#victorian style tea box
hikarry · 6 months
Anthony J. Crowley
But with reading glasses
"Aziraphale, why do you wear reading glasses anyway? Your vision is perfect."
The angel sighs, closing his book and taking off his glasses, glancing up at the demon beside him.
"It's not about my vision. I just like them." The glasses on his hands glint in the light of the desk. "I believe you would say it's a matter of style. Feeling good with what you are wearing."
"Is that why you've been wearing the same clothes since the 40's? Because of style?"
Aziraphale chuckles, putting the glasses back on and getting up from the armchair. How his demon could be thick skulled sometimes.
"I wear these clothes and the glasses for the same reason you wear those probably extremely uncomfortable tight jeans, my dear." Crowley recoils slightly when Aziraphale suddenly lifts his hand, but leans into his touch when said warm hand meets his cheek. "Because you feel like yourself when you wear them. Somewhere in the 6000 years we've been sharing the world with the humans, we started caring about what we cover ourselves with and what little trinkets we wear to compliment said covers like they do." The smile that takes over the angel's face is warm, and yet still bastardly. "We are more like them than you would like to admit." More than both of them would like to admit, to be fair. "Anyway." Aziraphale walks past him, towards the hook on the wall where they keep their jackets. "Do you want to stop by Nina's? I'm really craving those new jelly donuts she received on monday."
Not that it matters to whatever the author is trying to write here, but they did go to Nina's and Aziraphale did have his donut along with tea while Crowley watched him in silence over the rim of his mug filled with 6 shots of the blackest expresso.
It was 2 weeks later, one day when they decided to go back down to Soho to check on Muriel and the girls, that the weirdst...? Maybe weird isn't the right words to describe it. I will let Aziraphale showcase whatever he felt by himself.
He had left Crowley at the bookshop with Muriel to go check on the Record shop where Maggie was moving some records around, rearranging the shop for the tenth time that week, with the lack of anything better to do. Truth be told, nowadays her most usual costumer was Crowley himself, who would stop by from time to time to check on vinyls he apparently needed for his endless collection. She still wasn't sure if he actually needed the records, or if that was his way of being nice.
Regardless, when Aziraphale came back to the bookshop with a Vivaldi secured in both his hands, he quickly spotted Muriel cleaning the dust off one of the shelves in the front, but no sign of Crowley.
"Muriel, my dear, did Crowley step out to Nina's again?"
She stopped what she was doing to offer him her full attention and the smile she wore 24/7 no matter the time of the day.
"No, Mr. Aziraphale. I saw Mr. Crowley walk into the backroom. Apparently he found something interesting in the box of new arrivals."
"Thanks, dear."
Aziraphale offered her a polite smile back before properly entering the bookshop and walking into the backroom, where he quickly found Crowley not sitting on his couch, as it had been the norm since the 1800's, but instead on the armchair Aziraphale used to occupy. Back relaxed leaning against the backrest of the chair, one skinny leg crossed over the other and a book opened in front of his face.
Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers
"Since when do you have an interest in flower language?"
"Since you told me fucking Wilde used to offer you green carnations every other blue moon." Crowley dropped the book, looking up at the angel. "Do you have any idea what green carnations mean in flower language? Hell, it was Oscar himself that created the stupid meaning for the stupid flower."
Uhum. Yeah. No. Aziraphale didn't hear a single word of whatever Crowley had said after he dropped the book, Instead, he dropped the Vivaldi along with his jaw, his heart beating fast for less than holy reasons and his hands tingling to touch, touch, touch...
"The bloody bastard was hitting on you!" Crowley closed the book with a bang. "I'm never sleeping for a century again." He grumbled. "Forget a century. I'm never sleeping for a whole year and leaving you to your own devices."
"My dear-"
"Sure, we were not technically officially together together back then, but, come on, Aziraphale. Wilde?"
"All this years all it took was a mediocre flower for you to fall head over heels over someone?" He put the book to the side, laying it on the small table beside the armchair, and got up. "You know who has technically been a gardener for millenia?" He waved at himself. "Me! I've been dealing with plants and flowers at least since around they put Jesus on a stick. If all it took to get your attention was offering you a bouquet every other week, you could have given me some type of hint? Hell! I should have been the one creating this bloody ridiculous flower language! I know more about flowers than Wilde or any other human that has ever stepped on this bloody planet-"
The demon stopped ranting and waving his hands dramatically, dropping them to the sides and looking at Aziraphale, who was still exactly in the same place he had been for the last 4 minutes.
The angel waved in his general direction.
"What is that on your face?"
Crowley reached out to his own face, as if he had forgotten there was anything at all out of the ordinary in it, his fingertips meeting the temples of the reading glasses.
"Ah." He took the glasses off, turning them around on his hand. "Just decided to give these a try. Thought they would make reading more interesting."
Aziraphale had walked up to him, stepping over the record and standing a few centimeters away from the demon, taking the glasses off his hand. Crowley looked down at him, an eyebrow raised in confusion, and was about to open his mouth to say something when Aziraphale put the glasses back on his face, taking a step back and biting his lower lip.
"...Okay? Angel, what's-?"
"Get the keys for the Bentley. We are going home." That was clearly an order, which Aziraphale expected Crowley to follow without second guessing as he turned around, picked up the record from the floor, and walked towards the exit of the backroom.
"Wow, wow! Wait up!" Gently, Crowley held Aziraphale's free wrist, forcing him to stop walking and turn around to face him. "What the bloody heavens is going through your head? You said you wanted to go through the new arrivals with-"
Without any previous announcement or any type of gentleness, Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's silly lil grey tie and pulled it down, so the demon's face was mere centimeters away from his own.
"I'm two second away from pushing you against that shelf and turning you into the biggest mess of our existences, but Muriel is too close and too innocent to witness such behavior." He pulled on the tie again, pulling a very still very focused and breathing very heavily demon ever closer. "So you better get in that car and drive us back home before I show you what I learned in all my years in the discreet gentlemen's club." He finally let go of the tie, allowing Crowley to straight himself up, but the demon didn't move an inch. "And don't you dare take those glasses off until I say you can." He smiled and patted his cheek. "Yes?"
The only noise that left Crowley's throat was some type of high pitched shaky little thing, before he reached out to the back pocket of his jeans and fished for the car keys.
All this to say: that's a vision I pretty much support. We need more reading glasses Crowley in the fandom.
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Alice 'Allie' Parkington is WonderSpider!
Miguel: One year and four months ago, I devised the formula for inter-dimensional travel, allowing me to open portals across the multiverse. I created an elite stri-
Alice: Oh, Okay! -
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[Alice is the result of a 'Adapt-A-Spider' Challenge, where you adapt a pre-existing character into a Spider! You can see more of my fun Spidersona challenges HERE]
(Also HUGE THANKS to @fairytalespider who made the OG SpiderSnow!)
Gwen Stacy isn't the only blonde who knows about miraculously falling through wormholes.
Except Allie got sent to the universe with talking animals, and a maniacal queen with of taste for beheadings. Not that she's complaining. Not when the tea parties are so delightful~
At 7 years old Alice Parkington found a white waist-coated rabbit, on a hurry to who knows where -
And she followed him, fell down a hole, and never came back.
[Alice's world is a mix of the book's portrayal, the cartoon's, and Tim Burton's (though I haven't seen the movies). Her story begins at the end of book - a similar ending to the cartoon movie, but instead she doesn't wake up.]
After losing a game of croquet to The Red Queen of Hearts, Alice is sent to the dungeons, awaiting her beheading on the Queen's orders. That is, until she finds an enchanted Spider in her cell, sent by an ally. When she's bitten, it gives her all the power of Wonderland - and binds her there forever. After escaping The Red Queen's Death Row, Alice was adopted by the woman who helped free her - The kind but exiled The White Queen or Marmoreal, aka Her Aunt Mirana.
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Now The Blue Princess of Marmoreal, Alice is next in line for the throne, and the web-swinging protector of Tugley Woods, Wonderland. She spends her days fighting against the tyrannical and murderous rule of The Red Queen of Hearts, and The Court of Cards. With The Mad Hatter as her martyred Uncle Ben - Alice calls Wonderland her home, though she's always left questioning what's real and what isn't. At this point, she's accepted she'll never know the answer. So when she's recruited for Spider Society, it's just another rabbit hole to go down, and another adventure to fall into. On campus she's known as WonderSpider, and she's a lot more powerful (and ruthless) than you'd think.
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Design and Personality:
Alice is a lot less sugar and a bit more spice, with her personality taking after the book (moreso than the movies).
Alice is bubbly and independent. She's as curious as a cat and as chatty as a bird. And she's all about asking questions and finding her own way in the world.
She's loves tea parties and foraging and making crazy experiements in the Hatter's workshop. And now that he's gone, she still finds herself in there, cooking up another magical sweet or Victorian style gadget. When she's not doing that, she's at The White Queens side, begrudgingly taking (literally) nonsensical etiquette classes. She isn't afraid to speak up for herself and others. And once she makes her mind up, it's settled.
Despite what some may think, she's isn't an entire lunatic. She's hasn't gone Wonderland Mad yet.
Even since a young girl, Alice has always been known for asking questions - trying to find the sense in nonsense before coming to a conclusion. She's great at picking up on details, and thinking outside the box. And she's always the one to keep a level head, no matter what the circumstances. Doom is not assured when reality is subjective. She's as logical as she is loopy, and although some may think there's nothing going on between her ears, they are sorely mistaken.
She always wears her glasses. She needs them to see.
Or rather, she needs them to see correctly. Having a cause of The Mads, taking off her glasses distorts her vision of the room into a psychedelic and disorienting wonderland version itself - which hurts. She keeps them on always. Though they can be knocked off during battle. Like other Spider-people - The lenses squint, blink, and emote. They have a permanent and consistently moving patterns and colors. Between blinks, the design may change, the swirls changing color or direction. Sometimes the words she's saying may flash over them for emphasis, and they can contain anything from exclamation points to tie dye.
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Alice is a de facto genius.
An expert chemist, Alice has mastered dozens of recipes and chemistry formulas using the vegetation in Wonderland. She's cracked the code to rabbit holes, and has an amazing affinity for science and theoretical theory. And if she doesn't understand a certain law of physics or something, she can just choose to ignore it. Literally.
Powers & Abilities:
Hobie told Alice that laws are oppressive. She agreed, told him she hates the laws of physics - then started floating to the ceiling like a balloon. Needless to say, reality doesn't really work for Alice. And she cannot control it.
But no matter what her misfortune, though - She'll always say 'Oh, dear.'
Reality Warp:
Wonderland has side effects. Alice can grow and shrink at will, but once she's there, she can't go back. When she wants, she can manifest rabbit holes to Wonderland on any flat surface, but she doesn't know where they are - so she always falls into them. Her tears are huge, and they flood any room. And for some reason, she's obsessed with cookies. It she sees one, she'll eat it. It doesn't matter if it says 'Eat Me' or not. If you hand her something and tell her to drink, she will. It's the one thing she won't question, although she should know better. She'll read the label, and if it's not clearly labeled bleach or poison, she's drinking it. If it's not those two things, it must be safe right?
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The Power of Imagination:
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Like Spider-Ham has the Super-Slapstick ability, Alice has the Power of Imagination on her side. If she can make logic of it or believe it, then there is a random chance it will happen. If the team is looking for a way past a locked door, Alice may say 'If only there were a mousehole somewhere here. Mice are such scampers, they can get into anywhere!' There will probably be a 1/4 chance of a mouse running by, leading them to a cartoon like mousehole she can shrink and go through. However, Alice can't will it to happen. She can't be asking or hoping for it, and the thought has to be completely innocent and 'wonderous' for it to work. The ability can also be compounded, with multiple unlikely things happening rapid fire - however this is less likely and HIGHLY dangerous if done in other universes, and is likely to cause an anomaly. Plus everyone else involved goes a tad bit 'loopy' for a bit.
This ability only works outside of Wonderland, and it was discovered by Miguel.
When Alice met Miguel, she began to question his interesting suit, and so she asked. Miguel began to explain to her, but confused, Alice said 'Well, that's nonsensical. Surely you can't wear light like fabric. If that were true, I could pull this right off you.' - And then she did. And suddenly she was holding his suit in her hands as if it were made of fabric, and Miguel was there in his underwear.
Alice's response: 'Oh dear.'
Chesire Mode:
When surrounded by enough chaos or kinetic energy, Alice can go Chesire Mode, and really goes off the bend. She experiences full Wonderland Madness - similar to the Hatter, and gains the ability to unravel herself and turn invisible. Her voice begins to echo, creating a disorienting and hallucination-like affect. Doing this is known to cause madness, but it affects everyone in the room.
WebShooters: Alice uses mechanical Web-Shooters created by her and The Mad Hatter. Her webs are silly string and streamers. 'Bow'-nus Arms: Alice's waist ribbon is extendable like Mr.Fantastic's limbs, serving essentially as a second set of arms. However, when it's off of her, it's much more similar to Doctor Strange's cape, having a mind and personality of it's own. She can take it off and ask it do it, and it'll go off and (try it's best) to do it, just like a snake. It's name is David Bowie. She does not know who David Bowie is - it's just a coincidence: it's family name is Bow-ie, and David is a common name.
Random Facts:
Alice hangs out with a lot of the 'Eccentric' and Mini Spiders - She likes others from cartoons or fairytales, or anyone made for whimsy.
And she likes spending her time small.
She has a crush on Lego Spider-Man. She shrinks to be with him lol
He naturally finds her a little offputting, they're NOT a thing but she wishes (sis he's literal plastic)
Alice's best friends are SpiderPetal, SpiderSnow (@fairytalespider), SpiderFairy (@stardust948) and Spider-Ham.
Since they all live in either a woodland area, a cartoon, or both, those are usually who she's with
Though she only goes small around people she trusts - but never someone like Miguel. In fact, with Miguel, she does the opposite.
When Miguel is in the room, Alice prefers to grow 'full size' as in... taking up the whole room giantess style.
She says it helps, because 'It makes Mr.O'hara look like a little toy soldier.'
With the size of his lair, she can often grow taller faster than he can get lower - so he'll stay up there, and she'll grow to meet his eye.
She can decide when to stop growing or shrinking, just not when she'll turn back.
This power is transferable. Alice's wonderland powers still work elsewhere, and so her cookies and drinks do too.
Alice can only keep 1 cookie and 1 drink on her at one time, never more, it'll always be ruined.
She can use these to either extend her state, or have someone shrink or grow along with her.
But once she uses the one of each item, she can't get more until she returns home and makes more.
HOWEVER. HOWEVER - Alice is down for deals.
If you come to her world and ask for some cookies or potions, she'll give it to you. But there's a mandatory tea party involved, and the only payment she asks is that you bring sweets for the guests - Vegan please!!
(Her favorite is angel food cake, after cookies of course)
Those aren't the only ones - she has dozens of sophisticated concoctions for any need - floating and weightlessness, invisibility, even the ability to mimic voices perfectly -
And just the same, she's able to carry one of each when outside of Wonderland.
A frequent customer of hers is Hobie. He puts the potions to work - plus he makes the best vegan coconut macaroons.
Oh - also DO NOT Drink her tea though - it's made with Wonderland Tea Leaves....Great for a good time, horrible for bedtime.
Despite not knowing her specific age - Alice is a young adult - and she works at The Society.
Her Uncle Hatter was a master chemist, alchemist, magician, chef - and dozens of other things. And for years, Alice studied under him.
Originally, Miguel assumed all of this knowledge would be non-transferable nonsense, but - wrong.
Alice is one of the leading scientists at The Society - with a concentration in Multiversal Physics, studying everything from the visual styles of universes, the path between universes, and differences in time.
She'll often say something, only to get dismissed by Miguel.
But Lyla will cut him off, telling him that scientifically, Alice IS making sense.
It's just that because her world is totally backwards, the ideas she has to describe her thoughts are backwards too.
After a while, she becomes one of the main people to write the updates and programs for the watches, working with Miguel as her boss.
She's like a bop-it, full of weird and very useless quirks.
If her feet get wet, they make the duck waddle sound when she walks.
If she hits her head, it makes the TikTok 'Boink' sound. She runs and it makes the Flintstones noise.
If she stubs her toe or gets hurt on something tiny, she'll scream like Tom The Cat.
She burps bubbles (like the soap kind) and her sneezes sound like one of those party straw thingies.
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Sometimes her Wonderland powers play tricks on her. She'll be like 'I'm outta here!!' then walk into a looney toons wall. And she's so embarrassed cause the cartoon noises make it so much worse fhgsuigdf
Sometimes when she tries to run she stays in one place for a second before the running kicks in (like a cartoon) - and Miguel just grabs her and she's like 'Dratz, I was trying to get away.'
She enjoys hanging out with Hobie, though she does not understand him at all.
Like, she's British too - did I mention she's British, cause she's from Victorian England -
But she has no opinion on his ideology because it's ???? lost on her
He's like 'This is a metaphor for capitalism' and she'd be like 'I don't know what that is.'
He's like 'count your blessings'.
But Hobie LOVES that Alice doesn't stick to the rules -
and that she gives the middle finger to the laws of physics by just existing
He's like 'That's so cool, what you just did. Real Metal.'
She's like 'I suppose I am just a container, filled with slowly decaying food - so in that way, I am quite like a fridge, which is cool and made of metal-'
And he's like 'what are you talking about-'
And they mainly hangout because they're both lazy.
Alice is tirrreeed of all these weird physics rules and new technology and non talking cutlery.
She'd much prefer to take a nap, or wander off, of have a tea party, or do ANYTHING that isn't work. Same girl same
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And that's it! Most of it, I'll probably maybe maybe not write a post about her joining the society and how it completely warps her perception of reality because she's been trying to get home for so long, she doesn't even know if her home exists then there's this new society through ANOTHER wormhole but she still can't get home-
Oh and before I go, her intro art is inspired by Qveen Herby's single Abracadabra!
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Anyway I'm normal
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darkbluekies · 9 months
I do collect Barbies! This genuinely isn’t me trying to brag or sound arrogant, but all of my 59 Barbies I currently have are collector/special/limited edition. I like them not because of their status, but because their clothing/quality was so well done. They’re from the late 90s to 2000s.
I’m not gonna list them all of course, but I think you’ll like these as a lot listed are historical/time period inspired outfits. Let me know though if you have different/more style preferences and I’ll try to find some to share with you again.
Barbie Cafe Society
Barbie Faberge Porcelain (3 in series)
Barbie Great Fashions of the 20th Century (7 in series)
Barbie Hollywood Movie Star (6 in series)
Barbie Mrs. P.F.E. Albee: Avon (2 in series)
Barbie Royal Jewels (4 in series)
Barbie Victorian Tea Porcelain (2 in series)
Barbie Victorian with Cedric Bear
Barbie Wedgwood (2 in series)
The website I used when collecting is https://barbieguide.sosugary.com/index.php
It’s a great catalog of Barbie releases. You’ll find a lot more historical inspired dolls on there, and Barbie makes excellent porcelain dolls too that I think you’ll like.
And tips if you’re interested in fashion doll collecting…
Don’t buy newer collector/special/limited edition dolls from Mattel. They’re worse quality for outrageously more money. Trust me on this. (A lot of my collector Barbies I was able to get for $30-$40 USD new in box, compared to the $100+ USD price tag Mattel charges now for collector dolls).
Mattel has been declining in quality ever since 2016 (probably earlier) and is still going lower present day. So if you’re interested in good quality play-line or collector dolls, try to get pre 2016.
Mattel dolls most of the time have polypropylene hair, which is considered the worst hair quality fiber as it literally disintegrates over a few years and isn’t easily brushsble/stylable.
Mattel also gives most of their dolls cheap paper-like printed clothing or molded on clothes.
If you want quality, buy MGA. They have nylon hair (easily brushsble, stylable, and won’t disintegrate). Much higher quality clothes/fabrics with intricate details and complex designs.
Thank you for your time!
That's cool to hear :))) it's nice to find someone that shares the interest of dolls, even if it's a different kind! Although I learned a lot, thank you♡ I'll check out the older styled ones!!
I'm not very interested in fashion dolls (apart from those from the 1800s) so unfortunately I'm sticking to my child looking dolls, which is why I kind of like the American girl dolls that are supposed to look like 1900s/1800s
I'm going to take this opportunity to brag about my girls as if they were my children. Here are my some of my older dolls<3
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Just like you say about Barbies, these dolls also have limited editions (such as the discontinued one with a very, very uncanny voice box from the 1880s) unfortunately, I don't have any of them. BUT, I do have two from the most famous doll makers, Kestner and Armand Marseille<3 Always have to look for the markings that tell exactly which model they are
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And I have one special girl who I call Darling who has human hair!!
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And I just have to squeeze this in, when I was in Belfast I got to see a doll I have been such a big fan of for so many years. It's a doll that was floating around in the wreckage and actually seeing her up close in real life made me tear up in pure happiness. She was absolutely stunning, and I think she might (just might) be a similar model to my doll with the red boots, but i could get a good luck of her neck to see the "tag". Here she is!!
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I just had to, dolls are one of my biggest interest and i have to take every chance i get♡
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siriannatan · 9 months
Empires Arknights AU - Scott fWhip
Is it an excuse to ramble about one of my favourite games? Maybeeeee… {: <3<3<3
Slightly lore-dumpy explanation of stuff (can probably be skipped):
Arknights - tower defence gatcha
Lungmen - mobile, modern Chinese/Japanesee style city
Liberi - bird people {reference}
Lung - asian style dragon {reference} people as oposed to draco {reference}
Ægir - fish people {reference}
Leithanien - Arknights Germany
Victoria - Arknights UK
Wei - leader of Lungmen
Lin's - old Lin, or Rat King is kinda the godfather of Lungmen underworld, his {granddaughter} is to take over after him
Penguin Logistics - a logistics company with an actual penguin for a boss
Siracusa - Arknights Italy, full of wolf-people, minus Vatican, that's Laterano, totally separate place with Sankta - angels with guns
L.G.D. - Lungmen Guard Departmen, kind of Lungmen police
Hoshiguma - member of the Special Service of Lungmen Guard Department {reference}
Ch'en - Special Inspection Unit Chief, L.G.D. {reference}
Scott was having a great day. Yes, he spent most of it in his high-rise office. Taking in appointments, and making phone calls. But at least today no one pulled out a gun on him. Just the thought of the few rude 'customers' was enough to have the Liberi's feathers ruffled. With a sigh, he calmed down and glanced at the clock. Nicely made, imported from Leithanien. He had some fond memories of a brief stay there in his youth. Not that it was that long ago.
He was starting to wonder how long he should stay, waiting for his last guest when his door swung open. An angry Lung, dressed in rather traditional Lungmen garb. Ginger hair tied in a long braid. Scott kind of hated it. Blue eyes narrowed in a glare that the Liberi met with a polite smile.
"Punctual as always, Mr fWhip," he greeted with his best 'Victorian', as fWhip called it, smile.
"Don't give me that, why did you send assassins after me this time?" he asked, taking most of the couch opposite of Scot's desk.
"I simply didn't want you to ignore my invitation, unlike the last time I sent one," Scott's smile faltered slightly. fWhip could be damn annoying. Unfortunately, he was Lungmen's best when it came to explosives and Scott's... business often needed them. "Would you like some tea? I recently received a shipment of Victoria's finest," he offered, the legal part of his business was all about trade. Less legal... also imports but of things Mr Wei would approve. Lin's certainly did like him.
"Sure, why not," the Lung huffed. He did keep his eye on Scott as he made the two cups. "You still insist on dressing like a Victorian," he huffed. For some reason, he was really against Scott's suits.
"Well, that's where I'm from after all," Scott shrugged. And Victorian clothes were comfier for him. He did not mention that.
"What did you get me to come here for? And be glad I didn't report you to Madam Ch'en. She's not let you go no matter how much Lin's like you," he huffed. Ever loyal to Wei. How boring.
"Right to the business," Scott shook his head. "Maybe I just wanted to share a cup of tea with a friend?"
fWhip laughed at that. "Yeah right. What do you want?"
Scott sighed. How Lung of fWhip. "I need help locating a certain box for an acquaintance. Miss Ling brought him here so it's kind of important. But relics are not quite my cup of tea, but then I remembered a friend who has a nice collection," he said, giving up on playing with fWhip.
"Acquaintance? Lin Yühsia? Now that's interesting," fWhip mused. 
"Mhm. I have no idea where she found an Ægir here," not that it was all that interesting to him.
"Why didn't she just go to Penguin Logistics? I'm sure they could find it easily."
"Maybe she needed some more... finesse?" Scott offered with a giggle. "They are certainly fun but I think the Ægir she dragged here would drop dead after just seeing them," he giggled setting a teacup in front of fWhip. Victorian make, of course, just to annoy him further.
"Maybe, but really... Did it have to be damn Siracusans you send? They're a pain to deal with," fWhip huffed, taking a sip. He said nothing so it had to be good.
"You're still here so not that bad," Scott did not regret sending assassins after fWhip. It always got him to his office. "So how about we leave the box for tomorrow, and spend the rest of today on..." he said as he settled next to fWhip, "...me apologising to you?" he finished, one hand resting on fWhip's thigh.
"Fine, but you have a lot to apologise for, I had to talk to L.G.D.'s  Madam Hoshiguma, I don't want to repeat that anytime soon..." fWhip sighed as he finished his tea. It was always fun to hear him indirectly complain about his height.
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phantxmthreads · 7 months
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❝ COURAGE IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF FEAR. IT'S THE JUDGEMENT THAT SOMETHING ELSE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FEAR. ❞ ⸻ inspired by frank reagan (blue bloods), reynolds woodcock (phantom thread), mufasa (the lion king), and jiro horikoshi (the wind rises)
tw: death, car accident
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• full name: rigel lorenzo thorne
• nicknames: ri (by those closest to him)
• gender: cis male
• pronouns: he/him
• age: 69
• date of birth: 13th march 1956
• zodiac sign: pisces
• sexuality: heterosexual
• place of birth: cowes, isle of wight, england
• residence: a quaint victorian terraced house a fifteen minute drive from the atelier
• occupation: tailor for the bastion
• aesthetics: old leather bound books, silver fabric scissors, old films, boxes of tailor’s chalk, whisky, reading glasses on top of his head, little vases of flowers, a crackling fire, ink-stained fingers, strewn sweet wrappers, meticulously arranged sewing equipment, hot cups of tea
• faceclaim: jeremy irons
• voice claim: jeremy irons
• height: 6’ 1”
• build: tall ; slim
• eyes: brown
• hair: grey
• piercings: n/a
• tattoos: n/a
• style:
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• positive traits: reliable, organised, hardworking, creative, meticulous, loyal, selfless
• negative traits: reserved, stubborn
• mbti: infj - the advocate
• likes: reading, going for walks, film and television, sweet food, documentaries, coffee, whisky, having everything organised, going to the theatre
• dislikes: being interrupted when he’s focused, spicy food, hot weather, arrogance, prejudice, liquorice, sports
• phobias: arachnophobia
• hobbies: reading, designing clothes, sword fighting, going to the theatre
• skills: accomplished artist ; close-up magic ; expert on poisons
• pet peeves: being late, when people use incorrect grammar, being interrupted, loud music, noisy eaters
• other: owns a black 1970 jaguar e-type which is his pride and joy
• mother: penelope ‘penny’ roberta thorne
• father: unknown
• siblings: n/a
• wife: charlotte alessia thorne (née thompson - deceased)
• son: rhys henry thorne
• food: hard boiled sweets
• drink: whisky
• time of the day: morning
• weather: cold and foggy
• colours: blue ; red ; bronze
• songs: mainly film scores (anything by hans zimmer in particular)
— rigel was born on 13th march at 7:25am to penelope ‘penny’ thorne, a seamstress. when his father found out she was pregnant they were both young and unmarried and so disappeared, not wanting the responsibility of being a parent and leaving penny to raise rigel by herself.
— rigel grew up in cowes, living a short distance from queen victoria's residence of osbourne house. he and his mother lived in a beautiful cottage that had a large garden, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a spacious living room. he spent most of his time in the kitchen, at the table, where the sun would shine its light the most and where he would draw with prized pack of crayons. this was the start of his interest in art and, with his mother’s influence, in designing clothes.
— rigel loved his mother more than anything. she was the strongest and kindest person he’s ever known. penny raised rigel alone (with the help of her own parents when they could) and never saw rigel’s father again. she taught him to sew from a young age and how to grow vegetables in their back garden as well as how to read and write before he even started school. she would also take him to the beach during the warmer months and they’d often go for walks through the countryside and to the market.
— rigel’s love of literature and his sewing skills landed him a little job at the local theatre, helping design and put together costumes for their productions. he mainly helped out on the weekends and a few evenings during the week, but once he finished school he was working there full time.
— during the summer after his seventeenth birthday he met a girl named charlotte. she was visiting the island on holiday, was also seventeen and english, but has been living in wales since she was twelve. they met at the local bookstore where rigel found her carrying six books in her arms and searching for more. he helped her with some recommendations and to carry the books back to the family’s rented holiday home and the whole time was spent talking about their favourite books and plays and the two decided to spend more time together whilst charlotte was around. rigel thought she was so beautiful, so compassionate, so intelligent, and so easy to have a conversation with. after charlotte returned home, the two exchanged letters frequently and even had a few lengthy phone conversations.
— two years later, charlotte returned to the island and announced she’d taken up a job with one of the local florists. for the time being she lived with rigel and penny and spent most evening cooking for them both to repay their kindness and generosity.
— rigel was 23 when he felt like he wanted more out of life. he loved his home and the people there, but he wanted to broaden his horizons. despite the guilt he felt for wanting to leave his mother behind, penny reassured him that nothing would make her happier than seeing her son make a life for himself with the girl he loved.
— rigel then had one last thing to do before leaving and that was to propose to charlotte. he did so during a sunset stroll on a quiet beach and up to that point it was the happiest moment of both of their lives. they bought a victorian terraced house, where rigel still lives today, and he found a job working at a big theatre whilst charlotte was employed at a florist around the corner from their home.
— they were unbelievably happy together and with their work, but once people started commenting on how time was ticking on for them to have children rigel began to consider fatherhood.
— his son rhys was born in 1985 and both rigel and charlotte couldn’t be happier. by this time, rigel was working in the costume department at the famous pinewood studios, but gave it up to be closer to home.
— when rhys was seven, his mother died. she was hit by a drunk driver whilst crossing the road and was put in an induced coma, but died from her injuries four days later. the driver was brought to justice after a long legal battle, but nothing anybody could do could bring back charlotte. rigel was broken. and what was worse is that he had to explain to rhys that he would never see his mother again.
— rigel ensured that rhys grew up hearing stories of the kind of wonderful person charlotte was and what kind of likes she liked and liked to do. as much as it pained him, rigel also had several photographs of her around the house- some from family days out, some from when she was a teenager, and even had her final photograph (taken a fortnight before she died) in an ornate gold frame in the living room.
— in 1999, rigel caught the attention of the table. they knew of his reputation as an accomplished artist and tailor and wanted his services on their side. struggling for money to provide for himself and his son and with being presented the opportunity to put his skills to proper use, rigel took them up on the offer. he could let the shady side of everything slide because he wasn’t directly involved in scheming and killing, but instead providing protective and beautiful clothing for people who needed it. he’s been working at the atelier ever since and genuinely loves his job.
other muses: e. crowe / d. montmorency / m. fox
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
Hello again!
I agree, I quite like being out in the sunlight. I'm looking forward to the summer. Sometimes, I feel like a sickly victorian woman trapped in her room. I regularly have to spend my days resting indoors, but I find a little bit of sunlight does me a whole lot of good. I am scratching at my yellow wallpaper, so to speak. I'd love to have a porch too, and sit on it in a rocking chair with my needlework like a grandma.
My favorite baked good... Now that's a difficult question, hard to choose. Brownies, chocolate chip cookies, blueberry cobbler... They're all delicious. Right now I think I'd like a croissant, though.
All of your options are very good. I'll think on it, or perhaps let the knight decide.
I think that my writing has slipped away from the cowboy style. I should throw in a "howdy" or an "I reckon" once in a while. Here's a question for you: What's your favorite genre? Sci-Fi? Romance? Comedy?
M. Cowboy
Howdy there!
Side note: I've started saying howdy in real life an almost concerning amount. it's just so fun to say
A porch sounds like the ideal solution to this issue. I can imagine having to rest indoors day after day would turn monotonous quickly, and being able to get some fresh air and the sight of plants would be quite the boon. My grandparents have a screened-in porch that would be quite lovely, but for years it was filled with old furniture and dusty boxes. I think they've cleaned it up since with the help of my aunt, but I haven't been able to visit in a while because of covid :(
I hope there's room for another rocking chair (or two, if the knight would like to join)! I can make some iced tea and bring some knitting (or other craft).
A difficult question indeed, and all your choices were excellent (though i'm of the opinion there's rarely a bad baked good out there, if it's made with care and love). I've tried making croissants a few time, but the amount of butter means it's a rare project and I haven't had the opportunity to perfect them.
I shall await your decision with alacrity!
Here's a few cowboy themed images that I have saved to my phone to help you along:
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As for your question, I tend to prefer things that are a mix of several genres, usually sci-fi or fantasy with a bit of romance sprinkled in (or a lot, depending on the book). For TV, I lean more towards sci-fi, and for books, either fantasy or sci-fi.
For my question: Do you prefer writing with a pen or pencil? (or something else?)
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ausetkmt · 1 year
You've heard stories about legendary flea market finds—the rare pieces of art or heirloom jewelry that were purchased for a few bucks and fetched millions in resale. But what about flea market staples that are actually every day gems, often hidden in plain sight? They won't turn you into a millionaire overnight, but they're still worth a considerable chunk of change, making these items great investments—if you know what to seek out.
We asked designers about the housewares, furniture pieces, and decor items that are known to make frequent cameos at flea markets—and that can be worth a lot of money if they're in good condition. Ahead, 10 items the experts say are worth a second look whenever you’re shopping second-hand.
Tramp Art Pieces
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A classic American craft, Tramp Art is a style of folk art that involves creating frames, boxes, and other decorative items using whatever found wood was available—often cigar boxes or shipping crates. Popular in the late 19th and early 20th century, "tramp art" got its name because of the (probably mistaken) belief that many of the people who practiced this craft were homeless wanderers.
More From House Beautiful
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The ornate style of woodworking involves the meticulous carving and layering of found wood, or other utilitarian objects like nails and Popsicle sticks. At first glance, some of the ornate pieces could be mistaken as school art projects. But look closer and you’ll see these boxes, frames, and wall pockets are intricately notched and chipped. According to Avery Cox of Avery Cox Design in Austin, Texas, they're coveted icons of outsider art that have become increasingly difficult to find—which means you should absolutely snap a good one up if you see it.
When evaluating Tramp Art trinkets, Cox recommends looking at an item's level of complexity and material type to determine whether you've stumbled upon a valuable investment piece. (Carved wood is valued higher than those aforementioned Popsicle sticks.) Tramp Art can easily be worth several hundred dollars, but you might become too attached to sell any examples you find. That's because they add character and warmth to a contemporary setting. As Cox says, "We love a Tramp Art box on a kitchen counter for holding things like tea or spices."
Antique Portuguese Pottery Palissy Style Majolica Lobster Wall Dish Plate, 1900
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Antique Portuguese Pottery Palissy Style Majolica Lobster Wall Dish Plate, 1900
Colorful, glazed earthenware characterized by three-dimensional flora and fauna, majolica is a centuries-old pottery practice that can feel playful when incorporated into design. (Think: A lustrous platter with a raised lobster or a sardine box with fish finials). Majolica is durable and strong, particularly the Palissy ware style introduced at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London and named for the French ceramicist Bernard Palissy. Today, platters can sell for $1,000 to $6,000 a piece, Cox says.
Victorian majolica gets its bright colors from a tin glaze that contains lead, so you won't want to use these for serving. Try hanging majolica pieces on walls where there’s not much space (think: above doorways; on narrow walls) or in a place where you can create a grouping if you're lucky enough to score a few of these eclectic pieces. "They also work very well on plate stands or mixed into a bookshelf or hutch," Cox says.
Pendleton Blankets and Throws
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Beloved for 130 years, Pendleton blankets are comfy, wool classics with recognizable stripes and geometric patterns, often inspired by Native American designs. When shopping flea markets, look for the iconic Pendleton tag sewn onto the blanket to denote authentic pieces, says Karen Nepacena, owner and principal designer at Destination Eichler in the San Francisco Bay area.
While new Pendleton blankets cost $189 on up, the retail price of vintage Pendleton throws start around $150, with many blankets going for a few hundred dollars and some rare, vintage ones going for even more on resale sites. Among the most sought-after designs is the classic Glacier National Park Blanket featuring four simple lines in green, red, yellow and black, Nepacena says. "Pendleton has been creating blanket collections in honor of National Parks since the early 1900s. This particular design for Glacier National Park was the very first of its kind, which makes sourcing a vintage version even more special," she adds. "The simplicity of the stripe design is timeless and this blanket design fits great into any style home. After dry cleaning, these vintage blankets are great for sofas or folding across the bottom of the bed."
Plycraft Vintage Lounge Chair and Ottoman
1960s Mid-Century Modern Plycraft Eames Style Cha…
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1960s Mid-Century Modern Plycraft Eames Style Cha…
The iconic mid-century modern living room staple, an Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman is a $6,500 investment. Released in 1956 and inspired by English club chairs, the recliner's timeless design is meant to evoke the feel of a worn-in baseball mitt. While you're not likely find one of these mid-century mainstays lounging in a flea market, Nepacena says you could very well come across a similar style manufactured by the now-defunct company Plycraft at the time to mimic the Eames chair. Look for the manufacturer markings underneath the seat; the Plycraft pieces can still fetch a few thousand dollars. "Even if the upholstery is no longer in good shape, there are many furniture restorers that can help bring these pieces back to life," she says.
Gainey Ceramic Planters
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What may look like a simple ceramic planter could be a very expensive one, especially if the marking "Gainey" is on the bottom, says Nepacena. The Southern California pottery brand suspended its ceramics manufacturing a decade ago after 60 years in business, but the glazed handcrafted planters remain in high demand, and, Nepacena says, can sell for hundreds of dollars per piece.
"Use them to plant a succulent grouping or to house an indoor plant such as a rubber plant or snake plants," she says. "They look great in any space, whether an apartment, balcony or inside the house."
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From retro-kitsch butter trays to colorful mixing bowls, vintage Pyrex pieces are having a major moment with nostalgic collectors hunting down the brand they remember from grandma's kitchen. While a stray Pyrex bowl isn’t usually worth much on its own, full sets and sought-after patterns tend to be high in value.
Pink Daisy and Snowflake pieces, for example, were the first patterned dishes to be released using a new screen printing process in 1956. Today, they're among some of the most beloved patterns, with resale values of these pieces often over $100.
"Once you start with one piece, you will start to recognize the pattern in other shapes and sizes and over time can collect multiple to make a whole set," Nepacena says.
English Pine Dressers
Large 19th-Century English Country Pine Dresser
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Large 19th-Century English Country Pine Dresser
Nineteenth-century dressers made out of English pine wood easily sell for $2,000. But you’ll often find these honey-toned pieces in the $500 range from people who don’t realize what they have, says Anastasia Casey, founder of IDCO Studio and Design Camp.
To gather details on a dresser, slide open the top drawer and look for a manufacturer's stamp, Casey says. Anything pre-1900's is likely too old to be stamped, but the older an item, the more it will be worth. If you find a drawer that's stuck, no worries! Casey suggests rubbing coconut oil or a bar of soap along the edge of the drawer for an easy fix.
Scandinavian Dining Chairs
Mid-Century Scandinavian Teak Dining Chairs - Set of 6
Mid-Century Scandinavian Teak Dining Chairs - Set of 6
While they come in a variety of styles, you'll recognize these for their classic Scandi minimalism and clean design. Modern ones in a set of eight or more are the most difficult to find, Casey says, so they'll hold the most value.
And you don't have to have a Scandi home to incorporate these gems into your own decor. "I love these dining chairs paired with something more traditional for a layered look," she says.
Travertine Furniture
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Famous examples of travertine can be found on the Colosseum in Rome or the Getty Center in Los Angeles. This slightly pitted limestone is formed by mineral deposits from natural springs, giving it a nice range of coloration, from creamy ivories to peachy pinks.
In the home, you're most likely to see this natural stone in a tile format. But travertine coffee tables, consoles, side tables, pedestals, and dining tables are hot items at vintage stores and flea markets these days, says interior stylist and vintage expert Leah Ashley.
Prices can be anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands depending on the size and quality of the piece, Ashley says. And provenance matters, too: The prices go up even more if an item is from Italy, so ask the dealer what they know about the origins of the piece.
Mid 19th Century Antique Stoneware Jug
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Mid 19th Century Antique Stoneware Jug
Stoneware is one of the most ancient forms of ceramics. To create stoneware, clay is fired at much higher temps than it is to make porcelain or earthenware. The end result is durable, utilitarian pieces like bowls, pitchers and crocks have lasted for generations, says Ashley. She thinks they're liable to last for many more, too: "I love to collect stoneware and display it on open shelving in my kitchen," she says.
Many stoneware pieces are highly collectible and valued at anywhere from $100 to $100,000. Generally, these pieces are stamped by the manufacturer, which can help you in an initial Google search to find out information on authenticity and value.
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shadows-starlight · 1 month
Shadows and Starlight
Book 28: The Greatest Grandmother of All
In the heart of the deep, enchanted forest of Ebonvale, stood a grand Victorian-style house. The manor’s architecture was a timeless marvel, with its white and green walls, ebony windows, and a turret that seemed to touch the sky. This was the residence of Isolde, Malakar’s great-grandmother and the matriarch of his family.
Now, I know what you all must be thinking. If Malakar has great-grandparents, shouldn't they be dead by now?
Yes, yes they should.
However, unlike mortal beings, beings who were touched by magic or born into a magical lineage can live up to one thousand years old, very few are lucky enough to live past the one-thousand-year age mark.
Today, however, was not any ordinary visit for today, Malakar would be introducing Isolde to his lovely baby, Aurora.
This would be the first time Isolde would be meeting Aurora since Malakar had adopted her as his own after finding her up in a dingy tower.
Aurora, resting securely in her father’s arms, gazed curiously at her surroundings. Malakar wore an air of anticipation mixed with reverence as he remembers visiting his great-grandmother when he was a boy.
As they reached the steps leading to the ornate wooden door, Malakar gave the door a gentle knock. After a moment, the door creaked open to reveal Isolde.
The elegant sorceress whose beauty and wisdom were evident in her sparkling eyes and graceful demeanor. Her long silver braided hair flowed like a cascading waterfall, and her robe of deep emerald shimmered in the sunlight.
"Malakar," Isolde greeted with a warm smile, "what a lovely surprise! Ah, and this must be the little one I’ve heard so much about."
"Yes great-grandmother," replied Malakar, "this is my little star, Aurora."
Malakar carefully handed Aurora over to Isolde, who took her with a gentle, practiced touch. Aurora’s curious eyes widened as she looked up at the matriarch. Isolde’s face softened with a loving smile as she gazed at her great-great-granddaughter.
Aurora giggled at the sight of her great-great-grandmother.
“Hello, little Aurora,” Isolde said softly, her voice like a soothing breeze. “I’m your great-great-grandmother and I’ve been eagerly awaiting this moment.”
Aurora reached out with tiny hands, her gaze fixed on Isolde’s face as she touched it gently. Isolde chuckled softly.
Malakar watched with a mixture of pride and awe as Isolde gently rocked Aurora ever so slightly. “Oh, what a beautiful child,” Isolde murmured, her fingers lightly brushing against Aurora’s cheek.
As the sun continued to rise high in the sky, Isolde invited them inside the house for tea. The house was filled with the comforting aroma of herbs and spices, and the walls were lined with ancient tomes and artifacts, all from Isolde's life full of spell-casting and traveling.
Over cups of tea, Malakar and Isolde shared stories and laughter while Aurora played on the floor with some toys Malakar had brought for her to keep her occupied. While she played, Aurora gazed up at her great-great-grandmother and Isolde even joined in on the baby's games.
In the middle of the visit, Isolde presented Malakar with a gift for Aurora.
She moved to a table adorned with delicate, enchanted trinkets she had collected for many years. From a velvet box, she retrieved a dream catcher intricately woven with colorful threads and adorned with moonstone beads and hawk feathers. Its center glowed softly with an ethereal light.
“I made this for Aurora,” Isolde explained, holding out the dream catcher. “It’s not just a charm; it’s imbued with ancient magic to protect her dreams and ensure she always finds peace in her sleep.”
Malakar looked at the dream catcher, his eyes filled with admiration. “It’s beautiful, great-grandmother.”
He gently lowered Aurora to take a closer look. Isolde’s gentle hands held the dream catcher as she approached.
Aurora’s tiny fingers reached out, mesmerized by the soft glow and delicate threads.
“Here you go, little one,” Isolde cooed softly. “This is for you.”
Aurora’s fingers brushed against the dream catcher, and she gazed up at Isolde with wide-eyed wonder. Isolde’s heart melted as she saw the tiny smile that tugged at Aurora’s lips and heard her giggling with delight.
“It’s perfect,” Malakar said, his voice filled with emotion. “Thank you, great-grandmother. This means more to us than words can express and it will make a lovely addition to her room.”
In the warmth of Isolde's Victorian home, amidst the ancient magic and family bonds, Aurora's first meeting with her great-great-grandmother became a cherished memory—one of many that would weave together the rich tapestry of their lives.
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mdronebarger · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Robert Gordon Victorian Style Tea Spoon Set of 4.
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Pompe (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Pom-Pom by her family
Age- 13 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- She's a straight laced studious girl that respects tradition & conventionality with duty being the main driving force in her life. She has a tendency to be hard on herself as well as judgemental towards things she doesn't understand.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. Abilities she shares with her family includes limited photokinesis, limited ambrosia manipulation, having an eidetic memory, and temporary blessing bestowment. Her other powers/abilities include limited pyrokinesis & light mimicry.
Pompe is the only child to Katharina, a member of The Litae. They live at their house in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. Her aunts & cousins are next door neighbors. Pompe's room is quaint and minimalist with colors of amber, beige, cream, and pastel orange. There's always incense sticks smouldering & aromatic candles lit. Her and her mom sewn and embroidered the curtains that hang from her bedroom windows. She has a single pet/animal companion- a fledgling (newborn griffin; a girl) named Solaris. She was born from her mother's griffin Sundancer. Pompe will be able to ride her when Solaris matures in a couple of years.
She keeps her hair short and managable. Pompe's go-to products to use is raw shea butter (which she buys from the all-natural shop owned by Damia (goddess of naturalness) and the Glory's Crown green tea & jojoba oil twisting butter.
A go-to drink for her is a cafe au lait that she makes at home. She also likes ginger ale, sparkling water, coconut milk, & peach juice. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean is a medium iced green tea and a large chai latte.
Pompe calls her personal style "collegiate chic." Low-cut tops, tight jeans, and short skirts are major no-nos. She's a fan of muted & neutral colors, fitted blazers, wide leg poplin pants, and collared shirts. Her favorite fashion brand is Threads of Wisdom, where Pompe loves the oxford flats & loafers. She also likes the ballet flats from Persuausions.
She wholeheartedly believes that her mom & aunts are due a temple in their honor.
Pompe's relationship with her mom has always been a bit emotionally distant. If they're not at the church or the main office, they've rarely spent any down time together. Her mother's general overcritical way of speaking and micromanaging also doesn't help matters. If given permission, Pompe will usually go to next door to spend time with her aunt Ikesía & cousin Telete (goddess of prayers). She feels as though the environment there is more warm and inviting.
For her most recent birthday, she was gifted a pair of Victorian-style gold heart shaped earrings with white diamonds & black diamond accents from her mom.
A typical breakfast for her are scrambled eggs, a toasted buttered bagel, and sweet potato home fries. She'll also stop by The Bread Box to get an egg salad sandwich.
The Eleutherus Cathedral is almost like a second home to her. Pompe will usually help out during the daily procession as well as light up the ceremonial torches. She's also responsible for gathering up the obol coins that are dropped into the prayers' well.
Pompe doesn't partake in candy and sweets very often, considering them one of her greatest vices! Some of her favorite treats include the ambrosia honey coated candy apples from Confetti Candy Co., the milk chocolate caramel squares from Cocoa Delights- the chocolate shop owned by Pandaisia (goddess of banquets), & the coconut flavored cotton candy from Candycloud, the business owned by Nephele (goddess of clouds).
A guilty pleasure for her are veggie egg rolls with sweet and sour dipping sauce.
Pompe is a picture perfect student with excellent grades & flawless attendance. She's even taking a couple of philosophy courses at the University! At school, she particularly excels in her religious studies class. Aside from her cousins, Pompe is friendly with Philia (goddess of friendship), Pandia (goddess of the full moon), and is friends with Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness). She thinks that Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness) is a lost cause, though she's not fool enough to voice her concerns out loud. Pompe makes sure their paths don't cross in school. Other godly students include Deucalion, Thespios (god of acting), Dysis (goddess of the sunset), Thrasos (god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage), Achelois (goddess of the moon & comfort), E.B, and Krysothemis (Kristy). She owns the disparaging nickname given to her and her cousins with pride. Pompe even showed up to school wearing a T-shirt (that she made & designed herself) with the saying "It's cool being drool."
Aside from helping out in the family business her other extracurricular activities include ballet lessons, harp lessons, volunteering at the Psomí & Zoí soup kitchen, and taking weekend classes at Kyría Aristeía, the charm school owned by Peitharchia (goddess of obedience & discipline). Pompe's favorite part of the etiquette class is when they partake in the tea sandwiches!
Her favorite dessert is the honey cake from Hollyhock's Bakery. She doesn't mind dropping 8 drachmas for a single slice afterschool.
Her other "greatest vice" is reading- particularly the sweet & fluffy contemporaries written by Erato (muse of love poetry) and the steamier romances written by Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty). Most of her allowance has gone to buying these books even though she doesn't mind the wholesome clean romances co-written by her mom & aunts. Pompe has a collection of "unfavorable readings" hidden away in a secret compartment in her closet.
She was once tempted to go to an official book signing hosted by Erato at the Mall of Olympius, but figured the possible cons outweighed the pros.
In the pantheon Pompe also looks up to Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor), Aletheia (goddess of truth), Pistis (goddess of trust, reliability, & good faith), Anchiale (Titaness of fire), Eusebeia (goddess of piety, loyalty, duty, & filial respect); who's in talks of potentially being her mentor, Sophrosyne (goddess of moderation, temperance, & restraint), and Litismós (goddess of culture); thinking that she's the most glamourous being she's ever seen!
Her favorite TV shows to watch at home are Spíti & Estía, a popular home improvement show and O Drómos tis Zoís, a tug-at-your heartstrings family drama that centers on a family after the death of the patriach. She secretly watches the second show on her phone at night because the show does contain mature thematic elements, some coarse language, and sexual content.
Some of her favorite meals to cook include black-eyed pea salad, chicken pot pie casserole, and sauteed collard greens (added with onions & various peppers).
In her free time Pompe enjoys bike riding, gardening, yoga, knitting, sewing, pottery, chess, reading, cooking, and spending time with family.
"Life is the ceremony. How we live it is the sacred ritual."
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"Thank you for coming out with me to this teahouse, Sonia-senpai... ! I just know you'll love it." He smiles. After classes had ended for the day, Shuichi had sought out Sonia to ask her if she wanted to spend time together. Delighted that she did, he brought her to this nice little sit-in teahouse shop that had a various selection of different teas, some having rarer and/or more expensive kinds; That, and since it is White Day, wanted to return the gesture since she had given him chocolates back on Valentine's Day. "That, and I thought it would go very well with the chocolates I want to give you. Right... " From his bag, he takes out a black chocolate box with a gothic victorian design on them. He then holds them out to her with a smile. "... Here! For you, Sonia-senpai. Happy White Day... I hope you'll love them!"
Inside were chocolates with a mix of gothic and horror designs to them, such as tombstones, bats, knives, skulls, etc.. "While I was trying to find some nice chocolates for you in this chocolatier shop, I came across these gothic style ones. So naturally, I just had to get these for you. They are a mix of different kinds of flavors, but I made sure to get the kind that had your notable favorites... !" (Happy White Day!!! I hope you like~! 🦇🍫💀)
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White Day 2023 asks/tagged threads - Accepting through Friday, March 17! I'm not actively doing calls for these but I'll answer whatever is sent my way before end of day Friday
It was a far cry from the usual cafes she was often asked to: often in hotel dining rooms or in elegant establishments in Tokyo's more well-moneyed areas, the teahouse Shuichi had taken her to was far less focused on appearances and far more cozy. There was no tally to be taken of the who's who of the patrons sipping their tea, all to simply boast about how one saw so-and-so enjoying their time.
And Sonia relished in it: cast iron and ceramic teapots alike littered tables and the wall behind the counter, and her own had been presented with a small hourglass, already turned over to signal the designated brewing time. When the blue-colored sand ran out, her Darjeeling was ready for the leaves to be removed. Which she'd been in the process of doing when he'd presented her with the black box, topped with a coordinating ribbon and an intricate lace design, cut out of a single piece of deep burgundy paper.
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"Oh! Saihara-san, this looks wonderful. Thank you for thinking of me," She smiled, setting the strainer with wet leaves aside on the designated plate before wiping her fingers, accepting the box with both hands before carefully undoing the various wrappings. The presentation was beautiful in and of itself, but her eyes widened upon seeing the gothic designs inside. Chocolates that were likely more fitting for Halloween than White Day: precisely the sort of thing she loved.
"These are very cute indeed!" She grinned, gesturing to the tiny bat-shaped chocolate. "This little one even has blood on his fangs, a proper vampire bat!" Granted, it was simply red food coloring on white chocolate 'fangs,' but she was entertained nevertheless. "I like them very much. We should share these with our tea! I wonder if they have equally spooky fillings, maybe pumpkin? Or a deep raspberry? For blood, of course."
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heroic-endeavors · 2 years
Random things about Karou Kobayashi [Apartment + Some drink preferences]
Gets hiccups pretty easily.
Loves both tea and coffee though he would probably choose tea most of the time.
Has a small collection of tea cups each with different patterns.
Always well stocked on different teas and coffee.
His apartment is always clean and organized.
Lives in a three-bedroom apartment. The main bedroom doubles as his office space. The second bedroom had been converted into a library. The closest in that room would be a supply closet. He also keeps some high school mementos in a box in that closet.
The box mostly includes photographs, most of them candid shots of himself [When still Kokoa] as well as friends and classmates. There are also random shots of people from other classes. There is also a yearbook and some postcards and charms.
The library has a wide collection of books. Most of it is fantasy. Though there is also a large collection of manga. One bookshelf is dedicated to various hero figures.
In the middle of the library, he has a single chair and a side table as his reading area.
Likes sweet wines or cocktails
The furnishings in the living room include a red victorian styled couch and a love seat with a dark wood coffee table.
Had a pretty large TV with some gaming systems hooked up to it. Mostly ones he had growing up as well as a someone recent one though it still isn't the most recent generation of that console line.
The game systems don't get played too often. Unless he is really in the mood and he could play for hours.
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checkeredflaggirl · 3 years
What the drivers make me think of
My opinion, you can add in the comments
Team Mercedes
Lewis Hamilton
carpets, new sneakers, smell of tea herbs, winter mornings, bomber jackets, magazines, tigers, color indigo, wallpapered walls, industrial kitchen, oil, aviator sunglasses, dresser full of colognes, stainless steel
Valterri Bottas
Swans, woods, pine tree smell, the color of clay, sunset through a window, ceiling to floor windows, wooden floors, fur, newspapers, boat sports, coffee cream, Moscow mule
Team Red Bull
Max Verstappen
Lions, grass smell, warm water, coffee beans, shaving cream, balconies, flower baskets, clean towels, horse races, mimosas, brunch, fireplaces, marble floors, sculptures, orchestra concerts
Sergio Perez
Parrots, colorful fabrics, flutes, jungles, sunsets reflecting on water, black and white tiles, roof tiles, white walls, light sheer curtains, lemonade, morning dew smell, pottery, hibiscus
Team Ferrari
Charles Leclerc
Cannes, old photographs, vintage cameras, photo albums, the smell of paper, vinyl record playing, doves, white mugs, chandeliers, lattes, piano, journals, black and white films, rings
Carlos Sainz
Boots, tiles with intricate designs, cactuses, terracota, Mallorca, palm trees, canaries, citronella candles, sandals, brown colors, cinnamon, roasted pork, powdered sugar, guitars, orange juice
Team Mclaren
Lando Norris
Neon, cinemas, midnight, digital clocks, boxed juice, blackout curtains, blue colored walls, comfortable bed, navy bedsheets, white socks, hoodies, joggers, athletic wear, AC, online shopping
Daniel Ricciardo
Flannels, granola aesthetic, teva sandals, deers, x games, jet skis, ATVs, Fox apparel, American Apparel, oversized tshirts, Patagonia, gloves, lumberjack, waterfalls, bungee jump, the band Foster the People, tattoo shops, leather, vans sneakers
Team Alpine
Fernando Alonso
Mansions, family crest, stables, red wine, gold jewelry, candles, tobacco, Cuban cigars, wine cellars, mirrors, oil paintings, dinner time, fur, expensive rugs, roses, arched windows, drapes, baroque style decor
Esteban Ocon
Cottages, country side, small flowers, flower crowns, picnics, cheese platters, pears, marble fountains, linen, glass cups, pearls, small gatherings, old radios, hand fans, soft breeze, clean scent
Team Aston Martin
Lance Stroll
College, jet set lifestyle, wedges, expensive watches, neck pillows, planes, Ibiza, waking up at noon, parties, bachelor life, ray ban wayfarer sunglasses, the movie 21, coming home past curfew, blindfolds, silk pajamas
Sebastian Vettel
The band Journey, Rocky movies, Christmas, family dinners, warm food, a study at home, black coffee, granite toppers, comfortable couch, fireplace, first day with snow, golden retriever, pancakes
Team Alfa Romeo
Kimi Raikkonen
Eurodance, la Bouche, the movie a night at the Roxbury, clubs, sequins, disco balls, vip areas, buying drinks for your friends, having a designated driver, sunglasses at night, monochrome wardrobe
Antonio Giovanazzi
White wine, grapes, vineyards, lunchtime, tennis, hair products, carousel, saxophones, hair brushes, feathers, sheeps , milk, wooden windows, staircases, dimly lit restaurants
Team Alpha Tauri
Yuki Tsunoda
Skincare, pastel colors, watercolor paintings, clothing with no patterns, summer rains, festivals, karaoke, body creams, slippers, rooftop bars, arcades
Pierre Gasly
Champagne towers, New Year’s Eve, gold confetti, missed phone calls, music vibrating on the walls, supermodels, glasses breaking, loud laughs, live music, basement parties, sweating inside a club
Team Haas
Mick Schumacher
Surfing, boats, windbreakers, dry fast clothing, sunscreen, wet suits, bonfires, marshmallows, the movie Point Break, jeeps, soft sand beach, red cups, hiking, pura vida bracelets, pineapples
Nikita Mazepin
Gambling, casinos, blackjack, counting cards to win, security cameras, bodyguards, bags of money, movie John Wick, cyberpunk2077, bartenders, colorful drinks, bloody knuckles
Team Williams
George Russell
Bakeries, victorian england, the sex pistols, punk, studs, black boots, earl grey, turtle necks, boarding school, knee socks, convertible cars, shooting sports
Nicholas Latifi
Chocolate factories, glass jars, laundry day, knitted sweaters, black umbrellas, brownies, vanilla ice cream, mittens, baking, nespresso coffee machine, football matches, violins
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vroomvroomkachowboi · 4 years
The Gift of Magi
smut, fluff, angst: fluff ig
pairing: draco malfoy x reader (fem)
word count: 1.8k (1897 specifically) 
summary: it’s valentine’s day soon, y/n decides to sell something to get draco a gift, since she’s poor, she sells a valuable item to buy him something,  and draco’s gift relates to the item she sold  (this is based off of that one christmas story “the gift of magi”, except its valentine’s day and draco is obviously not poor)
warning: i think curse words, and i barely proofread my one shots so, and math sort of   
a/n: i hope y’all know what story i’m talking about because then it would be embarrassing for me lmao. (if you’re confused just search up mickey’s once upon a christmas, you’ll probably recognize it) omg the amount of math i had to do for this one shot is ridiculous,  but i’m actually really proud of this, also he won’t be very draco-like 
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Valentine’s Day would be a lot sooner than later. The day of love would be here in 2 days and Y/n still needed to buy a gift for Draco, her boyfriend. Unfortunately, she was just as poor as the Weasley family. She felt bad, Draco loved to spoil her even on regular days, since the Malfoy’s were filthy rich. She just wanted for their first Valentine’s day to be perfect, she almost couldn’t send him anything during winter break. He, however, sent her many gifts that she wasn’t expecting. She just knew Draco was going to spoil the shit out of her for Valentine’s Day.
Thankfully it was Saturday, and she could go into Hogsmeade, and fortunately for her, Draco had to stay at Hogswarts to study for an important test in potions class, which gave her some time to go and look for a gift. The first place she’d go is to Honeydukes, she’ll buy him his favorite candy first and see how much money she’ll have left over and find him a suitable and cheap present.
When she arrives at Hogsmeade, she runs into Honeydukes and begins collecting all his favorite candies, she paid for them and left, trying to find a store that sold a good enough gift for her boyfriend. From the corner of her eye, she saw it.
The perfect gift for Draco.
Her friend had told her about a new jewelry shop at was right by Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. She walks over the window to get a closer look. On display, at the window, she stared at the ring. A silver snake ring. It had a real Victorian style, the snake would loop around his finger 3 times, each scale was defined from the tip of the tail, to it’s end of it’s face, and the snake had emerald eyes. It was truly meant for Draco.
Her heart dropped when she looked at the price. 150 galleons?! How would she afford the ring, she only had 20 galleons left, and she had to save it for a while, where would she get 130 galleons?
She began to fidget with her necklace. A habit she did when she was nervous. It was a gorgeous minimal gold necklace with a moon on it. She found it on the street when she was younger when she visited the muggle world as a trip. Draco loved it as much as she did.
Coincidentally she saw a sign at the window saying “We buy jewelry as well!”, the idea popped into her head at that moment.
She walked in and saw the beautiful jewelry around her, she never got to go into stores like these since she barely had any money, she became so distracted in the beautiful earrings on display, that she didn’t notice a middle-aged woman standing right next to her, not until the lady cleared her throat for her attention.
“Hello, young lady. How may I help you today? Looking for something in particular?” The lady spoke in her strong London accent. Y/n blushed in embarrassment. “Yes. I’m getting a present for my boyfriend. I saw the sign, and I want to sell this,” She said, unclasping her necklace, and handing it over to the lady. The lady put her glasses on, which made her eyes look twice as large, as she inspected Y/n’s necklace. With a wave of her wand, the lady tested for real gold in her necklace. The woman looked at her necklace for a good minute before looking back up at Y/n.
“It is real gold. I will give you 140 galleons for this.” The lady said. Y/n eyes widen. That was a lot of money! She didn’t even know that she had something so expensive hanging around her neck for so long. For a moment, Y/n thought about saying no, but she thought about how perfect the ring would be for Draco and said yes. The lady handed her 140, giving her in total, 160 galleons.
“Is that all I can do for you miss?” The lady asked. “Uh, I saw that snake ring in the window. I’d like to buy it please.” Y/n said to her. The lady opened up a cabinet on her side of the table. “Size?” She asks. Y/n tells her Draco’s ring size and pays her the 150 galleons. Leaving her with 10 galleons left over, she leaves Hogsmeade and goes back to Hogwarts to prepare Draco’s gifts.
Valentine’s Day finally arrived. Draco had his owl send Y/n a letter, telling her to meet him at Astronomy Tower after the end of classes. She waited all day to see her boyfriend, unfortunately, they didn’t have any classes together, but he did say hello in the morning, and they both pecked before telling each other “Happy Valentine’s Day”.
But finally, the end of the day came, and Draco and Y/n planned on eating their favorite foods and exchange gifts at the Astronomy Tower. She ran out her final class, and into her dorm. She wanted to get all dolled up for the date, she did her makeup and put on a cute and date-worthy outfit, since it was a date and Draco was always dressed up in one of his black suits. Finally, she put on an outfit she felt and looked good in and she knew Draco would also enjoy it too.
She went up the spiral staircase that led up to the tower, Draco was there, leaning on the railing, wearing his all black suits. She let her presence be known as she ran up the stairs, Draco saw his girlfriend’s head pop up and smiled.
Before they said anything, Y/n ran up to Draco, and threw her arms around his neck, embracing him in a bear hug, he returned it by wrapping his arms around her waist. One of his hands made it’s way up to pet her hair, “Hey love, happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispers. She let go of his a little to face him but connected her lips with his, which he immediately kissed her back, holding her face with one of his cold, large hands.
“Come sit, darling. I brought you’re favorite, y/f!” He says and lets go of her. He sits on the large blanket he brought, and she sat on the opposite end, with their foods sitting between them. They talked and laughed for a while, until he brought up the topic of gifts. “Can I go get my present for you, my love?” She nods. He gets up and grabs something from a dark corner. He pulled out a huge teddy bear, a box of all her favorite candies, and a bouquet of all her favorite flowers.
She knew it. Draco did go all out for her, she can’t say she surprised. “Awe thank you, Draco! Wow, you didn’t have to get me so much.” She says. “But I wanted to darling. I love to spoil you, the look on your face is all worth it. Plus I don’t mind, I have plenty of money.” He says back. She gets up and grabs Draco’s hands, kissing both of them. “Thank you, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.”
She saw Draco’s heart melt right there, she kissed him before he said something cheesy. As always, Draco puts his skinny pale hand to her face when they were kissing, something she always loved. “I love you.” He says as he pulls back. “I love you too, Dray.” She says, smiling at him.
He looks down at her outfit, “I forgot to mention, that I liked your outfit love. You walked in, and I thought I saw an angel.” She laughed at his words. “Thanks, baby. But enough with the cheesy compliments.” They both laughed at her words. “I didn’t get you as much as you got me, I only got you 2 things.” She pulls out her purse, pulling out all the sweets she bought at the shop. His eyes lighten up. “Awe love, you got all my favorites in here!” He thanks her and puts the baggie of candy down on the blanket with the food.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Uh, wait. I thought you said 2 gifts?” He questions. Pulling out the box containing the ring, she hands it to him. “I really hope you like it. I almost couldn’t get my hands on it. I saw it at Hogsmeade when you were studying for the potions test. I saw it at the window, and I thought, ‘that was made for Draco.’” She says, suddenly feeling nervous about Draco if liked the gift she got him.
Draco smiled as he pulls the ribbon, and opened the box. He gasped and looked at her, and back the ring. He grabs the ring and slipping onto his left ring finger. “Oh Merlin, Y/n. I love it! But it looks expensive, how much was it?” He questions, suddenly curious since he knew she was just as poor as Weaslebee.
“I sold my necklace for it. I didn’t even know my necklace cost 140 galleons! I wanted to make our first Valentine’s Day perfect...” As she rambled on about the necklace and ring, Draco’s smile dropped, and Y/n noticed it. “What’s wrong, Dray? I know you liked the necklace but I did it for you.” Draco didn’t say anything, only to pull out a white rectangular box from the inner pocket of his jacket.
He hands it to her, and she opened it skeptically. Now she knew why he was so upset. To match her necklace, Draco brought her gold star dangling earrings and gold charm bracelet with the planets. Y/n didn’t know whether to be happy or upset, she loved her gift, but now she felt dumb for using her necklace to buy his ring. “Shit, Draco. I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry.” She says, she couldn’t even look him in the eyes, just stared at the floor.
“Y/n, I understand you don’t have that much money, you don’t need to buy me expensive gifts for you to show your love to me. I already know you do, I would’ve been content with the sweets. I love the ring though, I was just really surprised.” He says and uses his hand to get her to look at him. Her eyes were watery, she was at the verge of tears. “I just wanted to make our Valentine’s day perfect. You spoil me so much, I just wanted to do it in return.”
He whispers a “It’s okay darling, come here.” And pulls her in for a hug. She returns it back, just wanting to feel his arms around her. “I was gonna gift you this,” She pulls back to pull out her wand and whispers, “Accio photograph.” In just a second or two, a framed photo landed in her hand. Draco grabbed it and look at it.
It was a photo of them two the first month they started dating, they made silly faces and laughed in the photo, Draco smiled at the memory. “Awe, darling, I love it!” He says, throwing his arms around her. She does the same and apologizes again. “Don’t you worry, my love. I’ll just buy it back, for you.” He whispers and pulls his head back a little to kiss Y/n. “I love you, happy Valentine’s Day darling.”
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darklightacademias · 4 years
Decorate your room in the Dark Academia Aesthetic
I have seen few posts about how to decorate with the dark academia style that say anything except “get a dark wood desk”, thus here is a guide by moi. The main idea is to emulate classical interiors, like an eccentric Victorian collectionist or a passionate Naturalist in the 1800s. Dark Acedemia is all about being and looking cultured so include bookshelves with books and slightly off kilter collections, among other things.
Here is a list of the elements of a Dark Academia room:
Candles, candles, candles. Candles of all types. Scented. In glass. Pillar candles, long candles, short candles. Round candles. Definitely get candelabras in brass or cristal or mercury glass, and limit yourself to bone white or black (if you are specially dramatic). Make the candles drip.
Make yourself a reading nook with a big armchair with a classical or mid century sillhoute. I would place the chair in a corner with a small table at its side to place a cup of coffee or tea while u read (and a candle). Put a velvet pillow and a blanket at the back to make it look cozier and used. Also get a floor lamp to put next to the chair as you read long into the night.
The walls should be ivory or stone (like in a castle) or wallpapered in dark colors, like a dark emerald green with some mysterious shapes to it. Maybe paint a wall dark gray or black for moodiness.
Get art. Art of all types. Prints from famous painters, like Rembrandt, or da Vinci. You can also frame things that are not typically framed, like yellowed music sheets of a French lullaby (I recommend Le Long Berceaux, it is absolutely haunting), or book pages or quotes. Also watercolors you found from an artist in Prague. Prints from your artist friends. Botanical or anatomical posters. Something you did yourself. A carbon sketch of your lover, etc. Art is essential.
You can also frame letters, postcards, recipe cards, photo strips with your friends and pictures (extra points for black and white polaroids and photo strips.) I recommend you frame in float mount because it looks more elegant. Frame degrees and certificates that show your successes. You can also make your sillhoute in black and white cardboard and frame it.
Frame maps (I love the black and gold scratch off maps). Star maps. City maps. All the maps.
Frame said art in gilded and elaborate frames, either gold, silver or black.
Mirrors in fancy frames. Oval or round mirrors are best.
Get a white bust that looks like a Greek statue.
Get a globe and an astrolabe.
Old tabletop clocks.
Get a human skull. I wanted to get this but my mom said no dead people bones in the house. Downer. However, if your family is not inclined to such silly rules, then get a human skull.
You could also get a human skeleton model and nickname it.
Get a bookshelf and put books in it, as well as some picture frames and the human skull and bust.
Get so many books.
A trick is to take the ugly book jackets off your books because they look more classical or make book jackets that look more cohesive, look at juniper books for inspiration. Also a collection of newer and vintage books looks great. Have a system to organize your books.
In terms of lamps, get Art Deco or mirrored ones.
Your desk should be one you like, and bonus points if it is imposing. Have a magnifier glass, a letter opener, and a wax seal set on it. Also a feather quilt.
Get a comfortable desk chair because you will spend a longgggg time sitting on it.
On terms of bed frames and head boards, either something metal or wood. Headboards inspired on channel and covered in belted are ideal.
Get linen or silk sheets in white, gray or black.
Get a coverlet or duvet cover in a dark complimentary color, or in grey. An idea, if you like Harry Potter, is to get a cover in your house color.
Your nightstands should have at least a book, a diary and a black pen on them. Bonus points if it is a fountain pen. Also a delicate catch all, a mysterious wood or leather box, a vase of flowers and a lamp.
Have black wood boxes with postcards, keepsakes and love letters in them.
Flower vases and plants. My favorite flowers are yellow daffodils, pink and white peonies (the cusp of dark academia flora, in my opinion) and orchids.
Dried flowers if you like that.
Chess set in marble or wood. I prefer marble. I love chess even if I am incompetent at it right now so definitely have a set and a table where you can play.
Persian rugs. That’s it. Persian rugs.
White silky curtains or heavy velvet ones. Or both.
A fireplace is the most perfect thing but not everyone can have them.
Swords are acceptable room decoration. Also daggers. Ancient tapestries. I live near Toledo and they have the best swords.
Over all make it seem like you are living or just moved from a palace, ideally.
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junoscrybeofshadows · 3 years
Mini Boss rp prompt!
(Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well! After posting the refs and some facts about my inscryption miniboss Ocs Bernard, Alder, and Eira, I've decided to set up a little rp prompt post for them for all of those who might want to interact with them! All are welcome to interact with them! Just send your responses to this post to the ask box and have fun! With that all said let's begin! ---Misty) .................................................................................................................
You(your character) don't quite recall how you ended up here. You just remember helping an injured animal of some kind, you don't remember what it was but you remember that after you helped it ran from you. You recalled following it into a dense forest area and everything going dark and suddenly feeling sleepy. Upon waking up you found yourself lying in a soft grass field staring up towards the sky confused and dazed.
Sitting up you found the grass to beneath you to be made of a purplish reddish hue rather than green but still felt soft to the touch as spruce hedges flank you on all sides though they are a good distance away from you at the edges of the field. The moon and stars shine above you like stars as you stand up to get a better look at your surroundings. Despite not knowing where you are you felt safe and even calm as you take notice of a path just off to the side of you and with no where else to go you following out of the enclosed field and onto a cobble stone bath that led in three directions.
The path heading south leads to a bear of glittering onyx gates where you can hear the sound of hearty laughter and the faint barking of small dogs as you make out the shape of glittering silver armor just behind the gates fence posts.
The path heading East leads to an open grove of fruit trees and vegetable beds lined with more cobblestone paths. You can barely make out the sound of light chatter coming from within the grove but the voices sound friendly from what you can tell
The final path heading north leads to a Victorian style house, it's windows reflecting the moons light like jewels from that direction you catch the whiff of what you believe to be chamomile tea and the faintest sounds of a woman singing something in a language you don't understand but it's calming to say the least
Which path do you decided to take?
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