#very contraversy
thought yall knew better
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its so weird that this seems to be something i've seen ppl in the lgbt+ community and ppl against it both do
we already have few Aspec ppl and representation about experiences ace and aro ppl in media and shows
and sometimes the few we get play into stereotypes
like aro/aces being emotionless/robotic oh and the long trilogy of making that character who are ace/aro nonhuman which is FINE but paired with ppl seeing characters with this trait as robotic or emotionless these trait combined with characters that are Aspec being nonhuman it give off the vibe that they think that Aspec
'isn't human' that people who lack romantic and sexual attraction aren't fully people because they aren't going out pursuing people for a romantic and/or sexual way
these ppl have families, friends, jobs, hobbies, aspirations, troubles and fears and its crazy to think that so much of society can be centred about romance and finding the one at such a young age and then about you're sexual life as soon as you hit puberty like no warning before that happens suddenly your old enough ppl telling you too much or too little about how you should be or act or how you 'have' to use or treat your body
and now we're seeing a little more Aspec characters though its still a very small pool i love it and i hope it grows it grows to a point where we see charachters talking out aspec experience
and if you know shipping a gay man with a woman is wrong
and a lesbian with a man then please don't treat other attractions with such disrespect
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tweedstoat · 2 years
the smallfolk being horrified at blood and cheese and eventually rioting (in part) because of Helaena Targaryens suspicious death + the smallfolk being one of the few groups of people who still cared about the “butchery of Rhaegars children” years after Roberts Rebellion and claiming that the Lannisters were cursed for what they did like the nobility has been so corrupted by the system they uphold and benefit from that the peasantry are the only ones who have normal reactions to atrocities anymore
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saltyfilmmajor · 3 months
The love that exists between Naruhodou and Mayoi is indescribable and makes me very emotional
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Whatching the marvelous mrs maisel here and it's season 1 episode 6.
Just wanna ask real quick - is the hitler parody alright? I don't know if this was discussed back in the days when season 1 was relevant online or is it idk established fact that this was alright or the opposite? I'm really curious.
Because as the matter of fact the moment I saw this man doing Hitler parody in front of jewish person (whose ethnicity not only established but pretty much relevant to the plot) I got kinda tense. For a second I thought there was gonna be a fight about his jokes.
And I know, it is supposed to be NY in 1958, I can guess that for some or most people there Hitler was more of a political figure, something they read in papers and heard in the news than a real threat, they weren't afraid that he and nazi regime would wipe americans out. (If I'm wrong please don't be mad at me, not an american and I wasn't there in 1958). But still the show pretty much acknowledged the struggles jewish people went through and I guess if it is weird for me, not in 2023 and I think it would be weird in 1958 (less than 15 years after nazi regime was brought down) then it shouldn't be on screen as some sort of a funny joke.
So, yeah, it felt really weird and seemed unnessesary. And I wanna know how other people feel about this. If maybe I'm being too idk delicate and there's nothing there.
I'm also not jewish btw, before you ask. I don't know if it is okay to advocate for their people in this situation but my country was invaded by nazis during WW2. My greatgrandfathers fought nazis, the city I grew up in was under a siege and a lot of more things I can tell you about this that do not matter in this discussion but - but! - I can tell you that, if it was someone of my people in this scene hearing those jokes imstead of mrs. Maisel, I would be really offended and asking why they don't just punch this comedian in the face.
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cuyahogafalls-ohio · 1 year
I can be a man and also not have a gender it's my gender i make the rules
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smak-annihilation · 7 months
a surprising but very much true statement in regards to the coffin of Andy and Leyley is that the demon from hell is one of, if not the most sane, stable, non contraversial and least messed up characters
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bellawoso · 1 month
saw a post about this and was about to reblog it, however it has completely disappeared, but it was to do with some contraversy around angst writers.
honestly i love angst fics, and this post isnt targeted to anyone at all, however it can be very obnoxious of some people to write a fic about a player hitting or abusing the reader, only for the reader to forgive that player straight away.
domestic violence is a serious topic that shouldnt be incorporated into fanfics for the “plot”.
overall i think that some writers should try be a bit more sensitive of what they write on tumblr, there are some topics that shouldnt be written about, as i know if i was a player, i wouldnt want people turning me into a manipulative, abusive person for their pleasure.
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amorous-apothipl · 10 days
contraversial aspec take: "love is love" isn't exclusive, it just isn't meant for aspecs. it's a phrase that gained popularity around 2014(?) in the campaign for gay marriage. given y'all seem very not into marriage, i kindly ask you to chill about a phrase used to normalize queer (romantic) love.
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cinnamonsly · 7 months
Okay this may be very contraversial but
Ia it okay to ship cccc characters?
I know someone who is and im not sure if its okay or not. They're all the same person so it would be selfcest but I also know that alters in a system can date eachother
Also im not forcing you to answer either I just like in my brain you're the person that knows the most about cccc even though this is an uncomfortable question
in my personal opinion. no. i think it’s weird haha. chonny himself has said he’s tentatively okay with it just as long as you don’t involve him in it, so if you really want to go ahead (ik there’s people that do) but personally. i do not like it. just gives me icky feelings. selfcest is certainly a weird concept but not something i’m against in any sense, but in this case it just …. doesn’t feel right to me haha
as for HMSW alters/fictives dating each other, i think that’s fine. they’re not the actual canon characters, so in that sense i don’t think it matters. it really only gets me when people ship the actual characters together
so do what you want, i don’t judge anyone else for shipping them but i personally want to be left out of it and not have my designs for the characters involved in it. but chonny has said it’s fine so it’s really up to you what you do!
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Contraversial opinnion but
every right desrves a human but not every human desevers a right
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@numantinecitizen: Thing is what you described is most of history, only in the last 200 years have we really had the means to end the cycle of violence and oppression (though it continues), but any "great" civilization of ancient times was founded in this way. I do agree though its creeps me out when people glorify Rome or some other empire too much, we must be aware of all the aspects and the human cost to achieve the technology they did. I remember reading about a Dominican professor who works in "the classics" and he is really contraversial and pisses off other people in the field, because A he doesn't thinks the classics should even exist as a separate field of study, its blatant eurocentric propganda that acts like Rome and Greece are founding fathers of all (white) Europeans, which is nonsense, and B as a black Dominican he focused especially on the history of slavery in Rome, and its sickening seeing things like ancient Roman slave collars saying "if lost please return to owner".
Yeah, of course, I'm a aware that history is a string of conquerors and conquered, but I mean, I think in this day and age we should be more conscious. One anon told me about sickening La Entrada in New Mexico, and how for many people it's just a parade and a festive day and how they don't take it too seriously, while it's actually hurtful for native people. I can see how many of these parades started as victory anniversaries that also served as a reminder of who was in charge for the conquered; as time went by they evolved to something like a party day for many, but still for some descendants of those conquered it's still as hurtful as it was for their ancestors.
That professor is totally right, btw, I'd love to read some of his essays on the matter.
And regarding the Roman celebrations, maybe I'm reading too much into them, but I feel there's also a really big racist ingredient there. I mean, there aren't celebrations of how the Muslims beat the Wisigoths' asses, or recreation of battles that Christians lost. However, we have recreations - and celebrations! - of the Carthaginians or Cantabrians losing to Rome 💁‍♀️.
There's still many people that say that Spaniards and Italians are half brothers because they all come from the Romans, as if 1) there was only one color and culture in the Roman empire and 2) nobody else had come and mixed with Iberian people since Rome fell.
I can understand that Italian and Spanish are very similar and there's a closer culture between the two than with, let's say, Morocco. But there's also this racist undertone there like, call me descendant of Romans or Wisigoths, but don't call me descendant of Moors. I don't know if I make sense.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
my most contraversial rom com opinion is that crazy rich asians is not a rom com. it was just marketed very successfully as one, despite having way more in common with a family dramady and I get so annoyed when ppl compare it to other rom coms
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impunkster-syndrome · 4 months
Big post of interesting art stuff that I like. Yeah, video games are art too. Deal with it. Just let me know if some links are wrong.
Long list under the cut. Doing this for the benefit of those with screen readers.
Art in general:
The Art Still Trolling Conservatives 100 Years Later (That Dang Dad)
The Politics of Loving the Bad Guy (Princess Weekes)
Proximity Voice Chat in Horror Games (Scruffy)
Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery (Defunctland)
This Best-Selling Novel Was A Total Hoax! (AustinMcConnell)
The Bendy Contraversy, Revisited | The Story of Joey Drew Studios (Chris Portal)
Media analysis:
Daughter of Discord: a needlessly long analysis of an old My Little Pony fanfiction (Shunks)
Homestuck and the Self (Funk McLovin)
The Centaurworld Paradox (Henry Kathman)
Cyberpunk 2077: some cyber, no punk (Sophie from Mars)
Bramblestar Is Worse (Moonkitti)
a video about mars, musk, and marx (biz)
Seeing Yourself (BPD in the Media) (Sophie from Mars)
The Forgotten 4th Wall Breaking Horror Game (ToadBup - Flashing lights at the very beginning and some through the video)
Character analysis:
"Kokichi Did Nothing Wrong" (Plasmyte)
The Genius of 'The Milkman Conspiracy' (Thought Bubble)
The Vriskamentary DEFINITIVE EDITION (Funk McLovin)
The Mangle: FNAF's Beautiful Abomination (Ozone)
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stuffedsand · 6 months
Wahey milgram oc time my silly guya
013 - Shiratori Masaki
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My boy
- 20
- prisoner number 013 (I slapped them into base milgram cuz I don't wanna make a whole new cast)
- to quote my own character notes: cringefail specimen of a man.
-- fun name thing! His first name means "true, hope" hehe
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"Under, oh so aware of all that you say
This makes me sick, so please, go away"
Votes (fabricated lmao)
Songs of Prisoners
+T1 – what…what are you talking about?
+T2 – no…you-you’re lying!
Voice trailer (t1)
Oh uh… Shiratori Masaki, that's my name. 20, uni student. Uhh what else … oh, sorry if I forget anything, i, ah, my memory has never been any good
If I'm being honest…I don't know what the hell you're talking about! No one around me has died recently. At least…not as far as I can recall…
*Takai? Takai! Wake up! This isn't funny..!*
Voice trailer (t2)
Hi, Es-kun, how have you been? Ah, Shiratori Masaki. You didn't forget our deal, right?
*Shut up! I don't want to listen to you and your stupid problems anymore!*
-- a timid yet stubborn man. It is very difficult to change his opinions on things. Polite, but very quick to turn defensive if blame is turned on him.
He can be a prick at times.
Extra notes
-- a man with really bad memory loss. During T1 interro, he makes a deal that he'll take MILGRAM seriously if Es can tell him who his victim is. And he has to believe it
-- not mentioned but his memory loss is a trauma response. Dead bodies are traumatic I don't think that's a contraversial take
-- the indirect murderer of the pair
Full body:
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Please note -- his ugly fucking shoes were not an accident he has a horrible fashion sense
014 - Akabane Kazuko
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The She
-prisoner number 014
-based off one of my multifandom ocs (and my favourite of the 2)
--fun name thing! Her name means "gentle/kind/harmonious child". 子 is also(apparantly) male specific. I have fun reasons for that
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(pardon the artstyle change this was done on my tablet instead of my computer and was. Rushed💀)
Under, I don't care if I'm in the right or wrong
Songs of prisoners
Full of malice, we will waltz to our doom
Votes (edit)
T1 - guilty
T2 - (?)
+t1 – let's get on with it, shall we?
+T2 – ...you're not very good at this.
T1 – voice trailer
Hello. I am Akabane Kazuko. 24. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Warden.
I am interested in how all this will play out. But nothing will really change the impact of our actions. Remember that, Warden
* My final act… will take your breath away! *
T2 – voice trailer
Good day, Warden. Kazuko, you remember, yes? Seems your choices have caused quite the ruckus.
* You…You know what you've done! I'll make you pay for it!*
-- a calm and gentle woman. A showman at heart, she is elegant and loves performing magic tricks.
-- some are unsettled by her, but she does her best to be kind and friendly to those she speaks to
Extra notes:
-- Magician coded :)
-- because I can fabricate fan theories, es assumed they killed 2 people in trial one. They have only killed one.
-- the direct murderer of the pair
Full body: (outdated a lil, I changed her vibe. Design still stands)
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Please note -- bowling alley socks
Interro qns (please give me some interro questions tho I'm very bad at thinking any up)
Also note: interros are formatted as
Cuz I wrote this when I labelled Kazuko as 001 and Masaki as 002. I'm changing it to reflect their new numbers but editing on Tumblr mobile sucks so I'm not changing the order </3
Q)Tell us your family structure
014 — mother, self, brother,
...it's just me now
013 — parents, me and my twin, Shiratori Takai.
Q)Is there people you hate?
014 — hypocrites.
Don't become one, warden
013 — people who always depend on you
Q)Which prisoner is the most similar to you?
014 – yuzuriha kotoko.
013 – hm...
Probably kayano. He looks like he doesn't know why he's here, too
Q)What was your murder weapon?
014 — what a bold question
It was a bottle.
013 — haha, I'll humour you for this one
Hmmmm...... My words, maybe? I've been told i have quite a sharp tongue
Q)What was your family like?
014 — kind, resilient. They were wonderful. I
loved them
013 — they're ok.
Which prisoner do you get along with the least?
014 — mr mukuhara. Nothing against him, he just reminds me of someone.
013 — …Kusunoki. No reason, but I do wish she'd stop trying to talk to me. It's annoying.
Q)How has your experience been within MILGRAM ?
014 — quite good, considering we're all in here for murder.
013 — uh… good? I still don't believe you saying we're all murderers.
Q)Do you have regrets?
014 — yes. I should have done something sooner
013 — no? I did argue with my brother recently, but it was nothing, really. I'll apologize and everything will be fine
Q)Is there a verdict you hope for?
014) all I hope for is your honest judgement. I want to see how you choose to judge
013) Well, since I don't think I've done anything… I'd hope to be forgiven, of course.
Who was your victim to you?
014) nothing.
013) eh? Warden, I don't know. We made a deal remember? You tell me!
What is your father like?
014) i dont consider him my father.
013) uh…he’s my dad. What more do you want me to say, really...
What do you think of the prisoner paired with you?
014) Shiratori? Not much opinion. I do wonder what he's done to be here, though.
013) Ms Kazuko..? Shes intimidating, if I'm being honest. Not scary, just...intimidating
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zapsoda · 6 months
hullo love. as i may quote les mis, Tell me quickly what's the story / Who saw what and why and where / Let him give a full description / Let him answer to Javert!, what is going on with the essayists/hbomberguy/plagiatists? im not familiar with that side of usamerican youtube game but im all for the tea
so hbomberguy is a youtube man (i am not an avid viewer but he is leftish and makes long video essays so hes PRETTY popular on here) the other day he dropped a long ass video about plagiarism on youtube, totally pwning an assortment of youtubers ranging in popularity.
among them, the most notable are illuminaughti, internet historian, and james somerton.
illuminaughti is/was a youtuber who would shift from popular topic to popular topic for clout. eventually she landed on video essays which she would churn out on the regs
she was/still is in a contraversy which started because she accused another youtuber of "stealing" her "editing style," because HIS editor asked HER editor how to do some fucking generic video effects. this, obviously, was stupid.
hbomberguy took the opportunity on twitter to point out her directly lifting words from a documentary she based one of her own videos on, without direct credit (it was just a fucking link to the documentary in a google doc in the description), thus making it appear as if those were her own words.
then, her former friends started calling her out for weird vindictive shit behind the scenes, but its 3 peoples word against hers and not interesting enough to be anyone elses business.
anyways, hbomberguy covered all her plagiarism stuff (she has done this several times lol) in further detail within the video.
the next one was internet historian.
you might have heard of him, he makes videos i think. (i am... less familiar with him lmao.) i think hes known for his distinct matpat-esque animation style and his collabs, making him pretty well respected among youtubers i think?
so he made a video called "man in cave" which was VERY popular. he went all out with the animation and told a vivid tale of a certain man who got trapped in a cave.
suddenly though, this VERY popular video disappeared without a trace. it had seemingly been taken down for youtube copyright reasons... as you can imagine this is very vague, and Usually when this happens its over some complete and utter bullshit, so people were inclined to side with him, yet, strangely, he made no efforts to rectify this "mistake" on youtubes part.... hm....
later, he silently reuploads it, unlisted. yet. somethings different.... this isnt quite the same video. the language has been changed in many places, the writing is significantly worse. some bits have been cut entirely. and in the description, he thanks a certain mentalfloss article written by lucas reilly for "inspiring" him....
upon a cursory look through the article, something becomes readily apparent. the structure of the youtube video, an hour by hour retelling- the vivid descriptions which made the original video what it was, they all originated in this article published years ago.
i cannot relay this without mentioning how much worse internet historians writing was despite it being stolen. see, he would embellish and change certain things to make it less blatantly obvious he was lifting the whole thing (including... facts about the story.... lmao) and he would do so BADLY. very badly.
hbomberguy went into FAR more depth about this, even doing side by side comparisons of the article to his video with animations pointing out the bits he altered.
but the video wasnt really about any of those people, they were just setting the stage. they were giving you a taste of plagiarism in action, how and why people do it, and how they try to cover it.
by far, the main event was a gay youtuber who talks about gay things by the name of james somerton.
im actually only like halfway through his section lol.
it seems to me that he plagiarizes every aspect of his videos, like he googles the topics he wants to talk about, finds an article, and then reads that but changes the words here and there.
the only original words in his videos that ive seen were REALLY odd transphobia and misogyny that he would pepper in or go off in tangents about. he misgendered two trans writers (Rebecca Sugar and ND Stevenson) and called becky abertelli straight, specifically calling them straight women writing about their cutesy idealized version of gay mens lives. actually fucking identical to the shit open transphobes say about transmasculine people.
whats worse is becky abertelli CAME OUT because she was forced to by people harrassing, doxing, and threatening her for the crime of being a closeted woman writing about gay characters!
after being called out multiple times (and sending his fans after the individuals calmly addressing his plagiarism) he started OCCASIONALLY using credit in the descriptions, or saying he "based" his work on theirs.
he doesnt do this when he thinks he can get away with it though
hbomberguy does these incredible visuals dividing up transcripts of james videos based on where each section was lifted from
thats as far as ive gotten anyways!!
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 9 months
Contraversial American Housewife Opinion
I’m not a huge fan of Triplor, I mean they were cute the first 3 seasons, then by season 4, it became clear that she outgrew him. We had the same plot multiple times of Taylor wanting to move away from Westport, wanting to explore the world or wanting to learn more about art, history and other cultures, while Trip just wants to stay in Westport and is not interested in other cultures or exploring the world. Trip tried a couple of times to partake in Taylor’s interests but at the end of the day, that’s not who he is. The person that Taylor grew to be is not compatible with who Trip is.
Additionally, Taylor has grown so much in season 4, she worked to get into her dream college and she completed a list of important life skills that her parents gave her and she even gave up her dream college because she knew her parents couldn’t pay for it. Don’t get me started in how mad season 5 made me when they dropped that plotline, Katie and Greg would not be treating her like a screw-up is they knew what she selflessly did for them. And we don’t even know if she is going there next year or if she got a job to pay for it (it didn’t seem like she did). Anyway, in season 5, they even had a plot-line of Taylor realizing that she outgrew her high-school friends who are very similar to Trip, which I think was supposed to parallel her outgrowing Trip.
Now, I have a theory.
1) Katie mentioned that Taylor’s first love may not be her last love.
2) Taylor and Trip only broke up for 1 episode and did not even try to move on from each other.
3) A big part of his proposal speech was how he didn’t want to lose Taylor again and it seemed to be his main motivator.
4) Both Taylor and Trip had crushes on other people.
All of this leads me to believe that if there was a season 6, it would focus on Taylor and Trip’s engagement but they won’t go through with the wedding and will realize that they are no longer compatible. Then a hypothetical season 7 would show Taylor being single because thsi poor girl has been in a relationship since season 2, let her rest, be free and breathe. This is the only ending I accept because I refuse the idea of Taylor being married at 19, giving up her dreams of exploring the world or becoming a singer and then settling down in Westport and having a family right after.
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