#vode an ( siblings all )
varpusvaras · 4 months
Also, now that I'm apparently posting about a/b/o. since the clones canonically do not have sex ed, I don't believe that in the a/b/o verse they would ever get any sort of proper guidance dynamics either. This could go on very different directions, depending on how essentialist the Kaminoans are when it comes to the dynamics and presenting. Or, it could go completely the opposite, that the clones don't really have any set ideas about any of it, and just do whatever they want.
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hastalavistabyebye · 3 months
I've been thinking about it for quite some time (and it's a good thing my blog is so smol because a lotta people ain't going to like this) but we need to be honest for two seconds. Fox wouldn't be hated for killing Fives.
It's not the simple usual take on how Fox didn't fired right away and tried to calm Fives down first, how he was just doing his job. This is true but it goes deeper even.
The clones were taught how to deal with traitors.
We saw it with Rex when he met Cut Lawquane. He was faced with a deserter and his first reaction wasn't one of peaceful understanding at all, quite the contrary. Of course he let him go and live with his family in the end. (Interesting to note that there were no officer present too) But what's interesting is not the conclusion he made, but his instinctual, learned behavior : deserters = traitors = bad.
And during the Umbara arc, we saw that the clones also learned how to form a firing squad. They knew how to do that. Yes, in the end, again, they ended up letting their siblings live but there also was the aspect that they already doubt Krell's orders AND that this situation was clearly, stupidly unfair and wrong. And they didn't like nor trust the general himself already. So it was an easy order to go against. But then again what is interesting is that they knew how to do that.
The idea of the Vode not knowing or even being able to conceive shooting a brother, even less killing one, is very sweet but sadly not true. They are soldiers first, born and trained. They would not look kindly to traitors and deserters. They would also know how to court martial the formers, even (or maybe especially) if it's other clones.
All of this to say that Fox killing Fives after he tried to kill the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic ? The highest ranking person in the entire Republic ? And he was also armed, dangerous and out of control AND didn't listen to attempts at calming him. In all of those conditions, very little people would bat an eye to Fox taking those actions.
The only people that would hate Fox are the people close to Fives -Rex and Torrent, Cody and some of the 212th too maybe, by proxy, and Anakin. The Jedi would frown at this, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka maybe more than the rest and would be more affected, because they were close to Fives too.
But the rest of the GAR ? Well of course some won't see it with a kind eye because there's always people to tell you they would have done better, but globally they wouldn't mind so much. Because what Fox did was something they had been, in fact, trained for.
And even if there was a GAR/Guard divide, it wouldn't be this event that make everything goes from bad to worse. It might be one more critic on Fox, it might not be taken kindly. But in the end it would be more because it's Fox and they don't-like-Fox, more than the killing a brother part.
Okay this is longer than I thought it would be 😅 but my point still is : the Vode are soldiers first and foremost. They don't act under the same values and morals as us at all. They were trained to kill enemies of the Republic. If those enemies were among the Republic didn't change a thing. If those enemies were fellow clones didn't change a thing, they were trained to kill them too. So Fox only doing his job in that instant also means that a lot of other Clone Commanders would have done the very same as him. Maybe not all of them, sure (it can depend from their generals) (which Fox don't have from what we know). But maybe some of them wouldn't even have tried to resonate with Fives at all.
The point is : the GAR wouldn't have hate Fox for this. If they hated him, killing Fives wasn't the reason, nor even the starting point most likely.
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sailorkamino · 1 year
his pet name [cody, fives, rex, wolffe]
relationships: gn reader x clones
warnings: none
your pet name
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• "why don't you take a break, darling?"
• a classic romantic. he's learnt the art of flirting by watching obi-wan. he's not as shy as many of his siblings when you call him a pet name, instead he becomes satisfied, a confident smirk tugging on his lips. he doesn't like a lot of pda but he'll be giving you heart eyes a lot. like whenever you're talking. he finds wit and intelligence super hot.
• "i'm so proud of you, sugar!"
• fives is confident man who loves being doted on. he doesn't even know the meaning of toxic masculinity. he's the embodiment of that tweet 'my girl's mad at me. i hope i die.' you can call him the most over the top, sugary sweet pet names, and he'll just smile like a doof. if any vode tries to tease him he just responds with "you're just jealous i have a hot partner."
• "your hair is so pretty, treasure."
• since rex means king you wanted to give your man a ~dignified~ pet name. the only affection he's used to comes from older siblings calling him rex'ika and giving him noogies, not this flirting. he definitely runs into a door or trips over himself at one point because of you. fives laughs so hard he winds up doing the same thing. echo records it all and sends it to fox (the king of blackmail.)
• "no, sweets, you can't shoot your brother─"
• the vode think you're joking at first. they know wolffe is a good man, deeply loyal and loving, but he's not what one would call sweet. they're even more shocked when his usual scowl is replaced by a soft smile. if you're someone who uses pet names with friends/family, don't use this one for anybody else. wolffe will get huffy and he will not admit why.
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spiralingemptyness · 1 year
Clone wars hc
Been lurking on tumblr for a bit (while) and decided to throw my own clone wars hc cause the hyperfixation be hyper fixated (sorry for any spelling errors).
Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan are bffs - They both lose their robes and seem to flirt with anything that walks. meaning they have get togethers and give each other flirting advice.
Jocasta Nu and Admrial Yularen are BAMF, and are severly underrated. you don't get away with hurting someone they care about unpunished.
Rex's first thought of ashoka was "that's a child" followed by "that's a child on a battle field" and then "that's a child on a battle field with no clothes, what the kark".
One of the shinies from Monnk's battalion definitely asked Fisto (while high on pain meds) if he lactates and monnk and fisto lost their shit and couldn't stop laughing for 5 min straight.
Kix (and other medics by default) have tranq/hypo guns for any vode or jedi that try to leave med bay when on bed rest.
Fox and Amidala gossip and constantly talks shit about Palpatine
Kit Fisto Smile Supremacy, this man win's best smile, it never fails to cheer someone up.
Rex definitely twirls his guns before putting them in his holsters when he's done using them
Bly is obviously in love with Aayla, and he tries to hide it (and fails miserably) but he's so respectful about loving her and swooning, that Quinlan couldn't even give him a shovel talk.
the clones were absolutely baffled when they met the jedi's
Wolffe and Fox are twins, they might be at each others throats 90% of the time, but if you talk shit about the one of them, the other won't hesitate to beat your ass.
Monnk says the most off handed shit in a dead pan tone (ex. Monnk: well I'm not gonna live, laugh, love this. Fisto, laughing his ass off: I-I'm Sorry? Monnk: I'm just saying this is gonna be a bitch)
Plo Koon is Plo Buir, He's at least adopted the Wolf Pack and Ashoka
the 501st and Ashoka are siblings
Grey adopted Caleb Dume
The Iron Battalion/13th battalion took one look at Cal and immediately adopted him
Ponds isn't dead (cause fuck canon), he found Boba before his schemes could go off and made him a deal, He helps Boba plan the assassination attempts on Windu (he trust his general won't die, but he gave him more headaches) so there's no casualties, but slowly the attempts stop and now Boba just lives in the 91st venator's vents.
The first time Cody picked up Obi-Wan's lightsaber he thought it was so cool, and now he just wants to glue the damn thing into his hand
Hound spoils Grizzer, he absolutely adores the massif
Jesse make sure Kix is actually taking care of himself, and make sure he's not over working (and when necessary, he uses a hypo to make sure Kix sleeps, cause Kix will hold that over his head and pay him back for it)
Fox and Thorn are opposites but they are really close
The corrie guard has a list of all the good and bad senators
The most forms that Monnk and Cody (and occasionally Ponds) fill out are forms for more robes
Cody's name is Kote (but goes by Cody cause so many nat borns mispronounce it) and Obi-Wan randomly asked if that was his name, and Cody was just utterly shocked
After Umbara, Fox say a very traumatized trooper (it's Dogma) who is facing shitty consequences for doing the right thing and adopts him into the guard
After Kix woke up from his stasis and found artoo's (again, fuck canon) he would stay up on nights he couldn't sleep and watch videos of him and his vode from artoo's memory bank
Clones using their Jedi's lightsaber - Cody using Kenobi's lightsaber after he loses it for the millionth time, Rex using it to back ventress away from ashoka, Fox finding quinlan's in a dumpster (with quinlan in said dumpster)
Hound let's grizzer purposely tackle people when he can easily apprehend them because it's funny or because whoever he's chasing pissed him off and he's petty
Yoda is the ultimate menace (like srs palpitine hates his ass, but yoda -and everyone else- hates him even more)
Yoda still keeps in touch with Rys, Jek, and Thire (mainly Thire) after the treaty or smth
The Corrie found Quinlan Vos in a dumpster and now he won't stop bugging them (expecially Fox)
Fox is a walking encyclopedia of every republic laws, you do one minor thing wrong and he can quote every law you broke, word to word
A trooper (let's call him Sharks) from Fisto and Monnk's battalion can just get a group of sharks to gather around, at every planet, every time, without fail
Plo's disappointed dad sigh can make a separatist army fold into defeat
Kenobi absolutely loathes caf, he hates it with a passion
Each high ranking clone officer has to deal with something of their jedi - Cody has to deal with Kenobi flirting with seperatist and losing his lightsaber, Rex has to deal with his general constantly crashing ships, his batshit crazy plans and his general continuously using the force to throw him, Monnk has to deal with his general randomly "shedding" clothes, and all the clones have to deal with their generals and commanders not wearing armor (Except for Jaro Tapal, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO WEARS ARMOR)
Corrie Guard can sleep standing up, very useful when guarding in the pods during senate meetings
The nice Senators (mainly Chuichi, Amidala, and Organa) and Vos very often get things for the Coruscant Guards, and whenever the guard see's the gifts they are baffled and bamboozled
Rex called dibs on Domino squad after the moon mission
Echo and Fives without hesitation took Tup and Dogma under their wing
Fives, Hardcase and Jesse started a prank war in the 501st that accidently evolved into a GAR wide prank war (with Coruscant being neutral ground, cause the guard doesn't need to deal with that shit, doesn't mean they don't help out)
Fox holds ALL the blackmail, and has multiple informants in every battalion, plus he has the power to withhold caf shipments
Fox also regularly reads his batchmates mission reports to mae sure their ok
The Corrie guard accidently adopted a stray tooka and a loth cat, now they're the guards emotional support animals
Rex keeps complaining about his brothers flirting with their jedi's that he didn't even realized that he third wheeled between Anakin and Padme that he joined their relationship
every mothers or fathers day without fail, shaak ti and plo koon always gets presents and gifts from their children (troopers and cadets.... and ashoka)
Coric is Kix's Ori'vod, he didn't admit it at first but Kix grew on him and well medics stay togeth
Coric purposely avoided being CMO of the 501st because they are hellions, Kix wanted to strangle him after he realized what being CMO of the 501st meant
Rex was on the 212th with Cody when Anakin was still a padawan
Rex hates evals, natural blonde plus Kamino is a recipe for hell. Also he was shocked at Skywalker being nonchalant about his hair, Anakin just though it made him cooler
That's all I have for now, if you see any you've seen before my bad, I honestly just typed the first that came to mind and kinda spiraled from there. I'm just now starting to interact with tumblr, so I might upload more and maybe even some art if I can stay focused long enough.
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chiliger · 10 months
Sign Off
Torrent Company: *gathered in front of a window, some of them holding binoculars while others clamor around to listen*
Tup: *curious, steps up beside Jesse and Hardcase* What’s going on?
Hardcase: *grins* The 212th’s venator is orbiting right next to ours. *snatches the binoculars from Jesse, ignoring his annoyed shout, and hands them to Tup* Same level viewing port.
Tup: *peeks in through one scope of the binoculars while Dogma presses in to look as well*
Ghost Company: *a large group of them standing at a window like Torrent, one of them at the center quickly signing with his hands*
Jesse: *bouncing impatiently on his toes* Come on, I wanna see!
Tup: *hands the binoculars back, still confused* What are they doing?
Hardcase: We — *gestures to the center of their group, where Fives is signing back in response* — are having a Sign Off.
Dogma: *frowns* What’s a Sign Off?
Jesse: Shh! I’m trying to translate here.
Hardcase: *rolls his eyes, leans closer to Tup and Dogma, in a low-ish whisper* It’s a little competition where Vode have a battle of wits using ARC sign. We do it when we have some downtime while in orbit.
Tup: Oh! What are they saying now?
Jesse: *grunts in frustration* Damn kid’s signing too fast for me to read.
Fives: *on his turn, quickly fires off gestures using his hands and arms*
Jesse: *groans* Kriff, now I’m lost.
Hardcase: Damn, I thought you were studying ARC sign, Jess.
Jesse: *shoots him a glare* I am.
Dogma: He just signed, “better change that mohawk before a bird mistakes it for a mating display.” *blinks* That doesn’t sound witty.
Hardcase: Osik, we’re getting personal now. Ha!
Jesse: Wait— *looks at Dogma* You know ARC sign?
Dogma: *blushes, suddenly embarrassed and fiddling with his fingers* Y-yes…
Jesse: Kriff, kid, then what am I here for? *hands him the binoculars* Switch places with me.
Dogma: *wide eyed, looks at Tup*
Tup: *smiles reassuringly at him and nods*
Dogma: *still hesitant, looks back at Jesse and Hardcase* Alright.
Hardcase: Yes! Front and center, vod’ika.
Dogma: *takes the binoculars and moves closer to the window. Looks across the open space as the vod from Ghost starts his response. Watches closely and translates* “At least I don’t look like a wanna-be lead singer.”
Jesse: *roars laughing, the others joining him or “ooh”—ing in response.
Fives: *bright red all over his face, has a thousand yard stare for a second before shaking it off and making the sign for yielding*
Hardcase: Oh shit! *laughs, grinning* Ghost takes this round. *claps Dogma on the shoulder, making him jump* We’ll call you for the next one. Sound good?
Dogma: *blinks, still blushing and still a little unsure. Shares another look with Tup before nodding, smiling shyly* Yeah.
Hardcase: Awesome! Keep the scopes.
Jesse: Hey! Those are my—
Hardcase: *ignores him and bumps his arm* Hey, Fives, how’s your pride, vod? You good?
Tup: *stands next to Dogma, chuckling at their siblings*
Dogma: *awkwardly holding the scopes* I don’t think I understand this game, yet.
Tup: *snorts and hides his face with his hands, shaking from holding back laughter*
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voodoo-writer · 1 year
Found Family in Star Wars
What I really love about Star Wars is how much of the fandom is fully into the found family trope.
Like, lots of people may complain that Din and Grogu is the most generic trope that Disney could have gone for, but that’s how it always was. How a lot of the fandom truly sees Star Wars for.
Aliit ori'shya tal'din – «Family is more than blood».
The Vode. The biggest family you could have asked for. Thousands of overprotective for each other brothers, who are ready to make anything possible for each other. Waxer and Boil almost adopting Numa (yes please). The Bad Batch that are literally five older brothers taking care of one little sister.
True Mandalorians. Like Jaster Mereel, Kal Skirata, young Jango, Walon Wau, Mij Gilamar, Vhonte Tervho – all of them stay true to Resol'nare, be it an au with no Kamino or with it. You get 1 True Mandalorian within a radius of child in distress and now you have an angry buir ready to kill. It is literally in the marriage vows – We will raise warriors.
The Jedi Order. They have their flaws (who does not?) but they are one huge dysfunctional family. From Crèche masters, Knights, Masters, Guardians, Younglings and Padawans. They protect their own. You can say anything about «no attachment rule» but I feel like having an amazing lineage with lots of padawan-siblings, masters, uncle/aunt-masters, grandmasters that ground you must be an amazing feeling. We do know that the Jedi still fail their own in lots of ways, but like if there were no Sith and they were living not in the middle of the Republic imagine how more peaceful and truer to the code their lives would be?
The Corps. We don’t get a lot of information about them but I adore everyone who writes, shares headcanons, draws them. They are still Jedi, though they have different specializations. They give aged out younglings new purpose and they stay true to the Force. To be honest, since the Corps do not live on Coruscant I believe before 66 they were definitely even more attuned to the Force then the Order (cause again, one annoying Sheev)
The Ghost Crew. Do I even need to say anything? They are an amazing family that pulled through a lot of obstacles (and sadly losses). They all lost something even before getting together but staying together was their biggest strength.
The Opress brothers. Even though we did not get a lot of Feral in TCW we got enough of Maul and Savage. Even with all of the evilness and full sith-crazy mode they were brothers till the end. If it was not for Dooku and Sidious (and well mother Talzin and nightsisters) they would be still together and be strong.
The Original Skywalker/Solo family. Han’s and Luke’s brotherhood even before romance with Leia started. Leia and Luke bonding even before they knew they were blood family. Chewie protecting his family, even the Droids like C3PO and R2.
And the list goes on. I probably missed out on a lot of families so if you want to add some to the list – do reblog/comment!
 In the end I just want to say that even though a lot of people say that our fandom is one of the most toxic ones I still adore everyone who spends their time writing, drawing, doing cosplay – literally anything fandom related. Even if you don’t create and just read – supporting creators makes all of this worth it.
Please, continue creating more stories about any characters, any family, anything that you love in this fandom. There always will be people who will appreciate anything you do to help our fandom thrive.
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electrikworm · 4 months
5 times Wrecker protected his siblings and 5 times they protected him: Chapter 9
As cadets, Hunter comforts Wrecker after a nightmare.
Content warning: Nightmares, Child Abuse
I wrote this ages ago, right when I started this collection of fics, but just... forgot to post it? I may be stupid.
It's pretty short, but hope you still enjoy it :)
Read on Ao3
Hunter can't sleep. No matter which way he lays, how often he forces himself to stay still and close his eyes, how hard he tries to clear his thoughts, he just can't sleep. As annoying as it is, issues with falling asleep are a frequent problem Hunter faces.
Tipoca City is never quiet, not even at night. The hum of electricity is constant and someone is always still awake, working in one of the labs or in a landing bay. Then there's the storms, pelting the domed roof of their barracks with rain, thunder crashing outside, lightning illuminating the dark room with a bright flash ever so often.
The only good thing about Hunters enhanced senses at night is that he can hear his vode breathing, their heartbeats too if he really focuses. Hunter would know immediately if something was wrong, if one of them wasn't there. Some nights, Hunter can tune out all other sensations just by concentrating on the presence of his brothers. That doesn't seem to work today.
Training was too much, too long. Hunter was tasked with picking apart different electromagnetic frequencies, pinpointing their locations, all whilst different noises and sensations were used to try and hinder his progress. He's still got a splitting headache now, hours later.
Thunder rumbles across the clouded sky, Hunter presses his hands to his face with a groan. At this rate, he'll get one or two hours of sleep in at best.
With all the sensations assaulting Hunters senses, it takes him far too long to realize something is up with one of his brothers. Wrecker's breathing in short gasps, his heart is beating fast, panicked. A nightmare.
Another thing Hunter isn't unfamiliar with, nor is any clone for that matter, nightmares being near universal. Carefully, Hunter gets up. The floor is cold under his feet as he takes one quiet step after the other, not wanting to wake his sleeping vode.
He wants to check on Wrecker. It is just a nightmare, nothing real or of actual risk to his brother, Hunter knows that. He still wants to check.
Hunter comes to a stop in front of Wreckers bunk. He's curled up on his side, expression pinched, shaking ever so slightly. This close, Hunter can smell his fear and the sweat dampening his skin. How had it took Hunter this long to notice his brothers distress?
Out of the four of them, Wrecker's always had it worst when it comes to nightmares. He has them the most, wakes up screaming. It's why they made Lula for him. She's helped, but doesn't seem to be enough today, even if Wrecker has her pressed tightly to his chest.
For a moment, Hunter stands with his hand extended, hovering a little way above Wreckers shoulder. Hunter wants to wake Wrecker, would want to be woken if he was having a nightmare himself. But startling Wrecker is the last thing he wants to do. He tries to think of the best way to go about doing so.
All consideration is discarded when Wrecker whimpers and twitches in his sleep, and Hunter shakes his shoulder. Wrecker gasps, eyes flinging open. He tries to get away from Hunter, slamming into the wall behind him with a dull thud, fear and confusion on his face. This is exactly what Hunter had wanted to avoid.
Despite being younger than Hunter, Wrecker is already almost a head taller than him. Pressed up against the wall as he is, knees drawn to his chest, he looks small.
“Wrecker?” Hunter keeps his voice quiet. There's recognition in Wreckers eyes now, layered on top of the fear.
“Sorry I woke you...” He sounds on the verge of tears, looks it too.
“You didn't.” Hunter lingers another moment, not sure what to say. Wrecker buries his face in his tooka doll and whilst he can't see it, Hunter's sure the tears that threatened to spill before do just that now. Hunter, with his enhanced senses, can pick up on Wreckers barely audible sniffles and suppressed sobs, but Tech and Crosshair probably couldn't. Wrecker's the loudest clone, possibly the loudest person Hunter knows, though some of the supervisors during training are very good at being loud as well. But when he's crying, Wrecker can be very quiet.
Not knowing what else to do, Hunter sits next to Wrecker, putting a hand on his shoulder. It does something, because Wrecker immediately pulls him into a hug. His tears soak into Hunters shirt. Hunter returns the hug carefully, remembering the bruises Wrecker had return from his own training with.
Wrecker didn't really tell them what happened when he came back looking downcast, only saying that he dropped something. When he then spent ages wincing every two minutes it still took all three of them pestering him about it for him to let them see the damage. By the looks of it, what ever he'd dropped had landed on him. But bruises are normal part of training. Hunter had had the feeling something else was upsetting their vod. After dinner, Wrecker had seemed fine, so Hunter left it.
As Wrecker continues to cry into Hunters shoulder, he gets a feeling his little brother is still being affected by what had upset him earlier. “Kih'vod?” Hunter doesn't want to stop Wrecker hugging him, but he does try and move so he can see his brothers face. “What's going on?”
Wrecker's trying to stop himself from crying now, wiping his face with the back of his hand. It takes him a while to answer. “You think they'll decommission me?” His words still sound almost like a sob.
“What? You won't get decommissioned for dropping something.” Surely they wouldn't, right?
“What if I don't get strong fast enough?” Wrecker says, pulling Hunter closer again. Hunter doesn't have the answer to that question.
“You will.” He says instead, hoping it will reassure Wrecker. “I know you will.”
Wrecker nods. He doesn't ask again, but does hold onto Hunter for a long while. Even after he's stopped crying, he seems reluctant to let go. Wrecker is warm and his hold on Hunter is comfortable, easier to focus on compared to the overwhelming sensations outside of this close proximity.
When Wrecker does move away from Hunter, he doesn't look happy to do so. “I shouldn't keep you from sleeping.” He mumbles, playing with Lula's ear absent-mindedly.
“I can stay, if you'd like.” Wrecker lights up at that, pulling Hunter over to lay down next to him, placing Lula so Hunter could hold her too if he wished.
Hunter doesn't sleep great, still plagues by a headache and too much noise, but he sleeps more than he thought he would. More importantly, Wrecker isn't disturbed by any further nightmares, and Hunter likes to believe his presence helped with that. That way, there was at least a point to him not being able to sleep.
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sorry-but-no-sorry · 5 months
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Part 7 of the Cadel Aliit holopics series !
My my how time does fly
Baldar’s sons, the Disaster Mando siblings, are all grown up and assit their father and aunt’s business after Reg and Error officially retired
Business is thriving until the youngest of the group, Fiasco, 16 at the time, stumbled upon a settlement, visibly attacked, where the only survivor is a little sick and starving pantoran baby.
Fiasco was abandon by his bio family when he was a just a tiny toddler before Baldar found him. Needless to say he saw a lot of himself in the baby.
He named her Kebiin, and officially adopted her after long months of getting her back to full health.
Obviously, the Teenager wasn’t alone to raise her. His vode and specially his buirse helped him every step of the way. Accidentally turning Fiasco into a giant papa bear as time went on.
In the meantime Baz became a decent Force user, he had several teachers over the years, including members of the Skirata Aliit. He was not a bad student but due to some sour memories before his adoption, he tended to purposefully be a little osik and find his own rhythm
Speaking of menace, Kari-el developed an obsession with fire and explosives. He didn’t know why, but they felt familiar to him. He tried to use every excuses on the job to ‘lighten up’ the mood.
Eventually, an incident unlocked forgotten memories and their weight was too much on his little nautolan shoulders that he begged for them to disappear again, he didn’t want to face them. It took time but eventually turn back into his old gremlin way
Dok, well, he took upon himself to be the defacto leader of their little group. He can’t take a step forward without avoiding one of the brothers causing mischief or hurting themselves the dumbest way possible. Don’t get him wrong, he absolutely loves them to death but, he still wonders how any of them are still alive when he’s not here.
He might be the secound oldest, after Baz. But when Dok says it’s final, it’s final.
For More information please ask @exhaustedtech99 !
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dickarchivist · 6 months
Last Line Challenge!
Thank you, @moonlightwarriorqueen , for the tag ♡
I didn't like how the last line looked by itself, so yall are gonna get a bit more, a sneak preview. This one is from a fic I've been working on for Stone and Ghost called "Brothers No More".
1312 slings his arm over 1313's, puffing his chest out, "Because I'm the big brother, you follow me, remember?" 1313 shoves his brother with a laugh, shaking his head, "Whatever! It was maybe 2 minutes, at most! We were probably popped the same time, that's why they call us twins!" "No, no, it's because we're both identically handsome. More so than all the other look alikes I'd wager. And even if we were popped the same time, I'm bigger! 1312, biggest brother to lil tiny double 13. What's the Mando'a for that again?" 1313 rolls his eyes, his arm going around 1312's waist as they start their tandem walk, fast cross over steps to train quick footwork, "Vode is sibling. Ore'vod is you, the older sibling. Vod'ika is me, the younger sibling." "Ore'vod'ika! Put em together, that's us!"
NPTs: @a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit
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saggitary · 3 months
Back with a lil TTTBU meta, here is all the mando'a words and phrases I've either found or I've made up for this fic! Let me know if you want a Togruti one as well for what I've found/made up!
(FYI some of this might be made up I honestly can't remember but like 99% is found from dictionaries online)
aliit - family
ade - children
alor'ad - captain
al'verde - commander
dema'golka - monster
dini'la - insane
jetii - Jedi
naak - peace
ori'vod - older sibling
tebec - ammunition
vod - sibling (gender neutral)
vode - siblings (plural)
vod'ika - younger sibling
vor'e - thanks
Now onto the swears!
bantha-osik - bantha-shit
di'kut - idiot
haar'chack - damnit
haran - hell (literal, cosmic destruction)
jagyc - dick
kriff - general swear similar to fuck (I don't think this is actually mando'a however it pops up a lot so I am putting it hear)
mir'osik - smart shit
mir'sheb - smart ass
osik - shit
osik'la - shitty
osik'ika - little shit
osik'tengaara - shitshow
shab - fuck
shaba - fucking
shaba shebs - fucking ass
shaba'osik - fucking shit
shabbed - fucked
shabuir - motherfucker
sheb/shebs - ass
shebs'palon - asshole
Now with the sayings/sentences
This is where some things get a bit odd with me trying to sort out what words we have in the mando'a dictionary as well as congregations and configuration so they might not be 100% accurate!
ni'pel - I yield
osik’serim - shit aim
Sooran bic - suck it
Ni su’cuyi, gar kyr’adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum - I’m still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal (Daily remembrance of those passed on)
ori’buyce, kih’kovid - all helmet, no head
Copaani mirshmure’cye, mir’shebs - are you looking for a smack in the face smartasses
Aalar’gar jate - you feeling good?
Kriffing jetti bal'val jaro - Kriffing Jedi and their death wish
Ja'hailir gar'joha vod - Watch your language brother
Aliit ori’shya tal’din - family is more than blood
nutenni te shab’laam - shut the fuck up
Rangi an’be vala - To hell with all of them
Vore entye - Thank you
Ba’gedet’ye - you're welcome
shab'rud bal mar'eyir dayn - fuck around and find out
Ni ori'haat bah've Maker al'verde ni'mav kyr'amur gar nearest meh'gar vurel nari'ibac tug'yc - I swear to the Maker commander I will kill you myself if you ever do that again
Ash nas'nuhoy'laam ba'te dush'eso be'te haav - Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
There will def be more to come and I will likely need to make an updated one in a while but here we go for now!
tags! @snarkyfina @jarchvast-likearchvistbutthevast @bees-flowers
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moriaarts · 1 month
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Sergeant Pax and Trooper Lash
Two for one today. With golden retriever Pax and black cat Lash, the nbs of the 343rd. Text under the cut!
Sergeant Pax
Pax is the swiss army knife of clones.
Sometimes called Bantha'ika or Sir Packs Alot for the large number of packs he wears and their gentlemanly nature. Pax is one of those clones that got all the sweeter aspects of Jango's DNA, the cavity part Kiss teases.
Part of the backfill batches that were sent out following the large number lost in the first battles, Pax was sent to Naboo as a medic when the original CMO, Tape, died when the squad he was in found a boobytrapped droid pod. Which is why Pax is also infantry. Boosted to sergeant with his medical knowledge, he spend most of his time going where he's needed, and trying to be an older vode to the younger clones under their command. Which being technically a middle sibling is easier said than done.
The running joke is that they're too sweet for the GAR but Pax is also a prime example of why clones were chosen over droids. He thinks fast on his feet, and keeps any number of tools and kits stashed on their person. And takes no prisoners when other harder nosed and overconfident clones think they can take him in a fight because they saw him crying during a sappy holovid.
bonus: Pax called Mooch Smooch, next to Kiss he is Moocher’s second favourite vode. Always stashing left over rations and treats for the massiff and buy her new toys whenever the credits become available. Mooch knows exactly who to go to when Kiss calls at ease. Any of her playthings are bound to be on his person.
Bonus2: Pax has a little star on their cheek simply because it is cute, and it is reflected on his bucket along with a mini bactapatch.
🖤Pax Playlist 💜
Trooper Lash
Like many clones, Lash has been through the ringer despite having only been alive 9 years before being deployed as a royal guard. CT-2170A, twin to Leki, CT-2170B, learnt quickly that things aren't fair and no one follows the rules.
When guarding Chancellor Palpatine during a diplomatic visit to his home planet, a bounty hunter made an attempt on his life. Lash doesn't remember much about the attack only that the Chancellor seemed unfazed by their second and third degree burns. (They won't admit it to anyone but for a second before Lash lost consciousness their seemed to be a golden gleeful gleam in his eye, but Lash was also in a lot of pain so what do they know)
Afterwards Lash would find out that the bounty hunter used a modified flash bang that malfunctioned and set Lash on fire. The melted plastoid of their armour saved them for the most part from death, but the areas of their armour only protected by blacks and thinner panels suffered third degree burns, the heat destroyed also went as far as to destroy nerve endings, and hair follicles. For Lash who was a standard CT, losing their hair felt personal. Like something else that they didn't know they had had been taken. But they had Leki, and Leki gets what Leki wants and that includes Lash's happiness.
Lash is protective of Leki, knowing her since they were tubies, cadets and shines, they know her best. And know that she talks a big game but is just as human as the rest of them. Despite what happened to them, the idea of abandoning the GAR and becoming a bounty hunter should anything happen to Leki is the closest Lash has ever come to a dream. They feel most like themself in armour, and is always reluctant to take off their bucket. if they could live in armour they could sleep in armour, (Which Jaig has caught them doing many times) they would.
Bonus: Lash and Pax have a not so secret secret Mando’a club where they practise the language and talk about all things mandalorian. As you can imagine, they were delighted to find out about old Mandalorian cults that never removed their beskar'gam.
bonus2: Lash is a walking contradiction. Loving armour and weaponry, Protective and judicial. But at the same time only loyal to the republic so long as Leki lives.
💛Lash’s Playlist 🖤
Other members of the 343rd: Kiss // Jaig // Leki // Ro // Duo // Deets
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hastalavistabyebye · 2 months
@mamuzzy you said that you liked to see your favorite characters crying. Well so do I. Enjoy some heavy Fox angst :)
Trigger warning : suicidal thoughts, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, heavy self-loathing and depreciation, Fox is not having a good time at all obviously (but there's some comfort at the end because I ended up unable to let him without)
Fox stumbled into his office. Every movement automatic. He didn't see the harsh white light that illuminated the space. He didn't feel his body move. He just ended up standing in the middle of the rickety, crowded room. He didn't feel the pain. He didn't. He didn't even hear his thoughts. A blank robot. 
With erratic breathing. 
He only noticed it when his lungs were burning from their desperate attempt at drawing more oxygen, when the shaky, wet sound of it started to cover the eternal buzzing of the lamp. 
He didn't understand what it was at first. He couldn't think. But the sole point of sensation, the scorching, constricting pain in his abdomen was distracting. 
Why was it doing that ?
He unconsciously pressed a hand to his chest. It was heaving very fast. Fox looked down to observe it. He saw his bare hand.
Bloodpainscreamblood. Nononono. Painpainpainonlypain. 
He couldn't see anything for a few instants. The lights too bright, the room covered by too big, black spots. There was something hard under him. But something soft at his back. He knew that soft. He remembered that much. 
There was only one soft thing. The couch. 
He must have fallen then. He was sitting now. Something told him that it was a good thing. It was muffled with everything else. Clear thoughts in muddy, thunderous currents. Waves like Kamino. Pitiless, harsh, slashing water that swallowed the entire world, up down left right, even the gravity. But kept pushing you under under under.
Something wet fell on his hands. Adrenaline pumped so fast in his veins, it tore him out of Kamino’s ocean and brought him back to the now. To the rickety office and harsh light. He was shaking. It was tears on his face. Salty water but not from a storm. Not a physical one. He was in half his armor. A glint of white and red at the entrance took a small part of his attention on a clatter of upper armor on the ground. He was on the ground too. A small, pathetic tight bundle of limbs. 
One by one, the memories clicked. Unyielding, inescapable. Vod’ike lost. Impossible missions failed. Punishment for it. Punishment for fun. New cuts on supplies. More impossible missions. More punishments where he was already set to fail. Pain. 
But not to him. Not today. 
Today, it was just scorching-hot caf poured on his bare hand. And the usual insults. 
He had come back to his office at the end of his shift, hours later, for datawork. Started taking his armor off. Who was he to wear a Commander insignia ?
Who was he to let his siblings die ? To bend down like a piece of wet flimsy ?? Who was he to lead a planet-wide battalion ? Who was he to fail ?! Kark it if it was what he was supposed to do !! Who was he to break down for some kriffing caf ?! What kind of a man let this happen to his troops, to his siblings ? How incompetent could one be to be so pathetically useless ? 
Fox screamed, head pressed in his hands. Uncaring of the lancinating pain of his swelling, burnt hand. Body heaving with throat-scorching sobs. 
He deserved the pain. He deserved hate. He deserved to die. But nobody let him. Why ?? How could he stay alive when he could only bring more misery ?? Why should he stay alive if it was to be so USELESS. WHY SHOULD HE LIVE AND HIS VOD’IKE SHOULD DIE ?? WHY SHOULD HE BE THERE WHEN HE COULDN'T DO HIS FUCKING JOB !
He should have been court-martialed a long, long time ago. The only reason he hadn't be, was to play savant monkey for the amusement of the ones in power. A small crowd of clowns that liked to see him perform tricks. Run around to uselessly try to save his vode. Arms waving madly, exhausting himself in vain. 
What a dignified, worthy Commander. What a great man he was, the most decorated clone of the GAR. The perfect image of the Republic he was created to protect. A shiny facade hiding a rotten, putrid core. 
Fox pulled on the curls weaved between his swollen fingers. Tears burning scars on his face. Sobs and erratic breathing like stabbing in his chest on every inhale, every exhale. He didn't even try to stop and hide between a mask again. Not even for a second. He deserved the pain. He desired to make it as mind-numbing as the agony in his head and soul. If the only benefit of not being the perfect flesh-droid the Republic wanted was to feel pain, then he was going to make the best of it. 
He couldn't make it stop, why couldn't he make it worse ?
Cool, steady hands detached his own from his hair. Gentle murmurs breathed against his head. A heavy body pressed against his own, warm and sure. He was barely aware of Nightmare bandaging his burned hand, only just noticing the heady scent of bacta. His head was pressed against Thorn’s strong shoulder, guided down to let him bury his pain in his neck. 
Fox shook appart in Thorn’s arms, holding on to him like the life-line he was.
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sailorkamino · 1 year
your pet name [cody, fives, rex, wolffe]
relationships: gn reader x clones
warnings: bastard siblings, clone death/malevolence incident
his pet name
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• "cyar'ika! what were you thinking? do you enjoy giving me stress ulcers?"
• mando'a for beloved. a classic. i headcannon the oldest clones are the most fluent in mando'a so i think it comes out when he's emotional. usually when he's angry or comforting a vod. the first time the pet name slips out he's scolding you for getting hurt, so worked up he doesn't realize he's flip flopping between languages. meanwhile waxer is recording everything in the corner.
• "you must be a blaster, becuase i'm stunned, baby."
• fives starts flirting with you right upon meeting you, dropping cheesy pick up lines from romance comics (that he definitely doesn't read in private.) from any other man they would be cringeworthy but from fives? they still are, but you can't help but grin. he's confident but self aware enough to laugh at himself. he often spices up classic pet names by adding stuff like 'my pretty' to make you feel even more special.
• "how was your day, love?"
• the biggest softie in private. and in public. this man adopted the domino twins after knowing them for like an hour, he has a big heart. at first he'll only be romantic when you're alone because he doesn't want give anyone teasing material. he's a very serious captain after all. but the longer you're together the more natural his affection becomes. the jokes are annoying but he doesn't get actually mad until jesse calls you love.
• "hey bunny, missed me?"
• losing so many vode at the beginning of the war has made wolffe very protective and honest with his affections. he doesn't want to leave anything unsaid. even though he's known for being intimidating he isn't agaisnt pda. he likes knowing you're all his and no one is brave enough to tease wolffe (except for boost, sinker, and his cc batchmates.) even they're hesitant. wolffe is 100% the feral middle child waiting for a reason to snap.
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starwarsanthropology · 2 months
i need to know more about tomo pls i love 'dog with separation anxiety' characters
Ok ok I gotta put this under a cut because hes. rotating inside my head always. Going to put a link to his whole little page i posted bc this gives you Some basic information as to his Vibes.
Tomo is a Corrie medic! He’s got a few different like. personas he puts on depending on context. I talk a lot about his Weird Little Unhingedness persona bc thats when he’s letting is all out without hesitation or shame, which is really fun, but he’s a brother first, then a medic, and then a pathetic little creature.
As a vod and a brother, he is very, very loyal and committed to his siblings. His core guiding motivation is to make things better for them, but because of how he thinks this tends to be an individual focus rather than a group focus; he’ll individually get everyone a blanket before pushing for a new project to get everyone blankets, etc. 
When he’s off duty and relaxed, he tends to be a friendly, nice guy. Will bend over backwards to help a vod, even one he doesn’t know, with minimal questions asked. Not a whole lot of respect for rules and authority; if you can’t indicate the practical reasons behind a standard or regulation, he will probably ignore it at his convenience. HOWEVER, he is also Definitely younger sibling coded and can be a bit of a shithead as a treat. Kind of a doormat and seems easy to bully but once he realizes he’s being teased or bullied he’ll go from the NOOOO!!! NOOO!!! younger sibling tears to I’m A Medic And I Can Tolerate And Shut Down So Much Bullshit on a dime. Likes people, likes to be around people in general, will worry and fret and scold if you’re being a bit reckless but also the biggest enabler in all of the med corps tbh. Believes in happiness and autonomy as a primary element of wellbeing and this drives a lot of that enabling; is the most likely corrie medic to go out of the way to let u keep a scar you want even if it makes his job fixing underlying structures more difficult.
He’s actually quite good at being professional when hes Being A Medic, and honestly can be a little ruthless, in terms of not hesitating to make calls (because that’s how you get people killed). His specialization is in orthopedic and reconstructive/plastic surgery, which in practice means he’s NOT out of medical much when on shift; if he’s called onto site, things are really bad. On a good day he has no emergency cases, but most of his emergencies are cases where there needs to be immediate and dramatic surgical intervention to prevent fatality. Amputations, skin grafts, major muscular trauma, broken bones; he sees a lot of really nasty shit, in his emergency capacity. In a non-emergency capacity, he still sees a lot of unpleasant and upsetting things, because he’s, yknow. reconstructing things and overseeing recovery from skeletal trauma, but it’s much much safer and less stressful. As a result of all this, he has a really strong stomach and a skewed sense of when gore, blood, or guts gets upsetting.
Also in his capacity as a medic, but off-regulation, Tomo provides a lot of suppourt to trans vode with gender-affirming care! He’ll do just about anything that’s not hazardous; he refers for tracheal shaves and bottom surgeries that require significant specialization or more advanced/specialized equipment than he has. But fillers, FFS, top surgery, horomone access? He’s gotchu.
Also; he knows he's cute. He knows people see him kind of as a pathetic little creature. He ABSOLUTELY weaponizes the shit out of this as a medic. he can cry on command because he learned the magical efficiency of just BURSTING into tears on someone avoiding the medbay. If you aren't guilted/made uncomfortable enough to comply he'll just get someone to drug you and haul you off lol
He’s a really affectionate, friendly, and easygoing guy overall, but the part of him that i talk about most often is his Little Freak setting. This is a manifestation of extreme seperation anxiety. He’s good at respecting verbal boundaries but is a Stage 5 Clinger. He will follow you into the bathroom if ur having a conversation and not notice until ur like excuse me that its weird. He’s really scared of loosing people, either to death or just to the vast distances of the galaxy, so he really really wants to be like. tangibly tied to people. This is where his cannibalism schtick comes from like he cannot imagine a closer intimacy than the physical substance of one’s self being intergrated into the other through consumption…. carry him with you forever and vice versa….. woah…..
@mamuzzy also pulled a GALAXY BRAIN take putting him w Mereel in that one art. Rotted my brain hard for them as a cringefail couple where their respective toxic traits slide off each other like water off a duck. I have a Lot of meta for that im not going to elaborate on too much beyond tomos tendancy towards clinginess being satisfied by mereel pinging him when he’s away, mereel being unbothered and indulgent of his weirdness, and tomo being game enough to help mereel that mereels habit of social engineering and manipulation to get what he wants doesnt have a chance to get toxic bc tomo is already willing give mereel whatever he wants with the ironclad exception of endangering his patients, which he is too stubborn and protective to be manipulated directly about anyway.
I decided that they met bc mereel needed to change his apperance for smth, hooked up w tomo (convenient emotionally vulnerable mark! yippee!) to gain access to medical supplies, was asking about a kind of filler (intended use for joint injuries but off-label use as a filler) to figure out if he can self-administer it and Tomo was immediately like oh i can administer it if you want to try! It’s easy to dissolve if you don’t like it! Mereel agreed, Tomo put in the temporary fillers, and they both walked away from the encounter satisfied and with each other’s contact information in their pocket.
It is very important to note that while Tomo IMMEDIATELY recognized Mereel was interested in the filler’s capacity to change facial structure and apperance, he did not realize Mereel wanted apperance-altering interventions for a mission until months later when someone pointed out he is a black ops specialist and got together with Tomo to use his skills n specializations.  He had fully been working on the assumption that Mereel had just been interested in gender exploration even after they had an established pattern of Tomo administering temporary cosmetic procedures for Mereel’s missions
ANYWAY thank u I love him he is so deeply strange. just an odd little dude.
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#oc tomo#hes sooooo babygirl#i need to stress: he is so ride or die its literally self destructive#there is a network of squadmates n other medics devised solely to keep assholes from taking advantage#yes they r concerned abt mereel but it seems to be working?? mereel is not Actually asking for anything inappropriate#bc what hes asking tomo to do for him as favors is mostly medical suppourt which is fine#but shinies will beg him for help getting things that r much more dangerous if u dont put a stop to it#he Was accidentally involved in several corrie contraband rings before intervention#i am obsessed w mereel doing his mereel deal of trying to get tomo ingratiated to him only for at every step tomos already there#mereel: *carefully structuring tomos life so he does smth he wants*#tomo as soon as he picks up on it: oh lol here u go [GETTING A GOOD GRADE IN HELPING SOMETHING POSSIBLE TO ACHEIVE AND REASONABLE TO WANT]#mereel: i know i am good at being charming and getting people to give me things but something is definitely wrong with you#dynamic of mereel being like hes kind of like a weird pet and favor machine with absurd kinks i want to study him. i like him tho#and tomo being like yes i fully understand mereel would sell me to satan for 1 corn chip. he is one of my favorite people in the universe#its like 2 people firing dysfunctional relationship grenade launchers at each other n being in a perfect untouched circle after#NOT making each other better or healthier but somehow its working out... failing upwards etc etc#sorry for Massive Dump then Massive Tags i just adore this lil freak
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 30: Coma
Summary: The Republic loses Umbara, and the 501st nearly lose Tup. Somehow, both of these things make a world of change even if at the moment all hope seems lost.
Warning: N/A
Twitch belongs to @gaeasun Pitch and Tacet belong to @lost-on-kamino Sol and Constelación belong to @milfcutlawquane
Here's what Tup and Dogma currently look like!
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[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
The next few hours were a complete blur.
Between General Kenobi going through all of the infected troopers once more to make sure the parasites remained dormant, followed by him then absconding off to initiate negotiations with the Umbaran Generals, and finally the 501st medical squad messaging them with coordinates that would lead to the medical facility, there hadn't really been much time to stop and think.
And honestly, that was more of a blessing than a curse.
Because if Canivete were given the opportunity to sit down and really ponder on what she'd been told. Ponder on just what exactly Tacet had found out while investigating the comms issues. Then she might just break down crying.
And that wouldn't be helpful to anyone, now would it?
To think she'd lost a batcher to outright malice, rather than the 'unfortunate accident' it had been listed as. It broke her heart. Her little baby brother who hadn't even picked a name...
The thought haunted her more than the nights of shore leave where she'd spend her time sitting in front of a sealed door in the Jedi Temple. Listening to Abby's body breaking and changing into forms unsightly. Speaking to them in the hopes something of her youngest sibling could still understand her. Could still feel the love their ori'vod had for them...
Haunted her even more than when Peel would wake up in a cold sweat and run away from the barracks. Pacing down the halls like a caged animal searching for a way to break out of its prison. Digging his nails into his bare arms, and turning suddenly as he listened to the flow of energy that was muted to her and the rest of the vode, but not to him. Listening to it, because otherwise he'd be lost in thoughts that tormented him because of something well beyond his control.
But there was still hope for Abstract and Peel.
Sometimes Abby would respond to her words. Whisper back short words that sounded off but that were full of affection.
Sometimes Peel would tell her about his nightmares. Whisper his insecurities and fears and take comfort in knowing he at least had her to confide in.
The second eldest, the nameless brother who only had his number, had no hope left at all. His body undoubtedly lost in space within a Venator that had been taken over by Seppie Droids. Never to be reclaimed. Canivete would never be able to properly mourn him.
All because of Pong karking Krell...
"Cani..." She startled, looking up from where she'd been scrubbing her skin raw. Having spaced out when she'd been kitting up for surgery and gone to wash her hands.
Looking over her shoulder, she spotted Sponge who was certainly worse for wear but still a sight for sore eyes. The other medic's face covered in bacta patches, and the medical scrubs looked puffed out where thick bandaging had been wrapped around their torso, arms and legs.
Despite the injuries they'd suffered, they were back on their feet preparing themselves to perform surgery after surgery to remove the parasites from all of the infected vode.
Currently however, they were staring intently at her.
"I'm finished. Just..." She shook her head, trying to ignore what was eating away at her. Choke down the grief. "Just need to put on some gloves and then I'll be good to go..."
"You don't have to do this. There are 10 other medics available right now, myself included." Sponge offered, motioning to themselves and then shrugging. "The truce is in full effect and the supply ships have touched down. We have everything we need..."
"I want to help." Cani shook her head again. "I... I have to help."
"No you don't. Not really..." Sponge sighed, one hand still very much behind their back while the other rested on their hip. "I can tell you're hurting."
"No, you don't understand." Cani insisted. "I have to help. Otherwise I'll... I'll..."
"Believe me, I do understand..." Sponge looked away. That familiar glint of sorrow reflected back at her, in just the way their eyes looked shiny and wet. They too were often put down by one loss they'd never recovered from.
She'd made the mistake of hurting them once, she wouldn't do it again. Not when she valued their trust.
"....I know you do. I just... I can't think about it now." Canivete sighed sadly. What a life they both lived. The tragedy of the medics. "The vode need me. Need us."
"They do..." Sponge conceded, moving over to offer her a pair of clean gloves that they'd been hiding behind their back. "Promise me once this is done, that you'll board the next ship out of here."
"....I promise."
And she did. After the vode were free, she'd finally retire back to the Negotiator and let herself break open in the company of her friends. Right now, however, she had a job to do and she intended to be diligent about it. The more medics they had in service, the faster they'd get through every trooper.
The Resolute was silent once it departed from Umbaran space. Not a soul made a single sound, aside from the usual announcement that they were making the jump to hyperspace. In the end there simply wasn't much to say. Not now at least. So the quiet had settled like a soothing blanket over a sleeping babe.
Not the calm before the storm, rather, the calm after it had passed.
Aside from the noiselessness, one other thing was evidently different than usual: There were a few troopers of the 212th present among the 501st rank. Something which Obi-wan had allowed, as a means to comfort those who had been irreversibly affected by the parasitic infection they'd suffered.
Not everyone who had joined had batchers in the 501st, but they certainly felt the camaraderie between both battalions and simply wanted to offer a shoulder to cry on. Others who did indeed have batchers, even if they had not been infected, sought to stick to their vode's side. Both celebrating their survival, and taking the time to appreciate that which they had taken for granted not too long ago.
It was not just Obi-wan and Anakin who needed to have an important talk about their bonds, after all.
Pitch watched quietly from the safety of his (excessively) padded out bunk, Tacet snoozing lightly by his side while their limbs were a slight tangle. Datapad (hosting a delightfully silly cartoon holofilm, about a tiny fish who becomes a nautolan girl to live with a young twi'lek boy who rescued her from a bottle) all but forgotten among the sheets while Pitch raked his fingers over his sibling's scalp.
Vodepiles were wonderful things really. Only a tiny quarter of all of the clone population was averse to them (and often it was because they were uncomfortable being touched due to very specific circumstances that were better left unmentioned). But sometimes what he really craved was to cuddle up with a single vod. Just like he and his batchers had sometimes done on Kamino, after one of them had a particularly bad day during training.
Back then piling up openly would have been far too dangerous, so they had taken turns. Covered for one another. It was as nostalgic as it was reassuring. A safety blanket of sorts.
In other bunks, different troopers had both similar setups or differing configurations they'd decided upon. It wasn't a proper gigantic pile like it was common to see after a battalion that had gone through a particularly grueling campaign, but it was a familiar sight all the same.
Lich and PB, for example, had curled up together in the former's bunk while practically cocooned in a blanket. Not quite asleep but also not fully awake. The longer haired trooper counting the odd number of scales dotted all around his older brother's face, while the other got used to the idea of cuddling his sibling with an extra set of limbs to call his own. Both looked very content.
A few feet away, Sponge and Coric were full on snoring on a mattress that had been haphazardly placed on the floor. Beau lay between them, her tail wagging away as Twitch (who was sitting besides the mattress, on a cushion someone had stolen from the officer's lounge) gently pet her. The younger medic had a look of pure wonder on his face, as the barghest responded to his affection with a gentle lick or two. He'd been more than a little enthused to meet Sponge's animal companion once he'd finally learned about her existence.
In his own top bunk, Kix sat with both of his batchmates while carefully changing Hardcase's bandages. Listening to Jesse sleepily mumbling away the things that had transpired while they'd been separated. The more hyperactive of the trio was holding a datapad that had some kind of comedy series playing on it, to keep him distracted long enough for the medic to be done with him.
In a more secluded corner of the room, Canivete had fallen asleep with Peel clinging to her back while her head rested on Sol's lap. The latter carefully brushing away the tear tracks that the grieving medic had left while whispering softly to his sister, Constelación. Both had managed to escape Umbara unscathed. By the skin of their teeth, the sunny dispositioned lieutenant had proclaimed.
Caramba and Azulejo were both sitting with them, making plans on what sort of cosmetic changes they could help the transformed vode make, to help them feel a little more like themselves. A new haircut here, a dye job there, some tattoos and piercings as well... They took in whatever feedback Sol and Constelación had to offer, since they themselves had experience with adding visually stunning aesthetics to make visible mutations seem like less of a big deal.
All around, wherever Pitch's eyes could see, vode were just being themselves. For once completely at peace.
In truth, this was the only sort of domesticity allowed to the clones. Sharing in the few quiet moments that they were spared while resting. It was never really enough time, but it was just about enough to relish in the presence and companionship of their siblings.
Relishing in the only constant of their tragically short lives.
A very bittersweet and rather finite moment, considering the circumstances of their mere existence. The purpose of their being. But one Pitch chose to enjoy all the same.
Something big would come out of this, out of abandoning Umbara to the whims of whomever might take it. But for now, the blue-haired medic really couldn't care. He had enough on his plate. So he chose to close his eyes instead, and let himself sink into blissful unconsciousness.
Trusting Fives to keep an eye on the twins, Rex carefully got out of his seat and up onto sore feet. He gave the room a brief once-over, grateful for the great number of empty medical cots in spite of all of the horrific things that had transpired during the campaign.
Quietly, with feather light toes, the Captain left the medbay.
There were duties he could not leave unattended for much longer. Reports that had to be made of what happened planet-side, casualties to be listed, spare supplies to be counted, and many other logistics nightmares that, in all honesty, he was dragging his feet over.
As he walked along the silent halls, Rex doubted his presence was all that comforting to the ARC trooper or to Dogma. In fact he doubted they'd notice him leaving at all, since the two were far too busy keeping vigil over Tup's bedside. Something which he couldn't blame them for.
The procedure had worked flawlessly on Dogma, Cody and every other infected trooper. Each parasite perishing and carefully extracted from where they'd connected themselves to the spinal chord of their hosts. The effects of the removal immediately noticeable to those who stood by them as they woke up.
Unfortunately the same could not be said for patient zero. Where everyone else had woken up after surgery, Tup had not. A coma. The rookie had fallen into a coma. His body having simply taken too big of a hit to bounce back as easily as everyone else had.
That sadly meant the poor kih'vod would need a much longer time to recover completely. And, as foolish as it was to give false hope, the medics didn't have the heart to tell Dogma that his twin might never actually wake up.
Not that Rex blamed them. The kid had already suffered enough...
Now that he was all on his own, alone with his thoughts, Rex knew for sure that Umbara had undoubtedly killed something in him. Granted he wasn't exactly sure what, but he certainly didn't feel like he was the same man that had first landed on that gods forsaken planet.
He couldn't be, when things had gone so disastrously wrong and he'd done so little to actually keep everyone safe. And that had left him pretty shaken up, especially when he'd gotten some rather distressing insight into just what exactly they'd been dealing with.
He should have guessed, really. The signs were there. But you know what they say about hindsight in the end...
That said, the one thing he knew for sure was that he was tired. Very very tired. But, as mentioned before, there was work to do and Rex was not one to shirk his duties. Even if all he wanted to do was curl up in his cot and press his face into a pillow until his eyes stopped burning, and his heart stop trying to beating its way out of his painfully tight chest.
He'd failed as a Captain and as a brother. And that was not something he could forgive himself for. Not something that should be easily forgiven at all.
Usually, when he was feeling like this, Rex would turn to Cody for guidance and support. Would ask his wise ori'vod what to do. But Cody had a lot to deal with himself, especially considering he was likely to suffer greatly thanks to the mutations he'd undergone.
Be scrutinized by the natborn officers of the GAR, and seen as even lesser than a clone, because of what the parasite had done to his body. Twisted and transformed into a form many would consider monstrous or even disgusting (it hadn't escaped anyone's notice how some of the vode and natborn personnel on board had flinched away from the infected on first glance).
It wouldn't be fair for Rex to pile his own issues onto his brother who'd suffered even more than he, without ever compromising his moral integrity. But he needed to talk to someone... Anyone...
Locking the door to his quarters and taking hold of his personal datapad, Rex stared at his contacts as he felt the sadness, rage and anxiety begin to set in in full.
Should he talk to Bly who had always been the best when it came to dealing with your feelings? Should he go to Wolffe who understood the burning rage that came with surviving great injustices? Should he go to Gree who was often reserved but a good listener?
His finger hovered over the screen, momentarily still as he took deep shuddering breaths. His vision blurring as tears began to pool in his eyes. Making it hard for him to even discern the names of the commanders he'd looked up to all his childhood. Who'd taken him in when he'd began to fall behind.
Then, after clearing his vision a bit, he made his choice and pressed on one very particular name. The longest minute of his life passed, before the call was accepted.
"It's 03:00. Someone better be dead." The ruby red helmet that greeted him had been put on sloppily, since part of the wearer's chin was still very visible, but Rex recognized the tired glower that was most definitely hidden beneath it.
He'd either woken up his brother or caught him during a very late shift. That particular tone was one he was very familiar with after all.
"F-Fox..." He choked out, unable to contain the sobs anymore. He was so tired and felt so weak. Everything had been his fault and he didn't know how to fix it.
All at once, the Marshal Commander's demeanor changed. His body language softened, but his tone remained cold and straight to the point. Rex recognized the concern behind it all the same. Fox may seem frigid and distant, but he was nothing if not the most loving and caring of the commanders. Something which he hid to everyone's benefit but his own.
"What happened?"
Feeling safe, despite the fact he was coming apart at the seams, Rex began to recount the atrocities that the 501st and 212th had gone through. And from behind the screen, Fox silently seethed as he listened to his little brother cry and despair.
And with that last little domino set in motion on the grand Rube Goldberg machine, the chessboard toppled over. The pieces no longer attached to their strings.
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electrikworm · 6 months
5 times Wrecker protected his siblings and 5 times they protected him: Chapter 4
During the collapse of a building, Wrecker shields Hunter and Omega.
Content warning: Blood
Read on Ao3
The ceiling starts coming down so fast, there isn't time to run when Hunter shouts the warning. Hunter's already pulled a crouching Omega close, ready to absorb the impact in her stead.
Wrecker won't let it come to that, sprinting the short distance between him and his siblings to cover them. Hunter's strong, all clones are. Not strong enough to hold the mass of the collapsing warehouse. But Wrecker is.
Bracing for the debris to hit him seems to last forever. When it does, the air is knocked from Wreckers lungs and they're plunged into darkness immediately. Wrecker doesn't even have the time to register it. When the debris settles, it takes a moment for Wrecker to regain awareness of himself and his surroundings.
For a terrible few seconds, it's silent. He can't hear or see his siblings, all there is is the pressure of the weight against his back and arms, and the persistent throbbing of the impact. For those few seconds, dread grips Wrecker violently. What if he failed? What if he's the only one still alive?
Wrecker almost sags in relief when he hears a shuffle of movement, a cough and then the far too bright light of a flashlight. Almost. He'd die before he'd voluntarily drop any of the weight he's supporting without being certain his siblings are well out of range.
Omega was the one to turn on the light. Dust has settled on her and Hunter, as well as smaller chunks of debris. She looks better off than Hunter does, almost entirely unharmed. Hunter looks like he might have took a hit. Wrecker guessed the loud noise and vibration of the collapse didn't do his brothers enhanced senses any favours either.
The small amount of clear space Wrecker's managed to create is cramped, Omega and Hunter huddled closely together. It's a good thing Tech and Echo weren't in the warehouse. It would have been really cramped if they were her too.
There is just enough place for the two to move, Omega sitting back a little with her knees to her chest to look around, and Hunter adjusting his position to no longer be elbowing Wrecker in the stomach. Wrecker hadn't even noticed the uncomfortable sensation until it was gone.
“Everyone alright?” Hunter is the first to speak. Omega nods. Wrecker doesn't dare to, not wanting to risk shifting any of the debris. He responds with an affirmative hum. “Omega, start trying to contact Tech and Echo.”
Hunter and Omegas comms are met with continuous silence. They try over and over, but none of their messages get through, try holding their comlinks closer to the stone separating them from the outside world, from the rest of the batch. There's the beginnings of panic in Omegas eyes.
“Why isn't it working?” She asks.
“I don't know. Could be something in the stone.” Hunter answers, shaking his head. Wrecker knows they're all thinking of the possibility that something may have happened to their vode, something that's keeping them from answering. They go back to trying.
Despite being the only thing preventing the three of them getting crushed, Wrecker feels quite useless. It feels like he's not doing anything, and it's driving him a bit mad. He's just stuck thinking, and all he has to think about is how much rests on him being able to hold the weight of the fallen building.
He's got a good hold of it, and the crouched way he's standing does distribute the workload across his body rather evenly. But the pressure against his back is bordering on agonizing, and it is a lot of weight. Wreckers not sure just how long he can hold it, how long until his body gives out or he makes a mistake. His left arm already feels weakened, perhaps from pulling something when catching the weight. Wrecker takes a shallow breath, trying to expand his chest in a way that doesn't chance the integrity of the debris above him.
Omega pauses her failed attempts at contacting their siblings. “Won't we run out of air?” Kriff, she's right. They're not going to last long with all three of them breathing the same air.
“Omega, can you reach my pack?” Hunter asks. “There won't be enough space for me to take it off.” Omega nods. “Good. There should be two breath masks in there.” Since Omega joined, every member of clone force 99 has gotten into the habit of carrying spares of important items with them.
Omega quickly fishes the two breath mask out of Hunters pack, putting hers on as Hunter removes his helmet slowly to don his own. The dim light emitted by the masks seems bright in the dark pocket they're trapped in.
“Wrecker, I think I can reach your pack too.” Omega sits up, reaching her hand in Wreckers direction.
“Don't.” Wrecker snaps. It comes out a lot harsher than he intends it to. Omega jerks her hand back fast, eyes wide, making Wrecker feel bad for the tone he used. “It's not worth the risk, there's too much weight on it. You could hurt yourself. Can't take my helmet off well anyway. Thanks for offering.” Wrecker continues with a calmer tone. Wrecker bites back the urge to making a joke about the risk of decapitation taking his helmet off would bring with it. “If it's just me breathing the air, it'll last a lot longer.”
It's silent save for the noise of his siblings breathing and the occasional futile attempt at contacting Tech and Echo. It's unnerving, nothing but the slightly mechanical sound of the breath mask, and “Tech, Echo, are you there? Do you copy?”. Wrecker wishes someone would say anything else.
Omega eventually does. “Could we get out by moving stones?” It's a good question. Maybe they could, if they knew how far they'd have to go.
“Moving anything is risky. Only as a last resort.” Hunter says. What he really means is only when Wrecker starts loosing his strength or hasn't got enough oxygen left. Only when Wrecker starts failing them.
It goes silent again.
One breath in, one out. Omega and Hunter do so almost in sync. “Tech, Echo, are you there?” Breath in, breath out. “Please respond.” Another breath in. Another breath out. “Echo? Tech?”
Wrecker needs someone to talk about something, anything else.
“The mission was going pretty well until the building started falling apart.” Wrecker burst out with a shaky laugh. His vode look at him like he grew a second head.
“You could say that.” Hunter says. It's clear he's considering the possibility that Wrecker hit his head in the collapse.
“Tech said he got the intel we need.” Omega adds, immediately followed by another attempt to contact the others. It's getting harder to ignore how hopeless the situation seems. The burn in Wreckers muscles is increasing steadily, the weight slowly taking its toll.
It's too quiet again, but Wrecker can't think of anything else to say.
After what feels like hours of pointless attempts to contact Tech and Echo, Omega interrupts the usage of her comlink to inspect something on her trousers. “What is that?” She mutters, mostly to herself. Wrecker can just about see what she's looking at from the angle of his head: A dark stain on and above her knee.
“Is that blood?” Wrecker says before he can think about it. Please don't let it be blood. Omega bleeding is the last thing they need added to this situation. That statement immediately draws Hunters attention.
“Are you bleeding Omega?” They're so much worry in his voice. Omega looks a little worried herself.
“I- I don't know... I don't think so.” She sounds uncertain. Hunter pulls a glove off and extends his hand to touch the stain lightly, careful of the possibility that she's baring an injury under the fabric. His hand comes back stained red. Kriff.
“Omega, I'm going to need you to reach the med kit in my pack. Try to move your leg as little as possible.” Hunter's tone is calm, but his expression betrays his fear. It's a lot of blood. She might need stitches. Knees are complicated, there are a lot of bits that could get damaged. The environment they're in is far from sterile.
“But it doesn't even hurt...” She states. Wrecker and his brothers have the habit of playing down serious injury. It's extremely frustrating at times. Wrecker had hoped that Omega would never pick up that habit.
“You don't have to tough it out Omega. It's better if you tell us when you're hurt.” Wrecker says, trying to sound as calm as Hunter does. He doesn't manage so quite as well.
“No, I can't feel any pain at all!” Omega counters. She looks confused.
“Adrenalin can do that. Please Omega, get the med kit.” There's a slight hint of desperation in Hunters voice. Wrecker hopes it's just adrenalin, and that Omega isn't going into shock. Omega complies this time, handing the med kit to Hunter.
“You're going to be okay Omega.” Wrecker tries to reassure her and himself.
“I feel okay.” Omega says as she watches Hunter look through the med kit.
Hunter puts a hand on her lower leg. “You may start to feel less okay once I start treating you.” Hunter says, trying to prepare her. Omega still looks very confused, like her brain hasn't caught up with the situation. It worries Wrecker.
Just as Hunter goes to pull the leg of Omegas trousers up to look at the injury, something hits the back of his hand. A drop of blood.
All three of them stare at it as it sits on the back of Hunters hand, then slowly rolls down the side and drops onto Omegas knee.
“I told you that I'm not hurt! It's not even my blood!” Omega exclaims, breaking the baffled silence. It takes Wrecker far too long to register that if it isn't hers, it must be his own.
It takes Hunter a moment to snap out of his confusion too. When he does, he looks a bit lost. “There isn't enough room for me to reach your right side. Omega, you'll have to locate the injury and stop the bleeding.”
“No.” Wrecker says, almost cutting Hunter off. “Not worth the risk.” If any of the debris slips when Omegas hands are between Wrecker and the rocks, her fingers could be crushed.
“Wrecker.” Hunter says. It sounds like a warning. “You loosing more blood won't help anyone.” The message is clear, his tone leaves no room for protest. Wrecker doesn't object again.
“I'll be careful.” Omega says, like she's trying to reassure Wrecker, like she isn't the one having to put herself in harms way for his sake. She stands up, just about able to do so in the small space if she hunches somewhat. She's true to her word as she reaches around Wreckers arm, slowly feeling for the origin of the blood. When she finds it, they can all immediately tell by Wreckers sharp intake of breath and groan. Omega gasps.
“There's something stuck in your arm. I think it's a piece of metal.” Omega informs them, withdrawing her hands. They're dripping with blood. The pain is in Wreckers upper arm, close to his shoulder. The piece of metal must have just about missed his armor, hitting him in the gaps between the plates.
Hunter passes Omega a roll of Bandages. “There's not much we can do. Wad this up and press it into and around the wound as best possible.” Omega nods seriously.
All the time, the pain in his shoulder had been hard to pick out against the ache of carrying the weight, and the bruises from the impact. It all felt distant as Wrecker forced himself not to focus on it.
It's really hard to ignore an injury when someone's pushing bandage material into it. Wrecker tries hard not to let on to the pain the action is causing, clenching his teeth, breathing through his nose, trying to divert his concentration elsewhere. He's doing a terrible job of it.
Every time he lets a pained noise slip, guilt crosses Omegas expression and she apologizes softly. Like this is her fault. Like she's not risking getting hurt herself to help Wrecker. He wants to tell her that it's okay, that there's absolutely no need to apologize, but Wrecker knows that if he opens his mouth, he might scream. That wouldn't help the situation at all.
When she's done, Omega sits back down, avoiding the drops of blood on the floor that collected there as she worked. No more blood drips from Wreckers shoulder. It is still all over Omegas hands. She tries to get it of by rubbing her hands across the ground, but it's started to dry and continues to cling to her skin and under her fingernails.
“You did good Omega.” Hunter says, putting a hand on her shoulder.
It takes a moment before Wrecker has his breathing under control enough to say anything, almost panting at this point to try and get the pain to quiet back down. “Thank, 'mega.” Wrecker eventually manages to force out. The pain and the strain of the weight make his voice unsteady. Omega smiles, concern in her expression.
“Tech, Echo?” Omega says into her comlink. “We really need your help.”
There's no response.
It's silent again, and Wrecker hates it more than ever. His legs have started to feel shaky. For a good fifteen minutes, nobody says anything. His vode don't even use their comlinks.
“Wrecker, can we help you with supporting the debris?” Omega asks, breaking the silence.
“Nah, no need. I could keep holding this up for days!” Wrecker lies. As good as handing off some of the weight sounds, it's an unsafe idea. Any change in how the debris is held could lead to unwanted movement.
In the next bout of silence, Hunter and Omega try to contact their unaccounted for siblings a few more times. Wrecker can't tell if he's imagining it, or if the air really is starting to get thin.
That's when Wrecker finally makes a mistake.
His left leg gives, and his foot slips, bringing that knee down to slam into the ground with a deafening noise as the stone beneath it cracks, only narrowly missing Hunters leg. The debris shifts, smaller pieces clattering onto his siblings. Through some miracle, Wrecker keeps hold of the large pieces, even as his right foot is pinned, the strain on his back and arms is increased and the piece of metal stuck in his skin shifts forwards, tearing a probably ugly and definitively painful gash into Wreckers arm.
This time, Wrecker screams. Tears blur his vision as he desperately wills his shaking body not to fall any further. He can barely get himself to calm down again, gasping for breath.
They have even less room now, less time until Wrecker runs out of air. He presses his eyes closed, not wanting to see the expression on his siblings faces. He feels Omegas hands on his arm again, trying to push bandages between the rock and Wreckers arm to stem the undoubtedly way worse bleeding.
Hunter is quietly trying to reassure Omega. Wrecker wishes he were strong enough to do the same. He can barely bring a word out any more, all energy diverted to keeping his siblings alive just a little longer.
“Please work.” Omega says, probably using her comlink again. “We need help, Wrecker can't hold the stone much longer.” It's the truth, but it hurts to hear it from Omega, fear in her voice. If they die here, it'll be Wrecker's fault, and all three of them know that.
For a moment, she is met with silence once again. Until she isn't.
“Omega?” Echo's voice makes the tears in Wreckers eyes fall. He sounds just as distraught as everyone under the rubble.
“Are our trackers still working? We need to get out of here now!” Hunter responds.
“Tech says they just came back on. We'll find you.” Echo's voice is gone again, but the knowledge that him and Tech are not only alive but close to getting them out is the best news Wreckers had all day. He just needs to hold on a little longer, he can do that.
The first thing indicating their brothers outside have found them is the sound of rubble being moved. Then, there is a small ray of bright light shining into their pocket of air, bright enough to get Wrecker to open his eyes. It gets bigger with every stone moved, and soon Hunter is making sure Omega gets out through it. Moments later, and following the removal of a few stones more, Hunter follows her. He's alone under the rubble now.
Wrecker can hear them talking about him, about how to get him out. It sounds muffled.
Tech sticks his head in through the opening after a moment. “The debris on top of you is almost entirely in one piece. It could be possible for you to get out by lifting it fast enough and dropping it behind you.” Wrecker doesn't take too long to think about it. He knows he can do it, even if it will lead to him passing out from exhaustion.
“Clear out.” is all Wrecker can force out in response. He waits until he hears his vode move away, then he gathers every last bit of energy has left and pushes against the debris holding him down.
For a few blessed seconds, there's no more weight pressing against his body. Then he blacks out.
Next thing he knows, he's on the Marauder. He panics first, sure there's something he's supposed to be doing, supposed to remember. In his confusion, he almost knocks Tech over by getting up, disturbing his brothers work on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Tech doesn't even tell him off for it.
The memory of the past almost three hours, he's informed, come back fast. Everyone's still on edge. Wrecker chose a bad time to wake up, just in time to experience the gash on his shoulder be thoroughly flushed out multiple times whilst each of his siblings says something about the risk of infection and tetanus at least once. Just in time to experience the stitches too.
Beside the injured shoulder, Wrecker made it out of the ordeal remarkably well. Aside from the tears his muscles sustained from the strain, bruising and exhaustion. He'd argue he could sleep it off in a day. He doubts his vode will agree.
Wreckers left to rest when their done. Despite the exhaustion, Wrecker just sits there. Echo is helping Omega scrub the blood off her hands, he can hear them talking from the tiny bathroom they'd installed on the marauder when they started being sent on longer and longer missions. Wrecker still feels uneasy, despite knowing his vode are safe.
He came so close to losing two of his siblings today. Wrecker takes a shaky breath, rubbing a hand across his face. He doesn't want to think about how things would have ended up without Tech and Echo.
“How are you not already asleep?” Hunter asks, knowing full well why. Wrecker hadn't heard him approach. He sits down on the sleeping rack next to him.
“Too much excitement for one day.” Wrecker says with a wavering laugh. Hunter nods, releasing a tired sigh. They sit in comfortable silence for a while.
“Thank you, Wrecker.” Hunter says.
“It was nothing, no need to mention it.” Wrecker laughs again. It's not like he'd just let his siblings die, and lifting things is what he was bred for.
“I mean it Wrecker.” Hunter's got that warning tone that leaves no room for objection again. “It's not nothing.”
Then Hunter pulls him into a hug, careful of the bruising on his back by keeping the hold light. Wrecker barely has the strength to return it, arms loosely, weakly, wrapped around his brothers shoulders. He's trembling in his brothers warm embrace.
“I'll say it again.” Hunter states. “Thank you Wrecker.”
What ever fight Wrecker would have had against the rising tears is immediately lost against the comfort of the hug. Maybe he should feel stupid or pathetic, but none of his vode have ever truly mad him feel that way. So he lets the tears stream down his face, breathing shaky from crying this time.
“You're welcome.” Wrecker says, sounding more like a sob than anything else.
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