frosted-luckycharms · 2 years
this you protect memes by me
psst if you haven't read this you protect here is the link! the author is @vmohlere. go read it. anyway here are some memes i made becuz it is my favorite marvel fic <3
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llamageorgewashere · 1 year
I finished my Mission Assist Esther Novelty to go with my Barnes with Cat Eleanor! Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail is my ultimate comfort read and I couldn't help myself! Whenever my health gets bad, I find myself turning to Barnes and his mission. It's on the good list for sure.
(I'm not done making these either. Barnes needs his Steve and Esther needs Ollie and Lidia!)
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“Have another cookie. Now, is there anything you need to know about the neighborhood? And feel free to tell me absolutely everything you’ve ever thought, said, or done. I have been stuck for ages with only Ollie and Lidia for company, and I’ve heard every story they have to tell a hundred times.”
Required responses completely unclear.
“Have another cookie.”
Barnes replays the entire paragraph while he chews.
“Where can I do laundry?”
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re going to be boring.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“How terrible.”
She leans forward in her chair and glares at him.
“Jimmy Buchanan. Are you shy?”
Is ‘shy” going to make you stop pestering me.
“Oh well, no matter. I’ll pry it all out of you eventually."
-Excerpt from This, You Protect by owlet (aka @vmohlere here on Tumblr).
(I make a lot of custom "funkos" which I call my NOVELties because they're usually bookish in nature. You can see more of my art over on instagram! My username over there is Bookwormextraordinaire (and coming soon BWEnovelties)!
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hill-21 · 1 year
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POV the pain-in-the-ass target does something stupid before the first mocha of the day.
Re re re re reading the Infinite coffee and protection detail by @vmohlere (Owlet on Ao3)
I think it is my favorite characterisation of Bucky. This fic is definitely on my Good List
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phdmama · 1 year
When I say I’m hyperfixating, I really really mean it.
Today’s projects!
Boxy Pouch!
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This pattern has gotten much easier for me! No idea what I’m gonna do with this, but I just had the urge so I made it. Cotton exterior, cotton lining, fleece interfacing. My second time using an unconstructed zipper! I’m super pleased with how this came out.
This one I’m also actually really proud of:
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This is the medium size of the triangle pouches pattern I have. Cotton exterior (running low on this fabric which led to this exchange with @vmohlere :
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This one is also lined with PUL and seems a much more reasonable size for a makeup bag as compared to yesterday’s 😂.
The one problem with this design is that in order to have the longer zipper so it can open wide, you end up with a gap:
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I imagine I can fuss with it and make it smaller but there’s no avoiding it entirely . I guess don’t put small things in it!! I think I did a good job on the zipper for this one! No rough edges!
So yeah. I am off to Western MA tomorrow, back Monday so we’ll see what strikes my fancy then!!
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hawkpartys · 5 months
got any clue on this guy? https://www.tumblr.com/vmohlere/718118235395047424/i-would-lose-my-mind-and-possibly-also-the-tip-of
Red Tailed Hawk! got the bellyband, iconic red tail, and hollywood scream
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sinvulkt · 7 months
This, You Protect by owlet ( @vmohlere )
The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect. Completed, 64k words.
*** ** * ** ***
Chapter 4:
No Chair. “Give me that cup.” The fingers tighten. “Velveteen. Give it to me.” Comply. “Arms in front.” Assessment: amateur. Comply. Two zip ties are placed around the wrists. Assessment: idiot.
Chapter 9:
The dumb ass sniper tries to stab the metal arm. "Shit," he says. "Yeah," Barnes says. "I found something," Romanoff says, and disconnects the line. The metal arm connects with the sniper's temple, and the guy drops like a sack of skulls. Calculation: kill? Advantage: one less jerkwad in the world. Disadvantage: any possible intel lost. Not that Barnes has the time to both interrogate and protect Captain Deathwish. But Rogers might like to do the honors. GOOD JOB Hey, thanks. "Where the hell are my sketchbooks?" Rogers says to his empty apartment and his super-excellent eavesdropping protector. It's a bitch and a half getting back down to street level, but Barnes makes it in time and is hiding in the stairwell of the garden apartment across the street when Rogers emerges, a garment bag in hand. "What the -" Rogers frowns at the front stoop, then looks up the block, down the block. Barnes has to cover his grin with the flesh hand to stop from laughing at Steve's hilarious confusion. Steve prods the guy with his foot. He peers up the street and down again. It is so great. He pulls out his phone. "9-1-1 operator, what is your emergency?" "Ma'am, this is Steve Rogers. Yes ma'am, that one. I appear to have an unconscious HYDRA operative on my front stoop. Yes ma'am. Tied up with his own jacket. There is a gun, ma'am, but its barrel is currently at a 90-degree angle. I guess I need ... the FBI? No ma'am, I have no earthly idea." So great.
Chapter 16:
Stabbing civilians is mission-noncompliant. Breaking civilians’ limbs is mission-noncompliant. Screaming at civilians is mission-noncompliant. Frightening civilians is … on the verge of acceptable. Except that no one seems much bothered by his snarl. Six people snarl back. It is. Disconcerting.
Chapter 17:
Query: mission-compliant to nail Rogers’s feet to his apartment floor. DENIED Too bad.
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year
Ask game: georg
With the understanding that all tumblr people are Insane to various degrees, a short and incomplete list of my beloved mutuals of long-standing, who I have followed Through the Wars and would in fact offer my shield and sword for, include the following (in alphabetical order):
@into-the-weeds @raisel-the-riveter @regala-electra @scienceandhandcuffs @stayoutofitnick @symbolicscreaming @vmohlere
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simuran · 2 years
Fic rec tag game
@illegalcerebral had a great idea of making fic recs into a tag game! Thanks for tagging me 😘
1) An ongoing multi chapter fic you are excited to get updates for right now
The Secret in the Heart of the Forest by @myrskytuuli - Harry Potter AU, a survival horror set in Maradeurs’ era, with each of the PoVs having a very distinctive voice and mindset. The worldbuilding is incredible both in terms of creepy magic and creepier family secrets, but even more then the concepts themselves I love their execution. Like a lot of people can say “Harry Potter is part desi” or “the Blacks are abusive”, these are fairly popular headcanons. But this author breathes life into them - vivid and horrifying. The chapter about Euphemia Potter’s story is one of my favourites.
2) A completed multichapter fic that you can binge read
American Pie by @micamicster - We Are Lady Parts, but being familiar with the canon is not strictly necessary - a long story about opening up to love (both romantic and familial) and how terrifying and hard it is (slow burn with lots of pining, obviously). It manages to be both hilarious and heartbreaking, sometimes in the same sentence, but all’s well that ends well.
3) A oneshot you think everyone should read
Of bark and bloom by @dapandapod - an adorable original story about autumn and a tiny dragon. It’s less than 500 words, and I love it dearly.
4) A fic you have re-read more than once
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by @vmohlere - MCU, stucky - I’ve read the whole series like four times at least, the first two - in Russian translation by the magnificent Sangrill. Plus the occasional reread of a single installment! I would say it feels like a cozy blanket, if blankets could make you laugh for hours.
But be aware! I did not even like coffee that much before reading this, and now I can’t imagine my life without it! Very insidious product placement, I feel like the author should get paid by Starbucks.
5) A fic you first read over a year ago that you want to spotlight
I’m coming up blank. Golfish memory!
6) A fic that introduced you to a new ship/character/fandom
like a prayer by @earlsgrey introduced me to Alinej (from Shadow and Bone), and I’ve been shipping it ever since.
7) A fic you'd recommend to someone new to your fandom
If you’re new to Leverage: Redemption, go read If she won’t accept gifts, soon she’ll give them by @neverfeedthesarlacc ​ right now!!! I read this fic and it changed my view of Breanna forever, like it helped me to finally get her.
8) A fic you would recommend to the person who tagged you in this game.
Hmmmmmmm, how about Just Go Kill Palpatine by @nevertheless-moving? It’s short and extremely funny
Optional: one more wildcard choice of fic.
Complicated Feelings About Snow by @illegalcerebral - I actually went to your fics to see if Aliens Skies was old enough to fit the criteria of #5, but found this little gem instead! A very lovely piece of Loki's angst over snow, I love it
Tags (no pressure!): @arretoskore, @the-maidofmischief, @abstract-moth, @onedragontorulethemall and everyone tagged above!
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leebrontide · 1 year
Happy STS! What is the way of storytelling you loved as a reader and try to emulate in your own writing? Is it a certain way to plot? A specific way to describe things? The way the characters make a reader feel?
Ok, gonna be real honest here. There are loads of storytelling methods, with all kinds of media from all over the world that I love and resonate with.
I've read some classics. I've not restrained my TBR to the confines of the English speaking world. I've enjoyed I don't know how many operas.
But the thing that made me feel like writing was something I could and should do was fanfiction.
The fanfiction that inspired me to write was the stuff that took the conventions of scifi, fantasy and superheros, and took it 500% more seriously than it's source material. Stories that weren't afraid to spend the length of a novel focused on the slow, realistic, messy journeys of discovery, trauma, love and healing. Just unabashedly character focused stuff, but WITH all the life-or-death consequences of those genres.
I loved the stories that said "I love these characters. Love them with me. Sit with them and really listen."
If anybody shows up acting like I claimed this is the only place to find that kind of story I will hit them with a metaphorical car.
All I'm saying is this is where I found those stories, and that's what gave me the courage to think that I could write the kind of deeply character driven narratives that were in my heart.
(particular shoutout to fanfic and original fiction author extraordinaire @vmohlere without whom I would not be writing today. Thank you, friend.)
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0xjuro · 2 years
Phrase of the day:
mission assist Esther's cookies
Thank you @vmohlere
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gaylanrivens · 1 year
6 and 20 for the fanfic writers asks!
Thanks justie!!
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
I dont reread fics that much! But I have read @praycambrian 's rise and move again series twice as well as @bendingsignpost 's 4lw verse, these two by @dsudis and @vmohlere 's infinite coffee and protection detail verse
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
Oooh ok I like all the lyrics I picked for slasher au, sent you a bag of candy dicks, smoke what you sigh was fun bc shotgunning and Got That Solid Gold Country 33 on Repeat
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rorykurago · 1 year
It’s not the existential dread of late-stage capitalism grinding the world into nurdles. It’s a ghost crow on your shoulder whispering “it’s here, it’s now.”
- vmohlere
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fresh-outta-cryo · 4 years
@vmohlere hi, hello!! I just wanted to say a big (and late) thank you for writing "This, You Protect" (and the whole Infinite Coffee And Protection series).
I first read it last year, and it helped me so much with so many things I can't even begin to list them. But I will say this one thing: one year ago exactly, I was on a trip to London. For various reasons, I had to spend lots of time alone, so I wandered the city, finding nice spots to sit and read "The Long Road"; I read it in quiet museum corners, in coffee shops, late at night when I was tired from all the walking, and while drinking coffee in the morning (I woke up very early on purpose, to read in my hotel's breakfast area while it was still quiet). These are some of the best and fondest memories of my life: me, wandering London, with your Barnes, your Steve, the Olds, flying Sam and everyone else keeping me company. And now, one year later (and stuck in quarantine) I still remember that--and I think I always will.
So, thank you. Not only for the good memories, but for all the happiness that was condensed in this series, all the Good Things your Barnes taught us, and all the hope, the humanity and the kindness that your work inspired in me ❤💕
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naamahdarling · 5 years
vmohlere replied to your post “Uh, is your cat’s name actually short for Damage per Minute?”
Every time you post about DPM, I mean to ask you whether you live in Texas, or are there Whataburgers out in Parts Foreign (besides the What-a-Burger in Kannapolis, NC, which is a different thing)?
Northern neighbor! I’m in Oklahoma!  That’s where the original Dried Pickle Man stickers came from!
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phdmama · 1 year
Hi. I’m hoping you can help. For various reasons I want to move over to fics that aren’t Larry, the only fanfic I’ve ever read. (Love your writing and always excited when I see you post anything; love fics about actual adults; any shift I make won’t keep me away from your Larry fics!) Do you have a ship you think is similar to Larry and maybe easily accessible? One problem is that I haven’t watched the shows that underlie some of the other big ones I see, like Sterek or Destiel. From what little I’ve seen, Destiel especially piques my interest. Should I watch the show before reading? Any starter/foundational/really well known fics you’d recommend I start with? I’m sorry for bombarding you with questions. 🥴😔 Thank you so much!
First, thank you SO much for your lovely words about my writing!! xox
And I love this ask, but I'll be really open about my own bias, which is that I read ships/fic in stuff where I've never really interacted with canon and I'm fine with that. I'm much less picky about specific ship and much much pickier about writing and stories.
The other thing that might help me would be if you had a specific vibe about Larry that you've enjoyed?
If you are comfortable with Harry Potter, Drarry is an absolutely phenomenal ship and there's such an enormous depth of history and writing and talent in this fandom, I just cannot even. I've written a ton of Drarry, and I tend towards less "being dicks to each other" and much more towards "we've kind of sorted our shit out now let's gooooo" vibe. Even if you haven't read HP but have a pretty good grasp from just the cultural infusion perspective, you should be fine. And again, there's SO much amazing fic there, and I can totally point you towards some of my own favs. This list is woefully out of date, but there's so much good content here!
If you have seen Captain America TFA and the Winter Soldier, those are all you need for one of the most brilliant Stucky series ever, by my darling friend @vmohlere, the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail. It's brilliant, just amazing, and I can't even tell you how many times I've read it or how much it's impacted me! (Honestly again, if you have sort of cultural knowledge of Steve and Bucky, you will probably be fine.)
I haven't read a ton of Destial, so I'm not sure I have recs there, but I will say, I've never watched the show and had no trouble with the fic!
I've only seen 30 minutes of the first episode of Teen Wolf and I have devoured about 8 billion Sterek fics and can give you so many recs if you want them! There's some absolutely stunning fic in that fandom!
Have you read Red, White & Royal Blue? I 100% recommend the book, I know not everyone loves it, but I really do, and it reads closer to a really good fic to me. And there's SO MUCH good fic!! @clottedcreamfudge is one of my all-time fav authors there.
Let's see. Are you familiar with Check, Please!? Online webcomic, gay college hockey players. Zimbits (Jack Zimmerman and Eric Bittle) might actually be one you'd enjoy. The comic is fantastic in and of itself, it's definitely a "small southern ball of sunshine and grumpy Canadian hockey-bot" (with a bunch of UST and pining and stuff)! So good. Highly recommend. And again, there's SO much great fic! I actually read a lot of different ships there, and there's great stuff!
Buddie seems to trend very much towards no smut/fluffy type fics, which I have to be in the right mood for, but there are some absolutely great writers in that fandom! (Including @hattalove who wrote some of my fav Larry fics!).
Okay, this is a lot, I know!! Please don't hesitate to message me for Sterek recs, and Drarry recs if you want! I'm currently absolutely OBSESSED with gay hockey players, both fictional and rpf, so reach out if you want some recs there!
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lowkeysebastianstan · 5 years
vmohlere replied to your post “but-i-loved-you-first: okay so i’ve been scrolling through my...”
Honestly, this is the thing that made me so made about the fall-off from Civil War to Engdame. It just sucked away all my joy. By the end of Endgame, all I had left in me was a shrug.
oh how i wish that was me. that i’d gotten there, to be able to shrug and just not care. i might be too early in the grieving process, what’s stage 10? worst part me compared to you? cacw was what finally tipped me headfirst into bucky/sebastain standom, i’d only dabbled before. and i frikkin loved cacw initially. until i thought about it and realised i’d been seduced by shiny flippy bikes, but still. so even if i’d discarded cacw as a crapfest a long time before this, and that i was prepared that they’d do bucky dirty and that they’d become so scared of him, i just wasn’t prepared for them going after steve like that. so yeah. im a ways away from a shrug yet. but maybe? someday. 
thanks for the support, it helps, it does. and this blog will be around, there might not be much bucky on it, but that might come back too. maybe i should get a barnes blog instead, be a lot less joyless than this. 
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