#various fics
jaimebluesq · 2 years
Ten fic tag game
The idea: one line any fic! rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
tagged by @dual-domination :D I do have quite a few to choose from, so I decided to choose the 10 with the lowest hit counts - great way to bring attention to some of my less read fics :D
1 - It's a Simple Love Between You and Me - JC/NHS, The Untamed/MDZS modern day cultivators AU:
“That's it!” Nie Mingjue burst out. “I've had enough of this bullshit.”
“Da-ge,” Lan Xichen tried to calm with a hand on Nie Mingjue's arm.
“No, I know you said to let him figure it out himself, but as you can see, my brother is a complete idiot. I love him, but he is.”
“Da-ge,” Meng Yao said warningly.
“No, don't think I don't know you're just trying to win the betting pool.” Meng Yao pouted but didn't even deny it.
“What are you even talking about?” Nie Huaisang asked, confused beyond belief. Because there should not be a betting pool that he didn't know about (or organize).
“Didi.” Nie Mingjue faced Nie Huaisang squarely. “You are the only person in the fucking universe who hasn't figured out yet that you've been in love with Jiang Cheng since you both were boys developing your golden cores. No, I'm wrong – you and Jiang Cheng are the only people who don't know because he doesn't know he's in love with you either, and the two of you have been driving us up the wall for over a decade now!”
2 - Secrets Through the Eyes of a Child - Gen, Jin Ling-centric, The Untamed/MDZS
His Jiujiu angrily sat on the bed next to Jin Ling and let out a huff of frustration – he was long used to his Jiujiu being angry at anything and everything, and he didn't think he was angry at him. “Enough with the I don't knows. You're not Nie-zongzhu, so tell me what's been bothering you or else I'll break your legs.”
At the mention of Nie-zongzhu, however, all he could think about was Chifeng-zun's head in the secret mirror room, sad and lonely and far from his brother. He began to cry and he tried to wipe his tears away with the sleeve of his sleep robe, but his Jiujiu got there first, using his own sleeve to wipe the tears and snot from Jin Ling's face.
“Did Nie-zongzhu do or say something to you?” His Jiujiu looked confused – probably because Nie-zongzhu couldn't hurt a fly. “Tell me what he did? I'll go beat him up so he'll never do it again.”
Jin Ling shook his head. “Nie-zongzhu didn't do anything, Jiujiu. It's...” He cried even harder as he remembered everything he'd seen. “It's his brother. Chifeng-zun. He's sad and lonely and he doesn't deserve to be, not if there's a chance he can see his brother again.”
3 - Shadows Over Lanling - Gen, Jin Family-centric, The Untamed/MDZS
Jin Guangshan had often thought his son needed a little more backbone, but this wasn't the time. “I can't believe you would even ask this of me. Didn't Wei Wuxian bring you enough trouble at Cloud Recesses, and now you want to risk our disciples to save him?”
“Whatever my problems with Wei Wuxian, he and Lan Wangji saved all of our lives by holding off the xuanwu so we could escape. Is that not a life debt that needs to be repaid?”
“I'll lead the charge,” Jin Zixun claimed haughtily. “And I dare any Wen to get in our way. I'll show them what happens to those who dare mistreat the Jin.”
“That's exactly the reason you're not going,” Jin Guangshan snapped. “The last thing we need is you to start something we can't pull back from.”
4 - They Get Around - Various ships (LQY and NHS are bffs setting each other up on dates), The Untamed/MDZS
“That... doesn't look like the face of a man who had a successful date.”
“Well, she wasn't insane at least, but turns out she's a lesbian who only took the date to get her parents off of her back.”
“Seriously? But I thought she was perfect – a doctor, kind of snarky, drop dead gorgeous...”
“...and the first date you set me up on was with her brother. But I'm glad you liked her, because she's your date next week.”
“...but-but-but- she's out of my league!”
“Too late, can't cancel now, I've already promised her to act as her beard that night so her family will stay off her case.”
“You can thank me later.”
5 - Nie Mother's Day Drabble - Gen, the Nie bros and their moms, The Untamed/MDZS
“I made this for you, Mama,” he said, slipping a flower crown over her braided hair.
“It's beautiful, A-Sang.” She wrapped her arms around her son and lifted him up, cuddling him close as he giggled in glee.
He Yaling came over to her side, Mingjue still slung over her shoulder (though exhausted after his tickling). She ran an affectionate hand down Huaisang's back before pressing her temple to Nie Ziniao's. For her part, Nie Ziniao reached behind the other woman to playfully tug at one of Mingjue's braids.
It was a good day – uneventful, but the sort one remembered on cold, heartless nights to keep themselves warm and feeling loved.
6 - A Need I Can't Explain - NSFW- NHS/JZXun, The Untamed/MDZS
“A toast to your betrothal,” Nie Huaisang said sarcastically. “To years and years of a cold bed, of perfunctory sex with someone you can't stand, and feigning desire for a woman who will never, ever make you feel a fraction of the need you feel with me. A lifetime of pretending. I hope you enjoy it.”
Jin Zixun tightened his hands again. He should kill Nie Huaisang, toss his body into a river and never have to hear his poisonous words again. He was the only person who knew his secret, the only one he'd ever allowed himself to be so vulnerable with. If he did away with Nie Huaisang, there would be nobody else who knew, nobody else to remind him of what he'd had and could never have again, what he should never have had to begin with.
His vision blurred; the folding fan dropped to the floor and fingers wrapped around his cock through the luxurious fabric of his robes.
He should let go, shove the man away... but he smelled so fucking good.
7 - Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide - NSFW, NHS/Jinzhu, The Untamed/MDZS
Her hands slid around his neck and he could feel her razor sharp nails sliding along his skin. He shivered, both in arousal as well as fear, knowing that she was no wilting flower and could easily take his life if she so chose.
That was the very thing that made him desire her so.
He leaned into her until she had no choice but to move up and sit on the table, her legs parting to allow him to step between them.. He broke the kiss and leaned in to smell along her neck, where her jasmine perfume was strongest combined with the delicious scent of her skin. “Let me worship you as you deserve,” he whispered next to her ear before sliding the tip of his tongue along the outer shell.
8 - The Day Our World Changed - Gen, Nie Bros fic, The Untamed/MDZS
There was a crash in the room and the terrified wail of a nine-year-old child. Nie Ziniao brought Nie Mingjue over to the doorway. “Stay right here, A-Jue. We'll get A-Sang to you, and the moment you have him, you get him out of here.”
He wanted to argue but he knew he would be of no help, not in the condition he was in. He watched helplessly as his mother's saber swung to block every strike her husband made. Nie Ziniao managed to circle the room while he was distracted, retrieving her sobbing child and carrying him over to the doorway. Just as she was handing him over to Nie Mingjue, she screamed, almost dropping Huaisang as she fell to her knees.
She shoved the two boys through the doorway with trembling hands as blood spread out from her side where a hunk of broken wood had impaled her, and used all of her strength to grab the door and close it lowering the metal bar with a clang.
9 - Comfort Amidst Chaos - NHS/JZXun, The Untamed/MDZS
“Try not to skewer your trainer, Nie-er-gongzi!” he called over, though there was no heat in the taunt.
“I told you before, Jin-gongzi, the only one I plan on skewering is you.”
Jin Zixun's lips twisted in a smirk and he continued leading the disciples away.
10 - The cat had found herself a new pet - Gen, fluff, NHS and JC and a cat, The Untamed/MDZS
“Huaisang, what are you doing here?” Because they both knew that he preferred to sleep in most mornings.
He was about to try and make up some sort of excuse when his eyes focused on the throne behind Nie Mingjue... and the fluffy grey cat that had just alighted there, its nose sniffing at the sect leader's braids. The Lan to his left began giggling softly, and from his angle, he could spot Lan Xichen doing his best to keep a straight face and only barely succeeding.
The grey cat seemed to be done sniffing and finally struck forward, taking one of Nie Mingjue's braids in its mouth and pulling at it as if it were prey. His brother yelped and jumped out of the throne, looking back to stare at the creature that looked at him back with eyes filled with outrage before taking off running again.
And now I will tag: @fortune-maiden @zaidnovi @roseclaw @pbaintthetb @cerusee @ibijau and anyone else who would enjoy the excuse to play along :D
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barblaz-arts · 5 months
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Headcanon: one of the first things Vaggie did to reclaim an identity for herself outside of being heaven's soldier is to try more feminine clothing, something she never used to let herself wear because it's impractical for a fighter(like growing her hair). It was an awkward transition, but Charlie's very enthusiastic encouragement helped Vaggie love her new look.
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perilusjax · 3 months
Dc x dp
Young adult Danny just calling various heroes nicknames not caring who they are
Constantine: Soul Sl#t, sad trench coat man, Mr stinks
Diana:Cool Lady, Ms. Diana, cousin, Favorite Hero
Green Lantern(s): Ring Pop, glowstick, Mr vomit,
Superman: captain underpants, Supes, crybaby, man weak to rock candy, Big Blue
Batman:Mr. Broody, Bats, Mr Knight, Leather D*ddy, B,
Note: u can add your own
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daftpatience · 2 months
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youre always cold but damn it if youre not my friend
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: Bruce has a 'if you can't beat them, join them' mentality about the tabloids claiming he adopts too many kids- Developing foster homes that are paid for through the Wayne inheritance, personally vetted by the Bats, they're the leaders in the space for child health outcomes and family placement. Insert Danny.
Bruce has too much wealth, too many rumors and not enough reach into the abhorrent foster homes around Gotham to improve them. Tim ends up being the one to suggest it- He's the one who buys up their real estate for their safe houses after all- and Bruce is more than ready to pull the metaphorical trigger to get new clean welcoming spaces, Bat-background checked fosters and a new era of adoption in Gotham underway.
He's lobbied the state and the federal government for reforms of course, but this is a project he can micromanage. He spends time with every kid that comes through, talks with all the families that want to adopt and makes sure that these miniature homes are provided only the very best. Alfred personally hires all the staff, and with Barbara more than happy to help relocate the unhoused children she spots while they patrol, the project is a glowing success.
Occasionally, spots in their houses fill up, and those are the weeks were Cass takes on the Cowl of Batman- Bruce Wayne will personally invite a child in need to his home. He always has one of his kids present (they rotate on a pre-determined schedule) and he does his best to try and get them to understand that they deserve the world, have all the potential that anyone else has and can achieve a bright future. That he will personally aid them in their ambitions.
PR goes crazy for it of course, but Bruce and all of his children know its genuine. Almost too genuine, because a betting pool 'WILL THEY BE ADOPTED' regularly circulates between the siblings and the entire JL when someone spends time at the manor. And not just the black-haired, Blue-eyed kids get picked as favored outcomes- but obviously the running joke gets passed around.
It's a Thursday night when Bruce gets the call that the houses have once again filled up, and that there is a child in need of a home. The social worker (he knows her as Marsha and he has flowers planned to be sent on her birthday next week, like he does for all of his employees) (Say micromanaged one more time) explains that the kid is a bit cagey but has opened up with some humor. She explains that he has a few strange... mannerisms. She's not sure what to make of him, a non-gothamite for sure but something is, well, distinctly 'not from around here' about his energy.
Danny arrives at the house, meets Duke and Alfred, and by the time Bruce meets him at the dinner table it seems as though Marsha had it all wrong. This kid was laughing, he was teasing, he was totally playing along like he'd gone through nothing. Bruce is glad he's in high spirits but its just so... so different from all the other children he's taken in.
Bruce re-focuses on the conversation when Duke mentions something flashing, and its the first time that Danny goes quiet. Entirely still.
"...you noticed that?" Danny quietly asks, a bit of disbelief in his tone.
"You don't have a flashlight on or something do you? It was super bright whatever it is that you had in your hand a second ago?" Duke tries to sound chill but he's looking very much not chill. Bruce saw nothing, and that puts him further on edge.
"Look... I uh, I've been though... I've been through a lot lately. And the last lab I was in kind of, messed with me. I'm normally much better at dealing with it all, I promise." Danny sounds nervous, and the room seems to chill.
"Ah shoot, sorry." Danny notices something and frantically apologizes.
"Sorry for what Danny? You've done nothing wrong but I am worried about you- You said you were in a lab?" Bruce is desperately trying to calm him down while not slipping into Batman interrogation mode.
"Uh, yeah, like a lot of labs. It should get warmer in a second, its just cause I startled, I promise."
"You're a meta." Duke speaks softly and with hope in his voice- Danny is looking between them with wide eyes filled with fear.
"I mean I don't technically have the gene-"
"Danny, have you told any of your case workers where you were? Do any authorities know what you've been through?" Bruce needs to know, desperately, that who ever gave this young boy super powers is brought to justice. Danny goes quiet.
"I'm really sorry." He says softly, but he doesn't leave them.
Duke and Bruce try to ask a few more questions but the silence that meets them declares the conversation over, even with Duke admitting he himself is a meta. Danny didn't even look up from his plate. They watch a movie after dinner, and Danny seems to get back to the smile-y happy guy he had been before dinner.
Each of the bat-fam have their own interactions with Danny- And even if they're getting along amazingly, Danny won't open up. He doesn't open up to his provided therapist. Doesn't talk to Alfred. No one knows what's up.
So when Marsha calls Bruce back explaining they now have a spot for Danny and he can move out of the Manor... Bruce replies that he'd like to get started on Adoption paperwork, so long as Danny is fine with it.
Turns out, Danny is fine with it. he's both the newest Wayne and their newest case. (And godamnit, his new family is going to avenge him. If only he'd let them try.)
Danny figures out that Duke= Signal early on because of that dinner, and if he's going to keep his parents out of jail, he needs to be as close to the investigation as possible. He knows that he shouldn't protect the Fentons, but he feels the upset in his core at the thought of letting them befall any harm. He has to protect them. Has to protect Jazz and her hiding spot as a mole within their lab. Has to.
Even if it meant lying to his new family who loves him, and who he loves in equal return. Even if it means lying to The Bats.
Tabloids go crazy about the black-haired blue-eyed thing of course, but no poll was ever taken by the batfam or the JL who know the whole story.
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semisutopia · 2 months
your insta dating the wind breaker boys (ume, kaji, kiryu)
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umemiya hajime:
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kaji ren:
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kiryu mitsuki:
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all rights go to @semisutopia on tumblr. please don’t steal my work as your own!!
taglist: @mariaace @megvmins @kajibunny @togament @toyogamii
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
yan! school grass (most handsome/perfect guy)/rival x crossdresser! male! reader x yan! friends - part one
tw/cw: mention of abusive parents (but not reader’s) and yandere themes. also your rival has some repressed sexual urges, he really needs to get laid or some head or something-
Like I imagine this the best with stoic and/or tsun yans the best. You know those types that want to be perfect but only feels perfect when they’re with reader.
ive always loved these tropes as a kid, from mulan to that one tawog episode where darwin fell in love with fem! gumball and like this was even before i knew i wasnt cis but gahd AAAAAAA
also inspired by @moyazaika ‘s rival work. go read it!!
but anyways have the fic, lowercase intentional for first part to differentiate povs.
it was a dare given by your friend group earlier last weekend. wear the girls uniform and a wig for the entire month. it was easy to get the materials necessary for the most part. your mother had several wigs and was more than happy to style her son in feminine clothing. she was just amazing and supportive about your whims like that.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that no one recognized you in your new look.
the day started like many of your other ones at the school, you’d race your rival as the first one in class and whoever wins gets rights to a smug look on their face until the next thing you guys eventually compete on.
but unlike the crestfallen expression you expected — nay wanted — from that stupid pretty boy, you were greeted by what you could only described as complete bafflement.
“what?” despite having a different reaction from what you imagined, you managed to keep a composed appearance. “cat got your tongue?”
“ah. . .”
and that were the only words he said to you the entire day. nothing else. not a single groan of anger whenever you answered everything correctly, he didn’t even attempt at stopping you mid-way or disagree with you answer simply because he wanted to annoy you.
and so you couldn’t help it, as soon as the bell rang signalling lunch time you swiftly turned around to face him.
“are you alright?”
you inquired. not at all worried about his well-being at the slightest. you hated him with all your being after all and you didn’t make an effort to be soft with your tone either.
“h-huh?” he looked dazed. like his head had been in the clouds and you just yanked him down to ground.
your rival never got distracted.
“you—“ you reached out about to smack his face to keep him in check.
“if you’ll excuse me!” he smacked your hand out of the way, screeched at you, and then left in a hurry to who knows where.
nevermind that was definitely him. that silly brat hated it whenever you touched him. he must have just been having issues at home again or something.
Haoyu was trembling — shaking uncontrollably as his breaths turned more shallow by the second. His heart was pumping blood in places of his body where it shouldn’t have been in the middle of school hours. Sweat lined his entire skin and it didn’t help how the bathroom he rushed into had nothing to keep the temperature down.
Who were you?
You sat at his rival’s seat. That nasty kid that always got in his nerves. No one questioned the boy’s absence and he would have asked the teachers on what had happened if you didn’t suddenly take his breath away.
You were, ethereal. Otherworldy even. When he first saw you he was taken away by the way your hair moved in the wind (if only he knew . . .).
Still, he was far too distracted by [Y/N]’s absence to properly let the feeling simmer.
Then, all that went away when you reeled in his mind back at you again at class. You were incredible, capable, intelligent, and oh so perfect. But unlike that stupid child that usually sat in front of him, he did not feel an ounce of envy at all.
If only who could see your eyes as you spoke; the tone of your voice conveyed so much passion that he wanted to see in those beautiful (e/c) orbs.
And his prayers were granted by none other than the goddess that is you,
“Are you alright?”
Your voice? Oh your voice! Haoyu’s heard it already of course, but each new time you spoke it was like a whole new melody, a new piece that immediately turned into his favorite.
His mind was too fried with these thoughts, thoughts that his parents would no doubt beat out of him if they found out.
His feels the parts down there suddenly move. He wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the phenomenon. He wasn’t without his hormones after all. But this was the first time it ever reacted that way so strongly, like if he didn’t give it attention himself it’d explode.
And for the time in his entire life, Haoyu does something he knew his parents would definitely be disappointed if not livid about. A hand on his mouth, and another in his school uniform’s pants.
lunch time.
you usually spent those studying or preparing for the next class as hanging out with your friends always ended with you being too distracted to do schoolwork but today you had to show up with ‘proof’ that you went through with their dare.
“yiran ? yichen ?”
no response.
you sighed. as usual, the twins were late. what did you expect? those two would be caught dead before they could be early much less found in the library.
and so you spent the entire time reading,
unaware of the crowd that formed around you while you were busy studying.
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wispscribbles · 10 months
I want to eat your art and writing thank you so much
Haha well I'm always happy to keep you all fed. Here, have some old sketches <33
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yoru-no-seiiki · 4 months
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tagging @onyanjune and @h0ly-l3mb for giving me the idea/motivation to do this lol
link to original post here
tw/cw: MDNI or you WILL be blocked, DDDNE, (skip for spoilers) yandere! reader, mentioned non/dub con, mentioned filming of said non/dubcon.
yan! cool kid has two siblings, your upperclassman and underclassman respectively. and it hella irritates him how close you are to the two.
ofc yan! reader’s intentions have and will always be depraved yearning. they only befriended the pair for the sake of “getting close to the in-laws.” after all you wouldn’t be a good future spouse if you weren’t somewhat involved in the family side of things.
but your tunnel vision sort of . . . backfired.
“quite a bunch of lunches you’re packing.” he mumbled, raising his head from his arms after a thorough nap through class. he had already studied everything that subject had to offer and thoroughly memorized it thanks to his notes that were covered in photos of you.
“oh these? these aren’t just for me, silly.” you answered. he already knew what you were planning, and you already knew that he knew, but keeping this façade of normalcy was a game you two liked to play, “you haven’t been bringing food to school recently i’ve noticed. so i made some more to share.”
“just one?”
you blinked at him, confused. laughing after you realize where his eyes were focused on. you explain that the rest will be going to his siblings, since you thought it may be a household / financial problem.
soon after that you took off, trying your best to hide the giddy feeling in your body threatening to spill unto your facial expressions.
yan! cool kid stares at his brand new lunch and wonders if you also cut out heart shaped potato for their curries, planning out ways to torture yan! loser later
yan! loser who’s yan! cool kid’s younger brother. they look so different, their demeanors even further apart. the only way you knew they were related was cause you stalked the latter on his way back home and almost killed the former before you found out.
you dropped by his class with a smile. his classmates staring at you with wide eyes as those in higher levels rarely ever go to this section of school.
“i hope you don’t mind, but i made lunch for you. is that okay?”
“is ThaT okAy?” he parroted back at you, his voice cracking, nerves on edge at all the people staring at the situation. he was going to eat lunch alone in the bathroom again like always but was occupied with erasing the marks left by his bullies on the table.
you laugh at his response, and set the lunch you prepared on his table.
you stare blankly at the brutal remarks written across. silently you walked outside before coming back with a spare table. you frown as the food you left remained untouched.
“you should eat first. lunch won’t last forever.”
you pat the poor boy’s back and left.
one last delivery til you were done.
you breathed in, knocking the door to the student council’s room. “mr. president, it’s me.”
“come in.”
yan! school president doesn’t even raise his head to look at you. his focus remaining on the papers in his hand and table. “leave the lunchbox there.” the bespectacled man points to your table in the room.
you set it down obediently and walked out. at least, you tried to until he stops you. “before you go, tell me why i shouldn’t report your actions to the faculty.”
you don’t turn around from the door, but still you answer, “hm, actions?”
“you, using school funds to pay for my youngest brother’s harassment.”
“…mmm…” you turned around, placing a hand on your chin in feigned deep thought “because . . . you love love love me?”
yan! president sighed. you hear paper shredding.
“you may go.”
you giggled. stepping outside of the stuffy room to go finally see your beloved again in class.
you put a hand in your pocket and fished out your phone. briefly smiling at the home screen wallpaper of yan! cool kid and quickly tapping out the password.
you then delete the video of yan! president tying you up as his unclothed hips slammed into yours. your skin covered in bites and slap marks all over. your eyes converging fear as tears fell and your mouth was gagged and unable to voice the feeling. the once prim and proper man man groaning in ecstasy and yelling words of degradation as he defiled you.
but you could only cringed at the words “i love you.” escaping his lips.
“a little reward for mercy i suppose.”
you stuff your phone back into your pocket. wondering if you should also warn him about the laxatives.
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Hey! Uhhh, my birthday is in two days and most my friends don’t want to celebrate with me. So could I get some comfort for an MC who is sad their human world friends don’t wanna celebrate but has the brothers by their side? I’ve been reading your fics and headcanons the whole night yesterday and they’re really good!
(Thank you!! Hope I made it in time, and I hope it's okay if I changed things up a bit to be an MC who wasn't expecting any sort of celebration. Please have a lovely day! Happy Birthday!) (Anyone who reads this, please be sure to wish seerachii a happy birthday!)
Your alarm was beeping. Just like every other day, you raised an arm and fumbled around in the sheets until your hand made contact with the alarm, turned off the noise, and sighed into the pillow. Waking up in a realm where the day-night cycle doesn’t exist was tough. Your body had a hard time keeping track of its natural rhythm.
It was a normal day. You had homework to do and errands to run. You decided ten more minutes in bed couldn’t hurt, as a treat, and felt around one more for your D.D.D.
New messages from all of the stores you frequented appeared in your inbox overnight. Fifty percent off today only! Buy 5000 grim worth of product and get a free present! Stop by in person and show this message to get a free sample! That last one vaguely intrigued you. Maybe you would stop by after the errands were complete. The kitchen was running low on trash bags, you needed a new notebook after spilling some caustic potion on your old one during class, and Satan asked you to pick up a pack of dental floss when the opportunity arose.
You slowly dragged yourself out of bed and over to the wardrobe. You wondered if it would be weird to dress a little fancier than normal, or if anyone would even notice.
Now that you were closer to the door, an odd sound caught your attention. Some kind of scuffling and movement on the other side of your bedroom door. Muffled voices. Your heart froze. Were you supposed to be on breakfast duty? Some of your housemates liked to be up early, and some of them got real cranky when their breakfast wasn’t prepared on time.
You hurried to put on whatever outfit was front and center before opening your door, expecting to see one or two grumpy demons waiting for their food. You were met with everybody, dressed in suits, in the midst of another sibling squabble. Things seemed tense and as soon as you opened the door, all of their attention turned towards you.
“You’re awake?” Beelzebub asked. “Good morning.”
This was a rare sight. Maybe your alarm clock was set to the wrong time and you woke up far later than usual. You rubbed an eye and opened your mouth to apologize for oversleeping but got cut off.
“Hold it! What in the three realms are you wearin’? You wore that same thing last week,” Mammon exclaimed, holding an arm out in front of the others as though holding them back.
Asmodeus shoved a decorative box overflowing with tissue paper into your hands. “Put this on! Go, go!” He nudged your back into your room, and they shut the door behind you.
The muffled squabbling started back up. You heard Belphegor in particular complain, "I didn't get to say good morning."
"We'll do it properly the next time," Lucifer said, right before your attention was directed elsewhere.
Inside the box was a a stunning outfit. Far fancier than anything you thought of wearing that morning and custom-tailored exactly to your size. You admired it in the mirror, conflicted. This definitely seemed like a gift, but was it really? The material felt expensive. You didn't want to get your hopes up. It could be a coincidence, some new idea that Diavolo cooked up or an event you forgot to write on the calendar. But even if that were true, what a nice coincidence it was.
A hush fell over the brothers as you gripped the door handle. This was definitely weird. You swung the door open again and asked, "What's going on?"
"Happy Birthday!" a chorus of voices rang out. Some of them followed it up with "good morning!" Someone temporarily blinded you with a confetti popper.
"Sorry we forgot to say it before," Leviathan said, clapping.
Satan and Lucifer came forward to pick confetti and glitter out of your hair, congratulating you while Asmodeus fussed over your new outfit. "As I thought, it suits you! Hehe."
A mix of emotions welled up. Mostly shock. "You remembered? Or rather... you guys knew? I don't think I told you..."
"'course we knew!" Mammon boasted.
"Who do you take us for?" Belphegor took one of your hands while Beelzebub grabbed the other. They went ahead and intertwined their fingers with yours before anyone else could object.
"We have a lot planned for today, but first, was there anything on your schedule?" Satan asked. "I hope you didn't make too many plans."
"Yeah," you said truthfully, "if there's time I was going to pick up that floss and maybe some new stationary."
Asmodeus laughed and slid an arm around your shoulder. "Oh, you're so funny!"
"You can do that another day," Lucifer chuckled. "We have better things in store for you."
"I especially can't wait for dinner." "Beel, that's a surprise," Leviathan chided, poking the glutton in his side. "Oh, right. You didn't hear that."
They had a whole day of activities planned, just for you? You teared up a little. It was impossible to cover up with your hands being held, so you looked at the floor to try and collect yourself. Just for a moment.
Of course they noticed. Leviathan was alarmed and rushed to ask, "What's wrong?"
Lucifer's confidence wavered ever so slightly, a rare happenstance. He stepped forward with a worried expression and a handkerchief if you needed it.
"Mammon, what did you do?" Belphegor eyed his brother suspiciously.
"Why me? Nothin'!" he stammered, kneeling to get a better look at your face. "What's wrong, huh?"
These guys belonged to a big family. They might fight, but they always had each others backs and supported one another when the time came. You belonged to their big family. They might be overwhelming and needy, but they always had your back and supported you when the time came. You were an inseparable part of them. It was an inscrutable realization.
What was there to say? Thank you? That sounded far too simple to express the complex emotion pooling in your gut. You squeezed the hands that had reached out to you first. They squeezed back. Maybe it was okay to be a little selfish on your birthday in the Devildom.
A wavering smile spread across your face. "I can't wait. What are we going to do?"
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kikyoupdates · 28 days
Infatuated ⭑˚💌⭑ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒
yandere!bnha x reader
yandere, reverse harem, bnha x fem!reader, slowburn, slowburn yandere
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Your Quirk is rather unique. It plays out almost like a game, giving you missions and goals that help you become stronger. On top of that, you also have the ability to charm those around you. It sounds innocent enough on paper, and you can’t help but revel in the attention everyone keeps showering you with. But what happens when their feelings give way to something more sinister?
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“Alright, keep marching straight ahead! The Bakugou Adventure Team is nearing its destination!”
Leading the charge is none other than Katsuki, the most fearless and headstrong kid in the neighborhood. He's never shy about saying whatever what's on his mind, and that, coupled with his natural take-charge attitude, makes countless other kids gravitate towards him. 
One of those kids, of course, is you.
It hasn't been long since you’ve moved into the neighborhood, but Katsuki has such a strong presence that you found out about him and his crew almost immediately. They get up to all sorts of fun stuff, and being new to this part of the city, you have to admit that it feels nice to have made friends so quickly.
At first, Katsuki was a bit resistant to you joining his circle. He insisted that there was a strict no girl policy, but it didn't take very long for him to give in. Since then, you’ve gotten into the habit of hanging out with him and the rest of his friends pretty much constantly.
Right now, you are all trudging through the forest, on a very important quest to retrieve a powerful weapon.
“It’s close,” Katsuki says, grinning ear-to-ear. “I can feel that the sword is hidden somewhere nearby. But we have to be careful! There are probably enemies waiting to ambush us. I hope you’re all ready to put up a fight.”
Katsuki’s closest friend, and also his most devoted follower, is a freckled boy named Izuku, who nods vigorously in agreement.
“W-We’re ready!” Izuku insists, voice trembling a bit. “We’ve got Kacchan on our side, after all. There’s no way we can lose. You think so too... right, [Name]?”
Now it's your turn to respond with a vigorous nod.
“If anyone dares to mess with us, we’ll kick all their butts!” you proudly exclaim, punching your little fist in the air.
“That’s right,” Katsuki beams back. “Don’t do anything crazy, though. You’re not as strong as I am, so if it comes down to it, I’ll protect you.”
You can't help but blush. “Alright. Thank you, Katsuki.”
Onwards you march, clearing more and more of the forest. Most four-year-olds probably wouldn’t feel so comfortable in such a place, but Katsuki has made it clear that nothing scares him. Even mysterious areas hidden by countless trees and bushes hardly even faze him.
True to his word, Katsuki eventually lets out a gasp. “There it is!” he cries out, pointing towards the ground ahead. “The sword is right there!”
Since you are only children, your imaginations play a big role in making this quest seem a lot more grandiose than it actually is. In truth, the “sword” is really just a massive stick, but being out here without any parental supervision has already gotten to your heads and makes you all feel as though you are brave, valiant adventurers. Thus, you have no qualms whatsoever about pretending that the stick is the most impressive sword you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Enemies!” you exclaim, referring of course to the little birds that are pecking at the ground, right next to where the stick is. “They’re trying to keep us from getting our hands on the sword!”
Katsuki balls up his fists. “Well, they can try all they want, but they won’t stop us. Bakugou Adventure Team, it’s time! Fall into the attack formation we planned out before! Come on, let’s get them!”
There are five of you in total, and upon Katsuki’s signal, you all sprint straight at the birds while making battle cries, causing them to scatter. It only takes a few seconds to clear the area, and once Katsuki has ascertained that they're all gone, he picks up the stick and lifts it above his head with a victorious grin.
“Heh,” he chuckles. “That was easy as pie. They never stood a chance. Good job, team. Well, I obviously fought off the most enemies, but still.”
“Katsuki, you’re so cool,” you gush. “Thanks to you, we’re the strongest adventure team ever!”
His smirk seems impossible to contain. “Duh! You guys won’t ever need to worry about anything so long as I’m around. If anyone ever tries to mess with you, just let me know, and I’ll set ‘em straight.”
“Kacchan really is awesome,” Izuku can't help but marvel. His green eyes are glossy and wide, full of admiration. Well, pretty much everyone looks up to Katsuki, so you definitely understand where he's coming from.
Feeling emboldened by your victory against those vicious enemies, you walk over to Katsuki, then promptly kiss him on the cheek
“Thank you for protecting all of us,” you say shyly.
What follows is that Katsuki’s cheeks break out into the most violent shade of crimson you’ve ever seen. It even gives his deep red eyes a run for their money.
He jolts back almost immediately, letting out a strangled little yelp.
“W-What was that for?!” he stammers.
“For protecting us,” you say again, suddenly feeling quite embarrassed. “Um... I’m sorry. I just really wanted to thank you for being such an awesome leader. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Are you mad now...?”
Katsuki gulps. “I-I’m not mad. You just surprised me, jeez.”
Two of the other neighborhood kids are already oohing and awing, going on about how Katsuki had cooties now. Of course, he's quick to shut them up, but that doesn't make his blush disappear any faster. Izuku is the quietest of the bunch, mostly because he appears to be incredibly embarrassed based on what he just witnessed. He's even covering his eyes with his hands, peering out from between his fingers.
Your face feels quite hot after what you’ve just done, but as it just so happens, your embarrassment doesn't last.
Because something else catches your attention. 
[𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫! 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐛𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝.]
[𝐔𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢?]
You furrow your brows. “Hey, guys,” you say. “What’s this weird stuff that just popped up all of a sudden?” 
You are met with nothing but looks of confusion. 
“Um... what are you talking about?” Izuku frowns. “I don’t see anything.”
“Right there,” you insist, pointing to the screen in front of you. “There’s this screen with all kinds of writing on it.”
Everyone shakes their heads, which makes you feel incredibly self-conscious about the whole thing. Are you really just imagining it? Katsuki likes to tease you at times, but Izuku isn't the type to play pranks on others, so if even he is saying he can't see the screen, then they're probably telling the truth.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” you mumble, casting your head downwards. “I swear I can actually see it... I’m not crazy.”
Katsuki stares at you for a few moments longer, eventually letting out a chuckle. “Oh! I get it. The screen you’re seeing must be some sort of alert for our new quest. So, go ahead, [Name]. Tell us what our next quest is.”
He thinks I’m still playing around.
While it's incredibly frustrating that no one believes you, there is still another thing you can try.
[𝐔𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢?]
Nothing really happens once you make your selection, and you're starting to think that maybe you really are going crazy.
But within a few moments, Katsuki suddenly collapses to the ground.
“Ugh,” he groans, clutching his head. “What’s going on...? I feel dizzy all of a sudden...”
Panicked, you drop to your knees beside him. “Katsuki!” you cry out worriedly. “Are you okay? Does something hurt?”
His gaze is glassy and unfocused, and his cheeks are only getting redder by the second. It looks like he’s just started burning up with a violent fever. When you wrap your arm around his back to try and help him rise to his feet, he flinches, as if your touch is electric.
“I-I’m fine,” he says, but he doesn't sound all that convincing. Then again, Katsuki is the type to never want help from anyone. He's always determined to shoulder everything on his own, because of how strong he is.
Under normal circumstances, he probably would’ve gotten quite annoyed that you were offering to help him, but he doesn't seem entirely like himself right now.
Guilt sets in when you realized you are probably to blame for it.
Is it because I used that charm ability on him? Is that why he’s not feeling well all of a sudden? 
You can't fully explain it, because you still don't even understand what that weird screen you’ve seen is supposed to be, but you doubt it's mere coincidence.
Katsuki eventually shakes you off and collects his bearings, although he still looks rather unstable on his feet. You hope that whatever this is, it'll pass soon.
Izuku leans closer to you and whispers in your ear. “Is Kacchan going to be alright? He’s not looking too good...”
You part your lips to respond, but don't quite have the chance to form the words in time.
Katsuki has already shoved Izuku onto the ground.
“Get away from her,” he grits out, and something about the look in his crimson eyes deeply unsettles you.
Small tears rise to Izuku’s eyes, and he just barely manages to wipe them away before they spill over. “I-I’m sorry,” he splutters, even though he can't seem to understand what he did wrong.
Katsuki’s lips split into a grimace. He looks incredibly angry. He’s always had quite a bit of a temper, but you can't recall him ever being this upset. Completely out of nowhere, too. It doesn't make any sense.
“Don’t get so close to [Name],” Katsuki hisses. He takes a few steps forward, clenching his fist as if he's ready to outright punch the freckled boy, but he doesn't make it very far before swaying unsteadily and falling over a second time.
This time, he's out cold.
“Oh my god! Katsuki just fainted!”
Panic ensues. You are only a bunch of preschoolers, and none of you know what you're supposed to do in a situation like this. You all desperately try to shake Katsuki awake, even lightly slap his face a few times to try and jolt him back to his senses, but nothing works.
You end up having to carry him back to his parents, who promptly tuck him into bed and promise that they'll keep an eye on his condition.
Izuku sniffles, unable to mask his concern. “I-I’ve never seen something like that happen to Kacchan before. I really hope he’s going to be okay.”
You don't say anything. You can't. After all, you have a sneaking suspicion that the only reason this happened is because of the choice you made.
It's strange, though. Even though you can't exactly understand how you caused Katsuki to faint, you assume that ability of yours had something to do with it. But then why did he get angry at Izuku all of a sudden? That part just doesn't make any sense.
You don't know it yet, but your Quirk has just manifested for the first time, and while most kids are thrilled to obtain their powers, yours will end up causing more harm than good.
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ccraccz · 2 months
Thanks for feeding my obsession 🥰🥰🥰 if you ever need a reason to share your writing/thoughts/whatever about our grumpy boy (hiragi obvs) or the sleepy wonder (TOGOME ISTG HIS NEW HAIR CUT HAS ME BY THE THROAT) please do ❤️❤️❤️ i don’t have any particular requests. Oh! Maybe about reader seeing their new hair cut/ when Hiragi has no product in his hair?? Either way, thanks a million!
Characters: Umemiya, Togame, Hiragi x GN!Reader
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YOUR HAIR?!?! (sobbing, crying, throwing up-)
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It wasn't everyday that you'd see your boyfriend with his hair down
like, you know he washes the product out before he goes to bed, but you've never seen him with his hair down
so it took you off guard when he came to get you for your date together and his hair was down?
it was quite cute actually
his hair made him look more like a child, and his smile is brighter than ever as you get out of the house
his goofy shirt and his goofy attitude made you feel like you were staring right into the sun
"Y-YOUR HAIR?!" You call out in shock, ponting at the top of his head.
"Ahahaha! Yeah!" He laughs bringing his hand up to his hair, and moving it back "I didn't have enough product for the week so... uh..."
"Let me touch it, please..." You were suddenly in front of him, stars surrounding your face as jump in place. This makes Umemiya pout before smiles at you again, grabbing your hands and bringing them to his head.
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You were used to playing with his long hair every time he came over to your place
so when he hadn't come over for a while, you called him to ask if he could come and take a nap together
you expected the usual, him coming over with snacks, talk about each others days, make out and cuddle, and then take a nap together
so when you open the door and see your boyfriend no longer with the little braid you taught him to make but an undercut that makes his face look more wide and cuter, it makes your eyes tear up
Your eyes are wide in shock, already missing the little braid, he looks so much more... squishable and bigger
"Togame!" You call out, making him smirk and rub the back of his neck, the bag on his arm rustling as he chuckles at your reaction.
"Yeah... I cut my hair sweet heart, you know what they say..." He responds as you let him inside your place.
Bringing him close after he puts the bags of snacks down. "So how was your- Mnph!" He gets cut off as you bring his face close and cover his lips with your own, your hands holding the back of his head, one rubbing the under cut on the back of his neck while the other one rubs his cheek.
You lick his bottom lip and lock on of your legs around his waist, making him instinctively grab your thigh and lift you up.
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It was a few hours after THAT incident with Kanon
hours before midnight hit, he called you to tell you to not go out after 12 since a gang war was going to happen
that made you anxious, knowing the possibilities of different things happening, and due to your fears you couldn't sleep
so you got everything ready for if he were to come over with any type of injury or bring anyone that is injured
but you didn't expect to find him soaked with his hair down and a large scowl on his face in front of your place
As he enters your place, his leather pants and shoes squeaking as walks in. He was mostly annoyed that his pants were sticking closer to his legs and that his socks were now wet inside of his shoes.
"Toma... Are you okay?" You ask, mostly caring for his scratched up face and wet clothes "Y-You should totally go and shower, here, ta-take off your clothes , I'll warm up a bath for you and-"
Your words were cut off as he grabs you wrist and bring you close, holding you firmly against his cold, clothed, chest. He breathes in, taking in your smell before pulling back and kissing your forehead. Nothing had to be said, he was just grateful that you were safe, and you were grateful that he didn't have any major injuries.
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heliotropehotch · 10 months
Upcoming Hotch Smut Sneakpeek 18+ only
*I am posting this to will myself to finish it*
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themes: kinda sorta enemies to lovers? (she thinks hotch hates her, one bed trope, sleepy groping/spooning, smut smut smut smut
“Is this what you wanted?” She could feel the vibrations of his words against her spine as he pressed his nose into the skin just below her ear. She inhaled sharply at each sensation he willed upon her body - his fingers tweaked her nipple and rolled the pebbled skin as he continued to squeeze. “Is this what you were dreaming about earlier?”
“Hotch-” She gasped and her free hand flew up behind her to cup the back of his head, unable to hide the shock from his words, unable to stop her hips from pressing into his. 
“I thought you were having a nightmare, ya know. I almost woke you up when you started shuddering, but then you whimpered-” his fingertips pinched her peak, eliciting a sound from her parted lips. “Just like that. It’s a miracle I fell asleep.” 
“Aaron,” she panted out, angling her top half to try and meet his eyes. “If you don’t want to, tell me now but-”
“If I don’t want to?” He asks with an incredulous tone as he lowers his lips to her crux of her neck and shoulder, suckling slightly at her warm skin. His hand breaks free from hers just to create a path of warmth, fingers slipping under the soft fabric of her sleep shorts and over the damp lips of her cunt. He moved his mouth closer and brushed his parted lips against hers. “Sweetheart, this is the only thing I want.”
Please give me feedback! I need encouragement to post again!
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myokk · 2 months
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I appreciate that, as far as I can tell, K/S fic doesn't seem to have a fanon consensus on top vs bottom. Almost like--stay with me--those are preferences and not personality traits
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velvetwyrme · 2 years
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A lineup of my take on all the skeletons (and their outfits)!! This was a lotta fun :]
I love drawing clothes. You like seeing skeletons (presumably). If you want to see more clothes on skeletons there's a poll in the replies about alternate outfit sets and all that.
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