#very fun to draw them all getting ready and their different styles
julnites · 1 year
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The cover I did for the The Seven fashion zine from the @d20zinejam this past summer!
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ribbonetteart · 3 months
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Tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time + the franchise that has me in a death grip 💖
a bit late for Christmas but at least Valentine's day is around the corner ^^;;
Process below if that interests you:
AS I SAID EARLIER, I had been working on this piece as early as December of 2021 😱!!!
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This was the original sketch! I was inspired after learning about Blaze's own design inspiration coming from Takarazuka theater, as well as it being the Nutcracker season so this film was in bouncing around in my head.
and this was allllll the way back in 2021 ^^; I had put the idea to paper to capture the image in my head immediately. But the idea in my head was extravagant and beautiful and would certainly take time to complete, as well as the patience and skill to work with watercolor 😔 I've certainly done my share of watercolor, both physical and digital, but I still feel like my physical watercolor work is a fluke, and I was still a novice digital artist at the time of this sketch.
In short, I was confident my skill could live up to the vision.
So I would put this on the back burner. It wouldn't be ready in time for Christmas, and I could use this as an opportunity to hone that digital art experience so it could be ready next year!
2 Years Later...
It's December 5th. Fuck it. Let's crack this open again, I tell myself.
SO starting with the line art, it's actually 2 different brushes layered over one another.
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I also changed Sonic's expression to be more love struck-looking, because I'm a sucker for romance.
The image on the left is a watercolor line brush, while the right is a pencil brush. The reason I wanted a water color look was because I thought it would make the illustration look dreamy and fantastical, and I wanted that to extend to the line art as well. However, my usual lines on traditional usually veer more towards thick and cartoony from years of studying the Sonic art style, so I really felt like I was working against myself here. I had also asked friends for their input and they preferred the lines on the right as well. If my followers actually do read these blog posts, I'd love if you could comment which line art style you prefer drawing or looking at.
The happy medium was to just combine the 2. Here's a better look at that:
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I like it! I think it combines the solid line with the rustic water color grain. Best of both worlds :]
For the actual painting, The most notable thing I can say is that getting the right pastel-y color was VERY difficult to achieve for someone like me who often loves to use bright and saturated colors in her art. I feel like I really set myself up to do one of those "evil art style" or "opposite art style" challenges I've been seeing around. I had to repaint Sonic at one paint because the blue of his fur was WAY too saturated for the style I was going for:
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I started with painting Sonic and Blaze in first and then working on the background. I think that's probably the backwards way of doing it but one of the perks of digital art is you can do stuff any order you want when you have layers.
The background wasn't actually as difficult as I thought it would be. I wasn't going for any difficult perspective, and I was using a reference so that could be it. I'm usually averse to backgrounds but I really wanna tackle more of my weak points in art. I actually had way more fun than I was expecting, painting the sky and adding texture to the grass. I think I had the most fun rendering the water coming from the fountain (which you can't even see too well anyway, lol).
Funny enough, I had just about finished painting the characters and background by early January. So why am I posting this in February?
The Flowers...
In case you don't know. I love flowers. I love looking at them, I love learning about flower languages, I love drawing them. so seeing that my reference image showed flowers circling the fountain, I was excited! I was already having more fun than I expected to be, working against my usual style, rendering a background, so how could this be a pain in the ass?
Well, I am my own worst enemy 😞I couldn't exactly identify each flower offhand from this screenshot alone. The texture of the flowers is kinda grainy, since I don't think the animators were expecting viewers to look too closely at the set piece to use as reference for my lovingly crafted crossover fanart. If anyone has this in high quality though, please tell me.
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(I think I actually got this reference from a tumblr post but I can't find it on my blog for the life of me nor can I find it in the tags I'm so sorry)
I'm a huge stickler for details so I really wanted to be as "accurate" as possible in my illustration. I can hardly identify some of these flowers with confidence. I think there are roses in there? or tulips? I'm not sure if those yellow flowers are roses or some kinda petunia or if I'm way off.
I'm sure these details won't matter to most viewers but it was EATING AWAY AT ME. Eventually I decided to try drawing in flowers that might look similar to the ones in the reference. Or some based on their flower languages. I was certainly overthinking it ;;;; It led me to going "fuck it" and just throwing in whatever I wanted. There are no irises visible in that screenshot but I made it the centerpiece of the flower ring. Who give a shit.
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I made some guides for me to follow: The blue ring was so I could make sure the flowers make a half circular border around Sonic and Blaze. I was envisioning how it could look as like an icon or sticker or something, which is why it's framed this way. then the second guide is the sketch of the flowers I made. I always do line art and I'm not great at just improvising with color to paper, or color to screen in this case.
The rest of this process is then just working on each flower piece by piece (with the help of the mirror tool of course) with varying degrees of detail. Some flowers are more abstract than others, and I had debated if that would look jarring and disrupted any kind of harmony I was trying to maintain with the style parameters I set for myself. And then I decided I was overthinking it once again which is why this was taking me nearly 2 months to complete.
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At some point during this process, my wifi went out for a whole week! Of course, I could still work on this illustration offline, but I had a lot of tabs open with a bunch of reference images on there (plus I like to listen to music while I draw otherwise I lose focus and I had neglected to download a varied selection on my phone or laptop 😭 Learn from my mistakes).
The most tedious of this process was making each set of gladioluses a unique color.
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Was it worth it? You tell me! I think they're pretty, at least.
Along the way, I repainted the grass because it wasn't symmetrical (It didn't need to be but I had been using the mirror tool for a lot at this point and it was bugging me). I made other little final adjustments, like color adjusting the leaves on the flowers, lowering the flower ring border, and so on.
Ultimately, I'm extremely satisfied with the final product. I had my heart set on doing something like this for a long time. I had so much fun just experimenting throwing on color or not worrying about technical stuff. Of course, I did do what I usually do and overthink it at some points, but I'm working on it!
I've wanted to do an extremely indulgent AU illustration and other drawings for a Sonic x The Nutcracker story for a long while. I will be totally honest, I'm still a little embarrassed to share stuff like this, even after years of posting fan art online. It feels like the more self indulgent something is, the more people might judge me for it ^^; But I wanna practice what I preach and kill the thing inside me that cringes at my harmless attempts at joy and whimsy.
I would love to do some more drawings for this AU, but maybe post them around December when it would be more seasonally appropriate. I hope you'll stick around for it!
If you read this whole thing to the end, thank you. Whether you follow my blog or not, I hope you have a lovely day :3💝
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randoimago · 5 months
Hello I saw you were writing for persona 5 so i was just wondering if I could ask for some headcanons on how yusuke ryuji ann and haru from persona 5 would be like with a badass punk rock s/o who is also a phantom thief I just like to imagine the reader is extremely easy going and free spirited as a person and also a complete badass I can imagine them using their guitar as a weapon in battle as well like how serval does in honkai star rail
With a Punk S/O
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Haru Okumura, Yusuke Kitagawa
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Haven't played HSR (I've spent enough money on Genshin, I'm not doing that to myself xD), but there's a video game called Fable 2 where you can get a lute (it's set in fantasy) and it makes fun instrumental noises when you hit enemies so I like that idea a lot.
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She knows of the punk rock style a bit due to her modeling and her looking into different styles and clothing and just being rather interested in the subject.
I can see her being a huge fan of punks. It reminds her of the villains she admired in cartoons, but moreso since punks have such a stigma to them when she can see how much good you're actually doing.
Definitely cheering you on as you hit shadows with your guitar. Every pang from the strings causes her to get extra excited.
Haru has so much pent up rage in her body that I can 100% see her thriving with the punk scene and just letting it all out due to how injustice all the systems that are supposed to help people are.
That said, she probably wouldn't really be super aggro or outspoken when she's at school or a more public area just because of her own image since she owns a company now. But you still get her full support.
Like Ann, she's cheering you up as you smash shadows with your guitar. Feels a bit bad because she really hopes that your guitar doesn't get hurt. But if you let her, she wouldn't mind giving it a few swings too.
I feel like Ryuji would thrive with a punk S/O. He's very much sick of corrupt adults and is glad to have someone else that gets in trouble due to their uniform being altered and hair not looking how it should.
Can't help but feel a bit of pride when he hears the "delinquent" comments now because usually you're paired up with him in those comments. It just feels like a weird "matching couple" thing and he likes the fact that others know that you're together.
Thinks it's so freaking hot that you hit things with a guitar in Mementos and palaces. He does worry a bit because guitars can be pricey and he doesn't want you to break it
Yusuke definitely is taken aback by how blunt you are when it comes to speaking out against corrupt figures as well as being ready to fight if things come to that. He's not against it, but it does surprise him a bit to see that.
Might have to hold you back a bit just because he doesn't want to see you constantly being suspended during school. In the palaces, he doesn't mind if you go ham, but school is already annoying enough, he can't have you getting in trouble and leaving him to deal with everything alone.
Absolutely stares as you smash a shadow with your guitar. It's such a great scene and he immediately has inspiration to draw. Yusuke can't help a comment about hoping to find a safe room soon so he can begin sketching.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo
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nomsfaultau · 27 days
thank you so much for writing mandatory family reunion. i just reread it for the eighth time. i think im going to dedicate my life to life to reading your other sbi fics until you update again. also; do you have any tips for committing to fics and not leaving them half-finished?
ahhhh that’s so sweet glad you enjoyed! As for writing fics, having it be your special interest really helps. But for more general advice on finishing:
-Don’t stick to just one story. Which seems counter intuitive! But inevitably you’re going to hit a snag in one story. So instead of stopping writing at all, switch projects. Writing involves a whole bunch of thinking, and stuff needs time to percolate in the back of your head. But having a small project to work on in the mean time keeps you engaged in the writing process, gives you practice, makes you feel like you’re making progress, and allows time to work out the other story. I personally have 1-2 main projects, Fault and MFR, and then rotate a couple back burner stories that I work on whenever I get inspiration and fully expect to have very slow progress and possibly never finish. Short stories, one shots, hell even just writing little one off scenes that don’t go anywhere. It’s a way to keep writing fun and thus you’re more likely to continue working on the stuff you’re trying to complete. Don’t feel bad if there’s breaks between working on your main project. Writing involves a lot of thinking and it takes time to do that.
-Devoting time to do that thinking also significantly helps. When you’re falling asleep can be a good time to rotate stories in your head. Could also be if you’re walking from place to place, or brushing your teeth, or other little gaps in the day. Even if you’re not physically writing, it’s still part of the process and can make it easier when you actually sit down to write because you know what scene you’re most excited to work on. Also, talking over your story idea with a friend is a great way to stay motivated if you can get over the mortifying ordeal of being known. You can bounce ideas off them, and other people’s investment in a project can be a great motivator to finish. Like legit a single ao3 comment once stopped me from my plan to abandon a fic. Reminding yourself why you (and other people) like the story makes it easier to want to continue.
-Keeping a rough outline of what you envision for the story can give you a road map to how close to done you are and where to go next. Just like you can hop between projects, I find jumping around the plot time line to write what scene I’m most interested in atm keeps me going instead of writing everything in order. Though, all writers have different degrees of plot planning, so that depends on your style.
-Art! I’m an artist, and while writing definitely fuels what I draw, I find doodling cool scenes I want to write really inspires me to keep going. This sorta falls under the same category of continuing to think about the story and motivating you to finish. -I found keeping a writing journal has improved how I view my writing. Basically, I’ll jot down a bullet point list of scenes worked on that week/month. Writing is a very slow process, so seeing a timeline of actual progression on a story makes it feel like I’m actually getting more out of my head and onto paper. I also jot down what ideas for scenes I came up with since that’s also part of writing, and might include a chill no stakes writing goal for that period, like work on X or Y project, or a particular scene. Sometimes my goal is just ‘write at least one sentence’. I give it lots of leeway, and accept that the muse may just be somewhere else that week. And if the goal isn’t met, no sweat! Life can get busy at times and it’s more important that you aren’t beating yourself up if it’s been awhile since you last touched a project. Forcing yourself to write a scene that isn’t ready won’t result in a good scene or an happy writer. Switch projects, give yourself time to think about it, take care of yourself, etc.
And, legitimately, don’t be afraid to abandon a piece. Maybe you’ll come back to it, maybe you won’t. It can feel disheartening to feel like you can’t seem to finish a project, but unfinished pieces also do a lot for you: they hone your craft, allow you a creative outlet, give you scenes that could potentially be reworked for later pieces, and most importantly were hopefully fun to write! Story crafting is a hobby that should bring you joy, not frustration and shame.
Like, I have stories that will never see the light of day and are just so I can have fun and poke it with a stick occasionally. I’m 100% confident in saying that every author will have tenfold the number of unfinished wips compared to complete works. That’s just part of the creative process: exploring different worlds to find the one you want to write.
Perhaps a fic might never get finished, but in the wise words of Technoblade: “if you enjoy it, it’s not time wasted, no?”
(Now, I think he was talking about murdering people, but the point still stands.)
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thetarttfuldickhead · 4 months
I love your RKJ head canon about Keeley’s birthday!! Any thoughts on how the other sides of the triangle go about planning Roy’s and Jamie’s birthdays?
Hello, sweet one! You sent me this some time ago (in response to this post) and I'm so sorry I've kept you waiting because this is a darling ask, but fic and life happened. Now I am ready though! Here goes:
So, in theory Jamie’s birthday wouldn’t be too different from Keeley’s, as far as his partners celebrating him goes. Keeley would take him out for grooming and pampering and shopping and being seen in all the right places looking cool as fuck, spoiling him rotten and with a special sexy surprise thrown in somewhere along the way. (I’m thinking a changing room at a very exclusive store, Keeley successfully and secretly bribing relevant parties to leave her and Jamie to it, and then simply sweeping in wearing killer heels and something outrageously sexy when Jamie’s trying on whatever and he’s like “uh, Keeley, we’re in a shop?” and she asks if he trusts her and when he says “’course” she tells him to shut up and there’s probably handcuffs and she’s being very mean and very sweet and hitting all the right spots and the slight wrongness of doing that there only adds to the fun.) (Differing from Keeley’s birthday, though, this outing takes place on Jamie’s actual birthday, because no, he does not want to stay in for that.)
And Roy would want to make it all about them, celebrating quietly and intimately at home, quality time for quality partners and all the love and attention. Only… I think Roy gets a little tripped up that first year. Like, he starts thinking about all the things he’d do for Keeley’s birthday and when he starts thinking about doing some of that stuff for Jamie he starts to feel… weird. Like, not about all of it! Cooking a nice meal? He’s all about that! All sorts of sexual favours? Absolutely! But the sappier stuff he’d do for Keeley, like so many roses or drawing a nice bath? He feels weird about it, and he’s not sure if he feels weird about it because it’s another guy  (and a little bit it is that) or because it’s Jamie (and a little bit it is that too). And he gets that this is just masculinity bullshit getting in the way, and that’s making him feel like a piece of shit (true Roy Kent style, ‘cause that man has NO tolerance for his own shortcomings).
So yeah, it trips him up a bit, that first year, and maybe because of it he lets Keeley takes the lead – until either she or Jamie confronts him about it, and he ‘fesses up and they talk about it and he sorts it out. Maybe Dr. Sharon helps.
Also, I think that Jamie very much is the sort of person to make sure there’s a big party to celebrate him happening; he absolutely takes the entire team for a night out, dancing and drinking and having a blast. Maybe Sam makes sure they start at Ola’s.
Roy is easier: he does not want a big party, he does not want to spend a day throwing money at pretty stuff. He’d rather not be reminded that he’s getting older (even if that’s not such a sore subject now that the worst has already happened; he quit football, and he survived it), he just wants to spend some time with his loved ones, same as he does every day. So Jamie and Keeley join him for Phoebe’s second favourite holiday of the year, ie Uncle Roy’s birthday (which is a lunch kind of deal, and in time may come to include Georgie and Simon), and then they take him home to show him their affection in all the ways. There are gifts, of course, and either Jamie cooks them dinner or they order takeaway. There’s Jamie and Keeley looking their very best for Roy, teaming up to drive him and mad and feel like a king. There’s a lot of fucking, and telling Roy how amazing he is. (Which he does love to hear, even if he also really struggles to.)
One of the gifts is always a mid-week getaway, the three of them heading off to somewhere luxurious and discreet for a couple of days, and Keeley promises not to work and Jamie promises to stay off his socials, and mostly they keep those promises and it’s just them hanging out and having a quiet but grand old time. It’s damned hard, trying to find the time given their very intense scheduels, but they make a special effort for this, and that’s part of the gift too.
(Maybe, in a few years time, Roy can be enticed to quietly entertain the team for just a few hours, because they all fucking adore him and want to celebrate his birthday, dammit! Maybe it’s a Higgins’ place, all Roy has to do is show up and there’ll be a few nibbles and a few drinks. Roy agrees, on the condition that they all pretend it’s just a random get-together that happens to be adjacent to his birthday. Gifts are theoretically forbidden, but that never works out because Dani has a habit of pretending to find wrapped parcels, going “oh, someone must have left it here, I have no idea who, but it says Coach Kent so it must be for you, how thoughtful of this mysterious person” and not even Roy has the heart to ever tell Dani to fuck off, so.)
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knific · 3 months
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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centrally-unplanned · 8 months
Here is my Comiket haul, for those who may care!
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Arranged on the apartment chabudai for maximum weeb vibes. I won't go through all of them, just note a few to showcase the diversity of things that were on offer. If there is one someone wants a deep dive on, let me know, happy to take photos!
First up, the centerfold star - A Bocchi/Shimo-Kitazawa Fan Celebration doujin in the shape of a vinyl record:
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Its extremely adorable, these guys went all in. It comes in an album case with "tracks", the vinyl-shaped doujin has an A side and a B side with totally different content when flipped, and when you are reading it the text slowly rotates page by page as if you are "playing" the disc.
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Some of it is the circle's thoughts on Bocchi, but more is about their love for the part of Tokyo that Bocchi takes place in, Shimo-Kitazawa, with sections on show-accurate locations and favourite cafes and stores. They even included a map with all of the spots they recommend you visit in the area!
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This one is to me the most "magic of doujin": we all have favourite parts of our cities, and if we sat down could maybe make a map like this. But why would we do that? Who would care? The joint power of a locally-set anime & Comiket, however, makes that personal map into a piece of art people want to own. This piece is pure creativity & passion, and its very special for that - a symbol of doujinshi.
Also one of their members spoke fluent English and aggressively upsold foreigners at the event ^_^ Successfully so! Good job.
For something a little less high concept, this tiny artbook of Rin from Laid-Back Camp as Ghibli characters is adorable:
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A smol kiki, too cute. And look at her as Nausicaa! Full blue and ready to kick ass.
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Its like 5 pages and each page is a gem, great buy.
This next one is a genre of book I really love - the photography/anime composite book focusing on scene locations, starring our girl Haruhi Suzumiya:
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I appreciate how much fun this one has with its concept, lots of cute drawings on the margins; and the photographs are not all Haruhi related, instead it is just the author's own journey put through a Haruhi lens. This book is another great example of how "transformative" these works are, breaking the bounds of their source material.
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"Hey, its me!"
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Okay, now for some extreme Ash-brand doujin - Flowers for Yamada-san, a history doujin about Hiroyoshi Yamada, also known by the name Koji Kawamoto, a manga & magazine editor who played an instrumental part of the lolicon boom of the 1980's:
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He passed away this year, and so this doujin is a memorial to him, an accounting of his influence and role in early manga, a wider discussion of the lolicon boom in general, and its own creative work; sandwiched between essays are comic depictions of moments of his career done in a mimicry the classic loli/bishoujo early 80's style:
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This will of course take some time to read - I am excited to dig into it. As I have mentioned before, I am toying with the idea of a deeper research project on the "lolicon boom"; its, for understandable reasons, extremely neglected in western discourse of the history of anime & manga. But that moral aversion doesn't change how instrumental this period was, so I think a lot of good work could be done documenting and explaining its place. This book was an amazing find to stumble upon, and the creators are extremely well-researched on this period.
Anyway this is probably long enough lol. I did find some ero-doujin as well of course, though very few - as I mentioned, Comiket was a warzone, and I did not 'prep' for that side of things. I laughed at the idea of people doing days of research to prep of their porn buying adventure - I was the fool, they the wise, you absolutely need to do that if that is your goal. It wasn't really mine but I respect it now for sure - and I actually found the Comiket experience sort of liberating on that front, I "get it" now in a way I didn't before.
This is of course a tiny sliver of the book buys from Japan - hopefully I can make a few posts about the rest soon.
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cyberth0t · 8 months
how did you learn how to draw for inheritance? i want to make a webtoon but that part is holding me back. any tips?
Hey there! This got long so I'm putting it under a cut.
I didn't learn to draw for Inheritance! I've been an artist for a long time. Inheritance is just my first attempt at sequential art (sequential art is an umbrella term for work like graphic novels, comics, and webcomics).
This next part might sound like I'm warning you against making a webcomic, but I'm not, I swear. Stay with me.
Here it goes:
Learning to draw is hard. Drawing for comics is harder.
The reason I began drawing at age whatever (elementary school) and couldn't stop was because I was/am obsessed with it. Even if nobody was looking at my work, I would still be drawing. I highly suggest asking yourself if drawing brings you deep, lasting joy and satisfaction.
If your answer is NO, then please don't frustrate yourself by attempting to create something so difficult. (Since you're asking this question at all, I'm willing to bet your answer isn't NO, lol)
If your answer is I'M NOT SURE, then my advice is to spend six months drawing for an hour every single day. If you find, even after a few months, that it's not something you enjoy, or even like, then I can guarantee you will not have fun making a comic.
If the answer is a resounding YES, then I suggest you write your plot (the whole thing, including dialogue), choose your characters' designs, make a scene breakdown/outline for your first "chapter" or "arc," choose your color scheme, fonts, bubble style, and then start practicing drawing your characters over and over and over again until you can make them look like the same person every time you try.
The reason I'm laying all of this out is because if you aren't deeply in love with making art, then you will burn out very quickly attempting to make a comic.
The good news is that drawing a comic will force you to get better at art so, so fast. But that hinges entirely on how hard you work at it. And how hard you work at it hinges entirely on how much you love creating art, and how much you love the story you're trying to tell. See where I'm going with this?
The reason I find drawing for comics harder than illustration is because you have to draw everything. Especially if you go the route I did--I don't take a lot of shortcuts with 3D assets, and my style is more realistic than symbolic. Backgrounds, props, furniture, different outfits, vehicles, trees, bushes, etc etc etc. It doesn't matter if you don't like to draw something--if your character takes the bus and it's important to the story, you gotta draw her on the damn bus.
As for resources--I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Scott McCloud's two incredible books--Understanding Comics and Making Comics. They are comics 101, they are the moment, they are indispensable knowledge. And you can get them in pdf form for free on the internet archive.
If you're a beginner artist and don't know where the hell to even start, my all-time favorite instruction book is Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards (get the workbook too, it's a necessary part of the book). It is the best "how to draw" book I've ever used, and I have used a LOT, please trust me on this one.
The second how-to-draw resource that I think is just as helpful as Betty Edwards' book is this incredible shrimp tutorial. Again, just trust me! It works!!!
I feel like a lot of creative advice fails to mention that if you want to create something, whether it be a novel or a painting or a webcomic, you have to love (or at least like) to practice doing it in order to do it well, and nobody knows if you love it except you. It's the repetition of the art form that makes us good at it, and that repetition means hours and hours of your time, each week, for years. (Please note: practice isn't always fun in the moment, I don't love drawing every second I'm doing it. Please see: delayed gratification.)
A relevant anecdote--I was also an actor for fifteen years of my life. I practiced enough to become very good! And I ended up quitting at the height of my skills. I didn't like doing it. It didn't matter to me if I was "talented" or not, it didn't set my soul on fire enough to want to continue giving my time and resources to that kind of storytelling. Not every art form will speak to our souls the same way, and that's okay.
I truly wish you the best and I dearly hope that if you end up making a comic, you'll share it with me.
Best of luck.
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frostfall-matches · 11 days
[ matchmaking... ]
@lxrsramix : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Charlie Morningstar
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-> Out of the main cast, Charlie is the one who responds best to your personality. You two are rather similar in terms of personality, so it only makes sense that she’d be able to understand you a little easier than others might. Especially being in Hell, where even Charlie is ostracized to an extent due to her friendly, optimistic, and naive nature. Your shared kindness and empathy are important bonding points for you two, allowing you to see eye-to-eye with each other since your core values are similar. You’re calmer than Charlie, though, so this brings a balance to the relationship. She can get very excitable and energetic, and sometimes that isn’t ideal in particular situations - so you’re able to be a grounding presence for her when she needs it.
-> Considering how much you love animals, she’s happy to introduce you to KeeKee. She takes care of the cat demon and spoils her as it is, but it’s really no issue if you start to pamper the little creature as well. Honestly, what matters most to Charlie is that KeeKee at least tolerates you and that you treat her respectfully - so she thinks that it is absolutely amazing that you love her so much. You’re willing to put in the effort to bond with her. And KeeKee, who is very particular about who she interacts with, grows to be very fond of you and often begs for your attention and affection. If Charlie can’t find KeeKee roaming around anywhere, chances are the little cat-like creature has attached itself to your side.
-> She LOVES seeing your art, and is your biggest supporter. No matter what stage your drawings are at (whether they’re just vague ideas, preliminary sketches, half-way done, or completed works), she loves seeing them. And she always has something complimentary and insightful to say about your art, no matter the style or medium. Charlie loves drawing as well, so she thinks that little dates where you two draw and exchange sketches in order to finish them are super cute and fun. The process itself is fun, but her favorite part is seeing the finished works at the end. There’s something about seeing your individual styles either blend together nicely, or contrast sharply. Outside of these little drawing exchange dates, she’s also sappy and sweet enough to sketch portraits of you. She ends up amassing a little collection of them, some of which she keeps for herself, and some of which she gifts to you.
-> Charlie absolutely adores all of the handmade gifts you give her, and she loves reciprocating when she can! No matter what you give her, she is super ecstatic about it. If it’s any sort of drawing, sculpture, or some little knick-knack you bought for her while you were out shopping, she proudly displays it in her room. She loves being able to decorate her space with the things that loved ones have gotten her. Since you lean towards giving her gifts, she wants to return the favor! There’s something about handmade gifts that are super special, and will absolutely strive to make you something rather than buying something for you (though she will purchase you the occasional nice gift if something catches her eye that she thinks you’ll like). Quality time is super important to her, too, especially once things start getting hectic with the hotel.
-> Charlie is a good, attentive listener and an interactive conversation partner. She’d love to hear you talk about your interests, such as your favorite video games or the latest book or story you’ve read. The two of you like different genres (as you like horror and thriller, while she prefers stories with happy endings), but she still wants to hear about whatever you’ve enjoyed. If it’s important to you, it’s important to her! As talkative and rambly Charlie gets, she is really good about giving you ample time and space to talk. And you’re not just talking to a brick wall, either - she loves asking questions and nods or makes comments to let you know that she’s still listening to you.
-> She thinks your fashion style is very cute, very unique, and very “you.” She likes the way that you often blend things that are cute and delicate with things that are more edgy and alternative. It’s a lot different from her more classy, simple style, but she just loves seeing you pick out your outfit and get ready for the day. You also put a bit more care into your outfits when the two of you go out on dates, and it’s not uncommon that the two of you head out to a café, for example. Charlie has fun scouting out more atmospheric and cozy coffee shops to provide an amazing backdrop for your chosen outfit of the day.
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
CATS ships mating dances as my favourite strictly come dancing dances!!
That may or may not just be basically all of John and Johannes dances (pls dont judge me these are mostly mlm ships and I feel it best represents them plus they are all amazing!!)
(Inspired by this post!) Prepare bc ima dive head first into this and it will be long lol
There is no doubt in my mind now that tugoffelees would do a Rumba like This !!! Like the slow deliberate motions that were literally MADE to show eachother off while still taking their own places in the spotlight. A rumba isnt like either of their natural, preferred ways of dancing, but instead a dance that amplifies the emotions that are rarely ever seen infont of the tribe.
Tuggers deep caring side (that we see the moment after misto brings back old doot) is now fully on display for the tribe to see, showing how out of everything, this is who he found and he doesnt have eyes for anyone else, and this fact is something he knows he will never question.
On the other hand we see Mistoffelees, the dance displaying his talents perfectly, hes literally holding the spotlight on them as he shows the tribe that he can lean on Tugger, and without having to look, knows the other tom is right there, ready to support him and lead him if hes anxious, and vise versa.
NOT TO MENTION THE SONG!!! literally just them saying they are not together for popularity nor magical prowess bc they know they are more than that!
Next up is a lil crazy one but hear me out- Misto x Macavity is hands down This Paso Doble and I will fight you on it! THE POWER in every movement, the dance playing out as a fight because that's what their relationship is, in the best way possible!!!
You have these two incredibly powerful cats, who have always and forever will be, even between lives, connected by the same erratic destructive beautiful force of nature, and as much as they clash and make chaos, always in a never ending fight to see who's the best, but its because of that that they cant help getting drawn to eachother.
In the dance they are constantly drawing the other closer while also pushing away. They mirror eachothers movements while also dancing as the others oposit, an ongoing to and through. They keep switching who's leading as if its battle to be the one in control!!!!
Not to mention THE LIGHTING ITS SELF!!!! A gorgeous show of their emotions crazed and all over the place while still keeping order (plus a fun lil misto glittersplosion at the end!)
Okay this ones for the inspo of this post @afairytalestray and what I think for Coricojerries dance since their stuff basically convinced me this is arguably one of the best ships ever!!
Now I wasnt sure at first, like tugoffelees they are two very different people with very different dance style but when I tell you when i found this dance?? I became pretty sold I found it!!
First off the song?? When I think of coricojerrie my mind always thinks at how they are each one of a twin with vastly different life experiences yet they both still feel like lonely souls of london that found a home in eachother! Even with their sisters theres just something that separates them from the girls and the rest of the junkyard, but that didn't stop them from gaining an unquestioned place next to eachother!!
In the dance, they start off unsure, still a little lost but then the FIND eachother!!! In this uncanny contemporary dance that manages to mix in jerries acrobatics and acting into it, blending into something unconventional but THEM!!!!
They use each to get through life like they get through the dance, with the mix of physic powers and someone who had only really known a life of crime, the lead and lift eachother, and even if others think they are weird or annoying, they end heads held high and ready to support eachother!!
Last but not least (for this post at least bc it's getting heckin long oops) ALONZOSTAP!!! I love these boys ma dudes okay and that why I cant deny my heart when i think of this show dance as their dance!
The sweet sweet mix between the tender I love you moments, to the fun showy bits that let's their personalities shine???? Them coming together at the beginning, letting how my they care for eachother come first, only to burst into something exiting and fun that's ever so slightly out of their comfort zones while still representing the laughter they bring to eachother!!
There is no denying that these two are both showmen at heart, just in different ways. Munk strives to tell the storys that teach the next generation, while Alonzo is more seeking the thrill of showing off and dancing because he knows he looks good because it feels good.
So together they are able to combine their loves if performing, dancing for the hell of it while also showing and teaching the younger cats what love is and how its supposed to make you feel! The intense moment where they show that the are the protectors of the tribe, that they are strong and that being who you are and loving someone intensely dosent take away your power but makes you stronger!!!
Now that's finally out of my head hears a couple extra that I either cant explain/ make obvious sence lol
Dont ask but this gives me young and fresh new dads skimblegus and I live for it!!!
Also we all know this is like, canon Platora
Also also this is literally like a sceen from my royal tugoffelees au I'm writing lol!!
If anyone wants more weird strictly cats dance rants give me ships and I'll try and do another post for them :D
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ruelin024 · 1 month
I wanna have opinions so uh, what do you think of my SacredFell AU? (So far anyway haha)
Hello, my mutual compadre, @littleyukki5033 , I have traveled down to the depths of your blog and will now commence judgment.
Kehehehe. ψ(`∇´)ψ
[Gonna be long, I like/wanted to try making my responses worthwhile and attentive, to show you I went in on your AU and posts.]
(And you can laugh at me or with me on this, but I may not be the best at giving opinions, 😖 I think. Just know I'm typing this with my miniscule overthinkin’ brain and hurt wrist.)
Feb 4: Don’t be afraid to post your AU and talk about it, beautiful or not, unique or not, complicated or not, similar or not, cringe or not, demented or not, eh or not. 
Share your mind, you’ll find people who share it with you. And if you get hate, show them San’s ass or something. It tells others how nonexistent they are to you. (though I’ve seen someone draw Sans very beautifully thicc, we will keep in mind he is bones, which we indeed simp for). 
Observe Exhibit A:
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(I found this silly image saved on my desktop, so I thought it'd be cool to share it with you.)
So never let a negative comment change your love and view of your au and undertale. 
Undertale is amazing, it’s good to ramble, even if others don’t talk about it, even if you’ll never get reciprocated. There’s other people there reading it, like me sometimes I read and forget to heart, or I don’t heart a post because I don’t wanna bombard their notifications and all that. 
Yes, post your art, even if you’ve got no idea what to post, doodle, ask for ideas, or even take a break. I think it’s beautiful to share your mind’s eye. Show no fear, you’ve got this!
Everyone starts where you were once. 
Feb 12: Your Introduction of your own Underfell AU called SacredFell
I am interested. I am in fact one of many who are and will be interested for days to come, for as long as you build and love your AU, as it becomes whatever completion you dreamt of it to be, so on and so forth, even if one day you stop.
I’m finna be there bruh, late or on time.  
And imma let you know that right now as you reading this. You actually asked me first about your AU and lemme tell you, you beat me to it. I actually have fanart for you. AND was gonna find a time to ask you first.
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(~(>_<。)\ Usually I'm ready to send art cause I plan before hand, but someone used a wrist twist move on me for fun recently. ಥ_ಥ)
Anyway, moving forward.
Frisk and Chara of SacredFell: I enjoy teh designs. And me personally, I like Frisks design, the fact Frisk went through multiple design phases is nice to know. Would you ever show Frisk's previous designs?
Oof, you changed SacredFell Sans height from 5’2 to 6ft, damn what a stretch. And he part of the Royal Guard, whoa! 😆hotsome big skeleman.
Also, I love the art style of @/melikitinas, too. 💖
Feb 14: … ScaredFell Papyrus…. I-... 11ft height, yeah, we gonna need a height chart. I short, so they a fucking tree at this point, imagine Paps just bending at the waist towards a shorty like me, he’s gotta be prone on the ground or something. AND his fine ass a 2nd in Command Royal Guard, too. ○( ^皿^)っ AWWHEHESJDHWU ✨
Feb 21: LORE Ah, so the beginning is different, interesting. *reads through it with glasses* (I was recently working on my other OCs at the time as well :D.) 
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Yukki sounds like a good character! And portaled? Oooooh, portaled, I wanna know backstory! 
Did Yukki not go through the ruins? She just collapsed in Snowdin? Was she unconscious the entire time she was taken to Asgore, up until Toriel saved her?
And usually humans, are strong, is Yukki weak due to something? (you don’t have to reveal too much lore unless you wanna) How much power does Yukki have? Why does it drain so quickly? 
Also, love Toriel, to save one instead of all, what a mother. Even if Yukki wasn’t her own, that was such a big sacrifice for the price of saving one child over freedom. I would love to see how you draw that part out.
And Toriel left Yukki behind the waterfalls, why not take Yukki with her? 
Why out of all the souls, Kindness was taken, would this serve as a significant plot point in the AU?
Would Yukki grow to harbor bad intent or negative emotions towards the monster or would she end up sacrificing herself after understanding the monster’s want for freedom, would she find another way, would she resort to genocide at some point(despite her being weak)? 
Would Toriel come in clutch next time Yukki is in grave danger? 
And what plans would Asgore have after he gets Toriel, I would’ve expected that he wanted Toriel dead, not with a bounty on her head to be returned ALIVE to his home. I'm probably just thinking to the extremes. 😂
I like this plot. I’d love to know how Frisk and Yukki will come together. And if within the one or two years, Yukki stayed with Sans and Papyrus, would the brothers falter when they need to get their jobs done for Asgore when the time comes? Would Sans and Papyrus eventually come to value Yukki as their own friend? Does Yukki know Sans and Papyrus are working to gain her trust to betray her in the end? 
Also is Toriel and Sans doing the knock knock joke through the gate in this AU too? What’s Toriel’s relationship with the characters so far? Within the time Yukki was living in the Underground, does she come to meet Toriel again?
Feb 23: YUKKI I agree Yukki is a main focal point in the beginning of this AU, I really like this. I can’t wait to see how you build this lore up. Would Toriel act again when Frisk comes? Would Toriel talk to Frisk about Yukki? How old is Yukki again? To me, Yukki looks like she has a strong presence, tongue sticking out, seems playful. ✨
Feb 27: Comic Heh. Middle school art is always nostalgic to look back on. I wish I still had some of mine. I threw most out due to the fact, I didn’t want physical evidence of my cringe art tying back to me, but looking back on it now. I was stupid and paranoid. 
Now cringe art is one of my favorite art pieces to discover, it brings a certain emotion outta you, am I right? Yeaahh.  
Anyway, I admire you for sharing your old art and comic. 
An AU, especially when a creator is lovingly dedicated to it, can become hectic and mentally crowded and out of order, or as you say “all over the place.” Good luck on that journey, creating comlex stories is hard! I was overwhelmed by my own ideas and burned out at some point and stopped entirely. You make me wanna go back to my little world.
And Yukki and SacredFell Sans look like they get along noicely. yukki hand on her hip, confidence and power ✨👌 makin' Sansy sweat.
Mar 7: Yay Toriel Character Sheet Me like tall woman. She taller than Sans, haha. I gotta learn how to draw a goat at some point. And she looks good in my opinion. Do SOUL Protectors gain power from the souls? Wouldn't they accidentally at some point absorb the soul? Has any of the protectors even thought of doing that? Doesn't the barrier need one monster soul and one human soul to break the barrier, or is that different in this AU?
Mar 11: Another comic redraw, SacredFell Asgore WIP
Aw SacredFell Sans and Yukki smiling together, your old drawing of them is cute. ANd that’s a jump, good to know they're out of the underground. Hope you eventually find the right design for Yukki, that you’re gonna be satisfied with. I’m excited to find out how they got out of the underground, too.
What's the key on Sans? And the heart necklace on Yukki?
And yes, I think Tumblr does something with the quality of an image when posted, because compared to my computer view, my phone view of some posts are different a bit.
Yass, show off the Goat man. 
ANd I also saw your Avatar DTIYS, looks awesome! I love the coloring, shading, and perspective! 
Mar 15: Update Eh, it didn’t take a while for me to gather info on your AU, it was spread out a little yes, but not so much, for me the pacing was alright. 
Ah and the ask blogs, yeah I dunno how I’m doing this tbh. 
And a webtoon would be great! But I hear it’s a lot of work to put into it, take small steps, so you won’t stress or burn yourself out. But I would definitely read teh webtoon if you were to make one. 
Mar 16: SacredFell Undyne WIP I love Undyne, I just dunno how to draw her yet. Love the art! She pretty. 
Mar 16: SacredFell Flowey Flowey in a bag, hahahahaha. I like how annoyed he looks in the drawing.  
Mar 17: SacredFell Monster Kid Another main character, you developing a lot of lore right now I bet. I wonder how MK will play out in your AU. 
Mar 18,22 : It’s UNDYNE >.< Fangirling. Another Tall strong woman. And missing parents during gaster’s disappearance, is this what I think it is, a lore hint?!?!   
Mar 23: Alphys Alphys is gonna be somewhat of a sly character in the plot huh, wow! And she fights, you gotta make art of that at some point! Alphys having bravery is interesting! 
Pfft, you spelled “Bavery” I didn’t even notice until you mentioned it. 
Mar 23: Gaster I love how you drew Sans and Papyrus in at Gaster’s “You’re in Trouble” expression.
And me like the tinted glasses as well.
Mar 24: Mettaton! He a Bravery SOUL Decoy! Was that Alphy’s idea to make him like that? Is he famous in the underground as well? He’s a looker. And he got four arms! Yuuusss! 
Mar 26?: Muffet Indeed a 5’7 lady spider is a cutie patootie, the arms are good, multiple is betta. Good design!  And she is also part of the Royal Guard, what will the fight be like? I’m curious! 
Mar 26?: That Sacredfell Mini Comic/Story was nicely put together! The end where SacredFell Sans responds with, “I don’t know.” I enjoyed reading this conversation! And Undyne in her royal armor MWUAH!  
So from all this, hopefully I did something good for you, most are just questions and comments, but I hope it served as an answer. *ahem*
A new character was added. [Yukki] = Will lead to more plot. *Check*
There’s a different backstory before the arrival of Frisk. *Check*
Toriel makes an act against Asgore before leaving, Asgore ordering Sans and papyrus to gain Yukki’s trust until the “time” comes = Complicated relationships *Check* 
I can fangirl, which means I can simp, which means, I’m invested. ✨ *CHECK CHECK CHECK*
The concept is really good! (The fact Asgore would entrust the souls to another and make them SOUL Protectors, and you still fight Alphys even in the pacifist route, and I sense "things" though not sure what, but it makes me look forward to your lore.) *ChecK* 
It’s a Fell type Universe. (I love Underfell) *CHECK* 
The art is noice!!!! *CHecK* 
I find interest in how characters will interact or encounter each other. *Check* 
I can see the work put into this AU! I see their dedication based from the dates you posted things about your AU. I really look forward to seeing how you continue to develop and make art for your SacredFell AU! With what you’ve shown at this time, I can happily tell you, for me this AU is interesting, there’s potential in many areas, character development, choice of dialogue, different relationship dynamics, personality, world building, plot changes, etc.
I wish I had more to say, I think most of my response here sounded... I think repetitive, maybe some questions were even answered already and I didn't catch it? Though hopefully I conveyed to you that I think you're doing well for what've you've shown thus far!
That's my grand opinion. 😁✨
Also, I found you through graphictale au. 💕💖👌✨
😙 Both ya'll wonderful.
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irishpotato19 · 1 year
Wylde Brothers Headcanons
because I can and I love them
I got tired of staring at the hands on my sketch and trying to draw them, so here's some headcanons for the bros...they make sense to me, idk about you lol
-Holy hell are these two boys so similar but so so different
-Both are cocky and hotheaded as hell, Kurt's mellowed out a bit, but is still cocky and stubborn
-Get serious ego boosts always
-Kurt's an eye roller, literally all the time. Or has super dry comebacks and snarky remarks ready on the fly and tells the worst dad jokes
-Both don't trust people very easily or willingly, and tend to self doubt themselves...they're kind of insecure (especially Mark when put on the spot)
-Both have really good hygiene, I know we poke fun at Mark for being the type of guy to wash his face and ass with the same rag, but come on, look at how clean they are...they actually both have really good sense in fashion and clothes (whether they try that is)
-Both tend to keep to themselves, quite introverted, unless they have to talk to their teams or do something for work...
-Mark spends a lot of time with friends/the metal maniacs, but has a very low social battery
-Kurt spends time with the Teku or in clubs with other racers and people he knows, but again would rather be by himself. I'd like to say he's a social butterfly, but just naturally, not by choice
-Neither one likes to look stupid or be wrong
-Both are very crafty and hands-on, Mark more so than Kurt, but they are both very creative...it's a good outlet for them
-Kurt's at least 6-8 years older than Mark, he called Mark his "kid" brother...I feel like 10 years or more apart would be too much, and 5 years apart would be too close
-But Mark's taller than Kurt by a few inches and holds it over his head
-Both can actually sing quite well. Kurt's a little flat here and there, but has a very soothing voice. Definitely a baritone, but also an alto
-Mark is the better of the two, but hates singing in front of others, was caught one time and totally turned beat red...he can sing lullabys like a god and his accent shows through every time
-To go off of the accents, they most definitely were raised separately by different parents at times. Kurt somewhere in California or on the west coast, while Mark was stuck in New York or Boston areas
-Explains why they aren't very close and have different accents and mannerisms. But they did try for the longest time to stay close, until it got to be too much...Mark definitely missed Kurt, and looked up to his older brother
-Both are softies deep down, very good with kids and pets/animals
-Mark sometimes fakes having a really low gravelly voice, it works for his badboy-I don't give a shit-vibe...but he does get kind of high pitched when pressured or scared or self-conscious
-Kurt is a really good cook and knows quite a few recipes; Loves fancy restaurants and is a health food fanatic...had a red wine stash
-Mark is the opposite and can't cook to save his life, he has tried though, and somehow set the microwave on fire...lives off of pizza joints and bachelor-like prepped meals
-They would both make terrific dad's
-I also feel like they would be good to either a baby girl or boy, but just something about them raising a baby girl would make them ecstatic...they just give off girl-dad vibes
-I feel like Mark would be better at taking care of kids because he still acts like a kid sometimes, and kids like him more, for what reason no one really knows
-Kurt can actually dance, like almost any style...a beautiful ballroom dancer
-Mark can not dance, but will do his best, he doesn't care if he embarrasses himself as long as other people/friends are getting second hand embarrassment from him
-In a relationship they'd both be very protective and supportive, they hate seeing their SO upset or hurt...loving and affectionate in almost every way, but sometimes don't show it because they don't want to be overbearing
-Kurt uses nicknames/pet names like; baby, darling, love, beautiful, something unique to his SO
-Think of Tramp from "Lady and the Tramp"
-Mark uses nicknames/pet names like; babe, baby cakes, doll, sweetcheeks, sweetheart, cutie, love, a unique joke for his SO
-Think of "Thomas O'Malley" from the Aristocats
-Mark would grow a beard at some point
-Kurt would try to grow a beard or mustache, and then immediately shave it off, Markie would definitely laugh at him...Kurt just can't pull off facial hair, maybe stubble but he hates it
-Both get nightmares quite frequently thanks to Gelorum, Mark more so than Kurt though
-Kurt hates needles
-Mark gets phantom pains every now and then where his left arm should be
-Kurt's a Leo
-Mark's either an Aries or Sagittarius
-Mark found a part of SpineBuster that was left over and made a bracelet and necklace out of it, still upset that his favorite car is gone...he put a lot of work into that thing
-He also cuts up his shirts a lot to show off his tattoos, or at least the one side for the metal arm cause otherwise it's kinda uncomfortable
-Kurt's an early 2000's club music man...Pitbull, Flo Rida, LMFAO, just something with a lot of bass and talking about pretty/hot women
-Mark's more rock/heavy metal, but has a type of nostalgia or special place in his heart for Linkin Park, FFDP, and Papa Roach
-Kurt's a suit and tie kind of guy, or matching track suit. He feels like he always has to look presentable, or like a professional in his element. If home by himself, or with a SO he'll lay back a bit and wear a white T-shirt and jeans or sweatpants
-Mark's in boots and jeans all the time, he sees no point in dressing up (unless you count an excessive amount of belts and gloves "dressed up"). But if a situation calls for it he'll wear a nice pair of pants and dress shirt or try to show up Kurt
-Both have put on eyeliner at some point, whether as a dare or joke, or just cause they wanted to see if they could look like Bucky Barnes or Killian Jones at 3am...they just look like they crawled out of an emo cover band
-Both agree no one else can know, this dies with them...someone definitely got a picture though, but they don't know that
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pa-stella · 10 months
Hitoya Week 2023 - Day 1
Title: Missing Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Prompt: Bad Ass Temple Content: Set during the shuffle unit event
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After closing the door of the hotel room behind his back, Hitoya let out a tired, long sigh. He passed a hand through his already messy pompadour. That wasn’t how he had expected the day to go. Saving an insolent child from an intoxicated dangerous friend wasn’t exactly what the lawyer had in mind when thinking about the words “Team Bonding”.
He sighed again and went to the balcony to lit the umpteenth cigarette of the day. The sun had already disappeared to let the few visible stars shine in the night sky.
That crazy afternoon and all that talking about being a team made him think about his actual division. He would never admit that aloud, but he was already missing those two brats.
Absent-mindedly, Hitoya took his phone out of the pocket of the leather jacket and opened the chat the Nagoya group usually used… just to close it again. During the event, they couldn’t contact or text each other.
He groaned loudly. He wondered how they were doing.
Jyushi was the one he was less worried about. The kid had grown up a lot during the years and he had been lucky enough to end up in the same team of two responsible persons.
Kuko on the other hand… Hitoya smirked. He was more concerned about his new teammates’ safety if he had to be honest. Will they survive such a short time with that crazy monk?
As he was putting the phone back in the pocket, the sound of an incoming message caught his attention. Hitoya frowned at the screen when he saw the text was from an unknown contact, but he opened it anyway.
The first thing he saw was the picture of three people, each one with a very different style and aesthetic. He knew all of them, but he understood that only one could have sent the message. With a small smile, he started to read the text attached.
Hitoya-san, I know I shouldn’t contact you or Kuko-san, but I wanted to show you that I’m having fun and I’m ready to fight you two tomorrow! 
P.S. Rosho-san was kind enough to let me use his phone. I hope he won’t get in trouble for this… 
Of course Jyushi would go against the rules just to feel guilty immediately after… Shaking his head, the lawyer replied with a few encouraging words before finally putting the phone away.
One last draw of his cigarette and Hitoya was ready to call it a day.
He didn’t know what would happen the next day, but he was sure that that small period of time spent far from each other was going to bring a different energy to Bad Ass Temple.
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bombrushcyberfunkapk · 2 months
Bomb cyberfunk Apk
Bomb rush cyberfunk apk is a game which is about our surrounding or about a beautiful city which you like to draw a picture of a city which is showing in games. Like that this game allows you draw a city and make each and every thing on behalf of your interest and likes. Furthermore, it also allows you to have a little experience of action like jumping from tall buildings, running in streets and bit more action too. This game allows you to experience the urban life style filled with graffiti, skyscrapers and dynamic challenges. This games design is as like as an artist’s book which is filled with his or her arts because all the walls and street roads are painted by different colors and making drawings. If you are are bored by playing games then go to Stripchat apk and enjoy your day. One more thing about the game is that during the game you will feel a beautiful soundtrack and shocking beats which make the game more and more interesting to play and have fun with it. In the Bomb rush Cyberfunk Apk you will face many challenges to face and you can also check your skills by playing and passing them in a passive way.
Features of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Apk:
1.      City Adventure:
In this game you will see tall buildings upon you and streets which are all painted by different arts and making beautiful pictures on it. Also the walls in the game are painted a drawn different designs on it. Furthermore, you can also design he walls and streets on your interest and art.
2.      Graffiti fun;
as already mentioned above that you can paint the city by your own. This game allows you to make your city with your art simply by just tapping and clicking, then on the button. This game easy to play and make arts of yours in your particular city.
3.       Jump and Run:
In this game, there are very large buildings, streets and big walls of houses. So during challenges and levels we have to run and jump through buildings and streets to eliminate all the challenges come in our way to save our progress of the game.
4.      Cool Music Vibe:
During playing the game there is a little music in the game which also plays a very beautiful role I the game to make the game further more interesting to play and have fun with it. The sound tracks in the game suits with the gameplay and adventures in the game.
5.      Challenges:
You can face many challenges during playing the game because levels and the enemies in the game are very difficult and powerful with according to your powers in the game if you are in a beginning of the game. When you play the game more and more than your powers will also be increases and you will easily defeat and fought with them.
6.      Connect with others:
This game will connect you with other members of the game. That might be from your neighbors, your or any others from any corner of the world. If you feel any difficulty while playing the game, then you can also get help from any other friend any playing the game in multiplayer mode and pass your mission.
How to Download:
Firstly, you have to click the download button, which is already available at the mid of this blog.
Then you have to wait for a while to prepare the download link.
When the process is done you have to download it.
After that you have to wait for the file to download, click on install button.
You have to set your setting to download from unknown sources.
The process is over now you can enjoy all the features and properties of Bomb rush cyberfunk Apk at a no cost condition.
In a nut shell, Bomb rush cyberfunk Apk brings the thrill of street art and parkour to your phone. With its easy controls, cool visuals, and funky beats, it’s a simple yet exciting game. Get ready to run, jump and paint your way through this urban adventure. Good luck!
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Gosh I really loved your account its very good writing and so detailed!
Well anyway let's cut to the chase I would like a matchup
Fandoms:welcome home spy family dangarompa
My appearance: I have long curly brown hair, brown eyes, I'm chubby and I'm a girl, my skin color is white, height 5'0
My sign is Pisces, and I'm infp and I'm Brazilian, I'm from the Gothic subculture
Sexuality: pansexual
Favorite colors: black, pink, purple
Age: 15 years old
My personality: I tend to make a lot of jokes and be sarcastic even at inappropriate times it's not on purpose and it's just my way of dealing with life situations I'm quite shy at first but when I get intimate I become much louder and talking about being loud I talk too loud and laugh too loud, I'm the type of person who often thinks too much before doing something and I also often do things without thinking which ends up causing me to get hurt there was even one time I ended up in the hospital because of it ,I like to be kind and polite to people but I will also treat people the same way they treat me if the person is kind to me I will be kind to them but if the person is cold to me then I will be cold to them no matter whoever the person is, I have some anger issues and I get irritated very easily so I end up being rude and talking a lot louder (and also because of these anger issues I can end up getting into some fights) I know this is a problem so I'm trying to deal with it, I'm the therapist friend I don't mind people venting to me even if I don't know the person and it's very likely that I hug the person to make them feel better since for me hugs always make things better ( but I won't hug the person if they don't feel comfortable) and as much as I can deal with other people's emotions I don't know how to deal with my own emotions and I have difficulties to vent in a healthy way that does not harm me, I I'm also a bit lazy and introverted I like to go out for fun but I need to have some time alone (it's practically a necessity), I've never been in a romantic relationship and if someone showed any interest in me it's very likely that I wouldn't I would know very well how to react and I would probably be very shy even though I don't like it but if I've been dating the person for a while I wouldn't be so shy anymore and I wouldn't have a problem flirting all the time or being bolder.
Love language: physical touch and quality time, and compliments
I like: food (mainly sweets), music (I like all musical genres), drawing, reading books, anything in the horror genre (books, movies, cartoons, etc……) animals or anything let it be cute, see criminal cases on youtube, my independence
I hate: mistreatment of animals, mathematics, clichéd and stereotyped horror movies that force me to do something I don't want to, any kind of prejudice (racism, homophobia, machismo, etc…), child abuse.
Matchup for Star!
A/n: Thank you for the request and I am deeply sorry to day that the dangaronpa part I hard written got DELETED. If you want I can do another one, but for now enjoy your match up!
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Welcome Home: Julie Joyful
When moving into the neighborhood, you weren't expecting everyone to be so friendly towards you and so communicative asking so many questions. She was asking the most, very curious about the new neighbor, wanting to know everything about you. You were shy at first to them, making very little conversation with them, but the more you hung out with her your true colors showed and she loved both sides of you.
When the two of you met, her first thought was doing your hair and styling it into different things, but she truly fell for you when you agreed to let her do those things. Many days are spent with her just doing your hair and putting it into various styles.
One of her clients disappeared out of nowhere and she doesn't know why and it's been bringing her down as of lately, but when her lovely girlfriend appears ready to comfort her. The two of you spend hours together, cuddling and talking about your guy's days trying to make the blonde go back to her old self.
She's definitely a big fan of outdoor dates and spending time in the sun, but she's a even bigger fan of dates indoors where it's just the two of you being able to sit close together with no one else around.
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Spy X Family: Yor Forger
When Yor heard one of your jokes, you were shocked not actually meaning to say something like that, but you were even more shocked when she laughed. You now make all sorts of jokes with her, some that get people to turn their heads with a questionable look, but she always laughs at them and that makes you happy.
You remember when Yor had gotten a job offering and the two of you moved in with the Forger family, it was definitely something at first. You were babysitting Anya when a bunch of people rushed in taking the two of you, but it wasn't long before your loving wife came and got the two of you
There have been times when people snap at the people they care for and it's normal, but there's also always pain and sadness when it happens. When you Snapped at Yor, you immediately realized your mistake and apologized profusely for not meaning to have done such a thing, but she didn't react angrily and instead patted your head telling you to let all of your emotions out.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
Heyyy luv!! Can I request a level 4 matchup of The Hunger Games, Marvel and Harry Potter if it’s not too much?? My pronouns are she/her btw 🫶
Sexuality: not sure, ig I’ll just let it happen
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Ennagram: Type 8
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius sun, Libra moon, Aquarious Venus and Leo rising
I’m 5’3, and my body type is hourglass. I have golden blond hair and light green eyes, full lips and I really enjoy smiling, with a few freckles and beauty marks in my face. My hair is wavy and long, I really like styling it in different hair styles and ways. My aesthetic is kinda indie and kinda a modernized Y2K (low rise jeans is a no go) but ily experimenting with fashion and different styles, colors and aesthetics. I’m described as stubborn, friendly and studious, and I’m always trying to be perfect, which can get really overwhelming since I struggle with anxiety and would really love a S/O that could help me with. I’m really sarcastic and I enjoy making people laugh, and Ig my love language is physical touch or words of affirmation bc I want the people I love to feel loved🫶
I love reading, fashion, cooking , singing, music, rainy days and drawing! I’m a cheerleader and I enjoy dancing!! I’m deffo a dog person although I love cats and think they are so cute!! My biggest phobia is death and I can get really protective of my loved ones. I hate bullies and people who misjudge others, and my biggest pet peeve is chewing with an open mouth the noise really annoys me.
Have a great day/night!! Luv u🫶
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒚𝒓𝒊𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑩𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒆! As you’ll see with your other ships below, to me you would do well with others who like to smile and laugh as much as you do. 
・You guys go on so many adventures. Well, anywhere you go with Valkyrie is an adventure. She has a lot of street smarts, and you never feel unsafe when she’s around. Somehow Valkyrie can always keep her cool
・Calls you ‘Hunny buns,’ ‘sweet-stuff,’ ‘sugar-pie.’ Anything lovey-dovey really. She doesn’t care who hears either. She has that much respect that no one would dare make fun of her
・Gets you out of her comfort zone, while prioritising your well-being. So she won’t push you to do something than leave you hanging. She’s with you every step of the way
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬  All Lit Up by Craig Armstrong
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒚! I think you would understand why Fred is so hyperactive, so ready to make a fool of himself for other’s enjoyment. You have a similar outlook on the world. We all need to smile more. 
・He’s incredible at making conversation. There’s never that awkward pause of: ‘should I say something, or should I wait for them? Am I talking too much?’ Basically you never feel self-conscious either. 
・Deeply romantic but slow to show it. He and George make great plans, and you show him that he can use that skill in other areas of his life. So he chooses his love-life to show it
・Always makes you feel included. Will ask you to go with him everywhere, or automatically assumes you’ll come with him
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ A Starry Night by Joel McNeely
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝑶𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓!  It hurts you to know what he went through. But you met while in hiding at District 13′s bunker. Annie hadn’t made it, she died at the Capitol. You were healing to him. Your very presence makes him forget his grief.
・When he wants to cuddle, be prepared for a cuddle-attack. He’ll have his arms wrapped around you for hours. CEO of: ‘No I Don’t Want You To Go’
・Very playful and says such witty things. He’s also incredibly flirty and can make you blush all the time
・He also makes sure you never feel alone. He hates the feeling of loneliness - since it’s like a raincloud that never leaves. So when he can stop you from feeling that way, he jumps on the opportunity 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ Sanctuary by James Newton Howard
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