#urban heat challenges
books-in-a-storm · 2 years
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November 2022 JOMPBPC: Day 1 TBR This Month
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thatesqcrush · 11 days
Beautiful Sinner (Priest! Barba AU), Prologue & Ch. 1
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Priest! Barba x f! reader | SVU au
Rating: NSFW for language, graphic smut, basic desecration of religious upbringing.
WC: 8.6K
AN: I am so going to hell. One way ticket for lil old me.
AN2: Big thanks to @beccabarba for reviewing and being my soundboard.
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been, It's been too long since my last confession.”
“Go ahead,” the voice behind the screen began. “Tell me your sins.”
You shivered at the tambor of the words spoken. And you know that your sins were also their sins.
“I'm not seeking penance for what I've done, Father. I'm asking forgiveness for what I'm about to do,” you clarified. Your voice was soft.
“That’s not how this works,” the familiar voice replied. “What exactly are you going to do?”
You let out a shaky breath and heat flushed your cheeks. You began to unbutton your blouse. “I think you already know, Father.”
— Ch. 1—
*six months earlier*
It was a blistering summer day in Manhattan, the sun beating down relentlessly, casting sharp shadows on towering skyscrapers. The pavement radiated intense heat, mirages shimmering above the asphalt street. The air was thick with a suffocating blend of exhaust fumes, unpicked garbage bags and urban heat. City dwellers sought refuge in shaded pockets, and the city seemed to pulsate with the collective desire for relief from the oppressive heat.
It also happened to be your first weekend in your new home-a nine-story walk up in Hudson Heights.
You received your pink slip and had to make the hard decision to move. Your aunt was subletting her apartment while she traveled across the Borneo rainforests. Transitioning to a more modest apartment was a challenging shift. You had to adapt to a different community vibe and recalibrate your lifestyle expectations. You had introverted tendencies but you tried to remain resilient, focusing on navigating this life change as a time to reset.
You opened the window and stuck your head out. Spanish music played outside loudly and the normally traffic filled street was closed, with people milling about. It was the annual block party for the neighborhood, with vendors and entertainment alike. The food smelled wonderful and your stomach growled in response. The sound of a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. You ducked your head, making sure to avoid giving yourself a concussion. “Coming!” You called out as your bare feet padded the floor. You knew who it was - Maria, your next door neighbor who you met on move-in day. Maria was friendly with your aunt and you knew that she had promised your aunt that she’d keep an eye on you. She was close in age to you and immediately offered you a helping hand, helping you bring up boxes. You thanked her with pizza and beer and the two of you were on your way to becoming fast friends.
When Maria had texted you earlier in the week,” ‘Block party! Want to come with?’ it was an easy yes.
You opened the door and let Maria in. “Just need shoes and my bag. Help yourself if you want anything,” you called out, heading back towards your bedroom.
You heard your fridge open, the cacophonous sounds of beverages clanking together followed by the click and hiss of a can opening. Soon enough, you were both on your way.
Time flew and you found yourself really enjoying yourself. Eventually Maria had to leave - she was meeting her boyfriend and his sister to head into Queens to catch the Mets game.
You were still beyond hot, the humidity was thick, almost choking you. You pulled out a claw clip from your bag and pinned your hair up. Just even having the damp strands off the nape of your neck provided some, albeit, minimal relief. In that moment, you missed your pixie cut from years prior.
The local fire department had opened the fire hydrant and there was a gaggle of kids playing in the water. You looked at the water longingly before you internally said ‘fuck it,’ and ran through the open fire hydrant. The force of the water was stronger - and colder - than you had anticipated and you let out a shriek. You ran through it once more - this time not as close to the hydrant - enjoying the water washing over your overheated skin. Sufficiently cooled off, you continued on your way through the neighborhood.
There was a generalized area with a tent set up for community outreach. Curiosity piqued, you moseyed on over. You picked up a pamphlet - St. Blaise Church. You were religious as a child, it was as how your parents raised you. As an adult, you found yourself straying away, not agreeing with the church’s ideals which contradicted your more liberal beliefs. Sometimes, though, you found yourself missing it - especially during Christmas and Easter, when the congregation would meet up together in mass throngs. There was something about community that made you wistful.
“Interested in the Church?” a voice questioned. You looked up and you locked eyes with a handsome man. That was an understatement. He was obscenely good looking. Almost as if it hurt to look at him straight on. You felt a jolt straight to your core. No one should look as good as he did.
He took your breath away with his green eyes and thick, fitted build. His hair was dark with flecks of gray at the temples. His salt and pepper beard neatly framed his jawline. The man gave you a smile, his eyes crinkling. Crow's feet gracefully fanned out from the corners of his eyes, evidence of a life rich in laughter and stories. Dressed in comfortable yet stylish summer attire, he exuded a casual sophistication. He wore a fitted polo with fitted shorts that were borderline criminal. The polo was slightly unbuttoned, which allowed for a hint of chest hair along sun-kissed skin to peek through. Immediately your brain went to the gutter.
You blinked. It was as if your brain broke and you had no idea as to how to respond. He raised a brow and inwardly you melted, feeling warmth bloom through you.
“Uh, sorry. The heat is just getting to me,” Nervous laughter accompanied your lame excuse.
“No worries, it happens to the best of us. I’m Rafael Barba.” He offered his hand and you took it. As you shook his hand, warmth bloomed through you.
He offered you a beer from a cooler and you happily accepted. And over beer, you find yourself enamored with every word from his lips. You suspected Rafael was involved with the church with how passionately he spoke about it. And when he invited you to attend the Adult Fellowship group after Sunday’s mass, you found yourself agreeing.
“...the fellowship hour following the Liturgy provides opportunities to develop friendships, meet parishioners or simply exchange information of mutual interest. There are monthly birthday celebrations and seasonal events, such as Christmas and Easter parties, as well as a spring picnic. We are always looking for more—”
Rafael’s cell rang and he apologized before excusing himself. You nodded and rocked on your heels, once again taking in the scene before you as you finished your beer.
This new neighborhood was already looking up.
As Rafael took the call, he couldn’t help but turn around to look at you once more. His eyes raked over your form, fully drinking you in. He swallowed hard, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. He could feel a slight stirring in his pants, and furiously shook his head.
‘No,’ his brain argued. ‘No.’
He was not being turned on right now. Rafael tried to push the thought away and turned his attention back to the phone.
After the Householder case and resigning from the D.A.’s office, Rafael decided he needed to get away from it all. He spent the next three months holed up in his apartment, avoiding anyone and everyone.
Even if he didn’t want to - there was no one who would understand what he did. His mother was horrified and stopped talking to him. He received more than one gloating, sneering call from the recidivist he should have blocked — Alex Muños. Even Yelina spurned him.
He was truly alone.
So what was an acquitted, former ADA to do?
He prayed.
He had lapsed from religion. After working in the DA’s office and seeing all the especially heinous, depraved, evil out there - he was convinced there was no God.
He couldn’t explain why he did what he did - he did what he had to. Something called him to do it.
Was it God? Was it the Devil?
He wasn’t sure. So he prayed some more.
And then one night it came to him. The calling from God.
After a lengthy period of hemming and hawing, weighing the pros and cons, he contacted the local diocesan vocational director and began the requisite training. That training looked like pre-theology for 2 years followed by a tenure at a major seminary where he studied languages—some of which he already knew -Latin, Spanish, Greek. He also took graduate level studies in theology, including Doctrine, Canon Law, Church History, Scripture, and Liturgy.
He called St. Blaise’s home for three years. He found joy in community and spreading the Gospel. He gave to the community as much as he could possibly give. He thought it would be weird - that people would recognize him and call him a baby killer. And if they did - they never did it to his face. Rather, the community embraced him.
He was still busy as ever - mass was everyday, there were funerals, baptisms and weddings. He did outreach with the youth and began a fellowship for parishioners who were in a similar age cohort. Having saved quite a penny as an ADA, he lived off his savings. A priest’s salary was meager and he still had to pay taxes. So his salary sat in another account which went towards that.
The summer block party was an annual event, but very nubile - only in its third year. It’s where he felt he could give most back and the community could truly come together.
He hadn’t felt an attraction to any form of secular life in ages.
Until you just now.
He could use the excuse that he was a man after all. A man who used to be sexually active with both men and women alike. But before you, he was able to steer his thoughts away and put that energy into something else for the betterment of the church and community.
And then you came along, soaking yourself as you sprinted through a pump before going back for more.
His eyes traveled over you again. You were soaked, the material of your clothing sticking to you. Your tank top - now sheer - showing off your nipples which were diamond hard due to the combination of the cold water and air.
‘Fucking hell, get a grip.’
But he turned around to get yet another look, while yes’ing the person on the phone. His eyes trailed over the shorts you wore, perfectly molded to your ass and thighs. The rest of your legs were equally toned and for a split second, he could imagine them wrapped around his hips.
‘Oh for fuck’s sake.’
He wanted to talk to you more but this phone call ate up his time. Finally after what seemed like forever, he was free again. He decided at that moment, he needed to clear his head, so he sat back down and willed his cock to deflate. He closed his eyes and was about to cover his face with a hat when you interrupted him again.
“So what’s a lapsed Catholic to do if she wants to rejoin the church?”
Rafael lifted the hat off his face and sat fully. He cocked a brow. “Well, you can start by coming to mass tomorrow.”
“I suppose,” you sighed. “It’s been awhile.”
“How long is a while?” Rafael inquired gently. He gave you a kind smile. You looked away, embarrassed. Heat flooded your cheeks.
“Years,” you supplied.
Rafael nodded and then cocked his head. “Are you familiar with the parable about Jesus and the lost sheep?”
You nodded. “I’m the one that Jesus is looking for?”
Rafael nodded. “Maybe. But what about coming to mass first and checking it out before making any commitments?”
You nodded again. “I’ll think about it.”
“Hey stranger! Long time no see!” a familiar voice called out, interrupting the conversation.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see Maria, now accompanied by her boyfriend.
“I thought you were going to the city,” you asked, chucking your beer in the garbage can next to you.
“Changed our minds. Plus Robbie’s sister is being a little bitch.”
That earned a ‘hey!’ from Robbie before he acquiesced. “Yeah, she is being a little bitch.”
You turned back around but Rafael was nowhere to be seen. You looked at the pamphlet once more before folding it and tucking it away for later.
“I cannot believe you spoke to Fr. Barba like that,” Maria continued.
“Wait - what? He’s a priest?”
Maria nodded. She then pointed to your still soaked appearance. “You can see your tits through your tanktop. Wrong day to not wear a bra. You look like you could win a wet-tshirt contest.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot in embarrassment as you looked down and realized Maria was in fact correct.
“Probably thanked God - that celibate life must be rough,” Robbie laughed. “He’s been a priest for how long? I can’t imagine not having sex.”
You weren’t listening though, too consumed in your embarrassment and attraction. Of course the hottest man on the planet is a fucking priest. ‘And of course I would basically flash him.’
Later that evening at home, you poured some kibble in a bowl for your cat and heated up a quick meal. As you waited for your food to finish, you rifled through your closet for something to wear to church. Your eyes landed on a sundress that you knew was probably much too short for church. You frowned and kept looking until you found the perfect outfit.
You told Maria that you were going to attend mass. You had already promised the hot priest you’d come to the fellowship group. If you didn’t show, then you would be a liar, and you couldn’t lie to a priest - right?
The following morning you found yourself at church with Maria.
“I want to sit up in the front,” you whined as the both of you shuffled into the pew.
“I’m too hungover to sit in the front,” Maria grumbled. “You think I can get away with leaving my sunglasses on?”
You rolled your eyes. “This is probably the one mass you can get away with that shit,” you replied before slapping your mouth with your palm. “I didn’t mean to curse, shit, oh no, God damnit!”
Maria laughed at your foul mouthed word salad. “You can confess to Fr. Barba after.”
The organ began to play and you stood. You motioned to Maria to stand and she ignored you, instead choosing to rest her head on the back of the bench of the pew in front of her. You watched as the altar servers carried in the items needed for mass - Cross, the processional candles, incense and Bible. Your eyes followed as Fr. Barba walked behind. He wore green vestments and you vaguely recalled that the color of the robes indicated where you were along in the church calendar.
Mass went as typically as you remembered. You sang from the hymnal, prayed along the congregation, and actually listened to the homily instead of daydreaming about being anywhere else. Fr. Barba was straightforward, discussing Jesus’ anger.
“Paul commands us in Ephesians 4:26, be angry and do not sin; don’t let the sun set on your anger. I’ve heard a lot of sermons on the “but do not sin” part: anger can give opportunity to the devil and birth all manner of hell in relationships. I’ve also heard a lot of sermons on the “do not let the sun go down on your anger.” But I haven’t heard any sermons on these two words: be angry.”
Fr. Barba paused before continuing. “Be angry. As we look upon a world of injustice and abuse, even in the church, we can learn how to be angry in love together. And we learn this the way Paul did: from Jesus. Jesus got angry. Regularly. And we see a pattern in his anger: whenever someone vulnerable or powerless suffered injustice at the hands of the strong and powerful, Jesus opposed this injustice with loving anger.”
The Liturgy of Word concluded and then transitioned into the Liturgy of the Eucharist. You watched intently as he performed prayers and rites in Latin that had existed for thousands of years.
It was time for Communion but you didn’t feel up to receiving. So instead, you just watched. As you scanned the church, your eyes locked with Rafael’s. He was watching you, a frown on his face. You felt your cheeks grow hot once more and you turned away out of embarrassment.
Mass concluded shortly after. The fellowship hour was immediately afterwards, held in the basement of the church. Maria had zero interest in attending so you parted ways before heading down. The smell of incense and something very “churchly” permeated in the air as you walked down the dimly lit stairs.
The basement was as expected, acoustic tile ceiling, fluorescent lights, that unique slight churchy smell, boxes of various items, beige metal folding chairs, long tables, pillars in the middle of the room holding up the sanctuary one floor up. There was a life-size nativity in the back, with a Joseph whose hand was broken and an unfortunate beheaded sheep statue. Someone was setting up a coffee maker and someone else was plating store-bought cupcakes.
You chit-chatted with some congregants, majority of whom you met at the block party.
As you made a cup of coffee, you were unaware of Fr. Barba entering the room. It was only when you heard his voice and the sound of people shuffling to sit. You turned, sipping your coffee as you did so. No, Fr. Barba was no longer in those ceremonial robes that hid away everything. Instead, he wore fitted dark denim with a black shirt and his collar.
Your eyes tracked him as you continued to speak with others. You made sure to glance back to the folks you were speaking with - implying you were listening when you really weren’t. You watched as he moved easily through the room, greeting people, making jokes. What a waste of good looks.
People began to slowly sit, the chatting quietly winding down. Eventually, you took a seat. Everyone sat in a circle and you felt as if you were in an AA meeting.
“Welcome,” Fr. Barba began. “Thank you all for taking the time to come today.” He turned his gaze to you and stretched his arm in your direction. “We have a newcomer.” He gave you a small smile, his eyes crinkling in the corner.
You gave a small smile and waved, before introducing yourself.
There was a more in depth discussion of the readings from the mass. You hung onto every word Rafael said. Fr. Barba, Fr. Barba, Fr. Barba you chanted in your mind as if you were trying to ensure that stayed in your mind.
He’s a priest you told yourself. He’s Father - not Daddy.
You became a regular at church and also at the afternoon fellowship. You were usually quiet, opting to listen more so than anything. Today was different.
Fr. Barba asked the group to share their most favorite parts of scripture; he had anticipated the majority of responses - Genesis, one of the Gospels, Proverbs. Your comment made his stomach flip.
“I personally enjoy Song of Songs,” you offered. “It celebrates sexual love.”
“Jewish tradition reads it as an allegory of the relationship between God and Israel,” Fr. Barba offered.
“In Christianity, it is read as an allegory of Christand his bride, the Church,” you countered.
“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me,” Fr. Barba responded.
You flushed. “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. It is an unabashedly sensuous, even at times quite erotic, paean to love,” you continued as you leafed through the Bible you held.
“No matter what interpretation you choose to believe, the book is a powerful and profound reminder of the beauty and depth of God’s love for us. It is a beautiful book that has been celebrated for centuries and one that can still bring joy and comfort to believers today.”
There was a pause and then Rafael clapped his hands. “I think that’s enough to stop for now. Thank you all for coming. I’ll see you all next week.”
You hung back, helping to clean up. Slowly the group dissipated, leaving you and Fr. Barba alone.
“You’re still here.” Fr. Barba’s voice was thick and dark. You shivered in response.
“I really enjoyed myself today,” you replied softly as you approached him. You closed the gap between you and him. You could press your hands to his chest if you wanted to.
Oh how you wanted to.
Your nipples strained against the confines of your top. You wanted to drop to your knees and show your worth - take another type of communion.
‘Behave,’ you told yourself.
“Did you now?”
His expressive, bright green eyes are now dark and stormy. His jaw is tight. You swallow hard.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but I won’t have it,” he continues. His voice is clipped and you shivered in response.
You shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m not playing at anything Father. I’ll see you next week.”
Rafael didn’t reply. He watched as you turned about and walked away with a deliberate sway of your hips. His eyes were focused on your ass. All he wanted to do in that moment was to haul you over a pew and spank your ass for your insolence. His cock ached and twitched in his pants.
You turned back towards him, a full smile gracing your face. “I’m really looking forward to being a member of this congregation.”
Once you were gone, Rafael sat down on a folded chair dismayed.
He was so screwed.
God almighty help him.
It was a delicate dance. There was a part of you that enjoyed toeing the line with Fr. Barba. And part of you felt a smidge guilty. But fuck, he was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at him.
As Fr. Barba. Well, you weren’t alone in the desperate want and lust you were feeling.
He played with you in his fantasies. He knew what he was getting into when he became a priest. He swore to God to not know another’s body. It was the least he could do considering he killed baby Drew.
He wasn’t supposed to have these kind of thoughts.
It had been so long and he was under your spell.
After the group meeting, he had to hustle back to his home - a small home attached to the rectory. He made quick work of removing his clothes. He hissed as grasped his aching cock. Stroke, stroke, stroke.
Self pleasure was also a no-no.
Masturbation involved lust. It’s to use another person for your own selfish pleasure. The person becomes an object and it denigrates their dignity as a human being.
When he was around you, he wanted to throw everything into the wind. The image of your soaked tits haunted him. He threw his head back as he continued to jerk himself. Desire. You made him fucking feral.
He imagined kissing you after the meeting the second you and him were alone.
His lips crushed against yours. He pressed your back against the wall, his knee parting your legs.
One hand tangled in your hair, his lips brushing against the sensitive spot of your skin.
It was as if you released a part of him that he had kept tucked away for so long.
He stripped away your top, before mouthing your tits before dropping to his knees. Your hand moved through his hair.
“Taste me,” you’d beg. You’d beg so nicely and who was he to deny his lamb?
He imagined grabbing your ass, pulling your dripping pussy to his mouth. You would drape a leg over his shoulder, grounding yourself hard against his mouth.
“Fuck, right there. Just like that.”
He would put his thumb on your clit, rubbing circles as he pushed his tongue inside, tasting, licking, and sucking.
“You like that?”
“Yes,” you’d moan. “Don’t stop. Oh God, I am going to come. Please, fuck me.”
He would undo his belt and drop his pants, grasping his cock in his hand. He’d rub the head of his cock along your folds, teasing you until neither one of you could stand it before burying himself deep inside of you.
“I want everything you’ve got. I want to feel it all.”
“Is that what my little lamb wants? To be fucked hard like a whore?”
“Yes,” you’d beg. “Please.”
“Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.”
“Come for me little lamb,” he’d encourage. You’d fall apart at his words. He could imagine how your wet, soft, pussy would suck his cock in, deeper and deeper. He would imagine thrusting deep and hard, his cock dragging against your sweet spot. He’d come hard, deep inside of you, his come painting your walls.
In reality he grunted and groaned as his cock kicked. He came all over his hand and belly. He panted, waiting for his breath to even out.
It was a gloomy Tuesday morning as Rafael worked in his office. Homilies were a lot like closing arguments. Instead of trying to sway the jury, he had to connect with his congregants. Instead of evidence, it was the gospel.
He was distracted. His mind kept wandering to you. Were you some kind of a test for him?
You were under his skin. An itch that couldn’t be scratched. Or stroked. You had consumed his thoughts.
He tore the yellow sheet off the pad before crumpling it.
Rafael tried very hard to live a holy life, especially as he had known what life was like, could be like, outside of the church.
And until now, through God’s grace, he had done very well.
He looked at the time. Confession was to start soon. Confession wasn’t popular. Usually before the bigger high holidays, people would come in droves. But a regular, run of the mill Tuesday? Not a chance.
He had his regulars though, who would come without fail. They were long standing members of the community. Being bilingual was a big boost for the church.
Rafael put on his collar, and changed into dark slacks from jeans and then headed out.
You peeked into the booth. Seeing that it was empty, you made your way in and sat down.
“Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It’s been… um, years since my last confession.”
Rafael was stunned. It was you.
You began with some menial, ordinary sins. Rafael focused on what you were saying, ignoring the throb of his cock.
“And, of course, this… all leads to the most wicked one.”
Rafael swallowed hard. “Go on.”
“I’ve been thinking about you.”
“Me?” Rafael questioned. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’ “What do you mean?”
“You’re so kind and thoughtful. I probably shouldn’t say this because it’s so inappropriate, but you’re so fucking handsome. And it’s resulted in some wicked behavior.”
“Wicked how?” His hands ball into fists before he grabs the tops of his thighs hard, trying to steel his thoughts.
“I— I’m sorry. I need to go.” You’re stammering over your words, your heart racing.
Rafael heard the panic in your voice and he frowned. The confessional creaked as you stood. Rafael was filled with an overwhelming need to get you to stay. “We all sin. Including myself. God made us imperfect and can he really get to be disappointed in us when we do imperfect things?”
“I— I’ve never felt the way I do about you with anyone else. And I am filled with despair about wanting what I can’t have,” you reply softly. “What can I do about this? Can I say 10 Hail Mary’s or something?”
You continue. “And can I be absolved if I don’t feel bad about what I’ve done or said in the past? They’re all things I wanted to do.”
Rafael wracked his mind on what to say.
And before he could, he heard you open the door and leave. He stood quickly and pushed open the curtain. But it was too late. You were already gone.
Sunday mass came like clockwork.
As Rafael led mass, he scanned the pews for you. He was disappointed when he didn’t see you. He saw your friend and he made a mental note to talk with her afterwards.
“Fr. Barba, great service,” Maria commented as she shook Fr. Barba’s hand.
“Thank you. I- I am glad you came. You had been coming with your friend—“
“Oh! You mean — yeah, she couldn’t come today. She had some stuff to take care of. She’s new to the area and I know she could really use the community support,” Maria replied. She looked past Rafael and smiled brightly. “Oh there she is!”
Maria called your name. Rafael turned around and he saw you across the street. You were dressed more conservatively and he felt a wave of disappointment.
You half jogged across the street and before Rafael knew it, you had materialized in front of him.
“Hi,” you greeted as you tucked your hair behind your ear. “Sorry to have missed mass.”
“It’s okay,” Rafael laughed. “It’s not like God is keeping tabs.”
You smiled. Maria turned to you. “Was just telling Fr. Barba how you could use some community.”
“Uh,” you blanched. “Yeah, something like that.”
“Well, help is always needed at the community center or food pantry,” Rafael offered. “Meet plenty of people that way.”
“Yeah, sure. I - I saw in the bulletin you were looking for someone to go over your books.”
Rafael shifted. “Um, I was looking more for a CPA—“
“Well you are in luck!” Maria hit your arm. “You’ve got your own CPA here.”
“I-I am not a CPA. I was treasurer of my sorority years ago,” you explained. “But I lost my job and I need money,” you shrugged. “That’s all.”
Rafael sighed and rubbed his neck. As much as Olivia was a bleeding heart, he was too, especially with his roots. “Um, stop by the rectory sometime next week and we can talk it through.”
You smiled brightly. “Oh that would be great! Really! Thank you.”
Rafael nodded. You turned to Maria. “We have to go. Reservations?”
Other congregants had started to line up to speak with Rafael. He turned towards the line, but not without glancing back, watching you walk away.
Rafael admired you from behind, appreciating how your jeans hugged you in all of the right places. A flash of heat coursed through him.
‘God damnit, what are you doing?’
You never came by. Or to mass. Rafael thought you might have had a change of heart. Perhaps your flirtation with religion had flamed out. He found himself longing to see you but also increasingly frustrated with himself. He busied himself as much as possible so that he couldn’t even think of you. You were the absolute last thing on his mind.
When you rapped on his door two and a half weeks later, Rafael was more than surprised. He was downright startled, like a horse with thunder. He had been knee deep in the church’s financial books.
“I’m sorry, I hope I am not intruding. I know it’s late.”
Rafael relaxed. “No, not at all. Please, come in, sit.”
You slunk in the chair with ease and eyed Rafael’s outfit. “You don’t look like a priest.”
Rafael arched a thick brow. “And what do I look like?”
“Like a regular guy. Someone I would meet at a bar,” you shrugged as you waved your arm as if to make a point. Rafael was wearing dark jeans with a button down, sleeves rolled up and brown brogues.
Rafael laughed. “Well, there was a point in my life where you would have found me there. Speaking of bars, would you care for a drink?”
“I thought priests could only drink church wine.”
Rafael laughed again. “No, no, we can drink more than church wine.” You heard the clatter of glass and the sound of liquid pouring. “Here,” Rafael turned to you, his arm outstretched, holding a lowball glass with amber liquid. “Macallan 18.”
You took it from him and swirled the liquid before sniffing. You closed your eyes as you took a sip. You hummed, pleased. “This is good. Dangerously good.” You took another sip. “Oh this goes down way too easy.”
‘I bet my cock will go down easy.’
Rafael coughed and shook his head. “Uh, yeah, it does.” He took a large swallow of his glass and then poured himself another glass.
“You’re wondering why I’m here now. Instead of two weeks ago.”
Rafael perched himself on the corner of his desk. “I am.”
“I wish I had a reason that made sense, but I don’t. The truth is…” you glanced around the office and it became very apparent that the room was decorated more like a legal office than what you assumed an office in a church would be like.
“The truth is?” Rafael prodded.
You stood and started walking around the room. Your hand trailed the spines of the stacks of books lined up. It was then when you spotted the law degree in the corner.
“Wait - you are a lawyer? And a priest? How does that work?”
“Was,” Rafael clarified, before taking a long sip of his drink. “Was a lawyer.”
“You don’t practice anymore?”
“No,” Rafael shook his head. “Not anymore.”
You walked up to the bar cart and poured yourself another drink. You took the chair and pulled it until you were sitting directly in front of Rafael. “Tell me.”
Hours passed. Rafael unloaded everything on you - his time at SVU, baby Drew, the why to choose a life of faith.
And that bottle of Macallan?
You stood very close to Rafael. Your hands pressed on his chest. You swayed slightly and Rafael placed his hands on your hips, steadying you.
“Hire me. I’m really good with numbers.”
Rafael’s eyes narrowed. “We aren’t going to have sex.”
You scoffed, before almost losing your footing. Rafael’s hands gripped your hips tightly. “Who said anything about us having sex?”
“Do you think I don’t realize what game you’re playing?”
“Game? I’m not playing a game. I need a job.”
“Don’t play dumb.”
You rolled your eyes. “I am not. Besides, do you even know how?”
Rafael pushed you away slightly. “Did you not just hear the story of my life?”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Father.”
“The how?”
You walked back and closed the gap between you and him. “Yeah. The how. To fuck.”
Rafael’s eyes darken. He cupped your face and you leaned into his palm. He slowly walked around and behind you. He dropped his mouth to your ear. “I know how to fuck. I’ve fucked plenty. Men. Women. I know how to make someone come.”
A rumble emanated from Rafael’s chest. You spun on your heels and looked up at him. Rafael loomed over you, your eyes growing wide. Your breath hitched. “Is that so?”
Your faces were inches apart. You were breathing each other's air, growing dizzy over the shared breath. Your heart was thumping and you were so needy in that moment you thought you were going to burst.
“Little lamb, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
You let out a whine. “Please.”
Rafael lifted your chin with his finger. Your eyes searched his before settling on his lips. His beautiful pink lips that you knew they knew how to kiss. And lick. And fuck. And make someone come.
“You’re a good priest Father Barba,” you whispered. “But you’re also a good man. And doesn’t a good man deserve a little indulgence every now and then?”
The tension in the room was thick, the air electric. You almost felt moved to tears in the desperate way you wanted him. And he wanted you.
The sound of sirens blaring broke the spell. You both jumped apart. You both stared at each other. Rafael couldn’t help but notice that you were flushed, and that flush was making its way down. You worried your bottom lip.
“It’s late,” you rushed. “I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time.”
You spun on your heels and was about to dash out the door when Rafael gripped your wrist, pausing you in the middle of the door.
You looked back up at him with wide eyes.
“You start Monday,” Rafael gruffed. You nodded, unable to say anything.
You managed to squeak out an ‘okay.’ And before you realized it, the door was shut in your face.
Your first week was completely uneventful. As is the next. And the week after. You’re the epitome of well behaved and professional much to Rafael’s relief.
That still didn’t mean he didn’t imagine kissing you and then some. Or how when you leaned over his desk, he didn’t imagine lifting up your skirt and plowing into you. Or that when you chewed on your pen cap, he didn’t imagine his cock between your plump, soft lips.
Under the collar, he still was very much a man.
And you didn’t let him forget it. He lost track of the amount of times he had to get himself off. And still it didn’t nothing to quell the ache for you.
You threw yourself into the work and you actually found it quite fulfilling. You made plenty of friends and found yourself volunteering in other parts of the church - like working at the food pantry or singing as part of the church choir.
Summer ebbed into Fall. The air grew cooler. The days started to grow shorter and the leaves, once a vibrant green, were now tinged with yellow and orange, painting the city in a fiery palette.
You were working in the rectory that morning. When Myra, the arthritic receptionist, ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, you eagerly took over the job. You were busy enough with church duties as it was but it made sense for you to take over.
Utilizing your skills from past work experience, you ended up bringing St. Blaise into the 21st century thanks to Intuit and Microsoft.
Since you started, the more Rafael was able to get to know you. In turn, the more he wanted you. He did everything in his power to not even look at you for too long, at least when you were not not looking. It was hard - but Rafael was a glutton for punishment. Being around you made Rafael addicted.
It did seem as if you heeded his words - you were the utmost professional. You did such a good job that Rafael wondered if maybe he had misread the signals altogether and that one night was just the booze.
Then one particular evening, Rafael saw you walking with Maria, her boyfriend, and another gentleman. He didn’t want to stop and say hi - if anything he wanted to avoid it altogether and cross the street but you and him made eye contact. It would have been too awkward to avoid you by that point. It ended with the five of you at the local watering hole - where this gentleman who had his arm wrapped around you. Rafael didn’t enjoy how jealousy washed over him - he knew he did not have any right to you, or your body. And he would never be - you were never together like that.
You were waiting at the bar, ordering another round when Rafael joined you. You looked over at him and gave a small smile.
“So you’re on date then?”
You looked at him incredulously. “Rafael—“
“You live here, you can go on any dates and with whom.”
“He’s just— you and I— we never…
The bartender arrived with your drinks. You went to pay, but Rafael stopped you. “I got it.”
“Don’t you have to take a vow of poverty?” you asked as you grabbed some of the drinks. Rafael grabbed the remainder and the two of you walked back to the booth.
“One of the most common misconceptions about the Catholic priesthood is that all priests take a vow of poverty. In fact, most do not. Diocesan priests do not even make vows, they make “promises” of obedience to their bishop: chastity and to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Vows, on the other hand, are typically made by members of religious orders, such as Franciscans, Benedictines, Dominicans, etc.”
You nodded. “Got it.”
You walked ahead of Rafael, a sway in your hips as you did so. Rafael’s eyes narrowed and he sucked in a breath as he followed, exhaling slowly.
When your date - Eric - as he later learned - began mouthing off about theology and religion, Rafael rolled his eyes. Still, he wasn’t going to let himself get bested and using the skills he acquired from all the cross examinations he had ever done, basically annihilated the other guy. You snickered behind the glass of your drink but Rafael saw it and felt his chest puff.
At one point - Eric whispered something in your ear. Whatever he said was enough to make you blush and shift in your seat, smiling to yourself like you had a secret. Rafael didn’t miss it at all and he felt himself stiffen and his jaw tighten. Your eyes met once more, and you witnessed the visceral reaction he was having, saw that little flex of his jaw and the way his eyes glittered with something primal and possessive. You could see that part of him would gladly punch Eric, and even as Rafael’s eyes locked with yours, he didn't hide it. Briefly, the kind and generous priest was all gone. Even the smart and sassy lawyer was superseded: you saw the man, capable of lust and jealousy. Over you. The thought of inspiring those feelings in him made heat pool in your body, and you squeezed your thighs together. His eyes registered your expression: you were certain he knew how you felt.
By end of the night, you went to hug him good night but Rafael dodged you. You frowned and bid him adieu as he dipped his head in acknowledgement. Rafael continued to head home - and had he turned around, he would have seen you still standing, watching him.
Another week went by.
The pounding on the door stirred Rafael awake. He looked over at the clock - it was a little after midnight. A breeze blew through, causing a chill to run through his body.
He tugged a t-shirt on and groused that he was on his way.
Rafael was not expecting to see you.
“Father,” you greeted. There was a very large bottle of Macallan in your hand. Your eyes trailed over the very sleepy priest in front of you. His hair was askew and he looked adorable. You swallowed at his tight white shirt and low slung gray sweats.
“What is going on?” Rafael asked. He reached in his pocket for his glasses.
“Fancy a chat about my existential crisis?” You thrusted the bottle of scotch into his arms and walked in, pushing slightly past him.
Rafael got a whiff of your shampoo and it sent all blood straight immediately to his cock. He looks back outside and satisfied not seeing anyone else, closes the door behind him. “Existential crisis?”
“Do you have any glasses?” You ask, ignoring his question, as you look around. You hadn’t ever been inside a priest’s dwelling and you were surprised at how normal it appeared.
“Wow.” You stopped misstep and looked around. “This is not what I expected.”
Rafael rubbed his neck. “Huh? Oh, what did you expect it to look like?”
“I don’t know. More holy? Crosses everywhere. Stacks of bibles? Not something out of an architectural digest - with a kitchen island!”
Rafael laughed. He took the bottle from your hand and walked over to the island where he placed the glasses. “A lot of this is from…” he waved his arm around. “Before.”
“Pre-priest Rafael.” You clarified as you walked over to where he was and took an amber filled glass.
“Yeah,” Rafael replied before taking a long drag of his drink.
You nodded and hummed before taking another sip. “When you were just a man. Who had sex. A lot.”
“I’m still a man.”
“Come on, you know it’s not the same.”
You knew better. You knew you shouldn’t.
What would your friends say, what would they do if they ever find out? What about the congregation and surrounding community?
This was bigger than you, bigger than him. What were you thinking?
But it’s Rafael. Fr. Rafael Barba. Not that it matters - he’s not actually yours. He belongs to God.
But now when he’s staring down at you the way he is right now, teeth catching his full bottom lip, sleep-tousled hair and stormy, smoldering eyes, you can’t help but fall from grace.
“Kiss me.”
“You know we can’t.”
“So? Kiss me anyway.”
“I’m a priest.”
“Kiss me anyway.”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
Rafael swallowed the remainder of his drink and let out a huff. He pointed a finger toward you. “You…you’re trouble.”
You closed the gap between you and him. The room felt electric. You pressed your hands onto his chest. “So? Kiss me anyway.”
Rafael sucked in a breath. You press yourself even closer, your hips automatically seeking his. Rafael pushed you away gently. “I told you we can’t. I told you I can’t.”
“Why are you denying what’s between us?” Your hands shook as you poured yourself another glass. You turned and leaned against the island. “God made us to be sexual creatures. It’s his design. It’s his idea, his gift to us.”
Rafael sighed in irritation. “Our sexual desires are no surprise to God. He made us, and He gave us a strong sexual desire to enjoy within the proper context.” He pointed to you and then to himself. “This is not the proper context. If I wasn’t a priest, then it would be different. This is real life. What we do has real consequences.”
“If you weren’t a priest,” you murmured. You swallowed the remainder of your drink and slammed it on the island. Warmth flooded your body and you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or him or a combination of both. Likely the latter. “Tell me you want me. Tell me I was never imagining things.”
Rafael remained silent.
“You have the right to lose control. I know you think—”
“You don’t know what I think,” Rafael acerbically spat. “And no, I don’t have the right.” He began to pace. “You don’t know the misery I live in when you’re not around.”
“And you think I am not?” you questioned. Your voice wavered and your eyes welled with unshed tears. “It’s never been like this with anyone. Never. I want you. I can’t have you. But please - let me live in the solace that you want me too. That I was never imagining any of it. I am going crazy.”
Rafael paused mid-stride and looked at you. He took a deep breath.
“What’s it gonna be? I am begging you.”
It was like something in him snapped when you said that. Rafael slammed his own drink before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He walked over and pressed you against the island. You let out a squeak in response. You could feel how hard he was against your belly. He brushed some of your hair back. Your breath hitched and a flush spread along your skin.
“Say it again.”
“Tell me you want me.”
“No - repeat what you said at the end,” he all but growled. You chewed your bottom lip and nodded.
“I beg you.”
“God help me. You beg so prettily,” Rafael murmured. He pulled at you, hands grabbing at hips, lips crashing into yours in a bruising kiss. It was over before you could register and you pulled back to look into his eyes. You wrapped your hands on his face and then dove back in, returning the kiss, equally as hard.
The momentum was desperate, frenzied, hands everywhere. You let out a gasp as Rafael backed you against the kitchen island. The scruff of his beard dragged against your skin, his lips working your jaw, your ear, moving down your neck, and you let out a strained moan. You pressed your hips upwards into his, feeling his erection. Rafael had to stop and inhale sharply before resuming his attack on your skin. The tips of his fingers find skin under your shirt, and dig into your flesh. One of your hands is twisted in his shirt, the other grasping the waistband of his sweats as he felt a leg curve around his; it was as if your body functioned in tune to keep him as close as possible.
Rafael’s lips found purchase on the hollow of your neck. You let out a groan as you sagged against him, melting into his embrace. The want was overwhelming.
His hands made way to the front of your jeans and he nimbly undid the button and fly before shoving his large hand down your panties. “So wet for me.”
And you are. You’re so fucking wet, it’s obscene.
The tips of his fingers drag through your slit.
“Fuck,” his teeth scraped along your jaw. “You’re soaking.”
He slid two fingers deep inside of you. You keened wordlessly into his shoulder, biting down on his shoulder to suppress a moan.
“No, no, pretty lamb. Look at me,” Rafael husked, his voice laced with an edge of dominance.
You pulled back and met his gaze. His fingers drove deep up into you, pumping, long and needy. His thumb rubbed against your clit. Your blood is boiling, your body vibrating. You’re close. You know it. He knows it. His fingers continue their momentum, finding that spongey spot inside of you that most folks couldn’t ever find.
The walls of your pussy ripple against his fingers. “Be a good little lamb and come for me.” It was Rafael’s turn to beg. “Be my good girl and give it to me.”
You chanted his name as if it were prayer as you come around his fingers. Your body is abuzz, vibrating. You whine out his name in three syllables as you coat his hand with your arousal. Rafael swallowed your cries as he covered your mouth with his. The kiss, which was initially passionate, slowed in intensity, to just soft, slow licks that almost felt reverent, worshipful. Eventually he pressed his forehead to yours and you both drank in each other’s air, breathing heavily. You whimpered as Rafael removed his fingers from your cunt. You watched him with wide eyes as he slipped his fingers into his mouth. His eyes fluttered close as he let out an appreciative sound.
“Do I taste good, Father?” Your voice was laced with lust.
“My sweet, decadent little lamb,” Rafael complimented. “But we cannot do that again.”
“Do what?” You asked as you pushed him off slightly to give yourself room to drop to the floor. You palmed his cock through his pants, pleased with yourself as he groaned with want and need.
A car backfired and the sound caused you both to startle, effectively ending the spell. Rafael helped you up from the ground. “This cannot happen again.” His voice was firm. And before you could protest any more, you found yourself back outside, the door shutting in your face.
Rafael leaned against the door, his head pounding, his cock aching.
‘You idiot! You shouldn’t have done that. Shouldn’t have given in to your melodic voice and sparkling eyes. You had no business being in his life.
But the crack he left open for you made him believe that he had more to lose now than when he met you at the block party all those moons ago.
He rubbed his face, tired and frustrated. And he went back to bed to once again to take matters in his own hands again. ‘Fuck.’
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operationtimeguard · 7 months
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sable ward lore
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Sable figured she had to be adopted. No way was she the progeny of her insanely perky mom and her grinning, golf-playing, frat boy of a dad. They didn’t understand the first thing about her. No one in Greenvile did. Except for Mikaela. They were fast friends since third grade. Up until then Sable had no friends. She wasn’t into ponies or dolls or tea parties with teddy bears. She liked bugs, lizards riding bikes and dirt cloc fights.Her favorite holiday was Halloween and Mikaela was the only one who didn't think she was crazy when she dyed her hair purple in eighth grade. Sable's mom was furious. Her dad didn't even notice. Mikaela went with her to the mall when she got her ears pierced and helped her pick out her first tattoo. An occult symbol hidden in a place her parents would never see. Mikaela declined to get her own tattoo. She flirted with the dark side, but she didn't live it. Not like Sable. The dark side made sense to Sable, and she reveled in it. Partly because it freaked out her parents and teachers. Partly because it felt like who she was. Some called her a goth because of the way she presented herself. But she wasn't into labels. She loved horror movies and found the occult exciting. It made sense to her. She knew that the shiny suburban world of her mom and dad had a dark underbelly. They were afraid to confront their fear, so they pretended everything was perfect and that they would live forever. But Sable knew better. Death stalked us all and no one was getting out alive.
Mikaela got Sable a job at Moonstone. Probably the only place in town that would have hired her. She took classes at the local college and produced a guerilla radio show on the shortwave in her attic. All Things Wicked This Night was about the world's dark underbelly. The occult. Urban legends. Horror. And often there were heated discussions with Mikaela about the horror movies they'd catch at the only theater in Greenville. Mikaela liked her horror with a little comedy, but Sable liked it meaner. Scarier. Bloodier. She relished the gore. Enjoyed the terror. Liked to feel the adrenaline rush. And their debates were entertaining to say the least.
When searching for inspiration for her show, Sable would take walks in the cemetery with all the statues and headstones of early settlers who had founded the town as a sanctuary for those escaping persecution. She often talked about that history on her show, and she formed a theory that the uncanny sightings and disappearances were somehow linked to the town's history. One caller suggested the town was built on top of a fracture. The caller went on to describe a fracture as an overlap between worlds. Another caller said these fractures were created by an ancient cult devoted to forgotten demons. Another caller defined fractures as a cosmic buffet for an elder god that fed on pain, fear, and misery. And one caller even argued that it wasn't a fracture but The Unknown, a mysterious creature that consumed anyone who dared to imagine it. All the theories made for fun and inspiring debates, and she loved nothing more than to discuss real-life horror until the horror became personal.
One evening Sable had challenged Mikaela to tell a real horror story at Moonstone's Annual Halloween Festival. Scare the crap out of people. Stop dancing around the horror and embrace it. Tell a story about The Unknown. Make them imagine it. Make them believe The Unknown will show up on stage. Nothing terrifies an audience more than a show that could potentially kill them. Mikaela laughed at the idea and declined the challenge because she was working on another story with her roommate. 
But a strange, black fog had taken Mikaela during her performance and Sable felt the icy hand of guilt grab her by the back of the neck. She was convinced that she had somehow sent Mikaela to her doom. Did The Unknown take her? Did she try to define The Unknown? What about her roommate? Her roommate disappeared as well. But then she realized Mikaela's story wasn't about The Unknown. It was about something else. Another dimension. A dimension filled with terrifying creatures, sadistic killers, and endless horror.
This was not The Unknown.
With this realization, Sable began to investigate other disappearances in Greenville. Before long, she realized most of the disappearances occurred at the theater or somewhere close by. Investigating further, she discovered the theater was built over the ruins of an old, one-room schoolhouse that had burned to the ground in the 1920s. Somehow the students couldn't get out and everyone perished in the flames. Feeling close to an answer, she continued her research and discovered two teenage brothers had recently disappeared from the theater. Elias and Elan. The only witness, their younger sister, Ellen, was committed to an institution after ripping her eyes out. And so, pretending to be a relative, Sable went to talk to Ellen who admitted she and her brothers had been trying to steal old movie posters from the storage room behind the movie screen. She then described a secret door in the basement and a passageway that led to another Place.
A dark place.
A cold place.
An evil place.
Stay away from there, she begged. Stay
But Sable wasn't about to stay away.
Not after that story.
Determined to see Mikaela again, Sable hitched a ride to the theater and soon found the door behind the movie screen. In the darkness she jimmied the door open with a crowbar and headed down a creaking, wooden stairway to the dank cellar. A light switch activated flickering fluorescent lights that illuminated a room filled with broken theater seats and old movie posters dating back eighty years. She searched the sprawling basement and found a thick wooden door hidden behind a poster of the original Frankenstein. She pushed and shoved the door open to reveal an endless circular stairway descending into perfect darkness. Using a penlight to navigate, she descended for ten minutes before she noticed the cold, black fog rising from the lower depths.
The same cold, black fog that had taken Mikaela.
Sable considered running back up the stairs to where she would be safe. But then she thought about the terrifying creatures and the sadistic killers and the endless horror, and she quickly decided she wasn't going to let her best friend have all the fun.
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the-trinket-witch · 2 months
The City of Altus
(Lore post! YAY!)
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In the Age of the Gods, there were tales of a city -a civilization- of people who had harnessed and controlled a mineral that emitted its own magic. They used these crystals to build machines and vehicles beyond the scope of their peers. It was said, as well, that their discovery and advancement was an affront to the gods. For it, they were banished to the bottom of the sea.
Altus is a coastal island sitting not far East of Pyroxene. Most that live on the mainland tout that the island just 'sprang up' out of the sea about 300 years ago. The island itself consisted of packed spires and temples, along with tiered swaths of land once the ocean fell away. Along with them, the inhabitants of the island had brought impressive technology saved from a bygone era. It was noted that the resource powering their machines was finite; their exile below the waves seemed to make the new neighbors keen to how their influence might affect the world at large.
The leaders of this island, a native royal and scholar supposedly from the Queendom of Roses, still wanted to share their knowledge with the world. So in a bid to open commerce, they began to build. They built boats to fish, homes to house, and opened their arms to the rest of the world. Altus, as it began to call itself, thanked the Queendom of Roses for their outreach and assistance as they gathered materials to make good on their promises.
News of mechanical testing intrigued minds across Twisted Wonderland. Many flocked both to observe the pristine time capsule of an island, with just as many finding themselves rising to the challenge of reverse-engineering this crystalline technology. What Twisted Wonderland's greatest minds found most effective was wind and steam power.
Surrounded by ocean, they had an endless supply of pressure. Salt accumulated from machine filters would go back into the economy or an early form of Reverse Electrodialysis, and steam would continue the water cycle. As for the heat to build said steam: algae biofuel and hiring fire fairies. The fire fairies are compensated appropriately, and the algae is almost never outpaced in its growth vs harvest. And with how blustery the island could get, wind energy was never difficult to come by for more stationary purposes. This is all to say, Steam power and magic made this once ancient technology accessible to the rest of the world.
Modern Day Aspects of Altus:
The outermost ring consists of the train system, delivering people and cargo from one side of the island to the other. The circuit halos the ports, which frame the innermost residential and urban areas.
The largest building is actually the central hilltop that most Airborne Afternoon's festivities take place. It sits protected by the soil, and serves as a community center, city hall, and disaster shelter.
Flying above the urban areas is the one remaining dirigible of Altus' early air fleet: the S.A.S Admiral. It currently serves as the city museum, accepting and letting loose tourists with each lap around the island. You'll hear locals call it 'Old Admiral Boom', namely for the decommissioned front cannons still mounted on it.
The further towards the east end of the island -facing out to open sea- houses a large population of merfolk. Altus hosts one of the few 'Land Camps' offered across the world for mero to integrate towards land living. Schools, in turn, offer language classes in the more common forms of the mero language. (This is how Albert learned Azul had asked the Twins to keep an eye on him)
Whatever forces of nature allow it, Altus finds itself with an almost consistent schedule of their most windy day. That couple of days has so far been predicted with accuracy, so scheduling Airborne Afternoon has not ever been very short notice. Many theorize that its the literal Winds of Change blowing summer away to usher in autumn.
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3
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foxbirdy · 2 months
Hello! As a recent grad whose thinking of doing am Americorp or conservation crew year (I'm safe this year tho) would you recommend it? I've done some seasons in parks and have heard um varying experiences. I would like to learn how to do manual labor and backcountry camp tho so. How is working in the heat?
The answer I can give you is that I absolutely recommend it, with the caveat that a) It Will Probably Be Challenging and b) try to do some asking around before you select a program! There's profound variability in how well different corps programs support & provide for their field staff, and the intensity of what they demand. I've had many of my most valuable experiences doing corps work that are absolutely treasured to me, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I've also had many of my most scary & painful experiences doing corps work, and I have stress dreams about them just about every week of the season. What can you do, etc etc. Choosing a program that matches the level of energy & commitment that you are willing to give -- whether that's a hitch schedule, urban community crews, backcountry mule packing, wildland fire, camping trail crews, on and on to infinity -- is the best advice I can give!
As for working in the heat -- your body will acclimate to the summer temperatures, but there's only so much your body can compensate for. Finding workarounds (starting in the dark, strategic breaking, working close to water sources when possible) helps, & so does respecting the limits of your body before you put yourself in crisis.
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saeist · 1 year
"yer corny as hell"
karasu quips, a sly smile on his face as you hastily kiss the mole just right under his eye.
you pull away, staring at him with an eyebrow raised, "what do you mean?"
"i know why you love kissing me here" he taps his mole. "it's cause of that urban legend that says it's where yer past lover used to kiss ya" karasu teases, a hefty cackle leaving his lips as you pout
okay? so what if he was right?
feeling your cheeks heat up from embarrassment, you turn your body away from him. "hmmph!"
karasu says a string of apologies (while laughing), pulling you back to his embrace.
"i'm sorry, babe" karasu continues to laugh, pressing kisses all over the side of your face.
"whatever! i'm never kissing you again!" you grumbled, nose flared and all in attempt to let karasu know you were mad at him (you weren't)
karasu lets out a fake gasp, a hand over his chest. "you wouldn't"
"oh i would" you challenged,
karasu drops his head, his hot breath fanning your neck.
"well, i guess my current lover needs to find another spot to kiss me"
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sixstringphonic · 1 year
Treegate Update: No Permit Was Pulled To Trim Ficus Trees Outside of Universal’s Gate 8, Says City Controller
(7/19/23, Deadline)
UPDATED: LA City Controller Kenneth Mejia revealed in a tweet Wednesday that no permit was pulled to trim the now-infamous Ficus trees outside of Universal’s Gate 8.
He added in a thread that “The City of LA’s Urban Forestry Division (UFD) will coordinate w/ StreetsLA’s Investigation & Enforcement Division (IED) to confirm if this case warrants the issuance of an administrative citation or hearing. If issued, the administrative citation fee starts at $250.”
Mejia had previously tweeted that the trees — which had provided shade for picketers during the ongoing strike before they were pruned over the weekend — are LA City managed street trees.
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After members of the WGA discovered the thinned-out trees and made a stink via social media, the studio provided tents for additional shade.
PREVIOUSLY:  Treegate just became a thing.
City Controller Kenneth Mejia has vowed to look into the newly pruned ficus trees outside of Universal’s Gate 8, after picketers drew attention to their thinned branches while marching in 90-degree-plus heat. Pine trees on the opposite side of Barham weren’t touched, and neither were a row of pepper trees behind the Universal fence near the production gate.
In a series of Tweets Tuesday, Mejia said his office is investigating what happened to the Ficuses on Barham Boulevard, which he said are “LA City managed street trees.” WGA picketers drew attention to their thinned out ranks on Monday. Universal owned up to trimming them but said in a statement it was done for “safety reasons” though it “has created unintended challenges for demonstrators, that was not our intention.”
“Trees are essential to providing Angelenos with significant environmental and public health benefits, especially during a heatwave,” Mejia said in a tweet. “Public Works’ Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA) is responsible for maintaining the City’s 700,000+ trees in the public right-of-way.”
He went on to say in a thread that “code enforcement for street trees (including the pruning or removal of trees without a permit) is the responsibility of the StreetsLA Investigation and Enforcement Division. Violations can result in code enforcement citations.”
Separately, the fight over the studio’s construction on Lankershim Boulevard and its impact on the ongoing strike just got even bigger: The WGA and SAG-AFTRA today filed complaints with the National Labor Relations Board over the lack of safe pathways available for union members to picket.
“Within the past six months, [NBCUniversal Media] has interfered with, coerced, and restrained employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the [National Labor Relations] Act,” the Writers Guild of America, West, said in its filing (read it here).
Said interference includes but is not limited to “interfering with lawful picketing activity by designating as picketing locations areas where the public sidewalks have been covered up with construction fencing, forcing picketers to patrol in busy streets with significant car traffic where two picketers have already been struck by a car and by refusing to provide K-rail barriers to establish pedestrian walkways for picketers to use after Los Angeles Police Department advised the employer weeks ago in the interest of public safety to do so.”
SAG-AFTRA’s complaint reads in part: “On or around Thursday, July 13, 2023, the employer, through its agents and managers, instructed SAG-AFTRA to send its members to picket at the unsafe crowded location, exacerbating the dire public safety situation to interfere with striking members’ right to engage in the protected, concerted activity of picketing and patrolling outside the employer’s premises during a lawful strike.” Read the full filing here.
In response, an NBCUniversal spokesperson released this statement today: “We are aware of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA complaints. We strongly believe that the company has fulfilled our legal obligations under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and we will cooperate with respect to any inquiries by the National Labor Relations Board on this issue. While we understand the timing of our multi-year construction project has created challenges for demonstrators, we continue to work with public agencies to increase access. We support the unions’ rights to demonstrate safely.”
The WGAW filing also cited “the egregious and flagrant nature of the employer’s illegal conduct and the irreparable harm, including the threat of bodily harm, caused by the above-mentioned violations of the Act.”
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mystra-midnight · 1 year
Haunted Hoedown - DAY FOUR
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summary: it felt like a thunderstorm was roaring in your head. Yyu heard him, but his words didn't register in your brain the way they should have. there was only building, mounting, and ruining pleasure that was spreading through your organs and seizing your limbs.
warnings: ghost!eddie x reader. mentions of an unsatisfying sex life/readers ex being a douche. masturbation. voyeurism. somnophilia. eddie being a tad mean/dom.
words: 5.7k
notes: day four of the haunted hoedown challenge being hosted by @inklore and @psychedelic-ink. a bit delayed because i was away seeing amy lee live and in person and fangirling. i tried a different style here with that i'm not 100% sure i love but i hope you enjoy reading.
prompt: american horror story Inspired + “i would burn the world for you.”
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May 7th. 2001.
"Tell me why this place is so cheap."
You looked wide-eyed around the apartment. It was utterly perfect—exactly what you'd been hoping for when moving to Hawkins, Indiana. The walls were painted off-white, there were brand-new stainless steel appliances, and there were timber floors throughout. The ceilings were high, and there was a little reading nook, two large bedrooms, and a large clawed bathtub.
But the best part was that it was advertised at more than half the true market value. It was absolutely ridiculous, crazy, and completely illogical, and you couldn't understand why.
You saw the realtor flinch at the question, which immediately brought you down from the clouds. Shit. Of course, it was too good to be true. There had to be something wrong with the property for the owner to sell it for practically next to nothing.
With a sigh, you faced him. His expression was grim.
"Well, you see, um, there was, uh," he stammered, tripping over his words as he searched for the right ones, the ones that wouldn't scare you away. "About fifteen years ago, before the urban development and technology boom came to Hawkins, a young man died in the trailer park that used to be on this lot."
Your heart dropped as the horror of his words sank in, but the feeling was fleeting. Someone who was a stranger to you died ten years ago. They hadn't even lived in the apartment, so that didn't explain the next-to-nothing price. You said as much to the realtor, pressing him for more information.
"The owners want to sell the property quickly, rather than for money. They've explained that there were some... how do I put this? Some strange events occurred while they were living here."
"Such as?"
"Things would move when no one was around. There were always problems with the central heating. The televisions and radios would change channels in the middle of programmes or turn on in the middle of the night. I assume most of this is because of defective wiring somewhere in the building, but none of the electricians were able to find the cause."
You watched him cringe, as though saying the words aloud was physically painful to him. It all sounded ridiculous. And none of it was enough to make you turn down such a fantastic property for such a stupidly low price.
"That's all?" You teased, flashing the man a smile. "Consider the place sold.
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June 11th. 2001.
Despite the realtor double-checking and then triple-checking, you crossed your T's and dotted your I's and bought the apartment that same day. You moved in the following month, piling boxes upon boxes, each one with a specific room written on it in your scribble: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, guest room, reading. You bought new furniture and decorated the walls with pictures of your family and the knick-knacks you'd accumulated after college.
It had taken weeks to sort out all the rooms and empty all the boxes, but the apartment finally felt like a real home, and you'd completely forgotten what the realtor had said when showing you the property: strange events.
It started after three blissful and uneventful weeks. Things had started to go missing, just like he said. It wasn't anything overly important, just small things like your rings, your glasses, or sometimes even your panties. Things would go missing for days at a time before reappearing in locations that they had no business being in.
And then the cold started. Not just cold, but freezing cold.
It got so bad that some nights you would see your own breath misting in the air. It never seemed to matter how high you set the thermostat or how many blankets you piled on top of you—you couldn't stop shivering.
But while all these things were certainly strange, they weren't illogical. You could explain each of them: you misplaced things because you'd moved towns—hell, you'd moved states—and were getting used to living somewhere new. It was also cold because the central heating was faulty. The lights would flicker because the wiring was done wrong. All of that made perfect sense.
But what didn't make a lick of logical sense was when things started to move while you were staring right at them. Hallway doors would swing wide open, slamming into the walls as though they'd been ripped open violently in fits of rage. Shadows would creep along the walls when you weren't looking. You'd catch a glimpse from the corner of your eyes of these stalking shapes, only for them to be gone when you turned to look at them.
Then the photos started to fall from their hooks on the wall, sometimes thrown across the room, so that the frames broke and glass shards littered the floors. You make yourself a meal only for the plate to be thrown off the table and against the wall, leaving the paint stained with splotches. It frightened you, leaving you turning off the lights, running to bed, and hiding under the covers like you were suddenly twelve years old again.
The worst of it was when the dissonant whispering started. It would wake you in the middle of the night, leaving you clutching a baseball bat for dear life. Your co-workers all agreed that you were stressed and overworked, probably exhausted from uprooting your entire life and moving across the country. None of them believed in ghosts, horror stories, or haunted houses.
You thought you might be going insane until you saw him.
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July 4th. 2001.
Eddie Munson.
"Hey!" You called, startling the boy standing in front of your dresser. The top right drawer was opened, and your panties were on full display. Hidden beneath them was your vibrator, and you found yourself flustered, angry, embarrassed, and scared.
He looked at you with wide doe-eyes, swimming pools of brown that you could easily get lost in if he wasn't holding a pair of your panties to his nose like some god-damn pervert. You held a bat in your hand, ready to swing, when he turned and ran. You give chase, following him around the queen bed with fresh sheets and into the bathroom that joined the two bedrooms.
By the time you rounded the bed and made it through the doorway, he was gone, seemingly having vanished into thin air. Your panties were on the ground. You spent hours checking rooms, closets, and any nook and cranny a boy of his size could hide in. You even called the police and filed a report, but there was no evidence of forced entry.
In the days that followed, you took to sleeping with the bat besides the bed and a kitchen knife beneath your pillows. It was childish, but having them so close made you feel safer.
The next few weeks were surprisingly and uneventful, and soon you settled back into a familiar routine. Work five days a week, from eight in the morning until five in the afternoon, come home and eat, channel surf for a few hours, shower, and sleep. You were even able to have friends over without anything weird ruining the atmosphere.
It was as you were chancel surfing that you saw him again. You were looking through the music stations for something to listen to while you showered; you skimmed through the pop stations and skipped over the metal stations before setting on one that was playing When It's Over by Sugar Ray. The song was catchy and tended to get stuck in your head with how much it played on the radio, but it was a good one.
"Wait! Go back!"
You screamed.
With your heart pounding wildly in your chest and your stomach having fallen out of your arse, you stared at him. He seemed entirely unaware of your fright, instead gesturing frantically at the television. "Turn it back!"
This was the first time you'd gotten an up-close look at him. He was dressed in black jeans with rips in the knees and a shirt that said Hellfire Club. As he motioned between the remote in your hand and the television, it rode up, revealing a trail of hair that started at his navel and disappeared into his jeans. He had a leather jacket on and a denim Dio vest over it.
He looked like something straight out of the 80's.
"Back!" He yelled louder this time. He sounded panicked and frantic, and that was what snapped you from your stupor. You flicked backwards through the channels, finding the metal music one, when he ordered you to stop. He stared wide-eyed at the television, where Metallica was playing a live concert. You recognised the song; it was Fuel.
"That's James Hetfield," he said, his tone disbelieving. He flopped open-mouthed onto the couch as Kirk Hammett and Lars Ulrich began the opening rift. "This is Metallica."
"I don't know this song."
"It was released about four years ago; how can you not have heard it?"
You pressed yourself tightly into the arm of the couch, feeling it dig painfully into your back, when he whirled around to face you. His face was overcome with surprise, shock, and something else you'd yet to comprehend. Wild curls bounced around his face before settling into place.
"Four years?"
You shivered beneath the intensity of his stare and his emotions; even his presence in your apartment sent a chill down your spine. You nodded quickly, clutching the television to your chest like it was a weapon. Your grip was so tight that your knuckles ached.
"That's not possible," he whispered, turning back to the television as the lyrics started. "They look different. They sound different. This is crazy. They just released Master of Puppets?"
That caught your attention, and it was then your turn to be surprised.
"That was fifteen years ago."
"What?" He rounded on you a second time.
Over the next few weeks, you learned more about him. He’d lived in the trailer park with his uncle Wayne, and he’d passed in a tragic accident, an earthquake; his uncle had never found his body. You suspected there was more to it, but he was unwilling to give more details.
That accident had happened fifteen years ago, and the trailer park had been demolished about seven years later. A development block had been built to replace it, which eventually turned into an apartment complex as Hawkins expanded.
Eddie had only been twenty-one when he died. You learned that he liked music. Well, no, you learned that he loved Metallica and Dio. So you started to leave the television on when you went to work, letting it play from dusk to dawn to keep him entertained. Then you started buying magazines and comics to leave them open for him to read; you even bought home Metallica's latest CD.
And as the weeks dragged on, his presence in your apartment became less terrifying, except for the times he would seemingly materialise from nowhere. You even started asking him to hang out with you at night. The two of you would spend hours watching movies and music videos and just talking.
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September 19th. 2001.
"Come on, Eddie!" You whined. He was behaving like a child, and you were exasperated and fed up with his antics. He was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed over his chest, obscuring the words on the front of his shirt.
"Don't you 'Eddie' me," he cautioned, his brown eyes narrowing into a glare. He hated the idea that you were mocking him, though he was smart enough to realise that wasn't what you were doing right now. "He's an asshole. I don't understand why you can't see it."
"Because I know him! You've only ever seen him! Briefly, I might add!"
Eddie threw his hands up in frustration; the sound that left his mouth was all but a growl. He wanted to grab you by the shoulders and shake you until your brains leaked out of your ears. Then you might be smart enough to realise that Michael was a fucking douchebag. "And I see you too!" Eddie spat, the fieriness in his tone making you roll your eyes and shiver simultaneously.
"Every time you've seen him, you come home frustrated, like the man doesn't know how to fuck or something! You always come back bitchier than when you left!"
If you could have hit him, you would have. His words hit too close to home for comfort. Michael was nice enough, if not vain and at times arrogant. He came from money, and he often acted and thought that money would carry him through the world. But he treated you well enough, and you enjoyed his company most of the time.
Except Eddie's intuition hit the nail on the head—Michael didn't know how to fuck. At least, not well. Each time you felt the familiar warmth of orgasm approaching, the same thing happened. It didn't matter that you'd be crying out his name and clawing at his back, begging him not to stop; he'd move, change his angle, change his pace, change his position, and you would be left a frustrated mess.
On the rare occasions he cared, he was able to make you cum. He'd work you over until you tumbled into oblivion, his fingers buried in your pussy as it clenched and spasmed around them, your back arched off the mattress. But he cared for his own pleasure above all others, and nine times out of ten, you didn't finish.
"Eddie!" He mocked. "Is my name the only thing you can say, sweetheart?"
"I'm not taking dating advice from a dead man!"
You regretted the words the moment they left your mouth. Tears burned in the back of your throat from how you swallowed the urge to cry, your emotions reaching a fever pitch as you walked through him. And as you passed, the cold of his presence enveloped you in a frigid hug but didn't stop you.
Instead, you left.
You drank too much that night; said too much, and let Michael work you over for far longer than you normally would. After being compliant and patient all night, he draped your legs over his shoulders, grunting and groaning as he fucked you, only to cum on your stomach before kissing you goodnight and slipping away. That had been the boiling point.
The relationship ended with you slapping Michael so hard that your hand hurt.
When you made it back home, the apartment was dark, cold, and empty. The television had turned off automatically at some point in the evening, and none of the lights were on. You’d expected him to be waiting for you with a smug smirk and an I told you so attitude, but Eddie wasn’t there, and that hurt more than the disappointing sex.
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September 26th. 2001.
Six days later, you still hadn't seen him. Each night you tossed and turned, his absence from your life a gaping wound that often left you bleeding out and gasping for air. The apartment felt too large without him—too quiet and too empty. But you resigned yourself to the fact that you'd chased him away. He'd have found someone else to haunt, someone who appreciated him instead of insulting him. So you found something else to occupy your mind.
Except while you were settling into the mountain of pillows on your bed, the scent of clean linen and vanilla swirling around the room, he decided to make his grand reappearance. Well, no, not exactly.
The moment he chose to reappear was when you were sprawled on the bed, thighs spread wide, and heels dug into the mattress as you worked the tips of your fingers over your aching clit and into your leaking hole. You hadn't had sex since breaking up with Michael, but the ache had been in your belly long before that. The knot between your hips was pulled taut when you saw Eddie standing at the foot of the bed, panic bursting to life inside your chest. You snapped your thighs tight together, your hand flying to press into the sheets to hide the sticky evidence of your arousal.
"Don't stop," he said softly, his voice breathy and light. His wide-doe eyes meet yours. "Please."
"Eddie," you whispered as your face warmed with embarrassment. He didn't miss the way you rubbed your thighs together, desperate to stifle the ache between them. In that moment, you wanted him to be the one touching you. You wanted to feel the warmth and weight of his palms as he held you down and his breath on your neck as he kissed, bit, and sucked. You wanted him in the worst way, and it hurt you beyond words that you couldn't have him.
"Open them." His tone was harsh this time—forceful and demanding, enticing a soft whine from your parted lips. The smirk that found its way to his plump lips was sinful. "No wonder he couldn't get you off. Was he too soft, sweetheart? You need to be told what you want to do, fucked like a whore, to be able to cum?"
Eddie wanted to grab your ankles and drag you to him. Your little nub was so sensitive that he wanted to spread you open and rub the tip of his tongue against it until you were begging for him. He wanted to watch you cum on his cock, his fingers, his thigh, his tongue, and his cock again. He wanted to feel you with every fibre of his ghostly being. "Be a good girl and open your legs, yeah?"
You were slow to react. You parted your thighs slowly and shyly until you were exposed to his hungry gaze. The insides of your thighs were sticky and shiny with the evidence of your first orgasm; your puffy folds were still slick as you parted them with your fingers, moving to rub one on either side of your clit. Your breath hitched at the sensation and the way his eyes followed your movements.
"Eddie," you whined his name softly while your head tipped back, your throat exposed, and your chest heaving with each sharp intake of air. The crown of your head mashed against the pillows, leaving your hair a mess. You imagined the way his hands would feel—rough and calloused. He'd played guitar before his death; you knew he'd be good with his fingers. He'd be able to find that spot deep inside your gummy walls that made stars, no, galaxies, burst to life inside your veins.
"What a fucking prick." He spat the words through his teeth, each syllable filled with venom. "Didn't know how good of a thing he had until it was gone. Never even deserved to have such a pretty pussy if he couldn't get you off. I bet he couldn't even do it with his fingers buried in there or with his tongue, either. Bet he just rammed his dick in without getting you worked up first."
"He doesn’t.." You sighed, your breath airy and full of arousal. "He... he never tasted me."
If it were possible, Eddie would have cum in his pants like a fucking virgin. Not only had that asshole left you a worked-up and unsatisfied mess because he didn't know how to fuck you right, he'd never even tasted you, which was a crying shame. Right now, all Eddie wanted to do was have your sweet cunt beneath his mouth. You were a feast on display, and he was forbidden from tasting, touching, and fucking.
Eddie watched as you pushed your fingers into your clenching hole, chasing the orgasm that was starting to sear through your veins. You were so wet, your slick dripping down the crack of your ass, only to be lost in the bed sheets. "Forget about him," he followed up with a gentler tone, the cold of his presence enveloping the air around you until your nipples turned to hardened peaks that crowned your tits. "Forget about him. Just touch that hot cunt for me, sweetheart."
You answered him with a whimper, your lower lip quivering before being captured between your teeth as your fingers moved deeper, seeking and searching for that sweet stop. You heard his sharp intake of breath as you fingered yourself; the schlick sounds echoing around the room were obscene and pornographic. Your slick arousal coated your fingers, your hand, your palm, and your thighs, shining beneath the dull glow of moonlight that peaked through the windows.
"Harder," he barked, and you obeyed. The heel of your palm slapped against your clit with each thrust of your fingers. "Faster."
It felt like a thunderstorm was roaring in your head. You heard him, but his words didn't register in your brain as they should have. There was only building, mounting, and ruining pleasure that was spreading through your organs and seizing your limbs. You come hard and long, crying a pretty symphony made up entirely of his name.
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October 31st. 2001.
It worked for a while.
In spite of the entire situation making your face burn, you couldn't say no to him, not when he looked at you with those pretty doe-eyes or when he called you his good little whore. Thus, Eddie watched as you masturbated for him every night. He would tell you when to cum and how to touch yourself. You'd be told how many fingers to use and watched as you fucked yourself open.
It worked—until it didn’t.
After days and weeks, it wasn't enough to just touch yourself. You wanted him to touch you, but that was entirely impossible. So you threw yourself into your work and your social life to distract your melancholy heart. But each night, in the privacy of your apartment, you belonged entirely to him. You worked a double shift today in preparation for Halloween. Eddie hadn't said anything when you'd come home exhausted. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep like the dead.
And that was exactly what you'd done.
You didn't remember falling asleep, but you knew you weren't awake yet—you were floating on clouds in that blissful in-between. It was 3:15 a.m. in the morning, and you vaguely recognised the blurry red outline of the digital clock on the bedside table. The witching hour on All Hallows' Eve.
It was only the sudden, sharp zing of pleasure that woke you.
You cried out. Your voice was hoarse, and your vocal cords were thick with a myriad of emotions: sleep, confusion, panic, and sudden desperation. Reality finally dawned upon you as honey-sweet pleasure swept through your limbs, making them feel heavy and sluggish even as you grabbed a handful of the thick mop curls between your spread thighs.
You bucked your hips without intention, pushing his face deeper between your sticky folds until he grabbed your waist and pinned you to the mattress. When he pulled back and wrapped his wet lips around your throbbing clit, you could feel him smiling. A deep hum rumbled through his vocal cords and vibrated through your core until you were moaning out loud, your back in a perfect arch as red-hot lightning sizzled through your veins.
The panic in your voice finally encouraged him to lift his head. His doe-eyes were blown wide with lust, almost entirely black. You saw the way his chin dripped with a mixture of his saliva and your slick; he was a vision of ecstasy that made your brain short-circuit. This wasn't possible—it literally wasn't possible. But it was real. You felt the weight of his hands on your waist, the way his fingertips dug into your skin hard enough to leave bruises, and the way his weight dipped into the mattress.
"Was wondering when you'd wake up, sweets," he mumbled, his breath hot against your mound. Your thighs trembled and squeezed around his head when he dipped his head to lick from your quivering hole to your clit, lapping at the slick that practically leaked from you. There was a part of you screaming, wanting to rage and be angry at him for doing something like this while you were sleeping. There was also a part of you that wanted to be as distraught now as you had been the day you found him sniffing your panties.
Both parts were quiet, making room for the horny, touch-starved part of yourself to come to the surface. Your nails scratched his scalp when you tugged hard on his hair. Eddie tightened his hold on your waist to stop your impatient squirming as he kitten-licked your folds. You were already embarrassingly close, and he knew. It was obvious from the way you were squeezing your thighs around his head until his hearing muffled and how you squirmed and wriggled as the pressure in your belly built.
You made this sound—a little gasp of pleasure—that sent arousal rocketing through his veins and straight to his cock when he pushed two fingers into your tight pussy. His fingers were thicker than yours, larger and longer, reaching deep and rubbing against all of your nerves. You came without warning, slick walls clamping rightly around his thrusting fingers as the world shattered around you into sweet oblivion. Eddie kept his lips wrapped around your little nub, sucking and flicking his tongue against it as crystal shards of pleasure shot through her entire being. It felt like a bolt of white-hot lightning had struck your soul and set her world ablaze.
When you sagged against the mattress, Eddie climbed the length of your body, his lips leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses from your clit and up your belly, through the valley of your tits, until you were tasting yourself on his tongue. You touched him for the first time with shaking hands, feeling his skin against your palms, tracing the outline of each tattoo, and feeling how his muscles shifted and tensed beneath his skin as he settled between your thighs.
He was real; he was here, and he was yours.
As Eddie rubbed his cock against your sticky folds to get himself slick and lubricated, he groaned into your mouth. The flushed tip nudged your clit, causing you to gasp and arch beneath him. "Eddie," you moaned softly, your entire body burning and your eyes pleading for more.
"Say it." He growled. His breath was hot on your neck as he smeared open-mouth kisses along the column of your throat. He already knew what you wanted, but he wanted you to say it. He had to hear you say it. When you bucked up against him, desperate to feel him fill you or for friction of any kind, he pinned your hips down, refusing to give into your demands.
"Eddie," you whined. "Eddie, please, please, fuck me—ah!"
The stretch as he pushed inside was intense and immediate, more so than anything you'd ever felt. But it wasn't painful. No, it was deliciously mind-numbing. Your nails dug deep into his shoulders as you threw your head back. Your lips parted in breathless cries when he bottomed out, filling you so completely. The two of you have never talked about this moment, his size, or what to expect when having sex. Mostly because neither of you had expected this to ever happen.
Now that he was between your legs, holding them open with heavy palms, you knew that he was big—bigger than Michael and your other ex's. Eddie watched the way your lips clung to him as he pulled back, leaving only the crown of his cock nestled in your tight walls, and he moaned as you sucked in each inch of him when he snapped his hips forward. It felt like he was carving his way into your guts, rearranging your organs, or hitting the back of your throat. Maybe that was over dramatic; you were cock-drunk and delusional already. Maybe it was just the intensity with which you wanted him to act that made you irrational.
All that you knew for certain was that he was here, and he was fucking you, and you never wanted him to stop. You were crying, the tears having finally fallen, and you couldn’t stop shaking as lava pooled in your stomach. Eddie grabbed you by the chin, his thumb and forefinger pressing into your cheeks, so that you were pouting when he kissed her again. "Look at me when I'm fucking you."
Your eyes snapped open. When did you close them? You didn't know.
"This is what you needed, huh? You just needed a cock inside you—someone to fuck the attitude out of you. You're just a cockwhore, aren't you, baby?" His voice was rough as he growled the words through his teeth. He was hovering over you, hands on the mattress either side of your head, trapping you in the shelter of his body. You cried out when he made a particularly deep thrust; his aim never faltered. He found that spot that made galaxies come to life and made your thighs tremble around his slim waist.
"Answer me!" He repeated it louder this time.
"Yes!" You wailed. You felt racked with pleasure when he put a hand on your tit, palming it roughly and pinching your nipple to bring your attention to him. "Yes, yes, I'm a whore, just a cockwhore—of god, right there, right there."
"Whose whore?"
"Eddie, Eddie, please, need to cum—"
"You wanna cum?"
"Yes, yes, please." He was holding you at the edge of the world, leaving you staring into the abyss. You were buzzing with excitement, entirely ready and willing to take a leap of faith with him. You needed to free-fall; you needed to float through the clouds, and he wasn't letting you. Not yet. Not until you gave him what he wanted.
"Then tell me whose whore you are."
"Yours! Your whore! Just yours!"
Now that you'd given him what he wanted, he fucked you harder, impossibly so. The sound of his pelvis hitting the backs of your thighs was a constant smack, smack, smack. The headboard hit the wall with a resounding thud, thud, thud. The neighbours would surely complain, but you don't care because he's going to break you, ruin you, and wreck you.
The knot in your stomach unrolled quickly and all at once. A fresh wave of rapture raced through you like lightening arching through your veins, leaving you staring at the roof with wide-open eyes that took in nothing that they saw. Your back bowed into a perfect arch as you came harder than you thought was ever possible—even harder than you had the first time he'd watched you touch yourself.
Eddie buried his face against your neck, his abdomen dipping in and out as he chased his own release, his breath superheated against your skin while he panted. He was lost in you—the smell of your shampoo, the taste of your chapstick—utterly and hopelessly lost. Eddie came only a moment later, long and hard, painting thick ivory ropes along your quivering walls.
"So fucking good, baby. Pussy was made for me." He rambled between kisses, licks, and bites along your neck. Your nails scratched down his back as you preened beneath his praise, your mind somewhere in the clouds, no higher, in the thermosphere. "You're squeezing me like a damn vice. Fuck, you're perfect. I would burn the world for you. You're mine, aren't you, baby? My desperate whore. All mine."
Eddie kept you pinned to the mattress, legs still thrown over his shoulders as he huddled over you, almost folding you in half. He grabbed you roughly by the chin, forcing you to look at him. Your eyes were unfocused, and your face was streaked with tears. He felt your pussy still fluttering around his softening cock as you rode the coattails of your orgasm, each aftershock making you twitch and shake. He kissed you hard until you were breathless. You mewled into his mouth and pawed at him.
And you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were his.
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asttrogirl · 1 year
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The summer in Japan was suffocating, even in the green spaces of the Jujutsu High of Magic and Sorcery. The scorching heat enveloped the environment, making it almost unbearable. Geto, with his sweat-soaked shirt, longed for a respite from the oppressive heat that accompanied the school uniform. Fortunately, they found some relief under the refreshing shade of a majestic tree located in the school gardens.
There, surrounded by lush vegetation and the gentle whisper of the wind, Satoru and you ran wild under the relentless sun. The green spaces offered a temporary oasis of verdure amidst the urban environment, and it was the perfect place to unleash energy and enjoy the summer. As you laughed and threw water balloons, the sound of your laughter resonated in harmony with the birds' singing and the distant murmur of water fountains.
The intense green grass caressed your bare feet as you jumped and played. Vibrantly colored flowers dotted the landscape, adding a cheerful and vital note to the surroundings. The scent of fresh plants and herbs filled the air, creating an energetic and revitalizing atmosphere. It was as if nature itself joined in their excitement and fun under the sun.
However, in the midst of that carefree fun, the situation took an unexpected turn when the water balloon you threw hit Satoru's face directly. The sudden change in his expression, a mix of surprise and amusement, indicated that the game would become more exciting and challenging. Determined to playfully get revenge, Satoru chased after you at full speed, holding a bucket of water in his hands.
You screamed for help, and Geto couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Sugu, help me!" you pleaded as you ran towards him. In the distance, Satoru approached like an untamed whirlwind, full of energy and determination.
"Don't help her, Suguru, or I'll give it back to you too," exclaimed Satoru, his face flushed from the time they had spent under the sun. Geto realized that the white-haired boy hadn't applied any sunscreen.
He closed his eyes and gently leaned against the rough bark of the tree. "Go ahead, don't involve me in your fights, but don't be too harsh on her either," he replied, making his neutral position clear.
He listened to your panting as the sound of the bucket emptying resonated in the air. You screamed, and Satoru ran off once again. Geto understood that perhaps he didn't enjoy the summer as much, but if you and Satoru were there, he might start to appreciate it in some way.
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©asttrogirl│don't copy or translate
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27dragons · 9 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 26
Ack, I almost forgot again! I blame the doctor appointment I had earlier today. Have a Stony paranormal/urban fantasy AU featuring motor repair shop guy Sam, money-poor Steve, and Tony the technomage!
Dec 26 - Stony - Paranormal/Urban Fantasy AU - Cookies
When Sam came into the shop’s waiting area, Steve leapt to his feet like an expectant father from half a century ago, waiting to be told if it was a boy or a girl. “Well?” Steve demanded. “Can you fix her?” He’d gone into the parking garage that morning to head to work and his beloved motorcycle had refused to start.
Sam grabbed a grease rag and scrubbed his hands with it, looking grim. “Your ECM’s died,” he said. “That’s the computer that actually runs everything. It’ll have to be replaced. Under normal circumstances, that would run you about a thousand, but you’ve had so much custom work done... it’s likely to be closer to fifteen hundred.”
Steve literally couldn’t draw a breath for a moment. “Sam, I don’t... I don’t have that kind of money. Not right now. I could...” He paused, trying to figure out how to get that kind of money. Without his bike.
“There’s more,” Sam said. “The ECM’s dead because someone hexxed it.” He wiped his hands one last time, then dug his cell out of his pocket and thumbed up a photo. Under a feylamp, the hex-mark was easy to see. “Someone’s got a grudge,” he said. “Someone with the ability to get through your wards. So even if I replace it, they’ll just hex it again. Unless you know who it could be?”
Steve stared at the mark for a long minute, but it was impossible to recognize the hand that had drawn it. He shook his head.
“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” Sam said, sighing. “I’d do the job on credit -- you’ve been a good customer for long enough that I can trust you -- but I can’t do the hex. Luckily for you, I know a technomage who would enjoy the challenge, if you can meet his price.”
Steve snorted. “I can barely see my way clear to paying you,” he said. “No way can I afford a technomage.”
“Hear me out,” Sam said. “Tony’s from one of the Old Families, he’s rolling in money. He doesn’t care about money. What he wants is... something a little different.”
Tony’s high-rise office did not look like a mage’s lair. Or especially affluent, though it was definitely nicer than anyplace Steve had ever worked. 
Tony himself, when he emerged, did not look anything like Steve had expected, either. He was young, for a mage, probably not more than forty, if that. He was dressed in loose, worn jeans and several layers of shirts that looked like they belonged in Sam’s repair garage more than a moderately fancy office downtown. He had immaculately-sculpted facial hair, warm honey-colored eyes that Steve could lose himself in, and an ass that wouldn’t quit.
“You’re Wilson’s guy,” Tony said.
“Sam sent me to you, yes,” Steve said cautiously.
Tony lifted a hand and the air beside him suddenly filled with pictures of Steve’s bike and the hex Sam had found on it. Holograms, or illusions? Steve wasn’t sure there was a difference. “It’s an interesting problem,” Tony said. “Did you bring the payment?”
“Uh. Yeah, I, uh--” Steve handed over the large tupperware container he’d been carrying under his arm.
Tony cracked the lid and his eyes closed as he inhaled. “Vanilla, almond, butter, brown sugar... Dark, I think. And... rum?”
Steve blinked in surprise. “Yeah. It was my mom’s recipe.”
“Did you think of her while you made them?”
“I always do.”
Tony opened his eyes. He took one of the cookies from the container and bit off a piece. “Yes,” he said slowly. “Yes, I can taste it. This will do nicely. Consider me on the job.”
“Uh. Can I ask... What do cookies have to do with technology?”
Tony sealed the tupperware again and tucked it into a drawer of his desk. “They don’t. There’s more to me than just technology, you know.”
Tony grinned. “That’s not really a first-acquaintance story. Maybe after our third date.”
Heat climbed the back of Steve’s neck. “Date?”
“Yes,” Tony said decidedly, then reached up to snare one of the floating images and turned it to look at it. “But we’ve got to get your bike up and running first. I need to get this gorgeous beast between my legs.”
Steve’s blush climbed a little higher.
“Come back in... seven days and seven hours,” Tony said, consulting a watch that didn’t have any numbers or hands. “I should have the problem nailed by then. And then you can take me for a ride and we’ll see if any other nailing needs to occur.” He winked at Steve, which did nothing to help the blush situation, and dismissed the pictures with a careless wave. “I look forward to working with you, Steve.”
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books-in-a-storm · 2 years
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October 2022 JOMPBPC: Day 2 Currently Reading
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waitingforlostsouls · 2 months
One of the first classes we had to take in highschool as freshmen was AP Human Geography. And the fact that is not a required course everywhere really explains a lot about why international politics becomes so heated in America.
We had to go over:
Population, population theories, population growth and decline, immigration policies, and the cause and effects of migration
Types of maps, scales, patterns regions, space, to properties and patterns in where humans choose to live
Cultures, in depth analysis on languages, religions, ethnicity, and gender roles, and diffusion of cultures and patterns
Political Regions and policies, including organization of territories, countries, states, types of borders, political conflicts, conflicts related to political borders vs cultural borders, explanations of historic political conflicts, and categorization of geopolitics and international relations
Agricultural history, types, patterns, regions, agricultural revolutions, settlements, production of food, and agricultural practices and things such as chemicals and labor
Industrial and Economic development, types of economies, types of trade, patterns and processes of industrialization and production, and globalization and economic issues
Cities and Urban land usage, geography, development and organization of cities, models of urban structure and land use, and city problems and planning
Environment and Society, including human interaction and sustainability, environmental policies and challenges, and the impact of humans on the environment
We had to go over issues like modern day occupied territories and conflicts, which came in very handy once the war in Ukraine and later Palestine started; as we had gone in depth into the history and politics of both.
Part of the section on population went over why policies on birth control and abortion is so important in society and in women's health. We went over how an areas policies about access to healthcare for women greatly affects mortality rates and population sizes, as well as how women are treated. The main take away from this section was how women are one of the most important demographics, and reflect the larger status of society through how they are treated.
We went over cultural patterns such as how racism and prejudice can shape where people choose to live, and how cultural pockets can form within a broader society; as well as current and historic forms of segregation and prejudice.
Most if not all of the sections focused heavily on historic and modern circumstances as examples -most of which most history curriculums probably skip over. The tests for the maps section was made up of memorizing specific continents and then having to locate countries and their capitals from memory on the day of the test. Essentially, filling in blank maps. Most of the homework was about seven pages of fill in the blank questions from the textbooks.
All in all, while my experience with it at the time was hindered by the fact that our teacher often copied homework straight from the internet, and would not admit some of the questions had no answers because of that, I think the class in general was probably one of the best I've had as far as actual education. It really throughly explained a lot of concepts and patterns that maybe you've noticed before, but didn't have a name for until now. It also broke down a lot of issues that most history curriculums don't cover, and cleared up a lot of blind spots that we had before.
I would say anyone who has the chance to take it definitely should. And in general, I think if more of the subjects of the course were talked about in schools, a lot of the debates and issues we have would be less heated and more productive. I think if anyone wanted to learn the same things but didn't have access to the course itself, a lot of John Oliver's videos cover the same subjects in a way that doesn't leave you breaking down at 11:00 pm because your sadistic teacher included a question that has no answer in the homework again.
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wecandoit · 1 year
what i read | aug-sep
notes: (1) '*' indicates a content warning for references to death, abuse, violence, obvious triggers for mental illnesses (2) bolded links show sources that i found super interesting or introduced me to a new/profound concept
The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak
Revisiting the Languages of Love: An Empirical Test of the Validity Assumptions Underlying Chapman’s (2015) Five Love Languages Typology
Topical treatments for acne
The True Story of the Koh-i-Noor Diamond—and Why the British Won’t Give It Back
Repatriation of the Kohinoor Diamond: Expanding the Legal Paradigm for Cultural Heritage
Challenging the colonisation of birth: Koori women's birthing knowledge and practice
A cognitive developmental approach to understanding how children cope with disasters
Nature-Based Early Childhood Education and Children's Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review.
Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model: a theoretical framework to explore the forest school approach?
How AI Generates Images from Text
Discrimination Has Trapped People of Color in Unhealthy Urban 'Heat Islands'
A Newly Discovered Brain Signal Marks Recovery from Depression
Message to My Beloved Sibling
The Kingmaker by Lauren Greenfield
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem by Jeff Rowe
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solarpunks · 1 year
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A rendering of a rooftop terrace installed by the Parisian startup Roofscapes.
Paris When It Sizzles: The City of Light Aims to Get Smart on Heat
With its zinc roofs and minimal tree cover, Paris was not built to handle the new era of extreme heat. Now, like other cities worldwide, it is looking at ways to adapt to rising temperatures — planting rooftop terraces, rethinking its pavements, and greening its boulevards.
In many cities, this urban remodeling project is already underway. In New York City, workers and volunteers have planted over a million trees to add shade and clean the air. In Seville, Spain, city planners are using the technology of ancient underground waterways to provide cooling for the city without depending on air‑conditioning. In Freetown, Sierra Leone, officials are creating urban gardens, improving access to clean water, and erecting plexiglass awnings over outdoor markets. In Los Angeles, public works crews are painting streets white to increase reflectivity. In India, they are experimenting with green roofs, which absorb heat and create space to grow food. But perhaps nowhere in the world do the challenges, as well as the opportunities, loom larger than in Paris, where nearly 80 percent of the buildings have zinc roofs — an affordable, corrosion-resistant and virtually inflammable innovation of the 19th century. But those roofs are, in the 21st century, deadly — heating up to 194 degrees F on a summer day. And because top‑floor garrets were not insulated, that heat is transferred directly into the rooms below.
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visit-new-york · 2 years
Broadway, New York City
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Steam Heating in the Concrete Jungle: A Comprehensive Analysis of New York City's Historic and Sustainable Heating Infrastructure
1.1 Historical Overview of Steam Heating
Steam heating has a storied history in New York City, dating back to the mid-1800s. Before steam heating, buildings relied on individual coal-burning stoves or fireplaces for warmth, resulting in uneven heating and numerous health hazards. The advent of steam heating, pioneered by engineer Stephen Gold in the 1850s, marked a significant advancement in heating technology. It offered a centralized heating solution, where steam generated in large plants could be distributed efficiently through a network of underground pipes to individual buildings, providing consistent and reliable heat throughout the city.
1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Steam Heating
The adoption of steam heating brought several advantages to New York City. It allowed for the elimination of individual heating units in each building, reducing maintenance costs and fire risks. Steam heating systems operate quietly, without the noise associated with forced-air systems, contributing to a more peaceful urban environment. Additionally, steam heating radiators became architectural features, adding a distinctive charm to buildings' interiors.
However, steam heating also presented challenges. One of the primary concerns was heat loss during steam transportation through the extensive underground pipe network. Proper insulation became crucial to mitigate energy waste and ensure efficient heat distribution. Additionally, as the steam system aged, it became susceptible to leaks, and repairing the aging infrastructure posed logistical and financial hurdles.
1.3 Comparison with Other Heating Systems
Compared to forced air and electric heating systems, steam heating offered unique benefits. Forced air systems, prevalent in modern construction, tend to create drafts and circulate dust, potentially exacerbating respiratory issues. Steam heating's ability to deliver consistent warmth without air movement was preferred in many buildings. Electric heating, while convenient and clean, often proved less efficient and costlier, especially for larger buildings served by the steam system.
How Steam Heating Works in New York
2.1 Steam Generation in Centralized Plants
The heart of the New York City steam heating system lies in its centralized plants. These large facilities, situated strategically throughout the city, house powerful boilers that generate steam from various energy sources, including natural gas, oil, and coal. In recent years, efforts have been made to transition towards cleaner fuels and renewable energy options, aligning with the city's sustainability goals.
2.2 Distribution of Steam in Underground Pipes
Once steam is produced, it is conveyed through an extensive network of underground pipes, known as steam mains. These mains crisscross the city, providing steam to thousands of buildings. The pipes are insulated to minimize heat loss, maximizing the efficiency of the distribution process.
2.3 Steam Radiators and Heat Exchange
Upon reaching individual buildings, the steam is directed to steam radiators or heat exchangers, depending on the building's size and heating requirements. Steam radiators are common in residential buildings, where the steam enters the unit and releases its latent heat as it condenses back into water, effectively warming the surrounding air. Heat exchangers are prevalent in commercial and industrial settings, where the steam's heat is transferred to the building's air or water distribution systems.
2.4 Steam Traps and Venting
Steam traps are essential components of the steam heating system. They are designed to remove condensate, the water formed when steam cools down, from the system. Proper venting is equally crucial, as it releases air and non-condensable gases from the pipes, preventing air locks and ensuring efficient steam flow. Specialized venting devices, such as air vents and steam traps, are installed throughout the system to maintain its optimal performance.
New York City Steam Heating System
3.1 Overview of NYC Steam System
The New York City steam heating system stands as one of the largest and oldest in the world. The responsibility for its operation and maintenance lies with private utility companies, which have historically managed the network's intricate web of steam mains, radiators, and heat exchangers.
3.2 Steam Plants in New York City
New York City's steam plants are strategically located to serve the varying heating demands of different neighborhoods. These plants are equipped with modern boilers and state-of-the-art emission control technologies to reduce environmental impacts. Efforts to further improve air quality and sustainability are continuously underway.
3.3 Steam Distribution Network
The steam distribution network encompasses over 100 miles of steam mains, which interconnect and branch to supply steam to individual buildings. The network's design considers factors such as pressure requirements, building density, and historical demand patterns to ensure an efficient and consistent supply of heat throughout the city.
3.4 Maintenance and Upgrades of NYC Steam System
Maintaining such an extensive steam heating system requires regular inspections and maintenance. The aging infrastructure presents challenges, making ongoing upgrades essential to ensure the system's longevity and continued efficiency. Modernization efforts include replacing older pipes with more robust materials, improving insulation, and upgrading boiler technologies to enhance energy efficiency.
Heating Buildings with Steam
4.1 Steam Heating in Residential Buildings
Steam heating systems are a common sight in older residential buildings across New York City. The iconic steam radiators, often found beneath large windows, have become cherished architectural elements. Residents appreciate the steady and cozy heat these systems provide during the harsh winter months.
4.2 Steam Heating in Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Commercial and industrial buildings extensively utilize steam heating due to its ability to meet the substantial heating demands of such structures. Heat exchangers play a crucial role in these settings, where steam heat can be efficiently transferred to large air or water distribution systems, catering to diverse heating requirements.
4.3 Steam Heat vs. Forced Air: Considerations and Comparisons
In the perennial debate between steam heating and forced air systems, each has its merits. While steam heating boasts even heat distribution, quiet operation, and a lack of airborne dust circulation, forced-air systems can also provide air conditioning and ventilation, adding flexibility to building comfort. The choice between these heating methods depends on the specific needs and priorities of each building owner or occupant.
Efficiency and Sustainability of New York City Steam Heating
5.1 Assessing the Efficiency of Steam Systems
Efficiency is a critical aspect of the steam heating system, as it directly affects operating costs and environmental impacts. Regular assessments of individual steam systems and the overall distribution network are conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Efforts are focused on reducing heat loss, optimizing boiler performance, and upgrading insulation to maximize energy efficiency.
5.2 Environmental Considerations and Emissions
Given the environmental challenges of fossil fuel-based energy sources, New York City is actively exploring ways to reduce emissions associated with steam heating. Increased reliance on cleaner fuels, as well as integration with renewable energy sources, is being pursued to lower the system's carbon footprint and align with the city's commitment to sustainability.
5.3 Energy-Saving Measures and Upgrades
To further enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the steam heating system, energy-saving measures and technological upgrades are continually implemented. These may include installing advanced control systems for better operational management, adopting waste heat recovery techniques, and exploring the integration of renewable energy into steam generation.
Operation and Maintenance of New York City Steam Heating Systems
6.1 Proper Operation and Control of Steam Systems
Operating steam heating systems requires skilled personnel who are well-versed in the complexities of steam distribution and radiator control. Proper monitoring and adjustments to steam pressure and temperature are essential to maintain efficient heat distribution and prevent energy wastage.
6.2 Common Issues and Troubleshooting
Despite rigorous maintenance practices, steam heating systems can encounter occasional issues, such as leaks in underground pipes, uneven heating in specific areas, or water hammer (the loud noise resulting from sudden condensate contact with steam). Timely detection and troubleshooting are vital to minimize disruptions and ensure a comfortable indoor environment.
6.3 Safety Considerations and Maintenance Practices
The safe operation of steam heating systems is paramount, considering the high temperatures and pressures involved. Regular safety inspections and adherence to strict maintenance protocols are essential to prevent accidents, protect occupants and workers, and maintain the integrity of the entire steam heating infrastructure.
Future Trends and Alternatives to New York City Steam Heating
7.1 Innovations in Steam Heating Technology
As technology continues to advance, innovations in steam heating are expected to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the system. These may include advancements in boiler design, better insulation materials, and smart technologies that optimize steam generation and distribution, ultimately enhancing overall system performance.
7.2 District Energy Systems and Combined Heat and Power
District energy systems, also known as district heating or cooling, involve the sharing of heat and cooling resources among neighboring buildings. Such systems can enhance the efficiency of energy use and reduce overall emissions by utilizing waste heat from one building to serve the needs of another. Similarly, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems integrate power generation with steam generation, maximizing the utilization of energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
7.3 Exploration of Alternative Heating Methods
In pursuit of greater sustainability, New York City is exploring alternative heating methods that can complement or replace steam heating where feasible. Geothermal heating, solar thermal systems, and heat pumps are among the technologies under consideration. These systems harness renewable energy sources to provide heating, potentially reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner urban environment.
The New York City steam heating system has left an indelible mark on the city's history, revolutionizing how buildings are heated and providing comfort to millions of residents and workers. The network's robust infrastructure, combined with ongoing efforts to improve efficiency and sustainability, reflects the city's commitment to maintaining a reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible heating system. As the future unfolds, advancements in technology and the exploration of alternative heating methods will further shape the destiny of steam heating in New York City, ensuring its relevance and resilience for generations to come.
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hypersomniagame · 4 months
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, you should already know what the gist is here yada yada yada,
if you don't know what this is or are confused on what hypersomnia is read the other dev logs i've said this like every time lol
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Hey! Hi! Hello! Welcome to the dev log!
I'd like to apologize about last month, I was going through a big block on development and I got practically nothing done. I've also been focusing on real life stuff which has been strange!
OK! So, first things first. Some of you might've seen on our Twitter, the new trailer is DONE! It's been "finished" for a few weeks now but I went back and made some small edits and now I can fully say it's complete!
I'm insanely happy with how this one came out. I went all out on it and I think you guys will agree when it releases that it just completely blows all our other trailers right out of the water. From music, to editing, to visuals, presentation, everything.
I'm more than excited to show you guys this trailer, and hopefully you all will be able to see it soon! It'll be premiering in this years MOTHER DIRECT (as always lol), so be ready for that! Tons of great fangames and indies are gonna be shown off, along with other MOTHER projects, so if you're interested I highly suggest you keep up with M4E.
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Now, onto a more direct game update!
As of right now, the demo is about 50% playable!
This month has been almost exclusively eventing and scripting for the game. That 50% doesn't mean the demo is halfway finished, but it means that we're halfway there to getting the demo playable from start to finish. There's still a lot I gotta do, but eventing is the biggest hurdle for me currently, so it should only be up from here.
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Pigeonville got a bit of a makeover recently! I wanted to make the town look a bit more lively and urban, so I took the time to redo and add a few different buildings. I'm really happy with how it changed the look of the town, and I hope to use this as a base for other areas going forward.
This didn't come without some challenge though. Both the game's prologue and first chapter take place in Pigeonville, and because so many different events are used between the 2 sections, I've had PV split between 2 maps, one for the prologue and the other for chapter 1.
I initially did these edits on the CH1 version of the map, but while porting them to the PL version, I managed to completely screw up almost all the events in the prologue. So while it didn't have to be completely rescripted, I did have to do some playtesting for like a week just to make sure I caught everything that broke.
Speaking of bugs, there's been a bit of bug-squashing going on this month. My friend Muffins (Who helps write for the game) and I both sat down and tried to just play through what we have so far, and it was an experience to say the least. The game was NOT this broken in March, so playing through it just showed me so much stuff that broke, and some of it was absolutely hilarious.
I didn't record any of it though! Which is a shame! I'd totally post a montage or something of just the absolute funniest glitches we encountered but I guess it's for another time.
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And that's all for this month! Sorry it's not much, but I figured it'd be better to give some sort of update then just oddly go silent. Things will most likely pick up during the mid-summer months, I'll have more stuff to talk about, these logs will be longer like they were back in January and we'll all be home on time for Jay Leno.
It's a bit hard to talk about scripting stuff out for the game since I only can talk about so much before I start spoiling stuff. Will June be better? Will there even be a log in June? Will I survive the summer heat? Only time can tell. And the weather man.
If this is your first log you're reading, or even your first time seeing ANYTHING relating to HYPERSOMNIA, I got a whole bunch of links for you to check out if you wanna know more about me and my stupid little game.
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