#visual summary
Week 13 - Capstone DES302
Finished. Submitted. Something that I’ve looked forward to for so long but also dreaded has come and gone! Everything is handed in and now my mind is free! I leave for China tomorrow, and am finally able to fully embrase the excitement of a World Cup opportunity. My mind has switched focus and the fact that I get to do what I love on an international stage is finally sinking in. This weeks main focus was around ensuring all of my deliverables were finished and ready to hand in. Outside of Uni, we had our last week of training and I created some great bonds with people that I hope will continue for a long time! The uncertainty of the future has been put on hold as living in the now and embracing what I have in front of me has really put my mind at ease, and allowed me to properly enjoy company and get fizzing for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
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Wikimedia Commons. (2004). Jingjiang.JPEG. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jingjiang.JPEG
The core context of this week was ensuring I had everything done on time. This was simple in principle, but with my constant desire to improve and change stuff, knowing when to stop and accept that something was done was a struggle. Thankfully, having a to-do list ensured that by ticking off little parts of each deliverable, I could figure out when something was done and also plan accordingly with the time I had left. I had also finished a few of the deliverables in the previous few weeks, meaning that all that was left was my visual summary and to polish and print the remaining deliverables. 
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This week taught me a lot about myself. I’m extremely proud of the work I’ve produced and what I’ve been able to achieve this semester, as well as the determination and time management I’ve had to get everything done 2 weeks early. Planning was such a crucial tool for this project, and I think I set myself up to succeed by planning early and realistically, meaning that there wasn’t really a point in this project that I was overwhelmed by stress. However, when all is said and done I am incredibly drained and will be sleeping for many hours to recover from post capstone burn out. Roll on the World Cup!
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weichendesigns · 2 years
Phase 2: Research
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tswwwit · 8 months
i’m sooo curious on bill meeting dipper’s parents. i think i remember you mentioning at one point they kinda sucked and treated dip especially bad. i’m sure that’s caused a lot of his long term mental health/self esteem issues and i can’t help but think his husband wouldn’t be too thrilled about that. also they don’t even know he’s married so that’s a whole other thing lol
In the Familiar AU, Dipper's parents shipped him and Mabel off to Grunkle Stan back when they were twelve, actually!
This was initially excused as the twins 'needing to get used to having magic'. Which makes sense! Magical puberty is a heck of a thing, and getting some training's useful to cut down on random magic surges.
But by the end of the summer, they hadn't made any plans for picking the kids up. This when Stan twigged to the real situation.
And by the end of that year, Dipper knew his 'paranoid' assumption was absolutely correct.
So the twins grew up in Gravity Falls, with only very occasional visits back 'home'. Contact's been sporadic, and Mabel's been the one who's clung more to their parent's attention. Dipper hasn't spoken to them unless forced to in years.
So yeah! Bill's not exactly thrilled with the parents - but lucky for them, they haven't met him yet! And they definitely don't know about the marriage. Much less anything else.
#answers#In summary: The twins' parents found out their kids were magical and decided they Just Couldn't Deal with that#They're not magical themselves and giving your kids some Magic Training is a good idea#But at some point you need to actually *take them back*#Which they just. Didn't#Dipper abso-friggin-lutely has a whole mess of issues from that#Abandonment's a big one. Being worth something and good at something? Yep that's an issue right there#Not the least of which is that Mabel as a more Talented and Powerful magic user got more attention when they were still there#Then continued to get more attention via phone call when they weren't#Mabel's got some REALLY rose-colored glasses on about the situation#Dipper sees it for the 'well my kids are freaks but at least one of them is a Cool Freak' it is#That's a fact he's been stewing on for *ages*. A fact bomb that he could theoretically drop on his sister but never did#Needless to say he got the brunt of the Issues™ but Mabel's got her own in turn#I'm also betting there's more than a dash of homophobia in their parents considering their reaction just to Magic#So the parents aren't going to be very thrilled about either of their partners#In my head I picture the parents wanting a Totally Picturesque Family#And creating the visual of one is easier if you only have Pictures of the kids instead of them being there and being themselves#In summary: Yeah The Parents Suck#I started a fic for this once and I still intend to write one but that's a later type of project#I gotta have the right start for it to flow well
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trinketbug · 1 year
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shoutout to @shirajellyfish for writing the most incredibly terrifying piece of literature i have ever read!!!!!!!!!! i have experienced the full spectrum of human emotion reading their fic. my god
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patientn401 · 10 months
Weekly summary!
Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful week :)
This week has been quite busy for me, but despite that, managed to make some small progress, so it wasn't all negative. These days, I've been focusing again on the voice search for the demo - I'm excited to confirm that we've finally found the voice for the 401 character!
Clapping in the background *
This is news that fills me with excitement, as I move forward step by step and these significant achievements fill me with joy. All the effort I have invested so far has definitely paid off. I also want to confirm that the voice will be in Spanish. I wanted to find something authentic to include in the demo, and although the selection was a challenging process because so many people wanted to participate, I am immensely grateful to everyone who wanted to be part of this.
Everyone get a warm hug from me!
I don't have a really relevant image to share, but I show you this picture of the picture I printed of the last illustration (which I personally loved, hehe).
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softpine · 3 months
you probably already know what's coming... this next post is one of the more graphic ones, so block any or all of the following tags if you'd rather not see content heavily dealing with these subject matters:
abuse tw, child abuse tw, guns tw, bruises tw, blood tw
+ [full content warnings for frozen pines]
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glasswinggames · 3 months
✨️ Sunday Summary ✨️
🦋 I started drafting an additional set of scenes to conclude the main prologue section. Originally it was just a scene for Noah, but I'm playing around with making branches for each of the interests instead. I'm still undecided whether I will keep it in or not, but thought I may as well draft it out and see how I feel after!
🦋 I've been working out all the different assets I'll need and have created design docs for each of them to help steer me as I work through the lists!
🦋 I've started making thumbnail designs and sketches for backgrounds! There's going to be quite a few in the prologue but fortunately most of them will be used in the routes so it's effort now that will hopefully save more time when I get onto the routes and the full game!!
🦋 I've been chatting and answering questions on my new discord server!! 😊 It's been a lot of fun sharing my excitement and hyperfixations with others! Do come and join if you'd like, I'd love to have you!!
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I've also included a screenshot of my canvas which has my draft and all my thoughts written on there! I tend to write by hand as I find things flow better, but as you can see it ends up very messy! 😂 Still, the draft has come together and I've covered all the main branches so excited to start writing more formally!
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just-a-carrot · 5 months
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my 2023 art summary!! ☃️🥕
wasn't going to do this originally but then thought what the heck (and it was kinda fun to go back and reminisce). i drew a lot this year! it was really hard to choose just one per month (and I only chose from non game assets, too, or else it would have grown exponentially). maybe I should stop drawing so much??? (orrrrr not.)
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serataph · 2 months
could you tell us about your ocs ? ive been seeing a lot of them lately n i would love to figure out more :0
uhhh written half-asleep summary
so basically this is ori
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he's a partial celestial that had his body reformed and his soul revived after getting killed by his best friend, basically.
before i give the rough summary, this guy is a terraria oc. fae is a terraria oc. this will involve terraria lore. notable things are the moon lord, the cultists worshiping the moon lord, the lunatic cultist [the character ori derived from], the calamity mod, and stardust celestials.
the reasoning for the terraria background is that ori came from a playthrough of the calamity mod that happened right after a vanilla run. where I was like "haha wouldn't it be cool if the lunatic cultist from the previous playthrough ended up as a character?" because we had already been making characters with personalities n stuff because the group I played with are all avid writers and/or artists. including me
their character arc centers around uncovering their old memories and coming to terms with themself and their actions. generally just learning how to stop living in the past
this is Tia [who isn't my character]
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she belongs to @postinguntilitransitionnn, who doesn't actually have terraria and so her entire thing was being intangible until Ori kills the god that cursed her. tia is in a romantic relationship with Ori and takes care of Ori whenever he reverts to a fluffy noodle.
this is Janaier [who also isn't my character]
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he belongs to someone who isn't on tumblr. this guy ""domesticates"" Ori (teaches them social norms after being cooped up in a shelter for a few years) and is their best friend. they go through a lot of traumatizing events together. also he has an edgy backstory and is sexually ambiguous
under the cut is the """backstory""" of Ori [which is 2 years old and is yet to be rewritten/revamped.]
this backstory is kind of outdated so yeah
I'm making a really rough summary but he was raised in a cult worshiping an eldritch after the family that was [barely] taking care of him was kind of killed by his uh best friend at the time, the guy with the hat that I draw sometimes. he isn't my character. the killing was totally justified tho because they kind of kidnapped him to get ori to kill him as proper initiation into the cult. dedicate yourself to the moon lord via sacrificing someone close to you!!!! so yeah after his family is killed he's taken in by the cult his family was a part of and eventually rose to leadership. and then he gets killed by his best friend. and then gets revived by cult escapees. i guess uhmmm
this backstory is from 2 years ago and I haven't changed a single thing about it since I thought about it with my friend at the time and like saying it out loud I should really properly write down a few things because the summary sounds nutty (sobbing emoji here)
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olisephart · 2 years
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I’m rewatching @jelloapocalypse ‘s Tellius playthroughs once more and man. I simply adore the character quirks Yam gives Soren. Gay little mage boy my beloved
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vaugarde · 5 months
sorry to harp on this but i think long video essays have become this thing that people decide that they don't like personally, and like that's alright, but for some reason they have to justify that dislike by making it a moral discussion rather than something that just comes down to preference and not all of those videos being well made. like you can't just say "i don't like quinton reviews or hbomberguy cause their vids are too long and that's just not for me" you gotta say "quinton reviews and hbomberguy are DISGUSTING people for forcing their audience to watch HALF ASSED CONTENT and oh they just want your MONEY and they're not ARTISTS they don't CARE about you and they're scammers and-"
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dollsuguru · 3 months
trying something new w the way i introduce my fics :3
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vermillioncrown · 7 months
at the risk of sounding butthurt for talking about not being butthurt: going through quals really prepared me for trawling through fandom meta and research while keeping my zen
#redglyphs#opinionated verm#i have not seen another fandom as salty and divisive as the dc one#all the interesting meta and summaries come with this implicit ''you illiterate idiot'' vibe (exhausting)#or the ''we do what we want and fuck canon'' mindset is taken to the extreme end (simplistic and lacking nuance)#personally the visual style of a lot of western comics grates at me so it's hard to get into#but i do like the wack and fucked up dynamics of canon + trying to imagine a world/chronology around that#i like calibrating what i write around canon -> thus those meta&summary posters are very valuable and interesting to keep up with#i just gotta do 🙈 whenever they start to lambaste ''''fans'''' for not reading the comics/despised fanon reinterpretations of characters#''mmhmm yep. okay okay. i'm stupid. but let's get to why my blorbo is so fucked up bc of [whatever issue/run]''#like whatever they say they cannot roast me as hard as this one prof from my quals panel did#that prof is basically the successor of the academic lineage that established his discipline#and man utterly destroyed me during the exam#''you have no idea what you're talking about; you didn't even read taylor's hypothesis from 1941'' and i just let my soul evaporate lmao#anyways. i feel like fandom (all fandom and esp ones w sprawling canons) would benefit from two things:#1) willingness to learn (you gotta try to absorb some of the canon to transform it; ''know the rules to break them'')#2) willingness to accept limits (ppl are allowed to pick and choose; ''you gotta tolerate other ppl on the playground'')#and like. fucking chill out. we're all literally writing about some fictional dudes doing fictional things#rarely is a thing you dislike actually harmful rather than just distasteful (to you personally or broadly w/e)
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agentcricket-art · 6 months
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i lost access to my old summary of art file, so new format time. fun fact, the pictures for august, november, and december were literally all i drew those months. depression who?
i also drew vash a lot more than i thought i did. number one babygirl of my heart
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alexblack1306 · 5 months
Here's a recap of the year. I hope to make progress on my drawing this year as well.
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Thanks to everyone for helping me gain a whole 40 subscribers already!
January February March April May June July August September October November December
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ebi-hime · 8 months
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I felt like writing something a little more ✨introspective✨ than usual, so here we go haha >_<;; So! This year I was able to release two projects in relatively close succession: Fragile Feelings (1st image; a cute yuri VN about a teacher and a nurse) and With Eyes of Ice (2nd image; a dark otome-inspired VN set in Iceland which has a bunch of pretty boys who Suffer). Though I released both of these stories in 2023, I actually wrote them all the way back in mid 2020. I wrote them back to back, actually: Fragile Feelings first, and With Eyes of Ice right after. I liked both scripts a lot, so i decided to turn them both into VNs... But working on VNs can be pretty difficult, even with very small teams like mine, as the people involved can be busy with other things, priorities change, etc, etc... And, in the case of With Eyes of Ice, I might've pulled the character artist off the project for 1.5 years to work on a self-indulgent BL VN about my two best boys, Yuel and Tavi, when Eyes of Ice was almost at the end of production hahaha oops....... I was working on these two VNs on and off for such a long time, I was wondering if I would be able to actually finish them... So, I'm very relieved that I did get them both done after all, and they both shaped up to be projects I'm proud of! I think everybody involved worked really hard; I love how they both look and sound. The character artists, background artists, UI artists, and composers all worked very hard, and I think these two projects are among the prettiest and most polished I've worked on! Now, I tend not to talk about the financial side of VN dev too much (because it's not much fun haha), but for all of the money and time invested into these projects, they weren't wholly 'worthwhile' endeavours. It's too soon to tell with Fragile Feelings, since it literally only just came out, but With Eyes of Ice hasn't really been doing so great sales-wise. It might have something to do with the fact that it's a weird quasi-otome thing which doesn't 100% fit the genre, but it's also prooooobably related to the fact I didn't talk about the story at all until like, 4 months before I'd finished it, despite having been working on it for 3 years already... Just maybe haha 💦💦 It's always a bit unfortunate when something you sink so much money, time, and love into doesn't get much attention, but that's the reality of VN dev. Making commercial VNs is pretty difficult already, because commissioning all the art + music can be quite pricey, and the sales tend to be rather low. Profit margins are slim already (and it's not uncommon for devs to fail to turn a profit at all), so I'm not wholly surprised. It's unfortunate, but I don't regret making With Eyes of Ice. I still love this story and these characters a lot, and I'm glad I stuck with it and finished it, even if it took me a few years! 💪
I'll probably continue to write weird stories which don't necessarily have a lot of appeal in the future, because that's what makes me happy, so I apologise in advance if I put out more stories which aren't too interesting to large swathes of people... But I'm very grateful for everybody who has offered me their support over the years! Some of my proejcts are successful enough (Blackberry Honey, Sweetest Monster, The Language of Love) that I can afford to invest my time and money into more niche things without having to worry toooo much about turning over a profit. I wouldn't be able to tell the stories I want to tell without all of you, even if it can take me a while to finish things up, and I'm very appreciative! I guess that's about it haha 💦💦💦 Thank you! 💙
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