#we couldn’t get it to start last night because the wind kept blowing all the smoke right back down the chimney and smothering it
threnodians · 2 years
fingers crossed that the wind calms tf down so we don’t have to deal with another outage, especially considering the temperature is going to be down in the low teens with the wind chill at like -10℉ 🥲👍🏻
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zoesmp4 · 5 months
PHOTOGRAPH “we keep this love in a photograph.” carl grimes x fem!reader
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tags: angst, death, use of y/n, 8x9, some fluff
a/n: first angst, i was bawling my eyes out while writing this 😓. based off photograph by ed sheeran, lyrics r in italics. i hope ygs enjoy!!
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loving can hurt sometimes. you never really understood how much until now.
“we should do something.” carl says, fiddling with your promise ring which he got you. he saw it while on a run and thought it was pretty, “pretty items for a pretty girl.” he thought. you were sitting criss cross applesauce in front of him, him doing the same. both of his hands were interlinked with yours, giving light squeezes. “and what’s that?” you ask. “we should take a photo. you know for the future.” “for the future?” “like to show our kids.” you wanted to kiss him until you couldn’t breathe. did he really just say that? did he mean it? this boy would be the death of you. 
“wait okay so- i just do a random pose?” you say, looking at the camera carl held in his hand. “up to you baby.” he never failed to make you feel special. you were so in love, and you knew he was too. “m’ ready!” “sweet.” he angles the camera to fit you both into the frame before you press your lips onto his cheek. his lips curve up into a smile before you hear the click sound from the camera. 
carl held the photo of you both in his hand, examining every part of it. mostly examining you. the way your hair fell perfectly upon your face, the way your lips looked perfect on his skin. god, he just knew he was going to make you his wife one day. you giggled at the light kiss stain you left on his cheek. 
you held the necklace you got when you were fifteen, heavy tears flowing down your face at a rapid pace.
“carl.. you didn’t.” you say, looking at the beautiful silver heart locket in the small black box carl handed to you. “you like it?” he says, grinning from ear to ear. “i love it. i- you didn’t have to.” you say, your eyes getting mistier by the second. “don’t cry pretty girl.” he says, putting his hand on your cheek. “i love you so much carl.” “i love you more.” 
holding him closer til’ our eyes meet. did it have to end like this?
“carl you can’t leave me like this. i wo- i won’t allow it. this isn’t fucking fair.” you say, hitting carl’s chest softly. you were so angry, and sad, you didn’t know how to feel. “y/n you’ll be fine. i know you will. you’re a strong girl. it’ll b-“ 
“what about- what about the plans we made? who am i supposed to talk to late at night when i have nightmares? w-who am i supposed to cry about stupid things to? carl i can’t do this without you.” you started to choke on your words, the realization hitting deeper and deeper that you would never get to see, to talk to, to hold, to kiss, to love carl grimes ever again. 
carl pulls you into his chest for one last hug. you embraced him tightly, trying to make the best of it while it lasted. he then cupped your face and pressed his forehead onto yours. “my girl, my y/n, i love you.” 
you kept his last words deep within your soul. your hands quivered as you slowly opened the piece of paper which carl left for you. your heart stopped when you saw his handwriting. all of his words written on the paper. you wished it could’ve lasted longer. you wished you had more time with him. 
“my dearest y/n. i remember when we first met. you looked so scared. you were always quiet, always alone. i felt so bad for you. i would always admire from afar, watching the wind blow through your hair. you were so pretty. i don’t know how i ended up having you as my girlfriend, but it’s the best thing i could’ve ever experienced. 
i know you’re sad. i know you’re angry. i’m frustrated too. i meant it when i said i wanted to show the photos to our kids. i meant it every single time i said i love you. because i am truly in love with you. every part of you. and nothing will ever change that. in another lifetime we will reunite once again. i will always be with you. don’t ever be scared. we keep this love in a photograph. we made all of these memories for ourselves.
so you can keep me, hidden in the pocket of your ripped jeans. you won’t ever be alone. wait for me to come home.” 
you look at the photo which fell to the floor while you were reading the letter. quiet laughs mixed with sobs come out of your mouth when you remember that day. forever you will have this memory. captured in a photograph. 
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cressidagrey · 3 months
The Starlight Princess - Chapter 2
There is a Pool of Starlight in the Spring Court. A piece of the Night Court that has no business being in the land of Eternal Spring. So how did it come to be?
Or: How the Spymaster of the Night Court starts hearing a voice, realises that no, he is not insane after all, frees a princess, kills a High Lord…and finds his mate all at the same time.
Discussion of the Death of Rhys’ Mother and Sister, Discussion of pre-mediated death, Tamlin bashing
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He came awake with a start. And then the memories of last night assaulted him. 
It was crystal clear in his mind, once again. 
This couldn’t be. This couldn’t be… It must have been a dream, right? 
And if not a dream, an alcohol-induced hallucination. Or maybe he had gone completely insane and had started to hear voices. Well, more voices than usual. He was not going to count his shadows. 
That would just be…
Master has not gone insane, the shadows told him drily. 
*Thanks for calling me an alcohol-induced hallucination.* Seren’s voice was dripping with disdain. 
His head hit back onto the pillow as he stared unseeingly at the ceiling. 
Azriel swallowed. This couldn’t…
*You are still there,* he realised weakly. He could hear her laughter in his mind…wafting over him like summer rain. 
*Not for long. Tamlin will be waking up soon. When he’s asleep, his grip on the wards is loosened. Makes it much easier for me to…make contact so to speak,* she explained, softly. Regret tinged her voice. 
If it was truly her…if it was…
It made him furious. The thought of Seren’s abilities being reduced to this, made him furious. It was…
*You aren’t real,* he tried. He tried to make his voice sound certain. 
He tried to push against her, but he had never been good at getting Seren to back off. Mostly, because every fibre of his very being wanted to give in to her. Give in to her siren’s song and do everything in his power to earn that beautiful smile on her face…Give in and make her laugh and give her whatever she needed. 
He wanted to give in. He needed to give in. 
*You taught me how to wield twin blades.* It was so out of left field that he could just swallow. But it was the truth. And it was something nobody knew. Nobody but them. *You had a pair of them made for me for my 17th birthday. They were inlaid with amethysts at the hilt. And you had them engraved, Azriel.*
He did. He did have them engraved.  They had been her gift. From him. 
Something he had given her, and spared no expense for…something that he had wanted her to have…something that…
*We trained every morning you were there…before my parents woke. So they didn’t know. We kept it a secret.* She continued. It was the truth as well. Every day, before the House of Wind had become awake…the shadows were on the lookout, ready to cloak them in darkness if anybody caught as much as a whiff of them…if anybody had ever found out, there would have been…there would have been hells to pay. Azriel didn’t doubt for one moment that her father wouldn’t have killed him. 
*You let me hold Truthteller when I was 15. Because I was upset that my father said that all I would ever amount to would be to be a proper wife, even if that was the last thing he did.* Her voice choked. 
The first time he had ever let that blade out of his hand. He had given it to Elain centuries later…but Seren had been the first one that had held it other than him. Seren had been…
He had offered it to her and she had taken it, slim fingers wrapping around the hilt. 
And she had wanted to learn how to use it, and he had taught her. 
Dagger lessons had turned into twin blades and into whatever else he could think of. 
It had been…
*We fought before I…before it happened,* she whispered the last sentence, the last blow…it could have decapitated him and it would have hurt him less. 
Azriel would always, always regret that last conversation. 
Always regret that for once he had stood up to her…that he hadn’t gone along with her hare-brained plan. The plan of a 17-year-old who had wanted to escape the arranged marriage her father had wanted to put her in…just like Morrigan had wanted close to two centuries before that. Just that Morrigan had seduced Cassian but had absolutely no plans to marry him. Seren…Seren had very different plans. Plans that had involved Azriel. 
And he had been too much of a fool to follow through with it. Even when he had wanted to. Gods, had he wanted to. 
*I am so sorry,* he choked out. 
*Don’t,* she cut him off. *I should have known…that…you wouldn’t have gone along with it. You were always…dutiful.*
And what had that resulted in? 
*You are more important than any duty to this court,* he whispered. More important than anything. 
*We were in a precarious situation. You were right. My father would have hunted us to the ends of the earth. Especially because I was underage. And he would have been well within his rights to kill you.* 
He would have. That had been the one thing stopping Azriel. 
Not the fear for himself…he would have gladly died if that meant that it bought Seren her freedom. But the fear of what her father would have done to her, if he had ever caught up to them…caught up to them running as far away as they could. 
What he would have done, if Azriel wasn’t there any longer to protect her. He should have just killed the then-High Lord. It would have been…better for everybody involved. 
*Rhys would have never forgiven you,* Seren quipped, having caught that throwaway thought. 
*But you would have?* he shot back. He couldn’t deal with her anger. Not at him. And him killing her father…
*I hated him for what he did to you. To my mother. To my brother. So no. Maybe I should have killed him. He had shoddy mental barriers. I could have just squashed his mind. Then we wouldn’t even have been in that mess in the first place,” Seren seethed. 
Her anger just fired her on his own, before suddenly it receded as suddenly as it had come. *I am sorry,* she apologised softly. *I wish we could have had more time.*
More time. Who didn’t want more time? 
He wanted it. 
Every fucking day, he wished he could turn back time.  *I wish that too.* 
*Tamlin is…* her voice grew weaker and he already knew that Tamlin must be waking up. 
*Go. Don’t hurt yourself for me.* he said immediately, his own head throbbing. 
She left. 
And Azriel…Azriel forced himself up. Forced himself to down the hangover cure he had kept stashed away…forced himself to drink two glasses of water. 
No more voices. 
His hallucinations seemed to be only her. Only Seren. Only Seren with her knowledge of things that only the two of them would have known. 
So maybe it wasn’t hallucinations after all. 
Maybe it was…Go to the spring court. Find me that Pool of Starlight, he demanded of the shadows. If it was true…if it was…
He didn’t allow himself to hope. 
Master? the shadows questioned, surprised at his forceful order. 
Find me that Pool of Starlight. If it’s true, we’ll…we’ll get the Princess back. 
The Princess?!
The Princess, he agreed. The shadows danced in response, utterly delighted by that promise. 
And he was too. 
If he could do something, anything to get Seren back… he would. He didn’t care about anything else. He didn’t. She mattered. She was the only thing that mattered. 
If he could get her back…
Research. He needed research. 
He needed…
He didn’t even bother with flying, instead, he was at the House of Wind as soon as he had choked down something that passed for breakfast, letting the shadows take him above it and plummeted to the ground, only to take off as quickly as he allowed himself to. 
Clotho was at her usual desk. If she was surprised by his sudden appearance, she didn’t let it show. 
Shadowsinger, her enchanted pen wrote on her pad of paper. 
“I…need to use the library. Please,” he brought out weakly. It was just a step above begging but he didn’t care. He would beg. He would plead. He would steal and lie and murder and he didn’t care. If it meant that…He would slaughter his way through Prythian if he knew that he would get her back safely. 
For the High Lord? 
“No, for me. Please. I need to…I need to know if I…I need to know if I can…If I can save somebody.”
The library is at your disposal, shadowsinger, Clotho wrote and he gave her something that may passed as a grim smile. 
So he entered the library, found himself the sections with curses and then started pulling any kind of book that may looked like it could be helpful. 
70 feet from the Manor is a Pool of Starlight, Master. 
His knees weakened. 
Maybe he wasn’t insane after all. 
Thank you.
We’ll save Princess?
Even if it’s the last thing we’ll do.
Problem only was…that he didn’t have as much as a clue with what to start. 
He pulled everything he could find about Spring’s shapeshifting abilities, needing to know how it worked to shift something organic and sentient into something very much not alive and still sentient. 
The nearest comparison that he could think of was Jurian, who had been trapped in that ring, but even that didn’t seem to quite fit. Especially because it hadn’t been Spring Court magic that had transformed her and that would work different than whatever spell that had been used on Jurian. 
And if it was Spring Magic, then how was he supposed to break it? 
He got the usual heaping of Killing Power every Illyrian had, and his shadowsinger abilities meant that he had…a few things that definitely weren’t usual, but none of it made him a particularly powerful spell-breaker. 
The best idea he had gotten had been to seduce Helion to do him a favour. Though Azriel highly doubted that the High Lord of Day would be very amused if Azriel showed up on his doorstep rambling like an insane person about Pools of Starlight, Princesses and Shapeshifting. If he needed to do that though, he was not above begging. Not even from Helion or from whoever else seemed like they at least had some kind clue how to…
The one thing every single book agreed on though, was Seren should have spent the last 300 years going insane, and not seem as mostly…alright as she had been during their quick conversations. 
She had seemed very much sentient and very much not insane. 
Well, not more insane than she ever had been. 
Halfway through the afternoon, he did need to take a break from his research, compile notes about missions and new intel into tidily written reports and fly over to the River House to hand them off to Rhysand and Cassian who was still nursing a hangover. 
At least somebody enjoyed the festivities. 
Rhys mustered him, violet eyes tight with worry, but Azriel ignored that. He had more important things to worry about. 
*Does he still spend 30 minutes doing his hair and pretend that he doesn’t?* Seren asked him, fond amusement colouring her voice as she slid into his mind and he opened up to her, letting her see what he saw. 
Her emotions bled over to him, her love for her brother, her longing…sweet and soft. 
*Is Tamlin taking a nap?* Azriel asked her, wondering why she was able to do this in the middle of the day. 
*No, hunting a poor deer. It’s easier the more…animalistic he goes.* Seren answered quietly. She was content just to watch as Cassian and Rhys discussed some plans for the next few weeks…
And then he could feel Seren’s startle of surprise, as he heard the high giggling and scampering of feet as 18-month-old Nyx came toddling into his father’s office, demanding Rhys’ attention. 
*Who’s… that?* Seren asked, even her mental voice sounding hoarse, as he watched Rhys scoop up his wayward son. 
*Nyx. Your nephew,* Azriel responded softly. *Your brother found his mate a few years ago. Her name is Feyre.*
She was quiet for a long few minutes, as they both watched Rhys settle Nyx on his lap, the toddler ready to destroy his father’s careful organisation with a few swipes of his pudgy little arms. 
*Please tell me she runs roughshod all over him. He deserves that,* Seren finally whispered. 
*She does.* 
She disappeared again, as he went back to the Library, continuing his research…and then showed up again once he was safely back at his house, when the night sky had long since darkened…Tamlin probably safely asleep. 
Azriel had half a mind to kill him. 
So when Seren slid back into his mind, and he could feel her careful touch…like she didn’t want to take up too much room, like she didn’t want to hurt him…
*Tell me what happened that day,* he asked. 
He could feel her terror at these words. 
And then, wordlessly…she pushed snapshots at him. 
He was right there in her memories…in her terror…the coldness biting against her wings as she soared through Illyria…the rain of arrows that suddenly hit her…the wordless scream as she plummeted to the ground…
she had been unconscious by the time she had hit the ground. 
She hadn’t…she had heard her mother’s wordless screams but she hadn’t seen what happened…by the time she was completely awake again, Seren had already been brought to Spring…already been clad in cuffs made out of a blue stone…
As long as my blood walks this earth, you shall be bound to Spring. 
That had been the words of Tamlin’s father, the then High Lord of Spring…and then there had just been excruciating pain as he and his sons forced their magic upon Seren. 
She pulled away from him, leaving him with her memories and he turned over the words, again and again echoing into his mind. 
As long as my blood walks this earth…as long as…
*It’s blood-based,* he realised. *That’s…That’s…That’s dark magic.*
Magic most faes would flinch away from…Magic that… *Magic is not inherently dark or light. The wards on Velaris are just as blood-based,* Seren disagreed, the scholar of her coming out. Spellcrafting had been a hobby for her of sorts, and Azriel had often found her in the library of the House of Wind, annoying the scholars who had then worked there. But even they had been unable to turn down the Princess of Starlight. 
*The purpose is what matters,* he repeated the words she had told him that often. 
*Yes,* she agreed. *The purpose.*
Azriel knew the purpose of this. And it was dark and he didn’t fucking care what anybody else had to say. 
*Well, at least we know how to break it,* he said darkly. *I’ll kill Tamlin.* 
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sukacheri · 10 months
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ARIMA Chapter 1 [AO3 or Keep Reading below]
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October, First Year
Hinata walked with purpose. The mid-October breeze that blew through his flimsy off-brand windbreaker blanketed his body in a distinct chill one could only feel once the sun set. Zipping up his jacket wouldn’t dissuade the cold, it only looked like a windbreaker after all, so Hinata let the flaps fly about in the wind like dual kites.
On his path the trees fought against the wind, shedding multi-colored leaves in the process. They danced around until settling onto the sidewalk, Hinata stepping on them with a satisfying crunch. He chose his steps carefully, picking out what he thought would be the most delicate and crispy leaves. 
He indulged for a few more feet, then continued at his original pace. Not running, but his frazzled hair blowing around him indicated a rush.
After a few minutes of speed walking, Yumenosaki was visible, just a few more blocks away. He couldn’t be certain of the time, but he assumed he would be rolling in right on the dot based on the clock he was keeping in his head. He was not feeling up for digging his phone out to check the exact minute, surely his instincts were tried and true enough to be correct.
He would have to trust them, because he really didn’t want to risk seeing any new messages on his phone.
Guilt squirmed around his gut at the mere thought of what exactly he was avoiding, but the alternative was something he couldn’t bear even more. It was like asking someone if they’d rather walk through coals or jump into a volcano. Both sucked, but equally? Not even close. And there was no contest to which one you’d pick when there’s no secret third option of ‘and they lived happily ever after’. 
Hinata derailed that train of thought from his brain, letting his main objective for the night take the wheel. He walked through the school campus, approaching the main auditorium, not a person around in sight. 
He was either arriving just in time as intended, or he was horrifically late. 
The door handle was icy against his palm as he pulled it open, reminding him that he should start bringing gloves if he kept planning to go out so late. Toes and fingers were the first to go, so you better take care of them.
As he entered he was thankfully greeted with muffled cheering of an audience from the concert hall. Hinata skipped past those doors, going instead for the side door leading to the hallway that would take him backstage. Now with a pathway around the crowd that would ensue like a flood as people left, Hinata walked at a more leisurely pace. He and the others would have to wait for the whole crowd to be gone before they could begin anyways.
“Oh, Hinata-kun! There you are,” Hajime said as Hinata entered the backstage area. 
Hinata smiled, ignoring the tinge of exhaustion in his cheeks. “Hey, Hajime-kun. Got everything ready? We should time ourselves and see how quickly we can get this done!”
“I think I’d only slow you down.” Hajime returned his smile cheerily. How was it that someone who surely worked twice as hard as Hinata could still keep his smiles so genuine? “We’re on sweeping duty, but don’t worry, I made sure to get us the working brooms. I may have hid them from last time.”
“I could really make a prankster out of you,” Hinata said. “If only you’d let me turn you to the dark side.”
“Kunugi-sensei is a bit too scary when he’s yelling at you, so I think I’ll have to pass on your lessons.”
Hinata shrugged. “Suit yourself. Now, pass me one of those brooms.”
Hajime handed one over, and Hinata knew he received the lesser one. It didn’t matter to Hinata, a broom’s a broom, but kind, sweet Hajime, selfless in all other acts, was particular about his cleaning supplies. 
“Hinata-kun, is it cold outside?” Hajime asked. “I haven’t been out since the live started and the sun went down.” He paused, eyes not leaving Hinata’s. “And your cheeks look a little red.”
Kind, sweet Hajime was interrogating him it seemed. He’d known the guy long enough now to see when his questions were less about what he was asking, and more about what he was implying. Even if Hinata didn’t know that, Hajime looked at him with concern, as if Hinata had trucked through miles of snow to get here and not the slight October breeze.
“Nah, it’s not cold! I was just running a bit to get here since I didn’t want to be late. That first time I got here right on time and I still had to beat the crowd going in. It was a nightmare, like swimming against a huge current.” Hinata tilted the broom in his hands, making a show of examining it before swinging it in a slow, exaggerated motion. “Now, en garde, Hajime-kun! Let’s duel and decide who gets the task of sweeping the front row!”
Hajime jumped back, holding his broom in front of him. “Ah! I’ll take the front row, I don’t mind!”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to coerce you into it, though? We can rock paper scissors if you want.”
“No, it’s okay, Hinata-kun,” Hajime said. “Besides, I’m so slow it really doesn’t matter where I start.”
Hinata would’ve scolded him for his lack of confidence in cleaning, but it was painfully true. He wasn’t sure how his classmate managed to so consistently be the last one to finish cleaning.
Hinata also wasn’t sure when his antics had taken a turn towards dueling jokes rather than exaggerated cons or begging, or whatever else he used to do.
Well, it wasn’t that hard to suss out. The influence’s face entered Hinata’s mind with piercing violet eyes, sending his stomach churning again. Hinata bit on his tongue, drawing his mind back to his present goal. He peeked his head out from the curtain and was delighted to see the audience was all gone.
Time to clean.
His tired body protested as he started to sweep, but Hinata pushed through it easily. That was one of his greatest strengths: his constitution. In times like these, he thought of himself as taffy. Being pushed and pulled, stretched thin, but never once breaking. He would come out of this completely fine, and with some additional money.
Yeah, sure, that’s why I’m doing this, Hinata thought as he sweeped an assortment of trash to the end of the row to pick up later. My real talent is running away. Yuuta-kun’s always said that, and I always prove him right.
The whole point of this busy schedule was to keep his bones and mind too tired to bother thinking about other things, and yet it felt like the longer it went on the more Hinata came back to it with increasing dread. Stretching himself thin wasn’t unusual behavior, it was what kept Yuuta so prickly with him after all, but Hinata had never had it work so ineffectively for him before.
Was he losing his touch? Or maybe there was a more simple answer.
Tsukasa was too earnest in his texts, not understanding they were supposed to be for sending jokes, “lol”, and various emoticons. That was clearly the problem here. It was no fault of Hinata’s that he couldn’t manage to exhaust himself and send all his troublesome thoughts away with fatigue by picking up trash after a busy fine live, no, it wasn’t his fault at all.
Hinata swallowed as he threw the trash away, thinking he wasn’t much different than what others deemed as garbage. Some napkins here, plastic wrap there, a crushed water bottle. Well, maybe he was different from a water bottle. They could at least be recycled, turned into something better. 
Poor Tsukasa had put all his affectionate wants and needs onto Hinata, and what a terrible choice that was. Tsukasa should know better, and he should be treating Hinata like the dust on the floor. Something to sweep away, throw outside, and strive to be rid of.
In truth, Hinata knew he was exaggerating, but didn’t they always say heartbreak would feel like the end of the world? Not that he was even currently heartbroken. Nope, the two halves of his heart were perfectly molded together, for now at least. It’d be a different story if he kept ignoring his boyfriend’s texts, sitting unopened on his phone like the second Hinata touched them they’d poison him. At least, that’s what it felt like. Or more like a bomb. A very dedicated ticking time bomb that Hinata carried around with him in his back pocket.
Thinking too hard about it made his stomach start to spin like a washing machine on full rinse, and he didn’t want to bother Hajime by throwing up right now—he was sure the other boy would actually take him home with him to take care of like a stray cat. There was still so much of the auditorium to clean, but at least they wouldn’t have to worry about the stage except for a quick sweep of anything left behind.
 So, Hinata threw himself into cleaning, being more thorough than someone paid 500 million yen to clean a single concert hall. His arms ached as he sweeped in a frenzy, his legs protested as he got on his knees to collect trash under the chairs, and his head began to throb in protest at having skipped lunch and now presumably dinner too. 
It was fine, he could eat when he got home. A quick snack before going to bed. And maybe a glance at his phone if his heart was worn out enough to bear it.
10:15 AM
Do you want to try and meet up for lunch? It’s a bit chilly today so the roof may be open.
I’ll wait there, if you are available to join me.
11:40 AM
Yuuta-kun just mentioned that you’re working all day again today. You should at least eat lunch to keep your strength up.
12:18 PM
yea sorry!! no roof today. lunch another time!
12:19 PM
Of course.
I’m assuming you’ll be too busy to do anything after school, but if you’re not then I have a spare half an hour if you would like to have some tea.
5:23 PM
You’re likely at work now. Could you please text me when you’re off then? Or when you get home?
And if you are free tomorrow, I would really like to see you.
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Hey! I hope you’re well, can i request an imagine where reader is Embry’s imprint and they haven’t seen eachother in months because reader has a life she can’t just drop for him but she comes back when the pack is blowing up her phone ? Thank youu and don’t worry if you don’t write it, it’s fine!
Thank you for the request! It took a Long time But It's now complete with a total whopping 5k words!! Any way I hope you enjoy the fic.
I put it under the cut because it's so long but it's my brain baby at the moment lo.
Returning to you.
Embry Call x Reader
5058 words
Most of my life has been spent in the Forks area so getting to travel to Europe for six months to see the art and culture was a dream come true. The past four months I’ve been travelling through Europe, starting in Greece and ending my trip in the Irish countryside.
The old art and architecture filled me with a joy that I could not get anywhere else in the world. The smells, sounds and sights all played their own part into the experience. I got to see the moon rise over Mount Olympus, the David by Michelangelo in the Vatican, tour through the Louvre, drink wine on the beaches of France and so much more. I’ve been living my best life.
It's been a dream to see the world, I've met so many new people and tried so much food. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my trip, but there was a part of me that longed for the beaches of La Push.
That part is Embry. Embry Call. My boyfriend, my pal, my love and my light. To me Embry is my everything and to him I’m his everything. That is one thing that has been made perfectly clear the past four months I’ve been away. Every day he’s told me he misses me and I know he means it, I’ve been told not just by him but also the rest of the pack.
Everyday I’ve woken up to ‘Good morning I miss you.” Sometimes he phones to tell me that he feels like he might die if I’m away for any longer. I always chuckle and tell him he will survive, it’s not like I’m going away forever; but that's what he feels like it is. This usually earns me a long winded whine from the other end of the line.
My phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the bedside table while Embry’s face flashed across my screen signalling that he’s calling. A smile graces my lips as I pick up the phone to be greeted with his loving voice.
“Hi (y/n)!! I miss you so much.” sadness was laced in his usual cheery greeting, it hurt my heart to be away from him but I would never trade this experience for anything. I’ve been planning this for years and I wasn’t going to pass up cheap plane tickets.
He filled me in on the pack's shenanigans, complaining about how they keep teasing him for being glued to his phone awaiting any updates I would send him. The later it got the heavier my eyelids seemed to feel, my speech started to slur with exhaustion of time zones while Embry continued to become more energetic with each passing minute.
“Em. . .” A yawn interrupted me mid sentence, a low whine emanated from the phone as he knew I would want to get to bed to have the energy for the long trip I’ll embark on tomorrow for Ireland, which is my last stop. I’d be spending the remaining two months of my trip in the lush countryside.
“I think I should get to sleep, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I mumbled into the phone.
“But (y/n)!” he dragged out. I knew he wanted to talk longer but I physically cannot do it. Even though Embry and I don’t live together officially yet, we’d talk into the early morning till one of us fell asleep.
“But (y/n) what?” I dragged out the ‘a’ matching his whine.
“I miss you and want you to come home.” I could hear him pause over line before he continued.
“Besides, sleeping isn’t the same without you.”
I ran my hand through my hair gently tugging on the roots easing the tension that’s built up over my trip. As much fun as I’ve had, he does have a point. Sleeping just isn’t the same without Em. My nights have been spent restless in beds that aren’t mine without the comforting touch of my boyfriend; but that doesn’t mean I can just drop everything and go back home.
“Em you know I can’t just pack everything and go home. . .” I looked at the painting that hung over the tv that sat opposite of my bed. A puppy-like whimper fell from his lips when he spoke again, his voice cracked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart hearing him upset.
“I-I know I just really miss you.”
“I know Embry I miss you too, but it’s only two more months then I’ll be home.”
We chatted for ten more minutes before I fell asleep on the phone. As much as I missed falling asleep in his warm embrace I can’t just fly back home, not yet at least.
The blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The clock face read 6:02 a.m. taking everything within myself to peel back the blankets that encased me in their warm grip. I patted through the bed sheets to find my phone only to knock it onto the floor in the process.
My lock screen adorned a photo of Embry with icing smudged across his face from his birthday party but a swamp of text messages from the pack covered my favourite photo of him. Five texts from Leah, seven from Jake, nine texts from Paul, 12 texts and two missed calls from Sam and a whole group chat titled ‘(y/n) come home.’
The group chat kept pinging with the members of the pack who were still awake discussing the logistics of flying out to Ireland to take me back home. Was Embry really causing that much strife in the pack for them to create a group chat? Knowing him, it couldn’t be too far from the truth.
Leah and I call once a week to check in and make sure the other is doing okay since I left. It’s one of my favourite parts of the week being able to have a one on one with someone sensible. Every week she fills me in on Embry begrudgingly, she does it because she knows it makes me happy which I appreciate.
Reading through her texts she didn’t say much in regards to Em’s behaviour the only message relating to him was “come get your man child please, he’s getting snot on the floor.”
I listened through Sam’s voice mails which were begging me to come home, he informed me that once Em knew I was asleep he started moping around Emily’s house again for the fourth consecutive night in a row. This was news to me.
The texts entailed that Embry was becoming a pain on patrol and that Paul ‘couldn’t take another minute of the incessant whining.’ I told them the same thing I told Embry; I’m not dropping everything and rushing back home to sooth the wails of a love sick boy. There isn’t much I can do from across the ocean anyway.
I stretched my body and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before I had to leave for the airport.
I packed the few remaining things I left out to prepare for the flight and headed my way to the lobby to check out. I enjoyed travelling but I wasn’t going to miss sleeping in hotels and hostels.
Two weeks have passed since I touched down in Ireland and to say I’ve been having the time of my life is an understatement; I’ve been having a ball living my best life.
The land was capped in a luscious emerald green sea of grass that waved in the wind, the roads were lined with hand built stone walls that marked the division of farmers fields.
Sheep and cattle grazed in pastures, and old castles dotted the countryside. It was gorgeous. It was a view that I wanted to see again, a view I want to see with Embry.
It felt like time was flying by between sight seeing, trail hiking, museum tours and calls with Embry and Leah. It has already been a month. I had one more month before I was to jet set back to the U.S. and see my Embry.
One more month before I was back in La Push surrounded by the scent of sea water and trees with the looming threat of rain constantly overhead except in the summer. For two months of the year La Push was bright and sunny with the expected summer storms that happened.
I had fallen asleep on the phone with Embry again when I realized my phone was lost in the sea of sheets as it buzzed with an incoming phone call.
I couldn’t find it until the call had gone to voicemail and my phone landed on the ground when I gave up and ripped the blankets off of the bed but whoever called must have felt it was really important. Picking up my phone the most unflattering photo of Jacob was plastered on the screen, his name in white.
“Hello?” I asked groggily into the phone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock which said in bold red numbers 1 am.
“Hey (y/n)! You sound like you just woke up.” I heard him chortle from the other end.
“That’s because I just woke up Jake, it’s one in the morning.” a yawn escaped my lips, I know I’ll have a rough time getting over jet lag when I go home.
He occupied twenty minutes with idle chatter and borderline interrogation about all the sights I’ve seen before I asked him why he was calling me so early in the morning
“Embry has spent the week at my house, you need to come home there’s nothing we can do anymore to occupy him till you return.” He sighed, Jake knows I want to finish my trip but we made a deal that I would come home early if there were absolutely no options left to keep Embry from sending the pack into hysterics.
I knew he was buttering me up for something.
“Are you sure you can’t figure something out? It’s just another month!”
“Another month of him eating my cereal and getting dirt on me from my dad!”
I snorted with laughter at the fact that Billy was telling Embry every embarrassing detail from his childhood.
“Jake please just let me think about it okay?” I sighed, flopping back into my hollowed cave of blankets and sheets.
“Okay, I’ll let you think about it but don’t think I won’t be telling Sam.” he warned.
We laughed together and he wished me a good night before hanging up the phone, before I slipped back into slumber I sent Jake one more text.
‘You wake me up at one in the morning again and it’s over for you.’ in which he responded with ‘Oh no I’m so scared lol.’
I reached over to the bedside table and plugged my phone in before the sweet embrace of warmth and slumber took over my senses.
The next three days I was bombarded with texts from Paul whining about the wolf mind link and how every patrol shift he had with Embry was spent tuning out his constant thoughts of me.
Standing in the shower with hot water running over my skin soothing my tense muscles I heard my phone buzz against the granite countertop. I rolled my eyes and continued to bask in the endless hotel hot water.
As bad as staying in hotels could be, the hot water made up for the early breakfast and sheets that were tucked in a little too tightly.
I had shampoo in my hair when my phone started buzzing again, this time with a call. I grumbled under the stream of water washing away the soap before it could get in my eyes; whoever's calling can wait.
I moved on to conditioning my hair, letting it sit while I wash the rest of my body with a lightly scented lavender soap.
I refused to use the complimentary soap because it dried out my skin and the lotion just left me feeling sticky instead of moisturized.
Watching the soap run down the drain my phone rang again, I clenched my fists, who could possibly be calling me now? I still refused to get out of my steamy heaven to answer my phone.
My gut told me that whoever was calling wouldn’t let up until I answered. I washed out the conditioner from my hair and wrapped it in a towel.
The mirror was coated in a layer of steam, the tiles were cool against my feet. I wrapped the plush towel around my body, mopping up the droplets of water that remained.
My phone started vibrating with rapid fire text messages from the pack’s group chat they made a month ago. I sighed, picking it up to sift through the messages. I read a message from Jared telling me he’d pay me to return.
The pack always made me laugh, together they’re a walking sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them, someone always had something witty or sarcastic to say.
I checked to see who had called me and it turned out it was Sam, I listened to his voice mails and immediately phoned him back.
As soon as I hit the call button it only rang for half a second before he picked up.
“Thank you for calling back, I thought I’d have to call two more times.” he chuckled.
“Well I was in the middle of a shower, can’t really take a call there.” I moved through the room with my phone pressed between my shoulder and cheek. Stopping at my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear for the day.
“I’m going to be frank with you, I need you to come home. . .” I let out a huff before he continued.
“Embry needs you badly, he’s just a pile of mush on the floor now. It’s a chore to get him up to go on patrol. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do Sam, I’ll try to book a flight for the earliest date I can find.” I knew I was giving in but from what they were telling me and the constant texts were getting to be difficult to manage.
“Thank you, when you get back I’ll buy you take out for a month okay?”
“I hate that you know what my weakness is.” I laughed through the phone, a month of free take out? Hell yeah. It made the prospect of going back a little brighter since I wasn’t going to complete the rest of my trip.
I wasn’t losing out on too much though, I had seen and done everything that I wanted. It wouldn’t be too bad to go home early.
We talked for a couple more minutes before parting ways, I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce a couple times before turning my attention back to getting dressed. Since I had a flight to book it was okay to spend the rest of the day lounging in pj’s.
The soft fabric of my pj’s brushed against my skin as I jumped into bed with my computer in hand, and now it was time to book a flight back home. Maybe text Paul and tell him he can quit complaining as well.
I woke up the next morning with my flight booked for take off in the afternoon and my daily good morning text from Embry. I felt a little sad to be leaving such a beautiful country but the trees, ocean and Embry all called my name.
Pacing through the room I grabbed the comfiest set of clothes I packed for my return flight back to Seattle, I had enough time to sleep on the plane to be conscious enough for the three and a half hour drive back to La Push.
I was set for a long day ahead of me but it was going to be worth it in the end, seeing the bright and happy face of my boyfriend, getting to hug him and kiss him again.
I made one last check of the room before I gathered my clothes and toiletry kit and made my way into the bathroom to shower before my long flight. As I was stepping into the shower my phone pinged from the counter with a text from Sam.
“Have you booked that flight yet?” it read.
“Yeah I’m due for take off at 1. I should be back in La Push some time tomorrow!”
My fingers brushed the cool surface of the counter top as I put my phone back and got into the shower, hot water immediately running down my back; this time my phone wasn’t being blown up by a desperate wolf pack trying to get my attention.
I can’t sit in the shower for hours on end this time, I have a flight to catch and a boy to surprise. Embry was currently still under the impression that I would be coming home in two weeks. Boy would he be in for a surprise.
The residual steam wafted out of the bathroom while I brushed my teeth revealing my towel wrapped body and hair in the mirror behind the skin. I checked the time and noted that I had two hours to check out, make my way to the airport, and check into my flight back home. Two more hours before I could smell the trees and ocean, two more hours before I could see my friends and hug Embry.
The time managed to move by in a blur by the time I was shutting the trunk of the yellow cab that was going to drop me off at the airport. I got into the back seat and the driver peeled away from the hotel front onto the winding roads.
“Aye where are you headin’?” The driver inquired in a thick Irish accent.
One thing I noticed in my stay here was that the accent changed in every town or village I passed through. It added to the charm
“Well, I’m on my way home after spending six months in Europe.” My eyes scanned over the green hills that rushed past in a blur.
“My favourite places I’ve been have definitely been Ireland and Greece.” I smiled towards him.
The lines around his eyes crinkled with the smile that graced his face at the mention of Ireland.
“Well that’s good to hear innit? Glad you’ve enjoyed your stay. We welcome ya with open arms if you return.”
We held a light conversation until we arrived in front of the drop off area for passengers, thanked him and grabbed my bags before heading into the crowded lobby.
The front of the terminal was metal and glass that reached towards the heavens with automatic doors gaping open like a mouth. Inside was a dull white with light grey floor which my shoes clicked against with each step.
It was packed with people like a can of sardines, I weaved my way through the masses towards the check in desk which thankfully only had a short line to get through.
Under the mix of fluorescents and natural light the desk lady’s bags that donned under her eyes glared with visible exhaustion from the mass amounts of people that swarmed the terminal.
Despite her clear drowsiness she still greeted me with a warm smile and a soft hello.
I grabbed my ticket and thanked her then turned and pushed myself through to the security check, dropped my luggage off and took a seat to wait for the boarding call for my flight.
As I waited grey clouds started to fill the sky blocking out the little sun that was once shining in its place.
My eyes grew heavier by each minute that passed, waiting could be hard, but waiting in an airport where there’s no sense of time is worse. So I distracted myself by people watching.
A lady was bouncing her baby, the old man across from me was snoring. A businessman paced back and forth speaking urgently into his phone, a family chatted excitedly for their family trip to the Canary Islands.
I pulled my eyes away from them as the call for my flight rang out over the crowded terminal, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the gate.
Excitement filled my every step as the anticipation grew and bubbled inside me. I gave the greeting flight attendant a small smile and made my way to my seat, for being last minute I managed to get a window seat.
We sat on the tarmac for twenty minutes before taking off and before I knew it the seat belt light pinged off and I was fast asleep jet setting my way back to America, back to my home.
I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke up but the clock on the tv screen said 2 a.m. and that we’re due to arrive in an hour. I sat up in my seat and gazed out the window into the starry night sky.
Energy started to course through me as I watched the arrival time tick closer and closer. A light rain misted down over Seattle as I left the Seatac terminal and made my way through the maze of cars in the night that was made darker by the rain.
I spotted my blue Subaru and popped the trunk so my interior and seats wouldn’t get wet. It had been a long six months since I last sat in my driver's seat, the wheel almost felt foreign in my hands as I turned the key and listened to the engine roar to life.
I drove through the winding roads of the city to the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry to take the 45 minute ride into Bainbridge and headed North to get on the 101 then turn onto 110 which would take me back into the heart of La Push.
The closer I got to Forks the brighter the sky became; well as bright as it could be on a gloomy day. The clouds became painted in the glow of purple and pink as the sun rose over the horizon, the rain had let up and left me with an overcast sky for the remainder of the drive back.
Since I slept virtually the entire flight back I didn’t feel the weight of exhaustion at all, but surely when I arrived back in the arms of Embry I knew I’d hit the wall with sleep deprivation.
As I barreled through the corridor of trees I passed the signature ‘welcome to Forks’ sign and turned right onto the 110, twenty minutes to home. I was so close but my soul felt like it was light years away.
The clock on my radio told me that it was currently 6:45, the pinks and purples that coated the sky faded away to the typical grey that fills my senses with delight. Sea salt and washed up kelp started to seep into the air that circulated into my car making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Closer to Beach Drive I got the stronger the smell of the ocean became. The turn signal clicked as I turned onto the road that gave way to Sam and Emily’s house so they could take me over to Embry’s in the off chance that he happened to be awake at this hour.
It’s highly unlikely that he would be up at this hour but it’s not something I could be one hundred percent positive about. I stepped out of my car and turned around to see Emily running as fast as she possibly could towards me with open arms and a huge smile plastered across her face.
Dropping my bags I dashed across their lawn into her embrace.
“Oh (y/n)! I missed you so much, you must be so tired.” She released me from her hug and settled her hands on my shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too Emily, I knew I’d be tired but not this tired.” I chuckled while wiping at my under eyes in a feeble attempt to wipe away the exhaustion.
She put her hand on my lower back and led me inside for the awaiting cup of tea while Sam moved my bags into his truck.
The warmth of their home embraced me, the comfort of their kitchen was familiar. The only thing missing was the rowdy group of boys that made up the pack who usually occupied every available seat in the home.
I took a seat at the kitchen table where three cups of tea sat waiting, I should have expected a q and a when I returned. Wrapping my hands around the mug the warmth that radiated from it filled my hands.
Emily took a seat beside me and Sam entered through the door and sat adjacent to both of us.
“So how was the trip?” We sat around their table chatting until our cups were empty and filed out of the house into the early morning air.
“Emily and I will drive your car back to your place after I drop you off at Embry’s, the kid’s been sleeping in my living room more often than I’d appreciate.” Sam’s eyes crinkled with a smile, I knew he was joking but at the same time there was truth to his words; and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
“Thank you for putting up with him while I was gone, I owe you guys one and you owe me take out for a month.” He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair turning into the Call's driveway. Embry’s mom had already left for work leaving him to his own devices; which meant he would sleep in as late as his heart desired.
We got out of Sam’s truck and he dropped my bags on the doorstep. I turned and gave him a quick hug and a thank you before sticking my key into the lock.
The door creaked open and I dragged my suitcases to a stop in their front entry way and shut it behind me.
My shoes landed on the floor with a soft thud and I gingerly walked up the stairs to ensure I wasn’t too noisy while making sure to avoid the one squeaky stair.
I got to the top of the stairs and hung a left down their light beige hallway that gave way to the oak door that guarded Embry’s room. His soft snores filtered through the door, it’s door knob was cool in my hand. Making an audible click with the turn of my wrist.
Dark mahogany brown hair peaked up from beneath the sheet that tucked Embry’s body out of view. One pillow was on the floor while the other was tucked firmly between his cheek and arm, I smiled at the sight of my sleeping boyfriend which filled my every inch with the utmost joy.
My sock covered feet pressed into the carpeted flooring with each step I took towards his bed making sure to step over the piles of dirty clothes that were scattered around the room.
The sun filtered through the gaps in the window blinds casting pools of golden light on the floor and along his walls causing the crystal prism that hung above his closet to sweep dashes of colour across his walls.
I pulled back the grey top sheet to reveal his peaceful face and I swear my heart was going to burst with the amount of love that I feel for him. His hair was tousled in every direction and a cow lick stuck straight up on the left side of his head.
My hands ran over his hair, smoothing it out while I whispered his name. Embry groaned a bit and rolled over, I whispered his name a little bit louder and moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders running them along his arms finally waking him from his slumber.
“Hi Em!” I gushed out as his brown eyes opened and focused on me. His face split with his toothy smile and his arms shot around me, pulling me down into his chest.
“Do you know how much I missed you?” Embry mumbled into my hair.
“I figured a lot with the amount of texts I got from the pack.” I reached up brushing the hair from his face.
“You can never leave me for that long again. . .I didn’t know what to do without you here.” He ran his hands through my hair placing a gentle kiss upon the top of my head.
“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t protect you and make sure you were safe.”
“Well next time I’ll make sure you can come, then you don’t have to worry.” Craning my neck up I placed a kiss upon his lips which were still a bit swollen from slumber.
“The important thing is that I returned safe and in one piece. The other important thing is I get to spoil you with the gifts I brought back!”
His laugh filled the room sending vibrations through my body.
“Hey! That’s my job to spoil you, not the other way around.” He ruffled my hair causing us both to laugh. I peeled off my socks and wiggled my way under his blanket.
“I think it’s time we catch up on six months worth of cuddling.” I poked a finger into his side.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, you owe me for being gone so long.”
“What? I came back early!” His hands made their way under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back sending waves of heat through my body from being pressed into him. Oh how I missed my heater.
“Yeah, by like what? Two weeks?” his silky voice chuckled out.
“I missed you Embry.” I told him, placing a kiss on his exposed shoulder.
“I missed you too. Now let's go back to sleep, you look tired.” He said to me as he rested his chin atop my head and pulling me closer.
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Creatures of the Forest
I haven’t written anything on here in months, and to be honest I should be working on my novel rather than this. But, I’m a whore for EraserMic and can’t resist the temptation. Plus, I have a weakness for Monster AU’s, so I’m going to have fun with this.
Also heads up, I did not proofread, and story details might be a little muddy. I am tired and horny, and I will now go to bed.
Word Count: 5,242 (Kill me.)
Pairing(s): Jinn!Shouta x Female Reader x Siren!Hizashi
Warnings: 18+, dub-con, fingering, double-penetration, anal sex, vaginal sex, creampie, and probably more filth.
Premise: You just wanted to have some time yourself, and considering how cheap the cabin was you couldn’t pass up the chance at a countryside getaway. And they couldn’t pass up a chance of you.
The cabin is not what you expected, but nonetheless you just felt glad at the chance to get away from the city for awhile. Your job has been stressing you out for months, and your family is no better. You booked out this one bedroom wood cabin from the 1970s for the next two weeks, a vacation away from technology and far, far away from the thoughts that kept you from yourself.
When you first arrived you checked out the whole cabin only to find cobwebs and dust covering nearly every surface, and the appliances were horrifically outdated. So, you decided to spend your time cleaning it up a little so you didn’t feel like a spider was going to crawl into your mouth in the middle of the night. Good thing, too, because you managed to find a fiddleback in its nest just under the bed. Now, you might hate spiders, but you’re by no means a killer.
“Work with me here, otherwise one of us is gonna get hurt.” You carefully manage to put a plastic cup over the agitated spider, and using a piece of paper you’re able to carefully take it outside. You don’t want to leave it near the cabin, and you don’t want to leave it out in the open field - what if a bird got to it? You have no choice but to trek out past the lovely field of wildflowers to the dark forest that lay just beyond it.
The trees tower over you as the sun begins to set in the distance. You’re not that far away from the cabin, but hearing the branches rustle against each other as the wind blows a warm summer breeze across your skin sends goosebumps over your body. It would be best to quickly release the spider and get out of there.
You go over to the nearest tree at the very edge of the forest and take the cup away from the paper. There the spider sits, rearing back as a threat, but its dramatics do nothing to you.
“You’re not so scary out in the open, are you?”
“He could probably say the same to you.”
You drop the paper and cup, whipping your head around to find the source of the melodic voice that had spoken to you, but no one is there.
“Over here, little bird.”
Your gaze falls back towards the forest, and just a few feet in front of you is a man with long, golden blonde hair that cascades down to his waist. He’s tall, probably six feet if you had to guess, and he’s wearing a tank top and jean shorts that show off his toned body almost too well. Then there’s his eyes, a green so bright that it contrasts the darkness of the forest.
“What are you doing here?” This land is supposed to be private, or at least that’s what the listing said.
“Sorry! I forget my manners sometimes. I’m one of the owners, you’re Y/N right?” Oh, one of the owners! You remember now, the listing mentioned that the owners of the property lived elsewhere on the land and might come by to check in on things.
“Yeah. You know, the cabin could have used a cleaning. When’s the last time you had anyone else here?”
“Somethin’ like five or so years. You like it though?”
“It’s... Cozy.” The sun seems to be disappearing much faster now. “Minus the spider.”
“Unfortunately we can’t do much about nature, little bird.” You want to ask him not to call you that, but you don’t want to be rude. The cabin is pretty cheap and you’d hate to cut this trip short because of a nickname. “But, if ya want my husband can come spray the cabin for pests tomorrow. I could bring by some food, too.”
“Oh, no thanks. I think it was just the one anyways.” The point of this whole trip is for you to get some alone time, and inviting this admittedly alluring man and his husband over would go against that.
“If you’re sure...” He trails off, glancing towards the spider that is now climbing quickly up the side of the tree. “If you do change your mind though, let us know! We don’t like pests around here, either.” You chuckle a little at that, but by now you’re already starting to back away from the forest to head back towards the cabin.
“I’ll keep that in mind, sir!” You call back, now intent on getting across this field as quickly as possible. But, his next words feel like they’re a whisper in your ear, making you jerk your head back towards the forest. My name is Hizashi, little bird.
After unpacking that night you found yourself exhausted from the long travel to the cabin. After checking that all of the windows and doors were locked securely, you went to bed thinking about the blonde in the woods and the plans that you had for the next day. Your eyes closed with those thoughts mingling together as you fell into a seemingly deep sleep, unaware of the eyes that watched you from just outside of the bedroom window.
“She’s even better than I imagined...”
“You shouldn’t have gone to her today, it’s too soon.”
“If we wait too long then we’ll lose our chance! Let’s take her now, she wants to be far away, so we’ll take her far away.”
“We need time, and permission.”
“Well, I know how to get one of those things.”
As the sun peeks through the bedroom window you attempt, and fail to stifle a groan. It might have been a good idea to bring curtains with you, but you suppose that it’s part of the woodsy experience. You sit up and stretch your arms high above your head, unaware of the creature slithering across the floor until you put your feet down and hear a hiss. Immediately you pull your feet back onto the bed with a high-pitched scream. The rattlesnake coils itself up and sets its eyes directly on you, only a few feet away from the bed.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” You mutter to yourself as you reach for your cellphone on the side table. Unfortunately for you, the snake leaps forward and takes a snap towards your arm, eliciting another screech from you and making you back yourself against the far corner of the bed. “Go to the woods, you thought, it’ll be a great experience!” You mock yourself, now looking for anything nearby that you could use as a weapon. You could toss the blanket over it and try to make a run for it, but what you miss or what if it still managed to get you?
“Y/N!” You hear Hizashi just outside the cabin.
“We heard a scream, is everything alright!?” Another voice joins him, likely his husband.
“N-No! There’s a snake in here!” You glance towards the window to see it cracked open. Didn’t you lock it last night? “I can’t get past it!” You hear some banging at the front door, but shouldn’t they have a key? Or maybe they didn’t want to just walk in? “The window to the room is open! Hurry!” How close is the nearest hospital if you get bit? How long would it take you to die?
When you see two figures come around to the bedroom window you feel like you could weep in relief, but they hesitate.
“Is it okay for us to come in? How close is the snake?” The dark-haired man asks, and in your panic you don’t even question the absurdity of the first question.
“I-It’s close to me, you can come in. Be careful though.” You’re much quieter now, thinking that maybe your yelling only made the creature on your floor angrier. Hizashi’s husband only then pushes the window further open, sticking one leg inside to stabilize himself before coming all the way in. The snake is too focused on you to notice the new intruder.
“Y/N, my name is Shouta, and I need you to follow my instructions. Can you do that for me?” His voice is low and smooth, it calms you instantly.
“Good girl. Pick up the blanket from your bed very slowly, try not to make any sudden movements - he’s more scared of you than you are of him.” You highly doubt that, but nonetheless you lean down very slowly while Shouta sneaks around the back of the snake to grab the blanket. “Very good girl.” Your face flushes at the almost sensual compliment. “Now, throw it onto the snake. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.” His reassurance calls you to action, tossing the thin blanket onto the snake. It hisses and wildly whips around under the blanket until Shouta manages to scoop up the blanket like a bag and tie it off. Just like that, your ordeal is over.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay now Y/N, Shou’s got the big bad snake.” Hizashi is suddenly by your side in an instant. When did he come through the window? His hand is on yours as he gently guides your shaky body off of the bed.
“I don’t even know how that thing got in, I-I locked every door and window last night! I double checked everything, I cleaned yesterday, I just don’t...” Why was the window open? Did she maybe get up last night and open it? It did get pretty hot last night... Quite suddenly, you’re extremely aware of how bare you feel in your cute light blue cotton shorts and black sports bra. You hadn’t even thought of it during your state of panic.
“I’m going to take this guy outside and let him go. Hizashi brought a dish over for you to try, if you want the company.” The two of them don’t seem to mind your half-dressed state, but you do.
“Sure, um, do you mind stepping out for a few minutes though.” You release Hizashi’s hand and grab the sheet from the bed to cover yourself. They understand pretty quickly, but both men didn’t mind it. If anything they want to see more of your soft, beautiful skin.
“Sorry ‘bout that beautiful! We’ll give ya some space!” With that, both men are leaving your presence and you feel like you can breathe a sigh of relief. What just happened? It feels like it all happened at once, but you can’t say that you aren’t relieved by their excellent timing. You decide to slip on some normal jean shorts and a faded AC/DC tee-shirt you got a few years back.
When you step out of the bedroom you can see Hizashi already bustling around the kitchen, humming in a way that made you feel warm little fuzzies on the inside. Shouta is sitting at the dining room table with his dark eyes shut. You take a moment to silently admire Hizashi’s husband. He’s more filled out than the lithe blonde, and while his black wavy hair is long, it’s only a few inches past his shoulders. And then she notices the deep scar just under his right eye.
“See something you like?” Your face once again turns red when you realize his eyes have opened and he’s looking directly at you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare-”
“It’s alright. It’s the scar, right?” When he says this, Hizashi stops his cooking momentarily to look back at you and his husband.
“Oh, no! I don’t mind scars, scars can be sexy!” Why did you have to say that? An amused smirk slides across Shouta’s lips when you say this. Hizashi, meanwhile, lets out a chuckle that makes the air around you feel too light.
“Well of course scars are sexy! Why don’t you tell little bird how you got that scar?” As he says this you come to sit at the table. You may as well indulge them, they did come to your rescue after all.
“It’s not that interesting.” Shouta waves it off, but he can tell that you’re interested. “Unless you want to hear about it?”
“It’s not like I have anything else to do.” You shrug, and with that you get to spend the rest of your morning with the two men.
Apparently, Shouta had a run in with a man trespassing on the land and got a knife pulled on him. He said it wasn’t that interesting, but the way he told it captivated your interest. The guy was probably a hunter, or a thief, but they never found out. The local deputy came to get the guy after the confrontation, and that was that. They continued to talk with you long after breakfast had finished and you all had eaten, asking you about your interests, your passions, the reason why you came out here. You don’t know why, but when they ask you these questions you answer without a second thought. You think that it’s because no one has ever bothered to listen to you for this long, and the couple makes you feel as if you belong here, like you’re a person who deserves to be cherished. Originally you came here to be alone, but when you’re with them you feel something that you never felt back home. You just can’t quite describe it. Hours pass, and it’s well past noon when the two men decide to take their leave.
“If you see anymore snakes-”
“-Or if you just want our company-”
“-just give us a call on the landline.” Shouta finishes for the two of them as they walk out the front door.
“Sure thing, thanks again. I don’t know what I would have done if you two hadn’t come over.”
“Probably woulda sat there, desperately waiting for your prince charming to come save you. Good thing you already have two of us.” Hizashi’s joke manages to get a little giggle out of you.
“You’re cheesy.” Shouta grumbles, though you could see a small smile on his face as well. “Come on, let’s leave Y/N alone.” You watch the two of them walk not down the dirt road that you drove on to get here, but back through the forest that encircles the cabin.
Once the couple is gone, it’s like you snap back to reality. This morning was crazy, and you got lucky, but you swore that you locked that window shut last night. Deciding that perhaps it was better to enjoy the rest of your day than continue to obsess over the snake incident, you take a sketch book and go out back to draw the pretty flowers in the field.
The night feels even hotter than the day, making it near impossible for you to cover up in any way. Long ago you stripped yourself bare, sprawling yourself on top of the covers with a sheen of sweat covering your body. If you didn’t feel the cool air struggling to reach you from the vents, then you would almost think the AC is broken. Currently, you’re half asleep in an almost dreamlike state. That’s when you hear a soft whisper.
“What is your wish?”
You turn on your side, letting out unintelligible mumbles. A more soothing, honeyed voice joins the first.
“What do you desire, little bird?”
That voice sends tingles all through your body, setting every nerve on fire. It compels you to answer.
“I want...” You mumbles, eyes half open and glazed over as you give your answer. “I want... Release...” You want to feel all of your stresses disappear as if they never existed.
“I’ll give you release, kitten.”
The voice no longer sounds far away, which snaps you out of that sleepy haze and once again makes you aware of your surroundings.Your eyes adjust to the darkness to find yourself no longer in the cabin, but surrounded by looming vertical objects... Trees?
“Shhh, don’t panic, we’re here.” There’s that voice again, the one that makes orgasmic waves pulse through your eardrums. It soothes any worries that you currently have as two hands come up to your shoulders and gently lay you onto the soft ground.
They prepared this place just for you. The cabin had been a front from the very beginning, a way to lure you away from bustling city life so they could give you what you wanted - release. You didn’t know it, but you had met Shouta months before this at a little bakery just down the street from your work. You had been complaining on the phone about your new boss and how stressed you were because of your obligations, and you wished that someone would take you away from your own life. Unknowingly, you had called upon the closest Jinn in the area, and he had already taken notice of you.
“Be gentle with her, it could be her first time.”
“It’s definitely not. But don’t worry, I took care of the ex months ago.”
You can vaguely hear the conversation of the two men looming over you, but you do not react. On the inside you feel fear, vulnerability, and confusion. You can’t quite make out the figures above you, but you recognize the voices; your hosts, Shouta and Hizashi. You just can’t comprehend why they are doing this. Earlier today they were fine, sure they were getting a little too close and asking too many questions, but you wouldn’t say they invaded your space... Or did they?
“Took care of?”
“Nothing like that, he wished for a job in France, so I got him the job in France... But, he might not like that job very much.” You can hear the smirk in his voice even if you can’t see it. “It was necessary.”
“Agreed.” The hands that had pushed you back onto the pillowy moss are now moving down your sides, just barely brushing over the sides of your breasts. You barely register the sigh of pleasure that leaves your lips at the tantalizing contact.
“What? Isn’t this what we wanted?”
“We need permission.”
“We have permission! You heard the wish!”
“It was vague. I want details.” Suddenly, you can feel another set of hands gently massaging your bare feet, then moving up your smooth legs to part them at the thighs. The exposure makes you whimper, though there’s little you can do beyond that. “Release your influence, Hizashi.”
“But if we do that-”
“Release her. I want to hear her.” With what sounds like a huff of frustration from the blonde, that hazy feeling that had come over you suddenly dissipates. Your vision becomes more clear along with the two entities above you.
Hizashi has moves your arms so they’re now pinned above your head, preventing you from covering your bare breasts from their view. Shouta still has your legs spread on either side of you, but he doesn’t move any further. You meet his eyes, eyes that had been onyx earlier in the day but now glow an eerie shade of red.
“Months ago you wished to be taken away from your life. Do you remember that, Y/N?” You can’t focus on Shouta’s voice, all you can focus on is your current situation. Tings sting the edges of your eyes, and your throat starts to close up.
“She’s not going to respond like this, Shou.”
“She will, be patient. Y/N, I need you to look at me.” His voice is stern. Even though you want to look away, you once again meet his gaze. “What do you wish for now?”
“Let m-me go!” That’s your first thought, but then you feel one of Shouta’s hands creeping further up your thigh, his fingers just barely brushing over your outer lips.
“Do you mean that?” You nod your head frantically, and unbeknownst to you Shouta’s partner is giving him an incredulous look. “So, you want to go back to that stressful life in the city? You want your asshole boss to walk all over you, making you feel like you’re the scum of the earth? You want your parents to treat you like you mean nothing?” He emphasizes the final word with a hiss, and this seems to get to you. Your sniffling briefly ceases, though you’re still tugging against the tight hold of both of the men as if you could escape.
“What are you?”
“A Jinn, kitten. Do you know what a Jinn is?” You nod you head - you’re aware of the mythology behind beings like him, but how does he exist? They’re fictional! “Months ago I heard your desperate plea, and ever since then I’ve been eager to give you want you want... For a price.” His thumb brushes over your clit briefly, making your body stiffen.
“F-For sex?”
“For partnership. To be with me, to be with Hizashi, to be with both of us. It does get lonely out here.”
“And I can’t leave.” Hizashi pipes in with a sad smile. “I’m a Siren tied permanently to this forest. Remember the story about the man with a knife? He was going to hurt this place, so we had no choice. Once this place is gone, so am I.” His thumbs rub soothing circles into your skin.
“You don’t need me though, I don’t need your wishes or whatever! I want to...” You wish that you could say that you want to go home, but do you? Despite your current circumstances, you found yourself considering this deal.
“If you’re here, then Hizashi won’t be alone. I can go out for supplies without worrying about him.”
“And if you’re here, you won’t have to deal with those pesky worries you had before little bird. You get to have fun, be free, be loved by us.” But why you? Why did they want to take you?
“Because you’re special, Y/N. Because out of everyone in that city, you were the one who wanted to escape the most, who cared but wasn’t cared for. You deserve us.” Shouta drives his point home here, but he hopes that it will be enough. After all, he would prefer your consent, but it’s not entirely needed here.
“Okay.” You whisper. After all, what’s really waiting for you back home? Misery and paperwork, that’s what.
“Okay what?”
“You need to be more specific, Y/N.” You take a deep, shuddering breath before you speak again.
“I-I want release, I don’t want to go home anymore.”
“And in exchange?” Shouta pushes, his eyes glowing as he stares into yours.
“In e-exchange, I’ll stay here. I’ll be your... Partner.”
That seems to be all that they need from you, because in the next moment the two men above you are no longer clothed. You squeak and shut your eyes - it’s not the first time you’ve seen a naked man, but usually they don’t just pop out in front of you like that!
“You’re little noises are so cute.” Hizashi uses one of his knees to keep your wrists pinned above your head so his hands could get to work. While your eyes are still closed you feel his soft fingers run across your neck and past your collarbone, headed straight for your breasts. But just before they can get there, a pair of lips smash to yours. Shouta’s tongue flicks out at your bottom lip, beckoning you to allow him inside. Just at that moment, Hizashi’s fingers find your pert nipples, giving each of them a tiny pinch. This causes you to moan, and Shouta takes the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth to get a taste.
You can feel Shouta’s thick erection against your cunt, twitching in anticipation. It has been awhile since you’ve had another man, and you have to admit that the thought of being railed by these very good looking men wasn’t so bad. You start to becoming lightheaded from the kiss and constant ministrations of your sensitive nipples when Shouta finally pulls away from the kiss to let you breathe.
“Good girl.” He brings his thumb up to wipe away some of the saliva from around your lips. “We’ll put this to more use later. For now, I want to see you cum.” In what feels like two seconds Shouta is suddenly between your thighs, throwing your legs over his shoulders so he could get a good view of your waiting, wet pussy. He blows cool air over your sensitive little nub, making it quiver and throb in anticipation. Meanwhile, Hizashi finally leans down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the little bug while his fingers continue to tug and pinch the other. Your head sits in the blonde’s lap, his cock mere inches away from your face.
“Do you want to suck me, little bird?” As he says this in that low, melodic voice of his, Shouta flicks his tongue over your clit, making your writhe under them.
“Careful, she almost came.”
“Is my voice too much for you?” You can only pant in response, letting out a soft moan when Shouta flicks his tongue over your little nub again.
“Answer him, or we’ll make this last.”
“Y-Yes... It’s... I makes me feel good.” His voice makes you feel like you could orgasm in seconds.
“And do you want to suck daddy’s cock?” The way he words it makes you whine, but you nonetheless give him an answer.
“Yes what?”
“Yes... Daddy.” The instant that you finish that sentence, Shouta’s mouth latches onto your clit, sucking on it so harshly that you can feel your head spin. Hizashi repositions himself so he’s kneeling right over your face, running his fingers through your hair as he guides your lips to his tip. You take his tip into your mouth and suck it softly, eliciting a groan from the man that gets sent straight to your groin.
“Fuck, just her lips are almost enough... Come on honey, you can take me deeper.” And you do, you try to relax your throat so you can take Hizashi’s cock deeper into your mouth, swirling your tongue around his base, all while Hizashi has his hands continually playing with your nipples, never letting up.
Shouta continues his work between your legs, nipping softly at your clit while bringing a finger to your entrance. He gently pushes it inside of you, giving it a few thrusts before adding a second. You adjust tremendously well. He can already feel your wet cavern clenching tightly around his fingers as he curls his digits upwards. To this you give him a sweet little cry, which only results in Shouta setting a relentless pace. He pounds those fingers into you, hitting your sensitive spot with such precision that you can hardly focus on the cock in your mouth all while sucking and swirling his expert tongue over your swollen clit until you finally clench tightly around his fingers and cry out with your first orgasm of the evening.
Hizashi slows down the thrusts into your mouth as Shouta pulls away from between your legs, slowly pulling himself out as well. For a moment you’re confused, wondering why they could pull away when they haven’t found relief yet, only to be suddenly pulled forward so you’re hovering right over Shouta’s thick length. Hizashi comes up behind you, pressing soft kisses and nipples to the soft spot on your neck - he’s going to leave plenty of marks here later.
“Do you think you can take both of us?” Shouta asks, momentarily confused you until you realize what he means.
“I’ve never done it, um, there before.”
“We can make it easy, if you let us. It’ll only feel good.” Hizashi assures you, rubbing comforting circles into your thighs.
“We want to make you feel good.” Shouta adds, both hesitating until they see you nod your head once again.
“Okay.” You still feel nervous, but you want to feel good, and so far it feels really good.
Shouta helps your ease yourself onto his dick, pressing gently into your waiting pussy while giving your already oversensitive clit little flicks from his thumb. Once he has settled deep within you, you feel Hizashi spread your ass cheeks and press a finger into you. Your face burns from slight embarrassment, but admittedly as he begins to move the saliva covered digit in and out of you, you find yourself enjoying it. You try to move whilst on top of Shouta, but he grabs your hips to keep you still.
“Wait.” He commands, smirking at your impatient whine. That whine then turns into a gasp as you feel a second finger being pressed into your rear hole, nibbling on your bottom lip as an uncomfortable burning sensation takes place of the previous pleasure.
“Relax for me, little bird.” Hizashi whispers, and like his words work magic you instantly relax and that burning sensation goes away. He pumps those a few times while your juices continue to drench Shouta’s cock, then they’re gone, replaced instead by Hizashi’s pulsating member. “Stay relaxed, and take a few breaths.” Hizashi murmurs, placing a few soft kisses to your neck as he pushes himself into you.
At first you feel that uncomfortable burning sensation once again, but then that changes to a fullness that gives you pleasure. You huff in lust as Hizashi pushes the full of his length into you, both men temporarily remaining still while you adjust. Your back is pressed flush against Hizashi’s chest, so you can feel his heartbeat rhythmically hammering against you while they both wait.
“Please what?” Shouta once again brushes his thumb over your swollen clit, making you whimper.
“Please, make me yours.”
As if you said the magic words, both men suddenly begin to move within you. Shouta keeps your hips stilled while rolling his own to thrust up into you, meanwhile Hizashi wraps one arm around your waist to grope your breast. You feel his teeth graze against your shoulder with enough pressure to bruise, but you don’t care, you’re in a euphoric state right now.
Shouta keeps your clit busy with his thumb while the both of them pick up their paces, the sound of sweaty skin slapping together resonating throughout the dense forest. You can feel your next orgasm already building as the two of them continue at their brutal pace, the feeling of your holes clenching around them driving them absolutely wild with lust - they’re not going to last much longer, either.
“Fuck - we love you, kitten.”
“Yesss, we love you so much little bird.” Hizashi grunts into your ear, and while you can’t say it yet, you’re sure that it won’t take but a few months before you’re saying the same words back.
All it takes is one well timed thrust against your g-spot and another flick to your clit before you’re clamping down on both men and letting out a long, strangled moan with your second orgasm. Shouta follows quickly behind you along with Hizashi, both men pressing deep within you before they spill their seeds. They stay inside of you even afterwards, letting you back in your afterglow as they both praise you, pressing kisses over your skin and telling you how great you did for them.
It’s too late for you to turn back now. You’ve made the deal, and you sealed it the second that you said yes.
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hiraethenthusiast · 3 years
"I love you most."| t.h.
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pairing: actor!tom x reader
warnings: floof attack.
synopsis: tom gives you the best wedding you could've gotten. he's in love with you madly, that's what he says.
a/n: guess who wants this? i do. i absolutely adore a loving husband no matter what, and i adore heartfelt gifts even more! i hope you all like this fic, this one's really close to me! tpwk everyone!
listen to clinton kane's i guess i'm in love
“So do you, Y/N Y/L/N take Tom as your lawfully wedded husband?” The priest asks you while you and Tom look at him with impatience in your eyes.
“I do.” You say, making everyone cheer and making Tom smile.
“And do you Tom Ho-” “I do!” He shouts before the priest could even complete his sentence, making everyone at the altar erupt into laughs.
“Let him finish bubba” You laugh along, signalling the priest to go on when Tom mutters a small ‘sorry’ to him.
“Do you, Tom Holland, take Y/N Y/L/N as your lawfully wedded wife?” He asks again, while Tom looks at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes.
“I do.” And everyone cheers once again, and you gently squeeze his hand.
“So I shall now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The priest says lastly before getting off the stage and as if on queue, Tom sweeps you under his arms and holds your waist before pressing his lips to yours. The moment was wholeheartedly content, his and your parents, both with tears in their eyes, even Paddy and Harry shed a few, because the moment was so pure to just not cry at. Tom kisses you as if he was the luckiest man on Earth, like he had achieved something which he thought he could never. He pulls back to look at you beaming with the biggest smile he’s seen on you in years, and smiles to himself once again.
This was the best day of both of your lives till now, and there was no doubt about it.
After 4 years of being together, Tom finally proposed to you, and then forgot where he kept the ring, but you couldn’t care less because the man you were in love with was now, going to be a forever favourite in your lives. And today, he was now your husband from your fiance, and you couldn’t be anymore happier.
You both settle down after roaming from one place to another greeting every guest that had attended your wedding, finally for a drink and some food. Harrison sits right behind you, completing the duties of best man with all his will, and you smile at him. The twins and Paddy come in a bit later, but your eyes are looking for someone else. Where’s Tom? Your question was answered when you hear the clinking of a glass, just to find your handsome husband there.
“May I have your attention please?” He looks directly at you and you blow him a kiss, him pretending to catch it making everyone laugh. Actors.
“Thank you all for attending and being a part of our very wonderful day, I swear you guys are our favourite people” He says while chuckling.
“Today is the day I married my wonderful and stunning lover, Y/N and in recognition of that, I decided to give you the best gift of this evening.” He says, making you wonder what he got for you.
“I remember when Y/N once told me that she always loves heartfelt and handmade gifts filled with love more than people buying her the gift of her choice. She likes the element of surprise, as she likes to say. So Y/N my darling, I thought you might notice and scold me for it but you didn’t, not even once in this 4 year old relationship, and trust me this is going to shock you. I’ve managed to record every important and goofy moment of our lives, from falling on a staircase to the time I proposed to you, I have it all. I’ve compiled them into one sweet video for you, while your favourite singer of them all, Mr. Clinton Kane sings a song for us! Please give him a huge round of applause!” You jerk your head to the place where Clinton enters from, and he waves at you making you wave instinctively as well.
You look back again towards Tom, who was smiling sweetly at your little fangirl moment and continues.
“I’d also like to thank Harrison and Harry for helping me edit this video, because I’m literally so dumb without anyone of these four with me.”
“Can you put the lights out and start the video please?” He asks one of the workers there at the venue, and jogs up to sit down beside you, giving you a small peck while you take a hold of his hand.
And on queue, the lights are dimmed and the video starts to play. You can hear the faint strumming of the guitar that Clinton is currently playing, but you aren’t able to identify the song just yet. You look ahead towards the screen, and your eyes light up when you see Tom dressed up in his wedding tuxedo, you finally realising that this bit was filmed just a few hours ago.
“Hello my lovely wife! Well, I’m filming this part before the ceremony starts but I think I’m pretty certain on showing you this video after we’re married. This was...boring. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the video my love, and don’t hit me when we get home! I love you so so so much, enjoy!” He says before shutting off his camera, while everyone laughs at his goofiness and you glare at him playfully. The video rolls again and you look forward, but suddenly realise the song. It’s ‘I Guess I’m In Love’, you say to yourself. Tom had proposed to you after a few days when the song came out, and somehow on the night of him proposing, this song was played. You labelled it ‘our song’ and he happily obliged. 
“Haz hold the camera correctly for god's sake...” You hear your husband’s voice and move your head towards the screen, smiling brightly.
“Oh I’m obsessed. With the way your head is laying on my chest.” Clinton starts, immediately soothed by the presence of your lover and the melody in your ears.
“I am holding the camera nicely mate bugger off! Nikki taught me well!” Harrison says in the background making everyone giggle.
“She’s coming shut up” 
“What’s this Tom?” You ask him, as he looks at you like a kid in love.
“Tom” You say in the same manner, feeling anxious by the second.
“So we’ve been dating for 4 years and trust me those have been the most beautiful four years of my life. I know this is so out of the blue, but Y/N Y/L/N, will you do the favour of marrying the person who loves you immensely? A.k.a. Tom?" He says and you laugh. You hold on for a few seconds, looking in his eyes which were filled with desperation.
"Yes" You say and his face lights up like a Christmas tree. He can't stop beaming and searches for the ring in his pocket, only to find out that he didn't have it.
"Oh I'm a mess. When I overthink the little things in my head."
"I have the ring I promise." He says, moving frantically.
"I swear I kept the ring in my pocket-"
"How can I be this stupid you probably don't want to marry me anymore-"
"TOM!" He jerks his head towards you as you shout his name.
"It's okay. I just want you right now." You say and he immediately hugs you, the tightest of them all.
The clip ends and you knew the tears were coming very soon, Tom senses the action and rubs your knuckles., giving you a hearty smile.
The second clip rolls in soon, your eyes brightening almost instantly.
"You seem to always help me catch my breath. But then I lose it again, when I look at you, that's the end."
"Why the hell are we on the top of the Eiffel Tower? And why do you want your phone to crash?" You ask him, while he struggles to make a video with his phone while the winds roar at the top of the monument.
"Because I want to remember this moment!" He shouts, making you smile even more.
"My goof"
"Your goof"
"You're lucky I love you"
"I wouldn't have it any other way darling" He says and gives you a quick peck on the lips, this moment too pure to realise.
"Why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? And butterflies can't stop me falling for you."
"Now we may invite, a very handsome young lad, who happens to be Spiderman, Mr. Tom Holland!" Harry shouts in the video, while you all pretended to have a grand gala when you couldn't attend Tom's premiere.
He walks in wearing a black tuxedo, his shirt buttons open from the top, looking dashing.
"Thank you for inviting Harold, but please, call the star of today's night." Tom says, making everyone groan about how in love he was with you.
"Patience Thomas. Now may I present, the queen of today's night, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N!" Everyone applauds as you walk down the stairs as you hear your name. You reach the door wearing a red and black dress, the clothing complementing your body more than ever. Everyone seems to keep clapping but your attention is towards that one dummy, who's standing like he's seen a ghost.
"..Oh wow." He's speechless, and everyone knows it. You blush at your boyfriend's gesture and nudge him in the shoulder, as a signal to stop staring.
"I hope you all understand that I scored a jackpot, thank you" He sees and everybody laughs.
You laugh along with the other guests, remembering the faint memory from over two years back. This was one of the most fun nights you've had with Tom. While you laugh at the clip, all Tom can do is stare at you in awe. How did he get so lucky, he thinks. He watches how your face glows when you see someone happy on the screen. He truly was blessed.
"And darling this is more than anything I've felt before. You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find. Someone who was worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak. But I know now I've found the one I love."
"Please don't go" You sniffle on Tom's shoulder, asking him to stay one last time before his flight leaves for Atlanta.
"If it was in my hands darling I'd never leave your side." He says, trying to hold back tears.
"It's okay, I understand." You say, pulling back and clearing your throat.
"Awh Y/N please don't cry." Tom tries to persuade his emotions by telling you to stop, but a tear falls down his cheeks in an instant.
"I'm sorry." You say, chuckling lightly, making Tom chuckle too.
"I'll be back before you know it."
"I know you will be"
"Please board the flight for Atlanta which leaves at 1330 hours" The flight attendant announces, and you know it's time to let him go.
"Come back home to me soon okay?" You say, wiping your tears.
"As soon as possible"
"I love you" He says.
"I love you more."
"I love you most." You can't argue with that now.
"Bye bubba" You say, giving him one last kiss, a very long one indeed, that left you both searching for oxygen.
"Bye darling" And he leaves to board his flight. You look in the same direction until he disappears and you turn around.
"Harrison, are you crying?"
"No-" He sniffles and you laugh.
You knew you were going to cry as soon as you saw the location. This was one of the hardest moments of your life, letting your lover go away from you for so long, and you weren't ready for that. You wiped your tears while Tom rubbed your hand with one of his, the other cleaning his tear stained face. You look back to see Harrison crying once again, and you laugh a bit at him before giving him your hand for comfort. He really was the best man. You blow a kiss to your family and Tom's, who were currently high on emotions. Even the brothers had tears in their eyes. You really did get the best family.
"And I love the way. You can never find the right things to say. And you can't sit still an hour in the day. I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough."
The rest of the video were some clips of you and Tom being goofy and so in love, which were a delight to watch. The song played in the background, adding its own special touch, which was necessary to bind this moment together. All these moments which Tom managed to shoot secretly were a lifelong reminder of how much your person loved you. He loved you.
And that is all you need.
The video gets over and Tom looks at you with puppy eyes.
"So, how was it?"
"You're the reason my makeup is ruined and I have mascara stains" You say, laughing while crying.
"That good, huh?"
"That good." You say and he pulls you in for a hug and kisses your forehead.
"I love you bubba"
"I love you more" He says, kissing your cheek.
"I love you most." 
He couldn't argue with that.
"But I know now I've found the one I love."
tagging some friends who'd like to read!
@evanssimpybaby @hollandsmushroom @tomsoxytocin @scarletspideyy @leafy-holland @t-lostinworlds
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literaila · 4 years
spencer reid x reader 
warnings: none... well angst.. and shitty writing 
Long nights out with the rest of the team were always dreadful the next morning. 
But Y/N felt like this morning was one of the worst. 
She’d woken up with mascara running down her face, her joints stiff and cracking at any little movement. Her head was banging from the inside out, and if she focused enough she could feel her brain beating against her skull. 
And don't even get her started on Spencer. 
It had taken Y/N at least 10 minutes to get him to open his eyes. Although he wasn't an avid drinker and had only taken a couple of sips of wine, he seemed to be even more hungover than Y/N did. She cuddled up to him, leaving kisses down his cheeks and neck before he would even consider opening her eyes. 
So like the dutiful girlfriend she was, Y/N got up and started a pot of coffee for both of them, and then headed into the bathroom to grab some advil, which she had to force-feed to Spencer. 
And eventually, after the alarm clock started blaring for the 6th time, both of them finally started to get ready. 
Their dynamic for mornings like this was simple, Y/N always got to shower first, while Spencer fought to stay awake without yawning every 10 seconds, and then Y/N went to go make breakfast for the both of them, which they would eat in the car on the way to the BAU. 
And that particular morning no one seemed to be up for any sort of chit chat, barely even passing casualties back and forth before sitting down at their desks ready for a day of paperwork. They made sure to plan a night full of drinking the night before a day of paperwork. They weren't idiots all of the time. 
Though their good planning all went to waste when Hotch asked them to meet him in the conference room. 
Hangovers and serial killers it was. 
“Bobby Smith, 9 years old, vanished 48 hours ago from a residential area, where his mother Marlene Smith, claims to have dropped him off.” Garcia started handing each one of the team members a folder. You could hear the drowsiness in her voice, and because everyone felt the same, they all pretended to not notice. 
There was a brief silence while they all read their files before Derek startled them back to life. 
“48 hours and we’re just learning about it now?” 
Y/N carefully grabbed Spencer's hand under the table, rubbing up and down his forearm while reading her file. It was tough to keep it professional at work, but Y/N always managed to keep the touching as limited as she could. But the ache she felt when she wasn't touching Spencer spread through her muscles like angry wind just begging her to reach out to him. And so she touched him, she felt comforted by the little body heat she could feel from even just resting her, it was especially comforting when they were on a difficult case. It was a rare occasion when she managed to keep her hands off of him, but Y/N tried to keep it as platonic as she could, not wanting to make Spencer of their coworkers uncomfortable. 
Though as she read through her file, she could see the little inconspicuous movements Spencer made. She wondered if he was trying to keep himself awake or just felt restless, either way, she kept her hand on his. 
What she didn't see was the panicked almost annoyed glances Spencer was giving her hand, she didn't see the way he was leaning away from her, moving his chair slightly to the right as to distance himself from her. 
JJ did though, she watched with a frown on her face listening to Gracia explain what had happened to the little boy, but not moving her eyes off of Spencer and Y/N. She tried not to notice Spencer's body language and the clear physical contact going on under the table. 
“So she's not exactly on the shortlist for the mother of the year,” JJ said, still clearly looking at the couple, while neither of them noticed. 
And she didn't look away, even when Spencer looked up and added a few notes of statistics, and Hotch announced it was time to go. 
They all made moves to get up and go, watching Hotch walk out the door in a rush to get everything set up for them to leave. JJ grabbed Spencer before he could protest, dragging him into her office. The others watched in confusion before Derek finally said 
“Guess we aren't invited to the party.” as he walked to grab his go-bag. 
“It's probably something about the case, we better get going. Hotch seemed stressed.”
Y/N didn't seem confused by JJ and Spencer's scene, and let her mind run thinking about the case. 
“Y/N?” She heard Hotch call. 
He handed her a file and asked if she would bring it to Spencer- apparently it was something about the Mother he wanted him to look over- and because of the circles under his eyes, and the tired way his body was leaning she was quick to agree. 
Walking over to JJ’s office, she was about to knock when she heard
“I love her JJ, I really really do. Sometimes though- I just- want some space- like you know I don't like touching anyone anyway, and I just-” he sighed and Y/N could feel herself holding her breath. “I just want some more space. I’m not sure how to tell her though”. 
Y/N could feel the tears prick at her eyes, her stomach had fallen, taking the rest of her organs with it. At that moment it felt like the world was so silent she could hear her own heart beating. She could only think of all the times Spencer had seemed to pull away, thinking of the way she thought it was just an accident, that he was just restless, just needed to move a little. 
But no. 
He just didn't want her to touch him. 
Y/N heard JJ sigh a soft “Spence…” before she turned away, forgetting about the file she was supposed to give him, and walking to get her bag so she could get the hell out of the office.   
Finding Bobby's Mother dead was hard. It caused more confusion with the cause, and now the last known witness to Bobby had been murdered. The only good thing that had happened was the unsub letting one of the little boys go. But still, none of the team's questions had been answered.
Not touching Spencer was hard too. 
Y/N had never been self-conscious about her affliction to touch, she’d never been afraid to hug someone, or rest her hands on their shoulders while looking at them. In fact, she couldn't remember a time in her life where she didn't like touching people, even as a kid it was clear she was a touchy-feely sort of person, but no one had ever wanted her to stop.
Spencer's germaphobic tendencies didn't go unnoticed by Y/N, when they’d first met he’d made it a point not to shake her hand, but as they got more comfortable with each other that changed. He didn't seem to mind her running her hands up and down her arms, or resting her hand on his cheek, or hugging him from behind any chance she got. She thought she was just special, that Spencer loved her so much that he didn't mind touching her, that there was nothing gross about sharing germs with someone that he was infatuated with. 
Hearing that she was wrong was deafening. 
Although she knew she was probably blowing things out of proportion, it felt like she’d been lied to for the last 2 years she and Spencer had been together. The guilt she felt just knowing she was making him uncomfortable by just being herself was insane. 
And she couldn't help but feel like she had no option but to change it all. 
So she didn't touch him, not on the plane, where usually they would share the couch while looking over the case once again with the team. She didn't touch him when he passed her in the hallway when they were sitting next to each other in a rental car when they walked to the hotel room when they had stopped to grab coffee the next morning. She didn't touch him at all. 
It was killing her. 
Touch was such a frequent thing for her, such a necessity and she’d never even realized it. Not touching him all the time was swallowing her whole, and filling her with doubt and insecurities that threatened to take over her mind. Anytime she wasn't working, wasn't helping out, wasn't thinking, his voice would come back, loud and clear, asking her for space. Nothing would get rid of the fear that she was too clingy, that she was just too much. 
It was hard to look at him without worrying if he actually hated her love if he was starting to realize she was just too much for him. Just a couple of sentences could bring back insecurities that weren't gone apparently, just lost, insecurities that haven't been found since the beginning of their relationship when everything was still new. Y/N thought she’d moved past them. 
But she hadn't. And now she was avoiding her boyfriend. 
They had both noticed the distance, the wall that separated them. Spencer didn't understand it at all, he didn't know if something had happened or if he had done something, and he couldn't find the courage to ask. Y/N didn't want him to know. She didn't want him to feel guilty. She tried to ignore it, the constant barrier between them, but there was always a tension in the room. 
But this was work, and a boy's life was at risk. Relationship problems were the least of anyone's worries. 
Y/N and Spencer were stuck in the tiny conference room they had given the team at the police station, both of them going over files, although Spencer was obviously doing most of the work. Y/N could feel her eyes starting to fall, it wasn't technically that late, but paired with the insomnia that kept her up at night and the exhausting day she had and even 6 o’clock would seem late to anyone. 
It’d been an uncomfortable hour of silence and reading when Spencer finally spoke up, 
“Is something wrong?” Y/N could feel him looking at her, leaning his head down as if to make eye contact, but all she could feel was the heat coming off his body, the comfortable way his hand would feel in hers, and the hug that she so desperately needed. Eye contact wasn't enough, would never be enough, so she didn't look up.
A couple of days ago they would have been sitting almost on each other's laps, while reading, pointing out small details they noticed and helping each other. A couple of days ago Y/N wouldn't feel sad at the sound of Spencer's voice, and she would have looked up. 
A couple of days ago seemed like a dream. 
She could hear Spencer sigh and put down the paper he was holding. “Y/N?” He came around and put his hand on her shoulder, and her breath caught. “Is there something wrong?” He asked again quietly. 
A million different answers flashed in her head “Yes Spencer I’ve found out that you don't actually like me touching you and I don't know any way to cope with that.” or “I feel so incredibly guilty that I’ve been forcing you to deal with something that you don't like, and I feel even worse that I didn't notice it.” or “I just want a hug.”
But none of those thoughts came out of her mouth, what came out instead was “Yes Spencer! A little boy is missing and none of us have any fucking clue how to find him!”, quickly she pulled away from his hand, and forcefully grabbed her bag before saying “I’m gonna go call Hotch” and left slamming the door behind her. 
She didn't look back to see the sad look on Spencer's face. 
Bobby was alive.
And so were the two other women the unsub had taken. 
They were alive.
And they had the rest of their lives to live. 
The unsub was off to jail, where hopefully he could get over his bitter feelings towards his mother. Where hopefully he wouldn't hurt anyone else. 
Bobby had a long walk ahead of him, with his mother gone, murdered by the same man that was supposed to be helping Bobby. The grief was going to hurt, he would always have a missing piece, and a difficult story to share. For the rest of his life. 
But he was alive. 
 Going home to their small apartment was a relief. For both of them.
Y/N couldn't help but hope for some sleep. Just anything that would make her feel better. She couldn't shake the devastating feeling of grief that was stuck pounding in her chest. 
As much as she tried she couldn't convince her mind to get rid of the cloud of sadness covering it. She figured a good night's sleep would help remove some of that. 
The clashing colors and filled to the top bookshelves in the apartment made her feel at home, and she tried to imagine them as if they were a hug that was keeping her safe and warm.
Silence filled the apartment, both of them not saying anything, and quickly moving into different rooms. Y/N went to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove. She was going to let Spencer have as much space as she could give him before she went to bed. 
They hadn't talked on the plane again, Y/N put as much distance between them on the couch as she could, and Spencer hasn't made any more moves to touch her since the scene in the conference room. Maybe he had taken the hint, or maybe he just didn't want to touch her. Y/N couldn't decide which one it was. 
“Y/N?” Spencer said slowly from the other room, almost as if he was questioning if she was still there. 
“Yeah?” she answered back in almost a whisper, which was fine for the acoustics of their small home. 
The acoustics that couldn't mask the sigh she heard come from the man in the other room before there was the distinct question of “can you come here?”. 
Y/N felt stupid being uncomfortable walking into her own room, but the tension between them had only grown in the past few days, and she really didn't want to be walking into another night of a clod bed and an unwavering feeling of doubt. 
“Do you need something Spence?” Y/N could hear the wheels of her boyfriend's brain turning from across the room. She had not directly addressed him in days. It was a surprise to both of them. 
“We need to talk.” The four words coming out of her boyfriend's mouth stopped her heart. Her brain was filled with what he had told JJ “I just need space.” What if he was breaking up with her? What if the space she was trying to give him wasn't enough? What if he needed so much space that even being in the same house as her was too much? What if she was still too much for him even when she was touching him?
Spencer cleared his throat and took a few steps toward her, moving closer to the door. “That sounded wrong I.. I didn't mean for it to sound like that- I just..” He stopped and she wondered why the words were so hard for him to get out? She wondered if this was really it. If the love of her life was going to leave. “What's going on with you?”
Now that, that surprised her. 
“W- what?” 
“Your face, I- I can see there's something wrong and I thought-'' Spencer's voice went up with his words, and Y/N could feel the emotion behind them. “ god I thought it was just the case because you seemed fine before, and that's what you told me. That's what you said!” his eyes were on her, watching her stare at the floor with such intensity clearly trying to voice the question in his voice. “I thought it was just the case? I thought it was just hard on you but you still look so.. So sad and you won't even look at me and just what is going on because there has to be something that I missed this- this didn't just happen?” His breath caught and all Y/N could do was stare at the floor and feel small. 
She felt so small. 
“N-” she cleared her throat trying to mask her voice into something stronger, “Nothing happened Spence.” 
“Then why won't you look at me?” He demanded still trying to get her to look up, still trying to get her to just look at him. 
“I- '' there were so many questions running through her head like how did they get there? How did any of this happen? How could she feel so miserable? Why couldn't she just look at him? 
“You haven't look at me, you haven't talked to me, you haven't even brushed your arm against mine once in the past week! I know something happened, and I don't know if I did something wrong? But I just want you to talk to me!”
The emotion coming from Spencer's voice surprised Y/N, but not as much as his words. He had actually noticed all of that? She felt so overwhelmed, and she had no idea how to answer him, how to explain everything. Tears were pricking at her eyes, and all she wanted to do was run away from him, from all the problems. She just wanted to run away.
Spencer took a deep breath and moved even closer to Y/N, standing right in front of her, ducking his head down to try to meet her eyes. “Y/N...we’re supposed to talk to each other. That's what couples do, they talk. I just want you to talk to me.” The desperation in his voice was obvious, but at that moment all Y/N could hear was ridiculing, and she felt like a child again, getting told what to do. And it was too much. 
She looked up. 
“That's what I thought Spencer! We’re supposed to talk to each other! So why couldn't you just tell me that you ‘needed space’?!?” The mocking was clear in her voice, and even though she saw the shocked look on her boyfriend's face she couldn't stop now. She moved her hands to wipe her tears and started again, “why couldn't you just tell me that I’m too much? Why did I have to find out by you talking to JJ?! God, I’m just trying to give you space but I’m not very good at it, so excuse me if I’m acting strange!”. 
Suddenly the mood in the room changed. Spencer finally understood, and Y/N felt relieved having her thoughts out in the open. Even though she was still terrified of what was going to happen, just expressing her feelings removed a big weight off of her chest. 
“No! No. Its- it's fine. I’m sorry for yelling at you I’m just-” she felt small again, like all the courage she had was used when she had yelled at him. “I- maybe I’ll go see if Emily's okay with me crashing with her tonight- I just- I just have to get my stuff I’ll-” Y/N had turned around to go, ready to accept defeat when she felt the hands on her waist pulling her back. “Spence it's fine-”
“No, it's not fine.” He said harshly and insistently. He tried to get her to turn around, but she was frozen to her spot. “Will you please just look at me?” 
It took a few moments but hearing the desperation in his voice, Y/N finally let him turn her around. They stared at each other for a few moments, both of them stuck on the eyes they hadn't actually seen in days. Spencer was the first to break the silence. 
“I'm so so sorry.” The confusion must have been clear on his girlfriend's face because he continued, “I can't believe you could ever think I needed space from you, I can't believe I could ever believe I needed space from you.” There was guilt laced with frustration in his voice, and Y/N couldn't bring herself to speak. 
Spencer was gentle while removing his hands from her waist, and instead placing them on her face, gently lifting her chin so that she couldn't look away. It was strange to be so intimate after not touching him for days. But the relief coming from Y/N’s body was clear, just a little touch removed all the ache she’d been feeling for days.
“I was wrong.” Spencer started again, the sentence unusual for someone as smart as him. “I don't need space, I just need you. I just need you Y/N.” his eyes were pleading with hers instant, and she hoped hers were telling him it was alright. “It was unbearable not touching you. I’ve felt so closed in, claustrophobic, these past couple of weeks and I thought I was because of you, but it wasn't, you touching me was the only thing holding me together honestly.” 
Y/N felt more tears leave her, this time with happiness. Hearing that she could touch Spencer again flooded her body with the light she’d been missing. 
“I'm so sorry you heard me talking. I’m so sorry I was talking in the first place. I never really know when to keep my mouth shut.” They both laughed at his words. The tension was gone, and instead, a bliss overcame them, the distance was so exhausting for both of them, touching each other was like caffeine that made their skin buzz. 
“I love you, Spencer. I'm sorry for being so difficult.” He frowned at Y/N’s words, moving his thumbs slowly on her cheeks, and leaning down to kiss her. 
It was soft and slow, almost like Spencer was trying to tell her how much he loved her, and how much he loved being with her through a kiss. And it reminded Y/N of their first kiss, so much questioning but still deeper. So she kissed him and tried to display the same feelings for him. 
“You aren't going anywhere okay?” Spencer said breaking the kiss, a small smile resting on his face, a smile Y/N hadn't seen in days.
She pecked his lips and grinned at him, “just hold me okay?”.
And they were going to be okay. They hadn't talked everything out, but they were both exhausted, both barely awake. They would leave it for the night, and they would sleep peacefully in each others arms. Never again would space be included in the language they were building together. 
pt. 2 here
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 19 of the July Prompts: fireflies
Warnings: alcohol, language, light angst
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I really had no plan going into this fic and it completely took on a mind of its own. Truth be told I’m not totally sure what this is haha. Something in me is telling me I need to continue this storyline but I have no idea what I would do with it lol. I got a little into some feelings while writing this but I hope you guys enjoy it! xo
Angel Reyes Taglist: @helli4nthus​ @angelreyesgirl​ @starrynite7114​ @queenbeered​ @sincerelyasomebody​ @sadeyesgf​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @appropriate-writers-name​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @sillygoose6969​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @louisianalady​ @gemini0410​ @paintballkid711​ @chibsytelford​ @yourwonkywriter​ @sesamepancakes​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @garbinge​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @enjoy-the-destruction​ @withmyteeth​ @encounterthepast​ @lilacyennefer​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @masterlistforimagines​ @luckyharley1903​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @black-repunzel99​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @lexondeck​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ @berniesilvas​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @amorestevens​
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The air was warm still despite the fact that the sun had set a little while before. It was just you and Angel sitting on the back steps at his house. There wasn’t a whole lot to see back there, but it was nice to not be looking directly into the next row of houses. You were mirroring each other’s position—leaning forward with your forearms resting on your knees, beer bottle loosely held in your hands. Neither of you had said anything for a little bit, content to just listen to the sound of the wind blowing and the scattered noises of whatever critters were brave enough to come out at night in Angel’s edge-of-civilization neighborhood.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been somewhere so quiet,” you finally broke the silence.
He chuckled, “Oh yea?”
You nodded, taking a sip of your beer before continuing, “Moved from one apartment complex to the next with my family growing up. Traded in one city for another over and over again. It was never quiet—there was always some kind of chaos happening.”
“There’s still chaos,” he smiled and playfully bumped your shoulder with his.
You laughed, “I guess. Just, you know, different kind of chaos. It’s nice to not have chaos at home.”
Your tone was light enough but he could see the faraway look in your eyes and he knew that you were thinking about all the different homes and lives you lived growing up before you somehow landed in Santo Padre. Truthfully, he had always wondered how it came to be, but he never had the courage to ask.
“Hey,” he started, a tentative hesitation in his voice, “I was, uh, thinkin’ tha—”
His sentence was cut short by the sound of your gasp, followed by you eagerly setting your beer bottle off to the side and jumping up off the steps. His brows furrowed in confusion as he stood and followed you down off the steps, his long legs easily and quickly closing the distance that you’d put between the two of you. The dew on the short, unkept lawn slicked the bottoms of your bare feet but you didn’t care. Angel saw the smile on your face as you headed towards the tree-line and stood back to watch what you did.
“This is gonna sound stupid,” you were speaking to him despite the fact that you weren’t turning around to face him, “but I’ve never actually seen these in real life.”
“Seen what?”
“Fireflies,” you got closer to the edge of his tiny little yard as you tried to guess where the little creature was going to blink next.
“Really?” he sounded genuinely shocked.
“Something tells me that they hate the city chaos as much as I do,” you chuckled as you reached, trying to cup one in your hands and failing.
“EZ and I used to catch these little fuckers all the time when we were kids,” he found his place next to you.
He nodded, “Yea. For the longest time I wanted him to smush one and use it as face paint on me but he never did.”
You laughed and shoved him lightly, “That’s awful!” you paused, “Why didn’t you just do it?”
“’Cause that’s fuckin’ gross. I don’t want dead bug all over my hands,” he chuckled.
“Just all over your face?” you raised an eyebrow, shaking your head before returning to the task at hand, “How’d you do it?”
“Catch them.”
You could see the focus take over his features as he looked around, trying to find one, “Gotta try and see their fat little bodies when they aren’t lit up,” he brought his hands up, expertly cupping them around something that you couldn’t quite see, “Because if you try to catch them when they blink they’re already gonna be gone.”
He nodded for you to come closer as he lowered his delicately cupped hands. A smile spread across his face when he saw the excitement in your eyes. He partially opened his hands at the top so you could peek in, your eyes lighting up as you watched the tiny creature blink inside the enclosed space of his large hands.
“Wanna hold it?”
You shook your head, “I wanna catch my own.”
He smiled, nodding his head, “Alright,” he opened up his hands and it took off into the night, blinking every so often as it got farther and farther away.
Angel was content to stand back and watch you walk back and forth along the perimeter of the little plot of land that passed for his backyard. He crossed his arms over his chest, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips as you tried again and again to catch one of the little bugs. Each time you came so close, but not quite close enough to succeed. He noticed that you weren’t getting frustrated, though. And, honestly, he had the feeling that you had completely tuned out the rest of the world. He could’ve been trying to talk to you the entire time and you wouldn’t have heard a single thing.
He heard the snapping of a twig underneath your foot and realized that you were halfway into the trees on your expedition. The thought of you running barefoot through the little spit of woods was entertaining, but the last thing he wanted to happen was you splitting your foot open on something. He walked over and slid his hand into yours, giving you a slight tug and bringing you back to reality.
You allowed him to back you up a little bit before picking a new target to focus on, one that hopefully wouldn’t evade you like the last few had. Your eyes had adjusted better to the darkness, and you figured this was going to be your best shot at it.
You slowly crept up on one, like the sound of you was what was going to scare it away. Angel was biting back a chuckle as he watched you crouch slightly, feet moving slowly and deliberately across his lawn. You spread your arms wide, hands cupped in the optimal bug-catching position. Your face was contorted in focus as you slowly but surely brought your hands closer together.
Connecting your hands, you gasped as you spun back around to Angel, a giant smile on your face as you ran over to him, nearly slipping and falling in the process. He chuckled as you skidded to a stop in front of him, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“I think I got it!”
“Take a look, querida,” his tone was softer than you expected it to be given your excitement in the situation.
You opened your hands just the slightest bit, and were greeted with the yellow glint of the firefly in your hands. You squealed, cupping your hands back together. You looked at Angel expectantly, “Do you have a jar I could put it in?”
He smiled, “I’ll see what I got,” he pressed a light kiss to the side of your head before walking back towards the house.
He reemerged a minute later with a mason jar and a paper plate. He held the jar out to you, “Put it in here, then I’ll flip it and set it on the plate.”
You nodded, trying very carefully to get the bug into the jar without it flying away. You quietly clapped your hands together when Angel flipped the jar over and set it on the surface of the little table on the deck. You immediately sat down, crossing your arms on the table and resting your chin on them. Angel sat down across from you, elbow propped and chin set in the palm of his hand as he watched you watch the firefly.
It flitted around the jar, not landing, but not bumping into the sides either. Angel saw the wonder in your eyes and while he found it endearing, he also felt a heaviness settling on his chest that he couldn’t quite explain. There was an innocence in your expression and your excitement that directly juxtaposed itself with all the things he knew that you were capable of, things that you probably had to go through to get to the point where you were at now.
“So what did you do?” he finally asked.
“Hm?” you raised your eyebrows but kept your gaze fixed on the bug in the jar.
“In the city. What’d you do for fun as a kid?”
Your eyes flicked over to him for a moment, trying to gauge his emotion, “Not a hell of a lot,” you answered honestly.
Your mind flashed back to tiny little one-bedroom apartments, loud neighbors, sirens blaring down the street. It was hot, but not the way it was in Santo Padre—back then the heat felt heavy, and filthy. You had nowhere to go, nothing to do but wait for something else to happen that made you all pack up and move to the next place that felt exactly like all the others.
Angel saw the tears gathering in your eyes and he knew that you didn’t notice them. He could see it in your eyes that you were somewhere else entirely as your eyes followed the bug inside the jar. He didn’t know what to say, if he was even supposed to say anything in a moment like that. He was about to reach out and rest his hand on your arm when you sat upright, shaking your head slightly as you blinked away the tears.
You could see it on his face that he was going to try having a conversation about it all, but you weren’t up for that just yet. You watched the firefly in the jar for a few more seconds before placing your hand on the bottom of the jar, curling your fingers around it. Taking a deep breath, you lifted it up and watched as the small bug found its way out and took off, leaving nothing but a trial of blips in its wake.
Something resembling a smile was tugging at the corners of your mouth as you set the jar back down. You drummed your fingers along the glass sides, lost in thought again. Angel watched as each emotion crossed your face, and he wished that he could get a glimpse of what was going on inside your head.
“It’s alright, you know,” he said, dragging you back to the present.
“You can…you can be honest with me. If shit wasn’t good you can tell me that. You’re not gonna scare me off. I get that family can be…rough.”
You chuckled dryly, “Rough. Right.”
He could see your walls going back up and he knew that there was no getting to the bottom of it tonight. Reaching, he placed his hand on top of yours and gave it a light squeeze, “I’m glad you made it here.”
You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was being sincere. Taking your other hand, you placed it over his, “I’m glad too.”
“If you think that catching fireflies is fun,” Angel smiled as he shook his head, “One time EZ came home with a whole fuckin’ hare.”
“A what?”
“A hare. Ears were this big I fuckin’ swear,” he held his hands dramatically far apart to indicate the size the animal’s ears has been.
You laughed, shaking your head, “I don’t believe you.”
“Ask him next time you see him,” he got up and grabbed both of your beer bottles from the step and handing yours to you before drinking from his own, “Pops was pissed.”
“I can imagine,” you smiled.
As you listened to Angel tell you other stories of antics that he and his little brother got into, you felt the heaviness of your own memories beginning to subside for the time being. It was easy to get lost in the way that Angel’s eyes crinkled slightly when he laughed and smiled, the way that he spoke with his hands. You pressed the bottle to your lips as you listened, your eyes straying every now and then to the fireflies flitting around in the background, blinking in and out of existence.
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supervoldejaygent · 3 years
Suspicious Activity
Fandom: Arrow
Pairing: Felicity Smoak x fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: Both on their first dates in a few months, Reader and Felicity hope the night ends well, even with some unexpected date crashers.
A/N: Hello my lovelies! It is I! The writer who has so many ideas but can’t seem to sit down and write all of them and instead plays amazing video games like Mass Effect! I’ll be honest, I’m only playing Mass Effect right now. Anywhooo, it seems my too long writer’s block is over and I have not one, not two, but seven other fics in the works! I’m hoping with my new found energy, I can get those out to you guys before spooky season is over! So, here’s hoping! Now, without further ado, this fic! Enjoy (:
~ ~ ~
It was a quiet night, a beautiful one. The sun started to set, the flocking birds whistling their tune, and an autumn breeze blew its way through Star City. It was breathtaking, and the night was only starting. 
Felicity wrung out her hands as she stood in front of her full-length mirror, tugging at the end of her rose gold, knee-high dress. It hugged her waist perfectly, flaring slightly into a light twirl skirt. Perfect date dress, yet, Felicity couldn’t help but wonder if she should change. Right as she was about to voice her thoughts, her best girlfriend, Thea, entered counter-acting her conscience.
“Oh my god,” she breathed. “Felicity, you look stunning.”
“Really?” Thea nodded. “You don’t think I should change?”
“Why would you change?”
Felicity shrugged. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Heck no! I think you are gonna drive her wild. And if the night doesn’t end in sex, then she’s not the one.”
“Thea!” Felicity nervously laughed. Yes, it had been a while, considering her last relationship with Oliver had ended almost half a year ago. Still, she didn’t want to expect that the night would end that way, all she wanted was the night to end well.
“What! I’m just saying what everyone has been thinking.”
“Everyone has been thinking that?”
She shrugged. “Not out loud, but we all know how badly you need a night out. So, don’t worry at all about any cases tonight, just enjoy yourself.”
“Right, enjoy myself.” Felicity walked over to her closet to grab a pair of heels and her clutch, before turning to Thea to voice another concern of hers. “Are you sure you guys won’t need me? Because I can cancel---”
“No, Felicity,” Thea stated, ending any other ‘buts’ that could possibly leave Felicity’s mouth. “You are going on this date, and you are going to have a fun time. Trust me.”
Nodding to her friend’s words, who she knew was right, Felicity finished getting ready, texting her date that she was on her way to the restaurant. It was time for Felicity to move on and have a good, loving relationship.
The sun had almost fully set by the time (Y/N) had arrived at Café L’Amour. The moon and surrounding stars were getting ready to sparkle, as the harsh winds of Star City grew quiet, softly blowing and waving through the trees like a sacred dance. It calmed (Y/N), seeing the trees wave back and forth. It had been a couple of months since she had gone on a date, her job keeping that part of her life empty. But she was excited for this one. She had only ever heard of good things of Felicity from her friends, and if everything went her way, work would not call her and she could actually make it to the end of the night.
As the wind blew, (Y/N) thanked her conscience for making her grab a jacket but cursed herself for wearing a short black dress that barely reached her knees. The tight pencil skirt may have kept her legs close together, but it made nothing better as her legs shivered. 
Shaking from nerves and chill, (Y/N) checked her phone, a text from Felicity appearing, letting her know that she was on her way. She was about to turn her phone back off when a familiar number appeared, calling her.
Sighing as she picked up, (Y/N) bit bitterly, “Yes?”
“Well, that’s no way to talk to your partner.”
“Sorry, Drake,” she sighed again. “How can I help you?”
“Has your date showed up yet?”
“No, but she’s on her way, why?”
“Just checking. Chief said if you were available, to check out our lead for the Crenshaw case.”
“Well, I’m busy, so I can’t go.”
“Alright, well I’m still going to go.”
“I know what you’re doing, Drake,” (Y/N) huffed. “You’re trying to guilt me into helping you so you don’t have to bring Kresminski.”
Drake sighed. “You got me. Look, I’m only trying to save you some trouble. We both know how hard it is to date with our hours.”
(Y/N) rubbed her temples, pulling her jacket in closer to her body. “I know, but I need this. Plus, I have a good feeling about this.”
“You said that last time and the guy ended up being a magician.”
“Yeah, okay, but this is different. I have heard nothing bad about Felicity and if that’s not a good sign, then I don’t know what is.”
“Fine,” her partner said. ��Have a good date or whatever.” Before (Y/N) could reply, the phone call ended, leaving her by herself again. Although the wait wasn’t too long, Felicity showed up about five minutes later, looking like a beautiful girl in a dream. Something, that she told her, causing the blonde to blush and compliment (Y/N) in the same fashion. As (Y/N) thanked her, she held the door open and walked in after Felicity towards their table.
The date had been going well, neither a buzz from either girl’s phones, interrupting the pleasant conversation about the countryside and visiting Europe that they were having. In fact, there had been no peeps from either phone since sitting down. It was nice, quiet, almost too quiet. But neither girl said anything about it, instead opting to enjoy the company of each other over dinner, dessert, and a few glasses of rose. 
As the night sky grew darker and time ticked away, (Y/N) and Felicity lost themselves in each other. It was like the gods above were further intertwining their lives the later it got. Despite the night going so well, neither were prepared for the pullback to reality they received. Like a pack of wolves, a group of men, all dressed in black entered the restaurant, shouting and yelling for no one other, then Felicity Smoak.
“Where is Felicity Smoak!” the leader yelled. He had a black ski mask pulled over his face, as did the others, but his had red circles around the eyes. He held a shotgun, aimed at an elderly couple. Their eyes were wide in horror, probably praying that this would not be their last night.
Knowing better than to put a civilian in harm’s way, (Y/N) very carefully reached into her bag to grab her gun, whispering to Felicity to get to the ground and hide behind the table. They were sat in the back, so unless the men decided to venture further than the first few rows, no one would know she was there.
“What!” Felicity whispered yelled. “I am not getting on the ground!”
“Well, I am not putting you in danger!” (Y/N) whispered yelled back. “Now hide under the table!”
Felicity huffed, doing as her date said. “What are you going to do exactly? You are one person, and you have one small gun. Also, where did you get a gun?”
“I’m a cop, I always carry one with me. As for taking care of them, I have already texted for backup, so if we chill, we can avoid being drastic.”
“HEY!” (Y/N) quickly turned her head to the strained voice on her left side. It was the leader of the group, his gun in front of him and in the ready-to-use position. “WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO BACK THERE!”
(Y/N) felt her heart clutch. Backup wouldn’t be there for at least another ten minutes and Felicity was right, she only had one gun. But she couldn’t put her date into the view of those men, so with fake confidence, (Y/N) slipped her gun into the thigh holster she had that was luckily covered by her dress and stood up with her hands raised.
“My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I am a detective with SCPD. If you do not put your guns down and let these people go, I will be forced to take you down.”
The men laughed at her, looking around themselves. There were at least seven of them, all with guns that could easily take her down with a single step. Yet, she held her ground, ready to grab her gun when the time came.
When the group’s laughter died down, the leader locked eyes with her. “You and what army?”
“Her and this army!” said a gruff voice from above. (Y/N) looked up to see something she would’ve never expected to see. The Green Arrow and his crew. They jumped in through the windows, shattering the glass. One of them, she believed to go by the name Black Canary, ran over to her, shielding her from any of the bullets that began to ring through the restaurant. The duo ran over to a nearby table, Black Canary telling her to stay hidden behind. (Y/N) began to protest, to tell the vigilante that she could help, but the woman in black only shook her head, insisting she stay behind the table until the whole ordeal was over. 
(Y/N)’s head began to run rampant with theories for how they all knew that the restaurant was in trouble. SCPD despised the Green Arrow and his fellow vigilantes, so it couldn’t have been that. She wasn’t hanging out with her best friend, Thea, whom she knew was the archer in red known as Speedy, so that was a no-go. Which meant there could’ve been only one possibility left. The person that this night seemed to center around, the woman who this group was after, (Y/N)’s date. Felicity Smoak.
But how did Felicity know the Green Arrow? Did she text him directly? Maybe she texted Thea, as she was the one that set them up. So, Felicity texted Thea and Thea told everyone else on the team? That seemed less likely as Thea wasn’t even here tonight. It was only three of the normal group: Black Canary, Spartan, and the Green Arrow. Maybe Thea called one of them. Or they’re all in one big group chat. Whatever the answer was it led back to Felicity all the same.
Having been lost in her thoughts, (Y/N) hadn’t even realized the fight had ended until a green glove appeared before her, helping her up from her crouched position. There, standing in front of her was someone she never thought she would meet face to face. The Green Arrow.
“Thanks,” he said, his voice as gruff as it was when he announced his arrival. 
“You are welcome?” (Y/N) replied, confused by his gesture.
“Keep an eye on her for me, will you?” he nodded behind her, causing (Y/N) to look back at the person he had been referring to. Her.
“I will.” she smiled, he nodded, and just as swiftly as they entered, he and his crew left. Brushing off her dress, (Y/N) walked over to Felicity, ready to get her out of here when SCPD rolled in, guns drawn. (Y/N) sighed, giving Felicity the “one-second” finger and walking over to the backup that arrived to tell them the story of what happened.
It wasn’t for another twenty minutes until (Y/N) and Felicity reunited after all the excitement. The duo walked hand in hand back to Felicity’s car in silence, both clouded by questions and wonderment that they weren’t sure they wanted the answers to. When the pair arrived, they both stood there, hands still held in each other, both unsure what to say. 
It wasn’t until (Y/N) leaned against Felicity’s car, setting off her car alarm did either one say anything. 
“Sorry, I---” (Y/N) tried to apologize as Felicity fumbled for her keys. (Y/N) stood tall again, her hands feeling cold without Felicity’s. 
“No it’s all good, I---” Finding her keys, Felicity ended the car’s whining. “I’m sorry.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms. “For what?”
“For the armed men that just endangered our lives. Your life. They were after me and I put you right in the middle of the situation.”
(Y/N) took a step towards the blonde woman, taking her hands into her own again. “First off, I endangered my own life by playing hero. You saved me with your unknown contact to the Green Arrow. Secondly, it’s not your fault, in any way, shape, or form. You couldn’t have known that they were going to be at Café L’Amour. And if you did, we would be having a very different conversation. You should not be sorry, for anything.”
“Do you think I have the ability to be evil?” 
“I think if you wanted to be evil, you would be an adorable villain.”
“I appreciate that.” Once again, silence overtook the conversation, leaving Felicity shivering in the cool autumn air. (Y/N), being the polite woman she was, quickly took off her own jacket, and wrapped it around Felicity, opting to be cold. Her date tried to say no to her kind gesture, but (Y/N) was persistent, saying she wasn’t even cold, even though it wasn’t true.
When (Y/N) had enough of the silence, she cleared her throat. “So, you know the Green Arrow?”
Felicity nodded, pulling the jacket tighter to her body. “Well, technically, if I’m being honest, I work with him. And the rest of Team Arrow. I’m actually one of the founding members of Team Arrow. I even have my own nickname. Overwatch.”
“Wow,” (Y/N) breathed. “That’s...a lot, but I’m gonna get over it and I’m over it. That makes a lot more sense. I thought you had texted Thea, but when I didn’t see her in the group, I tossed that theory out the window.”
Felicity paused. “Why would I have texted Thea?”
“Uh, you don’t have to hide her identity, Thea is my best friend. I know she’s Speedy.”
Felicity nodded, not even bothering to try and deflect (Y/N)’s statement. “So, you’re a cop?”
“Technically, I’m a detective.”
“You’re not going to arrest me for being a part of Star City’s most notorious vigilante group, are you?”
“That depends.”
“On what?”
“On whether or not you’re in that sort of thing.” (Y/N) grinned when her suggestion caused Felicity’s face to turn bright red. “I mean, we can test it out, tonight. If you’re up for it? My place is empty and no one, that I know of at least, will be barging in with a group of six men and shotguns, so we should be good.”
“Ah, well, uhm, I---” Felicity stumbled over her words, stopping to take a deep breath to compose herself. “I would love to.”
“Great, let’s get going, Ms. Smoak.”
“Lead the way, Ms.(Y/L/N).” Outside the air was quiet but inside (Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s apartment, sound raved and bounced off walls and wailed into the rooms next door. The night might have been a cool, calming wave of malcontent, but the morning was going to be a warm, sunray of bliss.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Give Me Hallmark
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Request: hii can you like do a spencer reid one shot with a fem bau reader and it's christmas, everyone's still working and at the end of the day the reader asks if anyone wants to grab dinner for christmas but almost everyone has plans except for reid so they go out and eat then they walk around with all christmas lights and there's couples everywhere and spencer just confesses his love for her under a mistletoe.
A/N: Thank you for the request, @euphoricdumpsterfire​! We love a cute Christmas fic and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to post this exactly on Christmas but December 26th works too imo! Hope everyone who celebrated had a Merry Christmas and for those who don’t celebrate I hope you had a fantastic, relaxation day ❤️ Hope you enjoy!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: A small mention of alcohol but nothing else 
Word count: 3.5k
Nothing was worse than working during Christmas. For most people that is but you didn’t mind. Your family had decided to go on a cruise for the holiday. They asked you to join but the day you were going to tell them your decision the team had a case in Wyoming. You insisted they go without you and you would visit them as soon they came back.
Christmas’s charm had faded away in your eyes as soon as you reached adulthood. Spending it alone had nearly become a habit of yours. Last year you spent it with a couple of friends and did a cute secret Santa exchange. The Christmas’ before that consisted of just you, a bottle of wine and reruns of your favourite hallmark movies.
As you worked diligently at your desk you couldn’t help notice walk down the steps towards where the four of you were working. You looked up and saw a sight that proved to you Christmas miracles were real. Hotch was smiling and whenever he smiled you knew there was extremely good news to proceed.
“Merry Christmas everyone. You’re off the clock,” he said.
“Off the clock? Hotch, we’ve only been working for five hours,” Spencer said.
“Reid, are you serious right now? A late start and an early finish? Sounds like a deal I’m going to take,” Morgan said as he started to pack up his stuff.
“Have a good rest of your day everyone,” Hotch said before retreating to his office.
You started packing up your stuff as well. You could already hear the opening scene of A Royal Christmas playing in your head. Before you could make your way home, cuddle up on your couch and lose your heart to movies you’ve watched for the past five years, you had to eat.
You looked around at everyone packing up their things to leave as soon as they possibly could. You wanted to eat at your fave Chinese spot instead of ordering takeout this year. You didn’t mind sitting in and dining on your own but you could already anticipate the looks of people dining in and seeing you eating alone. The last time that happened a man in his 70s insisted on joining you to eat and told you how much you reminded him of his wife who had passed away five years earlier.
“Does anyone wanna grab something to eat?” You asked.
“I would love to, Y/N, but I have a ticket to the Bahamas that’s calling my name. I’ll send plenty of pictures,” Emily said as she picked up her purse.
“Make sure you keep them PG-rated,” Morgan joked.
Emily playfully rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t give you a PG-13 picture even if you paid me.”
“Ouch,” he said.
Emily laughed as she told everyone goodbye. As soon as she walked out of the bullpen you knew there was no chance of getting her back. You turned your attention over to Morgan. He saw your gaze and immediately stood up to get out of your sight. You didn’t let him get too far though.
“How about you, Derek? You want to grab some Chinese?” You asked.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. If it was a regular, shmegular day I wouldn’t even think twice about it but since it’s Christmas I have plans I must attend,” he said.
“Oh? And those plans would be?” You inquired.
He shook his head and wiggled his finger at you. “We’re keeping it PG-rated remember? Have a Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
Before you could stop him for another question, he wished everyone a Merry Christmas and bolted out the bullpen. Now there was only you, JJ and Spencer. You saw JJ get up to leave next. She saw you looking at her and gave you a sympathetic smile but you knew her answer already.
“Kids?” You asked.
She nodded. “And husband. Sorry, we’ll go another time for sure.”
You smiled. “Of course. Merry Christmas, J.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
With that she was out of the bullpen. You sighed as you looked over at Spencer. He stood up from his desk and swung his satchel on his shoulder. You were nervous to even ask anyone else let alone  him if he was free to go out to eat with you. You knew he would probably be busy with his mother. He had been so stressed out lately about her health you didn’t want to bother him with your loneliness.
You then saw Garcia scurrying out of her office down into the bullpen area. You smiled as you saw her walking your way. You stepped in front of her with a huge smile. You were disappointed to not see the same enthusiasm on her face. Your smile instantly dropped.
“Too busy to get something to eat with me?” You asked.
“Unfortunately I am, my little sugar plum, but I will definitely go with you after the holiday,” she said before embracing you in a big hug.
You sighed and hugged her back. “Merry Christmas, P.”
“Merry Christmas, sweet stuff,” she said before scurrying past you.
You turned around to watch her leave like the rest. You sighed as you were starting to realize you probably were the only one without plans this Christmas. It made you quite sad to think about but you did it to yourself every year. What was one more year of sitting alone at a restaurant and having an old man tell you about his dead wife?
“I can go with you if you’d like, Y/N,” you heard Spencer say.
You looked back around to see him standing just a foot away from you. You were in shock he wasn’t busy as you thought he was going to be. You were even more shocked that he wanted to spend a few hours on Christmas day with you.
“You sure? I thought you’d go to Vegas to spend some time with your mom because of her health,” you said.
“I’m flying out tomorrow morning and I’m already packed, so I have time,” he said.
You stood there still in shock. You didn’t think you would be spending your evening with Spencer especially since it was only the two of you. Your look of shock must have made him weary because he furrowed his eyebrows in concern.
“Unless you’ve changed your mind then I’ll just go home,” he said.
You shook your head. “No, no, sorry. We can definitely go together. I’d love to spend my evening having you as my dinner companion.”
He sheepishly smiled. “Great. Should we ask Hotch and Rossi if they want to tag along?”
You chuckled. “Spence, when you reach their age all you want to do with your Christmas is cuddle up with a glass of scotch or whisky.”
He nodded in agreement. “Fair.”
You smiled as you picked up your purse off of your desk. Like the gentleman he was, he offered out his arm for you to hook onto. You didn’t hesitate to grab hold of his bicep and you swore he was flexing for you but that could have been your imagination.
Your favourite Chinese restaurant wasn’t too far from the BAU headquarters. It was only a few blocks down but it took a little longer for you two to get there than it would have been if you were walking by yourself. You enjoyed talking to Spencer and would get lost in every word he would say. From the time you two had left the office, he was talking about some recent discovery in the galaxy and the amount of passion in his voice was admirable.
He was naturally a slower walker compared to your need to fast walk but him talking to you allowed you to bear the brisk winter air for a little longer. The cold didn’t seem to bother him much because he kept looking your way when he was talking to you even though the wind was blowing that way. The way he was smiling at you throughout could have been the reason he was warm because his smile could warm the coldest of nights.
He held the door open to let you in. You blushed and thanked him as you stepped in. Everything he did felt so intimate to you. It felt as if you were at the beginning of your own little Hallmark movie but it could have been your overly active imagination at work again. Maybe it was time for you to retire the Hallmark movies if they were making you think this way.
“For two?” The host asked.
You nodded. “Yes, please.”
“Follow me this way,” she said as she led the way.
She led you both to a booth near the back corner of the restaurant. You both thanked her as she put down your menus. You took off your purse and jacket and tossed them on your seat before scooting in. Spencer followed suit.
As you looked at the menu you couldn’t help but notice Spencer smiling as he looked down at his. You looked up at him with a puzzled look. He looked up from his menu to see your full confused look.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Why are you smiling to yourself?” You asked.
“Uh, well, I just find it kind of funny,” he said.
“Find what kind of funny?” You asked.
“Out of all the things you could have done on Christmas you wanted to eat at a Chinese restaurant,” he said with a soft chuckle.
“Well, if I’m keeping it honest I’ve been craving Chinese for a while and this is one of my favourite spots. I found out a few days ago they have a deal where if you and someone else come in on Christmas Day, you get 50 percent off your meal,” you said.
“Ah, is that why you were asking everyone to tag along?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yeah. It’s probably the lamest way to spend Christmas but I love a good meal and a good price point.”
“I don’t think it’s a lame way to spend Christmas at all. I do this with my mom on most years but instead of Chinese we go eat at Binion’s and indulge in chicken fried lobster.”
You giggled. “I love that. My family went on a cruise I had to miss out on but I’ll see them in a week.”
“Well, if you’re eating on a budget on Christmas Day then you definitely saved yourself some major cash from missing that cruise if that makes you feel better. On average, during a seven-to-eight day cruise passengers spend $212 daily.”
“The way my dad eats he’s probably spending near $300.”
Spencer cracked a wider smile which automatically made you laugh. He broke into a small chuckle once you started it off. You saw the server walking up and automatically calmed down before picking up the menu again. Spencer turned to see the server approach your table. She placed two glasses of water down before taking out her pen and notepad.
“Welcome and Merry Christmas. I would like to start off by mentioning on Christmas we do a special where if two people come in their meal is half off,” she said.
“Oh, I’ve heard,” Spencer said as he looked at you.
You slightly blushed. You didn’t know if it was from the way he looked at you or if it was because you were way too excited about this deal.
“Amazing. Do you two know what you’d like?” She asked.
“Can we get a few more minutes please?” You asked.
“Of course. Would you like any other drink besides water?” She asked.
“No thank you,” you both said in unison.
Your server smiled and nodded before leaving the two of you to look over your menus. It seemed as if he couldn’t keep his eyes on his menu long enough to look over it. His eyes kept wandering up to look at you. Naturally, your eyes wanted to look into his.
“What now?” You giggled.
“How do you feel about looking at Christmas lights?” He asked.
“I love looking at Christmas lights,” you said.
“Awesome. There’s this street in downtown Washington full of them. I think they looked extremely pretty and I thought you’d like them,” he said.
“You thought I’d like them?” You said.
He nodded. “Yeah. I know how much you love Christmas lights, so when I walked by them last night I thought of you.”
“You did?” You asked.
“Yeah. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I didn’t-”
“No, no, I’m not uncomfortable at all. I’d really love to go with you, Spence,” you assured him.
He smiled and you could see the small fade-in of blush appear on his cheeks. If this was the universe’s way of telling you your Hallmark dreams had come true, it was the best possible way to let you know. You could have never imagined your Christmas would be spent with someone you had a crush on and you loved every second of it. You wanted it to become a Christmas tradition every year.
Once you two were done eating, Spencer paid even after you insisted you would. Before you could even take out your card, he had already paid in cash. You hated how he was always one step ahead of the game but it’s one of many things you adored about him.
It had become pitch dark outside as you two waited outside for a taxi to pass by. When you saw the first one come down the street you waved your arms like a maniac. You being the clumsy person you were nearly lost your balance and fell into the road. Spencer quickly grabbed onto your arm to keep you balanced.
As you two rode in the back of the taxi, you were already admiring the Christmas lights on houses and buildings. Spencer would point out ones on his side and you would look out in amazement. He chuckled every time your face would show any form of excitement or wonder. The drive alone was 45 minutes long but it felt like 10 as Spencer preoccupied your time.
When you reached downtown Washington, Spencer opened your door to let you out. He held out his hand to help you get out. He probably didn’t trust your legs holding you up after your little incident. You closed the door behind you and you two started your journey through the city.
“I think blue Christmas lights are my favourite,” you said.
“How come?” He asked.
“They’re the prettiest colour. It’s bright enough to catch your attention but not too overpowering to hurt your eyes,” you said.
“That’s a good reason to like it,” he said.
You giggled. “No fact to go along with my analysis, doctor?”
He chuckled. “I was trying to hold back but blue is a rare colour in nature but the most preferred colour by choice. Throughout history, it has been a top colour associated with relaxation and lowering blood pressure.”
“Amazing. I was struggling with my blood pressure, you know,” you joked.
He looked at you concerned. “What? Y/N, are you okay? If work is stressing you out, I don’t mind taking some of your workload.”
You laughed. “I’m kidding, Spence, but I might take you up on that offer if I ever do feel stressed out at work. What’s your favourite Christmas light colour?”
He pointed to the Christmas lights to his left. You looked and saw green lights hanging off of a storefront. You widened your eyes at how beautiful they looked. Spencer looked at you and smiled at your expression.
“They’re pretty, huh?” He asked.
“Pretty? They’re gorgeous. I didn’t even realize how beautiful the green lights were until they stood alone,” you said.
“Green’s actually the second most popular colour after blue,” he said.
You smiled. “Seems fitting.”
“Oh and in China green jade symbolizes virtue and beauty,” he said.
“Also very fitting,” you said.
You bit your bottom lip as you realized what you had said. You looked to your right to avoid eye contact with him. You couldn’t bear him asking about what you meant. You pointed to your side at another business that had strung green lights all over their store.
“You were right about green being a second favourite next to blue,” you said.
“George Washington’s favourite colour was green,” he said.
“Maybe there’s an ode to George going on in these streets,” you said.
He chuckled. “Possibly even though he was born in February.”
You laughed at his joke even though he didn’t know it was one. As you two continued walking you couldn’t help but notice all the couples populating the streets. Young couples, old couples, couples with kids. You looked over at Spencer to see his gaze looking from couple to couple as well.
You stared up at him wondering if he too wished they were those couples. Not that you wished you were any couple specifically but just a couple in general. You thought you two would look cute together especially on Christmas.
You soon noticed couples walking past you two smiling. You politely smiled back and so did Spencer. You weren’t sure if they were doing it to be polite or doing it because they thought you two were also a couple. Maybe they also saw the potential you two had together.
You sighed and decided it was best to turn your attention back to the lights. Again you saw green Christmas lights brighten a toy store’s front display. You don’t think you’ve ever seen so many green lights in your life. You started to think he had set this up.
“Spence, everyone has green lights up. I think they surpass blue in popularity now,” you said.
“Where do you see them?” He asked.
“Oh, you poor thing. I forgot you’re not wearing your glasses. They’re kind of small and on the inside showcase,” you said as you dragged him by his hand to the toy store.
As you two walked up to the store you could see his face lighten up when he saw the lights. You smiled at how excited he was to see all these green lights. As you recalled green and purple were his favourite colours so seeing all this green probably made him overly excited.
“Everywhere’s green for you, Spence,” you said.
“You know, many people don’t know this but green is the colour of love since it’s associated with Venus,” he said.
“Someone on this street must love you a lot then if they’re hanging up all these green lights,” you said.
“If you didn’t do it then I don’t want whoever did,” he said.
You looked at him in shock. You gave him a second to correct himself or at least elaborate for you but he didn’t. Once he said what he had to say, he stayed quiet as if he was waiting for you to say the next few words.
“Wait, repeat that and please say it with your chest this time so I know I heard you correctly,” you said in disbelief.
“I like you a lot, Y/N. More than words could ever express. I know you might not feel the same way but I just had to get it off my chest,” he said.
As he said that it felt as if the whole world went silent. You took in every word he said and it still didn’t feel real to you. You looked up at him as he waited anxiously for you to respond. You then looked up to see a stream of mistletoe hanging above you two. You looked back at him.
“You wanna know how I really feel?” You asked.
Before he could fully respond to you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and nearly jumped into him to kiss his soft lips. He grabbed you by your waist to keep you close to him as your tongues exchanged names. You didn’t want to stop but you were curious to see his reaction to what you just did. It was priceless.
He stared at you in a mix of confusion, happiness and love. You uncontrollably giggled at his expression. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone express three different emotions in one go before.
“You know, I did always want to star in my own Hallmark movie,” you joked.
“I’m glad I could give that to you,” he said.
“I think there’s one more thing you could give to me,” you said.
“Anything. What is it?” He asked.
“Another kiss,” you said.
He chuckled. “I’d kiss you forever.”
He leaned in and you didn’t hesitate to latch onto his lips. Even though the cold breeze was shaking you to the core, your happiness kept you going. You couldn’t possibly go back to watching Hallmark movies after getting the real thing. Besides you felt after this moment your next Christmas’ would be spent in Vegas at Binion’s eating chicken fried lobster.
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection, @slutforthegubes, @pinkdiamond1016, @spencerreidsthings, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto, @slutforsr @bxtchboy69, @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @tclaerh @agentadhd @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @blxckhearthood @jesspavlik0vsky @katexrichardson @keniaasf @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @keniaasf @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @bluerose512​ @laneybobeczko-g​ @averyhotchner​ @littlewierdalien @cynbx
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ninyard · 3 years
more stefan/andrew au? the last one was fucking amazing
(following on from pt 2 kinda following canon a lil bit but imagining their relationship panning out earlier than it did in the series? Fab)
Part 1 / part 2
“Andrew?” Neil was woken up by Seth’s pissed-off, tired moan. “Get the fuck out of here, you fuckin’ freak.” Neil heard the rustling of covers and Andrew’s footsteps coming into the room. “Yo, hey, are you deaf?!” It’d been a couple days since the incident in Columbia, and Andrew and Neil hadn’t really spoken since then. Coach had tried to get them to make up when Neil came back to his apartment, but his attempts futile. They’d only had a short conversation before Andrew got bored and left. All Neil got from Andrew’s lot since then was hostility and cold shoulders. Now, in the middle of the night, Andrew was breaking into the room of the three people he actively seemed to hate the most. Neil pretended to sleep, until he felt weight on the rungs of the ladder on his bed, and hands on the back of his T-shirt. Andrew practically pulled him off the bed, immediately waking him up from any bit of sleep he had left in him.
“Car. Ten minutes.” Andrew didn’t lower his voice for Neil’s half-asleep roommates. “I don’t like waiting.”
“I don’t care.” Neil retorted back in a hushed voice. “Leave me alone and let me sleep.” Andrew got real close to Neil’s face. The dim light of the moon outside the window showed Andrew unsmiling face. He was presumably sober, and Andrew sober was a much scarier sight than him being medicated and violent.
“Ten minutes.” He repeated again, matching Neil’s volume, hazel eyes burning a hole through Neil’s natural blue. Andrew put a finger to his lips and switched to German. “This is the only chance you’ll get.”
Neil had almost forgotten he’d spoken to Andrew in German in Coach’s apartment. He was startled at the sudden language change, and obliged when Andrew finally left the room. He got dressed underneath his covers as best he could, and decided against putting in his contacts, before jumping down off the top bunk.
“Bring that monster around here one more time and you’re moving out.” Seth groaned, but fully meant what he said. He turned around to face the wall and through the muffle of a pillow, Neil heard him say, “Now fuck off.” Matt, sleeping like a rock, was snoring on the other side of the room, totally unphased and undisturbed by Andrew’s swift entrance and exit.
Andrew was alone at his car when Neil pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands in a desperate attempt to stay warm, the door of the dorm building shutting behind him. It was freezing outside, and Neil hadn’t realised it was literally the middle of the night until he saw a clock in the hallway reading an early 3:54am. The wind blew leaves across the parking lot with a whistle and a rustle, the dry fall leaves swirling around like tiny twisters on the tarmac. The campus was silent, on the night of a weekday, so Neil didn’t expect anyone to be out. Yet here Andrew was, leaning on the bonnet of his car with a cigarette between his lips, smoke quickly disappearing in the biting wind.
“You never answered my question on our little night out.” He spoke through the smoke, as Neil approached closer. “We’re going for a drive.”
“Do you ever sleep?” Neil’s voice was groggy from his own interrupted sleep. Andrew didn’t answer, instead flicking away his cigarette and sitting into the drivers seat. Neil walked around to the passenger side and sat in. When he tried to warm his hands on the hot air Andrew had blowing through the air-con, Andrew turned the heat off. Neil was sure if Andrew was medicated he would’ve laughed, but he instead opted for watching the road as they drove in silence. Neil sat back and tried his best not to fall asleep. His head bumped about on the headrest as they drove, and every time his eyes started to close, his sleep cycle begging him to come back to rest, Andrew would snap his fingers in his face or lay a punch down on his thigh. After a short drive, they pulled up into the empty lot of some National Park Neil didn’t know the name of. He was too tired to pay attention to the signs, but figured Andrew wouldn’t bring him to a park to kill him or let him go. Andrew was a man of truth when he wanted to be; He wanted to know why he was on the run and Neil didn’t have the energy to argue.
“Why are we here?” Neil asked at the same time Andrew said “What brought a runaway to Oakland?”They both paused for a moment, but Neil knew Andrew wasn’t going to answer his question until Neil answered his.
“It was the first place she wanted to stop.” Neil spoke through a yawn. “The others before there made her too paranoid. It was the first time she felt like she could close her eyes and actually sleep without feeling like she was…” He thought about his words for a moment. The last conversation they’d had, he told him he was on the run, but Andrew already knew that. Neil thought he’d got through to him by giving him half-honesty, telling him his parents were dead. He never brought up Riko, or his family, instead choosing the option of trying to appeal to Andrew’s inner child, who remembered Stefan. It was a stupid choice, and Neil knew that the second he chose it. “She could sleep without feeling like she had a target on her back.”
“Did you kill her?” Andrew said it so casually it felt like murder was something so normal, like eating lunch or going for a walk. Like asking if he killed his mother was just like asking if he liked the taste of garlic, or if he was having a good day.
“No,” Neil answered. He’d been thinking about what he would tell Andrew about his life since he seen him in Arizona. Who was he before Oakland? Where did they go? Who was he running from? “Riko’s family did.”
And suddenly Andrew was interested. His face was a mixture of disbelief and boredom. Neil told him his manufactured version of the story; that his parents were killed by the Moriyama family, and that they’d been on the run since the execution of his Father. He kept out the part about the Butcher of Baltimore, or the fact that he was actually still alive, but Andrew’s mind was at work as Neil told the story. If he didn’t look awake before, he did now. Neil spoke for an hour, maybe less, maybe more, flowing from story to anecdote to answering questions that Andrew slipped in whenever he wanted. Neil answered it all with mostly-truths, redacting the stuff Andrew simply didn’t need to know. Neil was a runaway, his family were in some bad business, but Neil was the only one left.
“I really didn’t think you could get any more stupid, yet I am constantly surprised.” Andrew tutted as he shook a cigarette out of the packet, into his hand. He rolled down the window on his side and smoked out of it, seemingly unbothered by the wind that just blew the smoke back into his face. “You knew who I was, but you knew Kevin too? How forgetful do you think people are?”
“I don’t know,” Neil told him honestly. “I just- We were so young. I met Kevin years before I met you. I just didn’t think I was important to anyone.” Andrew laughed a laugh that wasn’t really a laugh at all. It was the sound of dismissal, as though he didn’t believe a word that spilled from Neil’s tired lips. “I didn’t think I’d ever be particularly memorable or mean anything to anyone. That was the most important thing to my mom.”
“What, being unimportant?” Andrew didn’t look at Neil as he spoke.
“Being forgettable.” Neil sighed, thinking about his mother’s words that had been drilled into his head. If you’re too interesting, you’re asking to be killed. Be boring. Be normal. Be forgettable. “You fucked that up for me.”
“See, you keep blaming me,” Andrew shook his head as he took a drag from the cigarette that had been half-smoked by the wind. “I didn’t fuck up your life, Abagnale, you did.” Neil didn’t get the reference, but he didn’t ask either.
“I don’t mean it’s your fault. You didn’t do anything,” Neil tried correcting himself. “I couldn’t help it when I was around you. And all I could do every second of my days after Oakland was blame you because I couldn’t deal with the fact that I let you in. Everything I learned, everything I’d done, you came along and turned the place upside down because I just had to know you. I had to.”
“Why?” Andrew looked at him with that same uninterested look he usually had, when a medically-induced smile wasn’t spread across his cheeks. “What made me any different to the hundreds of other kids I’m sure you met on your travels, hmm?”
“You were real.” Andrew scoffed. Neil frowned at that and shrugged his shoulders. “We’ve been through this. Don’t waste my time getting to know me if you just want me to run. You want me to get lost in the park, is it? Is that why you brought me here?”
“Nothing better than some honesty with a view.” Andrew tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “How do you expect me to trust you when you’ve spent your whole life a liar? Be mad if you want, but I’m much less gullible now, you see. Once a liar, always a liar.” Neil sent Andrew a look as he hovered his hand over Andrew’s. When he just stared at it, Neil brought Andrew’s hand up to his collarbone where was a small, raised, pink scar sitting just above it.
“The motels phone.” Neil spoke quietly, as if Mary would hear, as if she was waiting to jump out from behind the car to take him and beat him again for letting his guard down, for being unforgettable. “It was the first thing she could grab when we got into our room. I never told her your name, and she beat me harder for it. I never wanted to let her anger ruin your name.” Andrew dropped his hand from Neil’s grip.
“Pretty unintelligent to take hits for someone you thought you’d never see again.”
Then Neil said, “I knew I’d never forget you.” Andrew tensed up at the almost-promise, and the memories came flooding back for Neil like a tsunami sweeping over every other thought he had. “I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.” Neil almost reached out to touch Andrew before he remembered the boundary Andrew had set that night in Columbia. Neil didn’t have a right to touch him anymore, and he knew Andrew noticed as Neil’s hand lifted and then hesitantly fell. “Tell me something I don’t know about this Andrew. I’ve told you my life, tell me yours.” He gestured to Andrew, sat across from him with an almost-frown on his face and a thinking mind hard at work.
“This Andrew doesn’t give a shit about what answers you think you deserve.” He looked Neil up and down. “I don’t owe you anything.”
“Why doesn’t Nicky know you’re gay?” Neil asked, instead of waiting for him to come up with something himself, it was much easier to get honesty from Andrew by prompting him. Neil watched as his jaw tensed for a second, thinking about the answer.
“Nicky is too involved in being the gay cousin to un-assume.” Andrew barely lifted his shoulders in the form of a shrug. “He hasn’t asked.”
“Why don’t you tell him?”
“I don’t ‘come out’,” He brushed off the thought with the flick of his wrist and a roll of his eyes. “I don’t fuck women in my spare time. Who cares?”
“Yeah, sure, but-” Neil had started to speak when Andrew cut across.
“At least I’m out to myself,” He nodded towards him. “You, on the other hand? Was it just Stefan who was into it or is the unnamed you just in denial?”
“I’m not, like…” Neil hated the sexuality question. It was confusing and messy and Andrew and Andrew and Andrew. “There was no one after you. It’s only been you.”
“By choice or by mothers hands?”
“Neither. Both?” He wasn’t sure how to answer. “The foxes are the first people I’ve let get somewhat close since then. That’s the truth. I haven’t wanted to. I’m just not interested in anyone.” The except for you part was silent, but he knew Andrew had somewhat heard it when he sat back, one hand on the steering wheel, the other arm resting on the door, as he took a deep breath that he tried to hide. Neil wasn’t even sure he was still into Andrew like that, because they were so young, after all. Andrew was still experimenting, and they never spoke about those kinds of feelings. They were friends who kissed each other because they wanted to know what it felt like. They kissed each other because maybe they thought they liked it. Maybe they’d have to do it again just to be sure. But that was so long ago, and so much had changed. Neil had had a crush on that Andrew, but this one? He wasn’t so sure. This one was harsh and mean, angry and unmoving. This one had been hard-boiled by life and wasn’t going to crack any time soon. He didn’t know if he felt things anymore. He didn’t know if Andrew was capable of a crush, or a kiss, or a simple, electric touch of fingers to skin.
Without a word, Andrew had switched on the ignition and idled the engine for a moment before pulling out and starting on the drive back to campus. Neil didn’t say anything else, he only rested his head on the window and watched as the morning sun slowly lit up the night sky, the dark navy blue taking over the black sky so slowly it was hardly noticeable.
He had pulled into his usual parking spot not long later, still not looking at Neil or speaking at all. He stayed still in the drivers seat after switching the engine off. Neil took that as his cue to leave. Matching Andrew’s silent treatment, he got up and shut the door without a word. Andrew had rolled down his window again, another cigarette already stuck between his lips. He watched as Neil walked around the car before he tapped the outside of his door twice to catch his attention. Neil spoke before he could.
“Give me a chance.” The wind blew his hair off his face, reminding him how cold it was, and why he should’ve worn a jacket. “Let me stay. I don’t have anything else.”
“Don’t be fooled into thinking I trust you.” He hung his hand out the window finally looking Neil in the eyes again. “It’s a matter of time before your egg timer runs out. Make use of it while you can.”
“I’ll bury Stefan forever, if you ask.” Neil offered in payment for the sudden change of heart in letting him stay, in cleaning his hands of the idea that Neil was after Kevin, or that he was a threat. “Say the word and we start fresh from today.”
“I don’t care,” Andrew took a long drag, one that felt like it was centuries long, like the sun would be up by the time he finished. He blew it out and raised his hands. “Kill what wasn’t real. Prove to me what was.”
Neil wasn’t sure what that invitation meant, but he didn’t ask Andrew to keep speaking. When they broke eye contact, he knew then Andrew wanted him to leave. Neil didn’t look back, heart racing, practically ready to burst out of his chest by the time he reached his dorm room. He opened the door as quietly as he could, careful not to disturb his peacefully sleeping roommates, and he crawled back into bed to try get some sleep before the practice scheduled for the morning. Instead of counting sheep, battling restlessness like a fight for his life, he thought of Stefan. He thought of the heart of Nathaniel that had gotten wrapped up in his blond hair and tiny frame. Neil fell asleep thinking about who he used to be, and what parts of that were real. What parts could he keep? His mind spent its last morsels of energy on dissecting Neil Josten, to make him feel a little more real.
The next time they saw each other outside of practice was when Kevin started coming to find him late at night to go to the court and practice together. Neil realised quickly he was going to become a night owl as a Fox, but it still took him a while to adjust to the late nights and early starts. But him and Andrew kept their distance; they didn’t speak if they didn’t have to, and their conversations were kept to a line or two each. They played their first match of the season, and Andrew had sent out shots for Neil like they were capable of working together. Then there was Kathy Ferdinand’s show, at which Andrew had hands all over him, holding him back from killing Riko on live TV. He had made a deal to protect Kevin, and then he was being psychically held back from doing so. Neil did what he couldn’t, and stood up to Riko, a conscious effort to gain his trust, to prove he was on the side of the foxes. Then there was that touch, that simple, light, barely-there touch, and Neil knew he’d won. He’d earned Andrew’s trust, at least for a moment, but that was all that mattered.
When Andrew ever-so-kindly reminded Neil later that Riko would find out about him, the original “Neil”, as easily as he’d strolled onto that stage to sit across from Kevin, there was no choice but to run. He couldn’t imagine any other option. His entire body went into fight or flight, and he struggled to sit still as Andrew held his collar and told him to stay.
“Why?” Neil asked, throat dry, hands shaking, after Andrew offered him protection for the year if he promised to stay. It was funny to imagine, as if there was anything he could do against the actual, guns-blazing, internationally dominating mafia. “Why would you help me?” Andrew laughed, and just about caressed Neil’s jaw in the most non-affectionate way possible. Neil felt his touch leave blood on his skin, but he didn’t flinch. Andrew was manic, and didn’t care. He looked as if he didn’t even feel the pain of a glass-shattering punch, and was actively enjoying the chaos that the morning had brought with it.
Andrew didn’t give him any sort of an answer until later that night, when he stepped into Neil’s space and told him to remember the feeling; Neil couldn’t run anymore. He had given his word to Andrew that he would stay, and as much as he had started to hate the Present-Day-Andrew-Minyard, he trusted him as a man of his word. Neil had killed the parts of Stefan that were untrue; all that was left was the real emotion he felt when he looked at Andrew. He was an asshole, but he was Andrew, and Neil trusted this five foot blond boy with his life. Perhaps it was crazy, perhaps he was officially, undeniable, finally signing his name on his death wish, ticking down the hours until his past caught up. Whereas running was his old line of defence, his current one was Andrew. Andrew was an unlit fire suddenly gaining embers, and Neil knew it was dangerous to let that fire grow. Especially when Andrew leaned over in Eden’s, crackers on his tongue, a drink in his hands, and whispered in German;
“Mommy’s not here to hurt you anymore.” Neil snapped his gaze towards Andrew, who was coming up on his high, speaking to Neil but watching the crowd on the dancefloor. His breath at Neil’s ear sent shivers up his spine, goosebumps on his arms. “My hands are open to have your back. Give it to me this time.”
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nbrook29 · 3 years
Kiss or Slap
Sander doesn’t remember when exactly their group made the riverside near the Scheldt their new hangout spot, but he couldn’t be more grateful for it as a cold breeze washes over his overheated body, providing a momentary relief against the scorching heat falling from the sky. It’s probably why the park is fuller than it usually is on Thursday afternoons, packed with people spread on their picnic blankets, searching for a bit of shadow under the big trees and desperately craving a bit of wind. 
It’s so hot he doesn’t even feel like sketching, preferring to just lie on the grass without moving a single muscle, and dying in peace. Even the enticing smell of cinnamon rolls that Noor brought with her isn’t enough for him to reach out and take one from the basket, the action requiring too much movement on his part.
“Guys, come on, we have to start or we’ll never get it done! Sander, get your lazy ass up.” He grunts when he feels Leon’s merciless fingers jabbing him in the ribs.
“Can’t we wait until it gets a little less hot?”
“No, cause that’s not happening in the nearest future and we need new content,” Nathan butts in, followed by Noor, which makes Sander officially outvoted. So he heaves a deep sigh, puts his shirt back on and ruffles his hair to make himself more presentable, rolling his eyes at Noor’s appreciative whistling.
“Someone’s gonna snatch himself a bunch of kisses today with that smoldering look,” she teases, pretending to give him a once over.
“Is that your way of telling me you want one for yourself, sweetheart?” He’s immensely proud of himself when her entire face scrunches up in disgust.
“Eww, no, feels like incest at this point.” Which is kinda true given the fact they’ve known each other since kindergarten and became best friends making sand castles. He fires an obnoxious wink at her, fully anticipating a shove which comes as expected within seconds, with Noor calling him a creep in between laughter.
“Who should we start with? Senne? Wanna go first?” Sander watches as Leon takes out his camera equipment and checks the settings as the rest collects their things.
“I guess, yeah. And then Nathan after me?”
“I’m not doing it, man, you know Britt, she’s gonna flip out.”
“Be a good reason to break up with her,” Sander mutters under his breath, not really feeling apologetic when Nathan shoots him a glare. It would be a long time coming, and honestly, Sander can’t wait for that moment to come. Just being in her presence gives him chills, she’s that much of a horrible person. A few years ago, he read something about alternate universes and sometimes when he looks at her he can’t help but think there’s a history there with the two of them, in a past life or something. At least it would explain that weird energy between them.
If it’s true, he feels very sorry for that Sander. 
He roots for him to run far away from said devil’s spawn.
“I can go next, I don’t have the ball and chain,” Noor says innocently, but she’s smirking over Nathan’s shoulder at Sander who pretends to high five her in their shared hatred for Britt.
“Yeah, us lonely birds will sacrifice ourselves and take the hit for the wellbeing of our channel,” Sander laments playfully, making Senne snort.
“Dude, you’re on your own by your own choice.”
“And pickiness. Don’t forget pickiness,” Noor adds smugly.
Sander huffs in protest. “I’m not picky! I just...” He cuts off because he’s not about to just explain it all now.
“Just what?”
“Specific about what I want.”
Brown curls, brown eyes, shortish, lean, pierced ear, cute giggle, elegant hands and a smile brighter than the sun. 
To be exact.
“Yeah. That’s picky.”
“Whatever,” he replies grumpily, and decides to ignore Noor’s knowing look. Sometimes he feels like she has a sixth sense and can read him like a book. Or she’s just less oblivious than the boys in their friend group. That’s a totally possible option too.
Thankfully, she doesn’t push him further (she’s awesome like that), though Sander has a feeling she’s gonna grill him later when they’re alone. For now, she checks her lipstick in her phone as they all briefly plan the video.
Not like there’s that much to plan; a few days ago, they decided to shoot a kiss or slap challenge for their YouTube channel because it had been wildly requested by their viewers.
Sander still doesn’t quite know how he became a part of a YouTube channel in the first place, always considering himself to be a bit more, well, sophisticated than that? But Leon was into it from the beginning and made them all participate in exchange for free beer, until one day one of their videos blew up.
If you can call getting 100k views on one video blowing up. 
Anyway, they got semi-popular amongst Flemish teens and even managed to snatch a sponsorship with Mentos (however small the offer was) that paid actual money. And he had just managed to move out of his family house so any money coming his way he welcomed with no questions asked. 
So they’ve kept shooting silly challenges slash anything else that’s a trend at a given time and have been able to cover their art supply needs with what little they earned. And, though Sander refused to admit it in the beginning, it’s actually kinda fun. It’s definitely better than his part time job at Pull&Bear where he has to deal with obnoxious customers on an almost daily basis.
They record a short introduction near the river, quickly going over the rules and explaining that the three of them will be competing in who gets more kisses versus slaps. 
“Hey, you know what, this is actually unfair cause you both can kiss anybody,” Senne points out all of a sudden, receiving four pairs of unimpressed glances.
“No one’s stopping you from getting kisses from boys too, dude,” Sander is quick to shut him up, shit-eating grin on his face as he gives him his first (light) slap to the cheek. 
They follow Senne around the park with a camera as he turns on his charm and smiles sweetly at the girls he chooses for the challenge, doing surprisingly well on the first few attempts. But when they venture deeper into the park and he tries his luck with college girls, he gets 5 slaps in the row to the rest of the group’s utter delight. In the end, his results are a blow to his pride and even Sander feels sorry for him, giving him a pat on the back while trying to hold his laughter in at Senne’s grumpy face.
Noor does much better, naturally, as her upbeat personality and a wide smile have always made boys and girls turn their heads. She gets a kiss after kiss, blush after blush, and two phone numbers in the process. Senne argues again that it’s unfair because no one’s gonna slap a girl anyway, but Leon just calls him a sore loser while Noor shamelessly flirts in French with another girl right in front of the camera.
Sander’s very proud.
Taking a quick sip of water, he gives Leon a thumbs up and starts his round, coming over to three blond girls chilling near the skateboarding ramps, trying very hard not to come off as creepy and clarifying the kiss part being only a cheek kiss. The girls erupt in giggles, but they all grant him a light kiss. One of them tries to flirt with him after, but he shoots her down before she can get too into it.
“Such a heartbreaker, you,” Noor coos at Sander’s pained face when they all walk away.
“That’s you, and you actually enjoy it,” he quips back, sticking his tongue at her.
“I do not, shut up!”
Fifteen minutes and fourteen kisses later he’s officially in the lead, sealing his victory with a kiss number fifteen he receives from a cute redhead. He’s gloating in Senne’s bemused face about nobody choosing to slap him when he stops in his tracks.
It’s the proof of his hopeless infatuation that he’d recognize that laugh everywhere.
He looks around for its source, but he comes up short. Then, his eyes focus on the skatepark area and his heart starts beating faster.
Because it feels like a sign. Like the universe is giving him a chance to finally do something. Make a move.
“Hey, can we shoot one more try?” He asks the guys, trying to sound casual while glancing furtively in the direction of brown curls.
“You’ve already won, but I guess?”
Nobody questions him about his reasons, they just follow him to the ramp.
And he’s so fucking nervous. 
It’s incredible, really, how he generally has no problems talking to people he’s interested in, conversation flowing without him even trying, gaining easy smiles and appreciative looks wherever he goes, some natural confidence to him. 
But that boy. That boy is something else.
He makes him question everything he says, makes his palms sweat and makes his deep hidden shyness come onto the surface.
Sander saw him for the first time during Open Day at the Academie in may, strolling casually through the hallway with his friend, completely oblivious to the turmoil he was causing to Sander’s heart.
That was the day Sander saw an angel. 
Fate placed him on his path again sooner than he could’ve hoped, the boy participating in a 2 week film course at his school only several days after he saw him for the first time. And he tried so hard to convince himself to talk to him over that time, but he only managed a few smiles while passing him by in the hallway. 
That and that one stupid joke he said to him while they were waiting in line at the cafeteria that makes him cringe in despair just thinking about it. Seriously, it’s like his entire cool evaporates when he’s near him.
But, the boy laughed at it. So maybe it wasn’t as horrible as Sander is making it to be. Or he was just being nice. 
Robbe, who he’s been crushing on ever since that fateful day in may.
Robbe, who was at the same party he was last weekend.
Robbe, who he talked to at that party and managed to calm his nerves enough to be charming and funny.
Robbe, who giggled, blushed and bit his lip at Sander’s dumb jokes that evening.
Robbe, who slipped through his fingers because Sander blacked out soon after.
He almost never drinks, but that one night he did, celebrating the beginning of summer break, and not realizing his usual abstinence meant he was now officially a lightweight. What an awful timing.
Robbe doesn’t notice him right away, having his back turned to him while talking animatedly to his friends. Taking a deep breath and plastering a smile to his face to hide his nervousness, he approaches them.
“Hey guys, got a second?”
He notices the recognition in Robbe’s face right away, and Sander shoots him a quiet “hi” when his eyes meet his, an unsure smile blooming on his face.
“Hey, what’s up?” One of the boys nods at the camera.
“I’m Sander, and we’re shooting a video for our YouTube channel, the kiss or slap challenge,” he quickly explains, the boys’ faces lighting up.
“Hey, we have a channel too! I’m Moyo, this is Jens, Aaron, and Robbe.” Moyo reaches out to bump his fist with him and damn, Sander has to find that channel if Robbe is a part of it.
Jens levels him with a look. “So, you want us to kiss you or slap you?” 
“Pretty much, yeah?” Sander chuckles because he’s aware it’s ridiculous, but he’s a man on a mission here, give him a break.
“I think Robbe should represent all of us, don’t you think so?” Moyo proposes, tongue in his cheek as he checks with the rest of his friends. Sander catches the death glare Robbe sends the boy before looking back at him and crossing his arms, looking a bit out of place. And, fuck, the last thing Sander wants is to make him uncomfortable.
So he asks softly, “you’re in?” and waits for agonizing five seconds as Robbe watches him, eyes narrowed, before his features smooth out and he smiles at him.
“Sure, why not.”
Relieved, Sander lets out a chuckle and tries to keep his cool. “Okay then - kiss or slap?”
Robbe squints against the sun and makes him wait another few seconds before he answers, but Sander’s not worried because there’s a soft smile on his face and obviously his angel wouldn’t-
Wait, what.
He can hear his friends bursting in laughter at this unexpected turn of events while Sander can only stare in shock because how could he miscalculate the situation this much?
Gulping, confused and heartbroken, he asks, “you’re sure?”, to which Robbe nods with a poorly hidden glee.
“But you have to close your eyes cause I can’t hit you while you're looking at me.”
Heaving a deep sigh and trying to save a face despite the humiliation flooding his body, he nods and closes his eyes, steeling himself for it.
But it never comes.
Suddenly, he feels a hand cupping his cheek and he flinches a little, but then soft lips touch his in a kiss so gentle he blinks his eyes open, not knowing what’s happening.
“That was payback for you promising to call me and not keeping your word,” Robbe whispers against his lips before leaning away, something sad and wistful passing through his face. Sander is left completely dumbfounded, ignoring the hollering from the two groups as his eyes fleet all over Robbe’s face.
It’s difficult for him to collect his thoughts because holy fuck, Robbe has just kissed him and he’s internally freaking out. He finally manages to get his bearings when the remnants of a smile slip off Robbe’s lips.
“I-, Robbe, you have no idea how much I wanted to call you, but I don’t have your number.”
“I gave it to you. At the party?” He doesn’t look like he believes a word Sander is saying.
“Um, I kinda blacked out and don’t remember much after like one-ish?”
“You saved it though, I saw you typing it in,” Robbe argues again, but this time he doesn’t look so sure. “Wait, what’s your number?”
Sander watches him entering digit after digit before hitting call. He fully expects a plain number to appear on his screen, eyes widening when he sees what pops up instead.
zk bambieys 🥺🦌👁️💘🧡💖💞 calling
“Fuck, you did give me your number.” He’s not fast enough to hide his screen from Robbe, but he can't even feel embarrassment once he notices the frown disappeared from his face.
“Bambi eyes?” There's a teasing note in his voice, but his pink cheeks sell him out.
Sander scratches his head. "I was very drunk, you can't hold it against me. Also, your eyes are really beautiful," he clarifies, winking when Robbe laughs at his shameless flirting. "Hey, I tried to find you on instagram, but nothing came up. I was really hoping we're gonna bump into each other again. Sorry for being a dumbass and not realizing I had your number this entire time?”
“It’s okay.” Robbe shoves his hand into the pockets of his jeans, swaying on his heels. Sander decides to put them both out of their misery and take the initiative.
“So if I asked you out, would you say yes?”
It looks like Robbe’s about to nod, but then he bites his lip, an almost cheeky smile directed at him. “I guess you have to call me to find out.” And then he gets on his skateboard and casually skates away to the nearest ramp, pulling a surprised laugh out of Sander.
If he was intrigued before, now he’s totally smitten with this wonder of a boy, because damn. 
Their friends finally seem to regain their voices and speak over each other at what just happened, but Sander doesn’t pay them any attention, just takes out his phone again and pressing the call button. 
Watching as Robbe comes to a full stop at the top of the ramp, he cocks his head with a grin and waits until he picks up.
“Hey, it’s Sander.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Robbe laughs into the speaker.
“Will you go out with me?”
He meets his eyes across the skatepark as Robbe makes him wait again.
Then, with a smile so radiant it overshadows the sun, the boy finally gives him his answer.
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theasstour · 3 years
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𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟕.𝟕𝐤 𝐍𝐁: 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥, 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐚
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Tuesday, 13 December 2017
Tooley Street was always busy, whether there were a horde of people walking to and from the riverside and underground, or cars driving by at a ridiculous speed. London Bridge station on the other side of the road to where Y/N and the gang sat at Caffé Nero, looked like a small insect in comparison to The Shard that reached like a pillar above the partly cloudy winter sky. The blue painted brick building beside it, The Shipwright Arms pub, was a lively addition to an otherwise very bleak street.
The winter wind by the riverside was horrendous, but Y/N had offered to come with Annalise on her cigarette break, so she had only herself to blame for exposing herself to more of the biting cold than completely necessary. From where the two were sitting, they could just make out Tower Bridge behind them, bare trees rising up along the streets that indicated summer was long gone and winter had arrived.
Y/N had spent a lot of time just sitting outside the last few days. Whether it was on a bench by Regent’s Canal, in the grass at Shoreditch Park, or at a table outside a café with a coffee in hand. She had just been sitting there, staring out at nothing. Thinking. All she had been doing since finding that watch was think.
She had tried to find some kind of logical explanation as to why that watch had the coordinates for her family’s Newport cabin, but there was none. What kind of connection did George have to Newport? To that cabin? Had he just fucked her and left it there because he knew who Y/N’s sister was? And where was George now? She had not seen him since that night in October, was he still around? Or had Y/N just missed him when he had been, and this had all just been a huge coincidence. But Y/N somehow knew, deep down, that this was far from a coincidence and she should not treat it as one.
“You have to come to Monnickendam,” Annalise said, blowing out a puff of white smoke.
Y/N looked away from a man across the street who was arguing passionately with someone on his phone. Shoving the thoughts of the watch that was laid on her desk in her room, out of her head. She had not told anyone about it, this was not something she wanted everyone to know about because she had no idea what it meant. The only person that knew was Harry, and she would like to keep it that way.
“I’ve never been to the Netherlands,” Y/N said.
“Even more of a reason to come.”
Y/N smiled. “Buzzing. I haven’t travelled much in Europe, mostly been to Brazil with my family.”
“When you come to Monnickendam, we have to take the train to, like, Germany or France. Andorra is also so beautiful, I think you’re gonna love it.”
“Make a roadtrip out of it.”
Y/N’s smile grew. “Had you been to London before you came here for school?”
Annalise brought the cigarette up to her mouth. “Loads of times.”
“Yes, we went here around Easter in 2012 the first time, and I fell in love. Went here four more times, then to an Open Day last year.”
Y/N nodded. “Was Helmond your first choice then? Did you like it the best?”
“No, Battersea was, but I’m happy I ended up at Helmond.” Annalise breathed out white vapour. “Helmond’s prettier.”
Y/N laughed. “The aesthetic is more important than the uni itself, innit? If you can’t take decent Instagram pictures there, what’s the point of spending the next three years at that place?”
Annalise laughed along with Y/N, taking a last drag. “I rarely use Instagram.”
“I used to. I loved to like document my life, to let all my friends and family know what I was doing at all times. But then I found Snapchat, and it’s just better.”
“You know that if you, like, save a picture or video in the Snapchat app, Snapchat owns it?”
Y/N blinked.
“At least what someone at home told me once.”
“Doesn’t Instagram do the same?” Y/N asked.
“Think so,” Annalise said, walking over to the litter and stumping her cigarette out in the ash tray on top of it. “Ground rule: don’t save anything onto social media. Anyone can save and see your pictures.”
“Basically,” Y/N mumbled, looking over at the man she had watched earlier. He was still arguing with someone over the phone.
“Ready to head back inside?” Annalise asked.
“Yeah.” Y/N got up and the two strolled back over to the Caffé Nero their three other mates were sat in. Thian, Hayden, and Chloe were all sat with their laptops in front of them and books in the centre of the table behind their screens. Chloe was talking animatedly as Y/N and Annalise approached, Hayden busy with something on the laptop in front of them while Thian sat with a book in his hands, looking at Chloe as she spoke. Y/N took off her puffer jacket, hanging it off the back of her chair as she sat down, adjusting her black V-neck jumper and loose denim jeans.
“…the problem isn’t that. The problem is the fact that they never clean up after themselves. That’s the problem,” Chloe said, groaning loudly. “And when I ask in the flat groupchat if anyone wanna be social, no one answers. I swear, all of them hate me.”
“Maybe they’re just busy,” Thian suggested.
“They always say that, but I know two of the boys are in Dave’s room playing something on that PlayStation.” Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. “Should I learn how to play FIFA?”
“You don’t have to impress them,” Y/N said, turning her laptop back on to finish the essay for Critical Reading that was due that Friday.
“No, I know. But if I want to hang out with anyone in my flat, I gotta do something. What games do you play in the PlayStation, Thian?”
Thian stared at Chloe for a second, mouth working before he mumbled, “I didn’t bring one to uni.”
“Alright, then what did you play at home?”
“Call of Duty.”
Chloe scrunched up her nose. “Isn’t that a war game?”
“Nah, I’m not into that.” Chloe grimaced, looking at something further away. “I’ve never really played PlayStation. One of the blokes I dated in college gamed a lot, but I couldn’t be asked to sit around and just watch.”
“The three in my flat play GTA,” Y/N said. “At least that’s what Nathan wants to play, Harry and Mason just go along.”
Chloe’s face instantly lit up. “Oh, my word, Y/N. You have to make Harry teach me how to play something on the PlayStation.”
There was a slight pang in Y/N’s chest at the sound of his name leaving Chloe’s lips in that way. Y/N opened, then closed her mouth, then opened it again. “I don’t really hang out with them when they play it. I’ve had so much to do these past months.”
“That’s fine, Nathan can keep us company,” Chloe said, leaning back in her seat. “Make Mason come, too. God-“ She grinned, letting her head fall between her shoulder blades. “-Your flatmates are fit.”
“Harry’s fitter than Mason,” Hayden chimed in.
“No, definitely Mason,” Annalise said.
“I can’t choose. Depends on my mood,” Chloe mused.
Thian kept quiet, staring pointedly at his laptop.
“Can you do it? Make them teach me?” Chloe begged, sticking her bottom lip out at Y/N.
Y/N took a deep breath. “I’ll try.”
Chloe grinned.
“They might be busy, too. Might not get to it till after Christmas break.”
Chloe waved her hand. “That’s fine. I just want to hang out with someone from my flat eventually.”
Y/N glanced down at her laptop again, trying to forget the conversation she had just had with the other three. Chloe continued chattering on about something of no significance, Y/N did not care to listen as she wanted to finish her essay before she had to leave for home coming Saturday. Though her coffee was cold now as she took a sip of it, Y/N still appreciated the taste of caffeine. It woke her up, made her more alert and focused.
Ever since she was seven years old, her papai had made her coffee to drink. He always said “coffee is as vital to a Brazilian’s existence as tea is to a Brit’s” and she had drunk it ever since. She loved the taste of it much more than tea, but seeing as tea was much easier to make, she had come to resort to it here in London. Home in Nottingham, there was always a brew in the making or one ready for whoever felt like having a cup, made with a proper coffee machine that Davi had invested proper money in. He had bought it back in 2001, and it worked just as well as it did back then. Y/N, like her papai, loved the coffee from that old coffee maker more than anything else. She could not wait until she was home with her parents so she could drink proper coffee all the time without going to the nearest coffee shop to do so. The instant coffee Nathan often made smelled and tasted rank, Y/N would have no other coffee than her papai’s and a cup made at a coffee shop.
“I’m gonna go buy a muff,” Hayden said, getting up from their chair. “This essay is doing my head in, I need something to sooth the pain.”
“Oh, could you buy me a scone?” Thian asked, putting his hands together as if he was begging on his knees. “I’ll pay with five stellar knock knock jokes.”
“Make it six.”
The two shook hands and Hayden grinned as they looked at the other three. “Anything from the trolley, dears?”
Y/N and Annalise chuckled. “No thanks,” Y/N said, Annalise saying the same thing.
“No, I’ll just add to this,” Chloe said, patting at her stomach.
“Add to what?” Hayden asked.
“A belly.” Chloe gripped the little that was protruding from her tight denim jeans. “I’m trying to start working out for bikini season, to remove that extra uni weight, you know?”
Hayden looked absolutely lost, so did Thian, and Annalise looked to not be paying any attention at all. Y/N, however, felt a familiar pang in her chest. It was a small explosion she had felt before, one that would taint the rest of her day. Instinctively, she put her scarf around her chest, letting it fall over her stomach.
Hayden did not comment, instead they just walked up to the till, ready to tell the lady working there their order. The table fell silent, but not for the reason Y/N wanted it to. No, they were all just busy with their essays. Y/N knew that it would be impossible for her to concentrate on the assignment now that the only thing she would be thinking about for the rest of the day was Chloe’s comment. Chancing a look over at her friend, she saw her flicking through a book in her lap, completely unbothered, Annalise was cocking her head to the side as she wrote something on her Mac, while Thian was watching Hayden pay for their food. None of them had batted an eyelash. Which was nothing new, Y/N was used to no one picking up on covered up fatphobic comments.
She knew that Chloe had not said those things with her in mind, that the statement had been about her own body only. But Y/N could not help but feel the comment in her very soul. She could remember her mates from school in Nottingham making comments similar to that one, so hearing it wasn’t alien, but it stung as much as hearing it that first time.
“Here we go,” Hayden said, putting the scone down on Thian’s keyboard.
“Scones are so bloody good,” Thian moaned, taking a huge bite out of his. “If we had to fuck a food, I’d fuck scones.”
The table went quiet, all looking at Thian. He just continued on eating, humming some Alesso and Conor Maynard song that was always playing on the radio.
“Why did you just say that?” Hayden asked.
“Felt like sharing my thoughts with the class.”
Hayden raised their eyebrows before looking at the laptop in front of them. “The class did not need to know.”
Thian shrugged his shoulders and Annalise laughed, Chloe joining in after a little while. Y/N smiled at them, but her thoughts still drifted back to Chloe’s comments just a minute earlier. She spread her scarf out over her stomach, wishing she had worn something that wasn’t so tight fitted.
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Friday, 15 December 2017
“Sorry we’re late,” Mason said as him and the rest of the rugby team streamed into the seminar room. Hayden, Y/N, Thian, Chloe, Annalise, Nathan, and Annalise’s two friends were all sat around one table, already having started a round of Uno.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Hayden smiled. “I’ve put Uno decks on the other tables.”
Mason and the rest of the team sat down, all chatting amongst themselves and letting go of heavy sighs as they took their seats. It was clear that the last training session for the team this year had not only been cold, but also immensely tiring. They all looked very ready to travel home for Christmas break, and it looked like a few already had.
Y/N felt their struggle with the cold. She herself was wearing a mini linen skater dress in black. The skirt was loose, making it comfortable to hide her belly in – she had not stopped thinking about Chloe’s comment all week, but it would not stop her from looking really fucking good – and the waist was open, baring some of her skin and rib tattoo to everyone. Her skin protruded around the straps that were wrapped around her waist, connecting her skirt from her top, but there was nothing she could do about it, so she just tried to stay out of Chloe’s vision. The plunge neck revealed a very deep cleavage and skin, making it so Y/N had put on two silver necklaces to top of the outfit. The rest of the top had long sleeves and a nice collar, which was why Y/N had bought the dress. It was slutty, but in a modest way.
The rest of the gang around the table had also dressed up, ready to go out after this. They all had their last lecture of the semester today, meaning that their Christmas break had just started, and they wanted to celebrate before everyone travelled to their separate locations the next day. Chloe to Oxford, Thian to Bristol, Hayden to Sheffield, Annalise to Monnickendam, and Y/N back home to Nottingham. It would be weird not to meet up with them, to not go to lectures and stress about assignments for the next month. Then again, Annalise had made a Snapchat and Messenger group to ensure that the gang would talk every single day. And knowing her mates, Y/N was sure they would.
During a break between rounds, Y/N got up from their table after making sure that her polyamide shorts underneath her dress didn’t roll down her stomach. She wore them to prevent chafing, knowing that if she did not wear them underneath her skirt, it would be hard for her to wear anything the next day. She did the zip of her chunky sock boots before making her way over to Mason’s table.
“Alright, Y/N?” Mason said as she came closer, giving her a small smile.
“How’re you lot finding the society?” she asked, looking around the table, meeting Kai’s eyes.
Kai beamed. “Good, it’s nice to spend some time with the whole team off the rugby pitch.”
“You’re dressed up,” Mason pointed out. “What’s the occasion?”
“Uno Society.”
Mason smiled. “Trying to pull some rugby players, are ya?”
“No. No, rugby players.”
Mason only raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t believe her, smile widening.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re just as unbearable as Harry sometimes.”
“Nah, Harry’s worse than me.”
“Right.” Y/N took a big breath. “Chloe over there, the blonde,” Y/N said, motioning behind her with a nod of her head. Mason’s gaze immediately fell on Chloe. “She’s wondering if you and Harry can teach her how to play the PlayStation.”
Mason blinked, looking over at Kai as the bigger man clapped his hands together before laughing.
“Is that funny?” Y/N asked.
“No, it’s not. I just knew Kai would react like that,” Mason said. “But I’ll do it. After Christmas at some point.”
“Nice, I’ll tell her that, then.”
“Why does she need someone to teach her how to play PlayStation?” Kai asked, and though there was laughter in his voice, Y/N could tell his question was sincere.
“Some blokes in her flat never want to be social, they just stay in this one room playing PlayStation, and she’s kinda left out ‘cause she doesn’t really know how to play.”
“That might not work out,” Kai said, smiling still.
“Worth a shot, either way.”
“Maybe she just wanna spend time with this hunk,” Kai grinned, putting a hand on Mason’s shoulder. “Or the other hunk that’s not here.”
“Speaking of him,” Y/N said, putting a hand on her hip. “Not that I care, but where is he?”
Kai grinned, sitting back in his chair. “You don’t care? Not at all?”
“No, Y/N doesn’t like Harry much,” Mason explained, completely unbothered. “He’s working. The team’s popping by The Stag’s Head later to check on him since it’s his last shift and all that.”
Y/N nodded, suddenly remembering how Harry had told her that a few weeks ago.
“What’s the bellend done to you?” Kai asked.
“Another time, Kai. We’re in the middle of a round,” Mason said. “I’ll find a day that’s good for Chloe to come over.”
“Wicked,” Y/N smiled. “See ya.”
“Later, mate.”
Y/N walked back to her table, sitting down in her seat again. “Sorry,” she said when Hayden gave her a look. “Chloe, Mason said he could teach you how to play PlayStation sometime after Christmas break.”
Chloe squealed. “Really?!”
“Yeah, he’ll text me saying when.”
“Ahh! Buzzing!”
Y/N gave her a smile before the gang went back to playing.
Though she was physically present over the next hour or so, Y/N’s mind travelled back to the flat and the watch on her desk. Besides assignments, Christmas, and what Chloe said on Tuesday, that was all Y/N had spent her time thinking about. She would be in bed, about to go to sleep, then just get out of her bed and look at the watch, study it carefully. Maybe there was another message of sorts on it, maybe she was supposed to do something with it. But other days she did not want to touch that watch. There was something about it, something about how it had just been left in her possession so casually, something about the fact that she had not seen George since that night, that did not sit right with Y/N at all.
Throughout the rest of the night, after the Uno Society, while the gang was sat at a pub, and then dancing at a club later, Y/N could not bring herself to enjoy herself thoroughly. All her energy went back to that watch. She wanted to understand what it meant, why George had it, and what she was supposed to do with the information. Was she even supposed to do anything at all? It only made her want to travel down to Newport even more. She had to now. Her parents might think about getting rid of that cabin, but Y/N had to revisit it one last time before that happened.
Y/N did not drink that night; she was afraid of the conspiracy theories she would form if she did. She had one cocktail at the pub they went to, but could not do more than that, and her mates did not ask questions as to why she was not drinking, something she really appreciated. It was late when she announced she would be going home, and so she called Nathan and made him stay on the line with her as she took the tube back to Haggerston Station. Once she reached Orsman Road, she could hear his snores on the other end, and hung up halfway down the road to the flat. However, in the distance, she saw a stag’s head sign hanging out on a metal pole, protruding from the building opposite her flat building. She suddenly remembered what Mason said, and crossed the road, making her way over to the pub.
A small group of lads made their way out of the pub as Y/N reached it, the last one holding the door for her. She smiled and thanked him before walking inside. Now that she wasn’t affected by alcohol, Y/N was finally able to take in the pub properly without having the slight haze of alcohol taint it. The lights were comfortably dimmed, not too much so you could not read the menu, but just enough so that a person’s facial features would be a tad blurry. The red that ran along the wall behind the dark bar counter was subtle, giving the bar a sense of holding onto the secrets of each person who walked through the front doors, like a Victorian murder mystery. Y/N could see Sweeney Todd’s barber shop trapped in the same colours.
“Excuse me, miss,” a man walking out from behind the counter said, grey hair and broad shoulders. “We’re closed.”
“Oh,” she said, looking around the dark pub. “I… I thought I might find Harry here.”
The man narrowed his eyes a little. “He’s got a new girlfriend? So soon after the other ones?”
Y/N felt herself narrow her eyes back at the man. Girlfriend? Harry’s had girlfriends – plural – since he started working in The Stag’s Head? There was a very strange combination of a lot of different feelings that swarmed around Y/N’s body, suddenly making her feel seasick. She was about to abort her mission, to say she would just catch Harry at home, when there came a voice from the door leading out into the smoking area.
“Y/N,” Harry said, turning the lights off outside and closing the door. It looked as if he could not quite believe his eyes as he saw her standing there, like he had not thought she would ever show up to his work like this. Without seemingly able to help himself, his green eyes fell down to her green dress and her exposed legs. He quickly looked to his other co-worker, clearing his throat as he walked behind the pub counter. Y/N could swear she saw a slight pink hue to his cheekbones.
“I’ll leave if you’re busy.”
“No,” Harry said, the word coming out a little too quickly as if desperation got the better of him. “No. Not busy.”
The grey-haired man raised his eyebrows at Harry. He must have seen something in Harry’s demeanour, because he said, “You’ll be alright to close up on your own?”
Harry smiled. “It’ll be a nice way to end my time at Stag’s Head.”
“Nice,” the man Y/N now suspected was Harry’s boss, said. “Pop by with the keys tomorrow, will ya?”
“Yes, sir.”
The man gave both Harry and Y/N a smile each before he started on his walk up to his office. The pub was suddenly very quiet, not a single sound came from inside, just the distant siren outside and the low buzz of the city. A place that was usually bustling with noise, energy, and anticipation, was now left with the latter. Y/N looked around the place, unsure of what to do with herself now that it was only her and Harry there. Harry watched her, picking up the Cif spray from where it stood under the counter. She felt his gaze on her as she walked along the booths, touching the red velvet cushions, a rush of goosebumps travelling up her spine at the knowledge that she had his full attention.
She turned around, leaning her bum against a table as she took in the liquor behind Harry. He was washing the counter, looking over at Y/N again, eyes falling to her mid-area that was expanded slightly at the pressure the surface behind her was providing. He quickly looked away again, biting his lips together as he focused on the counter in front of him. Y/N could not help a small smile.
“What made you show up to my work, then?” he asked.
“Can’t a friend show up to another friend’s work?”
Harry let out a strangled chuckle. “Alright. That’s very nice of you, but I don’t buy that for a single second.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows. “You don’t?”
“There’s gotta have been another reason as to why.”
“Okay…? What’s that?”
Harry shrugged his shoulder, spraying more Cif onto the counter. “You were bored. You didn’t want to be around your other mates any longer. You wanted to see a delicious man with an irresistible Northern accent clean up a pub since it’s his last shift ever here tonight.”
Y/N let out a laugh, placing her hands on either side of the table beside her. “None of the above.”
“Alright,” Harry said, coming out from behind the pub. “What didn’t I cover?”
“You weren’t at the Uno Society meeting.”
The answer came so effortlessly, as if her subconscious had been holding onto the answer for Y/N until she was strong enough to know the real reason. Her hands instantly gripped the table harder, feeling embarrassed for admitting vulnerability so easily. She blamed how easy it was to talk to him, how he just seemed to throw a lasso around her deepest secrets, her most private desires, and drag them out of her.
Harry looked over at her from where he was cleaning the tables a bit further away in the pub. “Had work. Would’ve been there if I didn’t have to be here.”
She nodded, looking down at her black boots. For some reason, his words warmed something inside her. Hearing someone care about something she cared about made her feel special. Then again, someone she just met on the street could tell her they hated Marmite, something Y/N also did, and she would feel equally as fuzzy inside. Finding small bonds, small preferences, small somethings that connected you to other people, made you feel like you weren’t alone, but it also made you feel special, made you feel seen and understood. It was as if someone opened a door into their soul, and giving you a warm handshake, welcoming you into them and their life.
“The lads had a blast,” Harry said, now closer to Y/N as she had zoned out for a minute and some.
“They did?”
“Yeah, it’s nice to just sit down and relax like that. We don’t really get to do that.”
Y/N watched as Harry hovered by a table, leaning over it to clean it. His black tee shirt stretched over his broad back, his shoulder blades visibly working as he ran the cloth over the table in front of him. The outline of his muscles, the way they were so hard against the soft fabric of the tee shirt, made Y/N’s body feel very hot all of a sudden. He worked so carefully, sliding his hand holding the cloth so slowly over the table, paying it his undivided attention. She adjusted her position against her table, looking away from Harry as he stood back up, his black trousers that had been tight around his buttocks, slacking at the lack of pressure on the material. Get a fucking grip, Y/N screamed at herself in her head, focusing on the wall in front of her. She saw Harry look at her over his shoulder, gaze lingering on her for a few seconds. Y/N suddenly found it very hard to draw a proper breath.
“You’re mad I didn’t show up?” Harry asked.
Y/N was silent, her brain completely blank. “Didn’t show up…?”
She could see his smug smile in her peripheral vision. “Yeah.”
“To what?”
His smile widened and he focused on a table closer to her. “The Uno Society.”
She closed her eyes. Her checking out Harry while he had his back to her had not just made her forget the whole reason why she had showed up to The Stag’s Head in the first place. His body looking the way it did, him caring about the society, him teasing her to get a reaction out of her… Why the fuck did he have that effect on her?
“No,” Y/N said, refusing to look at him still. “I’m not mad.”
“Then why won’t you look at me right now?”
Y/N could feel her hands instinctively grabbing harder onto the table behind her. “No reason.”
“You know,” Harry started, she could hear the smirk in his voice. “You can try all you want, but I still know you.”
She huffed. “You wish.”
“I don’t gotta,” he said, chuckling a little. “Don’t gotta wish when I already do know you. Wish I knew you better, wish you’d just open up to me like you did so easily before, but that’s for a later time.”
That made her look over at Harry, her eyebrows drawn together as she just watched him clean yet another table. He… Did he really think she would one day open up to him again and they would go back to being friends like they used to? Was he really that optimistic? Had he thought about it? About them and their friendship? And what a future with her alongside him at uni would look like? Her eyes landed on his bicep as it flexed, holding his body weight as he leaned against the table again. Her gaze following his arm all the way down to his hand, long slender fingers wrapped around the edge of the table, and the thick veins over the dorsal part of his hand made something in Y/N’s brain short circuit. That along with the casual way he was leaning his hips against the table, staring down at it with his head cocked.
What the fuck, Y/N said to herself again, looking away from him. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?! How was she supposed to stay neutral, to not find him attractive, to not want to sink right back into old habits when she allowed herself to study him and look at him like that. She had to stop. This was getting out of hand.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet tonight,” Harry said, working slowly as he cleaned up the table in the booth beside the one she was stood leaning against.
“No, I’ve just got things on my mind.”
“What things?”
Your broad shoulders. Your hands. The way you stick your tongue out of your mouth when you are concentrating. But Y/N said none of those things, as doing so would sentence her to a lifetime of humiliation.
“Insignificant things.”
“When they’re taking up a lot of space in your head and preventing you from being present, they’re not insignificant,” Harry said, sounding a little serious all of a sudden. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, there’s nothing inherently bad on my mind, just… I’ve got a lot of… thoughts,” Y/N said, not knowing how else to explain it without giving something away.
“What thoughts?”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. “Thought you did Architectural Studies, didn’t know you also had a degree in being Nosy.”
Harry let out a laugh, coming to stand in front of her with the spray and the cloth in his hands. “I’m very nosy.”
“Glad to hear you’re self-aware.”
“But right now I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Bloody hell, Y/N thought, could he just fucking stop being so nice? So fucking adorable? And fit? It made hating him so much harder than it already was.
“I’m okay.”
He took a step closer. “What’s been on your mind then?”
“Just… life.”
“Has uni exhausted you?”
“Yeah, but it’s not what I’m thinking about.”
Harry took another step closer. Y/N’s palms were suddenly very clammy.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked again, a small smile on his lips as if he was challenging her.
“Maybe you just have to face the fact that I won’t tell you and you can’t figure it out on your own.”
“Nah,” Harry said. “I’ll figure you out.”
Y/N watched as Harry took another step closer, her heart suddenly beating very fast inside her chest.
“I just gotta…” He trailed off, now standing directly in front of her. Tip of his shoes against the tip of hers. Without a warning of sorts, he leaned closer, bending over her until his head hovered beside her own. Chest wavering above hers, touching as she drew in a precipitous breath and he did the same. Their bodies did not brush against one another again, an invisible, burning shield was built to keep them apart the second their upper bodies made contact. As if the universe was telling them that by touching like that, the world would go up in total flames around them.
Harry’s sudden closeness made her breathe in a little too harshly, she was sure he must have heard it but she simply did not care. The reaction her body was having to him being so close was electric, it made all the hairs on her body stand on end. She didn’t know what he was doing that close to her, thinking at first that he must have wanted to whisper something in her ear, to say something to her that would undoubtedly make her glad she was leaning against something solid for support.
But she heard the familiar sound of the Cif spray, and a second later, Harry reached his cloth behind Y/N’s back, cleaning the table. She felt his breath against her neck, triggering something radioactive inside her. The oud aroma of his cologne, with notes of cedar, patchouli, and spicy saffron filled Y/N’s nostrils. In those seconds when Harry hovered above her like that, his warm body inches from hers, breath fanning against her skin, his aroma, and aura mere inches from hers, Y/N was conflicted as to if she wanted time to speed up or slow down some more. She knew that if she stayed like that, with Harry so close to her, for much longer she would go absolutely mad and have an impossible time resisting him if he were to try something like he had done in the living room the week before.
No sooner had she thought that, he pushed off, face lingering just centimetres from hers. “I just need to take a look,” he said, speaking as if he did not mind if the whole world was watching them. He raised his hand, about to touch her chin. For what reason, Y/N did not know, but she didn’t ask any questions. However, he stopped, as if touching her was something he could not do. Y/N was glad he hadn’t, because God knows how her body would have reacted had he tenderly touched her jawline like it looked like he wanted to.
“Take a look?” Y/N mumbled.
“At you.”
A small breath left her lips.
“Maybe the answer to what’s been on your mind is somewhere in your eyes,” he said, eyes suddenly falling to her lips. “Or your lips.” He glanced at her forehead. “Or in the slight lines that appear between your eyebrows when you’re deep in thought.” He looked down at her hands on the table edge. “Or the way you’re gripping the table so tight right now.”
Jesus Christ, she was about to explode. Y/N let go of it immediately, standing up and forcing Harry to take two steps back. His intense glance lingered on her, falling to her lips as she opened her mouth to take a breath.
“It’s getting late,” she said, fingering the hem of her leather jacket as her heart continued to hammer away inside her chest.
“Wait for me, yeah?” Harry walked over to the next table to clean it, doing it way faster than all the other ones. Biting his lip and moving his hand with the cloth over the table as if to make up for time spent on something else, cleaning very slowly and standing too close to her.
“No, I can walk home by myself.”
“I know you’re capable of walking, but I don’t like you being out in the streets all alone late at night.”
Y/N looked over at Harry as he cleaned the last booth, seeing the determination to finish as quickly as possible.
“It’s just across the road,” she said.
“Please just let me walk you across the road, then.” Harry walked behind the bar counter, putting the cleaning supplies away.
“You make me sound like an old lady.”
“Just-“ He appeared from behind the counter. “-Wait.” He then disappeared into the backroom where he only stayed for a few seconds. Y/N would have thought that since he enjoyed working at The Stag’s Head, he would have at least lingered for a few moments to take in the last time he would ever be back there. But instead, he emerged wearing his coat, locking the door behind him, mere seconds later. He turned the lights off, and, walking over to where Y/N was standing, placed a gentle hand to her lower back, guiding her in the direction of the door that she could only barely make out in the dark. Goosebumps instantly ran up Y/N’s back and she inhaled at the pressure of Harry’s hand on her body. He held the door open for her and Y/N stepped outside, watching as Harry locked the front doors to The Stag’s Head for the very last time.
He looked around them after locking the door, checking up and down the three streets that came to a crossroad just outside the pub. Once his eyes finally met Y/N’s again he gave her the smallest smile, then motioned for her to lead the way back to their flat. She wanted to roll her eyes, but she could not find it in herself to do just that in that moment. Though it was just across the road, she very much appreciated Harry’s company back to their flat. Distance was nothing when the roads were dark and the faces of the figures walking past were left blurred by the dim streetlamps.
Harry held the door for Y/N once again, letting her be the first to enter the building. She strolled upstairs, unlocking their front door and watching as Harry gestured for her to walk on inside. The flat was dark, except for the warm yellow lights Nathan had twined around the railing of their terrace and the changing colours of the luminous Christmas tree in the living room. The kitchen was usually left in darkness, as was the rest of the flat, but since their eyes were used to night outside, it wasn’t hard to navigate their way to the stairs. They took their jackets off, and without her leather jacket on, Y/N was very aware of how much of her skin was exposed to Harry. Her dress showed off her legs, arms, and parts of her back to him, and she knew that, if he walked behind her up the stairs, he would get a good look at her bum.
She took her boots off and started up the stairs with her purse in her hand, hearing Harry make his way up them as well. If any man were to walk behind her up the stairs, Harry was one she trusted not to take the mick, to not look up her skirt and make her feel uncomfortable. But… after everything… she still didn’t want him to see her knickers. However, facing her door, she heard Harry walking up the stairs. Taking a deep breath, she turned around to face him once he reached the first floor. What happened next happened so suddenly that Y/N barely managed to wrap her head around it before the moment was gone.
She had just turned around to face Harry when he walked up over to her. Taking a step back at the sudden closeness, she felt herself breathe in sharply as Harry’s face lingered only centimetres from her own again. Though the person standing in front of her was a man, a completely different person, something inside her brain took her back to that night when they were 16. He hadn’t been this close to her since then, had not touched her or looked at her like this since then. His eyes flicked down to her lips, and then to meet hers, wet lips parting as if the anticipation was killing him.
And Y/N had to painfully admit, it was killing her, too. As much as she had tried to fight it, it was impossible to now. She wanted Harry to kiss her. Not tenderly kiss her like you would peck a person you were in love with, or to gently rub his thumb over her cheek as a show of affection, or to hug her tight when they met up for lunch. No, she wanted him to fucking kiss her. She wanted him to grab her face and kiss her hard; desperately, needily. She wanted them to fumble to take each other’s clothes off, and for him to make up for how bad that first time together was. There was absolutely no denying it, Y/N wanted Harry. She really wanted him. All these months, all those moments spent trying to push the thought away, she simply could not anymore. There was a hunger inside her for him, but only in the sexual sense. She could never fall in love with this man, she just wanted to fuck him. And she wanted to fuck him bad.
Her own lips parted, and she looked into his eyes with an expression she hoped he could read, because she needed him to understand. Once again, Harry raised his hand, hovering between them as if he were unsure what to do with it. Fingers twitching, she could see he was conflicted, whether he should touch her cheek as it looked like he wanted to, or if he should stop himself. Y/N let her eyes fall to his hand, to tell him she wanted him to touch her. She wanted to feel him somewhere, anywhere on her. Just looking at him, she could see he wanted the same as her. He wanted to feel her body, to explore it in a completely different way to last time.
Harry’s hand fell out of view, and just as Y/N thought he was going to let it hang limply, uselessly, at his side, she felt something on her waist. A warm pressure, snaking around the black linen of her dress. She waited for him to pull her closer to him, for their torsos to connect, but it never happened.
“Y/N,” Harry whispered, eyes falling to her lips again.
She did not answer, instead just tilted her head so it would be easier for him to kiss her. With her eyelids hanging low over her eyes, her body language not showing any sign of protesting, and with her lips parted, Y/N hoped the message was coming across clearly. Harry leaned in closer, his nose almost touching hers. Her heart was beating so fast and hard it hurt. Her hands were clammy. All her attention focused on Harry and the electricity they created on that spot where his hand rested. He leaned down, lips hovering just over the crook of her neck, making her close her eyes. Breath against the hair of her shoulder, lightning shooting up Y/N’s back. He slowly leaned back out again, nose hovering beside hers. The anticipation was absolutely killing her.
“I…” But he drifted off, eyes falling to her lips again. She could feel his breath on her mouth, could smell his cologne. The tension was making her dizzy, she just wanted him to bloody kiss her already.
She was just about to do it herself when she felt his warm hand drop off her waist. She blinked, and the next second, Harry took a step back. He only looked at her, mouth working as if he was trying to find the right words to say, but there were none. So, as if blinking himself awake from a sort of dream, he took another step back. Suddenly, he opened the door into his room. He stopped in the doorway, looking back at Y/N. Again, he tried to say something that must have died on the tip of his tongue, because again, he did not utter a word. It looked like he physically could not say them out loud. Instead, he closed the door, leaving Y/N standing alone out in the dark hallway.
Y/N’s eyes rested on the door to the bathroom, trying to go over in her head where it had just happened. Had… Had Harry just walked away just now? Had he teased her in the pub, then done almost the same just now, only to walk away? What had gone wrong? Why had he not kissed her? What had made him step away? What had made him stop? Y/N could not answer a single one of the questions, and she doubted Harry would give her any. She closed her eyes, resting her head against her door behind her. This was exactly why she had not wanted to live with Harry, this was why she had not given in to his charms and flirts before. Now, because of what had just happened, because of how awkward that had just been, they were back to square one. Just living under the same roof as him infuriated her. She could not fucking stand Harry Styles.
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NEXT UPDATE: Sunday, 4th April, 9PM GMT!
Huge thanks to my AMAZING beta readers! 🏛️ @aileenacoustic 🏛️ @devil-in-bw-the-sheets​​ 🏛️ @sunflowerstache​ 🏛️ @fromyourstrulyh​​ 🏛️
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neighborhood-nori · 3 years
Summary: Levi always keeps his promises to Hanji, even if that means waking up at the crack of dawn just so she can watch the sunrise from a small canoe.
This fic is a gift for the amazing B ( @callingoutyourname03 ) for the Xmas in July event in the Levihan University discord server. I hope you enjoy the gift B! You were such an amazing help throughout the event’s planning stages and I cannot thank you enough, so I hope this expresses all our gratitude for you!
“Levi?” A soft voice broke through the haze of his sleep.
Levi grunted and rolled over, dragging his pillow out from under his head and instead using it to shield his face. 
That was pointless, however, as his wife was soon straddling his waist, tugging the pillow off of him. “Levi, you promised you wouldn’t be a grouch when I woke you up.”
“That was nighttime Levi who promised that. Morning Levi is running the show now.” 
“Well, which Levi promised to wake up and come with me to watch the sunrise on the lake?”
Levi peeled his eyes open ever so slightly to see Hanji, still sitting on top of him, pouting. He sighed and mumbled his reply, “Definitely not sane Levi.”
Hanji poked at his chest, attempting to rouse him. Levi tried to go back to sleep but the incessant poking was disturbing him. As she continued to poke him, he deftly caught her hand in his own.
“Stop being annoying.” He scolded.
“Then stop sleeping.” Hanji shot back. She leaned forward, placing her hands down on the bed, framing his head between her arms. She began to blow air on his face.
“God, your morning breath stinks.” Levi winced and tried to push her off of him. Hanji didn’t budge, gripping him tighter between her thighs and opening her mouth to breathe much hotter air on him.
“Did you eat a skunk last night, four eyes?” Levi switched tactics, knocking her off balance by pushing her hands away, and pulling her down towards him. Hanji fell forward on top of him, her face landing in the crook of his neck. Levi wrapped his arms around her and squeezed so she couldn’t budge. She attempted to wiggle out of his grasp for a few seconds but resigned herself to the new position when she realized it was futile to fight his grip.
“You promised you’d watch the sunrise with me, Levi.” She murmured into his neck. 
“Can’t we watch the sunset instead? I’ll be much more awake at sunset.” He turned his head and angled so he could place a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“I wanted to watch the sunrise over the lake. When it sets, it goes down over the forest.” Hanji explained.
Levi sighed against her skin, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. When it came to Hanji, he would always go out of his way to make her happy. “Fine.” He relented, “Let’s go.”
Hanji popped up faster than Levi had anticipated, and managed to knock the wind out of him as she climbed over him and kneed him in the stomach. 
He grunted and she seemed not to notice what she had done, as she grabbed both his hands and dragged him out of bed. 
“I already set out an outfit for you.” She pointed giddily to the armchair where Levi spotted a pair of dark blue jeans, a plain grey long sleeve, and a black turtleneck sweater. 
She pushed him towards the chair and Levi dug his feet into the carpet to stop himself. “Let me shower and brush my teeth first.”
“Alright but hurry up, sunrise is in an hour.” Hanji bubbled.
“An hour?” Levi narrowed his eyes at her. “Then why are we up already? I could have slept a bit more.”
“The sunrise happens fast! We have to be sure to be in a good position when it happens! And I want to see all the colors change in the sky.” Hanji began pushing him towards the bathroom. 
“Why did I agree to this?” 
“Because you love me.” Hanji kissed his cheek warmly before shoving him through the bathroom door.
Levi showered and dressed rather quickly, especially for only being half awake.
When he walked out of the bedroom and downstairs to the living room, Hanji was ready and waiting for him by the front door, a picnic basket in hand.
“Is that breakfast?” He reached for the basket.
“It will be.” Hanji grabbed his outstretched hand and began tugging him out the door.
She dragged him out of the house and down to the shore of the lake out front. Levi stumbled a bit as the ground was only partially lit by the very faint rays of dawn. He looked ahead and managed to spot an old red canoe with two oars sitting just by the water.
“Please tell me that’s not for us.” He groaned.
Hanji chuckled and Levi realized his fate. “Who else would it be for?”
“When I promised to watch the sunrise with you, rowing out in a dinky boat on the lake was not included in that promise.”
“It was implied.”
“How was it implied?” 
“Because-” Hanji explained as she gestured towards the boat, “This is how I want to watch the sunrise, out in the middle of the lake in a canoe with you.”
Levi wrinkled his nose, noting the chipped paint, the unstable looking wood, the spider webs that glistened with dew on the inside of the boat. But then he looked at Hanji, eyes wide and bright even at the crack of dawn, smile blinding and taking up almost her entire face, her bouncing slightly in place out of pure unadulterated excitement.
He could suck it up for one morning, for Hanji, Levi said to himself before begrudgingly starting to push the canoe into the water.
Hanji clapped her hands as Levi set the boat up, and turned to offer her a helping hand in stepping inside.
She gratefully accepted, stepping inside the boat, which wobbled only slightly as she made her way to sit at the bow. 
Levi stepped in behind her, pushing one foot off the shore to give them a boost before he stepped fully in the boat and sat down in the oarsman position. 
He took an oar in each hand and began a steady pace, oars dipping in and out of the water, propelling the boat forward.
“How did I get stuck doing all the work?” He huffed as he watched Hanji look out over the still water.
“You sat there, it makes sense.”
“I only sat here because you sat up front.” Levi argued.
“Stop fighting me and row harder, I think I see the sun starting to come up.” Hanji shushed him.
Levi mumbled some choice words under his breath before he put a little more pressure against the oars. He kept himself occupied watching Hanji continue to survey the water and treeline around them, until finally she told him to stop rowing.
“This is perfect.” Hanji whispered. They were directly in the middle of the lake now. Hanji moved so that she was facing the clear horizon. Levi turned and he too could see the first true rays of orange light begin to color the sky.
Hanji was right, the sunrise was quick, lighting up the sky in a blaze of orange, yellow, pink, and red before settling into the normal yellowish-whit light of day.
He watched all the colors dance across Hanji’s face, her brown eyes lit with wonder. She seemed perfectly content, watching the sun rise into the sky. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Levi?” She murmured as she watched the natural phenomenon.
“Yeah.” Levi agreed, but his own gaze was locked on his very own, personal natural phenomenon: her.
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
hi! I just read “all bark no bite” and omg it was so good!! looking forward to more of your writing and possible a part 2 if you get the chance!
Thank you!!!!!😃🧡 Your wish is my command!
All Bark No Bite (pt. 2)
Bakugo angst + sexual tensionnnn
Read part 1 here
wc: 3k
I hope this is as fun for you to read as it is for me to write! Also why is he 👇 this fineee for no reason.
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The next morning, you woke up trying to convince yourself it was all a dream...or a nightmare. But the way you could still feel the softness of his fingers around your neck completely contradicted your wishes. You also had to keep wiping little smiles off your face throughout your entire morning routine. You tried to combat them by listing all the things you hated about Bakugo but it was helpless. Every train of thought ended with the shape of his lips and how nicely they molded with yours.
You and Mina walked to class together and you swore she’d developed a mind reading quirk. You felt her eyes on you like a blazing sun. Although this was really all in your head. She only asked “are you okay?” because you kept looking at her like you’d committed a hate crime.
You and Bakugo didn’t look at each other once during class. No leg shaking, pen stealing or insults. Not even a well timed scoff when you were called on to answer a question. You tried your best to clear your mind and forget everything that had occurred in that hall last night. After a while of this torture you even were having a little bit of success.
But of course your peace was ruined as you walked to lunch. He couldn’t let you have anything. And of course he wasn’t going to leave you alone.
“Hey Little Bite, I hear we get to pick our groups for combat training today. All Might is going to make me a team captain, obviously. So if you want to be on my team let me know. I mean I assume you don’t wanna lose. You just gotta ask me nicely.” His usual cocky tone crept under your skin.
You desperately tried to ignore him as he followed you. Each footstep he started gaining on you being more annoying than the last. But what really did it was the pencil he threw at your head.
“Please, actively do not pick me.”
He ignored your objection and continued on his line of bullshit.
“I suppose I could take you. Your quirk would be useless, I’m all the attack power we’d need to win but I could use you as a decoy or something.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t want to be on a team with you, moron. Your pea brain doesn’t know how to do anything but blow shit up. You’re like an explosive cave man. Besides being too close to you for too long makes me wanna vomit.”
He cackled. You knew exactly what he was thinking and immediately regretted your words.
“That’s weird—“
You picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at his head. But he just caught it and made it explode with a smug look on his face.
“Ugh. I cannot stand you.” You groaned.
“You sure about that?” He said with a suggestive eyebrow.
He was so hot....it made you want to punch him in the throat. Without thinking you shrugged off your backpack and swung it at his face. His reflexes bested you again though and he caught the bag, yanking it from you. The force was harder than you expected, it sent you flying into his chest. You both tumbled to the ground and landed shoulder to shoulder. Your skull hit a small rock with a wack. Rubbing the back of your head, shooting pain surfaced.
“Ow!! That fucking hurt dumbass!”
You swung your arm, aiming to kill, and hit him in the stomach.
It must have really knocked the wind out of him because he made a loud grunting noise that hinted at his surprise. It wasn’t often people got to land a punch on Katsuki Bakugo. King Explosion Murder.
“Do that shit again Little Bite! You’ll regret it!” He grabbed your wrist, attempting to clear a way to get you back. You both started wresting trying to punch each other in the gut. Literally rolling around in the grass in a red hot death match of who could out curse the other.
“Omg, are you guys about to kiss right now?” Mina teased from out of absolutely nowhere, scaring the shit out of you.
You both froze solid as the blood drained from your face. She knew about last night? How did she find out?!
“You told her!?” Bakugo’s entire face was contorting through a whole range of emotions. Shock, horror, embarrassment, accusation, cheekiness, embarrassment again.
“What!?” You panicked. “No! I didn’t!” You swear you didn’t. You replayed your whole morning in your head just to double check.
You turned to your pink friend. Her eyes were wide and her mouth fell open. You watched the gears turn in her head as she realized she’d stumbled upon a miraculously juicy discovery.
“OH. MY. GOD!!! No freaking way!!” She squealed unable to contain herself.
She started blabbering as she attempted to cope with this information. She had absolutely no idea what to do with it.
Your stomach fell as you realized this fatal error. Wait....this wasn’t your error. You pushed him off you and you both scrambled to your feet.
“This is your fault! Why’d you say that!” You shoved a finger in Bakugo’s chest. Which actually hurt because....he’s solid.
“Don’t yell at me!” He yelled back at an even louder volume.
Mina started running around in little circles. “They kissed!!!” She then abruptly stopped in her tracks and you watched a lightbulb flicker on.
“KIRISHIMA!!!! KAMINARI!!!” She screamed as she ran toward the cafeteria.
“MINA DONT YOU FUCKING DA—“ Bakugo exploded into a full sprint to chase her down. But she was like a rocket.
You chased after them desperately trying to reconcile all this is your mind. But it was no use, your brain was melting. Everyone was about to find out. The relentless jokes...they would never end. You could die right here.
Both of them ran so fast you fell horribly behind. By the time you rounded the corner and caught up to them a whole event had already taken place.
Bakugo was screaming on the top of his lungs. You could practically see the steam coming off the top of his head.
Kaminari was standing there in his stupid form with a half torn shirt. Jesus, what did Bakugo do to him?
Mina and Kirishima were laying on the ground, their face covered in tears. They were laughing so hard no sounds were even coming out.
“Oh my god,” Mina squeaked out between gasps for air, “Bakugo has a crush.”
“It’s so adorable!” Kirishima said wiping the tears from his eyes as he attempted to stop laughing. With no success, they both bursted again after seeing Bakugo slamming his fists into the grass. The teasing was making him want to rip his eyes out. He couldn’t stand it.
“Shut up Kirishima!!!” He jumped on top of his friend and started repeatedly banging his head into the ground. Of course this did absolutely nothing to the hard head. It just made him laugh even more.
Poor Denki just stood there drooling with a little smile on his face and giggling.
You were frozen. Stunned. It was like watching a comedy movie in which you were the punchline.
But all the laughs fell a silent as a furious voice cut through the air.
“What is this.” It wasn’t a question. Mr. Aizawa looked like he hadn’t slept in three days and this used up his last bit of patience.
“Bakugo. Get off him immediately.” He growled.
You knew how this looked. Bakugo was attacking Kirishima after successfully making Kaminari fry his own brain. Your friends’ laughter wasn’t enough to hide Bakugo’s apparent violence even if it was over something as stupid as a kiss. Mr. Aizawa couldn’t possibly know that.
“I overlooked your behavior yesterday, picking a fight with Miss. y/n. But now attacking your other classmates as well? This is violent behavior is unacceptable.”
“Mr. Aizawa—“ Kirishima tried to defend his friend but it was no use.
“Not another word.” Your teacher was glaring at Bakugo with laser beams.
The hot head just stood there in silence with a scowl on his face and two tightly clenched fists. He was really just going to take the heat for everyone? No arguments?
“I’m putting you on house arrest for the rest of the day. No more classes and no combat training.” You watched the dagger go through Bakugo’s chest. Today was going to be offensive training with All Might. You knew he was looking forward to it. Guilt punched your core.
“Mr. Aizawa wait. I’m the one who picked a fight with him yesterday. I challenged him. He shouldn’t get into trouble because of me.” You shuffled toward him timidly. He was scary when he was like this.
Everyone looked at you in surprise. They all knew it was true, that you’d egged him on. And he wouldn’t be raging right now if you hadn’t kissed, so today was also partially your fault. But they were truly surprised because you normally would revel in Bakugo getting scolded. But you weren’t fucking evil. And this wasn’t Bakugo’s fault at all...although he really needed to get his fucking temper in check. Idiot.
“Is that true?” Aizawa asked Bakugo.
The hot head took a deep breath. “Does that sound like me at all? I’d never give into her weak attempts at baiting me. I fought her because I wanted to.”
Your eyes popped out at his words. He lied. Why the fuck would he do that?
Mr. Aizawa escorted Bakugo to the dorms, lecturing the entire way.
“This sucks.” Kirishima said with a frown.
“I know. I feel so bad!” Mina cried sadly.
You had no words. The four of you walked to lunch with drooping heads. You held Kaminari’s hand the whole way until his brain recharged.
Recalling you’d left your backpack in the quad you ran back to get it. Upon arrival you realized Bakugo’s backpack was also there. He wouldn’t even have his stuff with him to finish homework or study during house arrest. You groaned. This guilt was horrible. It ate at you for rest of the day. The rest of your friends didn’t feel any better. And combat training wasn’t the same for you without that familiar sound of explosions going off in the background. It actually made the class feel kind of empty.
As usual at the end of the day you sat in the common area with the rest of the girls.
“So...is it true y/n?” Ochaco poked hesitantly.
You glared at Mina. Loose lips as usual.
“Sorry y/n. I talk when I’m stressed.” Mina cried only kind of regretful.
You sighed. You didn’t have the heart to actually be upset with her. You were the villain here. Getting Bakugo into so much trouble.
“Yea.” You huffed out. Talking about it made you cringe. It was like admitting your sworn rival had defeated you somehow. Even if you sort of didn’t mind the way he did it...
“What was it like?” Mina asked excited for the details.
“Is he a good kisser?” Ochaco added.
Your mind fell into a fog as you replayed the kiss again. Your skin went electric as you remembered the feel of his hands on your waist and those noises he was making. His lips wrapped around yours....
“Oh my god...Ochaco shes in love!” Mina concluded from you zoning out for what ended being like 15 seconds of you staring into space with a little smile on your face. She was practically singing.
“I am not!” You yelled flustered.
“Why are so many people yelling today?” Kirishima chuckled as he rounded the corner to join the couch.
“So is he mad?” Mina’s voice had changed into the sad one from earlier.
“I don’t know. Every time I knock he just tells me to go away. But that’s not that different from normal honestly.” He smiled. Their friendship was so odd.
Suddenly his backpack flashed through your mind. It was sitting in your room.
You got up to leave. You tried to be sneaky about it as they discussed how to cheer the victim up. But to no avail, they’d never let you sneak off again.
“Where you going huh?” Mina’s voice was painfully suggestive.
“To my room!”
“Uh huh, we’ve heard that one before.”
You stuck your tongue at her.
Kirishima twisted to face you over the back of the couch. “So if I ask Bakugo tomorrow if he saw you tonight he’s gonna say no, right?” Who knew he could be this ruthless. No mercy.
You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. You’d been cornered.
“Look. He left his backpack earlier and I’m just going to give it to him! Jeez do you want to do it or something Kiri?” You were seething.
“Nahh, you should do it. He’ll just yell at me to go away again.” He winked. It made you cringe again.
You could peel your skin off from this teasing. But you know someone who hated it even more. You knew that’s why he wouldn’t let Kirishima into his room.
You ran off before they could crack any more jokes.
On your way to the elevators you heard a creepy cackle come from somewhere. You spun around, alarmed, as a “what the fuck” escaped your lips. Your eyes landed on one eyeball peeking through the crack of a doorway.
“Can I get a kiss too?” The voice was wet with drool and lust. “Just one?”
“I will kick your face in Mineta.”
The door quickly shut. Did Mina tell the fucking whole class!?
With more haste now you stormed to your room to get the stupid backpack that was causing you so many problems and made your way to your other problem’s door.
Before you knocked you realized your hands were shaking. Nervous? Seriously, over this moron? You shook it off with resolve and knocked.
“Fuck off Denki, for the hundredth fucking time I’m busy!” A gruff voice yelled from behind the door.
“Oh please, busy with what?” You retorted reflexively. Earlier you had decided you were going to try to be nicer but that sentiment wore off as soon as you heard his annoying voice.
The door swung open.
“What do you want?” He said with a raised eyebrow.
Your mind went blank. He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. Of course it made his biceps look better than normal. He was wearing a black t-shirt that made his skin look perfectly tanned and was snug in all the right places. And why did he always smell so good damn. Today it was like vanilla and woodsy aftershave.
Stop staring. Stop staring. Speak bitch.
“Here’s your backpack. You should keep better track of it. I had to carry it around all day. That’s annoying.” You tossed it at him.
Why couldn’t you say anything nice? He took the heat for everyone. It’s like your mouth was rebelling against you.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Maybe you should work out more weakling.”
Panic panged in your chest as he started to shut the door in your face.
“Wait—“ you stopped it with your hand.
He paused. Mild interest dawned his brow.
“Why—why did you lie?”
“To Mr. Aizawa. You could have told him it was my fault.”
“What do you care?” He pressed. His tone always managed to infuriate you.
You spun on your heels and started to walk away. “Nevermind.”
“Because I felt bad. You hurt your stupid head.”
You’d forgotten about that with all the guilt that had been overrunning your head. It didn’t even hurt anymore. You were surprised he’d even noticed.
“But obviously you’re fine now so I guess it was all for nothing.” He added quickly trying to sound indignant.
The guilt punched you again. Especially now that you were face to face with him. He didn’t even look mad. He actually looked calm. And he looked good. You tried to deny your attraction to him. But flashes of his hand on your waist started invading your mind again. You could feel him wrapped around your neck. The way he was gentle and rough at the same time.
“Instead of just standing there you could actually make yourself useful. You owe me anyways.”
You snapped out of it trying not to look flustered. You shot him a confused and slightly offended look.
“Fill me in on what I missed in class...” he explained. He wouldn’t make direct eye contact though.
“Are you saying you need my help?” You had to do it. You couldn’t not take an opportunity.
“Tch. Obviously no—“
“Let’s do it. Move.” You said as you pushed past him into his room. Your hand made full contact with his abs and you felt that heat again.
He shut the door behind you and your heart started off like a race horse as you heard him lock it.
You suspected it was to lock the other boys out. God forbid they catch you in his room after all this.
Shit....you were in his room. Alone. With your hot head. The day after he kissed you. The evening after he took all the fury of Mr. Aizawa for you and moments after he asked you to help him study even though he gets way better grades than you.
He cleared a spot for you to sit on his bed and then leaned back into his chair with his hands locked behind his head. His flexing muscles were distracting you again.
“You better actually remember everything.”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes at him.
His words were supposed to rile you but the way he looked at you, like he was secretly loving that you were here was making your stomach flutter. You could feel your face red and you prayed he wouldn’t notice. At this rate you were going to throw yourself at him before he had the chance to kiss you again. As long as you two didn’t start fighting again first.....
💥 YES there will be a pt 3!!! 💥
It’s going to be called “sTuDyiNg” HAHA (hint: Bakugo doesn’t actually wanna study “dumbass”)
Update: Pt.3 is up now!! Read it here
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