#valentine’s day 2022 wishes
hanafubukki · 1 year
Twst valentine merch sooooonn
They will probably start popping up starting tomorrow or the day after.
I can’t wait 🩵🩵🩵
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someone asked for the full list
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don't question what i use tiermaker for
Tier 1: As stated in today's fact, Shizuku and Haruka can be considered the most attractive characters in the game, as multiple characters have shown attraction to them. Shizuku moreso than Haruka, but there's not too much of a difference to separate the tiers.
Tier 2: These characters have all been stated somewhere to be attractive.
Mafuyu is considered to be outstanding in all fields, including appearance. It's occassionally commented that she is quite pretty. Ichika and KAITO's first kizuna title is "Ikemen while playing", ikemen meaning handsome or cool. Ena has a Twitter account for selfies that has a reasonable following, and she often gets comments saying that she's pretty or cute. Len has a similar sort of idol aura to Haruka does, and is referred to as 'princely'.
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Tier 3: These characters are never explicitly stated in the game to be attractive, but you can work it out.
A few background characters in Petit SEKAI Episode 9 mention that Akito and Toya are hot. Given that the miniseries is non-canon and a gag show it's up for debate how true this is, although it is a believable detail, hence why they're in this tier.
As for Rui, we have to look at the Valentine's Virtual Live from 2021 (wiki screenshots below). Keep in mind here that Rui is not popular in school at all and doesn't have many friends at this point in the game. He mentions that he received a few boxes of chocolate in his shoe locker on Valentine's Day, which admittedly could be platonic. However, the fact that this continues on into a joke about Tsukasa trying to claim that he got chocolates too before revealing that he got friendzoned by multiple girls (more on that in a second), makes it seem more likely that these weren't platonic. Linking back to the fact that he's not popular and doesn't really have many friends, he's probably pretty good-looking.
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Tier 4: An being scouted as a model was an important part of the plot of Wishing For Your Happiness Upon The Blue Sky, and it's mentioned in an area conversation that Kanade has been talent scouted for modelling before.
Tier 5: Full disclosure that probably all of the MMJ VSingers are either pretty or cute, the ones mentioned here are just the ones I remember it being stated/implied. In the April Fools 2022 area conversation with the Lukas, MMJ!Luka says that WxS!Luka is very cute. N25!Luka calls her MMJ variant out for calling herself cute, and MMJ!Luka says that she herself is cute. (TL)
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Kohane is mainly referred to as cute by An, which is biased, but other characters have pointed this fact out before as well, so she qualifies for this tier.
Mizuki loves cute clothes and accessories and always tries to look cute. I believe a few other characters have called them cute, but unfortunately the only instance I can actually remember is one transphobic faceless background character saying "you can't tell and they're super cute".
Also Minori and Airi are here because they're idols and have been called cute because that's part of being an idol I suppose.
Tier 6: Yes he gets his own tier because it's funny. This guy runs on rule of funny like 50% of the time. Anyway, as mentioned earlier, in the 2021 Valentine's Virtual Live, he gets annoyed when he hears Rui talking about receiving (implied romantic) chocolate and tries to claim that he too received (implied confession) chocolate, before saying too much and revealing that he only received friend chocolates that girls gave out to all the other boys as well.
Tsukasa's actually a lot more popular than Rui and doesn't have the same "outcast" reputation, plus in his A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium card story, Ibuki (Taniyama) mentions that Tsukasa's friends from class are really popular with girls, and Rui's friends are surprised he's in that kinda crowd (not that Tsukasa quite gets it). What I'm saying is that he's in a crowd of popular guys that are good with women and he's failing in that second aspect. The reason why is never stated but considering the school's resident outcast is able to get Valentine's chocolate for probably no reason other than looks, it's safe to assume Tsukasa is maybe lacking in that field.
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I think two guys have flirted with him? One definitely has anyway. The other is more up for debate but was probably written with the intent of ship tease. Depends on how you choose to interpret it.
In other words on a scale of attractive to unattractive he's the secret 3rd option (appeals to the mlms).
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goblinontour · 22 days
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pink and light, just like the taste of your mouth
series masterlist | part 1
warnings: soft!dom!alex, angst, fluff, smut, oral (m receiving), fingering (f receiving), 69ing, he’s turning into a softie 
word count: 10k
London, 2022
Alex woke up alone. The sheets beside him were cold, and the imprint of your body was already faded. His mind swirled, struggling to piece together the night before. Except he didn’t have to. The marks on his back, the lingering sting in his skin, and the dull ache in his chest were proof enough. It wasn’t a dream. You had been there. But now, you weren’t.
He sat up, rubbing his face, the harsh light from the morning sun flooding the room, burning his tired eyes. A heavy sigh escaped him as he stared at the empty space beside him. You had no obligation to stay, of course. There were no promises, no words exchanged to bind you to his side. But still, he always expected you to stay. He thought there was an unspoken understanding, a silent agreement between the two of you, that when night turned to day, you would still be there. Perhaps, though, it was a one-sided expectation. Something he silently agreed to while you remained unaware. Or maybe he was the unaware one.
The room felt emptier than it should, and the silence was deafening. A part of him wanted to reach out, call you, ask why you’d left without a word. But he knew better. This wasn’t the first time, and yet, every time you left, it hurt him a little more.
He leaned back against the headboard, the memories of the night before playing on repeat in his mind. Your voice, the way you touched him like you knew every inch of him, the way you made him feel alive. And now, the sharp contrast of waking up alone gnawed at him. He wasn’t sure when he’d started feeling this way, when he’d started craving more than just the nights with you. But here he was, sitting in his empty bed, wishing you’d stayed.
He closed his eyes, trying to shake the thoughts away, but the ache in his chest persisted. Maybe it was time to stop expecting anything more than what was. But that was easier said than done.
He slumped back onto the bed, sinking back into the mattress. The soft pillow cradled his head as he turned over with a heavy sigh, his limbs stretching out in a lazy, reluctant motion. But as his body lengthened, his skin brushed against something unpleasant. Scratchy patches on the sheets, remnants of last night. The dried cum clung to the fabric. The sensation made him wince, a low groan escaping his lips. He should move, get up, strip the bed, and wash away the mess of what had transpired.
But he didn’t move. He couldn’t.
Because in the midst of the discomfort, something else caught his attention. Your scent, faint but unmistakable, lingering on the other pillow. It was as if you were still there, your presence woven into the very threads of the fabric. You had stayed, at least for a little while. Long enough for your scent to be absorbed into the pillow, a whisper of you left behind, something for him to cling to in your absence.
His chest tightened as he turned his head toward the pillow, his face pressing into it, inhaling deeply. The smell of you filled his nostrils, a mix of your shampoo, your skin, your warmth. It was intoxicating, even as the emptiness of the room threatened to overwhelm him. He rubbed his nose against the material, almost desperately, as if he could pull you back to him through sheer force of will.
But the scent was just a ghost of you, a fleeting trace that would fade with time, just like every other time you’d left. And yet, it was enough to keep him there, lying motionless in the bed, eyes closed as he tried to hold onto that last bit of you for as long as he could.
Eventually, he had to get up, though the thought of leaving the bed felt almost unbearable. The warmth of the sheets, the memory of you imprinted on the fabric, it was all he had left of you this morning. But the insistent pressure in his bladder was hard to ignore, and he wasn’t about to wet the fucking bed, no matter how tempting the idea of staying wrapped up in that bittersweet cocoon was. 
He lingered for a moment longer, his mind toying with the idea of just ignoring it, but even he had to admit that was ridiculous. With a resigned sigh, he pushed himself up, his movements slow, like he was dragging himself out of a dream he wasn’t ready to wake from.
The walk to the bathroom felt longer than usual, the cool tile beneath his feet jarring him further from the hazy comfort of the bed. He stood there, staring blankly ahead as he relieved himself, his thoughts still swirling around the same question: Why had you left? He tried to shake it off, telling himself it didn’t matter, but the question clung to him, refusing to be ignored.
He washed his face, the cold water shocking his system, hoping it would clear his head, but instead, it only sharpened the thoughts he’d been trying to avoid. You’d left, again. And once more, he was left grappling with the same, nagging ache in his chest, wondering why he couldn’t just let it go. 
Brushing his teeth, he glanced at his reflection in the mirror: hair a mess, a mix of frustration and confusion etched into his features. By now, he should be over it. After all, this wasn’t the first time you’d slipped out before dawn, leaving him to wake up alone. He should be used to it. He shouldn’t expect anything more from you. Because you weren’t his and he probably didn’t deserve it anyway. He should’ve been over it. 
But he hadn’t. And it was that stubborn, foolish part of him that kept hoping, kept expecting to wake up and find you still there beside him. It was that part of him that kept wondering what he’d done wrong this time, what he could’ve done to make you stay. 
He knew he could be difficult, especially in the mornings. He could be short and distant and sometimes even a bit of a jerk, and maybe you were tired of it. Maybe that was why you left. But it wasn’t that he didn’t want you there. Quite the opposite. It was because he wanted it so badly that he pushed you away, hiding behind a mask of indifference and sarcasm most times. It was easier than admitting how much he cared, how much he needed you to stay.
But now, standing in the bathroom, staring at his reflection, he couldn’t help but feel like an idiot. Because the truth was, he didn’t know why he acted this way, why he couldn’t just be honest with you, with himself. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was pride, or maybe he was just too used to being alone.
Whatever it was, it didn’t change the fact that you were gone, and he was left here, alone with nothing but his thoughts and the fading scent of you on his pillow. 
He rinsed his mouth and spat into the sink, gripping the edges of the counter as he tried to steady himself. He thought he’d be over it by now, that he’d be able to shake off the lingering feelings, but he wasn’t. You were still on his mind, occupying every corner of his thoughts, and no amount of cold water or rationalising was going to change that.
With a heavy sigh, he turned off the faucet and leaned against the sink, closing his eyes for a moment as he tried to push the thoughts of you out of his head. But they stayed, stubborn and insistent. Just like him.
He descended the stairs, his footsteps quiet against the hardwood as he made his way to the kitchen. The plan was simple: a cup of coffee, something to clear his head, something to distract from the unease that had settled in his chest. But as he crossed the threshold into the living room, his eyes landed on the settee, and there you were. Sitting quietly, almost like you’d always been there.
“Oh.” he said, the word slipping out before he could think. For a moment, he just stared, his mind struggling to reconcile the relief washing over him with the surprise of seeing you there. So, he’d freaked out over nothing. You were here the whole time. You never left. You were still here. You didn’t leave him.
“I thought you were gone…you’re very quiet.” he added, his voice softer now, tinged with the remnants of the fear that had gripped him earlier. Without waiting for your response, he turned abruptly, almost too abruptly, and headed into the kitchen. His hands reached for the coffee maker with a kind of desperation, as if the familiar motions of making it could somehow ground him, distract him. 
“I was waiting for you to wake up.” you replied, your voice carrying softly into the kitchen. “I’ll head out now.”
His hands froze for a fraction of a second, the coffee grounds spilling over the edge of the filter as he hesitated. He forced himself to keep moving, pouring the water into the coffee maker with slow care, focusing on the small details to keep himself from spiralling. 
“You have to go?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the counter, not trusting himself to look back at you. The thought of you leaving now, after the rollercoaster of emotions he’d just been through, felt like a punch to the gut.
“Uhm…yeah.” Your voice was hesitant, as if you were trying to convince yourself as much as him. You didn’t have to go, not really. But you couldn’t stay either. Not after last night, not after the way you’d felt waking up beside him, the way his presence seemed to fill every corner of your mind. If you stayed, you knew it would only get worse. Every thought would be about him, every decision coloured by his existence in your life. You couldn’t give him that. Not yet, maybe not ever.
He nodded slightly, more to himself than to you, as if trying to come to terms with your answer. He focused on the task at hand, carefully pouring the water and setting the coffee maker to brew, the hum of the machine filling the silence that had settled between you. The tension was thick, palpable, as if the room itself was holding its breath, waiting for something or someone to give in.
Finally, he spoke again, his voice softer, almost resigned. “I get it.” he said, though he wasn’t sure if he really did. Part of him wanted to ask you to stay, to tell you that you didn’t have to go, that you could have your coffee here with him, maybe talk about whatever it was that had kept you on the settee instead of in bed with him. But the words stuck in his throat, his pride and fear keeping him silent.
He heard you shift on the settee, the sound of fabric rustling as you stood up, preparing to leave. His heart sank, a familiar ache settling in his chest. He knew he should say something, do something to make you stay. He couldn’t let you leave, not like this, not without something to hold onto. As you began to turn, preparing to walk out the door, he found his voice again, softer but more insistent this time. 
“Do I get a kiss goodbye?” The question hung in the air between you, laden with more meaning than either of you wanted to acknowledge. It wasn’t just about a kiss. 
You paused, your back to him. You hadn’t even forgotten the feel of his lips on yours just hours before, the way they had claimed you. And now, he was asking for another kiss, one that you knew would linger in your thoughts long after you walked out the door.
You turned to him, trying to deflect the intensity of the moment with a joke. “Have you brushed your teeth?” you asked, a small, teasing smile playing on your lips.
“No, I’m filthy.” he replied, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down your spine. But then his expression softened, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your breath catch. “Of course I have. Come here.”
He didn’t wait for you to move. He stepped forward, closing the distance between you in a heartbeat. His hands found your waist, pulling you in close, his grip firm yet still gentle, as if he was afraid you might slip away if he didn’t hold on tight enough. Before you could say anything, his lips crashed into yours, the kiss hard, almost desperate, like he was trying to pour everything he couldn’t say into this one moment.
You melted into him, your hands finding their way to the back of his neck, your fingers threading through his hair as you kissed him back. There was only him, the feel of his lips against yours, the warmth of his body pressed close to yours. It was overwhelming, intoxicating, and for a moment, you let yourself get lost in it, forgetting why you had wanted to leave in the first place.
But then reality crept back in, and you gently pulled away. His forehead rested against yours, his eyes closed as he held you there, neither of you wanting to break the contact just yet.
“You don’t have to go.” he whispered, his voice raw, almost pleading. But he didn’t let the words hang, didn’t give you a chance to respond before he pulled back, releasing you from his grip with a reluctance that was palpable.
You took a step back, trying to steady yourself. You wanted to stay. God, you wanted to stay. But the fear of what that would mean, of how deeply you were starting to feel for him, made you hesitate.
“I should go.” you said softly, even though your heart screamed at you to stay.
He nodded, his expression guarded now, the moment slipping away as quickly as it had come. “Yeah.” he replied, his voice back to that resigned tone, already bracing himself for the inevitable.
But as you turned to leave, the memory of his kiss still fresh on your lips, you couldn’t help but wonder if this would be the last time you’d ever feel them.
“I’ll see you around?” you said softly, your voice a mix of regret and finality. You didn’t really want to leave, but staying felt too dangerous, too much like surrendering a part of yourself.
“Yeah.” he replied, barely audible over the sound of the coffee brewing. He still didn’t turn around, his hands gripping the counter as he tried to hold himself together. “See you.”
And just like that, you were gone.
The door clicked shut behind you, and the silence that followed was deafening. He stood there for a long time, staring blankly at the coffee maker as the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen. But the comfort he’d hoped to find in the routine of making coffee was nowhere to be found. All he could think about was you. How close you’d been. And how far away you felt now.
He finally poured himself a cup of coffee, the steam rising from the mug as he brought it to his lips. But the bitterness that coated his tongue did nothing to chase away the bitterness in his heart. He set the mug down, nearly untouched, and slumped against the counter, the weight of his own silence pressing down on him.
Why couldn’t he just say what he was feeling? Why did he always push you away, only to regret it the moment you were gone? He didn’t have an answer. All he knew was that you were gone, and he was left alone with nothing but his thoughts and that stupid hollow ache in his chest.
And as much as he tried to shake it off, he couldn’t help but wonder if, next time, you wouldn’t come back.
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A whole day had passed since you left, and Alex had spent every minute of it in a haze, his thoughts circling back to you no matter how hard he tried to distract himself. Everything in his house reminded him of you. The scent of you still lingered on the pillow because he refused to change the pillowcase despite changing the sheets. And the echoes of your voice seemed to reverberate through the rooms. He couldn’t escape it, couldn’t escape you. It was driving him mad, this incessant need to have you close, to know that you were still within reach.
He’d been restless all day, pacing the length of his living room, trying to push down the gnawing feeling in his chest. He picked up his guitar at one point, thinking maybe music would help drown out the noise in his head, but all it did was conjure images of you, sitting on his sofa, listening with that half-smile on your lips that always made him play a little better, a little softer, just for you. He put the guitar down almost immediately, frustrated by how easily everything tied back to you.
And now, as the evening shadows stretched across the room, he found himself staring at his phone, your contact open on the screen. He’d been here before, earlier today, hesitating before finally calling, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to actually press the button. It had felt too soon, too desperate. But now? Now he didn’t care. Maybe he was being dramatic, but he needed to hear your voice, needed to know that you hadn’t walked out of his life for good. 
He hit the call button, holding his breath as the phone rang, each beep hammering in his chest like a countdown. It rang once, twice, three times. Long enough for doubt to creep in, to make him think maybe you wouldn’t answer. Maybe you’d seen his name on your screen and decided to let it go to voicemail, or worse, block his number entirely for some reason. But then, just as he was about to give up, the ringing stopped, replaced by the soft hum of background noise on your end.
“Hi?” Your voice was cautious, unsure, like you weren’t entirely certain it was him calling. The sound of it hit him, the relief almost painful.
“Come over.” he said immediately, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. He knew he sounded abrupt, maybe even a little demanding, but he couldn’t help it. He was never good with words, especially not when it came to you.
There was a pause on your end, making his anxiety spike. “Alex, you can’t expect me to just drop everything every time just ’cause you feel like fucking me.” you finally said, your voice carrying that slight edge of frustration that cut through him like a knife.
He clenched his jaw, trying to keep his emotions in check. It wasn’t about fucking you. God, it was never just about that. But how could he make you understand that without sounding even more pathetic? The thought of you thinking he only saw you as someone to call when he was horny made him sick. You were more than that to him. So much more. But he couldn’t find the words to tell you that. Not now, not like this.
“Please.” he said, his voice softening as he forced himself to swallow his pride. “Please just come ‘ere. I’m leaving tomorrow. I wanna see you one last time.”
The lie slipped out so easily, a last-ditch effort to get you to come over. He wasn’t leaving tomorrow. He had weeks before he had to leave for tour again. But the desperation in his chest wouldn’t let him play it cool. And maybe, deep down, he hoped you’d see through the lie, hoped that you’d understand just how much he needed to see you, even if he couldn’t say it outright.
The silence on the line stretched on, each passing second feeling like an eternity. He could almost hear the wheels turning in your head, the internal debate you were having with yourself about whether to give in to him again. He knew he was asking too much, that he had no right to demand anything from you, but he couldn’t help it. He was terrified of watching you walk out of his life for good.
“Alright.” you finally said. “But this is the last time, Alex. I mean it.”
He nodded, even though you couldn’t see him, even though the words felt like a death sentence. “Yeah.” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “See you soon.”
As the call ended, he let the phone slip from his hand. He’d won this round, if you could even call it that, but it didn’t feel like a victory. Your warning echoed in his head, the finality of it making his stomach churn. He knew he was on borrowed time, that he couldn’t keep doing this. Calling you, pulling you back in, and then leaving, without eventually driving you away for good. And the thought of that, of you finally walking away and never coming back, scared him more than he cared to admit.
But for now, you were coming. 
He had no idea how long it would take for you to arrive, but he knew himself well enough to know that if he didn’t start getting ready now, he’d end up getting distracted by something else, only to realise, too late, that time had slipped away. So, he decided to prepare, though he wasn’t entirely sure what he was preparing for. All he knew was that he wanted to look good for you, be ready when you walked through that door.
He spent an absurd amount of time staring at his wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. It was ridiculous, really. Half the clothes in there looked almost identical. His fingers skimmed over a row of white shirts, each one practically a clone of the other, but somehow it felt important to choose the right one. After what felt like an eternity of deliberation, he settled on the single one that wasn’t ironed, of course. But it was the softest, and that mattered more. He wanted to feel soft under your touch because he knew, despite everything, there would inevitably be touching. He wanted to touch you, too, more than anything.
He slipped the shirt over his shoulders, but the creases were more pronounced than he’d anticipated, overshadowing the softness he wanted to present. He frowned, debating whether it was worth the effort to iron it. Ultimately, his aversion to ironing won out, and he turned back to the wardrobe.
After rummaging through the hangers, he found a white sweater. Simple, fuss-free, and just as soft. He pulled it on, smoothing the fabric over his torso, feeling more at ease. “Perfect.” he murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips.
He moved on to his hair, spending more time than usual trying to get it just right. Not too neat. He didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard. But not too messy either. By the time he was satisfied with his reflection, he heard the doorbell ring. His heart leaped in his chest, his breath catching. It could either be you or the food he’d ordered earlier, planning ahead for the evening he hoped you’d stay for.
He rushed to the door, his nerves tingling. He knew it wasn’t fair to pin his hopes on it being you. After all, it could very well be the delivery driver. But he couldn’t help it. He needed it to be you. He needed to see you standing there, to know that you had come back to him.
With a deep breath, he opened the door, half-expecting to be greeted by a paper bag filled with takeout. But when he saw you standing there, framed in the doorway, he felt a rush of relief so intense it nearly knocked the wind out of him. For a moment, all he could do was stare, taking in the sight of you, your hair, your eyes, the way you looked at him like you were still trying to figure him out.
“Hi.” you said, your voice soft but steady, cutting through the tension that hung in the air.
He opened his mouth to say something, but the words got caught in his throat. All the things he wanted to tell you, all the things he had rehearsed in his head while he was getting ready, they seemed to vanish the moment he saw you. Instead, he just stepped aside, wordlessly inviting you in. He closed the door behind you, the sound of it clicking shut echoing in the silence that followed.
He watched as you took in the room, your eyes scanning the familiar surroundings, the slight messiness that came from him getting ready in a rush. His heart pounded in his chest, the proximity to you, the reality of you being here, making it hard to focus on anything else.
He finally found his voice, clearing his throat awkwardly. “I, uh…ordered some food. In case you were hungry.”
You looked at him, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Yeah? What did you get?”
He shrugged, trying to play it off as casual. “The usual. Figured we could…I don’t know, eat, drink…and talk. Or whatever.”
You nodded, and the smile softened, but there was still that edge of uncertainty in your eyes, like you weren’t entirely sure what you were doing here, either.
He wanted to say more, to reassure you that this wasn’t just about the food, or the sex, or whatever it was you thought this was. But instead, he just gestured toward the living room. 
As you walked past him, your arm brushed against his sweater, and he felt a jolt, like an electric current had just surged through him. The brief contact was enough to make his heart race, a reminder of how close you were, how real this moment was. He was still caught up in the sensation when the doorbell rang again, pulling him back to the present. 
“Food.” he said, half to himself as much as to you, pointing toward the door. He took a deep breath and then quickly strode over to get it, using the brief task as a moment to collect himself. 
As he reached for the doorknob, his hand trembled slightly. He opened the door to the delivery driver, exchanging a few quick words before taking the bag and closing the door behind him. The smell of the food filled the hallway. Warm. Good. But it did little to calm the nerves still buzzing under his skin.
He turned back to you, who had taken a seat on the sofa, watching him with an expression he couldn’t quite read. There was something in your eyes that made him feel like he was standing on the edge of something he couldn’t grasp.
“Hope you’re hungry.” he said, trying to inject some lightness into his voice as he carried the food into the living room.
You nodded, though your smile was faint, almost like you were still deciding whether you’d made the right choice in coming here. He set the bag down on the coffee table and began unpacking the containers, focusing on the task to avoid the intensity of your gaze. 
“Thanks for this.” you said, your voice soft, almost like you were testing the waters.
He glanced up at you, offering a small smile in return. “Yeah, no problem.” he replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. But beneath the surface, his thoughts were racing, each one centering around you, wondering if this would be the last time you’d share a moment like this, the last time he’d have the chance to be close to you like this.
As you reached for one of the containers, your hand brushed against his again, and that same electric jolt sparked through him. He swallowed hard, willing himself to stay calm, to not let the moment slip away. 
“I’m glad you came.” he said quietly, the words slipping out before he could stop them.
You looked up at him, your eyes searching his, and for a brief moment, it felt like the entire world had narrowed down to just the two of you, sitting there with takeout containers between you. 
“You always say that.” you murmured, a hint of weariness in your voice. You’d heard it all before. There was something in your tone that made his chest tighten, a small stab of fear that he was losing you, that he’d already lost you in ways he couldn’t fully comprehend.
“That’s because I am.” he said quickly, leaning in closer. “Glad, I mean.”
“Yeah…” You trailed off, your gaze dropping to the floor, and he could see the battle playing out behind your eyes. The war between wanting to believe him and the doubt that had taken root somewhere along the way.
“What?” he asked. 
“Nothing, it’s just-”
“You think I’m lying?” he cut in, his voice sharp, edged with something that almost sounded like desperation. The thought that you might not believe him, that you’d think he was just saying what you wanted to hear, made him feel sick. Because he’d made you like that. It was his fault. 
“Because I’m not.” he insisted, his words coming out in a rush, almost tripping over themselves in his urgency. “I mean it. I really do.”
Finally, you looked up at him, and he saw the storm in your eyes. The conflict, the uncertainty, the lingering hurt that he had been trying so hard to ignore. But there was also something else, something softer and more fragile, like you were still holding onto a thread of hope, even if you weren’t sure why.
He reached out, his fingers brushing against yours. The touch was light, almost hesitant, but it sent a spark through him. 
“Okay.” you said finally, the word quiet, resigned. But there was a tremor in your voice, a small crack in the armour you had put up, and he clung to it like a lifeline.
It wasn’t the reassurance he wanted that he wanted. He knew better than to push for more right now. He could see how much this was costing you, how hard it was for you to even consider trusting him after seeing how he’d been all these years. So, he held back, swallowing the rush of words that wanted to spill out, and instead, he just nodded, offering you a small, understanding smile.
He could feel the tension between you begin to ease, the air slowly clearing as you both sat there, not saying anything more, but somehow saying everything that needed to be said. The silence wasn’t as heavy as before. It was more comfortable.
“Let’s eat.” he finally said, breaking the quiet. 
You nodded, and the corner of your mouth twitched up in a faint smile. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make his heart beat a little faster. 
As you both reached for the containers again, the brief touches, the brushes of fingers, felt different now. They weren’t just accidents. They were small, but deliberate. 
He watched you as you picked at the food, your focus half on your plate and half on something distant, something he wished he could pull you back from. But he knew it wasn’t that simple. 
“I love you.” he said quietly, the words slipping out before he could stop them. 
You froze, the food halfway to your mouth, as his words hung in the air between you like a bomb waiting to go off. Your reaction was immediate, visceral. “What the fuck?” you blurted out, your voice sharper than you intended.
He blinked, taken aback. “What?”
“Don’t say that.” you snapped, your heart pounding in your chest, the tension that had briefly eased now spiking back up, almost suffocating.
“Why not?” he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly, confused and hurt.
You set down your fork, your appetite completely gone. “Are you drunk?” you asked, but even as the words left your mouth, you knew the answer. You knew he wasn’t. The clarity in his eyes, the steadiness in his voice, it was all too real.
He shook his head, his gaze locked on you. “No, I’m not drunk.”
Of course, he wasn’t. You’d heard him say those words before, in different moments, in different ways, but this time it felt like too much. Too raw, too exposed, and you weren’t ready for it. You weren’t ready for the weight those words carried, not now, not after everything.
But he didn’t take it back, didn’t try to soften the blow. He just sat there, waiting, his expression open, vulnerable in a way you hadn’t seen in a long time. And it scared you, the intensity of his feelings, the way he could just say something like that, with no warning, no prelude. It made you feel like the ground was shifting beneath your feet, like you were losing control of whatever fragile balance you’d managed to keep between you two.
“I meant it.” he added, his voice steady, but there was a hint of pleading there, like he was silently asking you not to shut him out, not to push him away.
You didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to respond to the sincerity in his voice, the way his eyes seemed to search yours for some kind of sign that you felt the same. But you couldn’t give him that, not now, not when everything between you was so uncertain. 
So you did the only thing you could think of. You looked away, focusing on anything but him, trying to keep the flood of emotions at bay.
“I don’t know what to do with that.” you whispered, more to yourself than to him.
“I’m not asking you to do anything.” he replied, and when you finally dared to look at him, you saw the truth in his eyes. “I just needed you to know.”
“Okay…let’s eat.” you said, your voice a little too calm, a little too controlled. It mirrored his own earlier words, bouncing the deflection back to him like a tennis ball in a rally. It felt like you were both playing a game, passing the baton of deflection between each other. First him, then you, then him again, and now you once more. This game of emotional dodgeball was familiar to both of you, a dance you’d perfected over time. You’d just keep passing the discomfort back and forth, neither of you willing to let it land.
He didn’t say anything, just nodded slightly, picked up his fork, and returned to his food, his focus on the plate in front of him, the food he’d so meticulously ordered and now found tasteless. The sound of his own chewing reverberated in his mind, each bite louder than it should have been, filling the silence between you. It became a rhythm, a strange sort of grounding amidst the his thoughts.
But as he continued to eat, the realisation of what he’d said, those three words, started to hit him. He loved you. He’d always known it, deep down, in the way you lingered in his thoughts, the way his skin tingled when you were near, the way he was always searching for you even when he knew you were on the other side of the world, even when he knew you weren’t there. But saying it out loud, making it real. He hadn’t expected that. Not today, not in the middle of this cautious dance you both were doing.
And yet, there was no regret. No immediate panic, no urge to take it back, like all the other times he’d come close to saying it or actually said it. Instead, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips, subtle but there, a small victory over his own fears and insecurities. He finally said it. He’d let it out into the world, and it felt…good. Strange, but good.
He glanced up at you, wondering if you noticed the shift in him, but your focus remained on your own plate, your thoughts seemingly a million miles away. He wondered what you were thinking, whether his confession had caused a ripple in your carefully composed exterior. But he didn’t push. Not now. 
So, he ate. Quietly. The sound of forks clinking against containers the only noise breaking the silence. The weight of his words was still there, but it wasn’t unbearable. It was something he could carry, something he wanted to carry, because it was the truth. 
He stood up after finishing his meal, gathering the empty takeout boxes and the used utensils. You watched him quietly as he moved around the kitchen, his back turned to you as he threw out the trash and placed the dishes in the sink. The silence between you grew thicker, heavier, but you knew it had to be broken.
When he returned to the living room, he found you still standing, your arms crossed. He sat down on the sofa, trying to prepare himself for whatever was coming next.
“Do you know how many times you’ve told me that?” you asked. And there was an edge to it that made him feel uneasy.
“That I love you?” he replied, almost cautiously. 
He shook his head, unsure of where this was going. “No, I don’t know. I mean, I- I know I’ve said it before, but-”
“You’ve said it,” you interrupted, your tone sharper now, “and then you pretended like it never happened. And then you left. You got another girlfriend, and I was left there with nothing.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. He knew you were right. He had done that. More than once. Or twice. He’d let the words slip out, let the truth escape in vulnerable moments, only to backpedal and hide from it later. It was a pattern, one he wasn’t proud of, but one he’d never quite managed to break.
“I-” he started, but your gaze on him kept him from finishing. He could see the hurt in your eyes, the frustration, the years of unresolved tension that had built up between you. This wasn’t just about tonight. This was about every time he’d pulled away, every time he’d left you behind to chase something he thought was easier, less complicated.
“I’m sorry.” he finally said, the words falling short of everything he wanted to express. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never did.”
“You never mean to.” you replied, your voice softer now but still laced with pain. “But you do. Every time.”
He looked down at his hands, the truth of your words cutting deeper than he expected. “I know…” he whispered, more to himself than to you. He knew he had a lot to make up for, and he wasn’t sure if that was even possible. But he wanted to try. “I know I’ve been an ass, and I’m sorry. But this time…”
“What?” you asked, the word laced with both frustration and a hint of vulnerability.
“Stop. Stop being so mean…” he blurted out, his own frustration bleeding through. “I- look, I know I deserve it, but…”
He trailed off, searching for the right words. His mind raced, trying to find a way to make you see what he was feeling, to make you understand that this time was different. He wasn’t just saying the words to fill the silence or to placate you. He meant them, with every fiber of his being.
He stood up from the sofa, running a hand through his hair, the strands falling back into place in a way that only added to his dishevelled appearance.
He looked at you, his frustration giving way to something rawer, more vulnerable. “I want more than to just fuck you, okay?” he said, the words coming out almost too fast, like he’d been holding them in for far too long. “It was never just that. Not for me.”
He paused, running a hand through his hair again, this time more slowly, as if gathering his thoughts. “I’ve been an idiot, I know that. I’ve acted like all I wanted was something casual, like it was all about the sex and all that, but it’s not…it’s never been just that.”
His voice softened, eyes searching yours for any sign that you understood. “I want…more. With you. I just didn’t know how to ask for it. I didn’t know how to let you in.”
You couldn’t process it, couldn’t let yourself believe it was true, even though deep down you knew he wasn’t the type to just use someone. But the fear was still there, gnawing at you, telling you that maybe this was just another line, another way to keep you close until he got bored or scared again.
You wanted to believe him so badly, to let yourself feel everything that had been building up inside of you for so long. But admitting it felt like stepping off a cliff, and you weren’t sure you could survive the fall if he didn’t catch you. So you stood there, frozen, caught between the fear of getting hurt again and the longing for everything he was offering.
He looked at you, concern etched on his face. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
You nodded, though your heart was still racing, and sat down where he had been just moments before. He hesitated for a second, then joined you, his thigh brushing against yours as he settled in beside you. The touch was enough to send a shiver down your spine, taking you back to a time when everything felt new and thrilling, like you were 15 again and this was your first time at a boy’s house.
He felt it too. The nervous energy that made him feel almost ridiculous. Here he was, nearing 40, and yet he was sitting next to you, suddenly acutely aware of how close you were, and it made his heart pound like a teenager’s. It struck him how long it had taken him to finally say what he felt, to gather the courage to be this vulnerable with you. All that time wasted, and now he was here, terrified that he might have waited too long.
He looked over at you, his voice barely above a whisper. “It shouldn’t have taken me this long to tell you…” He hesitated, his eyes flicking down to your lips before he looked away, suddenly shy. “It shouldn’t have taken me this long to tell you.” he repeated. You could see the nervousness in his eyes, the way he fidgeted with his hands as if unsure of what to do next.
Slowly, cautiously, he leaned in, his breath catching in his throat. His lips brushed yours, feather-light at first, as if he was still asking for permission, still afraid to push too far. Despite everything you’d done so many times already. 
When you didn’t pull away, when you kissed him back, he melted into it, the nerves making him almost clumsy. His hands hovered awkwardly at your sides before finally resting on your waist, his fingers trembling slightly. He pulled back just enough to look at you, his face flushed, his eyes wide with something like awe.
“I’m sorry.” he mumbled, his voice shaky, almost embarrassed by how shy he felt. “I…I didn’t mean to…I mean, I did, but…” he stammered, his words tumbling over each other as his cheeks flushed.
He swallowed hard, the warmth of your body pressed against his making it difficult to think straight. When you straddled him, leaning in to kiss his neck, he felt a surge of need, maybe even a twitch, but it was quickly overtaken by something deeper. 
Your lips moved to his neck, and his breath hitched. He wanted to lose himself in the moment, in you, but something in him hesitated. He gently placed his hands on your shoulders, stopping you.
“Not tonight.” he murmured, almost pleading.
But when you leaned in to kiss him again, he shook his head, eyes filled with a vulnerability that made your heart clench. He grabbed your wrists and pulled them together, stopping you from touching any further, instead leaving a kiss on them. Each one. 
“Let’s go to bed.” he whispered. “I don’t want to fuck you. Not tonight.”
He wasn’t rejecting you, but instead, he was asking for something more. Something real, something that went beyond the physical. He wanted to hold you, to be close to you in a way that wasn’t just about lust and sex like you’d both pretended it was. He wanted to be with you fully, to feel you beside him as more than just a fleeting moment.
He wanted to love you.
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The next morning, he woke up to the soft sensation of your hand tracing delicate patterns on his skin, right above where his boxers sat on his hips. He blinked awake, still groggy, but aware enough to feel the warmth of your presence beside him.
“You’re here.” he tried to whisper, but his voice came out rough, his throat dry from sleep. It was more of a rasp than anything else, and he noticed the way you smiled slightly at the sound, knowing you always liked his morning voice whenever you got to hear it.
He reached down, placing his hand over yours, feeling the way your fingers paused before continuing their slow movement. 
You didn’t say anything, and neither did he, but there was something different in the way you looked at each other. He shifted slightly, turning toward you, wanting to be closer, to pull you against him and keep you there.
“Morning.” he finally managed to say, his voice still thick with sleep, but softer now.
He kissed you, not caring that neither of you had even gotten out of bed yet. He just wanted to feel you close, to taste the morning on your lips, to remind himself that you were really there. 
“You’re gross.” you murmured against his mouth, but he could feel the smile in your words.
“I told you…I’m filthy.” he whispered back between kisses, grinning.
Your hand wandered down his stomach, tracing the lines of his abs before slipping lower. You found him already hard, his cock straining against the waistband of his boxers, your fingers already grazing along his naked skin from how the tip was poking out. He gasped, his body trembling at your touch, and you laughed softly, amused by his reaction.
“Sorry.” he mumbled, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He hadn’t realised he’d woken up like this, and just how turned on he was. He hadn’t even noticed it until your touch brought it to his attention. But with you next to him, it made sense. He wanted you. 
Still, he didn’t want you to feel pressured. “We don’t have to do anything.” he added quickly. “It’ll go down.”
But the look in your eyes told him you were far from bothered. 
He couldn’t hide his surprise when your hand slid inside his boxers, bypassing his cock and going straight for his balls. When you squeezed, a noise escaped him, completely involuntary, sounding almost like a squeaky toy, and his face flushed even more. You did it again, watching him squirm, a smirk playing on your lips.
“I’m sure it will” you said, your voice teasing.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” he warned, still trying to maintain some semblance of control.
“What?” you asked innocently, your hand still rubbing him slowly.
“The fact that I’m in love with you.”
“Mhmmm…” you hummed in response, your eyes never leaving his. Your hand continued its slow massage. His breathing grew heavier, and you could see the redness spreading across his cheeks.
“I’m still the boss, eh?” he smirked, attempting to reclaim some authority despite how much you were clearly affecting him.
“Yeah, you are.” you murmured, playing along.
“That’s right.” he said, and in one swift motion, he flipped you over him. You found yourself straddling his chest, your head right near his crotch, and his hands immediately went to your ass. The shirt you were wearing. his shirt, rode up, and you didn’t even have time to process how quickly he had manoeuvred you into this position. His eyes were glued to where your panties hugged your pussy, and his grip on your flesh tightened.
“Fuck, you’re hot.” he muttered, his hands kneading your ass, inching closer to pulling your panties aside as his lips moved toward your skin. The way he had you positioned, with his eyes locked on your every movement, left you feeling utterly exposed and yet completely wanted.
His fingers brushed lightly over your clothed cunt, teasing the fabric against your sensitive flesh. The sensation sent jolts of pleasure straight to your core, making it nearly impossible to stay still. 
Despite being the one on top, you were the one squirming under his touch, your thighs trembling as his fingers traced slow circles over your panties. Each touch felt like torture. You could feel how wet you were, the damp fabric sticking to your skin, and his smirk told you he could feel it too.
“Stop it, Alex.” you breathed, your voice betraying your growing need. You wanted him. No, you needed him. And this slow, teasing game was driving you insane.
He chuckled softly, his fingers pausing just long enough to make you ache with anticipation. “You want me to stop?” he asked, his tone mocking, knowing exactly how much you wanted him to continue.
You bit your lip, trying to maintain some semblance of control, but it was no use. The need pulsing through you was too strong, and he was all too aware of it. 
“I can’t take it anymore.” you whispered, your voice tinged with desperation.
A dark glint sparked in his eyes, and his smirk widened. His fingers suddenly hooked into the edge of your panties, pulling the fabric to the side and exposing your wetness to him. The cool air hit your bare skin, making you shiver. His eyes darkened as he took in the sight, a low groan rumbling in his chest.
“Suck my cock.” he commanded, his voice rough, his hand lingering close to your throbbing core. “Suck my cock and I’ll touch your pussy.”
His grip on your ass tightened, urging you forward until your face was hovering just above his dick. You hesitated for only a moment, your need for release overtaking any lingering thoughts of resistance. You leaned down, pulled him out, your breath hot against his length as your mouth finally closed around the tip of his cock.
The taste of him filled your senses, and you could feel his body tense beneath you. He groaned, the sound vibrating through his body, and his fingers finally brushed against your exposed cunt, stroking your slick folds with a gentle touch. 
As you took him deeper into your mouth, his fingers began to move more purposefully, rubbing against your clit in a way that made it impossible to focus on anything but the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body. You moaned around his cock, your hips involuntarily grinding against his hand as he worked you closer to the edge.
The room was filled with the sounds of your muffled moans and his heavy breathing, each of you driving the other closer to a breaking point. His hand on your pussy, your mouth on his cock. It was a perfectly chaotic dance of desire and desperation, each touch, each movement pulling you deeper into the abyss of each other.
He urged you on with a primal urgency. “Deeper…deeper.” he growled, his voice trembling with desire as he moved one of his legs around your head, practically trapping you in his grip, using it to guide you lower, to take him in even further. His cock pressed deeper into your throat, and you complied, swallowing around him with a fervour that matched the need in his eyes that you couldn’t see. 
As you took him fully, your throat constricting around his length, his fingers resumed their relentless pace between your legs. The wet noises of his fingers thrusting into you echoed around the room, a stark contrast to the muffled sounds of your own pleasure. He had four fingers inside of you. And they moved rapidly, stretching you, filling you. 
You could feel his fingers curling and thrusting, pressing against your inner walls, your cunt moulding around his knuckles. Every time his fingers brushed past that resistance point, your body throbbed and quivered. You were stretched open, your hole gripping him tightly, the pulsing rhythm of your pleasure synchronising with the steady pace of his hand.
His eyes were locked onto the sight of you, completely entranced by how you took him, how you took his fingers and how your body responded so eagerly. The way you were stretched around him, your hole eagerly moulding to his shape, added to the unfiltered intensity of the moment. The combination of his cock filling your throat and his fingers thrusting into your dripping cunt created a symphony of wet, needy noises that filled the room.
You were lost in a haze of pure, unrestrained pleasure, every sound, every touch blending into a single overwhelming sensation. Each time he thrust into you, you tightened around him, your moans vibrating around his cock, matching the ferocity of his touch.
He drove his fingers into you with an urgent, relentless pace, and you could feel the burn of his movements intensifying with each thrust. It was a searing pleasure, almost too much to handle, but it felt so incredibly good that you couldn’t help but ride the wave of sensations he was creating. The speed and intensity of his fingers pushed you to the brink, and each stroke made your insides pulse and contract around him.
“That’s it. That’s it…” he drawled out, his voice thick with satisfaction as he coaxed the pleasure from you, his grip on your ass still firm and even more demanding. The rhythm of his hand was insatiable, and it wasn’t long before you could no longer hold back. You came around his fingers, your body convulsing with an intensity that had you crying out around his cock.
The vibrations of your cries sent shudders through him, and you instinctively tried to pull back for air, but he wasn’t having any of it. His leg, still hooked tightly around your head, kept you firmly in place. “Stay fucking down.” he growled, his voice low and commanding. His hips surged up, thrusting his cock even deeper down your throat, making you feel every inch of him.
The intensity of his movements was overwhelming. You could feel his cock so deep in your throat, it felt like you could almost sense it from the outside. The combination of his relentless thrusts and the tight grip of his leg around you kept you from moving, from escaping the suffocating, ecstatic pressure of him filling your mouth. Each thrust was met with a reflexive swallow and a desperate, muffled cry of pleasure, your body writhing as the wave of his dominance and your own desperate need collided.
His control over his moans slipped as he felt himself nearing the edge. “Fuck…fuck fuck fuck- oh- oh God, I’m gonna cum.” he gasped, his voice thick with desperation. His hips drove upward with a final, forceful thrust, and you felt his cock pulse violently in your throat.
The heat of his release hit you almost immediately. He came down your throat in shuddering bursts. Each spurt seemed to fill your mouth, overwhelming you with his salty, sticky essence. You didn’t even have to think about swallowing. His depth left you with no choice but to gulp down his cum. 
Your body instinctively swallowed, and you could feel every spasm and pulse of his orgasm as he emptied himself down your throat. His grip on you tightened, and his leg kept you pinned, ensuring you were completely at his mercy. The fullness of his cum in your throat created an intense, overwhelming feeling, leaving you utterly consumed by him.
His hips bucked one last time, weak and trembling, before his body gave in, every muscle going soft as he melted into the mattress. The once powerful grip he had on you loosened, and you could feel his leg slowly slip from its hold around your head. He exhaled deeply, a long, satisfied breath, and eventually moved his leg to the side, freeing you.
But you didn’t move. Instead, you slumped down on top of him, your head coming to rest on his thighs, your body still humming with the aftershocks of your shared intensity. You angled yourself so you could look back at him, your cheek pressing gently against his skin, feeling the warmth of his body beneath you.
He was staring up at the ceiling, his chest rising and falling in the aftermath of his release. A moment passed before he finally looked down at you, and the expression on his face was so blissed out that it softened your heart. He didn’t even bother to sit upright, clearly too relaxed to care about the way his chin doubled as he gazed down at you.
And you liked it. You liked him anyway.
There was something incredibly endearing about how unguarded he looked in that moment, his usual bravado and control stripped away, leaving behind just him. The way his eyes softened when they met yours, the slight, satisfied curve of his lips. You smiled softly, your eyes still locked with his. 
You lay there for a while, basking in the comfortable silence, your mind slowly drifting back to reality. You shifted slightly, lifting your head from his thighs, and asked quietly, “When do you have to go?”
He blinked, seeming to come out of a daze. “What?”
“You told me you were leaving today.” you reminded him, watching as the realisation dawned on his face.
“Oh, right…” he said, almost as if he’d forgotten. Then he sighed, a little sheepishly, and added, “Yeah, I was lying. I’m leaving in three weeks.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Are you serious?”
“You wouldn’t have come here if I’d told you the truth.”
You opened your mouth to protest but stopped, realising he was probably right. The truth was, you’d come here last night because you believed time was running out. You didn’t know when the next chance would come, when he would be gone, and you didn’t want to miss out…miss out on him. The urgency of his supposed departure had pushed you to act on feelings you might have otherwise suppressed, or at least delayed.
You sighed, resting your head back on his thighs, staring up at the ceiling. “You’re right.” you admitted softly, the words coming out before you could second-guess them. “I didn’t want to miss you.”
His hand found your hair, fingers threading through it gently, almost soothingly. “Well, I’m not gone yet.” 
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a/n: i know it’s a lot of just him thinking and thinking and thinking, i hope it makes sense and it’s not too repetitive or boring or anything like that. i was feeling a bit off at one point while writing it but then obviously got over it by the end…obviously. also for the first time since i started the blog i changed the ratio of the cover pictures i use in the posts and i’ve spent way too long meaning to do that but i didn’t want to cause like, they were all the same and i’m a bit ocd and i didn’t want to mess it up…anyway. oh and the title has nothing to do with valentines day, it’s from baby came home / valentines by the nbhd (cause part one is daddy came home, get it…)
tags: @st7rnioioss @theonlyoneswhoknowsblog @rentsturner @yourstartreatment @avxoxo1 @jqsvi @turnersfav @youresodarkbabe @psychedelicrocker @aacheinthejaw @zayndrider @humbuginmybones @tedioepica
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hozierandco · 1 year
Callum Turner x Reader - The match-maker (Pt. 1)
AN: A few months ago (oopsie), someone requested that I write about Y/N meeting Callum Turner through Austin Butler, a common friend. TW: none except maybe drama regarding past relationships. No smut.
I've changed the set from L.A that was originally requested to New York but it's only to squeeze in gowns and a red (pinkish?) carpet. Part 2 will be up very soon.
If you have any requests, do send a message, I love receiving them. I take requests on Hozier, Callum Turner and Robert Pattinson mostly but feel free to contact me for whoever :)
Y/N could count on Austin to get her through ups and downs. Ever since they had met in primary school back in Anaheim, they had grown a strong relationship. They had been through so much together and considered each other to be like brother and sister. When Y/N was not at Austin’s, then it was Austin being at Y/N’s house. 
If at some point, they had thought of getting together as they knew each other so well and had grown out to be beautiful young people besides being beautiful souls, they had abandoned the idea as they cherished their friendship too much for any of the drama. That being said, they LOVED talking about their more or less chaotic experiences when it came to the subject of relationships. Austin had far more luck on that one than her as, after being with Vanessa Hudgens for so long, he had found his significant other responding by the name of Kaia Gerber. 
Kaia was great to her best friend and Y/N sensed that she was ready to commit to such a relationship as she noticed the two blooming. For years, Y/N had nourished disastrous relationships with men, between those who cheated on her, those who needed a nurse rather than a lover and those who just ghosted her. Austin had always been there to support her through break ups and was ready for her to meet someone new that she could trust. It pained him to see her feeling less and less self-confident because of the attitude of some jerks.
*** On the set of Masters of the Airs. Newland Park, February, the 14th of 2022 ***
Austin had begun working on an upcoming TV show in which he was fulfilling one of his boyhood’s dreams of becoming a pilot. It was one of many perks of becoming an actor and he had the chance to fulfill that dream with his colleagues that he had learnt to call his friends. Among them, he mostly loved working with Callum Turner.
He had seen him in productions such as War and Peace and Emma but never had the opportunity to work with him, nor to meet him. Since the beginning of the show’s filming, the two of them had become good friends, sharing most of their time on and off set together.
They found themselves to have many shared interests but what Austin liked the most about his colleague and friend was his integrity. He had not met a humble actor like him in a while and it was a fresh view for him who had gotten used to obnoxious people in the industry. 
Austin did not think of Callum to be a great match for Y/N from the beginning, nor in fact did he think of taking the role of a match-maker at all. But it struck him on a strange day, in February of 2022. Well, to put some context there, it was Valentine’s Day and Austin hated not having the opportunity to spend it with Kaia. He grunted all day about this missed chance to which Callum, always so light-hearted, made him aware that he could be happy to have a Valentine to wish it to.
Callum was not the sort of man to talk about his personal life to anyone but he had known Austin for the past seven months. He felt as though he was ready to share more information about him, such as his traumatic past when it came to dating. And of course, that resonated with what Austin was hearing from Y/N. 
By 2 pm London time (6 am L.A time), Austin was trying to comfort Callum about the fact he had no Valentine to celebrate while by 9 pm London time (1 pm L.A time), Austin was receiving a text from Y/N complaining about not having a boyfriend to go on a date with. It did not take much thinking for Austin to come up with a plan.
In the next few weeks, he tried to convey some hints towards Callum, letting him know that his best friend was the greatest person he had ever met while simultaneously texting Y/N about how excited he was to be playing with no less than Callum Turner.
Mind you, Y/N had already heard of that name somewhere. It rang a bell but she did not know much about his filmography and quite frankly, did not bother looking any further than that. She was just happy that her best friend could play with someone that he apparently was fanboying over.
And Callum… What is there to say? He was completely oblivious about those hints that Austin made more and more obvious. It was as though he did not think to be worthy of her if she was as great as Austin described her to be.
Austin was convinced that the two should give it a go as Callum expressed interests for things Y/N was crazy about or that time when he mentioned that he had a dog that was looking just like Y/N’s childhood dog. And yeah, lots of people have a dog growing up and like music and photography but Austin was a sucker for a good love story. Screw that, he would be a match-maker, he decided as the Met Gala was near. He had to do something about it.
*** Met Gala. New York, May, the 2nd of 2022 ***
Finally, Austin had gotten back from the set of Masters of the Airs for a stay in New York. He was determined to enjoy his night at the Met Gala along with his girlfriend and had insisted that Callum join him, letting him know that it would do him good to go on a trip and forget about yet another date gone wrong.
It did not take much convincing as Callum was tired of staying in England for so long and had not seen New York in years because of Covid. Though he was not invited to the Met Gala, he was more than happy to attend it vicariously through his friend and his friend’s girlfriend. 
It was somewhat more difficult to convince Y/N to come to New York as she was a girl from the West who only came to the East in case of an emergency. The Met Gala surely was no emergency from her but Austin could not let go of his plan that easily. 
If there was something Y/N cared truly about, it was Austin of course but also her career as a photographer. And though she personally had no intention of following the Met Gala, Austin had made calls here and there to squeeze a spot as one of the official photographers of the event.
Y/N had repeatedly asked Austin not to go full-on nepotism with her as she saw him getting famous. She wanted her career to be defined only by her work and not by the people she counted as friends so when Austin told her the opportunity he had ahead of her, she first scolded him for that but it also was clear that she had no job offer as huge as this one. 
She made him promise that it would be last time he interceded in her career while thanking him for the occasion. She packed her suitcase and left to the airport.
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
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━ I've heard stories 'bout the boy I used to be ━━ But I don't remember me before You
Valentin Da Silva | 178/??
Wish I had the words to describe how emotional it made me to see these two sets next to one another holyshit
Left one is from September 2021 It was a shitty time IRL and an hard time fandom-wise too, the escapism that was the community was slowly fading and becoming an hell on its own. Made a lot of mistakes cause I didn't know any better back then, dramas were escalating and I believe end of 2021 - early 2022 is when the fandom shattered in multiple pieces
Tho I was still motivated and modding, was really happy with his custom appearance, baby wearing his iconic Bitch crop top and his customized racing bolero
Right is from February this year (2024) and woah, he looks... more mature? Older somehow, considering I never made drastic change to his character- Definitely at peace
Both sets were outfit showcases, and despite both being shot in the badlands, during the golden hours, they have suuuch different moods overall
Friendo described it perfectly; Younger Val looks pensive, nervous about the night to come, staring at the setting sun in anticipation. While older Val looks at peace, calmly welcoming the dark that slowly crawl in between the desert's cracks
And we had a talk about how much of a mirror an OC can be? Reflecting our own thoughts, our own mood, without even realizing it until years later in moment like this, when comparing pictures
These past years has been rough, mentally and physically (talking about IRL here) and looking back, it definitely shows through Valentin
And looking at him now, even if I have some bad days here and there, even if I'm still in a transitional time, everything changing around me, I know that It's ok, that I'll be fine- That we will be fine
Alright I'm done hHHGHFH
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farfromstrange · 7 months
Lizzi’s Valentine’s Special & Follower Celebration
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Dear Everyone,
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I thought, since this silly little blog hit over 1.1k followers yesterday, I want to give you something special.
First of all, though, I want to thank you. I’ve been on here since (and I checked with the archive) July 19, 2022. I can't believe that it has been almost two years. I started watching Daredevil after watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in December of 2021 and hearing Matt Murdock say, "I'm a really good lawyer," after catching a brick. So, I started watching the show, and that was during a time I was really miserable. Mentally and physically, I wasn't in a good place, but after watching Daredevil for the first time and falling in love with Charlie Cox as a genuine person and an actor, it felt like I found a reason to keep going.
I started writing fanfiction again, which I kind of neglected because I felt like this hobby of mine wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't inspired at all until I watched the show. If I hadn't, I probably would not have gotten back into writing and using it as an outlet for my feelings, and I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks to Charlie's portrayal of Matt Murdock, and watching his interviews, I felt like I could do the things that I love again and follow my dreams. He's the reason I chose to major in English. And while I owe him that much, I owe you guys here on Tumblr and AO3 even more.
When I first posted here, I didn't think people would even be interested in what I had to say and write. But then more and more people started visiting my profile, you guys started following me, and it kept me motivated to keep writing, even when I'm miserable, and I sometimes only post once every blue moon.
I feel so honored that you guys chose to follow a silly little blog run by a silly little 20-something-year-old whose first language isn't even English (but made it her entire personality), and who chose to write about traumatized dark-haired characters portrayed by Charlie Cox. I'm overwhelmed by the love you continue to show me, and every time one of you chooses to reblog or comment on one of my works, saying that it resonated with you, I feel like I'm doing something right. I'm sharing my ideas, my own experiences, my wishes, and even my deepest, darkest dreams through my writing like it's a fucking diary, and you eat it up every single time.
I'm just so glad that this community exists, as chaotic as it sometimes is, and that you chose to stick around, even when I suck at keeping promises sometimes. You keep teaching me new things about who I am, my writing, and how important it is to put myself first. I don't know if you've heard it lately, but you guys are incredible and I appreciate the hell out of every single one of you.
Thanks to Tumblr, I made lifelong friends (especially looking at you, @blackshadowswriter) and found like-minded people that made me feel less alone. That alone was worth making this account and continuing to post on here.
You may think that I'm being dramatic, but for someone who has never really experienced the kind of validation this community gives me, I want to celebrate this milestone. It means more to me than I can even put into words. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all so much! Please, don't ever forget how amazing you are.
That being said, I've got some exciting things planned.
The other day, I found a folder in my Docs titled "the vault". I completely forgot about it because I usually keep my WIPs in a different folder. As it turns out, I made that folder for fics that I originally never planned to post, or ones that I'd finished but wasn't happy with. It’s many, but it’s a few. Some are deeper than others. I also jotted down rough ideas and outlines last year that I stuffed in there, some of which I've actually shared with you but never started working on. Until now. And the contents of that vault are what I want to give to you now.
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6 stories from the vault. 1 bonus fic. 7 days.
I went through a myriad of emotions while I wrote these. For some, I actually bled my soul onto paper. For others, it was merely a brain fart that led to their existence. They're sad, horny, and at times angry, but some of those were originally written for me, and only me. Those that weren't started as a few sentences in a folder before I forgot they existed. Either way, I don't want them to catch dust. And I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else.
Starting February 14th, I will be posting one fic every day until February 20th. My “The Vault” works are Matt Murdock x Reader works, but I've made an exception for the bonus fic. I won't tell you what they are about, but I will give you a list of installments and what kind of fic they are so you know what to be excited about (and maybe which ones are not your cup of tea).
-> The number at the end tells you the date I will be posting it on, but I put it in chronological order as well.
1. If You Need To Be Mean (angst, hurt/comfort) 14.
2. Mismatched Bridesmaid (fluff, smut) 15.
3. Weed Cookies (humor, fluff, cw: accidental drug use) 16.
4. the grudge (songfic, angst, hurt/comfort, cw: death of a parent) 17.
5. Halloween (Smut) 18.
6. I Want To Fuck A Priest (Smut, cw: priest!Matt) 19.
7. Now That We Don’t Talk (Part 2 of Is It Over Now?) -> Frank Castle x Reader (smut, angst) 20.
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A few more words: You are free to send me an ask if you want to know more, but be prepared that I won't be answering in much detail. I don't want to spoil the fun. I would, however, not mind talking about them as vaguely as possible (if you’re interested).
Thank you all. For everything. And I hope you stick around to read these little gems.
With love from yours truly,
Lizzi <3
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abarbaricyalp · 14 days
For the intimacy prompts: "a hand written note", Sam/Bucky
Wowee is this so super duper late! Very sorry. But unfortunately, this prompt reminded me of a fic I started all the way back in 2022 for Valentine's Day and I just could not let it go this time. AO3 Link
In 1950, several years after the war had ended and just as the excitement and tragedy surrounding the short-lived career of Captain America was dying down, a collection of war time letters from the Captain’s second-in-command, James “Bucky” Barnes was published.
In 2026, the only edition with new letters was published
Selected Texts from: The Barnes Letters : Revised and Expanded 11th Edition, 2026
[Letter to Sam Wilson (36 years old, former Air Force Pararescue, current VA therapist, new best friend of Steve Rogers) left in an apartment while Wilson was running the trash out, 2015]
Don’t get so irritated with this cat and mouse game that you give up and just opt for pouncing over me and eating me. I dunno, maybe I shoulda gone with the early bird and the worm metaphor, but whatever. Maybe I’ll slow down for you in the next place. Spend a little bit of time at some farmer’s market or something. Use an alias that you might know about, depending on how much you read.
Take it easier, birdy.
The first Barnes letter of the 21st century paints a stark contrast to the paragon found in the original text of The Barnes Letters. This book does not attempt to psychoanalyze Barnes or the events of his life, as the original did not. The 11th edition of The Barnes Letters merely wishes to build upon the corpus of the original and to bring a conclusion to the questions brought up in subsequent editions.
The text of these letters have been transcribed exactly as found, but the spirit of them would be dampened slightly if it were not brought up that the letters were found on everything from sticky notes to napkins to sheets of lined paper to sketchpad pages with doodles on the other side or around the words–clean, crumbled, torn, creased. These letters, perhaps moreso than the original, were cherished and protected and clearly read several times over.
The Wakanda Letters
[Collection of letters left for Bucky Barnes, by Sam Wilson, in the Wakandan Palace’s medical facility, 2016-2018]
Hey, Tin-Can,
You’ve gotta wake up soon ‘cause you still owe me a car.
I’m tired of being a fugitive for your broody ass. You better have a whole slate of apologies lined up for when I see you next ‘else I’m gonna put you right back under. I haven’t showered with seriously hot water in ages. (Barring the one I just got in the palace. Wait until you wake up and see the water pressure here. It’s gonna blow your poor little 40s mind.)
You know, Steve really wants us to get along. Gotta say, I do see the appeal. You’re so quiet and a great listener. I always know where to find you.
He just read that over my shoulder and called me a jerk for you. I figure you’d use stronger language, but hey.
Oh, hey, I heard there was some crazy fight here a few weeks ago. Did you see anything you wanna gossip about?
Alright, alright, I’ll stop. Heading out somewhere new tomorrow morning. Always some new fight, new monster, new injustice, right?
Well, good dreams or whatever.
B, you’ve gotta try a drink at this bar. (Bringing the napkin in won’t get a discount, I asked) It’s called…get this, get this, get this, it’s called a Bucky Bear Brawl. Bucky Bear. Gonna lose my mind. -S
If I bleed all over this paper, you won’t use it to create an even better super soldier serum, right? (Cause, let’s be honest, my DNA is a catch for mad scientists. Looks, brains, body, personality. I’ve got it all.)
I don’t get why you didn’t give up the chase after DC. We coulda done all of this shit, avoided all of this shit, if you’d just come back then. You knew I was there. You kept me in the corner of your eye or your rearview or your scope, I assume, so why not just stop running?
I’m so tired of this. I want to go home. I want to see my friends and my family and sleep in a real bed. And you gave all that shit up for…what? They still found a way to ruin your life. Steve’s life. My life.
How did I end up giving up everything for you and the star spangled man, huh? Seventeen infuriating hours in a car with you and suddenly that makes you worth something to me?
I always try to do what’s right, help people who need it. At great personal cost, lost people important to me. I’ve never done this much for one person, though. And I don’t even know you. I have your files. I’ve read history books. Hell, I even know the fruits and fish you like. But I gave up my family and my reputation for this. I have a bullet in my shoulder for this.
Who are you to drive me to that, huh? You’re not even awake. You’re not out here with us while we do this for you. This is bullshit.
PS, I lied the other day. I don’t prefer you being quiet. I want you to argue with me. I want you to hear what I’m saying. I want you to come back. Fuck, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I want you so far gone that I never think about you again or I want you to come back. But you keep just existing right in my periphery. A shadow I can’t shake. A stray that’s followed me all the way to my door stoop. Fuck.
I’ve thrown away seven other sheets trying to find something to say, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter what I write down now. You’ll be able to hear it straight from my pretty mouth soon enough.
Sorry we won’t be around to see you through all of it. Princess’s orders. Besides, there’s a new bad guy out there fucking something up. And, surprise surprise, Ross hasn’t sent anyone after them, so duh-da da da-dah, here we come, to the rescue.
I’ll see you soon, though, alright.
Not that, like, you care about when I’ll see you. Ah, shit, I’m gonna throw this one away too.
And Sam had kept his promise, showing up a week afterwards with a sharp quip on his lips but a tellingly earnest patience as Bucky had walked him and Steve around the spaces that had become his life. He’d even left a note on Bucky’s bed wishing him good dreams again.
So it only made sense that Bucky slipped a note into his go-bag.
You musta been real bored without me around to fuck shit up if you had this much time to write all these letters. Did keep me busy for a while though. Maybe next time you could be more verbose and flowery, give me something to really sink a literary analysis into.
I’m gonna keep this one short, though, ‘cause you’re nosey and pay attention to everything I do. I ain’t gonna throw you around no more, so you can unclench. Heard you argue with S1 and S2 about whether or not I was ready to go out again.
I’m not.
I know it’s selfish when all of you are still fighting the fight, but I’m so tired. And I’m unstable on my feet. I need some time to get the ground under me again. But if you tell Steve I agree with him, I’ll burn your letters without looking at them.
You could stay, y’know. You don’t have to keep fighting. I could use the company. Talking is supposed to help rebuild neurons or something, right? Maybe I’m just making that up.
Anyway, hope you find this at an inopportune time.
-Tin Can
[Left on Barnes’s pillow in Wakanda, 2018]
Sorry the world doesn’t wait for what we want. Sorry the world’s ending. Maybe you can show me all your goats again when all of this is said and done. Maybe it’ll be a little quieter for once.
Read the rest on AO3
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ventique18 · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Illustrations Masterlist
🌸 Links under the cut 🌸
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Regular Style
Malleus Draconia
Lost in the Beach House with Malleus
You've got me under a spell (suggestive warning)
POV Malleus loves you (gif)
Fae Princes (Creon Hytherion crossover)
A little but sunny
Season of love
Happy Birthday Malleus 2024
Lecture notes scribble
Smart casual
An unexpected encounter
Love at first realization
Morning coffee
Sakura matcha
Little star
Expressive dragon
Book 7 if
University AU ID card
Love gestures
Kundiman (Love Song)
Fool in love
Contamination (+ Azul)
I like you (I love you)
Wish Upon A Star
Kiss Day
Beloved (yandere)
Beach boi
My everything
Summer day
King of the Abyss
FMalleus x MYuu
Papa Hornton
Young master
Solitude of the moon
Gentle flower
Love language
Desire 🔞
Hot kiss
Matching tamagotchis
Cloudcalling with Lilia
Best friends day Grim and Scarameow
Shelter (Maleanor and Malleus)
Jameow employee of the year
Twst meow delivery (overblotters)
Idimeow express
Vilmeow express
Jamilmeow express
Azulmeow express
Leonameow express
Riddlemeow express
NRC Top Secret Elite Squad
Papa and Mama Draconia's Valentine's date
Strawberry tyrant (Riddle)
Assemble, mighty rabbit knights! (Silver and Sebek)
HBD Leona 2022
HBD Leona 2023
HBD Silver 2022
HBD Silver 2023
HBD Silver 2024
HBD Riddle 2022
HBD Idia 2022
HBD Idia 2023
HBD Azul 2022
20-pixel tiny boys (Diasomnia)
Unusual expressions (mal, vil, leona, azul)
Distressed expressions (mal, leona, riddle, jamil)
Love Shot (Leona)
Transit (Diasomnia)
Malleus' parents headcanons (oc)
Witch Princess (Meleanor Draconia)
Chibi Style
Malleus Draconia
Mallemeow express
Potato farmer
Meowlleus Drawrconia
He bounce
Soaring boys
Sleepy Diaso
Dragon and girl
Aranara Malleus
'Puter Malleus
Tiny hearts
Baby Malmal loves you
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Idk if this is ok but can I sent honmei choco to male Raven from the April fool’s day event ;u; (yes my thirst for Da Boi transcends dimensions) “Raven-kun!! Hi, hello!! Fancy seeing you here. I wished really hard to meet you again and I think my wish has been granted! I don’t know if you even remember little ol’ me but I remember you. I missed you more than I care to admit and, well, I made these truffles thinking of you but not knowing if I could ever deliver them. So um h-here. Be mine?”
This ask was an old one from 2022's Sweet on You/Love is in the Air Valentine's Day themed blog event! The idea was to send chocolates to your desired boy. I missed the chance to reply to this one for April Fools in 2023 so I figured I'd get it out in honor of this year's April 1st!
For people who are confused about this character 💀 There was a joke event called “Raven Redux”, which featured the reader (you!) being transported to a genderbent AU. A male Raven Crowley (my OC + blog’s mascot) then helps the reader find a way to their home universe. He ended up being uh... pretty popular?
Even if it's just for a little while... Let's return to that other world!
***Art is by tinyfantasminha!***
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“A dream is a wish your heart makes.”
That was what the headmaster had told you when you came to him with your troubles. A gaping hole in your chest, a longing that had yet to be fulfilled. Crowley had looked at you with pity, warbling as he smoothed a hand over your head.
“Speak your most heartfelt dream, your wish, to the Mirror of Darkness, and it shall take you there… to him.”
Now here you stood before the portal between places… and worlds. You hugged a box of truffles to your chest and took a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. Your reflection rippled in the mirror—then wildly distorted once you plunged into it.
A sharp exhale as coldness enveloped you. All the air from your lungs expelled, as if you were screaming with all your might, even if no words ever left your lips.
Your feet met solid ground.
You slowly opened your eyes.
The attic.
You were in Raven’s attic, her nest, her humble abode. A place built of papers and ink, tomes and tales. But was it the right Raven?
You steadily approached the feathered figure seated behind the writing desk. Each step as quiet as a mouse. No matter the Raven, you didn’t wish to disturb their creative process.
They reclined with a sigh, head draped over the top rail of their chair.
A cap of midnight fell over his haughty face. Dark blue makeup colored closed lids, decorative dots lining his lower lashes. And there, dangling from his pointed right ear, was a golden feather earring.
He seemed set deep in thought, taking no heed of you. Willowy limbs splayed out, his vest generously opened to display the rise and fall of his chest. Dreaming, perhaps.
It was as though he was a sleeping prince encased in glass coffin. Awaiting his special someone to sweep him off his feet.
It’s him.
You cleared your throat—rousing him from his rest. He bolted upward, swiveling in your direction. His eyes were wide with alarm.
“Raven-kun!! Hi, hello!!” you called out with a bashful wave. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“You’re…!” He stopped himself, reining in his shock and replacing it with what he hoped was casual coldness. “What are you doing here, worm?!”
You giggled nervously. “I wished really hard to meet you again and I think my wish has been granted! I don’t know if you even remember little ol’ me but I remember you.”
“… By the Seven, you’re absolutely hopeless,” Raven muttered.
He drew himself up from his seat. You yelped, taking a step back. It had been too long; you’d forgotten just how tall he was compared to your typical Raven.
“My memory isn’t that bad,” he scoffed. “How could I forget the fool who dared to tread in my territory and then groveled at my feet for assistance? In any case, it looks as though you’ll be needing it a second time.
“Wishing to see me again like this, reliving that old story… You must be truly desperate, hmm?”
Ah, yes. There it was—his silver tongue, sharpened for use as a bladed weapon. A dishonest defense.
Your chest fluttered.
“I missed you more than I care to admit,” you confessed, cheeks warming, “and, well, I made these truffles thinking of you but not knowing if I could ever deliver them.”
You held out the box of truffles to him.
“So, um… h-here.”
“This is…” Raven hesitated. “A heart-shaped box secured with a sparkling ribbon, with chocolates inside… It’s the sort of thing gifted to long-held crushes and lovers. You… You’re not being serious, are you?”
But you nodded, refuting him.
“I’m totally serious about you, Raven-kun,” you declared, your voice trembling. “B-Be mine?”
Surprise flickered through his face. Subtle, fleeting. His arrogance then returned, an attempt to cover the moment of weakness.
“Hoh? What’s this? Seems you grew a spine since last we met.” Wearing a smirk, Raven plucked the truffles up. “It would be rude of me to refuse your offering after you’ve pleaded for my affection and traveled all this way.”
“Y-You accept them? My feelings…”
“I didn’t say that.” He waggled a finger. The truffles, shoved inside of a drawer like some treasure stowed away for safekeeping. “Sweets and sentiments are two entirely different matters. I’m afraid that a bird is never to be tied down—the sky always calls to it.”
“Oh.” You deflated, lowering your gaze to the ink-stained floor. “Th-That’s okay, I shouldn’t have assumed…”
"Don’t make that sorry expression,” Raven sighed, frowning. "Sadness is unbecoming. No one wears it well."
I despise seeing on you. Because of me, you're making such a face... and I cannot even bring myself to properly apologize.
His chest ached.
“Look at me. Hate me,” he had once written--the tale of his isolating curse. “It is a better fate than languishing in history and being forgotten altogether.”
Suddenly, the short distance between the two of you seemed like oceans apart.
He could reach out, offer his hand. He could blurt out all that was running through his mind.
I was so lonely ever since you left. Let's make up that lost time. Tell me about yourself, about your world. How have you been? Do you still care for me, despite going through all my vitriol?
But he couldn't. No, he shouldn't.
Raven sucked in a breath through his teeth. Dancing with danger, tempting fate. He would dare, this one time.
“... Come here.”
"I said, come here," he repeated, a little louder. His arms were out, hesitantly spread just wide enough for you to slip in. Raven, embarrassed, hastily glanced away from you.
“I failed to prepare a gift to return the favor—of course, you can’t really blame me, can you? Your appearance was unannounced. Accept this in its place… one moment of respite in my arms."
“Hurry up before I change my mind.”
You didn’t need to be told twice.
It was strange, shuffling into the folds of his arms. You had never been this close to him before—body and body, soul to soul. He smelled of pages and chilled rain, the darkness and the stars between it.
Raven was a painting come to life, speckled with intricate details you could only glean from up close. The curious twinkle in his eyes, the way his long, dark lashes flutter like wings, the pout to his mouth. From far away, he presented cool, untouchable.
He was strangely gentle. Almost vulnerable.
A bird crafted of glass, set to shatter by your hand.
“… Stop staring,” Raven grumbled. “I’ve told you before, haven’t I? It’s terribly rude. Not an ounce of good manners in you, is there?”
“Haha… No, I guess not,” you replied softly—noncommittal as you nestled snuggly into him.
“Hmph. Getting comfortable so soon?”
“Yup. Your feathers are fluffy and warm.”
A scoff. “… For what it’s worth, we can stay like this for as long as you like. Be thankful for my magnanimity.”
You smiled, and it set his pulse drumming. A new idea, born.
“I am.”
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notealotgoingon · 9 months
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2023 Bullet Journal Cover & Lists
- movies - books - physical music stickers
(typed list below cut)
X (2022) ★★★★★ 1/9
Pearl (2022) ★★★★★ 1/10
Jason X (2001) ★★★ 1/17
X (2022) ★★★★★ 1/26
Pearl (2022) ★★★★★ 2/11
Rosemary's Baby (1968) ★★★★★ 2/11
Harley Quinn: A Very Problematic Valentine's Day Special (2023) ★★★★★ 2/12
Skinamarink (2022) ★★★★ 3/8
Re-Animator (1985) ★★★★ 3/12
Ring (1998) ★★★★★ 3/12
Ju-On: The Grudge (2002) ★★★★ 3/12
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) ★★★★ 4/2
Scary Movie (2000) ★★★ 4/3
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) ★★★★★ 4/5
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) ★★★★★ 4/18
Scary Movie 2 (2001) ★★★ 5/3
Scary Movie 3 (2003) ★★ 5/4
The Green Knight (2021) ★★★★★ 5/20
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) ★★★★ 5/21
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) ★★ 6/6
Evil Dead Rise (2023) ★★★★1/2 6/27
Nimona (2023) ★★★★ 7/2
Barbarian (2022) ★★★★ 7/6
Malignant (2021) ★★★★ 7/7
Barbie (2023) ★★★★★ 7/23
Scream VI (2023) ★★★1/2 8/1
Saw (2004) ★★★★ 8/1
Frozen (2010) ★★ 8/2
Resident Evil: Death Island (2023) ★★★★ 8/21
Studio 666 (2022) ★★★★ 9/4
The Exorcist (1973) ★★★★1/2 9/4
Saw II (2005) ★★★★ 9/9
Saw III (2006) ★★★1/2 9/9
Saw IV (2007) ★★★1/2 9/9
Saw V (2008) ★★★ 9/9
Saw VI (2009) ★★★ 9/9
Saw 3D (2010) ★★ 9/9
Jigsaw (2017) ★★★ 9/10
Miss Americana (2020) ★★★★ 9/10
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021) ★★1/2 9/17
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) ★★★★1/2 9/24
Saw (2004) ★★★★1/2 9/25
Saw II (2005) ★★★★1/2 9/26
Dracula (1931) ★★★★ 10/1
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) ★★★1/2 10/1
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985) ★★★★ 10/1\
House of 1000 Corpses (2003) ★★★★ 10/8
Friday the 13th (1980) ★★★★1/2 10/13
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (2023) ★★★★★ 10/19
Saw VI (2009) ★★★1/2 10/28
Saw 3D (2010) ★1/2 10/29
Saw X (2023) ★★★★1/2 11/6
Saw IV (2007) ★★★1/2 11/20
Saw X (2023) ★★★★1/2 11/20
Terrifier (2016) ★★★1/2 12/4
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) ★★ 12/4
Saw V (2008) ★★★1/2 12/4
Terrifier 2 (2022) ★★★1/2 12/11
The Green Knight (2021) ★★★★★ 12/18
Sonic Christmas Blast(1996) ★★1/2 12/22
Black Christmas (1974) ★★★★★ 12/23
Black Christmas (2006) ★★★1/2 12/24
Saltburn (2023) ★★★★ 12/29
Taylor Swift: Reputation Stadium Tour (2018) ★★★★★ 12/30
The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor Lavalle 1/2
The Witcher: The Last Wish by Andrzej Sakowski 1/12
We Can Never Leave This Place by Eric Larocca 1/14
Causes and Cures in the Classroom by Margaret Searle 1/29
Vox Machina: Kith & Kin by Marieke Nijkamp 2/1
Black is the Body by Emily Bernard 2/4
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas 2/18
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green 2/19
Black Klansman by Ron Stallworth 2/26
The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King 3/7
Ring by Koji Suzuki 4/14
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher 4/14
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez 5/8
Circe by Madeline Miller 5/19
When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka 5/30
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe 6/1
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker 6/25
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson 6/28
The Lesbian Classics Get Me Off by Chuck Tingle 6/28
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace 7/5
Teacher of the Yearby M.A. Wardell 7/7
The Colorado Kid by Stephen King 7/17
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone 7/31
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle 8/4
The Writing Revolution by Judith C. Hochman & Natalie Wexler 8/10
You Can Go Your Own Way by Eric Smith 8/20
Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson 9/12
Small Spaces by Katherine Arden 9/27
Reforged by Seth Haddon 10/8
Fifty Feet Down by Sophie Tanen 10/23
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty 11/22
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett 12/2
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade 12/7
Wildfire by Hannah Grace 12/5
Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice 12/12
Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica 12/19
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers 12/20
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo 12/28
Stowaway and Silent Song by Vera Valentine 12/29
Physical Music Media:
(this isn't all of the records/CDs I've gotten or listened to this year, but I figured I'd decipher the stickers I put in the book; these are all of the promo stickers on the outside of the plastic wrapping on the releases)
Beat the Champ - the Mountain Goats
Paradise - Lana del Ray
Red (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
What's it Like? - Sure Sure
Did You Know There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard? - Lana del Ray
Stick Season - Noah Kahan
The Rest - boygenius
Midnights (Late Night Edition) - Taylor Swift
Raving Ghost - Olivia Jean
The Record - boygenius
Speak Now (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Dark in Here - the Mountain Goats
Bangerz (10th Anniversary Edition) - Miley Cyrus
God Games - the Kills
1989 (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
55 taehyung
When I wake up you're not next to me / Guess I'm missing all your energy / That's all I want / Promise I am not your enemy / I just need another memory / That's all I want / 'Cause all I want is you
» pairing: taehyung x reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | drabble | exes to friends/future lovers | fluff | angst
» wc/date: 1k | December 2022
» warnings: alcohol | taehyung is Gentle and Soft and Everything Good in the World
» masterlist | AO3 | send me ur thots 👅
» notes: this made me so delulu you have no idea 😫 also this was my first time writing in present tense and ngl i kinda like it 👀
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“You’re still the love of my life.” 
Candlelight casts dancing shadows across Taehyung’s face. They highlight the sharpness of his jawline and reflect orange sparkles in his dark eyes. You want to believe the sudden cool breeze cutting through an otherwise warm summer night makes you shiver, but you know that would be a lie. No, Taehyung is to blame for your jitters. He always is. It’s the look he gives you as he lifts his wine glass to his mouth, his tongue briefly slipping out to wet his lips before taking in the red liquid. 
How many glasses were you on? 
You press your fingers to your cheeks, knowing your skin isn’t hot because of the wine. 
You were wine drunk the first time you met Taehyung. You tell everyone you don’t remember that night, but it’s only to save yourself from the embarrassment. You were at a house party hosted by someone you genuinely don’t remember anymore. Although most of the night was a drunken blur, you do remember Taehyung’s warm hands squeezing your own. You remember how gentle he was, how his thumbs rubbed circles into your skin to soothe you while you blabbered through hot tears about your friend leaving you alone at the party. His willingness to find a quiet corner to talk down a stranger from a drunken panic attack was everything anyone needed to know about Taehyung, in your opinion. Calm, patient, and unafraid of looking someone in the eyes during their worst moment and showing them kindness without any judgment or ridicule. 
You couldn’t have imagined that a year later you would move in with the gentle boy from the party. You couldn’t have imagined that you’d get to hold those warm hands all day, every day, whenever you wanted. 
You also couldn’t have imagined that two years later you’d be moving out. 
The gentle boy from the party never changed. Sure, he grew up. He finished graduate school, got a “big kid job” as he put it, adopted a dog, and bought a condo. He matured, but he didn’t change, not really. He was still the same gentle boy. 
You were the one who changed. 
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s okay.” Taehyung gives you a sad smile when silence falls between the two of you long enough for him to come to his own conclusions. “I suppose that was unfair of me to tell you.” 
And there he goes, being considerate when you’re the one who has been so, so unfair.
“Why,” you blurt out. 
Taehyung looks as though he’s going to speak, but your waiter suddenly appears at your table to inquire about the food that’s gone mostly uneaten on your plates and the bottle of wine that’s halfway gone. 
It’s so easy to get lost in Taehyung’s presence, to forget that there’s a world beyond him. You remind yourself that you’re at an expensive restaurant, on the outdoor patio. All around you are couples sharing a late dinner beneath the stars. It’s Valentine’s Day. The waiter is gone now.
“Why?” Your eyes refocus on Taehyung who now has his fingers threaded together beneath his chin. Despite his sad smile, there’s a quirk to his eyebrows that makes your stomach do something you wish it wouldn’t.  
“I treated you horribly. I put all my energy into writing that stupid fucking book. Writing imaginary worlds instead of paying attention to the one I was in. The one you were part of.” Your voice is small, but Taehyung’s has always been soft enough to never overpower yours. 
He sucks on his teeth and lets his hands fall into his lap. With a cocked head, he watches you for a few too many heartbeats for your liking. 
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” He takes another sip of his wine. Waits. 
“Are you quoting Maya Angelou at me right now?” Your question is meant to carry an accusatory tone, but it’s nothing more than light teasing, and perhaps a bit of confusion. 
And then there’s the boxy grin you once had the privilege of waking up to every morning. Now you had one of those alarm clock lamps that mimic the sun rising. It’s nowhere near as bright as Taehyung’s smile. 
“Perhaps.” He puts his hands up when he knows you’re about to press him further. “But it’s a good quote!” 
He always knew how to speak your language, even when you hadn’t tried to learn how to speak his. 
“It’s an excuse for shitty behavior,” you point out. 
“It’s a promise for a better future.” 
You stop yourself from running your mouth and force yourself to sit with his words. Taehyung, forever the optimist. Where you saw failures, he saw opportunities for growth. 
“Neither of us knew what we were doing,” Taehyung continues softly. He reaches over to take your hand in his. It’s been a year and he’s still soft, still warm, still calming. “But now we know better.” 
You want to tell him he’s wrong; you were the only fuck-up in this equation. But you don’t because Taehyung never lets you get away with speaking poorly of yourself, even after a year apart. 
“I want to try… to do better. But I don’t want to hurt you if it’s not good enough.” 
Taehyung lets out an airy laugh, his intense gaze finally falling from your eyes to instead gaze at your fingers interlocked with his. “I’m not so fragile, Y/N.” And just as quickly, his dark eyes are on you once again. You wonder if you’ll ever be able to look him in the eyes without feeling like your heart is in your throat. “And even if I was, I’d still rather be hurt by you over and over for the rest of my life than settle for loving someone I can never give myself fully to.” 
“I wouldn’t let it happen over and over again,” you whisper, willing the prickly feeling at the corner of your eyes to disappear. 
“Mhmm,” Taehyung hums with a squeeze of your hand. “And that’s how I know we’ll be okay.” 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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solipseismic · 2 years
2022 poetry rec list
wrapping up this year w another poetry rec list! this year i’ve leaned a lot more into actively reading and writing much more poetry and hope to be publishing a compilation of my work (hopefully!) this time next year as well :) once again, i’ve tried to link what i could back to original sources + authors but a few of these link to tumblr posts / screenshots. this one is MUCH longer so i’ve organized it into my fav 15 + the rest below the cut!
top fifteen:
desert hymns no.2 (@/prophetfromthecrypt)
despite my efforts even my prayers have turned into threats (kaveh akbar)
erishkigal specializes in butchery (joan tierney)
for the dogs who barked at me on the sidewalks in connecticut (hanif abdurraqib)
fricatives (eric yip)
hammond b3 organ cistern (gabrielle calvocoressi)
let your father die energy drink (daniel lavery)
morning prayer with rat king (kaveh akbar)
not even this (ocean vuong)
on coming back as a buzzard (lia purpura)
the swan (@/tinyghosthands)
sometimes i wish i felt the side effects (danez smith)
song of the insensible (andrew kozma)
space boy wearing skirt (lee jenny)
the stars are warm (chung ho-seung)
everyone else:
14 lines from love letters or suicide notes (doc luben)
blood makes the blade holy (evan knoll)
border patrol agent (eduardo c corral)
carpet bomb (kenyatta rogers)
death comes to me again, a girl (dorianne laux)
desert (john gould fletcher)
do you consider writing to be therapeutic? (andrew grace)
dust (dorianne laux)
first will and testament + missing persons (sam sax)
fish (richelle buccilli)
for the feral splendor that remains (caconrad)
glitter (keaton st james)
gravedigger (andrew thomas huang)
heart condition (jericho brown)
it is maybe time to admit that michael jordan definitely pushed off (hanif abdurraqib)
leaves (lloyd schwartz)
letter to s, hospital (emily skaja)
metaphors for my body on the examination table (torrin a greathouse)
miss you. would like to grab that chilled tofu we love (gabrielle calvocoressi)
my brother, asleep (steven espada dawson)
my brother out of rehab, points, (ron riekki)
my cat is sad (spencer madsen)
notes from jonah's lecture series (tanya olsen)
publick universal friend contends with orthgraphy & meditates in an emergency (day heisinger-nixon)
red stains (allen tate)
red shift (david baker)
salvage (hedgie choi)
shoulders (naomi shihab nye)
social skills training (solmaz sharif)
the 17-year-old & the gay bar (danez smith)
the desert dispels this hallowed ground of coarse insinuations (julia wong kcomt)
the twelfth day (rosanna warren)
two-mom energy drink (daniel lavery)
two poems (rachel nelson)
two times i loved you the most in a car (dorothea grossman)
un [naming] / trans (after golden) (angelic proof)
valentine for ernest mann (naomi shihab nye)
vi. wisdom: the voice of god (mary karr) 
WAITING (keaton st james)
what mary magdalene said to the young transsexual (elle emerson)
wild geese (mary oliver)
worms (shyla hardwick)
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osamusriceballs · 2 years
Masterlist III
From 2022- ongoing
Updated: 07.03.2024
Masterlist I II Masterlist II II Kinktober 2023
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More than friends - About: A night drinking with Atsumu and Osamu leads to an unexpected ending~
Waking up- Part I - About: Waking up next to Osamu after a night out~
Firsts and Lasts - About: Time for Osamu to shine!
Waking up- Part II - About: Waking up with Atsumu- the steamy version.
Rebound - About: Osamu breaks up with you, and you go to Atsumu for comfort.
Company - About: A one night stand with Suna~
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Ropes - About: Rope play with Kuroo.
Paperwork - About: CEO Kuroo and his secretary.
The Taste of Love - About: A one night stand with Kuroo~
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Foreplay - About: A little bet- who can withstand longer?
Ten Nights - About: A series of your most important moments with Iwaizumi- from your very first meeting to your relationship! Smut included~
The Hardships of Love - About: Centered this around the prompt: "Can't you see that I love you?"
Birthday Wish - About: A one night stand with Oikawa- kind of on his birthday.
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Maybe - About: Being intimate with sweet sweet Sakusa~
(No) Strings Attached - About: A friends with benefits relationship with Sakusa.
Date me. - About: Sakusa Kiyoomi is a regular at Onigiri Miya and turns your whole word upside down with just two words.
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One week - About: Bokuto missing you so, so much. And kinda cumming too fast.
Good Decisions- About: Roommates to lovers .
Patience - About: Bokuto on his knees for smexy time.
Workout - About: Let me quote the two words that inspired this at 3 am yesterday: "Bokuto, shirtless"
Finding love - About: A one night stand with Bokuto.
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Dry Humping - About: Dry humping with Ushijima.
Last-Minute Plans - About: Wakatoshi got a ring for you, and he needs to make sure it fits.
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Private Tour - About: Musuem guide Tsukki- idk, he's kinda cute, kinda flirty and mean, and kinda awkward. He's Tsukki~
Birthday surprise - About: You have a nice birthday surprise for your boyfie~
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Mini Series (finished):
Sakusa and Atsumu x Reader!
Caught - About: You accidentally walk into an empty room after an interview- and who thought that you’d find Atsumu and Sakusa there…?
(just follow the links in this part- 4 Parts in total!)
Osamu x Reader
Friends with benefits- Part I - About: Friends with benefits with Osamu.
Friends with benefits Part II II Friends with benefits Part III
Suna x Reader
Heat Part I - About: It’s an omegaverse story. Kinda cliche, forgive me
Heat Part II II Heat Part III
Atsumu x Reader
The Accident Part I - About: You wake up- MARRIED TO ATSUMU MIYA?!
The Accident - Final Part
Mini Series (ongoing):
Suna x Reader, Atsumu x Reader (ongoing, will soon work on it!)
Regulars Part I -About: Alright, we’ve got waitress y/n, we’ve got chef Osamu, and we’ve got pro volleyball players Suna and Atsumu (and some others will have a cameo as well!). Let’s see what will happen, hmm?
Regulars Part IV
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Valentine's Day Specials:
Sweet Treats with...
... Seijoh
.... Inarizaki
... Shiratorizawa
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fickleminder · 1 year
Obey Me Masterlist
All writings feature GN!MC unless otherwise stated :)
✨ = Popular!
Masterlist Directory >> HERE
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cosplay (with commissioned art)
You convince Raphael to cosplay for you.
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forget you
You saw an opportunity to walk away, and you took it.
Inspired by the Glass pop quiz.
sacrificial lamb > part 1, part 2 ✨
The impossible choice between you and the Devildom.
Inspired by the Frost pop quiz.
seven supervillains and one (1) normie
You move in with seven normal, law-abiding housemates.
Written for the Devildom zine.
be good ✨
AU inspired by this prompt: Humans are born with demon counterparts to protect them. The more innocent and pure a person is, the more mean, fierce, and terrifying their demon becomes.
Halloween 2023 fic.
date night
Inspired by @777xara​‘s art here.
never after
Not all fairy tales have a happy ending.
Based on Satan’s Breaking Curses Devilgram and this post.
what’s up doc
Based on this post. Dedicated to the Satan simps who didn’t manage to pull his card in the Doctor Nightmare.
Zombie (commissioned art here) ✨
Mini-blurb based on an answered ask by @sparkbeast20​.
CW: blood and gore (in both the fic and the art).
would you lie with me (and just forget the world)
When taking out the trash, it’s more efficient to do it all in one go.
Karasu’s Confession Corner ✨
Seeing Karasu, one of Mammon’s crow familiars, at your windowsill isn’t an uncommon occurrence. He likes to stop by sometimes to hang out with you, but today he’s acting oddly for some reason…
Written for the OM Secret Santa 2022 event. Features Mammon x GN!MC.
let us die young (or let us live forever)
Life in the Devildom living with seven demon lords is pretty darn good. If there’s one thing you’re sure of, it’s that you’re loved, wholly, irrevocably, and forever.
Halloween 2022 fic.
The Escape
You are attacked while alone in the House of Lamentation.
Based on this scenario.
Bad Days ✨
You didn’t sign up to be their therapist, least of all their punching bag.
Inspired by @barbabetos‘ post here.
falling (for you) (commissioned art here) ✨
Five times you fell on Satan, and one time he returned the favor.
Obligatory 5+1 fic featuring Satan x GN!MC.
careful what you wish for
You and Satan find out that sometimes magic wishes have unexpected consequences.
Based on Satan’s Wish-Granting Charm Devilgram.
Food Favors
Mini-blurb based on an answered ask by @house-of-laminations.
Dirty Pop(sicles) ✨
When a human can’t even enjoy a popsicle on the beach without inviting salacious thoughts, you do what you have to do, toothache be damned.
CW: suggestive content but nothing explicit.
crawl to the in-between (part 1, part 2, part 3/?)
While recovering from an attack within the HoL, MC slowly finds out that there’s more to the Devildom than meets the eye.
This AU’s still a work-in-progress, summary to be updated.
forever valentine
Satan gives you flowers every Valentine’s Day.
Spin-off from this scenario (spoiler alert!) with a V-Day twist.
soft kitty, warm kitty
You sing Satan to sleep.
Lyrics taken from Big Bang Theory.
cum laude (commissioned art here) ✨
Season 1 AU. Snapshots from a year in which the human exchange student actually acts like one instead of playing demon family therapist.
Dedicated to all the goody two shoes MCs out there.
Inner Demon ✨
The one where the human exchange student gets possessed by a lesser demon.
Crack-ish fic inspired by this post. CW: mild body horror.
Cuddle Puddle
Technically every week is considered “hell week” in the Devildom, but this particular one has Elleroy ready to throw in the towel and call it quits.
Written for the OM Secret Santa 2021 event. Features Satan x M!OC x Asmo.
of electric rodents and demon butlers
Pokemon AU. Wooing a demon butler who hates rats on principle is a little tricky when you have an electric rodent on your team.
Self-indulgent Pokemon AU.
so wake me up (when it’s all over)
Your demons turn against you.
Halloween 2021 fic.
hear me cry > original, alt ending ✨
The one where the brothers team up to catch you.
Inspired by the Masked pop quiz. CW for alt ending: violence, blood.
Into The Woods > part 1 (commissioned art here), part 2
It’s like with Lilith all over again. Hindsight is 20/20, but given the circumstances, Lucifer has no qualms repeating history.
Inspired by The Nature of Sin.
You haven’t said a word since you were moved back into your old room, but that’s okay. You’re in one piece, your burns are healing nicely, and there’s cream in the medicine cabinet for the scarring on your wrists and neck. The charred, bloody stumps on your back can wait; all Luke cares about is getting rid of the damned marks those accursed bangles had branded into your skin as they melted off.
Inspired by an answered ask from @obeythebutler.
the years start coming and they don’t stop coming > part 1 (commissioned art here), part 2 ✨
In which Lilith’s return distorts her brothers’ perception of time.
The original replaced!MC AU except we have Satan on our side.
"Will one million Grimm be enough?” / “...How much is that in human currency?” / “Good point. One million American dollars it is then. We can say we sold everything at a charity auction or something.”
Inspired by the Angelic pop quiz.
Schrödinger (commissioned art here) ✨
Many ghosts dwell within the House of Lamentation alongside its demonic inhabitants. One in particular takes sick pleasure in tormenting Belphegor. (Alternatively: when the you that disappeared from Mammon’s arms isn’t completely gone)
Halloween 2020 fic.
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Idea Blurbs:
no hope, no love, no glory
Replaced!MC AU. Wherein falling out of favor with Mammon has consequences.
weakest link
Inspired by the key route in the Lantern event.
Emergency Contact ✨
MC’s night alone in the HoL takes a turn for the worse.
The Haunting of Serenity Manor
Haunted House AU inspired by this and this.
your name
Mini scenario where MC isn’t really “MC”.
soul on paper
Inspired by Satan’s 2021 birthday pop quiz and UR Devilgram.
Features a fighter-MC, lots of OOC characters, and generally dark content.
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Incorrect Quotes & Headcanons:
Sugar Daddy ✨
Saving Daylight
Hidden Skills
Anime Run
Good Workout ✨
Depressed!MC moves into HoL AU ✨
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fricchead · 1 year
Hai there! Wishing you a great day!! 🌹
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...So, I was wondering, what are your top 5 UY storylines or the ones you just have a soft spot for?
Hope you'll reply! X3
Hihihihiiii also wishing you a great day !!!
I’m going to be going off the storylines from both the original 80’s anime and some off the manga (I haven’t completely finished it lol) and I feel like the UY 2022 reboot doesn’t have a lot AS FOR NOW
But here are my top 5 (there’s so many but I had to pick) :D
5. Since your departure/ After You’ve gone
UNORIGINAL BUT IDC BECAUSE IT JUST HITS THE JUGULAR. It’s just such a bittersweet episode and yes I know Ataru deserves to be punished every once in a while but seeing this mans BAWLING had me- HHHHHHH
Put this on #5 because while it’s already a fan favorite, there’s others I prefer more
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4. Dolphin Dating and Beach Babe Patrol
I like both the manga and anime adaption !!! It’s a very fun chapter/episode and hearing Ataru refer to Lum as “his woman” has me eating drywall and breaking plates
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3. Valentines disillusions
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Now this was hard because as I went down the list I realized… how can I pick only 5 ?? Like as I was finding the episodes and chapters I was like ‘oh shit I forgot about this one’ but I think #2 will be TWO STORYLINES BECAUSE YES
2. I love Darling’s Kindness/ Love has No Boundaries-Goodness ! Words aren’t getting to Darling !
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As I’m typing this I realize I didn’t add Lum thinking she’s turning into a cow, Electric Jungle, Inaba the Dream Maker, Big Bottle Little Bottle, Happy Birthday My Darling, How I’ve Waited for You, Thrilling First Date, etc. and now i wanna kick myself because HOW DID I FORGET. ANWAYS These two have a GRIP on me
And now #1 yayayayay
1. The Final Chapter/ Boy Meets Girl
Words cannot DESCRIBE how much I love this arc. Absolute perfection. The movie adapted it so amazingly, and captured it so well. This storyline truly shows how strong Ataru’s and Lum’s love for each other is, and while we never got the actual “I love you” WE DIDNT NEED IT BECAUSE HE SHOWED IT AND IT GETS ME IN TEARS EVERY TIME.
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Thank you so much for the ask Yume 💗💗💗 i would’ve wrote more, but as you can tell, I suck ASS at formatting and analyzing but I’m always excited to gets asks !!
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Updated Dewis Fic Rec List
Here is my current incomplete Dewis faves list. Still wild to me that Dewis is a rare pair and I am doing my part to try and change that 🫡
In the interim, here are the Dewis fics I regularly go back to lol. They are in no particular order. I just went with the easiest way to put this together.
I will add on as I read more fic :)) also, I'll always shamelessly recommend my own Dewis fics lmao
Mainly doing this for myself so I can like put it in my pinned so I can reference later.
Valentine by dr3writings Words:828 “Are you asking me to be your Valentine?”
Aloha - The Art of Saying Hello and Goodbye by WaitingtoBloom Words: 16,210 Daniel travels to Hawaii in an attempt to shut out the world and find his bearings after a tumultuous start to the season, but Formula 1 ends up finding him anyway in the form of one Sir Lewis Hamilton.
Active Love by f1errari Words: 1,638 Daniel grins, one eye closes, he forgot how sharp the sun is at home but he looks at Lewis anyways who smiles softly and tips Daniel’s cap down just a little, Daniel scrunches his nose up in response but opens his eyes ‘well, let’s hope it goes better then last time huh’ (aka Daniel thinks about Lewis a lot and how good they are together before the 2022 Australian gp)
Lewis x Daniel Extended universe by Bones_2_be Words: 18,533 Works: 3 It starts with Lewis and Daniel seeing each other at Coachella
A Kiss for Good Luck by dr3writings Words:1,222 Daniel takes a deep breath and looks at his own reflection in the mirror, the number three glaring at him from the edge of the red bull cap for just a moment before he forces himself to take it off. Not yet.
Don’t need nothing by the_orange_one
Words:9,493 Lewis Hamilton is a seven-time Grammy winner. He’s a fashion icon, a hugely successful R&B artist, adored all around the world. The pandemic brings his 2020 world tour screeching to a halt, leaving him stranded in Brisbane.
Enter struggling ex-band member, newly-solo, Daniel Ricciardo. He’s taking a creative break (read: having breakdowns about his stalling career), living on his farm in Western Australia, and he’s exactly the type of friend to invite someone to live with him during a global shutdown. Especially if it’s Lewis.
or, Lewis and Daniel write a song together, take care of one another, and reconnect while riding out the global shutdown on Daniel’s farm in Perth. Not necessarily in that order.
wrapped in gold by Anonymous Words: 1,162 Daniel had gotten the address from the photographer he’d messaged on Instagram. She’d said it’s beautiful and Lewis trusts her judgment, he’s not all that familiar with the area in the summer anyway.
Love not given lightly by Anonymous Words:2,937 Lewis is all soft, soft skin on luxury Italian leather, limbs ringed in ink and sturdy cuffs. It almost feels criminal to handle him roughly. But Lewis had asked him specifically, and well, they were always accusing Daniel of being too nice for his own good.
Love, In All the Hard Places to Reach by IICarpeDiemII Words: 15,270 Daniel’s been living on his own for almost a decade. He’s forgotten how it is to live with other people. He’s forgotten how hard it is to hide things from someone you’re sharing the same bed with.
Walk ahead and don't wait for me, I'll follow your footsteps anyway .by soulhead
Words:3,033 He can't allow this annoying, emotional and demanding part of him to distract him as it seeks a kind of companionship his racing lifestyle cannot provide. This force of his own that moves for and against his own wellness at time, that bites and scratches when he swallow yet another suppressant : it needs to be muzzled and he's never second-guessed his decision on the topic until very recently.
Or, Daniel is an Alpha on suppressants, but Lewis just wishes he would be himself for once.
Golden days by its_a_yoke Words:2,257 Lewis is happy to have Daniel on the podium with him again and they have a nostalgic one night stand just like in the old days.
it's not a crime to steal from a thief by Anonymous Words: 1,228 Max is still celebrating when Lewis posts the photo with the caption: You win some, you lose some. Today, I won.
one bright moment by pronoe for Gertika Words: 1,345 Daniel wins the race, Lewis wins the championship, they kiss in parc fermé.
loved you for years by Anonymous Words: 1,665 “Now that you’re back at Red Bull, will we see a mating announcement between you and Max? You two have always been so close.”
And in that moment Daniel knows, his mate at home isn't going to be thrilled with that question.
I've had the time of my life (and I owe it all to you) by Danubius Words: 2,147 Daniel realized he shared his bathroom's wall with his negihbor after a long shift at work, when he heard the singing from the other side, and singing back seemed like a good idea.
He didn't think things would escalade so quickly from there.
let's just dance by dr3writings Words: 1,374 “You done with your work?” he mumbles, leaning further into the solid body behind himself and feels a light exhale on his neck that makes him shiver pleasantly.
“Yep, just in time too I saw,” Daniel whispers, the song still playing on repeat in the background and his fingers have started tapping out the beat lightly against Lewis’ stomach without a conscious thought.
can't stand the heat by @toastandvegemite Words: 2,839  Lewis is most irresistible Alpha on the grid. Daniel is the most untameable Omega.
It should be a match made in heaven, but for some reason Lewis is determined to resist Daniel’s charms.
rocking, raftered by leafmeal0ne Words:33,428 Daniel knew it would be generous to call himself an up-and-comer in the music industry. Probably a little generous to call himself anything other than a farm hand.
It seemed that Lewis Hamilton, actual country music legend, disagreed.
the MET by dr3writings Words:969 Daniel feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and hurries to make an excuse to the people he’s in direct vicinity of as he walks down a slightly hidden hallway to answer, no one really pays any attention too caught up in each other so he sneaks off pretty easily. He feels Blake’s eyes on him but just gives him a thumbs up and shows the phone display quickly where it’s still ringing earning a fond eye roll as the other goes back to talking to some of the other guests.
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