#vamp told me to do it so here i am
marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Let You Down
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, John Winchester x daughter!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: after you fail on a hunt, John leaves you high and dry, but Dean is there to help.
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“Kill her!”
“Oh sweetie, you wouldn’t kill your own mommy, would you?”
“You-you’re not my mom, you’re not!” You cried. “You’re a monster.”
“Kill her!” John Winchester pushed you forwards, and your machete shook in your small hands.
The vampire that used to be your mother bared its teeth at you. Even as she advanced on you, murder in her eyes, you didn’t go for the kill.
“M-mom please,” you begged. “Don’t-don’t make me do this, ple-“ you cried out when John tackled you out of the way as your mother lunged at you. Once she missed, she gave up, turned and rushing out of the building. John started after her, but stopped when he saw it was pointless; she was too fast.
You heard your machete clang to the ground as your hand went limp. Your shaking legs gave out, and John held you up as he dragged you out of the building.
“What was that?” He demanded, and you flinched when he shook your shoulders. “She was going to kill you!”
“M-my mom…” you began to shiver, and you only now noticed that it was starting to rain.
“That wasn’t your mom!” John growled. “Not anymore. That was a vamp. And now, she got away thanks to you.”
You hesitantly followed John as he started towards his car. Your legs were shaky, and you felt like you could hardly breathe.
“No,” you flinched when John held out a hand to stop you. “No, you’re going back to the motel. I have to track that vamp, and I can’t trust you to help with that.”
“How-how am I gonna get back?” You wrapped your arms around yourself as the cold rain picked up.
“You’re gonna walk,” John opened his door and climbed into the car. “It’s not that far, and I have your mess to clean up.”
Before you could open your mouth to respond, John had closed his door and backed out of the lot, turning down the street and disappearing around a bend in the road.
You were still for a long moment, frozen in shock, until the crack of lightning and boom of thunder startled you into action. You began in the direction that you’d came from, trying to calculate how many miles you would have to walk. It was a fairly straight shot to the motel, so you were almost convinced that you wouldn’t get lost, but with the cold rain beating down on you, you were worried about being out here too long. The last thing John needed was to get back from his hunt only to find you either not back yet, or sick from the cold. You figured you’d burdened him enough for one night, so if you were gonna get back, you had to be quick about it.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been out there, it felt like forever, but you didn’t think you’d gone very far. The wind was against you, threatening to knock you off your weary limbs with every gust. The shaking had gotten worse, and no matter how tightly you wrapped your jacket around you, the soaked material offered you no warmth.
You were just beginning to worry that your strength would give out when the roar of an engine and the glare of headlights made you lift your head. You couldn’t quite make it out in the gloom, until it pulled to a stop next to you and your big brother Dean stepped out.
“You ok?” He demanded, but one look at you answered his question, and without hesitation he pulled off his jacket and wrapped you up in it. “C’mon, get in the car.”
“Why are you here?” You waited until you were safely in the Impala to speak.
“Dad called,” Dean kept his eyes on the road, and the tension in his shoulders was making you nervous. “He told me what happened.”
“He asked you to come get me?” It didn’t seem likely.
“Nope,” Dean said.
“Then wha-“
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Dean turned finally to glance at you. “Are you ok?”
You gave him a feeble nod in return, hugging his jacket more tightly around you as you continued to shiver.
“Words, kiddo.”
“I’m ok,” you cursed the quaver in your voice that revealed the truth.
“Yeah, ok,” Dean scoffed. “Look, we’ll be at the motel soon, and you’re gonna take a hot shower and I’ll get you some dry clothes and warm food.”
“Ok,” you sniffled, trying desperately to hold back the tears building up behind your eyes. The image of your mother, fangs bared, charging at you, wouldn’t stop replaying in your head.
“I’m sorry about your mom,” Dean said.
“I couldn’t kill her,” you ducked your head. “She tried to kill me, and I didn’t do anything. I let dad down.”
Dean was silent for a long moment, as though fighting what he wanted to say. Finally, he spoke,
“He let you down.”
“Making you go after your mom,” Dean shook his head. “You should never have had to do that.”
You stared at your big brother for the remainder of the ride. You’d never heard him speak a word against John, and now that he had you weren’t sure how to respond. Was he right?
“C’mon,” Dean led you inside the motel, pushing you towards the bathroom as he went to scavenge food from the fridge to warm up.
“How are you doing?” Dean asked after your shower as he handed you a paper plate of leftovers.
“Better,” you sat down on Dean’s bed, and Dean followed you. You stared at him in surprise when he put his hand against your forehead.
“You’re not getting sick?” He questioned, pulling his hand away.
“I don’t think so.”
“Ok. Finish that,” he gestured at your plate, “and get some sleep, ok?” He wasn’t about to tell you, but he was hoping that you’d be fast asleep by the time John returned. If John put two and two together and realized what Dean had done, then Dean wanted to be the one blamed, not you.
Once you’d finished your food, you stretched out on Dean’s bed and tried to fall asleep. For some reason, you found that you still couldn’t stop shivering. You weren’t sure if it was the result of the cold rain, or of what you’d been through tonight.
“Dean?” You called hesitantly after a while.
“What’s up?” He asked, stepping away from where he’d been researching and coming to stand by you. “You should be asleep.” Then, he noticed your shaking. “Hey, you ok?”
“Can-can you stay with me?”
Dean didn’t hesitate, climbing in next to you and pulling you close.
“Are you cold?”
“Kind of,” you breathed. “I just-I just can’t stop shaking.”
“Hey, it’s ok,” Dean sensed your rising panic; he didn’t blame you, after the night you’d had. “It’s ok, I’m right here. Just try and get some rest, you’ll feel better tomorrow.”
Dean kept you close, and the combination of his body heat and his warm comforter over you managed to ease your shivering.
“You did good today, kid,” Dean kept his voice quiet. “I know it was hard, but you didn’t let anyone down tonight.”
You didn’t respond, you just huddled even closer to your big brother. You breathed in a contented breath as you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, trusting that no matter what else happened, he would never let you down.
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viivenn · 2 months
making an important announcement about some things i’ve noticed in the gwendoline christie fandom that really bug me.
disclaimer: read this at your own convenience and discretion. i am not responsible for any sort of hurt feelings and frankly… i don’t care. if you’re mad about this, you are probably the problem. /lh
to start with id like to begin on a positive note so that i’m not diving into negativity, i don’t want to be completely negative about my experiences because i’ve actually met some of the kindest people in the world through this fan base.
the gwen fandom, the gwandom, the gwendoline christie fandom , the lesbian cesspool, has been an incredible experience that i’m grateful i’ve had the pleasure of being apart of.
i went through a rough patch during november, and if i hadn’t found out about gwen, or met such wonderful people during my time here , i honestly wouldn’t be here right now. i owe my life to these people, gwen included. i will forever adore miss christie and what she stands for alongside the friends i’ve made along the way.
and while i know someday this hyperfix will end, it’s really disheartening to me when a fandom is what makes me grow distant from things i enjoy. it happened before, i feel as though it is happening all over again.
and no, i’m not taking issue with anything like the catrissa stuff or the brienne and larissa ship going around or anything like that. i like that we can all be weird together and enjoy aus like catrissa and crackships like bririssa (not sure the official name that was decided lol). my issue is the amount of content i’ve seen that either focuses on gwen herself, or the strange relationship with minors, or the odd artwork of gwen, and the absolute disgusting behaviour towards giles.
gwen would be absolutely appalled seeing fanfictions of herself that involve nsfw or just her in general, anyone would, it’s disgusting to make works of real people in that setting. it’s like you’re treating them as an original character you can mould and manipulate as you see fit and using someone who is real with thought and feeling and consciousness for smut fics is not okay, or any fic in general. i totally get the hype around her characters, i literally have “brienne’s princess” in my bio and i’ve had “jane murdstone’s bloodbag” (in reference to my vamp au) as a name in a discord server.
but i think the fandom has begun to blur the lines between fictional characters and reality settings when it comes to gwen and the personalities she portrays on the television screen. it’s not fair to her. it’s disgusting. i’ve seen a minor do it, i’ve seen a grown adult do it. it’s something i don’t see shamed and frowned upon often enough and it’s really not okay.
on that note i’d like to quickly mention the photos, we alllll know what photos i’m talking about. the bunny one, the nudes, the ones gwen has expressed regret towards and wishes to not have them spread. was there not a “fan” who brought her a book of her nudes and wanted her to sign it? that person who was blocked on instagram by gwen because they reposted her nudes on their story and tagged her???? how can you refer to yourself as a fan after behaving so abhorrently? absolutely disgusting behaviour. as a collective fandom we need to stop touching those photos (metaphorically speaking) and leave them in the past.
i’ve been told of numerous circumstances in which adults have shown their nsfw works to minors in this fandom and it has to fucking stop. it’s disgusting!! how can you do that knowingly? i constantly ponder terminating my account after a minor got ahold of my nsfw work, and upon realising they WERE a minor it was as simple as blocking and moving on. it’s truly not that hard, folks. and the minors on tiktok who fight with others saying silly things like “that’s my wife” or worse. i’ve seen it all, i feel like, and the more i see it the more sick i become. i cannot stand it.
i have seen and heard of fans who have fat shamed gwen for that one pink dress she wore to the met gala. she looked so happy in that dress, and the audacity one must have to fatshame that poor woman on twitter then turn around and continue to proclaim your ‘love for her’ as if you’d done no wrong? are you fucking serious? are you mental?
and the sexualisation over the porcelain doll look, gods some of you are sick. those were not real breasts, people. considering the fact she wholeheartedly regrets her nude photoshoots , what possesses you to believe she would actually flaunt her chest in that outfit?
the blatant mistreatment of poor giles is not fucking okay either. just because you’re jealous of someone who makes her immensely happy does not give you the right to post something so vile and cruel about him. shame on you. why do you believe this is okay to post:
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are you serious? have any of you stopped to consider how HAPPY giles makes her? or is her happiness the last thing you ponder when you look at her? have you even noticed how unhappy she looks lately? have you truly paused to consider how she would feel about seeing this on your page, random twitter user, or the rest of you who think this is okay? bless your hearts.
and some of the absolutely horrific things i’ve seen about her online and the hurtful behaviour towards giles makes me question the difference between a fan and just the general paparazzi. because if you truly loved her and you truly loved giles then i would not be ranting into the fucking void about it for no reason.
i avoid interacting with pages i find problematic on here to keep from stirring the pot but tonight i chose violence and got reeeeeal pissy about how i felt about this place. it’s not okay what i see on here and it’s getting exhausting seeing the same cycle of content on a daily.
that’s everything i have to say, i think. i probably missed a lot that should be discussed in the comments but i’m done for now because i know if i go on i’ll probably cry.
before you post things about real people with real feelings , stop to consider how they will feel those real feelings towards the content you put out. chances are you’ll become less problematic and obnoxious that way. 💘
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Carlisle x reader - the peace of you
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Hello, could I request your 2024 prompt number 3 with Carlisle X fem Reader? Maybe the reader is immortal and has lost her family/friends/lover and had been suffering with loneliness and abuse until she met Carlisle and his family? Because he's a vamp and he knows what it's like to outlive people? And Edward can hear how happy she is around his adoptive dad - Anon 💜
3: “He/she/they carry more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. He/she/they walked through hell a thousand times.” “Why are you telling me this?” “Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in his/her’s/their eyes is when he/she/they saw you.”
Sitting in your shop, you rested your feet on the chair opposite you, flicking through some of the books you had delivered while a few people wondered the shop.
The door went, and the bell sounded.
“Afternoon.” You called.
“Hey, have you seen Edward?”
You glanced up at the teenager unimpressed, a straight looking on your face.
“I’m not his keeper, I don’t keep track of all the vampires in the area Bella. If you can’t find your boyfriend that’s not my issue.”
She furrowed her brows a little.
“Seriously? You always know where people are.”
“I’m a bounty hunter, I know where people are when they’ve got a bounty, Edward doesn’t, so, if you’re not here to buy something go away.”
“Just tell me.”
You narrowed your eyes at her and she shuffled back a little, making her way towards the doors before she left.
You didn’t like humans, but you had to live among them, and you especially didn’t like her.
So ready to just throw away her human life, everything she had just for a boy she met.
It annoyed you.
A few seconds later and the bell went again, and you grumbled.
“I already told you I don’t know where he is.”
“Well, that would be good to know except I’ve already found the person I was looking for.”
You set your book down and stood up, walking around the desk to stand in front of it as the other vampire walked around.
He smiled softly at you and you gave a tiny one back.
“What can I do for you Carlisle? You’re not my usual clientele.”
“No, I’m not here about a bounty, I was wondering if you had any of these.”
He handed you a list and you looked through, nodding to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ve got them. Do you want me to bring them to yours?”
“That would be wonderful, thank you so much.”
You smiled at him, setting the list on your desk and you glanced at him before turning away.
“Yeah, I’ll be around later that’s no problem. How is everything?”
He sighed, shaking his head.
“Honestly? It’s all over the place, but I can’t do anything about it, he loves her, we need to protect that.”
“Even if it means putting yourself in danger?”
“Everybody has someone, Bella is the someone Edward has, it’s important we protect that.”
You gave a small shrug.
“Maybe, but maybe it isn’t worth it.”
“I know you don’t fully agree with the way we do things, but I am really grateful for everything you do to help.”
“Don’t worry about it, you should go, I’ll sort these.”
Carlisle nodded, glancing at you one last time before he left.
The moment you came into town he was smitten with you, but he was finding it hard to grow close to you.
You kept everybody at arms length, you made it clear that you were by yourself, you did things your way with your own rules, and there wasn’t much they could do about it.
You didn’t hunt on their grounds, you ran your shop just outside their territory, but sometimes if they came to you for help you would help.
You were like a box of mysteries, just then he think he has you figured out there’s something new there that surprises him.
Later that night you turned up at their house with the box of books, and you carried it upstairs, setting it down on the counter and began to take them out.
You were talking to Rosalie and Alice about them, explaining what they were about and what was in them, and Carlisle stood across the room watching you.
“Why not ask her on a date?” Emmett asked.
Carlisle shook his head.
“I could never do that.”
“Yes you could, and you deserve it.” Edward said.
“She isn’t exactly the most social person, there is just no way she would agree, I think I would rather try be friends.”
Edward glanced at his adoptive father before looking at you.
You glanced at Carlisle, and all the noise Edward heard in your head just seemed to stop, then when you looked away it picked up again.
“She carry’s more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. She walked through hell a thousand times.”
Carlisle turned to Edward, his back towards you.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Edward smiled a little, gesturing to you with his head.
“Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in her eyes is when she saw you.”
Carlisle turned back around to face you, and the moment you connected eyes with him you smiled.
“I think it’s worth a chance.”
With that, Edward left, and Carlisle walked over to help you, all the others quickly leaving.
“You seem to enjoy being around them.” He said.
“It’s nice knowing you guys get the whole immortality thing, and I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not.”
“I understand that, it does get exhausting after a while.”
You nodded your head, resting your arms on the counter.
“At least when you’re human you know everything stops when you die, as a vampire you still have to live with all that pain from your human life and more. You have to do it alone.”
“You don’t have to.”
You turned to him, furrowing your brows a little.
“You can still find people, have a family, friends to support you.”
You scoffed a little.
“Nobody wants to be around a vampire who’s bounty hunter.”
Carlisle smiled softly, turning fully to face you.
“I do.”
You stood back up, looking at him utterly confused.
“I want to be around you, I would like to be with you. You’ve spent so long by yourself that you’ve forgetting life still has beautiful moments, even for a vampire, I want you to see that it still does. I want to see you smile (Y/N).”
“If you don’t want that then it’s okay, I hope we can stay as friends but the offer is there, just a drink, that’s all. Nothing more unless that is what you want.”
You stared at him, and he could see the little spark in your eyes that was there when you saw him.
Usually you held a cold and callous look, but when you looked at him it was with nothing but pure softness, fondness.
“You don’t have to be alone..” he whispered.
“People will talk.”
Carlisle reached out, taking your hand in his.
“Then let them, I want you around, I know everybody else here wants you around as well.”
You smiled, looking away.
“I haven’t been for a drink in a while, I cant even remember what I like.”
He chuckled.
“Well, I have plenty of options for you to chose from.”
He raised your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles before he let go.
“Take some time, think about it.”
“I will.”
You left a few moments later, his offer still running around in your head.
A life as a vampire wasn’t easy, and you thought there was nothing else too it, but you couldn’t lie when you said the world was definitely better when you were around Carlisle.
You didn’t have to think too much about his offer, you were going to accept, but you didn’t want to come across as too eager so you decided to wait before agreeing, and at least it would find you time to find something to wear.
Carlisle didn’t need Edward to tell him that you would agree to his offer, he could see it on your face, the pure happiness you had when he had asked.
He had a good feeling you would agree, and he couldn’t wait for you to tell him so he could see you again, because there was nothing in this world quite like you
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
Hi I love your writing sooo much. I was wondering if you could do a Elijah and Klaus with reader ✨spicy✨ story where someone was flirting with her and they get jealous.
Let's do Poly time
Warnings: Fluff, Protective!Elijah, Protective!Klaus, Klaus being Klaus, spicy
Klaus growled lowly watching a brave young vampire flirt with you, the hybrid was having a hard time holding hisself back. Elijah had joined his brother eyes narrowed at the young vampire who was now touching you.
You were in Klaus's words, Elijah's and Klaus's human. Their girlfriend of three years after they fought over you the first two years of knowing you.
You were an innocent librarian with dark curls and beautiful eyes. You met Elijah and Klaus though Finn, you were surprised that both Originals adored you.
Both tried to get you to pick, but you couldn't choose between the two. And told them you weren't going to come between the brothers. So here you were, three years later in a happy relationship.
"That is a brave vampire." Elijah said lowly eyes darkening seeing the male touch your bare back. Klaus's glare got darker when the vampire leaned closer to you whispering something in your ear.
"That he is. Completely ignoring our marks on her." Klaus said lowly wanting nothing more than to tear the vampire from you. You had clear marks on your neck, bite marks from both Elijah and Klaus.
"Unfortunately our darling is too sweet for her own good. Shall we put an end to their conversation?"
"Yes, we shall." Klaus said heading your way with Elijah. Marcel sighed having noticed the two Originals headed over to you and the vampire you were talking to. Marcel knew that the night might end with blood spilling.
"Beloved." You jumped hearing Elijah purr in your ear while his hand replaced the vampire's on your back. You heard Klaus growl when the vampire stood straightener, challenging the two Originals.
"Eli, Nik. Meet Thomas, he is new to the city." You say feeling Elijah nuzzle your neck as Klaus moved next to you kissing your hand. Both stared at Thomas noticing right away that he was challenging them.
"Lovely to meet you both. I wasn't aware that Y/N was taken by you two." Thomas says watching you lean into your lovers touch.
"I couldn't help but notice that you were comfortably flirting with her. Clearly she was taken, the bite marks on her neck says she was already taken."
"Right....well I thought some low raking vamp had her. And I was right." Thomas said sipping his drink. You swallowed hearing your lovers growl lowly.
"Watch your tongue Thomas. Niklaus and I are Originals, show some respect." Elijah said eyes darkening and you turned placing your hands on Elijah's chest.
"Right so called creators. The first ones, I mean no disrespect but Y/N should be with someone more stronger." Thomas said smirking watching you try hard to not let Klaus tear into him.
"Brave thing to say." Elijah says lowly eyes darkening clearly angry with the vampire. You swallowed looking between the vampires hoping that Thomas won't be stupid.
"Well I am sure you would agree if you were in my shoes." Thomas said and at that moment you knew the vampire had mess up. Klaus growled slamming Thomas onto the ground while Elijah moved in front of you.
"I do not take well to disrespect from baby vampires." Klaus said lowly eyes flashing yellow. You wanted to step in to calm Klaus but Elijah held you back.
"I meant no harm. But pretty weak of you to share her with your brother if you ask me." Once those words left Thomas's lips, Klaus tore the vampire's heart out. Elijah lifted you up carrying you up stairs as Klaus glared at the vampires.
"Anyone else that challenges me or Elijah. Will end up like little Thomas." Klaus growled out and followed Elijah up stairs to your bedroom.
"That was uncalled for Nik." You tell your hybrid when Elijah placed you down. Klaus smirked watching Elijah unlace your dress.
"Was it love? Or very much called for?" Klaus said taking off his suit jacket and tie. You frowned as Elijah kissed your neck wrapping his arms around you.
"You both can't keep killing men that flirt with me." You mumbled stepping out of your dress. Elijah smiled against your skin and Klaus chuckled stepping forward rubbing your sides.
"Now love, you know that you belong to Elijah and I. Other men should learn to stay away." Klaus tells you pressing kisses on your chest then lifted you up.
"Elijah, you agree with me." You whined seeing the vampire taking off his own suit jacket and tie. Klaus moved behind you making you jump feeling his bare chest against your back.
"Sorry baby but I agree with Niklaus." Elijah says moving down between your legs. You felt heat flood your veins when Elijah's mouth on your thigh.
"You two are the worst." You tell them your voice coming out breathy. Klaus was gently biting your neck while his hand cupped your chest.
"Yet you still love us." Klaus teases you gripping your hips once Elijah reached your center. You let out a soft moan, the first of many that night.
"Nik.....Eli.." You whimpered gripping Klaus's thigh while Elijah was practically devouring you. Klaus nipped at your neck playing with your chest.
"Let's see if we can make you scream tonight, love." Klaus whispered in your ear. You flushed shivering seeing the dark smirks on your lover's faces know you were about to have a long night.
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ninaolive · 7 months
Taskmaster S16E07 Recording Report
As promised to @pandaroboto here is everything I can remember.
There was an audience singalong to Wham's Wake Me Up Before You Go Go during the warmup, and later on Sue Perkins made a call back to it during the episode, but Greg reminded her that part wasn't filmed
Mark Olver asked who in the audience had never seen the show, and why they were there, and one of them was there with a friend who said he preferred NZ Taskmaster to UK (the entire room GASPED)
Mark also identified a lot of people visiting from overseas in the room (we were visiting from NYC but kept quiet). Someone said it was their first time in London and Mark said "hate to break it to you but you're in Slough".
Mark asked if anyone already knew who the contestants were, and everyone in the upper right gallery raised their hands. Mark started to scold them for going on Reddit, but then they pointed down at the table next to Greg's throne where he had left his cue card with all 5 names on it! Greg kept mentioning that even though he'd done 6 episodes already he still needed their names written down.
The cast intros happened so fast that it felt like we were all still cheering for Julian when they got to Sue. Later on, Lucy asked Greg "why did you skip me on the introductions?" so I guess the cast noticed that, too. She thought maybe it was for a bit.
When Greg did the "felt cute, might delete later" bit I felt like he was looking right at me, and it was terrifying/electrifying.
The botox bit Greg was so fond of that he kept bringing it up so that the editors would have no choice but to let it in the show.
I don't remember why, but there was a long discussion about the meaning of the phrase "chickens come home to roost". Lucy thought it was a nice thing like when your kids come home from university for Xmas. Sam said he'd heard it in a documentary about 9/11. Greg then had to say "let's get off 9/11".
My favourite bit was "here they all are flicking themselves silly" so I am happy to see that made it into the episode.
During the discussion about Sam ripping the head off the standee of himself, he said "I'd been watching a lot of beheading videos" and then immediately started apologizing and begging them to cut that line out of the show.
The moment when Greg put his finger in Alex's mouth to stop him singing had to be re-done a ton of times because Greg kept laughing and he blamed it on Alex "moving his tongue around" and Alex said "I can't help it!". It was like a fever dream.
The live tiebreak was a total mess, so much so that audience members started to shout suggestions on how to measure it and Alex had to shush them.
In all the breaks Greg interacted with us while Alex was doing stuff offstage but sometimes his mic picked up stuff he was saying to crew members. There was a long break while Lucy's final prize task vamping was set up where all four of the other contestants just started chatting with the audience too and that was nice.
They kept telling us we were a very attractive audience and that they might use footage of us in other episodes. At the end Alex even did a retake of himself saying something like "33 minutes, 34 minutes" from another episode, and then told us "so, look out for that bit!".
We were directly behind the couple who got engaged! At the beginning when she was in the bathroom, the guy handed us the envelope and asked us to slip it under her seat at the end. We were confused but then he explained. At the end, Mark told all the people he'd singled out as visitors from overseas to look under their chairs for a special prize, and she found the envelope we'd put there. I noticed that all the cast were standing off the to the right in the wings watching. She went up and sat in Greg's chair and opened the task and the guy proposed. Then Mark started pointing at us and the people around us and saying "you guys all knew!! They were in on it!" which was sweet.
EDIT: I remembered some more stuff! Since we didn't get any team tasks, they told us who the teams were and described Julian as acting as a "sort of carer" for Lucy & Sam lol
Sue tried to get David Attenborough to voice her prize tasks but didn't hear back from her emails
Someone asked Alex if there would be any more NMJ and he said “not till the next pandemic, so” and then did fingers crossed gestures with both hands
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
Children of the Night Part 9 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Daddy Vampire Eddie/Switch Vampire Stevie and Sub Human/Vamp Fem Reader, SMUT, dp, dirty talk, light spanking, light choking, blood drinking (obviously), slight roughness but more passionate, FLUFF, these three weirdos love each other so much <3.
Domestic abuse and Child abuse triggers (we learn everything about the reader here including the abuse she's gone through including gaslighting and physical abuse) It's briefly touched on how the police didn't help her. Personally I felt like this added to her mistrust of authority like that mixed in with how law enforcement handled everything that happened with Eddie in Hawkins.
S4 things are touched on including Chrissy and what happened with Lucas, Erica, and Gareth. Brief conversations with readers mom, Wayne, and Mr. Harrington (the latter being an asshole of course). I think that's everything. The main thing I wanted to focus on was the abuse triggers. I know that can be triggering especially since some of the dialogue with the mother is lifted from things my own abusive parent said to me.
Love you guys! Enjoy this final piece.
Series here/ Buy Me a Coffee :)
Word Count: 7400
StokersGirl86: “Oh my god. I’m so excited. What do you think they are going to do?!”
Dannyalwayshere1: “I imagine it’s going to big after everything going on in the news right now.”
Minaismygirl: “Eddie better release Y/N so she can come find me. I can take care of her!”
StokersGirl86: “Oh please. You really think she’s innocent in all this?!”
StokersGirl86: “She was a fan just like us. No matter what her criminal mom preaches on tv.”
LivingDeadBoy24: “Like mother like daughter :P.”
Living DeadBoy24: “Maybe Eddie will sacrifice her the same way he did Chrissy Cunningham. I’ve been reading about what happened. It’s amazing.”
Justice4ChrissyCunningham: “You all should be ashamed of yourselves! An innocent girl was murdered and another may be kidnapped! They don’t need to be put up on a pedestal. They need to be behind bars!”
Dannyalwayshere1: “I see you think Steve Harrington is guilty to?”
CaliforniaPD: “This is the California police department and currently we seem to be having trouble disconnecting this stream. That being the case, we do highly recommend that everyone log off this site and do not engage.”
VampQueen91: “Yeah sure. Nice try whoever you are. I thought the police already had their location. Yet they can stream??”
Minaismygirl: “Because California PD sucks lol But who knows, maybe they just need them to stream to catch them…”
The video feed begins counting down and as soon as it ends three faces illuminate everyone’s screens. Both men were shirtless with hair frayed every which way as their black eyes starred into the camera with a small smirk painted on both their lips. 
“Hm. I see everyone’s here and already has opinions.”, you growl as you quickly take in everyone’s words that flew across the screen. “We wanted to come on today to set the record straight about a few things. First and foremost, Edward Munson and Steven Harrington are dead. YOU killed them when you placed blame for something they didn’t do.”
Justice4ChrissyCunningham: Edward Munson murdered Chrissy in his trailer in cold blood. 
“Oh, sweetheart. I can’t imagine how much you must be hurting, Andrew. You lost three friends in the span of a week to such odd circumstances. Of course, it would just be easier to blame Eddie. It’s the only thing that would make since right? Not that some other man come in and hurt her.”
Justice4ChrissyCunningham: I don’t know who you think I am but—
His picture suddenly flew up onto the screen for everyone to see. 
“Normally I’m not one to display people’s personal business this way but after everything I’ve read and the things they told me, you can go fuck yourself. I see here while Eddie was missing you and Jason Carver assaulted a young man named Gareth in his garage. Police report says you and your friends jumped them while playing hero; broke the young man’s nose.”
The long-haired vampire growled deep from his chest at the accusation. 
“It also looks like in March of 03, you tackled a middle schooler and threatened to break her arm if she didn’t tell you guys where Eddie was. That seems to be the same night Mr. Carver also beat up a young man while he was trying to protect his girlfriend. Hm. How odd that you were there for the last few deaths.”, you muse as you glance towards Steve who continues to glare forward.
“The night Steve went missing his blood was found mixed with two other jocks about your age. Friends, Andy? He tells me they were there to hurt him because he missed the man he loved. Kind of seems like violence is normal for athletes in Hawkins. Maybe that’s why Chrissy felt more comfortable with Eddie. I can’t imagine how angry that made Jason feel. Maybe angry enough…to kill?”
The count of people in the stream both drastically dropped including Andy and then suddenly increased with a new flux of people. 
California PD: “Miss Y/L/N if you are in danger we can help you. 
“I don’t need your help. I’m not a hostage with these men. If anything, I was a hostage growing up with the mother that you all so quickly rallied behind including you, Officer Williams. I spent my whole life dealing with people like you. Willing to believe any narrative that fit your agenda. I have been beaten and abused by almost everyone in my life but these men have done nothing but love and protect me! And you want to punish them for that?”
California PD: “Last chance Y/N. Tell us where you are and we can save you.”
“I told you… I’m safe right here…with Renfield and Dracula. My name… is Mina.”
With that both vampires bared their fangs and bit into either side of your neck.
2 Weeks Before
Eddie didn’t say a word as he got up and angrily stomped back towards the bedroom. 
“Baby, please.”, you pleaded as you watched him pull out the suitcases from their closet and throw them on the bed. “We had to have this conversation at some point—”
“No, we don’t. The answer will always be the same. No. Fuck no. Hell no. Take your pick.”
“Because I fucking said so. Now, start packing your shit because we are leaving in 30.”
“No.” The vampire paused as he slowly turned to face you. “No, fuck no, hell no. Take your fucking pick.”
Stalking towards you, he stopped till his nose was hovering just above your own.
“Get you shit and get ready to leave.”, he rumbled.
“You sound like John right now. You don’t command me, Edward.”
“Yes, sweetheart, I do. That’s what you agreed to, remember? You and Steve are mine—”
“In bed.”, Steve interrupted, coming around the corner. “In bed we belong to you. She’s still her own woman and is allowed to make her peace. Let’s hear what she has to say.”
“Steven, you and I didn’t have a choice. She does—”
“So you’re going to make it for her?” The long-haired vampire’s jaw clenches as he places his hands on his hips. “You’re right, I didn’t have a choice which is why we never had to have the conversation she wants to have but I always thought about it. If I was still human, you would have remained the same and I would have grown old. We would have lost each other again…”
Eddie’s glassy eyes glance his way as he sighs and takes a seat on the bed.
“After the last time she left and we didn’t have her…I’d rather not experience that now or even 50 years from now.”
“I guess we know what your vote is.”, he sasses. 
“I think we can do this in a controlled way so what happened to us doesn’t happen to her especially since we would be doing it without her being hurt or wounded.”
“Fuck. O-Ok but I do it and we can change her after we get where we are going—”
“There’s no rush. I genuinely don’t believe they know where you are and are banking on us streaming again but we can find out. I can find out which guys are working the case and go through the digital file. I didn’t do it before because I didn’t want to put us at risk if I didn’t have to.”, you respond as you sit beside him. “I…I also think we should stream you changing me—”
“That’s a fuck no and I’m not budging on that. I don’t care what you both tell me.”
“I actually agree with him on that one, honey.”
“No, no. I mean we should do this together privately but make our fans and police believe you’re changing me. It will keep them invested to keep the revenue coming no matter where we go and show the police that we aren’t afraid of them. We now know that we can suck each other’s blood so…”
As Eddie sighs again, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss his cheek. 
“I love you, Eddie. I trust you and I know I’m safe with you; both of you.”
Turning to face you, he kisses your forehead and holds you to him. 
“Do what you have to do, babe, and we’ll start getting things together.”
While the guys packed and ran out to grab some extra blood packs, you did some research into the people hunting for you three. You were right that they hadn’t found you yet but they were getting closer. One of the officers grabbed one of Dustin’s pings he created and traced it to the next town over. 
“Hey pretty girl.”, Steve cooed as he slumped down onto his knees beside you. “What did you find out?”
“We’re still ok. They haven’t found us yet and from what I see here they most likely need us to stream again. Now this is a new development.”
Moving the mouse, you click on the news website in the background and play the clip you stumbled on earlier that day. 
“So you say, Mrs. Y/L/N, you saw Y/N with Mr. Harrington and Mr. Munson?”
“Yes! Oh my goodness.”, your mother sobbed. “She came to visit me in the hospital because I was sick. She was always such a sweet girl. They threatened my life and then dragged her away. They are awful people.”
Feeling your anger, Eddie swished into the room as the other vampire petted your head. 
“If you could say anything to your daughter, what would it be?”
“You monsters let my baby go! I love you, Y/N! So…so much…I can’t…”
“That’s not all I found.”, you whisper, clicking another link and pressing play. 
“Mr. Munson! Mr. Munson! How do feel about the content your nephew is posting? Do you think he’ll kill Y/N like he did Chrissy?”
“Get off my property! My nephew…my nephew is dead. Haven’t you and this town sullied his memory enough!”
“Police seem to have strong evidence that this is Edward Munson.”
“Well, if he is alive…I hope he stays away. He can be happier with Steven away from these fuckers!” Eddie’s uncle pauses before entering the house the reporters were following him to. “I also want him to know that I love and miss him. I hope your happy, son.”
Steve grabs his partner’s hand as his stoic features faulter and tears begin to slowly fall that he quickly wipes away. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Harrington! Anything to say about your son?!”
“We’ve made a statement already! Go away!”
The vampire’s eyes narrow at the sound of his dad’s voice. 
“You really don’t think that’s your son in the videos?”
“I know for a fact that’s not my son. No son of mine would engage in that behavior nor be in a relationship with a freak like Edward *beep* Munson. Now leave us be so we can grieve our son in peace!”
“I’m sorry.”
“No reason to be, honey.”, he sighs shaking away the frustration. “We, um, got some more blood and we got you some more clothes. We found a house up north; I just need to—”
Eddie’s lips cut his boyfriend off as he cupped his face in his hands and pulled his body closer to his own. When he finally pulled away both boys were panting heavily. 
“I love you, Steve Harrington.”
The pretty vampire smiled softly as his fingers lightly moved some of the other man’s hair out of his face. 
“I love you to, Eddie Munson.” His mouth gently kissed him again as he began to sing making the metalhead breathily chuckle. “I’d give up forever to touch you. Cause I know that you feel me somehow.”
“You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t want to go home right now.”, he sings back. “We don’t have a song for Y/N.”
“Oh, I don’t need one. It’s ok.”
“No, no, baby. Let’s see what we got.”, Steve smiles as he pushes the button on the stereo and starts searching through stations. He and Eddie cringe as a few come through that aren’t suitable in anyway making you laugh. 
“Hey, wait. Go back.” After the vampire does what he asks, you three listen as the long-haired boy grins and bobs his head.
“And I wonder When I sing along with you
If everything could ever be this real forever If anything could ever be this good again The only thing I'll ever ask of you You've got to promise not to stop when I say when She sang…”
Taking ahold of your hand, Eddie spins you as you both smile and he sings along.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one before.”, Steve muses as he watches you two dance. 
After letting you go, you grab a hold of his waist and he circles his arms around you as you sing.
“Breathe out So I can breathe you in Hold you in And now I know you've always been…”
Smiling, his lips kiss your forehead as you press your head into his chest. 
“I love you both so much.”
“We love you to, sweetheart.”, Eddie replies as he comes behind you and holds you both tightly.
“What if I kill you.”
“You won’t, baby. I trust you.”, you try to comfort as you cup his cheek. 
Nodding, he tilted towards you, placing soft tender kisses on your lips and along your cheek to your neck. When you feel him hesitate, you run your fingers through his hair and whisper adoration for him as you wait. 
When his fangs bit into you, you were surprised how fast you blood left your body. Steve’s worried eyes watched as the color left your face and the sight killed him. Your eyes rolled shut and a tear left his eye as the memory of finding Eddie in the upside down flashed through his mind. 
The vampire wanted to calm him but he couldn’t. 
He had to focus on you. 
After releasing his hold on you, he hurriedly wiped your blood from his chin and bit into his wrist offering it to you.
“Come on, baby girl. Come on. We need you to drink.” Just as Steve’s had, your eyes snapped open as the sweet taste hit your lips and you began to drink from him. “Fuck…good girl, princess. Mmph…There you go.”
Abruptly, you detached from his arm and passed out against the pillow as Eddie began to dizzily fall back. 
“Whoa, honey. I got you. Are you ok?”
“B-Blood, Steve. I need… please.”
He didn’t waste any time, running to the kitchen and back as he tore the bag open for his partner to take. 
“What happens now?”
“Now, we wait.”
Neither man left your side as they kept a diligent eye on you. Eddie held your hand while Steve kept his palm on your chest to make sure you were still breathing.
“It’s weird…I can’t feel her anymore.”
“When she wakes up you will and it will be more in tune. When you woke up that feeling was incredibly strong.”
Hearing the sadness in his voice, Steve reaches over runs his fingers along his face. 
“What are you thinking about, baby?”
“Everything.” Eddie glances his way and his boyfriend’s loving gaze fills him with warmth. “I never thought about the future. I guess because I was stuck like this…it didn’t even occur to me that you two would age and I wouldn’t. When would you have asked me?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t even know how to bring it up. All I really wanted was for us to have what we always talked about. A happy, simple life away from all the bullshit in Hawkins.” Steve grins when his partner chuckles. “A nice two-bedroom home where we could settle down and have a family. Three boys and three girls you and I would spoil rotten. I would work some office job with so-so benefits and brag about my rockstar husband who was on tour but coming home soon.”
Eddie couldn’t hold it in anymore as the last couple days events hit him and he began to cry. 
“I know, honey. I know”, he cooed as he held his free hand. 
The sound of something crashing to the ground startles both vampires as they sit up and jump out of bed realizing you were no longer between them. They could feel you though; fuck could they feel you.
“Jesus, Eddie…”, Steve groaned as his head lulled to the side.
“I-I know. Stay focused. We need t-to get our girl back first.”
“I don’t know if I can.”, the vampire whined as his palm began absently grazing the bulge in his pants. 
“You will because I told you to, little boy. Do you understand?”, Eddie hissed. 
“Y-Yes, Daddy.”
Slowly moving down the hall, they searched every nook and cranny before something loud in the kitchen caught their attention. They found you on the floor balancing on your heels in your bra and shorts they had laid you down in. The sound of your growling filled the room as you continued to bang on the refrigerator door with your palm. 
Jumping at the sound of Eddie’s voice, you fell on to your butt and pressed your back to the cabinets as your black eyes glared his way. 
“Sweetheart, everything’s ok. You’re alright.”
It took you moment but something in your face softened and your crawled towards him, pushing him back slightly before banging your hand on the door again. 
“Daddy. Hungry.”
“You’re hungry, baby?” Reaching in, he takes out a bag and tears it open, handing it to you. Your wide eyes watch him as if he’s figured out a riddle you had spent thousands of years trying to solve and when he offers you what you want, you take it from him without question and chug it back. “Good. Good girl.”
After three blood packs and a peaceful smile on your face, even Eddie could still feel a hunger within you.
“What do you need, pretty girl? Tell me.”
Steve couldn’t control it any longer as his eyes darkened and his own hunger took over. Grabbing his partner’s shirt, he pushed him to the side as he began to crawl towards you. In your state, you perceived the action as hostile and practically roared as you tackled his chest, pinning him to the floor.
“NO! Bad boy…hurt…Daddy!”
His wrists tried to push against your hands but you were much stronger than before. Eddie couldn’t help but be utterly fascinated as he watched you both interact. 
“Say…SORRY!” When he hesitates, your nose presses to his as you growl in a low voice that makes them both hard. “Now.”
“Sorry…Daddy…Sorry, honey.”
At the term, your eyes blink in surprise as you sit up slightly to gaze along his features. Steve’s own black irises search your face for recognition, finding it in your sudden shift of demeanor.
“Steve…”, you coo as lean down and run your nose up his bare, hairy chest to his neck. “Boy…hungry?” He nods emphatically, literally ripping your shorts from your body after pulling down his pants enough to free his cock. “Ask.”
A small whine leaves him as he turns to face Eddie whose eyes were now also black as he stroked his own length while watching you. 
“Daddy…hungry. Please?”
He growled in response, hastily coming up to take his place behind you and runs his tongue up your spine to your shoulder. You mewl as you lower yourself down onto the man beneath you, gripping his neck to pull him up so you could press his head into your chest. Clinging to your hips, the metalhead guided himself into your ass and your head fell back onto his shoulder as they both roughly thrust into you.
When their fangs pierced your skin, you clenched around them causing them both to grunt and hold you tighter. 
As your fingers tangled into his hair, you bit down on the pretty boy’s shoulder and his moan reverberated through the house as his body shook while releasing his seed inside you. The metalhead circled around to rub fast circles into your clit and you came off Steve with a heavy pant as he fell back onto the floor.
Taking ahold of his arm pressed to your chest, you brought it to your mouth as you bit into the skin. Eddie’s head flew back as your pussy quivered around him and you came hard. Yanking your hair, he shoved your face next to his boyfriend’s as he chased his high and with a few more aggressive thrusts warmed your insides. 
Heavy breathing filled the room as both boys passed out beside you. 
5-year-old you pulls her knees to her chin as you hid under the kitchen table listening to your parents fight. 
“Fuck you! You want to leave me than fucking leave and take that little brat with you.”
“I can’t! Jesus, you never listen! Marnie, doesn’t want kids right now.”
“Oh, oh. The slut doesn’t want kids so I guess whatever she says goes. I didn’t want kids either yet here we are!”, your mother slurs. 
You listen to the sound of his footsteps as he stomps out the door leaving you behind. Glass shatters as the beer bottle she threw hits the wall before she falls to her knees and sobs. 
12-year-old you cries as the police officer lifts you into his arms and tries to carry you out of the foster home you were physically fighting to stay in. 
“Y/N, come on! You need to go be with your mom.”
“NO! I want to stay here! Please don’t make me go back!” You kick the officer, hitting his stomach causing him to drop you to the floor. As fast as you could you get up and run to the woman you had been calling mom for over 6 months. “Please! I’m sorry. I’ll be good. I promise!”
“Sweetheart, listen to me.”, she empathetically murmurs as she sinks to her knees. “It’s time for you to be with your mom. Who knows maybe things will be different this time.”
“It-It won’t. It never is.”
You and your boyfriend panted as you tried to catch your breath hiding under the pier. 
“Woo, that was close!”, he laughs as 15-year-old you grins up at him. “But hey, now we can eat.”
Tossing the wallet to the side, he takes out the money and reaches for your hand as he guides up the bank towards the stores above. After purchasing a burger and some fries, you both share it as he lights a cigarette and stares off into the distance.
“I love you.”
“I love you to, babe.”, you smile as you bite into a fry. 
When his fingers reach out to touch your face, you can’t help but flinch when his thumb grazes the cut on your lip from when he thought you were giving him attitude. 
“I really do. Things are going to get better, Y/N. I promise.”
She couldn’t even make it three months. The police had brought you back home and as soon as they left your mother went off about you running away and how that made her look. By the third month, you tried to leave again and she stopped you. 
“What happened to your arm, Y/N? You said you fell?”, the doctor asked as he began wrapping the cast around the limb. 
You didn’t move or say a word as you stared off into the void. What was the point? The cops knew how she was yet they kept bringing you back. Even if you told this doctor the truth it wouldn’t matter.
“Sweetheart, I can help you. I just need you to tell me what happened.” The man sighs when you remain silent before whispering under his breath. “You don’t have to say anything just nod your head, ok? Did you fall?”
Your eyes meet his for a brief moment before autopilot takes over and you shake your head. 
“Did your mother do this? Did she grab you?”
You nod.
You stare at the screen in front of you as two men known as Renfield and Dracula make love to each other before biting his neck. A heavy sigh left you at the action and the human boy’s moan hit straight to your heart down to your core. 
You had been watching them for over a month now and you couldn’t explain it but something about them just pulled you in. Hearing their voices and watching how they took care of each other made you feel safe. It’s part of the reason you kept coming back even though you knew if John ever found out you were seeing this he’d probably kill you. 
That following day you were surprised when a message from the site appeared when you signed in from the creators themselves inviting you to a private session. 
When their faces illuminated your screen, a little sigh left your chest. They were both so handsome up close. Because of the technology, you weren’t able to really see their features before but now you could see them in all their glory. Dracula’s eyes fluttered slightly behind his mane of hair. 
“Hey Mina.”
Renfield glances his way in surprise as his partner spoke. Usually, he was the one that did the bulk of the talking so when he initiated, he was taken a back. 
InnocentLittleMina: Hello.
“Hey, honey. We, um, we just wanted to reach out to you because we see you pop up from time to time. You don’t talk or engage very much.”
InnocentLittleMina: Yeah. A lot of the people here are kind of rude.
“Ha. Yeah they are. We were wondering and we understand if you say no but would you want to work for us? Dracula says a moderator could really help us get some control over these people. You don’t have to tell us your name or anything. We can send money straight to your account.”
InnocentLittleMina: You’d pay me?
“Yeah, honey. Of course.”
“However much you want.”, Dracula adds again making his partner’s head quirk to the side. “You just…seem like a kind person with a good heart.”
InnocentLittleMina: You don’t know me.
“We’d like to.”
His words flow through you almost as if you can feel how genuine they are. What’s the worst that could happen?
InnocentLittleMina: “Ok. I’d love to help.”
Both men groan as their eyes open and take in the scene before them. After what they saw, they couldn’t care less. They just needed to find you. 
Rising to their feet, they power walk down the hall to find you closing a suitcase and quietly taking a seat on the bed. Your eyes lock with theirs as you softly smile and shrug. 
“See? I told you I had experienced real monsters.”
“Sweetheart.”, Eddie breathed as he sat beside you and pulled you to his chest. “I’m so fucking sorry you went through all that. We would never ever fucking hurt you like them.”
“Or let anyone hurt you like that.”, Steve added as he knelt in front of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Calm. Clear. It’s weird. I’ve never felt like this before. I feel like I’m…home.”
“Because you are, baby.”, the pretty boy cooed as he kissed your palms. 
“While you two were asleep, I packed up some clothes for us. I’m not sure what else we need.”
“Let me see if that relator guy called.”
After he disappeared, the metalhead cupped your face in his hands as his eyes ran along your face. You still looked like the girl they fell in love with but you seemed to have this air of confidence surrounding you that made him fall even harder. 
“I wish I could have seen your life the way I saw his and you two saw mine. I think it’s because him and I are new…”
“Oh, baby girl, trust me. You don’t want to see that. Not all in succession like that. Everything kind of sucked till I met Steve. Before him it was a blur of heartache and anger.” When he sighed, your palm circled around the back of his neck and brought his forehead down to yours eliciting a small, nervous chuckle to fall from his lips. “Fuck…are you doing that?”
“Doing what?”, you murmur. 
“Y/N, I’m a jaded asshole.”, he laughed. “It takes me a while to trust anyone and feel safe but the feeling running through me right now… God it’s so quiet. I can breathe.”
“Because that’s how I feel with you two, Daddy. You’re feeling me.”
“Fuck, Y/N.”, he groaned, his lips falling to the side of your neck. 
“Wait…Wait, Eddie. I need to show you both something first.”
Present Day
“Ok, Williams, we’re right outside the door. Going in, in two.”
The officer paces around his desk as he glares at the screen watching both men continue to feed while blood drips down your neck. 
“Good. They’re still streaming in front of their computer. Be careful! They shouldn’t be armed but I’m not sure if they’ll react hostilely.”
“Entering in, 3, 2, 1. GO, BOYS!”
As soon as the door kicked in, a little box appears at the corner of your current feed showing the raiding team running through the house. Everything was still in its place including the blood staining the floor by the fridge. 
“We have all eyes on us, guys. Go slow.”
When they find the bedroom, they scream into the void for you three to get down… 
Only to find now one there.
The swat leader walked towards the computer, tearing off the note that was taped to the screen.
“I shall be glad as long as I live that even in that moment of final dissolution, there was in the face a look of peace, such as I never could have imagined might have rested there.
Our souls are knit into one, for all life and all time.
“FUCK!”, Officer Williams shouted as he kicked the chair in front of him. 
CaliforniaPD: You can keep running all you want but you are just making it harder on yourselves! We found you once and we can find you again!”
You whine as your head falls against Steve’s chest and your black eyes flash towards the screen with a small smile. 
“Good luck with that. I’m sorry to say, for you, we’re a lot stronger now than we’ve ever been.”, Eddie rumbled sarcastically towards the camera. 
As you pull away to lean against the metalhead’s shoulder, the other vampire growls low with needs as his head follows yours for a moment before hesitating to focus on the camera. 
“We don’t want any trouble. We just want to be left alone to be happy together but we will gladly do this dance again to keep ourselves protected and keep her safe!”
Your palm ran down his back, calming him as he tilted his head to place open mouth kisses on your shoulder as his own hand absently traveled under your shirt to run along the skin of your stomach. Eddie growled at the action as both vampires glared at each other. Grabbing his throat, the long-haired boy pulled his boyfriend’s lips to his own passionately.
“I think you all have had enough of a show…and I’m…hungry.” At the last word, your tone drops and after you wink towards the camera, you move the mouse, and shut it down.
“Did you guys see that? Over one million people were watching us!”, you giggle excitedly.
Both vampires were still distracted as they detached from each other to kiss your neck again. Grinning as you bit your lip, wind messed their hair as you flash ran towards the other side of your new shared bedroom. 
“Oh, come on, boys. Now focus.”
Trying to run after you, you hastily sprinted away, your beautiful laugh filling the new house you three were going to be living in. Eddie was the one to catch you first, practically tackling you to the ground in the living room and pinning your wrists beside your head. 
“Hi, Daddy.”
As you beam up at him, he can’t help but smile down at you before bringing his lips to yours. Your hands flex in his grip but he remains steadfast as he kisses softly down your body and over your blood-stained shirt. 
 Steve crawls towards you both on his hands and knees, falling onto his tummy with his hand grabbing your cheek to turn your head so he could kiss you. Letting you go, your hands remain where they are as Eddie pulls down your panties and tosses them to the side. 
His strong palms dig into your thighs as he lifts your legs over his shoulders and you moan against the other man’s lips as Eddie presses his face into your cunt wasting no time as his mouth devours you. 
Your legs close around him and he mewls into you as your back arches off the floor. 
“Fuck, Daddy! Your mouth feels so good.”
Maneuvering behind him, Steve spreads his partners legs a bit wider and his groans vibrate through your core as the pretty boy runs his tongue between Eddie’s cheeks. You grin blissfully as you watch the sight before you and you run your fingers through the metalhead’s hair. 
“That’s it, honey. Fuck. Make our girl cum. Jesus, Y/N, I can feel how good he’s making you feel. Daddy’s so fucking amazing with that mouth isn’t he? It’s why he never shuts up.”
Eddie’s growls turn into moans when his boyfriend effortlessly slides two fingers inside him while pushing his head harder against your pussy.
“Oh, god!”
Your eyes roll back as you grind your hips against the vampire’s tongue till you tumble over the edge and cum. Releasing him from your grip around his shoulders, you pant as you try to catch your breath, shuddering at the feel of Eddie’s heavy exhales fanning your dripping core. 
You’re not sure if it was the dominance within him or just how sexy both men looked right now but something inside you bubbled forward and you rushed towards them, tackling Steve to the floor. 
Abruptly an arm wrapped around your stomach and pushed you back against the hardwood. 
“No.”, the long-haired vampire hissed as his hand clung to your throat. “You ask, little girl. The rules haven’t changed. Not yet anyway.”
“Beg me, Y/N.”, he cooed in a sultry voice that had both you and the other man whining. “Beg Daddy, baby girl.”
“Please, Daddy. Want…” You pause as you blink, trying to clear the fog and intense need from your brain so you could focus. “I want Steve. Please, may I…have him.”
As the black irises disappear and your natural eye color returns so does his as he smiles before giving you a tender kiss. After moving out of the way, he ushers Steve between your legs and helps lift your shirt over your head. 
“I’m sorry if I hurt you. I didn’t mean to grab you like that. I just couldn’t—”
“Control yourself. I know, honey. I understand. You’re doing a lot better than I did though.” He taps his cock against your sensitive clit a couple of times making you jump and you both let out a strangled moan as he slides himself inside of you. “Shit. Always so fucking good.”
Falling on to your chest, he rolls his waist as you cling to his shoulders, leaving little pecks along his skin. When you bite into his flesh, he grunts loudly and snaps his hips hard, punching his length deep inside your heat. 
As he picks up his pace, you release him and he pushes up onto his knees, looping his arms under the back of your own so he can hold your legs open. Feeling someone near him, he opens his eyes to be met with his boyfriend’s cock in his face. Steve opened his mouth willingly and Eddie’s mouth fell open as he bobbed his head, taking him as far back as he could. 
“That’s it, sweetheart. Such a good boy. Jesus, I love watching you two together.”
Threading his fingers through his hair, the metalhead groaned as he fucked his partner’s face making you whine and clench around his own cock every time you heard him gag.
“Mmm—there you go, Steve. Make our pretty girl cum.”
Shoving Eddie’s stomach, Steve growled with need as he pushed him out of his way and wrapped his arms around your back, lifting you up till you were face to face with him. Hugging him to your chest, you used his neck as leverage as you bounced and grinded against him.
When his fangs pierced your skin, your eyes squeezed shut as you did the same, taking him in as his hands grabbed the meat of your ass, guiding your movements till you trembled and came. Steve grunted at the feeling, pushing you back down onto the floor and pounding his cock into you so deeply you swear you could feel him in your stomach, through your heart, and into your soul. 
“Fuck!”, he growled in his deep vampire tone as his movements stalled and you whined as he pumped his spend aggressively into your cunt.
You couldn’t help but breathily giggle as Steve continued to run his lips and tongue along your body. Pushing his chest, you disappeared from underneath him but Eddie anticipated your move, running ahead of you and slamming his palm against the wall as his arm shot out to stop you. Before you could run the other way, he blocked you and pinned your front side to the hallway.
His hand playfully spanked your behind and you both mewled as he guided his cock into your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck, Daddy.”
Intertwining his fingers with yours, Eddie held your hands above your head and thrust his hips roughly against yours, his humid pants in your ear turning you on even more. 
“Shit…baby. Your little pussy is…so fucking perfect. J-Just like you.”
Hastily, he pulls out, turns you around to face him, and lifts you into his strong arms as you reach down to slide his length back inside you. You cling to him as he fucks his cock deep into your core leaving you both grunting into the other face. Not being able to wait, you bite into his neck and he growls loudly before doing the same. 
After dropping one of your legs, Eddie balances his forearm on the wall next to your head as aggressively takes what’s his. Your body shakes as the coil breaks in your tummy causing the metalhead himself to fall over the ledge as he thrust his release inside you. 
As you slump over in his embrace, you feel wind move your hair as Steve runs to the bathroom to turn on the shower and Eddie lifts you again so your legs are wrapped around him as he carries you that way. You can feel it in their energies, they are just as exhausted as you, leaning against you, each other, or the wall to keep from falling over. 
You barely even feel it when they dry you and carry you over to the bed. 
“What’s wrong, honey?”
“I don’t know. I think…I think something’s wrong with Mina.” Eddie sighs when Steve turns away from him and focuses on the computer in front of him. “She feels…alone. I don’t like it, Steven. It reminds me of how I felt growing up with my dad.”
“There’s nothing we can do, Ed.”
“We can—”
“No. We’re not having this discussion again.”
“Why?! Why would it be so bad to bring her here? It feels like she’d be safer with us than wherever she is now!”
“Eddie, have you taken a look around? We’re on the run, you’re a vampire, we do this internet stuff for money. It’s not exactly lavish!”
Both men glare at each other as their computer pings informing them that you were online. 
“Hey, Mina. O-Oh my god. What happened?”, Steve gasps as he and his partner take in the slowly forming ring around your eye. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m so clumsy and fell. Thankfully John was here to help me.”
“Yeah…thankfully…”, Eddie growled towards Steve as his heart broke for you. 
“I’m…I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Why?”, you giggle as you shrug. “You didn’t do this to me, Renfield. I did it to myself.”
Your glassy eyes take him in as your boyfriend huffs around the bedroom before kneeling in front of you to place an ice pack on your cheek. All you wanted him to do was leave so you could talk to Renfield and Dracula. 
You had no idea how you were going to explain this new wound to them. It was so weird having people in your life who genuinely cared about your wellbeing and you found yourself lying to them more than you ever did to keep any of your toxic partners or family calm. 
They were your friends…you didn’t want them to worry…
“This is your fault. Why do you push me like that, Y/N?”
“I just asked you when you were getting off work…”
You jump as he tosses the pack hard against the wall. 
“See? It’s that fucking attitude!”
“I’m sorry.”, you whisper, fully giving up and accepting blame so all this would end. 
Sighing, he runs his fingers along your arm as his own eyes scan you over. 
“Will you be alright?” 
He takes your nod as enough confirmation, rising to his feet and finally leaving your house. Gradually, you stand as well and head to the bathroom to wash your face.
Sitting in front of your computer, you stare at the screen as you debate on rescheduling with them but you are so desperate for a kind voice to say something…anything…to comfort you from the current hell you’re in. 
Your eyes slowly opened just as the sun was beginning to descend behind your black out curtains, smiling softly when they land on Steve’s gentle yet sad expression. 
“It’s ok.”, you murmur as you reach out to caress his cheek. 
Catching your hand mid-air, he brings it to his lips as he scoots closer to your frame. 
“It’s not. You could have been with us this whole time.”
“Steve, you didn’t know—”
“But I should have. Eddie saved me from my father and took me in when everything was falling apart in my house. He always told me he understood and I was always grateful for that. I should have known the first time he felt something.”
“But you’re here now.”, Eddie replied groggy from sleep as you rolled onto your back so you could see them both. “Y/N, if ever you don’t want to play rough or anything like that, you know we’d still love you. I don’t want to trigger you or—”
“No, baby, no. You’re not.”, you assure him. “With my mom and my exes… I never had any kind of control over what was happening. With you two, even last night, I know you’d stop if I asked. I can feel it.”
Eddie sighs pleasantly when you place your palm on his chest. 
“Speaking of last night, you were really sexy, Miss Computer Hacker, hiding those skills under that beautiful head of hair.” You laugh as he leans in to tenderly kiss your neck.
“You’re both safe with me to. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”
Steve tilts down to slowly kiss your skin as well making you groan as you turn into Eddie’s chest making him chuckle as he presses you to him. The other vampire’s hairy chest grazes your back and you grin as you listen to them kiss above you. 
“What do you want to tonight, honey?”, Steve whispered as his fingers ran up your arms. 
“We seem to be drifting into unknown places and unknown ways.”, you recited making the metalhead laugh again. 
“So did you just memorize the book or?”
“It’s one of my favorites.”, you beam up at him as you kiss his lips and crane your neck to do the same with the other man. “We can rewrite the ending though.”
@chelebelletx @mandyjo8719 @nailbatanddungeon @corkadymu 
@lemme-slytherin-that-dick @she-collects-smut @dashingdeb16
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Meeting the family
Summary: You and Rebekah are best friends. She told you to come over and she’d be back in a minute but you meet someone…
I walked into the compound looking for Rebekah. She was no where to be seen. I would’ve just went in her room to check if she left a note or anything saying she had to go out but she had my number anyway so I don’t know why she would have to do that. I’m not mad of course I know she has ‘vamp business’ to attend to. I just text her.
Y/n: Where are you?
Rebekah 💕: I had to go attend to some business with marcel. Elijah will be there if you need anything. I should be there in around 2 hours.
y/n: alright see you.
I understood she had business to attend to but what was I supposed to do for 2 hours. I could just leave and get back before she arrives not that she would mind but it’s just a respectful thing to do. Elijah was her older brother I could just go hang out with him. He was the only sibling I met out of the 7. There was only 3 of them currently alive. She told me all about the history of Klaus putting a dagger in them and about what happened in mystic falls with Kol and Finn. I knew about all the vampire ‘drama’ as Rebekah would call it but she never wanted me in any of it. So that’s why me and Klaus never met and quite frankly after all the bad stuff Rebekah told me I didn’t want to. He wasn’t allowed to speak to me and I wasn’t allowed to speak to him. We’ve never even met. He seemed like a horrible person and a horrible brother. Why did Rebekah invite me over her house without her being here. I’ve never even been to her house that’s how bad she doesn’t want me and Klaus to meet. The big and bad original hybrid. He just seemed like a jackass he’d rather be feared than respected. Elijah on the other hand. She let me meet him hes very noble, honorable, and respected but his brothers stupid actions keep weighing down. I sat down on one of the couches and just waited there for her. I soon fell asleep and was woken up by someone. “Rebekah, Elijah?” I questioned thinking it was probably either of them. “No love I’m neither of them but might I ask who are you?” I turn around quickly and it was this man towering over me blonde, curly hair, he looked around 5’11, and incredibly handsome. “Who are you” I ask hoping it’s not who I’m thinking.
“I’m Klaus, love. Now who are you.” He says smirking seeing I’m nervous around him. “I’m Y/N” I say quietly. He’s the big and bad Klaus. How can someone that evil be this hot? “Oh you’re Rebekah’s friend the one I’m not allowed to meet. No wonder she tried to convince me to go out.” He says with a smirk. “Well it’s nice meet you” i say trying to cut the conversation. I didn’t want Rebekah to be mad or anything. “Do you need a blanket love” he says. I was cold so I just shake my head. What would a blanket do? It’s not like we’re gonna fuck since he gave me a blanket. Maybe I’m looking too much into this he’s not trying to flirt with me he’s just being nice to one of Rebekah’s friend. Hell what I am even talking about he’s not even nice to Rebekah. I feel him pick me up. I try to fight him banging on his back he just chuckled. “Why are you carrying me” I screamed. He just chuckles and brings me to a room. It looked nice a little messy but the interior looked good. I thought it was Rebekah’s rooms at first. “Is this Rebekah’s room” I ask. “no it’s mine” he says with a smirk. “Why’d you bring me into your room” I say. “Because it cold out there you can just sleep in here.” He says. “You could’ve just brought me to Rebekah’s rooms or I know there’s probably many empty rooms in this place you could’ve put me in. I’m not even supposed to be talking to you” I say getting up and walking to the door. He uses his vamp speed and gets in front of me. “I know Rebekah told you all about my family. She can never stop blabbing everything out” he takes a breath before continuing to talk “and I could easily have you killed” he whispered in my ear. Did this dude think threatening me would make me wanna stay? I roll my eyes.
“Go ahead then kill me” I say I don’t know why I was being so confident I was afraid of him but who wouldn’t be I’m just a human he could snap my neck right now but I’m not going to feed his ego. He just smirks “just go back to the bed Y/n” he whispered into my ear. I couldn’t lie the way he just said that to me drove me crazy. Getting a tingling feeling in my stomach. I just listen to him because I wasn’t going to die just for not listening to him. I get on my phone and check how long it’s been to see when I’ll be able to get out of here. Klaus obviously wouldn’t wanna be caught with me like this. He would never hear the end of it with Rebekah but I do not wanna test out that theory and accidentally falling asleep but as my body betrays me once again. I soon fall asleep. I woke up an hour or so later and a hand was wrapped around my waist. I try to get up quietly but his grip tightened. Of course he was still awake I can never get a break. I couldn’t get off him but I could try and distract him then just run away and yell for Elijah. Obviously I couldn’t run away from him but I could get Elijah’s attention. I roll us over and get on top of him. He gripped my hips keeping me down on him. As he opened his eyes looking up at me and smirking. “So you’re gonna finally give in” he says. His words made me nervous but I couldn’t let him know that. “We haven’t even know each other for a full day what do you mean finally” I say. “I know you want me Y/n” he says breathlessly. “How do you know that exactly” I say. “Your body language” he says. Is this man out of his mind.
Before I can even respond he pushes my hips to grind against his boner. I let out a whimper. It made me feel good but I couldn’t do this to Rebekah so after he made sure I was enjoying this. I got off the bed I didn’t even make it to start running he sat up and grabbed my neck. “Where do you think you’re going” he says then he grabs my hand and places it on-top of his boner. “Finish what you started” he says with a growl in your ear. I just stay quiet. “Fine then I will” he takes his hand off mine then his hand on my neck slid down to my boobs then his other hand went to the waist band of my leggings his hand slid past my underwear hem too and he brought his hand to my pussy. “You’re this wet and you wanted to try to run away you would’ve been punishing yourself darling” he then starts kissing me neck and rubbing my clit. My head falls back on his shoulder. I couldn’t even fight it anymore I just wanted him to make me feel good. As I let him have full control over my body I feel him smirk against my neck. This is what he’s been planing from the start but can I really be mad if I’m enjoying it. He inserted 2 fingers inside of me while rubbing my clit. I was already a moaning mess. He soon found my g-spot I start grabbing at anything I could Klaus’s arms, his t-shirt, and his sheets. He continued hitting that spot . My legs were shaking he moved his legs letting me sitting on bed I soon finished all over his fingers. He takes them out then grabs my head and turning it to him making me watch as he licked my juices off. He grabs me and pushes me back onto the bed. I grab at his shirt trying to pull it off he smirked and ripped it off for me. I started kissing all over his neck. He took off my leggings and my panties at the same time.
He slid off my shirt then unclipped my bra. He started leaving hickeys all over my breast’s and my stomach. He didn’t leave any on my neck because Rebekah would see them and start asking questions. Not thinking it’s him obviously but wonder if I have a boyfriend or something and I couldn’t have that. It’s like he still wanted to mark me as his. I started pulling his sweatpants down. “Please Klaus I need you” I said with a whine and he pulled his boxers down then slides in me at a slow pace and throws his head back. He pulls out then slams back in fast and hard. I let out a loud moan. He kept going at a fast pace now hitting my G-spot directly because he already knew where it was. I was a moaning mess. I clenched against him as he rubbed my clit. “Klaus I’m-“ I got cut off by a moan. “Go ahead love” he says. I finish around him. He kept going I was overly sensitive. He went harder and faster I felt him building up his release. He went as fast as he could then bottomed out and finished deep inside me then rubbed my clit as I finished one more time. He then collapsed on me I rubbed his the back on his hair and played with hair and also rubbed his back. He sighed into me. He heard Rebekah pull in he quickly got a wipe and cleaned me off then dressed me and ran me to Rebekah’s room with his vamp speed after fixing me up. He wasn’t trying to get caught either.. I don’t know why I did it but I didn’t regret it. I soon get a text from an unknown number. “When’s that happening again” I knew it was Klaus and I know he was smirking behind that screen I roll my eyes and just don’t answer him. I put my phone down and Rebekah walked In and I smile at her.
This one felt so long but it probably wasn’t that wrong 😭. Also I wouldn’t mind writing something about another tvd/original character like kol, Elijah, or the Salvatore brothers. Klaus is my favorite out of all of them. I don’t really know how to write gxg (girlxgirl) or bxb (boyxboy ). Nothing against them at all I just don’t know how to write it. I mean by smut by that but I could write fluffs for them :)
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gaysindistress · 8 months
Van Helsing Retold - two
pairings: vamp hunter!reader x vamp!bucky
Summary: Under the cover of night, vampires and their hunters have been at war for centuries, never letting their bloodshed reach the light of day. That is until the wife of a powerful vampire leader, Steve Rogers is murdered and he demands revenge. Y/N Van Helsing is the target of his crusade and she comes face to face with his right hand man, Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 2.7k
One | series masterlist
Tag list: permanent @vonalyn @hidden-treasures21 @unaxv @cakesandtom series
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest. The women in the banners are purely for aesthetic purposes.
Bucky shoves his hands in his jacket pockets as he approaches a shadowy figure sitting on a bench by the river’s edge. The figure tips his head back to look at the vampire and then looks back to the water.
“Took you long enough,” Sam says as Bucky sits next to him, “it’s cold as hell out here.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, “maybe you should’ve worn a thicker coat if you’re going to complain about everything.”
Sam narrows his eyes at him, “care to explain what happened between you and y/n?”
“How is she?”
“First tell me what happened.”
Bucky shrugs his jacket further onto his shoulders, “I didn't mean to throw her that hard.”
“Jesus,” Sam mutters to himself at first, “she’s alive but things aren’t looking great. Peggy’s venom got into a cut on her hand and the doctor was only able to freeze it.”
Bucky’s jaw tenses as he listens to Sam and when he responds, the words are low and deliberate, “Steve wants me to kill her and if he finds out she has venom in her system, he’ll make me turn her.”
Sam lets out a disbelieving laugh, “you can’t be serious.”
Stern blue eyes meet his dark brown ones.
“Fuck, what are we going to do?”
Bucky looks towards the river, “how badly do you want your Guild Master dead?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
Sighing, Sam looks to the river too, “You think Steve would buy it?”
Bucky shrugs, “You’ll need to get some of her stakes and hide them in John’s stuff. I’ll tell Steve that she told me it was him and then I killed her. I’ll set her safehouse on fire and you’ll get her to safety.”
“He’s going to search the fire for a body.”
“I’ll handle that. All you need to focus on is hiding her stakes in his room and getting her somewhere safe.”
Sam gets to his feet and turns to walk away but asks one more question before leaving, “Why do you care what happens to her?”
“I…i don’t know.”
The vampire hunter rolls his eyes, “so much for trust and honesty.”
“I am being honest. I don’t know why but I do. Everytime I even think about her, something inside me feels like it’s breaking. Fuck, when I threw her in the warehouse, I felt it. I felt her hit the pole and pain in her head. And…and I couldn’t figure out why my hand has been hurting but now it makes sense,” Bucky mumbles as he stares ahead and clenches the hand in question.
“I thought…” he starts but gets tripped up over his thoughts, “I thought that… you know… you couldn’t feel each other until you’re both turned.”
Pained blue eyes rip away from the dark river and snap to Sam.
“We’re not supposed to be able to. We might feel a draw to them if they’re still human but she…” Bucky blinks rapidly for a moment as if to blink back tears, “she’s not just any human. She’s a Van Helsing, it would make sense if the bond showed up differently.”
“Do you…do you really think she’s…”
Bucky cuts him off, “for her sake, I hope not.”
“And what about you?”
He takes a long pause before speaking, “what I want doesn’t matter.”
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Waking up in the infirmary once again is a cruel reality check; however, the blinding lights saved me from the dream I'd been having.
I’m back in the warehouse but instead of the female vampire on the floor, it’s me. My own stake is deep in my chest and I’m falling to the ground as he yells for me. His voice is strained and cracking as he cries out my name but he’s too far away to do anything, to save me. The agony in his eyes brings tears to my own and they burn as I jerk awake with them still falling down my face.
Sitting straight up, my body feels like it’s on fire and my venomous hand is pulsing as if it has its own heart beat. I slowly bring it into my view, the hand shaking as I stare down at it. Black veins crawl up to my wrist but stop and the skin has a deathly color to it. The bones beneath the thinning skin are prominent and ache from the venom among other things. Hidden under the veins is the small scar where the venom must have infected me. Vampires heal at extraordinary rates but the place where they were infected and turned remains. I’ve seen some with gashes down their chests, others with thin bands on their necks, and the one that did this to me had the smallest puncture wound on her neck. I wonder where and what his scar is.
Sam's soft snoring breaks my trance and I look over to find him slumped in a chair, fast asleep. His legs are outstretched and his arms are crossed over his chest as his head leans against his chest. He’s dressed in a thick coat and I can see where the night’s rain hasn’t dried just yet. He must have been out hunting but I don’t see any gear, any weapons on him.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he teases me and my eyes flicker to his dark ones, “how are you feeling?”
“Like I’m half dead.”
“Closer to death or life?”
I look at my hand for a moment, “like 55% alive.”
He groans as he stands and stretches, “I’ll take it.”
A ball of black fabric lands on my feet and my boots thud at the side of my bed.
“Get dressed.”
“Why?” I narrow my eyes at him as I shrug a black turtleneck on and snap my worn but beloved tactical vest on.
He turns to give me privacy as I put on the cargo pants, “I found a lead.”
I pause as I’m lacing my boots, “on what?”
“Your hand.”
“Who did you sell your soul to to get that info?”
Sam laughs, “more like who did I have to kill but same difference I guess. It doesn’t matter though. My contact said that this Helmut guy has an anti venom of some kind.”
“That sounds like a bunch of bullshit,” I scoff as I stand, my body protesting from being bedridden for three days. Pulling my jacket on I stop at Sam’s side where he turns to me with a gentle smile.
“Bullshit or not, we have to try.”
“Or we could cut my hand off. I’m sure John would buy the best prosthetic hand money can buy.”
“And forever be indebted to that man?” He teases me again and slings his thick arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side, “not a chance in hell. Not a chance.”
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Something is wrong.
Something is…..off.
Outside of the office we’re sitting in is too quiet with it being in a thriving nightclub. We pushed past dozens of intoxicated people and were surrounded by even louder music but here in this room, I hear none of it.
The men around us are too still, too unmoving. They’ve made no noise, not even those that come with breathing. The man before us, or at least what I assume is one, also isn't moving. I can’t tell with the maroon mask that covers their face. Regardless, something feels deeply wrong about this place.
The person before us in the maroon mask suddenly leans forward in their leather chair and sniffs the air.
They sniffs the fucking air.
Even though I can’t see their entire face, I can see everything I need to in their eyes that are pinning me to my chair. Sam stiffens next to me and I make a quick sweep of the room with my eyes for anything to help us out. I’m in no position to be pulling the shit I'm about to be but if I’m right (which I usually am) and Sam led us into a vampire den, I’m going to have to pull this shit regardless of how I feel.
The masked vampire leans back into their chair and tears their chin on their fist.
“You don’t have much time,” he says to me in a low accented voice. German.
A German vampire.
Even fucking worse.
I narrow my eyes at him, “probably not. Comes with the territory though.”
“Ah the dangerous life of a vampire hunter,” he chuckles, “tell me Van Helsing, who did it?”
“The wife of the leader of the Captain’s Guard.”
I can see the mask raise as he raises his eyebrows at my admission.
“And for my next trick, I’ll turn this bottle of whisky into assault and battery,” I say plainly as I tear said bottle from the desk in front of me. I smash it on the edge and throw the two halves at the guards behind us. Before they can move to defend themselves, the broken bottle halves lodge into their necks and they fall to the ground. Sam is quicker with his matches and flicks a bundle at both bodies as the masked vampire stays in his place.
When I turn to him, he pushes his chair back and stands. Rounding the corner, he perches himself on the front of the desk with his hands clasped in front of him. He’s holding something but I can’t see what it is nor did I see him grab anything. Sam pulls me slightly behind him as he stares at the other man, “Do you have it?”
“Of course I do,” he says and reveals a syringe with thick black liquid in it, “but it won’t do her any good.”
“is that the anti venom?”
“It is for some but for you no.”
“Quit the cryptic riddles, is that the anti venom?” I snap as I step around Sam but his arm is quicker and it yanks me back behind him.
“As I just said, not you. What you need is the blood of the one that you crave and this,” he says, lifting the syringe so it dangles in between us, “is not that.”
I let out a cry of anger as it tumbles from his hand and smashes on the floor. Sam hauls me into his arms and pins me to his chest.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I hiss at Sam as he struggles to keep me against himself, “he just broke his bargaining chip.”
“Ah but that’s where you’re wrong. The anti venom that I dropped,” he throws a pointed look at the black blood and broken glass at our feet, “is useless to you. Not even the blood of the vampire thet your venom belongs to could cure you. The only one who could is the one that you crave.”
“What are you talking about? The one I crave? I’m a Van Helsing, I don’t crave any vampire let alone their blood,” I sneer at him. I'd stopped fighting and allowed him to hold me up. My body is weak already and the little whisky bottle action that I did see drained whatever energy I had stored. I can feel the fatigue seeping into my body and the venom finds joy in being able to cause me great amounts of pain.
“You may be a Van Helsing but you are no better than the rest of us,” he sneers back before looking at Sam, “I gave you what you wanted and now it is your turn to give me what I want.”
“No, all you gave us was a riddle that’s impossible to solve,” he says through clenched teeth as his grip grows tighter on me.
The vampire says nothing but cocks his head slightly towards the door behind us. It clicks open and a familiar scent of cinnamon mixed with incense wraps around us.
“Helmut,” the voice that’s haunted me for a week now says slowly.”
Helmut, the masked vampire, seems to smile behind the maroon face covering, “Hello lap dog.”
Even though I can’t see him, I can feel the anger that boils under his skin and the way his body tenses in efforts to control it. I can feel the deadliness of him in the way his footsteps stalk towards us, the predator in him aiming for Helmut. He stops at Sam’s side but far enough back that I can only see the leather jacket he’s wearing. My sick hand begins to ache and I try to push it away by gripping onto Sam’s arm tighter but it does nothing. If anything it causes another way of anger to rip through his body and it comes out in his voice.
“You’re on the Captain’s Guard’s territory,” is the only thing he seems able to say.
Helmut shrugs and settles on the desk, “It was once all the same, why shouldn’t it be that way now?”
“This is punishable by death.”
“But I have a suspicion that you won’t follow through on those orders.”
Sam starts to slowly move us backwards and it seems like the two vampires don’t notice. They throw violent words back and forth, completely ignoring that we’ve almost made it to the door. Sam lets me go enough to open it but a sweeping wave of exhaustion wipes over me and I crumble fast. He’s barely able to pick me back up as I struggle to keep my eyes open but he’s not focused on me.
His attention is solely on the two bloodsuckers that are now turned to us.
An involuntary moan of pain leaves my lips as he tries to pull us away and the last thing I hear before the black fades in again is the sound of his voice calling out to me.
A beautiful cry in the cacophony of chaos that is the inside of my head.
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Pain erupts at the back of Bucky’s head and it threatens to blur his vision. Helmut makes another snide comment but all he can focus on is the pressure building at the base of his skull and the fear that’s raising in his throat.
A sound so heavenly calls to him from behind but in combination with the physical effects he’s dealing with, he refuses to dwell on it. Turning he stops Sam with the Van Helsing girl in his arms.
She looks…weak. Black veins pulse in one of her hands and her eyes flutter close as she goes limp in the other hunter’s arms. Her skin has a deathly hue to it and her pulse barely registers from across the room. The sound that caused him to turn at first was really a moan of pain and his blinding need to make sure she is okay distracts him from Helmut. The masked vampire launches himself at Bucky and tackles him to the ground. His mask is gone now so he can allow every bit of venomous anger he has to be conveyed in his face.
“I should cut her and force you drain the life from her,” Helmut sneers, baring his teeth in a truly animalistic manner, “or maybe I should tell your master who she is to you and let him decide how to dispose of her.”
Time slows.
Sam’s and the van helsing girl’s heartbeats pound in Bucky’s ears. Helmut’s satisfied smile at his silence morphs into one terror and he falls away from Bucky as blood pours from his chest. There’s a dull thud and rolling follows as Bucky slowly climbs to his feet. Stepping over the heart that was once in Helmut’s chest, he approaches the two hunters. His piercing eyes are zeroed in on the girl and she’s passed off to him.
She makes a faint noise but nothing aside from her breathing. Bucky shakes as he pulls her tight against him and buries his nose in her hair. The smell of Jasmine and oranges floods his senses as he allows himself to find comfort in having her against him.
He hooks an arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders as Sam ushers them out. The club is as packed as it had been when they all arrived but no one notices the three. Sam gets them safely to his car and takes off as fast as he can by that time the Van Helsing girl starts to blink awake.
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ivoryghostyy · 8 months
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「 image isn't mine. sourced from pinterest. 」
「 this was supposed to be a re-vamp of "love bite" but, well, i guess i got a bit too carried away. this one's pretty long, so have fun! 」
「 tw: possessive behaviour, swearing, non-consensual biting, mentions of blood, mentions/implications of violence — read with caution. 」
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"don't touch that!"
"oops. :("
"oops? that's all you have to say- don't give me that look."
"fuck you."
"ohhh, i like the sound of that-"
you groan in frustration, rubbing your throbbing temple. pieces of a broken flower pot lie carelessly on the tiled floor—a flower pot that was meant to house your newly grown Daffodils if someone could keep his hands to himself.
he frowns at your distress, snaking an arm over your shoulders to pull you in. his free hand rests snugly on the small of your back. right where it belongs.
"i'm sorry, sweetheart. i'll get you a new one, okay?"
you shake your head, making your way through the array of potted plants within your shop. once your hand grasps the familiar wooden handle of your broom, you reply.
"no. it's alright. i can just order another one; it wasn't that expensive, anyway."
he hums, looking through his phone. at this point, you know he hadn't listened to a single word you said. he's been your closest friend for years. by now, he's probably-
"i got you a new set. they'll arrive in a few days. is that alright, honey?"
-already ordered another one. actually, he ordered more. you don't even need that many pots right now! you can feel another headache settling in.
"okay, whatever. what are you doing here, anyway?"
you sweep up the sad pieces of the flower pot, sending your Daffodils an apologetic look. 'i'm so sorry, my babies. i'll get you a new home soon, i promise.'
he watches the exchange, eyes squinting. you're no stranger to the look. you've seen it more times than you could count on two hands.
or, well, you assume that was the case. you're not really counting-
while you're cleaning his mess, the man in question leans idly on the counter.
'how strange,' he muses. he's seen the way you coddled your.. shrubs. for the last time, they're not shrubs!
maybe you were unknowingly born with the ability to talk to plants? or you simply have some form of connection with your babies, as you liked to call them.
or perhaps you've simply lost your mind ages ago, so you've convinced yourself that the shrubs- they aren't shrubs!!
-sorry, the not-shrubs could communicate.
wait, did you talk in his head?
you ignore his sudden confusion, opting to mourn over the loss of a perfectly good pot. fly high. you will be missed. after dumping the broken pot, you turn back to the insufferable man.
"you didn't really answer my question."
"what? am i not allowed to visit my favorite florist?"
"mind you, i am the only florist you know. besides, you're too busy to pay any unnecessary visits."
he laughs, muscles flexing as he pushes off the counter.
"alright, you got me. so you remember when i told you that i've found her?."
her? oh! he means his, uh, what did he call it? ah, right. his destined pair. pfft, that sounds cheesy as hell. why can't he be normal and say he fell in love?
"yeah? are you going to man up and tell her? you've been dancing around it for years; you haven't even introduced me yet!"
with a snort, he crosses his arms.
"well, sorry. i don't really find the need to introduce you."
eh? you take personal offense to that!
with a dramatic gasp, you clench the fabric of your top, right where your heart is.
"i've been your best friend for this long, dealing with your stupid ass for years, but you won't tell me who the love of your life is? i see how it is."
he smiles, "i.. don't think we'll still be friends after i tell you.."
"don't tell me, is it my sworn enemy!? i can't believe you would settle for that-"
he denies it immediately, face scrunching in disgust.
"absolutely not. i would sooner choose to marry a horse."
you crack up at that, clutching your stomach as you laugh.
his eyes soften with a small grin. sometimes, he wonders what he'd done to deserve you.
you, with eyes that light up every time you see him. with that smile stretching your lips into a carefree curve; delighted and so full of life. you fill his heart with an immeasurable amount of love. if only you know what you do to him.
everything about you is so perfect. you're mesmerizing. you're his everything.
but he's not the only one.
just thinking of all the eyes who've dared to look at you..
his smile falls.
if only he could gauge their eyes out; or better yet, he could keep you all to himself. he'd mark you as his own, give you everything you could ever want or need. it isn't hard for him to do as he pleased.
but at what cost? you wouldn't be happy. you would hate him. but worst of all, he would hurt you.
and he couldn't hurt you. never.
and yet, as he watched a customer—another man—flirt with you, he couldn't help but rethink his choices. would it be better for him to take you, after all?
his eyes darken.
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you're stuck.
after you had closed the shop, you were forced down.
he held your trembling wrists, firmly pressing them against the counter. 'his hands are cold,' you noted, breath hitching as he stared you down.
"look, i know i said 'fuck you' earlier, but i didn't mean for you to actually do so-"
"shut up."
you did.
he was mad, you could tell. frustrated, even.
why? did you do something wrong? were you being too mean earlier? did he find the secret stash of snacks you've been hiding from him-
you squeak when he hauls you up by the waist, fully lying you against the wide counter instead of the previous awkward position.
"w-wait, seriously, we can talk about this-"
you're cut off when he grips your chin, roughly forcing your eyes to meet his own.
"you know i don't like it when you avoid my eyes."
he's only an inch away from your face; his stare holds an intense wave of emotions. they swirl within his eyes, almost unreadable to you—but one stands out.
you lean your forehead against his, facing him head on. you don't avoid his eyes. you're not scared of looking directly at him, even in this situation. that might be another one of the reasons why he's fallen so hard.
"why're you hurting?"
his eyes crinkle as he grins. such a sweet human. no matter the circumstance, you never lose your heart. do you not find him threatening? he stares at the guilty little twinkle in your eyes. how can one be so cute.
you're not making this any easier for him, are you? he can barely control himself as is.
your eyes catch a glint, honing onto his sharp fangs.
"ah, the cat's out of the bag."
his voice sends shivers down your spine, and unconsciously, you move back.
he doesn't allow it, however, as he guides you closer. his fingers draw up your leg, leaving a trail of heat despite the contrasting temperature of his hand.
he stops at your thigh, pulling it up to his hip.
he's so fucking close.
"i can feel you shaking, sweetheart. are you scared?"
you shake your head, but he's already caught the traces of fear that linger on your features.
"lying is a sin, love. weren't you the one who taught me that?"
the next moment is a blur.
he leans down, fangs poking the skin of your neck. dread settles into the pit of your stomach. the fear comes after; and then the panic sets in.
but it's already too late.
you whimper, biting your lip to distract you from the pure, unadulterated pain. your trembling hands find their way to the back of his shirt, tightly clutching the fabric.
you don't even realize that you're crying until he rubs your cheek, and you feel the tears sliding against your skin.
his fangs sink deeper, and the agonizing pain melts away, replaced with a growing heat in your abdomen. you stifle a moan, the metallic taste of your blood lingering on your bitten lip.
he keeps you against the counter, a hand tracing circles on your waist. suddenly, you're not scared anymore. your heart beats erratically, but you find nothing out of place. in fact, everything feels right.
a headache surfaces, and you groan into his shoulder as he pulls away. a drop of blood trails down your neck, but he licks it off. you shiver, feeling hyperaware of every movement.
he smiles at your dazed state. he rubs your head, pulling you closer when you bury yourself in his chest, nuzzling into his embrace.
his eyes trail down to the mark on your neck, and he grins with pride; kissing your temple.
you'll probably be mad when you're not dazed anymore..
no matter, he'll make it up to you later. right now, he can't wait to take you home.
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mageofseven · 11 months
After the vampire event, I'm thinking about like what if MC was the vampire? Thus, here I am
"Vamp!MC asks the Boys if they will let Vamp!MC feed on them."
Mammon ilysm and the Nestling With Birdie series is so good omg
Edit: This took three days to write so despite down below how I mention the Boys, sadly I was only able to give you the Brothers. Sorry, my ADD was fighting me so this is all I have to show for it 😅
I hope you like it anyway.
Oooo ok nice idea. I sadly never got to finish that event but I love vampires~
Also awww, I'm glad you like Birdie's series so much hehe 🤭
Okay so I'll write this with these assumptions:
Bites do not turn the Boys. Maybe this a human strain of the Vampirism virus they caught that Soli's immortal immune system is too super charged for?
MC is handling their thirst worse than the brothers did in the event.
They will be cured regardless of whether they bite and drink anyone's blood; the cure is simply time consuming to make, but others are working on it.
The oldest was the only House of Lamentation member allowed in the human's room at this time; his brothers simply could not be trusted.
He was the one to check on the sick human (kinda? let's still call them that) and make sure they ate their meals (they still needed nourishment despite their condition; food helped, but was never quite enough).
As the week dragged on, the poor sick human's thirst became more and more unbearable.
"Please." MC gripped the pride demon's shirt, trying to force him down to give them access to his neck.
Lucifer sighed and stared down at his poor love guiltily. He should have been more careful with them, more observant with the culture; surely then he could have prevented this terrible infliction from reaching them.
He raised his gloved hand to their face, stroking their cheek lovingly as they leaned in with tears in their eyes, nuzzling his covered wrist.
Lucifer watched this for a moment, lips pursed, before sighing once more.
"We don't know what my blood will do to you." He insisted. "So just a bit to push back your thirst."
And with that, he took back his hand, removed his glove and pushed up sleeve before offering his wrists to them
Despite their previous begging, MC hesitated and looked back up at Luce's onyx eyes.
"It's alright." He spoke softly. "Drink. Take some of the pain away."
And so they did. MC gently took hold of his hand and lower arm before bringing his wrist closer to their face.
That's when the Avatar of Pride saw it; his love's eyes glazed over and they licked their lips before biting into the sensitive skin.
Luce didn't make a sound, but did squeeze his eyes shut at the sharp intrusion.
MC took big gulps, ready to rid themself of this special dehydration.
Once he felt his partner's body relax and desperation dissipate, he took his other hand and squished their cheeks be his thumb and forefinger, guiding them off his wrist and forward to look at him.
With messy lips and a little trail of blood runny down their lips, MC stared up at him with this loving, drunk expression.
They giggled, causing their boyfriend to raise an eyebrow.
"What's so funny, love?"
"Luuuuci looooooves me."
Okay so apparently vampires, whether all, human based, or human-turned, get drunk off of demon blood.
This...an interesting development, to say the least.
MC leaned in and kissed him, causing the man to taste his own blood.
Well, at least MC was no longer in any pain.
Devil, it was driving this man insane.
Yeah, he knows Lucifer told him and the others to leave MC be till the cure is ready, but it just wasn't that simple.
That was his human sick. That was Mammon's partner in there crying and begging to be let out.
And he was just so supposed to stay away from her room still Lord Diavolo got that cure all sorted out?
Hell no.
Late at night, when Lucifer was neck deep in his work, you bet your ass Mammon snuck into his human's room, finding MC curled up on the bed crying.
Before he came say anything more, his poor human scrambling off the bed and rushing to his side, practically falling into him as they embrace their boyfriend.
"Maaaammmmooon." They cry out his named, stretching out the sound of it as they hug him tightly.
"Eyy, none of that." He hugged them back. "I made it to you, didn't I?"
"It huuuuurrrts."
The greed demon froze.
Shit. It's getting that bad already?
MC squirmed against him staring up at his neck with tears in their eyes.
Not gonna lie, getting bit in the neck sounds scary as hell to this dude...but how can he let his human stay like this?
He slid a hand in their hair.
"It's alright, I gotcha." He told them softly. "It's my job to take care of ya, ain't it?"
And with that, he pushed their head to his neck, their breath causing the hair on his neck to stand to up and his beat race.
Their cries quieted swallowed in anticipation as they leaned in closer and slowly licked up their boyfriend's neck, an apparently sensitive spot for the demon by the way he let out a small moan--right before they dug in with their fangs.
Mammon cursed, tightening his fist in their hair as his other arm wrapped around their waist.
MC's breathing became heavier during the moments they'd stopped drinking to breath and her drinks became deeper.
It didn't take long for Mammon to start feeling light headed.
Shit. How does he get them to stop?
"Ey, babe?"
No response. His body was getting more tired.
"Treasure, listenin'--"
MC pulled away, giggling, before suddenly both toppled onto the ground.
The human was too drunk to get up and the demon was too light headed, but at least MC was more than content to cuddle with him on her rug 🥰🤭
Okay, the otaku knew he was not supposed to be in here
But this was his Henry we're talking about.
How could Lucifer expect him to abandon the person he loves? The only one who truly understands him?
Levi simply wasn't strong enough to do it.
He snuck into MC's room in the middle of the night and found them laying on the floor, softly crying.
At first, the envy demon stood awkwardly in the doorway.
Should he...?
No. This is literally his partner. MC needs him now more than ever.
And so he closed the door behind him and joined his Henry on the floor, laying down next to them.
He shouldn't be so weird about it; after all, this wasn't the first time they've both laid on the floor and felt like garbage together.
MC reached out and grabbed his hand.
"Levi...I can't take it anymore." They whispered.
He squeezed their hand. The demon doesn't know a lot about vampires and the disease, but thirst is known for being torturous and is used as an emotional element in many supernatural anime.
Throat ash dry, body weak, desperate for even a single drop; that's how newly turned vampires usually feel in shows; is this how MC feels now?
Tears started to fill his eyes.
"J-Just drink from me." Their boyfriend told them. "Please...it's okay."
Slowly, the human brought their linked hands down at an angle that brought his wrist to their mouth.
At first, MC simply pressed their lips over the big blue vein seen through his skin, as if kissing him in apology before parting their lips and sliding their fangs into his tender skin.
Levi cried out, but didn't pull away; he let his poor Henry weakly drink from his wrist.
The cure was truly taking a while, wasn't it? The others swore food would be enough subtain them till it was ready, but MC looked as if they have been hanging on by a thread this entire time.
His Henry needed this; they needed this and Levi felt proud of himself for breaking the rules in order to help his partner.
The more the human drank though, the more tired he felt.
Should...should he tell them to stop? What if they need more?
Luckily, MC had enough restraint to break away and smiled at their boyfriend with half-lidded eyes.
The human rolled on top of him, causing their boyfriend to blush.
MC leaned down and kissed his cheek before laying their head on his chest.
"Thank you..."
And like that, the tired and blood drunk human fell asleep.
Anyone who thought he was going to listen to his father was freaking stupid.
That was his Kitten in there, sick and alone.
The wrath demon destroyed half the living room when Lucifer made the announcement about what MC's illness ended up being and how no one was allowed to be in their room or anywhere around them till Diavolo had his people make a cure.
But it was ridiculous. The vampiric virus was just the human strain and therefore Satan couldn't catch it.
The blonde knew the pride demon was more concerned about MC's bites, but it's not like he's ever been afraid of his Kitten's bites before; now they simply have a purpose.
Satan was determined not to let his partner suffer alone, no matter what.
The man approached the door and undid the lock charm before stepping inside.
The room was dark, but the hall light was enough to show the man that the human was sitting on floor with their back to their bed, knees to their chest, and face hidden in their arms.
Satan's heart ached at the sight. This infliction was bad enough, but the blonde knew what was truly getting to his poor Kitten: being left alone.
The demon turned on the light and stepped inside before closing the door; MC still hasn't moved an inch.
He sat on the bed and stroke his partner's head for moment.
"Come here, Kitten."
"But...but I'll hurt you..." They sniffled.
"I promise I can take it."
The human poked an eye out hesitantly before reaching a hand out for help up.
Satan took it and guided them up to his lap.
It was nighttime so Satan had on his sleepwear, including a tank top that revealed his shoulders.
MC laid their head on his right shoulder and Satan rubbed their back.
"You can do it."
And with that encouragement, the human sank their fangs into the space between his neck and shoulder.
Satan winced, but still held his Kitten close and rocked them as they drank from his body.
His Kitten will be okay soon. He knew the affect demon blood will have on them in this state and truthfully, it was better than what they must have been feeling this entire time.
The man listened to them sip deeply from him, but also noticed that they seemed strangely more controlled than he thought they would be; they even pulled back before he asked, face messy with their 'drink'.
"Thank you." They smiled, buzzed but not truly drunk.
"You can more, Kitten." He told them, but his partner only shook their head.
"I just want you to hold me right now." MC admited. "Is that okay?"
Satan smiled and kissed them, unbothered by the blood.
"Of course."
Even with how bad the thirst is, it was the loneliness that hurt his Kitten the most.
Once they have been held and kissed to a sufficient degree then they will drink more; for now, they just need comfort.
Asmo told the others he was go head to bed early, that his beauty sleep was calling and so he had to say adieu.
Instead, he snuck over to his Dolly's room and slid inside.
There was no way he was going to let them suffer through this on their own; not if he could help it.
The room was dark, but he found the sweet human curled up in bed, under the blanket.
The lust demon slipped in bed next their partner and wrapped his arm around them.
"Doll...I'm here." He spoke softly, caressing their arm.
"Azzy...you can't be here."
"Of course I can. You need me after all." Their boyfriend pressed some sweet kisses to their neck.
The demon sucked on a sensitive spot of the human's neck, a spot he knew was their favor, causing them to release a little gasp.
Azzy broke away.
"See? Let me take care of you~"
In truth, the man didn't particularly want his beautiful skin to be punctured, but for MC, it simply wasn't something he had to think about.
The human rolled over and stared at him anxiously.
Asmo smiled sweetly at them before sliding a hand into their smooth hair and gently leading them to his neck.
The human was nervous, but first decided to return the favor, playfully sucking on a sensitive area their boyfriend loved, causing him to moan before sinking their teeth in him as gently as they could.
Asmo played with his Dolly's hair as they drank. His poor Doll. Being sick is never fun, but being sick with a nasty vamp virus and having to hide away, all alone in their room with a burning thirst?
Take your time, sweetie; Azzy gots you.
MC drank for a while from the lust demon, but also drank small sips, savoring each drop that slid down their throat.
Their boyfriend didn't mind this; they were being quite gentle with him and he loved getting the chance to cuddle with them after so long of Lucifer keeping them apart.
Eventually, MC pulled back and looked at their boyfriend sweetly before leaning in for a sweet kiss.
The two had another activity to catch up on, something the human was only all the more interested in from drinking from a lust demon.
Beel was in the the kitchen making his usual midnight snack raid.
In truth...his heart really wasn't in it.
MC's room was right next door and, unlike the other men on this list, he was trying to follow Lucifer's orders.
His Muffin was sick so surely it was better for them to get rest till their medicine is ready...right?
The more time that passed, the less this man was sure.
Beely missed them. He wanted to hold them close and spend their days together like they always did 🥺😔
That's when he spotted them: iced tweety birds. MC likes munching on those bird shaped cookies as they study.
...Maybe his Muffin would like a snack? Granted, he understood food wasn't necessarily what their body was looking for, but still.
The big guy quietly left the kitchen with the little carton of cookies and opened the door next door to MC's room.
MC was sitting on the bed, hugging the big orange teddy bear he won for them at the Devildom's carnival and when I say big, I mean the demon sees the fluffy bear and no human.
The human responded by hugging the bear tighter.
Beel stepped in and closed the door.
"I brought cookies."
He shook the cartoon for emphasis and to let them know which type.
"Beely...I...I...I can't eat anymore."
The gluttony demon heart was shot. Their illness must be really bad if they can no longer eat food.
The man sat the carton on the desk before joining his partner on the bed.
He pulled them and the teddy into his arms and held them tightly (but not too tight, he was very conscious not to squeeze them too hard since they're sick).
Suddenly, the human dropped the bear and climbed onto their boyfriend's lap, kneeling on his legs to raise them to eye level with him.
"Beel..." Their voice was a plead that almost crossed into a whine. "I'm so thirsty..."
"Want me to get you a pop from the kitchen or something?"
MC laid their head on his chest and whimpered.
"Beel...I need blood. Please. Please."
Oh. Oh.
Right. Poor MC has apparently advanced this far.
"I got blood." He said simply. "You can bite me."
Their boyfriend pressed a kiss to their forehead.
"It's okay." He spoke softly.
MC stared into his purple orbs for a minute more and watched him give them a small nodded.
The human leaned to their left and demon bent their neck out a bit, giving their partner more room.
MC made a small test nibble in the crook of his neck before looking back to Beel.
Their boyfriend was still smiling encouragingly to them so they turned back and bit in for real.
Beel has a high pain tolerance so the man didn't even wince at the bite.
He kept his arms wrapped around his partner and gently rocked them and rubbed their back as they drank.
The gluttony demon was such a big guy that the human didn't drink nearly enough to make him feel weak by the time they pulled away.
MC looked back up at him shyly, their face messy with his blood.
He chuckled and wiped their face with his hand before kissing their cheek.
"Good Muffin."
Yeah, Lucifer really didn't think his little rule through.
Not only was it stupid in Belphie's eyes, his older brother should have known he wasn't going to follow it.
Still, the youngest pretended like it was any other day and slept through most of it, as per usually.
When night came and most brothers where asleep or at least off in their usual nightly rooms, Belphie left the planetarium and headed downstairs to MC's room.
The human was laying on their rug, staring up at the ceiling with dried tears on their cheeks and red eyes.
Their boyfriend's eyes went wide as they hurried to join their partner on the rug and pulled them to his chest.
He pulled his cardigan back to give MC more neck room.
"Drink. Come, just do it."
"You've suffered enough, Butthead." He pushed their face closer to his exposed neck. "Now do it."
MC left out a small whimper before bringing their lips to his neck and biting down.
Belphie squeezed his eyes shut at the bite, but otherwise made no reaction.
His former scowl softened as he listened to his partner gently drink from him, slow tears sliding down their cheeks as they did so.
The more the human drank, the less they cried.
Soon, the burning in their throat ceased and so did their tears.
MC broke away, finding their boyfriend barely conscious.
"Belphie? Belphie?!"
And with that, the sloth demon passed out it and in truth, it made sense.
'Donating' a lot of blood can make any one tired; it made some of the other brothers so as well
But when it's the Avatar of Sloth whose done so?
Yeah, you have nothing to worry about, MC; it's not your fault.
Just let your boyfriend sleep it off.
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murfpersonalblog · 15 days
IWTV S2 Ep3 Musings - Loumand
Last post, I promise; I needed another nap; this ep's a freaking rollercoaster. And these two queens nearly gave me a stress ulcer!
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DEBATABLE, Louis. I can think of FAR worse vamps than you, love.
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Why're y'all having this whole conversation where anyone can hear?
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They got Sartre's wall-eyes down; good makeup this season, team! 👌
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DreamStat's a Loumand bed-death truther, jfc. 😭
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I wanna know EXACTLY what Armand sees--or "feels"--whenever DreamStat pops up in Lou's head. Cuz he clearly knows precisely where Les is; he looks right in his direction. But does he HEAR Les too? (God I hope not, this song would've had me SEETHING--Back to Hell with you! 😅)
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"Oh dear" indeed; I was HOLLERING.
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Armand looked PISSED, I was scared for Louis' life! And he DOES know, actually, yes Lou. I can almost GUARANTEE that he knows PRECISELY where Lestat is AT THIS VERY MOMENT, yes Lou.
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If only you knew.... 😬
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Claudia's suffered more than Christ. And nice cut to Daniel sneaking around with Raglan James as Armand talks about Furies punishing "human wrongdoing." It's really interesting that Armand told the lawyer that LOUIS is the owner of the paintings. Is he the owner of the penthouse too? HOW MANY DEEDS DOES HE HAVE, ROLIN?
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I wonder what AMC might be saying about Loumand's art collection, not just wrt what we know about art heist!Armand (which we'll likely see a nod to in Ep4 at the Louvre); but also wrt what we know about Dubai's godawful neocapitalist hellscape economy, and Loumand's "moralizing" about Parisian black markets in S01E02.
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I wonder if that's the excuse Armand'll give the coven when Louis shows up for dinner in Ep4--very much NOT dead; and rips out Santiago's tongue.
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WILD voice-over, cuz you KNOW that's what Santiago was thinking, too, LOL. (You wish, Francis.) But yes: Louis' finna end your whole career. XD
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Another TERRIFYING jumpscare from the coven, like in Ep2 with Annika. Louis, I am shocked & appalled--can you not HEAR all these vamps planning your bloody murder around you? CLAUDIA! WTF!?
But this is how you know Armand's true personality--he hates getting his hands dirty. He kills all the time, but he makes his victims' deaths pretty. He'd rather sit back & let Lestat/Louis come in and wreck his whole coven, even though he has the power to just light those mofos up all on his own! I wish AMC emphasized a bit more that Armand not only writes/directs the plays--he's an ACTOR, too. And istg he's an expert at PRETENDING to be helpless, meanwhile he's the strongest vamp that's NOT one of the Children of the Millennia (thanks to how well Marius made him).
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Armand, that is LOW; waiting until Claudia's stuck under the oaths b4 you tell her she's guilty of breaking Great Laws she doesn't even know about yet. WTF?
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How TF you gon' hold Louis accountable for following the Laws when he wasn't even allowed to be in the effing room when they were read!? He's not even a member! WTF! (I get it--any rogue vampires are subject to death, yadayada; we know it's a stupid policy.)
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I love how he plans to leave by himself here--it had nothing to do with picking "another one" over Claudia. He just didn't want to hold her back anymore. And his presence was causing problems. 😭 It's so cute that Louis' stipulation about London was that if it's "too large" he'd leave and go to Ireland (?!?)--he's become agoraphobic or something? He just wants to be alone in his hermit hole--MOOD. 😭
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Good to get confirmation that the Fire Gift here is Armand and blessedly NOT Santiago--so why's he zooming around in the sewers?
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Look, sometimes folks make terrible first impressions--Lestat was being hella racist, Louis' always playing defense, Armand was finna kill Louis in a gay public park. It happens.
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Foreshadowing like crazy, as usual.
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WILD thing to say. I'm gonna cry, please stop.
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(What kinda hypocrisy is that, when you were made young your dang self!?) She's already 30+ years old--maybe she'll last a little longer if y'all (read: sexist, racist, ageist, ableist, etc society) don't eff around tryna make her life even harder! But AMC's deliberately cutting Claudia's life in half, compared to the books, cuz misogynoir's real and Claudia gets NOTHING out of vampirism, not even a fair chance. And y'all let her into the coven KNOWING how much she loves y'all, and KNOWING y'all were gonna kill her. EFF THIS WHOLE COVEN, ARMAND INCLUDED. (Lemme calm down--this kind of betrayal is exactly how Lestat must've felt in S01E07; I get it; they're getting a taste of their own medicine. But LESTAT EFFING HAD IT COMING. The coven should've just told them: y'all got til sunrise to GTFO our territory, you're not welcome here. This whole bit's unnecessary.)
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SKILL ISSUE. Cuz Louis' got the least power, and he's finna clear that whole bish out in just a couple episodes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Louis, love, ARMAND DON'T GIVE A EFF ABOUT RAISING SOME OTHER MAN'S OFFSPRING. This is the call of the wild, as Alphas KILL the children their stolen Omega brides had for other Alphas/Betas, so he can restart the gene pool with HIS DNA instead. I know y'all had National Geographic back then already--READ A BOOK, Louis, it's what you're best at.
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Incredible. After all of that Louis said Lestat never broke him. BENT BUT NEVER BROKEN, that's right! 💪😤
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Boy, we're not talking about some little (unrequited) CRUSH over a man you only knew for a few months (which you've CLEARLY not gotten over yet). Louis was MARRIED to the man for 30 YEARS. This is his MAKER. Lestat knew his whole family; went to the Black cookouts and everything! They literally built a home AND business together! They raised a child together! WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?
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And that's LESTAT'S DAUGHTER TOO--how much can you possibly love EITHER of them while planning to knock her off!? I can't listen to too much more of this. *hands Louis the torch and scythe*
Beautiful end of this STACKED episode. Incredible work, AMC! Jacob acted his PANTS off; he excels at the trembling voice, agonized facial expressions, and utter mental breakdowns. He's pulling DEEP within him, holy god; it's so raw, it's almost hard to watch. EMMY WHEN?!
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pedgito · 2 years
Cute prompt idea: Vamp!Eddie having a soft spot for paranormal investigator! reader (can be gn! or open to other pronouns)
Also lovely writing! 😍
author’s note: uh, this was meant to be short but y’all know how that goes with me. it took on a life of it’s own and i hope it isn’t completely off track from what you were requesting.
cw: sfw, vampire!eddie, gn!reader, all types of paranormal creatures exist, gang is basically monster hunters, dad!hopper vibes, eddie is just sweet and curious, mentions of injury/blood, fighting off ghouls and use of weapons, blood drinking (not how you think), light/silver still effect vampires, this is just super cute and a break from my smut momentarily
word count: 4k
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A normal work shift consisted of coming in, grabbing your assignment for the night, grabbing your gear, and heading on your way to whatever undisclosed location was sealed inside the folder. It was an easy routine to fall into; despite how dangerous the job actually was, you were good at, great even.
It’s part of the reason why Hopper chose you to train the new recruits—that and Dustin couldn’t be trusted with the new ones, he was incredibly skilled at scaring them away within the first few hours and it quickly turned into a problem. Hopper needed staff and staff didn’t exist whenever Dustin was training so, the responsibility fell on you.
“I’ve got a new one for you tonight,” He announces from the moment your foot crosses the threshold, his wide shoulder and head peeking out of his office door, “he should be here any minute.”
“You’re kidding?” You ask with a reasonable amount of disbelief, having only finished training someone last week. “I just finished up with Wheeler.”
“And he’s already doing great,” Hopper points out, “I just sent him off on his first solo and he’s loving it—says he learned a lot from you.”
You really hated being good at your job and loving it just as much—it meant that you were more inclined to feel obligated when asked to do things, like training another new employee for back to back weeks, which was a tedious enough task in itself.
“I really deserve a vacation,” You tell him, “or a raise—even a thank you would be great.”
“You know how much I appreciate you, kid.” Hopper says.
And you do, he’s always treated you like family from the beginning and that’s never changed. You always had a place to call home with him.
You sigh, loud and dramatic, “Okay—well, is there anything I should know?”
Hopper’s face changes slightly, contemplating his next words.
“Come here,” He nods toward the interior of his office, “you’ll probably want to take a look at his file.”
The red flags shot off in your mind immediately, but your feet moved for you, following him into his office, letting him slip the Manila file into your hands as you sifted through.
“Edward Munson,” You test the name on your tongue, glancing down to see the preferred shortened version of his first name, “—oh, Eddie. Eddie Munson? Am I saying that right?”
Hopper nods, pointing toward the bottom of the file, a portion that was usually left blank. It’s only been filled one other time, long before you, and it wasn’t something that Hopper took on lightly. There had to be a reason.
Your eyes widen, shoving the file back at him quickly, as if you’d been burned. “A vampire?” You say seethingly, “Have you lost your mind?”
“Look—the kid means well.” Hopper tells you, “I know his uncle—the boy has a good head on his shoulders; just a lot of unfortunate circumstances he’s been involved in. I told him I’d do him a favor—we can at least try it out.”
“And after last time?”
“It’s the last time I ever hire a werewolf during the week of a full moon,” Hopper admits his wrongdoing, but lowers his voice to level with you, “—just give it a chance, for me?”
“You’re lucky I don’t hate you.” You say begrudgingly, eyes narrowing. You pull at your bag, the weight of it slipping off your shoulders. “Is that all?”
“Don’t bring it up.” Hopper warns, “Kid gets real sensitive about sometimes. He’ll talk about it if he wants to.”
“You know I’m dealing with ghouls tonight, right?” You tell him, feeling that he should know, considering how much he despises the supernatural beings. “The ones out at the cemetery that we’ve been trying to contain for weeks.”
“Sounds like fun,” He grimaces, “seems like you’ll both be getting a real hands-on experience.”
You smile smugly, “Don’t worry, Hop—I’ll make sure to bring you back a souvenir.”
He sips at his coffee, fluffy mustaches covering his top lip, “It better be a goddamn keychain and not another severed hand.”
You shrug indifferently, “I’ll surprise you.”
“And I’ll put you on cleanup duty for a month.”
It was an empty threat. He’d never be able to go through with it, he relied on you far too much.
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Eddie is entirely too curious and touches everything, like those annoying kids with sticky fingers that love to find their way into everyone’s business. He asks too many questions, he talks far too often, and you almost forget that giant blinking red sign in your head that keeps screaming ‘Vampire’—nothing about him gives it away.
Well, maybe the outfit, the hair—but definitely not the personality. The ones you’ve met were always brooding, pensive, dealing with ventures of guilt and trauma. Eddie was brand new, practically a baby, fresh-face and untouched.
You smack at his hand with the tip of your flashlight, clinking against the dense metal of his rings. His eyebrows furrow, making a small noise of disapproval as he pulls his hand back.
“Stop touching everything.” You warn him, sorting through the gear in the back of your van, gathering the supplies you needed on your belt and vest, watching on as he struggled with his own. “Some of this stuff is used for lethal force.”
“You think they’d make these things a little more practical.” Eddie complains, pulling desperately at the clips, trying to force them to connect around his chest.
“It’s because you grabbed the smallest size.” You deadpan, dropping what you were doing to assist him, yanking at the clips until they click together, watching as his back straightened in discomfort.
“Well, good thing I don’t need to breathe,” Eddie comments idly, pulling a soft laugh from your chest. You weren’t sure why you were expecting him to be secretive about it. He was far too giddy to hide it, he was being himself.
“We can switch.” You offer, already pulling at your vest before he answers, watching as he silently unclipped his own in the process. You switch without a word, and the fit is more comfortable, for him, at least. “Is that better?”
“I’ve dealt with worse.”
It was only one minor inconvenience in the giant problem that was your life; you’d survive. You shoved the supplies into the vest, handing Eddie a flashlight before taking one for yourself.
“I don’t need one,” Eddie tells you, holding the flashlight up with a loose grip, “I can see fine.”
You pointedly shove it back toward his chest, “It’s not for you,” You say flippantly, “just take the damn flashlight.”
Eddie eyes you for a moment, trying to decipher you. He’d always been good at reading people, but you were giving him a harder time than he’d expected.
“Sorry,” He apologizes, clicking the flashlight a few times, light shining in your eyes obnoxiously, “—oh shit, I-“
You sigh through your nose deeply, eyes falling shut to calm yourself.
You speak slowly, face scrunching up in focus, “I’m begging you. Please stop.”
Eddie sets the flashlight down carefully, hands crossed in front of him as he stands back, forcing his curious hands to halt.
“When we get in there I need you to listen to me,” You tell him, trying to emphasize the severity as much as possible, “you might not be able to die so easily, but I can.”
“I wouldn’t let that happen.”
For some reason, you believe him—but his giant, doe eyes have seen nothing yet; they’re unscarred to the wonders of things that go bump in the night, aside from himself. There’s too many things discovered and undiscovered, and even you didn’t know everything. But, the job was serious—and you knew he’d take it as such.
“Let’s hope so.”
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The walk to the cemetery is long and quiet, for the most part, aside from the few attempts at small talk that Eddie tries.
“So, how often do you deal with—“ Eddie pauses, thinking of the name, the word slipping his mind.
He takes too long, “Ghouls?” You finish for him.
Eddie nods, curls bouncing against his shoulders. He smiles a lot, too—it’s only slightly alarming because his fingers are so prominent and he doesn’t try to hide them.
“Not often—only once a year, usually,” You tell him, “and they don’t always show up so close to Hawkins, but we’ve been tracking them for a while and they’re supposed to feed tonight.”
Eddie nods slowly, following your words carefully.
“They eat the dead.” You explain, earning an odd look from Eddie, it’s almost poetic. “Don’t worry—you’re safe. Besides,” You stick up the flashlight, shining the light back in his face, “I’ll be there to defend your honor.”
Eddie winces, shoving the light away gently. He blinks rapidly, like he’s struggling to see and you realize your mistake, quickly shoving the flashlight back into its secured spot on your vest.
“Shit—“ You start to apologize, “I didn’t mean to hurt you with that. Are you okay?”
“It doesn’t hurt,” Eddie lies, rubbing at his irritated eyes, “just burns a little—I’ll be okay.”
You feel bad and you hate it, because it feels like every moral in your body is turning against itself. In his defense, he was just as much a capable person as you, albeit some differences—and it wasn’t unusual for people like his kind to meld into and function in society to some capacity. It was new to the world, but it worked—he wasn’t the first vampire you’ve met, he wouldn’t be the last—but they usually ended up on the other end of spike after trying to kill you, so yes, things were a little different.
You take a step, slipping on the crack in the concrete as you’re lost in thought, nearly tumbling toward certain death, but Eddie catches you, one hand wrapping around your waist, the other grilled tightly on your bicep, pulling you upright and against him.
“Are you sure you should be out right now?” Eddie asks, “You seem distracted.”
You nod gently, not asking him to let go, his hands squeezing you reassuringly, just a soft touch that would go unnoticed if you weren’t so hyper aware of his hands on you, freezing cold to the touch.
“It’s a lot to deal with in one night,” You admit honestly, “This is more high risk than most cases and Hopper wanted me to train you—it’s literally your first, plus you’re a—“
“You can say it.” Eddie says, head tilting to meet yours as you look up at him. “You don’t have to feel weird about it.”
“I kill people like you,” You say softly, “all the time.”
“I’m sure they deserve it, though,” He offers, which couldn’t be truer, “I don’t want to hurt people—or you, at least.”
You smile awkwardly, eyes wandering to his lingering hands.
“You can let me go now.”
Eddie pulls away quickly, hands settling at his side.
“My bad,” He excuses, “—are you sure you’re okay?”
You nod quickly, walking the rest of the path until you meet the gate closing off the cemetery, pulling at the chain wrapped around the only entrance you have to get inside.
“Did you grab the bolt cutters like I asked?” You turn to Eddie, catching the telling and guilty look on his face as soon as your eyes fall on him. “Eddie, come on—“
“I got it, I got it,” He says defensively, nudging you out of the way to grasp the chain in his hand, but the moment he touches the chain he’s pulling back with a shout of pain, “—fuck, are you kidding me?”
“You didn’t think that one through, did you?” You ask, pulling at the tightly bound chain. Eddie’s face falls, staring down at his wounded hands, healing slowly in front of you. “Works well, doesn’t it?”
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie scoffs, hissing slightly at your touch, hands tracing over the slowly healing scar on his palm, “I’ve never—I didn’t think that was real.”
“Silver is pretty effective,” You tell him, his skin now fully healed as you let go, placing his hands back at his side, “it can take down a full grown man, if needed.”
“Good to know,” Eddie laughs weakly, balling his hands into fists a few times, testing that his skin was back to normal, “—so how are we getting in?”
“You forget the bolt cutters—figure it out.” You tell him. It was one of the best ways to teach, you’ve learned, allowing them to problem solve in situations that seemed impossible; it always spurred the best ideas.
“Well, I could turn into my bat form and fly over the gate.”
“Are you fucking serious?” You ask with wide eyes, “Is that actually a thing? I thought it was a myth.”
“You’re so gullible.” Eddie laughs, pointing toward the top of the gate where a few spikes had been worn down and left a convenient opening, “We’re climbing, right?”
“Bingo.” You smile, “You gotta lose the jacket, though. I’m not ruining mine.”
Eddie mumbles begrudgingly, shifting off his vest to reach his jacket, tossing the thick piece of clothing at you. You toss the jacket over the edge, pulling until it sufficiently covers the sharp edges.
“Can you do it?” Eddie asks, nodding toward the ledge, hands poised to help lift you. You shove him away, assuring him you’re fine. You push off with your feet, barely missing the edge—you sigh, take a breath, and jump once more. Eddie stifles a quiet laugh beside you, knowing that your pride was too high to ask now that you already denied his help. He’s silent when his hands grasp your hips, careful as he squeezes and lifts you up. You freeze, letting out a soft noise of surprise as he pushes you far enough to where you can grab the ledge, pulling and throwing yourself over with a little less grace that you intend, flustered by how easy he was able to lift you up.
Eddie climbs the gate in two movements, a large leap as he grabs the ledge and flips over with practiced precision. You’ve never seen anything like it before, his feet hitting the ground simultaneously. You huff in annoyance, watching as he yanks his jacket down, shifting his hand through the gate to grab at his vest, the biggest, smuggest smile on his face.
“Show off,” You remark, earning another soft laugh from him, “just hurry up.”
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You weren’t sure what to expect walking into the nest, but it’s eerily silent, like Hopper got it wrong and they hadn’t migrated here for the winter, but then you’re being blindsided, thrown off to your side and away from Eddie—leaving him to handle the hoard of them blindly, your body colliding with the stone buried in the ground, collapsing weakly onto the grass.
“What do I do?” Eddie panics, pulling the large machete from his belt, swinging wildly in an attempt to fend them off, your vision blurry as you search for him, focusing on his voice.
“Their heads,” You shouts, clutching your side to dull the steering pain, hand wetting with what you can only assume is blood, shirt tacky and damp as it stuck to your skin, “cut off their heads!”
There’s a loud commotion, screaming from Eddie and the hoard of ghouls, you can’t focus, the pain in your side is more overwhelming than anything you’ve felt. You close your eyes, attempting to breath through the pain—you hear the cracking of foliage behind you, an all too familiar feeling creeping up your spine as the creature leaps over your back, ghastly and horribly smelling, you push and fight, trying to keep it as constrained as you can while you search for your knife, only realizing once you find it that it’s the source of your pain, lodge in your side, just under the skin. It couldn’t have been more of a freak accident, somehow managing to miss anything fatal, but the pain was still unbearable.
“Eddie—help, please,” You plead in a moment of vulnerability, teeth gritting in pain as you groaned, using every ounce of strength to fight the thing off, only finding relief when the ghoul is being pulled off of your forcefully, shoved on the ground as Eddie shoved the machete through its skull, the disgusting squelch making your stomach turn, “—thank you.” You force out through a weak breath, clutching your side as you try to rise to your knees, only to be subdued by Eddie, gently forced back down.
“Don’t move,” He warns, hands hovering over your side, your own hands stained in blood, “you’re bleeding too much.”
“I’m sorry,” You don’t know why you’re apologizing, but it feels right in the moment, given the circumstance, “I can wrap myself up—or try—I don’t want it to bother—bother you.”
You can see his pupils dilate larger, eyes focused on the blood pooling against the ground, but aside from that, he’s calm. It’s unlike any other interaction you’ve had with someone of his mind—but Eddie had contradicted most of what you knew, even in the small amount of time you’ve interacted.
“I can help you,” Eddie suggested, “but only if you’re okay with it.”
Your eyes narrow, urging him to continue.
“I guess you’re unfamiliar with how healing works,” Eddie assumes, pressing his hand firmly to add pressure to your wound. He can hear the blood flowing through your body, the sound rushing through his ears, the smell invading his nose—normally he’d jump at the first hint of blood, feed on whatever unfortunate stranger was around at night, but there was nothing like this—he didn’t want to hurt you at all, he wanted to fix you, help you—he’s only ever done it once and he knows it works, but the process is…intimate, “are you?”
You shake your head weakly.
“My blood, it’ll heal you.” Eddie explains, “but you have to…”
He can’t say the words, seeing the way your face creases, a sudden realization hitting you. “No—no way.”
“It’s safe, I promise”. Eddie says, “But, we can always call Hopper—“
“No, no!” You stammer, shaking your hand out in disapproval, the movement makes you wince, your hand clasping over his own where it’s pressed to your side, the sharp metal of the knife pressing sharply into your side. “God—I need to take it out.”
“If I take it out, you’re going to bleed even more,” Eddie explains, “Look—I get how weird it is—I do, but I promise it’s safe. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
You’re not sure why you trust him so easily—maybe it’s his eyes, so innocent and pure, like there wasn’t a lie he could tell.
“Do it,” You say quickly, tired of lingering on the thought, “just do it.”
Rip the bandaid off, stop the pain.
“Are you sure?” Eddie asks, taken back by your sudden agreement.
You nod furiously, the pain and blood loss starting to take toll, feeling yourself go lightheaded and slumped, moaning softly.
You watch as Eddie pulls his sleeve back, the sharp point of his teeth digging into his wrist, carefully angling his arm as he pulls away, leading it toward your mouth slowly. You can see the blood seeping out—his other hand coming to cup the back of your head gently, tilting it back comfortably until your lips meet his skin.
“Slowly,” Eddie intructs, “just suck—but be careful.”
Your brows furrowed in concentration, lips pursed to suck gently—you’re not sure what you’re expecting, but it’s not the taste that hits your tongue initially; sweet and tangible, like a drug that would easily become addicting. It’s not bitter, or copper-tasting, and it throws you for a loop. It’s fuzzy, the feeling as it flows down your throat, your free hand comes to wrap around his wrist, eyes squeezing shut as you sucked harder, whining at the sensation, a type of pleasure you’ve never felt before.
“Hey, hey,” His voice is soft, but stern, “slow down—you don’t need that much.”
You pull back with a heat to your face, feeling embarrassed. Eddie releases the back of your hand, pulling quickly at the knife—you are numb to the pain, body already trying to heal itself as he throws the knife to the ground, letting it clammer loudly against the concrete.
“That was intense.” You admit honestly, letting Eddie wipe the stray string of blood away with his thumb, using the pad of his sleeve to wipe your mouth clean. It only makes the embarrassment worse.
“How does it feel?” Eddie asks curiously.
“Feels—fuzzy, tingly, I guess.” You tell him, “Like a high, maybe?”
Eddie makes a subtle face of surprise, laughing quietly at your description. “Well, looks like you’re all good now—like it never happened.”
“I’m not gonna end up turning in my sleep, am I?” You ask jokingly, letting Eddie pull you to your feet slowly.
“No,” He chuckles, “I meant what I said. I wouldn’t try to trick you. But—you might feel weird for a day or two, it’ll fade.”
“Oh—okay,” You nod, glancing around at the mess of bodies lying about, left for you both to clean up. “Well, we should probably finish up the job—Hopper is probably wondering where we’re at already.”
“Are you going to tell him—“
“No.” You respond immediately. “No one needs to know about it—or that I got hurt. I’d never hear the end of it.”
“Okay,” Eddie nods in understanding, releasing you when he thinks you’re stable enough, “our secret—got it.”
You smile softly and Eddie does too, you’ve never felt more nervous.
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When you finally drive back, it’s at the peak of early morning, sun still down and most of everyone has gone aside from Hopper, who practically lived at the place—Eddie grabbed most of the gear for you, lugging it in his arms as you followed closely behind.
“Looks like you two had a night,” He comments, stepping out of his office to watch your two frazzled, worn out faces walk down the hall, “how’d he do?”
“He’s alright,” You shrug and Eddie laughs to himself, continuing down the hall as Hopper stops you in your tracks, “—what?”
“You alright, kid?” He asks, “I know how rough ghouls are—you don’t have to play it down.”
You shake your head, “No, we’re good—he’s really curious but…he’s got potential.” You tilt your head slightly, watching down the hallway as Eddie turns the corner, “If you want to pair him up with anyone—it can be me, he’s not as bad as I hoped for.”
“Told you,” He teases, poking your arm gently. “—must’ve really had an effect on you, though.”
You shrug, “Someone’s gotta control the chaos,” You say, “and sticking him with Dustin is an accident waiting to happen.”
Eddie laughs quietly down the hall, unbeknownst to you as he listens in on your conversation with Hopper.
“Alright, if you say so.” Hopper relents, hands held up in defeat.
You weren’t sure how or why, but Eddie had quickly snuck himself into the soft spot of your heart, your thoughts—and maybe it was the blood, or the general effect that Eddie had on people, but you were fine with that.
“Looks like I’m out of here for the night,” Eddie comments, sneaking up on you two easily, enjoying the startled looks on your face, he smiles, “—made a good impression, I hope.”
“You’ll survive another day.” You tell him snarkily, “I guess.”
“Good—now if you don’t mind, I’ve got a coffin waiting for me at home—“
“Okay—now you’re just gloating.” You say tiredly, turning on your heels with a quick wave to Hopper, a smug smile written all over his face.
“I’m not joking.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Is that a challenge?”
You smile, catching his bashful grin as you shake your head at his terrible flirting. You were game, fortunately for him.
“Yeah, it is.”
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fierce-kiwi · 3 months
I'm turning 30 this year and something that I have found lacking in my life is gamer friends; specifically girly pops who game. I play both cozy and non-cozy games and no I'm not amazing but it is a hobby of mine that I enjoy. I find myself wanting to talk to my girlfriends about some of my current games (especially bg3 and that buying the game for the vamp but ending up get smacked by the rizzard pipeline), but I feel like I sometimes get looks from them like I shouldn't be a 30 year old WOMAN playing video games. They ask me a lot of things like oh have you watched that new show or have you seen that new movie and my answer is almost always no because instead of tv I play video games to pass the time. Don't get me wrong I love that they have shows and movies they're into; I guess I just lose some relatability.
My husband who games told me to turn to the internet for friends with similar gaming interests. So, here I am, firing back up the ole Tumblr and Discord. To be perfectly honest, something about it feels odd and I do feel silly, but I guess I won't meet anyone if I don't put myself out there and hope for the best. So,
Hi, my name is Jess. I like rewatching the same comfort shows a million times, but willing to branch out if the main man is in a white wig. I love books of all kinds (currently reading: The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor by Robert Kirkman and Bound to the Battle God by Ruby Dixon🩵). My all time comfort game is oddly enough The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (I've lost track of how many times I've played it), but I'm currently bouncing between bg3 and Coral Island. I love the Legend of Zelda games, Stardew Valley, Sims, The Last of Us, Hogwarts Legacy, Skyrim, Fallout, and of course a variety of cozy games. I definitely lean heavier into RPGs that are big with a story, not so much first person shooters just shooting shit.
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impala-dreamer · 5 months
Tourniquet - Chapter Six
A Supernatural Dean x Reader Series Told Backwards
~Y/N has been by Dean’s side through his worst days, always there if he needs her, forever just a call away. Love is impossible to fight and more impossible to live with. Just a side character in his epic life, Y/N would give anything just to give Dean a moment’s peace.~
Please see MASTERLIST for full info/warnings/chapter links.
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works ~ Get A Custom Story
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The Man Who Lost Too Much
Life moved quickly in the background. Sometimes it was hard to remember the day or the month. Time was counted in miles and blood. Age was measured in how many bodies you laid in the dirt. 
It wasn’t without good times, though. 
Y/N hadn’t spoken to her father in a while, but she wasn’t always alone. She would run with other hunters when they crossed paths, hook up with a stranger or two when she was in the mood. Hell, a few times she’d run into the elder Winchester himself and spent a quick weekend getting lost in the sheets. 
There was nowhere she couldn’t go, nothing really she couldn’t do. She was a feather on the wind, tetherless and free. 
But late at night, her thoughts would drift to him. The Boy with the Green Eyes who could always make her feel better, make her feel like she mattered. No matter how many lives she saved, how many thank yous and hugs from survivors, she never quite thought she was helping. Her efforts in doing good always seemed so small next to what Dean was up to. 
Sure, his heroics always came with a price, but Y/N longed to be closer to him, to be a part of the action. She wanted to see it up close, to live in the spotlight, if not right behind it. Skirting the edges of the light and holding him up- that’s what she really wanted. 
Rumors of the Winchesters were never lacking and never dull. 
Wherever she went, she’d hear stories, often exaggerated, about their adventures. Most were ridiculous. 
‘Dean Winchester fought forty-seven vamps all by himself and came out without a scratch!’
‘Sam was born with horns and John had to get a witch doctor to remove them… he was still cursed, though. Poor kid.’
‘Those Winchesters are friends with the King of Hell and have traveled back in time twenty-six times.’
‘That car is haunted. I’ve seen it drive itself.’
‘Dragons. They fought dragons.’
‘Dean Winchester slept with my daughter and three of her friends. And I’m pretty sure, my wife.’
Sadly, that last one she believed. Usually, it didn’t bother her to hear about his sexual exploits, but when the moon was full and the wind was warm, she remembered nights in the tall grass behind the junkyard and his arms so gentle around her body. 
She was working when he called; laptop burning on her lap as she scrolled through bits of scanned articles and photographs from decades ago. The phone buzzed on her nightstand and she peeked at the caller i.d. An old picture of Dean leaning on the Impala lit up her screen. She couldn’t remember when the photo was taken, but it always made her smile. His hair was short and spiked, his necklace fought with the buttons of his green henley, his leather jacket more than a whole size too big. 
Y/N smiled and dragged her fingers across her own necklace, that worn hexagon that she clung to when overwhelmed, sucked on when thinking. A little bit of Dean always with her.
“Yo, Winchester. Been a while.” 
Instead of a hello, Dean replied with a heavy exhale that instantly dropped her mood and upped her anxiety. 
“Hey, Y/N/N…” 
She closed her eyes, clutched the phone tight. “Where are you? Are you OK?”
His swallow was thick; he’d been crying, she could tell. 
“Yeah. I’m- I’m OK. I… I don’t even know where I am. We pulled over for the night and I just-”
Y/N held her breath for a split second and then fell into crisis mode. 
“It’s OK, Dean. I’m here. Just tell me what’s going on.”
There was a rustle of fabric, a sharp inhale; the scratch of nails down an early beard. 
“Y/N/N… I fucked up. I- this is the worst thing I’ve ever done.” 
“Dean, not for nothing, but you’re gonna have to narrow it down a bit, babe.” 
He laughed softly and the tightness in her chest eased. He would be OK.
“Talk to me. I’m right here.” 
Dean sniffed back a tear. She could almost see him there, eyes leaking freely, bottom lip trembling. 
When he started to explain, the words shot out in a ramble that would have made little sense to anyone else. Y/N knew how to decipher his language, knew what each pause meant, why this word was harsh and that one softer. She knew. 
He spoke of the last two years. He talked about losing Sam and then finding him again- without a soul. He explained about his deal with Death and the wall that was put up in Sam’s head so his soul wouldn’t shatter and kill him. About Castiel and Crowley, about deaths and near-misses, about everything.
Finally, Dean told her cautiously about moving in with Lisa and feeling like a father to her son Ben. He rambled on about civilian life and how much he loved doing stupid simple things like mowing the lawn or fixing stuck drawers. How he thought he’d finally gotten his due, that maybe, while it wasn’t perfect, Lisa could have been his salvation after a lifetime of pain. He cried again while recounting the ways he’d hurt them, scared them, gotten them kidnapped or worse. 
When he was ready, Dean explained about the hospital and how he’d asked Castiel to erase him from their memories. How he’d sacrificed something he loved yet again for the good of someone else. They’d never remember him, never know who rearranged the tools in the shed, who bought all the cheap whiskey in the cabinet.
“It’s the worst thing I’ve ever fucking done,” he said, rounding out his confession as it had begun. 
Y/N rubbed her hand down her cheeks, pushing the tears deeper into her skin. Her stomach ached in that horrible way it did when Dean hurt her, but she knew it wasn’t his fault. He needed to tell her and she needed to hear it. 
She sighed. 
“Yeah, it’s- it’s not great, Dean. It’s really fucking horrible, actually. You can’t just- take someone’s memories like that.” 
“I know.” 
“What if someone did that to you? What if I came along with my own buddy angel and had them erase your dad? Or Sam? Or… or me? You can’t play with people’s heads, Dean.” 
“I know!” 
She didn’t even flinch, she was too heated to be startled. “What were you thinking?” 
Dean ground his teeth hard, growled through the clench. “I was trying to keep them safe!”
Y/N fought back. “From what?” 
“From me!” 
The friends fell silent for too long. Dean’s words hung in the space between them, electrifying the air and stabbing through their veins. 
“Dean, I-” She couldn’t stand it. She needed to see him. “Fuck it. Turn your camera on.” 
“No, Y/N/N, I can’t-” 
“Just fucking do it, please.” 
And there he was. Green eyes wet, freckled cheeks gaunt and hugged by the shadows. He wiped at his face and smiled, but couldn’t look at the camera. He couldn’t look at himself, couldn’t face her. 
He closed his eyes and refused to speak, so she did. 
“What you did was fucked up, I can’t let you think otherwise, but Dean… you are… the most selfless, caring… brave man I’ve ever known, and I… I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now, but I know you. And I know that you are going to be OK. You’re gonna get through this and, well, maybe you’ll never be over her, but…” 
The spike in her gut twisted enough to make her pause and he opened his eyes, found hers on the screen. 
“It’ll be OK,” she said softly. “I promise.” 
He took a breath and let it out, and with it, a million pounds fell off his back. His shoulders fell, his jaw unclenched, the tightness in his face eased. 
“I don’t fucking deserve you,” he whispered, staring so hard at the phone she was sure he’d break right through. 
Y/N shook her head and smiled that secret smile that was only his. 
“Shut up, Dean.”
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laundrybiscuits · 10 days
So I was playing around with an expanded version of this wlw vamp!Eddie snippet (tentatively titled heard you like magic) for Monsterfucker May because, well, 1) it’s pretty good incentive to write something I’d been thinking about anyway 2) I am procrastinating on a fuckton of work right now.
Anyway, I started jotting down some thoughts that wound up being practically a whole-ass essay, and the expanded fic definitely isn’t going to be posted before tomorrow, so…I thought I might as well post this. It’s not very exciting; it's about 1300 words of me ruminating on the worldbuilding/character decisions I’ve been making about adapting Steve’s gender. 
The heard you like magic fic is really just me sort of iterating on the loose sketch of cisgirl!Steve I started noodling around with in feel how you fit around me. Obviously it’s not the same timeline at all; I hadn’t really thought through this AU very much, since it was spontaneously birthed from skimming the lyrics to “Red Wine Supernova” and getting inappropriately stuck on “her canine teeth in the side of my neck” but I’m using it to play with similar ideas. 
I do think a very similar story to canon could have been created with cisgirl!Steve. (If female!Steve is trans, the timelines get a little complicated and there’s literally no way she could have achieved an unquestioned popularity in the 80s. It could be a good and interesting story, but it would have fundamentally different beats.) Canon!Steve’s initial thematic/narrative function as the hot, popular boyfriend who embodies normality and social acceptance (at a cost) within the context of high-school-drama-turned-supernatural-horror could absolutely have worked with some of the genders shuffled; admittedly, it would likely have been received by audiences very differently. But from a purely thematic/structural perspective, yeah, I think the same story could have been told. 
So the specific question I’m poking at here is: what does that Steve look like, if his largely unquestioned shifting relationship to masculinity becomes a largely unquestioned shifting relationship to femininity? Part of what makes him such an interesting character is how he navigates taking on a babysitter/caretaker role within the group, because that runs counter to his gendered expectations about who he is and what he’s good at. For a teenage girl, though, “babysitter/caretaker” is a pretty conventional role. 
I’ve thought a lot about approaching this as “What would have to change to make female!Steve commercially viable?” Honestly, I do think the production machine would probably have killed her off as planned; she’d be too unlikeable. She’s hot and bitchy in a way that is simply unforgiveable in an 80s-inflected horror narrative. 
But what if they didn’t, though? What’s the minimum amount of change needed to make Stephanie Harrington work in the story and world of Stranger Things?
If we’re cleaving as closely as possible to canon’s themes and structure, Nancy has to be male. Their relationship needs to represent convention and safety, because Nancy’s journey is partly about her inability to let things lie. For better and for worse, she’s not the kind of person who can pretend that everything’s okay when it’s not, and Steve exists to be the temptingly normative option. 
Jonathan Byers is basically already Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club, so that’s straightforward enough: he’s a trope of the artsy “unsafe” alternative, the one Nancy’s parents wouldn’t approve of, but the one who understands and enables her rejection of easy answers. If we’re not concerning ourselves with marketing decisions, he could still be male and fit the same thematic role in M!Nancy’s arc, but that would change Steve’s journey pretty significantly. 
I think it could still be a good story! There’s a lot of potential there. But if we want to keep Steve’s confrontation with Jonathan as a turning point for his character, it just works much better if Jonathan’s a conventional rival. The dynamics also play out pretty differently if M!Jonathan gets in a physical fight with F!Steve—it’s hard to imagine any version of Nancy being super chill about that. F!Steve is also slightly less likely to default to that kind of physical confrontation as socially acceptable/expected, although I could definitely see it similarly escalating to physical violence with F!Jonathan. 
The Stobin dynamic more or less works with the genders exchanged. This is pre-Will and Grace, so the concept of a “fag hag” existed but was not nearly as mainstream as it would become in a decade or two, so there wouldn't necessarily be a lot of expectations or models of what their relationship should look like. One minor shift: the public imagination had a much more specific concept of what gay men looked and acted like than it did for lesbians, so Steve would probably be a little more resistant and/or take a little longer to get it. 
The Party can still keep their canon genders; I don’t think that would affect the older teens too much. It might shift the dynamic of Dustin seeing Steve as a role model, but I think that’s a sufficiently indirect/unstated part of their relationship that it could translate reasonably well. I do think Dustin might get a highly embarrassing and often-denied crush on female!Steve, but he absolutely would not admit it. 
Max would probably be a little closer to F!Steve, since she’d have a bit less older-brother baggage, and less drawn to M!Nancy. Mike would hate F!Steve exactly the same amount, and neither Lucas nor Will seem to be that invested in canon!Steve anyway. 
More generally, though, I don’t see F!Steve as taking refuge in “at least I’m a good babysitter,” because to some extent that would be expected. F!Steve probably didn’t babysit for spending money as a younger teen, but it wouldn’t be out of the question. I really cannot stress enough how much growing up in small-town midwest USA pre-Y2K was oriented towards training young girls for motherhood. They got explicit and implicit instructions that young boys simply did not.
I’m not completely convinced that F!Steve would be as inclined towards a big family as canon!Steve, either. For Steve, whose familial model is an almost wholly absent father, a big family is part of the fantasy of belonging. While I do tend to read him as having honest intentions about pulling his weight, he doesn’t have a very practical understanding of what childrearing is like, and anything he does above the bare minimum is going to be praised. F!Steve would be more keenly aware of the scrutiny she’d be under as a mother, as well as the sheer scale of labor involved. Also, she’d be much less likely to want to pop out six kiddos from her own uterus. The calculations are different.
I grew up in a very conservative area with girls whose primary worldly ambition was genuinely to become mothers. When we talked about “careers,” it was with the explicit understanding that it would be a side gig to help support their main role as a mother. Some of them do now literally have six children.
Steve does not strike me as that kind of person on a fundamental level. He has certain normative ideas about what family and relationships look like—his arc really is all about disrupting and complicating those ideas. In the context of F!Steve, though, I don’t think that thread of clinging to hegemonic norms would manifest in wanting a big family; it seems more likely to me that she’d have some vague ideas about two or three kids and a wealthy, attentive husband. 
I also don’t necessarily see her being quite as keen to lean into a tank role. The “woman warrior” trope was gearing up for the cresting wave of girl-power third-wave feminism in the 90s, but it wasn’t quite there yet—certainly not for someone whose narrative category is “the conventional one.” I actually think that could be a good angle for F!Steve’s development; while canon!Steve has his established/normative role as the tank to counter the subversive dynamics of his role as caretaker, F!Steve could potentially flip those: it’s not weird or unexpected for her to babysit, although she might be surprised by how well she does with Dustin, but translating her athletic ability to combat could propel her towards accepting that she might not be 100% conventional after all.
Anyway, I really need to stop thinking about this and get back to the core of this story, which is “what if vampire!Eddie wildly underestimated how much of a monsterfucker Stevie is, and also what if they were both girls”
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Hey. I originally sent this ask to virginia bc a lot of what i see usually comes from her asks, but it is also relevant to your s2 rant so wanted to ask you this too. I don’t understand what you mean by the show people are “making up in their heads”. I watched the show and then went online which was a mistake since a lot of book content was being revealed to me, so I read a couple of the books for context. Still I disagree with a lot of the takes I have seen. How is lestat being “big bad patriarchal” something that people are making up in their heads? Why is it that when the vamps are having good moments we can agree “that they are married!” and “that’s their daughter!” but when it’s bad moments all of a sudden it’s “they’re vampires so it’s not domestic abuse and lestat is not big bad patriarchal”? I understand that a lot will be revisited in s2, but s1 is Louis’ account of things and what he is showing us is very much big bad lestat so idk how that can be something people are making up in their heads. I’ve noticed that while a lot of the speculation for s2 draws from the books (obvi), they don’t take into consideration that some things just don’t work anymore because of the change in the level of violence shown, and bc these characters are Black! Like Louis or Claudia lying about their abuse would be incredibly problematic, so would a revisit of Lily showing that she’s shady/a villain. (And i feel like you agree with this so idk why you say you’ll block ppl who say this). I understand where the theories are coming from, but having these things play out would actually be racist and calling it bad writing if it happened would be very valid criticism! It’s very important to be critical of these things even if it comes from an otherwise very good show!
I’ve also seen stuff about making fun of people complaining that Assad and Jacob are not being paired together, when that is also a valid complaint/want (and I’m positive they’ll be paired together more as they keep promoting s2). I’m excited for loumand even after reading some of the books and knowing that Loustat (or just lestat) is the center of the VC, but the second half of book iwtv definitely centers Loumand, and even before reading the books my expectation was still a centering of those two characters. Don’t get me wrong I am a huge jam reiderson fanatic (literally started watching the show bc I saw that trivia with jam reiderson video) but I am also excited to see Jassad!!! Another incredibly important reason that people are excited for this pairing is of course that they are a queer interracial poc couple!! In fantasy no less!! So it’s understandable that people (myself included if you couldn’t tell lol) would be excited to see them together outside the show as well!! And making fun of them looking forward to it is like not great. So far the stuff ive seen ab press pairing is ppl being eager to see Jassad, but over here it reads as “haha no jassad we told you so” which is so incredibly weird. Again, I’m trying not to come off as like aggressive, and I get that being accused of being racist is obviously not a great thing to receive, but I do think that a refusal to examine or question why people think certain decisions would be racist is also not great.
I feel like a lot of the times when fans are pointing out the racism in the fandom and stuff, it gets taken as them being hateful and aggressive etc etc, but like idk it’s hard to be nice when you see things that are clearly so problematic and it gets glossed over in the fandom. Idk if you’ll answer this but I just thought it was important to share.
Okay, you know, I'll bite. Once.
"Making fun of people is not great". "being accused of being racist is obviously not a great thing to receive, but I do think that a refusal to examine or question why people think certain decisions would be racist is also not great"
"I’ve noticed that while a lot of the speculation for s2 draws from the books (obvi), they don’t take into consideration that some things just don’t work anymore because of the change in the level of violence shown, and bc these characters are Black! Like Louis or Claudia lying about their abuse would be incredibly problematic, so would a revisit of Lily showing that she’s shady/a villain."
Let's examine these, shall we.
Just because Louis and Claudia are black now, they are NOT different characters. If you had read my rant, and listened to the sources, read the interviews, then you would KNOW that. You would know that JACOB (and Bailey) have said that. LITERALLY.
A certain part of the fandom keeps saying this, but that is just... not it. And I get where it's coming from! But they already confirmed that the characters are still the book characters. And the people (including you?) who keep worrying that point just don't want to acknowledge their stance being wrong.
But that is not something that >I< am making up.
Which, in turn, negates your argument.
Also, everything shown in s1 will be put into context in s2, as already said - also something I more than laid out in the rant. That includes the "violence". Again, that's been said.
When the racial changes became clear for Louis and Armand (and Claudia) some of the book fans winced, NOT BECAUSE OF THE CHANGE ITSELF, but because you know, we KNOW what's coming.
All the show fans now claiming Lestat was sooo bad for Louis... oh you haven't seen Armand. Armand will literally gaslight Louis, make him do things against his will (things that will have Louis say he lost the last of his humanity!), isolate him by KILLING CLAUDIA and the coven (intentionally! so he can have him to himself!), and spell-bind him, repeatedly. Armand will chop off Claudia's head and sew it onto another's body to see what happens. And then send her into the sun, to burn.
He will also, as has already been made clear now, "tinker" with Louis' memories.
You think that's cute?! Wholesome? Because they're POC now? Oh sweetie. This show will pull the rug out from under you. And that is not meant as belittling. These things will happen. They dialed up the (absolutely existing) themes to 10 in s1, they will do so once more in s2.
And lastly, re the fun, and being accused of things.
Go and read through the comments of "Laden as the sea". Read what I wrote in the notes, and why, and then what people threw at me. Come on, go ahead. It's a ride. I did not delete ONE comment. None. They're all there. Some of the commenters have edited their comments, so the still-up one is not the one they initially wrote, but I get mails for all comments, so... I've read them.
And I'm not even talking about the shit here.
Oh, and I didn't say that the patriarchal and abuse themes were made up. Which you would also know if you had actually read my rant.
And, again, if you had really read what I've written, you would know that I wrote this: if I‘m going to see anyone scream “bad writing“ or “Louis being made a liar or the memories revisited/changed is racism“ when the changes will hit I‘m just gonna block you.
And that... has nothing to do with the problematic things that might arise from the revisits, because of course there are many traps there to consider, because of the racial change. That I agree with.
But it's not bad writing, or racism, if and when these things happen.
It's just not what some people want to happen. And that is what I mean with the "story made up in their heads".
If you really read the books, then you would know what's coming.
Because this show is made by book fans. It might be good to remember that.
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