#was my next run gonna be an origin run? yeah maybe
birb--birb · 5 months
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you ever just be thinking about your characters backstory and then go "hey I know he has a sister I should decide on a name for her" and next thing you know you're an hour into character creator starting an honor durge run with said sister character anyways meet Kestrel, Cassius's twin sister
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tiredfox64 · 26 days
You can see from miles away that Bi Han is touch starved as hellll, im talking STARVING.... so I honestly see that man just feeling turned on from simple kisses. Like, 1 min of kisses, BAM, ready to go! I feel like that intimacy may get him going, since thats a rare thing in his life
This isn't a request for a fic ( unless you want it to be 👀 ) but I am obsessed with Bi Han and I just realised this while drinking my coffee this morning
Just Some Kisses
Prior notes: I fuck with your vision! So I did something short cause how could I not work with that even though this was not originally a request.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Suggestive hehe
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You were feeling extra lovey today. Just the sight of your boyfriend made you all giggly and your heart warm up like a cast iron on a hot Arizona day in July. Okay, maybe not that hot but you get the picture. Fresh baked cookies kind of warm. Yeah, that’s better.
You were practically skipping over to Bi-Han’s office where you strolled in all innocently. He didn’t look up but he knew it was you walking in. Usually you would sit next to him or anywhere else in his office when you came to spend time with him. Nope. Today was different. Your seat would be Bi-Han himself.
You came closer to Bi-Han and started straddling his lap. You caught him by surprise. This was the first time you ever did this. He’s not complaining surprisingly.
He was about to question you until he felt your lips on his face. All over his face actually. You were leaving kisses wherever you could as you held his face in a loving manner. His cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, even neck. You didn’t see it but Bi-Han was starting to blush. Awww he likes it.
He didn’t know what to do with his hand. No one has ever done this to him or given him this much attention. His hands were gripping the arms of his chair while you were kissing his neck. You heard him make a low growling noise that you took as a sign of delight. You were right but he was also struggling to contain himself.
When you started making out with him that was the hardest part for Bi-Han. Feeling your soft lips against his was pleasurable torture especially once you slipped your tongue into his mouth. Your hands were feeling him up. One hand was sliding down his chest while the other went to his hair, letting his hair down from its once tight bun. Damn! This felt too fantastic for him. Your fingers running through his hair was the final nail in the coffin. You felt his hands grab onto you and squeezed you gently. He let out a groan before tearing his face away from you.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” You asked innocently.
Oh you sure did do something.
Bi-Han pushed you down on his lap more and you finally felt his hard on. How the heck did you miss his bulge?! You saw how embarrassed Bi-Han was. He was all hot and bothered, not very used to being kissed, touched, and loved this much. You didn’t even mean to get him started like this. The man was really struggling to hold himself back. He froze the arms of the chair trying to contain himself. But now that you know…ah fuck it!
With one arm he picked you up while the other arm swept his desk clean of anything. Every paper and writing utensil fell to the ground. He placed you on his desk, pressing himself against you. Now you’re the priority. The work can wait, he can’t. He’s all horned up and ready to go! Don’t make him wait any longer after you teased him like that.
You didn’t even mean it but okay, go off I guess.
Well, hope you have fun—oh my gosh
Oh damn is he gonna pay to fix your clothes?
Wow, i didn’t know you were that flexible!
I’ve never seen that position before WHEN DID HE LEARN THAT?!
You two are making a lot of noise…oh…he wants that…cool.
The desk is squeaking HAVE SOME MERCY!
Woah! Alright! That’s a lot that came out!
You uh…you need a tissue? Or some Bounty paper towels? A towel actually?
He definitely was touched starved, ohhh mighty.
After notes: You spat this vision out at me. I’m more of a tea vision kind of person but coffee visions work too.
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goobtopia · 5 months
need a rafe x fem plus size reader 🧎‍♀️ maybe a grumpy sunshine moment too where he’s mean to everyone except her 🫣
it’s a little blurb but i hope this is what you were asking for!!
warnings: allusions to sex (no actual smut), groping, kissing, domestic!rafe, swearing, sexual dialogue, f!reader
disclaimer: the original edit of this blurb contains poor choices that i made, that have now been edited due to a criticism i received in this ask, here, you can read the original line, the critique, and my response. one line i wrote originally, in particular, could possibly offend or hurt you so please consider this before reading as the goal of this disclaimer is transparency and accountability rather than to cause any further harm. thanks for reading and all criticism is welcome.
[requests are open]
☆ masterlist ☆
You and Rafe had begun to look like your very own Home Living magazine, you only moved in last year and since the dust had finally settled Rafe was letting you go wild with the interior design. You had to hire help for some things like the dining and the living room but almost everything else was by your own creation. You'd been having a lot of parties.
No kids yet and you were still fresh out of college so it was the perfect spot for all your friends from your undergrad program and Rafe's buddies to come let loose.
"Hey are you not feeling okay?" You whispered, sliding into the seat beside Rafe who had a scowl on his face and a warm beer. "No it's fine I just-" He cut himself off letting things go silent for a moment.
"Just what?" You questioned, hoping he wasn't starting to feel sick or anything. "You told me to chill out tonight but I can't help it, they're not using the coasters on your new coffee table and spilling champagne on the wood floors. These people are animals." You smiled, touching him on the shoulder.
"First of all, they're our friends and it's our coffee table." You reminded him, soothing the skin under his shirt by rubbing it as he takes a swig from the bottle. "You just put so much work into this baby, I hate to see them ruin it." He whispered sweetly, leaning his head on your shoulder allowing you to run you hands through his straight hair.
"Baby the wood's all sealed and I doubt a little bit of champagne is gonna make our floors buckle. Can you at least try to enjoy yourself?" You cozy up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he can't help but smile and give you a quick kiss. "Of course baby, consider it forgotten." He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
"You smell nice baby, is that your perfume?" He takes a deep inhale as you twirl a piece of your hair, "New shampoo, it's strawberries." You were both in your own little world at this point when he landed another kiss on your awaiting lips. "Yummy." He mumbles, sliding his tongue into your mouth deepening the kiss as he travels lower, grabbing the side of your hip.
"Y'know what might really help me forget?" He asks, pulling away from you so suddenly it's like he's teasing you. Daring you to tell him no when you have him so desperate. "Oh, yeah?" You ask him to continue raising a brow in the process. He pulls you over his lap, standing from his spot on the couch with you in his arms.
"Getting to spend some time in this cute ass of yours." He says loud enough for only you to hear as he squeezes your thighs, making you bite your lip at him.
"But Rafe, the party!" You whine, holding on to his shoulders and looking around the room that was uninterested in your theatrics. "What party?" He groaned, leading you his favorite room in the new house, the bedroom. "If I don't have your tits in my mouth in the next 30 seconds l'm kicking everyone out."
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aphroditeinthesea · 2 months
Percy Jackson x Fem! Athena! Reader who lives opposite him in new york, and the two end up in the same school. Originally, because they were younger, reader hated Percy because he was a boy (duh) and he annoyed her and called her names, with these things follow her to camp and such. Years later, after maturing, the pair slowly share a close connection with reader realizing through five seperate occasions that she does, possibly, like the boy next door.
The five occasions are honestly up to you! (but for example it could be when reader found Percy taking care of a younger camper who had had a nightmare, or when the pair were on the train to school and, reader running a bit behind, Percy reveals that he actually has both readers fav breakfast and the days books already packed for her.
“ i should hate you ”
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percy jackson x daughter of athena!reader 🌊
y/n finds herself feeling a little too much for the most annoying son of poseidon
this is a little off from the books in an attempt to avoid too much percabeth, also this is really long but it was really fun to write. omg and hunger games reference
⚠️ language
⋆。˚ 𓇼 𓆝⋆。˚
When y/n first arrived at camp the first person she spotted filled her with rage. Perseus Jackson.
“No way Jose!” he called, walking over to her.
She crossed her arms. His dirty clothes and static hair told her that he had just gotten back from training, “how are you here? Of all places, why are you here?”
“Well, Tinky Winky, glad to see you, too.”
Tinky Winky. You dress up as a teletubbie one time in 2nd grade and suddenly you're Tinky Winky for the rest of your life, “I’m gonna head to my cabin. If I see you again, I might throw up on you.”
As she walked away, she heard him yell, “I’m the son of Poseidon, big three, you’ll be seeing a lot of me, babe!” She hated the way her stomach flipped at the name, what right did he have to call her babe?
She walked out of her cabin after a month of somehow successfully avoiding speaking to the boy, despite how close her sister was to him. She had free time, so she decided she would walk by the dock to get some fresh air.
She was sitting on the edge, looking at the water when she felt a particularly strong gust of wind. She tried to stand up, but slipped off the edge, falling into the lake. She flailed her arms, trying to maintain some buoyancy. She was never a good swimmer, which was apparent as she felt her lungs begin to fill with liquid as she tried to scream.
Suddenly, she was pulled back to the dock. She tried to catch her brush, coughing up buckets.
“Y/N, y/n, are you okay?” She blinked the water out of her eyes trying to make out the face. All she could see was dark hair and sickeningly green eyes.
“Percy?” She breathed out quietly.
He desperately nodded, “yeah, how long were you under there?”
“Maybe like,” she thought for a second, “20 seconds?”
He helped her up, holding onto her hand, although she urgently pulled it away, “can you breathe fine and everything?”
She nodded, “I’m fine, I’m just gonna go dry off.” She began walking off before stopping and turning back around towards him, “thanks, Percy.”
She ran through the woods during a game of capture the flag while clutching a dagger in one hand. She came to a sudden stop as she heard quiet voices. She hid behind a tree bur peeked over to try and see who it was.
There she saw Percy kneeling on the ground next to a younger camper.
“Don’t worry about them,” he mentioned, “the Ares kids are all bark no bite. I would know,” he joked, offering a kind smile.
She noticed the tears coming out of the child’s eyes, “are you sure, because they were saying how-”
“Hey, hey,” he whispered, “they talk to you like that again, you can tell me and I’ll flood their cabin.”
The kid chuckled, causing a grin to find its way to y/n’s face as she watched the scene unfold.
“Now,” Percy stood up and patted the child’s shoulder, “go get that flag.”
The younger boy nodded before running off once again.
Percy brushed off his clothes, suddenly locking eyes with the daughter of Athena, “hey, Alfalfa.”
She tilted her head in confusion, “what?”
He laughed, “your hair.”
She sighed, brushing her fingers through the top of her hair to make sure there were no floating strands, “better, wiseass?”
He smirked, reaching forward and moving a piece of hair behind her ear, “there.”
She felt blood rush to her face, “I’ve gotta go,” she muttered as she ran off. She heard a laugh from behind her, but she carried on, trying not to think of him anymore.
She figured the fates must hate her, after all, she was stuck on a quest with the person she hated most. Or that’s what she wanted to say at least. She hated Percy Jackson. She had known him her whole life, and all he had been ws obnoxious.
“I’m as happy with this as you are, y/n,” he interrupted her thoughts as he spoke, “but we should at least talk.”
“About what?” She coldly answered, not even looking at him.
He thought briefly, “what’s your favorite color?”
“Oh, now you’ve gone too far,” she joked.
He smiled in return, “seriously, I’ve known you forever, what is it?”
“F/c,” she answered, glancing over at him.
“See, I never would’ve known that.”
“What’s yours?”
“Blue,” he replied, “reminds me of the ocean.”
“Conceited much?”
“What? That’s not-”
“Whatever you say, fish boy.”
He shook his head, “that’s really creative, wow.” He stopped in his steps in front of a convenience store, “I’m gonna go grab a snack.”
“Percy, there’s more important things right now than your stomach.”
“Right, yeah, whatever,” he brushed her off as he walked into the store.
She groaned, “that idiot.” She nervously looked around, sure she was a demigod, but she was still a teenage girl alone in a city. She felt that those five minutes went on for ages before Percy came back out.
“Here,” he spoke as he handed her a bag.
“What’s this?” She asked, opening the bag to find a package of chips.
“You used to bring a bag of those everyday in middle school,” he added while opening his own chips.
She smiled at how he remembered, “I’m surprised you even noticed.”
“You're hard to miss.”
She wanted to scream looking in the mirror. Purple. Her hair was purple. She couldn't figure out what happened, she used the same shampoo and conditioner as always. She rushed to find her shampoo bottle and open it up. As she took off the cap, she was met with the burning smell of hair dye. She cursed herself for not realizing it before.
She stepped out of the bathroom to find only Annabeth and Percy discussing something while sitting on the former’s bed. They looked at her, surprised.
“Really living up to that Tinky Winky name, huh?”
“Shut up, Jackson!”
Her sister ran to her side, “what happened?”
“I don't know, I washed my hair and- and-”
“The Stolls,” Percy commented, walking over to her.
“Oh my gods,” she mumbled, “why- why-”
“They’re morons, that’s why,” Annabeth said.
Y/N breathed heavily as she tried to stop herself from crying. After all, it was her hair, what did her hair matter? It’s not like she was Aphrodite’s daughter. But, she hated to admit how much it meant to her.
Percy bit his lip, “I’ll be right back,” he mentioned as he made his way out og the cabin.
Soon after, she heard yelling from outside. Her and her sister looked out the window to see what the ordeal was.
“-It’s temporary, it’s not like it's a big deal,” Travis Stoll was defending.
“There is a girl in there crying because of you two!” She was confused why Percy was so angered by this.
“It’s funny-”
“It’s not funny, you ass, she did nothing, why would you do some shit like that to her?”
Chiron suddenly rushed to the scene, standing between the two boys, “what is going on here?”
“Percy’s mad because we dyed his girlfriend’s hair purple.”
Oh, Oh. She was made more confused by the way her heartbeat quickened at being called his girlfriend. She didn't care, he was Percy. She didn't care. She didn't care.
To say she was panicked would be an understatement. Percy and Annabeth had been sent on a quest, where only Annabeth returned in tears. As far as she said, Percy wasn't dead, he was missing. They had been fighting a group of monsters, when she turned around and Percy was gone.
Y/N sat at breakfast, unable to eat. She poked at her food, but her stomach was so nauseous, she could barely look at the food. That was until she heard gasps and cheers. She turned around to find Perseus Jackson walking, looking disheveled.
She quickly stood up and ran over to the boy, wrapping him a hug. He was taken aback but enclosed his arms around her waist.
She deeply breathed, pulling away from him. Her hands held onto his face like she was trying to make sure he was real, “I thought you were fucking dead,” she cried.
“I’m pretty glad I’m not.”
She giggled, though tears still streamed down her face. She stayed looking at him, just taking in every feature of his face, every scar, every color in his eyes, and the pink of his lips. She soon enough clashed her lips with his. She didn't care that she knew all of his friends were watching, all she could care about was that he was alive. She did kinda care about the fact that he smelled like raw tuna, but she could look past that for right now.
They separated for air, but their foreheads rested against one another, letting them stare into each other’s eyes.
“You're a pretty good kisser, Tinky Winky.”
“Thanks. You could do better, Spongebob.”
He chuckled, “wanna try again?”
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rashoumon-homo · 5 months
No Such Tastes In Men pt.2 (Dazai x Reader)
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Dazai x Male Reader, NSFW
-> Content Warnings: oral (m!reader receiving), dom/sub undertones, dom!reader
-> 1.4k words
<- Previous Part
Author Note: This accidentally ended up being twice the length of the first one, oops
You expected that sucking Dazai off in an alleyway would make things weird between the two of you. You’d mentally prepared yourself for him to avoid you, but the next day things are… normal. Whenever you spot him on your usual spy routes, he looks fine; well-adjusted. Not at all like someone who’s in the midst of a sexuality crisis.
Maybe he really is straight after all.
After a week of uncomfortable normalcy, you’re beginning to wonder if you imagined the whole thing. Not only has Dazai not mentioned the incident at all, he gives every impression it’s not even on his mind. Your weekly one-on-one update meeting with him is in an hour and somehow you’re the one who’s nervous.
You’re too anxious to drink your usual coffee beforehand, so you decide to head to the meeting location early instead. This time it’s at an abandoned warehouse you haven’t been to before, so it’ll be good to scope out the spot anyway.
When you arrive, a whole 45 minutes early, you’re surprised to see Dazai sitting on a crate reading that book he carries everywhere with him.
When he hears you coming, he glances up, looking a little surprised. “You’re early.”
“So are you,” you say defensively.
He hops down from the crate and dusts himself off. “The mission I was on ended early and I had time to kill, so I thought I might as well wait here,” he explains, even though you didn’t ask. “Are you okay? You seem nervous.”
“M’not,” you insist, sidestepping him when he inches closer.
“You don’t need to be,” he presses further. “I don’t want things between us to be weird just because you sucked my dick once.”
Your heart skips a beat. “So you do remember it!”
Dazai flashes one of his flirty smiles at you. “Couldn’t stop thinking about it.” He leans back against the crates, arms crossed loosely over his chest. His gaze is on the rafters above, rather than your face as he continues. “I’d heard the myth that men give better blow jobs, since they’re more familiar with the equipment so to speak, but I admit I was surprised to find that it’s true. And when I think back on that night, I’m not just thinking about the feel of a mouth around me - I’m thinking about everything. Your hands on my thighs, the feeling of my fingers running through your hair… it’s YOUR mouth I’m turned on by.” Dazai rakes his fingers through his hair in frustration. “And I guess by extension, it’s you.”
His cheeks are pink when he fixes his gaze on you again. You’re playing with your hands nervously, running the pad of your thumb over your bitten nail beds. You feel like a deer in the headlights with him looking at you so intensely. There’s no doubt in your mind he can see your anxiety written on your face.
“So I decided,” he says, more softly, “I want to do it to you too.”
You gape at him. “Me?” you ask. “You want to… suck my dick?”
“Yeah,” he says casually. “Maybe I have more of a taste for it than I originally thought. And besides, I feel like I should pay you back somehow for all the orgasms you’ve given me.”
“Orgasms, plural?” you ask. You feel like your knees are gonna give out so you sit on one of the crates nearby.
Dazai smirks. “The one in the alley, and all the times I’ve jerked off to the memory of it.”
He moves to stand in front of you, slotting himself between your legs. He fiddles with the shoulder of your shirt and asks, “So, can I?”
You grip his forearms and gently push him to his knees in response. He looks up at you with those adorably eager eyes, obediently waiting for instructions.
“Ever given a blow job before?” you ask.
He shakes his head. “I’m a quick learner,” he offers.
You don’t doubt it. Your fingers trace along his jaw, pushing gently at his lower lip. “Open for me,” you say, pressing against the seam of his lips. He does, allowing you to slip your thumb inside. You feel along the ridges of his teeth, mapping out the inside of his mouth by touch. When you press lightly against his tongue, he pushes back against you.
“So good,” you murmur. You remove your thumb and replace it with your index and middle finger. You press along his tongue, further to the back of his mouth, until you hit his gag reflex and he makes a choking sound.
“You okay?” you ask, quickly taking out your fingers.
“I want the real thing,” Dazai whines when he recovers. “Stop teasing me!”
A brat, hmm? you think to yourself. You’ll be nice to him today, but if this arrangement continues, you’ll have fun breaking him.
“Take it out then,” you say, leaning back.
Dazai eagerly unbuttons your pants and takes your cock in his hand. He looks like he’s about to just go at it, but you stop him.
“Don’t try to deepthroat, okay?” you warn. “That’s too much for your first time. I want you to take your time learning how to use your tongue and your hand to make me feel good. I’ll give you tips here and there but for the most part you should be able to tell what’s working from my reactions. Got it?”
He nods. “Good boy,” you say quietly.
Dazai looks at the cock in his hand for a minute, running his thumb along the veins before gently stroking it. He tests out a couple different speeds, settling with a slow, firm pace when he notices how it makes your breathing go shallow. A bead of precum wells at the tip, which, after a second of hesitation, he laps up.
You laugh at the way he tries to hide his grossed-out expression. “Cum tastes better,” you assure him.
He licks your cockhead again, and this time takes it into his mouth. His eyes are trained on you as he runs his tongue over it. Your hips stutter when his tongue flicks over the slit. He sinks a little lower, but his hand has stilled completely.
“Try using them at the same time,” you groan, tapping on the back of his hand to remind him it’s still wrapped around your shaft.
Dazai resumes pumping you, now pairing it with little licks and bobs of his head. You groan, hand moving to stroke the back of his head.
“That’s it, just like that,” you sigh. “Think you can take me a little deeper?”
Dazai can’t nod, but he increases how much he takes into his mouth on the next bob. You know you’re probably right against his gag reflex now, so you’re careful not to push his head.
“Fuck, Dazai,” you moan. “Your mouth… so fucking good…”
You can see him palming himself through his pants out of the corner of your eye. He lets out a little whimper at your praise, and the vibration feels incredible.
“Ngh, gonna come soon,” you warn him. “Pull off… if you want… or you can keep going.”
Dazai doesn’t change his motions, and within a few seconds you’re spilling into his mouth. “Dazai…” you moan, abs clenching hard.
When the orgasm fades out, you carefully drag your softening cock out of his mouth. His mouth is still full of your cum, like he’s not sure what to do with it.
“You can swallow or spit, I won’t be offended,” you say quickly.
He thinks about it for a second, then spits it on the ground beside him. There’s a thoughtful look in his eye as he runs his tongue around the inside of his mouth, tasting you.
“It’s not bad,” he says finally.
You tuck yourself back into your pants. “You’re right that you’re a quick learner. That was pretty good.”
“Eh, it was just my first try. I know I’ll get better with practice.” A playful look makes its way across his face. “Wanna be my tutor?”
“More than anything,” you say with a smile. You raise an eyebrow. “Does this mean you do have a taste for men after all?”
Dazai pouts. “I have a taste for you,” he clarifies. “I’m not ready to label myself yet anyway.”
You nod knowingly. “I understand! There’s no rush.”
Before you get the chance to continue the conversation, your phone pings with a reminder.
“Time for our weekly meeting, apparently,” you say, grinning. “Shall we get to it?”
Dazai grins back and stands up. “Now, where were we?”
Tag list: @suru1990
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 months
Good girls get rewards!
Synopsis: After failing your test miserably, Satan agrees to help you out. One of the perks of having him as your tutor is the rewards you receive when you do well!
Wordcount: 1.5 k Pairing: Satan x fem!reader Contents: NSFW (18+) mdni, kissing/makeout session, fingering, praise, pet names, slight exhibitionism, semi-public (the library), choking
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“You’re screwed.” Satan says.
“I’m so horribly screwed." You repeat and stare at the report card.
“I think your grades might be worse than Mammon's.”
“Wow, Satan, thank ya very much-“ Mammon stops as he sees the history test in your hands. “Oh, those are worse than mine.” He states and you look at him with pure panic in your eyes.
“Lucifer is gonna kill me.” You begin and look at the paper again, as if hoping the numbers might change. “What am I going to do?” You stand up and open the top button of your uniform, suddenly feeling very hot.
“I’ve survived several months in the devildom and somehow my grades are gonna be the death of me.” You’re pacing the room now while fanning yourself and Mammon and Satan watch you walk back and forth.
Mammon slaps Satan on the shoulder, making Satan glare at his older brother. “What are you-“ He begins but stops when Mammon begins motioning at you, who’s currently distracted with trying to open a window to get some air.
“Help her out” Mammon whispers and Satan stares at him blankly. “Mammon, there’s no hope for her. You saw the test.” Satan says. “Okay, what do you want?” Mammon asks. Satan looks at Mammon for a long while searching for any mischief in his eyes. Mammon stares back, dead serious.
“I want the original first edition print of Crime and Punishment from Lucifer's office.”
You tentatively knock on Satan's door and he opens almost immediately. You’ve only been in Satan's room a few times and stare in awe at the different books on his shelves and floor. His desk, however, is completely clean apart from the devildom history book, which is already open.
“Sit down” he says and you do. He slips into the chair next to you. “Okay, so the next test is unfortunately tomorrow, but if we study intensively for the next couple of hours, you might make it,” he says and you nodd.
“This study method is called the Feynman Technique and…”
Studying with Satan is nice and he somehow manages to make you understand the subject. Devildom history is long and boring and there are a lot of weird unnecessarily long names and random feuds that you don't really care about. It doesn't make it any easier that Satan is so pretty. You stare at his blond hair and fight the urge to reach out and run your fingers through it. Your gaze falls on his lips and you wonder what they might feel like on yours.
"MC? Are you listening?" Satan asks and you snap back to reality. "Yeah, for sure," you reply, but your cheeks are burning now. You can't believe he caught you staring at him.
"Repeat what I just said," He says. Your cheeks seem to burn harder and he sighs and places his head in his hands. "MC, I can't help you if you don't focus. What were you even thinking about?" He asks and you shrug, trying to seem casual. "Nothing important," you say, letting out a high-pitched laugh and he shakes his head.
"Maybe we should set up a reward system" Satan says and your interest perks up. "I'm listening," you say and he laughs at you while shaking his head. "Alright, if you manage to get over 70 points tomorrow, you can choose a reward." He says. "Any reward?" you ask and he perks a brow. "Yeah, sure." You instantly agree and shake his hand.
For the rest of the study session, your undivided attention is on the book in front of you, but you can't entirely ignore the tiny pleasurable throb in your lower abdomen.
"I did it," you say, after finally finding Satan in a small secluded section of the library two days later and you show him the paper. A big red 72 is at the top of the sheet and he smiles. "Well done. I suppose you want a reward now?" He says and you nod, your cheeks flushing.
"What would you like?" He asks and you look around confirming that no one can see you, before grabbing his book and putting it away. You slowly straddle him and wrap your arms around his neck as his hands instantly find your hips. He looks at you surprised, but pleasantly so as if he hadn't expected you to be so bold.
"Want your fingers," you say and he chuckles under his breath, while his hands massage your hips. "Yeah, MC? Where would you like them?"He asks and you don't bother answering, you just grab his hand and bring it underneath your skirt.
There's already a wet patch forming on your panties, and your entire body is humming with anticipation. He groans when you bring his fingers to your damp panties and he pulls them aside so he can run his fingers through your wet folds.
"Devils, MC, didn't know history made you so horny," he says as his thumb finds your clit and begins pressing lazy circles into it. You grind down on his finger and gasp at the friction. "You have no idea," you respond and lean in to kiss him. He kisses you back, muffling your moans as two fingers find your entrance and push in.
He groans again at how wet and warm you feel inside and wishes he could just fuck you right here, but it's too risky and he's fine with just feeling you around his fingers for now. He slowly pumps in and out of you and you gasp in pleasure and grind further down meeting his pace. You kiss him more and messier and sigh at how perfect his lips feel against yours as your hands run through his hair and tug at his blond locks.
He adds another finger and you whine into his mouth at the stretch. This urges him to go faster and you almost cry out before he puts his free hand on your throat and presses lightly, making you gasp for air.
"You have to be quiet, unless you want someone to find us, kitten," he says and you nod as your eyes roll back while he curls his fingers and hits a spot that makes you shudder. "Or perhaps you want someone to hear us? Filthy human, getting off on the thought of someone finding you here, stuffed on my fingers."
The thought of someone walking by and seeing you like this makes you moan again and his grip around your throat tightens as you grind down on him harder, loving the way his fingers feel inside of you. Heat begins building in your core, and you whine at how close you are, your walls clenching around his fingers. He groans at how perfect you look for him. What a mess he's made of you with barely any effort.
You continue riding his fingers as your orgasm approaches and you feel lightheaded at his grip on your throat. "Satan," you gasp. "Yes, baby?"
"Been such a good girl, please let me cum," you say and he coos at your begs as he curls his fingers once again. His thumb finds your clit, and he begins pressing quick circles in it, edging you further on. You hide your face in the crook of his neck, as your orgasm finally hits and you cry out before his hand on your throat finds your mouth, muffling your cries and whines. He continues rubbing your clit and thrusting his fingers as you ride out your high, unable to form any thoughts other than how good his fingers feel. When you come back to reality, he removes his fingers and you watch as he sucks them clean, humming with delight.
"Such a smart girl, baby," he says and you lean in to kiss him. He returns the kiss and his hands find your hips again, thumbs rubbing circles into your soft skin, where your shirt has ridden up. You gasp in delight and his tongue enters your mouth deepening the kiss. When you both pull away he smiles.
"Perhaps if you get a 90 on the next test I'll fuck you as a reward." He says. You gasp at the bluntness of his words and slap his chest.
"Okay, yeah, let's begin studying immediately."
"Satan, hey!" Mammon says as he runs to catch up with him in the hallway of the House of Lamentation. "Yeah, Mammon, what do you need?" Satan asks and smiles at his brother. Mammon stutters for a few seconds and stares at his brother. Did Satan just smile at him?
"Umm, right, yeah," He pulls out a suspicious-looking brown paper bag and gives it to Satan. "Your price," He whispers. “Took forever to get my hands on it."
"Keep it, return it to Lucifer's office, I don't care," Satan says as he reaches his room. "I got my reward already." He says and winks as he closes the door leaving Mammon completely dumbfounded on the other side. He stares at the wrinkly old book in his hands. How the fuck does Satan expect him to return this to Lucifer's office without him noticing? Then he shrugs before going back to his room. Perhaps he’ll just sell it on eBay or something.
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sebscore · 1 year
Came from ur fem!driver HCs and now I have ideas:
- The origin story of George’s ‘Russy Bussy’ nickname🤣
- Y/N hazing Oscar, Nyck and Logan in Abu Dhabi because as Valterri says, ✨traditions✨
- Y/N and Pierre gossiping abt Piastrigate w/ Yuki, Zhou and Charles (cuz oh my lordy-ord THE DRAMAFEST that was the summer break and Seb’s retirement😭)
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pairing: george russell x driver!reader / alex albon x driver!reader / lando norris x driver!reader
warnings: the word “bussy” 😭
author's note: i mean everything you need to know is in the title :) yes, this is a reference to that one eric name tweet from 2019! tysm to the anon for the requests!!
• • • • • • •
''Did you see what George tweeted earlier?'' Alex asked her while they waited for the rest of the grid to arrive at the driver's briefing.
Y/N shook her head. ''No, why?''
Alex simply chuckled and pulled out his phone, opening the Twitter app and typing in George's username. He laughed once again, before showing the tweet in question to her.
GeorgeRussell63: New race week! Let's get busssy everyone!
Y/N's jaw dropped, in shock that the Brit actually had posted that on his official and very public Twitter account. ''You know for a guy that likes to correct my grammar, he sure does make a lot of spelling mistakes.''
''I don't think he's realized yet what it means.'' The Williams driver told her, putting his phone back in his pocket.
''Hey, guys.'' Lando took the seat next to his female friend, sighing as he sat down. ''What are you two talking about?''
''George's bussy.''
The three bursted out laughing, gathering some confused looks from the other drivers in the room. Lando seemed to immediately understand what they were referring to.
''I thought I was the only one that noticed.'' He said, trying to calm himself down.
''I was gonna tweet something back at him, but I didn't want people to make fun of the fact that I know what it means.'' Alex explained.
Lando and Y/N nodded at his words, understanding that fans can remember these things for years to come. ''I wanna see his face the moment he finds out what it means.'' She said, rubbing her hands together like a villain would when creating their masterplan.
''Me too, it's gonna be hilarious, our Russell George.''
''Should we let him figure it out on his own or do we tell him?'' Alex asked, debating if they should explain the meaning to him.
Y/N shook her head. ''He should figure it out on his own, maybe with a bit of our help though.'' The mischief in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by Lando and Alex, the two already started to grin.
As if on queue, George and Lewis walked into the room, and briefly greeted everyone. George was about to sit down next to Sebastian, but he was quickly interrupted from doing that.
''Hey, Russy Bussy! Come sit with us!'' Y/N called him over, a teasing smirk present on her face.
The nickname caused some stifled laughter in the room, particularly from Pierre, Daniel, Lando and Alex. Meanwhile George awkwardly looked around as he made his way over to them.
''Hi, guys.'' He sat down next to Alex, a puzzled look on his face.
Lando briefly took a glimpse at Y/N before speaking. ''You guys are later than usual, you had a bussy morning?'' He asked, trying his best to not start cackling.
''Yeah, we had to film something with the team…'' George hesitantly answered, totally unaware what they were laughing about. ''Why are you saying busy like that?'' He asked the younger guy, putting his hand on his waist.
''Oh, isn't that how you say it?'' Alex said, feigning innocence. ''Yeah, or tweet it.'' Y/N added, having too much fun teasing the Mercedes driver.
''I can't follow, guys.'' George was visibly running out of patience with the teasing.
''Oh, crikey! He doesn't know what we are talking about.'' Y/N mimicked George's speech, continuing the mocking.
Alex was the one to cave in first. ''We're talking about your latest tweet, Russell.''
''What about it?'' He obviously still hadn't realized what had been so wrong with his spelling of the word 'busy'.
''You still don't know?'' Lando said wide-eyed, surprised George still hadn't been made aware of the entire thing.
''Know what?''
Lando and Alex turned to Y/N, pleading with their eyes that she explains it to him. She rolled her eyes, but succumbed.
''In your tweet it sounded like you said 'bussy' instead of 'busy', and let's say the two words have completely different meanings.'' She clarified.
George nodded, understanding the fault he made. ''Okay… then what does it mean?''
''With 'bussy' you're referring to a man's, uh, anus.''
They could see the gears turning in George's head, starting to comprehend why he received the reactions he did to what he assumed was a normal tweet. He had given the internet another reason to clown him for an entire season.
''Oh, good heavens!''
''But hey! Look at it from the bright side, your gay fans must be very happy right now!''
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munsonsduchess · 7 months
Monster Smash
summary: you meet eddie at a house party and the night takes an unexpected turn warnings: underage drinking, recreational drug use (weed), face sitting, oral (f receiving), semi public sex (eddie and the reader are in a room at a frat house during a party) w/c: 977 a/n: surprise bitch! another halloween fic! honestly with the amount of ghostface content on tiktok these days it was kind of inevitable we'd end up here, i was originally just going to post the other halloween fic but this one wouldn't leave me alone
It was Halloween and you were having the worst time. You didn’t know anyone at this party your roommate had dragged you to, citing that you needed to get out more, the drinks were shit, the music was shit, honestly you were tempted to just sneak out the back door of this frat house and claim you’d met somebody if your roommate asked the next day. 
You sighed and took another drink from your lukewarm beer and pulled at the hem of the black dress you were wearing. Usually you didn’t feel self conscious in the things you picked for yourself but being, less petite, than some of your peers and wearing something your roommate had picked out so you could both wear matching costumes (you got to be the bad witch) in a room full of obnoxious frat bros made you feel slightly … less confident than normal. 
You were about to cut and run when a guy appeared in front of you wearing a Ghostface Costume,
“What’s your favourite scary movie?”
“The Exorcist, 1973. A masterpiece in horror cinema” you responded without thinking. You hadn’t actually expected anyone to talk to you, after being basically ignored all night
“That’s, yeah that’s a really good pick” the guy pulled his mask off and you found yourself looking into the face of the local weed guy, Eddie Munson. 
Everyone you knew, yourself included, bought their weed from Eddie. His stuff was guaranteed to be the best and not laced with anything it shouldn’t be,
“It’s the line from the homeless guy in the subway ‘can you help an old altar boy father’ and then later on when they’re in Regan’s bedroom and she says the same thing in the same voice. Chills. Literal chills” 
“Such a good movie. They don’t make movies like that anymore, y’know? Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Rosemary’s Baby” 
“Have you seen X? Or Pearl? They have the same kinda vibes but are totally modern movies” 
“I’ve seen X. Massive Texas Chainsaw vibes” 
You ended up finding a quiet corner with Eddie where the two of you could talk about horror movies for the rest of the evening. You’d honestly never really found anyone who loved horror the way you did so it was amazing to be able to vibe with someone like this. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ 👻 ⋅.} ───── ⊰
The party raged on into the wee hours and by now both you and Eddie were feeling the effects of the beer and few joints you’d shared. You were feeling pleasantly buzzed and enjoying the attention of an attractive man, even if it wouldn’t go anywhere. 
“It’s so cool that you’re into horror, most people get freaked out or maybe enjoy those like conjuring movies”
“Ugh. The Warrens are the absolute worst, by all accounts they just scam people and then use their stories to write books and make more money” you gestured widely around the room, “how fucked is that?”
“Totally fucked” Eddie agreed 
“You know I almost didn’t come tonight but my roommate kinda forced me to” 
“Remind me to send your roommate a fruit basket or something as thanks then” Eddie said, “cause this is definitely a way better night than I thought it was gonna be”
“It’s so cool to meet a friend tonight” you agreed, “but aren’t you like ‘working’ the party?” 
Eddie laughed and you had to admit you loved the sound. You wondered if he would want to still be friends after the party was over,
“You’re cute. I mean sure it’s great talking like this but honestly, I saw you standing on your own and seriously couldn’t understand why cause just the sight of you in that dress had all the blood in my body run south. I mean, the fact that you’re awesome on top of being drop dead hot is a bonus”
Your brain short circuited for a moment and you couldn’t quite believe what you were hearing,
“So, you wanna get a room?” 
“Absolutely I do”
Eddie smirked wickedly at you before helping you off the couch and pulling you behind him to the main staircase and along a corridor to an empty room. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ 👻 ⋅.} ───── ⊰
“Sit on my face, come on” Eddie grinned at you, taking one of your hands and pulling you towards the bed. 
You followed the tug and threw one leg over the bed and balanced on your knees. Before you could even try to think about how much weight to bear down you felt Eddie grab your hips and pull you down onto his face forcefully. 
There was no way you could focus on anything but the way Eddie licked into you hungrily. His hands on your hips dug into the flesh there and you threw your head back with the intense feelings, moaning loudly. 
“Oh my god Eddie”
Beneath you Eddie made a muffled noise which you assumed was positive since he didn’t stop what he was doing for even a moment. 
You wondered briefly how he could breathe but the thought left your mind as quickly as it had arrived when Eddie’s nose brushed against your clit and you saw stars. 
Eddie continued to suck and lick you through your orgasm and the aftershocks, the oversensitivity made you want to pull away but Eddie held you firm coaxing yet another orgasm from you until your legs began to shake. Only then did he allow you to pull away and catch your breath,
“Holy shit” you panted, trying to regain some of your self control,
“That’s only the warm up act baby. It’s just you and me and no one is gonna hear you when you scream my name as loud as you want to” 
This was definitely a way better night than you’d thought it would be when your roommate forced you out tonight. 
After all what was Halloween without a few screams?
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
Connor Rhodes- Your Pregnant
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Trigger warning- emetophobia (talks about throwing up and feeling nausea. Not in a lot of detail).
Having children wasn't originally something I though would happen for me. At the age of 31 I broke up with my cheating boyfriend then at 32 I fell in love with Connor after meeting him at Mollys. At that point I thought I would be to old by the time we both wanted children. Connor and I quickly moved in together, and are now engaged to be married in the next year.
Today I've been suffering from a headache on and off. I have also been super tired and at times nauseous. Thankfully I've had today off work so I've just been sleeping on the couch.
I sit up rubbing my face when I hear the door open then close
"Babe?" I hear Connor call out to me
"In here" I look up and see Connor frown at me. He walks over and places his hand on my forehead
"You ok? You look pale"
"Yeah just not been feeling good today"
"Why don't you head up to bed and I'll bring up some anti sickness meds with something to eat and drink"
"Ok" I get up and leave the living room to go upstairs to mine and Connors bedroom.
After getting changed and into bed Connor brings up some crackers, water and anti sickness meds
"You need you to eat these first then you can take the tablets"
"Thanks" I take the crackers and take a small bite. This goes on till I have finished and take the anti sickness tablets
"Get some rest. Hopefully you'll feel better in the morning"
The following morning I don't feel better, in fact for the next week I spend it tired, nauseous and throwing up. I obviously just think it's a bug I've picked up from somewhere. Connor and I are currently in bed, I'm reading a book while he's on his phone. All of a sudden I feel urge to throw up. Dropping my book on the bed next to me, I get up and run to mine and Connors shared bathroom. Just making it. The whole time Connor is holding my hair and rubbing my back
"How are you feeling now?" Connor asks me
"Fine. The nauseas gone now. Im just super tired like I've not slept enough. Think it must be a bug"
"You've been tired and sick all week. You're breasts have grown. Maybe your pregnant" I give Connor a look as if to say 'seriously?'
"I'm not pregnant"
"Are you sure because we haven't been very carful recently"
"Connor I'm not pregnant. I'm due for my period, that explains my boobs being bigger. You know I get nauseous when I'm about to come on"
"For a day yeah but not a week. Babe I think you need to take a test. I really think your pregnant"
"Babe I'm not pregnant"
"Why? We have sex, your not on the pill. And don't tell me your too old to get pregnant, your 33. A lot of woman get pregnant in their 30s now"
"Surely I would know if I'm pregnant"
"Not necessarily. Look why don't we go to bed and sleep. Then tomorrow I'll go and get some tests"
"You want an anti sickness tablet before we go to sleep?" Connor asks me. I shake my head and get back into bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
The following day Connor grabs some pregnancy tests for me. I take them to the bathroom, pee on all of them and wait for 5 minutes while sat on the toilet seat and Connor is sat on the edge of the bath. When my phone goes off I look at all of the pregnancy tests... positive
"We're having a baby" I say almost in shock
"Your pregnant?" I nod my head responding to Connor "I'm gonna be a dad?"
"We're gonna be parents!" Connor yells excitedly. I get up off the toilet smiling as Connor then lifts me up in the air kissing all over my face causing me to giggle "you are going to be an amazing mom"
"And your gonna be wonderful dad. I can't believe we're going to be parents"
"I'm so happy. I love you so much YN"
"I love you too"
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lichenes · 2 months
Here again! Really the number one fan of those law school fics. Maybe a sequel to the original? Making up for lost time and whatnot 🤭🤭 if you’re not in the mood for that then maybe Vincent and a reader who he meets in a museum and then they just keep running into each other as if it were fate
hi ilo o/ glad to see you're enjoying the fics<33 I decided to mix the two (kinda :P) cuz museum date night!! cute asf... sorry for not posting btw!! i have a cold and my body isn't working as well as I would like sjdshdkdsjh CW: kissing, mentions of dirty thoughts SFW wc: 389
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"Wanna go on a date?" You looked at him questioningly. "Of course, is that even a question?" He chuckled slightly. "I was thinking of going to a museum. There aren't many in this town I admit but..." he turned his laptop towars you. "This one looks to be certainly interesting."
You skimmed through the museum's page and nodded. "Yeah this seems fun." He beamed. "I know we're gonna enjoy this trip ma chérie." You blushed slightly a slew of ideas running through your head. "Ah, you're so dirty minded!" He said with a giggle.
You were walking around the room looking at the art pieces enjoying the paintings, sculptures and eachother's company. Vincent was quite knowlegable when it came to art and had at least one fun fact per art piece for you whilst you were perusing the stock of the museum.
"Oh and this one, the creator admitted to have been severely inebriated when making this one." He said chuckling. "Clearly, not his best work." He added. You were admiring the copy of "The Ambassadors" and how faithfully it was recreated with all the details Holbein put onto the painting and most importantly, The Skull.
In the next room, a copy of "The Kiss" was being displayed and it both floored you how beautifull it was. You pointed towards it and said "look it's us!". He smiled at you, laughing at the silliness of the statement.
"Yes ma chérie, it is indeed us." He closed the gap between you and trapped you in a short but passionate kiss. You felt a little dizzy after it ended...
"Remember when we went to that park that one time?" He asked when you passed across a paiting of a truly stunning garden. "Yeah, you got sick from not wearing a jacket." Vincent looked at you with an accusatory gaze. "Oh I wonder whose body I had to protect from the unrelenting wind back then?"
"I told you you would get a cold ma chérie." You retorted. "I'd rather get a cold and protect you from the evil, evil weather." He said theatrically. "Oh my saviour..." You said with faux fawning, teasing him.
You continued perusing the museum, hand in hand, content with how life was going. You were glad you finally got the chance to make up for the lost time...
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____ masterlist
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reallyromealone · 1 year
You know that saying “win over the kid to win over the parent” yeah well think about this
Bonten!mikey with single!dad reader, where reader is the leader of another gang and he’s like not nice to anyone but his kid, so every time bonten and reader talks Business Mikey gives snacks/toys to readers kids and slowly starts to win reader over
(Omegaverse btw)
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Mikey was down bad.
Like really down bad.
For whom? Well he was down bad for the leader of (gang/mafia family/crime organization) that was run by the leader (name) (lastname), an Omega who was cut throat and vicious.
That was until Mikey saw him interact with his pup, the tiny tot managing to escape the nanny because he wanted his papa badly "I'm sorry... I know this is incredibly unprofessional" (name) said curtly as the tiny pup clung to him, eying Mikey curiously and the Taiyaki bag in his hand, the blond realizing his in for getting with the Omega.
"May I?"
"What do we say?" (Name) said to his son "peese?"
Mikey handed the pup a Taiyaki and watched as the boy ate the treat with a small 'thank you' a smile tugging on his features as the boy snuggled into (name).
So every meeting, Mikey brought extras and would give some to the boy who eventually began hugging the alphas leg before running off, Mikey being gentle and kind towards the pup.
"Maybe next time we can have dinner? (Sons name) can join" Mikey offered the Omega who was still very guarded but sighed "fine... But it has to be before his bedtime" (name) said seriously as the tot looked up curiously.
Mikey looked up what toddlers likes eating and realized he should keep it simple, though he was after (name), the toddlers comfort still mattered and besides if the kids happy then (name)s happy then Mikey's happy.
Bonten put together the date, finding a nice restaurant to book for the night with a good kids menu, wanting this to be perfect.
(Sons name) sat in a toddler high chair as he ate his food leaving the two adults to talk "so why did you want this? You seemed content with the original meeting place" (name) asked as he cleaned up his son "I wanted to get to know you better... Show I can provide" Mikey said surprising the Omega "why?"
"I have... Developed feelings for you and an attachment to (sons name) and I wish to pursue it" Mikey was weirdly formal as he looked almost shy, the Omega giggling "I'm not gonna lie, I feel the same and my little pup now asks about you"
"Yeah, though I think he just associates you with snacks"
"As he should" Mikey laughed as the meeting became a date, the two enjoying the company of one another.
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sunofpandora · 3 months
Okay but can we normalize writing about female characters being just like, a total meathead in the relationship?
I say that for lack of a better word.
Now; don’t get me wrong, I love a good sexy fic where the girl has no idea what tf is going on and the guy is just the man with a plan, or a good fashioned (AGE APPROPRIATE) mentor x student dynamic, (I repeat, in a specific fic that will contain two consenting adults.)
What I’m talking about is more along the lines of tropes we’ve normalized.
Writing is such a broad subject. Specifically, writing your characters.
We would be here for the next 300 years (maybe all the avatar movies will be out by then?) and we still wouldn’t cover everything.
And no. I’m not talking about the generalized ‘big strong man comes along and rescues the helpless damsel’, as much as that tends to bother me, I’m going a bit smaller.
I’m talking making your male character cry like a Disney princess at a wishing well and still making him a loveable, sexy, strong protagonist that doesn’t have any kind of ‘loss of masculinity’ throughout the story.
In talking about a female character who punches the shit out of a tree like a Minecraft character for 30 minutes straight because she’s really pissed off.
I’m talking about a girl grabbing a guy by the waist and kissing him.
You know what else is so funny? We can do that all without having their dynamic of sexual encounters be ‘she’s into dudes who dress up in skirts for her’ or ‘he wants a girl who will boss him around’
And of course; there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with those things. I am not kink shaming anyone. What I’m trying to get at here is that some people may think certain traits that are displayed would stereotypically reflect their sexual preferences.
Like; ‘oh that guy cried over a movie? Yeah. He probably wears a dress and makeup for his wife in bed’
Yk? That’s just getting old at this point.
I love seeing writers, filmmakers, and artists who are running wild with this concept and creating characters and dynamics that reflect all types of personalities and ‘abnormal’ gender identifying traits.
And guess what? Your male protagonist can absolutely cry over a book or movie and still portray dominance.
Your female protagonist can absolutely be the type of girl who beats the shit out of a random object because she’s pissed and afterwards paint her nails because she feels like it!
I’m currently writing a Neteyam x Reader, and I’m experimenting with some of these ideas myself. Writing more ‘emotionally natured’ male characters without straying them away from their original canonical structure.
This is getting long and it’s 3:54 in the morning where I live and I don’t want to wake my partner so I’m gonna wrap it up with this,
Dudes can be 6’00, built like a rock, and cry like a Disney princess.
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luvfy0dor · 5 months
The dad Fyodor anon
Descending from the sky with a request on this fine…. Well it’s night technically but
Ok you get it
You said you write modern AU’s
I have a few in my brain but rn I’m gonna go with the clearest one
You know the kind of stuff I always request
How about Dazai modern au as a young father?
Just him being young (maybe like early 20’s or 19 or something but young, you can pick) and he has a partner. But his partner had become pregnant unexpectedly. And after a really rough and confusing 6 or 7 months, they eventually settle on staying together and his partner wanting to see the pregnancy through (tho they don’t know if they’re gonna keep the child)
Tho ultimately, when the child is born, and Dazai gets to actually hold them, it’s different. And they do decide to keep the child
So basically that happening and Dazai trying to get his life on track so he’s not an absolutely awful father
You can choose if the port mafia is still a thing in this or not if you want more drama
And if Dazai is trying to either get out or work more to be more responsible
And if he turns to Oda for help. And if he was originally considering asking Oda to raise the child because he’s afraid he couldn’t
Essentially just young dad Dazai trying his best
Btw if you’re interested in other kinds of AU requests just lemme know. And maybe I got some Fyodor ones in my brain….. 👀
Happy late holidays friend
“We are Young and We Don't Care ♡⁠˖” - Dad!Dazai x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Warnings; Minimally proofread, Modern AU, reader is afab but gender neutral
Description; Dazai accidentally knocked up his partner, and even hours before the kid is born it's still a mystery whether or not him and his partner will keep it. But things can change, even within seconds.
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A/n; Welcome back!!! This ask is cute, I hope I did it justice! Also feel free to drop the new Fyodor ideas ASAP please and thank you 😞🙏💯 Happy late holidays!!
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★ Dazais immediate first thought would be to hand over the child to Oda, unsure of his fatherly abilities
★ The reality of fatherhood actually hits him when he holds the baby for the first time and he sobs.
D/n - Daughters Name
Dazai sat at the bar, swirling the liquid in his glass around. Oda sat next to him, fidgeting with a scrap of paper he found in his pocket earlier that day. "So, what'd you wanna talk about?" He asks Dazai with a cocked eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're runnin' from responsibility again." Oda says, only half serious. Dazai sighs and chuckles quietly, turning to look at Oda. "You know me really well. My partner is pregnant, and I wanted to know if you could..." He trails off at the end, feeling a bit of guilt weighing on his heart. "Take it?" Oda finishes Dazais sentence, being met with a nod from the brunette man. "Yeah. I don't think that I'm ready to be a father, and I'm not leaving my partner, that would be shitty." His gaze wanders towards the windows, the sills covered in a thin veil of glistening snow while flakes fall from the clouds overhead.
"And why is that?" Oda turns his body to face his companion better while resting his head against his fist. "C'mon, you know I'm just not father material. I don't know how to take care of a kid, nor do I know how to bond with it." He tells. His right hand rests on his knee while the other grasps the short whiskey glass by the rim, the orange light from the candles cascading an incandescent glow onto his skin. His cheeks and nose are still slightly red from being exposed to the cold, winter chill of the dark city even though he had gotten inside five minutes ago. "You just sound unwilling to learn, if you ask me." Oda replies. His hand moves from his cheek to run his fingers through his shirt, ginger hair while his statement makes Dazai reflect for a moment. "I don't think I'm able to learn." Oda shakes his head immediately. "You're always able to learn. You just don't want to. I can teach you how to take care of a child, even if you'd still rather hand it over to me." He says, his stubble slightly pricking the back of his hand before he takes a sip of his drink. Dazai sighs with his shoulders slumped, but he eventually nods in agreement. His stubborn personality has a tendency to soften whenever it came to Oda.
Oda started giving Dazai lessons whenever he was able to on how to deal with children, especially newborns. He taught Dazai how to how to hold them correctly and how to swaddle them, amongst many other essential skills for having a child. It took Dazai a couple hundred tries to get the swaddling down, but he was a natural at the multi-tasking part. He could carry around one of Oda's kids in one arm and make a bottle with the other without problem. He was also pretty good with making children laugh, even without trying. Oda taught him how to bathe and change a newborn and told him when the child could have things other than formula or breast milk. He was doing a real good job at shaping Dazai up into a, at the very least, prepared father. Although with these acquired skills, he still had his doubts and second thoughts.
Even as he's sitting in the hospital room with you and all the medical staff, his stomach continues to turn with indecision. He's stuck in a daydream, to keep the child or not to keep the child, that was his only question in the moment. He was so far gone that he barely registered the sound of cries coming from the newborn, but when he did he immediately snapped back into reality. His eyes darted around the room looking for the baby until they landed on her, laying on your chest. Your smile was contagious and Dazai couldn't help but unexpectedly choke up at the sight of the baby. The way you softly shushed her and pet her head made his heart swell. He immediately stood up and reached over to caress her as well, biting back his tears of happiness. He didn't understand how something he considered giving away made him feel this way, so happy.
When the nurses took the baby for the physical assessment, he frowned and reached for your hand. "We're keeping her, I don't want to give her way." Dazai says to you, kissing your forehead. "You did so good." He mumbles against your skin. You thank him and lean back, exhaustion overcoming you. "Good, I'm happy you want to keep her, too." A small smile makes its way to your face. He returns it and stands with you while you wait for the nurses to bring the little girl back. His hand rests on your shoulder, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumbs. His eyes light up like no other when he sees the nurse bring your baby back and he almost immediately reaches his arms out to pick her up and take her. His breath hitches and he stares at her sleeping form, unaware of the tears in his eyes until one falls down his face and onto d/n's baby blanket. He bites his lip once again, making them all the rosier as he sniffles and leans down to kiss her forehead.
The sight makes your heart flutter; you really did think Dazai would want to give her away, but he clearly changed his mind. An even bigger smile creeps onto your face when you hear him whispering to her, his dark brown bangs falling infront of his face. "I love you so much! I'm so glad to have you here, you're gonna be daddy's little partner in crime, huh?" You couldn't help but giggle with happiness. You knew neither you nor Dazai would be the perfect parents, but he really seemed like he was gonna try his damnedest for you; for your daughter.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 3 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: i.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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"[First]... [First]. Hey wake up!"
You blink blearily, just barely catching your chin with your palm. "Sorry," you mumble, closing your eyes once more. You open them once more when Shoko raps her knuckles against your desk again. "'m still kinda out of it."
Yours was the start to a very trying day.
First and foremost, you overslept and missed breakfast.
You were still tired.
And most irritating of all, you had a headache ー you forgot to drink water before and after going to bed, sue you.
While you're still cognizant, you whip out your phone to text your friends. What a waste, you sigh. There aren't any missions to go on today either. Originally your plan was to head out once classes were over for the day and meet up with your non-sorcerer friends in the city. Eat at Johnny's, maybe go to an arcade and watch a movie with the money you had leftover. With how you're feeling presently though, you much preferred laying down and immediately going to sleep. "This sucks," you fail to fight back on a yawn. "I wanted to see what's been going on with everybody from my old school too." You yawn again.
Me: I'm not gonna be able to make it, sorry. Can we meet up another time instead? Have fun without me (T^T)
Chinatsu: aww that sucks. Do you think you'll be free next weekend? We can do something for your birthday!
Your smile is small yet doubtful as you text back an 'I promised my aunt that I'd visit her next weekend to celebrate so it might be a while til then.'
If there's one simultaneous benefit and drawback to attending Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, it's that your schedule is sporadic enough that you it's never consistent what you might be doing on a day-to-day basis let alone week-to-week. Some mornings you'll find out classes are canceled for the next few days and other times you think you're home free to bullshit for the weekend only for Fujioka-sensei to pop up and say you and Shoko have a mission that'll take up the entirety of your free time. As far as your old friends from Tsubame High were concerned though, you somehow got yourself a scholarship for a bigshot religious school with a limited number of students and hellish expectations for said students.
"Look at [First] getting herself into some fancy rich kid private school," Tooru said when you broke the news to your friends you'd known since middle school that you'd be transferring to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech.
Chinatsu: Look at [First], not having too much time for the little people!
"It's pretty unusual for you to sleep in," Shoko's comment brings you out of your nostalgic stupor.
Me: Yeah who are you again?
"Yeah, I know," once you quickly type in your reply, you finally shove your phone back into your pants pocket. If there's a definitive benefit to attending Tokyo Tech, it's the customizable uniforms. You went for the boys uniform at this particular school. It felt like it would be the most practical decision when you'd be running around fighting cursed spirits. And with it being fall, the winter solstice being a couple weeks away, wearing pants felt like the best long term investment you could have come up with. Not to mention, you looked good in it. "It's not like I had any trouble getting to sleep though."
"Bad dream?"
"I don't know I can't remember it," you shrugged trying to recall whatever it was you were dreaming about. It's all hazy, not even the most significant parts scratching at your brain coming through the fog. "I don't think it was bad though. Maybe it was about my husband. I'm still mad they killed off his character in Anaconda 2 last year, can you believe that shit? He was the finest dude in the movie!" When you hear a snicker coming from your right, you shoot a glare towards the culprit with snowy white hair. "Like Inoue Waka even knows who you are, please shut up."
"At least my celebrity crush lives in my country," Gojou snickers back with a shit-eating grin. "Running into Morris Chestnut in Japan? Doesn't seem all that likely. Ah the delusions of young children."
"You are literally only two days older than me, you are making this way too big a deal."
Although Suguru releases a breath of exasperation, there's a smile gracing his features. "Well you can't be that tired if the two of you can bicker like this. Just try not to tear each other apart next week when the party hits. It's your special day after all."
Ah yes, the party. The brilliant idea that the first and second year teachers, Fujioka and Yaga, came up with on the fly yesterday on December 1st.
When you were told that there was a small number of students at this school, you didn't realize how little there would be going in. Among the first year students, you're quite literally only one of four. The previous second year student, Okita, died two months ago leaving the current number of second year students at 0. There's quite literally only two third year students in Utahime and Mei Mei. And as for 4th year students, there is only one ー Yamada.
The ratio of non-jujutsu sorcerer to sorcerer was shockingly out of balanced if there were only seven students at your school. Because of that, the teachers made sure to celebrate every student's birthday. A party, cake, presents, the whole shebang. No class, no missions. Just a day of setting up the dorms for a party while the one turning a year older had to either leave campus and wander around until it was time for their party, or sit around doing nothing around campus until someone came to get them.
It wasn't too long ago when you were all celebrating Shoko's birthday on the 27th of last month.
It was her party with her cake and her presents.
But you? The teachers had a special idea in mind for you. Because in a school of seven students where two of them were born within days of each other, why have two separate parties when you could make it one and cheapen the cost?
One party with one cake and a mixture of presents for you both to tear open at the same time.
Gojou is December 7th.
You're December 9th.
They'll just celebrate both on the 8th and call it a day.
When it came down to it, you understood the principle behind the plan. You could even get behind it. It's just that if somewhere to ask if you liked Gojou Satoru, your answer would be an irrevocable 'no'.
Hell, you'd answer 'no' even if no one did ask.
Gojou Satoru is impossible for you to like from his stupid sunglasses to his shit-eating grins. Even worse is his arrogance. Because apparently, there's no one in the world of jujutsu you were scouted into that didn't know who Gojou Satoru is. Born merely two days before you, Gojou Satoru's birth changed the state of the jujutsu world. "He's basically like the jujutsu sorcerer version of Jesus," Shoko explained when you asked why everyone seemingly made a big deal over him.
I don't like him at all.
You're the odd man out in your class, though, you begrudgingly force yourself to accept all over again during lunch. Despite your less than stellar review of the boy, Suguru and Shoko got along just fine with him.
Gojou had always been obnoxious about the fact you were born a couple days after him when you found out you shared a month of birth. It is just that with your birthdays being right around the corner of next week, he is being especially intolerable. He even came to wake you up this morning when you overslept, forcing Gojou Satoru and his blue eyes that were partially obscured by his sunglasses to be the first thing you saw that morning. Clearly a premonition that today was going to be a mess when he all but sang "morning, junior, you're gonna be late to class at this rate!"
By the gods, I wanna punch him so much. I don't care if he's Jujutsu Jesus, he just thinks he's hot shit because he has blue eyes.
At the very least, you can rest easy in knowing the fact that the feelings of dislike are mutual.
Gojou Satoru is strong, it's an irrefutable fact no matter how much you'd like to deny it. He's strong and in turn, the strong are the only ones Gojou respects. You apparently don't make the cut.
And that's fine. Strength came in all sorts of ways. (An argument the two of you have already had with one another where Suguru said you both would just have to agree to disagree.) You disliked Gojou Satoru but you could live with the fact that, at the very least, you were going to be stuck together for four years. Because even if he was strong, life sometimes paid you back with small moments of grace where someone put the golden boy of the Gojou Clan in his place.
"Just so you know, Takamatsu Akira is visiting again," Shoko's voice pulls you back into the present.
You raise an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name, "never heard of 'em."
"He's a sorcerer that can see glimpses of a person's future when he looks at them," Suguru answers in her stead over a sip of his oi ocha. "He's apparently at the school today for some sort of meeting."
"Hands off the goods," your eyes widen in amazement as you quickly smack away Gojou's hand from your lunch. "Really? And it's all accurate too?"
"He's a major asshole, though," the white-haired boy hisses with a pout. You roll your eyes. I'm not sure how reliable your words are if you of all people are calling someone an asshole. Your incredulousness must show on your face because Gojou's next words are, "seriously! He only tells people he thinks have interesting futures anything about it."
"Satoru's just mad because apparently his future isn't interesting," Suguru smirks, smugly welcoming his best friend's unamused side eye. "He told me about mine though."
You bite back a snort when your curiosity to know Suguru's fortune wins. "What did he say about it?"
Suguru touched his chin thoughtfully, recalling back the day he met the seer. "He said that one day I'll be stuck at a crossroads between two paths and make a life changing decision," he pauses dramatically and you lean forward in anticipation. "That's all he told me though."
Damn it.
The brown-eyed boy chuckles but he shoots you a look of amused sympathy, "he never really tells you too much about it apparently. I was disappointed too."
"Did he ever tell you anything about your future, Shoko?" You ask your class' resident slacker.
Shoko shook her head, bob gently moving with her. "I'm one of the boring ones too," she says with a lazy wave of her hand. "Like Gojou."
"Don't worry, my friends," Suguru places a hand over his chest and bows with far too much grace and humility. "I alone will shoulder the burden of having an interesting future. Unlike Satoru."
You choke, unable to stop yourself from chortling this time. Whatever Gojou sputters in his self-defense, you don't hear it over the sound of your own laughter. "Maybe he'll tell me about my future too," you sigh when your giggles subside. You sincerely doubt it, but it's fun to think about the possibilities. I want an interesting life plot twist, like the reveal I'm actually a long-lost member of some royal family he just won't tell me which one.
"He'll probably stop by because you're here," Shoko rests her chin on her palm. You were the newest in your class, starting a month later than the rest. "He likes seeing if new students will have interesting futures ahead of them."
"Don't get too excited, [First]," Gojou quickly rains on your parade with a lot of arrogance for someone whose future is apparently so boring a seer won't even talk to him about it. "I'm the most interesting person in this place and he won't even talk to me. So who knows what sort of reaction you'll get."
"Oh quit being bitter that your future is gonna be boring, asshole," before any other quips and gripes can be exchanged, the class door slides open abruptly. You look over with a start, wondering if it's your teacher when you see it isn't. The man is a bit younger than Yaga but his hair is already graying and his eyes are a deep green reminiscent of pine trees. You have a feeling you already know who it is and grin. "You wouldn't happen to be Takamatsu Akira, would you? Gojou here was telling me about his boring future soー" you stop yourself with a shudder when you blinked and realized that man was in front of your face and much too close for comfort.
"Now that is something," the man blinks owlishly, eyes almost glowing in his amazement.
Your discomfort flies away faster than a seagull with someone else's lunch, "really?"
The man leans back with a grin and a snap of his fingers, "really, really."
With that you look at Gojou and stick out your tongue and he sticks his tongue in return.
[First] 1, Gojou 0.
Suguru chuckles and Shoko grins and all the while, Gojou flicks your forehead too quickly for you to react. "Look, hater, it isn't my fault that your future's boring, quit trying to rain on my parade," you snicker, batting your eyelashes. "Mr. Takamatsu, I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me about my future if you don't mind. Before the naysayers get more butthurt than they already are."
"You're gonna die, kid."
With four words, your blood freezes and you find yourself blinking once, twice slowly. It's the matching looks of shock and surprise on your classmates' faces that tells you you heard Takamatsu correctly. Stiffly, you look back at the seer hoping for that revelation to be nothing but a joke, but instead you find yourself looking at a maniacal grin. That grin feels more like a knife in your gut. "In the worst way possible."
The knife sinks deeper into your flesh, twisting.
"Hey," out of the four of you, Gojou is the one who finds his voice first.
Takamatsu ignores the boy with snow white hair as if he's nothing but a minor breeze, "But," he beams like he's only told you that he found a discount at the convenience store. "Because I like you so much, I'll let you ask three questions about it."
"O-okay," you stammer almost instinctively. Like a zombie, you find yourself stumbling onto your feet and Takamatsu nods at the door. These answers will be for you and you alone. You aren't sure what expression you wear on your face as you exit, nor the expressions of your peers. You can't bring yourself to look at them as you follow the future-seeing sorcerer into the halls of your school.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
In the worst way possible.
It's only once you're relatively alone that the seer halts his walking in the middle of the hall to look at you. "Feel free to ask your questions," he tells you. "Your classmates shouldn't be able to hear, even if they keep looking out the door. So ask away," he reassures you, waving his hand nonchalantly.
You glance to your left and sure enough there are three heads leaning out of the door, staring straight at you both. You can't bring yourself to smile reassuringly before you return your gaze to the sorcerer in front of you.
Three questions.
Your first question can only be so obvious. "Howー how do I die?"
Takamatsu's amusement is sapped from his face at that question. "Really?" He yawns with a shake of his head. "That's what you're going to ask? That's quite boring."
Boring? Boring?! It's my life! "Yeah but-"
"You know what, fine," Takamatsu sighs, crossing his arms. He recalls his vision in his mind for a moment before he opens his lips. "You're going to be killed by someone precious to you. Ask me something more… riveting this time."
You blink slowly.
You're going to be killed by someone you care about.
When do I die?
Was it an accident?
On purpose?
Why would they want to kill me?
You don't think those are questions Takamatsu will find intriguing in the slightest. In a panic, you ask the most original question that enters your brain. "Do I die… angry at them?" No. Fucking. Shit, me. "Wait, that was dumb don't answer th-"
"Nope, it counts," Takamatsu clicks his tongue. Maybe it's payback for your first question being so predictable and unoriginal. "And my answer for that is no. Your heart will surprisingly bear no anger towards the person who kills you." A revelation that shakes you to the core. "Well, one question left to go, kid. No more mess ups, I'll take it even if it's something as a dumb as a repeat question."
"Okay, okay," you exhale nervously, biting your lip. I need to think.
You know yourself.
You're selfish at times, who isn't? If it really came down to it though, you know you'd always put someone else's life over your own. You can talk big, you can snort when you watch a movie and say 'yeah sorry, they'd be stuck on their own. I'm not dying in a situation like that, I'd wanna go home'. But you know yourself enough to know that despite thinking it, your feet would inevitably turn towards the other person. Maybe you'd die in the end but you know you'd try your damnedest to get them out.
Why else would you put yourself on the line fighting curses?
Curses were scary.
You'd seen them you're entire life, unable to explain why or what they are to the people around you. Some were tall, some were small and some were so grotesquely horrifying that it made Sadako and Freddy Kreuger look like kittens. Being able to literally shield yourself from them were a saving grace when Rejection came in. Those curses didn't attack often, no they mostly just hung about before choosing some random poor soul to haunt. You just didn't want one touching you or your parents.
Things got a bit better when they sent you to Japan for the summer with your aunt. Apparently that's what happens when you live in a country with a more stable and organized force of jujutsu sorcery. Or maybe it was, begrudgingly, because living in the home court of Jujutsu Jesus kept some curses from wilding out the way they did in your home country.
Either way, your parents relented when you begged for them to let you continue living in Japan with your aunt.
That's how you were prepared for the night your class' test of courage went to shit when a curse showed up and miraculously kept the list of mortal casualties at zero.
But I'd like to think that in a life or death fight where it's me or them, I'd choose me. You shake your head pushing the thought to the side. You almost forgot the most important detail. Your killer will be someone who matters to you. But I won't be mad about it. If it was life or death, I'd choose me. I know that. Stranger on the street or a lifelong sworn enemy. And I know if I was killed by someone I apparently care about, I'd definitely be bitter about it. I'm not that forgiving.
Future you isn't in agreement. Your eyes turn to the ground.
Is it a life or death fight situation or an accident? You open your mouth briefly before closing it again.
They're precious to me.
They're someone I care about.
But I won't be angry.
I mustn't have been trying that hard then, you wet your lips as a light bulb flickers deeply in the recesses of your mind. You couldn't have been. How else could your future self's lack of anger be justified? One day, there will be someone you care for so greatly that even in a life or death battle, you'd still choose them.
You raise your head to look into dark green eyes dancing with amusement, a grin accompanying them. The grin morphs from clear to distorted at the welling of tears in your eyes. I wasn't trying. "I must really love this person, don't I?"
Takamatsu's grin grows even wider, eyes flashing in pleasant surprise. "Yeah," he leans against the wall, crossing his arms. "It seems like you do."
Tears roll down your cheeks like streams into a river yet your arms hang loosely at your side. "That's three questions then," you murmur, throat constricting. You inhale slowly, hold your breath and release before wiping your eyes. "Thank you for answering my questions, Mr. Takamatsu. Lunch is gonna be over soon, so I'm gonna go finish eating now."
You bow before turning on your heel back to your class, your classmates are still there. You don't really care to receive their pity or empathy.
"I'm gonna die, it's gonna suck and that's all he really told me," you say before anyone can ask.
It's hours after classes have ended for the day and you're cooking in the communal kitchen when you see Gojou again.
"Hey," Gojou says and his tone is so serious it startles you. You set your knife down on the cutting board before looking at him. His face doesn't seem right to you and it dawns on you a second later it's because he's frowning and it's not the usual childish frown you're used to seeing. "Don't take what that guy said seriously. Like I said, he's an asshole. He was probably saying all of that to freak you out." There's a pause and Gojou scratches the back of his head, looking uncomfortable in his skin. "So don't, like, cry about it. Takamatsu's a prick."
"Are you," you squint, looking Gojou over suspiciously. "Trying to make me feel better or something in your own weird Gojou way?"
"Someone has to make sure you aren't drowning in their sorrows," Gojou returns to his usual brand of cocky, with a grin. His sunglasses slide down, revealing playful eyes.
"I don't want the comfort then," you roll your eyes and return to chopping your vegetables. "Besides, I don't need it anyways, I'm strong."
"We had this argument before that there's different kinds of strong, you jackass," you argue for argument's sake knowing it's a moot point to argue with someone who vehemently believes otherwise. Apparently he thinks belief in philosophical kinds of strongs is how the weak comfort themselves.
You vaguely notice that in spite of your annoyance, your shoulders aren't stiff and your jaw is loose. Apparently Gojou is good for something, after all. "Strong looks different for different people. A kid is strong when they act tough after tripping. A grown man crying and being open with his emotions is strong," you recount some of the ways you've seen people be strong in your life. You've witnessed strength in various ways in your 15 years of living. "… Even just living despite how hard it can be is strong. But it's whatever, I already know you think that's a load of self-comforting weak crap, don't feel like arguing about it."
Save for the sound of you cutting green celery and the light simmer of the pan, silence falls over the two of you.
"What did you guys talk about when he said you could ask him questions?" Gojou finally asks.
"… nothing important," you mutter back.
When you wake up at 4:30 in the morning the next day, knowing full well there was going to be physical education that day, you decide to ditch class.
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In the oneshot I somehow fucked up the timeline by one year. In reality, Gojou was a 1st year in 2005 not 2004.
Also, in the oneshot I said the reader was the baby of the class. I was wrong again. Suguru was actually born in '90, not '89, like I originally assumed. Thus, he's actually the baby of the class. So I removed all mentions of the reader being the class baby. Still, you're younger than Gojou by two days so he is still rather insufferable about that, much to your chagrin.
Compared to the oneshot, now that there is more extended time to look into such things, there will be dives into the reader's non-sorcerer origins, family and friends. I would like to note that the reader isn't from Japan originally in terms of her nationality, but that will be covered in future chapters. Regardless, the reader is ethnically ambiguous for the self-insert convenience!
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theosphobia · 2 months
Hello rvbblr, rvb tumblr, the 3 people always liking my posts.
I bring my first ever fanfiction. and its rvb. idk how ao3 works so im just gonna drop it in here and hope thats accceptable.... erm... anyways
Everyone got seperated; the reds and blues were scattered in a pirate stronghold. Their long range comms were down and pirates lurked around every corner trying to hunt the sim troopers down.
Washington had just survived a scuffle, breaking into a run as he heard familiar shouting not too far off. Just around a couple shipping containers, Wash found Caboose standing over a pirate, Freckles' barrel smoking from fresh fire.
The blue caught the solider in the side of his vision and raised the ai-assisted rifle towards him, confetti dispersed from the gun.
"Friendly Signature Detected."
"Agent Washington! Uhm, he was like that when I got here."
Wash pushed the thought of Caboose firing at him away, he was just glad to see a friendly face.
"Caboose! Have you seen anyone else?" Wash asked, jogging up to the larger character.
Caboose looked back down at the pirate he was resting his foot on,
"On our team Caboose."
"Oh! No." Caboose shook his head and moved away from the body, sizing up to Wash.
"Are you doing okay? You hurt anywhere?" Wash started to walk and the other followed closely.
"I'm a little stressed out... and hungry.." he started. "We should find Griff next!"
Wash chuckled and patted Caboose on the back, "Hey Freckles?" The gun chimed in response, "can you find any other friendly contacts?"
"Nearest Friendly Tag is 356m away. Identification: Lavernius Tucker."
"Awesome, Can you guide us to him?" Wash asked. The custom laser sight on the rifle turned on and pointed forward. Caboose stared curiously, turning the gun from side to side, the line remained aimed toward its original path. Caboose gave a coo of amazement.
"Lets get going, the sooner we find the others the better."
Wash and Caboose followed Freckles' guide until they hit a large pond in the cave; they could see the remainder of the pirate stronghold on the otherside, but the water seemed to stretch to the walls, and they couldn't see the bottom. The laser ran true straight across the water.
Washington stopped for a moment to think while Caboose took a couple steps into the pond.
"I saw something over here! It might be those sim troopers!"
A voiced called from not too far away. Wash cursed to himself, a group of red dots were moving towards them on his motion tracker.
"Maybe they know how we can get across!" Caboose cheered, turning around towards the noise and started walking. Wash caught him by the arm,
"Caboose no they're trying to kill us remember?"
"Oh yeah.."
"There's no time, we're just gonna have to go through it." Wash sighed, leading the blue giant back towards the water and stepping in.
"Uhm I can't swim very well.." Caboose started, standing a bit back from Wash.
"We're not swimming, our suits will recycle air for a while, we should just be able to walk along the bottom." Washington informed him. The other man didn't argue, stashed Freckles, and followed along, both of the started to move as fast as they could in half-ton armour in water as the shouting grew louder.
They were fully submerged for a while before Wash started to notice something wrong, he was wet.
"Uh 'boose.... buddy, not to scare you or anything but I think my armour is filling up with water." Wash could feel a cut in his kevlar around his neck. He must have gotten it in that fight earlier.
"Wuh oh.." Caboose had stopped and turned to look at Wash, somehow he had managed to be moving faster than the freelancer. "Should we go back?" There was a tinge of panic in his voice.
"We can't... we just have to move faster, it can't be that much farther now" He tried holding his hand to seal the hole but water still managed to seep through his fingers, the water was hitting his waist now.
Caboose nodded and reached back, grabbing Wash's free hand, and started pulling him along so their treck sped up.
At some point, the weight behind him stalled.
"Agent Washington?"
"It's in my helmet."
Wash couldn't see, but Caboose's eyes widened. He moved closer to Washington,
"Freckles uhm.. how much further?" The blue asked as he began picking up Wash and slinging him over his shoulder without protest.
"Nearest Friendly Tag is 189m away"
Panic was rising in his voice, "okay thank you Freckles!" His speed was considerably lessened with the extra weight but that didn't stop Caboose from making his strides as quick as possible.
Wash had stopped responding about halfway from their predictament. Caboose didn't stop moving until they breached the shore on the other side.
Caboose laid Washington on the ground and unholstered Freckles, laying it behind them.
"Freckles you lookout for bad guys."
Oh crap oh crap oh crap... Caboose's hands shook as his fingers fumbled with the clasps on Wash's helmet and chestplate.
Water poured out as the seals broke, Wash's hair clung to his forehead. His chest laid still.
What do I do what do I do?? Think Michael think!! Caboose tried to remember what Doc had taught them ages ago. CPR CPR...
"First check to see if they're breathing! If they're not then you'll probably have to perform CPR. Since Grif already knows how to do it he'll be my demonstration."
Caboose glanced at the still freelancer, his chest was still, their chest moves when they breath right?
"Remember, you guys are wearing half-ton armour so you won't have to compress as hard as you would if you weren't. You should press down twice per second, there's songs that help but Beyoncé is timeless so we're gonna use Crazy In Love." Caboose positioned himself above Wash, tried to remember the correct hand shape, and hovered above the freelancer's chest. What if I mess up I don't want to kill Wash he's not special like Church is... he won't come back..
He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves. He started compressing, finding it easier to just count than remember Doc's silly song.
"Every 30 or so compressions try and give rescue breaths! Tilt their head back a little while pinching their nose to open their airway. Then you're gonna blow into their mouth a normal amount just enough so their chest rises; do that twice. If it doesn't rise make sure they don't have anything stuck in their throat. Grif is that gum I see in there?"
Caboose quickly brought his face to Wash's, blood splattered across his visor.
"Haha whoops sorry Washington!" He brought his hands back to unclasp his own helmet and set it to the side; turning back to brush away some of the bloody nose with his hand.
Caboose lingered slightly, he could feel the air around them now, he could also feel the lack of air coming from Wash's mouth. He cradled the back of Wash's neck in his hand, pinched his nose with the other and started his rescue breaths.
He fell into autopilot, repeating the steps in his mind over and over as he did them until a sharp breath came from Washington, as did a mouthful of cave pond water.
Caboose helped him sit up as Wash coughed up his missing breaths; his gaze fixated on the older man's movement.
"Caboose?" The blue's eyes bore into Wash, he seemed terrified. The feeling broke at the sound of his name however.
"Agent Washington you're okay! You should avoid drinking pond water, I don't think it's good for you." There was smeared blood on Caboose's face, Wash dipped his hand into the water and rubbed it against the stain.
"How'd you get blood on you 'Boose? Where's your helmet?" The other blue wore his helmet so often it was rare to see his face, his hair had gotten a bit longer and Wash could see wearing smile lines from his angle.
"Oh uhm! So when we got out of the water you weren't breathing so I tried to give you Cee Pee Arr but I forgot to take my helmet off! So now you have a bloody nose and you shared it with me when I gave you rescuing breaths!" He smiled, reaching beside him to grab his helm and snapped it back on, his second face returned.
Wash rubbed the back of his hand against his face, his helmet was off as well, and his own blood smeared against the glove.
"Holy shit you saved my life Caboose."
"I did?" His head tilted and he perked up again."I did! Oh my god does that mean my team kills go down? Because I saved you?"
Wash chuckled, clasping his breastplate back on and grabbing his helmet.
"Sure it does."
"Oh! You should probably cover that hole in case we have to go swimming again, Church always packed some for me..." Caboose dug around in his utility belt and procured a large patch used for underarmour sealing; he handed it to Wash and watched as the freelancer slapped it against his neck and rubbed it down.
"Geez thanks Caboose, you're really on it today." Wash said as brushed his hair back and locked his helm back in place.
Caboose wiggled from his seated position, paused, and grabbed Freckles before firing behind him.
Confetti dispersed from the rifle.
"Friendly Signature Detected."
"Caboose what the hell?! Did you really just try to shoot me?"
"Hi Tucker!"
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 11 months
Mateless Mate (Part 2)
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Summary: Three months after getting together, the reader experiences Dean’s rut for the first time and the reader gets an introduction to Dean’s family...
Part 1
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x human!reader
Word Count: 1,700ish
Warnings: language, smut, rut toy, little bit of angst
“Howdy there, Dean,” you said, letting yourself into his apartment after work one Thursday. You’d been dating for about three months and while it took some getting used to on your end that Dean knew you were the one for him, he very much wanted to go slow for you and let you decide what you wanted on your own. 
“Y/N,” said Dean, slowly coming out of his bedroom. “Can you uh, maybe, stay away the next few days?”
“Why?” you asked, Dean holding himself against the wall, taking a deep breath and licking his lips. “Is this you having a rut?”
“It’s the start of one,” he said. “I need...you need to go hang out in your apartment the next three days. Better yet, go stay over your parents or brother’s place. It’ll be easier that way.”
“Can I do anything to help?” you asked. He shook his head and you frowned. “Dean, you promised that I could help you with things an Omega normally would.”
“Yeah but I don’t want to hurt you. An Omega is designed to be able to take an Alpha’s rut and they still end up with a few bruises. You? You I might break a freaking bone and I’m not risking that. I won’t...I won’t be able to have as much control as when we have sex and I’m not hurting you. I’m just not.”
“I know, Dean,” you said, carefully walking over towards him. He stared but didn’t stop you as got close and rested your hands on his hips. “If I really am your true mate-”
“You are,” he said, closing his eyes.
“If I’m your true mate, don’t you think your mate is supposed to help you through your rut then?” you asked. He sighed and threw his head back. “How would you get through a rut when you were single?”
“Medicine. A rut toy. This one feels different though. I know it’s because my body feels claimed and if it knows you’re nearby, it’s gonna want you,” he said.
“Let’s give it what it wants then. Safely. Okay?”
“Take your medicine and then go dig out that rut toy. I have an idea.”
“Fuck,” groaned Dean two hours later, sweat dripping off of him as his rut fully hit him. He rolled over to his side and you moved with him, Dean’s eyes shutting as he breathed hard.
“Rest Alpha,” you said, squeezing your thighs together. The toy nestled between them gripped Dean’s cock harder, a nice little sleeve that easily took his knot and let his body soak in the feelings it needed. 
“Not a bad thing to try,” he said, opening his eyes. He panted but you saw that look in his eyes still. 
“It helps but it’s not enough,” you said.
“I can manage this way,” he said.
“You’re pretty spent. Maybe...when this knot goes down we can try-”
“You weren’t so keen on sex at first either but you were wrong about how gentle you could be. Maybe you’re wrong about this,” you said.
“It’s a rut. It’s different,” he said. “We’ll do this again, sweetheart. It’s fine.”
Ten minutes later you were in his bathroom, washing out the toy again, Dean sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you. While you were drying it off, you looked in on him, Dean fisting your shirt in his hands. He needed you, not an imitation, even a pretty decent one. 
You left the toy on the counter and walked out, straddling Dean’s lap while he swallowed.
“If it’s too much, I’ll tell you,” you said, running your hand through his sweaty strands. “Take what you need Alpha.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Let me do this for you.”
“Thank you,” he said, closing his eyes, pulling you closer. “I’ll do my best to take this easy.”
Two Days Later
You stretched as you got out of the shower and started to get ready for the day. You were meeting Dean’s family for the first time, at their yearly barbeque baseball game. He originally had planned on skipping because of his rut but he said it’d passed and if you were up for it, he’d happily have you join him.
With a hum you went to your closet and changed into some denim shorts and a flowy summer tank top. There were a few bruises on your hips from Dean’s rut but they were hidden from view. After having a quick snack and tugging on your sneakers, you left the apartment, Dean just exiting his with a tray of food in his hand and a cooler in the other.
“How you feeling?” you asked, Dean pecking a kiss on your cheek.
“I’m all good. Ready to head out?”
“Sure thing.”
You went downstairs together, getting in his car and driving for about twenty minutes before you got to a park that had been rented out for the day. He got the cooler while you handled the food, quite a few people already there.
“Where you been?” asked Sam as you both set down the items along with the rest of the food. 
“What do you mean? We’re early,” said Dean as you got a hug from Jess.
“You’re forty five minutes late dude,” laughed Sam.
“I thought mom said noon,” said Dean.
“Noon for the game. It doesn’t matter. It never starts on time anyways,” said Sam. “I thought you guys were ditching.”
“Rut wasn’t as long as normal,” said Dean.
“Being mated does that,” said Sam. “I see Y/N hasn’t wised up yet and run off on you so must have gone okay.”
“It took us a little bit to figure out what works best given our situation but I think we found a good solution for Dean,” you said. You noticed an older Alpha wander by, his nose wrinkling as he took out a beer from a nearby cooler. 
“Hey dad,” said Dean, the man standing up straight and turning towards the group of you. “I want to introduce you to somebody. This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is my dad.”
“Nice to meet you John,” you said. He looked you up and down, his nose twitching again.
“Nice to meet you too. Dean says you’re his true mate. Yet you don’t have a mark,” he said. “I would have expected that by now.”
“We’re gonna go figure out teams,” said Sam, he and Jess getting out of there. Dean stared at his dad, his father giving it right back.
“Obviously you know she’s human with the way your nose is going,” said Dean.
“You said true mate so I assumed Omega,” said John.
“She is my mate. Y/N doesn’t have a dynamic is all,” said Dean. You could see John wasn’t understanding and Dean was starting to get fed up. “Forget about it, dad. Come on, Y/N. Let’s go get on a team for the game.”
He grabbed your hand and started to walk away towards the field, glancing back over his shoulder once.
“I’m sorry about him,” said Dean. “I’ve told them before you’re human. I guess they just assumed.”
“It’s alright, Dean. I get it a lot,” you said, squeezing his hand. “Don’t let it bother you. I think he was surprised was all.”
“Yeah. I suppose. Hopefully my mom doesn’t react like that though.”
“Dean, it’s fine. Let’s enjoy the party, alright?”
“Okay. Besides, I’ve been dying to see how good at baseball you are.”
Four Hours Later
“Dean,” you said as he silently walked down the hall towards his apartment. “Dean.”
“I just...I can’t believe my mom would act like that. You’re not a different species. She was freaking the fuck out over nothing,” he said. He opened the door and stepped inside, you carefully following after. “Your family doesn’t act like that.”
“My dad knows a lot about dynamics and even he was surprised to find out about our bond. Give them a chance to come around to it,” you said. “It’s not a common situation. We’ve had to ease into it. Maybe we should ease them into it too.”
“If they’re gonna act weird, I don’t want you hanging around them. So what if I haven’t claimed you? I’m not gonna bite your neck. There’s no point to it. I know how I feel. I don’t need them to tell me what’s supposed to happen. I know what I’m supposed to do and that’s take care of my mate.”
There was a warm cozy feeling in your chest for a brief moment, Dean turning his head and staring at you.
“You’re feeling something, aren’t you,” he said. “I can tell.”
“Just...happy. Home I guess,” you said, Dean smiling softly. “What is that?”
“It’s what I felt when I met you. It’s our bond,” he said.
“Oh. It’s actually really nice,” you said, the feeling subsiding.
“It’s not an all the time thing but you know it’s there. You can feel it if you stop and think about it. I wasn’t sure if you actually could feel anything,” he said.
“I’m glad I can. I think something clicked for me, knowing that you’ll never care I’m not Omega,” you said.
“I don’t. I like you, strictly human and all,” he said.
“I like my Alpha too,” you said. He grinned and you gave him a kiss. “Don’t worry about your family. It’ll work out in the end, Dean. I promise.”
“I hope so too, sweetheart.”
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