#violet the teenage witch
ophiuca · 2 months
Throws enrichment into your enclosure: how does violet celebrate faer birthday?
What does Violet and Sara’s friendship look like?
Wait okay I think I thought about this. I think Violet has everyone over and makes cake and makes them watch battle royale and if anyone brings faer a present fae gets annoyed and waits til everyone is gone to open them and is very happy fae is getting cared for. Fae also does a video call with faer parents and feels more comfortable talking about what fae does now that it isn't illegal all the time.
I think fae also really loves talking to and hanging out with Sara, them both kinda being in the same stage of things transition wise lets faer talk about more stuff that fae wouldn't necessarily get to with KC, they're both really into clothes even if their personal styles are way different, and Sara always asks faer about stories about Selene. I think fae also teaches her how to pick locks because its funny.
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newm8n · 27 days
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˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ𖤐🕯˚˚ ₊˚ˑ everyone here is a witch , im so sorry .
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Me when I start to like someone
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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ao3-anonymous · 1 year
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (01/17/2023)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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sage-nebula · 2 years
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sampungmgadaliri · 10 months
Currently concocting a fanfic where the adult Baudelaire orphans travel to Greendale and visit (a now independent) Wednesday Addams and her two adopted Whately children to look at a VFD engraved box.
Soon after, cultists went after the Baudelaire orphans but something is not quite right. How cone some of these cultists bore the logo of VFD?
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cxndiedvi0lets · 27 days
That one time, I made a joke about someone's grandma saying they missed them and wondered if they're coming back around may and asked if they loved their special pie. They looked at me with tears and said, "My grandma recently passed away. Those apple tarts were her special recipes and her birthday's on May. How did you know?"
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slavicdelight · 6 months
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Pairing: Tom Riddle x f!reader
Summary: Metanoia - the journey of changing your mind, heart, self and way of life
Warnings: slightly ooc Tom, pureblood ideas, hits of murder
Tom Riddle was a name recognized by everyone at Hogwarts. The infamous Slytherin Head Boy commanded respect from every student and even from professors, thanks to the aura surrounding him. However, what most people didn't know, or perhaps didn't care to notice, was that there was something sinister lurking behind his captivating gaze and mannerisms.
His friend group, constantly present by his side, consisted of members from the most well-known pureblood families. Tom considered himself superior to them because he possessed the blood of the noble Salazar Slytherin. By the age of 19, he had already committed horrifying acts, such as opening the Chamber of Secrets during his 5th year, resulting in the death of Myrtle Warren. He also murdered his remaining family around the same time. Furthermore, he created Horcruxes in order to reach immortality, which was one of his goals and the initial step towards becoming the greatest dark wizard in history.
Tom was a skilled manipulator. He had the ability to hide his true emotions, always putting on a mask of politeness. In addition, he was brilliant and could be described as an over-achiever. Tom thoroughly planned everything and never allowed setbacks to hinder him. There was only one person who saw right through him - Dumbledore, the person Tom despised the most in the entire school.
Tonight, Tom was strolling through the hallways of Hogwarts, carrying out his patrols as a Head Boy. Although it was generally a mundane duty, it had its advantages. One of them was being out after curfew without anyone questioning it. The corridors were dimly lit, so Tom had to cast a spell to produce light to see clearly."Lumos." he muttered, before continuing on his way. It appeared to be another uneventful night, where nothing of particular interest occurred.
As he was heading back to the Slytherin dorms, someone bumped into him, causing both teenagers to fall to the ground. "I'm so sorry," said a girl who appeared to be about the same age as him, possibly a year younger. He was about to reprimand her for running into him and give her detention for breaking curfew, but then he looked at her and was instantly captivated by the most beautiful pair of eyes he had even seen. They were warm and welcoming, but what truly enthralled him was their enchanting violet color, which sparkled under the light emerging from his wand.
"I should've watched where I was going," continued the witch. He cleared his throat and gave her a cold stare, trying to hide his intrigue. "Why aren't you in your dorm? It's past curfew," Tom questioned the girl. Another surprising thing was that he had no idea who she was. He only noticed the Ravenclaw emblem on her robes, indicating that she was a member of the eagle house. The Slytherin prided himself on knowing almost everyone at school, from students to professors, yet he didn't know her. How could someone with such captivating eyes escape his attention? "Oh, right. I got caught up in the library and forgot about the curfew," she explained. "I'll go straight to bed." With that, she tried to pass him and walk away.
She wanted to end the interaction as quickly as possible, knowing that Tom Riddle was trouble. Despite his perfect student persona, she sensed a hidden darkness beneath the surface and wanted to avoid getting involved. "Now, now. I can't possibly let the witch with such incredible eyes leave without knowing her name, can I?" he asked, causing her to freeze. "I fail to see how my name is of any interest to you, Riddle. I would prefer you not knowing it and allowing me to go.”
Tom didn't expect his charm not to work, but he hid his surprise. He wondered if the girl was brave or stupid, perhaps both. She didn't know that she piqued his interest, and that was something dangerous. "It hardly seems fair that you know me, but I don't know you, don't you think?" He took a step closer to her but didn't predict what she would do next. "No, I don't," she said, while taking a step back and bolting in another direction. The Head Boy simply stood there and let her get away. 'Let her run,' he thought. 'I shall find her anyway.' And with that, he continued on his way to the dorms.
The next morning, during breakfast, he scanned the Great Hall in search of her. Tom tried to be discreet, but his best friend, Abraxas Malfoy, noticed. Abraxas was his most reliable follower, someone Tom could trust. "What are you looking for, Riddle?" he asked. The boy with raven hair turned to glare at him and said, "It's none of your business, Malfoy." He was becoming increasingly frustrated that the witch from the previous night was nowhere to be found.
Finally, the girl made her entrance, walking into the hall accompanied by another girl. They both headed towards the Ravenclaw's table and took a seat. He couldn't help but gaze at her. It was as if she sensed his gaze, as she turned and looked directly into his eyes. Their staring contest continued until Headmaster Dippet began greeting students and wishing them a good day.
After finishing his meal, Tom made his way to the Potions classroom, his first subject of the day. He enjoyed this class, despite Professor Slughorn being a bit overwhelming. Tom was the professor's favorite student, excelling in this class just as he did in every other. He was an exceptionally talented wizard.
It turned out he shared the class with the violet-eyed witch. He wondered why he hadn't noticed her before. He took his usual seat and waited for the Ravenclaw student to enter, which didn't take long. She sat two rows ahead of him, accompanied by a boy he recognized as the Ravenclaw's seeker. Shortly after, Slughorn entered and the lesson began. Today, they had to brew an advanced potion called the Elixir to Induce Euphoria in pairs. As always, Tom was the first to finish his potion, with the help of his partner, Rosier. The potions professor, impressed with their work, allowed them to leave early. Tom decided to wait outside the classroom to talk to the girl who had sparked his interest and learn more about her.
As the girl walked out, he quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the abandoned broom closet across the hall. She protested, but wasn't strong enough to break free from his grasp. Tom pushed her inside and blocked the entrance.
"Hello again," he said, noticing the anger on the girl's face. "What do you think you're doing? Let me go!" she yelled, attempting to escape from the classroom.
"No, I don't think I will," Tom replied. "What do you want, Riddle?" she questioned, gritting her teeth. Her captivating eyes locked with his, and he could swear they had the power to melt a man. But he was no ordinary man, and he wouldn't allow that to defeat him. "I already told you what I want," he started, before she interrupted, "and I already told you that you won't have that." The girl had some nerve, he had to give her that. "Listen, darling, either you tell me your name yourself or I'll find out on my own. But I would prefer to hear it from your beautiful lips.”
"And what?" she spat, her eyes narrowing with a mix of defiance and fear. "Will you force it out of me?" If looks could kill, he would already be six feet under. Tom's lips curled into a malicious smirk as he leaned in closer, his voice a low, dangerous whisper. "You'll soon discover that I can be very..." He paused, relishing in the anticipation he was building. "...persuasive." The words hung in the air, sending a shiver down her spine. As he observed her reaction, he couldn't help but notice the subtle trembling of her breath, a sign that his presence and words were affecting her.
“If I tell you my name, would you stop pestering me about it?” she asked not looking into his eyes. Tom grabbed her chin and forced her head up, just enough for him to see her eyes. The Slytherin just nodded and took a step back. “Fine. My name is Y/N” she finally answered and moved past him, heading straight for the door. As Y/N was walking away she heard him say “Such a beautiful name, for someone with such extraodrinary eyes.”
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine as she left the broom closet, the encounter with Tom Riddle leaving her unsettled. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had just opened a door to a world of complications. Her day continued with classes, but her mind kept wandering back to the mysterious encounter with the enigmatic Head Boy.
Days turned into weeks, and Tom's fascination with Y/N only deepened. He started to make subtle attempts to engage her in conversation during Potions class or whenever their paths crossed in the hallways. Y/N, however, remained guarded, careful not to reveal too much about herself. She sensed danger around Tom, but there was also a part of her that felt an inexplicable connection, an undeniable intrigue that kept her from avoiding him completely. She didn’t like it, preferring to stay away from the drama that would undeniably follow her once she got too involved with the boy.
As time passed, Tom's pursuit became more relentless. He would show up unexpectedly in places where Y/N was, asking about her interests, her family, and her background. Y/N, althrough in the beginning sheltered and slightly annoyed, soon found herself drawn into conversations that danced on the edge of forbidden topics, and Tom, turn, discovered that there was more to Y/N than met the eye.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Tom found Y/N sitting by the Black Lake,reading a book . He approached her cautiously, and for the first time, his demeanor seemed less calculated, more genuine."You're a puzzle, Y/N," he said, his voice softer than usual. "I can't quite figure you out." Y/N turned to look at him, her violet eyes searching his face for any sign of deception. "Maybe some puzzles are meant to remain unsolved," she replied cryptically. Tom chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down her spine. "Maybe so, yet here we are. Both of us puzzling each other. But I do enjoy the challenge." he admitted. "And you, my dear, are the most intriguing challenge I've found at Hogwarts so far."
As the weeks turned into months, their interactions became more complex. Y/N found herself reluctantly drawn to Tom's charisma and intelligence, while Tom, discovered a more vulnerable side of himself. He couldn't quite understand why Y/N had such an effect on him, but he was determined to find out.
Their dynamic took a turn one evening in the Hogwarts library. Tom, managed to convince Y/N to join him in exploring the restricted section. As they looked through ancient tomes and hidden spells, Y/N couldn't ignore the growing tension between them. In the quiet space of the library, Tom leaned in, his dark eyes locking onto hers. "There's something about you, Y/N," he murmured, his breath sending shivers across her skin. "Something that both intrigues and unsettles me." Y/N looked at him curiously and asked “What is so unsettling about me?”. Tom only looked at her and leaning closer said “You’re making me feel things I’ve never felt before.”
As they continued their meetings, the lines between friend and enemy slowly became blurred. Tom’s past and his ambitions started to rub off on her, making her question everything. But she wasn’t weak and wanted to stay true to the right side. She wasn’t about to go down the same path as the Slytherin boy, and wanted to make him see that it was wrong. Little did she know that the choices made in the upcoming months would shape the destiny of the wizarding world.
As the weeks unfolded, Y/N found herself in a dangerous position. The more time she spent with Tom Riddle, the clearer it became that he was wavering on the edge of darkness. His thirst for power, his relentless pursuit of immortality, and the shadows of his past painted a grim picture. Yet, among all this darkness, Y/N saw moments of vulnerability, moments where the mask slipped, revealing a fractured soul. Y/N couldn't ignore the pull she felt toward Tom, a pull that went beyond fascination. Beneath his charming facade, she noticed loneliness that mirrored her own.
One evening, as snowflakes danced outside the castle windows, Y/N found Tom alone in the library. The fire cast a glow on his face, making him appear more handsome than ever. Y/N hesitated but she knew she had to ask the next question. "Tom," she began softly, "there's something I've been meaning to ask you." He looked up, his piercing gaze meeting hers. "Ask away, Y/N."
"Why are you so afraid of letting people in?" she inquired, her voice gentle but filled with genuine curiosity. Tom's eyes moved towards her, she could see suffering behind them. He took a deep breath before replying to her."People often betray and are fake in order to get what they want from you. After they get it, they leave and never come back.” Y/N took a step closer, closing the distance between them. "But it's also lonely, isn't it? To carry the weight of responsibilities on your shoulders without anyone to share it with."
Tom's mask wavered, revealing the boy beneath the facade. "Loneliness is a small price to pay for greatness," he stated, but a small amount of doubt could be seen in his eyes. "Maybe attaining greatness isn’t meant to be done alone." Y/N suggested. "Maybe it's in the connections we make, the people we let in"
In the days that followed, Y/N continued to challenge Tom's perspective. She introduced him to the joy of laughter, the warmth of genuine friendships, and the beauty of simple moments. As the walls around his heart slowly crumbled, Y/N became a beacon of light in his world, a reminder that there was more to life than power and darkness.
One evening, beneath the sky covered in stars, Y/N and Tom found themselves strolling through the Hogwarts grounds. Tom, usually composed, seemed uncertain, as if something was bothering him. "You don't have to be alone, Tom," Y/N whispered, her words carrying the weight of sincerity. "There's goodness in you, which you only have to choose." For the first time, Tom Riddle looked genuinely conflicted. The darkness within him warred with the flickers of light that Y/N had ignited. He was standing on the crossroads where the choices made would shape the future.
In the quiet of the night, Y/N extended her hand, a silent invitation to choose a different path. Tom hesitated, his gaze locking onto hers. And in that moment, the boy who had been consumed by shadows took a small step toward the light, changing the course of history forever. The journey towards redemption would be a long one, but with Y/N by his side, Tom Riddle was confident in succeeding. He realized that greatness could be found not in the pursuit of power but in the capacity to love and be loved.
A/N: let me introduce you to my first ever Tom Riddle imagine. The obsession I have with this man is unhealthy. Anyway let me know if you enjoyed it. Thank you for all the support ♡
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jaeedraszaerysz · 1 year
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Warnings: joffrey obviously, swearing, mentions of murder and war, mentions of incest.
Summary: being joffrey baratheons cupbearer as the last targaryen in Kings landing was bound to be eventful, just not in the way that pleases you. Until...
Notes: reader is FEMALE also to fit in with the context of this fic, joffrey is around 17-18 and the reader is 19 ish making her 6 years younger than viserys and 4 years older than daenerys in season 1
Being born a targaryen was like a game of Russian roulette. You were either blessed with great kindness and gentleness or cursed with madness and cruelty. In your case, it had been the former thankfully.
According to the maesters and other occupants of Kings landing you had been the most peaceful of the three targaryen babies to have been born of aerys II, the mad king. You had never cried or wailed or screamed, only smiled and attempted to befriend any lord, lady, knight or servant who came to cross your path.
But when the rebellion came and your father was dethroned and executed by jaime lannister your life had been flipped. Your brother rhaegar was dead along with all of his children, your other brother viserys and your mother, pregnant with another targaryen had fled, leaving you.
You didn't know why. You were still only a child of 3. No one else seemed to know either. So, Robert baratheon, the new king of the seven Kingdoms, decided to keep you. You were to be raised in Kings landing by a nurse and tywin lannister, having worked on your father's council before his death, made sure that you were educated properly.
By the time you had turned ten years of age, it was almost that your taragryen lineage had been forgotten, except for the obvious snowy hair and violet eyes. But no one that actually mattered seemed to pay attention to it any more.
You had grown close to cersei lannister in your teenage years, despite her being almost twenty years older than yourself. She was nice to you and as you grew, so did her eldest son, Prince joffrey. And then her others, princess myrcella and Prince tommen.
You were a bright girl, smart and kind. You had even been known to summon a smile from the Knight commonly referred to as the hound, sandor clegane. However, you had very little friends and were often seen wandering around or sitting by the flowers in the gardens, staring out into the sea or the city below.
By the time you had turned ten and seven you were truly a sight to behold, having inherited the targaryen beauty of your ancestors. But, as the small council came to realise that marrying off the only targaryen in westeros to a rich or powerful lord may not have been the most amazing idea, the king decided to appoint you as joffreys cupbearer.
You were good for the job, you listened attentively, you were smart and quick. And most importantly there wasn't anything distinct about you that joffrey could complain of and have you removed for.
So that's what became of you. You became his cupbearer and followed him around the red keep, accompanied him on his hunts or his short journeys and poured his wine, brought him his food, or anything else he asked for. Of course you were not immune to his cruelty, the opposite actually. He often mocked your unnatural eyes and Strangely perfect competition, he called you a witch, trying to enchant the castle and accused you of whoring about with the knights although you had never been with anyone.
He overworked you and reprimanded you but you were always there to listen, happy to be given a chance. He noticed this and it aggravated him. To see someone who was supposed to be miserable so joyous at the idea of bringing the king his meals and wine and suffering his abuse day and night for the rest of his or her life.
It confused him, how he had his ways so easily with you but not through fear, anger or blackmail, but through pure loyalty and gratitude that your life had been spared and you had been given a chance and something other than death or imprisonment.
He wasn't stupid. He heard the Lords and ladies whisper as you walled behind him. He heard the knights mock as you passed by. Eventually it grew to anger him slightly whenever your name was put down or insulted.
Only he was allowed to do that. And that in mind, joffrey became rather possessive of you in a way.
You listened to him rant. Listened to his drone on about his parents or the peasants or his siblings. About the food and the weather and the sheets. About everything.
And that is how you ended up here, stood in his chambers, listening to him speak of the lady sansa stark and his new betrothal to her. And listening to him rave about how he was still expected to marry the traitors daughter. And you knew ned stark was no such a man, and you were sure he did to, but you listened all the same.
He paced quickly around the room, hands behind his back, until he was called for a meeting of the small council. He was quite busy as of late, what with stannis baratheons army, renly baratheons army aswell now. And the north's new rebellion, robb stark, son of the late ned, proclaiming himself king in the North and marching closer by the day.
Joffrey was the king now, and he was much more cruel as of late, and you thought about it on your way back to your chambers that night. They had been decent enough to give you a separate room in the servants quarters, what with your family name and the risks of you forming alliances that had become more prominently discussed in the recent months you had noticed.
You had heard that viserys was marrying off your sister to the dothraki khal in exchange for an army but the conversation was dropped a while ago.
You had changed into your nightgown and were now stood, brushing your hair gently and staring out of your window to the crashing waves below. They calmed you, but that calm was interrupted by a harsh collection of violent knocks at your door.
You had set aside the brush and quickly gone to answer. Noticing it was joffrey which was unusual as he always sent someone for you, never venturing anywhere near the servants end of the castle.
"Whatever is the matter, your grac-"
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you, burying his head into your neck. He held you in an embrace and you were stunned for a moment, eyes wide and staring at sandor clegane who stood across the hall and shrugged and you.
You had slowly and anxiously returned the hug, moving your hand gently up and down his back as he slowly began to cry. It was almost silent hut you could feel him shaking.
"Your grace, do you-" you let out a breath. "Do you want to come in and sit for a moment?"
He nodded into your shoulder and you guided him into your room, ignoring the silent laughs from the hound as you closed the door, sitting joffrey down on your bed, he rested himself against the headboard, on the side closest to the window.
You had quickly grabbed him a cup of water and offered it to him, he took it and you stood infront of him cautiously.
"Are you alright, your grace?" You asked quietly.
He stopped his slow crying for a moment and looked up at you, his eyes meeting yours.
"I'm a terrible king. I don't know what to do about all the stupid Lords and ladies constantly wanting my attention. I don't know what to do about uncle renly or uncle stannis, about robb stark or my mother or anything."
Your face softened with sympathy for the boy king slightly as you replied.
"You are no such thing, your grace. War is a strange and chaotic thing, no one ever really, truly knows what to do. You're handling it well I'm sure of it, your grace."
He looked down into his lap and them out if the window and into the dark sky.
"Do you really think so?"
"I do, your grace."
He paused and and studied your face, your beautiful eyes and hair, your skin and lips, your figure and everything else about you.
"Why are you nice to me? I am nothing but cruel to you and yet you are happy to serve me. You listen and you don't tire of me. Why?"
"Because, your grace," you spoke softly. "I cannoted ever repay the generosity your family had shown me and I do not find it a chore to listen to you. I do not have any friends, I do not have people to speak to for no one ever wants the risk of speaking to the mad Kings Daughter. But you, your grace, you speak to me, about everything. About your problems, about your feelings. You don't see me as the targaryen girl, you see me as your cupbearer. Nothing more, nothing less, your grace."
You say nervously on the end of your bed, gazing at him. He gestured for you to sit closer and so you shuffled up the bed until you too were leaned against the headboard.
"Your grace, it is improper for someone such as yourself to be laying in such a room, are you sure I cannot escort you back to your chambers, get you some food or some wine?"
He didn't not reply, he just yet again stared out of the window.
"I think of you as much more than that you know." He mumbled.
"I'm sorry, your grace?" You asked, confounded by the statement.
"I think of you as much more than just my cupbearer. Much more."
"Your grace, i am afraid I do not understand quite what you are implyi-"
He lent forward slightly as cupped your check with his hand, his beautiful brown eyes staring into your own vivid, violet ones. He tinged his head slightly and kissed you.
His lips were soft and warm, his kiss gentle. Not at all like you had expected. He pulled away slowly, still keeping eye contact.
"Your grace, i-"
"I, I'm sorry i-" he placed a finger over your lips, shushing you softly.
"Just joffrey."
And he kissed you again, this time much more passionately, your lips moving in sync with each other and your heartbeats rising, bodies getting closer and closer.
And that is how you stayed until the morning when cersei found you both, but she never said a word, to either of you, instead choosing to leave quietly.
As she walked back down the corridor, she was joined by tyrion lannister and she looked down at him.
"Well that certainly was not expected to happen any time soon." He stated.
"Well, dear brother, you can't expect the unexpected, can you?
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please give a warm welcome to the 128 contestants of the pink hair swag tourney, part three !!
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we have 57 new contenders and 71 returning competitors vying for the crown !! starting on 06/21/2023, we'll start voting to determine which of these pink haired characters is the swaggiest of all time !!
PART ONE - 06/21 Iris Lovefeather - Tales of the Rays VS Lightning Farron - Final Fantasy Molli Pop - Candies n’ Curses VS Lily Tabacchi - Lily’s Well Yuyuko Saigyouji - Touhou Project VS Kasen Ibaraki - Touhou Project Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica VS Aya Maruyama - Bang Dream! Vivian - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door VS Anne Faulkner - Paradox Live Reona West - Prism Paradise VS Mirai Momoyama - Sparkling Prism Channel Crona - Soul Eater VS Chibiusa - Sailor Moon Satsuki Momoi - Kuroko no Basket VS Alice Asmodeus - Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
PART TWO - 06/22 Meninas McAllon - Bleach VS Neon Nostrade - Hunter x Hunter (1999) Shima Renzou - Blue Exorcist VS Szayelaporro Granz - Bleach Ln'eta - Sucker for Love: First Date VS Miyako Shikamori - Shikamori’s Not Just a Cutie Hot Pants - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Yasuho Hirose - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Sheena Murphy - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Scary Girl - Total Drama Cleo - Dragalia Lost VS Amy Pile - Grand Chase Mashiro Nijigaoka - Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure VS Nodoka Hanadera - Healin’ Good Pretty Cure Rina Tennoji - Love Live VS Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia
PART THREE - 06/23 Mizuki Akiyama - Project Sekai VS Utena Tenjou - Revolutionary Girl UtenaSakura Miku - Vocaloid VS Goku Black - Dragon BallRose Quartz - Steven Universe VS Bonnibel Bubblegum - Adventure TimeLilim - Puyo Puyo VS Harpy - Puyo PuyoUlala - Space Channel 5 VS Jerrica Benton - Jem and the HologramsKohaku Oukawa - Ensemble Stars VS Ramuda Amemura - Hypnosis Mic Sara - Tales of Link VS Meido - Heaven’s Design TeamNatsu Dragneel - Fairy Tail VS Marluxia - Kingdom Hearts
PART FOUR - 06/24 Popuri - Harvest Moon VS Lyla - Harvest Moon Ramsey Murdoch - Epithet Erased VS Yoomtah Zing - Epithet Erased Trixie Roughhouse - Epithet Erased VS Giovanni Potage - Epithet Erased  Estellise Sidos Heurassein - Tales of Vesperia VS Sophia - Stardew Valley Expanded Clover Field - Zero Escape VS Zizel - Witch’s Heart Nikki - Love Nikki VS Zero Two - Darling in the Franxx Nana Hiiragi - Munou na Nana VS Amu Hinamori - Shugo Chara! Maggie Pesky - The Buzz on Maggie VS Jinmay - Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
PART FIVE - 06/25 Reo Maruyama - Paradox Live VS Kazuichi Souda - Danganronpa Seraphine - League of Legends VS Violet - Arcane Jewelry Bonney - One Piece VS Koby - One Piece Perona - One Piece VS Shirahoshi - One Piece Minato Aqua - Hololive VS Himemori Luna - Hololive Mina Ashido - My Hero Academia VS Anya Forger - Spy x Family Kaoru Sakurayashiki - Sk8 the Infinity VS Nadeshiko Kagamihara - Yuru Camp Molly - Bubble Guppies VS Toadette - Mario Series PART SIX - 06/26 Hitori Gotoh - Bocchi the Rock! VS Mitsuri Kanroji - Demon Slayer Hinako Mishuku - Your Turn to Die VS Nao Egokoro - Your Turn to Die Riamu Yumemi - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls VS Miyu Sakurada - Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Sucy Manbavaran - Little Witch Academia VS Chuatury Panlunch - Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Ran - Urusei Yatsura VS Akira Kogami - Lucky Star Ilima - Pokemon VS Pastille - Starry Flowers  Kumatora - Mother 3 VS Amy Rose - Sonic the Hedgehog Setsuno - Toriko VS Genkai - YuYu Hakusho PART SEVEN - 06/27 Aubrey - OMORI VS Iris Sagan - AI: The Somnium Files Muku Sakisaka - Act! Addict! Actors! VS Tori Himemiya - Ensemble Stars Ribbon - Kirby VS Strawberry Crepe Cookie - Cookie Run Cotton Candy Cookie - Cookie Run VS Rambutan Cookie - Cookie Run Narciso Anasui - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Diavolo - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Yanagi Hanabusa - DREAM!ing VS Shion Mikekado - DREAM!ing Delta - Honkai Impact VS Elysia - Honkai Impact Kory Anders - Titans VS Gamora - Marvel Cinematic Universe PART EIGHT - 06/28 Sakura Haruno - Naruto VS Euphemia Li Brittania - Code Geass Kipo Oak - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts VS Tom Lucitor - Star VS the Forces of Evil “Big” Jack Horner - Puss in Boots VS Princess Poppy - Trolls Machi Komacine - Hunter x Hunter VS Chika Fujiwara - Kaguya-Sama: Love is War Slurpuff - Pokemon VS Tinkaton - Pokemon Hilda Valentine Goneril - Fire Emblem: Three Houses VS Yae Miko - Genshin Impact Ortega - Pokemon VS Nurse Joy - Pokemon Tenebria - Epic Seven VS Tecna - Winx Club
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ashesandhackles · 11 months
Goblet of Fire Reread (Part 2)
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Chapter 17,18,19, 20,21,22,23
"It struck him how very tall all of them were" Harry thinking this about the champions one moment and then being angry at being called "a little boy". Accurate teenage boy behavior.
Snape stepping in to stop Karkaroff and Maxime insulting Dumbledore by insulting Harry instead, "Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination to break rules" XD
Fleur really cares about the honour of representing her school.
Hints of Barty Snr under Imperius: both in his behaviour + imagery (skull like appearance in the darkness)
Violet, the witch painting went up to Fat Lady to gossip. We shall hear of this friendship again in HBP.
I really really love Hermione's insight into Ron's feelings here, because the implication here is that she noticed that he doesn't talk about it. "He's always shunted to the side when people see you, and he puts up with it, never mentions it" and how she contextualises it with how he feels around his brothers. She has an understanding and kindness about this that is very sweet.
Fleur flirting with Cedric while some creepy paunchy man watching her. Damn, what it must be like to be sexualised every moment of your life and what harmful ideas have you internalised?
Harry noting that Fleur was part Veela to tell Ron only to remember The Great Tragedy that Ron isn't speaking to him.
weighing of wands chapter to set up the priori Incantentem at end of book, to remind us of Harry's connection with Voldemort's wand.
Hermione trying to force Harry and Ron to talk to each other, poor thing. I can really feel her anxiety building over this and she is so impatient, "you miss him, he misses you". Hermione on Ronarry agenda. She even tries to sneakily make him meet Ron in Three Broomsticks and then Harry cottons on. And then her getting irritated, Harry having to resist the urge to poke Ron is peak trio content.
Harry getting cheered up by the fact that Cho wasn't wearing a support Cedric badge. Also, it's a nice shade to her character - she is nice. She recognises the badges for what it is and doesn't take part in it.
his face breaks into the first smile in days cos of Sirius and Sirius redirecting attention away from himself and focusing on Harry - "never mind me, how are you?" Harry is so vulnerable with him that he talks about Ron with him.
Sirius' respect for Moody is very interesting, he displays more of this in Padfoot Returns chapter where he talks about how Moody captured DEs and not killed them. I believe @leogichidaa and @artemisia-black have had a tumblr discussion on this.
Ron doesn't come up to bed after Harry lashes out at him for interrupting his conversation with Sirius. Poor bean - wondering how things got this bad between him and Harry.
BCJ is so chilling on reread- essentially admits that he is keeping track of real Moody via the Foe Glass. "I'm not really in trouble until I see the whites of their eyes. That's when I open my trunk."
BCJ talking about Maxime and Karkaroff but also himself - 'They want to win. They want to beat Dumbledore. They'd like to prove he's only human'. And he laughs.
Ron catches Harry's eyes, but Harry is too resentful to care. Ron trying, in his own awkward way, to let Harry know that he is on Harry's side again.
Harry not needing to hear Ron apologise to forgive him. Clearly Hermione feels the same as I do, because she burst into tears, hugs them both and goes off to cry alone LOL
I saw this tumblr post about how Fleur dealt with the dragon was the most compassionate one - trying to put it to sleep - that she and Charlie would get along cos of it. Cute hc.
Pigwidgeon falling 12 feet down before flying with the letter is so funny. Also how cute that Harry's letter to Sirius had a "blow by blow" account of how exactly he swerved, circled and dodged the Horntail. Sirius would have found that very endearing.
LOL at Dean drawing Cedric with his head on fire for party banners. (apart from drawings of Harry dodging Horntail)
Harry calling out Hermione for bending of rules is so cute. When she says, "he is supposed to work out the egg on his own" when Lee picks up the egg, and Harry reminds her in undertone that he was supposed to work out the dragon alone too, and she "grins guiltily"
I am very disappointed in Dobby, whose political consciousness that shone and drove the plot of CoS is done to "acceptable" levels of radicalism. He tried to save Harry, explicitly against harry's wishes, because of his idea that Harry is a symbol of hope to the "enslaved dregs of the magical society, who are treated as vermin" and that defeat of Voldemort ensured that his kind are treated better. (he is still endearing, but speaks to the message of the books - he can be radical but cannot question the existing institution too much)
Winky's loyalty to Crouch is treated as pitiable, while Hermione's overzealousness with some gentle ribbing because JKR seems to find it endearing. We will probably get into white saviorism later, because I have THOUGHTS.
Ron and Harry sword fighting with fake wands, which are tin parrot and rubber haddock respectively, is hilarious. (Ron's parrot got the haddock's head)
Cedric telling Hufflepuffs to leave Harry alone. Looks like he was so grateful for Harry's tip, he steps in on the bullying.
Cho's words about who she is going to the ball with echoing with each step Harry took. Peak teenage experience. End of the world your crush has been asked out by someone else.
so funny that Ron keeps trying to ask Hermione who she is going to the ball with at unexpected times to surprise her into answering
love that Hermione was simultaneously appalled by fake-Moody making Malfoy a ferret while also not above referencing that incident to get Malfoy off her back. ("twitchy little ferret, aren't you Malfoy")
Ron notices Hermione's teeth is no longer the same. And Hermione is all sly and mischievous about the fact that she let Madam Pomphrey carry on a bit.
ok this is such a cute description: Hermione sitting to watch Ron and Harry's chess match which had recklessly brave pawns and a violent bishop
Dobby gets socks as presents from both Ron and Harry (reminder Ron also puts socks over his dead body) and Ron's Christmas jumper.
Dumbledore referencing Room of requirement. (he makes a joke that makes Harry snort and Percy frown- I guess he thinks the joke isn't appropriate for international magical cooperation?)
Parvati goes off with a Beauxbaton boy because Harry wasn't paying attention to her. She also lead him while dancing -so much so he felt like a show dog. Love how alpha she is xD
Percy glances at Harry about "hitch with Goblet of Fire" : indication of his coming arc where he doesn't believe Harry. (Also, while Percy is socialising with Bagman, he chooses to sit with Harry and Ron, which is indicative of how awkward he feels i think)
Snape and Karkaroff's conversation will get referenced in Prince's Tale, where Dumbledore grants him -"i think we sort too soon".
the image of Maxime storming away with fairies parting bushes is a very striking.
Chapter 24, 25, 26,27,28
Hermione drops key family history for Harry without either of them realising it: she used Fleamont Potter's Sleakazy's. Also at the implication that Harry asked about her hair LMAO.
Ron and Hermione reaching an unspoken agreement about sidestepping the big fight which involved FEELINGS.
the unicorn preferring a girl's touch is tied around the myth of pure creatures comfortable with "pure souls". I am really not sure how to read the gender politics of this book using this aspect of mythology.
lol, at Parvati being very "cool" towards Harry since the ball. Her retort actually makes him reflect - "perhaps I should have paid her more attention" and then, "ah well, she had a good time anyway". Honestly, stan Parvati.
Harry's so suspicious of Bagman offering him help, and rightly so. I love him putting Bagman on backfoot with his questions.
really curious about goblins and their hierarchy in the wizarding world. they are the marginalised who "fight back".
Rosmerta looking at James Potter, "who used to make her laugh"'s son yelling at a reporter in the middle of her pub XD
Love that Gryffindors get food related passwords like "banana fritters" and poor Ravenclaws have to solve a riddle every time they need to get in.
Where is the fanart of Snape with long grey nightshirt? Where?
Snape shutting Filch up when (in his mind) Moody came in, BCJ using Moody's distrust to check his office. Excellent stuff. My favourite part of the scene is Snape angrily declares Dumbledore's trust in him, and BCJ reminds him of "spots that don't come off". And Snape clutches his Dark Mark (and immediately hates himself for doing it xD)
Okay, Snape conceding power to Moody in this scene is so interesting. When Snape tries to look for Harry, BCJ makes him back off by saying "meaning Dumbledore is very interested to know who's got it in for the boy!" and Snape answers in a forced calm.
the tension between Snape and fake Moody can be cut through with a knife. Love how menacing the scene makes Moody, with Rowling using visual pictures of Moody's scars in the darkness
Lmao, Neville sending Professor Flitwick flying across room in class. And the description of "Professor Flitwick went whizzing resignedly past them" when the trio are talking. The implication that Flitwick just let Neville do his thing… XD
Hermione answering Harry's grim dark joke seriously. Nerd XD so much so the next time she takes Harry's joke seriously, he had to tell her that he is joking lol.
Harry goes off food when he is stressed or upset: a hangover from Dursley days when punishment is "no food".
"Your Wheezy, sir, your wheezy - the thing Harry Potter sir will miss the most!" LOL. The way this book is designed for Ronarry feels.
Merpeople have pet Grindylows. (also the chief is a woman)
Harry actually tries to yank the spear away from merman when they refused to help him, and hits Krum when Krum failed to realise that his shark teeth would hurt Hermione. My little feral boy.
Percy, "who looked very white", splashing out to meet Ron <3
Poor Krum - he is trying to engage Hermione and she is too busy either asking Harry about his task or cheering him for his marks to listen.
I love how much Harry gets so cheered by Sirius' letters. And even as he is tense that Sirius would get caught, he enters Potions classroom happy XD
'Scarlet woman'. It speaks to the generation Molly comes from that she has these ideas, and that Ron has noticed and picked it up.
Hermione, being also aware that Ron's regard for her is less than platonic, "determinedly avoiding Ron's eyes" when she mentions Viktor did invite her. (Also funny that Hermione is trying to puzzle out how Rita heard her, and Ron is like, "nvm, what did you say about Viktor's invitation?" lol)
@urupotterwrote a nice meta about how Snape was deliberately provoking Harry (after harry moves tables) to read his mind. Right when Harry angrily looks up, Snape's eyes bore into him to check if he had broken into his office.
Sirius made them climb a mountain for half an hour lol. He believes in outdoorsy kids.
Sirius having a fuller face, and looking like he is taking care of himself when Harry met him at the fire - but now he is back in his prison robes, his hair is longer and he is thin again. When Sirius broke into the fire, he was clearly at a place where he could hide better and take care of himself. He is living off rats.
And he notices the anxiety on Harry;s face and explains why he is here (he is very good at reading harry's face and just answering his thoughts. He does it again later in the scene). He is worried about how fishy things look, and it is clear one of the reasons of his lack of care for himself is hyperfixating on Harry's safety and circumstances surrounding the tournament. (he also moves a lot when he is thinking - it's part of why he makes for such a strong scene presence. There is either note of how he takes space, or his eyes)
Sirius backs Hermione here about Barty Crouch Snr's treatment of Winky ("if you want to know what a man's like.."). This is important for Hermione's complicated feelings about him in the next book. He was the only adult on her side - even Hagrid, who she counted on, didn't agree with her.
Sirius projecting all his family issues over Barty Crouch Jnr.
Sirius' description of Azkaban is just extremely solitary and drenched in death, and suffering. He can see and hear things that are near his cell or out of the window (he could see Dementors burying who he thought was BCJ outside the fortress). Speaks to the immense violation Barty Crouch Snr has committed by sending him there without a trial. (There is also the fact that Azkaban is horrible, and no one deserves it)
Snuffles, enuff said. He also allows them each to pat them on his head before they leave. how cute.
"If he thought we are standing in way of his career"..ah, seeds of Percy arc of OOTP. Hermione believes in him while Ron doesnt lol.
I haven't mentioned in my notes because it would get too long - but Sirius' exposition about the First War, I think, is important for the atmosphere that leads to friends turning on each other.
also, I really love the note of Sirius, as always, admiring the morals of Mad Eye Moody for trying to bring Death Eaters alive, versus his condemnation of Barty Crouch Snr's methods. This shade of him - combined with the fact that he would have absolutely killed Peter after Jily death if he had the chance, or even the previous book. @artemisia-black wrote about her interpretation of it in this meta.
House elves should be "seen, not heard" philosophy, where they have internalised that anything showing discontent from where they are is undesirable.
Hermione pulling a Blinky episode here XD if the worldbuilding wasn't so shitty, I would actually enjoy a critique of Hermione's impatience here because it is very in line with steam of young activists finding roadblocks within the very people they want to help.
Chekhov's gun: the eagle owl Harry observes flying over Hagrid's hut - the same owl we see in Harry's dream with Voldemort later.
Maxime is apparently trying to make up to Hagrid - she watches Hagrid's class and even tries to engage him in a conversation prior to this. Maybe she feels sorry about how the story about Hagrid's mother come out in the Prophet and wants to bond? What did Maxime face because of her parentage?
Ron being upset that the gold he paid Harry back with vanished, and how he hates being poor and how both Harry and Hermione don't know what to say: Hermione tries to cheer him up by saying she will get him a Niffler for Christmas, how cute.
harry regularly sending Sirius food and little notes with them. I CANT. they have my heart, they are everything.
love that Fleur and Cedric are apparently friendly enough that she keeps going on about underground tunnels to him, and how Fleur beams at Harry when he comes.
Harry and Cedric being jocks, and how they are less than happy with the state of the Quidditch pitch lol.
Dumbledore uses the Patronus to summon Hagrid. A known method of communication between the Order. ("a ghostly bird")
love the dynamic of Fred and George arguing: George seems to be the more cautious one of the two, saying putting something like that in writing is blackmail, while Fred is like, "You're not going to complain once we get the pay off, would you?" But the moment Ron asks what's up with them, George backs Fred and sends the letter himself.
I also really loved the moment of the trio confronting the twins. It was hilarious. it shows all their priorities - both Fred and Ron with confrontational and surprised, "what are you doing here?" and Harry and George on defensive, "sending letter?" and both Fred and Hermione with a suspicious, "What, at this time?"
Hermione still uncomfortable with the idea of breaking laws: "This isnt some silly school rule, it's the law". Given where they all end up in DH (honestly even OOTP), this is interesting. She even advises Ron to reach out to Percy to stop whatever the twins are doing, and Ron's like, "Are you mad? He would probably do a Crouch and turn them in!" XD
Harry being annoyed at Sirius being an Overbearing Dad XD "Who is he, to lecture me after all the stuff he did at school?"
Chekhov's gun: insect buzzing somewhere behind the curtain. Rita Skeeter.
Also seeing Crouch Snr struggle against the Imperius put on him by Voldemort tells us how incredible it is that Harry throws it off in the graveyard
Harry connecting the magic of Pensieve with the diary through means of his experience. Could be a cool worldbuilding detail if we want to think about how Tom preserved his "memory" in the diary, along with it being a container for his soul.
important to understand how Voldemort operates: he alone knows who works for him, and others get exposed to each other via shared jobs or connections. This adds to what Sirius says in Padfoot returns chapter.
Mulciber specialised in the Imperius, as per Karkaroff's testimony. Could he have done something in similar vein to Mary MacDonald? It could also be talked of as a "laugh" since students do find Moody's control of the spider in Unforgivables class darkly funny.
"He is no more a Death Eater than I am": Dumbledore's vouching of Snape is strong. I would love a fic that explores Snape and Dumbledore's equation in First War, and how Dumbledore sees bits of himself in a young man who also thinks he is brilliant, and wants power, but ends up hurting the person he loves in his blindness.
The trial essentially feels like a gladiator ring, with the accused chained to the chair. (Of course, Bagman doesnt get chained to the chair due to the relative popularity with the jury)
Ah, BCJ. His reaction here depends on how you read his involvement with Longbottoms - whether he actually did it, or whether he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, the book, with Cruciatus scene with spider, heavily suggest that he was indeed guilty. So, it is interesting to see his terror here - he is genuinely terrified of going to Azkaban, but he is also using his genuine terror to appeal to his parents, to get out and be free. (He does similar things throughout the book - use his real dislike of Malfoys, Snape but misdirect you about his motivations). It's a nice manipulative streak.
"You're no son of mine!" "Take them away, and may they rot there." I need a Crouch family deep dive, because it is essentially a version of Walburga burning her son's name off after he ran away. which is: "I want to pretend you don't even exist."
a very astute reader pointed out on reddit how Moody is not present for the Longbottoms trial (and his eyes were intact on both trials before). So the hc is that Bellatrix took out Moody's eye and he was recovering in the hospital at the time.
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ophiuca · 2 years
Oc tags
Realized that I’m using tags for my ocs more and that I should maybe explain what they mean? The main four are for my characters I’ve played with in Masks: A New Generation, which is a game I highly recommend! It’ll be a pretty long post so I’ll cut it off here.
😇 #Birdcage is for Isodora Maleciel (she/her and they/them), the angel daughter of a very powerful supervillain named Event Horizon. She’s got statues of herself in many of the banks in the city, a decently popular propaganda CW-esque tv show about her and her daughter’s life, a fierce rivalry with the local speedster Swift Wind and Tech CEO Max Million, and of course a secret lair on the moon. Isodora looks suspiciously almost exactly like their mother, aside from their hair, which they dye a platinum blonde from its natural black. Other than that, her large black wings, green eyes, and black horns that wrap around her head like a circlet make her instantly recognizable to basically anyone in the city. She decided that she didn’t want to follow her mother and became the magic hero Astarte, using her sorcery to protect people no mater how they felt about her. They ended up marrying their three teammates, (Sabrina Spencer (she/her), Nova Moretti (she/her), and Hermes Shapiro-Vogel (ve/ver) (the child of Swift Wind), and they eventually have a very magical daughter named Talia (she/her) together. Isodora is a trans girl, is pan and also polyam! She loves her partners a whole lot and loves spending time with them, even if she doesn’t really understand what’s going on much. You can find my pinterest board for Isodora here! featuring art from my friend @liatrelle!
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🎮 #of course you have purple hair and lightning powers is my tag for Lucille “Elly” Lovelace (she/her), a purple haired twitch streamer, library makerspace manager, lesbian disaster, and pretty okay best friend. She spends her days working, hanging out with her very genderfluid bestie Olivia Efflorescence (they/them) who also goes by Ollie (she/her), or Liv (he/him), and definitely not fighting villains as the superhero Lady Lightning, a woman who wears an all purple power ranger-esque costume with lightning motifs and has electromagnetic powers. She also spends her nights not doing that as well as streaming as lightspeedluvlace. Elly and Liv found out about her powers when they were younger, and used it as an excuse to escape from their very shitty families and live together in Halcyon city. They’ve recently gotten pretty stable living situations, or well, Elly would if she wasn’t a workaholic who does way too many things at once. She’s recently met and formed a team with Talia Spencer-Maleciel-Shapiro-Vogel-Moretti, who has mysteriously been thrown into the past a few years before she was even born, Tiktok conspiracy star February “Freddy” Dawson (he/him), and Henrietta “Henry” Pawline (she/her) a petty jock catgirl. Elly has a bit of a crush on Talia, but worries about what that means if she goes back to the future. Her fursona is a purple bunny girl and she’s a little embarrassed that you know that now. She’s a cis lesbian, but in the “my gender is lesbian” way. Elly’s story takes place about eight years after Isodora’s.
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♓  #manic jelly dream girl  ZOE MY BELOVED!!! Princess Threazoenine of The Myrine Dynasty (she/her) is from the planet Nalydea, a planet completely covered in water orbiting Pisces Alpha. She is a pink shapeshifting jellyfish alien who came to earth as part of a family mission to forge mutual defense pacts with other planets in case Nalydea is targeted, as they do not make any sort of weapons. Zoe fell in love with Earth almost instantly, and ran away during a press conference, to the annoyance of her parent and older sisters. She ran right into AEGIS Agent Bryce Gallant, who was eventually assigned to protect her when she convinced her family to let her stay on earth for a bit. Enamored with the superhero culture of Halcyon City, she decided to join Bryce’s team as  the hero Prominence. Bryce had been placed on a team with fellow hero school graduate who she very much did not get along with Æsh, and superhero mentee Jess Arora, who Zoe developed a very strong crush on. They then dated for about two weeks before having the messiest breakup ever. And then kinda mostly got back together. Zoe’s powers include: shapeshifting, star generation (including heat and gravity manipulation), flight, having a telepathically controlled hoverbike, no bones, no lungs, no heart, jellyfish venom, bioluminescence, being very easy to talk to, getting drunk from caffeine, and water manipulation. She also has a cool scar that she got from being stabbed by a sword protecting her family. Aside from Earth in general, Zoe loves dinosaurs (there are a bunch that live on Nalydea’s moon), fashion and wearing frilly clothes, kissing cute girls, and spending time with her friends. As an alien, she doesn’t really have a conventional gender or sexuality, but if someone explained things to her she would probably consider herself a girl and sapphic. Her pinterest board is right here! and I would love to link the commission I got of her from @smallpolar-bear!!!!!! Zoe’s story is set 29 years after Isodora’s, the same time period that Talia is from.
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🩸 #violet the teenage witch is the tag for my most recent character, Violet Chiwake (fae/faer), also known as the supervillain Vampire. Fae lives with faer aunt and her wife in Halcyon City after faer mother got scared that fae developed powers. Violet is a witch who uses blood magic, something that for the most part is not approved of by society. It’s not like Violet chose faer powers or anything. Fae was caught with faer mentor in the middle of a robbery and lied during faer trial that fae was tricked onto the wrong path and just needed a chance to fix things. This worked too well and Violet ended up at hero school with a bunch of people who fae is extremely wary of. Violet is goth, a femme trans lesbian, and very upset that faer life has become a disaster (teenage drama queen). Fae enjoys practicing faer magic, collecting interesting ear jewelry, being around people who don’t think fae should be in jail, and stealing valuables. Violet is also searching for faer best friend Selene Hellström (she/her) an extremely high energy fireworks themed villain who was sent off to boarding school by her parents. You can find Violet’s pinterest board here! (cw for blood makeup) Violet’s story takes place 15 years after Isodora’s.   
🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸
 I’ll probably mostly be talking about these four, and if you read this far uh. wow thank you I hope you enjoy knowing more about the girls in my brain!   
0 notes
aboutzatanna · 5 months
Back in 2003, Warner Bros released an anthology called Cartoon Monsoon which allowed young filmmakers to essentially make pilot episodes shown directly to audiences with the most popular ones promised to get their own full fledged show. You can read more about it here. Unfortunately, none of the shows pitched in the anthology got picked up.
One of the pilots pitched was Zatanna and in a weird way it feels like a precursor to Zatanna's later animated appearances. Not only does she have violet hair in this short like her DCSHG counterpart, she is also a teenager fighting Klarion much like her YJ counterpart albeit no Dr Fate involved. The show also gives her a brother named Damon whom AFAIK has never appeared anywhere else. Overall it has a strong 'Sabrina The Teenage Witch' vibe which I think fits really well for Zatanna. And it was written by Paul Dini (imagine that).
Zatanna was voiced by Tara Strong with Steve Blum voicing Zatara. No other DC characters save for the Zataras and Klarion appear in this.
Check it out here:
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amgpb-animatedgirlies · 5 months
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@amgpb-animatedgirlies because I did it wrong
These are the brackets!
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Battle Lineups are listed below the cut. Round 1 will be starting soon! Keep it up girlies💕!
Ruby Rose (RWBY) VS Bloom (Winx Club)
Tulip Olsen (Infinity Train S1) VS Madeline (Madeline)
Princess Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS Princess Unikitty (Unikitty!)
Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) VS Blue (Blue’s Clues)
Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee) VS Angelina Jeanette Mouseling (Angelina Ballerina)
Bluey Christine Heeler (Bluey) VS Reggie (Twelve Forever)
Raven Queen (Ever After High) VS Tuca (Tuca and Bertie)
Bertie (Tuca and Bertie) VS Doc McStuffins (Doc McStuffins)
Maisy Mouse (Maisy Mouse) VS Eliza Thornberry (The Wild Thornberrys)
Maya (Maya and The Three) VS Carol (Carol and the End of The World)
Samantha Simpson (Totally Spies) VS Lunella Lafayette (Moon Girl and The Devil Dinosaur)
Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeau Grunkwitz, AKA Bean (Disenchantment) VS Princess Rapunzel (Tangled: the Animated Series)
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High Gen3) VS Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)
Hilda (Hilda) VS Cybersix (Cybersix)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train S3) VS Dora (Dora the Explorer)
Adora (She-Ra and the Princess of Power) VS Draculaura (Monster High Gen2)
Jenny Wakeman, AKA XJ-9 (My Life as a Teenage Robot) VS Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Iris, AKA Princess of Ephedia (LoliRock)
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) VS Barbie Roberts (Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse)
Bee (Bee and Puppycat) VS Fionna (Fionna and Cake)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) VS Lake (Infinity Train S2)
Cleopatra (Cleopatra in Space) VS Zuri Love (Young Love)
Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake 2003 Series) VS Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina the Teenage Witch: The Animated Series)
Princess Star Butterfly (Star Vs The Forces of Evil) VS Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Frankie Stein (Monster High Gen1) VS Harriet M. Welsch (Harriet the Spy)
Penny Proud (The Proud Family) VS Marinette Dupain-Cheng, AKA Ladybug (Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus) VS Will Vandoom (W.I.T.C.H.)
Ruby (Max and Ruby) VS Kipo (Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts)
Princess Sofia (Sofia the First) VS Avatar Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Miko Kubota (Glitch Techs) VS Jane (Jane and the Dragon)
Aja Tarron (3Below) VS Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego)
Sharon Spitz (Brace Face) VS ENA (ENA)
Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Violet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
Usagi Tsukino, AKA Sailor Moon (THe Adventures of Sailor Moon) VD Liena Vance (Queen’s Blade)
Ahiru (Princess Tutu) VS Amu Hinamori (Shugo Chara!)
Fuuko Izumo (Undead Unluck) VS Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Eva Wei, AKA Molly (Ōban Star-Racers) VS Mizu (Blue Eyed Samurai)
Lina Inverse (Slayers) VS Atsuko Karagi, AKA Akko (Little Witch Academia)
Akame ga Kill (Akame ga Kill!) VS Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries)
Yona (Yona of the Dawn) VS Aino Megumi, AKA Cure Lovely (Happiness Charge Precure)
Keep it up girlies💕!
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disabilityshowdown · 1 year
and with that, folks, we have finished the preliminaries!
our aim was to get 132 characters narrowed down to 64, we narrowed them down to 67, because of an amazing three polls where the difference was made by literally a single vote, and i think as far as preliminaries go, that's not preference that's chance (one vote may make the difference when it comes to the final rounds, bc then it's exciting, but here that's a tie)
you can view the complete set here
which means more importantly, i can reveal who those 67 are up against!
so without further ado, here are the 64 characters that you guys nominated the most, in order of who got the most nominations! (read left to right, up to down, or look at the list i'm about to put under the cut)
Tumblr media
the post containing the full bracket can be found here, and as usual, image description and list of characters under the cut!
ID: An 8x8 square containing icons of the following 64 characters, in this order:
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) 
Hiccup and Toothless (they’re a set do not separate) (How to Train Your Dragon)
Barbara Gordon/Oracle (DC)
Toph Beifong (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Ashton Greymoore (Critical Role)
Finn Mertens (Adventure Time)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Nicholas Benedict (The Mysterious Benedict Society)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - both Rise and IDW)
Octavio Silva (Apex Legends)
Crutchie (Newsies)
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Amaya (The Dragon Prince)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Viktor (Arcane)
Taimi (Guild Wars 2)
Johnny Joestar (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun Stampede)
Drey Ferin (Just Roll With It)
Geordi LaForge (Star Trek)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
Melanie King (The Magnus Archives)
Snake (Zero Escape)
Future Leo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Janice Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Jayfeather (Warrior Cats)
Shouko Nishimiya (A Silent Voice)
Violet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
Briarlight (Warrior Cats)
Ticket Jerry (Dialtown)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Ricky Potts (Ride the Cyclone)
Jimmy Valmer (South Park)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Gregory House (House MD)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Shanks (One Piece)
Chai (Hi-Fi Rush)
Kazuhira Miller (Metal Gear Solid)
Izaya Orihara (Durarara)
Finnegan Wake (Monster High)
Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Sage Beldaruit (Witch Hat Atelier)
Urakawa Mamoru (Mega Man)
Teo (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
Hearthstone (Magnus Chase)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Rani (Pixie Hollow)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Juno Steel (Penumbra Podcast)
Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max)
Bentley (Sly Cooper)
Quasimodo (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Nagito Komaeda (Dangan Ronpa)
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balkanradfem · 1 year
Favourite Fictional Women poll: FINAL LIST nominations + RULES (nominations closed)
Elphaba (Wicked)
Hermione (Harry Potter)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Luna (Harry Potter)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
Bella Swan (Twilight)
Lucy (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Susan (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Jo (Little Women)
Alanna (The Song of the Lioness)
Ichigo (Kamikaze Girls)
Momoko (Kamikaze Girls)
Phryne Fisher (Phryne Fisher Detective Novels)
Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)
Robin Ellacott (Cormoran Strike)
Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Series)
Gideon (The Locked Tomb)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Tattersail (Malazan Book of the Fallen)
Lyra (His Dark Materials)
Lisbeth Salander (The Millenium Trilogy)
Daja Kisubo (Circle of Magic)
Éowyn (Lord of the Rings)
Honor Harrington (Honor Harrington)
Zahrah (Zahrah the Windseeker)
Clair (Outlander)
Margo (The Magicians)
Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects)
Brienne of Tarth (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Cersei (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Daenerys Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Arya (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Sansa ( A Song of Ice and Fire)
Rhaenyra Targaryen (Fire and Blood)
Eileen Dunlop (Eileen)
Romy Silvers (The Loneliest Girl in the Universe)
Lúthien (Sillmarilion)
Lady Sotofa (Echo series)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Angua von Überwald (Discworld)
Susan Sto Helit (Discworld)
Tiffany Aching (Discworld)
Nina Hill (The Bookish Life of Nina Hill)
Keladry (Protector of the Small series)
Shay (Uglies)
Cassie (Animorphs)
The Groke (the Moomins)
Tooticky (the Moomins)
Maximum Ride (Maximum Ride)
Auri (Kingkiller Chronicles)
Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
Emily Starr (Emily of New Moon)
Penelope (Circe by Madeline Miller)
Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy)
Katsa (Graceling)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (Witchier)
Dr. Scarlet Clarke (They Never Learn)
Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows)
Ronja (Ronja)
Violet (Asoue)
Medea (Greek Mythology)
Medusa (Greek Mythology)
Jude (Folk of the Air)
Agatha (Girl Genius)
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
Carrie (Carrie)
Miss Honey (Matilda)
Matilda (Matilda)
Barbie (Barbie's universe)
Ellen Louise Ripley (Alien)
Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy)
Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Sarah Conner (Terminator)
Cruella de Vil (Cruella)
Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Dr. Ellie Sattler (Jurrasic Park)
Harley Quinn (DC universe)
Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Jennifer (Jennifer's Body)
Maude Lebowski (Big Lebowski)
Eurodia Holmes (Enola)
Amy Adam (Arrival)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
Mary Mason (American Mary)
Elsa (Frozen)
Mulan (Mulan 1998)
Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
Trinity (Matrix)
Sidney Prescott (Scream movies)
Dani Ardor (Midsommar)
M3gan (M3gan)
Aila (Rhymes for Young Ghouls)
Princess Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Mother Aughra (Dark crystal)
Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Carribean)
Marla Grayson (I care a lot)
Heloise (Portrait of a Lady on Fire)
Diana (Wonder Woman)
San (Princess Mononoke)
Zeniba (Spirited Away)
Chihiro (Spirited Away)
Wlle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Rey (Star Wars)
Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Haley Graham (Stick it)
Cruella (101 Dalmatian)
Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
TV Shows
Xena (Xena the Warrior Princess)
Gabrielle (Xena the Warrior Princess)
Callisto (Xena the Warrior Princess)
Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Sabrina (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Morgana Pendragon (Merlin)
Catharine Cawood (Happy Valley)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
Female Doctor Who (Doctor Who)
Kaya (Supernatural)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Claire (Supernatural)
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
Anna Clare (Being Human)
Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black)
Sister Michael (Derry Girls)
Orla (Derry Girls)
Hayley (Hard Candy)
Vilanelle (Killing Eve)
Eve (Killing Eve)
Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack)
Ann Walker (Gentleman Jack)
Kim (Kim Possible)
Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Temperance Brennan (Bones)
Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
Katara (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Azula (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Toph (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Krosh (Kid Cosmic)
Guinan (Star Trek New Generations)
Bo-Katan Kryze (Star Wars)
Dong Eun (The Glory)
Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
April Ludgate (Parks and Recreation)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
Dana Scully (X Files)
Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager)
Calamity Jane (Deadwood)
Flea (Fleabag)
Michonne (The Walking Dead)
Trixie (Call the Midwife)
Sister Monica Joan (Call the Midwife)
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
Ruby Lucas (Once Upon a Time)
Mulan (Once Upon a Time)
Samatha/Sam Carter (Stargate SG-1)
Kira Nerys (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Jadzia Dax(Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Eleanor (The Good Place)
Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder)
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale)
Miranda Bailey (Grey’s Anatomy)
Lizzie McGuire (Lizzie McGuire)
Catherine the Great (The Great)
Dolores Abernathy (Westworld)
Maeve Millay (Westworld)
Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
Paris (Gilmore Girls)
Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
Vera Bennett (Wentworth (2013)
Joan Ferguson (Wentworth (2013)
Constance Hardbroom (The Worst Witch (1998)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Monica (Friends)
Phoebe (Friends)
Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Shiv Roy (Succession)
Hannah (Please Like Me)
Lupe (A League of Their Own)
Jess (A League of Their Own)
Shahrzad (One Thousand and One Nights)
Michael Burnham (Star Trek Discovery)
 Emperor Phillipa Georgiou (Star Trek Discovery)
Dee Reynold (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica)
Donna (Twin Peaks)
Laura palmer (Twin Peaks)
Audrey(Twin Peaks)
Marwa (What we do in the Shadows)
Nadja (What we do in the Shadows)
Love Quinn (You)
Allison (Orphan Black)
Cosima (Orphan Black)
Nyota Uhura (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Leela (Futurama)
Bean (Disenchantment)
Pam (Archer)
Grace (Grace and Frankie)
Frankie (Grace and Frankie)
Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Hotaru - Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon)
Michiru – Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon)
Haruka – Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Rei – Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)
Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Sakura Kinomoto (CardCaptor Sakura)
Tomoyo Daidouji (CardCaptor Sakura)
Onpu (Ojamajo Doremi)
Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Striga (Castlevania)
Carmilla (Castlevania)
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer)
Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Nana Osaki (Nana)
Hachi (Nana)
Jean (Claymore)
Clare (Claymore)
Theresa (Claymore)
Helen (Claymore)
Deneve (Claymore)
Casca (Berserk)
Haruno Sakura (Naruto)
Yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100)
Nikaido (Dorohedoro)
Nia (Dorohedoro)
Maki Zen'in (Jujutsu Kaisen 0)
Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)
Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Historia Reiss (Attack on Titan)
Mikasa Ackermann (Attack on Titan)
Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
April Ryan (The Longest Journey)
Kate Walker (Syberia)
Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
Impa (Legend of Zelda)
Urdosa (Legend of Zelda)
Evie Frye (Assassin's Creed)
Senua (Senua's Sacrifice)
Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Elisabet Sobeck (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Serena (Skyrim)
Frea (Skyrim)
Morrigan (Dragon Age Origins)
Kreia (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II)
Kassandra of Sparta (Assassin's Creed Odyssey)
Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3)
Reika (Fatal Frame)
Rei (Fatal Frame:The Tormented)
An Shiraishi (Project SEKAI)
Nene Kusanagi (Project SEKAI)
Ena Shinonome (Project SEKAI)
Jesse Faden (Control)
Almalexia (The Elder Scrolls)
Billie Lurk (Dishonored)
Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored)
Cecelia (Dishonored)
Lizzy Stride (Dishonored)
Delilah Copperspoon (Dishonored)
Lohse (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Sebille Kaleran (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Siva (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Malady (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Dallis the Hammer (Divinity: Original Sin II)
Toriel (Undertale)
Undyne (Undertale)
Alphys (Undertale)
Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (Mass Effect)
Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)
Aria T'Loak (Mass Effect)
Nyreen Kandros (Mass Effect)
Shala'Raan vas Tonba (Mass Effect)
Matriarch Aethyta (Mass Effect)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
Abby (The Last of Us)
Ellie (The Last of Us)
GLaDOS (Portal)
Chell (Portal)
Dr. Suvi Anwar (Mass Effect Andromeda)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Parvati Holcomb (The Outer Worlds)
Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
2B (Nier Automata)
Stephanie Brown (DC comics)
Cassandra Cain (DC comics)
Zatanna Zatara (DC comics)
Elektra Natchios (Marvel comics)
Ebony Dark'ness Raven Dementia Way
Web comics
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Jaden (Leasebound)
Antimony Carver (Gunnerkrigg Court)
Fictional Movies
Katya (Goncharov)
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home from (Welcome to Nightvale)
Lady Mabeth (Macbeth)
Clytemnestra (Oresteia)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
All fictional women from a category will be randomized, and put into polls
Whoever gets 50 votes automatically proceeds into the next round. There won't be only one winner for each poll!
We will do one category at the time. We'll start with books.
We'll decide on a winner of each category, and then whoever had the most votes, will proceed into the Final 10.
I'll calculate how many votes each woman got, so that at the end of the voting, you can see how many other women also adored your favourite ones :)
This also means that once you vote, if there's someone else you also want to see in the finals, you can reblog and let your followers know who already has enough votes, and who needs more in order to proceed. I'll also sometimes reblog polls announcing that a certain character has made the cut, and now others need your attention. We're trying to see which ones are loved and adored enough to actually get a lot of votes, even with competition. The voting starts at the end of nominations!
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