#we gradutated
veri-berri · 9 months
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Nailed it. 😎🎊🎓
Got my B.A. in psych today! Next comes the hard part!
But first, party🥳
Feat. my beautiful, amazing, most supportive, most perfect spouse, @chaora
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sallytwo · 1 year
the wesley academy timeline is so inconsistent and makes no sense AT ALL and i know this is star trek where everything is inconsistent all the time (ESPECIALLY for dear wessie) but it makes me so mad. personally.
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born-to-lose · 9 months
Y'all's new year's resolution is to drink less, mine is to drink more, my alcohol shelf is about to burst and I keep buying more without actually drinking the stuff from last year 😭
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loganelfreeces · 1 month
Umemiya's Savior, Shitara Yuki, and the Old Furin (Knowledge and Theories)
Now, if anyone paid attention during the Umemiya's Backstory chapters (93-97), I'm sure we all noticed two important players in it.
Shitara Yuki, Umemiya's foster care worker who looks after him.
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And the Mysterious Furin 3rd Year Student who saved Umemiya's life.
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I've done a little data collecting, analysing and theorising about what knowledge we do have about these two and what information they can tell us about the old Furin before Umemiya was even in middle school. And potentially where they are now and how they could return in the future.
Shitara Yuki (設楽 優希)
According to this Kanji translator, his name means:
設 means "establishment, provision, prepare" 楽 means "music, comfort, ease" (the tree radical in most Furin names is here, I think) 優 means "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness" 希 means "hope, beg, request, pray"
Since we have more knowledge about Shitara, I'd say he's the easier puzzle to crack, so let's start with him.
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We know he's a bit of a goofball who keeps a dorky, brave face for the kids to protect them from the violence surrounding Makochi at this time.
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But he does deeply care about and is protective of the Furinen kids, scolding them when they worry him and kindly smiling when they need to talk some emotional stuff through.
What I'm most interested is what he says about Furin.
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Notice how the other orphanage worker is talking about Furin and Shitara says "That stings", and she responds with "But I'm not talking about you?"
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Then there's Mystery Student's comment about how "It's not like what happened during your generation".
Shitara Theories
From these comments we can all but confirm that Shitara was a Former Furin Student, likely while it was a delinquent school when the students were "a little more well-behaved" and didn't provoke the nearby teams. And Mystery Student could have known Shitara when he was a student, or heard second hand through Shitara about his time in the school.
Shitara could also be a glimpse into Umemiya's future; what happens after Umemiya gradutes? Does he stay involved in protecting the town? Or does he work in Furinen, being a good caretaker for kids like him? Or does he become a teacher in Furin, protecting the students?
But that's enough about Shitara. Now onto the main event:
Umemiya's Savior
We have comparatively less information about him, so I'm just analysing him to Hell and back.
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What we can infer from the visual information is that he's a 3rd year student (so 17 or 18 when Umemiya is 9, making him 26 or 27 in canon time). He also wears a chain necklace with some kinda charm on the end. Less important, but he has lighter coloured short hair, but we all know hair is allowed to change in this world (Nirei, Kiryu, Umemiya).
I know a few people wondered if he could be Takiishi, but considering Takiishi is around the same age as Umemiya, it's unlikely.
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First thing we can confirm is that he's strong. Specifically that he went to Furin because he wanted to get stronger "just like someone we both know", meaning himself and Shitara.
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Second we can confirm that Savior was in Furinen for 6 months, 8 years before he met Umemiya (17 years ago in canon timeline). Savior would've been 9 or 10 years old at that time. Not only that, but Shitara kept an eye on this kid, the same way he's kept an eye on Umemiya since then. He also has a close enough relationship with Shitara to trust him to handle stuff he's ill equipped to manage.
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Thirdly we can confirm that though Savior was one of the Furin Students wrecking the town, it comes from a place of wanting to protect it. He's trying to stop the teams and gangs from getting too big and becoming a problem for the local area.
So those are the concrete facts. Now for the
Savior Theories
Based on the information gathered, we can confirm that he's got either a role model or a peer he wanted to become stronger for, who Shitara also knew. This person was most likely also a Furinen orphan or a Furin student. And since Windbreaker does this pattern of Serious Guy & Silly Guy (Sakura & Nirei, Umemiya & Hiragi, Togame & Tomiyama, etc), I'm assuming the other student is the Silly to Savior's Serious. As of right now, we can't really make any more guesses about this person.
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It's also highly likely that Savior has gone through something traumatic, in order to give him this outlook on Umemiya's situation. It likely influiences why he didn't try to talk Umemiya down from his suicidal thoughts until after Umemiya attempted it himself. He could well have been putting on an act of indifference though to, in a way, give Umemiya permission to make up his own mind about the situation without someone who "cared" about him getting in the way.
Based on the way that Shitara calls out Savior on the mess of the town and the idea that strength shouldn't be used in this way, and how Savior is trying to protect the town by taking down the smaller teams, part of why Savior could've wanted to be stronger is so he could physically defend the town and have what it takes to overcome life's difficulties.
Where Savior is now?
This is more thumbtacks and string zones, but I think he could be one of Suo's martial arts brothers, based on a connection @101suouexpressions pointed out in this fantastic meta here.
Or if I can be much more cracky with my headcanons, I think Savior could have trained Sakura or is the Weather contact in his phone, based on their Big Damn Heroes entrances when saving a weakling in an alleyway.
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One thing I'm certain of is Savior is highly unlikely to be in Noroshi or one of the random towns folk. The character design and the significance to Umemiya's backstory even without a name reveal proves that this guy is too important to remain a shadow in Umemiya's past forever.
He, Shitara and the "Silly to Savior's Serious" character are most likely gonna turn up in an arc closer to Umemiya's graduation, when the fate of Bofurin's status as Defenders Of Makochi is under threat with Umemiya soon being forced out of the role by the Japanese schooling system.
Savior may turn up in a gang of his own that have been opperating under their own banner trying to protect somewhere near Makochi, but not near enough that Umemiya would randomly run into him and learn his name. Then they could be paralleled with the Noroshi, who are the Furin drop outs who never graduated and became trouble makers, focusing on this other team as being graduates of Furin who stop trouble.
Or if I could be self indulgent, I'd say that Savior is gonna turn up in the Suo Yakuza arc I imagine happening in the future (I'll make a post about this later.)
Guess we'll just have to wait and see what comes next.
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mulderscully · 3 months
considering casey mcquiston's political posting on instagram in the last year and their beliefs i highly highly doubt the sequel is gonna change alex deciding not go go into politics for a while, if ever.
alex is a lawyer.
i know people worry about this since the movie doesn't address how politics never really satisfied him and that it was something he just always assumed he would do because of who his parents are, because he wants to make things better for people and impact their lives- but in the movie he is a little older, already gradutating law school, etc.
there are ways to be a politician in the usa that are more impactful than being president or even governor. he could be so many things.
alex strikes me as someone who will want to work within his own communities in texas, someone who will want to have his hands in the dirt, so to speak. we see that in the campaign montage. alex cares about the people of texas specifically which is why him choosing not to run head first into politics in a huge way and instead work at a small law firm there is what makes the most sense for him.
all the groundwork for that is in the first movie, what they didn't have time for was expanding on that and how much of a struggle alex will probably have seperating himself from being the president's son and becoming an ordinary person alongside henry in a state like texas before he decides exactly what he wants to do later on in life.
this is literally why a second movie was necessary.
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number1aaronhater · 2 months
Zane headcanons because I love him Lets start with family
-Despite never meeting his father's standerds he looked up to him until he came out.. *Garte only let Zane even tranisiton because having another son looked better for the company.
-During childhood Zane was a tomboy, the only "Girly" thing he had was long hair. *He realised he was trans at age 12 and started socialy transistioning
-Garroth was Zane's biggest supporter. Defending him from bullies and trying his hardest to support his little brother.
-Zianna was probably the first to pick up on her son being trans before he even fully came out to her *Zane was bad at hiding the fact he's trans.
-Vylad was 10 and didn't fully understand why Zane was now a boy but he only cared that he wasn't going to have to get the stupid girl hand me downs he got from Zane *Zane and Vylad probably got along the most as teens for their shared gender queerness.
-Garte was the harsher on Zane, he had high expectations for garroth and had even higher expectations for Zane. *Garte thought if Zane wants to be a boy he's going to have to work for it.
*Yes Garte sucks ass but what do you expect.
Moving on from family we have school. This section includes PDH and FCU.
-Durning middle school Zane was bullied by the guys for liking childish games, and the girls didn't want to be his friend because he "left girlhood"
-By highschool Zane was an outcast, and a loner
-Zane never really made friends spending his time in school working or playing games on free periods.
-Zane spent his freshman year at O'khasis Prep and only changed schools due to a mandertory sport ellective and to the fact that he would be living on campus. *Zane was apart of the Jury of Nine on the campus and was feared
-When he transfered to PDH he already had a reputation of being cruel from his time at OKP and people rarely spoke to him.
-He often ignored people and/or threatened them when people bothered him.
-He graduated a year early and took a gap year to work on his art profolio.
-Despite ignoring Travis durning school, Zane made an effort to go to each and every one of the boys plays.
-Zane went to FCU and took most of his classes online.
-Zane majored in art and had overlaping classes with Travis and Aphmau.
-Zane slowly got closer to the pair, and Travis was especially clingly since after Zane gradutated he stopped keeping in contact as much.
-Zane made a modeling account after finding out Travis had one and posted parody posts mocking Travis. *Travis was extremly embarresed when Aph showed him the posts.
-This plan did backfire because people ended up really liking Zane's posts
*People didn't know it was Zane due to the fact he had his mask off and was wearing more form fitting clothes. *Zane got even more popular when he wore his binder and shorts and showed off his vitiligo.
-Zane did a photoshoot with Travis when Aphmau begged him too, and the photoshoot was featured on Aphmau's vlog causing everyone at FCU to who watched the vlog now know that Zane did modeling.
-Zane stopped posted because of how much he blew up and stopped going to inperson classes due to the amount of people trying to talk to him. okay i've been writing for a bit to long so i'll stop here, I do have way more headcanons.
Quick edit, I saw a post on hear and it feed my brainrot
-Okay so the post was abou religous veils and it briefly mentioned that their still used in MyS and it fueled something.
-Zane was apart of the Jury of Nine and as the high priest I imagine he wears veils daily. *Zane wears veils for different ocasions, and his mask often matches his veil.
-PDH not being a religous school, Zane was told first day to take it off as full face masks are reserved for high standing priests. *Zane got to wear his full face veil because due to being the high priest at OKP he was fully ordained.
-Zane to freak students out will say random things in Latin.
That's it for my update.
Edit #2
Okay so quick edit because my brain can't stop.
What if Zane went to OKP all of high school, his first ever interaction being the forced family hangout with the Ro'meaves and Aphmau's family.
The interaction went something like this
As mom left with Zianna I was left awkwardly staring at the three brothers infront of me. I could feel my arm burning as I scratched and picked at my arm. Garroth all smiles and shyness just gave me a small awkward smile. Vylad gave me a weak shrug and the last boy I hadn't seen before. He was wearing a flower of the matron necklace and was playing with it in his hand. He wore a mask, and a full face veil which confused me more. Only high-priests wore full face veils. The boy looked up from his necklace and glared at me his black eyes boring into mine.
Please excuse any grammar mistakes, it's literally 12 AM sooooo... Hope you enjoy.
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mariacallous · 1 year
tbf I only watched Heartstopper from Trixie and Katya and some teens do hold off on sex until they're older and out of high school, sure, but yeah the show does come across as anti-sex like they said. And I think they were saying too how we used to get a bunch of movies in the opposite direction, like I remember how American Pie was "you better lose your virginity before high school gradution!" the movie, but the pendulum has swung entirely the other way with this show having aromantic representation of all things, despite a very small amount of people experiencing that, but having no gay sexual intimacy whatsoever. it's like the show floods the young audience with a bunch of labels and portraying real things like the fear of coming out and homophobia while divorcing it all from sex to make it more appealing to a wider audience because we're still so afraid of gay sex
We're afraid of sex, period, but yes, especially gay sex.
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realcube · 1 month
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ CHARACTER GENERATOR for @kurootetsurousgf
𓆩♡𓆪 part of my lovers level — 3k follower event
𓆩♡𓆪 chosen trope: fake dating
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ YOUR CHARACTER IS...
now that your whole class were nearing graduation, oikawa has been finding the female attention more superfluous than endearing — and as did you with male attention. as your whole class were about to leave high school, the realisation was beginning to settle in that you may never see some of your classmates again unless you're very close, which resulted in an increased amount of love confessions.
and having to constantly reject these poor girls was beginning to negatively effect oikawa's reputation, as people's perception of his slowly shifted from flirtatious playboy to callous jerk. so he urgently needed these women to stop asking him out.
the only two ways to make that happen were to either become unattractive — which he deemed physically impossible — or advertise himself as 'taken' already. the latter was infinitely more realistic, though he didn't want the commitment of actual relationship, just someone cute he could parade around as his girlfriend.
thankfully, you fit the role perfectly. you were made aware of the whole 'fake dating' arrangement, of course, and you didn't mind it all. in fact, it worked in your favour too because it meant you got to avoid all the needless love confessions you received.
hence, you and oikawa were in a 'relationship' for three months before gradution and it worked like a charm. after leaving high school, the two of you continued to talk quite a lot and ramained as a 'couple' for the sake of believability. things were quite hectic in both of your lives for a while, but eventually you both managed to find a free moment in your calendar's to go on a little date.
when you heard an engine rev outside your door, you giggled and excitedly pulled your shoes on, fumbling with your purse as you rushed out to join oikawa in his car. you could see him parked just outside your driveway, and he was leaning against his car on his phone until he saw you come out, then he flashed you a charming smile as he opened the door to the passenger seat for you.
his heart skipped a beat when he saw you coming towards him, wearing such a darling outfit and more importantly, a bright smile that never failed to enrapture him.
"huh? i'm not driving?" you ask jokingly, as you hop into the car.
oikawa rolls his eyes playfully, then walks round the front of the car to get into the driver's seat. "when have you ever drove my car before?"
"exactly. you should let me sometime." you giggle, slipping your seatbelt on as he starts the engine and pulls out onto the main road.
"if i ever feel like dying in a horrific car crash, sure."
you both snicker, then he pressed a couple buttons on the centre console and soft music starts playing, so quiet you can barely hear it. "i made a playlist for the car ride, you can turn it up if you want. it added some of our favourite songs. like the one that was playing in the mall when we were ice-skating and you kept falling over on-beat." he burst out laughing at the memory, meanwhile you crossed your arms over your chest and huffed, feigning anger but a small smirk was tugging at your lips.
"not funny, tōru! that hurt."
"yeah? and who was the one who carried you off the ice and untied your shoes for you when you said your back hurt too much, hm?"
you can't even choke back a cackle at that memory. you told him your lower back hurt from falling so much, hence like any good fake boyfriend he took care of you and pampered you, only to admit you were kidding with him when he saw you bending over to grab something off the ground, perfectly well.
"well, as my foyfriend, it's your responsibility to make sure i don't fall in the first place." you tease, and he raises an eyebrow.
"foyfriend?" he queries.
"fake boyfriend." you clarify.
"oh." he doesn't sound all that pleased with the reminder that the two of you aren't really dating. but you figure perhaps he's thinking about something else, so you try to keep the conversation moving.
"anyway, i think it's very sweet that you made a playlist for our last date. i can tell you're really trying to make it special."
he's nodding along, soaking up the praise happily until the processes your particular word choice, "what do you mean 'last'?"
you perk up in your seat at the question, "i just assumed this would be our last date since high school is over and we don't really have any reason to continue faking a relationship."
oikawa clicks his tongue and furrows his eyebrows in thought, with his intense stare glued to the road. you're right, he thinks. the two of you truly don't have any reason to stay together, so why is it he's so opposed to the idea of letting you go? the whole point of entering a fake relationship was to avoid the commitment that comes with a real one, so why does he desperately long to stay with you?
"this doesn't have to be our last date." he says casually, despite his racing heart.
"it doesn't?"
"no. i'll still have fangirls in argentina. i'll need a fake girlfriend to keep them away." he turns to you briefly with his signature charming smile, one that you couldn't ever refuse.
"well, i'd love to keep being your fake girlfriend, tōru." it takes all your effort to keep yourself from squealing at the prospect of staying with oikawa and potentially going to argentina with him. truthfully, this date was feeling very bittersweet for you up until now because you thought this might be the last time you'd ever see him in person.
"perfect. maybe you can even be my fake wife someday."
"don't get ahead of yourself!"
"aw, c'mon, cutie. don't tell me you never imagine us having a fake wedding someday. with you in a beautiful fake dress, and all our loved ones eating fake cake." he snickers under his breath at his own joke and you do too.
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for @kurootetsurousgf: i did consider giving you kuroo but considering your handle i thought that might be too predictable lol. also matching outfits and ice skating dates is sooo oikawa vibes.
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millenniumdueled · 7 months
about... ten years ago now, my grandpa gave me an ancient puzzle that he claimed had been found in a pharaoh's tomb and was cursed. i didn't believe any of that back then. :p it took me 8 years to solve it and finally put it together, and now i wear it everywhere, every day. it's my treasure...
but it really is magic. when i solved it, i woke up the soul of the pharaoh that was sealed inside before the puzzle was broken up. and now we live together, sharing this body, and our thoughts and feelings together.
he's not another personality of mine or anything like that, but when he first woke up within me, that's kind of what i thought. that's why i started calling him other me.... but after a while, we started being able to talk and meet each other inside our heart.
he's his own person, he just... doesn't have his own body. or his own memories, or his own name... all of that is still locked away.
so i still call him my other me. he's the other half of my heart and soul, and an important part of who i am. and he chats on here too sometimes!! not as much recently, i've been so busy with school and finals and exams and... getting ready to gradutate... but he says hi!!!!!
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g0om · 9 days
okay if loml doesnt get a gf until we gradute i WILL ask her out i swear but rn it woukd b too awkward but then i swear on my life i will
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patricksmusicblog · 3 months
2024 Album Ratings(So Far)
Some summeries, reviews and thoughts I've had about some of the albums I've listened to this year so far.
Elcamino & Black Soprano Family - Here Ya Go: This is the latest project from El Camino a Griselda affiliate. This is the first project I'm listening to from him from front to back. It's soulful, dark, and gloomy as Buffalo and Griselda's projects tend to be. El Camino sounds closest to Westside Gunn so much so it can be easy to confuse the two one big distinction is that Westside is more freewheeling and has more range with vocals El Camino is a bit more reigned in and measured with his flow. This project is emotive with tracks dedicated to the late DJ Shay and the late legend Kobe Bryant. It's solid and probably would've been better had the songs not been short. 7.5/10
Benny The Butcher-Everybody Can't Go: This is Benny The Butcher's fourth studio album and major label debut(Def Jam). The album is largely produced by Alchemist and Hit-Boy two of the best producers of this decade. Everybody Can't Go I'd say is while still being true to who Benny is and that Griselda sound is more in line with what we got on Burdon of Proof Benny doing his thing next to legends and superstars etc I love the menacing and descriptive opener in Jermaine's Gradution. Also, love the triumphant banger that is "Bron". "Big Dog" finds Benny Holding his own next to Wayne. "TMVTL" Speaks to issues that come with dealing with people in the streets. "Pillow Talk and Slander" ft Jadakiss is similar in that it speaks to not surrounding yourself with the wrong people. "Griselda Express" is quintessential Griselda Benny's on it, Conway's on it, Westside's on it. With Benny and Conway coming with stand-out verses. There were times on the album when I thought songs could've been more fleshed out, and times when I thought hooks might be teetering on clunky like One Foot In..but these are small grips on what I think is a great project. 8/10
Schoolboy Q-Blue Lips: Blue Lips is the 6th studio LP from TDE veteran Schoolboy Q. Schoolboy's always been my second favorite out of TDE, with great projects such as Oxymoron and Blank Face. This album is interesting in that it's probably Q's most experimental album made with different sounds whether it'd be delicate piano chords or guitars, there are beat switches and flow switches. While I think this album has some instantly enjoyable sounds and songs, I don't believe this is an immediate album, this is more of a grower than a shower. It's an album that'll reward with more listens. It's gangsta, but introspective fit for the new era and old. You have earworms like "Yeern" but you have the Alchemist-assisted "Lost Times" and the avant-garde banger "Thank God 4 Me". "Blueslides" is beautiful. Then you have traditional hip-hop in with "oHio" ft Freddie Gibbs and Foux ft Ab-Soul. There's a little something for multiple types of Hip-Hop heads on here. A great LP 8.5/10
Tierra Whack-World Wide Whack: Tierra Whack first burst onto the scene in 2018 with her eccentric and creative style with Whack World. A short project with many short songs displaying different skills from rapping to singing all one minute long. Here we get that same bundle of charisma coming through on World Wide Whack. Tierra's command of rhythm and flow is to be commended she can get on any beat and never be out of pocket or range. "Chanel Pit" is a great example she has a great way of finding pockets in the beat and wraps her vocals around it whether singing or rapping without ever sounding off. "Difficult" is not only one of the sadder songs on the project but also shows her vocal range from normal and downtrodden to hurt and delicate. "Living is Difficult" is a relatable line. "Shower Song" is unbelievably funky as she speaks to the freedom of singing in the shower. Themeatically this album is really about growing pains and the mental challenge of going through those going through those growing pains in front of the public. "Two Night" and "27 Club" respectively are the two most important tracks on the album as she speaks to contemplating suicide and the dark feelings coming from that. While there's fun to be had on this album and as elastic as her style is there are a lot of relatable and grounding moments on this effort. Also for those looking for some straightforward rap, "Snake Eyes" is the track it's a gritty banger. Great project. 8/10
Future & Metro Boomin- We Don't Trust You: Future and Metro released one of their best projects since the mid-2010s. This for me is up there with the Beast modes, Monsters, 56 Nights, DS2, etc. Metro's beats are bigger more cathedral and lush. Future's flows and vocals are fluid, and his confidence and swagger are amazing on record. Themematically the album is about being the best and not trusting or rocking with Drake. Kendrick adds to this with his scene-stealing verse on "Like That" where he disses Drake and takes jabs at J. Cole. If you're a Future fan this album is a nice project that shows Future doing what he's always been great at while still challenging himself production-wise. 8/10
Roc Marciano-Marciology: Roc Marciano returns with his 11th studio LP. The God Father of Griselda's style if you like drumless airy atmospheric but dark beats Roc is right up your alley. Possessing a fly & menacing aura, an aged street weariness, and a seen it all done it-all demeanor, you'll never ever hear Roc phased, out of place or, out of pocket. He's always in pocket or making the beat fit his pocket. He has a measured but intricate flow that can be quietly technical at times. At his best there can be something mesmerizing about how calm and surgically he can ride a beat, sound cool, and, make everyone else sound like a lame. It's great. The production here is quality, with dark off-kilter piano keys at times, lush strings at others, and a soulful bluesy at others all of it having a dark undertone. All the features are great and add a good deal to the sound and cohesion of the project. I think it's another great piece to add to Roc Marciano's already great catalog. 8/10
J. Cole- Might Delete Later: Might Delete Later is the fourth Mix-tape in J. Cole's catalog and a top gap release before the main event "The Fall Off" is released presumably later this year. The tape is excellent, and J. Cole is operating in rare form. Every verse he does is packed with bars, his schemes and internals are tight, and his pace change-ups, and flow is fluid. Sonically there are a lot of chill beats and light soul samples. "Pi ft Daylyt and Ab-Soul" finds Cole at his most clever, precise, and exercising his lyricism to its maximum potential. "Sticks and Stonez" is laid back instrumentally which gives Cole a runway to bite back at haters, he sounds crisp, he's never been this skilled. "Pricey" feat. Young Dro and Gucci will sound great in your system or car but also J. Cole will sound great as he's lost his mind on the mic. There's tons of mention of being hungry and ripping everyone to shreds on features. He also sends some jabs Kendrick's way on "7-minute Drill" a 3-minute track putting Kendrick in his place taking shots at his discography, his authenticity, his work ethic, etc. It's nowhere near scathing in fact it's friendly.. still, he got in the ring. You can't be running around calling yourself the top dawg, have a major player diss you, and, proceed to do nothing, obligations that come with the throne. At this point, we're just waiting for Cole's official album release. 8.5/10 Side Note: Cole has since retracted 7 Minute Drill, a fascinatingly mature choice. Didn't play well with a lot of the public but doesn't change the level Cole's been operating at.
Green Day-Saviors: Green Day returns with their 14th studio LP. This one is a major improvement from their critically panned album "Father of all Mother F*ckers" album released in early 2020. This time around the band recaptures a little bit of the magic they had in their heyday roughly 94-04. Particularly in the 90s, with tracks like "Ma, No Brains!" and "1981" bringing good punk energy the guitars are packing the right kind of punch and that speed and restless energy punk is supposed to have is there. Then there are the alt-rock tunes that are well written like "Suzie Chapstick" or "Father to a Son". A condensed version of the album with about 10 songs may push this into the great category. There are songs here that are a bit too bland, safe, and, generic for my taste. Ironically the title cut rings somewhat stale to me, tracks 7-9 sound nondiscript. At their age, I guess they lack the energy to consistently gen up punk ferocity, which is fine. I wasn't sure they had an album this good left in them something I'm happy to get from one of my favorite bands. 7.5/10
Rapsody-Please Don't Cry: Please Don't Cry is North Carolina's own Rapsody's fourth official album not counting mixtapes and eps. Rapsody's been a great rapper since her debut Idea of Beautiful and has only grown as an MC. Lailia's Wisdom was better than that, and Eve was even better than that but I believe this is her best project to date. It's easily her most personal/vulnerable and we get to see exactly where Rapsody's head is at on this album while still dazingly on the mic with her skill set. "Marlena" is a great tone setter as she raps aggressively but ultimately is trying to figure out who she is under all the bells and whistles that come with being a rapper. "Asteroids" with Hitboy is amazing and sounds like something I'll be listening to for years to come as she speaks to her greatness going underappreciated due to sexism and hate on both sides. I have a personal connection with DND(It's Not Personal) as someone who needs days where they don't interact with anyone and needs alone time I get it, if you're Rapsody I imagine that time is even more precious and special. "That One Time" is deep, personal reflective as she speaks to doing things that go against the morals she grew up with personally, experimenting sexually, seeking validation, and, love she feels she may have never gotten as a youth. It feels almost too personal but it also lets you into the human side of the artist, this is Rapsody, the type of things that make her tic, what she's going through. "Loose Rocks" is a tear-jerker, as Rapsody speaks to dealing with a family member struggling with dementia making their day and dealing with the heartbreaking reality that she may wake up one day and not remember who she is. It's devastating but again shows vulnerability and speaks to a mental health topic not discussed in rap all that much. Special. Elsewhere Rapsody shows she can go with the best of them I love her track with Wayne almost has a lo-fi sound production-wise. Both of them go crazy on the track, particularly Rapsody, I also love "He Shot Me" speaking to the pain and trauma we go through with police brutality in this country. "Back in My Bag" is a straight banger of a track and much much-needed one on the album. This album is deep, and personal and shows a lot of range as a writer for Rapsody. It's a long 22 tracks long but she carries it, her talent warrants the run time. 9/10
Vince Staples-Dark Times: Vince Staples is the 6th studio LP from Vince Staples none have his albums have been bad but he's definitely been on a run from the self-titled LP he released in 21' moving forward Rohmona Park Broke My Heart may have been even better but it wasn't played as much for me. Dark Times is a little more similar to the self-titled album, it's tighter at around 10 tracks discounting skits, intros, and outros. It finds Vince Staples really struggling between his most morbid thoughts and feelings of hopelessness and his desire to see those around him escape the traps and hellscapes they think they need to participate in. "Government Cheese" finds Vince dealing with some survivor remorse, dealing with being the only one who made it. "Shame on The Devil" is a track where you can see Vince dealing with temptation and recognizing the wrong but still falling weak to it at times. "Etouffee" finds him dealing with fans of his old music or his more street tales and criticizing that while giving it to them with this very track. "Little Homies" speaks to the youth and warns them about crashing out speaking to the idea there's value in long life. The album is personal, thoughtful, and subdued. 8/10
Tha Dogg Pound-W.A.W.G(We All We Got): This is a fun one, full of nostalgia and music to ride to. Tha Dogg Pound is back with Snoop, Rage, RBX, etc with a new album that features that classic g-funk sound. While their angst has smoothed over, it's not nearly as hardcore as Dogg Food, there are definitely bangers on here. I love the first track "Smoke Up" Daz and Kurupt come off on that well. The title cut has some of the best production on the whole album, definitely, a track I can see myself going to and returning to. There are a lot of feel-good chill tracks on this album, a lot to play and relax to on a Sunday afternoon. Still, I'm inclined to tracks with more to say I enjoy the track "Grown Up" which speaks to being too old for the violence of being active, I also appreciate "Always on My Mind" which is in dedication to those loved and lost. "Who Da Hardest" Ft Lady of Rage, RBX, and Snoop may be the crown jewel of the album, love the beat, and, each member of DPC went hard on the track. On the whole, I think this is a well-produced album from some veterans that know what they're supposed to sound like. May not blow anyone away but worth a listen. 8/10
Little Simz-Drop 7: Little Simz comes through with a short 7-track EP that sees her experimenting with some glitch-hop sounds. Skittering percussion, jittering beats, and Simz earnest vocals on these tracks. This is nothing I'd say that's particularly special compared to the previous two Little Simz projects. I enjoy the smooth swagger of I Ain't Feeling It" I also enjoy "Far Away" for its Electro&B sound. It's quick ideas that involve her experimenting and trying something new but at 14 minutes it's just a stop-gap release I think this sound could be interesting though and I think more fleshed out and powerfully produced I think Simz could do a lot with it. 7/10
Mach-Hommy-Richaxxhatian: Mach-Hommy is a New Jersey rapper of Haitian descent under the Griselda umbrella and takes cues from that sound. The beats here are dark, gritty atmospheric beats, a lot of melancholic pianos, and, off-kilter beats that make me think of grey skies and cracks in the sidewalk. A lot of the beats are lush, not uncommon for a flute or horn to come in a give it a full body feel. His style is also somewhat reminiscent of Roc Marciano's who's featured on the first tracks on the album. Mach-Hommy raps with conviction and has a nimble and fluid flow. He's a dense rhymer known for stacking internals and multi-syllabic rhymes on a beat. Most all the tracks here are great and I think thus far it's the best album I've heard not only from the Griselda camp this year but in this vein this year. I can see myself returning to this throughout the year. 8.5/10
Megan Thee Stallion- Megan: This is Megan Thee Stallion's 3rd LP. It's another great project filled with unbridled charisma, a tight flow of hunger, and unapologetic raunchiness. The album starts with "Hiss" one of the hardest songs on the project and there's a certain energy and tenacity Megan can reach on record that when hit can be some of the most entertaining in music really. She comes right behind that with "Rattle" a catchy tune with a solid hook. There's a lot of talk about dominating despite haters and really coming through triumphant despite that. There are times when Meg can fall victim to some of the same types of songs and beats and flows to the point where things can be generic. "Otako Hot Girl" is a point where Meg challenges that and leans on her love of anime, the beat is effervescent and I think it takes her to a different place flow-wise. I feel similarly bout the Yuki Chiba-assisted "Mamushi" a J-Rap bop as Megan goes for something a little different. "Accent" ft Glorilla finds Meg & Glo embracing their southern accents and style, it's a great track, and Glo's vocals cut through differently. "Paper Together" ft UGK is great Meg gets into her Tina Snow bag as she, the late Pimp C, and Bun B wax poetically about pimpin'. "Down Stairs DJ" is Megan in her bag, it's confident and sexual, authentic to who she is. Megan can give you layers and though it's not all over the place on the album, "Worthy" and "Moody" especially let you behind the curtain see the woman behind the looks, and partying to some of the things she struggles with on a day to day. I think it's a worthwhile album. Is it a little long yeah but I think ultimately you get what you want from Megan if you're into her as an artist. 8/10
Lupe Fiasco-Samurai{Off first listen}: Lupe's ninth Studio LP, this album has a jazzy sound to it, and a lot of melancholic piano chords to it. As for Lupe similar to Nas, you don't worry about Lupe lyrically, he's mostly always sharp. I love the authenticity and sound of "Palaces". "Cake" showcases not only skill but braggadocios rhymes. The album while leaning dense lyrically because that's just who Lupe is is a more easy listening than some of his past projects. Samurai is only but 8 tracks 31 minutes long neat and concise a quality addition to Lupe's catalog with a good amount of replay value.
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thesweetrash · 6 months
beauty can be a curse
l am a 17 year old girl and i just got my life ruined by some girl that i dont even know who she is first of all let me say how it begin it all started when i was 7 year old girls would always bully me and pull my hair and sometimes beat me up by some girls that were older than me i came form islamic family and arab family i looked Different from anyone else i had a dirty blonde hair had a hazel large big eyes they alway bully me for my eyes they told me i look like a freak and they took too much space on my eyes they also called me alien they spread Rumours adout me that i dyed my hair even tho i was only 7 year old they also spread Rumours about me they told everyone that i have a lice in my hair so everyone stayed away from me and nobody likes me or hang out with me and i have no friends even by teachers. some teacher i was very Surprised by it bc i thought she likes me and bc we have the same last name it turned out that she gave an f and i am supposed to be graduted this year actually bc of all what happend to me i cloudn.t be like the other girls i became very shy and i would never say anything i barely say anything at all and l am only comfortable to my family only not to my dad tho and now i am in high school theres many girls that i don.t know hates me for no reason they give me the most disgusting look i have ever seen they did a group of whatsup of who hates me and they told mean stuff they even said a lot of Rumours about me i only have 1 frined that is a true frined i had another 1 too but her frineds spread us away and one of the stupidest Rumours that i ever heard of me some girl stalked me till i went to my brother car and she knew the car that i went on that morning was my father car and she went crazy and told everyone else that i am whore can you even believe it and i know you probably don.t believe me but girls sometimes can get crazy god only knows why but back to who ended up having my life ruined one of the girls in my school that i have no idea who she is got my mother number and i have no idea how maybe she took by our school and she photoshop my face to a girl that had onlyfans it is Clearly not me bc i am not rich enough to have that big ass bed and no one believes me please somebody please tell what do i do i am so scared and i am having a panic attack i don.t do thoes stuff in fact i am a very Religious girl i would never do that how do i convice them please i just wanna to graduated and became artist and maybe make my ow book please somebody tell me what should i do i can not have my life ruined for that
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jinhyun · 7 months
MON 😭 The watercolors 😭 TOO CUTE
Once you gradutate i'll be your first client and i'll be suing you for having me have all them feelings. So prepare to be both defendant and prosecutor. (Then we sue him. You know who)
ah, yes. to have my first case ever as a lawyer be against myself. the dream. 🥹
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ballblender · 1 year
Selfish - A KagaKuro Angst
Preface: hello hello i know i have not posted in a while, but I AM GONNA MAKE THIS A COMEBACK (maybe)
This can be interpreted as a ship post, or not, it doesn't really matter imo, kagakuro is cool tho.
cw: angst (obviously), kagami + kuroko are in their second year, selfish kuroko and kagami, both people are at fault, more story-central than relationship-central, kagami doesn't have a good relationship with the GOM.
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"Hey, where's Kuroko?"
It seemed at if saying that question was just part of what made you a member of the Seirin basketball team. Nobody could count the amount of times that the team would go out, whether it be to train, to play a match, or even the hot springs, and have Kuroko go missing as soon as they leave.
"Kagami, do you know where he went?" Koganei asks.
Kagami sighs and shrugs. Despite having a good relationship with Kuroko, he still views him as an enigma.
"Seriously, we can't go out without him sneaking off. It's getting ridiculous." Riko admits, tapping her shoe on the sidewalk in frustration.
Kagami grunts softly. He knows it's true, but he can't help himself defending Kuroko at every turn, even if he did used to get equally angry in situations like these, especially earlier in their first year.
Hyuuga sighs, "He's not picking up his cell either. Come on, let's all split up and look for him. Meet back here in 30 if you haven't found him." The team groans, but obeys, splitting up.
Kagami wanders down the street, scanning passersby for that unique shade of baby blue hair.
It doesn't take long for him to spot Kuroko, practicing his dribbling and shooting in a public court.
However, instead of meeting Kuroko with the usual smack over the head, followed by a collar-pull back to the metting spot, Kagami walks over, calmly but solemnly. Honestly, it's a bit scary.
"Hey, Kuroko."
Kuroko flinches, and turns around.
The two of them stand in silence, Kuroko's eyes fixated on Kagami's face, as Kagami's eyes fixate on the ground.
After a moment of silence, "...are we meeting up with the other-"
"Why are you so selfish?"
"E-eh?" Kuroko flinches, "W-what do you mean...?"
Kagami stares at him, his eyes filled with, a sort of anger, one that mixes with a subtle sadness too.
"You...y-you can't do this all the time."
"Do what...?"
Kagami scowls.
"Do...this. Sneaking off on us all the time, and having to have our seniors and classmates look for you. It's not fair on them."
Kuroko looks to the side, conflicted.
"I'm only trying to improve myself, for the team." He remarks, though softly.
"But don't you realise how selfish you can be?"
"Stop calling me that."
"But you know that it's true. You know it, even when we started out, you already told me how I'd be 'The Light to your Shadow', and overtake the Generation of Miracles. But you didn't actually care about me, knowing them now, I fucking hate those guys, don't want to be anything like them. You just promised me that so you could get your revenge on them for how they decided to play back in middle school, that's selfish."
"T-that's not true, I-"
Kagami starts to tear up, "And now that I've been thinking about it, basically everything I've done related to basketball in the last year was because of you. It's like I have no control over my own playstyle. Even though winning with the others feels great, it's like I can't play without them."
"...why is that a bad thing?"
"Think about it. Our strength as a team has already decreased ever since Kiyoshi left because of his knee. And what about our seniors? They gradute this year, and once they're gone, we're the ones who have to build the team back up again. I've trained so hard to get to where I am now...but you. You've essentially kept the exact same style as you have from middle school up until this point, and you don't think that's selfish?" Kagami practically yells.
Kuroko scowls, his voice starting to uncharacteristically increase in volume, "That isn't true. I've trained just as hard as you have."
Kagami wipes his furious tears. He knows Kuroko is right, he has trained a lot, and opened Kagami's eyes to a whole new perspective when playng basketball, but inside of him, there's still that urge within him to completely dominate the court through sheer force alone, like he did in America. So how is it fair that Kuroko can maintain his own playstyle, and not him?
"...find your own way home today, I'm leaving." Kagami mutters, leaving Kuroko alone on the court, his own tears starting to brim in his eyes.
"Did you find him?"
"...no, I didn't."
a/n: I hope you enjoyed, I am a massive fan of the characterisation and motivations of the KNB cast, and wanted to show some of that here! <3 (hope i did them justice)
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Rosebelle Swan
what if.... Bella Swan has a fraternal twin sister by the name Rosebelle Marian Swan.
Growing up Rosebelle Swan has never seem to measure to sister Bella in their parents eyes even when She did everything perfect, but it's still not good enough.
When I got imprinted on by my friend Jacob Black instead of accepting the imprint like the other wolves Jake reject it which only devested me. Even Jake dosen't want to accept me since I'm not Bella, I had enough always being compare to my twin sister that when I graduate high school early. I decided to leave Forks instead of staying around and didn't tell anyone where I'm going.
My twin sister Bella was so understanding for me wanting to leave even when she's going through a horrible break up but she disen't need me to get through her break up she has our dad even jake. I gaved her my new phone number and made her promise not to give my new number to our parents or Jake or any of the pack which she did before I left without any backward glace.
I descided to move with my Aunt Anne and her husband Enrico Rivera. I always been close to both of them than I ever did with my own parents. They always wanted children of their own but Aunt Anne is unable to have a child of their own so they both treat me like the daughter they never had before which I don't mind since my parents never show me love like I wanted the one who did was both my Aunt Anne and Uncle Enrico their more my parents than my actual parents.
Emily Young the Imprint of Sam Uley understand why Rosabelle left Forks a few weeks after Jacob Black rejected his own imprint which broke Rose's part of the imprint but it dosen't mean that it hurt her anyless especially since she has always been under her sister's shadow. While the part of Rose's imprint broke it dosen't mean that Jacob's end also broke but on the contrary it still very much strong when he first imprint on her. Rose might have a chance of falling in love with someone else and get married if she want but Jacob dosen't have that luxury of beging with someone other than his imprint which is now impossible since he rejected her which cause her to leave washington all together, even the other wolves knows the only one who don't is Jacob himself.
Who was to busy beging the lap dog of Bella Swan the twin sister of his own imprint to care she left at all. Sooner or later he would regret rejecting his imprint before they even had a chance just because she wasn't Bella Swan. The only one who still has contact with Rose is bella herself and she isn't telling anyone where she is because she promise her sister she wouldn't tell anyone her where about unless Rose told herself that it was alright. Which the pack understand which they mostly wouldn't see Rose again, unless Bella get married if she even get married at all, which we doubt that Bells would ever marry Jacob shd may date him just fill the hole that Edward Cullen left from her heart but they are 100% sure that Bella would never marry Jacob.
I work so hard to gradute Collage after I moved to the Philipines with my Aunt and Uncle and I, Rosebelle Marian Swan has decided to attend Atenek de Manila University and work hard to graduate Early that by the time was 20 years old I already graduate and I only attending this University for about 3 years before graduating decided to make a name for my self as a singer and actress.
I got casted in my first movie when I was 20 years old as dyesebel herself in a Philippine television drama romance fantasy where she meet her co-star Nathan Raphael Dantes casted as Fredo the love intrest of Dyesebel, they became friends with one another but as months pass feelings for each other grew like no other that I manged to forget all about Jake and feeling unloved but with Nathan is different he makes me feel wanted and love like no one has ever show me. It wasn't before we end up together. He even heal her broken heart, I know then he is the man I wanted to spend the rest of life not Jacob. I'm glad Jacob reject me as his imprint if not I would have never been able to meet Nathan I wouldn't have left Forks and meet Nathan and that is something I never wanted to happen meeting Nathan is best that could have ever happen to my life.
3 years after, after Rosebelle left Forks Jacob manged to get Bella Swan as his girlfriend but the pack kniws that she has no feelings for him she was only using him to fill the hole Edward left behind 5 years ago. She only agree to be his girlfriend since she dosen't want to lose him to like she lost her leech of an ex-boyfriend. Bella was 22 years old by then attend Washington State University for her junior year of college.
2 years later...
Bella Swan was invited to a wedding in the Philipines which she attend alone since Jacob can't leave the tribe unprotected from Vampires even with his pack brothers not that Bella mine going alone to wedding it was like Bella dosen't want Jacob to come to wedding at all. Unknown to the pack the wedding inivation was from Rosebelle's wedding to her boyfriend Nathan Dantes who she dated for four years. It's why Bella didn't want Jake to come, bella travel to the philipines for Rosebelle's wedding which all the their friends and close family were their.
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(Rosebelle Marian Swan & Nathan Raphael Dantes)
They have huge wedding which bella should expected their both famous actor and actress making about a couple million a year. And Rose make even more beging a singer as well.
Bella was happy that Rosebelle found her own happiness that she deserve after many years of beging alone, she finally found the guy she want to spent the rest of her life and anyone call tell Rosebelle is happy with Nathan they are each other's better half.
Nathan gaved his new wife Rosebelle a song writen just for Rosebelle composed by a friend of their.
(Replace the name Marian River for Rosebelle Swan)
After the wedding Bella return to Forks after saying her goodbye to her Aunt Anne and Uncle Enrico Rivera along with her twin sister Rosebelle and her new husband Nathan, who plan to take Rose to Malamawi Island, the crown jewel of Basilan, for their honeymoon for a month.
Charlie Swan didn't ask why she travel to the philipines for a wedding which she lied about an old friend she has when she and Rose visit their Aunt when their kids just got married. Which he accepted by then charlie Swan already realized how he treated his youngest daughter always comparing her to Bella that she grow distant to him over the years and the only one she seem to get along with is Bella herself. He didn't even realized that she left he was to worried about Bella now he dosen't even know where she was or she was even alived, he regret many thing on how he never seem to pay attention on Rosebelle growing up that he didn't even know the most basic thing about her he thought her favorite color was green until Bella correct him that it was Red & Purple not green like he first thought it was like he didn't even know his youngest daughter.
Charlie Swan wasn't the only one who regret how he raised Rosebelle so did Renée Dwyer who never payed any mine to Rosebelle until she left altogether. Bella and Rosebelle are now 24 years old so they don't really need them anymore, but I know I wanted to make up for all the things I miss in Rosebelle's life I know charlie felt the same but we both know we can't turn back time we just need to keep moving forward maybe one day we might make up for our mistake with Rosebelle and we hope one day she would find it in her heart to forgive us.
A year after Rosebelle and Nathan Danates got married they were noth bless with twins a boy and a girl while their children where unexpected but they are still equally love by the time Rosebelle give birth to her twins she was already a 26 years old woman and her children was given the name Rosella Anne and Adrian Xavier Dantes.
Which Rosebelle and Nathan welcome their two children's birth and they were both over joy at the birth of their own children. Which Bella congrasulated them on Skype since she can't visit in person just after a year after her return from the philipines so they understand they she would most likely not meet the twins in person at less they can talk on skype when they grew up.
It wasn't long before Bella decided to break up with her boyfriend Jake Black who she been dating for almost 3 years now since she wasn't even in love with him to begin with she only agree to date him so that she would lose him like she did with Edward and by then the pack already destroy Victoria who wanted to kill for unknowingly getting her mate James killed by the Cullens in order to protect me.
Beside any feels I may have had with Edward has long fade after all it been 8 years since Edward left me and it's doubtful that they would come back for her and it's about time I move on with my life instead of living in the past like I have been doing since Edward left me.
"So in order for me to truely move on from Edward I decided to leave forks for a while decided to move yo the Philipines to near my Aunt Anne and her husband Uncle Enrico and be near my sister and her husband along with their two beautiful children. Maybe who knows I might find love again here like Rosebelle did" bella thought to herself.
3 months later...
Bella end up meeting a friend of her sister and brother-in-law, Richard who is well known Filipino actor, environmentalist and model. They fell in love with each other, it was like it was love at first seight that they are now dating each other and look together many people told them that.
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(Richard De la Cruz and Bella Swan)
Richard is the now who really help bella move on from Edward Cullen the moment they meet each other it was like Edward never even walk into to her life. She was glad to move to the Philipines because it allow her to meet the lovd of her life Richard this Bella was sure of she dosen't know what she'll do if she ever lost Richard he is her life if he isn't in it then life isn't worth living without him by herside.
Bella also meet the nine months old children of her sister which she quickly adore them. Growing up with their mother Renée, Bella never wanted children but if it was Richard then shecwould love them because they are the proof of their love to one another like Rosella and Adrian are the proof of Rosebelle and Nathan's love for each other.
By then Rosebelle isn't just an Actress, and singer, she also model, Misician and Dancer. While Nathan isn't just an actor anymore he is also a Model, Film Director, Film producer, Televation Direcfor, Dancer and Political. Both of them are known as the Primetime king and Queen.
They recently finish foing a tv show called Encantadia which is a Philippine television drama fantasy. Rosebelle cast as  Minea the fourth queen mother of the Kingdom of Lireo, and the mother of the four Sang'gres destined to be the keepers of the four elemental gems of the world of Encantadia. While Nathan casted as Raquim of Sapiro, he  is a Prince of the Kingdom of Sapiro. He is a cousin of Rama Armeo and the father of Hara Amihan of Lireo.
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(Rosebelle and Nathan as Minea and Raquim)
They both had fun acting in that TV show it was one of the best tv drama they did together and Dyesebel only coming in secound.
Bella Watching her sister act at her latest Tv show made her wanted to try beging an actress it look found to her so she try and her first Tv show as Alwina in Mulawin a Philippine television drama fantasy which she casted along side Richard that's when she realized her true calling as actress. And she even did Mulawin: The Movie is a Filipino fantasy action film sequel to the Mulawin television series. Which is very big hit. 
17 years later....
Jacob Black regret ever rejecting his Imprint on Rosebelle 25 years ago, I don't even know if she's still single. I was stupid enough to reject her just for the chance to be with Bella who never loved him not even the 3 years they dated and now the pack recevied a wedding inivation to wedding which the pack attended only see his imprint that he rejected 25 years ago happily married and have two 17 years old son and daughter.
If I wasn't so stupid to reject Rosebelle I might have been happily married to Rosebelle by now and her twins could have been my own children, if only i wasn't stupid i would be happy like the rest ofmy pack mates.
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ninetyonekz · 27 days
At my gradutation we sang and danced alone With teachers
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