#war tape
moosegbt · 8 months
Happy one year anniversary to my Over the Garden Wall VHS tape project!
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I made it in both orange and black. I like black more, but orange really feels more in the spirit of the season. I used the shell from a VHS copy of the Rugrats movie.
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I made the box art using various screenshots from the show, as well as some promo art. The description was taken from the DVD release, and the description title “will you take a peek?” was the tagline during the promotion of the show.
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The back also has a fun little easter egg: the barcode is for candy corn!
What’s more is the tape has a special cut of the series that I made myself. I cropped every single scene in every single episode to make sure it naturally fit in a 4:3 aspect ratio, and I edited the episodes together to flow as if it were one movie (the pacing is a little like Babe). Additionally, I added trailers for movies that give me the same nostalgic vibes (The Last Unicorn, Princess Mononoke, Steven Universe: The Movie, and The Iron Giant). I also added the Warner Brothers and Cartoon Network title cards.
I printed this cut into the tape by integrating a VCR into my PC setup. If you want to see more about this project, I have a few videos about it on my TikTok @MooseGBT, or you can check out the main one right here!
The video has an earlier version of the tape, which is why the actual tape doesn’t have a real label (it’s kind of just a piece of paper slapped on upside down with tape). The content on the tape, however, is the same.
This was a really fun project, and I’ve already started working on a VHS cut of Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Steven Universe: The Movie, the Star Wars Sequel trilogy (I have 1-6 on VHS, and I also want 7-9), and the other Star Wars movies (the Christmas Special, the Clone Wars, Solo, Kenobi, and Rogue One). I also have plans to begin editing and printing the FNAF movie, the spiderverse trilogy (once ATSV pt 2 comes out), and Don’t Hug me I’m Scared.
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jedi-starbird · 4 months
Rex: So General Kenobi, how come you speak mando'a?
Obi-Wan: I've always been interested in the culture and I spent a year on Mandalore for a mission in my youth :)
Rex: I see, what about you, General Skywalker?
Anakin: Huh? Oh Obi-Wan used to drop me off in mando daycare when he went to get laid in little Keldabe, fun times, they taught me how to headbutt someone.
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anyataylorjoys · 2 months
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Tagged by @ethan-hawke thank you Sav for having me relive my traumas 😂
tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs are optional)
tagging some cool people:
@devilsskettle @fridays13th @usermicky @talesfromthecrypts @celine-song
@madeline-kahn @hellboys @radicaloptimisms @lucy-mclean @chappelroans
@jdeanmorgan @losthavenmine @90scully @userlestat @evilvvithin
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padawansuggest · 9 months
Wooley: *wanders up to Obi-Wan with armor that’s absolutely covered in tape* Do you like my new armor?
Obi-Wan: Wow. It’s really nice.
Wooley: Thanks. *leaves again*
Obi-Wan: *turns to Cody* See, this is why we never have tape.
Cody: *laying on a workout mat half asleep* I watched it happen and said nothing.
Obi-Wan: *trying not to fall asleep himself* Those would be fighting words if I were more awake.
Cody: I know.
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newgreanii · 1 month
obsessed with the fact that 95% of the conflict in Empire Strikes Back was caused by the Millenium Falcon’s broken hyperdrive and the moment that R2D2 gets on board he literally fixes it with one push of a button
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tabithahallows · 4 months
I have the BIGGEST side eye for anyone who says shit like 'celebrities aren't obligated to make political statements' or 'why do you even care what they think?'. Why the fuck would I want to support someone who sees what's happening in Palestine and has the power to inform their audience/fan base and simply doesn't? Why don't they care enough to say anything at all? How do they, as millionaires and billionaires with very real influence whether we want them to have it or not, not want to help? When they see these people suffering and begging to just survive, how do they continue about their lives and not WANT to speak out even once??
Like how do they see children being bombed and go 'oh, that's so sad...anyway, nothing I can do about it', when they absolutely can do something about it. Small content creators with only a few hundred people listening are doing more to help Palestine than Taylor Swift, Beyoncé or literally any other big-time celebrity with the power to both make massive change and preserve their careers through it all. So why, why the actual FUCK, would I want to support these celebrities in ANYWAY when I know that they are capable of ignoring what's happening in Gaza or any atrocity like this. Why would I give my time and possibly money to some cunt who can't get on Twitter for two minutes and post something as simple as 'I stand with Palestine' because sometimes that's all they need to fucking do!
Y'all can ask 'why do you even care what they think?' all you want, but I do care if someone I was openly supporting doesn't have the basic decency to want to help the people of Palestine when they are screaming to be heard. Where they stand on issues like this will ALWAYS be more important to me than their next album or TV show. Silence is compliance.
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wulfhalls · 3 months
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sorry yeah he can't be more than half a meter away from me at all times. yeah no half a meter tops yeah that's really stretching it too yeah
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puddingdeluxe · 4 months
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If Cookiedroid installed more apps
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bonoparty · 4 months
Eli Vanto and Thranto in a nutshell.
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tennessoui · 7 months
Padme: here is the secret video of Anakin's and my marriage. And an affadavit from two witnesses. And our sex tape. Jedi Council: friendship, so powerful!
jedi council: but if he's married to you why is he so obsessed with his old master in a way that's closer than brothers and more intimate than lovers?
padmé: oh well uh, that's. that's a interesting point....
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 2 months
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✨My Rainbow Commander Tag Washi Tape is now available at PinkPlantMakesStuff on Etsy!✨
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bounder-returns · 3 months
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With the Domme turf wars in full swing, the young pretender has found her experienced opponent still knows how to keep everyone under control….
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mavysnavy · 2 months
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Let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone.
Eugene Roe & Babe Heffron Bastogne + Erased Tapes
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thecrowslullaby · 3 months
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guess who recently watched the prequels with their friend
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gthechangeling · 1 month
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Modern/college AU Rin and Kitay bc in my heart they are not suffering the horrors they are complaining about homework <3 with some headcanons, as per usual:
Rin wears mostly hand me downs/sports clothes and at some point that means Altan's clothes - including this shirt, which you cant really see but I promise features a bird skull
she's still a martial artist, except now that makes her some sort of college jock. or smth. idk. anyway she still has bruises and bandaids all over
she also doesnt particularly like coffee but drinks it all the time anyways, she's just the type of unhinged to drink yesterday's cold coffee and not care
Kitay has fancy nerd prep clothes and all but his hair is always a mess
+ some details bc i think i'm so clever: Rin's coffee cup says "Ruin" instead of Rin and Kitay's two pins say "hello i'm genius" and "shut up <3" bc he's just Like That
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