#wait maybe that means i have a shot at whooping his ass
vmbrq · 9 months
never mind yall i gotta cancel my size kink subscription😔✊🏽 i forgot that im actually tall LMAOOO like i knew but it just never really REGISTERED until now, y’know?
like this is ACTUALLY the difference between me and ethan
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
May I have Bitter Orange in a ⭐ bottle please? The start of R and Hobie being handcuffed together before they turned, with R succumbing to the effects of the virus much faster than Hobie due to his spiderpowers, so for a bit he just watches his love become a husk of who they were before he too is a zombie?
*laughs evily* Yessss I've been waiting for a request exactly like this hwjsjwijsjaj hope you like it!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 3.2k (whoops)
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), description of illness, TW blood, CW injury, TW death, zombie AU, Zombie apocalypse AU. Angst, Hurt/comfort
A prequel to this one shot
Katy's one year celebration 🎉
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The air is nice and cool on your face as you walk hand in hand with Hobie in the barren street. There's rows upon rows of abandoned houses, all in different stages of decay from both scavengers trying to survive and time itself proving to be the worst enemy. But it's on your side for now for it has given you infinite time to be with him.
Hobie's hand is suddenly on your scarf, fingers gingerly sliding the fuzzy material up to your chin. He smiles at you, the sun blindingly light behind him. Despite the apocalypse, he still looks just as handsome. He has new shallow scars on his chin where a stubble is slowly growing, hair a bit of a mess but beautiful nonetheless. You've once told him after a lucky find of one whole pound of chocolate pudding that he's apocalypse chic, that he makes the end of the world look good. To which he laughed and shoved a spoonful of chocolate pudding in your mouth. Compared to him you probably look like a mess, you wouldn't know, you've ignored mirrors ever since you ran out of shampoo a few days ago.
“What are you thinkin' ‘bout, gorgeous?” He tugs you closer to him, the crowbar hanging from his backpack clinks against the machete next to it.
“That I really need shampoo, and that you look unfairly handsome in this light.”
Chuckling, he intertwined his fingers around your own. It could mean death for the both of you if the undead suddenly lunges and he doesn't have enough time to take his hand away from you. But he thinks it's alright for him to do, to indulge himself to your touch since the entire place is empty save for a few dead cars and scattered luggages left by people.
“You should see yourself in my eyes, lovie, the greasy hair is doin' a lot for me.��
“Oh yeah? You like it when you pat my head and you get petrol on your hand?”
“We need petrol, d’you think if I bunch up your hair and squeeze it I can collect the oil?”
You nudge him playfully, “you're an ass.”
“Yeah, well, you're stuck with this arse.”
Your mind goes back to your friends and family you've left behind. “Do you think they're okay?”
“'m sure they are, Yuri's got them, and they have Ned, he'll whip them into shape. ‘sides, we're almost at James’, if I was them I'd stay there.” He adjusts his hold on his pack and guitar. “We'll find them.”
You smile, nuzzling his bicep for his own reassurance, knowing that he also worries for them. “You're right. They're probably doing better than us.”
“Yeah,” he pecks the crown of your head. “They're living like kings, I bet.”
You two stop in front of a large house, complete with white marble steps and tall roman columns. “James' dad never had taste, huh?”
Hobie snorts, “his son took all of it. C’mon, then.” He leads you on the porch, trying the door, wishing that it was locked because if it is it means that someone's inside, that they're surviving and waiting for the two of you. To his despair, the door opens without a problem.
Hobie looks back at you having the same expression. “It's okay,” you try to be optimistic, “maybe they left a message for us.”
He nods, “yeah, maybe.” Crossing the abandoned space, he takes his guitar from his back to strum a tune. When he doesn't hear stumbling or any rattling from anywhere inside the house, he continues forward, but his guard is still up. “We might as well get some supplies while we're ‘ere.”
“Yeah, there might be some left in here.” You give him a small smile. “How about we split up? This place is too big, it'll take us forever to comb over this place.”
Hobie considers it for a moment. The place seems pristine except for the furniture and cabinets that are picked clean, so he deems it safe. “Okay, just…” you walk to his side, rubbing his arms, smiling sweetly at him even though he probably doesn't smell the best. “...keep your knife close.”
“I will keep my knife close,” you repeat his words, “and I'll stay alert.” Poking at his chest, you peck the frown off his lips. “And you keep safe.”
He's still apprehensive, but he knows you can hold your own. Taking your face in his hands, he kisses you fully, smooching until you're giggling. “We’ll meet back ‘ere in fifteen.”
“Aye, aye, Cap'n!” You mock salute. “Any special requests?”
“I said a request, not wishful thinking.” You tease, he has an urge to kiss you again.
“Towels, the nice fluffy ones.” You slide your hands away from him, to which he already longs for.
“Got it! I bet James has a ton of them.” You wink, knife in hand, walking away from him.
Hobie watches your retreating back, tamping down his anxieties. He searches upstairs, grinning at James' familiar room. His posters and messy floors remain untouched, the bed still looking like it was tossed around by a tornado. He almost cries at the picture frame on the bedside table containing his band's smiling faces plus you who's embracing him.
Turning the frame around, he takes the picture and pockets it to show to you. After rummaging James' room, he takes a few shirts and pants for him and you. He even finds a pair of silk pajamas that he knows you'll love. A piercing scream echoes around the house, he immediately bolts downstairs, heavy footsteps thudding across marble floors.
You're on your back, fighting for your life while the undead on top of you tried to get a chunk out of you. It all stops when Hobie's guitar connects to the corpse's skull in a sickening crunch of metal and bone.
You scramble away, neck and arm in pain. Hobie's wide eyes meet yours just as when the back door bursts open, revealing a whole horde of the undead. Panicking, he yanks you up, holding your hand, running outside to more of the shambling dead.
“Just hold on!” His hand is tight around yours, you try to run at his pace, panic in your veins, adrenaline in his.
It feels like you've been running forever, Hobie sees an opening hidden in an alley. He can climb on his own without a ladder but you can't. So he leads you towards the empty alley while the rotten, decayed corpses of once human beings run after you at full speed.
Hobie jumps to take down an emergency ladder, without missing a beat, he grabs your waist and throws you on the ladder. You climb, but the pain in your arm gets worse so you're slower but you still try for him.
The undead finally gets to the alley, you don't dare to look down. Once you're on the rooftop, you peek below to see him struggling to get up the ladder, he's halfway with a handful of zombies dangling on his leg.
You scream his name but it's too late, one of the undead has bitten a chunk of his leg as he tries to kick the former human off the ladder where he's desperately trying to climb to. You wish he didn't run out of web fluid, you wish the world didn't end, you wish the throbbing pain on your arm is just muscle spasm, but the warm crimson seeping out of teeth marks says differently.
With a sickly crunch, the zombie falls down the ladder and into the rotten horde. Hobie climbs up quickly back to you, hands immediately grasping on to you.
“Did it get you?!” You yell, still in denial, frantically checking in hopes that his boot saved him. Your heart falls into your stomach at the sight of broken skin, blood staining your fingers where you hold the hem of his trousers away to get a better look. You're frozen on the spot, tears clinging to your lashes. “Hobie,” you gasp, taking off your scarf to make a makeshift tourniquet around and above the bite. “Fuck—!”
“You okay?!” He does the same to you, heaving, ripping off your sleeves like a madman trying to find the secrets hidden in your skin. He prays that he finds none. His eyes widen, terrified, broken hearted, shaking his head, refusing the fact that you're infected. “No,” he shakes his head again, closing the torn up cloth around the slowly rotting wound. “It's just a scratch, love, y-you’re not—”
“Hobie…” you smile bitterly, eyes mirroring his own. He rips the hem of his shirt, using the cloth to wrap it around your arm, just above the wound in an attempt to stop the spread. He ignores the stinging pain on his leg. “Hobie, stop, it's—”
“We can still stop it!” He yells desperately, tying the cloth tightly. “It's just a scratch.”
“Hobie, please.” You hold his trembling hands, “it has been ten minutes.” He refuses, you squeeze his hand weakly, the virus already taking hold. Slowly killing you. “And—” with trembling hands, you show him the gaping bite on your neck, oozing dark decaying blood. He choked on a sob. “B-but there's a chance for you, your abilities might've made you immune—”
“No, if you're goin’, ‘m goin’” He stands up, not giving up on you. “There's a chemist’s ‘ere, maybe if w-we…” he puts on a brave face amidst the impending doom and rotten flesh that stings his nose. “Maybe there's somethin’ there.” Hand reaching down, you smile up at him, orange and pink hues from the sky dancing around your face. “C-can you get up?” His voice breaks, chest heaving. “I can carry you. Don't make me carry you, love.”
You slide your hand onto his own. “Hobie,” your voice is soft above the mindless groaning below. His eyes beg you to move. So you do. “Okay,” with a single word, you bring him hope.
With divided effort, you both make it towards the roof of the pharmacy. He was uncharacteristically silent the whole way, but his hand never left yours. His eyes never met with your wounds that's slowly festering. You feel it inside you, the fever, the virus that's eating at you, spreading throughout your body, gnawing at every bit of your warmth like a seed taking root. Hobie feels it too, he's terrified that you're experiencing it too. It's his worst fears came to life only because he wasn't fast enough.
Opening the creaky door, he hopes that it's devoid of the undead. Like he's not on the brink of eating flesh, he does his usual prep. He strums his guitar softly to attract any walking corpses waiting behind doors, when none comes out, he cracks the door wider. With his torch, he lights up the way. But he doesn't feel your presence behind him.
Looking over his shoulder was a mistake, he finds you hunched over the doorway, groaning quietly, nails clawing at the throbbing wound around your neck. That's the moment he knew that you'd go out before him. For the first time, he curses his gifts.
Slowly, he crosses the distance towards you, shaking hands grasping your shoulders. You're warm, incredibly warm. “Love?” He could cry, but he doesn't want you to see his sorrow.
You sniff, tears streaming down your face from the pain and the tragedy of it all. You've accepted that you were infected, but not him, you'd take the virus from him too if you could. “I'm s-sorry, so fucking sorry. I should've—”
“Oi, none of that, yeah? You're gonna be fine.” He says it to convince himself. “You'll be back on your feet tomorrow and by then we'll see Yuri and the others.” Nodding, he takes you by your arm, careful of making your wounds worse. There's blood sticking to his clothes, seeping through his clammy skin. He hates the fact that it was yours. Bringing you behind the counter, you almost keep over. “I've got you, I've got you.” He says it against your temple like a prayer.
“H-Hobie.” You sob, salty tears marring your pretty face. “I can't— it hurts.” The gnawing feeling gets worse, as if a chainsaw is ripping you apart from the inside. “It's so hot, I–I can't breathe.”
“O-okay, I'll set you down ‘ere, get you comfortable. There's some fever meds over there. It'll help.” His hazel eyes pleads for anyone, anything that'll help you. He helps you sit down, and you immediately lie down on the cold tiles. “Do you want a blanket?”
“N-no,” you're hot and cold at the same time. “I don't know.” You look up at him, he sees the light in your eyes fading. “I don't feel so good, Hobs.”
Hobie could only look away from you, inhaling, exhaling but it doesn't feel like he's breathing right. He kneels down, setting his guitar next to you, palm placed on your forehead. “This is nothing, love.” He tries to smile, but fails. “Remember when you had the flu?” You nod weakly, “you were a fuckin' beast, you beat it on your own in just a few days.”
Even though you feel your heartbeat going faster and then slowing down in a weird rhythm like a heartbeat monitor going haywire, you smile for him. “I was, wasn't I?”
He rubs your bicep, under his touch, he feels your muscle twitch. “Yeah, you still are.”
You chuckle softly, tears sliding down your cheeks and into the cold tiles. “Okay, get me the meds.”
“That's my girl,” laying his forehead atop yours, he hopes that he'll take your pain away with the simple gesture, but it's futile. “I'll be back, I promise.”
“Don’t make me wait.”
Smiling, he squeezes your arm. “Never.” Standing up, he rummages through the entire place for the pills you need. Crouching down to check under the broken shelves, climbing up on the walls to get a bird's eye view, and all the while ignoring his own pain. It's slim pickings, but he manages to find a single bottle of tylenol that has rolled under a shelf, it's not enough, but it'll do.
With a victorious sigh, he quickly makes it to the counter, rounding the corner, he sees you wheezing, catching your breath and with blood leaking out from your eyes and ears. “No, no, no!” He takes you in his arms, making you sit up. “I've got the meds, love. Oi, open your eyes for me.” You crack one eye open tiredly. “That's it, good job.” He almost cries when you smile at him through the thick fog of illness.
“G-good job,” you murmur, he doesn't know if you're delirious or you're congratulating him for finding the medicine.
“Bottoms up.” He brings two pills to your mouth, to which you gladly take. Giving you his canteen, you drink most of it, downing the tepid water. “That's good, see, you're already gettin' better.”
You shake your head weakly, barely opening your eyes. “Thanks to you, Hobie.”
“Yeah, thanks to me.” He tries to joke but it comes out choked when blood still leaks out of your tear ducts. Sitting next to you, he now feels his temperature rise so he takes the same amount of pills as you.
You lay your head on his shoulder, hand shakily reaching towards his own. “I'm sorry.”
He almost breaks down at your apology. “Nothin' to apologize for, love.” Meeting your hand halfway, he intertwined his fingers with yours, you're cold now, frozen under his hold. “D’you want that blanket now?”
“Please,” you wheeze out.
Hobie obliges, taking a thick blanket from his pack and then draping it around you as if it'll protect you from the infection. “There, nice and cozy, eh?”
“Thank you,” he feels your crimson fall down on his collar. “For everything.”
“None of that, Y/N, please. None of that.”
“I still want to talk to you.” Your voice is soft and small. “I still want to stay with you.”
Hobie brings your intertwined hands to his lips, kissing each knuckle softly. “And we will be, after this—” a sob escapes from him. “After this, we'll be together, yeah? Just like how we talked about.”
“Forever and ever?”
His tears flow freely, “yeah, forever and ever.” After a beat of silence, he fears the worst. “Love?”
You cough, he sighs in relief. “Still here, Hobs, not leaving yet.”
“Not yet,” embracing you, he lays his chin atop your head, you're made comfortable in his hold. Home, you feel like you're back home in his houseboat, watching a shitty romcom while he rambles on about his patrol. You want to be back there again. He wants to be back there again. “Can I say somethin'?”
You hum into his chest, squeezing his hand tighter but your sickness, he barely felt it.
“I don't want to…” he could barely say it. “I don't want to kill you. ‘m sorry, I know we talked about it—”
You lean up, he's met with milky eyes, he knows you can barely see him now. “Then don't, I don't want you to—” you pause, clinging to humanity. “— to feel that before you go.”
Nodding, he kisses your forehead, crying, weeping into your skin. “I couldn't save you, ‘m so fuckin' sorry, love, ‘m so sorry.” He shakes, you gather enough strength to embrace him and bury yourself in his chest, letting his scent waft around you for comfort.
“Don't apologize, nothin' to apologize for.”
He sniffs, peppering your face with heavy weakened kisses. “Oi, don't use my own words against me.”
You smile against the rough leather of his jacket. “Can I say something?”
“Go,” he can practically see the countdown. “We have all the time in the world, love.” There's something warm leaking out of his eyes and ears. He's catching up to you.
You'd laugh but you can feel your life slipping through your fingers. “When we turn, I don't want us to be separated.”
“What do you propose?” He tries to inhale but he could only let out a sickening cough.
“Tie our hands together…really tight.” Your words fade away, but you still hold on.
“I've got rope here, I can do it now.”
“But I'll turn first, Hobie, I-I might—”
“It'll be my honour to be your first meal.”
“I'd laugh if we weren't dying right now.” Eyes too tired to open, you feel the rough rope around your wrist, and the unmistakable sound of a knot getting tied. You smile for the last time when you feel his fingers wrap around your own. “I love you.”
“How's that? Too tight?” He whispers close, he feels you slipping away, “Y/N? Love?” he breaks down when your hand falls limp around his own. “Not yet, please, not yet.” He holds you, rocking you back and forth like a babe needing to be held. Your heart doesn't beat in sync with his anymore. “C’mon, not yet, we still have to find the rest of the band, right?” His eyes cloud over, cold taking root inside his entire body. “Say somethin’, fuck!” He yells with all his might, “I love you, fuck, please wake up.”
Closing his eyes, he wraps you in what's left of his warmth. “Don't go, please.” Hobie pleads and cries until he can no longer breathe the same air as you. His last thoughts were of you.
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artyandink · 4 months
𝙾𝙻𝙳 𝙵𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙳 | bartender!dean winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester needs a job after his little brother left for Stanford, and he’s good at mixing drinks. You happen to work at Harvelle’s Roadhouse, which is the place he chose to work at. He finds a family. He finds a new life. But he also finds you. But you have problems of your own.
A/N - My first reader series, do make sure to comment and/or reblog feedback. Set with S1/2 Dean cause I love our baby boy 😁 and pretend group chats exist on old phones lol
A/N 2 - All the chapters are named after drinks. The intensity of the chapter depends on the drink I chose for the title :) and banners are by @cafekitsune
TW: Alcohol (duh), mentions of drugs, roofies, abuse, mentions of abuse/r@pe, smoking, Ruby (she’s a warning in itself), unhinged group chat (also a warning in itself)
two - daiquiri
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Megolodon: Cassieeee
Casanova: What?
Megolodon: You’re late
You: Yeahhhh, we’ve been waiting for weeks
Ben Dover: Sabbatical’s over, brother
Casanova: I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
Ruby-gina George: To hell with fifteen minutes, get your ass over here
Megolodon: Listen to the nice lady
Ruby-gina George: Shut up
Megolodon: Bite me
Ruby-gina George: Keep it up and I just might
Megolodon: I bet you’d like to
bDe: didn’t know you two swung that way
You: Neither did I
Ruby-gina George: WAIT NO
ScarJo: That’s news to me
Ben Dover: News to all of us, darling
Queen B: I leave for FIVE MINUTES and we’re already out of the closet
Ruby-gina George: NO CLOSETS
Ruby-gina George: HELL NO
Ruby-gina George: NO CLOSETS
ScarJo: We accept you, dw
Ruby-gina George: die in a hole
bDe: sounds like overcompensating
Ruby-gina George: ALL OF YOU DIE IN A HOLE
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The clink of glasses filled the atmosphere, along with merry shouts, whistles and cheers as glass after glass slammed down onto the counter. But it wasn’t patrons, no. Afternoons were always chilled out, since not many patrons stopped by. The evenings always got the raunchiest. So here you all were, egging on Castiel and Benny in a shot contest. There were five shots of the Roadhouse’s strongest bottle of hard liquor, and you were all seeing who could down them the fastest. None of the people in the room were lightweights. There were lightweights, heavyweights, and then there were the bartenders at the Roadhouse, who Meg liked to call ‘jumbo-weights’.
“DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!” You were yelling, your voice mixed with those of Dean, Meg, Bela, Ruby and Jo. Benny finished first, slamming down the shot glass and whooping loudly, not even that buzzed while Cas dejectedly sipped his last shot, having missed by the fraction of a second.
“Cassie, sweetie, don’t beat yourself up about it.” Meg purred, gripping Cas’ shoulders tightly from behind. “You’re out of practice.”
“Or maybe I’m just good at throwing ‘em back.” Benny smirked, but then his smile dropped. “That sounded better in my head.”
“Glad we can agree.” You snickered, then cleared up the shot glasses. “C’mon, what next?”
“Meg.” Ruby shot up from her seat, beckoning her over. “You. Me. Shot challenge. Now.”
“So polite.” Meg drawled, but got up anyway, a familiar sultry smile on her lips as she lined up for the competition. “Bring it on, darling, I can do this in my sleep.” Benny racked the shots, a giggle coming from your mouth as Dean awkwardly looked to Castiel.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” Dean smiled, putting his hand out. “Dean. Winchester.”
“Castiel Novak, but everyone calls me Cas.” Cas shook Dean’s hand, finding himself warming up to this stranger.
“Cas.” Dean repeated under his breath, then nodded. “Alright, Cas. Let’s get you some water to wash down that hard liquor.”
“That would be ideal.” Cas nodded, instantly following Dean. In the meantime, Ruby and Meg were slamming back shots, and Ruby was just tagging behind Meg. You were egging them on, but you noticed something. Ruby usually downed shots easy as breathing. Now she wasn’t, which confused you. However, you brushed it off. It couldn’t be something bad. Your resident Regina George always was tough as hell.
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Ruby-gina George: Been there, done that messed around
Megolodon: I'm having fun, don't put me down
Ruby-gina George: I'll never let you sweep me off my feet
bDe: *dies of laughter*
ScarJo: I’ve been on a beer run for FIVE MINUTES and y’all go mad
Queen B: Tsk tsk, eyes on the road, hon
ScarJo: Joke’s on you, I’m in the store
Ben Dover: Damn, how’d you get there so fast
ScarJo: I stole the keys to Val
Queen B: explosion incoming-
You: You did WHAT?!
Megolodon: Girlie, it’s just a car
Ruby-gina George: how dare you, Val’s a masterpiece
Megolodon: I mean, she shouldn’t take it that heavily
bDe: no she absolutely should, go to town sweetheart
Ben Dover: Dean, brother, don’t encourage that behaviour
bDe: i will
Ben Dover: What if someone stole your car, then
bDe: murder
ScarJo: oh wow
bDe: lots of murder
Ben Dover: Brother-
bDe: torture first
bDe: lots of torture, then a whole lotta murder
ScarJo: Benny, you chose the wrong role models
You: shut up, YOU TOOK VAL
bDe: then more murder, and i’m gonna throw the bodies in a lake, no one will ever know
Ruby-gina George: Hold up, I’m coming with you
You: Jo, I’ve got your gravestone prepped
ScarJo: And you say we’re unhinged
You: Get your ass back to the roadhouse
bDe: i’ll get away with it, I swear
Megolodon: Why am I actually enjoying this
bDe: if I can’t have my baby, no one can
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Evenings were always the more raunchy of times at the Roadhouse. The bar was now full of chatting passers-by, girls dressed in skimpy clothes and biker boys with tattoos winding around their necks. The shift today was yours, Ruby’s, Dean’s and Meg’s. There were an overwhelming amount of females working at the Roadhouse, if you were incredibly honest. As for the employees not working behind the bar, they were roughing it up at a booth, hollering and hooting like owls at a baseball game.
“So, darlin’, what do you do in your free time?” Dean asked you, cleaning out a glass with a rag and shooting a wink to a couple of giggling girls nearby. You poured a whiskey for a patron, sliding it across the table.
“Well, I’m a big fan of joyrides.” You answered with a goofy grin. “My Mustang’s always fun to take a spin in.” The mention of your Mustang got Dean’s eyebrows up to his hairline as he pointed out of the window.
“That beaut’s yours?” He exclaimed in disbelief, laughing. “Damn. That’s a serious muscle car.”
“Yeah, my Valkyrie. Val’s my sweetheart, always will be.” You looked up wistfully at the mention of your beloved car. “And your Chevy Impala, she’s absolutely gorgeous. I could listen to her purr all day.”
“That’s my Baby.” He bore the same wistful look you did, then nudged you. “We should take ‘em out for spins. Y’know, joyrides.”
“You sure?” You chuckled, looking up at him. “I don’t drive easy.”
“Even better.” He gave you a little wink paired with a click of his tongue. He flipped a bottle in his hand, pouring a whiskey shot expertly and handing it to you. “Ma’am.”
“Sir.” You took the shot with a chuckle, sending the glass over to the sink. “Thanks, I needed that.”
“You’re very welcome.” He poured himself a shot and downed it, and you couldn’t help but focus slightly on his pouty, pink lips, almost hyper-fixating on them. But you tore your eyes away to serve a customer at the bar, a rather shady-looking guy who had a snake tattoo on his neck. He was also wearing sunglasses inside, which had Dean raising an eyebrow.
“You know who wears sunglasses inside?” He muttered into your ear as the man ordered a glass of Jack Daniel’s with his eyes on Meg. “Blind people… and douchebags.”
“I can’t fault you for that logic.” You laughed, pouring the man a glass and passing it to him as you turned back to Dean. “About that joyride, I’m down.”
His eyes lit up, a puppy-like grin now on his face as he fully faced you, elbow leaning on the counter. You couldn’t help but stare deep into those mossy eyes, mirroring the infectious smile on his face just as Meg stumbled up to you both with a groggy smile on your face, whiskey glass clutched tightly in her hand.
“You t-two look so… cute.” She giggled, leaning heavily on you. You saw the glass cup in her hand, and you caught a whiff of… Jack Daniel’s? “Smilin’ at each other, lovin’ each other, so adorable!” You raised an eyebrow, holding her steady as she continued to ramble. “You should marry each other. Ugh, I feel so… weird.”
“Does Meg usually get this slammed?” Dean whispered, and you shook your head, confused. That’s when Ruby sprang out from behind the bar, grabbing the guy by the scruff of his neck and slamming his head roughly down on the counter. “Woah, damn!”
“Ruby!” You gasped, but she snatched the glass from your hands and showed you the contents. There was a powdery white substance in it that you instantly recognised. “Damn it- she’s been roofied.”
“Bastard thought he was smooth with it.” She growled, holding the guy down. “It takes Meg a lot of strong tequila and a Long Island to make her that slammed.”
“I’m surprised you know that, but I’ll take your word for it.”
“I’m callin’ the police. Get this jackass locked up.” Dean glared daggers at who could’ve been Meg’s potential assaulter as he dialled the emergency number and explained the situation. Meg clung onto you, and you felt bad for her as you went to haul her off to bed, entertaining her every mindless babble about something or the other.
“You’re pretty.” Meg slurred as she hobbled with you. “You look like Rubes. She’s pretty too. Very pretty.”
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous.” You replied dryly, not out of disdain for Ruby but rather out of extreme concern for your friend. “Absolutely stunning.” Though there was part truth in that. You’d always wanted to be like Ruby- not give much of a damn. Able to speak every weird and/or rude comment that came to her mind and everyone would worship her for it. She could talk openly about where she came from, confidently, with a flick of her blonde hair and my-give-a-hoots-are-on-vacation attitude, but you weren’t inclined to open your mouth about it. “Let’s get you in here.”
You opened the door to your bedroom, limping to the bed and just letting Meg flop- “Wheeeeee!” She squealed as she went, but then was out cold the moment her face hit the mattress. You smiled at her antics despite the seriousness of the situation, drawing up your blanket and tucking her in, staying with her for a bit until you were sure she was ok. Then, as you descended the stairs, you’d found that the gang had cleared out the bar, which was helpful in the current climate. Especially now that the dude had been carted off to the nearest station.
You made eye contact with Ruby, who looked livid, but softened slightly when she saw you. “Is she ok?” She asked expectantly, and the tension seemed to lift a fraction when you nodded.
“We’re gonna have to tell my mom about this.” Jo sighed, drumming her fingers on the table. “She’s gonna be pissed.”
“The dude who tried his luck on Meg?” Dean shrugged, his brow furrowed a tad in concern. “His luck’s gonna say adiós once Ellen gets her hands on him.”
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A few days later, you were up early, sat talking to Dean in one of the booths before you went on your joyride. The sun filtered in through rickety blinds, illuminating Dean’s emerald eyes as they gazed at you in a way that would bore through your soul. You hadn’t known Dean for more than a week, but he was such an easy person to be around. He was witty, but sometimes had trouble coming up with comebacks when flustered, had an easy demeanour while also seemingly being kind of lost himself. He was like a walking contradiction, and it intrigued you to no end. He could look like a sharp-jawed, drop dead gorgeous heartbreaker, but in his grey Henley, he just looked soft and innocent. Handsome and sweet.
Though, you knew he was too good for you. What with his smooth words, caring personality and overall just being Dean. You were, if anyone find out where you came from, a personified chessboard. Your entire being was checkered with black and white.
“C’mon.” He stood up, looking to the jukebox on the other side of the room. “Let’s dance.”
“Let’s what, sorry?” Your eyebrows raised slightly as he jogged over to the jukebox, playing Tiny Dancer by Elton John and outstretching his hand for you. “Oh, no, I’m not a dancer.”
“C’mon, don’t leave me hangin’ here.” Dean’s outstretched hand beckoned you over almost like a siren’s call, and what with his boyish grin, the charming sparkle in his eyes and the overall feeling of being wanted got you up with him and taking his calloused hand in your own, skin tingling with the feel of the ring on his finger, his own feeling sparks upon the silver band on your hand pressing against his warm skin. He drew you close, his arm around your waist in a sort of non-pervy way, like he wasn’t trying to force himself on you.
“Warning. I might step on your toes.” You gave him a look which was playfully serious, but Dean just gave you a cocky grin. Damn that smile.
“Just follow me, sweetheart, and you’ll be fine.” He raised the other hand that was already interlocked with his, the low rumble of his voice putting you at ease as he swayed you both from side to side, moving in a circle with a look in his eyes that he couldn’t explain as he gazed down at you. “See? You’re a goddamn natural.”
“Maybe I have a good teacher.” You replied smoothly, which seemed to stroke his ego, as he shot you a wink and a click of his tongue.
“Damn right, you do.” Dean gave you a bashful chuckle, then bit his lip as he smiled, both of you continuing the slow spin in a circle while Elton’s mellow voice hazed the atmosphere. “I’m gonna spin you, ok?”
“Don’t drop me.” You quipped, and he shook his head with a laugh.
“Don’t tempt me, darlin’.” He spun you out and then in, his arms crossed over your front.
“Did you have special dance lessons?” You asked with a giggle, holding his hands, his fingers gently rubbing and playing with yours. “You’re really good at this.”
“Well, my friend Bobby taught me.” Dean sighed into your ear, a low chuckle falling past his lips. “He’s a grouchy ol’ bastard, but I had a prom date that I needed to impress. Sadly, I never got to go with her. I was… sick… on the night of prom.” You brushed off the brief hesitancy, instead enjoying this brief moment of calm. Dean could tell that your nerves were frazzled from the events of Wednesday night. That’s the great thing about Dean. He reads people easily, all for his insistence on having no emotional intelligence whatsoever. You assumed that this was a distraction method.
“Ellen’s always been one for dancing.” You mentioned, shrugging as you rocked from side to side. You saw Ellen as practically a second mom. She took you in, and Benny, when you needed it. But she was lonely, and you were pained to see her like that. “But she hasn’t in a while. Not since she lost her husband.”
“Huh.” Dean’s voice had an intrigued tone to it. Like he had an idea. “We should set ‘em up.”
“Ellen… and this Bobby of yours?”
“Yeah, they’re the same age, both lonely old souls - with all due respect - and they would get along.” He tilted your head with his index so you’d look at him and his charismatic smirk, just begging you to say yes. “Whaddya say we play matchmaker, sweetheart?”
You found yourself conceding quickly to this man’s goddamn charms. “Ok, fine. But if this goes south, you’re to blame.”
“Duly noted.” He laughed, nodding proudly and squeezing your hand. “That deserves another spin.” He spun you again, so then you were facing him. “Y’know, I’m kinda honoured. Pretty lady such as you, dancin’ with a grunt like me… gives a man all sorts of ideas.”
“Are you flirting with me, Dean?” You raised a playful eyebrow, again involuntarily finding yourself giggling like a lovesick schoolgirl at his smooth words.
“That’s rather bold.”
“I don’t see you complaining.” You both locked eyes for a moment, then burst out into laughter, his lower register mixing well with yours in the dim, naturally lit room.
You were happy with this man. Really happy, that you’d found a good friend. You found a good friend in Dean Winchester.
And he’d found a new home in you.
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The purr of Baby’s engine.
The windows rolled down and blowing through your hair.
Guns ‘n’ Roses’ ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ playing on a cassette tape.
All of it had you hooked on an impossibly addictive high, hopped up on the euphoria of singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs with Dean in the driver’s seat, a grin that could only connote inner nostalgia on his face as you both belted out the words off by heart. The feeling of the wind on your face, the thrill of how fast Baby was speeding down the highway and the sensation of being unchained… it all got you above the altitude of a kite.
Far above.
Dean’s eyes were on you when he wasn’t looking at the road, admiring the way the light hit the curve of your face and illuminated your eyes. He took in your sweet voice, filling him like a warm hug. He’d not known you for long, but to him, you were home. Someone he could turn to.
He found himself hooked on that pretty smile. Your smooth words that contrasted your otherwise humble nature. How one second you could be the calming force and next you’re busting out your wild side like nobody’s business. You seemed so… sure… of who you were. So easy on a misguided soul like him.
After his baby brother went to Stanford, his father didn’t see much point of keeping him there. John was a drunk, and a notoriously violent one at that, and he’d prevented Dean from going to college so he could take care of Sam. But his Sammy was all grown up, and he didn’t need Dean anymore. That broke him in pieces, and made him desperate to find someone to pick them up because he’d lost them.
He turned to you with a wide grin, meeting your eyes as the final chorus blared on the radio. There was no place you two would rather have been right now than here, just letting loose and having fun. Neither of you were allowed to be kids. Sammy was Dean’s reminder, and the ring on your finger was yours.
Painful reminders, but they were both ones you couldn’t let go.
Then Dean switched the cassette tape once the final notes rolled out, Eye of the Tiger playing loud and proud on the speakers.
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This was like trying to get Sammy to eat his proteins when he was a kid. Only harder.
“C’mon, Bobby, it’s just a date.” Dean reasoned, chuckling slightly at his surrogate father sat in Baby’s passenger seat and looking rather like a pug with the grumpy face he had on. “You’re gonna sit down, be yourself and everything’ll go smooth like butter.”
Bobby bristled, glaring daggers at Dean, lips pursed. “See, that’s easy to say when you’re not the one on this date, boy. She’s gonna be some classy broad who orders a pinot noir, or a Chateau Margaux or whatever-the-hell, and I’m gonna be stuck wonderin’ what the hell all these fancy names mean.”
“See, you don’t know until you try.”
“Don’t give me that chick flick crap, you idjit.”
“Look, all I’m saying is don’t get too hopped up on the idea of being perfect for Ellen.” Dean shrugged. “Be cool, yeah, and flatter her, give her some compliments and make her feel at home, but don’t go saying things like-”
“This sucks balls.” Bobby grumbled, not at all to Dean’s surprise.
“See? Don’t say that.” He saw Ellen in the rear view mirror, and clapped Bobby’s shoulder. “Ok, Bobby, you’re up. Knock her socks off for me, yeah?”
Bobby had no choice but to get out of the car, hoping that he didn’t look like a fool, or maybe his gelled back hair was neat and didn’t have a dreaded flyaway. That his collar wasn’t popped. That his jeans didn’t have some unexplained stain on them. He stepped to Ellen, who gave him a warm smile. “Balls.” He muttered under his breath. She really did look like a classy lady, which sent his embarrassment into overdrive.
“Hi, I’m Ellen.” She introduced, her voice smooth as honey and making Bobby even more nervous that yes, this woman was definitely far above his league.
“Bobby.” He replied stiffly, but then held out his arm. “Shall we?”
“Guess so.” They linked arms, striding towards the restaurant, where you and Dean had made a reservation. When the two were guided to their table, they were provided with a drinks menu. Ellen didn’t even take one minute scanning it, flicking through at the speed of light and announcing that she knew what she wanted. Bobby, however, was stumped. Wine? Pinot grigio? Champagne? But there were so many options for one champagne. Why couldn’t the damn drink options be more simple? Beer was definitely out of the question, though his mouth watered and taste buds craved for the Heineken embossed in gold on the menu.
But he knew that he wanted the medium rare steak, announcing that to Ellen, who replied that she’d be having sea bass fillets with specialised dressing and garnish which sounded rather fancy. It did nothing to soothe Bobby’s poor nerves. Ellen, meanwhile, was torn between remaining soft spoken with this man or being, y’know, herself. He seemed decent, and considerate, with the way he carefully looked over the drinks and food menus.
“Madam, sir, can I take your order?” A waiter with a flip notebook arrived beside them, and Bobby gestured for Ellen to speak, not wanting to seem overbearing.
“The sea bass fillet with the special dressing and garnish,” Ellen answered smoothly, her eyes flicking to Bobby to gauge his reaction to the next words, “and one Heineken.”
The choice of drink lifted Bobby’s spirits instantly, and that gave him the green light to not strive to impress the beautiful lady across from him. “And I’ll have the steak, medium rare. And as for the drink, I’ll have what the lady’s having.”
“Of course.” The waiter took the menus and left the table, inciting a moment for the two to laugh at their own anxiety.
“You thought I’d be one of those high-horse, classy women, didn’t you?” Ellen guessed, and Bobby nodded bashfully.
“Guilty. I haven’t done this in a long while.” He chuckled, warming up to Ellen quickly. “You’re a woman after my own heart. Always loved a good Heineken.”
“You and me both.”
After they’d had dinner, they exited the restaurant, but instead of parting ways, Bobby offered his arm once more to Ellen. “Mind walking for a while with this ol’ fool?”
“Not at all.”
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“Jo.” Ruby sat down in front of Jo, who was in animated conversation with Charlie. They both turned to her in surprise and identical raised eyebrows. “And you, Charlie. I need advice.”
Maybe Charlie could help. After all, she was an expert in the field Ruby needed advice on. This was an extremely unfamiliar topic, even though she’d grown up in a family full of suspiciously close women.
Oh, god, this was nerve wracking.
Jo looked concerned, but nodded, and Charlie did the same. “Sure, go ahead.” Jo gestured for Ruby to continue, while Charlie sat eagerly forward in her seat, waiting for Ruby to speak.
“Ok.” She took a deep breath, her eyes briefly flicking to Meg. “What if… what if I…”
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oneforthemunny · 4 months
hey girl!! :) can 6D% be my roll pleaseeee
of course <3 your roll: boucer!eddie, bent over, and dealer's choice, which in this case, i chose a wooden spoon.
minors dni. dom/sub themes, spanking, exhibitionism?? maybe a little teeny bit??
"How about we make this closing a little different?" Eddie leaned against the bar you were wiping down. "A little interesting?"
You hummed, lifting a brow. "Yeah? What do you have in mind, Munson?"
Eddie grinned, fingertips tapping on the sticky wood. "You get one side, I get the other, we see who can stack the chairs the fastest." His eyes lit up with excitement. "Winner decides the loser's punishment."
"Punishment?" You laughed. "That sounds a little freaky."
Eddie shrugged. "Could be, if you want it to be." His eyes rolled over your frame, lingering over your cut off shorts. "Definitely will be if I win."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes lightly, wiping under his arm before throwing the rag back in the sudsy water. "Fine." You nodded. "Dealer's choice."
Eddie's smile widened, you weren't even sure how it was possible, but it left you tingling with excitement, going to the front. He was a true gentleman, gave you the low top tables, calling out the signal when you both started. Flipping and stacking the chairs on the table, you were moving faster than ever, faster than the Blackout Wednesday rush. You were sure, certain, that you had won, moving to your last table with a smug grin.
"Done!" Eddie yelled, slamming the stool on the hightop for emphasis. He clapped his hands together, pointing at you. "I win, baby, I fucking win!"
"Shit," You muttered, stacking the chair with a slower, grumbling grunt. Eddie continued his gloating lap, cackling and whooping around the empty bar. "Fine, you won." You huffed.
"I did." Eddie grinned, stepping towards you. "And I know exactly what your punishment will be." You shuddered at his words, gripping the chairs legs, pushing them onto the table.
"Y-Yeah?" You tried to keep your voice even, to swallow down your thrill. "What's that?"
Eddie tapped his fingers on his chin dramatically, tantalizing you. "Hm, you know, I think you've been driving me fucking wild in those shorts all night, and I think you need to be punished for that."
"Oh," Your body burned, chin ducking shyly. You knew exactly what he was wanting. It was still new, something the two of you were exploring, finding more and more of a thrill each time you played.
"Come on," Eddie nodded towards the freshly cleaned bar top, wood still shining with water that hadn't yet dried. "Bend over for me. Stick that pretty little ass out."
"Here?" You squeaked, eyes widening with shock, maybe thrill. You liked the idea of Eddie putting you in your place, in charge and calling the shots, but not necessarily at work.
"Yeah, here. Where else?" Eddie shrugged lightly. "C'mon, bend over for me. Just a warm up. I'll give you the rest when we get back to my place."
"Eddie," You eyes him cautiously, thighs pressing together in contradiction. "I don't know... Here?"
"Baby, why are you worried?" Eddie frowned lightly. "It's just us here."
"I know," You twisted your hands nervously. "It's just... what if we get caught?"
"How?" Eddie grinned lightly. "No cameras, in this place. I locked the doors. I mean, we've never gotten caught in the walk in."
You burned, cheeks flushing with heat at the memory mixed with his goofy, excited grin. It didn't take much convincing, leaning forward after one glance of his hungry eyes.
"Uh-uh," Eddie clicked. "Take those shorts off."
"-No," He shook his head. "You know how I like you." He scanned your features carefully, his own softening. "Baby, no one's here. I promise. I'll check again for you."
You nodded, fingers toying with your jean's button. "Thank you." You whispered, watching him jog towards the front, yanking on the locked door, then jog to the back. You waited until you heard the familiar thudding pull of the locked door, hooking your fingers in the loops of your jean shorts, shimmying them down to your knees.
You planted your hands on the counter in front of you, ass out and presented just the way Eddie liked, the way you knew would drive him wild.
Eddie came back after a moment too long, just enough to leave you curious but not suspect- not yet anyways.
"Mm, look at you." Eddie groaned, reaching out to grab two handfuls of your ass. "Look fuckin' amazing."
"Thank you," You rasped, keeping your eyes forward. "Hurry, Eddie. We still have to take the trash out. Ellen's going to get suspicious on what took us so long."
"Alright," Eddie nodded, reaching for something you couldn't quite make out in his back pocket. "Do this quick then. Finish you off at home, how's that sound?"
You squirmed, a flooding rush of heat spilling straight to your core. Eddie gave your cheek a final squeeze, his hand replaced with something cold and hard.
You frowned, turning to look over your shoulder. "Wha-" The wooden spoon fell before you could finish your question, a gasp tearing through you at the stunning pain.
Eddie watched you, eyes dark but excited, a small smile on his face. You looked at him, eyes wide with surprise. "You said you wanted to try some new things." He shrugged sweetly. "This alright?"
You faltered only for a moment, the surprise shocking you more than the spoon. Swallowing, you nodded slowly, sticking your ass back out, looking forward.
Eddie brought down the spoon again and again, alternating from sharp smacks to harder hits that left you squealing, back hunching in surprise, dancing from foot to foot.
It was short lived, but enough to leave you stinging and throbbing, jeans scratchy and uncomfortable against the irritated skin. Eddie gathered the trash in record time, scrubbing the spoon furiously before flinging it onto the drying rack, the two of you racing giggly and giddy to the van and back to his place.
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robthegoodfellow · 11 months
He Loves Me, Loves Me, Loves Me
Wet & Messy, Your Choice (Feminization), Breeding Kink, Begging for belated Days 24/25/29 of @harringrovekinktober additional incidental use of sex toys, praise kink, orgasm denial, dom/sub dynamic, role playing, come play, mirror sex, oh and minor food kink?? food play?? idk a cinnamon bun is involved
(roommates, kink experimentation, nsfw, billy is a good girl)
Handy Links to Previous Chapters: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done? Robin had asked, a couple summers ago. Like, in bed? They’d been driving to Chicago for an Indigo Girls concert—not because either of them were massive fans, but because Robin was on the rebound and Steve her sworn wingman. Also he had a car. 
Caught off guard—moments before, she’d been narrating the time she’d bussed to the Windy City to meet up with an old friend from band camp who’d caved to their sapphic chemistry—Steve had stuttered an apparently disappointing answer: Ah… anal, I guess? And belatedly clarified, at her wide-eyed stare, Not me—I mean, with a few girls. Her surprise morphed to an eyeroll, complete with dismissive huff. Sorry for not being more adventurous, he drawled. 
She patted his arm, consoling. Sorry for your vanilla lifestyle. Because her lifestyle, it seemed, had been infused with some spice of late. That girl I was telling you about? I fucked her. After finals. With a strap-on.
Just to be annoying, Steve had feigned a bored nonchalance. Wow—hands-free dildo. Whoop-dee-doo.
Funny thing, she shot back, smirking. What you can do with hands-free. Did her better than a guy ever had, she said.
He’d held out for maybe ten seconds before curiosity won. What was it like?
Fucking hot, she exclaimed, all self-satisfied loftiness abandoned. And not just the actual fucking part. It was like—hands waved, searching for the words—like it was hot just having it on, and feeling it hang as I moved and… and it changed how I moved? Like I finally understood why guys walk like that. At Steve’s questioning glance amidst the chuckles, she clarified. Like I had this swagger. This strut. And I liked it—this different version of me that just took the wheel. My inner dude or something.
Obviously, the Steve of the here and now could have listed quite a few far wilder things than coming in the back door, and now he had a clearer sense of what Robin had been trying to explain—that strangely electrifying sense of being something else, something other than you usually were. This bodily possession, except not by any demon, but by something that had been in you all along, only dormant. 
It wasn’t his recent forays into alternate headspaces that had triggered the memory of that car ride, though. No, the flash hit him the morning Billy greeted him in the kitchen in a cheerleading skirt, hair tied in a high messy knot—when Steve was corralled to the kitchen table while Billy brought him a cup of coffee, a cinnamon bun on a plate. 
Because he was moving different, too, and not just on account of the toy almost certainly snug in his ass. Like his steps were… more delicate, more fluid—this languid grace and daintiness, this sway that translated to the hem of the pleats hanging from his hips, brushing his upper thighs. It was feminine. This enticing feminine flare. Entrancing.
Steve leaned back in his chair as Billy set the plate and mug before him. Sighed, all forlorn. “Think the sight of you has me too weak to eat.” 
Billy bit the inside of his lip, tolerantly amused—took Steve’s hand when it was offered to carefully settle astride his lap, facing him, and twisted to retrieve the cinnamon bun. Holding it level with Steve’s mouth, he cautioned: “Better not move too much, then. Regain your strength.” Waited for the nod, then allowed a bite—helped himself to one, too, while Steve chewed. Giggled soft when Steve moaned fuck, so good through the mouthful.
Billy licked the icing from Steve’s lips when they were done—let Steve lick the icing from sticky fingers, energy sufficiently recovered to gently grip the raised wrist between them. Good girl was a warm squirming weight by then, seeking friction, so Steve opted to relax a bit—retrieve his coffee, ignore the blood rushing south. Take his time. He was, however, well within his rights to rest his free hand on Billy’s ass, apply just enough pressure to bring them flush beneath the skirt.
“How is it?” he asked, between sips. “Wearing your little uniform?” 
Delightful—the blush that dusted Billy’s cheeks. “It’s like I’m… hyper aware of my hips,” he admitted, quiet. “Of you looking at them. And how you could just reach under and—” A short gasp, and he arched, lifting off Steve’s thighs as the hand cupping his ass slid lower, tickling bare skin by the hem. The gasp turned to whining grunts, deep in the throat—Steve tracing an unseen edge of lace to the scrap of fabric that bridged the crack, and continued on, never quite as firm or as far as Billy wanted.
Not until he’d finished his coffee, anyway. The moment he set down the mug, he hugged Billy to his chest, cradling him as Steve slumped against the seatback, Billy’s ass raised off his lap. One arm wrapped iron around heaving ribs below the cropped tee, the other free to wander—palming asscheeks through rough lace, pressing around the base of the plug, never directly on, waiting for Billy to beg. And he did, squirming, glutes clenching, hard and throbbing against Steve’s abs, pleading so sweet.
“How’s this?” Panting, lips pressed to the flexing hinge of Billy’s jaw, so vulnerable with his hair pulled back. “You’re my girlfriend, pure as the driven snow, and I’ve been dying to fuck you for ages, but you wanna wait for marriage, and so…” Pausing for breath, he realized there were a couple ways this could go—all of them brain-melting in his book—so he passed it over to Billy. Ball in his court. “So you give me an ultimatum. What’s it gonna be?”
Billy clutched at his shoulders, face buried, his cheek grazing Steve’s neck as he nodded. “I tell you that… all you get is my a—ah…” His arms tightened, hips stuttering as fingers dipped under the lace, massaged his taint. Voice wavering high and tight, tried again. “All you get is my ass until you give me—a ring?” Shivers wracked his torso, words dropping to a shy whisper. “Or you wanna put a baby in me.”
That walloped Steve—went beyond what he expected, what he thought he’d want. Blindly, his arm shot out, clearing a space on the table, and with the strength that only came to him in the throes of lust, he hefted Billy and lay him flat, legs splayed, skirt hitched high enough to glimpse blue panties. 
“Knew it was this pair,” he murmured, attention locked at the apex of trembling thighs, hands smoothing upward, against the grain of soft leg hair. His fingers disappeared under the hem, dug blunt into skin to wedge under the delicate waistband. “If I accept, will you roll over now?” Thumbs stroked his poor prick through satin, teased the weeping tip as he spoke. “Let me take a look? Show me what you’re offering up?” 
Billy had been chanting yeah, low and breathy—barely waited for the prompting questions and he was contorting his spine, twisting onto his stomach. Might’ve been an unfortunate meeting of knee and crotch if Steve hadn’t stood to make room.
It was one of those views that sent him soaring, instant vertigo: table supporting most of Billy’s weight, arms folded under his cheek, round ass hanging off the edge, bent legs parted, socked feet searching for purchase on the floor. Blue scalloped lace peeked just past the drape of the skirt. 
Pulse pounding, feeling reeled in by the hips, he nudged near, planted himself between Billy’s legs, mindless palms drawn to the globes of that ass, pillow soft, fumbling to push the skirt up, gathered at the small of his back.
Steve breathed a sigh, long and appreciative. “Can we make a rule that when you’re home, you’re always in panties?” Because goddamn—he’d never grow tired of this. How the cut accentuated his curves from behind, and from the front, so tenderly trapped his desperate, leaking need. Billy hummed, musing, and arched to lift his ass off the table, straight-up taunting. “Now, now,” Steve reproved—applied quelling pressure to the plug, and Billy moaned. “Be my patient girl.”
Almost clinical, he hooked the waistband, drew them low enough to expose the plug’s base, gleaming glass… bigger than he’d expected. “Showing off, huh?” he commented, grasping the toy to indulge in a gradual pull, and savored the wavering whine from pink, parted lips. “Let go, babe,” he urged. 
Billy bore down, the base shifting. Another slow tug, a relieved whimper, and the slicked rim bloomed wide, glass slipping by—slid free. 
The pervy puppet master who jerked his strings whenever he sank into this state prevented the plug from dropping to the braided rug below—placed it upright on the table instead, guided by a flash of foresight.
“Not gonna fuck you now,” he said. Only half-heard the groan of protest as he thumbed the hole, the normally tight furl visibly slackened—slid in up to the second knuckle with hardly any pressure. He tsked, commiserating. “I know—my good girl is so ready.” 
It was a question of which particular fantasy ruled the others at any given moment, really. And right now? Right now he wanted to hold off in favor of drilling him later. Wanted, at the same time, to test the lubricating capacity of a load of jizz in the ass. Wanted to plug his good girl up again, full yet utterly unsatisfied. 
And he saw a way to do that. Kill a couple birds with one stone. Kill a whole flock of birds.
Fishing his dick from his sweatpants, where he’d been making a steadily stickier mess since the moment Billy sat on his lap, he jerked himself, smearing precome down the shaft. “Don’t worry… I’ll give you something else. Something to keep warm.”
“Please,” Billy mewled, and Steve ground flush against him, wet cockhead plumbing the groove of his crack, catching on the swollen hole. He was so close already, on a hair trigger, and then his lips were forming filth—no filter.
“Want you to reach back.” Propped on one hand planted low on Billy’s back, Steve jacked it quick, aiming best he could as Billy obeyed. “Grab that pretty ass. Hold yourself open for me.”
Shaking fingers bit into plush skin, pulling, rosy entrance so inviting, on full display, and all it took was a couple tugs to spill—splatter his cheeks, empty hole gleaming, clenching on nothing.
Totally spent, equally lacking in coordination, Steve palmed an ass cheek—caught a trail of come in the webbing between forefinger and thumb… and swept it to Billy’s crack. Watched it drip on down to the furl, and, hypnotized, probed with his thumb, feeding his come into a hole that gripped around him, convulsive. Like it was swallowing. 
His girl had been making this faint, fluttery sound—a gasping inhale, weak stuttering exhale, pitchy and high. So Steve kept his mouth going, shushing, crooning praise as Billy took it all, took every drop spooned into him, never loosing his hold, not even when the tip of the plug prodded where he was red and aching—he had to be aching—not even when Steve lodged it deep as slow and gentle as he could.
He only let go when Steve told him to. Drew his arms in, folded tight along his sides, one fist tucked under his chin, and sighed, long and unspooling, while Steve pulled his panties up, smoothed his skirt back down.
“Think I need a lie down,” Steve murmured, firm fingers stroking Billy’s spine. “That breakfast really took it out of me.”
A wet, throaty chuckle, then Billy extended a beseeching hand. “I’m gonna need some help walking.”
“Offer m’lady an arm?” Steve suggested, looping him in a hug from behind to lever him upright. Billy was pretty much dead weight, head tipped back on Steve’s shoulder. 
“How about a wheelbarrow?” he mumbled, and Steve snickered. Kissed his neck.
He hadn’t planned to keep Billy waiting too long—for one thing, anything but the smallest plug wasn’t meant for extended use—but once they were cuddled in bed, trading lazy touches and the occasional whispered word, it was hard to keep track of anything except the warmth of Billy along his front, enveloped snug. They were turned on their sides, the blanket and sheets kicked to the foot of the bed, humidity already on the rise.
Steve must have drifted off at one point, jarred back to reality when blunt heat pressed his palm through rough fabric: Billy had dragged his hand down, rutting against it.
“Look,” Billy puffed, cutting off his feigned outrage. “Look at us.”
Still half adrift, it took Steve a sec to crane his head up, see what Billy saw… and saw them, in the mirror over the dresser. Billy lifted his top leg, and Steve understood—hitched his knee forward, insinuating, interlocking.
“My good girl’s waited long enough?” Steve surmised, propping himself on an elbow to watch their reflection—watch as Billy let go of Steve’s hand, trusting him to take over. “Want your prize?”
Billy arched, silently begging. Curious, Steve dipped under the skirt, where the satin was damp, rubbing almost frictionless over his cock.
“So wet,” Steve breathed, then thought to check. Nuzzling his ear: “We still playing high school sweethearts?”
“Yeah,” Billy said, voice small and tight, hips hitching. “Yeah.”
So Steve went for it—full virgin fantasy, one where the guy miraculously knew what he was doing. “You ever come before, babe?”
“No.” Eyes squeezed shut, Billy hid behind his hands. “Not supposed to—touch there. But—I want—”
“I can show you how,” Steve offered, rubbing circles at the crown. “Show you how to feel good.”
As Billy murmured please—truly the sweetest word from that mouth—Steve worked him through his panties, that just-right-not-quite-enough pressure and speed that edged him along by exquisite increments, from trembling, twitching, to teetering.
Steve was riveted, eyes roving the writhing body in the mirror—the strong shapely legs, the skirt splayed about his hips, abs flexing under a cropped tee ridden up so a dusky nipple peeked out when he shifted. One hand was cupped under his head, the other arm flung out on the bed. Lids were half-mast over those baby blues, lashes impossibly long, color high in his cheeks, golden curls tumbling loose from the bun, his rosy lips mouthing the air the way he did when he was close.
He was beautiful. So beautiful. Most beautiful thing Steve had ever seen.
Bending to speak low and hushed, his stare never leaving their image, his coaxing touch never stalling, Steve returned to the earlier ultimatum. “What if I really do—want you to be mine? Give you a ring? Put a—”
Billy curled liked he’d been punched, his face twisted, moaning, “Can I—can I—can I—”
“Yes—yeah.” Blurted it, all in a rush, euphoric, and with an agonized grunt, Billy came—so much, for so long, that the sticky wet seeped through the satin, the lace, to smear on his stomach, the skirt, the bedding beneath.
And Steve realized—he’d been asking for permission. Not asking to be his. Like that.
But then Billy turned, nosing into Steve’s chest. Seized the same hand that had worked him so good and cupped it to his belly. “If we actually could, would you really want to…?”
Like he’d taken a knife and flayed open his heart, stitched him back together. Felt just like that. Steve surged forward, kissing his cheeks, his neck, bowling Billy backward.
The yelp brought him up short, freezing before scrambling to all fours, reaching for his skirt. 
“Shit, sorry—we should probably—take that out.”
“You would, though?” Billy asked, parrying Steve’s arm even as he consented to be rolled onto his front. “You would—”
“Billy, I’d do anything with you.” The confession rang no less true for the thread of baffled laughter. “Anything. Everything.” He shook his head. “With you. For you. To you. I want to.”
It wasn’t even the first time he’d said something along those lines—All the time. Mine all the time—but it landed differently between them, just then. With finality. 
Billy blinked, a telling shimmer along his lashes. “You’d really… give me a ring?”
Steve smiled, helplessly fond. “If you want one,” he said, suddenly bashful. “I’m pretty invested in—giving you—making you—” Cringing, flushed to burning, he forced it out. “Happy.”
And then Billy looked choked up, and Steve was getting choked up, and given he still had to get the plug out of Billy’s butt before they accidentally did some lasting damage, he groped for his ass and some levity.
“I mean…” He chuckled, gesturing at the closet. “If you’re not too particular, I’ve got a whole set of rings for you in there.” As intended, Billy shot a speculative glance at the indicated hiding spot, and Steve couldn’t help himself. Leaning in, secretive: “Not the type that goes on your finger.”
Billy snorted when the penny dropped, rolling his eyes. “Unbelievable.” 
Steve shrugged, dramatically unbothered, and set to work on the plug, going slow. “If you’re not interested in those, I can totally return them—”
“No.” Hissing at the pressure, Billy shook his head. “No, that’s not… necessary.”
“Well, all right, then.” One last, steady tug, and the plug was out, shining with translucent white. “I’ll go clean this—”
The whine was so sharp that it took Steve a moment to hear the embedded word: “Later.” Yanking Steve to the mattress with the speed of a striking snake, Billy reminded him of their previous terms. “I said if you got me a ring, then you could—” Shifting, pulling, he managed to drape Steve half on top of him. “So now you have to…”
“Oh, I have to, huh?” 
“If you want to,” Billy amended. 
Steve nudged his grin into waves of blond. “I want to.”
NOW WITH FINAL CHAPTER: I Know That He Loves Me Any Way
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
Lucky Shot
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Pairing: Joshua Hong x fem!reader
Summary: Who knew the place to meet cute guys was at little league basketball practice?
Word Count: 917
Tags: parent au, fluff, religious elements used nonreligiously
Author’s Note: this is absolutely not based off of daydreams I had when I took my little brother to Upward basketball practices back in the day, nope
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There weren’t many places that made you feel like a fish out of water; you simply didn’t allow it. Your sister’s church, however, might be the exception, particularly during a children’s event.
You kept a firm hold on your nephew’s hand, carefully avoiding eye contact with the church parents milling about in the hallway outside the church gymnasium.
“You have everything for practice, Minjunnie?” You asked your nephew to occupy yourself and avoid adult small talk.
“Mhm.” He nodded and pulled the strap of his sports bag back up his shoulder.
You paused at the doorway into the gym, scoping it out. Hmm. Far too many Karens and soccer moms in that room for your liking. You could wait in the car, probably.
You felt another parent and kid coming up beside you, so you turned to face Minjun again. “Water bottle, basketball, towel?”
He nodded, and you felt around in your jacket pocket for a moment.
“I don’t have that,” he giggled.
You grinned. “Well, you need some sort of luck out there, don’t you? Here, you can borrow mine. I won’t tell anyone.”
You pulled the tube of vanilla chapstick from your pocket and held it out to him, winking.
He took it, looking skeptical. “What does lucky chapstick do?”
“Oh, you don’t know?” You sunk into a crouch and leaned in secretively. “It makes you run super fast, and dribble basketballs super well, and shoot good baskets. Plus, you know, it makes other kids’ teasing or mean comments bounce off you, like magic.”
You stood back up. “You just have to keep it a secret and tell nobody you have it. That’s what makes it lucky.”
Minjun studied at the chapstick in wonder, then looked back up at you, grinning. “Thanks, Auntie.”
You winked again. “No problem, bud.”
Someone bumped into you, and you stumbled.
“Shi—uh, shoot. Sorry,” the man apologized.
“Oh, you’re g…” you trailed off when you looked at him. Damn, he was handsome. Maybe some church parents have some rights. “Um. You’re good.”
He graced you with a polite, serene smile before crouching down, just like you had, and facing an excited-looking little girl Minjun’s age.
“Got everything, Leah?” He asked.
The little girl nodded happily, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
He clapped her on the shoulder twice. “Great. You’re going to be great. And don’t forget, what are we gonna do?”
Leah could barely contain her excitement as she squealed, “gonna whoop ass and take names!”
You clapped a hand over your mouth quickly, stifling a surprised laugh.
“Shhh, quieter.” The man looked around frantically, and you noticed a few nearby women shooting scandalized looks this way.
He noticed you watching and winced. “Sorry, she…”
You grinned and looked back down at Minjun. “What do you think, Minjunnie? Wanna help her whoop some ass?”
Minjun looked absolutely delighted. “Am I allowed?”
“Hell yeah you are,” you said, “just don’t tell your parents. You can be the ass-whooping squad.”
You offered your fist, and Minjun gave you a quick fist-bump before turning to Leah and offering his fist.
She grinned and fist-bumped him back. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Thank you,” the man sighed, sounding relieved as he stood and watched the two of them walk into the gym together. “I know people around here get sensitive about swearing…”
You turned and grinned at him. “Not me, no worries.”
He needed to stop having such a nice smile, please. It was doing funny things to your pulse.
“So if you’re not one of his parents, are you his big sister, or…?”
You snorted. “Noooo. He’s my sister’s kid. She and her husband had a meeting tonight, so I brought him.”
“I didn’t think you looked familiar,” he said, still smiling. He offered his hand. “Joshua Hong.”
You shook his hand and introduced yourself back.
“You wanna sit in the back with me, away from the, uh, moms staring at us right now?” He asked, lips twitching.
You glanced surreptitiously around, realizing he was right. “Oh, um—”
“Hey, you guys! How’s it going?”
You turned to see the basketball coach offering Minjun and Leah high fives.
“Good!” The little girl shrilled. “We’re whooping ass and taking names!”
You nearly choked on your own tongue.
“Oh, fuck,” Joshua muttered under his breath.
The coach raised his eyebrows. “Uh, what?”
“We’re the ass-whooping squad,” Minjun chimed in, cheerful as ever. “My auntie said so.”
Time to go. You spun on your heel, walking away quickly as the coach turned to glance at the gym door.
To your surprise, Joshua was still next to you, walking briskly.
“On second thought,” he murmured, “why don’t we grab a coffee instead?”
You couldn’t help a giggle. “Is this what it’s like to be the ‘bad influence’ parent? On the run from the purity police?”
“This is what it’s like to be the fun parent,” Joshua corrected, grinning. “So how about that coffee? My treat for being cool about Leah.”
“Oh, I…sure,” you said, doing your best to sound more confident than you felt. You weren’t accustomed to being asked out, and certainly not by people who looked like him.
But he seemed glad you’d agreed, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. “Cool. There’s a coffee shop just across the street. It’s an easy walk.”
You felt a little like a fish out of water, walking into a coffee shop with Joshua Hong. But you had a hunch you could learn to love the feeling.
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monochromepalette · 2 years
I am here with yet another request bc I have writers block rn and I can't think of a proper story 😋 I know you're working on a oneshot already so I don't wanna be a bother </3 So yeah this is just a suggestion if you could consider it it would be amazing and I am talking too much AAAA anyways. A really patient reader. SO PATIENT AND GULLIABLE YOU COULD PUNCH THEM AND THEY WOULD APOLOGISE FOR BOTHERING YOU. Going crazy. THEY FINALLY RAGE. (Bc of Adeuce duo ofc who else)
THEY START CURSING, SCREAMING AND EVERYTHING maybe even pulling their ears like an angry parent. Maybe even uhm.. saying a few phrases in their mother language COUGH COUGH..-
(Adeuce and riddle reactions maybe..)
-🌺 Annon
Don't worry, 🌺Anony🌺! I'm happy to fulfill another request for you!!! Fret not, I got this all under control c:
I hope you'll be okay with GN!Reader on this one? 💖
GN!Patient!Reader x ADeuce
|•| [ Trigger Warning (In case...): Swear Words ] |•|
"Yo Deuce, ever wonder what goes on in their head?" Ace nudged Deuce as they followed [ Name ] from behind.
Deuce gave Ace a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"
"Like, do you ever see [ Name ] get mad? Express any kind of emotion like rage, frustration, or anger?"
Deuce perked up at the word "rage". That... was the last thing he wanted, really. He stayed silent. Although... the more he thought about it, the more he did want to know how you were like when you were mad. Deuce knew more than anyone what anger felt like. The emotions were rooted deep in his past, and sometimes it still lingered there like a deadly parasite.
"What if I just..." Ace slowly creeped up on [ Name ], getting closer and closer until he smacked their back. Hard. [ Name ] turned around and looked at Ace. He smiled goofily at them. They didn't say anything, but looked confused. They kept marching on. Ace shrugged and patted Deuce's shoulder. "Your turn."
"I—" Deuce gave him a dirty look. "I can't do that to [ Name ]...!"
"Why?" Ace provoked him, "You scared they'll get mad?"
Deuce glared at him and inhaled sharply, "No." Deuce started whistling. He innocently made his way to [ Name ] and stepped on the hind of both their shoes. "Whoops. Sorry, Prefect."
"I'm so sorry! I should have walked faster," they said.
Deuce and Ace made eye contact and chocked back a laugh. What kind of response was that? Deuce couldn't help it. He stepped on their shoes again. [ Name ] walked even faster—to the point where they looked like they were... running?
"Wait, you're going too fast!" shouted Deuce.
"Am... I?" They turned around and... Ace tossed his bag at them. It was a relatively light bag but... It hurt. A lot. Three of those magic books could easily break someone's leg. Luckily, there was only two. [ Name ]'s right eye twitched. What was that for? They slid their leg over the straps, keeping themselves inside so Ace would have to pull to get it. He wouldn't hurt [ Name ], right?
...Correct. Because the person who PULLED on the strap was Deuce! For shame, as he was the better one of the two! He sent [ Name ] backwards and their butt slammed onto the cold cement. Their eyes narrowed. Their mouth held a deep scowl. "What the fuck was that for! What's wrong with you two cock sucking bitches today! You guys on your period or some crap? Because you sure as hell are acting like you are, being fucking little brats!"
They started to say some words that the duo didn't understand. A foregin language... Maybe? It was incoherent as they were muttering a whole lot with an occasional, "peices-of-worthless-shits" and "one-brain-celled-bastards" loudly. Deuce pursed his lips as he stared at [ Name ]. His hands were holding tightly onto Ace's backpack as Ace was held himself tightly in a self-embraced hug.
[ Name ] shot up from the ground and pulled the duo's ears, dragging them through the long hallways and towards the Mirror Chambers. Other students stared but [ Name ] didn't care. They needed to be heard loud and clear to and by everyone: "Do not mess with [ Name ]!"
This was a war and battle that [ Name ] didn't plan on losing.
* Riddle's Reaction *
Riddle's mouth was slightly agape as he stared at [ Name ]'s vehement fury. You were always so calm, so gentle, so patient with those two. Yet today was your breaking point. What set you off? What did they do?
He was just unsure of how to approach you now. Surely you hadn't seen him from around the corner as you were throwing your temper onto the boys, but what if he somehow said or did something that would upset you as badly as they did in the future?
He would make sure not to do so, and promised himself that he would check up on you later today. Perhaps a soothing, hot cup of rose tea in the garden would put your mind at ease.
All in all, he could only applaud you for holding onto that anger for such a long time. For he wasn't very good at hiding it. When he gets the chance, he'll ask for some tips to hold it in—you were the right person to ask for it but now was not the time.
He had to chase after you before you started a fight.
* Deuce's Reaction *
Deuce was surprised by the pure strength of your hands. You tugged at him like a beast with a force of ten thousand arms. At the moment, he couldn't even process what was going on or what was going to happen.
As you pulled on his ears, he felt a little bad—actually, really bad. It... also hurt him when you called him and Ace all those words. Not that he could blame you for it, he actually felt like it was deserving. They taunted you and the consequences were laid out upon them.
He just didn't think your anger would be like this. He thought you would cry in frustration—not go all out and pull them back to the Mirror Chambers where they started to get scolded even more.
The next time Ace and him did something stupid like this (or anything stupid at all) he was going to make sure it wouldn't end up like this ever again. Not for the sake of him or Ace, but for you and your feelings.
You didn't deserve this kind of bullshit. You were always so tolerant and selfless, especially with him.
* Ace's Reaction *
Ace regretted his mistake—well, kind of. He was just a little happy to see you had other emotions to show. He always wanted to see another side of you other than the one that they saw on a daily basis. He wished sometimes you could join in on their antics and have fun but you always preferred to do the right and smart thing.
You always were way too nice with them, and he didn't like how easy it was for you to simply apologize and cast a smile upon every mistake someone made. Of course, the term "kill 'em with kindess" was a strategic move but what happens when the people around you begin to take advantage of you? That was what worried Ace the most.
He most certainly cared for you but he also wanted to know how you would act if you got upset. He was glad that when you did, it was vicious.
Next time, he wouldn't get you mad like this. At least try to. His ear was hurting so much, he was starting to think that it was going to tear off by your brutal might.
Though, he knew this punishment was warranted.
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artzzyb00-27 · 7 months
Fire-Fam kids Teenage Adventures: Spook Squad
Good Ole Halloween one shot in February. Deal with it.
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Halloween. A day for stupidity, fun, childhood, partying, and teenagers testing tolerance. Okay so maybe they went a bit farther than intended. All of them are sitting on top of Harry's pickup truck while eating the pizza they ordered around an hour ago. Which meant right now it was 9:30 something PM and they were gonna get whooped back home. They had to hand it to Manny though. The view was worth it. Let's rewind shall we?
Earlier that day, Oct. 31 2027 Manny was walking to Chris' house to pick him up, and head to the park nearby to scout potential candy hot houses till Eddie decided against it.
"Hey, mijo! Come in! We've got breakfast pancakes." Manny was still on edge with Mr.D- Eddie. He hated when Manny called him Mister. Ever since the shooting, Manny felt like he let Chris down. He cared about his friends. Especially Chris. When meeting the rest of their family, Athenatold him he reminded her of someone. Someone named Buck.
Manny didn't see it. A tall, handsome, kind, intelligent in the right ways, brave man was something Manny wasn't at all. Snapping out of his thoughts Manny walked up to the front door and wiped his feet on the doormat. Heading inside past Eddie, he removed his Tío Javier's jacket and hung it on the rack.
"Thank you." He said while heading into the kitchen and sat down at the island to get a view of what Buck was cooking. Hearing the noise, the blonde man looked up and turned around. Smiling he greeted the boy who, in Buck's mind, saved his son's life.
"Hey Manny, how'd you sleep?"
"Alright, thanks for asking. Is Chris still asleep? I could come back later?"
"He woke up a while ago. Besides, even if he wasn't awake, I'd still give you pancakes."
"Despite it not being healthy." Eddie's voice echoed from behind Manny who flinched at the suddenness of the man's presence. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"Oh, hey Manny," Chris said as he neared the island sitting next to his friend. Just as he sat down, Buck placed 3 tier stacked pancakes drizzled in syrup for the boys and had some eggs cooking for him and Eddie. "Thanks, pops."
"Thank you."
"Sure, anytime you wanna come over and join us for food shoot us a text."
"I might just take you up on that. Your food's delicious."
"Kiss ass."
"Hey, that's not very nice," Manny said in response to Chris pretending to be sad. Making the other boy almost spit his food out. After finishing their plates they both walked up to the sink and washed the plates.
"Thanks, boys," Eddie said handing them his and Bucks plates. "What's the plan for Halloween?"
"Probably just hang out at Athena and Bobby's. We were going to take turns playing COD with Harry and Denny. It's funny making weirdos rage on public servers."
"Fair enough."
"So no costumes?"
"Oh, we didn't say that," Manny said smirking at Chris who also had a mischievous smile. The plan was, to go to the house. Wait a while, ask to go to the park with the Halloween carnival, go there for a bit, then take pictures as ghosts with sunglasses. After that, go to the train tracks in the woods and take pictures of ghosts with sunglasses again.
"I don't like that you two have those looks on your faces," Buck said also smiling(hypocrite) while also being slightly terrified. The boys turned around still smiling, making the couple back away into the living room.
"Think they'll be upset?" Manny asked.
"Nah, I'm with you guys. We'll be okay."
When they arrived at the Grant-Nash house, both boys quickly took note of the Wilsons' car and bolted upstairs briefly greeting everyone else. Chimney and Maddie were taking Jee-Yun around the neighborhood with Karen and Hen who were taking Nia. The girls had dressed up as genies with pink and blue hair.
When they entered Harry's room, the two boys were already set up and playing the game. They played for a good two hours before hearing the door open and voices resembling the six people who were missing previously.
Once they knew everyone was settled in, they initiated their plans. Going downstairs they went into the kitchen/dining room area.
"Hey, can we go to the 'Halloween Hangout' at the park? There'll be security guards."
"Like that's gonna make us feel better." Athena retorted her son lovingly. "What do y'all think?" She asked looking at the parents of the other two. Hen and Karen smiled and nodded their heads. Eddie and Buck looked at each other for a bit.
"Why not? It's Halloween. Go have fun mijo." Eddie told him earning a smile. Then he turned to Manny who was busying himself with talking with Nia and Jee-Yun. "Hey Manny, you be careful too okay? Make sure they stay out of trouble."
Feeling under the spotlight, Manny froze for a second but then awkwardly saluted the Latin man.
"Y-yes, sir."
Harry, Denny, and Christopher raised their eyebrows but walked in the direction of the door. Pulling the punk with them. After they walked through the door they heard the adults laughing before shutting the door.
Once at the park, they went to different booths. One where you throw rings on witch hats(Harry won Manny a ghost dog plushie), and multiple snack booths. Once they had enough of popcorn and chocolates, they headed to the swings to take the pictures. After taking the pictures, they went to Little Caesars and went off to the train tracks.
When they found it, they took some random pictures of themselves with and without the costumes. One was Harry and Manny recreating the Max and Chloe train track scene from Life is Strange.
After finishing up the makeshift photoshoot they drove up to the cliffside to eat their pizza. Harry posted the pictures on his Instagram tagging the others. Each of them did the same with their versions and made the trunk comfy for them. Placing the boxes in the middle whilst they sat inside looking out at the city while also watching a Miles Morales Jacksepticeye playthrough from the early 2020s. The dummies ended up falling asleep and woke up to over fifty calls in total from their parents.
The last text message was from Athena saying she found their location and they better bring their asses home within the next hour. They had thirty minutes.
Thank god, for back roads. Manny was shitting himself, squishing Boomy(ghost dog plush) between his arms. Chris was trying to calm him down while Denny told Harry where to go to get back quicker.
When they finally go back, they go back with five minutes to spare. The adults are out on the front porch watching the girls play in the yard and waiting for the quartet. As soon as they got out of the car, Athena got up alongside Eddie and Hen.
"You're lucky we have your locations and your stories. Nice pictures by the way." Semi-smiling, Harry hugged his mom. Denny did the same, apologizing and explaining what happened. When Chris went to hug his dad, Manny stood still and looked down awkwardly. Embarrassed.
Thinking of how badly Eddie probably wanted to punch him. That is til he got pulled into a hug as well.
"Just glad you two are okay." If Manny was holding back tears from spilling out, no he didn't.
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bohobooks · 1 year
Not the Best Idea (Part 1)
Description: One day in seventh year, while MC is away dealing with the Ministry of Magic, Poppy gets news of a band of poachers that have recently caged a nearby unicorn. With MC busy, Poppy figures the friend group could handle this mini mission by themselves... She may have been incorrect.
If you squinted, you have spotted the group of four shadows darting in between the trees of the Forbidden Forest. A muscular, broad-shoulder boy took up the back of the group, brunette hair a fluffy mess, white dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, green tie loosened around his neck. Sebastian Sallow.
Ahead of Sebastian darted a tall lanky redhead, who honestly looked way to happy to be involved in such a situation. This being Garreth Weasley. Following the leader a averagely tall girl, who's seething anger quite literally radiated from her like steam. Natsai Onai.
Finally in the front the odd quartet, leading valiantly is Poppy Sweeting, who's short brown hair was pulled half up, white button up shirt unbuttoned on the top, sleeves rolled and yellow tie tucked into her pocket. 
     As the group crouched on the slight cliff, looking down to the firefly filled hollow where the majestic unicorn once frolicked freely, Garreth whispered, "I don't know about this guys. Maybe Ominis was right. We should wait for MC to come back. I'm sure MC could handle this super easily. I mean there's," he pauses to quickly count, "like nine poachers down there."
    "Don't be a coward Weasley," Natty hissed, "That poor thing might not even make it passed the hour if we don't stop them. We do not know how long MC will be at the Ministry."
   Sebastian smiled cockily, cracking his knuckles and neck, "Natty has a hell of a point. Besides, its been a while since I got the chance to kick someones ass. MC and Ominis never let me have any fun." 
Poppy cast a quick concerned look over her shoulder at Sebastian, then thinking better of telling him to control himself turns to the redhead, "Did you bring the potions I asked you to?"
Garreth smiled, pulling four vials containing a vibrant red liquid, "I am nothing if not a man of my word my dear Poppy. Four Maxima potions as requested."
The for each take a vial, which following Sebastians guide they clink together in a toast, and shoot down like a shot. Sebastians fist glows red with a power that reflects into his hazel eyes, whooping out a cry of, "Let's freaking do this!" And jumping off of the drop off, straight into the middle of the poacher camp.
-MC's POV-
I. Was. Seething.
I had just gotten back from the Ministry when Ominis practically tackled me, telling me our friends brilliant plan of freeing a unicorn from poachers. According to him, they had 2 hours ago. It didn't take me long to reach the court yard where I quickly summoned my broom and shot off to the Forbidden Forest. 
I landed near the location that Ominis had relayed to me, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. An unfamiliar voice, Crucio. And screams. Poppy's screams. The ancient magic sparked blue around my fists as I dashed to an embankment that overlooked the camp. Below, Garreth lay unmoving on the ground, Natty and Sebastian tied to chairs facing back to back. Natty was spitting insults to the surrounding poachers, and Sebastian stared blankly ahead in my direction, face bruised and blood dripping down his nose. 
And Poppy, oh poor sweet Poppy. She was writhing on the ground, screaming uncontrollably. All the hair on my body began to stand, a blue glow taking over my vision as the air filled with the static of raw, pure energy.
-Sebastians POV-
I'm unsure how we got to this point, really. It was going swimmingly, we had taken out all of the Poachers and were working to unlock the cage when 5 more poachers materialized behind us. We didn't have time to truly react. One moment we were working to free the unicorn,  the next thing I know is I am on the ground, head pounding with the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. One of the poachers was kicking me. Things began to flash black, my awareness coming to me in flashes.
    ��"Depulso", Garreth's body goes flying, his back hitting the rock cliff face, and slumps unmoving to the ground.
Natty is fighting.
I'm in a chair. My hands are tied.
Poppy is screaming. They're killing her. 
   A feeling of buzzing electricity brings me back to consciousness. Natty is spewing insults, Poppy is screaming, the poachers are laughing. Does no one feel the shift in the air? My eyes trail up the embankment, where the most beautiful sight stands. Our savior has showed up, standing above us like a guardian angel. Raw blue power filled out the space around them, their hair floating above their head as if they were under water. There eyes glowed a piercing blue white, the static in the air intensifying with each second that passed. 
I began laughing like a lunatic. MC was here. And boy, they. were. pissed.
A/N: Don't worry, there will be a part two. Even though no-one asked for it. Requests are open ofc.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 115
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Tonight’s Episode: Kefla Whoops Goku’s ass!
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Last time, Goku had defeated Caulifla and Kale, but they had a secret weapon up their sleeves!  Well, I think Caulifla was keeping hers in her belt/sash thing, really.  Turns out Champa gave them Potara Earrings before the tournament started, with instructions to put them on late in the tournament.  So now we’ve got Kefla, and if she’s anything like Vegito, then Goku is in deep trouble.
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Kefla’s only real weakness seems to be that it takes her a bit to get used to how overwhelmingly powerful she is.  When she leaps at Goku, she overshoots him, for instance.  But it doesn’t take her long to get used to her body.  Come to think of it, Vegito had a similar period of adjustment. 
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Although... when Vegito returned in Episode 66, he was ready to rock right out of the gate.  I guess that only makes sense, seeing as it was the second time Goku and Vegeta fused.  Still, it’s kind of weird to think about how Vegito remembers being two different guys, then being Vegito, then separating again, then being Vegito again after a number of years.  I guess it’s no different from all the times Gotenks has shown up, but I’m used to thinking of Gotenks as a temporary thing.  Vegito is too, apparently, but I still think of him as this one-and-for-all deal that just happened to cancel out. 
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Anyway, Kefla’s putting the boots to Goku, and she’s only in base form. 
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What’s she doing--?  AW SHIT!  IT’S THE GIANT SWING!
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Okay, so she does have the hair tie from Kale.  I’ve seen fan artists draw Kefla with her hair “down” and I never understood what they were getting that from.  Anyway, the audience is counting the swings.  Goku’s dizzy as hell right now! 
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Arrgh! The centrifugal force!  Chris Jericho tapped out to this once.  But Goku won’t because he’s not fighting Cell this time he knows Universe 7 is counting on him!
She just keeps swinging his ass!   While we’re waiting, here’s KISS with the hit song, “She”. 
Meanwhile, Beerus complains about the use of Potara being illegal.  Champa doesn’t see the problem, and the Grand Zenos think it’s cool, so that makes it legal. 
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So Beerus demands to use Potara earrings himself, and mugs Shin. Whis points out that there’s a risk to this.  If Androids 17 and 18 fuse, for example, they might get an incredible warrior out of it (Shin calls this “Android 35″).  However, if that fused fighter makes a mistake and gets eliminated, then they lose two fighters in one stroke. 
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Meanwhile, Vegeta is still fighting Top, and he keeps getting distracted by how powerful Kefla is.  Top offers to eliminate him so he can watch the action from the bench, and then he puts the squeeeeeeeeze on Vegeta, which is nice, because it’s always fun to see him get worked over.
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Meanwhile... yuck!  Gohan and Piccolo are fighting U6′s Namekians, and Pilina does the long-arm bit, and Gohan just stomps right through it!  That’s messed up!
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I mean, he can grow it back, of course.  They’re just like the U7 Namekians.  Really, the only awkward thing is that Pilina wears gloves, which means he has to go find his severed arm and get the glove.  Well, maybe he Clothes Beamed himself a new glove.  All we really see is him putting it on. 
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Meanwhile, while Universes 3, 4, 7, and 11 aren’t interested in exploiting fusion, Universe 2 decides to give it a shot, and Helles tosses Potara earrings to Zarbuto and Rabanra.  Things immediately look bad when Zarbuto can’t get his on because he’s too dumb to remove his helmet. 
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Then Kefla charges through them while fighting Goku, and the Potara are shattered.  Easy come, easy go, Helles concludes.
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Meanwhile, 18 has an owie, and Catopesra shows up to capitalize.
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But 17 shows up to bail her out.  Aww...
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Meanwhile, Goku finally manages to reach Super Saiyan Blue.  As before, this is probably something he wasn’t quite ready to try yet.  Remember, Jiren kicked Goku’s ass in Episode 110 and he’s been fighting Caulifla and Kale to try to get back in the groove as he recovers. So he’s not just sandbagging in lower forms to drag this fight out.  He probably couldn’t turn Blue until somewhere around this moment. 
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But Kefla turns Super Saiyan, so Goku’s probably still at a disadvantage here.  That’s the power of fusion.  Speaking of fusion, the dub keeps referring to it as “merging” in this episode, which seems odd to me, since they called it “fusion” almost exclusively before.  It’s like there was some directive from Toei about it, but I can’t imagine why.  Maybe someone wanted to restrict “fusion” to the Fusion Dance as opposed to the Potara thing.
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Not a whole lot for me to say here.  They shoot rapid fire ki blasts and go to town on each other...
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Vegeta finally manages to overpower Top, but he doesn’t eliminate him, so either he knows Top’s still got a lot left in him, or he’s too distracted by Super Kefla to think straight.
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Eventually, Goku has to use Kaio-ken to keep up, but he still keeps up.  At one point he does an Instant Transmission to fake Kefla out, then reappears in the same spot to land a blow.  Nice twist on the technique after Caulifla had his usual tactics scouted. 
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But ultimately, Kefla gets the better of him, and lands a heavy kick to the side of Goku’s head. 
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He’s down.  Kefla congratulates him for putting up such a great fight, but it’s over, and all that’s left is to throw him out of the ring.
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Or.... not.  Goku rises to his feet and says he won’t give up.  He’s still got some fight left in him.  So Kefla throws some more ki blasts at him and...
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu Characters Reacting To Their S/O Screaming Back At Them
Aoba Johsai
Read Part Two Here
kyotani Kentaro
-everyone knows kyotani for his anger and how he doesn’t suck up to people so when they found out he was dating someone they had to assume this someone had the ability to put him in his place and right now that’s just what they needed
“ mad dog-chan you can’t do this not right now“ oikawas voice rang through in annoyance
“ yeah we need you to go in “ iwazumis voice sounded tired as if he was exhausted by trying to convince the boy for the past 5 minutes during their halftime (long timeout)
kyotani grunted as he turned from both of his teammates looking to the wall as he sat on the bench
“ coach seriously — we need him and he’s just on the bench doing nothing “
“ he said he’s tired of you guys only calling him in for 5 minutes and then sitting him back out like an animal— that you use to show off and then send outside when company’s gone “
“ well he’s our secret weapon “ oikawa screamed “ that’s literally what you do “
kyotani grumbled as he rolled his eyes at oikawa who huffed as he moved to turn to the bleachers “ oh forget this he’s not even listening to iwa-chan “
“ well you know what to do flatty-kawa “
“ duh you see i’m doing it iwa-chan”
oikawas hand came up in a wave as he moved to the referee whispering to them as they spoke on the speaker their voices crisp sending a chill through kyotani’s spine
“ we need a y/n l/n to come down to Aoba Johsais Bench — A y/n L/n to come down to Aoba Johsais bench “
you stood up smiling widely as you jumped your way through the crowd voice heaven sent as you screamed “ that’s me “
moving through people talking sweetly “ oops — sorry — sorry have to go take care of a loose hothead—whoops—you should really watch where you place that drink “
you hopped down the stairs waving at the team and the referee as you came to a stop in front of kyotani who was even more mad than he was initially
“ babe whats up why are they calling me down here again “ you sighed “ it’s only happened five other times and I thought we got past it “
“ they say that like it’s nothing “ kindaichis voice came out small as he rubbed the back of his head
“ kyotani “ you called confused usually he would answer you by now and comply and go play for a little while just to make you happy so you could go sit down on the bench to watch his game closely
“ uh somethings wrong iwa-chan “
“ yeah somethings off he’s not responding to her this time “
“ kyo what— “
“ if anything he looks like he’s gonna snap “
oikawa laughed at his comment “ yeah right y/n ‘ s too nice he’d feel horrible if he snapped at ‘em —they’d probably cry he wouldn’t do it “
oikawas face dropped as he heard the loud voice ring out inside the gym “ GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME“
you shuddered at his voice “ your even more fucking annoying than that dumbass over there “
your mouth dropped “ all you do is come down here and bother me everytime and I only go in for you — i’m not doing it this time i’m gonna stand my ground”
he screamed “ they use me for those 5 minutes and then toss me out i’m not doing it — like I said i’m sitting right here on this bench and standing my fucking ground “
your face went up in shock as you felt your body flinch at his voice kyotani and the rest of his team immediately feeling bad at what the whole gym just witnessed everyone listening closely feeling sorry for you
Oikawa moved to glare at kyotani as he walked over to wrap his arms around you “ aw y/n-chan it’s ok to cr— “
“ YOU SCREAM AT ME ONE MORE TIME LIKE THAT AND IM GONNA KNOCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH THE BAT MY DAD WACKS INTRUDERS AT HIS STORE WITH “ your screams came out louder than his as you stared down at the boy in front of you
“ I don’t care if you go out there and wipe the floor down with fucking towels or scrape it clean with a toothbrush but your going out on that court kentaro“
your voice was stern “ you better be glad they even give you 2 seconds on that court you love so much with your shitty attitude —if it was me i’d make you a bench rider the whole season while you watch shittykawa smirk at you everytime he goes up for a set that you won’t get “ your screams catching the whole gym off gaurd
“ so your gonna go out there and stand your fucking ground on that court “ you mocked him hand pointing from him to the court
Kyotani’s body shaking at your tone “ kentaro “ you spoke his name like a curse as he jolted and race to stand in his position on the court head never turning back to look at you again as you continued
“ You will score everytime you go up for that ball — everytime you hit something or come in contact with it— I want a point on that board do you hear me“
“ yes “
“ kentaro “
“ yes ma’am “
you moved to fix your clothes as you stared at everyone in the crowd “ everytime my boyfriends feet leave that ground you better clap your asses off do you hear me “
everyone shook their heads in a yes motion afraid of you and how such a big yell could come from such a small person
You smiled at the team before you took your seat on the bench near the coach who read off all his plans for kyotani that hed never listened to
“ oh trust me we’ll do that plan “ you said as you shook your head ignoring all the whispers from the males around you
“ do they know the game doesn’t start back up again until 5 minutes from now “ mattsukawas voice came out in concern
“ I —uh I don’t think they care “
“ oikawa what’s wrong with you “ iwazumi turned to see oikawas face made up in a frown as he sulked
“ pretty y/n-chan called me your stupid nickname “
-oikawa never liked losing especially when it was to someone younger than him someone he didn’t like so you can imagine his anger when he lost to Karasuno
-no one expected the hallway to erupt in his screams so soon
“ tooru what’s wrong “
“ i’m just a little tired y/n i’m ok “
“ no but you — you look angry “
he took a deep breath as he shook his head in annoyance moving to walk off you standing in front of him stopping his exit
“ ok then if I look angry why the fuck would you stand in front of me “
“ because I “
“ because your fucking annoying that’s what it is “
“ tooru”
“ no don’t baby me y/n I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me I played good and I was amazing obviously I wasn’t if your standing here talking to me in a hallway and not in front of me while I celebrate on the court “
“ it’s ok baby — you can still win a volleyball nat— “
he lost his cool as he screamed looking down on you “ WHEN Y/N WHEN HUH “
he screamed harshly “ it’s over — are you fucking stupid there is no next time shitty kageyama took it there’s no next time for me — fuck we’re— we’re third years “
his voice sounded bloody by his screams that sounded throughout the hallway his team coming in to check and see if everything was ok receiving their answer when they turned the corner to you taking over
“ if I knew you were so fucking stupid I wouldn’t have dated you you were probably the bad luck charm that made me lose my shitty gam—“
“ the only thing that made you lose this game was you asshole “
your voice was laced with venom as you shot at him screaming constantly “ you and your shitty need to keep working endlessly maybe if you didn’t have a hurt knee — oh wait howd you get that “
you pretended to think “ oh I know FROM OVERWORKING YOURSELF “
you pushed a finger to his chest “ when I say your gonna make it to a nationals someday your gonna make it to a nationals someday you don’t doubt me is that clear “
his face was in fear as his mouth opened wide in a o form unable to process an answer
“ is that clear tooru oikawa “ you screamed
the team letting out yes’s for him as he moved to look back at them before he turned to you shaking his head like a puppy whod accidentally peed in the house
“ I need words “
“ y-fuck y—yes y/n — baby I mean ma’am — shit I mean yes baby “
you moved to stand straight as you cracked your neck and let a smile play on your face as you turned away from him walking to the entrance of the gym “ ok — babe I meant to tell you i’m gonna go say good game to kageyama- kun you go to the busses and make them wait for me ok “ you waved at him as you opened the door “ love you “
“ they wouldn’t dare leave ‘em “ kyotani’s voice came out in a laugh
“ fuck leaving them — theyd let ‘em drive“ hanamaki joked with mattsukawa who was screaming in laughter
your body entering the gym and walking over to kageyama who straightened up turning to speak to hinata who stood in fear
“ you speak nothing of what we heard to y/n-senpai“
“ y-yes ka-kageyama “
“ kageyama-kun youve grown up so much I love it“ you said holding your arms out to him speaking like he was a baby
“ h-hi y/n-senpai “
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
BnHA Ch.362 - Review, parallels & comparisons: “You’ve got to lose to know how to win” edition
This chapter deals some serious emotional damage, not just because it’s a fan favorite character dying, but because it’s a death that lacks narrative context (for now). In a series that asks “what is a hero?” and whether sacrifice and legacy are worthwhile, this chapter is devoid of answers.
What we do know is that Katsuki made a conscious choice. This wasn’t like the war, where his body moved without thinking to protect his friend. It’s not a semi-automatic “I start running my mouth a bit when I fight, whoops.” Yes, Katsuki imitates Izuku here, but it’s incorrect to say Katsuki’s imitation of Izuku “got him killed.” Katsuki chose to go on an all-out attack “no matter what happens to me.” He knew he wasn’t making it out. Katsuki had a controlled “spirit” even if his body was pushed beyond its limits, or at least it seemed that way.
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So here’s the key dilemma: Did Katsuki make the RIGHT choice?
Katsuki always chooses correctly when it comes to winning, right? So this was a choice that must be worth it, right???? That’s the answer we don’t have, and we won’t have for a while, depending on where Horikoshi decides to go.
Is this an “Aizawa fighting at USJ” moment where Aizawa knew he was outmatched but chose to jump in anyway because he had the best shot of anyone there to save the kids? He told the kids not to worry, no good hero is a one trick pony, but Shigaraki quickly figured out his limits and kicked his ass. Aizawa was never going to win, but his sacrifice bought time for All Might to arrive. To make another comparison, is this the Avengers Endgame moment where Dr. Strange holds up a single finger to Tony Stark to indicate THIS is the 1 in 14 million chance they can win? (Except in this MHA parallel, Dr. Strange is Katsuki's brain and Tony Stark is Katsuki’s body). In both situations, our beloved hero HAD to set their well being aside to win and save; there was simply no other way. But is that what Katsuki did here?
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Or is this an All Might-style unnecessarily sacrificial moment, where Katsuki took on the world when he didn’t have to? Where his decision to be like Izuku went too far because this WASN’T the 1 in 14 million chance to win? Where maybe running and regrouping, instead of taking the fight to AFO!Shig’s face (the same mistake he made against All Might in the exams), would have kept him alive? It doesn’t seem like Katsuki landed any major damage on AFO!Shig, certainly not like how Mirio did in the last 2 chapters by triggering memories of Tenko’s friends.
The question of whether Katsuki made the right choice hangs heavy over everything now. For example, I don’t know how to interpret this panel yet:
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On the one hand, there are so many heroes a split second behind Katsuki. He could have worked WITH them. Look at how damn hard they try to save, eyes and quirks locked on Katsuki. On the other hand, the remaining heroes clearly can’t keep up with Katsuki and AFO!Shig. They’re tragically not in the same league, and perhaps Katsuki knew it. Perhaps Katsuki knew the path to a win required a sacrifice and some OFA magic. We don’t know what it means that he’s seeing Aura Might. Maybe there was a switch, and Katsuki’s vestige is with Izuku in OFA and Aura Might is in Katsuki’s body, waiting to be taken into AFO. Perhaps Katsuki is connecting with his inner heroic fire as represented by Aura Might to be “freed from the shackles of humanity” to create a “transcendent being” on the hero side.
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Perhaps this is the last temptation of Katsuki. He could choose to go plus ultra and attempt a win with the risk of destroying himself from the inside, or he could choose to pull back and not do his absolute best, risking the win and his teammates. The alternative — that Katsuki simply made the wrong choice and lost in a burst of meaningless bloodshed — feels painfully out of place. That can’t be it.
Katsuki made his choice for a reason we don’t know and won’t know for some time. We have to wait for any inkling of whether his sacrifice will stand as truly “heroic” and worthy of surpassing All Might. But ultimately I think it will. Even if his body is “dead,” we know Katsuki ain’t resting. His vestige is out there doing SOMETHING to secure a win using only Katsuki’s heroic spirit, without his physical body or his quirk getting in the way. There might be more to this transcendent thing than it seems.
I think, in true Buddhist fashion, Katsuki had to lose his attachment to his body and his quirk in order to fully overcome the “stuff he was going through” — meaning his inferiority/superiority complex stemming from the development of his “stupid awesome” quirk at age 4 and subsequent nonstop praise from every human in his orbit. Katsuki had to lose all of his physicality to realize (1) he only needed his “indomitable spirit” to triumph like All Might; and (2) all he really wants is to run alongside Izuku as worthy of All Might’s legacy (ironically, just as All Might wants to “crawl through mud” to “catch up” with them).
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This chapter, it’s both Katsuki AND Tamaki who found themselves admitting how they were “crushed under the weight of wealth.”
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420pogpills · 4 years
masterpost of random epic dnf moments
i find so much comfort in these posts that just contain links to loads and loads of epic clips so i wanted to make one of my favourite george&dream moments :’)... this took me several days okay.
in no particular order whatsoever
(♥♥♥) “so...dream.” “what?” “um, hello.” “hi”
(♡♡♡) “george!” “yeah?” “HEY 😁”
(♥♥♥) “that is actually george’s fish” “oh what? i will keep it safe” (bonus: giving fish back)
(♡♡♡) “you two and your inside jokes, you guys are such good friends”
(♥♥♥) “i saw an interesting donation on your stream”
(♡♡♡) “trust me. george - i’m handling it.”
(♥♥♥) “i’m not gonna be hurt if dream is next to me”
(♡♡♡) “you’re making me laugh it’s not even fair!”
(♥♥♥) “i shot you once” “no you shot me multiple times”
(♡♡♡) “oh that’s so hot”
(♥♥♥) “what you gonna do, fight me?”
(♡♡♡) “dream has my number because dream needs me sometimes”
(♥♥♥) “stop you’re hurting me” “i’m hurting you?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m very similar to george so i probably won't like it”
(♥♥♥) “i said i’m in the hot tub right now, he said ‘prove it’”
(♡♡♡) “dream stop killing me!”
(♥♥♥) “i’ve always wanted to explore my sexuality”
(♡♡♡) “this is what happens when you fall down my trap”
(♥♥♥) “i’m so used to having your attention 24/7″
(♡♡♡) “why are you so mean dream?”
(♥♥♥) “you know who reminds me of nemo? george”
(♡♡♡) “first thing’s first-” “i’m the realest”
(♥♥♥) “come hide with me”
(♡♡♡) “he looks so handsome, look at him, look at george”
(♥♥♥) “oh george” “oh dream”
(♡♡♡) “you love me?” “yes, i do”
(♥♥♥) “be careful george”
(♡♡♡) “you’re laughing at every different word i say”
(♥♥♥) “can i have the sword dream?” “say that you love me”
(♡♡♡) “just hug me george”
(♥♥♥) “i’m the mememan, my milk is delicious”
(♡♡♡) “george i’m gonna blow up - come with me”
(♥♥♥) “you couldn’t see what dream was doing”
(♡♡♡) “george is easily a top 10 mcc player”
(♥♥♥) “what would you say my weakness is?” “me”
(♡♡♡) “we were getting this computer repair guy - oh my god”
(♥♥♥) “every time you get near me you just get all red”
(♡♡♡) “you would follow me down here”
(♥♥♥) “dream is a simp for me” “yeah”
(♡♡♡) “nice dream!”
(♥♥♥) “smile - you see him everyday”
(♡♡♡) “you deserve punishment george”
(♥♥♥) “what are you doing george?” “i’m on twitter”
(♡♡♡) “george george george you look amazing george”
(♥♥♥) “you don’t have to follow me everywhere”
(♡♡♡) “get away from dream!”
(♥♥♥) “we’re in the stars”
(♡♡♡) thirdwheelboyhalo
(♥♥♥) “dream is so delightful”
(♡♡♡) “DREAM LET’S GO!”
(♥♥♥) “follow me, i’ll follow you actually - just take me”
(♡♡♡) “dream...” “i had to george, i had to”
(♥♥♥) “i trust my dream”
(♡♡♡) “you don’t brag about your looks”
(♥♥♥) “george just tell me you love me”
(♡♡♡) “someone said ‘dream do you think george is cute’?”
(♥♥♥) “kiss george” “that’s a pretty good forfeit”
(♡♡♡) “a plane ticket to dream’s house”
(♥♥♥) “okay that was pretty pog”
(♡♡♡) “i’ve been too focused on george”
(♥♥♥) little compilation
(♡♡♡) “why’d you say it like that?”
(♥♥♥) “dream’s trying to kill me, he’s killing me!”
(♡♡♡) “if you won, what would be your first date with george?”
(♥♥♥) “we do everything together”
(♡♡♡) “answer my question!”
(♥♥♥) “oh. yeah. but george too.”
(♡♡♡) “if you win, you have to kiss dream!”
(♥♥♥) “dream... i’m messing up” “oh are you still streaming?”
(♡♡♡) “be careful”
(♥♥♥) suspicious dancing
(♡♡♡) “don’t be greedy george”
(♥♥♥) just... this whole edit
(♡♡♡) “george is mine, go away”
(♥♥♥) “dreeeaaaaam i know you wanna help”
(♡♡♡) “george you’re a genius, george kiss me!”
(♥♥♥) “he was wearing like an oversized dream smile hoodie”
(♡♡♡) george compilation 10/10
(♥♥♥) “i don’t wanna hear you laugh”
(♡♡♡) “whenever dream tries to get a new speed run record he just disappears for a month”
(♥♥♥) laughing face to face
(♡♡♡) “can i have some stuff?”
(♥♥♥) “geoorrgeeee”
(♡♡♡) “he lives in your head actually rent free”
(♥♥♥) “you know quite often we just know what we’re talking about?”
(♡♡♡) “now it backfired because george knows me”
(♥♥♥) “he’s small it’s different”
(♥♥♥) “you can be my valentine if you want george”
(♡♡♡) “no mom no he broke up with me” (bonus: “george denied me”)
(♥♥♥) “just explain your reasoning for denying me” “you didn't mean it”
(♡♡♡) “goodnight george, goodnight gogy”
(♥♥♥) “dream just saved something from snapchat!”
(♡♡♡) “i’m breaking you out!”
(♥♥♥) “you’ll get punished george"
(♡♡♡) “guys this is like the cutest photo of george ever”
(♥♥♥) “guys i’m opening a new business” “selling george pictures?”
(♡♡♡) “don’t attack the wolf dream i’m not there to save you”
(♥♥♥) “you were like ‘you have to praise me now for 5 minutes’”
(♡♡♡) “why don’t you think i’m here?”
(♥♥♥) “we were playing geoguessr the other day”
(♡♡♡) “i am wheezing and dying and george is dying with me”
(♥♥♥) “you used to get mad at me for placing blocks beneath myself”
(♡♡♡) “you have to clip that” “no”
(♥♥♥) “c’mere”
(♡♡♡) “i almost died, water me!”
(♥♥♥) “me and george”
(♡♡♡) “i wouldn’t want to do it unless he’s here”
(♥♥♥) “me and george were literally holding hands in the hallway”
(♡♡♡) “you should get negative points if you’re an idiot”
(♥♥♥) “kiss”
(♡♡♡) “i thought you might want to confess something”
(♥♥♥) “we’ve been talking to each other for 10 hours?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m not here to disappoint you or anything”
(♥♥♥) “mimic my yawn, that means you love me you know that right?”
(♡♡♡) “i’m not helping you this round” “i need you”
(♥♥♥) “we’re literally on a boat”
(♡♡♡) “you’re so ridiculous”
(♥♥♥) “i fell asleep in a call with george”
(♡♡♡) “wow george you’re great”
(♥♥♥) “dream just went 👉🏻👉🏻”
(♡♡♡) “yessss let’s go” “wait let me pick you up!”
(♥♥♥) “dream sort this out!” “alright wait turn around”
(♡♡♡) “you have pretty privilege”
(♥♥♥) “george i have something that will cheer you up george”
(♡♡♡) “i’ve been by your side since the beginning george”
(♥♥♥) “sitting here forced to drink water, it has absolutely no flavour”
(♡♡♡) “gives back i’ll be good” “no no you won’t”
(♥♥♥) “don’t worry. i’m here george”
(♡♡♡) “dream say hi” “hi”
(♥♥♥) “so george why are you laying in bed while you’re talking to dream?”
(♡♡♡) “where did george go, george is not found”
(♥♥♥) “come over here greg i will save the day” “francis!”
(♡♡♡) “that’s not what you told me last night”
(♥♥♥) “please just swim drive the boat drive the boat”
(♡♡♡) “before i even met you, you had this ginormous impact”
(♥♥♥) “you’re not worthless george we love you”
(♡♡♡) “george is like the biggest idiot”
(♥♥♥) “alright fine i’ll play one more”
(♡♡♡) “you see george everywhere. you see what you wanna see”
(♥♥♥) “guess united kingdom because someone you love lives there”
(♡♡♡) “george don’t leave me”
(♥♥♥) “you say bolivia george?”
(♡♡♡) “why are you so feral?”
(♥♥♥) “you’re an idiot” “you’re the one who’s screaming to do it”
(♡♡♡) “”you’re so oh my god” “you’re so annoying”
(♥♥♥) “i trust you so m-so often”
(♡♡♡) “now i have you right where i want you”
(♥♥♥) “heads” “alright it was heads”
(♡♡♡) “george you’re the hottest piece of ass in dreamhunt”
(♥♥♥) “you said ‘just woke up’ and i said ‘me too, in sync bby’”
(♡♡♡) “dnf arc? yeah maybe”
(♥♥♥) *george shooting dnf into wall on csgo*
(♡♡♡) “george and dream’s brotherly relationship is so iconic”
(♥♥♥) “you can’t 👹LEAVE👹 it’s not allowed”
(♡♡♡) “oh we’re finishing each other’s sentences right now”
(♥♥♥) “you said you were gonna what, kiss me or something like that?”
(♡♡♡) “do you have a song that makes you think of dream?”
(♥♥♥) “here george take this take this george”
(♡♡♡) “hey dream” “hey george”
(♥♥♥) “do you have a crush on dream?” “yes, go on”
(♡♡♡) “i am proud of you” “wow thank you dream”
(♥♥♥) “1 dollar every hour” “for how many hours?”
(♡♡♡) “i clicked skip whoops - wait, where are all my balls?”
(♥♥♥) “get out of here GET OUUUUTTTT”
(♡♡♡) “i’m sleeping for at least 8 hours” “but then we’re gonna be out of sync again”
(♥♥♥) “this is actually disgusting, come to me where are you”
(♡♡♡) “thank you baby... oh no” “WHAT?”
(♥♥♥) “yeah i love dream so much”
(♡♡♡) “yes that is exactly what i was thinking dream”
(♥♥♥) “dream” “hi” “hello i’m streaming” “hi”
(♡♡♡) “mm poor little george”
(♥♥♥) “do you have fifty dollars?”
(♡♡♡) “please please half a heart half a heart!”
(♥♥♥) “that’s okay you wanna be near me, that’s fine”
(♡♡♡) “you would know all about the simp handbook wouldn’t you”
(♥♥♥) “please i need you” “i do need you”
(♡♡♡) “kill him!...or her.. or it..”
(♥♥♥) “cause he’s little gogy”
(♡♡♡) “do your parents know about gream?”
(♥♥♥) just... cuteness
(♡♡♡) “wait george my minecraft’s starting my minecraft’s starting”
(♥♥♥) “te amo sueno”
(♡♡♡) “yeah that was my idea” “yeah just like last night”
(♥♥♥) “you can just say he’s a bottom”
(♡♡♡) this entire video
(♥♥♥) “why are you leaving me?” “alright fine”
(♡♡♡) “george you look good in a suit”
(♥♥♥) “i have a present for george!”
(♡♡♡) “why don’t you want to facetime me?” “i haven’t shaved”
(♥♥♥) “dream’s killing me, why are you killing me?”
(♡♡♡) “george i thought you were going to choose me”
(♥♥♥) “you wanna watch a beautiful sunset? just for you dream”
(♡♡♡) “we don’t text that much” “we text everyday”
(♥♥♥) “georgie poooo come here”
(♡♡♡) “oh beat me dream beat me”
(♥♥♥) “you are so impressive dream”
(♡♡♡) “i just ran for like a million hours”
(♥♥♥) “mydic--kslong has subscribed, thank you..”
(♡♡♡) all of these moments are too funny
(♥♥♥) “dreeaaaam! loooook!” “oh he’s cute”
(♡♡♡) “oh george~” “this is scary”
(♥♥♥) “george do that water drop sound”
(♡♡♡) “why is everyone saying ‘george explain the text?’”
(♥♥♥) “why are you saying it like that?” “that’s how you said it”
(♡♡♡) “i’m going to my secret stash”
(♥♥♥) “it said ‘name a dessert’” “you should’ve put me”
(♡♡♡) “i need to come” “you wanna come?”
(♥♥♥) “i have missed your face!”
(♡♡♡) just.. this entire video
(♥♥♥) more on george sleep talking
(♡♡♡) “that’s the same height difference between me and you george”
(♥♥♥) “you’re doing extremely well george. just calm down.”
(♡♡♡) “george~” “stOP. stop it”
(♥♥♥) “i know dream loves me a lot but unfortunately i don’t love him back”
(♡♡♡) “it’s fun to make him more afraid”
(♥♥♥) “someone said ‘dream do you think george is cute?’”
(♡♡♡) “oh we know george we know how hot you are”
(♥♥♥) “dream has friendship hacks”
(♡♡♡) “let’s watch a movie” feat. sapnap
(♥♥♥) “the only man i’m into is george”
(♡♡♡) “you broke my heart dream by....breaking my heart”
(♥♥♥) “keep lying to him george”
(♡♡♡) dream team not dnf but i love this so watch it plz
(♥♥♥) “you turn your camera off to sneeze? it’s okay we love you”
(♡♡♡) “dance with me dream”
(♥♥♥) “dweaaaam pleaseeee”
(♡♡♡) “it’s fine dream, i’ll stream another day” “waaaaaaah!”
(♥♥♥) “i just wanna talk to you”
(♡♡♡) “you’re just like interesting in general george”
(♥♥♥) “when’s my birthday dream?”
(♡♡♡) “here these are for you 🌹”
(♥♥♥) “i love you george”
(♡♡♡) “i’ll fight you in sumo when you’re in my house”
(♥♥♥) “we’re going together aaaaah”
(♡♡♡) “guess what, i had faith in you”
(♥♥♥) “or OR.. we could... kiss?”
(♡♡♡) “i haven’t had my first kiss” “that's a lie, you kissed me”
(♥♥♥) “hey dream give me an ak.... please”
AND OF COURSE THERE ARE SO MANY MORE BUT... i cannot do this any longer therefore the rest are compilations because i cannot do this any longer
(♥♥♥) every time george has said ‘i love you’ (kind of) to dream
(♡♡♡) dreamnotfound moments
(♥♥♥) gaymest moments
(♡♡♡) rare moments
(♥♥♥) wholesome
(♡♡♡) idiot compilation
(♥♥♥) love languages compilation
BONUS: this soulmate compilation...
SO ORIGINAL POST - links wouldn’t work when reblogged because it went over link limit with everyone tagged, so i will reblog with everyone who’s clips i’ve included!
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Kenma’s kitten
Happy birthday to me 🥰🥳 and as a birthday present to myself here is a nasty kenma fic because no one requested anything for my best boy and since I mention cold weather this does count as a Christmas fic. 
Kenma x reader, Kuroo x reader, Nekoma team x reader
warnings: okay here we go, Smut, degradation, oral, group sex, squirting, crying, hair pulling, overstim, No beta we die like men. 
word count: 4,000 (about)
sumarry: Kenma (and kuroo) fuck you while the rest of the team listens in on discord
It started innocently enough. Just sitting on Kenma’s lap while he plaid some game with the other Nekoma boys. It was nice to sit and cuddle with him even when he was busy with something else. Despite the cold snowy weather, his body was warm and it was making you a little sleepy.
 Kenma had tried to teach you how to play this particular game but you sucked at it and you much preferred just watching him play. But after a while, you grew bored watching the same map over and over again as he gunned down opponents left and right. 
So you climbed off his lap to stretch your legs promising to return with snacks. You could hear Kuroo laugh through the headset teasing Kenma about how much you babied him. When you came back Kenma lifted his arms making room for you on his lap. Instead, you smirked, Kenma didn’t seem to struggle with this game at all, why not make it a little challenging for him?
You smiled and sank to your knees running your hands over his thighs. Kenma’s eyes went wide before shrugging and turning back to his game, yelling at lev like nothing was happening. You didn’t mind, you could make him pay attention to you.  Kenma angled his hips up letting you tug down his sweatpants revealing his red boxers. 
You rested your chin on his thigh running your hands over his crotch feeling his soft cock jump as you run your palm over him. He was breathing a little heavier, now as his length twitched to life under your touch, his cheeks turning pink. Kenma canted his hips up to meet your hand. His gold eyes dropped from the screen to meet your gaze momentarily. 
Obediently you reached inside his boxers and pulled out his half-hard cock, stroking it lightly with one hand. You ran your thumb over the slit making him gasp. 
“Kenma? Are you okay?” someone asked over the headset
“I’m fine,” he grunted back, glaring at you.  You continued to bob your hand up and down feeling each vein and curve of his length. Kenma’s cock was thin and long curved upwards with a pretty pink head and a mess of tangled pubic hair at the base of his groin. You reached over and snagged a bottle of lube out of his desk drawer, you were lucky Kenma kept his sex stuff next to his gaming stuff. You popped the cap and squirted a little in your palm before slicking it down his cock. 
Kenma, normally quiet, let out a hiss at the feeling of the cold slick touching him, the wet clicking of your hand as it traveled up and down his shaft was louder than you expected and you worried that some of the boys might hear. 
“Kenma? You okay?” 
“I got shot,” your boyfriend mumbled back, a lie you were sure, 
“Keep your eyes on the game baby,” you teased, earring you a glare. Kenma, who seemed to be enjoying your hand job, was seeming to get used to the friction, and his attention turned back to his game, you couldn’t have that, you put both hands on his cock jerking him off in unison before twisting your hands in opposite directions as you jerked him off making his hips buck. You could see his pretty gold eyes roll back inside his head, his hand going limp around his controller almost dropping it on your head. 
“Put it your mouth,” he grunted regaining his control you smiled and mouthed
“make me” you mouthed
“What was that Kenma?” Kuroo asked over the controller and you froze, had your little game been ruined? Surly your shy boyfriend would blush and shut the game off in embarrassment, or so you thought. 
Instead, he took his hand off the controler and ran his fingers through your hair yanking your head towards his cock.
“(y/n) is sucking me off, or at least, She should be, She’s kind of being a brat,” he growled into the microphone. You could hear the other boys laughing and Lev even whine about how much he wished his girlfriend would suck him off while he gamed. Your cheeks went bright red, you opened your mouth to defend yourself but Kenma shoved you forward again and you ended up with his cock in your mouth gagging you. 
There was another chorus of laughter as they heard you gag. “I thought you said she was sucking your dick not choking on it,” Yaku called
“Is there a difference?” Kenma asked, your eyes were watering, a result of his cockhead bumping the back of your throat. You fought back your gag reflex and slowly took the rest of his cock down your throat until your tongue was hanging against his balls, your nose pressed firmly into his pubic hair. 
“Is she deep throating you?” someone asked.
“Yeah, little slut it real good at taking cock down her throat,” he scoffed fisting in your hair and dragging your head back up, you tried not to choke once he shoved his cock back down your throat but you couldn’t help but splutter a little bit making everyone cheer again. You felt humiliated, there was a whole team of boys laughing at you while you sucked Kenma’s cock. 
“They’re saying some really nasty things about you baby you want to hear?” Kenma asked by taking off his headset and putting the headphones around your ears, angling the microphone to pick up the lewd sound of you sucking his cock. 
“What a slut, you couldn’t even wait until he was offline to get his dick huh?”
“Who knew or manager was such a greedy little cock slut,”
“Bet you let him cum in your mouth and swallow it all,”
“Nah man Kenma probably busts all over her face and tits and makes ‘em lick it up”
“Fuck I want to cum on (y/n)’s face,”
“I bet she’d let you, whores like that will take any dick that comes their way,” 
“You think she’d let me fuck her ass while she sucked off Kenma? That’s hot” 
All the while Kenma put both of his hands in your hair, the game long forgotten, he carded his hands through your hair so he could bob your head for you setting a brutal pace, not giving you a moment’s rest. He was being extra mean for your audience. 
Kenma released his hold on you momentarily pulling out his phone and snapping a quick picture, the flash blinding you. 
There was a collective groan in your ear as the boys opened the photo Kenma sent
“Ew, I don’t want to see Kenma’s dick,”
“Shut up Fukunaga it’s not like it’s nothing you haven’t seen before,”
“Awe (Y/n) is the one wearing the headset. Does that mean you can hear us right now, miss manager?” you let out a broken moan in answer. 
“Awe don’t feel too bad (y/n), you look so pretty with a cock in your mouth and with tears in your eyes,” someone cooed. And the other boys agreed. Suddenly the vile comments were now aimed at you directly
“You should take out your tits and let Kenma hump your chest,”
“Kenma’s cock isn’t even that big you’d probably die trying to take my fat dick,”
“(y/n) how wet are you?”
“Yeah show us that wet little cunt,”
“What are they saying? They want to see you naked?” Kenma asked, only catching bits of the conversion. You nodded. And he smirked. 
“Why don’t you let me use this mouth to get off then I’ll repay the favor,” he whispered, He started bucking his hips faster, fucking your mouth faster than you could handle, 
“Oh, it sounds like Kenma is going to cum,”
“Damn I wish we could see,”
They were right, Kenma buried himself to the hilt inside your mouth and let out a strangled cry as hot cum filled your mouth. 
“Don’t you dare swallow yet I want to see it,” he growled, you did your best not to swallow the salty liquid. Kenma pulled back and took out his phone again. You knew what he wanted without him having to say it.
You cupped your hands beneath your chin and stuck your tongue out, the cum dripped out of your mouth onto your chin and down your neck. Again the flash blinded you as Kenma snapped a picture.  And again you could tell the exact moment the photo sent in the discord server because of the collective groan that came from your headphones. 
“Fuck you’re so hot (y/n),” 
“I’m going to fucking cum,”
“Such a good little cum slut,”
“She’s pretty isn’t she?” Kenma asked into the microphone picking you up on shaky legs sitting you down in his chair. “Take off your clothes baby,” he ordered. There were whoops and hollers encouraging you to  “strip for daddy,” even though they couldn’t see you it still felt like you were getting naked in front of the whole team. You stripped quickly, only taking the headset off momentarily to take off your shirt. You sat back down on the chair, bare. You shivered slightly, you hadn’t realized how cold it was in his room. 
“Keep talking to her,” Kenma ordered into the mic before sinking to his knees. He threw your legs over his shoulders and started attaching your cunt with his mouth. You yelped as he rolled your clit between his teeth 
“What’s going on?”
“Yeah what’s he doing to you?” 
“Jesus you yowl like a cat in heat,”
You gulped and struggled to find your voice, when you spoke it came out husky, probably because of the rough throat fucking you’d just endured. 
“H-he’s eating my pussy,” you whined and you could feel Kenma smirk against your folds, his tongue darting out to circle your entrance and lap at the wetness that had already leaked out. 
“Damn lucky,”
“I bet that little pussy is so sweet,”
“Nah she’s a whore you can probably taste the dick on her, I’d never go down on a slut like that.”
“I’m surprised Kenma is eating her out. He didn't seem like the type.”
You could feel Kenma smile again before his tongue went up to circle your clit, at the same time two of his narrow, dextrous fingers slipped inside of you making you cry out again. 
“What did he do now (y/n)?”
“Bet he put his tongue in her,”
“Nah I bet she likes it better when he sucks on her clit,”
“Maybe he’s playing with her ass.”
“Fingers,” you moaned breathily. Then cried out when Kenma stroked your g-spot 
“Keep telling us what he’s doing,”
“Keep moaning baby girl give me something to jerk off too,”
“God, you should stream this next time if you’re going to tease us like this.”
You did your best to narrate what was happening but it was hard when your head was spinning. 
“H-his tongue is on m-my clit and he’s fingering me,” you whimpered  “my hands are in his hair, t-too keep him where I want him,”
“Ohhh I should have guessed Kenma was the kinky likes getting his hair pulled type.”
“What about you kitty do you like getting your hair pulled while you get fucked?” just as the question was asked Kenma sucked on your clit harshly. 
“YES!” you shrieked bucking your hips against your boyfriend’s face. And there was a peel of laughter from the other boys. 
“Ahhh he’s probably j-just doing this to make you jealous Kenma h-hates going down on me normally,” you admitted tugging on his hair again.
“Awe that’s a shame princess, I’d eat your pussy every night if you let me,”
“Fucking dick,”
“He doesn’t let us fuck you but he won’t even fuck you properly himself? Lame,”
“FUCK KENMA!” you shrieked as his fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot inside of you. You felt him smirk against your clit as he suckled your sex. 
“You sound so pretty when you moan my name,” he murmured around you. “Keep moaning baby let them know who’s making you feel so good,” he ordered, and even if you had wanted to keep quiet you didn’t think you could. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning loudly, just like you couldn’t stop yourself from humping his mouth as he kept fucking you with his mouth, his tongue dipping down to tease your entrance with your fingers.
“She’s so loud,”
“I’m kind of into it,”
“Bet he has to gag her half the time,”
“Jesus you heard her when she was sucking his cock a gag barely dose anything,”
“Are you going to cum kitty? You sound like you’re close,”
“Fuck yes I’m close,” you moaned
“P-please Kenma let me cum I’ve been so good please,” you begged looking down at him but he gave no indication that he would let you. 
“You have been good haven’t you,” someone snickered
“Awe Kenma wouldn’t be mean enough to stop you from cumming right?”
“He might Kenma is a real jerk,”
“Just to you Lev, I doubt he’s a dick to his girlfriend,”
You didn’t know whether or not you should be glad the attention was off of you. You had kind of enjoyed it when they were mocking you. Then again you were too close to your orgasm to care
“I’m going to cum oh fuck Kenma I’m going to cum,” you whined your legs shaking. You tried to pull away from his mouth the pleasure was too much for you to handle. Kenma didn’t let you go, he hooked his arms around your thighs keeping you flush against his mouth. 
“Oh, baby you sound so good when you’re about to cum,”
“Your wet pussy is so loud,”
“Damn Kenma is getting into it,”
“Whatever I could still eat her out better,” 
The tight ball of pleasure in your core snapped sending you spiraling into ecstasy, you were too distracted to even check if the loud moan you let out was embarrassing or not. Kenma softly kissed your cunt and gave small kitten licks to your clit as he pulled his fingers out of you leaving you shaking.
There was a sudden knock at the door making you flinch, and your eyes went wide. 
“Kenma who is that?” you hissed trying to cover up your naked lower half.
“Relax it’s just Kuroo,” Kenma said getting off his knees
“What the fuck do you mean it’s just Kuroo? Did you invite him over?” you demand, ignoring the chaos currently going on in the headset
“Yeah He asked if he could fuck you a little bit and I mean you don’t mind do you?” he asked opening the door letting Tetsurou in. You blushed. 
“I don’t but that’s not the point-” You whined.
“Then what’s the problem?” Kenma asked and at that moment you keyed back into the conversation. 
“This is such fucking bullshit!”
“Why the fuck does Kuroo get to fuck (y/n),”
“I’m driving to Kenma’s house right fucking now,”
“What makes you think they’re at Kenma’s place?”
“(y/n) please don’t fuck Kurro it’ll make us sad,”
“Damn I wish I was Kenma’s best friend if this is what it gets you.”
“Hey (y/n),” Kuroo said stripping off his shirt, “you aren’t uncomfortable are you?” he asked with that stupid cocky grin on his face. This wasn’t the first time having sex with Kuroo but you were a little miffed that your consent was taken for granted. 
Kuroo leaned in kissing you, snickering when he heard the uproar of the other boys. His big hands slipped under your shirt fondling your breasts. 
“Oh your tits are so nice and soft,” he moaned right into the microphone, “your nipples are so sensitive baby,” he teased, twisting your nipples making you gasp. Kuroo’s mouth fell to your neck and he sucked lightly on the skin.
“Don’t you dare give her a hickey,” Kenma snapped, sounding genuinely jealous. Kuroo spread your legs thumbing at your clit making your thighs tremble 
“If you’re going to fuck them hurry up and do it,” 
Kuroo didn’t bother fully removing the basketball shorts he was wearing, he just shoved them down his hips enough to pull out his cock. He reached down stroking his own cock with one hand and the other he circled your clit.
“(y/n) are you still there?”
“Dumbass you can hear her breathing?”
“Tell us what’s happening right now,”
“Kuroo is touching my clit, and he’s jerking off,” you breathed. 
“Fucking tease,”
“God, why won’t he just fuck you?”
“How can he hold himself back?” 
Kuroo started kissing your neck again, keeping his teeth to himself, heading kenma’s warning. He teased your entrance for only a minute, before pushing inside you. You couldn’t help but cry out. Though kenma’s fingers felt good inside of you they had done nothing to stretch you out, and Kuroo’s cock was so big. Thick and girthy where Kenma’s was slender, veny and purple, mean-looking and intimidating, not near as pretty as your boyfriends. 
You reached up and scratched at Kuroo’s back as he bottomed out inside of you. He took a minute to enjoy the feeling of your wet walls gush and spasm around him. He looked to his left and saw Kenma perched catlike on the desk watching intently. 
Kuroo started moving, he started slowly fighting against your ironclad grip on his cock. You scratched at his back moaning loudly as he fucked you, the head of his cock bumping your cervix with each thrust. The chatter in the headset continued, the boy’s jealous comments about how badly they wanted to be the ones fucking you fueling Kurro to fuck you harder, pulling stilted moans and broken cries from your throat as his cock stirred up your insides. 
Kenma dropped from his perch and in one quick stroke, he was on top of you. Kissing your neck and playing with your nipples just the way you liked.
“Oh Kenma!” you moaned, the first intelligible word you’d said a long time. It made Kurro jealous, he was the one balls deep in you, rutting against your g-spot so why did you scream Kenma’s name at just the lightest touches? Maybe he’d just have to fuck you a little harder. 
Kuroo reached up and tangled his fingers in your hair yanking hard causing tears to spring to your eyes. 
“Te-Tetsu, do-don’t be mean,” you whined pathetically, He didn’t really care whether or not you liked getting your hair pulled, you had said his name, and that’s all that really mattered. Kenma, seemingly bored of littering hickeys across your neck, cupped your face and kissed you passionately. The wet sounds traveling to the rest of the team. 
Kuroo felt giddy, all those jealous boys wanting what he had. He could feel you sucking around him, and your ankles had hooked around his hips, you were going to cum. Kuroo snagged the microphone and brought it to his lips. 
“She’s going to cum, she’s going to cum all over my cock then I’m going to stuff her stupid little cunny with my cum and there’s nothing you can do about it,” he laughed. Once those words left his lips, the insults started flooding in. 
“Fucking whore”
“Dirty slut,”
“God of course the stupid bitch would let him cum in her.”
“How many men have used that filthy little cunt princess?”
“Bet it doesn’t even matter that it’s your captain fucking you, you’d let anyone fuck you.”
You wanted to deny it, but you couldn’t speak around kenma’s tongue. You did feel like a stupid whore letting Kurroo fuck you, letting the other guys speak like that to you, the Nekoma team used to respect you, now there was no way any of them could look at you and see anything but a fucktoy. 
You knew now that each time you talked to them they’d wonder who’s cum was soaking in your cunt right at that moment, if your panties were wet and if you’d let them stuff their hand between your legs to find out. 
But none of that seemed to matter now. All that mattered was Kurroo’s cock and Kenma’s hands, and the tight ball of pleasure building in your core, before snapping. Your cum gushed over Kuroo’s stomach leaving both boys slightly stunned. Kuroo broke the silence with his hyena laugh. 
“Damn (y/n) I didn’t know you squirted like that!” he bellowed and in your ear, the “dirty whore” comments made another round. 
“Okay Kuroo pull out,” Kenma said, his own erection needing attention. 
“I haven’t even cum yet,” Kuroo whined
“Then hurry up,” Kuroo didn’t need to be told twice, he started fucking you again. Your cum hitting his pelvis with each thrust. It only took a few more strokes for him to moan and empty himself inside of you, he pulled out your juices mixing with his, and dripped down from your core. Kenma pounced quickly pushing the mixture back inside of you with his fingers while he pulled out his own hard cock. 
“Kenma please no- I can’t take it I’m too sore,” you begged. 
“Come on slut if you can’t take cock then what are you  good for?”
“Yeah I bet you’re just saying that what you really mean is ‘please daddy fuck me harder’”
“I’ll be gentle, baby, I just need to be inside of you,” Kenma breathed, pushing his cock into easily with the slick mixture of cum still inside of you. As gentle as he was it still made you wince, your battered walls too sensitive to take any amount of friction. Not that it didn’t feel good, It almost felt too good, his  cock grazing against different spots then Kuroo had reached making you see stars. 
“You’re crying princess, does it really feel that good?” Kuroo asked wiping the tears from your cheeks
“Hurts,” you complained 
“Suck it up and take it whore,” someone snapped over the headset making you wince, 
“Awe don’t listen to them princess, even if you take cock like a whore that doesn’t mean you are one,” Kurroo reassured you reaching down and stroking your clit again. 
“You’re an angel baby so pretty when you’re like this, they’re just jealous don't listen to them, pay attention to me,” Kuroo said and continued to whisper praise in your ear while Kenma fucked you. 
“Fuck I’m going to cum,” you moaned. 
“I told you I was sensitive,” both boys smiled to themselves and both of them started going even harder on you, both of them trying to push you over the edge
“K-Kenma,” you moaned as another orgasm ripped through your body leaving you shaking 
“Fuck good girl, such a good girl,” Kenma groaned his own orgasm taking over and for the second time, you felt a load of cum being pumped inside of you. Kenma caught his breath and rested his head on your chest. And he ended the discord call. 
“The team is going to be pissed you ended the call without any warning,” Kuroo said, putting on his clothes. 
“I don’t care,” Kenma huffed, holding your wreaked body close to his chest. 
“Right well it’s your funeral Monday,” he snickered “see you later (y/n),” he said, and then it was just you and Kenma. 
“Come on,” Kenma said taking off the headset and helping you to your feet,
“I’ll run us a bath and we can relax together.” he offered 
“Kenma I think I need a rag or something,” you said awkwardly trying not to let the cum inside of you spill out onto the carpet.
“Oh right, well we’ll get cleaned up in the bathroom,” Kenma decided his eyes on your glistening cunt. He was already deciding between finger fucking you until the cum was all out or spraying your pussy with the showerhead until you cried, he wasn’t quite done with you yet, he just wanted a little privacy at this particular moment. After all, at the end of the day, you were his and his alone.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
could you write the sensory overload prompt with fallout new vegas companions as well (including benny)? and maybe butch deloria if thats not too much ^^
Romanced! FO3 & FONV Companions React to Autistic!Six/Lone with Sensory Overload Anxiety
Whoops, I ended up doing all of the companions from FO3 as well, my bad 🤷‍♀️
But here they are! Thank you so much for the ask, and I hope you enjoy!
This prompt with FO4 R!Companions
The doctor would want to help, would actually know how to help, but he may just get overwhelmed as well. He tends to focus on Six themself, rather than the situation surrounding them, that’s where the panic tends to get to him. But Six, he can deal with. If possible, he will try to remove his companion from their stressful surroundings, but whether or not he is able, Arcade tries to stay calm, using his voice, and breathing techniques and exercises he’s read about to try and deflate their rising anxieties. He tends to make sarcastic comments in the aftermath, more so to expel his own pent up anxiety than to help Six, but they don’t need to know that.
He's scared out of his mind the first time it happens. Six is pretty much invincible in his eyes, so this… just being around loud noises and such? That's what's rustling their jimmies? Wack. For a small moment, he feels like it's his fault, and even after the courier informs him that this is just a part of who they are, that they have always been this way, he still feels another dizzying pang of regret, knowing that a couple of bullets to the brain probably couldn't have helped their preexisting condition in any way. Over time, he'd get better about helping to calm his partner down, but he starts out rather overbearing, touching them too much, talking too quickly, having a panicked reaction that tends to only escalate the sensory overload they're experiencing. At least Six wouldn't have to worry about their safety in a combat situation with the Ben-man at their side. He's one of the best shots in the Mojave (if not the best). No one is getting past him. He may be an old hat when it comes to injuring Six, but he'll be hot diggidy damned if he's gonna let someone else lay a finger on them under his watch.
First off, the sniper would try to prevent Six from entering into any stress-filled situations at all, reminding them that he is more dangerous from a distance anyway. However, he knows that, in the Mojave, avoiding dangerous or overwhelming environments altogether is damn near impossible, so he’ll try to be prepared. He’s dealt with his own vicious bouts of PTSD long enough to have developed coping mechanisms to help him, and has actively used tools like sunglasses and ear plugs in his time with the 1st Recon, which he would recommend to them as well. Boone would approach his partner in their time of need, trying to refrain from being overbearing, but ultimately his support wouldn’t waver as he helped Six try to come down from their state of panic.
She honestly doesn't understand how Six has been able to survive in this world with their sensory overload anxiety, and she respects them even more now that she knows they have managed to. She may not be the best at helping them handle their stress, so she usually leaves Six to their own devices while she works on removing anything that could be causing her partner's apprehension. Once the threat is gone, she'll stand nearby until Six has managed to calm themself down, just to cover them and keep an eye out. When it seems to be over, she likes to bring them somewhere to unwind; and enjoys simply sitting with them and maybe having a drink or two as they recover their strength, and bearings.
He’ll talk them through the whole ordeal. Is he nervous about their state of panic? Probably. But his partner doesn’t need to know that. The ghoul doesn’t know a lot in terms of dealing with meltdowns, but for Six, he’ll try. Whatever sort of exercises they start to engage in to get their anxiety under control, he’ll be beside them, trying to participate, to help them through it if they seem to be struggling. He’ll get better at dealing with it over time, but it always scares him a bit to see his partner this way. Evidently, he will become more and more aware of his surroundings the more they travel together, and will try to keep them away from the situations he finds tend to set them off.
Whatever it was that seemed to have Six panicked, Veronica would seek to expel it in whatever way she can (but she's most enthusiastic when it involves punching). Her physical assault of the enemies responsible would be relentless, but should the episode be caused by something else, Veronica would be less comfortable dealing with it, but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t try. She mostly leaves Six to figure out their meltdown on their own, maybe going through breathing exercises with them and sticking by their side, but letting them calm themself of their own accord. Her involvement with the Berotherhood has taught her enough to know not to add any pressure to someone enduring this amount of stress. However, when they do eventually tell her that they are through the worst of it, she would try to give them some form of physical contact to help reassure them that she’s there for them, if they are comfortable with it.
He’s known Lone a long time, and since they were kids, he’s been learning about the sort of situations that set them off. Now that they’re together, he’ll try his hardest to think back to all the times they were overwhelmed, and would attempt to keep them from these types of environments as best as he can. That doesn’t always work though, given the differences between the vault and the unpredictable outside world. Despite this, he also tends to remember the way their father used to help them when they became panicked like this, and will try to replicate these actions in order to best help his companion. Once he's succeeded in helping them calm down, they might have to return the favor, as their panic tends to do a number on Butch. Though he has seen them in such a state more than a few times, that doesn’t mean he likes it one bit, or will ever be truly used to it.
Calm and collected as ever, Charon would systematically eliminate all stressful factors that could be affecting Lone. When he had seen to that task, he would turn to his partner, standing by their side and waiting for direction of how best he could help them. If they can recover on their own, he’ll be nearby to cover them, but if they are in need of his assistance, as long as they tell him what they need, he will oblige. In the aftermath of Lone’s meltdown, Charon would keep his blue eyes locked on them as his worry wears away at his stoic exterior. They will need to tell him that they are okay, or else he will refuse to carry on with their travels. Until he knows they can handle it, he won’t allow them to set off again.
The poor thing would do everything wrong in this instance. She would try so damn hard to help her partner in their time of need, but ultimately she would prove to only add to the list of overwhelming factors surrounding Lone. As soon as she saw the panic wash over her companion, she would be by their side, speaking to them quickly, and as quietly as she could, but her own anxiety would cause a high pitch to sound from her throat as she tried to talk her companion down, running her hands over their arms as she does her best to support them, her frantic touches only serving to quicken their heartbeat further as they felt trapped by her concerned caresses. Once Lone finally does manage to settle down, Clover would be almost hurt by their lack of reciprocation when she tried to aid them; that is, until Lone explains to her that there are better ways for her to help. Now Clover just has to remember this for future instances...
She’s been a soldier long enough to know how to deal with stress on the battlefield, but it’s somehow different when it’s her partner going through the ordeal. She’ll be uncharacteristically tender as she takes them through the motions she was taught to use in order to calm her fellow soldiers’ nerves. Her voice would remain soft, her touches gentle, her brows knitted together in concern until Lone finally showed signs of calming down. The paladin would release a long breath, as though finally expelling her own apprehension at the situation, and then would straighten herself up, returning to the seasoned soldier she was in order to face whatever was left of the situation at hand.
The super mutant has a difficult time with subdelty, and would be worried about overwhelming Lone from his own loud tendencies. Should they start becoming uncomfortable while in his presence, he would actually distance himself from them, trying to turn away any additional factors that could be playing a part in their overload. Once they appear to have calmed themself, Fawkes will check in, apologize, and ask if there was anything he could do to prevent such occurrences from happening while they are in his company.
Fucking hell. We live in the Capital Wasteland. The whole damn place is just one big ass stressful situation. Are they serious?! He’d be confused, and a little pissed off, but if he has a soft spot for anyone, it’s Lone. Dammit. He won’t really know what to do, but he’ll try his best to cover them and keep them from harm’s way as they attempt to calm down and deal with their overload. Afterwards, he’ll gruffly ask if they’re okay, telling them that what they did could’ve gotten them killed, his expression would be a combination of sternness and annoyance, but his body would betray him as it shook in relief at the sight of his companion standing uninjured in front of him. Jericho would nod for the pair to continue on their way impatiently, but his eyes wouldn’t leave Lone as they set off in front of him, concern shining in their depths when he knew no one was there to see it.
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katsumiiii · 3 years
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Drunk In Love
roronoa zoro x fem! poc reader
genre: fluff
warnings: consumption of alcohol
description: the strawhat crew stops on a nearby island for supplies. zoro takes a trip to the local pub only to have some interesting company join him.
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It’s safe to say that Roronoa Zoro was lost. While this was not a rather surprising statement, it does get tiring to hear that the swordsman hasn’t picked up on his sense of direction since entering the New World. Again and again, every twist and turn looked similar to him, causing him to wander further and further from his desired destination. That destination of course being a pub.
The male couldn’t go too long without having at least a sip of alcohol, his mouth craving the flavor after a good while. He cursed as he traveled down another unfamiliar path, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he dragged his feet along the dirt ground.
Maybe he should’ve listened when Nami said to take someone with him. Nevermind, he would have had to take that curly browed idiot with him, and he’d rather not argue the whole way to the pub.
Zoro scanned his surrounds once more, seems as though those twists and turns led him back into the town, where the pub was apparently located. He let out a sigh of relief, tired of wondering around the dense forests, especially since all of the trees were so similar looking.
He trotted along, dirt kicking out in front of him as a result. Many different sounds flooded his ears, whether it were children whining for the cherry tarts that were on sale to the left of him — they were supposedly the best in town — or the slight ringing of laughter coming from the restaurants to his right, he reckoned that’s where Luffy was trying to go, the smell of meat too tempting for him to ignore.
About half way through the town square, Zoro encountered the very place he’d been searching for. With a snarky grin on his face he hurriedly pushed open the doors, the smell of booze greeting him ever so kindly. Walking a few feet up from the entrance way, he plopped on to a tall wooden stool, slamming his hands on the oak countertop in order to catch the bartenders attention.
“Lemme get a beer.” He bluntly demanded, obsidian irises staring boringly into the man behind the counters backside, watching as he turned around with a tight lipped smile on his face.
“Sure, coming right up!” The chubby male worked swiftly, and right as Zoro gave a long loud yawn a pint of beer was slammed on to the table, causing him to smile excitedly.
“No problem sir! Tell me if you need anything else!” He stated as he hurried off to handle another customer.
Zoro raised the mug to his chapped lips, taking large gulps as he drank the liquid. It left a satisfying burn as it traveled down the pathway of his throat, soon settling in his stomach along with whatever else was down there. He let out a sigh of relief and a belch, which caused quite a few heads to turn towards the noise.
“Oh shit, that’s Roronoa Zoro!”
“What’s he doing here alone?”
“If he’s here then that means Strawhat is most likely near by.”
The whispers grew louder as men and woman alike began to worriedly question the young males motives, discreetly scooting further and further away from him. Zoro huffed closing his only good eye, all he wanted was a peaceful drink at the bar, was that too much to ask for? Guess that’s what he gets for being a pirate.
“You looking for company?” A voice asked, the groan of wood rubbing against wood following soon after, causing Zoro to assume that they pulled out the chair beside him. He grunted, eye still not opening as his left hand gripped the handle of his mug.
“No, go away.” He replied, taking another gulp of his liquor.
“Aww don’t be like that, I promise I’m an interesting gal.”
Zoro opened his eye in annoyance, gaze traveling to your figure. “I said go away you damned wom-” he cut off suddenly, voice caught in the back of his throat as he stared at the sight in front of him.
You were beautiful, your hair was braided into a style he’d never quite seen before, but it was unique and eye catching. Your browned skin all but glowed as there was a window right behind your figure, the sun illuminating your very being. Your nails were thumping against the dull oak countertop in front of you as you softly bit your plump lip, your pearly whites slightly poking out. “You alright there mister?”
His body jolted causing a cough to rile up from the sudden movement. “Oh my god are you okay?” You asked again, this time worriedly. Your voice was damn near angelic, the sound of it bringing heat to his cheeks as he slammed his fist on to his chest to stop his wheezing.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.”
“You sure? Had a bit of a cough there.” Your eyes seemed like they were staring into his very soul as you laid a hand on his chiseled backside, rubbing light circles upon it.
“I’m fine! I can handle a little cough.” He roughly shook your hand off of his back, face becoming more crimson by the minute.
“Hm, I can see that big guy.” You chuckled, gesturing the bartender over. “Hi, may I have some booze please? I’ve been craving some for the longest!”
The male nodded, cheeks turning pink at the slight groan you let out. “Y-yes ma’am, I’ll get right to it!”
“Thank you love!”
“Oi!” Zoro quickly called out, watching as the bar man rolled his eyes before sending him a full smile and a slight nod. “I need more booze.”
“Coming right away sir.” The man grumbled, reaching upwards to retrieve two mugs.
“You seemed to have irritated the man a bit.” You quipped, letting out a small thank you as the very man you mentioned handed you your drink.
“Not my fault he hates his job.” Zoro replied back, muttering out a thank you as well as his drink was set in front of him.
“I don’t think it’s the job he hates.” You smirked, licking your lips of the residue booze.
“Yeah whatever.”
Silence overtook the both of you as you indulged in your liquor, you yourself starting to feel a slight buzz around your fifth mug. “You still drinking?” You questioned, glancing over at the green haired male beside you.
He shot you a quick look, cheeks red from what you assumed was caused from his alcohol intake. “Yeah, surprised you can keep up with me, you damned woman.”
You scoffed, leaning closer to his flushed face, the red of his cheeks increasing with the closing distance. “Oh please, I could out drink your ass in an instant.” You announced cockily, nose scrunching at the smell of alcohol coming from his breath.
He cackled at the sentence, body shaking from complete and utter shock at what he believed to be an incorrect statement, though he guessed he’d have to find out. “Oh really? Is that a challenge?”
“You bet it is moss head.”
“Oh it’s on.”
Drink after drink, you two continued to down as many mugs as you could, the burn intensifying with each gulp. You took a sharp breath as you hastily drank another one, hearing cheers from the spectators, bets circulating on which person would win the battle. After about 56 mugs, Zoro lightly tapped chipped oak countertop, causing you to whoop in victory, screams erupting from the onlookers.
“Ha! Told you I would win!”
Zoro giggled, pushing his body from the wooden stool. “Damn, never thought I’d see the day.”
“I’m surprised my damn self, you can drink your ass off.” You smiled, flipping your intricately braided hair off of your shoulder.
“Well, it was nice drinking with ya.” The male declared as he trotted out of the bar, sending a small wave your way.
“Wait! You can’t just leave!” You rushed after him, hands clammy and mouth dry as you forced your legs to work properly enough to be able to run after the male. Though Zoro did hear your outburst, he decided to continue walking, once again kicking up dust as he wandered about. Your footsteps grew heavier, the affects of the alcohol you drank just now washing over you. You began to walk sluggishly, soon tripping, sending your body tumbling into Zoro’s.
“H-hey! What the hell?!” He firmly grabbed your plush waist, unintentionally pulling you flush against his toned body.
His cheeks heated up once again as his eyes settled along your face, your eyes glazed over, bottom lip slightly red, most likely irritated from the amount of times your teeth have harshly dug into them. “You...you alright?” His fingers traced pathways along your skin, trailing lines and circles as you both continued to stare at one another.
Soon you leaned forward, capturing your lips with his, the taste of alcohol dancing along your tongues. Heat trailed throughout your body, hands settling on top of his as you continued to embrace one another. The kiss was hot and messy, teeth clashing more than once, though neither of you minded, you simply continued to take in every single bit of each other.
You eventually pulled apart, both of you heaving from the intensity of it all. You both stared at each other’s slightly dulled irises, gazing upon the possibilities of this new relationship, or whatever you’d like to call it.
“Mhm?” Zoro cocked his head sideways, rubble rubbing against the back of his scalp from the movement.
“My name, it’s Y/N.” You repeated, ruffling the males hair to shake off the excess debris.
Zoro hummed in response, cheeks flushing for what seemed to be the thousandth time today. “My names Zoro.”
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notes: idk wtf is going awn in this fic lmfao 💀
taglist: @izvana @myhoodacademia @mypimpademia @0risha @blackweebtrash @katsumox @kazuluvr @yuujisbby @manjiiroll @asaincy @namjoonswifeyy @angiebug101 @amethyst09 @sisifromthed @lilsparkyswife @morosis-haze @solar3lunar @lightofcordonia
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