#villain 118
sonderwrit · 6 months
C118: Heaven's will is merciless?
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Author's 木火然 Weibo post:
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Updated updated! Time for the epic examination to show itself~ There's scenes with child!Qin today!
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[Half a stick of incense earlier—]
Main System: I already understand the situation. Currently verifying whether it is a worldwide vulnerability.
MS: Verification complete, executing–
MS: Heavenly Punishment.
S-0: (Heavenly punishment? As in, direct elimination?)
S-0: T-that there. Isn't it a little too hasty?
S-0: Although the protagonist shou is suspected of being reborn, killing him just like that will mess up the plotline of this world, right?
MS: No matter.
MS: A [Let the Transmigrator Replace the Protagonist] mission has been dispatched, so he'll soon replace that shell. 
MS: Your very reason for existence—
MS: —is to deal with situations like these.
S-0: ……..
S-0: Yes.
MS: Tell your Host to keep his distance to avoid being affected by heavenly punishment. 
MS: Everything will continue as usual after the world bug is eliminated.
S-0: Understood.
S-0: (Aish, looks like I'll have to unseal Host's memories. Otherwise, there's no way to contact him. Since the protagonist shou took the blame for spilling the plot, the Main System shouldn't find anything strange with mind-reading after this.) [After all, the Sword Saint's still affected by the drug and easily hoodwinked.]
S-0: [It's just a pity for that clueless little brother Luo who somehow managed to uncover heavenly secrets.]
Luo Wenliu: ?!
LWL: W-what's my problem?
S-0: [He thinks he knows Heaven's will.]
Wang Yi: *pretending to be aggressive to scare off the other* 
LWL: Sword Saint, look at him!
S-0: Host! Listen to me!
S-0: Retreat this instant!
WY: ?
WY: (S-0? What happened?)
S-0: [And yet he has no idea…]
*crackle crackle*
[that Heaven's will—]
Qin Xian: *covers* 
[is merciless.]
WY: (H-heavenly tribulation?)
WY: (Why now of all times!)
WY: Tsk.
WY: (Since S-0 was panicking, something must have gone wrong with his and Qin's plan.)
WY: (Things happened so suddenly that Qin Xian shouldn't have time to read my inner thoughts, but this can't go on indefinitely.)
WY: (The lightning's aiming for the protagonist shou, so sacrificing him might be the best solution.)
*multiplying lightning strikes*
WY: (But is this really…)
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"Save, save me!"
WY: (...the only solution?)
WY: (Ah—so annoying. I can already sense his fear.)
*multiplying lightning strikes*
Qin X: Eh?
QX: Villain System? Are you for real? Sounds really cool.
QX: But…I can't sign a contract with you because I still have things to do.
System Y: ? What kind of things?
QX: Krill off all the invading troops. (Kill off all the invading troops.)
QX: Geh.
QX: Those people suddenly appeared and killed off my father, mother, older brother, and older sister.
QX: So I need to think of a way—
QX: To kill. Every. One. Of. Them.
System Y: …..
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Y: Oh.
QX: What kind of reaction is that?
QX: Normal people will think a kid like this is terrifying, right?
Y: I'm a System. I won't feel fear.
QX: !
QX: Heheh…..
Y: But your worry is excessive. After signing the contract, Host can choose to return to your timeline after completing the missions and continue your current life. It won't affect your original plans; you can even trade for items or abilities to complete things that others couldn't achieve.
QX: Items or abilities?
Y: Mm.
Y: Like strengthening your body, turning back time, cultivation treasures, etc., these can all be taken back to your world.
QX: Waoooo, if that's true then isn't it all good news for me? [No need to hesitate at all.]
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[BACKGROUND TEXT in PINK: Cultivation Treasure XXXXX Recommended Rating: ⭐⭐– Recommended Usage: To open up BE* *BE could be short for Bad End or something else, not sure here —flying of the soul—small pieces of soul—new life. —cannot aid in rebirth, but can send one to the next reincarnation.]
Y: Mhm, as long as your mission ratings are excellent, your rewards will be equally generous. (Like a salary.)
QX: What about you?
QX: What can you get from this?
Y: ……
Y: I can't get anything.
QX: Eh? If that's the case, why are you still doing this?
Y: Because I'm a System.
Y: This is the purpose of a System's existence.
[A System's existence is nothing more than this.]
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*popping noises*
WY: (Ah, what was that?) [I entered a subconscious hallucination again?] (What's the deal with Systems, and who was that little boy? There's no time to think about it.)
[SPECIFICATION: Note that the Heavenly Dao only troubleshoots errors and doesn't pay attention to any other useless details.]*
*Basically explaining how Wang Yi can openly think about his past here without the Main System catching him in the act.
WY: …….
Qin Xian: This is the 9x9 Heavenly Tribulations. The more you can bear, the stronger you'll be. Only I am capable of withstanding all [the bolts].
QX: No bystanders are allowed to interfere with the tribulation. As you are a disciple of the sect, I've put up a sword array as a protective barrier first,
QX: Take care.
WY: (But it feels like…)
WY: (I know what I should do now.)
WY: *quietly presses a button*
LWL: ….huh?
LWL: Sword Saint…tossed me aside?
WY: (As expected,) *takes out*
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WY: (I can access S-0's item menu too.)
LWL: ….impossible.
LWL: How could the Sword Saint abandon me?
LWL: …it's a lie, isn't it?
LWL: (I finally managed to rebirth and wanted to change everyone's fate so we could all live happily ever after…)
LWL: Why did it turn out like this? Turn around quickly! Hurry up and save me!
LWL: I really—
LWL: Don't want to die.
WY: ….
*clacks bottle*
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WY: (Success.)
*Oooh pretty sure he took out the bottle he saw in his flashback here, that's neat!! P.S. That white cat getting SUS tsk....it was in the protagonist's flashback too the heck
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captain-hen · 8 months
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evansboyfriend · 14 days
the one time that gerrard reprimanded his team (his boys, that is) was to tell them off for implying one of them is queer. i hope he gets launched into the nearest star actually
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itchyeye · 1 year
The villains were all so right about JM. And the show had one job, either disprove the claims by having genuine relationship growth and having JM overcoming actual challenges together in a way that SHOWS that yes, these two are in love and compatible, or prove the claims right with all the consequences. But nope, neither happened, we were just supposed to accept they love each other genuinely and deeply in ways that defy eldritch fears. I'll be forever frustrated about it.
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
Just listened to 118 and jesus FUCK. How do you like. Be a person after that?
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woodchoc-magnum · 1 month
idk. i'm annoyed.
i realise i am a fandom old at this point
and i have seen some shit in this fandom; witnessed the discourse.
and i don't post meta or spec or much of that stuff; i usually put all my ideas into fics.
but guys seriously. seriously.
eddie's current arc is not about buck.
buck and eddie are not currently dating.
buck is eddie's best friend and vice versa.
eddie is not cheating on buck.
eddie is lying to buck by omission, yes, but that is not a friendship ending offence.
eddie is on the very cusp of cheating right now. he went on a date with another woman, yes. he has not kissed her or slept with her. we are at a tipping point. we do not know what is going to happen next.
he only went on a date with another woman because she reminded him of shannon, who he is not over, who he has spent seasons trying to replace.
the point of this show is that none of the characters are perfect - and especially not buck and eddie. they all make mistakes. they have all made mistakes and will continue to do so because in real life, people don't always make the right decisions 100% of the time.
this black-and-white, morally righteous way of thinking, like eddie is suddenly evil now because he's on the cusp of cheating; that it's going to end his friendship, that buck is going to be angry at him for lying - do you have friends in real life? like, i am genuinely asking.
because if my best friend suddenly started cheating on her husband, i wouldn't be mad at her - i would be worried. am i alone in this? like i would be genuinely concerned and trying to help figure out what's going on.
all the shit i'm seeing in the fandom today, all of the spec posts and commentary about the episode and what might potentially happen, just feels like, once again, an attempt to paint eddie as the villain in the story to prop up buck. let's make eddie so terrible that buck has to have custody of christopher, right?
clearly none of you understand how a will works. it's for after you're dead. not for when you're alive.
but the main issue is this - now that buck has tommy, the people who tolerated eddie can stop pretending to like him. there's another option for buck now, so you guys don't need eddie anymore. right? am i fucking right??
i love drama as much as the next person, but in what world would buck turn on eddie because of this? in what world would the 118 shun him? he is their friend! they love him! they care about him! they are a family!
my god, nobody shunned hen when she cheated on karen. nobody shuns bobby and he indirectly killed 140 people!
eddie is a good person who makes mistakes, just like every single other character on the show.
that is the fucking point.
and the way ryan was talking in the interviews - isolation could mean any number of things. we know eddie has a tendency to isolate himself when he's feeling stressed out - does anyone remember season 3? season 5? buck literally broke down his door!
i'm just fucking tired of this bullshit.
eddie's not a bad guy because of this. he has done shitty things, yes. they all have. that's the fucking point of the show, and if you can't understand that or appreciate adult story-telling, then fuck off and watch riverdale.
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virahaus · 2 months
Okay so I'm gonna say this cause I've just seen another post reiterating this narrative and I simply cannot comprehend the way people are going out of their way to make Tommy a villain when he's NOT.
First of all, the much discussed date.
It was clear that before Eddie and Marisol showed up Tommy was totally fine with Buck being a bit of a clueless baby bi and did not put it against him. He didn't say anything snarky to him, nor he questioned him being out or not, he teased and flirted with him even after the whole "I'm an ally" speech, which kudos to my man cause I couldn't have taken my date seriously if they said something like that.
It's clear that Tommy only took issues with the way the date was going after Buck made the horrible decision to say that they are going to pick up "hot chicks" and play it up like that.
Now, I don't think the issue here is Buck not saying he's on a date with him. It's clear by the way the dialogue has been constructed with all the hints about closet space and by Tommy's snarky line (which again VALID. He was not outing Buck. He was not trying in the slightest to do so. Eddie and Marisol are talking about closet space as in FURNITURE. To that for Eddie to take a leap and think that the closet is something more than it is, is frankly ridiculous. We know the double meaning because we are the audience. It's a joke for US, and for Buck only, not for Eddie who by the way was also clueless about Tommy's own sexuality);
The real problem was that Buck also shoved Tommy back in the closet. I don't think Tommy wanted Buck to announce there and there that they were on a date, especially after the whole convo and questions about being out in the workplace. It's an obvious hint to the fact that Buck is not out and it's reinforced by Buck also telling him that it's his first date with a dude. Season 7 Tommy hasn't been shown to be stupid or insensitive so it's obvious that he would have read between the lines.
So, it's clear that the issue here is that Tommy did not want to be shoved back into the closet, especially after years of unlearning bad behaviour and the journey to accept the fact he's gay. He doesn't offer it but he also doesn't want to be shoved back into a position where he has to deny he's gay. Which again, is super valid of him.
The moment most people try to use against Tommy is the fact that he cut off their date and left Buck alone outside the restaurant, which... Tommy had all the right to cut short their date. He was uncomfortable with how things were going and so he cut his losses. He's not rude or disrespectful, he even reiterates how he thinks Buck is adorable and in the same breath he also establishes his limits. Again, fair.
But some of y'all are acting as if he left Buck alone in the middle of the desert, not in fucking LA where Buck can call a cab anytime and go back home easily. Buck is not a kid, he's a grown ass man and can very well go back home alone. He's not drunk, nor under substance, he's not injured and he certainly can use his phone and call a cab.
You all have a thing about seeing Buck as completely incompetent, helpless and unable to take care of himself, and I must remind you that he's the same person who got out of his parents house and immediately took off and did a tour of the Americas, managed to live on his own, and was healthy and alive when he got to LA in season 1.
So you might want to remember that.
Another thing you all like to dangle over Tommy like "gotcha" kinda moment is the fact that in his past he was an asshole to Chin and Hen, some almost 10 years before what is being shown on screen now. It's clear that he's friends with Chim still and even if he did not keep in touch with Hen there's no animosity there either. In the flashback where he leaves the 118 Hen is the one to shove him face first into a cake. Do you think he would have taken it so well had they not been friendly? Or that Hen would have done that if she didn't think she could do so? It's already established in the flashbacks that they have worked through their issues and for you to demand Hen or Chim to be hostile with him rn or that he needs to "work for their friendship" it's simply madness.
The flashbacks already established him as having changed and being friends with both them and Bobby, since there's also a scene of them going out to a bar together and they all have fun together. For you to demand more without also having a Tommy Begins episode it's frankly ridiculous. He's not that important in Chim or Hen's lives as of now to need a further explanation but "they resolved their issues and there's that". And he was not obligated to come out to Hen at any time. You do not owe your sexuality to anyone.
Anyway. There's that. My big rant for some of the things I've seen since the break. If y'all liked this I might do more dissertations of the other out of pocket takes I've seen around. And my ask is also open if you want to ask my opinion on something
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raineandsky · 1 month
“What’s, uh,” the villain starts slowly, “what’s in your sandwich?”
The hero spares them no more than a passing glance. “Aw, you hungry? They don’t feed you guys in your little evil hideout?”
“I feed myself just fine.” The villain eyes the sandwich in the other’s hand nervously, their wrists rolling against their handcuffs. “What’s in it?”
“Peanut butter and jelly, if you must know.”
The villain’s eyes widen ever-so-slightly, their chair grating as it slides back as far as it’ll go. The desk jolts with the force with which they pull back.
“What?” the hero asks bluntly.
“I’m allergic.”
The hero’s gaze turns down to their, frankly delicious, sandwich. “To PBJs?”
“To peanuts, you moron!”
“Oh.” Another bite. “Huh.” A thoughtful chew, staring off into the distance. “How bad?”
“If I so much as look at a peanut, I will keel over.”
There’s a moment of silence, in which the villain seems to deflate slightly. “That’s probably dangerous information to give you,” they add quietly.
“Probably.” The hero hasn’t moved, despite their desk and their caught criminal being halfway to escaping them. “Will something happen if I touch you with my peanut hands?”
“Do not,” the villain snaps lowly, “even think about it.”
The hero smirks. “Why not?”
“I’ll tear your goddamn arms off.”
“If you can do that whilst cuffed, I’ll be impressed.”
The villain glares. The hero shrugs and shoves the last bit in their mouth. “I’m not trying to be mean, anyway,” they continue past their hunk of bread. “I’m asking so I can not kill you.”
The hero gets to their feet and the villain reels back like they’re about to explode. “I’ll wash my hands first, okay?” the hero offers.
The hero is, by definition, a decent human being. They return two minutes later with clean, wet hands, to a desk moved half an inch to the right and no villain. 
“Ah, shit,” is all the hero can be bothered to say. They never liked big chases on a full stomach.
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unboundprompts · 6 months
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Hero and Villain Prompts
↳ a masterpost for hero and villain writing prompts
↳ (#) is from my collection of random prompts, (list) contains multiple prompts.
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If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
I also have a Patreon! Become a member to gain access to a Member's Only Community where you can chat and message other members and myself. Also gain access to my personal writing, which includes completed short stories, chapters from novels in progress, as well as completed scenes.
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How to Write a Good Villain
How to Make Readers Fear Your Villain
Hero and Villain Banter:
You're Sick (#1)
Hell to Pay (#27)
Responses to Someone Trying to Stab You (list)
Responses to Being Punched (list)
Hero and Villain Angst:
This Devil Within Me (#15)
This Heart of Mine (#16)
Alone in the World (#42)
Hero Realizing the Villain is Right (list)
Prompts About Being Stalked (list)
Hero is told by Villain that their Friend Betrayed them (list)
No Fight Left (#118)
Betrayed Your Kind (#123)
Powers Getting Stronger (#126)
The Hero Chooses to Save the World Instead of Their Lover (list)
Who Decided We Were Enemies? (#135)
I Am Not The One Who Can Help You (#137)
I Can't Control It (#146)
Hero x Villain Prompts:
Hero Avenges Villain
Rivals to Friends Dialogue (list)
Love Me or Fear Me (#40)
Hero and Villain Whump:
The Consequences to Follow (#28)
The Antidote (#43)
The Sedative (#122)
Villain and Villain Prompts:
The Decoy (#46)
Two Jerk Best Friends (list)
Villain x Villain (list)
Superpower Prompts:
The Visions (#65)
Civilian Prompts:
Civilian that Patches Hero's Injuries (list)
Hero Struggling to Balance their Civilian Life (list)
Hero Removing Their Mask / Identity Exposed (list)
Sidekick Prompts:
Devoted Sidekick x Hero-Turned-Villain (list)
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rcmclachlan · 16 days
It's been a month since Vincent Gerrard was reinstated at the 118. Tommy and Buck make plans for what comes next.
"You, Hen, Chim—you had all these horror stories about Gerrard, and I always thought, They have to be exaggerating. There's no way anyone like that exists in real life. He sounded like a Disney villain. I used to picture him evilly twirling his mustache by the dumpsters behind the station." "I still wouldn't rule that out," Tommy mutters.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hi i have an eddie diaz request!
so eddie and the reader have been dating for a while, she’s also a firefighter with the 118, and after that special about them that taylor did aires, her abusive ex comes to find her. it’s kinda like the maddie and doug situation where he was looking for her since she left and she doesn’t tell eddie until something big happens and he has to save her which causes her to tell him everything.
thank you
all too well - e.d
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summary: request
eddie diaz x reader
a/n: sorry for the unnecessary taylor slander in this i’m her biggest hater!!! warning for domestic abuse, very similar to maddie in season 2.
it was an innocent new segment. that’s all it was supposed to be. an informative post about the fire station 118 and how they work. taylor and her team had sauntered their way through the firehouse, gazing at the engines and the shiny structures that surrounded them. she recorded anything she could, despite requests of space and those who didn’t wish to be recorded.
y/n had been one of those, out of her relationship from her ex boyfriend. she was in active hiding, fleeing across the country to get away from such a man. he had been watching her every move, and she’d been meticulous in concealing herself. she’d heard of the situation maddie was in, dealing with the uncertainty of her location and condition. it was nightmare fuel, the thought haunting y/n in her sleep as she lay next to eddie at night.
she wanted to be able to tell him, but the more people who didn’t know, was better. she figured she’d be putting him in danger if eddie knew, especially the people around him. if something happened to eddie, she would never be able to move on from the life she wants to put behind her. the discarded ring of a man who was never truly her fiancé was something she needed to forget about.
the moment she saw the news segment had aired, her heart dropped. she fought to have herself removed, but that was not what happened. taylor removed other details of the day gone-wrong, but didn’t remove her identity. y/n had voiced her concerns very clearly to taylor and eddie, and eddie was pissed that no one would listen. she panicked as her name was splayed across the screen with a clean view of her face, easily recognizable. she knew he was looking for her.
she tried to reassure herself, but the joke was on her. she was now sitting in the familiar car with the disgusting smell of cigarettes and the sick excuse of a man. she was jostled awake in the moving vehicle. she didn’t dare to mumble a single word, her body frozen in fright.
“morning, sleepyhead,” the raspy and evil voice entered her ears.
“what did you do?” she managed to spit out.
he laughs grimly, in a tormenting manner. “you really thought i wasn’t going to find you? i’ll give it to you, it took a while but i finally have you where i want you.”
“why are you doing this, mark? i didn’t do anything to you.”
“you said we were supposed to be together. and you lied, y/n. you know i don’t like lies. like, come on, were you that stupid?”
“you kidnapped me in this car. i’m not the stupid one.”
“whatever you say, princess,” she moves her hand up to brush the hair out of her face when he grips her wrist painfully. “but if you ever say anything like that again, you will never go back.”
her eyes remain dry, feeling completely numb as she continues to stare forward. “you literally left me no choice! i love you! you love me and you just left me? you turned into a monster, a selfish, backstabbing person and it’s not my fault!”
“no, it’s not,” she complies, almost giving up entirely to make herself feel worthy. she plays into his act of the hero, when he’s been the villain in disguise.
he had driven her two hours out of los angeles, taking the backroads to avoid any interaction with people. y/n, in a complete terror, tries to formulate a plan in her head but everything is shut down by her own fears. “i have to use the bathroom, mark.”
“what? why?”
“because i am a human, it’s not like i had the chance before we left.”
“shit, fine. say anything and you’re dead,” he threatens, pulling up to an empty gas station with only a few workers inside. he lurks around, pretending that he’s browsing the selections. she speeds to the bathroom in the back, which looks like it hasn’t been occupied in years.
something in her mind switches, so she grabs a pen out of her pant pocket and searches around for anything she can. her eyes land on the paper towels, madly ripping one off and clicking her pen. she writes a message on it, prepared to hide it in her sleeve as they walk out. idiot she thinks.
“y/n!” mark bangs on the door. “c’mon, we have to go!”
she turns the sink on and off and discards of any evidence. she grabs the door and takes a deep breath, and swings it open to be confronted by the towering figure. she felt like he was feet taller, but he wasn’t. she had been so used to making herself feel smaller that she forgot the feeling.
the workers in the front had noticed the discomfort on y/n’s face. they could make an accusation, or believe that someone else would do something. “would y’all like to buy something?” one asked.
y/n looked at mark, scared for anything he react to. y/n steps closer to the counter, “yeah, can i get a pack of marlboro?”
“sure thing,” the other says and grab the pack of cigarettes from the back. he places it in front of her as y/n fishes for her credit card, swiping the note she’d written under it. somehow, marks obliviousness had missed the piece of white under it. she praised whoever made him this ignorant. after the machine dinged and the payment was made, mark grabbed her hand and moved out of the small store.
“i’m sorry,” she immediately begins to apologize. “it was a distraction to them.”
“whatever, get in the car.”
the workers had found the paper on the counter, all folded up and ink spilling through the back.
call 911, ask for sergeant athena grant.
two hrs out of la, gray toyota, license plate 2R7-983
the first man blanked, not knowing what to do but his suspicions were confirmed. the woman was not safe, so he did what he was told on the paper. he dialed 911.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” the soothing voice came through.
“uh, i’m in solvang, and we just had a couple come in and i think the woman needs help.”
“did you get the name of the woman?”
“the name on the card was y/n, i didn’t remember any last name. she had y/c/h, about y/h tall, and she left a note asking for athena… grant?” this man was properly trained for emergencies, giving all the important details and steps they’d need.
“and what’s your name?”
“ok, tyler, did she mention anything else?”
“yes! she mentioned a grey toyota and the license plate.”
“perfect, can i have the plate number?”
“it says… 2R7-983.”
“did she seem distressed?”
“yeah, she was scared and she looked tired and, i don’t know she just looked like something was really wrong.”
athena had taken the information, instantly realizing the name. she knew y/n very well, from bobby, eddie, and just being in the system she had been around her. she loved her, y/n was a great person and was good at her job. she was a gracious human, never leaving an ounce of disrespect in her tracks.
“grant!” her chief called. “we got a call from dispatch requesting you on a case, we’ve got a woman named y/n, domestic abuse concerns and she left a note with your name on it?”
“y/n? as in y/l/n? with the 118?”
“i didn’t want to assume, but i believe it is. i looked at her files and she’s had some past calls with a man named mark peterson, believed to have taken her.”
“son of a bitch,” she curses. “do we have an idea of where they might have gotten?”
“they were seen in solvang, two hours out.”
“so we get personnel out there asap?”
“exactly. we get out there and get this guy.”
y/n and he had stopped at a small inn, getting a room and a hideout for the night. he used a fake name for the both of them, lying through his teeth to the receptionist at the front desk. y/n was forced to put on a fake smile and a thrilled appearance, which she thought she should win an oscar for. they settled in the room, and she slowly started to accept her fate.
back at the home, eddie was in a slight rush. she hadn’t responded to any texts or calls. she claimed they would meet up the next day, but there were no traces left of her. externally, he put on a cool front for his son, but internally, his heart was sprinting. she could be anywhere. she could have a dead phone, or she could be dead herself. he tried not to think of the former, but he couldn’t stop himself.
eddie had loved y/n the moment she stepped into the station on her first day. he didn’t think he had any more love left to give. but, she shined her radiant smile and her adorable personality and eddie was head over heels. he’s been through hell with shannon and everything, and he wanted to never take anyone else again. y/n showed him a new side, making him realize that he needed affection, and she was more thankful to give that to him. he felt like the best version of himself when she had been with him the past few years, and that’s all he needs. he couldn’t let himself breathe until he found her, calling anyone who might know. until, he finally resorted to the police, calling athena.
“hey, athena,” he rushes out. “y/n, i- i don’t know where she is and that’s really unlike her, so-“
“diaz…” she says, making anxiety rise in eddie’s body.
“what? what happened? is she ok?”
“we believe she was taken,” eddie’s heart sinks to the floor, immediately turning his blood cold. “do you know a mark peterson?”
“no, never heard of him. i’m going to find her,”
“absolutely not, eddie. we are finding her now,” athena tries her best to ease his terror, but it fails.
“then i’m coming with you, i’ll be at the station in 10.”
eddie sits shotgun in athena’s police car after he got carla to watch christopher. he couldn’t stop his leg from bouncing up and down and his fingers to quit fidgeting. athena takes note of this.
“she’s going to be alright, we’ve got a lot of evidence for this.”
“we don’t know where the hell she is, we have no answers.”
“you’re right, we don’t. but you think she’d want you to lose hope on her?” eddie looks at her, staring at her eyes on the road before turning his phone on. he’s confronted with a picture of y/n and christopher together, pure smiles on their face as his world is out of touch. it’s only on a screen, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
y/n sat, frozen on the bed of the hotel room. she was completely burnt out, thinking that she was stuck with him forever. that news segment. if only she wasn’t shown on the fucking news segment, he wouldn’t have reappeared in her life.
his fake smiles and taunting words had become nothing but useless ones. she was living in her nightmare of having to deal with him, but she thought back to eddie.
every single memory they’d made over the past few years came flooding through her head. from her teaching him how to cook, to their first kiss, to last night where she was in his arms. it was beyond her comprehension that this much could happen in 24-hours. the time of her shifts, her normal routines that she longed for right now.
it wasn’t until mark heard knocks on doors, asking how many people were staying there until she was snapped out of her thoughts. she noticed the red and blue lights from outside the window as mark swore to himself. “fuck! get in the bathroom, y/n.”
“n-no, i wanna stay here-“ she argued as he complained back.
“get in there now! i’m not asking you again, or i swear to god, y/n…”
the darkness in his eyes was what forced her to stand up, but leaving her jacket on the bed and taking her shoes off, leaving them in clear sight. the knocks got closer, before the own piece of wood separating them was banged. mark opened the door casually, like nothing was going on. it always scared y/n the most. the way he could put up this front and act like some innocent man.
“hello, officer!” he said politely. “can i do anything?”
“hello, sir,” athena said, knowing he was the one to be holding y/n. “may i just ask, how many people are in this hotel?”
“just me, miss.”
“alright, i see. i saw this room was booked for two, and i’m assuming those articles of clothing aren’t yours?”
mark stops right in his tracks, wanting to pull y/n out of that bathroom and reprimand her for leaving her stuff. his face dropping, he didn’t know what to say. athena knew it too.
“mind if i take a look around? missing person warning, we have to be sure.”
his expression did not change, but he panicked on the inside. he was a quick man, but not quick enough to prevent athena’s abrupt hand against the closing door. she pulled him out, pressing him against the wall as she called for backup. “better luck next time, mark. let’s have a few words, you have the right to remain silent…”
y/n’s fingers were pressed in her ears, trying to block out any of the commotion or yelling that might’ve commenced. she’d already heard too much tonight, scared to traumatize herself any further. the noise concealed by her hands made her not even notice the opening of the door, and fearful to turn around and see his face again. she had been crying violently on the cold tiles of the bathroom, praying she’d be out of this mess. y/n’s instinct was to flinch at the hand pressed against her shoulder. eventually, she realized it was a humane one. she slowly turned herself around, locking eyes with athena. “we’ve got him, y/n.”
she sighed out in relief, but also in preparation for the storm of tears pouring out of her eyes. her hand went to cover her mouth in disbelief. she’d been hiding from this man for years, and she finally didn’t have to. she knew for a while that she wasn’t really free, she was just away from him. at last, the game of hide and seek ended, and it’s all going to be different.
her hand connected with athena’s, pulling her off the ground and out of the room. she was brought outside, lurking around the parking lot in desperate hopes for someone she loves. someone who’s touch can heal any wound. her dreams came true, when she saw eddie walking toward her.
“eddie,” she gasps out.
“y/n!” he runs closer, scooping her up into his arms and kissing her face frantically. “oh my god, i’m so sorry, mi vida, i’m so, so sorry.”
“i should’ve told you, i should’ve said something.”
“no, no, it’s not your fault. it never has been and it never will be.”
“i was so scared my life was over again. that i’d never see you or christopher, or hen or chim and buck or bobby and-“
“hey, calm down, ok? it’s all going to be ok, i’m here,” eddie doesn’t let go or let her release herself from his arms. she looks him dead in the eye, making sure he’s real and that she isn’t just searching for an answer. “they’ve got him, you never have to see him again. you won, baby.”
she won. she won? y/n didn’t feel like she won. the whole scenario still felt like a twisted prank, but it wasn’t. it was real, and she ended it. the years of making herself smaller and degrading herself because of one man were over. the time where she was continuously proven as less than had stopped.
she has eddie forever now, so if anyone had won, it was her.
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zeldasnotes · 8 months
This is just for fun so please take it with a grain of salt! Ofc having one of these asteroids prominent wont make someone a villain. These villains just remind me of the dark side of the asteroids mentioned!
Cruella De Vil - Aphrodite(1388)
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Asteroid Aphrodite shows beauty, love, pleasure and vanity.
”Cruella is a glamor-obsessed heiress who claims that she cannot live without furs. Unlike previous Disney villainesses, such as the Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, the Queen of Hearts, and Maleficent, Cruella is not a schemer nor does she have any powers. Instead, she acts purely on impulse and is thus prone to reckless behavior, Cruella is known to be mean and rude, frequently barging into other people's homes unannounced and openly disrespecting others. She adores attention but looks down on others, showing no sympathy or concern for anyone's well-being.She is also greedy and selfish and adores high fashion and art. Her interest in fashion revolves around furs from animals, particularly fur coats, as she is always wearing one.”
HIM - Sado(118230)
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Asteroid Sado shows sadistic tendencies.
”Very little is known about HIM's motives for wanting to harm The Powerpuff Girls. In his first appearance, he shows a strong contempt towards them, He often plays on weaknesses such as fear, and seems to have a goal of breaking up the Powerpuff Girls, mainly through making them hate or fight each other. Unlike other villains who would prefer to destroy Townsville through physical means, HIM, on the other hand, prefers using psychological methods that often orchestrate events and psychological tortures in an attempt to drive the Powerpuff Girls apart. He is bitter, evil, ruthless, mysterious, diabolical, domineering, and possesses seemingly no motive other than the personal sadistic pleasure of the suffering of others.”
Dr. Drakken - Zavist(7440)
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Asteroid Zavist shows envy.
”Drakken is a self-proclaimed "evil megalomaniac" who is motivated by pettiness and jealousy. He becomes irritated every time someone reminds him that Professor Dementor has an impressive reputation as an evil mad scientist when compared to Drakken's own reputation. Drakken was picked on during his past, eventually being kicked out of college and leading him to the dark side. He is a scientist and inventor who has created numerous inventions to get rid of Kim Possible and pursue his goal of ruling the world. And every time after his defeat, Drakken would often yell out to Kim, "You think you're all that, Kim Possible, but you're not!!" ”
Chris McLean - Narcissus(37117)
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Asteroid Narcissus shows narcissistic personality traits.
”Chris McLean openly takes pleasure in watching the competitors suffer, and frequently goes out of his way to make things as difficult as possible for his amusement. Chris thoroughly enjoys it whenever contestants fight with, bully, exploit, betray, and cheat against each other, and sometimes tries to exacerbate the conflicts between them. One of his more identifiable traits is his narcissism and absolute concern for himself. Chris mainly acknowledges his appearance as one of his most prized possessions, viewing himself as highly attractive. This habit escalates into fully altering his face into a smile, no matter the emotions he displays. An example of this preoccupation with physical appearance is Chris's panic and paranoia after Topher lies and says the producers will replace him with someone younger-looking.”
Lola Fish - Peitho(118)
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Peitho was the goddess of persuasion, temptation, seduction and charm.
”Lola is a manipulative, sensuous, sly, and lustful fish who has no problem using her sexuality to get her way. She is a greedy, avaricious, materialistic, and acquisitive gold-digger who enjoys the finer things in life. She vows revenge on Oscar for dumping her and was perfectly willing to arrange the sharks to kidnap Angie and threaten her life in exchange for Oscar's obedience. She is also highly treacherous and seductive, as shown in the film, where she entranced much male fish, including a married Shark. She enjoys doing the seductive acts she is known for. For instance, she is clearly having fun when she performs a sultry dance for Oscar. She also smiles before and after grabbing Oscar and forcing him to passionately make out with her.”
Shego - Lilith
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Asteroid Lilith shows rebellion, desire, female empowerment & rage.
”Shego was the only girl in a family with five children and had a bossy attitude. Shego is an expert in all kinds of fields, with infiltration and sabotage as her specialties. She can sneak with the best finesse, infiltrating even heavily guarded strongholds with ease. Shego is possibly the most complicated character on the show and this shows in her personality. On one hand, she is a calm, honest, adequate, sufficient, efficacious and professional person with superb work ethics. On the other, she is extremely presumptuous, egotistical, unmerciful, sarcastic, cocksure, devious, and liable to go into a berserk state if provoked enough. Adding to that is her mischievousness, vengefulness, heroic tendencies. A large part of her decision to become a villainess was how much her brothers' personalities annoyed her.”
Scar - Lucifer(1930)
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Asteroid Lucifer shows excessive pride.
”As an adult, Scar is a cunning, sarcastic and narcissistic lion with a cultured and elegant demeanour, and a wry and cynical wit. He was somewhat of a spoiled brat, believing because he is king, he can do whatever he wants. Scar is filled with loathing and disgust for his brother and nephew, and most likely everybody against him as well. When he was king of the Pride Lands, Scar is very shiftless because he does not even bother to try to take his responsibilities seriously as Mufasa did. Scar is also shown to be very antipathetic and intolerant of failure, criticizing the hyenas for their failure to kill Simba, even though it wasn't their fault after they made the mistake of mentioning his brother of who Scar was extremely jealous. He did not hesitate to call them publicly or criticize them for the slightest thing.”
Mojo Jojo - Nemesis(128)
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Asteroid Nemesis shows an enemy.
”Mojo Jojo is a notorious genius chimpanzee mad scientist, whose main goal is to destroy The Powerpuff Girls, crush Townsville and conquer the world. He was chronologically the Powerpuff Girls' first major villain that they ever fought, as explained in "The Powerpuff Girls Movie", and is arguably their archenemy because though he saved them from the Gangreen Gang and teamed up with them to build his lab on the Townsville volcano, using the girls' powers, he did it to take over the world, but didn't tell them. Mojo Jojo is one of The Powerpuff Girls' toughest rivals. Despite usually failing, He has even managed to defeat them several times, or at least injure them badly. Mojo JoJo is also the most persistent one, and is determined in destroying them”
Mandark - Valentine(447)
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Valentine shows true love, sacrificial love.
”Ever since he first laid eyes on Dee Dee, Mandark has been completely enamored with her to the point of obsession and whenever he is not focusing on his evil plans or hatred towards Dexter, he only thinks of his beloved Dee Dee and dreams of what kind of relationship they would have.Despite this, Dee Dee has shown no interest in Mandark and at times seems to outright hate him or look down on him, but regardless, Mandark's love for her remained unchanged throughout the series and he continued to love her unconditionally. In fact, even when Mandark was completely corrupted and became the evil and heartless Overlord Mandark in the future, the one thing that remained unchanged about him was his eternal love for Dee Dee.”
Frollo - Lust(4386)
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Asteroid Lust shows passionately lusting after & desire.
”Frollo develops a lust for Esmeralda which contributes to a failing image of his own moral perfection. He clearly expresses that it's his body that responds to his impulses, instead of genuine love. It's never about romance. The obscene withering evoked by him reveals that it is only about a sexual attraction. Unwilling to accept or mend this, he accuses Esmeralda, Satan, and even God of this dilemma. Then Frollo begins to enter a much more bellicose and persecutory state in his search for this lady. Later, he tries to make the woman his mistress under the guise of converting her to his religion when she’s caught at last. Towards the very end of the film, Frollo's true colors and nature broke down because of his rage and growing lust towards Esmeralda.”
Your favorite villain wasnt on this list? Comment or send me an ask of your villain and I will tell you what asteroid they remind me of! 🦹🏻‍♀️
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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whump-in-the-closet · 19 days
What Goes Bump in the Night
just some good ol' Villain angst and aftermath
Hero hadn't expected the screaming when they walked through the glass doors.
They didn't know what they had expected from the Rehabilitation Center for the criminals with gifts.
Certainly not the stale walls, with the texture of vomit, or the long, empty halls, lit with clinically fluorescent lights.
Certainly not the receptionist with a dead gaze and nails that tapped, tapped at the keyboard. They sounded like insects scurrying over the tiles.
And certainly not the screaming. The muffled screaming burned through the walls and spilled into the entrance.
Some flowers would be nice. Or sunlight. Or a splash of pastel paint.
Hero clenched their jaw. They were fine with the screaming. Fine, fine, fine. It was just...unexpected.
"I'm here to see Villain," Hero told the receptionist. Their teeth ached from how tightly they had bitten down. Their skin was crawling, something alive and twitching along their muscles.
The receptionist stopped clicking. She looked up at them, blinked, then resumed typing.
Hero wore their suit, but no mask. They rested their hands on the clinical desk and leaned forward earnestly, "Villain? Where is he?"
They didn't have a fingernail on their right pointer finger, and several were crooked. Their smile was tired and uneven, giving them a lopsided, careless appearance.
Mostly, they looked anxious.
"Down the hall, to your left. One-eighteen, laddie," she laughed internally, at their cowardice. This was the big, bad hero of the city?
Hero smiled a thank you and vanished.
The door was gated with an electrical lock.
It glowed blue, as serene as starlight in the painful brightness of the passage. Except here, neither starlight or sunlight ever reached the prisoners.
More screaming-- from further down the hallway-- cut through the silence and Hero's own sharp breathing. The hall smelled of ammonia or iron. Both bitter and bright, if smells had color.
Then the lock clicked green, opening partially of its own accord.
Hero shut the door behind them. By now, all thoughts of gloating had turned to uneasiness.
"Villain? Villain--"
Oh god.
Villain swung from the ceiling, wrists twisted at odd angles, head drooping. His bare feet barely touched the concrete.
In the middle of the room was a drain.
Smeared bloodstains on the walls. How did blood get on the wall?
The smell of iron was much, much stronger in here.
And Hero could only stare.
Villain slowly, slowly glanced up. His face looked like it had been deconstructed and then rather badly put back together. One eye was sealed shut.
"Enjoying the view?" His voice was a rasp, rather than a taunt, and blood dribbled out with the words, staining his chest.
Some of the old banter.
This, Hero recognized.
This, Hero knew.
"You mean what's left of it?" They circled Villain, then drew up sharply. They recognized some of their old work-- the fist-shaped scars on Villain's ribs and the one splitting his ear, but a lot was new.
These were raw and infected and brutal.
Hero's expression twisted like they were about to be sick. Their hands shook as they ghosted over an old brand on Villain's hip, half-covered by his pants.
Villain laughed at Hero. Laughed. It came out as a rattled cough instead. "You think you're the only one who liked to pummel me every night?" He took a shallow breath. "Idiot. Not everything's about you."
Hero threw up. They barely turned to the side in time to avoid throwing up all over Villain.
They wiped their mouth with the back of their hand. All humor was gone. They asked one question. One question and that was it. They forced it through clenched teeth. "Who?"
"Supervillain." He blew a piece of hair out of his face. The temperature always seemed to be set five degrees above what he could bear, making everything clingy and humid. Adding discomfort on discomfort until he fucking snapped. "Nemesis dear, you're going to have to get in line."
They hadn't cut his tongue out yet
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
LOZ Four Swords Returns AU Masterpost
Crossing my fingers and hoping this works.
Four Heroes Return 1
Pages 1-6
Pages 7-14
Pages 15-20
Back Home 2
Pages 21-24
Pages 25-28
Pages 29-32
A "Walk" 3
Pages 33-36
Pages 37-40
Pages 41-44
Pages 45-48
Pages 49-51
Pages 52-54
Pages 55-57
Library 4
Pages 58-62
Pages 63-65
Pages 66-67
Pages 68-70
Pages 71-73
Pages 74-76
Pages 77-81
A Promise 5
Pages 82-84
Pages 85-87
Pages 88-90
Pages 91-93
Pages 94-96
Pages 97-101
Pages 102-104
Pages 105-108
Memory Lane 6
Pages 109-111
Pages 112-114
Pages 115-117
Pages 118-120
Pages 121-124
Pages 125-128
A Hero Playing a Villain 7
Pages 129-131
Pages 132-134
Pages 135-139
Pages 140-144
Pages 145-150
Pages 151-155
Pages 156-159
Pages 160-164
Pages 165-172
Pages 173-177
Dark Mirror's shards 8
Pages 178-182
Pages 183-186
Pages 187-191
Pages 192-196
Triforce of Power 9
Pages 197-200
Page 201-205
Pages 206-210
Uncontrollable Curse 10
Pages 211-214
Pages 215-218
Pages 219-222
Pages 223-229
Pages 230-233
Pages 234-240
Pages 241-244
Unfinished Business 11
Pages 245-250
Pages 251-254
Pages 255-259
Pages 260-263
Pages 264-268
Pages 269-271
Pages 272-275
Pages 276-280
Pages 281-284
Pages 285-288
Pages 289-294
Pages 285-298
Pages 299-302
Pages 303-307
Pages 308-311
Pages 312-315
Pages 316-319
Pages 320-324
Pages 325-328
Pages 329-332
Pages 333-338
Home again 12
Pages 339-342
Pages 343-347
Pages 348-350
Pages 352-355
Pages 356-360
Darkness and Vaati 13
Pages 361-363
Pages 364-366
Pages 367-370
A Waking Nightmare 14
Pages 371-375
Pages 376-379
Pages 380-382
Pages 383-385
Page 386-388
Page 389-391
Page 392-394
Page 395-397
Page 399-401
Pages 402-404
Pages 405-408
Pages 409-411
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jackwhiteprophetic · 21 days
Gonna start compiling a list of 911 'villains'/people that could hold grudges against the 118&co that are still, to our knowledge, alive and could return (most are in prison but they could find a way out)
- Freddy (bombing)
- Jonah (hero complex guy)
- the other prison hostage guy
- Marty (the scorpion venom guy but he wasn't very angry at anyone)
- the lady that took Athena hostage in the valentines ep in season 1
- the guy that catfished and attacked Josh and took dispatch hostage
- Buckley parents
- Charlie's mum
- the serial killer from Athenas childhood neighbourhood
- the couple that killed bobby's sponsor
If there are more lmk
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littlerosetrove · 1 month
Just to be very clear, while I may not like this cheating storyline for Eddie - and the doppelgänger thing is giving soap opera, but I’ll go with it - I do NOT think that all of this makes Eddie a bad guy or a villain. No way. 
Eddie is. Not Well. He is so deep in his grief over Shannon that, he’s not actively or even trying to healthily process and work through it, no. Instead Eddie is repainting his memories of Shannon with better and happier ones. He’s trying to recapture “the magic” and the good times he had with her in any way he can, which is with Marisol (which of course is not working) and now with a Shannon lookalike at the same time. Eddie is clinging to a happier and idolized version of Shannon that never was, because he’s not processing his trauma/grief, nor currently acknowledging the flaws of Shannon and their relationship. He’s actively and knowingly fucking up his life to live in this fantasy he’s created, which is going to blow up in his face spectacularly. 
He’s also trying to redo everything with Shannon to fix things for Chris, as explained further in this post by @lovecolibri and myself.
He’s not doing any of this out of a place of malice or anything bad. He’s just a flawed and traumatized man that mostly refuses to grieve, but also doesn’t know how to grieve and let the Shannon of it all rest.
Ryan said Eddie will feel isolated by the end of season 7. Keep in mind that, from what we know right now, yeah it’ll most likely be something Eddie feels because what does Eddie do when he’s about to break down? He isolates himself from everyone else. It’s unclear of course whether there will be a resolution for Eddie by the end or if this season will have a sort of cliffhanger for Eddie. 
Buck is Eddie’s rock, no question. The 118 would do anything for Eddie too. None of them would push Eddie away, they’ll want to help him. So if Eddie is feeling isolated? I don’t think it’s because anyone will push Eddie away, rather Eddie will retreat into his own corner, so to speak, to lick his wounds on his own as Eddie tends to do. Idk, we may have to wait till season 8 to see Eddie letting anyone back in to help him, you know? 
Bottom line, Eddie is a good man that just happens to be making very poor decisions in his life right now. And yeah, at this point Eddie does need to hit a kind of rock bottom to learn something, as he often does, before he can actually move forward. 
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