#i’m also lowkey gonna fail all my classes this semester so there’s that
alwaysneedyforsir · 6 months
guess who did not sleep again last night n has class in 10 minutes
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seoafin · 11 months
can i lowkey unload on u what do u do if you’re like disastrously in love with ur teacher and ur an undergrad and there’s a rumor he’s married with kids but like it might lowkey not be true cause he’s not giving marriage vibes like he looks like he just graduated college and started teaching but he’s like a well respected member of ur faculty and he is so fucking hot and not ur usual type but soooooo dreamy and his smile is so sweet and cute and his hair so curly and his eyes are the sweetest shade of brown he’s a film guy tho so like nobody’s perfect but anytime he perched on my shoulder and compliments my work it makes my kitty cat purr but like u know nothings gonna happen i get so nervous around him tho i stutter and it makes me want to die but i’m in love with him like i haven’t been able to stop thinking or talking about him since the semester started and it’s getting insane i think i also just like the fact that he’s unavailable and i’m not the kind to actually act on a desire but god i fucking can’t stop thinking about him and i won’t throw myself at him cause like that could get us both in trouble i just also geniunly think he hates my guts like i think i showed signs of having a crush because i’m as easy to read as an open book and i think he put up a wall i don’t know tho cause i do flirt with the guy next to me a little bit to throw him off his game ugh this is so frustrating like there’s this weight in my chest and i miss him when he leaves for his next class and it makes me sad but i can’t do anything but like there’ll be times in bed where i’m laying in bed and thinking of a situation where i talked to him and i was awkward and i wanted to bash my head in like they come to me like hot flashes i am wrecked with demons of my past self and i cringe myself out
first of all. don't do it. i beg of you don't do it. don't do anything. it seems you're aware on some level that yes what you're experiencing is just infatuation. remember you know near to nothing about this man and your current relationship is structured by your dynamic of student and teacher, and the persona he presents to you as a teacher. your teacher more specifically. i think it's important to take a step back and address that it's important that you don't misconstrue anything for anything other than what it is. that compliment over your shoulder is not a potential advance. make and initiate boundaries. respect HIS boundaries. don't spend more time with him than necessary. if all else fails. think of the icks.
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Mafi Pt.1
Mattie: [Okay ladies, it is a good six months since you would have last seen each other for Leavers which is the end of June/start of July typically; safe to say we did not in the SLIGHTEST expect to be seeing you today, at Jay’s engagement party of all places, so the double-take we do will actually be comical like HELLO ?!! Of course, we’re coming over, hopefully, you had enough time whilst we were in shock to say hi to Dolly who actually invited you here, excuse us everyone ‘cos none of y’all know who this girl is so you will all be peeping on the low like who dis as we’re giving you a hug literally like ‘I can’t believe it!’]
Fi: [Like, there is a slim chance you maybe saw each other if she was loitering around in September because uni doesn’t start until October if we want that, but yeah, regardless the shock and awe will be dramatic, I’d like to point out before I have her hug this gal back and say something that because she is super gay she absolutely has one of the last sweet pea flowers of her last season at school pressed and in her phone case, whether Mattie clocked that at the time or isn’t going to until tonight when this bitch is taking pics, but ANYWAY, hug her back and say ‘hello, miss’ being unnecessarily flirty about calling her that again, just because, but CLEARLY buzzing to see her and smiling so big like hey]
Mattie: [when you get to be gay so you can go full force with the romantic drama, shine my boo, shine, I’ll say whether that has been clocked or not we’re not mentioning it in front of the rest of the crowd rn; shaking your head and giving her the friendliest of pushes like oh, you ‘Please, even if we were in term time, you only ever called me that to get a reaction’ me like a reaction, lol ok girls, doing our big grin ‘so, how was first semester?’ ‘cos why do we go American when uni, to feel fancy? Idk but go off and also of course we want to know how it has been]
Fi: [this is my moment, sang like the martine mcclutcheon song obvs hehe, doing a cheeky eyebrow raise at the word reaction, gotta ‘and without fail, it worked every time’ like yep, we both know exactly what I’m doing and why, emphasising this unnecessarily by touching her in some way related to her ootn but super flirtily, whether that’s like touching her waist or back because of outfit deets or her hair for a hair accessory or purely straight coming at her jewellery, either way like nice because we approve, having already drawn attention to her own outfit choices by acting like she’s gonna stumble to her death in whatever shoes she’s rocking cos of Mattie’s gentle af push lol, of course being a massive nerd about everything to do with uni, lowkey giving her too many deets not just about her course but who she’s met and what she’s been up to other than class cos has always been your vibe to talk and talk and talk to this gal about everything, excuse us everyone, eventually, when she’s exhausted the uni topic, asking ‘how’s things with you, at your end?’ which means how’s you and how’s work going/how’s my gals at school etc but also means how’s the old form teacher who bullied me because I vibe that before she left she told Mattie the full story about that, having the energy of in a kind of spark, minus the autism, but her being a handful and said teacher handling it ALL wrong, so she’s hoping that lady isn’t a form tutor any more as of this year]
Mattie: [doing the sort of you-got-me shrug with a lil smirk because we know we fell for it in all the ways ‘easy target, I believe you said’ not us harkening back to the first day like an insane person, miming a little shooting a bow and arrow moment before you’re putting out a hand and holding her arm to steady her lest she actually hit the deck, so now we’re just holding each other in a very casual way, nbd, after LINGERING, pull your hand away and fold your arms as you get into this convo, giving her that lowdown on all the things that might have changed and the things that haven’t ‘you’ve not felt too homesick then?’ IMMEDIATELY putting our hand on your arm again, in that comforting way because everyone does the first year and the way we clearly mean for the school more than we mean your literal family there]
Fi: [‘did I?’ said with the tone and smile of knowing you did because she remembers but downplaying it like lol lol what am I like and how rude of me, love how immediately gay y’all are being at this function and the fact you’ve barely said hi to Dolly, amuses me greatly ‘it’s been bearable, thanks to keeping busy, you know’ genuinely and in a subtle I’m soz I haven’t been in touch kind of way ‘the place hasn’t fallen apart without my leadership then?’ obvs glad actually but doing a lil pout about it like the audacity]
Mattie: [she’s clearly used to it and this was your vibe before but it is rude when she’s specifically invited you for backup tonight, which we are aware of because not a crap sister despite how we’ll feel like one when this all goes down ‘it isn’t the same without you’ as genuinely, even if we’re doing a little lol at your pout, using Dolly to move her closer to you and push ourselves away like must mingle ‘cos really, you must ‘be back in a sec, it’s so good to see you’ not the brush off it invariably sounds ‘cos we truly are and are all too aware we could stand here and ignore everyone else all night if we let ourselves]
Fi: [SUCH a genuine smile at her admitting it’s not the same without us, shamelessly, not soz ‘I can’t get used to not seeing you every morning either, it’s too strange’  despite the fact we’re waving her off to go and mingle because this bitch is the queen of mingling so she knows what’s up, like yeah yeah go it’s fine, catch up with Dolly for a minute because keeping her sane is the actual reason why you’re here, but I am also gonna have to say you talk to the happy couple to say congrats because she would on her way to get y’all drinks or something, so when she’s talking to Jay/Noah/both and they mention Mattie, cos you clearly know her lol, saying like it’s bants cos of how great she is or to confirm the lewk she’s serving ‘I had the biggest crush on her in school’ which I’m gonna need Mattie to overhear without the rest of the convo because Winnie insists, even though she isn’t shouting it across this party or anything haha]
Mattie: [a meaningful look back as if to say hold that thought because the strangeness cannot be overstated because y’all were her first year of leavers, so she’s yet to get used to the machine of getting to know kids at 11 or whenever they join and then waving them off at 18, not at all mentioning the possibility or the specificness of not being used to not seeing YOU every day, nope lol; Winnie says we owe him so much sapphic tension now, thanks, when you don’t have an ego at all so you’re thinking she must mean Dolly which is awkward because we know Dolly is very straight from the confiding she would have done about some of the Swiss school nonsense]
Fi: [soz that will seem true because when she gets back from her congrats for the happy couple she’s gonna be doing everything a good friend would to make sure Dolly has a good time at this party, including so much chatting and so much dancing, it’ll seem very gay and very like you do have a crush on her now lol]
Mattie: [I can’t help that she isn’t a bitch to assume that’s about her, Winola, there’s nothing I can do hun, when you’re now like oh no, do I need to stealthily save Dolly from this situation or nah, what a comedy of errors; at least the grandparents are also there and they could need to talk to Dolly so we can butt in at some point like grandma needs you girl go ‘can I get you a drink? that only being a novelty on my part, though it is’ at Fi]
Fi: [look around comedically and dramatically like you do when you’re checking someone has really gone before you answer because in solidarity with Dolly she hasn’t been drinking alcohol while they’ve been vibing cos just the kind of bitch she is, again it looks gay though, doing a face and lol of relief like oh thank god as if you are that desperate for a real drink cos that party girl persona you put on from her literal first day with the practice telling off of it all, and nod as you say ‘sure’ too eagerly but don’t elaborate on what you actually want, because again this bitch]
Mattie: [looking after Dolly with a smile like yes, I know because you’re not teetotal yourself but you know where her disdain comes from and you can’t blame her for it, nor do you not think it’s a legit response because duh, James is your dad, you know the score; looking back at this girl and going to do another oh, you shove but stopping yourself like oh no, must not, lest you topple over again ‘you’re still fond of a guessing game’ like that hasn’t changed either, I see]
Fi: [smiling too big about the bants of her calling you a pisshead because we just love that the rapport is still here and hasn’t changed ‘with you’ no notes, just remembering the Emily Spinach moment and I’m sure countless other guesses Mattie has slayed that we’re yet to write but just know exists]
Mattie: [doing your own smile back and silently reminiscing with you because the only way you could’ve got that Emily Spinach one is by being that gay and we all know it lol, you love to see it; ‘just know I’m playing it safe, lest you be unable to keep up with your noble escort duties’ like I KNOW your fave drink would be something more hardcore but I won’t get you smashed when you need to be good company for Dolly, ‘cos not having you think we’re lame here]
Fi: [‘as long as you’re aware I’m only allowing it because I take them extremely seriously’ gesturing at herself and her outfit cos her and Dolly are lowkey matching here like yep gotta be the best plus one this town has ever seen lol, cos she do, despite also knowing Mattie would be at this and wanting to see her, not saying at all that’s the only reason she came ‘and you’ll owe me a dance, we haven’t had one together since leaver’s ball’ oh lord imagine how gay that night would’ve been please, not this girl being like I KNOW that’s unsafe and you gotta to even the score]
Mattie: [doing a little bow like but of course as you gesture at her as well like I see what you’re doing here and we approve, then reaching to whisper in your ear, if in a stage fashion to make it less serious so you can deal ‘you look more dapper than the soon-to-be-groom’ ‘cos Nay did not get the memo and all their guests have outdressed them really, soz; walk to the bar situation girl before you can acknowledge you’ve made your own cheeks pink here ‘and I’ll have your drink for you’ as you’re walking away because you can have a strong one, I’m sure it’s your first drink that isn’t the champagne you politely sip at these sort of functions]
Fi: [it’s her laugh making that so much flirtier and gay, because it seems like Mattie said something way more flirtier and gay than she did, for me, plus giving her the gentle push that Mattie didn’t go through with but a moment ago like oh you, get out of here ‘dorm inspections all over again’ called after her, like ty for the reminder cos was homesick, we can all imagine what was getting confiscated and again what you are saying about yourself]
Mattie: [shaking your head as you’re walking but not turning around so you can’t see the 😏 we’re also doing, order her some sort of wine vibe whilst you get yourself a cocktail because we all know cocktails go the hardest, whatever the male ego says about them being pretty and fruity, like there’s usually at least 2 types of liquor in them if not more]
Fi: [when you are gonna lowkey down that drink ASAP because it would be your first one with booze in it if you arrived late and didn’t get the welcome champagne, and like, you’re nervous to be reunited with this gal in this setting, but distract from the fact you just did that by playing a guessing game about what her cocktail is]
Mattie: [‘I can sneak you another under the table’ again in your stage whisper, like I know the party isn’t jumping that much you gotta be in her ear, just talk normally hun; but we legit sympathise with being at a party with only 3 people you know, Lulu barely at all and she’s busy doing whatever she’s doing, and not being able to loosen up with a drink if that’s your normal, which it is most people’s, doesn’t actually make you a party animal by default ‘or, let you have a sip, you can guess the ingredients then’ like we could do that, making a face like ooh, it strong ‘cos clearly lol]
Fi: [the absolute mischief in her eyes at both of these suggestions and absolute delight at who they are coming out of the mouth of, cos clearly love to be a bad influence upon this gal, but there was no encouragement needed, lowkey heart eyes though at her ADORABLE face when she takes a sip because simply must, taking the glass from her and taking her own like she’s doing her a favour sharing here if it is that strong, without making a face, but barely, like she really had to give it her ALL to stop herself from doing one, so then that making her lol, but correctly guessing through said lols, duh, excuse me while I die at her lipstick print on this glass as she hands it back cos we’ve all seen the outfit, we know she’s wearing it] 
Mattie: [maintaining unnecessary eye contact as she does her sip, narrowing your eyes and pursing your lips like you’re keeping the closest of eyes on her, trying to guess her guess before it’s out of her mouth; of course the lol is making us do our own heart eyes ‘how do you know what [an obscure ingredient they put in just to be fancy, you know the kind] tastes like ?!!’ with our own laugh like I don’t know, feels like cheating, not us here running our thumb over the lipstick print, your glass by your hip so it’s not like obvious you’re doing it, but we are]
Fi: [‘how would I have a fave bartender for years and not know?’ like what do you take me for, I’m SO knowledgeable thank you, with an unnecessary wink like keep that in the vault with all my other secrets you have I’ve overshared, as she’s pulling her towards the dance floor to have the dance she insists on and won’t take no for an answer about]
Mattie: [rolling our eyes affectionately ‘I assumed you tipped well and she kept quiet about the fakeness of your ID’ the way we’ve assumed it was a woman, got your number lmao but also outing yourself there, get dragged to this dance floor which I hope at least has some of Nay’s friends on because we know the party is not hip happening and the way it’d be a scene for all the nosy hoes if it was just y’all up there now, not that we’re concerned personally, here spinning each other around like kids]
Fi: [‘I did and he did’ my deliberate he to keep her on her toes here as if that’s fooling anybody haha, with a cheeky grin like she’s the devil emoji irl, in contrast to a moment later when she’s doing whatever ballet moves she can remember from her youth because Mattie is literally that ballerina rn and always]
Mattie: [doing a grumpy lil face as if it is somehow worse that it was a man, soz some things seem that way, especially if you’re not checking yourself and your opinions, which we’re not right now because we are spinning and sipping, I like to think your drink has a straw she would have purposely had to avoid to leave her lipstick mark on the glass because I can; doing such a happy clap like YAY when you realise what she’s doing and attempt to direct her with all the french words that I ain’t gonna sit here and look up, get yourself en pointe though hun, literally wearing ballet shoes, v Titanic of you]
Fi: [‘don’t be upset, I’ve learnt my lesson’ because it does read as sketchy af and we’re all aware of the fact, which she’s saying, but it’s also giving the double meaning that you don’t mess around with men/boys anymore so I love that, as do I how hardcore this girl is getting into this ballet lesson, taking her shoes off and everything to see if she can copy this, which you absolutely cannot because that’s so difficult and you clearly did it as a kid for like a couple of years max ‘okay, no, I’m way too sober for that’ as we try and fail, loling, clearly all the more impressed by her skills because of]
Mattie: [‘was it a you thing or a schoolgirl thing?’ like do I need to go to some pub local to this school and scare off some letchy barman, but also acknowledging that it was and is entirely possible that this dude just fancied her and wasn’t fussed she was like 17 or whatever; just having the best time showing off our ballet moves here and teaching you like there’s not people just milling about making small talk over picky food ‘later I’ll have you on your toes then’ leaning down to pick up her shoes to hand her]
Fi: [‘did I look like a schoolgirl out of uniform?’ when you’re genuinely asking like did I look my age/underage for him to be that level of creepy but everything has this double meaning and flirty edge to it that you just cannot help/are not even aware how blatant it is, because clearly she thought he just fancied her at the time, all teenagers think they look and act older and cooler than they do, hence asking for Mattie’s opinion as she’s not one, put your shoes back on and finish your drink like you’re doing your best to be less sober and therefore an iconic ballerina]
Mattie: [genuinely think about it and shake your head after a minute ‘no, I don’t think so’ because some people look super younger than they are and we don’t think you were or are giving that, honestly, we also like to think we wouldn’t have thought you were so quite so pretty otherwise but that’s a guilty thought we’re not sharing out loud, have the rest of your drink, even though there was no need for you to try and keep pace]
Fi: [‘he’ll live another day to serve another overpriced [whatever the cool rich girl drink of the moment was when you were like 15-17 and he was your fave], in blissful ignorance of his narrow escape’ with a shrug like lucky you sir like Mattie was gonna go fuck him up for being a nonce, cos she clearly has form for helping you sort that form teacher who was a bully out, though less dramatically, noticing her lipstick mark on this glass when Mattie drinks out of it again to finish and making a face like oh I’m gonna have to go waste time in the bathroom touching that up again and cba, but dragging her with you cos that’ll make it bearable]
Mattie: [putting up your fists like yeah, I know, I’m very fearsome lol but we truly would have gone down there and shook that man to his core accusing him of things and we all know it, we don’t play about this school and these kids ‘won’t get either of the girls’ quieter but Fi will still be able to hear, ‘cos we know neither twin is off down the pub or going anywhere and we are WORRIED about their lack of socializing honey, happily go and have a bathroom moment, touching our hair like I’m sure some of that has flown out with that wild dance break, having a quick check neither twin or anyone else is in the loos when you get in there, nothing worse than getting caught talking about someone, even if it is with concern]
Fi: [touching Mattie’s arm the way she touched hers when she was genuinely concerned about her being homesick because we see her twin concern and we get it ‘I barely had to talk her into bringing me’ because Fi is that won’t take no for an answer bitch but we’re saying this was actually Dolly’s idea and she clearly has kept in touch too it’s not just Fi being one sided and extra, doing an exaggerated mouth close like it was all her, I promise, but you can style it out into re-applying your lipstick as well so]
Mattie: [making a noise like oh, I know ‘I’m really glad you’re here’ because it is clear progress for Dolly and shows she has it in her, tapping our forehead with the palm of our hand like oh ‘I already said that, didn’t I?’ like how GLAD can I be? Be in this mirror sorting out your hair so you have something to do that isn’t just watching her ‘It’s just typical you weren’t in her year’ like she could do with some company day to day now but shrugging because you can’t force it for either of them at their age]
Fi: [‘for Doll’s sake is different than how you said it before’ like it’s FINE don’t worry you aren’t repeating yourself I know you were glad to see me for your own sake at first ‘I, meanwhile, could go on and on about how I’d kill for more time’ because you miss school however much you’re enjoying uni and some of that is definitely missing Mattie which she has already said]
Mattie: [just smiling at her through this mirror because we’re not going to deny it, we know what we said and why we said it ‘I wonder if anyone actually feels ready or they’re just good liars’ because we felt the same when we went to Uni hence we went very close by so we could stay home like that ‘have you found enough new friends to fill a plague pit?’ nudging into her back with your shoulder, gently and after she’s finished with the lippy so that doesn’t go awry]
Fi: [‘when you’ve had more leavers you’ll be able to conduct thorough research’ as if she’s gonna do a poll, but really just acknowledging what my boo said before about how new Mattie is at this and also how there really isn’t a big age gap between them ‘enough that when we hold hands for ring a ring o roses and all fall down it blocks everyone’s route to lectures for a solid minute, at a guess’ because defs feel like you’ve made lots of friends quick, you are that bitch and you’d throw yourself into it, but putting her head on Mattie’s shoulder because nevertheless it isn’t the same and is an adjustment]
Mattie: [‘it’s horrible’ ‘cos we are that bitch to get emotional every time a year leaves, even though you know you gotta let them fly the nest and move on, god bless lol; just putting your arm around her and then stroking her hair ‘you’ll miss this time one day before you know it’ because true, it’ll fly and then you’ll have that nostalgia to live with as well ‘you’re doing amazingly’ because we don’t doubt it, with the social side of Uni which is arguably more important and the actual course]
Fi: [‘if that’s a heads up not to put myself through it, you’re right on time’ because thinking about becoming a teacher herself fr already, we know, but smiling because we also know that hasn’t changed her mind really ‘I’ll miss this moment specifically, I know it’ literally outing herself like that like right here right now is where I wanna stay forever yes true] 
Mattie: [tilting your head like hm? So yours is now resting atop hers, then snapping it up like OMG when you realise and doing your excited clapping again ‘oh, do come back to us!’ half as a joke as you put your hands on her shoulders but also not, pulling her in for a hug ‘you’ll be an incredible teacher, Fi’]
Fi: [when she’s adorable and you CANNOT cope, thank god there is nobody else in here because the hearteyes are back in FULL force at her response to the teacher career reveal ‘I’d love to, if you’ll have me’ which is what she said about uni, if they’ll have me, sounds casual but isn’t at all which is her entire vibe always, making this hug more extra than it needs to be just because she has missed her so much she can’t not ‘you told me such a similar thing on your first day as one’ cos she did and the way she’s always and instantly believed in us has this girl emosh]
Mattie: [we’re just here jumping up and down in this hug, swaying you from side to side, don’t mind us ‘who could be better?’ like you would be perfect, girl ‘you practically served as my TA that whole year, it should count towards your hours’ not us like couldn’t have done it without you, brushing your hair away from your freshly made-up lips]
Fi: [‘I’d do it all again even without your glowing recommendation at the end’ because we know she would, over and over if they could ‘like groundhog day’ never happier than in the last year, soz but it’s true]
Mattie: [‘you’re glowing’ just blurting that out then doing a little lol like back up, what I meant to say was ‘you deserve all the good things that are going to come to you, you’re just- lovely’]
Fi: [‘it isn’t the lighting in here’ shading nay’s engagement venue haha but we all remember from Dolly’s posts the bathrooms were a choice so I can ‘must be seeing you again, hearing you hype me up in the way only you do’ because who else is, not her flop fam and not her school friends who are currently scattered to the four winds fighting for their lives in that weird time after school and uni starting, or uni friends she’s had for a few months]
Mattie: [‘or the booze’ touching both her cheeks with the backs of her hands like no, you don’t have that alcohol glow yet, just lingering and stroking her cheeks, standard ‘well, you know me’ doing a shrug like it’s nbd]
Fi: [‘I know I wanted to talk to you, I’ve never started so many conversations in my life, just to not let them get started’ with her own shrug like that’s such a nbd thing to say]
Mattie: [‘you were busy’ like I know how it is, I wouldn’t be mad at you ‘and it would’ve been wrong for me to, maybe later, give you chance to settle in’ when you’re admitting you wanted to too but as a teacher, that would be weird]
Fi: [‘wrong’ when you gotta let that word sit there because you know it should feel like that but it doesn’t]
Mattie: [moving your hands down to your side and taking a step back, steadying yourself against the sink ‘you wouldn’t want your old teacher hassling you whilst you’re out there moving on’ clutching the cold porcelain of this sink to contrast how warm her skin was]
Fi: [‘you weren’t my teacher’ because true in that literal sense but also because we were friends is how we see it, then and now ‘and moving on is cold’ literally while she’s there with that cold sink ‘like you’ve done your job and now it’s over’]
Mattie: [‘you know that’s not how I see it, how I see you’ as we’re turning back to look at you]
Fi: [‘I kept busy because you’ve had a new year to settle in, and the more I did, the more there’d be to talk about, in theory, but I still couldn’t’ just blurting this out like, it’s so weird I didn’t know how to start a convo cos of how much we used to talk]
Mattie: [‘it’s okay, it’s… everything is different’ because y’all had reason and free reign to talk to each other before, now it’s a real choice, we know it]
Fi: [‘I thought I was the biggest fan of change’ because she was about it before but now this is like !!? and we’re not here for it thank you]
Mattie: [doing a sheepish smile because what can we say, we’re both feeling that !!? honey]
Fi: [just playing with a strand of hair that poor Mattie fixed not long ago, teasing it back out and letting it fall over her face again so she’s looking messy but in a cute way because here for that always]
Mattie: [blushing ‘is that better?’ like you’re purely talking about your hair and not the way you’re moving closer to her again]
Fi: [‘different’ like we’ve gotta reclaim that word from the negative it was used in a sec ago and remind ourselves change can be good it doesn’t have to suck]
Mattie: [nodding like we agree and are on board ‘different’ as if we need to repeat to remind ourself ‘you make me feel different’]
Fi: [‘I was scared I would ruin my streak’ like her being her as Dolly’s plus one wasn’t a good surprise the way they used to surprise each other she’d have to go die, cos imagine, Mattie like, you again]
Mattie: [shake your head like you definitely have not ‘I didn’t know if I’d see you again, or, not ‘til some reunion or…’ shrugging like that wasn’t a very real possibility and we weren’t okay with it]
Fi: [‘if I left it that long you wouldn’t recognise me, which would be completely and utterly bad different, for both of us’ like ew no, cannot]
Mattie: [‘what about me? I’d be an actual old lady, horrific’ like no thank you, not at all casually reaching out for her hand]
Fi: [‘no, but you’d be married, which is worse’ taking her hand and doing a pose like she’s showing a wedding ring off like that would actually be horrific and I’d die]
Mattie: [lol like to who, ma’am ‘I don’t think so’ giving her hand a playful slap with ours like nay nay]
Fi: [looking around ‘how could you not want this?’ shading nay again, soz not soz, but underneath that playful bants it’s like actually though]
Mattie: [cover your mouth like you’ll really cackle if not like oops ‘don’t diss the decor, I did this on very short notice’ like tah, sis]
Fi: [‘I wouldn’t dream of it, the decor’s fantastic, I’m this close to booking in Allegra in preparation for marriage number 3, it’s the charm, so they say, maybe it’ll be a husband we can both stand’ because her mum can’t stand her dad but she can’t stand her stepdad lol]
Mattie: [crossing our fingers on both hands like I hope so because we just want you to be happy, obviously ‘what do you think?’ and nodding your head towards the door ‘of that happy couple?’]
Fi: [lowering her voice to a whisper even though there’s no need ‘your sister is exactly how I pictured her according to your painting’ because you would’ve heard so much about Jay by this point you lowkey feel like you know her ‘he’s less what I would’ve imagined, but I try not to give grown men the amount of headspace I once did, lesson learnt, as I’ve admitted, could be why’]
Mattie: [someone could walk in but it’s not like you’re being cunty or these convos aren’t happening all over this party but I get it, we’re also talking in more hushed tones ‘they’ve been together for a long time’ which she surely knows but as if we’re justifying it here and now ‘you might have the right idea’ ‘cos none of us are sold on this or Noah but it is what it is]
Fi: [‘I know, but I assumed she’d be with someone who, superficially, could bench press both of us at the same time’ soz to drag you to filth like that Noah but Jay is sporty gym gal and that’s one of the biggest things we’ve always known about her so, and she hasn’t talked to nay long enough to be like oh it’s your personality she loves, can’t go on anything but shallow stuff rn]
Mattie: [doing a cute lol because you would assume that was her type ‘is that what your favourite bartender looked like?’ ‘cos you too are a sporty gal]
Fi: [‘it’s what my fave bouncer looked like’ because I always befriended them on nights out, in my case for if I needed help, but you just would, I feel like]
Mattie: [nod like oh yep, that tracks ‘at least he’s suited for his job’ ‘cos what is the point when they’re just fat or not remotely tough like soz it’s v much the point]
Fi: [‘whatever my opinion of them, Doll can count me as her wedding date unless she gets a better offer’ just back to the point here which is how buzzing we are to have got an invite to this, flop event though it may be]
Mattie: [making a face when you realise you’ll have a plus one place to either fill or ignore like oh GOD ‘thank god I can keep super busy’ which sounds like you don’t wanna see her and Dolly together but obviously that isn’t what we meant, swatting our hands like oh, you know what I mean]
Fi: [SUCH an amused face ‘and thank god I won’t keep you waiting until the reception to have another catch up’ cos imagine, that wedding could be forever away, some peeps wait years]
Mattie: [tapping her arm like no, you won’t ‘now the conversation has been started’ like it’ll be easier from here on out]
Fi: [‘when we next stall I can take you out for [whatever the cocktail she just drank was]’ not you admitting it’s still kinda awks and y’all might need to get drunk about it to deal with this sapphic tension] 
Mattie: [‘we won’t’ shaking our head so more of our hair comes loose, refusing to acknowledge it could be awkward like nope ‘but I do owe you a proper drink’]
Fi: [playing with said loose hair for no reason whatsoever ‘I owe you your own escort, and my full attention’ because technically here for your sister even though it’s too easy for you both to forget that rn in here]
Mattie: [‘you take it very seriously’ like I remember and you’re very gentlemanly 😌 face before you’re looking at the door like we should probably get back in there]
Fi: [when you see her look towards that door and you go to say something but you only get ‘Mattie-’ out, note the first time she’s used her name this convo though, before someone comes into this bathroom and you don’t wanna finish whatever gay thing you were about to say, so yeah, go out and find Dolly again hun]
Mattie: [the ? on our face before this person rudely interrupts to go to the toilet, it is probably someone you vaguely know so you might have to stay and have a little chat before so let this girl go, however begrudgingly it is]
Fi: [soz Win but it’s a realistic cockblock and you have gotta go back to Dolly anyways, girl, so do that and do your best not to be gutted af]
Mattie: [and you gotta do some more mingling girl, keep this party ticking over for your sins]
Fi: [nobody’s living for the nay engagement but the party doesn’t have to be a total bust just because they are flops]
Mattie: [at least you can get these gals mocktails to enjoy and Gabe whatever he’s been drinking with Lulu because can’t do one and not the other]
Fi: [just know that you are not welcome though Gabe, ever, but it means you can raise your glass at this girl across the room like ty so that’s nice, we like that, even if you blatantly wish it was a cocktail, Fi, you’re being a good friend]
Mattie: [we could have cheated but I think Dolly would know and you are being a good friend, we don’t want to derail you that hard, and we definitely do not like Gabe but at least Lulu is socialising when he’s around so we kind of just put up with him for that sake at this point but there’s no love lost; do your little toast back with the drink you got yourself, not at all romantic just silently communicating across a crowded room, alright taylor]
Fi: [god just take a second to actually think what a dry party this would be because of the age of the peeps mostly being fam like the literal grandparents and Java, and no offence how boring nay are, you really are being a good friend here Fi, I would simply not attend if someone asked me and that was the situation, soz, I fully imagine you and Dolly exploring this venue trying to find anything vaguely interesting or fun to do, we’re all praying for like a giant lawn connect 4 at this point lol]
Mattie: [thank god there is catching up to be done because truly, there’s nothing here for y’all, idek who this party is for lmao, everyone entertain yourselves lowkey, we’ll just be here trying to get Jay to come talk to the twins so they feel included and like there was a reason to bring them here tonight]
Fi: [at least if we say she do, they’ll all be dying, but it’ll bring you 2 back together because Fi literally doesn’t know anyone so she’d be alone else while that awks twin and Jay convo is occurring]
Mattie: [like we’d probably have to do it one by one ‘cos lord knows none of you gals are helping us here but when Jay is making awkward small-talk with Dolly, deffo]
Fi: [soz to throw you under the boring Jay sized bus there Dolly but, I suppose it’s good that she’s vaguely trying to have a catch up with you, agonising as it will be, Fi return the favour and hand Mattie a v alcoholic drink you can tell she needs to deal with how awkward and hard work trying to organise that was]
Mattie: [should Mattie have to encourage you to? No but it’s something, as you are an adult hun; shooting her a look as you take this drink and then your first sip because yeah, we truly need it because Jay is the exact same amount related to these gals as you are and hasn’t put in half the effort, which is like, yeah, your decision but being in the middle of that is a lot ‘aren’t you glad you only have the one little brother?’ raising our brows like these sisters, my god]
Fi: [when you’re just automatically leading her somewhere that you found while you were exploring with Dolly before so Mattie can literally get away from this and have a break because she never gets one and these twins are a lot to be dealing with basically by yourself and all of this Fi has known from basically the beginning cos no secret the gals are weird, Dolly less so obvs hence y’all are legit friends now, but still ‘for all Allegra’s many faults, I can be glad he’s just my little brother, and yeah, I am’ because your mum for all she put on you in terms of pressure at least isn’t making you do more for your little bro than any standard big sister would and you shamelessly are thankful for that]
Mattie: [rich girl perks, you’re not ever going to be needing to look after your siblings like second parents, there’s staff and good schools for that, nodding and sitting yourself down on the floor, wherever y’all are so you can take this moment properly ‘brothers are easier, whatever age’]
Fi: [nod because you feel like you’ve had a lot of sisters with the way your school was set up to make you really look after the younger ones ‘I won’t miss feeling like I’ve got [however many] sisters’ but with a smile because you loved it really, unlike this situation poor Mattie is in]
Mattie: [smile back ‘yeah, right’ ‘cos we know you loved it, before the bathroom heart to heart even we knew that much ‘some sisters are easier than others’ like namely the ones I’m not actually related to lol]
Fi: [‘you’ve had some rotten luck, hence the nobody could call it playing safe drink in your hand’ because where’s the lie, Chlo is also your mum, soz Mattie we’ve really put you through it, girl, and this girl here isn’t gonna sugarcoat it] 
Mattie: [do a little lol about how blunt that is but you’re not at all offended because not that type, again taking another sip but purposely taking a bigger gulp like you’re confirming it, like to point out that she would also have 2 younger siblings assuming we’ve got the Java kids we faced so like, wild times lol ‘if I turn this into a pity party though the night is well and truly over’ like we cannot]
Fi: [‘well then, I’ll have to think of how I’m going to turn it back into a party, party’ with that mischievous look back in her eye again, because who is she if not this bitch, hence Dolly invited her to help her have an actually good time]
Mattie: [‘what did you have in mind?’ looking around as if something wild is just going to pop out of nowhere]
Fi: [‘you like to follow clues, I’ll leave some for you’ not this girl just about to set up some kind of spontaneous little treasure hunt moment at the drop of a literal hat like it’s nbd]
Mattie: [shaking your head like oh, okay because who even ‘do I stay here or?’]
Fi: [‘it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay out of my way while I set up the first’ a smile as she messes up Mattie’s hair playfully, which we all know is a clue in itself for her to go back to the bathroom and start there for this first clue, which we likewise all know will be a lipstick message on the mirror because DUH, obvs we’re gonna hark back across their entire relationship with these clues, tonight included]
Mattie: [checking the watch we don’t have on like okay, ready set go energy, waving her off and covering her eyes like we’re not even checking which direction she’s going in even though we picked up on that clue to go to the bathroom in a suitable time]
Fi: [just getting to be the most gay and feelsy of all time with every single clue, god bless, enjoy your trip down memory lane gals, I can only speculate wildly because we don’t know y’all like that after one convo, but the point is clearly to cheer her up and the final clue is blatantly inviting her somewhere after this engagement party is dead and buried because we know it won’t be a late one, Jay doesn’t drink any more and is a gym bitch, I’m sure she has to get up early in the AM even after her engagement party]
Mattie: [we love to see it and are obviously having the greatest time, no need to know y’all to know that much and are definitely going to accept this offer because duh]
Fi: [Dolly will be invited too, of course, so we’ll have to decide if we want her there or not because two very different moods depending if she is or it’s just you two, but either way, I’m just happy the slay outfits won’t be wasted on this boring function]
Mattie: [my boo says I will save the day and the looks, but yes those would be two entirely different vibes at this point so we’d need to pick, ‘cos we’re probably already a little too tipsy to feel comfortable subjecting Dolly to it]
Fi: [we can always do the copout but quite legit vibe that she’s invited but declines because she’s not feeling wherever Fi has decided they’re going, let y’all be gay alone]
Mattie: [I think so, it’s obviously not your scene Dolly and you aren’t in the mood to be in a club with more drunk people or whatever so pop off gays]
Fi: [I don’t blame her, being the sober one on a night out sucks, even if you’re the most sober of the group never mind completely so, but again, cute and nice that you invited her Fi, despite how blatantly you’re hoping she wouldn’t want to actually which is reflected, subconsciously or otherwise, in your choice of venue, you can say it’s cos Mattie’s got her dancing shoes on, which true, but it’s also cos y’all do wanna be alone]
Mattie: [it is very in character of you to dip, not just us or this gal subconsciously being cheeky, it’s cool, soz it does serve us more for them to be alone and it is shamelessly what both these girls would prefer]
Fi: [do you wanna skip to there or should we do some messages when Mattie gets the last clue and accepts her invite?]
Mattie: [let’s do some messages, why not, you’re invariably back with Dolly chilling and we’re lowkey tipsy and overexcited by these shenanigans so]
Mattie: 💌📌💃☁️
Fi: I should’ve made them harder, I can’t believe you’re done
Mattie: Just call me Marple 🔎
Mattie: your own skills are also severely limited by location
Fi: wow, not Jane? I thought we were friends
Fi: my own skills are rusty, you can say it
Mattie: I see my own future as an Aunt Mattie and I am not prepared for that 🧶🌱👩‍🦳
Mattie: I would never say that
Fi: you would never have an affair with a married man, book Marple is closer to your predicted future
Fi: but knitting and gardening are both fun, you could fare much worse
Mattie: the only married men I know are [and list off the male teachers that are and are clearly not the ones, soz huns] 
Mattie: 🤭
Fi: there’s hope for you yet, miss
Fi: and with such a long career ahead before trowels and knitting needles, who knows who you’ll meet 
Mattie: I understand why teachers were always unmarried women
Mattie: who am I going to meet when my free time is Sunday 😅
Mattie: sounds positively Victorian
Fi: Agatha Christie wouldn’t write you in a new chaplain love interest, but if I’m in charge of the narrative and location, we needn’t be limited at all
Mattie: University is the time for those sorts of adventures, we should be talking about your love interests, potential or already realised
Fi: no we shouldn’t, I’d have to curl up and die, now that’s positively Victorian
Mattie: now I thought we were friends
Fi: we are, thus I’m sparing you the tale of quite how vigorously I attempted to throw myself into that aspect of uni life
Mattie: it’s okay it’s a cliche for a reason
Fi: it’s embarrassing for a multitude of reasons 😬
Mattie: I was a little bit your teacher, then
Fi: no, I don’t care what they think of me, success story or horror show, that part of my life is over
Fi: you don’t belong in there though, and I do care
Mattie: okay, I understand
Mattie: I wouldn’t judge you though, as long as you know that
Fi: I feel stupid, for the kid in a sweet shop approach
Mattie: it’s your first taste of proper freedom, being adult about it is basically impossible
Fi: I had freedom, a lot more than most
Mattie: Lack of an audience, then
Mattie: everyone here knew you, your mother
Fi: every summer spent with my dad afforded me the luxury of the most cliche holiday romance going, had I wanted
Mattie: of course
Fi: but it’s uni that’s the culture shock, and it does feel like a culture, of throwing yourself at everyone
Mattie: if you don’t want to, you don’t have to continue like that, it calms down, most people do
Fi: thank god, a non-stop three year long speed dating event would be exhausting
Mattie: just
Mattie: don’t necessarily go the other way and think that’s automatically a better idea, you know what I mean
Fi: I won’t let you down, I’d hate to
Mattie: why would you let me down?
Fi: I know why I’m here, I’m not allowed to suddenly become boring 🧶🌱👩‍🦳
Mattie: that’s not what I meant
Mattie: I had a very serious boyfriend throughout Uni and I really shouldn’t have, for a myriad of reasons, that’s all I was thinking of
Fi: promising not to get a serious boyfriend’s an easy one
Mattie: you’re allowed to do whatever makes you happy
Mattie: make your own mistakes, even, don’t let me harp on about mine to scare you
Fi: I’m not scared of anything you want to tell me, you’re allowed too
Mattie: I’ve never really talked about him, I try not to
Fi: if you want to, I’ll only track him down and kill him as a very last resort, don’t let it put you off
Mattie: whilst I’m sure your methods would be entirely and gruesomely historically accurate 
Mattie: you’re meant to use all that free time between lectures to study, you know 😉
Fi: no one can begrudge me a field trip to a medieval torture museum, it’s the hols 📌🌎🛫
Mattie: quite right too
Mattie: he was, in hindsight, someone I wouldn’t want any of my friends to go out with
Mattie: but I didn’t realise it wasn’t a me problem at the time, that’s all
Fi: oh Mattie 
Mattie: but he’s long gone, we don’t need to worry about this
Mattie: the final straw was when I took the placement at the school
Fi: just when I thought I couldn’t be any more glad that happened
Mattie: it’s why I had to work there, not that I put that on my application, or talked about how the placement saved me in my interview
Mattie: all a bit much… but he could no longer monopolise my time, control me and where I went, it was like the spell was broken after that
Fi: I can also easily promise not to relay it to your bosses, ancient history doesn’t automatically mean I’ll become obsessed
Mattie: No one knows, only [the teacher you did your training with aka your bestie], unavoidably so as she was there through the whole mess
Fi: What about your family?
Mattie: it would be too upsetting, to think I didn’t know better, and he was always very nice in front of everyone else, doting, even
Fi: deserving of [just namedropping the most horrific medieval torture device possible]
Fi: I’m sorry you had to go through everything he put you through and come out of the other side alone
Mattie: thank you, it’s all okay now
Mattie: and I suppose it was my choice to be alone, I don’t know
Fi: choice is too hard on yourself, he must’ve made you feel like you didn’t have another
Mattie: it was shame, really
Mattie: how we were was my fault because I’d never had a proper partner before so I didn’t know how to be
Mattie: then after, well, it was shaming in another way entirely
Fi: it wasn’t your fault he took advantage of your inexperience and used it to his
Mattie: I know that now, therapists work wonders
Mattie: I promise I didn’t come into teaching entirely unhinged, whatever the kitsch coffee mugs suggest about needing a certain level of insanity to do the job
Fi: you’re the most level-headed person I know
Mattie: you wouldn’t have thought that if you met me at your age, or even the year before you did…
Mattie: people can get a little off track, at Uni, in those in-between years
Fi: had I met you then, if we were the same age, he wouldn’t have lasted long enough to do any lasting damage
Fi: I wouldn’t have allowed it
Mattie: I believe that
Mattie: you’re very strong
Mattie: not physically, though you are, obviously
Fi: stubborn, perhaps
Mattie: that too
Mattie: but strong
Fi: I’m feeling strong waves of regret about any jokes I may have made which aren’t funny in light of what you’ve shared
Mattie: don’t, you weren’t to know
Mattie: no one does, as I said, and I preferred it that way whilst I worked it all out in my head… maybe I’ll change my mind now I feel better but I still don’t think I want to make it some grand proclamation 
Mattie: change how people see me, what they think they can say
Fi: all understandable, but I’ll be here kicking myself for a while anyway
Mattie: grr
Fi: no matchmaking, tonight or ever, I refuse to put my 👠 back in it
Mattie: but you have put them back on
Fi: [not you sending her free feet pics of them back off like no no]
Mattie: 🥳 will you be drunk enough to learn more ballet later
Fi: letting you drink alone is as unforgivable as making Doll be sober alone, I wouldn’t dream of either
Mattie: I am a little drunk, it must be said
Fi: I’ll catch up at [wherever they’re going] while you’re 🩰
Mattie: will I get in in what I’m wearing?
Fi: unlike bartenders, I’ve kept fave bouncers everywhere, you’ll Chaseé ? in
Mattie: 👏
Mattie: very good
Fi: you’re a good teacher
Fi: who knew?
Mattie: please pass the message on to all relevant bosses
Fi: sadly the deadline has passed for my Christmas round-robin but I’ll see what I can do if I see any of them in the new year
Mattie: I can only imagine the details you would have included
Fi: I’ll put you on the list again now I know you want to hear from me
Mattie: as if I wouldn’t
Fi: I wasn’t certain, or I’d have reached out
Mattie: now you know 🔮
Fi: Dolly says Lulu’s been keeping you busy in my absence
Mattie: ah yes, that is true
Fi: your protectiveness makes even more sense given what happened to you
Mattie: I’m sure Lulu would think me an absolute fool for it
Fi: she thinks everyone a fool, it’s barely personal at this point
Fi: I’ve never seen someone look at their invited guest, who they chose to bring, and date, with such open disdain 
Mattie: 🤭
Mattie: at least it means I don’t have to worry about her being under his spell or anything of the sort
Fi: the reversal, maybe, but I’m not worried for him, he’s visibly old enough to look after himself 🧔🏼
Mattie: he’s [however old he is in comparison, I forget]
Fi: of course, she loves to push a boundary as far as is still considered socially acceptable
Mattie: now now
Mattie: you know he was the only age appropriate boy around
Fi: age appropriate is debatable, just because he can grow a beard doesn’t equate to his emotional maturity being high enough to deal with your sister’s, let’s call it emotional instability
Mattie: let’s not call it anything
Fi: okay, sorry, not cool of me, she’s your sister
Mattie: I know she isn’t the easiest person to relate to
Fi: and we both know I’ve made multiple attempts, but there’s no excuse to be calling her out, she doesn’t have to like me, I’m not Head Girl these days
Mattie: as you said, it isn’t personal
Fi: as I said, I’m sorry 😶
Mattie: you’re fine, I promise
Fi: you don’t want to tell me off is all, you’re too good at it
Mattie: I’m sure you could think up better ways to earn it
Fi: true, if I thought hard, something would absolutely come to me
Mattie: think think think 🤔
Fi: 🍯🐝🎈
Mattie: I love him 🥰
Fi: he’s that sort of bear, how could you not
Mattie: You’re very tigger
Fi: eventually you’re gonna have to admit defeat on me not having adhd
Mattie: omg stop it! 😆
Mattie: it sounds like I make a commission on Adderall 
Fi: you’ve shared one secret, go ahead, unburden yourself of your others
Mattie: how dare you accuse me of being a pill pusher
Mattie: I don’t even take aspirin unless the headache is very, very bad, I’ll have you know
Fi: you stop it, you’re adorable
Mattie: you’re bouncy, there should be a bouncy ball emoji, is there
Mattie: there are too many to look through these days 👩‍🦳
Fi: you’re tipsy, that’s why there’s too many to look through
Mattie: no, I’m old, maybe I need glasses, you can help me find a chic pair
Fi: you’re 22
Mattie: and you’re 19
Fi: you look the same age as me
Mattie: how was your birthday?
Fi: I don’t know, different, good and bad
Mattie: did you get a cake?
Fi: [show her the pics because really not long ago so not hard to scroll to and find, clearly not a patch on anything this gal has ever baked for you though]
Fi: I missed it not being from you 👩‍🍳
Mattie: I made so many mince pies before hols 😮‍💨
Mattie: I didn’t do stars on top though
Fi: I see what you’re doing, making me cry because you’re not my form tutor, it’s unacceptable nevertheless
Mattie: no don’t cry it’s because I’d cry if I did
Fi: I know that, it’s why I have to
Mattie: your makeup will be ruined
Fi: but I’ll be in the right place to re-do it, when I can stop 😭
Mattie: are you alone?
Fi: hopefully, or whoever’s in here with me will assume I’m very drunk and a wreck
Mattie: that can be me, if you want
Fi: I always want you around
Mattie: it would’ve been rude to not check, what with the 😭
Fi: you’ve seen it before, my last day I was an actual wreck, and in floods
Mattie: not because of me
Mattie: [the bad teacher] should be every bit ashamed as I think she is now
Fi: it isn’t really your fault
Mattie: [come in because how long does it really need to take you to get here, not long, bathroom doors are always loud so our ‘a little bit, maybe’ shouldn’t frighten you to death lol]
Fi: [‘I’m only crying a little bit’ as this girl wipes her eyes like oh hello to you, don’t mind me here actually crying because of all my feelings]
Mattie: [when she has wiped her eyes, come forward and grab her hand and give it a squeeze ‘it’s okay’ doing a little lol ‘what’s a party if no one cries, eh?’]
Fi: [doing your own little lol ‘it’s not my party’ like how ridiculous and hilarious that I’m the one crying ‘though, lord knows I would were I getting married off’ because no thank you, sounds like Noah shade again and it is lowkey but also just in general because 19]
Mattie: [‘I doubt we’ll catch the bride to be’ and pulling a face because that is clearly not who Jay is at all ‘so take your fill’ like it’s going free honey, pulling an equally GOD NO face and then loling some more because same on both counts tbh]
Fi: [catching a look at herself in the mirror and pulling her own face like ugh why me though because didn’t wanna be here doing this but we are, crying a lil bit more about the fact like great I’m this bitch now love that for me, but also loling at her GOD NO face]
Mattie: [giving her a hug because you want to but also so she doesn’t feel like you’re gawping at her whilst she cries ‘I cry all the time’ like tis true, not saying this like I’m a depressed bitch vibe we’re just an emotional sort of bean]
Fi: [‘I usually don’t but I-’ again stopping yourself saying whatever gay thing you were going to say, despite the fact this hug couldn’t be more gay how you’re returning it]
Mattie: [‘you’re stuck at a terrible party because you’re a good person?’ not us admitting how hard it sucks lol]
Fi: [shaking her head ‘I’ve honestly been to parties which ranked higher on the scale towards complete bust, you don’t need to feel like a bad sister’ because true, you definitely have, for many reasons, and also that isn’t why you’re crying and we all know it]
Mattie: [sighing like thanks but ‘I almost always do anyway’ the work you put in for the lack of pay-off, soz girly]
Fi: [‘oh Mattie’ hugging her tighter because what can you say, we all know it isn’t her fault but you don’t wanna shade her sisters again like you did earlier ‘you’re an amazing sister’ because you’ve seen it with your own eyes how hard she tries always]
Mattie: [just hug it out gals like this isn’t risky business or anything ‘you smell nice’ and sniffing the top of her head and then her neck to see if it’s more shampoo or perfume]
Fi: [gonna say it’s perfume because what else are you bringing in that big red bag, plus then you can get it out and spray it on her, how intimate and how gay, plus sniff her back because perfume smells different on different people, so you can also comment on that somehow, like oh it smells more like such and such on you vibes]
Mattie: [just doing the little twirl you do through a perfume cloud and then hugging said scent to yourself so you can fully breathe it in casually before turning back to her like now, come here, gently cleaning up any makeup that had been smudged]
Fi: [when you’d be so used to other girls doing your makeup because boarding school but it’s her so you’re just here DYING inside casually, opening your mouth to say something, but either you don’t know what to say or you’re scared of ruining this moment, so you just breathe, lowkey a sigh]
Mattie: [meanwhile we’re here not daring to breathe because so into being this intimate with you we’re afraid what we might do if we make any sort of sudden move, yet we’re still touching your lips like your lipstick needs patting into place when I doubt it’s gone that awry]
Fi: [feeling for said lipstick and handing it to her without looking down because likewise barely dare or want to move but do want to linger in this moment by letting her reapply it for us unnecessarily]
Mattie: [putting it on our lips first, without looking away from her to look in the mirror, slowly circling the entirety of both lips, slowly, pouting them out for the full effect, before gently tilting her head up towards the light to apply hers ‘so pretty’ just under our breath, casually as if it remotely is]
Fi: [thank god there is nobody in here because she’s STARING at this scene like Mattie is doing something pornographic, could not be more into it, catch this girl with her lips parted way before she even needs to do it for her own lipstick application purposes, it’s just the affect this is having on her nbd, likewise catch her blushing when she has no choice but to hear that because proximity]
Mattie: [when her reaction has you wanting to push this desperately, to do more and show her more, gently using your bodyweight to push her up onto the counter of this sink moment, as if you need her sat to do this properly ‘prettiest girl’ at the same volume but your voice is shamelessly hoarser, really doing the most you can with said lipstick to push her lips apart how you want to]
Fi: [it’s the sigh hitting completely different now for me, because DUH, not okay about any of this in the best way, literally having to bite her lip so it doesn’t turn into an even more blatant sound all together and also to give her more work to do, because again simply must prolong this]
Mattie: [without thinking, smearing this lipstick across her mouth with your fingers when she bites her lip ‘bad girl’ like she ruined it that hard but really you just wanted to and now you have even more work to do when you can concentrate]
Fi: [pressing her back so hard against the wall in a way that would have to be obvious but if she doesn’t she’ll move forward and do something even more BLATANT at what this gal just said because !! this feels like a fantasy you’ve had but you know it’s really happening because you’re not even tipsy yet, at least you can pretend you’re doing some etiquette style good girl posture to try and make this easier for her and your amends, including crossing her ankles like a lady sits, again not at all because you’re dying, nope]
Mattie: [putting the cap on this lipstick with a satisfying click because not in the mood to fix this or anything currently, folding our arms and taking a step back like we’re appraising you but obviously we’ve had similar fantasies and are taking this moment in for all its worth, taking hold of your knees and yanking your legs apart unceremoniously, which is FINE because you’re wearing trousers, standing closer to you again in the gap we’ve just created]
Fi: [getting her name out of our mouth like she did earlier before they were rudely interrupted by someone but x 100000 with how her voice obvs sounds about this, but having to close her eyes when this gal is in this close proximity to us again because CANNOT cope actually]
Mattie: [doing a little gasp at hearing your name said like that, by her, playing with the necklaces she has on, pulling them tighter and looser ‘round the back of her neck, whilst in her ear but closer than we ever were out in the party ‘tell me, Fi’]
Fi: [when you literally have goosebumps from her gasp before she’s even touched you, nbd, and are literally trying to disappear into this wall when she does so as not to make any dramatic moves ‘I can’t’ her voice catching before and as she says this, like excuse me I literally cannot, doing the most dramatic swallow as if that’ll fix how impossible speaking is]
Mattie: [tracing your finger across the goosebumps on display which is really just her neck and slightly down her chest ‘okay’ really quietly and after quite a while of doing this, creating goosebumps on goosebumps, I’m sure, before gently pulling her down via your hands around her waist and then letting her go, opening the lipstick again to rub away the mess you made and reapply, yet again]
Fi: [looking at her the most 🥺 anyone ever has while all this is occurring, lowkey trembling with the !! of not reacting any other way, until she accidentally licks her lips during this lipstick reapplication, soz and the ‘fuck’ escapes like oh no, in such a !! manner ‘excuse my language, miss’ in trying to be a bants way but this moment is too charged for that to land anything other than flirty af]
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — student! jay x tutor! reader
: genre — fluff, crack 
: song recc. — L’amour by Miel De Montagne 
: a/n — this lowkey sucks but I've been wanting to get work out so I'm sorry if this isn't the best :(( also I'm still learning french so if some of it is wrong pls lmk so i can fix it!! 
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Jay was your school’s resident bad boy. blond hair, all-black outfits, cuts class and yells at kids that look his way. you know? the usual. You on the other hand were the complete opposite. straight-A student. A quiet kid who didn’t dare look the ways of Jay Park and his Clique™. So imagine the shock that was felt when the boy you avoided at all costs, walks up to you in the middle of the cafeteria asking for French lessons. 
“You want me to do what?” He rolls his eyes, tired of this conversation already. 
“Can you not hear? I’m failing French and I need to pass or else my parents won’t let me move to France.” He speaks as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“And you’re asking me why?” He rolls his eyes again for what felt like the 100th time. You’re just confused about how he even knows of your existence.
“Listen, all I know that you’re in my French class and that you pay attention, I’ll even pay you I just need to get my mark up.” You perk up to the sound of money. You don’t really need but it’s still nice to have some. Doing this will get you good Karma right? 
“Fine. Meet me at the library every Monday and Wednesday after class, got it?” Jay stares at you with annoyance. He really does not want to be wasting his senior year on stupid lessons but, here we are. He reluctantly agrees and watches you walk away, struggling to hold your books in your arms. He turns around and lets out a deep sigh, wondering if the hot chicks and fancy baguettes in France are really worth this
Minutes turned into hours as you waited for Jay to show up. You waited patiently for hours just for this kid to not show up. Annoyed, you start to pack up your books. You don’t know why you’d think someone like Jay would actually show up to a voluntary tutor session. You were just about to make your way out of the library when you see someone running towards you almost like the flash. As the figure got closer to your still body, you realize it was Jay. Now, bent over in front of you gasping for air with his tongue out like a dog. You stared at his limped-over figure with confusion and slight disgust. 
“s-s-sorry i was… late, i f-forgot about… this.” he manages to speak out with the little air he has in him. He stands up and evens out his breath. 
“what makes you think i’m gonna tutor you now? you wasted my time Park, i have a life too you know.” you snap at him. He stares at you for a brief second before letting out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and slapping his leg. He sees your serious expression, your eyes glaring at him like an eagle and awkwardly stops laughing. 
“Look, i’m paying you and this is only gonna last for a little while. i just need to pass, that’s it.” His eyes shine with a hopeful gleam, a look that is extremely rare to see from Jay Park. He looked a little cute. You dramatically sigh and start walking into the library, Jay following behind you. 
You settle at the table you sat at prior, re-opening your book bag to pull out your notes. He just watches you do that, not making an effort to even bring out a pencil. 
“Okay, so how much french do you even know?” 
He stares into space, a little hesitant to continue. “Um, i can ask if i can go to the bathroom?” You stare at him with disbelief. You’ve been in this class with him for months and that’s all he knows. 
“Oh and i can say good morning!” you let out a loud groan that catches the attention of others around, causing them to loudly shush at you. Feeling annoyed again, you contemplate if the money was really worth it. You sigh out and start looking for your notes from the beginning of the semester. This was gonna take a LONG time. 
“... and that’s how you conjugate verbs in the past tense, aka passé composé!” You finish off the session with joy. Jay on the other hand has gone completely blank, not remembering a single word you just told him. He stares down at his notes, then at you, then back down at his notes. You can see the struggle on his face and he hasn’t said a word yet. 
“I’m never gonna pass french. This is it. I can kiss France goodbye.” he claims with despair. This already too hard for him and he barely has learned anything. He sets his head on the table and mumbles to himself about how he will never be happy if he doesn’t live his youthful 20’s in France. You sat across from him irritated with his discouraging behaviour and a little sad that you weren’t able to teach him well. Until you come up with a plan that might help him improve much quicker.  
“What if… we hang out this weekend? We can do something and we’ll only speak in French! Of course I’ll help you and all that. But like, maybe? Only if you want to of course you probably don’t wanna spend your weekend with me i dont know you know its just a plan.” you ramble on and on without stopping and Jay simply just watches you. He smirks a little before nodding. 
“How about you put your number in my phone and then I’ll text you when I’m free hm?” he slides his phone across the table towards you and eyes you typing it in. He catches a glimpse of your rose-coloured cheeks and smirks a little more. 
“Okay, uh there’s my number! Just um, text me you know, when you’re free!” you manage to stutter out. Jay just nods at you and again, watches you walk away. This time a slight smile across his face. 
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A sudden notification pulls you away from your thoughts. An unknown number that you had a feeling belonged to a particular boy you didn’t think would actually text you. 
042-002-1130: bonjour 
042-002-1130: was that even right
042-002-1130: anyways I’m free on saturday if you wanna hang ig 
042-002-1130: samedi is saturday right 
042-002-1130: it is wow im such a genius 
You let out a snort at his cocky behaviour and reply back, letting him know that you were free yourself and to meet you at the school grounds at 2 pm. 
Saturday shows up as you wait outside the school gates, a picnic basket in hand. An all-black car with dark tinted windows zooms up to you. The window is pulled down and alas, the handsome boy sits in the driver’s seat, ushering you to get into the car with his hand. 
“Woah a picnic basket? Listen y/n you’re cool and all but this isn’t a date,” he speaks and notices you roll your eyes. A smug smile tugging his lips. 
“No you asshole, I have a plan with this.” 
“Tell me,” Jay begins to drive away from the school. The destination is unknown to you but extremely familiar to the boy next to you. 
“In here there is a bunch of food, in order for you to eat, you’re gonna have to say the name of the food in french.” He turns his head to see you looking back at him, a sweet smile places on your face. Jay has always known of you. You sat in the back of the classroom, handed in all your work on time and never skipped a class. You had very few friends and always seemed to be lost in a dream world when you weren’t working. Jay had never been able to speak to you personally as you always avoided him but know he has the chance to actually talk to you, and he doesn’t wanna mess it up. 
The car stopped at the edge of a giant grassy field. The greenery going miles ahead. Trees surrounding the two of you. Jay like a gentleman runs out of the car to open the door for you. You blush at his actions, thanking him silently by smiling at him. 
He directs you to a small spot under a tree. You lay out a blanket for you to sit on while Jay leans up against the tree. You tell him to sit down next to you as you bring out all the little snacks to share with him. He thinks that he could get used to this. 
“D’accord, commençons! Qu'est-ce que ç'est?” (okay, lets start! What is this?) 
You pick up a grape. He thinks for a little bit before answering. “Un raisin.” (a grape) You clap with glee and hand him over the grape. A silence falls between you both, unaware of how to keep going. He picks up a strawberry and brings it to your face. “Tu aime les fraises?” (do you like strawberries?) You eye him for a second, for someone who said he only knows how to ask how to go the bathroom in french, he knows quite a bit. You nod a little, opening your mouth and letting him feed you the sweet fruit. Your face matches the colour of the strawberry and he giggles. You pull out a sandwich and ask him to describe what’s in it. 
“Dans le sandwich, il y a du jambon, du beurre, et de la tomate.” (in the sandwich there is some ham, some butter, and some tomato.) He speaks confidently. 
“Trés bien Jay! Tu es bon en parler francias!” (very good Jay! You are really good at speaking French!) 
“Merci, mon Cheri.” (Thank you, my dear.) you blush even more before and shy away from Jay’s gaze. Jay being the very bold guy that he is, placing his hand underneath your jaw, forcing you to meet his eyes. You both just stare at each other as the sun sets behind you. Was Jay always this beautiful? His eyes scan over your face seeking for any discomfort, none is to be found. So he makes the move and starts to lean in. You already have your eyes closed and lips puckered out, ready to embrace a feeling you’ve never felt before.
His breath fans over your lips and just before he kisses you he asks “je peux t’embrasser? (can I kiss you?) you eagerly nod and whisper out “embrasse-moi.” (kiss me.) Jay finally places his lips on yours and everything feels right. Your hands find their way to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. You stay in this position with him for a little while before you pull back for air. Both his hands cradle your face, his thumb rubbing across the apples of your cheeks.
“I still have a lot to learn y’know?” Jay breaks the silence. You laugh out loud, falling into his lap. 
“Same time next week then yeah?” He lets out a ‘hmm’ and watches you rest your head against his thigh, playing with the ends of your hair. ‘Maybe France could wait a little’ he thought. 
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
BNHA College AU - Monoma
Major: Psychology
Minor: French
Sports: Soccer
Clubs: Debate
Neito feels the need to prove himself to everyone - he wants everyone to look at him and recognize how successful he is, mainly due to a childhood of everyone around him having very low expectations for him, so he wants to prove them wrong
Because of that, he’s forced himself into doing as much as possible - he studies in all his free time so that he can go into class and act like it’s easy and stay at the top of the class, he volunteers on some weekends at a local hospital, he’s on the soccer team and so he spends a lot of time at practices or games, and he joined the debate team to top it off
So basically, he has a full time schedule, and he is very tired. Not that he would ever admit it, he hides behind concoctions of coffee and energy drinks to make it appear like he’s fine
Even though most people tend to avoid him because of his “I’m so much better than all of you” attitude, no one can deny he isn’t amazing for pulling off everything he is. So far he hasn’t broke, so despite how tired he is, it seems to be working for him
The only people who really try and help him calm down are his roommate, Shinsou, and a friend from high school, Kendo - who are both very concerned about Neito, but he brushes them off saying that he’s fine
You’d think as a psych major he’d be able to understand that he needs to chill, but nope - his ego won’t let him
Now, you meet Neito in your Abnormal Psych class, when at the beginning of the semester your professor said that your only grade for the class is a project that you’ll be paired up for - and you ended up with Neito
At first you thought you were lucky, getting paired with the smart kid, but as soon as you two sat down together to talk about the project you quickly decided you weren’t so lucky
“Let’s just get this over with, I’ll do all the work, okay? I don’t want to fail because of you.”
Even though having him, who you already admitted was smart, do all the work sounded like a nice way to pass the class without doing any work, you weren’t gonna let him bad mouth you like that. He had no right to immediately decide that you were too dumb to even help out
“Well I don’t want to fail because of you, so I’ll take my half of the work, and you’ll take yours. I’m not putting my grade completely in your hands either.”
After a few seconds of glaring at each other, he dramatically rolled his eyes and sighed, “Fine, whatever, I’m picking what parts I want to do though.”
Truthfully he was happy you said that because he does not want to do a whole project by himself nor does he have the time to do so, but he doesn’t want to fail. So he’s just gonna hope that you’re smart
Throughout most of the project, you two just did your own work by yourselves - neither of you had any interest in working with the other
So other than the few times where he made sure to check in and go “are you actually working on the project?” you didn’t talk to him again until the day before the project was due when you met up in the library 
You both needed to make sure the other actually did their part and that your work would actually work fine together, and you weren’t surprised when Neito’s parts ended up being amazing work that would for sure get a high score. He was also very happy when he saw that your work was also amazing, he had worried a bit that he would have to redo a bunch of your stuff so he was glad he wouldn’t
But poor boy was exhausted, with everything that he has to do day by day on top of a huge project that he totally didn’t end up doing most of in the past week (the hypocrite) – and you could tell. Despite not knowing him well, you knew that Monoma tended to take a lot of pride in his appearance, so seeing him show up with dark circles under his eyes and messy hair was surprising
Even though he had been kinda rude to you before, you felt lowkey bad. He had obviously worked very hard on the project, and your grade depended on that. His did too of course, but still. So, you invited him out for coffee
You thought he was gonna make fun of you for asking, almost making you say nevermind, but the look on his face showed shock rather than humor, so you nodded your head, “yeah, you look tired. I’ll buy it, don’t worry. Just to celebrate us finishing this stupid project.”
He agreed, although he still looked kinda shocked, but maybe it was just because he was tired
So, you brought him to the nearest starbucks on campus, and you ordered your drinks – he got some fancy one with a lot of instructions, and once you got them you went back to the library cause there were a lot of people in the starbucks -  it is a college campus afterall
At first you both kinda just drank your coffee and went back to going over your project since you would have to present it tomorrow, but as the caffeine started kicking in Monoma started talking more and more about other things
Like he mentioned that he has to leave in about an hour cause he has soccer practice and so you were like oh youre on the soccer team?? How cool – and ofc, he’s not gonna miss a chance to brag about himself. So yes, he did talk about all of the cool things he does around campus, and despite how easily it could come off as annoying, he seemed like he was actually happy to be talking about it
However, you had to flaunt yourself too – so whenever you could you’d interject with a hard class you took or some volunteering or internship you’d done or your job, anything to show that you’re a hard worker too
And Neito liked that – you were fun. You were letting him talk about himself without getting annoyed, you were smart, you were nice, and you also were really hardworking
He totally didn’t go back to his dorm after practice and ramble to Shinsou about how awesome his project partner is
The next day, of course the presentation went great, no matter how you are at presenting Monoma is great at it and your actual project was really good so everything went perfect
You had pretty much that’d be it of you and Monoma, but at the end of class he came up to you with a proud grin on his face and asked if you wanted to come to his game this weekend
You weren’t busy or anything so you agreed, and lowkey you thought it be fun to see him playing. Even before you met him you knew this boy was pretty, and thinking about him running around playing made you a bit more flustered than you’d like to admit
So you went, and you followed Monoma’s instructions of where to go and all that, and soon the game started.
And your brain was right – he did look extra pretty like this. You couldn’t help but cheer for him as he scored goals, making him flash you a smile every time. Part of you wondered why you were doing this, you had only really known him for a few days altogether, and you disliked him for most of that, but you couldn’t deny you were having fun
Ofc, his team won, and you cheered like crazy. He came up to you after the game, ready to brag about how good he did, but you beat him to it, “You did so good Monoma!”
“I know, I know, thank you~”
Even though you should probably be the one treating him for winning, he said that he had to pay you back for the coffee the other day, and you went to get some fast food
Not healthy, but it’s a celebration, he’ll let himself eat badly sometimes
After that, you found yourself hanging out with him a lot more often, either studying or going to his games or whatever – you even ended up together in another psych class the next semester
Basically, you two had become best friends, and that was fine for a while, despite you thinking he was very pretty and had a gorgeous voice and you had started to respect him a lot
Well, it was fine for you – Neito had found himself falling deeper a lot sooner than you did. People generally don’t show him the time of day that you have, and he knows he wasn’t exactly the nicest to you when you first met but even so you not only defended yourself but were nice anyways
So yeah, long story short he loves you, he practically worships the ground you walk on tbh but he won’t ever admit that (at least not for a while)
It takes a lot of convincing from Shinsou and Kendo to even try asking you out, them saying “they’ve stuck around for this long, there’s a good chance they might like you too. Or at least I doubt they’d think it’s weird, if they can put up with you normally I’m sure they can handle this.”
So eventually, he did. Awkwardly knocking on your dorm room door one night dressed nicely, making you feel kinda weird when you answered in your pajamas, but he asked “y/n, would you like to go out with me tonight? As a date?”
Poor boy was trying so hard to sound confident but he wasn’t doing all that well, his voice coming out kinda wobbly. You were lowkey shocked when he said it but it was a pleasant surprise, no you had never really thought about dating monoma, but you were sure as hell willing to give it a try
So you said yes, asking him to give you a minute so that you could get equally as dressed up while your roommate helped you out, and soon you were on your way to wherever he was taking you
Of course it was a very fancy date, Monoma wanted to go all out for you, so it was a kind of overwhelming first date but you found yourself enjoying it greatly. He may have tried being all romantic and flirty, but there was still the goofy Monoma that you were used to under there
By the end of the date, there was no doubt about it, you liked him, so there were no objections when he asked if he could kiss you after walking you back to your dorm.
Once again, Monoma coming back to his dorm and rambling to Shinsou about how well the date went and how he even got a kiss! But Shinsou was happy for him
The next day he texted you to come meet him at the library where he officially asked you to date him, he wanted to do it there because that’s where you first became friends – how cute
Now Neito has another person constantly telling him to calm down, you support him in everything he does of course but when he’s tired you will make him stop studying so that he can nap with you
When he has matches you get to do that cheesy thing when after he wins he can run up to you and kiss you – its amazing, his teammates think it’s gross, but who cares
And you go to his debate competitions if youre allowed to, and hoo boy can he debate he always has the best arguments and everything you’re so proud like hell yeah that’s your annoying ass man
Neito is a French minor, and of course he’s gonna use that on you. He’s very good at French, like he picked it up quickly and he’s just got it down completely, so ofc he’s using that to flirt with you
But if you know French and use it back at him he will get very flustered (if you don’t know it maybe you should learn some just for this)
You guys go on so many fancy dates, not always expensive fancy dates, but things like you show up at a park and he set up a bunch of fairy lights and brought champagne or something
If you ever hang out at his dorm, which might be fairly often cause of how much he studies and all that, Shinsou will get annoyed by you two being cute
But he’ll also tell you a bunch of embarrassing stories about Neito so you love talking to him, Neito does not like it so much for that exact reason
he’s generally not big on pda but sometimes he’ll feel the need to make some big declaration of his love while you’re in public and you’re just like neito plz shut up - he’s romantic he cant help it
okay but you two have totally faked a proposal multiple times at a fancy restaurant or gone to bakeries saying you were engaged just so that you could get free food - but he makes the fake proposals so realistic that they lowkey make you tear up... imagine what he’ll be like when he does it for real
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martiestudies · 3 years
Academic asks: 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 22, 24, 25, 30, 32, 35, 40, 42, 46, 50. that's so many I'm so sorry but they're such cool questions that I wanna hear the answers too! of you don't wanna do that many you can just cut out a few (or more than a few!)
omg don’t apologize i looooove answering these kind of things
2. what’s your major?
ngl i still don’t get the college system they use in the usa lmao but i’m studying to become a chemical engineering!! it’s uhhhh 5 years but absolutely no one graduates in that time so..............
4. do you think you picked the right major?
yes!!! the pandemic unmotivated me a lot and i questioned very hard if i wanted to do this but i always ended up at the same answer: i really love what i’m studying and i wouldn’t change it
6. career goals?
uhhhh i don’t think i have many tbh because i’m trying to focus on short term goals? but. graduating with a good average and find work quickly in an interesting field, hopefully researching. OH and i want to study abroad too like do one of those exchanging(?) programs
8. what classes are you taking right now?
just two! because i fell a little behind last year so i’m slowly catching up (most of my classes are correlatives so). this semester i’m taking math-B and general chemistry.
9. favourite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why?
hands down the physical-chemistry one on my second year of high school because it’s the one that made me fell in love with science
10. least favourite class ever and why?
i don’t think i’ve ever had a class i hated? if i did it was because of the professors, not the subject. the one that comes to mind is my 4th year’s technical mechanics class because it was basically applied physics (WHICH I LOVE) but the professor was the worst person i’ve ever met and i still have mild trauma bc of it
12. current least favourite class and why?
out of the ones i’m taking? math lol but because i love chem with burning passion and my math class can be kinda boring sometimes. i still like it tho
15. class you’ve always wanted to take but never had the chance?
languages’ classes like i wanna study italian properly and maybe german and recently i really really really want to do a korean curse. also an astronomy/astrophysics class !!!! the german and astro ones are actually offered as classes for my degree’s credits but i haven’t taken them yet.
22. what’s your preferred writing implement?
i love this question lol my mechanical pencil with 0.5 B2 mines is my bestie and also i like to use filgo lighter fines for writing anything and everything
24. describe your perfect study environment
i think the one i’ve been lately it’s ideal? it’s quiet because i’m in my apartment alone and i have really good natural lightning and my kitchen like 2 meters away so i can spend the day drinking teas. i could do with a bigger table though lmao
25. are you procrastinating right now?
absolutely yes
32. describe your favourite teacher/professor and why you like them
OHHHH MY PHYSCHEM HIGH SCHOOL PROFESSOR!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s one of the best teachers ever and he motivated me (and still do kinda) to be the best student and person i can be. he teaches other classes too in my high school so i’ve had the pleasure to have a few other classes with him and i absolutely ADORE him tbh all my love for science is thanks to him and his classes 
35. most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor?
something that stuck with me is how the prof i mentioned before always made a point of letting his students know that EVERYONE has the capacity to learn things and be smart we just don’t have to give up
40. write the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and post a photo
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42. a lot of notes or the bare minimum?
i always do a L O T of notes for everything so i’m trying to tone that down but yeah i prefer to have a lot instead of not enough
46. do you have pre test rituals and what are they?
uhhhh i never review/study the day of an exam. my last revision is always the night before so that day i can keep a clear head and that’s always worked for me.
also,,, lately i’ve been lowkey praying to a religious card (? like estampita) of kim seokjin from bts (aka San Jin) made as a not-really-a-joke from a store here in argentina. it’s really cute. and if you’re an army you just KNOW seokjin radiates good luck (also i’ve never failed an exam since i started doing that so)
50. what’s something more important to you than school?
oh a lot of things !! i don’t think school is the most important thing in my life by far even though i do think it’s really important. i’m gonna say, for example, my cat
woooo this has been fun :)
ask me something!!
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junghelioseok · 5 years
↳ you can definitively say that you did not sign up for this.
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◇ namjoon x reader ◇ zombie apocalypse!au | college!au ◇ 15k [1/1]
notes: a very late birthday present for @imaginationofacrazyfangirl, who i kind of like for some reason. 
⇢ pronoia (n): a state of mind that is the opposite of paranoia. a suspicion that the universe is conspiring in your favor.
warnings: some violence obviously. some gore. mostly just me trying to be funny. irreverent humor, zombieland jokes, and a couple bad philosophy references bc idk what i’m talking about. exactly one (1) brooklyn 99 joke. yoongi is lowkey a badass bc u cannot convince me his crafty, conniving ass wouldn’t be good in this kind of situation. jk’s ready to risk it all for a twinkie. tbh this is kind of a mess and the ending might be rushed but i still worked really hard on it so please leave feedback sndfjfkjsksds 🙈
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It’s too quiet.
Fluorescent lights flicker overhead, the dull hum fading into the background as water starts dripping somewhere to your left. Your heartbeat quickens, thudding erratically against your ribcage as you suck in a deep breath and tighten your grip on your baseball bat.
It’s hard to believe that just three days ago, you were a regular college student. Three days ago, your biggest concerns were finding a decently paid summer job and getting through your last philosophy lecture without daydreaming about the cute teaching assistant bending you over his desk. But now, sandwiched between two rows in the back of your university’s biggest auditorium, you have several new concerns. Bigger concerns.
And first and foremost among them, are the zombies.
To be honest, you still aren’t entirely sure how it happened. The last emergency alert had killed your phone’s battery for good, and you’d only just managed to catch a glimpse of the words “mutated virus” and “nationwide epidemic” before the screen faded to black. And a good thing too—the undead guy trying to sneak up on you from behind definitely would have gotten you had you not seen his reflection in your now-useless hunk of metal and glass.
Thank god for the softball unit in high school gym class, you think to yourself, trying in vain to wipe the blood and brain matter off of your bat. Sure, you didn’t think you’d be utilizing those skills to kill zombies, but at this new low point in your life, anything that aids your survival is a home run in your book.
Deeming your weapon sufficiently clean, you tuck it back into a makeshift sling you’d fashioned out of an old scarf, adjusting it so that it lays flat against your spine. With both hands now free, you begin inching toward the back exit. There’s a growing ache in your bladder that you can no longer ignore, and you send a quick prayer up to any gods that may exist before cracking the auditorium door open, glancing left and right down the seemingly empty hallway. Silently, you count to ten.
After a few more moments of deliberation, you decide the coast is clear. The restrooms are at the very end of the hall, and you can’t help but feel like the little gendered stick figures are taunting you as you cautiously make your way toward them, your shoes silent against the linoleum floor.
You are approximately fifteen feet away from your destination when you hear footsteps. Your heart kicks into overdrive at the unsteady rhythm—a short tap followed by a long dragging sound, as if the approaching individual were limping. For a moment, you debate running for the nearest bathroom and barricading yourself inside, but enclosed spaces are a bad idea according to every zombie movie you’ve ever seen, and you aren’t particularly keen on the idea of becoming zombie food.
Instead, you steel yourself and turn around, pulling out your bat. The approaching zombie doesn’t look like a student—in fact, you’re pretty sure he was your trigonometry teacher for a semester during freshman year—but that’s hardly important right now.
What is important, however, is the black-and-white figure that’s just rounded the corner behind the limping math professor-turned-zombie. And it’s running toward you—fast. Far faster than any of the undead beings you’ve seen, and, upon closer inspection, faster than most of the human beings you know.
And that can only mean one thing.
“Jungkook!” you exclaim, half in surprise and half in horror as the dark-haired track star pulls even with your former professor and swings at his head, using all of his momentum and landing a solid crack. The zombie crumples to the linoleum floor, blood and viscera seeping from the crack in his skull, and you frown in distaste before looking up at your classmate. “Uh, hi?”
“{Name}?” Jungkook asks in disbelief, skidding to a stop. He’s wearing a single boxing glove on one hand and wielding a smashed wine bottle in the other, and you almost want to laugh at his appearance. After all, you’re about ninety-nine percent sure he was wearing the exact same thing at the last house party you both attended. But now—with a bloodied zombie still twitching at your feet and the imminent threat of even more coming after you—probably isn’t the best time to bring that up.
“It is you,” Jungkook says in disbelief, his eyes widening. “Are you alone?”
You nod. “Yeah. You?”
Jungkook nods back. “Yeah. You’re the first person I’ve come across who hasn’t—well… you know.” He gestures downward vaguely.
“Yeah. I know.”
For a few seconds, the two of you stand in silence, ruminating on how everything managed to change so quickly. Just last week, you and Jungkook were regular college students. He ran track and and co-captained the campus dance crew, and if it weren’t for the fact that you were lab partners, you aren’t sure you ever would have met. But after months of sitting together in class, equally stumped by the biology textbooks you were forced to buy and elbow-deep in formaldehyde far too often for your liking, you’ve grown to consider him a friend. And right now, you really, really needed a friend.
“Jungkook,” you begin, laying an arm on his shoulder, “I need your help.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” he says, shaking his shaggy hair out of his face like a dog and glancing around the hallway. “We should team up. I mean, we’ve been lab partners for months so we already know we work great togethe—“
“We’ve failed almost half of our lab reports, and you nearly set the table on fire last Tuesday,” you cut in. “But that’s not the point. The point is the current state of my bladder and how you can help me with it.”
Jungkook blinks. “Uh.”
“I need to pee,” you clarify.
“And what exactly do you want me to do about that?”
“Come with me,” you reply, grabbing his wrist. Jungkook lets out a protesting grunt when you begin pulling him down the hallway toward the restrooms, struggling even more vigorously when you try to make him follow you inside.
“This is the girl’s bathroom!” he gasps, wrenching out of your grasp.
You stare at him. “The entire city is overrun by zombies and that’s what you’re worried about?”
“It’s weird!” he protests. Nevertheless, he trots in on your heels, peering around curiously as you bang on the wall of the nearest stall in an attempt to draw any lurkers out into the open.
“Check for zombies, idiot,” you instruct when Jungkook gets distracted by his own reflection in the mirror. “I don’t wanna get eaten.”
He huffs but complies nonetheless. Raising his broken wine bottle, he glances into each stall, kicking open the doors with unnecessary force. “Clear,” he reports once he’s checked the last one, offering you a mock salute. The effect is ruined by the bright red boxing glove still on his hand, but you bite back the snide remark on your tongue and instead walk into the nearest stall.
“Plug your ears or something,” you tell him as you lock the door. “I don’t want you listening to me pee.”
“Why the hell would I listen?” Jungkook retorts, sounding thoroughly horrified.
“Some people are into that,” you reply, wagging a finger at him despite the fact that he can’t see you through the closed door. “It’s called urolagnia. Don’t kinkshame.”
“I don’t want to know why you know that,” he grumbles under his breath. “Shut up and pee already. I have to go too.”
“But this is the girls’ room,” you snipe, finishing your business and stepping out to wash your hands. Jungkook takes your place inside the stall while you turn on the sink, eyeing his reflection pointedly in the mirror. “You’re gonna get cooties.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Ha, ha,” he says dryly. “You’re hilarious.”
And then he’s turning around, flipping you the bird before slamming the metal door in your face.
You shrug, unfazed. “I know I am,” you say, addressing your own reflection in the mirror. “Also, do you by any chance own a car?”
“This feels like a bad idea,” Jungkook mutters, eyeing the quiet parking lot. It’s nowhere near full, but there are still several dozen cars scattered around, empty and abandoned with no owners to be found. At the far end lies your prize—a black SUV with tinted windows and a bicycle strapped to the roof. “Should we make a run for it?” Jungkook asks. “I mean, we don’t really have any other options if we wanna make it out of here with our brains intact, and—”
“Hang on a sec,” you interrupt, grabbing his arm. “We can create a diversion first. Give me your wine bottle—I’m gonna throw it.”
Jungkook hugs the glass bottle to his chest, eyes round and expression aghast. “And leave myself defenseless? What do you want me to do, punch the zombies away?”
“That’s literally what you did ten minutes ago,” you point out, rolling your eyes. “Do you have a better idea?”
He pauses for a long moment before a resigned sigh leaves his lips. “Fine. I get to throw it, though.”
“Whatever,” you reply, waving a hand at him. “Knock yourself out. Or them. You should really knock them out, on second thought.”
Jungkook wisely chooses to ignore your rambling, hefting the bottle and testing its weight. Rearing back, he tosses it in a perfect arc, and you watch in fascination as it somersaults through the air before crashing down onto the asphalt in an explosion of shattered glass. “There!” you hiss urgently, tugging on Jungkook’s sleeve when a zombie immediately lumbers out from behind a nearby sedan, searching for the source of the noise. “We run on three, got it?”
“Got it,” he whispers back, watching raptly as several more zombies follow the first. “One…”
Together, you make a mad dash for the SUV. Jungkook gets there first, skidding to a stop and trying the driver’s side door only to find it locked. “I’ll check the other side,” you tell him, glancing around to make sure the zombies are still distracted. “Work on breaking a window or something, fast!”
The sound of a throat being cleared stops you dead in your tracks. “You’ll do no such thing,” a low voice drawls. A moment later, the platinum blond head of Min Yoongi—a reclusive senior you only know because he deejays at your favorite club every Friday night— pops out from behind the hood of the car, his dark eyes narrowed at you accusingly. “We got dibs on this one.”
“Yoongi?” you ask in surprise. “What are you—wait. We? Who’s we?”
“I’m we,” a new voice announces—one that you’re very, very familiar with. Kim Namjoon steps into view behind Yoongi, and you aren’t sure whether to be horrified or thrilled to see your philosophy TA alive and well, with what looks like a metal fence pole perched on his shoulder like a bayonet. “Hey, {Name},” Namjoon says, offering you a small smile. “Fancy seeing you here, of all places.”
“N-Namjoon,” you stammer, your heart skipping a beat and racing to catch back up. “You’re… okay.”
“More or less,” the tall man replies agreeably, shrugging. Then he glances toward his blond companion, raising a quizzical brow. “Come on, Yoongi. We’ve got room for two more, don’t we?”
Yoongi grumbles something under his breath that sounds like acquiescence, and Namjoon grins, patting him on the back. “Welcome aboard,” he says, turning back to face you and Jungkook. “We’ve got to move fast. You’re Jeon Jungkook, right? I’ve seen you around the track field. Can you do me a favor and watch my back while I open this door?”
Jungkook nods, accepting Namjoon’s brief handshake and the metal pole he hands over. Namjoon then pulls a wire coat hanger out of his jacket pocket, and you watch, awestruck, as he jimmies the car door open.
“There aren’t any keys,” Jungkook points out, peering over the taller man’s shoulder to get a glimpse of the ignition. “Now what? Does anyone know how to hotwire a car?”
“Yes,” Namjoon and Yoongi say simultaneously.
“Well, only in theory,” Namjoon adds when Yoongi rolls his eyes and brushes past him to duck underneath the steering wheel. “Yoongi’s the real expert here.”
“That makes me sound like a criminal,” the blond man grumbles as he sets his toolbox on the ground and gets to work. “For the record, I only know how to do this because of all the times my keys have gone missing. I’m not the fucking Pontiac Bandit.”
“Sounds exactly like what the fucking Pontiac Bandit would say,” you and Jungkook say at the same time, high-fiving each other.
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “This isn’t even a Pontiac,” he grumbles, hissing through his teeth as he pulls a few wires free and begins fiddling with them. “Quit watching me and make yourselves useful. Go check the trunk for supplies, or something. Christ.”
Namjoon hums thoughtfully, eyeing the surrounding cars. “That’s actually a good idea. There might be something useful in some of these other cars too. {Name}, why don’t you come with me? Jungkook should probably stay here and keep watch.”
Your mouth goes dry at his suggestion, but you nod hurriedly before your brain can short-circuit at the sound of your name leaving his lips so casually. “That… yeah. That sounds good. Let’s do that.”
“Good luck!” Jungkook calls cheerily as you walk off, earning himself a hard kick in the shins from Yoongi, who’s still flat on his back on the floor of the car.
“Dude, shut the fuck up! Do you want to die?”
Jungkook looks properly abashed. “Right,” he says, lowering his voice. “My bad.”
To your left, Namjoon muffles his laugh behind his hand. Yoongi lets out an exasperated sigh, and you grin, waving at the two before departing with Namjoon. Together, you wander deeper back into the maze of abandoned vehicles scattered around the lot, peering inside for anything that might be useful. Stopping at a sedan with open windows, you slip a hand inside and unlock the door. There’s an unopened bottle of soda in the cupholder, and Namjoon smiles as he reaches into the backseat and pulls out a few grocery bags.
“Try popping the trunk,” he suggests.
“On it,” you reply, searching for the right button. Namjoon walks around back to open the lid, grinning triumphantly when he sees what’s inside.
“More groceries,” he says, hefting another bag. “And half a case of bottled water. This should be enough to get us started.” Beckoning for you to join him, he hands over the three bags before hefting the case of water over one shoulder. “You okay? I can take a bag if you want.”
You shake your head, threading your baseball bat through the handles of each bag and hefting it onto your shoulder. “I’m fine. Thanks, though,” you tell him, trying to ignore the way your heart rate picks up when he gives you a look of approval, a small smile curling the corner of his mouth and dimpling his cheeks.
“So,” you begin as the two of you start trekking back toward the SUV, “where are we headed, anyway? It seems like you and Yoongi have a plan.”
Namjoon nods. “We do. There’s a reported quarantine zone up north—it’s all over Twitter.” Reaching into the pocket of his jacket, he pulls out his cellphone, along with a massive battery pack. “I’ve been conserving my phone battery as much as I can, keeping track of any news, and I think it’s our best bet.”
“Smart.” Ruefully, you pull out your own device and show him the black screen. “My phone died ages ago.”
“You still might be able to charge it,” Namjoon points out. “The electrical grids haven’t gone down yet. And I know Yoongi’s got a cord back at the car, so we can charge our devices on the road too. He’s got all sorts of stuff—this battery pack is his, actually. I couldn’t find mine.”
“Of course you couldn’t,” you mutter, thinking back to every time he’s misplaced his laser pointer or lecture notes during class.
“Nothing,” you say quickly. Off in the distance, you spot a few zombies shambling along, no doubt searching for their next meal. Silently, you and Namjoon begin walking faster.
Yoongi and Jungkook are both seated inside the car by the time you return. Jungkook hops out to help you load the bags, and you shoot him a grateful grin as you climb into the backseat alongside him. Namjoon takes the passenger seat, kindly plugging in your phone while Yoongi adjusts his mirrors with a frown. “The engine’s gonna draw their attention,” he says. “They probably won’t be able to get us in the car, but hang onto your weapons just in case.” Then he pauses, glancing back at the metal pole in Jungkook’s hands and the wooden bat in yours. “Well. We’ll need to make a stop and get actual weapons.”
“We can try the police station,” Namjoon suggests. “I’m sure others will have had the same idea, but it’s really our only option. Then we’ll have to load up on food, water, and gas.”
Curiously, you peer into the grocery bags sitting on the floor between you and Jungkook. “Most of this stuff’s perishable. We’ll need to get non-perishable stuff if we’re going to be on the road for a long time. How far did you say that quarantined zone is, Namjoon?”
“I didn’t. I’m not actually one-hundred percent sure myself. Social media is a mess, as you might imagine.” Turning around in his seat, Namjoon shows you his Twitter feed—conflicting news alerts interspersed with grisly photos of the destroyed city and panicked requests for aid. “The last emergency alert said that the military base just outside of city limits is safe, but I’m not so sure.” He scrolls down, revealing several videos of zombies staggering around a helicopter, and upon closer inspection, you realize that they’re in full military garb. Horrified, you take his phone to get a closer look, thumbing down the page to reveal even more atrocities.
“Shit,” Jungkook breathes, sidling over to look over your shoulder. “That’s not good.”
Yoongi sighs, eyeing both of you in the rearview mirror. “Yeah, no kidding. The only thing we’re sure about so far is that the infection started in the south, so heading north is our best bet. And hopefully, we’ll find—”
Namjoon’s phone clatters out of your hands as the parked car suddenly tilts, swaying dangerously to the left before all four wheels return to the asphalt once more. Horrified, you stare at the huddled horde of zombies that has suddenly appeared at your window, bloodstained hands trying in vain to reach you through the glass. “Yoongi, I think you need to drive now!” you shout, wincing as they begin thumping on the window in earnest.
The blond man curses when the car rocks again, his eyes flickering between the dashboard and the zombies swarming on Namjoon’s side of the car. “Oh, fuck. Fuckfuckfu—HA!”
The engine roars to life, and you watch as the zombies closest to you flinch at the sudden noise before renewing their efforts, banging on the window until spiderwebbing cracks begin to form.
“Dude, floor it!” Jungkook yells.
Yoongi doesn’t need to be told twice. The car lurches forward, tires squealing, and you yelp as you’re slammed back against the seat. Instinctively, you fumble for your seat belt, ignoring the stunned look Jungkook shoots you in favor of buckling yourself in and watching the undead horde recede in the distance as you pull farther and farther away. “Holy shit,” you mutter, your head falling back against the backrest, your chest heaving with uneven breaths. “Holy fucking shit.”
Yoongi huffs out a sardonic chuckle as he slows ever so slightly to turn onto the main road. “Yeah. Welcome to the apocalypse.”
It’s odd, seeing the city you know and love in ruins. Billowing black smoke rises in the distance, filling the air with an acrid stench and a metallic tinge that you don’t want to think about. The roar of the SUV’s engine sounds like a siren’s song in the eerie silence of the streets, drawing unwanted attention from the undead. Everywhere you look, soulless eyes follow. Some zombies even try to chase the car, but they are quickly left behind as Yoongi slams down on the gas pedal, weaving past overturned vehicles and prone bodies.
You don’t wait to see if any of the bodies will rise up again.
Namjoon begins fiddling with the radio as Yoongi turns down yet another street, heading downtown. Static blares from the speakers, and you watch his frown get deeper the further along he scrolls through the stations. “Nothing,” he mutters after a few long minutes. “That’s not a good sign. The infrastructure is crumbling.”
Jungkook tears his gaze from the window. “What do you mean?”
Namjoon switches off the radio, letting silence envelop the car for a few seconds before speaking again. “I mean everything that sustains our way of life—the things we take for granted most days, like running water and electricity and the internet. We aren’t going to have them for much longer. Without workers to run things, we…” He sighs. “I figure we have maybe a week, at the most.”
“And then what happens?” you ask, your voice soft.
“I don’t know,” Namjoon admits. “To be honest, we might not even survive long enough to find out.”
“But we have to try,” you murmur. “Sure, we’re outnumbered and weaponless, but we have a car. We’re faster and smarter. I don’t think things are hopeless just yet.”
Namjoon shakes his head at your optimism, but Yoongi’s nodding, meeting your eyes in the rearview mirror. “Don’t mind him,” he advises. “Joon likes to overthink things and work himself up into a frenzy, but I think we’ve got a chance at making it through. Besides...” He gestures out the window with his thumb. “We won’t be weaponless for much longer.”
The car rolls to a stop in front of a square brick building that you recognize as the police station, the dark windows overlooking the street like gaping mouths. Most of the glass is broken—even on the higher stories—and you shiver at the sight of the jagged edges glinting like teeth in the wan afternoon sun.
“So... getting inside won’t be a problem,” Jungkook says dryly.
“Guess not,” Namjoon says, frowning. “Somebody definitely beat us here. Should we chance it? Everything could already be gone.”
“We’re already here, man,” Yoongi drawls, already beginning to open the door. “We may as well check it out.”
Cautiously, the four of you pile out of the SUV, eyes darting left and right as you make your way toward the front door with Jungkook in the lead. It’s hanging off its hinges and the glass is pocked with bullet holes, and a frown spreads across your face as you trace one lightly with your index finger. “Looks like there was a fight,” you murmur quietly to Namjoon, who’s standing just behind you with a rather large rock that he must have just picked up from outside. Yoongi takes up the rear with a hammer grasped tightly in his hand, and you bite back the Thor joke that’s sitting on the tip of your tongue.
“Doesn’t look like anyone’s here anymore, though,” Jungkook says, winding his way farther into the lobby. “Think these elevators still work?” he asks, gesturing at the twin metal doors on the far wall.
“Not worth the risk,” Namjoon decides, walking over to the stairwell and opening the door. He peers inside before gesturing for you to enter, allowing everyone to step past him before quietly shutting the door and eyeing the two sets of stairs branching out from the landing. “We’re looking for the station’s armory,” he whispers. “What do you guys think? Up or down?”
“We could split u—” Jungkook begins to suggest, but you cut him off before he can even finish the sentence.
“And get killed off one by one like in every horror movie ever? Are you serious, Jeon?”
Jungkook blinks. “Fine. What do you think, then?”
“I think the parking garage is probably downstairs,” you muse, peering over the railing to look at the lower landing. “And it doesn’t look like there’s another level below that, so I’d say going up is our best bet.”
A smile curls the corner of Namjoon’s mouth, dimpling one cheek as he follows your lead and glances downstairs. “Nice observation,” he says once he’s straightened up again, laying a hand on your shoulder. The gentle pressure sends a shiver up your spine, a butterfly taking flight in your stomach on fluttering, iridescent wings. It’s all you can do to smile back, thanking him softly as he retracts his hand. Already, you miss the warmth of his palm.
“Let’s go,” Jungkook says, effectively ruining the moment as he begins the ascent with his pole at the ready. Yoongi follows, and Namjoon gestures for you to go ahead of him, tucking his rock under one arm.
“It’s not the best weapon,” he says when he catches you looking, a rueful chuckle escaping him.
You grin back. “Better than nothing.”
Up ahead, Jungkook stops on the second floor landing, pressing his ear against the door. “I can’t hear anything,” he grumbles, fumbling for the doorknob and cracking the door open. “But it looks like the coast is cle— oh, shit!” Jungkook pulls the door shut again, his eyes wide.
“What happened?” Yoongi hisses. “What did you see?”
“There’s a bunch of them in the corner,” Jungkook whispers. “They’re… eating something.”
“Someone,” Yoongi corrects wryly, earning himself an elbow in the ribs courtesy of Namjoon. “Sorry,” he mutters, not sounding very sorry at all.
“How many are there?” Namjoon asks.
Jungkook pauses, casting his gaze upward as he does a mental tally. “At least seven or eight that I saw. There could be more though.”
“Did you see anything that could’ve been an armory? Some place where weapons would be stored?” Namjoon presses.
“Nah. Looked like a bunch of desks, mostly. Offices and whatnot.”
Namjoon nods slowly, tapping his chin. “Okay,” he says after a few seconds of deliberation. “Let’s keep going.” He takes the lead this time, stepping past Jungkook to the next staircase, and you follow after him, struggling to keep up when he elects to take the steps two at a time. His long legs span the increased distance with ease, and it takes every ounce of self-control you possess to refrain from staring at his flexing thigh muscles.
One flight of stairs and several instances of shameless ogling later, you find yourselves on the third floor, tiptoeing through a darkened hallway lined with doors and peering inside one by one.
“These all look like interrogation rooms,” Yoongi grumbles after a few fruitless minutes.
“Nope, this one’s a closet,” Jungkook pipes up, walking inside and exiting with a mop. The door slams shut behind him, and he winces under the absolutely withering glare Namjoon shoots at him. “My bad,” he whispers, offering the taller man the mop. “But on the bright side, I think this might be a better weapon than a rock.”
Namjoon sighs and accepts the mop. “Fine. Let’s make the rest of this search quick though. And be quiet,” he adds, with a pointed look at Jungkook. “We might be close to where the weapons are kept now, since we’ve left the administrative areas behind.”
And as it turns out, he’s right. The very next door you open is a room with a multitude of industrial shelves and racks lining the walls. Much to your disappointment, most of them are empty, but a more thorough search turns up a couple of handguns along with several cases of ammunition. Jungkook finds a stockpile of smoke grenades that he refuses to part with, and you roll your eyes as he shoves them into his pockets. “What the hell are smoke grenades going to do against zombies?”
“You never know,” Jungkook retorts. “Besides, I don’t see anything else in here. Do you?”
Dejected, you shake your head. “No, I don’t. Guess Namjoon was right—someone had the same idea as us.”
“It’s better than nothing,” Namjoon says, picking up one of the guns and peering closely at it. “Who here knows how to handle a firearm?”
Yoongi grunts. “My uncle used to take us hunting on camping trips. I’m not a great shot, but I’m all right.”
Namjoon glances over at you Jungkook. “What about you guys? No?”
Jungkook shrugs. “Do shooting games count?”
“Okay, then no.”
Namjoon sighs and hands the other gun to Yoongi, who accepts it and checks the safety before tucking it safely into his belt. You watch as Namjoon checks his own gun, unloading the magazine and inserting a new one. “I take it you know a thing or two about guns,” you remark, inching closer to him as he engages the safety with deft fingers.
“My grandfather was a cop,” he replies softly. “He taught me a lot before he passed away.”
You bite your lip as his brow furrows, laying a gentle hand on his arm. “I’m really sorry to hear that.”
He shrugs, his gaze sliding up to meet yours. “It’s alright. It happened years ago.” Then he glances down at your hand, his expression softening just the tiniest bit. “But I appreciate it. Thanks.”
The next few minutes pass in silence as the four of you complete your sweep of the room, peering at the bottommost shelves for any equipment you might have missed. “Hey,” Yoongi says suddenly, his voice hushed. “Hand me your bat, {Name}.”
Both you and Namjoon turn to face him. “Why?” you ask curiously, handing it over and watching as he lays it on the table and pulls his hammer from his waistband.
“Nails,” he says shortly. “Found some in that drawer and figured I’d make you a proper apocalypse weapon.”
“Wait,” Namjoon interrupts, striding over as Yoongi begins hammering nails into your wooden bat. “You’re making too much noise. Someone’s going to hear us.”
“Uh, it’s kinda already too late for that,” Jungkook hisses from the entrance. He’s peering through a little square window that sits about two-thirds of the way up the door, and flinches when a bloody, pale fist slams against it, splintering the glass. “We’ve got company, guys,” he grunts, pressing his full weight against the door and wincing as the glass shatters over his head. “Anyone got any bright ideas to get us out of here in one piece?”
“No,” Namjoon says slowly. “Unless…”
“Unless?” you press.
“We need a diversion,” he says, shaking his head. “But I don’t see how we’ll create one unless… well, unless one of us goes out there and leads them away from here. But that’s asking way too much, and—“
“I’ll do it.”
All three of you whirl around to face Yoongi, who looks thoroughly unfazed by the sudden scrutiny, picking idly at a frayed corner on his jacket. “You can’t be serious,” Namjoon says, finding his voice first. “It’s dangerous.”
“So is staying here,” Yoongi replies. “Besides, aren’t you always going on about the greater good? Altruism and Comte and all that shit? Let me do this, man. I can handle it.”
“That’s not—” Namjoon stops, rubbing the bridge of his nose and letting out a heavy sigh. “That’s not the point. It’s just not practical, Yoongi. You’ll be vulnerable if you’re alone.”
“No, I’ll be fast,” Yoongi corrects, pulling out his gun and clicking off the safety. “You think we’ll do any better as groups of two? I don’t.”
“But—“ Namjoon tries again, his brow creasing, but Yoongi shakes his head and strides to the door.
“I’m gonna go left,” he says, his hand on the handle. “We came from the right, so you guys should be able to retrace our steps and get out.”
Jungkook stops him before he can exit, pressing a handful of smoke grenades into his palm. “Hang on,” he says, his throat tight. “You might need these.”
Yoongi pockets them, nodding. “Thanks, man.”
Namjoon looks like he wants to argue some more, but finally bites his lip and nods, his face resolute. “Good luck,” he says after a long, heavy pause. “Stay safe.”
Yoongi flashes you all a crooked grin. “See you soon.”
And then he’s flinging open the door, swinging his hammer into one zombie’s skull and kicking another in the knees. Namjoon stays in the doorway, shooting any and every zombie that he can see through the smashed window. You can just barely hear Yoongi jeering insults over the sound of gunfire and stumbling footsteps, the occasional thud of something heavy against the linoleum floor letting you know that Namjoon has successfully found his mark.
After what feels like an eternity, Namjoon finally pulls back from the window and turns back to you and Jungkook. “Coast is clear,” he whispers. “Let’s go.”
“And Yoongi?” you ask, anxiety roiling in your gut at the thought of the blond man facing the horde of undead alone.
“He’ll be fine,” Namjoon says automatically, and you know he’s trying to convince himself just as much as he’s reassuring you. His grip is tight on his gun as he wrenches open the door and ushers the two of you out into the hallway, and even in the dimness you see the worried glance he shoots over his shoulder, lingering on the corner that Yoongi has disappeared around.
“Come on, Joon,” you murmur, nudging his arm gently. “Yoongi’s gonna beat us back to the car at the rate we’re going.”
That draws a soft chuckle from your companion. “You’re right,” he murmurs back. “Let’s go.”
As it turns out, however, Yoongi does not beat you back to the SUV. The blond-haired man is nowhere to be found, and you see concern etch itself permanently onto Namjoon’s forehead as he peers around the eerily quiet street. The air feels too still, and every crunch of gravel from underneath your sneakers sounds like a gunshot.
“He’ll be back, right?” Jungkook whispers urgently to you while Namjoon is out of earshot, his doe eyes wide and beseeching. “You don’t think he got…”
He trails off, and you shake your head, unwilling to even think of the possibility that harm has befallen the blond-haired man. “Yoongi’s tough,” you declare. “He’ll be back any minute, and we should be ready to take off when he does. In case, you know, he’s still being chased.”
“Right,” Jungkook says, glancing over at Namjoon, who’s standing closest to the driver’s side and is suddenly beginning to look very sheepish.
“So… I can’t actually drive,” he says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as your jaw drops.
“Wait, you can’t drive? Don’t you live off-campus? How do you get to class?”
Namjoon shrugs. “I usually bike. Sometimes I walk to class, if the weather’s nice.” Then he pauses, dejection settling on his features. “Although I guess I won’t be teaching classes again any time soon.”
Your heart sinks. You know from the syllabus that he handed out on the first day that this was his first semester as a teaching assistant, his passion for philosophy shining through in every lecture he’s given. “You’re a great teacher,” you tell him, intent on cheering him up. “I learned so much from you. I mean, nobody likes moral philosophy, but you somehow managed to even make that interesting, which is pretty damn incredible.”
Namjoon huffs out a laugh. “Thanks. You were a pretty damn incredible student, yourself.”
“Why, thank you,” you tell him with a grin.
Beside you, Jungkook rolls his eyes and pretends to retch. “Fine, I guess I’ll drive.” Grumbling, he swings open the driver’s side door and plops down onto the seat, adjusting it for his longer legs. “Now how the hell do I start this thing?”
Namjoon clears his throat awkwardly and tears his gaze away from yours, reaching underneath the steering wheel and pulling out a tangle of wires. You stop listening as he explains to Jungkook how to spark them together and instead turn your gaze back to the looming police station, watching intently for any sign of Yoongi’s return. Crumpled newspapers and stray plastic bags roll by, buoyed by the spring breeze. Across the street, a lone pigeon roams, head bobbing as it searches for crumbs.
“Looking for me?”
You jump, letting out a surprised shriek as Yoongi’s blond head of hair suddenly pops out from behind the trunk. “Jesus Christ, Yoongi, what the hell? Where did you come from?”
“Originally? My mother’s womb,” he replies, shrugging. The movement draws your attention to the sleeves of his jacket, newly tattered and splattered with crimson, and any witty retort you might have had is immediately swallowed up by concern.
“Is that blood? Oh my god, is that your blood?”
Your shout alerts Namjoon and Jungkook, twin looks of concern marring their faces as they clamber out of the SUV and join the two of you. “No, no—I’m not hurt,” Yoongi reassures, dismissing your worries with a wave of his hand. “Things did get a little dicey, but it all worked out in the end.”
“How exactly did you escape?” Namjoon asks.
Yoongi grins crookedly. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
Jungkook blinks. “What?”
“If I couldn’t beat them, I had to join them,” Yoongi elaborates, gesturing to his tattered, dirty clothing. “I stumbled across the evidence room while I was trying to find another way out, and got an idea. This—” he gestures at the red stains splattered across his clothing, “—is actually spray paint. The police must’ve confiscated it from graffiti artists or something. Then all I had to do was rip up my jacket and limp a little and, well, here we are.”
“And that worked?” you ask in disbelief. “You just… pretended to be a zombie and walked out?”
“More or less,” Yoongi says with another shrug. “Now come on, let’s blow this joint. They could find us any second, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t really wanna die just yet. Pretending was enough.”
You have about a million more questions, but Yoongi takes his spot in the driver’s seat before you can ask any of them, readjusting the seat and promising an inquisitive Jungkook that he’ll teach him how to drive the hotwired vehicle next time. The rest of you take your seats as the engine roars to life underneath the blond man’s skilled fingertips, and with a squeal of tires against asphalt, you are off once again, heading toward the great unknown.
“Wait, wait, no, stop!”
Yoongi slams on the brakes at Jungkook’s shout, the car skidding to an abrupt halt. “What is it?” he demands, his gaze darting around frantically as his fingers reach for his gun. “Is there a problem?”
Jungkook winces. “Sorry. I was talking to Namjoon, actually.”
Yoongi visibly relaxes, shaking his head as he resumes driving. Namjoon glances back at Jungkook, his eyebrows disappearing behind his dark hair in silent inquiry. “Yes?”
“The radio,” Jungkook says, gesturing at the dashboard buttons that Namjoon has been fiddling with incessantly for the last several minutes. “Go back to the last station for a sec.”
Obediently, Namjoon turns the dial. Staticky white noise fills the air, and Jungkook frowns. Then a few jumbled words filter through the static, and he lets out a triumphant shout. “There!”
“Huh,” Namjoon says, leaning closer to the speaker. “I can’t understand a thing they’re saying. We must be out of range.”
“But we must be getting closer—I think I can make out a few words,” Jungkook says. “Everyone shut up and let me listen…” He trails off, and for a few moments, there is only the sound of garbled static and the low whir of the tires against pavement. Then Jungkook flops back against the seat, a pensive frown settling on his face. “Huh.”
You nudge his shoulder. “Well? What did you hear?”
“Not a whole lot,” he admits. “And I can’t be sure that what I heard was right, but… I think the broadcast is coming from Sonyeo City.”
Namjoon purses his lips, his chin jutting out in the way it does whenever he’s deep in thought. “Sonyeo City… that’s about six hours away, isn’t it?”
Yoongi hums. “Yeah, just about.”
“Do you think…” you trail off, hesitant. “Do you think that this means Sonyeo City’s… safe?”
“There’s no way to be sure.” Namjoon casts his gaze out the window, and you get the feeling he’s looking far beyond the crumbling streets and dark buildings, to the horizon where there still may be a glimmer of hope. “But at least we now have a destination in mind.”
The rest of the ride is quiet. Namjoon keeps the radio on just in case another snippet of discernible audio comes through, but none of you manage to catch anything important. Yoongi stops at a gas station to refuel, and a few minutes after that, finally manages to find a grocery store that looks to be mostly intact and devoid of any immediate threats.
“Let’s get this bread,” Jungkook proclaims as he slides out of the backseat, walking toward the entrance of the store. “And by bread, I mean Twinkies.”
You gape at his retreating back. “Is that a Zombieland reference?”
“Maybe,” he replies, shooting you a playful grin over his shoulder.
Shaking your head, you follow him through the automatic doors and glance around the interior of the store. Row after row of shelves take up the majority of the room, with an open space on the far right for fresh produce and glass-paneled refrigerators lining the wall. Behind you, the doors slide open again with a whoosh, and you turn to meet Namjoon’s eyes as he steps inside with Yoongi. “We should lock the doors,” you point out.
“You’re right,” Namjoon agrees, inspecting the metal frame surrounding the glass.
“Hang on,” Jungkook interrupts, eyes wide as he watches Namjoon fumble with the mechanism. “Are you locking us in?”
“For the time being,” Namjoon says absentmindedly, still focused on the door.
You walk over to Jungkook and pat his cheek. “He’s not locking us in; he’s locking them out. Or would you rather have a horde of zombies stumble in while we’re grabbing supplies?”
“... fair point.”
Yoongi, meanwhile, is gazing around the store, leery as always. “Hello?” he calls, his voice cutting through the silence. “Anyone home?”
Not even two seconds later, a shambling, shuffling figure emerges from a far aisle, moving surprisingly quickly despite its odd, lopsided gait. Two more follow, and Yoongi raises his gun, clicking off the safety and narrowing his eyes.
Toward the other end of the store, you spot another zombie dragging itself along the floor, leaving a trail of streaky, bloody handprints in its wake. Three more shuffle out from behind a display of watermelons, heading toward you, and you tighten your grip on your nail-studded bat as they draw ever closer.
Shots ring out behind you, but you don’t chance a glance backward. Out of your peripheral vision you spot Jungkook on your left, bringing his metal pole down onto the crawling zombie’s head with a sickening crunch. Leaping into action, you swing at the closest zombie’s head. It was once a woman, you notice—long stringy hair falling around her decaying face, the bottom half of her jaw visible through the peeling skin. “Sorry about this,” you say, wincing as your bat makes impact. The nails catch in her skin, her neck cracking under the force of the blow, and you yelp as she falls over and the other two zombies take her place.
“Watch out!”
Namjoon’s voice suddenly sounds from behind you, and you instinctively duck as he sprints over and shoots one point blank. Jungkook takes out the other, driving the pole through its chest before pulling it out and smashing it over the zombie’s head. “Are there more?” he asks, slightly out of breath.
“Not sure,” Yoongi says, rejoining you. “I would think most of the lurkers were drawn out by all the noise.”
“Better to be safe than sorry,” Namjoon says. Walking over to a checkout lane, he grabs a pile of plastic bags and an abandoned cart. “Let’s stay together and take the aisles one at a time. We’ll take as much as we can carry.”
“Don’t forget bottled water,” you pipe up, pointing at the stack of water bottles piled next to the door. “We’ve already drank most of what we have. And if we’re getting canned food, we’ll need a can opener too.”
Namjoon follows the direction of your finger. “Good call.”
“I’ll get it,” Jungkook volunteers, jogging over to select a twenty-four pack of bottles and heaving it into the cart. “Now what?”
“Let’s grab the can opener first,” you say. “Maybe some other utensils too. Sound good?”
Namjoon nods. “Sounds great,” he says, handing you one of the bags. Jungkook and Yoongi accept the other bags that Namjoon doles out, and together the four of you head farther into the store, scanning the signs until you come across the one labeled household goods. It’s clear that others have been here before you, but a quick raid of the shelves yields two can openers and a set of silverware, all of which you deposit into your bag. Namjoon grabs four unbroken bowls, mismatched and in varying sizes, and you hold out your bag for him to drop them inside.
Next up is the canned food aisle, where you stock up on various vegetables and far more beans than you care to think about. Jungkook grabs a box of instant coffee, and Yoongi disappears for a few seconds and returns with a massive jar of vitamin supplements. “Gotta stay healthy,” he says in response to your raised eyebrows, adding it to the growing pile in Namjoon’s cart.
“Speaking of healthy, we should grab some produce,” you say. “It won’t stay good forever, but we can at least get some apples and oranges. And we should probably grab some stuff for dinner too. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving.”
As if on cue, Namjoon’s stomach rumbles. “Dinner would be nice,” he admits with a sheepish grin. “Let’s finish up here and then eat in the car. We probably don’t want to stick around here for much longer than we have to.”
After some discussion, the four of you decide on sandwiches for dinner and set about gathering the necessary ingredients. Yoongi wanders to the deli area to pick out a selection of meats that haven’t yet spoiled, and even manages to locate some cheese. You peruse the produce, selecting a head of lettuce and several ripe tomatoes while Namjoon fills a bag with apples and grabs a bunch of bananas. Jungkook raids the bread display, shoving two whole loaves and a box of dinner rolls into his bag. Several bags of chips and a pack of juice boxes later, you are ready to go, heading back out into the parking lot where the SUV is parked.
“Wait!” Jungkook suddenly yelps, stopping dead in the middle of loading the trunk. “I forgot my Twinkies!”
“Are you serious right now, Jeon?” you hiss, watching in disbelief as he hurriedly drops his bags and turns back toward the entrance.
“Yes,” he says stubbornly, already beginning to jog away.
Yoongi groans and flops down into the driver’s seat. “Sartre was right,” he grumbles under his breath. “Hell is other people.”
Namjoon gives him an astonished look, mouth already open and ready to question what exactly his friend knew about the French existentialist philosopher, but quickly snaps back to the issue at hand when you abandon your own bags and dart after Jungkook. Immediately, Namjoon follows, nearly tripping in his efforts to keep up with you, and you whirl in concern when he lets out a sudden, startled shout. “What is it?”
Namjoon grimaces, brushing a stray lock of dark hair off his forehead. “Sorry, it’s just—holy shit!”
A skeletal, gaunt hand is grasping at Namjoon’s ankle, and you gasp when you realize that it belongs to the female zombie from before, her milky eyes gazing unseeingly out from beneath stringy hair. Cursing, Namjoon shakes her off and fumbles for his gun. Pointing it down, he aims and pulls the trigger.
“I’m out of bullets,” he whispers in dawning horror.
You reach for your trusty bat, tucked away in its sling on your back, but the handle keeps evading your grasping fingers, the nails catching in the fabric. Your palms begin to sweat as Namjoon kicks at the zombie, stomping on her arm and cracking all the bones. He’s glancing around frantically for something he can use as a weapon, but to no avail. And all the while, the undead woman continues her dogged pursuit, crawling after him with one good arm like a lopsided cockroach, teeth gnashing furiously in anticipation of her next meal.
Jungkook barges onto the scene with his metal pole in hand, glinting dull silver in the flickering fluorescent lights. He smashes the zombie over the head once, twice, three times before relenting, his chest heaving with exertion. Namjoon sucks in a deep breath when she finally falls limp, reaching out to clap Jungkook on the back. “Wow,” he says shakily. “Thanks, man. That was a close call.”
Jungkook straightens up and hefts his weapon over his shoulder. “And that’s why we have rule number two here in Zombieland,” he says proudly.
Namjoon asks the question before you even have a chance to stop him. “What’s rule two?”
Jungkook grins a grin so wide, you’re surprised his mouth doesn’t fall off altogether. “The Double Tap, of course.” Then his gaze flickers downward, to where a familiar blue-and-white box lies crumpled against the linoleum. “Oh, no. My Twinkies!”
You sigh.
Dinner—if it can even be called that—is a quick affair, eaten while huddled in the SUV and parked in an alley. The sun is setting rapidly, dipping beyond the horizon and bathing the surrounding buildings in a fiery orange glow. It’s been mercifully quiet for the past half hour, broken only by the occasional crunch of a chip or a slurp from a juice box.
Yoongi starts driving again after he’s polished off the last of his sandwich. Dusky twilight cloaks the city in purple—turning it into something strange and unfamiliar. Normally, the streets would be aglow with lit lamps and illuminated homes, crowded with people returning home after a long day of work or classes. Now, though, the streets are silent and abandoned. The few zombified citizens you pass are quickly left behind, and you know you aren’t imagining the melancholy air that’s settled over your companions, nestling deep into the nooks and crannies of the SUV, stagnant and unshakable. It grows stronger the farther Yoongi drives, the buildings getting shorter and the space between them growing longer, and your heart breaks a little in your chest when you turn for one last look at the city you’ve all come to call home.
You can’t quite explain it, but somehow, you know you won’t ever be coming back.
Namjoon begins fiddling with the radio dials again as Yoongi turns onto the highway, a burst of static breaking the stifling silence in the car. Jungkook startles slightly at the sharp sound, looking up from where he’d been staring out the window. “Is that the station from before?”
Namjoon hums in affirmation, adjusting the volume until the white noise is just a low buzz. Jungkook settles back into his seat, but you can see that he’s listening carefully, his knee bouncing in anticipation.
And then, without any warning whatsoever, a voice comes through the static, clear as day.
Testing, one, two. Is anybody out there?
If you’ve still got a functioning brain and at least one ear, congratulations! another voice chimes in, brighter than the first. You’re listening to 2J! Straight out of Sonyeo City, we’re your premier source of zombie news—
—your only source, really—
—and we’re here to bring you all the latest so that you can stay safe out there, the second voice continues as if there was no interruption at all.
Unfortunately, the first voice says, adopting a more somber tone now, there isn’t a lot of good news. We’re still in the dark about how this epidemic started. Reports claim that it began in a city in the south, which multiple sources have confirmed, but the government has yet to put out an official statement regarding the situation.
They’re being pretty dodgy about the whole thing, to be honest, the second voice continues. The first emergency alert said it was a mutated virus, but the second claimed it was a contaminated water reservoir. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was some super-secret experiment gone wrong, Jin.
Honestly, me neither, the man named Jin says. But that’s enough of the conspiracies for now, Jay. Let’s talk survival! First thing you’ll want to do, dear listeners, is head north toward Sonyeo City, where a quarantine zone has been set up.
Jungkook releases a long, pent-up breath. “We were right,” he whispers. “Thank god.”
Namjoon flashes him a little smile and cranks up the volume, listening carefully as Jin’s voice fills the car.
Your best bet is to drive, of course, hop in your car and get going. Stock up on gas and non-perishable food, and some weapons certainly wouldn’t hurt either.
If worst comes to worst and you have to kill a zombie, the best way to do it is to smash its head in, Jay pipes up. You can also break their kneecaps to slow them down, but that won’t kill them for good. They’ll keep coming as long as they can still move—and if they bite you, you’re a goner.
Now onto ways to avoid zombies! Jin says, perhaps a bit too cheerfully. One thing I’ve noticed during my research is how quickly their optic nerves deteriorate once they’re infected. In fact, the rate of deterioration is second only to that of their vocal chords!
And now tell them what that means in plain English, Jay prods, laughing.
Jin chortles. Basically, they have shit eyesight, especially in the dark, he clarifies. If it’s nighttime and you find yourself surrounded somehow, your best bet is to stay quiet and move slowly. If they hear you, well…
You’re a goner, Jay supplies helpfully.
Exactly. Thanks, Jay.
No problem, Jin.
And that brings us to the end of this broadcast, Jin says, clapping his hands. Thanks for tuning in today, and we’ll see you next time.
Until then, this has been 2J. Stay safe out there!
There’s a dull click, and then the static resumes, filling the silence left in the wake of the broadcast. “Well, at least we’re headed in the right direction,” Yoongi says after a few long moments. “It’s a long drive though, and I don’t think I can stay awake for much longer. We might want to start looking for a place to sleep for the night.”
“That’s a good idea,” Namjoon says. “I’m pretty sure we’ve all been running on pure adrenaline up to this point, so we definitely need some rest. We’ll start fresh tomorrow morning.”
Mumbles of agreement all around. Ten minutes later, Jungkook points to a quaint little farmhouse on the right side of the road, the windows dark. “Think anyone’s home?”
“Guess we’ll find out,” Yoongi replies, slowly pulling off the road and into the winding driveway, watching for any movement from the house or the surrounding fields. The hum of the engine doesn’t draw any unwanted attention, and you breathe a tentative sigh of relief as he parks the car beneath a large oak tree. Together, the four of you pile out and approach the house, weapons at the ready.
“Should we knock?” you whisper, looking at the little brass knocker in the middle of the front door. “Ring the doorbell, maybe?”
“Can’t hurt, right?” Jungkook jabs his thumb into the button by the doorknob, listening intently as the bell chimes inside the house. After a few beats of silence, he shrugs. “Guess no one’s home.”
“And the door’s locked,” Yoongi says, trying the knob. “Maybe they’re away on vacation or something.” Wandering over to a nearby window, he jimmies the frame, a wry grin crossing his features when it pops open easily. “They should probably invest in better locks, though.”
One by one, you climb through the window. Namjoon is the last one inside, folding his tall frame through the small space, and as soon as both his feet touch carpet, Yoongi shuts the window again and closes the curtains. “Don’t wanna be seen from the street,” he explains as he pulls out his cell phone and taps the flashlight button, illuminating the room in harsh white light. Namjoon does the same, as does Jungkook, and you pull your own phone out as well—now fully charged from the long car ride. A quick sweep of the house reveals that it is indeed empty, and Jungkook whoops when his flashlight falls upon a rifle mounted over the fireplace. Further investigation reveals two more pistols in a cabinet, along with ample ammunition, and Yoongi grins as he loads all three guns and hands one over to you.
“You ever shot one of these before?”
The gun is heavy in your palm. Slowly, you shake your head.
Yoongi glances over at Namjoon slyly. “Why don’t you give her a lesson out back, then?”
You don’t miss the way Namjoon’s ears flush pink, his feet scuffing nervously against the carpeted floor before he chances a look at you. The smile that he offers you is warm but hesitant, and when he speaks, his voice is even more so. “Sure,” he says. “I can show you how, if you’d like.”
“I’d really like that,” you tell him, the butterflies erupting in your chest when his smile widens. Together, the two of you head toward the back of the house, taking a detour to the kitchen where Namjoon grabs an armful of empty soda cans. His shoulder brushes against yours as you walk, but neither of you pull away. Even as you step onto the wooden patio that leads into the rest of the yard, you remain side by side, admiring the full moon that hangs bright in the sky, providing just enough illumination to view your surroundings.
“I suppose we should start with the basics,” Namjoon begins, his gaze alighting on a low fence lining the property. Jogging over, he lines the cans up on the wooden beam before returning to your side and gesturing for you to raise the pistol. His fingers skim across yours as he shows you how to disengage the safety, and your heart skips a beat when he explains how to reload once you run out of bullets, his large hands guiding yours through each step.
There’s a damp chill in the evening air, but you don’t even feel it. Namjoon is so close by this point, his chest pressed almost flush against your back as he shows you how to aim. His fingers wrap around your wrist, warm and gentle, and you shiver when he speaks again, his mouth at your ear, his voice rumbling through his chest.
You nod, almost afraid to breathe as your finger finds the trigger. Namjoon’s grip on your wrist loosens but doesn’t disappear entirely, and you steel yourself for the recoil as you finally pull the trigger. The loud crack has you wincing, but Namjoon is laughing, the sound deep and husky as he urges you to lower the gun.
“Nice shot.”
You turn to look at the fence, now missing one soda can. “Oh, wow,” you breathe. “That was… kind of therapeutic, actually. Can we try again?”
Namjoon grins. “Of course we can.”
Ten cans and a box of ammunition later, you and Namjoon find yourselves lounging on the steps of the patio, staring up at the velvety night sky. “I’ve never seen so many stars before,” you murmur, a little awestruck by the sight. “But now that we’re away from the city and all that light pollution… wow. It’s amazing.”
“It’s beautiful,” Namjoon agrees, his gaze lingering on you for a moment too long before he collects himself and looks up at the sky once more.
“I wish I knew more constellations,” you say, laughing softly. “I can really only pick out the Big Dipper. And even then, I can only find it about eighty percent of the time.”
“What about the Little Dipper?” Namjoon asks. He scoots a little closer to you, pointing upward. “Do you see that really bright star up above the Big Dipper? That’s Polaris—the north star. It’s the end of the handle.”
You follow the trajectory of his finger curiously, eyes widening when you spot the smaller, but still distinctive, spoon shape. “Oh! Yes, I see it now. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it before.”
Namjoon chuckles. “I can show you where Orion is too,” he says. “That’s as far as my knowledge of constellations goes, though.”
“You know more than I do,” you reply, smiling up at him. Softly, you lay a hand on his arm. “Thank you for showing me.”
“You’re welcome,” he murmurs, cheeks dimpling as he gazes down at you. This close, you can see all the stars reflected in his irises, his skin glowing silver under the luminescence of the full moon. And in a sudden surge of boldness, you allow your hand to slide down until it’s laying atop his, your fingers settling in the spaces between his own.
Namjoon glances down at your intertwined hands, his lips twitching with a barely restrained smile. “You know,” he murmurs, his breath visible in the chilly air, “I’ve always kind of liked you.”
You blink at the admission. “Really?”
He huffs out a soft chuckle, his chest rumbling with the sound. “It’s crazy, right? But it’s true. Ever since you sat down in the front row on the first day of my class with a bright pink pen and no laptop… do you know how rare it is to see someone take handwritten notes in this day and age?”
Your cheeks heat up. “You noticed that?”
“I did,” he replies, taking your hand in his and twining your fingers together properly. “Do you remember that essay the professor assigned? It must have been the second or third assignment—the one about moral responsibility in modern society?” At your nod, he smiles and continues. “Yours was the best one I read, hands down.”
“Yeah, he talked about it for three days straight,” a new voice says. Whirling around, you see Yoongi’s head poking out the back door, smirking like the cat that ate the proverbial canary. “He wouldn’t shut up about it. It was annoying as hell.”
Namjoon groans. “Seriously, Yoongi?”
The blond man puts his hands up innocently. “Just stopping by to make sure you guys weren’t dead,” he says before letting the door shut again, chortling to himself.
Namjoon sighs and turns back to you, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sorry about him. He doesn’t have much of a filter.”
You giggle and squeeze his hand. “Don’t worry about it. He’s gone now, so I can finally do this.”
Namjoon tilts his head curiously. “Do wha—?” he begins to say, only to be cut off by your mouth on his. The kiss is soft and slow, your lips moving lazily against his, and by the time you pull away, both of you are breathing much more heavily. Namjoon’s hands find their way around your waist, tugging you close, and you nestle deeper into the warmth of his embrace, enjoying how it wards off the chill in the air.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, you know,” you murmur, pressing your lips to his cheek.
He chuckles and chases after your mouth, his nose bumping affectionately against yours. “Yeah. Me too.”
You wake up the next morning to golden sunlight streaming in through the window and an arm wrapped firmly around your waist. Namjoon hasn’t opened his eyes yet, his hair sticking every which way, but his grip on you tightens when he feels you begin to stir. “Good morning,” he mumbles, finally cracking an eye open and smiling down at you.
“Good morning,” you whisper back. You’re positive that you look like an absolute mess—hair in disarray, face crusty from sleep, body desperately in need of a shower—and yet Namjoon is staring at you like you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on, dimples dotting his cheeks as he reaches up to stroke your cheek with his thumb. You reciprocate with a kiss to his palm, and he grins. Grabbing your chin, he tilts your face up so he can kiss you properly—his lips soft and gentle against yours. It almost feels like an ordinary morning, and for a few moments, you can pretend that there isn’t a monstrous epidemic running rampant through large swathes of the country. For a few moments, you’re just a girl and a boy, basking in the idyllic haze of each other’s presence.
But then there’s a knock on the door, followed by Yoongi’s low drawl. “Get dressed and come eat, lovebirds. Sooner we get on the road, the better.”
You break apart from Namjoon, giggling when you see the dopey grin stretched across his face. “Why are you looking at me like that, you weirdo?”
His grin only widens, his arms looping around your waist. “It’s just funny,” he says. “Waking up with you, Yoongi yelling at us—this is the first ordinary morning I’ve had in a long time. And I’ve missed it. I’ve missed it a lot.”
“So have I,” you murmur, burying your face into the warm cotton of his t-shirt and allowing yourself one more moment of normalcy before getting out of bed. Walking into the bathroom, you are pleased to discover that the water is still running, and Namjoon even manages to unearth some unused toothbrushes and toothpaste from underneath the sink. The bristles are a little too stiff for your liking and the water has a metallic tinge that refuses to dissipate, but being able to brush your teeth makes a world of difference. There’s a noticeable bounce in your step as you make your way downstairs with Namjoon, and Yoongi and Jungkook pick up on it right away.
“Someone’s chipper this morning,” Yoongi says without looking up from his bowl of dry cereal. “The sex was that good, huh?”
“W-we didn’t…” Namjoon stammers, his cheeks flushing. “That’s not what we—”
You squeeze his hand, stopping his rambling in its tracks. “Let them think what they want,” you advise. “They’re just jealous of your dick game, anyway.”
“Ew,” Jungkook grumbles, throwing an apple at you. “Way too much information, {Name}.”
You shrug, just barely managing to catch the piece of fruit. “You guys brought it up first. Not my fault.”
The remainder of breakfast passes quickly. Yoongi and Jungkook head outside to start loading the car while you and Namjoon scour the house one last time for anything that might be useful, and within the hour, you are back on the road toward Sonyeo City.
“You know, this Jin character sounds like a piece of work,” Yoongi grumbles from the passenger seat for what feels like the millionth time. Jungkook is driving today, which leaves you and Namjoon in the backseat with the eclectic collection of food and weapons you’ve amassed. The four of you are listening to the 2J broadcast again, and after a rather lengthy discussion of zombie evasion techniques, Jin has lapsed into telling the worst dad jokes you’ve ever heard.
What does a vegetarian zombie eat? Graaains!
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Yoongi groans.
Morning turns into midday, the sun high in the sky. The road winds on, through green cornfields and grassy plains and the occasional small town. Several times, you spot a zombie or two shambling around aimlessly through the windows, but they’re quickly forgotten as Jungkook slams on the gas pedal. You get the feeling that he’s relishing the lack of an enforced speed limit, and taking full advantage of the empty highway.
It’s late afternoon by the time you arrive on the outskirts of Sonyeo City. Off in the distance, you can see taller skyscrapers rising up, gray and hazy against the horizon, but the area you’re in right now seems to be the warehouse district. Low, squat factories sit on either side of the road and a branching network of railroad tracks weaves throughout, but everything is eerily still and deathly quiet. No smoke rises up from the smokestacks, and you’re pretty sure you spot a train that’s been toppled over onto its side before Jungkook hits the gas again and takes you deeper into the city. The buildings get taller the farther you drive, but you still have yet to see any signs of life besides the occasional bobbing pigeon or scurrying rat.
That all changes when the car rounds the next corner. It looks as if a bomb has gone off in one of the largest brick buildings lining the street, covering the entire block in a layer of rubble. Zombified citizens mill around in the debris, and Jungkook slams on the brakes, his eyes wide with panic.
“Dude, just back up and try another street,” Yoongi says when he doesn’t move. “They haven’t noticed us yet.”
“No, that’s not it,” Jungkook says, his voice shaking. “We’re… we’re low on gas. Like, really, really low.”
Yoongi takes another look outside and blanches. “Are you fucking kidding me? We’ll get killed if we try to refuel now!”
“I’ll—I’ll get us as far away as I can,” Jungkook stammers, throwing the vehicle into reverse and beginning to back away from the mayhem. He clears the corner and continues backward for another two blocks before the car slows to a full stop, a groan escaping his lips. “Fuck.”
Glancing out the window, you see four stray zombies stumbling toward you. “Uh, guys? We have a bit of a problem.”
Namjoon curses and begins digging through the stash of weapons at his feet, pulling out several long knives and an axe you’d taken from the farmhouse. “We don’t stand a chance without a car,” he mutters as he pulls out supplies. “Yoongi, grab the gas. I’ll watch your back while you fill up the tank. Jungkook, be ready to drive at a moment’s notice. {Name}...” He grins, handing you the rifle to join the pistol you already have at your side. “You’re on sniper duty. But save it as a last resort, okay? Gunshots will draw even more attention to us, which is the last thing we need right now.”
“Got it,” you say, accepting the box of ammunition he slides over and ignoring the way your heart begins to pound in your chest. “Stay safe out there, okay?”
Namjoon presses a quick kiss to your mouth, ignoring the disgusted sound Jungkook makes. “I will, don’t worry. Be back soon.” And then he’s hopping out of the car, joining Yoongi at the gas tank and scanning the street for any approaching threats. The four zombies at the end of the street are still a block and a half away, but the distance doesn’t make you feel any better as you watch Namjoon and Yoongi standing out in the open, unprotected. Through the open window, you can hear Yoongi cursing, hands shaking as he opens up the gas can.
A young man bursts out of an apartment complex just up the street, the door slamming against the brick wall behind it. Even from a block away, you can see the frantic expression on his face as he dashes outside without taking proper stock of his surroundings. Your mouth opens to shout a warning—beside you, you can see Jungkook about to do the same—but it’s already too late. The zombies are upon him before he can even scream, rotting teeth tearing into his flesh and ripping chunks away until he’s reduced to a huddled mass of blood and viscera on the ground, deathly still and silent.
Then, to your absolute disbelief, the man is crawling to his feet again, his stance lopsided and his expression blank. Half of his jaw has been torn away, exposing teeth, and your stomach squirms at the sight of his fresh wounds still oozing crimson.
“Holy shit!” Jungkook screeches, whirling around to face you with wild eyes. “We need to get out of here!”
“I know, dumbass!” you yell back, craning your head back to check on your other two companions only to nearly jump out of your skin when the door flies open in your face.
“It’s me!” Namjoon shouts, sliding into his seat. Up front, Yoongi is already seated, his chest heaving with uneven breaths. “Drive, Jungkook!”
Jungkook lets loose a colorful string of curses and fumbles to start the engine, eyes skittering between the steering wheel and the approaching zombies. “Come on, come on—”
All four of you whirl around, searching for the source of the unfamiliar voice. A split second later, a young man with fluffy blond hair pops up in your window, followed quickly by another man with longer, dark brown hair. “Please wait!” the blond man entreaties, wincing when you let out a startled yelp and slam a hand against the glass. “Please!”
“Who the fuck are you?” you gasp.
“My name’s Jimin, and this is Taehyung,” he says, glancing over to where the zombies are rapidly approaching. “You have to take us with you!”
Jungkook chooses that moment to butt in. “What the fuck? No way! How do we know you’re not infected?”
“We’re not!” It’s Taehyung who speaks this time, his voice low but no less urgent than Jimin’s. “Please, you have to believe us.”
“How do you expect us to do that?” Yoongi growls. “We don’t know you—you could be trying to kill us, for all we know.”
“Why the hell would we kill you?” Jimin yelps, looking offended by the very idea.
“We’re not zombies, I promise” Taehyung adds, frowning. “No need to be so paranoid.”
“I think a healthy dose of paranoia is a good thing in this situation!” Yoongi snaps.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Namjoon’s pensive expression, his chin jutting out in the way it does when he’s focused. “Joon? You okay?”
His frown deepens. “I think we have to let them in.”
Yoongi balks. “Dude, what the fuck?”
Namjoon shakes his head. “No, seriously. Remember what Jin said in that broadcast—about how quickly an infected person’s vocal chords deteriorate? There’s no way they’d be talking if they were infected. Absolutely none.”
Jimin claps. “Exactly! Now can you please unlock the door?”
You look at Namjoon, who nods. Jungkook groans and Yoongi slaps a hand over his eyes, but you nod back and reach over to flip the switch, the door unlocking with an audible click.
“Thank you so much,” Jimin chants as he piles into the backseat in a mess of limbs. “Thank you. Holy shit, thank you.” Taehyung follows after him, slamming the door shut, and you grunt when Jimin scoots over to give him a little more room and nearly elbows you in the face.
“Careful,” Namjoon cautions, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging until you are practically seated in his lap. Beside you, Jimin and Taehyung make themselves comfortable, carefully avoiding the bags of supplies on the floor as Jungkook starts the car.
“Thanks again,” Jimin repeats earnestly once he’s settled in. “I know it must’ve been hard sticking your necks out like that, but we really do appreciate it.”
“Why were you even out in the open like that?” Yoongi asks, narrowing his eyes at Jimin. “Isn’t there supposed to be a quarantine zone somewhere in this godforsaken city?”
Taehyung nods. “Yeah, it’s in the city center, past the river. We were headed there ourselves, but then the explosion happened.”
“You guys must’ve seen it,” Jimin says. “Few blocks back, rocks and garbage everywhere? We think it was a gas leak, but who knows? It totaled our car, and we’ve been on foot ever since.”
Yoongi looks a little abashed. “Sorry to hear that.”
Jimin shrugs and offers him a crooked grin. “It’s all good. We’re still here now, and we’re still alive. That’s really all that matters.”
As it turns out, Jimin is a cadet in the local police academy—something you discover when his jacket falls open to reveal an impressive array of weapons strapped to his belt. Taehyung is an art history student, but between his fondness for paintball and his childhood on a farm, you quickly find that he’s almost just as well-versed in marksmanship as Jimin.
In the last ten minutes, however, Taehyung has fallen oddly silent. A glance over at the brown-haired man reveals that he is staring out the window, lost in thought as buildings rush by. Jimin is still chattering about the academy to a very interested Namjoon, but you don’t miss the occasional furtive glance he gives his friend, his brow creasing briefly in concern before he manages to smooth his expression out again.
Up ahead, you catch a glimpse of the river—a ribbon of blue snaking its way through the city. “There’s a big bend in the river, kind of like a horseshoe, right around the downtown area,” Jimin explains. “I think it was some kind of fortress back in the day, before the rest of the city was built around it. Most of the walls are still standing—historical preservation and whatnot—so the only way to get there is by crossing the bridge or going through the tunnel. And I’m like ninety percent sure they’ve already closed the tunnel down.”
“Bridge it is, then,” Yoongi says. “You know how to get us there?”
“Yeah, you take a left at the next light and then—”
“Can we actually stop here for a minute?”
Everyone glances back at Taehyung, who seems to have finally found his voice again. “Stop?” Namjoon asks, a frown etching its way across his face. “Why?”
Taehyung sucks in a deep breath, his gaze darting over to an unassuming brick building on the corner. “It’s just that… that’s where my little sister lives.”
And in an instant, you understand. You understand why he’s been so quiet this entire time, and why he’s been gazing out the window so wistfully. Jungkook steps on the brake, and the car rolls to a slow stop at the curb. “I get it,” he mutters, his fingers tight around the steering wheel. “I’d… I’d want to check too, if it were my brother.”
Murmurs of agreement all around. Taehyung smiles weakly, mumbling his thanks, and Jimin takes his hand with a reassuring smile. “Come on, Tae. Let’s go get Eonjin.”
“I’ll come too,” Jungkook volunteers, hopping out of the driver’s seat. “You might need the extra help.”
Yoongi sighs and exits the car as well, glancing back at you and Namjoon. “Guess I should stretch my legs too. You two wanna watch the car?
You nod. “We can do that.”
Yoongi nods back and follows the other three men into the building. You watch as they disappear into its dark depths, letting out a soft sigh.
“Do you think they’ll find her?”
Namjoon hums. “I don’t know,” he admits. “I hope so, for Taehyung’s sake. But I really don’t know if they will.”
You sigh again, shifting into a more comfortable position on his lap and letting your head fall back onto his shoulder. His arms tighten around your waist, and you shiver as his warm breath caresses your neck. “I’m glad my parents are overseas on a cruise right now,” you say softly. “They posted photos just yesterday, so I guess that means that whatever this epidemic is, it isn’t a global thing.”
“You’re lucky,” Namjoon mumbles. “I haven’t heard from my parents yet.”
You stiffen in his embrace. “You… you haven’t? Oh my god, Joon, I’m so sorry.”
He tries to shrug off your concern, but you don’t miss the way his throat bobs harshly as he swallows. “It is what it is,” he says after a few seconds. “I’ve heard from my sister, at least. She says she’ll be making her way here in the next day or two.”
“That’s good,” you murmur. You don’t know what else you could possibly say, and Namjoon, luckily, seems to understand.
Silence falls over the two of you, then—each of you lost in your own thoughts. Even though you’re so close to your destination now, it still feels far—as if it’s a mirage that will disappear if you so much as breathe the wrong way. You don’t know what awaits you, and for a moment, you’re terrified of the possibilities. But Namjoon’s arms remain wound around you, his presence warm and reassuring even now, and you think to yourself that maybe—just maybe—everything will be all right.
And then Jimin’s banging on your window again, forcibly pulling you out of your stupor. “Guys! Guys! It’s Tae—he’s been bitten!”
A beat passes. His words take a second to register in your brain—Tae, bitten—almost as if they don’t make sense together. It’s a sentence you never wanted to hear, and your limbs suddenly feel like they’ve been submerged in water, slow and heavy and dragging.
Namjoon, however, is up in an instant. “Where is he now?” he asks, throwing the door open and laying a hand on Jimin’s shoulder as he blabbers on. “Is he bleeding? Is he hurt anywhere else?”
“No, no—” Jimin looks close to tears. “It’s just—it all happened so fast. We were in Eonjin’s apartment but she wasn’t home, and then this guy came out of nowhere and—and…” He trails off, gesturing weakly behind him. “Look for yourselves.”
Yoongi and Jungkook stumble their way out of the building, supporting a pale-looking Taehyung between them. Blood drips down his wrist and onto the sidewalk, and the sight of the bright red liquid shakes off any stupor you might have been under. Delving into the backpack full of supplies from the farmhouse, you pull out the first-aid kit, brandishing it in the air as you jump out of the SUV. “He’s losing way too much blood,” you say, pulling out a roll of bandages and a tube of ointment, handing the rest of the kit over to Namjoon. “We have to stop it.”
“This isn’t exactly a safe spot for medical procedures,” Yoongi points out, gesturing around the street with his free hand. “We’re out in the open, totally exposed.”
“Then we’ll get back in the car,” Namjoon says. “We can drive and patch him up at the same time.”
“But he’s infected,” Jungkook whispers. “What happens when he… y’know. Turns?”
None of you have an answer for that. Jimin’s running his hands frantically through his hair, and you can practically see the desperation swimming in his honey brown eyes. “We can’t just leave him behind,” he murmurs. “We can’t.”
“Then we won’t,” you tell him, stepping up to Taehyung and slathering a generous amount of ointment on the bite wound. Then you pull off a short section of bandage, tying it around his upper arm like a tourniquet. “We’re going to get you in the car now, Tae. Is that okay? Can you still walk?”
Taehyung blinks dazedly, his brown eyes taking a few seconds to focus properly on you. “I… I think so. Hang on. Lemme try.”
Namjoon nearly drops the first-aid kit. “Wait, did you just talk?”
Taehyung blinks again, swaying slightly on his feet. “Yes?”
Your eyes widen as realization dawns. “Wait, but infected people can’t talk. Their vocal chords…”
“... deteriorate,” Namjoon finishes for you. “Yeah. So then that begs the question: why can Taehyung still talk?”
For the second time in as many minutes, none of you have an answer. “Tae,” you try again. “How do you feel right now?”
Taehyung’s mouth pulls down into a slow frown. “I feel… slow. A little muddled, I guess? No brain eating urges or anything though, which is nice. Brains probably don’t taste very good.”
“No,” you say, exchanging a glance with your equally flabbergasted companions. “I can’t imagine they would.”
Not twenty minutes later, you are driving across the bridge that leads to your final destination. A rather formidable wall with an even more formidable gate stands in your way, and you watch as several guards peer out from over the top, weapons drawn and at the ready.
“Stop right there!” the guard stationed on the ground commands, his gun trained on the SUV. “Get out of the vehicle with your hands up and identify yourselves one by one.”
“My name is Kim Namjoon,” Namjoon says, clambering out with his palms extended. You follow after him, stating your name as well, and the guard directs both of you to stand against the wall, calling for a man named Seokjin to come check your vitals as your companions continue introducing themselves.
A minute later, a smaller door to the right of the gate opens, and out walks a man wearing a white coat and a genial smile. “Sorry about this,” he says, adjusting his stethoscope. “Proper procedure and all that. You can never be too careful, right?”
“Don’t worry about it,” you tell him, pulling the collar of your shirt aside so he can listen to your heartbeat. “This is hardly the worst thing to happen to us in the last few days.”
The young doctor laughs—a high, squeaky sound that reminds you of a windshield wiper. “Touché,” he says, waving Namjoon over so he can listen to his heart as well. “Well, look at that! You both appear to be alive—congratulations! It’s nice to meet you.”
His laughter is contagious, and you can’t help the answering giggle that bubbles up in your chest and escapes into the open air. “Nice to meet you too, Doctor.”
He grimaces, flapping a hand at you. “Please, call me Jin. Everyone does. Doctor makes me sound way too stuffy.”
The sound of the familiar name has your eyebrows flying up into your hairline. You exchange a glance with Namjoon, who looks equally shocked, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he ventures, “Jin? Does that mean you’re one half of the 2J radio broadcast?”
Jin’s face splits into a delighted grin. “It sure does! Were you guys listening to us?”
You nod. “It was the only station we could find. I don’t think we’d be here if it weren’t for you and Jay.”
His grin broadens. “His real name’s Hoseok, actually—I had to talk him into the nickname. Took me ages.” Then his expression sobers. “That’s great to hear about the broadcast, though. Really. We weren’t sure that we were reaching people, but it’s nice to know that we definitely are. Thank you.”
“Thank you,” you tell him earnestly.
Jin grins. “You’re welcome,” he says, waving goodbye as he moves on to check on everyone else’s vitals. He makes friendly smalltalk with Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jimin as he listens to their heartbeats, but frowns when he reaches Taehyung, regarding him a little more closely. Jimin looks on anxiously, twisting the hem of his jacket, and you and Namjoon wordlessly sidle closer, ready to defend your friend if the need arose.
“You look a little pale,” Jin says, but his voice isn’t accusatory. “Are you feeling okay?”
Taehyung shrugs vaguely, his eyes unfocused. “I’ve been better.”
Namjoon chooses that moment to step forward, keeping his voice low and guarded. “Jin, you know a lot about the zombies, right?”
Jin nods. “I’ve been conducting research, yeah. It’s slow going though.”
Jimin eyes Jin warily. “What would you say if we told you that one of us was immune to the zombie virus?”
Jin’s mouth falls open, his gaze immediately landing on Taehyung again as he leans closer and stares intently at his pupils. “Immunity? Now that’s interesting,” he mumbles to himself, rubbing his hands together. “That could change everything.”
Taehyung blinks blearily at him. “What are you going on about?”
Jin just laughs. “They’re clear,” he calls to the guard, who nods and returns to the guardhouse. Once he’s gone, Jin claps his hands together and beams. “All right!” he exclaims. “Let’s get you all settled in, shall we?”
“What are you going to do to Tae?” Jimin asks suspiciously, scooting a little closer to his friend.
“Absolutely nothing, if I don’t have his permission,” Jin promises. “But guys, think about it. Someone who’s immune? I could learn so much about what’s causing that immunity if I ran a few tests… maybe even find a cure, eventually. It’s an incredible opportunity.” Upon seeing Jimin’s lingering distrust, however, he stops and laughs again. “But honestly, I won’t do a thing if he doesn’t want me to. Right now, I just want to help you get settled in. All of you need lots of rest and a proper meal. Doctor’s orders, okay?”
Jimin nods. “Fine.”
Up ahead, the gate is slowly beginning to creak open. Jin is welcoming all of you to Sonyeo City, but you barely hear him. Your focus is on Namjoon and Namjoon alone, his presence warm and reassuring as he finds your hand and laces your fingers together. 
“Ready?” he asks.
You suck in a deep, steadying breath and squeeze his hand. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
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ficswithrimi · 5 years
Golden (Chapter 13)
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First: Chapter 1
Last: Chapter 12
Next: Final Chapter (Pt. 1)
A/N: Raise your hand if you thought I forgot about this story or gave up on it? Jokes on you, cuz I haven’t forgotten the story that has brought me so much joy! And the next chapter is the last chapter. I’d like to sincerely apologize for the long wait! My life has been hectic since the last update. I moved from the USA to South Korea where I work lit ALL the time and my passion for writing actually died somewhere in July. However, as of late, my writer’s block lifted and I’m writing again! Golden Chapter 14 (Final) is slated for a 2020 release so I will see you next year! Thank you for your patience~ Just wait a little longer! I love you! Bye!
T-minus Five Days Until the CW Final
           “And finished!” You let out a sigh of relief as you confirmed your classes for the following semester. Since you would be finishing up your GE requirements this semester, you could 100% focus on your major for the following one. After officially declaring your major in dance Wednesday, it felt as if a load of stress fell from your shoulders. However, you still had other stressors that prevented you from feeling the peace you’ve been missing since October. Not only did Monday start Finals Week, but it also meant that on Wednesday, Jungkook would reveal himself to the world – okay, maybe just the campus – that he was Golden. You already imagined the day was going to go down in history for your university. There had been rumors tossed around in the last CW class this morning that ranged from plausible to ridiculous. Most were ridiculous, however. The wildest one you heard was that the university’s president was going to make a guest appearance and give Jungkook – Golden – a key to the school. The more reasonable one, and the one you chose to believe from past events, was that the Golden Search Party from Junmyeon’s party a couple of months ago managed to get the university’s news team to record the final and hold interviews after.
           Chloe and you had sat in the back of the auditorium – as usual – where all the rumors were being thrown. However, you remembered glancing to the front and seeing people whispering and glancing around the auditorium as well – as if trying to see if anyone would slip up last minute that they were Golden by the rumors being told. Jungkook, as always, had played it cooled. He and Taehyung just sat at front, not really paying attention to the professor as she explained the rundown on how the final would work. The final…
           The final on the blog that you deleted out of anger. You literally had less than a week to figure something out. You could always recreate the blog, but your professor would be able to clearly tell that your blog was new. To be honest, when you first signed up for the class, you imagined it’d be Chloe to fail as she barely showed up and didn’t take the blog assignment seriously. However, it now seemed everything backfired as you would be the one to fail the class because of your missing blog.
           Letting out a frustrated groan, you gripped your hair and dropped your head to the desk.
           “You literally just went from relieved to stressed out in the matter of two minutes,” Chloe nonchalantly commented as she laid on her bed, flipping through a magazine. The bed creaked as the young woman sat up and turned her attention to you. “What’s wrong? Finals? Jungkook? Taehyun-“
           “Ugh!” You let out another groan as she mentioned Taehyung. He had been texting to ask to hang out almost every day. Every time a message popped up, you’d immediately ignored it. You already knew he was into you and wanted to go on another “date.” However, your feelings were clearly for someone else – someone that also happened to be a good friend of his.
           “Lemme tell good ole’ Tae Tae,” Chloe smirked as she cracked her knuckles. At the sound of this, your head popped up.
           “You’re not telling him. I’m telling him,” You frowned at the woman as she shrugged.
           “Sure, okay.” she said as she plopped back down. “I can see it now. It’s your wedding day and as you walk down the aisle, your eyes shift to the man you’re marrying, Taehyung, but slowly they go over to Jungkook, who is standing beside Taehyung, and immediate regret washes over your face cuz it should’ve been him you were marrying. If only you told Taehyung the truth in your sophomore year of college…”
           Rolling your eyes, you stood up from your chair and looked towards Chloe. “For someone who skipped out on CW for nearly the entire semester, you sure have an imaginative mind.”
           “Of course. All aspiring actors need to have more than one talent in them,” Chloe smirked. “But seriously, what are you gonna do?”
           “I’m gonna tell him… tonight?”
           “Tonight?” Chloe grinned mischievously. “Oh, when? Where? I wanna be the-“
           “No! I’m telling him alone, Chloe,” You frowned towards her.
           “Fine, fine,” she waved you off. “So, what are you going to say? How you like the real Golden and not him, the imposter?”
           “Taehyung never told me if he was Golden or not so calling him an imposter is a little…” You scrunched your nose. You never thought of what you would say to Taehyung when you met up with him. Obviously, you had to come up with something before asking him out. You could always just tell him that you don’t share the same feelings as he does. He didn’t have to know why or who your real feelings were for. Still… did he have the right to know? How would he feel if he saw you and Jungkook…?
           But did Jungkook even have feelings for you? Were you the only one that harbored a crush between the two of you? It was silly to assume just because he, as Golden, held similar feelings because of the lowkey flirting he did and the hints he responded to his anons with. It was his online personality, after all. The outside Jungkook was a quite shy young man. He’s only opened up to you within the past two weeks despite knowing him for almost three months. When he did, however, you felt the connection. He was really easy to talk to once he felt comfortable. Sometimes you did see his Golden personality come out through the real him and-
           Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!
           You blinked as your left your thoughts to look at your phone. Another text message… from Taehyung.
           “Golden Wannabe, again?” Chloe casually asked as she went back to flipping through her magazine.
           “Stop calling him that,” You glared slightly at her as you opened your messages. Glancing over the message, it was exactly what you had expected. Gliding your fingers carefully over the letters to say your response, you nervously bit your bottom lip. It was now or never, you guess.
Jungkook’s POV
           It was a typical Friday night for Jungkook. He was spending his evening with two of his best buddies – Jimin and Taehyung – in their dorm, planning what the night had in store for them. Of course, there wasn’t as many options to hang out as usual as finals were happening the upcoming weeks and that meant the students who usually worked at the hangout spots, such as the student center or arcade, were off studying for what could make or break their college career. Jungkook had been studying and prepping for his finals all week and would return to studying tomorrow so he chose tonight to relax a bit. Luckily, Jimin and Taehyung had the same mindset.
           However, instead of planning what and where the trio would be going, they sat in the dorm, listening to Taehyung complain about Y/N and how she never responds to his texts asking them to hang out. Jimin tried to explain to his friend that Y/N took finals seriously and was probably stressing over them – Jungkook knew he was not wrong as he recalled how the girl acted during midterms- and to give her time. Though Taehyung understood, he didn’t accept that for an answer. After Y/N’s bizarre disappearing act on Wednesday, he was more determined to see her and ask what was going on. He knew it had to be more than just ‘stressing over finals.’ Jungkook couldn’t lie. He wondered what happened that day, too. Jungkook had run into her at the counselor’s office later in the day where she declared her major. She had looked as if she wanted to tell him something else before his counselor had called him inside. Since then, she hasn’t really reached out to talk to him. Out of the three in the dorm, Y/N had only contacted Jimin.
           “She only asked me to meet her on Sunday,” Jimin shrugged as he explained to the other guys – mostly Taehyung as Jungkook was in his own thoughts – why Y/N messaged him earlier in the day. Jimin didn’t see the big deal as he was considered Y/N’s closest guy friend next to Namjoon.
           “Why doesn’t she want to meet with me? Did I mess up our date that badly?” Taehyung sighed as he threw his head back to stare solemnly at the ceiling.
           “Y/N said it wasn’t a date…” Jungkook mumbled as he scrolled through his messages on his blog.
           Anon: Dnt understimate my listening skills, Golden! I will find you out BEFORE Wednesday!
Anon: Have you heard the rumors in CW?! I heard the mayor is coming to see your reveal!!
                       Those were only some of the messages Jungkook had been receiving since finals were rapidly approaching. He thought it was ridiculous how everyone was making his reveal some humongous event for the school. Namjoon had even told him that some classes were holding viewing parties as some classmates – and even the school’s news team – were planning to record his final. Though it made the young man nervous, what Jungkook cared the most about was receiving a decent grade and, more so, impressing Y/N.
           “I thought it was a date! She didn’t think so?” Taehyung’s eyes widened as Jungkook’s words circled in his mind.
           Jimin laughed nervously as he saw a wave of worry wash over his best friend and roommate’s face. “Y/N’s really… uh… picky with her words? So, even if she thought it was a date, she-“
           “She clearly said the night you asked her out that it wasn’t a date.” Jungkook bluntly said as he looked up from his phone. Jimin threw the younger man a look as he shrugged. Meanwhile, Taehyung’s mouth fell open.
           “I-I thought it was a date! I thought it was known it was a date! All those times she sat up front in the class beside me and let me walk her back to her dorm! I thought she was into me!”
           “Look, Tae, Y/N… she thinks you’re cool but…,” Jimin glanced at Jungkook again with a knowing face. Jungkook arched a curious brow at the junior as he tried to read his expression. His eyes widened as a previous thought came back to him. Jimin knew he was Golden. He knew Y/N had feelings for Golden meaning she had feelings for him.
           “Maybe… you guys are wrong. I’ll ask her to meet me again!” Taehyung reached for his phone.
           “I don’t think that’s a good idea, dude. I mean, she hasn’t been responding to your texts all week, right?” Jimin said.
           “Yeah but I need to know how she feels.” Taehyung said as he began to rapidly type his message. “I want to tell her how I feel!”
           Jungkook’s heart dropped to his stomach at his words. Though he knew Y/N liked him – or Golden which was technically him – what if after Taehyung’s confession, Y/N began to realize her feelings for him? Granted, she was already under the impression that Tae was Golden and said how they weren’t similar in real life – which makes sense considering Jungkook is Golden – but what if she decided to begin to know Taehyung and fall for him? Taehyung was a much more outgoing guy than Jungkook which anyone could tell  as he wasn’t afraid to ask the girl outside despite being ignored. If it were Jungkook, he would’ve given up the first time he was brushed off. However, Taehyung seemed determined to win Y/N over and, don’t get it wrong, Jungkook wanted to express his feelings to Y/N as well… he just needed time. Exactly five days to be exact.
           “Tae, wait! What if the one Y/N likes is Gol-“
           “And sent!” Taehyung grinned his boxy grin as usual. However, it wavered slightly as nerves began to eat the boy up. Jungkook was a little surprised at this as Taehyung had always appeared over-confident when it came to approaching girls he liked. “What were you saying Jimin?”
           “Ah… nothing…” Jimin scratched the back of his head.
           Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!
           Taehyung’s eyes widened as he looked at message on his phone. Immediately, a more confident grin broke out on his face. Jimin and Jungkook both knew that could only mean one thing…
           “She agreed! She responded! We’re gonna meet on Monday after out finals are done! This is it, guys!” Excitement filled Taehyung’s eyes as he grinned at his two friends. Blinded by his joy, he didn’t notice the nervous smile Jimin threw at him and the distant, blank look on Jungkook’s face.
           “That’s great but-“
           “I gotta go! I’m meeting Sungjae to go over our final project!” Taehyung said as he grabbed his bookbag and headed for the door. “See you guys later!”
           Taehyung slammed the door behind him as he left, causing the room to shake a little from the force. Jungkook let out a frustrated sigh he had been holding in and gripped his hair with his hands. This was not working out. Why did he and his friend have to share the same feelings for the same girl? It wasn’t going to work out for one of them. Best case scenario was that she’d turn down both boys. Besides, both Vmusic95 and Golden had been stressing the woman out for the entirety of the semester. She’s been harassed online by strangers, forced to go to parties and dance in front of large crowds, gotten into fights with her best friend over it, and who knows what other turmoil it caused the rising junior.
           “So…” Jimin said, breaking Jungkook from his thoughts. “I’m sure you figured it out by now but I kinda sorta know you’re Golden…”
           Jungkook looked up at Jimin. “From Chloe?”
           Jimin simply nodded his head. “Chloe.”
           It wasn’t a surprise the blonde told Jimin. He figured it was her who spilled that week everyone went to dinner together. Jungkook let out a slight laugh which caused Jimin to question him.
           “So, if you’re Golden… that means Y/N…”
           “Likes me. Yeah…” Jungkook chuckled darkly. “She thinks I’m Vmusic95 and earlier this week… she told me that she likes Golden…”
           “The biggest crush, honestly,” Jimin mumbled as he recalled the times the girl would smile dreamily at her phone – like a creep – while scrolling on her blog or blush whenever Golden – Jungkook – would casually mention her. Shaking his head, he looked back to the man. “So…”
           “Golden…” Jungkook sighed, “…Has the biggest crush on her, too.”
T-Minus Three Days Until the CW Final
             The campus was freaking out. Lines at the various coffee shops had waiting numbers as students stood in line impatiently awaiting their drinks after pulling all-nighters from constant studying. The student union building was so quiet that one could hear the howl of the outside winter wind. Several students even claimed to have witnessed a tumbleweed roll by it. The library was beyond capacity limit and had begun redirecting students to other buildings to study since Friday evening. Freshmen shook in their boots from witnessing the nerves of their seniors – also because it was cold outside but whatever – as their heads violently twisted left and right to watch the plethora of sophomores, juniors, and seniors rushing back and forth on campus. Meanwhile, there were the high performing students who laughed conceitedly as they performed well enough throughout the semester to be exempt from nearly all their exams. They were able to sit in their dorm lounges and sip on whatever warm drinks that protected them from the outside cold. Meanwhile, professors sat in teacher lounges, laughing evilly as they thought up thousands of impossible to answer questions – non-multiple choice, of course - to slap on their finals and making final papers have a 10-page, 12,000 word – 12-font, single spacing, and no, the title and your name doesn’t count - minimum requirement. At least, that was what was rumored around the university.
           Yes, Finals Week brought out the worst in everyone. Then there were the other half of the students who lazed around for the semester and began to panic as they realized if they didn’t pass their exams, they’d have to either retake the class, or worse, be on academic probation. Unfortunately, you fell in the latter half of how students were the final week of school all because of one class – creative writing. Earlier in the semester, you would’ve been freaking out about your Chemistry final, but, after passing the midterm with a high enough score, you were exempt. In fact, you were exempt from three out of five of your exams – dance and creative writing. Thinking about the cursed class sent anxiety shooting through your body. Why did you delete your blog out of anger? How were you going to make up for three-month’s worth of content – even if your blog was sort of boring – in three days?
           “Have I mentioned-“
           “How much you hate me because I took the last spot in technology that you needed to complete your GE requirements and I’m the reason you’re in creative writing and why all of this is happening to you,” Jimin rolled his eyes as he watched you butterfly stretch beside him. Your dance exam was tomorrow and Jimin and you were getting one last practice in before the early morning exam.
           “I’m glad you agree,” You grumbled as you stretched your legs in front of you. Tori Kelly’s Paper Hearts was playing in the background as you both loosened up. The dance final consisted of a made-up choreography to any song you wanted. Jimin not only choreographed a dance but he did it for his own song. You swore him along with Namjoon, Yoongi, and maybe Hoseok, too, were going to form some sort of boyband one day. It’d be even funnier if it turned out Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin could sing well and joined them, too. Dusting yourself off as you stood up, you turned to look at the older boy. “Seriously, what am I gonna do, Jiminnie?
           “You’ll think of something, Y/N. You’ve come this far, right? I’m sure your professor knows about Golden’s popularity. Just blame it on those asshole anons as to why you deleted your blog.”
           It wasn’t technically a lie. The anons you received throughout the day just because Golden acknowledged you were vicious. Some of the messages you had received did make you want to delete your blog at times or at least turn off messaging. But, if you would’ve turned off messaging, you wouldn’t of have been able to talk to Vmusic95 – Golden – or the few decent anons you received. Still, you couldn’t find it in you to use that as to why you weren’t prepared for your final. You had to come up with something.
           “Do you think I can reblog three-months of material within the span of two days?” You asked Jimin as he turned on the song he was dancing to for his final. He said it was called Serendipity.
           “Stop stressin’ over it. Think of something else. Like… your date with Taehyung tonight,” Jimin wriggled his eyebrows at you only to earn a groan. “Just kidding… I know… you don’t like Taehyung in that way.”
           “Huh?” Your eyes widened. You don’t think you told Jimin about how your first date with his roommate went so how would he know? Did Chloe spill to him about it?
           “Don’t hurt his feelings too badly tonight, okay?” was all Jimin said as the song began to play over the speakers. You tried to focus on his dance, but your mind kept going back to his words. Great, now you had to worry not only about your creative writing final but Taehyung’s feelings as well. Why couldn’t your life be normal and the only thing you had to worry about was waking up on time for your finals. Sighing, you decided to try and watch your close friend move effortlessly to the beat of his song while thinking of ways to not hurt anyone’s feelings within the next couple of days.
           Since everyone was mostly busy with preparing for the start of finals tomorrow – or in a couple of hours if you were one of those people – the dining halls were practically empty. And when the dining halls were empty, you’d thing there’d be a ton of fresh food available and no shortages because no one was there, right? Wrong. During finals, students would load up on to-go trays to bring back to their dorms. It was busier than ever this time of year because of the amounts of students that would come as soon as the halls opened to grab all the food and leave as quickly as they’d come. Usually if one found a break between their studying in the evening, the best option to restock on food was to go to the nearby McDonalds. You could only imagine the chaos that was happening in there on this Sunday night.
           So that’s why Taehyung decided to settle on the dining halls for your evening out! If you weren’t planning on rejecting the man’s feelings for you tonight, then you’d be a little upset with his choice of grabbing food. You sat in front of the brown-haired 20-year-old and stared at what was supposed to be spaghetti with meatballs. The noodles were overcooked, however, and the meatballs were almost nonexistent as everyone knew it was the best thing about the dish and usually overloaded their plates with them. You managed to scoop out the last one and you ate that about five minutes ago.
           “Sorry, I thought McDonald’s would be busy…” Taehyung laughed nervously as he saw you twirl your spaghetti noodles around your fork with no intentions of consuming it.
           “It’s fine… thanks for… uh… inviting me out?” You gave him a weak smile as you shifted your eyes away from his staring saddened ones. He had been looking at you with those eyes since he came to pick you up from your dorm. At first, you thought he was mad about something. Especially because it was Chloe who answered the door when he knocked with a, “Oh, it’s the annoying can’t-take-a-hint guy that’s friends with Park.” Before she could say anything else to the boy, you dragged her away by her arm. Still, after the awkward greetings and on the walk to hall, you noticed he didn’t give off an upset demeanor, but a sad one.
           “It’s no problem…” He gave you a lopsided grin – opposite from his usually boxy one. You felt your hands sweat from the nerves you felt. Something was obviously off. You wanted to ask what was wrong with him, but you were afraid of the answer he’d give. Was he upset because you ignored his messages up until now? Shouldn’t he be happy you finally agreed? Or… worse? What if he knew you knew he wasn’t Golden – that he was Vmusic95? What if he was waiting for you to expose him at any given moment? Of course, you’d never do that. You’ve known Jungkook was Golden for almost a couple of days and the thought of exposing him hadn’t cross your mind not once. What if-
           “So… what made you finally agree to come with me tonight?” Taehyung arched a brow at you as he pushed his untouched food aside.
           “I… uh” Shit. You knew he was upset about you ignoring him. “I’ve been busy studying for finals. I kinda take them really seriously…”
           “Yeah… Jimin told me,” was all he said. You shot him a nervous smile as he looked at you. He didn’t return the gesture. Clearing your throat, you picked up your glass of water and looked towards the TV screen as you took a sip. Immediately, you began to cough as the screen flashed a “Breaking News” banner across it from the university’s news team. Apparently, they had been granted permission to record Golden’s big reveal. It was breaking because not only was your professor allowing it, but the university’s president was allowing it as well. It’d be the first time a final exam would be aired on live – yes, live – television.
           “Wow…” Taehyung breathed out as he stared at the screen, too.
           “They’re really taking this Golden thing seriously, huh?” You nervously laughed as you took another sip of your water.
           “You know Golden, right?” Taehyung suddenly asked, causing you to choke again on your water. Clearing your throat and grabbing a napkin to wipe your mouth, you looked up at him.
           “U-uh everyone knows Golden!”
           “Yeah… everyone,” He seemed to search for the right words to say as it became silent between the two of you. “Would you… believe me… if I told you I was Golden?”
           “H-huh?!” Your eyes widened. There was no way he was Golden. No chance. Chloe had confirmed Jungkook was Golden. Still, did she ever really give you evidence that Golden was Jungkook? What if Golden really was Taehyung as you thought all along? Your heart pounded in your ears as you stared at Taehyung. He seemed to search your eyes before speaking again.
           “Would you be okay knowing I was Golden?”
           You gulped nervously. How could you tell him that you’d be really disappointed if he was Golden? You’d finally accept Golden as Jungkook and just knowing that made you so happy. You liked Jungkook before you even knew he was Golden. It was just like the Little Mermaid where Eric realized Ariel was the girl he’d been searching for all along. Golden – Jungkook – has been right beside you all along since you first met him in that café with Namjoon.
           “You don’t have to answer. Your face says it all. I’m… not Golden…” Taehyung smiled sadly at you as your eyes widened. You felt your heart drop again at his following words. “I’m not… the one you like… even if I was Golden… I still don’t think you’d like me…”
           “No, it’s fine! Trust me! I’ll be okay! I just… I just wanted you to know the truth. That’s actually why I invited you out tonight. Thank God you said yes, or you’d had to find out the truth on Wednesday like the rest of the campus,” he chuckled. “I still… can’t reveal who Golden really is, but I think you’ll be really happy when you find out.”
           You felt as if a cat had snatched your tongue as you didn’t know how to respond him. This wasn’t what you were expecting when he asked you out. You assumed he’d admit his feelings for you or something – not admit he wasn’t Golden. He must’ve picked up on your confused emotions as he suddenly stood up.
           “Well… tomorrow’s finals. I gotta… go study. You should study, too. See you on Wednesday?” He threw another off-grin towards you.
           “Taehyung I-…” You let out a heavy sigh as you gained your voice back. “I’m sorry…”
           “No worries! Thanks for meeting me! I’ll catch you later, okay?” He placed a heavy hand on your shoulder where he let it linger briefly before removing it and walking away. Somehow, you felt like he transferred the weight of his emotions to you as your chest felt heavy with regret and sorrow. Sighing, you sat further back into the chair you sat in as Taehyung’s words continued to swirl inside your mind. When was this nightmare going to end? You could only pray for Wednesday…
T-Minus One Day Until the CW Final
             “I repeat! T-minus ONE day until the shitshow that is this CW final!” Chloe jumped on you as you laid in bed with the blankets covering your entire body. Usually, you’d yell at the girl for jumping on you suddenly, but you weren’t in the mood for picking a fight with her. You were stressed to the point that you had shut down completely Not only was your deleted blog due tomorrow morning, but you kept replaying Sunday’s night out with Taehyung in your head. The only thing that distracted you from your thoughts was your dance final yesterday that you were sure you aced. Even then, it was a minute or two of bliss before the dance was over and your thoughts clouded your mind again.
           Seeing you not respond to her jumping on you, Chloe poked out her lips and crossed her arms. “Y/N, I know you’re upset about hurting Taehyung’s feelings and all, but he seems like a strong guy. He’ll move on.”
           “Taehyung… final… creative writing… fail… blog,” You incoherently mumbled from your underneath your covers. Chloe just blinked confusedly at you as a heavy sigh escaped your  mouth. Getting frustrated with your moping, Chloe climbed off you before tearing your covers from you. You groaned loudly as you grabbed for your pillow to cover your head with. Unfortunately, you were a bit slow and Chloe snatched that away, too.
           “Laying in bed all day and crying over a deleted blog isn’t gonna help your situation. How about getting your ass up and throwing some random things together? We have less than 24 hours until the final.” Chloe said.
           “I can’t do that. It’ll look like I just started the project the night before.”
           “Well….” Chloe stretched out the “l” as she rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. “It would be kinda true since you rage deleted your blog.”
           “Just let me accept my failure,” You frowned as you outstretched your hand towards the girl to ask for your pillow and blankets back. Chloe returned your look and tossed the objects to her bed.
           “No! Listen,” Chloe’s eyes shifted to her digital clock on her nightstand. “I have to go to my final but when I get back, you better be making your new blog and not in bed.”
           “I have no idea-“
           “Ask Golden,” She smirked at you as a faint blush crawled up your neck. “Bye!”
           You jumped slightly as she shut the door with a loud bang. Sighing, you ran your fingers through your hair. Chloe was right. You had to think of something for your blog. Maybe you could be like her and make posts about your daily struggles in life. Of course, hers was more about her unrequited love for Namjoon but still. You had enough material to practically write a novel about what’s happened within the past three months. However, you didn’t really want to share with the world – or your classmates – about your drama surrounding Golden – Jungkook – and everything else that’s happened. Maybe your only option was to just reblog some random pictures and call it a day. You could make up some story about the concept of your blog. It wasn’t like your original blog had an in-depth meaning anyway. You had planned to explain how the blog showed your interest in both dancing and cooking. It wasn’t anything special.
           Deciding that Chloe was right and sitting in your bed wasn’t going to help you get anything accomplished. Biting your bottom lip, you nervously reached for your cellphone and pulled up Jungkook’s number. You hadn’t seen the freshman since that day you ran into him at the counselor’s office. Maybe he could give you an idea. He was Golden after all, right? Your thumb hovered over the send button after typing up a text asking him to meet you someplace. Admittedly, you were a bit nervous to be alone with the boy now that you knew he was Golden. Your mind would occasionally go back to the morning you told him about your feelings for Golden under the impression he was Vmusic95. No wonder his face had been so red when you told him. And on top of that you kissed his cheek. Yikes.
           Too busy overthinking, you didn’t notice your thumb twitch slightly – just enough to send the message to Jungkook.
           Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!
           My final ends at 3pm. I can meet you there at 4. :) -Jungkook
           Jungkook’s POV
           “Hoping that you won’t forget…”
           Yoongi gave Jungkook a thumbs up as he finally finished the song he’d been preparing for the past week for his big reveal. The freshman wanted it to be nearly perfect as it was now confirmed the school’s new team was coming to record the entirety of the creative writing final. Jungkook thought it was a pretty dumb idea as the class was about 200 students and since Golden was a mystery to everyone, they’d have to sit through and record every final. There was a rumor that the news team received a “lead” paper where the professor provided them with a roster of the class and marked each student’s name with a star as to who she thought could possibly be Golden. From what Taehyung told him, Jungkook’s name was not marked.
           Jungkook didn’t want the reveal perfect just for the news team, however. He also needed it to be nearly perfect because not only was he revealing himself to the school but to Y/N as well. He thought hard about rather telling her personally or the route he had chosen. The downside to revealing himself to her along with the school is that she could be angry at him for not telling her sooner. Then again, she had to understand it was part of his blog idea. Besides, how would the school know his reveal was also a personal reveal – and possible confession – for the girl?
           “So, what’s the plan? You’re just gonna stand on the stage as this plays in the background and say something like, ‘Hey I’m Golden?’” Yoongi arched a brow at the brown-haired boy as he exited the studio. He pulled out the flash drive and handed it to Jungkook whose eyes were glued to his phone. The amount of anons he had been receiving since the “breaking news” last night was ridiculous. He was overwhelmed with all the messages. Yoongi arched a brow at him as he didn’t receive answer. “Yo? You good?”
           Jungkook looked up from his phone and to Yoongi. The senior could see the stress and exhaustion in Jungkook’s brown eyes. It was true – Jungkook was tired of maintaining his blog. Golden wasn’t supposed to become as huge as it had become. There was literally nowhere on campus or in the surrounding area where Jungkook didn’t hear his blog mentioned. Don’t get it wrong, he was happy that his music taste could connect with such a large amount of people but, the messages that ranged from love confessions to trying to gather information to stalk him was just too much. He just wanted it to be over.
           “I’m fine… thanks… for everythin-“
           Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!
           Jungkook let out a groan as his phone cut him off. It was probably another message. Turning his phone on briefly, his glanced down at the screen to see it was a text from Y/N. Eyes widening with sudden excitement, the boy shoved the flash drive with his cover song on it into his pocket and immediately began tapping away. Yoongi only smirked at the sight as he saw a brief smile appear on Jungkook’s face. He didn’t even need to ask who it was.
           “Guessing you have to go now?” Yoongi chuckled as he watched Jungkook pull on his jacket.
           “Yeah. I have a final and then I’m hanging out with Y/N,” Jungkook’s face reddened as he said her name. Yoongi only chuckled a little louder. Jungkook made it obvious he had a crush on the sophomore.
           “Hey… before you go…” Yoongi placed a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder to stop him. Jungkook arched a brow at Yoongi in response. “You should consider stop reading all those messages I’m sure Golden is getting. Can be a bit too much to handle with it being finals week and stuff, you know? No need to be stressing over a blog that will be ending soon and finals, okay?”
           Jungkook seemed to be in thought for a bit about Yoongi’s advice before nodding his head and giving him a smile. “Thanks…”
           “No problem… now leave me alone. I’ve done enough for Golden this semester,” Yoongi shooed off the freshman.
           Your POV
           This was like deja-vu. You were sitting in the same little sandwich café off campus that you and Namjoon loved to study at. Your laptop was with you as you were waiting for the arrival of your other party except it wasn’t Namjoon  you were waiting for this time. It was Jungkook. The café happened to also be the place where you first met him. You remembered thinking how shy he was when you first met him. Granted, you were shy as well but not as much as him. You will admit, you weren’t that interested in the boy the first time you met him – he was just another one of Namjoon’s millions of friends. If the current you would’ve told the you from three months ago that you’d develop feelings for that same shy boy who also turned out to be the mysterious music blogger you were obsessed with, you definitely wouldn’t believe yourself.
           It was almost 4:10 as you sipped on the hot cocoa you had ordered. Concluding that Jungkook’s final may be taking a little longer than expected, you decided to open the blog site. One thing you accomplished this morning after Chloe had left was creating a URL for your new blog. You still didn’t have an idea of what to do but hey, it was a start. Instead of going with DancerCookies again, you decided on BeautifulDancer. It was a song rec Jungkook did a while ago. You thought he may have recommended it for you discreetly since the day he posted it, you had told him about your struggle with choosing a major. Of course, you could’ve been completely wrong, and he just really liked that song and wanted to encourage others.
           You scrolled through some blog pages before stopping on one. Eyes widening, you clicked on the name of the blog – “Falling in Love with a Senior That Will Be Graduating Next Semester: The Sad Story of Chloe C.” Chloe’s blog! She updated it? You noticed that she had just posted a blog update. Titled, “Not All Princesses Receive Their Prince Charming’ – which received an eyeroll from you – you scanned through the post. It had to be the most normal post Chloe had made since making her blog. She still used acronyms to keep the obvious identities hidden, but she mainly talked about coming to terms that, “Sometimes people don’t return your feelings” and “You can’t force someone to like you.” She also mentioned how that the post would be her final update on the blog as, “This stupid blog assignment ends tomorrow and so does this blog.” You had to admit, you were proud of how Chloe had matured over the past three months. Yes, she was still your beloved wild Chloe, but ever since the Namjoon incident, she seemed to back away from the senior. You chuckled as you remembered the song Namjoon wrote for her. You wondered how Chloe would quickly change up this post after she learned that Namjoon actually did return her feelings for him. That, however, was something that they would have to talk to each other about. The last time you revealed something to Chloe regarding Namjoon, it ended in a week-long fight.
           As you clicked away from her blog, you heard the jingle of the door and saw Jungkook walk in, hands stuffed in his padded jacket and face buried in his scarf. Your face reddened as his eyes searched the café before landing on you. He threw his bunny-like grin at you as he quickly made his way towards you.
           “Sorry I’m late!” He apologized as he removed his jacket. He was wearing a gray Puma sweat suit and white sneakers. He must’ve recently gotten a haircut because, despite his bangs still being down and slightly disheveled – much to your annoyance – his hair looked shorter. Several silver earrings accompanied his ears – one in the right ear and two in the left and a silver watch on his wrist. It was a very simple, causal look but you couldn’t help but stare. He looked so… cute. Not the same “cute” you thought when you first met him and thought he had a baby face and looked adorable. No – he looked cute as if he matured more into a man within the last three months.
           “It’s okay! I only got here five minutes ago,” You shifted your eyes elsewhere to stop staring at him. You knew he didn’t believe you when he eyed your nearly empty mug of cocoa.
           “Sure…” He laughed it off as he sat down. “So… what’s up?”
           “H-huh? Oh! Um… just wanted… to hang out?” You laughed nervously as closed your laptop to give Jungkook your full attention.
           “On finals week? That’s unlike you.”
           “Oh, and you know me so well now, huh?” You playfully smirked at him which caused his face to turn red. He was so cute. There was a brief silence between the two of you as you both tried to think of what to say to one another. You wanted to ask him what he was planning to do to reveal himself tomorrow but then he’d know you knew who he was – as well as your increasing feelings for him.
           “Thought of a blog idea yet?” He suddenly asked, taking you away from your mind. You let out a heavy sigh as you sunk back into the booth you sat in. “I take that as a no…”
           “The only thing I’ve done is create an empty blog page. I have no idea what to put on it.”
           “Hm…” Jungkook tried to think of something to tell you for your blog.
           “Think if I write a post about cats, she’ll give me an A?” You asked as you sat up. Everyone in the class knew of the professor’s weakness for the fluffy furballs.
           “I’d say a C- at the most,” Jungkook chuckled. You sucked your teeth at him before sinking back in your chair. Another silence between you two as you both pondered what you could do for your blog to save your grade. Well, at least you wondered about it. You didn’t know what Jungkook was thinking. Occasionally, you’d both make eye contact with one another and give shy smiles and giggles. Though it was silent between you both, you felt completely comfortable. You couldn’t wait for him to reveal himself tomorrow. You could finally talk to him about his music taste and share songs with another. Maybe you could even make him a  mixtape of your favorite songs – if people still even did that. There was so much you wanted to talk to him about but his secret of being Golden was holding you back. It felt like there was a part of him you both knew about but couldn’t discuss. It was agonizing. You wanted to know so much more about Jungkook so your feelings could grow for him – or fade out depending on what you learned. However, you don’t think it was possible for you to stop liking him.
           Just as he was about to say something, both of your phones started to violently go off along with several others in the café. Thinking it was a severe weather alert, you whipped out your phone and to your surprise – it was your school’s newspaper posting a “Breaking News” article about how “The Infamous Golden turns off messaging hours before his big reveal!” Your eyes widened at the article and immediately your eyes glance at Jungkook who was still looking at his phone. He seemed slightly annoyed by the article.
           “Golden is making everyone go crazy, huh?” You laughed nervously as you set down your phone. Jungkook tore his eyes away from the article and looked at you. His face still seemed tensed.
           “Is Golden still making you feel crazy?” He suddenly asked, taking you by surprise. You felt your mouth go dry as you searched for a proper response in your head. There was no way you could let him know you knew who he was. You avoided his eye contact as he seemed to try to search for an answer within them.
           “Uh… not really? My… um… blog was deleted! So, I haven’t really been on the app to see what he’s up to. And he obviously can’t message me because I deleted and all… and he doesn’t know my new blog name… so…”
           Jungkook seemed to think about your answer before nodding his head as if accepting it. You let out a nervous chuckle as you chugged down the remainder of your now cold cocoa.
           “Golden makes me crazy…” You heard Jungkook mumble.
           “Yeah, but after tomorrow, no more Golden, right?” A wavering smile appeared on your lips.
           “Yeah… no more Golden…”
           You sat at your desk in your dorm, one foot in the chair as the other hung loosely. It was 11:30pm and you still hadn’t thought about what to do with your blog. You had tried going on the app again after leaving Jungkook, but it was going crazy with the news of Golden closing his inbox. The school somehow made the hashtags #GoldenIsComing and #GoldensReveal trend nationwide. It was insane. No wonder Jungkook was stressed. He wasn’t the only one, though. When you were brushing your hair a few minutes ago, you could’ve sworn more strands came out than normal. It had to be from all the stress the semester put you through and is still putting you through. Tomorrow would be the end of things but you were no way prepared.
           “Y/N!” Chloe suddenly came bursting into your dorm room along with Jimin. You didn’t know where the girl was this late at night with only a couple of hours before the final – or why Jimin was with her – but you assumed she was out with her other friends. Unlike you, Chloe was prepared for the final. Funny… she didn’t even show up to class and she was prepared. “Did you hear?!”
           “Golden closed his inbox?” You shrugged. It had literally happened hours ago. It’s all everyone around campus had been talking about for the rest of the day. In fact, when Jungkook was walking you back to your dorm, you both heard people gossiping about it. He looked annoyed from it while you had thrown him worried glances.
           “No! Taehyung!” Jimin said as they both ran up to you and shoved their phones in your face. Both were on different pages. The one on Jimin’s phone revealed the homepage for Vmusic95 and on it, as clear as a day and in bold letters, there was a post that said:
           Hello! Kim Taehyung here! I was gonna reveal myself tomorrow but… I thought I’d do it now. I’m VMusic95. Can’t wait to present my blog tomorrow to everyone! See you then! – Tae (V)
           Your eyes widened as you snatched Jimin’s phone from his hand, earning a “hey!” from him in response. What was going on? Did they plan this? First Jungkook closing his inbox and now Taehyung revealing himself before the final. Would this put Jungkook in danger? Would people suspect him after this? How many of your classmates noticed the two together?
           “Forget about that, Jungkook made his final post as Golden!” Chloe took Jimin’s phone from you and tossed it to her bed, earning another “hey!” from the boy. “And you’ll never guess what it is!”
           “What is it?” You blink confusedly as you took her phone from her. There was a black screen and that only meant that he had done another cover. Where did Jungkook find the time between finals to record a song. More importantly, what song was it? His caption that usually told the song name and gave a brief description as to why he chose the song wasn’t even there. It simply said:
           See you in a  few hours. – Golden
           You pressed the play button on the video and instantly, you felt your entire body freeze over. That song… it was…
           “Paper Hearts…” Jimin said breathlessly as the song filled all your ears. It was the song you absolutely adored. The song you always listened to before you did any dance. Jungkook was the only other person outside of Jimin, Hoseok, and Chloe who knew your love for the song. Taehyung knew about it, but he didn’t seem to care for the song. You knew Jungkook was Golden, but this just confirmed things even more.
           “What is he planning?” Chloe held her chin as she tried to make a connection as to why he would cover this song.
           “Maybe he really likes the song!” Jimin said, receiving an eyeroll from Chloe.
           “Park, are you dense? He didn’t just choose that song just because he likes it. He chose it because…” Chloe looked at you and immediately your face was red as a strawberry as you knew what she was implying.
           “How is he gonna pull this off? I’m so confused. Taehyung didn’t even tell me he planned on revealing himself tonight!” Jimin exclaimed.
           “We’re just gonna have to wait until tomorrow…” Chloe said. Jimin nodded in agreement before turning to you.
           “Good luck, Y/N! You’ll be fine…”
           “I have less than 12 hours before the final,” You frowned at him.
           “Okay, maybe you’ll be fine!” He said as he retrieved his phone from Chloe’s bed. “I gotta go prepare for my finals tomorrow so… see you guys tomorrow?”
           You both just nodded at Jimin as Chloe and you looked at Jungkook’s blog on her phone. Jimin slipped out the room as Chloe grabbed her phone from you. “I don’t know what’s going on but I’m going to bed so I can be on full on detective mode at the final tomorrow.”
           “Chloe…” You groaned. She threw you a mischievous smile as she walked inside your shared bathroom.
           “Don’t worry… I won’t expose Jungkook for being Golden. I just wanna… get some information on something else,” She smirked as she closed the door. Not knowing what she meant by “else” and your thoughts returning to your own blog, you walked over to your bed and faceplanted into the pillow. Letting out a heavy breath, you let your brain wander around for literally any idea. At this point, you were just gonna explain how your blog was blank because “simplicity is sometimes best” or something like that. Your mind drifted back to Jungkook’s cover of Paper Hearts. It was a beautiful cover and made you want to cover the song yourself. Of course, it’d be through dancing and not singing. Your vocals couldn’t handle the vocal legend that is Tori Kelly.
           Suddenly, you shot up from your bed as a light bulb went off above your head. A cover! A dance cover! That was it! You could choreograph a dance to the song! It was clear as day! You’d be able to explain easily why there was only one video of you dancing on your blog – how choreographing a dance takes time just as choosing a major or creating a successful blog or any other event in life. It’s not about the quantity of the blog but the quality. Hopping out your bed, you grabbed your cellphone and room key.
           “Chloe! I will be back in the morning!”
           “Huh?” Chloe said as she stuck her head out of the bathroom door, half of her face still covered with makeup while the other half still intact. She glanced at the time on the clock. 11:59pm. “Y/N, where are you going? It’s late!”
           “Thought of what to do for my blog! I’ll be at the dance studio!” You grinned at her as you rushed out the door. Just as you slammed the door with a loud bang, the time on the clock changed to 12am.
           T-Minus 0 Days Until the CW Final.
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July 2003
“Are you sure you want to go to school all the way in Los Angeles?” Papa Simon asked from my doorway as I began packing up my room.
“Dad, we’ve had this conversation already. This is my dream school and they gave me a full-ride scholarship. How could I possibly turn it down?”
“I know, Skybear, but Papa Ruben and I are gonna miss you so much. You’ve never gone this far away before.”
“You’re right, I haven’t but that’s all the more reason for me to go, right? I have dreams and things that I want to accomplish and unfortunately, I can’t accomplish them here.”
“Simon, leave that girl alone. She knows what she’s doing and we’re only a phone call and a plane ride away should she ever decide she wants to come back home, right baby?” I smiled wide, knowing my Papa Ruben would always come through with the defense.
“Right, Daddy. I love you both.”
“And we love you too, sweetheart. Let’s get these bags packed.”
Present Day
“What?!” My head snapped up quickly, completely distorting the design I was currently working on. I was testing a 3D dildo generator for my website. The tool would basically allow potential shoppers to design their own dildo or strap-on and it would be 3D printed and shipped to them. Thanks to Shea and her outburst, mine was now a whopping 15 inches long.. whoops.
“My bad, didn’t mean to scare you, you just didn’t answer my question.”
“Repeat it, I was working on something.”
“I asked how you and Dr. Nigga met. Y’all strike me as failed lovers.” I laughed at her comparison. She was partially right, but there was more to it than that.
“We weren’t lovers, but we have messed around. We went to the same college, The Sigmund Freud School of Psychology and Psychosexuality in LA. He was a sophomore, and I was technically a freshman although I had already taken all of my gen-ed classes thanks to a dual enrollment program at my high school. He was helping the underclassmen move into their dorms and as soon as my dad laid eyes on him, he goes ‘He looks like his dick ruins lives’.” O’Shea cackled, nodding her head in agreeance.
“Was that Papa Ruben? I feel like Papa Ruben said that and Papa Ruben is never wrong.” I nodded, because she was right. One thing about my dad, he could always spot a snake in the grass and his accuracy was unmatched.
“That was definitely Papa Ruben and all me and Papa Simon did was laugh because although it was hot outside, he still looked like a super fuck nigga. He had on a black muscle shirt, body and tattoos gleaming because of sweat, black and red basketball shorts with matching Jordans and that damn Cuban around his neck.”
“Wait that nigga got tattoos?!”
“Did he have the fronts back then too?”
“Yes ma’am, but he had top and bottom ones. A bitch was hot!” I explained, fanning myself. “Anyway, he comes over and introduces himself to my dads before taking my trunk of clothes from Papa Simon. He smiled that pretty ass smile at me and in true Erik fashion, tried to flirt. Now mind you, I definitely thought this nigga was fine as fuck, but back then I was still figuring out who I was and what I liked so I lowkey dismissed him. Not on purpose, but it happened. To my surprise, he simply laughed it off and continued helping me take my stuff to my room. He even mounted my tv and showed me where my classes were. Like he was a genuinely nice guy. Fast forward to the second semester of my freshman year, we have the same psychology class because, again, I had already taken all my gen-ed classes. We were almost always paired together on projects because of our intelligence, another reason his ass stayed trying to holla. One day he asked me why I never responded to his advances, seeing as how it was clear that I was feeling him. Which I was, but I was also feeling someone else too, I just didn’t know how to tell him. I avoided him and the question for about a week until he cornered me in the library and demanded that I give him an answer. I smiled sweetly, looked him square in the eye and told him that I wanted to fuck his girlfriend.” I looked over at O’Shea and she looked back at me like I had grown 3 heads.
“Bitch no you didn’t tell him that!”
“What? He asked, hell. This was like the second semester of my sophomore year and by this time I had had a few girls and boys and I realized that I preferred women because they were softer and I understood them better. I didn’t and still don’t have time for the fragile ego of a man.”
“So what did he say to that?” I paused briefly, thinking back to that night in the library.
“Did you seriously just tell me that the reason you don’t wanna fuck wit a nigga is because you wanna fuck my girl? What kinda shit is that, Nola?”
“You asked. I figured you wanted my honest answer.” He kept me pinned against the bookshelf, his eyes searching mine for any hint of a lie. He finally let me go once he found none.
“You something else, Nola.”
“My parents named me Skylar.”
“And your best friend named you Nola. See you in class.” He winked at me, flashing that million dollar smile and walked out of the library, leaving me a little more than hot and bothered.
“He laughed and told me that I was something serious and let me go on about my business. At some point during my junior year we developed a friends with benefits type relationship because 1.) We were both single and wanted to remain single and 2.) His dick was very bomb. I even taught him how to eat pussy.
“You taught him that?!”
“Yes ma’am. At first all he would do was rub and suck the clit aggressively. I was the one that taught him that he had to lick every part of the pussy, get it nice and wet and flick the clit with his tongue.”
“Ok, you can stop talking now. I haven’t talked to this nigga all day and I intend to keep it that way,” Shea interrupted, crossing her legs.
“Papa Simon was kinda disappointed that we didn’t end up together, but he also loved my ex, so I guess it balanced out.”
“I was meaning to ask, what happened with that?”
“That’s another story for another day,” I concluded, not wanting to take a dive into my feels especially since I had so much to work on.
“Ok so tomorrow then?” She tried again. I shook my head, knowing this conversation wouldn’t die until I spilled the beans about Monica.
“Fine, I’ll tell you tomorrow, now tell me about your date with Fathead.” Shea rolled her eyes, as she had been actively avoiding this conversation, not wanting to relieve the horrific incident that she was sure almost ended whatever it was she had going with Erik.
“It started off fairly well with him teasing me about how much I love ice cream and him calling me a child because I wanted to watch Hercules.”
“Fuckin’ child,” I responded out of habit.
“Shut up! That’s the same thing he said!” O’Shea pouted, crossing her arms over her chest for further emphasis of her point.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Please continue,” I coaxed, rubbing her arm to let her know I was done being an ass.
“Anyway, we basically had a whole Disney marathon. We watched Hercules, then Mulan, then The Emperor’s New Groove and were getting dummy high the whole time. So midway through Kuzco’s shenanigans, I tried my luck with him again because I saw how mellow he got when he was high. Like I was even able to fully appreciate how good he looked when he wasn’t in a suit and tie. Your best friend is a work of art, sis.”
“Oh, I know,” I said with a smirk.
“So I’m just sitting there, practically drooling over the bulge in his pants and this nigga looks at me with the straightest face and asks if I’m gonna suck it or just stare at it.”
“And I oop! That wasn’t Erik, sis. That was Killmonger.”
“Don’t worry about it, finish the story.”
“So, not one to back down from a challenge, I dropped to my knees and started doing the Lord’s work. He’s loving the shit, too. He’s cursing and moaning and praising me, telling me how much of a good job I’m doing. The shit was great. Then just as I was finding my groove, I fucked up.”
“What you mean you fucked up?” O’Shea paused and I could tell that she was having a hard time continuing, but she did anyway.
“I’m not sure how it happened, but his dick got caught in my braces.” I didn’t want to, but I simply could not help the screech that left my lips at the mental image of Erik losing his shit about his dick being caught in her braces.
“Did he cry?” I managed to choke out through my laughing fit.
“No, but he was pissed. Like so pissed that he got up and left.” I stopped laughing then. How dare he leave her in such a vulnerable state knowing what he knows about her little personalities and how they operate. Shea must’ve caught my mood change and quickly came to his defense.
“He made up for it, though! He came and picked me up and we talked about it and then we went and got ice cream.”
“Of course he made up with ice cream.”
“Aaand he took me to Disneyland and got me this.” She held up her wrist so that I could see the charm bracelet in all of its glory.
“Oh that’s beautiful. I’ll be back in a little bit, I have a 12:00 meeting with Dr. Nigga.” I quickly grabbed my bag and keys and headed out the door. Dr. Stevens and I had a few things that needed discussing.
@vikkidc @thadelightfulone @sydneebleu @trevantesbrat @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy @jozigrrl @thehomierobbstark @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @mareethequeen @forbeautyandlife @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @blowmymbackout @wakanda-inspired @yaachtynoboat711 @nickidub718 @heyauntieeee @princessstevens @bartierbakarimobisson @xaviera108 @alexundefined @raysunshine78 @dameshaemonique @laketaj24 @youreadthatright @theogbadbitch @bugngiz @amirra88 @post-woke @im5ftbutmythroat66 @blackpinup22 @beaut1fulone-blog @chefjessypooh @queengidiva619 @love-me22 @pending-lostheart @blessyd-bthyname @unholyxcumbucket @eclecticblkgirl @kissmyafropuff @honey-poooh @diva-Princess-on-fleek @heybriheyyy @maya-leche
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kingyeoms · 5 years
neuroscience TA! joshua
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pairing: joshua hong x reader (n)  genre: it’s all fluff sorry warnings(?): swearing and just really casual writing in bullet points lol word count: 2,044 a/n: i barely proofread this and this is nothing like what i usually write but i’ve been thinking about this since the start of the new semester and welp here we are. a/a/n: i just realized.. people might not really know what a TA/teaching assistant is! usually someone who is working towards their doctoral degree and are obligated to assist teaching a course in their department, usually in charge of teaching discussion/supplemental sections~ ♡ best read on desktop, use mobile browser if you can’t read under the cut ♡
3rd year phd candidate
does research on neural circuit mechanisms in aging adults
big geek about brains, shows a thirty minute long video of a sheep brain dissection for the first day of section
people fell asleep but it’s fine bc josh is so excited about the video and everyone finds it endearing
always dresses so casually!! comes to class wearing sweats and plain black t-shirts (probably buys them in packs for $3)
but he still has the reputation among the undergraduate students as the “hot neuro TA”
cracks jokes w/ his students all the time
literally everyone wants to take the class that joshua hong is TAing
“joshua what are you teaching next semester??” “topics in advanced neuroimaging, you gonna take it?” “never mind, good luck”
brings his dog named peanut to class all the time
peanut is a giant ass st. bernard who likes to walk around the class and sleep next to people’s feet
super adorable but also a big Drooler
you’re the other teaching assistant for the same neuroanatomy class, but in the psychology department
you’re super down to earth!! honestly you treat your students like friends, talking to them super casually
but when class starts, you know how to get down to business and you’re super passionate about what you’re talking about
the psych undergrads have a ton of respect for you, because not only were you chill but you were mad smart too!!
your kids walking into class: “y/n guess what fucking happened in lecture”
you: “listen, you probably shouldn’t say the f word in front of me but tell me what the fuck happened”
anyways, here’s a funny coincidence: your lab and joshua’s lab are on the same floor
so it’s not a surprise that you and josh have this ongoing “feud” of which is more superior: psych vs neuro
“psych is for people who can’t handle neuro” “neuro is for people who hate themselves”
your office is opposite of his, so he’s always stopping by your room to annoy you or steal something from the jar of candy on your desk.
you: “why am i constantly out of kit-kats?”
josh, fistfuls of kit-kats behind his back: “damn, you should probably buy some more”
he’ll mess with your powerpoint slides, swapping photos of the cerebellum for photos of him and peanut
which SUCKS when you’re teaching,, and josh’s dumb face pops up on the projector,, 
your kids: “nice one josh”
when you’re holding office hours for your students, he stops by and says some dumb shit to your kids like “come to my office instead, y/n doesn’t know what they’re talking about” 
“fuck off, joshua” “oooooh you curse in front of your students? i’m telling the professor”
you just roll your eyes and the two of you just laugh at each other
the students who come to your office hours swear you two have a thing going on
and honestly? you wish
you’ve always thought josh was pretty cute
being a phd student was stressful, especially with research and teaching, but he never failed to put a smile on your face!!
you two were often the last ones on the floor, in charge of locking up rooms and cleaning equipment
he always insists on walking you to your car at night because “the raccoons might attack you”
you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about kissing him in your office but shhh
during lecture, you guys share a google doc to take notes on what to teach your students
he thinks it’s funny to delete everything you write
you, sitting next to him in the front row: “joshua hong if you don’t press ctrl + z right now i swear to god i’ll change the lock code to the EEG room”
josh: “wait don’t i have a study tomorrow”
proctoring exams with josh: “i can pass out tests faster than you” “are we five???? but no you can’t”
he’s really good… at catching people cheating? the dude has eyes like a hawk lmao and you don’t even notice honestly
“see the kid with the blue baseball cap on? give him a 0″
anyways the professor asks you and joshua to come in on a weekend to grade midterms
you: but i made plans
josh: i’m not ?? even getting paid ??
but you guys do it anyways because it’s not like you have a choice lmao rip
he brings peanut and he’s just drooling all over your bag
peanut not josh
i guess josh is metaphorically drooling because… you looked really good today
not the usual jeans and college sweatshirt you wear during the week
you had originally made plans with your friends to go to the farmer’s market
it was a really nice day :( sunny outside and you actually tried to not look like a mess for once!! you actually brushed your hair today lol
anyways, peanut is still drooling and you look at josh, confused but also a little grossed out
“why is peanut drooling?” “do you have food in your bag?” “i don’t think so?” “oh. maybe he just likes you”
peanut: pulls out a granola bar out of your bag
anyways… you two are grading exams, checking over the answer key for any mistakes
you furrow your brows as you look over the answer choices, so you ask josh to take a look at question 23
“yeah, what about it?” “look at the answer choices, there are two possible answers.” “ah fuck.”
turns out… a lot of the questions are like that..
you and josh just look at each other and groan, realizing you two have to redo the entire answer key
you call your friends to cancel your plans, saying you were stuck at school
joshua feels really bad so he reaches over to grab your stack of tests
“you can go if you want! i’ll finish it, no worries”
you shake your head, pulling out a box of red pens from your bag
“no thanks, my boyfriend would miss me” 
a confused josh: “no i wouldn’t?”
“… i was talking about peanut?” but you’re giggling because josh’s face is beet red at this point
joshua: “anyways, question 40 right?”
truth is, joshua has always found you cute and he liked the fact that when he teased you, you weren’t afraid to tease him back
he just felt.. really comfortable around you
and seeing you smile after he cracked a joke?? best thing in the world to him besides peanut
even when you roll your eyes at him, he thinks it’s so cute!!
cliché moment where you two reach for the answer key at the same time and your hands touch
but neither of you let go wow so cute and you guys kind of just !! grade tests in silence, holding hands
joshua’s the type to rub your the back of your hand with his thumb i’m lowkey crying thinking about it
anyways, you guys end up finishing grading and the sun is starting to set
josh realizes that you two spent the entire day stuck inside the office, so he offers to take you to the farmer’s market
but you don’t wanna be a bother or anything so you shake your head, “no it’s okay!!”
josh insists that he takes you, saying “i gotta take peanut on a walk, come on let’s go”
so you two go to the farmer’s market, the crowds starting to die down a little bit since it’s the end of the day
josh holds your hand and peanut’s leash in the other
peanut keeps dragging you guys to all the booths that sell homemade peanut butter and he’s never been happier, he keeps getting free samples and head scratches
you’re looking at a booth that sells homemade jewelry, think leather bracelets and dainty finger rings
“josh, what do you think about th-” you turn to your side, but josh and peanut are nowhere to be found
and you look through the crowds and the booths next to you, but you can’t find them anywhere
you kind of panic,, because you didn’t think josh was the type to ditch someone? on a date?
was this even a date you weren’t sure to be honest,, but still :( you were kind of upset 
but you finally see peanut dragging joshua back to you, a small bouquet of sunflowers in his hand
joshua’s cheeks and ears are tinged a slight pink when he gives the flowers to you, “i saw a stand selling these and they just looked really pretty, so i bought them for you”
and the flowers are so beautiful and your jaw literally aches from smiling so big and josh thinks you’re so beautiful!!
you two walk around a bit more, hand!! in!! hand!! 
josh: trying to pull peanut away from all the friendly people willing to give him free beef jerky
tired from all the walking, you two buy ice cream, sitting on a bench in front of the tiny shop
peanut eats josh’s ice cream when he’s not looking
josh: peanut what the fuck
you offer to buy him another one, but he shakes his head, taking the cone from your hand, biting into the soft pink scoop
“let’s just share, strawberry is my second favorite anyways”
your jaw just drops because,, who bites into ice cream?
but it’s cute, you two talk about how much you hate the professor and which students you think are annoying
you two don’t even realize how dark it is until you hear peanut snoring, curled up at the bottom of your feet
josh is the first to stand up, his hand reaching out to yours, “it’s getting a little late, i’ll take you home?”
and so that’s how you and joshua ended up at the front door of your apartment
your hand clutching the sunflowers, the other intertwined in his fingers
and when he leans in, you don’t hesitate to close the gap between you two
kissing joshua? definitely better than you expected, the taste of strawberry ice cream still slightly lingering on his lips
your lips move in perfect harmony with his, joshua placing his hand on the small of your back
as soon as you feel josh pull you in closer, you feel a... wet.. tongue on your foot? you both break away to find peanut,, asleep,, drooling,, on your toes
“damn it, peanut” josh groans as you giggle, resting your forehead against his
“i’ll see you on monday, yeah?” you grinned, kissing him on the cheek
"yeah i really,, gotta take this kiddo home,,” and he sighs, waking Big ol’ peanut up “but i had a lot of fun tonight, we should do it again sometime”
“as long as we don’t have to grade 600 midterms again, it’s a date”
the both of you blush because,, was this even a date??
yes, it was
but seriously, what a super cute start to your relationship with josh
you don’t even get mad when you find out it’s josh stealing all of your kit kats
he leaves a giant bag of them on your desk one day to make up for it
but also joshua is the Worst
joshua: “how does it feel to be dating the hot neuro TA on campus?”
you: “shut up before you become the hot single neuro TA”
sometimes josh stops by your class when you’re teaching to give you a kiss on your cheek before he goes to do research,,, embarrassing you in front of all your students (even though pda is probably something that shouldn’t be happening in front of them)
literally Everyone: “we fucking called it”
definitely still makes fun of you 24/7,, just with more kissing
friday nights with joshua: skimming academic papers and talking shit on faculty LOL
going to the farmer’s market becomes a weekly thing for you guys!! mainly because the peanut butter booth would be devastated if they didn’t get to see Mister peanut
sooo,, you may or may not have done it on your desk in the lab LOL
josh in lecture: hey i think you’re pretty cute, maybe we should get dinner tonight?
you: josh can you pls stop flirting with me on google docs you’re LAME
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 years
I’ve been having a lot of anxiety about this semester, but I feel like now that i’m finally coming out of that depression slump, I feel a lot better? it sucks that I have to repeat stats, but I’m confident this time I can easily get an A on everything, now that I know what my teacher wants/how she tests. I also have a speech class which is going to be a nightmare, but I’ve met the prof and she’s really great, and I intend to actually TryTM. A bitch is gonna have to learn to practice some damn speeches... and I have Econ with a prof who I know is awesome, since I hung out with him last semester all the time, but I also know that his class is hard. Like, really fucking hard, and 4.0 students barely pass. Tbh that’s p par for the course, though, none of my business classes have been easy. Except for my econ 101, but that’s just cause my prof was a lazy ass. But whatever gets me an A, I suppose. 
I’m starting to feel I should have added a 4th class this semester like my counselor wanted, but by the time I registered last semester I was just too depressed to even conceive of the one’s  I’ve already got. I’m lowkey tempted to add on another one rn, but I also don’t want to overload and burn myself out? I think I’m... overly cautious, after failing stats last semester. I don’t take bad grades very well. Although I take a small measure of comfort in the fact that literally 75% of the class failed, so...
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~The nicest thing a stranger ever said to me~
This happened last year on April 11, 2018. That night I was having an emotional breakdown at my apartment, because I'm at risk of failing a class because I had a lot of absences. I decided to buy beers and a pack of cigarettes at a nearby store then. When the cashier was checking my purchase, this man next to me, 'bout in his early 40s, came up to me. In Filipino (our first language), he said, "Don't do that again, okay?". I lowkey got scared because I thought he'd do something bad to me or what. He must have noticed I got confused because I just gave him a glance and looked at the other direction. He repeated what he said, this time I looked and I saw him point at my wrist. My wrist that was covered in scars and a few more almost healed cuts. I can't remember exactly what he said but I knew it was about how not good of a way it is to deal with emotions. I was speechless the whole time until I said, "Do you do it too?". He said that he used to, when he was younger. He then showed me his left wrist, there were a few small cut scars and there were these 2 very noticable long and thicker scars across the veins. "These were needed to be stitched. If it weren't I wouldn't have been able to drive now and provide money to raise my children." I assumed he worked as a driver then. He then proceeded to tell me how young I still was and that it will really get better. He also told me he was thankful that he's alive now even though he wished he didn't survive because he's now happy with his wife and children despite of a few more hardships. By this time, I got my change and he paid for his purchase, which I saw were the same brand of beers I brought. I awkwardly said I was gonna go and I said "Thank you. It was really nice meeting you." He told me the same and said may God bless me.
As I walked across the street to my apartment, I was holding my tears because people at the lobby might see me wrecked but then I opened my door and I burst. I couldn't believe what just happened. I was at the lowest point of my life that time, because not only was I going to fail a class, I was also in the extremeties of my eating disorder plus the extreme mood swings. That night was just like, a month after I got out of the hospital because I had to he intoxicated because of an overdose. I didn't go inpatient as what my doctors have been telling me because I want to finish the semester. I was the most stubborn which led to the most horrible happenings in my life after. But that man, out of fucking nowhere, gave me hope.
I drank my beer and smoked my cigarettes and thought about it all. I might have not known the man much, but he truly made an impact on me. I still think about him, how nice he was, how thoughtful he was to some stranger like me. He understood me. This also made me realize that you would never really know who's suffering as you walk along the street and come across people. He only knew as he saw my wrist, and I wouldn't know if I didn't ask him. If you'd ask me, he looked just like a normal man you see out there honestly.
That moment made me think of the man's reminder every time I wanted to cut myself since then. It worked for a while, eventually I gave in to my demons and harmed myself after 3 months of being clean. I felt like I betrayed him, but I was so low at that moment that I was thinking it doesn't matter because he's only just some stranger. I only thought that because I was not in the right thinking and making excuses for what I did.
But no matter what, I still owe him so much. He still pops into my head from time to time. He honestly gave me more hope than anyone else. I regret I never asked what his name was, and I hope he's still doing well with his family now. I wish he knew how much his words meant to me, even though it might have not been much. I guess the fact that those words coming from a random stranger at some store makes it more valuable for some reason? That it made it me feel like I'm less alone. That it made me feel like somebody cares. ❤
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bitch-a-la-mode · 6 years
Some important things about one of my favorite professors at my university:
- she’s deaf and she makes a lot of jokes about being deaf
- She’s a butch lesbian
- She rides a motorcycle
- Her interpreter is also a lesbian with a shaved head who is very petite and carries around a coffee bigger than her torso
- She always has a Diet Coke for some reason
- The classes she teaches are... you guessed it!... on queer studies
- She has an automatic signature on her email and it is as follows:
Her name
Adjunct lecturer- department of women’s and gender studies
University name
Her email
- cuz you know... in case you forgot her email while you were emailing her lmao
- Her other signature (depending on the email) is “sent from my iPhone”
- *sends a long and very eloquent email to her* her: “lmao okie dokie. Sent from my iPhone”
- If you sign at her the word “math” she’ll yell at you
- If she doesn’t like what you’re saying (I.e. xenophobic, homophobic, etc.) she’ll take out her hearing aid or close her eyes so she can’t see the interpreter
- “Listen I know you guys can technically very easily cheat during the quiz but can you not?”
- Literally 20% of our grade is watching a gay movie of our choosing and writing a 3 page paper about it
- She got arrested a lot when she was young during protests
- “I literally come from a family where all the men are cops, yea I know I’m Irish and this is New York City, but I’m adopted so fuck blue lives!”
- One time she was freaking out while getting arrested during a demonstration cuz she didn’t know what was happening and her friend was yelling at the cop to stop cuz she was deaf and didn’t understand (but her friend was being dragged away by another cop) and the cop didn’t listen so he broke her arm for “resisting” and in retaliation she broke his nose. Because she couldn’t hear her rights being read to her she legally had to be let go and she wasn’t charged.
- she used to go to this annual all women camping event for a week in the middle of the woods in Michigan
- She said in the middle of the night she went to an open shower and she had a realization that that was the safest she’d probably ever feel in her life
- She said at this event, women were assigned “tractor duty” and they would ride tractors around the perimeter of the event and if a man came they’d announce them via megaphone and they’d be escorted around the event
- Apparently the event people were transphobic so she said fuck them and made sure like 50% of the people didn’t go the following years so they lost all their money and had to close down (fuck transphobia!)
- All her readings are free online but the university yelled at her and said she HAD to assign a book for the kids (presumably to buy) so she assigns books that are free PDFs online and the university couldn’t do anything but you could tell they were Lowkey foaming at the mouth
- “If you’re having kid trouble just bring your kid to class and they can learn about The Gays!”
- She has to cancel class a lot cuz apparently a part of being deaf is she gets a lot of ear infections?
- “Make this your first or last class of the day because this class will be canceled a lot”
- Her emails when she cancels are usually: “ears suck. Don’t come to class. Enjoy your day.”
-she has a lot of free days sporadically inputed into the calendar because of her multiple absences. Sometimes she won’t use them so we’ll literally finish the course 1-2 weeks before the official end of the semester and when that happens, she says you can come in and watch movies and if you want you can discuss Intellectual Ideas and she’ll give you extra credit
- I know all this because I’ve taken her for three (3) semesters now
- When she sees a familiar students face (my own included) in another class of hers she waves and yells hi like a person who saw a good doggie
- She hates desks and always makes students sit in circles so we can talk
- “I’d rather die than be stuck in an elevator with someone from a STEM department”
- “Here’s a classical author you didn’t know was gay!”
- She says if you’re just gonna sign in and leave at least do it before she starts lecturing cuz if she sees you she’ll give you a Disappointed Mom Look and you feel legally obligated to stay
- Sometimes she forgets how loud she is and she’ll start yell-singing
- Sometimes she’ll show a video and she doesn’t know what the volumes at and she’ll forget to correct it cuz she can’t hear it so it’ll either be muted or so loud your ears fall off and it’s really a guess who every class
- “Here are free things happening at school that the school *forgot* to tell you about and I’m informing you about now”
- “If you make me read more than 5 pages I will kill you and/or fail you”
- One time a girl handed her a 30 page paper as her midterm paper and she left and yelled in the women’s bathroom for 10 mins. She came back and threw it in the garbage and told the girl “you get an A for the semester but only if you never come back to class”.
- I literally have no idea what happened after that cuz she won’t talk about it
- “Here are good gay bars in the city. Wait you’re all over 21 right? Okay yea these are great bars”
- She’s an Intellectual so she’s friends with a lot of famous gay authors?
- “Don’t ask me for a letter of recommendation I don’t even know how to write. No I didn’t write this syllabus I stole it from another professor and put my name on top”
- “If I see people look away while I’m talking then I stop because I assume they’ve stopped listening and I can’t really tell”
- “I know it sounds like I’m eating my own tongue but tell me if you don’t understand me alright?”
- She’s actually very eloquent idk why she thinks people don’t understand her
- *throws a paper ball into the garbage can and misses* KOBE!
- If there’s an event at her department she makes us go for class (like not for extra credit, like we’ll have class at the event) and if you try to leave she’ll announce your departure and make her fellow professors stare at you in disappointment
-“Madonna is a thief! Who stole from black culture and art! Fuck her!”
- “let’s talk about how evil the United States government is!”
I’ll add more as the semester goes on
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i’ve been in college for 5 years and this is my last semester. i’m taking 5 classes right now and i’ve been struggling because each class assigns more work than what i have time for. i like all but one of my classes because 4 of them relate to my major & minor, whereas the 5th one is just an elective I have to fulfill. it’s a class i’m not interested in so i literally cannot focus on any of the readings or assignments. plus, the class has no structure so since the beginning of the semester it just hasn’t felt stable for me. i don’t care for it but i can’t fail it because it’ll affect my GPA and delay my graduation.
however, ever since this quarantine i’ve had more time to focus on schoolwork which has helped a bit except for that one class. even while being at home i have 0 motivation or focus or care for any of the assignments. it’s frustrating because May is almost here but i just can’t make my brain do it.
I broke down last night in tears because I’m so overwhelmed about it. plus, my graduation might be taken away from me this year.
my boyfriend suggested i drop this class and take a different class in the fall so that way i can focus better on the other classes and then do better with a new class in the future. it’s logical but i can’t help but feel lowkey embarrassed about being in school for so long. i know people graduate at different times but i’ve just been so close to graduation so many times until i’ve had to push it back. it feels like i’m never gonna finish and get my Bachelor’s. i also feel disappointed in myself because my mental health has affected school for so long.
most importantly, i’ve thought about going to graduate school but if i can barely handle this, how can i handle grad school which is supposed to be harder?
i don’t know why this is so difficult for me.
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What Does ADHD Look Like In Girls? - Things I Wish I Knew Ten Years Ago
Hello world!  
I'm back, as promised, and today I'm going to talk about some stuff I wish I knew ten years ago- ADHD symptoms that are common in girls but often get overlooked. Why, you may ask? Because a teacher or parent normally won't notice that a child is struggling unless it's very apparent – if she is extremely hyperactive and disruptive, for example – or if the child admits that they are struggling. That girl in the corner who's always daydreaming, but still gets good grades? Or the one who has a hard time making friends or making relationships work, but otherwise seems "normal" (whatever that means)? She's going to be passed over while her teacher is busy worrying about the boy who can't stay in his seat for more than five minutes. Plus, girls with ADHD are more likely than boys to internalize their struggles, so if you or your child is anything like me, you might not realize something is off until high school or even later, and even when you do, you might be too embarrassed to ask for help.
If anyone besides my mom ever starts reading this blog, one thing that would make me really really happy and feel as if I've made a difference is if even one young woman out there doesn't have to go through the failed relationships, ruined friendships, and lost semesters that I had to go through before she realizes something deeper is going on than just laziness and being emotional. If you're a girl who often feels like she's getting in her own way and suspects there might be something up, but aren't really sure what it might be, here are some often-overlooked ADHD symptoms that you might relate to.
1.   Daydreaming/Getting Bored in School
As long as I can remember, I've had a hard time paying attention in class. When I was very young, I would get called out for daydreaming all the time. I worked on my French homework in science class, flipped aimlessly through my agenda while the teacher was talking, and doodled all over ever single desk I've ever sat in. In grade five, I got in trouble for – get this – reading a book during a spelling test. Don't ask me how I thought I was gonna get away with that, but I was sooooooo booooooored and the teacher was taking soooooo loooooong to read these words that I knew how to spell in grade one. That's a big reason why inattentiveness in female students often gets overlooked- girls with ADHD don't usually perform poorly, especially in elementary school. Because I was gifted, my inattentiveness was treated as a quirk rather than a problem. I had a handful of teachers who tried to give me harder work to keep me motivated, but more often than not I was left to entertain myself. It always bothered me that kids who needed extra help got IEPs, the latest learning technologies, and one-on-one time with the teacher, but kids like me, who needed an extra challenge, were neglected
 2.     Impulsive Spending
The most important thing to keep in mind when analyzing the behaviour of people with ADHD is that our brains don't produce or transmit enough dopamine, which is the feel-good chemical that controls reward-motivated behaviour. Because of that, we seek out anything that will give us a dopamine rush... the only problem is that those behaviours are usually impulsive. You know the saying money can't buy happiness? Yeah, not necessarily true for ADHD brains. At least for a little while after buying something we've managed to convince ourselves we so totally need, we actually do feel really happy, because we're experiencing a dopamine high. My friend recently got me into doing my makeup properly, and I'm embarrassed to admit how much I've spent at Sephora in the last month.  I know it's dumb, but I do it anyway. Why? Because ADHD brains have a hard time distinguishing what is urgent from what is important. Once I get it in my head that I need that contour kit right now (because what if a surprise event comes up in the next week?), I can't convince myself otherwise. That sense of urgency releases dopamine, which tells my brain that wasting $60 to look more like the MUAs on Instagram will make me happy. And for an hour or two it does!... Until I look at my bank account.  
3.     Relationship Problems
So, dopamine rush-producing behaviours are usually impulsive, right? What does that look like when it comes to romantic relationships? Dopamine-seeking brains love anything that's new and novel, and that includes the first phase of a relationship, when you're sooooo in love and can't get enough of each other. Of course, that phase ends, and neurotypical people settle into a more lowkey relationship just fine. ADHD brains? Not so much. If you don't recognize what you're experiencing as a dopamine withdrawal, you may interpret it is a lack of love from your partner, or as a sign that the relationship is getting boring. I tend to fall into the first category, and people like me can become really insecure thinking that our partner doesn't care about us. We become excessively demanding and need dramatic displays of affection all the time, which naturally alienates our partners. If you're somebody who just gets bored, that can result in two unhealthy behaviours: one, moving really quickly from one relationship to the next and never learning how to be alone, and two, cheating. If any or all of these three behaviours are a pattern in your life, you just might have a dopamine shortage, and are unknowingly looking to your partner(s) to fix it.
4.    Word Vomit
It's really hard for me to explain my tendency to over-explain every little thing (ha, that's ironic), especially if I'm nervous about it. Have you ever taken seven sentences to say something that could have been said in one? Found yourself repeating the same thing in different words three times? I find I do this the most when I'm apologizing, or trying to explain why I did something that someone else didn't like or understand. You think you're being helpful, but really you're just annoying the other person. Then you realize how annoying you're being, and apologize for being annoying five times, and now they're annoyed with you for apologizing for being annoying... okay, that's when you know it's time to turn your phone off and cool down. On top of excessive explaining, ADHD brains can get a little word vomit-y when we're talking about something we're passionate about. Just ask my mom- get me on the Israeli occupation of Palestine, or, at the moment, information about ADHD, and you won't get me off it. Sometimes we don't really know when to shut up. If you have a tendency to keep talking even when you know nobody is listening anymore, then you might want to keep reading.
5.    Road Rage
Everybody road rages once in a while (okay, I'm told that not everyone does, but I don't believe it. Come on, how can you NOT scream at the person in front of you going 5 km under the speed limit?) but I legitimately feel claustrophobic and panicky if I'm on a four-lane highway stuck behind a car in each lane going the same speed and I can't get out to pass them. If the person in front of me is doing something stupid, I could literally run them over I get so frustrated, and not just if I'm already cranky- I yell at someone on the road every single day. I'm told this is “apparently” because of our “inattentiveness” and “inability to sit still”, and not because everyone else on the road is a freaking idiot. I don't know if I believe it, but that's what I'm told, anyway. ADHD brains are also more likely to get into car accidents. I've never been in a major accident while driving, thank God, but I'm only 22, and I've had four minor fender benders that, embarrassingly, didn't involve other cars, but me driving into things in parking lots. Once, I just wasn't looking behind me and backed into a pole. Another time, I thought that texting in the Tim Hortons drive-thru was a good idea. You get the idea.
6.   Forgetfulness
Again, everybody forgets things once in a while. But if you're forgetting or misplacing your homework, your car keys, your purse, your work pants (yes, I have actually lost a pair of pants before) every single day, then there might be a problem. Once, I parked my car near campus, spent the day studying in my friends' office, and then got a ride back to my car at the end of the day. My friend Dan was driving up and down the street I told him I had parked on asking me "is that your car? What about that one?" before I realized that I had parked on a different street on the other side of campus. I never thought being a bit scatterbrained was a problem, and if it only happens once in a while, it probably isn't. But all of these symptoms together paint a different picture.
7.    Difficulties With Motivation
I never really enjoyed studying, and I guess I was lucky that throughout grade school and high school, I didn't have to do very much of it. It's not that I didn't like learning, it's just that studying for extended periods of time is so boring. Even in my first three years of university, my super strict immigrant parents watched me like a hawk, so I did what I needed to do, as difficult as it was at times. That all changed when my fourth year rolled around and I moved to Ottawa for an exchange. With no one to stand at the foot of my bed and scream at me until I dragged myself out of it, I just... didn't. It wasn't because I didn't want to, it was just that I couldn't bring myself to. Same went for going to class, doing my readings, handing in assignments, showing up for exams... it wasn't pretty. This can also be a symptom of depression, and many people with ADHD, myself included, meet the diagnostic criteria for depression. The difference is that people with depression can't get out of bed because they're depressed; people with ADHD get depressed because they won't get out of bed.  We aren't lying in bed all day because our mood is low, but because we struggle with executive functioning - motivation, planning, organizing, and self-managing. Those things happen in the prefrontal cortex, and ours are underdeveloped. It can be hard to distinguish where the cycle begins for you, and before being diagnosed, I thought I had depression for sure, but as soon as my psychiatrist explained how ADHD works to me, it fit like a glove.
8.     Starting Projects and Never Finishing Them
This kind of goes hand in hand with lack of motivation, and it's something I've struggled with all my life. It's also one of the very few ADHD symptoms that isn't also a hallmark of something else, like depression or anxiety, so it should be a huge red flag if it's accompanied by some of these other symptoms! Most people tend to procrastinate things they don't want to do, like studying or cleaning their room. A big indicator that you might be dealing with something more than just laziness is when you procrastinate or don't finish even things you actually really want to do. And it's not because you're lazy or don't want to do it, it's because as great as it sounds, you just... can't. If you've ever started a scrapbook and tossed it to the side three days later, tried to start a club on campus but let it fall to the wayside, or created a blog then never actually updated it (I meant to have this posted a solid five days ago, whooooops), then you know what I'm talking about.
 9.       Being Scatterbrained
You're in the middle of a sentence and you completely lose your train of thought. Alternatively, you'll be halfway through a sentence then think of something more important that you want to say and totally abandon the idea you're halfway through and start talking about the new one instead. You interrupt people a lot, because you feel like you HAVE to say the thought that just popped into your head right now, lest it no longer be relevant if you wait five minutes, or even worse, you forget it again in 30 seconds. You're in the middle of an important text conversation but you open Instagram while you're waiting for them to text back... then half an hour later you're creeping your crush's ex's brother's best friend when you realize you never answered that super important text. You zone out while people are speaking directly to you, which makes you look super rude because it seems like you aren't paying attention. Our inability to focus hard on things can affect our lives in ways you never would have guessed- for example, I am terrible at proofreading and finding typos, and the number of assignments I've handed in with words missing from the middle of sentences is embarrassing. If this sounds like you (and if course, if this happens all day every day rather than once in a blue moon, because everybody get scatterbrained when they're overwhelmed), then you've come to the right place.
10.     Being SUPER Enthusiastic... Sometimes
We've already established that ADHD brains can have trouble with motivation and with staying committed to something long-term, but that doesn't capture the entire picture. If you think of depression as basically always being in a low state, ADHD is different in that you sort of swing from highs to lows and back again. Like I mentioned, ADHD brains don't have enough dopamine transmitters, and we kind of get addicted to anything that does produce a dopamine high. So if something does make us happy or excited, we're gonna be the happiest, most excited people on earth. My psychiatrist gave me a situation where an ADHD person might win $5 on a scratch off ticket, but the way they jump up and down all excited makes the people around them think they've won a million dollars. In my case, this often looks like getting really excited about a paper or assignment for a class I'm particularly interested in. I'll take out books from the library and hyper-focus on planning the assignment for about three days... then the whole "starting a project but never finishing it" kicks in, and that's a whole different story...
11.    Verbal Aggression (As Opposed to Physical Aggression)
Although I don't mean to generalize or to imply that every single boy or girl is the same, this tends to be a notable difference between girls with ADHD and their male counterparts. Girls are much less likely to be physically violent, but when you piss us off, or trigger our Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (that's what my next post is going to be about, by the way!)… watch out. You might get a verbal beatdown like you've never experienced before. This is one of the ugliest and most frustrating things about having ADHD for me. I'll tell the people I love that I hate them, that they're ruining my life, that I wish they were never born; I'll pick on the things I know they're sensitive about and call them every curse word in the book... only to regret it five minutes and sheepishly try to convince this deeply wounded person that I didn't actually mean it. It sucks. Big time.
And finally, the one I really wish I knew all this time...
12.    Being Diagnosed With Something Else
Throughout this post, I've given a dozen examples of the ways ADHD symptoms can appear like symptoms of depression and anxiety. ADHD in girls is notoriously misdiagnosed, and girls with ADHD are three times as likely as boys to be treated for depression before being properly diagnosed. Beyond that, ADHD can be comorbid with anxiety and depression. I've dealt with anxiety and panic attacks since I was eight, and was formally diagnosed with anxiety at 17. When I was diagnosed with ADHD, I was told that I meet all the diagnostic criteria for depression, but it was likely that treating my ADHD would make it go away. My depression went away within literally one week of starting ADHD medication. My anxiety did not go away, but it has been reduced by about 50%. I realized that about half of the somatic experiences I identified as panic attacks were not triggered by mental anxiety but by sensory overload because, as ADHD brains do, I was perceiving way too much of what was going on around me and getting overwhelmed to the point that I would experience panic attack symptoms- dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, you know the drill. Another statistic that would have made a difference in my life is that girls with ADHD are 2.7 times more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa than girls without ADHD. I struggled with anorexia from age 16 to 19, so this was quite a shock to discover three years later. There's definitely some cool brain science behind that why that is, so maybe it'll be the subject of a future post!
 If you have any questions about this post, or think that you or a loved one might be dealing with ADHD, do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! I also want to stress that this might seem like a lot, and that anyone dealing with all of this crap would stand out from a mile away, but if that was the case, so many of us wouldn’t go undiagnosed until post-secondary. I experienced all twelve of these signs and symptoms, but the only ones that pushed me to see a psychiatrist were relationship problems, difficulty with motivation, and verbal aggression. Most of these things didn’t seem like they were impacting my day-to-day functioning- I get good grades, have a job, and have no trouble making friends. So please don’t get fall into the trap of telling yourself that what you’re going through “isn’t bad enough to be a real problem.” If something feels off, see a doctor, because you deserve to live the best life possible. 
That’s all for now folks! Stay tuned for my next post about Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria.
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glowystudies · 6 years
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hiya folks! it’s been a hot second since i’ve used this blog, and i don’t know if any of you guys remember me but i’ll just re-introduce myself: my name is esther, i’m a rising junior, and my passions involve writing, the visual arts, the liberal arts, and social justice! i love tea, books, and nineties movies. :)
ok, now moving on: this is a whole post with advice for incoming high school freshman. throughout my two years of high school, i’ve picked up some pretty valuable tips i think i’d like to share with you. i’ve split up advice into three categories: academics/extracurriculars, productivity/organization, and mental/social health! some of these categories might intersect each other, sorry about that. let’s begin!
HONE YOUR WORK HABITS NOW (use your summer wisely!)
what i mean by this is that when i was in middle school, i thought that i didn’t have to try that hard and i could just channel all of my power into high school. this isn’t the case, you need to start building up good habits early on! if you have/had this mindset, try to use summer as a way to start helping yourself. you got this! (this doesn’t mean you’re inferior/high school will be hard, it’s just helpful to have good habits) iif not, and you’re already a great student good job!
buy your folders/binders/notebooks and formulate a good system! what’s most helpful for me and a few other people i know is carrying notebooks and materials in an accordion folder and only keeping relevant work in your backpack. keeping binders at home for each subject to file after every week is really helpful in conjunction with this.
apps such as Forest, Momentum, and Google Calendar really help with organization! Google Calendar, especially, is a great tool to organize your events on the go.
write down assignments and tasks in a planner right away! this will make you less stressed. refer to your planner often so that you remember what you have to do.
not freshman specific, but this study technique really helps, and since workload will intensify it’s important to find a good study technique!
usually, people are willing to help you if you have problems with your schoolwork. if you have a question in class, ask it right away: don’t worry about other people questioning you/making fun of you because they think it’s a stupid question! even if they think that, their opinions don’t matter and you should prioritize yourself/ your education over their ignorance. if you don’t understand it in class, it’ll be much harder to understand at home.
don’t make the mistake of joining too many clubs (me in freshman year haha)! join only things that you’re genuinely interested and passionate about/have past experiences in. sports and clubs are a really good way to make new friends as well. organizations such as speech and debate, MUN, academic decathlon, science olympiad, etc are pretty time consuming but really enrich your experience + since you spend a lot of time with your team you form a good bond!
i’m sure many of you have people pushing you towards STEM jobs and occupations. if you really love STEM, that’s great! science and math are interesting subjects and i really appreciate them. however, i’m definitely a humanities/art-based girl and if you relate, you might feel boxed in by others’ expectations. however, high school is really a time where you grow and make your own decisions. i’m not telling you to go off the rails, but you’re practically almost an adult (soon lolol) and you should do things that you want and like!)
have a good relationship with your teachers! they’ll help you in the long run! and always check your grades because there’s been so many incidents where teachers have screwed up in entering things.
in the beginning of the semester, make a list of your target grades and what you have to do to achieve them. keep the paper you make your list on somewhere around your desk to motivate you. this works with other things/goals too!
keep a homework folder! used in conjunction with your planner it’ll keep you clear on what you have to get done. you can also use this is your turn-in folder. also, you should definitely determine what your learning style/meyer’s brigg personality is so that you can make things accordingly (ie, audio learners can make flash-cards to study, writing-oriented learners can have several notebooks, etc)
Meyer’s Brigg: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Learning Style: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles-quiz.shtml
i know i’m getting ahead of myself, since this post is about starting freshman year, but think about it: there are only three summers in high school, and you should do each to do something that you’re passionate about/explore a field that you’re interested in :) so here is, for future reference, a list of cool summer camps and such! if money is a problem, that’s fine! you can always do other things like read, enter online competitions, start a club, etc. as long as you’re busy and doing things you love there’s no problem.
yoooooo i know for sure that freshman year was hard for me because i was new to the school and area and because i didn’t have many friends, but luckily at the end of sophomore year i’ve surrounded myself with some phenomenal, creative people and feel much happier and hopeful. reach out to people! you never know what their response will be and it never hurts to try. you could be friends with the most unlikely people (as i am now)! reach out to classmates in clubs and in your class and just radiate positive energy. of course, i do understand that mental illness/other circumstances may make this hard from first-hand experience. in this case, making friends through classes and organizations where people spend a lot of time together is good. however, you deserve people who make you happy!
social status is a myth. don’t worry about popularity! do what feels right (unless it’s … like… weed or smth idk,.. :-))))) )! be yourself and you’ll always find understanding people who accept you for who you are. this really troubled me because i wear hecking funky outfits and i was always scared of being too much, but now i literally just wear anything i want hahahah. and the thing is, people have been really accepting and nice and now i’m lowkey known as the girl with cool outfits! which is a nice title to have!
i (lmao) experienced some of my first instances of ‘failure’ in high school and gave myself a really hard time over it. don’t be negative or self-accusing if you ‘fail.’ remind yourself how insignificant the thing you failed is: in the scope of life, the planet, the universe. then take a deep breath, analyze what you did wrong, and see how you can solve it. give yourself some time to heal, drink some tea, wear a face mask, etc. your mental health is so important, don’t lose yourself to one bad grade because you are so much more.
this one’s really hard! but for me, when i’m in the dumps because of circumstances/depression/anxiety,, here’s what i do:
unplug. the internet, sometimes, only makes things worse.
EXCEPT if you’re gonna text/message/talk to someone online! linking up with a trusted friendo helps.
draw! even if you aren’t an artist, it releases stress. writing your thoughts helps too.
take a walk.
listen to your favorite bops. (i have a collection of playlists on spotify under the name chocobonbon123 if you wanna check it out)
make a cake. or food. or something.
organize your room
if you’re angry: ripping paper really calms me idk hahah
and sometimes: you just need to have a Big Cry. let it All Out.
well guys! that’s it! basically this is all my advice for incoming freshman/what i wish i did my freshman year and i hope it helps someone out there. <3 <3
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