#w. bellatrix
r-lvpin · 2 years
** FLASHBACK  |  CLOSED STARTER w. @dcrklady​
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 🎃・୧︰ Os relatos do suposto paradeiro do “Lorde das Trevas” rendera uma prolongada e efervescente reunião na Ordem: o quê estaria procurando na Escócia? deveria Dumbledore reforçar as barreiras mágicas na escola de bruxaria? Passado a reunião em silêncio, Lupin detinha dúvidas sobre a veracidade daquela notícia. Não seria a primeira vez que o Profeta Diário publicava narrativas enganosas de algum bruxo apavorado ou desesperado por atenção. O bruxo desaparecera por meses — nem mesmo os mais experientes membros da Ordem conseguiram localizá-lo e, de repente, aparecia numa pousada? O máximo que conseguia acreditar é que era outro dos “joguinhos” dele ; um passo para mantê-los naquele loop de dúvidas. Por um breve período, na infância, morara nas redondezas de Dumfries. Era familiar com a região, sabendo que os extensos campos verdes da Escócia eram ótimos para providenciar solidão, assegurar que ninguém descobriria sobre seus segredinhos sujos —  se você-sabe-quem quisesse, com ou sem suas habilidades mágicas, poderia se esconder com facilidade nos arredores de Dumfriesshire. O que significava que, se os relatos eram verdadeiros, o “Lorde das Trevas” se deixara ser visto ; uma provocação? ou um sinal? Não tivera tempo suficiente para elaborar suas inferências quando, dois dias depois, Fenwick relatara a presença de Bellatrix Lestrange no condado. 
Como sempre quando o assunto eram os Lestrange, Remus fora o primeiro a voluntariar para a vigilância da área com Fenwick. Seus ferimentos não haviam sarado completamente contudo, o corpo estava curado o suficiente caso um confronto ocorresse. Seu intuito naquela noite, no entanto, era apenas coletar informações — enquanto vigiava a pousada, o colega estava vasculhando a cidade trouxa nas proximidades. Sentou no segundo andar do estabelecimento, uma mesa num canto onde possuía visão da porta da frente, mas não estava na visão imediata de quem entrava. Fenwick, membros do Ministério e jornalistas haviam interrogado os funcionários da pousada inúmeras vezes com diferentes métodos, logo, não perdera tempo com tais procedimentos. Suas investigações consistiam em coletar informações do ambiente, os tipos que frequentavam os locais de interesse, quais “negócios” ocorriam na surdina, etc. Antes de adentrar o local, tomara a precaução de encantar-se com uma variação do feitiço confundus que inventara ; um mero encantamento que os ajudava a esconder-se a olho nu, desviando a atenção de quem olhasse em sua direção. Podiam olhar, mas não veriam — não era infalível, sendo que bruxos poderosos podiam quebrá-lo com suficiente suspeita e concentração. Ainda sim, servia para não serem descobertos de cara. Contava, também, com um disfarce.  Visando misturar-se com as figuras à sua volta (e entreter-se), pediu  por fish n’ chips e acendeu um cigarro enquanto fingia prestar atenção na programação do rádio que ecoava pela pousada. 
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we have wlw ships for bellatrix (quilkiller, bellalecto) and narcissa (nobleflower), what about andromeda?
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Narcissa: I’m gonna tell a dad joke-
Bella: your dad is a joke
Narcissa: at least I have a dad
Andy: we’ve got the same dad
Narcissa & Bella: no, you’re adopted
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motherfuckingmaneater · 11 months
I think it’s important to note that Bellatrix and Sirius were so similar (in appearance, temperament etc) that even Harry who despised Bellatrix and had met Andromeda and Narcissa but kept noting the resemblances between them (Sirius and Bellatrix) specifically. I think it’s so tragic she dies the same way her cousin does but so fitting, two stars who shone too brightly, suffered the same imprisonment, died the same death with the same exhilarated laugh. My heart.
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royalthorned · 2 months
Pandora/Bellatrix microfic, 1139 words. Explicit mdni please!
About- new mother Pandora gets visited by her teenage hookup ft. marital affairs and irresponsible parenting
Pandora finds herself continually impressed by the audacity of death eaters. 
Barty, who sleeps on her couch, steals her food and begs to divorce her “hippy middle aged husband who doesn’t treat her like he could” Regulus who apparates to her kitchen to demand herbal  tea and lament on the indignities of his nobility. Her twin who appears with boxes of poorly charmed necklaces and vials of unusable potions to dump in his guest room.  
And now Bellatrix, who is standing at the foot of her doorway smirking at her through the panels of glass in the door. 
Hesitating, Pandora pulls the door open, stepping aside to make room for her unanticipated guest. 
‘Dora. I heard you had taken up the role of ditsy wife.”
She’s draped in black robes hanging loosely over an ornament silken dress. Her hair is wild and unbrushed, her face gaunt and lively. She’s the incarnation of a storm, wild and restless. Uncontrollable and capturing.  
“Bella, I heard you had joined a group of high ranking pure bloods who want to relive the Hogwarts glory days by living together and obeying a master.”
Bella scoffs at that, a light flush rising up the long slope of her neck, apparently unimpressed by Pandora’s teasing.
“You know it's more than that.”
Pandora sneers, contemptuous to her core. “It's ridiculous, belittling. Why would you seek out a master?”
“Oh, so you haven’t found a master in your scandalous marriage”
“There is nothing scandalous about my marriage, Bella”
“He’s twenty years older than you, you had clippings of his articles on your dorm room walls. It's scandalous.”
Barking out a laugh Pandora watches as Bella traipses through her kitchen. “And pictures, I married him for looks and intellect.”
Bella throws herself on the clean corner of the countertop, biceps straining through the jewelled silk of her dress. Wrinkling her nose at the half empty baby bottles and swinging her legs against the counter top. 
“Why are you here?” 
Bellatrix looks up from where she was inspecting the newspapers beside her. The front photos are of her, a masked Bella. Identifiable by the graceless rage and position behind Voldemort. 
“I’m bored”
“We haven't been friends since Hogwarts, why are you here?”
Bella catches her eye and smirks, “We were more than friends, weren't we”
Pandora scoffs, grabbing her wand from the sewn in pocket of her nightdress. “I'm a mother and married. It's been years, you have a husband and more affairs than I can keep track of. Leave”
Bella slinks off of the counter, ‘Keeping track of my affairs?”
“I keep track of everyones, you're not special” 
Bellatrix, now close enough to skim her fingers along the hem of Dora’s skirt smiles down at her dangerously.
“Happy with motherhood?”
Gritting her teeth and clenching her jaw as Bellatrix smooths her hands up along Dora’s waist she replies through gritted teeth with a breathy laugh. 
“It’s a gift”
‘Does he fuck you the same now?”
Pandora jerks back at that, throwing an incredulous look at Bella as she wraps her arms around her waist.
“Get out of my house”
“Lucious doesn’t fuck Cissa anymore” Bella’s body doesnt hold an ounce of tension even as Pandora snarls at her. 
“I didn't marry Lucious” Pandora walks toward her, stomach burning hot and cheeks tingling in embarrassment.
“No, you married an older impoverished hippy version of him’ Bellatrix laughs at her own joke, canine teeth standing out against the yellowed chipped teeth.
“He loves my body”
“Does he fuck you though”
Bellatrix walks forward again, letting her hands run along the curve of Pandora’s hips, along the straight line of her waist and trailing back down again.
“I would. Let me.” 
“Why?” Dora’s hands come up to play with the scraggly split ends at the back of Bella’s hair
“Miss you” 
Leaning forward, Bella trails her lips along Pandora’s jaw. Scraping her teeth and digging her nails into the soft part of her waist.
“I miss having a blond girl to fuck”, the words are panted against her neck.
“I miss getting fucked so I guess this works”
Whipping her head back and angling her face to the left, always the left she kisses her. Always too eager at the start, teeth and tongue, spit coating her lips.
The first time Bella kissed her, in a third story bathroom stall, as is customary for Pandora’s teenage flings, she kissed with so much tongue and enthusiasm Dora had spit running down her chin by the time she pulled back. Bellatrix has always made up for her inexperience and inability with brutish  passion and hookups are no different. 
Bellatrix lifts her dress up, ruching it just below the curve of her tit, walking them backwards towards the kitchen chairs.
Their tongues meet in the middle of them both licking into eachothers mouths and Pandora whines and squirms as Bella leaning forward and shoving her down.
Bellatrix drops to her knees the second Pandora hits the chair. Her legs are spread haphazardly apart and her linen dress stays ruched in her lap. 
Bella rests her head on the bony flesh of Pandora’s thigh and grins up at her.
“When was the last time you got eaten out properly, pet.”
“Last time Sybill came around”
Bella bites at the inside of her thigh, “Filthy half blood cant fuck you like I can”
Tugging at her hair and dragging her forward Pandora pants out a “Prove it” before Bella buries her head between her pale thighs
Sucking at her, Bella throws Pandora’s thighs over her shoulder and slides her hands up her waist to fondle at her tits. Moaning against her and pulling back to murmur how they are “bigger and warmer now’
Pandora laughs and lets her head fall back as Bella slips her fingers in. Panting and moaning Dora moves Bella’s head down and sighs out little here’s and more’s and there’s.
They carry on like that, Pandora instructing and Bella carrying out her requests with sloppy vigour until they hear a loud screech of infant discomfort from upstairs. 
Bella crooks her fingers and Pandora groans with pleasure and disappointment simultaneously. 
“Bella, the- hngh. The baby.”
Bellatrix doubles down, fingers pumping mouth wide open and sucking hard while Pandora doubts the existence of a mothers natural instinct knowing she would pick this over feeding her baby anyday.
When Pandora comes it’s with a loud cry curdling with her baby’s sobs.
As Pandora tries to tug Bella up by the roots of her tangled hair to nestle her head between her muscle laden legs she hears the abrupt crack of apparition from the kitchen.
Bellatrix laughs and whispers “Hunny he’s home” against Dora’s slick laden thighs before disappearing silently into the air.
Xenophilius walks into the kitchen to find Pandora flushed and shaky murmuring about a vision while trudging up the stairs half heartedly to feed Luna.
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otrtbs · 8 months
hello trying smth. a bit. different under the cut?
Bellatrix is born on Halloween. On October 31st 1951, she becomes the eldest daughter of Druella and Cygnus Black, and she doesn’t cry. She just peers up at Druella with wide-round eyes and a calm, unaffected disposition. It’s eerie. It’s haunting. That’s something that always worried Druella– the Halloween birth, Bellatrix’s refusal to come into the world kicking and screaming and fighting for air like a normal child would. Druella worries that Bellatrix is cursed, born on the day of skeletons, death, evil spirits, and darkness. She tried to hold out a few more hours, she begged the mediwitches at St. Mungo’s to delay the birth somehow through grunts of pain and the sweat forming on her brow. She attempted to not push through her contractions, but it was pointless. 
“They say babies born on Halloween are immune to evil spirits,” the mediwitch whispers to Druella as Cygnus sleeps in a chair in the corner of the room, arms crossed and shoulders slumped. “The veil between the living and the dead is thinnest tonight. So she’ll probably have a strong connection with the spirit world. She might even be given the gift of second sight,” she adds sagely, attempting to calm Druella’s fears. “A blessing.”
Druella holds Bellatrix in her arms, she’s sleeping and swaddled in a soft blanket, a peaceful expression on her face, but Druella can’t escape the feeling of hesitant fear bubbling beneath the surface. A bomb waiting to explode. “She didn’t even cry,” she lets out an exhausted sigh. 
The mediwitch gives her a soft smile. “It happens. Her heart rate is stable and she is breathing normally. She’s perfectly healthy.” The witch finishes cleaning up a few things around the room and removes her gloves. “Be sure to let me know if you need anything. Someone will be here to check on you shortly.” As she turns to leave, she pauses for a moment with her hand on the handle, debating something. Then, with a quick look back and a sharp breath she says, “It’s going to be okay.” 
Druella wishes she could believe her. 
Bellatrix grows a little every day. She’s healthy, she never cries, her bones aren’t weak, her limbs aren’t mangled, her cheeks are pink and fat and not sallow. She looks nothing like a cursed child, acts nothing like a cursed child, except for the small birthmark just below her left cheek. A bad witch’s mark. 
Walburga and Orion come to the house to see the new baby. A cruel, satisfied smile overtakes Walburga’s features when she sees it’s a girl, confirming with her own eyes that the chance to have the next heir is still within her grasp, but Druella takes her own pleasure in Walburga’s still slender frame.
At least Bellatrix proves that Druella isn’t barren. She can have children, healthy children. She could provide an heir. It was only a matter of time. Walburga and Orion had been married nearly three years before Druella married Cygnus and yet their house remained empty. 
Walburga always hated Druella. Hated that Druella and Cygnus got to live in 12 Grimmauld Place with the family heirlooms the libraries, the portraits, and the tapestry detailing their lineage. She always believed it should belong to her and Orion. Druella was a Rosier by birth. It was only right that true Blacks lived in Grimmauld. She had married Orion earlier. It was only right that she reside there. The next heir to the Black family name got to reside in Grimmauld. So it wasn't just a race to bare a male child, but also a claim to the family residence.
Because Druella can't help herself, she takes Walburga to the drawing room with the tapestry for tea and revels in the looks Walburga casts at the family tree.
Druella was barely healed from her first pregnancy when Cygnus demands that they try again. One child was only enough if it was a boy. She counts the cracks in the ceiling and does her best not to shout in pain in those early days after Bellatrix’s birth. She washes too many bloody sheets before anyone else can see them. 
She tries to spend time in the nursery, but baby Bella, as the house elves had taken to calling her, hardly interests her. Cygnus never goes to the nursery to see Bellatrix, he couldn’t be bothered. Rather, he immerses himself in his work. Druella knows it is her job. It's her job to dress Bellatrix and feed her and bathe her and sing to her, but she leaves most of those tasks to the house elves. 
Bellatrix feels like a stranger in her home. A thing rather than a person. Something haunted and hard to bond with, even if she looks just like a normal child. However, there was still a sense of pride, even if Bellatrix wasn’t a boy. Druella had given birth to a child. She could be a mother. She could do what was expected of her. She just needed a boy.
More days pass. 
Druella busies herself with planning Christmas parties and elaborate dinners and pruning her winter garden of Christmas roses and Goose Grass. She attends charity meetings and plans galas for the Museum of Modernism and Moda. The mediwitches assure her that Bellatrix’s witch mark will fade as she grows older. 
Days turn into months, and just after Bellatrix is ten months old, Druella finds herself pregnant once more. Cygnus’ once stormy mood had shifted to one of gentle ease. He comes home earlier, he speaks softer, and he scowls less. All of the ladies drop by to place their hands on Druella’s growing stomach, to offer their well wishes, to bring gifts. 
This time, it was going to be a boy. Druella can feel it in her bones. All of the divination midwives say as much. She dreams about it. 
“Of course, we’ll name him Sirius. Something strong and commanding. The brightest star in our sky,” Druella was saying over tea as Walburga pursed her lips tightly. 
“I think that’s a wonderful choice,” Irma nods in approval. “Lots of Sirius’ in our family history. He’ll fit right in. Splendid.” 
Druella catches Walburga’s eye and grins wickedly. This house is hers, this life is hers, the family favour is hers. 
They decorate the nursery blue and paint constellations on the ceiling that glimmer in the dark. By the time April comes, Druella doesn’t even mind that it’s raining when she goes into labour. Torrential, thunderous skies and rolling black clouds. Another bad sign, but one she ignores happily.
Cygnus meets her at St. Mungos. He stands by her side and holds her clammy hand through the hours of painful birth. She hears the mediwitches buzz around her and whisper nervously as she screams in her potion-dulled pain. She worries about all the blood staining the sheets and feels her head heavy with Merlin knows what. 
She struggles to keep her eyes open as hospital staff swarm around her and wheel her to another room with bright, artificial lights. She tries to listen to what they’re telling her, but their voices sound gargled and warped like they’re talking underwater. It’s too hard to keep her eyes open anymore. She lets herself drift off and she dreams of her son. 
When she wakes, she’s in a new room. A quieter room. A mediwitch rushes in and places a swaddled baby in her arms. She talks in slow deliberate sentences. 
Druella barely hears her. 
Complications with the birth. Postpartum haemorrhage. Beautiful baby girl. So lucky. 
Through chapped lips and a dry throat, she asks to see her husband. 
The mediwitch informs her that he left shortly after the baby’s birth. She hands Druella some water. 
Alone in a private room at St. Mungos, she decides to name the baby Andromeda. She holds the small infant to her chest, only hours old, and she weeps. 
Cygnus barely looks at her. The days pass and Druella watches over the girls in the nursery and tiptoes around her husband as she tries to ignore the walls of the house closing in on her. She tells herself there is still time, though the doctors at St. Mungos disagree. They all tell her another pregnancy is risky. Fatal. Nearly impossibly in her state. 
Druella doesn’t breathe a word of this to Cygnus or to anyone else. She shuts herself up in Grimmauld Place and avoids everyone’s prying eyes, their disappointed looks, and Walburga’s triumphant sneers. 
As days turn into weeks that turn into months, Druella grows more and more desperate. She finds herself under the guise of heavy glamour charms, back in Knockturn Alley, begging the shopkeeper for more fertility potions. Pills that will ensure a male child. She swallows down glowing green vials of bitter liquid that smelled faintly of baby’s breath. She crushes up black beetle eyes and crunches into the red bulbs of Witch’s Ganglion with wild abandon on the smooth tiles of her bathroom floor, and she waits. 
She leaves the family Christmas dinner early as she feels the familiar trickle of warm blood run down her leg. She stays in bed for days at a time. She leaves her two daughters to the house elf. 
Her third pregnancy nearly kills her as all the doctors had promised. She tries to hide it from everyone as best as she can. Cygnus doesn’t bother showing up to the hospital with her. 
On a cold and bleak day in early January, Druella gives birth to her third daughter. The chill from outside worms its way around her heart and solidifies in a sickly, icy, frost. Narcissa takes what little Druella had left with her that day and keeps it for herself. 
Three daughters. Their little lives just beginning. Girls who will have hopes and dreams and ambitions. Druella feels all of hers dwindle as she hands her third child to the house elf once more. Their stories begin as hers ends. Druella thinks that it’s unfair, having girls. She married Cygnus to give him sons. Not to love him or to look after him in his old age. She was made to produce heirs. What use would she be to him now? 
He’ll want to keep trying, even if it kills her. Without a boy in the family, Druella was better off dead to him anyway. She was plagued by awful visions of her own mother, shut up in a room all alone after the death of her brother. Too old to produce any more male heirs, her father left her mother to claw at the walls and floorboards of her bedroom. Allowed her to be shut out and ignored by every family member who was once so warm towards her. He locked her away in a dark, stale room somewhere for failing him, and acted as if she never existed. 
She felt the frost seep in. Her daughters, her own children had damned her to the same fate. Even if they didn’t know it. How could she hold them and be happy? How could she wipe the tears from their face and act as if everything was fine? 
She’d like to swim in the ocean, or work at the ministry, or travel the world by herself. She’d like to go out at night and not worry about a home she’s obligated to come back to. She closes her eyes and lets herself dream these dreams for a while until Narcissa’s shrill cries wake her up and she feels her fate close in on her all at once.
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sugarsnappeases · 4 months
more on rodolphus and bellatrix please please please, i’m begging for your insights
i’d be thrilled to talk about bellatrix and rodolphus!! i’ve been obsessing over them thank you so much for asking 🫶
in some ways (and i really cannot emphasise enough that this is just in some ways) rodolphus can kinda act as the man that sirius should've/could've/would've become if he hadn't rebelled/run away/generally not been that person. which is obvs compellling to me as someone who never stops thinking about the bella & sirius dynamic
he’s an older brother, he’s an heir (who then goes on to become a lord), he’s loyal to his family and the dark lord in a similar way to how sirius is loyal to his chosen family. personality-wise there are obvs a lot of differences and also, like i said yesterday, the lestranges to me are fundamentally Normal in a way the blacks aren’t, but it still interests me that bella would end up marrying this man who sort of acts as an example of what sirius could’ve been if he were ‘better’
(as an aside: i think we should mention that the lestrange brothers run parallel to the black brothers in some ways in that they act as what the black brothers could’ve been. model pureblood supremacists, fulfilling the roles that were set out for them at birth - this is what reg tries to do but sirius leaving throws it all off-kilter. and also the fact that they’re blacks amps up the intensity of everything they do at least tenfold but anyway. back to the matter at hand.)
a big part of the bella & sirius relationship to me is the envy bella has for the fact that sirius gets to be the heir, and have that power and that authority behind him (and i won’t say too much bc i go into this a bit more in the bella killing sirius microfic i posted the other day) so w rodolphus its interesting to me bc he goes on to become the lord that sirius could’ve been (and obvs it’s different and the lestranges have less prestige than the blacks but there’s still a lot of weight behind the lordship i think) and for bella he can kinda be a bit of a replacement; he’s so much less than sirius is some ways but so much more than him in others.
the power dynamics w bella and rodo are what intrigue me the most bc he’s obvs the Man of the House, he takes his role as heir/lord very seriously, he’s powerful and he has power over her in that sense. but then she’s a black, and even if she’s a woman, rodolphus is still marrying up in the same way that lucius is w narcissa. and then also obvs, at least in the second war (which also would’ve coincided w rodolphus losing his ability to really act as lord lestrange due to being, yk, a wanted criminal), bella is voldemort’s right hand man. she has superiority and authority over him within the realm of the death eaters. she can rise above him in a way that she never really could w sirius. (drives me insane)
but even w this multi-layered power dynamic between them i still think they have a fairly functional relationship even in its dysfunctionality. like to me its an arranged marriage, or maybe in an ideal world a kind of lavender marriage, so there’s never any real romantic love between them, i don’t even think they’re necessarily friends in canon (although if we’re talking non-canon i do often like to make them besties. i think they can be so special).
like to me they spend most of their time arguing, they’re ruining half of lestrange manor, breaking countless, priceless artefacts, at least once a week in duels. they’re bickering at every death eater meeting (they would bicker at the breakfast table but after a couple months of marriage they stopped eating meals together bc it would just get too destructive). they’re always fighting and always attacking each other….
but at the same time. for example in ootp, the dept. of mysteries battle, they’re paired up to fight together. and they also obvs go (w rab and barty in tow) to torture the longbottoms, so they can clearly work well together in battle and their loyalty to the dark lord is never something that they disagree on. bella joins through him, as i’ve mentioned before, and then i think does ultimately get sucked in further bc she started off on shakier ground first of all, but she also doesn’t have that other duty, the lordship, to ground her a little (and this is obvs gone by the second war anyway) so when she joins she dives in headfirst and takes the death eaters by storm or whatever.
i also think that rodo cares quite a lot about his reputation, not so much in terms of him being super polite and adored by everyone, but in the sense of respectability and being proper and behaving correctly in public. and this, first of all, would’ve led to a lot of fights w bella bc she doesn’t care so much at all about behaving, but also would’ve led imo to rodo defending bella against anyone who might talk badly about her (which ties into the whole rodolhov thing, w antonin always bringing bella up).
it would’ve led also, to some extent, to bella defending rodo against anyone who might talk badly about him. bc bella is always Always loyal to her family (another way she’s similar to sirius and also rodolphus) and to me at that point it’s mainly just narcissa left in her family (maybe reg too but i don’t think she ever really gave him much time aside from trying to teach him how to properly be a good death eater) and narcissa was already pulling away by the middle/end of the first war so all bella really had left in terms of Family, would’ve been rodolphus, so she too would’ve started fights over him i think (she also would’ve probs started fights over quite a lot of things anyway tbf)
but anyway stopping now bc this got super long and also i’m about to fall asleep. hope it makes some semblance of sense i cba to check it over that thoroughly but tysm for asking <3333
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v7lgar · 1 month
andromeda is everything you want regulus to be give this girl the credit she deserves
is this u @orbitfalls lmao
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iheartmoons · 1 year
why has NO ONE ever stopped to think about young andy and bella. we're always like omgg young reg + sirius comforting each other BUT!!!! I WANT YOU TO THINK!! imagine small little andy (idk maybe like seven) crawling into bella's bed (maybe like eight or nine), and bella stroking her hair and hugging her for comfort. think about that and then cry.
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padfootastic · 1 year
I raise you this crack scenario: the final year that Sirius Black is allowed to win hottest person at Hogwarts is actually a tie between him and Bellatrix, because they may be deranged murdering bigots but they looked fucking stunning in their arrest photos. The Black family: Giving people complexes since their family began
hehehehe this is even funnier if like. bella was a few years above them. and by the time reg’s in say, 7th year, he thinks he might just have a chance since he’s more visible now, prefect and capt of Quidditch team and what not ykno? sirius has been out for a bit, bella’s shacked up w a cult leader.
everything’s on track for him winning it. some random student doing so isn’t even the question—for as long as a black has been in hogwarts, they’ve bagged the top spots (except that one year when james potter’s robes disintegrated in the middle of the great hall due to an accidental self prank and all his assorted muscles & tattoos were on display just a few days before the voting. reg maintains it was sabotage. others say it was an attempt to flirt with his brother, which is exactly the worse option)
except. except. nope. that’s not gonna happen either. sirius consistently sweeps the whole thing. (i forgot the timeline for a sec but if u could ignore canon years and pretend like bella and s were caught when reg was in his final year—this scenario is HILARIOUS)
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
quillkiller is rita x bellatrix
oh. well my answer 2 that is no lol
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
mini gangsta fandom rant bc im&. annoyed bc i& remember seeing a bunch of hcs back in the day of how like. striker never cared about beretta at all whatsoever & only ever cared about marco. or ppl just blatantly erasing or removing her autonomy & influence & power in the storyline & reducing her as a prop to be used for the male characters' angst or otherwise she's just there to look pretty instead of being. yknow. a villain. or g-d forbid a person. & ignoring & erasing beretta both as an individual character but also as a major person in striker's life. or that striker's lowkey violent or abusing beretta w/ her almost always being on the receiving end of all kinds of abuse or people implying that she's just plain stupid or dedicated enough to striker to be just his toy to be used for his own pleasures or that they're not equals in any way. despite canon indicating nothing of the sort & im& just like. are. ARE WE READING THE SAME FUCKING MANGA LMAO
like. striker literally NEVER, EVER, reacts negatively to her. striker CARES for her, he RESPECTS her, he PROTECTS her, he TAKES CARE of her, he TREATS HER LIKE A PERSON. striker NEVER abuses her. he NEVER swears at her. he has NEVER told her to mind her own business, he NEVER silences her or even worse, NEVER swears at her & NEVER hurts her like he had with spas when he told striker & beretta that he wouldn't be returning to the second destroyers. he NEVER said or did anything uncouth like that to her.
if anything, it's the exact opposite.
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maverick literally tells spas that beretta is striker's weakness. which, coming from someone like striker, that's a hell of a compliment. she clearly wants to fuck him & expresses sexual interest & desire for him. they're almost always touching. she reaches out to hold his hand. after she "gifts" him constance, he tells her that she's incredible.
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now. does any of that look like abuse or beretta being mistreated. lol
okay cw for upcoming gore & nonexplicit discussion of csa & creeps.
he PROTECTS her. he AVENGES her. he DEFENDS HER HONOR. he CANONICALLY MURDERS HER ABUSERS. i.e chau who's a grown ass 30 year old man when beretta is. literally 13 years old. a CHILD.
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the night before CURSED happens, he fucking SNAPS the minute beretta tells him that three men attacked her & kills the mfs instantly.
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& VIOLENTLY at that, particularly the one that threatened to kill her & after he previously said she "came onto" them, aka, beretta, a clearly visible 13 year old child, led three grown ass men on, & he keeps beating the guy even after he's dead into a bloody mess. good on striker. & seeing how unfazed beretta is, this has likely happened before. & that realization paints a very dark & sobering picture for beretta; this is a girl who grew up too fast & striker knows this & it's because of this that he's so viciously & violently protective over her.
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he saved her life before. look at the look on his face when he tells her to get the FUCK out of there. that's pure unadulterated desperation.
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now. do they have issues with marco?? yeah ofc !! but. yall. yall mean to tell me& that. HE DOESNT CARE FOR HER AT ALL ????
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literally look at how gentle he is with her. he doesn't just throw her ass on his back then yeet her onto the stairs, he gently places her down. then he leaves her momentarily to rest & recuperate bc he cares about her rather than selfishly going on with their plan together to... do whatever the hell they were planning on w/ daniel monroe.
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when the flare happens, beretta comes to get him & he's pissed because 1) he wants to go after daniel monroe & 2) he's pissed in like that angry protective bf way that she's even there with him.
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he even apologizes to her. he does so right away in fact & he does so sincerely & in a teasing, loving, lighthearted way, putting himself in a position we, the audience, never see him be willing to take ( not even in situations where it was more than warranted ) because striker is just. simply not the type to feel he owes anything to anyone & much less the type who admits when he's wrong. but most importantly, he apologizes to beretta bc he genuinely WANTs to, with not a single thought to her abilities, having no ulterior motives & no personal gain. he apologizes bc he knows he was in the wrong, that he hurt her feelings by staying away a bit from her for too long ( maybe clingy, but they're like 13 & 14 respectively here guys what do you expect y'all lmfao ), regrets that & wants to offer at least that much. & he always says "we" when referring to their plans; he includes her in their plan.
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with that said, it's. VERY obvious that beretta seems to trust only striker with the softer, more vulnerable parts of her personality since he was a source of strength for her in overcoming her trauma as a child experiment & he lets her cling to him so he can comfort her & vice versa. & keep in mind the above scene is all happening while striker is holding a decapitated head & neck & shoulderblades clean off. this is from STRIKER of all people, y'know, the guy who casually choked a man to death in front of his son while on the phone with beretta simply to kill time, the guy who deadass hulk smashed his way through a building while laughing like a maniac & wiped the floor with ergastulum's high ranking twilights. this guy is soft for someone like beretta, that has to mean something bc that's impressive tbh.
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he literally lets her bodily drag him around by the arm. lmao
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& that doesn't change not even as grown ass adults. lmfao
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literally look at his face is when he realizes that she's hurt/in danger.
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& he is literally ALWAYS near her afterward to make sure she's okay & acting as a source of comfort for her when he clearly doesn't have to.
& that's not to say beretta's a weakling, no, she faced several high ranking twilights even as a tiny 13 year old girl & caused so much death & destruction to ergastulum & by the end of CURSED, all she gets is a tiny cut on her right shoulder. all of that was a game to her. striker doesn't protect her bc she's weak, he protects her bc he Wants to. we don't have a full backstory for striker or beretta for that matter yet, but i'd& bet my& money that beretta, like the other destroyers, that she struggled & was experimented on & was traumatized in the government laboratories by scientists who treated her like she wasn't even human & that she had to work her ass off to get to where she is. like. this is only one example of how horrifying their treatment was.
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LITCHERAL STRAITJACKETS, WALKING ON COLD TILED FLOORS BAREFOOT & STRIKER LITERALLY HAS A MUZZLE ON HIM. that's literally so dehumanizing for anyone let alone a CHILD where they look about 6-8 years old here & even moreso for a BLACK child & just how horrible those implications are & how black boys are so often treated & it doesn't make it better that nobody else from the destroyers were seen with a muzzle on them & i& think the reason why striker cares about & i'd& argue loves beretta so much is that she never once thought of him like a monster like literally almost everyone else in the series has or as a rabid dog to be treated like the government or as a weapon to be used; to beretta, he's a person. so there's this underlying undertone & there are many canonical implications in the series that, precisely BECAUSE they both went through hell and back together as children growing up, they have an unbreakable bond that's unparalleled with anyone else in the series. & y'know, for being villains, they're actually in a healthy relationship.
beretta would do literally ANYTHING for that man & it makes me& wanna tear men in half & go clinically insane. & some ppl might find that crazy but like. if you're genuinely in love with someone & go through the same circumstances that beretta has, who wouldn't. if you haven't been abused your entire life & someone comes along in your life & they're the first person to treat you like you were an actual human being? you'd do anything for that person without question. so beretta's not "stupid" or "too devoted"; she makes her own choices. they both grew up together & witnessed unimaginable horrors & governmental abuse together, they really didn't have nothing but each other for a very long time. & then spas betrayed them, & minimi & maverick are both dead. & now only striker & beretta remain.
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this is one of my& favorite scenes in the entire series. there's no dialogue shared between them, but it carries one message: I'm here for you when the whole world stands against you. they don't Need that dialogue, the way they feel for each other is in their actions. it's a really heartwarming feeling despite the tragedies & crimes they both committed. don't get me& wrong, they're both horrible people who've done horrible things to both good & innocent people & tbh overall shitty horrible people, this isn't me& justifying any of their actions or trying to woobify them ... but the fact that beretta still metaphorically, symbolically & literally stands by & behind him is just so beautiful & it shows how much she loves him ( & by doing so she's saving worick's life bc let's face it striker can very well still kill him with one arm be for fucking real ). so striker's publicly humiliated by everyone, he's called a failure to his face, he's just freshly lost his arm & his eye & he'll likely live the rest of his life disabled, mocked & shamed by everyone else, after spending his entire life trained to fight & kill for a cause that he was brainwashed by the government to believe in ... but beretta still keeps her arms around him in his moment of greatest need, & if that's not genuine love, then i& don't know what is. even after he's hurt her by possibly making her think that he values marco over her despite all she's done for him, she still holds onto him to let him know that in his most vulnerable moments, she is right there beside him holding him. she still supports while knowing that won't get her anything in return & putting his needs before hers... that's something incredibly heartwarming coming from someone as cruel, cold & cunning as beretta; this is a side of her that only striker gets the privilege of seeing. because her love for him isn't shallow, it's not based on looks, power, glory or lust alone, because if it was, she'd have left his ass right when he became disabled, it's because she loves him as a PERSON despite how fucked up he is.
regardless, they have mutual development, i'm& not necessarily confirming whether or not their relationship is mutual & romantic in nature but it's definitely obvious they're in some kind of relationship. they have a significant amount of substance ( meaningful moments from both ends, interactions, they're literally almost ALWAYS by each other' side & almost ALWAYS touching, it's heavily implied & then confirmed that they've had sex, subtext, focus, backstory, remarks from other characters, etc. ). the most selfless acts they do ( as surprising as that sounds, coming from people like them ) that we have seen them have been directly related to their feelings for each other, like saving each other's lives & putting their lives in jeopardy & throwing aside any fear in order to courageously run to each other's aid & save each other's life to do so when no one else did... & that speaks volumes. & regardless of what happens next & regardless of whether or not you ship them yourself, you have to at least recognize that they do care deeply about each other, beretta is a MAJOR person in striker's life, striker has never ONCE abused her or treated her violently, they are EQUALS although she's happy to follow his lead but isn't afraid to make her own decisions, striker PROTECTS beretta, he murdered her abusers & there is no canonical evidence for any of the aforementioned headcanons & to suggest otherwise is an insult not just to the ship but also to their individual characters. & all this coming from a CANONICALLY QUEER BISEXUAL INTERRACIAL PAIRING? that's a MASSIVE deal in animanga.
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stabbyapologist · 11 months
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"Molly's curse soared beneath Bellatrix's outstretched arm and hit her squarely in the chest, directly over her heart.
Bellatrix's gloating smile froze, her eyes seemed to bulge: for the tiniest space of time she knew what had happened, and then she toppled, and the watching crowd roared, and Voldemort screamed."
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"Voldemort’s fury at the fall of his last, best lieutenant exploded with the force of a bomb."
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hejanic · 1 year
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mock cover for my fake fantasy romance
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motherfuckingmaneater · 11 months
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Your soul is mine.
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birlwrites · 2 years
evan could also do the thing with supplanting voldemort, it would go differently and the vibes of the story would be different but it would absolutely still work
barty? hmmm i feel like it could work i just don't have a roadmap in my head for HOW. i always think of barty as a right hand, not so much as a leader in and of himself, but maybe that's exactly how he gets voldemort. voldemort knows barty is *insanely* loyal and makes the mistake of assuming barty is loyal to *him*
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