCD. Third therapist’s is a charm amirite? If I had a nickel for every therapist who told me I was exhibiting signs of OCD I’d have three nickels… I didn’t even go to my current therapist for OCD. My former therapist suggested finding a specialist in exposure therapy to help with an unrelated phobia (I will not go into on here and probably never will because it’s deeply personal) and the specialist I found happens to specialize in OCD because exposure therapy is often used to treat it.
And my current therapist taught me what OCD thought spirals are, how they start up, how they take root, how they get out of control. Suddenly it wasn’t just “oh, I have anxiety so I need to use decision techniques to combat it” it was “ohhh this is therapy designed with my brain in mind and my brain isn’t as weird or scary as I thought.” It’s just wild to spend decades of your life thinking your brain is fucked up and you don’t understand what’s wrong with it so how could anyone but then you get a literal fucking worksheet that maps out an example spiral with a note on it that reads “this you?”.
Specifically, she taught me about Inference-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT). If anyone reads this and is curious about ICBT. this article does a pretty good job of explaining it.
It was just wild to look at this piece of paper that was like “oh, no, this is a regular/common enough brain thing that we’ve done research on it and made a fun little worksheet for it” that makes it all feel so weirdly mundane and less scary as a result? Like decades of “I’m scared of my own brain” turned into “your brain isn’t scary, there’s a clear pattern to this kind of thing and lots of people go through it”.
And then I decided to take piano lessons. Because I started writing a POTO AU before I started my BG3 fic and I remembered how much I loved music in the same way. How much I enjoy the violin but struggle to get myself to play now that I’m not part of an ensemble. And that was another thing I haven’t found much joy in lately either.
And my OCD went off the fucking RAILS with that. Because of all my insecurities around being someone who always struggled to practice regularly and realizing how much of a refresher I needed on music in general after so much time away. Leaving lessons wanting to cry because of how fucking stupid an inept I felt and being utterly convinced I was wasting my teacher’s time.
BUT. Because of ICBT and my therapist, I could see I was hardcore OCD spiraling. It marginally helped because at least part of me was like “okay, these feelings aren’t the truth and they are irrational” even as I still struggled to find any actual self-compassion over it all. Because why the fuck is wrong with me it’s piano, I am paying for lessons, I do not have to be perfect. My therapist insisted my only obligation was to just show up for the lessons and SHE IS RIGHT. Like, yeah, it’s great to practice and I want to get better at it, but OCD-ing myself to the point I’m fucking miserable and never practice (much like I did with writing) is not the answer.
Piano made me realize my OCD impacts my day-to-day life in a variety. Not just my 10/10 OCD spirals/fears.
Do I still struggle with how fucking ridiculous getting worked up over voluntarily taking piano lessons made me feel? 10000%. Am I actually enjoying and looking forward to my lessons and actually practicing because I want to instead of feeling paralyzed or over analyzing or avoiding or forcing myself to? Also 10000% true!!! It’s fucking wild how much you can enjoy things you like when your OCD SHUTS THE FUCK UP FOR FIVE GODDAMN SECONDS.
Like obvs I still have a lot of work to do on the OCD front, but I’ve made so much fucking progress over the past few months. It feels like night and day sometimes. If you’d told me like 6 months ago I’d have written 75k on one fanfic in addition more on others, I would have laughed on your face and then doom spiraled about it.
God I have missed actually ENJOYING things. My therapist was not exaggerating when she talked about me having a breakthrough last session about overcompensating and how it negatively has impacted myself and my fledgling self-compassion.
It feels so fucking GOOD.
Navigating OCD and ADHD, especially as a late diagnosed person isn’t easy. I’m still learning so much and also puzzling out what does and doesn’t work for me. But for the first time in such a long time, I feel like I’m actually making progress on those fronts and it is such a fucking relief after borderline hating myself for years now.
This got wildly out of hand, but OH WELL. I’m just so fucking happy and relieved to be seeing some progress for myself that I was starting to worry might never fucking happen.
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