#wanted to draw her shaggy hair
spacedlexi · 2 years
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experimental warm ups ft. post s4 vi
clem giving vi her hairtie inspo 💕
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eddiernunson · 4 months
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Waiting Room Problems | Eddie Munson x fem!Reader | 18+ |
Summary: a rough landing in a fight with your brother causes you to land in a crowded waiting room. Meanwhile a rough deal also sends Eddie the same fate. Somehow, somehow you try to keep your eyes on your phone and off his tiny little waist. It proves... difficult.
Warnings: strangers to lovers, fleeting glances, slightly cocky Eddie, sex in a public bathroom (trust me on this, just trust me), and general horniness at Eddie's general appearance, unprotected piv, against the wall fucking, deep throating, daddy kink
Authors note: I just spent 8 hours last night (when | wrote this) in the fucking waiting room. At two hours in a guy came in and he radiated Eddie's energy so my mind ran away with it. (Everything is ok).
Thanks for the hype on the preview! Hopefully this lives up to the hype
Thanks so much to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you for editing bestie ❤️
As the night swallows you whole, you sit in your mom’s passenger seat of her car as she drives you to the ER. While roughhousing with your older brother you landed on your hand wrong and bent it way back. It’s definitely not broken, but it for sure needs to be looked at.
As the lights of the night pass you by, you insist you’re fine and the sprain will heal after a few days. Your mom, however, was having none of it as you rolled your eyes in exasperation.
She’s as stubborn as you are, so you sit arms crossed as you know you have no choice. Ouch, ok, crossing your arms was a bad idea.
She wishes you well, her kind eyes wide as she leans over to ask you to keep her updated. You can’t help it, slamming the door after letting her know you will. You should’ve been enjoying some spiked eggnog and watching holiday movies, but now you’re spending Christmas Eve in the ER.
The large window to the waiting room lets you know there’s already a long line up just waiting for the triage and most seats are taken. Fuck, you’re in for a long night.
The kind and sunny nurse takes your vitals and information, gently assessing your symptoms and palpating your wrist carefully. She lets you know it’s definitely sprained and will need a gauze wrap.
Soon, you find yourself sitting in a brown, cracked, leather chair sitting close to a man who is coughing up a lung and groaning in pain after each bout. Not that there are many options to begin with.
Your phone in your hand and your charger in your bag, you sit comfortably and wait for your name to get called as you look at memes and watch videos with one headphone in.
Ninety minutes goes by while your best friend texts you to keep you busy and entertained, not even noticing you’ve been waiting for so long. Thank god for her.
For the first time in a while, you look up to assess the state of the waiting room. As far as you recall, about five people have been called to the back. Those seats have been replaced with new patients and their support, what seems to be a never-ending cycle.
Your eyes flick to someone who walks into the line that is long enough to extend into the hallway, stepping up a place in line and finally into the actual waiting room. Your eyes scan him, the boots, the ripped jeans, the leather jacket covering a graphic tee, all leading up to his shaggy brown hair and gorgeous face.
Your mouth partially opens, momentarily taken aback by how unbelievably hot he is. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, at least, until you notice the tear in his shirt peeking at white gauze on his torso. From the stain, it’s clear he was injured.
His face doesn’t reflect such, patiently waiting as the two triage nurses take their time. By the third time he blinks, you realize you’ve been staring and shift your eyes back down to your phone.
As the line moves, his boots in the corner of your eye, you grow increasingly aware of how much you want to continue staring at him. Something about him is just so enticing, drawing you in. Especially his lack of response to a wound as such.
Time passes on and soon you find yourself bored of the videos and turn on your Spotify to the comfort playlist. Your eyes flicker to the triage station, wandering around the room aimlessly. Unfortunately, it lands on the stranger you’ve been lingering on and witnesses him lifting his shirt to show the nurse the reason for his visit.
The black shirt lifts to show a slim waist scattered in black and grey tattoos, lifting the white gauze to reveal a gnarly wound. You can’t tell but from its shape it looks to be a stab wound. However gory his uncovered wound looks; you can’t help but stare at his bare torso.
Then, it fucking happens. His eyes flicker to you, for a fraction of second, he keeps the eye contact. His mouth twitches, leaning into something you’d call a smirk. As a reflex you shift your eyes away from him, cheeks heating up in embarrassment from getting caught.
You spend the next few minutes convincing yourself that it was all in your head, and that for all he knew you were zoned out and happened to be zoned out on him. It feels like a reach, especially with his torso as revealed as it was.
Time itself blurs as you zone out on your phone, attempting to distract yourself from your thumping heart and the arousal that pools into your cotton underwear. A shift in movement catches your eye, blurred and black in your periphery.
Your eyes by reflex glance up, catching a glimpse of him slouching in his chair, a foot resting on the other as knee he uses wired headphones and stares at whatever’s on his phone. Somehow, his confidence at making himself at home is still attractive, drool gathering in your mouth.
You look down at your phone before he catches you again, this visit at the ER sending a thrill through you that you didn’t expect in the least.
More and more people get called to the back, and you're still stuck waiting. Everyone who you’ve told is surprised to say the least that it’s been hours and you’re still just in the waiting room. You don’t mind though, sneaking glances at the beautiful stranger has become your favourite pastime.
Four hours in, if someone asked your highlight it would be when he head-banged to whatever assumingly heavy metal band he listens to. By the time the nurse calls your name to the back, it takes a strong second place.
About twenty minutes pass before it’s your turn for a bed, and you are let your eyes wander around, now bored of your phone. As they do, they catch sight of the man you’ve kept an eye on yawning in a big stretch. What this yawn has you so captivated by is the sliver of skin his stretch reveals, and the curly brown treasure trail that peeks from just above the hem of his low sitting jeans.
Your mouth floods with saliva. With your mouth agape and eyes subtly widened, you can’t help but gawk at him. Something about the way you suddenly picture yourself pulling him into the bathroom to nuzzle into his hair takes you aback just a little bit.
Time slows down for you, stretching into hours, but it's only seconds. Finally, as his body relaxes from the stretch you turn your eyes back to his face, hoping he didn’t see your fleeting glance. Startlingly, his eyes are already on yours. This time you can’t find it in you to look away in embarrassment. As if reading your mind, he smirks right at you, and you swear his brown eyes darken a shade.
This time for sure, he caught you. He doesn’t seem to care one way or the other, arms crossing over his chest as he keeps his smug expression right on you.
It’s hard to resist the smile as you go back to your phone, promising to yourself that you will remember his face for as long as you can.
Eddie thanks Gareth for dropping him off at the hospital, gritting his teeth at the slight pain stretching his torso gives him.
As he wanders into the hospital, his eyes take in the crowded waiting room and he groans, wishing the wound wasn’t so fucking deep.
He got stabbed. He got fucking stabbed. Wayne is going to kill him when he finds out he got into a fight, especially one where knives were in the crossfire. He couldn’t even say how the situation got so heated so quickly, just another fight in a parking lot after a deal goes sour.
The guy pulled a fucking knife on him, pushed it into his torso and ran off with the goods before Eddie could even realize he had been harmed.
All for fucking weed. Wasn’t even cocaine!
It takes a stupid amount of time for him to finally get to the nurse. She tells him to sit down for his vitals, and he refuses, wanting to show the wound and get it out of the way.
He lifts his shirt at her request, showing the darkened gauze and hissing as she takes a closer look at the wound when it’s removed. Eddie realizes the irony of exposing his chest in the triage, looking up to face the windows that allow other patients to see through.
He does a quick scan of the room, no one having seemed to notice how he’s shirtless. No one, but you. He saw you when he walked in, you were on your phone with one earbud in as you tapped your feet to whatever beat you were listening to. He thought you were cute, his mouth twitching in a smile as he notices you’re cradling one arm across your chest.
It couldn’t have been confused with zoning out, your mouth in a small O shape you openly stare at him. The look you have on your face is enough to turn Eddie on a little, having the urge to caress your face as you look up at him with those same wide eyes. His mouth twitches as he thinks of it, the thought enough to distract him from the shooting pain in his chest.
Your eyes dart away as soon as it registers that he’s looking back at you. His smile widens even more as you sink in your seat, your eyes glazing over as you scroll through your phone. Made him want to embarrass you more, in much worse ways.
After the nurse takes his vitals, he’s instructed to sit down, thanking some deity that the seat across from you is freed. You’re keeping yourself distracted, much to his dismay, so kicks his shoe to grab your attention, placing it on his other knee.
It works as well as he hopes, your eyes flickering up to him. He can’t help but look as if he can’t be bothered. In the corner of his eye, you look back to your own phone, biting your lip.
Eddie spends the next little bit getting your attention however he can, wondering how much it takes for your eyes to wander back to him. By trial and error, not much. He turns on a heavy metal band, nodding his head enthusiastically to the loud drum beats.
As time goes on, he gets more bored and waits impatiently for his name to be called. He figured stitches would be a priority, no? It’s past his bedtime, he decides, as he yawns a big stretch, despite the pain he causes for himself.
As he does, he catches the way your eyes are glued to him, particularly the strip of skin his shirt lifts to show. In real time, Eddie witnesses your eyes glaze over and how your teeth nervously graze your bottom lip. Whatever was on your mind, he desperately wanted to know, mesmerized at the way your throat swallows.
Finally, you make eye contact with him, and Eddie needs to let you know how much he just saw, your lust for him clear as day. He can’t lie, the feeling is entirely mutual, the look on your face is something he wants to see over and over as he rails— he’s getting ahead of himself.
Instead, he opts for a smirk, admiring the way your pretty eyes hold his gaze this time. He relaxes back into his chair, daring you to say something as he smiles with a hint of satisfaction…and all the cockiness his body can handle.
You shyly look back at your phone, failing to hide the smile that invades your face. It takes Eddie a moment to gain the courage, but he finally decides he can’t let you go if he's nursing a hard on in the fucking waiting room from your gaze alone.
By the time he finds a pen and paper to give your number, he’s writing it down when the nurse calls your name.
Eddie sighs, watching your ass in those jeans as you walk away. Just his luck.
As the new year passes, the memory of the hot stranger in the waiting room fades, much to your dismay.
The very night you had a dream where he meets you in some sort of dark room, tugging down your jeans you were wearing and wrapping those hands around your neck as he fucked you from behind.
Your hyperventilating mixed with the way your cunt spasmed as you came woke you up, taking a minute to catch your breath. That morning you groaned in frustration, wanting nothing more but to track him down.
Days passed and soon you’re in the grocery store, arm still wrapped for another week as you walk around the store for some basics. Milk, eggs, bread, all on your mother’s tab, of course. You were two seconds away from pushing your small cart to the checkout counter when you remember you're out of mouthwash.
As you try to decide whether to grab the one you liked which was not on sale or the one that was, a set of footsteps pass and settle right next to you, the customer also assessing mouth hygiene products.
The person's foot tapped, and by reflex you switch your glance down to the sound, and immediately recognize the boots. Your head moves up so fast you swear you give yourself whiplash to his face, facing the shaggy locks you found yourself obsessed with that night in the ER.
“Oh shit” you say out loud, before you could even stop it.
His eyes flicker to yours and recognize you off the bat. His smile gives way to deep dimples. He’s exactly as hot as you remember, if not more.
Of course, you can’t find it in yourself to assume he recognizes you, even if his eyes spell it out for you. “Sorry, I-I just remember you from the ER last month. How’s that stab wound?”
He chuckles, something that makes your legs clench together. “Uh, it’s better.” He comments, lifting his shirt to demonstrate. Is it unnecessary for Eddie to show his stitches? Absolutely. Did he do it for the visual reaction he missed so much? Also, yes.
Unfortunately, his bare waist is gone as soon as it appears, barely giving you a second to take in the purple stitches. You bite your lip as you glance at his face, his smirk displayed almost driving a whimper out of you.
“How’s your arm?”
“What?” You ask, incredibly distracted by the everything about him.
He chuckles pointing to the wrapped arm you can’t use as you shopped but to push the cart. “Oh, one more week then I’m free.” You comment, indicating the gauze.
“That’s good.” He comments, switching his glance back to the toothbrushes he was glancing at earlier.
How are you already messing this up? Might as well cut your losses. “Alright, nice seeing you, again.”
“Whoa, whoa.” He says, grabbing at your uninjured arm before you make your hasty exit. Your eyes peer at him curiously, wondering what he could’ve possibly wanted. “Here,”
His hands move to the leather jacket and grab a folded piece of paper to hand out to you. “What’s that?”
“My number” he answers, stating the obvious. “Shoot me a text, call me, I don’t care. Just do it. Please.”
“You’re really giving your number on a piece of paper?” You ask, tilting your head and forgetting your nervousness for two seconds. “What is this, 1986?”
He laughs, deep and whole, and for some reason it causes a heart palpitation. “Yeah, I guess I am. I planned on giving it to you at the ER, but the nurse whisked you away before I could.”
“Huh?” You ask, your brain short circuiting.
He laughs again as you accept the number, your hands holding onto it tightly as if it might disappear. He picks a toothbrush, seemingly at random and examines it, shrugging as he tosses it into his basket. “Call me,” he says, winking, and walks away from where he came from.
As he walks away, his cologne invades your senses, breath stuttering as you breathe him in. Oh, you are definitely calling him.
As soon as you’re checked out, you find yourself having to use the bathroom, so you wander to the back of the store and down the hall where the single unisex bathroom is.
It’s locked, so you check your phone as you wait, leg shaking to distract yourself from the need. When the bathroom door opens, you look up to face the patron and your brain deflates.
“Holy shit.” You gasp, facing the kind stranger, whose name you learned is Eddie from the number he gave you. You stare at one another, taking each other in, your breath heavy and your heartbeat in your ears. Why were you here, again?
Instantaneously, his hands are grabbing at the fabric of your winter jacket, tugging you forward as he places his lips on yours. Your bags drop from your hands as you gasp in surprise, your brain taking a moment to catch up.
As soon as it does, you grab onto his jacket and kiss him back, meeting his enthusiasm feverishly. His tongue darts out to meet yours, you accept it wholeheartedly, taking in how weak his lips alone make you feel.
Eddie starts to pull you backwards and into the bathroom. As soon as the door is closed, you’re pushed up against the wall, whimpering as he moves his body against you. “Fuck.” He whispers against your lips, taking a moment to catch his breath.
You hum in response, lips reaching for him again. As you do, your hands sneak past his jacket and onto his t-shirt, clutching at the fabric as you finally feel up his torso.
“Nuh uh.” He tsks, pulling back from you. When you pout, he laughs and gives you a look of pity. “I just gotta know one thing, there, sweetheart.”
“Anything.” You promise, not knowing what you’re getting into. You just wanted his lips back on yours.
“Anything, huh?” He asks, slightly taunting you. “Okay.” He leans down, breathing down your neck as he places his lips by your ear. “What were you thinking about in that waiting room while you ogled me, sweetheart?”
Okay, not that. You sigh in embarrassment, learning he knew exactly what you were thinking while you gawked at his chest, gawked at him.
“Don’t act all embarrassed, now.” He chides, observing how your eyes widen just how he remembered. “Tell me. Tell me and we’ll do every raunchy little thing that pretty brain came up with.” He taps the tip of your nose gently with the pad of his finger. You wish he'd shove it past your lips.
Your eyes widen as the arousal floods the panties you wear. All you can do is breathe hard and attempt to find the words.
“Let me help you.” He says, shifting his weight against you slightly. “Was it my hands down those tight ass jeans you were wearing?” You gasp as his fingers barely graze your jeans’ waistband. “Or even better was my tongue on that wet cunt of yours?” You shake your head no, as much as you wanted both of those things. You didn’t even get that far. “Were you on your pretty knees?” Finally, you nod, confirming exactly what you were thinking about.
“Your cock was down my throat while I nuzzled your…” you trail off, lifting his shirt to see the patch of hair again, “oh my god.”
He chuckles, rewarding you with a wet and dirty kiss. All too soon, he pulls away. “Then what, baby?”
Your mind is dumb, trying to come up with it. “Then…then you bent me over and fucked me—” you whine as his knee bucks up between your legs and makes harsh contact with your cunt, “with your hand around my throat.”
“Jesus Christ,” he swears, teeth gritted as he gives you a look at screams with lust. “Believe me, if you asked, I would’ve.”
“Yeah?” You ask, licking your lips as your head leans back into the door. “What about your cut?”
“To hell with my cut! I had a pretty girl practically giving me the eyes, you think I care about some little scratch?”
You stare at him in disbelief, your body and breaths stilling for a minute. “Then do it.”
Eddie smirks at you, and you stare at his pretty pink lips as he leans in and kisses you, both impossibly dirty and sweet simultaneously. Eddie’s knee contacts your cunt again, this time forcing a moan out your lips. Blindly you move your hand down his chest, finally gripping the hard-on straining against the fabric of his jeans.
He gives you his first moan, a sound that opens the floodgates. “Wanna get on those knees for me, baby?”
You nod, giving one last kiss to the spot where his jaw meets his neck. Slowly, you kiss your way down his body where finally you find yourself face to face with the cock that’s pushing its way out of his pants. You fumble with the button for a second before you finally reveal him, and it’s so much better than you could’ve imagined.
So much bigger, too.
You smile up at him through your eyelashes, grateful for fates allowing you in the same place at the same time. He places his hand under your chin, licking his lips as he examines your expression of desire. “Suck my cock, baby.”
You eye his treasure trail, dipping your nose into it as you inhale his musk, uninjured hand wrapping around his thick girth. You mewl at the scent; the aroma is even better than you had imagined. One of his large hands slides itself gently along your cheek, his long thumb stroking at the apple of your sweet smile. You stare up at him, kissing the underside of the head of his cock with wet lips. Your tongue pokes out, flat as you lick it slowly, taking your sweet time, admiring the way he lets out whimpers.
This urges you to wrap your lips around the head, your cheeks hollowing out as you suck on it gently. You take your lips off him, spitting the excess saliva in your mouth onto his shaft, your hand slowly moves up and down, jerking his length to spread the slick along his cock. The shine is pretty, the spit accentuating the pink blush.
“Pretty cock,” you compliment him, laughing breathily as you go cross-eyed just staring at it. “Tastes better than I thought it would.”
“Did you think about tasting my cock, sweet girl?”
You wrap your lips around him again, bobbing your head up and down as you confirm what he asked with a simple hum. He’s big, the tip hitting the back of your mouth and that wasn’t even half of it. You choke on him, the guttural sounds echoing loudly against the tiled walls. A want of more of him in your mouth invades your mind, not tasting nearly enough of him.
You attempt to take in more of him, choking on it even more but struggling to, despite the desperate need. “Settle down, sweet girl,” he mutters, harshly brushing his fingers against your cheek as he peers down at you. “Relax your throat. Take all those tense muscles and relax ‘em.” You think about it, letting those reflexes remain tense to rest. You’re holding back more saliva, but you fail to realize it until your mouth is flooded with spit, overflowing past the barrier of your lips. “Oh, good girl.”
It's alien but mind numbingly arousing as you feel him move down your throat, moaning around him. His fingers comb through your hair, and roughly move against your scalp. “That’s it, breathe through your nose, sweets.”
The heel of his palms rest on your forehead, moving you up and down his cock. You find it stupidly easy to submit to him, the tip hitting roughly against the back of your throat. His groans are louder than the guck, guck, guck that are hitting wall to wall against the tiles. He’s brutal about it, increasing his speed from 0 to 100 quick as a thought.
Hot tears spill over your water line down your cheeks, trailing the makeup you wear down to your throat. Your hands weave themselves against the cotton of his t-shirt, fighting to keep letting him fuck your throat. “You’re so damn good at this, sweetheart, pretty little mouth working so well.”
He finally lets go, poking his cock against the inside of your cheek one last time, appreciating the swell as the glistening from your tears shine on your face. He uses his thumb to lift your chin up to him, his darkened eyes raking over your face. His pink lips parted, his dilated pupils, the heaving of his chest, there’s nothing you’d want more than to earn this gaze again. “C’mere.”
He lifts you by your chin up to kiss you, dirtily lacing his tongue against yours. “What a good girl you are, taking it so well.” A smile lights up your face from his praise. He tugs you back in for another one, a hum vibrating against his lips. A hand of his trails down your body, single handedly unbuttoning your jeans. “Good work like that deserves a reward, hmm?”
His large hand moves past the opened fly and works itself against your panties. A gasp escapes your mouth only at the touch of his fingers on your covered folds, mewling as he keeps his eyes trained on yours. He’s not even really moving them against you, but just his touch gives you some of the pressure you needed. “Christ, you’re wet,” he comments, dipping his head to work his tongue against your pulse. “Choking on my cock really got you off, huh?”
You nod, eagerly agreeing with him. “So big.”
He smirks, pressing pressure on your clothed folds, in small circles. “You like my big cock, huh? Is it as big as you thought it would be?”
“Bigger,” you gasp, hands grabbing on any clothes he wears anxiously.
His finger easily moves the fabric aside, finger attaching itself right to your clit. The pleasure is good, eyes fluttering closed as it grows startlingly fast. “Fuck,” you swear, your voice rough. “Eddie.”
“Hmm, close?” You nod, despite the embarrassment that floods your senses. “I haven’t even started to touch you yet, baby. I still wanted to feel that tight pussy wrapped around my fingers.”
His actions mimic his words, inserting two fingers hastily into you, moving them expertly as they fuck you. With how wet you are, his two digits slide in easily. They’re long, reaching a depth in you that you could only dream about. You gush around him, music to his ears as your whimpers grow more and more pathetic. His thumb touches your clit again, rubbing frantically.
You gasp, mewling as his teeth start to nibble skillfully along the length of your neck. “Oh my god.”
Eddie’s tongue licks a sinfully long stripe up your neck to your ear, his voice intense and husky. “Cum all over my fingers, sweetheart, make a fucking mess for me.” Your hand tangles into his hair, gripping at his root. You stutter through a sentence of whines and half-finished words, failing to convey how good his fucking fingers make you feel. “So pathetic, huh?”
The words that you wanted to say were, you make me feel so good. Instead, you say, “M-ak-m, so-so good.”
Your good arm wraps itself around his shoulders, pulling his body against yours. Against your better judgment, your other hand moves his chin so your lips kiss his desperately, wanting every wet touch of them on yours. Your whimper into his mouth, pussy fluttering around his fingers as you finally cum, drenching his fingers just as he had requested.
“There she is,” he mutters, his flat palm moving under your jacket and shirt and grazing gently along your bare torso.
It takes you a second to recover from it, still feeling the effects of it throughout your body as it lingers. You unzip your jacket, letting it fall on the bathroom floor. You can’t find it in yourself to care for the moment, but it will find itself in the wash later. As it’s a walk-in bathroom, there are poles next and adjacent to the toilet. Perfect.
“Fuck me?” You ask, eyes glazed over as they reach his.
He chuckles, hands landing on your hips. Your jeans are pushed down your legs, resting just below your knees. “I thought you'd never ask, sweets.”
You grin, pushing his jacket off his shoulders onto the floor. Before it even hits the floor, you grab onto the fabric of his shirt and step backward over your own jacket to pull him across the room to the said metal bar installed on the wall.
His fingers slink into his pocket that’s now down his leg, holding a condom between you and him. You pick it up from his fingers and fling it across the room. “I’m on birth control.”
Eddie’s hands grab under your legs when your back hits the wall, supporting you surprisingly well as your ass rests on his forearms.
He sighs, eyes half mooned as he stares down at you. “My arms are occupied, mind helping me out here?”
You giggle, spitting on your hand and grabbing between the two of you at the cock that keeps brushing against your inner thigh, moving it against your entrance. It slides in easily, the mushroom tip pushing in as two of you moan in sync. Your hand moves to the bar on the wall, starting to help him as you lean some of your weight onto it.
“How is your pussy even better than I thought it’d be?” Eddie asks, gasping in uneven breaths.
“So, so full,” you gasp back, his size far bigger than you’ve ever had. “So big.”
“You’re fucking tight, sweets.” He mutters, jaw dropping as he watches you watching him.
“Move.” You urge him, the stretch too much yet his still hips are driving you crazy. “Need you to move,” It comes out as a pathetic whine and you know it, but you’re long past caring at this point.
“Say no more,” Eddie mutters, starting to move slowly, his hips rolling perfectly against you.
He hits deep and he hits hard. “Just like that! Fuck!”
“Your pussy, fuck, baby, yours is just a new fucking standard!”
You curl into his neck, nipping and starting to mark the pale skin with purple, teeth digging in harder the faster and harder he fucks. You can’t answer his compliment, but the way you tighten around him is confirmation enough that you are in complete agreement with him. It’s like he knows exactly how you like it before you tell him, intuitively knowing you before even has the opportunity to find out.
He watches every reaction you give him carefully, how your legs tighten around his waist, your hands twisting themselves in his shirt, the mewls that leave your mouth mixed with words that you never finish, he takes every hint as gospel. He’s always intuitive to what a partner of his needs, but you’re a special case, every reaction you give him only makes him insatiable for more. The way your eyes roll back in your head is everything he’s ever wanted to see from you and more, never could he have imagined anything like this when you glanced at him in the E.R.
“Fuck, your pussy is so good, I’m gonna cum, sweets,” Eddie moans, fingers digging into your bare thigh, the pressure surely bruising the skin.
“Choke me.” You gasp, voice desperate for him.
“Hands are occupied, babe.” He answers, gruff and brows furrowed.
You tap the bar, using both hands now. “I got it.”
He whines, high-pitched and gorgeous. The kind of whine you listen to on men whimpering audios. Maybe you can make it happen more. Maybe one day he’ll let you worship him for a few hours…the idea is enticing. His large hand wraps itself around your throat, the metal of his rings causing harsh friction on your neck. He admires the way you revel in it, tongue poking out of your mouth like the slut you are for him. “You’re more of a slut than I thought you are, hmm?”
You nod, his strong arm flexed and mouth watering. The drool that slips down your tongue is pure proof of it, dampening your shirt in a little streak.
“What a good little pathetic slut,” he grins, rubbing your jawline with his thumb. His grip tightens, only enough to send stars in your vision.
You tap his arm, begging him for air. “A slut for you.” You gasp, whining for him. “Want your cum, please, please cum in me.”
“Can you beg for me one more time?” He asks, your question almost making him erupt on the spot.
“Please, please, please,” you beg, arms starting to lose their strength. “I wanna be dripping from you, so bad.”
“Yeah, want Daddy’s cum?” he asks, hands gripping into your hair.
Of course, this man has a daddy kink, you couldn’t expect anything less from him. “Yes, Daddy.” You whine, grinning at his hold on you. “Fill me up.”
“Baby, Daddy’s gonna fill you up—Jesus Christ.” He interrupts himself, cutting himself off as he ruts into you a final, gasping, sweaty time. He twitches in you, feeling him fill you up as some of starts to trickle out of your pussy and down your thigh.
His hand lets go of your hair, wrapping around your torso as he pulls you into an embrace. This is the kind of sex that takes time to recover from, both out of breath, his dick still twitching. A smile takes over your features, invading every muscle in your face.
“So, think you’re gonna call me?” He asks, hand moving itself under your shirt to gently brush against your bare skin.
“I’ll definitely text you.” You answer, chuckling at the annoyed look he shoots you when he pulls back in your embrace. “Oh, come on.”
He chuckles, and for some odd reason the last thing you expect from him is another kiss, his lips working marvelously against yours. They’re much gentler, much sweeter than you expected, yet everything you’d crave from him.
“What was that?” You ask, watching his two gorgeous brown eyes.
“What, you think I’m gonna let you go after that?” He asks, half a smile on his face. “Wanna come to my place later?”
“Later?” You ask, one eyebrow quirked at him.
“I’m heading home right now, wanna join me?” He kisses the top of your eyebrow, your cheekbone, your jawline, your still covered shoulder. “I kind of need to spend a few hours with my nose buried in that pretty little cunt of yours.”
Your jaw drops, your mouth drying completely from his admission. “Y-yeah, th-that sounds nice.”
He laughs at your stutter; your pussy having tightened around him upon the mention of it.
Three knocks hit the door, loud and abrupt. “Hurry the fuck up!”
You look at one another with wide eyes, laughing at the disruption. He backs up, his cock leaving your entrance being a loss you whimper at. “Don’t worry, sweets. I will fuck you more than enough times to satisfy that need.”
“Dunno,” you start, legs shaky as you land on them, “I think I’m pretty insatiable at this point.”
“Then we’ll just have to keep going, won’t we?” Eddie asks, pulling his jeans and boxers up his legs.
“And if I’m never satisfied?” you ask, tilting your head as you pull up your own pants.
“Well then I guess we’ll just never stop.”
You grin at his answer, biting your lip excitedly.
The silence is comfortable as you pick your jackets back up and the bags on the ground. His fingers intertwined with yours, leading you down the hall past the angry customer and out the front door of the store.
He offers to eventually take you back to your car when you need to go back home, wanting more time with you even if it’s the mere ten minutes that it takes to get to his apartment.
Not one moment is wasted as he yanks you to his bedroom, pushing you onto his bed. As promised, your jeans are yanked down your legs quick as can be, burying his nose deep in your cunt.
Only after the eighth orgasm does Eddie yank off your clothes, followed by his, finally skin against skin as he rails you in every position, even the ones you didn’t know were possible.
You might have to thank your brother for spraining your wrist, it’s the best thing he’s ever done for you.
Thanks for reading! I read every comment and tag you leave and as always reblogging is the best way to support fic writers on tumblr
taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinnschesthair @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you @names-were-taken @oddussy420
taglist for Waiting Room Problems: @skrzydlak @delicatechaos @ali-r3n @suckerz @cam-peggio @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @emxxblog @lilrubles @dandelionnfluff @babygirl229 @let-love-bleeds-red @kurdtbean
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lordprettyflackotara · 2 months
sandman || fred weasley
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smut 18+, minors dni
You lacked the capability to relax.
Being in Ravenclaw the expectations of the world were on your shoulders, not including the dementors that circled Hogwarts walls that made your skin crawl.
You had been up late studying with Hermione in the Gryffindor common room, who had already been dragged to bed by Ginny.
Clutching your quill you continued to scribble on the parchment paper, your temple beginning to throb.
“How did a Raven manage to fly into the lions den this late at night?” Fred Weasley’s recognizable voice asked you. You poked your head up from your Herbology textbook, Fred’s curious eyes watching you.
“I was studying with Hermione, she ditched me early. So much for an all nighter,” You explained, marking your page. You resisted the urge to fold the corners, placing your quill in between the pages about gillweed.
“Granger going to bed early to avoid studying? How out of character. Did you give her some of our drowsy draught potion?” Fred teased. You giggled, watching the lean quidditch player approach you. A white wife beater revealed how much muscle he truly had, his usual robes keeping them concealed.
He strode over to you confidently, taking a seat on the floor beside you. The fireplace cackled behind you, the warmth of the fire drawing Fred closer. “It’s almost three am, do you plan on sleeping?” Fred asked curiously. You knew as well as he did that he was notorious for sleeping through anything. Including the dreadful hail storm that once terrorized Hogwarts.
“I’m basically an insomniac at this point, I can’t relax for more than five seconds without racking my brain to solve an equation,” You admitted sheepishly. You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear as Fred leaned back on his hands. “Here turn your back towards me, I have some legit magic that’ll help you relax,” Fred told you. You hesitantly raised your eyebrow. The ginger tended to be a mischievous prankster, even if you weren’t a victim of his tricks.
“And you’re not going to prank me?”
“Pfft, of course not,”
“Promise Weasley?”
“I promise,”
You shifted around, your back now turned to Fred as you pulled your skirt down. You weren’t sure what to expect, acutely aware of how close you both were. Fred brushed your hair away from your back and over your shoulder, before beginning to massage your shoulders. “I thought you said this was magic,” You say timidly, his large hands massaging your skin with ease. Fred chuckled at your response, brushing some of his shaggy hair out of his face.
Merlin he needed a haircut.
“Yes this is the magic of relaxation,”
Your tense body began to slowly relax under Fred’s touch, the gingers eyes scanning your neck.
“Looks like you’re good at something other than pranks Weasley,” You say teasingly. Fred rolled his eyes. “I’m good at quidditch too ya know,” He countered. Fred could feel himself growing flustered as he continued massaging you, his eyes wondering down your figure.
“Your neck looks pretty tense, I can fix that for you if you want. I’ll just need you to turn around,” Fred offered, trying to appear cool and confident. You felt your face flush pink as you shifted around, facing him. You had never gotten a chance to interact with Fred one on one, George always connected to his hip.
The moment seemed oddly intimate, even though you had never considered relationships or sex worth your time. Yet the ginger sat in front of you with his large hands and soft lips, practically begging for you to kiss him. You had never considered yourself to be attracted to Fred Weasley, yet your body was yearning for more of his touch.
Fred couldn’t contain himself anymore, closing the gap between your lips and his. He tasted faintly of butterbeer, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips danced against his. Your arms found themselves around his neck, Fred’s hands slithering down to your waist. In a swift motion he had pulled you onto his lap, straddling him in front of the fire. Your fingers found his hair, small groans being swallowed by him as your hips bucked against his.
You could feel a wet patch growing in your panties, the soaked fabric rubbing right against Fred’s growing boner. His large hands slipped up your skirt, grabbing your ass. Your hips grinded against his, lust boiling in your stomach. “I wanna taste you,” Fred muttered against your lips, his words a confession. You felt heat rush to your cheeks as you briefly pulled away, Fred’s lips almost chasing yours.
“W-what Weasley?”
Fred brought his thumb to your lower lip, dragging it downwards.
“I want your lips wrapped around my cock as I make you cum on my face,”
His filthy words sent a shiver of arousal down your spine, right down to your cunt.
You went to unzip your skirt before Fred grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Keep it on,” He whispered, his order teetering on the line of a plea. You swallowed as the ginger laid down in front of you, eagerly awaiting you. “I don’t wanna hurt you,” You admitted, causing the ginger to chuckle. You stood up, pushing your panties down to your ankles before stepping out of them.
“I’d be a lucky man if I were to die between your thighs. C’mere,” Fred told you. You kneeled down over his head, your cunt inches away from his face.
“Fred what if I crush-”
Your concern was silenced by Fred’s hands pushing you down onto his face. You whimpered as his warm tongue licked a stripe up your cunt before assaulting your clit. You felt your thighs tighten around his head as his hands kept you in place, your filthy noises becoming louder by the minute.
“Fuck, right fucking there,” You moaned, grinding your hips onto his mouth. His lips began to suck at your clit, causing your thighs to shake. Your eyes centered on Fred’s boner, his cock throbbing inside of his pajama pants. You leaned forward, hungrily shoving them down. The lack of boxers caused you to giggle as his cock landed on his stomach.
“No underwear huh? Naughty boy,” You teased. A sharp smack landed on your bare ass, causing you to winch in pain for a brief moment before Fred’s tongue brought you back to ecstasy.
The ginger was longer than you expected him to be. You took his shaft into your hands, bringing it into your mouth. A soft groan was muffled by your folds, encouraging you to sink your head further down onto his cock. You took as much of him as you could in your mouth, using your hand to jerk the rest of his cock.
Fred admired your determination and for a brief moment he considered switching positions, the thought of you on your knees for him mouth watering. Yet, there was something about having your pretty lips wrapped around his cock as he was buried into your pussy that pleased him more.
You tasted divine, much sweeter than any other girl he had fooled around with. He licked up your cunt, pushing his tongue inside of your hole. You were involuntarily animalistic, your hips having a mind of their own as Fred laid there in heaven.
Fred’s hips were beginning to do the same, bucking upwards. His cock hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag as saliva trailed down your chin. Fred momentarily pulled away from your dripping cunt, smirking as your juices coated his lips and chin. You took him out of your mouth, gasping for air.
“You sound so pretty when you gag on my cock. Do it again and i’ll make you cum,” Fred ordered. You tried to grind down onto Fred’s face but his strong hands kept you in place. You could feel his warm breath a mere inch away from your cunt, taunting you.
The idea of cumming on Fred Weasley’s face had never been more appealing to you.
Desperately you brought his cock back to your lips, shoving it down your throat. You forced yourself to keep his shaft in place as you gagged around him. Saliva was trailing down your chin and neck, beginning to dampen your blouse.
“Such a good listener aren’t we? What a good girl,” Fred praised, kitten licking your folds. You pulled back, inhaling deep breaths of air.
“Now be a good girl and ride my face until you make yourself cum,”
You leaned back hesitantly, gripping his chest for support as he placed his mouth back onto your cunt. It was as if he somehow had memorized your body, his tongue licking every right place. Your moans were sinful enough to wake up the entire Gryffindor house and it was a miracle no one had bothered to go into the common room.
“Freddie, I, fuck-” You groaned, a familiar knot in your stomach forming. His lips had wrapped themselves around your clit, sucking harshly at the sensitive bud as your thighs trembled around his head. His large hands kept you on his face, refusing to let you move away.
You could feel your cunt clench around nothing as your thighs began to shake, squeezing Fred’s head unintentionally. Unholy moans that were mantras of his name echoed off of the common room walls as you came. Euphoria had washed over you, your nails digging into Fred’s chest.
Fred licked and sucked at your clit until you slowly lifted off of him, your knees almost buckling as you shifted away from his face. You weakly sat beside him, your after orgasm glow apparent to the ginger in front of you. “Look at you, you’re so cute,” Fred teased, using his thumb to wipe away the remaining spit on your chin.
In a swift motion you brought your lips back to his, Fred rising to his knees. You could taste your juices on his lips as you roughly meshed your lips against his. Fred couldn’t take it anymore, pulling away to meet your gaze. He shrugged his wife beater over his head, discarding it without a second thought.
“Bend over for me, yeah?”
You turned around, bending over in front of him without a second thought. You could feel him lubricate the tip of his cock by running it up and down your folds. The sensation of it hitting your abused clit made you shiver. “You have no idea how long i’ve thought about doing this,” Fred confessed. A cool breeze hit your bare skin as Fred lifted up your skirt, exposing your ass in full to him. As he pushed inside of you his fingers gripped your waist forcefully, as if he were afraid you’d disappear.
“So full- shit,” You groaned, your eyes screwing shut as he bottomed out.
“You’re practically fucking milking my cock, merlin, you slut,” Fred groaned. Your cunt only clenched around him tighter at the sound of his degrading words, causing him to smirk.
He began picking up the pace, fucking into you slowly. Your noises only grew louder as his hips began to snap into yours faster. Fred’s thrust were merciless, his body chasing an ecstasy only you could provide.
Strings of curses mixed in with your name left Fred’s lips as he watched his cock go in and out of you. He was so deep inside of you that you almost thought you were seeing stars, your body drunk off of the feeling of his cock.
“You feel so good Freddie, so fucking- good,” You slurred, your words of encouragement only making Fred pound into you faster. His cock was abusing your g spot, causing your legs to shake as your knees dug into the carpet below you. You could feel the rug digging into your skin, making it raw which each thrust.
“I wanna fuck you everyday, make you my personal Raven,” Fred grunted. He could feel you getting closer to your final high, his hand slithering down to your swollen clit. You began to squirm as his fingers circled around your sensitive bud, unable to handle the fast circles he was drawing. “Oh- i’m gonna cum, I can’t, fuck!” You cried, your walls spasming as Fred ripped you into a state of euphoria.
Fred fucked you through your orgasm mercilessly, ravishing in the sight of you in a state of pure bliss. He was so focused on you that by the time he tried to pull out his cock it was too late, his cum painting the inner walls of your cunt. Your body was spent, slumping over onto the floor as Fred pulled out of you.
Two orgasms was all it took to get you to finally go to sleep. Fred smirked to himself as he shoved his pajama pants back on, your small sleeping body curled up into a ball in front of the fire. He grabbed your things, shoving them into a bag he knew he’d deliver to you in the afternoon when you ran into each other in defense against the dark arts.
He eyed your panties on the floor, contemplating putting them back on you. Instead a more mischievous thought came to mind, which caused him to decide to shove them in his pocket instead. He picked up your body up bridal style, carrying you upstairs to the girls dorm. Fred knocked on the door, hoping whichever gryffindor girl opened it wouldn’t be a first year.
A sleepy Hermione Granger opened the door, rubbing her eyes as her vision settled. “Y/n is still here?” She asked. Her mind was already scrambling itself on what to do, the responsibility of being a prefect weighing on her shoulders. “Yeah she finally just went to sleep, I don’t think I can deliver her to Ravenclaw tower at this hour,” Fred shrugged. Hermione stared at Fred, shirtless and hair messy. He looked like a wreck, and you didn’t look much better.
Questions were on the tip of her tongue, ones she decided could wait until the morning. Hermione knew there were a few extra beds that were designated for first years, but in emergencies they would have to do. “The spare beds are to the right, be very quiet and don’t pull anything stupid,” Hermione said sternly. Fred carried you inside of the room, ignoring the dozens upon dozens of sleeping gryffindor girls. Hermione trailed close behind him, ensuring he wasn’t up to any funny business.
“How’d you get her to go to sleep anyways? Shes practically an insomniac,”
Fred shrugged, laying you down and bringing the red colored comforter up to your shoulders.
“I’m not sure myself, guess you can call me the sandman,”
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belleski · 1 month
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an easy drawing while i try to get back on my feet after uni, i wanted to figure out their designs for a comic idea
[Image description] A digital illustration of Ned Chicane, Duck Newton and Aubrey Little from the adventure zone . Ned is a tall man with pale skin and shaggy long grey hair, as well as a beard and prominent mustache. He is wearing a blue suit over a pink striped shirt with red dress shoes. He's got a Ouija board tucked under his arm and a large walking stick crossed over his shoulder. Hes looking to the right with a pained smile. Above him there is text that reads 'thinking about house fires' with an arrow pointing towards him. Standing to his right is Duck, a man with tanned skin and greying brown hair and an weary looking expression. He is wearing a green and tan park rangers uniform and is holding a finger up to the blaring fire held in Aubrey's hand directly next to him. The text pointing towards him reads 'Thinking about forest fires. Aubrey is holding up a fire is her hand with a somewhat maniacal, but triumphant expression. Aubrey is a black woman with dreadlocks dyed bright red. Shes wearing a black jacket with fire detailing over a red shirt, as well as black shorts,leggings and boots. Pointing towards her, the text box read 'Thinking about fire(s)' End ID
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greenishghostey · 2 years
It's Fantasy, babe
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Pairing: Eddie Muson x fem!reader
Summary: You decide to indulge in a fun fantasy with your boyfriend: Eddie, sneaking into your room and cumming inside you.
Warnings: This fic contains graphic 18+ content. Please do not engage with you are underage! Unprotected sex, penetrative sex, rough but with lots of love, established relationship, fingering, fluffy smut, Eddie cannot shut up ever, enthusiastic consent, Eddie just trying rock your world as best he can
A/N: This is the first smut I've ever written and I promise I tried my best. The idea had been rolling around in my head for a while so I bit the bullet and just tried it. DO NOT REPOST OR EDIT MY WORK
The discussion between you and Eddie had been a long time coming. You’d found a particularly filthy romance novel about a princess and her noble knight. They’d shared a night together rolling around in her royal quarters, and he came in her until she was dripping, full and shaking. He had snuck into her rooms after the castle fell asleep, embraced her in her soft, flowing nightgown and showed her heaven and hell simultaneously.
You wanted that too. You wanted to be the princess. You wanted Eddie to push your legs back, knees to your ears and fuck his cum into your cunt as many times as he wanted to - possibly even making love to you at the same time. You weren’t going to be too picky. You wanted your soft pastel blue bedsheets to be stained and sticky under your ass as he. Just. Kept. Going.
Eddie had jumped at your request for him to sneak in on Friday night after your parents fell asleep. They’d had busy weeks at work. They wouldn’t be stirring until at least 10 am the next morning.
And that was how you found yourself under the gorgeous weight of Eddie’s naked form. He was smiling down with immeasurable happiness. He was so warm and solid and beautiful. Dreamy was the word that came to your mind. So dreamy, so pretty, and all yours.
His thick, calloused fingers were deep in your soaked cunt, massaging and stretching your puffy walls. Eddie always did this thing with his middle and ring finger, crooking them up to push you to the edge of orgasm and keep you there for a while. You said he only did it to show off his guitarist fingering skills; he said he did it because he just loved you that much.
“Gotta get you ready for me, princess. You wanted a long night, and you’re gonna get it.” He teased before licking a long, fat stripe up the column of your neck. “God, babe, I’m gonna slip right in. She missed meeee.” Eddie chuckled as you gripped his fingers and wiggled your hips. He had to appreciate that his being a little goofy during sex still got you squirming. 
“Eddie,” you whined, groping your tits and gazing up at him through half-lidded eyes, “Hurry. Up.” You moved to knot your fingers in his shaggy hair, now grinding desperately on his fingers - one of his rings bumping against your clit and fuck. You came with a muffled moan, Eddie having quickly silenced you in a deep kiss. He made sure that his tongue tasted every pretty noise you were making for him.
Eddie’s chest heaved as he pulled away. Like it was agony.
He ran the head of his swollen cock up and down your hole, pressing the tip in ever so slightly to have you claw at his forearms. You were going to draw blood from the bats, but, shit, it felt phenomenal. Nothing got his blood running hotter than seeing his lady all desperate. Craving, yearning, maybe even a little feral, much like himself.
“My girl wants it so bad, huh? My dick, my cum, me. Fuuuck, I love you.” He groaned, continuing to push his angry tip in and out of your cunt. He liked the tease of sex with you. The raw feeling of pushing both of you to the point of nearly mauling each other.
“Ed - Eddie, come on, please. I need you. I’ll ask so nicely if you want. Just-“ your pleas and begging were cut short by the glorious stretch of Eddie’s cock as he seated himself fully inside. It usually took some time for him to get in fully, but he was right; he slid right into the hot, sticky bliss. Your head slammed back into your fluffy pillows, and you had to bite your hand to contain the urge to scream. After two years of being together, he was still just so big. Fucking perfect, but still big. It would be best if you guys had done this at his place. Sure, the entire trailer park would find out that the Munson boy was getting his dick wet, but you would be able to be loud. However, the fantasy required your soft double bed and floral bedspread - your “chambers” that he would sneak into. 
The pace that was set immediately was brutal, like animals, like in the book. Yes, God, yes. It was all skin slapping skin and the obscene squelch of fucking without any barriers. Eddie leant down to press his forehead to yours so he could pant, whine and grunt into your mouth. He was so considerate when he was at your place and knew you guys had be quiet - well, quieter.
“You’re so so tight, baby. Is this what you wanted?” he whispered, hot breath fanning across your burning cheeks, “raw and fucking filthy in your nice, cosy bedroom, yeah?” He laughed breathily and moulded his full lips to yours. The slam of his hips never faltered as he grabbed and rubbed your waist - still maintaining a level of tenderness while splitting you open on his cock. He was chasing his orgasm with more desperation than usual. You made it clear that you would need to be leaking and creamy to fulfil this fun little fantasy, and who was he to deny the princess her requests? You’d been so damn polite when asking him for this too. 
“You said you wouldn’t laugh, Eds,” you murmured, pulling away from the searing kiss by literal millimetres. Legs wrapping around him and feet digging into his ass, he wasn’t going as deep as he could, and that needed to be changed. You could feel yourself gushing with every hard thrust, dangling on the precipice of cumming.
“Would never laugh at you. I’m having the time of my goddamn life here.” He sighed, a wide beaming smile spreading across his sweat-covered face. He was glowing under the light of your bedside lamp. Wow. Eddie’s big hands moved from your waist to the backs of your thighs. Yes, yes, yes, he hiked your legs up and back until you were folded in half. If you wanted deeper, then he was going to go as deep as physically possible. Eddie needed you to feel him in your fucking stomach.
Never in your life had you been so thankful for getting rid of your old spring mattress. Because the force behind Eddie’s thrusting was insane. He prided himself on having impressive stamina that only seemed to come out when he was inside you - quite frankly, Eddie never wanted to leave your cunt. That was especially the case now, with your toes accidentally tangling in his hair. “Oops, sorry,” you muttered, breaking away from your sex-induced haze to angle your feet differently. It would have been awkward, but this was with Eddie. Awkward was never even part of the conversation.
“You could kick me in the head right now, and I’d say thanks, don’t worry.” Eddie giggled, running a thumb over your sweaty cheek. He shifted slightly to get more comfortable for what he had planned - it might be a little risky, but it would be worth it. You reached up to fix the hair you’d messed up with your feet and giggled, but Eddie’s face showed that he was deep in thought about something. Before you could ask if anything was wrong, he spoke, “What’s on the other side of that wall?” He nodded his head towards the wall behind your metal-barred headboard.
“Linen closet, why?” you asked, the gears in your head turning quickly and figuring out his plan. He was calculating risk; you were so proud of him.
“And how far away is your parents' room?” 
“Other end of the hall.” Your breathing had moved onto panting now. The headboard had already started to knock against the wall a little, but Eddie was about to make it a whole lot worse. 
“Perfect. Hold these pretty legs back for me, please?” He was grinning like a horny maniac. You did as he asked almost a bit too quickly, holding your legs back and as wide as you could get them in your current position. “Atta girl. First load’s gotta be an extra special experience, right?” One of Eddie’s hands got a strong grip on your headboard while the other moved to flick and massage your clit in tight little circles. You whined at the contact, knowing that your fantasy was about to reach the first of several climaxes.
Eddie started up his almost punishing pace again. But this time, he had more leverage to force his cock into you and mould your walls to the shape of him. The squelch of fucking was somehow even louder than before. Now mixed with the sloppy sound of Eddie playing with your clit and grunting like an animal in heat. You weren’t much better with your whining and mewling. Reaching up to hold his ecstasy-coloured face as best you could.
“Aw, she’s all sensitive and weepy for me, isn’t she, babe?” Eddie groaned straight into your ear. Your legs had started to shake from just how deep you could feel his cock as it pounded into your g-spot. The reply he got from you was a sniffled nod and your big wet eyes staring up into his. “You wanna beg for it? I think you wanna beg for me to fill you up.” Fuck, he was so right. You hated when he was right.
“I-I need you to cum, Eds. I wanna feel it so fucking bad,” you hiccuped; it felt like you were on the verge of crying from how deliciously overwhelmed you were. “I’ve been good.” Eddie’s gaze snapped down to meet yours, and the look on his face was beautiful. His big eyes widened, and his jaw was slack as he whined at your comment. You had been such a good girl for him. You always were.
That did it. Eddie slammed into you with a few more, and his rhythm was pretty much gone by that point. When he came, he silenced his guttural wail by biting down on your shoulder hard. Normally, you would have scolded him for leaving a mark, but right now? It made the whole experience so much better as you came with him. 
The two of you stayed together, panting, for a while after that. Eddie didn’t want to pull out of you until he absolutely had to, and you relished in feeling his sweaty weight press you into the mattress. The intimacy for the moment was your favourite. For all that Eddie tried to make the world believe that he was mean and scary, he was far from it. He was practically purring as you ran your fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp - a big dorky smile on his face and everything. 
Eddie untangled himself from your body and sat up, scraping his hair out of his hair and fanning himself. The demon head on his chest was staring at you like it was proud. Bastard. Before you could form words to ask if Eddie needed water or anything, he flipped you over onto your stomach and pulled your ass up, back arching all pretty how he liked it. He stared at his cum oozing from your cunt in fascination. Yeah, you guys were going to be doing this again.
“Good for round two, sweetheart?” Eddie chirped, giving your ass a sharp smack. You whimpered and nodded - words wouldn’t be possible for the rest of the night; you could feel it in the throb of your clit. 
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oatflatwhite · 2 months
lest I go unsheltered
buck & maddie siblingism, post 7.04 | read on ao3
The last time Buck felt this nervous about talking to Maddie, he was fifteen and had scratched the Jeep. It was a real good one too, paint and metal flaked off the driver’s side door, the panelling beneath dented enough to catch when you tried to close it. Maddie and his parents were out for the night, and it hadn’t taken much convincing from his friend Andrew for Buck to lift the keys from the bowl on Maddie’s dresser and take it for a spin. When he’d scraped the door while parking Andrew had climbed out, taken one look at the car and fled. It wasn’t the kind of scratch you could buff out and besides, he and Maddie had promised a long time ago to be honest with each other. They were on the same team, always.
But Maddie had loved that Jeep. Buck remembers feeling sick to his stomach, practicing what he would say to her. He’s pretty sure he threw up over it.
He hopes he’s not gonna throw up now. Maddie’s in the kitchen, pouring enough red into their wine glasses Buck probably shouldn’t drive after drinking his. Chim’s doing something with Albert tonight and Jee is asleep, had been already when Buck got over here. He’d poked his head in to check on her and brushed an air kiss over her soft curls, so as not to wake her, in case she felt a real one. He’d stood from his crouch to find Maddie watching them in the doorway, her head leaned up against the jamb. She was smiling softly. When she saw him looking she lifted her hand, tilted it toward her mouth. Wine?
Jesus, he’d need it. Buck had nodded and followed Maddie from Jee’s room.
She brings the promised glass out, unnervingly full, and sits across from him on the couch with one leg on the floor, the other tucked up beneath her. Buck flicks his fingernail over the thin rim of the glass, listening to the sharp ring of it, until Maddie sighs and reaches over and puts her hand over his to stop it.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, not exactly kindly. Not accusatory either, just—exasperated. Her eyebrows have climbed halfway up her forehead but when Buck doesn’t answer straight away they draw back down, then further still, until she’s frowning. “Evan?”
I scratched the Jeep, Buck had blurted, almost twenty years ago now from the top of the stairs before Maddie had even taken her key out the door. She’d looked at him that same way, eyebrows drawing together, face scrunching into a scowl as the words registered. She’d said, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, and stomped back outside to take a look at the damage. She’d left her keys in the door.
Buck’s pretty sure she’ll have a different answer this time, but the words still stick in his throat. It feels like it did when she told him about Daniel, when everything in his life could be divided neatly down the line of before-I-knew, and after. He’s drawn a second line in his head without even realising it, but which side of it things are sitting on, he’s still figuring out. He’d taken Maddie’s Jeep to impress Andrew, was the thing, who had blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair and was always quick to smile, quicker, even, than Buck, though of course he’d only been Evan back then. C’mon, Ev, he’d pleaded, wide-eyed, glinting with mischief. He’d wound the windows all the way down as they drove, laughing, the sound carrying from the car and turning Hershey into something else entirely, something that clung at Buck’s heart and made him want to stay. At least, until two years later, when Andrew had gotten into Cornell and left Buck there, in Hershey, taking all the good things about it with him.
Should Buck have known, even then?
Maddie’s still looking at him. Buck wriggles his hand out from under hers and sets his wine on the coffee table. After a moment, she puts hers down too.
“I’m,” Buck says, and the word that should come after sticks in his throat. “Something—happened. I, um, I did something.”
“Oh-kay,” Maddie says slowly, drawing the word out like it’s two: Oh… kay. She brings her other leg up so she’s cross-legged on the couch. “Is it something bad? I don’t need to hide a body for you, do I?”
“What?” Buck laughs, a quick exhale through his nose. It’s enough to ease some of the tension in his shoulders and break Maddie’s face into a small smile. “No, nothing like that. Though I—I’m concerned that’s where your mind went first.”
She shrugs. “Chim and I’ve been marathoning Criminal Minds.”
“Ah.” He rubs at his mouth. “No, um. It’s not, like, a big deal, I guess. I mean—it is, but not—like that.”
“Okay.” She looks at him.
Buck had stayed at the top of the stairs until Maddie had come back inside. She’d taken a deep breath, slid her keys from the door, shut it behind herself and locked it. I’m really mad at you, she’d said, her voice level. And then she’d looked up at him, and sighed—maybe at the way he was clutching his hands round his shoulders. Maybe at the fact he hadn’t moved an inch since she got home. Maddie sighed a lot when she was here. At their parents, when they couldn’t go a single Sunday dinner without arguing. At Buck, when he spilled bright blue nail polish all over the carpet in her room. At Doug, over the phone, when she didn’t know Buck was listening.
She’d walked up the stairs and sat next to him on the landing. Their shoulders bumped together. But I’m really glad you told me, she’d said, then grabbed his head and scuffed her knuckles through his hair. You’re paying for the repairs, stupid. Which had been a lie, anyway.
Buck takes a breath. He lets it out all at once. Maddie’s looking at him steadily. “Tommy kissed me,” he says. “I kissed him back. We’re going on a date on Saturday and I. I think I like guys.” He swallows. “That’s, um, it.”
“Evan,” Maddie says, and then nothing else because she’s in his arms, hugging him. His hands come up to her shoulder blades, the wings of them beneath her sweatshirt, and he’s been bigger and taller than his older sister since his growth spurt when he was fourteen but right now it’s like that doesn’t even matter. She holds him like she won’t let go and that tiny knot of tension, that ugly scrunching of doubt that had been nestled in his chest—it releases. Of course, it seems to say. Of course it’s okay. Like Buck had been an idiot to ever think otherwise. Which—he’s often an idiot. Maddie loves him anyway.
“I’m sorry,” she says thickly, sounding suspiciously snotty where her face is pressed against Buck’s neck. “I don’t really know the right thing to say. I love you, Evan, I’m—so proud of you.”
Buck gives his own sniffle. “That works,” he manages to say, and then Maddie is pulling back, wiping at her eyes and under her nose. There’s a damp patch on the shoulder of Buck’s shirt, that she seems to use as a target when she socks him. “Ow. What was that for?”
“You’re an idiot!” She throws her hands into the air. “You were pulling—fucking—pigtails!” Each word is punctuated by another punch. There’s no weight behind them, and after the third Maddie sits back, takes a deep breath.
“Is this where you tell me that being mean to a boy isn’t the way to tell him I like him?”
“Seems like I don’t have to.” She presses her lips together, like she’s trying to still be mad, but it hardly lasts a second until her face splits into a smile. “Evan,” she says. “Oh my God. Okay.”
She leans over to scoop up their glasses of wine and presses Buck’s into his waiting hand, and they could be fifteen and twenty-three again, shoulder-to-shoulder on the landing of their house in Hershey. Twenty-seven and thirty-five, drinking wine on Abby’s couch. Twenty-nine and thirty-seven, sifting through a baby box of memories, stood just over the line between before and after. Although maybe Buck was wrong. Maybe there is no line—no clean way to divide a life that will always be messy, because that’s what life is, isn’t it?
Windows rolled down—nail polish on the carpet—a kiss you didn’t even know you wanted, until you did.
Maddie takes a big gulp of wine, and her eyes are sparkling, matching a smile that’s almost as wide as her face. “Tell me everything,” she says, and Buck laughs, and does.
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gracieheartspedro · 11 months
I Can See You
fem!reader x dbf!joel miller
Hi friends! It's been awhile (:
I am back to writing! This time, I'm planning on having many parts to this story. It's a DBF Joel Miller story, which I love to read, which means I had to write it, right?
I wrote this with no Y/N, instead each character gives her a nickname/pet name.
So here's Part 1, I really hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: DBF! Joel, age gap-ish (reader is 25, Joel is 39), eventual smut, joel being a little bit of a perv, reader not having a filter, alcohol consumption
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“Mornin’,” His Southern accent was even deeper than usual. My head peaks up from behind my computer, noticing his very tired eyes. The bags under his eyes still somehow did him justice. 
“Mornin’ Joel,” I mutter before taking a sip of my coffee. I watch as he finds his way towards my bosses office. He was only my boss at work, but at home he was just Dad. 
I watch his ass move in his jeans, shamelessly. 
Finding your coworker hot is one thing, it’s another when it’s also your dad’s friend and he was about 20 years older than you. 
I’ve thought Joel Miller was quite the looker since I was about 18. I had just started working for my dad. I was mainly just scheduling and doing work orders. Joel took me out to a work site one day, on my father’s request. He wanted me to get know some of the people who would be scheduling work from us. I got to sit around with the property manager of an apartment complex in a tight black dress in the dead of summer, watching guys replace windows. While outside that day, Joel worked alongside some of the laborers, his tanned skin and shaggy dark hair glistening with sweat. Something about him doing manual labor turned me on. Something awoke in me that day, and ever since then, I thirst over him in silence. 
I catch myself looking a bit too long, quickly averting my eyes to my computer screen. I act like I am typing something, glancing over to Joel and my dad walking out of his office together. They are discussing another project that Joel was overseeing that would keep him very busy in the upcoming months. 
“My girl here will be starting back at college in the fall, so she will only be part time for awhile,” My dad says, drawing attention to me. 
“Oh really, where ya going?” 
I blank out completely for a moment.
“UT Austin,” I finally answer.
“Smart girl, you living on campus?”
“Nope, just getting my master’s in Engineering so living from home makes the most sense.”
Joel shakes his head, “Master’s. Didn’t you just graduate high school?”
“I’m 25, Joel.”
His eyes scan me for a moment, realizing I’m much older than he remembers. 
“Ha,” He grumbles, “Time flies huh, Steve?”
“Sure does, you just wait for that Sarah of yours is off to college,” My dad laughs, slapping Joel’s shoulder. I wince, realizing again he has a young daughter. It wasn’t ideal, to say the least. 
“We got about 5 years on that,” Joel says, his eyes returning to mine, “Well it’ll be nice havin’ you around during our busy season.”
“Happy to help,” I reply, not really meaning it. 
“Hey, Joel, you and Sarah making an appearance at our BBQ this weekend? We invited the whole neighborhood and I can’t remember if you told me you’d be there.”
His eyes are still on me, “Yeah, I’ll be there,” his eyes return to my dad’s, “Just me and Tommy though, Sarah is goin’ over to a friend’s house.”
“Can’t wait!” My dad cheers, “Baby girl, can you make sure my schedule is cleared Friday evening so I don’t have to worry about when I can get the meat?”
“Of course, dad,” I grit my teeth, “I’m on it.”
“Hey baby girl, can you go grab me some extra plates?” 
My dad was over the top with his BBQs to say the very least. The whole neighborhood was in on it. Steaks, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, the whole thing. I spent all morning getting the huge backyard and cabana ready for all our visitors. We usually had someone come over to do all the setting up, but Dad made sure to remind me that I was living rent free and being paid on his payroll, so setting up was the least I could do. 
People littered the pool and backyard. I weave between people, giving smiles and welcomes where I could.
I walk in to the kitchen, the cold AC air hitting my bare arms. Luckily, I was wearing shorts over my bikini shorts, or else the goose bumps would be up and down my legs, too. I begin searching the cabinets for the large serving plates you always used for big gatherings. Leaning down, my triangle bikini top almost lets my boobs loose. I sit up straight, messing with the knots on my back. I knew tightening it could only help so much.
“Need help?” I almost jump out of my skin. I turn quickly, spotting Joel Miller standing in the kitchen with me.
“Shit, you fucking scared me,” I breathe loudly, patting my chest to make my heart stop racing, “I think I can get it.”
“Mhm,” He sticks a tooth pick between his teeth, “Lemme help, girl.”
God he was so fine. I hated myself for having a crush on him. But the domestic and simple gray t-shirt that hugged his arms so well and the blue jeans? I simply could not resist staring. 
No chance in hell. But I got to look at him every day and imagine it. 
I turn on my heels, holding the ties out to him so he could tie them. 
“I need them tighter,” I mutter, “Don’t want these puppies falling out in front of the Adlers.”
“Don’t want to excite Mr. Adler too much, he may have himself a heart attack.”
I smile to myself, biting my lip. He ties it, his fingers grazing my bare back slightly. 
“All good now, girl,” I turn to face him, looking up at him through my eyelashes, “Now what were you lookin’ for?”
“Serving plates,” I explain, “Dad is finishing up those steaks, needs more space.”
“Well let’s get ‘em and head out to all the fun,” He says, ducking down to the cabinet I was looking in originally. He finds them, handing them up to me. He looks so good looking up at me from this angle. 
“You want to grab us some beers,” I suggest, “I’ll meet you out there?”
“Your dad runnin’ low?”
“Probably, so grab three.”
“So, you going to be here all summer?”
I had no interest in talking to Tommy, but he was keeping me from toeing the line with Joel in my drunken state, so here I am. I sit in my lounger chair, wanting so bad to take off my jean shorts. I knew if I did, Tommy would take it as I’m making a pass, so I sweat extra. 
“I’m starting college in August, so yeah I’ll be around the office and staying home.”
He smiles, “Good to hear, love seeing you around.”
I smile back faking a cheery laugh, “Thanks, Tommy… care to grab me another beer?”
“No problem, sweetheart.”
I watch him walk away before searching the crowd for Joel. I spot him across the yard, talking to one of the newer neighbors. A single mom who moved in two months ago. My dad kept joking the other night that he’d be making her my stepmom, which only made me gag. She was beautiful, younger than my dad, but just about Joel’s age. 
A pang of jealousy rises within me. 
Joel finally catches my wandering eyes. He smiles gently, giving me a nod.
“Here, darling,” Tommy says sweetly, “Need anything else?”
“Yeah, actually,” Your brother, “Can you help me with something?”
“Sure, ‘s up?”
I sit up, leaning over making my boobs hang right in his eye line. 
If I couldn’t keep one Miller’s attention, maybe I could snag second best. My beer filled brain thinks about how they are cut from the same cloth, so they both are probably good at this. 
“Do you want to help me change a lightbulb?”
He raises his eyebrows, “I guess, where at?”
I smirk, “My bedroom.”
We sneak away, my eyes scanning the area. It didn’t appear as anyone was following us. My room was the last room on the left upstairs, so the anticipation as I guided him down the hallway was killing me.
Ever since Joel grazed my back earlier, I’ve been ready. So fucking ready. 
“Are we actually changing a lightbulb?”
I open my door for him, gesturing to him to follow me in.
In the dim light, Tommy was very cute. He was a sweet guy and I knew he’d be the first to jump on my idea. 
“You tell me,” I say, starting to untie the knot Joel tied. In my moment of trying to be sexy, I realize Joel tied the stupidest and hardest knot ever. Tommy notices my struggle, reaching around me, frantically trying to get the top off.
As it gets loose, I reach up to grab his neck.
“What the fuck is going on ‘ere?” 
His voice freezes me. Tommy looks towards the door in horror.
“Tommy, you fucking know better,” His voice is so intimidating and scary, I cant even muster the courage to turn around, “Git.”
Tommy gives me eyes saying I’m so sorry, and I just stare blankly at my wall. I hear Tommy’s foot steps run down the stairs. I realize how drunk I am because my wall paper begins to move on it’s own. It doesn’t usually do that. 
“Now you,” His stride towards me is quick, “I’m not your Dad, but don’t think he’d like you fucking his employees.”
Maybe it was the liquid courage, “Who said I was trying to fuck him?”
I snap my head towards his stern and impossible to read face.
“Bullshit,” He spits, “He got through my knot, he assumed somethin’ was about to happen.”
“Well, even if that’s where it went, why are you putting your nose in our business?”
He chuckles darkly, “So now it’s ours, huh? I have you know, girl, Tommy’s business is my business. And you’re just makin’ my job hard.”
I tiptoe closer to him, “And what’s your job, again, Mr. Miller?”
“Make sure people are behavin’ themselves.”
I realize what he’s doing. My tipsy mind took a second to search his face for more, but I can't read him at all. 
“I’m behaving, Mr. Miller. I promise,” I reach up, touching his jaw, “No more funny business.”
It was the closest I had ever got to him. I felt a rush just touching him.
“Good, get your top back on and come down to the party. Your dad is looking for you.”
I look down at myself as he leaves the room. My fucking tits are out, and he didn’t even look down.
The game he was playing was not the same one I was playing.
The next morning, I have a pounding headache and no drive to leave my room. I was embarrassed and horrified. I knew I would have to face Joel and Tommy on Monday morning, so I had to make amends beforehand. I really didn’t want them to tell my dad and I was pretty out of line for trying to fuck Tommy when Joel wasn't giving me the attention my drunk ass thought I deserved.
After spending hours in bed, rolling back and forth thinking of a script to say, I figured that honesty is the best policy. 
Well, honesty with a little bend in the truth. 
I get showered and dressed. My usual summer time outfit was a crop top and short shorts, but today I needed to be more… conservative. 
I find a nice summery dress, that went to midthigh. It was yellow, not a lot cleavage, floral. Innocent. 
When I get downstairs, my dad sits in the living room, his feet propped up watching the news. 
“Where ya going, baby girl?” 
“I’m going for a walk,” I lie. 
“Wearing that?”
“Yes,” I nod quickly, “Do you need anything while I’m out?”
He shakes his head, “No, have fun, I guess.”
I could tell he was suspicious, but he wasn’t one to pester me too much. He had high expectations for me, but I always exceeded them. He never questioned me too much, unless it was about school. He didn’t even really care about my love life. He always got excited when I told him I was going on dates in college. I mean, I rather him be excited than bother me about the guys I was seeing.
I start my journey to Joel’s. I didn’t even know if he was home or not, I was going on blind faith.
It was hot as shit and I was not fully prepared to walk to his house in a dress and sandals. 
I could’ve just driven there and back. But no, I decided to roast in the hot summer sun.
When I arrive to his house, I just kind of stand in his driveway, catching my breath. He was home, his truck was here. 
I walk to the front door, knocking first then ringing the door bell. 
It takes about minute, but he gets the door. 
And he’s shirtless. 
It was the worst and best moment of my entire life. 
“What are you doing here?”
And it’s not quite the response I was anticipating when I arrived at his door. 
“I uh-,” I hear some stirring inside the house, which causes me to peak my head past Joel’s shoulder. 
I see movement, but my eyes find Joel’s again before I could focus in on it. He pushes me back a bit, coming outside and shutting the door behind him. 
“I came to apologize, but you seem busy.”
He shakes his head, “Not busy, just woke up.”
“With someone?”
What the fuck? Why can’t I shut my mouth?
“Pardon me?”
“Well I walked this whole way to apologize about my inappropriate behavior yesterday,” I explain, “But yeah, that’s it.”
The door creaks open and I am wholeheartedly anticipating a hot MILF or something. But instead, it’s a little girl. 
“Sarah, get inside!”
“Oh hi, I know you!”
I smile at the girl. She was cute, I had to admit. She looked a bit like Joel, mainly the smile. A smile I wasn’t too familiar with, because he wasn’t too keen on my jokes. Ever.
“Yeah, I work with your dad,” I explain, “Nice to see you, Sarah.”
“You too, do you want to have lunch with us?”
“Sarah she can’t st-” 
“I’d love to, only if your dad says it’s okay.”
He got himself in a pickle, but I was aching to have a conversation that didn’t involve me putting my foot in my mouth like I almost did again. Plus, some food and water would help the heatstroke I felt coming on.
He stares at me, almost like he wished I’d disappear, “Of course, come in. Sarah is making sandwiches.”
“I hope you like turkey and cheese!”
“Thanks for the sandwich, Sarah,” I say, wiping my face making sure I didn’t have mustard left over.
She smiles with her mouth full, “You’re welcome!”
“Hey Sarah, why don’t you go get ready for swim practice,” He suggests, “Me and your new best friend need to have an adult conversation.”
She looks up at him annoyed, “I guess, but don’t scare her away. She has a cool pool I want to swim in.”
I laugh out loud, “Yeah, don’t scare me away, Joel.”
He doesn’t laugh, he just looks at me with his lazer eyes. I just wish Sarah a farewell and shut my mouth, waiting for the storm. He stirs, eating another bite of his sandwich. 
“So you came to apologize, huh?”
I swallow, “Uh, yeah. I’m sorry for my inappropriate behavior. I had one too many yesterday.”
He nods, “Yeah you were practically falling out of that top of yours before you took Tommy upstairs. Surprised you didn’t have it off before then.”
My eyes widen, “Well that’s humiliating.”
“Don’t think anyone was particularly mad about it,” He says, “Maybe one of those neighborhood watch moms, but who cares about ‘em?”
I can’t help but smirk. Was he insinuating that he wasn’t mad about almost seeing my boobs?
“Yeah, they always give me the most disgusted looks when I’m out jogging.”
“Cause’ they miss bein’ young and beautiful,” He explains, “All their husbands stare, too.”
I can’t believe he’s talking to me like this, I find myself leaning in a bit to try to talk quieter. It seems like this is conversation we should be whispering to each other.
“Do you stare?”
Foot. In. Mouth. 
He smirks, giggling a bit. I finally got to see him smile.
“Of course, I do.”
Hehehehe tell me what you think! I'll be back with part 2 soon!
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freelancearsonist · 21 days
all that we see or seem
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➔ Dieter Bravo x AFAB!Reader
➔ 5.7k words
➔ You moved to Hollywood in hopes of chasing your dreams; you get a lot more than you bargained for from your new boss, Dieter Bravo.
➔ Rated MA // dark fic, reader is afab (female anatomy, no pronouns used) and generally able-bodied, age gap (unspecified, reader is younger than dieter), vampire!dieter, blood/both consensual and non-consensual blood drinking, knife use, slight self-harm, gore of the mouth variety, pet names, takes place in 1983 bc i’m a sucker for changing settings
➔ this was requested from this prompt list by the very lovely @sp00kymulderr!! happy birthday darling, sorry this took so long but i hope it's worth the wait <3 thank you so much to @missredherring for this AMAZING header graphic ily 🖤
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Los Angeles is a far cry from the little town you grew up in. It’s a seemingly endless maze, with more possibilities than you ever could’ve dreamed. It’s a little daunting, really. You step off your plane with your suitcase in hand, and you feel like the world is in the palms of your hands.
The harsh reality comes crashing in without warning.
LA is expensive, especially on your own. As the money you’d saved up to get you started dwindles much quicker than expected, your dreams only get further and further out of reach. Life always finds a way to fuck you over, and the city of angels does it quicker than anywhere else. The glitzy neon nightclubs and the glamor of Hollywood swiftly become an omen of doom rather than a beacon of hope. You’re in over your head, but it’s too late to back out now.
Auditions get put on the backburner. You work yourself to the bone as a server in a dumpy little diner, but it’s still barely enough to cover your basic expenses.
You wake up, you go to work, you come home, you go to sleep. The cycle repeats itself so quickly that your days all merge together into one, long, neverending nightmare.
The light at the end of the tunnel appears shortly before the first anniversary of your move. You’re scanning through the paper during your meal break when you see a help wanted ad. It’s normally the type of thing you would ignore, but a few things about it draw you in. The part that really catches your eye is the large, bold letters that proclaim “work closely with one of the biggest names in hollywood!” It seems too good to be true, and certainly something you’re not qualified for. But it could be a start–a way to get your foot through the door of the industry that brought you out here in the first place. Really, what’s the harm in trying?
You go to the library, type up your resume, and mail it in to the address listed in the ad. Realistically, you know that there must be hundreds of other applicants and you probably won’t get so much as a rejection letter back; but the needling little ‘what if’ in the back of your mind gives you a boost of hope that you’ve lived without for an achingly long time.
You get better than a letter–a broad, handsome man shows up at the diner late one night asking for you three days after you drop your resume into the local mail slot at the post office. Janine, the shaggy-haired waitress you work with almost every shift and have sort of become friends with, nudges you excitedly while you’re handing a ticket back to the kitchen.
“Honey, do you know who that is?” She nods her head over her shoulder towards a table in the corner of her section and you try to look over as nonchalantly as possible.
Of course you know who that is. His face is everywhere in this stupid town–magazine covers, billboards, movie theaters. Even with sunglasses obscuring the dark brown eyes that have made thousands swoon, you recognize Dieter Bravo. He’s bigger than Hasselhoff and Swayze combined.
“He’s asking for you,” Janine whispers. “By name. You know him?”
“Not yet,” you answer truthfully. You know without a doubt that he’s here because of your resume and that your entire world is about to change.
You’ve seen him on the big screen before and now you can definitively say that it doesn’t do him justice. He’s more handsome than any man has a right to be. He’s wearing a black hoodie and black trousers, an ensemble that stands out in the brightness of 1983 but yet perfectly complements the tanned tone of his skin. His shoulders could fill a doorway and his smile might actually melt you into a puddle. You can’t help but notice–with a hint of trepidation–that his canines are the sharpest you’ve ever seen, although that thought is quickly pushed from your mind when he greets you by name.
“Your resume is impressive.”
“No it’s not,” you respond with a little laugh before you can stop yourself, then you have to refrain from banging your head into the wall. What a great start to an interview.
But he laughs, and you can’t help feeling you’ve done something right. You’d do a hell of a lot worse just to hear that gorgeously deep, hearty chuckle again.
“Okay, I’ll rephrase. You said all the right things. You’ve got exactly what I’m looking for as an assistant.”
You’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, because this is much too good to be true.
“You’re not from LA,” he states factually. “What brought you here?”
You consider lying–coming up with some story that’s less pathetic than the truth. He’s appreciated your honesty thus far, though, and you don’t want to break a streak. “I wanted to act, but… it’s hard to get started when you don’t have any connections. So I’ve just been kind of… getting by.”
He nods and gives you a look over–assessing, you think. “We all have to start somewhere. But this isn’t an easy job.”
There’s something unreadable in his voice, but you choose to ignore it because you want nothing more than a chance to impress him. It’s not about ‘making it’ anymore; it’s about proving to Dieter Bravo that you’re worth taking a chance on.
“Neither is this,” you reply with a vague wave at the diner around you. “If I’m not covered in fryer grease at the end of the day, it’s a good job to me.”
He chuckles again and it washes over you like fresh water after years of drought. You want more of him–more of his charm, more of his warmth.
“When can you start?”
You ask for two weeks to leave your diner gig on good terms, and he’s gracious enough to accommodate you. As the days tick past, the anticipation ramps up and time seems to move slower. You’ve never been so excited for a new job. Normally, your gut twists with anticipation and your mind swirls with every little minute detail that could go wrong–but not now. No, now you’re just excited. The possibilities of Hollywood finally seem to be within your reach again, and it all starts with this job.
You learn a lot about Dieter within five minutes of starting on your first day. For one, he’s incredibly personable. He greets you himself and vows to show you the ropes. There’s no third party to teach you everything you need to know, it’s just him. Just the two of you. You appreciate that immensely, because you’ll be serving him directly as his assistant. There’s no better person to learn from when it comes to his desires and routines than the man himself.
Two, he wears many different masks. It’s a little spooky, the way his demeanor changes depending on who he’s dealing with. He can be the sweetest, most charming man you’ve ever spoken to, then turn to a producer and be a complete hardass all in the name of getting things done. He knows exactly what persona he needs to wear for each person he interacts with–it’s all very calculated. You suppose all actors have to be capable of that; the mark of a good thespian is being instantly able to pretend you’re someone you’re not.
Still, it’s a little chilling. If you didn’t see it in some form or another with every person you meet on set, you’d be a little concerned. Dieter just makes it look like adaptation–fitting into his surroundings as a means of staying afloat. He’s been in this industry for a long time, he knows what works; and, subsequently, what doesn’t.
As far as the job goes, it’s a nice change of pace from what you’ve become accustomed to. You spend nights on set with him, fetching his coffee order or running little errands while he’s busy shooting. The hours aren’t unreasonable, and it pays double what the diner did. Now that you’re not struggling to get by financially, you have the free time you need to start pursuing your dreams again.
You have only Dieter to answer to, which is a definite learning curve. Directors, producers, and even other actors chase after your favors, but Dieter tells them unequivocally to fuck off. You’re his–it’s a heady feeling each time he  reasserts it. It makes for easy work when you’re not being pulled in thirty different directions simultaneously. He asks for what he needs when he’s around and he gives you a list of tasks to complete when he’s not. He’s a little eccentric–he tells you he can only work after dark because his eyes are sensitive–but it’s nice, falling into a routine after so long of working unconventional hours at a job where no two days are the same.
Still, as days turn into weeks by his side, you wonder exactly what version of Dieter he’s presenting to you. Which face is the most authentic? You want to believe he’s himself with you, but you’re not quite naive enough to convince yourself of that. The thing that bothers you the most is that you want him to feel comfortable enough to drop the facades around you. You want to get to know the real Dieter Bravo, underneath all the masks. But you also swore to yourself, when you accepted this job, that you would be nothing but professional–and wanting to get to know him so intimately is definitely a step beyond just being his employee.
To his credit, he’s strictly professional–even if you wish he wasn’t at times. There’s a lot of rumors and gossip about him, about his hedonism and the life he supposedly leads at night, but you don’t see that facet of him. With you, he’s friendly, kind, and respectful. He’s the perfect gentleman–and that’s how you know that you’re not getting a full glimpse of the real him. There’s too much contradiction between the rumors and the Dieter that you interact with. 
No matter how straight-laced you try to be, you can’t help wondering what it’ll take to get a look at the real Dieter Bravo.
You think he starts to peek through when Dieter asks if you would be willing to work longer hours and be more of a personal assistant than a production assistant. You know him inside and out, he tells you, and it would be a pain in the ass to teach a whole new person how to deal with his errands. He even offers you a sizable raise when you pretend to be contemplating it, like you weren’t bursting at the seams to say yes before he even finished asking. 
The sad–maybe even pathetic–truth of the matter is that you’re falling for him. Every facet of his charm, from his darkly passionate eyes to his easy humor, have you completely bewitched and ready to ignore the way your hair stands on end each time his gaze meets yours. You’ll take any small fraction of him that you can get.
He eases you into your additional duties, at least; that much can be said in his favor. He starts you out with small tasks, like ordering his groceries and picking up his dry cleaning. Dieter’s so kind and patient as he explains how he likes everything done–he’s particular, but not unreasonable. He even gives you a grand tour of his home so you can see exactly where and how he likes everything done–it’s like finally getting that real glimpse of him that you’ve been hoping for.
His Sherman Oaks mansion looks like something straight out of a Bram Stoker novel on the outside, yet the inside is a testament to the warm side of his personality that you’re more familiar with. It’s decorated in shades of orange and red, with patterns that are a little out of date but still manage to feel intentional. It gives the impression of someone who was more comfortable and sure of himself in the 70’s, or at least someone who hasn’t quite adjusted to the new trends that came with the turn of the decade. The walls are covered with art–most of it signed with his familiar “DB” in the bottom right hand corner. It’s neat, but not so neat that it feels staged. It fits the Dieter Bravo that you know perfectly, and it even starts to feel like home to you when you start spending more time there with him.
There’s never anyone else around when you’re there. For someone who has a reputation for throwing the liveliest parties in all of Hollywood, he doesn’t actually do a lot of partying. Not when you’re around, at least. It’s almost like he’s trying to hide that aspect of himself from you. If he has to host, he sends you home early or lets you know in advance that you’re getting a paid night off. You’re almost disappointed–parties have never really been your thing, sure, but you feel like you need to experience at least one of his.
Plus, people are starting to talk. You hear it on set first; his co-stars whispering about how he’s gone soft, how he’s gotten boring. Even the tabloids are starting to wonder if they’ve seen the last infamous Dieter Bravo party, which were once highly coveted and exclusive events. The few times he’s hosted lately have been small, quiet affairs–definitely not the big, star-studded shebangs that he’s gained a reputation for.
A rumor even starts circulating that he’s finally decided to settle down with a nice girl, which makes your stomach twist with a little green monster that shouldn’t be there. He’s your employer, you reason. That’s all. No matter how friendly he is, no matter how much he flirts with you, no matter how much he compliments your perfect cup of coffee, that’s all he is. Your boss. And yet, despite your constant self-assertion, your brain just can’t seem to accept it. You know you shouldn’t want anything more than that, and yet you just can’t seem to stop yourself from hoping.
“What’s going on with you?”
You’re in the midst of trying to sort through the files in his upstairs home office so you can find out when his insurance needs to be renewed when you hear the voice, loud and clear due to the open floor plan downstairs. Sound travels like crazy up the double-wide staircase with Dieter’s office door right at the top. You couldn’t shut it out even if you wanted to–and you don’t. God help you, you’re a little nosy and a little curious.
“Nothing.” That’s Dieter’s voice, but you don’t recognize the other.
“Bullshit. You’re not yourself.” It’s a deep, rich tone that you’ve never heard before and it immediately has your interest hooked. Dieter doesn’t get many visitors, much less such purposeful ones. Most people like to schmooze him, but evidently not this unidentified man.
“I’m trying to be different,” Dieter explains half-heartedly. “It’s time I cleaned up a bit.”
“No. Cleaning up your act is nothing more than a good way to get yourself caught. Things happen in the party climate, that’s how you fit in. Things don’t just happen to nice rich actors.”
Caught? Caught doing what, exactly? You creep closer to the open door on light feet, curiosity peaked.
Dieter sighs, and you can hear the exhaustion in his voice. “I’m tired.”
“So what are you going to do? Just give up? Waste away after… how long?”
“Maybe I should,” Dieter retorts–there’s grit in his tone now, maybe even bitterness. “Maybe I never should’ve taken the deal in the first place. You don’t see how fucked up this all is?”
“So, what? You’ve gotten everything you could’ve possibly wanted, and now you’re tired of playing the game? Pathetic.” There’s a sneer in the tone of this unidentified speaker and you don’t like it. You want to jump to Dieter’s defense, but something tells you this is a conversation that you shouldn’t be eavesdropping on.
“Whatever, man,” Dieter scoffs dismissively.
There’s noise downstairs now–a slight thud and what sounds like Dieter grunting as if the wind has been knocked out of him. 
“What changed?”
“Fuck off,” Dieter spits.
“What. Changed?”
“You weren’t fucking honest with me.”
“Bullshit,” the stranger growls back. “You knew exactly what you were getting into.”
“No, you said everything I wanted, that was the deal. Remember?” It’s quiet for a long moment, and you wonder if Dieter’s pacing. He does that, when he starts to get stressed. “I’m still alone, though.”
“That’s your own fault,” the stranger replies–voice a little softer now. “I didn’t say I would hand you your dreams on a silver platter. You make your own destiny. Surely it hasn’t been so long that you’ve forgotten that little qualifier.”
“I can’t bring someone else into this shit and you know it,” Dieter replies. The venom is gone from his voice now–he just sounds done. Exhausted and spent.
“You can, but you won’t.” There’s a moment of silence, then a heavy sigh. “Start acting like yourself again before you raise too much suspicion.”
“Fine,” Dieter sighs heavily. 
There’s a few long moments of silence, and then you hear the heavy solid oak front door shut. Presumably the guest has gone, and while you’re eager to sneak down and see if you can catch a glimpse of who it might’ve been, it’s far too risky with Dieter down there. Something tells you that he should never find out about the way you just eavesdropped on that conversation. You don’t know who he was talking to, or what kind of deal they were discussing–you just know that it’s serious, and definitely above your paygrade.
“Did you find that paperwork?”
You didn’t hear Dieter come upstairs–his sudden question from right behind you makes you jump and whirl around to look at him. You fight to keep your calm as you catch your breath; the last thing you want to do is clue him in that you overheard his conversation with his unknown guest.
“Yeah, I’ve got it right here,” you answer after a thick gulp.
“You’re a doll,” he proclaims with a wide smile. How easily he picks up the face he wears with you after a conversation that clearly upset him. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” you hum with a smile. “This entire room is a nightmare. It’s a miracle you ever find anything. You need to get, like… some filing cabinets. At the very least.”
“I’ll, uhh… get right on that,” he says in a way that makes you sure he definitely won’t get right on it.
Despite the nerves still thrumming through your veins, you laugh. “I’ll take care of it.”
“You’re a doll,” he repeats with his trademark grin. “Oh! Hey, uhh… you have tomorrow off. Paid, obviously.”
“Why?” You ask before you can think better of it. 
He seems surprised–you don’t normally ask questions, especially about paid vacation days. “Work stuff I gotta take care of. No big deal.”
“Okay,” you answer with a slight frown. “Sure I can’t help?”
He actually does seem to be contemplating it for a moment–his eyes scan over your body, and it’s like he’s considering you more than the actual offer. “No, honey, I’ll be okay.”
“Okay.” You take a short breath, then head towards the door–this was the last task on your list for the night. “Anything else you need before I head out?”
He thinks for a moment, then shakes his head as he follows you down the stairs. “No. Thanks, sweetheart.”
You feel heat fluttering underneath your skin at the pet name–he uses them often and they never fail to make your heart pick up pace. It’s like he can tell, because his eyes linger on your lips for a moment before trailing down to the pulse point on the left side of your neck. You wonder for a second if he can actually see it beating, but you quickly push that ridiculous thought away.
“You’re sure there’s nothing I can do for you tomorrow?”
His eyes are still trained on your neck like he’s completely zoned out or something. You watch as his tongue slowly glides over his bottom lip, trance-like; it makes your breath hitch in your throat.
“Yeah,” he whispers after a long moment–he’s standing so close now, you didn’t even notice him closing in. “I’ll call you if anything comes up.”
“Okay.” You want nothing more than to grab him and pull him in, to kiss him like your life depends upon it. He sounded so upset and every bone in your body is screaming to comfort him. The way he’s looking at you right now, you don’t think he’d mind at all. 
Instead you take a deep breath, grab your bag from the bench next to the door, and bid him goodnight.
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Dieter doesn’t seem to realize that you’re always working, whether you’re on the clock or not. Even on ‘off’ days, you get loads of calls for scheduling requests and other tasks. Your saving grace is your trusty day planner—it holds both of your schedules, all neatly color-coded for maximum efficiency.
The worst thing you could’ve done on a weekend leading up to awards season is leave it in Dieter’s home office—and yet, as you frantically dig through your tote bag and your desk, that seems to be exactly what you’ve done.
You know Dieter’s got whatever event he’s hosting at home, but you can’t keep taking calls and scribbling notes on napkins without your schedule in front of you. The last thing you want to do is overbook him at a time where every single interview counts.
With a heavy sigh, you dial Dieter’s home number. It rings for what seems like eternity, and just as you’re about to hang up an unfamiliar voice answers.
With a sigh of relief, you ask, “Hi, is Dieter there?”
“He’s busy.” The voice is high and sweet, yet her tone says she couldn’t be more irritated.
“Okay… umm, it’s kind of important.”
The stranger sighs dramatically. “I can take a message.”
“I just… I left something there, and I need to come get it as soon as possible. But I don’t want to interrupt anything.”
This time when she speaks, her tone is considerably more friendly. “Oh! Yeah, come on over. The more the merrier!”
You can’t help your intrigue, although you really don’t want to intrude without Dieter’s say-so. “Are you sure? I could always come tomorrow, I guess.”
“No no, come! It’s a party, everyone’s welcome!” Then the line goes dead without any further discussion.
You consider redialing in the hopes of speaking and clearing your visit with Dieter, but you doubt you’ll actually get through to him–and really, what harm would a quick visit do? You know exactly where you left it, on the desk in his office. It’ll be five minutes tops, a quick in and out. He might never even know that you’d been there.
You shake off the curious sense of foreboding that overtakes your mind as you grab your keys and lock your apartment door behind you.
It’s a twenty minute ride to Dieter’s house–a lot of time to spend thinking. At the forefront of your mind is that peculiar conversation you overheard last night; you’re not entirely sure why, really. Whoever that man was sounded almost as if he was in some kind of position of power over Dieter, and you don’t have even an educated guess at who that could possibly be. Dieter’s his own boss and he doesn’t take bullying–you’ve never heard someone get away with bossing him around like that before. He’s constantly in some weird form of pissing match with the directors and producers of whatever film he’s working on; he’s never seemed to be good at taking orders, even when he’s supposed to. You’ve heard many a rant about how much he values the ‘freedom of expression’. It all serves to make the mysterious visitor more confusing. Who does Dieter have to answer to?
The cab pulls up in front of his gated home before you’re able to find a plausible answer. You instruct the driver to keep the meter running since you’ll only be a minute before you step out into the crisp late-January air.
The grounds are a lot quieter than you expect them to be as the guard on duty opens the gate and closes it behind you. One thing Dieter’s famous for is noise–his parties are always reported as loud and exciting affairs akin to the fraternities in his favorite movie Animal House. There's no noise at all today, though, and it makes you curious. Is it really a party? Or was the stranger who answered the phone maybe his only guest? If the latter is the case, why would she want you to join in?
There’s a pale man in a cheap-looking suit waiting just inside the door, a tray of filled wine glasses in his gloved hands. “Take one,” he instructs, his eyes distant like he’s looking through you rather than at you.
“Oh, no thank you, I just need to–”
“Take one,” he repeats. “Master’s orders.”
Master? Of course Dieter would be into that. 
The wine is a deep red, probably that expensive vintage shit that he’s always raving about. You prefer the grocery store stuff yourself, not just because it’s all you can afford. A drink never hurts, though, and you could certainly use something to take the edge off–because that tingling sense of foreboding has only gotten stronger since your arrival.
You take a glass and swirl its currant-colored liquid around. It seems more viscous than any wine you’ve had before–probably a mark of its age, but that’s just guesswork on your part. You take a small sip, then nearly gag. It’s like drinking a pile of melted pennies. You swallow it down with a grimace anyway since you don’t want to make a scene of spitting it out in front of the server. It leaves a metallic taste in your mouth that you’re eager to wash out–thankfully, the kitchen is on your route to the stairs. You quickly deposit the glass on a table once you’re out of the server’s eyesight, then head down the hall in a desperate search for water.
Once you’re out of the foyer, there are people everywhere. Very subdued people, at that–draped over furniture like throw blankets, some even laying on the floor. You consider checking one’s pulse until he twitches and lets out a muffled groan. Clearly high on something, you’re just not sure what. You nearly trip over one person and they actually hiss at you like some kind of feral cat. Your skin starts to crawl with every step you take. Even more important than your discomfort, though, is finding Dieter. What if he’s like this, too? Do you need to call someone?
You notice a dull ache starting in your gums as you make it to the kitchen–thankfully you’re familiar with his home, and you have a glass of water in your hands within no time. It seems that no matter how much you drink, though, that coppery-bloody taste never leaves your mouth. What the hell was that stuff?
There’s a short-haired blonde woman propped up against the wall underneath the mounted phone; she reaches out a lazy hand in some sort of greeting. She looks vaguely familiar, like someone you might’ve seen on the set of one of Dieter’s films.
“You made it!” She says with a lazy smile. She must be the woman you spoke to earlier, although you’re not sure how she can identify you.
“Yeah. Where’s Dieter?” The longer you’re here, the more worried you become. Something isn’t right, and your skin is prickling with apprehension.
“Upstairs,” she murmurs, then her eyes flutter shut and she slumps a little further down. She’s visibly breathing, at least. 
For a moment, you consider picking up the phone and ringing the police. Would that cause more harm than good? Dieter must be aware of what’s going on here–you know you should talk to him before you do anything.
Your mission to find your planner momentarily forgotten, you make your way through the living room towards the stairs.
You check the office at the top first–there’s a few bodies zonked out on the couch, but none of them are Dieter. With trepidation in your very soul, you make your way down the hall. Each room is more of the same–people in varying states of unrest, no sign of the man you’re looking for. Most of them have red-stained lips and you eye more than one smashed glass along your journey. Your own mouth is starting to get alarmingly sore, but you ignore it in favor of finding Dieter.
Each step you take drives your worries deeper into your skull. What if something’s happened to him? What if he’s knocked out like all of his guests, or hurt, or something worse?
This is the first time you’ve breached the bubble of his bedroom. None of your work has ever involved this room, and while you’re a naturally nosey type of person, there’s something deeply personal and sacred about the space someone sleeps in. 
Ignoring the steady throbbing in your gums, you knock once before pushing open the door.
Dieter’s alone in his room, sprawled out like a starfish in a sea of rumpled sheets at the center of his massive bed. Something akin to a groan of horror escapes your throat as you see the state he’s in. He’s paler than a corpse and drenched in sweat, chest barely rising and falling with breath.
For a moment, you’re frozen in place. Your entire body breaks out in a cold sweat as you notice the knife in his right hand and the deep gash in the crook of his left arm, right where an IV would normally be set. You can smell the blood draining from him, you can even taste it in the air–or maybe that’s just the lingering taste of whatever you drank downstairs.
Your stomach churns violently with the sudden realization of what you’ve done, of what you’ve drank.
“Dieter!” You manage to choke out while your brain tries to remember how to send the signals required for your body to fucking move. 
He lifts his head shakily, brown eyes widening after a long moment of trying to recognize the face he’s looking at. “No no no,” he whispers hoarsely, “you’re not supposed t-to be here. You’re.. y-you’re supposed to be a-at home.”
A sharp, shattering pain in your top gum snaps your brain back into action. In a flash you’re crawling across a seemingly endless desert of mattress and it feels like you’ll never reach him. Everything is moving so slowly–each movement seems to take a hundred times the effort it should.
You spit out a mouthful of blood as the pain heightens, barely registering the two upper canines that go with it.
“What the fuck have you done?” You sob, uselessly pawing at his slashed left arm. It’s a precise cut straight across the artery–your hands are sticky and soaked with red the moment you touch him. Pressure, your brain screams at you. Put pressure on the wound.
“A real artist must suffer,” he mumbles weakly–then, even quieter, “I didn’t want to be alone anymore.”
“You’re dying.” Your voice doesn’t sound like your own anymore. It’s higher, breathier. 
“You drank it, d-didn’t you?” He asks, ignoring your statement. His distant eyes are trained on the sharp fangs that have pushed your canines out. “Fuck. Fuck! You were n-never supposed to…”
“Shut up, shut up,” you plead. Every shaky breath seems to cost him years. “How do I fix this? How do I fix you?”
“Thirsty,” he mumbles. There’s water on the sideboard, your brain reminds you. You don’t even remember bringing the glass with you, much less setting it down. Everything is so fuzzy. Your arm doesn’t move nearly as fast as it should when you reach for the glass, and Dieter’s hand weakly comes up to stop you.
“Not water,” he croaks. “Need… need…”
He can’t seem to form the words required to tell you what he needs. He doesn’t have to, though. You know.
“You’re not dying on me, Bravo.” You take the knife from his slack right hand before he can stop you and grit your sore teeth together as you slash it across your palm.
“N-no, don’t…” But he doesn’t resist as you hold your bleeding palm to his mouth. His empty eyes flash back to life with the first taste, and then he takes your hand in his own and drinks greedily. You watch with nothing short of disbelief as the cut on his arm seals itself right before your eyes.
“You were supposed to stay away from this,” he murmurs as his tongue sweeps across your palm. “Why the fuck are you here, baby?”
You don’t even remember anymore. Everything is hazy, everything hurts. It’s a chore just to keep your eyes open.
“Damn it,” he growls–pushing your hand away from his blood-smeared mouth seems to take all his willpower. “I never wanted this for you.”
“It’s okay,” you murmur as you slump down against his sheets. They’re so soft and light, and you want to cocoon yourself in them for the rest of time. “It’s just a dream.”
“Why’d you have to come save me? Huh?” His voice sounds so far away that you’re not even sure he’s really speaking. 
“I love you.” It’s okay to say that, because he’ll never actually find out. It’s just a dream, after all; you’ll wake up in the morning confused but totally okay.
“You were never supposed to,” his voice echoes from some plain of existence far, far away. “Damn it honey, stay awake just a minute longer.”
You try, but your eyes are so heavy. He sighs heavily, as if he knows it’s useless.
“Promise you’ll still love me when you wake up,” he pleads through the tunnel that separates you.
Nodding saps the last of your strength, so you let your eyes flutter closed. “Okay.”
You feel his lips against yours and his coppery kiss nearly brings you back from the verge of sleep. In the end, though, your throbbing head wins. Sleep takes hold quickly despite your feeble resistance. 
How strange it is to fall asleep in a dream.
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➔ beta: @schnarfer and @futuraa-free thank you my lovelies <3
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89 notes · View notes
certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Hii, i think a good idea for a one shot could be that there's a canon event where the spiderperson!reader have to do the iconic Spiderman kiss in their universe, like Spiderman 3 (toby's one) with Gwen stacy or whoever you want, but they are in a relationship with Miguel LMAOOO btw im sorry if there's something wrong with the grammar, english is not my first language <3
Rewrite the Stars
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((Miguel O’Hara x Female! Reader))
A/N: A non Sunny x Miggy post? How odd for me lol. I’m so sorry this is super late and to everyone whose requested, I’m working slowly but surely on y’all’s stuff. If you wanna read some stuff in the meantime, here’s the Masterlist and feel free to join my discord.
A/N: I tried doing the you/yours pronoun thing because this isn’t a Sunny fanfic but I really don’t like it lol.
Warnings: Jealous Miguel?, Unrequited/Forbidden? Love, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, Barely use of Y/N, and no Spanish this time ((I’m trying to find a new translator and hopefully an editor))
The universe.
One of life’s greatest mysteries. A mass of stars and galaxies that housed so many lives within its many pockets. The lives of so many people whose lives were already written within its cloudy arms and their ends cemented in its pools of nothingness.
A beautiful cycle of cruelty and destiny.
A cycle that was the reason for your utter misery as you sat at a bar listening to your dimension’s Ben Riley blabber on about some football game you cared nothing about.
His oblivious brown eyes sparkled at the fascination with the game as his dimpled smile accentuates his sharp jawline. The warm lights from above caused a healthy glow to bounce off of his shaggy blonde hair, almost making him look like an angel. You can see why Spiderverse assigned him as your love interest.
In your earth’s canon, you were a typical woman who had gotten bit by a radioactive spider during a high school field trip and you spent your entire high school experience thrashing goons instead of chasing boys. Even helped take down some aliens with the Fantastic Four and the Avengers at times before college finals. Spiderwoman was New York’s beloved hero and the cockiness of being its one and only SpiderWoman quickly got into her head.
That was until six months ago.
Six months ago, you were fighting the Vulture over the Empire State Building when another, more mutated version of the same villain appeared. They both decided in your state of delirium over the doubles that you would be a good plaything.
“Hey, I didn’t ask for a combo with my chicken!” A feminine spider’s voice screeches as she avoids the hooked talons of the erratic variant.
The two villains took turns flying menacingly around the scope of buildings to throw the hero off of their location while the other swooped in and tries to rip her throat out.
As she attempts to escape the feathered monster, its companion would come and slice away the web of salvation, continuing the vicious cycle.
Blood blinded her vision as the loud ringing at the base of her skull grew louder. The causes of that annoying alarm grasp their razor claws into her shoulders before sweeping her exhausted body into the air with a victorious snarl.
‘I guess this is the end…’
As the heavens draw closer to her doom, her life hanging up by the slicing of her muscles and bones, a glimmer of fate happens. The warmth of a flash barely registers as the first ache disappears with a startled squeak and a burly force. The sudden change in feeling takes her breath away as she suddenly begins to plummet below.
Her eyes quickly adjusting to the suffocating drop, she can see that one of the Vultures was now fighting an even more prominent blue figure, his howls of pain and unintelligible cursing heard from the stumbling brawl.
As the flash from her familiar foe reaches around the building, she shoots her web at him and used him as a glider.
“Time to ground you, birdie!” She yells as she throws the villain through a window. Catching her grip on the building, she looks at her new foe in the sky and the wind is knocked out of her from the sight.
The man who saved her was in a futuristic spider suit with his mask now off. His dark hair flutters in the wind as the setting sun makes his tanned skin glow. His red eyes glare at the wiggling mutant as his full lips pull back into a snarl. His jaws open revealing a set of large fans before he plunged them into the mutant.
Who the hell is that?
“(Y/N)?…” Ben frowns as he realizes his date was lost in her thoughts.
You snapped out of your head and fake an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I was remembering something….”
That wasn’t a complete lie. You remembered the day you met Miguel O’Hara. The Spiderman of the year 2099 and the leader of the inter-dimensional Spider Society. The anomaly that had come into your world had brought the two together and you were recruited due to your stubbornness, much to Miguel’s annoyance.
“No.” His annoyance dripped from these words as he glares down at you. You were caught in wonder at the idea of there being other Spidermen and that they worked together to stop the collapse of the entire universe. The thought seemed too good to be true that you just had to ask if you could join until those red eyes shot your dream through the heart.
“What do you mean ‘No’?” You ask in disbelief. Your own eyes glared deep into his soul as your hands balled into fists. “I’m a Spiderman just like you! How could you-!”
“You are not like me.” He coldly snaps at you, your ranting briefly interrupted as the man towers over you. His clawed hand grasps your face as his glare sets a spark of fury down in your chest.
“You will never be like me and you will never-!” “Is that our new recruit?” A smooth British accent appears behind Miguel as a spiked-headed Spiderman peeks around his bulking figure.
“No, she’s-” The tall punk pulls you away from Miguel with a mischievous laugh as he introduces himself. “Ello, love, my name is Hobie. Hobie Brown.” He leans down with a sly smirk as his mischievous attitude infests your being like a plague. “Just play along, mate. Let’s riffle this wanker’s undies.” He whispers as you giggle.
“Nice to meet you, Hobie.” I allow a sly smirk to slide onto my face as I look back at the now very annoyed Miguel. “My name is (Y/N) and I’m happy to join.”
The distant sound of screams filters through the bar as the distinct sound of a car being tossed into another building.
Looking at my gizmo disguised as a watch, you realized that the canon event was starting.
“You did well today,” Miguel admits under his breath. Looking at him in shock, you realize that he wasn’t scowling like he normally was. He had a softer expression, his eyes shining with approval as his lips quirked into a mimic of a smile.
The mission had almost gone rouge with the escape of a prowler and him hiding low in a crowded dimension. Despite the obvious danger, Miguel opted to go alone like usual, but his lack of spider sense caused him to get caught up in a trap. Talons and Fangs don’t really help if you can’t exactly move around to use them, so he ended up taking serious blows.
Luckily, you managed to get there and tumble with the villain long enough for the others to rescue Miguel, and the team managed to recapture the prowler. Of course all of them looked pretty bad injuries wise, but the look Miguel had as you sat there bandaging up his wounds made it worth it for some odd reason.
“Thanks Boss.”
June 27th : SpiderWoman of Earth 648 will rescue love interest, Ben Riley, from an attack against The Rhino….
The roaring of the mechanical beast fills the panicked screams of the patrons as the sinking feeling falls in your chest. Ben is quick to play the hero like any guy would as he grabs your arm and drags you out towards the emergency exit. Just like the timeline said it would.
You use the chaos to your advantage as you pretend to trip and get lost in the crowd of people struggling to escape from the emergency exit.
“What do you mean by that?!” I snapped at an irritated Miguel.
Lyla was surprisingly quiet as she watched the duo argue. Miguel whips around at you as his ruby eyes scorched into yours. His talons point at you accusingly as he reiterates your next canon event.
“On June 27th, you are going to be out on a date with Ben Riley. The Rhino is gonna attack that street and you’re gonna save everyone, and afterwards you’re gonna have to kiss him.” His frustration evident as his permanent frown creases.
You stare into his eyes in defiance as you coldly utter, “No. I’m not gonna kiss Ben Riley.”
“And why not? He’s your love interest!” Miguel exclaims, obviously more furious than before. “You’re the Peter to his MJ. You gotta kiss him because you’re destined to be.”
“I don’t love him! I don’t even like his whiny ass!” You snap as you felt your frustrated tears roll down your face.
It’s true. Before you joined this team, you would have been thrilled that you were destined to be with Campus Hunk Ben Riley. He was everything you could ever want from a guy. He was good looking, sensitive, athletic, and social able. The all around good guy you would be proud to bring home to your folks.
Sharp grasp on your shoulder alerts your attention back to Miguel as he slams you back against the desk. His eyes burning embers as he glares down at you.
Changing into your spidersuit, you began to fight The Rhino with a distracted daze in your movements.
The memory from a week prior burning in your mind as you sloppily avoided cars and harsh blows. After a few well timed flips and back kicks, the brute decides to throw a large street cleaning truck towards the alleyway. Just like Lyla predicted when she handed you the file.
The Rhino is gonna throw a street cleaner towards the alleyway where Ben is. SpiderWoman will stop the truck before impact and sling it back towards The Rhino ending the fight.
“And why is it that you are being so difficult?!” He snaps as his fangs glimmer from his scowl. A cute trait you used to love about him until it was pointed at you. “You are no better than a spoiled child with how you are acting so you better have a good fucking reason!”
You growl back at him with a tear rolling down your enraged face.
He had no right to argue with you about your life, not when he’s the one making it difficult.
Shooting a web out towards the buildings, you catapulted yourself into the air and landed in front of the truck. Quickly reusing the web with some enforcements, the truck was bounced back to the The Rhino. The enormous foe gets trampled by the machinery as the crowd cheers for SpiderWoman’s dreaded victory.
“Way to go SpiderWoman!!” A familiar voice joins the crowd as I see Ben on the ground, obviously he either tripped or fell back to avoid the truck. You offer a hand towards him as you thank him softly.
“Thank you.” I faked the smile in my voice as the crowd disappears, leaving the two of you in the alley way.
Finally snapping at him, you yell out in fury,
With a frustrated slap to Miguel’s face, you run past him and escaped back to your dimension, heartbroken over how the events to come and what just happened that despite everything you couldn’t change fate.
No matter how many times you fell asleep during long nights talking on his observation deck. No matter how many playful sparring matches turn into flirty comments. Not even the little gestures of bringing the grumpy spider his coffee and him bringing you some sweets during meetings could change that the star already written your path.
You fell in love with a man who isn’t meant to be yours.
It’s been a week since that fight and you still haven’t seen or heard from him. It hurt to know that your confession was brushed aside while you had to continue the continuity. You half at least expected him to be here to make sure you at least followed through with the canon event.
“Would you like a swing home?” I offer just like I’m supposed to. The moment that was meant to be a nervous beginning to a love story felt like the beginning of heartache as I watched a blush form on his face.
“Sure,” he answered before a flash of realization that his date was suddenly not with him. Another trait you wouldn’t have noticed if you were as in love with him as you were suppose to be.
“Hey my date isn’t here…I think she got hurt or lost during the panic.” His concern caused a pang of guilt to stab her in the chest.
Recovering quickly, you shoot out some webbing and playfully hang upside down infront of him. “Well I guess that swinging date will have to be postponed.”
“Wait it was gonna be a-!”
Quickly, you pulled down the mask enough to deliver a quick peck to his rambling mouth. You force out a giggle as he stood looking at you flabbergasted.
“See ya, Riley.” You swing off as the man bumbled to even ask how you knew his name.
Lyla just said it was a kiss, not a what kind of kiss.
With a heavy heart, you swing back home as you tried to remember that this was all for the sake of the canon. That Miguel didn’t care for you the way you did for him. You tried your hardest to tell your aching heart that those past few months were you just making too much out of nothing.
You mournfully entered your apartment through the bathroom window you normally kept unlocked . You stripped away the skin tight fabric before wrapping yourself in the familiar comfort of your robe as you exited the room into a dim lit living room.
You heart stick in your chest as you see Miguel standing there in your living room in his bright blue spider suit and a beautiful spring lily in his hand.
“Miguel? What are you doing here?…” You ask as yoy warily approach him, scared he’s gonna do something to you.
He shakes his head, refusing to answer as he hands you the flower. It’s soft white petals shining in the pale moonlight as you smile fondly at it. They were your favorite flower. Something you told Miguel a million times before.
Before you could thank him for the kind gesture, a soft thump above you alrets you to look up. A spindle of glowing webbing cascaded down the ceiling with the large spiderman now suspended upside down from it. His free hand caresses the side of your face as his eyes stared softly into yours.
“I can’t change the canon, mi amor…” he whispers sadly before mischief lights up his molten gaze. “But we certainly can try to rewrite the stars for us.”
An excited nod from you causes his chest to rumble as he pulls you into a slow passionate kiss.
You were glad this is a canon event for spider men despite it not going as planned.
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papajscupcake · 6 months
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PAIRING: Dad!rafecameron x momfem!reader
SUMMARY: Rafe comes back from work and is welcomed home by his beautiful family
WARNING(S): they are aged up Rafe is 29 and reader is 28, just a lot of fluffy stuff and some suggestive comments
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It was the beautiful sunny afternoon, the window’s were wide open letting in a gentle breeze to cool down the warm air of the home, The echo of the beach waves and the gentle rattle of trees and the sound of a Moana playing on the tv was being heard.
The 6 month pregnant woman laid on the couch with her hands playing with the ends of her 12 year old son’s light brown shaggy hair who was sleeping comfortably on her baby bump
The woman’s eyes were either watching her four year old daughter playing with her toys and or drawing on a piece of paper or the mother had her eyes closed resting like her son.
A small smile rests on the mother’s face watching the young blonde haired girl’s mouth gawk open as she gets engrossed in the movie Moana, a movie she has watched since she was a baby.
The woman glances at the clock on the wall, it was twenty minutes before Rafe would get back from work so with that she ran her hand on her son’s shoulder making him stir awake and look up to his mom with tired eyes.
“Sorry to wake you honey, but I need to get up”He yawned and dug his head further into her
“I can’t I’m comfortable”He muttered making the woman chuckle at the boy knowing that he has got it from his father who loves to use that as an excuse to not get up in the mornings
“You are just like your father”She commented as her son got off her and went to the other side of the couch before falling asleep again,
the woman sat up and pulled herself off the couch a hand cradling her stomach as she does so, her daughter turns her head at the sounds of her moving mother now forgotten about the movie playing
“Mommy where you go?”She asks innocently, the woman smiles and places a hand on her daughter’s blondish brown haired head
“I’m gonna make dinner, do you want to help?”The young girl eagerly nodded and abandoned the small Turtle toy her Aunt Kiara gave her and took her mom’s hand practically dragging the woman to the kitchen making her chuckle at her daughter’s excitement she had received from spending to much time with her uncle JJ.
“What we make mommy?”The infant asks rolling up the sleeves of her pretty red dress which was made by her aunt
“What would you want to have sweetheart?”She asked as she watched the infant drag over the small stepping stool she uses when she bakes with her mother
“Chicken daddy got!” She exclaimed as she made a drumming noise when she was tapping her hands on the counter the pregnant woman smiles and walked to the fridge , the younger girl cheered and clapped her hands as she watch her mom take out the chicken once the two gathered the ingredients they began to cook their meal for four well technically five
after a few minutes the eldest child couldn’t resist the callings of his little sister begging for him to join so groggily but with a smile to disguise his foul tired mood from his baby sister and began to help prepare the meal.
Rafe’s POV:
Once walking though the door of his families home, the smell of cooking chicken and home made potato wedges comes flooding into his nose, the man of the house licks his lips at the thought of the nicely prepared meal his wife of ten years had made, dumping his keys onto the shelf next to the front door and kicking his shoes off then shuffling to pull off his jacket
He makes his way through the rather big house for his liking but his father insisted that they should have a big home like Rafe did for the children to grow up in,
finally he catches the glimpse of his daughter running to the other side of the kitchen as her little feet patter along the hard wood floor he chuckled to himself as he followed the light chatter of his wife giving instructions to their son and small ‘be careful’s’ to their daughter who had practically leaped onto the small stepping stool from her previous hurried steps
finally making it to the kitchen the sight that is presented in front of him is his wife’s and son’s back to him and his daughter that’s was once on the stepping stool was now sitting comfortably on the counter
“what are you doing up there missy?”Rafe asked his daughter with a fake scolding tone the three of them turn and face him the youngest girl’s face lights up like a million fireflies at the sight of her father
“Daddy!”She exclaimed rushing to get off the counter which her older brother helps her to by lifting her up and down to the ground then back to stirring the peas and carrots in the pot onto of the hob
the young girl’s feet once again pattered along the floor and straight towards her daddy who had his arms wide open for her and bent down to her small and cute height the girl practically leaped into his arm almost knocking the wind out of his lungs
“oft! My favourite babygirl, oh you are so beautiful give daddy kisses”he exclaimed standing up while practically suffocating his daughter in little kisses which made his daughter giggle ecstatically trying to push his face away from hers
“daddy no more kisses!” She exclaimed happily trying to hide her face in the plam of her little hands
“oh but I missed you so so much baby girl”The man told his daughter beginning to make his way to the kitchen
“I missed you too daddy”the young girl mumbled and snuggled into the crook of his neck, He smiles and rest his head on hers as he walks into the kitchen and shuffles behind his son who was still stirring the pot of vegetables the father puts ruffling his hair as he passed him, his son turns his head to glance at his father and gives him a little smile
“Hi dad”He greeted before turning back to the cooking vegetables Rafe lent down and placed a kiss on his head
“Hey buddy”Rafe said and walked up his wife who’s back was facing him, he wrapped his free arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder
“Hello my love”he whispered into her ear pressing a kiss on the side of her neck
“Hey handsome”His wife smiled giving him a love filled gaze and looked back to the gravy she was making
“how is my lovely family doing today?”He asked out loud for his family to hear
“good! We make chicken you got- oh me made you something daddy!”The young girl gasped and wriggled out her father’s grip running out the kitchen
“mama the vegetables are done”Their son said making the woman turn around to face him Rafe followed suit with his body still tightly pressed against hers both his arms now around her slowly growing waist
“oh thank you honey, you can go back to sleep for about ten minutes before dinner”Their son nodded putting down the wet wooden spoon and practically skipped to the living room to sleep on the couch making the woman laugh at her son and look in the pot making sure her son was correct about the cooking food which he was
“what are you laughing at?”Rafe asked his wife turning her body around to face him making her automatically put her arms around his neck pushing her body closer to his as much as should could with the baby bump
“Nothing Love”She smiled and leaned up to his face puckering her lips before pressing a kiss onto his lips
He sinks into the kiss bringing a hand from her waist to her cheek pulling her closer to deepen the kiss after a moment they both pull away smiling almost giddily at each other, Rafe runs his thumb along the side of her jaw taken in every detail on her face the beautiful face he has already memorised
“You are so perfectly beautiful”Rafe whispered running his thumb along her cheek the woman smiled shyly feeling her cheeks warm up making her feel embarrassed and push her face into his neck
“Stopppp!” She whined into his neck making Rafe laugh and bring the hand that was previously on her cheek on to the back of her head and play with the hair of her head
“Aw you’ve gone all shy?! You are beautiful and adorable what a win for me!” Rafe teased causing her groan and hit his chest keeping her face in the crook of his neck the makes Rafe laugh more and kiss the top of her head the sound of hurried and loud patter of steps echo through the house coming from the top off the stairs
“You’re a mean idiot”She mumbled into his ear and giving it a little bite making yelp slightly at the action she giggles and break apart from their intimate hug and face the direction of the little stomps coming down the stairs
“You—you little…you just bit me!”Rafe whispered shouted
“yep deal with it sucker”Rafe gasped and went to say something but their daughter footsteps had finished Descending from the stairs trampling towards the room Rafe’s hand rests itself onto her waist and gives it a small pinch making her squeal and glare at the side of Rafe’s head with a little smile on her face
“oh it’s on country club” she whispered and smiled to her self beginning to think of ways to kick his ass in this little game Rafe glanced at his wife lifting an eyebrow at her and a little smirk rest its self on his Lips
“don’t start something you can’t finish darling” he mumbled leaning down to her ear she side eyed him and smirked a new upcoming confidence runs through her body
“or maybe don’t continue something you don’t know how to stop, Darling”she commented now raising her eye brown in question, Rafe’s eyes slightly widen at his wife’s new dominate nature
“what has gotten into you? Not that I’m complaining because this is so sexy”He leaned his head down to her neck and pressed a hungry seductive kiss that might make a little mark on her neck
“I think dinner is not the only thing I’ll eat ton-“He went to continue to whisper in her ear but their daughter charges into the room with a piece of paper clutched in her hand making the man give her neck one last kiss and pull away from her smiling at his daughter
“LOOK! Daddy me made this for you!”the young girl exclaimed failing to recognise her parent’s recent not so child-friendly game the young girl shoved the white paper into his body and bent down with overwhelming excitement with a massive smile plastered on her face and her arms curled into her chest trying to suppress all her energy
Rafe crouches down to her height and tapped his leg telling her to sit on his lap which she did instantly and comfortably sat herself onto his large thigh
“what is this baby girl?”Rafe asked putting a hand on her back making sure she wouldn’t fall off his leg the girl instantly began to point to each person and explain who it was and how she drew them while Rafe listened to every word intensely His wife placed a hand on his head playing with the small hairs of his buzz cut style head watching the way the love of her life interacts with her beautiful child making her feel as though she is the luckiest woman alive,
however a competition has started, a competition that will last until someone surrenders, who will stop being stubborn and quit? we will have to find out…
“Let the games begin” she mumbled with a sly smile Rafe heard this making a smirk cross his face
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If you have any requests you want me to do either dm me or comment :)
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sourapplesauces · 9 months
Hey!!!! You should uhhh infodump about your FNAF AU, that would be really cool. If you want. Especially stuff about Vanessa maybe, she's my girl
Hi! Thanks for the ask! I always wanted to infodump abt this but I never found an outlet!!  
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Gregory Alavarez
12 years old  
Vanessa offered to get him a haircut, but he preferred the messy shaggy hair 
Has amnesia about his past life; he doesn’t remember his parents 
Vanessa caught him trying to pierce his own ears, later she took him to a proper piercer. 
When asked why he got the piercing, he said it was to match Freddy 
Has a tough bad-boy exterior, but he's softer when in Cassie, Vanessa and Freddy’s company 
Has like really good grades, he's a smart kid. 
Has a lot of sleepovers with Cassie where they just chill playing video games and doing each other's makeup and nails 
He also likes drawing and programming 
He gets night terrors, and a lot of nightmares of memories that aren't his 
He also HATES the dark, and he's a little bit claustrophobic 
Owns a TON of Freddy merch and he decorates his bedroom with it 
He sees Freddy as a parental figure, but he’s too shy to express it. 
Is GGY/patient 46
Vanessa Alvarez
24 years old 
Inspired off of her first poster where she had wavy hair and freckles (I just added a tooth gap bc I thought it looked cute.) 
Has little recollection of her time as Vanny, Afton put her to sleep most of the time- but she's had visions and physical scars. 
Pre-help wanted: her personality was bubblier, she had hobbies like baking, gaming and cosmetics. 
Post-security breach: she’s more on the quiet side, she can get anxious and depressed at times. But shes keeping her head up for Gregory (and she’ll learn to do so for herself as well). 
As for hobbies: She likes to read now, and she still bakes occasionally 
Can be unintentionally rude sometimes 
Her parents are deceased (backstory later ...*wink wink*) 
She lived at the Pizzaplex for a while, but after the savior ending she got a brand-new apartment to start things over. 
Vanessa and Valerie (tape girl) were romantically involved at some point, but were torn apart by glitchtrap 
Freddy and Gregory live with Vanessa in her new apartment  
Vanessa has legally adopted Gregory, but their dynamic is more sibling-like than it is parental. 
Glamrock Freddy 
His immobility slightly bothers him, not being able to express himself properly is the worst part of being just an animatronic head. 
Vanessa and Gregory like taking him on road trips to see more of the world, so much so that Freddy considers traveling as one of his hobbies 
Vanessa and Gregory connected him to the internet so he's basically like Alexa now (he's just sentient)
Him and Bonnie are long lost lovers (he hardly talks about it though) 
He's become a reliable source of advice for both Gregory and Vanessa 
Freddy is the peacemaker/glue/dad in the group 
Vanessa has been working for a while to make a body for Freddy, though the lack of parts available for him has slowed things down. They resorted to stealing from warehouses and recycling everyday items to create a makeshift body for him. Though it's only halfway completed in the present.  
He's really good at singing. Oftentimes, he finds himself singing lullabies to Gregory or singing along to tunes during road trips. 
He misses his friends a lot of the time, and he’s still a little frustrated with Gregory for treating them with cruelty. 
Dislikes conflict/ likes seeing the bright side of things  
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eddiernunson · 6 months
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Waiting Room Problems | Eddie Munson x fem!Reader | 18+ | PREVIEW
Summary: a rough landing in a fight with your brother causes you to land in a crowded waiting room. Meanwhile a rough deal also sends Eddie the same fate. Somehow, somehow you try to keep your eyes on your phone and off his tiny little waist. It proves…difficult.
Warnings: strangers to lovers, fleeting glances, slightly cocky Eddie, sex in a public bathroom (trust me on this, just trust me), and general horniness at Eddie’s general appearance.
Authors note: I just spent 8 hours last night (when I wrote this) in the fucking waiting room. At two hours in a guy came in and he radiated Eddie’s energy so my mind ran away with it. (Everything is ok).
I'm posting a sneak at this one, because it was a surprisingly close call. I'm not sure when I'll be done, tbh. But here's the first 900 words!
As the night swallowed you whole, you sit in your mom’s passenger seat of her car while she drives you to the ER. While rough housing with your older brother you landed on your hand wrong and bent it way back. It’s definitely not broken, but it for sure needs to be looked at.
As the lights of the night pass you by you insist you’re fine and the sprain will heal after a few days. Your mom, however, was having none of it as you roll your eyes in exasperation.
She’s as stubborn as you are, so you sit arms crossed as you know you have no choice. Ouch, ok, crossing your arms was a bad idea.
She wishes you well, her kind eyes wide as she leans over to ask to keep her updated. You can’t help it, slamming the door after letting her know you will. You should’ve been enjoying some spiked eggnog and watching holiday movies, but now you’re spending Christmas Eve in the ER.
The large window to the waiting room lets you know there’s already a long line up just waiting for the triage and most seats are taken. Fuck, you’re in for a long night.
The kind and sunny nurse takes your vitals and information gently assessing your symptoms and palpating your wrist carefully. She lets you know it’s definitely sprained and will need a gauze wrap.
Soon, you find yourself sat in a brown, cracked, leather chair sitting close to a man who is coughing up a lung and groaning in pain at each one. Not that there are many options to begin with.
Your phone in your hand and your charger in your bag, you sit comfortably and wait for your name to get called to the back as you read the memes and watch with one headphone in.
Ninety minutes goes by while your best friend texts you to keep you busy and entertained, not even noticing you’ve been waiting for so long. Thank god for her.
For the first time in a while, you look up to assess the state of the waiting room. As far as you recall, about five people have been called to the back. Those seats have been replaced with new patients and their support, what seems to be a never-ending cycle.
Your eyes flick onto someone who walks into the line that is long enough to extend into the hallway, stepping up a place in line and finally in the actual waiting room. Your eyes scan him, the boots, the ripped jeans, the leather jacket covering a graphic tee, all leading up to his shaggy brown hair and gorgeous face.
Your mouth partially opens, momentarily taken aback by how unbelievably hot he is. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, at least, until you notice the tear in his shirt peeking at white gauze on his torso. From the stain, it’s clear he was injured.
His face doesn’t reflect such, patiently waiting as the two triage nurses take their time. By the third time he blinks, you realize you’ve been staring and shift your eyes back down to your phone.
As the line moves, his boots in the corner of your eye, you grow increasingly aware of how much you want to continue staring at him. Somehow, he was just so enticing, everything about him drawing you in. Especially his lack of response to a wound as such.
Time passes on and soon you find yourself bored of the videos and turn on your Spotify to the comfort playlist. Your eyes flicker to the triage, wondering around the room aimlessly. Unfortunately, it lands on the stranger you’ve been lingering on and witnesses him lifting his shirt to show the nurse the reason for his visit.
The black shirt lifts to show a slim waist scattered in black and white tattoos, lifting the white gauze to reveal a gnarly wound. You can’t tell but from its shape it looks to be a stab wound. However gory his uncovered wound looks; you can’t help but stare at his bare torso.
Then, it fucking happens. His eyes flicker to you, for a fraction of second, he keeps the eye contact. His mouth twitches, leaning into something you’d call a smirk. As a reflex you shift your eyes away from him, cheeks heating up in embarrassment from getting caught.
taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinnschesthair @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you @names-were-taken @oddussy420
If you want to be tagged when the full fic is posted, just let me know in the replies. Again, I have no idea when that will happen, it's not done yet. Maybe this'll give me the motivation i need
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inmyminditsreal · 9 months
Can you do a request where the reader is held captive and Spencer has to save her? You can decide if they are already a couple or not.
Hey!! Yes of course!! What i wrote is kinda dark but hope you enjoy!
Fem!reader x spencer reid
Summary: reader gets kidnapped and tortured while Spencer and the team have to save her.
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Blades/cutting skin, torture.
It was a normal case. Well, not ‘normal’ but as you go along as an agent, you get more suited to the terror. The case you’re working on started out simple. Guy kidnaps and tortures girls for fun. It's eerie and just the thought makes your skin crawl. You went out on a hunch without telling anyone. Now, you’re in this man's basement after being knocked out in combat. You wake up. 
You look around, and you notice that you’re tied to a chair, in the middle of a cold, dark basement with strange drawings on the walls.
“Where the fuck am I?!” You snarl into the dark basement.
You hear a high pitched child-like voice say from behind you, 
“Just where I want you to be my love~.”
It was horrifying. You feel a shiver run down your spine as you feel the cold press of a blade on the base of your neck.
“I bet all your friends are looking for you, hmm agent? I bet they care about you so much.” It taunts.
You stumble across the courage to say, “They’re fast.”
It laughs while carefully caressing the knife over your face, lurking over you like a leech. You wait in agony as it teases you with the tip of the blade. 
Finally, walking in front of you. You see that it's a man, a full-grown man. Disheveled and disgusting. He has brown shaggy hair that hangs in greasy loops over his face. His skin looks rough and scarred. His eyes are staring maniacally into yours. Just by looking at him, you get the feeling you get when you see something you weren’t supposed to. He didn’t look right or sound right.
“What? You don’t like what you see?” he pouts while kneeling in front of you. You can’t shake the dread you feel hearing his voice. It’s so young. So child-like and sort of off. You don’t say a word. His face contorts into a smile.
“Well, soon enough you will.” 
He walks over to the corner and returns with a camera. He sets it up facing you. He turns it on. Waving at the camera with a wide infantile grin, he walks over to you.
“I don't know what to do! Did anybody get any information about where she was going?” Penelope urged. Everyone was crowded in her office, scanning the monitors for any information that would lead to you. Spencer was the first to speak while he was pacing around the room,
“No- why didn’t she tell any of us! She should’ve known to tell us. God, why didn't she think!"
He sounds angry to the normal person, but to the rest of the team they know he’s desperately worried.
“Wait! Did you check his laptop? Like everything on it, what he was doing, stuff like that.” Spencer rushes over and questions Garcia. 
She quickly chimes back, “Obviously! Wait- oh my god. There was a page I didn’t open. You know how his parents told us he used to stream online? Maybe he still does.” 
Everyone is now huddled against Penelope.
“Oh my god.” Emily mutters. He was streaming. You were on the stream, sitting in a dimly lit basement with drawings of animals and candy all over the walls. A tall man standing behind you combing your hair, with a knife.
“Oh my god that piece of shit. Penelope can you track this? Please. Do it. Now.” Spencer hisses. He’s never normally like this. But with you in danger, something about him is feral. 
Penelope gets a little startled at his harsh tone but nevertheless stabs back with, 
“On it. Looking looking looking…..Got it! 2734 linktin ave.”
Spencer almost runs out the door. The team follows behind him but his urgency alarms them all slightly. 
You suddenly start to cry. You keep telling yourself that the team is coming and that they’ll find you. But you can’t lie that you’re losing hope. Fast. The man sets out some surgical tools on the floor and leans into your face. With a box cutter in hand, he grabs your wrist with a fierce grip and starts slowly dragging the knife into your hand, leaving you writhing in pain. You try your best not to show any emotion, hoping that maybe he’d stop. But to no avail. With a scoop of his finger, he takes your blood and asks you one simple question, “What do you wanna be?”
You wail, “What do you mean?!! What do you want!?”
“Hmm… I guess i'll decide for you!” he smiles and begins to dig his fingers into your wound, takes out the blood and begins to draw on your face, slowly with excruciatingly careful strokes he drips the warm blood over your skin. You shutter and cry when suddenly he screams,
You wail in pain as he digs the knife into your hand, drawing agonizing lines once, another time, and another. Each time drawing more and more on your face and down your neck. He begins to pull on your lips, mimicking a smile- then quickly pulling them down into a frown. All while smiling.
Spencer was pushing on the gas, speeding to get to you. In his mind, he kept thinking of your smile, your kind eyes, and all the things he loves about you. He hasn’t told you that he loves you yet, and he started to regret that decision as your absence progressed. He swerves into the man's driveway and immediately gets out running into the house. The door is locked. With a steady kick to the door, it swung sporadically open. He starts stalking inside, gun drawn. The team quickly rushes in behind him.
“Wait reid!” Derek insists. 
Spencer isn’t phased and opens every single door until he finds the basement. The basement door which was once locked, now lay battered and broken clinging to its hinges. The team quickly hurry down the steps yelling, “FBI DROP YOUR WEAPON AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!”
The man quickly holds the knife up to your neck, taunting the team with his threat.
“Don’t you dare touch her. Put your hands up and drop the knife. Now.” Spencer snaps at the man. The man laughs, and then, in an instant, a gunshot rings throughout your ears. You feel the grip on your neck start to falter, and you hear the man's body thump on the cold ground behind you. The team's eyes beam towards Spencer and his gun. 
Spencer and Emily quickly undo your restraints, and as you try to get up, your legs wobble and Spencer catches you in his arms. 
“You’re safe now, let's get you to the doctor.” 
“Wait- let me see my face-.” 
Spencer nods and lifts you up, taking you to a mirror. You look in the mirror, horrified. You finally understand what the man meant by ’what do you want to be’. He was doing face paint. There were long thin lines that resembled grotesque clown lips and nose, eye liner, blush, and detailed lines. How could he have done this? With blood and a blade. It was brutal. You begin to sob at your reflection.
Up in the driveway you’re greeted by paramedics who cater to your wounds and sit you down in the ambulance. Once you’re all patched up, Spencer walks over to you, wrapping you in a blanket and sitting beside you.
“I’m so sorry.” He mutters.
Due to the loss of blood which was getting fixed by the iv in your arm, you felt hazy.
“It-’ts okay.” you mumble.
“you're safe.” 
“mhm-mm” You hum while leaning your head down on his shoulder. You were too tired to understand any of his words.
“I love you. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.”
“M-mn yea.” you mumble.
You weren’t completely sure what was going on, and Spencer picked up on that. He decided he would tell you when you could actually form a sentence. Even though you felt horrible, Spencers arms wrapped around you replaced your dread with warmth, and that you could understand.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
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[ID: Digital drawings of original characters Lila and Redd. Lila is a white, tall, lanky, goth trans girl with with very pale skin, lilac eyes, pointy ears with two industrial piercings and large stretched lobes, angel bites and a lip ring on her lips, and very long lilac hair in a high ponytail with v-shaped bangs, long strands by her ears, and the sides of her head shaved. She's wearing dramatic black and purple makeup, a black choker, a frilly black dress, a purple corset, black arm warmers and open-toed platform boots, black and purple striped legwarmers, fishnet thigh-highs, and her nails are long and black. Redd is a white, short, chunky, country trans guy with warmer skin with freckles and acne, shaggy dirty-blonde hair, brown eyes, and patchy facial hair. He is wearing a striped gray beanie hat, a red flannel shirt with a gray undershirt, warm grey ripped jeans, and brown work boots.
The first image shows a front and side view of the both of them from the neck up, and the second image shows them standing with their full bodies visible, showing their heights. The top of Redd's head reaches the bottom of Lila's chest. The background on both images is a pale green. end ID]
what if you always wanted to be a vampire and fall in love with a werewolf and you met someone who always wanted to be a werewolf and fall in love with a vampire and then you both got turned into the Other Monster and you were both transgender. what then.
anyway meet lila and redd :) will post more monster-y pics as soon as i draw redd in monster mode
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triptrippy · 2 months
I love your art so much! If you don't mind me asking what's your process for designing characters/outfits?
i had to think about this for a while
when designing characters sometimes im just thinking of a concept ive been exposed to and want to expand in my mind, like with my dunmeshi ocs there were multiple Things in dungeon meshi i wanted to play around with.
dwarves having high tech ruins with trolleys? telephones? there must be Some innovation going on with dwarven society, what if i made someone interested in that innovation but theyre not a dwarf. elves have magic but instead of casting, this character leans toward that tinkering mentality and they brew magic potions and make explosives. Then, i know the noble dwarves in the story are drawn like Rennaissance lords but they have telephones, so maybe there could be a little bit of a steampunk vibe. And then being an elf, around dwarves, they probably get their gender confused more often, maybe they actually dont mind that much and its fun. maybe they work for the dwarven noble in the party? i think that was basically my thought process for fry. and then for his physical appearence, i started drawing an elf and i was focusing on that "likes to have fun" part and i gave him sort of that elven shagginess/laid back look, and messed around with the color pallett until i picked something i liked. he almost had bleach white hair reminiscent of a mad scientist but brown felt more grounded. and its pink at the root because its cute!
i feel like i wing it with outfits but i think i use the same logic. hes an alchemist and lives around nobility, so he has kind of a suit as if hes in academia. but hes cute, so it has a skirt and no jacket. he has a magical prosthetic that he controls with a puppet spell like milsiril uses to control her puppets. it doesnt heal when hes healed because he was born without the arm, and it also doesnt count towards the 1/13th of body missing that would ruin a ressurection since it was never there to begin with. SORRY I GOT INTO THE LORE ON YOU umm yeah and then his head is very warm toned so his outfit i chose warm tones as well. i put goggles and gloves because safety first proper PPE. and thats it! i pick outfits that make sense for what i know of the character, their class(monetarily) how practical i imagine they are, what they would dress for on a daily basis. either before or during the design process im thinking of the silouette and color chemistry as well, but that can change with an outfit.
awesome question thank u!
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romewritingshop · 7 months
Main Tera Pt. 1
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Kento Nanami x Brown Indian Female Reader
Tropes: Childhood lovers, Exes-to-lovers, Fake dating, co-workers-to-lovers, wedding
Warning: Toxic family members, talks of death, weddings, fake dating, swear words, aggressive behaviour, talks of abandonment and grief
A/N: Hey so this is inspired by my own culture. I wanted to write this fic and I hope it's good. The next part will be up soon. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think! Follow, comment or reblog, IDC because I enjoy writing this fic. Please pay attention before reading.
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"What the fuck do I do 'Bara?"
(Y/N) couldn't believe her eyes as she stared at the white box. Red and gold confetti was strewn across her work desk but her eyes focused on a gold bordered invitation with the names:
‘Tina Singhania weds Harpreet Singh’
The box was an over the top gesture her cousin did to embarrass her but that was not her main concern. Her main concern was the fact that the invitation was addressed to her and her boyfriend. She didn't even have a boyfriend, not even a casual partner.
(Y/N) rubbed her forehead from the impending headache. Haibara smiled nervously as he patted his friend on the shoulder, looking at the open box. She only had about two weeks to find someone before she would then have to fly out to India for the wedding.
"I mean, you just have to find someone to be your boyfriend. Not an actual one, just pretend."
(Y/N) grimaced as she slumped down right in her chair. To make matters worse came the most annoying human being in the world.
"(Y/N)! What's that on your desk?"
The man with the blue circle rimmed glasses and shaggy silverish hair: Satoru Gojo. He came around and sat on the corner of his co-worker's desk, looking into the box and gasping at the red cupcake inside. He reached in and plucked it out, opening his mouth to take a bite when it was snatched away.
"Suguru, what the hell?"
Suguru rolled his eyes and returned the cupcake back on (Y/N)'s desk.
"Satoru, you don't take things that aren't yours." Suguru turned to his co-worker with a smirk. "You ask: Pretty Woman, can I have the cupcake?"
(Y/N)'s scrunched up with disgust as she brought a hand up to turn Suguru's face away.
"Don't show me your creepy ass face. And don't call me Pretty Woman!"
Right behind Satoru was his best friend, Suguru Geto, the inseparable duo that often liked to fan flames and cause mischief. Suguru had a scary face most of the time but he was calmer and nicer than Satoru. The two of them came over to see this mysterious package that had arrived on (Y/N)'s table.
"So your sister is getting married?"
Third person to arrive was the brown haired and half-tired Shoko Ierie. She had pried out the invitation from (Y/N)'s hand and read all the information. The box was drawing too much unwanted attention as (Y/N) lifted the box and shoved it under her desk.
Everyone seemed to have gathered around her desk as Satoru leaned over and picked the invitation out of Shoko's hands.
"You had a sister? And didn't even think to tell us."
"Only you Satoru."
Satoru stuck his tongue out at Shoko, his hand reaching out to grab the cupcake but Suguru snatched it and held it close to his chest. (Y/N) reached over and snatched the cupcake to give it to Haibara, folding her arms.
"I don't divulge my personal life to you, Satoru."
"And to think I considered you my best friend."
(Y/N) refrained from scoffing before retaining her composure. She may as well tell them the whole story seeing as they will continually bother her.
"She's a cousin and off limits Satoru."
Satoru scrunched up his face and folded his arms like a petulant child that was just refused their favourite candy. (Y/N) pinched at her forehead, her forehead creasing. 
"Only there's one problem."
Suguru raised a curious eyebrow as (Y/N) sat at the edge of her desk.
"What is it?"
"I have to take a boyfriend with me."
Suguru and Satoru shared a confused look with one another. They didn't know their work friend had a boyfriend as Satoru exhaled. There went their chance.
"Ah shame. I'm sure you and this boyfriend you-didn't-tell-us-about are gonna have a great time at your cousin's wedding."
(Y/N)'s face scrunched up as she shoved Satoru's shoulder.
"I don't have a boyfriend, you idiot!"
Satoru whistled with relief and sent a secret thumbs up to Suguru who rolled his eyes. Shoko was confused as she asked.
"Well can't you go without a boyfriend?"
"My cousin will kill and embarrass me. She's done it in the past so I'd rather avoid that."
Haibara patted your shoulder with comfort, having known and met your cousin once before. As Shoko scratched her head, understanding how dire the circumstances were, Satoru had a big grin on his face as he brushed his fingers in his white locks.
"You know if you need someone to pretend-"
Suguru smiled smugly whilst cutting in.
"No offence Satoru, you are the last person she should pick as a fake boyfriend."
"What are you talking about? I'd make a great boyfriend."
Shoko piqued in as she snatched Satoru's goggles off his face and put them on her face.
"Hi! I'm Satoru Gojo and I'm a wannabe model! Bet you never met a person with silky grey hair and bright ocean-like blue eyes!"
Suguru snickered while Satoru's face grew red. He took his glasses and returned them to his face whereas (Y/N) patted his shoulder to apologise.
"I'm sorry 'Toru but she would see right through you."
"She's right. That's why I'm the better choice, Satoru. Isn't that right, Pretty Woman?"
Suguru grinned smugly as he took (Y/N)'s hand and kissed the back of it. As if to persuade her that he was the better man to take on the role. (Y/N) awkwardly bared her teeth as she pulled her hand away to wipe off his kiss.
"I'm sorry Sugu but you're not even a better choice. You would scare half my family with those gauges and tattoos."
This made a sad pout appear on Suguru's face as he exhaled.
"That's hurtful. But wouldn't that also be a big fuck you to your cousin? I'd treat you so well."
"It would and you might but let's also not forget last year's party where your quote-unquote girlfriends dropped by to accuse you of being a slut."
This time Satoru and Shoko snickered whereas Suguru raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Haibara had a constipated expression on his face as he listened to this conversation.
"Your point?"
"I don't want to have to run into another set of girls who claim you were the best night of their lives."
"I'm not that big of a slut."
At that moment they all deadpanned at Suguru's words and Satoru flailed his hands to gesture.
"Says the one who was the most popular one in high school."
Suguru glared at Satoru before huffing with reluctant agreement. Then his eyes furrowed and snapped to Haibara, almost accusatory. Even Shoko raised an eyebrow at Haibara.
"Don't tell me that Haibara is your choice!"
(Y/N) rolled her eyes before resting her hands on her hips. Haibara nervously shook his head.
"I've already met her family so they're not gonna believe I'm her boyfriend."
Which leads everyone to think and ask themselves, who? At that moment a weary face and blonde hair walked up to the group, his eyes narrowed and arms crossed tight across his blue buttoned chest. He cleared his throat which made everyone stand up attentively.
"What's going on here and why is it a mess?"
Satoru, Suguru and Shoko quickly scuttled away from (Y/N) leaving her to face their grumpy team leader, Kento Nanami. Only a few months older than her and was brought onto the company as the team leader. She didn't even want to talk to Nanami as she sent a glare to her other co-workers that abandoned her.
"Nothing, Mr. Nanami. Just received a package."
Nanami exhaled as he watched his co-worker clear the rubbish on her table and toss the box underneath her desk. Haibara returned to his cubicle as Nanami took a safe step close to (Y/N), hoping that she would just take a look at him.
"What Mr. Nanami?"
The glare she gave him was a mixture of hot and cold, both scalding Nanami's heart. He had a pained expression on his face as she glared. Ever since he started working in the company for over a year now, she had been nothing but hostile. He tried to give a soft smile before he quietly spoke.
"What time are you meant to finish today?"
"What's it to you?"
If it were anyone else, Nanami would have taken managerial action and ensured that the person received a disciplinary warning, for their behaviour. His heart was always weak against (Y/N) as he let her talk harshly to him. He didn't know how to say his next words because she was going to flip. He let out a short puff of breath before going ahead with his words.
"Daadi invited me for dinner. Said she had something important to discuss."
At that moment, (Y/N) stopped typing before slowly craning her head to thoroughly examine Nanami's face for a joke. It wasn't and she almost shivered in grief. Why? Her Daadi (Grandma) loved Nanami for many reasons and it irked her whenever Daadi would mention the man. But today seemed to have crossed the limit as she frowned.
Right now she needed to get rid of Nanami so she creased her face into an awkward smile. For now she'll have to engage in a short conversation that will drive him away.
"Ah. Well you can go ahead and have dinner with her. I got a lot of work to finish off -"
"I didn't set any deadlines. You can push that off for tomorrow. She insists that I get you to come on time for dinner."
"As if…"
Her words died in her throat as Nanami pulled out his phone to show the messages that Daadi had sent. It was true. Daadi had invited Nanami and she had stressed the fact that (Y/N) needed to come home on time. She couldn't believe that Daadi had gotten Nanami's phone number and he had hers saved.
At that moment, a loud ring sounded from the cubicle next to them as Haibara answered the phone. Nanami and (Y/N)'s ears perked up as they leaned around the cubicle. The first words that caught their attention was 'Hello Daadi!' They silently watched Haibara have a conversation before hanging up the phone and nervously smiling at the two people in front of him.
"Erm … you heard that huh? Looks like I'm joining you guys for dinner as well."
(Y/N) scoffed as she folded her arms muttering.
"Funny how she didn't call-"
As if the comedic timing wasn't enough, her own phone rang to which her face scrunched up in agony before answering her phone, in Hindi.
"Hi Daadi. How are you?"
"I'm doing good. You're coming home today for dinner?"
She glared at Nanami as she feigned her whining.
"I'm really sorry Daadi but-"
"If you finish that sentence, I will come to your office and drag you by the ear. Are you asking to get smacked?"
"I don't want any excuses. You have to come home for dinner. And bring Kento and Haibara with you."
Before (Y/N) could get a word in, Daadi had cut the call. All (Y/N) could do was angrily pout before massaging her forehead and muttering.
"Did she tell you what time we have to get there?"
"By six thirty."
After a gruelling two hours, it was time for everyone to go home. (Y/N) was rushing to pack her things which surprised Haibara as he watched her scrambling to get paperwork together.
"Why are you in a rush? I thought you didn't want to go to dinner?"
"I still don't. But I also don't want to get a lift with Nanami."
Haibara's smile was askew as he watched her leaned down to pick up her parcel, before she shoved it in his hands for him to hold. She sat down on her chair to take off her nude heels and switch them for some black trainers.
(Y/N) rushed up and grabbed Haibara's wrist to yank him away from their cubicles and to the lift. It was just about to close but before her hand could cut in to prevent the doors from closing, Nanami's hand cut in. He had reached the doors the same time as them which was unfortunate for (Y/N) as she gritted her teeth before gesturing for Nanami to get in.
The blond man didn't budge and stood firm where he was which irked (Y/N) even more. Decidedly, she stomps into the lift, followed by Haibara and Nanami. There was silence in the lift, the two men didn't say a word out of fear that they might make their co-worker explode.
The lift finally arrived on the ground floor, the lift doors were slowly opening but (Y/N) didn't hesitate in pushing through the doors. Haibara gave Nanami a torn sheepish smile before following after her. She was about to swipe her card to open the gate when a loud thunderstorm echoed before a sudden heavy shower began to downpour.
She screeched rather angrily, unable to believe her rotten luck as she huffed at Haibara.
"We are gonna have to run to the bus stop."
"Or you can just take a lift with me."
Nanami stood there with an unimpressed expression on his face and arms folded. His dark waterproof long coat made him look much more bulky and taller. (Y/N) was about to open her mouth to refuse when Haibara beamed with a happy smile.
"Yep I'm good with that. Let's go!"
Holding her parcel in one hand, Haibara grabbed onto (Y/N)'s wrist, almost dragging her to the car. What should have been a quick five minute walk felt like a ten minute stretch as (Y/N) grumbled utter aggressive nonsense to herself all the way until they got into the car.
The table was finally set as Daadi laid out plates for four people. The dishes were still hot in a hotpot, and she finally got to take a look at the clock. They were ten minutes late which made Daadi frown and take her phone out to see if there were any messages. There were none which made Daadi worry, her fingers ready to dial them.
A pair of keys jingled in the lock which made Daadi sigh with relief, rushing to the door to see a slightly soaked (Y/N) carrying a box and a completely dry Haibara and Nanami. She was confused, unsure of whether to greet or comment but (Y/N) simply greeted first.
"Hey Daadi. Sorry we're late."
"Why are you wet?"
"I forgot to take an umbrella and I didn't want to share with Nanami. Also Haibara and your precious Nanami are the reason we're late."
Nanami stepped forward with a warm smile, presenting her with a bouquet of violet dahlias. Daadi's heart swelled with love as she took the flowers to smell, a deep rich scent enveloped her nose as she gave Nanami a hug and a pull on his cheek.
"You didn't have to bring anything, you silly boy."
Nanami grinned as he held Daadi's hand close to his heart, squeezing it to show his adoration.
"I wanted to, Daadi. It's always a delight to come see you and I knew you'd want a new bouquet for your kitchen windowsill."
"Ah you know me very well Kento."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she toed off her shoes, dropping her parcel on a small side table. Nanami had taken off his jacket and hung it on the stair pole. Going into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase for Daadi. Haibara grinned widely as he presented Daadi with a box of her favourite pastries.
"Haibara! You also didn't have to-"
"Nonsense Daadi! This is nothing compared to the amount of times you've given me birthday money and gifts. They're your favourite: almond croissants."
Daadi also pulled Haibara's cheek before Haibara took the pastry box to put in the fridge. (Y/N) wasn't surprised that Daadi walked after them to get their dinner served, specifically Nanami. She hated the fact that Daadi and Nanami had grown closer.
When Nanami first started working in the company, (Y/N) tried her hardest to make sure that Daadi would never find out but the old woman was smart to know something was up. She popped into the office one day and bumped into Nanami. They reconnected instantly and (Y/N) was left watching this friendship bloom.
Taking off her wet clothes, rinsing them and putting them in the washing machine. She started the cycle and went to her room to put on a dark grey long sleeve and light grey tracksuit bottoms. She took a small towel and dried her jet black hair before tossing the towel in a hamper in the bathroom.
She came downstairs to see Nanami, Daadi and Haibara sitting in seats, their plates empty in front of them, waiting for her to sit and eat with them. Daadi smiled before standing up to serve all of them. She lifted the lids to show the three dishes made: potato spinach curry and butter chicken. Nanami and Haibara's respective favourites as their mouths salivate.
Once their plates were made, everyone began to eat, Nanami and Haibara had a naan next to them, breaking off a piece and scooping some of the curry onto the bread. Nanami and Haibara had eaten Daadi's food many times and they knew the proper way to eat.
Opting for a light option, (Y/N) served herself some rice and poured a serving spoon of butter chicken. She grabbed a tablespoon and mixed it together, taking the first bite. There was nothing that Daadi wasn't good at as (Y/N) hummed happily at her meal. Relaxing and glad to be home, until Nanami opened his mouth.
"Daadi, it is incredible as always."
"I took extra special care in the potato and spinach curry, since it's your favourite."
Haibara hummed as well as he licked the sauce with his fingers.
"And this butter chicken is creamier and nuttier than last time?"
"Yes, I'm glad you noticed Haibara."
(Y/N) cleared her throat before taking a large sip of water. Taking advantage of the silence she decided to talk about the first important thing which was her cousin, Tina's wedding.
"So Daadi, I received an interesting package today. A wedding invitation."
"I know. I received the same this morning."
"Did you know that Tina was getting married?"
Daadi hummed mindlessly, continuously eating her food. 
"Not really, no. But when I called Payal this morning, she said that the boy's in a rush to get married as he has to return to America. That's why the wedding invite is so sudden."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she continued to eat. However her Daadi's next words made her drop her spoon on her plate, her anger bubbling and slowly rising up.
"They want us to come as soon as possible to help out with the wedding prep. Said that she could use your help to negotiate with vendors."
Haibara and Nanami shared an apprehensive expression, feeling a little awkward that they were hearing this conversation. Daadi trusted them whereas (Y/N) was panicking at the sudden change in plans. Mainly how she was going to find a boyfriend this sudden.
"Daadi I'm not going to be able to get my holidays approved so soon."
Daadi rolled her eyes as she gestured to the blonde haired man sitting on her right.
"It's partly the reason why I called Kento." She turned to Nanami with a pleading smile. "Please Kento. I'm sorry but I hope you understand that she needs these days off."
Kento gave a polite nod as he grabbed a napkin to clean his mouth and hands, taking a sip of water and answering.
"Don't worry Daadi, I understand. I'll have someone cover her work for however much time she needs off."
It was no surprise to (Y/N) that Nanami said yes. Whatever Daadi says, he does. Though he might have done the same with (Y/N), he lets her get away with murder. Daadi had a big grin on her face, glad that she was able to sort that out before she snapped her fingers as if remembering something else.
"Ah, also for Haibara and yourself."
(Y/N) felt like she lost all feeling in her body. Did she just say for Haibara and Nanami? What the fuck was going on? An almost fire-like rage burned in her eyes as her words forcefully pushed through her teeth.
"What do you mean Daadi?"
Daadi remained cool, having been used to her granddaughter's tantrums as she turned to Haibara.
"Well, I'm sorry it seems last minute but you are invited to the wedding. You are family and we simply cannot have a wedding without you."
Haibara smiled and bowed graciously before his smile dropped.
"Are you sure that's okay Daadi?"
"Yes, don't worry! Payal won't mind."
(Y/N) flared in anger as she spoke a bit louder, more pissed off at the fact that Daadi was ignoring her.
"Daadi! What do you mean?"
Even Nanami was confused as to why he needed to get holidays as he opened his mouth, also asking the same questions but softly and calmly. Daadi exhaled, knowing her next words will set off (Y/N).
"Before I cut the call, Tina came on and said that she couldn’t wait to meet you and your boyfriend too."
Nanami's eye twitched and furrowed suspiciously as he sat up straighter, which took (Y/N) by surprise because he was often aloof, wearing his heart on a sleeve whenever (Y/N) was around. Haibara was munching on his food, savouring the taste and not putting much input because he would be the next target for (Y/N)'s wrath.
"Now, I know you don't have a boyfriend-"
"You don't know that-"
Daadi scoffed and raised an eyebrow which made (Y/N) be quiet. There was no getting past the old woman.
"I know Tina has put you in a bind but the solution is right opposite you (Y/N)."
Just now she felt an icy chill crawl up her spine and freeze her every single movement. Her brain simply shut down as her eyes narrowed in on the brown eyes and ugly leopard print tie. Haibara finished off his plate and hid behind his naan, not wanting to be caught in the crosshairs.
Daadi's face remained stoically cool, almost alert because the minute her granddaughter was going to act up, she was going to shut the attitude down. But Nanami was shocked the most, by far this was the most eccentric thing that Daadi has ever done.
"Why Nanami?"
"Because you have history. He knows you well and I trust him to look after you."
One minute. Two minutes. Five minutes passed as (Y/N) exhaled, mulling over what Daadi had said. It's true, they had history, but that was almost thirteen years ago, when they both were 14. They only dated for a few months before … that happened. She shuddered at the memory before coming back to the present, unable to comprehend what Daadi had just proposed.
She abruptly stood up and took her plate to the kitchen, having lost the appetite and feeling numb. It was like her life was out of her hands as she scraped off the uneaten rice and curry into the bin.
She felt a hand on her shoulder as she tried so hard to pinch her eyes, preventing her tear ducts from welling up and then came Daadi's soft voice.
"(Y/N), I suggested him because I know he will be there for you in ways I might not be able to."
"If you say you're gonna die, Daadi-"
Her grandmother rolled her eyes and slapped (Y/N)'s shoulder, scolding.
"I'm not dying you silly girl. I just know Kento will help you keep a level head."
Her fists clenched tight as she took shaky breaths before going over to the sink to splash cool water on her face. If they didn't have that awkward past, Nanami was the perfect choice. But the way she treated him, she wouldn't be surprised if he refused.
Her eyes widened in shock and her face twitched at the thought of already accepting Nanami as a choice. As much as she wanted to say she was at a crossroads, the truth was, deep down she felt obliged to follow Daadi's request. If she didn't, she would have had this nagging feeling of regret.
Finally shaking off her depressed disposition, she straightened her back and spun around to face her Daadi.
"Fine. I'll take Nanami. But will he even agree?"
"I hope we're not too late."
(Y/N) pushed the bridge of her sunglasses down her nose as Nanami and Haibara reached the two of them. Nanami had a more dressed down look with a navy polo shirt and grey slacks. Haibara had gone with jeans and a print t-shirt which had a dragon on the front.
Daadi waved her hand as if to brush off their excuse before she greeted the two men. They were in the airport arrivals lounge, just getting ready to board the plane. The weather in Japan was slightly warm so they could relax without jackets and coats.
Nanami took a minute to admire (Y/N), the woman was staring down her phone, texting something whilst holding onto her hand carry. Looking pretty in a tweed print quarter length trousers and white t-shirt. He was glad that her sunglasses were on her nose because he could see her eyes that he got lost in for the first time they met.
It was nearly thirteen to fourteen years ago when they first met. She was a new student joining their class, the last year of junior high. Her eyes darted around like an alert panicked deer, nervous to see how everyone else would perceive her.
Her big brown eyes which reminded him of the crackling camp fires, felt like a warm heater heating his face on a cold day. It was just Nanami's luck that the seat next to him was empty as she waddled down the line and sat down next to him. 
Since she had just started, he shuffled his desk closer to share his history textbook with her. He looked down to hide his eyes behind his fringe, softly muttering.
"'M Kento Nanami."
"(Y/N) Aggarwal."
The youthful hue in her cheeks made her radiant in the cold day, she felt like a warm cosy fireplace as the two of them shuffled closer to read the textbook. Their fingers brushed and that was the moment they fell for each other.
From then on they spent most of the break times together, getting to know one another and connecting on a basic level. They were 14, the most they could do was hang out. Sometimes they went bowling or to an arcade, even Haibara would join them as well.
(Y/N) had brought Nanami to the house to meet Daadi and her mother. Nanami was instantly welcomed as the two women fed and cared for him as if he were their own child. They surprisingly approved of the relationship, especially seeing how Nanami took care of her. Then again, they were modern thinking women.
What was a lit match, became a spark and now a gentle warming fire as Nanami held (Y/N)'s hand. The two of them were sitting next to a tree in the school courtyard, their faces naturally drew close. Whilst (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered close to feel his kiss, he kept his eyes slightly open, so that he could cherish the memory of sharing their first kiss together.
This was only the start to what would be a long nightmare as (Y/N) took a sip of water. Her Bua (Aunt) Payal, held a small dinner party to introduce the boy that was going to marry Tina. Everyone was seated at the dinner table: her Bua Payal, cousins Karan, Tina, Jhanvi, Tina's fiancee Harpreet, Nanami, Haibara and Daadi.
A mixture of curries and chutneys were served on the table as everyone helped themselves. Harpreet was in the middle of conversing in English with Nanami and Haibara.
"So … have you ever been to America?"
Nanami politely shook his head.
"Can't say that I have, no."
"Well if you'd ever like a visit, come to New York City. I have good contacts to get you a job there. They pay six figures and provide accommodation as well. If you want, I can hook you up with someone. I'm sure you'd do way better than where you are now."
Nanami smiled as he took a bite of food.
"I appreciate the offer but will have to kindly decline. I have loved ones close by that I'd like to stay close with."
When saying 'loved ones' his eyes briefly darted over to (Y/N) which made her blink blankly. Daadi smirked behind her glass while Payal and Tina smiled as Tina spoke.
"But seriously like … how did this happen? I thought you would turn up here without a boyfriend. Don't tell me you hired him!"
(Y/N) pursed her lips as her head grew hot in anger. Daadi frowned and put her glass down to scold her other granddaughter.
"Tina. Is this how you talk to your cousin?"
"Daadi, I'm only joking. Right (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) widened her smile but it had no mirth or joy, only bitterness.
"Yes of course. And to answer your question, no I did not hire him. We met at work."
Tina scoffed, almost carelessly waving her glass around. Everyone else was eating and listening to the conversation carefully.
"Met at work? That's such a basic answer."
(Y/N) opened her mouth to rebut but Nanami stepped in, his gaze focused on (Y/N). Like he somehow knew he needed to bring her back.
"Sometimes the most basic things can mean so much. When I first walked into work, I noticed her working in her cubicle. My heart had stopped. Like I had found the person I'd been searching my whole life for.
"But I needed to do whatever I could to be with her the moment I saw her eyes."
(Y/N) felt herself get drawn into Nanami's eyes, a similar shade to her own. She felt like she had travelled back in time as Nanami's face morphed into his younger self. She hadn't realised it but Nanami had grown up in so many years. His face had matured a lot but his eyes were still the same.
His usual cool stoic demeanour had shattered before her and she was seeing the Nanami she knew when she was young. Or had he always been like this but she only noticed now. The side of his hand brushed against hers slightly but she took the leap to interlace her fingers with his.
She heard someone clear their throat which made her snap out of her daydream, snatching her hand away as she straightened her posture. Tina's eyes narrowed as she was unable to believe the chemistry between her cousin and her 'boyfriend'.
Haibara and Daadi shared a knowing, almost scheming look. Payal grinned as she clapped her hands.
"Oh that is romantic. Then maybe we'll have another marriage to plan soon."
(Y/N) almost choked on her food at her aunt's words but Nanami quietly took a sip of his drink, grinning at the joke.
The wedding prep was done and now she could finally relax. If she had the energy, she would have throttled her cousin and ran her over with a car. Twice. Everything was down to (Y/N), from organising decorations to outfits and colours, haggling with fat Indian men and negotiating to her wits end.
Even her poor Daadi was put to work as she helped with the venue and catering organisation. (Y/N) would be up at six am in the morning, coming home at two am. With only four, sometimes three and half hours of sleep.
The only highlight of the day was that she'd come home to a steaming cup of spiced tea that would rejuvenate her, making her feel warm and alive. Daadi got home earlier than she did, so she was endeared by the fact that her Grandmother took time to make her tea.
Being busy didn't give her a chance to connect with Nanami. Apparently Tina boasted about the fact that she got to show Nanami around Mumbai, which made her blood boil at the audacity of her cousin. After five days of gruelling work, she was able to come home early, and she completed everything just in time for the Mehndi ceremony tomorrow.
She was desperate for a nice shower and that hot cup of spiced tea. It was about 11pm and surprisingly the house was quiet. Everyone had probably slept early because of the Mehndi. There was some rustling in the kitchen as she crept in, stunned to see the familiar blond shaggy hair.
He turned around, a little surprised as he stirred a cup of tea, placing it on a saucer and pushing it in front of (Y/N).
"Hey. Finished early?"
Her eyes dropped down to the cup of tea in front of her, wisps of steam floated in the air and in the direction of her nostrils. It had the strong notes of cinnamon and ginger. She gave a nod and a hum, for once being too tired to even be bitter and angry.
"I did. Everything is set for the next two days."
A smile came on his lips as he came around to lead (Y/N) to the dining table, before placing the saucer in front of her. He took a seat opposite her, speaking softly.
"You did well."
Her lips twitched at the soft praise he was giving her before her eyes zoomed into the cup in front of her. Feeling parched, she brought her palms around the cup, blowing at the top before taking a sip. It was the same tea she had been having for five days, her eyes lifted up to Nanami.
"Did … you make this?" He gave a nod which prompted her to ask another question. "Have you been making tea for me the last few days?"
Once again he gave a nod, almost nervous to see how she would react. But to his surprise, her face cracked to show a smile, her eyes fluttered to connect with him for the first time, softly murmuring. "Thank you."
She was beyond touched by his gesture as she finished her cup of tea. Her hands pushed forward to give him the cup and his fingers brushed with hers when grabbing the cup. For once, she let her anger dissipate as her index finger stroked his.
Maybe she was too tired but she felt soft at this moment, warmed by Nanami. He waited patiently to let her take her time, to come forward and he was rewarded with her holding his hand. Whilst last time was emotionless, just a show in front of the family. This one was intimate and sacred.
Somehow he could feel her genuineness which made this moment all the more special. The years of walls she had built with Nanami in mind, began to crumble slowly. The slightly older man exhaled softly as he decided to go a baby step further to ask.
"If we get a chance, maybe after the wedding, we could go sightseeing around the city."
She flinched slightly as she recalled her cousin's words, incredulous she couldn't help but ask.
"Didn't Tina show you around?"
"No. She was stubborn and tried to force me to go but I stood my ground. I made myself a promise, years ago, that if I were to go to India. I would only go with you. I will always wait for you."
In that moment the walls collapsed as his words echoed, not missing the double meaning in his last sentence she gave a nod promising to take him around the city.
"Kento, can you check on (Y/N) and see if she's okay? We need to leave now."
Nanami gave a nod to Daadi before trudging up the stairs to the bedroom that (Y/N) was getting ready in. Daadi fixed the sleeves of her blouse, straightening the pleats of her sari. Haibara raised an eyebrow, his hand up to point in the direction that Nanami went in.
"I just checked on her when I went to the bathroom. She said that she was just putting her outfit on."
Daadi gave a steady grin and Haibara noticed this. His eyes went up the stairs before going back to Daadi, his brain worked a bit before he finally put two and two together. He shook his head in a small laugh, giving an impressed grin but curious what the move is.
"I think I see where you're going with this but what will Nanami help with?"
Daadi shrugs. "Maybe an anklet, an earring or her blouse."
Haibara let out a scandalised gasp which made the older woman throw her head back in laughter before tugging his cheek. Meanwhile Nanami had just reached the bedroom door, knocking and asking.
"Are you ready?"
"Just a minute, just stuck with this blouse."
Nanami scratched his head nervously as he was about to turn to call for Daadi when he heard her yelp. Immediately his eyes widened as he knocked on the door harder. After a few minutes of silence, he heard the lock unclick, the door opened to reveal an embarrassed looking (Y/N).
Last night was a fluke. She had let her walls down in front of Nanami because she was exhausted. This time she put them back up so tightly that he couldn't even try to wiggle his way into her heart. She stepped aside to let Nanami in, taking in the fact that there was a bedspread on the floor and one on a slightly elevated bed.  The room he shared with Haibara was nothing like this as he pointed out to the spread on the floor.
"Who's sleeping there?"
"That's me. Daadi's got a bad back so she's sleeping on the charpai."
After tonight he was going to swap rooms with her so that both she and Daadi could get a better night's rest. For now, he began to examine her for a wound.
"I heard you squeal."
She narrowed her eyes as she corrected Nanami about the fact that she yelped. Her eyes then darted around the floor as she whispered.
"Look, I thought I saw a cockroach."
The man stilled for a minute, looking from the floor to (Y/N) then the floor again. Surprised that she was the kind to get scared by an insect as he almost deadpanned.
"A cockroach."
"Indian cockroaches are different. These are huge dickheads that can fly."
"Right. How long are you gonna take to get dressed?"
"I'm done, just stuck with trying to tie the blouse up tightly."
Nanami's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he finally took in the fact that she was wearing a traditional Indian dress, a lehenga. The skirt was a lemony yellow with silver sequins and embroidery and it contrasted nicely with her sea blue full sleeve blouse.
She needed to dress more like this as Nanami tried to block out the indecent thoughts. (Y/N) went to her vanity mirror and turned around to see her back in the mirror. He almost lost his mind at the large expanse of her back. Sure enough the back of the blouse undone as he watched her struggle for a few good minutes before he huffed.
Strutting over and ordering her to turn around. She's about to refuse but her mouth zips tight when he pivots her body round, bringing his fingers up to lace up the blouse, pulling and tugging slightly before tying a tight little bow at the bottom.
"There. Now we can -"
"Can you get the cockroach before we go? I don't want to come back and it's still there."
Nanami shook his head as he brought an arm around her shoulder, silently urging her to get a move on as they were now running late for the mehndi ceremony.
"Don't bother. Haibara and I will swap rooms with you and Daadi."
"Please. You shouldn't sleep on the floor anyways."
(Y/N) shut her mouth which was a silent indication that she agreed with Nanami's request. He dropped her arm and gave her space to walk forward. She subconsciously brought her hand to her shoulder, already missing the slight warmth that emanated from his hand.
Finally, they got into the car and drove to the venue, where the party was still having a few guests trickle in. It was a huge hall with cream curtains covering the walls, ambient blue and yellow flood lights were dotted across the room giving it a sort of cloudy glow.
The stage was set with ornate gold sofa chaises and embroidered deep lime green cushioning. There was a backdrop arch with vines lopping around it, and lily flowers drooping off. The tables and chairs had matching shades of green. It seemed like everything went well and she was glad that her aunt was happy to take on maintaining the beauty and event.
Nanami's eyes dazzled at the intricate beautiful decorations, leaning into (Y/N)'s ear.
"Your hard work has paid off. Everything looks stunning."
(Y/N)'s lips twitched with a threat of a smile before she cleared her throat, spotting Tina and Harpreet on stage, with her Bua Payal. She turned to Daadi, gently placing a hand on her arm.
"Daadi, should we go on stage?"
"Yes, let's go. Kento, Haibara come with."
The two women walked forward followed by Nanami and Haibara, they went up the three steps before Harpreet and Tina acknowledged Daadi and (Y/N). Tina looked lovely in her bright yellow garara, its stole was draped over her head. Harpreet had on a matching shade sherwani kurta and turban.
Nanami and Haibara shook Harpreet's hand to congratulate him while Daadi and (Y/N) embraced Tina. A photographer approached them and requested they get into position, the to-be-weds took centre stage with Nanami and (Y/N) to their right and Daadi and Haibara to the left.
Nanami's hand wavered, unsure of where to put his hand but a frustrated (Y/N) grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip. His fingers brushed against her bare side and waist of the lehenga. The picture was quick and Nanami was surprised when (Y/N) stomped away, once again confused about what he did to annoy her.
(Y/N) needed to stay away from Nanami as her heart panged with an unknown feeling. Whatever it was, it always happened with him and it was best if she was away from him. But it wasn't the best idea because it made her bump into different relatives, all of whom were shocked by the news that she was dating.
Maasi (Aunty) Khirron and Ganga were two gossips with tightly banaras red and blue saris. Looking more like wedding crashers than actual wedding guests. As if her day wasn't bad enough, she plastered a happy fake grin.
"Maasi! It's so nice to see you."
"It's nice to see you too! How long has it been, nearly thirteen years ago? At your mum's funeral right?"
(Y/N) flinched but bared it because she knew that these women didn't have any well wishes. They just spoke out of their ass most of the time so she gave a simple nod, which encouraged the women to natter away.
"Yes that's it. My dear (Y/N), your mother was a wonderful woman."
"Truly wonderful."
"She was taken too early."
"Too early! And it's such a shame she didn't get to see her daughter grow up."
It was coming, their snide backhanded comments.
"Yes! She didn't get to see her daughter grow up to be beautiful."
"And the biggest thing is that she didn't even get to see (Y/N) get married and have children."
There it was, she exhaled rather loudly, readying to take a step away before Maasi Ganga latched onto her arm like a constrictor snake. The two women were nattering away as they went further with their comments. Oblivious to the fact that (Y/N) was trying to get away quickly.
"But I wonder what she would say if she found out that her daughter was dating?"
"And that a white man?"
They were looking for a reaction, anything just to prod at the slow burning ire but she took a deep exhale and exhale. She knew how best to respond as she smirked whilst staring dead straight at Nanami.
"Well she would be proud of me because I found a man that takes good care of me. Especially in bed."
The aunties dramatically gasped, making their talkative traps open as (Y/N) found a way to move away from them. She rubbed circles at her temple as she stomped away only to bump into a younger boy with an afro and toothy grin.
It was her cousin's ridiculous neighbour's son, Mahesh took in her outfit and catcalled.
"I knew it was you (Y/N). You look beautiful."
"What do you want Mahesh? I got to go."
"Hey please. Can't I admire my future bride?"
(Y/N) scoffed as she dropped her hands to her waist. This boy was asking to be ripped a new one as she quirked an eyebrow.
"I don't date prepubescent boys."
"But I'm 18 now so technically a legal adult now."
Mahesh wiggled his eyebrows which did not impress (Y/N). She rolled her eyes and was about to strut away from him when he grabbed her wrist. 
"Where are you going, gorgeous? Dance with me a little."
There was only one way to deal with this and this was being direct. She snapped to him, stepping close and leaning over him like a giant. (There was only a few inches difference in height but (Y/N) was taller).
"Get three things through your thick skull: one, you are not my type, two you are way too young and an idiot and three, I have a boyfriend. Do not approach me again or I'll break your hand."
Yanking her hand out of his grip and shoving him as a way to drill the message in. It didn't take long for her to weave through the crowd and finally approach the bar where most of the uncles had gathered. Big mistake, she rolled her eyes to order a coke when two older men approached her. One was Chacha (Uncle) Satish, her father and Bua Payal’s younger brother, the other was a rather young bearded man with a turban. Chacha Satish raised a glass of whiskey to her.
“(Y/N)! It is good to see you! How goes in China?”
Chacha Satish was an idiot with a lack of cultural awareness and terrible English. That seemed to be a running theme in her family as she bit her bottom lip before widening her smile.
“Chacha Satish! It’s good to see you too! And I don’t know how it’s going in China because I don’t live there.”
Chacha Satish tapped his forehead as if he was being silly.
“Ah yes, I forget. Where you live?”
Chacha Satish and the turban man gave a nod as Chacha Satish gestured at the man next to him.
“This my good friend's son, Dheeraj Chaddha Singh. He own big business and has degree in engineering."
Chacha Satish leaned into her ear and it was difficult to repress a gag at the stench of his breath. It was onions and whiskey which was a vile combination. "He no married and he will be good husband."
It was like someone had crushed her mind with a heavy weight as Chacha Satish stepped back with a smug grin. His maroon sherwani buttons were struggling to hold on near his stomach which made her want to punch him in the gut. Just so she could embarrass him the way he just did now.
"Chacha. I have a boyfriend."
But Chacha barked a laugh as his head reared back. His drink sloshed and he stumbled slightly which made Dheeraj immediately hold on to his arm to balance him. It was a mistake being here and she might have been better off with Nanami.
"Who? That English man? Tina told me that's your boss and the other one is your friend from college."
"Chacha he is not English. He is mostly Japanese and a little bit Danish. And Tina is wrong."
Chacha frowned in confusion, raising a hand as if to ask what kind of combination this was. Though he then waved his hand to wave away her words as if she sidetracked the conversation.
"Anyways, Dheeraj is best guy. Big family. And What do you call a car dealership in English?”
“A car dealership?”
Chacha Satish blinked before giving a nod and blindly agreeing.
“Yes that. He want to open one in Japan. You two get married and you can open shop in Japan.”
“Chacha, I-”
“You give him money from your job. He open shop then you leave your job. Anyways, you will have to leave your job to raise your kids.”
(Y/N) had an incredulous expression on her face as she scoffed, tilting her head and folding her arms. What exactly did her uncle think she does for work? And how dare he offer up a stranger for her to marry? And further suggest that she leave her job and raise kids? She was gonna approach this tactfully.
“Chacha? What do you think I do for work?”
“You give money to people who want to open a business. Ah now I remember the name: an investor!”
“Chacha, I work for investors. I help manage their customers and their problems. I don’t give money to customers.”
This statement made Dheeraj Chaddha huff angrily as he jabbed an elbow into Chacha Satish’s side. Yanking him and almost loudly whispering into his ear.
"You told me she was rich."
"Forgive me, Dheeraj. I thought she was an investor not an … assistant."
Her nails dug into her palm, refraining from physically reacting.
"I'm not an assistant. I'm a client manager. I look after customers and company clients. And I earn extremely well for myself so even if I were an investor … I wouldn't invest in a disrespectful greedy lowlife."
Chacha Satish and Dheeraj gasped at her cruel words. Her uncle's nose flared up which was an ugly sight because he looked a lot like a pig. Only now she began to notice that whiskey was dribbling from the corner of his lip like a baby. Her uncle was not only mentally disgusting but physically as well.
"(Y/N), is this how you talk to guests? Ask for forgiveness right now."
"For what? I just said the truth. You're lucky I'm not asking you for forgiveness because you disrespected me."
"Me? Disrespect." Suddenly the argument took a turn as something dawned on his face. "You know what. You're right. I should ask for forgiveness."
He slapped his hands together and thrust them in her face, asking for 'forgiveness'.
"It's my fault. I didn't stop your father from giving you to your Daadi. You wouldn't have turned into a disrespectful dishonourable woman like-"
"Like who?"
Their conversation cut off at the sound of a new voice, (Y/N)'s facial expressions stuttered as the tall blonde man had cut in between them. His posture loomed over them, their skin began to ripple with goosebumps. His face drilled holes into Chacha Satish and Dheeraj, eyes narrowed and voice rather hoarse and menacing.
"Who were you going to compare her to?"
Dheeraj's eyes furrowed as he downed his drink and stumbled to shove Nanami at the shoulder.
"You're not involved in this conversation so stay out."
"Exactly my point. Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Chacha Satish frowned as he cleared his throat.
"I'm talking to my niece. I have a right to teach her right from wrong."
"Is that what it was? I heard you clearly admonish and disrespect her. Not only that but you were going to insult Daadi as well? Your own mother? Or … was it her mother? How revolting either way."
(Y/N) tugged Nanami's shoulder to avoid attention but the man barely budged as he raised an eyebrow and stepped closer, leaning into Satish’s ear to further threaten him.
"It is taking every cell in my body to refrain from killing you but I value my girlfriend and her grandmother's familial relationship. Consider yourself lucky."
Her uncle’s jaw dropped, opened and shut before he then scoffed, carelessly tossing his glass onto the bartop before shoving Dheeraj to move away from the blonde tall imposing man. Nanami’s eyes narrowed as he watched (Y/N)’s uncle and the other man walk away from them. His heart pumped vigorously as he glanced over his shoulder to see if (Y/N) was okay. It was the wrong move because he could feel the burn of anger radiating from her.
"Why the fuck did you do that?"
"Damage control."
Her mouth opened to scold him when instead the sudden heat flushed away, eyes widened in shock as her vision narrowed on an older man in the distance. The man with the same nose and face shape, his hair completely grey and dressed in a dark green sherwani and a white stole around his shoulders. Amongst the wedding planning, she had no time to recall the dark part of her past. The man who gave her up.
Her eyes darted around and almost immediately she spotted Daadi, the woman seemed to sense the same thing as she excused herself from the conversation she was having with a guest before immediately darting to where Nanami and (Y/N) were. Daadi grasped (Y/N)’s elbow as (Y/N) hissed.
“Daadi, what is he doing here?”
“It seemed that Tina invited him and neglected to tell us that.”
Nanami frowned in confusion before (Y/N) moved away from them to get Haibara. Daadi tapped her foot nervously which worried Nanami as he held onto her hand.
“Daadi? What happened? What’s going on?”
Daadi exhaled, rubbing her forehead.
“(Y/N)’s father is here. He … and (Y/N) are not on good terms.”
(Y/N) and Haibara reached them, all four of them were about to shift and leave the venue when Tina strutted up to them with (Y/N)’s father in tow. There was a smug expression on her face as she dramatically exclaimed.
“Arjun Maama! I’m so happy you agreed to come. Thank you! Oh, (Y/N)! Did you meet with Maama? How long has it been since you saw each other?”
Daadi, (Y/N) and Arjun blankly blinked, trying to look anywhere but at each other as Tina squealed.
“Ah! I’m so glad you guys get to reunite. Unfortunately I have to go and cut my cake.”
Tina walked off, having succeeded in creating an awkward atmosphere. While all the party guests were enjoying and conversing with one another, the people surrounding (Y/N) were silent. Nanami and Haibara shared apprehensive glances, unsure what to say and do. (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed at Arjun and Daadi was looking anywhere and everywhere..
Arjun rocked back and forth on his heels before swallowing the frog in his throat, pathetically smiling as he turned to Daadi.
"How … are you Mum?"
Daadi looked down, unable to look at anyone in the awkward situation. Arjun switched the conversation to Haibara.
"And Haibara. You … look just like your father."
Haibara frowned and folded his arms, not bothering to answer him. No one was responding to Arjun as he scratched at his head before noticing Nanami. He put a hand out to introduce himself.
"Hello. Tina told me that you're (Y/N)'s boss. I'm Arjun Aggarwal. Her father."
This triggered (Y/N) as she spat through gritted teeth.
"You're not my father. He died thirteen years ago."
Daadi and Arjun flinched from her violent words, he decided to pocket his hands. Nanami exhaled softly, unsure of how to go about this situation. Arjun's face softened as he gave a solemn nod.
"(Y/N), I … am so glad to see you."
"Are you really? Because the minute you were here, you ignored me and went straight to talking to Haibara, Daadi and Nanami."
His ears perked up at the sound of Nanami's name, looking at the tall blond man. Strangely his eyes watered before he returned to (Y/N).
"(Y/N) … I wish I could turn back time and fix my mistake. You don't know how much I regret leaving you."
"No you don't because if you did. You would have approached me a long time ago and taken me back home. Instead you dumped me into Daadi's hands."
People were slowly starting to get intrigued by the conversation that was brewing as Daadi tapped (Y/N) on the shoulder.
"Dear, I feel we should move this somewhere-"
"You don't get to say your regrets! You gave me up the moment when I needed you the most! Daadi was stuck taking care of me like her child when you should have done that."
Daadi dropped her hands and stepped back, deciding maybe it was best if her granddaughter let it all out. Haibara wrapped a comforting arm around her. Meanwhile Nanami cupped her shoulder to take her away from what was a brewing argument.
"(Y/N), this isn't the place-"
Arjun's heart pinched as he confessed.
"You are right but after your mother's death … I lost everything. I … lost half of myself. Seeing you everyday just reminded me of her. I … didn't want to lose you too, that's why I asked Daadi to take care of you."
"You weren't the only one who lost her. I lost my mother!"
(Y/N) was downright close to shouting and she was attracting more attention to herself. Unbeknownst to her, her face flushed with heat and her body trembled with anger. Everything was starting to bubble over as she stepped right into her father's face. Nanami looked around to see people looking over and he knew that it was time to cut off the conversation.
Nanami wrapped his arms around (Y/N) and began to drag her out of the event hall. This pissed her off more as she tried to escape Nanami's grasp to go back and argue with her father. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and stared straight ahead at the commotion.
Arjun was dejected and heartbroken as his eyes began to fill with tears, turning to face Daadi and Haibara.
"Ma. Please."
In that moment, Daadi could see the deep pools of regret and sorrow and soon the man in front of her morphed into her child. As much as she wanted to be angry for her grandchild, she couldn't. Seeing her son so vulnerable made her realise that he genuinely did regret his decision and it took a lot of difficulty to face his daughter. It was a decision he made with great difficulty.
Arjun stepped forward and placed his hands on Daadi's shoulder, sniffling and pleading.
"Ma, please. Please believe me. I truly want to say sorry. I … want to make things right."
Her heart lurched and weakened at her son, as she placed a tentative hand on his cheek. As quickly as she placed it, she pulled it away and went to follow Nanami and (Y/N). It was just Haibara and Arjun left as Arjun tried a one last attempt to get through.
"Haibara, please."
"Please what, Mr. Aggarwal?"
"I had to leave her with Daadi. I wouldn't have been able to take care of her in the state I was in. I would have lost her."
"You lost her the moment you gave her away. And she ended up losing herself because you weren't there to heal her. Who knows? She could have been there to take care of you too, Mr. Aggarwal."
And with that final nail in the coffin, Haibara stalked off to go after his friend. Leaving Arjun to stew in these final words.
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