#verse: human AU
fortunescaling · 4 months
"What if they kissed?"
[[I'll attempt to write a fluffy one for them in return when inspiration strikes and this headache lifts.]]
Night had fallen as they left the opera from a rather delightful evening. Jugram didn't regret expanding his time off work to spend some additional time in town and with Isa. He found his mood lifted and his mind feeling lighter.
But most importantly, he was very content to have had finally made his mind to ask her out. He had been entertaining the idea for quite some time now, debating whether it was worth the risk of possibly turning their friendship awkward.
She was his longest friend and one he shared a lot of similarities with, temperament and lifestyle wise. A bond he had preciously cherished and a bond he could see growing into something more, should she shared the same feelings. So far the new direction they were taking their relationship appeared to sail smoothly.
'I'm glad you enjoyed our date.' He said. 'I always enjoy the time in your company myself.' He added in a soft tone.
'Anyway, it is getting quite late. Shall I walk you home?' He offered his arm. All good things must eventually come to an end. Besides, he wanted to take his time in getting to know her on those new terms. She didn't strike him as the type who liked to be rushed, and he was glad to indulge at slow pace.
They shared their way back between moments of contemplation for the calm of night and conversations about the piece they'd just seen, their favourite scene, what they should see next. Jugram noticed a soft blush on her cheeks, as they exchanged glances, that he found both endearing and amusing. A new side of her he was discovering with great appreciation.
As they reached towards Isa's door, an awkward silent settled between them while they stood in front of one another, about to part goodbye. Should they? Should they not?
'Well, it was a lovely evening and my pleasure to take you out.' He begun, not letting any of the anticipation building in chest transpired in his tone.
'I hope there will be many more.' He added, his lips curving into a soft smile, while his eyes watched carefully for cues in her body language.
As she stood still, not looking quite ready to depart yet, he decided to take his chance. He leaned closer, raising a delicate hand to her cheek and leave a chaste kiss on her skin. That should be appropriate for a third date. 'Goodnight, Isa.'
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underno9 · 1 year
Open Starter
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It was like most other days in the shop. No customers, no new deliveries... nothing much at all to do. But Frankie was there, as he always was. Day in and day out, he was there. Taking stock, dusting, rearranging... anything he could to pass the time.
Today he had bought in a small record player and had the soundtrack to 'The Producers' stage musical playing quietly as he went around cleaning.
The music had gotten a few songs in (track 5, to be exact) before Frankie had given into and began to sing along. A few lines more and he was singing louder and beginning to dance around as he continued to clean.
In his own happy little world and never expecting anyone to walk in the door.
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0ketinha · 6 months
Fleek but SpiderVerse!! (? or just Spiderman? idk idc) !!
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ifindus · 5 months
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"Pirates" - for the 4th day of @aphfrukweek
still thinking about my steampunk pirate au fic and the sequel chilling in my drafts...
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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a taste of hannibal, a touch of megamind, a shot of venom (pours the whole damn bottle)
i love venom (2018) a lot, it’s my go-to movie when i’m bored or sad, i have seen it many many times. i saw it again a week or so ago with a bud and finally had the opportunity to pen down this lovely au i’ve been thinkin bout
i’ve got a much more fleshed out sketch of how this au plays out. not sure if i’ll write it yet
anyway some bullet points
noir (called, ofc, noir) arrives on earth-138 in the 1920s. his first host is robbie and they basically go through the venom movie, where noir slowly learns to love earth and humanity and all that jazz. up until the 50s or so they’re an investigative reporter and occasionally a scary vigilante superhero!
when robbie is killed (not ewaf style. i forbid it), it fucking devastates noir and he host-hops for a bit, doing fun anarchy things to keep up robbie’s legacy but also losing a few morals here and there. he can do a little murder and eat nazis as a treat
the symbiotes arrive en masse and osborn infects humans with them to turn into his fascist riot police army
through vampire-hunting-esque shenanigans, hobie and noir meet, and strike up a tenuous truce to fight the government. hobie does not like him at first, but noir very much does ;)
cue a slow burn gothic romance between a freedom fighter and a devoted monster <3
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chuunardo · 1 year
Nah cuz imagine this: Shellshocked but it's with Prowler Miles Morales aka Miles 42
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Throws in some Shellshocked angst in it as well cuz why tf not lmao!! Not me making no context angst and going lmao 🧍🏽‍♀️— Anywhizzle I might make a fic based on this pic
>Also sorry if yall expected like normal turtle Mikey, my mind went straight into "HUMAN AU!!" 😅
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mystiffox · 3 months
Hi, just wanted to say I love your art style and I love the way you have dream and Plum being friends I have a feeling it’s just gonna be really cool
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HEHE THANK YOU !!!! i think plum just deserves to befriend everyone and it does include literal gods/guardians🙏🙏🫶🫶 he's the multiverse's silly lil emotional support /lh /pos
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also some old plum art for the people :]] ft. me !
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little-pondhead · 2 years
After Danny is crowned Ghost King, Amity Park becomes detached from the mortal realm and is suspended between the two realms, much like Danny is. In an effort to combat this isolation from the rest of the world, Danny opens up his castle to the residents of Amity. (Not his Lair, just the castle he earned via conquest.)
Now the castle is more like a community center, and it’s constantly filled with both humans and ghosts coming and going. The Amity Parkers are already liminal, so visiting the Zone is actually healthy for them! The school takes the kids on regular field trips, ghost vs. human competitions get very heated, and overall everyone bonds over their shared freakiness and comes to terms with the fact they’ll never venture out into their world ever again.
But just because they’re detached from their world, doesn’t mean the residents of Amity can’t visit other worlds. :)
And it just so happens that their new community castle is filled to the brim with magic doors and ancient treasures to help aid on their noble quest of inter-dimensional grocery shopping.
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desultory-novice · 8 months
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"...I'm sorry..."
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"...Hee! Noir, you smell kinda moldy." "Yeah? And now you're going to smell that way too."
"...Because I'm not letting you go for anything."
Sometimes, the collar is a metaphor...
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
Also sorry if the first panel is unclear. Adeleine isn't trying to clumsily remove the visor, she's reaching in to touch his face to let him know she's there, as Noir is blind and deaf in this particular form, outside of what information the petals take in and transmit to him. They can't recognize qualities of the voice, ie, that it is his beloved little sister, simply that "some" voice is talking to him. They are also what transmits his "voice" (more like a droll, ghosty monotone) outwards.
Anyway, I was revisiting some of my favorite fairy tales, including HC Andersen's "The Snow Queen" (where the title originates) when I realized just how well parts of that story fit Adeleine and Noir.
In seconds, I'd written up a fresh script and was drawing this. It's a little rushed/uneven because I pushed myself to finish as quick as possible so that this could be my official last art post before my surgery tomorrow, figuring it was a good note to leave things on.
Call it ~fairy tale magic~ (although I imagine this is set sometime AFTER the Dark Matter Trilogy rather than during. Perhaps after Zero's "favorite tool" was discovered to be broken beyond repair and with Zero itself destroyed, 02 and the rest of the Dark Matter cut him off from the hive and left him to starve to death in the ruins of Shiver Star, where Adeleine eventually discovers him after revisiting her journey with the others) ...but at least we've got x1 Noir saved now!
(...How many more to go...? ^^; )
Because I know you folks care about lore, drone-type or unhatched Dark Matter "feed" off energy provided from the Hive Queen and they will burn in the light without their queen's protection.
Main game Shiver Star is actually MANY years removed from the Shiver Star Adeleine and Noir grew up on. (Adeleine fell through a dimensional rift halfway off planet and wound up on Popstar YEARS later than she left. It's a...complicated...story I'll tell later, while Noir has been Dark Matter for much longer than it seems) So, in addition to there being no more people there, there is significantly less of the kind of light that harms Dark Matter. (Is it, in fact, DUE to the lack of living creatures on the planet?? Dun-dun-dun?!)
Speaking of lore: "Wasn't there a literal parasite inside this version of Noir?? Like, an eyeball in his chest? Is that just gone now?"
It is not GONE, for no one goes through life without some consequences. Though it was starved into hibernation and made further dormant by ~the healing power of love~ Noir does retain some piece of Dark Matter living inside him. A creature inside that grows stronger feeding off his negative emotions. 
He will simply have to learn to control it instead of giving in.
...Just like the rest of us humans. ^_-
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llondonfog · 4 months
Your writing is amazing, I love ur mind. And I need more (only if u feel like it ofcrs :))))))
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH?????? i can't believe that au broke through twst containment and into the whump community, this is such an honor aisdj;fl
while i don't have a drabble queued up for the moment, i didn't want to leave you hanging after such a sweet comment so please enjoy the brief snippet below :)
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He can smell them first.
The scent of man sprawls over the wind and across the hilltop, a thick miasma bloated with sweat and iron and greed. The trees themselves shiver as if to shy away from the approaching bloodlust, and there's a foreboding silence that speaks to the absence of the woodland creatures who have long since scrambled or burrowed their way to safety.
Behind the snarling, grotesque mask situated half over his face, Lilia wrinkles his nose and squeezes the leather-wrapped grip reflexively, the stench one that will follow and haunt his dreams.
In the recesses of his mind, a gentle pressure flickers in reassurance, as calm and as steady as the stars above.
There is no doubt in his mind of the outcome— as the General of the Right, the Running Rampart of the Verdurous Moor, he has not and will not fail his Queen in battle. However, his thoughts drift to the blade clutched tightly in his hand, a strength of possessiveness he never would have believed himself capable of expressing towards a mere weapon, and a realization centers itself in his mind as if it had simply always been at home there— he would not fail Silver either.
Ahead of him, the first of the soldiers breaches the forest crest, the glimmer of the moon glinting off the peak of a battle-worn helmet.
Without a second thought, he lifts the sword with ease, pressing his exposed lips to the brilliant auroral gem laid into the pommel, to the soul trapped inside.
"The Night's Blessing be upon you," he breathes, and for a moment, only a moment— a fragile, delicate drop of time— he could swear there are arms around him, lips warm and benevolent to his temple as his own words echo back to him on the breeze.
The soldiers descend.
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pink-link-lemonade · 5 months
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[NONE OF THIS IS CANON! Just sillay crackship :3]
They make me go insane… thinkin’ about them making out in his room
BB/MVA!Sonic: @weirdozjunkary
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vroomian · 2 months
Damn, I forget that Hana's respect towards omegas isn't just a courtesy thing, but also respect your capability and agency. No wonder she's so popular and such a loyal following. No wonder the deputy gives a cut of the earnings.
Yeahh i was thinking about how omegas, women, and omega women are treated and the answer is: poorly!
So there’s the sexism, but, horribly, the scenting and the heat issues can be extremely bad for omegas.
Meeting Hana is so fucking weird for omegas. She’s an alpha, a strong one! But she’s not an asshole? She’s not even possessive?? She never tries to intimidate anyone? (Hana is intimidating but she’s not like. Trying to be lol.) She asks her omega second in command for advice and then actually listens??
So yeah the strippers and workers at the bars are like ‘why the fuck is Hana in hell?’ And then Hana does something incredibly violent to a challenger, and then they go ooooohhhhh. Glad she’s on our side lol.
(They’re wrong btw. Hana lived a pretty average life as a human. The died and went to the void and then she somehow ended up in hell. She went to hell because she hasn’t got a soul and she reads as hellborn adjacent to the Hazbin universe.
This also means that Hana, unlike other sinners, can traverse all the rings of hell!)
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underno9 · 1 year
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Furfur is an angel of Heaven that was assigned to London in the early 1920's. He was given a stationary shop just outside of Soho that he ran using the name of Frederick Fur. Or Freddie for short. He is a kind, shy and gentle angel. If anyone were to listen, he would tell them that the store had been passed down to him from his grandfather, to his father and then to him.
Furfur very rarely gets customers into his shop, if any at all. Despite his desperately wanting some. The few he very occasionally gets never give him thanks or offer any sort of praise. Things that Furfur has always wanted but never heard.
//to be expanded//
Frederick Fur runs a stationary shop just outside Soho that had been in his family since the 1920's. He is a kind, shy & gentle man who very rarely gets customers into his shop, if any at all. Despite his desperately wanting some. The few he very occasionally gets never give him thanks or offer any sort of praise. Things that Freddie has always wanted but never heard.
//to be expanded//
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Furfur was one of the most beautiful angels in all of Heaven. They did what others wanted, wanting nothing but the approval of others.
They hadn't wanted to Fall but had instead been coerced into Falling by several others who they had sought the approval of. Not knowing how wrong it was until things were too late.
//to be expanded//
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After the events of season 2, Furfur takes over from Shax as Hells representative in London. Getting Crowley's old apartment.
After being on Earth for a while, away from Hells influences, they start to look more human. Like in the above icon (full image here) but maybe with a few silver/white streaks in the side.
Reminiscent of how beautiful they were as an angel.
The longer they are there, the more they come to like Earth.
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0ketinha · 6 months
More Trolls in Spiderverse(?)
Captain John Dory n Venon Sabbath (oc by @tea0w0stache, and Venon Sabb design by @.99kroi)
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yuesya · 7 months
I just read the Mechamaru short and also the other replies and well. And it just STRUCK me how Mechamaru is downright in the wrong in so many fucking ways.
Especially when you mentioned the guards. Those poor people who were guarding the Death Paintings and fingers. Mechamaru didn’t even give them a single consideration and probably even forgot they even existed, but they died horrible deaths because of Mechamaru colluding with Kenjaku.
Mechamaru accuses of Shiki having a perfect life - powerful, beautiful, perfect - and feels anger at her for the indifference when she looks at him, and yet, HE is worse than she is.
Ironically enough, despite her indifference and very much real and sincere want to resort to killing to solve her problems ALA she’s a cute little psychopath, Shiki is far more nicer to her subordinates and “people who don’t matter to the sorcerers”.
The guards. The assistants. The servants.
Because of how logical, abnormal and straightforward her way of thinking is, Shiki just… gets straight to the point. She treats her servants nicely because it’s basic decency to treat people who make everything work nicely. She makes sure her assistants are out of harm because duh, they are her assistants and can take care of other things, they don’t have to risk their lives fighting curses they cannot handle, she can handle that. Someone has committed a crime? Well easiest solution is to kill them but because of politics she will just immobilize them :/ Just let her break their limbs quickly, she had learnt from her mistake with Geto Suguru after all. They can be interrogated with only their mouth.
It’s just. Shiki doesn’t care about them the way she cares about Nanami or Satoru or Tsumiki or Megumi or Yuzuki.
Yet, she’s far, far more kinder to them than many other sorcerers who just see them as fodder.
Ironic. One of the most inhuman of sorcerers is kinder to them than those with human ego, isn’t it?
I think we're probably all in agreement that Mechamaru's plan in canon wasn't thought out very well. It sort of feels like he just finally, finally saw a chance to save himself, and went for it -to the point that he was tunnel-visioning quite a bit, either ignorant or uncaring or both regarding the casualties that such actions would have.
Shiki is largely uncaring about most people on the emotional level, but not the intellectual level. Which makes all the difference!
Mechamaru is indeed rather hypocritical in various ways when you look at things this way. Luckily, he's alive instead of dead in the Liyue AU, so now he gets to deal with the repercussions.
I haven't really made up my mind on details in the Liyue AU, although I think I'd like Mechamaru to have some character development in which he deals with the consequences of what his actions wrought.
In his own world, we have many civilian deaths, as well as the deaths of the warehouse guards. He also endangered his own classmates during the Goodwill event. He actively assisted and helped to hide Geto-Kenjaku and the man's faction from the jujutsu school.
In Liyue, an entire village was decimated by the four Special Grade cursed spirits that Shiki was fighting. Cursed spirits that she was only fighting because she'd been sent to search for Mechamaru.
Part of me wants to keep the transfigured monster-form a permanent state for Mechamaru. Actions have Consequences, and all that. It would also serve as an ever-present reminder that Mechamaru can't run from, in terms of what his shortsighted decisions cost him. There's also a fun parallel to hilichurls!
At the same time, there's another part of me that wants to make it so that Mechamaru can learn from the adepti. More specifically, learn to transform his shape from the illuminated beast adepti, whose original forms are animals but they themselves can take on a human form.
Because part of Mechamaru's growth in the Liyue AU would be coming to terms with what he did, but also trying to atone for it, too. To move past his mistakes, and become better.
... Anyways there are fun things to write either way, and I'd better stop here and get back to editing the next chapter for zenith of stars now haha.
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sangled · 11 months
How would the human tadc au work? Like, the same in the pilot, they just look more human? Or is it like a whole different divergence?
pretty much the same, except instead of an entirely new digital form when you enter the circus, they're like costumes that stick to your human body! that's the design philosophy i went into it with, anyway.
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