#various pairings
sweaterkittensahoy · 2 days
Uhhhh, crack ship prompt: CrozBrady
Brady rolls the bowl of his pipe back and forth in his cupped palm, watching Harry from across the Officers's Club and practicing his opening line in his head. 
"For fuck's sake," Hambone says, digging his elbow into Brady's ribs. "Get on with it before Rosie and I get fucking married before you even ask Crosby out."
"You asked Rosie on a date two weeks ago. Don't act like you've been engaged for a year," Brady replies. 
Hambone grins and glances towards the bar, where Rosie is getting them both a fresh round. "Yeah, well, he's a romantic. I'm a romantic. We could be married in the morning."
"Waiting two dates to suck his dick isn't romance, you ass," Brady replies. "It's just polite." 
"Oh, I didn't wait two dates," Hambone says.
And that makes Brady laugh because Hambone's good at making him laugh. "You're sure he's not with Bubbles?" he asks. He's asked several times. 
"I had Rosie ask," Hambone says. "Figure, he's the newest guy, he could get away with it. Harry did the same thing he's always done."
Brady takes a slow, deep breath. He holds his pipe tightly by the bowl, then tucks it into the pocket of his jacket. "Okay," he says. "I'm going for it."
He stands up and cuts across the room, focused entirely on Harry, who's sitting with Buck and Bucky and looking greatly amused. Bubbles must be working if he's not there to take the final chair at the table, but Brady's glad for it. It makes this all easier. He doesn't have to pull over a chair or stand next to the table feeling awkward standing while everyone else is sitting. He drops into the fourth chair and throws an arm around the back of Harry's chair. 
"Brady," Buck says as Bucky keeps talking to Harry. 
"Buck," Brady replies, giving Buck a quick nod. He turns to Harry, who is still listening to Bucky. Brady sticks his arm out, then holds up one finger where Bucky can see it. "Bucky, shut up a second."
Bucky squawks, then goes silent. Brady thinks Buck has something to do with it, but he isn't looking away from Harry's profile. He looks so handsome in this light, nose and chin and hair surrounded by the glow from all the lamps. 
"Harry," Brady says, and he has to pause and roll the feel of his name in his mouth. He's rarely said it out loud. And saying it to him. Well, that's nice.
"Hey, John," Harry says, turning his head and smiling at Brady. "Need something?"
Brady nods as his mouth goes dry. He wants his pipe in his hand so he has something to fidget with, but he doesn't want to move his arm from the back of Harry's chair, and he doesn't want to move his other hand from where it lays on the table. He takes a deep breath. "Go into town with me," he says. "Let's see a movie. Let's have a date." 
Bucky barks a laugh and slaps the table, before Brady can tell him to shut the fuck up, Buck has him by the scruff of the neck and is leading him away. 
"I TOLD YOU!" Bucky yells. 
Brady watches Harry blush. "He told you?" he asks. 
Harry glances at Brady, then looks away. He rubs his thumb on the edge of his martini glass. "Um. I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out."
Brady beams and leans in closer. He moves the arm he'd laid on the table and curls his fingers around Harry's glass. Not touching Harry's hand still touching the glass, but sharing the glass. "What stopped you?" he asks. "Because I've been worried you were in love with Bubbles or had found a pretty girl or were just too smart for me."
Harry meets Brady's eyes, looking shocked. "What?" he says. He sputters. "Brady!" He drops his hand from the rim of his glass and clutches Brady's hand on the table. "I couldn't find fucking England," he hisses. "How could I be too smart for you?"
Brady chuckles and takes a chance. He leans in and kisses Harry's cheek. He turns his wrist in Harry's hand and rearranges their hands so he can hold Harry's. "I considered being a navigator," he says. "The math was scary."
Harry laughs. "Okay," he says. "That's fair. It is scary."
"You didn't mention Bubbles or a girl," Brady says because he can't help himself. 
Harry looks down at his hand in Brady's. "I presented a relevant response," he says. "Everything else you said is ridiculous with you in the mix." 
Brady kisses Harry's cheek again. "So, dinner? Movie? A walk around the base? Sitting on a bench for an hour? I'm up for anything as long as you want." 
Harry's eyes go hot and promising. Brady feels a shiver run through them. "Oh, I want," Harry says. 
And Brady isn't ready for the kiss Harry lands on him. Confident and hard and sweet. But, oh, he definitely chases after Harry to get a second one.
CrosbyBrady (any)
Harry isn't sure how it happens, but it's very late, and he's just drinking directly from a pitcher of martinis at this point, and there's a big circle of them playing spin the bottle. 
He's leaning against Bubbles, who's drinking straight from a bottle of whiskey. On Harry's other side is Ken, who's got a full six pack of beer scattered in his coverall pockets. He could fit more, but the rest of the space is holding Cokes for Rosie. Who isn't sober, for once, and sipping from Ken's flask when he's not sipping his soda. Bucky and Buck are next to them. Buck sober as a judge as always, Bucky definitely into his cups but not wild about it. He's watching the bottle in the middle of the circle with rapt attention. It's his spin. 
It lands on Brady, and there's a holler as everyone drinks. It's one of the rules, though Harry doesn't know where it came from: Bucky and Brady will not be kissing, thank you, but everyone drinks if one of them lands on the other.
"It's your face," Hambone says to Brady. "It doesn't have character like mine. You're too pretty to kiss."
"No he's not," Harry says. No one hears him because Brady's currently threatening to give Hambone more gold teeth, and Douglass is threatening to stick him in the bomb drop if he tries. And now Blakely is speaking up from Brady's other side, promising he'll kick Douglass out of his fort without a chute if he tries. And everyone else is laughing, even Jack. Which tells Harry how hammered they all are, really. That Jack would join in at all. 
"You okay, Harry?" Bubbles murmurs as Brady takes the bottle and sends it spinning. He's the only one who knows about Harry's crush. Well, the only one Harry's told. He's seen some looks from Hambone and Bucky that tell him they're suspicious, but no one's made him confess.
"No one heard me, right?" Harry asks, just to be sure. He knows they're all good and drunk–well, not Buck, but he never brings up the fact that he remembers literally every stupid thing they've done, bless him–but it takes more than drinking straight from the pitcher to quiet his brain. 
"Nah, no one heard," Bubbles assures him, patting him on the back. He grins when the bottle lands on him. "Can I tag in Harry?" he asks. 
"BUBBLES!" Harry shouts. 
"Sure," Brady says. "Long as it's not Bucky."
"Fuck you, Brady."
"Cleven, control your dog," Brady replies. 
"Hey, Meatball considers that offensive!' Demarco hollers. He's laid out on the runway next to Jack, head resting on Meatball's side. He's supposed to be judge for any spins that land between guys, but he's mostly been dozing.
"Meatball eats sheep shit," Brady says, which makes Bucky shout, "Yeah!" and everyone is laughing again, Harry included. 
When he's done laughing, he realizes Brady as slipped across the circle and is nearly nose-to-nose with him. "You don't gotta–" Harry says. 
Brady grins and presses his mouth to Harry's. He tastes like whiskey and his pipe tobacco, and when he quivers with a laugh, Harry is certain he's made an embarrassing sound. Brady pulls away and takes the pitcher from Harry's hand. He keeps eye contact as he takes a drink. "Not bad," he says. 
"Uh-huh," Harry says dumbly. Did Brady. Was he. Was that a move?
Brady turns and grabs the empty bottle they're using. "Your turn," he says. He doesn't move away. 
Harry feels bold and drunk and silly. Everyone around them is still talking and joking. Harry taps the lip of the bottle against Brady's chest. "You," he says. 
Brady grins and takes the bottle, shoving it at Bubbles, then tumbling Harry flat on his back on the runway and kissing him hard. 
"Finally!" Hambone yells. 
"You owe me five bucks, Egan!" Jack shouts. 
"Aw, fuck, I really thought they'd chicken out again," Bucky says. 
Harry pulls away from Bardy's mouth to stare at Bucky. "All due respect, Sir. Fuck you." 
Bucky laughs and tumbles against Buck, who catches him and noses his temple. "Aww, Buck, look at our little navigator, all grown up and kissing boys." 
"Be nice," Buck says. He throws Harry a wink. "Some fellas aren't as easy as you."
"No one's as easy as Egan," Douglass says. 
"I'm real good at it!" Bucky crows, and there's a round of cheering that Harry doesn't take part in because he and Brady are still kissing. 
In the morning, they're all hungover, save Buck. Even Jack looks like shit. Harry flops into a chair and stares at his coffee, willing himself to reach out and drink it. 
Brady sits next to him, and for a moment, Harry is fearful he doesn't remember last night. Or, worse off, that he does but wants to pretend he doesn't. 
"I would love to make out with you in front of Jack to ruin his day," Brady says. Jack flips him the bird from where he's nursing his coffee. "But my mouth tastes like I liked the hardstand."
Harry feels himself smile when Brady lets out a small groan and sags against him. He pats his cheek softly and finally manages to reach for his coffee. "That's okay," he says. "I can wait."
Late in the afternoon, standing by the runway and watching the clouds, Harry turns towards Brady and pulls him close. He kisses him like he thinks a first kiss should be: Soft and gentle and sweet. Brady returns it, then beams and pulls him into the taller grass, tumbles him to the ground like he'd done the night before and kisses him that way again. 
Harry smiles into it and thinks it's even better sober.
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TF2 fic request:
Some/all the mercs' first pride event
I love this!!!! thank you anon!
The weather outside was perfect. The breeze was light and there was just enough cloud cover to make the sun's harsh rays gently caress all that stood within it. This was the time of year that the mercs got a one-week vacation all to themselves. Tired of the weather in New Mexico, the mercs decided to go to Nevada for the week. The ride there was long and "boring as hell" as Scout put it. They could have taken a private plane but Pyro seemed to like the idea of a road trip better than flying. At least that's what Pyro seemed to say when setting the interior of the plane on fire.
On their first day there, there seemed to be a commotion in the streets and a sense of happiness in the air. People walked by on the sidewalks in all manner of colorful clothing.
"Whoa! Look at that!" Scout's hands flared excitedly in the passenger side of the van.
There were rainbow decorations everywhere. A rainbow balloon archway down the street, colorful signs, and streamers littered the low-hanging branches of trees and the sidewalks. Heavy looked around at the colorful sights before him and flicked on his turning signal. After a while, he pulled into an empty parking space and gestured for everyone to get out of the vehicle. Pyro came barreling out of the van with lightning speed that seemed to rival Scout's. Excited mmmpphs and grunts came from the resident arsonist. Clapping his gloved hands with joy he grabbed Engineer and dragged him down the street toward the crowd of colorfully dressed people. With a shrug and a smile, he let Pyro drag him away while the others stood and watched them go.
"So What do ya reckon this is then?" Sniper looked around at all the colors, slightly distracted and out of his element with so many people he grabbed at his shoulder bag and held it in a tight grip.
"Well Lads, This here is a Pride Event!" Demo's eye glints with happiness.
"Jane and me convinced Heavy to drive the lot of us to Nevada for a Pride Event. Eventually, Pyro found out about it and well, he told Engie. Anyways we all thought that would be a great experience to have together."
Spy eyed the decorations and took a slow drag of his cigarette. The music echoed in the distance. "Well, I suppose that we will call each other if we get lost, correct?
"Aye, good plan." Demo and Soldier walked ahead of the group and scoped out the surroundings looking for where Pyro and Engineer went.
The people around them were talking loudly with each other and had pleasant smiles on their faces. Once in a while Medic would walk over to a group and start talking, then he would walk to another group and then right back next to Heavy. From each group he would take notes and ask questions about what colors mean what specifically, and how pronouns were used.
"Holy Crap guys look over there!"
Scout dragged Sniper to the side of the street and pointed to the front of the parade. There stood Pyro and Engineer. Pyro was covered head to toe with little flags duct taped to his suit. He clapped his hands to the music and moved his body erratically with the music.
Over to side Demo and Jane were watching the shenanigans that their friends were doing. It seemed that they were learning more about life outside of their never-ending war. It was good. With cold glasses of beer resting in their hands, they looked around at the crowd. The sound of the music and the pleasnt buzz of the beer made everything seem even better. It felt good to be themselves outside of work. A warm hand rested on Demo's shoulder. They didn't have to say anything to each other. The look in their eyes did all the talking that they needed. As the mercs left the Pride Event at the end of the long fun-filled day they smiled. They left knowing that the world may not be a great place, but it was a good place. And they couldn't ask for more.
So, I've never attended a Pride event, I had to dig and do some research and pulled out what I thought would be okay for this short fic. I really hope that I got the "essence" of it correct. :)
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
So since some of my DMMd posts have taken off recently, I thought I might share links to some of my fic here! (I also have an art post on AO3 but it’s not up to date because I never remember to update it)
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blue (songs are like tattoos) is the epic omegaverse fic that I’m most proud of. It features the entire main cast in a polycule of which Aoba is the omega and center. I’ve also written several one-shot sequels to fill out bits of the story, along with one final chaptered fic to wind it all up. “blue” is 76k words, the sequels vary in length but it all adds up to around 117k words. The usual warnings apply.
early to bed is the first fic I wrote in DMMd so I had to write smut about my new favorites (KouAo, if you hadn’t guessed). this is how I break into new fandoms.
save me from myself: Aoba's in love with Ren, Koujaku deals with his feels (spoiler alert: not very well), and Mizuki interferes because that's how he shows his love.
see this an hour on the stage: the actor AU that I truly love so much. This one’s KouAo, but I also wrote a Clear/Noiz sequel and there may be a third part eventually.
red: Koujaku has nightmares. Aoba is there for him. A prompt fill for theskee.
Not Even Close: Koujaku only realizes Aoba has left Midorijima after he’s gone. 29k of eventual Aoba/Koujaku/Mink, plus a smutty one-shot followup.
secure yourself to heaven: this vampire/monsterfuckery wip has ruined my life. it’s 10k words in and I love it but I’m also stuck on it. Aoba is a vampire and Koujaku comes back to the island with secrets of his own and vengeance to get. I beg folks to read it even though I have no idea when I’ll write more because I’ve been stuck for months.
melting of snow: Mink/Aoba PWP because sometimes you just have to.
That’s just a sample, there’s quite a bit more if you hit my tag at AO3! Please read and maybe leave a comment if you feel so inclined.
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My Fic Lists: Other Naruto
All of my other Naruto (various pairing and gen) fanfics are listed and linked below the cut.
Kakashi x Female OC
Supplemental Training
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Summary:  At Jiraiya's insistence, Kakashi learns the art of seduction, as well as how to keep his inner demons at bay.
A Konoha Brothel story.  
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Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Summary:  When Kakashi wants to shed his shinobi skin, he turns to some specialized women. They expertly remind him of the man he is, offering a respite between agonizing ANBU missions.
A Konoha Brothel story.  
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An Uncomplicated Evening
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags | also GenmaxFemale OC)
Summary:  Kakashi has recently been removed from the ranks of ANBU, and plagued with self-doubt at the prospect of teaching genin. Genma, as a member of the Hokage guard, has his own struggles when it comes to protecting the Sandaime. The two comrades join forces in an effort to escape their troubled thoughts, and embark on an evening free from the worries of their shinobi world.  
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KakaZabu (KakashixZabuza)
A Test
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Summary:  Loyalty is tested when Kakashi and Zabuza reconnect after they joined forces against Gato in the Land of Waves.  
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Rogue Acres Farm
Rated T | No archive warnings apply (on hiatus but not orphaned)
Summary: "Kakashi closed his eyes in concentration and when he reopened them, his Sharingan eye spun wildly. He uttered, 'Kamui,' and in the next instant, Zabuza felt himself pulled and twisted, caught in an invisible, swirling force.
As suddenly as it had come, it stopped, leaving Zabuza sprawled on his back on the ground. 'What the hell was that,' he rasped.
Kakashi ignored him, panting from the exertion of casting such a complex jutsu as his eyes searched their new surroundings. They had landed on the porch of an unlit house, with acres of unkempt fields as far as he could see.
The night air smelled sweeter and Kakashi pulled his mask down to breathe it in unfiltered. 'It worked,' he whispered in astonishment, 'we’re here.
''Where, exactly?' Zabuza gingerly got to his feet.
'Stardew Valley,' Kakashi smiled."
Read on AO3
ShikaTema (Shikamaru x Temari)
The Troublesome Genius*
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Shikamaru Nara maneuvers his way through the troublesome aspects of being a husband, father, and assistant to the Rokudaime.  
Read on AO3
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Shikamaru has a particular question for Temari on Christmas Eve; if only he can muster the courage to ask it.  
Read on AO3
Kagumo (Kaguya x Sakumo) & MinaKushi (Minato x Kushina)
Demons! What Could go Wrong?
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Team Minato's first day of training in this Naruto-Inuyasha crack crossover.  
Read on AO3
A Moonlit Halloween in Konoha
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Kushina agrees to take Minato's students trick-or-treating, and then to a Halloween party at the Hatake house. What could go wrong?  
Read on AO3
Fics With Various Other Pairings
From the Heart
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Pairing: YamaGen (Yamato x Genma)
Summary:  Yamato and Genma have a budding romance that blooms during a Shinobi Secret Santa gift exchange.  
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The Man’s Man
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Pairing: KakaKaka (Kakashi x his shadow clone)
Summary: Kakashi is an elite genius in the shinobi world, that's true. However, his social skills could use some work. He summons a clone to help him analyze his failings. Self-awareness and shenanigans follow.  
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Lucky Enough
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Pairing: KakaTobi (Kakashi x Tobirama)
Summary:  A close call for two of Konoha's elite ANBU brings them closer.  
Read on AO3
An Sealgair agus na Fia (The Hunter and the Deer)
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Pairing: ShikaSaku (Shikamaru x Sakura)
Summary:  A hunt leads Sakura into a cursed forest where she finds much more than game.  
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Hidden in the Leaves
Rated M | No archive warnings apply (on hiatus but not orphaned)
Pairing: Sakumo x Female OC
Summary: What if Sakumo survived?
This is his story, as imagined if he lived to watch his son's progress in the shinobi world. Follow along as he questions where his loyalty lies, his relationship with his son is tested, and as he unravels the mystery of what happened to his wife.
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Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Poly: KakaYamaIru (Kakashi x Yamato x Iruka)
Summary:  Kakashi's mind wanders during a meeting with Iruka and Tenzō.  
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No Signs of Stopping
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Pairing: KakaGen (Kakashi x Genma)
Summary:  Kakashi and Genma are caught in a blizzard while on a mission together, and the fun begins when the games end.  
Read on AO3
Comfort & Coffee
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Pairing: KakaIru (Kakashi x Iruka)
Summary:  Kakashi has a habit of buying souvenirs for his boyfriend, Iruka, but this time he struck gold, and not even a blizzard could stop him from hurrying home.  
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Kumade Toriichi Arc (series of 3 gen fics):
The Copy Ninja
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Long before he acquired the Sharingan, Kakashi had his own fair share of troubles with another copy nin of the Leaf.  
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The Genin Gaffe
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Hiruzen Sarutobi assigned a mission to Kumade Toriichi erroneously, and he enlists Minato's help to cover his mistake before there are long-lasting consequences to Kakashi Hatake's reputation.  
Read on AO3
Team Minato’s Mix-up
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  The continuing saga of Kumade Toriichi. This time, Kakashi's teammates are drawn into his nightmare.  
Read on AO3
Other Naruto Gen (no pairing) Fics
For My Son
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Sakumo Single-Father-no-Jutsu's his way through his son's birthday party.  
Read on AO3
Fathers and Sons
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  During a playdate between the Maito and Hatake families, Sakumo and Dai share tips and tricks on single-parenthood-no-jutsu, while their sons strengthen their bond.  
Read on AO3
Keeping Busy
Rated T | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Summary:  A snippet of Shikamaru's transition into life after the Fourth Shinobi War.  
Read on AO3
The Wonder of it All
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Summary: Days passed until a week had gone by. Obito, perplexed by the mystery that troubled Kakashi, went in search of a solution and Kisame. He found both sitting at the edge of the sea.
“He’s done so much, for so many. I wish we could find a way to help him gain back even a little of what he’s lost,” Kisame spoke their thoughts aloud.
“I want to grant Kakashi’s wish, but I have no idea how to,” Obito shared his frustration.
“Are we in agreement then that we will try?” Kisame turned sharply to his friend.
“Yes, of course,” Obito assured, “but where do we even begin?”
Read on AO3
Shiranu hui
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  A myth about unknown fire and an unnamed man.  
Read on AO3
The Zen of Tenzō
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  In the era of peace, Tenzō wishes to claim some of it for himself, and he retires from shinobi life in order to pursue it. Follow the journey of his first year in robes in this series of parables.  
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Wheel of Fortune
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Summary:  Danzo's world is shadowed, secretive, and carefully crafted. However, mysterious Chiyo and her tarot cards threaten his planned existence with one word about his future.  
Read on AO3
Rocket Man
Rated T | No archive warnings apply (implied Kaguya x Skaumo)
Summary:  Obito volunteers to be a pollster, and surveys an eccentric Sakumo.  
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finally at that age where i'm thinking i should get a tattoo. not bc i feel strongly about it, just seems like a waste not to. i've got so much skin i'm not using
#feels so selfish like. all this skin what am i saving it for?#open to design suggestions! (please make me regret this offer)#maybe some deep sea horrors. a pretty watercolor of a gulper eel#once saw a person on the subway with various Skeleton Tattoos on all their limbs#i respected their commitment to the theme#but more than that i respected how all the skeletons were engaged in Activities#dancing in a ballgown. juggling its own (and two other???) skulls. swordfighting. being a mermaid skeleton#ANYWAY. the only reason i haven't already gotten tattoos is i just couldn't be bothered#i'm old enough to know i don't have any strong-but-potentially-temporary feelings driving me towards it#aesthetically i prefer decorated to non-decorated surfaces. but i'm not artistic or thrilled with commitment#honestly it feels like sheer laziness. indecisiveness--nay. immaturity!--that i HAVEN'T gotten a tattoo yet#letting all this blank canvas go to waste. tut tut i need to grow up and be an adult and get a tattoo sleeve already.#really i've put off my responsibilities long enough#(in fairness i DID at one time have 18 different piercings)#(but i took most of them out bc they interfere with wearing headphones and/or shoving my face in my pillow during Sleep Time)#(i only kept the nape piercing bc oddly enough it ended up being the most convenient. and the least painful to get now i think about it.)#(neck piercing? no problem. normal pair of earrings? Tribulations And Suffering. i don't make the rules i just poke them with a stick.)
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Bad Parenting Chapter 2: Chaos for Breakfast
Fandom: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Pairings for series: (Riley x Liam x Max) + Riley x Drake
Featuring: Leo, Oliva, M!OC Hudson Rys and F!OC Lilith Nevrakis
Rating: PG
Warnings for this chapter: mild language
Word Count: 2,867
Author: @angelasscribbles
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vellichorom · 2 months
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they-bite · 3 months
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@reanimatedgh0ul sent me this idea wrt his fanon danny & i had to draw it
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saturniade · 1 year
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me when in... the toy... store?
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nyctocollective · 5 months
friendly reminder that plurality is caused by trauma. trauma is defined as an event that has a severe negative impact on oneself. there are going to be dark parts of plurality that no one wants to talk about. the brain created you to cope with what it went through. it's okay to have parts (or wholes) that have “twisted” desires, attractions, innerworld or external relationships, sexual or emotional needs, etc. other people might call you disgusting, evil, immoral, but it's just part of being traumatized. it's going to be unpleasant or unsightly.
read the tags.
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magnusthepuppet · 7 months
tf2 brings out a multishipper i had no idea was within me.
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myonmukyuu · 2 months
a new thrill with you
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Club | Setsuna x Ayumu | 11 pages
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scrapoddles · 11 months
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couch time
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longelk · 4 months
grimora and kaycee voted most dateable chars among their respective polls! and honorable mention to the mycologists who were only three votes behind kaycee!!
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ridreamir · 1 year
I just want to live out a fantasy of attending the academy alongside everyone tbh so whatever headcanons you have I'd be down for 👍
It seems you've been carving a place out for yourself at Mesagoza's highly esteemed Academy, haven't you?
[Spoiler Warning! Post Operation Starfall and Path of Legends] [Romance/Pining + Possible touch of Polyamory] [Slight Content Warning! Obsessive and unhealthy behaviors]
I went a little overboard with the pairings, very indulgent. You're popular, you know?
Your life at the academy has been a somewhat quiet one, despite the small interpersonal issues that you seem to keep finding yourself in. It hadn't been the worst, however, attending classes at your leisure and having a space of your own. The academy lived up to its reputation, and the studying hadn't felt overly laborious-- if anything, you were worried you were finding things to be a bit too easy.
The faculty have all come to recognize you, from the lunch ladies that Arven spends time with to the adjunct professors that have been overseeing the Star Training Center volunteer efforts, there's probably none in the academy that couldn't recognize you for one reason or another.
Speaking of, the former bosses of Team Star have taken it upon themselves to be your people, self-appointed. They seem almost a little possessive of you, potentially under the suggestion of Penny to keep watch on you while at school. Even though they're not afraid to stick up for anyone who might need it, it feels a little more personal when Mela herself comes storming in at the slightest sign of friction between you and some other student, or when Eri hovers over your shoulder in the cafeteria, sending threatening glares at whoever even thinks about staring at you for too long. You almost feel bad for Arven and Nemona who've begun to be crowded out by the possessive Team Star Bosses-- who have each at some point whisked you away under the guise of needing you for whatever excuses they've come up with in their little book of strategies to steal you away.
Not to mention, one of the Team Star Bosses, Atticus, walks completely silently and lingers whether you're aware of him or not. When you do spot him, he's quick to drag you to somewhere secluded so that he can play with your uniform and tack little dress-code-violating trinkets onto your attire. Miss Tyme has given you some flack for it, but she's a little more forgiving with you than she is with the other students and faculty, which you think might just be blatant favoritism working in your favor. However, favoritism only gets you so far, and Atticus seeks you out often enough that your professor's patience is wearing thin. (She knows, however, that your little team of delinquents are willing to listen if their time with you is on the line.) Ortega and Giacomo are constantly working on their respective hobbies, and come to you for feedback on superficial roadblocks that aren't really a problem, not that you know that-- It's an opportunity for praise, and they live off it. Giacomo seems to be adjusting somewhat poorly to his return to the academy, more so than the other Team Star Bosses, and so he seeks you out when he needs a quiet moment away from some of the other students. He's capable of socializing, but struggles to trust other people outside of Team Star. And Ortega, well, he can be a bit abrasive toward other people, in a way that's witty but also rubs people the wrong way. He doesn't really care about other people and only tones down the sass and sarcasm when he knows you're watching.
He's in actuality the most possessive, secretly. Everyone knows he acts sweet and innocent around you, but the moment you turn your back he becomes an absolute menace... His dapper pastel look only whispers warning to your classmates not to step too out of line. Friendly is fine, but he's a Tinkaton ready to hunt the greedy Corviknight that dare step a toe too close to his treasure.
While they spend a lot of time out in the field doing their community service hours, they've made a point of memorizing your erratic study habits as well as possible, and it's Penny's job to figure out the schedule so they can maximize their chances of running into you. She tries to come across as not as invested in the mission as they are, but she's low-key keeping tabs on you and the others aren't afraid to call her out on it if she acts like they're weird for being so obsessed with what you're doing. Truth is, there's honestly no one out there as pure-hearted as you, as little as you know it. You're a tantalizing thing after all that you've done for a gang of social outcasts without a single thought about what it might do to them. Of course, they have to be careful, or else that battle-maniac student council girl might crack down on their activities. Though it's pretty obvious to them that she's got something going on with you too, as her punishments seem much more targeted when she catches them doing something they shouldn't.
They... Haven't discussed their sensitivities toward you in general, but each of them sort of does their own thing and then they reconvene when it benefits them. It's silently been agreed upon that they each get to take their chances and aren't allowed to sabotage each other on purpose. No hard feelings when things skew in one's favor, not that momentary bitterness can entirely be avoided. On rare occasions, it is you that stumbles upon them while out and about. Atticus especially for some time, when you were out doing research in his neck of the woods. It's Mela that sees you least, despite her base being literally the easiest to get to. She's definitely had a hard time regulating her jealousy since she's the emotionally upfront type.
It's Giacomo that's the quietest with what he's doing, silently observing the others and trying to strategize in secret. The whole not being good with people is a little bit of a stretch, though not entirely a lie. Besides, he's kept it under ropes that you've let him into your dorm room on a couple different occasions now, and the fact that he's writing a song and has a little less than subtly eluded to the fact that it's absolutely about you.
...And it's Eri that's pushing that Arven boy away the most, not that Ortega hasn't been trying to get him to back off. Actually, they've all had him on their radar at some point. There's no denying that you've been friends with him longer than the rest of them, or that there's some strange little secret between the two of you that rubs them the wrong way. Eri's the only one that's physically able to match him, and she tries to eat lunch with you whenever she can because it really grinds their gears when he sneaks off with you to do Arceus knows with his little sandwich picks and baggies of culinary ingredients that you just so happen to like. He's too obvious. Around the school, long before you came, everyone knew who he was and how impossible it was to approach him. In that sense, they suppose they can understand him, but that doesn't change the fact that they're rivals and currently at a disadvantage when pitted against him.
Actually, it's a little crazy how many people are pining after you. ... {Pt. 2?|| Maybe with the Gym Leaders/Academy faculty/League Staff} {Larry, Grusha... I may not like Geeta toooo too much but I definitely see her having an eye for you... Funny Iono scenarios go brrr}
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shinelikethunder · 1 year
sam/cas consensual possession kink + dean walks in on them + cas forgets for a sec that they're doing anything weird = sam's mouth says "hello, dean" in a voice like a flat stretch of extra-jagged gravel, and dean looks like he's been stuck by fucking lightning
and once the recognition and terror and outrage have subsided into free-floating shame at the uncanny echo of the gadreel situation, while sam and cas are taking turns explaining what's up, dean realizes what it is he's feeling underneath: THE weirdest and most intense NOT NOW, BONER he has ever experienced in his goddamn LIFE
anyway, if the angel you have some kind of poorly-defined Feelings Thing about is possessing the brother you have all kinds of ruinous psychological complexes about, and they both want you to rearrange their guts and give them a screaming prostate orgasm while the angel is the one in control of your brother's body, to what extent does that even technically count as 1. incest, 2. double penetration?
(yeah, sure, the incest is a pretty easy "yes," but. metaphysical DP via possession?????)
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