#was fine literally all night n now that i’m about to have class i’m falling asleep
alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
guess who did not sleep again last night n has class in 10 minutes
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toournextadventure · 2 years
everyone but her pt.1
a/n: this is part of a slight au i've got goin on. the only real difference is slight deviation from the season since i haven't finished it. there's no genuine plot to all of these, just things i think would be cute. EDIT: previously called math tutoring
Word Count: 2.4k Warning: slight language Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Masterlist)
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Enid loved playing matchmaker, but she was going to lose her mind if neither you nor Wednesday finally made a move. If she had to watch you doodle on her paper’s in class one more time? Had to watch you get within an inch of Wednesday without actually touching her and intruding upon her space? Was forced to bear witness to your quite frankly embarrassing attempts at flirting?
“Did you know Kemper suggested his own punishment in prison?” You asked far too late into the night; another attempt at flirting and sparking Wednesday to go off with facts about the serial killer.
That’s it. Enid had to do something about this before she threw up or fainted. Again.
“Hey, wait up!” Enid called as you both exited your literature class.
“Walk faster, Sinclair, I’m late,” you called back, but you still slowed your pace so she could catch up.
“Have a date with Wednesday?” Enid asked as soon as she fell into step with you.
“No, Enid, I don’t have a date,” you chuckled, “I have math tutoring.”
Of course you do, Enid thought to herself with a sigh. Why on earth would you actually act on the feelings that literally everyone but Wednesday knew about? It didn’t make her cruel to want you to make a move! But you somehow always had something to do and it was ruining everything!
“Wednesday can tutor you,” Enid suggested. Out of respect for you, she ignored the slight falter in your step.
“I… don’t think that’s such a great idea,” you said with a shrug. “Math already makes me want to cry.”
“But she’s extremely smart,” Enid continued. “Much smarter than whoever you’ve got now.”
“I’m not emotionally strong enough for-“
You both stopped as Wednesday stepped in front of you. It always made Enid smile to see you have to nearly break your neck to look down at her roommate. Something about the height difference made the power imbalance all the more entertaining.
“You both look far too happy,” Wednesday said in her usual deadpan.
“We were just talking about you!” Enid said happily.
“Hopefully it was everything bad,” Wednesday mused.
“Y/N was actually wanting to ask you something,” Enid continued, ignoring the look you shot her way. “Weren’t you?”
“What do you want?” Wednesday asked as she finally looked up at you. No one else would have noticed, but Enid saw the way her features softened just the most minuscule amount.
She also continued to ignore the increasingly pissed off look on your face before you sighed and turned back to Wednesday.
“I need a new math tutor,” you said through gritted teeth. “Think you could help me?”
“Your math knowledge is abysmal at best,” Wednesday answered quickly.
“Yeah, I know,” you mumbled. Your left hand came up and rubbed the back of your neck in what Enid had long ago realised was a self-soothing gesture.
“I suppose I can make time,” Wednesday finally said after leaving you to worry your lip for far too long. “On two conditions.”
“Name them,” you shot back instantly, your hand finally falling back down to your side.
“You don’t interrupt my writing time,” Wednesday said first.
“Easy, next?”
“You teach Eugene how to talk to people,” Wednesday concluded.
“Isn’t he, like, 13?” You asked, though Enid noted you never said no.
“He’s as dreadful at making friends as you are at math,” Wednesday continued, causing both you and Enid to flinch away from the harsh truth.
“Okay fine, deal,” you said with a slight huff. “Just quit insulting my math intelligence.”
“We can get started tonight at 7:30,” Wednesday said, completely ignoring your statement and turning to Enid. “We’re going to be late.”
She walked off quickly, and Enid gave you a quick “I’ll text you!” before jogging to catch up with her roommate. They walked in comfortable silence even though Enid was dying to ask Wednesday about her new study date with you. This was probably going to be the most time you would both be spending together at one time!
“Should I leave you both alone during your “tutoring” session tonight?” Enid finally asked, her tone and smile completely eliminating any chance at trying to keep her cool.
“You could use the math help too,” Wednesday answered quickly.
“I’m choosing to ignore that statement,” Enid said simply as she stood a little taller. “Just admit you like her flirting and want to spend alone time with her tonight!”
“It’s a pitiful attempt at flirting,” Wednesday said simply. “And if we are alone, I very well might drill the formulas into her head.”
“Actually, I think I’ll stick around,” Enid tried to joke even though she knew her roommate would follow through on her threat of bodily harm. For your sake, she would be the buffer between Wednesday Addams and your very life.
At least for tonight.
You were late.
You were late and it was raining and you weren’t answering your phone and there were only so many times Enid could tell Wednesday you were on the way. But Wednesday was smart, she had surely caught on by now that no one knew where you were. Maybe Enid should send Thing to go find you and force you to at least answer her texts-
-three knocks on the door. Enid was throwing it open in an instant.
“Where have you been?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“You told me to bring flowers,” you whisper-shouted back at her, “and Thornhill wouldn’t leave!”
“Well now you’re late and Wednesday is upset and- you look like hell,” Enid said as she finally noticed the haggard state you were in. “What happened to you?”
“My wings wouldn’t fold into the harness so now they’re all wet and-”
“-Just get in there and kiss up already,” Enid interrupted you. She grabbed you by the forearm - doing her best not to crush the chocolate in your hand - and pulled you into the room, shutting the door loud enough for Wednesday to turn around.
“You’re getting water all over the floor,” Wednesday said simply. “Where were you?”
“Held up by Thornhill,” you lied effortlessly. Well, technically it wasn’t a lie. An omission of sorts, you would claim. “So I brought these to, uh, make up for it.”
You held out the three black dahlias that had somehow survived the rain and the box of what Enid realised was very dark bitter chocolate. Perfect, Enid thought as she smiled to herself. You had gotten everything she had told you to get. This was going to work perfectly!
“Flirting was bad enough,” Wednesday said, causing your cheeks to burn, “but flowers and chocolates are just too far.”
Your mouth opened and closed several times with no words coming out. The flicker of your eyes in her direction before you sighed and took the gifts to the bed in defeat? Enid wanted to scream. How could that not have worked? They were two of the things that she knew Wednesday loved! This Addams was getting on her last nerve.
Enid kept one headphone out as the tutoring session droned on. She wanted to be up to date on everything you said so she could know what your next move was. Maybe Wednesday took studies too seriously and this wasn’t the proper time to woo her. That didn’t leave many options, but Enid could work with it.
“If you mention polynomials one more time, Addams, I’m going to strangle you,” your voice sounded out, causing Enid to jump and turn to make sure you were both still alive.
“Strangle me, then,” Wednesday said without hesitation, “at least then I won’t have to deal with your rather pitiful attempts at understanding simple terms.”
“That’s what this is supposed to be for,” you shot back, “fixing my pitiful attempts.”
“Not even I can fix this disaster,” Wednesday claimed.
“Fuck you, Addams,” you grumbled as you stood up from your spot on the floor and left the room.
Enid turned to face Wednesday, who was still sitting at her desk and looking utterly unfazed. Why would she tell you that? The whole point of this tutoring was for you both to spend time together! Why would she openly insult you like that and then have the nerve to act like-
-the door opened again and you leaned in just enough to look at Wednesday’s desk.
“Same time on Friday?” You asked as if nothing had ever happened.
“Don’t be late next time,” Wednesday answered.
“Sure thing, Addams,” you said with a mock salute and a small smile. “Good night, ladies.”
And just like that you were gone.
Enid fell back onto her bed in utter exhaustion. She hated you both.
“How’s the tutoring going?” Enid asked her roomie when she saw you walk through the courtyard with Eugene trailing after you like a lost puppy. At least you were holding up your end of the deal.
“She has risen from abysmal to slightly below adequate,” Wednesday said without looking up from her book. “A drastic improvement, I would say.”
“Have you both agreed to go on a date yet?” Enid continued; she had very much noticed the lingering look you gave Wednesday as you continued your walk.
“No,” Wednesday answered. “Don’t you have homework to finish?”
“I can either do my homework or interrogate you about your love life,” Enid sighed, “and frankly, I have priorities.”
“We are not going on a date,” Wednesday said, finally shutting her book. “That would be a conflict of interest and she would need to find a new math tutor.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Enid asked incredulously.
“No one else is capable of helping her pass her test next week,” Wednesday continued.
“Wednesday Addams,” Enid said, trying her best to sound authoritative, “you’d better ask her out on a date after her test, then.”
“Or what?” Wednesday asked. “You have nothing to hold over me.”
Enid inhaled sharply, her mind running a million miles a minute trying to think of what would make a good threat. Bodily harm wouldn’t work, she would enjoy it too much. There was nothing to take away because she had only the necessities to her name. Surely there was something Enid could use to make her threat worth it.
“Or I’ll show Y/N the pictures of you letting me paint your nails,” Enid finally said with a smug grin.
“If you do, you’d better sleep with one eye open,” Wednesday threatened back. The only difference was she didn’t need to give an actual threat; everything she did was scary.
But Enid’s demise would surely be worth it if it meant you two finally getting together.
“Read ‘em and weep, Addams,” your voice cut through the air as a packet was tossed onto the music stand in front of Wednesday.
She knew you would be coming by this evening; you had mentioned you were supposed to be getting your math test back. If you had failed, you would have come back and asked what you had done wrong. Which, admittedly, was everything; you truly were horrendous at math. But if you had passed, you would have come to gloat even if it was adequate at best.
She held her bow out to you - which you took with gentle hands - and picked up your test. There in the top corner was a 83 written in red ink. Her fingers flipped through each page, taking note of what you got wrong. Algebra, Wednesday thought with disgust, you never listen.
“An adequate grade,” Wednesday said as she handed the papers back to you. She ignored the ruffle of your feathers at her words before taking the bow back.
“Thank you for helping me,” you said in a voice that made Wednesday feel like she had swallowed a handful of spiders.
“I did it for Eugene,” Wednesday said. You both knew it was a lie. You didn’t call her out for it.
“Whatever you say, Addams,” you said with a smile that made those same spiders try to crawl back up her throat. “Don’t let your cello get wet, it’s supposed to rain.”
You turned your back to her and started walking along the edge of the balcony, the feathers of your wings twitching in the wind. They melted into the inky black of the night in a way that was almost poetic. Edgar Allen Poe-esque, she would even claim.
Thing tapped the music stand to get her attention before talking far too quickly. Wednesday shook her head no, but he insisted, finally leaving the stand to crawl up your leg and rest on your shoulder.
“Thing has something to ask you,” Wednesday said, ignoring the gesture Thing sent her way and focusing entirely on the sheet music that she wasn’t reading.
“Whatcha got?” You asked as you turned your head to look at him. He made his gestures - which Wednesday promptly refused to look at - and said what he wanted to say. You chuckled.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Thing,” you said, finally looking up to meet Wednesday’s eyes as she glared at you. “We can hit up the Weathervane tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 6.”
You held up your hand to give Thing a fist-bump before he crawled down and made his way back to the music stand. There was an irritating look on your face; it wasn’t quite a smile, but it was nearly as condescending. And yet, something about it almost made her not want to claw her own eyes out.
“Good night, Wednesday,” you said before pitching backwards over the ledge. She almost felt her black heart skip a beat before you swooped back up into the sky and took off toward your own dorm.
“Do that again,” Wednesday said as she faced Thing, “and I’ll rip your fingernails out one by one.”
Thing shook and ran off back inside, probably to see Enid. He’d better pray she could protect him. She did not appreciate him and his sick sense of humour. Yours either, quite frankly, seeing as Thing had done exactly what she had asked him to do. But you were clearly going to make her work harder for this date.
That was a challenge she was willing to accept.
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heizuzu · 2 years
PALM TRACING. — xavier.
prompt: “I like tracing your palm, it’s distracting.”
warnings: implied that you two are dating, dorm sneaking but you haven’t gotten caught, angst, reverse hurt/comfort, mentions of death but nobody dies
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Xavier hated the dreams he had, he hated the fact he could see into the future.
He knows it sounds like a dream. Literally. To see into the future, be able to predict when you’d, perhaps, win the lottery.
That’s not the dreams Xavier had though. His were more of nightmares. Constantly seeing the monster, and this was about his 3rd? Maybe 4th, time seeing the monster in his “dreams” (if you could call them that).
And even worse, it kept coming after you. Everytime. And no matter how earlier he got there, no matter what he did, he still lost you.
His breath gets heavier as he awakens from another one of these nightmares, unsure what to do. He really just needed to make sure you were fine.
So he took a small bag to last him a night or two with all his essentials, headed towards your dorm that you somehow managed to have alone, arriving there rather fast.
He then takes his phone out his bag, dialing your number. He puts the phone close to his ear before he begins to speak: “Y/N, hey, it’s me. Could you open up?”
The door opens, and there you are. He’s so, relieved. He wasn’t sure if you’d open, or if his dream came true. He unintentional, let’s his bag fall to pull you into a hug.
“Baby, you okay?” You ask, growing very concerned. It’s not that him hugging is unusual, quite the opposite, it’s just that it’s 2AM and you both have class in the morning.
“Yeah, I just,” He lets you go, picking up his bag and locking the door behind him. “Had a nightmare, is all.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
You both move closer to your bed, sitting down next to each other. He begins to trace your palm.
“I like tracing your palm, it’s distracting.” He admits, continuing to do it. Taking a deep breath, he begins to explain.
“It’s been happening for a bit but,” He takes another deep breath, his voice getting more shaky. “I just have been having these more often, and they involve you.”
You give him a look to let him know you’re listening, and that he has your full attention.
“Yeah. Weird.. I know. You’re free to kick me out if you think so, I’d under—“
“Shut up, please.”
He laughs, which you are grateful for, not continuing any further about his nightmare.
“Listen to me, please,” You plead, letting your boyfriend continue to trace your palm.
“I’m not going anywhere. Okay? Not now, not ever. I’m here for you as long as you need me. Which I hope, is forever.”
“I love you, you know? Thank you. Thank you so much.” Xavier smiles at you, before proceeding to speak again.
“You mind if I crash here for the night?”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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alcoholfreenayeon · 7 months
please can u write a cuddling and a bath after being intimate w chaeng🙏🏻💗
A little bit more
A/N: Anon, I realized only after writing the whole thing that you said a bath and not a shower💀. I hope this still works for you😭
Chaeyoung x Reader
CW: Suggestive
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Chaeyoung sighs with pleasure one more time before she gently lays down on top of you while you are panting, still trying to come down from your high and catch your breath. “That was amazing, you are amazing”, you praise between breaths, she doesn’t say anything but just nuzzles your neck, hiding her face between your neck and shoulders.
These are the best things about life, you think to yourself, amazing sex with your girlfriend, cuddling with her and all of that. Literally what life is meant to be. Then you glance at the clock, it reads 2:37, wow, the two of you were at it for over an hour, no wonder you felt so good and also, so tired. You turn to your side, letting Chaeyoung fall gently and put an arm over her and snuggle into her and she makes herself smaller. Probably one of your favorite Sundays ever….wait SUNDAY? You groan in frustration as you realize you have work tomorrow or rather today, in a few hours, followed by classes.
“Chaeng, let go of my arm, I’m going to sleep”, you gently ask, trying to pry your arm away from her.
“Nooo!”, she protests, holding on to your arm tighter, “keep holding me, I’m so comfortable right now”.
“But I have my shift and my classes tomorrow, I can’t lay the whole night like this, I’ll be late.”, you argue.
“Ugh! Come on, few minutes more, please.”
You sigh in defeat, “Fine, TWO minutes more”. You cuddle her again and rest, enjoying her warmth. You blink slowly, feeling content and then….
You jolt up, realizing you somehow fell asleep, your eyes going to the clock immediately to see it being 5:30. Crap, you needed to get ready to leave in about 30 minutes. That’s when you notice Chaeyoung, taking out clothes from the wardrobe, “Oh, you are awake now, I was just going to go and take a quick shower before waking you up”, she says while smiling at you.
“This is exactly why I don’t like your few more minutes”, you grumble as you get up, “And no, let me go first, I don’t have much time”.
“No, I promise I’ll be quick”, Chaeyoung insists, “You use too much of the hot water”.
“No Chaeng, I’ll be late, okay, why don’t we just shower together then”, you say while picking out your clothes. You notice her silence and turn to her, she seems to have gotten a little shy suddenly.
“Come on, don’t be stupid, you shower way too cold, I will freeze”, she says bashfully.
“Didn’t you just say I use too much of the hot water, how will you freeze then?”, you say triumphantly.
“No, I meant that-”, She tries to argue her case, but you just grab on to her shoulders and propel her forward till you both are in the shower.
The two of you shower in silence for a couple minutes before you kiss her out of nowhere. She blushes for a moment before smiling at you. “Do-do you want to me to wash your back or”, she asks coyly.
“No, I’m good for now, I need to hurry-”, you try to respond.
“Y/N…”, Chaeyoung calls out, her finger curled up as she bites it, smiling, a mischievous look in her eyes, “why don’t you just”, she traces her finger from your chest, lowering it until she reaches your groin, “relax.”
“Wait, Chae-”, you start to protest as you realize her intentions, but she shushes you immediately.
Pushing you against the wall and going down to her knees, parting your legs slightly and getting to work. Your protests became weaker and quieter with each touch of her on you, not even realizing your hands are on her head now, the urgency to get to work on time long forgotten as you let her work her magic and put you under a trance…..
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rosaline-black · 1 year
ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ ꜱᴛᴀɪɴᴇᴅ ᴄᴀʀᴅɪɢᴀɴ - ʀᴇᴍᴜꜱ ʟᴜᴘɪɴ
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Category: Remus Lupin X fem reader
Summary: University muggle AU- Remus bumps into you in a lecture, like literally… and turns out you have a lot more in common than you originally had thought.
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Freshers week had killed you. You knew uni was going to be night out mad but on mornings like this where you had an early lecture with a new class, you regretted going a little too hard with your flatmates.
“Y/n are you up?” Your flatmate lily called out creaking the door open, her ginger hair frayed, with dark circles making her eyes squint.
“Yep.. yep I’m up… what’s the time?”
“SHIT!” Your class started in 25 minutes and you had only just woken up.
You managed to get dressed at the speed of light, a cozy cardigan and mom jeans being thrown on as quickly as possible. You fixed your wild hair and messily applied a little makeup to brighten your exhausted complexion.
You left the flat with ten minutes till class waving a quick goodbye to your friends before running to the lecture hall. Just as you got inside, with One minute to spare, a hard body collided with your own. All of your papers and your thermos that you’d been passed by your flatmate before you left, spilled everywhere the hot coffee staining your cream cardigan.
“Oh shit! Shit, I’m so sorry…” a very tall, mousy-haired boy turned around. He dove to the floor and collected your papers, his cheeks red with embarrassment.
“Your cardigan… I’m so sorry… I was heading to my seat and I didn’t see you there because I’m pretty tall you see and..and-”
“Calm down… I’m fine.. really just shhh…”
The mix of your now damp body, your banging headache, and this boy rambling all became a little too much as you rose your finger to his lips to shut him up. He immediately did as he was told and scrambled to give you your papers back.
As the lecturer entered everyone began getting seated, leaving you following after the boy, the only remaining seat being beside him. You could feel his guilty eyes planted on you as the lecture began.
“So you’re interested in literature huh?” His voice whispered.
“Yes, I am… I assume you’re the same?” You replied politely.
“Yes.. look I know you told me to shhh but I feel really bad about me being a clumsy wanker…”
You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped your lips, another smile falling on his face.
“I’m Remus… Remus lupin…” he offered his hand
“I’m y/n.. y/n l/n…” you shook his hand and then turned away, now paying your full attention to the lecture.
Once the lecture had ended a couple of hours later, you were practically drifting into slumber. The boy beside you had noticed and carefully tapped your arm, resulting in you springing your eyes open.
“Remind me to never go on another night out when I have a lecture the following morning…”
He chuckled deeply and nodded following after as you both exited the lecture hall. His eyes followed your figure as he finally got a chance to take in your beauty. The way your hair, although messy, fell ever so perfectly and framed your face, the way your eyes twinkled at the end of the summer sun, you were mesmerizing, it took everything in him to not throw himself in front of a car over the fact he had greeted you by throwing coffee on you.
“Right better get back to my flat..”
“Same here I’m headed this way…”
Remus pointed in the same direction as your flat and the two of you laughed walking with each other. Truthfully he just wanted an excuse to spend more time with this pretty stranger.
“Freshers is killing you then huh?” Remus attempted to continue the conversation.
“Yes, it is! My friends are insistent on going out every night… and I mean don’t get me wrong I love drinking but every night… I just want to sleep…” you giggled lightly.
“Yeah I can relate to that one… my friends are just as bad… I’m more of a casual pub guy I guess… clubs are just so busy!”
“I completely agree! And it’s always packed and gross and just… oh here’s my flat block…”
Remus’s eyes widened “you’re kidding…”
“Uh no I’m not…” you shook your head confused.
“This is my flat block too!”
Both you and Remus burst into laughter “do you live alone?”
“No I live with three other guys… we all went to school together… what floor are you?” Remus asked as both of you got into the lift.
“We’re on the same floor!? Are you sure we don’t live together…” he joked
“Unless you’re secretly a woman then I’m not too sure…” you teased
Once the lift dinged to your floor both exited and went to walk in opposite directions down the corridor “right well it was nice to meet you, Remus.. apart from the uh.. coffee..”
Remus blushed deeply again “sorry.. again… and yeah it was lovely meeting you… uh if you ever want to go for coffee that does result being thrown all over you then my flat number is 106…”
You couldn’t help but blush yourself and smiled “Mines 112… I’m usually just binge-watching the office and reading so feel free to knock whenever…”
Remus nodded a little too enthusiastically before they both reluctantly departed. Unknown to each other both of them immediately sighed after entering their flats. Both are already growing crushes.
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“What’s her name?” Sirius asked as he attempted to throw popcorn into James’s mouth.
“She doesn’t by chance live with a redhead called lily? I met her in my classes and I think I’m in love…” James uttered dramatically.
Remus rolled his eyes and sat with his friends “I’m not sure I haven’t been over there yet… and we haven’t had a class together since… I don’t wanna be some creep who just turns up on her doorstep..”
“Why don’t we all go? We could bring them like a cake or something for housewarming purposes…” James suggested with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“A cake? A fucking cake James? Oh yeah, nothing says raw sex appeal like a cake…” Remus countered sarcastically.
“Ooh, you have sex on your mind Mooney? Bloody hell I wanna see this girl come on…” Sirius announced springing to his feet and running out the door. Remus panicked and ran after him.
A knock on the door made you jump out of your skin. You were just dancing around in your kitchen to some Bowie and the loud bang halted you in your place.
Having just got out of the shower, it shocked you to have someone knock on your door so late in the evening, let alone when both your flatmates were out doing a food shop.
Apprehensively you opened the door and the site before you was pretty confusing. A guy with shoulder-length dark hair was leaning against the door frame with a smirk, while the boy you couldn’t stop thinking about was wide-eyed and panting behind him.
“Uh… hello?” You questioned
“Hello beautiful I’m Sirius… my friend here Remus said some girls lived down the hall and well I thought I’d introduce myself…” Sirius stated with a flirty smirk.
Remus looked completely horrified. The last thing he needed was his friend, who seemed to get any girl he wanted, going after the one girl he had taken a huge liking to.
“Well hello Sirius… my friends are currently food shopping so it’s just me… and hi Remus..” you said making a point of waving at the lanky boy who looked at a loss.
“We were out…” a female voice called out from behind the two boys. Lily and Marlene stood shopping bags in hand as they looked at the two boys judgmentally.
“Marlene.. lily this is Remus and Sirius…” you introduced opening the door wider so your two flatmates could pack away the shopping.
“Pleasure…” Marlene muttered sarcastically as she barged past the boys with lily following after.
“Is there something you wanted?” You asked politely realizing the two boys were still standing there.
“Well sorry y/n we were just… well he was-”
“What my dear pal Remus was trying to say is we’d love to come in.. have a couple of drinks get to know our new neighbours..” Sirius stated confidently.
You chuckled lightly and as your two friends simply murmured in agreement the two boys waltzed in, not before texting their over two friends to come and join in on the phone.
Turns out James and lily had met previously in one of their shared classes, the two of them chatted away happily. Marlene got along well with Sirius and Peter, she and Sirius bonded over their dating tips for men and women. This left you and Remus sitting together, both of you too nervous and awkward to start up a conversation.
“I see you got the stain out…” Remus’s voice called out after a prolonged silence.
You looked down at the cardigan you’d thrown on and smiled softly. It was the same one he’d stained with coffee just a few weeks prior.
“Yes I did.. was hard though I was going to knock on your door for the invoice..” you teased enjoying his gruff laugh.
“I know you hated me apologising but… I got you this as an apology…”
Remus rifled in his pocket for a bar of coffee flavoured chocolate. When he saw it he knew he needed to get it but just wasn’t sure when to give it to you.
Your eyes lit up at the site and you immediately threw your arms around him “This is my favourite chocolate brand!?”
“Me too!!” He said just as enthusiastically which made you chuckle even harder.
The following months flew by with casual encounters and Remus doing everything to accidentally run into you. The annoying part was you were none the wiser, your friends however weren’t as oblivious.
Remus was currently doing his usual walk home, which consisted of walking past your apartment and loitering in the corridor just so he may be able to bump into you. Today however it wasn’t you he bumped into.
“Remus? Not loitering about again are you?” Marlene said rather bluntly as she left the flat.
“Oh no… I was just-”
“Save it… I know you’re mad for her and between me and you the feelings are mutual… so I’m going to help you…”
Remus was in shock but appreciated Marlene’s blunt attitude. He needed to take this into his own hands.
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You had just come out of your last lecture for the day. Marlene had mentioned how no one was going to be home which was a little odd. But either way, you made your way home.
By the time you’d come up the stairs and gotten to the corridor where the entrance to your flat sat, it was clear what was going on.
There stood your favorite boy with a bouquet of flowers, a box of your favorite chocolates, and the cutest nervous smile you had ever did see. You were ready to grab him by the shoulders and snog him right then and there.
“Look y/n… I don’t think it’s too shocking by now to realise that I like you a lot… and if we could maybe… go out sometime… on a date, I’d be honoured…” Remus stated proudly. It was clear he’d rehearsed it in his head which to you made it even sweeter.
“Of bloody course…” you answered taking the flowers and chocolates and placing them on the ground. Remus furrowed his eyebrows and panic set in.
“Don’t you like them?”
“I love them… I can’t kiss you if there are flowers in your face though can I?”
“Guess not…”
Both of your cheeks were now hot with anticipation. You bent up and gently let your lips glide across his. You struggled not to smile throughout the kiss, it was so sweet and soft just like the boy before you
“About fucking time…” Marlene’s voice called out from the end of the hall. Unknown to you, all your new and old friends had gathered to watch the interaction. Sirius’s idea of course
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pjslovies · 2 months
There He Was
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Pairings: Non idol Jay x female reader Genre: Rivals to friends to lovers, fluff and angst
Warnings: Swearing (There was a part when y/n sweared to jay), suggestive
Author’s note: Hi!!! This is my first time writing a story and feel free to leave some suggestions.
There he was Park Jongseong or as we call him Jay. Walking in the school halls I saw him.
Even though we are rivals, he is actually quite handsome and he came from a wealthy family.
I guess that's why every girl at school wanted him.
“Oh well hi there y/n” He said while walking towards me .
“Oh fuck off Jay, what do you want?” I asked him with a tired expression.
“Well I just wanted to say hi pretty.” He said while he gave me a wink.
The bell rings. “Finally saved by the bell” I said to myself as Jay walked to his class.
A few minutes after my class, it was time to go to my next class which was Chemistry.
“Ugh I can’t believe Jay has to be in this class.” I told Julia, my friend.
“Girl come on he can’t be that bad and plus he is really handsome.”
“Please, spare me the details". Mrs. Smith arrives at class, "Good afternoon students hope you guys had an amazing weekend! Today we will be working in lab partners but there is a twist for now on I will be choosing your lab partners."
Everyone in class sighed when Mrs. Smith said that. I just hoped that Mrs. Smith doesn't pair me up with Jay, but what are the odds right?
When it was my turn to get paired up surprisingly she paired me up with nobody other than Jay. Out of all people why Jay?
Jay walks towards my lab table with a smirk ,I let out a loud sigh. "Oh come on now pretty don't be upset now" he said with a smirk.
As we were working on our experimentI can't help but feel that Jay's eyes were always on me.
I don't know if my heart was beating but it can't be right?
After class, Jay's POV:
I have liked y/n ever since I saw her. I was just pretending to dislike her to get over my feelings for her but the more I push my feelings for her away, the more I fall in love with y/n.
Earlier when I saw her working on her lab work and why does she have to be so gorgeous?
I wish I could just confess right now but how? She already dislikes me anyway.
I’m also going to have a party on Friday and I better go give this party invitations to y/n and her friend.
Y/n's POV:
"So how was working with Jay?" Julia asked me with a curious face.
"Oh it was not fun". "Why not?" she asked. "He kinda looks like he has a crush on you"
As I was about to say something it was cut off as I saw Jay running towards Julia and I.
"What do you want?" I say with a cold expression.
"Wow, getting a little sassy there, so here are invitations to a party at my house. It's on a Friday night." As he walks away giving out the party invitations to other people in school.
"Omg I am totally going to this party and how about you y/n?" Julia asks.
"Maybe no."
"Why not? Can you just please go and plus you have me anyway."
Julia asks.
"I don't know and plus I don't think I will enjoy it anyway".
"Please just go? It will be a fun promise and as I said you will have me by your side anyway".
"Fine, it's not like I could say no to you anyway.”
Y/n's POV: (Time skip few days later )
"Y/n!" Julia shouted "Come out now, why are you taking so long to get ready?".
"Okay I'm coming, just let me fix my outfit first." As I walked out of the bathroom, Julia looked surprised.
"Woah girl, you honestly look stunning."
"Thanks! I have been looking for the perfect dress to wear for the party".
"Now let's go to the party!" Julia says as if she was in a hurry.
As we went to the car I felt kinda nervous and asked Julia "Are you sure this will be fun? I have never been to a party to be honest".
She responded by saying "Don't worry I promise it will and I'm with you so you don't need to be nervous."
Finally we arrived at Jay's house. Woah it was freaking huge! It was literally a mansion.
As we saw some of our friends in Jay's house we decided to have some fun.
While talking to them and I saw him, there he was, Jay talking to a girl but he was holding her waist. I can't help but feel a little jealous.
Julia heard me scoff about Jay holding a girl's waist. "You like him don't you?".
But I denied saying "Of course not". She responded back by saying "come on y/n I see the way you two look at each other during Chemistry class."
Those words lingered in my mind, do I really have feelings for Jay?
No y/n you must fight back the feelings you don’t have a crush on Jay the boy who made your life a living hell. Oh how I thought wrong.
Jay's POV:
A few minutes into the party I was helping Jake with getting some drinks for the party.
As I was getting some cups, I saw y/n walking with a couple of friends.
I asked myself fuck, how does she look so gorgeous in that dress? She was like a star, shining bright as ever.
I saw my best friend Cindy “hi Jay! Long time no see” she said with a cheerful expression .
“Yes and I’m happy for you to be back” I said with a smile.
When I was talking to Cindy I saw y/n flirting with some guys from school, I can’t help but feel a little jealous.
So when I was talking to Cindy I immediately pulled her waist and held it with my hand.
Cindy whispered to me “Jay, why are you holding my waist right now?”.
I responded back by saying “There is this girl I like and she’s flirting with other guys”.
“Then why don’t you just confess to her that you like her?” she asked.
“It’s not that easy ok, I have been pretending to dislike her and now she dislikes me back” I said with a sad expression.
Y/n's POV:
After the party I was so drunk so I went looking for Julia but for some reason I just couldn't find her.
As I was looking around for Julia I bumped into Jay.
At first I didn’t really notice that it was him but when he said “Hey there pretty” I definitely knew it was him.
“Jay it's not the time to joke around, now I’m looking for my friend Julia”.
He responded back by saying “Oh Julia already left with Sunghoon”.
As he said that I immediately grabbed my phone and called Julia, but she didn't respond back to my calls and text.
Jay kinda saw me panicking so he asked “If you want I could drive you home?”. “Are you sure?” I asked him. “Plus it's really late at night,” I said. “Don’t worry, now come on let’s go”
As he was driving I couldn't help but feel some tension so I then suddenly spoke up saying “thanks by the way, for driving me home”. He said “Oh no worries and plus that’s the least I could do for a friend”.
Friend? He saw me as a friend? “Woah friend huh?” I asked.
He responded by saying “I know we haven’t really gotten on good terms lately but I hope we can become friends”.
“Yeah you know what? "I think it's time that we can move past our differences and reconnect as friends."
He smiled at me as he drove me home. Oh how did his smile melt my heart but I was still happy that we weren’t enemies anymore.
I was so stoked to tell this to Julia and how she would react when she found this out.
A few months passed by, and Jay and I actually turned out to be really good friends.
We were actually planning to meet up at a cafe for a project at school but he still doesn’t know that like him.
I told Julia about my feelings with him and she told me to just confess my feelings to him.
So I was planning to confess to him when we will meet each other at the cafe.
I walked to the nearby cafe, I then saw Jay hugging a girl and then they kissed.
I then felt like my heart dropped so I then grabbed my phone and texted Julia what happened.
She replied to my text by saying “What if it was just a friend?”. I replied back by saying “But they kissed”.
She then texted me something that would break my heart. “I mean if you really love him then you should let him go.”
When she said that I felt my heart being stabbed by a thousand needles but I decided that she was right maybe I should just let him go.
After a moment of pausing and thinking about my feelings I went inside the cafe to see Jay at the nearby table waiting for me with a smile.
He looked so handsome yet it hurts seeing him with another girl.
He greeted me with a warm smile “Hi y/n!”. I responded back with a cold expression saying “hello jay”.
“What’s with the face? Are you ok?” he asked me with a worried look. “Don’t worry about it, I’m just tired.”
We then continued on talking about the project, oh how I can just listen to his soft voice everyday.
“So what do you think y/n?” he asked me. I was caught off guard so I kinda spaced out a bit.
He then called out “y/n?”. “Oh yeah I think it's good” I responded. “Y/n are you ok? You kinda have been spacing out and you don’t look happy as always”.
“It's just because I’m tired and I haven’t got any sleep lately” but it was a lie.
“Oh ok, but if you want we can just continue this tomorrow.” he said with a worried look.
“No it's fine we can continue right now.” As I was saying this I still felt hurt by what I saw earlier but then again I really then should move on.
After a few hours of working on the project he then asked me if I wanted to hangout in his place for a while but I respectfully declined as I told him I need to get some rest.
But the truth was that I was actually trying to avoid him.
The next day at school. I was talking to Julia and Jay suddenly walked towards me.
I still wanted to avoid him from what happened so I excused myself to the bathroom. I cried in the bathroom stall just thinking about him.
Jay's POV
When I was walking to the nearby bathroom I accidentally saw y/n leaving the bathroom.
“Hey y/n wait up” I said as I was calling for her but she refused to stop walking.
So I walked towards her and asked with a serious face “Where are you running off to?”
She turned to face me with a cold look. “I’m just going somewhere, how about you mind your own business?”
I could clearly tell she was hiding something so I kept on asking her questions.
Then I saw her leave the bathroom as she went home.
I went to her house then I rang the doorbell to see y/n.
When I entered her house she then said “Please leave me alone, I don’t want to talk to you.” As she said that, I wasn’t going to allow it.
“I know for a fact something is wrong and I won’t stop asking until you tell me right now.”
I said confidently. She finally snapped, “Ok fine, but you can’t react to what I’m about to say, ok?”
As she said that I nodded my head, showing her that I understand. She took a deep breath and began speaking, “First I just have something to confess to you”.
I then responded by “What is it?” She continued, "I know I may not want to admit it but I do have feelings for you."
When I saw you kissing that girl my heart dropped. "I felt my heart pounding as I realized she really did like me."
I then explained, “She literally hugged me and kissed me without my consent. But you know what? I don't even like her.”
I was being completely honest with her, I really didn't like that girl the way I liked y/n.
“So please I’m begging you here, trust me. I’ve never felt more genuine attraction to another woman than I did with you.”
I then saw y/n being stunned and unable to speak, I then pulled her in close, running my fingers through her hair which she loved.
Her eyes were soft and warm like the sun. I was in heaven at that moment, kissing the girl of my dreams.
She was so soft and delicate in my arms, and I couldn't get enough of her.
Our passion increased with every kiss, our bodies moving together as we made out in one of the bedrooms together.
Y/n's POV
Making out with Jay had an indescribable effect on me.
His lips were soft and gentle yet they had an intensity that drove me crazy.
I couldn't help but reach for his neck and pull him closer to me.
Our bodies moved together, our breathing becoming one.
My hands roamed over his muscular back, exploring every inch of his physique.
I was in heaven as I gave into all the feelings that I've been burying inside.
After our intense make out session, Jay laid down on top of me, breathing heavily.
He kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes. "There is something I want to ask you," he said.
I was still panting from our intense make-out session, so I barely uttered, "What is it?" I asked.
Jay then smiled at me, "I want to ask you if you would be my girl? Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked.
I was in complete shock that he's actually asking me to be his gf. I couldn't believe my ears.
I smiled and said "Yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend."
After that day, Jay and I became inseparable.
We were together all the time, laughing, hanging out, and kissing like we couldn't get enough of each other.
Our affection for each other became more and more intense, our feelings of love deeper than we ever thought possible.
Our friends were really happy for us, and we started getting invited to more hang out sessions with them.
Life started feeling right, and it was all because of him.
Jay’s POV
Four years had gone by since we first became a couple.
Time had flown by but everything between us had gotten stronger and deeper. I couldn't get over how much I loved her.
She was my world and the only one I could ever imagine myself with.
I decided it was time to propose.
I picked out the perfect ring and planned out the perfect day to ask her to marry me.
I took her to a private yacht by the lake. The boat was completely lined with rose petals, candles, and a bottle of wine.
We sat overlooking the gorgeous view of the lake, the setting sun giving the sky a glow of pink and orange.
I took her hand in mine and took out the ring, then kneeled down on one knee.
"Will you make me the happiest man alive by being my wife? Will you marry me?"
"Yes. A million times yes," she said, her eyes filling with tears as she wrapped her arms around me and embraced me.
She placed the ring on her finger , and our lips locked in a steamy embrace.
As the sunset faded, it was replaced by a sky filled with glittery stars, representing our love that will last forever.
Y/n's POV A few months had passed since Jay had proposed to me, and now I was getting ready for our wedding.
I looked in the mirror at the dress I was wearing, it was a beautiful, elegant gown that made me look like a princess.
I was getting my hair and makeup done to make sure everything was perfect for the big day.
I was so excited, I couldn't wait for the wedding and to finally be Jay's wife. It was now the wedding, and I was more nervous than ever.
I went through the same motions at a million-mile-per-hour, getting my hair done, picking out the perfect dress, and even picking the flowers that I wanted in my bouquet.
Everything had to be perfect, and so was I.
The church bells started ringing, and I could hear my dad walking down the aisle with my bouquet in hand. As I walked down the aisle, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jay standing at the end of the aisle, looking as handsome as ever.
He was wearing his best suit, and his eyes were filled with love and desire for me.
I could feel my heart skip a beat as I made my way down the aisle towards him, and when we finally met, he swept me up in his arms and kissed me passionately. There he was, the man I would be sharing my life with. I smiled and leaned into him, breathing in his scent and embracing his presence. The moment felt so perfect, like a dream come true. "I love you," I whispered.
He smiled back, and said, "I love you too. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."
That was the moment I had been waiting for, the moment where everything made sense.
The end.
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oceanbug · 11 months
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
13.5 bathroom meetings.
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Turning off her phone, Jimin sighed in defeat. She knows everyone’s not avoiding her on purpose, but it kind of felt that way. She wasn’t going to have a nice dinner outside, but she didn’t want to lock herself inside on a nice Wednesday night. So she decided on the next best thing.
Let’s trespass on school grounds after hours.
Normal people wouldn’t think to do this, but Jimin was different. She wanted to do nothing more than rebel against her goodie-two-shoes image, so she committed crimes on the low. Not actual illegal ones, just minor crimes like ‘trespassing’ at a school she pays to live in.
Let’s see where to break into first! I could walk into the chemistry lab and mix all of the labels. Yeah, that’s evil enough; let’s do it.
Like I said, they weren’t illegal crimes. Just inconveniences that Jimin thought were ‘evil.’ She didn’t have much experience being a bad kid, so this is as good as she’s going to get.
Before Jimin could step foot into the lab, the sound of crying could be heard in the science department bathrooms. Who could be here at this hour? She knocked softly so as not to startle the clearly distressed individual.
“Get the fuck away; can’t you see it’s occupied?" That voice was distinct. There was none like it. Ningning was in the bathroom, and she was crying?
“….Ning? It’s Jimin, are you okay?”
“I said get AWAY.” Jimin didn’t flinch; she was used to this. She went to high school with Ning, so she wasn’t afraid of her. At the moment, she was just concerned as to why someone as tough as Ningning could be crying alone in a bathroom. Jimin sat down outside the bathroom, back against the metal steel door.
“Hey, If you want to talk, we can. I know you probably don’t want to tell a random stranger about your issues; that’s fine with me. But you know I’m good with a secret. You can talk to me.”
Jimin felt her back slightly fall as the door creaked open.
“I’m not telling you because we’re friends, but I am telling you because I have no one else I can trust.” Ningning’s words sounded rude as usual, but her sorrowful tone from crying was heard. It made Jimin’s heart ping; no one deserved to feel how Ningning felt at this moment.
“The stupid gossip site posted. Your little friend and my ex-bitch are besties now. What the fuck, man. What did I do to deserve this? I’m the one who got cheated on. So why does everyone feel bad for Giselle?” She began tearing up even more. Jimin had been bewildered by the fact that Y/N was hanging out with Giselle. Why had she lied to her? They had mentioned it was a friend Jimin didn’t know, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Nonetheless, she’d focus on that later. All Jimin’s attention is on Ningning now.
“No way is Ning Yi Zhuo letting two freaks get the better of her.”
Sorry Y/n.
“The same Ning Yi Zhuo who got our finals canceled by rigging the lottery so that our principal won? The same Ningning who passes every school year with a 4.0 GPA yet doesn’t show up to any class? There's no way you’re going to let two people hurt you like this. That stupid school blog stinks anyway; they don’t even get the full story of things! I’m sure Y/N meant no harm in what she did. Trust me, I know her. She’d never hurt you on purpose.”
The room was silent, all that could be heard were the crickets, and the cool wind breeze. Jimin meant every word. She trusted Y/n. Sure she lied about who she was meeting up with, but it was surely for a good reason. That's something you're certain of. Ningning looked away as if she were deep in thought. She quickly dried away her tears and stood up.
“Whatever, I can do way better than those two freaks. I can literally buy their houses and still have money left over to splurge. Later loser.” There she was, ‘Rich Bitch’ Ningning. Before she fully stepped foot out the door, she turned back.
“Thanks, Jimin.” Then she walked away.
And so there goes Jimin’s Wednesday night. Maybe she’ll continue her ‘evil’ activities another day. For now, she’ll get some food and head home. Still, she can’t shake the feeling that the conversation will be important later. She’d probably never cross paths with Ningning again, so why does she feel like this?
masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist (open): @azraism ; @kimsgayness ; @sewiouslyz ; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura ; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon
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eddies-puppet · 2 years
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My Queen
I’m laid up with horrible cramps today so just a little blurb/ daydream about Eddie looking after his girlfriend in the same situation 🥰
Warnings: menstrual cramps, fluff.
~ 800 words
“Y/N, I’m heading off now, do you need anything?” I heard my mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.
“No thanks, I’m good,” I called back, my voice hoarse in my throat.
“Ok, see you tonight,” she yelled again before I heard the front door slam shut behind her and her car start up. I lay there for a few seconds, just listening to the engine tick over. There was a loud squeak coming from the engine that mom had nagged me about a million times, but turning the music up louder so I couldn’t hear it was easier than constantly nagging my boyfriend, who’d promised to look at it.
Eventually I heard my mom pull off the driveway, and the squeak faded to silence as she made her way down the block. The clock read 8am, I should have been starting class now. Instead, I snuggled down into my pillow, pulling the covers tight around me, a hot water bottle pressed to my stomach as I closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would at least let me ignore the pain for a few hours.
I woke with a start as my bedroom window flew open, a string of curses falling from my boyfriend’s mouth as he fell head first onto my carpet.
“Jesus Christ, Eddie! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!” He jumped up from the ground, pushing his long curls back from his face.
“Sorry sweetheart,” he smiled. “I was worried, you weren’t at school so I thought I should check on you.” As I glanced at the clock, Eddie made his way to my side, sitting gently on the edge of my bed. “You ok?” He asked softly, placing his warm hand against my cheek.
“I’m fine, it’s just cramps,” I smiled tiredly. “Eds, you should still be in class.”
“You think I’m gonna sit through O’Donnell’s class when my queen is sick? What do you take me for, Y/N?” He ranted dramatically, clutching his hand to his chest in mock offense, causing me to giggle softly.
“Ok, there’s no need to be such a drama queen,” I laughed.
Suddenly a sharp pain ripped through my stomach, like a thousand tiny snakes coiling around my insides. I pulled my knees to my chest, rolling my face in to my soft pillow as a groan rumbled in my throat.
“Oh love,” Eddie soothed, rubbing my thigh softly until the pain subsided and my body relaxed. “What can I do to help?”
“Not a lot,” I shrugged. “One of those famous Munson hugs would be really nice though,” I whispered, smiling as his face lit up.
“That I can do, my love,” he grinned as he shrugged off his denim vest and leather jacket. “Scoot over.” I shuffled backwards, giving him room to climb under the covers with me, and as soon as he was tucked up beside me, I snuggled into his warm chest, the sound of his heart beating and the smell of his apple shampoo filling my senses. The feeling of his strong hands pulling me in tight against him, rubbing my back, was heavenly.
“How was Hellfire last night?” I asked him, drawing a loud laugh from him.
“The Dungeon Master went undefeated as I’d expected,” he told me smugly.
“You know, you really should ease up on them, let them have half a chance for once.”
“Huh,” he scoffed. “Absolutely not. I’m doing those little sheep a favour sweetheart, building their resilience.” I giggled, shaking my head. Only Eddie could enjoy the win so much while pretending it was for someone else’s benefit. “You doing ok my love? Comfortable?” He asked softly, his hands running lazily against my lower back. I hummed contentedly.
“Always better when you’re here Eds,” I said, moving my head to look up at him. He smiled back down at me, his deep brown eyes twinkling in the late morning sun shining in through my window. “Thank you for coming to check on me. You don’t have to stay here all day though, I doubt I’m much company.”
“Hey,” he said, one hand moving to place a gentle finger against my lips. “There is literally nowhere else I’d rather be. Wanna take care of my girl,” he grinned, lowering his face to mine, the tip of his nose brushing softly against mine before he kissed me, his lips soft, warm against mine, the heady combination of cigarettes and minty gum so Eddie, so comforting. “I love you baby,” he whispered as he snuggled his head back into my pillow.
“I love you too,” I smiled as I closed my eyes, burying my face back in his chest, the sound of his steady heartbeat slowly lulling me into a gentle sleep.
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scenezfreak · 1 year
Jeff the Killer x F!Reader
FLUFF!!! (Small bit of sadness but it gets better)
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You adored him, the brown haired kid in your class. You both were in 1st grade, he had saved you from the dumb bullies that kept harassing you. You both quickly became friends and even had play dates, which in your little mind were actual dates. You two were inseparable, always together seemingly joined by the hip. You guys got older and you were getting ready to confess to him the next day. Arriving at school he was nowhere to be found, you heard the kids speaking, “Apparently Jeffrey moved.” “Finally, I thought he’d never leave, that freak.” Your heart sank. ‘He moved?!?!? He didn’t even tell me…’ you thought as you fought back tears.
At home getting ready for bed you sighed and thought about your day again. It didn’t seem real….you literally had nobody else…nobody would go near you because you were friends with Jeff. Laying down and covering up you let it all out, you cried, tears staining the pillow and exhaustion soon hitting you, causing you to fall asleep.
Finally getting your own house and moving out from your parents you were so relieved. A whole house finally to yourself, you’re all grown up now. You mentally give yourself a pat on your back. It was a long day of moving things around and unpacking, you still had more to do but gave up for the night. You laid on your bed in your almost empty room, if not for the boxes everywhere you would’ve been creeped out by how empty everything is. You stretch and cover up with the soft blanket, scrolling through your phone. You liked reading about creepy things, especially at night, it excited you and it was really interesting although nobody knew this about you, only Jeff did.
Curious you look a bit more into the towns history, apparently there was a murderer who had killed his parents and brother. You laugh a bit to yourself, “People really are getting crazier these days.” You shut your phone off and lay it on the table next to your bed, switching the light off on the lamp and turning over to sleep. Unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching you.
The next morning was normal as always, eating breakfast and unpacking. You were setting things on shelf’s and came across a picture frame, looking at it your head filled with memories…it was Jeffrey and you. Being the weirdo that you were you hugged the picture frame, “I miss you so much, Jeffrey…” you say and you put the picture frame front and center on the shelf. As you went on about your day you felt uneasy….like someone was watching you. You shrugged it off as you just not being used to this environment. Washing your dinner plate your head jolted up to look out of the window, you could’ve sworn you saw someone…you shook your head and placed the plate on the drying rack.
After your shower you got dressed in whatever comfortable clothes you could find and headed to your room, thinking about the uneasiness you felt today. You stopped as your phone buzzed, pulling it out of your pocket, it was your mom.
Mom: “How are you holding up, honey?”
You: “I’m fine, just about to head to bed.”
Mom: “That’s good, please be safe, you never know why dangers you’re out there and sleep well.”
You reply with a heart and roll your eyes, ‘sleep well..? After you just told me to watch out?’ You mentally said. Finally arriving to your room, your heart skips a beat. Not having any time to scream or run a figure emerges from the shadows and grabs your wrist, pin you to the wall and cover your mouth. You let out a grunt as your head hit the wall. You opened your eyes and saw him. His white skin, lidless eyes, and a smile carved into his face. ‘…That was the kid who killed his parents!’ You scream mentally. The guy opened his mouth, “Y/n…?” He asked as if he didn’t know wether or not that was your name. “I’m Jeff….Jeffrey woods…I’m going to let go of you now…please don’t scream.” You nodded and he backed off of you.
You stood there, shocked. Processing everything…he moved away, killed his parents, did this to himself, and now he’s right back in front of you. You couldn’t believe it…”If you really are Jeff…” you said shakily, “tell me something that only Jeff knows.” He didn’t waste a moment to tell you. “You’re obsessed with reading stories about killers.” You had to process again, your silence worrying him. “Oh Jeff-“ you said and hugged him tightly, “I missed you so much..” you said as tears leaked down your face, he hugged you back. “I missed you too…” he replied. You backed up a bit and cupped his face, tracing the scars of his smile, you look him in the eyes. “You’re…beautiful.” You say shyly and look away, your hands moving to his shoulders.
He brings his hand up and grabs your chin to make you look back at him. The eye contact was intense, seemingly nothing else mattered in that moment. “I love you, Y/n…” he whispers out and crashes his lips onto yours, you were taken aback but you didn’t mind. Wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing a hand up to grab at his now black hair to push yourself more into the kiss. You guys pull away, breathing heavily. “I love you too, Jeff…I always have” you look at him, his smile widens as he hugs you once more, his head resting on your shoulder. “I’m so happy” he says, you him in response, taking in the warmth of his hug.
That night is the night when you started dating your childhood best friend and a serial killer, 2 in 1 package, right? He started living with you, always trying to get a chance to be around you, cooking with you, cleaning with you, and even trying to shower with you. Rolling your eyes every time he asked and locking him out of the bathroom as you shower. Other than that…and him coming home with blood all over him…you were happy, finally living with the man of your dreams. Admittedly your dreams didn’t involve Jeff being a serial killer but you weren’t complaining. You loved him for who he is, even his insane side. You knew that no matter what, you had each other, and with you being a horror fanatic it worked out well, he’d tell you stories about how he killed and even described in deep detail of how it went.
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Until I Fall - Part Twelve
Levi Ackerman x Fem Reader.
Eventual romance but this is a slow burn, definitely angsty and darker. It will also focus a lot on Hange, Erwin and the original scouts. Eren and the 104th training corps will be around but I’m focusing on the older characters in here. Your self insert name is ‘Azeria Becker’ pronouns She/Her/Hers. Using a name because don’t like using ‘y/n’.  
Cannon universe. I wrote this for myself but I hope that you enjoy it, too lol <3
cw: imagine literally every awful/gory thing that happens in SNK. Death, violence and gore. Drinking, sex. (bolded ones in this chapter)
I will be releasing 2 chapters at a time every few days. You can find all chapters here.
The next morning you awoke with the searing dull pain of bruises and cuts across your body. Your muscles were weak and your head felt clunky and cloudy. Overall, the general feeling could be summed up into one word; awful. Still you made your way over to the infirmary to visit Ilse. When you saw her leg bandaged up, relief washed over you. Thank god you’re alive. “Ilse!” You exclaimed, making your way over to her as fast as you could. “Azeria!” She exclaimed back and the two of you hugged. If everyone else had to die, at least you knew you had her. It was the best feeling that you had felt in a long time.
“Im so happy you’re okay,” you muffled into her, hugging her as tight as your body could hold her. “I’m so glad you’re okay, too. I didn’t know what happened when you all left for wall Maria” She replied.
“Ilse,” you choked on your words and began crying, “It’s awful. We’ve lost the entire land of Wall Maria. Thousands are dead and missing. I have no idea what we’ll do.”
She held you tighter, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to help. That’s awful.”
You caught your breath and looked out into the distance, “It’s okay. We will take it back.” You wondered if you would ever believe that yourself.
“Are you hurt at all?” She asked.
“Yeah, I got a nasty concussion. It feels like my head is full of water.” You sat at the edge of her bed, “How’s the leg?”
She smiled back to you, “it’s alright. Broken, but that’s fixable. I’ll just need to rest for a while.”
“Ilse, did anyone else from our class make it?” She frowned, her eyes lowered down and she shook her head, “It’s just the two of us.”
Your face fell solemn. Although, unlike yesterday, the pain felt like numbness. You had cried all of the tears that you had in your body last night; there was nothing left but exhaustion. You looked her in the eyes, “Were going to stick together from now on. Same squad; always.” She smiled and nodded back at you, “Always.”
You lifted yourself from her bedside, “I have to go, I’ll come visit you again tomorrow.” She gave you a wave, “You better!”
The infirmary was crowded. You hadn’t realized just how many of the soldiers were injured. And what horrified you more was the fact that this was everyone who was left after the expedition. It was only your squad who was left relatively uninjured. You walked across headquarters and wandered over to Hange’s office. Their door was ajar and you could see papers scattered across their desk. “Morning,” you said, knocking on the door. They lifted their head up from reading and smiled at you. You could tell that they were tired, so were you. “Good morning, Azeria! You’re finally up!”
“Just barely,” You smiled, “Can I come in? Or are you busy?” You chewed your lip.
“No, come sit! I love company,” They gestured to the chair across from them and you wandered over, groaning in pain as you sat down. “Getting crushed by titans will do that to you,” They laughed.
“Tell me about it,” you groaned, “How are you holding up?”
They adjusted their glasses, looking around the room with an unreadable face, “Physically? Fine. Although, it has been tough. We took a lot of losses and there’s so much to do now. Paperwork and duty wise and also in regards to some other things that have been bothering me.”
“I’m more than happy to help,” You offered. You really just wanted to get back to work and get your mind off of everything. Being bored was just giving you more time to be sad, and you didn’t want to think on it anymore.
Hange smiled back at you, “I’m sure I can think of some things that you can help me with.”
It made you over the moon happy that they’d let you help them. You looked down at the papers scattered across the table. It was titan information that the Survey Corps had collected; heights of different titans, kills, data on where attacks occurred. Why was Hange looking at this stuff?
“What are you reading?” You asked, your brows furrowed as you searched the papers. “Our information on titans. There’s still so much that we don’t know about them,” They replied. You looked around at the papers.
“Hange,” you started, “Somethings been bothering me since the expedition.” They met your eyes, “What’s been on your mind?”
“Well, I know that we can get abnormals that come around when we go on expeditions, but there were so many that came towards us. Plus, I heard about the Colossal titan that appeared and broke the wall yesterday. It feels… strange.” You said. Hange was focused and deep in thought.
“I agree. I’ve been doing this for a while and I’ve never seen anything like this before. There’s been some bloody massacres of our troops but not with abnormals, and who knows what the Colossal and Armour titan are. I’ve never even heard of anyone spotting them before.” You looked at them, they were puzzling down at the scattered notes, searching for something. “Is that why you pulled all of these notes out?” You asked.
“Oh- no. Actually, I’ve had something on my mind, too. When we were out there fighting, I killed one of the ten meters; this big huge titan. But when the head fell, I noticed that it was incredibly light. Far lighter than it’s size would suggest. It made me wonder; how can it be so light and so strong? How can the colossal vanish in thin air with all of that steam? We know so little about them. I really want to try and observe them more.”
You paused and thought hard before you spoke next. “… What if we could capture them alive?” You asked. Hange’s face turned into a smile, “That’s what I’m thinking. We’d need to build something to use that could capture them, and we don’t have any technology that would be able to do so right now.”
Before you could stop, the words fell out of your mouth. “I-I can try and help with that,” stop talking, Azeria, “I was educated as a mechanic before I joined the Scouts. I’m sure that I can make use of some of that knowledge for this.”
Hange leaned back and regarded you with a puzzled look on their face, “I don’t understand. If you have this engineering experience, why didn’t you become a mechanic? Why did you want to join the Survey Corps?”
They must have seen the surprise on your face as they asked the question. You didn’t know how to find the words to explain yourself. How do I tell you that I hate who I am sometimes?
“Well,” you spoke, “I never wanted to be a mechanic. It was my parents business in the interior and we did a lot of work for the Military Police. I told them that after training I’d be an MP so that I could work in the interior and see them all of the time. But I lied. I really just wanted to be in the Survey Corps, I want to set people free. I’ve always hated the idea that while I’m living this happy, safe life behind all of those walls, there are people’s whose homes are under threat every day. I can’t sleep at night knowing I’m not making the world better. I just want to protect people. And if I can use some of my knowledge from my time working for my family? Well that’s just a bonus, I guess.”
Hange softened their face and smiled at you “I think that we’re going to get along.” You smiled back. You hadn’t told anyone about your past since training. It felt nice.
“Okay,” they cleared their throat. “Let’s propose this to Erwin tomorrow. For now, if you want to help, there’s a pile of letters to be sent off to family members. Do you mind sorting it and sending it with carriers to the right town?”
“Consider it done,” You smiled, “Thank you Hange. I can’t wait to get started.”
Hange beamed back at you, “Me too.”
chapter thirteen
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skeletalgalore · 1 year
ABLAZE - Chapter Two: Fall Breeze
WIP: F!Reader is new to Hawkins High and is immediately drawn to the school's misfit. NO Y/N/OC USAGE!
part one | part two | part three
What's that? A playlist to go along with the fic? My, I do have a lot of time on my hands... Listen along here: link!
Originally posted on my Wattpad: link!
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Chapter Two: Fall Breeze
You were stood at the end of your driveway waiting for Robin and her friend, Steve, to come pick you up. Robin had called you last night to make sure the number was right and to definitely make sure where to pick you up from.
"...so we make a left here after the gas station, and then drive straight for half a mile?" she asked.
"Yeah, for the third time, Robin," you laughed. "I'll be stood at the end of the drive waiting, saves you stressing about going too far,"
"What about if we're early and drive past when you're not there?"
You couldn't help but laugh again at her worries. "Look, you'll be fine. If I miss you guys and you're not here by 8:30, then I'll just walk. I walked home today, I should be a-okay walking to school if needs be,"
"Okay, okay, sorry," you heard Robin take a deep breath. "So what did you think of your first day? Any stresses? Any questions?"
You were hesitant to tell Robin about the Hellfire guy incident on your way home, so you thought that it may be best to try and talk about it face-to-face. "Nah, I'm all good. If I think of anything, I'll bring it up tomorrow."
You were wrapped up in a long, black, fleeced coat, and a red tartan scarf to help keep the fall breeze at bay. Rucksack sitting on the gravel next to your feet, Walkman on, feet tapping along to the beat of This Corrosion by The Sisters of Mercy - a new track added to the mixtape. You had put one of the earphones to the side to keep an ear out for Robin and Steve, worried that you might miss them and not the other way around. All of a sudden, you could hear a car coming from down the road. Squinting to see the vehicle approaching from the distance, it looked burgundy in colour and quite a nice model too. It eventually pulled up a couple of feet away from you, and as you seemed slightly hesitant to approach, you then saw Robin stick her head out of the passenger window.
"Hey! C'mon, let's gooo!" she waved and smiled. You ducked your head into your scarf hiding a smile at how silly she was, picked up your rucksack, and headed towards the car. Your assumption of it being a nice car was reaffirmed when you got closer and sat in the back. A BMW, snazzy. You pulled off your headphones and stopped your tape, tucking it all into the deep pocket of your coat. "Steve, this is our new friend," Robin introduced you. He turned around in the drivers seat and gave you a little head nod, hair bouncing a bit as he did so. "We're in, like, all the same classes together so we're gonna be best buddies, aren't we?" She smiled at you through the rear view mirror.
"Best buddies, huh? I've already been demoted, I see..." Steve teased. "I'm guessing you won't be needing a carpool to and from Hawkins High now. I get it. No need to let me down lightly, think I've got the hint--" Robin punched his arm. "--OW! Hey! C'mon, you know I was teasing,"
You laughed at their playful nature all along the journey to school. They seemed like really good friends, and couldn't help but smile at their inside jokes that you didn't even know. It was just nice to be around. The three of you arrived at the school parking lot shortly after, and you and Robin began to gather your things.
"Okay, kids, I'll be here ready and waiting to pick you up at 4pm sharp! Don't forget to eat all your packed lunch or I'm gonna be disappointed again," Steve seemed to be the joker but you really didn't mind at all. As you went to leave the car, he turned around in his seat to face you. "Hey, I know we've literally only just met but I hope you like it here. You've got a good friend in Robin, she'll look after you,"
"Thanks, Steve. I really appreciate it," you slightly blushed at him being so caring. The guy hardly knew you. You'd only been in the car for 10 minutes. You hopped out the back and adjusted all your belongings. You and Robin waved Steve off as he drove away to his day job at Family Video, and then decided to walk to your lockers inside the school. At least it would be warmer than outside. The Indiana fall breeze had a certain chill to it that was hard to shake off.
The hallway was just as busy as it was yesterday, people congregating by certain lockers, the cliques began forming yet again for their morning catch up. Thankfully, you'd been assigned a locker a couple of spaces down from Robin so you didn't have to worry about any unwanted interactions, especially from the Jocks. You side-eyed them teasing this young kid for no reason other than to make themselves laugh and to make the kid feel smaller than he already was. It made you feel uneasy and reminded you of being in the same shoes as that kid at your old high school, thankful that eyes weren't on you for once. Robin could see you tense.
"Are you alright?" she had stopped organising her books in her locker.
"Yeah, it's just seeing that kid being teased... Reminds me of my old school, that's all," you shuffled your feet a bit, focusing on grabbing your textbooks and throwing them into your bag.
"Is that why you moved?" you paused when she asked. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. If it's a touchy subject, it's fine. I'll leave it. Don't have to tell me until you're ready, Scout's Honour!" You could tell Robin was apologetic for touching a nerve, trying to make things better with some lighthearted humour.
"It's okay, you didn't know about it. Maybe I'll tell you another time, somewhere not so busy," you flashed her a small smile. She gave you a comforting one in return. The bell rang, so you closed your lockers up and headed towards your first class of the day.
The morning absolutely dragged its heels as the subjects being covered in the classes were something you'd already brushed upon in your old high school. You made some brief notes, but mainly doodled something to whip up into a proper art piece at home. You looked over towards Robin at one point and noticed she was curling her hair around her finger, idly staring at the back of a girl's head - presumably the girl she was staring at yesterday. Finally, the bell for lunch rang, everyone snapped out of their daze, and the class couldn't escape the room fast enough. Clearly they've been suffering as much as you.
Lunch was much of the same as yesterday, all that changed was the cafeteria food and apple juice instead of OJ. Robin was still staring the girl from band, who was the person she was staring at in class too.
"Poor girl's gonna have two holes in the side of her head if you keep staring," you leaned over to Robin's ear, speaking in hushed tones. She snapped out of it, blushing as she turned to face you. Even though it was obvious to you that Robin had a crush on her, you could tell she was embarrassed about being caught out. "Don't worry, I won't say anything. I know it's a difficult conversation to openly discuss," She looked at you, tilting her head to the side, narrowing her eyes briefly and then opening them a bit wider in realisation. She went to point at you as if to say 'you too?'. You turned your hand in a so-so motion but mouthed the word 'bi', and Robin nodded in response. 'Huh, I don't think I've ever openly come out to anyone before... That's a first,' you thought.
Shrugging it off, you both then dipped in and out of conversation with the people on your table. You drifted away subconsciously and began gazing around the cafeteria again, just like yesterday. The Goths reapplying their purple and black lipstick after tucking into the school's mac and cheese, the Math Nerds trying to hide in their corner using their textbooks as shields, and the Jocks using whatever they could get their hands on to try catapult towards the said Math Nerds. And yet again, your eyes fall upon the Hellfire Club table. All of them sat in their designated places, and the curly haired metalhead leader sat at the head of the table. Robin had said yesterday to you that they played Dungeons and Dragons, and you wouldn't be surprised if this was the same formation they sat in for their campaigns. The metalhead seemed to be telling the premise of the next session which he was planning, hands flailing in the air, standing on his chair at one point with one foot on the table. The others seem captivated, and honestly, so were you (even if you couldn't make out a single word he was saying). Snapping you out of your concentration, the bell cut things off and all the bodies scuttled out the cafeteria into the next classes. 'I wonder if I'll bump into him again,' you thought to yourself.
The last couple of hours dragged by just as slow as this morning, with you and Robin sharing a knowing look of 'kill me now'. The final buzz of the day rang, with kids ignoring the teacher's plea into making sure they do their homework as there will definitely be a pop quiz about what they've studied today. Their voice sounded just as tired as you all felt. You gave a nod to the teacher, acknowledging their speech. It's the least you could do.
"So obviously Steve is gonna be waiting for us outside, but he's gotta get back to his shift at Family Video. And I'm gonna be working with him too. You wanna come hang out at the shop? He'll be able to drop you off when we're done. If not, we can always drop you off at home first," Robin asked you. You hadn't really seen much of Hawkins since you moved here a couple of weeks ago. "I can give you some free popcorn..." she said in a sing-song voice, trying to tempt you. You laughed at her persuasion skills.
"Ha, okay, you had me at popcorn. Better be sweet 'n' salty, or I'm not coming," you said half-seriously. Sweet 'n' salty was your favourite, it better be a part of the deal.
"Deal," Robin fist bumped you as you walked out the front doors of Hawkins High. Steve honked his horn as you both approached the burgundy car. Robin sat in the front again, so you threw your rucksack in first on the backseat and sat in the original place you were in this morning.
"We dropping you off home?" Steve asked, as he turned around to see whilst reversing.
"Nah, I'm tagging along for the shift," you replied. "Besides, there's some free popcorn in it for me,"
Steve gave a stern look to Robin. "What have I said about giving away popcorn? We need to sell the snacks! You know Keith doesn't like me and will use this as an excuse to fire me,"
She shrugged at him. "Whatever, she can have my allocated share for the day," Robin gave you a wink and you inwardly laughed. Steve rolled his eyes and got the three of you on the road, Robin took off her coat and slipped on her Family Video vest over her blouse, and you sat and stared out the window. 'I could get used to this...'
Not too long after leaving the school, the three of you pulled up into the forecourt where Family Video was situated alongside a small arcade and a couple of other shops. It was busy in the parking lot, filled with kids of all ages, but they seemed to be hanging out closer to the arcade so it wasn't too much of a hassle getting into the shop. When you walked in, the sound of Raiders of the Lost Ark played faintly in the background. Keith swapped with Robin and Steve so the pair could start their shift together. His drawl voice was obviously ticking Steve off, so Robin buttered Keith up to ensure that all the tasks he had now delegated onto them would be done. As he walked out the door, you heard Steve mutter 'schmuck' under his breath and you stifled a laugh.
"Popcorn now, or popcorn later?" Robin shook the empty bag towards you.
"Now's good, thanks," you replied. She filled up the bag, nearly overflowing, and passed it to you. Your eyes bulged at the amount. "You sure this is just your share?"
"Mine and half of Steve's," she tried to whisper.
"Hey!" he yelled.
"Oops," you both laughed. "Take a stroll, pick a video of your fancy. We can watch anything we want--"
"Within reason," Steve chimed in.
"--within reason," she repeated after Steve. "That's only 'cause we got watching Alien first thing one Saturday morning and traumatised the young kids picking up Mary Poppins,"
"Yeah, someone nearly lost their job for someone else's explicit VHS choice, didn't they?" Steve gave a stern look at Robin, but she refused to turn around and face him.
"I'm never gonna live it down. But I still don't regret it," you both laughed as Steve leaned his hip against the counter.
You began walking up and down the aisles filled with different tapes. You weren't particularly sure what to pick. Disney? Another Indiana Jones? All you knew was that any thriller, horror, or B-Movie special was off the cards. You stopped in front of the 'New Releases' display and picked up one of the tapes. It had 5 kids posing on the cover all looking a little moody. "Five teenage students... Saturday detention together... Bared their souls... Yeah, that'll do," you read the synopsis a bit to yourself before taking it to the counter and handing it to Steve. He nodded in appreciation for your choice and waited for the Indiana Jones flick to finish.
It was fairly quiet in the shop to be honest, so you weren't really sure as to why Robin and Steve both had to work - easily could be manned by one of them at least - but you were glad they were both working so it got making to know them both and their friendship together a lot more fun. There were plenty of little digs at each other and inside jokes were explained a bit, and you got to find out a bit about the rest of their friendship group. They didn't go into much detail but had said something pretty serious happened so a couple of their friends, El and Will, had to move away to California, and you could see that it was still pretty fresh so it still hurt. But they explained some of the recent gossip within the group; Max and Lucas had just split up - and Max was suffering really bad with the death of her brother so she'd been pretty distant, Lucas was in the basketball team but was also playing D&D with Hellfire, Mike played D&D in Hellfire was seriously missing his girlfriend and best friend, and Dustin was really enjoying being in a new D&D group as he'd missed it a lot since shit happened with Will - which was one hell of a story, but not even the full tale according to Robin (she said they'd probably tell the tale another time in the future). They both said that they all occasionally pop by to rent a movie together and hang out, but they'd all sort of found their groups in high school so didn't really see each other much apart from maybe weekends.
After learning all this new stuff about the friendship group, you realised you hadn't called home to say where you were. You excused yourself for a moment and went outside to use a payphone. Outside the arcade, you saw who you thought were Dustin, Mike, and Lucas based off the descriptions Robin and Steve had told you. Dustin and Mike seemed a bit pissed off that Lucas was bailing, and they watched him hop into a Jock's car. They both then walked into Family Video so you were pretty sure you'd be getting a full introduction shortly. You slotted in a couple of coins into the payphone and dialled home. The air had even more of a chill than before, so you pulled your coat tighter.
"Hey, mom," you said quietly. "Yeah I'm sorry I didn't call, my friends Robin and Steve gave me a lift to the video store... Uh-huh, the ones who picked me up for school this morning... No, it's okay, they're dropping me home when they've finished their shift... Okay, yeah I won't be late. Love you," and you hung up the phone. Surprisingly, there was no berating down the phone for once. In your old town, if you were calling up saying you were going to be home late, you didn't hear the end of it and would be grounded for two weeks at the least. It felt suspicious, but you might as well enjoy the peace whilst you can. You walked back into the store and the two boys you'd spotted just a moment ago were chatting animatedly with Steve and Robin.
"I just can't believe he's ditching us to play some stupid basketball! He's a nerd at heart, he should be at Hellfire with us," Dustin frowned, crossing his arms in a huff against the counter top.
"Uh-huh, and I can't believe you're ditching hanging out with me to play D&D with 'The Freak'," Steve sulked at him. Dustin hit his arm. "OW! Hey, what is with everyone doing that to me today?"
"He's not a freak," Dustin said defiantly. "Anyway, you're just jealous that I've got other friends than you,"
"No I'm not," Steve crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You just don't make time for me any more,"
"You are jealous! Is it because there's another guy older than me taking me under his wing and you don't like it?"
It hit a nerve with Steve and you could tell, hell all of you could, but he tried to play it off nonchalantly. "Look, you can hang out with anyone you like, but I was here first okay so that makes me the best,"
Dustin rolled his eyes and laughed, pushing at Steve across the counter.
Mike didn't really say too much, he just seemed to be in his own world. But he turned to face you, and gave you a puzzled look. "Hey, erm, you're new here, right?"
"Yeah, I've been in Hawkins a couple of weeks. Only just joined the high school this week," you replied. You introduced yourself and the two boys introduced themselves back, explaining what grade they were in, and that they were going to Hellfire tonight for the much anticipated campaign session. Mike then looked at his watch.
"Oh shit, Dustin, we're gonna be late! I didn't think it was so late, Eddie is gonna be mad at us,"
"Shit, shit, shit, okay, erm Steve? Can I get some Milk Duds?" Dustin rushed.
"Are you gonna pay for them this time?" his arms were still crossed. Man, he was pissed.
Dustin exhaled in frustration through his nostrils. He threw a dollar bill on the counter. Steve threw the Milk Duds directly at Dustin, causing him to fumble trying to catch them. Dustin frowned at his friend, and nudged Mike as if to say they were ready to go.
"Heh, Milk Duds are for Eddie. Hopefully it'll appease him for being late," Mike shyly explained to you whilst taking the chocolate candy from Dustin, giving them a slight shake.
"Yep, but he's still gonna be pissed when he realises Lucas is gonna be late turning up too, if he turns up at all," Dustin replied. "C'mon, let's go before he goes all Behemoth on us," the pair waved goodbye and left sharpish.
Steve ended up leaving the counter to sort some of the tapes out as some kids had been in trying to mess up the displays and spilling popcorn all over the floor. You turn to face Robin as you seemed to have a quiet moment to yourselves.
"So, who's this Eddie guy that they were talking about? Is he the head of the Hellfire group they're in?" you queried.
"Yeah, they more or less joined the group within the first week of the semester. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were all sat together on this table in the cafeteria, and obviously they stuck out like a sore thumb. Being the charismatic character he is, he saw their fresh new faces and could tell instantly they'd be up for some D&D. Quite lucky really, they played it with their friend, Will, before he had to move," Robin explained. You nodded, finally finding out the metalhead's name who you'd accidentally bumped into yesterday and who you couldn't stop staring at. Maybe now was a good time to bring it up?
"I used to play D&D too, y'know," you casually slipped into conversation.
"Aw nice, why didn't you say something? Looks like they could've used an extra player tonight if their conversation was anything to go by,"
"Well I don't really know them, and I don't have any characters ready--"
"I'm just joshing," she playfully nudged you. "I know you wouldn't have gone anyway. Maybe another time though, get a character prepared... Just in case," she winked. It was your turn to nudge her playfully this time and you both laughed.
"I, erm, I bumped into Eddie on my walk home yesterday actually," you said. You weirdly felt shy about it, but with Steve calling him 'The Freak' and hearing others in the background say it too, it was only natural to be a bit cautious about bringing him up.
"Oh yeah? What happened?"
"Well, nothing really. I was walking back and I got near the trailer park, then this big gust of wind just blew on by. Got a face full of my own hair, couldn't see shit, ended up bumping into the guy. I thought he was gonna give me a load of shit for walking into him, but turns out he's actually quite nice," you explained.
"Steve gives Dustin a hard time about Eddie, but I've heard nothing but good things about him really. Mind you, the good things are from Dustin so maybe he's biased. But Steve has a good reason for being so harsh," Robin went on to say. She leaned forward towards you on the counter, speaking lowly so that if anyone passed by they couldn't hear what she was about to tell you. "The lowdown: Eddie's parents aren't in the picture, don't know why, but he lives with his uncle at the trailer park. He gets a bad rep 'cause he gives off stereotypical 'bad guy' vibes. He listens to metal, he's retaking his final year again, doesn't dress like everyone else, smoking pot, and well, he's also known around school for selling drugs too,"
"Oh," it took you aback slightly. "I see. I'm guessing it's mainly the dealing part that Steve is bothered about,"
Robin nodded in reply. "Personally, never had a problem with the guy. He comes in sometimes, borrows a movie, drags the kids out when they're running late, and he's always pleasant with us. I guess Dustin is right with what he's saying though, maybe Steve is a bit jealous that there's another older guy with influence in his life,"
"Maybe Steve is worried they'll end up selling or doing drugs like him," you replied. "I mean, I've only just met the kids but from what you've both told me today, they seem to have pretty sharp heads on their shoulders. They'll know to steer clear of that. They just wanna play D&D. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with a spliff every so often,"
"Right? And Steve's no person to judge for that," Robin blurted out. You raised a brow at her and mimed smoking a joint and subtly pointing at Steve, who was still sweeping up the popcorn kernels. "Shit... Yeah, Steve used to be a bit of a 'bad boy' in Hawkins High. He was the good looking popular guy. Nancy, Mike's older sister, told me that when they were dating he was smoking it at a small house party he was hosting,"
"Huh, no shit," you laughed. "Not as innocent as he seems to play then," you were a little hesitant to say what you were thinking, but if you didn't say this now, then it would eat you up. "I think he might have flirted with me?"
Robin was mid-sip of her water and nearly spat it out. "Who, Steve?!"
"No! No, no, Eddie,"
"Oh... OH. Wait, there's no might about it. He either did or he didn't,"
"Well, when I bumped into him I was really apologetic 'cause I'm clumsy, then he mentioned he'd seen me looking at him during lunch, said I should maybe introduce myself if I was gonna keep staring, called me 'sweetheart', and then walked off home,"
Robin smiled at you, resting her head on her hands. "Oh, that's a definite," you blushed at her response, trying to hide the crimson under your scarf and hoping the red would merge well with your face. "Told you he was charismatic,"
'Huh, and good looking to boot-- Oh, for God's sake...' You could feel the warmth of your cheeks getting hotter. Your thoughts were definitely not helping. "I'm just gonna go outside, I think I need a bit of air," you pointed both your hands towards the door awkwardly. Robin laughed at how shy you'd become all of a sudden, and just waved her hand at you to go outside.
The air hit you like an ice cold brick wall. If your face wasn't red from the embarrassment before, at least you could blame that damn fall breeze. You took in a couple of deep breaths, straightened yourself out, and walked back into the store. Steve had finally put on The Breakfast Club tape you'd handed him a couple hours previous. He'd managed to slip on The Goonies before your choice.
"It's his favourite," Robin said. "We have to watch it at least once a week when we're working together, don't we Steve?"
"Shut up, Robin," he called back at her. "It's at least once a fortnight..."
The store has gotten incredibly quiet just before The Breakfast Club on, it was mid-week and getting towards 8pm. There was only a couple of drifters that came in for a browse and then leave.
'Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?' Bender gave a dig at Vice Principle Vernon. The three of you chuckled.
"Hey, you know what? You look a bit like you've raided a bit of Bender and Allison's wardrobe today," Robin pipes up, looking at you. Long black coat like Allison, red tartan scarf like Bender's shirt... Damn, she's right. You could help but shrug and laugh.
"At least you won't forget about me," you shot finger guns at her, only to receive a groan at the joke from the pair. This made you laugh harder knowing that they enjoyed the joke but sure as hell won't admit it.
The movie came to an end and Robin was running around doing the last bits of tidying before they closed. Steve started rewinding the movie. The door sprang open which made all of you jump and shoot your heads up to see who'd walked it. Dustin and Mike were back with Lucas, so it looked like he eventually turned up to join the game. They were all laughing about what had happened as they were explaining it to Steve, who just seemed to nod his head along to their tales. You sat there at the counter overhearing their trials and tribulations when the door opened again, albeit not as harshly as before. You turned to see who had come in and there he was. Eddie strolled on in to come and grab the boys.
"C'mon, guys, time to go," he squeezed Dustin's shoulders. Steve tried to hide his grimace but it didn't really work, making Eddie smirk a little. "Harrington can hear your heroic tales another day," The boys wrapped up their conversation and said bye to you all, then headed to Eddie's van outside. He held the door open for them, and just as he was exiting the store himself, Eddie swung on the door as it was closing and gave you a cheeky little wink. "See ya, sweetheart."
'Jesus fucking Christ almighty...' your stomach was suddenly home to a thousand butterflies, flitting about the place. All you could muster up was a small wave goodbye, cheeks tinted pink. The door closed behind them all and all you could hear was Eddie's van rumbling into the distance. Robin came up behind you with the dustpan and brush, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Wow. Definitely flirting," she patted your shoulder and went to put everything away. You looked over at Steve and he was the one to have a little smirk on his lips this time. You hid your face in your hands. 'Get me home!' you shouted in your head.
The three of you hopped into Steve's BMW and began the journey home. You could tell Steve was itching to say something about Eddie's comment as he kept glancing at you in the rear view mirror. You were nervous thinking about the fact of his name being brought up, but nothing had even happened to constitute any nerves. All Eddie did was be a little flirtatious with you after bumping into him, nothing to get all worked up about.
"So... Eddie," Steve finally piped up. You scooted in your seat a little at his name. Robin's head snapped around to look at Steve as if to ask if he was really serious about bringing it up. "What was all that about?"
"I-- I don't know," you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "All I did was bump into him on my walk home yesterday,"
"Yeah, and not keep your eyes off him all lunch yesterday and today," Robin teased.
"Hey!" you raised your voice. "You've got no room to talk," Robin tried hiding her face by looking out the passenger window, but she knew Steve was giving her a glare.
"I'm only teasing," Steve ended up breaking the tension. "Look, he's not exactly the best influence in regards to his, ahem, career, but I do know he can be a pretty nice guy,"
"I can't actually believe what I'm hearing," Robin had turned back around to face Steve. "You give Dustin all this shit about hanging around with 'The Freak' and you're singing his praises now? Maybe I'll ring Dustin when I get home--"
"Alright, alright, yeah I do give him a hard time about it, sure. But I do it 'cause it's funny to wind him up,"
"Pfft, yeah right. Definitely jealous that he's hanging out with another guy older than him,"
"Whatever, anyway!" Steve had pulled over just by your house now. He turned around to face you. "As much shit as I give Dustin about Eddie, he's right in what he tells me about the guy. He makes sure to drop them off home after D&D, keeps them out of trouble away from the Jocks, would easily take a punch for them too... He seems alright, you should actually speak to him." he turns to look at Robin, who begins to nod.
"I mean, yeah, I agree. There's no harm in saying hi, right? Not gonna lose something you never had in the first place," she gives you a soft smile.
All you can do is just sit there, stiff as a board. You felt like your parents had given you 'The Talk' and felt too embarrassed to move.
"...Okay, thanks for that. I'm just gonna slide on outta here, crawl up to my room and die. Bye, guys," you opened the back seat door to the car and stepped out into the dark. You began to walk up the drive home.
"Same time tomorrow?" Robin shouted through Steve's open window.
"Sure, see you in the morning." you shouted back. The pair drove away and all you could do was bury your face into your scarf again.
You unlock your door, kick off your boots, take off your scarf and coat, and throw yourself onto the sofa. Your mom calls through from the kitchen to see if it's you and tells you dinner is in the microwave ready to reheat. You shout back to her that you'll be there in a minute, sinking into the sofa a little.
'I've been here two fucking days and I've already been told to make a move on someone I don't even know,' your inner monologue spoke again. '...he is pretty cute though, so I guess that helps.'
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fan-fantasies · 2 years
Daddy, I’m Yours
A/N: please comment and reblog! I love this man and no one can convince me otherwise.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: daddy kink, breeding kink, smut, mentions of pregnancy, jealousy
Summary: you and Eddie weren’t together, you weren’t even really friends, but when he heard you call Steve Harrington daddy in front of your friends he couldn’t stop the anger from boiling up inside of him. He wanted to hear that word fall from your lips while he filled you, claiming you as his own.
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“Are you serious, Erica? Hellfire Club?” Being Erica Sinclair’s babysitter was no easy feat, especially when she would drag you to different places and events. Tonight was no different, her brothers friends requesting her presence at their game club.
“Yes, (Y/N), I’m serious. You don’t have to come, ya know?” She snapped. She was right, you didn’t. She was old enough and lord knows she was mature enough to not have a babysitter but you liked the money and honestly you liked her as well.
“Yeah well I’ll probably go over to the basketball game anyway,” you said. You followed her into a back room in the school where a group of guys were already waiting. You noticed most of them from your class, including the infamous Eddie Munson. You had been paired with him on a few projects over the years and he would always tease you and take any chance he could get to fluster you.
“Well well well, look who it is. You just can’t resist me, can you, sweetheart?” He asked with a wide grin.
“You wish, Munson. I’m just dropping off the munchkin for your game night,” you laughed.
“You can stay if you want. To play or just to watch, ogle me from across the room, undress me with your eyes.” He wriggled his eyebrows and Dustin fake puked in the corner.
“Um, hello! There are children present!” Erica yelled.
“My apologies, lady applejack,” Eddie bowed.
“Alright, weirdos. I’ll be back after the basketball game,” you said. They all waved goodbye and Eddie sent you a wink on your way out.
You weren’t the biggest sports fan, but it was the championship game and you didn’t have anything better to do. You sat with a few of your friends and tried your best to follow the game.
Hawkins won and everyone went nuts. You and your friends were invited to a party but you declined, stating that you had to bring Erica home after her campaign. Your friends hung out with you outside while you waited for her.
“Did you see who was here tonight?” Leah asked.
“Umm King Steve himself? Yeah!” Rachel smiled. Everyone had a crush on Steve and all the ladies were happy when he decided to stick around after graduating.
“He’s definitely daddy material,” you added with a laugh. Steve was cute, not really your type, but still cute.
“Talking about me, (Y/N)?” Eddie asked, coming around the corner and scaring you into a jump.
“Steve Harrington, actually,” Leah said with an annoying tone to her voice. Eddie’s smile instantly turned to a scowl. You knew they didn’t like Eddie so you told them you were fine now and they could go. You never understood why everyone hated him so much but he also didn’t help himself with how he acted sometimes.
“So you have a thing for the hair, huh?” Eddie asked with a clenched jaw.
“Oh, um, he’s alright, I guess. He just came tonight so the girls were all giggling over him.”
“You included I see,” he send almost cynically. You shrugged and hoped he’d drop the topic. Luckily Erica and the other members came out to join you.
“Let’s go before these nerds rub off on us, (Y/N),” Erica said.
“You’re literally a nerd too,” Dustin sighed. Erica just glared at him and grabbed your hand to pull you to your car.
“Bye guys,” you said, turning back to wave at them. Most of them smiled as they said goodbye but Eddie looked pissed almost. You wondered what had gotten into him.
Whenever you saw him over the next few days, you caught him already staring. You’d always try to offer a smile or a small wave to which he usually tried to return, but you could tell something was off. Dustin had even told you he’d been moodier than normal and no one could figure out why.
A few days later, you decided to go to the video store and pick up a few movies for the weekend. Your parents were going out of town and you didn’t have to babysit so you had plenty of time to kill.
The store was pretty empty, only one person working the counter- and that person was none other than Steve Harrington. He didn’t fluster you like the other girls so it didn’t really bother you much when he threw on his Harrington charm, if you could even call it that.
“Hey, (Y/N), right? You’re a senior at Hawkins?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah, that’s me! Did we ever have class together?" You definitely would’ve remembered having class with him but you were just curious as to how he knew your name.
“No, but I make it my mission to know the names of all the pretty ladies,” he said.
“So I’ve heard,” you chuckled. His smile fell and he backtracked.
“No, that’s not what I meant! I mean, kinda? But you’ve heard about me? What have you heard?”
“Do you always ramble like this with the ladies?” You asked, laughing even harder. He just frowned and nodded. “I can see why you’re not having much luck.”
“Some ladies find it to be incredibly attractive!” He defended himself.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Steve.” Both of your attentions turned to the door and your eyes lit up. But your smile soon fell when you noticed a very confused and angry looking Eddie standing in the doorway. Steve looked between the two of you and coughed awkwardly.
Eddie walked around the store, glancing back at you every so often. Steve finished checking out your videos just as Eddie walked to the counter.
“Munson, yeah?”
“Harrington,” Eddie said with a nod.
“Do you make it your mission to also know all the pretty guys’ names too?” You asked, smirking at Steve who just rolled his eyes. “Might help out your chances if you double your odds.”
“You’re hilarious, (Y/N),” Steve said dryly, but there was humor in his eyes.
“Either get a room or check me out, for the love of god,” Eddie snapped. Both of you looked at him with shock.
“Don’t be a dick, Munson,” you sighed. You gave Steve an apologetic smile before turning to Eddie and glaring at him. He had no right to be rude to either of you.
“Have a good night, (Y/N),” Steve said quietly as you walked out the door. Eddie’s eyes followed you the entire way but Steve’s eyes stayed studying him. A knowing smile crept onto his face. “She’s all yours, man.”
“Excuse me?” Eddie asked. Steve put his movies into a bag and slid it over to him.
“(Y/N), I’m not interested. Even if I was, she definitely isn’t. So go for it because you obviously want to.”
“I’m supposed to take dating advice from you?” Eddie scoffed.
“Hey, man, I’m just throwing it out there. I saw how she looked when you initially walked in here. Anyway, have a good night. Enjoy your movies.” Steve went to the back room, leaving Eddie standing there speechless.
Did you like him? You were always friendly toward him and went along with his teasing. He couldn’t hide the anger he felt when he heard you gushing about Steve to your friends and even more so when he saw the two of you together, confirming his fears.
He was no Steve Harrington. He was the freak. The weirdo. That was usually enough to scare away any woman so why did he think you would be interested in him? He still didn’t like the way Steve looked at you, but maybe there wasn’t much to worry about after all.
The next evening, he called an emergency Hellfire meeting. He made up some bullshit just in hopes that you’d be bringing the Sinclairs. When they arrived without you, his heart sank.
“No (Y/N)? She is an honorary member, after all,” he said, hoping he didn’t sound too desperate.
“She’s picking us up. My mom called her last minute because I guess they had a work thing my dad forgot about,” Lucas said.
“Hitch a ride home with Garret, yeah? I’d like a word with (Y/N).”
“Are you going to kill her and chop her up into a million pieces and dump her into lovers lake?” Erica asked, staring Eddie down.
“That’s quite the description but no. Not that it’s any of your business but I think I messed up a little and I want to apologize.” His friends all looked at him like he had two heads.
“Is that why you called a meeting? To ask for girl advice?” Dustin yelled. Eddie stayed silent and everyone groaned. They all decided that since they were there they’d talk strategy for the next campaign.
You, on the other hand, sighed as you grabbed your car keys. You were looking forward to your peaceful weekend, only to be called up last minute to pick up Lucas and Erica. All they needed was a ride home, so you didn’t mind too much. You just weren’t looking forward to seeing Eddie after his little attitude problem at the video store. You actually weren’t thrilled with his attitude at all lately.
You waited in the parking lot for a while, an empty parking lot besides Eddie’s van. It should’ve been over by now but maybe they were waiting inside. You decided to go in and check, just in case.
The building was quiet, but the light in their meeting room was still on. You didn’t bother knocking, swinging the door open expecting to see the kids waiting. But you were met with Eddie and just Eddie.
“Uh where’s Lucas and Erica?” You asked, panic starting to build.
“One of the guys took them home,” he answered calmly. You huffed and rubbed your hand across your face.
“And no one thought to call me? That’s great,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Are you really that upset that you have to see me?” He asked with a smirk. He was hoping you’d just fall into his arms, but of course it couldn’t be that easy.
“Uh, yeah, actually. I am. I don’t like the way you gave Steve attitude the other night,” you said, crossing your arms in front of you. An angered expression quickly took over his handsome face.
“So now you’re defending him? Is he your little boyfriend?”
“Excuse me? Who I’m dating is none of your business and you were rude to me as well, but we’re friends so I don’t care. You don’t even know him so you have no right to be an asshole!” The corners of his lips twitched up.
“We’re friends?” He asked. You threw your hands up in annoyance.
“Not my point, Munson.” You walked over to where he was standing and got in his face. “I don’t know what your problem is lately but grow up and knock it off.”
The darkness of his eyes sent a chill down your spine. He stalked toward you and backed you up against the table.
“You want to know what my problem is, sweetheart?” His body was pressed against yours and he placed both hands on the table, trapping you there. His face was only inches from yours. “I’m the only person you should be calling daddy.”
“H-huh?” You we’re certain your heart was going to beat right out of your chest.
“You said the other night that Steve was daddy material. Then you had the audacity to flirt with him at the video store- god I was so pissed,” he said with a low voice.
He ducked his head lower; you could practically feel his lips on yours, but he wasn’t kissing you yet much to your dismay.
“Are you mine, sweetheart?” He asked. You sucked in a deep breath and nodded. “Say it.”
“I’m yours.”
“Ah, ah, ah. Try again, princess.”
“I’m yours, daddy.” You thought you heard him growl before he crashed his lips to yours. It was a mess of tongue and teeth as he sat you up on the table, legs spread apart for him. You started to kiss down his jaw and neck, leaving marks as you went.
“Fuck, I should fill your tight little cunt right up with my cum. Fucking knock you up so everyone knows you’re mine,” he said, hands gripping your thighs. You audibly moaned when he said that. You had never been turned on by such an idea before but hearing those words come from Eddie made you melt right on the spot.
“Please,” you could only whimper.
“You’re gonna be the death of me. I wanna fuck you right here on the table. I want you to feel how painfully hard you make me.” His hips were grinding into you and it was making you dizzy in the best way.
“So do it. Take me right now. Please, daddy. I wanna feel you inside me,” you begged. Eddie seemed to consider it for a moment before laying you back on the table and hiking up your skirt. He could already see the wet patch forming on your panties and he smirked.
He pulled them completely off and you didn’t notice how he stuffed them in his pocket. His long fingers slid through your folds with ease. He teased your clit before sliding two fingers into you, stretching you slightly.
He pumped them in and out of you, the warm metal of his rings nudging your clit with every thrust. When he added a third finger you just about fell apart at the seams.
“Look at that pretty pussy, taking my fingers so well. God, you’re gonna feel so good cumming on my cock, princess. Gonna look so hot with my cum dripping out of you,” he said, voice laced with lust. His fingers sped up as he watched you with such intensity. He wanted to memorize how you looked and sounded when he was pleasuring you.
“Eddie, that feels so good!” You moaned. His actions stopped completely and your eyes shot open. “Daddy!”
“Good girl,” he smirked. He curled his fingers upward as he resumed. The new sensation was enough to bring you closer to the edge. He bit his lip, concentrating on making you feel good. “Come on, baby. Cum for me. Cum for daddy.”
Your back arched off the table as your orgasm washed over you. Only once your body went limp did he pull his fingers from your dripping cunt. You watched as he swirled his tongue around them, sucking them clean.
His hands them moved down to his jeans, unzipping them slowly. He let them fall to his ankles as he began to pump his already hard length.
“You’re sure you want this?” He asked, caressing your leg softly.
“I’m absolutely positive,” you said. He lined up with your entrance and moaned loudly as he slid into you inch by inch.
“You feel even better than I’ve imagined.”
“You’ve imagined this?” You asked with a small smile. Once he was fully sheathed inside of you he looked down with a smile of his own.
“Only every day for the last 3 years,” he chuckled. He pulled out slowly only to slam back into you. His thrusts were fast and sharp, such a contrast to his sweet words.
His hair was falling into his face so he threw his head back in ecstasy. His eyes were screwed shut and you didn’t think you’d ever see something so gorgeous again in your lifetime. Your walls began to clench around him, causing him to swear out loud.
“I’m almost there, baby. Fuck, I’m gonna cum so deep inside you. Can I fill you up, sweetheart?” You were so lost in the pleasure you’d probably agree to just about anything, but nothing sounded more amazing than him filling you.
“Yes, daddy, please. Cum inside me,” you whined. His thrusts became sloppier but he still managed to hit that sweet spot inside of you. Your body felt like it was on fire in the best way possible as your second orgasm hit you. You screamed his name and that alone was enough to set off his own. You could feel his cum being pumped inside of you with every slow thrust.
When you both had rode out your highs, he remained inside of you. He finally looked down at your blissful expression and smiled. He pulled out slowly, only to push back in when he saw his cum leaking out.
“Fuck, Eddie, that was incredible,” you sighed happily.
“We defiled the game board but it was so worth it,” he said. He let you sit up and he kissed you. “So are you really mine now?”
“I’d love nothing more, Eds,” you whispered.
“Good, because I have so much more planned for us.” He kissed you once more and pulled you from the table, catching you when your legs wobbled.
“Wait, where are my underwear?” You asked. Eddie just smirked at you as he buckled his pants.
“Let’s get out of here, sweetheart. We’ll go back to my place and I promise you won’t be needing those panties.” He smacked your ass playfully as he lead you from the game room, panties still safely tucked in his pocket.
You weren’t sure what you were getting yourself in to, but you were definitely excited to find out.
Tag-list: @thebookbakery @dootys @mellomadness
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jungkxook · 3 years
—hot boy bummer. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader 
⟶ genre: fuckboy!jungkook / friends with benefits / friends to lovers + smut  
⟶ words: 14,633
⟶ rating: 18+ 
⟶ summary: when jungkook offers you a proposition of just sex, no strings attached, how can you possibly say no? after all, what are best friends for?
⟶ warnings: kind of a crack fic, sprinkle of angst, way too casual conversations mid-sex, jealous jungkook, slight himbo jungkook tbh (he’s kind of a sweet loveable idiot), he also has a big dick oops, man bun and blonde jungkook to feed my fantasies!, multiple smut scenes!!!, missionary, dry humping, oral sex (m receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, slight degradation (mostly jungkook hating himself), brief name calling, light choking, sort of praise kink
⟶ note: this was inspired by a number of things but mainly do me by kim petras being on jungkook’s spotify playlist, this tiktok sound, and this tumblr post lol also big thank you to @bratkook​ and @onherwings​ for letting me ramble on about this fic and reigniting my inspo for it 💛
( p.s. i tried to proofread this but if y’all see any typos no u didn’t, thank u <3 )
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Being friends with Jungkook meant a myriad of things but mainly that there were hardly ever any boundaries that stood between you and him.
Having known him for most of your life, it was just a quintessential part of yours and his relationship with one another. From high school parties where you drunkenly spewed on his shoes and in his dad’s car after he tried lugging you home (and taking the fall all himself for your sake) to letting him lose his virginity in your bed to some girl you didn’t know because your parents were out of town and his would crucify him on the spot if they had found out; or him discovering your stash of vibrators in your dorm one day, or seeing each other naked more often than was probably necessary, there was nothing that either of you could do that would phase the other at this point even when it maybe, probably, definitely should.
College, and Jungkook’s sudden six pack of hard rock abs, only seemed to amplify the chaos of your friendship. If you’re being honest, the abs are sort of a plus ━ but they brought an air of fuckboy to him that is undeniably there even if he tries to deny it sometimes. You suppose it isn’t all his fault. Jungkook has always been bold and brash, attractively charming. Considering he’s seemingly made it his mission to sleep with every girl on campus before he graduates (undisclosed, if you’re being honest, because he’s never outwardly admitted it but you have a hunch), his confidence somehow hasn’t failed him yet.
But then there’s one night in which you think to yourself briefly: this surely must draw some sort of line.
“What if we, like, had sex?”
Jungkook says this a little too casually from beside you. He’s sat on the couch in his dorm, scrolling aimlessly on his phone, and you’re sprawled out on the remaining space, feet kicked up in his lap. You’re positive he’s drunk but, then again, so are you. The remnant shot glasses of soju you had both started the night with (though you think Jungkook’s had half the bottle himself), and your second glass of wine, are all evidence of that. You’re so absorbed by some anime Jungkook had been watching upon your arrival and refused to change that you almost don’t hear what he says. Almost. You do, however, nearly choke on the gummy bear you’ve just tossed into your mouth.
After a sudden hysterical fit of coughs, you manage to sputter, “Excuse me?”
“Like, hypothetically speaking.” He hardly budges when you turn to gawk at him, as if he’s asking you something as casual as what to eat for dinner or if you could pass him the T.V. remote. “Except, not really hypothetically.”
“You’re joking, right?” You scoff.
Jungkook blinks. “No. Why would I be joking?”
You blink. The longer you stare at him, the quicker you’re able to discern that there’s some sort of earnesty in his words and it slightly concerns you. Suddenly, you’re warm in the face. To distract from that painfully obvious fact, an incredulous laugh bubbles at your lips and you kick one of your feet at his thighs. “Very funny, Koo. Can we change the show now if you’re not even watching it?”
“I’m not joking, Y/N.” The severity in his tone makes you sit up at once. When you turn to look at him, he flashes you a taunting smirk, though the devious sparkle in his eyes lets you know this seems to be anything but a joke to him. “I’m sure you’ve thought of me naked before.”
“You’re such a fucking idiot━” Okay, so maybe you have thought of him naked before but how is it your fault when you literally have seen him naked before, and he’s so unabashed around you? “Should I bring you to a hospital to get your head checked, or━?”
“Just hear me out━” Now, he pushes himself to the edge of the sofa. “Why are you here right now?”
“In life? Because I honestly have no clue━”
“No, I meant here. Getting drunk in my apartment on a Friday night instead of getting railed.”
“Okay, I didn’t ask to get called out like that,” You grumble stiffly. “And because you’re my best friend, and I like spending time with you.” It’s not entirely a lie, because you would much rather spend time with Jungkook than anyone else. But when you feel his eyes boring into you in a look of scrutiny, your lips form into a pout which you try to hide by puckering them. “Also because boys are stupid and Hoseok’s blind date stood me up. Again.”
The events from hours earlier resurface in your memory, in which you had spent all evening making yourself look pretty for a boy you had only talked to through text that your roommate had introduced you to, only to arrive to the restaurant you were supposed to be meeting at and waiting there for half an hour by yourself before the boy had sent you a message saying something along the lines of “something came up, hope we can reschedule,” filing it under one of the lamest excuses you’ve ever heard because it hardly even borders on a valid excuse. It’s what had ultimately made you storm into Jungkook’s apartment an hour ago, exclaiming aloud as a greeting with a simple yet scarily cheerful I hate men! because Jungkook knows all about your plights with finding a significant other (or even just someone decent enough to open your legs to), usually lamenting men’s inability to have any emotions. Even the ones who you think are respectable enough, who say they’re fine not having sex on the first date, usually tend to flee right after you finally let them in because sex, as you come to find, seems to be all that men care about.
Admittedly, Jungkook is not any different.
“But it’s not like you’re any better.”
This seems to personally offend Jungkook. He looks at you cynically. “Me?”
“Tell me why you’re here with me on a Friday night when you’re literally one of the hottest guys on campus,” You point out. “You can get any girl, and yet you somehow manage to ruin it every single time. Like with Eunha.”
Jungkook winces. The poor Eunha in question is a pretty girl from your chem class, whomst Jungkook had somehow managed to charm. From what you know, they had hooked up a handful of times before that fateful night in which Jungkook had abruptly broken things off with her. If you’re being honest, he’s not a total monster. The only thing that seems to scare him away is when a girl asks to cuddle him in the morning or talks about the prospective future together. He doesn’t want to hurt them, he told you once before, and finds it much easier to nip any potential relationship in the bud before it can get too far, too out of control.
“We literally only slept together three times anyway and we never went out,” Jungkook points out. “What’s the big deal?”
A roll of your eyes doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook. “Yeah, it’s not her fault you’re scared of commitment.”
“Nu’uh,” The boy sulks. “I’m only scared of realistic things, like microwaves.”
A snort bubbles at your lips, and it’s frustrating how adorable he finds the simple action. Rather than entertain the thought of his irrational fear of kitchen appliances (because you’ve heard it all before, and you still can’t find where he was incited with the terror of an exploding microwave), you sit up.
“Jungkook, I don’t even like you like that.”
“I don’t like you like that either. That’s why it’s so perfect!” Jungkook says brightly. “Look, we know each other better than anyone else ever could. We’re already comfortable with each other. We don’t have to go through all that boring small talk. All I’m saying is we could give it a try. No relationship, no emotions, just sex.”
You consider the thought for a moment, weigh the pros and cons in your head.
The cons? He’s your best friend.
The pros? He’s your best friend, and he’s hot.
Truthfully, your slightly buzzed mind can find very little to dissuade you away from the inviting proposition and maybe that’s why you begin to entertain the idea. And, sure, you had just complained profusely about how men sometimes only used you for sex, but it’s not like you don’t have needs too. You just don’t have the gusto in you anymore to spend days on a boy who will only just leave you the moment you let him have sex with you. At least with Jungkook, he’s already offering you a blatant deal of sex only and you know you won’t have to worry about him breaking your heart; and he doesn’t have to worry about the dreaded dreamy post-sex cuddle talk of a future family and babies and a white picket-fence home. It’s a win-win for the both of you, really. Or maybe you’re just telling yourself that.
“How would we even start?” You ask finally. “I mean… Do you even find me attractive enough in that way?”
“Yeah.” Jungkook hardly bats a lash. He meets your stare, licks slowly at his lower lip. When he sees the cross look of disbelief scrunching at your face, he hastens to respond. “I’m not blind. You’re fucking drop dead gorgeous, Y/N.”
“But physically attractive? I’m no hot girl Eunha.”
“If I wanted Eunha, I’d be between her legs right now. Y/N, of course I think you’re attractive.” A gentle sliver of a smile dances upon his lips. He leans his head on the back of the couch, eyes fluttering over your appearance shortly. “I’ve always liked your lips, and your eyes. Think they’re beautiful.”
Suddenly, you’re flustered again. The room feels as if it’s getting increasingly warmer, yet you seem to want to bask in the feeling and attention a little longer. “That’s too sentimental.”
“It’s true though.”
“Well, you’re lucky I’ve always had a thing for idiots,” You jest playfully. “Jerks, too. Playboys who are too hot for their own good.”
“Ah, and I love it when you talk dirty to me.” A cheeky grin tugs at his lips as he clutches at his heart over his chest. “It’s a good thing I like it a little too much, knowing you’ll always keep me in check.”
But then the mirth seems to fade from your mind long enough for you to hum aloud pensively, “And I’ve always liked your eyes. I’ve never seen such big eyes before. Sometimes, if I look long enough, it’s like I can see the stars in them.”
As you’re speaking about them, his irises glisten magnificently. He bites at his lip now, as if to hide the way his soft smile turns sheepish. “I like your bum.”
“Really? I always worry it’s too flat.”
“Are you kidding? Your ass is a fucking god-send. It’s hard not to stare when you wear leggings sometimes,” Jungkook admits, earning a small giggle from you. “And I like your boobs. I’ve always wondered…” He trails off abruptly, shaking his head. He shoots you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop. I’m being an idiot, aren’t I?”
“Well, maybe I don’t want you to stop.”
Silence saturates the room now, settling comfortably between the two of you. He wonders what you’re thinking, and you wonder if he can hear your heart hammering against your chest. Perhaps on any other day when you were of sound mind, you could find a plethora of reasons as to why sleeping with your best friend was a terrible idea. But being that you were slightly tipsy, and Jungkook isn’t far off, you can find not one fault, except for maybe how tragically hot Jungkook looks sitting across from you and how he’s never been yours, at least in that way. Would it be so wrong to try just once?
You shift then, pushing yourself to your knees if only so you can worm your way towards him before swinging one leg over his. You settle back on his lap, hands gripping his shoulders. He can feel your core press against the inside of his thigh, just where his dick is nestled and he has to bite back a moan. His eyes are wider than usual, as if believing the moment to be surreal, though something sultry threatens to darken them.
The excitement crackles through your veins like electricity. You’ve never been in such a compromising position with Jungkook before, and you wonder if it should be concerning just how much you’re enjoying it. It almost feels as if time slows down, every second dragging on, yet he can’t look away. His hands come to tug at your hoodie (that he’s almost positive was his once upon a time before you nicked it from his closet) and you meet him part way, replacing his efforts as you pull it up and off your body. Then, you’re sitting back on his lap in your full nude glory, chest bare and right in his face. He eyes the swell of your breasts, the perk of your nipples. Of course you’re not wearing anything beneath your hoodie ━ and, god, he loves it.
“Touch me?”
Your voice comes to him in an almost dream. You reach for his hand then, your palm soft around his knuckles and the tattoos that ink his skin. It’s the same hand of which he wears the other half to your pair of friendship bracelets in one of his favourite colours of red, decorated with little pink hearts. It came in a matching set of two (yours in your own favourite colour, currently on the wrist of the hand you’re using to guide Jungkook’s), cute little macrame braid ones with hearts woven into the design that you had pointed out one day while you were both at the mall and he had bought without any hesitation mostly as a joke but resulted in both of you wearing them on a daily basis.
Now, all he can do is continue watching you with bated breath as you guide his hand right where you both want him. He comes to cup the underside of one of your breasts, your hand over his pressing his fingers tighter together until you can feel some sort of pleasant pressure. And, just like that, something feral and needy seems to snap within him. His hand slithers from your grasp if only so he can flick his thumb across your nipple, mesmerized by the softness of it. He’s only ever seen you naked once before and it was fleeting. You were both drunk, skinny dipping in a lake with a handful of other friends, but it had been too dark to notice much else. But now? Now, he can see all of you and the sight strikes a chord right down to his dick.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” Jungkook groans.
“Koo.” The cute little nickname you had given him sounds dirty now as it slips from your lips in a moan. “Too sentimental.”
But Jungkook isn’t listening because you really, really, really are so beautiful. He bows his head to your chest, catching one of your nipples in his mouth. He murmurs something against your chest that sounds akin to, “We can take things slow.”
“Slow…” Your head is spinning, but it’s a delightful sensation. Something hard pokes against your ass now, and the adrenaline only seems to build within you. It’s odd how everything feels so foreign ━ exploring his body and these newfound feelings like the uncharted territory it is ━ yet secure and safe at the same time. As if you know what to do next, where to touch next, how to move, your bodies almost fitting together like pieces to a puzzle. “Y-Yeah, I like that. Can I move?”
“Fuck, yes, please,” he growls. He’s much too busy nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin on your chest, teeth tugging at your nipple.
You hurry to obey, giving a small experimental swivel of your hips that almost immediately has the both of your inhaling a sharp breath of air. His dick strains against his sweatpants, the material doing very little in protecting him against you. Your core throbs as you rub yourself on him.
“Like this?” You rasp.
“Yeah, just like that.” Jungkook’s head rolls back onto the couch, his eyes squeezing shut and his blonde hair spilling into his eyes. He clenches his jaw, the nerves fluttering in the corner, as pure euphoria riddles his features. You don’t think you’ve ever seen anything so sexy. “Fuck, we probably shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Yeah,” You agree, breathless. “Do you wanna stop?”
“No. Do you?”
“Thank god.” The sigh of relief that emits from Jungkook startles even him but, in the heat of the moment, he doesn’t register how any of this could be a mistake. “Ah, shit━ Faster━”
“Mmm, Koo━” You whimper as you quicken your pace, the vulgar harbored thought of his dick in you thrilling you to no end.
“Fuuck, I’ve never heard you sound like this before. So needy, so desperate,” Jungkook grunts, his fingers digging into your hips. And it’s all because of him, the way you’re feeling. He’s never wanted to hurry to please you faster, itching to tear you apart if he’ll get to hear those noises from you again and again. “I━”
He’s gonna cum, and he’s not even in your pussy. What’s gotten into him?  
He presses you a little harsher against his dick, sitting up straighter so that his chest is pressed flush against yours. He leans forward, lips chasing after yours, before you pull back just enough sluggishly to press your finger to his mouth.
“Uh uh. No kissing,” You rasp.
The words process in Jungkook’s head, but the weight of them don’t seem to linger in his daze. He’s far too overwhelmed by you and the way you’re making him feel to even begin to try to decipher why you avoid his mouth and so, for now, he doesn’t care. Instead, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, nose nuzzling against your throat. You clutch at his hair, tugging at the roots tight enough for him to moan.
“Nnngh, Jungkook━” You whine. “I’m gonna━ Oh, fuck, Koo━”
And then you’re unravelling, right in his very arms. He holds you close as you tremble and shake, rutting your hips sloppily against his to ride out your high, and Jungkook thinks he can definitely get used to this. The familiar burn forms in his stomach and, without even thinking of it, he comes in the confinements of his pants.
But in the heat of the moment, he doesn’t notice quite a lot of things. Neither do you.
So, maybe you could both find a hundred and one reasons why having sex with your best friend would surely cross some lines, but the thing with you and Jungkook (and what would eventually blossom into a hubristic relationship of sorts) is that it wasn’t just sex. You would always be comfortable around him, as he would be with you. And nothing could ever possibly get weird between the two of you ━ not when you had both made a promise to each other that it wouldn’t get in the way of your friendship.
Because ━ while, yeah, he’s hot and suffers from fuckboy tendencies from time-to-time and, aside from random late night hookups ━ he was still the same boy that would drag you out at three in the morning to drive to the next city over for a bowl of ramen, who would marathon shows as long as One Piece or Game of Thrones with you, watching as much as you can in one all-nighter; who would come to your dorm, no matter the time of day, the moment you said you were sick or suffering from cramps, piled high with your favourite snacks; who shared a repertoire of silly inside jokes with you that never made any sense to anyone but the both of you; who insisted you both wear friendship bracelets even in college. He would always be an angel to you, treat you well, because you meant that much to him.
A small thought in the back of Jungkook’s head wonders, above all else, if you were anyone different, would he have even bothered suggesting such a ludicrous idea, drunk or not?
Because he’s positive no one else could make him cum in his pants like a horny prepubescent teen ━ no one except for you.
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“If we’re really gonna do this, we need to set some ground rules.”
Admittedly, neither you nor Jungkook knew what would happen after Jungkook’s proposition to you. Maybe you were expecting the two of you to pretend as if nothing had ever happened, or laugh it off as something so inconsequential that neither of you should bother worrying about it. Instead, the very next day, you find that you’re back in Jungkook’s dorm. Only this time, you’re in his bed, and he spent the past half hour sufficiently eating you out.
Now, you’ve had an epiphany in the form of Jungkook’s dick, and that is that it’s big.
You’ve seen it before on occasion ━ like when he streaked nude across campus as a dare or when he needed to use your shower because his apartment was under maintenance and he walked out on you in the living room ━ but this is clearly a very different circumstance. All red, swollen, angry tip wet and glistening with precum. You had to brace yourself as he pushed himself into you, cautiously and slowly, enjoying the way you stretch to fit around him. If you had a drunken excuse the night before for loving the thought of getting off with Jungkook, then you surely don’t have one now. It’s a shameless guilty pleasure, you think, that he’s at least indulging in.
“Rules,” Jungkook scoffs now. “You’re such a nerd. Fuck, you feel so fucking good━ You doing okay?”
More than. Your head lolls back against his pillow, eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. “Mhm.”
“Want a minute?”
Jungkook pauses without any hesitation, gnawing on his lower lip as your walls clench around him so tightly he feels he might fall apart then and there. His hands are on your hips, thumbs rubbing comforting circles against your burning skin. A few deep breaths later and you’re probing Jungkook to move again. His hips rut into yours at a leisure pace, and he marvels for a moment at the way his dick disappears into your pussy, slick and wet with your own arousal. The thought of being in you ━ of finally feeling your walls wrapped around him, all wet and snug ━ is enough to make him bust then and there, but he refrains miraculously.
“Holy fuck,” You groan. “Why are you so big━”
Your voice cuts off into a delightful whimper, walls aching around him. Jungkook snorts, burrowing his face in the crook of your neck. “Nothing sexier than hearing you stroke my ego.”
“Don’t let it get to your already big head,” You retort sluggishly.
“Big head!” he grumbles against your throat, lips brushing faintly against your skin and sending shivers down your spine. “Insult me some more. You know how it gets me going.”
“Oh my god, shut up. Where were we?”
“Right,” You breathe in a sharp inhale of air as he grinds against your hips. “And rule number one is no kissing. That’s way too intimate.”
Jungkook quirks a brow. “How is kissing more intimate than having my dick in you?”
“It just is.” You refuse to tell him the truth. You poke your fingers at his sides, causing him to jerk against you. “Don’t question it.”
“Fine. Then no sentimental shit in general, like cuddling or pet names,” Jungkook retorts. “And no public displays of affection.”
“Okay,” You nod. “Fuck, Jungkook━”
“God, I love hearing you moan my name,” Jungkook grunts. He watches with fascination the way your face reacts at his every movement. “Too much?”
“No. Kinda hot,” You admit. An abrupt thought pops into your head that has you murmuring hazily, “Oh, and you can’t have sex with me to your sex playlist.”
Jungkook looks appalled. The sex playlist in question is one you’ve heard briefly before, if only because you’ve walked in on Jungkook and his flavour of the month a handful of times one too many times.
“So you’re telling me you don’t want to have the best orgasm of your life to The Weeknd or the Neighbourhood? WAP?” Jungkook asks, wriggling his brows suggestively. “Alanis Morissette?” You have less than half a second to register the 90s pop singer as out of place before Jungkook breaks out into song with a brief rendition of Head over Feet. “You’re my best friend, best friend with benefits━!”
Part of you knows he’s joking, but there’s still a small sliver of you that makes you gawk at him dubiously before dissolving into a fit of unabashed laughter. It rumbles against his chest, vibrates his dick in you. “You’re not serious, are you? That’s not actually in your sex playlist, is it?”
He flashes you a shit-eating grin. “Guess you’ll never know now.”
Another roll of your eyes makes him snicker. He’s gotten used to your snide remarks, but he’ll gladly keep suffering under them if he gets to wipe that taunting smirk off your face each time with the way his dick makes you feel. You cling a little tighter to his shoulders and muse aloud, “So that’s it then?”
“Yeah━” Jungkook knows you’re referring to the rules and your plan, although it’s getting harder to focus on talking as he continues to grind against you. “And nothing has to change between us, even if we stop. We’re still just two best friends.”
“Who have sex from time to time.”
He can’t help himself. He tries again. “Who might kiss.”
“Nope.” You’re smiling even despite the way you shoot him an aggravated stare first.
“We might?”
“No, we definitely won’t.”
Worth a shot, he thinks to himself. At least you really do always keep him in check.
After all, what are best friends for?
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So, maybe a part of you thought the shift in your relationship with Jungkook wouldn’t last very long. A week at most, and maybe Hoseok would find you another pointless let down of a blind date to go on and Jungkook would get horny for some other girl ━ but it’s certainly been more than a week now, and you’ve had sex with him more than two times.
A third, and a fourth, if you’re being blatantly honest, and maybe a few more times after that but you don’t really remember what count you’re both on now which should probably be concerning. Days elapse into days, which turn to weeks, then months. Morning, afternoon, and night.
It’s not as if you hadn’t already spent almost every waking moment with Jungkook but now you had a reason to be at his apartment at any and all hours of the day and not solely for movie watching marathons. You’re positive he’s still having his occasional random flings, though you’re fortunate his commitment issues at least force him to go to their homes rather than his for the most part, so you never really have to witness half-naked girls stumbling out of his apartment just as you’re wandering in. He says it has something to do with how his bedroom is his sacred space, though you think it’s more like he wouldn’t want his hook ups discovering his Overwatch figurines or something (because, before Jungkook’s proposition, you’ve walked in on him once and a girl when they were entangled on the couch in his living room).
But you’ve noticed lately you’re getting too comfortable with your arrangement with Jungkook; too comfortable knowing he’ll be there at the end of a long day to greet you, to please you until you’re crying out his name. Sometimes he tells you about the girls he’s texting, or shows you a picture from a hot girl’s Instagram whose D.M.s he’s just slid into. And sometimes you’re left wondering how often he comes straight to you after hooking up with a random girl.
It shouldn’t matter to you, and you swear that it doesn’t.
Maybe you’re just overthinking things. Hoseok certainly seems to think so, but his judgement wasn’t much to go by.
Because, lately, Hoseok has been encouraging you more and more to give Yukhei (the blind date Hoseok had initially set you up with when you found yourself at Jungkook’s) another chance for two reasons: 1) “Yukhei’s a nice boy,” he had cheerfully reminded you, “he’ll treat you well,” and 2) “Stop fucking your best friend. It’s morally wrong.”
There were many things wrong with his statement, from the fact that you didn’t exactly consider standing up a date as “nice” and that you were also still begrudgingly lamenting the way Hoseok had discovered your recent fling with Jungkook (although, you weren’t being very inconspicuous, having shower sex with Jungkook early one morning when you were certain Hoseok would be spending the day at his fiance’s home instead of yours).
But then you meet Yukhei and you realize that, oh crap, he’s cute. And he’s nice.
As it turns out, after bumping into him one day when you’re with Hoseok lounging on the quad of your campus and he comes bounding over to return a textbook Hoseok had lent him for a specific class, Yukhei is so easily charming. He also gives a pretty valid excuse for flaking on your date, proving that he had to present his dissertation, making you clearly aware that he’s cute, nice, and smart. Jungkook, on the other hand, doesn’t see the appeal, yet his curiosity and intrigue seems to get the best of him.
“So that was your blind date?” Jungkook asks after grabbing your attention on the quad and stealing you away from Hoseok and Yukhei. “Yukhei?”
“You know him?”
“Seen him around,” Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly. “I’ve never really talked to him. But him? You’re not telling me you’re actually interested in him, are you?”
“I don’t know. Maybe,” You’re truly just as clueless about your feelings towards Yukhei as Jungkook seems to be. “What’s so wrong about him?”
“He’s━” Jungkook stops. He shakes his head. “Heard he’s got a small dick anyway.”
You shoot the boy a wary look, only to find him grinning deviously at himself. “Maybe he just wants to be friends.”
At this, Jungkook lets out a scoffing sound that borders on disbelieving laughter. “No, I definitely think he wants to have sex with you in his Toyota Camry, Y/N, but what do I know?”
“You’re not jealous, are you?”
“No, why would I be jealous?”
You can’t quite tell if he’s angry or not but, then again, why would he be? As far as either of you are concerned, there’s nothing to be jealous of.
So then why does it feel like he’s simply just telling himself that?
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“Are you seriously on your phone right now?”
Jungkook asks this from somewhere behind you a handful of days later, a little peeved but most likely because your jarring 8:00 a.m. alarm had roused the both of you violently awake. In his defense, Jungkook is not a morning person.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You’re currently sprawled out on your hands and knees on his bed, phone still in your grasp after having plucked it off the nightstand in haste. Your clothes are scattered across the floor of his room, remnant clues of the night before when he had beckoned you over after hours, and your body is covered in nothing but hickeys and an unbuttoned blue flannel belonging to Jungkook that you had chucked on last night that does nothing in covering up the swell of your breasts which Jungkook is now currently eyeing. “Am I not giving you enough attention? Were you expecting cuddles or something? Thought that wasn’t in the rules.”
“No,” Jungkook huffs. He runs a hand through his long messy hair in an attempt to fix it; he ultimately gives up taming his locks, instead using the hair tie around his wrist to tie his hair back into a cute yet sexy little ponytail. As he does so, you notice the red friendship bracelet around his wrist and smile smally. “But my dick could use some cuddles. Preferably with your mouth, but it will also gladly accept your hand.”
Jungkook may not be a morning person but, as you’ve come to realize, his dick certainly is.
It’s painfully obvious too, his hardened length straining against the gray sweatpants he had thrown on at some point. And, god, did he have to wear those? It left little to the imagination, the outline of his length teasing you just enough.
“I should get going,” You say. “I have a test coming up. There’s supposed to be a review session today in class, and I don’t want to miss it.”
“Well, you don’t seem like you’re in a rush since you’re still on your phone,” Jungkook points out. “Who are you texting anyway? Yukhei?”
“Anger is an emotion,” You rebuke casually. “So is jealousy.”
Jungkook feigns a look of mock hurt. “I’m not angry or jealous! I’m needy.”
Still, Jungkook reaches out to swiftly pluck your phone from your hands.
He’s pressed up against your back in an instant, his dick hard against your ass, and he doesn’t move very far even when you twist in your spot in an attempt to grab your phone back. You don’t, and instead you end up on your back with him on his side, propped up on his elbow. You miss when he casts a swift gaze down at your phone, only to see that Yukhei’s chat messages are indeed open, and something seems to gnaw terribly at his gut before he tosses your phone to the side. He’s looking at you now with those big beautiful eyes of his, and you hate it.
“Please?” he beckons. He ruts his hips impatiently but slowly against your leg. He drops his head to bury his face in the crook of your neck, lips dangerously close to brushing against your flesh but he refrains somehow. “M’so hard right now, could probably bust the moment you touch me.”
The thought is tempting, having a helpless Jungkook cumming in your hands. The sight alone has quickly become your favourite thing, helping the frustrated boy get off. Besides, you’re certain you could ask Hoseok for the review notes.
Fuck it, you cave.
You fidget until you’ve pressed him back against the bed and have clambered on top of him, wiggling your way down to fit between his legs. Jungkook is watching you now with a half-asleep expression, though his teeth sink into his lower lip as you pull at his sweatpants until they’re down at his thighs, letting his swollen dick spring free.
“You know━” You hum. You reach out to grab at the base of his cock. “Yukhei wants to hang out, and Hoseok keeps telling me to give it a shot.”
That much is true. Part of you wants to say yes, if only because Yukhei seems promising enough, but the thought alone is enough for you to feel as if you’ve done something horribly wrong to Jungkook.
“Oh.” The word eclipses Jungkook’s mouth in a shallow breath of air. Then, your mouth wraps around the puffy head of his dick, shining with leaking precum that you swallow back, and Jungkook’s reaction is immediate. Head thrown back, face scrunching together, muscles in his toned abdomen flexing as he seizes and grunts aloud. “Oh, fuck━ Well… Are you gonna?”
Jungkook asks the last question with much difficulty, and a part of him thinks it doesn’t all have to do with how you’re making him feel.
“Dunno.” You snort around his dick, and he marvels at how adorable such a lewd action can seem.
You decide to focus on sucking him off because it truly is a sexy sight to see, letting the topic of Yukhei drop. Jungkook certainly doesn’t mind. As you swirl your tongue around his tip and reach up with your free hand to fondle at his balls, his long hair falls into his lashes but he still tries to find you past his wild locks, hooded eyes gazing down at you.  
“Ah, shit━” Jungkook hisses delightfully, hips jerking forward instinctively into your mouth. The faintest hints of a drowsy smirk tug at his lips. “Fuck, yes, just like that.”
Yeah, you think to yourself then, you’re definitely going to ride him later. Screw going to class.
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From: Jungkook Sent: 1:05 a.m.
bro i noticed u werent wearing our friendship bracelet while u were giving me head earlier. is everything ok??
You wake in the morning to a single text from Jungkook ━ and one you had not been expecting.
That’s not to say that getting the occasional text message from Jungkook at any and all hours of the day was abnormal, but the extent of his messages sent anywhere past midnight usually always range from something more coherent in the form of “what would u do if i was there rn?” to something exuding typical lazy Jungkook manner with a simple “dtf?” or “send noods lol” to something even more provocatively cryptic such as the eggplant and splashing water (or, as far as Jungkook is concerned, something else entirely) emojis and nothing else, left open for your own interpretation that typically, usually, without a doubt, results in you in his bed and his dick in you. But this seems to be something else entirely.
Unfortunately, Jungkook’s text isn’t the only concern of yours.
Hoseok has spent the better part of the morning giving you a lecture on why having sex with your best friend is bad. He seems so passionate about the topic that you’re certain he would have pulled out a powerpoint at any moment, each slide ending in a picture of Yukhei and why you should maybe try fucking him instead, if you entertained the idea a little longer. Hoseok claims it’s just a harmless date. Yukhei might be a nice boy, but you don’t know how you feel about him. You don’t want to lead him on, and a scary thought points out the fact that maybe, while Yukhei is a nice boy, he isn’t Jungkook.
“I don’t get why you don’t just give Yukhei a chance━” Hoseok is saying now, sat on the couch in your shared apartment with him. “It’s not like you have to marry him. I don’t think one date will hurt━ Aaand, you’re not even listening to me anymore, are you?”
The sheepish look on your face is enough of an answer for him. You’ve been anxiously eyeing your phone and the text Jungkook had sent you last that you’ve yet to respond to, even despite being awake for more than a few hours now.
“Yes, I am listening,” You say dismissively. “Something about how one date won’t hurt, but that’s what you said when Yoongi asked you out, and you’re literally engaged now.”
The glistening metallic ring on Hoseok’s finger is evidence enough. The boy looks down at it as if seeing it for the first time, purses his lips, and then nods in agreement. “Okay, yeah, maybe you’re right. But you’re holding out for Jungkook and for what? He’s hot, yeah, and he’s your best friend, sure, but at the end of the day he’s still just a horny male who wants to stick his dick in anything that moves.”
“Hoseok.” Your grumbling sigh is interrupted by the motion of your phone vibrating against your thigh once more. You peek at the screen fleetingly to see a new text.
From: Jungkook Sent: 2:35 p.m.
send n00ds?
miss ur tits :(
Typical Jungkook.
The text from the night before is all but seemingly forgotten from his mind, and you can’t quite tell if you’re devastated or relieved. You don’t have very long to discern which emotion you’re feeling when Hoseok snatches your phone to look at what’s gotten your attention before exclaiming suddenly, “Aha! See! What did I say?”
“It’s not like that,” You wave Hoseok off. “Jungkook treats me well. He respects me, and I’m comfortable with him.”
“And how long until whatever this is━” He gestures vaguely to your phone as if to point out your relationship with Jungkook, “has to end? Do you really think a pinky promise is going to make sure your friendship with him isn’t totally ruined? I mean, how can you continue being casual friends with someone, see them dating someone else, when they’ve had their dick in you?”
You know it makes sense. Realistically, you either stop sleeping with each other or it potentially develops into something more. But in both circumstances, what were the chances that either of you didn’t get your heart broken? Maybe a part of you was apprehensive of Jungkook finding the “right” person for him one day that has him ending things with you, and while you swear you’d be happy for him, relationships sometimes have a way of distracting people from those already around them. Were you prepared to have someone take him away from you, platonically and whatever it is else that you have with him? Did you really think you could just keep being friends with him, as if nothing ever occurred between you two?
You don’t think Jungkook is bothered worrying about the state of your friendship with him, much less overthinking it like you seem to be. It shouldn’t be a big deal ━ yet why was there still that terrible nagging voice in the back of your mind? Whether or not Hoseok is right, you don’t want to find out. You don’t have feelings for Jungkook anyway.
But your ability to bend at his every will is certainly interesting.
You grab your phone before Hoseok can do any serious damage like unlocking it and responding to Jungkook, clutching it to your chest as you start to cross the living room. The other boy looks at you in bewilderment. “Where are you going now?”
“Where does it look?” You call over your shoulder just before you disappear into the bathroom, and Hoseok deduces all at once that you’re truly a lost cause. “I need to send him a picture of my boobs.”
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“He’s totally into you, Y/N.”
Admittedly, there were many mundane but essentially weird things you’ve talked to Jungkook about while having sex. You’ve had many heated debates about everything under the sun from whether or not pineapple on pizza should be illegal to top five betrayals in either movies or animes, to passionate grand philosophical discussions about what exists outside of the universe.
It’s not as if you had been planning on talking about Yukhei to Jungkook when he had invited you over to his apartment late at night after sending your risqué boob picture to him but, like many things in your friendship with Jungkook, it sort of just happened. He had asked you how your day was and you had decided to broach the topic experimentally, though you think deep down you’re doing it on purpose to see if he’d react in any way. What started with you mentioning Hoseok’s adamance and you sort of genuinely asking Jungkook for advice on Yukhei somehow evolved into Jungkook interrogating you on whether or not you’ve hung out with him yet.
“Jungkook. You’re getting off topic,” You admonish him now, as if your own choice of topic is any better when his dick is currently in you.
Jungkook is wedged between your thighs smushed up against your chest, large palms holding you on your ribcage in place beneath him. He’s a comfortable heavy draped over top of you, cock stretching you wide. You can feel his heart hammering against yours and he’s slick with sweat, golden hair clinging to his forehead and in his pretty eyes. You resist the urge to reach out and brush the messy locks away but, again, how would that be any less intimate of an action than what you’re already doing? Another line uncrossed, you suppose.
“How am I off topic?” Jungkook retorts. “You literally just said you can’t tell if he’s into you but he dropped by when you were done class and bought you lunch. You don’t just do that for a girl you don’t care that much about.”
“You buy me lunch, like, every day,” You point out.
“Because you’re my best friend. Of course I care about you,” Jungkook says.
“Ah, Jungkook━” You curse suddenly, grabbing his attention when you shift your weight beneath him. “You’re crushing me. Why’d you stop moving?”
He doesn’t have an answer, if only because he hadn’t even realized he’d stop moving in the first place. Without hesitation, he continues leisurely rutting his hips against yours, grabbing at one of your legs to hook it around his waist. This new angle lets you feel even more of him as he sinks further into you, if that was even still possible, reaching so far into you that you swear it’s like you can feel him in your stomach. Your head lolls back against the pillows, pure euphoria contorting your face so much so to the point that it distracts you entirely from the distant look glazing over Jungkook’s eyes.
“Yukhei definitely wants to bang,” he huffs under his breath.
At once, an exasperated groan fills his ears.
“I can’t believe we’re seriously having this conversation right now,” You roll your eyes, fingers prodding at his sides. “I don’t wanna talk about Yukhei potentially wanting to have sex with me.”
Jungkook’s glad you said it, at least. Though now he’s watching you with hooded eyes as he thrusts into you a little harder, maybe a little intentionally. His indulgent gaze droops to your breasts, admiring the way they bounce beneath him each time his hips make contact with yours. He thinks back earlier in the day to the picture you had sent him which, really, had sparked the mood for the rest of the night.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he whines abruptly. His eyes screw shut and brows furrow together as your walls clench around him. He drops his head to bury his face in your chest, lips momentarily wrapping around one of your nipples as he sucks harshly at the soft flesh. When he speaks next, forehead still resting against your collarbones, his voice is a breathless croak, “Well, do you like him?”
“No,” You moan. “Maybe━ Fuck, Koo━ I don’t know.”
“He’s gonna be at that party Tae’s throwing, isn’t he?” Jungkook tries to focus, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to do so when he’s inching closer and closer to his high. “Shit, ah, Y/N━ Why don’t you try talking to him or something? See how the night goes?”
“He’s nice but I don’t think he’s the one for me,” You admit sheepishly. “I think I’m just gonna end things while I still can, with as little harm as possible.”
“Well, glad that’s settled,” Jungkook mumbles. “Can we please stop talking about Yukhei now?”
You seem to miss the way he clings to you a little tighter, hands flying down to grip at your hips, nails digging crescent moon shapes into your skin. He snaps his hips into yours a little faster this time, your pussy throbbing around him.
“Nngh, Jungkook━”
Your hands fumble to grip at his hair, tugging tightly at the roots and earning a delightful hiss from the boy. Your own mouth drops open in a silent moan and it’s a wonder he doesn’t combust at just how sexy the sight is. He hates how his eyes stay trained on the shape of your lips, the soft plumpness of them. He’s felt them wrapped around his dick plenty of times before but he concedes that it’s probably hardly anywhere near to how it would feel to kiss you. Like actually kiss you, tongue and all.
God, what’d he give just to smother your lips with his.
And, god, he hopes you never find out. He’s positive that thought is far more scandalous alone than anything you’ve ever done together.
You’re writhing beneath him now, hips jutting forward desperately to meet his. “I’m gonna cum, Jungkook━”
“Fuck, yes,” Jungkook growls. “Wanna feel you cream around my cock so bad. Come on, baby━”
In the heat of the moment, you seem to miss the pet name that slurs off his tongue and the sentiment in it. A few more jolting slams of his hips and you’re tumbling over the edge. He has to sputter for air when he feels your pussy wrapping so tightly around him, stuttering in his pace above you if only to watch as you unravel beneath him. Hooded dark eyes glazed over in that perfect fucked out expression he loves so much, teeth biting at your lower lip so hard he wonders if it’ll bruise in the morning.
A sudden thought pops into his head when you’ve settled enough, amongst the blinding pure white of bliss that clouds his thoughts. “Did you get my text by the way? The one I sent last night?”
You gasp for air. The bracelet on your wrist itches at the mention of it, and you’re fortunate you decided to wear it that afternoon before coming to Jungkook’s. “Y-Yeah━”
“Everything’s fine,” You say this as dismissively as you can. Your core is still vibrating after the harsh impact of your orgasm paired with Jungkook’s swollen length still in you. “I just… I was taking a shower and didn’t want to get it wet. I forgot to put it back on in the morning.”
That’s a lie. You had mostly taken it off as part of an experiment, though it hasn’t answered much. At least Jungkook doesn’t seem to realize that.
“Oh,” Jungkook breathes. A beat of silence passes, before he deadpans cockily, “Wait, you were taking a shower and I wasn’t invited?”
“Oh my god, shut up━” Maybe if he hadn’t just currently driven you to nirvana and back, you’d notice the way the sloppy grin on his face is a simple taunt. But you’re much too distracted to care. Instead, you use your leg that’s still hooked around his waist to gently push and roll him onto his back so that you can straddle his hips. His eyes sparkle mischievously as he watches you waste no time in hurrying to grind against him at an agonizingly steady pace that makes his head spin. “You’re ruining the moment. I’m trying to make you cum.”
A devious cackle rumbles from his chest, albeit a little contented at the same time. Yeah, he definitely likes the sound of that. “Well then, by all means, don’t let me stop you.”
It’s only then that his question comes back into your mind. If he felt the need to ask you again about the bracelet, maybe that meant something after all. At the very least, it means he hadn’t forgotten about it altogether. On the other hand, you wonder how often he had spent thinking, or over-thinking, the issue in the past twenty-four hours, if at all.
Was it wrong to feel some semblance of joy over that potential fact? Probably.
That doesn’t seem to bother you much this time. Not when he’s gazing up at you as if you’re some divine sexy goddess, all his to enjoy. You can’t help yourself; you reach down to brush the sweaty hair from his eyes, perhaps all too gentle of an action for best friends.
And he smiles, maybe a little too softly and maybe a little too ardently if you look close enough.
He smiles.
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The thing about your supposed “rules” with your relationship with Jungkook is that there might be a few loose ends that neither you nor Jungkook pay much attention to sometimes.
But that’s neither here nor there.
Mostly, the “no public displays of affection” clause is easily disregardable. It’s typically when you’re too drunk to remember it and a bit needy, craving one another’s touch, but those around you never truly seem to care or even notice because, if you’re lucky, they’re equally as smashed. Sometimes the “no cuddles” clause blurs into a gray area where it’s simply just you and Jungkook post-sex, sprawled out in his bed, not necessarily wrapped up in one another’s arms and cooing sweet nothings to one another but giggling at nothing in particular except one another as you bask in each other’s company and nothing more. You suppose some rules are meant to be broken.
For the most part, Jungkook never seems to question the no kissing rule you were so adamant in insisting. Not until one night in which you’re left wondering where things go so drastically wrong. It starts off as normally as any other day with you and Jungkook can, spent in his apartment binge watching movies. You hadn’t expected that night to switch as suddenly as it does when Jungkook shoots you a text earlier in the day asking if you want to come to his for a night of casual drinking as simply “best friends.” But, as always, one thing seems to lead to another, and you can’t get enough of Jungkook. Maybe it’s in the way he holds you a little tighter, the way he tugs you onto his lap on the sofa in his living room, the way he grips your thighs with a certain type of insatiable desire.
“You know…” he hums. “You drive me insane. In, like, the best way possible.”
Part of you realizes his actions even without him seeming to, and the drunken smile on your face remaining frozen in place, a little dumbfounded. “Jungkook…”
“When I’m with you…” He lifts his stare to look at you, but you have nothing to say. Neither does he. Instead, you’re left grinning at one another and suddenly your face is warm. He leans towards you, his nose nuzzling against the side of your throat. Your hands stay threaded in his hair now, and he swears he feels you secure your grip as if to pull him closer.
You can feel his lips brush faintly against your skin, grazing along your neck to the underside of your jaw. Up, up, up, until━
It’s just as his mouth meets with the corner of yours that you register what he’s doing, even in your clouded state. You turn your head just in time, and he comes to an immediate halt, his lips barely making contact with your cheek instead before he pulls away. He doesn’t move very far but you also don’t push him away just yet. Instead, you shift your head to look at him, still inches apart from him.
“What are you doing?” You ask. He can’t quite tell if you’re appalled or not, an empty expression staring back at him.
“I━ You━” He fumbles over his words, squeezes his eyes shut. He blames it on the alcohol even though his head is swimming with thoughts that seem to only concern you. But then a fierceness seems to stir within him, one that makes his jaw clench as he meets your stunned stare. The question rolls off his tongue without meaning to. “Is this about Yukhei?”
“Is that why you weren’t wearing our bracelet the other day?”
The question is so ridiculous, you have to laugh. “What are you going on about?”
But Jungkook doesn’t see what’s so funny and so he tries again, his persistence taking hold. “Is that why you won’t ever let me kiss you?”
You blink. Then, you’re shaking your head at him. Exasperation hangs heavy in your words, shaping in the form of a tired scoff. “You’re not serious.”
You’ve slithered off of his lap before he can even think to stop you ━ but if he had, would you have even stayed? You’re mad, but he doesn’t know why. “No, I wanna know. Because if what we have is already so meaningless, what makes a kiss any different?”
“So I wanna know,” he says, brows unconsciously knitting together. His gaze is searching yours desperately, as if begging for an answer he’ll want to hear. But he knows he’s being an idiot, a small sober part in him makes him realize that. “Humour me. Have you had sex with him yet?”
“Oh my god. I can’t believe that’s what you’re on about.” Suddenly, you’re frowning. Your hardened stare meets the boy’s and the irritation that scrunches at your face makes him wince, but it’s too late for him to take back the damage that he’s done. “Yeah, Jungkook, we fucked in his stupid Toyota that you hate so much and he choked me and I liked it. He did all sorts of dirty things to me. Is that what you want to hear?” The sardonic tone hisses at his ears, but he bites back his words, the sober part in him doing some decent good by shushing him. “No, Jungkook, we didn’t fuck. We haven’t even gone on a date, and I don’t even know if I want to, and you think I’m throwing myself at him.”
“But you wanna.”
“You’re being an idiot,” You admonish. “I’m going home. Talk to me when you’re sober.”
He has just enough time to watch you turn on your heel, march towards his door, when he scrambles to his feet. The weight of his words and actions finally seem to dawn on him, hitting him harshly in the face and in the heart.
“Fuck, wait! Wait━” he gasps.
He chases after you, hand reaching out to press his palm against the door before you can shimmy it open. He’s fortunate when you turn to look at him, though your arms are folded impatiently over your chest.
“You’re right. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad,” he promises earnestly. Then, he lets out a frustrated groan. “I just… What if we… Shit, what if we stop for right now? Y’know… Hooking up. Whatever this is.”
He gestures vaguely between the two of you with his hands, a wearied look plastering his face.
You hate to admit how his words seem to affect you. They bite at the air, leave you breathless as you gawk at him, but the harsh realization of it all is that you were never his to have and he was never yours. Hoseok had been right when he said these things were bound to come to an end ━ so why did it seem to hurt you so much?
A beat of prolonged silence passes between the two of you. Jungkook runs a hand through his chaotic blonde hair, digging the heel of his palm into his temple as if to rid himself of a headache he’s no doubt sporting. Maybe you’re waiting for a better explanation, but he gives none, and you don’t feel as if you have the right to ask why. He’s not your boyfriend, for god’s sake. It’s not like he’s breaking your heart.
Instead, you take a deep breath and say, “Okay.”
“Okay.” It’s all that he says in return.
So then why does it feel like he is?
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When Jungkook had promised that if your fling with him ended you would go back to being untainted best friends, he was apparently lying.
A part of you can’t believe the sheer nerve of him to ghost you in his traditional fuckboy ways, and yet he does. You suppose not entirely, at the very least. Part of it ends up with you being even more vexed by his sudden shift in emotion, and the tangible tension that rises between the two of you should have been dealt with properly, yet neither of you do anything about it, leaving your friendship stagnant and stale for a week. After all, how are you really supposed to go back to “just friends” when you’ve seen his dick one too many times?
You refrain from telling Hoseok, if only so you don’t have to hear him tell you he told you so ━ but you also decide to give Yukhei that one chance, and so you think Hoseok wouldn’t mind so much anyway.
Admittedly, when Yukhei asks to hang with you at Taehyung’s eventual party, you aren’t entirely too keen, but you accept it if only because you heard Jungkook will be there too. For the majority of the night, you don’t see the boy, and you spend the hours cozying up with Yukhei in a conversation that dulls you. As it would appear, it seems to bore Yukhei too, but you only notice that when he starts touching you on your waist and the small of your back. There’s a moment where he leans his head close enough to yours that you realize he’s trying to kiss you, resulting in an awkward encounter in which you push him away, palms on his chest.
“What’s wrong?” he asks. The answer is obvious enough to you, but you don’t think you should tell him for his own dignity. That, instead, all you can imagine is Jungkook in his place. “Should we get out of here?”
“Y/N. Can I talk to you?”
You’re both fortunate yet horrified when you hear Jungkook’s voice. He’s standing just behind you, his own stare devoid of any emotion, though his brows furrow and his jaw clenches in a signature Jungkook manner that you know means he’s pissed. He hardly acknowledges Yukhei, nodding in his general direction. You don’t remember if you leave Yukhei there or if he leaves, or if Jungkook even gives a poor attempt of an excuse to the boy, but you’ve not so much as uttered a single word or let out an exhalation of air, when Jungkook ultimately pulls you off to the side where it’s just you and him once more.
“I’m not sucking your dick in Tae’s grimy bathroom, if that’s what you want,” You scowl once Yukhei is out of earshot. “You’ve lost the privilege that is my mouth.”
“That’s not━” Jungkook shakes his head, exasperated. “That’s not what I want. I just━ I’ll take you home. Please?”
You know the offer is much more than him simply walking you the route to your dorm, which you already know like the back of your hand. Yet, you don’t argue. Truthfully, it’s a relief when Jungkook lugs you out of the party. The entire venture back to your apartment is treacherous, in the way that you’re left sobering up enough to the point that your dizzying thoughts become more coherent. Hoseok is gone for the weekend at least, spending the days with his fiance, so you don’t have to worry about humiliating yourself in front of your roommate when it comes to Jungkook.
You’ve barely made it through your front door when you’re grumbling aloud, “What do you want, Jungkook?”
“I wanna talk,” he says firmly. “About us. About Yukhei.”
“Maybe I don’t want to.” But that’s a lie. Talking to Jungkook, even despite masquerading your annoyance for him, is a blessing in disguise. You’ve missed the idiot, and hearing his voice. “Besides, you told me to give him a chance.”
“And you said you didn’t want to.”
“Maybe I changed my mind.”
“Yeah, you sure seemed like you loved it when he was trying to shove his tongue down your throat,” Jungkook retorts bitterly. “C’mon, Y/N. We both know that’s a lie.”
“You know, you’ve been a real dick lately.”
A sliver of a smirk tugs at Jungkook’s face. “I thought you love dick.”
Clearly, his poor attempt at a joke doesn’t land well with you. “Why do you even care so much if Yukhei and I get together? Stop acting so high and mighty and moral, Jungkook. It’s not like you’re some virgin saint. How many times have I heard you talk about all those girls you’ve fucked? And what was I? Just another notch in your belt this whole time?”
“What?” Jungkook gasps now, as if disbelieving you would ever think such a thing. “No! You’re not just another notch. I would never even think about you that way. And I haven’t had sex with anyone else but you this whole time and I easily could have.”
“Wow! Such a martyr,” You remark dryly. When you speak next, you meet his stare with your own crestfallen gaze. “I just want my best friend back.” Your words hurt him more than you think, but he can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. “You’re the one who tried to kiss me, then suggested we stop whatever it is we’re doing━”
Jungkook flinches. “I know.”
“Then you ignore me for days even though you promised nothing would change━”
“I know,” he says desperately. He closes the distance between the two of you, yearning to reach out and touch you. Instead, he clamps his eyes shut, trying with all his might to focus when the room feels like it’s spinning.
“And then you get mad when Yukhei tries to make a move. It’s like you’re jealous or something!”
“I am.” He can’t take it anymore. The words tumble from his lips in a rush that he hardly bothers to bite back.
“Because━ Because━” He struggles to form his thoughts into words, stumbling over his sentence. Fuck, he’s never like this. Even you can tell. He grits his teeth next. “I lean in to kiss you and you look at me as if I’m out of my mind. I just don’t get it. You don’t want me to kiss you but you let me put my dick in your ass.”
The taut line of your lip quivers as you break. “That was one time and you didn’t even get all the way in!”
“Y/N.” Jungkook hums now. He’s gazing at you a little softly, reaching out to place his hands on your waist. “Look, I know I’ve been an idiot. But lately, when I touch you, I fucking feel so alive and the thought of Yukhei doing anything with you when it isn’t me, who should be with you, makes me want to vomit. And when I wake up in the morning alone, I only want you next to me. And I can’t be the only one feeling that way. If I am, tell me. Right now. Please. I just wanna know why you won’t ever let me kiss you, but you let me do all sorts of things with you. Am I really that repulsive?”
Another moment of silence stifles the room. Jungkook is so close to you now, you can’t help yourself. You reach up to tug at the collar of his shirt, fingers twisting in the material as you lean your forehead out of frustration against his shoulder and he instinctively lets his arms slither around your waist, holding you to him. Then━
“I only made the rule because I don’t want you to kiss me unless you mean it,” You murmur into his chest. “Like really, really mean it. Like I’m more than just a notch in your belt. Because I want to kiss you so badly, and I’m already in love with you but then I’ll really be in love with you and I don’t want to get my heart broken.”
The anticipation kills you, awaiting his response. You refuse to lift your head, until you hear him grumble, “You’re so fucking stupid.”
The retort is filled with your typical jestering hostility as you finally look at him. But just as you do so, Jungkook’s reaching out to grasp at your face, rough hands all soft and gentle as they cradle your cheeks, guiding you towards him and smoothing his lips over yours until you melt like putty in his hands.
Kissing Jungkook, you deduce at once, is not at all how you imagined it.
It’s everything and more. You’ve felt his mouth on you before but in much different circumstances. Between your legs, on your throat, down past the valley of your breasts ━ and each kiss then had been feral, sloppy, rough. Now, it’s sweet and tender, the feeling of his lips as soft as how he makes your heart feel. And the butterflies━ god, the butterflies.
Impatient hands tug and pull at one another until you’ve both stumbled into your room and onto your bed. He’s clambered over top of you, lips struggling to not part throughout the whole ordeal, until he’s wedged himself between your thighs.
Only then does Jungkook part from you just enough in the next moment, lips brushing against yours, as he whispers ardently, “I mean it.”
Then he’s kissing the corner of your lips down to the underside of your jaw, his mouth grazing along your skin in a feathery touch. His hands help you shed your shirt, and the bra underneath. “I mean it when I kiss you here.”
Then he drops his head to your neck, kissing at the base of your throat, before nipping at it lightly. “And here.”
Your hands come to thread in his hair, tugging at the roots. He burrows his face lastly in your chest, snatching the nipple of one of your breasts between his teeth. “Here…”
You’re so soft and supple beneath his hands, all his to love and explore.
“I want you, all of you,” he mumbles. “Only you.”
“Oh, Koo…”
A pretty moan tumbles from your mouth, and he could nearly cry. He had surely thought you were far past the point of enraged, far past the point of pensive words shaped in a heartfelt apology to bring you back to him. But then hearing you rasp his name ━ the little cute nickname that only you call him ━ makes him so goddamn remorseful.
He smothers your lips with his once more, groaning into your mouth. “I’m such a fucking dick. I don’t deserve you.”
“Don’t say that,” You whine.
“I’m sorry,” he laments. He bites at your lower lip, suckling against it. “Please let me make it up to you.”
“You already have.”
“But I’ve been such a shitty friend,” he groans. It’s hard to focus when he’s pressing his hips against yours, the forming bulge in his pants straining against the inside of your thigh. “I should’ve known when to stop. I shouldn’t have even suggested the whole thing in the first place, because then I wouldn’t have messed us all up.”
“Jungkook,” Your grip tightens in his hair. “Jungkook━ I want you so bad. Just wanna be yours.”
“Yeah?” His breath is warm as it fans against your neck. You rub your core eagerly against him, throbbing pussy so close to making contact with his dick.
“Yeah,” You mewl.
“What do you want from me?”
“You. Wanna feel your dick in me, please,” Your fingers tug at the top of his jeans, prodding at the muscles on his abdomen. “In my mouth. Can make you feel better, Koo, I promise. Just wanna be your good girl.”
“Mmm, I like the sound of that.”
He lets you push him until he’s on his back and you’re straddling his hips. Your limbs entangle with his as you shed the rest of your clothes, your own hands wandering up and down the front of his body after he’s tossed his shirt onto the floor. Then he watches as you shimmy your way down his body. You’re so zealous in pleasing him, wrapping your hand around the base of his dick, head angry and red, dribbling pearly beads of precum down the shaft and over the bulging vein that lines it. You run your thumb over the tip and down, spreading the sticky fluid over him. He grunts in response, nearly jolting at your touch, as his head drops back against his shoulders.
“Oh, fuck,” he growls.
You pump him slowly, taking you time as your closed fist glides up and down his length. He shudders each time your hand reaches the base, and becomes so carried away with your leisure teasing that his eyes are screwed shut and misses the way you dip down to kiss at the tip of his cock. His eyes immediately flutter open, a flustered expression painting his face. You lap again at the head, saltiness coating your tongue, and you let out a simpering moan that has him quivering. And when you wrap your mouth entirely around his cock, sinking down along his length, he swears he’s about to fall apart. Your eyes flicker upward to meet him and the moment they lock, so sexy and dark, he has to look away for fear of busting right then and there. He reclines back against the bed once more, his hand flying out to grab at your hair.
“You’re so good to me, baby,” he rasps.
He can feel the curve of your lips against his cock as you suck him off. You do so well, too. Puffing your cheeks out, taking as much of him as you can until it feels as if he’s hitting the back of your throat. Then, you’ll suck at the tip of his cock, tongue swirling rapidly around, as your fist rubs his shaft. It’s a beautiful mix, one that inches him closer and closer to his high, and each time you switch he has to hold it together to not let go so soon. He wants to enjoy it, needs to bask in it. Your pretty mouth doing such sinful things, making him feel as if he were in heaven.
“Shit━” His hips jut forward to meet with your mouth, accidentally hitting the back of your throat without warning. You gag a little, but don’t pull away, and when he apologizes to you hastily, you only moan in response. A thought pops into his head that has him beckon aloud, “Will you be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth? Huh, baby?”
You hum in approval, eyes shimmering with glee.
So, he plants both hands in your hair, grabs at the sides of your head, and as you hollow out your cheeks, he bucks into your mouth. He does it again and again, listening to your crescendoing mewls of delight, forming a sticky mess of drool and cum that spills onto your chin.
“God, you’re so good,” Jungkook grunts. He’s a complete wreck, eyes screwing shut, blonde tresses spilling into his lashes. The muscles in his abdomen twitch with each sharp inhale of air he takes, so mesmerized by the shape of your pretty mouth around his dick, like you were made for him. “Such a good girl, huh?”
He fucks himself into your mouth roughly, frantically. Tears start to prick at your eyes from holding your breath, yet you keep yourself together just a little longer for him, lashes fluttering shut tightly.
“All mine too,” Jungkook hisses. “Wouldn’t let Yukhei do this to you, would you? Fuck, I’m━”
With your head left immobile stuck in his grasp, you hum in disapproval instead. You know he’s close when you start to hear him panting breathily. When he cums, it’s with a fractured whine and in short hot bursts onto your tongue and down your throat. You swallow as much as you can and, when he parts from you with a resonating lewd pop, you wipe away with your knuckles at the rest of his cum leaking out of the corner of your mouth and onto your chin. Dark hooded eyes meet with yours, a mischievous glint captivating them. You crawl over to him, straddling his hips once more, chasing his mouth with yours. Your own lips are so wet, coated in saliva and cum, bruised plump, but yet you’re smiling so innocently past the way he can taste himself on his tongue.
A dazed thought pops into your head that has you murmuring wistfully against him, “Say it again. I like hearing you call me baby.”
“Hmm? What about when I call you my good girl?” Jungkook nips at your lips. He grasps at your waist, flipping you over until you’re on your back beneath him. “You treat me so well, baby; you’re my only girl, you know that.”
A contented sigh sounds from you as you rut your hips in thinning desperation to meet his, so close to rubbing against his dick nestled against his thigh. He licks at his fingers hastily, reaching between the two of you to press against your clit, rubbing leisurely at the soft bundle of nerves. He’s learned how to navigate your body after months of supposed emotionless fucking, but now? Now, he felt as if his heart may just burst through his chest. Every reaction you make to his every touch ━ the needy plea to have him make you his, call you baby ━ makes him want to see more, and more.
“Am I?” You ask hoarsely. He grasps at his dick, guiding his tip to your core, so slick and wet, glistening with your own arousal. As he pushes himself in with a hiss, he watches as you contort beneath him. “Nnngh, Jungkook━”
“Fuuck,” he groans. He sinks into you, spreading your thighs further and further apart, until his hips make contact with yours. His mouth attacks yours with a feverish passion, the rumble of his moans and your whimpers muffling against one another. Then, he remembers to answer your awaiting question, barely audible between the way his tongue lavs at yours. “You are. I’m so fucking in love with you. But I don’t deserve you.”
Your hands tug impatiently at his hair. “Stop saying that.”
“But it’s true,” he hums. He’s quick to start rutting at your hips in a steady yet agonizing pace, dick burrowing into your pussy as your walls throb and shake. He can’t help but watch, mesmerized as always by the way his length slips past your folds and disappears into you. Again, and again, and again, so lewdly destroying your pretty cunt. “Just want Yukhei to touch you all over instead, don’t you?”
“No,” You croak.
You spread your thighs instinctively wider apart, allowing him to sink even further into you until it feels as if he’s hitting you so far in your stomach. Each roll of his hips is punctuated by the crude noise of skin against skin, sending you spiralling.
“Want him to do all sorts of dirty things to you, huh?”
“N-No. Fuck, Jungkook━ Harder, please━”
“That’s what you said,” Jungkook retorts. Still, he listens to your pleas, snapping his hips into yours roughly enough to send you jolting back on the bed. His hands start to roam your body, pinching at your hips, then grasping ferociously at one of your breasts. “Want him to fuck you in his car, right?” His palm feels like fire as it slides up past your collarbones to your throat. “Want him to choke you.”
His hand comes to wrap around the underside of your jaw on your throat, thumb and index finger pressing against the pressure points there. He squeezes, though with barely any force, just enough to feel your rapid pulse beneath his digits in a way that makes you so suddenly hyper aware of everything he’s doing to you. Cock stretching you wide, palm heavy around your throat, mouth folding over yours. So caught up in the overwhelming sensations you’re feeling, you can’t tell if he’s genuinely upset with himself, though you suspect part of him is. You can sense it in the way he clings to you a little tighter, can see it laced within his dazzling pupils.
Jungkook huffs, hair flopping into his eyes as he grits his teeth and ruts his hips faster into you if only to see more of your pretty little reactions. Your jaw unhinges at the feeling, head falling back onto the pillows. “He could probably treat you nicer too.”
You shake your head wildly, fingers digging into the skin on his shoulders. “Just want you, Koo.”
“Still?” he asks. His grip on your neck fastens a little more, pure euphoria riddling all your senses and making you writhe beneath him. “God, you’re such a dumb little slut, aren’t you?”
You nod in your groggy exhaustion, the familiar burn coiling in your stomach, making your toes curl.
Jungkook feels your own high approach. Your walls are clenched so tightly around him, he has to sputter for air. “Could he make you feel like this?”
“No, Koo,” You whine. “Only you.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook growls. “Good girl. Gonna cum around my dick like the good little slut you are?”
Your hips ricochet upwards to meet his, relentless pounding into your core. “Please, please━”
Jungkook quickens his pace until you’ve deteriorated into absolute shambles, whimpering his name after each thrust. You tumble towards your high, cuming around his length as he burrows it into you again and again, and all he can think is mine, mine, mine. As you unravel beneath him, he slides his hand off of your throat and slithers it underneath you and around your waist, hoisting you slightly enough off the bed so that he can reach his own orgasm. He’s a little more frantic now, sloppy and restless as he pummels into you.
“Shit, baby━” he cries out. “Oh, fuck, you’re so good━”
As you come down from your high enough, you somehow manage to murmur drowsily, “Cum in me, Koo. Wanna feel it.”
You grab at his face, pulling him down to catch his lips on yours, and the thought is so tempting he can’t refuse. He gets so lost in your lips, cuming with one final slam of his hips into yours and a chorus of curses mingling with your name in whimpers. He rides out both of your highs with a few half-hearted thrusts, more concerned with kissing you in useless open-mouthed kisses as your own mouth parts with one last weary moan while he fills you up.
When he’s spent, he collapses against your chest, and you collapse onto the bed. It’s quiet long enough for the both of you to calm the shrill beat of your hearts when you feel Jungkook stir, moving to part from you, pulling his dick from your swollen pussy and planting a lingering peck on your cheek. He disappears momentarily but returns a few seconds later, towel in hand which he uses to wipe at your core now leaking with his cum and your heart croons at all his tender touches.
It makes you realize all at once that, god, yes, you’re so in love with your idiot best friend and he’s so in love with you.
He turns to look at you, an adoring smile dancing upon his lips when he sees your own radiant beaming face. You beckon him over and he relents, letting you pull him into your arms. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck as he wraps his own arms around you to tug you closer to his side. As your fingers come to rake through his sweaty hair, he cranes his neck to follow your hand and hear him coo against your neck, “That feels so good.”
A sudden thought crosses your mind that has you smirking smally to yourself. “Are we… Are we cuddling? Jungkook, I thought you didn’t like cuddling. Said it was, and I quote, sentimental bullshit.”
“I never liked it because it wasn’t with you. Didn’t wanna waste my time on someone that wasn’t you,” Jungkook hums, matter-of-fact. You can tell he’s a little embarrassed at the way you so casually taunt him about such an obvious fact, though he’s fortunate you can’t see him smiling like a complete fool. “And I wanna do all that sentimental bullshit with only you. Now, shush━” He scolds you playfully. “M’so tired and I just wanna hold you tight.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Your heart leaps in your chest. “Just promise me one thing?”
It’s only then that he lifts his sleepy gaze to find yours, apprehensive of any potentially looming severity in your words. “Anything.”
Instead, all he can find is the way you trace your finger along the details of his face, from his nose, to his cheekbones, down to the freckle under his lip with the hand that sports your friendship bracelet. “In the morning, when we wake up, you’ll still be here to hold me tight. And every other morning after that.”
His smile widens even more, if that was even possible. “Wouldn’t want it any other way. But━”
“On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
His eyes sparkle cheekily. “Kiss me.”
So, you do, again and again and again; and Jungkook thinks, yeah, he certainly can get used to this.
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It takes you a month to cave in to Jungkook’s incessant pleas to fuck you to his sex playlist. You do it mostly to humour him, though part of you is a little bit intrigued at the thought.
Stowed away in his room, he eats you out to the choruses of sultry The Weeknd and raunchy Ariana Grande songs, fucks you to the likes of the Neighbourhood and Kim Petras while you’re on all fours, and you’re only half-paying attention to the music until you hear it. Admittedly, you almost completely miss it but you blame Jungkook and the way he’s making you currently feel, sprawled out beneath him, chests pressed flush against one another in a sweaty, sticky mess, breathy and glorious moans of your name filling your ears when━
“I had no choice but to hear you. You stated your case time and again━”
The dulcet chime of Alanis Morissette thrums about the room, a complete and utter shift in contrast in the atmosphere that has you immediately pausing.
“Jungkook.” But he knows what you set out to say even before you do, judging by the tone in your voice and the stifling smirk on his face. You gawk at him, biting at your lip to hide your laughter but you fail miserably. “You weren’t joking?”
He shrugs innocently, leaving you just as dumbfounded as you were two seconds ago. Instead, he says, “Gotta do what I promised then, don’t I?”
You quirk a brow. “What was that exactly?”
“Gotta give you the best orgasm of your life.”
“If you can do that to cheesy 90s pop, I’ll have your actual babies, Jungkook.” The effort is endearing and impressive, to say the least.
A roll of your eyes is met with a taunting roll of his hips into yours that wipes the jest off your face immediately. He grins like a madman, uttering a little stupidly, and a little ardently, “Say no more.”
Because, all things considered and joking aside, he wants it with you ━ the dazed daydreamy talk of a future together and kids, friendship bracelets, and cuddles in the morning. Because you mean the world to him and more. Because you’re his best friend, and he’s so madly in love with you.
Because he wants it all with you.
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
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michaelaftonsluv · 2 years
G/N reader! sfw
EDIT: LITERALLY I TRIED TO MAKE THESE WHILE I WAS IN MY CLASSES I STRAIGHT UP COULDNT DAWG!! I HAD TO TURN MY BRIGHTNESS DOWN SM TODAY... Also if anyone wants to be moots on twt my twt is ballorasbabe... also lmk if you want more
- tbh he probably forgot about valentines after his long night shift, but you reminded him when he got home.
- “totally didn’t forget that- uh- what would you like to do, darling?”
- you told him you’d like to sleep for a few hours, since you had been waiting for him all night
- he complies, getting dressed into his pajamas and falling asleep with you in his arms
- you woke up at like 11 am to him not next to you anymore. confused, you decided to look around
- you found him in the kitchen, making you breakfast. he turned around and frowned
- “this was supposed to be a suprise.” he said putting on a “oh i’m sad but i don’t want to make you feel bad” smile
- you reassured him and told him you’d go back to your bedroom and pretend you didn’t see him. he smiled
- you went back to your bedroom and surely enough, 15 minutes later, michael emerges from your doorway, carrying a tray of your favorite breakfast dishes
- michael isn’t the best cook, so you were VERY surprised when everything tasted really good
- “surprised? i put a lot of love into it.”
- you smiled, finished your food, and asked michael what the plans were for today
- he told you he was wondering if you wanted to go on a picnic or to your favorite restaurant
- he was surprised, but told you to get ready and he’d start preparing food
- you put on a turtleneck and a pair of jeans and helped him out with food, giving him small pecks to the cheek once in a while
- you two would drive to a park near a river, his hand on your thigh the whole way there
- when you got to the park, michael got the food out of the trunk and you got the blanket
- when everything was set up he could NOT stop giving you attention, from little pecks on the cheek to forehead kisses that lasted a bit too long
- he could NOT keep his hands off of you you looked SOOOOOOO beautiful to him (you always do but yk today especially bc valentines-)
- you would feed extra food to birds in the park
- ok maybe only i see this but i feel like whenever michael sees a baby in a stroller he says “that’s gonna be us one day” or something like that
- “we’re gonna be babies???”
- “NO! not what i meant-“
- you kissed him :))))
- “get on your nicest outfit, babe.”
- you VERY MUCH did, putting on his favorite outfit of yours
- when you showed him, you could’ve sworn he had hearts in his eyes
- “woah i um.....”
- “dont act like you haven’t seen me in this outfit before, it’s your favorite for a reason!”
- “i know i know! it just.. never gets old.”
- he was wearing a purple button up with a suit jacket and dressy pants. it was nice.
- like the picnic, he had his hand on your thigh the whole way there
- when you got to the restaurant, he did not hesitate to put his arm around you
- he was very possessive of you always, you were always so perfect in his eyes
- you ordered your favorite dish and some red wine
- he ordered a filet mignon and also, some red wine.
- in the middle of dinner he would randomly take your hand and kiss it
- “i’m so lucky to have you in my life.”
- when you two were finished, you payed the bill and left
- as you were leaving the restaurant, michael noticed it was raining, to which he took off his suit jacket and put it on your shoulders.
- he was trying to rush you to the car but instead you stopped him and put your arms behind his neck.
- now this man looks SO FINE when his hair is wet SO FINE (I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT I MEAN ?????)
- anyways
- “you look SO handsome right now”
- he kissed you in the rain, you having to to on your tippy toes
- “i love you.”
happy valentine’s day <3
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ch4nb4ng · 3 years
Evil Roommate
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pairing: leeknow x afab!reader, roommates enemies to lovers
warnings: softdom!lino, cheating (mentioned), making out, grinding, oral (f receiving), fingering penetration, cum play (?), praise
requested : yes!
word count 6.2k
summary: the new roommate was a handful. lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, and a whole bunch of other negative things. but wow, you were sexually frustrated and he, well, attractive, was an understatement.
“Can you actually like, wash your kitchen utensils when you're done using them?”
The amount of huffing and puffing you have heard from your new roommate in the past two weeks was ridiculous. If you had a dollar for every time he had gone against anything you had politely asked for, you would be rich by now, and definitely stable enough to move out and away from him.
“I will,” he mumbled, mouth stuffed with half of the carrot he was chewing on, very loudly, “can I not enjoy my food first?”
“No,” you replied without hesitation, giving the fakest of smiles in return, “you should do it before you eat.”
Another eye roll from Minho was like water off a duck’s back.
“I'd also appreciate it if you didn’t talk to me with your mouth full of food either.”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
You coughed, turning on your hills to face a very unimpressed roommate. His stare was eye shattering. Yes, he was very, no, extremely good looking. However, every single thing that made up his personality could not be more different to you. Sloppy, messy, lazy. Took no responsibility for any of his actions, especially the high pitch noises (that obviously were not his) you would hear from his room in the early hours of the morning. You would pinch your pillow together, praying extremely hard that the noise would stop, and by the time it did, you would get maybe 2, 3 hours of sleep. College was becoming tiring, not only from staying up to complete assessments, but the lewd noises you could hear from at least 2 people in his room. Your blunt attitude towards Minho’s unhygienic and disrespectful habits were definitely justified.
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you nitpick everything I do?”
Your jaw dropped, completely dumbfounded.
“Me? Nitpicking you? Please,” you scoffed, “you don't clean up after yourself ever, you leave your dirty clothes everywhere, and don't even get me started on the fact that I barely get any sleep because of your wild sex adventures with other people that occur almost every weeknight, when you know I have to wake up early to go to class next day.”
A combination of frustration and exhaustion could be heard through the harshness of each breath. The smirk that appeared on his face was absolutely punch worthy. What on earth was there to be so cocky of?
“My wild sex adventures,” he paused taking a bite of the dreaded carrot, “please, tell me more about my wild sex adventures.”
His tongue was now obviously pressed against his cheek, a devil coated smile still very apparent on his face. The longer he was looking at you like that, the hotter your cheeks became. Pure anger began to course through you; all he had to do was sit there and look pretty. It was definitely enough for you to get the green light to slap him across the face.
“Shut the fuck up,” you hissed, “I don’t need to explain how I can hear them moaning your name every night, or the banging I hear from wall to-”
“Hmm,” he hummed, “you seem to be listening very well.”
Distracted by your anger for a brief moment, you gasped suddenly, feeling Minho’s fingertips at your sides. You turned around, swatting his hands away, giving him that slap that you felt you had earned across the face.
“Who the fuck said you could touch me?
“Did you just fucking slap me?”
“Yes I fucking did,” you spat, “what do you take me for?”
“You know what you’re right, but you walk around here with a stick up your ass. I hear you on the phone to your friends, complaining about how you don't get any action from anyone.”
You stood there in disbelief. “So you’ve been eavesdropping on my convos as well?”
“Well it’s kind of hard not to hear, you know, the walls in this house are kind of thin.”
Your jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, the conversation was at a stand still.
“Can you get to the point please?”
“I sure can sweetheart,” the name sending a shiver down your spine, “if you're that sexually frustrated, go and do something about it instead of taking it out on me?”
A laugh that you didn't even know you were capable of bellowed from your chest. You stumbled back, grabbing onto stool behind the bench for support.
“Me? Sexually frustrated? Please,” you huffed, “I’m not sexually frustrated, and it definitely has nothing to do with you.”
Another scoff escaped your lips as you shuffled back to your room. Closing the door behind you, a heavy sigh came from your chest as you sat on the edge of your bed. How on earth was he able to read you like that? So well and so accurate? It was all you could think about, not to mention the fact that it was also night time simultaneously.
You let your body fall onto your bed sheets. The feeling of restlessness was consuming your body. As you crawled into bed, you looked straight into the ceiling. Why were you thinking about his words so much? Were you really taking it out on him? You shook your head, mentally slapping yourself for even considering the thought.
Minho was a lazy slob who was extremely inconsiderate of others, especially you. But why was the thought of his fingers on your sides becoming the main source of agitation.? The silence of your thoughts was deafening, but they were easily interrupted as soon as you heard the door open, a high pitched voice followed what felt like the most ludicrous creek you had ever heard. ‘I should really put some oil on the door huh?’ You paused for a couple of seconds, this time physically face palming yourself for the dumb excuse you had made to see who he had decided to bring over to accompany him tonight. Legs completely ignoring your brain, you were out of bed, hand twisting the knob and peeking a look at the poor girl that would be subjected to Minho’s torture tonight. Tip toeing out of the doorway, you kept the weight of a feather on your toes, making yourself as invisible as possible.
Your pink panther stance of attempted deception looked utterly ridiculous and not sly at all was extremely confusing to the two. You quickly relaxed into a normal stance, the fakest of smiles coming across your face as you see who it is he brought home to have his way with.
“Chaeyeon… heyyy,” you lingered, “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
You would have been happy with literally anyone else. But Chaeyeon? Chaeyeon? It’s like she was your number one arch rival. Minho knew how much you hated her, yet he still let her come over. Everything about her you could not stand, not to mention the fact that she home wrecked your last serious relationship. Even though it was a while ago, you can forgive but not forget, her face being a constant reminder of your hurtful past.
“Oh hey Y/N,” she almost signed, her amount of excitement to see you matching yours, “I didn’t know you lived here.”
The arm he had around her waist made you sick.
“There’s a lot of things you don't know about me,” you mumbled, foot swaying back and forth, eyes focused on said foot.
“Okay, so you guys have had a little reunion,” Minho interrupted. Anything would have been better to break the awkward silence than his sarcastic comments, “we’re gonna go to my room now.”
“NO!” you interjected, covering the hallway with every bit of your being, “I mean, what’s the rush huh? Changbin is coming over as well.”
You paused, Minho’s face clearly cussing you out if yelling was inappropriate at this current moment.
“Uh no thanks Y/N-”
“We should all hang out!”
The excitement coming from your voice was so inauthentic, it was hard to miss.
“Yeah! Let’s all hang out,” you walked behind them, placing a hand on each of their backs and you hurried them to the couch, “I’ll get some beers in the fridge.”
“I actually only drink vodka,” Chaeyeon yawns, obnoxiously twirling her hair, her other hand aggravatingly high on his thigh.
“Oh that’s totally fine,” you gritted through tightly clenched teeth, “we have a bottle in the fridge, I’ll grab that for you as well.”
You scuffled back over to the fridge, mentally cursing yourself as you grabbed the necessary beverages. The confusion you were giving yourself about why you were putting in so much effort to spend time with the two people you literally hated more than anything was mind baffling
“So,” you began again, passing a Corona to Minho, a glass to Chaeyeon, “how have you been finding your course so far?”
You sat the Smirnoff and Orange juice on the table. Yes, you were being nice, but not nice enough to pour the drink for this bitch.
“Oh it was so great,” she smiled, “Jisung and I were living together, it was, well, a dream really.”
The feeling of your nails became prominent in your fists as your fingers caved in. The mention of his name was enough to make you see red, let alone the idea of them being happily together. The itch of your eye begging to roll was becoming too prominent, so much that you had to get up and walk away for a second. You stood up abruptly, confusion etched into Minho’s features. You didn’t want to make this a big deal, but the fact that she continued to gloat about it, long after you stopped listening was enough to reach your breaking point.
“I think I heard my phone ringing from my room, it must be Changbin.”
“I don't think I hear anything,” Minho smirked, plastering his lips on the edge of the bottle. The way his lips wrapped around the tip of the warm glass was something you ‘accidentally’ became fixated on. You puffed your cheeks, storming to your room and somewhat aggressively shutting the door behind you. Scrambling for your phone on the bedside table, you panicked, unclear mind as you scrolled through your phone contacts. You paused, an inducing amount of oxygen filling up your lungs. It did little to calm the irritated tingling sensation in your fingers.
Changbin’s name had finally popped up on your phone after what had felt like a lifetime.
His voice was husky, guilt panging your chest as you realsied you had probably woken him up from his not very often deep slumber.
“Changbin,” you gasped, “you know how much I love you right?”
“What do you need me to do?”
You snickered at his words. He had been your friend for too long to know that those words would never be said unless you needed something.
“Can you come over,” you pleaded, “Chaeyeon is here with Minho because he invited her over late at night, and I told them you were coming over?”
“Jesus Y/n,” Changbin sighed, a playful chuckle tickling your cheek, “so you want me to come over and make Minho jealous?”
“Wait no wtf,” you jumbled, “make Minho jealous? I just want you to flirt with me and Chaeyeon so she leaves.”
“Mhm yeah,” he chuckled once more, voice laced with sarcasm as he spoke, “I’ll come over, but if you don't sleep with him by the end of the night, I’m gonna be extremely disappointed.”
“Yeah okay whatever just get your ass over here now.”
And with that you abruptly ended the phone call, Changbin giving you no peace of mind. Were you this easy to read by everybody? A frustrated sigh exploded from your chest. The games your head and your heart were playing with were helping you come to no resolution. You sat on your bed, thoughts were running crazy. Now would be a really great time to just put on Netflix and curl into bed, have some snacks and fall asleep, chip trail on ur chest to be found in the morning.
You were interrupted by the very loud knock on the door. Sprinting like your life depended on it, you were relieved. Seeing Changbin’s face had never before given you so much joy.
“Changbin,” you shouted, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Y/n what are you doing-”
“Shut up and go along with it,” you mumbled into his chest, letting up, but still keeping your body tightly wounded against his. Minho’s jaw became clenched, or were you just imagining things?
Regardless of what it was, your brain quickly shifted to the way Chaeyeon was eyeing Changbin up and down, almost like it was the first time she had ever seen an attractive male. ‘She definitely wasn’t looking at Minho like that when he walked in’ you thought, an unconscious smirk coming to mouth. You bit down on your bottom lip, an extremely poor attempt at masking the satisfaction of your goal being achieved so easily. One step closer to kicking her out, for good, because there was no way you weren’t talking to Minho after this about making an explicit declaration of her abandonment from this house.
“Minho,” he smiled, earning a nod, “Chaeyeon,” he smirked, an almost gag spilling out of your mouth.
“Changbin,” she followed, repeating his smirk, “long time no see.”
She gulped, engulfing a large sip of alcohol into her wicked mouth.
“Let’s play a game!”
“A game,” you questioned, raising an eyebrow, “why would we play-”
“I think that’s a great idea!”
You turned to look at him, a puzzled expression still very apparent on your facial features.
“Get the vodka out from the fridge, and let’s get started.”
Two bottles of vodka down, and what looked like 8 bottles of Corona sitting empty on the table, the games that were being played were becoming more difficult to comprehend. Sound of giggle and laughter constantly filled the room as everyone slowly began to lose their minds to the intoxication.
“O-okay, never have I e-ever, done a sexual act in public.”
Filters of chuckles and laughter filled the room as everyone, but you took a sip.
“What?” she asked, offering you her fake sympathy, “you’ve never done anything like that before?”
“I-I mean,” you stuttered, the look of confusion was evident, “I don’t think I have-”
“Yes you have.”
All eyes were snapped open and pressing into Minho’s skull as he began to converse.
“Pfft, no I have not,” you scoffed, taking another swig. An eye roll left came from Minho, followed by a sound of what seemed to be disgust as he shot gunned his current bottle.
“Yes you have,” he nagged, playfully hitting your shoulder, “I saw you.”
Complete silence fell over the room as he words lingered in the air. You genuinely had no idea what he was talking about.The feeling of the room had suddenly changed. His eyes became soft, fixated on nothing but the way your body slumped against the rough material of the couch.
Your mind began to drift. Thoughts floating into earlier scenes of the night. The closeness of his breath fanning your neck ever so softly, palms spread across your hips. The idea of marks on you swimming into your head. God that would feel so good. Letting him grab you and throw you onto his bed. Climbing up your frame, starting from the bottom of your legs, keeping a tight grip on your inner thighs. The feeling of faint lips stealing every inch of your being, tantalisingly hitting every, single, spot, finally reaching your-
“Y/N? Y/N!”
The feeling of Changbin's shaking your shoulders definitely brought you back to reality. His hands did feel nice, but they weren’t the ones you were longing for. Your head was thrown back, disbelief filling you as your mind continued to fill the gutter.
As you moved closer, you giggled, placing your finger tip across his knee. You let them dance, index fingers tapping away at the skin you so desperately wanted to see in this moment.
“Mr. Lee Minho, when did you see me?”
“I’m not saying it here in front of-”
“Who? Chaeyeon?”
Your prowling continued, bodies even closer as you slowly began to climb him like an inanimate object. This would have been completely awkward sober. Nothing about this was romantic in the slightest. To an outsider, or Changbin and Chaeyeon, you were right there, situated across Minho’s lap. It wasn’t quite a straddle, it was just something. They both stayed quiet, paying little attention to your animalistic act, already focused on feeling each other up. Or so you assumed, seeing as they didn’t say anything. All that was heard was the sound of the front door. You snapped your head for a quick moment, eyes scanning the emptiness the room suddenly felt.
“It was in the car.”
Minho’s words felt heavy, like he had more to say.
“The car?”
You were taken aback, face moving away from the closeness of his. Part of your brain clicked, remembering exactly what he was talking about. With Jisung. The memory of hurt was quickly forgotten as the feeling of Minho’s palms spread across your body was bringing you to life. The adrenaline came all at once. Your mind was telling you to move away, but your body was saying something else, affirming it’s position.
Minho was leaning in, barely any spaces between the two as his fingertips began to spread lower and lower, firmly gripping either side of your ass as he moved you closer. A helpless whimper escaped your lips as you felt your legs tighten, heat running down to your core, quickly. What the fuck was happening right now?
“You were on top of him,” he whispered, pulling your hips against him once more, “just like this.”
“F-fuck,” was all that managed to slip out of your lips. This was becoming difficult. So difficult to say no and move away. You knew it was the right thing to do. Things would just be awkward and you could go back to hating him. No matter how much you tried, how much you wanted to, you were powerless. Every fiber of your being was being given up to him. You leaned in closer, foreheads now touching as you looked at him. His gaze was anything but lacklustre as his jaw became tense. His body began to ache simultaneously with yours. The pressure was becoming too much.
“Do you want this?”
A small whine escaped you at the loss of his tips gripping your body. They quickly made their way to either side of your face. Your body began to rock back and forth on it’s own. You had become desperate for any sort of friction that you could create.
“I said, do you want this?”
“Do you?”
His expression made you nervous. It was hard to read. All you could see was the black substance of his pupils enlarge, increasing in diameter by the second. Almost like a supernatural being was possessing him.
“Fuck,” you grunted, wrapping your hands around his neck to steady yourself on top of him, “you’re making it hard to say no.”
Things were already becoming hazy the longer you stayed. A huff of frustration came from him as he was giving all his effort not to give into the way you were rubbing your dampening heat against him. It was like a drug he could not refuse.
“Kiss me if you want me.”
He huffed, the edge of his lips just barely brushing against the tip of your nose.
“Kiss me, and give me the green light.”
You waited a moment, any part of your brain that wasn't concentrated solely on his palms digging into your sides trying to reason. You looked at him once more. His eyes, nose, lips. His lips.
“Fuck it.”
He was quick to work, pushing you down to lie flat against the couch. A small kiss to your lips was felt as he pulled away, lifting his arms up and throwing his shirt to the floor at Usain Bolt pace. The smirk on your face was too easy for him not to see.
“You like what you fucking see don’t you?”
“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
Of course. Of course he was still that arrogant cocky motherfucker that you could not stand. The one who never cleaned up after himself. Or took too long in the shower for the hot water to run out. All of these evil perceptions you had of your roommate were disappearing as his lips were gently placed onto yours. It was a little too slow for your liking, but it was deep. Boy, was it deep. Each movement of his tongue was made with so much precision as he lowered himself onto you. His thighs were clenched, a soft groan could be heard against his lips as his groin pressed into you. Holy fuck, were you really doing this? It was so wrong. Everything in the world was saying to stop, stop this.
“Mm- wait,” you paused your hands on his chest to push him away, “wait.”
A flash of panic waved over his eyes as he quickly jumped off of you, face palming the floor.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you-”
“I’m fine,” you interjected, giggling at the never been seen care and caution he had for you, “I just don’t think we should do this.”
“Oh,” was all he could say. You kept your gaze lowered; looking at him would have made you feel so guilty. The feeling of regret started to seep into your bones, but you couldn't tell: was it regret of this ever happening, or was it regret from stopping? Your head was too muddled to even attempt to comprehend what had just appended. The only sound that could be heard was your scuffed footsteps, quickly pacing back to your room and shutting the door, hard. The loudest sigh known to earth could be heard on the opposite side of the room as you let your body collapse. The ache between your legs was growing by the second; and as much as you tried to suppress the feeling of Minho’s lips on yours, fingertips dragging along your sides. No. It was much easier this way. Setting boundaries as roommates seemed to be a better idea for the long run.
But the long run was boring. You would both have to pretend that this never happened. Having other people over for sexual purposes would just be awkward now; the more you thought about it, the realisation, and the jealousy hit that you had already crossed said boundary. And maybe that’s why your feet had dragged you to the front of his bedroom door. How the fuck did you get here? You brought your knuckles to the wooden frame, door becoming slightly ajar as you gently knocked. Minho’s snapped his head around, covering himself quickly as you walked in. You cocked your eyebrow, a face of confusion apparent on your face.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he huffed, turning back to his previous position, “what do you want?”
You wanted to just walk out. Mind your business and just leave. But it was hard, quite literally. The imprint of what you assumed to be Minho’s naked lower half painfully pressing into the sheer sheets that was covering him. He paid you no more attention, giving you all the power to initiate whatever it is you wanted to initiate. You slowly crept in beside him, nuzzling your head into the back of his neck as he groaned in annoyance.
“Y/n, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
“Hmm, I think I changed my mind,” you whispered, reaching around to grab him. A blunt hiss escaped Minho’s lips as your action made him turn around. He was so close to you now. So close that you could feel his breath spreading across your left cheek.
“Are you being serious right now?”
The look on his face was unimpressed to say the least.
“Yeah, I mean,” your voice was calm as your hand began to take flight, sliding down to the base of his shaft, “we’ve already crossed the line, let’s go a little further.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He grabbed you by the wrist that was currently on him, pulling it away and climbing on top of you. Both hands now leaving his side, securely attached onto both wrists as he pinned them down above your head. Nose clumsily tickling yours as he reattached his lips to yours. The feeling of his lips was much softer and calmer than before, almost like he was protecting you. Wanting to keep the moment so delicate, though the way his bare hips involuntarily grinding against your clothed core was far from it. A soft whimper came from your lips, vibrating against his. A soft chuckle was heard from Minho as he pulled away; it made you nervous. To be more specific, the way that arrogant, mischievous smirk that you knew all too well was spread across his face.
“You’re so responsive to me,” he growled, quickly planting another one on your lips before sliding down to your jaw, then your neck, stopping at your chest. Nothing needed to be said as you quickly discarded your shirt, silently thanking your past self for not wearing any underneath. Minho situated himself in front of your now bare chest, waist sitting against your heart as he took one nipple into his mouth, fingers enclosing around the other. A loud whine left your lips, back arching in reaction to him. He looked up, satisfied filling his body as you weren’t able to return his gaze, head already rolled all the way back as he continued his playful assault.
“It’s so cute,” he mumbled between kisses, “so responsive and I’ve barely done anything.”
His lips travelled down the center of your stomach, dipping dangerously closer to where you wanted him most. His continuous rhythm between kisses was immaculate. Any of the incoherent sounds you made, or the crude remarks he made were left unsaid.
“Fuck,” you hissed, painfully throbbing at the way Minho played with the waistband of your panties.
“Not fun to be teased y/n,’ he paused, making sure you were looking at him, “is it.”
A pang of guilt hit your chest for a moment. I mean, it’s not like you did it on purpose, right?
“Minho I’m-”
“Save it,” he scoffs, “whether you did it on purpose, or not, I’m not gonna let you have it so easily.”
His fingers stopped their performance across your hips, continuing a little lower than before. The smirk came to his lips once more, index finger running down your slit. The friction was fierce, but not fierce enough. You wanted, no, you needed more. All he could do was smile at your mercy.
“So fun to tease darling, but you’re gonna have to be more vocal if you want these panties off.”
“Minho please,” you whined, “for fucks sake.”
You bucked your hips forward, desperate for any more contact from the bare minimum he was giving you.
“That doesn’t sound very nice to me.”
“Minho please, please, please,” you whispered, voice becoming super weak, “fuck me, or finger me, anything please, I need to feel you.”
“Now that’s more like it,” he smiled, finally pulling your panties down. You have never lifted your hips faster in your life. The vulnerability of your naked body was somewhat confronting, but your brain was so fogged out from the immense teasing, you cared little.
“Fuck,” he gasped, spreading you effortlessly with two fingers, “you’re so wet for me, aren't you?”
The heat in your cheeks rose as you became embarrassed at his words. Minho didn’t know this, but feeling humiliated was something that could make you cum on the spot. Words intended for insult went through your ears and straight down to the core, the heat becoming like an intense fire igniting in your body as one of his hands moved along your inner thigh, the other gently beginning to circle around where you needed him most.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, “oh my god Minho please, more.” Your voice was becoming needier by the second, but the longer it went on, the less you seemed to care. His tongue was now a factor coming into play, small kitty licks lapping your clit at a suddenly fast pace. Your legs are already trembling, but Minho does more to appease, hooking his arms under and around your thighs to stop the flustered look on your face. It was confronting how quickly he was getting you to your high.
“Please,” you sighed, eyes hazed as you attempted to look down at the way his tongue was on you. The combination of him sucking on your clit, then pushing it through your entrance almost made you scream. However, the noises that came from your mouth were small, heavy pants, progressively getting louder and louder the tighter the knot in your stomach became.
“Do you wanna cum princess?” His voice was whiny, mocking the tone you had used earlier. You nodded ferociously, knowing any attempt to speak would come out horse or just broken.
“Such a good girl,” he purred, replacing his tongue with two fingers, “but if you want to cum, you’re gonna have to beg for it once more.”
“You’re such a fucking dick,” you groaned, an attempt of grinding your center onto Minho’s fingers failing miserably, “you’re being so unfair.”
“I’m unfair?” he scoffed, beginning his digits back to a bare minimum pace, “you’re the one
who was teasing me all night. I know Changbin is like, your best friend so there was no chance you were bringing him back to fuck him. Then you start to kiss me, hard and fast may I add, AND THEN ! you aren’t sure and you leave me to pretend like nothing happened.”
There was no witty comeback you could say in response because he was right. You were the one who has done the teasing for most of the night.
“You looked so fucked out right now baby,” his tone coming back to a calming medium, “begging for me to make you cum, which I can do right now,” he paused, climbing back to your side, lifting your left leg to continue his easy access to ur clit, “or you can beg even more to have my cock inside of you. The choice is yours.” You swallowed, hard. How could he say something so filthy? Out of all the times you had heard him bring other girls over, he would never talk like this. It was always so nice and calm, full of praise and compassion. Maybe they didn’t act like cock teases and let him just have what he wanted.
“C-cock,” you mumbled, pushing your backside against his now pulsating cock, “please give your cock sir.”
“Ooo sir, I like that one, but you’re gonna have to do more if you want me to fill you up princess.”
Words were becoming extremely hard to not only facilitate in your mind, but put them on your tongue and get out to him. He knew this. He knew your were on the brink of collapsing in cum, but the torture was too entertaining for him nonetheless. Although you're frustrated with him was increasing, you couldn’t lie to yourself that the way he was using you like a sex toy was turning you on. After being up his ass so long with rules around the house and how you wanted things done, it was nice to finally let go. Submit to his rules instead of yours.
“P-please Minho, sir’ you panted, head turning to look at the sadistic face of enjoyment he was having from this, “I’ll do anything, a-anything to have your cock inside of me right now.”
“Okay then tomorrow morning, you have to make me breakfast, AND wash my dishes.”
“Seriously,” you panted, “that’s what you're thinking about right now?”
“You said anything.” He shrugged, suddenly taking his fingers away from your dripping core. A gasp of disappointment came to your lips at the loss of delicious contact. Minho sat up, ducking under your leg, and positioning himself right back to where he was previously. However, this time, he was on his knees. Although you were touching it before, you really hadn't had a chance to look at how big it was: way more than what you expected. He stroked himself a couple of times, making sure not to get carried away with himself before he pushed it between your folds, letting his pre-cum mix with your juices. He slowly descended into you. Jaws dropping simultaneously, you gasped. The way he was stretching you out did burn a little bit, but once he was fully inside, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Minho waited until the look of slight discomfort faded from your features.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip and he slowly pulled himself back out. He kept a consistent, yet slow pace as leaned in closer to you. He was now hovering over, letting his face become buried into the middle of your breasts. The feeling was so immaculate, you were desperate to cling onto something for support.
“Dig them into me,” he groaned, strangling his vocal cords, “dig your nails into my back and scratch me like your life fucking depends on it.”
Perfect. You did as he pleased, a loud moan of his name wrestling from your lips as you felt the red marks appear on his backside. The pressure from before was already building in your stomach again, and he could tell. The way you were super tight for him was one, but the way you were now clenching around him was another. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if you kept doing that.
“Fuck,” was all you could manage to say, a deep grin plastered on his face.
“You’re close aren't you,” he cooed, attaching his lips to your neck, “talk to me baby, tell me what you're feeling.
“Mhm, yeah, fuck I’m so close baby. H-Harder.”
The pitch of your tone was becoming whinier by the second. To add to that, the way you became confused, as if Minho was a vampire, because the way he was sucking on your neck was kind of painful. Nevertheless, you relished in it, knowing too well that a very, very dark mark would replace his mouth. The idea of him showing his possession of you, knowing that he finally won you over did not make you happy, nonetheless, you were too fucked out to care.
Your legs were now pushed all the way back, pace fastening by the minute, allowing Minho to push even deeper into you. And that was it. Right there, the spot you had never even known was even there.
“Ah fuck!” Your moan was loud this time, completely unable to control anything. The smirk, in combination with the satisfied growl that left his lips was a face of pure ecstasy as he realised that he had finally hit your G-spot.
“Fuck that feels so fucking good,” Minho grumbled, “are you close? Because I think I’m gonna cum.”
It was like your stomach was an orchestra. Minho’s words were the conductor, completely controlling how close you were to your release.
“Y-yes,” you cried, “I’m gonna cum so hard right now.”
“You wanna cum baby?”
“You wanna cum right now?”
“Yes baby,” you pouted, a perplexity of sounds escaping your lips, completely out of your control.
“Cum on my cock princess,” Minho whispered through what sounded to be like pained groans, “be a good girl and cum with me inside of you.”
And there it was, like it was on queue as your body completely flopped, legs shaking and a string of lewd curse words fell from your lips. The way your pussy clenched around him was enough to make him pull out, spilling into the dip of your stomach. A loud breath of what seemed to be exhaustion fell from his lips. Your eyes were previously screwed so shut, it hurt when you opened them again, sensitive to the light.
“Fuck,” you both cursed simultaneously, making one another giggle. Minho fell to your left side, flat on his back as he invited you to scooch over next to him. Face pressed against his chest, fingers playfully dragging up and down his torso. For some reason, he felt so safe and secure at this moment. Almost forgetting how he literally just fucked you into oblivion, your eyelids become heavy. It wasn’t until Minho spoke that you were revived from your alternate state of consciousness once more.
“I didn’t know you had it in you.” His voice sounded genuinely surprised, unsure if you should be offended or not. You looked up at him, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He wasn’t sure how to react, but the dark shade tinting his face right now said enough.
“Please,” you scoffed, “You did me good, but was that the best you can do?”
He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, but down on it after, “Is that a challenge?”
You said nothing, instead sitting up and pushing your legs on either side of his hips. A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt your still dripping heat sitting on the base of him.
“Why don’t you find out and see?”
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
October 7th. Kinky Halloween Special Masterlist
Kink: Daddy
Au!Fred x Reader.
Words: 2,524.
Warnings: Smut18+, Unprotected Sex, Female Performing Oral, Male Performing Oral, Dirty Talk, Daddy Dom Fred, Praise. Best-friends Dad (Age Gap) 
*Nova is my own character. 
The moment Nova had suggested that I tag along with her for the summer and stay at her dad’s lake house, I couldn’t refuse. I was so excited. 
One, the lake house is in the prime location, bars are within walking distance, the pool is immaculate and the view was something else all together. 
Two, Nova’s dad, Fred. 
God Fred was the definition of Dilf. 
The first time I noticed my school girl crush was Nova’s 21st birthday. Fred had booked out a private Yacht and invited most of the people from our classes. It was sweet and probably the happiest I have seen Nova. However, I spent most of the night at the top of the Yacht drinking and joking around with Fred, both of us wanting to escape the crowd. That night solidified my crush for the older man, especially the second his fingertips brushed my knee which caused my skin to erupt with goosebumps and my breath to catch in my throat. I could have sworn Fred’s eyes lingered on my cleavage a little too much that night but I’m sure it was the alcohol swirling through my veins. 
“Ready?” Nova’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, her suitcase behind her. 
“Definitely.” I confirm zipping my case and following Nova out of our dorm, excitement and nervous bubbling inside of me. 
Nova pushes the large dark wood door open, the smell of cinnamon and apple filling the air, light chatter bouncing off the walls. 
“I think my uncle is here.” Nova mumbles, leaving her suitcase on the ground and walking through the house. I follow her lead, ditching my suitcase and taking in the beautifully styled home. 
“Hey Dad, uncle George.” 
I almost faint on the spot, there’s Fred and a literal duplicate of Fred.
“Uh Dad you remember Y/n, George this is my best friend Y/n.” I smile weakly at the pair as George smiles at me.
“Good to see you again Y/n.” Fred smiles, I notice George side eye Fred quickly raising his eyebrows before taking a sip of his drink. Fred simply smirks, nodding softly, his eyes lingering on me before darting over to Nova. I frown my eyebrows together trying to understand what they are silently talking about, surely not me. I shake the thought from my head, of course two grown men haven't been talking about me, especially not my best friend's dad. Get it together Y/n. 
“So, what do you have planned for this summer?” George asks, his eyes flicking between Nova and I. 
“Definitely hitting the bars, soaking in the sun and maybe finding a man or two.” Nova winks as she hands me a glass of wine. 
“A man?” Fred questions. 
“Or two?” George questions both of them laughing at each other. 
“It's summer, why not have a little fun?” The second the words leave my lips I feel a blush creep upon my face, Fred and George both chuckling in response. 
“Maybe we should go have some summer fun Freddie.” George smirks causing Nova to gag slightly. 
“Right, that's our cue to leave.” Nova mumbles quickly downing the rest of her glass and walking back inside the house. 
“Uh.” The heat returns to my body as I get left alone with Fred and George. I leave my glass on the table in front of me and walk inside the house, once inside I turn back to take in Fred’s appearance one last time. My breath hitches in my throat and butterflies erupt inside of me as our eyes lock together. I hurriedly look away and rush through the house to get ready for the night with Nova. 
Coincidence. Just a simple Coincidence. 
Nova and I had been dancing for hours, the music thumped through my chest, the alcohol flowed through my veins and my mind kept wandering to Fred, curious as to what he is doing right now. 
“Hey, this is Tom and we’re getting out of here.” Nova squeals excitedly, pulling a blonde guy behind her before I even have a chance to respond. 
“Seriously?” I yell, my voice falling silent over the sound of the music. I follow behind the pair, hoping to catch Nova and ask if she is seriously leaving me in the club right now. 
Nova’s body disappears into a cab before she has the chance to hear me. 
“Fuck.” I huff, the cool breeze hitting my exposed skin. Only a three minute walk back to the house, I tell myself. I quickly check the time, 11:45pm, Fred will definitely be asleep and won’t question Nova’s hodiny act. 
The walk back was quick and almost claiming. The sound of the wind blowing in the trees, owls hooting and the crispy moon light shining along the streets. 
The walk back to the house had definitely sobered me up, now fully aware of how loud my heels are against the pavement. I decide to slip my heels off before walking on the wooden deck, not wanting to disturb Fred. I search through my bag, trying to find the house key but coming up empty handed. 
“Fuck you Nova.” I mumble, slightly lifting up the doormat with my foot in hopes of a spare key, but no luck. Right as I’m about to walk around the back and sleep on the deck chairs the door pulls open. 
Fred and George both laugh and continue their conversation before their eyes land on me. 
“Oh Y/n, hello again.” George smiles. 
“Um, hey.” I smile back. My eyes quickly flick to Fred his toned chest on full display and loose grey sweatpants hanging on his hips. 
“Everything okay? You’re missing Nova.” Fred asks, slight worry filling his voice. 
“Yeah no, everything is fine, Nova is making her summer fun with Tom?” I question wondering if I should even be telling her father and uncle this. 
The twins laugh at my question, both shaking their heads. 
“Well I will see you later, nice meeting you y/n.” George smiles, “Enjoy your summer Freddie.” George’s eyes look me up and down before he walks past me, the sound of his car unlocking in the near distance. 
“Excuse me.” I mumble pushing past Fred as he stands in the doorway, I quickly drop my shoes with the others at the door, wanting to rush away to my room. 
“So why aren’t you out making your summer fun with a guy?” 
I feel my mouth go dry at his question, how do I answer this without saying it’s because of you dumbass. 
“The guy’s I typically go for aren’t hanging around at clubs.” Fred raises his eyebrow, his eyes flicking from my lips and back to my eyes. 
“What kind of guys do you go for?” 
Now's your chance, say it's him, if it goes badly act super drunk and blame it on that. I take a deep breath after listening to the internal battle with myself. 
“Guys that choose to stay in with their brothers and drink.” The moment the sentence flows through the air, my cheeks heat up, both with nerves and regret. 
Fred smirks, licking his lips before walking towards me. I back away from him slightly before my back hits the wall. 
“Is that so? Darling, I'm old enough to be your father” 
“That has never been an issue for me… daddy.” 
Fred groans before locking his lips with mine. I moan into the kiss, the sweet taste of cinnamon whiskey on his tongue as our tongues fight for dominance. His hands roam my body, falling to the middle of my back and pulling me flush against his chest. My fingers lace in his hair, tugging on the strands. 
“This is wrong.” I pant, pulling away from the kiss as our chests rise and fall. 
“Say the word and I stop.” Fred’s eyes search mine for any hesitation before I close the gap between us. His hands fall to my thighs picking me up in one swift motion and slowly walking us to his bedroom. My red dress hikes up my thighs with every step closer to the room, my black lace panties on full display. I pull my lips away from Fred’s kissing down his neck before discovering his sweet spot. His fingers grip my ass tight, moans falling from his lips. 
A surprised squeal escapes me as Fred drops me on his bed, his eyes lingering on my body. Before he has the chance to ask me I pull my dress from my skin, leaving me in just my panties, thankful that my dress didn’t require a bra. 
“Jesus.” Fred steps back, taking in the sight of me half naked and under him, egar for him. 
“Daddy please.” The nickname causes his eyes to roll back slightly, a low sigh passing his lips as he cages me in against the mattress, kissing my lips before trailing kisses down my neck towards my boobs. I arch my back causing my nipple to press against his tongue more, his teeth pulling at the hardening nub. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Fred smirks, chuckling as the slight vibration rumbles against my skin. 
“I’ve barely touched you babygirl, look at you, so needy and eager for me.” 
“Only you.” 
My words pull yet another chuckle from his lips. Fred’s fingertips trail along the waistband on my panties causing a shiver to run down my spine. He leans down over my body, his warm breath fanning against my neck. 
“Get on your knees.” Within a second I am on my knees looking up at him. “Fuck, such a good girl.” 
I softly nod in response, my hand palming his evident erection through his sweatpants. Fred hisses at the contact before ridding himself of the clothing. 
A whimper escapes me at the sight of his hard cock. Longer and thicker than I had imagined but everything I need. 
Without being asked I take his dick in my hand, pumping up and down as I lightly swirl my tongue around the head. 
“Yes baby.” Fred’s fingers loop in my hair, holding it out of the way to ensure he gets the perfect view of his cock disappearing into my throat. I bob my head up and down his length, my tongue swirling and my cheeks hollowing out. Fred’s cock leaves my lips with a pop, he grabs his dick and slowly slides it up and down my tongue moaning at the sight. 
“Fucking perfect.” My eyes roll back at the praise, arousal leaking down my thighs and my mind hoping this isn’t some twisted dream. 
Fred pulls me up by my arms, his lips finding mine again in a hungry kiss. His fingertips brush against my clothed pussy before slipping past the fabric and rubbing my swollen clit. I hiss at the contact, Fred moans at the feeling of my wetness. 
“Daddy’s girl likes sucking dick huh?” 
“Makes her little pussy drip?” 
“Does my princess touch herself to the thought of me?” 
I meekly nod in response not wanting the pleasure to stop, however Fred stops his movements causing me to whimper. 
“Daddy asked you a question darling, do you think of me when you cum?” 
“Good girl.” He presses a quick kiss to the side of my head before he pushes me back onto the bed, ripping the panties from my skin. His tongue presses flat against my clit as I sigh with pleasure and surprise. 
Fred hums against my pussy, swirling his tongue in a figure eight motion as my fingers grip the bed sheets. Fred continues to lap at my cunt, savouring the taste before his hands find mine, lacing our fingers together. 
“Fuck.” I moan as I look down at Fred, his eyes catching mine while swiping his tongue side to side. 
“Yes, fuck, oh I’m close.” I regret saying the words the second Fred pulls away from me. 
“No baby, you’re cumming on my cock.” Butterflies fill my stomach at his words, truly hoping this is really happening. 
Fred lays down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hips and guiding me to straddle his waist. His hand falls behind my neck, our lips meet in a brief kiss before being broken by my moans. Fred slides inside of me, stretching my walls perfectly. 
“So big daddy.” My fingernails drag down his chest earning a hiss from his lips. After a few seconds of adjusting to his size I rock my hips back and forth, keeping my hands placed on his chest for balance. 
“Beautiful.” Blush fills my cheeks at his praise, his soft hands rubbing up and down my sides. I keep my rhythm, every now and again swirling my hips for a different sensation, one that pulls the most delicious moans from his lips. Fred’s hands grip my ass, spanking the supple skin as I cry out in pleasure. 
“Is this what you like, baby? Taking control and fucking daddy?” I hum in response as my eyes flutter closed basking in the feeling of his cock hitting my g-spot. Fred’s hands move to my back, flipping us over as I gasp. 
“Only I can make you feel this good.” 
My lips part and my eyes squeeze shut at the new angle. Fred’s resting on his knees with my legs against his chest, ankles resting on his shoulders, his hands groping my boobs. 
“Look at you squirming on my cock, ruining you for any other man.” 
“God daddy yes.” 
“You’re mine.” 
“Only yours daddy.” 
Fred grunts at my response, his pace picking up as he starts to rub fast circles on my clit. 
“Yes!” I cry out, my pussy clenching around him. “Just like that.” 
“You cum when I say.” 
I huff, digging my nails into the comforter as I scream and cry out. 
“Daddy please, please let me cum.” 
Fred grunts, licking his lips.
“Mmm hold it for me.” 
My eyes roll back as my back arches off the mattress. 
“Daddy, please!” 
I feel Fred’s cock twitch inside of me, a deep moan filling the air. 
“Fucking cum for me Y/n.” 
A shiver runs down my spine, my body tenses as Fred’s name passes my lips. My mind feels foggy and my vision blurs. Fred grips my legs, his hips faltering as his hot release fills me. 
Fred pulls out of me, both of us sighing, our chests rising and falling, sweat glistening on our bodies. 
“Thank you.” I blurt out, feeling tiredness wash over me. 
“No need to thank me Darling.” He places a soft kiss to my lips as I feel my eyelids get heavier, not even bothering to move as sleep envelops me. 
I wake up the next morning to the sun shining through the blinds. Instantly everything floods back from last night. I quickly lift up the bedsheets, my naked body confirming that it wasn’t just a dream. 
“Morning.” Fred mumbles, his morning voice sending wetness straight to my pussy. 
“Morning.” I whisper a goofy smile on my face. Fred pulls me into him, his nose brushing against mine before our lips meet in the middle. 
“Hey dad, have you see- WHAT THE FUCK?”
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