#waste farm
gianttankeh · 9 months
Line-up confirmed for GTNK050: ‘THAT’S THAT THEN’ with USURPER, TINDEGGER, JOYCE WHITCHURCH & CHOCOLATE MONK DJs at Summerhall, Edinburgh: 14/10/23.
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As promised, here's the full line-up for GTNK050: That's That Then.
14th Oct 2023 @ Summerhall...
USURPER (Malcy Duff & Ali Robertson's final set).
TINDEGGER (FUA's Tina K & Muscletusk's Grant Smith).
JOYCE WHITCHURCH (Acrid Lactations' Sue Fitzpatrick).
CHOCOLATE MONK DJs (Karen Constance & Dylan Nyoukis).
You can buy tickets here.
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Rain Worlds
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dragonpropaganda · 3 months
The Architecture of Rain World: Layers of History
A major theme in Rain World's world design that often goes overlooked is the theme of, as James Primate, the level designer, composer and writer calls it, "Layers of History." This is about how the places in the game feel lived-in, and as though they have been built over each other. Here's what he said on the matter as far back as 2014!
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The best example of this is Subterranean, the final area of the base game and a climax of the theme. Subterranean is pretty cleanly slpit vertically, there's the modern subway built over the ancient ruins, which are themselves built over the primordial ruins of the depths. Piercing through these layers is Filtration System, a high tech intrusion that cuts through the ground and visibly drills through the ceiling of the depths.
Two Sprouts, Twelve Brackets, the friendly local ghost, tells the player of the "bones of forgotten civilisations, heaped like so many sticks," highlighting this theme of layering as one of the first impressions the player gets of Subterranean. Barely minutes later, the player enters the room SB_H02, where the modern train lines crumble away into a cavern filled with older ruins, which themselves are invaded by the head machines seen prior in outskirts and farm arrays, some of which appear to have been installed destructively into the ruins, some breaking through floors.
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These layers flow into each other, highlighting each other's decrepit state.
The filtration system, most likely the latest "layer," is always set apart from the spaces around it. At its top, the train tunnels give way to a vast chasm, where filtration system stands as a tower over the trains, while at the bottom in depths, it penetrates the ceiling of the temple, a destructive presence. (it's also a parallel to the way the leg does something similar in memory crypts, subterranean is full of callbacks like that!)
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Filtration system is an interesting kind of transition, in that it is much later and more advanced than both of the areas it cuts between. This is a really interesting choice from James! It would be more "natural" to transition smoothly from the caves of upper subterranean to the depths, but by putting filtration system in between, the two are clearly demarcated as separate. The difference in era becomes palpable, the player has truly found something different and strange.
Depths itself is, obviously, the oldest layer not only of subterranean but of the game itself. The architecture of Depths has little to do with the rest of the game around it, it's a clear sign of the forgotten civilisations that our friend Two Sprouts, Twelve Brackets showed us, there's not actually that much to say about it itself, it's mostly about how it interacts with the other layers of subterranean.
That said, Subterranean is far from the only case of the theme of layers of history. It's present as soon as the player starts the game!
The very first room of the game, SU_C04, is seemingly a cave. It is below the surface, the shapes of it are distinctly amorphous rather than geometric. (well. kind of, it doesn't do a very good job of hiding the tile grid with its 45 degree angles.)
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But let's take a closer look, shall we?
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See that ground? it's made of bricks. The entire cave area of outskirts is characterised by this, the "chaotic stone" masonry asset is mixed with brickwork, unlike the surface ruins which are mostly stone. This, seemingly, is an inversion of common sense! The caves are bricks and the buildings are stone. This is not, however, a strange and unique aspect but a recurring motif.
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This occurs enough in the game for it to be clearly intentional, but why would materials such as bricks be used in otherwise natural looking terrain?
The answer lies in the "Layers of History" theme. This is in fact, something that happens in real life, and it's called a tell
To be specific, a tell is a kind of mound formed by settlements building over the ruins of previous iterations of themselves. Centuries of rubble and detritus form until a hill grows from the city. Cities such as Troy and Jericho are famous examples. The connections to the layers of history theme are pretty clear here, I think. Cities growing, then dying, then becoming the bedrock of the next city. The ground, then, is made of bricks, because the ground is the rubble of past buildings. The bones of forgotten civilisations, heaped like so many sticks!
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sylph--scope · 8 months
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Rain World Ostober day 16 - Stone Heads
STOP pointing STICKS at me!!!! i just want the cheftain passage!!!
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gophergal · 11 months
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Life on the farm
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rocketbirdie · 5 days
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chocobo ranchin'
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exigencelost · 4 days
Season 1 put soooo much work and spectacle into showing us all seventeen fucked up ways Louis eats and we have never seen Armand eat. The man is killing people every night I know this for sure in my heart
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wachinyeya · 3 months
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thestudentfarmer · 5 months
Good afternoon everyone~
It's cold, windy and it's been raining on and off all day but I finally got out to harvesting the sweet potatoes.
I started with the 'L' bed.
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This is the bowl I'll be using to collect the spuds for this deep raised bed.
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Those are full size scissors btw. This is the absolute biggest strainer I own and when I do harvesting I'm always glad to have it! Helps with carrying and washing off dirt outside so much easier!
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It was pretty fun digging round for the spuds and to be honest the size and shape of some of them really suprised me!
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For some size comparison, my hand is right on top of them.
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All cleaned out!
Next was the little round bed in the corner. I wasn't really expecting much, but it filled the bin pretty good.
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I've washed the spuds off and am letting them dry off but I'll be finding a spot inside soemwhere to let them sit and cure for a bit of time. (I probably will let them cure until end of febuary.)
Curing your sweet potatoes is what makes them sweet, you can eat them right away but their said to be bitter. (I will be trying 1 potato to see if this is true!) Curing them should be done for at least 2 week in a cool dry space (around 80*f). If you under 80*f space add 7 more days.
I thought this was neat and wanted to share it. since I've not seen a sweet potato grown or dug up before
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I wasn't expecting so much differance in spud size from one single root.
And one last pic,
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The ducks quite like the greens, while there's not much left of it I'm going to leave the vines a couple days so they can use it as enrichment/snack opportunity.
Weigh in on the spuds later!
🍠🌱Happy Homesteading and Harvesting!!
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albino-wildebeest · 28 days
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I made these little backgrounds for an art fight attack last year and I thought tumblr may enjoy them
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newvegascowboy · 21 days
I actually really love how megaton looks. Like in comparison, diamond city feels really barren and devoid of character to me, but megaton feels sooo much like a real city. Seeing the creative ways people make use of limited space, and how the city feels so organically built. Diamond City feels so lacking in comparison and like. I guess i get why with engine limitations and all, but it just feels like there was so much more that could have been done. Idk. Megaton just feels like a really good example of fun city planning.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"In Washington D.C., a sophisticated sewage treatment plant is turning the capital’s waste into a form of capital: living capital that is fertilizing the gardens of farms of the Mid-Atlantic region and saving vast quantities of resources.
Described by the workers’ there as a “resource recovery plant,” D.C. Water run a biogas plant and high-quality fertilizer production in the course of their dirty duty to ensure the city’s waste finds a safe endpoint.
The nation’s capital is exceptional at producing waste from the toilet bowls of the 2.2 million people who live, work, and commute through the city and its suburbs.
Reporting by Lina Zeldovich reveals that rather than trucking it all to a landfill, D.C. Water extract an awful lot of value from the capital crap, by looking at it as a resource to send through the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant, which uses a “thermal hydrolysis process” in which it is sterilized, broken down, and shipped off for processing into “Bloom,” a nitrogen-rich, slow-release fertilizer product. 
The other “Black Gold”
At their facility in southwest Washington, huge aeration tanks percolate the poo of everyone from tourists to the President. After it’s all fed into enormous pressure cookers where, under the gravity of six earth atmospheres and 300°F, the vast black sludge is rendered harmless.
Next this “Black Gold,” as Zeldovich described it, is pumped into massive bacterial-rich tanks where microbes breakdown large molecules like fats, proteins, and carbs into smaller components, shrinking the overall tonnage of sewage to 450 tons per day down from 1,100 at the start of the process.
This mass-micro-munching also produces methane, which when fed into an onsite turbine, generates a whopping 10 megawatts of green energy which can power 8,000 nearby homes. [Note: Natural gas (which is mostly methane) is definitely greener than coal and oil, but it still causes a significant amount of emissions and greenhouse gases.] The 450 tons of remaining waste from the D.C. feces are sent into another room where conveyor belts ring out excess fluid before feeding it through large rollers which squash it into small congregate chunks.
D.C. Water sends this to another company called Homestead Gardens for drying, aging, and packaging before it’s sold as Bloom.
“I grow everything with it, squashes, tomatoes, eggplants,” Bill Brower, one of the plant’s engineers, tells Zeldovich. “Everything grows great and tastes great,” he adds.
“And I’m not the only one who thinks so. We’ve heard from a lot of people that they’ve got the best response they’ve ever seen from the plants. Particularly with leafy greens because that nitrogen boost does well with leafy plants. And the plants seem to have fewer diseases and fewer pests around—probably because Bloom helps build healthy soils.”
While farms around the country are facing nutrient depletion in soils from over-farming, turning to synthetic fertilizers to make up the difference, introducing more such thermal hydrolysis plants could truly revolutionize the way humans look at their feces—as a way of restoring the country’s soils rather than polluting them. As Mike Rowe would say, it only takes a person who’s willing to get their hands dirty."
-via Good News Network, November 23, 2021
Note: You can buy this fertilizer yourself here!
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shkika · 1 year
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I’ve spent an absurd amount of time pearl hunting with TWO slug pups to the point to me Survivor is canonically a single mom with two kids going to college.
I’ll doodle them tomorrow for fun.
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twiggybeing · 4 months
thinking about that time I made a gnome farm in terraria...
cant give exact numbers, but it was a hell of a lot more efficient than any other ones i'd seen online
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Chronic wasting disease was confirmed in ungulates in my region. It's so fucking over for us. Chronic wasting disease is highly contagious, incurable, and can't be killed or treated because it's a prion disease. Not a living thing, a folded protein. Can't be destroyed once it's in the body. It spreads via all parts of an animal, not just the brain. It's in mucus and saliva. Meat and blood. It remains infectious in soil and dead plant matter for years.
It can and it will infect humans. There is no reason to think it can't and won't. Such optimism is a lie or a delusion to prevent panic. This is far worse than mad cow. Far more infectious, impossible to contain, faster-acting.
We are fucked.
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zenmom · 5 months
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Christmas Dinner! Yum! I know that nobody likes broccoli but I don’t mind eating it. It’s even tastier with cheese (you’ll be surprised if you brought a bowl that size and when you look in that bowl, you’ll find that I’ve finished that.) and the cat’s tongue is very delicious (jk that’s cow’s tongue why would I eat cats? I’d never forgive myself for eating them)
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D’licious chocolates Seashells! Both Thinner and I love them, with a difference of how we declare our love for them. I would share this with the backup detectives and @sunny1927 and @angelleplaytoonbeary.
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And I got a cat box/case/bag! Now I can take Sammy anywhere I want. (I’ve no idea how she’ll react to this until I try) I’ll call it a cat bag or box.
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