here’s some peak, antiblack idiocy from @vampiregirl2345:
I used to be homeless. I still wouldnt have eaten vegan food because it makes me sick (ive tried). And vegan food is always low in calories, if you want to eat healthy, and cheap meals are always high in carbs (beans and legumes are a staple). And vegan food is full of common triggers for allergies and sensitivities (see the afore mentioned soy and nuts). Also malnutrition is a big concern for homeless people already, and vegan food is notorious for being low in essential nutrients you can also get from animal protein. I dont hate vegans. I just hate when they exploit a situation to force their diet on others.
vegan food is not from another planet. vegan food is just plants. omnivores by definition consume a lot of plants in their diets. homeless people all spontaneously combust if they eat a vegetable? all plants make you sick? rice and beans with some veg on the side and a bit of fruit for after would make you sick? you subsist entirely on meat? if all you ate was meat, you would be dead. so like, don’t lie. I’m sure you’ve got some sensitivities but this is nothing short of hyperbolic and intellectually disingenuous, never mind biologically impossible.
look, food allergies and sensitivities exist, but the proportion of them in the population is low, vegan food doesn’t all somehow contain soy and nuts (you like to act like it does though), and animal products aren’t some mystical fucking super nectar perfect for all and sundry. lactose intolerance is widespread. some people are allergic to one kind of meat, others are allergic to several kinds of meat. other people aren’t allergic but animal proteins tend to upset their stomachs. there’s a whole range of conditions you could cite as an example. but you people are never out here lambasting “food for the homeless” efforts which contain animal protein, despite allergies and sensitivities to animal products being a thing. why is that, I wonder? why are you silent on that? it’s because you have an agenda and/or a bias, and it’s fucking plain as day. why do you sleep when only animal product-based options are offered? you don’t write angry posts saying that omnivores are forcing their dietary preferences on people if they do that. hmmmmm
vegan food is not always low in calories. this is just plain factually incorrect. vegan food can be very high in calories or very low in calories. it’s very easy to be an overweight vegan.
do you realize that veganism is not a specific diet but a set of ethical beliefs..? I’m not recommending all of these things, or saying they’re good, but I’m bringing them up to show vegan itself isn’t a diet, and demonstrate the variety of ways you can eat while being plant-based, good and bad. you can be an underweight vegan, you can be an obese vegan. you can eat high calorie while vegan or low calorie while vegan. you can be a vegan with an eating disorder, or a health nut vegan, or a vegan who eats mostly processed foods, takeout and junk food. you can be a vegan eating less calories than you need in order to meet weight loss goals, you can be a vegan athlete or a vegan bodybuilder. you can do vegan keto, or be raw vegan, or be whole-foods-plant-based vegan, or low carb high fat vegan, or low fat high carb vegan, or gluten-free vegan, or celiac, or do bulk eating, or be diabetic, or any one of a number of things. vegan itself is not a specific diet. it’s possible to eat a very healthy, balanced vegan diet or a very unhealthy vegan diet.
you’re out here pretending like vegan food is just salads and vegetables - but somehow also all very strange and esoteric vegetable species, which are super bad for the human body - and that even just the sight of a vegetable or other plant-based foodstuff is enough to make thousands of people in a ten mile radius come out in hives or some shit.
a healthy vegan diet includes low calorie and high calorie foodstuffs.
carbs - are - not - bad. the - human - body - needs - carbs. please learn some basic fucking nutrition, honestly, this is ridiculous.
beans are primarily proteins. 
vegan food is not notorious for being low in essential nutrients, you can get almost every nutrient you need from a vegan diet. literally entire associations of dietary experts disagree with you.
I mean your post doesn’t even make sense with the claims it contains. let’s examine them. first you say vegan food is always low in calories, then you provide examples of staples - in your own words - beans and legumes, which are not low in calories. you say cheap meals are always high in carbs, and cite beans, but beans are primarily proteins. you say vegan food is all full of soy and nuts, but the common staple examples you cite - beans and legumes - do not contain soy and nuts, and neither do the sorts of low-calorie, healthy foods you’re thinking of (salads). you say vegan food is low calorie, then you mention nuts, which are notoriously high-calorie and nutrient dense while also being small in terms of bulk and not very filling. you claim vegan food is low in essential nutrients, but don’t even provide any specific examples. you act like carbs are evil.
honestly, I’m sorry, but you just plain don’t know anything about food, or basic principles of biology and nutrition. your post is so woefully misinformed. it’s also nonsensical and very self-contradictory.
anyway, this young man isn’t exploiting a situation to force his diet on others, he is taking real action to help people and feed the homeless. this is a charitable act and he should be commended. he’s setting an example, it’s compassion, we should all strive to be more like him. white anti-vegans, shut the fuck up, don’t you dare come for this young black hero.
That hes probably feeding some people their allergens? That hes probably feeding some people stuff that give them horrible stomach aches and headaches? That vegan food is too low in calories and too high in carbs, so someone with a high calorie requirement or diabetes might be getting a raw deal? That PETA, known for its kill shelters and sexism, endorsed him? You bet im complaining.
oh my god... please... read a book on nutrition... I mean good lord
if something is high in carbs, it’s also likely high in calories. Make up your fucking mind lmao, your nutritional and medical claims aren’t even fucking coherent at this point.
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I guess this could be related to autism, since autistics are bullied in alarmingly high amounts. I took down a cyberbully this week. Mostly on my own. We came to a truce a few minutes ago. I held my ground and came out on top. To my fellow bullying victims, i got your back. Dont be afraid to get nasty. Because remember. Theyre playing with matches. And they will get burned.
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g4yr4t · 6 years
 “does anyone else sometimes get this irrational fear that there’s going...”
High pitched noises hurt my ears.
same, friend. same.
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sereniv · 6 years
@vampiregirl2345 Listen, buy honey of you want. But the facts are that honey IS abuse (look in my honey tag or be tag) and your whole 'I NEED it in my tea bc it's the only thing that tastes good' is a bullshit excuse to fund animal cruelty.
You literally don't need honey
Also, don't fucking @ me what are you even doing @ing all these people trying to defend yourself when you don't even need to. Just eat fucking honey like you want to
Unless deep down you're defensive bc you know people got a point- then why not sit down and take a moment to listen. We are all willing to help, but it's a little frustrating and annoying to always hear people say their taste buds mean more than the welfare or life of an animal
also, looking it up its not even expensive. You can get around the same amount for the same price and regular honey online...so...
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subbyp · 6 years
vampiregirl2345 replied to your post: got my first incorrect “aspec means autism” today!...
Why do people still believe that
Because, mostly, of a dedicated smear campaign designed to rob aces and aros of our language and intended to make us stop being ace/aro and be instead politically convenient and/or sexually and romantically available, or, failing that, kill ourselves.
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altheterrible · 6 years
vampiregirl2345 replied to your post: I diagnosed myself with asthma because I was...
@alexanderblackwood certain types of cancer can feel like the flu. Thats why theyre missed so easily. That has nothing to do with self diagnosis and more to do with medical professionals blowing it off. Or family members Basic flu symptoms are fever, chills, aches. Those can be literally anything. No one thinks cancer first.
I really don’t need you to explain medical things to me, I’m a fourth year pharmacy student and I probably know more about it than you do. There are absolutely scenarios in which you should think cancer fairly immediately.
Next, it has everything to do with self-diagnosis, actually. If someone decides they have the flu for a month and doesn’t seek treatment because of that self-diagnosis, the consequences of not seeking treatment are directly tied to self-diagnosis.
Self-diagnosis can be dangerous. It leads people to not seek treatment because they think they know what’s wrong with them. Case in point: I was convinced as a teenager that I had schizoid personality disorder. Diagnosed myself after extensive research. Because that personality disorder generally responds poorly to meds and therapy, I figured there was no point in seeking treatment. I spent the next 15 years as a depressed, suicidal cutter because I was convinced my mental illness wouldn’t respond to treatment. Surprise, I was just depressed and traumatized. Three years of therapy later and I’m in a vastly different place.
I’m not saying all self-diagnosis is Bad and Evil. I’m just saying people need to be more cautious about it. Keep an open mind. Don’t let a diagnosis define you.
Finally, a pointer going forward: before you comment on someone’s post 3 times, consider if your input is actually wanted or needed. I tend to go with the rule that 95% of the time, no one gives a shit what I have to say. I suggest you adopt a similar approach to interacting with others.
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novakspector · 6 years
vampiregirl2345 replied to your post: “I can’t afford to go to the doctor so I...
How old are you, by the way? Also, no one reads webmd and most tumblr posts on the subject i read are written by professionally diagnosed individuals.
Um, “professionally diagnosed individuals” are also NOT DOCTORS and have no business diagnosing anyone over the internet. I have been professionally diagnosed but I would not take that as some sort of ‘status’ that allows me to advise anyone else on their mental health.
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spudwitch · 6 years
@vampiregirl2345 replied to your post “if you ever feel the compulsion to write a post that begins “dear...”
And it certainly isnt healthy or affordable for lots of people, myself included.
A plant-based diet is healthy and affordable for the vast majority of people (when proper research has been done). Why do you think it isn’t?
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I just realized something from when i worked retail. Sometimes id get parts of my greeting mixed up. So id ask "how are you" after exchanging hellos with the customer, and when they replied "im good, how are you" id echo it instead of responding properly. Happened alot more when i was tired. Could that be echolalia?
Possibly, but this happens to a lot of people in retail anyway because the script is so ingrained
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pet-diary · 6 years
@vampiregirl2345 replied to your post “My mom won't let me get a job because she thinks people won't...”
Anon, shes right about people not understanding you. But that goes for any social situation. Try filling out a job application, then tell your mom about it. Fill out ten, twenty, a hundred. Dont let her negative view keep you in the dust.
A response to anon’s Q, in case they miss it. Yeah I say go for it! If you let other people’s doubt in you rule your life you’ll never have enough confidence in yourself to try. I know how it feels to be doubted by everyone around you and lemme tell you, that shit screws up your life!! Don’t let it rule you. Be your own judge, if it’s something you want to go for, go for it. I think this is an especially important lesson at a young age. My parents really didn’t encourage a lot of my dreams and sometimes actively discouraged me (edit: and I don’t even mean big outlandish pipe dreams I mean like basic things, basic confidence in my abilities and tearing down actual accomplishments that I already achieved), and I can tell you that it really messed with my sense of self and ability to perform later on. Try not to let that negative feedback rule you.
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positivityautistic · 7 years
Hey. So, i realized i might need extra help in life, so two questions. 1) How do i get diagnosed? 2) How likely am i to get supplumental income? I live in the united states, if that helps. I realized trying to make it through adulthood undiagnosed might land in more doodoo than a diagnosis could. Sure, maybe i wont be able to adopt kids (im working on my hormonal issues so thats one problem possibly solved). Hopefully ill be able to own a gun (but my bf has one so eh). (1)
(2) I just would like advice on this. Im not in the best financial situation, and i realized the hours i was working mightve been too many (and in a high pressure, noisy environment). Plus, i could get accomodations at work and in college (if i go back to school). Accomodations would help alot (like extra breaks, stricter adherence to a schedule, and sensory stuff). And maybe id be taken seriously, too. I realized that these things are not optional if i wanna be indepedent. Sry for the long ask.
I’m really sorry but I cannot answer this unfortunately. I’m really sorry.
Does anyone else here have answers? 
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silver-spider-art · 7 years
vampiregirl2345 replied to your post
Autistic Megamind. He never seemed to me like he fit the antisocial description of most villians. Bullied for being different, never knowing exactly how to fit in. Becoming down when he finally got what he wanted, because he missed the battles he once had. In other words, his routine changed. Poor Megamind didnt want complete power, after all. He just wanted to be understoof.
Yes, this so much. The routine, the game. It was part of his life to the point he wasn’t sure how to function without it. Changes in routine suck so much. Especially big one.
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Do autistic people have odd reactions to chemicals? Like im hyposensitive to alcohol, pain medicine (even prescriptions), any sort of sleep-inducing medicine, and caffeine.
Yep. It’s pretty common for autistic people to have different reactions to medications/substances than other people. 
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fleurite-archive · 2 years
went through the replies on that last post to block as many pedo/incest apologists as i could find. rather than post screenshots of the blocked accounts, i'm going to list the usernames under the cut on this post so it's more accessible
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warriorprincess1995 · 5 years
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A big THANK YOU to my friend @vampiregirl2345 for my beautiful therapy package! And guess what? Shes selling them! Package includes:
-a handmade, hand embroidered weighted lap pillow (mine is 5 pounds but you can ask for any weight)
-3 scented slimes (yellow-lemon, orange-tangerine, green-mint)
-a stress ball
-20 hand drawn coloring sheets (objects to color you can choose, she loves drawing people)
I am very happy with my package!
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