#v; bird set free
fvrsaeken · 1 year
" OPEN. THIS. FUCKING. DOOR. " (to Judith from Shane)
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Judith was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling when she heard Shane start banging on the door. "Go away." It was quiet, definitely not loud enough for him to hear, her eyes filling with tears as she rolled onto her side, pulling her blanket tighter around herself. He was still standing there, she could tell. She didn't hear the creak of the floorboards which either meant suddenly he could float or he hadn't moved and she doubted the former was possible. "I don't wanna talk about it Shane." She sniffed.
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When still, the floorboards didn't creak, Judith pushed herself out of bed and walked over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open before moving back to sit on her bed, knees pulled to her chest. "At least you can't say you taught me better than to lock my door or whatever." She mumbled, biting the inside of her cheek as she felt fresh tears spring to her eyes. "Or are you here to lecture me too? I can give you the same speech? Maybe a little different, but the same gist I guess."
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Judith looked up at Shane, the whites of her eyes turned red as she watched him walk into her room. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I just... I try so hard and I still feel like I failed." She shook her head. "What did I do wrong? I did everything I could. I followed the rules, I stayed inside the lines, I did everything and he still..." She couldn't even finish her sentence as she tried, and failed, to stop the sob that passed her lips.
She wasn't sure how much everyone knew about the fight she'd had with her dad, but she was sure that everyone knew how hard she'd worked her whole life. "Did I really let him down?"
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lilcheeseburgerbirb · 7 months
((tag drop 2
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darlingdekarios · 2 years
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 6,152 content: Arthur Morgan x f!reader, animal hunting mentions, cannon-accurate outlaw behavior, cowboy meet cute, Arthur Morgan is a simp, snowed in, fluff, smut [v fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie, cockwarming], kink(s) [spit as lube]
it was like fate insisted on the two of you colliding.
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The first time you’d met Arthur Morgan was a lovely March night in New Hanover, opportunities abound as the hustle and bustle of life was at its highest point of the year, the weather the most tolerable for moving about. Returning from an evening of fishing now that the water wasn’t frozen in some areas and sketching birds by the river when he stumbled across a lone figure boarding train – well after midnight. He followed on horseback under the cover of trees in anticipation, joined by your own horse shortly after. He followed alongside with a hold of the strange horse’s reins until the train came to a stop. 
He'd strained to hear you, considered boarding after you to clean up any straggling guards – it wasn’t his business, so he didn’t – but curiosity held him close. When the sound of police approaching quickly began you emerged to the top of the train, looking around desperately for your horse. Temporarily frozen when the moonlight caught your face and confirmed to the man that you were a woman, he recovered just in time to spring into action.
It had been Arthur who had led your horse to you and instructed you to follow. It was Arthur’s path that led you away from the law and eventually far enough away to be free of their hunting.
“Are you some kinda lunatic, lady?” he questioned when the two of you slowed side-by-side under the cover of thick trees, his face hard-set and stern. “You coulda gotten yourself tossed away for a long time back there.”
“I didn’t, though,” you laughed, and despite the feeling that burned in him that he couldn’t quite place as anger or worry Arthur’s stomach flipped at the sound and the way your laugh reached your eyes. You adjusted your hat with a playful smile on your lips, keeping the reins to your horse in one hand. 
“Thanks to me,” he asserted, the stress causing him to light up a cigarette and adjust his hat. His eyes caught your gaze and you held it, appreciating his handsome features for a moment as your smile twisted wider.
“I would’ve figured it out, cowboy – you can be sure of that.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I’ve seen your face on ‘wanted’ posters, Mr. Morgan,” you proclaimed, tone proud as you called him on his identity. He took another drag from his cigarette before leaning forward comfortably in his saddle, outstretching a hand toward you. 
“Arthur,” he offered, amusement flashing across his features when you shook his hand firmly. “And I’ve seen yours, too. What is it they call you…?”
“The Panther,” you replied, that proud tone ever-present in your voice. “A nice tribute to my best hunt.”
His poker face was too well-trained to reveal that he was impressed – that he was intrigued.
“Well next time you go thinkin’ of doing something so goddamn stupid like rob a train at midnight alone,” he began, gruff voice filled with frustration as he attempted to present his unamused façade. “You could invoke that particular nickname and be a little more subtle.”
The second time was just as circumstantial. It was July – the heat sweltering, the air sticky, the fireflies sparkling in fields at night. You’d been riding for days, hunting gators in the swamps for weeks and now headed back to a more familiar area where you felt more at home. Just past Emerald Ranch you’d spotted him on the road ahead – his hat unmistakable and burned into your mind, his horse giving away his identity to anyone who knew it. 
There was no questioning if he’d want your company – you didn’t even give it a thought. Instead, you’d hastened your own horse to catch up with him.
“Where ya headed, cowboy?” you questioned as you approached from behind, adjusting your hat back on your head to offer more of your face to him. Your voice immediately sent a shiver down his spine, the barely-there smile crossing his features unmissed by you.
Four months trying to remember your face and voice hadn’t done it any justice.
“Valentine,” he replied, slowing his horse’s stride to match yours. The two of you set a lazy pace, in no real hurry to get anywhere. “You following me now, cat?”
“Like I ain’t got better things to do, Mr. Morgan?” you joked, nose scrunching as you smiled. The Summer sun had done beautiful things for your color, he noted. “Give you $50 and shine your guns if you can beat me there.”
“Are you tryin’ to race me?” he questioned with a subtle laugh, raising an eyebrow in your direction.
“Won’t be much of a race, cowboy.”
He let out a real, genuine, albeit short laugh at that. The sound filled the air around you, made birds vacate trees. Your heart soared away alongside them.
“And what is it you want if you win?”
“A nice bottle of whisky,” you replied after a brief moment of thought, reaching your hand to rub your horse’s neck gently. Arthur had forgotten how gentle your hands were with everything they touched – the rediscovery lighting up his mind. “And a hot meal at your camp.”
“Can’t promise the gang’ll let you eat at camp without drinking, too.”
“Which is why I asked for a bottle of whisky,” you remarked, that shit-eating grin he was starting to love spreading on your face again. “Do we have a deal?”
“Hope your horse is fast enough to back up that mouth of yours,” he quipped back, intentionally antagonizing you as he started to pick up the speed slightly. “Or that you’ve got plenty of gun oil.”
You shot forward then, the dust of the road kicking up behind you as you left Arthur behind on a road you both knew well. In reality he could’ve caught you – could’ve even won if he’d pushed his horse hard enough – but the sound of your laughter in the cool evening air was reason enough to lose. 
It wasn’t a surprise when you crossed over into the town first.
“You cheated,” he argued as he approached, allowing his horse to slow to a reasonable speed for being around other people. “Got a head start. Doesn’t count.”
“You’re just a sore loser.”
“Maybe I am,” he replied, reaching up to remove his hat to resituate his wind-blown hair. You were momentarily transfixed on his fingers running through the strands that looked soft – maybe in need of a wash but soft nonetheless – but quickly wished he’d left it messy. “Weren’t mean you didn’t get a head start, cat.”
“Oh, like a couple steps mattered,” you entered an easy banter with him, just like the two of you had done in the Spring. He’d missed it – hadn’t realized how much he had until then. “Coulda given you a five-minute head start and still would’ve beat you and that slowpoke horse you ride.”
“Anybody ever tell you you’re difficult?” 
“Heard it a couple times,” there was that smile again – the nose crinkling one. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep his thoughts to himself with you smiling that way – at him. You jumped down from your stallion and hitched him with ease, feeding the massive animal a small snack in appreciation of his efforts. “I can compromise. I buy the whisky, but I still get a hot meal at your camp.”
He pondered your proposal only briefly before nodding, letting out an affirmative huff in agreeance. “I’ll meet you at the butcher when you’re done.”
You gave your horse a gentle pat and nodded, turning back to meet his gaze. “Sell that fox pelt I have up on Scratch, will ya?”
Easy. Simple. Honest. Sensible. Arthur loved having you around camp that night – and the night after when you’d been convinced to stay again by the women – though it was hardly just them that enjoyed your company. You’d made easy companions in the camp with your sharp tongue and ability to hold your alcohol. You had plenty of stories to share with Arthur’s chosen family – each one of them genuinely interesting to the gang.
Everyone knew the fact Arthur had brought you around meant you were a good person. The beauty was a bonus, he’d been informed in privacy. He’d only told Sean to shut his mouth in response. Arthur slept by the fire that night so you could sleep in his cot, and if anyone else in the gang saw the way he’d sat up for at least an hour with his eyes transfixed on your sleeping figure in his bed. 
It was Fall, October to be exact, the next time he heard from you – this time you had taken fate into your own hands to seek out his company. He was certain he’d never be able to dispose the letter you’d penned and sent to his camp.
Dear Arthur, Kinda strange to call you “dear”, huh?  Anyway, I have a job comin’ up in Saint Denis that involves me boarding a train quite late at night and remembering our conversation earlier this year I thought I may ask you to join.  Job is planned for the night of October 18, the Saturday after next. I’ll meet you the Friday before at the saloon in Van Horn if you plan on joining me.  I do hope you join me.  Hope that gang of yours isn’t being too rough on you. 
He arrived in Van Horn a day early and rented himself a room – and a bath – so he was prepared for the meeting. He was in the saloon before you, his chest clenching as you walked in through the swinging doors. 
You’d taken a page from his book and clearly bathed recently as well, and you were dressed for the first time in front of him in feminine attire. The sight of you in a skirt shouldn’t have affected him the way it did – it was embarrassing for a man his age. It didn’t prevent the pressure building at his waist, nor did it stop him from speaking his mind.
“You had to wear that damn skirt, didn’t ya?” he questioned when you joined him, a smile spreading across your face. It was hardly a gentlemanly way to greet you, but then again, he was hardly a gentleman. “Knew what you were doin’ puttin’ that on with me coming in today…”
“You complained so much about the pants last time I figured I’d save myself the headache,” you replied, sliding into a chair next to him and crossing your legs for emphasis. “You don’t like it?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, kitten,” he’d practically purred – a new tone between the two of you. There was no denying that you wanted to hear it more, and you nearly chose to forget the real reason you were now sitting beside him. 
“I need to look the part tomorrow for the job,” you replied quickly, eager to squash the tension now building between the two of you, unwilling to allow the job to go forgotten. There was too much money at stake. “Have to board a real nice train when it leaves out of Saint Denis tomorrow night. There’s a safe onboard I’d like to get my hands into.”
“Can’t just rob it the old-fashioned way?”
“Someone didn’t like the last time I did that,” you teased, feeling pleased with the smile it earned. “Figured I’d board and crack the safe.”
“Why you need me then?”
“Need someone to play my husband and keep watch while I’m workin’ on the safe.”
“Your husband,” he huffed out with another laugh, a brief shake to his head. The term had always been silly to him, just as silly as the idea of marriage was to you as a whole, really – and yet, there was no denying the clench in both of your chests at the mere thought. The imaginary suggestion manifested in brief images of domesticity, the vision of you sleeping in his cot in July flashing in his mind. 
You didn’t miss the slight redness to his cheeks, he didn’t miss how your smile fluttered into something laced with affection. For all your joking demeanor, it was still clear that there was some secretive sincerity beneath the surface – that you cared for Arthur. And on Arthur’s part, well…he wouldn’t ride across the country to work for just anyone.
“Yes,” you replied when you’d pulled yourself from the depths of his eyes. “A woman travelling with her husband is far less likely to draw attention than if I were alone.”
You thought there would be some protest, though if you’d seen even a fraction of the thoughts Arthur had conjured up in the preceding months you’d never have to question it. To you what seemed to be him conceding was actually the outlaw taking a step he’d long considered taking with you the next chance he got. 
Arthur just wanted to spend time with you – there were probably very few things he’d say no to right now in regard to you. He wouldn’t go admitting that out loud anytime soon either. 
“Fine, I’ll go along with your little plan. Only so you don’t go gettin’ yourself arrested.”
“Great!” you exclaimed, the brightness that covered your face blinding but serving as confirmation that he was making the right choice. The money he was sure to get would be a bonus, too. “I got you a wedding ring. Looks like it’ll fit. You can sell it when the job’s done, as a thank you.”
“You get it off a dead body?”
“He didn’t need it anymore.”
There was that goddamn feeling in his chest again. 
This was the fourth time destiny had crossed your path with Arthur Morgan’s. 
Now, the ring still lay in the outside pouch of his satchel, the cool metal brushing against the tips of his calloused fingers often daily in a physical reminder of you. Today, feeling the pull of being apart from you for four months now and into the new year, he’d been clutching the metal in his gloved hands as he led his horse through the far North. Seeking the solitary bliss of being alone in the mountains for the winter, he had opted to simply ride and camp, sketching in his journal and enjoying the snow dusted scenery. Arthur’s plan was soon thwarted as a snowstorm began to roll in.
He'd been riding along the same worn path to make his way down the mountain when he noticed horse tracks leading into the thick forest – a horse, by the look of it, with no reemergence to be seen. Opting to do the honorable thing, Arthur pursued the trail, weaving through trees atop his own horse until he came to a small clearing where you were setting predator bait.
He didn’t know the kind of words to describe the way he felt seeing you right in front of him.
“Are you some kinda lunatic, cat?” 
If he had a way with words, he’d tell you that your smile was brighter than the sun itself – fleeting shooting stars, the North Star when he’s lost. 
“That’s not the first time you’ve asked me that question, Mister Morgan,” you replied, standing up and patting your horse as your gaze remained transfixed on him now. Even at this distance you could see the blue in his coat had electrified his eyes, the tone a perfect match for the world around you. You found it hard to form any further rebuttal. 
“Won’t be the last either, given you’re doing something fucking crazy every time I see you,” he teased, finally giving into the natural ease he felt with you. The light air between the two of you had finally lulled him into a sense of comfort around you – he was willing to admit he was concerned, in his own way. “There’s a storm rollin’ in. You trying to freeze to death?”
“Trying to hunt a white wolf,” you replied, glancing back at the bait you’d just set and adjusting the bow you held in your hands, an arrow already grasped between two fingers. 
Fuckin’ hell, Arthur thought. ‘Course that’s what you’re out here doing.
“You ain’t gonna be hunting much of anything when you turn into an icicle,” he replied, hopeful that you would understand his taunting was coming from a place of concern – not control. “You got Scratch nearby?”
“I suppose you’re right,” you smiled, slipping the arrow back into the quiver on your back and whistling to call your horse back to you. You mounted up on the animal easily, Arthur taking the moment to appreciate how languid your movements were – how graceful. His eyes lingered at your waist for a moment longer than was decent.
“If I remember right there’s a cabin just up the road. Been empty the last few times I rode by,” he explained, his words offering more than just a place to shield from the freeze. 
Arthur wanted to spend time with you. You’d truly have to be a lunatic to think otherwise.
“Lead the way, cowboy.”
The snow picked up as the two of you rode side-by-side, both of your horses slowing as the powder piled up, creating heavier footsteps. While Arthur spoke to his horse beside you to soothe her through the storm, you could feel his eyes consistently on you despite the painful whip of flakes against his unshielded cheeks.
What could have been a short ride in the summer extended in the weather, and by the time the cabin approached view you had begun to shiver – something Arthur took note of. When he climbed from his horse he unrolled the blanket on the back of his saddle, passing it up to you before grabbing his shotgun. 
“I’ll check inside, you try not to shiver s’much you fall off your horse.”
He disappeared into the cabin, your mind focusing on the sounds of him moving about rather the piling snow that was sure to trap you for days. Keeping yourself wrapped in his blanket provided the additional comfort of his lingering scent, and you found yourself clutching the fabric tighter and tighter as the moments passed.
“This’ll be fine ‘til the storm’s passed,” he announced as he exited through the doors, voice raised so you could hear him over the wind. “You go on in while I get some firewood and hitch the horses.”
“I can help, you know,” you offered, eyebrows pulling together to communicate your frustration. 
“Would you stop your arguing for once and go inside out of this shit?”
By the time Arthur made his way in from the storm you’d used what wood remained in the cabin to start a fire, the flames warming the air around it quickly. The mattress was considerably dirty and out of the question, so you were validated in the decision to carry in your bedrolls and blankets, having set them up comfortably in front of the fire. 
His heavy boots sounded on the floor as he approached where you sat on the floor from behind, and while you couldn’t see him, you could feel his eyes on you. 
“Already got a fire going?”
“Uh huh,” you replied, noting the subtle shake to his voice. Arthur was strong, but he was human, and he was cold. The fact that he not only was willing to but insisted on suffering for you caused a knot to form in your stomach. “Got some whisky if you need help warming up.”
He simply grunted affirmatively in reply, setting the stack of wood carefully to the side and picking out the driest pieces to tend the fire with now. You tempted to hand the bottle out to him, the liquid going ignored as he began to peel off layer by layer, tossing the soaked clothing to the side lazily with little regard for how they ended up. Normally you’d have stood to hang the clothes, but you found yourself spellbound by the way Arthur’s muscles flexed with each movement under the simple wet damp button up shirt – the last remaining layer.
When he was somewhat comfortable, he turned to face you, eyes flashing with amusement as he took the bottle from your fingers. You were certain your mouth was hanging open and he’d caught you. At the moment, you could hardly bring yourself to care.
Hours passed as the two of you got warm and caught up over the last few weeks. You sat opposite one another, both wrapped in your own blankets and full of enough whisky to ignore the storm outside – to ignore everything but one another. Arthur hadn’t missed that most of your clothes lie neatly folded atop the countertop. The thought was repeating in his mind – the heavy question of what exactly remained under the blanket haunting him. 
He couldn’t be blamed for not being a good listener. 
“Arthur, are you even listenin’ to me?”
“Not a fuckin’ word,” he replied with one more small swig of whisky from the bottle, setting it well out of the way to the side. “Stop fuckin’ doin’ that if you want me to listen.”
“Doing what?”
You knew damn well what.
“Lookin’ at me like you want me to come crawl on top of you.”
Why on Earth would you ever stop doing that? 
Your mouth was going to drive him to insanity one day. He wasn’t going to do a single thing about it.
“Did you just tell me ‘No’?” 
“Yeah, Arthur, I surely did,” you replied, quick and agile as you were on your feet. He was beginning to think you may only talk to hm this way, and that thought alone was enough to make him want to reach out to you. “Hoping you take the hint.”
The blanket he’d been using for himself was discarded to the side, your words finally snapping the thin thread of control that remained in him. He extended one arm outward toward the floor to support himself, outstretching his legs to be situated in a more comfortable position before his eyes found yours again. 
“Come on over here,” his invitation came thick as molasses and dripping just as sweet, his free hand patting his right thigh to give his words deeper meaning. “Bring the blanket.”
Arthur had finally figured out how to get you to stop arguing and basked in the glory of the moment as you crawled to him carefully, finding a comfortable seat in his lap as you straddled his thighs. He savored the view as you wrapped your arms around his neck, encompassing you both with the blanket, your face illuminated by the golden glow of the well-tended fire – beautiful, warm, inviting. 
He was more than happy to finally accept. 
“Are you gonna kiss me, Arthur?”
He knew you were trying to sound resolute as you always did – firm and demanding and impossible to deny. While those things lingered – he doubted they could ever truly be gone from you – what really laced your words was the quietest of whines. He sat up fully, bringing his torso closer to yours and grasping your hips in both hands, all the while your heart beating faster and faster in anticipation.
When you opened your mouth to let your protest be known again, he took his opportunity to claim your lips in a long-awaited kiss, the feeling of his lips caressing yours sucking the air from your chest immediately. He opted to slide his hands to your lower back to bring you in closer, pressing your chests together as he kissed you hungrily. Touch starved and overwhelmed by the feeling of you returning his kiss with soft lips he sought more of your skin, sliding his hands up the back of the loose blouse you remained in. 
“Clothes are still wet,” he grumbled against your lips, displeased by the cool touch to your skin that remained. You scrambled to reinitiate the kiss, your lips catching his bottom lip as a whine slipped through your lips. A quiet chuckle rumbled through his chest as he nuzzled your cheek with his nose. 
“Take them off, then,” you breathed out, bowing your head to press a delicate kiss to his neck. His own breath caught, arms wrapping tighter around you – almost too tight, almost too crushing. You made no move to stop him as you began to test the best places to leave your kisses, spurring him to release his hold on you to start peeling the last layers from both of you. 
Your lips brushed against the shell of his ear when all that remained were intimate coverings, a shaky groan rolling through his chest. His hands engulfed you, sliding up your torso until he cupped your breasts, dipping his head to claim your lips again. 
That kiss was hungry – starved – clumsy in ways that screamed of desperation. His thumbs rubbed over your nipples lightly, a smile evident on his lips despite the fact he continued to kiss you as a moan slipped from your throat. It spiraled from there, both of your hands exploring, your fingers the best thing he’d felt against his skin in a long time. As the pressure built heavier at your waist his hands trailed lower, one stopping to grasp your waist, the other slipping into the waistband of your underwear. 
He'd never heard music that sounded as good as the sound of the moan that left you as his thick fingers swiped through your wet folds, an appreciative hum shaking in his throat as you burrowed your face in his neck. 
“You’re already soaked for me, darlin’,” he rasped, his voice getting lower and lower with each word. He began to sink his index finger into you, grasping your hip tighter in his other hand. “Fuckin’ tight, too. Hell.”
“Aw, hush,” he cooed, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple as he curled his finger inside you, pulling a quiet whimper from you. “No point tryin’ to talk right now, darlin’ – just lemme take care of ya.”
He could take his sweet time, Arthur Morgan. He was a patient man, especially when it came to you, and never more-so than now as he began to work his finger in and out of your clenching heat. He added a second finger soon, pressing the heel of his hand to your clit to give you more pressure, which you gladly accepted by rocking your hips into it. 
As he pumped his fingers into you he began to trail kisses lower, the kisses growing heavier and wetter the further down he went. By the time he nipped at your hip with his teeth lightly you were breathless, eyes squeezed shut as you lost yourself to pleasure. He kissed across your waistline as he pulled your underwear down, smiling against your skin lightly when you kicked them free with frustrated fervor. 
Nothing up to this point compared to the feeling of Arthur sliding his tongue from his fingers to your clit, giving the sensitive bundle of nerves a soft suck. He repeated the motion as you struggled to even moan, your hands grasping at the blankets now on the floor beneath you as you tried to rock your hips into his face desperately.
“Easy, now,” Arthur reprimanded with quiet reverence behind his words, turning his head to press a kiss to your inner thigh softly. “I’m takin’ my time with you, don’t rush me.”
You finally opened your eyes, ready to give him an earful about being a tease, only to be frozen once again faced with the sight of Arthur, golden illuminated by the fire and somehow still wearing his hat tipped back on his head. You maintained eye contact with him as you reached forward with your hands, removing the hat with one hand and placing it on your own head as your fingers ran through his hair, giving a soft tug at the end. 
The growl vibrated through him and you as he connected his lips to your clit, pumping his fingers into you and connecting the tips, curling them skillfully to rub against the sensitive patch deep within you as he sucked your clit. All the while he maintained eye contact, even when he removed his mouth from you with one final flick of his tongue, just as he removed his fingers from you. 
“Arthur…” you whimpered in protest, tugging his hair again to try to bring him back to your needy core.
“Hush,” he instructed tenderly, slipping his hands under your ass and grasping firmly to lift your waist from the floor. He soaked in the view of your glistening folds at this angle and tested how it looked to watch one of his fingers slip into you before removing it, licking his lips again. “You are a pretty little thing, ain’t ya?”
Your reply was sucked from your chest and altered into a cry of pleasure as he spit on your folds, smearing the liquid around before connecting his thumb to your clit, rubbing a figure eight. Supporting your raised hips still with one hand he continued to rub your clit, now using his tongue to fuck into you rather than his fingers, tasting you how he’d wanted to for nearly a year now.
The pressure continued to build and boil, eventually reaching a point of eruption – all the usual signs there with your shaking thighs, shorter and desperate breaths, your nails scratching against his temple as you gripped whatever you could. Arthur figured it was a previously unknown bonus to him keeping his hair a little on the longer side. He groaned to encourage you, switching his movements to pump his fingers into you again, circling your clit with his tongue until you became incendiary, your first orgasm washing through you with white hot heat.
He continued to lap at your folds as you came, removing his tongue from you occasionally only to kiss your thighs and mutter tender praises as you came back down to your body. When you had some sense about yourself, he was crawling back up you, pressing kisses to your stomach and breasts before he reached your lips, offering you a taste of your own honey sweet pleasure on his tongue.
When the adoration filled amorous kiss ended so Arthur could breathe you began to trail kisses down his neck again, following a trail to his chest before his index finger caught under your chin, lifting you back up to him, cerulean eyes questioning.
“Your turn,” you offered, slipping one of your hands into the waistband of his underwear and wrapping your fingers around his throbbing cock slowly. Running your finger over the velvet head you smeared the pre-spend leaking already, biting at your swollen bottom lip when he moaned. 
“Not tonight, sweet thing,” he declined, his hesitation clear in his voice. You began to rub him gently – slowly – too damn slow – causing his eyes to roll back briefly. “You wrap these lips around me, and I won’t last long enough t’ fuck you.”
You didn’t truly know what you were begging for – for him to test himself and allow you to take his already throbbing cock into your mouth or for him to follow through on that promise to fuck you. Luckily, Arthur seemed to know exactly what your words were asking for – what you needed. 
He reached to remove your hand from his cock gently, freeing himself of his underwear before he gently moved you to your side, lying beside you with his back to the fire to shield you from getting too much heat, to ensure you didn’t get hurt. One arm wrapped around your waist while the other slid to cup your cheek in his hand, bringing you in closer to him as he kissed you again. 
As much fun as he’d been having teasing, he was done with the games now, and could no longer find the patience. He reached to lift your leg around his waist before grasping his cock, rubbing against your still-soaked entrance for a moment to gather some lubrication before he sank into you. Inch by inch disappeared into your velvet channel, the kiss practically halting as you gasped. He leaned his forehead against yours instead, grasping your waist gently as he continued to slip into you.
“Atta fuckin’ girl,” he breathed out. The large hand that still cupped your cheek slipped downward to rest against your neck instead, his fingertips digging into your skin in attempt to steady himself, to savor your pulse beneath his touch. “Takin’ me so good. You doin’ okay?”
You nodded as you stared into his eyes, pupils blown wide and mouth hanging open already at the feeling of him stretching you, almost too full but not something you’d be willing to give up anytime soon. When he’d fully seated himself within you, his cock buried to the hilt he released a shaky groan of his own, his eyes briefly closing as he savored the feeling of being wrapped up in you.
“Goddamn you’re tight,” he groaned out, pressing several light kisses to your lips before grinding his hips into yours slightly. “Shoulda crawled ‘tween your legs months ago.”
“Would…ah…woulda let you,” you managed to reply, pressing your lips to his in an unabashedly salacious kiss, already perfecting how to slot your lips against his in a way that left him craving more. He couldn’t hold back his movements any longer and began to pump into you repeatedly, setting a wanton and quick pace that somehow managed to remain tender and reverent.
He could only be tender for so long, desperation and months of waiting and yearning building in him. His movements began to get sloppy sooner than he’d have liked, though he felt better when your walls began to flutter and clench around him, your thigh shaking around his hip slightly. He picked up his pace to a much more relentless one, driving his cock into you and into your spongy cervix repeatedly as his grunts became more frequent, pressing kisses to your neck now.
“Want you to finish while I’m inside you,” he instructed, though there was something so subtly desperate behind his words – a quiet beg that only someone who knew him would recognize. “Think you can do that for me, darlin’?”
You nodded before leaning your head back again, quiet cries leaving your lips as he connected his thumb to your clit again, immediately choosing a relentless pace to rub in circles. You were almost certain you’d do anything he asked and soon enough you were pushed over the edge again, your walls clenching him so tight he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to remove himself. He did his best to continue pumping into you roughly now as he sought his own release, certain you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. Like you’d need to, anyway. 
“F-fill me up, Arthur,” you begged unexpectedly through your euphoria, and he didn’t need anything else to convince him. With only a few more bruising thrusts he stilled inside you as he emptied his seed in hot ropes into you, groaning loudly as he lazily leaned his forehead to yours again, his own eyes screwed shut.
He didn’t remove himself from you when you’d both ridden your orgasms, instead holding you close and reaching to cover the two of you in one of the blankets that was on the floor. He wrapped his arms around you tightly to hold you closer to him, slipping one of his legs between yours for additional comfort and warmth. Still semi-hard with plenty of stamina to offer you couldn’t ignore the feeling of him seated in you still, buried as deep as possible as he brushed his nose against yours. 
“Be a whole lot warmer this way,” he offered, giving a subtle move of his hips to emphasize the meaning behind his words. He pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose before reaching upward to kiss your forehead, leaving his lips resting there. He was right – you did finally feel warm.
“Mm,” was all you could reply, laying your head against his shoulders and closing your eyes, burrowing your face into his neck. He smiled as you managed to press lazy kisses into his neck before wrapping your arms around him as well. 
“Think I’ll keep you here all winter,” he offered after several blissful moments, his head leaning to rest on the top of yours as his own eyes closed. He pressed one final kiss to your temple before succumbing to the comfort of you fully.
“Always knew you were a big teddy bear, Arthur,” you teased. How you managed to run your mouth still after he’d fucked you right was beyond him – but it was also probably a reason he’d want to keep fucking you.
“We’ll call it hibernation, then.”
masterlist. red dead redemption masterlist.
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ma-yawntu · 4 months
mine, all mine.
╰┈➤ masterlist.
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– To be loved is to be seen.
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: Being the oldest daughter of the Olo'eytkan and the tsakarem meant you had a lot of weight on your shoulders. You had to be perfect, well-behaved and set an example for your clan, so sneaking out wasn't exactly checking any of those boxes. You also had to pick a mate and honestly, you couldn't think of anything worse– and to you, he was no exception.
word count: 18.5k so far
themes: fluff, angst, warrior!reader, tsakarem!reader, (no use of y/n)
warnings: mentions of guns, weapons (bow, staff, spear, blade, etc.), occasional swearing, mentions of injury, blood, etc.
a/n: this series is still in the works! i already know how the story will progress but please feel free to let me know your thoughts <3
main masterlist | guidelines | series playlist
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i. paradigm now playing... home by good neighbours
ii. paradise now playing... saturn by sza
iii. fare well now playing... birds of a feather by billie eilish
iv. divine now playing... learning 037 by sandy crow
v. bad idea now playing... wait a minute! by willow
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series taglist
@s0urw00lf, @peqch-pie, @lavzxx, @quaint-and-curious-being, @rivatar, @msblacklupin, @ineedmentalhelp123, @erenjaegerwifee, @ravenxx88, @alicetweven, @lomlspidey, @sakuxxi, @carolineesnell, @bxtchboy69, @purple-imaginess
send an ask or comment to be added!
359 notes · View notes
jediavengers · 9 months
I know you’re in love with him
WARNINGS: Smut, p in v, choking, oral (f recieving), dirty talk, dom!anakin, sub!reader, unestablished relationship
Summary: Anakin find out a little too much when eavesdropping on Y/N and Padmé.
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"I can't thank you two enough for coming here on such short notice."
The sound of birds chirping and the feeling of the golden warm sun calmed both Anakin and Y/N, which made them kindly smile to the Senator in front of them.
"Of course, Padme. Anything for a friend." Y/N pulled Padme into a embrace. Anakin stood back, letting the two reunite.
As they pulled away, Padme politely nodded to Anakin. "I'm sorry to pull you away from more pressing duties, but it seems like my life is on the line yet again."
"Don't apologize." Y/N insisted. "Besides, we'd both rather be on Naboo for a few weeks then be fighting in the war. It's exhausting."
Anakin nodded in agreement. "It's kind of like a vacation for us."
Padme smiled at them both. "I'm glad you guys have some downtime then. I doubt anyone is going to try to hurt me here, but they just wanted someone to stay with me until the threat is caught." After a few more minutes of catching up, Padme began to lead them inside.
Y/N and Anakin had been to her lake house before, but the beauty of the interior still didn't fail to make them both look around in awe.
"I'll show you to your room." Padme gestured for them to follow her, leading them down a long hallway. "Here."
Padme opened a large oak door, leading them inside. As they walked in, Y/N's jaw dropped at the sight. A beautiful four poster king sized bed sat on one end of the room, and on the other end was a living space. An attached bathroom with two large doors that were wide open was on one wall, and Y/N could see the large jacuzzi that was implanted in the floor.
Even though it was glorious, her mind was on one thing. There was only one bed. Anakin's mind had drifted there too, obvious confusion and concern adorning his features.
"Padme, it's beautiful but.. There's only one bed." Anakin spoke, setting down his and Y/N's bags on the ground.
"Sorry about that, but I wanted to make sure you guys got the best room of the house." Padme smiled excitedly. "It's almost as nice as the master. I figured since you two have had a lot going on, as well as the fact that i'm taking you away from more pressing matters, you would enjoy a nice room like this."
"I love it- i really do, but um.. would it be possible for me to stay in a separate room?" Y/N asked.
"Do you not like it?" Padme frowned, sadly looking around at her decor.
Anakin shook his head quickly. "No, no, we both love it. It's just, one bed and there two of us."
"It's a king sized bed, i'm sure you'll have plenty of your own space." Padme smirked, causing Y/N to furrow her eyebrows. "Well, feel free to get unpacked. I'm going to go check if the chef has started on dinner yet." Padme gave no time for interjections, leaving the two Jedi alone.
Padme shut the door behind her, causing Y/N and Anakin to awkwardly stare at each other for a couple moments. Eventually, Y/N turned away, walking over to what she assumed was a closet. She began to unpack her clothes, hanging her robes and other pieces of clothing up. She left her panties and bras in her bag, figuring it would be better to hide them away.
"I'm sorry." Anakin spoke.
Y/N confusedly turned to him, furrowing her eye brows. "Sorry? For what?" She questioned, zipping up her bag.
"For having to share a room." Anakin shrugged. "I mean, it's not ideal. I'll try not to hog the bed."
"No, it's okay." Y/N turned back around, placing her bag in the closet. "We're best friends, it's not that big of a deal."
Y/N had gone to spend some girl time with Padme a few hours ago after dinner, leaving Anakin to have some time for himself. He was nervous, but honestly excited, about sharing a bed with Y/N so he took some time to calm his nerves.
After leaving them alone for a while, he figured he could give them some company. Stepping out of his room, he began to walk to Padmés room.
As he approached her room, he heard their voices through the door.
"God, I just wish there were some suitable men." Padme groaned. Anakin could hear shuffling through the cracked door, making him flinch and back away a few steps.
"I know there's someone out there for you, Mae. What's your type? Maybe I could hook you up with someone." Y/N suggested, chuckling at the finish of her sentence.
"You? Set me up with someone? I'm sorry, Y/N/N, but you're a Jedi. You don't know many men who are on the market." Padme replied.
"I guess you're right. Anyways, so tell me, what is your type?" Y/N asked again. Anakin could hear a heavy sigh and then a groan.
"I guess.. I like guys with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Tall, obviously. Oh and I don't like super sensitive men. Like grow up, ya know?" Padme ranted, making Y/N laugh.
Anakin furrowed his eyebrows at the last comment, but continued listening.
"What about you, Y/N? What's your type?" Padme questioned.
"I don't have a type." Y/N answered.
"Come on, Y/N/N. Even though you're not allowed to have attachments you can still think guys are hot." Padme teased, making Y/N giggle. "Come on girl, tell me."
"Fine. I guess.. Blonde curly hair. But not platinum blonde, more like a dirty blonde. Blue eyes.. Tall, muscular but not beefy. And ambition is really attractive. Loyalty and bravery. Oh and I love a man who's dominant." Y/N rambled, making a light blush appear on Anakin's cheeks.
"For someone who isn't supposed to have attachments and doesn't have a 'type', it sounds like you're describing a certain someone down to every small detail." Padme giggled. Anakin leaned against the wall, trying to hear them better. His heart fluttered followed by his stomach twisting.
Anakin heard a thump and then a soft groan, followed by Y/N huffing. "I have no clue what you're talking about."
"Don't hit me! And of course you don't." Padme teased. "It's not like you just described Anakin almost perfectly. The one thing you're forgetting about him is that he's a big baby. I don't know how you can handle being around him that often. He's such a whiner!" Anakin frowned deeply, folding his arms across his chest.
"Hey!" Y/N snapped. "First of all, don't say that. He's just sensitive. Second of all, I was not describing Anakin!"
Padme let out a loud cackle, another thump and groan sounded after a moment. "I said that to get a rise out of you. And save it, Y/N I know you're in love with him."
Anakin's heart rate quickened, and he couldn't help but smile softly.
"Love? Seriously? If anything I just think he'd be good in bed." Y/N snorted. "I've had casual hookups before with no attachment, so thinking he's attractive isn't against the code."
"Whatever you say." Padme answered. "All I know is that friends don't look at friends that way."
There was a few moments of silence, causing Anakin to assume the conversation was over. Just as he was about to walk away, Padme began to speak again.
"You know, I'd bet if you asked him to fuck you he probably would."
"Padme!" Y/N scolded. "What's the matter with you?"
Loud giggles erupted and Anakin couldn't help but smirk. "Even though I wouldn't mind getting laid, I couldn't do that. Especially not with him. The council would flip if they knew two of their Jedi fucked each other, not to mention the fact that he's the chosen one and all."
"I guess." Padme whispered. "Good thing you're not on Coruscant right now.. No one would know."
"Mae, you can be such a bad influence, I swear." Y/N's tone of voice was irritated. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm never having sex with Anakin, as much as I'd like to." Anakin's eyes widened at the last statement, and he could feel his pants become uncomfortable as his mind began to wander.
"So you admit it! You do want him!"
"Fine. Yes. But even though I may feel something for him, I could never act on it." Y/N softly replied.
"At least you get to share a bed."
"Yeah, about that, what the hell were you thinking? Putting us in a room together?" Y/N shouted.
"Quiet down, unless you want Anakin to hear us." Padme whisper screamed. "I told you why I did it. I did it so you guys could have the nicest suite."
"Cut the bullshit, Ms. Matchmaker. I know for a fact every room in this damn house is nicer than any bedroom i've ever had." Y/N replied.
"Fine. You guys just needed a little shove, okay? You both are stubborn and would never admit to your feelings, so why not help out a little?" Padme reasoned. "Come on, just admit it. You know you like sharing a bed with him."
After a few more minutes of eavesdropping, Anakin backed away. Heading back to their shared room, he closed the door and began to nervously pace.
It wasn't long after that Y/N had entered, oblivious of Anakin's newfound knowledge. As she walked in, Anakin stopped pacing, facing her with his brows furrowed.
"You good?" She rose her brows, heading over to the closet.
"Yes! I- i mean yes." Anakin's voice was high pitched at first, but he quickly deepened it.
"Uh- alright." Y/N grabbed her pajamas, walking to the bathroom. "I'm going to get changed."
Y/N braided her soft Y/H/C hair, the thick locks falling over her shoulder. She slipped on her pajamas, the less revealing pair that she brought. She thought she would be having her own room, so most of her pajamas consisted of either satin nighties or thin and very revealing night dresses. She did pack one less suggestive pair of pajamas, which was a matching button up and shorts. It was black with small pink hearts adorning it. The trim was a matching pink, and the shorts had a satin bow.
She felt childish, but they sure were comfortable. After Y/N finished getting ready to sleep, she took a breath and exited the bathroom.
She internally groaned when she saw Anakin laying on the bed. He was under the duvet, but she could see his upper half which was bare. He had his flesh arm draped over his eyes, not noticing that she had come out of the bathroom.
Y/N stayed quiet, walking over to the closet and placing her dirty clothes in a hamper that was provided.
"Aw, your pajamas have little hearts on them!" Anakin laughed, causing Y/N to turn back so she could glare at him.
"Shut up." She rolled her eyes, walking over to the bed. She slipped under the covers, giving them a good amount of personal space. "At least i'm not shirtless."
"Hey, I don't like to sleep with one on. It's uncomfortable." Anakin defended, which made her furrow her eye brows and shoot him a glare.
Y/N's irritated demeanor was definitely from the conversation her and Padmé had earlier. Her sexual frustration as she well as the fact that Padmé called her out for her obvious feelings for Anakin made her on edge. Especially since these feelings had been building for years and this is the first time someone had called her out for it.
After a few moments of silence, she felt the bed shift, which caused her to glance over at Anakin. His expression was unreadable, but the fact that he was slowly inching towards her made her swallow nervously.
"What did you and Padme talk about?" He asked in a sing song voice. He was now right next to her, laying on his stomach with his chin resting in his hands.
"Girl stuff." She shortly replied, furrowing her eyebrows at his weird behavior. Slightly uncomfortable since she was in fact talking about him with Padme, she picked at her nails.
"Girl stuff? Like the guys you want to fuck?"
Y/N's head shot up to look at him. His head was still in his hands and he had a goofy grin on his face. "I have no clue what you're talking about." She looked back down at her hands, resuming the picking she was doing to her cuticles.
"That's not what I heard." He sang, sitting up. Y/N dead panned, looking up to meet his blue eyes. "Are you seriously going to make me say it outright? i heard you, Y/N. I heard that you want to fuck me."
"Uhhhh-" Y/N shot out of the bed, her heart racing. She wasn't one to face her problems, she usually avoided them.
"Hey! Where are you going!?" Anakin shouted, standing up as well.
"What? Sorry can't hear you!" Y/N croaked, rushing to the door. Guess she'd be sleeping in Padmé's room tonight.
But right before she could leave, Anakin grasped her wrist and spun her around so they were now facing each other. His face was no longer teasing, but now it was serious.
"Come on, Y/N/N. We need to talk about this." He spoke, furrowing his eyebrows.
"There's nothing to talk about, Anakin. You invaded my privacy. I wasn't going to say anything to you for a reason." Y/N snapped, glaring up at him.
"Why not?" He conveniently ignored the invasion of privacy comment, making Y/N roll her eyes. "Why weren't you going to say anything?" He was still gripping her wrist which made Y/N nervously swallow.
"We're not having this conversation. Now let me go." Y/N sternly spoke, looking up into Anakin's blue eyes. She could feel her self control slipping.
"No, you don't just get to act like you didn't say what you said. You can't leave me hanging." Anakin pleaded.
"You invaded my privacy, you twat. You found out something I wanted no one to know. You and l both know we're not supposed to have attachments so i'm not-"
"Fuck the code. I don't care." His voice was deadly, which made Y/N freeze and gulp nervously. "I've been controlling myself for years now. I haven't done or said anything because I wasn't going to do that to you. Not if you didn't feel the same. But, fuck, you do feel the same and now I can't not have you."
"What are you saying?" Y/N whispered, searching his cerulean eyes.
"I'm saying that I not only want to fuck you but I want you. Not just your body. I love you." His words were quiet and strained.
Y/N's eyes widened, and after a moment, all self control was gone. Their lips were smashed together perfectly, their bodies shoved against each other. Y/N was slammed against the wall, all sense of gentleness thrown out the window. 
Anakin's hands were gripping her hips and her hands were tangled in his curly blonde hair. Their kisses were quick and rough, teeth clashing and lips already growing sore from the desperate roughness.
"Need you." Anakin spoke in between kisses, his hands finding their way down to her ass and cupping it. He squeezed it firmly, making her whimper into his mouth.
"Then have me."
That gave him the permission to do what he's always wanted to do. He picked her up, their lip lock not breaking as he carried her over to the bed. He threw her onto the plush mattress, their kiss breaking momentarily.
He crawled on top of her, running his hands all over her body before smashing his lips back onto hers. Y/N swiped her tongue against his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He complied, letting their tongues meet in a messy battle of dominance.
Anakin's hand found her breast, squeezing it firmly through her shirt as he continued kissing her. He broke the lip lock, letting his kisses find their way to her neck. He wasn't being merciful. he immediately started harshly sucking on her sensitive skin, bruises sure to form.
Y/N arched her back a small amount as he found an extra sensitive spot, making Anakin smirk against her skin. His kisses traveled down until he let go completely, wetting his lips as his hands ran their way down to her shorts. Without wasting another second, he yanked her pajama shorts down, taking her underwear with them. He immediately spread her legs, taking in the sight of her dripping sex.
"Fuck." Anakin whispered. "So wet." He took his index finger and thumb, spreading apart her slick folds so he could have a better look at her soaked hole. "All for me?" He teased, not taking his eyes off of her tight cunt.
Y/N's cheeks burned red and she embarrassedly covered her face with her hands. "Ah ah ah," Anakin tutted. With his free hand he swatted her hands away. "Look at me when i'm touching you." Y/N took a shaky breath and looked back down at him, wetting her lips as her eyes met his. "Atta girl."
Without any foreplay or warning, Anakin shoved his face into her pussy, his lips attaching to her clit immediately. His vigor made Y/N arch her back and let out a loud moan.
She wasn't expecting him to touch her so roughly as quickly as he did, but Maker, did it feel good. "Anakin!" She cried out, making him pull away and give her a stern look.
"Gotta stay quiet for me, Angel." He purred, immediately attaching his lips back to her swollen clit.
Her moans were now soft and quiet, eager to listen to his demands. Anakin ran his tongue up and down her slick pussy, wanting her to feel every touch and every movement of his tongue. He slowly pushed one finger into her cunt, making her bite down on her fist to suppress the sounds she was so eager to release. As she arched her back, Anakin shoved his face harder into her pussy, quickening his pace so he could bring her to her orgasm.
He swiftly added another finger, pumping in and out of her hole with such ease and vigor that made her whole body tremble.
She was basically a mewling mess, which made Anakin smirk into her pussy. He could feel her walls clench around his fingers, signaling she must be close to her orgasm. He didn't stop his movements, he continued to desperately lap at her clit and dip his fingers in and out of her.
"Fuck! Ani- i'm so-" Y/N was too caught up in the pleasure to finish her words, instead, she bucked her hips up to his face, needing more.
Anakin knew what she wanted, so he harshly sucked at her clit and added a third finger, causing Y/N's back to arch so much that it began to hurt.
Anakin curled his fingers in her sopping cunt, brushing against her spongey g-spot she so desperately needed stimulated.
"Im-" She began to speak, but her impending orgasm interrupted her. Instead of finishing her words, her slick gushed all over Anakin's face and fingers. He didn't slow down his pace, causing her whole body to twitch and tremble in pleasure and overstimulation. "Oh- oh my g-god!" she whimpered as he eased her out of her orgasm.
He eventually pulled away, the lower half of his face completely soaked in her cum. He had a cheeky smirk on his face as he sucked her juices off of his fingers. Anakin wiped away her slick off of his chin with his bare arm, not taking his eyes off of her as he did so.
Her heart was pounding as he looked deep into her eyes, and as he slowly inched towards her so he was hovering over her, she felt small. Anakin smirked at her shyness, so to distract her, he began to unbutton her pajama shirt. He let it fall off her shoulders, exposing her skimpy black bra.
"For someone who wasn't expecting to get fucked, this sure is a slutty little thing." Anakin snapped her bra strap making Y/N shiver. She was still trembling from her orgasm, and couldn't help but whimper as she thought about how his cock would soon be buried into her cunt. Anakin unclipped her bra and groaned lowly as he saw her perky breasts, her nipples already hardened. She had goosebumps erupt on her body now that she was completely naked. "Tell me what you want." Anakin whispered, beginning to softly kiss her neck again. "Tell me."
"I-" Y/N shakily began. "I need you!" She whined.
"What do you need me to do, baby?" Anakin pulled away from her neck, grinning down at her. Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at his cockiness, but still gave in.
"Need you inside of me." She cried, huffing and tugging on the waistband of his sweatpants.
Anakin hummed. "Alright, if that's what you really want." He quickly pulled down his sweatpants, throwing them off to the side. He was left in black boxer briefs and Y/N could see the tent his length made through the material.
Making eye contact with her, he slowly pulled down his boxers, biting his lip as he saw her reaction. Y/N whimpered at the sight of his thick length, wondering how the fuck that would fit in her little hole.
"Don't you worry pretty girl, i'm gonna make that pretty little pussy feel so good." Anakin wrapped his large hand around his cock, pumping it a few times before he spread her legs again and rubbed it through her folds, still slick from her first orgasm. "All for me." He whispered under his breath.
Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist and bucked her hips, desperate to be filled. Anakin complied, slowly pushing his cock into her needy cunt.
"Fuck!" She threw her head back and let out a shaky breath, digging her fingernails into his back.
Anakin hissed at the feeling and continued to sink himself into her pussy. As he bottomed out, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. His gentleness soon subsided, him drawing his cock out of her tight hole and shoving it back in with a single thrust.
They formed a steady, rough rhythm, his cock stretching her walls out so much that her legs were shaking. One hand held himself up, sitting next to her head. He gripped the sheets, and with his other hand, he snuck it onto her neck. Squeezing her throat lightly, it made her roll her eyes back into her head from bliss.
"That's it," Anakin groaned, continuing to vigorously thrust into her cunt. Y/N could feel his cock touch every part of her, something that no man had ever truly fulfilled.
"A-Ani!" Y/N whined, digging her heels into his lower back.
"Shhh," Anakin bit down on her earlobe and gently squeezed her throat again. "Gotta stay quiet for me, pretty girl."
Y/N's mouth was wide open and she complied with his request, the sounds in her throat subsiding. Her boobs bounced as he continued to thrust into her, Anakin placing the hand that was once around her throat on her right boob. As he continued to pound her relentlessly, he kneaded and squeezed one of her breasts while he sucked and bit the other one.
Anakin spoke sweet nothings to her, pushing her towards her impending orgasm. It was beginning to grow nearly impossible for Y/N not to make any sounds, so she clasped one hand over her lips while the other tugged at Anakin's blonde curls.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good." Anakin purred, throwing his head back as he thrusted into her.
"Anakin- Anakin i'm so close!" She whined, closing her eyes and letting her lips part in heavenly bliss.
"Yeah? You're gonna cum for me? You're gonna cum on my cock?" Anakin chided, squeezing the boob that he was still kneading.
Y/N nodded vigorously, wrapping her arms around his neck and whimpering quietly. "I'm gonna- i'm gonna come, Ani!"
Her walls clenched harder around his cock, pushing him towards the edge. "Hold on baby, i'm almost there." He began to thrust harder and faster, making it so they could come undone together. "Okay pretty girl, cum on my cock."
Y/N arched her back and let out a pathetic whine, the walls of her cunt clenching around his fat cock. She felt herself gush all over his length just as spurts of his cum shot into her quivering pussy. "Oh my god-" She moaned, scratching her nails down his toned back.
"Fuck, yes," Anakin let out a small whimper which made Y/N cum even harder, loving the sounds he was making.
After they rode out their highs, Anakin pulled out and collapsed next to her, the both of them breathing heavily. He wasted no time pulling her close, wrapping his long arms around her trembling and sweaty figure.
Y/N hummed clinging onto him. Their sweaty skin stuck together and the smell of sex filled the air. It was quiet for a few moments before Y/N spoke up.
"What the fuck did we just do?" She whispered, burying her face in his neck. She was still slightly out of breath.
"We just fucked."
"Anakin, i'm serious." Y/N whined, slapping his chest. "We just broke about 20 different rules."
"I don't care." Anakin shrugged, pulling her closer and pressing a soft kiss on her sweaty forehead. "I love you, and i'm not going to let the code get in the way of that."
Y/N leaned up, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too."
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Playtime´s over (Viserys I Targaryen x servant!reader)
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synopsis: King Viserys calls you into his chambers for a favor.
warnings: DUB CON (power imbalance), age gap, very little plot, smut, oral (m recieving), p in v sex, unprotected sex
word count: 1.4k
A/N: This is technically my first smut in a while so please be nice. Also this can be read as a stand alone or as a prologue to my mini-series I could protect you
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You are sitting on a blanket with Aemond, a book on one thigh and the six year old Prince on the other. Enjoying the warmth of the late summer sun high in the sky from within the gardens, as you read the Prince a story of old Valyria. It was his favorite place in the entire keep, he had frequently told you, to which you let out a chuckle. Alicent had just recently scolded you for reading those cruel stories to a six year old, but Aemond would not stop pouting and huffing until he saw you pull out the book he wanted. In all fairness you think she is just overprotective of him. It is magnificent how such a ´well-behaved´ child could be so insistent and headstrong at the same time. You shake the thought with a smile. Even in his young age it is clear that Aemond has not many friends as it seems and you are happy to lend him some company whenever he asks. He is such a smart and kind child. You often feel sorry that he and his siblings each seem to share a deep interest with their father, yet the man could not be more uninterest in them. Your voice is quiet as to not interrupt the peace around  the two of you, barely heard over the singing birds in the trees and bushes around as a maid approaches you. Interrupting you mid-sentence.
“My apologies, Aemond. It seems like playtime is over for now.” You set the boy down so you can stand up.
“The king demands to see you.” The woman simply says. Her eyes are trained on you with a look of pity in them.
You thank her with a nod. Immediately you can feel the perspiration on your palms and close your eyes to take a deep breath, in the hopes it would make the wish to chew down your fingernails again.
“Are you in trouble?” You hear Aemonds calm but concerned voice behind you. He looked so serious for a child.
“No, of course not. What would possibly make you think that, little dragon?” You put on a smile for the boy again. He doesn´t need to see the nervousness in you at what comes next.
“Whenever my siblings or I talk to my father we get yelled at.” The statement makes you click your tongue in disapproval of the treatment these children experienced.
“Don´t worry, Aemond. I have to leave now, but if you wish to, we can continue our reading in the evening. Hm?” you pick up your tone in the hopes to cheer the young Prince up again. Even if only a bit.
“I would like that.” He gives you a smile back.
“Perfect. I will see you later then.” You make your way towards the Maegor´s holdfast as quickly as possible, without running. Wondering what it would be that he would ask of you today.
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Knocking quietly on the King´s chamber doors quietly you get called in in a matter of seconds. Viserys is sitting by his model, giving you some hope that today he had called you for something more innocent. You could not have been more wrong. Unknowing what his intentions for this meeting are, you stand by the closed door, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. You are sure you are not much older than the current queen, when rumors of her visits made their rounds through the castle´s staff.
“Your majesty called for me?” You bow your head in greeting.
“Yes. Come here.” The instruction comes in a calm tone and he doesn´t look up from his model.
“As you wish, your grace.” You go to kneel between his legs without any more words.
His leg muscles tense instantly under your touch as you let your hands rub over his thighs. Every stroke getting them closer to the hardness underneath the soft material of the clothing. Once your fingertips feel his manhood twitch, they waste no time to open the zipper to free his cock from its confines.
The two of you had done this countless times before. It never really got any easier, but you were always sure to find a present along with your moon tea. So, you start placing gentle kisses across his length, from the stones to the leaking tip. Which you grace with little kitten licks.
Viserys groans above you. One of his hands threading into your hair, tugging on it, at the roots. The action pulls a moan from your lips. You let his hand guide you. Your lips close around his shaft, taking him in as deep as possible without choking, hollowing out your cheeks to earn another groan. Viserys´ hand is not gentle as it guides your head up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm. He never had been. You don´t know why you still think it would change. His length twitches inside of your mouth. So you take him deeper, fastening the speed in which you bob your head up and down. It becomes harder to breath and you can feel your jaw starting to hurt slowly but surely. Then you here that moan and feel him twitch again. The telltale sign he is close to finishing. You pray for your knees that he comes quickly and start to play with his sac with the hand that isn´t wrapped around the base of his length.
Suddenly Viserys tugs at your hair again. Pulling you off him. You raise an eyebrow at him, but stay quiet.
“On the bed.” Comes his breathless instruction.
You follow it suit. Slipping the fine dress he had gifted you not too long ago over your head and rid yourself of your small clothes, before laying on your back in the middle of the mattress. Legs spread for him to see your cunny.
The corners of his parted lips go upwards with a huffed chuckle and you see the dilated pupils of those beautiful Targaryen typical lilac eyes travel downwards. Then with a deep inhale from both of your lungs he buries himself deep inside your tight heat. His breath fans over you face as he begins to move, but the way he ruts into your core is anything but romantic. It´s a cold way of satisfying his own needs without any regard for yours. A way to get rid of any stresses.
You make sure to hold on to his shoulders, gazing deeply into his eyes, that are focused on where he disappears inside of you. Soft and breathy whimpers fall from your mouth. Along with his huffs and hisses they are the only sounds in the room. The pace he sets at first is slow. Almost painfully so, with the lack of preparation, but when your hand finds its way between your legs to rub circles into the bundle of nerves sat atop of your cunt it gets easier. The motion sends sparks of pleasure through your body, the velvety walls fluttering around his cock. As a result Viserys picks up the pace with which he drives into you. The lewd sound of skin slapping on skin grows louder.
I doesn´t take long until you bring yourself to finish. Your walls tighten around him and in time with your shaking legs, you hear that telling groan from above you once more.
“Beg for me. Beg for my seed.” The kings breathless voice rings from over you and of course you oblige instantly.
“Please, my king. Spill yourself inside of me. Please give me your seed.” Your voice is high pitched and you look at him with the most needy look as your eyes meet.
With a few more rolls of his hips and a few more honey voiced pleas from your mouth, his forehead rests against your shoulder. You feel his finish paint your insides white, taking a few more breaths to calm down.
He is quick to pull his softening cock out of you and sit up at the edge of the bed, tugging himself into his pants to make himself presentable again. You do the same. Standing up to put your dress back on, with his seed dribbling down your thigh.
“Your majesty.” You curtsy once more when you are done. Closing the heavy door on your way out. Making your way through the corridors, to clean yourself up, before you returned to your proper tasks around the castle.
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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You’ve never been inside the famous club, The 141.
i. it's a new day, it's a new life
This isn’t where you expected to end up—stuck in some rundown motel with nothing but the clothes on your back.
ii. a collection of strangers (a series of secrets)
You can only describe them the same way you can the rest of the club’s workers—stunning.
iii. no proof except my silver tongue
You’ve never been to this side of town at night.
iv. the night was young (and so were we)
Surveying the competition turns out to be code for going on a club crawl and getting obscenely drunk.
v. she works hard for the money (so you better treat her right)
You don’t know what to expect from shopping with Valeria.
vi. would you give the devil this dance
You can’t let yourself be haunted by your past forever, and, unsure as you are, you know one thing to be true: You’ve never felt safer than you do around him.
vii. wise men say, only fools rush in
In the following weeks, you learn one very important thing: John Price is a relentless flirt.
viii. but i can't help failing in love with you
You don’t know how you feel as you kiss him. It’s a combination of emotions you haven’t felt in so long: relief, desire, comfort, joy. They all swirl together into the one emotion you’ve been chasing since your wedding. Safe.
ix. the rumor burned straight through the town (and as it grew, so did her vow)
Kyle doesn’t think much of you the day you first walk into the club.
x. everybody thought the truth had been caught (her reputation began to drown)
You haven’t looked at your wedding photo in years.
xi. screaming birds sound an awful lot like singing
Everything you’ve experienced in the past four months pales in comparison to how your heart shatters at this moment.
xii. it won't cost you much (just a single drop of blood)
Who knew rock bottom looked like standing before a wall of mirrors in a bespoke wedding gown?
xiii. little girl gone
You’re shocked into consciousness, startling awake in a pile of plush blankets and cloud-soft pillows.
xiv. nothing makes me weak now (you better run for your life)
The news of Price’s arrest—of your alleged murder—sends you into a state of shock.
xv. won't forgive what you did (i've never hurt anyone, now it's time)
They float somewhere between too compliant and too afraid, like they’re scared you may snap at any given moment. Whether they worry it’ll be in anger or anguish, you don’t know. Price is the worst of them all.
xvi. what you'll see is the worst me (I will ask you for mercy)
The nights are the hardest.
xvii. for if i'm going down i guess i'll take you with me
By the end of the week, the plan is set.
xviii. i'm free darlin' (i revenge, i revenge)
Your world is engulfed in fire and blood.
epilogue. it's a new dawn, a new day, a new life (and i'm feeling good)
The beginning of the rest of your life starts with a single, admittedly awkward, therapy appointment. 
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karma is a cat purring on my lap
The cat is a wretched creature made of a vicious hatred that could rival only the Devil himself.
my personal hcs for canary
canary's dresses
canary's wedding dresses
canary and adler headcanons
how the 141 makes their money
how the gangs run their businesses
random designer dress headcanons
alternate ending ideas
songs used for chapter titles
soap hcs + canary and price children hcs
canary + 141 age headcanons
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lychniis · 7 months
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⚘ ― EVENFALL ! ( valentines day event ).
( # )ㅤ evenfallㅤ —ㅤ twilight ; dusk. the period or the light from the sky between full night and sunrise or between sunset and full night.
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syn. a valentines day / white day event inspired by hozier lyrics ( and also seconding as my 1000 follower event i suppose XD ). feel free to drop by and select a prompt from the list below alongside a flower / genre. you could always opt for more flowers. however please note that minors are not allowed to request for / interact with nsfw works. please note that the maximum character limit is three.
this was more of a last minute bout of silliness, but i'd love to write some requests for you guys after supporting me and my bs for nearly two years now XD. so hey hey, my inbox is open to be raided! i'm currently taking this event for genshin impact and honkai star rail!
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prompts. the prompts and flowers available are listed below. you can request a single prompt + one of more flowers of your choice! you could also add some additional suggestions if you'd like, say a setting or an au or a scenario! requests close by the 20th of febuary. i'll start posting on white day, march 14th.
daisy — fluff.
hyacinth — angst.
tulip — crack / humor.
orchid — smut.
i. ❛ there’s nothing sweeter than my baby. ❜
ii. ❛ no grave can hold my body down, i’ll crawl home to her. ❜
iii. ❛ you knew who i was with every step that i ran to you. ❜
iv. ❛ some like to imagine. the dark caress of someone else. i guess any thrill will do. ❜
v. ❛ honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes. i feel like a person for a moment of my life. ❜
vi. ❛ i’d suffer hell if you’d tell me what you’d do to me tonight. ❜
vii. ❛ honey please, try to love me. my love will never die. ❜
viii. ❛ know that i would gladly be the icarus to your certainty, oh my sunlight. ❜
ix. ❛ you don’t understand, you should never know, how easy you are to need. ❜
x. ❛ idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on his sword. ❜
xi. ❛ honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips. ❜
xii. ❛ i'm so full of love I could barely eat. ❜
xiii. ❛ honey you're familiar, like my mirror years ago. ❜
xiv. ❛ i know who i am when i’m alone. i’m something else when i see you. ❜
xv. ❛ there’s something tragic about you. ❜
xvi. ❛ there’s nothing sweeter than my baby. ❜
xvii. ❛ still my heart is heavy with the hate of some other man’s beliefs. ❜
xviii. ❛ i’ve known the warmth of your doorways. through the cold, i’ll find my way back to you. ❜
xix. ❛ screaming the name of a foreigner's god, the purest expression of grief. ❜
xx. ❛ i couldn’t utter my love when it counted, but i’m singing like a bird about it now.
xxi. ❛ the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you. ❜
xxii. ❛ i’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. ❜
xxiii. ❛ i have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me. ❜
xxiv. ❛ honey please, try to love me. my love will never die. ❜
xxv. ❛ i had been lost to you, sunlight, and flew like a moth to you. ❜
xxvi. ❛ it’s not my arms that will fail me, but this world takes more strength than it gave me. ❜
xxvii. ❛ i need you to run to me, run until you feel your lungs bleeding. ❜
xxviii. ❛ i will not ask where you came from. i will not ask and neither should you. ❜
xxix. ❛ be still, my foolish heart. don't ruin this on me. ❜
xxx. ❛ honey, i wanna race you to the table, if you hesitate, the getting is gone. ❜
( all the dialog prompts presented here are taken from songs by hozier. i own none of them. )
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
bad decisions | jjk - series masterlist
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title credit: bad decisions - bts
pairing: bartender!jungkook x female reader | strangers-friends-lovers, fwb
it's simple: write your deepest darkest fears on origami birds and string them up on jungkook's ceiling. when they fall—which they inevitably will, thanks to his cheap daiso washi tape—you have to face the fear. set it free. the issue? you've a fear of intimacy. jungkook, a fear of rejection. and you've both got the capacity to make some incredibly bad decisions.
genre / tropes: smut, fluff, a lil angst, bartender!jk, student!jk, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers (?), fwb, deal arrangement, undefined relationship (they're just friends! just besties!!), miscommunication, idiots in love, emotional slow burn, bucket list (a.k.a. the birds) - see read more for warnings & authors note
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wordcount: 450k babbbbyyyy (on-going)
soundtrack: official | reader suggestions
start date: 2022.08.06
minors dni // originally posted to wattpad
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warnings: reader has a fear of emotional intimacy and uses physical intimacy as a substitute, jungkook has a deep-rooted fear of rejection. lots of drinking, lots of cursing, lots of bad decisions (every chapter includes at least (1)), jk and the oc have different styles of communication (woo miscommunication!!), a lot of past relationship trauma on both sides, jungkook is the sweetest angel baby ever, jin is kinda evil, jimin is a shit shag (and you have to experience it not once but twice!)
smut warnings: oc is a lil bratty, both switchy but jaykay definitely leads <3, fingering, oral (m & f), ass play, a looooot of titty sucking, cock warming, vaginal sex, sex toys (m & f), every position ever created, jaykay has a huge cawk <3, filming, lots of showering together, thigh riding, 69, squirting, panty sniffing (and sucking !), mutual masturbation, motel sex, endless orgasms, like, idek what else to add but there's more!! they just fuck a lot!! not my fault!! blame the birds!!
note from holly: i heard bad decisions once, ONCE, and knew i had to write about whiney jaykay and how fucking him would be a bad decision, but then it spiralled and now im 370k words deep into a fic about origami birds, glitter, and the way jungkook thinks he'll die every time he gets horny. of everything I've ever written it's hands down my favourite set of characters. jungkook is good in a way that he isn't in literally any of my other fics. i think it's my most well-received fic over on wp and it's just v v special to me. i hope u enjoy it!
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key: smut 💖 | holly's fave ✨ | reader fave* 🪩 | bird 🕊 | club 🍇 *as per my wp stats all chapters listed below are available on wp, and will eventually be linked here too.
BD #1 - Purple Starfuckers - 3.5k
🍇 | a disco ball walks into a bar...
BD #2 - Park Jimin - 3.2k
💖 | does it count if you don't finish?
BD #3 - Coffee - 2k
message request from justjk
BD #4 - The Gym - 4.1K
just wanted an excuse to write about gym rat jk tbh
BD #5 - The Bet - 6.6k
🍇🪩 | songs that remind you of the past, blissfully unaware you're laying the foundations of your future
BD #6 - Wishing - 6k
🍇| summer goes by in a technicolour haze
BD #7 - Sex With An Ex - 6k
✨| kim seokjin looks like an angel, loves like lucifer
BD #8 - Washi Tape - 8k
enter stage left: origami birds
BD #9 - White - 6k
✨🕊 | old, leering men at waterparks are gross. jungkook is not.
BD #10 - Blonde - 3.5k
in the wise words of maisie peters, there's nothing more frightening than a woman scorned and a box of bleach
BD #11 - Perry - 5.9k
🕊 | it's totally normal to shower with your friends
BD #12 - An Agreement -7.4k
💖🕊 | jungkook has to leave the room cause he gets way too hard (in a platonic way)
BD #13 - Work of Art - 11.8k
💖 🪩🕊 | you discover mirrors. jungkook discovers tits. learning is fun!
BD #14 - New Rules - 8k
💖 🪩🕊 | jungkook's got nice hands and he knows how to use them
BD #15 - Paper Planes
BD #16 - Overindulging
BD #17 - Jeon Jungkook
BD #18 - Cake
BD #19 - Send To All
BD #20 - Park Jimin... Again
BD #21 - Doing The 'Right' Thing
BD #22 - Listening To Jimin
BD #23 - Cherry Picking
BD #24 - Resolutions
BD #25 - January
BD #26 - January, Still
BD #27 - Keeping Quiet
BD #28 - Avoidance
BD #29 - 'Daddy'
BD #30 - Evaluating The Meaning of 'Home'
BD #31 - The Photo Booth
BD #32 - Question...?
BD #33 - Boundaries (Or Lack Thereof)
BD #34 - Speed Dating
BD #35 - Saying 'Please'
BD #36 - Denial
BD #37 - Faking It
BD #38 - Delaying The Inevitable
BD #39 - Rooms
BD #40 - Spinning Bottles
BD #41 - Locked Doors
BD #42 - Hitting Where It Hurts
Wattpad | AO3
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velvetyvoyage · 5 months
Hey there li'l fella!
sypnosis: how some of the bsd charecters react to you (their lover or s/o or spouse or whateva) gifting them a silly lil pet.
includes: fyodor, nikolai, dazai, kunikida
a/n: i honestly should have stopped after fyodor and nikolai but oh well.
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the following convo happens through text
->"Fedyaaaaaaaaa when r u coming home???"
"I'm pretty sure I'll be back late tonight. Why? Is there something wrong? or something you need me to get?"
"no no, i don need anything rn" "i just got you a lil something"
"oh? And what might that be?"
"no spoilers!"
"alright alright. I'll try come home as soon as i can"
"okieeeee" "get me ice cream on the way!"
"[insert ur fav ice cream/s]?"
the following happens in real time
-> you're kneeling down on the floor to admire the lil dark-grey furry friend with a white cotton hat in front of you when you hear someone opening the front door downstairs [don't ask me how ur able to hear a door opening downstairs, u just can. ok?]. assuming it's fyodor, you rush down the staircase.
"why are you awake at this hour?" he says, closing the freezer door.
"i was simply waiting for you" "come! i wanna show you something"
"alright, lead the way."
*Insert Time Skip*
"..." "soooooo, what do ya think?"
"Love, why'd you bring a rat into the house?" "says you" *insert a v big side eye from you to him*
"what's that supposed to mean?" "ohh nothing!"
"well... is this your pet now?" "our pet* " "guess what i named it?"
"what?" " i named him... Phyodor. p-h-y-o-d-o-r"
"Dear, doesn't that name ring a bell?" "oh what ever do you mean?" you say, very dramatically.
-> just stares at you like 🤨😐😑
-> "And what if i don't want to keep it?" "well, then I'll simply "donate" phyodor to a near by orphanage or something"
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the both of you were on a stroll outside and decided to sit down on a bench in a near by park
-> "y/nnnnnnnnnnn watcha got there?"
"a dove" "it's so... pretty" you say. as you were feeding a flock of doves, one of them perched up on your lap.
"i wanna take it home"
"QUIZZZ TIMEEEE" he shrieks twirling around. "QUESTION 1: why do you, y/n l/n wanna take it home!?"
"because it's pretty and i wanna admire it every day? but... i can't take it home"
"interesting answer!" "QUESTION TWOOO: why can't you take it home? what is stopping you?"
"you." "HUHHHHH!?!?" "even if i want a pet bird, i know damn well that you will set it free and also i don't want to confine it between bars." you say with a perseptive look on your face. "besides i don't really need a pet"
"ohh? why so" "cuz i have you to take care of?" *dramatic gasp* *flabbergasted*
"I! am not a pet!" "but i still have to take care of you" "hmp!" he says as he puffs his cheeks, shuts his eyes and turns his head the other side. (ur looking north (at the birdies), he's facing east)
"why would i admire a mere bird when i could admire you instead" you murmured, a pleasant smile playing on your face.
"what was that?" "oh nothing"
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-> why? just why would you give him a pet to take care of? he's one himself and you know it.
-> the poor thing... :(((
-> whatever the animal is, it'd probably take care of him instead.
*cough* @🍣 *cough*
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-> does he really need a pet? like cmon?
-> also if you're in a relationship with him, no matter how responsible or independent you are, he'd have to take care of you too.
-> goldfish. he'd have a goldfish
-> it's the most fitting tbh
-> it'd just be minding it's own business in its lil fish tank unlike a certain mackerel.
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the pics at the start were only for aesthetic (which failed but oh well) and is not at all relevant to the post.
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[the thicket of forest seemed endless as they hacked and pushed their way through the overgrowth, their heads casing surely scratched from the branches that hung low like day-old childrens party decorations. They were sure they saw a clearing in this direction before they entered the forest, a patch lined with trees and brush that they could rest before continuing their travels]
[just as it seemed like they'd be stuck wading through the greenery, the forest began to open up, trees lessening till they were met with a large pond; surely connecting to the river that resided a little ways away from the forest]
[they breathed a sigh of relief, (despite their lack of lungs) and found an adequate rock to sit on, setting their hiking gear beside it as they took a moment to rest their sore joints]
(imma try rp-ing Static in second person here- quick info: theyr about 6'8, theyr v irresponsible for hiking by themselves cuz their charge only lasts a day, and their pronouns *are* they/he/she but im just gonna use They/them for now so it doesnt get too confusing o7)
A bird like-hah sound came from behind the rock, a splash was heard as smth tried to jump into where the pond meets the river. A shrill yelp was heard. A rock that Static brushed off to the side landed on a Hadyid’s tail. Beautiful browns and dark greens make up the base of the colors, while the feathers were black to red and the main markings were the color of red wine. The other markings were either sage green, dark green, or shades of red.
After several shrill se-sr-sr and clicks, the Hadyid wasn’t able to get free and it hurt their tail trying. Small beads of blood leaked out of the soft skin and fur and left thin trails of blood down into the dirt. Several feathers lay to the side, they still shined in the light but now slightly dirty and very clearly not attached to the otter-like creature.
Its small head, with fur that was bright red to a off white color, lifted and saw the nearly 7 ft tall being and quickly curled back into a ball trying to hide. The feathered mane flared to hide the face and it quickly turned into a ball of feathers where the only way you can tell it’s still a creature is from the panicked breathing motions the tight ball was making.
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captain-hawks · 4 months
jean k + daddy kink? 😮‍💨
jean kirstein x f!reader
c: 18+, established relationship, daddy kink, fingering, p in v, spit kink
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You don’t really mean to say it.
Not the first time, anyway.
You’re standing at the stove early on a Saturday morning, flipping an egg and playfully bickering with Jean over something entirely nonsensical as he washes the dishes when the words just roll off of your tongue without any forethought, no real intention behind them—
“Alright, Daddy. Whatever you say.”
A loud shattering noise follows as the cup in Jean’s hand fumbles back into the soapy sink and splits into pieces. The moment is gone just as quickly as it came when you find yourself distracted by the bright red blood blossoming across the fresh cut down his thumb.
The second time, it’s a bit more deliberate, your lingering curiosity getting the better of you over dinner with friends. 
Connie’s groaning over his last failed date as Eren’s busy giving Jean grief—affectionately—for setting the bar too damn high as a boyfriend and making the rest of them look bad.  
(Maybe you’re a little spoiled.)
And when Jean doesn’t miss a beat, reaching over mid-conversation to refill your glass of water from the pitcher sitting in the middle of table before you even realize yourself that you’re out, you wink at Connie before you turn to Jean and say, “Thanks, Daddy.”
Jean chokes, and the gentle grip of his hand atop your thigh tightens a fraction.
The third time, you’re shamelessly ready to put your hypothesis to the test.
It’s far too early to be awake, not after the late night the two of you had, but the incessant chirping of the birds outside your window rouses you to the warm morning sunlight streaming in through the blinds.
Somehow, in the middle of the night, you ended up on top of Jean, who’s still currently dead to the world beneath you, brown locks mussed across the pillowcase, lips slightly parted. You go to roll off of him, but the hand he has splayed across your lower back holds you firmly in place, and it’s at that moment that he shifts slightly.
Just enough for you to feel the familiar outline of his erection pressing up into you.
You’re tired.
You’re very, extremely tired.
But Jean’s so goddamn hard, even in his sleep, and every nerve ending in your body is hypersensitive right now, the rush of arousal seeping through your veins nearly dizzying in your half-awake state.
He moves again, and your cunt throbs at the pressure of his rock hard cock, arousal soaking into your panties.
Running a hand through his hair, you press a kiss to his jaw and murmur, “Jean.”
He groans, unconsciously sliding his free hand up your t-shirt (his t-shirt), cupping one of your breasts. Still asleep.
“Jean,” you try again, tracing the curve of his jaw with your finger.
“Too early,” he murmurs back, idly flicking his thumb across one of your nipples, which instantly hardens under his touch.
Your breath hitches in your throat, and you can’t help but rock your hips a little, a near-silent whine leaving your lips at the spark of pleasure when your clit drags along his length.
“Twenty more minutes,” Jean mumbles, hand sliding down to cup your ass.
And that’s when you say it, lips pressed to the shell of Jean’s ear—
“Don’t you wanna fuck me, Daddy?”
It’s instantaneous, the way Jean’s entire body tenses beneath you, and both of his hands are suddenly grasping your hips, holding you tight against him. 
He’s so fucking hard.
His eyes are dark as you look down at him, heart pounding in your chest, and his voice is low and rough as he rasps, “Say that again.”
You bite your lower lip, cocking your head to the side as the corner of your mouth turns upward in a coy smile. “Daddy.”
Jean inhales sharply, nostrils flaring, and his fingertips dig into your waist. He stares at you, waiting.
“I want you to fuck me, Daddy,” you whisper, enunciating the last word slowly.
Between one breath and the next, the mattress groans in protest as Jean flips you over, making quick work of your damp underwear. 
“You’re a brat,” he mutters with a small smile, the expression growing wider as your entire body arches upward when he effortlessly slips a thick finger into your sopping wet pussy.
“That’s not what you said last night,” you pout, slowly running your tongue along your bottom lip, and Jean clicks his own tongue against his teeth as he clocks the movement. 
Jean leans in, lips hovering over yours as he murmurs darkly, “What? You want Daddy to tell you you’re a good girl?”
His words drip down your spine like molasses, and you forget how to breathe for a section, every muscle in your body pulled taut in the throes of arousal.
Jean slides another finger into your cunt, your walls greedily accepting the added stretch, and fuck you’re so ridiculously wet, the squelching noise that accompanies it is downright obscene.
You nod frantically. 
“Then open for me,” he rasps into a chaste kiss, dragging a thumb down your bottom lip while he steadily pumps his fingers in and out of you.
You part your lips, and Jean spits in your mouth.
A slick, rapid wave of pleasure tears through your body as you swallow his saliva and moan, Jean groaning in satisfaction as he watches you come on his fingers without warning.
“Good girl,” he exhales roughly, one hand cupping your face as he captures your lips in a filthy kiss. A string of saliva hangs between your mouths when he pulls back to repeat, “Good fucking girl.”
Your fingers fumble below his waist, a gasping little whine leaving you, and Jean’s quick to oblige, thrusting his cock deep into your needy, waiting hole in one stroke. 
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shittyassffblog · 1 year
Free Bird - Part 2
Y'all are so nice I might actually cry! here's part 2 for you babes <3 hope you like it! <3
p.s. those who commented, you're so nice!!! this is a secondary blog so I can't reply to them but I love you!!! I'm gonna tag you guys so you see it <3
@veronicaphoenix @des-si-re @seungcheol17daddy
Warnings: p in v sex, use of Y/N, oral both male and female
You sighed deep, a feeling of sadness weighed heavy in your chest as you reached for your phone on the bedside table. It was 11:22 and you groaned. You considered texting Noah where he was or if you guys were okay, but decided against it and opened tiktok.
You had been swiping for about 5 minutes when suddenly your door opened and Noah came into your room with a plate full of pancakes.
“Morning sleepyhead.” He said smiling as he set down the plate on your desk, pulling the syrup and two forks out of his pockets. You sat up, making sure you pulled the blanket up to cover your chest.
“M-morning.” You said, your voice cracking a little from the sleepy condition. He looked at you a little funny.
“Whats wrong?” He asked, sitting down on the bed next to you. You avoided his eyes. He nudged you and made a humming noise to urge you to tell him.
“I thought you had left.” You said almost a whisper, looking down into your lap.
“Why would I do that?” Noah asked and you shrugged.
“Did you think I would just fuck you and leave?” He asked and you shrugged again. You felt a sense of relief that he was still here, but you felt bad that you had thought that about him.
“I guess I was just feeling a little sad about the thought that you might not be here or maybe if you regretted what we did or something.” You said, trailing off as you reached the end of your sentence. You heard him sigh.
"I don't regret it, do you?" He asked and you shook your head, still not meeting his eyes, but smiling.
"Good. Now can we eat the pancakes I just spent 40 minutes making for you?" He asked and you looked at him and smiled while nodding with your whole body.
You sat in your bed enjoying the pancakes in silence as you watched whatever anime Noah was obsessed with lately. After about an hour, both your plates discarded on the floor, you found yourself looking between the screen and Noahs hand. The episode you were watching ended and you decided to go pee. You were still not wearing anything under the covers so you were looking around to try and find a shirt to wear. The closest to you was Noahs hoodie so you put it on, trying as hard as you could to do it without flashing yourself.
"You're trying very hard to cover something I saw mere hours ago you know." Noah said. You looked back at him.
"Doesn't mean you get to see it again, perv." You mocked and stood up. Had you looked back you would've seen Noahs eyes following your ass and his lips formed to a slight smirk as you walked out of your room. While you were in the bathroom you decided to have a shower and wash your hair. You were busy singing along to what was playing on your phone when you heard a knock on the door.
"Yeah?" You asked, assuming it was Noah.
"Can I come in?" He asked and you hesitated, but said yes. You heard the door open and close as you washed the soap out of your hair. He didn't really say anything.
"What's up Noah?" You asked.
"Well I was just thinking uhh...What are you doing today?" He asked and you hummed.
"Well I was gonna run some errands but they aren't super important. Why?" You said, reaching outside the shower curtain for your towel. He rushed to get it for you and you thanked him.
"Well I was just thinking maybe we could hang out?" He said, looking at you as you got out of the shower with the towel around you.
"Yeah sure, you don't have practice today?" You asked and he shook his head.
"No, it's a rest day for the voice. The others are practicing but they don't need me for that. They know what they're doing." Noah said and you smiled.
"Alright well what do you wanna do?" You asked as you applied your moisturiser to your face, and then started to walk out of the bathroom, Noah following you closely.
"Well I was thinking of going to get ice cream at the beach then going to the mall and maybe have lunch?" Noah suggested and you nodded as you walked into your room again.
"Sure we can do that. Can we go to target too?" You asked hopefully and he laughed.
"Of course sweets. Now get dressed so we can go!" He said and you chuckled.
"Well turn around then, I'm naked under here!" You retorted and he pretended to look over his non-existent glasses.
"Do you think I only wanted to see you naked last night? I wasn't kidding when I said we had to do it again." He said, willing his eyebrows. You laughed at that.
"Alright well it's still weird to have you staring at me while I get dressed!" You said and he sighed.
"Fine, I'll turn around. But hurry!" He said as he turned around and crossed his arms across his chest. You started looking for underwear and a t-shirt, putting them on and hanging your towel over your chair. As you turned around again to find more clothes you saw Noah sat on your bed, sporting a hard-on. You looked at it, then at him.
"Really?" You asked and he shrugged. You walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around you.
"It's what you do to me." He said and you chuckled, moving some of your hair out of the way. You leaned down and kissed him. His fingers dug into your skin as the kiss deepened and you heard him trying to stifle a groan. You moaned into his mouth and he moved his hand to your thighs, pulling so you straddled him. You squealed at that and he chuckled.
"Thought we agreed to only do this once." You said as you kissed his lips a few times. He smiled without letting his eyes leave your lips and shrugged yet again.
"Well, plans change. Who knew you were this good in bed." He said and you laughed, throwing your head back. He took this opportunity to kiss your neck, leaving littles bites down the sides. You could feel his erection growing between you and it made your pussy throb.
"Noah..." You said and he hummed.
"Noah do it again." You asked and you hoped he knew what you were referring to. He looked up at you and you looked down at him. You stayed like that for a few seconds until suddenly he grabbed your hips and threw you down on the bed and pulled down your underwear. You squealed a little laugh as he kissed down your stomach, hurrying himself down to your pussy and spread your legs.
"I've wanted to taste this pussy again since last night you have no idea. So good for me." He murmured and you sighed as you felt his lips grace your clit. He tool at good look at your heat, smiling to himself as he used his thumb to spread your lips apart.
"So pretty baby. So perfect for me." Noah said and you giggled a little. He chuckled and started licking from your hole to your clit, sucking on it lightly and going back to your hole. You moaned loudly and twirled your hand into his hair, tugging slightly when it felt especially nice.
"Oh Noah." You sighed and his grip on your outer thighs tightened. Your orgasm was approaching quickly, and so your grip on his hair got tighter, the tugs for vicious and his tongue faster. He moved one hand to rub your clit as his tongue fucked you and you rocked your hips in the rhythm of his tongue. Your moans got louder and louder until the pressure in your abdomen exploded and you came all over his tongue. He had a satisfied smirk on his face as you came down, his hand on your clit slowed down and he licked your pussy clean of your release.
"God you taste so good baby." Noah said as he rubbed your thighs, helping you come down from your high. You hummed, it was the only thing you could do right now. You felt him move as he removed himself from you and laid beside you, his legs falling off the end pod the bed. You looked at him and smiled.
"That was absolutely amazing Noah." You complimented and he laughed.
"No biggie sweetheart." He said and began fiddling with his belt buckle.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you sat up on your elbow. He looked back at you.
"Well I need to come too, is that okay?" He asked and you smirked.
"Let me help you with that." You said as you lowered yourself down to your knees on the floor.
"Oh you don't need to do that." Noah said but you were determined.
"But I want to. Can I?" You asked and he gulped as he nodded. He lifted his hips to help you get off his shorts and underwear and his hard cock sprang free. You couldn't help but smile. He was so big, you had seen it last night, but seeing it up close like this really was intimidating. You grabbed a hold of the base of his cock, giving it a few pumps and started licking from the base to the tip, incasing the head in your mouth.
"Oh fuck Y/N." Noah moaned and you took more of him into your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down this shaft, each time you came to the top you licked over his slit and his hand grabbed your hair, guiding you further down, but not so much that you gagged. He was really big, so you couldn't take all of him, but he seemed to enjoy himself either way.
"God, you're so good at this." Noah said which prompted you to more eagerly suck down his cock. You tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum and pulled off his dick. You stood up and Noah had a confused look on his face.
"Just gonna get a condom." You said hurriedly and ran out to the kitchen. You cursed yourself for not putting them in your beside table, but you hurried back to you room. As soon as you got into the room, you felt yourself being pushed up against the door.
"Next time don't take so long." Noah growled in your ear as he grabbed your thighs and wrapped them around his body and leaned you against the door. He kissed you deep, and you wrapped you arms around his neck, the condom still in your hand.
"I really won't" You said between kisses and he chuckled. He began kissing down your neck as you opened the condom and when it was free from its packaging you pulled yourself slightly away from Noah to reach in between you and rolled it onto his hard cock. Before long he was guiding his dick inside you and relished in the feeling of your pussy stretching around him.
"Fuck yes baby. Missed this pussy." He said and you laughed a little between moans.
"It's been less than 12 hours." You said and he bottomed out inside you. He looked into your eyes.
"That's 11 hours too long." He said and you both laughed lightly. "You ready?"
"Mhm." You said as you nodded and he pulled out of you slightly, then back in again. He kept a slow pace, almost too slow for your liking but it felt so good. You were on cloud nine, enjoying the feeling of him filling you up and making you feel good. He suddenly moved you to your dresser, sitting you neatly on top and you leaned back as he starting fucking you ruthlessly.
"Oh Noah fuck, yes right there, fuck right there, yes!" You yelled and he stayed in the exact position, not changing a single thing and you almost couldn't contain yourself, trying to grab anything you could. It felt like you were floating away, the feeling of his hands grabbing your hips with such a force you were sure it would leave bruises almost too much and soon you felt your orgasm coming, building bigger and bigger until one of his hands went to your clit, rubbing fast and in circular motions. You came with a scream of his name, your moans slowing down as did his hand and hips. You leaned up to kiss him, lips and tongues melting together in the sloppiest kiss you've had since you were a teenager.
"Fuck that was so good, holy shit." You said as you pulled away, and you swelled in surprise when he pulled out of you and guided you over to the office chair by your computer desk. He gently turned you and pushed you down onto the chair, then pushed his dick back inside of you.
"Oh I'm not done with you quite yet sweetheart." He murmured in your ear and you smiled as you looked back at him. His tattooed hands grabbed your hips and ass firmly as he set a fast and wonderful pace, not too rough as you were still sensitive, but not too slow either. You heard him groan and pant as he rocked his hips into you. After a while you could feel his thrusts become less controlled and you knew he was close to coming. You turned as much as you could to catch Noahs eyes and he slowed down a little.
"Fuck my pussy Noah, use it, please." You said and a loud growl left his lips as he sped up the pace by a lot, truly taking you for your word. He pounded into you and you grabbed the back of your chair as he kept abusing the spot inside that had you melting.
"This what you wanted huh babe? Wanted me to use your hole like this huh?" Noah asked and you tried to reply but the feeling of his dick on your spot was too much so you settled for a simple nod and fast 'uh huh's. You second orgasm was approaching fast and the tightening on your hips indicated that it was the same for Noah. You tightened your pussy to drag it out of him and with one last pound into your pussy he came into the condom. Your hand shot down to your clit to join him as fast as you could and you moaned loudly as you came on his dick. His hips slowed down and his hands let your hips go, running up and down your waist.
He grabbed the base of his dick to hold onto the condom and pulled out of you slowly as you hissed. He discarded the condom in the trash can beside your desk and then guided you back to the bed. He laid beside you and pulled you close.
"You know, I don't think I've ever felt this way when having sex before." You uttered and he looked at you.
"What do you mean?" He asked as he leaned on his hand, his other arm still thrown across your body.
"Well I've never felt this good before. Never had someone take care of my pleasure like this. It's really nice." You said and he looked down at your tits and started playing with one of them.
"Well that's how to always should be. If it's not like that it's not worth it." Noah said and you smiled. Who knew fucking your best friend would teach you so much?
"We should get up if we're gonna make the plans you made for us." You said and he nodded. He kissed your nose as he got up to get dressed. He gave you your clothes and you put them on, then went to find some pants you could wear. You realised Noah probably hadn't changed his clothes since yesterday.
"Do you wanna go by your place to get some fresh clothes before we go?" You asked and he nodded, smelling under his arm and making a face. You laughed.
"C'mon, I'll drive." You said as you left your apartment. He slapped your ass for good measure and you jumped little, you both giggling as you went out the door.
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shattersstar · 1 year
A possessive kiss in the rain for Alucard (Castlevania) and reader
First time ever requesting! I love your writing and your series on alucard! Feel free to make a whole new thing or to even ignore this,no pressure! Thank you!
possessive kiss in the rain + adrian tepes x vampire!reader
a/n: did i use this as an excuse to include striga? yeah of course <33 but tyyy for the request along with ur kind words im v honoured 😌 and sorry for taking forever with this i did have a lot of fun writing it tho so i hope u enjoy!!
It was quiet, the sun setting around an hour ago and it was still quiet. Quiet when you climbed out of the caravan to find Sypha and Trevor building a fire, quiet when you took a seat against a tree—the speaker not too far behind, even quieter when Adrian made his way back to camp, finding the magician laying her head in your lap while you stared into the flames. Both the men in your company grumbled at the sight, though Trevor had long dozed off against a tree of his own, while Adrian beckoned you with his eyes. You rose without warning Sypha, she yelped and scolded your manners as she rose to dust herself off. Her words went over your head, you offered a half glance over your shoulder in response, but tensed at the sound of her calling Adrian’s name—his other name.
Alucard rolled off her tongue as easily as all the other humans who dubbed him so. You did your best not to roll your eyes at the title, brushing past the half vampire who bid goodbye to the humans you traveled with.
You both moved silently, the ambient scape of the forest filled the air—branches snapped and leaves crunched in the distance as birds sang above and insects trilled below. You had stayed hidden amongst the trees, but followed parallel to the path that led to a cattle village nearby. And if the horde moved as you all predicted, they were likely to pass over soon. A buffet of beef would surely bring them calling, but it was still too quiet. Animals should have scattered when the wind chilled, bringing the scent of rot and decay. The sky also had not clouded over with the mass of the night creatures, the moonlight still slit through the trees and danced on your skin.
Adrian’s pointed silence didn’t help, but you were too caught up in where the night creatures were to dwell on it. It was not like them to wait so long to show themselves, the sun had set over an hour ago now—maybe they were not here yet.
You were simply ahead of schedule, you settled on, wondering if Adrian had decided the same. You were going to ask him about the silence, about the calm—yet he seemed anything, but calm. When you glanced over your shoulder you could see the emotions swirling in his golden eyes, contemplating and consuming him. “Are you okay?” You asked suddenly, your voice was the loudest thing within miles it seemed.
“Sypha’s quite taken with you.” Adrian replied, and your brows shot up your face. You stayed quiet for sometime in front of the dhampir, trying to understand the root of his statement. Perhaps the question within it. Sypha’a affection and interest towards you was what he had been stewing on?
Was it…jealousy?
No. “She has never been around our kind before and now she has two wells of knowledge. It's the speaker side of her—the only side of her.” You sounded defensive, and you hated it, over a century alive on this earth and still unable to hide yourself from those feelings. The ones Adrian brought out in you with a simple stare.
“I suppose, she does interrogate me to no end.” You both laughed lightly at that. You felt a little easier, ready to move one when he spoke again, “She’s quite comfortable around you—honest around you.”
“Comfortable?!” Your anger surfaced too fast—you knew it the moment you whipped around and Adrian took half a step back. Jarred by your reaction and the glint of your fangs in the moonlight. You wanted to calm down, but it was too heavy, “You think she should be weary of me, scared Adrian? Its okay because you can go out in the sun and survive without blood, but, but I’m—“
“No my darling.” He never interrupted you, never broke that respect he offered so easily a lifetime ago, but he did this time with a hushed tone. It silenced you, jaw clenching as you looked away. You were never one for dramatics, not in front of him especially, but it burned something deep in your chest to feel even more alienated. Forced to see skulls of vampires in the Belmont’s hold—trophies and artifacts of loved ones neatly cataloged amongst the goodies you know the Belmont boy was dying to use on you.
Adrian was easy to stomach and you were the one to be scared of, the one who stayed hidden in the caravan during the days and unable to spend a minute at night alone without wild accusations about your whereabouts, motives or more being thrown around. It had calmed down in recent days, Sypha’s unbridled affection towards you may have been a part of that, but it could also be the nights spent on hunts. Just you and Adrian, the only person who would never judge you, never see your carnage and violence and think anything of it.
It was to ease the burden the two humans had been facing, nights spent clearing areas far and wide while they worked through the days. And to quell the restless Adrian sensed brewing in you. You had barely been sleeping during the days, staring into the brief glimpses of sunlight from the back of the covered wagon with dead eyes, spending the nights irritated and distant, which never helped whatever they may think of you.
But the distance, that helped. The time spent alone with Adrian, moments to feed and drink in peace on the unfortunate souls who didn’t manage to escape the horde. Adrian often collected canteens of blood for you, keeping them with his things and out of Trevor’s knowledge. You never questioned the secrecy, but did have to stop your eyes from widening in surprise when he first gave you one. You had never asked Adrian to do such a thing, to care and attend to you in his own silent ways.
It made your anger dissolve fully, he called your name after you let out an unneeded sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you so. I know it's difficult, I see it. I promise.” His hand met your cheek, cradling you for a soft second. You leaned into his touch before remembering the reason you were out here. You would find the words later, instead you kissed his palm before turning back to the path. He stayed by your side as best he could, sometimes drifting behind with the forest demanded so, but always within reach. It was only when a scream pierced somewhere in the distance Adrian slipped in front of you. You both leaned into your senses, and while you both located the source of the scream, you also caught a scent of something familiar.
Something from lifetimes ago that brought back memories from your human life. You tried to shake the sudden onslaught of emotions, you were always drowning in what you felt. Alive or dead your feelings consumed you wholly. Adrian had already taken off in the direction and while you tried to follow, that warm floral scent only grew stronger. You found yourself stopping and watching him vanish into the dark of the woods. You knew another vampire was nearby, and as you carefully followed the scent, you found yourself in a small clearing.
A woman, tall and broad, sat sharpening her large blade while you lurked in the tree line. You watched her, wondering why she was here when she called out.
“No need to hide.” Her voice carried on the wind and reminded you of home. You moved at lightning speed, appearing in front of her, your long cloak settling as the breeze from your movements fluttered her long hair.
“Who are you?” You asked.
“Striga, one of four rulers of Styria.” She placed her blade against the log she sat upon, pushing herself up to her full towering height. The moonlight caught Striga's hair as she moved to stand next to you, and you couldn't deny the fact she was beautiful. Strong and powerful, but with the eyes of a lover. That kind that drew you in, saw into your soul and kissed the barest parts of your condemned spirit.
“Styria…” You whispered, it had been too many lifetimes ago since you had set foot on the shores of your birth place. And now, one of its vampire rulers stood in front of you, radiating that warm smell of jasmine and something indescribably citrus that reminded you of where you had grown up. You had left your past behind you, never returning to where you had been turned, not since you were free. Though, you had always hoped to catch that scent of Styria again and finally understand the complexities of its smell with your heightened senses. Yet you were still unable to place the adjectives that gave you a true answer to the intoxicating scent.
“You're the vampire traveling with the Belmont boy.” She was close enough that her arm brushed yours.
“I am.” You confirmed, while Striga raised a brow. Her strong arms crossed over her chest, black and purple armor amplifying her size.
“You ally yourself with the enemy.”
“I ally myself to Ad…Alucard, and if that’s the company he keeps, then it is the company I keep.” You explained, trying to ignore the bitterness at the sound of his other name.
She laughed, a low sound that made you smile involuntarily. “You’re quite something to be with a…half…thing like him.”
You laughed weakly, unable to gauge her tone. “Do you forget he’s the son of Dracula?” You inquired, scanning the tree line where just beyond night creatures howled and screeched.
“I suppose you have faith in him, leaving him to fight alone so you could speak to me.”
You didn’t reply, couldn’t muster a lie in response to what was an obvious statement. You both had lived long to know it wasn’t a question and that it was true. Striga intrigued you, standing tall and alone, and reminiscent of a life you had tried to forget. Her gorgeous purple robes were set against the royal blue sky streaked with orange as shards of leftover sunlight tangled in the thick evening clouds.
“I have heard such stories of his fighting.” Striga suddenly stated, the lit of her accent more noticeable with the casual cadence of her tone.
“Its breathtaking.” You found yourself murmuring, Adrian’s strength was always something to behold. His swiftness and keen eye, how he held his sword ever so carefully and cut many in half with more grace than a trained dancer. He was violence and art in motion. He was yours forever. It made you grin, small and fangs peaking out.
“You wear your affection on your face, he should be honoured to be cherished by someone as beautiful as you.”
“You speak like a true soldier, warrior even. Of honour and worth. It is a beautiful way to want.” You turned to face her, taking in her green eyes and the charm wrapped around a single braid in her hair. It was a long tousled mess of black waves that were half swept up. You noticed the glinting clip that held her hair back and wondered how a notorious commander would own such a thing. Perhaps it was a gift from a lover like the crystal bracelet you wore. Adrian had fastened it around your wrist one early morning. You were dozing in the caravan with him, listening to Sypha try to pry stories from Trevor while easily supplying her own. It was nice to fall asleep to the lull of their mindless talk while in Adrian’s arms. It was then he slipped it over your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips and leaving a few soft kisses there before carefully slipping into the day.
“And how do you love him? If you do?”
You held her gaze, “You imply that I don’t?”
“I’m curious if you don’t.” She corrected with a simple nod. “I find you beautiful and interesting, it would be disheartening to know you are spoken for.”
“I am.”
“By a man who stands on the opposite of side the war?”
“It appears so.”
Striga turned her attention to the sky, appealing to the heavens as she spoke her next words.
“Then I apologize for any hurt I may cause you during this war. I’ll find you and apologize in person, repent for as long as I must.”
“That is, if you truly hurt me.”
“No, I would find you anyways.”
You chuckled, “Why?”
“To see if you are still in love.” Striga shrugged her broad shoulders, the words almost too casual as if she knew something you did not. It made you nervous, another half laugh escaping your lips before you turned back towards the tree line. “You do love him?” She inquired, shifting closer. A moment of silence passed before a howl broke through the woods. Inhuman and sending a flock of birds into the night sky. You followed them with your gaze.
“I try not too.” You answered honestly, watching the winged creatures disappear into another part of the dense forest. Adrian was far too great for this world to be yours. You were a lowly vampire turned by a lonely widow who needed company more than blood. She begged and begged until she stopped taking no for an answer and turned you in your sleep. You woke up screaming and sobbing, a life robbed by someone who didn’t even end up wanting you. Her guilt consumed her whole, she had doomed you to the same life she wanted reprieve from and choose to let the church find and kill her. She left you alone, and you wanted to spend eternity just like that.
But you and Adrian had found each other, lonely in your own torrential ways. You had never met someone like him before, someone caught between two worlds you had given up on entirely. Adrian brought something to quell the loneliness of your cursed existence, and for that companionship, you’d follow him anywhere.
You would accept death at the hands of his father if it meant stopping the bloodshed as Adrian wanted. You had nothing, but your entire self to give to him. Maybe besides the knowledge from the life you lived and the sword on your hip. He could have something more normal, more human than you, if that’s what he so wanted from his life. You had always understood that, accepted that and tried to love him a little less in spite of it all.
Yet, your heart bled for him in ways you had never known in your brief human life, and forever stretching vampiric one. It was almost painful, how much you craved him. And almost, almost, was more powerful than the lust for blood that fueled your existence.
“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear “ Striga’s soft voice broke you from your thoughts, reality crashing down as Adrian stood, panting, at the edge of the clearing. He was across from you, hunched forward slightly, and hand on his blade. “I will be seeing you, soon I pray.” Striga hummed, bringing your attention to her face as she grabbed your bare hand with her gloved one. She brought your knuckles to her lips, placing a chaste kiss all while her sea green eyes bored into yours.
You opened your mouth to respond, but she vanished into the night before your hand reached your side. You pivoted back towards Adrian, walking in his direction at a steady pace, while your gaze fell to your feet. You focused on each step, one foot in front of the other, until his hands jumped to your biceps and stopped you in place.
You were about a foot from him, head tilting from the ground to meet his angry gaze. Adrian dropped his hands from you, letting silence wash over you two as the forest’s din became too loud in your ears.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted out, anything to cut the silence and tension along with it.
Adrian shifted his weight, the sunny yellow of his eyes was a deep amber in the dark of night. “Why were you here?”
“I could smell a vampire, and investigated.”
“Investigated!?” His tone inflected with the anger he normally kept at bay.
“She was from Styria and I-I was curious. Is that wrong?” You were finding your ground, steadying your voice as challenge lingered in your tone.
You two never fought, not like this.
“Was it wrong to leave me—“
“You are more than capable, we both know that Adrian.” You snapped, you would not be guilted into seeing him as helpless. Adrian was anything, but that.
“Why did she kiss your hand?” Your angered confidence faltered, your gaze softening as something…sad bled into his voice. Something cold and lonely you knew well.
“I don’t know.”
His jaw clicked, and in an instant he was in your space, fangs flashing because he couldn’t help it, as his fingers grasped your jaw. He stared into your eyes and asked you again. Perhaps it was the proximity, or your own ego dying down, but you saw through him so clearly. So easily, as you always had, and understood.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, as the looming clouds finally began to cry soft tears of rain.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Against your clothes, it wasn’t torrential, but that misty rain that made everything hazy.
“She was interested in me, she complimented me and asked about you—us. She reminded me of a place I called home ages ago but my love, she is not you.” Maybe it was jealousy earlier when Adrian asked about Sypha, but regardless it definitely was now. You were unsure how he could think such things when you felt so unworthy of him, and he was worried about a woman you met once. Yes she was beautiful, and carried power and confidence like it was given to her by god, but she was not the man you loved.
The one you had swore yourself to, one you killed for and one you would gladly die for if he so much as asked. His grip faltered, eyelids shuddering as your soft explanation washed over him like the rain. With a voice barely above a whisper on the wind you continued, “I never have nor will I give myself to someone like I have you, Adrian. I would do anything at your behest. Anything beloved.” You pressed your hands against his torso, clinging to the fabric of his coat as best you could.
“Anything?” He rasped, like speaking was a chore he had no capacity for.
“I’d burn worlds down or build them up if you asked. I’d kill the Belmont boy or give my life for his if you asked. I’d lock myself away and never speak to anyone but you if that’s what you wanted. Yes, my love, anything.”
“Just let me kiss you.” Adrian’s mouth met yours before you could answer, but you both knew it was a yes. It was more teeth and fang than anything at first, as the momentum of his body slamming into yours, sent you reeling back a step before one of his hands moved to your waist. Your hands slipped up his chest, fingers still clutching the fabric before one of your hands tangled into his hair. Fingers toying with the golden lock that cascaded down his back.
Adrian still had one hand cradling your jaw, keeping you in place as he kissed you with enough desire to make you delirious. Your mouths moved together, his fangs grazing your bottom lip. He wasn’t usually like this, bold and desperate, but you would let Adrian kiss and hold you however he needed. To let the jealousy spiral through his system and find release in your lips against his.
You smiled against his mouth, nails scraping deliciously through his hair before his tongue found yours. You were faintly aware of the rain, starting to beat down heavier with each second you spent lost in each other's embrace. Adrian finally pulled away, letting his thumb smooth over your chin before finding the other side of your waist. You let both your arms wrap around his neck, stealing soft kisses as the thunder grew louder. You knew you would have to go back soon, but Adrian was still preoccupied with leaving open mouth kisses against yours, pulling back slightly before deciding he still needed more. It was more tender, what you were used to from him. Chasing your lips, a few soft pecks turning into something more heated before he would start the cycle again.
You played with his hair and felt his fingers twitch against your side as the darkness clouding his beautiful expression softened. Adrian stopped his assault of kisses, dropping his head to the curve of your neck. You kissed the top of his head, fingers slipping out of his hair.
“I love you.” You murmured, such sentiments felt a little too human and empty for you. And you did love him, but it was just more than that. He still said it to you often, and you were easy to repeat the sentiment, but you rarely offered it on your own. It was no reflection of him, it was just your distance from humanity you could never get back. But you knew Adrian needed to hear it.
“I love you too darling.” He hummed against your skin, leaving a kiss there before standing at his full height. You stared at him for a moment, the want still clear in his eyes as he tucked you against his side. You walked through the forest with clasped hands, the thick trees keeping out some of the rain, not that you cared.
You both had faster means of returning to camp, but pressed against Adrian who occasionally left kisses on the fabric by your shoulder or brought your intertwined hands to his lips, was enough to forget about the storm. Adrian engulfed you and drowned you in ways the rain never could, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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rush-the-stars · 4 months
cici if you have any predator/prey thoughts to spare for vash or nico,, or both,,
anon. i cannot sleep. this ask…….haunting me…..
cw: predator/prey, chasing
a/n: possessed by the thought of them chasing you down. this may be a glimpse at another reader/story of mine called shrikethorn….this reader is v shrikethorn!reader
dust kicks up with each stride you take.
you run for the hills; for the unforgiving desert and towards a horizon that you swear you know enough to follow back home.
the sky is burgundy—night will cover you, but you have to wait that long. you have to run for that long.
your lungs burn and throb—with this pace, you fear you won’t reach nightfall. you need the dark. right now, you’re open—a lone bird in a sky of sand. easy to pluck out of the sky.
the desert is unforgiving; the land itself seems to hinder your running. your footsteps sink into the sand, forcing you to push harder, to exert more of your strength.
you’re tiring yourself out.
but you don’t stop.
not until, over the dune, a dark figure emerges.
you skid to a stop, kicking up a wave of sand, trying to suddenly back peddle.
he has the advantage of the slope of the dune—
wolfwood descends on you.
fear kicks your body into overdrive and you push yourself harder, legs burning with how fast you whip around to run from him.
he chases.
if you can make it over the previous dune before he catches you, the down slide will help you gain distance.
you push for it.
you don’t dare look behind you, but you can sense him—you can hear the sound of the earth and his long strides.
just a little more—
hope glimmers like the sun in its last dance in the sky.
at the top, a flash of red.
a body that collides with yours—you both go tumbling into the sand. and you’d know him anywhere, would know the metal arm and the uncanny, frightening strength.
you fight with all your might.
“easy—easy, come on.” vash says as he wrestles with you, “it’s okay—it’s okay.”
you buck and kick and sneer. you pull at him and shove him and bite him.
“we don’t have to fight—“ vash says, taking your teeth in his forearm with only a little yelp, a smattering of sound you hear in his chest, “i don’t want to fight, angel, come on—“
and for all your thrashing, he still overpowers you rather easily. and then he has you, back to his chest, your body cradled in the crux of his, as he wrestles you still against him.
he holds you tight against him.
your teeth are still bared, still snarling, when wolfwood approaches.
“told ya that’d work.” he says. “flushed her out like a fox.”
you try to kick at him and he sidesteps easily.
“don’t rub it in, wolfwood.” vash says, still holding you tight, but his voice is by your ear. you’d shiver if you weren’t sweating.
you’re heaving still, vash’s forearm so tight against your sternum that it’s almost hard to suck in air. you must look like a mess—like a wild animal.
“you’re quick, if it makes you feel better.” wolfwood says to you, bending to be on your level. to look you in the eyes. “just like a fox, too.”
you thrash like you might lash out at him, baring your sharp teeth at him as if to prove a point.
“watch who you’re talking too—“ you snap as vash holds you back, cooing to you. trying to soothe your temper or your feral, fighting urge to break free.
“let’s you get back to camp,” he says gently, “we’ll feed you.” he promises.
“i don’t need it.” you bite out. “let me go—let me go back to nai.”
vash sighs, sorry and sad, squeezing you.
“you know i can’t do that.” he says gently.
“let’s go,” wolfwood says, standing and looking out towards the distance. “the suns setting. i don’t want to be hauling her in the dark.”
and then he produces a set of handcuffs—sturdy and silver, gleaming in the last rays of the sun. your own trap, your own collar.
“time to clip your wings, birdie.” wolfwood says and though you fight—you’re no match for the both of them.
you look out into the sky, plum dark and ripening, and vow you’ll get back out there—
you’ll get back to nai—
even if they chase you all the way there—even if they hunt you like dogs after a fox.
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Ten Years Earlier...
All right, it's my first COD fic and it's smut (there's a running theme happening today). This is oc x canon which is know is not everyone's jam (DLDR). Also my first time writing Captain Price (so be gentle with me folks)
Set in 2012, Rory Sinclair (my oc) is a Corporal with the British army on leave and she just so happens to run into a certain Captain (Lieutenant at the time, this is mutton chop free John) at a bar where they share a bathroom cubicle together.
words: 3339
Pairing: Captain Price x OC
Fandon: Call of Duty: MW
Smut under the cut, 18+ MINORS DNI
P in V sex, hand jobs, fingering, semi-public sex, protected sex, stranger sex, with a big old heaping of praise and voice kink on top.
2012 - London, England - Lost Society Bar, Clapham 21:00 
Rory shivered as the night air kissed her bare shoulders. The bass beat of the rock music playing inside thumping in her skull the same way the heavy wheels of an armored vehicle did. The kick of the drum, the steady march of boots. Blowing out the last puff of smoke from her cigarette, she stubbed out the butt on the railing she was leaning over and headed back inside to the attic club. 
Five years she’d been fighting in Afghanistan, and leave always felt far too short compared to the time spent on the ground. Her father told her to take the time she was given and have some fun, it wasn’t too often a hero got to come home and rest, to everyone else she knew that meant going out on a Saturday night and getting piss drunk for fun. 
Sydney, her best friend in the trenches, a perky blonde who had the choice of the army or a juvenile detention center in Aberdeen all those years ago, took her by the arm. “Come on, happy hour’s starting.”
“I don’t think I need anymore, Syd.”
“Fuck off, you and me are out to get hammered and then head home with some fit blokes. We spent enough time getting shot at, I intend to get bent over and fucking railed.”
Rory rolled her eyes but followed her friend to the bar, ordering a whiskey – neat – while Sydney lined up a row of vodka shots, quickly tossing them down her neck. Sipping from her glass, she leaned her back against the bar, her elbows propped up on the counter as she scanned the bar’s makeshift dance floor. She couldn’t help her instincts kicking in, her battle-ready brain having her scan for threats… or perhaps a partner . 
Sydney tossed another shot back, her long lengths of hair shaking as she had a full body shiver, the liquor burning the back of her throat. “You need to relax, Ror. You’re going to scare the lads away. They can smell the fear on you like a pack of wild dogs.”
“Jesus Christ, Syd, I’m just getting the lay of the land.”
“We’re not in the fucking desert.” Tapping Rory’s army, she drank her last shooter and grabbed Rory’s hand to drag her to the dance floor. “Come on.”
“Nah, I’m gonna stay at the bar for a while. Might get a cab home soon.”
“Spoil sport,” Sydney huffed.
“Yeah, yeah,” Rory said with a wave of her hand, unfazed by her friends mocking. “Have fun.”
“Whatever you say, Corporal,” Syd gave her a quick salute – which was nicer than the flip of the bird Rory had expected – before heading into the crowd, leaving her fellow soldier to her own company. 
Sighing, she took another sip of the amber liquor, her elbow knocking against the forearm of another, and her hazel eyes drifted over to a stocky man with a five o’clock shadow, his blue eyes sparkling as he met her with a smirk. “Sorry, love.”
Pulling her arms in towards herself, she gave him a friendly smile. “My fault, sorry.”
His brow furrowed slightly, leaning in towards her so he didn’t have to yell over the music. “Are you American?”
“No.” She shook her head, her long brown ponytail swaying against her shoulders. “Canadian.”
His smirk grew a little wider, blue eyes gleaming. “Should’ve figured that when you actually apologized.”
“Our reputation precedes us, eh?” She teased, putting on a heavier, more distinct Canadian accent, the kind that brought to mind Mounties and maple syrup.
“Only a little, yeah.” He waved at the barkeeper trying to get their attention. “On vacation then?”
“No. On leave – just got back from Afghanistan.”
He looked her over, straightening in his seat. His smile fading as he blinked rapidly for a moment, caught off guard to see someone like her as a soldier. “No shit.”
Her new friend tried once more to get the attention of the barkeeper, waving his hand, failing to even get a glance. Placing her hand on top of his, she winked, “Allow me.” Bringing her fingers to her lips, she whistled, the high pitch squeal enough to grab the barkeep's attention. Adding a wave and a smile on top of it, ensuring she was served next, she turned back to the man beside her and continued their conversation, “Why? You too?” 
“Urzikstan.” He said, nodding. 
He spoke in short, abrupt sentences. His voice gruff. She should have known he was a soldier. Her brows raised as she hummed into her drink, taking a sip and then hissing at the burn. “Small world.”
When the barkeeper came over, she was quick to continue the interaction. “Another whiskey for me, and one for my friend here?” She asked him with a cock of her brow.
“Yeah, whiskey’s good.” His grin was charming. The way his brow lifted, and his jaw shifted as he looked her up and down enough to tell her he was interested. “I’m going to have to remember that trick, though I doubt it’ll work as well for me.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” She stretches her arms out, pushing away from the bar. It had been so goddamn long since she’d flirted with anyone. “You’re handsome enough,” she said with a playful nod of her head.
He gave her a half smile and tapped the corner of his lighter on the counter, shifting his shoulders. “Glad someone thinks so.”
She leaned against the counter with one elbow, twirling the length of her ponytail around her fingers, her attention firmly planted on him. “Please, a strapping soldier like you, I’m sure you have a port in every storm,” she said half jokingly, but almost expecting it to be true. 
“Not really my thing,” he said with a slight narrowing of his eyes, his voice lowering. 
Looking up at him through her lashes, the lump in her throat suddenly formed. She could feel the flush coming on and she held out her hand to formally greet him before she said something that might get her in trouble. “I’m Rory. Rory Sinclair.”
“John Price.”
Shaking hands, he held her tight in his grip and she could feel the calluses on his palm brush up against her. She couldn’t help but notice how tiny her hand looked in comparison to his, and suddenly the battle-ready brain went quiet. On her own, dressed in a cocktail dress and heels, the combat gear nowhere in sight, she licked her lips, her mouth opened, and a soft sigh drifted from her.
The bathroom stall door burst open as John pushed her back into the cubicle, pressing her into the wall, their mouths locked in a kiss. Closing the door, he fumbled with the lock for a moment before his hand returned to her waist, the other with a firm grip on her jaw as he tilted her mouth up to meet his. Breathless, her hands grabbed at his back as she held him tighter to her. “I never do this sort of a thing,” she mumbled between kisses. Nodding, he kissed her harder, his lips overtaking hers, and she moaned into his mouth.  Hands slipping to his belt, she started to undo the buckle. Fighting with it, struggling, a nervous chuckle slipped from her as his large hands held hers. 
Breaking their kiss, he gave her a smile and a wink. “Lemme help you with that, love.” With a quick motion, his belt came loose. He had deft hands, used to having to work fast while under fire. Taking a piss in the desert sometimes meant life or death. 
Her hand rose to his shoulder, curling around the back of his head to pull him in for another kiss, and she purred as a hand drifted up the warm skin of her thighs, fingers trailing up the hem of her skirt to rest on the waistband of her thong. His fingertips just skimmed her flesh under the material, but it was enough to send a shiver through her. Looking down at herself, her dress hiked up around her waist, and his hands hooked through her panties, she weighed out her options. She was on the pill, but…
“Have you got protection?”
“A good soldier never goes in unprepared.”
She huffed out a laugh and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, shifting his hand to slip down the front of her panties, resting it against her mound. Heat radiated off her, building as his fingers began to stroke her folds. Swallowing thickly, her mouth felt dry, and she licked her lips. Already aroused from them kissing, his touch was setting her on fire, biting her lip to hold in her moan as his thumb pressed to her clit.
“Already wet for me, Rory?” He purred, his northern accent getting thicker as he leaned down towards her, his mouth sucking on her neck, his tongue dragging against her thumping veins. 
“I said you were handsome,” she breathed. 
Chuckling, he pressed his free hand to the wall by her head, caging her in against the cubicle wall until she was pressed flush against it. Rubbing circles against her throbbing clit, his other fingers began to delve into her dripping cunt. Entering her, stretching her, sinking deeper inside of her. Pumping in and out. Slowly. His kisses became slower, deeper. His lips bruising hers, her pink pout made swollen and sore. With a lick of his lips, his tongue entered her mouth, and she could taste the smoke and liquor on his breath.  
Sliding her hand down the front of his boxers, she wrapped her slender fingers around the head of his hard cock, and it throbbed against her touch. Her fist slowly lowering along his shaft to the base, dragging the pre-cum that leaked from his cock down it, and a groan fell from his lips. Stroking him over and over, squeezing slightly as she did so, her eyes were glued to his. A hungry gleam in her stare, watching as his brow furrowed and he started to pant, a low growl building in his chest as his kisses became rougher, trailing from her mouth down her neck, and further still to her collar bone. 
His hand, once pressed to the wall, slipped down her shoulder and over her chest, sliding down the front of her dress, and in past the cup of her bra. He squeezed her breast, pinching her nipple until she whined. His other hand still fucking into her, making her a whimpering mess. She bucked her hips up against him, driving his fingers in deeper. Writhing up against the wall, her back arching as he brought her close to her climax.  Mumbling against his kiss, “Please, fuck me.”
Looking up at her through his brow, he gave her a smile. His voice kept low, “Oh, I like the way you beg, darling.”
Her breath hitched in her throat, the knot in her core tightening and right on the verge of snapping under his touch. Her legs started to shake, her knees damn near buckling. “Please,” she whispers a little softer. 
His hand fell to the underside of her thigh, clamping around it as he lifted her leg, her knee parallel with his hip. Pulling her panties to the side, he lined up the head of his cock with her entrance and thrust up into her, giving her a moment to settle around him. Gasping as he pushed up into her, stretching her more than his fingers did, she sank down onto his shaft and a low moan escaped her, her eyes rolling back at how full she felt. 
“That’s it, love. You can take it, can’t you?” He cooed into her ear, praising her as he stroked her thigh gently with his thumb. Thrusting his hips slowly, he dragged the first few inches of his cock in and out of her, her arousal allowing him to slide easily inside of her with little friction. She could do nothing but nod, her mind too addled by the feeling of his cock inside of her to even think straight enough to speak. She hadn’t been fucked in so long, she barely had the time to masturbate if she wasn’t at the barracks or back home, and here was this fucking man to take her.
“That’s a good girl,” his gruff tone sent a shiver down her spine, and she grabbed at his waist, pushing him in deeper, forcing a grunt out of him. His brow quirked up, and his blue eyes twinkled. She wasn’t some weak, timid little thing. “You want more, darling?”
“Yeah, I do.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and encircled his waist with her legs. Lifting her up in his arms, her back was shoved up against the flimsy wall of the bathroom stall, a breathy laugh escaping them both as their exploits made a thunderous bang. 
“I can give you more.” He let his jeans and underwear slip down his legs, wrapping around his knees and pooling at his feet, as he fucked up harder into her, filling her with as much of his length as she could take. His gaze fell to where his cock disappeared inside of her, watching as it stroked back and forth, in and out of her, glistening because of her. “Fucking hell. Your cunt feels fucking incredible. So fucking tight,” he groaned out. 
She had no answer, no response, all she could do was moan. Her cunt clenching around him, dripping all over his cock. She kissed him, hard . Her teeth dragging against his lower lip as she curled her hips up towards him, rocking against him as he continued to thrust, bouncing her up and down as his hips met with hers. The smack of skin on skin clapping together filling the bathroom even as other patrons entered and exited. It didn’t matter now, wrapped up in his arms, her head spinning – the good Canadian girl had been put to bed. 
Her head lolled back as she could feel the muscles in her legs tighten, squeezing around him, locking him in. “Jesus fucking Christ,” she growled, her nails dragging across his shoulders. The base of her spine felt like it was on fire, a quick stinging cramp, and suddenly she went rigid, fighting to get out words as she came, “You are so fucking hot.”
His laugh was warm and genuine, smiling against her lips as he kissed her, stealing what little of her breath she had left. “Much appreciated, love,” he stuttered between the bucking of his hips. “I’m getting close, you mind –?” He eyed down at his jeans on the floor. 
“Oh, shit, yeah. Sorry .” 
His grin was unable to fade as she continued apologizing. “And to think I thought you were American.”
She rolled her eyes and loosened the grip of her thighs around his waist as he lowered her back to the floor. Bending down, he looked up at her, his glance drifting to her cunt and the sheen of her arousal on the inside of her thighs. His tongue dragged across his lips before grabbing the condom from his jeans and standing up. 
“Yeah, you really don’t have a port in every storm,” she teased. 
“It’s not what it looks like, I swear,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender. Bringing the condom wrapper to his mouth, he tore it open and pulled out the rubber, slipping it down his still hard cock. His gaze drifted over her again, taking in her curves before focusing on her eyes. “You really are lovely.”
“Am I?” She said, with hands on her hips, pretending not to have fallen for his charms already. 
He nodded, his hand collecting her chin before he kissed her again – slow, languishing, heated. “Why don’t you turn around for me,” he purred. A hint of a command in his voice. 
She looked up at him and smiled, her cheeks blushing as she turned around and lifted up her dress for him once more. Glancing at him over her shoulder, he gave her another smirk as he dragged his fingers along his tongue and ran them between her thighs and across the folds of her still soaking cunt. Saddling himself up against her, grabbing her hips, he tucked up against her ass and pushed up into her still needy cunt. A tight fit at first, as he started to move inside of her again, penetrating her, she started to open like a flower. 
Rory moaned, resting her forehead against the wall, squeezing her eyes shut as he filled her to the brim. Slipping his hand down the front of her panties, he stroked her clit while squeezing her hip with the other hand. His thrusts were powerful, determined. Her nails dragged down against the wall with nothing to cling to, her breath fighting to leave her as she mewled, pressed up against it with nowhere to go. “Feels so fucking good. Jesus, god , your cock is amazing.”
His mouth fell to her neck, sucking yet more hickeys on her skin. Leaving his mark. “Yeah? You like that?”
“Mhmm,” her teeth dragged over her lip, and she was getting close all over again. Grabbing at his hand between her legs, she was forced to stop him as another wave washed over her and her knees nearly gave out under her. 
“Easy there, darling.” He held her, his body pressed tight against her, keeping her safe. Protected. “I’ll be gentle with you now, eh?” He whispered, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, his stubble burning her. 
She wrapped her arm around the back of his neck, clinging to him as he kissed her. His thrusts slowing, getting deeper. Groaning against her, mumbling her name as he got closer to the edge himself. His grip got tighter on her hip, his pace no longer maintained, his breath huffing out against her in hot blasts, fanning against her neck. “So fucking pretty.” His arm snaked around her waist. His. “God, I’m so fucking close.” His fingers dug into her hip, hard enough to bruise and with the last few stuttering thrusts, he came inside her. 
They stood there together, two strangers, only knowing each other’s name and occupation, and yet he held her tight. His hand trailing up her waist and letting her dress slip back down to cover her thighs as he slowly pulled away from her, trying to catch his breath. 
Fixing her dress and running a hand over her forehead and down the side of her face, she turned around to face him. They stood there, staring, not sure what to say to each other. “Listen, I, uh –” she stammered and looked down at her heels as he grabbed his underwear and jeans from the floor, pulling them back up his legs. “I’m only on leave for a few weeks, I wasn’t looking for anything serious.”
“Not to worry, love. I’m in the same boat.”
“Yeah,” he said with a smirk.
“I mean, it was…” she exhaled deeply, “It was very good. I would totally call you again.”
He clenched his jaw and smiled at her, his brow creasing as he looked up at her from under it. “You don’t have to stroke my ego, darling. I get it.”
“Well, um, I guess if I see you out there in the field, or whatever…”
He kissed her again, leaning over her. “Let’s just leave it at that, shall we?” Hazel eyes stared at his mouth as he spoke, his voice low and gravely. “It was nice meeting you, Rory.”
“You too, John.”
Saying nothing more, he ducked out of the stall, leaving her there to clean up. She shoved the door to the stall closed and couldn’t help but giggle to herself. Syd was right, they were there to get bent over and railed after all. 
That was certainly one way to spend her leave.
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