#warm socks mittens and scarves
bigolechompers · 2 years
as someone who has grown up in weather on the slightly colder side i have a pretty good idea what one might want to wear when it gets cold as fuck and what sort of things someone who lives in a cold as fuck area might wear
but i have no idea what constitutes as sensible wear in a hoot as fuck area like what the hell do you wear and why??
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pftones3482 · 2 years
If you live somewhere in the US that's about to be hit by these insanely low temperatures, pay VERY close attention to your homeless population.
Shelters are often unsafe, and most places where people who are unhoused would go to warm up are not open 24/7 (and even if they are, they're not always friendly to homeless people).
If you see a person laying down somewhere in the cold, especially if they're directly exposed to the elements (i.e., not under any kind of shelter), please check on them. Not moving in this kind of weather is a death sentence.
And pay very VERY close attention to how your city treats it's homeless population in this kind of situation. It's usually inhumane and disgusting.
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homegardeningatroof · 2 years
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doodle-pops · 5 months
House of Fingolfin | Spending Winter with Their S/O
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Request: Hey! *waves* Can I ask you about how you think the house of Fingolfin (Fingolfin included) would react if the reader got hypothermia and nearly died, or did die if you want more angst? If their s/o survives then I can imagine lots of overprotectiveness, ie not letting them outside without dozens of cloaks and scarves. Nor allowing them to go out in winter unsupervised. - Anon
A/N: Surprisingly, I wasn’t feeling the angst vibes to write reader dying (someone check if I’m ill). So I went with the route of reader surviving, and now, every winter, the elves ensure that reader is well-secured and comfortable to remove their fear of the cold.
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Being the wise and compassionate leader he is, FIngolfin ensures that you feel comfortable and warm during the winter months by organising cosy nights by the fireplace, with soft blankets and cushions to keep you warm. Anything to shake that lingering fear away.
Fingolfin would personally attend to you, wrapping you in his own cloak should you feel chilly while holding you close to share his body heat. When he can’t, he will ensure a hearth is set up with hearty meals to keep you energised and well-fed throughout the cold season.
The last thing he wants to hear, is you sneezing or saying that you feel ill, he’ll spend hours cuddling under thick blankets by the fire while enjoying hot cups of tea. He would also have woollen socks and scarves made for you to wear.
Being a romantic at heart, he will find the time to dance with you, wrapping a blanket around you both to keep you closer as you dance, shutting out the creeping coldness.
Plus, he knows a few songs he can sing to ease the chill, so you’ll get the opportunity to listen to his beautiful, deep voice as he softly sings a few tunes. And if you’re lucky, you might convince him to construct a few blanket forts to bring in additional warmth.
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Fingon dotes on you heavily during the winter, ensuring that you are always snug and warm. He would surprise you with hand-knitted mittens and scarves that were imbued with magic to keep you warm.
As an excellent cook who enjoys preparing hearty meals, he uses this moment to display his chef’s abilities to cook up a storm of nutritional foods to ensure that you aren’t starving or underfed. Plus, his cooking and baking help to fill your home with the rich aroma of hearty food and spices to remove any lingering fear of the cold.
You also get his talented musician skills as he always carries his trusty harp to serenade you and take away the chill from your bones, replacing it with comfort and security as you cuddle by the fire.
On days when the snow isn’t falling, nor is the wind howling, he’ll take you outside, but not too far to enjoy some snow and build a few snowmen or engage in a light snowball fight before informing you that it’s time to head indoors.
Did I mention that he’s a massive cuddle bug? During winters, you have given him the blessed opportunity to give you multiple heat strokes out of love, since he’s a walking heater, whenever he cuddles you under all the blankets.
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Turgon would utilise his wealth and power as King of Gondolin to construct something extremely lavish like a greenhouse just for you to spend your time during winter or host a feast, so the halls are filled with festivities to deter your mind from the harshness of the cold.
He would also fill your room with luxurious furs and a well-constructed fireplace to ensure enough warmth is available. At times when he isn’t in a meeting, he will find and whisk you away to cuddle in his chambers.
Depending on the snowfall, he would still spare the chance of allowing you to comfortably roam around outside in the snow, so long as it isn’t a blizzard. However, you will be wearing like fifty fur coats.
Sleigh rides through the snow-covered streets of Gondolin while you’re snuggly nestled under his arm the entire time. Dancing under the street lamps in the light snowfall before returning indoors for hot chocolate.
Similar to his brother, he would commission garments or a magical imbued cloak to keep you warm and comfortable during your winter.
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Blankets, blankets, blankets and more blankets. Oh, and a pillow and blanket fort are being constructed for both of your interests. Knowing his playful approach to life, he would treat this situation with fun to distract you.
Despite how tall and long his body is, Argon would find all sorts of indoor games to play with you, like hide-and-seek or catch. It’s alright if a few vases are broken, it’s all for a good cause.
Don’t forget the food. Argon is a heavy eater, so he’ll engage in food competition to see who will finish meals the quickest or eat the most. Anything to ensure that you’re eating and stocking up on energy during the chilly period.
Drapes his entire long and heavy, limp body all over yours. Similar to his eldest brother, a walking heater who will give you a heat stroke under all those blankets—you probably don’t require a blanket when he exists.
Even though he wants you to stay out of the cold, he still doesn’t want you to miss out on the beauty of winter. So, he’ll have a portion of the house constructed with glass so you can sit and watch the snowfall or the animals passing by.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @aconstructofamind @involuntaryspasms @addaigio @stormchaser819 @lamemaster @zheiya @elficially-done-with-life
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littlebluentebook · 7 months
Alastor x Sewing!Reader pt.4
Chapter 5
You tried to stay open 7-7 on weekdays so that way customers could come in both before and after work. This is why you were not surprised to hear the door jingle at half past five.
"Just a moment please!" you said cheerfully, attempting to finish threading your needle in full focus. "How can I help you today?" only then noticing Alastor in front of you. He was sporting his new coat and a bouquet of flowers.
"I just wanted to come visit you and say thank you for fixing my coat darling," he reached out to give you the flowers, "you will have to teach me how to make your treats as well. They were quite delicious." Alastor ate a bunch between his broadcasts spoiling his lunch but saving a few for his mother.
You smiled at that, " I am quite glad you enjoyed them! I will however be keeping that recipe to myself- its for special occasions only."
"Well then, I feel mighty special to be gifted them" Alastor quipped back at you. "How much do I owe you for the coat?"
"Not a pretty penny of yours doll! It was a favor for walking me home and letting me borrow your coat" you explained to him.
"Only if you're sure Y/N. I have got to be getting back home now, can't keep my mother waiting." he turned to the door.
"Of course! Don't worry her. Feel free to come back if you need anything else Alastor!"
"I may take you up on that my dear." With that, he walked out the door. Nothing but the flowers to signify he was ever there.
The flowers Alasor gave you were absolutely stunning. There were dark orange flowers that looked like an attempt to match the replacement lining and thread in his coat. To compliment there were soft pink and white flowers sporadically place in the bouquet. You went upstairs to your kitchen and brought down a vase for the flowers. Wanting to show off their beauty, you placed them on the center table of your shop. Here, you regularly cycled items such as tops, socks, mittens, scarves and other small items. You went around the shop and into your storage to find other colors that matched the flowers. On the table the flowers stood tall above the garments, all table colors matching.
The week went by quickly, Alastor's voice and memories both accompanying you while you sewed. You created lots of lace for the dresses Mimzy ordered. Next week you were supposed to stop by and take all of her performers measurements to actually start putting pieces together. Countless hours were also spent pre-beading and cutting fabric so all that had to be done was cutting and sewing to match sizes.
By the time Friday rolled around you were excited to leave the shop and go to Mimzy's. The nervous feeling was no longer there. You had Anne, Mimzy, and now Alastor to keep you company while enjoying the night.
"Y/N dear! Alastor and I were just talking about you!" Mimzy said with enthusiasm.
"Good things I can only hope?"
"Of course! He was just showing me how you fixed his tacky coat. I have been telling for ages he just needs a new one. He has appearances to up keep! It looks better now than when he first bought it."
You didn't know what to do with all the praise but it warmed your hear to know that people recognized your talents and were impressed with them.
"I just did what I saw fit, I do appreciate it!"
"Good evening mon cheri" Alastor said kissing your hand.
You two changed pleasantries about your week as Mimzy went to mingle with more customers. As you finished your conversation about to ask where Mimzy went, Anne stepped on stage about to start singing.
"Would you grace me with a dance?" Alastor asked reaching his hand out towards you.
"Absolutely doll" you said gently placing your hand in his outstretched one. He helped you up and out of your seat where you were previously conversing. As Alastor led you to the dance floor a man bumped into you tearing your grasp from him.
"Oh, I'm so sorry sir, please ex-"
"I know what you did." He cut you off. "You will suffer just as he did."
You turned as white as a ghost. No no no you migrated to New Orleans to get away from your old life. How did anyone find you?
"My dear! Are you alright?" Alastor asked finding you and reaching for your hand.
"Of course, just had a little scare and lost my footing is all."
Alastor gave you an eyebrow raise but didn't pry anymore.
All things considered the dance was wonderful. You both moved in sync, eyes focused on one another. He loved to spin you around and away from him only to pull you back in close. As the song ended you found yourself in a dip, a mere breath away from Alastor.
Mimzy cleared her throat "Lovely performance from the both of you, incredibly charming."
Alastor used his hand on your lower back to pick you up and steady you on the floor. He noticed you were still shaky and looking around the room from your encounter with the strange man earlier.
"Thank you Mimzy" he answered for the both of you. "We should get heading out soon shouldn't we darling?"
The night was still young but what the man had said to you made you want to leave as soon as possible. Plus, remembering last weeks sleep hangover you agreed. Finishing goodbyes again and talking with Mimzy setting up a time for instead her performers to visit you at your shop, you and Alastor were arm in arm walking out of the door. You turned around and took one last look and there you saw the man drag his thumb across his throat. What you didn't notice was that Alastor saw the man doing the exact same thing.
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theluckywizard · 11 months
Winter is Coming Prompts
Made for @dadrunkwriting
The Inconveniences of Winter
Snow falling down inside one’s clothes
Someone tracks snow all over the house
Slipping on ice over and over again
Something important is frozen shut!
Casks and bottles of ale exploding because they’ve frozen
Frosty, icicly beards and mustaches
Ice build up in horse hooves
Boots soaked through, toes going numb
Suffering from the shorter days and long dark nights
Blinded by the sun reflecting off the snow
Tracking down your mittens, hats, scarves, heavy socks before heading into the cold
People complaining about winter
White out conditions
Sleet pelting skin
Winter Fun and Pranks:
Breathing frosty fog onto a surface and drawing in it
The ethereal beauty and silence of a fresh snowfall
Taking a sauna or enjoying a sweat lodge with friends and or LI
Polar plunge for madness or health benefits
Hot alcoholic beverages are consumed (in excess?)
Unexpected snowball fight
Winter bonfire with hot drinks and food roasting on sticks
Writing a message in fresh snow with footprints
Pulling a tree branch so that snow falls on the person behind you
Freezing someone’s belongings in water
Winter Romance
Huddling for warmth under a single blanket
Warming up your LI’s numb fingers, nose and cheeks
Putting cold toes on your LI in bed to steal their heat
Bumping cold noses together
Warm kisses on cold skin
Spicy times beside a fireplace
Cozy on horseback together or in a sleigh
Making hot beverage for LI to warm them up
Winter Angst and Whump
Stripping LI down to share body warmth to prevent hypothermia
Feeling lonely on Satinalia
Unable to find shelter from the conditions
Unable to find food because winter
Discovering an individual suffering from exposure
Feeling the effects of hypothermia (sleepiness, disorientation, no longer shivering, slurred speech, memory loss, fumbling hands)
Getting lost in a snowstorm
Failing to start a fire for warmth
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e-dubbc11 · 9 months
Happy Winter Sleepover! ❄️
What about Little Anna & some Winter fun!?!
“Tracking down your mittens, hats, scarves, heavy socks before heading into the cold”
“going sledding together and ending up in the snow”
& “Unexpected snowball fight” bc of course Frank needs a reason to “help” Anna win of course 😂
Hellllloooooo my lovely!! I’m really trying to keep these on the shorter side but I can’t seem to do that but more Anna Raven is never a bad thing so I hope you like this one. (More Irreplaceable is coming too) Thank you for sending this one in, I do love writing for this family ♥️
Snow Day
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader; supporting character(s) Frank Castle
Warnings: All the fluff
Word Count: 1.9K-ish
Summary: Pretty self explanatory but Anna is VERY excited for her first snow day and excited she gets to play with Mom, Dad, and Uncle Frank.
Part of The Sweetest Pain Series
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“It’s snowing, Mommy!!” She squealed with excitement.
Anna Raven pointed her chubby little finger toward the full length windows as she stood next to you while large flakes of snow floated past your faces, some of them kissing the glass on the way down. It was falling like confetti from the silver clouds up above and she had the look of pure joy on her face.
“Yes it is, baby girl! And we’re supposed to get a lot of snow later so maybe tomorrow we can go to the park and play. Does that sound like fun?” You asked.
Anna was clapping her hands and jumping up and down; she was so excited.
“Can Daddy play too?” She asked.
Bending down to her level, you looked into her big brown eyes that were just like her father’s and with a warm smile, replied “I’m sure Daddy would love to play in the snow with us. I just hope he makes it home later because it’s starting to fall faster.”
The city down below was slowly turning into a clean blanket of white. It was always very peaceful watching the snow fall down onto the hectic streets underneath from inside your warm apartment.
The naked tree branches were frozen and snow was starting to pile up which cast twisted and knotted shadows on the ground. Frost patterns that had started to form on the windows shined as the soft warm light from inside your home lightly touched them revealing their unique patterns.
“Pretty…” Said Little Raven as she gently touched the glass with her finger, pointing at the snowflakes that were stuck to the window.
This snowstorm was reminiscent of the day Anna was born. The snow was light but it came down hard and fast; you almost didn’t make it to the hospital in time for her arrival and Billy also came dangerously close to missing his daughter being born.
Now, almost four years later, you looked down at the beautiful little girl you and Billy had brought into the world and could not wait to play with her outside on her very first snow day.
Now if you could only remember where you put all of your winter outerwear…
After only a couple of hours of worrying, Billy did make it home that night. It was late and Little Raven had already gone to sleep but he did make it home safe. His flushed frozen cheeks didn’t stop him from flashing that perfect smile at you as soon as he walked through the door.
All he wanted to do was hold you, shower, and go to bed but not before peeking in on Anna to watch her sleep for a few minutes. His client had been difficult and exhausting.
When Billy suggested he finish the tattoo another time on account of the snow, his client became testy and complained how long he had to wait the first time for an appointment. He didn’t want to wait for another one so Billy stayed to finish it and he was completely out of gas by the time he arrived home.
Another wide smile stretched across his face when you told him how excited Anna was to play in the snow tomorrow. You were excited for Billy too; this was the kind of thing that he never got to experience when he was a child but he is able to now with his own family.
Before falling asleep, Billy whispered “Oh…Frankie said they’ll be over in the morning. They already canceled school so we’re all gonna have a snow day. Sound good, sweet girl?”
“That sounds perfect, handsome.” You said.
The Next Morning
You felt like your head barely hit the pillow before you heard little feet hit the floor. Anna ran to the living room to look out the window before she came charging into your bedroom.
“Mommy! Look at all the snow!! Wake up, Daddy!” She yelled, pulling on Billy’s arm.
“Alright, little miss. We’re awake.” Billy said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and letting out an extended yawn.
“I gotta go potty.” Don’t go play without me.” Said Anna.
The two of you chuckled.
Billy gazed at you, his eyes shined like two pieces of onyx as he inched closer to give you a kiss. His long agile fingers danced up and down your arm that was sleeved as he said, “You have really nice tattoos. Your artist is really talented.”
You felt warmth rise to your cheeks and a smile stretched across your lips. “Are you flirting with me, Mr. Russo?” You asked.
“Maybe.” Said Billy, with a devilish smile on his face.
“Well you can flirt with me later, I’m sure Frank will be here soon.” You said.
Billy tossed the blanket off of his body. “You’re starting to know Frankie the way I know Frankie. And I’m pretty sure you’re right. We better get up but first I’m gonna give you one more kiss.”
As soon as Billy’s lips touched yours, you heard three loud raps at your door.
“Rise and shine, Russo’s! Let’s go!” Frank boomed from behind the front door.
You helped Little Raven in the bathroom before she ran out into the living room.
“Uncle Frankie!!!” Anna screamed. “You see all the snow!”
Frank picked her up and placed her on his hip. “I did, Little Raven. Go with Mommy and get dressed so we can go play. I’ll try and wake your dad up with some coffee.” Frank said, as Billy emerged from the bedroom, his raven colored hair was all over the place.
“I had to hunt for it but I found all the winter stuff; I’m gonna go get her ready. Time to get dressed, lieutenant.” You said. The bristles of his beard tickled your lips as you kissed him on the cheek.
“Roger that.” Billy replied, lightly smacking your ass as you walked past him.
It was still snowing a little when you arrived at the park. The air was cold; it made your breath visible as you all walked to find a decent hill to sled down. The sound of the snow beneath your feet made a slight crunching sound. Peeking out from behind the clouds, the sun shone down onto the snow covered surfaces making everything appear brighter.
It was beautiful.
Listening to Junior and Lisa laugh as they pulled Anna around on one of the sleds was music to your ears and you watched as Billy and Frank go from what you thought would be an innocent snowball toss to a full blown snowball fight; it made you laugh.
This is the family life Billy deserved to have; it’s the life you deserved to have. Lisa gave Anna a snowball that was so big she had to hold it with both hands while Frank picked her up and told her to put it down the back of her father’s coat.
With snow clinging to her eyelashes and the ends of her dark brown hair, you watched Anna play, throw snowballs, and she even helped build a snowman. She rolled a ball of snow until she couldn’t push it anymore; you helped her after that but she was so pleased with how much she did herself.
“Dad, I found a hill we can sled down…over there.” Junior pointed to a spot in the park where a lot of kids were sledding.
“That’s a little steep, isn’t it?” Frank said.
“We can do it, Dad.” Lisa said.
“I meant steep for Little Raven.” Said Frank.
“I’ll go down with her, she’ll be fine.” Billy said, looking over at you and giving you a wink.
You just smiled and said, “Well I kinda need to see this.”
Your toes were starting to get cold despite wearing the warmest socks you could find. Also, it might have been a good idea to take Billy up on the hand warmers he offered you.
Next time you would; everyone seemed to be winding down anyway and Anna would need a nap soon but you watched as they all trekked up the hill, sleds in tow, and little Raven on top of her father’s shoulders.
She looked so excited.
Billy firmly placed Anna in front of him, making sure there was no possible way she could fall out. Junior was going down by himself; Frank and Lisa were in the sled next to Billy. It looked like they were going to race to see who could get to the bottom of the hill the fastest.
You waited at the bottom of the hill for them, out of the way so you wouldn’t get run over by other people in their sleds. They pushed themselves forward and took off down the hill. Gaining speed, Junior was in the lead with Lisa and Frank catching up.
It looked as though Billy was so concerned about Anna falling off, that he got distracted and three quarters of the way down the hill, he fell off the back but Little Raven remained upright and slid almost right to you.
The smile on her face was probably the biggest smile you had ever seen her make. It took up her entire face; it was Billy’s smile.
Billy, however, was not smiling.
“Look at you! Did you have fun?” You asked Anna, scooping her up into your arms and kissing her flushed cheeks.
“Where Daddy go?” She asked.
Frank and the kids couldn’t stop laughing. Billy had snow covering his black beanie, the tips of his long dark lashes had snow stuck in them, and snow covered the back of his black jacket. You tried to control your laughter but you couldn’t.
“Well baby, Daddy fell off the sled.” You said, biting back a smile.
Billy trudged up to you with a scowl on his face. “Oh it’s sooooo funny isn’t it.” He said sarcastically.
“Daddy ok?” Little Raven asked with concern in her tiny voice.
“At least someone is concerned for my well-being.” He said as the scowl disappeared and a slight smile took its place.
“Oh come on, Bill. You fell off the back of a sled, not off a cliff.” Said Frank, still laughing.
“Yes baby, Daddy’s ok. His pride is just a little hurt, that’s all.” Said Billy.
With his lip curled into a half smile, Frank said, “Well I gotta hand it to ya, Bill. You managed to fall off without tossing Little Raven out of the sled. I don’t know if that’s skill or luck.”
“You ok, handsome?” You asked with Anna sitting on your hip.
He inched closer to you and kissed your forehead. “I’m fine, sweet girl.”
Anna let out a long yawn, the tip of her nose was cherry red, and her eyes were almost halfway closed.
“Looks like someone’s tired.” Frank said with a warm smile.
“Who wants hot chocolate?” You asked.
Junior and Lisa’s hands shot straight up in the air.
“I do! I do!” They both said in unison.
“Ok, we’ll have hot chocolate at Uncle Billy’s and Auntie y/n’s so they can put Little Raven down for a nap. Then we’ll go so they can have a nap too. Can’t give Anna a sibling without a nap, right Bill?” Frank whispered with a wink.
You playfully rolled your eyes while Billy nudged Frank’s arm.
“Real smooth, Frankie. Real smooth.”
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
Promptober: Day Twenty Eight
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader 1079 words.
Eddie was a little surprised when you and Robin decided to take up Nancy’s offer of learning how to knit. He was less surprised when Robin gave up after two days, but shocked nonetheless that his friend had attempted such a time consuming thing in the first place.
But we watched you learn slowly, spending Sundays with Nancy at her house, both of you surrounded by colourful yarn, coming back to Eddie with a satisfied grin on your face and pieces of fluff stuck to your clothes - and on the bad days, a few scratches and bloodied marks from misdirected needles. 
He watched in amusement as some of your creations made their way into your friends wardrobes. The colder October weather called for layers and warmth, and so Dustin and Mike really could say no to the too long scarves you draped round their shoulders. They were mostly navy blue, a little too skinny and the end piece of one side was a forest green, evidence of how you’d run out of wool. 
“It’s avant-garde,” you’d insisted. 
Lucas and Max had matching socks, both a bright mustard yellow with a a tiny sheep stitched onto the ankle. When asked ‘why a sheep?’ by the boy, you’d shrugged and told him it was easier to sew than a demogorgon. Lucas agreed, wore his to his basketball games with pride and even though Max had cringed, she liked to wear them under her boots, the ones she loved to stomp around in. 
Will, El and Steve all got mittens, some missing a finger, some with an extra one or two, but all warm and soft, they each insisted, always trying their best to spare your feelings. So they were happy when you grinned and Eddie was even happier when he spotted Will wearing them to a hellfire meeting one day, the same fondness he felt as Dustin hung up his scarf. 
Eddie felt a little left out, yet to receive one of your handmade concoctions. But then you appeared one night, knocking softly on the trailer door, despite how Eddie and even Wayne had told you that you had a spare key for a reason.  
But the boy found you on the step, face nipped by the chill and you beamed at him, hair wild from the wind. He ushered you inside, took you by the hand back to the warmth of his bed and he wasn’t at all surprised when you toppled down with him, legs braced on either side of his hips. 
Eddie loved you like this, happy in the softest way, smile shy, eager to touch and be touched. So he smoothed his hands over the denim covering your thighs, squeezing at your affectionately. You had orange fluff in your hair and he refrained from commenting on it, ‘cause you were too busy delving into your handbag that you’d laid on his stomach. 
The leather of it was chilly on his bare skin and he flinched. 
“S’cold, babe,” he murmured, lifting it slightly, but you were too busy searching to offer more than a distracted mumble back. 
“I know,” you told him offhandedly, “s’why I’ve got something for you.”
Eddie raised his brows, lips twisted into an amused smile. “Yeah?”
“Uhuh,” you agreed, pulling out some books and pens, scattering them across his bed. “It’s in here somewhere.”
“I thought you’d finished this last week?” Eddie commented, lifting the book by its front cover. The pages flapped and notes fell out, written in ink of every colour. 
“I did, but I forgot what parts were my favourite,” you answered, muffled now, as a knitting needle was held between your teeth.
“Christ, sweetheart,” Eddie muttered, taking the offending object out of your mouth and away from the bare skin of his torso. “You’re gonna do us some damage. What are you even lookin’ fo—”
“Here!” You gasped excitedly, eyes bright as you shoved something colourful at him. “Here. I made this for you. Sorry it took so long.”
The present was a hat, Eddie noted, a knitted thing that actually seemed to be in perfect proportion. It was stripy, each line a different colour, deep reds, forest greens and navy’s, mustard yellow and a dark violet. A pom-pom sat on top, black to match the thicker band that was folded around the stripes and you’d even found a pin to attach to it, a tiny Dio logo that made Eddie grin wide. 
“Baby,” Eddie mumbled, voice soft and sticky with fondness. “Baby.”
You preened, watching his brown eyes turn wide with affection and you clasped your hands to your chest, resting them under your chin as you waited for his verdict. You’d tried really hard to make it perfect. 
“D’you like it?” You asked quietly. 
“You made this? For me?” Eddie asked, voice a little awed. He didn’t get presents all that often, especially one that had that much thought behind it. 
You nodded. 
“I love it,” Eddie declared and you squeaked as he sat up suddenly, your bag falling from between you both as you clung to his shoulders. 
He jammed the hat onto his head with a flourish, curls a little wild and messy as they stuck out from underneath it. He grinned and the bobble wiggled. 
“It fits,” you noted with relief, hands petting at the boy’s hair, trying to tame it a little. 
“It’s perfect,” Eddie told you, hands circling your waist to pull you into his lap more. You were chest to chest, nose to nose and he kissed at your cheek, your jaw. “You’re perfect.”
You thought you were far from it, the bandaids on several of your fingers suggesting otherwise but you forgot about them as Eddie took your face in one big hand, your still cold cheeks squished gently between fingers and thumb. 
He kissed you sweet, warm and tasting like brown sugar and something spiced, all cinnamon and smoke. 
“Gonna wear it all the time,” he told you proudly, beaming, dimples on show. Smiley Eddie was your favourite. “Tell everyone my girl made it for me.”
You ducked your head, shy, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt, flushed from the praise the boy loved to shower on you. “Yeah?” You asked to his chest, fingers playing with the chain at his neck. 
“Oh yeah,” he agreed, dotting more kisses to the parts of your face he could reach. “You’re gonna have to hide it from me when summer comes ‘round.”
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stardust-swan · 9 months
Coquette Christmas
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🎀 to wear: pale pinks, baby blue, icy white, leg warmers, uggs with bows, sweaters with skirts, cable knit cardigans, cashmere scarves, earmuffs, mittens, pearl bobby pins, velvet scrunchies and bows, berets with pearls, sparkly earrings, pretty brooches on your winter coat, glossier birthday balm, becca pearl highlighter
🎀 bake heart shaped stained glass sugar cookies or gingerbread people with bows piped on <3
🎀 enjoy peppermint white hot chocolate with mini marshmallows while cuddled up under a blanket
🎀 read hans christian andersen fairytales
🎀 see a ballet like swan lake, the nutcracker, or gisele
🎀 visit the swans! in the northern hemisphere swans migraine during christmas so go to a canal or lake to watch then glide by
🎀 make your skincare routine different! skin tends to get drier in winter so use a richer moisturiser, do sheet masks (love lapcos sheet masks), use vaseline or a lip mask overnight (klavuu does a great one), put some glycerin or lotion on your feet and hands before putting on your socks and gloves, and remember to still wear spf! carry a good handcream and lip balm (fresh rose lip treatment is soo good) in case you feel dry while out. and obviously drink lots of water
🎀 ice-skate holding hands with someone special <3
🎀 light lots of candles! there are some great wintery scented one like gingerbread, frankincense, winter berry and mulled wine. I also like yankee's rainbow cookie in winter even though it's not strictly a winter scent. vanilla is always a good idea too
🎀 eat lots of marzipan, sugared rose petals, crystallised fruit, nougat, turkish delight, and caramelised nuts
🎀 practice self care with a warm bubble bath, a face mask, and a rich body lotion afterwards. put on silk pyjamas and fluffy socks that have been wrapped around a hot water bottle so they're already warm and cozy afterwards
🎀 to smell christmassy: layer scent by using a peppermint shower gel followed by a vanilla body lotion
🎀 decorate your space with figurines of swans, shepherdesses, angels, nutcrackers, and holiday barbies. and put bows on your xmas tree
🎀 watch: love actually, anastasia, little women, classic disney movies, white christmas, ice princess, harry potter and the sorcerer's stone, bridget jone's diary, barbie in the nutcracker, the chronicles of narnia, dead poets society, and any hallmark movie
🎀 write christmas cards in glitter pen and decorate with angel stickers and a spritz of vanilla perfume
🎀 to feel luxurious at night, spritz on some body spray, wear a flowing nightgown and do yourself in a clara style (half up with satin ribbon)
🎀 make snow angels!
🎀 make an emergency kit for those days when you come home miserable because of the cold and dark and have no energy, plans, and need some alone time. include things like a candle, a small box of good chocolates, some sheet masks, a perfume, your favourite tea, a book that comforts you, fluffy socks, a cozy blanket, paper and a pen to journal your thoughts, a photo album of your favourite people, old love letters, or anything else that you can easily keep at hand that will comfort you
🎀 listen to a pretty wintery playlist with genres like classical, jazz, and celtic/nordic traditional (mine is below <3)
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kittysdiary · 2 years
Kitty’s Pink Princess Winter
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It’s been awhile since I made a winter guide so I thought I’d make an updated one since winter is literally my favorite season ever! 🎀❄️🧸
Winter Doll Looks
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I am definitely feeling Yves Saint Laurent Fall/Winter 2022 collection but with more pink! Fashion staple fabrics like furs, leather, velvet, silk, cashmere and lace are definitely going into my closet for the colder weather.
Statement wardrobe pieces include:
• Turtle neck dresses
• Fur coats
• Knits
• Leather jackets
• Pea Coats
• Skirts
• Blazers
• Cigarette pants
• Heels + winter boots
• Silk slips
Shopping List
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Since the weather has been getting colder, a lot of my clients who come to see me for a facial have been getting flares of dry skin and I can totally relate! Treat yourself to a day at the spa for a facial, mani + pedi or hair treatment to get prepped for the cold weather. Stock up on moisturizers, creams, hair masks, lip scrubs and lip balms!
• Buy gloves or mittens to stay warm and if you’re prone to dry skin in the winter time
• Purchase fragrance free skincare to prevent sensitivity and irritation
• If dry skin is present on your body, try out Peach & Lily’s KP Bump Boss body scrub (my fave!!)
• Get a few Tree Hut body scrubs for fun
• Buy clothes and laundry detergent that are non-irritating
• Get a humidifier to add moisturizer to the air
• Change out your bed sheets and pillow cases. I like to purchase fuzzy blankets and satin pillow cases which helps with my skin + curly hair
• Buy some yummy scented candles + peppermint essential oils for relaxation
• Add cozy slippers, socks, leg warmers, ear muffs + uggs to your winter wish list
• Satin pajama sets and night gowns from Victoria’s Secret
• Sleep masks
• Oversized sweatshirts + velour track suits for lounge days
•Pretty lingerie
• New mugs, cookie cutters, aprons, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and winter baking books should all be on your shopping lists
• Get a cute plush friend and a night light
Winter Glam
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• Sleek buns/ponytails
• Bombshell curls
• Black, brown, platinum blonde + auburn hair colors
• Fluffed false lashes or lash extensions
• Lip glosses in any brown, red or pink shade
• Powder matte lipsticks that are nude, deep red or earth tone pink
• Arched eyebrows
• Faux beauty marks
• Warm + spicy fragrances (my favorite winter scent is YSL’s Black Opium Neon + Philosophy’s Fresh Cream & Warm Cashmere)
• Pink blushes
• Setting powders with warm undertones to brighten up your face
• Glitter eyeshadow
Icy Accessories
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• Pearls, diamonds + swarvorksy
• Fluffy handbags
• New wallets
• Icy watches
• Hair clips
• Velvet scrunches
• Hair pom-poms
• Scarves
• Plush spa headbands
• Diamond brooches (yes I know. I’m an old soul 🥹)
•Gold or silver jewelry pieces
Other Winter Doll Tips
• Get a new calendar and use it!
• Write down goals + affirmations for the new year
• Get new books, journals and magazines
• Organize and clean your space
• Stock up on cold and flu medicine
• Get hand sanitizer and hand creams so you don’t dry out your hands
• If you have a Barbie mobile please stay safe on the roads and get your car prepped for the cold weather please!!
• Meditate and manifest
• Don’t forget to check in with therapists and health care providers! Seasonal depression is making its rounds so please make sure you have a good team behind you!!!!
• Stay extra cozy and warm under the blankets + by the fireplace
• Watch holiday movies, bake some sweet treats and go holiday shopping
• Send your loved ones well wishes with letters or cute holiday cards
• Decorate your home while listening to holiday music and clean the snow from the drive way if needed
• Most importantly stay safe and have fun!
Happy Holidays!
Kitty (xoxo!) 🦌💓
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rhosmeinir · 1 year
Fictober 2023 #10
Prompt #10 - "It's alright, I'm here now."
Fanfiction: Good Omens
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Pairing: Ineffable Husbands/Aziracrow
Other Notes: In which Crowley is cold. 728 words!
It was winter in London, and that meant freezing sleet, howling winds, and inadequate radiators in any building not constructed in the current millennium (and a fair few of those, too). For Aziraphale, it also meant the delight of bundling up in various jumpers, scarves, hats, mittens, and heavy coats when he needed to venture outdoors, and curling up next to the fire in the rooms above the bookshop at night in a deep cozy chair, with a book and a cup of chocolate or spiced hot cider. It meant merriment and joy, and a heightening of all the sensations that made corporeal life so fascinating. Aziraphale, nose and cheeks pink with cold, whistled to himself as he strolled the final few blocks back to Whickber street, and the silver sleigh-bells he had installed in place of the usual brass instrument sang cheerfully as he entered the bookshop. 
“Crowley!” he called, wanting to show his demon what he had procured: Aziraphale’s favorite chocolatier had been having a special, so of course he’d gone to take advantage, and found that the gentleman was also doing a package that included whisky pairings. Ah yes I know just who will enjoy that, he had remarked, then blushed when the chocolatier winked. But there was no response, and the angel tilted his head slightly, listening. There was not a sound to be heard in the slight chill of the bookshop, but he could feel that Crowley was there. Shedding his outdoor layers onto the coatrack by his desk, Aziraphale made his way upstairs.
As he approached the bedroom, he could see a light under the door, and feel a change in temperature. His lips pursed in slight concern. Crowley always did feel the cold so deeply, what with the leanness of his corporation, and his serpent-like tendencies. He must be bundled up next to the fire, Aziraphale assumed. There were times when the demon simply could not get warm, in fact sometimes it was so severe that he would—
Aziraphale opened the door, and at once cried,
“Oh, Crowley!” 
Beneath the duvet, quilt, and sheets, and indeed beneath two throw blankets which had been thrown haphazardly on top of the bed, lay a large, shivering lump. At once Aziraphale deposited his parcels on top of the chest of drawers, and made haste to remove his outer layers. Divested of jumper, shirt, socks, shoes, and trousers, the angel crossed to the bed and threw back the covers. Beneath them, coiled up tightly on himself so that his scarlet underbelly was scarcely visible, was the large black snake that was Crowley, yellow eyes staring up at Aziraphale plaintively.
“It’s alright, dear,” Aziraphale soothed as he climbed into the bed, Crowley’s coils rustling to make room for him, “I’m here now.” Though he had come through the door with a chilled face, Aziraphale was naturally a warm being, and beneath the many layers beneath which Crowley had burrowed, instantly began to radiate heat. Crowley uncoiled himself as Aziraphale shifted into position, then began to re-wind himself: this time, around his angel’s body and limbs, spreading every inch of his scaly underbelly against Aziraphale’s skin.
“I’m here now,” Aziraphale murmured again, wrapping his arms across his own torso to embrace the thick coils that curled about his chest and arms, one hand coming to rest on the back of the snake’s head as it slid around his neck. Crowley squeezed his whole body slightly, and Aziraphale sighed, squeezing back to every part of his demon he could reach. Fortunately for Aziraphale, he had long since miracled the bed so that he wouldn’t sweat when it got too warm, merely able to enjoy the pleasant heat. It did, however, have the tendency to make him extremely sleepy, and it was hardly any time at all before he drifted off.
When Aziraphale awoke, the room was much darker: the fire had burned down significantly, and the light from a streetlamp drifted in through the window, illuminating the snowflakes that had begun to fall outside. But between the still-smoldering fire and the two beings in the room, it was still toasty-warm. At some point, Crowley had resumed his human form, and now lay, limbs-entangled, with Aziraphale. The angel smiled.
“Better, my dear?”
“Ngk,” Crowley replied from within the crook of Aziraphale’s neck, where his lips formed a grateful kiss.
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aquietwritingcorner · 10 months
Snowball Fight
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Title: Snowball Fight Challenge: TMNT-Event-Blog's "Snow Day Play" Bingo Card (Leonardo) Prompt: Snowball Fight  Fandom:  TMNT 2003 Word Count: 2,379  Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: G/K  Characters: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Splinter Warning: NA Summary: Leonardo thinks that the snow is the most beautiful thing that he’s ever seen. Too bad a certain pair of brothers would rather play. But that’s okay. If Raph and Mikey want to have a snowball fight, then Leo and Don will bring it on.      Notes: The turtles are somewhere between eight and ten here, I think.    AO3 || ff.net
Snowball Fight
Leonardo looked around at the park in wonder. It was so white, everything covered in a blanket of snow. His breath came out in little white puffs in front of his face, and he turned slowly, taking in the way that the snow glistened underneath the lights of New York City. It was beautiful, and he’d never seen anything quite like it.
Normally, Master Splinter kept them inside during the winter, at least as much as possible. Their burrow was warm, especially since Donnie had figured out how to get them heaters and stuff down there. They still tended to be very sleepy as it got colder, sometimes sleeping for entire days or longer but they did that less and less as they got older. This year, while they still laid around, they didn’t sleep quite as much.
Maybe that was why Master Splinter had decided to bundle them all up in a lot of layers of clothes—with two pairs of pants, layered socks, a couple of shirts, a light jacket and a coat, layers of mittens, hats, scarves and, worst of all, shoes—and take them up to the surface this year. Maybe it was because they weren’t falling asleep anymore and he thought that they were big enough now. Big enough to go to the park at night and look at the snow.
Leonardo knew what snow was. He’d seen it before, although only from the sewers. It was usually wet and goopy and dirty by then, but sometimes he’d seen some of it white, when it was new and hadn’t had the chance to get dirty yet. And he’d seen it on TV and in books. He and his brothers had even played with some of it when it fell into the sewers. But this was his first time seeing it like this, like how the humans must see it.
And despite the cold that bit at his face and the layers of clothes that made it hard to move and the shoes, Leonardo thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
And then something big, cold, and wet hit him on the back of the head.
Leonardo went stumbling, only just catching himself before he face planted in the snow, and he whirled around to look at where it had come from. Raph and Mikey were a few yards behind him, up on a little hill. Raph was standing there, grinning a snowball in his hand, and Mikey was crouched beside him, grinning, with a small pile of snowballs next to him.
“Gotcha, Leo!” Raph said, as he tossed the snowball he had in his hand up and down. Beside him, Mikey giggled, putting his hands over his mouth.
Leo’s eyes narrowed “Raph,” he complained, reaching back to wipe the snow from the back of his head, “that wasn’t fair! Who even said I wanted to play that!”
“Play what?” Donnie asked, suddenly coming up beside Leo. That was as far as he got, though, before a snowball got him right in the face, sending him tumbling back and into the snow.
“Donnie!” Leo said, hurrying to the side of his stunned brother.
Mikey, clearly the culprit, was laughing loudly, rocking in the snow even as Don slowly sat up and wiped the snow from his face.
Don turned shocked and confused eyes on Leo. “What happened?” he asked.
Leo’s eyes hardened and he turned his glare onto his two other brothers. “Oh, that’s it! You wanna snowball fight, you’ve got one!”
Leo reached down and hauled Donnie to his feet, dragging his confused brother with him as snowballs began to pelt the area around them, more than a few hitting them. Raph had good aim, after all. Leo drug them back behind a small hill that they could hunker down behind.
“Leo, what’s going on?” Donnie asked as he rubbed the last of the snow from his face.
“Raph and Mikey have declared war on us,” Leo said. “A snowball war.”
“A snowball war?” Donnie repeated. “Don’t you mean a snowball fight?”
“Mikey threw a snowball right at your face,” Leo said flatly. “Don’t you think that’s more than a snowball fight?”
Don was quiet for a moment, and then nodded. “Okay, good point. So, what do we do? Besides throw snowballs at them, I mean.”
Leo pressed his lips together and looked over the top of their hill for a moment. A spattering of snowballs hit the hill at that, and Leo had to duck down again.
“They’ve got the advantage,” Leo said. “They’ve got a stockpile and the high ground. We don’t have anything.”
Don looked thoughtful, and then began scooping up snow. “Then I suppose the first order of business would be to get a stockpile of our own.”
Leo nodded and started making snowballs as well. “They’re going to have the advantage, still, though,” he said. “They’ve gotten a head start.”
“Yeah, but they’re gonna have a supply and demand issue,” Don said, “because both of them are throwing and neither one is making.”
Leo frowned. “When they run out, it could give us an advantage, if we already have a stockpile. But it won’t last forever. We’ll run out, too. Even if one of us keeps making snowballs while the other throws, they’ll still have two people throwing and making at once. And you know that neither of them is going to care if the snowballs even stay together. We’re going to need another plan.”
Don frowned. “You’re right.” He looked down at the pile of snowballs they had. “Think you can make do with these for a moment? I have an idea.”
Leo looked at Don curiously but nodded. When Don had an idea, it was usually a good idea to listen or let him do it. “Sure. I can keep them back with these for a bit.”
Don grinned. “Be right back,” he said, slipping off into the night.
Leo had no idea what his brother had planned, but he took a snowball from their small stockpile and hurled it at his other two brothers. He heard Mikey yelp and grinned. For the next few minutes, Leo exchanged volleys with Raph and Mikey, strategically picking his throws as he only had so many snowballs. His supply was starting to run low when Don suddenly appeared back behind the hill, carrying one of his coats over his shoulder, it clearly full of something, and a large stick that branched in his hand.
“What’s that for?” Leo asked.
Don grinned. “You’ll see. But for now—” He opened up his coat, revealing a large pile of snowballs that he started sitting down on the ground.
“Donnie! How’d you get all of those?” Leo asked, his jaw dropping.
“Outsourcing,” Donnie said with a grin. “We should get more soon.”
“I have no idea what that means,” Leo said with a grin, “but I’m glad you do!”
“How’s it going?” Don asked, peeking over the top of the hill as he pulled his coat back on. A snowball nearly hit him in the face.
“Not so good,” Leo said. “They’re able to move around and get other angles, but we’re stuck here unless we want them to get us.” He lobbed another snowball, and grinned as he heard it hit Raph. “
“Too bad we don’t have air support,” Don said, sticking the stick he had in the ground at an angle, bending it back.
Leo paused, and looked up at the hill where his brothers were. There was a tree that they were partially under. A tree that had lots of snow on it.
“Maybe we can,” he said slowly. “Hey, Donnie, what are going to do with that stick?”
Donnie was unwinding his scarf from around his neck and winding it around the fork of the branch. He paused. “I was gonna make us a catapult to send snowballs. Why?”
Leo grinned. “Think your catapult could hit the tree above them?”
Don paused, looking at the tree, and then down at his catapult, before darting over to the pile of dwindling snowballs. He glanced at the tree once more, and then over at Leo. “I think so,” he said, “although we’ll have to be fast to get up the hill to them.”
“No,” Leo said, “only you have to be fast enough to get up the hill to them,” he said.
“Me?” Don said. “What will you be doing?”
“Gimmie your hat. The one underneath,” Leo said. “And one of your outer mittens.”
Don quickly went to do as Leo said, as Leo pulled his own outer hat and one of his outer mittens off.
“I’m going to sneak around back behind them,” Leo said. “You’re going to stay here and get ready to fire the catapult. As soon as you do and the snow from the tree falls on them, I’ll attack from behind. Then you’ll run up the hill and attack them from the front,” he explained.
Don’s eyes lit up with understanding. “And I’ll switch hats and mittens to make it look like both of us are still here,” he said.
Leo grinned and nodded. “Exactly.”
“That’s a good plan,” Don said. “But let’s wait just a minute before we start it.” He paused, thinking. “Our next order should be here soon.”
“Order?” Leo asked curiously.
“My sons?”
Leo and Don turned to see Splinter approaching their small hill. He smiled at them.
“I have your request, Donatello,” he said, lowering the cloth in his arms to reveal a very sizable pile of snowballs.
“Thanks, Sensei!” Don chirped happily. Leo stared at him, and Don shrugged. “Like I said—outsourcing!”
Don went back to adjusting his catapult, getting it aimed just right, before starting to load the scarf with snowballs. Splinter watched, amused, and Leonardo adjusted his hats and mittens.
“Alright, Don. Gimme about five minutes,” Leo said.
Don nodded, making sure he had both hats and mittens. “Can do, Leo. Sensei, do you think you could hold this right here?” he said, gesturing to the catapult.
“Of course, my son,” Splinter said, putting a paw on the edge of it to keep the tension as Don wanted it.
Leo slipped off into the dark, taking a more indirect path around the area. He didn’t want to risk being seen, or let his tracks be seen in the snow. He did his best to slip between the trees and bushes without disturbing anything, sneaking closer and closer to Raph and Mikey. He could hear them yelling, taunting both Don and him. Leo grinned. It looked like the plan was working.
He finally managed to sneak around behind them, and hid himself in a bush, waiting. He estimated that he had used about four minutes up. Donnie would be precise with his timing, Leo knew, so all he had to do was wait.
Leo counted down the seconds, and, right on time, there was a loud thwack! and then the snow from the tree above Raph and Mikey slid off and fell down on them. Leo heard both of his brothers cry out, and he sprang out from the bush. Raph and Mikey were pushing their way up out of the snow that had fallen on them. Leo took advantage and launched at them in a flying tackle.
“Ahhhhhh!” he cried out, and both of his brothers turned to stare at him with wide eyes. Leo took both of them down, sending all three of them rolling down the hill, at least partway.
Raph managed to wrench himself free, turning to jump on Leo and push him off of Mikey when a snowball hit him, hard, in the side of the face, sending him tumbling back. Leo could see him turn and grab a snowball that had tumbled down with them and throw it.
But Don, who was rushing them, had brought his catapult with him, and he caught it in the “net” of his scarf, using the momentum to hurl it right back at Raph. Leo could see Raph’s eyes widening in surprise, and before he could react, the snowball had hit him in the chest and Don was pouncing on him, sending the two of them rolling until Don managed to get Raph pinned with the help of his catapult.
“No fair!” Raph was crying out. “It was a snowball fight! And you got a weapon! That ain’t fair!”
Mikey had already stopped squirming under Leo, having given up, and the two of them watched as Don kept Raph pinned down.
“Alright, my sons, that is enough,” Splinter said with a smile as he trudged halfway up the hill to where they were. “I believe that Leonardo and Donatello have won this time.”
Donnie grinned and pulled back from Raph, letting his brother get up, and Leo did the same to Mikey, helping him up before he made his way to Donnie’s side for a high three.
“We did it!” Don said.
“We sure did!” Leo said. “Your catapult was a great idea!”
“Not as good as your idea about the snow on the tree,” Don said.
“Yeah, well, you got Master Splinter to make us snowballs,” Leo said.
“What?” Raph looked at all of them, slightly betrayed. “Sensei, you made snowballs for them?”
Mikey tugged on Splinter’s coat. “Why didn’t you make snowballs for us?” he asked.
“You did not ask,” Splinter said simply. “But you all did well, tonight. I hope that you had fun, my sons.”
All four of the brothers looked at each other, and Leo grinned at his brothers. Raph hesitated for a moment, and then he grinned back.
“Yeah,” Leo said. “I think we did.”
“Good,” Splinter said, ushering them back towards the edge of the park and towards the manhole cover they had come through.
Leo twisted around to look back at the park. The snow was no longer smooth and like a blanket. It was turned up and rough, and there were tracks all in it. But it still sparkled, and Leonardo still looked at it through the puffs of breath that came from his mouth. He still thought it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, maybe even more so now.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Domestic Prompts: Part 3 (Might be more or less)
Anybody who wants'em, come and get'em, that dinner bell is ringing!!!! (lol). Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem's Lot and Press Play.
The kids trying to take care of daddy when he's sick
A hot meal after coming home from work
Slow dancing in the kitchen while dinner is cooking
Taking care of their s.o after a hard day of work, school, etc.
Surprising their s.o at work with lunch and baked goods
Helping their s.o with school projects
Planning their dream home
Taking the kids trick-or-treating on Halloween night
Drying herbs and vegetables for the winter
Reading to their kids by the fireplace in winter
Helping to take care of the kids when they're sick
Singing and rocking their baby to sleep in the middle of the night
Coming home with a new puppy
Seeing their s.o in a new dress they've made
"It's alright sweetheart, we can fix this easily"
"You sure you're comfortable?"
"Can you make me some hot chicken soup?"
Drawing their s.o naked before bedtime (SMUT)
Drawing their s.o snuggling their baby
"You need to sleep"
Helping their s.o with seasonal body pains
"Oh God, your feet look like hell!! Here, let's get them scrubbed and cleaned"
Building a cozy pillow and blanket fort
Spending time with their s.o on their dream vacation
Picking up the kids early from school to meet their new sibling
The cat hiding out in the warm laundry
A day at the apple orchard
Lazy morning sex on the weekends (SMUT)
Perusing their s.o's book collection on a cold winter night
Teaching one of their kids how to milk the cows and take care of the farm critters
Owning a general store with their s.o
Fixing their s.o's favorite shirt
"C'mon darlin can we please keep it?"
Helping with the quilt that their s.o has been working on since the summer
Sunday breakfast for the family
Painting the nursery for the baby
Tropical honeymoon
Fall hike with their s.o and the family dog
"Who taught you how to cook so well?"
A photo album of them and their s.o (does contain smut)
Helping with the fall harvest
Prepping the house for winter
Working on a knitting/crocheting project
Making a pair of wool socks, mittens, hats or scarves
Settling down for the night
Walking around town on a gorgeous fall afternoon
Treating their s.o to lunch on a day off from work
"You look like you need a hot drink"
"Darlin we've been good, we deserve at least one shitty meal this week"
Snuggling under a huge pile of blankets
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
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come undone.
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featuring. tsumugi shirogane/reader
synopsis. tsumugi gets creative for your christmas present
word count. 775
content. gender-neutral reader, fluff, christmas, mugi being a nerd, established relationship
merry ficsmas masterlist.
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Tsumugi likes to knit.
She has anxious hands, your girlfriend. They must always be occupied with something, or else she will start to pick at herself. Nails and lips and skin. She fiddles with stray threads, winding trails of yarn around the tips of her fingers 'till they go swollen and red. So for her birthday, you bought her some wool, and some needles, and a little paper booklet of patterns.
She's gone a little wild with them, actually. What started as a hobby for finicky hands has turned into a full-time obsession. Your apartment is crammed with sewing kits, rounds of yarn and cotton and wool, and she spends most of her free time curled up like a cat, knitting 'till she gets dents on her fingers. It certainly hadn't helped with her love for cosplay, either—in fact, gifting her the means to make her own higher-quality costumes meant that you had several racks of outfits scattered about the place.
Not that you mind, of course. It's sweet, that she's so involved in her interests. You're nothing if not supportive.
As winter arrives with a languidity that makes it feel as though it's lasted for decades already, Tsumugi turns her attention more to practicalities. First come mittens in your favourite colour, adorned with cute white flowers. Next, hats, and scarves, and thick socks. You watch her out of the corner of your eye, bundled up in Genshin-themed pyjamas and homemade socks, eyes furrowed in concentration behind her glasses as her needles clack.
You think she's planning something for Christmas; Tsumugi often makes a habit of checking your measurements for when she wants to craft matching cosplays for the both of you, but she's been doing it a little more frequently this month. She's also taken to doing a lot of her work in the bedroom rather than the living room, and hurriedly tossing it aside when you enter. You have to bite back a smile every time.
Still, you don't have to wait for too long. The day itself comes sooner than you're expecting, and you start it with pancakes and tea wrapped in blankets on your shared couch. The curtains are pulled open slightly, hailing the sprawling city below and a flurry of fresh snowfall and watery grey light. Tsumugi has her long, dark hair twisted back into two intricate twin braids on the back of her head, leaving her face open and pale and lovely.
You can't resist warming it with a kiss or two on her cheek, giving a pink tint to pale skin. She squirms and giggles under your advances, halfheartedly pushing you off—but when she finally pulls back and hides her face in her mug, you can see the tips of her ears burning red.
Finally, she reaches under the tree and hands you a package. It's a soft, heavy weight in your hands, wrapped in dark blue paper and tied with a white bow. Tsumugi perks up excitedly as you begin to unwrap it, carefully making sure not to tear the paper—you know she likes to reuse it. As it unfolds, your fingers brush soft, knitted wool, and you grin.
It's a sweater. Navy blue, dotted with white stars, and spelled out in slightly wobbly letters across the front: I GOT MY GIRLFRIEND INTO KNITTING AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY SWEATER.
Tsumugi squeals when you burst into peals of laughter. "What?" she cries. "What is it? Do you like it? Do you hate it? What?!"
"I love it, idiot," you gasp between hacking mirth, taking a moment to grasp her face between your hands. "For the love of... okay, help me get it on!"
She squeals again when you strip your shirt off, but this time she quickly snaps back into action. Carefully, as though the thing were made of glass, she helps you slide the sweater down over your head, threads your arms through the sleeves. It settles over you, enveloping you in a soft, warm exhalation, drooping around your wrists, fitting perfectly to every dip, curve, and swell. You can feel the soft brush of Tsumugi's hands as they adjust and tug.
Slowly, tentatively, the brush of her lips on the nape of your neck. And you're warm all over, and it has little to do with the sweater.
"I love it," you say again, quieter this time. Tsumugi beams, tears making her dark eyes look starry, and slips her hands beneath the sweater to rest on the skin of your stomach. "I love you."
"Mmm," she murmurs, happily nesting her face into the crook of your neck. "I love you, too. Merry Christmas."
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Catch me thinking about Steven taking up knitting.
Blankets, sweaters, scarves, mittens, house socks, you name it he’s made it.
Layla is more than happy to steal them all at any time the moment it drops below tolerable in London, which is half the year. When they eventually move in together, she’ll watch Steven knit while chattering on about some fact or other, completely involved in his work.
Marc grumbles and complains about constantly tripping over them, or slipping off stifling sweaters when it’s perfectly fine to go freeze outside. One of Steven’s first blanket creations, however, is usually slipped around Marc’s shoulders at night, when he’s sure everyone is asleep. It’s a deep blue with little stars, and he’ll never admit that it makes Marc think of the happy seconds in the Duat with Steven.
Jake doesn’t understand them at first, nor does he understand why Steven is invested making these things. Clothing should be functional, blankets should be just for sleeping and little else, why does Steven make useless things? Steven listens to his thoughts, and works to make small things for Jake. A fitting sweater for cold nights, thick scarves that settle nicely into his jacket collar, small but warming blankets to settle in the trunk of his taxi. Jake never asks for them, but Steven makes sure they’re pressed neatly and by the door when he’s ready to head out on cold nights.
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konglindorm · 1 year
Shards of Glass: Chapter 1
    I lost Kai when we were nine. He went missing when we were seventeen.
    He was my best friend and brother and half my heart. It’s funny, how those feelings don’t go away. He was practically a stranger, by the time he disappeared, but he was still all those other things, too.
    (Manda’s still half convinced I’m in love with him. But Manda’s favorite game is seven minutes in heaven, and I’d rather get a root canal than go on a date, so there tends to be a fundamental breakdown in communication when we talk about that kind of thing.)
    Kai never came home Saturday night. His grandma reported him missing Sunday morning. By Monday—
    Monday was a snow day. It had been going on and off since Friday night, nonstop since Sunday afternoon. My parents were at work, and I wanted to keep Grandma company, but she was busy, with the police, and the—and I didn’t want to be in the way. So I heard it from the news, not from her.
    Local teen, missing two days. Last seen snowboarding at 3pm on Saturday. Snowboard washed up on the far side of the river. A glove and a boot found on the hilltop. Local teen missing, presumed dead.
    Kai missing, presumed dead.
    Manda called me right after it aired. “I know he was—I’m sorry.”
    “Kai’s not an idiot,” I said.
    “No one said he was.”
    “They did. They just did, on channel six—you think Kai would go down like that? Into the river? Everyone knows you don’t take the hill at that angle, because the Mississippi doesn’t always freeze.”
    “Okay, but Gerda, if it was already dark when he—”
    “He’s not stupid enough to be out in the dark alone, that close to the river. He’s not, he wouldn’t, Manda. He wouldn’t.”
    “Okay,” she said again, humoring me. “So what do you think happened?”
   “I don’t know. I just know he’s not dead. He—he can’t be. Not Kai.”
    Kai in the dark, squinting at me behind fogged up glasses. Kai laughing as he packed a snowball, Kai biking in the sun the day the training wheels came off, Kai in braces and glowers, Kai calling me names, Kai waiting at the back door with the snow falling at his back. Not Kai. Not Kai.
    He wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. And that meant I had to find him.
    Boots—the heavy black ones that laced in the front. Snow pants—shiny, black, puffy, ugly, warm. The heaviest coat, the thickest mittens, with thin gloves beneath. My ice skating socks. Two scarves. That hat Grandma knitted for me for Christmas. Six granola bars in my pocket.
    Kai was a missing person, presumed dead. He was probably more than six granola bars away.
    He wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. I grabbed a seventh granola bar.
     I had walked across town, down the hill, along the river, and into the woods, deep and deep and deeper, before the cold seeped into my shoes, before I realized what I was doing.
    I sat abruptly on the snowy ground. I was going to search for my likely-dead evil neighbor, alone, on a Monday afternoon in January, with nothing but the clothes on my back.
    He wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. I stood up and pulled out the first granola bar.
    I’ve spent my whole life one wall away from Kai. Our families live in the two units of a townhouse, and our bedrooms share a wall. When we were kids we had a tin can telephone—we used one of Grandma’s needles with the biggest eye to pull the thread through the screens in our windows, then attached each end to a can inside our rooms. Whenever one of us wanted to talk, we’d knock on the wall, and the other would know to go pick up their can.
   We had to replace the string a few times, and the last one fell apart years ago, but the can still lives on my dresser, with a million other things Mom keeps telling me to throw away.
    The last few years, if Kai wanted to talk to me, he’d knock on the wall, and I’d go downstairs and meet him in the backyard. I don’t knock anymore—I learned a long time ago that the only way to have a relationship with Kai is on his terms.
    Manda says that’s unhealthy. I say Manda’s a hypocrite—she forgives people who keep hurting her, too. She says it’s different because Kai’s not my family. But he might as well be. You don’t stop loving people just because they become unlovable. I may not have liked Kai much, the last few years. But I’ll always do anything for the sake of the person he used to be.
    I know it started when we were nine, the trouble. That was the year Kai got glasses. It was also the year he got mean. (Unrelated.) He just got meaner and meaner. He had a special talent for mimicry that showed up that year, and he just—
    There was a huge rosebush between our front doors, and it made the biggest, brightest, best-smelling red roses I’ve ever seen, prettier even than the ones you can get from a florist. We were sitting just in front of it, holding very, very still, because there were a bunch of bees around. (Kai always liked bees.) And all of the sudden he shouted.
    I asked him if he’d got stung, and he shook his head. “Feels like something flew into my eye.”
    A minute later a bee landed on his hand, and he caught it—grabbed it by the wings.
    “What are you doing?”
    He shrugged. “I wanted a closer look,” he said. And he held it up really close to his face—I think he needed the glasses by then—but it was struggling, so it was hard to really look at. So he grabbed the stinger and pulled it out—because losing their stingers kills them—and then it wasn’t moving anymore, and he could get a better look.
    And it was so mean, and I was shouting at him, and then he just—dropped it, and he said, “I don’t—I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
    We dug a little hole and buried the bee under the oak tree in the backyard. But that was when it started. The day he killed that bee. It happened slowly. He started mocking people and stomping on ants and being rude to Grandma. But only sometimes. Other times he was nice. Other times he was still my best friend. And I just kept hoping he’d grow back out of it.
    (When your best friend grows up to be a jerk, you never suspect it’s because of magic.)
    I was twelve by the time I admitted to myself that Kai and I weren’t friends anymore. I was sleeping over at his house—we were already a few years out from being sleepover friends, really. But my parents have always travelled a lot, and until I turned fifteen and they decided I could stay home alone overnight, I stayed with Grandma and Kai.
    Kai still had his bunk bed back then—one bed for him, and one for a friend, and that friend was always me.
    I don’t even remember what he said. He’d been saying horrible things, and I’d been trying to ignore them, for a long time by then. I didn’t hang on to the things he said—I always just tried to forget them as soon as possible. But whatever he said that night, it upset me, more than the things he said usually did. It might have been about my parents—my adoptive parents, not my bio ones. Kai would never go there, even at his worst. Both sets are sore subjects, but there are lines Kai won’t cross, and there were more of them when we were twelve.
    My parents are my uncle—my bio mom’s brother—and his wife, really. My bio parents died in a car crash, and they were the only family left. At least, the only family we know about, because my bio dad was from Taiwan, and no one knew if he had any family left there or how to contact them. My parents adopted me because I was family, and it was the right thing to do. They love me, I think. They’ve had me since before I turned two. But I know they never wanted kids. So I’m touchy about it. That would have hurt my feelings, more than most things Kai might have said when we were twelve.
    Whatever he said, I climbed down from the top bunk and went to Grandma’s room; she was sitting up in bed, reading.
    “I don’t want to sleep in there. Kai’s being mean.”
    Grandma sighed and put down her book. She was hoping he’d grow out of it, too, but no luck, no matter how many groundings and timeouts and whatever he got. “Well, maybe you’re getting to be at the age where you shouldn’t be sharing a room.”
    After that I slept on the pullout couch, until Mom and Dad let me just stay home.
    I was thoroughly lost and down two granola bars by the time I thought of Grandma. (His grandma, not mine, not really.) To be told Kai was probably dead, and then that I’d gone missing—well, they’d probably find my body before Kai’s, even if he really was dead, because I didn’t go barreling toward the Mississippi like a first-rate idiot.
    We’re all she has left. To lose us both in the same weekend—
    And my parents. My parents—I’m the only family they have, too, and they’d definitely blame themselves if I wandered into the woods and froze to death when they were both working late again—and I knew I was going to freeze to death. I was beyond numb. I kept starting to fall asleep, and then the panic would wake me. I had no idea how long I’d been out—I didn’t have a watch, and it gets dark so early in the winter, it could have been less than an hour, or it could have been three or four. No one would miss me probably until morning—when Mom and Dad got home they’d just assume I was already in bed, so either they’d find my bed empty in the morning, or they’d leave early and someone at school would be the first to realize I was gone.
    I was going to freeze to death searching for a stupid jerk who was probably dead already, and there was no way Manda would ever believe I wasn’t in love with him after this—or anyone else either, and why should that even matter, when I was about to freeze to death?    
    We live in a cul-de-sac, with a huge circle of grass at the end, where the turn-around is—I guess it belongs to the city. But we used to build snow forts there every winter. Me and Kai—we were the only kids on the block, back then. There are some younger kids now, and I’ve seen them do the same thing.
    It was always a huge fort—we’d work on it for weeks. The plow would pile all the snow from the street there, so we had plenty of material to work with. We’d dig tunnels into the big piles the plow left. We were in there all day on weekends, and over Christmas break, until Grandma or my parents came to dig us out.
    Grandma would never come into the fort—she said her knees were too old—but she used to bring us each a thermos of hot chocolate while we were working. We’d go into the biggest cavern we’d dug out so far, and sit on the packed-down snow on the ground, pressed tight together, to drink it. No one makes hot chocolate like Grandma—I’ve watched her do it, and she just uses the cheap powder like everyone else, but hers tastes better.
    I was sitting on the ground in the woods, imagining Kai was pressed into my side, thinking of Grandma’s hot chocolate. And I wasn’t cold anymore, and I knew I was dying.
    Then I woke up.
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