#wax bottles
citricjoy · 4 months
bensons favorite candies are those nasty wax bottles you get from the gas station that gum up your mouth and stain your tongue; he likes working on his accuracy by spitting the wads of chewed wax at street signs. randy doesn’t have a favorite candy because he’s a masochist who denies himself all extraneous comforts in a misguided attempt at self-flagellation. however, if asked, he would say junior mints
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starstruckstufful · 3 months
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dark colors stimboard! 30 days of agere moodboards
day 22! there are so little dark agere stims 😓
⭐ blue, purple, & gray stimboard 🔮 requests open ✔
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acheemient · 8 months
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You guys will never guess what I'm making with Legos!
Well, okay. You might guess.
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its-stimsca · 8 months
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by forbidden_forest_apoth on tiktok
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redcomet-stims · 2 months
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🧊🌺🌀 Leftover stims in pink and blue :3
Goodbye, having good ideas. Whenever I can't come up with anything, I just compile slightly-correlated gifs from my likes.
No, actually, I DO have ideas, but I don't know if they would be good. And I unfortunately got an at least OKAY idea while searching my likes for these gifs. I'll make it tomorrow if I don't get any requests, I'm a bit tired. Hey, at least I got to utilise all these pretty gifs that would have otherwise stayed in the depths of my liked posts :3c
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dreveel · 6 months
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Goth Stim Extras;
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pondslime · 2 years
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pumpkin guts
rating: teen and up
word count: 1.8k
sinclair’s x reader (all of them!! to varying degrees!! bo’s the only established coupling, but u can read anything u want into everything else!! go wild!!)
Pumpkin carving with the Sinclair’s. Fucked-up fluff. 
tag list/cw’s: female reader, second person, domestic fluff, but it's tinged with a lil bit of creepiness bc of COURSE it IS, so warning for: stockholm syndrome and a little bit of: canon-typical violence, but don't worry it's still tooth-rotting fluff, you're literally carving pumpkins w/actual murderers!! you have reached the point of no return, good 4 u bestie, soft!sinclair's are still the worst sinclairs and I am giving them all a smooch
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do u wanna carve pumpkins with a bunch of hillbilly losers?? click here
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crepuscularqueens · 1 year
step 1: get a really big jar
step 2: put WEIRD STUFF into THE JAR
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darcyolsson · 1 year
i love parties and dinners with my friend group that last too long for any of us to be able to get home (either because of the train schedule or the wine) but i'll be so honest my favourite part of those nights is actually the morning after when we're all having (a far too elaborate) breakfast together. it's something about experiencing that kind of domesticity with these people i love so much + the choice to stay after the party's done and the glitter and makeup is gone and you're all slightly hungover and a little gross and still choosing that that moment's worth spending together too..... wish i could live in that feeling forever
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
You ever run on the edge of exhaustion for days and are more than a little convinced you’ll never write again when a scene hits you so hard you have to write it out right that moment or explode?
Anyway, Leaf House Cloud snippet anyone?
“Where did you get that?” Tseng asked when Cloud produced a bottle from seemingly nowhere once they had found an empty stretch of roof to sit, the night still too young to retire but neither of them wanting to deal with the press of the crowds below.
(A professional hazard, the paranoia. Still the view of Midgar at night was hardly the worst in the world.)
One day Cloud would stop surprising him, but tonight, with a stolen bottle of wine in his hands and a darkly amused smile on his lips, would not be that night. It was fortunate that mischief was such a good look on him. More fortunate still that Tseng was no shining beacon of morality himself.
“The table next to ours had… opinions on the nature of our relationship and on what, exactly, a ‘slum rat’ like me is useful for to a man like you.” While his time in Midgar had gentled the Nibel drawl to Cloud’s words to anyone who didn’t know to listen for it, there was no mistaking the underplate accent. One intentionally learned.
(“The kids are more comfortable with someone that sounds like them,” Cloud had explained once, nodding to where a little girl was hanging off of Reno’s arm while she chattered at him. “It feels like home.”)
The smile Cloud sent him was all Nibel, however. Wild and full of far too many teeth to be polite. A wolf in the skin of a man. All too bright eyes and deceptive strength hidden in his slight form.
Tseng had never seen someone more beautiful.
“Figured if they were going to treat me like a rat, I might as well get something out of it. Payment for being their dinner entertainment.” The ice in those softly glowing blue eyes said enough about exactly the kind of conversation their fellow restaurant goers had been having.
(Perhaps it was fortunate that they had only spoken loud enough for Cloud’s enhanced senses to catch. Tseng was not nearly so forgiving.)
“Some might think that proving them wrong is the greater revenge.”
Cloud turned to him, pointing the top of the bottle at him in accusation. “Are you going honorable on me, Turk?”
Tseng wondered if Cloud saw the irony of the most honorable man Tseng knew, albeit in his own way, throwing the word at him like a curse. Still, it wasn’t worth ruining their night by pointing it out.
“With a vintage that fine as your prize? Hardly. Though it is a crime to drink it straight from the bottle.”
Cloud’s laugh was little more of a huff of air as he pulled out a knife, Reno’s old knife by the looks of it, cruelly serrated and certainly overkill for the poor cork, and carefully worked it in at an angle. When the cork popped free Cloud looked back up at him with that wild smile. “I can drink it all myself, if you want.”
Tseng took the bottle and tipped his head back for a long drink. As fine as the wine was, Cloud’s laughter was far more intoxicating.
Midgar didn’t have parks. Was far too well lit to see the stars. But seeing Cloud with his jacket open and legs dangling over the side of the roof, Tseng wondered if this was the feeling romantics chased with grand gestures and over the top spectacles. There would be no epic poem for their story, no record of their love forever immortalized in words to be repeated night after night in an opulent theater full of the exact type of person Cliud would steal from as compensation. There was only this moment. Only the two of them suspended above the city with Mako smoke burning their lungs and alcohol burning in their veins.
It was enough for him. Enough for Cloud too it seemed, when the man leaned into Tseng’s side as he regaled him with a tale of one of the many times he had send the Don’s thugs running from his little safe haven in the slums.
No epic tales, no eternal love story. Only Cloud and Tseng and and the blood that stained both of their hands.
It was far better than LOVELESS any day.
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okkalo · 8 months
do u ever wonder if there my be a cockroach in your ear rn☺️
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faillen · 6 months
realized moments ago that i'm almost out of my fragrance of choice (the pran fragrance!) and truly like. idk, adulthood is a series of letting yourself use up the things that make you feel good, huh?
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bio-stims · 7 months
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minori hanasato stimboard! ☘️🌼
credits: x x x | x x | x x x
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Wrong #665
Opened and drank the entire contents of a 200 dollar bottle of balsamic vinegar
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misasmagick · 1 year
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I’m on Etsy now! Check out my shop here~
I make candles, handmade with vegan soy wax and intentions! Every candle has a surprise crystal at the bottom, so you have something to keep once you’ve burned up your candle.
So far I’ve made candles with intentions of: self-love, happiness/depression relief, relaxation/stress and anxiety relief, sleep, motivation/concentration (perfect for students!), protection/safety, romantic love, and platonic love/friendship! More intentions to come~ My cheapest candle is just $3.33!
I will start making pride flag candles soon! I also make DIY spell jar kits-- I only have self-love available right now, but more to come soon!
I will also sell perfumes and potions, sleep sachets, and possibly crystal grab bags! I may also sell kawaii sticker, stationary and accessory grab bags. Follow me on Etsy to stay tuned!
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paranoidgemsbok · 1 year
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