obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
anyway I’m still going through the slow process of cataloging all the complete series from mdex to mangaupdates & on call with sister I’m like. I’ve forgotten more bl than most people have even thought about
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rickybabyboy · 10 months
Okay since people seem very intent on not listening, the new rule is, if you ask me about Ricky's weight you will be blocked from this blog permanently. I don't have time to explain to every single wannabe veteranarian that hes fine and healthy according to actual veteranarians. I will not answer any further questions on this. Stop. Asking.
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Riddle's Backstory - Monster AU
Monster: Vampire Word Count: ~1.4K Relationships mentioned: Mother (Dr. Carlotta Rosehearts), Evelyn (Dr. Rosehearts "friend"/veteranarian), Che'nya TW: toxic helicopter mom, "experimental dieting" on a child/malnourishment, She deserves to loose her medical license, dead animal/blood, animal abuse
"How long have you had him on a restricted diet? He's not all that old Carlotta, are you sure it's safe to try something like that on someone so young? Even if you do, it's not a very good testing pool to only have one subject, a proper study would enta-" "It doesn't matter Evelyn. The point is, I cannot keep wasting my time on synthetically making blood for Riddle. He's gotten to the point where I'm finally going have to take the risk of letting him consume animals blood, but I need you to curate the diet for the pigs I plan to use. I've already located a great farmer who said he'll raise and take care of them for me so all I have to do is come by to pick it up. The pigs can't be too fatty, and they cannot have a high glucose diet. In addition-" "Carlotta-" "Do NOT interrupt me Evelyn, that is very unbecoming and rude. Since you had something so important to say, why don't you go on and spit it out."
The younger woman shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "The diet you've suggested so far for the pigs will result in a terrible quality of life for them, and will likely shorten their life spans by quite a bit....they...if the farmer listens to you they might even....cannibalize each other." She stared down at her clasped hands. Dr. Rosehearts had always been an intense woman, but she had been the woman she needed in order to get the motivation to go to vet school. However, she also somehow felt that Evelyn was eternally indebted to her, and demanded her input and participation on every new idea that struck her, morals be damned. It wasn't even so much her opinion she seeked- Carlotta just wanted someone to tell her she was doing something right. She wasn't even related to Evelyn, but she felt terrified of defying her. She couldn't help but feel bad for the boy who shared a roof with her. She'd only seen him once or twice- he was always in his room sleeping or studying- despite being only about six years old in human years. Dr. Rosehearts just scoffed at the young woman. "I couldn't care less about their quality of life, so long as they don't anything they're not meant to- like each other- and stick to the plan I have for them, then my son should be perfect and set for life so long as he only eats from them for the rest of his life." Evelyn took a steadying breath. "....yes, but if the pigs are ill, chances are your son will fall ill as well." "Well that's where you come in. You'll be nursing them and ensuring they remain as healthy as possible so I don't have to waste my time synthesizing blood." By the time Carlotta had finished her sentence, Evelyn's eyes were on the tiny redhead boy clinging to a blanket and small stuffed animal as he rubbed his eyes. "Synthesizing blood?
Carlotta seemed to freeze up in her seat, her lips pressing into a thin line as she gripped her armrest until her knuckles turned white. Evelyn glanced between her and the boy, unsure really what to do. "Mama, you said I had real blood starting when I was three cen-taur-ies old....right?" Riddle seemed to wake up a bit more, his hair still sticking up a little as he rubbed his eye. "Cuz you promi-" "BACK to your room. You're not supposed to be awake yet Riddle." Her tone made both Evelyn and Riddle flinch, but Riddle started to tear up. "B-but you promised I was big enough when I w-was th-" Carlotta gave Evelyn a fake smile as she stood up. "I'll be a moment." She felt like she was meant to step in, but couldn't bring herself to do anything even as she winced as Dr. Rosehearts grabbed her sons wrist hard, causing him to sob as he was dragged back to his room.
As promised, she was back a few moments later, her sons cries no longer heard unless she really listened for it. She sighed and sat down, shaking her head. "Honestly, children are just too nosy sometimes." Evelyn looked away from Carlotta, uncomfortable. ".....is it true?....you told him he got real blood when he was that age?....you know that's....well I know you know, but...that's when kids are supposed to switch over gradually to start building their immune systems and give them access to the real thing so they can start hunting and getting the nutrients they need without...lab precision." She looked down at the floor, but she could feel Carlotta's eyes burning a hole in the top of her head. Before she could let her intimidate her out of saying it, she finished her thought. "The way you feed him now, and the way you want me to help you feed him in the future, is going to keep him malnourished." Carlotta had never evicted someone from her home faster, before making her way to her own blood supply and indulging herself in her guilty pleasure. --------------------------------------------------------
Riddle sobbed quietly into his pillow, not wanting his mother to hear, but he could smell the blood she was drinking from where he was. It was so unfair. He had been so excited all those birthdays ago, because he was finally moving up in the world. He knew, from his reading, that he was meant to have the synthesized blood to make sure he didn't have exposure to anything his body couldn't handle. Around three centuries, he was supposed to have had rodent blood mixed with the synthesized blood, until he was drinking strictly rodent blood. And at five centuries- well the list went on, and he knew it well. Of course he did. His mother made him read all about that, and maths, and science and world history and alchemy and hexes and curses and all manner of things instead of letting him do...anything else. But apparently not even the one thing he thought she had given him was true. "Whyyyyy you cryin?" Riddle startled and suppressed a small scream into his pillow, clinging it close to his chest, panting and terrified at the head and hands poking out from under his blackout curtains. The purple haired boy frowned, and turned his head upside down, further startling Riddle by accident. "What's wrong? 'm just curious. Meowybe I can he-" Riddle threw the pillow too gently to really do anything to the boy, but didn't want to call his mother into his room unless he really had to. When the boy just smiled at him after the pillow, he relaxed a little, not feeling like he was angry. "Y-you have got to go.....you g-got to go before my mama hears you!" He whimpered and curled up as his stomach grumbled. Che'nya tilted his head to the side, his ear flicking a bit in response. "I'll be back little vampy, don't nya worry 'bout good ole Che'nya!" The boy seemed to disappear, leaving Riddle to wonder if that interaction had really just happened or not. A few minutes passed, and he decided to try to sleep again, whimpering softly as he laid back down. However as soon as he got comfortable he heard a bit of a scuffle outside his window and the purple head of hair popped under his curtain again, something in his mouth. Riddle watched, bewildered, horrified and fascinated as the rest of the boys body assembled slowly in his room, before the boy spit out the rat he had in his mouth unceremoniously, it still twitching on the ground, "You know how to eat it, right?" Riddle looked down in disgust at the animal for a moment, before instincts took over. He was just so hungry. In seconds, all that was left of the rat was the pelt and dehydrated husk of what it used to be, and little Riddle panting as he realized just how good and filling the rats blood was compared to whatever his mom gave him. Shakily, unsure, he handed back the remains of the rat, looking up at Che'nya pleadingly with a few tears in his eyes. "I'll getchya some more little vampy. Don't worry. You're not gonna go hungry anymore." ----------------------------------------------------------
A/N: Sorry for the abrupt ending lmao sjdfhlkjsdf if you made it here, you might want to check out my other Twstober works here, or if you're looking for some fluff after that fic, you can check out my main masterlist here. Ask box is open if you have any questions! Thanks for reading!
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In universes where Pet whump is just a thing does that mean veteranarians are a more respected job then surgeons? Cause I'm just saying at that point a vet is better then any doctor most of the time.
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preacherhannes · 2 months
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[ misha collins | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome HANNES DAYMON to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 48 year old FAIRY , who is one of the RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be ANXIOUS, but that’s all a façade to cover up their CARING nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to TOO SWEET by HOZIER, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
FULL NAME :  Hannes Andrew Daymon
DATE OF BIRTH : July 24th
RELIGION : Catholic
HEIGHT : 5'10
EYE COLOUR : Blue (almost grey)
TATTOO(S) :  ‘Shine Until Tomorrow’ on his left wrist
SCAR(S) : Multiple from childhood incidents
GLASSES : Yes, Rectangular black rimmed
CURRENT RESIDENCE : New Orleans, Louisiana
LANGUAGE(S) :English and some German
PARENT #1 : Anne Davis
PARENT #2 : Daniel Daymon
PET(S) : Blue Bay Shepherd named Obsidian
DRUGS? : Nope
VIOLENT? : Not unless he has to be
SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? : Not particularly
HABIT(S) : Rubbing hands on face when stressed, rubbing hands together, knee bounce for days, rubbing back of neck when anxious. Tends to touch people without asking
HOBBIES : Singing, listening to music, being around people and playing.
LIKES : Family, mysteries, intimacy, tattoos, urban exploring, road trips, snow, movies/books, crystals, runes, tarot cards, baking
DISLIKES : Pain, being inured, heartache, rain, closed spaces, crowds, escape rooms, getting lost, talking during movies.
MEDICAL HISTORY : Anxiety, depression.
July 24th, 1974, Hannes Daymon was brought into the world, kicking and screaming. He wasn’t exactly a planned child, as his parents didn’t really have the funds for another human in the world, but they did their best with what they had. He began his first few years in a small, one bedroom trailer home. While it was cramped, Hannes never really minded too much. In fact, he loved how cramped they were, because that meant he was always getting attention from his parents when they weren’t asleep, or working. Things changed for the better when Hannes' father became a preacher when Edward was 5 years old. They were able to exchange the trailer for a real, normal two bedroom house. To say that little Hannes was excited would have been an understatement at that time. Sure, he would miss the closeness and always having his parents at least two feet away from him at all times, but he finally has his own room and enough space to put a swing set and maybe a small above ground pool. What more could a boy want? Growing up, Hannes became the popular kid in high school and even college. But he wasn’t the typical ‘plastic’ boy. He was just way too kind to others (and got taken advantage of multiple times) and that made him popular with just about everyone. Graduating highschool with straight A’s and B’s, he entered college with the hopes of getting a certification to become a veteranarian. But that almost immediately switched when he found out what he would have to witness on the way to being a vet. So, he switched to his second option; becoming a preacher just like his father. Luckily, the college offered all the classes he needed to be certified and Hannes passed them with flying colors. Skipping ahead to his adult years, he met a woman who he thought he loved. He gave his whole world to her, even married her, but it just didn’t work. There was something else he needed in his life that his wife just couldn’t give him. He’d started to fall for one of his male coworkers, but the coworker soon broke his heart in two when he chose another person to be with. He soon figured that it probably wasn’t too fair to his wife to be leading her on, so with a mutual agreement for a divorce, the preacher moved into New Orleans in hopes of finding true, unadulterated love.
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catball · 1 year
going to be honest you guys. pianos are like big docile animals to me. im watching a video on how to fix a sticky key and im like imagine going to school to become a piano veteranarian.... really the same as taking care of an animal but pianos are more patient with you. they rarely bite
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greenhousechronicles · 8 months
Chameleon Failure
Turns out my adoption of a chameleon was short-lived. I realized day one that the temperature in the greenhouse, even on a mild day, was way hotter than a chameleon can tolerate... so I created a habitat in the garage next to the window.
I bought the chameleon live worms and live crickets and fed him by hand with tongs (which was super cool, but extremely time consuming). I misted his trees, and built him a climbing setup with bamboo sticks.
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And all this was sadly still lacking, as I watched videos on YouTube about chameleon care, and I should have had a carefully temperature and humidity controlled enclosure, a drip water system, and a nearby herpetology veteranarian.
Day three I fed the chameleon, watered his environment with a mister, and left for a few errands. When I came back he was GONE.
I searched for about an hour, and then my daughter helped me search some more when she got home. She suspected that he had been eaten by a snake. (Why would there have been a large snake in the garage?)
And in desperation, I finally said, "Maybe instead of looking down, we should be looking up."
And *that's* when I found him:
After this close-call, I realized I'm probably not cut out for chameleon ownership right now. I will have to make due with my plants and my three dogs.
I carefully got the chameleon down from the rafters and brought him safely back to the pet store where I sheepishly returned him, without asking for any money back.
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3ggyb0y · 9 months
22 (What I want to be when I get older) 16 (I’ll love you if…)
A veteranarian! Or a teacher! Whatever comes first!
hm… showing interest in my well being (SHOUT OUT TO THAT ONE ANON WHO ASKS ABOUT MY MENTAL HEALTH EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, ILY) is a big start I think?
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bigfan-fanfic · 11 months
From all the headcanons I can sum that if superdad ever decides to put aside being a vilian or hero he would become a veteran
A veteranarian, you mean? Heh, I suppose it could be possible
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thefairmaidenoffandom · 2 months
Love your ems/emt Megumi so much! I'm aware that firefighter Yuji came from Gege himself and he also assigned Megumi the veteranarian position, but we're free to headcanon no? There should be more ems Megumi to pair with firefighter Yuji. Or even turn it up to ems Yuji and doctor Megumi.
aw, thank you!!!
i had no idea firefighter yuuji came from gege, but it definitely makes sense :D thank u for the idea, though!! now ED nurse megumi is stuck in my head
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gnattyplayssims · 4 months
Fast Generation Gameplay Rules
Generation Challenges
First Decade - Y2K
Second Decade - War on Terror
Marriage and Family
Play dates and other parties and social events are allowed and highly encouraged
Dressing pets is the new trend
Spoil kids/buy lots of toys.
Second Decade - Babies can only be born in hospital)
All teens roll for trait selection all YA gail Materialistic trait
Architecture and Design
In the second half of 1998 build a bunker with the cheapest furniture and everything needed to survive. Everyone must live down there for at least one sim day leading into 2000. Babies must be born down there. No computers or phone usage.
All furniture is allowed (except futuristic/modern)
Education and Hobbies
Computers are allowed for socializing (not in 1999) and cell phones can be used for texting (no video calls)
Kids tablets, electronic backdrops in photo studios, bubble tea, all kitchen appliences and diaper pails are all allowed.
Available TV Channels (no restrictions): Cooking, Kids, World Culture and Music (No restrictions after 2000)
Available Radio: Kids, Latin, Pop Latin, Alternative, S-pop (No restrictions after 2000)
Second Decade - Cellphones can be used for everything (except Trendi and video calls) and earbuds, glucose monitors, flat screen TV's robot vacuums, fabricators, video stations and Void Critters are all allowed.
Conspiracy theorist paraphenalia and decor is allowed.
Shopping is highly encouraged and hot tubs gain popularity
Career and Money-Making
Available jobs include: Actor, Astronaut (Space Ranger), Athlete (Both), Business (Both), Civil Designer (Both), Critic (Both), Culinary (Both), Detective, Doctor, Education (Both), Engineer (Both), Entertainer (Both), Freelancer (All), Interior Decorator, Law (Both), Military (Officer), Painter (Both), Politics (Both), Salary Person (Both), Scientist, Secret Agent (Both), Tech Guru (Start-Up), Veterinarian, Writing (Both)
Men only: Military (Covert Operator)
Part-time jobs include: Babysitter, Barista, Diver, Fast Food, Fisherman, Lifeguard, Manual Laborer, Retail Employee
Jobs Requiring Degree include: Astronaut (Space Ranger), Civil Designer (Both), Education (Both), Engineer (Both), Law (Both), Scientist, Veteranarian
Men can have paternity leave
Second Decade - Journalism not allowed
Special Rolls
All teens must roll a dice to determine trait. Evens = Preppy (cheerful, bookworm, geek, ambitious, neat, snob, good, outgoing). Odds = Rebel (creative, gloomy, hot-headed, self-assured, slob, klepto, loner, mean)
Disaster (early 2000's) - Roll D6 - 1 or 2 = Flash Flood! All furniture in basement level of home needs to be replaced and all crops/plants are wiped out. 3 or 4 = Tornado! A tree comes through a window of a bedroom and everything in room must be replaced. 5 or 6 = You've been robbed! All electronics are stolen from the house. In all cases use money cheat to remove money after deleting items
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clownprincessphoebe · 7 months
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Character Bio: Vicky Brushmane Vicky's never really gotten along so well with people, not really through any fault of her own, but because people were always put off by her looks and demeanor. Because of this, she's spent a lot more time with animals, since she's never had any issue with them thinking she was weird or anything. She's a bit of an animal medic and whisperer, and being a "makeshift veteranarian" was essentially her job back home. Now she's off to magic school, but since she didn't care enough to test her blood to determine her magical capabilities, she got stuck going to Clown school.
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cerasum-chrysanthes · 11 months
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This was from a few days ago with some friends. The prompt was "Veteranarian" in german (Tierarzt = Animal Doctor). So I drew a cat and a dude with a stetoscope and wrote "Is sick. 500€" :')
They found that hilarious and got it.
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everyoneatonce · 1 year
Alice Clock
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AGE: 23 - 45 (verse dependent)
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis female, she/her
FACECLAIM: Heather Graham
OCCUPATION: Veterinary student (verse dependent)
MARITAL STATUS: Single (verse dependent)
POSITIVE TRAITS: Empathic, observant, adventurous, open-minded
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Easily distracted, afraid of commitment
CAREER & HOBBIES: Alice used to be a rollerskate dancer, which was also her favorite hobby. It was her dream to become a famous rollerskate dancer one day but because of fierce competition and very bad odds, it never worked out. She didn’t allow it to dampen her spirits though. She loves animals, so she went for the second best thing she could think of and started studying to become a veteranarian. In her spare time she likes to experience as many new things as possible. She appreciates art, music and is very interested in any culture that isn’t her own.
RELATIONSHIPS: Alice gets along quite well with people and makes friends easily, although her relationships usually fizzle out after a few months. This is because she’s rather afraid of committing to someone. When she was younger, she got her heart broken badly and in order to avoid having to feel that pain again she keeps herself guarded when it comes to romance. Because of her tendency not to take romantic relationships too seriously, she’s quite unaware whenever people catch feelings for her and has unintentionally broken several hearts. She doesn’t do this on purpose, most of the time she doesn’t even realize how much the person is hurting when she puts and end to the relationship. 
FRIENDSHIPS: Alice is a very reliable friend who will do anything to help those she cares about. She has a very caring side that extends beyond her job as a veterinary student. Her friendships are usually solid and she is a very forgiving person. It takes a long time for her to get fed up with someone. However, once she is done with someone she won’t look back. 
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ggmahougenerator · 2 years
Name: "Svetlana, Keeper Of The Daydreaming Device!" Day Job: Veteranarian Theme: Dice Powers: Shapeshifting And Summoning Magic Items: the Core of Glitter and the Shaper's Sachet
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moretaste · 2 years
We Made Dog Jerky
We Made Dog Jerky
So we’ve found out that our dog is allergic to chicken and all things associated with it. But why in the world does everything in the store include chicken for dogs? Is it a connection with the veteranarian? Feed them chicken and help the veteranarian get paid. Even the treats that say beef have chicken in them. Just turn the bag over and look at the ingredients. Our poor boy just kept licking…
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