#watching scar’s pov. maybe i will regret this decision.
gaylotusthatexists · 2 years
i just started watching third life from scar’s pov and i. was not expecting to be jumpscared five minutes in by bdubs explaining what pog means to scar. wtf.
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Vampire!Ash AU (NOT SEXUAL)
I found a few different fan arts of vampire Ash recently, and I decided to write some. Yes, I fell into the “uncontrollable thirst” trap, but I’m a sucker for angst where the perpetrator can’t be blamed. Also there are like a bazillion different ways to tag this ship, so I just wrote   A L L   O F   T H E M.
Sal POV:
As Sal ate, his eyes wandered over to Ash, and he frowned, setting down his food and lowering his mask. She was shifting in her seat, licking her lips, and her emerald eyes were darting all over the street. While he watched, the whites of her eyes flickered briefly to a soul-piercing coal black, and back again. His movement drew her gaze for a split second, and she tensed as her eyes fell on his wrist, pausing momentarily before she shook herself.
“Hey, Ash?”
She finally met his eyes, still turning her head towards the slightest sounds around them.
“Is… something wrong?”
Ash tried for her signature smirk, but her fang caught the top of her lip in a way that reminded Sal of Larry’s nervous habit. 
“No, no, I’m alright.”
He raised an eyebrow behind his mask.
“Don’t lie to me, Ash. I may not have super senses or anything, but I can tell when something’s bothering my best friends. So get talking.”
“I -” she began, then sighed deeply, dropping her head. When she looked up again, her eyes were black once more, the green smouldering like an ethereal flame. “Sal, can you possibly do me a huge favour?”
His eyes narrowed in concern, and he swung round to face her, straddling the bench.
“Of course, you can ask me anything.”
Ash glanced round the room. Her unsettledness was beginning to unnerve him; it wasn’t like her at all.
“Okay, so usually I don’t drink from people. You know that. But it is better than most other blood - more fulfilling.”
“I’m not sure I like where this is going…”
She laughed, but there was something off about it. Sal couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but his hand crept to the cross Ash had insisted all of them carry in case of an “accident”.
“Sorry, Sally. But anyway, I didn’t have time to drink bottled animal blood this morning, and I… wait, I never told you what happens if I don’t drink enough, did I?”
“I don’t think I wanna know.”
“No, you definitely don’t. Point is, I don’t drink, your friend Ash disappears, and something much more aggressive comes out instead.”
His fingers curled around the cross behind his back, slowly drawing it from his pocket. Ash’s eyes fell on his hand knowingly, and she smiled sadly.
“Don’t worry, it’s not desperate yet. I’m still me - for now.” He slipped the cross back in his pocket with an exaggerated sigh of relief, but he kept on alert, his hand still on it, just in case. “Now, I could, theoretically, go hunt some animals in bat form, but that will drain me quicker, and considering we’re in a relatively clean and busy town, if I can’t find anything…”
Sal laid his other hand consolingly on her shoulder, and almost immediately regretted his decision as Ash’s eyes fell hungrily on his wrist again. He settled for leaning forward and speaking softly, gently removing his hand.
“What can I do to help?”
“Well, as I see it, I have two options.” Ash’s eyes bored into him, not having changed back. “I can go bat-form and pray to… I don’t know, Satan or something, that I can find something in time, or…” She looked at him meaningfully, and he understood exactly what she meant.
“Or you can drink from me.”
“I swear I won’t take enough to kill you, or turn you, or even knock you out, and I will only do it if you let me. I’d never hurt you if you didn't tell me it was okay.”
Sal considered, weighing up how much she needed it with how much he trusted her.
Her unnatural eyes widened.
“Yeah. You’re clearly struggling to not… go psycho, or whatever it is that happens. I’m here, and you won’t actually damage me at all, so why not? Heck, I’ve probably gone through more painful operations.”
She threw her arms around him tightly.
“Holy crap, Sally Face, you’re the best!”
A slow smile spread across his face, and he returned the hug, letting his already unbuckled mask fall into his lap. She pulled back for a second, looking pleased at the visibility of his face, and running a hand through her hair.
“There’s one more thing I can do to make it easier for you.”
“Which is?”
Her eyes shifted sideways, and she smirked bashfully.
“One of my weird-ass powers is… sort of like hypnotism. I can’t control you or anything, but I can put you in a trance. If I do that, you won’t feel a thing while I drink. Otherwise, it’s gonna hurt. But again, I won’t do it unless you let me.”
“That’s probably a good idea. Thanks, I guess.”
“No, thank you. You didn’t have to do this.” She stopped, tilting her head to examine him. “Seriously, you don’t have to do this. I’m not sure what you think it’s gonna be like, but Hollywood lied to you. This would normally hurt like hell, and it’s blood, so it’s sticky, and messy, and gross, and… yeah. Just generally not fun.”
“I know.” Sal leaned forward again, knowing exactly how dangerous it was, but this time not caring. “I trust you. I don’t think you’ll hurt me.”
“I won’t. I mean, I will, I’m literally about to, but I won’t do any major damage, and I’ll do my best to minimize the pain. Ready?”
He tugged down the front of his jumper quickly, brushing his hair out of his eyes, and shifting to face Ash.
“Yeah. See you in a minute?”
“Maybe a few.”
Ash POV:
“Maybe a few.”
She closed her eyes, focusing hard on the tiny pinprick of power inside her. It wasn’t much, vampires were an extremely diluted type of magic, but it was enough for this. She let her eyes slide open again, throbbing with her will, and met Sal’s eyes. She could feel him instinctively resisting the pull, trying to keep his head clear.
“Don’t fight it, Sally, you agreed to this. Remember?”
He smiled. Honestly surprising he could hold out this long.
“Is this the part where you tell me to stare into your eyes and just relax?”
She snorted.
“Pretty much. Kinda shocked you’re still lucid enough to make that joke.”
“Yeah, it’s not going to last. You do know how to wake me up, right?”
She just smirked, leaving herself the last laugh as Sal’s joking eyes widened in nervousness for a split second before they glazed over, and his expression became completely neutral. The smile faded off her face, and she looked over her statue-still friend remorsefully. She stuck a hand in front of his face and waved, but there was no acknowledgement. He was utterly bewitched.
“Sorry, Sal.”
She made to grab his wrist, then stopped. She looked up at his blank, scarred face, then gently rose up on one knee, kissing his forehead tenderly.
“You really are incredible”, she told him, but she knew he didn’t hear.
Sal POV:
A voice cut through the haze surrounding him, and for a split second of clarity, he realized his mind had been completely shut down, not registering anything at all.
Such a beautiful voice. Silvery, flowing, and gorgeous, like ribbon.
“Come on, Sally Face, you’re stronger than this.”
“Goddamn it, Sal, snap out of it.”
The voice was almost pitying, but there was a soft edge to it, and it sounded like it was holding back laughter. 
No, not it. Her. 
Green eyes settled into focus in front of his own listless pair. The rest of her face spiralled into his vision as well, and the pieces of her slowly connected, becoming more and more familiar. Like an old friend.
  All at once, everything sharpened, and Sal’s hand flew up to his head, an abrupt awareness of his rebooting mind. As he did, he registered a dull pain somewhere on his body, where she must have bitten him, but he wasn’t quite conscious enough to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. The memory of what he’d just thought about her voice sprung up on him, and, realizing the mask was no longer in place to hide his blush, he decided to dismiss it as a result of the enchantment.
“Hey, sleeping beauty. You in there?” asked Ash teasingly, but there was something heavier behind her words, something a little too sober to be good. 
“I… I think so. Your weird power thingy really did a number on me, but I’m just a little groggy.” He let his hand fall back in his lap, bumping against his discarded mask as he did, and gave her a tired smile. Now he was actually himself again, he noticed a roll of gauze and a clinical looking spray on the table next to them, and he glanced up at Ash. Her eyes were back to their normal human-passing appearance, and there was a subtle smudge of red at the corner of her mouth.
“I figured it was best to keep you under while I cleaned up the bite. Antiseptic spray is a little bitch.”
He smiled at that, but it dropped off his face at the thought of what she’d had to do. Absently, he put a hand up to his neck, feeling for the bite mark, and frowned.
“Where’s the -”
“The whole thing about vampires and necks is mostly a myth,” Ash replied, the weight behind her words still prominent. “Check your other pulse points.”
A vague dread began to settle over him, and hesitantly he looked down at his hands. Gauze was poking out from his sleeve, and upon seeing it, he instantly knew exactly what was wrong. He pulled his jumper back to reveal two twin holes bound under the fabric bandages, where she’d drank, then pulled the thick cotton back further. The neat gashes lined up across his arm were bound as well. A quick tap on his other arm told him the marks there were treated too. Shame washed over him, and trying to meet Ash’s eyes was like fighting a brick wall with his non-existent powers of telekinesis. Her hand slid under his chin, cold from the wind like one of the undead bloodsuckers he’d seen in movies, and brought his face up level to hers.
“What can I say to pass this off as not a big deal?”
Out of the corner of his eyes, Ash curled back her lips, revealing her gleaming fangs, and her brow furrowed, her eyes earnest in their utter horror, before she dropped her head, letting out a long, slow breath.
“Listen, Sal, I don’t know why you’re doing this to yourself. I don’t know what could have driven someone like you to pick up a blade and… I just don’t. But I also know I can’t stop you. It’s an addictive habit, I know, and you’ll find a way to do it if you’ve made up your mind that’s what you’re gonna do.” He finally turned towards her, needing to see her expression clearly. It was pointless, though, as she’d looked away, hiding her face. “Knowing how deep your self-hatred goes, I don’t think I can convince you to stop. And vampire hypno powers only go so far. But please, I am begging you, stay relatively safe while you do it. I can’t lose you.” She met his gaze, desperation lining her body as she leaned towards him, cupping his face. “At least get yourself some fucking bandages.”
“I’m sorry.” The hoarseness of Sal’s voice caught him by just as much surprise as the hot tears that spilled over his lids out of nowhere. Ash’s face softened, and she leaned still further forward, her hands bunching up the back of the jumper as she pulled him in for a hug. He squeezed his eyes shut, the tears forcing themselves out, and tucked his head against her shoulder. 
“You should be apologizing to yourself, but I’m not delusional enough to think that’s gonna happen.” She stroked his hair understandingly, the feeling registering through the despairing numbness. “I know I literally just had you under a spell, which I did to give me an opportunity to take some of your blood, but… I genuinely don’t want you getting hurt.” Her grip tightened, and she rested her chin on his head. “I love you, Sally Face. You know that. And if you won’t take self-preservation as a reason to stop, maybe you’ll take the three of us needing you as one. We need you, Sal.”
“Thank you…” he mumbled, clutching at his mask. Ash seemed to understand; she gently pulled back, watching him buckle on the mask sadly. He paused, feeling her gaze still on him, and looked up. “I mean it, Ash. I love you too, and that… really helped.”
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chenziee · 4 years
hello, can i request lawlu and frobin from outsider pov? thank you
Thank you, anon, for giving me an excuse to write this xD I hope you don’t mind some absolutely ridiculous, silly first dates with non-consensual meet-the-family.
This fic is the continuation to my Lawlu fic [Good friends (don’t) kiss] that I have wanted to write since publishing the original fic. It is absolutely NOT necessary to read the prequel to understand this fic :)
Boyfriends (do) kiss
The innkeeper sighed as he leaned against his broom, looking around the mess that his cozy little inn had become. And the day began so innocently; quiet and slow like any other day. But now there was a charred table and burn spots on the floor, several broken chairs, with cutlery and shattered plates scattered all over. And that was him being lucky. He had been kindly informed some places hit by a similar disaster ended up with broken walls or windows—or both.
It all started a few hours ago when a couple of pirates came in. It was nothing to fret about; once in a while those sea rats would dock at this island and have a meal, then they would run off. None of them tended to stay very long or cause any trouble because of the small navy base just outside town, and even if they did start something, they were usually dealt with quickly. This was no backwater island with no police or competent security, after all.
So, when the two pirates entered, the innkeep paid them almost no mind. That is, until one of his regulars who had been eating his lunch at the counter whispered, "Hey, aren't those two…" He let his sentence fade out, only gesturing frantically in the direction of the two young men, making the innkeep frown and finally take a good look.
They were sitting at a table pretty much at the centre of the room, as if uncaring if anyone noticed them. That alone was not exactly normal in a marine town where pirates tended to keep low and hide in dark corners. The louder, seemingly younger one of them was stuffing his face with gusto, even stealing all the bread off of the other's plate while laughing and teasing his companion, who ate at a much slower pace.
The other one wasn't laughing along, having a much calmer and quieter demeanor, but there was an undeniable, if small, smile on his face. There was also a really familiar, yellow Jolly Roger contrasting against the back of his long, black coat but the innkeeper couldn't for the life of him place it. Narrowing his eyes, he wrecked his brain for where he had seen it, and for just who these people were.
And then his eyes fell on the straw hat hanging on the younger one's neck and it clicked.
Fucking Straw Hat Luffy and Trafalgar Law were casually having lunch in his goddamned inn. He really hoped they weren't going to be planning some big raids while at it or he would have to call the marines. Which he absolutely didn't want to do; there was always so much paperwork involved.
Praying to all that was holy that it wouldn't come to that, the innkeeper observed their interactions, watching for any suspicious movements. After all, two of the Worst Generation captains starting a fight with each other would be just as bad as them planing coups or navy base raids, as well as it was the last thing this old building needed.
Thankfully, it seemed like they were getting along just fine. They were both smiling, speaking quietly with each other and… holding hands? Ah no, that was just Trafalgar handing over the salt. Good. That would be awkward. The touch did seem a little bit too long for a casual contact though.
Just then, the door to the inn opened and in came a couple, a man and woman. Or a giant robot and woman? The robot had his arm placed gently around the woman’s shoulder so it looked like they were together at least.
“Oh! Robin, Franky, are you here to eat, too?” Straw Hat called loudly, waving at the newcomers enthusiastically, and only then did the innkeeper make the connection—they were two members of Straw Hat’s crew, the ‘Iron Man’ Franky and the ‘Demon Child’ Nico Robin. The innkeeper really didn’t like where this seemed to be going.
“That’s right, Luffy,” the cyborg said, equally loud, when the couple reached their captain’s table. “How’s the food here?”
“It’s great! Their bread is amazing,” Straw Hat replied and the innkeep made a mental note to relay the compliment to both his cook and the the town’s baker.
Nico Robin chuckled. “Torao-kun looks like he doesn’t agree.”
Trafalgar made a disgusted face before he looked at her and spoke up, “No, I don’t. But this bottomless pit ate all of my bread anyway and the rest is pretty good.”
“Of course I ate the bread for you, you hate it,” Straw Hat stated matter of factly before he grinned and leaned towards the other captain to give him a long kiss on the cheek, a gesture that earned him an embarrassed click of the tongue from the other pirate.
Oh. Suddenly, the innkeep remembered the newspaper article from three days ago, the one which had claimed the two were dating and which he had discarded as ridiculous and promptly forgot about. Maybe it wasn’t so ridiculous after all.
“You two are super cute,” the cyborg announced, making Straw Hat laugh and Trafalgar roll his eyes.
“Wanna join us?” Straw Hat gestured to the two other, currently empty chairs at the table. “We could make it a double date,” he suggested then, glancing to his boyfriend who only shrugged in response, apparently not caring either way.
The other two, however, shook their heads, and Nico Robin spoke up, “It’s your first proper date. You should enjoy it, just the two of you.” She smiled warmly at the two of them before she glanced up at her own huge companion and placed her small hand over his large one which was still resting against her shoulder. “We’ll get another table and we can meet for deserts later?”
“Sounds good!” Straw Hat and the cyborg agreed, both grinning, while Trafalgar only nodded silently at her suggestion.
The innkeeper couldn’t decide whether he was glad the four of them weren’t going to be a concentrated in one place, smack in the centre of the room no less, or if he was annoyed he would now have to keep an eye on two tables with high bounty pirates.
He barely managed to take notice of where the mismatched couple of the Iron Man and the Demon Child—who looked more like an elegant, beautiful lady than either a demon or a child—when someone at the counter called him over. He wondered when this young man got there; he hadn’t noticed him coming in or sitting down. Maybe because he was so preoccupied by the cursed sea dogs.
“Thank you for waiting, sir. What would you like?” the innkeeper asked the man with blond, wavy hair and what looked like a burn scar over his eye. There was a black top hat with a pair of goggles around it lying in the counter next to him.
The man smiled, putting a ten thousand beri bill on the counter. “When Trafalgar Law asks for a drink, can you add this into it?” he asked, pulling out a small bottle.
The innkeeper blinked, staring at the bottle for a moment before slowly looking up to meet the stranger’s eyes. “Are you asking me to poison a man worth 500 million beri?”
“It won’t kill him.” An unhappy, maybe even angry expression appearing on his face before he continued, voice lowering dangerously, “It will just make him regret every decision he had ever made that led to him being here.”
The innkeeper scowled, folding his arms across his chest as he regarded the man. “There will be no poisonings in my inn, lethal or not. I don’t care what your issue with him is but settle it somewhere else.”
“Damn,” the blond cursed, pocketing both the bottle and the bill. “Guess I’ll have to light his face on fire after all. Thanks anyway.”
As soon as he was done speaking, he turned around in his chair to glare at the table where his apparent nemesis was now ruffling his boyfriend’s hair while Straw Hat giggled, trying to push his hand away. When he finally succeeded, he didn’t let go; instead, he laced their fingers together and mumbled something that made Trafalgar look away in obvious embarrassment.
Suddenly, something bright caught the innkeeper’s eyes and when he looked what it was, he gasped. “Sir, you’re on fire!” he cried in alarm.
The blond startled, looking at his hand as if he only just realized it was engulfed in angry, crackling flames. “Whoops. Sorry,” he simply apologized, shanking the hand until the flame died down to nothing. After a mere second, it was as if there was no fire at all. “Glad to know Ace is angry, too.”
“Sabo! What are you doing here?” Straw Hat cried a moment later, jumping up and basically bouncing in place, and the blond cursed at being spotted.
He waved at the pirate awkwardly. “Hey, Luffy. Just—” he paused, seemingly wrecking his brain for a plausible answer— “passing by.”
That was the worst excuse the innkeep had ever heard, and that was counting all the excuses men have ever given to their angry wives who came to pick them up after a night of drinking.
But Straw Hat grinned, nodding happily as if it made perfect sense. Trafalgar Law, on the other hand, eyed the man suspiciously. “Your brother probably came to check up on you, Straw Hat-ya. Since the papers wrote about us,” he said flatly, making the blond glare at him.
Wait. ‘Sabo.’ Straw Hat’s brother. The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army? That Sabo? This day was getting seriously ridiculous. What was next, a Celestial Dragon?
He barely managed to finish the thought when the entrance door burst open and in came two old men and a goat. The innkeeper couldn’t believe his eyes. They weren’t Celestial Dragons but at this point they might as well be. The goddamn Hero of the Marines Garp and former Fleet Admiral Sengoku had just walked into his inn and he felt like he might faint. Between four infamous pirates, number two of the revolutionary army, and two legendary marines, it would be a miracle if his inn was still standing by the end of the day.
“Luffy!” Garp roared, stomping forward.
Straw Hat flinched in response, immediately raising his arms in a attempt to block the fist that was coming at his head from above. “Gramps! What are you doing here?”
“Dating a pirate? You brat, you’re a hundred years early to pull something like this!” Garp growled, hitting Straw Hat once more.
“Ouch! Why does it hurt even when I use haki?” Straw Hat whined after taking a step back at the impact, his chair clattering to the floor. “And what do you care who I’m dating?” He went to punch back.
Garp side stepped him, grabbing his arm and stopping it from hitting some of the innocent customers who were scurrying to get out of the inn. “Because it’s a fist of love,” Garp said, as if that explained anything.
The innkeeper really wanted run away like his customers did but he was frozen in place, watching the scuffle happening. This was honestly the most bizzare pirate versus marine fight he had ever witnessed, possibly the most bizzare one anyone had ever witnessed. Neither was trying to beat the other, there was no attempt at capture or escape—if you didn’t count Trafalgar quickly backing away from the screaming duo in the direction of cyborg Franky and Nico Robin, who both looked entirely too entertained. At least Trafalgar’s face said he was about as happy about the turn of events as the innkeeper himself was.
A second later, in a flurry of flames, the revolutionary at the counter jumped forward, standing in between Straw Hat and Garp. “Gramps, wait. You should be beating up him,” he said sharply, pointing at Trafalgar, who was by then lounging in the chair next to Nico Robin, coffee cup he was offered by the woman in hand.
“Leave me out of this,” he called back, raising his free hand in a vaguely threatening motion, the air swirling around under his palm with in devil fruit power.
“Yes, leave him out of this!” Straw Hat snapped, throwing a punch at Sabo instead.
The bartender watched in horror as the punch went through the blond, spitting flames all around and setting a table on fire. At least the man quickly put out the flames but the damage was done and the table charred black.
Garp’s attention turned to the revolutionary then, his hand landing on his shoulder and squeezing until Sabo hissed in pain. “Hello, Mr Revolutionary. Do you care to explain?”
“Why are you so angry, we told you we didn’t want to be marines right from the start!”
“Baa!” The innkeeper’s gaze followed after the sudden sound, dropping from the scene of disaster to his knees where Fleet Admiral Sengoku’s goat was gently chewing on the wash cloth he had hanging from his belt. At least someone in here looked like they couldn’t care less about whatever it was that was happening around them. The innkeeper let go of a long, deep sigh, and stroked the goat’s head.
“Thank you,” he said to the goat earnestly, to which the animal only blinked and continued chewing.
Raising his eyes to look for the goat’s owner, he found the man slowly approaching the remaining three outlaws, dropping in the last available chair at their table—after turning it around to get a better view of the fight at the centre of the room. The three visibly tensed up at their new company, but Sengoku only looked at them blanky before raising the packet in his hand.
“Want a rice cake?”
The pirates stared at him, the cyborg moving forward a little to shield Nico Robin from the old marine.
Sengoku, however, only crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, looking as uncaring as could be. “Relax. I’m retired. I have no obligation to keep up with any new wanted posters so I have no idea who you people are. I’m just here to enjoy the show.”
It was a transparent lie, there was no way the man didn’t know he was sitting at the table with a former Shichibukai and a woman who had been hunted by the world government for twenty-something years, and the innkeeper couldn’t help but stare at the scene before him with an open mouth. Was this seriously, seriously happening? In his inn?
When it became apparent that Sengoku wasn’t a threat to them right then, the strange couple and Trafalgar slowly relaxed and the marine smiled, gesturing with his packet again. Finally, Trafalgar reached forward, grabbing a rice cake and tentatively taking a bite.
Soon, he was followed by Nico Robin who pulled out two, handing one of them to Franky who thanked her with a quick kiss before he took it from her hand. For a moment all four of them simply munched on their rice cakes in silence, watching while Straw Hat, Sabo, and Garp bickered and wrecked the whole goddamn inn while at it.
The entire thing was so ridiculous, so completely absurd, that the innkeeper wanted to cry.
It took them almost an hour after that to finally file out of the inn, leaving behind only absolute mess and destruction. At least Sengoku had assured the innkeeper in passing that the Navy would pay for the damages while he had ordered a tea.
He really hoped the marines wouldn’t complain about it since he would be forced to bill them eight people worth of food on top of all this, as the four pirates didn’t even pay for their own food or drinks.
Pirates, he thought to himself, finally tossing his broom aside and opening a bottle of rum instead.
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what if the actual fantasy element of folklore is specifically the events that occur in at the end of betty?? as in, james was with someone else that summer despite loving betty, but instead of going back to betty and showing up to her party, james chose the more mature option of not going back to betty because they both knew how it would end, they’ve seen this movie before... cardigan/betty/august are fictional because they exist in an imagined reality, different from the other songs on the album. 
disclaimer: (i believe james represents taylor and her role in this story, but it is up to speculation so i’ll just stick with speaking about james as the character in folklore,, james’s gender doesn’t really matter to me since it is a character, but i’ll use he/him pronouns for the sake of this post)
the 1 (betty’s pov):
“I guess you never know, never know”
...[what would have happened if you came back]
“And if you wanted me, you really should've showed”
see betty: “So I showed up at your party...” -- james didn’t end up showing, this did not happen
“And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow”
see cardigan: “You drew stars around my scars / But now I'm bleedin'” and “I knew you / Tried to change the ending / Peter losing Wendy” -- in the alternate reality, betty was the only one bleeding, so she grew because of it, and that’s why she is Wendy. james never bled, so james was Peter who never grew up. 
see peace: “Our coming-of-age has come and gone” -- this line suggests that they BOTH in fact grew up (OUR coming-of-age), so neither of them could be Peter. -- “Suddenly this summer, it's clear / I never had the courage of my convictions / As long as danger is near” -- the summer is the same season as the love triangle setting, another sign it’s the same people. these lines depict james essentially backing down from something he really wanted to do out of fear. this seems to be a reference the decision NOT to go to betty’s party last minute, even after planning for months. 
“And it's alright now”
this is simply acceptance of the situation, they have separated for good.
betty (lead up to the party):
...About why you switched your homeroom... Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard...  You heard the rumors from Inez... The worst thing that I ever did / Was what I did to you 
pay attention here to the tense usage in verse 1 and the pre-chorus. clearly all the statements in these stanzas are in the past and happen during the summer james was with someone else or between then and now.
But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself Or lead me to the garden? In the garden, would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
in looking at the lyrics of the chorus, it is clear here that we’re still in the ‘lead up’ phase. james is DAYDREAMING the possibilities of what could happen *IF* he just showed up at betty’s party. 
Betty, I know where it all went wrong Your favorite song was playing From the far side of the gym I was nowhere to be found I hate the crowds, you know that Plus, I saw you dance with him
in verse 2, james is recounting another event which he claims to have led to him doing “the worst thing that [james] ever did,” betraying betty. it is clearly serving as a background story that occurred a long time ago. the “dance” with “him” is very likely the same story as in the first lines of exile, “I can see you standing, honey / With his arms around your body”
I was walking home on broken cobblestones Just thinking of you when she pulled up like A figment of my worst intentions She said "James, get in, let's drive" Those days turned into nights Slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long
the bridge is simply a continuation of the story begun in verse 2. james left the dance after seeing betty with “him.” on his way home, he runs into “her” who i’ll call august, and then their summer affair begins. again, this is long in the past now.
betty (verse 3): 
Betty, I'm here on your doorstep
this line appears to be referencing the same moment as this is me trying: “And maybe I don't quite know what to say / But I'm here in your doorway” however, in this is me trying, which is the main/real plot line, james just says, “I just wanted you to know that this is me trying.” with other clues from that song, this statement means james is trying his best to move on and mature in life, catch up with his classmates after the huge setback of losing betty.
i believe james is trying, although struggling, to accept the end of this relationship forever because of his actions. the line “I didn't know if you'd care if I came back / I have a lot of regrets about that” suggests the ‘regrets’ are because james chose to not come back because he assumed, possibly wrongfully, that she didn’t want him to. (i discuss the bridge of this is me trying after finishing verse 3 interpretation)
And I planned it out for weeks now But it's finally sinkin' in Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when You see my face again
these lines, in my opinion, best showcased the idea in peace’s first verse as discussed earlier: “Suddenly this summer, it's clear / I never had the courage of my convictions / As long as danger is near.” the fact this feeling of anticipation and nervousness ahead of the reunion with betty required an entire verse to communicate shows exactly how intense the feelings are. 
The feelings may be internal or external pressures (societal standards and injustices, being in the public eye, and more) which create anxiety in a person. in the rest of the first verse of peace, she reveals the danger is “just around the corner, darlin' / 'Cause it lives in me,” supporting the idea that these fears and anxieties are a part of taylor’s/james’s psyche regardless of the cause of them. the second verse of this is me trying begins with “They told me all of my cages were mental / So I got wasted like all my potential,” which is also consistent with the idea that anxieties are the root of big mistakes.
this is me trying (bridge):
And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound
aversion to parties/crowds is similar to verse 2 in betty, another indication it is the same people/events. feeling like an open wound is a callback to the 1, “And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow” and betty saying she’s “bleeding” in cardigan, “You drew stars around my scars / But now I'm bleedin'.”
this connection is very important because it proved, as i noted from peace, that BOTH betty and james ended up bleeding, contrary to the accounts in cardigan. BOTH of them were forced by circumstances to accept their permanent separation. therefore, the events in betty didn’t go as they seemed. 
It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town
james is missing betty intensely, just like in betty. the movie comparison brings in several songs to the same general story (in tracklist order): 
the 1: “I hit the Sunday matinée / You know the greatest films of all time were never made” -- during a daytime film viewing, betty remarks that no films she could watch would ever be the GREATEST. as a parallel to a later lyric, “We never painted by the numbers, baby / But we were making it count / You know the greatest loves of all time are over now,” we know betty thinks of this love story as the greatest of all time, even though it’s over.
cardigan: “I knew you / Tried to change the ending / Peter losing Wendy” i already discussed these lines above, but again the idea that james was unsuccessful in the attempt get back together with betty. james had to become Wendy too, and grow up and move on.
exile: “I think I've seen this film before / And I didn't like the ending” the constant comparison of this relationship to tragic films feeds the idea that the relationship was doomed from the start. in cardigan, james tries to change the ending in the hope that love will prevail over all. but in the more grounded reality of folklore such as exile, the pair are hyperaware of how that ending will inevitably happen too them too. “I think I've seen this film before / So I'm leaving out the side door,” so it was time to end it.
hoax: “You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?” here, it is almost a regret about beginning the relationship at all. it was obvious what the ending would be, they’ve seen this film before...but that doesn’t stop them from pursuing it anyways and trying to change the ending for themselves. with a different ending, it would be the greatest film of all time. this is why “Don't want no other shade of blue but you / No other sadness in the world would do” -- this love, although it is a tragedy, is the greatest. and nothing else is good enough.
betty (final): 
The only thing I wanna do Is make it up to you So I showed up at your party Yeah, I showed up at your party
the final pre-chorus reads like the beginning of a Disney movie or a folk tale even, almost as a “Once upon a time, there was a boy named James with one goal and it was to make up for his mistakes....” there should be an ellipsis (“...”) after the second line, creating a divide as the music begins to change and the story moves from reality to fantasy. the key change in the music confirms the transition to an imagined world where fears and anxieties and pressures didn’t get in the way of the greatest love of all time.
Yeah, I showed up at your party Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch In front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
typically, if a story is leading up to a character finally making a move, there is a payoff for the audience, revealing what ended up happening. in this case, it is still questions. it is still james brainstorming possibilities, still using the word “if.” the chorus concludes with the same “i know i miss you,” which doesn’t suggest any real progress from the beginning because there has to be distance still if james is still missing betty. however, the “would”s changed to “will”s, leading the listener to think james actually did manage to show up, maybe the fantasy is even fooling james himself.
Standing in your cardigan Kissin' in my car again
these lines in the outro of betty have a double meaning: james is either in a haze from happiness because of the reunion with betty or is dreaming about these things happening.
in cardigan, she sings: “To kiss in cars and downtown bars / Was all we needed” THESE LINES ALSO HAVE A DOUBLE MEANING: “all we needed” can both signal relief from the tension, as in, kissing again solved all their problems from before, OR it means “that was all we needed to fix us,” as in, we couldn’t or didn’t kiss in these places, so we’re exactly where we started: a romantic tragedy. this means the downtown bar is likely the party or a symbolic equivalent.
The first meaning of both of those lines was the one that occurred within the fictional/fantasy world. The second meaning, is the reality of what happened because JAMES ENDED UP NOT SHOWING UP TO THE PARTY.
Stopped at a streetlight You know I miss you
the “streetlight” seems to be significant imagery here. in cardigan, “But I knew you / Dancin' in your Levi's / Drunk* under a streetlight” -- this might be a spot of a fond memory that is triggered for james while he is driving by it, reminiscing on that time. 
also not on folklore, but in cornelia street, “We were in the backseat / Drunk* on something stronger than the drinks in the bar / The streetlights pointed in an arrowhead / Leading us home.” this cornelia street line seems to be describing a very similar story as cardigan. if so, this supports the idea that james was driving by this streetlight, the location of a very happy memory, and it makes him remember how much he misses her.
the repetition of “i miss you” here makes it clear james never was successful in getting back this love with betty. and betty knows he misses her: “I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired”
I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired And you'd be standin' in my front porch light And I knew you'd come back to me You'd come back to me And you'd come back to me And you'd come back
the fade out in this last chorus also seems to have implies ellipses after each “you’d come back” line because just like the final pre-chorus of betty, there is a hopeful fantasy here. almost like “you’d come back ... you’d come back to me... right?” but as we know from this is me trying, the only communication was that james is trying his best to move on and to be more mature. betty knows it is for the best. 
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chocochar · 5 years
ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ? | ᴅᴀʙɪ/ᴛᴏᴜʏᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4: ʙᴏɴᴅɪɴɢ
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Valentine’s Special | Part 6: TBA
(AN: So part 4, yay! I'm going to be 100% honest, didn't think this was going to even reach this point, like if it wasn't for the lovely readers and comments I don't think it would've been continued, so I'm happy, thank you readers (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ 
This one may not be as long as the previous parts since it's going to have some father son bonding, kind of fluff with Dabi and Kaoru but part 5 will be longer with what's planned. Also the writing I feel will be kinda weird at first, since it'll be through Kaoru's POV so I was trying to have the mindset of a 10 year old, kinda?? (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ 
So let's hop in, yeah?)
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[Kaoru's POV]
        I was really surprised when I woke up early this morning and went out to get breakfast. Mom was already awake and getting ready in her room to go to work, and since I have the day off I decided to make breakfast for us both, which I do when I'm off but she still has to go in. After last night I've been worried, well, actually since I saw dad the day before, but seeing mom cry I didn't know what to do. I just stood in place and it felt like my legs got really heavy. I don't like to see mom cry or get stressed, so I wanna do my best to be good and help her!
        Heading to the living room I almost missed dad sleeping on the couch, until I heard the blankets shift and his black hair sticking out which looked even more messy. I froze, eyes wide; trying to be quiet I tip toed over to him and peeked over the arm of the couch. The blanket covered most of him and was raised up to his chin, his eyes were still closed and he didn't look ready to wake up yet. I was still shocked, thinking,'Mom let him stay the night?! Sh-Should I wake him up and see if he's hungry? Or would he be mad if I did that?' 
        I stood there for a few minutes deciding on what to do before shakily making my decision by poking his cheek. Nothing. With a little more confidence I did it again, this time dad sniffs and shifts, my hand pulling back when I jump. 'He's not that scary... Well, he is... C'mon Kaoru, just wake him up and ask him if he wants breakfast!!'
        After the small pep talk in my head I look down to poke him again before freezing up, his eyes open and looking tiredly up at me. I can't tell if he's annoyed or not (dangit, I should've just left him alone!) but his voice doesn't sound like it when he asks,"What is it, Kaoru?"
        "Uh, well, sorry about waking you up so early, but I was wondering if, um, you'd like some breakfast? I was gonna start on omurice for me and mom, want some too?" I ask, fidgeting with my shirt. He blinks, before picking up his phone to check the time I think, before shrugging as he starts to get up.
        "Sure," is all he says, sitting up and scratching his head still looking at his phone. Nodding I hurry to the kitchen to start on food.
        Luckily I finish mom's as she comes out of her room in uniform and I hand her her plate and fork along with a glass of juice.
        "Ah Kaoru, you know you don't have to do this," she smiles, glancing at dad who's looking up from his phone at her. "Good morning," she says, smiling at him.
        "Morning," he yawns, stretching. I catch the way her cheeks turn pink and she steps around me to go eat in the kitchen.
        "I don't want you going to work on an empty stomach, that's not good for an officer," I say, checking dad's which is just about done. Dishing his up I start on mine and watch as mom gulps hers down once she sees the time. She's done faster than I expected and I follow her out to the living room where she stops to talk to dad before she goes.
        "I've got to work today, otherwise... Anyways, are you planning to leave after breakfast or...?" She asks, dad shrugging after locking his phone. It looked like he was texting someone, but I wouldn't know who.
        "Looking to kick me out, already? Even though you offered me the couch last night?" He turns to look at her, I think teasing her, and mom shakes her head with a sigh.
        "No, I was just wondering because... Well, while I'm at work I was going to ask if you'd like to stay and hang out with Kaoru," she says, crossing her arms. My eyes light up although I'm surprised too, but dad looks at me before back to mom and nods. He's really, uh... nonchalant? I think it's kind of cool.
        "Beats my plans today, plus I've gotta get to know my 'mini me' right?" he replies, his nickname for me sounding better than the 'chibi' one Natsu-oji and Rina-oba call me. I hate that one, but I don't try to stop them when they call me it. When he looks at me again I smile and nod eagerly, but I try to reel it in. Gotta be cool like dad! I can't seem too excited, so I nod more slowly. I don't know if he caught it or not, but he turns back to mom.
        "Okay, well, good, I'll be back around 4 then," she replies, getting ready to leave.
        "Okay, go play hero," he says, and mom narrows her eyes at him before she walks back over to him and pinches the good skin on dad's cheek. He looks at her with his eyes widening slightly touching his cheek, while I watch both not expecting mom to do that and dad to look so surprised. 
        "Next time I'll go for the ear," she tells him with a smile, I think she's teasing him, but dad returns to his nonchalant attitude and turns away from her, checking his phone again. He seems annoyed, I think, but not mad at least. "Bye boys," mom says before she leaves. I stand there staring at the door before I gasp and hurry back to the kitchen, forgetting about the food!
        I wound up having to remake mine but dad and me now sit on the couch, the TV on but neither of us really knowing what to watch. We wound up settling on the news, and it's talking about the heroes again; hen they bring grandpa on I cock my head but I flinch when dad suddenly stands and goes to the kitchen. It was really abrupt, and I could see he looked... really mad. It was hard to tell, but his eyes looked scarier than usual. Remembering how he's got the burn scars I look at the TV again and a question comes to mind: How did dad... get his scars? Mom mentioned he... cremated himself? I want to ask what that means but not right now. I think it would probably be best to avoid talking about that stuff until dad doesn't seem as upset.
[Dabi's POV]
                Bastard. That's all I can think whenever I see that mug of his. The smug air around him because he finally got to that #1 hero spot. Even if he won't admit it I'm pretty sure it kills him knowing it wasn't from all the training and work he put in to surpass All Might. But he still got to that top pedestal. Probably regrets all his imperfect breeding and sees it as a waste of time, failures he doesn't need around. Or at least that's probably how he viewed me. Fuyumi and Natsuo got lucky, he didn't try to train them or let them starve if they didn't do well enough in a training session.
        My hands grip the sink tightly and for a brief moment I nearly forget where I am as my flames start to lick at me arms and face. Whether he's only knocked off his throne, or killed, it doesn't matter to me. One way or another karma will bite him in the ass.
        My flames immediately disperse hearing Kaoru's voice. Turning around I look at him and he looks worried, my mind settling again as I ask,"So what did you want to do today? I've got a free schedule so whatever you're in the mood for we'll see what happens." 
        This doesn't seem to fully push away his concern, but he doesn't try to push the matter, instead answering my question,"Um... Well I don't mind what we do. We could play video games, or go out and do something, there's a movie theater and park nearby, I'm okay with anything."
        I rub my neck knowing if I even stepped one foot out of this place in daytime I'd be found out, so I can't exactly risk that until I think of something that would make it possible. So looking back down at Kaoru I say,"Let's hang out in here for the time being, I can't exactly go outside, don't want to scare people, y'know?" I point at my face with one corner of my mouth lifting, 'mini me' seeming to understand since he nods and doesn't really seem disappointed. To be honest I've been pretty surprised by the way he's been handling all of this; either he has no idea who 'Dabi' is, or he doesn't care. Like when he first saw me, he looked scared for a second but then that changed to what I'm guessing was amazement maybe? Or intrigue. Anyways, he's pretty calm, I could tell he was eager for me to stay today.
        I follow him to the living room and when he suggests video games I admit,"I'm not really the kind of guy who plays video games, so don't expect me to play well."
        "That's okay! Mom is okay, but it's still fun to play," he smiles, getting the system set up as well as two controllers. I watch him getting it all ready, getting lost in thought.
        It's weird, this whole situation, 10 years living on the streets and becoming who I am today I'm not sure how to feel about this whole 'dad' thing. I still have no idea why I came after (F/n) and him, I don't know what my goal was, if I even had one. I just saw the kid, then her... And before I knew it I followed them home and even broke in, twice. Did I miss (F/n) since I'd seen her all those years ago? Yeah, can't really deny I did. Back then she was the only thing I really had that kept me from breaking down or let me vent all my frustrations about home, while she sat and listened. She once nearly stormed to my house to rip my dad a new one, but luckily Fuyumi and I stopped her. Being able to see her again and talk is nostalgic, even if we're now on different sides of the law. And seeing Kaoru I got remembering everything with him. My own childhood, where I didn't really have a father, more like a tyrant. Something about not only the thought of Kaoru missing a dad along with having that bastard to look up to... That was a huge push for me to confront (F/n) and reveal myself.
        Granted, it was a pretty stupid plan knowing her job. At least it went smoothly, for the most part.
        I blink out of my thoughts when Kaoru hands me a controller and I look it over as he sits next to me and gets the game started. 
        "Are you sure you didn't lie to me? I bet you have played this game before!" Kaoru exclaims, pointing at me accusingly as I beat him, again. We've been playing a few hours, it's already noon now, and I briefly think about (F/n). I'll stay around until she gets home, and see if we can talk about the situation more before I go so the League doesn't think I'm skipping out on meetings.
        Smirking I say,"Nope, never in my life, just happened to watch some of my teammates play it but I doubt that's enough for me to catch on. Guess your dad is just that good." He gives a pout, which immediately makes me think of how much it matches his mom's, before he gets up to switch out the games.
        It's quiet for a minute or two while he does this, but he breaks it when he asks,"Dad... Is it true you're a bad guy?"
        I don't respond at first. So he does know.
        "Technically, yeah," I reply, scratching the back of my head as he looks back at me. He looks surprised, probably because I didn't deny it.
        I take a minute to think about how to respond, staring at the floor a few moments before meeting his eyes again and saying,"It's a lot to explain, but I'm trying to... 'clean up' the hero society, well, society as a whole. There are a lot of heroes out there who aren't as 'good' as they try to pass themselves off as, and I'm trying to get rid of them or show their true colors."
        He stares at me taken back but also confused, looking down and I'm guessing trying to understand. 
        "So, like that one 'hero killer' kind of?" He asks, which I wasn't expecting. I didn't consider he knew about Stain but it saves me the time trying to explain more. 
        "Yeah, kind of."
        He hums, mumbling,"Grandpa is kind of like that, he's really scary but he's a big hero... Mom doesn't like him." Good to know, (F/n) still can't stand him.
        "You're mom is right in not liking him, kid, Endeavor is one of the worst out there," I tell him, my eyes narrowing. Kaoru turns his head back up to look at me before standing and facing me.
        "Is it true, th-that you had trouble controlling your quirk?" He asks out of nowhere. I cock a brow and nod, lifting my hand and turning it over, letting a small blue blaze dance on my palm. He stares at it almost mesmerized as it flickers but doesn't grow or go stray as I control it.
        "I've got better control now, but yeah, used to burn myself a lot growing up," I explain, moving the flame around my hand before it rests in my palm again and I close my fingers into a fist, the flame disappearing. I take notice on how much he's fidgeting, so I proceed to ask,"Are you struggling using yours or something?"
        He scratches the back of his before he nods, explaining,"Y-Yeah, it's getting really bad and I don't know how to stop it from getting out of control... I can do force fields like mom, but they, um, they have blue fire on the outside of them, so when I use them I panic... And they get big and the fire gets worse." He looks ready to show but shaking his head decides not to and instead continues with,"Mom is having Shouto-oji help me this Saturday, b-but I'm nervous..."
        I narrow my eyes hearing this; Shouto is training Karou? It's not a bad idea, I guess, won't deny the brat's learned pretty well how to use his quirk, but something about him being the one training Kaoru bothers me. I don't have a clue why it irks me, but my mouth moves faster than my brain this time.
        "What about me training you?" I ask, and Kaoru's eyes widen at the suggestion and I rest my elbow on my knee and my chin on my palm gauging his reaction. It's probably not a good idea, but too late to take it back now. "Unless you'd prefer someone like Shouto, I doubt I'd be the easier teacher-"
        "N-No, I'd like that!" He cuts me off, my eyes slightly widening. He looks embarrassed, and tries to hide it by acting nonchalant, continuing,"I mean, uh, you've been in my shoes, so I, um, think you'd be the better choice. Plus I'd get to see my dad, which would be pretty cool." He's definitely not convincing me with his aloof act, but I smile and chuckle, finding it kind of cute. 
        "Then I'll talk to your mom when she gets home, okay?"
[(F/n)'s POV]
        When I get home I'm fairly surprised Tou- Dabi is still there, and he and Kaoru look like they're playing a board game; the winner is pretty clear, by Kaoru's pout and Dabi's smirk. They both look at me when I walk in and I ask,"Hey boys, did you two have fun today?" It's still a weird feeling that Dabi is here, and it feels normal. Well as normal as it can be.
        "Yeah, but dad's a cheater..." Kaoru huffs, arms crossed glaring at the game.
        "I told you I'm not cheating or lying about playing these games before, you're dad is just that good." Dabi teases. He turns his attention back to me and stands, walking up to me and putting his hands in his pockets. I look up, meeting his cerulean gaze as he speaks,"I was looking to talk to you about something." Puzzled I tilt my head and nod, letting him continue. I still can't read his face, but it at least doesn't seem serious.
        "Kaoru told me about how you were planning to have Shouto train him, which I guess isn't a bad idea," he shrugs, although I'm not sure why he's bringing this up. "But I got a better one: me training him."
        I blink a few times, not sure what to say to this suggestion. It's not outlandish, but it is a little odd. It could give them more time to see each other, I suppose. Although he and I will see each other quite a bit more too... Which has my heart thumping harder than expected.
        "It was going to be Shouto and his friend, but you... Want to train him, instead of Shouto?" I ask, repeating his suggestion. 
        "Yeah. I used to be in his footsteps, remember? I'd know better than Shouto how to help him learn some control. Just let me know when and where and I'll meet you there," he tells me, while I'm still surprised he's offering. But glancing at Kaoru I meet Dabi's eyes again, and with a nod I agree, a little hesitation there.
        "Alright, I guess it won't hurt. We'll have the first training day Saturday, around 2 PM. It's in a training area a friend of mine owns, I'll give you the address," I tell him. My face heats up slightly when he flashes a lazy grin, his eyes never leaving mine.
        "Fine, sounds like a plan, little miss cop."
(AN: So like I'll be honest, this chapter was fun to write buuuut it might not be the most exciting since there isn't much Dabi x (F/n) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ But next chapter will have more (F/n) come in since it'll be the beginning of Kaoru's training.
I hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you are? (i feel like i'm makin dabi too soft when it comes to kaoru, if i am i am sorry)
(ps I've got another fic series in mind for Shouto fangirls, it should be started within a few days so keep an eye out (˵¯͒⌄¯͒˵) ))
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curanonemu · 5 years
ateez soulmates au | kim hongjoong
✧ Matching Marks AU ✧
💖💙 Happy Birthday to one (1) beautiful human who does Things to my heart. 💙💖
• tags: hongjoong's pov, slightly art au, sappy!joong, kid-to-adult-fic (is that a tag), cute kids in love, wingman!yunho, spoilers re: seonghwa, fluff, i promise this is not angst, happy ending :D
• word count: 2,950
I hope you guys like thisss! 💖
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Hongjoong is four years old when he gets a scratch on his left leg. It's a little above the knee, and he has no recollection of getting hurt anywhere. It just stings a bit, all of a sudden, having drawn his attention, and he complains about it to his mother. 
She writes it off as Hongjoong being careless, while he frowns and asserts, in all of his tiny glory: "I'm very careful, Ma!" She hums, the amusement clear in her eyes, her tone of voice all too obvious, "Sure, maybe whatever hurt you was careless." After much grumbling, Hongjoong has to accept her deduction.
He's ten years old, sitting in class and gripping his pen as he listens intently to his teacher, and all of a sudden the pen slips out of his grasp, which is way too wet. He looks down, and what else should he see but a deep gash on his fingers, blood dripping. It doesn't even hurt, but he supposes that that has to do with the intensity of the wound, and not lack thereof. It takes all of his effort to not freak out, externally at least. The teacher sends him to the nurse's office, and the nurse believes that he's a fool despite Hongjoong's insistence that no, he did not slice his hand anywhere against anything sharp 'accidentally.'
Fingers wrapped up and mind buzzing, he returns home glum that day. Why does he keep getting hurt? It's usually some harmless bruises that he doesn't need to worry about, but when he's literally bleeding without a cause, it upsets him.
He's always been careful so that he doesn't get hurt. The scar from six years ago still remains, a thin white line that serves as a reminder of his alleged carelessness.
His mother ends up answering his questions that day. Hongjoong's father seems strictly against the idea, claiming he's too young to know, but it makes him all the more inclined to want to know. So his mother ends up telling him in secret, about how he gets hurt, how someone else is responsible for it. She tells him about soulmates, and he takes it all in, wide-eyed.
She tells him everyone has a different kind of connection, and when he asks what kind she and his dad have, she just smiles secretively.
Hongjoong happens to share a physical link with his soulmate, and whatever marks they get, appear on him too. And they hurt.
He spends the next three years resenting his soulmate, and each time he sports a new bruise, he wonders why he's meant to be with someone so clumsy.
He's thirteen when he twists his ankle while walking, and crashes straight into a rock, the sole of his shoe coming right off, and his heel bleeding. With the pain and the mess comes a rush of something he can't recognise. It feels the slightest bit like guilt, but why in the world? Is he guilty that he hurt the poor rock? He doesn't dwell on it, because his foot hurts too much.
He understands soon enough when his mother makes an off-hand comment about his soulmate's condition. It feels like he's been doused with cold water. How could he forget that someone out there in the world is also suffering with him? Never mind the times he suffered because of them.
Actually, they've always suffered together. He's been hurt because of his soulmate, but right now they're also hurt because of him. He's hurt the person he's meant to give his heart to, in this world. And it makes him feel terrible. No one would want to hurt people for no reason, especially someone precious, so why has Hongjoong always assumed his soulmate is a no-good hooligan?
He spends the next few days doing his best to recover, making sure not to exert himself or jostle his foot any more than necessary.
Yunho makes jokes about Hongjoong's solemate, but even that's not enough to get him to kick his friend.
The only thing that makes the whole ordeal relatively better (read: less embarrassing) is the cast around the new kid's foot. Hongjoong's not the only one with a hurt foot, and even though the other person is not his classmate, it makes everything better.
He hears through classmates that his nameless saviour was on the stairs when they got hurt, and it makes him regret his baseless resentment for his soulmate even more. How could he have blamed them all those years? Getting hurt is inevitable.
Hongjoong ends up leaving a note for the kid in the next class, after much difficulty and a great deal of asking around (read: whining at Yunho till his friend rolled his eyes and found out through his countless contacts). 'I hope it heals soon,' the note says, and he deliberately does not leave a name. It's the least he can do.
A few days later, when he's getting his bandages removed, the doctor peels away the material only for a smiley face to greet everyone. The doctor is surprised and slightly disapproving, but then Hongjoong's mother clears up the misunderstanding; he's not responsible for drawing that. Hongjoong tries not to let his face burn, but it's a lost cause, truthfully.
He comes home and spends a while staring at the doodle on his ankle.
Then, picking up a pen and hoping he's not being absolutely stupid, he uncaps it and sets it to the face, widening the smile slightly. He's being stupid, isn't he? He groans and is about to rub it off completely when he sees something else.
Flowers on his shin. Yeah, he's definitely not responsible for those and they sure weren't there an hour back. He adds a few leaves, watches as loopy tendrils appear on his skin before his eyes, and then he finishes the piece off with a few stray four-point sparkles.
It seems like injuries aren't the only thing he can share with his soulmate.
If he wears the longest pair of socks he has, the next day, then no one needs to know.
They fall into a routine after that. Hongjoong does his best not to get hurt, other than the rare loss of coordination that makes him bang his head down on his table when he drifts off while staying up late, studying. His soulmate cools off on their love for getting hurt too.
Sometimes Hongjoong will spy random bruises cropping up on his skin, but there's none of his old irritation; there's just exasperation and a hint of amusement, concern as well. He'll draw all sorts of things around those bruises- spirals, geometric shapes, even flowers which seem to be his soulmate's go-to. And the person on the other end will add to his doodles.
He ends up way too attached to that habit. And he ends up way too good at art.
In high school, he starts painting his little finger's nail, and he's slightly surprised when his soulmate doesn't do anything to that. He wonders if the polish doesn't show up on their nail. But he doesn't dwell long on that. There's plenty of things he hopes they aren't experiencing at the same time as him. Like staying up till two in the night, crying over his curriculum.
He graduates, and things go smoothly as he starts college, with his part-time job on the side.
He meets new people; Yunho introduces him to his other friend, and Seonghwa is too popular but Hongjoong might just secretly consider him his best friend, despite the short time they've known each other. He's upright, responsible, slightly cocky but also a major dork, judging by the way he's obsessed with the word on his body. He all but freaks out when Hongjoong jokes about having the right words for him, but then the latter assures him that they're not soulmates by any chance, and Seonghwa huffs and ignores him for approximately ten minutes before Yunho calls him an idiot and they're all dissolving into laughter.
Some people also make passes at Hongjoong, strangers he meets from Yunho's large circle of friends, and he's forever surprised that they want to date him when he doesn't even spend enough time socialising. Studying music and art doesn't really give him a lot of time to hang out with people.
He's also more than a little faithful to his soulmate, but he'll never admit that to anyone. It's bad enough that Yunho told Seonghwa about Hongjoong's solemate, he'll never tell anyone that he also has a raging crush on his other half.
Towards the end of the semester, he's busy preparing for exams, and his brain seems fried from days of continuous studying when he decides to take a break, stretching and trying to work out the tension in his back. That's when he sees the digits on his wrist.
His lips part, mouth opening till he stares at his wrist in surprise, almost akin to wonder. And then his brain catches up. Someone's got close enough to his soulmate to leave their phone number on their wrist, and they let them. And that number is also adorning Hongjoong's wrist, just like any other mark that he's shared with his soulmate.
Uh oh.
He rubs at his wrist, satisfied when the ink smudges, and he spends all of his fifteen-minutes-long break cleaning his skin, till it's spotless again. If it's a little red from all the rubbing, he hopes his soulmate's skin isn't suffering.
The next day, he has to go through the same ordeal.
Another day passes, and the same thing happens.
And another.
Hongjoong's at his wit's end. It's all getting increasingly frivolous, first bows and then stars and then hearts decorating the same number, and it makes him nauseous.
He also needs to study so he won't fail, and it's not helping that his soulmate has a new sweetheart that they seem all too happy about.
He's lacking sleep, he doesn't remember when he last ate, and instead of music notes he only remembers those ten stupid digits that keep haunting him.
In a second, he makes a decision that he would most definitely not make, were he in his right mind.
Hongjoong rubs off the digits again, too calm. Then he picks up the fanciest pen he owns, the one he bought specifically with his soulmate in mind but never used, and he writes a different sequence of numbers on his wrist.
He shouldn't get in the way of his soulmate's happiness. He will definitely regret it the next day, he's sure of it.
But he can't bring himself to regret putting his own phone number on his skin.
His phone rings, and he jolts, the gravity of the situation creeping up on him a little. He's such a bad person.
It's late at night, so it can't be anyone other than Yunho or Seonghwa, the latter possibly hoping to catch him awake and scold him for it. Hongjoong answers without looking, happy to have any sort of interaction.
"Hmm?" He hums, dragging out the sound into a sigh, and raises an eyebrow as he hears laughter on the other end.
"Kim Hongjoong?"
He shifts a bit, back straightening, "Yeah, that's me..." Seonghwa appears in his mind, tutting at him for not looking at the caller's number.
"Oh, good!" The person on the other end brightens up significantly, before they laugh again and say, "I've been waiting for days, I thought you'd never get around to it. Honestly, the way you've been removing all traces of my number made me think you'd never talk."
Hongjoong's eyes widen, and he's suddenly too awake and alert. "W-who are you?" He asks, hoping they don't catch his stuttering through the line.
"Ah, I, uh..." the person suddenly trails off. Hongjoong is getting increasingly confused and more than a little suspicious, and he wants answers now.
"I..." they start again and Hongjoong's ear perks up. "Just hear me out, maybe?" He hums in response, and hears them inhale before they launch off into a long-winded explanation. "I put my number there because I wanted you to call. But you never did. You just kept wiping it off and I kept trying and I thought you didn't care."
"But you've also always drawn really pretty things for me, and you've been so kind throughout my life, and the way you write your alphabets is so cute that I- sorry, you don't need to know."
"I want to." He cuts them off, head still trying to wrap itself around the absurdity and the near impossibility of the situation, despite hearing and comprehending every word.
"Y-you have good artistic skills. I like your art." They say, and Hongjoong can imagine that they're red, because he feels the telltale tingle in his face too.
"You're my soulmate." He says it more as a statement than a question, and gets affirmation from the person on the other side.
"How do you know my name?"
"You're... not easy to miss. And I realised some time back that you're the same person who left me that note, because of your handwriting."
What note? Hongjoong asks as much.
"The one you wrote when you hurt your foot." They say, and the anxiousness is dripping from their words. Hongjoong almost feels bad, but one thing still doesn't make sense.
"That doesn't really answer my question, you know. How did you call while knowing I'm Hongjoong? You'd only know if you've seen my number before. How can I believe that you're my soulmate?"
He hears another inhale, and he waits for them to steel their nerves before they blurt out something that makes his mental faculties halt for a moment.
"Yunho?" He asks, incredulous as anything. What does Yunho have to do with this?
"Do I really have to tell you everything?" The question ends as a whine, and despite Hongjoong's brain screaming that that's cute, he powers on to his goal. "Everything. Tell me."
"Fine. He gave it to me in school because he found out I had a stupidly big crush on you. I'd liked you ever since someone told me that you left me that note which you thought you were super sneaky about. The one where you told me you hoped my foot healed soon."
"But I never did anything despite having your number. And I also felt bad because my soulmate was so cool and kind and great. I didn't want to pursue someone else when my soulmate was drawing me stars and swirls and putting up with my clumsy self."
"Then I realised that you had similar handwriting to that of my soulmate and I really hoped that you were the same people, but I chalked it up to wishful thinking. It was just a coincidence that you were hurt at the same time, right?"
The pieces are slowly falling into place, and Hongjoong blinks as his head spins a bit.
"I decided to delete your number and forget you, because it was getting too dangerous. But then- then!" The person's voice gets animated, "I decided to share my own number with my soulmate, because I wanted to see what they'd do."
"And they rubbed it off." Hongjoong supplies, ever-so-helpful and receives enthusiastic agreement.
"Exactly! They kept rubbing it off even though I hoped and hoped that they'd call."
"They thought it belonged to someone who was wooing you." He mumbles, his voice faint to his own ears.
"O-oh. I- no." Laughter; laughter that makes Hongjoong's ears burn, makes him run a hand through his hair anxiously. "Definitely not. I already told you I decided not to pursue anyone. Kim Hongjoong was already a guilty pleasure." The last two words are whispered into the line, and he squeezes his eyes shut.
"What did you think when you got theirs?" He asks, voice trembling slightly. It's because he's cold and tired, definitely, not because he's warm and embarrassed and slightly giddy.
"I was surprised. I couldn't tell what was happening. On one hand, I thought it was my soulmate's. On the other, I recognised it and thought the world was playing a trick on me. For a second I even thought Yunho could be it, and he'd made a fool out of me but then I called and you answered and who wouldn't recognise your voice?"
"What about my voice?" He asks, and he's not disappointed when he hears the shy but excited response of how he sounds really distinct and pleasing to the ear and other admissions that make Hongjoong's lips twitch up in a grin.
He picks up the same pen, writing out under his number one last thing that he needs answered. Make it two things.
'Why are you so clumsy? Why do I love you despite that?'
"Excuse me?! Sorry that I bruise easily! And I'm sorry that I'm still so adorable and adorable. Let me remind you, my foot hurt pretty badly when you hurt yours! It hurt enough that I fell down the stairs. You're lucky I was at the second to last step, or you'd be so much worse! Ungrateful." Hongjoong's shoulders shake as he stifles his laughter, hearing you huff indignantly.
He sighs, shutting his eyes and allowing a smile to spread over his face as he listens to your voice.
It's the person he's been going back and forth with for so long, the person whose life has affected his so much. He's talking to the person for whom he draws leaves and flowers and writes sappy lyrics.
It's the person he's been waiting for, all these years.
It's his soulmate.
It's you.
(Thank you so much for reading.♡ I hope you all enjoyed it. You can find the rest of this series under my '#ateez soulmates' tag! ♡♡)
Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Chapter Five- Decisions Decisions
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Aizawa POV
I sighed, picking at my bandages. So many bandages.
It could’ve been worse, according to the doctors I’d narrowly avoided damage to my quirk factor when I’d been smashed down. It was a very close thing.
I was, frankly, relieved, I’d gained a small scar under my eye, but it was much better than not being able to use my quirk.
Besides, I’d rather get hurt a thousand times than allow a single one of my student’s to be harmed.
I sighed, I won’t let this happen again. My poor students, they weren’t supposed to deal with this yet. They were kids. I hate that they’ve already had to face the pain of losing a classmate.
My mind flashed to the loss I suffered when I was in school before shaking my head.
Not now. I can’t get lost in memories right now.
I need to get ready to go teach class.
“Knock Knock.”
I looked up to see All Might in his shrunken form standing at the door.
“Yagi,” I grumbled. “What are you doing here?”
“Just thought I’d stop by to check on you. Classes are starting up again and all.”
I scowled, “I’m fine thanks.”
I grabbed my shirt and struggled for a moment to pull it on. I’d been half way through dressing when the number one hero had shown up unannounced.
“Here, let me help.”
I jerked when All Might took the shirt.
“I don’t need the help, I’m just getting ready.”
“You looked like you were struggling a bit, just let me help you put it on.”
I glared up at Yagi (stupid tall hero even shrunken), “I’m fine.”
All Might ignored me, helping me pull my shirt on despite my scowl and grumbles.
I ignored how I might have definitely needed the help, “I didn’t need the help.”
“Right, uh, sorry for bothering you. I’m sure the students were worried, so I just wanted to be able to tell them that you’re alright.”
My eye twitched, “I’ll be telling them myself when I go in to teach them.”
All Might stared for a moment, “You’re not going in.”
“Yes I am. I have students to teach.”
“No, you’re not, you’re injured! Your whole face is wrapped in bandages! And so are your arms, Aizawa you’re in no state to teach.”
“It looks worse than it is, my arms are nearly healed and so is my face. Recover Girl was able to heal a lot of the damage. In a few days, maybe a week, I’ll be able to take off the bandages.”
All Might frowned, “Still, you should rest until you can take them off. Better safe than sorry.”
“I’ve never missed a day of teaching and I’m not starting now. You can shove it Yagi.”
I grabbed my bag, “Is there any new info on the attack?”
All Might scowled, “Not much, all the villains are still missing, and no new info was found on the Nomu. But don’t change the subject! You shouldn’t be going in today! I’m covering your class.”
“You’re injured too so you hardly get to talk, and you’re definitely not covering my class. I’m going in.”
I glared at All Might, who glared right back before sighing.
“I’m not gonna be able to stop you, am I?”
“Nope. Bye.”
I headed for the door.
“Fine. At least promise to take it easy. It won’t do anyone any good for you to delay your recovery because you’re stubborn.
I rolled my eyes, “Yes fine, I’ll be careful, happy Al- Yagi?”
“Satisfied,” He sighed.
“Great, I’m heading to class.”
All Might shook his head. “I’ll drive you,” he grumbled resigned.
Izuku POV
I walked through the halls of school, heading to my classroom.
‘Maybe if I focus more on kicking? I should still learn about pressure points and the like, it’ll take a lot of practice to get accurate, maybe add something as a weapon for just in case? Weapons can really give you the edge you need in a fight against a superior opponent, of course that’s assuming that I can get good enough with my weapon or it’d just hinder my progress. Of course, I have practiced some with a bo staff, but not nearly enough to be considered proficient, I’ll have to practice more again. Plus working on my new style for One for- er, I should probably also think of it as Enhancement, better safe than sorry, especially since I have the bad habit of mumbling.’
I shook my head as I realized I was in front of my classroom’s door.
“Right,” I mumbled, “Class now.”
I carefully released the power of One for All I’d been holding in my hands.
It barely hurt to hold it there now, and I’d been experimenting in spreading it up my arms. If I spread it out more than it hurts even less, but it was also harder to hold there. It’d take more practice to get it right.
For now though, I opened the door to the class.
The other students looked up immediately.
First thing I noticed was how subdued the room was, no one was really talking.
Tsu shot me a careful look and I flashed her a small, nervous, smile.
“Hey Midoriya, how are you doing?”
I looked over at Kirishima, “I’m alright I guess. You?”
He offered me a wane smile, “Alright. Wasn’t injured at all like you were. It was super manly how you fought.”
I nodded nervously, “Th-Thanks.”
I quickly moved to my seat, slinking past Kacchan and sliding into my chair, putting my bag at my feet.
Ashido, Uraraka, Jiro, and Yaoyorozu weren’t in the room yet. I hope they’re alright.
I carefully didn’t look back at the other empty seat. The weight of it settling in my stomach.
I started fiddling with one of the new pens my dad got me. Twisting the lid around and slowly pulling the pen apart.
Uraraka was the next to arrive, Ashido right behind her. Both nodded to the students, Uraraka looking over at me worriedly.
I offered her another nervous smile and started putting the pen back together again.
I really like these pens, lots of parts, good to fiddle with without making noise.
Kacchan usually got annoyed and destroyed them after a few days though.
Yaoyorozu was next, pausing to look over the class, a small frown on her face.
“Um, I brought a snack for everyone. I know things have been hard and thought that maybe we could all enjoy a nice treat?”
She looked nervous, hovering at the front with a box in her hands.
“That sounds great,” Ashido said brightly, her smile slightly forced, “I’ll help you pass them out.”
A flash of relief crossed Yaoyorozu’s face before she nodded, “That would be wonderful. I’m unsure if anyone has any allergies so I made sure that they are all vegetarian and nut free. There are chocolate, vanilla, and green tea mochi, you can pick your favorite of them.”
The students brightened a bit with this new addition, and Jiro arrived in time to pick out a green tea mochi for herself.
I took a chocolate one and watched Tsu take a vanilla one.
We shared another look, both of us offering each other a reassuring smile.
I felt a bit better, the class would come together. We wouldn’t lose anyone else.
And that was the scene that Aizawa arrived too.
The students nibbling on their mochi, sitting quietly, a few students talking quietly amongst themselves.
I straightened when I saw Aizawa at the door.
“Aizawa-sensei!” I said in surprise.
I’m glad Aizawa-sensei is alright, but he’s still covered in bandages.
I blinked when I noticed All Might (in his hero form) standing at the door.
“Ah, just making sure your teacher made it safely to your class!” He posed with a big thumbs up and his eternal smile in place. “Well, places to be. Behave young heroes!”
All Might left quickly.
Aizawa sighed, “All right class.”
“Should you be here!?” Ashido asked worriedly, “You’re covered in bandages!”
“I’m perfectly fine. Nearly fully healed. Now then. We still have important things to discuss.”
The class went quiet, for once without the need for Aizawa-sensei to use his quirk. I leaned forward to hear, this seems important.
“First things first, all of you will be having an appointment with Hound Dog. A schedule has been set up and you’ll be informed of when your appointment is privately. Whatever you discuss with him will be strictly between you and him. You have no need to worry about anyone else hearing about it.”
The other students murmured, some sounded hesitant but I looked over at Tsu, remembering our conversation before Recovery Girl had interrupted.
Yeah, we kinda need this appointment.
“Next, I regret to inform you that the majority of the villains captured in the USJ attack have escaped.”
“WHAT!?” Kaminari cried, his eyes wide.
“The warp villain managed to retrieve most of them, though the Nomu is still in holding.”
The students murmured again, this time in fear. They thought they were safe, but the villains had escaped!?
This wasn’t good, my stomach twisted, how did this happen?
“Which leads me to my next subject. The Sports Festival.”
I frowned, how did those connect?
Aizawa studied the class, “It has not been decided if we will hold the Sports Festival this year.”
“What? Why?” asked Hagakure.
“Think about it,” I said, understanding now. “We were just attacked by villains, one with a warp quirk who’s capabilities are unknown. The villains captured have all escaped, it’s unknown if they have other’s with more powerful quirks, and if they have anyone else like Nomu. The Sports Festival would be a prime target for them.”
“Oh no,” murmured Ashido, “That’s not good. Shouldn’t we cancel it then?”
Aizawa was watching quietly.
I frowned, “Well, that depends, the Sports Festival is usually filled with Pro heroes looking for new interns and checking out the new talent. So, on one hand it’s a prime target, but on the other it’s also the worst place for a group of villains to be. It’s likely that we’ll have multiple of the top ten at least in the area, so attacking then would be basically asking to get caught. It really just depends on what their goals might be if they decided to attack. If they succeeded…”
“We don’t care Deku.”
I flushed, “Um yeah… sorry…”
“Thank you for Shutting Up now nerd. Honestly.” Kacchan huffed in front of me.
I sunk down in his seat. I didn’t mean to ramble
“That’s exactly right Midoriya, thank you for explaining.”
I peaked up to see my teacher nodding at me, a small smile curling his lips.
“The Sports Festival has a risk, however small, but the school has decided it isn’t appropriate for us to decide. Thus, we are leaving it up to you. You were the class attacked and the class affected by the attack. You are the one’s who lost a classmate.”
The class went silent.
He sighed, “Regardless of what you decide, I’ll be putting you through training from hell.”
I blinked.
“I won’t let something like that happen again. I was supposed to keep you safe and yet you all lost a classmate in that attack. I’m going to train you until you drop so that never happens again.”
I swallowed, that sounded intense but… but I need that training.
“You have till the end of the day to decide. Just let us know. You can vote for the Festival to happen even if you don’t participate, or you can vote for it to be cancelled entirely. You can decide to have the Festival and for you to participate as well. Whatever makes you all most comfortable.”
He studied all of the students, “I’ll let you have the rest of homeroom to decide.”
With that Aizawa-sensei pulled out his yellow sleeping bag and sat against the wall.
I watched as the class started talking.
“Do we have to participate, like, I don’t care if others want to but I don’t really want to myself.”
“This is scary! What if they attack again?”
“Is it safe for us? I don’t know if I want to.”
“Come on! It’s manliness! We can do it, those villains won’t get us down!”
“Maybe we could do it to honor Mineta?”
“I’m scared, it’s scary, what if they come back.”
“We could all wear something purple? To honor him.”
“Honestly I hated him already but you’re right, he didn’t deserve to die, we should try and honor him somehow.”
I frowned as their voices blended together.
It really does depend on what the villains might want, honestly if they’re trying to hurt us attacking and not attacking both have advantages and disadvantages.
“What do you think Deku?”
I looked up at Uraraka.
“Oh um… I don’t know.”
“Do you think they’ll attack again?”
“Well- uh- it- it depends. It’s all ab- all about what their goals are. Uh, if they’re trying to hurt us then attacking them would give them an immediate base to harm us and with their warper they might be able to escape if they plan carefully. On the other hand, if they’re willing to wait then they could use the Festival to get info on us and our quirks then attack us at a later date, one at a time or in a group ag….again…”
I trailed off, realizing everyone else had gone quiet and was staring at me. “Um…”
“That’s… scary Deku.”
“Wow, I didn’t even think of that.”
“That’s really scary Midoriya!”
“I- I mean,” I hesitated. “Their target was originally All Might, but like, they’re villains. So, they might decide that we’re trouble and target us later to get rid of us before we’re a real threat. Or they might just want to show that we couldn’t beat them. Or maybe they want revenge. Or they could try recruitment. It all depends on their goals…”
“So… do you think we should have the Festival?”
All the students were staring at me.
“I- I don’t- I don’t know,” I whispered, sinking down. “It…” I took a deep breath. “I- I think- I want to participate. I…. I don’t want to be afraid. But I also don’t think… I don’t think we should show off the real power of our quirks.”
“So what?” Kirishima asked, “Limit ourselves?”
“Um, I guess? I would also be a good exercise I guess. To limit what skills we demonstrate, it means we’ll have to be better in other ways to make up for it.”
“Hmm, that’s a good idea!” Ashido chirped. “And we could totally do like, purple nail polish or something to honor Mineta too. We’ll fight for him! Remind the villains why we’re gonna be heroes!”
“So, does everyone agree then?” Iida chopped his hands, “Let’s take a vote. If you want the Festival to occur raise your hand.”
It was slow but everyone eventually raised their hands. Izuku one of the last.
“Alright, it’s unanimous. Aizawa-sensei!”
He lifted his head, “Yeah?”
“We have decided. The Sports Festival will go on!”
“Yay. I’ll tell the other teachers.” He yawned. “You all… get your books out. English is about to start.”
I stretched as the others started gathering their things.
Class had been interesting. The teachers were giving us today off before intense training started. I was excited.
I managed to ask Aizawa-sensei to talk to him after class so I’d be staying behind until he returned from the teacher’s lounge.
Everyone was hovering awkwardly now.
I get it, none of us really want to be the first to leave our safe place. None of them had left to eat lunch, staying in here the whole time.
It felt safer to stick together, but now we’d be separating, heading home.
I don’t like it.
Todoroki was the first to head to the door and opened it, only to pause at the large group of students at the door.
“What do you extras want?” Kacchan snapped.
“You can’t call everyone you don’t know extras!” Iida cried.
“I’m just here to check out the competition.” A purple haired boy said, leering at us.
Everyone tucked closer together.
“You all think you’re so special?”
“Look at them,
“Gosh, your Class 1-A. The big strong class that fought the villains. HA, don’t make me laugh, our class could’ve done it easily, you all are pretty pathetic huh.” The blond boy was laughing and pointing at us.
I felt myself snap.
“What did you say,” I snarled.
Everyone turned to look at me but for once I didn’t care.
“How dare you. How dare-“ I breathed hard. “One of our classmates died. A student died and you’re mocking their death? Did you see him die? Did you stand there and move to slow and realize far too late to do anything as the student died, right in front of you? Did you watch it like Tsu did!?”
They stepped back, eyeing me warily.
I felt energized, angry, the air seemed to crackle.
“Aizawa-sensei fought over three dozen villains at once! And he was winning till the villains leader got involved too! His quirk can disintegrate anything. One touch and Mineta was dead. One touch and our teacher’s arm was crumbling. How dare you dismiss his death. How dare you mock our teacher’s pain.”
I stalked forward.
“You know nothing. We don’t think we’re special, we were terrified. We were split up, two to three students versus a dozen villains each. It was terrifying. We all almost died and it’s nothing short of a miracle that most everyone made it out with minor injuries.”
I stopped in front of the crowd.
“All Might himself was injured by the creature the villains brought along. Two teachers fell to the two main villains, and the final creature was able to go toe to toe with All Might for nearly ten minutes. You think it’s funny? You think it’s alright to mock us?”
I choked back the tears threatening to fall.
“We had a class- We had a classmate die.” I was breathing hard, “We had a classmate die and you’re telling us you could do better? Don’t ever speak to me or my class ever again. You’re horrible. It’s not something to joke about and-“ I angrily wiped the tears away, “And you suck for saying that. Go away. We don’t want you hear.”
The purple haired one looked guilty, the blond haired one shifted nervously.
I turned away, seeing Tsu crying too. I swiped the tears again.
Uraraka quickly came forward to hug me, “Oh Deku, I’m so sorry.”
“Dud you were sparking,” muttered Kirishima.
The other classmates hurried forward to comfort both of us.
“You heard him,” Jiro snapped, “Go away.”
Aizawa POV
“You heard him, Go away.”
I frowned, staring at the large crowd.
“What happened here.”
The students took one look at me and scrambled away.
I turned to look at Yaoyorozu, “What happened?”
“They said they came to check out the competition. But then they started to make comments about how we were pathetic and how they could’ve done better…”
My eyes narrowed. I’ll have to get a list from Nedzu, those students will be punished.
I stepped inside and paused when I saw Asui and Midoriya.
Oh no, those asshole kids said that stuff with those two here? The ones who saw Mineta die!? Not good.
“Midoriya, Asui, with me.”
I moved out of the class, ushering the two kids along. These poor kids.
“are you two alright?”
I crouched in front of them.
“I’m okay Aizawa-sensei- Ribbet- It was just a little upsetting.” She sniffed slightly, looking away.
“It’s okay to not be okay,” I murmured.
“Ribbet- I know, I just… I’m okay.”
I stared intently.
“Alright, your appointment with Hound Dog is tomorrow during the first free period. I’ll walk you to it.”
She nodded, “Can I go?”
I nodded, reluctant to let her leave when she’s upset but… I can’t keep her here.
She quickly left, leaving me with problem child.
I turned to him now.
“Hey problem child. Are you okay.”
He looked at me with a tear stained face and nodded.
“I’m okay,” He whispered.
Well that was less convincing then Asui.
“Problem child?”
He looked away, “I’m- I’m okay.”
I frowned at him.
He shook his head.
“Um, anyways, I was wondering if you could help me with my training plan? I’ve uh, I’ve got an outline but wanted some help figuring it out and…”
I blinked, “A training plan? Problem child, you still can’t use your quirk without hurting yourself.”
He flushed, “Well… I’ve started to figure it out. See!”
He held out his hands, brow furrowed in concentration for a second, then his hands started sparking, until they were almost glowing green.
My eyes widened, was that was his quirk looked like?
“I renamed it cause Super Power doesn’t really fit anymore. I’m calling it Enhancement now. Cause I think it was an overall enhancement, for my mind too. And I was always using the mind part before but it wasn’t noticeable because, well, I just looked smart. But then when I did a lot of intense training and that villain attack happened, it let my quirk unlock? The physical enhancement. I misunderstood how it worked at the time, but I understand better now.”
“When did your quirk evolve then?”
“Um… a little bit before the entrance exam.”
I stared.
“It was just a little before the entrance exam.”
“How much did you get to practice it before the exam?”
He shifted, “Um… none?”
My eye twitched, “And why, did you not inform me of this?”
He blinked, “Was it important?”
I let out a slow breath and calmed myself as he flinched back.
“It is, in fact, important. The training regime is planned under the assumption that you’ve had years to figure out your quirk. If you’ve only had, what, a week? Then it’s not going to help you.”
I turned away, “No wonder it’s hurting you. You just got it! You have no idea how to control it!”
“I’m getting better!” he cried, “I worked on it all weekend and now I can hold it up to my elbows. The more I spread it out the less damage it should do to my body.”
I frowned, turning back to him, “That doesn’t make it better. It means you need a specialized training program.”
He flushed.
I sighed, “That’s not a bad thing. I just wish you’d told me.” I frowned again. “And we should get you a special class for your mental enhancement.”
He blinked, “What?”
“That’s something to hone. I’ll talk to Nedzu, he’ll probably set up a test to figure out what to do about it.”
He nodded slowly, “Okay…”
I crouched in front of him again, “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll help you with your training. We’ll get you set up to learn how to control your quirk properly. You’ll need to meet a quirk counselor too. Or have you talked to one about the change in your quirk?”
He shifted, “I- I was diagnosed as quirkless previously. I’ve never seen a quirk counselor.”
I stared some more. This kid…
“Alright, I’ll set up everything you need.”
I shook my head, this is a wreck, who’s taking care of this kid?
He perked up, “Really? It’s not too much? I can figure out my quirk, it’s okay, really!”
I shook my head, “I know multiple quirk counselors, and if worst comes to worst I have a license too. Don’t worry problem child, it’s no trouble.”
I ruffled his hair, my kids need a lot of help.
“You should head home and get some rest. Tomorrow will be intense. Your appointment with Hound Dog is tomorrow. Oh yeah, and Naomasa, the police man, needs to get your statement still. The breakout delayed him. If you want someone with you let me know.”
He blinked and nodded, shifting slightly, “okay.”
“Go on problem child, get home safely.”
“Okay Aizawa-sensei! Stay safe!”
He turned and hurried out, much happier than when he came in.
Now to go talk to the other teachers, and Nedzu. Oh boy how fun.
15 notes · View notes
This is a deep dive into the thoughts and questions I’ve been accumulating in regards to what might happen in Episode IX. (Sorry, it’s quite a long post).
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My character predictions:
KYLO/BEN: My beautiful boy Ben is going to get redemption first and foremost. FACT. I’m so excited to see how it will go down though, so many possibilities. What’s going to be that final catalyst for Ben to finally stop resisting the Light? When we left Kylo/Ben in TLJ he had gained all the power he once sought, and yet he was utterly miserable. But, importantly Luke showing up on Crait offered Kylo that critical cathartic release he needs for the next step in his redemption journey. Looking back, TFA started with Kylo ordering a village massacre, and finished with him killing his father. We see progress in TLJ, as the act of committing patricide has been eating Kylo/Ben alive with regret and guilt, he then later cannot kill his mother, and instead he kills his tormentor, Snoke, to save Rey. So following this pattern of reversal, I predict in IX he’ll selflessly save a large group of people (the direct opposite of the original village massacre). It’s going to be so interesting to see how will he go with being The Supreme Leader of The First Order, as the evidence shows his ideology doesn’t really align with the Order. I feel like he’ll simply keep using The First Order for the sole purpose of destroying his mother’s Resistance, in a fruitless attempt to ‘kill his past’. Ultimately though, this story is about achieving balance between the Light and the Dark, not just in the force or the galaxy but also in oneself. Ben will need to accept the Light and the Dark sides in himself, and will have to come to this conclusion completely via his own initiative. Han (via Leia’s push), Luke, and Rey have all tried to convince him to the Light so far, to no avail.
REY: Strong Rey has been through a hell of a lot with Kylo/Ben in both films, and Luke in TLJ. She’s had to face her deepest fear that she’s ‘nobody’ and that her parents ‘aren’t coming back for her’. But despite this she has actually found belonging and empowerment along the way. Her self identity is in fact stronger than ever now (while Kylo/Ben is the opposite, he’s still having an identity crisis). I predict that in IX, Rey will be just as fearless and resilient as ever, but also more mature, less naive. Her relationship with the Resistance is interesting because in TFA Finn was lying to her about him belonging to the Resistance, so she was never actively apart of it, and then she was kidnapped by Kylo. Similarly, she sought Luke out for Leia (and the Resistance) in TLJ, but this was mostly a personal journey she undertook. She pursued turning Kylo/Ben to the Light, ‘for the Resistance’s sake’, but it was ultimately for her own sake. So I think that she might not completely feel like she belongs in the Resistance. It’s a sure thing, that she’ll still try to help them out how she can, but I predict it’ll once again be on her own ‘force’ related solo mission (because this fits her film narrative formula). This may be how she crosses paths with Kylo again? Also related to the Resistance, I have this gut feeling that she may clash heads with Poe over his decision making (IDK why, I just do). In terms of other predictions, it seems to be a given that she’ll repair the legacy Skywalker lightsaber, this is what Rey has done her whole life, salvage and repair. In regards to Ben, she’s learnt her lesson, and I truly believe she hasn’t given up on him, she just now knows that it has to be HIS decision to join the Light Side, she can’t ask him again – it won’t work. Like the TLJ novel states, she’s good at waiting, so deep down she’ll be waiting for him to eventually make the right decision. Also another prediction for Rey, is that the arm scar she got during the Throne Room fight will feature prominently in at least one on screen moment. I imagine it will go something like, she’s getting ready putting her satchel on etc, and looks down at her arm and remembers Ben/Kylo and that epic moment they fought together. Now Rey has a scar to remember him, and he too has one to remember her. ~swoons~ The recent costume leak (re: arm band) seem to support this scar’s significance further, but I initially thought that the scar would be important because LF chose to feature it on the damn TLJ poster.
THE WAR/THE BALANCE: This is the final film in the sequel trilogy, and this series is called “Star Wars” so I’m predicting more war, duh. However, we’ve already seen the Light side win over the Dark in the original trilogy, but it didn’t work – the Dark still rose back up. That’s why, this time round something’s got to be different. The Resistance can’t just defeat The First Order, I don’t think that’s going to cut it. TLJ expressed the nuisances of war, with the Resistance bombers and members dying, and also the large First Order crew who would’ve died on the dreadnaught. It really stuck with me what DJ said to Finn, “They blow you up today, you can blow them up tomorrow”. Maybe this wasn’t a precursor for IX, and was just Rian being Rian. But I still predict that Rey and Ben will team up again in this movie, but stay together this time, and they will initiate something like a ceasefire between the two sides, ending the vicious endless cycle of war that has plagued the galaxy for decades now. Ben and Rey are ‘the chosen one’ who will finally bring balance to the Force. It will be very interesting to see how this balance will be portrayed in a larger galactic scale.
FINN: Don’t get me wrong, I love my boy Finn, but to be honest on paper he is quite a one dimension character in regards to how he’s treated in these films. LF could’ve focused on his traumatic upbringing in The First Order and his emotions towards his ex-fellow troopers. Instead they have brushed past it, having Finn gunning down Storm Troopers with no second thought. (I guess they have the traumatic childhoods of Rey and Kylo to focus on instead). So the only prediction I have for him is that he will truly earn the title of ‘Resistance Hero’ in IX. Because in both the TFA and TLJ, he either left or tried leaving to save himself or save Rey, but by the end of TLJ he was finally committed to fighting for the Resistance’s cause (due largely to Rose’s influence).
POE: Poe was originally supposed to die in TFA, and in that movie he was really just a pilot (‘the best one in the Resistance’ though). In TLJ, he was still a pilot, but also shown to be cocky and impulsive, so the aim of TLJ was to teach him how to become a better leader, like Leia etc. So no doubt, in IX he’ll be making much better leadership calls, and assessing the risks more wisely. HOWEVER, it has been pointed out before how Poe, somewhat corrupts Holdo’s line of “We are the spark that will ignite the fire that will restore the Republic”, into “We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the First Order down” this leads me to the juicy personal prediction (that probably won’t happen but...) maybe Poe in IX will turn into a ‘Coin’ like character, from the Hunger Games. Where Poe makes some very destructive calls, because he takes the war waaaay too far. I’m imagining this being Poe vs Hux, and it just keeps escalating and escalating in bloodshed. Hey, like I said, this probably won’t eventuate.
HUX: It seems obvious at this point that Hux is going to fail spectacularly again, for the third and final time. In TFA, his precious Starkiller Base was blown up. In TLJ, a dreadnought was destroyed under his watch, and then he lost his chance to become Supreme Leader as quickly as the opportunity arose. I predict that once he’s surrendered he’ll either sit there hilariously glaring everyone down, or pull the weasel move and beg/plead for his life. Regardless, it’ll be entertaining. Some might think that Hux is a serious military threat, and maybe in this film he might finally rise to the occasion. But throughout TLJ in particular, he was a laughing stock, and being completely honest Hux poses no serious threat to Kylo Ren. Kylo could end Hux’s life with the force or his saber, or both, within a mere second. WATCH YA BACK HUX. In all seriousness though, Hux will probably take every opportunity to undermine Kylo’s leadership – I know that. Man, do love their hate-hate colleague working relationship. 
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I’m looking forward to:
More Reylo scenes – need I say more?
More Force Bond sessions, because we damn well know it ain’t gone
Seeing Kylo Ren The Supreme Leader, acting as such, sitting in his throne, and ya know just generally running The First Order (eeeeep!)
Simply seeing more Kylo scenes in general, because let's be real, Kylo/Rey/Finn are the true trio, and this is the final movie so this is our chance to finally see more of his POV. This will also be crucial to the redemption story too, as the general audience will probably need a lot more information about him to be onboard for his redemption
My favourite comedy duo Poe and Finn will be back together again at last! I cannot wait for the new banter and shenanigans with these two
John Williams’ amazing final SW score
All the new costumes/hair styles (It’s very wishful thinking but I would low-key love if the characters changed costumes at Padmé's rate)
I know the sequel trilogy hasn’t had the largest scale of cityscape world-building, but ya never know!
I’m one of those people that fell in love with the Knights of Ren during that brief rainy flashback in TFA, so hopefully they make an appearance, after all what’s a ‘Master’ of Ren without those he masters?
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I’m curious to see:
What kind of leader will Kylo be of the First Order? And how is his leadership in general is tracking, is it threatened (i.e. Hux)?
How will Finn and the rest of the Resistance react to Rey being a ‘Jedi’? in TFA everyone except Kylo (and the FO, I guess) were ignorant to the fact that Rey was Force Sensitive. Obviously the resistance noticed Rey force lifting rocks at the end of TLJ, so now they’re all in the loop. Will Finn think she’s ‘changed’? (This is specifically discussed by Finn and Rose in the TLJ novel actually)
Similarly, how will the resistance react to Rey being connection to Kylo, both emotionally and via the force? (They are undeniably connected now thanks to TLJ). How will they react if they ever find out about the Throne Room? ~This is so juicy to consider~
How romantic will Reylo actually be on screen? Will there be an epic kiss? (God, I hope so)
Will Leia survive this trilogy? Han and Luke haven’t, so there’s that...
Will we get the “return to mother” moment (re: reverse Anidala), of Kylo and Leia? If she doesn’t die, this seems like a no brainer
Will the Jedi teachings (the ancient texts) even be a big deal in IX? Luke wasn’t their biggest fan after all. What opinion will Rey take?
What role will Rose play within the resistance this time round? I think it’s going be more prominent; e.g. she’ll be at the decisions making table alongside Poe, Finn, and Leia
Will there be any tie-back to the ‘original’ chosen one, Anakin, to bring this story full circle? Anakin was supposed to ‘bring balance to the Force’ after-all (even though we know Ben and Rey are going to do this)
If the KoR are in IX, will they be Kylo’s blindly pledged allies, and then during his redemption journey will they turn into foes?
With Snoke, the ‘man behind the curtain’ puppeteer style villain being gone, does there need to be a new threat/villain? Is there room for that in the story this late in the game?
Will there be more Force Ghosts in IX, now that Yoda has set a precedent by appearing in TLJ?
If/when Rey and Ben team up again, how will this be possible this time round with Kylo being Supreme Leader of The First Order? Will he chose to leave the Order, or be forced to leave early on in the film?
With Rey and Ben united, will we see some new awesome powerful Force moments? Like how Leia rescued herself in TLJ, or how Kylo froze Poe’s blaster fire, or hell, how Force Ghost Yoda conducted lighting?!
191 notes · View notes
sanjuno · 6 years
Could you please list out the various au!ideas you have at some point? I really want to find a certain one every now and then but then have trouble remembering what you called it
You asked for this…
An incomplete AU Master List for Sanjuno’s Ficwork:
1.1.  Coordinates T by H: Eren’s coordinatorabilities allow him to metaphysically bond with other humans, thereby givingeveryone in the group the ability to psychically communicate with the rest andalso boosting everyone’s healing ability exponentially to be on par with theTitan Shifters. Chaptered, WIP
2.    BLEACH
2.1. What Happens on Vacation: Crossoverwith YYH – turns out that Kurosaki Misaki was a senior ferry girl on sabbatical(which translates as living a mortal life unaware of her true nature) and shewas late returning to work due to being trapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigoand Uryuu are very confused when their “cousin” Kazuma shows up to introducehis new bride to the family. Koenma is just really pissed off by all the paperworkhe needs to deal with while cleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. WIP
3.1.  A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover withGOT – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers arereincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission todrive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to thepoint that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CCshows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s ontosomething with the “drinking to forget” idea. Meta
3.2.  Abandon Thyself: Post-Zero RequiemSuzaku travels back in time to the scene in the Shinjuku Ghettos when the truckexplodes. Given that the people closest to him haven’t actually spoken to Suzakuin years, the origins of Suzaku’s obvious mental instability is hilariouslymisattributed by various outside PoVs. So when Suzaku hits his knees in frontof Lelouch, swearing eternal devotion and vowing to make Lelouch the next emperornobody panics. (They should really reconsider panicking.) Drabbles, WIP
3.3.  The Sun Also Rises: At the moment ofhis death in the Zero Requiem, Lelouch travels back in time to his childhoodbody. With only a week to go before Marianne is “assassinated by terrorists”Lelouch sets out to rearrange the board in a way none of the other players willsee coming until it’s far too late. Lelouch has been given a second chance tomake things right, and Lelouch wouldn’t be Lelouch if he didn’t plan big. Thistime around, Lelouch plans for his victory to be a bit more obvious. Chaptered, WIP
4.    DCU
4.1.  Time Enough: Terry McGinnis, his littlebrother Matt, and their dogs are the only members of their timeline to survivebecause Bruce Wayne was too old to see any more of his sons die in front of him.So they all got knocked out, shoved into an escape capsule, and ejected fromthe Batman Beyond timeline before it crumbles. Said time pod crashes into themiddle of a Red Hood versus Match throw down, and Terry’s Wayne-inheritedcharisma is so powerful it allows him to banter his way into good graces ofboth villains. Jason drags them all off to his lair because every single memberof the Batfam hoards orphans. Chaptered, WIP
5.1.  Saiyajin Pride: Alien biology has alarger impact on characterization that it does in canon. Mirai comes back to themain timeline live in sin with Videl and Gohan. Vegeta and Goku deal with someshit that comes from being the last full-blooded members of their species. Thenjust as things are settling down… Garlic is an idiot who thinks up a loopholein the “can’t wish people dead” rule and wishes Goku and Vegeta’s familiesstraight out of existence and they end up in an entirely different reality. Theonly upside is that Vegeta finally gets to kill Frieza. Chaptered, WIP
6.1.  Flight Of Dragons: Future!Lucy missesher target and ends up landing further back in time, during the same year Natsuand the rest of the Dragon Slayer kids were brought to when they were pulledforward in time.  Fairy Tail luckkicks in, and future!Lucy runs into child!Laxus as he escapes from his fatherafter being fed the Lightning Dragon Lacrima. Laxus is handed a Prophecy andruns with it. Children have never needed Fairy Tales to tell them that Dragonsexist, but they certainly help. Chaptered,WIP
6.2.  My Heart Overflows: Juvia and Grey havefinally started dating, but the Fairy Tail Mage Guild has some interestingtraditions when it comes to proving the validity of a romantic relationship. Oneshot - Complete
7.1.  A Velvet Glove: Crossover with TMNT –Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar. Since all of his brothers aredead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most of this “lifelong bond of magicand spirit” and adopts Louise as his little sister. Halgenkia is not preparedfor a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Valliere with ninja training. Henrietta isprobably far too gleeful over making her best friend her Spymaster, but it’snot like anyone knows enough about what they’re doing to stop her. Reconquistagets exposed and smashed, and Wardes really should have respected his fiancéemore. Chaptered, WIP
8.1.  A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover withGOT – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated asthe spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryenused to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently. Meta
8.2.  A Feather’s Weight: Crossover withNaruto – Kakashi and Obito, along with their respective subordinates, arereincarnated in Wutai, and are thus in position to undermine a lot of Hojo’splans simply by being themselves. Wutai still loses, but by a much smallermargin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too late that Wutai’s “concession” was atrap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction for Sephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt,and nobody knows who assassinated President Shinra. WIP
8.3.  Antiviral: Woden and Gaia conspire tocreate antibodies to fight off Jenova’s infection. Cid and Vincent end upbearing the brunt of this decision, get roofied by Divine Intervention, andalso end up the Gaian equivalent of demonic werewolves. Also the Planet istransforming all the SOLDIERS into werewolves too, yes, even the dead ones. Chaptered, WIP
8.4.  For Love Of: Cid Highwind crashes theTiny Bronco into Lucrecia’s cave, does the metaphysical equivalent of tearingher heart out and eating it to absorb her power, and them proceeds to adoptGeneral Sephiroth as his son because it’s not like anyone can stop him. CidHighwind does what he wants. Sephiroth does what Mother wants. SHIN-RA soonregrets everything because Cid Highwind is a hell of a lot better at rewritingthe social order than Avalanche is. Chaptered,WIP
8.5.  Hindsight is 20-20: CHAOS decides torewrite time because they have a massive crush on Cid and they don’t want himto die. CHAOS fumbles the landing and Cid ends up in the body of some weirdLucrecia/Ancient-Cetra-Who-Was-Jenova’s-Host Clone and ends up giving birth toSephiroth. Things only get worse from there. Chaptered, WIP
8.6.  Like it Rough: Cid likes Vincent a lotand also has a bit of a kink for scars. Cid walks in on Vincent naked, runsaway to hide his raging boner, and Vincent ends up chasing Cid around theairship until he can pin his friend down in the Captain’s bunk because thedemons are all drunk on the pheromones. Oneshot- Complete
8.7.  Names of Power: Jenova’s taintgetting mixed into the Lifestream has far-reaching consequences, and Avalanchegets tapped to handle the fallout whither they like it or not. WIP
8.7.1.    SmallPackages: The Lifestream meddles in Avalanches lives even after the Planethas been saved. There are clones and ancient powers better off left alone butit’s not like Avalanche ever gets a say in the matter.
8.7.2.    HistoryInverted: Jenova isn’t all the way gone and the Planet really doesn’t careif Humanity survives or not as long as the infection is burned away. Aerithshoves the spirits of Avalanche and their children into a new timeline becauseshe doesn’t want to watch their souls get shredded. Avalanche proceeds to moseyalong and wreak havoc in the way only they can manage.
8.8.  To Earn the Sky: Echidna, Mother ofMonsters and Heroes, and Jenova, the Calamity From the Skies, are at war. Hojomakes a very big mistake when he uses the Blood of Echidna’s Children in hisRevenant Project. Cid Highwind is a good son, and his Mother wants to meet hernew Grandchildren.
9.1.  A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover withFFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive andCrownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, but CorLeonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something to fearin Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it will be avery different Northern Kingdom that he finds there.
10.1.              CrossoverFixits to Help Westeros be Less Miserably Doomed: Various casts fromother series end up reborn in Westeros and use knowledge from their previouslives to change the Game. Meta
10.1.1. An Assemblage of Ice and Fire:Crossover with MCU – Team Iron Man focus, since Tony is reincarnated as NedStark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter is coming. Tony’s genius intellect,knowledge of politics and economics, experience with magic and alternaterealities, and the fact that Extremis carried over through his reincarnationand adapted to work with First Man magic means that the Stark siblings who goto the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothing like the canon versions. Rhaegar getshis Stark bride, and he proceeds to regret it for the rest of his life.
10.1.2. A Balance of Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith SW – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learners and Padme (who got taken inAnakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrell siblings. They proceed to followthe Will of the Force and prepare the Seven Kingdoms to win against the LongNight.
10.1.3. A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover withCG – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers arereincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission todrive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to thepoint that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CCshows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s ontosomething with the “drinking to forget” thing.
10.1.4. A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover withFFVII – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated asthe spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryenused to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently.
10.1.5. A Dying Will of Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith KHR – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and all those bonded to them arereincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus is born as Robert’s eldesttrueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all it takes is one look atthe Wall to know that there is something to fear on the other side. Tsuna isbusy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between reciting odes to his amazingbetrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told you Xanxus would make thebetter Heir.”
10.1.6. A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover withFFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive andCrownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, butCor Leonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something tofear in Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it willbe a very different Northern Kingdom that he finds there.
10.1.7. A Space Between Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith Naruto WCE – The Konoha Founders and their siblings are reincarnated asStarks and Baratheons and manage to save the Realms of Men while resolvingtheir many and varied issues with one another.
10.1.8. A Transformation of Ice and Fire: Crossoverwith TFG1 – Most of the Cybertronians who died during Unicron’s Awakening endup reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) and Direwolves (Autobots). The sapience ofthe animals causes significant changes to outcome of several key canon events.
10.2.             SingingIn A Different Key: SI is reborn as Jon Snow, who then precedes toMachiavelli the fuck out of the North in preparation for the coming Long Nightand also to screw over the Lannisters. Because fuck the Lannisters. WIP
10.3.              Wolf AtThe Door: When Ice takes the head of Eddard Stark, Valeryian magic mixeswith the Blood of the First Men. It’s wild, uncontrolled, and Ned ends up as afour year old in Winterfell’s Godswood, staring at his reflection in the water.Eddara Stark, second-born child and first-born daughter of Rikard and LyarraStark looks back up at him. Ned, fully believing that this is his punishmentfor failing his family and best friend the first time around, decides to fixthe Realm by fulfilling the Pact of Fire and Ice. The thing about being a womanis that no one ever expects you to be a threat, not even other women. The thingabout being the Quiet Wolf is that everyone overlooks you until the moment yourteeth sink into their throat. Meta inDevelopment
11. GetBackers
12.1.              The OtherSide of the River: One of the Jagermonsters manages to catch wind ofLucrecia’s plans and absconds with Klaus Barry during the confusion caused by thefirst explosion. This understandably causes some disruption in everyones planswhen KB and his nanny run into Agatha during her time with the Circus. WIP
12.2.              ThreefoldPath: Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek get their brains booted back in time duringthe si vales valeo and decided to run away and join the circus until they’reold enough to take over the world properly. WIP
13. GundamWing
14.1.              Black AsHis Name: Sirius Back lives! Because the Veil dumps his mind-and-soul intothe empty body of his younger self in a world where Walburga Black lost it onher eldest son much earlier in life and Sirius was tortured until he was leftbrain-dead. Arcturus Black is pissed off over the treatment of one of his Heirsand since Sirius’ magic is still intact, names Sirius the Heir to House Blackand proceeds to hold the Heirship over everybody’s heads for spite for as longas Sirius continues to “live”. Everyone in the Black Family is very surprisedwhen the annual shaming ritual disguised as Sirius’ birthday party is crashed. Bynone other than the birthday boy himself. Sirius rolls with it and becomes aTrue Black in the most Marauder manner possible. WIP
14.2.              BlackHunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with KHR – Regulus and Sirius both endup dumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on the Master’s behalf.Things start to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus isactually Skull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much.WIP
15.1.              A Jump ToThe Left Behind: Post game reality has all the races living in a GalacticRepublic, and the Troll Ancestors and Human Guardians all need to team up inorder to solve the mystery of the planetoid-sized meteor that just barreledinto the middle of their busiest spacelane because their names are written allover it. In the process of exploring the meteor they accidently wake up thePlayers and Sprites. Chaos ensues. Meta
15.2.              Pandora’sFinal Gift: A mermaid AU where a Deep Old One gives Eridan (and onlyEridan) the memories of his Game Player Self as a lark. Eridan hits the levelcap for his current reality, freaks out, saves Sollux’s life, and then abscondsas far away from the center of the Empire as he can get. Meta
16. InuYasha
17.1.              A DyingWill of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and allthose bonded to them are reincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus isborn as Robert’s eldest trueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all ittakes is one look at the Wall to know that there is something to fear on theother side. Tsuna is busy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between recitingodes to his amazing betrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told youXanxus would make the better Heir.”
17.2.              BlackHunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with HP – Regulus and Sirius both end updumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on the Master’s behalf. Thingsstart to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus is actuallySkull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much. WIP
17.3.              BurningSalt Water: Crossover with OP – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jacksonduring the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways andhe ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the executionXanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace setsthe Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. WIP
17.4.              Cat’sPaws: Uri has seen enough Time Travel bullshit to know how it works, and sowhen Hayato gets himself killed she grabs his soul and flings herself backwardsin time because fuck the timeline this is her human and he’s not allowed toabandon her again. The other Box Animals think it’s a great idea and do thesame with their humans, and this results in the kind of alternate timeline thatgives Byakuran a headache. In other words, Uri creates a timeline where FlameActives are a lot more Alien than they used to be and now everyone thinksYoukai and other myths are real. Chapters,WIP
17.5.              FireShall Waken: All of Nono’s sons are still alive when the Cradle Affair happensand it results in the entire 10th Generation gathering up theirHarmonies, rolling Xanxus into a blanket burrito, and taking off to Japan underassumed names where they proceed to spend the next eight years coddling Tsunaand being spoiled rotten by Nana in return. Meta
17.6.              GremlinsDella Varia: Mammon’s experiments with the Curse have had some odd sideeffects on the Varia. It all comes out during the Ring Battles and the otherArcobaleno are Judging You, Viper. Drabbles
17.7.              Karma,and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with Naruto. Legendary Ninjafrom the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt allthe Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer.
17.7.1. Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito areninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and someminor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be inClans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long beforethe child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obitorepents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life.Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Chaptered WIP
17.7.2. Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothersare reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno cursebeing put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start huntingfor the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimoriduring Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take wellto this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madarahunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly.Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Oneshots, WIP     KarmicJustice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigatingthe Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target forchild stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madaraand Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. WIP     KarmicJustice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting inItaly for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madarainstantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, andTsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches100-year-vengance-plot levels of overprotective big brother. WIP
17.8.              Music ofthe Spheres: Crossover with SM – Post Stars Usagi and Post Vongola InheritanceTsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after the Vongola’senemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protective custody byher Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say she doesn’t need it.Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all the men, and accidentlythrow Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in the same room she is. WIP
17.9.              Overlookingthe Obvious: They say that to truly know someone you need to walk a mile intheir shoes. The adage is proven true rather dramatically when amisappropriated Possession Bullet ends up switching Gokudera and Hibari intoeach other’s bodies. Oneshot
17.10.          Reach ForThe Sky: Kamen Rider Sora and his team are the protectors of Namimoriagainst the invasion of Youma from the dark dimension. Reborn shows up to tutorthe last remaining Vongola Heir and ends up in the middle of a longstandingbattle against the Forces of Evil. Does the World Greatest Hitman have what ittakes to guide the mysterious masked Rider towards his true strength? Staytuned to find out! Oneshots, WIP
17.11.          When theNightingale Sings: Sky Flames are Dragons, and when a Sky is Sealed theyturn into True Dragons once said Seal breaks. Tsuna has the Best TreasuresEver. Reborn is confused but willing to roll with it. Hayato needs to do allthe research. Drabbles, WIP
17.12.          Where theSky Meets the Sea: Crossover with OP – The ASL Trio are reborn as SawadaTsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remembereverything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despitelacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsudoes keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more thanone son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nononever meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everythingis now on fire. Drabbles, WIP
18. KyouKara Maoh
19.1.              AnAssemblage of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Team Iron Man focus, sinceTony is reincarnated as Ned Stark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter iscoming. Tony’s genius intellect, knowledge of politics and economics,experience with magic and alternate realities, and the fact that Extremiscarried over through his reincarnation and adapted to work with First Man magicmeans that the Stark siblings who go to the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothinglike the canon versions. Rhaegar gets his Stark bride, and he proceeds toregret it for the rest of his life. Meta
19.2.              IronLaced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai indisguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council ofShadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when theytook over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony isactually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked inhis dragon form. WIP
19.3.              Miles ToGo: Post-MCU Civil War almost-Time Travel where Tony grieves so hard hesends an Extremis injector capsule to the year before the Winter Soldier murderedhis parents. Said capsule lands in front of a wasted 15-year-old Tony in theaftermath of a frat party. Cue the face hugger scene. Tony gets an Extremisupgrade about 30 years ahead of schedule and it’s the only reason he survivesthe memory download without his brain turning into mush. WIP
19.4.              Perception:Instead of killing Scott in X3, Dark Phoenix instead fixes the brain damagethat prevented him from controlling his optic blasts and then shunts him troughtime an space. Scott wakes up 18-years-old in Stryker’s lab and proceeds tohijack Wolverine’s rampage so that they can both escape. James Howlett isimpressed, and Cyclops hates everything but especially time travel because itruins all his fallback plans. WIP
20.1.              AFeather’s Weight: Crossover with FFVII – Kakashi and Obito, along withtheir respective subordinates, are reincarnated in Wutai, and are thus inposition to undermine a lot of Hojo’s plans simply by being themselves. Wutaistill loses, but by a much smaller margin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too latethat Wutai’s “concession” was a trap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction forSephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt, and nobody knows who assassinated PresidentShinra. WIP
20.2.              A SpaceBetween Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Konoha Founders and theirsiblings are reincarnated as Starks and Baratheons and manage to save theRealms of Men while resolving their many and varied issues with one another.
20.3.              AWidening Gyre: Rin survives the Chidori and her existence is now an S-classsecret. Said S-class secret distracts Obito on his way to ambush Kushina’slabour and several different chase scenes take place. They all end up in theROOT base made from one of Tobirama’s old labs and instead of Kyuubi gettingloose Team Ro, the Fourth Hokage’s team of bodyguards, Obito, Anko, and all ofROOT plus Danzo himself get dumped into the Warring Clans Era. Obito killsDanzo in a panic when he realizes that taking the Bijuu means killing Rin,Kakashi sacrifices himself again, and there is a lot more running around. Kakashisuborns ROOT en masse, Obito is stupidly overpowered and homicidal but it’sokay because Kakashi is playing damsel in distress and distracting him. TheSenju and the Uchiha are all really confused by these kids, there are far toomany mistaken identities, and Konoha gets founded much earlier than in canon. Meta
20.4.              Accordingto Custom: Hashirama and Madara should not be left unsupervised (that’s whyMito and Touka tend to lurk nearby when they have tea together) because itcauses them to get Brilliant Ideas. This time they decide to make friends withone another’s little brothers. How Madara went from being “nice” to Tobirama tocourting the oblivious younger Senju is still something of a mystery, but thereare several bets riding on when Tobirama is going to realize what’s going on. Long Oneshots, WIP
20.5.              Aroundthe River Bend: Tobirama feels Itama die and runs to the river to mourn.Quite predictably he meets Madara there, and the course of History changes. Oneshot
20.6.              Coloursand Promises: Set a decade after the Evil has been defeated and lifereturned to normal, Tobirama (once the magical superhero Dragon) is stillliving with the side effects of sacrificing everything to save the world whilehe was still a teenager. Notes on a piano, and a familiar voice singing afamiliar song. Tobirama finds Madara (once the magical superhero Phoenix) andfinally gets to enjoy his victory. Love can be killed, but it never dies, onlyever taking on new shapes as we move on with our lives. Drabbles, WIP
20.7.              Heavy asthe Mountain: Team 7 is loosing the fight against Kaguya, but Obito andKakashi perform a last minute sacrifice that means the kids survive. It alsocauses them all to be de-aged by over a decade and thrown back in time to theWarring Clans Era. Kakashi and Obito die, Team 7 gets adopted bypresumably-Hatake Kanna, then a few years later they run into Uchiha Izuna andit all descends into chaos. (Team 7 takes total advantage of everything to gettheir revenge on Zetsu and maybe fix some of Konoha’s longstanding issues at thesame time.) WIP
20.8.              InKonoha We Dance: The Uchiha Clan has a tradition of belly dancing andit fixes everything that was wrong with Konoha in canon. Oneshots
20.8.1. O-Bon Appetite: Thanks to his dancetraining Izuna manages the core control to dodge Tobirama’s sword enough toavoid a fatal wound and Konoha starts off on more equal footing. Tobirama thenwalks into a traditional Uchiha celebration and his brain shuts off.
20.8.2. Hot Like Burning: Kushina drags Minatoto the Uchiha Police Office Party so she can make time with Mikoto and there isso much skin, Minato was not emotionally prepared for this. Fugaku takesadvantage of the Yondaime’s weakness as only an Uchiha can and the glorious‘ship FuMiKuMi sets sail.
20.8.3. Got This Fire Burning: Overnight shiftsat the Mission Desk gets boring. Konoha ninja like to dance, because dancingisn’t boring. Kakashi shows them all how it’s done when a member of Team 7 hitsit.
20.9.              Karma,and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with KHR – Legendary Ninjafrom the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt allthe Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer.
20.9.1. Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito areninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and someminor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be inClans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long beforethe child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obitorepents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life.Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. WIP
20.9.2. Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothersare reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno cursebeing put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start huntingfor the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimoriduring Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take wellto this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madarahunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly.Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. WIP     KarmicJustice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigatingthe Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target forchild stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madaraand Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. WIP     KarmicJustice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting inItaly for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madarainstantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, andTsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches 100-year-Xanatos-Gambit-vengance-plotlevels of overprotective big brother. WIP
20.10.          Look theInnocent Flower: Orochimaru gets the Hat instead of Minato because insteadof working for Danzo he creates his Baby-no-Jutsu (the same one that producedRogu and Mitsuki) and that’s how Orochimaru accidently turns Tenzo into theOrochimaru-and-Tsunade lovechild while field testing some gene-splicingadoption techniques. Sarutobi is so delighted by all the babies he namesOrochimaru his successor without any further debate. Konoha proceeds to becomea somewhat androgynous, gender-fluid utopia full off affectionate, friendlypeople who only want you for your body. Orochimaru refuses to allow hypocrisyin his Konoha and loyalty to ones comrades is not only encouraged, it’senforced. Meta
20.11.          Negotiationis an Artform: Remix of The Art of Negotiation by Kage88 – Konoha’sFounders take a trip to Uzushio and the Uzumaki are annoyingly persistent intheir attentions, even when said attentions are unwanted. Tobirama’s politicalsavvy is not to be underestimated, and Tobirama’s just as ridiculouslyoverprotective of his loved ones as his relatives are of him. Bitchy piningresolves into dating, and the only reason Tobirama lets Hashirama get away withbetting on his love life is because Hashirama was the only one who had faith inTobirama making the first move. Oneshot -Complete
20.12.          Red inHand and Claw: Madara has Raptor Summons. This fact is significantly moreterrifying than anyone outside of the Uchiha Clan is really aware of. Oneshot
20.13.          Roads Diverged:Kakashi from a Darker-Than-Canon AU ends his fight with Obito with mutualdestruction, and as they both lay dying Kakashi confesses to having alwaysloved Obito. Obito being Obito and therefore unholy levels of Extra even for anUchiha, proceeds to use Edo Tensai on Team 7 in order to heal Kakashi and thenfling him through dimensions until he lands in a Lighter-Than-Canon AU whereKakashi sees Rin in time to avoid hitting her with the Chidori. Things spiralfrom there. WIP
20.14.          That WeAnswer to Our Stars: Crossover with SW – Kaguya’s reality warp has somestrange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to everexist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld thatis essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it was allowed to cover anentire planet. The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all ofPalpatine’s plans for galactic domination. Meta
20.15.          The ThinLine: Kakashi loses patience with the Sandaime when no appreciable actionis taken to remove Danzo from power even after Kakashi literally reports toSarutobi’s face that he was ordered by Danzo to assassinate the Third Hokage.So Kakashi crashes an Uchiha Clan meeting and asks them to run away with himand his cute little brothers to a lovely tropical Island. Cue the Uchiha ExodusThat Fucks Over Canon. Kakashi and the Uchiha Clan proceed to re-found Uzushioand collect a few S-class missing nin along the way. WIP
20.16.          TheWaters and the Wild: The Senju are High Court Fae, and the Uchiha are WildHunt Shapeshifters. Tobirama attempts to interrupt Hashirama and Madara duringtheir riverside meeting, only it backfires when he realizes that Madara is hisSoulmate. Also the Uchiha are “clothing optional” and Tobirama was notemotionally prepared for this. Drabbles,WIP
20.17.          Truthin Hyperbole: Shinobi are what happen when Aliens and Humans have kids,Bloodline Talents are what happens when Kami and Youkai ancestry gets added tothe pot. Most of the time Shinobi stay mostly Human. Sometimes they don’t.Sometimes they really don’t. Series - WIP
20.17.1.               BloodPrice: Tobirama wakes up after being killed and proceeds to resurrect hislittle brothers and Madara’s little brothers. Tobirama would resurrect Madaratoo but Madara had already managed to resurrect himself.
20.17.2.               StillWaters Run: The Sage of Six Paths gets his ass kicked by his ex-wife, hisdaughter-in-law, and Tobirama’s mother.
20.17.3.               A ThingWith Feathers: Madara’s side of the story of their transformation intominor kami.
20.17.4.               Come Away:Zetsu is targeting Obito in another attempt to create the Rinnegan. Kakashi hashis first “near death” experience and Obito is not amused at all. Neither isRin. Team 7 is overprotective and codependent regardless of the generation inquestion.
20.17.5.               Quoth theRaven: Danzo’s schemes got him chased out of Konoha to escape execution,and he invades during the Chunin Exams in order to get his revenge. SummoningTobirama using the Edo Tensai was probably not the best plan.
20.18.          TsukumogamiNo Kankurou: While he is still very young, Kankurou signs a Summonscontract with the Tsukumogami (aka the Muppet Theater Troupe) and then proceedsto interrupt Yashamaru’s “attack” on Gaara while simultaneously wreaking havocacross the entirety of Sunagakure. All of this is done to get back at Rasa fornot letting Kankurou play with his baby brother. The Middle Child Syndrome isstrong in this one. Never underestimate the power of petty spite. Oneshot - Completed
20.19.          Twice isHappenstance: As a side effect of the battle against Kaguya breakingthrough dimensions, the ghosts of the Uchiha Clan send their memories as farback as possible. On the eve of his younger brother’s assassinations, UchihaMadara wakes up with memories of being Indra and Sasuke. All the Uchiha havememories of their past and future lives combining with their current selves,and it causes something of a fracas while it gets sorted out. Cue the UchihaExodus That Fucks Over Canon. Oneshot - Complete
20.19.1.               EnemyAction: The building of Uchihatlantis, the knockback effects of rememberingmore than one lifetime, and what happens when the Uchiha start to go back outinto the world in order to hunt down their spouses and mess up Zetsu’s plans. Meta
20.20.          Two StepsBack: Retired Rokudaime Hatake Kakashi accidently has his first vacationever interrupted when he visits the Uzushiogakure ruins and gets slingshot backan incarnation or two due to triggering a derelict seal. Kakashi being Kakashi,he proceeds to continue with his vacation until he has a drunken bar hookupwith Uchiha Izuna and now the beloved younger brother of Uchiha “I-can-fight-five-armies-and-win”Madara is stalking Kakashi in order to recite (hilariously awful) poetry aboutthe beauty of Kakashi’s kenjutsu. This is not the retirement Kakashi signed upfor. WIP - Drabbles
20.21.          TwoTruths and a Lie: Mikoto and Kushina have been fake!dating for years tokeep the more annoying Uchiha relatives from trying to get her married off.It’s a brilliant plan, and it works perfectly. But times change, and Kushina’seyes are very pretty. Oneshot - Complete
20.22.          Wills ofFire and Conquest: Crossover with OP – Kakashi is Rouge’s little brotherand ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for other reincarnatedshinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red Dawn Pirates and Kakashieventually founds a new Uzushiogakure on the Red Line. Ace decides he wants tobe the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insults Ace’s mother so badlyduring the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 days trying to beat anapology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirate culture clash isfrequent and hilarious. WIP
20.23.          Worth ofa Thousand Words: Political Hostage!Tobirama gets caught by the Uchiha justbefore he manages to use Hiraishin in battle for the first time. The Uchiha areall sensors that use Ninshu techniques otherwise since lost to time tocommunicate among themselves. This results in a much more united Uchiha Clanwho are perfectly willing to let Madara push for a peace treaty with the Senjunow that Tobirama’s capture has given them the leverage to do so. Meta
21.1.              1001Demonic Nights: An AU Rikuo who was dragged into Yomi along with his HakkaiYakko during the battle against the Nue manages to escape from hell by jumpinginto an alternate reality where his mother Wakana had a threesome with Rihanand Otome. Wakana left to take over her family shrine without telling herlovers that she was pregnant. The Rikuo who was born as a result died as aninfant from the Nue’s curse on Nurarihyon’s bloodline. Both Rikuo and Otome’sdaughter were conceived on the same night and are both half-demons due to Rihanshifting forms for kinky species-play. WIP
22.1.              BurningSalt Water: Crossover with KHR – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jacksonduring the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways andhe ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the executionXanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace setsthe Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. WIP
22.2.              How FarI’ll Go: Roger had other lovers before he met Rouge and one of them was aFishwife that he met at a Peacemoot. Their daughter was a mermaid and thusneeded to remain on Fishman Island for her own safety. The World Government isso Human-centric that they don’t bother looking into any of Roger’s ladyfriends from the other races. Gol D Ann gives no shits about anybodiesprejudices and when her mixed up genetics mean her feet come in about 20 yearsearly she immediately takes off to track down her baby brother. Goldfish isLuffy’s favourite sibling and Ann is delighted to find three baby brothers forthe price of one. WIP
22.3.              Rumour,Slander, Hearsay: Garp is even worse at interpersonal communication than incanon and now the entire Marine fleet thinks that Monkey D Dragon is anoversexed degenerate who keep dumping his illegitimate spawn on his poor heroicfather’s doorstep. Otherwise known as Dragon adopts ASL and they seek aglorious Revolution. Meta
22.4.              Those WhoFavour Fire: Ace survives Marineford, even if only in spirit, because theGoddess of the Sea answered the prayer of another version of Ace. Waking up inthe place of his 17-year-old murdered doppelganger, Ace now has to deal withraising a 7-year-old Luffy and escaping the notice of the Marines. Oh, and hismurdered younger self is hanging around as a ghost, all the younger versions ofLuffy’s crewmates keep showing up on Ace’s boat, and Ace keeps getting trippedup over how much more horrible this world is compared to the one he came from. WIP
22.5.              Where theSky Meets the Sea: Crossover with KHR – The ASL Trio are reborn as SawadaTsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remembereverything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despitelacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsudoes keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more thanone son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nononever meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everythingis now on fire. Drabbles - WIP
22.6.              WildfireHearts: Ace goes back in time from his death to the Grey Terminal Fire, figuresout how to use natural fire to heal himself, saves child!Ace and child!Luffy,changes his name to Portgas D Riot, runs away to the Grand Line with his babybrothers, puts together a new pirate crew, and hits on Marco so hard thePhoenix forgets how to complete his sentences. Everything works out for thebetter. WIP
22.6.1. Heave A Sigh And A Wish For Me – WH SpinoffAU: SI-Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid named Occhio D Vittoria gets tapped in bythe Ocean Goddess to help Riot et al from WildfireHearts succeed in their adventures. WIP
22.7.              Wills ofFire and Conquest: Crossover with Naruto – Kakashi is Rouge’s littlebrother and ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for otherreincarnated shinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red DawnPirates and Kakashi eventually founds a new Uzushio on the Red Line. Acedecides he wants to be the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insultsAce’s mother so badly during the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 daystrying to beat an apology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirateculture clash is frequent and hilarious. WIP
23.1.              EventHorizons: Leon isn’t human, and that changes things in the aftermath of theconfrontation with Papa D. Count D wants to unravel the mystery of hisfavourite Detective, and Leon is starting to wake up. Hopefully they both findthe knowledge they’re looking for before it’s too late and their enemy findsthem. WIP – Under Revision
24.1.              FromOlympus to Mu: The Senshi go to college and Mamoru reunites with the Shitennou.Basis of headcanons and characterization for any further post-canon SM fic. WIP
24.2.              Music ofthe Spheres: Crossover with KHR – Post Stars Usagi and Post VongolaInheritance Tsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after theVongola’s enemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protectivecustody by her Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say shedoesn’t need it. Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all themen, and accidently throw Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in thesame room she is. WIP
24.2.1. Celestial Chorus – MotS Spinoff AU: Chibiusa’sarrival has Usagi dragging her family to Namimori to prove that Chibiusa isn’t their cousin and things get wildly out ofhand. In Meta
24.3.              The SharpKnife Of A Short Life: SI is reborn as Tsukino Shingo under the aegis ofthe Roman God Janus and then proceeds to merrily say ‘screw canon, my sistergets to be happy or else’. WIP, Drabbles
25.1.              InfiniteBlue: Zelgadis starts paying more attention to the deeper practices ofShamanism and gets in touch with his demonic side while achieving deeperharmony in himself. Xellos approves and it all results in magic explosions andvery strange demonic courtship rituals. WIP
26.1.              SkippedTracks: The triplets from Underground end up transmigrating into therecently deceased bodies of their counterparts in a SatAM reality and proceedto rock out and confuse everyone. WIP
27. Stargate
28.1.              A Balanceof Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learnersand Padme (who got taken in Anakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrellsiblings. They proceed to follow the Will of the Force and prepare the SevenKingdoms to win against the Long Night.
28.2.              A Robe ofStars: Crossover with TMNT – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save theInitiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once thechildren are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to savingthe Vod’ade. WIP
28.3.              That WeAnswer to Our Stars: Crossover with Naruto – Kaguya’s reality warp has somestrange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to everexist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld thatis essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it hadn’t been fenced in.The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all of Palpatine’s plans forgalactic domination. Meta
29.1.              A Robe ofStars: Crossover with SW – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save theInitiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once thechildren are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to savingthe Vod’ade. WIP
29.2.              A VelvetGlove: Crossover with FOZ – Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar.Since all of his brothers are dead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most ofthis “lifelong bond of magic and spirit” and adopts Louise as his littlesister. Halgenkia is not prepared for a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Vallierewith ninja training. Henrietta is probably far too gleeful over making her bestfriend her Spymaster, but it’s not like anyone knows enough about what they’redoing to stop her. Reconquista gets exposed and smashed, and Wardes reallyshould have respected his fiancée more. Chaptered,WIP
29.3.              IronLaced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai indisguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council ofShadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when theytook over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony isactually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked inhis dragon form. WIP
29.4.              PaperFlowers: Leonardo and Michelangelo reconnect after years of separation anddeal with some leftover issues from their childhood while they prepare towelcome the next generation of Ninja Turtles into the world. WIP
29.5.              Patchingthe Trousers: Starting from the end of the Fast Forward arc, Leonardo getslost in the multiverse and proceeds to adopt all the secondary turtles. All ofthem. Leonardo is the Mom Friend, only he’s not a friend he’s just a Mom. Chaptered, WIP
29.6.              StainedBandages: Realistic resolution to the most common dark!Splinter tropes. Leodoesn’t really care about himself, but if you touch his brothers he will killyou. Splinter touches Raphael. Karai is gifted with Splinter’s decapitated headin a box. Oneshot, Completed
29.7.              UnraveledSleeves: After First Contact and Splinter’s death from old age, the Turtlesscattered to live their lives. Leonardo is the only one who stayed in the Lair.Making peace with the Karai was only the first step towards healing, and Leomakes peace with himself as he takes on students and his family grows again. Chaptered, WIP
30.1.              A Transformationof Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Most of the Cybertronians who diedduring Unicron’s Awakening end up reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) andDirewolves (Autobots). The sapience of the animals causes significant changesto outcome of several key canon events.
30.2.              Action Equals Reaction
30.3.              CompromisingPositions: Bay’verse Shattered Glass – Megatron knows that there’ssomething wrong with his brother, but nobody will listen to him. Oneshot, Complete
30.4.              HighStakes Wagers: Decepticon Romantic Gestures at their finest. Series of Oneshots
30.4.1. The Bet: Soundwave saves Starscream’slife after he gets blasted away from Unicron and they proceed to have wild,kinky spark-bonding and that’s it that’s the plot.
30.4.2. The Rebirth: Starscream and Soundwavehead off Galvatron and Zarak’s attempt to destroy Cybertron (and Earth, butthat’s really secondary to them) and earn their just rewards for being on thewinning side.
30.5.              NineRings of Vos: The Epic Seeker Saga where Starscream is the uncontestedleader of the Seekers and he’s using the Great War as a cover to renew his people’spopulation numbers, add some variety to their core coding, and also destroy theCybertronian Government because they liked to make Seekers into their slaves. Seven Story Arcs, Chaptered, WIP
30.5.1. Before Dawn: A Rings spin-off where theSeekers are actually all sparklings who disguised themselves as their parentsin order to survive the Great War. Crash-landing on Earth precipitates the BigReveal and also the actual adult Seekers get woken from Government sanctionedstasis thanks to the energy surges caused by resource shipments coming in fromEarth. Chaptered shortfic, WIP
30.6.              No Evil:Starscream is a scientist who wants to stay a scientist but he’s so damn goodat being Air Commander that he gets promoted anyway. Also his bestfriend/roommate from the War Academy is the closest thing to a therapist thatthe Decepticons have and that means Starscream stays mostly sane. Meta in Production
30.7.              Out From Under
30.8.              Thundercracker’sSo Crazy in Love: Seekers Go Into Heat and that will put the War onpause for a bit because of the crazy. Oneshotseries
30.8.1. Always the Quiet Ones: Thundercrackerterrorizes the Decepticon forces on Earth while displaying for his Wingmatesand accidently kills Megatron.
30.8.2. Decepticon Service Announcement:Thundercracker is the new Supreme Leader of the Decepticons and he’s decidedthat they’re in a good position to negotiate peace terms with the Autobots now.
31. YU-GI-OH
31.1.              Old Game,New Rules: Sentinels and Guides are a built in part of society and acertain playing card game ties into that a bit more than most people wouldexpect. There’s a lot of gratuitous soul-bonding smut, worldbuilding runsrampant, and there’s a lot of social commentary on the futility of stereotypingany portion of the population based on a single point of commonality. WIP
31.2.              TheFuture of the Past: Jounouchi’s past life left a surprise in their soulthat the trip to memory world triggers and now Katsuya is living through all ofJono’s memories. WIP – Under Revision
32.1.             Bonds:Koenma and Yusuke are soulmates and Enma Daioh interferes because one his bratson is properly wedded and bedded Enma can take a long overdue vacation. Oneshot, PWP-ish
32.1.1.                 TiesThat Bind: Koenma and Yusuke are just starting to get used to being bondedmates when a new/old-and-forgotten enemy shows up to complicate things. WIP – Under Revision
32.2.             WhatHappens on Vacation: Crossover with Bleach – turns out that Kurosaki Misakiwas a senior ferry girl on sabbatical (which translates as living a mortal lifeunaware of her true nature) and she was late returning to work due to beingtrapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigo and Uryuu are very confused when their“cousin” Kazuma shows up to introduce his new bride to the family. Koenma isjust really pissed off by all the paperwork he needs to deal with whilecleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. WIP
… Ta-dah. And also I apologize to the mobile users.
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titsoutforkapanen · 5 years
Giving In. Ch 3
Sorry it took so long! I hope you like it! 
I was sitting in my stall when Spezza walked up and sat beside me. “Hey Spezz what’s up?” I asked untying my skates.
“Hey, bro I need to talk to you” he said setting a hand on my shoulder. “So the other day, I walked in here and Tyler and Hazy were making out in his stall. Neither of them had their shirts on and I just found it weird because of the age difference. I don’t want him to take advantage of her” he said leaning back against the wall of the stall. It took a few seconds for what he said to make sense in my head.
“Thanks, man” I said as I untied my skates and threw everything in my bag and walked out of the locker room and to my car so I could go home. As I got in the car I facetimed Jordie and Jenny. “Guy’s I don’t know what to do Spezza just told me he found Hazy and Tyler making out SHIRTLESS in the locker room the other day.” I ranted.
“How do you know he’s telling you the truth?” Jenny asked sending me a look of disbelief.
“Why would he lie about that Jenny?” Jordie stated.
“I’m just saying that maybe you should talk to them before you freak out, you know she hates you two getting involved in her love life” Jenny said with a deep breath.
“I think you should just beat his ass” Jordy said with a shrug.
“Do not do that Jamie. I swear to god if I have to fly to Dallas to console our sister I will beat your ass” Jenny hissed. I rolled my eyes as I was pulling onto my street. As I approached the house it came to my attention that it wasn’t Hazy’s jeep in the driveway.
“He’s fucking here” I growled pulling into the driveway beside his Jeep.
“Don’t do something you’ll regret Jamie I’m hanging up” Jenny said before exiting the call. Jordy stayed on the line as I walked up the sidewalk and to the door. When I opened the door Hazy was walking down the stairs.
“Ty, I’m ready to go” she said as she walked down the stairs. Both Hazy and Tyler’s heads whipped in my direction. I looked between Hazy and Tyler waiting to see who would say something first.
Tyler spoke up first “We can explain”
I couldn’t speak because I was afraid of what he was going to say. Jamie walked over to the bottom of the staircase “We need to talk” Jamie said pushing me back up the stairs. We were almost up the stairs when he turned around. “Don’t even think about fucking leaving” he growled to Tyler. Jamie dragged me to his room where he sat me on the bed and started pacing the floor in front of me. I stayed silent, scared of what was going to happen. “Hazy, what were you thinking?”
“I don’t know”
“He’s too old for you Hazy” Jordy said from Jamie’s phone that was laying on the bed beside me. Jamie picked up his phone bringing it closer to his face.
“Do you see these, Jordie?” Jamie asked pulling me up so I was standing. He flipped his camera and was holding it close to the bruises on my hips. “Those are handprints!” Jamie exclaimed pulling the phone back to himself. I sighed sitting back down on the bed. “Does he hurt you, Hazy?” Jamie questioned.
“Are you seriously asking me that, Jamie?”
“Yes, where else would those bruises be from?”
I rolled my eyes before deciding to probably scar Jamie and Jordy for life. “For fucks sake you idiot they’re from sex” I rolled my eyes. Jamie’s face dropped and Jordy gagged.
“Why would you have hand prints from sex?” Jamie exclaimed.
“Why do you think?”
“Hazy we don’t think about our little sister having sex” Jordy groaned.
“Well idk what to tell you guys besides I’m leaving” I said standing up and walking out of the room. Before I exited the room I turned and grabbed Jamie’s phone. “Jordy did he tell you that he told the Ice Girls not to hire me just because he didn’t want me to wear the outfits?” I said sending Jamie a glare. I walked out of the door and I heard Jamie end the call and follow me downstairs. Jamie was yelling at me to stop. I grabbed Tyler’s hand and pulled him to the door.
“What are you two thinking?” Jamie yelled from the staircase.
“We’re leaving” I said almost out the door.
“I can’t believe you would betray me like this, Tyler” Jamie said as we walked out.
“She’s almost 20 Jamie she can make her own decisions” Tyler said as we walked to his Jeep.
I was almost in my seat when I felt like I needed to say one last thing before I left. I walked over to Jamie and stood in front of him. “I love you, Jame but I’m an adult. I want you to trust me and I want to trust you. But after what you did with the Ice Girls, I don’t know if I can.” I pulled Jamie in for a hug and after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around my back.
“I love you, Hazy” I smiled as I walked back to Tyler’s Jeep and watched Jamie walk back in the house as we pulled out of the driveway.
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Jamiebenn14: brother sister date w/ this one. Love her even if she annoys me 🙄❤️
I had stayed at Tyler’s for a few days but once I knew both Jamie and I had cooled down I went back home. I was laying in bed watching netflix when Jamie came and knocked on my door.
“Hey, you got some mail” he said walking over to my bed. He sat down beside me as I opened the letter.
Hazy Benn,
We had heard about the unfortunate news about you not getting the job with the Dallas Stars Ice Girls. We looked up your competition videos from high school and called the captains of the Dallas Ice Girls and they spoke highly of you. We want to offer you a spot on our Ice Girls team here in Toronto. We understand that a big move like this is stressful so take as long as you’d like to make your decision. If you decide to join our team your move will be fully funded and your rent will be covered for the first 3 months. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Talk to you soon!
Toronto Maple Leafs Ice Girls.
“Oh my god Jamie, look at this” I said handing him the letter. He read the letter before looking between me and the letter
“You’re not actually thinking about this are you?”
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Hazy_Bennn: keep your eyes out, big things coming👀
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narika-a · 7 years
Nothing But Trouble
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Oh Sehun x Spy!Reader
Summary: You have been working as a spy your whole life but you never expected to be the one spied on.
Genre: Mafia AU
Word Count: 2,669
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Your head was throbbing like crazy. You shifted a bit in your seat. Remembering what happened, you were about to open your eyes and see where he took you, when you heard voices. You froze and decided to keep your eyes closed, pretending that you’re still unconscious, hoping that whoever was in the room with you, wasn’t paying attention to you at that moment. It seemed there were three people inside, all preoccupied with arguing to notice you being awake.
“Sehun, you dumbass, I swear to God, I will kill you myself one day.”
“Now now Minseokie, how many times did we have this conversation in the past day? No need to get so worked up,” Sehun replied.
Wait. Day? How long were you out? You don’t have that much time as it is. As soon as they’re out of this room, you must come up with an escape plan.
“I don’t think you fully understand what you got yourself into,” Minseok hissed and it seemed like he got Sehun by the collar.
“Minseok calm down,” another man stepped in between the two.
“What do you mean calm down? It’s your fault! You knew she was watching him all this time, yet you never made a move. Aren’t you supposed to be the leader?” Minseok said spitefully.
“That’s enough,” the man said firmly.
“Minseokie, do you really want to make our leader mad? You know what he’s capable of when he’s angry…”
There was a tense silence between all of them and you had to control yourself, not to check out what that so-called leader looked like.
“Sehun, I’m not siding with you either. You acted without permission and most of all, didn’t even plan on informing us. ‘Anexis’ is not the organization you want to mess with-“
At the mention of the name, your interested peaked up even more but the sound of someone slamming the door open interrupted him.
“Where is she?”
Yixing? No. No way. What would he even be doing here? Your probably still not fully functional after the hit and your brain is just messing with you.
“Oh, is big brother worried!?” you weren’t even the one talking to Sehun right now but he already started annoying you. “It’s okay, I won’t let anyone touch her.”
“I don’t want you touching her either,” the man snapped.
“So scary!” Sehun scoffed. “I got her here in one piece, didn’t I? I think it’s about time we got some information from her. She knows more than you anyway…”
It seemed like another fight was about to break out but their leader got everything under control again.
“If you find out something new, I will let this mistake of yours slide but other than that I’m not, or rather neither of us, are helping you clean up this mess.”
“I agree with your terms,” Sehun said. “But I have one condition as well.”
“Which is?”
“I get to do it alone.”
“No way!” the other two shouted almost in union.
“You let her go the first time. There’s no knowing what you will do now,” Minseok said.
“I’m taking her with me,” Yixing sound alike said. You heard footsteps approaching and you kind of wanted them to actually belong to him.
“Fine. I trust you with this one. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Junmyeon are you actually considering it?” Minseok asked.
Ah finally! The name. You repeated it a few times in your head to memorise it.
“I just said it, didn’t I?” Junmyeon said.
“You can’t be serious?!” the others protested but seemingly, he collected all of them and left the room. You heard Sehun sigh and the chair let out a soft creak, when he sat down.
“You can stop pretending. I know you’re awake. That’s why I wanted them out of here,” he said. You opened your eyes and focused your gaze on him. He was reading some sort of book. “And here I thought Jongin hit you too hard and you will never wake up. It’s been almost two days,” he chuckled.
Almost two days?! Time was running out far too quickly for you.
“Yeah but he wasn’t the one who knocked me out, now was he?” you retorted.
He smirked and came around to the front of the only table in the room. Now that you could look around there weren’t any windows here either. To sum up. One table. One door. Two light sources. Two chairs. You have been tied down to one of them. However, your legs where free for some reason.
Veltui aš laukiu: niekas man nepasakys,
Atėjęs iš erdvių giliųjų,
Kodėl kas nors yra? Kodėl aš pats esu
Didžiausia paslaptis visatos slėpinių?
He began reading from the book he was still holding.
“Simply marvellous,” he said when he finished. He took his glasses off and put them on the table. Such a shame, he looked real handsome in them. “Do you understand what I mean?”
Of course you did but you opted to stay silent.
“Oho and here I thought you will know. Guess all the spies at ‘Anexis’ are not as good as the rumours say.”
“I don’t need a language used by only 3 million people,” you snapped back..
“So you do know!” he said, standing up straight and putting the book away as well. “Let me translate it for you, just so we’re both on the same page after all. The last line especially. ‘The biggest secret of the universe mysteries.’ That’s what you are to me.”
He pointed at you and then took a cigarette case out of his inner pocket, lighting one of them. You just furrowed your eyebrows.
“I know. Bad habit. But you’re not in a position to complain,” he blew out a cloud of smoke. “Anyhow, where was I?” he asked himself, crouching in front of you.  “Oh right! Secrets. It seems no matter how much I find out about you, even with the help of your phone and our sources, there is still so much more to learn.”
You tried to kick him but he caught your leg with his hand. He threw his cigarette on the ground and put it out with your shoe, securing your feet in place.
“I didn’t tie up your legs so you would use them this way, dear,” he teased and you just shuffled in your seat. “So tell me dear, how much do you really know about your organization?”
He let go of your legs and came behind you. He started to slowly unzip your suit, exposing your bare shoulders and back to him.
“I noticed this one before but I just had to confirm my suspicion,” he said, tracing the scar along your spine. “So what the others spoke about is true,” he said, stopping midway. “Do you remember how you got this?”
This question caught you off guard. You never thought about it before. It was always there. Some days you even forgot it existed. He pulled your head up enough to make eye contact.
“Do you remember anything from your childhood? Your parents?”
You didn’t want to hear it from him. His warm hands on your cheeks reminded you of something but you didn’t want to feel it. You moved your head forward, breaking the eye contact.
“Who needs petty things like that? I was trained to do one thing and one thing only. Work for them. No questions asked.”
“And you don’t see any problem with that?” he questioned, standing you up. To your surprise, you weren’t actually tied down to the chair at all. It was just your arms that were tied up.
“What are you doing?”
“If it’s up to me, you’re free to go,” he said.
“It seems you don’t have anything new to tell us about yourself, as of now but maybe my questions will give you some inspiration. Also, I wanted some private time with you but they’re probably listening anyway,” you had no idea what he’s talking about but you decided to take this chance even if it was a trap. You jumped a few steps away from him and slowly approached the only door in the room. You somehow grabbed the door handle with the hands still behind your back and opened it. You faced forward and was greeted by 10 pairs of eyes. Sehun started laughing and you quickly shut the door, locking and bracing yourself against them.
“Sehun, what the heck do you think you’re doing?” Minseok began banging against the door, trying to open them.
“I said if it was up to me but I’m not the only one making decisions here,” he explained, still laughing. “Man did you see their faces.”
“Not funny,” you said, through clenched teeth. You had no idea what you were expecting.
“One more thing. I said there is nothing new to know about you but you can still share a lot about your organization, missions, plans, etc,” he put his hands against each side of your head, cornering you. You dully noted that the one you injured before was cleanly bandaged now. Can’t say the same about your shoulder. “So what’s it going to be? I think you would prefer my company a lot more than the others.”
He leaned down and rested his forehead against yours. You noticed a triumphant smile playing on his lips. You could still hear voices coming from the other side of the door.
“Do you need any help with your suit? Perhaps take it off completely,” he chuckled, getting one of his hands behind you. You felt it travel from your thigh, to your ass and up your back where the zipper was.
“No, thank you,” you said pushing him off with such force, he fell on the ground. When you opened the door before, you saw a faint light coming from somewhere. Perhaps there was another room or a door you can escape from. You had no choice but to try. You quickly got the door open again and pushing the men, who were still unsure what just happened, aside made your way outside. You ran down the long corridor and noticed the open window. Just what you needed. You peaked through it and realized that luck was still on your side. It seemed you were in some sort of harbour and there was the sea, right outside this window. You would have stayed and admired the view for a bit longer but they had already caught up with you. Somehow balancing yourself on the windowsill you jumped in.
“Is she crazy? This is the 5th floor!” somebody shouted as you flew through the air. Only when you immersed yourself in the freezing cold water did you realize that your hands were still tied.
Sehun’s POV
“Move aside. Coming through,” I said, trying to get to the window as quickly as possible. “If she’s crazy, I guess I’m too,” I interrupted Jongdae when I finally reached it. I took my shoes off and when I was about to take off my jacket, somebody grabbed my hand.
“Care to explain what happened there?” it was Kyungsoo this time and he was furious.
“There’s no time but it’s not my fault! I actually didn’t think she would do this.”
“Are you seriously jumping?” Junmyeon came up to me.
“You told me to clean up my own mess, didn’t you?” I smirked and leapt into the water.
“Sehun, I always knew you’re an idiot!” Minseok shouted after me. I emerged from the water and only sparing a glance at the others, headed in her direction.
“You guys are nothing but trouble to me,” Junmyeon sighed, as he watched me getting further away. “Somebody go to the beach and get them back.”
The sun was already setting and I could barely see her dark dressed figure in the distance. She wasn’t moving.
“Shit. Shit. Shit,” I repeated in my head. I should have untied her completely. Ignoring the coldness of the water and hoping my body won’t fail me now, I increased my speed. I grabbed her by the armpits and swam back to the shore with her. I dragged her on the sand away from the water. I took a few deep breaths to relax a bit and then bent down next to her. No good. Not breathing, no pulse. Shit.  I quickly slid down her suit to her waist so it wouldn’t obstruct her breathing. I would have loved to check out her beautiful body for a bit longer but time was of essence. I can do this. Just like I was thought. I tilted her head and opened the airway. I aligned my hands into positions and began giving her chest compressions. 15 pushes. I couldn’t help but smirk hovering above her lips. Oh, she would hate even the thought of this but it was my pleasure to kind of kiss her again. 2 breaths. Come on. Come on. I repeated this few more times and she finally came back to.
You gasped for air and pushing off whoever was near you, rolled to the side. You coughed and spit out water, all the while thinking how it turned out this way because you’re a better swimmer than this. Someone untied your hands and finally free from the bindings, you rubbed your wrists and looked at the person who saved you. Of course it was him.
“Why?” you simply asked, glaring daggers at him. He had every reason to let you drown. What was his true motive?
“I couldn’t let our little get together end in a disaster, could I?”
You just rolled your eyes. You had enough of his talking. You braced yourself against the ground and tried standing up. To your surprise your legs were really wobbly. He quickly came up to you, to help you balance yourself.
“Don’t touch me,” you said, taking your arm out of his hand.
“So mean! You could at least give me a thanks. I saved your life, you know.”
You ignored him and went to a nearby rock instead but he followed you.
“You owe me one!” he continued.
“I owe you nothing. I didn’t ask you to save me,” you retorted and he just pouted.
“A date.”
“We need to go on a proper date. These last few we had were terrible.”
“Are you serious? I’m not going anywhere with the likes of you,” you leaned against the rock and started zipping up your suit. Why were you half naked in the first place? You noticed him staring at you, a faint smile visible on his lips.
“What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Nothing,” he cooed. But then you realized. If you were drowning, then you needed CPR, if you needed CPR then it means he…
“You did not!” you gasped.
“We can always continue,” he smirked.
“You wish!”
“I do.”
It seems he would have been at it forever but then his face became all serious. You followed his gaze. You could see cars approaching the beach in the distance.
“I think you should get going.”
One thing you can agree on. You pushed yourself off the rock and slowly made your way to the direction of the exit of the harbour. You won’t turn around. You won’t thank him. Nope. No way in hell.
“Thank you,” you mumbled contradicting yourself and stopping a few steps from him. He was silent for a while and you were not sure if he even actually heard it. Not that it matters.
“That’s the sweetest thing to ever leave those pretty lips of yours,” he finally teased.
“Yeah, yeah,” you said. You had no idea what came over you. You were having a friendly chit chat with your target.
“We will keep in touch,” he shouted after you.
Whatever he means by that. You know how this ends anyway. A gun in your hands and a dead body.
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seyaryminamoto · 7 years
Ok I need you opinion on this, In Final Battle Sozin Comet book, I read through Azula's PoV when she rejected Ozai's decision. She deeply regretted the second these words left her mouth, and said lines like "I never raised my voice to my father before. Never." and "I'm shaking." and "Oh no.. What will he do to me now?". I mean she literally feared physical harm, but also was combinated with fear of rejection and abandonment. It's so fucked up. What does she feel this way toward him?
Why does she feel this way, you mean? Well, I think it’s not that hard to guess what’s going on behind the scenes.
Azula was there, watching and rejoicing as Ozai burned Zuko during the Agni Kai. She knew Zuko was being hurt, but she wasn’t appalled by it. Both because of how Ozai groomed her, and because of her building resentment towards her brother, she saw him being hurt and thought he deserved it. 
All her life, Azula has been competing with her brother and had her father’s support in everything. This is something Zuko coveted, and it’s something Azula always took pride in having for herself.
When things get complicated, though, Azula tells Ozai that he can’t treat her like that: he can’t treat her like Zuko. This is when Ozai tells her to shut up, and that sequence you’re asking about happens.
Why would Azula be this terrified of what Ozai might do to her? Because she’s afraid of the worst case scenario. It may not be conscious on her part, but Azula knows what Ozai can do to the child who disappoints him, the child who fails him. And she doesn’t want to be that child, so she tries to stand up to him to demand the respect she believes she deserves. She achieves the entire opposite effect: Ozai tells her to shut up.
Her fears then seem to come true because Ozai would have never said those words to her before. She isn’t used to this, but she thinks she’s condemned herself to becoming the same thing Zuko is in their father’s eyes. He doesn’t trust her anymore, he doesn’t respect her anymore, he wants her to be quiet. As I said, she knows what he could do to Zuko. Her fear of being hurt by him, in my opinion, comes from that awareness.
I know there’s a lot of people who are convinced that Azula was physically abused by Ozai too. Personally, I don’t subscribe to that theory at all. I don’t believe Ozai ever abused Azula physically because he had a pretty great excuse to do that when Zuko revealed she had lied to him about Aang, and yet it seems he didn’t do anything to her. At the start of Boiling Rock, Azula is her usual self, no noticeable changes in her personality and behavior until the betrayal. If Ozai had given her the beating of a lifetime for having lied to him about the Avatar, she wouldn’t have been as calm and collected as she was before the betrayal. The markings of her breakdown would have started to show already.
There’s also that Ozai is shown using Azula to impress Azulon in the Zuko Alone flashback. He’s very satisfied with everything his daughter does, and he ushers her to show off her knowledge and firebending prowess. All along he smiles, and seems to be pleased to show his father what a capable girl he’s raised… and then Zuko steps in and Ozai’s smile disappears. The difference in treatment is blatant, it’s obvious, it’s there. 
We saw he burned Zuko on ONE opportunity. Zuko never says that his father hurt him many times, he only talks about the Agni Kai. Ozai’s abuse towards Zuko was layered and multifaceted, but it only got physical ONE TIME. The rest of it was emotional, psychological. You can think that’s the worst kind of abuse, maybe, and it certainly can be very harmful, but I don’t believe Ozai resorted to burning Azula to teach her lessons when he wouldn’t even burn Zuko regularly, even though he despised his son as much as we know he did.
Another thing that I don’t think anyone takes into account other than myself, but… Ozai’s actually slightly attached to Azula, I believe. Not in an actual loving way, no, but I think it’s because Ozai’s father treated him the same way Ozai treats Zuko. I believe Ozai might have decided to groom Azula into the perfect heir while being his second child because that’s what he wished his father had done with him. He especially sees Azula’s talent in firebending, and he sees her academic and leadership aptitudes from early on too. He thinks that she’s everything he COULD HAVE BEEN, if Azulon had given him a chance.
… Not true, though, because Ozai actually resembles Zuko, but the guy doesn’t have the most sound judgment ever.
So he projected on Azula, and he made efforts for her that he never made for Zuko. He gave her opportunities to actually fulfill important military missions, gave her a huge barge for her exclusive use, airships, left the defense of the city in her hands for Day of Black Sun… did you know Ozai never served as a military officer in any capacity, yet Iroh did? Do you think it’s chance that he provides Azula these military opportunities and resources while giving Zuko nothing comparable? I’m pretty sure it’s not. I’m really convinced he did it because he projected on her and wanted her to be successful from a young age as he would have wanted to be, despite she is clearly more similar to Iroh while Ozai is similar to Zuko.
He entrusts Azula with the mission of catching Zuko and Iroh, even though he could have sent other people, multiple squads, whatever he pleased. But he trusts Azula can do it, and in the end, his trust pays off because not only she delivers those two but she also delivers Ba Sing Se on a silver platter. He knows he can trust her… up until she lets him down. But even then, he doesn’t really raise a hand against her. He just doesn’t trust her anymore. His attitude and behavior are more akin to indifference than to actual displeasure towards her.
Only, Azula doesn’t know this. She has no idea if her father knows any limits, and she knows his approval can be withdrawn as quickly as it was given. She doesn’t know what’s going on inside Ozai’s mind, and she’s already falling apart: thus her fears are heightened, worsened, to the point where she thinks he might hurt her because he hurt Zuko for speaking out of turn before.
Further evidence is also that Azula’s body has no signs of burns, in a show that has even pulled off some crazy stuff like:
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See that mark on Aang’s foot? It’s SO EASY to miss it, and yet it’s there. Where did that scar come from?
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That’s right. Part of the damage Aang takes in Book 2‘s finale is still evident by the next season’s finale. The scar on his back is always there as well, goes without saying. Zuko’s scar is also never hidden, so scars, in this show, don’t fade away just like that.
If Azula had ever been harmed by Ozai, not only would her behavior likely be different (she might be a lot more insecure, less confident than she seems to be, kind of more similar to Zuko in that way, and she would have been WAY too scared to lie to Ozai about Aang’s alleged death), but she would have been shown with burn marks because unless Ozai only burned her lightly (which isn’t all that likely, since in these headcanons he’s supposed to have been even more abusive to Azula physically than he was to Zuko), the burn marks would show in episodes like The Beach:
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She shows more skin here than at any other point in the show. If Ozai burned her anywhere, it would’ve shown here. It doesn’t.
So I don’t think Azula’s reaction comes from some sort of conditioned behavior, if that’s what you might have thought. I think it all stems from knowing that she could lose her standing, become an eyesore, a problem to get rid of, the same way Zuko was. For further context, Ozai is the last person she has left in her life. The only one she assumed would never leave her, who would always validate, encourage and approve of her worst impulses. And then even he discards her, which destroys her inside in every possible way. She’s already falling apart, and Ozai’s rage isn’t something she ever expected could be turned against her.
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wanderingcas · 7 years
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Week 7: Season 12 Inspired Destiel!
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 6 of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday!! There’s some absolutely quality fics in this list, so check them out. If you want to participate in next week’s fic submissions, check out the schedule!
Please signal boost so we can get these great fics circulating!]
Things That Will Probably Not Happen in Season 12 by @expatgirl
Three fics from Mary’s POV as she tries to adjust to being alive again, tries to understand her sons, and the guy that seems to live with them. The fourth fic is from Dean’s POV, as he tries to understand the same things.
Teen and Up; Mature for the 3rd fic, 8.7k words. (Complete)
[POV Mary Winchester, POV Dean, Weird family dynamics, Hugs, Swearing, Dissociation, Blood, Prayer, Blow Jobs, Feelings]
Warnings: Mild eye trauma/ mild body horror (not shown), brief suicidal thoughts
Dean (and Cas') Top 13 Zepp Traxx by @pantheonofdiscord
Dean eases Baby down the frontage road, trying not to look in the rearview mirror as his home gets smaller and smaller behind him.
He’s done this a hundred times. He’s driven down this road in the soft morning light, heading out to some little town in some distant corner of the country. This is a job like any other.
“It’s not like we’re never coming back,” Cas says from the passenger seat.
Dean and Cas and the open road, to the tune of Led Zeppelin. A post-series story in thirteen parts.
Explicit. 82k words. (Complete)
[Dean/Cas, road trips, mutual pining, getting together, case fic, post-series, angst, fluff]
And Back Again by @funnywings
Takes place after the finale. Mourning, loss, and a game of spot the difference between the Cas that used to be and the one Jack brought back. Happy ending guaranteed. 
Teen and Up. 4k words. (Complete)
[Angst, Happy Ending, Dean’s POV, 12.23 Coda]
Warnings: Temporary MCD
This Isn’t How It Was Supposed To Go by @nox-lee
It’s been excruciating all this time without Dean and now he’s finally here. Cas wants to soak Dean in, wants to scrub him clean of the prison grime and smooth away the new lines that have formed on his hardened face. He wants to breathe him in and re-catalogue every freckle. Instead he watches Dean disappear down the hall and slam his bedroom door.
This isn’t how it was supposed to go.
Explicit. 3k words. (Complete)
[12x09, 12x10, coda, angst with a happy ending, smut]
Heaven Help Me by @righteousdemondean
Coda to 12.23 “All along the watchtower” Teen and Up. 647 words. (Complete) [angst, hurt no comfort, dean-centric, drinking mention, alcohol abuse mention, character death]
Please Come Back by @spn-akf-yana
Even months after the events with the portal, neither Sam and Dean have given up on bringing Cas back. Jack doesn’t to begin with know his true heritage so he tries to help, but not knowing how to raise the dead, he opens the portal again, which just brings up bad memories and things become even more complex when he finds out who he is.
Teen and Up. 9.9k words. (Complete)
[angst, post-season 12]
Rebirth by @mrswholmeschester
Set right after season 11, this story explores the new dynamics now that Mary is back. Dean finds out something about himself as he and his family try to find Pandora's box to trap Lucifer. 
Teen and Up. 16k words. (Complete)
Rage by @darkheartinthesky
Castiel was always too stubborn for his own good–too stubborn to die, even. As Castiel sits recovering, Sam and Dean prepare for their biggest fight yet. Meanwhile, come Hell or high water, Mary Winchester is getting back to her home world.
Teen and Up. 50k words. (WIP) 
[S13 Fic, Hurt!Castiel, Caretaker Dean, Dean Winchester vs Feelings, Supportive Sam, Angst with a Happy Ending, BAMF!Mary Winchester]
Warnings: Graphic imagery, violence
Feather by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Dean mourns Cas after the events of “All Along the Watchtower”
Teen and Up. 336 words. (Complete)
[12x23 coda, angst, grief]
alive by @babybluecas
Cas is standing right before him: same coat, same blue eyes—so radiant and alive, as if they have never lost their light.
Teen and Up. 898 words. (Complete)
[Angst, Castiel’s return, post-season 12, pre-slash, pining]
Warning: Major Character Death
You’re Me and I’m You by @deservetobesaved 
A witch’s spell causes Dean and Cas to switch bodies, much to Sam’s amusement. Dean pretends he’s super annoyed about it (not really) and Cas is just adorable.
Teen and up. 1.5k words. (Complete)
[fluff, crack, body swap, s12, canon divergence]
Conversation Hearts by @mittensmorgul
Following the events of 12.11, Dean takes stock of the things he remembers, and the things he’s always tried to make himself forget. If he can’t make his own words, maybe store-bought is fine.
Teen and Up. 4k words. (Complete)
[Valentine’s Day Fluff, Episode: s12e11 Regarding Dean, Dean Uses Actual Words, even if he has to borrow them from terrible candy, Fluff, Dean rode Larry, and squished a bunny, Love Confessions, First Kiss]
Welcome home, Cas by @xbooksandtea
“Cas,” he whispered, and he was able to hear the blood rushing through the veins in his ears. Shimmering lights were dancing at the corners of his vision. His skin felt both burning hot and ice cold at the same time, the way he imagined it would feel if you dove into a pool while someone branded you with a burning claw – the way that left scars.
General Audiences. 1.6k words. (Complete)
[fluff and angst, reunions]
Memento Mori by @cas-essence
Dean is annoyed to find out that they forgot to wrap up the case of Benjamin’s stabbing. Still, he finds himself intrigued as he is told that the dead angel had owned an apartment and he, Sam and Cas drive back to have a look around. Old wounds are opened and start to heal as Cas is finally able to say goodbye to one of his siblings properly.
General Audiences. 8k words. (Complete)
[ep 12x10, hurt Castiel, hurt/comfort, team free will, pining dean, fluff and angst, Angel headcanons]
Good Scotch (Is the Way to Dean’s Heart) by @braezenkitty
A sort of coda to 12x13, inspired by 12x14 and this post, and set between the two episodes. Dean’s pissed about Mary lying to them and putting lives in danger—for putting Cas’ life in danger. He’s angry and he needs some comfort and distraction. He also needs another bottle of scotch. Castiel provides.
Teen and Up. 3.5k words. (Complete)
[Alcohol, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Winchester Coping Mechanisms, First Kiss, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Compliant]
Careless by @lies-unfurl
Castiel has always obeyed Ishim.
Explicit. 1.5k words. (Complete)
[Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Hurt Castiel, Castiel Whump, Episode: s12e10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets]
Warnings: rape/non-con, suicidal thoughts
Angels Calling by @hefellfordean
Post s12e17: Castiel has tracked down Dagon and Kelly Kline with the help of other angels, after the Winchesters and Eileen let her go, and calls Dean for help. Dean has to deal with Cas’ return to Heaven and is worried about what that means for their relationship.(Basically my guess about what would happen to Kelly Kline before the final episodes aired)
Teen and Up. 2.7k words. (Complete)
[Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, BAMF!Cas]
Just Pretend by @thursdays-fallen-angel
After Sam’s footsteps crunch over the gravel and disappear into the house, the only sound remaining is Dean’s ragged breathing, and the thundering of his own heartbeat in his ears.
General. 2k words. (Complete)
[Angst, 12x23 spoilers, Fix-It]
Hymnal by @humanformdragon
When Castiel meets Mary on the way to the Bunker, they end up talking about the past, and about doubt, and about decisions. Castiel recalls a past Christmas, one where Anna was ordered to carry out God’s will in a village no-one now remembers, and he finds he isn’t so sure of when his first steps towards Falling were taken.
General Audiences. 7.8k words. (Complete)
[Castiel and Mary talk, Conversations, Destiel is background, Mostly me musing on Castiel’s past, s12 time frame]
May I Have This Dance? by @thefiendishfangirl
Mary takes a quiet moment to teach Castiel to dance.
Teen and Up. 1.1k words. (Complete) 
[slow dancing, fluff, implied smut, supportive mary, cockblock sam]
Untitled by @deanwinchcester
Based on this post. Cas can sense lies and confronts Dean on the “you’re our brother” line.
General Audiences. 369 words. (Complete)
[first kiss, 12.19 coda]
lifeless by @casitels
Dean brings Cas’ hand to his lips, and for a moment, he leaves it there.
General. 196 words. (Complete)
[Coda, Episode: s12e23 All Along the Watchtower]
Warnings: Major Character Death
the (not so) reluctant big spoon by @woefulcas
dean and cas get some much needed time together while sam works a case with eileen - sleepy morning cuddles ensue
General Audience. .5k words. (Complete)
[hunter husbands, extreme fluff, sleepy morning cuddles, dean likes being the little spoon but he wants to wrap himself around cS ok, it’s a struggle, s12 should have had more fluff and cuddling and i’m bitter about it]
The Way Out by @awed-frog
Things are going pretty good, which is why Dean should have seen it coming. Sam and Toni are so in love it’s disgusting, the big monsters are all gone or dead, and Dean and Cas - yeah, okay, so they kissed and now they’re kind of together, okay? Shut up.
No, the second Dean had caught himself thinking about food processors and beach holidays, he should have fucking known his happy ending would turn around and kick him in his fucking teeth. And now it has, and they’re supposed to get on a damn plane and put on monkey suits and have Christmas dinner at Lord and Lady Bevell’s, and Dean just can’t - he can’t face it, he can’t breathe, he can’t even see through the injustice of it all, because Cas - Cas -
Mature. 67k words. (Complete)
[Angst and Feels, Pining, Friendship, Time Travel, First Kiss, First Time, Declarations Of Love, Team Free Will, Young Winchesters, Profound Bond, Canon Compliant]
softly; because we are screaming by @cuddlemonsterdean
He’d tried, all through dinner. Fuck, did he try. They’re a family and families eat together. But the food just didn’t wanna go down. As if there were still words locked in his throat, words of hurt and accusation, and they were in the way. The more he tried to get past them, the harder it got to talk. Like his insides were torn between heaving it all up and keeping everything inside.
Teen And Up Audiences. 1k words. (Complete)
[implied/background Deancas, implied one-sided Crowley/Dean, 12x14 Coda]
Warnings: implied panic attack, implied selectively mute!Dean
Season 12 episode codas series by @whichstiel
A series of 24 episode codas for season 12 - one unique story for each episode, plus a bonus story for that Endverse prop photo from episode 2. Features Destiel, Rowena, Mary, Crowley, Lily Sunder, the Banes twins, and Saileen.
Generic to Explicit, 32.5k words. (Complete)
The sun cannot fall from the sky by @the-idiot-under-your-bed
Coda for 12x23. “Just know that no matter what anyone says, they love you. I love you, and Dean loves you. Just, don’t give up, ok? Come back home.” 
Teen and Up. 1.3k words. (WIP)
[12x23 coda, angst, wayward sisters are there too, anger, canon character death, character return?]
The Death of Reservations by @60r3d0m
Maybe at some point, he had stopped believing. But not believing hadn’t stopped him from ducking into the room that he had prepared for Cas’ return every month. Not believing hadn’t prevented him from dusting the shelves and washing the sheets and accumulating stupid knick-knacks for Cas to have because they had reminded Dean of him.
But now Cas is back.
Before Dean can call him, he’s standing in the doorway (coda to 12.23).
Mature. 616 words. (Complete)
[Love confessions, caretaker Dean, Castiel in the Bunker]
All Was Well (Previously: Fuck You) by @hunterangelkisses
Dean might never admit it, but this was all he needed in life: him and his Baby and Cas (who was his second Baby, really) and his brother and Eileen, his mom would be back in a few days… Jody had called to check in earlier with stories about the girls, and even Donna had called the day before to tell them how things were going in Stillwater. In other words, here it is, the sweetest, fluffiest fic ever as a giant FUCK YOU to Bucklemming (or Fucklemming, as I’ve been calling them) and the other SPN writers.
General Audiences. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[fluff, established relationship, marriage proposal, fix-it for 12x21 There’s Something About Mary]
Balance And New Beginnings by @hekate1308
Dean turns his back on his family and the legacy of the Men of Letters when he learns Sam and Mary have been working with their British counterparts behind his back. Joining Cas on good-old-fashioned hunting trips, occasionally aided by Crowley, he soon learns there are more good monsters out there than he ever thought possible. And they need a protector.
Meanwhile, Sam is growing more and more lonely until one day, he looks in the mirror and doesn’t recognize the man staring back at him. Is it too late to return to the brother he’s let down so many times before?
General Audiences. 54k words. (Complete)
[Dean/Cas, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Season 12 AU, post-12x14]
You, You’re Everything by @spearywritesstuff
Castiel tells Dean about his last days in his female vessel. Ishim said that humans were dangerous and that being close to them made one weak, but twice now Castiel has tested that theory, once in 1901 and now with Dean.
General Audiences. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[Coda for 12x10, Lily Sunder Has Regrets]
Say it Again? by @a-fandom-life-for-me
Back in the bunker after the events of 12x12, Dean is furious with Castiel and his deathbed “I love you.” The sexual tension reaches its breaking point and Dean discovers just how much Castiel actually loves him
Mature. 8k words. (Complete)
[Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Season/Series 12, Season/Series 12 Spoilers, Wingfic, Angel Wings, Men of Letters Bunker, Bunker Sex, Castiel in the Bunker, Sam Ships It, Grace-Powered Orgasms, Angelic Grace, Grace Kink, Soul Bond, Love, Anal Sex, Rough Sex]
O’ Christmas Tree Series by @osirisapollo
This series was written before we really knew how terribly anti-family Mary was going to be. It’s based around Christmas/New Years and has the whole Winchester family (including Cas!) happily celebrating the holidays together. Dean/Cas get together series, starting with a ficlet on how Dean figures out his feelings for Cas.
Teen and Up. 13.5k words. (Complete)
[Tooth-rotting Fluff, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Sam Ships it, Mary Ships It, Holidays, Humor, First Kiss, Family Feels, Everything is Fine and Nothing Hurts]
Still Missing (Gotta Tell You Something) by @profound-boning
“I hope they don’t come for you, Cas. God knows what would happen if they somehow found out about the Bunker. If they…”
Dean cuts himself off and Castiel strains to pick up more. Dean’s longing is still strong, and a tug from Sam’s soul echoes in Castiel’s grace. After so many years, Sam is a brother in all but blood to Castiel. And Dean, well. Dean says “you’re our brother” and also “I need you” and Castiel can’t help but think maybe Dean doesn’t always say what’s really in his heart.
General. 2.4k words. (Complete)
[Canon Compliant, Episode: s12e09 First Blood, Coda, POV Castiel. Mutual Pining, Love Confessions]
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