#vaccum table
lavender---sunshine · 3 months
There's something about spring that fills me with childlike wonder and excitement but its kinda weird to feel that while also struggling to pay my taxes on time idk
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mrfoox · 2 years
Okay I vaccumed the place and I don't understand how people do this shit all the time
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thealtoduck · 10 months
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Dick Grayson x BatCat!Bro Reader (Platonic)
Batfamily x BatCat!Bro Reader
Warnings: semi-angst, reader is sad and gets pissed off, fluff ending…
BatCat!Bro: Masterlist
Summary: Reader is sad because he misses his mom…
Dick was worried, something seemed off with you. At first he just thought you were being a regular teenager going through his angsty phase. But soon he realised there was more too it than that.
The family was having dinner and were sat around the large dining table. Dick was sat beside you and noticed you weren’t eating you were just looking down on it picking at it with your fork. Dick leaned closer to you and whispered ”Hey Y/n, you feeling alright?”.
You looked at Dick with a small smile and said a quick ”Yeah, I’m fine, just not hungry”. Then it was quiet for a while, until Jason said ”Come on, Y/n, eat something”. ”I said i’m not hungry” you said getting slightly irretated .
”Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” Stephanie commented making you roll your eyes. ”Or he’s starting his moody teenager phase” Tim added which was the last straw as you angrily got up from the table and left. Dick looked at Jason, Stephanie and Tim and asked ”Really?” as the three looked confused. Damian then asked ”Can someone pass me the salt?” as if nothing happened.
Later that night Dick came up to Y/n’s room check on him, he also brought a plate of food, incase he had gotten hungry. The door was half open when he stopped outside and Dick asked ”Y/n? Can i come in?”… No answer came.
Dick slowly entered his bedroom to see it was completely empty. He looked around and saw that a window was open, there was some dirt on the window frame. Dick immediately went downstairs to the others and asked ”Has anyone seen Y/n?”.
”Not since dinner” Jason said as the others shook their heads or uttered a quick ”no”. Dick hurried outside yelling ”Y/n!”… Again no answer. Dick went inside told the others to start checking around the manor. Then he went and got his jacket and car keys and got in to his car.
Dick took out his phone and tried calling but no one picked up, so he called Bruce and asked him to track your phone. Then he got a text from Bruce saying ”He’s in the east end” and he drove off. A couple of minutes later he got another text from Bruce saying ”He’s in his old apartment”.
Dick stopped outside and went in to the building and looked until he found your old apartment. He knocked and heard footsteps inside and then the door unlocked. It opened slowly revealing Y/n. ”Dick, what are you doing here?” he asked in a saddened tone.
”Really? You leave home without telling anyone you’re leaving or where you’re going and expect us not to worry?” Dick scolded. ”I’m sorry” you apologised. Dick then asked ”What are you doing here anyway?”. ”Come inside” you said without answering the question.
Dick did as told and entered the apartment. It was dusty like someone hadn’t lived here for a while. He saw a vaccum cleaner in the living room as if you were in the middle of cleaning up the place. Dick sent a quick text to Bruce and the others saying he had found you.
”You want anything? Coffee? Tea?” you asked as you went in to the kitchen. ”Sure some tea would be nice” Dick answered as he looked around the place. He saw a room that was lit and went inside to check it out.
It was a bedroom, it had was decorated with posters, pictures, etc… ”Y/n was this your room?” Dick asked as you appeared behind him. ”Yeah” you said simply. ”You know i haven’t decorated my room in the manor, cause i thought that soon enough i’d be back here with mom” you explained.
You then turned walked back to the kitchen to pour up two cups of tea. You then brought them to the living room and sat down on the couch as Dick then joined you. ”It’s been over a year since she left and i’ve seen her once for 20 minutes” you told Dick and took a sip of tea.
He didn’t even need to ask to know that you were talking about Selina. ”I’m sorry” Dick said putting a supportive hand on your shoulder. ”The worst part is, I don’t even know if she’s alive or not, she could’ve been dead for months and i wouldn’t know” you told him.
”I’m sorry if i worried you guys but i just needed to come here and… feel… feel like i was home, as if mom would be climbing through the window at any moment to show me what she scored tonight” you continued.
”Don’t get me wrong, i love living at the manor with everyone but part of me wishes she took me with her just so i could know if she’s safe” you finished as a single tear was running down your cheek. Dick brought you in to a hug and whispered and understanding ”I get it”.
”How about we sleep here tonight and we can do whatever you and your mom used to do here together? Okay?” Dick suggested with a gentle smile. You smiled and nodded and the two of you, made popcorn and watched a movie together. Then you went to bed, letting Dick sleep on the couch.
In the morning you packed some stuff from your room in to a backpack as you and Dick were about to leave. As you put you shoes on Dick said ”If you want, you can come back here whenever you want. Just let us know first, i’ll even give you a ride and stay with you if you want me too”.
After those words you pulled Dick in to a tight hug, which sort off suprised him, you like Damian wasn’t known to be very affectionate. ”Thanks Dick, that means a lot” you said and the two of you left the apartment.
When you got in to Dick’s car you got a notification on your phone. It was a text from the same unknown number your mother had used before when contacting you. It read ”Don’t worry my little kitten, i’ll be back soon. Love you”. Just then Dick drove off back to the manor.
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lichenes · 3 months
"Bark like you want it."
girlllllll... i'm blushing at the thought of it *emoji covering eyes*
CW: mutual pining, author can't write the word 'cum' for the life of them. slight nsfw at the beginning but overall tame :D
Vincent Renzi x gn!reader
wc: 598
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Vincent was above you. One elbow placed next to your head the other laying on the other side. He pulled back his right hand and put it on your stomach visibly pleased with himself. "Look how full of me you are. You're taking me so well ma chérie." Just as you were about to arrive at a conclusion of your fantasy you heard a knock on the door.
"Doing okay in there?" Vincent asked through the bathroom door. "It's already 9:30 and i have a trial at 11:00 would you mind stepping out?" You scrambled hoping to god he didn't hear anything he wouldn't have liked. You quickly washed your hands and got out, sending him an apologetic look on the way.
Vincent and you were roomates, housemates more likely and you couldn't have ended up with a better one. To put it bluntly he was perfect. He always did the dished and if you were feeling under the weather he offered to do yours, he took out the trash reguarly and vaccumed out of his own volition.
From what you've heard, from your friends and family, choosing a person your own age as a roommate ended up in catastrophe most of the time. Your personal catastophy was falling in love with Vincent.
The first time you saw him he was as bashful as you were, the first converstion happened on the phone which didn't prepare you for the gorgeous man you later met.
He came to see your to be home wearing a simple beige sweater, a pair of brown fabric pants and a fuscous scarf complimenting his look. He almost knocked you off your feet when he gave you a smile. To add insult to injury after you invited him in, he praised how beautiful the iterior was.
Vincent was absolutely awestruck at how well you maximised the tiny space you've prepared for your soon to be roommate. He immediately agreed to live in the house with you.
To be frank you knew you didn't have a chance with him, to say the least. He kept talking about Sandra like she was the second coming of christ so you decided to just let it go. Vincent thruthfully didn't mean for all the Sandra talk to come off like that, but his adoration for the womant didn't have boundaries.
With time though, he subsided. He mentioned her less and less and instead replaced talking about her with you. He would constantly initiate conversations only for them to falter as you were both too shy to continue talking. What also came with time was the comfort of eachothers presence.
For the first few months he spent most of his time at work or at his desk, not exiting the room for hours on end. Then he started working in the living room or at the kitchen table always hoping you would get out of your room to get a snack or to use the bathroom. Once you've gathered the courage to ask him if you could join him Vincent beamed.
"Of course!" He said almost too enthusiastically. Vincent couldn't focus on his work when you were around, he would constanly steal glances at you and try and start a conversation with you seemingly tired of his endless paperwork.
You welcomed his advances hoping they were more than just friendly small talk. For now though you both were comfortable just existing in your presence. He promised himself he wouldn't fall for a whim again. Maybe, just maybe if you were to make the first step he would break the promise?
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____
pt. 2 masterlist
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OK imagine this: yandere sub felix that is so in love with you, he will literally do anything to get any form of praise form you. He just wants to be your perfect house husband. He'll clean, bake/cook, s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶w̶e̶a̶r̶. He's so convinced that you two will be together he already started planning your wedding. He even told his mom that he found his soulmate. -new anon🐟
no because this is actually so him,
you've only been together for a little while, but he's already so utterly and completely obsessed.
doing any little thing you say, completely whipped for you in any and every way.
including but definitely not limited to being your pretty little house husband.
all while you're at work he's back at home, washing the dishes and vaccuming the house, dusting the shelves and any other chore a dutiful thing such as himself will be sure to get done.
he's so thoughtful too, remembering the way you said that you've been stressed all week. and what better way to make you happy than to bake your favourite treat while you're gone.
mixing all the ingredients, looking over the recipe and preheating the oven until it's ready to be baked.
and then, he thinks he deserves just a little break while they're in the oven,
stealing a pair of your underwear as he waits, sprawling out across the bed as he covers his mouth to quiet the mewls reverberating off the walls.
he's all alone and you aren't going to be back for a few more hours, he can't help how much more turned on he gets at the thought of you walking in on him.
and even though a small voice in the back of his head whispers to him, even though he knows it's wrong, he can't bring himself to stop. he's just so needy and you're gone for so long every day:((, how is he supposed to go that long without you?
when every moment he's without you feels like torture?
after that he does the laundry to cover his tracks and has everything spick and span, dinner on the table and baked treats all ready for desert when you come in all tired from work--just wanting to see your baby boy~
smiling and telling you he missed you, giving you a sweet kiss on the cheek.
you're completely unknowing to the way he's gone through all of your stuff today. he knows you love him too, knows you'll never cheat on him or hurt him like that, but he just needs to be sure. be sure that he's the only one in your life that makes you this happy
after all, he has a binder hidden in his dresser under all of his clothes, filled with all the wedding plans. he's so sure that you're his soulmate that lixie has everything for the rest of your life planned out for you.
from if you're gonna have any pets--taking account into allergies and preferences (lix is a good listener, and a good stalker, he knows your allergies before you're even to the second date), to where you're gonna live one day and if you're gonna have kids, if that's what you're into
he's even told his mom all about you, detailing every little thing he loves about you. gushing about you over the phone to her, telling her all about his soulmate he's gonna spend the rest of his life with<3
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inkpot909 · 1 year
Can I get a Spike x raeder
The reader was kind with Spike and all but he didn't need a kid adult like in his team so he was always treating them like..idk "whatever" "ok." "Just leave me alone" and so on
But one day the reader gets in the way of a criminal taking the bullet for Spike and they say "thanks goodness you're ok" while bleeding out and Spike regrets it,he doesn't want them to go away,so he apologizes,saying that he needed them taht he would stop teasing them or treating them bad
They get together in the end :)
U can add as much angst as u want
A/n: Thank you thank you so much for the fun request! I feel awful for not being able to finish it for a while; getting caught up in personal matters. I appreciate the support and truly hope it was worth the wait. Have a lovely day; as well as all others reading. <3
Warning(s): Swearing; brief mentions of blood/canon-typical violence; light angst.
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This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go. 
It’s a dreadful thought lingering in the back of Spike Spiegel’s mind. Instead of pulling him away from them, fully in the present where he should be, a ricocheting gunshot nearly grazing across his shoulder only hammers the point home. 
It seems that’s the route most bounties have gone down as of late. Realistically, he knows he shouldn’t even pretend to be surprised anymore. And usually, high-stakes entice him. But tonight was supposed to- no, it had to be different for safety’s sake. That much so was made very apparent.
What was originally meant to be a sneaky, difficult yet rewarding job, has mutated into a public gunfight taking place within a famously high-class bar. Having tracked the bounty to this location, things quickly went array upon the realization that most of the security in the building is in the palm of their hand. The bounty himself has presumably slipped away in the commotion, letting others take care of the dirty work for him.
The messiness of the situation has forced Spike and you both into a corner, desperately having to duck for cover. If it weren’t so tense- bullets flying in the air seemingly at every turn -Spike would almost laugh. It’s delightful (if not, a tad bit macabre) to see the place be wrecked to hell in a contextless vaccum. A handful of bodies are scattered across marble flooring along with broken tables and seats. By now, most innocent bystanders are either in hiding or found a way to flee the scene. Blood pouring onto the floor from bodies or light droplets from those still standing contrast heavily with a monochrome color scheme. It’s the kind of joint Spiegel usually wouldn’t ever think to step foot in; mingling with rich types isn’t exactly his cup of tea. On the flip side, maybe the owner at least has hope of being able to repair the mess themselves (a vain hope; as both him and you will most likely have to pay for property damage regardless of the owners funds).
Finding an opening to do so, Spike whirls his body around while swiftly reloading his revolver. Sticking his head up from behind the bar, he barely has enough time to understand the positions of those firing.
Just a few yards away from him on his left, you keep yourself hidden behind a table turned onto its side. Spike ducks below the bar once more, cursing underneath his breath. Blood is trickling down your right leg, clear signs of an injury. From what, exactly, eludes him for the time being.
The dark look on your face is unwavering, however. In fact, you’ve maintained a serious exterior for almost the entire night. It’s enough to put a hindrance on Spike’s breathing, albeit briefly. Such an intense presence doesn’t suit you at all. 
You momentarily pull your attention from the action across the room, sensing someone’s eyes on you. Sure enough, you meet Spike’s gaze immediately. Nodding to one another, a beat comes and goes before the two of you move in tandem. Raising your guns, you both rise up quick enough to fire a shot or two. 
This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go. 
Crouching down, Spike stares at his feet. Despite holding his head low, his eyes give the impression that he’s looking at something far away. His lips press together in a thin line, letting out a long sigh. Jet’s going to have our heads for this, he expects.
Despite your cool front, you’d been as reckless and clumsy as ever (Spike’s words not yours). He had half a mind to blame you for the shootout, but even he has to admit he knows better than that. Although you fired the first shot, he might as well have done so himself via his own thick headedness. Just as Spike predicted would happen earlier the same day, you ended up hurt. However, he’d done just about everything his older companion told him not to, and here you are suffering the consequences along with him.
“Isn’t the whole point of this bounty to be discreet?” Spike muses, arms crossed. His expression is soured, and shoulders stiffened in defense. Sprawled out against the Bebop’s couch, he’s sat himself opposite of Jet. Well aware of how uncomfortably upright the yellow furniture is, his vegged out form is working to drive home a point more than anything else. 
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Jet replies, voice gruff and short. 
The younger man scoffs, raising his arms and gesturing to his right wildly. “Then why the hell-...” Spike pauses, rubbing his temple, “Then why… do you think I need to bring along Y/n? Surely it’d be better if I-”
“Because they work swiftly and are the most likely to keep you from inflicting your usual brand of collateral damage. I’d say they’ll do well to keep you from messing this up well enough.” Jet cuts him off casually. 
“What? So they’re my babysitter? You know how they are- they’ll just get in the way.”
Jet bites back, “Spike, I swear this’ll go smoothly if you just accept their help. Don’t you dare think of going off on your own. The bounty’s got connections and has reportedly been on high alert since the price on his head increased. We don’t have all the details, but there’s enough to know it could get ugly. You’ll be kicking the bucket if you don’t get your head screwed on straight.”
“We both know the chance of that happening,” Spike huffs.
“Yeah, right… less likely than you admitting to yourself the real reason you get so high-strung about Y/n.” 
The fluffy-haired man raises an eyebrow.
“It’s because you like them, but saying so must not be in vogue nowadays, so you tell yourself it’s just because they’re childish- or whatever made up reason it is this week.”
“They are childish.” 
“And you aren’t?” Jet questions, “I’d think refusing to follow a well-informed decision just to avoid who you’re going to be working with is pretty immature.” 
Silence follows, the moment thick with thought. 
Making a face, Spike abruptly kicks his leg forward and smacks his foot against the side of Jet’s cute coffee table. He doesn’t even open his eyes at the booming, metallic sound. “As if a bright green racer with a goddamn flower plastered on the side of it won’t make us stick out everywhere we go!” Spike exclaims, clearly still hung up on Jet’s previous statement or sending him an implicit warning to shut his mouth.
“I’m sorry, but how many repairs have you needed on that obnoxiously red racer of yours in the past month!?” Jet snapped, finally looking his crewmate in the eye. “Y/n and you are the best choice for this sort of job. You’re going with them; end of story. The sooner you get the bounty the sooner you can come home sulking about it.”
Not twenty minutes later, Spike found himself begrudgingly walking next to you heading towards the Bebop’s garage. You maintain a youthful spring to your step, while he practically drags his feet on the floor following you. 
“Hurry up, slow poke!” you jest, stopping in front of the garage door. Turning towards him, you tap your foot repeatedly as if you’re being forced to wait for him. 
“Maybe you should start practicing blending into the shadows for when we land,” he suggests, moving past you, “You know… being unnoticeable.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you giggle, “You’d miss out on what you like the most about me!” 
Sneering, he responds non-committedly, “Yeah… sure.”
“Oh, don’t deny it, Spiegel.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
You huff, a playful edge to your tone, “C’mon… at least admit I’m more fun than Faye; that can’t possibly be difficult to voice out loud.”
“I’m not admitting shit,” he suddenly snaps, “I just want to get this done; I could really use that reward- so let’s go.”
Frowning, your gaze hesitates on his person as he turns on his heel and shuffles away. He moves with hasty steps towards his precious racer for extra measure.
Your shoulders fall, but his back is turned to you. And even if it wasn't, you are certain by now that it wouldn’t make a difference. The wall he’s built between the two of you is sturdy and unmoving, but hell if you haven’t tried your hand time and time again at tearing it down.
But unknown to you, his thoughts haven’t moved his attention away.
Select bounty missions notwithstanding, nothing ever seemed to truly wipe the smile from your face. Even then, most times you can keep a playful edge to your actions and attitude. Spike Spiegel hates that. It’s hypocritical, considering his own behavior at times, but logic is (apparently) irrelevant. Nothing ever seems to get to you either, and that’s the most frustrating. Nothing he ever says or does gets to you. From the tiniest comment to the very reasons behind Jet's latest stream of lectures- he hardly has witnessed you bat an eyelid at it all.
It’s not that he necessarily dislikes you as a whole, but something angry inside him bubbles over around you. Still fresh in the bounty hunter world, your attitude just appears… too naïve. The feeling you fill him with is foreign, and why someone ‘so simple’ can get his mind racing is beyond him. Within the dim lighting the Bebop offers, barely reaching the inside of his racer, Spike has long been so sure you’d never find common footing he doesn’t even consider it an assumption anymore. 
Amidst his thoughts, the two of you manage to shave the number of shooters down by a considerable amount. 
Still eager to be done with the case (even if it means coming back empty handed at this rate), Spike takes the opportunity to fully rush away from behind the bar completely. Taking a dive, he shoots another individual just before tumbling to the floor. As he rolls himself over to find complete cover once more, he loudly lets out a curse after a loud gunshot fires in the air. 
“Spike!?” you squeak, whipping around to see the man on the floor cradling his foot. Both his hands are clasped around his shoe, knuckles turning ghost white from applied pressure. Your eyes widen, dropping your adopted expression. “Are you alright!?” you shout. 
“Less worry; more shooting!” he barks, wincing at a shot of pain trailing violently up his leg. 
Not needing to be told twice, you focus your efforts back on the task at hand. He hears three distinct gunshots from your side of the room. Two thuds come from the far end his back is facing, a sound he recognizes as clothed bodies hitting the floor. To Spike’s relief, deafening sounds of guns firing comes to a complete halt. 
You drop to the floor as well, buttocks making harsh contact with marble. Turning just your head this time, you meet Spike’s gaze once more. Not a second passes before the two of you share an exhausted laugh. Your tone is light and thankful, his is booming and pushing through fierceness beginning to fade. 
“As best as we can… we’re keeping this from getting back to Jet or Faye,” Spike mumbles, leaning his head back after calming himself down. 
Smiling warmly, you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear and move your attention. Your eyes scan the back of the bar, squinting slightly. The walls are littered with bullet holes, and you’ve no doubt the amount of which are near impossible for one person to count alone. A shady figure lingers in a bathrooms door frame, and at least two tables in the back are snapped in half-
Realistically, the figure in the distance moves fast. To you, the gut reaction is so quick hindsight allows you to fool yourself into believing you had even a moment to think about your actions. To understand what exactly it was you’re doing. To process all that transpires within the next couple of seconds. 
But that isn’t really the case. You merely registered the shadowed individual’s frame, and the reflective light bouncing off the pistol in their hand. It was all you needed to act, diving to the side so quickly that ‘desperate’ wouldn’t be enough to describe the action. 
A shout erupts from behind you, frantic and unfathomably angry. More sounds of gunshots fill the air; curse words and other profanities fill any available space. You can distinctly make out Spike’s voice, and one more that’s unknown to you. It’s very deep and masculine, though, from what you can understand.
You attempt to roll your body over, but a sharp pain just below your collarbone and near your shoulder keeps you from doing so. Vision blurs at random, and you can scarcely make out your companion (roommate?) standing in front of you. When exactly did he get there? 
Your eyes flutter open and shut. 
You feel someone kneeing you in the side, and your eyes snap open to observe Spike bending down beside you. Slowly but surely, your vision stabilizes. When did he…? Is the mysterious shooter still around? You attempt to move again, but this time the pain you feel is so prominent you cry out and screw your eyelids shut. 
“Oi oi oi…” you hear Spike’s voice call. “Don’t strain yourself, dummy,” he tells you, having absolutely no bite behind his words. At least, none you could make out. Still, you're inclined to wonder if it’s still just your own shock over getting shot making you misunderstand. 
“Bounty got away…” he huffed, gently sitting you up against a fallen table. Giving you an apologetic look, he rips the side of your top open. You put up no fight, watching him wrap your bullet wound with whatever makeshift materials he’s found lying around. 
“Was that who was standing in the back?” you ask, voice kept low. 
“Yeah,” he replies, “ I thought the coward hightailed it and ran… but I guess he wanted the last laugh. Erm- tried to at least. He ended up running anyway.” 
“Him and this ‘team’ if his will probably persue us, then,” you sigh, “Now we have to hunt him down before he gets us…” Pausing, you take a minute to mull over your words. “I’m really sorry. This is all my-“
“Don’t,” he cuts you off calmly, gesturing to your injuries. “Not when you’re like this.”
Smiling despite yourself, he stops his movements at the display. Ignoring the shock on his face, you ask, “What? You worried about me?” 
Spike hesitates, physically moving his chest away from you. “Don’t be absurd,” he scoffs, speaking unconvincingly. He continues, wrapping around the wound once more before stopping himself yet again. His frown deepens, adding, “And stop smiling like that.” 
“Because you were just shot!” he snaps, “And nearly slipped out of consciousness!” 
“Ah…” heat rushes to your face, “So you were worried…” 
“I-… yes, fine, okay?” his head falls, giving in.
You snort, “That sounded painful.” 
“Tonight’s been stressful; you haven't been acting like yourself all night. Even on a job… it’s not like you to get so serious. What was with you?”
You shrug sheepishly, avoiding his gaze. “Thought you’d like it better that way.”
“It freaked me out, why would-“
Spike halted his words. He knew exactly why, but the night has been a long string of his own mistakes so it’s been tough keeping up. And here’s the biggest one yet, coming straight towards him holding a steel chair: How he treats you. More specifically, how he spoke to you earlier. How indifferent, borderline annoyed, he always acts. It’s true, he’s long been trying to figure out how to press your buttons. But all at once it’s clear that it does get to you. Now that it’s showing, even just a small bit, his wall between you two starts to crumble.
“Couldn’t let anything happen to you either…” you mumble when he doesn’t continue, “Jet was telling me how easily the job could be slipped up. I was a bit intimidated… and when you spoke to me earlier I guess I just accepted that it would be a little out of my league. This was my first real ‘big gig’ after all… and I couldn’t accept the idea of disappointing you.”
Nodding, he finished up the last of tending to the wound for the time being. Regardless, his hand lingers on your shoulder supportively. “I’m… sorry I’ve been hard on you. This lifestyle’s really roughened me out; guess I should be glad it hasn’t gotten to you yet,” he mutters, adding a quick, “You did good.”
The moment it slips from his mouth, he is taken aback. He means that too, but that’s the part that surprises him. Then again, you’d surprised him yourself.
A grin flashes across your face. Sweet and genuine, without a sting of pain. Spike’s heart feels heavy with just a simple glance. It’s like the first time he ever saw you, back when he was keen to notice a glowing aura you possessed. He’d describe it as a pure beauty, if he could have swallowed his pride. However, it’s the added context of knowing who you really are that keeps his attention on you this time around.
“You think I have hope of becoming a ‘real’ bounty hunter like you someday?” you ask, referencing a conversation you’ve shared once before. 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, sweetheart,” he replies, a tiny smile appearing on his face. 
Sharing a breathily laugh, the two of you soon sit and stare at one another in silence. Outside, people are shouting and police sirens are flaring. Yet his diligent ogling isn’t hindered in the slightest. 
“What about respect…?” you test the waters, voice quiet and careful, “You think I’ve at least earned that?”
Smirking, Spike’s head slowly moves from your shoulder to the back of your head. His own leaning down crookedly in correlation, speaking now in a low whisper, “Don’t be modest… you’ve earned more than that.” 
In one swift motion, his lips press against yours in a surprisingly soft kiss. Even as people began to pile into the building, police enforcements leading the way, the two of you stayed glued to one another. A news crew even caught a glimpse of the display of affection, only adding to outside confusion. 
Breaking away from the kiss, you giggle against his lips, “We’re on TV.”
“Give ‘em a show, then, yeah?” he smirks, leaning closer and planting another kiss on your lips. 
At home, within the Bebop’s common area, Jet plops down in his favorite seat with Ein at his side. The man nearly falls out of his chair upon turning on his television.
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stevebattle · 1 year
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Dustbot 5409 (SO-G) by Tomy, Japan (1985). One of the earliest robots to feature a built-in vaccum cleaner, Dustbot has the edge in having a cute little dustpan and broom it uses to 'sweep' ahead of it. The Japanese name, SO-G, or 'souji' means ‘cleaning’ or ‘sweeping’, and its ecological niche appears to be clearing crumbs from tables. Its red eyes flash as it vacuums, while an edge sensor prevents it falling off the edge.
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jaded-quill · 5 days
Quick Tissandier update.
This month has been a crazy mix of a new hyperfixation (Hazbin Hotel!!), a birthday that ends in a 0 (and accompanying anxiety), health issues, and family stuff. Plus a few really tricky scenes, but I've mostly resolved those now.
Also, I pick up a new foster cat next week, Praline, who hopefully won't try and sleep on my keyboard while I write. Ha! She's lovely, I got to meet her, and apparently very cuddly. But apparently, she also likes to knock things off tables and desks and steal pens out of cups. So I gotta reorganize a bit. And vaccum the corners cause she's got mild asthma.
I have to visit family before taking in Praline, to help look after my neice while her Mom is having surgery, but if I somehow haven't updated when all that is done (1+ weeks from now) I can promise it won't be long after.
Hopefully, by this weekend, but no promises there.
I just got over some 2 day illness. So I just really, really hope that's it for me being sick for a while. And also, hopefully, the start of me writing up a storm again.
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sequentialprophet · 4 months
for the valentines prompt thing - "you've been teasing me all this time about being single just to get stood up?... move over, you're lucky i'm hungry" with alex shelley/chris sabin please :D
"So?" Alex looked around the restaurant, like Chris's date might jump out from under a table. "Where's the mystery partner?"
"Did you go through my phone again?" Chris asked, eyes narrowed. He knew for sure he hadn't mentioned the restaurant for this exact reason.
Alex looked shifty, hands dug into the pockets of his leather jacket, toe tapping an uneven beat on the leg of Chris's chair.
"You aren't going to introduce me?" he asked, side stepping the question. "Your best tag partner?"
"My only tag partner," Chris blustered, trying to deflect long enough to come up with a lie.
"Ahhh," the waiter announced, sliding up to Chris's shoulder out of nowhere, making him jump so hard he banged his knee on the underside of the table.
Alex's head was tilted to the side like a dog, scrutinising him, and Chris could feel himself starting to sweat.
"No, it's -" he started, but the waiter cut him off neatly, yanking out the opposite chair.
"You are late," he said to Alex, with what Chris felt was an overly familiar wink, and handed him a menu. "I'll bring water while you decide."
A vaccum of silence surrounded them at his departure despite the rammed full restaurant, Alex staring at Chris while Chris stared at literally anything else.
"You've been teasing me all this time about being single just to get stood up?"
Chris coughed into his hand and continued to avoid eye contact. Alex was perhaps being generous when he used teasing over, say, rubbing it in quite thoroughly.
Alex slumping heavily into the seat opposite demanded Chris's attention in a way he could not ignore. Especially because Alex immediately started kicking at his feet, hard.
"Move over," he grunted, shoving the toe of his boot into Chris's ankle until Chris tucked his foot under his own chair. "You're lucky I'm hungry."
"Luck isn't what I'd call it," he muttered.
"You wanna eat alone? Because you can eat alone." Alex looked over at him, eyebrows raised in challenge.
"Shut up and decide what you're ordering," Chris sighed.
If he let Alex eat some steak off his plate without complaint later, well, that was just being gracious and nothing more.
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isara0408 · 3 months
More info on Famous!ScienceClub AU!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (this part is more information on the organization that recruited them and their boss )
Now, with the science club being famous( aka rewritten) , how do the students see them? how is their routine different? What's so different about them now than in the game of them being seen as fake *student* scientists? How's their daily life look now? What will they do if the atmosphere is low? What do the animatronics do in certain situations? How's their relationship with each other now?
Two major questions: How will Ayano join the science club? What are the benefits of being in the science club than just the acid, vaccum, and blowtorch?
Excellent questions! :D
How do the students see them?
Instead of being seen as a club that attracts unusual students, it is now seen as a club that holds famous scientists in Japan. Some respect them greatly for their amazing inventions (and are fans), some ignore them and avoid them as much as possible, and some think they're freaks. It is mixed emotions and opinions for everyone. The science club doesn't really care. They have each other to rely on and have their work to keep them busy.
How is their routine different?
Their routine is slightly different than in the game. When they are in Akademi, they come to school in time like any other student, change their shoes, and make their way to their classes before they can even make it, they have fans in Akademi that walk up to them to ask them questions, take pictures, etc. After that is done, they make their way to their classes to put their book bags down. With that done, they go immediately to the club room. Kaga and Horo are always the first ones there. The rest show up seconds or minutes later.
They change into their club uniforms (the ones in the game) they are forced to wear those uniforms by the school. Kaga could easily make much more durable uniforms for them, but he can't go against the rules. After all, he wouldn't want to make the headmaster and the guidance counselor upset to break the rule. Kaga does wear his yellow gloves like in the official concept.
After they change, they immediately come together as the team they are and speak to one another on what to work on next. Even if they are away from HOJS, They are still going to work on new gadgets, experiments, medicine, animatronics, etc. They don't want to waste time. They used Kaga's supercomputer to plan out their time while being in Akademi, brainstorming, speaking to each other, getting the materials they need (which would explain the members walking out of the club room), etc.
After their little meeting, the five separate to their own sections of the club, Kaga does work on things rather than just standing there.
During lunch, instead of eating in front of their club, the team eats outside in the plaza (where the sewer is at to throw bodies in) they eat at a table and speak to each other about their progress.
After school, they go back to their club room and have a meeting with their boss, Shinji. They have it through the computer. They stand in front of the supercomputer screen with their boss. They're like in a Zoom meeting. With that, the team explain to their boss their new plans and materials they will need and get ready once they go to the HOJS building when Akademi is done ( 6 PM).
What's so different about them now than in the game of them being fake *student* scientists?
... They're actual scientists. They're famous. They have career paths. Instead of being ordinary students, the five have things to do. They have meetings to attend to with their boss while in Akademi (online), have experiments to test, have meeting with each other, they have fans in Akademi that admire them a lot for their hard work and ask them questions, and etc. They can actually be a threat to Ayano and protect themselves with their weapons that Kaga made for them.
Oh, and they know about what happened in 1989.
How's their daily life look now?
Whenever they are not attending Akademi, they are mostly in the HOJS building, working, testing, and approving their inventions before showing it to their boss for him to approve and release to the community. They are always there during the morning, afternoon, and night. They go home around 9 PM, or so, but anyone is welcome to stay longer.
The HOJS closes at 11 PM. Shinji makes sure to secure the building while he is away and no one breaks in. He has very advanced security within the building and outside. He made it himself. He does stay behind for anyone who is going to stay after 11 PM. He doesn't mind.
With that, they have events to attend to in Japan, or in America, or anywhere else that their boss managed to plan out and get ready for them. They travel a lot by plane. Whenever they are in America or anywhere that isn't Japan, they have events of showing off their inventions, Q&As, meeting fans, meeting other famous scientists, meeting companies that want to work with them, and much more. They're basically on their feet all day, lol.
Once they find a place to rest, Yaku is the first one to fall asleep.
They do share separate rooms. Meka and Homu are in one while Horo, Yaku, and Kaga are in another. For the guys, sometimes Horo and Yaku share the bed if there's only two beds. Kaga gets his own bed. It always has been this way since they were teens.
There are times when Horo ends up on the ground sleeping because Yaku pushed him off the bed during their sleep. Kaga is always the one tripping over him since he's half asleep in the mornings.
Meka and Homu are chill. Not much trouble. However, whenever Homu is always her nightmares or bad days during the night, Meka is always the one comforting her and makes her feel better. The two always end up sleeping in the same bed.
When they are attending Akademi and once they are done, they go to the HOJS to work. That's where they spend the rest of the day.
What will they do if the atmosphere is low?
If the atmosphere is low, they will start putting cameras around their club and outside their club. It is a way to keep themselves protected. They will be much more cautious as well. They will bring the animatronics that Homu built to keep them safe from danger. When they're walking to the school campus, the robots will be behind them, looking side to side on their surroundings like bodyguards.
If one member is killed, they will bring everything out immediately compared to someone who they don't know or care for dies. If a member is killed, it will bring a bad reputation to Akademi.
The five have their own protectors and will follow them around anywhere except the restroom and locker room.
Two of the animatronics will remain outside the club during club activities, looking around for any danger.
Kaga and the members will keep their weapons close in case anything happens.
What do the animatronics do in certain situations?
The animatronics protect the science club. They will break bone if they need to, to keep the science club protected. If the science club is attacked by Ayano, they will stop her and pin her down, breaking a bone in the process.
If they find blood or a corpse, they will call the police immediately, sensing there is someone in danger (that's when the timer begins)
If Ayano is seen killing a student, they will pin her down to the ground until the police get there.
How's their relationship with each other now?
They are very close. They do have their funny moments, moments of disagreement ,moments of argument, etc. They do care about each other. If one of them is killed, the four will mourn the person's death and try to find the killer.
They will do anything for each other.
How will Ayano join the Science club?
Ayano will have to do (small) tasks for the five members to get their trust, just like the Martial Arts club. Kaga won't accept anyone in his club just like that. However, when those tasks are done, Kaga will give Ayano a challenge and give her 24 hours for her to finish it if she really wants to join the group.
If she does finish it within 24 hours or less, he will let her join the club. If she doesn't, Kaga will not let her in.
If Ayano wants to enter the HOJS, that's a different situation. Maybe a mission (like saving Osana's cat) or get the members to trust her enough to let her in.
What are the benefits of being in the science club than just the acid, vaccum, and blowtorch?
Being in the science club will be a huge advantage. Ayano will be exposed to chemicals, gadgets, robots, and much more. She's surrounded by famous scientists. She can build things to use on her rivals with the help of the science club.
But since they do know about what happened in 1989, and if they find out that Ayano is related to her, they will be cautious around her, which would take away some of the advantages of the club from Ayano. (Especially during Megami's week)
If they find out that Ayano is using their gadgets, robots, chemicals, or anything to harm a person or kill someone, they will kick her out and give her away to police if they have evidence. If they don't, they will be cautious around her and avoid her as much as possible.
...or might end up leaving Akademi. 👀
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chaos-proffessa · 3 months
Hello I know it's been a while but look I finally made that fic i said I would
*context this is kink onyx and there boyfs in this fic I'll make an official timeline at some point but eh... tired*
And remember chaos can't spell for shit
Riely stretched out on his bed, his sheets and blankets tangled around one leg while also being spread down to the ground, he sat up his hands reaching above his head his back cracking, today was going to be a good day he thought to himself, Riely padded his way to the kitchen turning on the kettle and prepping two coffees, one with sugar and milk the other straight black, he gulped down the sweeter one setting it down in the sink or trying too, he quickly realised that the sink had gotten a bit crowded latley, he'd add that to his list for today, as he walked to onyx's room he recounted in his mind the chores he was going to do today, he and onyx had agreed yesterday that the house could use a deep clean, he was tasked with vacuuming, dusting checking the pantry and now dishes, he smiled as he knocked on onyx's door "hey onny, you awake?" He asked gently through the door, said door creaking lighty as it was opened, Riely placed the coffee on onyx's bed side table with a smile "I'm Gunna get started on vacuuming ok?" Riely said as he bent over to showed his boyfriend in kisses to his cheek. he walked away satisfied with the sleepy grunt he got in response and went to fetch the vaccume
Riely had gotten through a good number of rooms when the vaccume stopped sucking up stuff from the floor, his brow furrowing as he turned the machine around trying to figure out what happened "it's full ri" onyx mumbled from behind him, Riely turned around with a smile and hugged onyx "good morning!" Riely said happily, onyx smiled and showed Riely the button to press to eject the contents of the vaccume "just be careful I got it pre owned and the compartment can kinda get stuck, just tap it on the side of the bin and youl be fine" onyx advised before he went off to start his set of chores, "thanks onny!!" Riely called after as he took off the vaccume head, he headed into the kitchen to empty the debree from the container true to onyx's word the chamber was stuck he started out tapping lightly but it wasn't doing anything, he tried harder and harder shaking it up and down to try and loosen it until *POOF!!* the contents of the vaccume shot up into his face, he'd been holding it upside down, Riely dropped the vaccume and backed up coughing into his arm, onyx raced in hearing the crash, he turned Riely around to face him "are you ok? Are you hurt?" Onyx asked brushing off the dust from Riely's shirt grimacing at the thick layer that had coated his front, "f-fine onny *cough* I'm ok!" Riely gave onyx a reassuring smile "just dusty" onyx nodded relived "alright... You want some help to clean this up?" Riely looked around seeing most of it ended up on the floor around the bin... And himself. Riely shook his head "nah ill be fine!" He replied onyx nodded and wished him luck as he walked off, Riely sniffled and scrunched up his nose, pressing at his septum with his wrist.
Next item on the list was the pantry, it had been a while scince he or onyx had checked to see if everything was still in date, Riely went shelf by shelf checking everything, the pasta, sauce, snacks and drinks, now he was starting to reach the tall shelves all that was left were the herbs and spices, he grabbed the step stool and set to work sorting through and binning some herbs, once he got to the spices he realised that some of the labels had started wearing off some not having a date on them, he hummed thoughtfully his Nana had thought him that he could tell if some spices were out of date from the smell so he opened a few up and sniffed at them, he diddnt really know what he was looking for or smelling for but they seemed ok so far, until he hit the paprika salt and pepper, he started with the salt wich he almost dropped a few times, it looked like the olive oil bottle had cracked and leaked onto some shakers, he ended up drying them off for now he though, deciding he'd come back to them later but just as he was putting back the pepper he lost his footing catching himself by turning so he diddnt land on his knees, he heard a sharp *crack* he looked around to see the pepper had broken "oh shoot!, well I guess I'll just add it to the list..." He shrugged and went to grab the dust pan and broom, kneeling down to start cleaning up the mess he'd made, as he started sweeping up the pepper it started puffing up into the air he hadn't noticed until he got a nose full, he set down the brush with a gasp his nose twitching hands came up to rub at his nose it was still scensitive from the dust, "hihHhhh HiHHhh hhh.. snFf! SnFff!! Hhh..." He huffed out air as the sneeze teased him, he kept cleaning up his nose twitching and running lightly in protest once he'd finished his nose had turned pink and his eyes were watering lightly, he still felt tickly...
Next was the dishes, then he'd be done. Riely put in the rubber gloves and started the water he made it extra hot so it would be easier to clean off any food stuff, his nose had started to calm down a little bit it was definately still irritated, if he focused on it too long it... IhHT "IHhhH HH!! HhhHIEH!! ....ghh snDff!! C'monnnn" he whined attempting to run his nose on his shoulder but couldn't quiet reach, he sniffled and scrunched his nose as he started washing up the dishes, he added the new soap onyx had bought to the hot water watching the bubbles rise, he started rincing the dishes scrubbing at them with the brush when a sudden strong floral smell started waving it's way through the kitchen, his breath waivered slightly his nose running, he was almost done, just a few more dishes then he could take these gloves off he bargained with himself, just... "HheH" a-a few "hhIHHhH!" Mor-more.. d "hHH" dish "HIHhHH'DTSsHHHYU!!!" Riely backed away from the sink trying to get the gloves off but his eyes kept shutting on thier own, his still gloves wet hands Fanning his face "hhehH!! HEhHH'DTTtsSHHYU!! Hhh HEH'GTSSHhhYYYUU!!!" Riely sniffled congestedly his breath still hitching his nose running, mess cascading down his face his eyes flooded with allergic tears, as all the sneezes that had been stuck for the day had suddenly come up to the surface, "hhHeHH'GTdDSHHYU!-EHhH'DShzzYU!! EHhhHE EHH'GTddsZZHYYU!!!" his hands were stuck trying to shield his face from the room while also trying to not get too close as they were covered in the fragrent soapy water, "Riely?" Onyx called out entering the kitchen "you o- oh shit.. what happened?" Onyx walked up to Riely as Riely chocked out a desperate "g-gluHH gloves! GehHHt them o-oF'DSHhhYYU!!" Riely snapped forward mess leaking down his lips as he came back up for air panting, onyx stuck his mouth open quickly nodded "y-yeah of course" he quickly took off Riely's gloves as carefully as he could, trying to not get too distracted by Riely's hitching breaths, onyx flushed and looked away as Riely accidentally sprayed his hands, Riely stumbled back breath hitching chest expanding, his head tilted back giving onyx a show of his twitching, inflamed, leaking nostrils as he shot forward cupping both hands over his nose and mouth muffling a fit of desperate sneezes, onyx muffled a whine bringing a hand to his mouth biting his finger, he had never told his boy friend about his kink, and he certainly diddnt want it to be now he took a few breaths before walking forward, clearing his thought and asking "are- are you alright?" Onyx placed a hand on Riely's shoulder, Riely sniffled and looked up then down.
"... Why are you hard?"
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emomanswhore · 2 years
YOUR TAG ON THAT GHOST POST ?_!!:('0$02 "he wont be laughing for too long once i rlly put my throat to work n let his dick laugh in my esophagus" istggg if you aint bringing this kind of energy to the table,,,get your bitchass OUTTA HEREEE!!!
this man needs to have his SOUL sucked out that dick until he is nothing but an actual ghost haunting this pussy for all of eternity #restinpussy 🛐 that man is gonna beg for mercy at the way i wrap my lips around him while i suck at his heavy pink tip like a dyson vacuum making rumbling noises deep within my diaphragm. im gonna be SINGING around his cock while i watch his baked as fuck lookin eyes roll to the back of his head behind that mask saying "fuckin hellll.." cause he knows im gonna be the reason he gets no sleep anymore— hes gonna have to literally PRY my head off like a cat trying to steal food from its owner but i wont stop the only word running in my mind being suck suck suck suck i cant even tell if I'm laughing crying or gagging on his dick anymore and neither will he
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anyways this is fr how im tryna be with ghost <3
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absolutely. 1000/10. you deserve to be at the top of ghost’s certified throat goats™️ list. dyson vaccum sealed around the heavy pink tip ?? pry you off ???? begging for mercy ?????? staycee. congratulations you just been added to the bad girls club, n you’re not one of those that are ashamed to confess how much you wanna steal the life, heart, and soul outta that man. you should name your pussy the ‘haunted house’ cuz with the way you plan on snatching his life, ghost might as well be living in there #restinpussy🛐
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bimobuddy · 1 year
Oh, Lighten Up
Characters belong to @fluffymary thank you for letting me write about your snazzy little guys
Switch!Bleu, Switch!Jaune
I'm literally so excited to write this
I'm really really hoping I got their personalities right jsbsjsbsj
Summary: Jaune is being awfully strict about how things should be done, but Bleu knows how to handle it.
It had been a particularly long day for each of the butlers, Bleu in particular. He was on cleaning duty, which meant Jaune was right there behind him micromanaging. He knew the yellow butler meant well and never meant any harm, he just liked things to be done a certain way in a certain order.
"Bleu, dust, don't scrub, you'll damage the furniture."
"Bleu, the centerpiece is called the centerpiece because it goes in the center of the table."
"Bleu the laundry has to be sorted by color- and those are hand wash only."
"Bleu that has to be shifted to the left- Oh wait, it was actually fine the first time."
He liked everything to be done a certain way but man was it exhausting. Bleu was dusting off a shelf when he heard a familiar voice behind him, yet again. "Bleu, you really should move things and not just dust around them. Just some advice." Bleu inhaled a little and turned around. "Yes, Jaune, thank you for your advice. All day. Don't you think you should relax though? Just a little?"
The yellow butler raised an eyebrow. "Relax? Bleu, surely you understand a butler doesn't 'relax' when there is work to be done. After all, everything must be clean and in order for Felix."
"Felix would understand, trust me. At least sit down for a few minutes.. Quietly. Without watching me."
"Sit down on the couch that you only half vacuumed? No tha- hmph!"
Bleu huffed and just reached foreard, stuffing the feathered end of his duster up Jaune's shirt, catching him off guard. "Really Jaune, you're so uptight. Lighten up a little." He said with an amused smirk, flicking his wrist a little.
"B-Bleu! Thi- grrr, mph! This is v-very unprofehehessional! Cease!" Jaune was half bent over, trying to push the duster away from his tummy, as well as trying (and failing) not to laugh. Bleu only stepped closer, moving the duster to his left side, causing his face to heat up and for him to awkwardly try to bring an elbow down to block the area. "Bleu stohoho- ahEM- stop this ahat once! We hahave wohohork! Ah!" He let out a yelp having unexpectedly hit the edge of the couch, which forced him to fall back and sit down, Bleu sitting next to him.
Ditching the duster, Bleu slipped his hands under his friend's arms, gently clawing at his ribs and wiggling his thumbs into his underarms. Jaune immediately turned his blushing face away and reluctantly let it all out. "HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! BLEU NOHOHO!"
Bleu chuckled a little bit. It was rare to see Jaune smile, let alone laugh. "Oh I'm sorry, is this the half-vaccumed couch you mentioned? Such a shame you went and sat down on my work, really." He said, as if he wasn't digging his fingers into Jaune's tummy, watching him kick a leg out and try to push away the offending hand. "Blehehuhu! Stahahahap!" "Stop? Why would I stop when you're clearly still stressed? I'm trying to help you relax."
Planning on stopping soon so he didn't push any limits, Bleu decided to have fun with this first. He darted his hands down, grabbed Jaune's hips, and vibrated his thumbs into the dips of the bone. Jaune grabbed at his hands, kicking his legs out. "NOHOHO HAHAHAHAHA! BLEU- HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Deciding his fun was over, Bleu stopped, letting his friend breathe. "Hope you lightened up." He said, lightheartedly, going to stand up. Jaune grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back down onto the couch. "More than you were probably hoping for," was all he said before latching his own hands onto Bleu's sides, lightly squeezing, making sure his thumbs dug and wiggled into his tummy.
"Wha- wahahahahahait!" Bleu arched his back out of reflex. "Jahahahaune I'm sahahaharry! Ihihit was a johohoHOHOKE-" He had tried to cover his mouth to stifle his laughs mid sentence, but when he raised his arm, Jaune took the opportunity to tickle his highest rib that was just below his arm.
"A joke? I'm sure it was absolutely hilarious." Probably his attempt at teasing, implying it was funny since Bleu was laughing. Either way, it still had a big effect on the poor butler, who blushed and laughed harder
After a while, Jaune did stop, patting his knee. "Well I can't say that wasn't.. fun. Oh don't look at me like that. Lighten up~" He smirked as he walked away. Bleu just sat up, panting, still smiling and giggly from the ordeal. It may have come at his expense, but he did succeed in getting Jaune to relax a little.
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crazycatgirl420 · 1 year
Reincarnated as Danielle Fenton-Masters part 2
A self instert Danny phantom fanfic
The ride from Vlad's Illinois mansion to Amity Park wasn't that long actually, though I had spent the last hour and a half lost in thought.
How much of the show did i actually remember and how much of what I knew was phandom created? Most of what I remembered was likely phandom created, because I think the show was intended to be a kid's show.
It doesn't really matter though, I'd just have to deal with life one day at a time, worrying about issues as they develop. For now, that meant using my human form to get into the FentonWorks disaster of a house.
It was horribly easy to break into FentonWorks. The front door wasn't locked, there were no cameras or security for non-ghostly threats. Danny and Jazz weren't here, and the doors to the basement lab were shut, the bright red light above the door saying it was in use. I made
The house was a mess, and the kitchen was the lesser known sibling of a toxic waste land. I couldn't find cleaning supplies anywhere, so I sent the driver, Ms. Nancy, to get some from the store.
I don't know how long I spent cleaning, the familiar mind numbing routine from my last life made the time fly by so fast. I was short, and physically weak, so I had to carefully figure out my powers to get anything done. Flying, cleaning the windows, walls, corners, tv, ceiling fan, changing the light bulbs, dodging the anti-ghost security attacks. Vaccuming the couch, under the cushions, lifting the couch to lean under the couch, the floor, wiping off the tables, moving all the dirty laundry to a basket and then tracking down the laundry room.
I cleaned the kitchen much the same way. Top to bottom, sorted through the fridge, sent Ms.Nancy grocery shopping, restocked the cupboards and fridge, washed the dishes, got them a mini fridge specifically for their vials of ectoplasm.
When I was done I noticed there was someone else in the kitchen with me. I turned around to see Danny, so much more real than he'd been in my memories of a cartoon. Messy black hair, gray-blue eyes, human and alive and real, right in front of me.
"So, who are you kid?" he asked.
"I'm Danielle Masters," I said, "I'm your clone, Vlad wants your dna because i'm dying, and he wants to either save me or create a better clone of you"
"That's... a lot to process," Danny said, sitting heavily on the nearest chair.
I nodded, turning to the fridge and pulling out the stuff to make sandwiches.
As Danny and I ate, we talked. I admitted I had only came to life this morning, was physically about three or four years old, and haven't done more than the basic ghost powers because I don't want to accidentally die doing more than that.
He pulled out his cell phone, and we watched videos, listening to music for funny cat videos or scrolling through celebrity gossip articles. It was fun, and I learnt most of the songs I knew existed here but not all of them. It seemed to be a coin flip on if a certain celebrity or songwriter existed in this universe. As I was scrolling through movie titles, a wisp of cold breath from between my lips, I glanced up and knew Danny had left the same.
"...Do you need help?" I asked, I wasn't sure how much help i could be but I'd do my best if he needed me too,
"No, stay here. Or hide in my room if you want too, I'll be back in a few minutes,"
So I went to Danny's room, which was just as much of a disaster as the rest of the house had been. after looking up the current ghost fight on Danny's phone, seeing Phantom fighting one of Vlad's failed experiments at the school, I sighed. I wasn't there to attack Danny from behind like my character had done in the show, I wasn't sure what would happen.
There wasn't much I could do, but I could clean. When Danny returned, his room would be clean, his bed sheets changed and his laundry washed and put away.
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breanime · 1 year
FMK: Osferth, Aemond, and Tom Bennett
Ooooooooh, a CHALLENGE! Ok, let's seeeeeeeww
Fuck: Aemond. And listen--LISTEN! I wanted to say marry him, I soooo badly wanted to marry him, but he's a kinslayer and I'm pretty sure someone would slay me as revenge and that would suck. But, speaking of suck, I would give Aemond SUCH a vaccumming via mouth, he would never emotionally recover. He would be OBSESSED with me, I would fuck that man into a coma, I'm gonna fuck him so good, he'll need 3-5 business days to recover, physically.
Marry: Tom Bennett, he's cocky and rude and a little cunt and I want to be his wifey and have him run to me whenever he gets into a disagreement with his father so I can hold him and having family dinner with his family and laughing with Lois and Tom touching my leg under the table and going home, him driving us, because he saved up for a car because "no chance my wife will be walking back and forth, no fucking chance" and him holding my hand as he drives--- I'm sorry, what was the question??
Kill: Osferth, sorry baby
Also, I forgot I was supposed to give one back, and I'm genuinely curious for you---FMK the same trio: Aemond, Tom Bennett, Osferth
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mechagrrl · 11 months
tumblr update discourse is frustrating because like. current userbase wants the site to stay the same but not give tumblr any money. tumblr is actively losing money, so they try catering to a different userbase. this makes the current userbase say "well now i won't give you any money DOUBLE".
what exactly are you guys bringing to the table. what are you doing to stop tumblr from swimming in debt. nothing of course, but when THEY try to do something about it... its branded as bad? i don't understand.
if you hate tumblr so much, please use mastodon. mastodon is great! i love it! it takes some getting used to but if tumblr trying to make money makes you mad like... go somewhere else. the website doesn't just exist in a vaccum, and will. yknow. go down without support. tumblr staff wants the website to not die, so they chase monetization.
idk idk its like. you can't have tumblr AND complain every time they try to get money to run the site. it just doesn't make any sense to me. if the site is so bad, use mastodon!!!! seriously!!!!!!
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