#veterinary AU
fel0ny-01 · 9 months
Veterinarian! Ghost and Animal Rescuer! Soap (I am projecting)
At Soap’s rescue, he gets a shit tonne of animals with lots of chronic and undiagnosed health issues, so naturally he takes them to the vet to get them checked out, diagnostics, the lot.
He’s in the waiting room with one of the cats, Anubis, who is struggling to pee, and they need to find out why. Could it be Cystitis? Could it be bladder stones? Either way, this cat needs bloods and scans doing before John can even think about putting him up for adoption.
A few minutes goes by and he’s putting his finger through the bars so Anubis can rub his head against it, and suddenly a deep, gruff mancunian voice startles him out of his thoughts.
John looks up. This is the most attractive man he’s ever seen. The vet gives him a soft smile as John stands up with the carrier, before taking him through to the first clinical room.
“My name is Dr Simon Riley, and you are?”
“A’hm John.”
“Pleasure to meet you John, and of course this must be Anubis.”
“Damn richt, he’s bin causing me sae many issues lately, it's a guid job ah love him.”
This caused Simon to laugh, as John caught another look and studied the man’s face. Not too many scars, but enough that it looks sexy.
“So what’s the problem with him?”
“He’s bin struggling tae urinate. I’ve managed tae hulp him dae it manually bit a'm wanting' tae make sure we kin treat it properly so he kin git adopted.”
“Ah I see, so because he’s been able to urinate manually we can rule out Bladder stones, but we would probably need to do some scans and maybe an a ultrasound to study the shape of the bladder.”
John nods dumbly whilst looking into the eyes of this hot vet. He’s definitely taking it all in for Anubis’ sake, but God he needs to get this vet assigned to his case immediately.
After the consultation where they booked an ultrasound in for next week, John shifts to the front desk.
“Cuid ah have Dr Riley assigned tae mah cat’s case? A'm feelin' like it wid be easier if we hud th' identical vet juist so that Anubis gets familiar 'n' so that information doesn’t git muddled.”
“Of course, sir.”
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iwaoiness · 1 year
Love in animal language
Iwaizumi loves animals, he graduated as a veterinarian with an impeccable academic record and quickly got a job at a pretty good vet in Tokyo where he has been working for a year now. His work is great, he enjoys the contact with his peculiar patients and gets along great with their owners.
However, there is one in particular, a pompous young man in his final year of nursing who, ever since he walked through the darn door three months ago, has become not a pimple on his ass but acne.
Oikawa Tooru. Tall, with ridiculously perfect fringes, a wide, toothy smile and an aura that radiates perfection, politeness and innocence. Although, in Iwaizumi's opinion, it's all a fucking facet because that idiot is neither perfect nor polite, let alone innocent. He's childish (he called him Iwa-chan, fucking Iwa-chan, in the first fifteen fucking minutes of meeting), annoying (he brings his poor, beauty persian cat every fucking week, sometimes for the vet service and sometimes for the canine and feline grooming service) and, above all, flirtatious (on every visit he tells the world's worst pick-up jokes and, on top of that, smiles with full confidence as if those jokes are actually working).
Well, actually, they work. But only a little. Although work isn't really the word, they're just so ridiculous that Iwaizumi finds them amusing.
And he also finds amusing and even endearing the way Oikawa blinks in puzzlement and his cheeks flush red and his mouth opens wide when Hajime smiles at him and flirts back (something much, much, more effective than scowling at him, pulling his middle finger out or shouting at him).
Like that time when Tooru tells him "Are you a cat, Iwa-chan? Because you are purrrrfect" and Hajime replies "Shittykawa, if you were a dinosaur, you'd be a Gorgeousaurus".
Or when Oikawa flirts with an "Are you a mermaid? Because you are cute as shell" and Iwaizumi hits back with an "I have thinking about you owl night long".
Or when Sillykawa tries it again with "I was born in the wild but for you I would be domesticated" and Iwa-chan says "I'm placing you on the endangered species list because you're one of a kind".
Somehow, that dynamic becomes tender, funny, domestic and theirs. Iwaizumi finds himself waiting for them every week, his heart beginning to recognise Oikawa's arrival and that "Yahoo, Iwa-chan!" that makes it bounce harder against his ribs.
And, well, maybe Iwaizumi is having felines for Oikawa Tooru.
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jouyato · 6 months
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I have not finished the game yet (a single route takes so long!!!!) but I have brainworms abt these two so have some good old AU fanart
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amymaleneart · 7 months
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Been thinking about y/n's aka Stardust's suit in my dca alien!au.
Stardust Veterinary Care (previously named: Alien Human Rescue)
So basically the suit acts as a second skin to all human pets and they are not able to take it off without their master deactivating the suit. Yet it is somehow very comfortable, never chaffs and most of the time it's set in the default setting as a tunic with leggings. It can change in appearance and functionality like turning into a cozy sweater hoodie with full pants and socks when it gets cold. Or can change into basically a one piece swimsuit when it is hot. But again, the master is the only one who can alter the appearance of the suit.
The suit is made up of nano-machine that is in-tuned with the host to the point that if they need to use the bathroom, a hole would just appear to allow business to be done. But humans pretty much wears it all the time.
When it comes to giving humans a bath, the suit simply turns into a very loose nightgown with no pants but the collar size doesn't change. This allows them to be clean without becoming naked. (Mainly because I don't want to write about nudity stuff)
Not all suits are the same, just like there are different quality of collars/harnesses. Stardust's suit is the medical kind and therefore is higher quality. Plus it would have extra features such as GPS and tracking their overall health.
Otherwise, Stardust is stuck with this suit for the rest of their life.
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How much animals do you have red ? Does it appened that sometime you make animals from other poeple to your house for medicales things since your a vet ?
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ravenwriter16 · 2 months
Creative Minds Think Alike!
Episode 1---Episode 2---Episode 3—Episode Four---Episode Five--Episode Six
Featuring the amazing: @amymaleneart
Reminder! If the content creator doesn't approve of how i represented them, or their AUs/OCs then I will edit my work or DELETE it. It's not my intention to mock or belittle anyone's work. This series is supposed to showcase amazing creators!
I do not beta read! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
I hum a random Disney song to myself while I finish up preening my wings. I grunt when I untangle and pluck a few of my downy feathers. Holding the offending feathers up to my face I narrow my eyes at them.
I exam each one before selecting a couple to keep, tossing the rest into the bag hanging by a hook nailed into the side of my desk.
My hands smooth over my preened wing before the whole thing shifts back behind my back. I roll my shoulders, getting comfortable. I hold the smaller feathers in hand close to my chest as I lean back in my spot on the windowsill.
It was a very relaxing day today. A few complaints here and there from Residents, a couple certificates stating new worlds starting up, and some even came over and registered their OCs. Very easy paper work, so easy in fact that I had handed the reigns over to my little servants.
The robots handling the records after some sprites review them for any falsities or spelling errors. A small Mothman wearing reading glasses was signing documents in the corner. Whenever one of my servants finishes a document, record, or more commonly a letter, they wrap the parchment up, tie it with a strand or ribbon, then hand it off to my messenger ravens.
I open the door with a small smile as one of said ravens waddle up to me. I nod my head in courtesy as it takes to the skies. A small white roll of paper tied to its leg.
I hum and get to my feet, stretching while I suppress a yawn. “I should do some work to pass the time…”
Looking down at the feathers in my hand an idea comes to mind. Snapping my fingers, two plushies encased in a green light float over. They weren’t sewn shut yet, so it made it easier to deposit equal amount of the feathers into each of them.
I wave my hand and they seal with magical thread. I grin and hold out my palms. The green fades from them and they drop into my awaiting hands. Two Squishmellow-like plushies, with one looking like a cute frog the other a baby bat.
As I head to the door with the plushies in hand, a couple pixies fly over with my cloak, my Archivist coat of arms pin, and side satchel. I thank them, taking each object one by one.
They bow, giggling as they head back to their cleaning tasks.
I eye them suspiciously but end up just sighing and heading out. It was noon right now, and I take a few steps away from my mushroom before stretching my wings out fully. I hum in content before folding them back up and heading down the cobblestone path to the Castle.
I wave to castle workers, mainly gardeners currently, and to creators who happen to be out or were tidying up their houses. It was a peaceful day…
Which made it a very boring day…
I sigh and fold my hands behind my head as I walk, biting the side of my lip slightly. “I know I need to protect this place from thieves and assassins…But I could really go for anything like that right now…”
When in doubt, head to the art room!
Now here’s something you must understand about the Castle’s Legendary Art Room. It is HUGE!!!
Of course it has to be, with all the creators here who uses this room and its materials for their own enjoyment. It was like a grand extravagant ballroom but with multiple floors connected by floating stepping stones. The room having enough space for canvases of any size. You can find whatever color paint you could think of and a plethora of brushes, paints, markers and pencils.
If you choose a spot to use and want privacy, you can even raise up walls that block everything out. There you could change your surroundings, add music to help you to focus, and even the smell to suit your tastes.
Already there were a bunch of creators, some taking a little snack break and sitting at the tables in the middle of the room. On either side of the walls were a few boxes and opening areas in use. The sunlight falls in through the glass ceiling, providing a comforting warmth.
A few people pass by me, either carrying their new creation out of the room, or hurrying into the room with a huge smile on their face that gave away their excitement to start on a new project.
I head into the room, arms falling to my sides and wings folding in closer to my back, not wanting to knock anything over.
I reach an open wall on the first floor. A small easel with a blank canvas is positioned in front of a simple wooden stool. On a small table near the canvas was a simple six well pallet, three already filled with simple green, red, and blue. Next to it was a small tin can, with paint splatters all over, which was filled with paint brushes.
I grunt softly as I take a seat on the stool, my wings draped behind me and on the floor. Lucky it the floor looked newly cleaned, so I didn’t worry too much about dirt getting on my freshly preened feathers.
I sigh and eye the brushes. A flat acrylic brush with white bristles stands out. The white wooden handle covered in splattered paint of various bright colors, most of yellow. I reach into my bag and pull out white fingerless gloves, making sure they stay tight around my palm as I slide them on. Then I snap my fingers and my wings melt into my shadow. My clothes turn white and my leather bag becomes a light beige, slightly fuzzy material.
Now prepared, I reach over and lift the brush I was looking at earlier. It feels rough and light in my hand.
I dip the brush in the green paint and lift it to the canvas. It’s sloppy and I think I made it too small, but I enjoy myself as I paint a simple door. I finish up with a small circle that made up the knob and then I set the brush down.
I can’t help but smile and wiggle un my seat in excitement as I lift my fist up to the canvas. I knock on my painted door, green staining my knuckles. I pull my hand back and wait.
I hear the sound of the keys jingling, then metal shifting against metal, then the door knob turns. The door slowly opens and a bright light greets me.
I laugh as the light becomes blinding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I get tossed into a room, landing roughly on my bottom. I yelp and groan in pain while standing up and rubbing my back side.
“Oww~…Forgot about the rough landing…” I grumble.
The room I was in was white and bright. No shadows around expect for my own under my feet. I dust my pants off, making sure I still have everything on me. I straighten up and take a deep breath.
What happens next is going to be a tad difficult but nothing I haven’t managed to do before.
I plant my feet down fully and flex my hands into fists then relax them. I repeat this action while taking a deep breath.
It all happens so quickly. A bunch of bright and popping colors start splatting on the white walls, floor and ceilings. It was strange yet amazing to look at.
Though there was the usual itch at the front of my mind that told me to move, I knew it was better to just let it happen and go with the flow of colors.
Moving one foot in front of the other, the splatters start to actually form real illustrations.
Soon I was under a bright blue sky with a couple white clouds. I smile as a small breeze blows by, rustling a few trees nearby. A multitude of flowers surround me, scattered around these grassy hills that made up this strange painting-like world.
Everything seemed to be painted into existence. While I walk, paint squishes underfoot. Splattering on and staining my white clothing. Seeing some brighter flowers in the distance and up a small hill, I break off running.
Laughing as I’m covered in paint.
When I reach the top of the hill, I spread my arms out and take in this world’s sunlight. Covered in bright pinks, reds, yellows, blues, and greens.
A long and high whistle draws my attention. I look around, holding my hand over my eyes as I scan the fields.
I smile when I see a familiar yellow Fox Fae waving excitedly down the way. I wave back and start my descent down the hill. I lose my footing and start tumbling down instead of the graceful run that I had envisioned.
I hit the bottom in a face plant. Groaning in embarrassment when I hear the fae give a windchime like giggle. I hold up a finger, face still planted in the ground.
“Not…a word…”
More laughter than something poking my head. I look up and meet a green and blue gaze. Her yellow, gray, and black fur puffing out as She keeps trying to contain her laughter. She wears her usual blue overalls with the multi colored sleeves and legs.
A big bushy black tail, which had yellow paint coating most of the tip, swings happily behind her. Her ears pull back slightly as she covers her mouth.
“Oh ha, ha. Yeah, laugh it up.” I halfheartedly scold.
After getting back to my feet. I take in the giant colorful splatter all on my front and probably on my face as well. I gesture to my messy cheeks and raise a brow.
The fae giggles again, holding out both her paws. The yellow pads on her left paw turn white and she dips her right clawed index finger. It becomes coated in paint and she begins drawing in the air.
I watch and hold out my hand underneath the magical drawing. She pulls back with a smile and snaps her fingers. A handkerchief falls into my awaiting palm.
“Thanks, Color.” I wipe my face off with the offered cloth while the Fae nods her head happily before turning around and heading back to her easel and canvases.
I pull the handkerchief away enough to get a peek at the already completed sixty-four paintings. Yes, I counted them…I WAS JUST CURIOUS!!!
Anyway…Twenty-two of these canvases have the familiar blue and yellow aliens with their little human pet. I smile, laughing evilly but quietly so Color won’t hear me. Both Veterinarians were really nice and Stardust was so cute when they found out I could understand them.
Color scolded me though for teasing them…So of course I’m gonna do it again today!
Tucking the dirtied hanky into my satchel, I walk over to stand behind Color as she works on her newest painting. It was still in the beginning phase of her creative process, but I could already make out two VERY worried aliens and a very loopy looking Stardust.
“Painting #23 looks great, Color. Though, I expect nothing less from a talented Resident such as yourself!”
Color nods her head, claws flying over the canvas with such ease. She pulls back from the finished product and holds her chin, tiling her head. I watch as she turns her gaze to me and gestures to the painting.
I blink owlishly at her before something clicks. I smile and the feathers in my hair start to puff out in excitement. That’s all she needs as she grabs my arm, fur glowing a bright yellow as she jumps into her painting, with me screaming in confused delight behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The ship was pristine and busy. Species of all types in various uniforms pass by the two of us. To fit in better, I had allowed my wings to come out once more. Color walks next to me, leading the way.
A few people recognize the emblem pin on the strap of Color’s overalls. Color was not only the creator of this world, but she was also the Head Chef on this ship, making food for both Alien and Human alike. I watch as she smiles and waves at people she knows, my eyes wander to her new pair of arms that she made of paint.
I snicker and look down at my own arms, only the one pair. I was glad I could play my whole appearance on being from a distant planet. Color helped me with that when I first met her, letting me volunteer at a human shelter for a while so I could better integrate into this world.
“Miss Color!” I look up to find a white-feathered Cosmodian wearing a pink uniform walking towards us. She had a sash around her chest that was bulging with two wiggling bumps.
Color beams and waves at the ship’s head scientist. As Dr. Chica Cygnus walks up, Color starts doing her usual sign language. Luckily, with a little translation spell, I could understand her like everyone else on this ship…with some extra words that the signs couldn’t express.
-Hello Chica! How are you?-
“Just dandy! These two little sweeties are so well behaved!” She pats the sash and two cute little chubby faces pop out.
I gasp and try to keep my squeal to myself as I fish out the two plushies. Color smiles and pets the yellow and white/blue heads. The harpy toddler versions of Sun and Moon chirp, Sun’s blue eyes sparkling as he almost jumps out of the sash, while Moon’s red eyes only peak out from the fabric.
Color keeps Sun in the sash, Chica and her fussing and lightly scolding him, while I put the small plushies into the sash.
Sun immediately dives after the frog while Moon raises the bat and starts to chew on its head. I smile then look to Chica, “Giving their Caretaker a break?”
Chica nods, “Poor thing is working so hard. Thought ze might like a small breather!”
-That’s really sweet of you Chica! When I get back I’ll do a little check in with ze.- Color signs, giving one last scratch to both the harpy chicks, who purr in response.
“Miss Color?” a familiar voice calls out, drawing our attention down the hall.
There they were, Dr. Sunafetia Obqaurtz, Dr. Moontiedea Obquartz, and Captain Dawntitus Eclipseso. All looking profession in their uniforms, and looking very cute with their fluffy ears. I could just reach up and run my talons through the fluff all day—,
I clear my throat and look away while Color and Chica greet them. Chica gives a small bow before taking her leave, cooing at the two little bundles of feathers and happiness as they play with their new toys. I stop her subtly and place two more of my longer and softer feathers.
I say a quiet thank you before turning my attention back to the conversation color was having with the three boys.
Dr Sun was smiling, cradling a small form close to his chest, “It’s so good to see you again, is everything well?”
Color nods her head, ears happily twitching. -How’s little Stardust?-
“Not so good, I will admit,” Sun looks down at the little human in his arms with small pink, star-shaped scars all over their skin. They whine and nestle their nose deeper into his fur. “Poor thing got into Monty’s medicine. But after they sleep it off, everything will be fine.”
I snicker, very happy with the whole situation. Last time I was here , the little brat that Sun was holding, threw their lunch at me, bit me, and thought it would be funny to toss their toys at me in a nice game of catch…but only with my face.
Don’t get me wrong! I do hope they get better and I understand that they were forced into this. They were fun to hang out with and I…kind of deserved all their onslaughts…
Color and I can understand human speak as well as Cosmodian tongue. So, I might have…teased Stardust with it for a while…
Moon spares me a glance, raising a brow, “Miss Raven. Fancy seeing you out here.”
“Oh uh…Yes, I’m here because Ms. Color invited me over for…” I spare her a glance, “Tea?”
She snorts, covering her mouth, her ears shaking. She calms down and raises her arms, -I wanted to show her around the ship a bit more. Were’s the harm?-
The Captain rolls his eyes, all of his ears, folding back slightly as one of his canines peaks out from his lips. “The harm is, last time you brought this certain Cosmodian, it resulted in an all-out brawl with her and Private Lunesetia. Which ended with both of them in the infirmary.”
“Great job by the way.” Moon comments and I smirk. Sun was trying to hide his amusement by checking on Stardust.
“Not helping.” Eclipse growls.
I hold up my hands, “With all due respect, she had it coming.”
“Really?” He crosses his arms, “And why, in the great abyss, is that?”
I look to Color for help, eyes pleading.
She raises a brow, a mischievous smile splitting her lips as she takes a step back, her tail happily swishing to and fro behind her. Her yellow fur gaining a pinkish hue, reminding me if a sunrise. My wings puff up in surprise before my gaze darts back to Eclipse.
Sun was now standing to the side with Color, Moon joining them as well, leaving me alone to have a stare-off with Eclipse.
“Traitors…” I mumble, blowing some hair out of my eyes.
“I’m waiting.” Eclipse steadily taps a finger against his arm.
“Okay so uhm…funny story actually—,” I fidget with my hands, rubbing the leather of my gloves. Why was this feeling like I was getting scolded by a parent.
“YOU!” a shrill voice shrieks.
Color flinches, ears twitching irritably, in fact, all of the four Cosmodians present fold their ears back. My wings jolt up, spreading out and hitting a poor cleaning bot. Slamming the poor thing to the ground.
Before I offer my apologize, a gray blur charges towards me. I yelp and grab both the oncoming fists, making sure to keep a steady hold on them. I slide back a bit, the force almost knocking me off my feet. I grit my teeth and look up at the offender.
My green eyes meet burning yellow eyes. I grunt and take in a sharp inhale, “Heya Roxy! How’s it going? Lip feeling any better—,”
“SHUT UP!” She growls, spinning me around.
As I’m turning, I shoot a glare at Color, once again asking for help. But she was holding Stardust now, rubbing their hair while giving me a coy grin, her fur bristling.
“You’re evil!”
Moon raises a brow, “The Private or Ms. Color?”
“I SAID SHUT UP!” Roxanne yanks one of her fist away from my grip. She rears it back before sending it hurtling towards my jaw.
I barely have time to dodge, releasing her other hand. She’s slams on the floor, face first. I shout as I tackle her, keeping my weight on her to pin her down. Ny wings were very helpful in that regard, adding more weight.
She growls as I grab her arms and pin them on her back. She twists and turns, trying to snap her giant teeth at me.
My chest rises and falls as I greedily gulp down air. Roxanne, though a jerk, was a worthy advisory in combat. I really need to brush up on my training.
“Yield?!” I ask.
“Enough! I will not have this on MY ship!” Eclipse’s booming voice causes both of us to still.
Moon and Color snicker while Sun, covers his mouth. But his flapping ears give away his real feelings towards all of this.
“Raven, get off the private, NOW.” Eclipse levels me with a hard stare as I climb off the gray Cosmodian.
Roxanna scrambles to her feet, giving me a stare that screamed murder. Then she dusts off her red uniform, growling slightly at the massive boot print I left on the side.
“Private, you were out of line—,”
“Was doing NOTHING that warranted you charging at her.” Eclipse takes a step forward, his tall stature dwarfing both of us. “You’re already on thin ice already! I ordered you to stay in my office while we went to fetch human 411811*13112-8.”
“I received no such order from you, Captain.” She puffs out her chest in defiance, though I could see the slight tremor in her form as Eclipse flexes his hands in an attempt to calm himself.
I balk at her boldness, eyes darting between Eclipse and her while my mouth hanged open.
Before Roxanne can make her situation worse, Color steps in. Having handing calming blue to Moon, she was free to use her hands. Her colors changing to a calming mixture of blue and green.
 -Captain…if I may be so bold?-
Eclipse looks down at her, eyes losing some of their fire now that they aren’t directed at me or the Private. He takes a deep breath, “You may.”
-I would like to be in charge of their punishment. I can assure you that this won’t happen again.-
“I’m not so sure…” Eclipse looks over her and straight at us. The wolf and I flinch, then shuffle away from each other.
-Trust me…-
Eclipse sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Fine…You’ve never steered me wrong before.”
He then waves to us, “Be my guest, Ms. Color.”
Sun chuckles while Moon grins. The oldest of the twins lets out a whistle, “You guys are in for it now~.”
She smiles and turns around. She spares a glance at me, and upon seeing the evil twinkle in her eye I’m suddenly very afraid. She turns all her attention to Roxanne.
-Private. You will help the cleaning crew with caring for uniforms for the rest of the day
“Private!” Eclipse warns, making her shrink into herself slightly.
Color just raises a brow, a small streak of red piercing through her calm greens and blues. -I hope this will help you reflect on the error of your actions today…-
Roxanne growls lowly, clenching her paws into fists. She turns tail and storms off, her stomps booming thanks to the sound echoing off the walls. Her tails swishes angrily behind her.
Color smiles then looks at me and I flinch, a shudder going down my spine.
As an Archivist I have a sort of…Spider Sense so to speak. I’m able to sense a Creator’s Aurora, a small pulse of otherworldly power that ebbs out of their body. Every Aurora feels different, unique to its user.
Color’s—Amymalenart’s Auora felt like invisible feathers flying through the wind, soft enough to tickle. Though as her stare continues to linger on me, I could feel the wing pick up, making the feathers slightly sharp as they fly over my skin.
My own feathers bristle at the feeling.
I swallow the lump in my throat. I wish they taught me how to deal with handling these type of things when I was back at the Academy.
-You…will help me in the kitchen!-
I blink, my wings stilling. “That…That’s it?”
“Boo…” Moon voices, yelping when Sun elbows him, reminding him to behave.
Sun steps up to Color, who gives him a warm smile. The yellow Cosmodian gives a small bow, “Moonie and I will take our leave now. It was nice seeing you again.”
Moon rolls his eyes, rubbing Stardust’s back as he begins walking away. When he reaches my side, he leans in slightly, “Next time, put more strength into your grip.”
I give him a pointed look. Of course he would want me to get into MORE trouble…
Sun pats my shoulder when he also passes me, giving me a reassuring smile. The brothers turn down the hall, removing themselves from view. Eclipse steps between me and Color.
He folds his hand behind his back, “Behave…BOTH of you.”
‘Fat chance…’
I roll my eyes mentally while I assure him I won’t and Color does the same. He gives us a look that said he didn’t believe us, but sighs tiredly before leaving, following after his younger brothers.
I let out a sigh myself, “That was a lot…”
-You’re not done yet~.-
I eye her, “Well I know I have to help you in the kitchen, but like…only as a taste tester right? Or helping you cook something?”
Color lets out her usual chime-like laughter. Her magic wavers and I see her human form. Blue hair framing pink glasses. Her black and yellow sweater having a few paint spells. She wipes a tear from her eye, her fae form returning.
-Hardly! I received a shipment of…We’ll say potatoes. AND THEY WON’T PEEL THEMSELVES!-
She snatches my arm and drags me to the kitchen. I groan which she ignores, laughing. I can’t help but laugh as well, Color’s joy contagious.
I shrug, resigned to my fate of peeling alien tubers with my colorful friend.
Guess I’ll have something to do today after all…
Episode Three is completed!
I want to say my most gracious thanks to @amymalenart! Thank you for letting me write your AUs and you amazing Fae-sona.
And thank you for roleplaying with you on your blog! I've been having so much fun!
Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it as much as i had writing it!
Have a Fantastic day or night!
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 8 months
yo good news for my ao3 readers, I got bored. And began writing. I’m 3/4s through the chapter and at 2,332 words.
Y’all will be feasting tonight.
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savzo · 2 years
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More Hunter as a vet tech sketches
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sarahowritesostucky · 9 months
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📖"Angels Are Avian-Adjacent"
Rated: Teen
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: wing fic, avian creatures, angel Steve, veterinarian Bucky, supernatural meet-cute, fantasy au, injury and medical treatment
Summary: Unlike Bucky's regular patients, Steve was going to need a bit more reassurance than a simple belly rub or placating scritch behind the ear.
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(A last minute fill to grab a B-I-N-G-O on Stucky'Verse Bingo!)
A fill for @stuckyversebingo
card: sarah-writes-stucky / sarahyellow
Square D1: "Creature: Avian"
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“I … I don’t think I can do this,” Bucky stuttered, hands fluttering about nervously, hovering over one of the massive wings and then pulling away again, too freaked out to touch him. “You’re hurt. Y-you need a doctor.”
“You’re a doctor.”
“I’m a veterinarian!” 
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Steve said, voice coming out strained due to the pain he was in, “but don’t you still receive a fair degree of medical training for that?”
“For animals!” Bucky blustered. “N-not, not humans! And certainly not for … whatever the heck you are!”
Steve huffed in frustration. “I told you, I’m an—”
“An angel. Yeah, you said that.” Bucky still didn’t want to believe it, even though the proof was in the pudding, and the pudding was currently lying face down on his clinic’s exam table—all two hundred pound, six foot tall, approximately twelve foot wingspan of it. Bucky laughed slightly hysterically. “This is insane!”
“Be that as it may, this actually hurts like a motherfucker, so if you don’t mind, isn’t there something you could give me?” Steve grit out. Bucky hesitated, until the creature turned to face him, a wince taking over his—sweaty and visibly pained, but also admittedly angelic—features. “Please?” he breathed, fear and pleading in his eyes. “I can’t go to a regular hospital. Please. You understand, don’t you?”
Bucky nodded after a beat. “Yeah,” he whispered, though he really didn’t understand a fucking thing at all. “O-okay.” He swallowed nervously and looked around, trying to gather his wits. “Um, do - do you know how meds affect you?”
Steve shook his head and tried to shrug, but when his shoulders moved his wings did too, and he gasped sharply, his pearly white teeth bared in a pained snarl—though far prettier than any made by Bucky’s usual patients. “I don’t know,” he said tightly, voice clipped from the pain of trying to hold himself still. “I’ve never needed medicine. I don’t usually get sick. or hurt.”
Bucky made a dubious face. “O-kaay … well ... how much do you weigh?” 
Steve gave him his best guess, and Bucky decided that he probably wouldn’t kill a roughly two hundred-twenty pound, avian-adjacent humanoid creature with a conservative amount of ketamine. Despite the wings he had sprouting out of his back, Steve did still appear to be mammalian in nature. The guy had nipples, leastways.
 “Okay,” Bucky said, sighing as he pulled out his phone. “Hang on for a sec.”
“What are you doing?”
His lips twisted as he started typing. “You’re just a tad heavier than my usual patients, bud. I’m consulting Dr. Google for your dosage conversion.”
After navigating past a slew of search results promoting crisis hotlines and addiction recovery centers, he was able to find the information he needed to calculate how much of the drug to give Steve. “Okay,” he breathed, still wildly nervous and freaked out over what was going on. He went and prepared an injection of the medication and came back to prep the angel’s arm with a tourniquet and alcohol swab. Steve didn’t make a peep when the needle went in, and a minute later, his body was visibly relaxing from the sudden relief of pain. 
“Oh,” he breathed, blond eyelashes fluttering against his pretty cheeks. “Oh, thank you. That’s … that’s much better.”
Not knowing where to touch him, Bucky tentatively patted the angel’s hair. “You’re welcome,” he said, eyes sliding down to the injured wing. There was a shard of metal wedged up between the secondary convert and marginal convert feathers, the blood that stained their white color indicating that whatever the object was, it’d likely pierced Steve in the humeral portion of his … his wing. 
Bucky licked his lips and moved his hands down Steve’s back, hovering, afraid to touch something so foreign. “Um, okay,” he hedged. “There’s some sort of shrapnel. I can see where it is, but I need to get a better look at the point of entry. Can you …” (Jesus, what the everloving fuck was he even doing?) “Um, can you move your wing at all?” He gingerly touched the coracoscapular joint, watching as Steve worked up the nerve to give a tentative movement. He hissed at the motion, but was able to slowly unfold his left wing out from his back. “Good,” Bucky praised, gloved hands gently guiding him. “Okay, easy. Good, right there. That’s good enough.”
Steve stopped moving, panting from the exertion, a slight sheen of sweat on his brow when he turned his head further to look at Bucky out of the corner of his eye. “How bad is it?”
“It’s not gonna be life threatening,” Bucky said after a moment of carefully moving the feathers out of the way to examine the site of penetration. “Unless you’ve got a major blood vessel in a place where birds don’t.” He inspected the injury, mentally cataloguing the supplies he was going to need to perform the extraction. “Okay,” he muttered under his breath, talking more to himself than he was to Steve. “Okay, yeah. I think this is gonna be okay. I think we can do this.”
“You can?”
Bucky’s attention shot back to Steve, who sounded very anxious. Bucky was abruptly reminded that unlike his regular patients, Steve was going to need a bit more reassurance than a simple belly rub or placating scritch behind the ear. “Yeah,” he promised, firming up his voice into something more confident and professional. “Yeah. Your anatomy is basically human, with avian anatomy in the places where I need to work."
“You operate on angels often?” Steve joked nervously.
“Nope. But I know birds, and it’s more a matter of basic principles than anything else,” Bucky reassured. “Don’t worry. I know what to do.” 
Steve exhaled in relief, and Bucky didn’t feel too guilty for making a promise he wasn’t a hundred percent confident on. “Kay,” he said, turning around to go gather what he’d need for the procedure. “We’re gonna do this under a local anesthetic, so you’ll be awake. Just give me a few minutes while I get ready.”
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thinkingotherwise · 5 months
what's your headcanons on the windbreaker characters and their ideal types?
Oof that's a tough one, because I like to believe that you can fall in love with someone that isn't your type, but you find this certain connection with them. But I'll try my best 🤞🤞
Wind Breaker characters' "ideal type"
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Haruka Sakura - sporty and passionate; because of his drive for fighting it would need to be someone who understands the passions and even better if they share it; someone ready to throw anything at any moment and run to you if needed, really dependable that you can tell all your secrets to;
Akihiko Nirei - nice and confident; someone who'd pump him up, his personal cheerleader, being the sweetest and nicest person known in town with such a lovable voice and words coming out of you, but when he is self-hating knowing just the way to change their words to firm and confident making sure he knows how loved he is;
Hayato Suou - kinda tsundere; someone not keen on PDA and easily flustered by it, and someone who likes discussing things - able to talk with Suou for hours on end about the topics that are interesting to both of them;
Kyotaro Sugishita - "big sibling" type; taking care of everyone and making sure he's part of the group, always making him feel included and sometimes making him socialize with others, even people he seems to hate (Sakura);
Mitsuki Kiryu - gamer; confident in skills and ready to throw hands if someone insults them or boyfriend, someone who looks sweet but in reality has a sharp tongue and can win any argument;
Taiga Tsugeura - someone who likes to take care of themselves; doesn't necessarily mean thin, but someone who likes to spend time making sure they are healthy, maybe someone having these daily trackers that they prepare to have better time management;
Kotoha Tachibana - playful but responsible; someone who gets shit done but is so playful about it, teasing and laughing every second they can, easily convinced to help and sometimes taking too much on their shoulders, struggling to finish things;
Hajime Umemiya - caring and extroverted; giving pieces of advice to everyone and surprisingly ready to help others with school work, touchy - meaning they love PDA and hugging, they would be the perfect duo, to help each other whenever the other one struggles or has some bad days;
Toma Hiiragi - street smart and brave; being tangled in enough trouble to elevate some stress off him, when they help other students solve issues, but also to be able to make his blood pumping and belly ache while causing just enough of the aforementioned trouble;
Ren Kaji - understanding and music fan; someone who would understand his issues and help him through them, being very supportive, also someone who likes different kinds of music to talk to him about it;
Takeshi Enomoto - stylish and a fan of Japanese history; someone who readers too much mafia/yakuza au!, or stories and would like to spend evenings watching action movies, someone who likes fashion and can spend too much time trying to find the perfect outfit for the two of them;
Yuto Kusumi - animal lover; someone who loves animals and loves taking care of them, maybe someone trying to become a veterinary or someone spending their time helping neighbours and shelters with animals, very empathetic and emotional;
Tasuku Tsubakino - open-minded and friendly; someone who gains trust easily and is friendly with everyone they meet, someone that has no problem with the different hobbies of Tasuku and easily supports their every move;
Seiryu Sakaki - pretty/handsome and popular, someone interested in skincare and makeup, very eye-catching and bringing others' attention to them, someone who easily follows along his pranks;
Uryu Sakaki - curious and someone who likes to eat and try new dishes; spending time searching through internet looking for new restaurants and food booths maybe even recipes to try with him;
Choji Tomiyama - complete opposite of him, meaning looks like they could kill you is a cinnamon roll; someone who people could mistake as the leader, like with Togame, but really they are all smiles and ready for cuddles, probably couldn't hurt anyone, only if they were really angry;
Jo Togame - kuudere- popular and disinterested; surprisingly very popular because of their "cool" behaviour, but they are simply disinterested in most things, when others talk to them or while others ask for help, but their loving boyfriend, that can make smile bloom on their face and somehow can interest them in anything he likes;
Kota Sako - someone who has sweet tooth; with his love for sweets it would need to be someone who also doesn't mind going to try sweets every now and then, maybe even someone who takes photos of said food and shows it off on their social media;
Minoru Kanuma - teasing and confident; being the 'comedic relief character' for everyone when they are annoyed by teasing the shit out of them in funny way but also not hurting their feeling in the process;
Yukinari Arima - loving and easily flustered; someone who adores being his centre of attention, even seeking it out, but also being easily flushed the moment he touches them or calls them with endearment;
Teruomi Inugami - equally joyful but more calm; someone who loves the puppy energy of his and hypes him up even more, although they look calm they are excited to spend every minute with him;
Tags: @misticbullet
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hedwig221b · 3 months
Hi could u pls suggest a pic where derek or Stiles gets injured and the other takes care of them?
Ah, yes, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, the top tier duo...
Holy Injuries, Batman! by LadyDrace
Stiles gets hurt. Badly. Getting better turns out to be more of a process than anyone expected, and there are a few surprises along the way.
Leave It All Behind by asarcasticwitch
A coil of panic tightens in his chest as, after just three short rings, Derek’s voice—raspy as if barely awake—echoes through the speaker. “Do you know what time it is?” he grumbles, and at any other time, Stiles would’ve made a joke or retorted with something so sarcastic it would’ve undoubtedly earned him a huff in return. But right now, he can’t think of anything to say.
Our Days Are Numbered by tylerfucklin
They didn't know, not until it was too late. The damage was done; the scars and broken bones made, and the nightmares endless. No amount of corrective surgeries and physical therapy would take away what had happened to Stiles that day.
Beltane by DevilDoll
"Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
The Bite by LeeHan
The first time Stiles was offered the bite, he said no, but the universe only gave him the courtesy of asking so many times. When the inevitability of the bite catches up with him, Stiles has to face his new nature. Luckily, he has Derek by his side every step of the way.
Surrounded and up against a wall, I’ll shred ‘em all (and go with you) by Gorgeousgreymatter
Stiles hates hospitals. He’s always hated hospitals. Well, not always (who likes them, anyway?), but since her. Since before -- and now just the thought of them makes him want to retch, gives him that crawling-out-his-skin feeling that makes him want to peel it all off with his fingernails. Which he should really stop biting, he muses, wincing as he tears a hangnail off with a rabid flash of teeth.
Although, technically this wasn’t exactly a hospital. Not for humans anyway. But whatever, Stiles thinks, veterinary hospitals still counted. At least as long as Derek was in that back room screaming like he’s dying, because maybe he is.
This is Ridiculous by zosofi
There's a unicorn in Beacon Hills. A fricken' unicorn. In fricken' Beacon Hills, California. And it turns out that unicorns aren't drawn towards virgins in a happy-go-lucky let-me-lay-my-not-at-all-metaphorical-horn-in-your-lap way. No. They kill them. And guess who's the only virgin idiotic enough to get sucked into the Beacon Hills supernatural scene? Stiles, that's who.
I will stand with you by Taigrin
John Stilinski comes home to find Stiles and Derek passed out on the couch pretty much after telling his son to stay away from the werewolf.
Or the one with family Stilinski feels mixed up with angst and a hurt alfa.
Not Your Disney Romance by Wrennefer (Wrenegadeone)
After a long-forgotten agreement of an arranged marriage between Derek and the daughter of another pack's alpha resurfaces, Stiles takes it upon himself to become the most amazing fake fiancé that a clueless, desperate alpha werewolf could wish for.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | mafia | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack
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thebunnednun · 2 months
Sweet dreams!~ Trafalgar D. Law x Wife! Reader (Modern Au)
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Prompt: Hear me out, Law with a girlfriend who has Narcolepsy. Ya know, just like Ace who keeps sleeping randomly.
Dearest, @orange-milky
You ask, you shall receive! I made a few changes with it. I hope you don't mind.
Another request for Follower Fridays! If you have a fic request go ahead and send it to me to see it pop on Friday! 
Art was found here.
On with the show!!~
Some quick college major headcanons: 
Monkey D. Luffy - Sports Science or Physical Education Roronoa Zoro - Martial Arts or Kinesiology Nami - Meteorology or Economics with a minor in Business Marketing 
Brook - Music or Performing Arts
Usopp - Engineering or Fine Arts Sanji - Culinary Arts
Tony Tony Chopper - Medicine or Veterinary Science Nico Robin - Archaeology or History Franky - Mechanical Engineering Jinbei- Marine Biologist or Environmental/Human rights activist
Trafalgar D. Water Law - Medicine
Bepo - Environmental Science or Zoology Shachi - Marine Biology
Penguin - Engineering or Naval Architecture
Ikkaku - Pharmacy or Chemistry
You and Law didn’t meet in the most conventional way. 
Law stood at the entrance of the bustling campus cafeteria, scanning the area for a place to grab a quick lunch. Amid the crowd, he noticed a girl passionately discussing a book with a group of friends. Her energy and enthusiasm were captivating, and for a moment, Law found himself intrigued.
As he watched, she suddenly stopped mid-sentence and began to sway. Her friends reached out, but before they could react, she collapsed onto a nearby bench, sound asleep. Law's curiosity piqued. He approached her friends, who seemed unfazed by the incident.
"Is she okay?" Law asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern.
One of her friends, a short-ish guy with fluffy black hair, turned to him and smiled. "Yeah, she's fine. She has narcolepsy. It happens sometimes." He tried to swipe her pizza before a tangerine haired girl slapped his hand away. 
Law nodded, filing away this new information. He glanced back at the girl, now peacefully napping, and felt a strange pull to learn more about her.
A few days later, Law found himself in the library, buried in research. He noticed the same girl from the cafeteria asleep at a nearby table, a stack of books around her. He approached quietly, debating whether to wake her.
Just then, her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him, slightly disoriented, but quickly recovered. 
“The fuck-”
"Hi, I'm sorry I startled you."
You reached for your purse as he placed an unopened gatorade on the table and motioned to the chair across from you. Remembering him from your biology class, you nodded and decided to let him sit, hand still on your pink stun gun. 
"Law," he introduced himself, taking a seat across from you. "I saw you pass out in the cafeteria the other day."
You chuckled softly. "Yeah, that happens a lot. It's part of having narcolepsy."
Law nodded, his curiosity deepening. "Must be challenging."
"It can be," you admitted. "But you learn to manage. And my friends help out a lot!"
“I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t feel comfortable seeing you alone and asleep.” 
'Awe, okay maybe he’s a gentleman.'
You smiled, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Well, at least if I get kidnapped, I'll be well-rested for the ransom negotiations."
Law took a sip of his coffee and immediately choked, nearly spraying it everywhere. He coughed, trying to regain his composure. "Okay, that's... that's one way to look at it," he said, laughing and wiping his mouth. "I guess I'll have to stick around to make sure they demand top dollar for you."
You giggled before hushing yourself when you saw the librarian round the corner. “So sweet to drive up the asking price." You saw a genuine smile flick across Law’s lips and decided to let him stick around. 
As they continued to talk, Law found himself drawn to your resilience and positive outlook. You had an infectious zest for life that Law couldn't ignore. So, over the next few weeks, you and Law grew closer. 
Turns out you had the same major and classes!
He made it a point to learn more about narcolepsy, wanting to support you as best as he could. You spent time studying together, going to coffee shops, and exploring the campus.
Park Bench:
One afternoon, Law was walking through the campus park when he noticed a familiar figure sprawled on a bench. He chuckled, recognizing you immediately. You had a book resting on your chest, your peaceful expression illuminated by the dappled sunlight.
"Dreamer," he called softly, sitting beside you. He gently removed the book and adjusted your position to make you more comfortable.
Just then, Luffy and his friends passed by, noticing the scene. Luffy grinned, giving Law a thumbs up. "Taking good care of [Name], Law?"
Law rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Yeah, Luffy. Always."
During lunch, you and Law sat with a group of his friends. Mid-conversation, you suddenly slumped forward, asleep on the table. Law sighed, used to the sight, and gently lifted your head, placing a folded jacket under it as a makeshift pillow.
Penguin and Shachi, who were sitting across from you, exchanged amused glances. "Hands full?" Penguin questioned with a chuckle.
Law smirked. "You have no idea."
One evening, Law decided to take you out for a quick dinner. As he pulled up to the drive-through, he started to place the order when he felt a small weight hit his shoulder. Glancing over, he saw you had fallen asleep, your head resting against him. 
He sighed but smiled fondly. "Yeah, can I get two cheeseburgers, one with extra pickles, and a large fries with an apple pie?" he said, already knowing your order by heart.
TA’ing a Classroom:
During one of your lectures, Law received an urgent text from Professor Garp. He hurried to the classroom, finding you asleep at your desk. Your student’s were giggling quietly, but Law's concern was evident.
"Dreamer," he whispered, gently shaking you awake. "Time to go."
You blinked up at him, embarrassed. "Sorry, Law."
"It's okay," he said softly, helping you gather your things. "Let's get you somewhere comfortable."
He picked you up like a small teddy bear and shuffled you out of the door. You gazed up at him, your eyes soft and affectionate. "I must really trust you if I keep falling asleep around you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper before sleep pulled you back under. 
Coffee Shop:
You and Law were enjoying a quiet afternoon in your favorite coffee shop. As he was engrossed in a medical journal, he suddenly felt your head against his shoulder. You had fallen asleep, your coffee cup still half-full.
The barista, Sanji, who knew you both well, smiled and whispered to Law, "She’s out again, huh?"
Law nodded, carefully shifting you into his lap. "Yeah, she is." 
Later that evening, while watching a movie in Law's apartment, you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. Law softly adjusted your position, making sure you were comfortable. He watched you sleep, admiring the lovely girl he hadn't expected to drop into his life.
The next day, You woke up in Law's room, covered with a blanket. ‘He must’ve taken the couch.’ You smiled, feeling a warmth in your chest. The first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. Law knocked before walking in, holding a cup of coffee. His hair was slightly tousled, and his eyes softened as he saw you awake.
"Morning," he said, handing you a warm mug. The steam rose gently, carrying the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. You sat up fully and pushed yourself against the headboard, your fingers brushing against his as he steadied the mug.
"Thanks," you said, taking a sip. The warmth spread through you, both from the coffee and the gesture. "You didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to," Law said simply, his voice low and sincere. "I care about you."
Your eyes softened as you looked at him, a gentle smile spreading across your face. "I care about you too, Law. Thanks for understanding."
Law smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
"Get used to it. I'm not going anywhere."
It had been a few months and you were now dating. One day, during a particularly stressful exam period, you expressed your frustration. "I feel like such a burden sometimes."
Law looked at you, his eyes serious. "You're not a burden, [Name]. You're important to me. Your condition doesn't change that." He abandoned his book and moved closer, cupping your face in his hands. His touch was gentle yet firm, grounding you. 
Law's gaze softened as he rested his forehead against yours. "You're strong, and you're doing your best. We'll get through this together," he murmured, his thumbs gently stroking your cheeks. Law leaned in and placed several soft kisses along the apples of your cheeks, each one filled with reassurance and love.
The heat rose up in your chest and flood through you. "Thank you, Law,” you whispered, your voice trembling slightly. Instead of speaking more, you reached up and gently squeezed Law's hands, your eyes meeting his with a look that conveyed everything you couldn't put into words.
You closed your eyes, feeling the tension slowly melt away. In that moment, the stress of exams and the challenges of your condition seemed more manageable with Law by your side. As you both held each other close, the room filled with a comforting silence, punctuated only by the soft sounds of your breathing.
—------------------------ Moving in together!
Dating Law had always been an adventure. From the intense late-night study sessions to the countless study dates where you'd find each other engrossed in medical journals, dedication was something you both admired deeply. But it wasn’t long before you noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the way his movements grew sluggish as the night wore on, and how he often seemed distant, lost in his thoughts.
One particularly late evening, you found him in his apartment, staring at the ceiling, his eyes wide open despite the exhaustion etched into his features. It was then you realized: Law had insomnia. He never mentioned it, brushing off your concerns with a quick smile and a change of subject, but the signs were undeniable. 
That little fucker!
"Law," you said softly, sitting beside him on the bed. "How long have you been dealing with this?"
He sighed, turning to face you. "A while," he admitted. "It's just part of who I am."
You frowned, brushing a hand through his hair. "But it doesn't have to be. You help me so I’m gonna help you. We can figure this out together."
It was that moment that solidified your decision to move in together. If you were going to help each other through medical school and residency, you needed to be there for one another, especially during the tough times.
Moving in together was a significant step, but it felt natural. You found comfort in the rhythm of shared routines and small domestic rituals. Mornings began with sleepy kisses and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, while evenings often ended with both of you sprawled on the couch, medical textbooks spread around, discussing cases and treatments.
Helping Law with his insomnia became part of your routine the way he helped you with your narcolepsy was part of his. You started by creating a calming nighttime environment: dim lights, soft music, and sometimes even a warm bath. But it was the nights when you held him close, your fingers running through his hair, whispering soothing words, that made the most difference.
On nights when sleep seemed to be closing in on you, you’d tackle his big goofy ass into the bed and koala him, creating a cocoon of warmth and safety. "Just breathe," you'd murmur, your voice a gentle anchor in the dark. "I've got you."
He’d relax against you, the tension slowly easing from his body as your fingers traced soothing patterns on his scalp. Sometimes, you’d hum softly, a melody you both loved, letting the music lull him into a sense of peace.
There were still nights when he'd find you asleep first, your body sprawled in the most inconvenient places — fully on top of the kitchen table, upside down on the couch, curled up in the tub (scared the literal shit outta him) or even mid-sentence on your shared bed. He'd just chuckle softly, scooping you up and carrying you to bed, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before tucking you in. 
Living together was pretty lit. You learned to navigate each other’s quirks and habits, finding joy in the little things. Your bodies weird sleep patterns weren't a burden but more of a shared challenge, one you faced together. And through it all, the love between you grew stronger, built on a foundation of mutual support and understanding.
Despite the long hours and the relentless demands of your budding medical careers, you found peace in each other’s presence. The moments of rest, however fleeting, were treasured. In the quiet hours of the night, with Law’s head resting on your chest, you’d find yourself smiling, knowing that no matter how tough things got, you’d always have each other to come home to.
Your shared friends played a vital role in this journey as well. They rallied around you and Law, each offering their unique brand of support. Luffy, with his infectious energy, would drag Law into spontaneous campus adventures, exhausting him just enough to help him sleep better. There was a time when Luffy insisted on a late-night beach bonfire, where the sound of the waves and the warmth of the fire finally lulled Law into a deep sleep.
Zoro, in his own quiet way, introduced Law to meditation and breathing exercises, often practicing together in the early mornings before the day’s chaos began. Sanji would cook up hearty meals designed to promote sleep (for you energy), slipping herbal teas into your nightly routine. 
"Chamomile for the win," he'd say with a wink, handing Law a steaming cup. 
Nami and Robin took a more research-based approach, scouring medical journals and holistic remedies to find anything that might help. They'd often have evenings where they'd share their findings, creating a comprehensive plan that combined traditional and alternative methods.
Chopper, being a doctor prodigy himself, was a great ally. He frequently checked on Law’s progress, suggesting adjustments to his routine or medication. 
And then there was Usopp and Franky, who used their engineering skills to design a customized, noise-canceling sleep mask and a comfortable, ergonomic bed that helped reduce stress and promote better sleep. Even Brook, with his calming violin melodies, would sometimes play soothing lullabies, his skeletal fingers dancing over the strings.
Law's friends, initially unsure about your condition, quickly adapted. Bepo, a tall dark skinned man with the best hugs anyone could ever give, and one of Law's closest friends, would carry You to a comfortable spot whenever you fell asleep in odd places. Penguin and Shachi would create makeshift beds with their hats whenever they saw you clock out at the study table. Ikkaku didn’t play about your safety either. If you fell asleep at the pub then she was keeping her arm around you at all times until Law could take you home. 
Damn you loved everybody!!~
Living together, surrounded by such a supportive group of friends, made the journey easier. The nights were no longer something to dread but moments of bonding and care. You and Law found a balance, each learning to lean on the other, and the support of your shared friends only strengthened your resolve. 
At Home:
Law arrived home first, pacing the living room as he waited for you. Today he wasn’t able to drive you both due to him being on call. Hearing your car pull up, he stepped outside, just in time to see you struggling to stay awake. Opening the car door for you, he teased, "I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep again."
You smiled sheepishly. "I tried my best." You threw him your keys and decided to leave the bags in the car.
He lifted you effortlessly, carrying you inside. "You need to be more careful, sweetheart. I worry about you."
"You always worry," you replied, resting your head against his shoulder.
"And I'll never stop," he said softly, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Inside, Law set you down on the couch, handing you a glass of water. You looked up at him, eyes filled with gratitude and affection. He sat beside you, taking your hand. "I'll always take care of you, Dreamer. Just promise me you'll try to be more careful."
"I promise," you said, squeezing his hand.
Office Couch:
One late evening, you finished your shift at the hospital and decided to check on Law in his office. Opening the door quietly, you found him slumped over his desk, fast asleep. His dark circles and the clutter of medical journals around him told you he hadn't been sleeping well.
Smiling softly, you walked over and gently shook his shoulder. "Babe, you need to sleep properly."
He groaned, barely awake. "I'm fine, my love."
"No, you're not," you insisted, helping him up. You led him to the couch in his office, coaxing him to lie down. Once he was settled, you snuggled up beside him, your warmth and presence easing him into a deeper sleep.
Living Room:
One night, you woke up to find the bed empty. Knowing Law's struggle with insomnia, you got up and found him on the couch, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
"Law," you whispered, sitting beside him. "Can't sleep again?"
He sighed, shaking his head. "No."
Without a word, you laid down beside him, making yourself the big spoon. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close. "You know, I don't mind being your personal pillow," you murmured, your fingers gently playing with his hair.
He relaxed against you, his tense muscles slowly unwinding. Your soothing voice and gentle touch worked their magic, and before long, he drifted off to sleep in your embrace.
University Library:
During a late-night study session in the library, you found Law fast asleep amidst a pile of books. You knew he had been pushing himself too hard, so you carefully moved the books aside and slid in next to him.
"Couldn't stay awake without me, huh?"
You wrapped an arm around him, nuzzling your head against his shoulder like a cat. The warmth of your body and the steady rhythm of your breathing provided him with a sense of comfort. Even in his sleep, he instinctively pulled you closer, just loving your presence.
One particularly rough night, you woke to Law pacing the hallway, unable to settle down. You got out of bed and approached him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind.
"Come back to bed, Baby," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his back.
He sighed, leaning into your touch. "I can't sleep," he found your hands and raised them to his lips to plant kisses on the back of them. You booped his nose before kissing his shoulder blades. “C’mon,”
You pulled backwards to guide him to the bed and fell backwards, making yourself the big spoon. As you held him close, you began to talk softly, recounting your day and telling him stories. Your fingers threaded through his hair, your voice soothing and rhythmic.
Gradually, you felt his breathing even out, his body relaxing completely. You stayed like that, holding him until you were sure he was deeply asleep, knowing that your presence was his anchor.
Early one morning, you found Law asleep at the kitchen table, his head resting on his folded arms. He had clearly been up all night, working on something.
You sighed softly, shaking your head with a fond smile. "Oh, babe."
Carefully, you lifted him from the chair, supporting his weight as you guided him to the bedroom. Once he was settled in bed, you climbed in beside him, snuggling close.
"I've got you," you whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He mumbled something incoherent, suddenly wrapping an arm around your hips as he drifted deeper into slumber.
You stayed with him, knowing that even in his dreams, he needed the reassurance of your presence.
After graduation—---- 
Years had passed since your days as a medical student, and now you were a fully-fledged doctor, training young residents alongside Law. The hospital environment was a bustling hub of activity, and your relationship with Law had to be kept under wraps from the higher-ups. Despite the secrecy, your students couldn't help but notice the chemistry between you two.
"I swear, the Trafalgar’s are such an adorable couple," one of your residents whispered to another during a break.
"Totally! He's all grumpy and she's like his sunshine! They're like hospital mom and dad," the other replied with a grin.
Unbeknownst to them, their playful shipping was not far from the truth. Law's stern demeanor contrasted with your warm, approachable nature, creating a dynamic that both baffled and endeared your students. They would often turn to you for guidance, seeing you as a nurturing figure, while Law's gruff exterior masked his deep care for his residents and patients. 
(Freaking softy~)
Despite the progress in managing your narcolepsy, there were still moments when it caught up with you. It never happened during lectures or patient interactions, but sometimes during lunch, in your car, or in the privacy of your office, you would fall into a deep sleep, impossible to wake up from.
One afternoon, after a particularly exhausting morning, you found yourself nodding off during lunch. Your residents, familiar with your condition, quickly alerted Law with a series of beeps. He arrived shortly after, a mix of concern and affection in his eyes as he gently lifted you into his arms.
"You've got to be more careful, Dreamer," he whispered, carrying you to his office where you could sleep undisturbed.
He placed you on the couch, covering you with a soft blanket. Your peaceful expression as you slept brought a smile to his face, even as he sighed at the thought of how hard you pushed yourself.
In the Car:
One evening, after a long shift, you decided to take a moment to rest in your car before heading home. Law was finishing up some paperwork when one of your residents knocked on his door, slightly panicked.
"Dr. Trafalgar? Dr. Trafalgar fell asleep in her car. We can't wake her up."
Law's expression softened as he nodded. "I'll take care of it."
He found you in your car, head resting against the window, completely out cold. Carefully, he opened the door and gently lifted you out, carrying you back to his office.
"Dreamer," he murmured, settling you on the couch once more. "You really need to take it easy."
In Your Office:
During a rare moment of downtime, you had decided to catch up on some paperwork in your office. The next thing you knew, you were waking up to the feeling of Law's arms around you, lifting you from your chair.
"Can't resist taking a nap just to be in my arms?" he teased, carefully carrying you to his office.
You mumbled something incoherent, still barely unconscious, but snuggled closer to him. Law chuckled softly, his heart swelling with affection.
Law glanced at his phone, the familiar chime indicating a new message. It was from one of the medical students.
"Dr. Trafalgar, she fell asleep in the common room again."
He sighed, a mix of exasperation and fondness crossing his features. Quickly gathering his things, he made his way to the common room. As he entered, he saw you slumped over a pile of textbooks, softly snoring. The sight of you asleep, with your hair slightly tousled and your face relaxed, made him smile despite his concern.
"Dreamer," he murmured, gently shaking your shoulder.
You stirred, blinking sleepily up at him. "Law...?"
"Couldn't wait to fall into my arms, huh?" he smirked, squatting down to your height to plant a kiss on your sleepy head.
He gently lifted you into his arms, feeling your head nestled against his shoulder. Your soft breaths tickled his neck, reminding him of how much he adored these moments, even though he wished they didn't happen under such circumstances. As he carried you through the corridors, fellow doctors and nurses exchanged knowing smiles and whispered comments about the devoted couple.
Arriving at his office, Law gently placed you on the couch he had designated for moments like these. He covered you with a warm, soft blanket and brushed a stray hair from your face. You looked so peaceful, so vulnerable, and it tugged at his heartstrings.
"You're lucky I found you," he said, his tone lighter. "Guess who's getting extra assignments as punishment?"
You pouted, still half-asleep. " 'S not fair..."
"Life's not fair," he replied, smirking. "Ah, you're so cute. Don't even remember we're doctors now."
You mumbled something incoherent, your eyes half-closed, but a playful thought crossed your mind. "No, but I know who I married!~"
Law's eyes widened in realization, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, look who's not really asleep!"
Before you could respond, he unleashed a tickle attack, making you squirm and squeal uncontrollably. The light of his office caught your wedding rings, making them shine brightly. You tried to fend him off, but your laughter and sleepiness weakened your defenses.
"Law! Stop!" you giggled, trying to catch your breath.
With a mischievous glint in your eye, you decided to turn the tables. You reached up and bit his collarbone, catching him off guard, before you began to tickle him back. Law's deep chuckles filled the room as he tried to evade your wiggly fingers, but you were relentless. 
"Don’t you dare!" he managed between laughs, his usual stoic expression replaced with one of pure joy.
The two of you ended up rolling around on the couch, tickling and laughing until you were both breathless and tangled in the blanket. You finally stopped, both of you lying there, panting and grinning at each other.
"Okay, okay, truce," Law said, holding up his hands in surrender.
You snuggled closer to him, resting your head on his chest. "Truce," you agreed, your eyes closing as you felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Law wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Get some rest, my wife. I've got you."
As you drifted back to sleep, the warmth of the blanket and Law's presence lulling you into a peaceful slumber, Law watched over you, his heart full of love and admiration for his wife. 
His wife! 
The two of you had made it through college, med school, residency, board exams, your shitty sleep schedules and really made it out the other end. 
The sight of you nestled comfortably, your hair fanned out on the pillow, brought a sense of worship over him. He gently adjusted the blanket around you again, ensuring you were snug and warm. As he settled back into his chair to work, the sound of your soft, steady breathing was the sweetest music to his ears. It filled the room with a sense of calm, a gentle reminder of the love and life you shared.
Law often found himself pausing in his work to steal glances at you, his heart pounding against his ribs. Your presence grounded him, reminded him of what truly mattered. The stresses of the day faded into the background, replaced by the serene comfort of your love. 
He marveled at your resilience, your unwavering spirit, and the way you faced each day with a smile, despite the challenges your condition brought. And then you had to go in and save him, too. With your warmth, the gentle touches and those little kisses you ghosted over him while he slept. All those nights he couldn’t sleep he was shakey and on the verge of tears and you’d bathe him and calm him down. You let him into your life and he was going to thank you every day for it. 
With you, even the mundane felt extraordinary. And as he sat there, watching over you, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Blessed for your love, your partnership, and the beautiful journey you were on together. Life, with all its unpredictability and challenges, was perfect because he had you to share it with.
Despite the casual chaos of your busy lives, this moment reminded him of why he cherished you so deeply. Life, with all its demands and pressures, was brighter with you by his side. And as he worked, the sound of your soft, steady breathing was the sweetest music to his ears. 
“I love you.”
Taglist: @orange-milky @xxsliverwolfxx @mochiclouds @m0rona @thealtofvalleyxdoodles
I own none of the art or characters!!
Posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ And thank you guys again for 100 followers!!
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zerosiesblog · 4 months
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itafushi college / university AU!!!!
totally think megumi would study veterinary science & yuji would be a student athlete
popular boy x nerd kinda thing….
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amymaleneart · 2 months
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[Ignore the inaccurate size of the human on his shoulder]
Sun looks amazing!!! Look at that goofy face and silly tongue. You made the perfect balance between the different animal charactics I described in my au.
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He is so fluffy and so cuuute!!!! I want to snuggle into that face so badly.
I always love your art style and I love it even more now. 💖
Thank you for this wonderful masterpiece!!!
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randomriddlee · 7 months
guys hear me out imagine house md veterinary hospital au in which:
house got kicked by a cow during his internship and his leg didn’t heal properly which made him use a cane
he was forced to switch to small animal practice, he still hates clients but his fluffy patients love him for some unknown reason
wilson specialises in equine medicine (wilson is basically a horse girl) and because their hospital doesn’t get much calls for horse consults he spends most of his time being annoyed by house
instead of being exposed to hiv cameron gets bit by a rabid 16 year old yorkshire terrier
a lady comes with an obese labrador and chase nearly gets rabid himself
the ducklings are responsible for restraining first and treating patients second
foreman is afraid of small dogs
chase makes fun of him but he’s terrified as well
cameron has four senior sick rescue cats which seem to be immortal
house is addicted to ketamine instead of vicodin
there’s at least one joke about chase’s interest in bdsm and getting bit
wilson always gets a new golden retriever when entering a new marriage, the dogs always stay with his ex-wives
house constantly remarks that he should change his motorcycle for a horse to wilson’s horror
stevie mcqueen was actually brought to the hospital by a rescue for lab animals, house adopted stevie after his treatment was finished
cuddy specialises in animal reproduction and house constantly tries to win the argument by bringing puppies to her office (she folds on occasion)
house nearly does a necropsy on a goat with anthrax
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How about your personal modern AU jobs and/or lives of the M6 and, but not necessarily with, MC as their partner. Short hc/full hc -- your call ❤️
Thanks, and I continue to love your work
- 🐅
P. S. We all know Julian would be a doctor hehe
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Modern M6's jobs
Based on this post from the original devs!
Julian: a pediatrician who litters your home with all the crayon thank you drawings he gets and wears silly eyepatches with his scrubs. fills you in on all the staff drama and lives on instant noodles and coffee
Asra: DJ by night at one of Lucio's clubs, magician by day for kid's parties, their love language is personalized mixtapes and glitter paint. you're the one with the full-time job and flat, he's the one who cooks
Nadia: a city mayor, concert pianist, and chess master who somehow still makes time for an hour or two with you every day. you know more than you should because she'll verbally process to you each evening
Muriel: lives off the grid and has spent his adult life building a completely eco-friendly, self-sustainable compound, picking up occasional odd jobs when he needs money. yes, he keeps chickens
Portia: waitresses part-time while she puts herself through evening veterinary courses so she can ultimately become a zookeeper. somehow still has time and energy for her amateur boxing career
Lucio: came from generational wealth and has used it to buy/start up his chain of nightclubs. also uses it to fund his daytime drama talk show, and is constantly being turned into memes as a result
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