#vera witchcraft
mothermorne · 7 months
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Spiderweb covered aloe
Spiderweb -
"The Everlasting Cycle of Life: A spider's web serves as a deadly trap for other insects, yet it is also a place where spider eggs hatch, symbolizing the infinite process of death and rebirth, the cycle of life, and the balance between creation and destruction."
Aloe Vera -
"Aloe Vera symbolizes spirituality, good luck, and protection as well as cleansing. It is believed to protect a person from physical accidents and is used to heal minor injuries if they do happen. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is believed to block the influences of evil spirits from harming your body and physical health."
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 3 months
hello :))
i saw you giving free tarot readings and i wanted to get one. if I am late and the seats are already filled, it's alright.
if not then -
i basically wanted to know about my love life. i am in college and never had a partner in life. never had anything even 🤏🏽 this close to romance. i want to know why is that? i know I am not pretty looking but is it all that matters to people? and i have people tell me I am still too young and i agree but it's difficult to ignore that feeling when everyone is hanging out with their partners except me.
my initials are RV and i am a libra sun
thank you for your time and energy <33
Well, let's see. I'm gonna use my Vera Sibilla deck because the ruuuuuuuuuuuuumors say it's the very best for romance and love shit so Idk. I need to practice with it
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Sudden luck + Prison + Young lady + Falsehood + Hope
HSAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my fucking god, they weren't kidding. Let me tell you, this is funny but funny because the deck is soooo dramatic. Like, when I did the same question (because my romance life is also non existant ahsha) this little bitch gave me the Priest because apparently I'm a fucking prude.
The cards are first that anything saying: YOU'RE TOO YOUUUUUNG!!. You're still a child! What were you expectiiiiing!!
Sudden luck and Prison say that you're hoping for love to appear in your life by doing sweet nothing, just waiting. I'm gonna guess you don't leave home a lot or move in social circles, and it can be very lonely. You're waiting for Cupid's arrow without moving a finger.
And in the other side of the reading, Falsehood and Hope say that you're not being quite honest either. You want to show only the very best side of yourself hiding the rest under the rug hoping that someone bites. Again, "hoping". Waiting for the things to happen without opening yourself.
Well that's your answer. Damn, I need to reprint this deck.
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mykawaiiromance · 5 months
MY GASTERALOE HAD A BABY !!! YIPPIE !!! i got to spend the morning putting a little baby into a nice new pot so she can grow as big as her mama :) 🌱
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chaotic-scared · 1 year
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(via Vera Sibilla Cards That Indicate Change)
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stabbyapologist · 10 months
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I'm not even a cat person, but—
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rose-colored-tarot · 2 years
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Ants moved into one of my aloe plants so I had to repot her before bringing her inside to winter. Now I have 16 babies that I need to rehome. Plant witch problems
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jikothemartian-z · 1 year
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Spongebob  and Vera
Hope you guys like it!
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beesmygod · 11 months
AGS OnlyFans headcanons, get hype Victoria: Thirst traps and promos for her books. Annoyed it works. Valdo: The italian stallion took the site at face value and just does video lessons on how to butcher. Everyone subscribed wants to fuck him. Gets confused when people tip him for the vid where he was sleeveless, he thought he looked sloppy. Victoria is his biggest simp. Vera: Actual pornography, uses it as an in to get laid with the other OF models. Max: The most unhinged videos ranging from witchcraft lessons to parking lot rants to actual crimes. Most of these videos can be used as evidence in a court of law. Most people follow because it's like a video version of an SA thread. Other people follow cause they keep thinking she's going to do porn when she repeatedly leaves her vibrator out in the bg on accident. Jack: Vera tells him to post because being a meme is guaranteed success. This depresses him. He posts nothing, only follows others and does free subscriptions cause he can't afford $10 a month. Keeps leaving comments like "It looked cold out, did you have a jacket" or "You shouldn't get glitter in there" Lucy: Gets banned because people think she's a bot posting AI generated pics.
you are the realest motherfucker to me. you understand them on a base level
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 3 months
Hi, thanks for clarifying
If you can answer one more I'd love to know
Where will I be be living for the next 5 years?
I am in UK for work but born in India. I want to know if I will be in uk long term?
Mg 🖤
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Hi. They say you're right now in a luck strike and everything is going pretty well in the UK, however, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. Once you run out of luck, you will be moving.
I'm not seeing exactly a "moving out of the country", but the Butterfly goes with the wind. From flower to flower, never in the same place.
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twisted-tales-told · 5 months
hello arik! for the ask game please: abelia & aloe vera 💛
Sal my beloved mutual <3
This ask game
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I have so many jewelry pieces AND YOURE IN LUCK MY PHONE CAMERA IS WORKING AGAIN I CAN SHOW YOU (this is going to be LONG)
First up are these charms from my travels. Whenever I go to a new country I pick up a little charm if I can! I don’t have one for every country I’ve traveled to but I love them all.
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These r my interchangeable charms or talismans. I practice witchcraft and these are definitely the ones I work with the most
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This is my moldivite. We’ve reached a good place in our relationship & I have no regrets in buying her.
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These r definitely my fanciest pieces! I love them loads!!
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Here are my favourite rings! I have another one that i wear a lot but she’s currently off in the abyss rn, I’ll find her soon. She’s just taking a vacation.
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This guy!!! I swear to GOD I love him so much. That rune on him is a Nordic rune for safe travel and navigation. When I tell you I have never missed nor had to wait longer than three minutes for a bus when I am wearing him!!! Magic!
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Last but not least my hematite evil eye bracelets. These guys are fighters and I swear by them. No weird bus-specific headaches with them.
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aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
I miss having Good Roomates. Like people who just make being at home an absolute joy. I miss having someone to socialize with when I want, and having someone leave me alone when I want. It’s just. It’s such a good experience. And I miss it.
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vera-deville · 11 months
Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 15 - Raven (Lucifer)
10/16/2023 - 10/20/2023
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Word Count: 779
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Gender: GN
Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover, @purplecandything, @it-happened-one-fic
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"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..."
You look at the figure laying on your lap, staring at your eyes. In any other case, you'd find the act slightly unnerving, but for once, his garnet eyes were softened.
Reading glasses lay in the waves of his hair, and you gently plucked them from his crown, and placed them aside.
"Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore--"
He hummed, the sound so quiet and low that the only clue of its existence was the gentle rumble that his body emitted from on top of you. You stop reading for a moment. A second passes. So does another. No mellow-toned words. Then you continue.
"Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;" you raise your voice accordingly to the words you read, "And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor." The poem continued steadily, and he closed his eyes as it progressed, still, but awake.
"But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping." You smile at this line, and he hears it in the way you recite the lines as though you had done so many times. In truth, you most probably had, if your detailed and amorous description of the poem was anything to go off of. "And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door."
There was a certain rhythmn to your voice. It bobbed at the end of each line - a pattern. At the moment, he couldn't tell where the story would go. The imagery created by the words, so descriptive as they were, painted a dreary scene. There hadn't necessarily been anything to point to a tragedy, yet it felt melancholic.
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before..."
Now that sounded familiar. It reminded him of the times of the past. The memories from ages long forgotten. He had never been able to quite put them into words before. However, it was at this moment that he realized, if he were to have in fact worded his misery, they would sound a little something like this.
"And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?" This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!""--
Another character? Perhaps the raven from which the title was (assumably) derived from finally makes an appearance? And from there, it was nothing but misery in that story.
"Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."" You sneak more and more glances at his face. That was the first nevermore. From this point onwards, there would be nothing for the narrator but grief, longing, and sadness. Your lover, though eyes still closed, had his brows scrunched, and if you didn't know any better (which you did know better), you'd think he was fully immersed in the story (which he was).
You read through the Raven's grim words. You read through the narrator's sorrow. You read through the disheartening story, all the way to the very end.
"And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, Shall be lifted--nevermore!"
Your reading comes to an end. A second passes. So does another. But this time, a mellow-toned voice inquires, "Is that the end?"
You smile at his question. "Mm, it is." Setting the poem aside, not far from his glasses, you lean towards your lover. "What do you think?"
Your breath tickles his face. "It was a rather depressing story." He finally bears his sanguine eyes at you once more. "Truth be told, I expected witchcraft. Or something to do with Mammon. Not a lover's passing."
A giggle, obnoxious in nature, escapes your throat. He raises an eyebrow at this. "Aren't you glad I didn't tell you anything about the story until I started reading?"
"Honestly speaking, I would have still preferred at the very least, some sort of understanding of the nature of the story," He lightly glares at you, "But knowing you, there is some manner of enjoyment to be gained from this."
"You'd be very right about that dear~"
"I believe you understand that coming from a demon, this holds significance, but you're downright evil-"
He didn't even need to look at you to know you wear a smug grin on your face with every ounce of pride you could muster. No, he could feel it. He would never understand just why you enjoyed such dark stories, much less how you could bring yourself to laugh at the endings of said stories, but he didn't care. It wasn't meant for him to understand. Simply to experience.
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Author's Note: I am falling behind with this event, so basically, I'm speedrunning my writing fics right now-
Rest assured, things will be back onto track soon enough (hopefully sooner rather than later).
See you in the next fic!
Masterlist Hauntober 2023 Masterlist
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bb-bare-bones · 5 months
Based on a True Story: The Conjuring and Writing Real Horror
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Art and Words by Charlotte Elliott - Instagram: c.elli03
The Conjuring Franchise has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. There has always been something oddly alluring about the cursed doll of Anabelle bearing a bloody red grin; the shape of The Nun forming in the shadows of a dark abbey; a possessed child rasping in tongues while Ed Warren condemns the spirit back to hell. It’s a classic example of modern mainstream Hollywood horror.
When people learn I’m doing my PhD in horror studies, they often keenly ask me for recommendations. In blank panic, unfortunately, I forget every ‘good’ piece of horror media to ever exist. I forget my beloved Gremlins or Midsommar or The Thing. Never once have I admitted that The Conjuring has always been on my comfort list. Honestly, it’s kind of embarrassing.
It’s not the cheap jumpscares, or lacklustre storytelling. Sometimes, it’s nice to indulge in predictability. And sure, there’s the not-so-subtle message of conservatism. I can look past that, albeit grudgingly.
As a writer, the reason I feel weird about liking The Conjuring is its fabrication. Of course, no one expected Ed and Lorraine Warren - played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga - to be as perfectly vanilla as their on-screen counterparts. I’m certain most people roll their eyes as supposed demonologist Ed performs a house-shaking exorcism, whilst Lorraine has a convenient vision that reveals the last piece of the puzzle.
But who could blame Hollywood for ramping it up to make a profit? Isn’t that the crux of what horror and entertainment is all about? Profit, profit, profit. Facts go out the window when there’s an audience to entertain.
When I first became interested in horror based on ‘truth’, I tried my hand at writing my own dramatic short story based upon an alleged ‘real’ haunting. My source of inspiration was the Ancient Ram Inn in Gloucestershire, England. The Ram Inn self-proclaims to be a location of numerous historical true hauntings, presented as indisputable fact. The Inn’s website says there are Norman French records of the 800-year-old property, citing the Gloucester Records Office.
When researching, I couldn’t find any public records on the local archive database. Many websites described the Inn’s ‘true historical crimes’: a woman burned for witchcraft, a man murdered after his head was forced into the fireplace, an innkeeper’s daughter killed upstairs - if you believe hauntedrooms.com. In The Daily Mail, the former owner’s daughter, Carole Humphries, recounted “people running out of the house screaming”, stating “objects move… we used to hear the ghosts of murdered children''. Her father John told the BBC eight guests had to be exorcised.
The website boasts that the Ram Inn is built on ancient Pagan ritual grounds excavated by Bristol University. However, no academic records exist. I even contacted Dr. Stuart Prior, who is responsible for excavations in the Gloucestershire area. He said this claim is “certainly not related to any of the archeology [here]. I’ve never even heard of the Ram Inn''.
Not unlike The Conjuring stories, localised horror legends that claim to be based on truth are milked to generate profit. During my writing, I came to the conclusion that the Ram Inn’s original alleged victims cannot be vouched for. Especially thanks to questionable internet sources. Whatever the truth is in Gloucestershire, the Ram Inn still helped to inspire a (very average) short story. And it isn’t hurting anyone by claiming a spooky history.
The same cannot necessarily be said about The Conjuring. It’s not about the filmmakers ‘tricking’ the audience into thinking these events occurred. It’s not about the desire to profit from a fanciful story. Presenting ‘truth’ in film is dicey at best (where do you draw the line?). But this isn’t a criticism about cinematic accuracy.
My big issue with The Conjuring is not its extreme creative licence. The Nun II seriously goes as far to imply Lorraine Warren is a descendant of Saint Lucy. Sure, whatever. What I find uncomfortable is that The Conjuring presents the Warrens as the perfect Godly couple. In reality, they were crooks taking advantage of vulnerable people.
The latest instalment of the franchise, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021), covers the trial of Arne Johnson. In 1981, the Warrens did try and get off a man convicted of manslaughter by using demonic possession as a defence. Although an interesting premise for a movie, The Conjuring unquestionably excuses Johnson’s actions by literally presenting ‘the devil made me do it’ argument. The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2 merely follow ghostly hauntings; the third film takes it one step further by disrespecting a real victim, Johnson’s landlord Alan Bono.
When I researched the Ancient Ram Inn, it seemed that the ghosts were so far back in history that no one knew the whole story anymore. Perhaps now, you can just claim anything. Unlike the Inn, The Conjuring films take place between the 1970s-1980s. It’s recent enough that we can decisively analyse the erasure of the ugly truth.
Ed and Lorraine Warren were terrible people that should not be given grace. They conducted paranormal investigations to scam people by citing false ‘scientific methods’. Ed had an affair with a girl who was only fifteen. Allegedly, Lorraine encouraged the girl to have an abortion (resulting from her relationship with Ed) to protect the Warrens’ reputation. There was also alleged domestic violence in the family.
The Conjuring has contributed a false legacy. For a couple so devoted to Catholicism and denouncing evil, the Warrens had no problem profiting from fake science and baseless clairvoyance. Meanwhile, they were supposedly engaging in domestic abuse and pedophilia. It is clear from any basic Google search that the Warrens were not even close to the wholesome power couple we see on screen.
For anyone writing about horror “based on a true story”, I encourage you to think about The Conjuring as an example of how storytelling can be harmful. Very few people believe in an exaggerated - well, downright invented - ghost story. Especially when you swear it really happened. Deep down, the audience knows the writing is for profit and entertainment. Even my silly little Ram Inn story was mostly fictitious, despite all that research. When depicting real subjects, writers have a responsibility to be considerate when real victims are involved. On top of that, it should go without saying that it’s in poor taste to glorify dreadful people, criminals, and/or con artists. Shamefully - although I like to flick it on for an easy watch - The Conjuring contributes to the problematic legacy of the Warrens as heroes against the horrors.
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Elvis Presley Tag Game
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Hi babies! I know there's already a few of these floating around, but I decided to make one as well because I love doing and reading these (so definitely tag me in yours~). Also, ignore me naming 300 songs for each question, I couldn't pick one 💀.
Questions are under the cut. 💗
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When was the first time you heard of Elvis?
He's always been in my life because his music has always been played in my family (especially during Christmas lol), so I guess I kinda grew up with him.
What's your favorite era?
I love him in all era's tbh, but the 60s have a special place in my heart.
Favorite song(s) from the '50s?
Harbor Lights, How Do You Think I Feel, Anyplace Is Paradise, Don't Be Cruel, Wear My Ring Around Your Neck, Ain't That Loving You Baby, I Was The One, One-Sided Love Affair.
Favorite song(s) from the '60s?
Dirty, Dirty Feeling, Make Me Know It, Such A Night, Surrender, Reconsider Baby, Starting Today, (Such An) Easy Question, Witchcraft, Little Sister, Kiss Me Quick, True Love Travels On a Gravel Road, Suspicious Minds, Summer Kisses, Winter Tears.
Favorite song(s) from the '70s?
The Wonder of You, Patch It Up, We Can Make the Morning, Always on My Mind, If You Talk in Your Sleep, Moody Blue, Make The World Go Away, Snowbird, Never Been to Spain, I'll Never Fall in Love Again, Are You Sincere, This is Our Dance, Walk A Mile in My Shoes. I CAN'T JUST PICK ONE LMAO
All time favorite song(s) that you simply cannot skip?
How Do You Think I Feel, Starting Today, Moody Blue, I'll Never Fall in Love Again and Make The World Go Away.
Least favorite song?
Tutti Frutti, Ready Teddy and Milkcow Blues Boogie. don't hate me 👀
Favorite gospel song(s)?
Swing Down Sweet Chariot, How Great Thou Art, Crying in The Chapel, Bosom of Abraham and Lead Me, Guide Me.
Favorite country song(s)?
Snowbird, Whole Lot-ta Shakin' Goin' On, Funny How Time Slips Away, The Fool, Flaming Star, U.S. Male.
Favorite non-English song?
We'll Be Together (most of it is english but it still counts bc i love this song ☻), Wooden Heart and Santa Lucia.
A song(s) that makes you feel nostalgic?
Jailhouse Rock, Can't Help Falling in Love, Heartbreak Hotel, A Little Less Conversation, Are You Lonesome Tonight and Return to Sender - they remind me of my childhood sm.
A song(s) that makes you cry?
There's Always Me, I Need Somebody to Lean On and Unchained Melody.
A song(s) that makes you wanna dance?
Polk Salad Annie, The Love Machine, Vino, Dinero Y Amor, Bossa Nova Baby, Rock-A-Hula Baby, Return to Sender, Slicin' Sand, Happy Ending, Blue River, A Little Less Conversation.
Favorite song Elvis has covered?
What's a modern song you wish you could hear Elvis cover?
Paper Doll by John Mayer - i want it, i need it! *slams table*. also, Roller Coaster by Danny Vera.
Do you prefer vinyl or CD?
I love both and I love the nostalgic feel of a vinyl, but when it comes to sound, I prefer CDs.
Favorite album?
From Elvis in Memphis, Love Letters from Elvis, From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee and Moody Blue.
Favorite movie soundtrack?
Blue Hawaii, King Creole, It Happened At The World's Fair and Fun in Acapulco.
Favorite live performance?
The Ed Sullivan performances, my god. But I'm also obsessed with the show from August 11, 1970 for That's The Way It Is.
A live performance you wish you were present at?
My ass would be front row at every show, idc.
Favorite jumpsuit(s)?
Adonis, Black Conquistador (IM OBSESSED I TELL YOU; OBSESSED!), Conchos, Royal Blue Fireworks, American Eagle, Pharao and Silver Phoenix. His two piece fits were also very *chef's kiss*.
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Favorite movie(s)?
Blue Hawaii, Fun in Acapulco, Flaming Star and It Happened at The World's Fair. Also Viva Las Vegas and King Creole and Loving You and I'm going to shut up now.
Least favorite movie(s)?
Harum Scarum, Stay Away Joe, Kissin' Cousins and The Trouble with Girls.
Favorite co-star?
Ann-Margret and Shelley Fabares.
Favorite documentary?
Elvis by the Presleys, That's The Way It Is, Elvis on Tour and Elvis: Return to Tupelo.
Favorite interview?
This one right here. I can listen to this man talk for hours and fell asleep to this many many times lol.
Favorite car?
The Purple Cadillac Eldorado is sexy af. And also the Stutz Blackhawk... loooord.. 🥵
Do you collect merch? If so, what's the one thing you hold most dear to your heart?
I spend too much money on this man (woops), but I'm obsessed with Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll which contains Alfred Wertheimer's amazing work. Andddd a collector's item of the Blue Hawaii soundtrack. 💙
Do you think you'll be a fan of Elvis for the rest of your life?
Yes yes yes. He's such a big and important part of my life, I can't imagine him not being in it anymore.
tagging some of my lovely mutuals: @woundmetender @eliseinmemphis @foreverdolly @septembersghost @mrpresley @marriedtopresley @elvispresleywife @ab4eva @elvisabutler @infatuatedharleys @steph-speaks @mooodyblue - if i missed anyone, sorry bbies!
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ariparri · 2 years
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Biographical Information
Full Name: Veruca Carlyn McQuaid
Born: August 23, 1973
Blood Status: Pureblood
Ethnicity/Nationality: Irish
Also Known As:
Ruca (by Diego)
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Wilhelmina McQuaid (mother)
Elroy McQuaid (father)
Coby McQuaid (brother)
Magical Characteristics
Boggart: Kelpie
Wand: 12” Redwood, Dragon Heartstring core and supple flexibility
Arctic Wolf (formerly)
Berry Tarts
Autumn Leaves
Lemon Tea
Auror (formerly)
Ballet Instructor
House: Slytherin
Mac Uáid Family
Ivey Family
Khanna Family
Caplan Family
Veruca Carlyn McQuaid is an Irish witch born into a pureblood family, and is the second child to Elroy and Wilhelmina McQuaid. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1984-1991 and was sorted into the Slytherin House. She excelled in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Flying classes at school. After graduation, she becomes an Auror. Veruca later marries Diego Caplan. They have two daughters, Marisol and Carina, and a younger son, Ruairí. She continued to work as an Auror some time after the war before resigning and later became a ballet instructor.
Veruca was born late August in 1973 to Elroy and Wilhelmina McQuaid. She is a pure-blood witch and a member of the noble House of Mac Uáid. Veruca and her older brother Coby grew up in the Mac Uáid Manor in Kinsale, Ireland.
As a child, Veruca was a shy girl who always hid behind her parents or brother. Coby had taken Veruca to the nearby park where they met some of the neighborhood kids. Two of the kids that she spent time with were Carson Ivey and Merula Snyde. Veruca and Carson were quick to become close friends, while Merula took some time due to her attitude.
Since Veruca was an emotional child, she's had sudden outburst with accidental magic and was taught at home by family members such as Obsidian, Miksa, and Selma to prevent any mishaps within a muggle school. She eventually learned how to control her magic, and some basic level of reading and writing that she no longer needed private tutoring. Though her mother wanted to keep homeschooling her, Elroy's insistence that it will be good for Veruca to be around other kids especially since Carson would be with her, Wilhelmina eventually gave in and Veruca later went to public school.
Veruca showed a keen interest in quidditch from a young age. During one of the family reunions, her father Elroy took part in the quidditch competition. Veruca was on the sidelines watching her father play and nearly fell over the railing because she wanted to be with her dad. Elroy eventually taught Veruca how to fly a broom and play quidditch. Veruca enjoyed playing as a beater and learning how to do a bunch of tricks on the broom, most of which nearly gave her parents a heart attack.
During a camping trip, Veruca found a baby bat out of its nest with a broken wing. Wanting to help the small animal, Veruca brought the bat to her father and they both took care of it. At the time, since she was very young herself, Veruca had been calling the bat "Gambyt." The name eventually became "Gambat" with Elroy helping his daughter with her pronounciation. When Gambat was finally healed, Veruca tried to get him to go back to his nest but every time Veruca put him down Gambat would fly back into her hands and cling onto her. Seeing how Veruca and Gambat have formed a bond, Wilhelmina and Elroy let their daughter keep the bat.
When Coby went missing, Elroy and Wilhelmina tried not to let Veruca outside of the manor to avoid any publicity. Veruca was never really left alone, always accompanied by either her parents or one of the manor staff. Since she was still a kid, Elroy let her continue playing just in the yard. He even allowed Carson and Merula to come over so Veruca wouldn't be lonely. Carson was a good distraction for Veruca, both were making the best of the situation as best as kids can. However, with Merula, and how her parents were sent to Azkaban, had been very antagonistic towards the two. The two were confused that Merula would treat them horribly, insulting their families and even go as far to say Coby was dead.
Angered by Merula, Veruca pushed her to the ground and they started fighting. Wilhelmina and one of the maids came out to stop the girls from fighting, scolding them while checking them for any bruises. Merula ignored the maid tending to her, calling everyone there crazy before storming off, thus ending their friendship. Wilhelmina questioned the other two on what happened, Carson didn't know what to say. Veruca on the other hand was upset, and asked her mother if Coby really was dead before breaking down. Wilhelmina did her best to console her daughter.
After the fall out with Merula, Veruca had become more closed off and cautious towards people outside of her family. She's now more protective of the people she cares about and more observant towards those who try to get close to her. Carson continues to be by her side, being her closest friend and confidant. Veruca isn't too eager to make new friends, letting Carson be the more sociable one of the duo.
Veruca has fair skin tone, green eyes, dark brown hair and stands at an average height of 5 feet and 3 inches or 160 centimeters.
Years 1 - 3
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Years 4 - first half of Year 6
The first attire is her casual outfit. Second is her Valentine's Ball, and the third is her outfit for Festival Fun. She replaces the vest for the school sweater in her uniform.
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Year 6 - Year 7
Veruca’s attire now consists of a black loose sweater over a black corset styled top and pants. In Year 7, she switches the top and sweater for a long sleeved top with a netted and meshed collar. Her hair is now cut asymmetrically short.
Post Hogwarts
Veruca has grown her hair out and tied in a loose and messy bun. She wore a purple top and a black and purple floral dress.
After her marriage with Diego, Veruca wears an off the shoulder maroon top with a light grey skirt. Her hair is swept over to the side and she wears a necklace with the letter D for Diego. On dates, Veruca wears a light blue strapless dress with a matching button up blouse over it.
When working as an Auror, Veruca puts on a black attire. She wears something reminiscent of her Year 7 attire, a long coat and gloves. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun.
Veruca exhibits a cool and relaxed personality, usually sporting a neutral expression on her face. Her demeanor compliments this, being informal towards professors, prefects and fellow classmates. She occasionally can be quite irritable, moaning in annoyance or sighing in displeasure when it comes to anyone, or anything she dislikes. Her Irish accent comes out sometimes whenever she's irritated, it also comes out whenever she gets embarrassed.
Veruca can be mischievous and playful at times. When Rowan came up with the idea of having a pillow fight using the Depulso spell they learned in Charms, Veruca claimed it to be a stupid idea but later engaged in the activity the same night with her friend.
She apparently also loves cute things, as when she first saw the swarm of Puffskeins during Care of Magical Creatures and she was enamored by them, hugging a handful of them. She gets easily embarrassed if someone were to catch her in this state.
In spite of her outward calm, she is prone to react rather passionately about threats to those she deeply cares about. Veruca describes herself as someone who was always blaming herself, for all the harm that she's caused to those dear to her. Several examples are when Rowan was struck with ice from the Ice Vault, and when Ben casted Langlock on Charlie. She even places her friends over her own pride, going as far as to shed tears openly in the Great Hall for Rowan's memorial after witnessing her death at the hands of Rakepick.
〕Magic Skills〔
History of Magic
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies 
Comet One Eighty
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12” Redwood, Dragon Heartstring core and supple flexibility (formerly)
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Enchanted Carnation
A carnation that was charmed to never wilt. Gift given by Diego after their first date.
Coby McQuaid Veruca and Coby have sort of a “complicated” relationship. The two clearly care for each other, but with how both were raised differently due to Coby's disappearance, they have a bit of a competitive relationship that also caused them to engage in childish disputes that continued on into adulthood. Coby may be the oldest, but he can definitely be the most immature between the two, something Veruca often points out, causing Coby to whine about it. They can never play any game together as their competitiveness gets out of hand and someone ends up tackling the other to the ground.
Carson Ivey Veruca's most trusted companion, and childhood friend. The two have known each other since they were 5.They both know almost everything about each other, including their deepest secrets. They have done everything together since childhood. The two also have their own special handshake they made up when they were kids, they still do it even into their adulthood. With Carson's intellect and Veruca's cunning the two make a formidable duo and can cause chaos if they so please. They both know when the other is feeling down about something and are quick to bring it up before the other tries to play it off as something else.
Rowan Khanna Veruca’s closest friend, whom she confides in when she cannot tell Carson something. Veruca trusts Rowan so much, she was the only one who knew about Veruca’s crush on Diego. During the period that they attended Hogwarts, Rowan is revealed to be an exceptionally good roommate. Veruca mentions that Rowan has sweet little quirks, such as folding back the pages in text books of subjects she thinks Veruca would struggle on. She also leaves messages on the mirror when Veruca takes a shower and lets Veruca climb into her bed when she’s had a bad dream. Veruca grows very concerned when Rowan gets hurt during their ventures to the Vaults after she was struck with ice, and cries at her memorial in the Great Hall.
Chiara Lobosca Chiara is another of Veruca’s closest friends. Veruca turns to Chiara when she needs more of a compassionate mindset over logical ones. Veruca cares about Chiara’s wellbeing and always makes sure to ask if she’s doing okay, she even takes the liberty to drag Chiara along with her, not wanting her to be alone. Veruca's fiercely protective over her, and wouldn't hesitate to get into a fight if someone tried to mess with Chiara. After the events that happened in Sixth Year, Chiara was the only one Veruca was able to go to for comfort when she was in such a vulnerable state, and in turn, Veruca would get enraged whenever something or someone tries to hurt Chiara.
Diego Caplan Despite having classes together, Veruca and Diego only started hanging out after the former went to seek Diego out for extra dueling tips. Diego hits on Veruca, but much to the surprise of Rowan, knowing Veruca has always scared these kinds of people away, Diego receives positive results. Veruca even admits to liking when Diego calls her “Ruca.” After Diego helps her with her dueling skills, Veruca hints a liking or attraction to Diego to the point of admitting to Rowan that she had a crush on the Hufflepuff. Veruca’s attraction towards Diego is further evidenced when he starts hanging out with Carson and Jae. Elroy even notices how Veruca interacts with Diego during the summer and teased the two for how much they reminded him of his and Wilhelmina's relationship when they were young. Few years after Hogwarts, the two get married and have three children, and Veruca appears to be even more open about her feelings with Diego.
Jae Kim Jae is Veruca’s detention buddy and fellow troublemaker. Both he and Veruca tend to roast each other in greeting. When Veruca is in a tight pinch with certain items and objects, Jae’s always there with the right stuff, usually offering them to her at a ‘small,’ discount. Jae is also the only one Veruca can act all smug and casual around as they both have a handful of similarities.
Skye Parkin Veruca and Skye have a sort of competitive friendship. Having a brother herself, Veruca knows what it’s like being pressured by family to be the best they can be. They often get into minor disagreements when it comes to the way they study. Veruca even claims that Skye ripping out pages from a book is ‘a crime.’ When it comes to quidditch, the two work extra hard to win for their house, sometimes using that as a means to show off their skills. Despite playing different positions, Skye being a chaser and Veruca being a beater, they make a good team.
Tulip Karasu Like with Jae, Veruca and Tulip roast each other in greeting. Veruca likes Tulip’s style of pranking, as it reminds her of Carson’s. Although they don’t hang out as much as Carson does with Tulip, the two can be good friends and work well together. Veruca can relate to Tulip in regards to “rules are made to be broken” as Veruca always often gets herself into trouble whether it’s intentional or not.
Merula Snyde Once upon a time, the two were close childhood friends alongside Carson. However, after Merula’s parents were sent to Azkaban and Coby went missing, Merula went back against Veruca and severed ties with her. Veruca was heartbroken at the betrayal and eventually grew resentful of Merula. In Hogwarts, the two are always at odds against each other with Merula trying to ruin Veruca’s reputation even more. Near the end of their years at Hogwarts, Merula attempts at getting Veruca’s help yet the latter always sends her off on a goose chase.
Gambat Like his owner, Gambat likes to coax mischief making. He’s been with Veruca since she was a child and the two can talk to each other as if they understand what the other is saying. He’s a very cheeky and smug bat, he also likes to insult or roast Veruca, especially when it comes to her questioning her feelings or actions towards something.
Elroy & Wilhelmina McQuaid Veruca cares greatly for her parents. And while her mother was more on the strict side, Veruca knew her mother cared just as much for her. The fear of something happening to their daughter after Coby went missing was enough to cause Wil overbearing, Elroy was the one who usually had to calm and reassure her. On the other hand, Elroy adored Veruca. He always babied her when she was little, given in to her demands and wants. Elroy was the one who taught her how to fly a broom and introduced her to Quidditch. He was ecstatic when Veruca came home with her own Quidditch plaque.
Donagh & Nevaeh McQuaid Veruca adores her grandparents, Nevaeh always spoiled her with so much affection. Donagh, despite his stoic mannerism, has shown such gentle care whenever it came to Veruca. He treated her the same way he treated his daughter. When Donagh passed, Veruca held herself in her room until Nevaeh came in to comfort her. Nevaeh always insisted that her grandchildren go out and do things without needing her approval. Her reason is "because she's old, what would an old woman's approval matter anyway!" Nevaeh also would sneak some candy to Veruca whenever her mother wasn't looking.
Naoise McQuaid Grand Uncle Naoise was always a quiet and kind man. Like his brother Donagh, Naoise took gentle care over Veruca. Likewise with Veruca treating her uncle with care. The two have their own little tradition the same way Veruca has with every other family member. And that is storytelling. Whether it's Naoise recounting his past for Veruca, or Veruca telling her adventures with the vaults. Usually, Naoise is the one telling stories of his childhood since Veruca always wanted to know what her grandparents were like when they were young.
Áine Lavery Aunt Áine and Veruca's relationship can best be described as awkward niece and rich wine aunt. Since Áine has no children, she has taken to spoil her brother's children. When Áine found Veruca's little collection of brooches and pins, Áine would always buy one from whatever country she's visiting and give it to her niece. Áine usually ignores the articles in the Daily Prophet, until she finds a few articles with her niece being shown in a horrible light. Outraged, she took a chimera drawn carriage to Hogwarts, demanding her niece to clean up her act as she is a lady and not a ruffian. Veruca spent the entire time her aunt was at Hogwarts trying to be a perfect lady while also stopping her aunt from fighting Skeeter.
The name Veruca is derived from the Slavic name veruscha/verushka (meaning true, honest, faith) and means vivacious and strong willed.
The original Gaelic form of McQuaid was Mac Uaid, which means son of Wat. The surname McQuaid was first found in County Monaghan (Irish: Muineachán) located in the Northern part of the Republic of Ireland in the province of Ulster.
The Irish name Carlyn claims descent from the O’Connors in Donegal where “Carlan” (from the Irish “carla” meaning a “wool-comb” and “an” meaning “one who” which roughly translates as “one who combs wool”) was in Irish O’Carlain or O’Caireallain.
"I used to do ballet when I was younger… but I gave it all up. Wasn't planning on pursuing it as a career."
"My dad taught me how to fly a broom and play quidditch. The family has an entire room filled with all the quidditch plaques and trophies!"
"Coby and I could never play together. Someone always ends up cheating and getting tackled to the ground... we were both bad sports at the time."
"Felix is graduating! Who is gonna look after us now, Rowan?!"
"There's a lot about me that even Carson doesn't know. I like to keep it as a little mystery."
”Can you believe it? My own pet, my one pride and joy, calling me a coward! Liking someone is hard, okay, Gambat!!”
"I don't care what happens to you, Merula. You didn't care about the people you've hurt over and over again! And even now, you refuse to take responsibility for any of it. So why should I care about how you feel?!"
Character Quizzes
Friendship Quizzes
Friendship Reward
Bat Plushie
Club Quizzes
Dragon Club - TBA
Sphinx Club - TBA
Date Quizzes
Garden Date - TBA
Courtyard Date - TBA
Date Reward
Trivia & Fun Facts
• When Veruca casts Ridikkulus on her Boggart, it turns into Coby dressed in their mother's clothes and makeup.
• After her wand was destroyed by Rakepick, Veruca stuck with wandless magic.
• She used to dance ballet when she was younger but later quit after failing to get a part in the Sleeping Beauty ballet. She eventually went back to practicing the art when Diego helped regain her courage to dance again. She now practices contemporary ballet then went back to classical ballet after some time.
• She owns a whole bunch of bat themed accessories.
• Veruca has a box filled with antique brooches and pins.
• Veruca and Carson’s birthday tradition involves smashing cake into the celebrant’s face. Friends are also encouraged to take part as they each take a turn smashing or smearing cake onto the birthday star.
• Carnations weren’t always a favorite of Veruca’s until she received a bouquet of one by a certain Hufflepuff.
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onwesterlywinds · 1 year
PROMPT #5: Barbarous
Content warning for sexual harassment and police brutality.
Élodie had kept the same bag of vera root - the same one she had obtained from the Balam Ring's stores with Marco's and Ashley's help - for nearly ten years. Typically, the shelf life of vera root was not half that long, and plenty of alchemists preferred grinding it fresh for each use. But that batch had always been especially potent. Even so many years removed from their heist, she found that it enhanced her potions in ways fresher ingredients did not, and she could not bear to rid herself of it.
In some ways, it was the last relic she had of her old life in the Profondeurs. Each time she opened that jar, she recalled like a punch to her gut the desperation she had felt in getting her hands on it - to say nothing of the lives that had been lost the moment Blackram had interfered.
As soon as the Garleans learned that vera root had uses in everything from pain management to mental health care to postpartum treatment, and that she was one of the main keepers of it in the Undercity, they stormed her apartment in the middle of the night and destroyed the entirety of her stock. It would have been one thing if they had simply confiscated it along with everything else they deemed illicit, but they did not have the decency to obscure their intentions: the officer grabbed the jar by its neck and swung it into the bookshelf, sending shards of glass and a cloud of dust throughout the room. He and his subordinates stomped on all that remained, smearing the vivid yellow powder into the rug with the soles of their steel-toed boots until there was no hope of salvaging any of it.
There was another, smaller jar of vera root from the same source hidden in her basement hideout near Clematis Sigil territory, and still Élodie wept - for the patients who needed her potions, for the frustration of sourcing more essential chemicals in lieu of a perfectly good supply, and for the fact that Marco and Ashley were no longer there to rage and mourn and retaliate alongside her.
"Cheer up, love," said the centurion who'd swung the vase. "You're off with a warning this time. But best not let us catch you practicing your witchcraft again. That'll be two years of hard labor."
"Or her tongue," the youngest of the soldiers remarked while emptying a digestion tonic over her desk.
"Or your tongue. Be a shame to ruin a mouth as pretty as yours."
Élodie did not reply. One of the others had begun searching her for anything else they deemed "contraband." He dug out the latest of Sigrid's letters but seemed unable or unwilling to examine it; he merely shredded it into ribbons before her eyes.
How ironic that all she could remember from its contents, off the top of her head, was Sigrid's invitation to join her aboard the Merlose. How ironic that she had never been more tempted to accept.
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