#view from an AirBnb
lesbeet · 1 year
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vernazza, cinque terre, italy (june 2023)
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Fresh snowfall, 2024
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Thawing Out
summary: You and Sirius are in dire need of a new coach just weeks before the Olympics. Remus is a former figure skating prodigy forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Though it's not smooth skating right away, those stiff Olympic village beds are dying to be broken in.
collab with @ellecdc
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
cw: modern au, chronic pain
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
Remus still wakes before dark every morning. It’s automatic, an urgency and excitement that thrums through him like an old instinct, born from years of his alarm clock rousing him at this time. The rink is always at its best right now, when they’ve just finished resurfacing the ice and no one else is around. It was Remus’ favorite time to practice. 
Now, he has a new reason to get up. His hip clicks as he does it, so he starts his day with a couple of proactive painkillers. If he really wanted to be proactive he would stretch like he’s supposed to, but there’s no time and Remus doesn’t feel like it. He’ll pay his toll for the negligence later. 
The webpage of his Airbnb boasted a five-minute walk to the rink, but with his hip it takes Remus seven. It’s like an odd sort of muscle memory, an old routine from another life that feels as bitter as it does comfortable. He heads out early to give himself some cushion. The streets are empty but for bakers and baristas, the first hints of dawn tinging the sky a deep blue. When he turns a corner and the rink comes into view, the absence of his bag hanging from his shoulder is a phantom ache. 
The front doors are locked but the side one staff uses isn’t, the Zamboni driver already inside. Remus lets himself in, makes a cup of tea from the hot water dispenser they leave out when concessions are closed, plants himself on a bench, and waits. 
And waits. 
And waits. 
Remus has nearly nodded off when two pairs of shoes come bounding up to him. Well, one pair bounds. The other drags. 
“Hi, sorry we’re late.” You’re breathless and hauling a sullen-looking boy along behind you by the hand, but you manage a smile when Remus looks up at you. “I had to run over and get him out of bed. It’s good to meet you!”
You hold out your untethered hand. Remus might normally stand to take it, but he no longer feels like doing you the courtesy. Your grip is firm and warm. 
“You were supposed to be here at six,” he says. 
You wince. “I know. Sorry, Sirius is really not a morning person.” 
Remus thinks that he might put more stock into your apologies if you looked a tad more contrite. As it is, your countenance is almost cheery, a fizzy eagerness about you as you look between him and the ice like you can’t wait to get out on it. 
In stark contrast, the ill-tempered boy behind you seems not to have a clue where he is. He looks rumpled and disoriented, squinting in the rink’s fluorescent light. 
“Then why didn’t you pick another time?” Remus asks. 
He hadn’t realized he was still looking at Sirius, or that the other boy could talk, so it’s a surprise when he answers. “Wasn’t my bloody idea.” 
By the way you grin, Remus wonders if you’ve even heard the obvious bitterness in your partner’s tone, or whether it’s gone straight over your head. 
“I like the rink better early,” you explain. “No one else ever comes before the hockey practice starts at nine, and they’ll have just finished resurfacing the ice.” 
Begrudgingly, Remus nods. “I always preferred it about now, too.” 
He realizes immediately that his agreement was a mistake, because your smile grows into something far too brilliant for the early hour. Christ, what has he gotten himself into? There’s you, starry-eyed and effervescing all over the place, and your partner, who looks more inclined to fall asleep on your shoulder than put on his skates. 
And this is the pair skating duo Remus is supposed to take to the Olympics. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Watch that back foot!” Remus shouts across the ice.
Sirius doesn’t look happy about it, but he corrects the placement of his skate, transitioning smoothly into the next synced turn. 
“Good,” Remus murmurs to himself. 
Once Sirius got out on the ice and woke up a bit, he was good. He skates with the technical proficiency of someone who’s been in the sport since before they started primary school, and the intuitive artistry of someone who loves it. You’re much the same, though your virtuosity and obvious competence are consistently undercut by hesitation, the grace of your movements interrupted when you second-guess yourself. But these—technical prowess paired with devotion—are the basics of what makes a good figure skater. You’ll have to be flawless if you want to do well at the Olympics. 
And Remus has found many flaws. 
“No, no—shit!” Remus stands as you fall out of your jump again, catching yourself on your forearms. “You’re still under-rotating! Come on!” 
Sirius snarls a quick “Hey!” over his shoulder before turning his back on Remus, going to help you up. He speaks to you quietly, checking you over as you stand. Remus seethes. 
He has no clue why he’s been called out here to coach a pair. Remus doesn’t know pairs, has never been a part of one. He was a solo skater. And frankly, it makes him wary that what’s supposed to be the best skating pair in Britain has asked him, a former solo skater who’s been isolated from the figure skating community in general for the past two years, to coach them. But Remus does know figure skating. And he knows when skaters are making stupid mistakes behind their skill level. 
“What aren’t you understanding?” asks Remus as you skate back to the edge of the rink. He really wants to know. “It’s simple. You can do this.” He knows he could have. As easy as breathing, and he would kill to have the chance again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” 
Sirius’ glare is sharp as knives. He steps off the ice before you can, positioning himself between you and Remus. Your lips purse with a knowing sort of apprehension. 
“No, you don’t talk to her like that,” Sirius spits. “It was a tiny mistake.” 
Remus raises his eyebrows, incredulous. “I’m trying to help her! It was a giant mistake, with a simple fix. You ought to be telling her the same, unless you’re okay with your partner snapping her ankle weeks out from competition.” 
“None of that means you get to fucking yell at her! Who do you think you are?” 
“I’m her coach,” says Remus, voice rising, “and—”
“Then coach her! Maybe if you’d give some actual fucking feedback instead of just nitpicking—” 
“Okay!” Your shout cuts through the space, echoing in the empty rink and silencing the other two. “That’s enough.” 
You haul Sirius back by his shoulder. Your grip doesn’t look severe enough to move him, but he goes, stepping back to your side. His eyes never leave Remus’. 
Your own gaze jumps between both boys, that same spark he’d seen in you earlier burning with a different light. 
“Let’s call it for today,” you say firmly. “Okay? We’ll try again tomorrow.” 
Neither boy speaks, though Remus nods. It seems to be taking all of Sirius’ willpower to bite his tongue. He gets the impression it isn’t something he succeeds at often, so Remus isn’t ashamed to say that it brings him a perverse sort of joy to see it now. His tiny bit of smugness fizzles out, though, when your eyes land on him. There’s something desolate in your expression that’s a salient deviation from how you’d looked at him before. Remus has the sinking feeling that he’s disappointed you. It’s more distressing than he can account for. 
“We’ll be here on time tomorrow,” you say in that same steady tone. “And my jump, I’ll work on it.” 
Remus nods again. You return it, and when you turn to leave, you drag Sirius after you by his shirtsleeve, picking up your bags along your way. Remus’ mouth feels dry. His lips are chapped, his fingertips hurt from the cold, and the sight of your skates sinking into the rubbery floor makes his hip ache terribly. 
It’s only once you’re nearly out of earshot that he manages to mumble, “Thank you.”
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seventeenreasonswhy · 15 days
Camping with Seventeen!
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OT13!Seventeen x GN!Reader
You and your boyfriend, <SVT member> go camping!
Content: fluff i guess? haha, cracked seventeen! 🤪, some members like the outdoors more than others, some mentions of alcohol
Would talk a big talk about how capable he is of setting up camp. You would be hiking all day, a little farther into the woods than you’d intended because Seungcheol kept urging you to keep hiking, even though you were tired. So you end up in a weird place without much clear ground to pitch the tent on, but Seungcheol insists that it’s the perfect spot. Pretty much everything goes wrong! Your tent poles snap ? the ground is too wet for the fire to get going, it’s starting to get dark... Seungcheol ends up pouting, his pride wounded after you set up the spare tent you brought and the fire, saying he’ll only smile again if you hand feed him s’mores. 🙄
You don’t go camping with Jeonghan, you go camping with Hannie. Hannie looks like a princess but actually likes catching bugs and roughing it! He’s so cute camping it’s crazy. You keep turning around thinking that you’ve lost him but he’s just crouching looking at a leaf he thinks is pretty. Then you have to run to him before he touches it in case it’s poisonous! Hannie is chaotic! And adorable! He’s getting into all kinds of almost-dire situations on this trip. You end up exhausted every night trying to keep up with his fearless approach to the forest, but then he cuddles into you under the stars and you forget he ever did anything wrong!
Somehow has the best equipment and knows exactly where to go and what to do! The surprises are endless with this guy! He wants to go cliff diving, he wants you to take a picture of him hanging from a really tall branch, he wants to explore a very suspicious and scary-looking cave... Joshua is a risk-taker! And the great outdoors do not scare him! He would eventually pick up on your exhausted expression but he would ignore it haha because he’s having too much fun! Only to surprise you again with how extremely cuddly and sleepy he is by the end of the day.
why are you bringing a domesticated cat into the woods! pouts about not bringing enough food, forms a hostile relationship to the bugs, stays secured inside the hood of his sweatshirt all day and into the evening until you make him some hot chocolate over the camping stove you brought and he perks right up. would get bored and want to explore the forest, which you discourage because it’s too dark now. you didn’t know what to expect camping with moon junhui, but somehow you have a singularly fun time.
So fun to go camping with! Hoshi is a good sport with a lot of energy, so he’s an ideal hiking companion. He’s good at staying on track, setting up camp, making the food and keeping it safely out of any animal’s reach... you guys have a blast and take a bunch of cute pictures in front of the fire. You cuddle to sleep under the stars! Hoshi loves the outdoors, especially with you!
He'll be the first to admit that he's not the most outdoorsy person but he also doesn’t want you to think he’s incapable so he spends the weeks leading up to the trip researching tips and good equipment/brands online. You can tell that he wants to impress you, because he keeps cutely telling you fun facts the plants on the path and what to watch out for. You tease him for acting so reluctant to go camping when he clearly ‘knows his stuff’ lol. Sweet Wonwoo would be so cute about a camping trip with you.
Hates this idea lol. Woozi is for the indoor girlies. It’s not like he HATES the outdoors, but he’d much rather have a quiet getaway in a nice hotel, or even a cabin. You guys would compromise by renting one of those posh Airbnb tiny houses in the woods. It’s got amenities and great views of nature, so you’re both happy and end up having a fabulous time together.
Minghao and you go camping all the time! You both love being out in the quiet of nature, and have a fun time hiking around, gently observing the good views of the forest together, and meditating by a stream/waterfall together. Very peaceful activity for both of you and you make a point to go camping together at least a few times a year!
Capable king. Even if he doesn’t camp that often, he is good at it. His biggest challenges are fitting inside the tent and getting scared from random noises at night. But you think it’s cute how he goes from sexy mountain man to scared little baby so fast. He wakes you up in the middle of the night because he thinks he can hear a bear. it turns out to be a cute little raccoon. but that doesn’t matter because Mingyu screams loud anyway, trying to shoo it away from your garbage. Camping with Kim Mingyu is fun!
I can’t imagine a more unserious person to go camping with. He would be super gung-ho at first and react really cutely to all of the beautiful nature (pretty much all he says for the first hour or so of your hike is “Wow!!” and “YN look at this!”) but he gets more and more annoyed with all of the bugs and then gets very scared when it gets dark. Luckily you set up camp before it gets too dark out, but DK is still clinging to you for protection. He excitedly agrees to your challenge of a s’mores eating contest to distract him but he ends up complaining—saying he ate too much while pouting and blaming you. Never a dull moment with DK!
You initially scoffed (before you could hide it) when Seungkwan suggested that you two take a camping trip, but now that you’re here at the campsite, it’s really nice! You realized that Seungkwan’s version of camping is more like glamping, which you’re lowkey relieved about because you weren’t sure if you could handle really roughing it with Seungkwan overnight. But you end up barbequing together and getting a little tipsy—laughing and talking very late into the night together.
Very comfortable with letting you take the lead as you hike and is helpful setting up the camp but not exactly experienced. He hasn’t been camping since he was a kid and he doesn’t try to hide it haha. Vernon is so cute. He does exactly what you tell him to do and gets really excited to make smores. His whole expression is filled with wonder, like he’s discovering the great outdoors for the first time.
Would put on an impromptu performance by the campfire (which was set up mostly by you but he insists he was the one that really got it to light). But you two make a perfect camping trip team. You’re the logistics and he brings the pizazz. You end up camping at pretty close to other people, but you enjoy the less isolated vibe as you drink and grill into the night!
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becca-e-barnes · 2 months
"Slippery When Wet."
Taking a quick jump back to the 'Shit He Said' series because I haven't given it nearly enough time.
I think I'd almost forgotten how it feels to be with someone who lets you feel like you're their entire focus. God, it's nice.
It's nice to spend time with someone who makes you feel so thrilled to be yourself. It's nice to want someone so intensely you can't wait to touch them again. Yeah, it's been nice 😵‍💫
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex, cream pie, oral sex (f receiving), thigh fucking, alcohol mention
Summary: You and Bucky spend some time relaxing together
Minors, do not interact
"These reusable plastic cups might have to do." You're standing on your tiptoes, reaching into the cupboard in the Airbnb kitchen, searching for the one thing you hadn't thought to bring with you.
"Those would be perfect." You hear in response from the bedroom just down the hall. "The rules said 'No glass in the hot tub'."
A sensible rule and one you're more than content to abide by.
One rule of few.
"You can open the champagne bottle. I don't need to go home with a horrible injury." You tease, lifting two of the plastic cups and making your way outside. Sandals of some description would have been smart but it's only a few steps out to the tub.
The cover has already been removed, the water is still and it's hard not to pause for a second and admire the view. Rolling green hills, a lake in the distance, flowers all around the patio and the sun beginning to set, bringing a very slight chill to the evening air.
There couldn't be a more perfect evening to climb into a hot tub and enjoy the scenery.
So that's exactly what you do.
The water is warm as you sink down in, settling yourself into one of the grooves. The level comes to just above your shoulders, lapping against the bottom of your chin as you adjust and get comfortable, looking over the edge at your surroundings.
"We'd need be careful getting out. The steps are slippery when wet." Bucky doesn't take long to join you, reading from the sign on the fencing that was strategically placed to give you some privacy.
Who knew he's so into rules.
Settling beside him feels natural. It's familiar and comfortable and reassuring in a way you didn't know you needed.
He couldn't possibly know how you've craved him since you saw him last. You'll do everything you can to make him feel it though.
He pours champagne into the two little plastic cups, handing one to you before looking for the button that starts the bubbles.
You clink the cups together, taking a sip from your respective glasses while the jets burst to life around you both.
"It's such a mild evening." You hum, cuddling in against his side, enjoying the chaste kiss he leaves on the top of your head.
"It is." He agrees, tilting your chin up so your lips meet his.
They're warm and soft and plump and taste faintly of champagne and there's nothing else you'd rather do in that moment than kiss this man more.
You break away quickly though, choosing instead to spend the time catching up. You talk about work and how things have changed since you last met up. You talk about your plans, your hopes and your fears. He gives you perspectives you hadn't considered and advice you fully intend to take, all while curled up in the bubbling tub.
The champagne slowly disappears. The glasses are filled up again and then that disappears too. You laugh together. You tease each other. You enjoy the company of someone you'd like to see a whole lot more of but understandably can't.
He gives you a reasoned perspective on the things that bother you. Somehow, you don't feel silly telling him about the little things that upset you recently or the worries you have. He's understanding and considerate and so damn fun to be around.
You pepper kisses across his broad shoulders, absentmindedly play with the little short curls of hair on his chest and he lets you feel so entirely worshipped.
He holds you in a way that makes you feel entirely wanted; like all of you is exactly the way it's meant to be and there's nothing he'd dream of changing. It's so incredibly attractive to feel so wholly appreciated. You want him in the very same way and every touch reminds you of that.
All too soon, the sun sets over the hills. The bottle is empty and the water starts to get to a temperature that's just a little cooler than comfortable.
You could sit here with him forever and never run out of things to talk about. That said, your fingertips are beyond wrinkled by the water and it's probably time to call it a night.
Somewhere in those last 30 or so minutes, you realised you need him again. The moment you'd arrived here earlier, the curtains had been pulled and you'd taken the opportunity to relieve some stress before dinner but it's not enough.
"Can I show you what else is slippery when wet?" You tease, pressing your lips to his with an urgency that surprises you.
He seems entirely into that idea, pulling your body impossibly close, his hand gliding up the inside of your thigh to rub against the thin material of your bikini.
Squirming in his lap is becoming a bit of a theme.
Before you get too far, you carefully step out of the hot tub and scamper inside, letting him close up the tub while you rinse off the pool water in the shower very quickly.
The anticipation gets to you, much like it always does. It only ever adds to the fun.
By the time he's also rinsed and dried off, you're perched on the edge of the bed, enjoying the feeling of your own fingertip trailing lazily over your clit. Your legs are spread wide, giving him full view of your glistening, soaked sex.
"I've been dreaming of this." He mumbles, kneeling at the edge of the bed and replacing your fingertip with his tongue.
Fuck, he's so good at that. His tongue flicks and thrashes, his neck working overtime to deliver you a sensation that not comparable to anything else you've ever experienced. He groans as he licks your body, enjoying the taste of your arousal and the slick wetness coating his chin to his nose.
You could let him do that forever and never grow tired of it. Your fingers have woven through his hair at some point and your thighs have clamped tight around his ears.
While you don't want to, his neck will thank you for suggesting a change.
You tug him up, eager to taste your own arousal on his lips and tongue and he doesn't disappoint. His tongue glides against yours, his wet chin rubbing against you and the intensity leaves you totally breathless.
You're almost frantic in how you need him now. "Please. I want you." You practically whine, grasping his firming length and giving him a few slow strokes until he's totally ready.
"Your hand always feels better than my own." He half laughs, half gasps, grinding his hips in time with the movements of your hand.
It's needy and desperate from both of you, much like it was earlier with the tip of his dick nudging your clit perfectly while he fucked your thighs.
His length slides against your eager core, massaging your arousal against his dick. It feels almost luxurious to be able to take your time with him. There's no rush, other than that dictated by your own need.
Before long, he's sinking into your body with a low groan, enjoying the way he feels your heat engulfing his shaft.
"You're so fucking wet." He moans, bottoming out and kissing your shoulders.
You know you are and it's borderline embarrassing how quickly he was able to get you like that.
"Such a pretty angel." He pulls back, giving himself a chance to sink into you again and it steals the breath from both of you. "You feel like Heaven. You're so hot around my cock."
He's bound to still be sensitive from the round earlier that day but it doesn't stop him.
"God, you're going to earn every drop of cum I give you. I'm going to pump you so full." He's so delightfully filthy and you love hearing him talk to you like that.
Your hand weaves its way between your bodies, finding your throbbing, neglected clit and rubbing it in rough circles.
"You want to cum inside me this time?" You love how you never really know what to expect with him. He he pulled out earlier in the day, choosing to glaze your chest and tummy with an impressive load instead.
"I'd cum inside you every time if you didn't look so pretty covered in it." His thrusts are faster now, meeting the rhythm your fingers have dictated you need.
"I want you to cum inside me this time. Fill me until I'm dripping." The image in your head as you're saying it is enough to make you quiver. You're chasing your high far faster than you thought you'd be but you're sure he's not far behind you. The notion of his cum filling you is a love that you both share.
"Want to taste it inside you when I'm done. Let it leak out of you and then press it back in with my tongue."
That's all it takes. One filthy little fantasy and you're trembling, cumming so hard you see stars. You work yourself through your high, riding it out on his cock and you're vaguely aware that you've milked his release from him too. You feel him spilling inside you, blowing another huge load into your eager body with a low moan and a few curses.
When you're both spent, he collapses onto the bed beside you, pulling you close to him for a cuddle.
"Give me a few seconds. Then I'll get to work." He hums, breathlessly.
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agendabymooner · 5 months
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summary: the word lost its meaning when she became an aphrodisiac that didn’t need to be consumed.
content warning: smut below the cut (minors dni!), short blurb i’m sorry, fingering if you blink, suggestive, exhibitionism content, outdoor sex (hot tub), this didn’t eat i’m sorry
💌re:moony's planner request: i saw a picture of him in a hot tub and i so want like outdoor sex with the thrill that anybody can see them and get caught 🙏
note: where have i been? idk- but i hope you guys enjoyed that australia 2024 podium finishers smut tho— now all of my requests are threesomes. enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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for her, the hot tub that was laid outside the deck of their secluded airbnb was meant to be a place for relaxation - the view of the mountains was right in front of her. 
the sight of the mountain was so beautiful that she couldn’t help but lean over the edge of the tub as the jetted stream let the hot water flow with movements. 
it was a delightful sight. alongside that was a serenity that the airbnb offered. the only thing that she could hear was the bubbling of the hot tub and her casual paddling beneath the water. 
but to the new zealander, the mountains in front of the tub wasn’t the delightful sight he was staring at.
it was the backside of his girlfriend; the curves that glistened because of the water while she wore nothing but a bikini that had her butt peeking out. 
liam lawson didn’t need an aphrodisiac to feel hot and bothered. not when his girlfriend was a delightful sight to see-  in the most raunchy yet romantic way possible, if liam would say so himself. 
liam didn’t even second guess as soon as he hopped into his swim trunks, slipping onto the hot tub right behind her without making her aware of his presence.
she seemed to be mesmerized by the view. liam could give her a reason to be mesmerized; it didn't have anything to do with the view though. 
she sighed softly when liam’s lips began to attach themselves onto the nape of her neck, her hips automatically pushing itself back against his as liam’s hands pulled her closer. 
under the water, his hips grinded against hers and she moaned at the friction shared between them.
“mmm- li,” she uttered, her protests falling apart because of her reactions, “we’re outdoors.” 
“hmmm…” liam didn’t even hear what she said, too busy feeling her up from behind and his hand snaking through her bikini bottom. 
she whimpered at his brief touch of her clit as she continued to protest, “people might see—“
liam smirked at her comment as he said, “yeah? in such a private area?”
liam tutted his girlfriend softly while he continued to press against her clit and make a slow circular motion on it. “baby, we paid for the whole place. whoever sees that’s their fault.
“you love it don’t you?” liam let out a hum while he continued to nip on her ear, “you love the thought of being caught while you’re too fucked out, hm? you want to be fucked out here, no?” 
“i can tell you want to be fucked out here, baby,” liam teased his blushing girlfriend, who couldn’t help but moan and whimper. “you want people to catch you getting all horny and hot f’me.”
“yeah…” she whispered quietly.
“yeah?” liam chuckled huskily, as if he was taunting her to speak more.
he knew he had her at the palm of his hand. she was already a putty when he began touching her, so he did the next best thing that followed her reaction and liam inserted a finger into her seeping cunt. 
“you’re already wet at the thought of it and that’s not even the jacuzzi, baby,” liam crooned with a sinister grin, his other hand tugging off her bikini and leaving it to rest somewhere outside of the tub.
he kicked off his swim trunks, his toned arm reaching out to tug on her hair as she let out a pitiful whine of his name, “liam, please! fuck…”
“please what?” liam taunted, “please make you scream? make everyone know how much of a slut you are for me?” 
“please what, baby?” 
no word escaped her mouth, leaving liam to chuckle darkly. 
it was as if she was already long gone before she could even warn him about keeping it down and fucking her inside the rental instead. 
this gave liam more control and more opportunities to wear her out. the word ‘cautious’ lost its meaning the moment liam fingered her in this outdoor jacuzzi and her eyes began to roll back. 
“let’s see how much you can scream f’me, baby,” liam said, sliding his cock into her desperate hole.
he didn’t care about losing his dignity- fucking outdoors where people could possibly see them.
he was getting lost in her beauty and her sobbing while she told him that she was cumming over and over again. 
his hips couldn’t even find themselves to stop, overstimulating himself and her while liam continued to thrust his cock until he repeatedly glided into her sensitive spot. 
he couldn’t care much about anything. he couldn’t even find himself to be cautious when all he knew was that his girlfriend was weeping for his cock and for more. 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015 @hiireadstuff @biancathecool @scorpiomindfuck @stinkyjax @youdontknowmeshh @hyneyedfiz @decafmickey @lightdragonrayne
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129 @maxillness @bigsimperika @xoscar03
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 9 months
Merry Ex-Mas - Rooster
Pairing: Rooster / Fem!Navy Officer!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only
Warnings: Cheating/Infidelity (Not Between Reader and Rooster); Friends to Lovers; Romantic/Sexual Tension; Implied Sexual Content/Suggestive Content; Light Angst; Use of “You,” No Y/N
Summary: After surprising your boyfriend doesn’t go as planned, you spend Christmas with Rooster.
Master List
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It was Christmas Eve morning and the house that you shared with Fritz, Phoenix, and Rooster was growing emptier by the hour. Phoenix left the night before, after you all got off work, to head to her brother’s house to spend the holidays there. Fritz left at the ass crack of dawn to drive almost half the day to be home with his family for a few days.
And you were getting ready to surprise your boyfriend for Christmas.
He told you that he was spending Christmas with some friends and because you knew his AirBnB password, you could see where he was staying. And after not seeing each other for five months, you knew that you needed to put in an effort to see him for the holidays. The two of you had been having a lot of fights lately and you were hoping that a Christmas together would help patch things up a little.
“You’re leaving soon too?” you asked Rooster, pulling on your coat.
“Yeah, probably in like two hours,” Rooster stated quietly, sitting at the kitchen island as you packed some snacks for your drive. He struggled to hide his disapproval of your choice as he glanced out the window for a moment. “You’re all packed up?”
“Yeah, I’ll get gas on the way to the highway and then I’ll just drive straight there,” you replied, glancing up to see Rooster’s expression as he turned to face you again. Sighing, you turned away from him. “Don’t give me that look.”
“I just don’t want you to drive all that way and be disappointed, that’s all.”
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted, gathering your last few things.
Bradley and your boyfriend didn’t get along. Actually, none of your friends really got along with your boyfriend. Granted, you complained about him a lot, but unlike the rest of your friends, Bradley didn’t even make an effort to try and get along with your boyfriend. The two of them just avoided each other whenever your boyfriend visited.
Rooster walked you out to your car, carrying your bag for you. You took it from him and moved to put it in the trunk. When you came walking around the car, he opened your door for you. Giving him a quick hug and smile, you slipped into your car.
“I’ll see you in a few days,” you promised him.
“Safe travels,” he returned quietly.
“You too.”
Rooster stood on the front steps of the house as you backed up. Once you were gone from his view, he headed back inside. Even though he told everyone that he had plans with people ‘from back home,’ Rooster was planning on celebrating the holiday alone.
As he pretty much had since he was eighteen, if he had it off.
So, he was just going to bake some cookies like he used to with his mom, watch some movies, and catch up on sleep. He didn’t tell anyone because he assumed that they’d try to drag him along with them and Bradley didn’t want to interrupt their holidays with their families. He didn’t want the pity.
He was just going to have a quiet holiday by himself. And he was okay with that.
You finally spotted the house. But you were a bit confused to only see one car in the driveway since your boyfriend listed off a bunch of names of people that were coming.
Parking behind your boyfriend’s car, you carefully shut the door and walked towards the house. Testing the door, you found that it was unlocked and let yourself inside. The sound of music quickly hit your ears and made you pause. You glanced around the rather fancy AirBnB when you noticed a pair of heeled boots that clearly belonged to a woman.
Frowning, you walked deeper into the house, keeping your steps light. You turned the corner and noticed the bedroom door ajar. Slowly cracking it open, you stood, shocked, when you saw your boyfriend and some woman that you’d never seen before fucking on the bed.
You stepped back from the door, your heart racing as you processed the image. But once you got over the initial shock, you jumped into action.
You started in the kitchen and stole the wine that they brought. Heading back outside, you stowed the wine in your car before you walked over to your boyfriend’s car. You let air out of his tires, not enough to be too obvious, but enough to cause problems—you wanted to drag that punishment out a bit more.
You walked back into the house and returned to the kitchen. Filling a bowl with ice cold water, you carried it to the bedroom. Opening the door as the music hid your footsteps, you tossed the water onto them, causing them to scream out in shock. Scrambling around, your boyfriend’s face noticeably paled when he saw you standing there.
“Baby—” he started, causing you to chuck the plastic bowl at him.
“Surprise,” you called sarcastically. Turning to the woman he was with, you added, “Nice meeting you. Have a wonderful Christmas with him.”
You turned on your heel and stormed out as your ex-boyfriend got to his feet. He pulled on his sweatpants and ran out after you, leaving the other woman alone in the bedroom, but you were in no mood to listen to him.
“It’s not my fault,” he stated, earning a scoff from you in return.
“You just accidentally lied to me, brought another woman up here by mistake, and then your dick just magically fell into her vagina? Do you really think I’m that fucking stupid?” you growled, turning to face him.
“You’re always working. And I love you and I cared about our relationship, but I was lonely.”
“Why didn’t you just break up with me? Why didn’t you grow a pair of balls and tell me that you were feeling that way?”
“I didn’t want to be the dick who broke up with you right before Christmas.”
“Oh, so you decided to be the dick who cheated on me right before Christmas instead?” you countered, raising your voice more.
“How do I know that you didn’t do the same? You’re literally living with a guy who’d fuck you if you let him,” your ex-boyfriend snapped back before adding, “Actually, are you fucking him? That would explain a hell of a lot to me.”
“You know what, have a great fucking life,” you replied, turning and heading out of the house. “I’m fucking done.” Reaching for the door handle, you yanked it open and sent one last glare back at him. “Merry fucking Christmas, dickhead.”
Getting into your car, you quickly backed down the driveway. You didn’t let the tears fall until you were on the highway.
It was already pitch black when you returned home, but it wasn’t too late. You could probably just make yourself a quick dinner and then soak in a bath by yourself and decompress. Unlocking the door, you dragged your bag inside and kicked off your shoes, not bothering to be quiet because you assumed that you were alone.
Bradley, who was still home, heard the noise and assumed that someone broke in. Sliding off his bed, he reached for his baseball bat. He held it aloft as he slowly crept out of his bedroom and down the stairs to confront the intruders.
You were lost in your own world, looking through the fridge. The bottle of wine that you stole from your ex was already open on the counter and you contemplated drinking all of it tonight. Closing the door to the fridge, you turned and screamed bloody murder when you spotted Bradley standing there with a baseball bat.
“What the fuck!?” you both shouted at the same time.
You dropped the container that you grabbed and jumped back. Bradley, quickly realizing that it was you, dropped the bat and let out a breath of relief. You held a hand to your heart and leaned back against the cabinet behind you, slowly sliding down to sit on the floor.
“What are you doing here?” you both asked at the same time.
“You were supposed to leave after me,” you stated quietly, causing Bradley to wince.
“Yeah, uh . . . plans changed.”
“Did you have plans in the first place?” you asked him softly.
“. . . No.”
You nodded slowly without any judgment. You simply pulled your knees up to your chest and leaned back against the cabinets. Bradley noted the redness to your eyes and the subtle sniffle and tear stains on your cheeks before slowly walking over to you. Sitting down beside you, he reached up and grabbed the plate on the countertop.
“Cookie for your thoughts?” he offered, causing you to laugh softly.
“You bake?” you asked, picking up a sugar cookie.
“Only around Christmas,” he replied, putting the plate back. He stared at you for a moment before asking, “You want to talk about it?”
“You were right,” you stated, taking a bite of the cookie. Looking down, you chewed slowly. “I found him in bed with another woman.”
“That son of a bitch.” Bradley turned to you with a softer expression. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You didn’t cheat on me,” you replied bitterly, taking another bite of your cookie.
“What did you do?”
“I let the air out of his tires and dumped water on him and her when they were in bed. And I stole their wine,” you added with a laugh. “It’s about the little things.”
“Did he say anything to you?”
“He said that I worked too much and he felt lonely, both of which are perfectly fine, but I would have rather just preferred that he break up with me. And then when I told him that, he accused me of cheating on him.”
“With who?”
“You,” you answered honestly, turning back to him.
“Me?” he replied quietly.
“Yeah. He said you hated him.”
“That’s accurate, especially now,” Rooster agreed, nodding slowly. “Still, I’m sorry that you had to put up with that bullshit. You deserve better than that.”
“Yeah,” you responded softly, staring into Rooster’s big brown eyes. “I do.” The two of you stared at each other for a long moment before you added, “Do you think you can get the fire started?”
Tossing memories of your ex into the fire that Bradley started in the fireplace for you, you smiled over at Rooster as he started to play a song on the piano. He turned to you with a matching smile, pressing his fingers down on the keys.
“Old photos roasting on an open fire,” Bradley sang jokingly, causing you to crack up. “Black smoke nipping at your nose.”
“Just a little bit,” you defended yourself. “And we have the fire extinguisher.”
“I was the one who brought it in,” Bradley reminded you, causing you to turn away with a smile. “And I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Sorry,” you teased, tossing another photo onto the fire. “Please, continue.”
Bradley sang another verse as you finished up with your reminders. Simply standing in front of the fire, you reached for your wine and savored the moment.
“Although it’s been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas,” Rooster sang, locking eyes with you again, “to you.” He finished the chord before slowly removing his fingers from the keys. With a softer look in his eyes, he added, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Bradley.”
The two of you continued to hold your shared stare as you slowly walked over to the piano. Bradley stared up at you as you stepped up beside him. He turned in his seat a bit, almost inviting you in. He didn’t make a move to reach for you, letting you dictate what happened, but he didn’t pull away when you slowly leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He rested a hand on your cheek, matching your passion, and happily accepting you onto his lap.
There was a layer of frost on the sliding door on Christmas morning. The fire burned itself out the night before, but there was still a warmth that lingered in the room, even though the embers had lost their glow. While there were stockings hung up on the mantle, there was a collection of four socks—two pairs—on the rug. Accompanied by two pairs of pants, a sweater, a tank top, a bra, two pairs of underwear, and a partridge in a pear tree. On a tee shirt anyways.
Slowly coming out of your deep sleep, you cuddled further into Bradley’s chest. He was still asleep with his arm draped over your waist and his head resting on a pillow. He had thrown a thick blanket over the two of you the night before and you pulled it up and over your shoulders. You started to drift off to sleep again, but when you felt Bradley’s hand start to travel up and down your back in a soothing pattern, you picked your head up.
“Morning,” he greeted you, causing you to smile.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” he returned, wrapping his arm just a little tighter around you. “How’d you sleep?”
“Great. You’re really warm,” you mused, resting your head on his chest again. “What time is it?”
“Doesn’t matter, it’s Christmas.”
“Good point.” Sitting up, you offered Bradley a soft kiss in greeting. Pulling back, you held yourself up as Bradley’s smile grew. “So, what do you normally do, first thing on Christmas morning?”
“Unwrap presents of course.”
You pulled the blanket back over you as Bradley teased it down. Offering him a jokingly sharp look, you laid down against his chest.
“Make me breakfast first.”
“I can make us waffles,” Bradley offered, causing you to hum in agreement. “With strawberries.” You literally moaned as he added, “with whipped cream and maple syrup.”
“If you make me that, I’ll give you your present early,” you offered, pulling Bradley in for another kiss that he eagerly returned.
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spiderwcd · 8 months
siren lake c.b.
pairing: colby brock x mermaid/siren ! f ! reader
summary: they come to explore the haunted lake, but maybe it wasn't just haunted.
warning(s): mentions of deaths, near drowning, profanity, near-death experiences mystical creatures, etc.
w.c.: 3.3k
a/n: guys, please don't hate me!! i've been away so long, ive been having writer's block and then i've been so busy with my life and having the worst luck ever (they weren't wrong about that fanfic writer curse) but trust me! i have a lot of works saved, slowly plowing through them.
images from pinterest !
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“Dude,” Sam abruptly jumped from his seat on the couch, carrying his laptop over to Colby. “Look at this.” He pointed the screen towards him, revealing his discovery.
Colby curiously averted his gaze over to the screen, reading the article that was pulled up. “W-What am I looking at here, Sam?” he inquired, raising a brow towards him.
“Well, someone sent me this article about this supposedly haunted lake,” Sam began, plopping himself next to Colby on the couch. “They say that these entities are haunting it, causing a bunch of disappearances.” He finally added.
Taking a moment, Colby glanced at the article, contemplating. “I mean, it’s worth a shot,” Colby muttered, facing towards his best friend.
In due time, they arrived in Michigan, the Land of the Lakes. Colby had been studying about this mysterious lake, finding holes in different stories. It was something unknown to him, unable to find an obvious answer here.
“Okay, so as we know,” Sam began, looking over at Colby from the driver’s seat. “This lake is in the middle of the forest, near some campsites.” Sam clarified.
Colby nodded, understanding his statement, “Don’t forget to mention the disappearances, also about the spirit that drowns first in the 80s.” He pointed out.
Sam nodded in return, pursing his lips as he attempted to dig further into his thoughts. “Oh, what about the mermaid theory?” Sam suddenly blurted out.
Colby scoffed, looking over at Sam with a slight grimace. “Seriously? Mermaids?” Colby murmured, flipping through his notebook. “I mean, sure, it’s a fun idea to entertain, but we both know that’s not real.”
“Oh hey, come on,” Sam nudged Colby, still steering the wheel of the car. “It’s nice to have an imagination here, Colby.” Sam chuckled, patting him on the shoulder before placing both hands on the wheel.
Colby shook his head, smiling as he studied the pages of research. He examined the illustration on the page, deep into toying with the idea. He shook his head once more, closing the page as he thought about the ridiculous idea.
The car came to a halt, prompting Colby to face upward to the scene. His jaw flew open in amazement, admiring the large forest surrounding them. The middle showcased a lake larger than he had envisioned.
“Woah,” Colby muttered, exiting the car to get a better view. “Did not expect it to be so gorgeous out here.”
“Even if this comes to a dead end, at least we’ll have a good time in the middle of the forest.” Sam joked.
“You must be Sam and Colby,” they had suddenly heard, causing them to avert their gaze over to the voice. “Hi, I’m Ben.” The man waved over towards the two.
The duo made their way towards their host, introducing each other.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Ben had asked them.
“Oh yes,” Sam nodded, glancing around once again. “Very nice, exceeded our expectations.”
“That’s great,” Ben chuckled, leading the two towards the cabin that peered over the ominous lake. “Cause the two of you will be staying here, so get used to it.”
Sam and Colby glance at each other for a moment, following Ben towards the door. As they entered, they studied the room. It wasn’t one of their Airbnbs, but it was still nice, grateful for a roof and not a tent. 
Colby’s eyes slowly averted towards the window, as if an irresistible force was pulling him towards the lake. But swiftly pulled away at the pat on his shoulder, facing towards the grasp.
“Isn’t that right, Colby?” Sam asked him, confusing Colby. 
“Huh? Oh yeah, for sure.” Colby randomly replied, going along with Sam’s story. 
“Alright, I’ll let ya get to it then,” Ben sighed, making his way toward the entrance. “I’ll come back in the morning to check on y’all. Remember to check the list I left every night.” He pointed out. 
Once Ben had exited the campground, leaving the duo alone in the woods. Colby let out a breath as he planted himself onto one bed, rubbing his eyes slightly. 
“Well, what did you want to start with?” Sam asked, plopping next to him. “Did you want to do the intro or do more research?” 
Colby peaked from his hands, looking towards Sam. “Uh, let’s just figure out our intro and record that, followed by more research,” he answered. 
They didn’t waste any time, every minute counted for them. Considering the way the sun crept through the blinds and curtains, the time was very limited. Colby’s fingers started to cramp from the various writing and typing, along with the migraine sneaking in.
“That’s it,” Colby blurted, tossing the pencil down. “I think it’s time to throw the towel. I need a break.”
“Me too,” Sam sighed. “If I have to write one more thing, my head might explode.”
Colby dryly chuckled, planting himself onto his feet. “I’m just gonna go out onto the pier. I need some time alone.” 
He opened the door, letting the cool wind hit his face. He quickly closed the door, walking towards the wooden structure. Colby let out a groan as he crossed his legs, overlooking the large body of water. He ran his hand through his hair, attempting to relax as he listened to the soft music of the forest. 
But he lost his train of thought, a splash ringing out. Colby curiously raised his brow, searching for the source of the ripple of water. He focused in on one area, unable to take his eyes off. 
Colby soon got interrupted by a ringing from his pocket, pulling his eyes away from the lake. He picked himself off the wobbling planks, retrieving his phone. 
“Hello?” he answered, still glancing over towards the ominous lake. 
“Colby, get in here,” Sam waved over from the window, still on the line. “I found something.” 
Colby hung up the phone call, stuffing the phone back into his pocket. As he entered the cabin, Sam quickly dashed his way and shoved his laptop into Colby’s face. 
“Look.” Sam smugly grinned. 
Colby looked at his best friend before looking back towards the screen. 
‘Sirens in Michigan?’ 
“Sam,” Colby tried to protest, but Sam was persistent. 
“Listen, we hunt ghosts. How much different can this be?” Sam scoffed, attempting to change Colby’s mind. “Can you at least be open to the idea?” 
Colby looked at Sam with a blank look, crossing his arms. “Fine, we can be open to the idea, but I’m still skeptical about it all.”
The next day arrived, prompting the boys to prepare their video at last. Colby stood at the edge of the lake, awaiting Sam to finish setting up the camera. Sam gave Colby a thumbs up, signaling everything was ready. 
“Hey, what’s up guys!” Sam greeted. “It’s Sam and Colby, and we’re here at the Siren Lake in Michigan!” he panned the camera towards the lake and treeline. 
“We’re here to investigate the various spirits that might be roaming the lake,” Colby began explaining. “But also, as the name suggests, there might be more than just spirits here.” 
“That’s right guys,” Sam chimed in. “There are supposedly sirens, aka mermaids, in this very lake.” 
“If you ask me, I don’t think there’s such a thing,” Colby raised his hands in defense, causing Sam to shake his head. “Listen, ghosts and demons have a lot of proof and we’ve seen them, but mermaids?” Colby scoffed. 
“I think you’ll say differently later,” Sam smirked. “Cause one of us is gonna have to go onto the pier and talk to the said spirits or whatever roams that lake.” 
The two continued to talk, making their way around the lake for a bit. 
“Okay, so the history of this lake begins with a family, as most do,” Sam began. “The Bradson family had owned this lake from generations ago until the 80s.” 
“The only reason they had sold it off is because they used to run a camp here until odd drownings had appeared,” Colby added. “And all of them were all men.” 
“That doesn’t give us a lot of comfort, does it now?” Sam joked, nervously laughing into the camera. 
“Our guide and the owner of the campgrounds will be here in a moment to explain more in-depth,” Colby explained. “He knows more than we do.”
Just in time, a car pulled back onto the dirt road. Ben exited his car, greeting the boys once more. 
“Perfect timing,” Sam laughed. “We just began introducing you.” 
Ben chuckled, making his way towards the two, “Almost as if I was summoned here.” He joked. 
Sam turned on his camera, recording once more, “So actually, as we closed our camera, our guide just pulled in.” He chuckled, pointing it towards Ben. “Say hello to Ben.” He introduced
“Alright, Ben, we just want to know what you know,” Colby started, crossing his arms slightly. “Tell us your secrets.” 
“As you must already know, this used to be a campground until the 80s,” Ben began. “Do you know why they call it Siren Lake?” He asked the two.
Sam glanced over to Colby with a grin, causing Colby to roll his eyes. 
“Yeah, we might have an idea,” Sam answered. 
“Well, people started talking about how the victims were all men,” Ben pointed out. “A rumor started that they were ‘seduced’ over to the water and murdered by a siren.” 
“Really? Sirens?” Colby scoffed, laughing a bit. 
“Yep, since the lake connects to a river that leads to the ocean, they assumed that something supernatural might cause of this.” Ben chuckled at Colby’s reaction. 
“Can you tell Colby is a skeptic about mermaids?” Sam teased. 
“Oh, that’s alright, he won’t be by the end of the trip,” Ben replied. 
While heading to the pier, Ben entertained the group with tales of the profound history and personal experiences of different individuals.
“So tell us, have you seen the siren?” Sam asked curiously. 
Ben thought about it for a moment. “You know, I have,” he nodded. “I was letting a group of guys stay here for the night. I went to check on them and they were freaking out about their friend seeing something. So I went to check out the lake because I figured they saw something and freaked out. But when I stopped at the edge of the pier, I saw something peeking at me through the water.” 
“Woah, that’s so weird,” Sam muttered. “What did you do?” 
“Well, I thought it was someone playing some joke, so I yelled at them to get out of the water and it was private property.” Ben shrugged. “But they just stared at me for a second so I pointed my flashlight over, which made them go underwater and splash away, and I saw bluish silver scales on the biggest fish's tail I’ve ever seen.” 
Sam looked over to Colby, a smug look on his face as if he was saying ‘told you so’. 
“I’d be careful, boys,” Ben warned. “Even you, Colby, sirens are no joke. They will lure you and drown you. Just be careful.” 
“Thank you, Ben.” Sam thanked him, shaking his hand before letting him return to his daily work. 
Sam turned over to Colby, “I told you, what happened to having an open mind?” 
“I’m trying, but mermaids? It’s hard to wrap my head around.” Colby responded. “I already have enough of ghosts and demons.” 
Sam rolled his eyes at his best friend. “Okay, let’s just talk about the spirits. Surely you’ll keep an open mind about that.” He patted Colby on the back, pulling out the various equipment. 
Sam turned on the rem pod, placing it down onto the pier, followed by the Alice box.
“Alright guys, so we’re now gonna talk about the spirits,” Sam sighed. “There were about 3 guys that drowned. They weren’t even able to recover any of their bodies because of how deep this lake is.” 
“Yeah, so their bodies could still be down there,” Colby added, shivering at the thought of it. 
“There’ are a lot of theories about how these guys died, most of them saying they were drunk or under the influence. There’s also speculation that they died from how cold the water was, causing hypothermia, but of course, there’s the siren theory,” Sam stated. “Sirens, though, tend to just kill to kill. It’s said that it killed them because they were terrible guys.” 
“They were awful, apparently having a reputation of being sleazy and gross,” Colby added, having a grimace grow on his face at the idea. “But we’ll try to find out through the spirit box and maybe the Estes method.” 
“I think since I’m more open-minded, unlike my colleague,” Sam teased, pointing the camera towards Colby who shook his head. “I’m gonna be doing the Estes method.” 
They quickly turned on the devices in hand, thinking of questions. 
“Alright, Uh, is there anyone here?” Sam asked to the open, listening carefully as the crickets chirped and the night wind blew past them. 
“Who are you referring to?” Sam responded. 
“Yep, there’s water here. Is this where you passed away?” Colby nodded, shifting his weight. 
“...rocks… drown…” 
Sam snapped his head towards Colby, a confused look painted on his face. “Woah,” he muttered. Colby agreed, looking back at the Alice box.
“Who are you? Are you one of three men that drowned here?” Sam added, biting his lip as he rubbed his chin with his finger. 
Colby’s jaw dropped, facing the camera. "They're not gonna believe that, but one of the men who passed away was named Micheal Anderson," Colby said, his jaw dropping as he faced the camera.
Sam’s face contorted to one of confusion, looking at Colby for answers. “Maybe they’re saying they don’t remember how they died? I mean, the water gets freezing.”
Colby nodded, attempting to decipher the various words and their meanings. “Can you tell us what happened? Did you guys just die from the cold water or drown from drinking too much?”
“Huh, maybe the siren theory was right?” Sam nudged Colby. 
“Yeah right,” Colby sneered. “Maybe they died from something else.” 
“Look, it’s even trying to warn us,” Sam pointed out, but soon the familiar red light and blaring sound appeared from the rem pod, alerting the two. “Oh my god, that scared the fuck out of me,” Sam murmured, pointing the camera towards the flashing device. 
“Is that you Micheal? Or is someone else making that flash?” Colby asked, stepping away from the rem pod as the light continued to circle. 
Colby blurted out in laughter, followed by Sam. “Wow, maybe they were jerks.” 
“I think maybe the Estes Method will give us a simple answer then,” Sam said, calming down from the fit of laughter. 
Colby turned off the spirit box, handing Sam the bandana followed by the headphones. Once he had put them on, Colby showed the camera that Sam couldn’t respond.
“Okay, so let’s begin,” Colby sighed. “Okay, can you give us a straightforward answer to what happened here? You guys are being very hush-hush about the answer.” 
“Pier,” Sam blurted out. “Something dangerous.” 
“Yeah, some can say drinking and swimming are dangerous,” Colby joked. “Can you clarify more?” 
“Beware of the woman,” Sam answered. 
Colby felt his heart drop, unable to comprehend what that could mean. “Uh, what woman?” 
“She calls for you,” Sam responded, confusion in his voice. “Watching you.” 
A shiver ran down Colby’s spine, goosebumps covering his skin. “W-Wha… Watching me?” Colby repeated, hearing the familiar splashing near the pier. 
Colby snapped his head up, his eyes attempting to adjust to the dark as the moonlight hit the ripples. Colby pointed his flashlight over to the deep gray water, searching for the source, just as he had done earlier in the day. 
Sam continued to speak, unknowing of his best friend’s search. Colby’s feet stopped at the edge of the pier, ignoring all the sounds in the background. He let out a sigh of relief, unable to find any evidence of anything going on. 
But as soon as Colby put down his flashlight, he felt large hands pressed up against his back. Colby, unable to retain his balance, fell into the deep cold waters, which had created a large splash that traveled to Sam. 
Sam tore the headphones and blindfold off his head, turning around to look at Colby as he floated to the top. 
“Woah, you alright, man?” Sam hurried to the edge, squatting down as he offered a hand to him. 
Colby let out a laugh, swimming towards the pier. “Someone fucking pushed me in.” He muttered, reaching for Sam’s grasp. 
He was about to grab Sam’s palm, but felt a tug at the end of his legs. “What the fuck, something grabbed-” 
Colby’s sentence soon cut off as he got pulled under the water. He kicked the unknown entity, gasping for air as he heard Sam’s voice muffle as he called out for him. 
Colby thrashed, adrenaline kicking in as he attempted to free himself. Colby looked down at the void of the lake, unable to find the source. Water filled his mouth, oxygen slowly escaping his body. His body sank, and the energy to fight slowed. 
Colby had accepted there wasn’t a way out of this doom, looking up as he slowly descended into the seemingly never-ending waters. His vision slowly distorted as he examined the murky waters above him. 
“Wow, I never realized it was a full moon tonight,” was all he could think about 
Just as he thought it was the end, he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. A figure slowly circled him as it made its way past the moonlit waters, a glow of bluish silver reflecting as its hair sprawled around it. 
Well, it wasn’t rather it; it was a woman. Colby wanted to react, but his body slowly shut down as his vision darkened. She was beautiful, her skin flawless and her long hair engulfing them as she touched his face as if she examined his features. 
Colby’s vision became dark, becoming unconscious. She doesn’t remember men being this flawless, gliding her fingers across his skin. His tattoos caught her eye, something odd about painting skin to her. A frown grew on her face, looking back up at the land above as blue and red lights danced around the surface of the water. 
She looked back at Colby, knowing the minutes were passing by. She quickly grabbed his arm, carrying his limp body up. Peeking over the water, she glanced around at the various people walking around. She bit her lip, brainstorming ideas. 
The mermaid decided it was best to leave him by the shore, where Sam was pacing and freaking out. She knows if she does this, who knows if her identity will be safe? But something against her nature knew this one thing: she did not want the beautiful man to perish. 
She drew him above the water, grunting as she pulled his seemingly lifeless body towards the wet rocks. She looked back at him, her brows furrowing as she fought within herself whether she did the right thing. Under the water once more, she dove, splashing as she vanished, making her way under the pier to observe the scene. 
It wasn’t long until many flashlights lit up the shore, revealing Colby’s drenched and pale body. Sam let out a cry, watching as his best friend coughed and gasped for air as the water exited his lungs. Sam embraced him, relief washing over him as he recovered from his accident. 
Colby sat at the edge of the patient compartment of the ambulance, wrapped in a towel, drowning out as the EMTs and various cops talked to Sam as he stared towards the lake. Something inside him was fighting whether he had made up the mysterious creature or, by some miracle, it was all true. 
Colby jumped as Sam’s hand landed on his shoulder. “Dude, what the hell happened? I thought you were gone. The cops said you were lucky to even make it out of that lake.” 
Colby looked up at Sam before glancing back at the body of water. “I think a mermaid just saved me.”
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thank you guys for reading!
I'm sorry if it's short, Its just something I put together in one day. I do value your opinion, so please do tell me what you think!!
expect more stories soon!
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Honeymoon -W2S
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words: 0.5k+
warnings: light smut, swearing.
summary: you and Harry enjoy your romantic honeymoon in the Maldives.
notes: this is my 100th one shot!!💌 Thank you to everyone who interacts with my posts and also my silent viewers💞. I hope you enjoy this part two to the wedding fic🫶🏼. Love ya!🤗
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Me and Harry got married yesterday. Today we're leaving for our honeymoon and I'm so excited. We decided on the Maldives. It's private, beautiful and has great food. We spent the night in a nice airbnb then grabbed our pre packed bags and left for the airport. Some people don't immediately go on their honeymoon but since we had a small wedding we wanted to get straight into the holiday.
When we arrived (after a very long flight) the warm air hit my face and I savoured it. Luckily the British weather had blessed us with sun for our outdoor wedding but it definitely wasn't the warmest. We had to get a sea plane to actually get to the island where we'll be staying. When it landed we were taken to our villa and given a quick tour by one of the staff.
"This place is beautiful! I can't believe we have an entire week here." I turned to Harry once the man had left. He pulled me into him. "I know, I can't wait." He smirked at me. I raised my eyebrows. "I need to get ready for dinner." I pulled away from him. "Just a quickie?" He proposed. I ran back towards him. "Five minutes." I told him. "Mhm." He hummed as he yanked my shirt over my head.
Ten minutes later we hopped into the shower then I began getting ready for dinner. I blow dried my hair, put on a little bit of makeup then picked out a pretty white sundress. I slipped on some matching white sandals then went to find Harry. I found him stood outside looking at the view. I smiled. He turned then his eyes widened. "Oh wow." He looked me up and down.
We walked to the restaurant hand in hand. It felt amazing to have no work, fans or proper responsibilities to worry about. We're just in our own little world. When we sat down to eat (at one of the cute outdoor tables) we ordered some drinks. We'd both already decided that we weren't going to drink loads during this week since we didn't want to wake up every morning with a headache so I ordered a fancy mock tail.
By the time we'd eaten our food it was already getting dark. Harry payed then we walked back to the villa. He unlocked the door and I went inside. Immediately his hands were roaming my body from behind. I turned around in his grip. Then I cocked my head to the side. He smirked at me once again. I gently kissed his lips. Suddenly the kiss turned desperate. Harry pressed me up against the wall, his hands either side of my head. I held onto his face.
Quickly he removed his shirt. Then he broke the kiss and turned his attention to my dress. Gently his hands pulled the thin straps from my shoulders. The dress fell to the floor with a light thump, pooling around my feet. I kicked it away. He admired my body, now only wearing a small white thong. "I'll never get bored of you. You're so fucking incredible." He breathed out. I smiled then lightly kissed his lips. "Then fuck me." I whispered into his mouth. Harry flung me over his shoulder in one swift swoop. I giggled as he dropped me onto the massive bed. "Don't you worry mrs Lewis, I will."
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boobear061 · 3 months
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Namjoon, Father In Law and Husband
Summary: Y/n had sex with her father in law Namjoon and Jungkook caught them and ended up in a threesome
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
WC: 9.380
Warning: daddy kink, kissing, swearing, y/n is on the pill, oral ( m&f receiving), nipple play, hand job, blow job, fingering, spanking, choking, hair pulling, doggy style, grinding, anal sex, protective sex, double penetration
~ Y/n's POV ~
I am here with my husband Jungkook on our way to the Airbnb that we are going to stay with his parents for the weekend.
Jungkook and I are newlyweds, we got married 2 months ago, it is going great, I am so in love with this man, he treats me so good. I'm so blessed to have him in my life.
Jungkook intertwined our fingers, bring our hands up, kissed the back of my hand, bring our hands down, and rest it on his thigh. When the red light came on, he stopped the car, looked at me, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he deepened the kiss, pulled away, looked at the road, and drove off when the light turned green.
We arrived at the Airbnb, I looked out of the window in awe when I saw the house, it is so beautiful, Jungkook and I stepped out of the car, walked over to the trunk, and we grabbed our suitcases.
Walked over to the front door, Jungkook rang the doorbell, the door opened, my Mother in law opened the door, smiled at us and said " Hey you two. "
Jungkook smiled and said " Hey Eomma. "
I smiled and said " Hi Sieomeoni. " ( Mother In Law )
" Come in. "
We walked inside the house, she closed the door behind us, looked at us and said " Let me show you where you two going to be staying. "
We nod our heads, followed her down the hallway, she opened the door, looked at us and said " This is your room, I'll let you two get settled in. * Looked at Jungkook * Your Appa and I are going to be in the kitchen. "
" Okay. "
Sieomeoni walked away, Jungkook and I walked inside the room, he closed the door, I looked around and said " The room looks so beautiful. "
I walked over to the window, looked at the view said " What a beautiful view, * Looked at Jungkook * Yeobo, come look. "
Jungkook walked over to me, stand behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed my cheek, we looked at the view, and he said " The view is beautiful. "
I smiled and said " Yes, it is. "
He kissed my temple and said " Let's get settled in. "
" Alright. "
He unwrapped his arms away from my waist, we got ourselves settled in, walked out of the room to the hallway, heard voices and we walked over to the kitchen.
Sieomeoni looked at us and said " There you two are. "
My Father in law Namjoon looked at us and said " Hey you two. "
" Hey Appa. " Jungkook said.
" Hi Siabeoji. " I said. ( Father in law )
Sieomeoni looked at me and said " Y/n, how many times do we have to tell you to call us by our names? We are family. "
I nod my head and said " Sorry Min-Jun. "
" That's okay Y/n. " Namjoon said and smiled at me.
I gotta admit, Namjoon is a very attractive man. One of the most attractive man I've ever seen besides my husband. I know he's Jungkook's Dad but it won't hurt to just look, right?
We are here eating dinner, I looked at Min-Jun and said " The food is really good Min-Jun. "
She smiled at me and said " Thank you Y/n. "
I am sitting next to Namjoon while Jungkook is sitting next to his Mom across from us, Namjoon's spoon fell off the table, and said " Oops. "
He got down to get the spoon, I ate my food, froze when I felt Namjoon caressing my leg to my thigh, I swallowed my food, he gently squeezed my thigh, and sat up with the spoon.
" I'll get a new spoon. " Namjoon said and got up.
~ Namjoon's POV ~
I walked over to the kitchen, put the spoon in the sink, got a new spoon, turned around and looked at Y/n, she looked at me, when she noticed that I'm looking at her, she quickly looked away and drank her water.
I gotta admit she is very good looking. Ever since Jungkook introduced us to her, I've been noticing that she's been checking me out. To be honest with you, I don't mind at all. I kinda liked it.
My son is a lucky man.
I walked over to the table, sat down next to her, Jungkook and my wife are having a conversation, I rest my hand on her thigh, gently rake my nails, and squeezed her thigh. I looked at her, she bite her bottom lip so I said " Are you okay Y/n? "
She looked at me, nod her head and said " Yes, I'm okay. "
~ Y/n's POV ~
What is he doing?! His wife and my husband is front of us, this is so wrong.
He rubbed circles on my thigh with his thumb, goosebumps rising, I cleared my throat, looked at Min-Jun and said " Excuse me, where's the bathroom? "
She told me the where the bathroom is, I nod my head, Namjoon moved his hand away from my thigh, I got up from the chair and walked over to the bathroom.
I walked in, closed the door behind me, looked at myself in the mirror, saw my face a little red, and tried to calm myself down. I gotta admit, I am a little turned on right now, why is he doing this? He's my father in law for crying out loud!
~ Namjoon's POV ~
I looked Jungkook and my wife and said " I'll be right back, I'm going to make a quick call. "
" Okay. " They said.
I grabbed my phone, got off the chair, walked over to my office which is in the same direction where the bathroom is at, I walked over to the bathroom door, leaned against the wall and wait for Y/n to come out.
The door opened, Y/n walked out, she closed the door behind her, turned around, jumped a little when she saw me and said " Siabe- Namjoon, you scared me. "
I chuckled and said " Sorry. "
We looked at each other, she cleared her throat and said " Uh, I'm going back to the dining room. "
I walked over to her, she backed up, her back is pressed against the bathroom door, I stand in front of her, she gulped and said " W-What are you doing? "
I bring my hands on the door, looked into her eyes, she gulped and I said " You are so beautiful Y/n. "
Her eyes widened and said " W-What? "
I smiled at her and said " You heard me, you're beautiful. "
She blushed, didn't say anything, and I said " You think I didn't noticed? "
" Noticed what? "
" That you've been checking me out. "
She shooked her head and said " I haven't done- "
I chuckled and said " Don't lie to me baby, I've seen the way you were checking me out. * Leaned in * I gotta admit, I find you attractive. "
" You do?
I nod my head, noticed that she didn't move away, I looked down at her lips, looked at her, she gulped, closed the distance between us and kissed her lips. She quickly pulled away, slapped my face, I looked at her, and she whispered loudly " Are you crazy?! Your wife and my husband is downstairs! "
" They don't have to know. " I leaned in for another kiss.
She pushed me back, walked down the hallway and I said " Don't deny that you felt something in that kiss. "
She stopped walking, turned around, looked at me, walked over to me, cupped my face with her hands, leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed her back, wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her close to me, she pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " This is wrong. "
Y/n walked away, I let out a sigh, licked my bottom lip, run my fingers through my hair, cleared my throat and walked inside the bathroom to calm myself down.
~ Y/n's POV ~
I can't believe that just happened, I just kissed my father in law! I gotta admit, I did felt something in that kiss but it's so wrong.
When I got to the dining room, Jungkook looked at me and said " Hey Jagiya. "
I smiled at him and said " Hey Yeobo. "
Min-Jun is washing the dishes, Jungkook got off the chair, walked over to me, cupped my face with his hands, leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, he wrapped his arms around my waist, I wrapped mine around his neck, he pulled me close to him and we heard " Hey, I'm back. "
We pulled away from the kiss, looked at Namjoon who looked a little annoyed, we pulled away from each other, I looked away, bite my bottom lip, Jungkook looked at me and said " Come on, let's go watch a movie. "
I nod my head, Jungkook looked at his parents and said " We'll be in the movie room. "
" Okay. " Min-Jun said.
2:00 am
I woke up by the feeling of my throat dry, I looked at Jungkook who is facing at me, I leaned in, softly gave him a kiss on his forehead, got off the bed, and put on my slides. I walked out of the room to the kitchen, got myself some water, took a sip out of it, and jumped a little when I heard " Hey Y/n. "
I turned around, saw Namjoon, I cleared my throat, looked away, took a sip out of my water, Namjoon walked over to me and said " What are you doing up? "
" I got thirsty. What about you? "
" I can't sleep. "
I nod my head and he said " Listen, I'm sorry about what happened. I got a little carried away, I couldn't help myself. "
" It's okay, no worries. "
We looked at each other, he got himself some water, I looked at his neck, bite my bottom lip, looked away, from the corner of my eye, Namjoon smirked and said " I saw that. "
" You didn't see nothing. "
" Oh, I did. " He set his cup down on the counter, stand in front of me, I felt my heart race, he bring his hand to my cheek and caressed it.
I blushed and said " What are you doing? "
" Nothing, just looking at you. Is that wrong? "
I shooked my head and said " No, it's not. "
With a blink of an eye Namjoon cupped my face with his hands, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he wrapped his hands around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He quickly pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " Fuck, I'm sorry. I can't help myself I- "
I kissed him, he kissed me back, pulled me closer to him, deepened the kiss, our tongues fought for dominance, and he won. He lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso, he sat me down on the kitchen island, pulled away from the kiss, and kissed the left side of my neck.
He leave wet kisses up and down, I run my fingers through his hair, gently pulled on it which made him moan against my neck, he moved away, looked at me, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes and he said " If you wanna stop, tell me now or I won't be able to hold myself back. "
I run my hands up and down his chest and said " No, don't stop. I want you to keep going. "
" Are you sure? "
I leaned in, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, I wrapped my arms around his neck, with my legs I pulled him closer to me, he deepened the kiss, I pulled away from the kiss, looked at him and said " Don't stop. Keep going. Touch me, please. "
He cupped my boobs with his hands, gave them a squeeze, I bite my bottom lip, felt myself getting really turned on, Namjoon circled his thumbs my hard nipples through my black cami top, and I let out a low moan when he gently pulled on my nipples.
" That feels so good. " I whispered.
" Yeah? " He whispered back.
I nod my head, he leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, our tongues fought for dominance, he squeezed my boobs which made me moaned softly against the kiss, he pulled away from the kiss and we looked at each other with lust in our eyes.
He kissed the left side of my neck, leave wet kisses down to my chest, licked my left nipple through my cami top, I bite my bottom lip, and he lowered my top exposing my boobs. I blushed, he licked my left nipple, blew air on it which caused my nipple to harden, he flicked his tongue on my nipple, and sucked on it.
I run my fingers through his hair, gently pulled on it, closed my eyes, hold in my moans, Namjoon's mouth left my boob with a pop, and did the same attention to the right nipple.
" Oh fuck. " I whispered.
I felt myself getting soaking wet, Namjoon bring his hand in between my legs, rubbed me through my shorts, goosebumps started rising through my body, my legs closed a bit which made his mouth left my boob and looked at me.
" Keep your legs open. "
I spread my legs open, he continued rubbing me, I bite my bottom lip to hold in my moans, he went back to sucking on my nipple, and rubbed me a little faster.
His mouth left my boob with a pop, looked at me, stopped rubbing me, put his hand inside my shorts, rubbed my clit, and slowly insert his fingers inside my pussy.
I let out a low gasp, he began to finger fuck me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, bring him close to me, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, and I moaned softly against the kiss.
Namjoon deepened the kiss, fingered me a little faster and deeper, our tongues fought for dominance, the wetness of my pussy echoed the kitchen, I pulled away from the kiss and we looked at each other and he whispered " Your pussy is so fucking wet for me Y/n. Fuck, I can't wait to fuck you. Would you let me? "
I didn't respond which made Namjoon wrapped his hand around my neck, choking me which caught me by surprised and whispered in my ear " I asked you a question. "
" Yes. "
" Yes, what? "
" I'll let you fuck me. "
He unwrapped his hand away from my neck, I gulped, he fingered me faster, with his other hand he squeezed my left boob, and I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle my moans.
My pussy clenched against his fingers, Namjoon whispered in my ear " Cum for me Y/n, come on. * Fingered her faster * Cum for your Siabeoji. "
I moaned against my hand, fist my hand on his shirt, he fingered me deeper, I cummed against his fingers, he moved his fingers out of my pussy and took his hand out of my shorts. He bring his fingers to his mouth, licked and sucked on them, let out a low moan, moved his fingers away from his mouth, leaned in and kissed my lips.
I kissed him back, our tongues fought for dominance, he pulled away from the kiss, cupped my face with his hands, kissed my forehead, pulled away, looked at me and said " Goodnight Princess. "
He moved back, walked out of the kitchen without a word, I catched my breath, blushed, cleared my throat, fixed my shirt, and got off the kitchen island. Walked over to the room that I'm staying with Jungkook, saw that he is sleeping, walked over to the bed, laid down next to him, looked at Jungkook, and let out a sigh.
I can't believe my father in law fingered me in the kitchen, I gotta admit it turned me on. Snap out of it Y/n, he's your father in law for crying out loud! This is wrong.
* 8:40 am *
I woke up by the feeling of my cheek being caressed, I opened my eyes, Jungkook smiled at me and said " Good morning Jagiya. "
I smiled at him and said " Good morning Yeobo. "
He leaned in, kissed my forehead, pulled away, looked at me and said " I know this may sound crazy but, I want you. Right now. "
I blushed and said " Right now? "
He nod his head and I said " But your parents are downstairs. "
" We just gotta stay quiet. Hmm? Come on, * Kissed the left side of her neck * I want you so bad. "
I run my fingers through his hair, gently pulled on it which made him moan against my neck, and said " Alright. But first, let's brush our teeth. "
Jungkook moved away from my neck, looked at me and said " Okay. "
We got off the bed, walked over to the bathroom, brushed our teeth, once we are done, he looked at me, cupped my face with his hands, kissed my lips, and I kissed him back.
He lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso, he walked over to the bedroom, laid me down on the bed, hovered me and deepened the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance, I let out a low moan against the kiss when I felt him rubbed my clit through my shorts.
I pulled away from the kiss and whispered " Wait, wait. "
He stopped and whispered " What's wrong? "
" You forgot to lock the door. "
" Oh shit, you're right. Hold on. " He quickly got off the bed, speed walked to the door and locked it.
He walked back to the bed, hovered me, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck, bring him close to me, kissed his lips and he kissed me back. I moved my arms away from his neck, bring my hands up and down his bare chest, bring my hands down to his abs and moved them back up to his chest.
Jungkook cupped my boobs with his hands, squeezed them, I moaned against the kiss, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and whispered " Let's take this off. "
I nod my head, sat up, he took off my shirt, threw it across the room, I laid back down, he kissed my lips again, I kissed him back, he squeezed my boobs and gently pulled on my nipples.
He pulled away from the kiss, kissed the left side of my neck, sucked on the skin leaving a hickey, leave wet kisses down to my chest, licked and sucked on my left nipple. I run my fingers through his hair, gently pulled on it which made him moan against my boob.
Jungkook bring his hand down, rubbed my clit through my shorts, I closed my eyes, let out a low moan, his mouth left my boob with a pop, took off my shorts along with my thong and threw it across the room.
He flicked his tongue on my right nipple, gently rubbed my clit with his thumb, I leaned my head back, he rubbed my clit a little faster, moved his mouth away from my boob and licked his way up to my neck. Gave it a kiss, kissed his way up to my cheek, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, moaned against the kiss, spread my legs wider, he pulled away from the kiss, stopped rubbing my clit and got in between my legs.
Jungkook bring his hands up and down on my inner thighs slowly, spit on my clit, I bite my bottom lip, he rest his hands on my legs to keep them open, leaned in and licked my left thigh to my inner thigh slowly.
His eyes never leaving mine, once he got to my inner thigh, he leave wet kisses, kissed his way to my right thigh to do the same attention, I bring my hand to the back of his head, he kissed his way to my clit, and spit on it.
" Please, Daddy. " I begged.
Jungkook slowly rubbed my clit with his thumb, kissed my left inner thigh, looked at me and said " Be patient, baby. Can you fo that for Daddy? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, Daddy. "
He kissed my inner thigh, I closed my eyes, felt him rubbed my clit a little faster, and said " Don't close your eyes baby, I want you to keep then open. "
I opened my eyes, he moved his thumb away from my clit, spit on it, slowly licked it, I let out a low gasp, he flicked his tongue, closed his mouth and sucked on my clit. I moaned softly, he moved his mouth away from my clit, bring two fingers to his mouth getting them all wet, bring them down and slowly insert his fingers inside my pussy.
Jungkook began to finger me, went back on my clit, licked and sucked on it, I grind against his fingers, he fingered me a little faster and deeper.
" Oh fuck, Daddy. Yes. " I whispered and let out a low moan.
His lips smacked against my clit, let out a moan which caused vibrations on my clit, shivers going down my spine, the wetness of my pussy echoing the room, I covered my mouth with my hand and moaned against it.
Jungkook fingered me faster and deeper, flicked his tongue on my clit, I moaned louder against my hand, clenched my pussy against his fingers, he played with his lip piercing and whispered " Cum for me, cum for Daddy. Come on. "
I arched my back, fisted the bed sheets, cummed on his fingers, he moved his mouth away from my clit, kissed my inner thighs, took his fingers out of my pussy, and bring them to his mouth.
He licked and sucked on his fingers, let out a low moan, moved them out of his mouth, hovered me, kissed my lips and I kissed him back. Our tongues fought for dominance, he won, deepened the kiss, I moved my hands up and down his back, he flipped us around, and I straddled his lap.
I pulled away from the kiss, kissed the left side of his neck, sucked on the skin, leaving a little hickey, and leave wet kisses down to his chest. I licked my way to his abs, leave wet kisses, go in between his legs, and cupped his hard on through his boxers.
Looked at him, he played with his lip piercing, I moved my hand up and down, gave his hard on a little squeeze, and he let out a low moan. I took off his boxers, threw them across the room, grabbed his hard on, licked the shaft of his dick to the tip, gave it a kiss, and slowly jerked him off.
Saw pre-cum oozing out, I licked it off, swallowed it, spit on his dick, spread his dick with my hand and jerked him off. Looked at Jungkook, he leaned his head back, licked his lips, I insert his dick in my mouth, gave him a blowjob, he looked at me, bring his hand to the back of my head and I insert more of his dick.
I felt him to the back of my throat, moaned against his dick, deep throat him, he moaned my name and said " Oh fuck, that feels so good. Keep going baby, fuck.. "
I deep throat him faster, moaned against his dick, with my free hand I cupped his balls, gave them a gentle squeeze, I moved my mouth away from his dick, spit on it and spread it around.
Jerked his dick a little fast, he leaned his head back and said " Oh fuck.. Y/n, fuck. "
Jungkook moaned, I gave him a blowjob faster, he bring his hand to the back of my head, thrust his hips, I choked on his dick, and he said " Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. "
I moaned against his dick, felt him twitch in my mouth, he cummed, moaned my name, I moved my mouth away from his dick and swallowed his cum. Licked the shaft of his dick to the tip, gave it a kiss, got up, straddled his lap, cupped his face with my hands, leaned in and kissed his lips.
Jungkook kissed me back, our tongues fought for dominance, he flipped us around, my back is on the mattress, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " You ready? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, Daddy. "
" Remember to keep quiet. "
I nod my head, wrapped my arms around his neck, bring him close to me, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, insert his dick inside me, and fucked me. We both moaned against the kiss, I moved my hands to his back, run them up and down, gently rake my nails which made him moan against the kiss and fucked me deeper.
He pulled away from the kiss, looked at me, my boobs bounced up and down with every thrust he made, he cupped my boobs with his hands, squeezed them and gently pulled on my nipples.
" Oh fuck, Daddy. "
I spread my legs wider, he fucked me deeper, I hold my moans in, he wrapped his hand around my neck, choked me and said " Rub your clit for me baby. "
I bring my hand down to my clit, rubbed it, he let out a low moan, fucked me a little faster, I rubbed my clit faster, he unwrapped his hand away from my neck, grabbed my legs and bring them up.
Our skins slapped against each other, he fucked me faster, I covered my mouth with my hand, moaned against it, he leaned his head back and said " Oh fuck, you feel so fucking good baby. "
A few minutes later, we both cummed, he put my legs down, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he deepened the kiss, cupped my boobs with his hands and squeezed them. He pulled away from the kiss, caressed my cheek, kissed my forehead, pulled out of me and said " Go on all fours for me baby. "
I go on all fours, he squeezed my ass, spanked it a little, leave wet kisses on my back, kissed his way up to my neck, and gave it a kiss. He kissed his way back to my back, gave my ass a spank, insert his dick inside my pussy, rest his hands on my hips and slowly fucked me.
I bite my bottom lip, he spanked my ass, fucked me a little faster and deeper, I fist the bed sheets and whispered " Oh fuck. "
Jungkook kissed my back to my neck, kissed my cheek and whispered sweet nothings in my ear, I closed my eyes, and moaned his name. He wrapped his hand around my neck, choked me, fucked me even faster, and whispered in my ear " I love you so much. "
I moaned and said " I love you too. "
He let go of my neck, grabbed a fist fold of my hair, pulled on it, fucked me deeper, I grabbed a pillow, and moaned against it.
" Oh fuck, Y/n. "
Jungkook spanked my ass hard which echoed the room, let go of my hair, bring his hands on my hips, and fucked me faster. We both moaned, our skins slapped against each other, he grabbed my arms, put them behind my back, I let out a little loud moan which made him said " Shhh, be quiet or else I'm gonna stop. "
" Daddy, yes, keep going. "
A few minutes later, we both cummed, he let go of my arms, pulled out of my pussy, we catched our breaths, he kissed my cheek and said " Come on, let's go take a shower. "
We got off the bed, Jungkook stand in front of me, cupped my face with his hands, leaned in, kissed my lips and I kissed him back. He bring his hands to my ass, gave it a squeeze, lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso, he deepened the kiss, and walked over to the bathroom.
He pulled away from the kiss, put me down, opened the shower door, turned on the water, when the temperature is right, we walked inside the shower and let the water hit our bodies.
We looked at each other, I bring my hands to his chest, moved them up and down, kissed the left side of his neck, looked at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck.
Leaned in, kissed his lips, he kissed me back, wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me closer to him, deepened the kiss, bring his hands to my ass, and gave it a squeeze. He pulled away from the kiss, turned me around, pressed my body on the glass wall, my nipples are hardened and shivers going down my spine.
Jungkook lift up my right leg, insert his dick inside my pussy, thrust his hips, kissed my neck, I closed my eyes and moaned his name. I bring my arm up behind me, run my fingers through his hair, he moved away from my neck, I looked at him, leaned in and kissed his lips.
He kissed me back, fucked me a little faster, we both moaned against the kiss, he pulled away from the kiss, let go of my leg, I kept it up, he wrapped his hand around my neck and choked me. We looked at each other with lust in our eyes, he kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he fucked me faster, pulled away from the kiss, and said " Fuck, Y/n. "
" Daddy, fuck. "
The shower started to steam up, the bathroom echoed with our skins slapping together and our moans, he stopped fucking me, unwrapped his hand away from my neck, lift me up, sat down on the bench and I rode him in reverse cowgirl.
My boobs bounced up and down with every move I made, Jungkook bring me close to him, my back is pressed on his chest, and thrust his hips.
He rubbed my clit, gave it a spank which made me jump a little, he fucked me faster and deeper, I moaned his name, cupped my boobs with my hands and gave it a squeeze.
I gently pulled on my nipples, he rubbed my clit fast, with his other hand he choked me, I closed my eyes and moaned his name. A few minutes later, we both cummed, I switched positions facing him, rode him up and down, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes, and he leave wet kisses down to my chest.
He licked and sucked on my left nipple, I run my fingers through his hair, grind against him which made him moan against my boob, he opened his mouth, and flicked his tongue on my nipple.
" Oh fuck! " I moaned.
I rode him faster, his moved away from my boob, looked at me, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he bring his hands down to my ass and gave it a squeeze.
" Fuck, Y/n. Yes, keep going. You feel so fucking good. "
He spanked my ass, I moaned his name, he wrapped his arms around my waist, thrust his hips, I kissed his neck, and moaned against it.
A few minutes later, we both cummed, I kissed his lips, he kissed me back, squeezed my ass, pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " Come on, we should take a shower now. "
I nod my head, he kissed my lips, I kissed him back, pulled away from the kiss, got off him, he got up from the bench and we took a shower.
We got to the kitchen, saw Min-Jun and Namjoon eating and Jungkook said " Good morning. "
They looked at us and said " Good morning. "
We walked over to the dining table, sat down, served ourselves, saw Namjoon got up from the chair, walked over to the kitchen island, and grabbed his phone. When I looked at the kitchen island, I remembered what Namjoon and I did which made me blush and looked down at my food.
I ate my food, took a quick look at Namjoon who was smirking at me as he walked to the dining table, and sat down next to Min-Jun.
We are done eating, I felt Namjoon looking at me, my phone vibrated, I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Namjoon:
Siabeoji ( Namjoon ): Is that a hickey on your neck?
Me: Yes?
Siabeoji ( Namjoon ): If that was me, I would give you a hickey somewhere nobody would notice.
Me: What?
I exit out of the message, locked my phone, set it down on the table, and we all talked about what we are going to do today.
I am here in the bedroom on the phone with my Mom, once I am done, I walked out of the bedroom to the living room, and saw Namjoon sitting down on the couch using his phone.
I looked around, saw that it's only Namjoon, looked at him in confusion and said " Where is everyone? "
He looked up at me and said " They went to the grocery store. So it's just us two. "
I walked over to the couch, sat down next to him, we are quiet, from the corner of my eye he is using his phone, I grabbed the TV remote from the coffee table and turned on the TV.
I changed the channels, left it on my favorite channel, set the remote on the coffee table, from the corner of my eye, Namjoon set his phone on the coffee table and watched the show.
He caught me off guard when he rest his hand on my knee, rubbed circles with his thumb on my scar and said " How did you get this scar? "
He still rubbed on my scar, I gulped, looked at him and said " When I was a kid, I was skateboarding and fell down so that's how I got the scar. "
Namjoon nod his head, we looked at each other, he leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he moved his hand a little higher, I pulled away from the kiss, looked at him and said " Wait, we need to stop. "
" What's wrong? "
I shooked my head, grabbed his hand, moved it away, and said " I can't do this. "
I quickly got off the couch, walked away, Namjoon followed me and said " Wait, Y/n. "
He grabbed my arm, I stopped walking, he stand in front of me, cupped my face with his hands, and said " Look at me. "
I looked at him and he said " If you didn't want this, then why did you kiss me back? "
I stood quiet and he said " Let's face it, we both know you want me just as much as I want you. "
He leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he deepened the kiss, moved his hands away from my face, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.
Namjoon lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso, he walked over to the couch, sat down, I straddled on his lap, and the kiss got heated. Our tongues fought for dominance, he bring his hands down to my ass, gave it a squeeze, lift up my dress a little, run his hands up and down my ass and gave it a spank.
I grind against him, felt his hardness underneath me, we both moaned against the kiss, I pulled away from the kiss, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes, he spanked my ass again and I bite my bottom lip.
I bring my hands up and down his chest, grind against him a little faster, he leaned his head back and said " Oh fuck, Y/n. Keep going. "
He looked at me, cupped my boobs with his hands, squeezed them, I let out a moan, he leaned in, kissed the left side of my neck, I run my fingers through his hair and gently pulled on it. Namjoon let out a moan against my neck, leave wet kisses up and down, pulled away, looked at me, squeezed my boobs and I moaned his name.
I lift up my dress, he bring his hands down, squeezed my ass, spanked it hard, I let out a moan, he bring to my pussy, licked his bottom lip and said " Fuck, you're so wet. Who made you this wet huh? "
I moaned and said " You did. "
I grind against him faster, he leaned his head back, moaned and said " Oh fuck. "
" Namjoon, fuck. " I moaned out loud.
He looked at me and said " Yes, keep going. Keep grinding yourself on me, come on. "
" Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. "
" Me too, cum for me. "
We both grind against each other faster, moaned each other's names, he pulled me close to him, we both cummed, I looked at him, leaned in and kissed his lips. He kissed me back, deepened the kiss, we quickly pulled away when we heard the front gate open.
" Oh shit. " I said and quickly got off him and ran to the room.
I changed into a new thong, cleaned myself a bit, sprayed perfume, walked over to the mirror, make myself look decent before leaving the room, I walked to the kitchen, saw Min-Jun and Jungkook putting the groceries away.
I helped them, saw Namjoon walked in the kitchen, he secretly gave me a wink, I looked away, put the vegetables away, Jungkook walked over to me, wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.
2:20 am
I walked over to the kitchen to get some water, while I'm drinking my water I heard " Hey princess. "
I turned around, saw a shirtless Namjoon, my eyes widened, set my cup down on the counter, and said " Hi. "
He walked over to me, stand in front of me, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my waist. Deepened the kiss, pulled me closer to him, lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso and he sat me down on the kitchen island.
I pulled away from the kiss, looked at him as I run my hands up and down his bare chest and said " I want you. "
He smirked and said " Are you sure? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, I'm sure. "
He leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he pulled away, looked at me and said " Come on, let's go. "
Namjoon put me down, grabbed my hand, I followed him to the guest bedroom, he closed the door behind me, gently pinned me against the door, kissed my lips and I kissed him back. He lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso, he walked over to the bed, and gently laid me down.
He hovered me, pulled away from the kiss, kissed the left side of my neck, leave wet kisses up and down, kissed his way down to my chest, and squeezed my boobs. He took off my cami top, threw it across the room, licked and sucked on my left nipple, I run my fingers through his hair and gently pulled on it.
I bite my bottom lip, he flicked his tongue on my nipple, did the same attention to my right nipple, I let out a low moan and whispered " Oh fuck. "
He leave wet kisses down to my stomach, took off my shorts along with my thong, threw the shorts across the room, I spread my legs open, he looked at my pussy and whispered " Fuck. "
He slowly rubbed my clit, I cupped my boobs with my hands, gave them a squeeze, he moved his thumb away from my clit, got in between my legs, leave wet kisses on my left thigh to my inner thigh.
Kissed his way to my clit, spit on it, flicked his tongue, sucked on my clit, I bring my hand to the back of his head, and gently pulled on it which made him let out a moan against my clit. He moved his mouth away from my clit, insert two fingers inside my pussy, began to finger fuck me, grabbed my thong, looked at me and said " Open your mouth. "
I opened my mouth, he stuffed my mouth with my thong, fingered me a little deeper, my moans muffled against the thong, Namjoon licked and sucked on my clit. I grind myself against his fingers, he moaned against my clit, I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and he fingered me faster.
I fist the bed sheets, the wetness of my pussy echoed the room, I acrched my back, his mouth left my clit, looked at me and started talking dirty.
A few minutes later, I cummed against his fingers, he pulled them out of my pussy, bring them to his mouth, he licked and sucked on them. He let out a low moan, moved them out of his mouth, licked my pussy to my clit, I let out a moan, he gave my right inner thigh a kiss, sucked on the skin, left a hickey, I gulped, he got up, looked at me and moved the thong away from my mouth.
He leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, our tounges fought for dominance, he flipped us around, I am straddling his lap, pulled away from the kiss, and leave wet kisses down to his chest to his abs. I moved my lips away from his abs, rest my hand on his hard on, moved it side to side, he leaned his head back and whispered " Oh fuck. "
I gave his hard on a little squeeze, he let out a low moan, I got in between his legs, gave his hard on a kiss, took off his shorts and boxers, threw them across the room, looked at his dick, and wrapped my hand around his dick.
Spit on his dick, spread it around the shaft, slowly jerked him off, looked at him, he let out a low moan, I licked the shaft of his dick to the tip and gave it a kiss. Insert his dick in my mouth, gave him a blow job, with my free hand I cupped his balls and gave it a gentle squeeze.
" Oh fuck, Y/n. " He whispered and leaned his head.
I deep throat him, felt his hand to the back of my head, he thrust his hips, I choked on his dick, heard Namjoon moaned my name, and said " Your mouth feels so good. Fuck. "
I let out a moan against his dick, felt myself getting soaking wet, his moans turned me on so much, I can't wait to have him fuck me.
" Fuck, I'm gonna cum Y/n. "
I let out a moan against his dick, he cummed in my mouth, pulled out, I swallowed his cum, licked my lips, licked the shaft of his dick to the tip, and heard Namjoon said " Come here. "
I hovered him, he cupped my face with his hands, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he flipped us around, pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " You ready? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, I'm ready. "
He opened the drawer from the nightstand, put on a condom, slowly insert his dick inside me, thrust his hips, fucked me a little slow, my boobs bounced up and down with every thrust he made.
" Oh fuck. "
" Siabeoji. " I moaned softly.
" Yes, fuck. You sound so fucking hot. " He fucked me deeper.
He leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, wrapped my arms around him, gently rake my finger nails down his back which made him moan against the kiss, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " Oh fuck. "
I wrapped my legs around his torso, he fucked me even faster, the pillows behind the headboard is blocking it from banging on the wall, I leaned my head back and said " Siabeoji. "
He grabbed my legs, put them up on his shoulders, fucked me even deeper, I looked at him, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes, he let go of my legs, and I wrapped them around his torso.
Namjoon wrapped his hand around my neck, choked me, I tried not to moan out loud as he's fucking me harder, he let go of my neck, leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, pulled him closer to me, our tongues fought for dominance, he cupped my boobs with his hands and gave them a squeeze and pulled on my nipples.
" Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. "
" Me too, cum for me. "
We both cummed, he pulled out of me, changed into a new condom, looked at me and said " Go on all fours for me. "
I go on all fours, felt him squeezed my left ass cheek, gave it a spank, insert himself inside my pussy, I let out a gasp, and he thrust his hips. I grabbed the pillow, fist it, he rest his hands on my hips, my boobs bounced up an down with every thrust, I closed my eyes and moaned against the pillow.
Felt Namjoon leave wet kisses on my back, he let out a low moan, spanked my ass, I moved my face away from the pillow, felt Namjoon wrapped his hand around my neck, choked me, kissed my cheek and whispered dirty things in my ear.
We both cummed, he pulled out of me, gave my ass a spank, and said " I want you to ride me. "
I got off the bed, saw that he changed his condom, he sat down on the bed, I straddled his lap, insert his dick inside me and I rode him up and down. He wrapped his arms around my waist, my boobs bounced up and down with every thrust, he leaned in, kissed my lips and I kissed him back.
I pulled away from the kiss, he licked and sucked on my left nipple, I run my fingers through his hair, gently pulled on it which made him moan against my boob, I rode him faster and deeper and I moaned his name.
~ Jungkook's POV ~
I woke up by the feeling of my throat dry, looked to my right, saw that Y/n's side is empty and said " Jagiya? "
Saw the bathroom light not on, I got off the bed, put on my slides, walked out of the room down the hallway, I passed the guest bedroom I heard muffled moans which made me stop.
Who's in there? Where's Y/n?
I walked over to the door, slowly opened it, my jaw dropped at what I saw, Y/n, my wife is riding my Dad.
I opened the door wide, looked at them and said " What the fuck. "
~ Y/n's POV ~
I rode Namjoon faster, he looked at me, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, we stopped when we heard " What the fuck. "
We pulled away from the kiss, looked at Jungkook, he looked pissed, but in his eyes there's lust in them, I said " Jungkook. "
He closed the door behind him, walked over to us and said " What the fuck Y/n? With my Dad, really? "
" Jungk-"
" Oh shut up and suck my dick. "
I got off Namjoon, go down on my knees, took Jungkook's dick out of his boxers, grabbed it, licked the shaft of his dick to the tip, spit on it and spread the spit around his dick.
Insert his dick in my mouth and heard Jungkook said " Oh don't mind me, continue what you were doing Dad. "
" Really? "
" Yeah. " Jungkook said and spanked my ass which caused me to moan against his dick.
I felt Namjoon insert himself inside me, he rest his hands around my waist, thrust his hips and our skins slapped against each other.
I felt Jungkook rest his hand to the back of my head, thrust his hips and said " You're such a naughty fucking girl Y/n. Fucking my Dad behind my back. You deserve a punishment you, hm? "
I let out a moan against his dick, Namjoon spanked my left ass cheek and Jungkook said " You like that? Huh Y/n? Do you like fucking my Dad? "
I moaned against his dick again, Namjoon spanked my right ass cheek, fucked me deeper and Jungkook said " Spank her again Dad. "
Namjoon spanked my ass again but harder, I moaned again against Jungkook's dick, he grabbed a fist fold of my hair, thrust his hips, felt him at the back of my throat, Namjoon and Jungkook moaned my name.
I closed my eyes, choked on Jungkook's dick, Namjoon spanked my ass, I let out a moan, a few minutes later, we all cummed, Jungkook pulled out of my mouth, I swallowed his cum and Namjoon pulled out of my pussy.
Jungkook looked at me and said " Go lay down on your back. "
I laid down on my back, saw Jungkook threw his boxers across the room, Namjoon and Jungkook got in between me, Namjoon on my left and Jungkook on my right.
They both kissed my neck, I bite my bottom lip, bring my hands to their dicks, jerked them off, they kissed their way down to my chest and they each licked and sucked on my nipples.
" Oh fuck, that feels so good. " I moaned.
Jungkook and Namjoon moaned against my boobs, I jerked them a little faster, they bring their hands to my inner thighs to my clit, they each took turns rubbing my clit.
" Oh fuck.. " I moaned.
Namjoon insert his fingers inside my pussy while Jungkook continued to rub my clit, they flicked their tongues on my nipples, and we moaned again. Namjoon moved his fingers away from my pussy, Jungkook insert his fingers inside me, the wetness of my pussy echoed the room, I jerked their dicks faster and they moaned against my boobs.
A few minutes later, we all cummed, I go on all fours, grabbed Namjoon's dick, licked up his cum, insert his dick in my mouth and gave him a blow job. Jungkook insert himself from behind me, thrust his hips, he spanked my left ass cheek, our skins slapped against each other, Namjoon moaned my name and thrust his hips.
I felt him at the back of my throat, relaxed my jaw, moaned against his dick, he moaned and said " Oh fuck Y/n. "
" Fuck Y/n. " Jungkook moaned.
Jungkook spanked my right ass cheek again, I deep throat Namjoon faster, he leaned his head back and moaned my name. I moved my mouth away from Namjoon's dick, let out a moan, jerked him off, looked at him and said " I want you to fuck me too. "
Namjoon licked his lips and said " Are you sure? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, I want you two to fuck me. "
" Alright. " Jungkook said.
I let go of Namjoon's dick, he put on a condom, Jungkook pulled out, laid down on the bed, looked at me and said " Straddle my lap Jagiya. "
I straddled his lap, felt Namjoon squeezed my ass, heard him open the drawer from the nightstand, and Namjoon said " Spread her ass for me Kook. "
Jungkook spread my ass, I let out a gasp when I felt something wet on my asshole, Namjoon insert his dick inside my ass, I let out a gasp and said " Oh fuc- "
Jungkook kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he insert his dick inside me, he and Namjoon fucked me, Jungkook and I moaned against the kiss, I pulled away from the kiss and said " Oh fuck. "
" Shhh, stay quiet Jagiya. We don't want to wake up my Mom now do we? " Jungkook whispered in my ear.
" No. " I whispered back and let out a low moan.
Jungkook and Namjoon fucked me a little deeper, Namjoon pulled my hair, Jungkook wrapped his hand around my neck, and choked me. They fucked me faster, Namjoon let go of my hair, we moaned, our skins slapping against each other, Jungkook let go of my neck, leaned his head back and moaned.
A few minutes later, we cummed, Namjoon pulled out first, I got off of Jungkook, laid down next to him, he hovered me, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he pulled away, and insert his dick inside my pussy.
Namjoon stand next to me, I grabbed his dick, jerked him off, he let out a moan, I insert his dick inside my mouth, gave him a blow job, " Oh fuck, Y/n. " Namjoon moaned.
Jungkook fucked me deeper and faster, I moaned against Namjoon's dick, choked on it, he bring his hand to the back of my head and thrust his hips. Jungkook rubbed my clit, I spread my legs wider, Jungkook moaned my name and rubbed my clit faster.
" Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. " Namjoon moaned.
" I'm gonna cum too. " Jungkook moaned.
I clenched my pussy against Jungkook's dick, he fucked me deeper and faster, we all cummed, Namjoon pulled out of my mouth, I swallowed his cum and Jungkook pulled out of my pussy.
Namjoon looked at us and said " I gotta get going before your Mom wakes up and wonder where I am. "
We nod our heads and said " Okay. "
Namjoon leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at us and said " See you two later. "
We said bye to him, he put on his boxers and shorts, walked out of the guest room, closer the door behind him, Jungkook looked at me and said " You've been a bad girl Y/n. You know what this means? "
" What? "
" Go on all fours for me. "
I go on all fours for him, he rubbed my left ass cheek, spanked it which made me jump a little and he said " You're gonna get 20 spanks and you're gonna count every single one. If you mess up, we are gonna start over. You heard me? "
I nod my head and said " Yes, Daddy. "
He spanked my ass, I bite my bottom lip and said " One. "
" 20. "
He rubbed my ass cheeks and said " Good girl. Come here. "
I sat up, face him, he looked at me and said " Let's go to sleep. "
I nod my head, we got off the bed, put on our pajamas, cleaned up the room, walked out of the guest room to our room, took a shower, and brushed our teeth. He stand in front of me, cupped my face with his hands, leaned in, kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " I brought something. "
I looked at him in confusion and said " What? "
He grabbed my hand and said " I'll show you. "
We walked out of the bathroom to the bedroom, he let go of my hand, walked over to his suitcase, opened it, took out the cooling cream, looked at me and said " Go to the bed and go on all fours. "
I walked over to the bed, go on all fours, he walked over to me, lowered my shorts and thong, put the cooling cream on my ass cheeks, once he's done he said " Alright, all done. "
He lift up my shorts and thong and said " Go lay down. "
I laid down, he put the cream on the nightstand, laid down next to me, we looked at each other, he leaned in, and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " I love you. "
" I love you too. "
He kissed my forehead, pulled away, we cuddled, he kissed my temple here and there while he is caressing my back and we fell asleep.
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whore4abby · 11 months
a room with a view; abby anderson
part one
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warnings; older!abby, ditzy fem!reader, mdni
wc; 1.1k
you were getting tired of the bustling city-that-never-sleeps lifestyle, and it was starting to take a toll on you, leaving you feeling burnt out and in need of a little getaway for a while. you had decided to surf the web and look for any airbnb listings, preferably something a couple hours outside the city.
whilst idly scrolling through the available rentals, you eventually stumble upon a listing that catches your attention. the listing is for a room to rent on a charming farmstead nestled in a serene and rural part of a small town, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery that seems to span for miles and miles in all directions.
intrigued by the listing, you quickly make up your mind and decide to book this spontaneous getaway. the thought of being on a farm for a few weeks has you feeling giddy and excited about your new adventure, picturing yourself in the idyllic fields and playing with the animals, maybe even going for a dip in a nearby creek.
and after a few swift clicks of your freshly manicured fingertips and a trip to your purse to fetch your credit card details, you’ve finally secured your reservation. you try to hold back your excitement but before long you’re giggling and kicking your feet like a schoolgirl, rustling the soft floral sheets beneath you with your frenzied movements.
a couple weeks later, you find yourself driving up a long and winding path up towards the farmhouse. the fields either side of you filled with gorgeous wildflowers and tallgrass, the gentle breeze causing them to sway slightly. you hum along happily to the music emitting from your radio, a little smile on your face as you feel the warmth of the sun hitting your cheeks.
abby sits on the front porch of the farm house, a coffee mug in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. she hears the low rumble of your engine and looks over as you slow down and pull up outside the quaint farmhouse. she watches you hop out of your little white convertible and prop your sunglasses up on your head, your wedged sandals crunching at the gravel beneath your feet as you saunter around to the trunk to grab your bags.
abby stands up, taking a final sip of her coffee before walking off the shady porch and towards you. she crosses her arms across her chest and stares at you, clearly unimpressed with your arrival. the clothes you’re wearing scream ‘city girl’ and she thinks you look a little ridiculous walking around in a short dress and high heels.
“i think you're in the wrong part of town, darlin’…” she blows out a big cloud of smoke and raises an eyebrow at you, looking you up and down and throwing the cigarette butt to the floor and stomping it out with the heel of her beaten up cowboy boots. “y/n right…?”
“yeah, that's me…and you’re abby, right?” you smile, before attempting to haul your luggage out of the car. abby nods and sighs before getting closer to help you with your things. “here, let me…” she mumbles, not waiting for your response before grabbing your bags and suitcases one by one. you watch her as she effortlessly lifts the bags and walks with them towards the modest home. you finally get a good look at the woman you’re gonna be spending the next month with, and you feel yourself start to get a little flustered around her as you watch her biceps strain against her plaid shirt.
you giggle softly and look up at her “i could’ve done that myself-” she smirks ever so slightly and gives you another subtle once over, “a pretty little city girl like yourself…? i don't think so, honey.”
abby looks down at you smugly, and gives you a sceptical look, speaking lowly, “ya know.. this is a farm right? this ain’t a vacation. you can’t be wearin shit like that. jesus christ, girl.” she mutters before she starts to take your bags into the farmhouse.
“this is where you’re gonna be staying.” abby sighs and almost rolls her eyes as she leads you down the corridor and into a bedroom. its a small room, nothing like what you’re used to back at home, but you’ll make do just fine. she sets down the pile of bags and stands with her hands on her hips in the doorway. “set your shit up…” she looks at you sternly.
“listen to me missy….im not dealing with any of this bullshit-” she gestures to the excessive amount of belongings you have, from the makeup to the ungodly amount of clothes and other useless material items.
“i don't want you leavin all your things around, yeah? this is my house and you’re gonna follow my rules whether you like it or not…understand?” you resist the temptation to roll your eyes and give her attitude, instead choosing to just nod for the sake of staying on her good side. and with that she turns on her heel and retreats back down the hallway and disappears out of sight.
you let out a heavy sigh and lay back on the bed, giving yourself a little time to adjust to your new temporary home before you start to unpack.
the next morning, you step out of your room, heels smacking against the hardwood flooring as you join abby at the table. she looks up from her newspaper in disbelief and scoffs at your choice of outfit, but its obvious she likes what she sees as her eyes drift down to your thighs, which are barely covered by your itty bitty denim shorts. “coffee?” she pushes over the pot towards you and your eyebrows furrow, “no iced lattes?” she snorts in amusement and shakes her head, “just drink the damn coffee, doll~”
you huff but still bring the mug up to your freshly glossed lips, drinking from the steaming mug, and shuddering a little at the bitter taste, “not even any sugar?” you give her an innocent smile, hoping to woo her into agreeing with you. but instead she looks at you as if you’ve deeply offended her, making it pretty clear she’s not willing to compromise on this.
she finishes reading and snaps the newspaper back together, throwing it down on the table and standing back up. “hey, wh- i wasn't finished!” you pout as she scoops up your mug and pours the coffee down the drain.
“remember what i said!? my house. my rules. now hurry up we got work to do-” she bites back harshly and opens up the door, ushering you out and resisting the urge to slap your ass as you pass by.
god this was gonna be hard work.
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f14fun · 1 month
f1 abba inspired series
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hey everyone! i have an abba-song inspired series in the drafts (since i got back from vaca and i'm still in a summery-mood and i love abba songs). hopefully it will be about three-five parts, each part a story for a different driver. each part will also have a minimum of 10K words, so this will be a prose series!
let me know if you guys want to see anything in particular!
chapter list ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ 01: lay all your love on me - op81 02: our last summer - cl16 03: under attack - gr63 04: mamamia - ob38
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01: lay all your love on me - op81 📍santorini, greece
On a summer getaway to Santorini, Greece, Y/N finds herself staying in a charming Airbnb with her family, soaking in the breathtaking views and vibrant atmosphere of the island. However, what was supposed to be a peaceful vacation takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that they’ll be sharing the house with none other than Formula One driver Oscar Piastri, who’s also vacationing with his family.
At first, the arrangement feels awkward, the two worlds of celebrity racing and her relatively normal life as a collegiate student colliding in the most unforeseen way. But as the days go by, the initial surprise gives way to something deeper. As they explore the sun-drenched beaches, dine in quaint tavernas, and experience the lively nightlife of Santorini, Y/N and Oscar find themselves drawn to each other in ways they hadn’t anticipated.
As the sun sets over the Aegean Sea, and the lively energy of the island comes alive at night, Y/N and Oscar find themselves spending more time together, entertwined in a steamy and fast-paced romance. The backdrop of Santorini's iconic white-washed buildings, azure waters, and the laid-back Greek lifestyle set the stage for a summer romance that's as unexpected as it is intense.
02: our last summer - cl16 📍monte carlo, monaco
In the summer of 2018, both Charles and Y/N are on the brink of adulthood, just shy of their 18th birthdays. As they savor their final summer as teenagers, they find themselves reminiscing in the familiar, sun-drenched streets of Monte Carlo, where memories of childhood and dreams for the future intertwine in the warmth of the Mediterranean air.
As the days drift by, Charles and Y/N find themselves caught between the nostalgia of their shared past and the anticipation of what lies ahead. Every corner of Monte Carlo holds a memory—childhood races down the Promenade, late-night talks under the stars, and the countless summers spent by the azure waters. Charles, with a wistful smile, often finds himself retracing their old routes, savoring the familiar sights and sounds as if trying to imprint them in his memory before they part ways. Y/N, equally pensive, clings to the simple joys of their last summer together, finding solace in the shared silences and quiet moments that speak volumes.
But now, the city feels different, charged with the weight of impending change. They both know this summer marks the end of an era, a farewell to the carefree days of youth. Yet, amid the bittersweetness, there's an unspoken promise that whatever the future holds, Monte Carlo will always be the place where their story began.
03: under attack - gr63 📍majorca, spain
Global popstar Y/N, overwhelmed by the relentless pressures of fame and reeling from the heartbreak of discovering her partner's infidelity, decides she needs a serious escape. Desperate to get away from the prying eyes of the media and the public, she books a quiet trip to Mallorca, Spain, hoping to find some solace and rediscover herself amidst the island's tranquil beauty. But fate has other plans. In a chance encounter at a lively club’s bar, Y/N finds herself in a series of awkward and unexpected mishaps that leave her feeling more exposed than ever.
Just when she thinks her night can’t get any worse, George Russell, a familiar face from the world of Formula One, steps in. Sensing her distress and the unwanted attention she's drawing, George quickly concocts a plan and pretends to be her boyfriend for the night. As they navigate the evening together, the line between pretense and reality begins to blur, leaving Y/N to wonder if this unexpected encounter could lead to something more than just a fleeting escape. He's broken down her defenses, and what can you say, maybe she's just under attack.
04: mamamia - ob38 📍skiathos, greece
A series of misunderstandings, white lies, and the relentless demands of their busy lives have driven Y/N and her boyfriend of three years, Oliver Bearman, apart. The once inseparable couple now finds themselves estranged, their relationship seemingly hanging by a thread. Despite their love for each other, the distance and unresolved tensions have led to a painful separation.
However, their close-knit group of friends refuses to give up on them. Convinced that Y/N and Ollie just need some quality time away from the pressures of their everyday lives, they hatch a plan to bring the two back together. The friends secretly arrange for Y/N and Ollie to vacation in a secluded villa in Skiathos, Greece, for two weeks. Surrounded by the island's serene beauty, where the turquoise waters meet golden sands, the hope is that the couple will have the chance to reconnect, confront their issues, and rekindle the spark that first brought them together.
As Y/N and Ollie navigate the awkwardness of being thrown back together in such an idyllic setting, the old feelings start to resurface, but so do the unresolved issues that tore them apart. Amidst the breathtaking views and the romantic allure of Greece, they must decide whether their love is strong enough to overcome the obstacles that have come between them.
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Big Tech disrupted disruption
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Before "disruption" turned into a punchline, it was a genuinely exciting idea. Using technology, we could connect people to one another and allow them to collaborate, share, and cooperate to make great things happen.
It's easy (and valid) to dismiss the "disruption" of Uber, which "disrupted" taxis and transit by losing $31b worth of Saudi royal money in a bid to collapse the world's rival transportation system, while quietly promising its investors that it would someday have pricing power as a monopoly, and would attain profit through price-gouging and wage-theft.
Uber's disruption story was wreathed in bullshit: lies about the "independence" of its drivers, about the imminence of self-driving taxis, about the impact that replacing buses and subways with millions of circling, empty cars would have on traffic congestion. There were and are plenty of problems with traditional taxis and transit, but Uber magnified these problems, under cover of "disrupting" them away.
But there are other feats of high-tech disruption that were and are genuinely transformative – Wikipedia, GNU/Linux, RSS, and more. These disruptive technologies altered the balance of power between powerful institutions and the businesses, communities and individuals they dominated, in ways that have proven both beneficial and durable.
When we speak of commercial disruption today, we usually mean a tech company disrupting a non-tech company. Tinder disrupts singles bars. Netflix disrupts Blockbuster. Airbnb disrupts Marriott.
But the history of "disruption" features far more examples of tech companies disrupting other tech companies: DEC disrupts IBM. Netscape disrupts Microsoft. Google disrupts Yahoo. Nokia disrupts Kodak, sure – but then Apple disrupts Nokia. It's only natural that the businesses most vulnerable to digital disruption are other digital businesses.
And yet…disruption is nowhere to be seen when it comes to the tech sector itself. Five giant companies have been running the show for more than a decade. A couple of these companies (Apple, Microsoft) are Gen-Xers, having been born in the 70s, then there's a couple of Millennials (Amazon, Google), and that one Gen-Z kid (Facebook). Big Tech shows no sign of being disrupted, despite the continuous enshittification of their core products and services. How can this be? Has Big Tech disrupted disruption itself?
That's the contention of "Coopting Disruption," a new paper from two law profs: Mark Lemley (Stanford) and Matthew Wansley (Yeshiva U):
The paper opens with a review of the literature on disruption. Big companies have some major advantages: they've got people and infrastructure they can leverage to bring new products to market more cheaply than startups. They've got existing relationships with suppliers, distributors and customers. People trust them.
Diversified, monopolistic companies are also able to capture "involuntary spillovers": when Google spends money on AI for image recognition, it can improve Google Photos, YouTube, Android, Search, Maps and many other products. A startup with just one product can't capitalize on these spillovers in the same way, so it doesn't have the same incentives to spend big on R&D.
Finally, big companies have access to cheap money. They get better credit terms from lenders, they can float bonds, they can tap the public markets, or just spend their own profits on R&D. They can also afford to take a long view, because they're not tied to VCs whose funds turn over every 5-10 years. Big companies get cheap money, play a long game, pay less to innovate and get more out of innovation.
But those advantages are swamped by the disadvantages of incumbency, all the various curses of bigness. Take Arrow's "replacement effect": new companies that compete with incumbents drive down the incumbents' prices and tempt their customers away. But an incumbent that buys a disruptive new company can just shut it down, and whittle down its ideas to "sustaining innovation" (small improvements to existing products), killing "disruptive innovation" (major changes that make the existing products obsolete).
Arrow's Replacement Effect also comes into play before a new product even exists. An incumbent that allows a rival to do R&D that would eventually disrupt its product is at risk; but if the incumbent buys this pre-product, R&D-heavy startup, it can turn the research to sustaining innovation and defund any disruptive innovation.
Arrow asks us to look at the innovation question from the point of view of the company as a whole. Clayton Christensen's "Innovator's Dilemma" looks at the motivations of individual decision-makers in large, successful companies. These individuals don't want to disrupt their own business, because that will render some part of their own company obsolete (perhaps their own division!). They also don't want to radically change their customers' businesses, because those customers would also face negative effects from disruption.
A startup, by contrast, has no existing successful divisions and no giant customers to safeguard. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain from disruption. Where a large company has no way for individual employees to initiate major changes in corporate strategy, a startup has fewer hops between employees and management. What's more, a startup that rewards an employee's good idea with a stock-grant ties that employee's future finances to the outcome of that idea – while a giant corporation's stock bonuses are only incidentally tied to the ideas of any individual worker.
Big companies are where good ideas go to die. If a big company passes on its employees' cool, disruptive ideas, that's the end of the story for that idea. But even if 100 VCs pass on a startup's cool idea and only one VC funds it, the startup still gets to pursue that idea. In startup land, a good idea gets lots of chances – in a big company, it only gets one.
Given how innately disruptable tech companies are, given how hard it is for big companies to innovate, and given how little innovation we've gotten from Big Tech, how is it that the tech giants haven't been disrupted?
The authors propose a four-step program for the would-be Tech Baron hoping to defend their turf from disruption.
First, gather information about startups that might develop disruptive technologies and steer them away from competing with you, by investing in them or partnering with them.
Second, cut off any would-be competitor's supply of resources they need to develop a disruptive product that challenges your own.
Third, convince the government to pass regulations that big, established companies can comply with but that are business-killing challenges for small competitors.
Finally, buy up any company that resists your steering, succeeds despite your resource war, and escapes the compliance moats of regulation that favors incumbents.
Then: kill those companies.
The authors proceed to show that all four tactics are in play today. Big Tech companies operate their own VC funds, which means they get a look at every promising company in the field, even if they don't want to invest in them. Big Tech companies are also awash in money and their "rival" VCs know it, and so financial VCs and Big Tech collude to fund potential disruptors and then sell them to Big Tech companies as "aqui-hires" that see the disruption neutralized.
On resources, the authors focus on data, and how companies like Facebook have explicit policies of only permitting companies they don't see as potential disruptors to access Facebook data. They reproduce internal Facebook strategy memos that divide potential platform users into "existing competitors, possible future competitors, [or] developers that we have alignment with on business models." These categories allow Facebook to decide which companies are capable of developing disruptive products and which ones aren't. For example, Amazon – which doesn't compete with Facebook – is allowed to access FB data to target shoppers. But Messageme, a startup, was cut off from Facebook as soon as management perceived them as a future rival. Ironically – but unsurprisingly – Facebook spins these policies as pro-privacy, not anti-competitive.
These data policies cast a long shadow. They don't just block existing companies from accessing the data they need to pursue disruptive offerings – they also "send a message" to would-be founders and investors, letting them know that if they try to disrupt a tech giant, they will have their market oxygen cut off before they can draw breath. The only way to build a product that challenges Facebook is as Facebook's partner, under Facebook's direction, with Facebook's veto.
Next, regulation. Starting in 2019, Facebook started publishing full-page newspaper ads calling for regulation. Someone ghost-wrote a Washington Post op-ed under Zuckerberg's byline, arguing the case for more tech regulation. Google, Apple, OpenAI other tech giants have all (selectively) lobbied in favor of many regulations. These rules covered a lot of ground, but they all share a characteristic: complying with them requires huge amounts of money – money that giant tech companies can spare, but potential disruptors lack.
Finally, there's predatory acquisitions. Mark Zuckerberg, working without the benefit of a ghost writer (or in-house counsel to review his statements for actionable intent) has repeatedly confessed to buying companies like Instagram to ensure that they never grow to be competitors. As he told one colleague, "I remember your internal post about how Instagram was our threat and not Google+. You were basically right. The thing about startups though is you can often acquire them.”
All the tech giants are acquisition factories. Every successful Google product, almost without exception, is a product they bought from someone else. By contrast, Google's own internal products typically crash and burn, from G+ to Reader to Google Videos. Apple, meanwhile, buys 90 companies per year – Tim Apple brings home a new company for his shareholders more often than you bring home a bag of groceries for your family. All the Big Tech companies' AI offerings are acquisitions, and Apple has bought more AI companies than any of them.
Big Tech claims to be innovating, but it's really just operationalizing. Any company that threatens to disrupt a tech giant is bought, its products stripped of any really innovative features, and the residue is added to existing products as a "sustaining innovation" – a dot-release feature that has all the innovative disruption of rounding the corners on a new mobile phone.
The authors present three case-studies of tech companies using this four-point strategy to forestall disruption in AI, VR and self-driving cars. I'm not excited about any of these three categories, but it's clear that the tech giants are worried about them, and the authors make a devastating case for these disruptions being disrupted by Big Tech.
What do to about it? If we like (some) disruption, and if Big Tech is enshittifying at speed without facing dethroning-by-disruption, how do we get the dynamism and innovation that gave us the best of tech?
The authors make four suggestions.
First, revive the authorities under existing antitrust law to ban executives from Big Tech companies from serving on the boards of startups. More broadly, kill interlocking boards altogether. Remember, these powers already exist in the lawbooks, so accomplishing this goal means a change in enforcement priorities, not a new act of Congress or rulemaking. What's more, interlocking boards between competing companies are illegal per se, meaning there's no expensive, difficult fact-finding needed to demonstrate that two companies are breaking the law by sharing directors.
Next: create a nondiscrimination policy that requires the largest tech companies that share data with some unaffiliated companies to offer data on the same terms to other companies, except when they are direct competitors. They argue that this rule will keep tech giants from choking off disruptive technologies that make them obsolete (rather than competing with them).
On the subject of regulation and compliance moats, they have less concrete advice. They counsel lawmakers to greet tech giants' demands to be regulated with suspicion, to proceed with caution when they do regulate, and to shape regulation so that it doesn't limit market entry, by keeping in mind the disproportionate burdens regulations put on established giants and small new companies. This is all good advice, but it's more a set of principles than any kind of specific practice, test or procedure.
Finally, they call for increased scrutiny of mergers, including mergers between very large companies and small startups. They argue that existing law (Sec 2 of the Sherman Act and Sec 7 of the Clayton Act) both empower enforcers to block these acquisitions. They admit that the case-law on this is poor, but that just means that enforcers need to start making new case-law.
I like all of these suggestions! We're certainly enjoying a more activist set of regulators, who are more interested in Big Tech, than we've seen in generations.
But they are grossly under-resourced even without giving them additional duties. As Matt Stoller points out, "the DOJ's Antitrust Division has fewer people enforcing anti-monopoly laws in a $24 trillion economy than the Smithsonian Museum has security guards."
What's more, Republicans are trying to slash their budgets even further. The American conservative movement has finally located a police force they're eager to defund: the corporate police who defend us all from predatory monopolies.
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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hyuckswoman · 4 months
bf!renjun painting you
pairing: bf!renjun x reader
genre: fluff
summary: you rent the cottagecore house of your dreams, take a nap and wake up to see your boyfriend painting you
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booking an airbnb that was essentially the cottagecore house of your dreams for your getaway with your boyfriend was arguably the best decision you’ve taken ever.
Renjun was absolutely awed upon seeing the house for the first time, it was like seeing his pinterest board in real life. Even though it was unfortunate that this was your house for only a week you guys decided to make the most of it, going on strolls, picnics in the backyard, baking strawberry shortcakes even visiting the farm nearby and feeding the horses. The past couple of days had been heaven.
After going on your daily stroll stopping by the pond to feed the ducks, you decided to take a quick nap when coming back home. Maybe heading to the bedroom would’ve been the best option to actually rest but you were in a house that had a sun room, you HAD to have at least one nap there.
Your boyfriend had been calling your name for the past couple of minutes wanting you to try the strawberry lemonade he made. Upon the lack of response, he started looking for you in the house. Finding you lying down on the small couch, surrounded by all the small plants the house came with, the sun on your face. His face broke in the biggest grin, being completely enamored of you who looked so peaceful sleeping gracefully whilst sunbathing.
After taking a picture of what he deemed as the most beautiful view ever, renjun decided to paint the scene, i mean you guys were basically living your cottagecore dreams, why not add to it? Grabbing his small case of watercolors, he mentally patted himself on the back for going against his instinct and bringing his painting gear. He then installed his brushes, paints, and canvas into the corner of the room, finding the view to be even more perfect this way.
Renjun found himself snickering a bit at his own thoughts. He thought you being asleep meant it would be easy to paint you, turns out he’s been spending his time staring at you with heart eyes instead of painting streaks on his canvas. He did draw a quick sketch attempting to picture your essence onto the canvas but wasn’t satisfied as ‘it wasn’t as pretty as you were’, but if he was being honest with himself, no one could ever capture your beauty onto a canvas.
After crumbling the fourteenth (or at least what felt like it) paper he settled on just winging it, he had to trust his abilities and it wouldn’t turn out bad, right?? He was honestly surprised at how tired you were as you’ve been lying still for quite a long time. Halfway through his painting, you stirred awake. As you opened your eyes you were greeted with the most beautiful view, your boyfriend concentrated in his art.
“hi baby, don’t move for a sec for me okay?” your boyfriend says re concentrating on his canvas. “are you painting me?” you ask, your voice a bit groggy from your nap. “I’m trying to, can’t get it right though, i could never replicate your charm on a canvas” he says and you swear your heart actually melted. “you know we’re already dating right? you don’t have to compliment me” you reply going back into your original position not complaining, as all you had to do was sit there and look pretty in the sun. “I’m merely telling the truth, you’re literally god sent it’s already incredible luck i get to see you this close” your boyfriend says, getting up from his corner to give you a quick kiss. “flattery will get you nowhere mister” you reply slightly punching him. “I can name a few times where flattery got me exactly where i wanted to be” he replies slightly laughing heading back to his canvas to finish the painting.
Hearing your boyfriend sigh meant he either was done and not satisfied or he was done and really unsatisfied. “I’m sure whatever you painted belongs in a museum” you say getting out of your position to go look “you belong in a museum. but wait don’t look just yet I don’t like it right now” renjun says frustratingly looking at the painting. “cmonnnn, I’m sure I’ll like it! there’s not one piece of art you’ve made I haven’t liked” you whine slowly approaching him. You quickened your pace hearing his little ‘fine’
“I’m 100% positive it’s not that bad- woah. THIS?? is what you’re unsatisfied with? junnie what the fuck this is so beautiful you’re insane” you say mouth agape upon seeing the painting, slightly getting emotional. “yea? you’re not just saying this?” your boyfriend asks as you’re quick to deny profusely shaking your head. “no I mean it I swear man what the hell” you answer giving him a hug as he shrugs. “the only reason why it’s pretty is because you’re my subject” he says to which you reply “shut up”.
Finding your boyfriend’s warmth wayy better than sitting in the sun you settle on his lap, he’s quick to wrap his arms around your figure engulfing you in a hug drawing soothing circles on your back, giving you small pecks on your exposed shoulder skin. As you were slowly falling asleep again you felt your boyfriend squirm a bit “I forgot I made strawberry lemonade, it’s in the fridge want some?” he says as you nod getting up from his lap and following him to the kitchen
You did not want this week to be over.
notes: this is 100% an apology to every down bad reader for the chapters that are about to come…
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caramelcleopatraa · 5 months
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word count: 801
x: typed this out in a couple of hours because I saw these pictures and imagined Roman working out in the outdoor gym and just started writing whatever came to my mind (not proofread) Enjoy this impulsive imagine.
content: 18+ mdni, established relationship, Roman Reigns x reader, Exhibitionism/Vouyerism, doggystyle, (sorta) public
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He bought an Airbnb for you two after losing his championship title. Time to get away from the rush of it all. So, you two escaped and went to Miami, enjoying quality time alone in the house, or eating high end food in sparkling restaurants. The house was beautiful in itself. The exposing windows that separated the modern house from the outside. A mix of beige, black, and green. Decorative trees and bushes sprinkled around the house, complimenting the beige and black interior. The house had everything. Multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a spacious pool with beautiful greenery surrounding it, and an outdoor gym overlooking the water and other modern houses in the distance. Of course, The outdoor gym was his favorite part of the house. And you reeked of the benefits. Watching his beautiful face contort as he pushed through different exercises. His warm caramel skin shining brighter with the sun’s help. You never thought that you would find yourself using the outdoor gym equipment. Except for today, grabbing onto the stable black bar while you and Roman engaged in a…. different type of workout.
“Mhm that ass so damn fat, making me feel so fucking good baby.” Your hand was starting to hurt from how tight you were grabbing onto the gym equipment. Your other arm was no help, being held behind you by your samoan lover. Soo, you wouldn't have to worry about grabbing on to the bar, because your other arm would be held behind you as well. Usually, you shied away from doing sexual acts in public, but he looks so sexy working out, you forgot to have shame while he fucked you stupid. Neither did you try to find shame because of the overwhelming pleasure he was giving you. 
Your nails scratched at his forearms, yelling his favorite names in that sweet honey voice that hypnotized him into doing anything for you. “Ooohh~ shit! You’re fucking me so good!” The sight of his woman high off pleasure because of him gave him indescribable feelings of pride and happiness. “My baby so nasty, fuckk- keep talking to me mama,” Roman purred, burying himself deeper in your pussy, marveling at the wetness. Your legs were turning into jelly from his sudden slow and methodical, but forceful strokes. You needed more than that though. “Faster Roman…” His silence let you know what you needed to do. You knew that you would have to beg him to get what you wanted. “Daddy please stop playing! Fuck me for real!” But he didn’t give you any time to catch your breath, pulling you closer to his body by your torso and kissing you. He walked you closer to the edge, giving both of you a better view of the houses around you. But that also gave them a better view of you. 
“Ask me correctly.” “Baby, they can see us.” He held you tight against him, slyly slipping his thick hand between your thighs to rub your clit. “Let them see how good I’m fucking you. Ask daddy again.” You let out a heavy breath before saying, “P-please fuck me daddy. I need it so bad.” As much as he liked to tease you, he needed it as much as you did. Your arms were held behind your back again, but he submerged himself in the crook of your neck, talking you through it while sliding his dick back into you. Welcomed by the warmth and tightness he always missed when he pulled out of you. “That pussy feels so fucking good baby. You this wet because of me, huh?” You couldn’t respond before he started fucking you again. Your mouth fell agape, moaning like crazy. “Mhm, let ‘em hear. Let them hear how good I’m fucking this pussy.” His breath on your neck, his hold on you body, the way he fucked you, it made you dizzy. Your mind was going blank, and your knees were going weak, trying your best to communicate to him that you were going to cum without stuttering. “Daddy! Ugh shiit! Please let me cum.” “Go ahead mama, cum for me.” He held you up while you collapsed in his arms, legs shaking, eyes rolled back, screaming his name a couple more times while saying, “I’m coming!” as well. Your moans meshed with his deep grunts and groans, coming deep inside of you with some final thrusts, jerking your body forward. You could feel his chest rising and falling against your back. You grabbed the back of his neck, relaxing into his hold, sweaty and satisfied, close to your man. “Best workout you ever had huh?” He laughs at your joke, but doesn’t let you get the last word. “Just wait until after our date tonight sweetheart. You won’t ever need to hit the gym again.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2 @murrylove @sassginaswanmills @pixiedust4000
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This week I've come across several homes I posted before that didn't sell. Here's another one. It's a local icon in Ransom Canyon, TX, called the Robert Bruno Steel House (aka The Bruno). Made of steel, it reminds me of a grand piano (critics said it looks like a pig). Started in 1973, Bruno labored on it for 35 years until his death in 2008. 3bds, 2.5ba, the price was lowered $50K to $1,399,750 + a small $5mo HOA.
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Over the years it's been rented as an Airbnb. Isn't this a unique entrance?
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It's so sculptural, but it's not wood, it's steel. The living room gets a lot of sun and has big windows that look out to Lake Ransom Canyon.
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Above the stepdown living room is a dining area.
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The kitchen is tucked into its own corner and features a long counter for everyday casual dining.
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The primary bedroom is just off the entrance hall.
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It's a very large room with a big staircase.
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Looking down from the top of the stairs.
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What's up here is the en-suite.
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Have you ever seen a bathroom like this? It's even a little confusing.
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I'm not sure, but I think that these stairs come down from the bath to another bedroom.
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This home is an art piece in itself.
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Windows in this bedroom face the lake.
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There's a lovely deck up here with a beautiful view.
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There are views all over the house because it's so open.
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Hallway to bedroom #3.
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Lovely colorful room.
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And bath #2.
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There's a basement level with a built-in desk.
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The half bath is down here, too.
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The wide entrance looks like a bridge. 9,281 sq. ft. lot
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