#we didn’t bond we didn’t really spent time together like a family is supposed to do we barely knew/know eachother
devils-little-sista · 2 years
#I wonder if people I knew in the past think about me as much as I think about them#I hope they’re all doing ok#I know where all totally different people than we were 6 or 7 years ago and it wouldn’t make sense to reconnect but I miss them#i miss the time we spent together#I want to know how much they think of me. I want to know if I ever meant anything to them. if they ever valued our friendship or if they jus#just didn’t have anything else better to do than hang out with the kid next door#they were the only friends I had#without them I would have never known what is was like to be not lonely#I would be a totally different person if I didn’t have them#we spent a big portion of our formative years with eachother and then our families decided that just was not important at all and#and moved us all away from eachother#that friend group was just as much family as we were with our biological family and our parents decided it was perfectly fine to rip us apar#rip us apart and move us all miles away from eachother and put us all in different schools#erased every bit of our found family and completely started us over for no reason#but I’m thankful I got to have them at all. I’m thankful I got to experience what a family is supposed to be like with them.#family is supposed to be close. family is supposed to be comfortable with eachother.#I had never felt like that with any of my biological family as a kid but I felt like that with my friends and their families#my family was always so cold and distant and never really talked about problems never tried to fix them just brush them under the rug#we didn’t bond we didn’t really spent time together like a family is supposed to do we barely knew/know eachother#and these kids around the neighborhood showed me what a family is supposed to be like. close and comfortable and bonded.#I’ve been longing for that connection again ever since we got separated. my real family thinks I’m too emotional or too touchy feely#I want to feel connected again#and they don’t even know what I’m talking about#part of me is mad because they refuse to accept the reality that we are barely a family at all#and part of me feels bad for them cause they don’t know what it’s like to have a real family and actually be loved and to love someone#they don’t know what it is to have a bond or be connected with another human being and that’s extremely sad#and I don’t want it to be like that anymore#but I don’t know how to fix it#and I don’t know how to find a new family because my last found family found me first#so I don’t know what to do
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moosesarecute · 3 months
We named someone else after you
My second fanfic. Sort of a continuation of the last one, but not really. Hope you like it
Contains topics of fertility issues
“He then tried to fly and catch them,” Rhys told you with the biggest smile on this face. “He just gets cuter and cuter.”
He was explaining everything you missed from the Starfall celebration.
You were seated at your usual spot in the usual cafe for your lunch. Something you two had tried to do every week after you got free from Under the Mountain. It was a time for you to be normal siblings, not the high lord and his spy sister.
“We’re quite sad you two missed it,” your brother said with a glimmer in his eyes. “What is it you do every Starfall anyway?”
Ever since your first year together as mated the two of you had spent the earlier hours of Starfall recreating your first date. A picnic up at the mountains eating food made with your mother’s recipes. Since Azriel had been on a mission until the day of Starfall, you decided to spend the evening of Starfall together instead.
You huffed. “We’ve been doing it over 400 times, if you think we’ll start telling you about it now, you’re terribly mistaken.”
“But Feyre knows! It’s unfair that I don’t.”
It’s true. You had told Feyre a lot about you and Az’s mating bond when she spent some days at the cabin trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her mating bond to your brother. She asked questions, you answered, as long as she never told anyone about it.
Rhys then shifted in his chair and you knew what was coming.
“About what Mor said,” he started.
On Starfall, Mor had dressed you in a beautiful blue, backless gown with slits on both sides. You had asked her about the color that looked suspiciously similar to the colors of your mates siphons, but the female only answered that it was “a total accident”.
The dress was beautiful, but extremely different from what you usually would wear.
When you went down to the rest of your family Cassian had basically yelled when he asked: “who are you trying to impress? Last time I checked your going on to your 475th year as a mated female.”
You of course snapped back asking if he had become too old to see the difference between your and Mor’s clothing style.
Rhys, with a comforting hand on your shoulder, asked Mor why she dressed you. “I want to be an aunt again.” your friend answered with a smile. You had tensed, but luckily for you, your mate had come and saved you from the conversation.
“It’s nothing,” you told Rhys.
“Bullshit, I know you. I felt you get tense,” your brother said and you knew there was no way for you to get away from the conversation. “You don’t want kids?” he said that the same time you started speaking.
“I can’t-“ you stopped. “Wait what?”
“I just wanted you to know that if you don’t want kids, I’m sure Mor would understand. You should just tell her and she shouldn’t bother you about it again. I’m sure you two know that.”
You weren’t sure what you were supposed to say. Of course you wanted kids. You had always wanted to have a few young, winged children to run after. And you have loved being an aunt for Nyx, making you even surer that you wanted to be a mother.
“It’s not that we don’t want kids,” you hesitated.
Lucky for you, your brother knew you better than anyone else, except for Azriel of course. He soon realized what you meant.
“You’re sure?” He just asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I mean, we have been trying, but never succeeded,” you said looking down at your hands, trying not to cry.
Rhys let out a breath. “I’m so sorry, y/n/n. I didn’t know.”
You let out a small laugh. Of course he didn’t know. You and your mate were spies for cauldron’s sake! If you didn’t want anyone to know, no one would know.
“How long have you been trying?”
You looked up and met his worried eyes. He grabbed your hands and was stroking his thumb over yours.
“If you don’t count during Amarantha, neither one of us has taken the potion since our 100th year anniversary.”
315 years.
“Wow,” was all Rhys managed to say. His eyes staring directly into yours.
You removed your hands from his.
“Did Cassian manage to remove the wine stain from the carpet?”
“No, and Feyre is pissed,” Rhys answered, understanding your attempt to change the topic.
“You never mentioned you would be feeling this bad,” you mate said, holding your hair and stroking your back as you threw up once again.
“I told you it would be like my cycle just lasted four times longer,” you told him back. Your voice groggy.
You were trying a new fertility treatment. You had tried different ones before, but so far nothing worked. This one was particularly bad. After your cycle, you would spend three weeks taking daily potions. The potions didn’t taste too bad, but you would spend the following hours dizzy and nauseous with an aching pain in both your head and stomach.
“I don’t like seeing you like this,” your mate continued. “Your sure you want to keep doing this?”
You had now curled onto his lap. His arms were around your waist and his shadows tried to cool you down.
“I want to give you children,” you just answered, curling deeper into your mate. His comforting smell lowering your symptoms a little and making you tired. “And I want to be a mother.”
“Then I’ll help you through this, but if you change your mind, just tell me, okey?”
You nodded, starting to fall asleep.
It’s been another year after your treatment and you had lost all hope.
Azriel didn’t blame you, he would never, but you felt awful for not being able to give him and yourself children. But eventually, you started to feel content in your life without mini you’s. You were the best aunt and uncle to Nyx and Cassian and Nesta’s small babe.
This particular day, you had taken Nyx to get ice cream. Your mate had just days before, left for a month long mission at the continent. You had chosen to stay back home in Velaris to help your brother and Feyre dealing with a particularly busy period.
You had just sat down, exhausted, in Rhys office when you felt sick.
“He loves me! You just bribe him with some ice cream and suddenly you become his favorite! If I knew that, I would have done that all a-“
You had to throw up. You stood up and ran to the closest bathroom, Rhys not far behind.
“What’s going…” you threw up, “…on?” Your brother asked holding your hair away from your face.
“Probably just some bad ice cream,” you said.
“So you haven’t been sick before this?” He asked.
“Of course not, I think I would have-“ you started. But then you remembered that you also threw up after eating breakfast yesterday…and the day before that, and also the day before that. And when you first thought about it, you realized your back pain also had been a little worse than usual these days. “I guess I have been sick the last couple of days, but I’m sure it will pass.”
Rhys looked at you with big eyes. He then took three big breaths through his nose, smelling. He then smiled his biggest smile, shook his head and laughed a little. His actions confused you.
“I think you should go to Madja, sweetie,” Rhys said and basically pushed you towards the exit of his house. “And I’ll get Azriel home.”
“What? Why?”
“You can be quite daft sometimes, you know.”
You started to get annoyed, but then you realized it. The throwing up, the low energy, your brother’s smelling. Your violet eyes grew wide.
“Holy shit,” was all you were able to say. Rhys continued laughing.
You walked into Madja’s clinic and she immediately met you at the door to her office.
“Come here, love. Your brother said you were coming.”
With a comforting hand on your back, Madja guided you into the room. Madja had been with you every step of your fertility journey, so you were quite happy she was there for you.
You laid down and Madja started looking and using her powers on your stomach. She tried to stay professional, but a huge smile soon grew on her face.
“You are indeed pregnant, love. A healthy, winged babe. You’re at about eight weeks.”
You were overcome with joy and soon both you and Madja were crying tears of happiness.
You were still in shock when you walked through the doors of your home. In your hand you held a bag with a small newborn onesie in it. You had never been good at surprises, but a onesie was a good start.
You turn around when you heard the door to you cottage open in a rush. Before you could react, your mate’s shadows were swirling around you. Soon your mate’s hands were on your shoulders and his worried eyes met yours.
“You’re okay? Rhys said you threw up and just asked me to come home as fast as possible. Please say you’re okay.”
You immediately forgot all your plans about surprising Azriel and just blurted it out.
“I’m pregnant.”
You’re never going to forget the joy on your mate’s face. He was glowing and so were you.
“You’re not joking, right?” He asked and you let out a laugh while you shook your head.
You then picked up the bag that you had dropped on the floor and took out the onesie.
“A healthy, winged babe at eight weeks,” you whispered and started to cry again.
“You’re incredible,” Azriel answered with a tear running down his cheek.
Even though Rhys already knew, you wanted to wait a little longer before you told the rest of your family. You were quite sure they already knew, because of how protective Azriel, but also Rhys had been ever since founding out.
You were now 15 weeks along and started to become more and more difficult to hide your pregnancy. To your dismay you also still threw up multiple times a day and Madja was seriously considering putting you on bed rest.
You decided now would be a good time to tell everyone. All of you were at family dinner and you had just finished dinner.
“Now?” You asked your mate in his mind.
“Now,” he answered.
You waited until no one was speaking before you started.
“We have something we wanted to tell you,” you started to speak, taking your mate’s hand in yours. “I’m four months pregnant.”
Everyone was gaping at you.
“Gods! We thought you were dying or something!” Mor exclaimed. “We’ve never seen Azriel and Rhys that protective of you before!”
Before you could answer her, Cassian had pulled you out of your chair and into a bone crushing hug.
“Careful, Cass,” your mate hissed at his brother.
But it was too late, Cassian’s quick movements made you nauseous and you were rushing to the closest bathroom to throw up. Azriel of course followed you.
When you came back to the room you were surrounded by Feyre, Nesta and Mor. You asked: “you thought I was dying?”
“We had started to realize that you perhaps could not have children, so when you suddenly became distant and Az and Rhys looked so worried and distracted, we immediately thought the worst,” Mor explained. “But we’re soooooo happy!”
“Your child will be so cute!” Feyre said.
“And so close in age to our babe!” Nesta said smiling.
After a while, Cassian slowly moved towards you wearing an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry, little one. I’m just so happy you’re finally going to be parents.”
“It’s okay, Cass. You’re forgiven, by me at least.” You gazed towards your mate that still looked very displeased with Cassian.
You walked over to your love and said “our child has the best family” while your hand rested on your stomach.
The birth had been hard. You were in labor for over 20 hours before you could start to push. You weren’t happy about it, and you grew more irritated by the hour. No less than three times had you kicked your mate out of the delivery room for breathing too loud, stroking your hair too much and asking if you needed something to drink.
But eventually you held your baby boy in your arms. And Azriel held you in his arms.
The moment of peace and happiness only lasted about five minutes, before you started to get worse and worse contractions once more.
You remember feeling scared, annoyed and frustrated when you heard Madja mutter the words “there is another one” to your mate.
Your second babe, a girl, was a lot smaller than her brother, but she also had wings.
“I don’t know how we didn’t see her! She’s a sneaky one.”
With two babes in your mate’s arms and a heart fuller of love than ever before, you finally got some rest.
After spending two days recovering from the birth, you were finally ready to introduce your babes to your family.
Everyone was in the living room of the River House waiting for you.
You walked in first, carrying your son.
Your family muttered how cute and how beautiful wings your babe had, but your eyes were set on only your brother.
You slowly sat down beside him on the couch and carefully let your son into his arms.
Rhys and Feyre both looked in awe at the boy that even at two days old looked like a copy of his father.
“I want you to meet Rhyland,” you said with a smile. Doing your best not to cry.
However, the second your brother’s wide and teary eyes met yours, you couldn’t hold it back anymore.
No one spoke for a while. Everyone was just enjoying seeing and holding their new family member.
As Cassian handed your son back to you, he said “I can’t believe you named him after Rhys and not me.”
The comment was obviously meant as a joke, but you had hoped he would say something like that. “You can come in now,” you told your mate through his mind.
“That’s because we named someone else after you.”
The door opened and in walked your amazing mate with your tiny daughter in his arms.
“We also wanted you to meet Cassandra,” Azriel said as he showed your daughter to Cassian, not quite ready to let go of her.
“How could you not tell us you were having twins,” Nesta gaped at you.
“We didn’t know,” you simply replied.
When you got home later that evening, Azriel carried both your sleeping babes and put them in their cribs.
“You’re an amazing father,” you told him. “It makes me love you even more, if that’s possible.”
He gave you a small kiss, before he picked you up and carried you to your bed as well.
“I can’t wait to raise them with you,” he said. “My amazing, incredible and beautiful mate.”
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wolverigrl · 4 days
Request for Hugh story.
The reader gets a little jealous when Hugh has to spend some time with his ex wife and kids, so to show his girlfriend just how much he loves her. Hugh makes her romantic dinner just for them.
Hugh Jackman x reader
!A/N! I hope you like this requested story! <3
Warnings: jealousy, cheesy, nothing more!
It had been a year and a half since Hugh and I had started dating. The first year had been incredible - dream-like, really. But things had changed. It started slowly, creeping in like an unwanted shadow. His work, the endless promotion for his new movie, had taken over our lives. We barely saw each other anymore. And when he wasn’t jetting across the globe for press junkets, he was here in New York - spending time with his ex-wife and their kids.
I knew it was important for him to be there for them, to maintain that family bond. And I understood that. I tried to understand it. But lately, it felt like I was always waiting. Waiting for him to come home. Waiting for some kind of sign that I still mattered.
And today? Today was the final straw.
I had seen the photos online—Hugh and Deborra-Lee with their kids, laughing, looking so perfect together. Like nothing had ever changed between them. It wasn’t rational, I knew that. He had been married to her for years, and they shared a lot of history. But no matter how hard I tried to suppress it, the jealousy kept bubbling up inside me, threatening to spill over.
So when Hugh finally walked through the door that evening, his face lit up with a tired but warm smile, I couldn’t hold back anymore.
"Had a good day?" I asked, my tone far too sharp for what was supposed to be a casual question.
He dropped his keys on the counter and looked at me, confused by the edge in my voice. "Yeah... spent the day with the kids. It was nice. What about you?"
"Great." I replied, unable to mask the bitterness. "Saw the pictures. You all looked... happy."
Hugh's brows furrowed. "What do you mean? Of course, we were happy. I was spending time with the kids- "
"And your ex-wife." I cut him off, my arms crossing defensively. "You’ve been spending a lot of time with her, haven’t you?"
He stared at me, his confusion deepening. "Y/n, she's the mother of my kids. We’re not together, you know that. You have nothing to worry about."
"I don’t?" I scoffed, shaking my head. "Because it feels like I’m the last thing on your mind these days. I’m starting to forget what it’s like to even have you around."
Hugh stepped toward me, his voice soft but firm. "That’s not fair, y/n. You know how crazy things have been with the movie, and I’m trying to be there for the kids. It’s complicated."
"Yeah, it is complicated!" I snapped, my frustration boiling over. I could feel the words tumbling out of me, unstoppable now. "I would never ask you to choose between me and them, Hugh, but I’m not asking for much. I just want to feel like I matter too."
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly exasperated but trying to stay calm. "You do matter. You know you do."
"Do I?" I shot back, my voice cracking despite my best efforts to stay composed. "Because lately, it feels like I’m just here. Waiting for you to remember I exist!"
Hugh’s expression softened, his frustration giving way to something more vulnerable. "Love, come on... it’s not like that."
But I couldn’t listen anymore. The flood of emotions was too much, and I needed space. "I need to get out of here." I muttered, grabbing my coat and heading for the door.
"Y/n, wait!" Hugh called after me, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. I just needed air, space - anything to clear my head. The door clicked shut behind me, and I found myself walking aimlessly through the streets of New York, my emotions swirling in my chest like a storm.
The crisp night air hit my face as I wandered through the city. My mind raced as I replayed the argument over and over. Why had I let it get this far? Why hadn’t I talked to him sooner, before it all exploded like this? I knew he wasn’t intentionally pushing me away, but lately, it felt like I was invisible.
After an hour of walking and stewing in my own thoughts, I realized I needed to head back. I couldn’t avoid this forever. We needed to talk - really talk. And maybe I needed to apologize for being... well, dramatic. I sighed, turning back toward the apartment, my steps slower, more thoughtful.
When I finally reached the door, I took a deep breath, expecting tension. But as I stepped inside, I was met with something completely unexpected.
The lights were dim, and there was soft music playing in the background. I slipped off my shoes and walked towards the kitchen. The smell of something delicious - my favorite dish - wafted through the air. Candles flickered gently on the dining table, which had been set for two. The entire room felt warm and inviting, a strong contrast to the storm that had been brewing between us earlier.
I stood frozen in the corridor, blinking in disbelief. Hugh emerged from the kitchen, his eyes soft and apologetic as he wiped his hands on a towel.
"Hey." he said gently, his voice carrying a tenderness that tugged at my heart. "I, uh... I made dinner. I figured we could use some time, just the two of us."
I stared at him, the earlier frustration slowly melting away. "Hugh... you didn’t have to do all this."
"Yes, I did." he said, stepping closer. His eyes searched mine, and the sincerity in them made my chest tighten. "I’ve been so caught up in everything - work, the kids - that I forgot to make time for us. And that’s not okay. You’re right."
I bit my lip, guilt washing over me. "I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I just... I was feeling- "
"I know." he interrupted softly, his hands reaching out to gently hold mine. "And I get it. I should’ve been more present with you. I never meant to make you feel like you didn’t matter because you do, more than anything."
I swallowed hard, my heart swelling as I looked up at him. The anger, the jealousy - it all felt so small now. He had always been the man who showed up, who cared, even when life got overwhelming. And right now, he was standing here, showing me exactly how much I meant to him.
"I’m sorry." I whispered, my voice trembling as I squeezed his hands.
Hugh shook his head, his thumbs brushing over my knuckles gently. "I’m sorry too. I love you, y/n. I never want you to feel like you’re anything less than my priority."
The weight of his words settled over me, soothing the ache I’d been carrying for days. I let out a shaky breath, feeling the tension between us dissolve. "I love you too." I said softly, my heart swelling with the truth of it.
He smiled, that familiar, warm smile that made me feel like everything was going to be okay. "So... how about we start over? No more fighting. Just... dinner."
I nodded, smiling despite myself. "Yeah. I’d like that."
We sat down at the table, and the moment was so simple, so intimate. Hugh had made my favorite dish - pasta with that special sauce he always made when we had date nights at home. The food was incredible, but what made it even better was the way we kept stealing glances at each other, the quiet joy in the air as we ate.
By the time we were done, my heart felt lighter. We moved to the couch, and I leaned into him as his arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. I could feel the warmth of his chest, his heartbeat steady and reassuring.
"I missed this." I whispered, resting my head against him.
Hugh pressed a kiss to the top of my head, his lips lingering there for a moment. "I missed you. I hate that I made you feel like I wasn’t here. I’ll do better, I promise."
I tilted my head up to look at him, my eyes meeting his. The tenderness in his gaze made my heart skip a beat. "You always show up when it matters, Hugh. I just... I need to know you’ll keep doing that."
"I will," he murmured, his voice low and earnest. "You’re not an afterthought, Y/N. You’re my home."
Those words wrapped around me, filling the cracks that had formed over the past few weeks. I reached up, cupping his face as I kissed him softly, pouring every bit of love and gratitude I felt into that kiss.
When we pulled away, I couldn’t help but smile. "You really went all out, huh? Cooking, candles... the whole deal."
Hugh grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Well, I figured you deserved a little romance after putting up with me."
I laughed softly, leaning in closer. "I think we both deserved it."
He tilted his head down, kissing the top of mine softly. "I don’t ever want you to doubt how much I love you. I know I’ve been distracted, but I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere."
My heart swelled at his words, the sincerity in his voice wrapping around me like a promise. I looked up at him, meeting his gaze. "I know." I whispered, reaching up to cup his cheek. "And I love you. I just... needed to hear it."
He smiled, a lazy, boyish grin that made my stomach flutter. "Then I’ll make sure you hear it more often."
He leaned down, brushing his lips against mine, slow and sweet, like he had all the time in the world just to kiss me. It wasn’t rushed or desperate. It was full of everything - love, reassurance, and that deep, quiet connection we shared. When we finally pulled away, our foreheads rested against each other, and I could feel his breath against my lips.
We stayed wrapped up together on the couch, the warmth of his body melting away any lingering tension. His arm was draped protectively around my shoulders, pulling me close, while I rested my head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was comforting, grounding. Every time I shifted, he pulled me in just a little tighter, like he couldn’t stand the thought of even an inch between us.
"You know." he murmured, his fingers lazily tracing circles on my arm, "I’ve missed this. Just being here with you. No noise, no schedules. Just... us."
I smiled into his chest, feeling the softness of his words settle over me like a warm blanket. "I’ve missed it too. More than I realized."
We sat there for a while longer, the quiet of the apartment settling around us. Hugh shifted slightly, pulling a blanket over us and tucking it in around my shoulders. He kissed my forehead again, lingering as though he couldn’t help himself.
"And you know." he whispered softly, his voice like velvet against the night air, "you’re my favorite part of everything. Of coming home, of my whole day. You’re it."
My heart melted. I snuggled deeper into his embrace, closing my eyes as I felt the warmth of his love surround me. "You’re my favorite too." I whispered back, feeling safe, cherished, and so completely loved.
We stayed that way, wrapped up in each other, letting the world fade away. No more jealousy, no more distance. Just us, together. And in that moment, everything felt perfect - like this was exactly where we were supposed to be.
I'd appreciate feedback! <3
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💭childhood friends to lovers (100 followers special)
chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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“some things never change, huh?” you heard jeongin’s voice coming from the porch. you looked up to see him approaching you, the sun beginning to set in the background. 
jeongin and you were inseparable for as long as you could remember. he lived across the street and you always spent time together thanks to your parents being really good friends. you played almost every day, hanging out in your backyard or in his house, never getting tired of each other. as children, you knew all your secrets and fears, you trusted each other with your lives and swore you were never going to grow apart. 
but time verified your friendship and you failed to maintain such a tight bond. you didn’t have any arguments, you just simply started to drift apart in high school. jeongin started to spend less and less time with you, too caught up with his new friends. you tried to fight for your friendship, you believed that not everything was lost, but every time you wanted to talk to him, he would brush you off and leave without a word. and even though you weren’t as close as before anymore, one day you noticed you were staring a bit too much at jeongin, admiring him from afar. he always seemed so happy with his group of friends, hanging out with them every day after school and attending parties with them. and even if you tried to be happy for him you couldn’t stop the jealousy spreading through your body. because you were supposed to do these things with him, you were supposed to stay friends. maybe even more than friends, you thought to yourself one day. but then you completely parted ways, going to college and having absolutely no clue what was going on with each other.
until now. your parents decided to invite jeongin's family for dinner, since they haven't properly talked with his parents in years. with that, they thought that it would be a great idea for you and jeongin to reconnect and spend some time together, just like you used to as kids.
"you still use the same swing," jeongin continued, sitting next to you on the swing set. you looked at him, kind of confused and he clarified. "you always used the one on the left. you claimed it can go higher." you scoffed at his words. “because it does go higher,” you giggled and so did jeongin. then the silence settled between you two and you just sat there, trying to gather thoughts and actually start a proper conversation. you wanted to ask him so many things - what do you major in at college? are you dating anyone? why did you move away from me without a word? 
“how have you been lately?” it was jeongin who broke the silence first, not looking at you. his voice was faint, almost unsure, as if he was afraid. you thought about your response for a moment and then spoke softly, “i’m fine, just kind of tired of everything.” jeongin nodded, as if he was trying to say me too. “i missed you,” he then whispered and it made you finally look up at him. the air between you got thicker, your heart was racing and you didn’t know if you were mad at him or relieved that he missed you just as you missed him. “then why didn’t you call me? or message me? you could’ve done anything, i don’t understand why you didn’t,” you said eventually, too tired to even try to lie and tell him “oh i missed you too, we should totally forget about all those years we didn’t spend together and catch up”. you needed some kind of explanation. jeongin sighed loudly at your words. “i- i don’t know… i guess i was afraid?” he responded, though it sounded more like a question rather than a statement. “afraid of what?” you asked, trying to get him speaking. he started this whole i missed you conversation and now he needed to tell you everything if he wanted to restore your relationship.
jeongin was silent, he didn’t respond to your question and you started to grow impatient. “i know that… when people grow up they tend to part their ways, it’s normal and it happened to us. what i didn’t like is that you suddenly started treating me like air when i tried to talk to you and now you come back and say you missed me,” you hissed through clenched teeth and got up from the swing. “well, guess what, i missed you too, but i actually made an effort to save this friendship while you decided to completely ignore me,” you continued and felt jeongin’s fingers wrap around your wrist. “yn, i-” “i just think it’s unfair, because you come here from nowhere, saying you missed me, when it’s me who sent you birthday wishes every year, it's me who left all those christmas gifts for you in your parents’ house and it’s me who offered meeting up a few times and all those times you ignored me, you never responded, you never said a stupid thank you, you just left me and the worst thing is that i still like you and i still want to be with you and-” you stopped, suddenly aware that you may have confessed a bit too much. you felt your cheeks grow warmer and the tears started to wail in your eyes. you desperately tried to blink them away, not wanting jeongin to see you crying, but he already got up and stood right in front of you. he wiped the single tear from your face that managed to fall down and hugged you tightly. you wanted to escape his embrace at first, but then you simply gave up and let yourself cry into his chest. you wanted to remember this moment, in case you ruined everything and your friendship was lost. 
“i’m really sorry,” jeongin whispered into your hair. “i was acting like an asshole, i- i was so scared to admit that you’re more than a friend to me that i decided to push you away. and i know it's a shitty explanation and i understand if you don’t forgive me, but i’m genuinely sorry for my behaviour,” he continued, his voice unstable. you pulled away a bit to look him in the eyes. more than a friend? “you did act like an asshole, i must admit,” you started slowly, wiping your eyes. “and it hurt me, it still hurts, but… i wanna give you a chance, because i like you a bit too much and- and i’m just tired of this whole situation,” you mumbled and hugged him again to hide your rosy cheeks. jeongin started gently stroking your head, rocking you side to side. “i’ve never purposefully meant to hurt you but i know i have and i want you to know i’ll do anything to atone for my actions.” you giggled at his serious tone and pulled away once again. “anything?” you asked him, your gaze wandered between his eyes and his lips. “anything.” “then kiss me,” you whispered, leaning closer and closer to him with every passing second. “with pleasure,” he responded and captured your lips in a soft kiss. not everything was said and you both knew you were in for a serious conversation, but in that moment your heart was finally full after so many years of longing and you thought that it was more than enough for then. 
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feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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pinkypromisepascal · 2 years
𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜 (𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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request by @chloelouisejohnson: hi!! so boring and predictable but could we get a jealous dean x reader with plenty of angst and a healthy dose of smut?? mabye jealous over reader and sams friendship but sam and reader are only so close because deans a douche and constantly pushes reader away the second they start getting close?
summary: you are friends with the Winchester brothers and often help them with research for their cases, mostly working together with Sam because Dean always seems gruff towards you until you confront him about his behavior
content warnings: angst, jealous!Dean, swearing, smut [fingering, praise, p-in-v, unprotected sex], enemies to lovers I guess?😀
word count: 4.8k
author’s note: I really hope you like this one, I tried my best, wasn’t really sure about how their relationship would develop, but I think it turned out ok. Also, this is my first time writing smut, so be nice with me😂
/// this has only been proofread by myself ///
You had met the Winchesters about two months ago when they had been working on a case in your hometown. You weren’t a hunter yourself, but you’d always been a very curios person, especially when it came to things that didn’t seem easy to put into words, like emotions, some natural phenomena, or even the supernatural. Naturally, you had started working at the local library years ago after having worked a secretary job for what had felt like eternity, so you could bury your nose in the all kinds of literature you could get.
When Sam and Dean had been staying in a local motel for the case, you couldn’t help but do some research on your own. They had spiked your interest even more after showing up at the library to search for newspaper reports. Since you were working at said library, you had offered them to stay after closing hours if they needed to. Which had led to the three of you taking up a table for six people with what felt like one hundred books. You had talked to Sam about the case and had searched the library for more helpful literature.
Ever since, it seemed that you had bonded with the Winchester boys. You liked both Sam and Dean, but you sometimes felt like Dean wasn’t as easy-going as his younger brother. You figured he was just a more practical guy than Sam who wasn’t so much into digging through tons of literature, who preferred to just get the case done and head over to the next one. Which was completely understandable, theory tends to be the less exciting part. But Dean always seemed kind of on edge when he was around, and you just couldn’t grasp why. Sam and you spent a lot of time in the bunker’s library to gather information about the cases. You didn’t always need the books, you just really liked being surrounded by them. Dean never spent more than ten minutes around the two of you. He usually just came around to ask how the research was going and to get a quick heads up on the information you had gathered so far, only half-heartedly listening to you while sipping a drink.
But over the last few days, you felt like he distanced himself even more. When Dean was around, he didn’t really want to know anything if it wasn’t about a case. Sometimes, when Sam was gone, it felt like his eyes were piercing through you. Dean didn’t really talk much to you, he just… watched you do your stuff. You did try having small talk with him when you were alone, asking him questions about past cases or his family, which was a big mistake as you had noticed right after asking. “Alright, don’t you have something to do? You don’t have to force some small talk, ‘kay?”, he had spat. To be fair, you did know it would be bad idea to ask about his family, Sam had told you the most important things, but what else were you supposed to do? Another time after that, when you had offered to go take care of the laundry with him, he just told you get back to Sam and help him out. Was Dean annoyed by you? Didn’t he like you being in the bunker with them, although he had been the one who invited you to the bunker in the first place?
“Do you think Dean’s been acting weird lately?”, you asked Sam one day, both of you focused on the bright screens on your laptops. You were researching for a case about people disappearing in the woods a few towns over, and dogs barking at seemingly nothing. You had both thought about Ghosts, Rugarus or other flesh-eating creatures, maybe even a new one, some kind of hybrid, which would make it more difficult to kill. Sam was still absorbed in his notes and didn’t notice you asked him a question until you nudged his leg under the table and asked him again. “What do you mean? Isn’t he acting like he always is?”
“I don’t know. I feel like… I think Dean doesn’t like me. He’s never around when we’re doing research, he only shows up for food or drinks-”
“Well, Dean never really liked those research days, to be fair.”, Sam interrupted.
“No, I mean, yes, okay, but seriously. When you’re out to get groceries or something, he’s so… tense all of the time. It’s like he really wants to punch me in the face, but he tries to do that by staring holes into my head or something. He always seems so angry, it drives me nuts!” You ruffled your hair and groaned. “You know, I really like being here, and I’m so glad that we help each other out, but… you know? He was the one who suggested I’d come around when you guys got something going on, so why is he acting like he regrets that decision more than anything?” Sam told you that he didn’t really notice Dean had been acting like that, but he could imagine that Dean could act like that if something really got to his nerves. “Did you talk to him about it?” You cocked your head and furrowed your brows. “Of course I did! Well, not particularly about that, but I did try to have a normal conversation with him, but I think he’d rather poison himself than tell me about the stick up his ass.” Sam chuckled and shook his head. “Well, I don’t really know what to do about that, I doubt that he’ll tell me what’s wrong, he’s, uh… not a man of big words most of the time. Maybe he just doesn’t really trust you yet, even though it’s been months since we first met, but, um, yeah… Don’t know, sorry.” Sam gave you a sad smile. “He’ll come around, I guess. Maybe he just needs time. And maybe you shouldn’t think too much about it. If he doesn’t treat you how you wanna be treated, you can confront him or just ignore him. Give him a taste of his own medicine or something.”
You thanked Sam for listening to you and excused yourself to a little break. You went through the backdoor of the bunker’s garage, holding your pack’s last cigarette in your hand, fiddling with the lighter in the other. The whole situation just didn’t leave your mind. Should you try to talk to Dean again and apologize for anything you did, even though you couldn’t think of what you could’ve done to upset him so much? Or should you just wait for him to approach you? You took a drag of your cigarette and closed your eyes, trying to stop your thoughts from racing, feeling small rain drops cooling your skin. This is so stupid, you thought, so stupid and childish, my god, grow some balls, Dean!
Distracted by your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the Impala rolling out of the garage until the horn startled you. You turned around to see Dean behind the wheel, motioning at you to get out of the way. You just stared at him with wide eyes and spread your arms to the side in a what the fuck? motion, cigarette still sitting between your lips. Reminding yourself that he wasn’t worth picking a fight, you stepped aside, waving your arm to signal him to get going. As he drove off, you flipped him off, not really intending for him to see it, but still hoping he would. “Fucking dumbass”, you mumbled. You put out your cigarette on the nearest rock and headed back inside.
When Dean came back half an hour later with some fast food, you expected him to take his food and return to his room again, but to your surprise, he sat at the table with you and Sam. You and Sam exchanged looks, you tried to telepathically tell him that this was unusual compared to the last weeks, but Sam just shrugged. You didn’t expect him to do something about the tension between you and Dean, you just wanted someone else to see how weird it could get between you and him.
“So, uh, how’s the research going?”, Dean suddenly asked between bites, not specifically looking at any of you. “Well, we’re not quite sure what the case is about yet, we couldn’t figure out what creature might be causing the troubles, our best guess is something like a Rugaru, maybe a ghost that’s stuck in the forest for some reason, maybe even something like a Crocotta? You know, those things that can mimic human voices and lure their victims into traps. But, y’know, we’re not sure. Maybe looking for clues in the woods would help us out.” You shrugged and bit into your burger again. Dean looked at you and Sam. “So, that’s it? That’s all we’ve got so far? Man, we’ve been better before.”, he grouched, probably more to himself than to you and his brother. “Well, maybe we’d be faster if we had your help.”, you simply said. You immediately sensed Sam shifting in his seat and felt Dean’s glare on you.
“Come again?”
“Oh, you heard me, Mister I just sit in my room all day or drive around in my old car because I’m too full of myself to hang out with those boring bookworms.” Sam almost choked on his burger and mumbled a “Oh god, here it comes.”
You looked over to the older Winchester. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again. “Someone spit on your burger or something? The fuck’s your problem now?”, he asked.
“My problem is that you’re complaining because Sam and I haven’t magically solved the case yet! We’re working hard to get as many clues as we can before we show up there tomorrow while you’re just ignoring us! You never show up, and now you sit here with us to eat and pretend like you haven’t spoken a word to me in days? The fuck’s wrong with  you, Dean?! You were the one who invited me here and told me that I could help you guys out, and you’ve been rude to me ever since!”, you snapped, despite noticing that Sam clearly got uncomfortable at this point. That didn’t stop you from continuing your rant, though. “You make me feel like you just got me here so you can chill out or something, because you poor little boy don’t get enough rest! I get that your lives are tough, but that doesn’t justify you treating me like a stress toy you use to let your anger out on every once in a while. Sam clearly does a better job at making me feel welcome around here!”
Sam cleared his throat and before he could try to settle your dispute, Dean smacked his fist on his table. “I’ve had enough of you, y’know that? Yes, I did invite you to join us every now and then, but I knew I was taking a risk with that-”
“Oh, shut up, Dean, what’s that even-”
His fist came down on the table another time.
“If you don’t let me finish talking, I’ll make sure you regret ever coming here.”, he growled, his eyes turning a darker shade of green. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Sam shifting in his seat again.
“Listen close, alright? I’m not gonna say this again. You are allowed to be here because I allowed you to after you were really helpful for one of our cases. Right? Sam and I talked about that, and we both knew that it would be risky to let someone else in here, someone who’s not a hunter. You lack skill, alright? You can’t fight, you can’t defend yourself against other people, let alone monsters. If someone wanted our heads and tried to get to us through you, you’d be dead faster than you can name your favorite book. But we still took you in, because you were good to us, and we rarely get good company ‘round here.” Dean paused for a moment, but his eyes gave away that there was so much more he wanted to say.
“So, I’m just another face to look at until you get tired of it? You’re just gonna cut me out of your lives again when you get bored of me?” You tried to keep your voice steady, but it was still shaking. You were bouncing your leg under the table and felt tears build up. “You don’t even talk to me Dean… at least not in a… normal way. I tried to have a normal conversation with you, and I know that asking you about your parents was a stupid mistake, but… every time we’re alone in a room, you just… stare at me like I’m a failure, like you don’t even want me here. You never even thanked me for all the times I’ve helped you so far.” A few tears quietly ran down your cheek. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and looked down on the table again.
Dean ran a hand over his face while Sam took care of the dishes. Uncomfortable silence filled the kitchen. You were the first to get up. You wiped the tears from your face and ruffled your hair. “I’m gonna go to sleep, I’m too tired to drive, but I’ll be out here first thing tomorrow morning.” None of the Winchester brothers answered as you left the room, but when they thought you were out of range, you heard Sam speak up to Dean. You couldn’t quite figure out what he said, he spoke too quietly for you to hear, but you could hear Dean loud and clear when he barked back, making you freeze in your spot.
“We both know she doesn’t belong here, Sammy! She shouldn’t be with us, she should be leading her normal life, you know how it ends when we like people.” Dean had gotten quieter towards the end, he sounded… torn.
This is too much right now, I really need to sleep, you thought and went on to the bedroom they had offered you to use. As you dropped onto the mattress after brushing your teeth and changing into something more comfortable, exhaustion took over quickly and you drifted into a dreamless sleep.
About two hours later you were wide awake again, joined by a pulsating headache. You groaned and rolled around in the soft bed. “The last thing I needed today.”, you said to yourself as you massaged your temples. Luckily, you always carried light Ibuprofens for such cases, but you still needed water, so you trudged to the kitchen again. After taking the painkiller, you rested against the sink for a while and recapped every moment between you and Dean that had to lead up to the depressing dispute that evening. You remembered one day where Dean had offered to go grocery shopping. You had wanted to join him and pay for the groceries as a thank you for the boys taking care of you when you were there. “I’m fine, just go hang out with Sam, you’ve gotten pretty good at that.”, he’d said. You hadn’t thought much of that, you were too taken aback by him brushing you off like that, but now that you thought of that moment again, something seemed to click.
Was Dean jealous? Could that be why he’d been acting so stiff around you? But there’s no reason to be jealous, you thought.
Dean’s deep voice pulled you from your train of thoughts. “You okay?” You shortly looked at him standing in the doorframe and then massaged your temples again. “Woke up with a headache in the middle of the night, but other than that…” You shrugged, “Fine, I guess… why’re you up?”
“Fell asleep in the library. I, uh, I took a look at your notes. On the case.” Dean cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together, unsure what to do with himself. You looked at him with furrowed brows, and when he lifted his gaze to meet yours, you were surprised yet again by how green his eyes were. Because Dean had been avoiding you most of the time, you didn’t get many chances to take a close look at his pretty, chiseled face. But when you got the chance, you didn’t want to take your eyes off it.
“Listen, I, uh… I snapped at you earlier, and I’m… I’m sorry for that. I just- it just got too much for me in that moment.” Dean ran a hand over his stubble and cleared his throat again. After taking a deep breath, he continued talking. “Truth is, I don’t hate that you’re around, ok? I know I made you feel like that, and I get that you’re mad at me. And what I’m gonna say now will sound so cliché and shitty that you’ll wanna take another painkiller for your headache, but, um… I need to get it out ‘cause it’s been driving me insane.” Another short pause where neither of you knew exactly what to do. Should you take Dean’s hand to let him know that it’s okay? Should you hug him? Get him a drink?
“It’s just that… I love having you here with us, I love how you liven our life in here up. And I noticed how you and Sam were getting closer each day, because you’re both huge nerds who read books all day, so I- I thought I’d just leave you to it and not get in the way. It’d be too dangerous anyway. So I just… I don’t need to tell you what I did, you already know that part.” A light chuckle came from you. “I’m sorry for how I treated you. But I need you to understand that I was keeping myself from risking your life.” Dean almost pleaded. “Why do you always bring up that I’m weak, that I need protection or things like that? How would you be risking my life by treating me like a normal human being?”, you asked him calmly to avoid the situation escalating again.
Dean stepped closer, locking his eyes with yours again, resting his hands on the sink behind you, capturing you between his frame and the sink. “Because I don’t wanna just treat you like a friend. With the thoughts I’ve been having about you, I can’t treat you like just a friend. There’s so much more. But I’ve been stopping myself from acting on it because every single person I’ve ever cared about was taken from me. It makes me feel like I’m cursed or something. It’s like the moment I start liking someone, they’re doomed. And from then it’s just a question of time till I find them dead.” You couldn’t even focus on the last sentence he spoke, you were too startled. He was having ‘thoughts’ about you? Him? Dean Winchester? About you? Despite every encounter you two had had? It made no sense to you.
“Dean”, you started, not even knowing what you wanted to say to him. You looked into his eyes and took a deep breath. “Start fucking acting on it.”, you hissed. Dean cocked his eyebrow. “What?”
“You said you stopped yourself from actin’ on your feelings and thoughts ‘cause you were too scared and - apparently - jealous of Sam because we’re spending a lot of time together. Which is only because every time we have a moment to ourselves, you start acting like a complete douchebag. I like you, Dean. So please start doing what your mind’s telling you to do because I can’t stand douchebag-Dean anymore. I kinda hate him.” You started laughing at yourself and this whole situation. “Oh, you don’t want that, sweetheart.”, he just countered. “Oh, come on, think I can’t handle you, big boy?”
“I just think you underestimate me. I like your smugness, but I’ll rid you of that quicker than you think. Once I got you in my hands, you’ll melt.”, he purred. “And after that, you’ll be mine only. I’ll leave you just as obsessed with me as I am with you.” Dean’s right hand came up to your face, his thumb gently tracing your lower lip. “But I need your permission for that.”
Too frozen in this moment to form a sentence, you just nodded and before you could think of something else, Dean’s full lips crashed on yours, lightly biting your lower lip. You sighed as you opened your mouth, his tongue slipping inside, exploring.
Dean’s hands squeezed your waist and pulled you closer to him, your hands running up his torso to grab him by the collar of his shirt. He kept kissing you, making you hungry for more. Between kisses, you asked him if he really wanted to do this here in the kitchen. “Good point.”, he mumbled and picked you up bridal style in one swift motion. You shrieked in surprise, Dean shushed you immediately. “You’re gonna have to be quiet if you don’t want Sam to hear us. Walls are kinda thin here.”, he said as you entered your bedroom. Dean lightly dropped you onto the mattress, earning a chuckle from you. He climbed on top of you, kissing along your neck and jawline. “I wonder what other sweet sounds I can get out of you.” You fumbled at his button down to shrug it off his broad shoulders, but Dean seemed to have other plans. “Patience, sweetie.”, he said as he kissed you deeply again, “I wanna take my sweet fucking time with you, till you’re weak in every single muscle.” Him saying such things already made you almost see stars as waves of desire flamed through your body.
Dean’s arm went under your back and he lifted you to sit on his lap. “Now be a good girl and take that shirt off for me.” His large hands cupped your breasts as soon as your shirt was gone and slowly kneaded them, rolling your hard nipples between his thumb and index finger. “Look how good they fit in my hands.”, he murmured against your lips. You eagerly rolled your hips against him, feeling his erection under your core. Dean groaned and captured your lips again. “Your turn.”, you panted with a smug smile. “Why don’t you do that for me, hm?”, he chuckled. With no hesitation, you clawed at his button down, finally shoved it from his shoulders and then put your hands under his t-shirt, slowly pushing it up while he sucked on your neck.
Both of you were still wearing too many clothes, so you decided to drop yourself on the bed again, pulling Dean with you without your lips breaking contact, getting hungrier and more eager with each kiss. Dean’s kisses started traveling across your body, licking and biting certain spots he knew would drive you crazy. You shuddered when he reached your lower belly. His fingers hooked under the hem of your pants, he slowly dragged pants and panties down along your legs, making sure his lips would reach every tingling spot on their way down. Your eyes rolled back and you arched your back lightly, impatient, wanting to finally feel him inside of you. Dean lifted his head to look at you. “If only you could see you goddamn pretty you look right now.” He pushed himself up to kiss you again, one of his hands drawing slow circles at your core. “And you’re gonna look even prettier when I’m done with you.”, he mumbled as he carefully pushed his index inside of you, making you inhale sharply. “God, so wet for me already? Hm, what did I do to deserve this?”, he cooed, looking deep into your eyes. “You okay, sweetheart? Tell me if you wanna stop.”
“If you stop now, I’ll never talk to you again.”, you panted and rolled your hips into his hand as you felt him pull out to add another finger. “That’s what I wanna hear.”, he chuckled. Dean fingered you in an almost agonizing pace, enjoying how smooth you felt, knowing exactly how much you wanted him to do more. Your hands started fumbling with his belt and unzipped his pants. Dean sat back and quickly slid his pants down and threw them aside, now only in tight boxers. Your eyes fell onto the outline of his thick cock. Dean grabbed your face and forced you to look at him. “Eyes up here, sweetie.” He grabbed one of your hands and led it down to his crotch, making it wrap around his cock through the boxers. You slowly pumped him as good as you could, not breaking eye contact. Dean groaned huskily, leaning his forehead against yours. His hand found your core again, two fingers sliding in and out of you while his thumb circled your clit.
Soon enough, Dean couldn’t hold back much longer. Drawing his hand from you again, he slid his boxers down just enough to set his cock free and positioned himself between your legs. “Do you want this? I need to hear it.”
“Yes, Dean, please.”, you whined and bucked your hips. Dean carefully pushed himself inside, keeping his eyes on you to see your reaction. He intertwined your hands and kissed your forehead as he kept pushing. You felt yourself stretch around him, felt yourself adjust to his size.
He bottomed out with slow thrusts, trying not to loose control of himself. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”, he growled and picked up the pace a little, “Can’t believe I finally have you to myself.” Your hand was pressed against his chest, desperately searching for any contact it could get. “Dean, faster, please.”, you moaned. Dean took his hand from yours and used it to lift one of your legs up, putting it over his shoulder and leaning down towards you as he started pounding into you, slick sounds and skin slapping against skin filling the room. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you moaned loudly at him fucking you like this. Dean shushed you once again. “As much as I love making you sound like that, you should keep quiet if you don’t want Sam to hear this.”
You grabbed Dean by his neck and pulled his face as close to yours as possible. “I don’t care, I just want you to keep doing this, fuck.”
“How could I stop when you’re taking me so well? Like you were made for me.” Dean’s hand slipped between your legs, pressing down on your lower stomach and getting you closer to the edge. He started kissing your neck again, running his tongue along the pulsating vein and lightly sucking on it. On his way down to your breasts, he kept biting your sensitive skin just enough to hear those sweet moans from you, marking you as his with the bite marks.
“Dean, please.”, you whined, slowly getting overwhelmed at the feeling of his cock ramming into you over and over, “I’m close.”
His hand went to grab your face again and he almost completely pulled out as he gazed at you, his breath coming shorter. He was close too. “Beg for it.”, he demanded. “Please make me cum.”
Right as you finished your sentence, Dean pushed himself in in one hard thrust and kept this harshness as he picked up the pace like before. Your nails dug into his back and shoulders as you held him close to you, almost screaming when his thumb circled around your clit again. You were so damn close to the edge already, and got sent over it as Dean grunted, “Good fucking girl.”
You came undone around him, his lips catching yours to keep you quiet as he kept penetrating with your walls squeezing around him. Dean cursed under his breath and quickly pulled out before coming on your stomach. You rested your foreheads against each other, needing to catch your breath again, coming down from your highs.
Dean leaned down to kiss you carefully, almost as if you could suddenly break apart beneath him. “We really just did that.”, you said to break the silence. Dean chuckled and nodded, “We sure did.”
You both sat up and Dean helped you get cleaned up. After a short trip to the bathroom, you both laid down on the bed again.
Dean grabbed your hips and made you straddle his lap, looking deep into your eyes, taking in all of your details. You caressed his face with your hands. “You know this wasn’t a one-time-thing, right?”, Dean asked, “I mean, I’m taking a big risk here, but fuck, the things you make me wanna do to you. I’m not gonna let you go.” “Easy, tiger, I’m not going anywhere.”, you chuckled, “I mean, I do have to get back for work soon, but… y’know. I think I’m gonna like being here even more from now on.”
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Toy Story
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Requested by @dkdueo 
Evan Buckley x girl reader
The readers a firefighter at station 118 an best friends with everyone especially really close with Eddie and Christopher an Buck goes to leave to meet up with Taylor on a date an before he leaves he overhears Eddie “oh come on you just need to tell Buck how you feel,you would be better together then him and Taylor I didn’t tell him but there’s just something about that relationship that’s just off,also I have a extra shirt downtown would you mind spending the night with Christopher?“
The reader just responding “oh just shut up,he’s in love with her and they are happy what kinda person would that make me ruining that,an you know I would always watch Christopher that was stupid I love him maybe even just as much as you to the point you ain’t getting him back” joking around picking up Chris smiling running to the car while Christopher is laughing 
A/N: If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work ! 
Being a firefighter had a lot of perks. Not only did you get to save lives but you also got to gain a family along the way. You originally weren’t from LA so you always felt a little alone. But then all that changed when you joined the 118. 
Everyone welcomed you with open arms. You were the last one to join the group so you were a little intimated.
 But they made you feel like you belonged from the moment you walked through the doors. 
You became really close with Eddie and his son Chris. You spent all your time off with them and would always take Chris out to do fun things. You guys really bonded and you felt like you meant something to someone. 
Buck was always there too and it was hard not to get feelings for the blonde. He was a second dad to Chris.
 You would sometimes catch yourself daydreaming about having your own family with him. 
The two of you also had a lot in common. You loved the same music, the same tv shows. He always made you laugh even when he wasn’t meaning to. 
You could relate also to the family situation that he had. Being away from home and having a complicated relationship with your parents. 
It’s also the reason why you left home to. To be able to start a new life for yourself. 
You thought about asking him out so many times but it just never seemed like the right moment. Either the bells went off or Chris would come in. You took this as a sign that it just wasn’t supposed to happen between the two of you. 
If you needed another sign that maybe it wasn’t supposed to be when he started dating Taylor
. You never really liked her and not just because Buck was head over heels in love with her. She always gave you the worst vibes. She always seemed like she had some kind of hidden agenda. 
Eddie agreed with you but you thought he was just agreeing with you because he was your friend. 
He kept trying to convince you that the two of you belonged together but you didn’t believe it. 
You guys were wrapping up your shift. It was long and all you wanted to do was go home and kick back and eat pizza. Chris had coming up running to you breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“Y/N hey I missed you” Chris said grabbing you in a big hug. 
“Hey bud I missed you to what are you doing here” You asked 
“Carla dropped me off she had somewhere to go so she dropped me off to have dad take me home are you coming over tonight” Chris asked. 
“Yeah Y/N come on over Chris really misses you ” Eddie said 
“I don’t guys i’m tired maybe i should just go home besides I took all my clothes home to wash already so I don’t even have anything” You said smiling up at them. 
“Listen we all know why your being a little sad it’s pretty obvious” Eddie said looking over at Buck and Taylor who were laughing with each other. 
“It’s not about them besides I’m happy for them. They both seem really happy together” You said glancing over at them. 
““oh come on you just need to tell Buck how you feel,you would be better together then him and Taylor I didn’t tell him but there’s just something about that relationship that’s just off,also I have a extra shirt downtown would you mind spending the night with Christopher?“ Eddie said. 
He slapped me in the arm hard and I looked up and pouted at him 
““oh just shut up,he’s in love with her and they are happy what kinda person would that make me ruining that,an you know I would always watch Christopher that was stupid I love him maybe even just as much as you to the point you ain’t getting him back” Y/N said 
The two of you ran off to your car after leaving Eddie behind in the dust. Maybe you did need this. Eddie was right that you were just upset over Buck. But you weren’t going to admit that to him. 
Buck’s POV
Taylor texted me she was coming over to the firehouse. I mean was I happy to see her of course but also I didn’t want her coming around here.
 I mean I just didn’t want Y/N to see her. Not that Y/N was mean or anything I know I’m rambling but the whole thing is really complicated. 
I was maybe In love with Y/N which I know is wrong to say because I’m in a relationship and were just friends.
 But i never thought she would see me the same way. I always also though she had something going on with Eddie. 
The two of them always seemed close. She was going over his house all the time. I mean I couldn’t compete with all that. 
When I meant Taylor it was just fun and casual. Then things started to become more serious between the two of us. I really did like her but it just wasn’t the same kind of love I had for Y/N. 
I could always tell that no one else in the firehouse really liked her. I mean part of it hurt because it was the person I was dating but then on the other hand. I knew why they had those kinds of feelings for her. 
Taylor did always take advantage of situations sometimes when she saw a good story. It was a constant reason why we were always fighting. 
Eddie and Y/n were sitting by the fire truck laughing and talking to each other and I wanted to go and join but I didn’t think it was a good idea. I just decided to wait off to the sides. I didn’t want to interrupt whatever was going over there anyways. 
I pulled out my phone and started going through social media hoping to just kill some time. 
“Hey you what are you doing” Taylor asked coming up and tapping me on my elbow. 
“Nothing just waiting on you are you ready to go” I asked putting my phone in my pocket. 
We started walking towards my car and I passed Eddie and Y/N Talking to each other.
 “oh come on you just need to tell Buck how you feel,you would be better together then him and Taylor I didn’t tell him but there’s just something about that relationship that’s just off,also I have a extra shirt downtown would you mind spending the night with Christopher?“ Eddie said 
“oh just shut up,he’s in love with her and they are happy what kinda person would that make me ruining that,an you know I would always watch Christopher that was stupid I love him maybe even just as much as you to the point you ain’t getting him back” Y/N said. 
When i heard her say that it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest it was beating so fast.
 I cracked a smile also thinking that Y/N was also in love with me. That her and Eddie weren’t together like I thought. 
I wanted to go and confront her before she took off but that didn’t seem like the best move. 
Also I didn’t want to say anything just incase she changed her mind. But I also felt like I needed to go and say something. 
It just felt like my head was spinning and I didn’t know what to say or think. That I didn’t want to screw up and besides it seemed like an invasion of their privacy listening in on their conversation. 
I snapped out of my thoughts before I ended up thinking to hard about this and bursting a blood vessel or something.
 Me and Taylor got into my truck and then i took off into the direction of my apartment. 
“Your being quiet” Taylor said. 
“Yeah sorry just a long day at work” I said 
“I get that I’m here if you wanna talk about it” Taylor said 
“Thanks” I said letting the conversation fall. 
LA Traffic was awful so we reached my apartment about 45 minutes later. We both got out and made our way upstairs. 
When we got in I just dropped my stuff down and went and flopped on the couch. 
Taylor came and sat next to me and looked up and smiled. 
“So what’s the plans for tonight because I don’t feel like just sitting in the apartment I wanna go and do something” She said.
“I know I get that and honestly I’m really tired and would rather just do some take out and watch some movies” I told her. 
“That’s what we did the last time we hung out” Taylor said pouting. 
“I know and I’m sorry but work was a lot and I’m just tired” I said sitting up to look at her. 
“Look is there something else going on” Taylor said 
“No what makes you thinks that It’s just we had a lot of calls and I’m not in the mood to go out and get drunk or party” I said being honest with her. 
“Fine but I’m going out I’ll text you okay” Taylor said 
“Yeah okay” I said not in the mood to fight. 
This whole thing even before the conversation I heard earlier this whole relationship just felt like it was running on it’s last leg. 
I got a buzz on my phone and groaned but then picked it up to see who it was. 
It was from Y/N and I smiled and picked it up my mood shifting to see it was her. 
It was a pic and I opened it up to see her and chris smiling into the camera. She sent another text saying. 
“Eddie’s out on a date and Chris wants to see his uncle buck want to come over for Pizza and Movies” She asked 
I quickly texted her back
“Hell Yeah I’m on my way” I sent her back. 
“We can’t wait to see you !” Y/N said back
I grabbed my stuff and ran out there. Eddie’s house wasn’t that far. I was smiling ear to ear heading over to them. 
When I got there I ran out the Jeep and went up to his front door knocking on it. Chris was the one who answered it. He looked up and smiled at me. 
“Uncle Buck is here” He shouted. 
Y/N walked to the door in Eddie’s T-Shirt and sweatpants. She smiled real big when she saw me. 
“Thanks for coming you got here quick” She said 
“Yeah I was in the area and came right over” I said 
“Come on Pizza is on the way were picking out a movie” Chris said. 
“Awesome because I am starving” I said. 
We walked in and made our way to the couch. I kicked off my shoe and took of my jacket and headed over to the couch. 
“So what’s on the list” I asked 
“Were stuck between Toy story and a marvel movie” Y/N said. 
“Well me personally Toy story is a classic we can’t beat that” I said 
Chris laughed and i looked at him confused 
“That’s what Y/N said” Chris said. 
“Because it is a classic a true timeless original” Y/N said. 
“And 2 out 3 wins so I’ll just go ahead and put it on” Y/n said.
She took the remote and put it on. Chris groaned a little but we both just laughed him off. A little bit into the movie the pizza came. 
“Pizza’s here Yay” Chris yelled 
“I got it” Y/N said getting up
“I’m glad you came and it was Y/N”s idea to invite you over she was thinking about you” Chris said laughing 
“Well I’m glad because I didn’t want to be alone tonight” I said smiling.
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks from the mention that Y/N wanted to see me. 
A few minutes later she came back and put down pizza’s and sodas and a bunch of other stuff to. 
“Were having a feast tonight” Y/N said 
“ I can see that look at all this” I said 
“It’s friday night we need to party” She said. 
I laughed and we all dug into the food. It was really good. She had gotten pizza ,wings ,fries and mozzarella sticks. We all ate good until we thought we were going to burst. We finished the movie too. 
Chris fell asleep not to long after eating so it was just me and Y/N finishing the movie. It was really nice just to sit back and enjoy each other presence. 
When the movie ended she looked over at me and smiled. 
“Hey will you help me take him to his bed” She said 
“Of course” I said getting up and picking up Chris and carrying him to his room. Y/N followed behind me and I laid Chris down on his bed and tucked him in.
“Good night buddy” I said to him
“Good night love see you in the morning sweet dreams” She said to him.
We turned out the lights and quietly headed out. 
We made our way back into the living room and I helped her clean up the dinner mess.
“Thanks for coming by It really means a lot I hope I didn’t mess anything up for you” Y/N said 
“Oh absolutely not I wasn’t doing anything I’m glad you invited me over” I said 
I decided to speak up and shoot my shot. It seemed like a good time now and I didn’t want to not say anything and just loose the chance. 
“ I heard your uh conversation earlier with Eddie” I said 
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t want to mess anything up with you guys im sorry” Y/N said her face turning bright red. 
“No it’s okay I’m not bringing this up because I’m mad in anyway i’m saying it because I want you to know I love you I have for a while now and I didn’t think i stood a chance” I said playing with my hands nervously. 
Y?N walked over and grabbed my hands and looked up at me and smiled
“You always stood a chance with me. I love you to I have been in love with you for a while but you were with Taylor and I didn’t think i had a chance you know” She said.
“Maybe we both should have just talked to each other” I said laughing
“When did you grow up” Y/N said smiling. 
“Well as a I get older I do get a little wiser” I said 
“Oh yeah well in your case that might not be true at all” She said poking me 
“Ouch that kinda hurt my feelings” I said pouting 
“Oh just shut up and kiss me already” Y/N said. 
“Yes Mam’am” I said 
I leaned down and kissed her and she kissed me back.It was short and sweet. But it really meant a lot. 
We broke the kiss and we just looked into each others eyes and smiled before pulling away. 
“What about taylor” Y/N asked 
“That relationship is over I’ll talk to her in the morning I promise” I said 
“Good because I wanna start this off right the last thing we need is that bad karma out there in the world” She said 
“ I agree” I told her leaning down and kissing her again. 
Suddenly the door opened up and I heard someone loudly clearing their throat. 
“I’m gone out one night and I come home to this in my own home” Eddie said a little loud
“First off all stop being dramatic it could be a lot worse second off shh man Chris is sleeping” Y/N said
“Yeah yeah what ever I’m going to bed good night little love birds” Eddie said stumbling into his room. 
“That man is clearly drunk but also i’m glad he had fun” she said laughing
“He’s gonna regret that in the morning” I said laughing. 
“You want to watch Toy Story 2 and eat more cold pizza” Y/N said. 
“I would love that let me go grab the spare blankets and pillows” I said 
“I am going to get us some drinks” Y/n said 
I went off and grabbed some stuff from the closet and Eddie was passed out on the bed in his clothes. I just laughed and took a pic of him. 
I went back to the living room and Y/n was setting up the movie for us. I sat down and passed out the blanket and pillows.
We got comfortable and we started on the second movie. She leaned her head on me. I smiled down at her. 
I was so glad I came over and glad I opened up. We ended up both falling asleep after that movie. I was glad I decided to come over here tonight and be with my family.
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as-told-by-fangirls · 1 month
Hands to Myself || Part 1
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Plot: After being introduced to Harrison by your best friend, Tom Holland, the two of you form a practically inseparable bond that quickly goes from friendship to an unexpected one-night-stand. You both choose to keep it a secret, but you sure as hell won’t be keeping your hands off of each other anytime soon.
Pairing: Reader x Harrison Osterfield
Warnings: smut, swearing
* * * * *
Imagine this. You wake up in your best friend’s bed with no clothes on and 30 texts on your phone from your other friends asking where you went during the party, concerned that something might have happened to you.
Well, that’s how this story started. I was working as a sound and light technician on a film in London when I met Tom Holland. We became good friends. He then introduced me to Zendaya, who was more of a sister to me now. Much later on in the friendship he told me he wanted me to meet his best friend. That’s how I met Harrison.
It was an almost instant connection. We liked all the same things and had the same sense of humor. Within hours, I felt like I had known him for years. Our friendship only grew over the coming months. Texting late into the night and spending days together in our free time became the norm for us. It was nice to have someone I could be myself around, my whole self.
My friends and co-workers began to take notice of how much time I spent with him, questioning what was going on between us. I told them that although I found him extremely attractive, we were just friends, nothing more between us. It was completely platonic and that wasn’t a lie. But things quickly changed.
On the night of the movie premiere the cast, the crew, fellow celebrities and influencers, and their friends and family, met at the local club for a huge party to celebrate the premiere. We spent the night dancing and having the time of our lives. I don’t partake in alcohol, I don’t need it to have fun. Surprisingly, most of us weren’t drinking that much that night anyway. Some people were tipsy but not drunk.
During one point in the night, I had been dancing with Tom, Zendaya, and Harrison. Tom and Zendaya took a break to get a snack, leaving just me and Harrison together. We continued dancing together, sandwiched inside the huge crowd. I soon realized how close we had gotten to each other and got a shiver up my spine when I felt his hand on the small of my back to pull me closer. The back of my dress was cut super low in the back, so he was just touching my skin.
I didn’t exactly know what was happening between us in the moment but I didn’t put too much thought into it since I was hypnotized by his bright blue eyes and the way his body felt swaying against mine. The tension in the air between us was thick, so thick in fact that I wondered if the people around us could feel it too, but nobody really seemed to notice. At one point he leaned down and whispered in my ear asking if I wanted to leave early with him and with the way he was making me feel I sure as hell wasn’t say no.
We snuck out quickly before anyone could see and got a cab back to the hotel. As soon as we got into the elevator and those doors closed, his lips were on mine. It was addicting, he was like a drug I didn’t know I needed. It would sound crazy to most people that someone who claims their relationship is strictly platonic would be furiously locking lips with their supposed best friend in an elevator, on the way to hook up in a hotel room when they should be at a party, but at the time I don’t think either of us cared.
When the doors opened, we had to force ourselves to pull away. We walked down the hallway to his room, quickly unlocking the door with the key-card, and stumbling into the room as I pressed my lips to his again. The door slammed behind us and after that….well…..you can probably guess what happened next.
When we woke up the next morning I had tons of texts from concerned friends asking where I was and why I wasn’t answering. I simply lied and said I was so tired that I left the party early and promptly went to bed as soon as I got to the hotel. They didn’t have to know that it was Harrison’s bed and that we didn’t actually sleep. At that moment, Harrison and I agreed to keep the whole thing our own dirty little secret.
• • • • •
It’s been a few months since then and not much has changed, other than the fact that it’s hard to keep our hands off each other. I spend most weekends at Harrison’s flat, sometimes even during the week.
This morning I woke up to remember that last night was one of those nights. I had met Harrison and a few friends for dinner and after our meal we couldn’t help ourselves. It was like some kind of magnetic pull towards each other. It wasn’t toxic, it wasn’t manipulative. In no way was it unhealthy, we were just kind of addicted to each other in the healthiest way possible.
I rolled over, hitching my leg up over his hip and resting my head on his bare chest.
“Morning baby girl” I heard him say in his raspy morning voice.
I smiled up at him “morning”
“You want some breakfast?”
I looked at him raising an eyebrow “do you even need to ask me that?”
He chuckled and sat up in bed, knowing damn well I’d be hungry. He pulled on his jeans and tossed me his tshirt to wear. I pulled on my panties and his shirt then followed him down to the kitchen.
It had become a routine that every time I spent the night he’d make pancakes in the morning. I sat on the counter and watched him prepare breakfast, my eyes glued to his toned back muscles on full display since he hadn’t put a shirt on.
Over the past few months I had been feeling different about him, and I knew he felt the same for me since we had talked about it several times. We really liked each other, but decided to keep the affair a secret until we decided whether or not to make it official. For now it was basically a friends-with-benefits, for lack of a better term. The only difference is that we actually had feelings that went way deeper than just lust.
We never showed it in public or around friends, but when we were alone there was that burning desire to be close to each other. I often had to fight the urge to touch him when it wasn’t just the two of us, and dammit was it hard to do. I was even struggling to do that while watching him make breakfast. The only thing holding me back was the fact that I was starving and I knew if I touched him now we’d end up back in the bedroom instead of eating.
Eventually we sat down at the table to eat and put the dishes in the dishwasher afterwards. No sooner did I start the wash cycle and Harrison had lifted me up onto the counter, his lips trailing kisses up and down both sides of my neck.
“Mmm” was the only thing that came out of my mouth in a pleasured hum.
“Do you have plans for today?” He asked me, still kissing my neck.
“Yeah, but none of them involve leaving this flat” I said giggling softly.
He lifted me off the counter and gently pushed me against the wall kissing me hard. I wrapped my leg around his waist to pull him closer. He pressed his body against mine, holding onto my hips as our lips molded together.
Eventually he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He carried me back into his bedroom where he laid me down on the bed, hovering above me as he kissed me harder. He only pulled away to take off the shirt of his that I was wearing, as well as his jeans. I wasn’t wearing a bra so at the moment I only full display for him.
Before he could resume his position above me I was already pulling him down on top of me, craving his lips against mine, and the feeling of his bare skin. I could hear a soft moan emerge from his throat as I allowed my hands to roam his toned chest and abs, which only made me want him more and he knew it.
Before I could initiate anything I felt his hands trail down to my panties and pull them to the side. He started to rub my clit slowly. I started to breathe a bit heavier as he picked up the pace, eventually plunging two finger inside me. I was already dripping so his foreplay was pointless, but I enjoyed it nonetheless, well sorta, I was kinda impatient.
“Mmm, no more teasing” I said arching my back a bit.
He chuckled and pulled his fingers out. He pulled off my panties then proceeded to take his boxers off. As I watched him line himself up to me I could practically feel him in me already. But that wasn’t anything like the real thing. Finally I felt him plunge into me and let out a small moan, my moans only getting louder as he picked up the pace.
I was so focused on the feeling of him that when I heard my phone go off, I nearly jumped out of my skin. He slowed down and I looked up at him. “It might be work” I said.
He pulled out of me and I reached over to answer. It was just a friend.
“Hello……no I’m busy today…..yeah, I’m out of town, visiting my sister….I will…..okay, bye.” I said, before hanging up and looking over at Harrison. “It was just Rachel, she wanted to go shopping”
I took a deep sigh of relief. Lying to my friends about where I was and what I was doing was still so hard. I desperately wanted to tell them that Harrison and I were in an unofficial relationship, mostly just sleeping with each other, but I couldn’t. But at the same time, it was our little secret and it was exciting to be carrying that around.
I eventually pulled away from my train of thought and looked back over at Harrison. He was lounging against the bed frame so I moved over to him and straddled his lap, smirking at him. “Where were we?”
He smirked and pulled me closer to him kissing me passionately “it’s kinda hot when you lie about where you are” he said with a soft breathy moan.
I giggled “I’m glad you think so, I’d rather be here anyway” I said as I started to grind on his lap. I couldn’t wait another second so I lined his tip up with my center and slid down on him quickly. Clearly he wasn’t expecting it.
“Fuck {y/n}!” He moaned out as I started riding him quickly, bouncing hard.
“Mmm, you like that?” I moaned as I continued going. I wasn’t always very dominate over him, but when I was it drove him crazy.
I continued riding him until he couldn’t take it anymore and took control again. He flipped us over and thrusted deep into me, causing me to moan loudly “oh fuck, fuck yes!”
He pinned my hands above my head and kept going. I gripped his hands tightly, arching my back as I could feel every single thrust, every inch of him inside me. When we weren’t together, I could still feel him inside me, that���s how good the sex was, and that kept me coming back to him every time, even if I knew it was risky to continue this little affair. After all, he was my best friend and who knew how this would affect our friendship in the end. But at the moment I didn’t care, I had him right where I wanted him and he had me.
At some point during our session he bottomed out so deep inside me that we both moaned so loud we thought we’d shatter the windows. He continued to hit the same spot repeatedly and I could feel myself squeezing him tightly.
“I’m close babygirl” he moaned loudly.
“Me too! Don’t stop!” I said grinding on him as he continued.
Eventually I hit my climax and he did a moment or two later. He rode out our highs then kissed my forehead before laying down beside me so we could catch our breath.
I rolled over to cuddle up into his side as I kissed him on the cheek. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was only 9:45 am. We still had the whole day ahead of us. I had absolutely no intentions of leaving Harrison’s flat, in fact, I might even be staying another night.
* * * * *
To be continued….
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softandsourcream · 1 year
Stop, you’re loosing me - Teaser.
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Summary: The last time you saw Yoongi wasn't one of your fondest memories. And actually, you thought that after ten years you no longer had any more tears to shed for that memory, for that situation, for him.
What was the problem with meeting him again at his brother's wedding, right?
pairing: idol! yoongi x vet!f reader.
words: 1k
genre(s): angst, hurt- comfort, slow burn, fluff, smut (+18) (not this one tho)
au(s): childhood friends - to lovers, idol yoongi, normal vet reader, entertainment industry, denial and resentment.
warnings: curse words, family drama, grief, loss of loved ones, panic/anxiety attacks, damaged mental health, a LOT of struggling. Yoongi is here to help tho♡.
IMPORTANT: this fic contains a lot of sensitive topics touched upon explicitly. Please, if any of the tags trigger something in you, stop reading. You are more important, and there is much more content you can consume here. Take care please! ♡
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You didn’t want to be there.
Oh well, you did. He was your friend, it was your border’s best friend since kindergarten. Your mother and his mother had known each other since school, and they had been neighbors since they both decided to stay in Daegu to start their family, so they visited each other constantly. You were very exposed to them all the time, in fact, you considered them your family at some point.
Your family was used to seeing him eat on your table almost every day after school because your brother always brought it with him, and they were together all the time because you were neighbors, after all. They travel together almost every year, they spent Christmas together last one, they were roommates until Jae got engaged, but even while living with his fiancée, they saw each other every week, always.
They love each other still, and you were present in almost all those things. The only reason you hardly ever see them was because you didn't live in Daegu anymore.
But you and Greum get along very well. He was funny, smart, he was protective of you. You both got nothing in common, but you respected each other enough to accept it that way, and your relationship was confident enough to insult each other in every possible way and have fun with it, even when he was older than you. You hardly ever went home anymore, but when you did, you always went to visit him and Eun, his fiancée, because yes, they are your friends.
They are.
“Could you at least not look constipated when we get there? That’s very rude.”
You would like to say that in bare truth, you weren’t that close to Greum because at the end of the day, no matter how much you saw him at your house almost every day since you were children, or that you all played together from time to time, or that your parents loved the Min with all their soul, he was, finally, your brother's best friend, not yours.
They were much older when you saw them interact, they talked about things that didn't connect with you at that age, and it was supposed to be a bond that HE should keep.
Not you.
But Eun was your age, and you two were best friends back then, you still are, so the more you thought about it, the more absurd it became. Even your parents and your other siblings had been invited, you would go earlier because they were late and you two had a speech to give, but they would arrive and with that fact alone it was impossible to simplify the bond you had just to have an excuse not to go. Eun was your best friend, they were both practically your family.
It was stupid to look for the problem in people who really weren't the reason you didn't want to go.
You had only been in the car for 10 minutes, and the desire to open the car door on movement was too tempting.
“Maybe I feel like it.”
You smiled a little, “No.” and looked at your silk gloves, your hands shacking a little. “Ill.”
“Mh~” your brother coos, so you take a deep, deep breath.
Your family was very big.
Your parents always wanted to have a big family and children to raise, so they did, and you had always been grateful for that because as parents who really wanted kids, they were prepared, and they had taught them many things that the vast majority weren’t taught, such as how to manage their emotions, and how to communicate properly. But yeah, you suddenly realized that you were about to share the worst moment of your life with the most unbearable brother you had. For example:
“Wanna stop for a moment? We can, I don’t know, stop the traffic just for you.”
Fucking christ.
“I’m serious, dumbass.”
He didn't do it with bad intentions, though. He was unbearable, yes, but not a bad person, and when he turned to see the genuinely worried face of his sister, how your hands were sweating under the delicate gloves and how you were breathing hard, he sighed and sat up, so he could look at you better. Not only that, but he could swear that if he turned down the radio and paid attention, he would be able to hear your heart fighting with your ribs.
You were literally about to cry.
“I don’t want to go.” You said, lightly, almost week when you feel his gaze on you.
“What do you mean? You look gorgeous in that dress. You did your makeup for the first time in months and everything.”
He tried, and you covered your face needing a hug or something. Maybe If you had taken the car with your mother later this will be easier, you just don’t know why was this so overwhelming. You’ve tried everything on your hands to don’t feel like this, and to don’t ‘look constipated’, why-
“I know you don’t.” He finally says, softening his gaze, and his voice. “You never told me why, though… or even said it out loud until now. Bad yours.” You looked at him, and sighed.
“Because-" and this is why you didn’t talk about it before with anyone. It was for real, so, so stupid, and saying it out loud makes it real.“I can’t... I don’t feel good.”
Of course you don’t. It wasn't what you wanted to say because it sounded too ambiguous, and obvious to him. He wouldn't be able to assume things that way. But you didn't know how to explain it exactly.
“What if- I know that you have been the one who has had the hardest time here, we thought that seeing people you don’t see in a long time would do you good.” That wasn’t the problem exactly. “What if you try, hm?”
You were. If you weren't doing it, you would never have considered it in the first place. You’re just-
“Sensitive.” and Seun blinked a couple of times. “I’m sensitive, I don’t know if I can handle… I don't know if I can handle things like I always do. What if I saw him and freaked out, I’m unstable Seun. I don’t want to freak out and… look stupid.”
He clicked his tongue, and you remembered again that you weren’t with any other of your siblings.
“I was afraid it was about that. Deep down, I knew.”
But you didn't expect that answer, either. You looked at him surprised.
“Don’t ask me that. Don’t pretend I wasn’t there for you all these years. I was surprised when you didn’t deny the invitation months ago… In fact, I doubted that you were going to leave your room hours ago when we were getting ready, that's why I'm bothering you.” That doesn’t make any seance, and he seemed to notice your confusion. “It’s too late Y/N, what can I do for you if it's not distracted you or something? You accepted responsibilities. If we go back now, mom and dad would bring you there on your knees if it’s necessary.”
Yes, they will.
Although you didn't consider it a mistake, you did want to assist, it was just that it was still difficult for you to accept some things. There was nothing else to do, just pray that he wouldn't go to the event like he had been doing all these years (according to what Seun was telling you right now), but it also didn't help you not to be prepared to see him in any case.
It's not like you can just turn around and not go, stay home and cry alone. You had already confirmed, you had a plate to eat, a chair to use and everyone would be waiting for you because you had made a speech. Greum had asked you for a small favor, you couldn't fail, it was a surprise for Eun, it would cause you more anxiety to know that you would fail a friend.
You made your shoes click, no longer knew how to alleviate your discomfort. You really had tried everything.
“What if they don’t want me there? The family and stuff?”
He smirks a little. He knew you were worrying about impossible things. But he understood, the only reason he was calm was because he was in constant contact with them, and they always asked about you, and he hadn't seen Yoongi in a long, long time. Although you knew it because he mentioned it to you, you had a hard time believing it. They adored you, it had always been that way, but he knew that no matter how much he repeated it to you, nothing would change. You hadn't seen them in so many years that you genuinely believed that they hated you for not having kept in touch. You had your reasons, but you couldn't explain properly to them now, or ever, honestly.
“Nothing’s gonna happen.” You huffed exasperatedly, and he knew you were upset with him for not telling you what you wanted to hear. You were really having a hard time, you just needed more than that.
“You know”
but Seun always found a way to make his lack of tact work. You two are from the same family after all, you have been taught to contain others no matter what.
“I always tell you that you are the smartest person in this family, I know you want to be there, you love them, we all known each other for a long time just… don’t let someone ruin your night, okay?” your brother dry your tears softly to not ruin the makeup. You look stunning. “You have more important things to cry about right now, and you already gave him too many parts of your life before. Take a break. Be smarter, even if it’s fake.”
It was just there where you realized how much you missed all these people.
And you know, deep down, that Min Greum-Jae wasn't exactly the brother that had you worried.
—————————•。・゜    ゜・。_______________
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simmetrycal · 3 months
ash’s family dynamic ༊*·˚
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i think about ash’s blood related family often, so here’s a look at that:
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ash’s father, wayne, is a good dad. good enough.
he didn’t spend a whole lot of time with young ash though, always at the office or on the phone.
“alright pass it to me champ!” he’d yell with a smile on his sharp face. ash, chubby, small, and scruffy-haired would throw a football as hard as he could. it hit the ground a few feet in front of him, and he when looked up, he saw his dad apologetically looking at him as he takes a phone call from the company.
it was always about the company.
dad can’t make it to dinner because something happened at the company.
dad can’t make it to your 8th grade ceremony because the company needs him.
dad didn’t have time to buy you a birthday present because he was working, here’s the envelope of five hundred dollars he left you this morning.
once wayne and ash’s mother grace divorced, ash spent equal time with both of them.
although, as time went on and ash grew, his dad took him under his wing.
perhaps it was grace holding him back, even though it was always said to be the company.
still, the company is all they ever talk about. wayne taught ash everything he knows, and pushed him to go to school for business.
ash’s time at university taught him a lot. he knows his father would be proud of him for following in his footsteps so that’s what he chose to do.
plus, it makes good money.
once ash got his degree wayne hired him as an intern at the company. they spent time together— more than they ever had before.
they finally had something in common, finally something they could bond over.
although, it was really the only thing they ever talked about.
“did you get the marketing team a pseudo-manager?” wayne asks from behind a newspaper at his desk. ash sat in front of him, chewing gum and scrolling on his phone. their relationship was like that. casual in a professional setting.
“yeah, i’m working on it,” he replies.
“you’re working on it?” wayne closes his newspaper and takes off his reading glasses. “so are you done or not?”
“almost.” ash looks up, shrugging.
“hmm,” wayne says with an eyebrow, popping open a cork from a bottle of bourbon.
he pours it into two crystal glasses but ash never drinks his.
“are you coming to kylie and parker’s dinner party tonight?” wayne asks. kylie and parker are his 16 and 15 year old daughters, ash’s half-sisters.
“what for?”
“you’re their brother. be there to celebrate and congratulate.”
“what are we celebrating?” ash asks, standing up so he can head out.
“uhm..” wayne furrows his brows, unsure of it himself. he opens his calendar on his computer. “their volleyball team’s success in making it to the finals.”
ash internally sighs. he loves his sisters but they’re quick to use their fathers money to have fancy dinner parties for any opportunity. a volleyball tournament is hardly a celebratory event when you haven’t won yet.
though they probably will, ash goes to most of their games and their high school is quite reputable.
parker is admittedly better than kylie, but both are on varsity.
when ash arrives he chuckles at how empty the restaurant is.
apparently parker was supposed to send out the invites but they thought kylie was doing that. so nobody showed up.
“i at least wanted ben to come,” kylie pounts in her seat. a lock of her sandy colored hair falls in front of her bright eyes, to which she blows it away.
ben is kylie’s pathetic excuse for a boyfriend.
“okay, well boys sucks,” ash says next to her, folding up the sleeves of his pressed white button up.
“don’t you like boys?”
parker snorts with laughter across the table from the two, accidently spitting up some of their shirley temple.
they look like a shirley temple— with their dyed dark red hair and dramatic eyeliner.
“ugh! shut up,” kylie pouts again, kicking them from under the table.
“i didn’t even say anything!” they wave their arms around and laugh-scoff.
“enough, girls.” wayne says as he sits downs with ash’s stepmom cora. kylie and parker’s mom.
parker twitches their eye when wayne says “girls”. parker doesn’t identify themself as a girl and wayne knows that, but has a hard time getting used to it. he still always tries to be supportive though.
“where’s the team?” wayne says, confused and picking up a menu.
“parker didn’t invite anyone because they thought i was going to do it.” kylie says with sass.
she’s always sassy but she means well. she’s just a blonde girl in high school, what can you do about it
parker retorts, explaining their mistake.
“well, at least we won’t have tens of people to pay for,” cora smiled.
ash fights back an eye roll.. he doesn’t exactly love his step mom, he thinks she’s slightly annoying.
he does love his real mom very much though.
grace and ash’s stepdad owen are a blast, always inviting ash to come play pickleball with them.
they have a daughter as well, eva. she goes to school with ash’s other sisters and they’re all friends. in fact, she’s in some of the same classes as kylie.
it may seem odd to people who don’t know their family, but ash really wouldn’t have it any other way.
“as i was saying ky,” ash continues. “boys are gross! and ben is gross! and none of you should ever date.”
“i second that,” wayne says, holding his glass up to cheer.
kylie and parker slump in their seats but come right up when the waiter comes by, fixing their posture and attitudes.
ash ends up paying for his own meal as well as his sisters’. wayne thinks this is very kind and he gives him a pat on the back for it.
“oh one last thing, i have gifts for you both. and for eva, give it to her at school on monday,” ash tells them as they walk out of the restaurant to the parking lot.
“ooh what did you get me?” kylie chases him, putting her hands on his shoulders and jumping up and down.
she receives an elbow from her sibling, “be grateful!” parker urges.
always the respectful one of the two despite being a sophomore.
ash climbs into his backseat to grab three pink bags.
he hands it over to them and kylie rips through the tissue paper.
“oh my gosh!!” she squeals, doing a little spin making her sundress twirl around before hugging him. “i love you ash!! you’re the best!”
in the bags are little vivienne westwood pieces of jewelry. kylie received a necklace, parker got a bracelet, and for eva it’s earrings.
“dude are you kidding? this is way cool!” parker eyes the charm-like pearl bracelet.
without fail, ash always meets them with gifts. no matter how small (one time he resorted to bath and body works hand sanitizers because he was short on time)
“chantelle picked them out”
“ugh, i love her!”
“and i love you guys,” ash says, booping them on the noses before getting in his audi and taking off.
wayne and cora don’t want to spoil them but ash doesn’t give a shit. if he has the means, he’ll give them the whole world.
bonus: him playing pickleball with eva because i only wrote about kylie and parker and she needs recognition as well
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“aw cmon bruh you can swing harder than that!” ash yells from across the court at eva, who swung the pickleball paddle with embarrassment.
she thinks pickleball is a stupid sport but her little family knows how to have fun regardless.
their neighbors have this tournament thingy every so often and ash thoroughly enjoys it
he even has a “pickleball outfit”. it’s just pleated white shorts and a white polo with a blue sweatband and wristbands
in fact, everyone on their team is wearing blue sweatbands, and the neighbors across the net are wearing red.
it’s a warm sunny evening and the two are practicing back and forth before the match begins.
“ash!” eva yells at him when he smacks the ball way over her head of dark curly hair.
she looks way more like ash than his other half sisters, they both take after their mom in a lot of ways it seems.
ash chuckles and apologizes, fetching them a new ball.
“okay this one’s for all the marbles! you have to get it!” he serves it and eva paddles it back perfectly, surprising the both of them.
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lixxen · 1 year
Sweet Dead Eyes (Jazz Fenton)
This is a chapter from my Haunting of A Vivisection fic that I wanted to post onto here because I liked this chapter. This can be read by itself, but some parts might be a bit confusing.
This is supposed to mirror Danny's perspective in Ch. 1. Sorry that formatting is weird, if you don't write directly into Tumblr posts it'll mess things up (plus it has html coding in it)
Warnings: mentions of unintentional child neglect.
Jasmine Fenton couldn’t remember a day where ghosts didn’t negatively affect her life.
Jazz remembers from a young age having to learn that she would have to be the one to raise her brother Danny. It came crashing down on her at the age of six when her parents disappeared for hours at a time into their labs. She remembers ten years later the sound of her baby brother screaming for their parents' attention and the feeling of fear as she stared down at her little brother. She managed to help him up and took care of him before turning on a space documentary. 
That single instance made Jazz realize that she will have to do more for Danny.
Jazz had spent hours helping Danny with anything and everything, talking to him about his interest in space and rockets. She was the one to convince her parents to take them to Cape Canaveral when Danny was eight. He had almost begged their parents to buy him a model rocket and they gave in to the puppy dog eyes.
Jazz always cooked dinner and made sure that when Danny was old enough that he could join her in cooking. It wasn’t at first to bond, but out of necessity. Their parents never spent time on cooking, so if it wasn’t for Jazz cooking then they wouldn’t have an actual meal but instead microwaved mac n cheese. 
Once the two of them had gotten good at cooking food, and their mother had caught on and actually bothered to buy real food to cook, Jazz started to demand their parents to eat with them. Danny had started to talk about eating together and Jazz did not want to disappoint him when he asked if they’d be joining the two for dinner. So after a few days of bugging her parents to the end of the Earth, the two adults joined them. This led to years of expecting Danny and Jazz to cook and them appearing for an hour to eat dinner. Which eventually led to the family acting like a normal functioning family by the time Danny hit middle school.
Which is where things started to change again.
Jazz watched as Danny became friends with Tucker and Wes with slight concern. She knew exactly how the town saw her family. She heard the whispers of the small town’s gossip and spent years protecting Danny from it. Her worst fear was that other kids would bring Danny’s world crashing down upon him. She could protect Danny from their parents but not from other people.
Jazz watched as Wes and Tucker chased Danny through the school halls and smiled. The three boys got along well and she ended up befriending Wes’ brother Kyle. They started to get close because every day they would walk together to the playground to get their brothers and send Tucker home. 
“How’s it going, Fenton?” Kyle gave a nervous smile as he joined her on her walk to the playground.
“Pretty good. Being a freshman is the worst, but hey.” Jazz smiled while eyeing Kyle. Something was wrong. “What can I do?”
Kyle nodded and looked forward. “Yeah. Nothing really you can do.”
Something was definitely wrong, and if Jazz knew what she knew now she would have just stayed quiet.
“Is everything okay, Kyle?” Jazz offered a genuine smile. She watched as he sighed and looked down.
“My parents don’t want Wes around your brother.” Kyle stopped and turned to Jazz. “Or me being around you.”
Jazz stopped and she could feel her heart in her throat. She knew this would eventually happen. It wasn’t surprising but it still hurt for him to tell her.
“Yeah. No.” Jazz nodded and looked away, turning back to the playground they were next to. She watched Wes chase around Tucker and Danny, the three boys not having a care in the world. “I totally get it. We’re the weird family and your folks are just worried.”
“Jazz…” Kyle started and she just shook her head.
“It’s fine, Kyle.” Jazz turned back to him before smiling, trying to hide the tears that threatened to form. It stung. But she was used to it. Things were changing in high school for her, but they haven’t changed yet for Danny. “I do get it. Let’s not talk about it. Okay?”
With that, Jazz walked to the gate and called the boys over. It was almost somber watching them all run together and say their goodbyes, promising to see each other tomorrow.
That night, Jazz cried to herself in her bedroom. She mourned her brother’s friendship.
Sam thankfully came into their life and had brought back the missing piece that had been taken away.The girl came from the rich family that had moved in a few years before they went to school. Jazz vaguely remembers their parents talking about the Mansons and their odd name, which was ironic to Jazz.
Sam was a decent influence on the boys and it was nice having a girl around. It allowed Jazz to somewhat connect to Danny’s friends easier and she managed to loosely be acquainted with them as they stayed around the house more and more. Jazz wanted to be a buffer between their parents and the kids, so she hovered for the first handful of times Sam and Tucker were fully over at the house.
It wasn’t until Jazz hit her emo phase did she think that her influence on the three was actually substantial. She was going through a rough time with school and having to still keep track of Danny, so she started to get lost in her own feelings. She started to listen to darker music that made her feel less alone and like the world wasn’t out to get her. It made her happy to see that Danny and his friends followed suit.
Danny loved the music and would spend hours listening to it with Jazz, which made her feel less alone and reminded her why she did all of this. It was for Danny and to see him happy, and if that meant he and his friends got into her new music and edgy style then she sure would stay with it.
Until Sam cut and dyed her hair at their house and Jazz had to panic save them. Then deal with both her parents and Sam’s parents scolding her. It was a very unpleasant experience and she managed to convince Sam’s parents to not take Sam away from the boys. She told them about how teenagers tend to go through phases and wanting independence. That Sam acting out was from her wanting to express herself. They listened and came to the conclusion that they couldn’t fully control her and they did not want to lose their child.
When the accident happened, Jazz was on her way home.
She was walking down the street from her friend’s house when her phone started to ring. She squinted at the screen before realizing it was Sam and answering.
“Hey, Sa-” Jazz started but was cut off.
”Jazz please hurry. Please come back home. Danny-” Tucker was sobbing into the phone and Jazz could hear Sam calling Danny’s name. ”Danny’s hurt and I think he died but Sam brought him back.”
Jazz’s heart stopped and she broke out into a sprint. She ran as fast as she could, her panic fueling her as she went down the dark street. She passed many people and she could hear sirens approaching behind her. She glanced back to see an ambulance and three police cars going towards her. 
One of the police cars slowed to a stop and she saw the deputy sheriff.
“Jasmine. Are you going home?” The deputy sheriff asked. “There’s a call for your home.”
“Danny.” Jazz almost threw herself towards the car. “They said Danny is hurt.”
The deputy nodded and let Jazz into the car, where they rushed to Fenton Works. As soon as they pulled up, Jazz bolted out of the car and ran into the house.
“DANNY!” Jazz screamed as she moved past the paramedics who were trying to get a gurney into the home. They let out objections, but she didn’t care as she ran down the stairs and towards her brother.
Jazz stopped in front of Danny before dropping to her knees and letting out a heavy sob. He had burn marks on his skin and paler than she had ever seen him. He was barely conscious as blood dripped from his ears, nose, and mouth.
“Danny,” Jazz pleaded as she reached for him. “Danny please wake up.”
“Jasmine, please don’t touch him.” One of the paramedics told her.
Jazz brought her hands back and looked up to Sam and Tucker. She felt a range of emotions go through her as they took her brother and put him onto the gurney.
What did they do? Why were they playing around in the lab? Why would Danny put himself in danger?
“I’m sorry.” Sam looked like she was crying. “I’m sorry I asked if we could look at the portal. I just wanted to see it and then he noticed something.”
Jazz shook her head as the paramedics started to pull her attention away.
“Jasmine. We have to go.” The paramedic said and took her hand.
The rest of the day was a blur. She remembers her parents showing up and crying their eyes out in the waiting room. She remembers her mouth tasting bitter as she silently cursed them and their stupid ghost obsession. The two adults that she loved dearly had finally done something to hurt them physically. It wasn’t fair.
Within a day of finding out Danny was okay, they were back in their labs, leaving Jazz and Sam to take turns being there for Danny. Jazz came home late one day to have her parents practically jump on top of her.
“It works!” Her mother grabbed her shoulders and hugged her. “The portal works!”
Jazz was quiet as her parents talked about their portal. About how whatever happened to Danny had brought the portal to life. That they were right this whole time and that this would make their lives better.
Jazz remembers screaming. She remembers screaming her head off and sobbing. She remembers her parents’ shell shocked looks as she sunk to the ground after the loudest emotion they had seen from their daughter in about ten years. It shocked them and made them listen. She begged them to pay more attention to them. To care more. 
They silently agreed. That was that. They tried to get Danny involved in their ghost business in a desperate measure to please him and Jazz. It only half worked as Danny seemed to withdraw from everyone besides Sam and Tucker. So her parents tried to love him to the level that wouldn’t overwhelm him, shifting their focus to protecting them as ghosts came through the portal.
Especially from Phantom.
So when Jazz watched Danny transform into Phantom, there was a pit in her stomach.
It left Jazz to think about all of the events that had happened. Danny’s sudden standoffish attitude towards her and their parents. His push for more personal space and telling Jazz that he didn’t want to hang out as much. His odd appearance and sudden change in appetite. It all made sense as Jazz watched Danny fly away. Jazz knew that Danny didn’t want her to know this secret. It was obvious to her by his actions leading up to this, so she wasn’t going to confront him about it. Whenever Danyn was ready, he would tell her.
Jazz ended up back in one of her old spots behind one of the old farm houses at the edge of town. She sat behind the farm house and tugged her tan winter coat closer to her. Halloween was coming up soon and the temperature was dropping quickly in the town. It reminded her of her freshman year of hanging with the cool senior kids. She sometimes missed it, as they were some of her only genuine friends she had in high school. The rest either only wanted her for grades, her looks, or the fact that she held good standing in the school. 
“Look what the cat dragged in.” 
Jazz looked up to see Kyle with some sort of cigarette in his mouth. It didn’t smell like tobacco and Jazz understood what it was as he approached her. She didn’t respond, which he seemed to accept as part of the mood she seemed to be in.
The two were silent as Kyle sat down next to Jazz. He held the makeshift joint to her and she just shook her head no. Kyle shrugged before putting it back into his mouth and taking a deep breath. He blew the smoke away from her and waved away the smoke so she wouldn’t go home smelling like it.
“So why are you out here looking like misery came to town?” Kyle asked, looking at her from behind his cut bangs.
“I’ve been worried about Danny. He has too much on his plate.” Jazz didn’t know how to frame it.
“With him playing as Phantom ‘n all?” Kyle asked and took a long drag before blowing it above them.
Jazz’s head shot up and she peered at him. What did Kyle mean by playing Phantom? How did he know? This isn’t something you could have just guessed unless you knew Danny pretty well or witnessed it.
Kyle peered at her and frowned.
“Did you not know until recently, Jazz?” Kyle tilted his head, his eyes calculating. “I know that nobody seems to know who is playing the ghost kid and all, but still. You’re his sister. It isn’t hard to figure out since they look the same. Great quality in wigs and contacts, by the way.”
“I..?” Jazz didn’t know what to say to that. “Kyle, do you think the ghosts are fake?”
Kyle made a face and laughed.
“Yeah? Ghosts aren’t real, Jazz.” Kyle seemed to genuinely laugh at the idea that ghosts were real. “It is kind of fucked up though that they took the kid who was in a horrible accident to play the ghost kid. Y’know? He was literally dying and they went oh let’s make that one the dead one!”
Jazz put a hand on her mouth and looked down. Kyle seemed to realize what he said and sighed.
“I’m sorry, Jazzy.” Kyle snuffed his joint and turned fully to her. “I shouldn’t have said that. But I do feel bad for Danny. Wes has been talking about how much he’s changed and how afraid he is for Danny. He’s… acting weird apparently. Something was wrong and I just assumed he didn’t want the pressure of the character on top of being the kid who got into a dangerous accident.”
“You’re fine.” Jazz sniffled and turned back to Kyle. “I just want everything to go back to our old normal. I don’t want my brother wrapped up in all of this. Let’s keep this between us, okay? Not everyone knows.”
“I get that.” Kyle nodded. “I promise.”
Jazz smiled, feeling the best she has in almost a year.
Jazz walked down the steps of Casper High a few days later and she sat quietly next to Danny. Neither of them talked as they watched as people walked by. Jazz could tell Danny was on edge as he watched people and Jazz didn’t blame them. Slowly, she leaned into him and then pressed a kiss into his hair.
“I’m proud of you.” Jazz leaned away and looked forward again. Danny turned to look at her, his eyes apprehensive.
“How long have you known?” Danny asked quietly, bringing Jazz’s attention back to him.
“Since Spectra.” Jazz confessed and watched as Danny sagged. “I didn’t want to force you to tell me, so I wanted you to tell me on your own when you were ready.”
Danny slowly nodded before leaning into Jazz. The two didn’t speak for a second as Jazz wrapped her arms around her brother. She wanted to protect Danny from the world but it seems like he is the one who will have to protect her now. It was almost a bittersweet feeling.
“I’m guessing you died in the accident?” Jazz asked, her voice quiet so no one would overhear.
“Yeah.” Danny simply replied. “Bits and pieces are coming back from it.”
Jazz nodded and pressed her face into her brother’s hair. She closed her eyes hard and tried to not start crying right then and there. She had failed him.
“I love you.” Jazz whispered into his hair and Danny smiled.
“I love you too, Jazz.”
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slurrmp · 2 years
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                  it’s hard finding the perfect present for an alien that                   seemingly has it all. christmas shopping is always                   hard but shopping for the doctor was harder.
here we go, day two, finally. that last week went so quickly i’m gonna cry. christmas is gonna come around so fast and this is gonna fall out from under me. this one is a little short and doesn't actually involve the doctor, but that’s only because i really didn’t have any other ideas. don’t forget, y’all can tag me in your christmas prompts as well! anyway listen to THIS if you want the ambience of a christmas market to set the mood x
words: 1326 warnings: none just wholesome bonding with yaz.
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“What the hell do you get someone that has everything already?” The question pulls a pout to your lips. You stood just on top of the steps, the awful feeling of sand between your toes made your brows furrow. Looking down at your feet, you tried your best to brush the sand away. You were at one end of the South Bank Christmas Markets. You were back in Australia. This was your home. It was hot, sticky hot. You and Yaz were wearing pretty much nothing but your bathers with your beach towels wrapped around your waists. You had just gotten out of the water and made the short walk to the markets, you were to meet up with Dan for dinner but it was hard to pin him down. He was supposed to stay with the Doctor, to make sure that she didn’t wander off anywhere too far. Make sure she didn’t bring any unwanted trouble.
The sun was just setting, lighting the sky with brilliant shades of pink and red. It would be even hotter tomorrow you could tell. A bunch of people were milling about, the low hum of people’s voices all blended together. You loved Christmas Markets, probably one of your favourite things to do around this time of year.
“I’m gonna be honest with you -” Yaz looked up at you, she stood a couple of steps below you - a slightly sympathetic look crossing her features. “I have no idea.” There’s a snort that leaves you. “I mean I’m having a hard time thinking of what to get Dan.” Her own lips pulled into a pout, as the pair of you took the steps down, and lingered at the start of the market walkway. A band was playing somewhere down the street and it distracted you enough that you weren’t looking where you were going and someone bumped into your shoulder. You frowned in annoyance but they had let a quick apology escape their lips as they continued to chase after their escaping toddler. Your brows softened and you hiked up the beach towel, before reaching over and grabbing onto Yaz’s hand. You didn’t really feel like losing each other in this crowd.
“How about we just walk down one side and see what we can find?” You suggested. The market went on for almost a kilometre. People of all ages were here, many young families. Kids screaming and laughing, a feeling that you sometimes missed. There was even a surplus of dogs, which instantly made your mood brighten. Yaz nodded her head before she squeezed your hand. She shifted her backpack onto her opposite shoulder. “For Dan, I think he’d enjoy something homemade.” You finally answered her statement as you began to make your way through the large crowd of people. You were walking past the food tents and the smell of buttery popcorn, street food and even wine filled your senses. It made your mouth water. You and Yaz had spent pretty much the entire day in the water, not once stopping to act. You were starving. 
“I know that he’s a big history nerd,” Yaz said as she pulled you to a sudden stop. You almost whacked into the back of her, when you spotted why she had stopped. You were standing in front of a tent that was selling hand-made boomerangs and dot paintings.
“Oh, he’d love one of those.” There’s a grin as you curled into her side, pointing over her shoulder. You loved Christmas Markets, but Christmas shopping was hard. Shopping for the Doctor was harder. You didn’t want your present to be too personal (you really weren’t ready for that conversation to come up yet) but you also didn’t want it to be too cheap either. You needed a present that said you cared but as a friend. You needed something that the Doctor didn’t have any of yet and that she would love. The small family that was working the tent consisted of a very beautiful Aboriginal mother and her two sons. She was delighted to sell Yaz the boomerang and even a painting. She wrapped it as well. “Oh, he’s gonna love these.” Yaz beamed as she turned on her heel, after thanking the family. She grinned at you. “Now, just for your present for the Doctor.”
She started tugging you along. You had to pull up your towel again, otherwise, you knew that you would surely trip over it and fall flat on your face. You walked in silence for a couple of minutes, just listening to people around and the soft jazzy Christmas music that filled the air. That was until you spotted it. “Yaz!” You called jerking the woman to a stop. The group of people behind you grumbled lightly as they just missed collecting you on the shoulder, stepping around you with heavy sighs. You ignored them though, your eyes not once leaving the tent. “Look!” You pointed to the vendor on the opposite side of the walkway. Displayed neatly on stands, stood what looked like hand-crafted photo albums.
“Oh!” Yaz exclaimed as you looked at each other. “A photo album?” She questioned as the pair of you shoved through the crowd, making it to the other side.
“A photo album!” Dan adored taking photos. No matter where you went, no matter when you went, you had to take at least one picture of your trip. Even if no one else could see it. “We can put all of the photos that Dan took. That we took.” Your fingers ran over an album that was painted in a strikingly familiar shade of blue.
“All handcrafted.” A new voice piped up. You looked up and spotted the man who was sitting in his camping chair, a beer in one hand and the other adjusting something on the table in front of him. “My wife loves making them. All with vegan leather too.” He finished and a grin crossed your lips.
“Oh, I love it.” You were afraid to even open it, not wanting to crack the spine just yet. The bow that held the book together was even a beautiful shade of dark blue as well. “How much?” The old man shifted, placing his beer in the stubby holder and stood up, a groan escaping him and you had to stop yourself from giggling into Yaz’s shoulder.
“About $100.” Your lips pursed at the price but you justified it to yourself. They were all handmade, they looked like they were hand-painted too. Vegan leather, and the absolute perfect shade of blue. You looked at Yaz, who had already pulled out her phone. Looking back at the old man, you grinned. “Okay - we’ll take it.” He cracked a grin in return.
“Fair dinkum.” He replied. “The misses is on her break at the moment but she will be over the moon when she returns. That was her favourite.” The man took the album off the table. “Is it for someone special? Shall I wrap it?” A blush spread across your cheeks and you stammered for a second.
“It most certainly is,” Yaz answered for you and you nudged her in the side with your elbow. The man laughed.
“Of course, of course.” He shuffled to the table that was at the back of the tent. “Can see it in your eyes, love.” Your blush deepened and Yaz laughed. “It will be a lovely Christmas gift.” There was silence for a couple of seconds, as you watched the old man wrap the book. Once he was finished, he turned around and handed it to you. Then Yaz tapped her phone against the EFTPOS machine. Saying your goodbyes, you turned around.
“Now can we go find Dan and the Doctor?” Yaz spoke up. A laugh left you as you placed the wrapped present into Yaz’s backpack. “I’m starving.” You nodded.
“Course, I’m fucking starving as well.”
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thekimspoblog · 1 year
Do it for Her (WIP)
The soft curve of a pregnant belly was featured prominently in every poster on every wall, along with the cover page of the magazine Kim was reading.
The nurse entered the waiting room and looked at his clipboard. “Sammy Donaghue?” 
Jimmy stopped twiddling his thumbs and got up to follow him.
“Good luck!” Kim did her best to shoot him a reassuring smile.
They took his vitals, asked him some basic questions, and then they left him in the room with a magazine and a plastic cup. They assumed he didn’t need any further instruction.
The room had that hospital smell; it brought back too many bad memories. Should he take his clothes off? Just his pants? How was this supposed to work again? How could he do what comes natural, with the fluorescent lights buzzing overhead? He leafed through the Playboy; the models were pretty enough. “Nubile” if anyone still used that word. He pulled his phallus out of his open fly, reached over to the squirt-bottle of lube, and began to stroke himself.
Still he felt numb down there; flaccid and nothing was working to wake the little guy up. He’d held off for three whole days, it’s not like he was spent, but he was nervous and couldn’t concentrate. Maybe his body was listening to what his mind already knew: this whole expedition was so stupid! God should strike him dead for his hubris, thinking a baby was still in the cards for him. He spent his prime years financially struggling and he had missed his chance; why couldn’t he accept his lot in life? If the process was going to take all the fun out of sex, if it was going to become a big sterile bureaucratic production, why not just adopt? But he already knew the answer to that one: they wanted a monster of their own blood. Jimmy’s train of thought trailed off to complex questions about ethics and identity: could this special bond he and Kim shared really be reduced to compatible DNA? Less than 100 of her eggs had been deemed “viable” by the clinic; could the technicians point to the exact spot which held the “silver tongue” gene? The whole thing brought up thoughts which were ridiculous, upsetting, and profoundly unsexy. His eyes were on the magazine, but his mind was stuck picturing clusters of frogspawn. He let out a growl of frustration.
Just then, the door cracked open. “Thought you might want some help…” Kim smiled.
“Did you ask if you were allowed back here?”
“No,” she smirked, shutting the door behind her, “But what’s the harm?”
She crept up towards him and gave him a deep, open-mouthed kiss. Her hand blindly groping lower and lower until it found his member.
After a minute, her tugs got slower and more gentle. “What is going on down there? You’re stuck in the OFF position” He’d never had this problem with her.
"It's a lot of pressure," he laughed nervously, "We've only got two chances. Are you sure you don't want to use a donor? Some star athlete with a clean bill of health on both sides of his family for eight generations back? I mean really... this guy? This nose?"
Her free hand went to caress his cheek. "You're being ridiculous," she looked deeply into his eyes. ""Of course it's you. Jimmy, when I heard you were alive I felt like I was given a miraculous opportunity. I'd be a fool not to seize it. We aren't doomed. I know that we can still put the pieces together and make something good."
"And if this doesn't work?"
She smirked, "Then this still got us to quit smoking. Gave ourselves more time together"
She turned around and rubbed her body against him, "Besides. You realize this could backfire in the opposite direction too, you know..."
"What do you mean?"
“Twins are pretty common using this method,” she breathed, “Even triplets. We might bite off more than we can chew”
Something bestial about her inflextion, the way she growled in his ear, finally took his mind miles and miles away from this claustrophobic office, to the thought of them living au naturale in the wilderness, sleeping naked huttled around the campfire, with one or two infants folded into her protective embrace. And her, fat, warm and proud.
“There we are…” she commented, feeling his blood rush into her waiting palm. “Does that do it for you? The thought that after all this excruciating waiting, I’m finally going to let you knock me up?”
He raised an eyebrow, sarcastic; “Oh I see how it is now, Ms. Wexler. This is all you wanted me for all along!”
She was about to interrupt him and deny it, “No no of course not!” but then she saw the begging look in his eye. He didn’t want her to deny it.
“Yes. Okay I admit it,” she dragged her nails across his shirt, “It was truly a long-con. Men are… accessories. Like a purse, but less useful. Oh sure, I can - and do - work like a machine, cutting reality to pieces and shaping it into a more agreeable truth every time my fingers touch the keyboard. But what’s the fun of all that power without someone to share it with? Before I met you, I was ignoring my body. Haven’t I already told you this? I didn’t want to feel cold, tired, and hungry, so I shut myself off from pleasure too. But there you were, wearing down my defenses before I even had time to notice. Already burrowing under my skin too deep to dig out. I had a vibrator, but why reach for a hunk of plastic when you were always just one call away? Day or night! Ready with your own personal touch, ready to make me laugh until I cried… or do anything until I cried. Sure, every major milestone for us has come with its own surprises, but on some level I always knew this was the end goal, as soon as I made you my pet”
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Alright, let’s go
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So the mystery of the new Red Goblin is not a mystery anymore. The symbiote is a part of Bedlam. Bedlam’s child? Later we got to see how Bedlam’s other child, the one that ended up in Asgard, was born, so I think this new Red may be in a way Bedlam’s first born
Which is interesting, as the original Red is Venom’s first born
(Man, I have spent some time still trying to understand what’s up with all the Carnages. This is all so confusing, but it’s the fun kind of confusing, not the frustrating kind of confusing)
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I love Kamala dealing with these brats. I hope they get to hang out together again. Poor Normie was lowered to sidekick looool
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I just love how she calls Dylan out here like
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Get them, queen! I love how she is really the most qualified here, more than all the happy symby family (I mean, Normie’s symbiote is pretty much Dylan’s sibling? Half sibling?)
(Wait wait wait. This is so funny. So Dylan has a bunch of symbiote half sibs from Symby’s side. Sleeper from Venom’s side. And now possibly two new symbi-half-siblings… from his human Dad’s side. This is hilarious. I love it.)
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I forgot for a hot minute that Kamala didn’t actually know Dylan was a literal child (and he is actually much younger than he looks like since he got mysteriously aged up at multiple points). He’s probably younger than Kamala?
So he can’t keep his cool adult Codex form for long, this is reassuring. I was afraid they would permanently age him up with that. And he can’t hold All-Black for long… 🤔 So he isn’t bonded with her, he still uses her as a sword, just stores it in his chest probably using symbiote shapeshifting. And the Codex form, I suppose is his own shapeshifting rather than Venom’s or else it wouldn’t be a problem
Now, the ability to cut symbiotes off from the Hive is Dylan’s, and not All-Black’s right? Dylan is the Codex, the Chainbreaker, etc. But he does it by bonding with symbiotes, so when he uses All-Black to do it, is he transmitting his power via the blade (that is, no one else would be able to do it even if they had All-Black) or is it All-Black’s ability to cut the connection too (so, anyone would be able to do it if they had All-Black, not only Dylan)? Because, if Dylan is transmitting his power, he may be forming some sort of connection with All-Black to do it. How does All-Black usually bonds anyway, being a sword?
(This reminds me I should read her wiki page again, there’s so much I don’t understand. And I wonder if at some point the Carnage that wants to kill gods will learn that the original All-Black still exists, because I really think a meeting (a fight) between them with their All-Red and VenomCodex (or maybe just Codex, if Eddie gets his shit together) with All-Black will happen)
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pretendicanwrite · 2 years
hii! so I'm like rly insecure, and also have anxiety, so it's rly difficult for me to feel important/special. so I would absolutely love if u could make a fic of insecure Leo? maybe abt finnlo being bff and the fact that he wasn't before or !sth like that? also I just would rly like to see the dynamic of the logan-leo relationship, cus i feel like I don't rly know much how it would be. don't feel pressured to do anything u don't wanna, take as much liberty as u want 🫶🫶
Hi! I had a really good time writing this, and it kind of got off-point in a few places, but I hope you enjoy it.
CW: Anxiety, Verbal fights, Arguments
Hearing laughter out in the hallway pulled Leo away from the endless scrolling he was doing on TikTok. His boys had gone out tonight to a high-end bar/ casino that required you to be 21 to enter with the team to make an appearance after the game they won against the Vegas Knights. It was supposed to be a rivalry game between Cap and Greyback after the fight at their last one, so sports reporters were looking for quotes all over the city.
Logan had asked if Leo wanted them to ditch the team to go somewhere that didn’t require you to be over 21 just to enter, but he had turned them down not wanting to spoil their fun.
The laughter continued to get closer, and Leo shut his phone off and walked to the door to look through the peephole.
Finn and Logan were standing in the hallway right outside of the door now and were laughing so hard Leo was minorly concerned that Finn was going to face plant with how unsteady he looked on his own two feet.
Slowly, Leo opened the door to his boyfriends, and they quieted down some when they saw him.
“Hey, Lovernut. I’m sorry if we were loud. We didn’t mean to wake you,” Logan said, moving to wrap his arms around the goalie. “Talkie challenged us to take a shot every time James lost a game.”
Leo smiled softly as his boys, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Leo’s smiles always reached his eyes. Finn and Logan, although very drunk took notice of this and Finn stepped up to hug Leo as well.
“I’m sorry Nutter Butter. We should have just gone out with you tonight instead. I don’t know about Logan, but I thought maybe after such a tough game you wouldn’t want to go out with us, so when you turned us down I just took that as confirmation.”
He forgave them, even though he figured the forgiveness was more for them than for him. He didn’t see what they did as anything that he needed to forgive. He had turned them down, right? He told them it was fine to go out without him, and that’s what they did. There was nothing wrong with it.
Except he found himself in the same position a week later. Logan was still living with Dumo and his family, so naturally, Leo felt like he had built a closer and stronger bond with Finn.
The dynamics between the threesome were hard to figure out sometimes. Finn and Logan had known each other since Logan’s first year of college, and Finn and Leo had lived together for 6 months before the thought of a relationship was even brought up. So naturally, Finn and Logan, and Finn and Leo had known each other more, and all three should have been aware of this, but recently, it felt as if Leo were the only one who noticed.
Over the next few weeks, he started noticing all of the time that Finn and Logan spent together without him. Leo knew he shouldn’t be jealous. It was an agreed-upon relationship between the three of them, and it wasn’t like they were cheating if they chose to hang out just the two of them.
But sometimes, Leo felt like an afterthought.
Finally, on like the seventh time something like this had happened since the Las Vegas game, he finally snapped.
They had gone out for lunch around 2 in the afternoon and had promised to bring something back for Leo when he turned down their offer to go with them because he wasn’t feeling great.
It was well after one in the morning when they finally appeared back at the apartment.
Leo was sitting alone in the guest room he hadn’t really used since he confessed his feelings to the boys. He had never gotten around to decorating it, and the plain white walls were grating on his nerves ever so gently.
The laughter carried through the walls to where he sat alone on the uncomfortable, dusty bed. The only thing this room was used for was storage and closet space, but Leo had the feeling that there would be many more nights of him sitting alone in there.
Finally, after hearing another loud burst of laughter, and the just as loud ‘shh Leo’s probably sleeping’ he stormed out of the room, only to find his boys on the couch cuddling without him.
He stalked around the corner of the hallway and sat down quietly on the coffee table in front of them. He stared at the two loves of his life, and he could feel the tears gathering on his lower lash line.
He pondered the words for a few minutes, and at last with a breaking voice, and tears rolling down his face, he asked the dreaded question that had been floating around in his head for days. “What am I to you?”
His lovers’ faces snapped up at him when they heard the first syllable leave his chewed-up lips. To be honest, neither Finn nor Logan had a response. They thought it was obvious that Leo was their soulmate, and the fact that he was questioning it left them speechless.
Leo, on the other hand, took their silence to mean something very different. They didn’t know. They had been dating for well over 9 months, and they didn’t know what Leo meant to them.
Logan opened his mouth to respond, but Leo cut him off with a strong sniffle. “I know that you guys have history, and I know that you guys were best friends, and were in love with each other well before I even arrived in Gryffindor, but that doesn’t give you guys the right to tell me I’m your boyfriend, then ignore me for each other. You guys were supposed to be back after lunch. You’ve been gone for at least 10 hours. I had planned a movie night for us and baked while you guys were gone, but you just left me here. For each other.”
“Leo, I’m s-”
“No, Logan. You don’t just get to apologize and expect me to just forgive you like I did the last few times. I’m sick and tired of feeling like an afterthought. You guys are the loves of my life, but if I’m not yours, I need to know. I can’t sit here and be happy with the minimal scraps you guys are throwing me, while I pour my heart out for you. You tell me you love me, but then you ditch me to hang out with each other.”
Logan stood up, his eyes brimming with tears. “That’s not fair. We ask you all the time if you want us to change our plans to include you, but you’re the one constantly turning us down. You don’t get to sit here and tell us we’re being shit boyfriends when you can’t even be bothered to join us. Why should we have to make plans that revolve around you, because you can’t just go along with us?”
Logan was never one to stand down in a fight. He was bullheaded and always had to prove that he was right. Leo knew this about him. He cared too much not to notice that Logan couldn’t turn down the adrenaline that came from confrontation.
“Exactly,” Leo whispered, looking down at his feet. “Change your plans. You never make plans with me. You make them with each other, and I’m an afterthought. Sometimes, when I’m around you two, I feel like a charity case, and you guys are only “dating” me because you feel sorry for me. And I know that’s terrible of me, but that’s how I feel. It’s how my shitty brain works.” Leo moved his hands up next to his face to make the air quotes when he said the word dating. “I don’t get it. I pour my heart out for you guys daily. I shower you with affection, and I make you breakfast because food and acts of service are my love languages. I’m always there for you, but you’re never there for me. You’re too busy being there for each other.”
Leo’s face had a dark flush on it, from crying, and from holding his breath for the majority of his explanation.
Finn moved to kneel in front of Leo, but Logan still stood there glaring down at the rookie. “So what? Because we don’t do everything the same way you do, you don’t think we love you? That’s bullshit, Leo.”
“That’s not what I’m saying. You’re not listening!”
Leo stood now as well, towering over Logan.
Despite having one of the highest fight counts in the NHL, Logan looked slightly scared as his boyfriend used his height to intimidate him.
Leo, upon noticing the subtle change in his boyfriend's attitude, shrunk in on himself and collapsed back on the coffee table.
“Do you see what this shit is doing to me? I just- Oh my god. I’m sorry.” Leo was full-on sobbing now, and Finn moved to gently pull the blonde into his arms.
“Leo. You have to know that this was never our intention. I personally thought that maybe you were just overwhelmed between hockey, moving to a new state, and being in a polyamorous relationship. And I know it’s been over a year, but you’ve barely had any downtime since joining the Lions. I thought that your turning us down meant that you wanted time alone and that you needed to process all of this. I never meant for you to feel like we didn’t want you as a part of this.”
“Finn? Are you seriously going to sit there and comfort him after he accused us of what? Using him?”
Finn glared at Logan, while simultaneously rubbing Leo’s back.
“Yes. I’m going to comfort our crying boyfriend, and you are going to leave the room so that everyone has some time to cool down. Got it? I’ll come to talk to you soon.”
Logan didn’t even bother with a response. He just threw his arms up, scoffed, and turned to walk down the hallway.
Leo picked his head up and stared at his red-headed boyfriend. “I just ruined everything. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you guys feel like this. I just- I… I’m tired of feeling like a burden.”
Finn shushed him, still rubbing circles on his back. “First off, you can’t make somebody feel someway. Their response is exactly that. Theirs. Second of all, saying that you would rather do something else, is not being a burden. Now, I’m not making excuses for Logan, and I’m not going to make excuses for you when I go talk to him, but I want you to know some things. Some of the outings we’ve taken have been Logan taking me to therapy.”
Leo sniffled again, and he tried to speak, but Finn cut him off with a gentle ‘shh.’
“It’s not that I didn’t want you to know, but I didn’t want to unload all of my problems on you while you were still adjusting, and while you seemed uncomfortable. One of the reasons that Logan knows is that sometimes the sessions leave me emotionally and physically drained, and I need someone to drive me. I promise, I have not been trying to exclude you, and I’m sure that Logan hasn’t been either, but a lot of my sessions are about the things that happened at Harvard, and Logan understands that. He knows what I went through there, and one day, when we all feel ready, I want you to know about it too, but that’s not right now. Now, is there anything else you want to ask, or discuss before I go talk to Logan?”
Leo shook his head, and stood up, pulling his boyfriend with him. Leo wrapped his long arms around Finn and settled his chin on the bright red hair. “I’m sorry again. I do love you guys, but I guess I just kind of lost sight of the fact that you love me too.”
Finn merely nodded and gave Leo’s jaw a soft kiss, then pulled out of his arms heading towards his room, where Logan would be waiting.
When Leo heard the door close, he walked down the hall to stand outside of the room. He knew he shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he realized he had hurt Logan.
“Why did I say all of that shit to him?”
“I don’t know, but he’s hurt and the things that happened out there did not help. But I told him about the therapy, and he understood a little where we were coming from.”
Leo heard a sharp exhale, probably from Logan.
“I don’t even know why I said that. I didn’t mean any of it, and I sure as hell never think things like that. I love him, I do, but it was so easy to just say that shit to him. He just sat there and said all this crap about us not caring for him, and I guess I thought it would be easier to make him hate us if he decided to leave. I think I thought it would hurt less or something, but I hurt him, and I never wanted to do that. I just didn’t want to relive the pain of when you left me at Harvard. God, I’m so sorry!”
There were a few sniffles before Leo heard the sound of feet scuffling across the floor.
“I’m not the one you need to say that too.”
“What if he never forgives me? I didn’t want to say that. I didn’t mean any of it!”
Leo chose this moment to open the bedroom door, and walked right up to Logan. “I know that you didn’t mean it. I can’t say that you’re forgiven, because it hurt, but I do know that you’re sorry. You never answered my question though. What am I to you?”
Logan let out a watery laugh and turned to fully face the blond in the doorway. “I just told Finn that I loved you when I didn’t even know you were there. Do you honestly think I feel anything less than love?”
“You can love me and not want to be in a relationship with me. Finn, can you just let us work this out between ourselves, sweetheart? I want you to stay here, but I think it’s really important that we don’t have you act as a buffer between us. We need to say the things that we mean, and we need to be able to have these things out in the open.”
Finn, albeit a bit hesitant nodded and sent a small, soft smile toward his boys before walking towards the dresser, and leaning on it.
Logan plopped on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to him. “I think that I said those things so that the pain of you leaving would be less because I would know that you were angry, not heartbroken. I never want you to be heartbroken because that would break my heart.”
Leo, nodded, taking the seat offered next to his shorter boyfriend. “We could have just talked.”
“It was kind of hard when you were telling us that we were purposefully leaving you out.”
Leo took the subtle dig, dropping his head.
“Shit, I’m sorry. That didn’t come out how I wanted it to.”
“No, I deserved that.”
Logan turned on the bed, pulled one leg up next to him, and gently grabbed the rookie's hands. “You don’t deserve it, Le. I was angry, you were angry, and I think deep down, we both still are.”
Silence fell over the room for a minute as both boys took time to think. They were still connected at the hands, and neither of them made a move to change their positions, but Logan could tell that Leo was trying not to fidget his way right out of his seat.
“Look, we both know that I don’t handle my emotions in the most healthy way, but I’m trying here. I know that I just made a mistake out there, but I’m acknowledging it, and I’m trying to talk about it. I guess… I guess I didn’t want to believe that I could be making you feel like that. Harzy hadn’t told anyone, including you, that he was going to therapy, and I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t tell you where we had spent some of our time, and I couldn’t lie to you, so I guess it was just easier to ignore the fact that we spent so much time out. I-I love you, and I don’t ever want you to question that. I’m sorry that my actions have broken our trust, and I’m sorry that I made you feel unworthy.”
Leo dove onto his boyfriend, his cheeks wet with silent tears.
With Logan’s previous issues handling his emotions, his heartfelt speech meant everything to Leo. Even if he couldn’t forgive him at this exact moment, he knew that Logan meant every word of what he said.
“It wasn’t my place to tell you, but I could have told you some of the truth and I didn’t, so that’s on me. I’m sorry babe. I am truly so so sorry.”
There was work to be done, and so many things that the cubs had to learn to navigate, that a majority of couples didn’t, but after this threat of heartbreak, they knew that they had to work on it. They meant everything to each other, now they just had to learn to show it.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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fanfictionbichin · 2 months
I couldn’t sleep so decided to write about my jjk oc. I’m cringe, but I’m free! I don’t care about it spelling errors, it’s all just for fun!
Yoko’s Hope
There was a knock at the front door. I got up from my conversation with Saturo and Mori to answer it. When I open the door there is a young man holding a bouquet of flowers. All artificially colored to appear more vibrant and pleasing to the eye.
“Delivery for Miss..” he looked down at the card in his hand nearly causing his hat to slide off his head. “Y-Yoko?” I give him a fake scream of excitement “That’s me! wow how beautiful! You took such good care of them!”
His cheeks flushed bright pink, bashful from being praised. Poor guy is probably always getting yelled at.. I tip him a 20 and wish him a good day as I shut the door behind me. I pull out the little white card. In Gold, printed font it says “for my beautiful : girlfriend, I miss you.”
“Wow that was quite an act.” Gojo could see how sour my expression turned. I didn’t realize it gave me away so well. “Did he really send you flowers? Did you not block him.” Mori looked irritated, but concerned as well.
My ex and I have been over going on 2months now, and we only dated for nearly 3. But the guys obsessed with me, I never answer calls if I don’t have the number saved, and his was blocked after a week of the break up. So he sends me flowers, which irritates me because I worked for a florist in high school. They don’t drive me mad because I hate flowers now or anything, they’re random flowers. Bouquets are supposed to tell you something, each flower has a meaning and the idiot sends me lilys like I’m dead.
“I did, he’s just an idiot .” I say with a chuckle. “Do you need me to take care of him?” Satoru put his feet up on the table and leaned his chair back. “Just say the word I can have him moved to another country.” He has always been so protective of me around boys, he’s been the closest thing to family since my mom passed. “No, no. That’s not necessary. I can handle myself.” I walk to the sink and dumb the water from the cheap plastic vase before chucking the whole thing in the bin. “Besides, dating really isn’t for me.” I sigh heavily letting out the stress of the day and lean against my counter.
“That’s because you’re hung up on Kento.” My eyes snap at Mori, the bitch. My cheeks turn a bright red, because as much as I hate to admit it she’s right. Even Saturo puts in his two cents. “Yeah, why’d you let that one slip dummy. You should call him! At least I didn’t have to worry about you.” His hands behind his head while he plays a game of balance on the chair.
I can’t help but laugh, “We never dated guys. I just really liked him. You know that.” It stings a bit to admit it. “Besides, he didn’t want anything to do with being a Jujutsu sorcerer. He left that behind.” Mori laughed “Yeah, but you didn’t.”
My head floods of fond memories with Kento and all the time we had spent together. I honestly loved him, but it would have been selfish to try and hold him back. But the feelings were never mutual, we were just friends.
“Yeah Mori, you’re right. Whatever he’s doing though I really do hope he’s happy.” I pull out my phone to check it and see six missed calls from Principal Yaga. My heart drops with the sudden realization, I check the time and scream. “M-Mori we need to go! I was supposed to pick up Yaga nearly 40 minutes ago, he’s going to be late for his meeting!” I rapidly grab at my purse and items and run for the door Mori not far behind me. I hear Saturo answer his phone and start to laugh. It’s Yaga asking where I’m at. I don’t even bother shutting the door behind me, I know Saturo will take care of it.
A bit of insite! Yoko and Gojo are very close, like a sibling bond. His mother and hers were such close friends Gojo’s mom was Yoko’s kari-oya or like a God Parent. So they did play together, but when Yoko’s mother passed away Gojo’s mother took guardianship of Yoko. Personally I Head canon Gojo’s mom to be very kind and loving!
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My Journal friend,
Where do I even begin? I suppose I could start where I last left off. I have good news, we found Jesse and I’m glad we did because he was not in good shape at all. He had caught an unbelievably bad case of pneumonia and thankfully, the doctor said that we found him just in time or else he’d hate to think about what could’ve happened had we not. I will say this, even if Uncle Jeff was telling me to not worry about finding Jesse and to give up, I’m glad he gave in and helped. Jesse wouldn’t be around if Jeff continued being so stubborn.
Liz also came with us to help find Jesse and to keep the peace between Jeff and I as we had had a huge fight beforehand. It meant so much to me that day to have Liz tag along.
Anyway, just as we left Jesse at the hospital the first night, I kissed his cheek. I have no idea what came over me that night, but it just felt right. Jeff and Liz did tease me a little bit because of it but it didn’t last long.
A couple of days later, Jesse told me about his past and boy is it a sad one. It makes me feel very blessed to have the life I have. I have mom and dad, no matter how much they may drive me nuts sometimes and then there is Jeff. Of course I have Zarah too and if I didn’t have any of them in my life, I don’t know what I’d do. I just wish Jesse had a family…no scratch that, he does have a family now and I hope that he knows that he never has to be alone again. 
The best thing to come out of the whole Jesse situation was that he has been working with me to get Jeff and Liz together. You see, Jesse was afraid that he’d have nowhere to go after leaving the hospital and after copious amounts of begging Uncle Jeff to let Jesse stay with him and him saying that he didn’t have the room, Liz stepped up. She turned her guest room into a room for Jesse. I think Jesse likes his room. I haven’t straight out asked him but if I had to wield a guess, I’d say that it’s become his safe haven.
Speaking of getting Jeff and Liz together, what a shit show that has been. At first I thought it’d be easy but boy was I wrong. Jeff has been so stubborn about the whole thing and just when I thought things had worked out and Jeff and Liz were going on a date together, I was humbled beyond description.
 Let me explain.
Jesse and I had spent the day together and when I got home, Jeff was getting ready to go out for the night and when I asked him who he was meeting up with, he told me that it was an old friend. The way he said it made me think that it was with Liz. I was so excited.
I rushed next door to Liz’s and Jesse told me that she also had a date. I ended up helping her get ready as she was feeling incredibly nervous, but it all worked out and she was the vision of beauty. Of course I had to thank the practice I had gotten when I would help mom get ready for her date nights with dad. Bonding with Liz was fun, and I got to know a little bit more about her.
She left for the date a brief time after and while she was gone, Jesse and I watched some horror movies, and you know how much I don’t like those movies but seeing the excitement on his face made me push those feelings to the side. 
This leads me to tell you about my almost kiss. That’s right, you heard correctly. My almost kiss. I started having some second thoughts about Jeff and Liz getting together and I started wondering if my meddling was a clever idea. I also felt like something was right but anyway, Jesse was sweet to comfort me. 
I had my head on his chest, and it was really sweet and then somehow, the atmosphere changed. I remember that I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I felt something pulling me toward him. I don’t remember much after that, but I do remember feeling nervous. I felt butterflies in my belly and my face weirdly got tingly. I had never felt that before, so it was a little strange. Just as Jesse and were about to touch lips, Liz practically kicked the front door in and scared both Jesse and I.
It was really funny because Jesse got so scared that he shoved me off the couch and I hit the floor. We all had a good laugh but then things got awkward. Jesse left to his room and long story short, I got mad at him, and I also got mad at Jeff for making me think he was going on a date with Liz.
Jesse and I have since talked through everything and we are on good terms again. Aside from that, we have bigger fish to fry. 
When Liz came home from her date, she told me that she had not only been stood up by the man that had asked her out, leaving her sitting there humiliated, but she also told me that she had seen Jeff with a woman. She went on to tell me that they had been too focused on kissing to realize that they weren’t the only ones in the restaurant.
I went home that night seeing red. I was alone in the house the whole night and fell asleep on the couch waiting for Uncle Jeff until he came home the next morning looking disheveled. No need to tell me what he was doing. 
We got into a fight because he told me that he had been seeing this woman, Capri, for a while now. I’m still mad that he didn’t tell me about her. I mean, we used to tell each other everything and now, I don’t know. 
Anyway, the other day, Zarah, Jesse and I did some recon. Jesse and I watched what he called chick movies to try and gain some ideas of how to get rid of Capri and Zarah, she did a whole bunch of digging on Jeff’s harpy. I realize the nickname of Harpy may be a bit harsh but learning that this woman is only twenty, I think the nickname fits. Sure, Jeff can date who he wants (as long as it’s Liz) but a 20-year-old? That’s wrong on so many levels.
All of this recap to say this, Capri is finally gone, Jeff and Liz are growing closer, and I finally kissed Jesse.
Let me explain how all that happened, but buckle up, it’s a long one.
July 4th (yesterday)
When Jeff is around on the fourth of July, mom and dad usually cook a big breakfast for us all and we sit in front of the tv and watch whatever sports show is on. It’s a lot of fun but this year, I’m stuck with Jeff and Capri. Normally I wouldn’t mind but Capri completely dictated what we did. No big breakfast and no sports on tv. No fun basically speaking.
What did we do for breakfast you may ask? Jeff and Capri had a breakfast date, and I spent the morning having breakfast with Jesse and Liz. It was a bummer that Jeff wasn’t around but Liz, who had been slaving away in front of the stove, had made Jesse and I an entire spread of 4th of July themed foods. 
It may seem childish when I list the things she made but it meant a lot to both Jesse and I.
Liz had made Firework Pancakes and to go with that, she made a fruit salad with Watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, banana, and pineapple. It was really good. Liz also made a fun drink for us to have with our food. I think she called it patriotic punch, or was it 4th of July punch? I can’t remember but either way It was all so delicious. 
The best part of it all is that Liz and Jesse agreed to watch sports with me. It was so much fun, and I really enjoyed my time with them.
After breakfast and sports, I went back to Jeff’s where Jeff and Capri were just getting back from their date.
I would have said something but the look on Jeff’s face told me not to. Something had obviously happened while they were gone, and I’d be lying if I said that I was at least a little happy on the inside. I hoped that it meant that Jeff was finally seeing the bigger picture.
Capri went inside before Jeff which was good because it gave me a quick second to ask him if he was ok. He gave me a small smile and a nod, but I could tell something was off. I decided not to push it. I just let it go.
Once inside, I went to my room where I video chatted with mom and dad. They were happy to see me but with the things that I told them, they weren’t too pleased with what they were hearing. I assured them that things were being taken care of and that I was fine. We all had a good chuckle at that. 
I’ll be glad when they are home, and I can hug them. I miss them so much. Don’t get me wrong, this summer has been fun, but it’s been different and hard at times. Though I suppose that’s what makes it memorable I guess.
After talking with them, I decided to lay down for a bit but then Jesse texted me, asking if I had plans for the night. I told him that I’d most likely go watch the fireworks with Jeff and Capri and that would be it for the festivities this year.
He replied back saying that he was sorry to hear that. I told him that he didn’t have to be sorry and then he asked me if I had heard of the carnival that happens in Boca every independence day. I told him that I hadn’t and then he asked me if I wanted to go to it with him and check it out. I immediately texted back saying yes. I was determined to go, no matter what Jeff said.
Jesse texted me back and we arranged a time for us to be there and talked about where he would meet me; and because Jesse knew where everything was located, I let him pick our meeting spot.
Once we made our plans, I rushed over to Jeff who was in the kitchen while Capri took a call outside and asked him if I could go to the carnival with Jesse. I was sure that he’d say no but to my surprise, he agreed and much to Capri’s chagrin, Jeff suggested that we all go.
He told me that he’d stay out of my way and let me be with Jesse so long as I kept him in the loop of where we went etc.
Capri did kick up a fuss and tried to get Jeff to change his mind, but he told her that he wouldn’t mind having some fun and that he knew she’d like it once we got there. She told him that she doubted it but just before I left to find Jesse, Capri seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere of the carnival like Jeff said she would, though thinking about it now, it was the kiddie coaster operator that made her appear to be enjoying her surroundings. Or at least that’s how she made it seem with the fact that she was ogling the poor guy right in front of Jeff and I.
Anyway….how many times have I said that word in this entry? Too many is my guess; but in my defense, you know it’s just one of my words that I tend to over use. So sue me if I don’t use another word with the same meaning.
Moving on, I ended up finding Jesse quite quickly thanks to his set of directions and we went off walking around and enjoying all the lights and booths that had been set up.
Jesse told me about one booth he’d always wanted to try but never did because he didn’t think he’d be particularly good at it.
It was a game booth where you’d toss a mini bean bag to try and win a stuffed toy. I was always really good at those games so I told Jesse that we should give it a go. He agreed and he ended up beating me and scoring a pretty big Pikachu, whereas I won a pretty impressive sized hello kitty toy. I didn’t mind that as I do have a secret thing for Hello Kitty, I think she’s super cute.
Once we had done that and tried our hands at a couple other booths, we met up with Liz who had been sitting down enjoying some carnival goodies and told her about our wins. She told us that she was proud of us, and she even offered to watch our prizes for us if we wanted to go off and have more fun. We thanked her and bolted to try our hand at the ring toss before heading toward the rides.
Jesse turned out to be good at the ring toss as well and won himself another stuffed toy, although it wasn’t as big as Pikachu, it was still pretty neat. It was a rainbow teddy bear, and I won a cute orange and yellow coloured monkey. We were happy with our prizes, and we went back to Liz, who had been joined by Jeff and Capri. Liz smiled at us when she saw us with more prizes.
I showed Jeff my prizes and he was happy for me. 
Jesse and I decided to sit down with them for a little bit before we went in search of some cool rides to go on. I just hoped that Jesse wouldn’t suggest the Ferris wheel. I don’t mind the idea of them but as someone who is afraid of heights, I don’t normally go for rides like that. I can brave a roller coaster after a bribe or two, but I’d rather go on what some would call ‘kiddie rides.’ Ones that weren’t too high or too crazy. 
Chatting with Jeff and Liz was nice especially because Capri was on her phone again, texting whoever it was. Jeff seemed annoyed by it, but you could tell that he was trying not to let that show too much, if at all.
Eventually Jesse and I left and as we were about to cue up for one ride, a group of boys about our age started yelling things at Jesse and mocking him. I didn’t know who they were, but I could tell that it was starting to get to Jesse.
I asked him if he wanted to go to a different ride and come back to the one we were at later, but he just shook his head and looked straight ahead. I smiled at him sympathetically and slipped my hand in his. I didn’t want him to feel like he was alone or like I was going to start pestering him with questions. I wanted him to know that I was there if and when he wanted to tell me who those kids were and why they were picking on him and that if necessary, I’d kick their asses.
Jesse could sense that I think and looked at me with a smile of his own. His was a smile of gratitude though and not one of sympathy, which I was glad for.
**He’s cute when he smiles.**
Thankfully, the other boys gave up and moved on with their night and left us alone. I could tell that Jesse was relieved.
Anyway, Jesse and I enjoyed all the rides we went on but just before the fireworks were due to go off, Jesse suggested something I was dreading. He suggested that we go on the Ferris Wheel because the view from up there was amazing, and we would be able to see a few different areas the fireworks would be displayed from. 
I have to admit now that it was neat to see but at the time, I could have killed him. I tried to tell him as calmly and coolly as I could that I didn’t want to go on it, but he noticed my tone and got me to admit that I was terrified.
He was very sweet about it and told me that if I really didn’t want to go on, he understood and would happily go on something else. I could hear in his tone that he was disappointed so I relented, pushed my fear to the side as best I could and told him that if it meant a lot to him, I would brave it just this once. He seemed surprised at that but assured me that it was going to be ok and that he was with me.
We bantered about it for a few minutes and before we knew it, we were at the front of the line and there was no backing out. It was time and I just had to accept it. 
I very shakily got into our carriage, sat down, and tried to get comfortable and by get comfortable, I mean holding on to whatever I could for dear life while praying that we wouldn’t get stuck and plummet to our deaths. I was so in my head about it that I hadn’t realized that Jesse was sitting next to me with his arm around me as though he was ready to grab me at any point and protect me.
It was a kind gesture and one I really appreciate as it made me feel safe.
When we started moving and the carriage started swinging a little bit, I got scared and started freaking out slightly. Jesse again was really reassuring and told me that everything was going to be ok. He also told me that if anything happened, he’d be with me and that we’d go down together. It didn’t help but it did make me laugh, which I guess was his goal as he seemed pleased with himself that I was laughing, even if it was nervously.
After reaching the top, that’s when I really went frantic. The Ferris wheel stopped to let other people off and let other people on.
It was excruciating being that high up and being stationary while the carriage you’re in sways gently.
I was set on keeping my eyes shut to try and calm myself so I wouldn’t end up in a panic attack, but Jesse took my hand in his and told me to open my eyes.
I told him that I didn’t want to, but he told me that it was ok and that if I didn’t open my eyes, I’d miss the firework display. I told him that I couldn’t because if I did, I’d panic, and I didn’t want to do that and make a fool of myself. He replied and said that it was ok and that he understood. 
Admittedly, I was scared that if I opened my eyes, I’d do something that I’d regret. I didn't know what that regretful thing was, though.
Against my better judgment, I opened my eyes anyway and when I did, the sky was illuminated with various shades of red, white, and blue. I was in awe. Jesse had been right, the view from here was breathtaking, even if it was taking every muscle in my body not to pee myself, pass out or get sick with how high up we were. 
Being in the Ferris Wheel that high up with Jesse somehow felt right and just like that, as I watched the colours dance across the sky, the air around Jesse and I changed. 
The air felt thick with apprehension. It was the same apprehension that was in the air the night Jesse and I almost kissed. It was like things had aligned for us to have a second chance at a first kiss. 
I nervously turned my gaze to Jesse to find that he had been looking at me with the same expression he had the first time. I like to think it was an unmistakable look of longing, but who really knows.
I felt a swarm of butterflies rush to my belly at the same time my heart started beating rapidly. My face got all weird and tingly again. I’m not sure what that’s all about but I really don’t care.
After what felt like an eternity of waiting for my first kiss, Jesse’s lips touched mine and pardon the pun, but it felt like fireworks were going off.
I still can’t believe I got my first kiss, and I can’t believe it was as romantic as that and now I can say that one of my biggest fears helped aid me in one of the biggest moments of my life.
It’s something that I will cherish for the rest of my life, as cheesy as that sounds.
I’d love to keep talking about my first kiss (makeout session), but some things are better left to the imagination.😉
Ok, now going back to Jeff, Liz, and Capri.
As I said earlier, Jesse and I left them sitting at a food truck so that we could go on the rides but in that span of time, a fight broke out.
Here’s what happened.
Capri and Kiddie Coaster operator guy had once been in a relationship. I would be surprised if I didn’t already know that, but that’s not the point. The point is, Capri had failed to mention to Uncle Jeff that she and operator guy had been and still were engaged; due to get married this Fall. 
What transpired was that Jeff and Liz, who had been sitting and talking, didn’t realize that Capri had left them to go and hook up with operator guy, who, as it turns out, is the person she had been on the phone with for most of the day. Capri had told her fiancé that she would be coming to the carnival and that she’d meet him behind a certain set of bleachers….I know, how cliche right?
Saying that, the bleachers they were under happened to not be very private shall we say, and Jeff and Liz found them fairly easily. Jeff, rightfully so, got angry and started yelling at the pair. 
When I asked Liz about the fight this morning, she said that it was a little too intense and security had to be called. Thankfully, Liz was able to talk the security guard into letting her and Jeff walk around but he told them that if any more scenes were made, they would be kicked out and not allowed back in, no matter how much they begged. Liz was grateful to him and agreed to keep Jeff in line.
I thought that was funny.
I will admit that it sucks that I couldn’t put my ‘so long Capri’ ideas to the test but I am glad that Jeff now sees the truth and sees just how ridiculous he was being. I’m hoping that it means I can get back on track with trying to get him and Liz together finally; and speaking of Jeff and Liz, I’ve not seen them since this morning, so, just maybe, things are aligning for them as well.
Here’s hoping.
Anyway (I swear that’s the time I say that in this entry, and I promise to try and find another bloody word with the same meaning. My apologies for the repetition), I’m off to go swimming with Jesse and hopefully plan out some more ideas for Jeff and Liz’s happily ever after.
Ok, Bye.
P.S: I don’t understand why everyone says that first kisses are awkward. Mine sure wasn’t!
Tag List: @hauntedflamingo
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