#use of cypress essential oil
thejournallo · 9 months
Explain the basic: Oils
Check out Part 1, which explains how to use the things down below. Disclaimer: All the things in this post are based on research and personal experience. As much as I could be a teacher, I suggest you find many resources for knowledge to develop your own experiences. Make sure you research the oils you buy/use because some oils can damage or hurt your skin in a really bad way. as well as some aromatherapy oils that can hurt your pet (if you have one).
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Types of oils
Anointing oils — A sacred oil that’s blessed and charged and specially formulated for a specific purpose, usually for people.
Carrier oils — Vegetable and mineral oils that are used to help dilute essential oils that could cause skin irritation.
Condition oils — Anointing or conjure oils used to help relieve or improve someone’s condition.
Conjure oils — A dressing oil from an ancient practice usually African, European, or Native American traditions. Often found in Hoodoo.
Dressing oils — Specially prepared oil applied to spell and ritual objects before using them to sanctify, charge, and prepare them for use.
Essential oils — Volatile, concentrated oils, with the characteristic scent of the plant/flower they are from.
Ritual oils — Oils used to anoint candles, ritual tools, material, furniture, money, and other such items, and then use to anoint the body are often also called anointing oils.
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Basic oils and their use:
Basil: Stimulates the mind, used in money-attracting oils, and encourages peace
Benzoin: Increases personal power and awakens the conscious mind
Bergamot: Money and protective rituals
Black Pepper: Protection and promotes courage
Chamomile: Meditation and inducing peace
Camphor: Purification and promoting celibacy
Cardamom: Energy to love and sexually oriented formulas
Cedarwood: Enhances spirituality
Cinnamon: Money and psychic awareness
Clove: Courage and protection
Coriander: Love and healing
Cypress: Blessing, consecration, and protection. Helps ease loss
Eucalyptus: All healing and purification.
Frankincense: Spirituality and meditation
Geranium: Happiness and protection
Ginger: Courage, love, money, and sexuality
Grapefruit: Purification
Jasmine: Love, psychic awareness, peace, spirituality, and sexuality
Juniper: Protection, purification, moon symbolism, and healing
Lavender: Health, love, peace, and consciousness
Lemon: Purification, healing, and lunar use
Lemongrass: Psychic awareness and purification
Lemon verbena: Love
Lime: Purification and protection
Lotus: Spirituality, healing, and meditation
Magnolia: Meditation, love, and psychic awareness
Myrrh: Spirituality, meditation, and healing
Neroli: Happiness and purification
Niaouli: Protection
Oakmoss: Attract money
Orange: Purification
Palma Rosa: Love and healing
Patchouli: Money, sex, and physical energy
Peppermint: Purification
Pine: Purification, protection, money, and healing
Rose: Love, peace, sexual desires, and enhancing beauty
Rosemary: Love and healing
Sandalwood: Spiritualty, meditation, sex, and healing
Tangerine: Sun symbol, power, and strength
Tonka: Money
Vetivert: Money
Yarrow: Love, courage, and psychic awareness
Ylang Ylang: Love, peace, and sex
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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ivysanctum · 1 month
🌖✨ The Waning Gibbous Moon: Time to Cut the Ties ✨🌖
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Feeling weighed down by old patterns?
Witches know that the Waning Gibbous Moon is the perfect time to finally let go. Traditionally linked to the Crone aspect of the Goddess, this period invites deep reflection, purification, and the cutting of ties that no longer serve you. It's also a great opportunity to express gratitude for the lessons learned and the progress made. Use this phase to clean house and set the stage for postive change.
🕰️ Phase Duration: 4~6 days
🧙‍♀️ Ritual for Banishing Negative Attachments 🧙‍♀️
🕯️ Start with a black or gray candle—these colors are perfect for releasing and protection. Pair it with Amethyst for clarity and Obsidian for grounding. You can also (always) use a Black Tourmaline for protection.
🪄 Cast a circle to create a sacred space for your ritual and light your candle. Focus on the negative influences or habits you want to banish from your life. Picture them as weights tied to you and dragging you down.
Write down each of thes burdens on a piece of paper. Hold it and chant this incantation 3 times with intent:
🔥 By the waning Moon’s glow I release what must go As the flame burns These cords dissolve I am complete, I am free, New energy is called to me 🔥
Burn the paper in the candle’s flame and watch your troubles turn to smoke and dissolve. Scatter the ashes near a big plant or a tree, or bury them, as a final goodbye.
Close your ritual by thanking the energies supporting you and reflect on the space you’ve cleared for new, positive growth. 🌿
🌔✨ Elements associated with the Waning Gibbous Moon ✨🌔
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These elements align with the Waning Gibbous Moon's themes of release, protection, and transformation. They support banishing rituals and can help you clear away what no longer serves you:
🕯️ Candle Colors: Use Black to banish negative energies and provide strong protection. Gray complements this by neutralizing and dissolving residual negativity.
💎 Crystals: Incorporate Obsidian for grounding and protection. Smoky Quartz transmutes negative energy into positivity. Black Tourmaline is the strongest crystal for shielding against negative influences, and Onyx helps with releasing old patterns and providing strength.
🌿 Herbs: Sage is ideal for cleansing and purifying. Mugwort enhances spiritual clarity and protection, while Rue helps dispel negative energy and offers an extra layer of protection.
🌬️ Incense: Burn Myrrh to deepen spiritual cleansing and purification. Cedar is also powerful for driving away negative energies and safeguarding your space.
🌿 Essential Oils: Cypress helps to release and transition. Pine renews and purifies, and Patchouli supports grounding and protection.
🎴 Tarot Cards: Use The Hermit for introspection and wisdom, Death to signify transformation and endings.
Incorporate these elements into your ritual to fully harness the Waning Gibbous Moon's energies, supporting your intentions for release and protection. 🪬
Follow for more magick and witchy tips 🔮💜
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madamlaydebug · 6 months
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Items like Sage, Cypress, or Lavender, salt, essential oils, and crystals such as Selenite, Citrine, and Smoky Quartz can help us release, let go and clear our sacred space.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
October Magick 🎃
Hello darlings 🥰
As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, it's time to embrace the magic of October. Here are some herbs, spices, crystals, and other tools that you can incorporate into your magic this month and their corresponding properties:
Sage: purification, wisdom, and clarity. 
Pumpkin Spice: abundance, prosperity, and warmth. 
Cinnamon: protection, love, and abundance. 
Cloves: healing, protection, and love. 
Nutmeg: divination, luck, and prosperity. 
Bay Leaves: protection, psychic powers, and success.
Opal: intuition, creativity, and inspiration. 
Moonstone: new beginnings, emotional balance, and inner strength. 
Bloodstone: courage, healing, and grounding. 
Tourmaline: protection, grounding, and cleansing. 
Black Onyx: protection, strength, and grounding. 
Labradorite: transformation, psychic powers, and spiritual awakening.
Frankincense: purification, protection, and spirituality. 
Myrrh: healing, spirituality, and meditation. 
Cedarwood: grounding, protection, and abundance.
Cypress: grounding, strength, and protection.
Clove: healing, love, and abundance. 
Patchouli: protection, prosperity, and grounding.
Black: protection, banishing, and breaking curses. 
Orange: creativity, courage, and enthusiasm. 
White: purity, peace, and spirituality. 
Purple: intuition, psychic powers, and spiritual growth.
Pumpkin: protection, prosperity, and abundance. 
Tarot cards: divination, self-discovery, and guidance. 
Cauldron: transformation, rebirth, and new beginnings.
Remember, the magic is within you, and these tools are here to support and enhance your practice. Use them with intention, gratitude, and respect.
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞✨
🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Spooky Witch 🎃🕯️
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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psalacanthea · 7 months
Wild Magic- A Tav-Inspired Perfume Blend
This is a recipe for an essential oil blend which can be used for aromatherapy in an oil warmer, as an oil-based perfume, or in the making of bath or skin products. Specifically, this one was designed for bath bombs, so it may not make for a well-balanced perfume. The recipe is a RATIO, which means that it can be easily doubled or tripled depending on what you’re using it for.
Inspired by @tadpole-apocalypse's Morgan, wild magic sorcerer and fortune teller, this scent is a bright and brilliant burst of fresh and uplifting citrus borne on an untamed wind of effervescent Weave. As it lingers, it mellows out with hints of incense, remnants of rituals gone by. So captivating and invigorating that you might not notice you just turned all your friends to cats.
Notes: Layered and complex citrus, the lemon tempers the sweetness of the gently floral blood orange. Juniper and cypress give it a lightness and herbal complexity that when combined with the lime adds a refreshing breeziness. Myrrh leaves behind a lingering, resinous warmth.
This blend was designed specifically for bath bombs, and may not translate well to an oil-based perfume.  As I have allergies stemming from many synthetic scents, I only use essential oils.  Citrus oils are photoreactive!  Please do not apply before going into direct sunlight, as it can cause the skin to burn.
4 drops Blood Orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oil
3 drops Lime (Citrus x aurantifolia) essential oil
2 drops Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) essential oil
2 drops Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) essential oil
3 drops Lemon (Citrus x limon) essential oil
2 drops Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) essential oil
Please be aware if you’ve never used essential oils- they should be diluted with a carrier oil before being applied to skin.  Good quality grapeseed oil isn’t a bad choice, and it’s cheap!  I use sweet almond usually.   
Not a food safe blend.  
This uses several citrus oils, and thus can make skin more sensitive to sunlight, or may burn your skin where applied if exposed to sun.
Citrus oil is very volatile!  Please store in a cool place in a dark bottle/container, or it will lose its scent.
Last note: these blends are not ever tested or made with artificial ‘essential oils’ or fragrance oils, because I am allergic to a lot of them and would die.  So substitute as you like, but be aware it won’t come out the same.
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delightingintragedy · 2 years
Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy
"Note: This is not a complete list. Consult with a doctor, midwife, trained aromatherapist, or herbalist before using essential oils while pregnant.
Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum)
Anise, Star (Illicium verum)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Birch (Betula lenta)
Blue Cypress (Callitris intratropica)
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile)
Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
Fennel, Sweet (Foeniculum vulgare)
Ho Leaf (Cinnamomum camphora)
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
Parsley (Petroselinum sativum)
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)
Spearmint (Mentha spicata)
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Wintergreen (Gaulltheria procumbens)
If exposure to essential oils results in drops contacting sensitive mucus membranes (e.g., in the nose) or splashes into eyes, flush with full-fat milk or a few drops of jojoba oil."
-Blackthorn's Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn, pg 297
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julienelson · 10 months
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Gemini Full Moon tonight at 20.16 AEDT
Ruled by Mercury Gemini is the sign of communication and, when we have a Gemini Full Moon it can cause us to overshare, talk too much, or misunderstand what others are saying...
Gemini’s influence is also about the thoughts and perspectives that imbue our spoken word.
It’s about energy exchanged through subtle signals and body language.
It’s also about shifts in perception that allow us to jump from one narrative to another.
Being an Air sign Gemini moves quickly, they love to gather information, love to do everything that everyone else is doing!
Are you ready to redifine your narratives? Full Moon brings truths to light, trust your intuition your higher self.
This is a powerful Full Moon to release doubts and your own stories that hold you back...It is an opportunity to shed the old and create the new...release any limiting beliefs you have around yourself and what you can achieve. Perhaps you can pull out the Tarot card 'The Tower' I love this card for it is all about breaking down the old to begin the new. An essential oil blend that is perfect for this is Cypress, Grapefruit and Juniper (these are also Scented Goddess in The Fragrant Oracle you can purchase them here - https://www.julienelson.com.au/the-fragrant-oracle)
During this full Moon in Gemini allow yourself to feel its power of transformation to help you recallibrate your thoughts and stories that maybe sabotaging you.
This is a fast-paced energy that allows your ways of thinking to change and welcome new knowledge to come through - A sacred place where your desires and visions can manifest.
If you wish to conjure a desire do your spellcrafting before the Full Moon at 9.16pm If you wish to release that which no longer serves you do your spellcrafting after the Full Moon has passed.
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newfoundwitchery · 8 months
Hekate Divination Oil
Divination oil is a great way to connect with Hekate and attune yourself to her energies. You can use them to anoint yourself, your deck, your candle, your spellwork, or whatever feels right to you. It can help you connect with her when you are trying to face difficult decisions and receive insight from multiple realms.
3 drops Mugwort essential oil
2 drops Wormwood essential oil
1 drop Patchouli essential oil
1 drop Cypress essential oil
Per 10ml of Carrier Oil Base (hemp, sweet almond, jojoba)
Sprinkle of Black Peppercorns
Sprinkle of Juniper Berries
Small black obsidian
I was thinking I can also substitute for herbs as long as there is enough oil to make up for it.
Source: https://backyardbanshee.com/tarot/spreads/hekate-tarot-spread/
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Japanese-Style Yuzu Bath Recipe
Yuzu baths have been practiced since the Edo era, when sento (public bathhouses) began using the fragrant fruit to appeal to customers. It was said that taking a yuzu bath helped to prevent colds by promoting blood circulation and warming the body, so it became a common practice during the winter months and particularly on the winter solstice. The yuzu bath also serves another purpose: strong scents are said to ward off evil, so a yuzu bath purportedly purifies the body. So, are you ready to treat every day like a spa day? This bath recipe will leave your skin dewy and crystal clear.
2-3 Yuzu Fruits
2 cups (540 grams) Sea Salt
1 cup Himalayan Salt
2 tbsp. Matcha Green Tea Powder
2 tbsp. Sweet Almond Oil
10 drops Cypress Essential Oil
10 drops Mandarin Essential Oil
Prepare The Bath Recipe
Combine the salts and matcha green tea powder, and mix well. Separately combine the sweet almond oil and essential oils. Then add the oils to the salt mixture, and mix well. Pour the salt mixture into a container.
Next, wash and dry the yuzu fruits. Take a knife and score the skin down through the pulp of the fruit. For easier cleanup, place the yuzu in a mesh bag to spare yourself the hassle of dealing with pulpy aftermath.
Take a Shower
Do as the Japanese do and take a quick shower before stepping into the bath.
Prepare The Bathtub
Once you've taken your shower and rinsed off all the soap and grime, it's time to fill the tub with scalding hot water (min. 104°F). Yes, the Japanese prefer it hot! This helps to eliminate toxins and improves metabolism. Next, plop the yuzu fruit into your bath water and gently squeeze them to release some of their juice. Then add your homemade bath mixture to the steamy water.
Now, step on in and soak for a leisurely 20-30 minutes. After the bath, wait at least one hour before going to bed.
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aguilanaturalincense · 11 months
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Reinvigorate Your Spirit with 'Pure Radiance' Incense: A Natural Remedy for Fatigue and Chronic Illness
In our fast-paced world, fatigue, heaviness, and chronic illnesses have become all too common. The demands of modern life can leave us feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. While there's no magic cure for these challenges, "Pure Radiance" incense offers a natural and holistic way to revitalize your spirit, improve your mood, and support your overall well-being.
The Ingredients Behind the Magic
The beauty of "Pure Radiance" natural incense sticks lies in its carefully selected ingredients, each contributing to its remarkable healing properties.
- Frankincense: This resin, harvested from the Boswellia tree, has been treasured for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It's known to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and even improve sleep quality.
- Myrrh: Myrrh resin possesses potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities. It's often used for soothing physical discomfort and elevating emotional balance.
- Pine Resin: Rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, pine resin supports the immune system, helping the body to ward off infections and chronic illnesses.
- Common Sage: Sage is renowned for its cleansing and purifying properties. It's believed to clear negative energy, lift one's mood, and relieve mental fatigue.
- Summer Savory: Summer savory is an herb that has been used for centuries for its digestive and mood-enhancing benefits. It can help relieve fatigue and promote mental clarity.
- White Leaved Savory: Similar to its summer counterpart, white leaved savory is known for its calming effects and ability to alleviate feelings of tiredness.
- Varthemia: This herb, native to the Mediterranean, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it valuable for immune system support.
- Lavender: Lavender's calming and soothing properties are well-documented. It can alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia, making it a valuable ally in the battle against fatigue and depression.
- Myrtle: Myrtle essential oil is believed to promote a sense of well-being, enhance emotional balance, and boost the immune system.
- Fennel: Fennel is prized for its digestive benefits, which can indirectly contribute to higher energy levels and a sense of lightness.
- Benzoin: This resin possesses a warm, comforting aroma that can alleviate feelings of depression and heaviness.
- Palo Santo: Known as "Holy Wood," Palo Santo is believed to clear negative energy, reduce stress, and enhance spiritual well-being.
- Gold Copal: Copal resin has been used in traditional healing practices for centuries. It's believed to purify the spirit, provide mental clarity, and alleviate feelings of fatigue.
- Cypress Resin: Cypress is known for its astringent properties, which can help reduce physical fatigue and uplift the spirit.
- Cedar Leaves: Cedar's grounding and purifying qualities can help alleviate negative emotions and strengthen the immune system.
Reclaiming Your Vitality
The synergy of these natural ingredients in "Pure Radiance" incense works in harmony to address the root causes of fatigue, tiredness, heaviness, depression, weakened immunity, and chronic illnesses. The incense clears away old energies and feelings of burden, offering a sense of renewal and lightness. The aromatic journey it creates is a profound way to uplift your spirit and restore your vitality.
- Physical Renewal: Ingredients like Frankincense, Pine Resin, and Myrrh support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help the body combat chronic illnesses. They can provide a much-needed energy boost to combat fatigue.
- Emotional Uplift: Aromatics like Sage, Lavender, and Benzoin alleviate depression and stress, promoting a more positive emotional state. Sage, in particular, clears away negative energy, while lavender offers soothing relaxation.
- Spiritual Alignment: Resins like Palo Santo, Gold Copal, and Frankincense have long been associated with spiritual purification. They can help you find your center and connect with your inner self.
"Pure Radiance" hand rolled incense is not just an aromatic experience; it's a holistic journey toward health and well-being. By incorporating this natural remedy into your daily routine, you can rediscover your vitality, overcome fatigue, and embark on a path to renewed energy and balance.
In the world of natural healing, sometimes the most profound solutions are the simplest. "Pure Radiance" incense proves that harnessing the power of nature's gifts can be the key to unlocking a brighter, healthier, and more vibrant you.
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witchykincare · 2 years
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Nature-themed self care kit for a husky friend featuring candles, bath supplies, and stim toys!
Forest Witch ritual bath soak. Pine and cypress scented. ($15 US. Not sure if this contains essential oils so use caution around pets!)🐾
Stim toy starter set. Contains 12 listed items and a randomly chosen surprise. 🐾($21. If it's important to you, this shop is autistic-owned and they reuse packing materials to cut down on both waste and costs!)
Succulent planter (on sale, $24 for pot alone, $28 for pot with actual succulent)🐾
Sleeping husky soap bar in berry scent ($5, other scents available. Ships from Malta)🐾
White winter birch jar candle. Notes of eucalyptus, cypress, and tonka bean. ($13 for 6oz, $18 for 9oz, $26 for 16oz. Contains essential oils, do not use around pets)🐾
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ivysanctum · 26 days
🌘✨ Embrace the Quiet Power of the Waning Crescent Moon ✨🌘
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Do you feel it too? Like it's frggin' time to relax already after all the intensity and drama? The Waning Crescent moon (duration about 4~5 days) is the last phase in the decreasing moon period. And the final part of this phase - the last visible sliver of the moon, is sometimes referred to as the Balsamic Moon, derived from the Latin word balsamum, meaning "restorative" or "healing", and adopted into the astrological language. This period is connected to introspection, healing, and spiritual preparation.
And according to the ancient traditions, although the Waning Crescent moon still continues the Last Quarter moon’s theme of protection and banishing, and gives an opportunity to clear out any last remnants of negativity and protect oneself as the moon's light fades, this phase indeed focuses more on inner reflection, rest, healing, and preparation.
This quieter energy is about turning inward, connecting with the subconscious, mending old wounds, and preparing spiritually for the rebirth and new beginnings associated with the New Moon.
This aspect of the phase was less about active spellwork and more about spiritual maintenance: Meditation, cleansing, journaling, dreamwork, healing, etc. 🧘‍♀️
Additionally, many witches believe that during this phase, the veil between worlds becomes thinner, making it an ideal time for gaining insights through divination practices like tarot, runes, scrying, intuitive channeling, and more. 🔮
As the Dark Moon nears, nurture your spirit, reflect on your path, and prepare for the New Moon’s renewal. Let the Waning Crescent’s quiet power guide your spiritual journey.
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🌘✨ Enhance Your Waning Crescent Moon Rituals with These Elements ✨🌘
These elements align with the Waning Crescent Moon's themes of introspection, healing, divination, and preparation for the new beginnings of the New Moon. Use them to deepen your rituals and connect with the energies of this phase:
🕯️ Candle Colors: Dark Blue for deep introspection and calming the mind, Grey for spiritual reflection and to neutralize and balance energies, Black for protection as you transition into the New Moon’s renewal.
💎 Crystals: Amethyst for spiritual insight and inner peace, Labradorite for protection and guiding inner work, and Selenite for clearing energy and aiding divination.
🌿 Herbs: Lavender for calming and soothing the spirit, Sage for gentle cleansing and protection, Lemon Balm for emotional healing, Mugwort for enhancing psychic abilities and aiding in divination.
🌬️ Incense: Sandalwood to ennhance meditation and spiritual connection, Frankincense for purification and healing, Myrrh for deepening spiritual insights during divination.
🌿 Essential Oils: Lavender for relaxation and healing, Chamomile for soothing and reducing anxiety, Cypress for transition and preparation for new beginnings, and Clary Sage for enhancing intuition and divination.
🎴 Tarot Cards: The Hermit for introspection and inner guidance, The High Priestess for deep intuition and spiritual connection.
I’ve also shared on the Last Quarter moon phase post the elements that are more associated with protection and banishing - still fitting this moon phase, and especially iits beginning - if you liked this one then you should check it out :)
Reblog this post if you find it useful and follow for more magick and witchy tips 💜
💫 Blessed be 💫
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avicennacrowe · 17 days
Explore the Power of Essential Oils for Third Eye Chakra Healing and Insight
Explore the Power of Essential Oils for Third Eye Chakra Healing and Insight" delves into how essential oils can enhance your spiritual growth and mental clarity. The third eye chakra, associated with intuition, insight, and inner wisdom, can become blocked or unbalanced due to stress or negative energy. Essential oils like lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood are known to stimulate the third eye, promoting relaxation, focus, and deep meditation. By incorporating these oils into your daily routine, you can cleanse and align this chakra, allowing for enhanced intuition and greater insight. Learn how to harness the power of aromatherapy to unlock your spiritual potential and achieve inner balance through third eye chakra healing.
Top Essential Oils for Third Eye Chakra Activation and Enhancement
Essential oils play a crucial role in activating and enhancing the third eye chakra, which is linked to intuition and spiritual insight. Oils such as lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood are particularly effective in stimulating this energy center, promoting a clearer vision and heightened awareness. Discover how these essential oils can help you achieve balance and openness in your third eye chakra.
How to Use Essential Oils to Open and Balance Your Third Eye Chakra?
Unlocking the potential of your third eye chakra requires proper usage of essential oils. Learn how to incorporate oils like clary sage, rosemary, and juniper into your daily routine to open and balance this chakra. By using these oils in meditation, diffusion, or topical applications, you can enhance your intuitive abilities and spiritual connection.
The Best Essential Oils for Enhancing Intuition Through the Third Eye Chakra
Intuition is closely linked to the health of your third eye chakra. Essential oils such as patchouli, ylang-ylang, and myrrh can help enhance your intuitive abilities and inner vision. Explore how these oils support the third eye chakra, enabling you to trust your instincts and gain deeper insights into your life’s path.
Balancing Your Third Eye Chakra with Essential Oils: A Step-by-Step Guide
Achieving balance in your third eye chakra with essential oils involves a thoughtful approach. This step-by-step guide provides practical tips for using oils like bergamot, rose, and peppermint to maintain balance and clarity in your third eye chakra. Incorporate these oils into your meditation practices and daily rituals to support your spiritual growth.
Essential Oils for Third Eye Chakra Meditation: Enhance Your Spiritual Practice
Meditation is an effective way to connect with your third eye chakra. Essential oils like frankincense, sandalwood, and lavender can deepen your meditation experience, promoting relaxation and focus. Learn how to use these oils in your meditation practice to strengthen your connection with your inner self and enhance spiritual insights.
How Essential Oils Help Clear Blockages in the Third Eye Chakra?
Blockages in the third eye chakra can hinder your intuitive and spiritual development. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, sage, and helichrysum are known for their ability to clear these blockages. Discover how these oils work to purify and align the third eye chakra, allowing for smoother energy flow and improved spiritual clarity.
Integrating Essential Oils into Your Daily Routine for Third Eye Chakra Health
Incorporating essential oils into your daily routine can support the health of your third eye chakra. Oils like juniper, cypress, and geranium can be used in various ways, including in diffusers, bath soaks, or topical applications. Learn how to integrate these oils into your life to maintain a balanced and open third eye chakra.
Essential Oils for Third Eye Chakra Healing: Boosting Insight and Clarity
Healing the third eye chakra with essential oils can lead to increased insight and mental clarity. Essential oils such as bergamot, frankincense, and myrrh are especially effective in promoting healing and enhancing your spiritual awareness. Explore how these oils contribute to a clearer, more focused third eye chakra, supporting your journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment.
Essential oils offer powerful support for balancing and activating the third eye chakra, fostering intuition, insight, and spiritual growth. By incorporating oils like lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood into your daily routines and practices, you can enhance your connection with your inner self and unlock deeper levels of awareness. Whether through meditation, topical application, or aromatherapy, these essential oils provide a natural and effective way to maintain a healthy and open third eye chakra, guiding you on your path to spiritual clarity and enlightenment.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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According to the Chopra Center, “If you’re feeling stuck, negative, sluggish, or even downright depressed, it may be due to some stagnant energy in your field.”
And by field, they mean anything from your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual or physical body to your environment, which, of course, includes your home, office, or any other space. As the studies show, being around negative energy can be extremely detrimental to your health—mental and physical. One way to remove this stagnant energy is by “smudging.” The art of smudging dates back to ancient times and includes burning sacred plants to clear and bless a space. The smoke that results from burning plants like tobacco, cedar, sweet grass, juniper, pine needles, cypress, lavender, frankincense,
One way to remove this stagnant energy is by “smudging.” The art of smudging dates back to ancient times and includes burning sacred plants to clear and bless a space. The smoke that results from burning plants like tobacco, cedar, sweet grass, juniper, pine needles, cypress, lavender, frankincense, rosemary, and sage, is shown to actually cleanse the air of impurities, including bacteria and viruses. You can “smudge” your space any time you feel like it needs to be cleared.
A good time to smudge an area is when you move into a new home, when you begin a new job or career, after a guest leaves your home, before you meditate or after there has been an argument or someone has been sick. You can buy pre-made dried herbs in a smudging stick or you can dry your own. Place them in an aluminum bowl and light the herbs. Blow the flame out gently as you would when you are creating cinders for a fire. As the cinders burn they will release a smoke that will cleanse the air. Carefully walk from room to room, letting the smoke waft through your space. When you are finished, make sure the cinders have died out. This will help attract positive energy into your space.
•Essential Oil Diffusers
Much like smudging, the heated oils release their cleansing properties into the air, clearing the space of negative energy, including any viruses and bacteria. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to raise your vibrational frequency.
Oils that are known to help include:
•Peppermint—An effective astringent that can clear tension and negative energies. Also a great oil for relieving headaches.
•Frankincense—A Biblical oil known for purification of any negative influences.
•Myrrh—Another ancient oil good for purifying your environment. When combined with other oils, myrrh can increase their potency.
•Rose–One of the highest vibrational frequency oils.
•Cypress—Great for purifying and raising your vibration while grounding and protecting you and your home.
•Cedarwood—A wonderful oil to counter excessive negative energies.
•Basil—A sacred oil known worldwide for its protective properties.
•Juniper—Cleanses negative energies that can affect your health while transforming any negative emotions into positive ones.
•Lavender—Good for removing stubborn energies and for neutralize negative frequencies. A well-known calming agent.
•Sage—A popular oil for neutralizing existing negativity energy.
•Palo Santo—A potent oil that helps clear your home of negative energy while bringing good luck!
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thewoodprojectaus · 22 days
How to Maintain Your Cypress Post and Rail Fence for Longevity
Due to their durability and natural beauty, Cypress post and rail fence is an excellent choice for homeowners and farmers alike. 
This type of fencing provides a robust boundary and enhances the aesthetic value of any property. 
However, like any outdoor structure, cypress posts and rail fences require regular maintenance to ensure they last for many years. 
Here’s an in-depth guide on effectively maintaining your rail fence.
Understanding Cypress Wood
Cypress wood is highly valued for its resistance to decay and insect damage. This is due to its natural oils and preservatives that make it less susceptible to environmental wear and tear. 
Despite its resilience, cypress wood still benefits from proper care to maximise its longevity. 
Understanding the characteristics of cypress wood helps tailor the maintenance approach to preserve its inherent qualities.
Regular Cleaning
Why Cleaning is Important: Dirt, mould, and mildew can accumulate on your fence over time, leading to discolouration and potential damage. 
Regular cleaning is essential to prevent these issues and keep your fence looking its best.
How to Clean Your Fence:
Preparation: Begin by removing loose debris, such as leaves and branches, from the fence. This will make the cleaning process more effective.
Cleaning Solution: Prepare a mixture of mild detergent and water. Avoid harsh chemicals or bleach, which can damage the wood’s natural oils.
Scrubbing: Gently scrub the fence with a soft-bristled brush or a sponge. Focus on areas where dirt and mildew are most prevalent. Be careful not to use too much pressure, which can damage the wood.
Rinsing: Rinse the fence thoroughly with a garden hose or a low-pressure power washer after scrubbing. Make sure all detergent residue is removed to prevent buildup.
Drying: Allow the fence to air dry completely before applying protective treatments. This step is crucial to ensure that the wood does not trap moisture, which can lead to mould growth.
Inspecting for Damage
Regular inspections are vital for identifying and addressing issues before they become significant problems. Here’s what to look for during your inspections:
Cracks and Splinters: Check the wood for cracks or splinters. These can weaken the structure and make it more susceptible to further damage. 
Small cracks can often be repaired with wood filler, while more significant issues may require replacing fence sections.
Loose Rails and Posts: Ensure that all rails and posts are secure. Loose components can compromise the stability of the entire fence. Tighten any loose screws or nails and replace any damaged fasteners.
Signs of Decay: Look for signs of rot or decay, especially near the base of the posts, where moisture is likely to collect. 
If you notice any areas of soft or spongy wood, it may be time to replace the affected sections.
Insect Damage: Check for signs of insect activity, such as holes or tunnels in the wood. 
While cypress wood is naturally resistant to insects, monitoring for any potential pest problems is still essential.
Applying Protective Finish
Applying a protective finish to your cypress post and rail fence helps to shield it from environmental damage and prolong its lifespan. Here’s how to do it:
Choose the Right Product: For cypress or similar woods, select a high-quality wood sealant or outdoor wood preservative. Look for products that offer UV protection and water resistance.
Preparation: Ensure the fence is clean and completely dry before applying any finish. This helps the product adhere properly and provides better protection.
Application: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for applying the finish. Typically, this involves using a brush or roller to apply a thin, even coat. 
Make sure to cover all surfaces, including the top and bottom of the rails and posts.
Drying Time: Allow the finish to dry completely before exposing the fence to moisture or heavy use. 
This ensures that the protective layer is fully set and will provide optimal protection.
Reapplication: Depending on the product and environmental conditions, you may need to reapply the finish every 1-3 years. 
Regular reapplication helps maintain the fence’s protective barrier.
Seasonal Maintenance Tips
Maintaining your rail fence throughout the year ensures it remains in top condition. Here are some seasonal tips:
Inspect for Winter Damage: Look for any damage caused by winter weather, such as cracks or shifts in the fence alignment.
Reapply Finish: Spring is a good time to reapply a protective finish, as the weather is typically mild and dry.
Monitor for Insects: Warm weather can increase insect activity. Check for signs of pests and apply insect repellent if necessary.
Trim Vegetation: Ensure that plants or vines are not growing onto or around the fence, which can trap moisture and cause damage.
Clear Debris: Remove fallen leaves and other debris from the fence to prevent moisture buildup and potential mould growth.
Prepare for Winter: Ensure the fence is in good condition before winter onset. Make any necessary repairs to prevent damage from snow and ice.
Prevent Snow Accumulation: Do not let snow pile up against the fence, as the weight can cause damage. Gently remove snow if it accumulates.
Check for Ice Damage: Look for any ice damage or freezing issues, particularly around the base of the posts.
Enhancing Longevity with Proper Installation
Proper installation is critical for the long-term success of your rail fence. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Post Installation: Ensure that posts are set securely in the ground, ideally with concrete footings. This helps prevent shifting and instability.
Rail Installation: Ensure that the rails are properly fastened to the posts and that all connections are secure. Loose or poorly installed rails can lead to structural problems.
Professional Help: Consider hiring a professional for complex installations or repairs. Proper installation from the start can prevent many maintenance issues down the line.
Maintaining your cypress post and rail fence is essential to ensuring its durability and beauty over time. 
Regular cleaning, inspections, protective treatments, and seasonal care all contribute to the fence’s longevity. 
By following these guidelines, you can keep your cypress post-and-rail fence looking great and performing well for many years to come. 
Enjoy the charm and functionality of your fence, knowing that it will continue to enhance your property with the right maintenance. Source: https://thewoodprojectaus.blogspot.com/2024/09/how-to-maintain-your-cypress-post-and.html
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findxbuy · 28 days
Cypress 50ml
Latin Name : Cupressus Sempervirens.Part Of Plant Used : Needles & TwigsSource : Spain.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Cypress Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Italian or Mediterranean cypress. The oil is taken from the needles and twigs of young branches of these trees made famous by the paintings of Van Gogh. Cypress essential oil is said to calm strong…
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