#v. the hunger games.
devilwomcn · 9 months
THEA + SHAY / @brutcllysoft WHERE & WHEN: the capitol, before the 101st hunger games
For almost the entirety of this trip to the Capitol, Thea's been in another world. It had been a miracle that she made it there at all — she'd had to be practically dragged out of her house to the reaping and onto the train, her feet stubbornly dragging against the floor as her two (three now, Thea tells herself) victors reminded her that the Games aren't optional. But oh, how she wishes they were. The desire to fade away into nothing has become much stronger in the last year (yes, an entire year has passed, Thea must remind herself). There's a large part of her that wants things to just continue how they are, to retreat back to the isolation of her home so she doesn't have to confront all the things she's been hiding from since they all left the Capitol last. And there's a horrible part of her that still resents Shay, maybe even envies that she was able to be there during Ezra's final moments, while Thea was forced to watch from a screen as the love of her life took his last breath.
She tries her best to keep that part locked up, though — because it isn’t right and if she couldn’t be there with Ezra, it helps to know that Shay was the last person he saw alive. He loved all of the kids, of course, but Shay had taken an interest in his craft, the two of them always cooked together and truthfully, they both became a light in the darkness that is becoming a victor. It's the only thing that keeps her from completely losing every piece of herself. Because they had both wanted Shay to win (you agreed on this, nags that voice in Thea's head again). But that hasn't made facing Shay in the aftermath any easier — and if the younger woman's actions have been anything to go by, the feeling is mutual.
Any other year Thea would be bending over backwards to ensure Shay's comfort while she's here, to make sure she's getting the hang of things and teaching her all the ropes of being a mentor. Instead, she's barely been able to look at her, let alone leave her room at all. But a loud crash late at night breaks her at least somewhat out of the trance she's been in, and she soon finds herself face to face with Two's newest victor herself — hypothetically speaking, of course, because when things finally come into focus, Thea realizes that Shay is trembling on the ground with shards of glass surrounding her. "What—" her sentence breaks as she moves quickly to kneal in front of the other woman, paying no mind to the glass she might be stepping on in the process. She can barely feel a thing these days, anyway. "What happened?"
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muskoxen · 4 months
So I just reread The Hunger Games trilogy
And just think about the first time Katniss notices that she has just a little bit of pudge on her belly or on her thighs
What that would feel like. To be food insecure your entire childhood, then go through not one but two starvation-level acute stressors, and then a war with rationed food, and all the while you’re consumed with eating as much as you possibly can while also being hyper aware of needing to feed your sister first. And most everything you eat is just not very good, but when it is good it’s because it’s Capitol food and so soaked with blood that you can’t enjoy it
And then at the end of it all, there’s peace to rebuild and a home to rebuild and a mind to rebuild and a heart to hand over to the only good person you know
And then he feeds you bread, and cheese buns, and pastries, and beautiful cakes, and he gets a little soft belly, too
And you can lay down together at the end of the day, and be soft together
Secure in knowing that you have plenty of food, and you aren’t dependent on the weather or the mood of the police or the season or politics happening thousands of miles away
All I’m saying is that Katniss would find Peeta’s dadbod so super hot and comforting and, like, be proud of it. To know that even when a bad day comes around, they have the safety and security of being well-fed, and that their kids will never know what it’s like to worry about their sibling starving, or know that they’re only good enough for day-old bread.
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animentality · 2 years
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 year
Haymitch as a character drives me a little bit insane bc like I always see people say haymitch survived his games bc he outsmarted them or cheated the system which is true, but that's only how he survived the final fight. The rest of it he survived because he never trusted anything or anyone except THE TIME HE DID TRUST SOMEONE she dies. Because of him. because he figured out something he wasn't supposed to know. And then everyone he loved was killed because he had survided. And then he has to escort 48 kids to their death and he knows all their names, and then finally finally they break the system. And then like, they win right? but all his friends are still dead and he's still drinking and like, I don't know! I don't know how you keep living in a world post everything, in a world that is now asking you to trust that things will get better and are better and safe now like how do you get yourself to trust when the only reason you even lived in the first place is because you never let your guard down.
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ghostoflillith · 7 months
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atelierlili · 3 months
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Where the Jabberjay Flies (the Mockingbird Follows)
Peeta and I escaped the Quarter Quell. But the Boy with the Bread was left behind.
Never-hijacked Peeta AU for the thgcommentfeast july 2024.
You can read the first chapter here!
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sameschmidtdiffname · 3 months
Do you think Everlark got in a fist fight over who was taking who's surname when they got married
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swiftietartt · 2 months
brent comer shaking ass for sponsorship during the hunger games
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invisible-pink-toast · 7 months
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andrei tarkovsky
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mockingjaysnakes · 8 months
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TOM BLYTH photographed by nicole plett for V Magazine.
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devilwomcn · 10 months
THEA + OWEN / @selfmademythology​ WHERE & WHEN: the hovercraft, post 86th games
The waiting, Thea has come to find, is the worst of it all. At first she assumed it’d be the final moments — she’s had a tributes make it to the end, but none have come out alive. None until now, and despite the obvious grief she carries for the tributes she’s lost, there’s part of her hadn’t been angry about that. If she wasn’t producing enough victors they wouldn’t hesitate to replace her when the time came — and watching children she’s meant to protect die each year has taken a larger toll on her than Thea ever expected it to, so perhaps replacement wouldn’t be such a bad thing. But Owen was a different case. There was no world in which Thea was going to allow this boy she’d practically watched grow up die a meaningless death in the Games. So she’d worked harder than she ever has before, and it paid off — he’d triumphed over all of the other tributes, and he’d won.
Now, she waits. The buzzing of the hovercraft as it makes its way to the arena does nothing to calm her anxiety, her hands wringing in her lap as she sits properly in her seat. She had, of course, watched intently as Owen made his final kill — she’d seen the look of elation that spread across his features, had witnessed the pride he seemed to feel when he realized he’d won. Will he carry that with him in the aftermath? Thea hopes to God he does, because the realization of what she’d just done after her own victory had been one of the worst moments of her life. It’s been over a decade since then but she still remembers the wave of emotions that had flooded through her — the grief, the anger, and the betrayal because winning the Games had been all she’d worked towards since she was five years old. And she’d been forced to push all of that away, to let them pump her with silicone and anti-depressants and become the Capitol’s newest porcelain doll.
Thea won’t do that to Owen if she can help it. He’ll need to put on a brave face for the cameras, of course — she can’t protect him from feeding the monster no matter how much she’d like to. But she won’t force him to bury his grief, or his anger, and she certainly will do whatever she can to keep them from morphing him into a plaything. The hovercraft lurches and Thea realizes it’s time. Her hands brush against the skirt of her dress as she stands, shoulders rolled back as she makes her way to the space he’ll be lifted into. Any anxiety she’s been feeling quickly melts off of her once she sees him, her first victor, pulled onto the hovercraft from below — but Thea doesn’t make any sudden movements. She only forces a small smile across her lips, holds her hands out gently so he knows he can take them if he’d like to, and speaks softly so she doesn’t spook him completely. “Congratulations,” she says, and then as an afterthought just so he can be completely sure, she reminds him — “It’s over, Owen.”
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spatialwave · 8 months
🥹 having thoughts about hunger games limoreau...
those two are so in love the moment they have time to exist around each other on the train. traumatized. frightful at the uncertainty of which the games could bring. wishing they could curl up in their beds back in district 12, far from reality.
jordan would do everything and anything for marie, with all of their heart. no doubts. they’d kill for her. die for her.
“you could live a thousand lifetimes and always deserve her.”
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because jordan is better than katniss.
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biblio-smia · 5 months
hi! may I please request a Mockingjay role reversal fic where Peeta reacts to the reader being shown on Capitol tv after Catching Fire (established secret relationship) and then after the reader is rescued (hijacked to fear Peeta and Katniss instead of kill)?
thank you SO much for sharing your incredible work with everyone on here, you are so talented and amazing! I usually request Mike but I saw you also liked writing for Peeta :)
the sight of you makes peeta's stomach churn violently. everything makes him nauseous - the sight of the grey slop they've been served today, the matching grey uniforms he had tried defending to katniss. all he can see is you, layers of makeup failing to cover up the bruising on your face. it was on purpose, peeta was sure. everything president snow did was calculated.
yes. peeta could bet the entirety of district thirteen that the injuries you had sustained were for him. because of him.
peeta stands, unable to take the mix of boos and shouts directed at you around him. peeta, the boy who has managed to remain composed throughout everything he's been through, has finally lost his composure.
peeta's not sure what time it is by the time someone finds him. it's unlike him to ignore the schedule so neatly printed on his skin - perhaps that's why they had come looking.
he's not sure who he's expecting to see but katniss was still near the bottom of that last. peeta wonders why they sent her when they know how loose of a cannon she is. how faithfully peeta will stick by her. they were all watching the same game, weren't they?
it takes him too long to realize that katniss isn't there for them. she's here for him.
the thought of you on the same floor, just a few hundred feet from peeta makes his head spin. perhaps he's half-expecting this to be another elaborate lie, one set up by coin or maybe plutarch to inspire him to work harder for the good of the rebellion. he's beginning to get used to those.
peeta lets himself be selfish, at least for a few moments, feeling as though he deserves it after weeks of good behavior. his legs would run if there was the room but between all the people scurrying around to attend to the aftermath of a seemingly successful rescue mission, all he can afford to do is walk briskly as he weaves.
his desperation fights haymitch. he had always been stronger than his mentor but perhaps these past days have taken a toll. haymitch stops him easily, eyes searching for someone to lead peeta away. in his distraction, he isn't quick enough to stop katniss.
"we don't know what the Capitol has done..."
hope, or perhaps naivety, allow peeta to disregard any warning. you're here. you're here, with him.
peeta rises, anxiously as your eyes begin to flutter awake. katniss accompanies him, from a few feet away, no longer able to go a few hours without seeing the ones she loves.
peeta watches you begin to focus, to pull yourself out of the sleep you were forced into. he's willing to look past the bruises on your skin. you're here. in one piece.
a blood-curdling scream shakes peeta out of the daydream he was living in, your weak arms grabbing a stray syringe, holding it out - pointing it at peeta.
your screams only intensified as people came rushing in to hold you down before you could hurt anybody. your kicking never found a target, legs flailing weakly and chest heaving as the stuff they had injected you with kicked in.
your screams might've quieted then but they haven't stopped torturing peeta's mind.
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first peeta fanfic!! | masterlist
buy me a ko-fi!
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pumpkinrootbeer · 2 years
a very uncomfortable thought ive had upon rereading the hunger games is the capital almost certainly timed the murder of haymitch's family to coincide with the cameras still being in district 12. we know snow wanted to make an example of him to use against other tributes, so imo snow would want the knowledge to be easily accessible. the only timeline we get for how long the camera crew stays with victors in their district post win is from katniss when she says they stayed "for several weeks", haymitch says his family was dead within two weeks of his return. they probably televised the funerals. ohhhhhhghghfjhfhfhfjjfjgjgkkgkfk haymitch prequel book when
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helpme695 · 2 months
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Welcome to my silly writing place ♡
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I'm a freshly new headcanon writer (if I'm considered a one). I want to enjoy this new hobby that I tried to start 2 years ago but couldn't find the courage </3
English is not my first thing and my grammar sucks so bad even in my mother language 💀, so please bear with me little bit and I apologise for any error or incoming disasters 🩶
The page is pretty much new and empty, so I will start taking requests!
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Fandoms currently in:
Identity v
John doe
Lurking for love
Roblox shit; pressure, Doors
Obey me! One Master to Rule Them All
doom eternal
The Mandela Catalogue
fear and hunger
Welcome home (wally darling in specific)
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I may decline a request for whatever reason, so I hope people would understand and respect that.
I may take a long time to post since I'm still new and try to adapt, plus I have personal life.
As I said above; my English is not great, nor is my grammar, so take that in mind and don't expect something awesome.
I may not take a request for characters in some fandoms. That depends on what the request involves with.
I don't take fully NSFW requests, but I may involve or hint a bit. (One day you may find me posting how they ac- HOW SAID THAT?!)
The requests I take may have extreme dark subjects that may trigger people. (I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THEM AS I AM A EXPERIENCED SOME OF THEM MYSELF)
I sometimes will repost things related to the fandoms I write for
I may post a random hg or may not (moody 🩶)
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The no's:
While I am not that strict with what most people may dislike or not feel comfortable reading. And I may consider writing for dark things for the sake of the plot. There's a line's that I WONT cross, such as:
Scat or Scatophilia.
Anything related to real-life unfortunate events.
Kinks (as I still won't do NSFW requests and some of them I find them extremely weird or disgusting)
Mperg. Just, no.
Story's or plots I have no idea about.
The list can grow more and more. I just can't think of anything to consider listing it right now lol.
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And that's it for now <3 I hope you have a great day and stay hydrated. 🩶 see you later pookies!
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enobariasdistrict2 · 4 months
i just remembered that on my reread of tbosas snow talked about taking a calculus test and i was like "lmao wait calculus still exists in a dystopia damn" and then i remembered... the capitol has universities for higher education, and there's even a chance that a "poor" person like snow could get scholarships if he really really wanted that education. as compared with the obviously poverty-ridden district's education is a priority in the capitol, because that's how you get power and wealth to put other people (the districts) down.
and it's crazy to me because as established by the original books, in District 12, you either learn about coal your whole life + minimal basic reading/writing/math skills and then work in a mine from 18 until you die by natural causes/starvation/accident, or you go win a hunger games and kill innocent children to maybe live the rest of your life in peace/reasonable wealth provided you don't disrupt the capitol authority which is the only way to get out. and even with that you still have the fear or losing your entire family or being sold to sex slavery.
even in district's 1/2/4, the education options are also equally bleak: you work for your industry (luxury/masonry/fishing/etc) or you get mindwiped into believing propaganda, become a brain-corrupted child soldier, and then either die in a games you were coerced into volunteering for or become a soulless murderer. obviously they get treated better than the people of d3-12 regardless of whether you're a Victor or average citizen - as katniss said, they're apparently allbeing well fed - but you're still a servile pet without useful education beyond basic skills, and there's still the fear of sex slavery for victors of 1/4.
the way education is a commodity for people who are "deserving" of it... it's horrible and unfortunately really reminiscent of the real world systems
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