#villian kirishima eijirou
chososchalupa · 18 days
Game Night //
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
shigaraki x reader
College AU/No quirks/SMAU with a splash of writing
chapter two
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Chapter one : This is Tomura Shigaraki
cw - suicide joke from Bakugo
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summerlovingbaby · 2 years
Traitor Rewrite Part 1
Y/N’s lost her phone in the middle of the night. Well she didn’t exactly lose it so much as she was pretty sue that Sero stole it, as retaliation because she ate the last Eggo Waffle even though it had his name on it. It was there when she went to bed, but gone when she woke up, which sucked for her because it made her late for class on the day that she had a test that made up 40% of her grade, and she planned on waking up early to study. Well she sat an alarm to wake up to study, but she wasn’t getting out of bed until the absolute last minute.
It’s not like she needed to study anyway, she could pass most test without thinking and managed to get decent grades with no more than a little thought. Deccent. That’s all she was and that was all she ever planned on being.
Nothing more, nothing less, exactly what she was asked of a nothing more.
“ Sorry for being late, Sir. I couldn’t find my... phone.” she entered the classroom, and paused at the door.
Nobody was sitting at their desks, with there number two pencils, backs hunched over a paper. They were all crowded at the back of the classroom, with looks of grim determination. Bakugou looked particularly bothered, both hands clenched tightly into fist, bearing his teeth like a cornered animal.
“ What’s going on here?” Y/N asked stepping into the classroom, she soon wished she didn’t because as soon as she stepped through the door, she got a bad feeling, Panic shot through her body and she let it flash on her face for a minute and then forced it into a neutral expression.
Deku opened his mouth, made a gross looking face then quickly closed it before flies flew in it. His mouth quivered and he tried to speak one more time. “ I...” he tried, then his face turned stony as he wiped his face of all emotion and spoke again. “ I just don’t understand.”
“I’m late for one test and you guys act like I’m a crimminal!” she threw her hands up and forced out a fake laugh to clear the tenison. 
“ You’re still lying.” Deku spoke, then he turned and looked behind, unable to look at her and her fat, lying face anymore. The face of an old friend. “ Why is she still lying?”
“ Exuse me?” Y/N said. “ The hell are you talking about?”
“ Language!” Iida chided.
“ What am I lying about exactly?” she asked, stepping backwards towards the door, she had a bad feeling. A real bad one, that shot something in her stomach that made her want to be sick.
She couldn’t show it, she kept her face calm and neutral. Don’t over react, she thought to herself. There’s no reason to be afraid. 
She had every reason to be afraid she could feel it. A door opened a couple feet down the hallway and she could feel the heavy army boots stopping down the hallway in uniform. If she tried hard enough she could pretend the footfalls were the sound of her own heartbeat, which was beating insessiantly in her chest and made her want to carve it out with her own hands. She was losing her edge.
“ What the hell is going on?”
“ LANGUAGE!” Iida shouted.
“ Iida, I don’t feel like that’s exactly relevant right now-” Sero whispered. 
“ Can someone just explain to me what’s going on?” she asked, her voice still sweet and gentle despite the stress shooting through her thoughts.
“ We know you’re the traitor.” Aizawa spoke.
Her eyes drifted to him, she hadn;t even noticed how he was wearing his goggled shielding his eyes, or the missing sleeping bag that was traded in for a sullen expression.
Y/N stared at him, she didn’t know what to say, hadn’t even registered the word. That’s why she laughed, she always laughed at the least appropriate times because she didn’t no what else to do, but slap a smile on her face.
“ What?”
“ You don’t need to lie. We know it’s you!”
“ I have no idea what you’re talking about. What traitor?” she threw her hands in the air,  to show she was no threat. She thought she wasn’t one.
Everyone else was looking at her like she was the biggest threat in the room. Aizawa knew she could be a threat if she wanted to. Maybe not the biggest one, but one none the less. He knew that she hadn’t shown him the full capacity of her quirk, afraid of what it would do, but now, cornered like a violent animal confronted with the truth, she would lash out. The question was, would he be strong enough to stop the fallout.
“ Stop playing dumb, we’ve had enough of your schemes!”
“ What?”
“ Stop-”
“ We’ve given you more of an explanation than you deserve. And we’ve given you more than a dozen chances to explain.” Aizawa snapped. “ I would have thought you would have known better than to lie, and I thought that you would at least give us the dignity of being honest.”
“ Last chance, to surrender quietly.”
She threw her hands in the air and stuttered.
“ Can we just talk, like friends?” she asked.
“ We’re not friends, not anymore!” Bakugou snapped. “ Friends don’t stab eachother in the back.”
“ I didn’t stab anyone-”
“ Don’t say we didn’t give you the chance, to do the right thing.” Aizawa said.
Aizawa stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistles, ad just on cue men began to appear. Y/N turned to run, but the door slammed in her face, with such force that it knocked her down. Men in uniform, with stun guns draped on their chest, emerged from the ceiling, knocking down the ceiling titles.
She got to her feet though she felt like all the air was knocked from her lungs. She could still breathe but it felt like her lungs collapsed in on herself. 
One time, when she was a kid, she was on the swings, she tried to fly. So she forced herself to swing back and forth, until she swung super high, then just when she decided she was high enough, she realized she was afraid. She wasn’t meant to fly she was meant to walk, but two hands pressed against the middle of her back, and launched her foreward, sending her face first to the ground.
That’s what she felt like, Like someone pushed her off the swingset that she had no business being on in the first place. It felt like time froze, and before she knew it men surrounded her.
She scrambled upwards and hid behind his desk, pressing her back flat against the chalkboard in the front of the room. Hands emerged, grabbing at her face and clawing at her skin, she tried to scream but a hand covered her mouth and pinched her nose so she couldn’t breathe. She gripped the hand holding her hostage and snapped the wrist back.
It was Pro Hero Wall. Homeroom teacher of class 2B. She elbowed the wall and the hands let go of her. She had no time to think, no time to form a plan. Someone flew in through the window, she didn’t even realize that it was open. Two more guys dropped in, and landed harshly. They were wearing battle gear and had guns too.
Two men were approaching from the front, and she grabbed the edge of the desk and pushed it foreward, ramming it into them and knocking them down. It sent all the supplies falling of the desk and clattering on the ground. Someone came at her from the left, swung a large fist at her nose, and hit her in the face. The smell of blood invaded her senses and made her eyes water. A fist swung at her again,she ducked beneth it and kicked him down. A harsh hand slammed down on her shoulder and she grabbed his wrist, spinned around, pinning it behind his back and slammed him against the wall.
“ Can someone just talk to me.” she pleaded." Please just talk-”
Someone snuck up behind her, so quietly she couldn’t hear, grabbed her by her shoulder and slammed her head on the desk leaving a nasty bruise. They pinned her arm behind her back so violently her arm dislocated. She cried out loudly.
Kirishima tried to go help her but Denki, who was making sure that he didn’t interfere, grabbed him to keep him still. She tried to activate her quirk, but it couldn’t rise in her, she lifted her head to Aizawa who had taken off his goggles and left them on a desk, he wanted to look at her, watch her struggle.
“ Please.” she moaned. He only saw her mouth move, but he knew exactly what she said.
They jammed a siringe in her neck and managed to get her in cuffs, and as just as fact as they appeared they were dragging her from the room kicking and shouting for someone to listen. She just wanted her friends to listen.
She shouted for her innocence as they drug her to the door. Her body felt heavy and the edges of her vision went blurry. She looked at her classmates, the ones that stood and watched her get condemed, and the teacher that condemed her.
As soon as she was out of the room, they gave her another shot of sedation keeping her from activating her quirk and making her easy to deal with. Her pleas echoed down the hallway and flowed into the room. There was a loud thudding noise, and then silence.
The quiet fell on the room, as the men gathered themselves and followed after her. Kirishima fell to the ground with wide sullen eyes and hollow cheeks. His world just ended. He put a hand over his mouth in a desperate attempt to muffle his sobs, that were raking his chest through his body.
@kiribakuslilpebble    @un-limit-edd     @ultrahugakitten  @ jmook423 @ anonymousbabygirl13-blog   @ power-house-fan12                                  @imunderurbed   @fandomfreak1000000   @dylan-kai2008 @cheesecakeva  @lovemegood  @madsttx @whatdidshesayyy
@ great-goddess-of-sin   @bitchyzombienacho  @polpoe
@lovemegood  @eijiandkatspebble  @luna670  @nealearts @bittersw33t-lotus  @therapy-arts-blog   @thenerdygirl111  @sil-ver-shadow   @chscklvr
@itshemlock  @5sos-wdw  @stupidfool69
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maroonswan · 2 years
I really want to kiss villain!kirishima sooooo bad.
I feel like ,in that state, kiri wouldn’t care that much about his teeth. Kissing him would be full of them, clashing against your own and occasionally scraping against your gums. 
When he’s really in the mood though, he bites at your your pretty soft lips, bruising them and even sometimes drawing blood. Kirishima doesn’t mind though. Like a carnivore, he laps and sucks at the wounds, for he just loves the taste of you.
Once he starts, it’s hard to get him to stop. He’ll push you down into the plush of the bed before littering more bite marks all over your body, happy to tear his precious girl’s flesh apart just to to indulge in her crimson essence. 
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Villain! BNHA AU- Our Little Apprentice: Episode-Todoroki Pt1
Triggers- Fem! Reader, talks of cheating, violence,
Episode-PROLOGUE| Episode-Deku| Episode- Bakugou
Now playing- Episode: Todoroki
O.R.C.H.I.D- Kink Unlocked : Temperature Play
“Y/N please let’s talk about this!”
“Talk about what?!” you snapped. “The fact that I FOUND you with your tongue down some girl’s throat?” your voice wavered. “AND DO NOT TELL ME IT WAS FOR THE CAMERAS.” you held out a threatening finger. “How could you do this to me?”
“Y/N I would never! I didn’t! My agency thinks I should be with her to boost my reputation! They probably fabricated the whole thing with someone who looked like me!”
“What did you say in response?” you asked. “When they said it...what did you say?”
He was silent.
“So this is about your fucking agency.” you laughed harshly. “Forget old quirkless Y/N and her clumsy ass...do you think that excuses what you did?”
“Y/N this isn’t about you being quirkless- Maybe to them but-!”
“I don’t believe you...you were wearing the bracelet I gave you for your birthday that one year...the one you suddenly lost the minute you went mainstream...Remember?”
“Maybe the others are right...you’re probably just insecure but that doesn’t mean-.”
Your face faltered as those words left his lips. “Insecure?” You cut him off. “...M-me being hurt that I saw you or someone I thought willingly kissed someone else for publicity is me being insecure?” you dared to ask. “Me already having to deal with people telling you I’m a charity case...is that it?” you crossed your arms.
“That’s not what I said-”
“THAT’S HOW IT SOUNDS...I watched you kiss her like you kiss me...without so much as a hitch!”
“Y/N you’re emotional right now. Let’s please talk about this! How can I prove to you-”
(Flashback end)
“Y/N? Y/N!” Izuku waved his hand in your face, snapping you out of your daze. “Did you hear me?”
“Huh?” you raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, I didn’t. What did you say?”
“I said you did a good job on the heist.” he repeated himself. “In both regards.” he winked. You felt your face heat up. “How did everything go?”
You all had returned to the warehouse. You had been zoning in and out since everyone was talking about...shit- who cared.
“A few troublemakers but I made short work of them.” you replied. “They weren’t well armed at all.”
“Well thanks to your device, we were able to successfully extort that asshole and get what we wanted, what was it’s name again?” Tenya asked.
“O.R.C.H.I.D. Short for Operative Really Cool Hyper Intelligent Device....I was 16 when I thought of it don’t judge me. She’s the most powerful super computer in the world.” 
“What made you build her?” asked Izuku. 
“I was build as a homework helper for Y/N while she was still in school. Then she gave me hyper intel to allow me to interact as humans do...along with this totally fabulous style.” the silver haired avatar gloated. 
“Aren’t you scared she’d turned against you?” Shoto asked, making you roll your eyes.
“Y/N is my creator...I’d never turn against her...you on the other hand. One command and you’re all dust.”
“She’s kidding.” you shook your head. “O.R.C.H.I.D, behave.”
“They all have muscles, they shouldn’t be scared.” your A.I rolled her eyes.
“Okay, you’re being muted.” you pressed a button that completely folded up your super computer back into a laptop sized disk.
“That still impresses me no matter how many times I see it.” Izuku shook his head.
“T-thanks.” you stared down at your fingers. “Not that I’m grateful to be here but, do I actually have a place to sleep or am I just gonna stay here with a blow up mattress.” you half joked. 
“Oh we all have our own bedrooms. I’ll show you yours now if you want.”
“That’d be great.” you nervously smile.
“G’night Y/N~” Denki sang as you passed him. “Feel free to come to my room any time.”
“No one is gonna let me live this down are they?” you whispered to yourself.
You got your answer in the form of a smack to your ass, courtesy of Katsuki who hadn’t stopped smirking since all you to the warehouse. Of course. “Y/N is easily the best piece of ass I’ve ever had.” he boasted, not caring if you could hear.
“God the things I’d do to her-”
“You and me both dude.”
“I can’t wait to bed her over and-”
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Go die, Shoto.” you spat in response as you and Izuku left the board room.
“Dude what did you do to make her hate you so much?” Kirishima asked as you walked farther down the hall. You and Izuku stopped outside a door with your name written on it in black permanent marker.
“It’s not much, but-”
“It’s perfect.” you waved him off. It was twice as big as the shoebox bedroom you used to live in. “A paint job is all it needs.” you nodded.
“Great. Um...I’ll leave you to it then...Hey Y/N?” 
“Yeah Izu-” he cut you off with a very quick peck on the lips.
“I’m really glad you’re here...really.” he grabbed your hand. “I really did miss my best friend.”
“I missed you too Izu.” your faced heated intensely like it did did when he gave you a heart-shaped cookie with your name on it for Valentines day once. “Just don’t make me regret this, okay?”
“I won’t. I promise.” he whispered. “...Night.”
“....Have nice dreams.” you called quietly as the door closed.��“ORCHID, set up.”
“Setting up!”
You grabbed your handheld keyboard as you sat on the cute little twin bed they had picked out for you. “Why am I doing this?” you sighed. “I’ve always fought for the greater good.”
“...Well, and I’m sorry to say this...the greater good hasn’t treated you well since you were a child and I was only as big as a cellphone helping you with your homework. I know I’ve been against this...but maybe you should be making the world pay.”
“Weren’t you just reprimanding me for doing this like 12 hours ago? anyways...That’s what I’m afraid of. What if I have to fight the people I call my friends.”
“According to my data, no one in your graduating class has taken up hero work. All of them are imprisoned...or doing the devil’s work.”
‘Really?” you raised an eyebrow. “So it was only me and my naivety. I guess I thought since I finally got a quirk of my own, I owed it to God or whoever else was listening...cuz I thought it was a blessing.” you began undressing yourself from your day clothes.
“When you built me, you promised to use my data to help people. But you never said which side you’d fight on...you’re allowed to change your mind at any time...remember that. I just want you to be happy.”  
You nodded as your AI companion assured you. You missed your friends and Izuku was right. Humanity sucked ass. “Okay then.” you pulled your shirt over your head.  “Fine.”
“Y/N, someone’s outside your door.”
“Huh?” you looked up at your screen. 
“Not outside anymore.” a new voice grabbed your attention 
“DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!” you sent a power blast at Shoto who had barged in.
“Too slow.” he smirked, stopping it with an ice shield. “To think I can encapsulate your quirk in my palms...much like I’ve encapsulated your heart, Y/N.” he hummed as he shut the door.
“GET OUT!” you yelled, not caring if the whole damn compound could hear. You hid behind your discarded clothes. “WHY ARE YOU IN HERE!”
“I assumed you were hungry so I was told to bring you dinner.”
“And you couldn’t knock like a regular FUCKING PERSON!” you seethed. You ran behind the bed and bent down grabbing a bunch of random clothes out of your duffel. “Or leave it outside the damn door!”
“I’ve been acquainted with your body on more than one occasion Y/N.” 
You grumpily put of a pair of pajama shorts and the first shirt you saw sticking out. “Fuck off.”
“You kept my shirt?”
“Huh?” you looked down. It was a plain black button-up that you instantly recognized to be his. You stole it from him when you slept over at his place one night. “Whatever-”
“Y/N...” Shoto began. “Can we talk?”
“About what?” you crossed your arms. “I have nothing to say to you!”
“I never cheated on you...”
“This again!” you seethed. “Shoto, I am NOT worried about that right now.” You noticed he was holding a plate. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Pizza rolls and mozzarella sticks...your favorite midnight snack as I remember.” he smiled as he set it on the table. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between us, and you hated it. 
“Remember when we first met?” he broke the silence.
“How could I forget...” you huffed.
“Need help with that?”
Your body froze as the helping hand came out of nowhere. The book you had been trying to reach was put in your hand with ease.
“Um...thanks!” you smiled nervously. You had already heard rumors from some of the girls around, but at the same time they told you not to get your hopes up.
“I’ve never seen you around here, I can only assume you’re new?”
“Mhm? Y/N L/N..I’m that quirkless girl you may have heard about.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t hear th-”
“Don’t lie. Please, it will make it easier for us to get along.” you laughed stiffly.
“S-sorry, I just didn’t think you wanted to talk about it.” he smiled. “If it’s any consolation, I also heard you were quite beautiful...”
“From who?”
“My conscious.”
“What?” you went wide eyed.
“I ...I don’t know why I said that....” he froze. “I’m sorry.” he rasped. 
“N-no, that’s okay.” you giggled. “Um....I liked it.”
(End Flashback)
“To think we’ve come so far since then.” he mused. 
“Well, things change.”
“To think something as trivial as a mistaken kiss-”
“Is that what you call it, you were practically dry humping the girl.”
“Oh, now you’re being dramatic on purpose.” he glared. 
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t think the ‘unce unce’ music affected your brain too” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “Seriously, it’s like you don’t even remember!”
“Y/N...are we talking about the same instance?” he raised an eyebrow. “I am very lost right now.”
“Well you shouldn’t be! You’d think you’d remember your own birthday party!”
“Birthday party?...You’re not talking about the kiss?”
“Of course I’m not talking about the kiss! I’m talking about the club!”
For some odd reason he looked hella confused. “Y/N, what on Earth are you-”
“You don’t remember walking out of a club on your 18th birthday like 7 years ago? Before graduation?”
“Y/N, I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
“You are so unbelievable!” You seethed. “You don’t remember being at The King of Hearts Club in Tokyo.”
“Of course I do, it was my birthday, but Y/N...I left like 3 hours after I got there to go to your place!”
“Oh really, because I went there after Bakugou called my phone saying you were drunk as hell and needed to be picked up.” you scoffed. 
Now YOU were confused. How did he not remember?! “I wonder-....”
“Wonder what?” he asked.
“ORCHID can access video feeds...if she can get the footage- or at least coordinates”
“Already on it!” your AI companion spoke. “Shoto Todoroki entered The King of Hearts club at 8PM and left at 11:15PM”
Now you were even more confused. “But I got there at arounf 11:30...I SAW him!...Show me the camera feed! The Red Room is where I saw him.”
“Showing camera footage of The Red Room of the King of Hearts club Jan. 11th, 7 years ago.”
You watched in complete shock. The screen showed someone who very much looked like Shoto from the back, but what really killed you was the fact that the person you thought was Shoto morphed into someone else. You saw yourself on camera stomping off 45 seconds before he morphed back into someone completely different.
“My files show that the person in question has a quirk that allows them to take on the form of another.” O.R.C.H.I.D spoke. “They were arrested 3 years ago for attempting to impersonate the U.S president and is currently in the Los Angeles State Prison.”
You didn’t know how to feel, what to do, but you knew one thing....
Shoto was telling the truth...
“Oh my god.” you covered your mouth with your hands.
“I never cheated on you Y/N...I swear on my life.”
“I...I blamed you...I said I never wanted to see you again.” you whimpered. “I said those awful things to you.”
You felt your soul start to ache. 
“No- don’t do what I think you’re about to do.” he ushered up to you and held the sides of your face. “Don’t say what I think you’re about to say.”
“Shoto I spent the last 7 years of my life hating you-”
“And I sent the last 7 waiting for the day I could redeem myself.” he replied. “It’s not your fault, What you saw was your reality in that moment...whether you knew it or not. When you told me what you saw I knew something was wrong but I knew your trust in me was so fucked from the whole agency thing, that I couldn’t get you to believe me.”
You telling Izuku who also kicked his ass the next week wasn’t any help either....
“I- I...” you felt the tears sting your eyes. 
“Shh, don’t cry...please don’t cry.” he began pecking your lips. “Shhhh.” He rested his forehead against yours, and you were full on crying now. He wrapped his arms around your, holding you close for the first time in years. He always wanted to do it, he just didn’t think it would be under this circumstance. 
“I am so sorry.” you sobbed into his shoulder. “Shoto I-”
“Shh, it’s okay.” he laughed. “Please don’t cry...” 
Shoto tightened his hold on you, but you couldn’t see him clenching his fists. Watching that footage sent a chill up his spine that could curdle blood. He spent years wondering what he did only to be framed...this wouldn’t go without a little visit to the states...but for a...courtesy visit...but first-
“Y/N...” he made you look at him. “Look at me.” he held your gaze. “Oh, I missed you so much baby~ Did you miss me?”
“Um....mhm.” you sheepishly nodded.
“Then...why don’t we celebrate a little...hm?”
“What do you mean by that?” you had completely forgotten your hunger at this point.
“Let me show you~”
... To be continued (Coming Soon)
I just wanted to say....um...thanks for being patient with me...um...I haven’t been okay...but I will be..I promise. 
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mkendlic · 3 months
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Satou Rikidou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Shouji Mezou, Ojiro Mashirao, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kota Koji, Toru Hagakure, Yuga Aoyama, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugo Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - Character Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Eventual Romance, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trauma, Badass, powerful quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, a lot of sarcasm, aizawa is a dad!!, midnight is a great mom, principle nezu is a ray of sunshine, Slow Burn, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, long fic, Past Child Abuse, past trauma, Blood and Injury, Violence Summary:
As a young teen trying to figure what its like to be a normal teenager…well as normal as one can be in a world with QUIRKS! Nozomi Akumu tries to figure out, what its like to even be a student in high school. While being a pro hero at the age of 15. She’s determine to not let her past control her any longer. Will she find revenge in killing the man that destroyed her life? Or will she finally understand the meaning her parents taught her long ago? Come along on the journey that is Nozomi Akumu’s life. And find out why is her quirk so fearful.
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artistrashofmine · 2 years
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Supervillian BloodRiot and Prohero Dynamight have a complicated relationship- both on and off work, if you know what I mean!
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hyuge · 8 months
Say Something
Chapter One
It has to be you, Kirishima.
Visions of hopeful, scarlet eyes smiling at Eijirou as they soared through the sky, filled his mind; only for that smile to immediately falter. Black goop burst forth from Bakugou’s mouth as he coughed and gagged. The hand that had reached for Eijirou’s slipped; fingertips brushed against his palm. Bakugou's cheeks flushed red, tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. He clawed at his throat as he fell out of the air towards the ground, out of Eijirou’s reach, until the black goop of the teleportation quirk consumed him. At the same time, the villains disappeared into the warp gate forced open by All for One on the ground. All hope for the future hero erased right before their eyes. Bakugou was gone, their rescue mission a failure, and Eijirou screamed.
His throat was hoarse as he was jolted awake from his slumber. The shout hadn’t just been something concocted from his imagination, it seemed. Eijirou reached for the glass of water on the nightstand, downing however much was left in a single gulp. He had the dream again. It was like a bad omen, meant to warn him of impending doom. Every time Eijirou had that dream, he had a run-in with the source of his nightmares, almost like a premonition, but his quirk wasn’t clairvoyance, it was hardening. And no matter how much he hardened his skin, it couldn’t ease the thoughts that plagued his mind. He could take a punch. He couldn’t take the psychological warfare that was his guilty conscience.
Eijirou swung his legs out of bed with a groan, scrubbing at his face with his hand in an attempt to wipe away the horrible nightmare. It had been years, and that day still haunted him – a permanent reminder of his greatest failure. Eijirou had strived to be better. He wouldn't lose anyone else the way they had lost Bakugou, and for the most part, he had accomplished that. Even through the war they had minimal casualties, but lives were still lost, and many were gravely injured. They had all been scarred over time.
Pale white lines wove against skin, disfiguring the ones who bore them. Years of therapy could never undo the trauma that had befallen Eijirou’s classmates. Some had it more difficult than others. Midoriya had taken things especially hard. He lost his childhood friend, his rival, his motivation to make himself stronger, but he also lost his mentor. Back then, no one knew the secret All Might and Midoriya shared, so they didn’t understand just how bad off he was. When Bakugou was taken away, so was All Might.
The number one hero’s attention had been pulled away from the fight. He had let his emotions get the best of him when his student was taken for a second time. Anger clouded his judgement, and his life was lost. All for One had been stopped, but at the cost of the Symbol of Peace. All Might held his fist up into the air, and he fell forward into the ground. Midoriya mourned the loss of his friend and teacher for months. Eijirou felt terrible, but he couldn't relate to Midoriya’s pain.
That small ball of green fluff went from the happy-go-lucky kid that he was, to one hell-bent on vengeance. Deku was no longer the name of a hero, but an antihero. Midoriya got the job done, but he was no longer the type to consider how another person felt. He was ruthless, and Eijirou blamed himself. If he had just done a better job at saving Bakugou, then he wouldn't have lost so many lives that night. If they had listened to the others and stayed put as instructed, then maybe the heroes could have saved his friend after all. The what ifs were endless.
Now, no one would ever know. Instead, he was forced to rise every morning, put on his hero costume, and pray no one else got hurt. He would not be the source of yet another tragedy. Eijirou ran his hand through his hair, feeling the greasy remnants of the last of the hair gel in his red locks that he hadn't washed out the night before. He would need to shower before work. Eijirou could only hope that the warm water would wash away the feelings of foreboding he found himself waking to.
He used to talk to the others about it—his sense of guilt and the dreams that plagued him—but after so many years, they had all moved on. They didn’t understand his pain, or his guilt. They would tell him it was the villains’ fault things ended up the way they did, and while that may have been true, Eijirou could never truly place the blame on the villains. He had been shouldering it himself for so long. It was his failure to grasp Bakugou’s outstretched hand that caused the destruction of the hero society they once knew. He could never take that back.
Soapy water swirled into the floor drain of his bathroom shower, spinning in circles like a whirlpool threatening to swallow him whole. Sometimes, Eijirou wished he could just disappear like the bathroom soap scum. It would be simple, effortless. He wouldn't have to risk his life fighting villains and he wouldn't feel as shitty as he did anymore. It would be someone else’s problem. Everything would be perfect, at least until the dreams started again. Or would they stop if he no longer put himself in a position to see the cause of his nightmares?
He stepped out of the shower, red hair hanging off his shoulders; water droplets falling off the tips, onto his skin, and down to the floor. Eijirou wrapped a towel around his waist, then grabbed a second one to dry his hair, ruffling the locks between the terrycloth. The shower cleansed him in body, but not mind. Eijirou stood there in the mirror, one hand holding the towel to his head, the other resting on his hip. He looked tired. The bags under his eyes were prominent and the shower did little to help energize him like he had hoped. It would make for a long day of work if he couldn't bring himself to perk up.
Eijirou knew he couldn't dwell on that day forever; years of therapy had instilled the fact that it was okay to move on, but every time he dreamt that dream, his smile would disappear. He spent so much time wondering what their lives would be like if they had succeeded. They had only known each other for a few months, he shouldn't have been so worked up about it, but they had grown close in that brief time—close enough for Bakugou to take Eijirou as his plus one on an exclusive island getaway. Like most things, it had been interrupted by villains, but they still had fun, given the circumstances.
He tossed the towel into the hamper and reached for a comb and his container of hair gel to make up his signature spiked look. Eijirou had been a pro long enough to know how to fake a positive attitude. He couldn’t let the citizens see him with such a sour disposition. When his hair was sufficiently spiked and his teeth were brushed, he slipped on a plain, black tank top and a pair of red jogging short. He would run to his agency. Some early morning fresh air could possibly be the thing he needed to help clear his mind. If not, then at least he would get his cardio in for the day.
Eijirou slipped his phone, wallet, and keys into his shorts pocket and kicked on his shoes, locking his apartment door as he left. He shivered slightly, goosebumps causing his skin to pucker, and he rubbed at his arms before starting his run. Spring mornings in Tokyo were always kind of chilly, but the cold never really bothered him too much. He would manage dressed as is, until he got to his agency. Eijirou had picked a medium-priced apartment complex only a few blocks from where he set up shop, so that he could quickly get to work in the event of an emergency. He was always on call, even with the others at his agency would yell at him to take a day off.
He couldn’t rest, not when lives were at stake. Eijirou waved to an old woman out walking her dog first thing in the morning. She was there every day. One morning, he had stopped and offered to walk the dog for her, but she said her walks were the only time she ever got out of her house anymore. Now when he has free time, he joins her. This morning however, he just gave her a small wave as he made his way to the brick building up the street. He was in no mood for small talk. She waved back with a gentle smile and the little white dog barked enthusiastically after him. So maybe the run was helping at least a little bit. Eijirou found himself chuckling at the dog’s excitement.
“Morning,” he greeted the young sidekick sitting behind the reception desk as he walked into the office.
“Mr. Red Riot, sir, I wasn’t expecting you here for another two hours!” The sidekick, Tatsuya, jumped to his feet.
Eijirou waved for him to return to his seat and the newbie sidekick obliged. He was a fresh recruit from Shiketsu Academy, and they were always so eager to please this early into their hero careers. Eijirou was reminded of his time with Fat Gum. Recruiting new sidekicks was always his favorite part about spring. The newly graduated students were always ready to take on the world and he was there to watch them grow. “I couldn’t sleep,” he simply told Tatsuya, patting the young hero on the head as he went. The fledgling hero nodded in reply.
Tatsuya was a diligent worker, and a strong young hero, with a highly sought after Quirk. Eijirou knew recruiting the kid was a battle. He had been given dozens of offers for agencies to join, but the Sturdy Hero held strong in the end.
Eijirou made his way to his office, shutting the door behind him as he walked in. He had a personal closet in his office where his hero costume was kept rather than using the communal locker room. His costume hadn’t changed much over the years, just some resizing for his increased stature. Eijirou secured the face mask around his head and slid the protective sleeves over his arms. As he laced up his boots, his stomach grumbled, and he regretted not stopping for breakfast on the way in.
He leaned over his desk, pressing the call button on his office phone to reach reception. Tatsuya picked up on the first ring. “Mr. Red Riot, sir?”
Eijirou shook his head with a smile, wondering when the kid would stop being so formal. “Hey Tatsuya, I’m getting hungry.”
“What can I get you sir? Do you want food from the bakery down the street? I can be there and back in fifteen minutes.”
He laughed. “No, no, no. I’ll go. I just wanted to see if you wanted anything while I was out.” Eijirou finished lacing the other boot and rose to his feet, scooping up the clothes he had worn to work and folding them to place in the closet.
“You can’t do that! I’m the sidekick. I should be getting you food.”
Eijirou rolled his eyes and pressed the red button on the phone, ending the call. He walked out of his office and leaned against the wall in the hall, arms crossed. “Kid, relax. I want to get you breakfast. You’ve been here all night.”
Tatsuya hesitated, but finally, green eyes looked up at Eijirou and he nodded. “Melon bread? And iced coffee?”
Eijirou smirked. “You got it.” He ruffled the boy’s sandy brown hair as he walked by, heading for the exit.
As Eijirou walked outside, he turned to stare at the giant red letters that read: Riot Agency. Even after two years of running his own agency, it still felt strange. Someone thought it would be okay to let him, Kirishima Eijirou, be in charge – mind boggling. Every time he looked at the logo, it reinvigorated him to do his best. Today would be no different. He would get breakfast for Tatsuya and himself, then send the kid home and route the agency calls to his cell phone so that he could go out on patrols. The other two sidekicks Eijirou employed would be in in the afternoon. Riot Agency was still small, but in the last two years, he had already climbed the hero ranks to secure the twenty-fourth spot.
His former classmates were all doing well in their respective careers as well. If only—he shook his head. Don’t think about it. Eijirou was trying to make his day better, not worse. He crossed the street and headed in the direction of the bakery. Eijirou could smell the scent of freshly baked bread coming from the shop before he even opened the door.
The baker was a kind old man that Eijirou had grown to know quite well over the last few years. His wife had passed some time ago, so his grandson helped out in the shop. It was too much work for one person, and try as he might, he could never figure out how to work the espresso machine. “Coffee shouldn’t be so complicated,” he would always grumble. It reminded Eijirou of someone else that had always insisted on only drinking black, drip coffee.
He wandered through the small aisles of the bakery and picked up a set of tongs. There was a tray by one of the displays and Eijirou set the melon bread Tatsuya requested on it. His crimson eyes roamed over all the sweet treats until he decided on a couple slices of cinnamon pound cake. With his tray of food in hand, Eijirou set the tongs in a wash bin and carried the bread to the counter. “Morning, Mr. Yagima,” he greeted with a smile.
Mr. Yagima turned around from his spot behind the counter and squinted his wrinkled eyes at Eijirou. “You should really wear a shirt, young man,” he chided, “you’ll catch cold.” That was routine with them. Mr. Yagima would always treat Eijirou like one of his own children, and Eijirou would laugh off whatever remark he made.
“I need a cappuccino and an iced coffee with extra cream today!”
Mr. Yagima grunted in reply. “I’ll get you rang up. Kenma is out back sorting the recycling. He should be back in a minute. He’ll get you your drinks.”
Eijirou smiled fondly and pulled his wallet out of the pants pocket of his costume. He rifled through for a thousand yen note and placed it in the weathered hand outstretched before him. “Things fairing okay? Those kids from the middle school not bothering you anymore?”
“I told you I could handle it on my own. Bunch of no-good punks,” Mr. Yagima muttered as he placed the money in the register.
“Grandpa, you would have literally started them on fire if it wasn't for Red Riot intervening.” Kenma appeared through a door behind the counter, carrying a tray of freshly baked loaves of bread in his arms. He was about the same age as Eijirou, but when he spoke, his voice held a wisdom that was beyond his years.
“It would have taught them a lesson!”
“It would have gotten you arrested,” Eijirou corrected with a chuckle. “Morning, Kenma.”
“Morning,” said Kenma. “Cappuccino and iced coffee?” he asked, knowing the drink order by heart.
“You got it!”
Kenma smiled, set the tray of bread down on a stainless-steel table, then made his way to the machine to begin the drinks. When they were done, he set them on the counter in front of Eijirou. “Be careful out there.”
“Always,” replied Eijirou fondly, then he took the drinks and the bag of food and headed out the door back to his agency.
Tatsuya was still behind the desk when Eijirou returned. He jumped to his feet and took the offered iced coffee when Eijirou handed it to him, then the melon bread. “Thank you, sir.”
Eijirou nodded. “No problem, kid. You can head home. I've got things covered until the others get here.”
“You sure?” asked Tatsuya tentatively.
“Mhm,” Eijirou hummed with a nod. “Go home. Get some rest. You’ve been on all night.”
“Thank you, sir.” Tatsuya gathered his things and made a beeline for the locker room.
Concurrently, Eijirou headed for his office to eat his breakfast. He would head out on patrol when he was done.
Patrols almost always started the same way. He would wander the streets with no real direction in mind, just making his presence known to all that were about. It was a deterrent for anyone considering causing trouble. It also gave the civilians peace of mind, which was something they needed after everything they had been through. The citizens of Japan arguably suffered worse than any of the heroes did from the war. The League of Villains might have been gone, but they left a permanent stain on the nation.
His quiet morning turned into an afternoon of chaos when Eijirou heard the all too familiar sound of explosions in the distance and his heart clenched. Much like his former classmates, he spent years chasing the sound of explosions only to come up empty every time. His attention was pulled to a cloud of smoke rising high above the buildings down the street. Those damn dreams really were bad omens. He knew the source of the destruction without even seeing it. The haunting image of angry red eyes, a smug grin, and fair blond hair plagued his thoughts every time he was out on patrol.
For years, the explosive villain eluded him and the other heroes, and Eijirou knew it was because they couldn’t bring themselves to lock him up. Try as they might, the moment they laid eyes on the villain known as C4, their attacks would falter. He was a constant reminder of Eijirou’s biggest failure. As he rounded the corner, a head of grimy blond hair came into view. Eijirou sucked in a breath. His heart thrummed wildly in his chest and his muscles tensed, body going rigid as he hardened his skin.
Sensing his approach, the villain turned to face him. “You gonna fight me, hero?” C4 spat, hands poised in front of his body defensively. There were shouts from other heroes on the scene and despite his loud antics, C4 had managed to escape his pursuers with ease.
Blood pounded in Eijirou’s ears, and he wasn’t sure what was louder, his heart or the shouts of injured citizens screaming for help. C4 needed to be stopped at all costs. They had let him get away with his terrorism for far too long. He faced the person he used to call a friend—the person he failed to save. The memory of Bakugou’s hand slipping through his as they were hundreds of feet in the air played on loop every time his eyes shut. Like a tattoo, the memory was etched into the forefront of his mind. The hope in those scarlet eyes disappeared before Eijirou’s as Bakugou coughed up the black goop that All for One used to teleport the league of Villains. He was gone, left to the mercy of the League, and brainwashed for years to come.
If only there was a way to stop him without having to fight. If he could reason with C4, that would be the best outcome. Bakugou was loud and abrasive, but he was not without reason. Eijirou had always hoped a part of him was still in there somewhere, but there was no life left in those red eyes, devoid of all emotion. Emptiness stared back at him. “I won’t fight you, Bakugou.” He had tried talking to him so many times, but Eijirou’s words always seemed to fall on deaf ears.
C4 furrowed his brows, unamused by Eijirou’s refusal to battle. Fighting was the only thing the villain liked to do. It was the only thing he knew how to do. That part of Bakugou was unchanged after all these years. “What kind of fucking hero won’t fight a villain?” He spat at the ground, digging the front of his boot into the dirt, and letting off a small warning pop from his hand. “Guess I’ll have to kill you then.” C4 lunged forward.
Fighting the villain never seemed to work. He always flew away as soon as it looked like he might be at a disadvantage. Eijirou needed a tactical advantage in which he could suppress the villain so that he couldn’t escape. He was so tired of fighting his former friend. Every time they encountered one another, another tiny piece of him died inside. Eijirou bit his lip and sighed, taking a step forward. “Okay,” he said. He relaxed his arms, spreading them wide, and shut his eyes.
C4 stopped in his tracks, palms heated to attack. “What do you mean, okay? Is this some kind of shitty fucking trick?”
Eijirou cracked open one eye and gulped. He needed to go for broke. He only hoped that a bit of sincerity could break through the villain’s hardened shell. “No. No trick. If I’m going to die in a villain attack, I’d rather it be from you, for failing to save you. I’m sorry.”
C4 stared at him—sizing up Eijirou. “What the fuck are you apologizing for?”
He opened his other eye, looking the villain straight in the eye. Eijirou pressed his lips together into a sad smile. “For failing to be the hero you needed all those years ago. Midoriya was wrong. It shouldn’t have been me. It was never me.”
A blond brow ticked up and C4 twisted his face into a snarl. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Kamino,” Eijirou breathed.
Unrecognizable red eyes stared back at him, as if trying to put splinters of broken glass back together. There were pieces scattered about, but too small and shattered to reattach in the puzzle of C4’s mind. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.
Eijirou swallowed, his chest tight and his breathing labored. “You remember, don’t you? You have to remember. We came to save you that night, your friends—I came to save you. The League of Villains kidnapped you.”
“I was never kidnapped.” C4 cut in. “I joined the League of Villains of my own volition. They were recruiting people with strong Quirks, and I have a strong Quirk.” The lines coming from his mouth sounded prerecorded, as if they had been recited a thousand times.
Eijirou curled his hands into fists, nails digging half-moons into his palms. His knuckles were turning white, but he fought the urge to grab C4 by the shoulders and shake him until he remembered. “No,” Eijirou corrected. “You weren’t recruited. They kidnapped you. They brainwashed you. That bastard Aoyama told them where we would be—where you would be.” When the news came out that Aoyama was the mole, their entire class had been shaken. Midoriya beat the man bloody. It wasn’t until the teachers stopped him that he relented. Aoyama betrayed their class, their friendship, and got Bakugou kidnapped.
“I don’t know anyone by that name. You’re making shit up.” The villain’s hands began to crackle as he set up small explosions in warning.
“What about Midoriya? You have to remember him!” Eijirou was desperate to make a connection. Anything. If there was even the slightest flicker of hope that the old Bakugou was still in there somewhere, maybe he could still be saved.
“Midoriya.” C4 looked as if he was mulling the name over, still trying to fit those splinters together. “Deku.”
“Yes!” Eijirou clapped his hands together. “Deku! That’s his hero name now.”
“Deku is the wielder of One for All. The hero Deku is at the top of the kill list.” The small explosions coming from C4’s hands grew in size. They were no longer a warning, but the start of an attack.
No! No, no, no! That’s not what Eijirou wanted. All he had done was remind the villain of his mission. “Bakugou, please! You have to remember. They couldn’t have taken everything from you. You’re too strong for that. You wanted to be the number one hero more than anyone else.”
“That was a fantasy. Being a villain is reality. It’s what I’m most suited for.”
Eijirou shook his head in dismay. “You can’t believe that! We fought villains together, side by side. The two of us.” C4 grimaced and Eijirou decided to give it one last push. He could hear the sirens wailing. Police would be on them soon and he would never get through to the villain once that happened. His voice was much softer now, barely audible with the sounds of destruction going on around them. “Did the I-Expo mean nothing?”
They never talked about what happened between them. As soon as they returned to Japan, they had to pack their bags for the training camp. It all went by so fast. But there was a moment before the villains attacked the island and they were wrenched into another battle, when it was just the two of them, alone in an elevator ascending the floors of the tower to a botanical garden Eijirou had read about on the plane. Time seemed to stand still in that small box, and they shared a moment that was never spoken of again.
“Did that kiss mean nothing?” he asked, a little louder.
The heat radiating off the villain’s hands dissipated, and he furrowed his brows. His lips were pursed in frustration as he tried to understand the question. Slowly, Eijirou could see the gears beginning to turn behind those dark, scarlet eyes. “It… it wasn’t… it didn’t—”
Before C4 could get out whatever it was he was trying to say, a squad of police officers came marching down the street, guns aimed on the villain. “Freeze! Put your hands up.”
C4 spun around, facing them, and shook his head. He pointed his palms down so that they were facing the pavement, and a large blast propelled him into the air. He was gone in a flash; just like always. Eijirou fell to his knees and a hardened fist slammed into the ground, cracking the asphalt. Son of a bitch! He had finally said something to get through to his old friend, and it was gone in the blink of an eye. Eijirou doubted the villain would allow him another chance like that again.
“You let him go.”
Eijirou slammed his fist down on the interrogation table, staring across the metal surface at Detective Tsukauchi. “I did not let him go! I connected with him. It’s the first time anyone has managed to do that in years!”
Detective Tsukauchi rubbed at his eyes between pinched brows. “Red Riot, please calm down. I understand how difficult this must be for you, but apprehending the villain is the fastest way we can go about helping him.”
“You mean locking him up in Tartarus for the rest of his life.”
The detective sighed, shaking his head. “Brainwashed or not, Bakugou Katsuki is responsible for the loss of hundreds of lives and countless destruction. There’s no guarantee the effects of the brainwashing can be reversed after such a long time. He needs to be detained. Only then can we attempt to help him, but he still has to pay for the crimes he has committed.”
Eijirou’s mouth felt dry, his tongue too thick to form words. He felt sick, like he might vomit at any second. He covered his mouth with his hand, breathing slowly through his nostrils. “Can I get you some water?” asked Detective Tsukauchi. Eijirou shook his head.
“Is there anything else that you need? Or can I head back to my agency?”
The detective grimaced but nodded in the direction of the security camera overhead and the door to the interrogation room opened from the outside. “You’re free to go. But please, Kirishima, remember that this villain is not the same person you knew almost a decade ago.”
Eijirou locked eyes with Detective Tsukauchi and nodded once before rising to his feet. “I know.” He knew better than anyone that Bakugou wasn’t the same person anymore. The others had run into him a number of times over the years, but no one more than Eijirou. He walked out the door of the interrogation room and followed an officer that escorted him to the exit. Eijirou gave the officer a small wave before leaving the police station and heading back in the direction of the Riot Agency.
He was sure to find his young sidekicks in a frenzy when he returned, but Eijirou decided to take the long way back. He needed a breather after the day’s events. Today’s encounter had been unlike any before and there was a lot to process. He made progress, small as it may have been, it was still progress. That meant there was the potential for him to get through to Bakugou. How many tries would it take? Could he even manage to convince the blond to listen to him a second time? Eijirou was lucky enough to breakthrough once. Twice would be a miracle.
Eijirou walked past a small park and took a seat on an isolated bench. He rested his head in his hands, propping his elbows on his knees. He had to think about what he could do differently in the future. If only they could figure out where C4 was hiding. The rest of the League had been done away with during the war. Only C4 remained. His friend was a puppet without a master. He acted on instinct and programming, nothing more. C4 was like a feral dog, abandoned by its owner.
Nobody knew how the villain got by on a day-to-day basis. Did he have an apartment? Pay bills? Go grocery shopping? C4 always looked filthy whenever Eijirou encountered him, but he wasn’t sure if that was from a lack of hygiene or just the throws of battle. “I wish I could follow him,” he said out loud, leaning back against the park bench. If only I had some sort of mobility quirk.
You can read it in full on AO3 or stay tuned for chapter updates every Friday until caught up to where it is at present.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
Blood Riot
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k6ghwEL by El1jahR0n1 Eijiro Kirishima is a hero in training at UA. He loves his life and his friends, dead set on being a hero and saving everyone he can. He prides himself on being a wall, able to stand and fight against everything and everyone. To take care of and save the people he loves most. But, what if one day, no one has his back. What if he is the one that needs saving? The villians take him and his life is turned inside out, no one thinking that the boy with the less flashy quirk and personality would be taken. Will he be able to escape, and if he does will his life be the same? Words: 3183, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, kiribaku - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki Additional Tags: kiribaku, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Kirishima Eijirou Needs a Hug, bakushima, red riot, kirishima x bakugou, gay relationship, Gay, LGBT, LGBTQ, Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Gore, Gore, Violence, Blood and Violence, Blood and Torture, Torture, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Implied Sexual Content, not going deep into it besides like kissing because THEY ARE 16, seriously judging some of yall, Quirks, off-canon read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k6ghwEL
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 months
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 months
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chososchalupa · 6 days
Game Night //
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
shigaraki x reader
College AU/No quirks/SMAU with a splash of writing
ch. 1
ch. 3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Chapter two : Is that a date?
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
@boogiemansbitch @lunamoonbby @ggriwm @johnnysactualgf @atomicweaselpaperapricot
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izzyhunterscar · 6 months
izzyhunterscar's masterlist
Diabolik Lovers:
Tokyo Ghoul:
One Piece:
Death Note:
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
Blood-red Lilies
Blood-red Lilies by Ghostcat69
Eijiro Kirishima is a hero.
That's what he tells himself when a little girl asks him why he wants to side with people who do nothing but make everything worse.
That's what he hopes when he's sent alone against a gang of villians he knows nothing about.
And that's what he's told when he's bleeding out on the streets of Japan and using his dying breaths to request backup... "You're a hero! You don't need help!"
Words: 4292, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Jirou Kyouka, Todoroki Shouto, Monoma Neito, Minor Characters
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Jirou Kyouka & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta
Additional Tags: Minor Original Character(s), Quirk Discrimination, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Kirishima Eijirou Needs a Hug, Pro Hero Kirishima Eijirou, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47494099
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artificial-sleep · 10 months
In honor of Spotify Wrapped coming out *this week, I present to you: each MHA character's top played.
*This thread is reposted from twt and was originally posted in December of 2022
Kicking off with Class 1-A (pt. 1)
Midoriya Izuku
GOOD GRIEF by cleopatrick
He looks all sweet and innocent, but he listens to bopping bangers. GO HARD LIL BUDDY. 
Bakugou Katsuki
It's My Life by No Doubt
Bakugou bbygirl Katsuki listens to bitchy angsty bubblegum pop bc he's a drama king 💖💋 
Todoroki Shouto
Devil Town by Cavetown
DRAMA. DRAMATIC. He's v angsty and takes the line abt mommy and daddy not being in love /very/ seriously. 
Kirishima Eijirou
Thunder by Imagine Dragons
Kiri can't really remember the last time he tried to listen to new music... But this stuff? That came out while he was in middle school? SUPER manly. Pretty much all he listens to when he bench presses. 💪 
Kaminari Denki
Give It Away by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
It's kind of... sexy? But so fun and such a funky banger. It captures his entire essence. He nods along to it, shades over his eyes w headphones in as he walks down the sidewalk. It's a vibe. 
Sero Hanta
Beachboy by McCafferty
Some grungy garage beach punk? Hell yeah. All day.
Also, everyone has to be quiet when the second chorus comes on, so he can scream "And it is HOT❗ HOT❗ HOT❗" 😏 
Ashido Mina
Fake I.D. by Riton
Does she look like she has time for a man that can't keep up? I don't think so. 
Iida Tenya
Gangnam Style by PSY
Guys he can finally do the dance 😀 He's been practicing for years
(He can't. He's actually terrible at it. But no one has the heart to tell him. I mean, it's bad enough the song still means that much to him. Y'know?) 
Uraraka Ochako
Brillo by J Balvin and ROSALÍA
I'm convinced that Ochako is a ROSALÍA fan bc how could you not be? She's such a sweetheart. Listen to that voice. 💕 But also, that sweet, angelic voice gives me Chako vibes. Just some pretty girls. 
Jirou Kyouka
Female Energy, Part 2 by WILLOW
Of course, Jirou's staple is her grade-A taste in music. And her top played? WILLOW. A beautiful, inspiring, insightful voice, and Jirou does a jaw-dropping cover of this one.
This thread will be continued in a new post because Tumblr only allows me to link up to 10 songs in one post :)
You can find all of the posts in this series here:
Class 1-A continued Shinsou, The BIg 3 Top Heroes and Teachers Villians, Special Requests
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years
Small Hands
Small Hands by Pigeonlord00
The Isle of Wonder, a multi-terrain region, is home to the U.A.A (Ultimate Adventure Academy). We will be following the first year Izuku Midoriya, the rest of classes 1A and 1B, and the new villianous league that has been recently formed...
(Aka I put MHA and DnD into a blender and sprinkled in a pinch of Fire Emblem)
Words: 10147, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Class 1-A, Class 1-B, U.A. Faculty, U.A.'s Big Three, League of Villains, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Shouji Mezou/Tokoyami Fumikage, Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Kendou Itsuka/Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri/Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King/Snipe, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, Inspired by fire emblem, Multiple Pov, But it's mostly Midoriya, Whoops I spilt all my anxiety and ADHD onto Midoriya, Snipe is named Hokori Toki, Monoma is an absolute menace but he gets better, Everyone is Queer, Except Mineta fuck Mineta, eventual angst, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Romance, This shit might get dark folks, Ectoplasm is named Kazuhiro Masumi, Eventual Smut, But its between adult characters only
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45625768
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
Bottom Deku Smutshots
by urm0mmyy
Literally what the title says. Warnings though, I do (certian) Pro Heroes x Deku as well as some Villians x Deku. Usually he's aged up but he can be 16 at minimum. So. Be warned ig. Lowercase intended on the inside.
Words: 538, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Akaguro Chizome | Stain, Kirishima Eijirou, Shouji Mezou, Monoma Neito, Kaminari Denki, Yaoyorozu Momo, Sero Hanta, Shinsou Hitoshi, Rody Soul, Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Hadou Nejire, Hatsume Mei, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Tokoyami Fumikage, Hagakure Tooru, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Aoyama Yuuga, Jirou Kyouka, Ojiro Mashirao
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Izuku/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Rody Soul, Midoriya Izuku/Sero Hanta, Midoriya Izuku/Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku/Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Midoriya Izuku/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Midoriya Izuku/Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, izuku/
Additional Tags: Smut, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Will add tags as I go, Bottom Midoriya Izuku, requests open, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Begging, Crying During Sex, Kinks, idk how to tag bro, slightly proplmatic?? idk
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48138451
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