#waiting for him to see the nightmare puppet plush
hall0wedwyrm · 1 year
So... Ruin huh? (spoilers ahead, I watched Dawko' s playthrough of it. He's so dedicated its crazy) these are some misc thoughts about it
First of all, huge L to the people who don't like the book lore. If you somehow deny the books after this idk what to tell you. Besties that was literally the mimic idk what youre talking about
Eclipse is so lovely and charming oh my god they're a sweetie,,, they just wanna look after us and clean up the daycare <3
Cassie supremacy. Gregory had the AUDACITY to do that to her wtf. She has so much more personality than he did anyway. Can the sequel be Cassie and Roxanne beating the shit out of Gregory after a massive manhunt for him. (this is all a joke okay but also it would be funny)
Now the elephant in the room. Glamrock Bonnie. I don't think we were right about what happened to him. We get some backstory for him on the Monty ride and . I think he was either forced to give his role to Monty, or he gave up his role after all of the negative rep Bonnie has gotten after the MCI, with Afton using Golden Bonnie and decided to give it to Monty. ALSO THE POSTER IN HIS ROOM??? "You & Me Forever and Ever! Love Freddy" SOBBING. they were in love your honor-
i dont really have any theories yet apart from the Monty didnt kill Bonnie thing (i just want them to be friends okay), and also Cassie probably got infected by the Glitchtrap Virus with the Vanny mask and the AR world.
ok gonna go back to watching John Fuhnaff play it now, hes already going crazy he just said illusion disc i cant-
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Gloved hand (Crosshair)
Summary: Crosshair found a way to get rid of his chip, and went looking for his brothers in the depot, fully aware of the confrontation that would follow.
No pairing or reader description, only the member of the Batch
Word count: 2761
CW/TW: ANGST; Death, trauma, guilt, violent memories/ nightmares, burns/scar, some swearing; I don’t know how graphic my style is, so if I forgot anything please tell me!
Tags: @allamarisss @loth-wolffe @imalovernotahater (you all asked 🤧)
@razena88 @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s (non of you asked but I thought you'd want to check it out since you reacted to my Crosshair post; if you don't want to be tagged just tell me and I'll remove it !)
Notes: I had to. Because you’re all nice and I love pain, so here is the Sad Hour: Crosshair Edition™; Enjoy! (aka, I hope you’ll suffer a bit)
PS: sorry about the little dots when I skip a line, it’s the only way I could well...skip a line. I’ll try to find another way for the future!
PPS: The Neighbourhood - Roll Call is the song I listened to while writing this 🤭
He knew they were waiting on him, on the move he would make. They didn’t know about his chip being removed – not yet – and he knew he only had one shot.
How ironic.
He was still wearing the Imperial armour, face covered by his helmet, rifle attached to his back. He could see the way Hunter tightened his fingers around the trigger, and he recognised that look; the one he usually gave to his opponents before he killed them. He could get away; Hunter was a good shooter and his senses did helped for that; but Crosshair was the marksman. He guessed by a simple look at the scenery that the shot would crush through his pectoral plates, and given the distance and the type of blaster, it would surely shake him out, but it wouldn’t kill him.
As much as he sucked at it, he had to resort to words. He wasn’t the Empire’s puppet anymore, and trying once again to threaten them…It was simply out of the question.
Slowly, he raised his hands to his helmet, grabbing the lower part of it. He waited a second, not sure about the short moment where his vision would be obstructed.
Come on, you don’t get to worry about getting shot. Take the damn bucket off.
He pushed it up his head, briefly closing his eyes as a ridiculous way to sooth his morbid thoughts. When he opened them up again, Hunter hadn’t moved an inch. He didn’t know how much time he had, so Crosshair dared to take a step forward. Then another, holding his helmet in one hand, keeping the other one on the plastoid covering his chest, gently taping it with a gloved finger.
He stopped at the fourth step. The Batchers tensed up, unsure of what his next move would be. Crosshair knew what he was doing.
T’s your time to shine, Cross.
“DC-17. Round it down to a 7 meters distance from the target, slightly move your arm to your left.” He taped on a small spot of his chest plate, never breaking eye contact with Hunter. “Make me proud.”
It was a bold move, he knew it too damn well. He forced himself to maintain eye contact with them, with him, as much as it scared the crap out of him. As much as he hoped, deep down, for his brother to take pit-
 It was quick, bright. Finger pressed against the trigger, Hunter noticed every wave in the sound of the shot as it echoed in the depot. He followed the blue deflagration as it got spit out of his blaster, sliding the air in a thin whistling, brushing past Crosshair’s left arm, hitting another clone further behind.
He didn’t know if it was the right decision; but he knew enough about Crosshair to try it.
“I said ‘to your left’” was the only thing that came out of Crosshair’s mouth as he turned his head to look at the man lying on the floor a few meters behind him. He wasn’t dead, and now they had to quickly evacuate.
But Cross was alive. For now.
“Tech, get in there and be ready to take off when I tell you to! Wrecker, you cover us. Crosshair.”
The sniper pulled out his own blaster, back turned to the Batchers, ready to shoot any intruder trying to rip him away from his family once again. He soon felt a firm hand grasping his shoulder and dragging him back. He didn’t fight it, didn’t look at it. His focus was on the men running in the depot, on the way he hit them with such precision it almost felt too easy.
He was the last one to get in the Havoc Marauder, still shooting as the door closed shut in front of him.
His heart pounded so hard in his chest that for a moment, he thought it might go through the plastoid armour and crush against the wall. There was the next move. So easy to execute, yet so terrifying.
“Crosshair, look at us.”
It was the tone; too formal, almost polite. He hated it. But he obeyed anyway, slowly turning around to face his tattooed brother.
Don’t look down. Don’t look down and cut that crap.
Hunter remained silent for a moment, examining Crosshair’s face scarred by burns, his new shaved side and white patch on the side of his head. The violent pumping and barely shaky breath told him more than the stoic eyes he was staring at.
“How’d you do it?”
“A droid helped.” Hunter’s nod was the only answer he got.
Keep talking, di’kut.
“I missed you.” confessed Wrecker. “I think we all did.”
Now it was his turn to nod. What could he possibly answer? ‘I missed you too, but mostly because my chip made me want to kill you.’?
You didn’t wanted it, you had no choice.
“You didn’t have a choice,” Echo got a bit closer to him, even though he couldn’t tell if it was a good idea. “We know you didn’t.”
“Now that you removed your chip, you’re out of risks.” commented Tech, trying to comfort him a bit.
Each second passing was getting him closer to the edge. He wasn’t looking at faces, he was looking at phantom targets, still feeling the stings stabbing his brain every time he hesitated before shooting at them. Their voices were hardly getting to him, they were so distant, probably a faint memory from a time where he still had control.
“…get you something to eat, and you’ll go take a shower. Works for you?”
“Yes, Sarge.”
He knew the small clap on his shoulder was more of a friendly kind than a brotherly one. He hated it. He deserved it.
 He never felt that uncomfortable while eating with someone before. Even lunches on Kamino’s cantina weren’t as awkward. Tech tried to initiate a small talk, mentioning their next mission, the supplies they would need to get, and Omega tried to keep him going by nodding and asking questions he knew were useless.
But really, it was just an excuse to avoid the talk. Given the situation, it would probably hurt less to just… confront him. Tell him he scared them, when he callously ordered Hunter to stand down and surrender, told his troopers to “aim for the kid”. Not that he didn’t know; he found the confession in their eyes every time they would look at him.
He barely ate, rolling a fresh toothpick between his gloved fingers as he weakly chewed on his food.
“I’ll take the first round tonight,” Hunter muttered, mostly for himself.
Crosshair slowly got up from his seat, putting his ration away, trying to avoid the stares. He slid his toothpick between his lips, nibbling a bit harder than usual on the wooden texture. All he had to do was turn around and leave the cockpit. He had done it countless time by the past, what’s one more?
He wanted to lay down and sleep his pain away, get drowned in the pillows and forget all about what happened. He took a few steps, pretended he didn’t flinch when a hand caught his own, but couldn’t bring himself to smile at Omega when she gently rubbed his knuckles.
She didn’t say anything, she simply followed him to the bunk beds. Crosshair could barely look at her, because every time he did he could only see the scared look she gave him when he ordered it.
Aim for the kid.
It was haunting; she was just a child, a mixture of a little sister and a daughter for the Batchers, and he tried to rip that away from them too.
His attention shifted to the beds when he noticed the lights around his. He could also see a glimpse of a plush – oddly familiar – and a soft blanket nicely pulled over the mattress.
“We – she needed a place to sleep, and you were gone so…”
Wrecker, who followed him too, was uncomfortable; he was the one who came up with the idea. As much as he missed Crosshair, he knew he needed to take care of his little one because she was here. But now, Cross was back.
“Keep the bed,” he murmured, “I don’t mind.”
And he meant it. He would have done the same if Wrecker, or Echo or whoever went missing like he had. The kid deserved a comfy place to rest, her life with them already being chaotic enough.
“I can sleep with you, I don’t mind. I can stay at the end of the bed if you’d prefe-”
“It’s fine, Omega.”
He painted a weak, yet gentle smile on his face, hoping for it to convince her. It did, because she nodded and held his arm against her for a few seconds as to hug it. Wrecker – and Echo later that night – offered him to sleep in their bed. “I can sleep with Tech if you want it all for yourself” the 501st vet assured him. But Crosshair declined each time, pretending that he would probably not sleep anyway tonight, just tonight, because he needed to get used to this place again.
In a way, it was true. He needed time to find his footing here, to get back to the way things used to be.
Don’t pretend it will go back to ‘how it used to be’. It could never.
 When everyone headed to bed, Hunter returned to the cockpit and found the sniper sitting on his own.
“I’ll take the first round, Crosshair. Go get some sleep.”
“I don’t have a bed,” he barely confessed, his usual sarcastic tone nowhere to be found.
“Take mine for now, I don’t need it before a few hours. Don’t discuss it,” he pursued when Crosshair tried to reply, “I’m not giving you a choice.”
It took him a second to realise how clumsy it sounded, but Crosshair spared him the embarrassment of an apology when he got up and nodded.
“Alright, sorry.”
Hunter grabbed his shoulder, unsure about his next move, but trying anyway.
“It’s…We can’t pretend nothing happened, but we’ll work through this. All of us,” and when he heard Crosshair’s heart pumping harder and his breath getting heavier, he added, “as a family.” Before letting go of him.
Crosshair couldn’t even speak anymore. If he tried, all that would come out would be confused babbling and an awkward throat clearing. He hoped on his brother’s heightened senses to read through him like an open book, throwing back one last look before he got back to the bunk beds. All the Batchers were already sleeping, peacefully wrapped in their blankets or holding their plushie against their chest. He sat on the edge of Hunter’s bed, his blacks still on, eyes locked on the soft lights emanating from his old bed.
 Hunter woke up when he felt a soft weight landing on his lap. The smell got him almost immediately, a mixture of gunpowder and iron.
“You should have surrendered.”
His eyes shifted to the slim shadow standing a few steps away, lurking on him with cold determination.
“Crosshair?” He looked down at the soft plush laying on him. Lula. Her head was almost ripped in half by a now barely fuming hole. He couldn’t hide the fear splashing his eyes, neither could he refrain his voice from breaking when he asked “what did you do?”
“I did what had to be done. This is why they put me in charge to track you. I’m efficient.”
Hunter shivered at the sick smile he could hear in Crosshair’s voice. His thoughts ran from the plush to Omega, to the bunk beds at the end of the hallway, to his brothers left unarmed at the mercy of a sniper who had none.
“You should have killed me in that depot.”
A quick thud filled the cockpit as a red, bright light stroked Hunter right through the chest. He fell back into his seat, unable to breathe, but way too aware of the burn on his skin, of the nerves flaming up under the chock and the heat, of his heart rapidly pulsing then slowing down in a macabre countdown. He got dizzy, eyes blurring out despite his desperate attempt to get them focused.
He struggled to keep his head up, until a gloved hand grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up. He could guess the shapes of the helmet, the green and grey shades melting altogether as his eyes barely held open. As he felt his own heart stop, his last breath making him chock, he heard his brother’s voice taunting him, one last time.
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
  Pitch black. This is all Crosshair could see when he abruptly opened his eyes. The blanket was rolled up at his feet, his blacks soaked in sweat, and his head aching. A sudden terror grasped him as he held his temple, tripping off the bed as he tried to get up, muttering Hunter’s name. He choked up on the syllables when he realised he was sleeping in his brother’s bed, while the tracker was nowhere to be found. He found himself struggling for air, the same way he would if someone stabbed him repeatedly in the chest. He dragged himself to the refresher, locking the door as soon as he got in.
The bright light forced him to close his eyes for a few seconds, but once he got used to it he reached the tap. His hands, usually so precise and steady, where uncontrollably shaking, to the point of him getting cramps.
The cold water did nothing to help; he shivered to the wet contact, lightly gasping when he splashed his face, but did it again, and again, trying to wash off the pain of his body.
Did I killed them? Did I? What if I did, what will I do, what if I killed them, I can’t- I can’t lose them, not again, not this way, I-
His head was buried in his hands, and it demanded all his strength for him to look up in the mirror. He quickly regretted doing so.
He hated those scars. Mostly, what they represented, what they meant.
It means you tried to get them burned alive; you ordered for them to be burned alive by an active propeller. This is what they mean, this is what you did.
He hated his reflection, lurking and haunting him the same way his memory did. A phantom pain none of them could imagine.
You like to pretend they don’t get it, but they do. Their own brother tried to kill them. You did that, Crosshair; don’t put the blame on your victims.
“Kriff,” he bitterly chuckled, tears burning his eyes.
You did this to yourself. Take some responsibilities.
He tried to maintain eye contact with himself, fingers gripped so tight around the edge of the sink he could feel his muscles quiver. He didn’t have a choice, he knew that. The chip forced him, the Empire used him to do these terrible things.
If a gloved hand kills you, will you blame the glove, or the hand?
You’re the hand, Crosshair. Nothing you will ever say or do will change that.
“Shut the kriff up,” he gave up, angrily pushing himself away from the sink, but still catching a glimpse of tears running down his cheeks before he turned his head, defeated. “Keep the snide to yourself.”
He jolted when someone softly knocked on the door. He took a few deep breaths to calm down his pumping heart, wiped away the tears with the back of his hand, and opened the door.
“I didn’t find you in the bed,” Hunter explained while analysing his expression, “I thought you’d be in here.”
“I can take the next round.” Crosshair calmly responded.
“Mine’s not done yet.”
“Hunter, please I- let me take the next round.”
He couldn’t say which of the two, his muffled “please” or his begging eyes, convinced Hunter; but it worked and that was enough for him. He didn’t flinch this time, when his brother gently patted his arm; he even wished for a quick, warm embrace. But he doubted Hunter was ready to get affectionate with him so easily. Truth be told, he didn’t feel that comfortable either. It was a crave he couldn’t fill.
He still cracked a weak smile as Hunter nodded and returned to his bed to get some rest.
Crosshair dragged himself to the cockpit, his stomach twisting at the sight of the empty seat on his right. He fell into his own, a long sigh slipping from his lips.
Don’t fall asleep.
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She's complete! My very first finished multi-chapter and I am so happy and relieved that is done--and pretty proud at how it turned out.
Chapters: 4/4
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Annabelle Cane, Mikaele Salesa
Tags: Memory Loss, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dreams vs. Reality, Angst with a Happy Ending
Chapter Summary: Martin finds Jon, and they finally make their way out of Upton House.
Martin sits at the foot of the staircase in the foyer of Upton House, his head in his hands.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He can feel the pull of the Lonely again, the siren song of waves and fog, the promise of an escape from this situation, all these messy emotions.
He pushes it away as hard as he can, focusing on all the details of this room - the plush carpet runner on the stairs, the smooth shine of the bannisters, the faint smell of floor polish. The sound of Salesa playing the piano in another room. Anything and everything to keep him here, present, in this moment.
You're not alone, he tells himself. Jon is still here. You'll get him out of here and then he will be fine. You'll get him back.
You're not alone. You're not alone. You're not alone.
"Trouble in paradise?"
Not alone , Martin thinks with a silent, bitter laugh. He doesn't move, his head still resting in his hands, his eyes closed.
"Go away, Annabelle."
Annabelle does not go away. Instead Martin hears a rustle and then feels her sit down on the step next to him.
“Poor Martin. Things never get easier for you, do they? Even here.”
He remains still, only clutching his fingers a little tighter in his hair. He hates that a part of him softens at her sympathy.
"What do you want?”
"Nothing. I'm just enjoying the show."
Martin lifts his head then so he can glare at her, and as he does, a thought suddenly strikes him.
“Did you have something to do with this?”
He can’t believe it never occurred to him before. He doesn’t know if memory loss is something the Web can even do, but if she did—Jon might not remember how to smite Annabelle anymore, but Martin will figure out a way to end her all the same.
Annabelle only smiles at the murder in his eyes. “The Web doesn’t control everything, Martin. Whatever you might think. And as much as I might like to take credit for this particular thread." Her grin widens. "We haven’t had such excitement in the house in weeks.”
Martin lets out a sigh. It’s about as straight an answer as he can expect from Annabelle.
"Well I'm glad our distress is a source of entertainment for you,” he says.
“I would have thought you would be used to that sort of thing by now. Isn’t your boyfriend sustained by the distress of others?”
“It’s not the same. He doesn’t enjoy it.”
“Doesn’t he?”
Martin doesn't answer. He doesn't want to think about the look on Jon's face after he killed the Not-Sasha, or Jared, or Jude. He doesn't want to think about how comfortable Jon is in this twisted new world, how even amongst his guilt there is a strange satisfaction in him at his ability to finally Know, to understand the world and how it works, to no longer be helpless.
"How does it feel, knowing that he is so at home out there, but he can't handle even a few days without the Eye?"
She asks it like a real question, like she truly wants to know. And Martin almost answers her.
Terrible. Terrifying. I'm so afraid of losing him to it, that one day I'll look at him and there won't be any of Jon left in him, just the Archivist. The Eye.
But he doesn't say that. Instead he looks at her steadily, ignoring her placid, curious expression.
"I know what you're doing."
"And what is that?"
"You're trying to make me doubt him. To—to put something between us, drive us apart. It's not going to work." It's only as Martin says the words that he realizes just how true they are. "I know what Jon is. I know what he can do. But I believe in him. I trust him. And I'm with him, until the end. No matter what."
Annabelle studies him for a moment. Her gaze is almost as piercing as Jon's, but Martin forces himself not to look away.
"Yes, I think you are," she says. "Pity."
Annabelle smiles, and it seems a little rueful, that smile. Then she stands.
"He's in the drawing room, with Mikaele. You'd better go get him."
Martin eyes her for a moment, trying to work out what she could gain from telling him this, what new game she might be playing. But there doesn't seem to be anything behind her words. She states them flatly, plainly. Just a fact.
He doesn't thank her. He just nods, and she turns to go.
But before she can leave, he reaches out a hand to her. "Annabelle, wait."
She looks at him, expectant.
He has to ask it, the question he's been dreading since Jon first woke up and he realized what was happening. But it takes him a few tries to get the words out.
"Will it fix him? Going back out there. Will it—will he get it all back?"
She cocks her head. "Perhaps. Even the Mother of Puppets can’t see the future. But the Eye won't want to lose its Archivist."
And then she disappears down the hall, before he can ask more.
Martin sighs and scrubs his hands over his face. He is already so tired. He wants to go back to bed, to sink into those soft pillows and sleep and wake up to find that this was all a nightmare, that Jon is still next to him, whole. He wishes, just once, that things could be easy.
He sighs again. If wishes were fishes , he thinks. And then he stands, and goes to find Jon.
Thanks for reading! You can catch the rest of this chapter and the other chapters on AO3!
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brahkest-fr · 3 years
CW: trauma, maggot/worm imagery, blood, general violence | Titan n Chimera have a moment
Titan rushed down the hall, long tail flailing mercilessly behind him, tripping cursing guards as he sprinted through ancient corridors that reeked with the stench of dust and mold. Another tundra stood at the end of the dungeon, old eyes cold and weary, not at all surprised at the other’s sudden appearance. He crossed his arms as Titan approached apprehensively. He didn’t meet his gaze but the elder bore through him with a fire that could raise the dead.
“Let me see her,” Titan demanded, rare harshness in his voice.
The other tundra squinted. “Be my guest. She will be dealt with by the morning,” he spat and pushed past him, frail old shoulder barely nudging Titan’s massive frame but the sentiment was there. “I told you something like this would happen.”
He waited until the other left before gingerly opening the wooden cell door, its creaking overwhelming the deep, pained breaths from within. His jaw slacked as he gazed over the hunched form of Chimera, kneeling on bare stone, arms folded behind her and chained to the wall. She peered upwards, head heavy and swaying. Her vision was blurry but made out Titan’s broad shoulders, haloed in the dusty light of the door frame. Angelic. She thought she was dying.
Titan conversely became aware of the dull, raspy sound of Chimera’s wheezing and the utter nothing coming from his own throat. Knees buckling, Titan faltered to the floor, hand grasping at the stone as he crawled towards her in a silent frenzy, hesitantly cupping his dear friend’s face with soft paws, head pressed to hers. Her breath quivered, recognizing the gentle touch and glimmering fur that encased her trembling form in a warmth that seemed foreign and unbelievable. He smelled like spices and sun, strong on her dull senses that have been subjected to the stale, putrid jail cell. She mouthed something weakly, spittle dribbling down her chin. He wiped it away, running his hands gently down her shoulders.
She shuddered, gray and melting in the dark of his shadow.
Chimera always saw beauty in bruises. Never was anyone more moved by the blossom of welts and the flush of cut flesh. He briefly wondered if she would have thought the way she appeared now, broken and stiff, was pretty.
She would. Even this dark place - she would.
“I’m so sorry Chimera...I should have stopped you sooner. I should have been with you before-” he gasped as he nuzzled her forehead, ignoring the blood oozing from her cuts.
Should. Should. Should. He always should have something.
“Titan,” she hissed, “It’s not your fault.”
He felt her cool blood seep into his fur, a jarring sick wetness.
He lowered himself, peering into her sickly yellow eyes that struggled to flutter open. They were pussy, glassy - tired. He ran the pads of his thumbs across her cheeks, wiping away thin tears she didn’t realize had fallen. He kissed the wedge of her snout, nauseated by the coldness of her skin, the stillness of her body other than minute flinches. He wrapped his plush tail around her, fur coated in the filth of her blood and sweat. She collapsed into his body, for what little slack the chains gave her. Pressing gentle fingers to the base of her spines, he massaged her neck, earning an exasperated choke from her.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked in the smallest voice he could muster.
Chimera’s eyes widened, manic and fearful though her body remained defeated and limp. She pressed her face into the crook of his neck. “The same. Always the same...” she sobbed.
He constricted her body, desperate to hold her pieces in place. “Where are you?”
Chimera grit her teeth, “It’s all red. All red and flesh and fog. She’s watching me again. But her hands are around me... I can feel her nails-” she heaved into a wailing bob back and forth, Titan pressing her to his chest.
It was routine for him, holding her, talking her through her delusions. It was the same story each time but progressively getting worse, an assault he couldn’t stop. A nightmare he couldn’t end. At first he thought Chimera simply had many peculiar fears here and there, bad dreams and the like as everyone does. But when her tough facade melted away into pure terror, screaming into the morning because she thought the hand reaching from her throat was real, Titan couldn’t pretend it was nothing. He wished it was nothing.
He loathed to be helpless when he shook her awake, failing to convince her she was safe. How the paralysis of sleep and fear would take her - how his very touch would send shock waves up her spine and out her maw as whines for help. How he was a sailor lost in the midst of her storms, throwing him wave after wave into her darkness. Drowning always inevitable. But the sun would rise and she would be there, resting on the railing of their sinking ship. She’d be pale in his nightmares. Dead. But he would hold her, tell her she was really alive and really there with him. The dark would come and swallow them whole. A story he knew the end to. He’d wake up and in a mad scramble would find Chimera sleeping restlessly in the guest room, tangled in ripped sheets. He’d breathe and slide down the door frame. Content. A moment of relief betrayed by continued suffering.
Titan was her rock though crumbling.
In all their years together, she could only cope with his hands stroking the whole of her back as the terrors would keep her up at night and plague her throughout the day with visions she couldn’t understand nor ones he could ease away. Chimera was always her strongest out in the city where she put on a brave face that day after day cracked slowly, along fault lines that he knew too well - the pinches to her forehead, the distant look in her eyes, the smile that was painfully fake. She tried her best to avoid being a burden though Titan would never consider her as such. It was hard to convince her that this nightmare was his own as well, something he chose to participate in, something he wanted to help heal. She’d look at him like a bug to flick away but like a tick he stuck to her side, sharing in the cursed blood. The gods awful nights and tortured days. The unholy body in alien skin.
Often Titan’s thoughts looped back to Sorrow, the vile witch they visited years ago for some semblance of an answer. It was said she knew everything. Foolish of them to think they would get a straight answer from a creature who delighted in the plights of dragons. The snowy, angelic imperial whose divine body was draped in silk and stars smugly sneered, a soft hand trailing down her own neck to chest, indulging in the deliciousness of their desperation.
“The gods certainly like to choose their favorites, don’t they? How cruel of them,” she laughed sweetly, predatory evil behind cold alabaster eyes.
It was hardly an answer but answer enough. Chimera was a victim of divinity, an ant under a magnifying glass. But what solution they could muster would elude them.
It would break them.
And now sits Chimera, kneeling under a shadow of death, oblivious to the world around her except the all consuming thoughts worming holes in her mind since childhood. Squirming like maggots in a wound, hungry to burrow and fester, their chafing claws scratched at her ears, throbbing rustling heartbeats haunted her sleep and peeled away her resolve. She’d pick at them like dead skin, indulging in habits that would only give her seconds of relief. A fight here. A fight there. Hours of physical training. Her mood was always electric and frenzied, focused on the next thing that would distract her. The worms hollowed the space just under her skin, slithering like plump veins in sickening patterns only she could see. Scratching. Wriggling. Squirming.
Titan often had his aristocratic duties and she knew that’d she’d have to cope alone, avoided by neighboring dragons too fearful or annoyed at the ridgeback who stalked the streets with a fervor that danced on the edge of violence. She suffered in silence, other than her wails that verbalized at the cusp of dawn in the arms of her friend who forced her to share his home, worried what such terrors would make her do. What they did make her do.
The grand library was dead silent. Dark. Titan's feet froze on the cold marble floor that could not be a more obvious sign to leave. She’s gone, he thought briefly - unwillingly - and shook his head. No. No. He can help her. She’s here and he’ll help her.
He found her deep in the basement of the library, surrounded by books meant to be locked up now lay open faced, ghostly runes visibly tearing themselves from the pages. Screaming wails from nowhere bounced off the walls as Chimera sat in the middle of a magic circle, muttering a language not even the Shade knew, lost in thought. Possessed. He yelled to her, held back by an invisible force of her own creation and she turned, face wet and screaming, desperate to end her torment. While an ancient tongue left her lips, she mouthed, help me.
Titan, filled with a fury and desperation that puppeteered his movements, tore through the magic barrier with a feral violence masked by the ghostly paleness of his face: a visible trace of doubt should he fail.
Why couldn’t he be here sooner.
He pulled her away from the cursed tomes but not without a fight as she flailed, child-like and dangerous, claws narrowly digging into the scruff of his throat. In this effort he forgot how strong she truly was, tangling themselves in a heap of limbs. In a last attempt to summon some gods’ forsaken horror, Chimera flew to a book, screeching its words like a siren until Titan grabbed her by face, tearing her away along with a vibrant strip of flesh from chin to eyebrow. Reeling back in pain and blinded by blood, she collapsed, pooled in sweat and sobs as she held her cheek, crying for it all to end, for the maggots in her brain to cease their chatter. Her back arched and she tore at her scales as if covered in ants, rolling along the cool floor to disperse the heat in her muscles. Titan loomed over her, hands unsure what to hold, how to touch. It was a piercing self awareness of his vulnerability in that moment. He heard yelling from above, likely guards posted outside. Chimera kept screaming, scratching, panting, crying. He shakily stared at his paws, fur now sticky with sweat and blood and grime. He wiped his hands in frantic motions, desperate to clean himself of the viscera he drew but it only smeared and matted his fur in pungent red. It was all wrong. Everything was wrong. He didn’t know what to do.
He didn’t know what to do.
He was beside her again now, no more confident than before but he could hide that, for now. His arms wrapped around her shoulders as she wailed, biting into his flesh, drawing crimson over his sunset fur. The pain was dull and fleeting while his thoughts were scattered and distant in the love he wished was enough. Her ribs cracked as she heaved in coughing fits, delicate and ready to burst. He wanted the floor to fall away, enveloping them in a comforting darkness - a place of attractive nothingness. He wished for a lot of things in that moment.
His tailed tightened, python-tight and unwillingly to let go. The torn flesh cutting across her eye festered, swollen and red. He forced himself to keep from turning away. You did that. Her sobs slowed and she was coming back to the present, away from the pit of worms who for now would slumber, buried deep under her skin, ghosts pricking their nails in anticipation against her bones. He stared at the chains bolted to the wall. Brittle.
She hung her head. Resigned.
“I want you to run.”
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Old Friends
Dark confronts (Y/n) about their decision to stay with Mark. (Y/n) loses their shit.
At first you thought you might be dreaming. But no, this felt too real. You had had horrific nightmares many times since leaving that mirror, but there had always been something, some little niggling thought, that told you that everything would be okay. That when you woke up you would be safe in your lover’s arms. But not this time. This time fear ensnared you like a serpent, its grip becoming tighter and tighter. 
Most of the space around you was nothing but darkness. But in front of you there was a desk, a plush chair on either side of it. Few items adorned that desk, one being a simple lamp, the only source of light in oppressive blackness. But it didn’t put you at ease, instead making you think of the deepest parts of the ocean where no sunlight can reach. And as if by magic, a small speck of light appears. And it’s the last thing you see before being swallowed whole and ripped apart. Two empty wine glasses and a metal pitcher sat in the centre, as if they were waiting. 
A voice rang through the darkness, “Take a seat.”
You knew that voice. Regardless of how long it had been, you would never be able to forget it. It was burned into your mind like a brand. A good chunk of you wanted so desperately to run from it. But there was nowhere to go. With a reluctance that was sure to be noticed, you sat down on one of the chairs and waited. And when you heard his footsteps you made the conscious effort not to look at him, to stare into space with nothing but aloofness written on your face. 
The footsteps stopped, but he didn’t sit. Instead he picked up the pitchers and filled them up to the brim. Then he sat, picking up the wine glass and taking a sip, miraculously not spilling a single drop as he did so. 
“It’s been a while, old friend.” He put the glass down as he said this, again not spilling any of the wine. 
You couldn’t resist. You brought your eyes up to stare at him. “Hello Damien.” 
That sounded wrong. You wondered if the thing sitting in front of you even was Damien anymore. It looked like him. He had changed your old body to look like he had when he. . .  was still him, much like Mark had done when he had stolen Damien’s own body. But somehow you knew that the scars remained, imprinted on that body in a way that was impossible to get rid of. His skin was grey, and he carried an aura of darkness with him wherever he went. Blue and red outlined his form, and a ringing followed him. A ringing that could signal his arrival to anyone, but by the time they heard it it would be too late to run from him. 
“How’s Celine?” You didn’t really care about her, but you needed to know if she was in there, listening to what you were saying and puppeting the body when it spoke to you.
“She’s sleeping.”
Good thing too if he was telling the truth, for you couldn’t promise that you wouldn’t launch yourself over the table to attack her if she was the one sitting in front of you. Anger and hatred for her outweighed fear and caution any day of the week. And as for Damien. . . You couldn’t tell where your feelings for him stood. Something in you was so happy to see his face and hear his voice, but that fear that had gripped you before he had sat down was still there.. And that was on top of no small storm of anger that was brewing in your gut. Part of you wanted to hurt him, trap him, isolate him.
You resented him. 
He had left you. 
You were glad you had accepted the seat now, all these emotions were making your head spin. You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath. You could sense that the oncoming conversation wasn’t going to be pleasant. And being situated on one side of a desk reminded you of when you were young and getting into trouble at school, with the headmaster towering over you on the other side while he scolded you. But the thought that he had the nerve to talk down to you only made that anger even worse. 
“How could you?”
Your eyes snapped open. Damien looked. . . sad. And angry. Good. You hoped that he was feeling as many conflicting emotions as you were. You wanted him to be as torn up as you were. 
You wanted to know if leaving you had hurt him. You hoped it had. You hoped that his mind would occasionally drift to you trapped in that mirror and the knife would twist. You hoped that sometimes he would idly trace that scar where you had been shot and think of you. 
“How could I?” you asked, raising your nails to your mouth to bite them.
It was a horrible habit you had picked up recently, but you couldn’t seem to stop. Mark had tried everything to get you to quit your nasty habit but to no avail.
Damien spoke again, seeming to sense how your thoughts drifted towards Mark, “Handling venomous snakes is dangerous. Eventually they turn on you. Eventually they’ll bite.”
He was referring to your relationship with Mark. Asking you how you could still be with him after everything he’d done. And though it was the wrong moment, you threw your head back and laughed. The sound all but drowned out the ringing, and you could feel Damien’s eyebrow raise as he looked at you unamused. But you couldn’t help it. The idea that he could cast judgement on Mark after what Damien and Celine had done was so hysterical that you couldn’t help but laugh. Your laughter eventually toned down into giggles.
“You’re not exactly blameless Damien,” you got out between the giggles that you were trying desperately to stifle.
He leaned forward. “He betrayed us. All of us.” In those words you could hear the cold anger that shone out through the cracks of his calm facade. 
The anger that spurred him on, that kept him alive in that dead broken body that had once been yours. If that anger for Mark disappeared, would Damien and Celine’s souls move on? You hoped that Celine would burn in hell. But Damien. . . though not blameless, you wanted his soul to be put at rest. But as of right now, there was no way to do that. The being in front of you had one purpose: destroy Mark. It would not rest until that purpose was fulfilled. 
You pointed an accusatory finger. “He betrayed you. And Celine. And William. He never betrayed me.”
You angrily picked up your glass, the dark red liquid sloshing over the sides and running down your fingers. You threw it back, draining every last drop of it. You slammed the glass down, and when you saw the look on his face you had to stop. There was so much disgust written on him that you wanted to shrink back. 
“So you’ll overlook everything he’s done?”
“That’s what it looks like.” You reached forward, pouring the wine to the halfway point of the glass. Your fingers were sticky and red where the wine had spilled, resembling how they had looked when William had shot you. “What is this Damien? A reunion between friends? A lecture? A warning before the torture begins? An attempt to get me on your side? Or maybe you’re trying to get me on my hands and knees to beg for forgiveness from you?”
That disgust on his face deepened. “I half expected you to get out of that mirror by yourself. You’ve always been stubborn.” He picked his own glass back up and took another drink, this one a long drag from the glass as opposed to the previous conservative sips. “I suppose I had let my expectations of you grow too high.”
“You were in that house. You uncovered his little plot. His betrayal. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that not only was that snake not alone anymore, but he had my good friend the District Attorney was warming his bed.”
“Well you can imagine my surprise when I realised that my best friend had fucked off and left me alone.”
“That mirror was a prison of the Actor’s own making.”
You took another sip. “Yes it was. But just because I forgave him doesn’t mean I absolve him of the blame. No one that day was blameless.”
Damien maintained his calm demeanor. You should have too, you had been the District Attorney once. But you were over one hundred years out of practice. It was an effort not to let all of those emotions out, not to lose your cool with him. Truly lose it.
“He’s the reason you were stuck.”
Fuck remaining calm. And fuck fear. You tossed the wine glass to the side, bits of glass going flying on the ground next to you.  
You slammed your hand down on the desk, the noise ringing out through the darkness. “You did that. You and Celine. Don’t you dare sit there and try to rid yourself of the blame. And the only reason he did any of those things is because your own sister - the woman he loved - betrayed him without even giving him a thought. And not just with any old Tom, Dick or Harry, but with his own brother. And you knew! And you-” you stopped, beginning to choke up as you thought about it. “You left me.”
Damien looked down at the desk, as if ashamed. He had been thinking of you, had admitted to it in an insulting manner. But even if he had thought about you every single day, it didn’t change the fact that he had let you rot in that mirror for a hundred years. He had never come back once. And he had the nerve to be angry that you had clung to Mark like a lifeline when he had gotten you out. Had the nerve to be angry that you had fallen in love with each other.
“You kicked me out of my own body, left me trapped there. And you never came back. I was alone for so long Damien. And you never came back.”
And when he looked back up at you, there was something like true pain in his eyes. The same kind of pain that had been in Mark’s eyes when he had come for you. But you just didn’t have it in you to feel sorry for him right now. Because that pain had never been strong enough to make him come and get you. 
“Mark did. Late. But he came back. And you know what makes that hurt even more?” You took another deep breath, steadying yourself and trying so damn hard not to cry. “You were my first love Damien. You were my best friend. And I waited for you to come back for me for so long.” A tear trickled down your cheek. “It was a vain hope, but it made me strong enough to go on for a long time.” Another tear fell.
And Damien, god damn him, reached out a grey hand to wipe the tear away. Like he had done so many times in the past.  And then he reached down and touched your hand. He was as cold as death. You rose from the chair, unable to sit still any longer, and before you knew it Damien was in front of you, holding you to his chest like he was afraid you would disappear in a puff of smoke. You clutched his biceps tightly, not wanting to wrap your arms around him, but still wanting to make sure he was truly there. 
And you were still so fucking angry at him. You always would be. But unleashing all that pain on him had cleared you out, and the other feelings you had came into play. You had missed him so much.
Your heart ached. You were afraid that it might split in half, shatter like that mirror. You loved Damien. You loved him so much even after everything.
But you loved Mark more.
“Things can never go back to the way they were can they?” Despair laced his voice, breaking your heart even further.
 “No, they can’t. I’m not even sure I would want them too.” You allowed one arm to snake around Damien’s chest, the other hand still maintaining a tight grip on his bicep. “Mark did a terrible thing. But so did you. So did Celene and William.”       
Damien buried his head into your shoulder, whispering his next words, “I never stopped thinking about you.”
Another tear fell. 
“Neither did he,” you whispered back. “And he was the one that dragged me out.”
You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed there in the abyss holding each other, tears flowing freely.
And it killed you to do this, but you planted your hand on his chest and pushed him away. Because as much as you wanted to stay there with him a little while longer, you could never take his side. And as much as you wanted to remember the man who you had been in love with, you knew that the being in front of you would never be him. He had changed in an irreversible way, consumed by hate and revenge.
But you had changed too. 
“Goodbye Damien.”
“Goodbye (y/n).”
You blinked, and you were back in one of the manor’s bathrooms, hands gripping the sink like a vice, the fingers on one of them still sticky with red wine. 
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mable-stitchpunk · 4 years
FNAFTOBER Prompts- #17: Fruity Haze
Chrissy frowned down at the arcade machine as she ran out of time. Her blue eyes downcast underneath her curly, blond bangs. She had been so close to completing the level, and she needed to complete the level if she was going to win the life-sized pink Puppet plush from the prize corner. She was so disappointed that she could cry.
Except then the Puppet himself appeared on the other side of the machine with a wide smile. "I think I found a way for you to get the rest of the fruit!" he chirped. He pointed at the screen. "Let's go in and get it!"
Chrissy's eyes widened in surprise. "We can?! How?!"
"I'll use my magic to put us into the game! But we'll have to be careful not to get lost," Marionette warned. He then grabbed her hand and dove into the screen, pulling her with him.
It was less like dropping into a game and more like falling through an open window. She landed on the spongy black ground, surrounded by glowing green walls and lines of big pieces of fruit. By now Chrissy was smiling wide with excitement, and the Puppet started to float down one of the paths.
"Follow me!"
Chrissy eagerly ran after him, but instead of catching up he went a little faster, always a half a dining room away. Not that she was worried once she started to run through the fruit and the score in the bottom corner of her vision began to slowly raise. She almost squealed happily as she continued to run after him, following him around a corner and down between the glowing green walls.
As she collected more fruit and the points got higher, she began to run faster, and soon she was zooming through the maze behind the Puppet. She must've picked up a powerup too, because when she looked behind her, she could see a trail of fruit trying to catch up with her. But she couldn't stop or she would run out of time, so she kept on, following the Puppet through a tight section of alternating walls.
Until she came out on the other side, surrounded by three paths of black halls and green walls and no Puppet to guide her. She stood there in confusion while listening to the soft chirping of the fruit catching up to her and adding to the point tally. Only once it all caught up did she realize how silent the world was around her. There was no music, no footsteps, no chimes, just a heavy silence.
"Mari!" Chrissy called. If it was this quiet then surely, he would hear her, except that he didn't call back. She couldn't hear any of his chimes or music either. She walked into the center of the three-way branch of paths, her footsteps echoing loudly across the halls and into the dark space above. She couldn't see the screen where she came through. "Mari, where are you?"
"Over here."
His voice faintly reached over the walls and made it to her ears. Perking, Chrissy began to run down the path straight in front of her, thinking that was where his voice was calling from. "Where?"
"Over… Here."
"Slow down!" Chrissy cried pleadingly. She was running as fast as she could but everything looked the same. Endless walls of glowing green. "I can't find you!"
His voice didn't sound right. It sounded staticky and strange, wavering in tone and volume. It didn't sound like him. Chrissy slowed down as she came up to a corner, realizing he would be just around the corner.
"Mari?" she quietly asked. She was rewarded with a sound like low, thick static. It was beginning to scare her, but she needed to find him, and so she inched around the corner and peeked down the next hall.
There he was with his back towards her. Chrissy stepped out from behind the corner timidly and started to walk towards him. Her footsteps were so loud as she crept up behind him and stopped only ten feet away.
"Mari…?" Chrissy asked timidly. Suddenly he spun around and she jumped-… but relaxed as soon as she saw his usual, friendly smile.
"There you are, slowpoke! I was starting to get worried!" the Puppet trilled and offered a hand to her. Her face broke into a relieved smile and she ran to him with an outstretched hand. Her fingers were so close that they almost brushed the soft fabric of his own.
Until the car smashed into him with a deafening crACK.
She didn't even see where it came from. It was as though it came straight through the wall without breaking it or smashing through it, hitting the Puppet and running over him in one fell swoop. Chrissy could see his busted-up body lying limply between the tires, shattered apart like a glass dropped on a clean kitchen floor. His hand still reaching for her across the ground.
"MARI!" Chrissy screamed. She ran for him but was stopped as the car suddenly whipped into reverse, almost hitting the maze wall which now seemed to slide back to accommodate it. The headlights now stared her down and she stared back with glassy, blue eyes filled with terror. She couldn't control herself, all she could do was turn and run.
Suddenly the maze was louder. Her footsteps deafened by the revving of the car behind her which gained on her an inch at a time. It didn't matter how fast she was, because even her super speed couldn't outrun the tires of that bellowing vehicle. The black ground became slick and muddy, and gunky, pulling at her feet until she was fighting to free her legs. It smelled like trash and hot asphalt, and it climbed her legs like tar.
That was when she saw the growing glow around her and the reflections of the headlights on the ever-stretching walls in front of her. She screamed and hid under her arms as the car ran her over.
Then there was darkness. Darkness, screaming, and crying.
And the sound of footsteps as she fought with the tightness wrapped around her body. As the bedroom door opened and the lights fell into the room, she realized it was just her puffy, pink comforter. She felt no better. The realization it was a nightmare only made her cry harder as she reached for her mother who was coming with welcoming arms.
"Sweetie, did you have a bad dream? It's okay, shh. We're here, it's over," her mother hushed her. Her father turned on the bedside lamp and came to sit on the bed beside her.
"We're here, Kitty. There's nothing to worry about," he added in. They both held her and she whimpered as the tears began to slow. "Do you want to talk about it?" She nodded shakily.
"I-I was in Fruity Maze and I was looking for Mari, and I found Mari, and then thi-this car c-came out and- a-and…" Chrissy began to sob harder once again at the memory. "And he hit Mari! That bad guy hit Mari and chased me and hit me too!" As her parents held her and comforted her, they exchanged concerned glances. Her father gently pet her head.
"I bet it was scary, huh? But you don't have to be afraid. That bad man was taken away to a place where he'll never hurt anyone again," he assured her. "You're safe in your bed and Mari's safe in his."
"Ma-Mari doesn't sleep in a bed, Daddy. He sleeps in a box," Chrissy said. She was starting to calm down again.
"Oh, right. Then he's safe in his box. Only thing he's in danger of is getting a real bad stiff neck," he said, trying to keep a playful tone to ease the mood. It looked like it was starting to help and he started to pick up some of her plush toys that had fallen on the floor. She used to sleep with one; in the last week she had began sleeping with all of them lined in a wall. "That goes for Mini Mari here too."
Chrissy accepted the Puppet plush and clutched it to her chest. It almost made her feel better. Her mother noticed and after a moment with a torn look, considering what she was about to say, she made an offer.
"How about we go to Foxy's tomorrow so you can see Mari for yourself?" she offered. Chrissy's eyes widened and she looked up in surprise at her mother.
"Really?!" Her parents hadn't let her go over to Foxy's since… But she missed it, and Mari, even if she felt a slight tinge of fear. "You and Daddy'll come with me?"
"Of course! We'll be there the whole time," her mother promised.
Chrissy hugged her mother happily while the tears slowly dried up. She couldn't wait to go back, to play her games again and have everything be like it used to. It was almost enough to forget the nightmare.
Without her knowing, her parents had a silent conversation. Her father got a questioning look, her mother got a look of certainty and nodded, and her father did so as well. They agreed, if this was what Chrissy needed to feel better then they would give it to her.
They had almost lost her once already.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
The Hopeful Nightmare
Chris has been having the same nightmare for years, and it's scared him terribly each and every time. So when the creepy animatronics start turning protective for him, Chris starts to see the animatronics in a new light.
For thelightofdarkness.
Thanks for the prompt! And I hope you enjoy!
Chris was nervously holding a stuffed animal in his hands as he looked around his room. It seemed to be safe enough, but...the moment he looked behind him, a creepy looking Freddy Fazbear was showing up on his bed! Chris yipped in surprise and stared at it in horror. It was super run down! And there were mini Freddy’s surrounding him! But just as fast as it appeared, the big freddy and the mini freddies hid under the bed. All that was left, was his little Freddy plush in front of his pillow.
Chris let out a sigh of relief as he looked in front of his room. Which spot should he check first? The left side? The closet? Or the right side? Chris decided to go for the right side first. Chris grabbed his flashlight from the dresser and carefully looked through the door. It looked like no one was there, but eyes were always deceiving. Chris listened carefully for sounds. And, there were sounds. It sounded like they were coming from the kitchen. Maybe Chica’s in there, trying to make a pizza for him? Chris listened a little more, and closed the door just to be safe. When he opened it, there was still no one there. So, he speed walked back to the middle of the room.
Chris moved to the left door and looked through the creak. Turning on his flashlight, he found there was no one there again. But listening closely, Chris heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the door. As quickly as possible, Chris closed it and listened. The animatronic Bonnie seemed to continue coming closer till he was right at the door, and waited a little. Chris gasped quietly as a knocking sound on the other side of the door could be heard. He waited anxiously for Bonnie to leave. All he could hear was a breathing noise. But soon, Bonnie walked away and left Chris alone. Chris let out a breath of relief and ran away from the door to the middle of the room.
Chris walked up to his closet, and clicked the flashlight on. Foxy was in there, and staring at him. So, Chris closed the door. There was no way the poor kid was gonna stare at THOSE eyes for long...those eyes were much more scary than his older brother’s eyes that peeked under his fox mask. He opened it again, and turned on the flashlight: Chris let out a sigh of relief. It was just his foxy plush. So, Chris ran back to the middle of the room and looked up at the doors.
Chris quickly took a look behind him and flipped on the flashlight. The mini bears had been building up, but there were only 2 this time. These bears quickly disappeared under the bed once their cover had been blown, revealing only a Freddy plush. Chris turned back around to face the doors again.
‘Which one do I go into now?’ Chris thought to himself. He looked at the left door, and decided to go look through that. Chris turned on the flashlight and looked through. Listening closely, it sounded like there wasn’t anyone there. But suddenly, Chris gasped at a chime sound! As the chiming sound continued, Chris cooled down. It was just the big clock chimes. That was it. Chris checked the door one more time.
Chris screamed and slammed the door shut. HOLY! THAT WAS CLOSE! Chris took in the air that he had just lost, and waited for the knocking and the robotic breathing to stop. It was a struggle to get his own breathing under control as well. Soon though, the animatronic seemed to have walked away. Chris opened the door again and observed the empty hallway once again before turning off the flashlight and running back to the middle.
Chris decided to go to the right hall this time. He ran up to the door, and turned on the flashlight. Thankfully, there was no one visibly there this time. But, he did hear running. So, Chris quickly closed the door. Chris tried to keep himself calm while the animatronic knocked on the door from the other side. Chris could also hear fast running and a closet creaking sound. Wait...Did Foxy just sneak himself in from the other side? Soon though, the animatronic walked away and started making kitchen noises again. Chris let out a sigh of relief and moved back to the middle.
Chris needed to check the closet next. So, he ran up to the closet and turned on the flashlight-
Chris shrieked as the fox jumped out of the closet and tackled the child onto the ground. Chris dropped his stuffy as he screamed in horror! “HELP! HELP! MOM! DAD! MICHAEL! AAAAAAAHH!” Chris shouted as much as he could.
“Hey guys! We have a tiny yeller!” Foxy yelled.
Suddenly, the other animatronics walked into the room while Freddy Fazbear jumped off the bed. “He’s certainly tiny.” Freddy reacted in a somewhat lower voice.
Chris paused his screaming and panted heavily. The animatronics were so broken and scary looking! They looked mostly decayed, they all had 2 sets of teeth and none of them even had proper eyes! All they had for eyes were white lights that occasionally turned red! It was TERRIFYING!
Chris whimpered and wailed like a toddler. “HELP! PLEASE! DON’T HURT MEEEEEE!” He screamed, sounding traumatized.
Suddenly, the animatronics turned their heads towards the being that was walking up to them. A black, thin being with a white mask and white stripes on the...ends of the arms. What were those? Fingers? And...Why was it so tall? And THIN?!
“Put h-him d-down.” The voice ordered.
Whoa...The voice sounded super deep...He did NOT like it. Before Chris could think, Foxy put Chris down onto the floor and backed up a little. “He’s mine.” The black figure picked him up with its super thin fingers and brought him close. Chris was visibly shaking, and chattering his teeth.
“Hmmmmm...So-o fearful…” He said to the child. “Do I scare you?” He asked, leaning closer into his face.
Chris’s eyes immediately welled up with tears. He started to whimper and squeeze his eyes shut, letting out all the tears that filled his eyes.
A few of the tears fell onto Nightmarionne. “Pathetic.” He spat.
Suddenly, a burgundy head with oval ears came up behind Nightmarionne and smacked him against the back of the head. Nightmarionne paused what he was doing, and froze. Did...did someone just hit him?
Nightmarionne dropped the child and turned to face the animatronic. “You disgu-usting FOX!” The creepy puppet animatronic wrapped his fingers around its throat and lifted him up. Filled with rage, Nightmarionne threw the broken Foxy animatronic into the closet. Deafening metallic crashes filled the room for a few seconds before Foxy finally sat against the wall of the closet.
But not even a second later, a creepy-looking golden bear walked up to Nightmarionne and with no remorse, grabbed the creepy puppet’s torso and threw him right out of the room. Nightmarionne made loud crashing sounds down the hall as he stumbled and smacked against the four flat surrounding walls.
This golden bear was known by the animatronics, as ‘Fredbear’.
When Fredbear turned back around, Nightmare Freddy was holding Chris back lightly with his hand and keeping Fredbear from so much as stepping towards him. Chris knew exactly who Fredbear was. And there was NO WAY he was getting anywhere near him.
Chris whimpered fearfully and hid his face from Fredbear with Nightmare Freddy’s hand. Freddy, in an attempt to reassure the child, lowered his other hand down and patted his head. Though, the head patting was a little jagged, and a tad too rough. But, Chris generally understood what he was trying to do.
“Leave him alone.” Nightmare Freddy ordered to his golden counterpart.
Fredbear nodded and slowly turned himself around to walk out of the room. Once his feet reached the doorway, Nightmare Freddy and the original four animatronics straightened themselves out.
Chris stared at the door for a few more minutes just in case Nightmarionne came back...But he didn’t. So, Chris turned around to the animatronics. Chris was still terrified of them, and was super nervous to give them any trust. But, Chris tried to, at least, look closer at them. But...they were very big. He had to look up in order to see their eyes.
Nightmare Freddy looked down at the kid, and tilted his head. Chris tilted his head as well, mirroring his movement. Nightmare Freddy straightened his head and tilted it to the right this time. Chris tilted his head from the right, all the way to the left to mirror its movements again. Next, Nightmare Freddy moved his bear ears up and down. Chris, who was unable to do this, grabbed his own ears and made them bounce up and down with a small smile. Nightmare Freddy opened his mouth a little, attempting to give him a smile. But Chris’s smile dropped as he saw the teeth, and grew scared of him again.
But things grew a little more interesting when the three Freddles started walking up to him. The Freddles were quite a bit smaller compared to him. So, they didn’t scare Chris as much. He was used to the Freddles making a higher pitched, metallic screeching sound whenever they showed up. But interestingly enough, the Freddles weren’t making the sound as much. They were just staring at him curiously.
What were they gonna do?
Chris brought himself down to their level and sat on his own feet. “Hi.” He greeted. “I’m Chris.”
The Freddles walked closer to him one by one. One of them reached their arms up, like they wanted to be picked up. So, Chris lifted him up and held onto him. While the Freddle was carried, it started kicking the air and making growly noises. These were not angry growls. These were actually happy growls, if you could consider that a thing. Amazingly, this didn’t scare the child.
In fact, it made him giggle! “I used to kick too!” Chris told the small Freddle.
The other two Freddles on the ground, grew eager to be held so they could kick the air too! But Chris wasn’t bringing its triplet brother down fast enough for their liking. So, the two other Freddles started climbing up the child’s legs, grabbed onto his PJ shirt and started pulling on it impatiently. Chris looked down and giggled at the two Freddles. “Do you want up too?” Chris asked.
Both of the Freddles nodded their head and jumped up and up at him with their arms raised up like toddlers. Chris smiled, put the first Freddle down and picked up the jumping one on his left. The Freddle’s white pupils seemed to light up a brighter white as it was lifted up. It even clapped its hands at Chris and kicked its feet excitedly! Chris smiled and kept holding Freddle number two in his hands while the other Freddles stood below Chris. Chris started to smile a little more as he held the bear in his hands. It was being surprisingly cute right now, for a creepy, tiny nightmare version of Freddy Fazbear.
Soon though, the third Freddle was feeling really left out. He hadn’t been lifted up by Chris yet, and he was growing super impatient. To show Chris he was mad, the impatient Freddle grabbed the side of Chris’s shirt and started using it to climb up. “Hey!” Chris looked down at his side and saw the Freddle climbing his shirt. “Stop that.” Chris ordered with a giggle, shaking his shirt. But the moment Chris’s hand grew any closer to the mini animatronic, the Freddle reached up, threw its arms around his wrist and held on tightly. The Freddle was now being lifted up off the ground, allowing himself to have fun and kicking his legs. But it’s swinging feet happened to start tapping the boy’s belly. “No kicking my belly!” Chris ordered.
The two Freddles on the ground, looked at Chris curiously. No kicking the boy. But...was climbing the boy allowed? To test this theory, the two Freddles went to one side each, and grabbed each side of the shirt to start climbing. But suddenly, Chris squealed in surprise! “That tihihickles!” Chris giggled as he swayed back and forth to get them off him. Now, the Freddles knew exactly what tickling was. They’ve seen it many times before! So the moment the child mentioned tickling, the Freddles quickly fell into a rare fun time mode!
The two Freddles on his sides, immediately started tickling the boy while the dangling Freddle let one of his hands free to tickle his neck. Chris squealed yet again, put the Freddle down right away and covered up his own neck with his hands. Chris’s squeals quickly turned into childish giggles as the two Freddles continued to tickle his sides with their tiny, metal fingers. The third Freddle, now free from the boy, waddled itself up to Chris and started tickling his belly. Chris’s giggles started to include squeals as he doubled over a little bit to protect his vulnerable tummy. But the Freddle wanted to keep tickling his belly! It was squishy and fun to play with. So, the Freddle grabbed onto the front of his shirt, pulled itself up, and tickled his belly with one hand while it kept hold of the shirt.
Chris squealed, threw his head back and let out a big fit of laughter! In one quick motion, the Freddles pulled the boy’s shirt towards the ground and waited for impact. When Chris’s back hit the ground, the Freddles let go of his shirt and climbed up to his belly to keep tickling him. “HAhahahahaha! Yohohou sound like dohohoggihihihihies!” Chris told the Freddles. Suddenly, the Freddles paused their movements and looked at Chris, before looking at their leader: Freddy Fazbear.
Freddy tilted his head before he looked down at the voice box below his tie. The voice box made a static sound, before a barking sound could be heard coming from the voice’s speaker! Chris gasped and sat up. “Doggy!” Chris declared happily. The Freddles, not at all ready for the kid to sit up, came tumbling off of his belly and flopped onto his legs. Chris giggled at this and lifted them up onto their feet. “Sorry.” The Freddles stood there, looked at one another and nodded one at a time to each other. Chris was about to ask what they were planning, when all three of the Freddles came jumping onto Chris and hugged him. Chris giggled and hugged them back happily as he started to fade back…
“Chris? Christopher?” Someone called him.
Chris opened his eyes and sat up. “Yes?” Chris replied to the familiar voice.
Chris looked to the left door, and smiled at the lady who was sitting there: It was his mom. “Was that you making noise?” She asked.
Chris looked around himself and found all his Fazbear stuffies in his arms and on his bed. “Yeah. Sorry.” Chris said to her.
“It’s alright.” She replied. “It sounded like laughter. Did you have a funny dream?” She asked.
Chris nodded his head. “Yeah! The tiny freddy bears ran up and tickled me!” Chris told her.
“Tickled you?” She asked with a smirk.
Chris giggled and nodded. “Yeah, yeah! They were Freddy Fazbears! But very small! They love being lifted!” Chris explained. “And they tickled me when I was holding one.” Chris said with a giggle.
Chris’s mother hummed curiously. “Sounds like someone had been visited by a couple little tickle monsters.” She teased. “And it sounds like someone’s getting less scared of the pizza place! You’re growing to be a big, brave boy!”
Chris laughed. “Yeah! I’m a very big boy!” he declared, showing off his muscles.
Chris’s mom giggled. “Alright. Big boys need sleep. Good night Chris.” She said to him.
“Good night Mom!” Chris said, quickly flopping under his covers to get to sleep.
As Chris began to fall asleep again, Chris’s Mom found one of Chris’s stuffies in the hallway. Picking it up, she realized it was the puppet stuffy! So, Chris’s Mom brought the puppet into his room, and placed it on the bed with him…
Chris drifted off softly, until he suddenly heard a deep voice. “You th-thought you could r-run away f-from me-e?” it threatened.
Chris whined and squeezed his eyes closed more.
“I’m talking to-o you. LISTEN TO ME.” Chris was grabbed by a pair of nimble hands and lifted right out of his bed. Chris opened his eyes right away and screamed at the sight of Nightmarionne and his fingers wrapped around him again. “I-I’ve been waiting f-for you.” Nightmarionne told him, bringing his face closer and closer to his muppet mask. “You thought y-you could get away-y? Even i-if all the a-animatronics throw me o-out again, I STILL COME BACK.” Nightmarionne shouted at him.
Chris started breathing quickly and deeply as his eyes welled up with tears again. He was right back in the clutches of his evil nightmare. What was he supposed to do?
The stuffies he was sleeping with, were no longer on his bed and all the animatronics were standing there and trying to find a way to get Chris away from Nightmarionne again. The Freddles were climbing up the skeleton puppet and trying to get Nightmarionne to let go. “GET OFF ME!” The nightmare puppet screamed before throwing the Freddles off his arms and torso.
Nightmare Bonnie picked up Nightmarionne by his thin torso, much like Freddy did, and pulled Chris out of his grip. “Hands off him.” Nightmare Bonnie warned.
Nightmarionne growled and shoved his fingers into the animatronic’s arm. With one quick swipe, Nightmarionne ripped a whole bunch of the wires out of Bonnie’s arm, forcing the hand to let go of his torso and leaving Bonnie’s arm completely immobile. But none of the animatronics were having it. Freddy Fazbear and the Freddles kept Chris safe, while Bonnie, Chica and Foxy all tried to get rid of Nightmarionne. But the puppet was very smart. He found a way to immobilize all of them, one at a time.
Finally, Chris decided to do something he never imagined himself doing: he shouted for help. “FREDBEAR!” Chris shouted.
Quickly, Fredbear came walking through the right hall door, and walked up to the fight. Grabbing the creepy puppet, Fredbear used his teeth to bite down on the puppet’s mask, cracking it and revealing the pitch black head underneath. Then, Fredbear threw Nightmarionne into the top of the closet and closed the door for good.
Chris, feeling super thankful, ran up to Fredbear and hugged his leg. Fredbear looked down and tilted its head in surprise. Just earlier, the kid had been scared to go near him. But now...the kid was hugging him? What changed? Did...did the kid like him now because he saved him?
Chris soon let go of Fredbear and walked back to the Freddles. The Freddles definitely helped him calm down over the creepy animatronic nightmares. And, Chris was slowly getting better with the dreams! The original four nightmare animatronics have slowly proven themselves to be not nearly as killer as they look, and Fredbear was always around to save him if he couldn’t save himself against Nightmarionne and the others. Chris grew proud of himself for finding a sweet side to his nightmares of the pizzeria. Maybe when he fully outgrows the nightmares, he can visit the animatronics and see them on the stage again.
But for now: Chris will take big boy steps to grow less and less scared of his nightmares. Perhaps a Foxy Pirate Adventure would be a good dream one day...
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unikornu · 4 years
🌹, 🍂, 💐, 🌺, 💫, ☄️ for Lucy? 🍁, 🌸, 💦 for Harrison?
Thank you kindly for the asks! Let’s go:
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Home for Lucy is whenever she is sure no one from the fair distance and within same walls wants to stab her in her sleep. Nuka World under Harrison protection will be the most home-ish and safe place since also after the disciples wiping she did prove her worth and loyalty to the raider’s goals and now they no longer need to sleep with one eye open with Gage since Harrison is patrolling and staying up all nights and gang leaders might not have such a strong urge to betray her. Later eventually she will set up base back in Sanctuary in her mother’s home since they will need second solid base in Commonwealth and somewhere deep in the woods still lies a pre-war secret lab section  that will be important for Harrison in order to understand the experiment and maintain his power as well as his body. A place where she can put down her guard, where she can sense presence of her boss and be sure Gage is also nearby will always be worth calling home but there are few places like this since later on her reputation will be more knowledgeable to wasteland folks and she will be on wanted list of sort. 
So yeah what can i say...away from Nuka World home announcement for them would sound like so:  A small blond lady along with a raider thug and tall grumpy old man looking for a warm cave to duck in without worry of being pitchforked by angry local settlers and half of the commonwealth. Ain’t many places they can call home, poor fuckers. 
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Oh she secretly loves hugs and affection of any kind but keeps in mind its better to leave them for very few and private moments. Besides how the hell that would make her look in society she is stuck with. Harrison and type of her job forced her to strip her mind from emotions as they were useless and making her weak but once the events calmed down they do come at peace and leave that part behind. With friends in public like Lizzie she will bump against their shoulder with a smile or chuckle, its safe in public and still reflects that she feels good in their company. With Harrison she will just bury herself in deep fatherly hug when gone for a few days, especially he is very tall and big so its like hugging a yao guai just in a brown thick coat. And because she never had a good father experience that hug will mean a world to them. With Gage she knows he has a hard time to be soft fucker but as the time goes on, the affection switches from small things, like checking his patch out and forcing to help taking care of his wounds too, not just hers, into letting down the bitch tough face and raider stiff attitude. Inviting him for the drink, just two of them, closing the distance and ending up just resting against his chest or sleeping hugged to his back. If the urge is strong and rules can go fuck themselves she will just charge at him and let all that sweet stuffed in her chest love drown him. 
As for people who didn’t reach yet friend level any kind of touching contact which doesn’t involve knife is for her a way to show affection. Be it soft fist bump in their arm, fast shoulder shake or very split millisecond side hug. Hell, even if she smiles at them its already a good sign, and in a humane soft manner, not the smirky bitch one. If her resting bitch face goes away its already a fantastic sign and promising future she won’t stab them later on. 
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
If you tell her to do that when there is shiet to be done and there almost always is in her mind you will see a constant middle finger, raised from the bed and the moment you turn around or leave she will be gone, sneaking away to get at least her knife and try to leave outside. She was raised to fulfill mission, no matter what so a stupid cold or broken bone is suppose to nail her in place. Fuck no, she can’t right? She can’t be that weak even if pain sweats her eyes. Gage learns slowly her urges as with each park taken he sees her taking extreme solutions to many situations, not thinking about possible bad outcomes so when the really bad cold catches her or she got badly wounded again he will be the one yelling at her to stop that shit. Aside from usual care like shoving injections or closing wounds and occasional cooking he will be constantly ensuring her that she can close both eyes shut and get an actual restful sleep, that he is on the watch and nothing out there waits to kill her when she ain’t looking. World neither will fall apart in flames if she will be gone in dreams for few hours. With Harrison come back that part is becoming easier as the simple sharp look in his eyes of mixed care and threat is convincing enough to put that knife down and shove her ass back in bed. With Gage guarding the Fizztop and Harrison overlooking the rest of the town there is no way of sneaking out and in this case it would be a bit ungrateful since they both put so much effort for her. 
She is better at taking care of others than herself tho if these are in her social circle. She doesn’t need to force herself, it comes natural to her. She will switch in a second from a vicious bitch to a caring bitch. Trying even to overcome her lack of cooking skills to deliver something warm and edible to that person if need. If she can’t get that fucking soup perfect for shit she will threaten and kidnap a local masterchef of sort to make and teach her how to do it. She means well but...ya remember her empathy can have weird and extreme outcomes.
Lol imagining like someone being under her care when sick and they go to the bathroom and spot a chef cook in a kitchen chained to a fucking stove cooking some good shit and Lucy siting at the table reading a cooking recipe and pointing a pistol at them.          
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Normally she would drink or take calmex right away but she slowly tries to give up on that addiction as they do more harm than good. Having Gage or Harrison around will help to break that thought if she can either crawl up to Porter’s bed or wake him up to ensure that everything is real and alright or kindly ask Harrison to watch over her as he doesn’t need to sleep. Maybe he looks like a nightmare in a dark but its her nightmare she is familiar with.
If alone tho she will struggle, she hates to be alone for too long. If fear strikes her at battlefield she will try to cover her fear and damp it down with anger instead, psycho or fury could help and she isn’t addicted to it as to calmex so that’s one way out but stupid. If its just a nightmare in a middle of a night she won’t go immediately to sleep but walk around, talking to herself and convincing it was just a dream, grab a mannequin, do a silly dance with it, anything silly to relax a mind and take it off the stress and that nightmare. A shot of booze won’t hurt as long as it ends up on just one but it rarely does. Reassurance is her best ally in these beside she is too big of a girl for comforting items like an old plush puppet found in some certain treehouse back in Sancturary....right...riiiiight? ._.
💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
I think the simple fact that she is kind of evil oc and she knows about it. I don’t think there is many characters of this kind out there but i might be wrong. Since childhood i was trying to strike best - peaceful outcomes in games and so on but later on i started to sympathize with actual villains, be it games and stories. They can be full of surprises and complex in a interesting way, prove to be actually powerful allies as well and in general they talk to me more than a basic superman trying to strike for a world peace.  
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
Oh ye, ofc she deserves better, she wants hugs, friends, she is bad but she wants a warm treatment too from time to time, she still have emotions ;c  Me, the creator, Uni, i’m horrible to her. I burned her hands too, like noooooo you can’t just wear gloves all the time for no reason, lets do smth bout it that will fit with all that dedication ya willing to push yourself in a fight no matter the consequences. Get burned bitch. Anyway, i’m taking her off the calmex addiction, giving her Harrison back as a better man who wants to protect her and do braids on her hair and softening the stinky to a level of a warm wet piece of trash, maybe getting some actual friends on a way. The pages on a start were focus more on a action and game lore kind off and just parks themselves but now with last page i finally get to actually break down and slow the shit to get to more emotional level, at least i hope to get it that way. 
Now Harrison time:
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themselves? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favorite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Sadly he will be very lost at the start to find this kind of spot as he popped into the world from nowhere, just finally doing the separation from Lucy to a nearby old synth skeleton in a heat of a fight situation. Since the disciples base got a vacancy and cleaning it up feels too much of an effort for the rest of gangs he decided to make this place his comfort zone as its fairly close to Feit base but still separated behind walls, no windows to peek in for curious ones. He can’t sleep so he has a plenty of time to make it his corner. The only things he posses are his memories so he will just meditate there and surround himself with all the good moments from the past, adding the new ones to the collection, keeping his humanity on check and all the urges balanced. Also trying new tricks with his powers feels safe to do it there, the telekinetic ones especially since the place is spacey and there ain’t much to break. He doesn’t want to go too far away even if he needs a moment, he always has in the back of his head the need to be close when problems arise.
Personally on a side note i struggle to think of an explanation to the Nuka World leaders and overall people there as to how Lucy will explain to them...who the fuck he is and why he is there and where he came from and why give him a disciple base. Like...saying a truth to Gage is easier since they run together but the rest? She can’t even say he is her lost-found father since they don’t even look like family. 
🌸 What are some of their favorite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
There won’t too many as he just got off but some basic stuff i know for now:
- sweet snacks, whiskey and smokes as he still remembers these tastes from pre-war: just being softie for these small habits and diet sins
- being in charge, keeping order around due to his profession, even if times changes he still keeps the attitude and he just likes it
- training the newbie raiders, pointing out mistakes to Porter, advising Lucy on some combat moves and tips: it might feel like he is being proud, all knowing but he actually is hell of a experienced smart fighter, don’t get fooled by his age either, he just enjoys training people under him and see them improve  
- proving Porter wrong: oh boy they really don’t like each other at the start
- doing dem braids, he starts to have a soft spot for going father mode
- even if he isn’t fully human he takes care of his “shell”, perfectly shaving, keeping his shirts clean and smooth, overall he enjoys that “self care” routine even it it might feel silly in the wasteland and due to the fact who he is 
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
Probably killing his son. The experiment would get to him one way or another since he would get suspicious what kind of shady business is going on in police department and asking too many questions and stuffing nose in corners he shouldn’t would eventually lead anyway to his assassination and still giving his body for that experiment resulting in same outcome but the sudden trauma and speed of events is what pushed him out of there, taking control of himself and situation also resulting in his nature softening and toning down, knowing he doesn’t have much left and it can be lost at any moment. 
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
Shawn And His Inky Son 2
@bornoffireandwisdom asked for another story involving Grant and Shawn and I am happy to deliver. I’ve decided to make it a continuation of Shawn And His Inky Son, since it deals with Grant and Shawn again.
As happy as Shawn was to have Grant with him, surviving in the studio was still hard. Scavenging for food was difficult, especially with the roaming bands of Searchers. Grant could protect Shawn when there were just a few Searchers, but large groups tended to overwhelm his own will with the Searcher hivemind. It might have been easier if Shawn had just left him in the office. Shawn wasn’t going to leave him alone, though. Grant got sad and panicky when he was alone for too long, always worried that something had happened to Shawn. It made them both feel better to be together. 
Although, Shawn’s steadfast determination to keep Grant with him...Often ended up putting him in danger. Just as it had this day.
Shawn was getting ready to go on another supply run. He’d just about run out of bacon soup, which was pretty much the only thing in the studio to eat.
“Alright, ready for another adventure?” He asked, slipping on his bag and picking up the pipe he most often used as a weapon. Grant immediately perked up, rising out of the puddle he’d been in. 
“Whe...re?” He trailed after Shawn to the elevator. 
“Probably just the Heavenly Toys area or level P,” Shawn said. “Wouldn’t want to run into Alice or Drew.” He spat their names as though they were poison.
“Bad...” Grant agreed, screwing his face up. Joey’s name didn’t draw up good memories for him. Joey didn’t draw up good memories for anyone, really. And Alice was just mean. 
“Exactly.” Shawn nodded, pressing the button for Level K. In addition to looking for bacon soup, he also wanted to collect a few of his unfinished plushes. It got boring sitting in that office all day. He needed something to occupy his time. Grant was more than happy to just chew on a bone or a shoe, so he didn’t need all that much entertainment. 
The elevator began to lurch upwards with a sickening creak, which made Shawn tense. Shawn hated using the elevator. Tom had been right about it being unreliable. Even when the studio had been working, the elevator had always had mechanical issues. And now that the mechanics had been turned into ink creatures...Well, the elevator wasn’t really getting any maintenance anymore. 
But the elevator was enclosed and much safer than just trudging up the stairs, where they could encounter rogue Searchers or Butcher Gang clones. It was easier to haul big things in the elevator as well. Besides, it wasn’t like Grant could use stairs. If Shawn wanted to keep Grant with him, he had to use the elevator. And he did want to keep Grant with him.
Suddenly, the speakers in the elevator crackled to life, and to Shawn’s horror, a familiar voice spoke through them. 
“Well well well, hello, Mr. Flynn. I’m surprised to see you out of your little hidey-hole.”
“I’m not in the mood, Alice,” Shawn growled. He knew better than to call her Susie. Doing that would result in a meltdown of epic proportions from her.
“Oh, but I think you are,” she purred. The elevator shrieked to a stop. She’d been kind enough to stop them between floors, so there was no danger of them getting attacked. But she still had a captive audience. Grant squeaked, hugging Shawn’s leg.
“Sca...ry...” He whimpered.
“It’s okay,” Shawn whispered. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“Aaaw. You’re talking to it like it’s still a person,” Alice cooed, her voice cloying sweet. “That’s cute.”
“He is still a person,” Shawn snapped. 
“Are you sure?” Alice asked innocently. “Are you absolutely certain that the creature beside you is still Grant Cohen?”
“Of course, I am.” Shawn instinctively pulled Grant closer. Grant let out another whimper. He didn’t like the tone in Alice’s voice. 
“And what makes you so sure exactly?” Alice asked. “That it can mimic speech? That it ‘knows’ your name?”
“I’m serious, Alice. I’m not in the mood.” Shawn felt his heartbeat beginning to speed up. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want Alice to give voice to all the fears that lurked in the back of his mind. 
“Grant Cohen is dead, Mr. Flynn,” Alice continued with malicious glee. “I imagine you watched him die, didn’t you?”
“Stop it!”
“That thing next to you is nothing but a sentient pile of ink. Maybe a reanimated corpse if I’m being generous. Certainly not Grant Cohen, though. Not anymore.”
“Stop talking!” Shawn roared, covering his ears. 
Grant pressed closer to Shawn, starting to get concerned. Why was Shawn getting so upset? What was Alice saying? He could hear her voice, but her words were indistinct and muffled. She had such a lovely voice, but it sounded...cruel.
“It’s hardly healthy to be galavanting around with a corpse, Mr. Flynn,” Alice cooed. “Especially when you’re pretending it’s still the person you know. They make horror moves about that sort of thing.”
“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!” Shawn screamed. Grant whimpered, hugging Shawn’s leg. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like seeing Shawn so upset.  
“It might even be Joey stringing you along. Have you considered that?” Alice asked. “He controls all the ink, after all. He could just be luring you into a false sense of security so that it will be even more wonderful for him when he finally destroys you.”
Unfortunately for Alice, this didn’t have the effect she’d hoped. Instead of yelling or blowing up, Shawn slowly lowered his hands and smirked at the camera she was watching through. 
“It’s been months,” He snorted derisively. “Joey’s impulse control isn’t that good.” The thought had crossed his mind before, that this was just Joey stringing him along. But there was no way Joey would wait this long. If it really was Joey puppeting Grant, he would have pounced far sooner. Delayed gratification wasn’t something that Joey was at all a fan of. He’d been a nightmare to work for, certainly, unable to wait for anything. 
Alice was silent because she knew Shawn was right. Joey would never have waited this long. Perhaps that hadn’t been the best path to take. She’d been doing so well. Suggesting Joey’s involvement had been a misstep. 
“Maybe I was wrong about that,” she finally said, her voice soft as silk. “But I’m right about the rest. That thing is not Grant Cohen. Grant Cohen is dead. You can play house with it for as long as you like, but eventually, it’s going to end up killing you.”
“He’s not going to kill me.” Shawn narrowed his eyes at her, but she could tell she’d hit a nerve by the way his jaw clenched. 
“Maybe it’s fine now, but as soon as you run into more Searchers, it’ll turn on you,” Alice hummed. “Joey’s little hivemind is rather strong, after all. Your pet doesn’t stand a chance against it.”
The speakers crackled off and the elevator began to move once more. Shawn muttered some insult under his breath. 
“Ok...ay...?” Grant asked, tugging at Shawn’s pant leg. 
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” Shawn patted his head. He would have preferred not to have that confrontation with Alice, but he could deal with it. It wasn’t like she could actually do anything to him. They all knew she didn’t leave her level. All she could do was play mind games. 
“Alright, here we are,” he said as the elevator reached level K. Grant made a happy noise, oozing out. That happy noise trailed off as he noticed the stairs leading up to the Heavenly Toys area. 
“Oh shoot.” Shawn grimaced. “Sorry, forgot about those stairs.” 
Internally, he was beating himself up. How had he forgotten about the stairs?! He’d worked here for years! He’d have to leave Grant to get the soup and plushes from his workshop. If he left Grant, he’d be unprotected. But Grant would also be unprotected and susceptible to being dragged into Joey’s hive mind. He could try carrying Grant, but that would occupy both his hands and leave him unable to defend himself. There was also the possibility of the ink soaking through his shirt sleeves or getting on his bare forearms. He had to leave Grant there.
Grant whined, clinging to Shawn’s leg. He knew Shawn would likely go off on his own. It was dangerous for Shawn to be alone. He could get attacked when he was alone. Grant needed to be with him to protect him. 
“I’ll only be a bit,” Shawn tried to reassure him. 
“Not..sa..fe...” Grant said. 
“I know. But I’ll be quick.” Shawn crouched down so he was eye level with Grant, patting his head with a gloved hand. He always wore gloves when touching Grant.
Grant whimpered again but still allowed Shawn to move away. He watched as Shawn climbed the stairs and disappeared into the Heavenly Toys area. Grant began to pace the little area next to the elevator, or do the closest thing he could to pacing without legs. He could feel other Searchers nearby. If they got close, he’d be overwhelmed by their influence. Then he’d probably end up hurting Shawn. He didn’t want that to happen. Shawn was his best friend. 
He kept pacing and worrying until Shawn returned, bag full of soup and a few unfinished plush projects.
“See? I told you it would be fine,” Shawn said. Just as the door to the stairs burst open. 
Shawn froze, his breath catching in his throat. There stood Sammy Lawrence, stumbling forward on legs almost completely consumed by the ink, flanked by several other Searchers in various stages of losing themselves to the ink. The Searchers stopped as they caught sight of him. Shawn’s eyes flicked from the Searchers to the elevator. Searchers moved slowly, so he could probably get to the elevator in time. Sammy was a bit of a wild-card, though.
“Ru...n...” Grant rasped, beginning to shake. “Wa...nna...hur...t...” He could feel the urge to attack Shawn rising up again. This always happened when other Searchers appeared. 
Sammy opened his mouth, a low growl coming out as he took a step toward Shawn. The Searchers stayed behind him, seemingly waiting for the signal to attack. Shawn’s heart pounded in his ears. He’d had close calls before, it was part of surviving in the studio, but he hadn’t come face to face with Sammy since the day of the outbreak. It was horrifying to see how Sammy had degraded. Sammy still looked mostly human. The ink had consumed parts of his body, yes, but his body wasn’t amorphous like the other Searchers. Shawn could still see his face, his limbs. It was a sickening sight to see one of his former coworkers reduced to little more than a slavering beast. 
Shawn bolted for the elevator, jabbing the button for level S. 
“Come on come on come on.” He muttered as the doors slid closed and the elevator began to lurch downward.
Most of the Searchers were too slow to catch the elevator, but Sammy moved quickly. He slammed against the door, reaching through the slats and yelling. Ink dripped from his mouth, spraying toward Shawn as Sammy yelled.  
“Hey! Get back!” Shawn swung at Sammy’s arms with his pipe. Thankfully, Sammy recoiled from the blows, groaning in pain. 
“I’ll catch up with you, Grant!” Shawn called out as the elevator descended out of sight. He just hoped Grant would be able to shake off the hivemind. He didn’t like leaving Grant on his own like that, but he didn’t have a choice. He didn’t want to get infected. Grant could take care of himself, right?
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count-sudoku · 5 years
Illustration by @timeisamanysplendoredthing
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Kanaya Maryam was a weaver of threads, a maker of finements. She could craft anything and give it form, spinning materials with the grace given to her by years of perfecting her craft. Anything she made could be molded to spec based on any measurement given to her, and she had never failed in making a garment. Kanaya prided herself on being a "maker."
But she couldn't make her wife not be sick any more.
That task was outsourced to one Dirk Strider, who, after a strange dream involving a meal of meat and/or candy, was inspired to help the Lalonde-Maryams with their problem, a problem involving one half of the wifely pair outgrowing silly childish things such as... Corporeality.
Kanaya sat a the kitchen table, her eyebrows knitted into a look of worry. Her hands were clasped together, fidgeting, filling the room with nervous energy. Dirk seemed immune to Kanaya's nerves, but he looked no less dire. He was leaned faux-nonchalantly against the wall, trying his best not to seem like he was freaking out, but his tense shoulders gave him away.
Next to him, a door led into Kanaya and Rose's shared bedroom, where the sick Lalonde snoozed. Through the cracks in the door, light filtered, but it was not from any lamp. The silence was like a thick quilt. Finally, Kanaya broke it.
KANAYA: How Is She
The question was simple enough, but Dirk didn't have a concrete answer. He figured it didn't matter, Kanaya wouldn't be made any less nervous by anything he had to say.
DIRK: It's hard to say. She definitely still exists, that's for sure, and that's kind of the end goal.
He offered the dry report with as much optimism as he could. He continued, feeling her wait for him to say more.
DIRK: But she's stopped talking, now.
KANAYA: That Does Not Sound Ideal
DIRK: Not so much. She's casting these wicked shadows and her eyes are glowing. Normally that would be pretty sick.
DIRK: Like our girl's the new avatar or some shit.
KANAYA: I Would Ask What That Is But I Am Frankly Somewhat Distraught Dirk
Kanaya's hand-wringing was audible, the sound of troll skin sliding against itself was the white noise symphony to the room just outside Rose's, where Dirk was treating her.
KANAYA: I Will Cut To The Chase
KANAYA: What Do We Have To Do To Save My Wife
DIRK: ...
Countenances didn't come more taciturn than Dirk's. His shades obfuscated two orange, tired eyes, but his exhaustion was palpable in every other facet of his visage. He sighed slowly, blowing air through his cheeks. Kanaya bristled. It didn't take much for nerves to twist into annoyance.
KANAYA: Dirk Please My Nerves Are Shot Enough Without Enigmatic Silences
DIRK: It's not easy to say.
KANAYA: Can We Not Build Her A Robotic Frame? Like In The Dream You Were Discussing With Us
DIRK: Not quite. The robot dampened her brains, which, while cute, doesn't sound like the ideal solution. Plus, the way she's developing, it's not even permanent, necessarily. We can't just siphon her consciousness into a robot, that's kiddie shit.
DIRK: We need something more... Lasting. We need a vessel that's more...
Dirk gesticulated vaguely as though trying to find the words to a sensitive topic.
DIRK: Paradoxically sound?
All of this went over Kanaya's head. She felt so useless. It was unfair that something so important to her was seemingly so out of her hands. She was used to fixing things, solving problems, she raised an entire mother grub for crying out loud!
KANAYA: I Do Not Follow
DIRK: We need to put her soul into something that isn't going to fall apart as soon as we stick her in it.
KANAYA: I Am Not Positive I Like Bandying About The Phrase "Sticking Her In It" With Regards To My Wifes Very Being, Dirk
DIRK: That's just it, though. It's her whole being, expanded into the Ultimate Self framework. Putting her into a robot isn't going to cut it. We need...
Dirk took a deep breath. His next words were not easy.
DIRK: A puppet.
Kanaya blinked. She squinted. Dirk had a penchant for stoic jokesterism at inopportune moments, sharing Kanaya's wife's habit for disingenuity, so Kanaya expected Dirk's face to crack at any moment. When it did not, she reiterated.
KANAYA: A "Puppet"
DIRK: A fucking puppet.
It didn't appear to Kanaya that Dirk was joking, and Dirk didn't look too pleased, either.
DIRK: Puppets are notoriously excellent vessels for holding essences. Remember Cal?
KANAYA: I Struggle Daily Not To
The thought of Lil Cal's little grinning face made Kanaya shudder. Dirk ignored her disgust and pressed on.
DIRK: He was a juju, but he was also a puppet, perfect for storing all manner of wicked bullshit inside, souls included. Rose should fit inside a puppet easy. Kanaya swiveled in her seat, glaring at Dirk.
KANAYA: My Wife Is NOT Going To Be Stored In Your Awful Little Grinning Miniature Man Dirk Strider
Dirk held up his hands defensively.
DIRK: I'm not talking about Cal, I'm talking about a new puppet. I'll need some help making it, too.
That was... Sort of a relief? God, Kanaya was going to have nightmares about having to kiss Lil Cal, now...
KANAYA: I Will Be Honest Dirk This Sounds Incredibly Stupid
KANAYA: I Want My Wife To Be Able To Live
Dirk chuckled, cracking the tiniest smile.
Kanaya crossed her arms. She didn't know what to think. Her wife's very existence was becoming fundamentally different, it had been in small ways for a long time, and on top of learning that the only solution for containing Rose's new powers was evidently a puppet, Dirk was chuckling at her.
KANAYA: Dirk Please We Discussed The Gravitas Here
DIRK: Sorry. I just get a kick whenever you say "my wife."
KANAYA: That Is What She Is
DIRK: I know.
Dirk had seen other timelines, of course, seen what became of Kanaya and her "wife." He had observed their love last even through unbelieveable adversity and he had seen it torn apart like wax paper with simple words. The desperation with which Kanaya said "My Wife" as though the two syllables were a life raft keeping Kanaya's sanity afloat was not lost on Dirk. In this timeline, things were different. He could see cracks forming between Kanaya and Rose, and he knew Kanya could feel them too. It probably didn't help that one of those cracks was now "being a puppet."
DIRK: We'll get your wife back, Kanaya.
Dirk spoke with a confidence he didn't know if he could back up. It didn't matter. He needed Kanaya in her best shape for this task, and he was willing to seem overconfident to make her feel better.
It was hard to keep herself from not breaking down a little, but Kanaya managed to only sniffle. She nodded as Dirk gave her the only encouraging gesture he knew: A solid fist-bunp, legendary, connecting their knuckles in unblemished tesselation.
DIRK: We need to work fast. Get your sewing kit and get the knitting needles. Basically just dump out your crotchety grandma basket. Upend that shit, Kanaya, you're going to sew your fucking wife a god damned body.
DIRK: Also fuck off, Cal is the man.
Kanaya indeed "upended her grandma basket," arranging the supplies in an orderly pile on the kitchen table. She made it her desk, her bastion against Rose's illness. Dirk dove back into Rose's room to deal with her expanding consciousness while Kanaya grappled with the task at hand. Rose could not inhabit just any puppet. It had to be perfect, it had to be hand-crafted. If she was going to complete this ludicrous task, she had to take it seriously. Kanaya could not merely go to the store to purchase some meaningless felt vessel for her immaculate wife, she was going to make it herself, from scratch, no matter how dire the timing was.
Kanaya began to furiously sketch into the night, staving off sleep with the age-old stimulant: Determination.
Dirk's voice rang in her mind. "We'll get your wife back."
There was a note of relief in Kanya's efforts. She wasn't useless any longer, no longer some hand-wringing wife. Finally, Kanaya had a hand in Rose's recovery. She was a "maker," and she would do what she did best: Make. She would make her Rose her very own body.
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bookmawkish · 6 years
Just a patient, part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
All my fanfictions (includes more Loki)
Tag list for Loki fics: @only-kneel-before-loki @ohhhmyloki @1800-fight-me@tarynkauai @rainhowling @hanasonly @dean-the-trickster @nikora3010@skip-the-static @sailor-moons-butt @clockworkherondale @oatballsoffury @artbysteph87 @smginger1131
If you want on or off the tag list, just say! Hope I didn’t miss anyone!
It’s always been a dream of yours to touch a tiger.
You were eight. You first saw tigers on TV. Huge cats, almost the size of horses to your mind, striped like bars of sunlight. You almost couldn’t conceive of something so big, when “cat” to you was something you could pick up and hold in your arms. When you were ten and saw your first real tiger at the Cincinnati Zoo, passing inches away from you behind the barrier, you could practically feel the smooth, flat hide, the almost-bristle of that close-lying fur. The hot, animal stink suffusing the air around you. You wanted to touch that pacing tiger more than anything else in the world, even though you knew that it could take your arm off with barely a thought. The call of the void is strong, as you have learnt in your adult life. That thing which pulls at us when we stand at the edge of the precipice, telling us against all sense to throw ourselves off. The dark tug of desire to simply pull a trigger, throw a punch, when the anger is high and the provocation almost (but not quite) too great. The void is in all of us, and even at ten years old you’d felt its teeth, as sharp and lethal as the teeth of that zoo tiger.
Later you went to the snake house, and met real horror for the first time. You didn’t want to meet the blank, staring beaded eyes, see the aching expandable jaws. The relentless undulation of the lemon python in particular had put your teeth on edge, as if it were under your skin, constantly moving and bulging, back and forth in the dim light. That pallid snake had never left you, those jewelled eyes, that sense of completely alien perception. If the tiger was your dream, these circling, muscular forms were your nightmare.  You’d moved through the musty, bitter-scented gloom as quickly as you could, and out again into the air, the sun.
But it had been a good day, all in all. Your father had bought you a plush tiger at the gift shop, and, clutching it that night, you had dreamt happily of the day when you would finally bury your hand in that real mane, feel the bristle of whiskers, because surely that day would come. It had to come. Tigers had prowled your dreams, and even now, when you think of your father, you think of that long-ago tiger and how sure you‘d been that one day you‘d have that raw feline power under your palm.
 You flatten your hand, moving from just fingertips to laying the whole length of your hand against his face.
Loki does not feel like your dream of a tiger.
Loki feels like your nightmares of snakes.
His skin is clammy and hot and coated with a patina of dirt so it feels grainy, scaled, under your fingers. The sense of barely contained energy, that continual muscled motion that had looked so unpleasant in the python is right there, in the working of his jaw and the unbearable straining movement of his head. When you touch him your first instinct is revulsion at the way he feels, as if you’ve put your hand into a nest of hidden horrors. The memory of the acrid scent of the snakehouse fills your mind and your nose, a smell you’d thought long-forgotten.  
But something stops you from pulling your hand away, and that something is the fact that only this morning, when you’d pulled out of sleep Loki had once again been lying at your side, breathing harshly, shuddering and registering on even your half-awake senses as wounded, exhausted, broken.
You are asked sometimes if you treat the enemy. Like it’s even a consideration, when your unit is sent out, like you get to choose. Sure, to a certain point of view it seems oxymoronic. At your side in the field, your fellow agents are shooting down the foe, but once they’re down, if they’re alive, you’re there. And you’ll do your best to save them.
Whenever you’re asked this question, you tend to tailor your answer to your audience. There are some people who are never going to be impressed to hear that you treat the bad guy no differently than the good guy, once he’s down and leaking his guts out on the floor. Triage is for everyone. Whoever’s dying first gets treated first. And yes, if asked, you’ll give accounts of times you’ve been attacked and abused by the dying enemy you’re trying your best to save. Some people’s principles are greater and stronger than the value they place on their lives. Fanaticism in particular is so strong you could use it to build a wall around the world.
You’ve treated fanatics. Possession by principle. Their bodies puppeteered by words, thoughts and empty promises. They’re the ones that have stayed with you. Because sometimes - and yes, it’s been more than once - you’ve seen them at the very end. When the possession of principle finally cedes to the fears of the body, and you see in their eyes the doubt, then the dawning knowledge that this is wrong, wrong after all -
And then they die.
Possession is a terrible thing, and you can end up dying from it.
And this is why your hand stays put on Loki’s face, and no matter how much he snaps and snarls and throws his body about in the restraints, you stay. Because he’s alive and he’s not in control, and as your patient the only ethical thing to do is take that control for him. Treat him. Bring him back from the void that’s calling to him.
Or at very least, to make your voice call louder.
Your name doesn’t do it.
Your touch doesn’t do it.
Loki is a beast, a creature of madness, a thing driven by some terrible greater purpose without form. You speak to him, your hand upon him, feeling the terrible heat boiling off him through your skin.
Your voice doesn’t do it. He struggles there in his restraints, bound up tight, limbs held back in an unnatural spasm. It must be so uncomfortable.  
And suddenly, with a lurch of vertigo in your stomach, the memory of a memory of the dream -
- the keeper had taken the lemon python from its glass tank and the coils had poured in a relaxed, sick tangle out over her hands like spilt intestines -
- you know what you need to do.
“Banner,” you croak, as Loki spits and writhes in his bonds. “I need him - I need the ties slackened. I need him to be able to lie down.”
 Now it’s their turn to be hesitant. They don’t want to do it. They have your sympathy, because you don’t really want to do it either. But as soon as the understanding had dawned, you’d felt rested and relieved for the first time in weeks, as if your body itself knew what was needed. There is absolutely nothing else to be done, and so the cell is full of people once more, trying to make this whole incredibly unsafe situation as safe as possible.
Bruce Banner now seems to have that furrow of worry engraved permanently between his eyes: you’re honestly humbled by his depth of caring for someone he barely knows beyond a name. He even comes the closest to you (and you haven’t moved from Loki, not an inch, even though he is growling constantly now, a rumble of furious sound, eyes darting violently at each agent in turn) and crouches down.
“Are you - are you sure?” he asks, for the third time.
You want to say something cliché. Throw a little bravado in. Like “Sure I’m sure.” or “I’ve never been less sure of anything in my life, but I’m doing it anyway.” But you’re honestly just so fucking tired and the instinct that drove you to give the order feels like the promise of rest. So you just nod. Again. And Bruce closes his eyes briefly, as if in pain.
“Okay,” he says. You only realise then that they’ve been waiting on him, that he’s the one in charge right now, when he gives the nod, and an agent in full riot gear - where the hell is your riot gear? - hands you a switch-release. “You press that, he gets enough slack to lie full on the floor if he wants to. That’s also enough slack for him to tear your throat out. Just so you know.”
Oh, you know.
“Press it again, they’ll tighten up, he’ll be less able to move. Not completely unable. Just…less.”
Bruce stands up. You realise that the room has emptied around you. You and he, and the snarling creature, are the only ones here.
“I’d suggest you press it twice in very quick succession,” he says, and then leaves quickly, as if it hurts too much to look at you anymore.
The door has scarcely closed behind him when you press the button. You’ve never been one for putting off inevitable danger. Procrastination in war loses lives. Needless tension costs you calm. Lost calm costs you ability. Your thumb presses down firmly, in a deliberate motion that anyone who isn’t you might mistake for balls of steel.
The world contracts. You breathe in. You breathe out. The room seems obscenely quiet and still for the length of that one breath.
Loki lurches forward, carried by the momentum of his own struggling to tear you apart, and sprawls full length on the floor. He’s still hogtied close enough to save you from being instantly attacked, and even without being able to see him you can almost feel the will of Bruce Banner, desperate for you to press down again on the button, make yourself safe.
But you don’t. It’s only clear to you now that you never intended to, that this was never your body’s plan. Instead, you carefully lower yourself down next to Loki’s thrashing, snakish form, and gradually get lower until you are lying on your side, facing him, your faces less than a couple of feet apart. His expression is awful, virulent, quite mad. At this distance you can see the flush of every broken blood vessel in his eyes.
And then, just as deliberately, you turn your back to him, rolling onto your other side. And gracelessly, shuffling on the unforgiving floor, you manoeuvre yourself backwards, ignoring the terrible snarling, ignoring everything except the tiny voice of that instinct inside you that is saying, against all sense, it’ll be ok, we can rest -
Your back fetches up against Loki’s chest, the deep rumble of his growling humming through you, the shivering tenseness of his every muscle enough to make you vibrate right along with him.
In and out, the push of a half-ruined ribcage against your back.
You forget how to breathe in the same moment that Loki remembers. He draws breath in with a whooping, broken sound, as if he’s just come up from almost-drowning, and the noise is instantly recognisable. Dark hair spills over your shoulder, brushes your face, as his head falls forward in exhaustion.
This is your dream. This is where you have needed to be since Stark Tower.
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tanza-the-trickster · 6 years
Shedding: Part 1
Ethan bolted awake. He gasped for air as his heart was raced a mile a minute. He looked at his surroundings, to see the snout of his friend softly breathing on him. He was in Noodles’ nest. Now he remembered. He’d been by Noodles’ side for the last four months. Then the nightmares started, and the nights got colder. He settled with resting right against the tip of Noodles’ snout. The breath helped keep him warm, but it didn’t help with the nightmares.
The blade has been haunting his dreams ever since he found it. At first it was subtle. Just an ominous presence. Then, it became more noticeable, more obvious. It started following him around the dreamscape whenever he wasn’t watching it, or hiding in disturbing places and positions. It was at this point that he asked one of the men to bring his stuffed Noodles from his house. That specific one had been in contact with the blood of the real thing, so it almost seemed as if it were alive.
Not even the plush had managed to ward off the blade, but at least he felt a little less lonely. Ethan was snapped back to reality when he heard one of the men from the village calling for him. He went down to the meeting spot. A small alcove on the side of the nest, just out of sight. The man had a few canteens of water and six slabs of meat. He thanked the man, and watched him go off before returning up the now well worn path to the nest.
He downed one of the canteens and cooked one of the steaks. Then went back to waiting. He just sat against his friend’s face, and thought. His mind was like a cyclone. Thoughts and emotions swirling around in a spiraling vortex of confliction. Most of him wanted to give up, some of him felt abandoned by Noodles, some of him was mad at Noodles. Yet the strongest part, an unwavering tower against the fierce winds of his mind, was telling him to stay.
So instead he just thought about something else. Replayed past battles in his mind. One og the more recent ones was a new monster altogether, for both him, and the Guild. The Guild named it Ahtal-Ka, and it was like nothing he’d ever seen before. A beautiful, golden, mantis-like neopteron, that uses its threads to create monstrosities out of rubble. It was attacking a fort in the Schrade region, a hulking behemoth of debris. When he finally destroyed the puppet, the mantis inside had the nerve to dismantle the dragonat-  “snick.”
Ethan leapt to his feet and turned around. A cloudy orb of fiery orange stood out against the petrified scales. And it was staring right back at him.
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tearoomsaloon · 7 years
A very jealous Empress Rey though, can you imagine? Clothed in layers of black silk and lace, arms crossed, narrowed eyes, head slight tilted to the side. A look that says, “You think you can play me like this, Benjamin Organa?” Her Force signature was seething and Senator Organa can feel it across the room #yikes #runforyourlifebennyboy
Things between them had always started the wrong way, usually for the wrong reason. They were both dangerous individuals and their affair was nothing but a mess of blood and teeth and claws, cutting them both to raw ribbons. She could only keep up her dance with him for so long at any given time, her walls threatening to break, the dam of her affection always on the brink of spilling softness. He couldn’t know her feelings, how she pined for his heart when she lay spent beside his body.
They parted on a rather bitter note the last time, her spitting fire about his latest political stance, him upset she could never find a compromise. Maybe I should just go, he had threatened. She snarled in return, pointing him to the door.
And then she left for a month, urged to make nice with a particularly rich neutral world. It was grueling work, putting on airs and playing nice. She was a puppet master, a manipulator, and acting the part of a smile was exhausting. Through the whole trip, she wanted nothing more than to go home and nestle into his arms. He wasn’t frightened of the monster that lived in her ribcage, unlike the rest of these soft-minded politicians.
Her dreams revolved around him, the softness of his skin, the beauty of his face. She’d drown herself before she would admit it, but she had more than a soft spot for the equally manipulative senator from Alderaan. He was more annoying than his mother in terms of opposition and he was more alluring than any she’d met. In dark nights, her ice-cold heart melted so slightly to let him, to let him find a home in her.
She craved him when she finally returned to Coruscant, desperate to touch her lover, to lie beside him and complain about her excursion, his hands trickling across her back like a gentle stream, his eyes bright as he listened. She needed to kiss him, to know how things had faired with his last proposal, the one he made just after she’d left. Senator Organa had wormed his way deep into the marrow of her bones and it had been too long since their last dance.
He was nowhere to be found. His office was empty, he wasn’t in any of the lounges in the senate building, and he wasn’t waiting for her on any of her private floors in the palace. He didn’t respond when she called his comm. He…vanished.
It would be a week of his absence before she learned the cause, and she wasn’t sure she’s ever been overtaken by such fury before. Lava poured in her veins and all she could see was red for an hour. Coming out of her tantrum, she found her sparring room destroyed. Anger remained on the forefront, eventually replaced with hurt, sadness, and jealousy.
There was another girl.
She was pretty, blonde, and small, soft where Rey had edges of sinew and bone. Curves in place of narrow hips and broad shoulders. This other girl’s beauty wasn’t cutting or sharp. She looked appropriate next to him, her robes multi-layered and decorative, unlike Rey’s monochrome ensembles and tall heels.
He looked happy and it broke her. The monstrous empress was brought to her knees not by threats, or war, or injury, but by her lover choosing another over her. This is why her father had cut out his heart when her mother had succumb to illness. Why her brother and uncle had died early. There was no use for a heart in this family, but still she wanted one. Wanted the ghosting of his love across her skin, even after this new development had emerged.
She shied away for another month, refusing to confront him. Maybe he had never cared for her and this was all a dance. All carnal, never permanent. She’d given him that impression, hadn’t she? A beast who took but never gave, when in reality all she wanted was to give, to let him keep this soft red heart of hers far from her blackening bones.
The next interaction they had was forced. She was unable to avoid attending galas, no matter how much she wanted to drink wine in bed and keep away from elbow rubbing. Socializing a few months ago hadn’t been a struggle, but now the effort dragged since she no longer had an escape. There was no Ben to slide up to and start aimless chatter when she no longer wanted to engage with other politicians.
Black lace and sheer material made up her long trailing gown, a crown of gilded horns twisted and twirled into her hair. Dark and beautiful, she found she still had the ability to command a room with ease. All eyes drew to her, but she only noticed his, honey-brown and panicked when she turned her glare on him. He was beautiful of course, drenched in blue and gold, jewel earrings catching the light with every move of his head.
She cornered him when the swing of the evening began. Champagne in one hand, she hoped she looked like his nightmares. “You’re despicable.”
“What have I done this time?”
“The mouse on your arm earlier?”
He glowered. “Don’t threaten her.”
“Or what? What can you do anymore, Ben? I held most of your power and now you’ve fallen out of my favor.” She stepped closer. “You had no right to do that.”
“I had no right to walk out when you told me to?”
“When have we ever meant it?”
He sighed, softened. “I needed something more that you couldn’t give me. I’d been thinking about it for a long time. It was just an affair.”
But it wasn’t. It had been more than that. “I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Well, I did. For months. I want to be happy for once, not on edge.”
He walked by her without a parting word, disappearing into the crowd. She followed his shoulders for as long as she could before turning to her next target. Like a nexu, she stalked across the floor to Ben’s new pet, descending like a raptor, dress fluttering behind like great wings.
“I’m going to make this quick and painful, sweetheart,” she bit. “You touch him again, and I will be sure you bleed out agonizingly slowly. Understand?”
The girl nodded, fixated on Rey’s sharp bared teeth.
She turned on her heel before she got a verbal response, ducking from the rest of this terrible entertainment session. Corellian Brandy waited elsewhere, along with plush pillows and an empty bed. She’d take the loneliness now, something to cultivate her anger.
He was painfully predictable.
She was halfway some holomovie before he showed up bristling, still knowing the codes into her rooms. His anger faltered a moment at the sight of her, lounging in a black lace robe and a short nightgown.
“What the hell.”
She stood slowly, jealousy raging in her chest. “You knew when you first engaged me you weren’t supposed to play me. But you did and it was a very unwelcome turn of events. I don’t like feeling jealous.”
“So now what? I’m trapped as your pet for the rest of my life? Unable to actually see people who like me?”
Stepping to him made him back across the room. He talked a big game, but he still feared her, scared of the way she held him agains the wall with the Force. “You were seeing someone who liked you–me.”
He scoffed. “You only like two things: power and control.”
“Three. Power, control, and you, Ben Solo. In the opposite order.”
“Sure.” He rolled his eyes.
She pushed her chest out. “I don’t think you’re listening to me.”
“What am I supposed to be listening for? A magic click? A sign?”
“A confession.” She let him down, stepped back. “I’m jealous because–”
“You want me for yourself.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Because I’ve always cared about you, and you never cared back.”
“I didn’t leave after we finished, did I? I stayed in your bed.”
“I did as well, I slept in your bed. I’ve never slept in a lover’s bed before. That’s supposed to be enough for me to know, but not for you?”
He looked away. “I would really appreciate it if we didn’t do this while you’re in those pajamas.”
The ones she’d worn when they first had soft, tender sex. When she’d finally let him kiss her on the mouth. “If I had to watch you with her, you have to remember what you left on what were apparently false terms.”
“You never said anything.” He growled, but it turned into a sigh. “You never asked me to stay, or said you cared, or seemed to like me.”
She approached until her hands were spread on his chest. “You’ve known for a year I’m not good with words. I told you repeatedly. Have I ever touched you unkindly? Didn’t my hands always linger on you? I remembered your favorite foods, your aimless stories about your parents, the little tunes you hummed when you were doing something aimless.” She took a shaky breath. “Love is more than a word. It doesn’t have to be said out loud to be true.”
His eyes were no longer cutting or sharp. “it runs that deeply for you?”
She nodded, defeated, and laid her head on his shoulder for what felt like the last time. “I never thought I could be soft. I never wanted you to know.” She looked up through her cracked exterior. “If you want her, go to her instead.”
“You’d never let me.”
“I would. Love means giving you up, right?”
“It also means me staying, doesn’t it? If I feel the same way.”
“Why did you assume we’d finished? That argument was like every before.”
“I guess I wanted to protect my heart from you, from your false disinterest. I’d had enough aching for one lifetime, it made sense to try something new.”
“Do you like the new?”
“I hate it.” He brought his arms around her waist. “She’s not clever or unpredictable. Nothing she says is ever interesting. She’s not you.”
She pulled away to see his face, see the clarity in his eyes. His gaze flickered to her lips and she rose up into the kiss. His lips tasted like wine and cherries, heady and sweet. When she deepened it, when she let him in, he ran his hands down her sides.
“Stay with me tonight,” she said against his lips when they parted. “You love me, I feel the same way about you. Stay.” She moved to nuzzle into the column of his neck. “Words cannot describe how much I’ve missed you here with me. That’s how I knew, Ben. Life felt hollow and lacking without you.”
“I…” He trailed off, his thoughts elsewhere. He wanted to make the right choice.
“Please.” She kissed the front of his throat. “I’ll braid your hair and you can stay in my heart for as long as you so wish. Lie with me; you belong beside me.”
“Will you be open about our relationship?”
“As open as I can be comfortably.”
“How much is that?”
She sucked in a breath. “I don’t think I’d like…kissing in public, but if you wanted to hold hands, I think I’d be okay with that.”
He took her hands in his, careful as he laced his fingers with hers. “I’d like that. That’s all I need, to know you wouldn’t be ashamed.”
With a smile, she guided him to her bed, had him sit in front of her so she could play with his hair. He told her about everything she’d missed and she laid her ear to his back, listening as his voice reverberated through his ribs. Tonight was for a softness, a rebuilding of bridges thought lost. In the morning she would make love to him, when the sunlight blossomed through the windows and filled the room with warmth and hope. Tonight, though, they would share something more emotional, bodies curled as tightly together as possible, exchanging breath and pillow talk until sleep settled into their tired bones.
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spitfirerose · 7 years
It’s Noct Your Fault ((Prompto x Noctis/Pain))
Back at it again with a lil bit of fic, this time inspired by @kaciart’s http://kaciart.tumblr.com/post/162720647938 (As such, there is an ill character that throws up, if that grosses anyone out).
Prompto’s been feeling under the weather lately, at least that’s what he’s been trying to convince himself.
Yeah, if that weather was a gods damn hurricane followed by five tsunamis, ten monsoons, and a dozen squalls. He’s really just waiting for the ground to crumble away and mercifully swallow him whole already. Chills of sweat have him drenched beneath the swaddle of blankets as if he’d marathoned the foul conditions instead of having confined himself to bed for the past couple days.
Prompto can’t remember when he’s eaten an actual meal last, and doesn’t feel like throwing it back up like he had yesterday’s breakfast of nibbled toast, or what little water he’s managed to sip down. A half-lidded glance over at the nightstand reminds him that the glass he seeks is on the floor, knocked over by poor coordination of his body’s further betrayal. The groan that slips past cracked lips is hoarse, conveying just how shitty he feels as he slowly, slowly props himself up on his elbows, squeezing his eyes shut until the surge of dizziness passes.
The piercing chirp of his phone going off nearly has him cry. It’s a text from Noct, and he doesn’t need to see the reminder that they’ve got training later today.
“C’mon, Prompto, pull yourself together.” Is so, so much easier said than done, but there’s no way in hell that he’s missing any precious time with his best friend. Prompto can get through this, he has to.
The pain in his stomach is just going to have to kill him some other time.
He’s wrong.
Gods, is he wrong.
It’s going to kill him right now.
Noct had noticed his unusually pale skin, how his facade of cheer had cracks in it. He had been willing to call off the session in favor of Prompto going back home for the rest he clearly needed, or better yet playing hooky and crashing at his place under Ignis’s care. The blond had only put on a slipping smile under the excuse of a cold and playful remark of Noct just wanting to slack off as usual, insistent that he’d be alright–more than alright to kick his best friend’s butt. Noctis merely gave him a smirk at the confidence, but both knew that there was no convincing on either side.
Prompto should have been able to dodge that hit like it was nothing, should have been able to twist away with ease before the hilt of the practice blade connected with his lower right side. Noctis had been holding back, and he’s not sure whether to be insulted or relieved.
Right now, he’s settling for death.
Prompto’s not entirely sure if he screamed or not, air nearly impossible to come by as he’s doubled over, arms shaking over his gut to shield himself from further harm. Maybe it’s to keep from bursting, excruciating pain sure to tear him apart from the inside at any second. Eons away, he can make out the tones of a panicked Prince, hovering uselessly in watery vision like some kind of daydream. Fevered hallucination or not, he gets even more nauseous at the realization that he’s the source of this Noct’s worry. Prompto’s faintly aware of the words that slur out of him, hopefully some semblance of assurance to warped apologies, willing every last frayed nerve in his body to get their shit together in a last ditch effort to at least stand.
He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine, he’s fine–
Prompto collapses like a puppet’s strings have been sliced clean off, a definite cry escaping him this time as his legs give out. Noct’s fraying composure scales higher in pitch, arms cradling him upwards off the floor. It’s an awkward position, head somewhat resting on his friend’s shoulder with a blessedly cool hand plastered against his forehead while the other grips his bicep. There’s a lot of things Prompto wants to say, feebly attempting to squirm out of Noct’s firm grip as if to prove his health isn’t completely failing him. He’s sorry for being a pathetic mess like this before Noctis, first of all, tears barely able to be blinked back.
“N–Noct–” Prompto gives up lifting his head to meet the frantic midnight sky he knows are staring into him, if not darting around to find someone, anyone, to help.
“Prom? Prom, I’m sorry, I–I didn’t mean to–I–I shouldn’t have–” The Prince is rambling, the first that Prompto has ever witnessed from the typically aloof individual. It’s so unlike Noctis that it’s more terrifying than whatever the hell’s wrong with him.
“Noct.” He repeats the name, voice steady before crumbling with what little self-control he has left. Black spots dance before his eyes, throat tightening as his gut churns like the wash cycle at that cheap laundromat. “Gon’ puke.”
That’s really all the warning he gets before bile is weakly hacked up, and Prompto’s skin crawls at the sensation of slick sick spewing past his chin and spilling down onto his arm to Noct’s shoes. The clenching pain is unbearable, tears streaming down his cheeks at the relentless pressure, having no shame left in his worst nightmare come true to brokenly sob in the Prince of Insomnia’s arms.
Everything hurts. It spreads beyond the searing origins around his stomach, throbbing pulse deafening in his ears as it takes over most of his dwindled focus. Typically bright crystal blue eyes are clouded over with the distant glaze of tears. Noct’s words are but a muffled shout on numb ears, listlessly making out that his friend is addressing someone. Maybe it’s to him, Prompto’s not really sure, fragmented apologies translated into pitiful moans and groans once past his lips.
An angel of scarlet hair and gold amber eyes enters his sliver of vision, blurred but beautiful nonetheless. The thought crosses his vacant mind of how odd it is for the wingless young maiden to be donned in armor, or to look so concerned as she briefly looks him over. Noct pleads something, and valkyrie is gone in the next blink. Prompto whines, feeling betrayed as to why she hadn’t come to collect him to put an end to his misery.
“Aurarius is going to get help.” Is all Noct says, repeating it over as if to reassure himself that his one and only best friend isn’t going to die in his arms because of him. “She’s fast. She’ll get a doctor in no time, and you’ll be feeling better soon before you know it. You’ll be okay, I promise.”
Prompto definitely doesn’t feel okay, but the sincerity of Noct’s attempts of comfort are soft and warm contrasted to the agonizing aches and chill. If these are his last moments, he’s a pretty lucky guy. Minutes crawl by, maybe even a lifetime, before he picks up on rushed footsteps, one holding a distinctive limp. It takes a herculean effort to open his eyes, immediately regretting it as he makes out the King of Insomnia and his Shield.
His gut hurts for an entirely different reason now, going frigid like Shiva’s sealed his fate with a cruel kiss as he visibly shivers. Prompto thinks he’s trying to say he’s sorry for puking all over his son, but there’s nothing but worried kindness on the King’s solemn features as the man merely shakes his head. Noctis is reluctant to give him up to the Shield, Prompto weakly protesting that he’ll get that shining armor filthy by the dirty mess he is. Clarus Amicitia isn’t fazed in the slightest, scooping him up carefully as though the boy could shatter like he feels he will any second.
It’s funny, Prompto thinks, how surprisingly gentle the behemoth swordsman is. He’s still really sorry, though, as the shift in movement and of being lifted has yet another round of vomit dribble out of his mouth. The father of two doesn’t scold or act disgusted, instead ordering the Glaive from earlier to inform the doctor’s that they’re on the way.
The last he remembers is someone placing an aged hand on his burning forehead, promises echoing in his head that he’ll be alright.
And so he does.
When consciousness becomes his again, Prompto is certain he’s dead.
Plush comfort surrounds him, blissfully tucked into the cozy warmth. It takes a moment to process why it’s such a big deal, finally feeling the dull throb down at his stomach as his body hazily reports in. Faint voices are hushed nearby, deep in conversation that he can’t make out for the light sound of snoring at his left side. Curiosity gets the better of Prompto as it always does, neck stiff as he turns his head in the direction of the noisy breaths. The lighting is dimmed down wherever he is, but his eyes still burn as he slowly blinks them open. A disheveled mess of raven hair takes up most the slumbering face of Noctis, and he’s tempted to snort at the unsurprising sight. Prompto settles for a soft smile instead, comforted by the presence of his  hero of a best friend more than Noct’ll ever know. The name is more of a whisper of air, about near to confess his feelings when something gently squeezes his right hand.
It’s quiet, Prompto realizes, the voices having halted since having moved. His fingers twitch in the hand that holds his, making the effort to turn his head as eyes narrow in concentration. Everything’s so foggy, like he’d been sleeping for some time, aware now of a weight sitting at the edge of the bed. Prompto’s gaze wanders from the hand up onto its’ owner’s arm, soon squinting up at the face of his King.
A dry groan escapes him, scratching at his throat. A glass of water is pressed against his lips, strong yet sure arms keeping him upright long enough to greedily drink its contents. Clarus nods in approval once emptied, setting him down against the welcoming pillows once more.
Time passes slowly as his senses return, guilt tripping him as to why the two of the most important men of Eos are at his bedside. He’d say their behavior is like that of parents, if he had to guess the foreign feeling that tugs longingly at his heart. Regis’s voice holds a soothing calmness as he informs the blond of all that had occurred–‘operation’ followed by words too large to keep up with in his current state–, before finally asked how he’s feeling at how dazed he looks.
Prompto doesn’t lie like he had to Noctis. He’s too tired to pretend that everything is perfect, even admits to the implication that his adoptive guardians are never really home–but they’re still the best parents he could ask for, really! Even if sometimes they don’t leave him enough money for food during their absence, but that’s alright because he’s picked up a part-time job to help keep the power on and the cupboards stocked. It’s the least he can do for them, grateful to have a roof over his head and aw man, they’re really going to be disappointed in him after hearing about this–
Clarus rises abruptly out of his chair, nearly toppling it over as he storms out of the bedroom. There’s a startled squeak and salute of his name as the door just about flies off its hinges, Prompto catching a glimpse of the redheaded Glaive sneaking a look in. Relief flashes across her features at seeing him awake, then she’s gone yet again as the door is quietly closed as if remembering the occupants inside.
“It would seem you’ve worried quite a few people whom care deeply for you, Prompto. Myself included.” Regis breaks the silence, lips quirked upwards as his gaze lingers at the doorway before landing back on the pair. Noctis still sleeps undisturbed in the slightest, and the smile remains for just a moment longer. “I’m afraid I can’t stay much longer to watch over your recovery, but I trust my son can keep you company in my stead.”
Prompto nods, a strange kind of sadness washing over him as his hand is freed and patted for reassurance. The King rises to his feet, albeit with a quickly concealed grimace of the pain that ails him.
Maybe it’s selfish to wish he didn’t have to go, a childish thought that Prompto tries to banish to no avail.
No one ever stays. He learned that a long time ago.
He frets with what he can grasp of the blanket, biting at his bottom lip in both ashamed of the childish desire and to prevent himself from blurting the embarrassing request out.
It’s the father in Regis that knows better.
“Perhaps I can stay until you fall back asleep? Would you like that?” Bless the Six, he takes his place back on the bed’s edge even before Prompto nods that yes, yes he’d really like that.
To no surprise, he lasts only a couple minutes later, and Regis waits a good dozen more to really be sure before gingerly rising as not to disturb the two.
“Rest well, my sons.”
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immature-ithink · 5 years
A little one lost
My take on @nobodyfamousposts Little!Chaton AU
She should have known better.
She should have known better.
She should have known better.
An akuma had attacked and just like Chat Noir, her little Chaton helped by any means necessary. The little one had tucked himself in her pigtail when they heard the crash and held on for dear life with his soft little plush hands.
The akuma fired at her, it felt like the moment went on forever. Chat Noir made it in time to get in front of her but he couldn't get to her little one, who had leapt out of her hair directly into the blast.
The genuine, tortured cry she let out was shattering. It deafened ears and broke hearts as the blast hit her Chaton, her baby. The little one she had been caring for for months. It was just like her mama and every mother she knew said, ‘One day, after all the pain and suffering, a woman will find a child that makes everything okay. A child that makes you look at the ruined world and a future of late nights, and fretting, and anguish and think 'I'll protect you'.’ Biological or not, she had laboured over him for hours. She had had many sleepless nights, constantly tweaking the stitching to make him look perfect.
All she could do now was go through the motions, she couldn't think, couldn't breathe, couldn't feel. She felt awful. Her little one was tattered and torn and hurting. She wanted to shield him from pain. If Alya or Chat got hurt they'd return to their previous state, before they've been affected by magic. Her Chaton's life depended on magic. If she were to reverse everything, it'd be like he was never brought to life in the first place.
Chat Noir placed his hands on her shoulders. He'd seen the little one occasionally. The first time was during Puppeteer. The next time was during patrol. When he asked about him she just shrugged that she accidentally brought him to life and got attached. Apparently Marinette lent the little one to her when she had nightmares. It warmed Chat's heart how even if she didn't love him, she took comfort in him.
Chat waited patiently, whispering how it'll be okay and how the little one will be fine. When she grew sick of seeing her little one in pain she finally called the words, the words that give life to the city, and took life from her child.
Ladybug stripped away was a child who got attached too easily, a mother who lost her baby. She'd hiccuped out sobs, rocking back and forth, cradling her lifeless Chaton. He was smiling, just like she was on the day of his creation. Manon was going to absolutely love him, Tikki absolutely had tea parties with him.
All too soon the beeping came and Chat Noir gently reminded her she needed to go. Go? Go where? She didn't want to go anywhere without her little one.
She left despite the ache. If Hawkmoth were to find out who she truly was she'd lose even more of her dears. She lay in bed, in her pajamas, sobbing, clutching the little one to her chest.
There was one time, during patrol, when Chat Noir asked where she got Chaton from. ‘A gift, from Marinette,’ she told him. A mini-me of her dearest partner.
The next time, during patrol, Chat Noir asked where he went. ‘Back where he belongs. Marinette's his original creator, afterall.’
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
why must angels be so goddamn aggressive?
Patty: *knocks on Liz's door* "Sis? You in there?" liz: *yaaawn* im up. Patty: "Huh...Thought you'd be spending the night with Wes." -at school- Meme: "...Wait...Anya? You still believe in Santa?!" Anya: =3= "Sh-Shut up!" tsugumi: i'm sure he'll bring you lots of presents! Anya: *pouts* "I hope so...I've been on good behavior..." ("Despite burying Kana in snow...") -elsewhere- Takehisa: *yaaaaaaawn* maki: morning commander. Takehisa: "Good mor--*yawn*-ning." maki: well, shinra and buddies already went to school... Takehisa: *half awake* "Good...Did they have a decent breakfast?" maki: *she nods* Takehisa: "Good..." *yawn* "I just can't wake up. I'll shower before Obi starts the meeting..." maki: *she nods* -at school- naho: *doodling* Black Star: "What're you drawing?" naho: nothing. >///-///> Black Star: "If it's nothin', then let me take a look..." o_o -pictures of naho as a magical girl princess, two guys, one blonde, one dark haired, holding her hands- naho: o///w///o Black Star: "...Um..." *steps back* "Okay..." -elsewhere- Ponera: *playing with the baby* "You don't think I'm clingy, do you?" grimoire: what makes you say that? Ponera: "Just...a sense I get. I tend to want things my way, not used to change very much, latch onto what is familiar..." grimoire: .... Ponera: *brushes hair over her ear* "Do you hate change?" grimoire: it is a part of life. Ponera: *holds up Neian* "Some good changes..." -elsewhere- Plush!Agey: *chasing GET* "Get back here! I'm need your circuit board for my Mini Death Robot!" GET: >Xo medea:...*looks at the box* are you going to behave yourself?? Yohei: *picks up Agey by the collar* Agey: "UNHAND ME!" Yohei: "Chie, you want to play with this thing? Or put it somewhere away from my electronics?" chie: hmmm.... maybe put him up in the spare room? medea:.....i think he's asleep now. akaderu: this place, once a safe haven for stray dokeshi, now a wasteland of plush toy debauchery....what a drag… Kepuri: -_- "No kidding." PlushFix: *snore* Shinoda: "Nea, I wanted to continue our earlier discussion--perhaps in my room?" medea: *put the box back on the shelf* nea: ah, right. Agey: "Omph!" PlushFix: *startled awake* "Huh? What? Pretty woman next to me?" Agey: -_-; "Far. From it." Shinoda: *leads Nea to his room...small smirk* -and so- Shinoda: *holds the slice of apple in his teeth, leaning down towards Nea's lips* nea: it is cold, right? Shinoda: *smiles, sighs, his breath shown* "Very." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *moping* "Any update?" sakuya: we got a list of school events for the winter. Mr. Tsubaki: *griiiiiins* "Anything good?" sakuya: *examines the calendar* lilac: winter...cultural festival? Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Wonderful! A perfect season to get to know someone better!" sakuya:.......*remembering what mahiru had said to him* ...... belkia: sooo we're gonna crash the party so to speak? Mr. Tsubaki: " 'Crash' is too 'crass.' We're simply making a dynamic entrance." lavender: and that concert with 'little mr angel todoroki'? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, is that happening there, too?" lavender: i think that one is gonna be earlier this month. Shamrock: "Is it really a good idea to go to both?" otogiri: we already scheduled the concert performance, to back out of it now would be bothersome. Shamrock: *grunt* "Fine..." Mr. Tsubaki: *cheerful* "The more opportunities to be with my beloved..." -on the tv, a news reporter is speaking- Shamrock: "???" reporter: -kllyand todoroki will be preforming in death city for a limited time before taking hiatus to complete schooling at death city's very own DWMA. Shamrock: "...A student...at that school? Oh, the fans he is going to attract..." reporter: licht todoroki's manager, Rosen Kranz had this to say, 'Being on the road makes it rather difficult to meet people. I believe attending the school would be an excellent opportunity for Licht to make friends his own age and allow him a taste of a somewhat normal life' Mr. Tsubaki: T_T "I wish _I_ could go to school...next to her..." sakuya: *muttering* you being 5'5", you probably could pass as a student, but we got a few people at that school who are on to us... Mr. Tsubaki: "ARE YOU MOCKING MY HEIGHT?!!!" otogiri: sir, please calm down. Mr. Tsubaki: *cradles his Tsubaki Nakatsukasa plushie* "You don't think I'm short, do you?" -no verbal reply- Mr. Tsubaki: *using Nakatsukasa plushie like a puppet, falsetto* "Of course you are tall! You're big in every way possible!" sakuya: *excalibur face* I DID NOT NEED TO HEAR THIS! Mr. Tsubaki: *as plushie* "I meant his heart and soul!" Shamrock: -_- -elsewhere- Relan: *whispers in class* "Thanks again for letting me stay over last night." shinra: *he smiles* -later that day- Kid: "Any plans tonight?" stocking: nah, maybe just stay in, watch a movie, and enjoy some snuggle time on the couch~? *hugs his arm* Kid: *smiles, leans against her* "Some tea, treats, candy canes, too?" stocking: hehe~ you know me so well~ Kid: *smiles* "Stocking...There is so much I want to know about you...and I look forward to continuing to learn more." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Well, let's depart for home--" *spots other students* "Oh..." stocking: ?? *Wes is talking with Liz and Soul* stocking: what's going on? Kid: "I don't know..." *approaches with Stocking* soul: dude, seriously? Wes: "What? I think it's pretty awesome!" liz: it'll sure make things more interesting here. haha! Kid: "??? Is this about the new student enrolling?" liz: yeah, you wont believe who it is. Kid: *turns to Stocking* "You heard the news, right?" stocking: no? liz: apparently that Austrian pianist is transferring to the school. stocking: oh, him! Wes: "Yep, Licht!" soul: you met him or nah? Wes: "Unfortunately, no. I heard rumors that he was in the audience of my concerts, but whenever I tried to meet him, it was a missed connection." soul: i see. -elsewhere- Hibana: *pours out tea for her and Gabriella* "I wanted to have this personnel meeting with you, regarding Kishiri's behavior." gabriella: and the helvitz girl? Hibana: *nods* "Kishiri may be a dependable soldier, but he is like any typical teenage boy: obsessed with sex, self-image, his own personal gain..." *sips her tea* "...Not like me, of course." gabriella: *she nods, listening* Hibana: "I have known boys like Kishiri all my life: they use girls for their own satisfaction, then toss them aside. So I want you and I to keep him honest--and if he gets out of line, I'M GOING TO RIP HIS BALLS OFF!" gabriella: understood! *salutes* Hibana: *nods, looks at her watch...frowns* "...Why is he not back...? If he is doing something untoward..." *slams fist on the table* "I'LL KILL HIM!" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *walking with Vivian* "Things okay with your division?" vivain: yep, everything is doing well so far. Kishiri: "What's your commander like? As strict as Hibana?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Ah...ah...ahhh!" nea: AHHHHH~<3 fuuuuck.... Shinoda: *pants, lies beside her...lays a hand along her stomach, lets out a laugh* "Even however much you exert yourself, you're so cool..." nea: mmmmmm... *nuzzle* i missed you... Shinoda: "...Nea..." *kisses her forehead* "I missed you so much...Can I stay?" nea:...yeah. Shinoda: *hugs her, smiles* "I...love you." -elsewhere- Arthur: *grumble grumble* shinra: you alright? Arthur: "Aoyama keeps bugging me, this curfew and buddy system is cramping my style, and I think I got a rash." shinra:...thats rough buddy. Arthur: *sniff* "I need to do something fun...something medieval-related..." shinra: there's always monty python dvds. Arthur: o___o "...Put it on. Now." -elsewhere- Hugh: "Hello! What brings you here?" sayaka: hey little guy, are the others here? we brough bentoooos~! madoka: ^^ tetsu: oh hey guys, we're in the usual room. Hugh: *twitch twitch* "...Is one of those bentos for me?" sayaka: yep, i put a looot of work into this one. Hugh: -\\\\- "That is surprisingly kind of you. Thank you. You may now join your friends while I dine..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *watching Tsubaki* "...I like your hair like that." tsubaki: *has her hair in a low tail* oh, thanks. ^^ Black Star: *smiles* "What you up for? Head out? Stay in?" tsubaki: maybe go to a movie? Black Star: "Awesome! I'd love that! The treats are on me, too!" tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: grabs his wallet and their jackets* "Anything you up for? Action? Comedy? ...Romance?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "And that's what Mr. Kyokotsu told me..." chie: hmm.... Yohei: "...I picked a bad year to stop smoking..." chie: *she hugs him* Yohei: *holds her* lin: emine....did mr bai-ze tell you anything? Emine: *shakes his head* "The...entity stopped speaking to me when I stopped making my bad deeds as savage as they could..." lin: so he became dormant? Emine: *nods* "He's a stubborn beast...If it does not get what it wants..." *shudders* "The nightmares." Shotaro: "...Mono?" mono: ......im going to bed. Shotaro: "!!! Mono, wait! We just want to help!" mono: *she looks at him....she looks rather tired, as if she had been crying all night* Shotaro: "...Hey. You're going to be fine. We're here to protect you!" mono:..... Shotaro: "..." *thumbs up, trying to stay confident* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *holds up a fox plushie to Kabuki* "This is a totally platonic gift. Thanks for talking with me." ^^ kabuki: oh, why thank you. *he smiles* Tsukiyo: "You're welcome. If you ever want some company for tea or a hop in the hot spring, just let me know!" ^^ kabuki: noted. Tsukiyo: "Hee hee...So, is Benimaru any better, or still moping?" kabuki: a bit tired from dealing with skirmishes... Tsukiyo: "Hmm...Can you figure out a way to give him some relief? I know the stuff with the 8th is weighing down on him." kabuki: perhaps a hot spring visit? Tsukiyo: *way too pleased expression* "SQUEE!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Ready?" *holds up remote* stocking: *she nods, in a hoodie and tights with her hair tied back* Kid: *starts the film, before passing a cupcake to her* (whispers) "Cherry filling." stocking: *nom* =////w////= *The film is romantic, with just a hint of Death City horror* stocking: *nuzzles* ^^ Kid: *holds her* "I like this cinematography...very dark, but just a bit of color in the red..." stocking: *she nods, leaning into him* Kid: *leans against her, lets out a happy sigh* stocking: ^^ Kid: *small kiss on her forehead, before turning back to the film* stocking: mmmm~ *Watching as the film couple gets intimate* Kid: -\\\\\- stocking: *smooooch* -they didnt even finish the movie...that's all i'll say ;) – Kid: *lying back, naked in their bed...* "Another..." *pant* "Another...cupcake?" stocking: *panting and twitching* haaa...... Kid: *gasps, moans* "Are you...Should I...?" *his hands moves down her abs... stocking: a-ahh? Kid: *tip-toes his fingers down her abs, lightly tickling her as he reaches her sex...* stocking: *softly moans* ooh~<3 Kid: *small smile* "Like that, huh?" ("Oh, your Christmas gift...") stocking: y-yes~ Kid: *begins to rub his finger along her clitoris, as he leans his face along her stomach* stocking: *moans* ah-aaaaah~<3 Kid: *kisses along her stomach, as he inserts one finger into her...* stocking: oh~ fuck~! Kid: *licks along her navel, as he inserts a second finger* stocking: *hips jerk up* Kid: *tries to hold her hips down, as he passes a hand along her hips...* "I want to taste you, you glorious woman..." stocking: >/////< Kid: *kisses down her stomach to her sex...* stocking: fu-ah-ahhh~ k-kiiiid~! Kid: *licks along her lips* ("Beautiful music...") stocking: *panting as he licks her* Kid: *slides his tongue past her lips, along her walls...grips her thighs* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "...What do you mean you don't know where she went?" belkia: you know how toguchin is, when she has her mind set on something to do- Mr. Tsubaki: "Then you and Shamrock find her right now!" belkia: alright! alright! Jeez! Shamrock: -_-; *opens the door* "Come along..." belkia: right behind ya sham! Shamrock: "Don't call me that..." belkia: sham-wow! Mr. Tsubaki: *clutching his plushie* "I want to find you, too, my sweetness~" Shamrock: "No." -elsewhere- Wes: "More wine?" liz: sure. Wes: *pours, smiles* "How are post-graduation plans coming along?" liz: doing great. Wes: "Oh? What were you considering?" *pours a bit more wine for himself* liz: i still want to work in the DWMA, patti does too. Wes: "Like, as soldiers?" liz: not sure. still gonna look after kid. Wes: *smiles* "Good plan...Life at the Mansion treating you well?" liz: yep. Wes: "...Would you mind if I...hung out there tomorrow?" liz: im sure it'd be fine. Wes: *smiles* "Thanks...Lord Death and Yumi won't mind, will they?" liz: im sure they'll be ok with it. Wes: *nods* "Cool." ("...Hope they don't mind an overnight stay...") -elsewhere- Arthur: *sniff* "Those poor knights...arrested by the cops..." *watching end of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail* shinra: *pap pap* Arthur: *sniff sniff* Takehisa: *grumbling, as he drags his feet to the kitchen* tamaki:... here. *she hands arthur a crudely made 'holy grail'* Arthur: Q_Q "This is beautiful...Thank you." tamaki: no problem. Takehisa: *pulling a jug of milk out of the fridge* Arthur: "...Tamaki, I really do appreciate this. When did you make it?" tamaki: while you were watching the movie. Arthur: "That was some quick craftsmanship...Did you use your flame abilities?" Takehisa: ("What is wrong with my head? Nightmares, distractions...Something is not right. I feel so tense.") tamaki: yeah... >-> *she used aluminum foil and tin foil. and lots of tape.* Takehisa: *takes his cup of milk with him back towards his bedroom...* Arthur: "Glorious work!" *kisses Tamaki's cheek* tamaki: >////< shinra: ??? Arthur: *smiles* "Lady Kotatsu..." Takehisa: *sips his milk* ("...I know why I'm so tense...I just need to relieve it...") shinra: commander? Takehisa: D: "!!! W-What?" shinra: you ok? Takehisa: "Y-Yeah...My sleep schedule has just been off..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Pretty awesome film..." tsubaki: *she nods* naho: *walking out of a shop with a bag full of stuff* Black Star: "Hey, want to head over to get dessert and coffee--" *spots Naho* "Oh, hey!" naho: oh hi! just doing some christmas shopping! *they cant see, but she has the recorder on* tsubaki: ah, i see. Mr. Tsubaki: *twitch twitch* *twists his head...180 degrees...* "My...love?" Black Star: "Looks like a bit of shopping--big family?" naho: you could say that, hehe~ Black Star: "??? Well...we were just heading out of the theater to go get some coffee..." Mr. Tsubaki: ("FOLLOW THEM!") naho: can i come with? i've been wanting to get some peppermint latte for my cram session later. -after coffee, there was karaoke- Black Star: *singing* "Hey now! I'm an All-Star!" sakuya: -_____- -tsubaki's turn- Mr. Tsubaki: *listening, his heart melting* tsubaki: *singing* Mr. Tsubaki: *SQUEEING LOUDLY* Black Star: ._. ("...Awesome.") naho: >w< sakuya: *collapsed* ow. Mr. Tsubaki: "SHHH! I cannot hear the diva!" Black Star: .\\\\\\. "What a great singing voice..." tsubaki: thank you ^^ Black Star: "...You're so surprising." Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q "She is amazing...An angel..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "..." *smooch on the cheek* tsubaki: hehe~ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Did I...hear...SMOOCHING?!!!" belkia: oh shit. Mr. Tsubaki: *ROOOOOOOAR* tsubaki: ?! what was that? Black Star: *looks around, concerned* "Sounded like a Godzilla..." tsubaki: should we investigate it? Black Star: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: ._. "...Crap on a stick." tsubaki: *she looks around* belkia: maybe we could use this to our advantage? Mr. Tsubaki: ._. "How?" Black Star: "Hmph...If only I could sense something..." belkia: you want the girl, right? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods excitedly* belkia: then this is a great opportunity knocking at our door! Mr. Tsubaki: "...What do I do?" belkia: do the thing you did that got their attention! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Nearly kill the loud one and try to take her in her sleep?" sakuya: he means a few moments ago -_-; otogiri: also. *chop* Mr. Tsubaki: *pouts* "So...I should scream really loud?" belkia: maniacal laugh? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *grins, begins chuckling* lilac: *cowers under a couch cushion* Q-Q Mr. Tsubaki: *laughs more and more, maniacally* Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: ?!.... !!!! *she becomes tense* Black Star: "Oh no..." Mr. Tsubaki: *laughs* "Hello~" tsubaki: ....... *frozen in fear* sakuya: *mutters* the hotel staff and patrons are gonna complain... Black Star: *stands in front of Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: "I missed you~ And I will be seeing more of you soon..." tsubaki: ......... Shamrock: -_- "We can just pay off the hotel staff..." -she has her blade arm out- Black Star: "..." *looks around to try to locate the sound...* lavender: good thing we told them we're actors. Mr. Tsubaki: "I will be there to hold you in my big strong arms, protecting you from the dangers of this world… Mr. Tsubaki: "Wait for me." tsubaki: ....... *keeping a brave face, trembling* Black Star: "TSUBAKI DOESN'T NEED ANYONE'S PROTECTION! She is strong and doesn't need some shithead weeny little baby trying to kidnap her, rape her, or whatever fucked up shit you were thinking!" Mr. Tsubaki: "???!!!" tsubaki: .........*she smiles* Black Star: "So show your face--SO TSUBAKI CAN SLICE IT OFF YOUR HEAD!" Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!!" ("That insolent...tiny...GRRRRR!!!") naho: *backing away* (thinking: not good...) Mr. Tsubaki: "...OH YEAH?! THEN ENJOY SEEING THIS FACE, BOY!" *sweet voice* "I love you, Tsu-Tsu. Toodles!" *steps away from the microphone, glares at Shamrock and the others* lilac: *cowering* sakuya: O-O otogiri: tsubaki, please calm yourself... Shamrock: o___o belkia: aww, you made lil lila cry Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lilac on the back* "Shhh, its ok Lilac, could you find out everything you can about the infrastructure and streets leading into and out of that school?" *points at Sakuya* "You! Locate Tsubaki's residence and determine her schedule." *points at Otogiri* "You! I will need a disguise." *points at Belkia and Shamrock* "You two! I require a massage and a bubble bath!" lavender + otogiri + belkia + sakuya: (thinking: he's really lost his marbles...) Shamrock: *oddly calm and friendly* "Yes, sir~" Mr. Tsubaki: "Come along, then, Belkia and Shamrock!" Shamrock: "Right away~" sakuya:.... (thinking: naho was right, shamrock's totally in love with him.) Mr. Tsubaki: *enters the bathroom, followed by Shamrock and Belkia* Shamrock: *shuts the door, locking it* lavender: i'll order more water, because he is thirsy as fuck, haha! Shamrock: *turns on the hot water in the bathtub, bringing it to heat* Mr. Tsubaki: *undresses* belkia: got camilla scented shampoo, just like you asked! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Thank you..." Shamrock: "Your bubbles are ready..." *turns off the water* Mr. Tsubaki: *slips into the bubble bath* =\\\\\\= "So nice..." belkia: i even got out the rubber ducky! *its a duck that looks like belkia* Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Yay!" *holds rubber ducky* "Quack quack quack" Shamrock: *massaging shampoo into Mr. Tsubaki's hair* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Animated dolls...So creepy." akaderu: five nights at plush-sh*t's. Kepuri: -_-; "Boo." akaderu: true though. Kepuri: *groans* "You're lucky you're cute." akaderu:...*small smirk* then i guess i rival you in that aspect. Kepuri: *small laugh, as she lightly kisses his lips* "That earns you one point." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Ah~ ah~ ah~ ..." -knock knock knock- nayumi: you ok in there, hinawa? Takehisa: o____o; "Y-Yeah? Just feeling under the weather..." nayumi: what have you been eating? Takehisa: o_________o;;;; ("Bad, bad, bad...") *pulls sheets over himself* "...I, um, had some milk earlier." nayumi: ah. well, later. Takehisa: "L-Later..." *sighs* "Well, there goes my mood." maki: *humming j-pop* Takehisa: *hearing Maki's humming...* ._.; ("...My mood is back.") -elsewhere- Black Star: "...I'm sorry." tsubaki: it's ok...no one got hurt...*stroking his head* Black Star: -\\\\- "...That feels nice." tsubaki: hehe ^^ Black Star: "..." *hugs her, kisses her cheek* "...You're going to be fine." tsubaki: .....*smiles* Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* "...Want to turn in?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "..." *picks her up in his arms* tsubaki: >////< Black Star: "Heh heh...Between you and me, we are too badass a team to lose! ...Tsubaki? I...love you." tsubaki: i....i love you too. *tearful smile* Black Star: *still holds her, as he kisses her lips, lightly* tsubaki:....U/////U Black Star: *carries her to her room, lays her on the bed...* "...Um...Is it still okay for me to sleep in your bed tonight?" tsubaki: i would like that. Black Star: "..." *crawls in next to her, hugging her* tsubaki: mmmm... U////U Black Star: "..." *kisses her cheek* "Tsubaki...I..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "...I think you're awesome. And beautiful. And so badass." tsubaki: *she smiles* i appreciate that. you're amazing too. Black Star: -\\\\\- *holds her hand* "...Do you...remember when I used to spy on you bathing?" tsubaki: ^^; that feels like so long ago... Black Star: "We've grown up...and you're more beautiful here, right now, dressed like this, than even when you were bare-butt naked." tsubaki: *small smile* yeah... Black Star: *laughs* "Why didn't you ever try to spy on me bathing?" tsubaki: O/////O Black Star: *smirks* "You never wanted to see my Little Star?" tsubaki: >///////////< b-black*star! oh my god! >/////////< Black Star: "You're cute when you're blushing..." *kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddling* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *smiling* ("I am so lucky...and I can't wait to propose to her...") *hugs her, falls back to sleep* -morning- Shinoda: *brings a bowl of ice cream to Nea in bed* "Something a little different for breakfast~" nea: thanks~ TTwTT *she has cramps* Shinoda: *sympathetic frown* "I also brought medicine...May I bring anything else?" -elsewhere- chie: ^^ Yohei: *rubs her stomach, smiles* "Hey there, son..." chie: ^^....!! i felt a kick! Yohei: "!!! I did too! Awesome!" *hugs* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Chie...I'm so happy..." chie: *she smiles and holds him close* Yohei: "...We are going to give this child all the love in the world..." chie: *she nods* Yohei: *hugs her* "You're going to be amazing..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *cuddling* tsubaki: ^^ -at school- Relan: -_-; "...He keeps showing up in skirts..." Gopher: *smirks at Relan* "Jealous?" iris: come on, be nice. Relan: *angry twitch* Arthur: *dressed in a suit of armor* shinra: *holds relan's hand* Gopher: "Not my fault I can pull this off so well." Relan: -_-; *small squeeze on Shinra's hand* kirika: 7////7; *muttering* both the skirt and bellbottoms work.... Gopher: "Off to class, then." *walks away* Relan: -_-; "I don't like that guy." Arthur: *looks around, trying to move in his suit* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *chipper, awake, whistling happily* maki: you feeling ok? Takehisa: "!!! Oh! Um...A lot better, thank you. Finally got decent sleep." maki: great to hear! Takehisa: *smiles* ("No kidding...") "How are you feeling?" maki: good. Takehisa: *nods* "Well, we have paperwork to catch up on, so..." -elsewhere- Kid: *working on a math equation* liz: *also doing math* Patty: *playing with the compass and protractor* "Do you, Mr. Compass, take Miss Protractor to be your lawfully wedded wife?" -elsewhere- Tool: *pushing Io in a baby stroller around town* "See that over there? That's a public pay phone. Say, 'Hi, Mr. Phone!'" io: pone! pone! Tool: *laughs* "Mr. Phone says 'Thank you!'" io: ^^ saki: hehe~ Tool: *points to a cafe* "Need a break?" saki: sounds good. Tool: *opens the door, wheels Io in* "...It's good to be out of the house." saki: *she smiles* Tool: *puts Io into a high chair, hands menu to Saki* "..." *small laugh* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *smirks, as she holds up a check to Chie* chie: ?? Kepuri: "Guess who got an advanced payment for her new toy designs?" chie: wow, congratulations! Kepuri: *smug* "Yes...I will be able to pay rent for quite some time. Probably more money than Yohei ever earned." Yohei: "..." chie: *she holds his hand* Yohei: *smiles* "I think I got enough riches..." Kepuri: *pouts* "Jeez, I was hoping to really get your goat with that one..." Shotaro: *peeeeeeeeeeeeeeek* "...BONE OF GOAT!" Kepuri: "?!!!!! EEEEEK!" Shotaro: "BAAAAAH!" chie: *snickers* Yohei: *smirks* Kepuri: *runs* "GOAT PERSON! GOAT PERSON!" akaderu: !! Kepuri: *leaps into Akaderu's arms* "PROTECT ME!" Shotaro: "???" *releases Bone of the Goat* "I could always try a different bone..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "You look really stylish..." vivian: why thank you~ Kishiri: "You ever make your own clothes?" vivian: not really. but i do have things customized from time to time. Kishiri: "Got any pics?" vivian: not on me, but maybe soon~ Kishiri: *smiles* "Well, alright..." *kiss on the cheek* -elsewhere- Kid: *pats Stocking's shoulder* "You're getting better at it..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *passes a cookie to her, clears his throat* "So...Any updates with your guidance counselor, regarding post-graduation?" stocking: i have been considering teaching, though i'll have to see what graduation brings. Kid: "Given all the courses you have, you are practically certified already to teach..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *small blush* "I...Um...Would you...want to..." stocking: hmm? Kid: >\\\\\\\< "WOULDYOULIKEANOTHERCOOKIE?" stocking: of course~ Kid: *hands her one...in the shape of a heart* stocking: hehe~ Kid: ("I want to pop the question...but now is not the time...") *weak smile* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kiddo~<3 Kid: *melts into a puddle* *sigh* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *crossing his arms, pouting* "I don't see how hot springs will help me, Kabuki." kabuki: it might help you to unwind, young master. Konro: "I agree. Please, you deserve a break, given how hard you have been pushing yourself." Benimaru: *grumble* "Fine...Kabuki, when is the visit scheduled?" kabuki: later this evening. Benimaru: "...Very well. I am going to put in more hours at work." Konro: "I will bring you over to the hot spring then, sir." -elsewhere- Emine: *trying to meditate* "...No. He still will not speak with me." lin:..... nea: maybe it's for the best? Shinoda: *rubs his neck, remembering last encounter with the Bai Ze* Emine: "Perhaps...I do think the Entity will reappear should certain conditions be met." lin: for now, maybe leave it be? Emine: *nods* "Just...a sense of foreboding." lin:..... (thinking: akua....where did they go off too?) Emine: *puts a hand to his forehead* *groans* lin: ?? emine? Emine: *collapses* lin: !!! emine!! Emine: *unconscious, but breathing* nea: is it his- lin: he did his condition already...*worried* Emine: "Zzz..." Shinoda: "Get him in bed. I'll get Yohei..." lin: *carrying him to his room* setsuna: emine?! lin: he passed out, but i think he's alright...i hope... Emine: "L-Lin..." Emine: *unconscious again* lin: ?? Yohei: *follows Shinoda and Setsuna* "Setsuna, please apply this compress...I'm going to check his vitals..." Emine: *still passed out* setsuna: *doing so* please be ok.... Yohei: "...His temperature is high. He's going to need a bit of rest...Lin, what bad deeds can Emine do from bed?" lin: he did his bad deed today... -in emine's mental space- Emine: "Wh-What?" -the area is dark and foggy, with a blood red moon in the sky as the only light source, illuminating the path before you- Emine: "...I'm...back." -what awaits is not the bai ze, but a female figure- Emine: "?! You're...You're not the Bai Ze..." ???: *she is covered with blood..........the crumpled bodies of the others in the house are scattered about* Emine: "Wh-What?!" ???: *she grins widely and lunges at you* Emine: "NO!" *leaps up in bed* lin: emine!! Emine: "Wh-What?! What happened?!!" setsuna: *hugs* you passed out all the sudden... Emine: *shaking* Yohei: "He's got chills..." setsuna: shhh, its ok, mama's here... lin: *holding his hand* Emine: *crying but not making a sound...* setsuna: *stroking his head* Shotaro: *rushes to the door* "What happened?!" *spots Emine* "Oh no...Emine!" *runs to him, sitting by the bed* "..." *puts a tissue to his eyes* Emine: *keeps crying silently, shuddering* ("Those images...What did they mean?") -elsewhere- Patty: "Ready to head out?" liz: yep. tsubaki: it's been a while since we had a girl's night out. Patty: "Awww, you don't want a night in with Black Star?" *eyebrow wiggle* tsubaki: p-patti! >///< stocking: so where are we going? Patty: "Anyone hungry? Or want a manicure? Maybe a film?" tsubaki: *looks at her schedule* Patty: "Or dancing and drinks?" liz: im kinda designated driver, so i wont be doing much drinking... tsubaki: how about the shopping plaza? liz: oh my gosh yeeesss! Patty: "Sounds good!" -and so- stocking: so yummy~<3 *they got crepes* Patty: *nom nom nom* "Good choice! So, how's everyone doing?" liz: doing well. stocking: *too involved with eating her crepe* =w= tsubaki: ...quite well. *blush* Patty: *smirk* "Details, Tsu, details..." tsubaki: .////. *she explains the general gist of what has been happening with black*star* liz: ooooh~! 8D Patty: *claps* "Yay! Congrats!" stocking: ah, nice. tsubaki: w-we havent done anything like _that_! >///< Patty: "Well, we got to fix that! You need new lingerie!" tsubaki: .///////////////. liz: -.-; shameless as always, sis. Patty: "I'm up for this! Stocking, how about you?" stocking:..... ^w^ Patty: "See?! Come one, we'll all try on some new threads!" -and so- Patty: "Ready to come out?" stocking: *in a cute frilly outfit* -elsewhere- kabuki: so relaxing... Benimaru: "Hmm...Not terrible..." *lies back* Konro: -\\\\\\- "Aaaaaah..." kabuki: =w= Benimaru: *sighs a little more relaxed* "Kabuki, how is your training going?" kabuki: fairly well. my timing on target practice has improved. Benimaru: "Good eyes...Your arms look a little weary--you're holding them down..." kabuki: oh? Benimaru: *slides over, takes one of his arms* "Here..." *massages* "This release the tension?" kabuki: haa...yeah. thank you. Benimaru: *nods* "You're welcome." Konro: "Young Master did do extensive studies on muscular structure to best guide flames, and to keep at peak performance." Benimaru: *massages a bit along Kabuki's shoulder* kabuki: t-that tickles commander! >3< Benimaru: *small smirk* "Oh, you mean here?" *tickles a bit more* kabuki: c-commander! >//< Konro: *boisterous laugh* *A small hole is in the wall...* kabuki: ^///^; Tsukiyo: *peeking through...* *nosebleed* o____o fang-hua: .////////////. Benimaru: "Now, wash my back..." kabuki: ah, right of course! *does so* Tsukiyo: *looks at Fang-Hua* "Want to see~?" fang-hua: shh, you're going to get us in trouble! >///< Tsukiyo: "Aw, come on! If you take one little looksy, I'll stop goading you..." Benimaru: *doesn't notice anything* "Aaaaah~ That feels so good." fang-hua:.... Tsukiyo: :3 fang-hua: *gulps and peaks* Benimaru: *turns and stands, facing the wall* "Kabuki, shall I wash you now?" fang-hua: O/////////////////////////////////O kabuki: if you like, or would you like to, konro? Tsukiyo: *hugs Fang-Hua from behind, whispers* "Pretty hot, right?" Konro: *stands* "How about Benimaru wash you, and I'll wash Benimaru?" kabuki: sounds good. fang-hua: o///////////////////////////////////////////////o *steam coming out her ears* Tsukiyo: *smirks at Fang-Hua, whispers* "You're so cute when you're embarrassed...Enjoy the show?" Benimaru: *stands behind Kabuki, starts washing...* Konro: *washes Benimaru's back* fang-hua: .///////////////////////////////. Tsukiyo: >:3 *puts her hands over Fang-Hua's breasts* -CHOP- fang-hua: -___-; Tsukiyo: D: "B-But you could touch mine if you wanted..." fang-hua: i-i think i've had enough of the bath for one day. im going now, see ya. Benimaru: *hears Tsukiyo* -_-; "She always has to tease Kohana like that..." fang-hua: *overhearing* o////////////////////o Konro: *smirks* " 'Kohana,' huh? You are so kind towards her..." Benimaru: "..." Tsukiyo: *smirks again* fang-hua: *flustered* Benimaru: "...Kabuki, have you spoken much with her? Is Fang-Hua alright?" Tsukiyo: *squeeing silently* ("So cute! I love when Fang-Hua looks like that!") kabuki: she seems to be doing well. miss usada as well. Tsukiyo: "?!!" kabuki: with all that has happened recently, they seem to be recovering.... Benimaru: "That's good...I worry about them sometimes. Fang-Hua has been trying to keep the village calm, and Tsukiyo has looked so sad..." Konro: "...Maybe you need to make it up to them." Benimaru: "..." fang-hua:....(thinking: commander....) Tsukiyo: Q_Q Benimaru: *sighs* "I think that's enough bathing..." Tsukiyo: "..." *one last peek...* kabuki: sister kirei came by earlier and asked how you were doing. Benimaru: "What did you tell her?" kabuki: you've been working hard to keep things under control. Benimaru: *nods* "That is...accurate. Thank you..." *pats Kabuki's shoulder* Tsukiyo: Q____Q ("I am both sentimental and turned on...") kabuki: *he smiles* Benimaru: *walks towards exit* Konro: *smiles at Kabuki* "Good for you..." fang-hua: *walking towards that same exit* Benimaru: *dons his robe and exits...* "???" fang-hua: !! Benimaru: *nods* "Kohana." fang-hua: .////. commander. Benimaru: "..." *walks up to her, stands in front of her* "..." fang-hua: um....s-sir? Benimaru: *affectionate pat-pat to the head* "Good work." fang-hua: .///. t-thank you commander! Benimaru: *small smile* "Keep it up. This village needs your power, patience, and care." fang-hua:... *she nods* understood. Benimaru: "...Is there anything you want me to do to help?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, bros--we finished the arcade games! Time for drinks!" kilik: neat. sayaka: yay! soul: cool. Kid: *selects a soda* Black Star: "Sayaka, any plans after you graduate?" kilik: *looks around* sayaka: not sure, im not going to be graduating until later on. Black Star: "Yeah, but if you were graduating now, what you think? Soldier or something?" Kid: "Kilik? Something wrong?" sayaka: not sure, maybe a medic? kilik: just looking around. Kid: *sees signs for upcoming events...* Black Star: "Cool!" kilik:….. hmm? Kid: "Hmm...The concert before...Winter festival soon..." -a male with a black hoodie and angel back-pack is standing by one of the tables eating melon- Kid: *spots the person as well* "???" sayaka: *spots the hedgehog in a cage next to the male* AHHHH SO CUTE!! Black Star: -_-; "Sayaka, please, you're embarrassing us..." ???: hmm? sayaka: such a cute little hedgie~<3 ???: you want him? then have him. sayaka: for real?! Kid: "???" soul: wait....he looks familiar.... Black Star: "...Hmm...Maybe a former classmate?" *A poster with ??? is behind Black Star...* soul:...wait, he- ???: *face inches from soul's* what are you, an angel? or a demon? soul:....what? ???: red eyes....clearly a demon. soul: that's kind of judgmental. -_-; Black Star: "Dude, what kind of an intro is that? What the hell are you, anyway?" ???: *poses* i'm an angel. kilik:....what? Kid: -_-; "I doubt that." ???: oh? and who are you to judge? soul:.... (thinking: what is with this guy?!) Kid: *extends hand* "Death the Kid." ???: *stares at kid's hair* those stripes...have you worked yourself that hard as well? Kid: "...No? I was born this way." kilik:... !! wait, you're that licht guy, right? Kid: "??!!" licht: *frowns* so my cover's blown? Black Star: *looks back and forth between Licht and the poster* "...Evidently?" sayaka: so you're going to be going to school with us then? awesome! my name's sayaka miki, and these are my buddies, soul, kilik, black*star, and, well, kid! Black Star and Kid: -_-; *wave* licht: i see...hey, demon. Kid: o_o; soul: -_- what? Black Star: *anger twitch* "This guy...is pissing me off..." licht: you'd best make me not regret this decision to come here. Black Star: "?!! Or what?! What are you--" Kid: *holds Black Star back, covers his mouth* licht: now if you excuse me, i need to go. *takes the cage and begins leaving* come on, shit rat. sayaka:....that...didnt go as well as i would have hoped ._. Black Star: *muffled insult* Kid: -_-; "Agreed." soul: angel...more like-....wait.....angel...the white streak.... Kid: "???" soul: *jokingly* hey kid, maybe he's you and stocking's future son! Kid: O\\\\\\\\\O sayaka: well you better get your son in check, kiddo! he was so mean to that poor little hedgie. *pouts* Black Star: *pulls himself away from Kid's grip* "You and dumb animals, Sayaka..." sayaka: mean! >n< *cheek tug* kilik: come on you guys. ^^; Black Star: >____< Kid: *smirk* thunder: bad. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *washing dishes* shinra: we're home! tamaki: hey! Akitaru: "Hey! How was school?" iris: pretty good, i seem to be improving in math. shinra: my tutoring has payed off! ^^ Takehisa: "Good. Now you can help me with paperwork." iris: Q.Q Arthur: *grumble* nozomi: arthur? is something the matter? Arthur: "Teachers said I can't wear my suit of armor to classes anymore. Said it's too noisy." nozomi: ^^; Akitaru: "Nothing stopping you from wearing it around here!" Takehisa: "When not on duty." -_- -elsewhere- Kishiri: *walking with Vivian back to his brigade* "Well...this is me." vivian: see you tomorrow torry~<3 *smoooch* Kishiri: *smirks* *smooch* Hibana: "Well, hello there." *Hibana looks deathly serious* vivian: OwO;; Kishiri: "C-Commander?!" Hibana: *takes Kishiri by the ear* "Miss Vivian, has he done anything untoward?" vivian: eh? what do you mean commander? Hibana: "Has he abused you, manipulated you, defiled you, or in any way hurt you?" Kishiri: "I WOULD NEVER DO ANY SUCH--" vivian: nope! ^^ Hibana: *tugs his ear harder* Hibana: *smiles serenely* "Good. If he ever hurts you, call the police." Kishiri: Q___Q;;; vivian: owo; Hibana: "Gabriella, take Kishiri up to his room..." *smiles at Vivian* "Let's have tea some time, Vivian..." gabriella: of course princess~ *at kishiri* if you ever hurt her or anyone else i'll make certain they wont hear your screams. Kishiri: D: *scared squeek* -elsewhere- Black Star: "I'm home!" tsubaki: welcome back ^^ Black Star: "Hee hee...How was your girls' night?" tsubaki: it went great, you? Black Star: "Meh, not too good. Some jerk going after Soul and us..." tsubaki: .....you arent hurt are you? Black Star: *shakes his head* "Nah, and no fight broke out, either. Just...You know that piano player coming to the school? It was him--and he's a dick." tsubaki: oh. -ding on tsubaki's phone- tsubaki: hmm? -Uzuki has opened a chat- tsubaki: oh! an update? tsubaki: [hey uzuki] uzuki: [hey tsu. sagami found out some news] tsubaki: [that's great! hold on] black*star, mind logging into the chat too? Black Star: "Um, okay? What's up?" tsubaki: uzuki has an update for us. Black Star: [hey, uzuki! what's up?] uzuki: [apperantly the servamp of greed is in death city now!] tsubaki: [really?] uzuki: [yeah, i heard that his eve is some weird guy with an angel backpack and a white streak, but that's all i know.] Black Star: o_____o "...Shit." tsubaki:..... [we'll keep you posted if anything comes up.] uzuki: [ok, see ya later] Black Star: "Th-That piano guy--that's the eve!" tsubaki: really? Black Star: "Yeah!" *frowns* "I'm going to give that punk a piece of my mind!" tsubaki: lets try not to do anything too rash, we're going to need all the allies we can against.... Kid: Black Star: "...You want _us_ to work with this...this jerk?" tsubaki: *sigh* we'll try talking to him tomorrow and see how it works out. *smile* for now, lets focus on happier things. Black Star: *pouts* "...Your smiling face is _one_ happier thing, that's for sure." tsubaki: ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *looks around* stocking: hey kid! Kid: *smiles, waves* "Hello. How are you?" stocking: doing good~<3 you? Kid: "Better, now..." *kisses her cheek* stocking: how was your night out? Kid: "..." o\\\\\o "Um..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "J-Just a dumb joke I'm remembering..." *nervous laugh* stocking: oh? mind sharing it? Kid: "...Have you ever considered what our kids would look like--um, if we had kids?" stocking: oh? well, hopefully as cute as you~ Kid: -\\\\- "...This boy we saw...He was nowhere near cute. He was obnoxious, and hearing our friends say he looked like our potential child was frustrating...I know no child of ours would be so awful." stocking: aww.... *holds his hand* Kid: *blush* "...I would love to be a father to your children." stocking: i would like that too~ Kid: *hugs* "...Did you have a good night?" stocking: yeah~ i got a little something special~ did you want to see it tonight or did you want to wait? Kid: "..." *smiles* "I don't know whether I could wait." stocking: hehehe~ close your eyes~ Kid: *does so, smirking a bit* -and so, she comes back out in the frilly outfit- Kid: "May I open my eyes?" stocking: yes. Kid: *uncovers his eyes, smiling...then...* o______o *small nosebleed* stocking: you like~? Kid: *holds tissue to his nose, wiping away the blood* "Incredibly so, yes." stocking: hehe~ *she sits on his lap, facing him* Kid: *smiles, tracing a finger along the frills* "Cute." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *traces a finger along her hip* "Is this what you did while out tonight--some lingerie shopping~?" stocking: perhaps~ Kid: *leans into her ear, feeling himself grow...* "You are the most beautiful, most loving, sexiest woman I have ever met..." *kisses lightly along her neck* stocking: oh~ *rubbing her chest against his* Kid: *shudders with pleasure* "I love that, your bountiful, gorgeous breasts..." *his hands wrap around her, holding her sides as he starts to grind...* stocking: nngh~ k-kid.... Kid: *growing harder against her, as he lays his hands along the frills in her lingerie* "Stocking...Fuck..." *slight grip along her sides* stocking: *licking at his lips* Kid: *opens his mouth, his tongue coming out to touch hers...his hands slide down her sides towards her thighs...* stocking: *licking at his tongue* ngha-ah~ Kid: *moans* *his fingers reach over her groin, rubbing over the fabric* stocking: ahhh~ *grind grind* Kid: *his mouth meets hers, his tongue sliding past her lips to reach hers...his hands move up to her breasts, sliding up under the fabric...* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *in front of a bedroom* "Fang-Hua? You in?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: *holding a box* "...May I come in?" fang-hua: sure. Tsukiyo: *enters, looks concerned...* "You okay? I mean, after what happened?" fang-hua: y-yeah. 7///7 Tsukiyo: "...I have a personal question to ask." fang-hua: what is it? Tsukiyo: "Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?" fang-hua: ./////. n-not really. Tsukiyo: "...Are you attracted to Benimaru?" fang-hua: w-wha?! w-why would you ask that? Tsukiyo: -\\\\\- "Because I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, either...and I think Benimaru is attractive...and I think you have feelings for him, too." fang-hua: .////. h-he's our commander...and....i need time to think about that... Tsukiyo: "..." *nods* "Well...You seemed a little tense back there when overhearing--and seeing--the Commander..." *pats box* "So I brought this." fang-hua: ??? what is it? Tsukiyo: *smiles, opens the box, and holds up--* "A brand new vibrator!" fang-hua: *completely white with shock* Tsukiyo: "..." *holds up in her hand--* "And new batteries!" fang-hua: .__________________________________. Tsukiyo: "...Well? Aren't you going to say, 'Thanks'?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...How's Emine?" setsuna: he's....alright. he's resting. Shotaro: "..." *hug* setsuna:...*rubs his back* its ok... Shotaro: "...Did we do this to him? When we told him to not make his bad deeds so...bad?" setsuna: im not sure why this happened.... -elsewhere- Kishiri: [yo. get back okay?] vivian: [yep~ <3] Kishiri: [cool. i'm sorry how commander acted. gab had a long talk with me. she said i need to respect u] vivian: [well, i am a helvitz~ <3] Kishiri: [lol yeah yeah. i'm going to respect u. it's just...i'm still a dick] vivian: [still cute tho <3] Kishiri: [texts a pic: he's shirtless again, holding his hands up in the shape of a heart] vivian: o///o [hold on <3] -she texts a pic of her in her undies- Kishiri: o___o "Holy. Shit." [damn. u so fine] vivian: [hehe~ thank you torry <3] Kishiri: [i'll have to out-do myself soon. lol. show u what i got under the pants] Kishiri: [u are so hot] vivian: o///w///o Kishiri: [but that'll have to come later--leave u wanting more. <3 u] -elsewhere- Black Star: *finishes brushing his teeth, spits into the sink, exits* "About ready for bed?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "...So...My bed or yours? You know, if you want..." -elsewhere- Relan: [okay on your end?] shinra: [yeah] Relan: [how about u and iris? things okay at 8th?] shinra: [yeah, all good.] Relan: [okay. hope you get some good sleep. miss u both] shinra: [night. love you <3] Relan: [love u 2. night] -morning, at school- Kid: *smiles at Stocking* stocking: *studying* Patty: *asleep on top of her book* liz: *looking at her paper* Kid: "??? Liz? What is that?" liz: my exam paper. Kid: "Ah. How is it?" liz: coming along. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "How's Emine doing?" lin: he's doing better. Kepuri: "That's good at least...What the heck got into him? Over-working himself?" lin: not sure... Kepuri: "..." *pat pat on Lin's shoulder* "Maybe he could use a good meal. How you do at cooking?" lin: *shiny eyes* Kepuri: "...I'll take that as 'fucking amazing' at cooking. Let's get to work--I think some chicken soup could help..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: T_T *has a large red mark on her cheek* kabuki: ah! miss usada! Tsukiyo: "Hey...How are you? ...Ow." kabuki: well. Tsukiyo: "That's good..." *brings her fingers to the bruise--then recoils* "Owie owie owie!" kabuki: *brings her to the medic* Tsukiyo: T_T "Thank you..." ("I _never_ knew Fang-Hua had that good a slap...") Konro: "??? What on Earth?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Do you think your talk with Kishiri go through to him?" gabriella: i hope so... Hibana: *sigh, reaches and pats her hand* "I...can imagine that was a little uncomfortable." gabriella: ...... Hibana: "...I'm proud of you." gabriella:....*she smiles* Hibana: *smiles, pushes the tray of cookies closer to her* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Maki, you almost done recalibrating the engine?" maki: just about. Akitaru: "Have you seen Takehisa?" maki: he's making lunch. Takehisa: *chop chop chop chop* *slides the vegetables into the soup* -elsewhere- Medusa: "Grimoire, I had asked for more diapers." grimoire: here you go. Medusa: *nods, accepts them* "Thank you." *procedes to change her child* "Where is my sister?" shaula: sup. Medusa: *frowns* "You care to explain this?" *holds up a baby shirt that says "My aunt is the best!"* shaula: it's just facts. cant change facts, sis. Medusa: "..." *defeated sigh* "Whatever. She needs all the clothes she can get. Thank you." shaula: yes! Medusa: *repressing smirk, as she picks up Neian* "Feel better now that you are changed, child?" neian: ^o^ Medusa: "..." *small smile* "Well, time for a feeding before you take your nap..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *in cafeteria* "Okay...What's your favorite food?" -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "How are you?" himiko: gooood :D Kurogiri: "...I can imagine this is a significant change in your life, so if you need any assistance, please let me know. I am good at Lamaze..." himiko: llama-wha? :D Kurogiri: "It is a form of coping with the changes the body undergoes during pregnancy, as well as the process of childbirth. I have a video!" yuuji: please dont. Kurogiri: Q_Q "...I just wanted to help." sachi: *shoulder pap* Dabi: Q______Q yuuji:..... Dabi: "Children...Babies..." yuuji:....they're gonna grow up in a really fucked up world... -elsewhere- Relan: "What happens at the winter festival?" shinra: i think it's like any other school cultural festival, but during winter... i so i guess that means snow related stuff too... Relan: "Maybe a snowman competition?" shinra: maybe. Relan: "Should be fun. We’re going with Iris?" shinra: yep. Relan: *smiles* "Good..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Um...About Christmas break...I...Um, I..." shinra: ?? Relan: *frowns* "My parents..." shinra:.....did you want to stay with us? Relan: *sighs* "I don't know...I worry that if I don't see them, then things could get worse." shinra:...want me to come with you to talk to them? Relan: "..." *nods* shinra: ok.... Relan: "..." *holds his hand, shaking a bit* shinra: *smiles* Relan: *nervous smile* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles at Stocking, holds her hand* stocking: hehe-ow. qwq *cramps* Kid: "!!!" *reaches into his backpack, pulls out medicine* "May I bring you anything?" stocking: water please... Kid: *pulls out a brand new bottle of water from his backpack* "Here you are." stocking: thanks TTwTT Kid: "...Want to lie down?" stocking:....*nod* Kid: *helps her to lay down* stocking: thanks... Kid: *holds her hand* "Nurse's office?" -elsewhere- Emine: *stirs in bed...sniffs the air* lin: *making pancakes and other breakfast goodies* Emine: *turns over in bed...sits up, looks around* -the door is open- Emine: "..." *stands up, trying to walk himself to the kitchen...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Was the meal satisfactory?" maki: deeeelish! ^^ Takehisa: *small smile* "...You still have some engine grease on your nose..." *offers a tissue* maki: !! thanks *wipe wipe* Takehisa: "Thank you for your work on the Matchbox. I'm sure it will run even better because of your work." maki: hopefully~! Takehisa: "I'll handle the dishes, then. Let me know when the vehicle is ready to test drive..." *smiles* "I..um..." maki: yeah? Takehisa: "...Nothing. Just...um, thanks again." maki: no problem ^^ Takehisa: -\\\\- *takes her dish, his hand lightly passing by hers* -elsewhere- Black Star: *looking up at the ceiling* soul: you ok? Black Star: *frowns* "I'm a man who's set in his ways!" ("Stupid hedgehog-holding weirdo.") soul: ok? Black Star: *grumble* "I don't like that weird piano guy we met...Something worries me..." soul: ....'angel' huh? more like an ass... Black Star: "Yeah! Like, an ass but the opposite of an angel...So, um...an ass-demon!" stocking: *ahem* *glare* Black Star: "...What? You're obviously a boobs-demon, right?" -POW- soul: .__.; Black Star: *currently kissing the wall, blood splattered against it as he falls down towards the floor...* tsubaki: O____O;; Patty: "..." *holds up a 9/10 Olympics card* stocking: =_=# Kid: o~o "I-I think you're wonderful the way you are, Love!" stocking: i know kiddo. i know. *pap pap* Kid: *huggies* Black Star: X_____X Patty: "...Can we harvest Black Star for his organs?" tsubaki: NO! naho:....*casually snaps a pic of black*star in pain* Patty: "What? I'd leave you the good parts!" Black Star: X_____X *flies buzzing* kyouko: *groan* i'll take him to the nurse. again. Kid: *lost in affection towards Stocking* Black Star: *dazed* "I saw my life flashing before my eyes...It was awesome..." -elsewhere- mr tsubaki's phone: AHAHAHAH YOU HAVE A TEXT! AHAHAHAHA YOU HAVE A TEXT! Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks at his text* -its a picture of the injured black*star- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *loud chortling* belkia: oooh, that's gotta hurt! Shamrock: "Tremendous amount of blood loss..." Mr. Tsubaki: *laughing uproariously, banging his fist onto the table* "Oh...Oh, I needed that..." *wipes a tear from his eye* otogiri: ow. Mr. Tsubaki: [text: "rofl lmao thanx!] naho: [no prob >w<] Mr. Tsubaki: [how is my love?] naho: [concerned, but for the most part, ok.] Mr. Tsubaki: "..." [over him? sigh. fine. suggestions for how to make her feel better?] naho: [not sure yet] Mr. Tsubaki: [flowers? sweets? a dead bird?] naho: [go with the flowers *flower emoticon*] Mr. Tsubaki: [very well! i will need u to leave them--so she does not suspect it is me] naho: [ok ;) ] Mr. Tsubaki: [thanx!] "Belkia, which flowers should I get my lady?" belkia: something fitting her namesake, more personal! Mr. Tsubaki: "...BRILLIANT! Camelia flowers!" Mr. Tsubaki: [buy the camelia flowers, put them in her locker!] naho: [shall do that ^^] Mr. Tsubaki: [thankies!] Shamrock: "What is the next task?" *looks to Otogiri* otogiri: scheduling that concert... Shamrock: "Ah, yes, we--" Mr. Tsubaki: "Yay, concert!" *claps* otogiri: remember why we're doing this. *soft glare* dont let your hormones distract you. Mr. Tsubaki: "Eeep!" *hides behind Belkia* belkia: please dont beat us up again, girioto! Q-Q we said we were sorry for the last time! Shamrock: "Everyone calm down...Let's review our goals, then. What do we want to accomplish?" Mr. Tsubaki: *opens his mouth* Shamrock: "Besides impressing your girlfriend." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shuts up* lavender: what about that war you wanted to start? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sneers* "That sounds good as well..." otogiri:...good grief. Mr. Tsubaki: "Perhaps some training is in order...maybe a bit of practice..." lavender: sounds good. should i let the lesser subclass know? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods, smiling* -elsewhere- Kishiri: "...I made you something..." *holds up a bracelet made out of bubblegum wrappers* vivian: awww how cute! Kishiri: "As cute as you?" *smiles* vivian: hehe~<3 Kishiri: *leans in, kisses her cheek* "...Hey, you busy this weekend? I was thinking we could check out the sunset..." vivian: not really, but i would love that~! Kishiri: *nods* "This weekend, then...Where would be best spot to get the view?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *driving the Matchbox around the block* "...Good handle." maki: *she nods* Takehisa: "...Hey. Want to pick up some fast food?" maki: sure. Takehisa: *smiles* "Wait 'til they get a load of this vehicle..." *pulls into drive through, rolls down the window* Fast Food Intercom: o_o "Um...Welcome to Death Burger. May I take your order?" Takehisa: "I'll have a Number 4 and--" *turns to Maki* -and so- maki: *nom nom* im gonna have to work extra hard to burn all this off.. Takehisa: "Everyone is allowed to have an off-day in their exercise routine, especially when you are already so fit already." *bites into his burger* "And I thought you looked good when you were a few pounds heavier..." maki: um...thanks? i guess ^^ Takehisa: "..." -\\\\- "I just mean, you're capable, however much you work out. And..." maki: thanks ^^ Takehisa: "..." *finishes his burger, sips on his milkshake...looks out the window* "...More snow coming, I guess." maki: yeah...better head back.... Takehisa: *turns on the Matchbox, pulls out of the parking lot* "...Thanks for your work on the vehicle." maki: no problem ^^ Takehisa: *driving back towards the 8th* "...You are a very talented soldier..." maki: *she smiles* Takehisa: *pulls into the 8th* "...You are amazing, Maki." maki: ^^; aww shucks. Takehisa: "..." -\\\\- "Well...Back to work, then..." -elsewhere- Kid: *concerned* "Still aching?" stocking: a little better... Kid: *nods* "May I bring you anything?" stocking: heating pad? Kid: *smiles, as he pulls heating pad from dresser* "...I'm sorry." *lays heating pad along her* stocking: its ok kiddo... Kid: *nods* "I wish it was not like this..." stocking: i know...*strokes his cheek* Kid: *smiles, blushes* "Rest well..." *kisses her forehead* -morning- Black Star: *groaning* tsubaki: morning. *she smiles* Black Star: "..." *smiles* "Hey, pretty lady." *his face is still red from the wall-crash* tsubaki: *washing his face with a washcloth* Black Star: o\\\\\o "Th-Thanks..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...Your hands are soft and gentle, and you're so attentive...You are the best weap--um, girlfriend..." tsubaki:..... o//////o Black Star: "..." *sits up, lays a hand lightly along her cheek* tsubaki: *blushing* Black Star: *leans up, closes his eyes, lightly kisses her lips* tsubaki: *smooch* u///u Black Star: *hugs her, returning the kiss before pulling back* -\\\\\- "...Nice." -elsewhere- Kid: *turns over in bed* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *holds her gently in sleep* -later- tsubaki: stocking, you really shouldn't have... stocking: i wanted to though. tsubaki: *looking at the tickets for 4 to a private concert by licht todoroki*...*concerned look at black*star* Black Star: -3- "...So, I guess we're going." tsubaki: but i thought the public tickets werent even on sale yet... stocking: my dad managed to pull a few strings *wink* Black Star: "Hmm...Have to thank him for that. So, who does your dad want me to beat up?" stocking: um...*sweatdrop* tsubaki: *looks at the name* 'ophelia faust'? stocking: 7-7 it's kind of a psuedo name... Black Star: "??? Whose pseudo name?" stocking: apparently mine, *muttering* thanks a lot dad... Kid: "..." *remembers "Hamlet"...starts crying* Q_Q "DON'T DROWN YOURSELF." stocking: i wont kid, dont worry. *hugs him* Kid: *hugs* -\\\\- Black Star: ._. "Jeez, dude, have some self-respect..." *offers a flower to Tsubaki* tsubaki: ^////^ you're adorable. stocking: the show will be tonight. see you guys there. Black Star: "Hell yeah I am! Not as adorable as you, though!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *in a detention shirt that says "I broke the dress code"* -______-;;;; -elsewhere- manager: thank you again for your sponsorship, mr carmine Mr. Carmine (Mr. Tsubaki): "But of course. Nothing brings me more pleasure than to be a patron of the arts." manager: of course. -after the meeting- otogiri: shamrock and i will wait on the roof in case anything goes awry... Mr. Tsubaki: *clicks his tongue* "What could possibly go wrong~?" Shamrock: -_-; "Don't say that, sir." belkia: you're gonna jinx it. -that evening- stocking: here we are... Black Star: *in a suit...actually presentable and not disshelved* tsubaki: *in her green dress* Kid: "Ready to take our seats?" stocking: yeah. i think it's downstairs... Kid: "??? In a basement?" stocking: apperantly. *shrugs* tsubaki:....?? *she sees a man with a side braid looking around* Black Star: *grumbles* "So you can't hear the bad music playing..." Black Star: "...Let's just get through this..." tsubaki: yeah... Black Star: "..." *offers his arm to Tsubaki with a smile* ???: excuse me, have you seen a young man come by here? brown hair, orange jacket? stocking:....no? Kid: "??? I don't think so." tsubaki:....did he have a cat with him? Black Star: "???" ???: yes actually... -someone is outside the window, scanning the area, a young lady with short purple hair....a familiar face- Kid: ("...Blair?") Black Star: "...Wait...Is that...?" otogiri:....?? *she doesnt say anything* Black Star: "Tsubaki! Look!" tsubaki: ....!! ???: hmm? is something wrong? tsubaki: *remembering what she heard from uzuki's text messages* we need to find licht, he's in danger! ???: !!! guil! -a person in a whale costume appears- stocking: um...what? Kid: ._.; "...Fail whale?" ???: hurry along everyone! *they all head downstairs, loud noises can be heard* tsubaki: (thinking: please dont let us be too late...) Black Star: "!!! Tsubaki?! Weapon form?!" tsubaki: *does so* Kid: *kicks the doors down, symmetrically* ???: *slams the doors open* GUIL! STOP THEM! Kid: "Now see here--!" -cue epic headbutt- licht: fuck! Kid: "?!!!!" Lawless: "Hee hee hee...Here to interrupt the fun?" -GUIL CHOP- stocking: *swords drawn at lawless* what the fuck is going on here?! Lawless: "Owie!" =3= "I was just fighting off some vampires..." stocking: vampires? did you happen to kill one in a stupid top hat and pink pony tail? i sure hope you did. licht: those blades....what are you...an angel? or a demon? Lawless: "..." ._. "Pink pony tail?" stocking: *opens her mouth*............................................uhhhhhh *sweats* Kid: >____< "DON'T YOU START, YOU FOOLISH ASYMMETRICAL HAIR PEON!" ???: alright, settle down everyone, now what exactly is going on here? mahiru:...*looks at kuro, concerned* Kuro: *pinned to wall...looks like he is staring off into nothing* -mahiru tries to explain to the best of his ability- tsubaki: *has changed back....hears something* ?? lilac: *hiding, whimpering, almost hyperventilating* Black Star: "Wait...Isn't that...?" lilac: *hic* tsubaki: !! *she goes over* lilac? what are you- lilac: i...i-i.....e-everyone...t-they....*he's trembling and crying* Black Star: "Hey...You're safe..." lilac: .......*looks on the stage, eyes wide with fear* Black Star: "???" Lawless: *crazy eyes* Kuro: *dead eyes* lilac: n....no..... tsubaki: ??.... !!!!! Kuro: *staaaaaare* Lawless: "...Heh..." mahiru: h-hey wait- -tsubaki block's lawless' sword with her star blade arm- tsubaki: what are you doing?! lilac: !! Lawless: *sneers* "Out of my...way!" *slices at her* tsubaki: *block* stop it! cant you see he doesnt want to fight? Lawless: "But I do!" *stabs at Tsubaki* "I desire it! And I always get what I desire! BECAUSE I WANT TO KEEP FIGHTING, UNTIL I FACE THE STRONGEST OPPONENT I CAN!" tsubaki: *wince* stocking: stop it!! Lawless: "This monster was going to kill me?! Then they can face me and actually battle to the death instead of cowering behind you!" *slices at Tsubaki* Black Star: "No!" *rushes at him* stocking: *sword block* Lawless: "?!!! The heck? Did you just turn your socks into--" stocking: yeah. am i an angel? a demon? the answer is yes. you cream faced loon. licht:............... *licht.exe has stopped responding* Lawless: *eyeroll* "You egg, you fry of treachery..." *lifts up his arm to attack her* "SO LET ME FRY OR POUCH YOU! Ha ha ha!" -slash clash bang! slash clash bang!- -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *deep inhale* *glares at everyone around him* otogiri:.....we managed to save one.... naho: *on her knees, in tears and trembling* i-i tried...i reall-really did...but when i saw him k-ki-killing them, i-i got scared and i- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *hard stare down at Naho...he gets down on his knees, still staring hard at her...and pulls her towards him in a hug* naho:....*ghibli tears and breaks down crying* Mr. Tsubaki: "Shh..." *hums a song to her* naho: im sorry...i-im *hic* sorry.... otogiri:..... lavender:....*sigh* Mr. Tsubaki: "It's okay...You're going to be safe..." Shamrock: "..." *looks around the room, confirming the space is secured* belkia: if higan were here sooner, this wouldnt have happened Q.Q sakuya:....(thinking: lilac....i just hope you survived somehow....) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Where is he?" naho: ??? Mr. Tsubaki: "Where is Higan?" belkia: his flight back to death city was delayed, he wont be her until later in the week...STUPID AIRLINE JERKS! otogiri: i'll have to reprimand him when he returns....even if he is one of your top ranking subclass, its no excuse to slack off... lavender: come on naho, lets go down to the cafe, it might help you feel better. naho: *sniffle* t-thank you... Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Naho on the back, offers a smile...* -elsewhere, after lawless had left, sayaka and soul had arrived- sayaka: *healing tsubaki and licht's wounds* licht: i'm perfectly fine. sayaka: well these gashes say otherwise. Kid: "Hmph. You call those injuries 'fine'?" Black Star: *not moving from Tsubaki* kranz: my apologies for all this. stocking: i-it's fine... lilac:........ *has a tsubaki's jacket over his shoulders*......do...do you hate me? tsubaki: hmm? of course not... Kid: (to Kranz) "What exactly is going on?" lilac: even though i-i'm supposed to be your enemy? Black Star: *big smile to Lilac, pat on the shoulder* "Nope!" kranz: it's....a rather complicated story. Kid: *arms crossed* "Try me." mahiru: actually, it think i know some details, as does tsubaki and mr kranz. putting it simply, we'll all give our explinations. -and so they do- stocking: for real? then that pink haired weirdo.... soul: i feel like i should be shocked but.....im just not. lilac: .......am i... really being kept hostage for questioning? mahiru: jeez, it does sound bad when you put it that way....but, try thinking of it as 'protection from greed'? licht: honestly, that shit rat. sayaka: so the hedgie was a vampire? guil: *smacks sayaka upside the head* sayaka: owie! Q-Q Black Star: *scratches his cheek* "So...Lilac will stay with Mahiru?" mahiru: hmmm. *lightbulb* i have the perfect place for you to stay for a while. Black Star: "???" mahiru: he can stay at the hot springs. lilac: w-what about my s-school work? mahiru: we'll figure it out... lilac: o-o-ok... Black Star: *pats Lilac's shoulder* lilac: .....i dont...feel well.... -elsewhere- mitsuba: <this is so dumb. why are we even doing this transfer thing?> shinoa: <well, guren said it would be a good experience for us.> akane: .... *staring out the window* Higan: T_T ("I hope Mr. Tsubaki isn't too angry with me...") mitsuba: <yeah, like death city _needs_ more protection from the paranormal.> Higan: ("Maybe I could get him something at the airport gift shop as an apology...if it is even still open...") shinoa: <who knows, maybe we'll make some new friends in the states.> Higan: "Pardon me? Hi...Do you know whether the gift shop will be open when we land?" mitsuba: !!!! shinoa: i think so. if not, then maybe try again in the morning? Higan: *nods* "Thank you very much..." mitsuba: <shinoa, you're way too trusting! this guy could try to drug us and sell us as international sex slaves!> akane: <you're too damn paranoid> mitsuba: *glares at her* Higan: "???" shinoa: dont mind them, it's their first time in the US, so they’re a bit cranky from a shift in sleep schedule. Higan: *nods* "I can understand...I'm a little nervous. I...missed my flight." shinoa: ah. well, i hope things work out for you then. mitsuba: *gives the 'i'm watching you' hand motion* Higan: Q~Q -a few days later- Relan: *bundled up* shinra: i got you some sweet potatos! iris: *nom nom* -inside the building- tsubaki: *dressed as a ghost, advertising a haunted house attraction* Black Star: *dressed as a zombie* Sid: -_____- nygus: ^^; marie: well, imitation is the highest form of flattery....i think? Sid: T_____T nygus:...*pap pap* Kid: *offers Stocking a snowball-themed dessert ball* stocking: yummy~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Any word yet about Lilac?" stocking: not yet.... -in one of the offices- Shamrock: "And what would you advise?" granny: perhaps contacting the police would be a good option? Shamrock: "Yes...but have their friends said anything? That may help locate..." granny: we'll see what we can find mr yuutsu. Shamrock: "Thank you, I just…Ever since my wife passed away..." worker: ... Shamrock: *cries* "I'm sorry...I can't bear to lose more of my family..." granny: i understand sir, we'll do what we can. Shamrock: *nods* "Please, do so..." -elsewhere- Wes: "...That's the story on that guy?" soul: apparently. it's a lot to take in... Wes: "No kidding...I remember when weapons were the most complicated thing..." soul: yeah... Wes: "That poor kid..." soul: ..... Wes: "Being around someone that is trying to kill you..." soul:.....*he nods* Wes: *pats Soul's shoulder* "...Be safe, okay?" soul: ok. Wes: "...So, what you want to do? Get something to eat? Check out the stands?" soul: maybe try one of the games? Wes: "Cool...Snow Skeeball?" soul: sounds good. -elsewhere- Yumi: *walking with Shiori around the festival, points at the Christmas light display* "See the reindeer?" shiori: *shiny eyes* Yumi: *then spots...* "...Death? Why is there a display of cavemen and dinosaurs?" lord death:.....i lost a bet. Yumi: -_-; Santa T-Rex: (robotic voice) *ROAR!* "Happy Winter, Everyone!" -elsewhere- Gopher: *hands Kirika a coffee cup of hot chocolate* kirika: thanks Gopher: -W- "Such warm and tasty hot chocolate..." Patty: *getting a piggy back ride from Takeru* "Hee hee hee!" takeru: ^^ Kishiri: *blowing a bubble* -elsewhere- Hibana: *bundled up* =w= gabriella: this is so nice~ Hibana: "Agreed." *small hug* Hibana: *holds her arm, resting her head on her shoulder* "Want to go on one of the festival rides?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *nom nom noming on taiyaki* *hands one to Kabuki* kabuki: why thank you....it's good to get out once in a while. Tsukiyo: *nods* -w- "It's a welcome break from local drama..." kabuki: fortunately, the commanders have it under control for the most part, as are the sisters of the shrine. Tsukiyo: "...Yeah. Everyone still seems so stressed out..." *stress eats another taiyaki* *mouth full* "Really discouraging." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *patrolling* "Kohana, do you see anything?" fang-hua: nothing so far. i guess everyone is staying in due to the cold... Benimaru: *exhales, sees the cold on his breath* "Indeed...Are you warm enough?" fang-hua: yeah. Benimaru: "..." *points to food stand still opened* "Chirinabe? My treat." fang-hua: sounds good. -elsewhere- Kid: *aims at the stack of bottles at the festival game...and knocks them all down!* "Yay!" *smiles at Stocking* "Which prize do you want?" stocking: *points to a pumpkin plush toy* Kid: *hands her the plush* "A pumpkin for my pumpkin..." ("...That sounded better in my head...") stocking: hehe~ *smooch on the nose* you're to adorable. Kid: =\\\\\\\= "I try...What would you like to do now? See the light displays? Play another game?" stocking: maybe see the displays? Kid: "Excellent..." *takes her hand* "I heard they were giving prizes to the best displays..." stocking: neato. Kid: *nods* "Father had told me about one display that he said would attract a lot of attention..." *spots a display with a snowman family* "D'aw..." stocking: *takes a pic* Kid: *looks at the little snow-baby...* "So cute..." *hugs Stocking* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm hoping this display wins, although I know that--" o_____o "...What on earth?" stocking: uhhhh..... Kid: "...What the fuck?" stocking: oh my god. *covers face* Kid: "...Okay. You make an adorable Baby Jesus. But your father is as similar to Joseph as my father is to the Virgin Mary..." stocking: dad why? -___- Kid: "...Let's just move along before--" Jacqueline: "WHAT DID THEY DO TO THE BABY JESUS?!!" stocking: .......dont ask. -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Lilac going to be okay?" mahiru: yeah, he's staying with tetsu and hugh for now. Black Star: "Hugh..." *Excalibur face* -at the hotel- Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, then..." belkia: GUESS WHO'S BACK IN TOWN! Higan: *meek wave* "Hello, there..." *holds up a box of chocolates* Mr. Tsubaki: -_- naho: gross, i thought it smelt like old man in here! >3< lavender: *wave* Higan: *at Naho* D: *at Lavender* -\\\\- "Hi..." sayuka: *looks at shamrock, who also came back up to the room* Shamrock: *sighs* "No sign of Lilac..." sayuka:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Not good...Not good at all...I think our newly returned Higan should seek them." Higan: "...But I have jet lag." lavender: want me to help you out of it~? Higan: o\\\\\o Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; "Please, control your hormones." Shamrock: -____-; ("You're one to talk, sir...") lavender: just tryin' to help. Higan: "...Well, it is late at night, so...We can start the search tomorrow? Rest now?" Shamrock: *turns to Belkia* "Weren't we going to do something at the festival?" Higan: *inching closer to Lavender* belkia: come on tsubakyuuun, lets check it oooout! >w< Mr. Tsubaki: "Very well...Let us put on our best disguises." belkia: YAY!! sakuya: i'll stay here. Higan: *yawns* "I as well..." *his hand inches towards Lavender's* Shamrock: -_____-;;;; "I'll clean up." lavender: *griiins* same. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Belkia, let us change and depart!" naho: *face of disgust* i'll just be in my room reading. belkia: YAY! Higan: *walks towards Lavender's bedroom...* Mr. Tsubaki: *snaps his fingers, is in new attire, with new hair and eye color* belkia: *in alternate costume and hairstyle* lavender: *follows* naho: *cringe* sakuya: ugh... Higan: *shuts the door behind them...* Mr. Tsubaki: "Please ask Higan and Lavender to keep their loud love-making to a decent volume." *takes Belkia by the arm* "We are off!" sakuya: *turns his music all the way up to drown out the sound, and just plays games on his phone* -elsewhere- Ponera: *reviewing notes with Shaula...seems distracted...* "I can't figure out these new designs for monsters..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: *drinking from her water bottle* this is tough work... Black Star: "No kidding." *rubs his shin* "Damn kid kicked me again..." tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: *holds out hand to borrow her water bottle* tsubaki: here you go. Black Star: "Thanks!" *sips* "At least the haunted house has gotten some attention." tsubaki: ^^ *Watching from around the corner* Mr. Tsubaki: *squee squee squee* otogiri: ...(thinking; he really is like a child...) Mr. Tsubaki: *whispering* "I'm so near her..." otogiri: try and calm yourself. belkia: OwO; *holding the stocking baby* Mr. Tsubaki: "But look at her! She is my divine angel~" *notices Belkia* "...Where did you get that?" belkia: i'm gonna head home, you two have fun! *flees* Mr. Tsubaki: ._.;;; "...That won't end well, will it?" mephisto: WHOSTOLEMYBABY!?! IWANTNAMES!!! otogiri: *takes his hand and escapes from the scene, into the building* Mr. Tsubaki: ("Eek!") Black Star: "??? You hear something?" otogiri: we should be safe here... tsubaki: get into position. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around* Black Star: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *walks around* "Hmm...Interesting display...Quite gothic..." otogiri: *looking around the fake graves and a fake shrine up ahead* Mr. Tsubaki: "Heh...A little spooky in here--" -sounds are heard from the shrine- Mr. Tsubaki: ._. *gulp* otogiri: *going forwards* Mr. Tsubaki: *follows her* -elsewhere- hinata: KYAAAAHH!!! fang-hua: ?!?! hinata? Benimaru: "???" hinata: commander! kohana-nee-san! it's hikage! she-she- ???: get out of here you phoney! ????: im not a phoney! you're the faker, faker! Benimaru: "..." *rubs his eyes* "Am I seeing...double?" hikage 1: commander! this phoney showed up! get rid of her! hikage 2: dont listen to her! she's the phoney! hinata: Q-Q this isnt how i wanted to play 'which one is hikage!' Benimaru: "...Fang-Hua? What sorcery is this?" fang-hua: i dont know... *muttering* could it be related to the incident with the 8th? -some locals are muttering amongst themselves- towns person: 3 of them? Konro: "!!! Kabuki...What is this?" kabuki: ??? -the two hikages are trying to beat each other up- hinata: commander! do something! Benimaru: *moves towards the Hikages* "Enough of this..." *picks up one Hikage...* *SNIIIIIIIIIIIF* fang-hua: c-comman- Benimaru: *picks up the other Hikage* "SNIIIIIIFF* Konro: o____O; hikage 2: w-what the hell are you doing?! hikage 1: UNHAND ME! *Benimaru takes Hikage #1--and tosses the motherfucker into the wall of a house* hinata: D8> hikage: O_O Konro: D: fang-hua: COMMANDER?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! Benimaru: *shrug* "She didn't smell right." hinata: *lightbulb* oh! sister kirei made us snacks today! they smelled really good! hikage:.... *looks at the other and screams* EW!! Benimaru: "...!!! Good lord..." -the fake hikage had the face of an old man- fang-hua: ?!?! -the townspeople are shouting, demanding answers- Benimaru: "Fang-Hua...Konro...What had that cat-person from the 8th said?" fang-hua: .....that she saw two figures that looked like commander oubi and commander hinawa on the roof...even though they were also on the ground... Benimaru: "...Kabuki, bring this...thing in for questioning." kabuki: r-right.... -elsewhere- otogiri:....quiet... Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q "But it's scary in here..." otogiri: -_-; tsubaki: *coming up out of a tv set* *singing* <you may go in~ you may enter~ which way is the exit, if there even is one~?> Mr. Tsubaki: .______. *SHRIEK* otogiri: o-o Mr. Tsubaki: "D-Don't eat me! I'm not tasty at all!" tsubaki:..... !!! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* "Oh, it's you!" tsubaki: *crawling back into the tv* otogiri: *gives mr tsubaki a judgmental glare like 'oh dont do it'* Mr. Tsubaki: *snatches her hand* "It is so good to see you again~" tsubaki: !!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *leans to kiss her hand* otogiri: *closes her eyes as if to say 'oh my god'* tsubaki: *slaps him across the face* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! ..." *smiles* "I like it rough! Do it again!" tsubaki: *SLICE and runs deeper into the house* (thinking: this is bad....why is he here?!) Mr. Tsubaki: *grunts, pants, chuckles* "I love this...The chase stage in a relationship!" *runs after her* otogiri: .......i'll have to reprimand him for this. how bothersome. Mr. Tsubaki: *cackling in the shadows* "Where are you~?" tsubaki: *hiding in a coffin* *sending a text to black*star* Black Star: *hears his phone chirp, looks at message* tsubaki: [_he_ is here in the shrine part of the haunted house!] Black Star: "!!! Soul! Creepy vampire guy's got Tsubaki!" soul: ?! Black Star: "Come on! We have to stop this fucker!" soul: right! -inside the house- Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs around a set of three coffins* "...I smell camelia flowers~" tsubaki: ........*arm blade at the ready* Mr. Tsubaki: *scratches at one coffin next to the one Tsubaki is in* "Are you in here?" tsubaki: *a bead of sweat drips from her forehead* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs, turns, leers at the coffin Tsubaki is in* "Your sweat...smells delicious..." tsubaki: *kicks the lid off* Mr. Tsubaki: "?!!" *lid to the face* "Ouchie!" tsubaki: *chain arm slams him into a wall as she runs off* Mr. Tsubaki: *imprint of his body against the wall...as he smiles, with hearts in his eyes* "Come back to me, my flower~" *runs after her* Black Star: *running around the building* "Where is she?! I can't--" soul:...!!! *blocks knifes* otogiri: i cant find them, and now this? this day has been so bothersome... Black Star: "?!!! You again?!! What is with you freaks going after Tsubaki?! Leave her alone!!! Or I will rip your face off and--" Mr. Tsubaki: *swings along a noose on the ceiling, after Tsubaki* "Tsubaki-Man, Tsubaki-Man, does whatever a Tsubaki can..." otogiri: -___-; found him. *follows the sound* Black Star: "!!!" *yells at Otogiri* "Get back here! I wasn't done yelling at you!" *chases after her* soul: *follows* Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps from noose, towards Tsubaki, his lips pursed* "Love you!!!!" -smacked by a foam grave- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ouchie!" *falls on his face, butt stuck up in the air* "...Babe, I love the harsh treatment, but could you kiss my bruise to make it better?" *butt wiggle* tsubaki: *blade at his face* *twitch* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! Jeez...I just wanted a kiss...Why are you so irritable at me? I love you--" tsubaki: you attacked me in my own home! the fact you try to stalk me like this, it's not love, it's...it's utter obsessive insanity! Mr. Tsubaki: "...'Utter obsessive insanity' is the definition of love. I was following you to know where you live so I could deliver presents to you! I crawled into your bed to comfort you because you were crying for someone! I wanted to comfort you! I just want to help!" tsubaki: ....do you even know anything about me? what i've experienced? Mr. Tsubaki: *takes a step forward* "I know you are a woman who has suffered greatly, who is in pain. You lost someone close to you..." *smiles* "What if I could offer you a world, where you never have to lose anyone ever again?" tsubaki:......that would be nice....but loss is a part of life, because those experiences help us grow stronger. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stops walking forward* "...If I lost another person...I would be devastated." *holds out a hand* "I don't want to lose you...like you lost your brother." tsubaki:.....masamune....even though his body is gone, is soul still remains.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Is that enough for you? Really?" tsubaki: .....as long as i still remember him, then he's still here in my heart, right?... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Tsubaki...If I lost one of my friends...I would be shattered." *holds out his hand* "...Where is Lilac?" tsubaki: !! Mr. Tsubaki: "Please...I don't want to lose someone else. Are they safe?" tsubaki:.....t-they- Black Star: "TSUBAKI!" tsubaki: !! Mr. Tsubaki: "?!! You?" Black Star: *rushes at Mr. Tsubaki* "AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHH!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: *growls* otogiri: *puppet strings keeps black*star in place* we should go now.... Mr. Tsubaki: *solemn nod, looks sincerely at Tsubaki...* Black Star: "Let me go, you stupid vamp!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Tsubaki...I know you won't hurt Lilac." *smiles* "Otogiri...Let us depart." tsubaki: .......*she runs towards black*star* -mr tsubaki and otogiri absconded- Black Star: *falls face-first onto the floor* "...Ouch." soul: you ok? -later, elsewhere- lilac: ..... Hugh: "You! You have grown silent!" lilac: s-sorry, did you want me to say something? Hugh: "Yes! You can start by complimenting how wonderful this bathhouse looks! Isn't it quaint and homey?" lilac: its nice...*small smile* Hugh: "Good!" *passes tea to them* "Regale me with more compliments about how fine an establishment this is! AND SPEAK UP!" tetsu: i brought baked manjuu. lilac: t-THANKYOUVERYMUCHSIR! mr sendagaya: tetsu, you have visitors. tsubaki: good evening. Black Star: *smiles, waves at Lilac* "Hey!" lilac: *small smile* Black Star: "How you doing? Having a meal?" lilac: *eating the manjuu* *nod* tsubaki: ....*smiles* Black Star *looks to Tetsu* "Hey...No unexpected visitors have been around, have there?" tetsu: not that i can tell Black Star: *nods* "Keep an eye on that...We, um..." lilac: ?? Black Star: "...We saw him. Tsubaki." lilac:.... !!! Black Star: "So be on the look-out for him..." tetsu: alright, will do. lilac:......*sitting on the porch, staring at the snow* Black Star: "??? Hey, Lilac? You alright?" lilac: y-yeah... Black Star: "...You know no one here is going to hurt you, right?" lilac: i believe that.....but...i hope i can go back soon.... Black Star: "...What is it about Tsubaki that makes you want to go back? He seems like a creep." lilac: m-mr tsubaki...h-he may have done some very bad things, but....he isnt a bad person....it's because of him that....that im still even here... Black Star: "How's that? Did he save you or something?" lilac: *he nods* do you...know how a subclass is made? Black Star: *shakes his head "no"* lilac: when a human is on the verge of dying, if they consume the blood of a servamp...then they become a subclass.... tsubaki: !! Black Star: "...So, he saved you from dying?" lilac: he did....me....sakuya.. miss lavender...naho...all of us... lilac:....!!! *covers his mouth* Black Star: "...Naho?" lilac: n-nothing! f-forget i said anything! Black Star: *looks wearily at Tsubaki, then back at Lilac* "...What you want to do after your meal? Dip in the hot spring?" lilac: y-you...arent mad at me? tsubaki: of course not.... Black Star: *remembers Maka forgiving Crona* "If I didn't forgive you, I'd disappoint someone..." lilac:....*faint smile* i think...im ok for now.... tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *pats Lilac's head with a smile* lilac:....*nods*.....miss? tsubaki: hmm?? lilac: you arent....going to kill him....are you? tsubaki:....*thinking back to what mr tsubaki said* Black Star: "..." [mr tsubaki: if i lost one of my friends:...i would be shattered] tsubaki:....we'll talk about it. lilac:....oh. Black Star: *thinks about fighting Mifune...when Angela intervened* -elsewhere- lavender: maid outfits? for real? damn higan, you sure got into trouble while you were gone, haha! Higan: =\\\\\= sakuya: *cringes* Higan: "What about you? Any interesting partners you had?" lavender: well, there was that bellhop....but he kinda died so...that's a thing. sakuya: *cringing more* Higan: "Hmmm...How was he? Before he died?" lavender: eh, decent i guess. naho: *excalibur face* Higan: "How did he compare to me?" *holds up his index fingers a certain width* lavender: trust me, you are waaay better equipped~ sakuya: OH MY GOD! DX< naho: that's gross, old man! Higan: =\\\\\\= "D'aw, thank you..." Higan: *glares at Naho* naho: TnT lavender: that reminds me! i actually got something the other day. *pulls out a seifuku cosplay* naho: *JAWDROP* sakuya: *about to vomit* Higan: O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O "...We...um..." *takes her hand* lavender: hmm~? Higan: "Could you put it on? Now?" sakuya: i'm going for a walk bye! *exits* lavender: sure thing~<3 naho: *exits the room* shaaaaammmm Q_Q Higan: *covers his eyes, waiting for her to change* -elsewhere- Wes: "You okay, Soul?" soul: yeah... Wes: "...That was a bit of a fright...Any update from Black Star or Tsubaki?" soul: *he explains what all happened and what they told him* Wes: "...Poor Tsubaki...and that poor kid..." soul: yeah.... -elsewhere- Kid: *hugs Stocking* stocking: mmmm, nice and warm~ -elsewhere- kirei: eh? have the twins stay here at the shrine? Benimaru: "We cannot afford to have them harmed, as could have happened had I made a mistake. And we need them safe should this...person try to impersonate them again." kirei: understood. hikage: how dare that slimy old creeper try and impersonate my cute face! >n< hinata: *sweatdrop* we're twins you dope. hikage: THERE CAN ONLY BE TWO! >n< Benimaru: *small smile, as he pats Hikage's head* "Sister, has anyone odd visited the girls when they were here at the Shrine?" kirei: to what i can recall no. sister:....*small smile to herself?* Benimaru: "Hmmm...Someone is getting a close eye on people here, even visitors, imitating their appearances, even voices..." kirei: that's....quite alarming. Benimaru: "We need a way to track who is and is not a fake..." Tsukiyo: *standing with Fang-Hua, raises her hand* "I have an idea!" fang-hua: oh boy. Tsukiyo: "We just need a detailed report on everyone's various scars, birthmarks, and other distinguishing features! We can do it in the infirmary! I volunteer to inspect the naked bodies of each and every adult in this village!" fang-hua:.........that's....actually a smart idea. but leave it to the medics -_-; Tsukiyo: "...But it was my idea..." Q~Q fang-hua: and we appreciate it. we'll treat you to ramen later today, how's that? -elsewhere- otogiri: we're home- lavender: AHH! OH FUCK~!<3 otogiri:...why am i not shocked? Higan: "Who's been a naughty one?" *spank spank* sakuya: *in the bathroom, throwing up* naho: *HAS THE RADIO TURNED ALL THE WAY UP* HEY GUYS! lavender: OH~ Higan: "So tight! Oh, God, I missed this!" lavender: *pant pant* more~ more~! Higan: *thrusts deeper inside her* "Take it--take it!" otogiri: ......*looks at mr tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *looking out the window, deep in thought, with a bruised ego* lavender: AHHHHHHHHH~<3<3 Higan: *growls* "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" *collapses alongside her, taking one of her breasts in his hand* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *grunts* lavender: *panting* fuuck... =/////w/////= Higan: "God, I missed all of this...especially these." *sucks on her right breast* -KNOCK KNOCK- otogiri: we're back. lavender: ah~ >///o Higan: -_-;;; *calls through the door, as he slides his hand up her leg...* "And? How did it go?" otogiri: ....finish up, and then we'll discuss it. lavender: fine by us! ^^ Higan: *his finger reaches inside of her* lavender: ah-ahhhh~<3 Mr. Tsubaki: *looking more and more irritated...* Higan: *suckles again on her breast, as he slides another finger into her* otogiri:...tsubaki...? lavender: ah~ ah~ i want it~ i wanna suck on it~ Higan: *smiles, as he lifts himself up, one knee to her left, one foot to her right, his hardening member in front of her face* Tsubaki: "...I lost Lilac...I am no closer to my camellia flower..." otogiri:..... lavender: *licking at it* Higan: *moans* "So good...Like that..." Mr. Tsubaki: "I know I have all of you...but to lose any of you...to lose her...It hurts." otogiri:...*pap pap* lavender: *sucking on the tip* Mr. Tsubaki: *holds her hand, nods...* Higan: *holds her head as she starts to suck* "I missed your lips..." belkia: we're back! Shamrock: "Master, I--" Mr. Tsubaki: *hugs Belkia and Shamrock* belkia: o.o naho: O///w///O Shamrock: o\\\\\\o "M-Master? What is--" Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm glad you returned...I WANT A GROUP HUG!" otogiri: even...*points to lavender's room* Mr. Tsubaki: -______-;;;;;;; "...Let them finish. And shower first.": belkia: good call! -elsewhere- Kishiri: [u still up?] vivian: [ya] Kishiri: [i had fun at the festival. and yesterday evening. esp this part:] *Texts a pic he took of her, as they watched the sunset--the sky behind her is bright pink and orange* vivian: ^^ [same] *saves pic* Kishiri: [going to head to bed. luv u] -elsewhere- Black Star: *towels off after dip in hot spring* "Thanks for the use, man. I'll get dressed and head on home with Tsubaki." tetsu: no problem. -and so- tsubaki: are you feeling better? Black Star: "..." *nods* "I feel a little angry at Lilac...but I feel bad for them..." *looks at her* "And I was so scared that something happened to you." tsubaki: ....im alright now, arent i? Black Star: "...You look alright. How do you feel?" tsubaki:....conflicted. Black Star: "???" tsubaki: i know i wont completely forgive the things he did to me... but if what lilac says is true.. Black Star: "..." *nods* "I think I get that..." *smiles* "That's the kind of person you are." tsubaki:...*she smiles* i dont really understand him...but i want to. i want to find out why he's like this.. then maybe... maybe we can help him. Black Star: "..." *sighs* "Alright...You take the lead on this, okay?" tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: *holds her hand* "And you tell me what to do, and I'll do it!" tsubaki: ^^; -elsewhere- Hibana: "Oh, Gabby~?" gabriella: yes? Hibana: *holds up phone, snaps a pic* "So cute~" gabriella: >////< Hibana: *moves closer, hugs her* "You're more beautiful each day~" -elsewhere- Relan: *kisses Shinra's cheek* shinra: ^///^ Relan: *kisses Iris's cheek* "Well...I guess I better get home." -elsewhere- Emine: *smirking, holding an egg* -elsewhere- Medusa: *asleep in rocking chair next to Neian's crib* "Zzzz..." shaula: *has a marker* >:3 Medusa: *snore* "Zzz..." -morning- Medusa: *glaaaaaaaaare* shaula: *whistling* -elsewhere- maki: happy birthday, commander miwa! miwa: awww, thanks guys! Arthur: *blows party favor* padma: *cutting the cake* Takehisa: *passes out plates to everyone* -at school- Patty: "How is your dad after the stolen 'Baby Stocking 'incident?" stocking: well, we managed to resolve it. found the baby, but the thief vanished... Patty: "Huh...Who would steal a baby version of you? I mean, that's one messed up fan..." stocking: probably some weirdo... Kid: "Hmph. Best be cautious, after what Tsubaki has gone through." stocking: yeah... Kid: *holds her hand, pats it* "We'll keep an eye out for each other, right?" stocking: right. Kid: *smiles* "Then let's see what is ahead of us today." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Anything you need?" chie: some tea please. Yohei: *smiles* "You got it..." *dispenses hot water from WASHU into a teacup...* chie: i havent heard from that little demonic plushie in a while. medea: i sold him. Yohei: o_______o chie: O-O medea: there was antique dealer in the neighborhood, and i sold it to him. he had a pet snake with him... Yohei: "...That cannot end well..." -elsewhere- mikuni: who's a cute widdle teddy~? metsu: .... PlushFix: -_-; "...Did any of you bring porn?" mikuni: OwO eh? PlushFix: "You heard me, motherfucker." metsu: ..........*twitch* Jeje: "..." *pulls out a flamethrower* "Kill it with fire." PlushFix: .______. mikuni: *faking a southern accent* dont be so mean, jayjay *pouts* Jeje: "It is obviously evil! What kind of a doll asks for pornography?!!" mikuni: you dare accuse my sweet abel of being a pervert? metsu: -_-; PlushFix: "So...Where am I, anyway?" metsu: an antique shop. mikuni: indeedio~! PlushFix: -_-; "It looks like a convenience store...that isn't very convenient." metsu: *muttering* hopefully _he_ doesnt notice this....he'd go into a frenzy -_-; PlushFix: "??? Notice what?" Jeje: "Why is this thing still talking?" mikuni: oooh, you mean _him_... as long as he doesnt touch the other dolls, it's fine~! metsu: your priorities are so messed up -_-; PlushFix: "???" *looks around...* PlushFix: "Any dolls that are anatomically correct?" metsu: O-O mikuni: dont you lust after my babies! PlushFix: "..." *sneers, as he yawns and puts his arm over a doll's shoulder* mikuni: BACK INTO THE BOX WITH YOU! *puts a price sticker on the box that says 'WILL TAKE ANY OFFER!'* PlushFix: "WHY DOES NO ONE LOVE ME?!!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Update on the medical examinations?" medic: all notes have been taken care of. Benimaru: "Hmm, fast work. I take it you had no interruptions?" medic: *shakes their head* -elsewhere- Kishiri: "You." *grabs Shinra by the back of his collar* "You're coming with me." shinra: ?!?! Kishiri: *pulls him into empty hallway* "You. You like girly stuff, right?" shinra:....why do you assume that? T-T Kishiri: " 'Cause you look like someone who would be into girly stuff--which is why I need your help." shinra: ...... *calmly flips the bird as he walks off* Kishiri: *anger twitch* "What the fuck?! I'm asking for your help and this is how you treat me?!" ... *gets on his knees and grabs Shinra's ankles* "I'M BEGGING YA!" shinra: !! Kishiri: "I'm stumped, man! I want to get a gift for my girl, and I don't have any more ideas what!" shinra: ........wait, you? toru 'fuckboi' kishiri, in a relationship? yeah, apparently i just transported to an alternate universe where birds are currency and people keep bigfoots as pets! Kishiri: *anger twitch* "I'm gonna show you what a nice guy I am and laugh off that insult..." *unconvincing curt laugh* "...Look, I'm not used to this dating thing, and you're already dating two people, so you got to have, like, twice the experience as me in these relationship things, right?" shinra: uhhh...... Kishiri: *on his knees, hands clapped in front of him* "You help me, I will do you a solid. On my word. Promise." shinra: ..... shinra: *siiigh* hey arthur! Arthur: "???" Kishiri: "???!!!" shinra: mind helping me out here? Arthur: "...Very well. Which dragon has possessed this sad little fuckboi?" Kishiri: "?!!!!!" -shinra explains the situation- Arthur: "...Then I think he should do something in exchange for assistance." *pulls out a dragon outfit* "Put this on: I get to run a sword through you." Kishiri: o____O;;; shinra: he means it jokingly kishiri -__-; Kishiri: *sigh of relief* "Ha ha...That's good..." Arthur: *brandishing a real sword* "I DON'T JOKE ABOUT DRAGONS." Kishiri: "What the hell is wrong with this freak?!!" shinra: O_____O;; -SHASHOCK- vivian: dont stab my man, jerk! >n< Arthur: x_______x Kishiri: *hiding behind Vivian* "So scary..." shinra: O__________O;;;; Kishiri: "Thank you, babe." *kiss on her cheek* shinra: …Arthur, you owe me five birds -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sneezes* kim: *gives her soup* here you go. Jacqueline: *sniff, stuffed up* "Thank you..." *accepts the soup* "Don't know why the cold does this to me..." kim: *shrug* ....about christmas vacation... Jacqueline: "..." *solemn nod* "...My parents?" kim: if you dont want to go, you dont have too...miss misery is letting me spend break here, since i dont have anywhere to go back to... Jacqueline: "..." *shakes her head* "I can't put this off any longer..." kim: ..... -elsewhere- Shamrock: "...He's been quiet." lavender: maybe he caught something? Shamrock: ("Hmph...I would say most people catch something from _you_...") *knocks on Mr. Tsubaki's door* "Master?" *Silence* naho: *slips a drawing of mr tsubaki under the door* i made that for you. *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, on his bed...* "???" *leaps off bed, approaches the drawing...* -its of himself with a fox mask surrounded by camellia flowers- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sniff* Q___Q *Door unlocks* otogiri: *concerned look* belkia: feeling better? Mr. Tsubaki: *still in fox form...approaches Otogiri, passes along her leg, as if desiring to be petted* otogiri: *lifts him up and sits on the couch, petting his head* ..... Mr. Tsubaki: ~_~ *sighs* "Zzz... lavender: rough night, i take it? otogiri: *she nods* Shamrock: "A lot of simmering issues coming to a boil...Poor Lilac..." belkia: i admit, stealing the baby was a spur-of-the-moment thing. i never _meant_ for it to happen, it just kinda happened! Shamrock: -______-;;; "Must you steal a baby that looks like _that_? It looks like the face of a grown woman put onto a baby's body." naho: *remembering how she and lilac were the two randomly selected lower subclass chosen to go with them to the hotel* belkia: it was the face of my stabby darlin~! Higan: "??? What did I miss while I was out of town?" -otogiri explains all that happened, and what happened last night- Higan: *head spinning* "That is so much to take in..." X____X Shamrock: T_T "Poor Master..." lavender: coffee? Higan: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "Zzz..." *curls up* otogiri:...*she gives him the plushie* Mr. Tsubaki: *cuddles with the plushie in his sleep* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *handing a balloon to a child* "Free balloons!" *he's with the Fire Brigade mascot* mana: *watching* Emine: *arms crossed, watching as well* "Why are children so fascinated with helium held in rubber orbs?" medea: it's truly a spectacle. Emine: -_-;; "...Did anyone want a free balloon?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *bundled up in the snow* nea: *in normal clothes* nice day today~ Shinoda: -_-; "I'm freezing my tuckus off..." *holds her hand, with his mitten hand* nea: hehe~ -elsewhere- Kepuri: *asleep at her workstation* "Zzz..." boss: you ok, yanma? Kepuri: "H-Huh?" o___O "S-Sorry!" *sits up* "Just needed a cat-nap after finishing work!" *pulls up her coding* "See? Ahead of schedule!" boss: ah. keep up the good work! Kepuri: *nervous laugh...* *pulls out phone, texts Akaderu* [having trouble staying awake at work] -elsewhere- Kid: "Ready to head home?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: *smiles* "Anything to pick up on the way home?" *walks with her* liz: we're low on milk Patty: *nods* "Yeah, and we could use some snacks!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *eating her ramen, pouting* fang-hua: how're you holding up? Tsukiyo: *shrugs* "Just grumpy...People here seem more upset than before, now people don't trust that their neighbor may not be who they really are, and...to top it off..." fang-hua:..... Tsukiyo: -\\\\- "Well, you know..." *sigh* "Things were simpler when I could just lust after Beni-Hottie instead of worrying about whether the person next to me was a doppelganger." *looks at Fang-Hua* "For all you know, I'm a duplicate." fang-hua: it's...a scary thought. but i know you're the real thing. Tsukiyo: "??? You do? How?" fang-hua: because at this moment you're staring at my butt -_-; Tsukiyo: o\\\\\\\o;;; *embarrassed laugh* "I was just remembering that cute birthmark on your heiny..." fang-hua: O/////O oh shush >.< -elsewhere- Black Star: "Got everything you needed?" mahiru: yeah. thanks again. tsubaki: it's not a problem. Black Star: *nods* "Happy to help...How's everyone?" mahiru: doing well. misono: how do you work this thing? *messing with the tv* Black Star: "??? What, never saw a TV?" *looks at the cables...* mahiru: how's licht doing? Black Star: *grumble* "Still spoiled." mahiru: ah... Black Star: "I don't know what his deal is--how to get him to cooperate with us." sayaka: maybe if we beat him in a fight, he'll become our ally! soul: =_=; what do you think this is, a shonen manga? sayaka: .....*opens her mouth, but says nothing* Black Star: "It worked on Crona, didn't it?" soul: that's different -_-; Black Star: "How so? Just go up, punch Piano Angel Dickhead in the jaw, and he'll be your friend for life!" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* lilac: .__. Black Star: "...What? Did I say the wrong thing?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Any word from the 7th?" maki: nothing yet, but if there is, we'll keep you updated. Akitaru: *sigh* "This turned into a mess...I should've known that someone would follow us there and try to screw up our work convincing Benimaru. I'm such an idiot." maki: we had no way of knowing, it isnt your fault. Akitaru: "But to not see this coming? Jeez, this was so much simpler when it was just people turning into flame monsters...But someone impersonating me...?" maki: ..... Akitaru: *sigh* "Maki, could you talk with that bunny girl from the 7th? See what's up there?" maki: sure thing. -elsewhere- Kid: *at lunch, showing a photo to Stocking of him, Age 4, in one of his father's cloaks* stocking: aww, that's too cute! Kid: *smiles, nods* "I said, 'I am Lord Death! Hello hello hello!' like Father does." stocking: hehe~ it's sweet.....it's a shame i didnt have childhood photos until i was around 11. Kid: *sympathetic pat on her hand* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...Right now, you have your parents. You have family." stocking: i know. -elsewhere- Relan: *in home ec with Tamaki* "What are we cooking?" tamaki:....hopefully bacon. *her frying pan is literally on fire* Relan: ._. "Um...Please turn the heat down?" -elsewhere- Spirit: [text: sure, i can pick up izumi. anything to pick up on the way home?] sachiko: [we're running low on cereal] Spirit: [okay. any preference for izumi? something without a lot of sugar?] -elsewhere- Hibana: *thumbing through photoshoot proofs* "Hmm...The color looks off in this dress." -elsewhere- belkia: what's today's game plan? Mr. Tsubaki: "We need a lead on Lilac's location..." naho: what do we do? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think I should follow someone close to this new group of super-friends they are forming around Lilac...Get to someone in that clique, follow them..." naho: *raises her hand* i wanna! i heard there's a bunch of cute guys in that group! THINK OF ALL THE SHIPS! Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Um...Okay?" otogiri: she seems like the best option... belkia: *sigh* it feels like it was just yesterday when i sunk my teeth into her neck. naho: TnT you chewed off a whole chunk of it! belkia: i was hungry! Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Naho's head* "Very well. Go forth and befriend them..." Shamrock: -____-;;; ("I've read too many reverse-harem stories to know where this is going...") -elsewhere- Shotaro: "We're home!" Emine: "Hello." chie: welcome home guys. io: ^o^ Shotaro: "Hee hee..." *picks up Io* "How you doing?" *holds Io at Emine* Emine: "..." io: *staaaaares* Emine: o_____o io:.... ^o^ Emine: "..." *nervous grin forming* lin: >////< Shotaro: "Hee hee...See, Emine? Io likes you! Bad deeds and all!" *puts Io into Emine's hands* Emine: o_____o;;;; "Wh-What if I drop the baby?" lin: here, like this. *helps him position his arms to properly hold her* Emine: "O-Okay..." *holds Io as instructed* "...The child is breathing...feels warm..." io: ^w^ Emine: "..." *small smile* -elsewhere- Spirit: *waves at Izumi* izumi: hey! ^^ thanks for picking me up today! Spirit: "Of course! Your mom wanted us to stop by the grocery store on the way home..." izumi: ah. Spirit: "How was school, kiddo?" izumi: good. Spirit: "Didn't get into any fights, did you?" *winks* izumi: uhh, no? Spirit: "That's good. When I was in school, I had to break up fights all the time..." izumi: *listening* Spirit: "My meister--the guy who wields me as a weapon? He was...violent." izumi: o_o Spirit: "I had to talk him back, make it promise to calm down, stop threatening to--" *sees Izumi scared* "!!! H-He's much better now though!" *nervous laugh* izumi: where is he now? Spirit: "...He's a teacher at my school." izumi: ah. will i get to meet him one day? Spirit: *smiles* "I would imagine you will--" *remembers Stein's usual behavior* o____o;;; "Um...I'll be sure to be present when you meet him..." izumi: neato. -elsewhere- Kishiri: *looking through DWMA help wanted listings* ("Gonna need some serious green to buy it...") -elsewhere- metsu: have a nice day now... *waves to the leaving customer* Jeje: *peeps around corner* "They gone?" metsu: *she nods* Jeje: *tiptoes out from the corner* "Good...What did they buy?" metsu: some of the antique dolls and some candy. Jeje: "...But not the weird creature?" PlushFix's box: *shake shake shake* metsu: unfortunatly no...my needles dont even work against it...
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