#wattpad writing
Images of last night kept replaying in my head, a movie stuck on repeat. Long bruises lashed the tops of my thighs, peeking out from under the hem of my shirt. I traced a finger along the mottled skin, pressing down until I felt an ache, and a spike of excitement shot through my gut like a jolt of electricity.
“Fuck,” I murmured and hastily put my shoes on.
Sex has been good before, but never that good. He knew every part of me. He’d moved in ways no man or woman ever had. His tentacles had flexed inside me, stretching and pressing against my inner walls, striking me from the inside. In the moment, I’d been delirious with pleasure, lost in the sensation of him fucking me.
I could still feel him, even now. A fullness that I’d never experienced before and could easily find myself growing addicted to.
Leuce help me, I wanted more.
Leon stirred but didn’t wake. I sat in the grass, the blades tickling the backs of my thighs, and watched him, trying to connect the face in front of me with the one from last night.
Light spilled over him, casting a golden halo across his sun kissed body, highlighting the swells of his biceps that peeked out from the blanket, and the hard definition of his chest.
Was Leon’s cock still monstrously large or did it change when he was in human form? I didn’t even take all of him last night. I’d only managed to take a little over a half, and I didn’t know if taking his full length was even humanly possible.
No man was that large.
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imthestardust · 6 months
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pyrka-oficjalnie · 8 months
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Ze scenami erotycznymi i erolami overall jest ten problem, że są ABSOLUTNIE  T U R B O  dosłowne. Scena erotyczna może być ostra, może być w wersji vanilla, może obejmować zabawki erotyczne, et cetera, et cetera, ale, trust me, dosłowność, dialogi, jęki zapisane w dialogach i to pitolone nazewnictwo psują WSZYSTKO.
W dirty talk też trzeba umieć, w opisywanie uczuć trzeba umieć i lepiej nie ćwiczyć tego na scenach erotycznych.
I najbardziej rozpierdalająca mnie kwestia XD Ludzie, kurwa, piszecie o fiutach, pizdach, kutasach, a tak trudno jest wam napisać dupa? Tylko musicie pisać pupcia?
Wszędzie bluzgi, fiuty i pizdy, i nagle
„Uderzył moją pupcię”. XkurwaD
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kbaestar · 9 months
♥︎ This is to a complete book that I started when I was very young, so the first 10 chapters kind of suck: Boys ~(mlm)~
♥︎ Book description:
Luca is the purest and most innocent man at Draumain Men's Only College.
He has a group of six friends who do their absolute best to maintain his innocence, however, that task is much harder than it seems. New men show up randomly, seemingly never leaving Luca alone, all wanting to be the ones to corrupt his purity.
Will Luca be able to leave college with his innocence intact or will he become corrupted and turn into the needy, attention-seeking whore everyone wants him to be?
Read to find out!
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ollie-alooffloof · 11 months
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Cast pic! Cast pic!
These are my OCs from my grim-dark action-comedy novella, Doctored Chance: The Unpleasant Preceding of “Pajama Boy” and What Drove Him to Murder. The title is what happens but is it metaphor? Is it literal? Is it completely misleading or exactly how it ends?? You don’t know. :)) It’s written in the style of A Series of Unfortunate Events and I’m still pretty chuffed with how it reads. Peep Mick Chadwick (my “Lemony Snicket”) incognito in the trench coat. Main cast but at the same time elusive.
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Book 2 is done!
read my second book (can be read as a standalone as well) called "Different Sides of the Racetrack" on Wattpad now! ❤️
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✿Ez a könyv egy nő és egy férfi csodálatosan meglepő és reménytelenül romantikus találkozását mutatja be. Ami még csodálatosabb, hogy főszereplőink az 1960-es években találtak egymásra. Egy kisebb város könyvtárában, egy véletlenszerű..vagy talán nem is annyira az.. levelezésbe kezdtek egymással.
A könyvet levél formában írtam meg, mintha csak a messenger beszélgetést pörgetné az ember,csak sokkal személyesebb és romantikusabb.
Azt gondolnánk, hogy ez is csak egy egyszerű szerelmi szövődmény, ami teljesen klisé… persze addig gondoljuk így, amíg el nem olvassuk.
✿Jó szórakozást, és kellemes olvasást kívánok!
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besties help i am writing my gay furry supernatural fic on wattpad
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back on my writing bs, go follow my Wattpad :)
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“You know,” I murmured, watching her run a finger along the spines of the books as she hunted for the right one. She turned down different aisles, until we were tucked in an alcove made of shelves. “I have a library in Orios.”
Astraea paused in her search and spun around, an almost childish excitement filling her eyes. “Really?”
“Much larger than this.” I stepped closer, until her back bumped against the bookcase. She craned neck to look at me, a flush sweeping across her cheeks. I braced my arm against one of the shelves, leaning over her, and said, “It’s yours when you return to Orios.”
“Are you bribing me with books?”
I leaned closer, until her breath danced over my cheek, and grinned wolfishly. “I’m merely offering you what is already yours. Orios is your kingdom to rule.”
I don’t know what possessed me. Seeing her elated, her cheeks stained pink, drove the beast inside me to awaken. I was a wolf with wounded prey in front him.
I couldn’t resist her.
The urge to devour her.
To consume and savor.
I wanted her.
Here and now, and I didn’t care who saw or heard. 
Astraea’s pupils dilated. Did she sense my thoughts? Could she feel the growing hunger rising in the pit of my stomach?
She searched my face, her breath hitched. Wordlessly, Astraea curled her hand in the front of my black tank top and closed the distance between us, her mouth crashing into mine. I grabbed the shelf near her waist with my other hand to keep my balance. She tasted sweet, like coffee and cream, the hint of strawberries from her salad sweetening her tongue.
I wanted to taste more.
To savor every inch of her.
To worship at her feet.
To find absolution in her touch.
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imthestardust · 6 months
Languages: Spanish (main), English
Love interest: Daryl Dixon
Timeline: Midseason 6 from the TV show "The Walking Dead"
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pyrka-oficjalnie · 1 year
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Wiecie. Ja generalnie, jak piszę, to idę na żywioł. Co będzie, to będzie. Planerem nigdy nie byłam i ściśle planerem nie będę, ale w momencie, gdy okazało się, że plan wydarzeń do Okrutnych Świętych ma ponad sto punktów, do tego każdy musi się łączyć z każdym i ledwie udało mi się mapkę myśli zmieścić na arkuszu A1, to przekonałam się, że pisanie planu wydarzeń jest cholernie potrzebne.
Dodatkowy pro tip na pisanie planu: zastanówcie się, co jest najważniejsze w waszej historii. I, imo, jeśli nie jest to wyjątkowo skomplikowana historia, w której najmniejsze elementy muszą się zgadzać, to możecie sobie odpuścić. ALE haczyk jest taki, że jeżeli sobie odpuścicie, to macie potem problem dalej. Przy pisaniu streszczenia powieści, opisu i tak dalej.
Coś za coś. Albo ułatwienie sobie roboty później kosztem czasu poświęconego na przygotowania, albo nietracenie czasu na przygotowanie planu wydarzeń kosztem problemów ze streszczaniem fabuły.
A przypominam, że streszczenie z reguły nie powinno zajmować więcej jak jedną, MAX dwie strony, jeśli książka jest dłuższa i jest napakowana ważnymi wydarzeniami.
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crazy-funny-wattpad · 2 years
this thing.
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kbaestar · 9 months
♥︎ This is a story called The $lutty Chef ~(wlw)~
♥︎ Summary of the book made by @Dame_Darkness:
"So this woman is a chef in a restaurant who gets f^ck3d every day by random strangers. She has big b00bs and thicc a$$. She works in a women owned restaurant, and the owner is also a s3xy woman with big b00bs and thicc a$$.The owner makes her wear a sheer apron and nothing under it. Even though the chef is kinda skeptical about her "outfit" initially, she starts loving the attention soon. She is a shameless s1ut but acts innocent. Like, bending down to show her assets, purposefully but acting like nothing happened. The female customers who get a glimpse of her assets, feel the urge to f^ck the living lights out of her there and then, and that's what they do. They don't care if someone is watching them, instead their l^st gets stronger for her(chef).The owner of the restaurant is a selfish woman, who uses the chef for her restaurant and a lot of times for her personal needs.The chef enjoys when she's getting f^ck3d but acts like she doesn't want it (even though she does want it).Also, she's safe nowhere. She's gr0p3d and touched openly in public. Women even tear her clothes down so she has walk around naked, getting in more trouble."
♥︎ @Dame_Darkness off of Wattpad is also the one who commissioned that I make this book. So, if anyone else has any commissions, I'd be happy to take them ♡♡♡
♥︎ However, this book has been taken down by Wattpad so, I had to move it to AO3. I hope you enjoy! <3
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ollie-alooffloof · 1 year
Former superhero and geneticist; now with a criminal record
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This is my OC, Dr. Tobias MacClain. He is a superhero and geneticist who falls hard into a horrible series of unfortunate events which ultimately lead to acts of villainy, desperation and, indeed, murder. “Doctored Chance: The Unpleasant Preceding of “Pajama Boy” and What Drove Him to Murder” is a grim-dark action-comedy told through the lens of Lemony Snicket-esque on the lam reporter, Mick Chadwick.
Enjoy superheroes? Antiheroes? Questioning morality and humanity in the same breath?
The stylized prose will make you ponderously look up at the ceiling and question why on EARTH you picked up the book in the first place, or your money back! (It’s free, I lose nothing here)
Yes, FREE to read for hungry literary fiends, Doctored Chance is in its cleanest form on Royal Road and its mostly clean form on Wattpad. Come, see how Tobias falls from hero to villain in only a brief matter of words on pages. I would love to hear thoughts 💜🔥
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
I have started a new project over on my Wattpad ( Kara93 ) and I would love it if everyone could check it out and share my work so it gets more out there 😌 it’s a formula 1 ask fic with characters based on the ones actually driving in F1 😌
The fic is called “Dancing on the Racetracks”
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