#violet russell
diioonysus · 10 months
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sleep + art
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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i'm about to pass out at my desk, but have this stupid ass doodle i did before i go sleep.
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taintedarabesque · 2 months
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me core
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bloodmoonlich · 7 months
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Albums By Color: Pretty in Pink 🩷
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l0renzosw1fe · 6 months
Omg Evan in sleepover is adorable he’s so silly😱
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bittwitchy · 11 months
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CS: Danielle Rose Russell and Emily Browning
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the-delta-42 · 2 months
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Jane didn’t lie to Kenny and Clementine about AJ?
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What if Jane didn’t lie to Kenny and Clementine about AJ?
“Where’s AJ?”
Jane felt the lie she was going to tell die in her throat, “He’s safe. I put him in a car, a few feet away. I…wanted to make sure this place was clear.”
Kenny rushed out past her without a word, he got couple feet away, before hurrying back, “Which car?”
Jane sighed, before leading him and Clementine to AJ, “This one.”
They wasted no time in getting the baby out of the car. Jane watched as the tension left Kenny’s shoulders, before she glanced around, “Look, I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but—”
“We ain’t going back to Howe’s.” Spat Kenny, some of the tension returning.
“Like Wellington’s any better?” Retorted Jane, as Clementine chewed her bottom lip, “If it actually exists, it’s further away than Howe’s is.”
“But it ain’t crawlin’ with Walkers.”
“They would’ve all passed through by now.”
“You really willin’ to take that risk?”
“Why don’t we go back to Howe’s?” Asked Clementine, “We can grab the supplies and then go on to Wellington.”
The Adults stared at Clementine, who made the compromise sound like it was obvious. Kenny and Jane looked at each other, as Clementine waited for them to reply.
“He’s going to need formula and clothes.” Said Jane, after a moment, “They might have ammunition and any weapons that could’ve been left behind.”
Kenny frowned, but nodded.
“Whoa.” Jane stared at Carver’s corpse, before looking at Kenny and Clementine, “I don’t know how you were able to watch that.”
“I’m glad I did.” Said Clementine, as Jane looked around.
“Well, there’s the food and formula.” Mused Jane, “I guess Bonnie was right.”
“You guess?” Kenny gave Jane a pointed look.
“We’re going to need bags,” Said Clementine, preventing them from arguing further, “we can’t carry all of this in our pockets.”
Kenny stopped glaring at Jane, nodding at Clementine, “Alright, I’ll go check if there’s anything we can drive, hopefully we can avoid walking in the cold too much.”
Jane nodded, looking at Clementine, “Do you want to look for clothes or bags?”
“Aren’t they kept in the same place?”
Jane blinked at her, “I have no idea.”
A few minutes later, Clementine was rummaging through a pile of clothes, with Jane going over the different bags.
“Well,” Kenny walked up to them, “There’s a car that still works, and it’s full of gas.”
“Great,” Jane looked away from the bags, “large suitcases or duffle bags?”
Kenny gave her a look, “Hell if I know.”
Jane returned Kenny’s look, “I was thinking suitcases, since they’re on wheels.”
“What’s this?” Clementine got their attention, holding up a bra.
“That’s a bra.” Dismissed Kenny, going back to argue with Jane.
“What’s it for?” Kenny and Jane turned and looked at Clementine, they went silent, before Kenny awkwardly coughed, “Er, it’s for…, well…”
Jane was torn between laughing and scowling, “It’s to keep women’s chests in place.”
“Why?” Clementine looked down at her front, “Is it going to fall off?”
Jane sighed, “Okay, Clem, you see, when girls go through puberty, their body goes through some… changes, hips widening, periods, that sort of shit, one of those changes is our chests get bigger.” Kenny tried to sneak away from them, “Now, every girl is different, some go through minor changes and some go through a lot of changes. Kenny, I can see you running away. Anyway, Clem, some girls find that not wearing a bra can be painful, which I personally think is bullshit, so they wear a bra. It’s kinda normal, especially since there’s that fucking double standard where men can go around topless but women can’t.”
Clementine blinked up at Jane, “H-how fast does it happen?”
“Well, most kids go through puberty around eleven or thirteen,” Said Kenny, “Kat had a friend who went through puberty at nine. It can happen late, like fourteen or fifteen, I think.”
“You know what?” Jane looked at them, “Let’s talk about it while we pack.”
“Seventeen.” Jane finished counting.
“How the fuck are we supposed to fit seventeen fucking bags into the car?” Asked Kenny, getting a look from Jane.
“We could put them in the trunk.” Suggested Clementine, as Jane shifted some of the bags.
“We might get seven in there,” Said Jane, as Kenny looked at the trunk, “plus another five if we put them next to Clementine and AJ.”
“The means five are left behind.” Said Kenny, before looking around at the other vehicles, “Those trucks are useless, and that RV’s missing it’s battery and fuses.”
“Can’t we take them from the others?” Asked Clementine, getting a shake of the head from Kenny.
“Wrong types.” Sighed Kenny, “So, those first five are…”
“Food.” Answered Jane, “Water, formula, everything we need to survive.”
“And the next four?”
“Weapons and ammo.”
“The next three are medicine and other medical supplies, right?”
“Yep, those two there are walkie-talkies and torches and shit.”
“Leaving the last three as clothes.” Said Kenny, frowning, “We could fit ten in the trunk, at a push.”
Jane furrowed her eyebrows, before nodding, “We could do that.”
“Maybe Clem and AJ should sit in the front,” Said Kenny, “that way, we won’t have to worry about them getting crushed by the bags.”
Jane frowned, but nodded, “You just don’t want me to be in the front.”
“That’s an added bonus.”
After a couple days of driving, they were lucky to find a working truck, with them quickly abandoning the car in favour of it.
“We should be near Wellington soon.” Said Kenny, as Jane went over a map.
“So,” Jane looked at him, “What do you plan on doing?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Asked Kenny, as Clementine looked up from AJ.
“What if they’ve been overrun? Or if they’re turning people away?” Asked Jane, “You and your group were planning on going to Wellington, Clem’s friend Kirsten—”
“—Christa, was planning on going to Wellington.” Jane continued, “I’m just saying, if two separate groups were planning on going to Wellington, how many others made that decision?”
Kenny and Clementine were silent, before Clementine spoke, “I didn’t think of that.”
“That doesn’t change anything.” Said Kenny, stubbornly.
“It changes things massively!” Argued Jane, “Besides, if they aren’t overrun and they do have space, how do you know they’re not like Carver or Alpha?!”
“Who the fuck is Alpha?” Demanded Kenny, giving Jane a glare.
“Head of the Whisperers.” Answered Jane, getting a frown from Clementine.
“Is he like Negan?” Asked Clementine.
“No, she’s…” Jane trailed off, “I don’t know, who’s Negan?”
“Leader of the Saviors.”
The conversation was prevented from going further by Kenny stopping the truck, “Right, let’s continue on foot.”
“But what about the supplies?” Asked Clementine, as she and Jane followed Kenny out of the truck.
“We’ll tell them about it and come back for it.” Answered Kenny, grabbing the keys and locking the truck. The small group climbed a hill, with Kenny taking AJ from Clementine. As they crested the hill they looked at a walled-in community in front of them, “Holy shit. We did it, Clem. That's... that's gotta be it. I… I can't believe we found it.” Kenny let out a laugh.
“It's about time.” Huffed Clementine, as Jane frowned at them.
“You're tellin' me.” Retorted Kenny, before looking at them, “What are we waitin' for? Come on! This one's gonna be the one. Look at those walls. We'll finally feel safe, Clem. Be able to sleep at night...”
The group walked towards the wall, only to come to a stop when a shot was fired at their feet.
“That's far enough.” Called a woman’s voice over a speaker.
“I knew it.” Muttered Jane, frowning.
“Just stay still.” Muttered Kenny, looking at the wall, “Do as she says. Put your hands up.”
The group slowly raised their hands.
“Drop your weapons.” Called the same voice, prompting Clementine and Jane to drop their guns on the ground.
“Approach the gate.” Ordered the voice, making them walk up to the gate.
“Just a few of people at the front gate.” Said the woman, appearing on a walkway, “They don't look like trouble.” The woman was silent at the other person responded, “Sounds good.” She looked at the group, “Hi, I'm Edith.”
“Name's Kenny,” Greeted Kenny, “and this here's Clementine, and Jane.”
“Hello.” Edith nodded, before noticing the baby, “Aw, what a handsome boy. Look at him. What's his name?”
“Alvin... Junior.” Answered Kenny, as he shifted AJ.
“Aw, he's gonna be a little heartbreaker when he grows up.” Cooed Edith, smiling down at the baby.
“Is there someone named Christa in there?” Asked Clementine, looking up at Edith.
“I don't think so, dear.” Answered Edith, after thinking for a moment.
“So, this is Wellington, right?” Asked Kenny, looking around at the wall.
“A lot of people call it that.” Answered Edith, getting a frown from Jane.
"Okay, so,” Kenny looked up at her, “what do we do to get in?”
“Well, I'm afraid this is the part where I give you the bad news.” Sighed Edith, as she dropped a duffel bag on the ground in front of them.
“The hell's this?” Asked Kenny, frowning at the bag.
“That's some supplies. Food, water, medicine, a first aid kit—” Kenny cut Edith off.
“What? Why're you givin' us this?” Demanded Kenny, scowling.
“Unfortunately,” Edith Sighed, “our community isn't accepting new members. We're over capacity as it is, and there's just not enough to go around if we keep bringing people in. Things might change in a few months.”
“You gotta be fuckin' kidding me.” Snapped Kenny, as he glared up at her.
“I'm sorry, I really am.” Apologised Edith.
“So, we're supposed to just take this and go?” Demanded Kenny, as Jane frowned.
“But... we have a baby.” Protested Clementine, as Jane’s frown deepened.
“This...” Edith choked, “this is hard for me too. I don't want to turn anyone away, especially children, but—”
“Just take the kids!” Yelled Jane, looking up at Edith.
“What?” Gasped Clementine, turning to look at Jane.
“Please!” Yelled Kenny, thinking the same thing as Jane, “Just take the kids. It's too dangerous out here for them.”
Clementine stared at the two, speechless.
“It's just a little girl and a baby boy. You can make room for that.” Continued Jane, “Hell, you can take back the supplies you gave us if that helps. Please, just... I… we need them to be safe... and it's safe in there, I know that. Just... ask someone, please? They won't make it out here, please.”
“I'll...” Edith swallowed, before walking away, “I'll ask. Just gimme a second.”
“You don't need to look at us like that...” Said Jane, when Clementine glared at them, “This is for the best.”
“We're not staying here without you.” Said Clementine, getting a sigh from Kenny.
“Yes, you are.” Kenny knelt down and put a hand on Clementine’s shoulder.
“No, we're not.” Argued Clementine, shaking her head.
“Yes, you are! It's safe here. You two'll be safe, that's what's important now.” Said Kenny, forcefully as Edith returned.
“We can take the children, but...” Edith sighed, “just the children. I made the case that—”
“Thank you!” Gasped Kenny, looking up at Edith, before turning back to Clementine, “Thank you. Listen. Okay? Listen. This is your chance. For you, and this boy.” Kenny handed AJ to Clementine, “I don't trust myself to keep you two safe, not anymore. Please, I'm begging you, please stay here. Stay here where it's safe. Where you two'll have a chance.”
“No, no, no!” Clementine started crying, “Why are you doing this?”
“Because it's the only way... for both of you.” Said Jane, crouching next to Kenny, “Think about AJ here, please, Clem, just... do as we’re asking... this one last time. You'll meet people, you'll make friends. People better than me. Good people... that don't have to look at you and feel ashamed at what they've put you through. Please, Clem, please. Where you won't have to sleep with a gun next to you every night. Where you can be a kid for a while...”
“No! We're leaving!” Refused Clementine, “All of us. Together.”
“Clem, please. It's safe here. You need to think about the—” Jane started talking, only for Clementine to cut her off.
“Stop! Stop, okay?” Clementine looked between them, “We're not staying, so just stop. That's that.”
“Sounds like...” Edith spoke up, “sounds like she means business.”
“Yeah...” Sighed Kenny, “yeah, it does.”
“Come on.” Clementine pulled away, “We're leaving.”
“I'm only supposed to give out one per group, but...” Said Edith dropping another duffel bag, “look, if you're in the area, check back in a few months. We might be accepting people then.”
“Thank you for the help.” Kenny looked up at her, “And, uh, sorry for the language.”
“Well, it's a shitty situation.” Replied Edith, “We're all doin' the best we can. You all stay safe out there.”
“You're as stubborn as a damn mule.” Said Kenny, as he and Jane picked up the bags.
“Yeah?” Clementine let out a wet laugh, “Wonder where I got that from?”
Jane let out a snort, as the group made their way back to the truck.
T *Five Years Later*
“I’m still against this.” Jane watched as Kenny cleaned his rifle. After leaving Wellington, and finding out she had been pregnant, she and Kenny got separated from Clementine and AJ, the girl and the toddler not turning up at their meet up points. Both had taken to believing that Clementine got them into a community, but they knew that both had most likely been killed by Walkers.
They’d run into Christa and a woman called Molly, with Kenny giving the former the cold shoulder for a bit, before they ran into Bonnie’s old group, Vince and Kenny kept butting heads, with Russell, Wyatt and Shel trying to play peacemaker and Becca egging them on. Then they ran into Bonnie, Mike and Arvo. At the request of the group, Kenny remained civil to them, until Becca caught Arvo stealing from them. Jane, summoning her experience from her time with the Whisperers, took Arvo out into the woods, broke his leg and left him.
Bonnie and Mike had taken issue with it but were told they had the choice of leaving the group. Obviously, they didn’t have that much of an issue with it. They met Randy, Gill and Patricia a few days afterwards.
“Look, all we gotta do is ask the folk at that school if they’re willing to share some medicine.” Said Kenny, as Christa walked over.
“Vince said they’re at least five kids in that school.” Said Christa, “There’s also some guy walking around with Walkers.”
“A Whisperer?” Asked Jane, frowning, “I thought all of them were dead.”
“Obviously, they aren’t.” Scoffed Becca, getting a swat from Shel.
“Have the others fallen behind?” Asked Shel, looking for Gill, Randy and Patricia.
“No, they went ahead with Wyatt.” Answered Jane, as Jamie woke up.
“You have a kid?” A new voice got their attention. Everyone jumping up, a blonde woman with an eyepatch stared at them, as two others flanked her.
“Where the fuck do you come from?!” Demanded Becca, pulling her gun out of her waistband.
“We’ve got a community not far from here,” Shrugged a dreadlocked man, resting a lump of wood with nails in it slung over his shoulder, “our leader suggested we extend an olive bush.”
“Branch, Louis.” An Indian man looked at the guy, “It’s olive branch, not bush.”
The man carelessly shrugged, “Eh, who cares?”
“I do.” Said the Indian.
“Well, you’re weird, Aasim.” Louis scoffed, “Vi, isn’t he weird?”
“Do you really want to be on your girlfriend’s shit list?” The woman, Vi, looked at him, “Because, let me tell you, it’s not a fun place to be.”
“I’m just saying—” Louis was cut off.
“I thought you’d all be finding who these guys are,” Said a new voice, accompanied by the sound of crutches, “not arguing amongst yourselves.”
A woman, with one leg drew level with the group, giving her people a glare, “Violet, I thought you’d be able to keep Louis in line.”
“Hey, he’s your boyfriend, not mine.” Retorted Violet, getting a sigh from the woman.
“Right,” She shifted her way forwards, “Okay, are you guys friendly?” She finally looked at them and froze.
Jane stared at the woman, before Kenny spoke, “Clementine?”
Clementine stared at the group, before looking at Violet, “I’m going back to the school, because I’m seeing dead people.”
“Okay, what about AJ?” Asked Violet, as Clementine started to turn away.
“He’s with Willy getting Tenn.” Answered Clementine, “Hopefully, they’ll avoid James.”
“Wait,” Jane spoke up, “Clementine, we’re not dead.”
“Yes, you are.” Said Clementine, getting further away.
The two groups watched at Clementine limped away, before Violet looked at them, “You might as well follow her, since we’re going to the same place.”
Kenny let out a whistle, as they entered the school’s grounds.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” A guy walked down the steps, “I thought Clem said make contact with them, not bring them here.”
“She knows them, Mitch.” Dismissed Louis, as Clementine dropped herself down on the steps, “Besides, you were supposed to watch her and make sure she didn’t wander off.”
“Do you really want to go there?” Mitch glared at Louis.
“I’m just saying—”
“Enough!” Clementine raised her voice, before giving them both a look, “Don’t argue in front of guests.”
Kenny wanted to laugh at Clementine’s ‘Mom voice’ but decided to keep quiet.
“So,” Clementine looked at Kenny’s group, “since I’m obviously not hallucinating, where’ve you been?”
“It’s a, er,” Kenny looked at her, “it’s a long story.”
Clementine sighed, “Well, you might as well tell it, I think we have time.”
“You told AJ to shoot her?” Asked Christa, frowning.
“Lilly wouldn’t’ve left the school alone,” Clementine shifted, “Unfortunately, AJ was the one who picked up the gun.”
“What else happened?” Asked Kenny, as he watched AJ guide a scarred boy through using a gun.
“Well, I got bit.” Clementine looked at her missing foot, “I can still feel my foot.”
“Lee said the same thing about his arm.” Kenny gave a laugh, as the gun went off.
“AJ!” Clementine looked over at the boy.
“Sorry.” Called AJ, looking over, “I thought it wasn’t loaded.”
“Rule number three of gun safety.” Clementine frowned at him.
“‘Keep your finger off the trigger, unless you’re gonna fire.’” Recited AJ, getting a sigh from Clementine.
“Mitch, can you make sure that shot didn’t attract any Walkers.” Clementine looked at Mitch, who nodded and ran to check the perimeter.
Kenny frowned at Clementine, “What time is it?”
Clementine jumped, before glancing at the sky, “Judging by the sun…I’d say around sixteen hundred, sixteen-thirty.”
Jane frowned, “What that military time?”
Clementine froze, before frowning, “Sorry, habit. I was given basic training by the New Frontier, Ava didn’t like it, but the leaders there had the whole ‘if you can walk, you can fight’ mentality.”
“You were a kid.”
“That’s why I didn’t go back to Richmond after I found AJ again.” Said Clementine, sighing, “I know Javi wasn’t like David or Joan, but I didn’t want to take that risk.”
Kenny hummed, making Louis speak up, “So, what do you plan to do?”
“What?” Kenny frowned at Louis.
“Are you staying? Are you going?” Louis looked around the group, “Because if you’re stating, we’re gonna need more food.”
“We’ve got our own stores,” Said Kenny, “if we’re staying, we’ll add it to yours.”
“We still need to clear out the shed,” Said Violet, “I think we have some long life food in there, so we can store any food there.”
Clementine absently stared at her new leg, before looking at Kenny and Jane, “I know things haven’t turned out how either of you wanted.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Asked Jane, frowning.
“I saw the face you pulled,” Said Clementine, “when I snapped at AJ. Maybe I should’ve looked for you and Jane instead of assuming both of you and Jamie were dead.”
“Clem,” Sighed Kenny, “You were a child soldier, regardless how you try to skirt around it. But, you and AJ survived, you found a home, fought for it and kept them alive.”
“Yeah, but I turned AJ into the one thing I didn’t want him to become.” Clementine looked out at the gate, “I was so angry with him, when I woke up after he cut my leg off, I…said somethings to hurt him and he just said, ‘I’m sorry, mom’, and that just,” Clementine swallowed, “that broke me. I couldn’t think or-or speak. I, I just cried an-and AJ…he just stood there.”
Clementine ran a hand down her face, “I wouldn’t let him out of sight for more than a minute, I only let him do chores because Ruby said they needed AJ’s help around the school.”
Kenny wrapped an arm around Clementine’s shoulders, “Well, all the baggage aside, at least we found each other again, safe and sound.”
“Yeah.” Sighed Clementine, deciding to bask in the silence.
Next Story: What if Kenny was Bitten instead of Duck?
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sokovianfortune · 1 year
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marvel's werewolf by night — his dark materials / daemon au.
jack russell & luna - coyote ( loyal, dutiful pack animals, prone to exerting a great deal of energy into helping those in need. ) elsa bloodstone & artemis - wolverine ( aggressive, tenacious survivors, loyal to few but fiercely so. ) ted sallis & ianthe - north american black bear ( curious, intuitive pacifists, ferocious only when cornered. )
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
You guys can request stuff if you want i will do
Evan Peters
Tate langdon
Kit walker
Kyle spencer
Jimmy darling
James patrick march
Kai anderson (maybe)
Taissa farmiga
Violet harmon
Zoe benson
Cooper day
Max cooperman
Charles (safelight)
Peter maximoff
Alex (adult world)
Max (the final girls/taissas character)
Clay (the Lazarus effect)
Russell hayes
Todd haynes
Colin Zabel
If a character that they played isnt on there you can request it and ill try and see if i could do it and stuff but yeah request smut fluff whatever idc i just wanna make u happy cs i love u and yeah *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love🫶
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Episode 575: This rotten collection of death
How Revolting and Disgusting You Really Are Suave warlock Nicholas Blair has a job for a woman. Talking to his subordinate, vampire Angelique, he says that the job must go to “the most evil woman who ever lived.” At this, Angelique breaks into a smile, then raises her head proudly. Nicholas then says, “Someone like Lucrezia Borgia.” At this, Angelique’s face falls, and she protests that Lucrezia…
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howlingday · 2 years
Pyrrha: Jaune! What are you doing?!
Cardin: Ah, no, it's Pyrrha!
Russel: If we don't get out of here, she'll report us to Ozpin.
Pyrrha: Jaune, I am so upset with you.
Jaune: Pyrrha, listen, I didn't mean to-
Pyrrha: If you wanted to fight, you should have just asked! You can spar as much as you want... with me, and only me!
Jaune: Huh?
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 3 months
Wait I’ve just been rewatching Supernatural and also reading the Colter Shaw books (which I’m enjoying way more than the show honestly) and I just realized that our Russell Shaw and Dory Shaw have appeared on screen together before in two different episodes of Supernatural.
7x12 Time After Time
9x20 Bloodlines
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wildflowercryptid · 8 months
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how carmine finds out florian's got a thing for kieran
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jakeeexp · 1 year
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i do not care enough to make new signs for these bitches
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mariocki · 1 year
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The Diary of a Nobody (BBC, 1964)
"In the evening, Cummings unexpectedly dropped in to show me a meerschaum pipe he had won in a raffle in the city and told me to handle it carefully, as it would spoil the colouring if the hand was moist. He said he would not stay, as he did not care much for the smell of paint, and fell over the scraper as he went out. Must get the scraper removed - or else I shall get into a scrape. I don't often make jokes."
#the diary of a nobody#bbc#single play#ken russell#book adaptation#1964#george grossmith#weedon grossmith#john mcgrath#bryan pringle#avril elgar#murray melvin#brian murphy#jonathan cecil#vivian pickles#anne jameson#ann strunk#bartlett mullins#john h. moore#violet dix#glorious adaptation of the beloved victorian comic novel‚ a personal favourite. something of a stroke of genius for Russell to take#a densely wordy faux diary and shoot it in the style of early silent cinema‚ but it absolutely works; retaining the voice over narration#of the Grossmith's hapless middle class aspirationist and failed snob Charles Pooter (played to perfection by Pringle)‚ the onscreen action#is allowed to deviate from his proud monologues and provides some delightful visual gags. the Grossmith estate were reportedly deeply#unhappy with this adaptation‚ which might account for its scarcity; never repeated nor officially released‚ it is currently available on a#certain You based Tube and i heartily recommend it to any fan of Russell‚ turn of the century social satire‚ old telly or just having fun#a delightful little discovery. and special mention to the recently passed Murray Melvin as the younger dandyish Pooter#his deliberate movements and angular countenance seem perfectly suited to silent film and he could have stepped out of the 1890s themselves#this was probably commissioned as part of an anthology of dramas perhaps called Six (for the six installments) but there's precious little#information out there about its production or transmission besides a showing in december '64
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hopeswifesblog · 2 years
hey, my name's kenzie !! i'm currently obsessed w the show wednesday so don't mind if i post a lot from it. i love the vampire diaries universe, stranger things, & more. i will probably most likely only post/write abt my fav shows.
- i'm currently watching outer banks + american horror story. i'm 14 years old, i love my friends, editing, reading, & more!! - my fav characters from the tvdu are: hope mikaelson, katherine pierce, lizzie saltzman, & kai parker, damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, hayley marshall, elena gilbert, cleo sowande, m.g, & kaleb hawkins. - my fav characters from stranger things are: max mayfield, steve harrington, eddie munson, lucas sinclair, eleven (jane) hopper, venca/henry creel\001/peter ballard, angela, & chrissy cunnigham. - my fav characters from outer banks are: sarah cameron, john b routledge, jj maybank, pope heywerd, kiera carrera, & rafe cameron + topper thornton (sometimes lmfao) - my fav characters from wednesday are: wednesday addams, tyler galpin, xavier thorpe, & enid sinclair. - my fav characters from american horror story (at the moment considering i'm only on season 2) are: tate langdon, violet harmon, & kit walker.
- i have a lot of stans/idols, but the main ones are: jenny boyd, danielle rose russell, percy hynes white, hunter doohan, emma myers, quincy fouse, madelyn cline, madison bailey, rudy pankow, hailee steinfield, jonathan davis, sadie sink, jamie campbell bower, grace van dien, elodie grace orkin, millie bobby brown, nina dobrev, paul wesley, ian somerholder, candice king, chris wood, evan peters, caleb mclaughlin, joe keery, & more i can't think of atm. i also currently have a lot of obession w these characters.
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& yea!!
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