#we had already been flirting beforehand
annieisyourfavourite · 2 months
literally was late for work bc i decided to risk it all by getting dicked down before leaving
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luveline · 1 year
𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
one | two
Finding out you're a princess isn't half as intimidating as suddenly acquiring a full-time bodyguard. Especially when that bodyguard is disarmingly handsome, charming, and can't seem to stop flirting with you.
bodyguard!james, fem!reader, shy!reader, princess diaries au (sort of), all characters in their 20s or older, star-crossed lovers/ forbidden romance james isn't flirty this chapter i lied but he will be <3
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Sirius Black smells like winter. The deep and fruity fragrance of cranberries, pomegranate, maybe cinnamon. You aren't certain, and if he weren't currently an inch from your face, you'd ask him what it is. 
"You poor thing," he murmurs, dabbing very, very gently against the bruised skin of your cheek.
"It's not–" You hiss at sudden pressure. He immediately recedes. "It's not so bad." 
"I've half a mind to rag him around and take up the mantle myself." 
"I'd love to see that," Remus says.  
"I'd look good in the uniform, right?" 
James doesn't look happy at their joking but he's been nothing less than a grovelling puppy since last night, and he breaks his silence to say, "You don't have to wear any make-up if it's going to hurt." 
"Uh, yes she does. Imagine the headlines otherwise: Lost Princess Bruised Under the Imbecilic Watch of New Bodyguard," Sirius announces, sharing a not-so-private smile with Remus across the coffee table. 
"It doesn't hurt," you say to James. 
You're lying. Being smacked in the face with a door isn't just embarrassing, it really fucking hurts. James' biceps aren't for show, that's for sure. He'd swung open the door and you, having tripped seconds beforehand over the cord of your lamp, had been at the perfect height for it to bounce off the highest point of your cheek. 
"Princess," he says now, as he'd said last night, "I'm so sorry." 
You think of his hands under your arms pulling you up into a standing position, and the way he'd tilted your head back. The barking order he'd given Frank to grab something to use as an ice pack, and the warmth of the pad of his thumb as it stroked the soft line of your jaw. 
"It was a freak accident." You smile, careful not to push up your cheeks lest you invite another round of shooting pains. "Please don't feel bad. It's my fault for being up in the first place, I– I couldn't sleep." 
"If you want anything for it, let me know," Remus says. 
"He's got, like, his own personal pain pharmacy," Sirius says. "You should take him up on it. I beg him everytime we fly for some of the strong stuff and he always says no, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." 
"Let's not start on the co-codamols," James says. 
"I have ibuprofen," Remus placates. 
"I don't need anything, I promise." 
Some ibuprofen would be awesome but you really don't want James to feel guilty. You want to forget it even happened, embarrassed by both your idiocy and your tears. 
Getting hit in the face by a metal door handle hurts. Your reaction had been justified, but crying all over your handsome bodyguards nice hands hadn't been something you'd pictured doing. Not 12 hours after meeting him.
"You want me to do your lips?" Sirius asks. 
"How do you mean?" 
Sirius pulls a metal palette of lip colours out of his small make up bag and shows them to you. He circles two with a disposable brush. "These would suit you. I wasn't sure about your complexion. Now I know, I'll get you more options when we're back in Genovia." 
"Oh, um…" You shake your head at him apologetically. "I don't know. You should do what you think is best." 
He puts the palette away. "You don't need anything you're unsure of. You don't need any makeup at all, my love, it only enhances what's already there." 
"Ten minutes," James says. "Princess, are you sure this is everything you want to take?" 
He taps your suitcase with the side of his shoe. You nod. 
"You can bring whatever you want. All of your things, if you like." He gestures to your bedroom. "Though we can get you anything you need, and we will, you're welcome to pack everything." 
"In a day, you'll know I'm not your princess. Less stuff to carry," you say. 
"You're so sure," Remus says. 
He speaks quietly but not timidly, laid back in your chair with an air of relaxation you wish you could master. He has a small mass market paperback tucked into one pocket of his jacket, the yellowed pages peeking over the hem, and his hand stuffed into the other. His pose doesn't speak of any arrogance. He looks happy to be here, and it puts you at ease. 
"Do I look like a princess?" you ask. You don't mean to put anyone on the spot —you aren't fishing for compliments— so you steamroll your own question. "I just find it strange. Surely I'd know. I would've known before, I mean." 
"Like a princess beacon?" Sirius asks. 
"No, but… I don't know. I think I'd feel it." 
Remus straightens a touch, grinning. "You look like him. The Prince. You have the same nose." 
Remus stands up before you can ask him to explain. James offers to take his bag and he shrugs away from his big hand with an annoyed huff. 
To your surprise, James only smiles, cooing after him, "You know you love me, Moons." 
"Well," Sirius says, zipping his bag closed and clasping his hands on top of it. "You can always have your things sent for once we're home." 
Home for them. 
Truthfully, deep down, you want to be a princess. Something in you is singing, is ringing, a string plucked, a tuner reverberating. Finally, something is happening. Your life could be more than mistakes. 
You're not used to having people around and this entire process has been hard. Getting hit in the face had sucked. But, to have company? This single hour has been one of the best you've had in a really long time. Sirius is sweeter than you'd thought, sarcastic but kind-handed, and Remus' dry humour has caught you off guard enough to laugh aloud multiple times. Even James' grovelling niceties have been shamefully enjoyable. You can't remember the last time you had someone around who wanted to comfort you.
And that's exactly why you're afraid to admit what seems true. You can't be the Princess, because if you are, you get to have this for a little while longer, and that would be too good to be true. 
Much, much too good. 
"Alright, let's go. Sirius, you have the keys?" 
Sirius swings his bag into James’ arms. “Am I driving?”
“What a stupid question.”
Another member of James’ security team meets you at your front door to help carry the bags downstairs and into the back of the SUV. James won’t allow you to help and getting inside while they’re still packing the boot feels spoiled, so you stand at the corner and feel too many eyes on you. James stands beside you, one hand hovering behind your shoulders to shield you, ridiculously, from the hedge behind, the other held aloft in level with his mouth, fingers curled around a small radio you’ve seen clipped to his shoulder. He’s enunciating clear, short instructions. He doesn’t sound as severe as you’d pictured someone in his occupation would sound. 
“What’s traffic like?” he asks. The answer buzzes down the line, inaudible to you but obviously understood by James. “Alright, brilliant. We should be on schedule, then. Is the third team on call?”
You can make the next answer out. “Yep, they’re waiting. You want them at the front?”
“Please. I want everyone we have, ideally.”
“Isn’t that overkill?” Sirius shouts from the passenger seat of the car, bent over the handbrake to be heard. “All three teams? That’s twelve men. None of my sources hint at any leaks.”
“I’m being over cautious.” James smiles at you, so suddenly you smile back on instinct. “Security on call get paid either way. Might as well make them work for it.”
He ushers you into the back seat, a cushy leather bench fit for three people. It’s rented, but Sirius is quick to pop a section behind his chair for you to show you the drinks fridge. 
“Oh,” you breathe, legs lit and cooled by the light and the chilled air, “cool.”
“You’ll want to drink one before James assesses that they’re poisoned.”
You wince back. “Are they poisoned?”
“Probably not, my love.”
Sirius is a mixture of flirtatious and genuine that you can’t wrap your head around. He’s awfully handsome, too, which makes it worse: he’s tanned, his curls shine, and he has the most perfect Roman nose you’ve ever seen. He’s almost as handsome as James. 
“Let me be very clear,” he says gently, turned in his seat to face you, “I’m not an intelligence agent. I don’t know nearly as much as darling Jamie about security, but I have a lot of friends in high places and, as far as I’m aware, nobody outside of the British or Genovian government knows what we’re doing here. And nobody has reason to hurt you just yet.” He grins. “It’s James’ job to be paranoid, but that’s all it is.” 
You waver, and his cheerful smile fades. 
He lowers his voice, tone sympathetic. “I can always try one first if you’re worried.”
The driver’s door opens and James climbs in. “Try what?” he asks. He moves through a routine quickly of safety checks like a learning driver would. He rolls up the open window and turns in his seat, gaze flitting between you and Sirius suspiciously. “Everything okay?”
“I think the Princess is a little anxious about leaving the country,” Sirius says. 
“Yeah?” James asks, eyes back to the windshield. He turns the key, and the car warms to life with a low roar. 
“A little.” You nudge the fridge closed with your foot. 
“What was that?” James asks. “Is that a fridge? Do me a favour, don’t drink any of that. I'll get you whatever you want at the airport.”
“She can’t have a bottle of water from the fancy jeep but airport drinks are fine?” Sirius laughs. 
“Spike one fridge’s worth or the entire supply chain?” James asks. 
“What if this assassin is inefficient?”
“Assassin?” you ask. 
James glares at Sirius. "There are no assassins, Princess. He's being ridiculous." He looks to you with a smile. "You have everything?" 
Your expression, a sickly grimace, has him giving pause. All fake smiles and dramatics fall away, and in its place is the genuineness you'd been met with last night. 
"Hypothetically," he says, "there are assassins. In reality, there absolutely are not. You're not in any danger, alright? Sirius is the master of badly timed jokes." 
"Okay," you say meekly. 
James nods and you buckle in, sitting back in the comfiest car seat you've ever sat in and turning your face to the window. You look up at your flat building, and as the car starts to move, it shrinks. You drive further and further away, until you turn a corner, and your life is out of view. 
James is worried about you. As an acquaintance, he's starting to think you're a worrying person. There isn't a whole lot of spark behind your eyes — you rival Remus for number of tired smiles. 
He wonders why you hadn't packed any of your art supplies. Your room is teeming with them. Even if you're correct and you aren't the Genovian princess after all, there's still a day or more before they can actually confirm that, and factoring in travel time, you won't be home for at least a week. A week without your sketchbooks and paints and pencils. 
As your bodyguard, as a bodyguard, James has always taken concern in his charge's overall health, mental and physical. You don't seem ill, but you do seem unhappy. 
"Are you afraid of flying?" he asks, hoping that will explain your distance. 
He stands less than half a foot from you. He'll allow you some more space just as soon as you're not in an airport. 
"I'm not sure," you say. 
Another peculiarity, you're a pathological liar. 
Okay, that's unfair. You aren't pathological — James is an excellent judge of character, as his job requires, and he's gotten good at profiling a person's motivations. Your motivation is to become the smallest version of yourself that you can be. Any possible imposition is set aside, such as your refusal of painkillers when your cheek can't not hurt. You refuse to inconvenience others. 
"Is there something I can do? To help you feel better?" 
You smile awkwardly. "Is that your job?" you ask, voice lilting upward with self-consciousness. 
"Kind of. You know, as soon as your paternity test is recognised, you could ask for just about anything. An assistant, as many assistants and attendants as you want. Your security will most certainly increase, especially when the Palace makes a statement." 
He notes your widening eyes and backtracks. "It's not really my job, but I wouldn't mind. If you think of anything, let me know." 
You hide your hands in the pockets of your hoodie. You're dressed as he advised, comfortably and nondescript. 
"Do you need anything from me?" you ask. 
He hides his surprise, eyes doing another lap of the semi-private waiting room he's ushered you into. He takes in business men, officials, and diplomats for the tenth time in half an hour. 
"I don't need anything from you, Princess. Thank you." 
"I don't want to make your job any harder than it is." 
"You haven't." 
"That's not true," you murmur, bruised cheek  toward the floor and away from view. 
"That was my fault," James says. "Not yours." 
He can feel the heat of your tears running down his index finger. 
"That was my mistake," he reaffirms. 
You don't answer, but James knows it isn't an agreeable silence. Which is fine, he isn't trying to dominate your opinion, would never assume he had the right to police what you're feeling. He wants to reassure you more than he strictly should. 
This might be harder than I thought, he thinks. 
"The flight is near enough three hours. You're sure you don't want anything to take with you? If you're worried about dietary restrictions, there's a salad bar in the Mastercard lounge. I'm sure we can get someone to make you something up." 
"I'm fine… Will you be hungry?" 
He laughs. "You really don't understand the employee employer dynamic, do you?" he asks, not unkindly. "You don't have to worry about me." 
He says it sweetly, careful to ensure you understand. He isn't telling you off. He's teasing you. 
He knows he's done a good job when you lift your head. 
"I don't think you can talk about employee employer dynamics," you say, eyes flitting downward to your cheek's bruise. 
He chuckles, eyebrows jumping up. "Oh, nice! That was a quick one. We'll make a Genovian of you yet, they're all sarcastic." 
"They? You aren't Genovian?" 
"Do I look Genovian?" he asks, gesturing to his face. You splutter. "I'm messing with you. No, I'm not originally from Genovia, but my heart is hers." 
"You've always lived there?" 
"Since I was two." 
Your expression dims. It takes James a second to connect the dots. 
"There are plenty of people living in Genovia who aren't native. Remus is Welsh, can you tell? His accent hasn't quite survived it." 
"You've met before? You all seem familiar." 
"We went to the same boarding school. Well, we actually shared a room. We-" He feels heat crest at his unprofessional phrasing. "We're best mates." 
"And you all get to be together," you say softly. 
"Yeah, we do. We're lucky. Before this, Remus was working as a royal tutor for the young elites, and Sirius was trying to micromanage Julianna. That's your cousin." 
"The Princess' cousin," you correct. 
"You brought us back together," he says. "You'll have to forgive me for hoping you are who they say you are." 
"Lily never really explained, how I- I mean, why they think it's me." 
"Well," he says, stepping closer to you still, and lowering his voice, "my assumption is that, because the Prince's passing was a freak accident, they hadn't really planned for any other successors yet."
"Well, what were they going to do? He'd pass on eventually." 
"I believe there were hopes he'd marry a Duchess." 
"And have a legitimate child." 
"Yes. You are, to the majority, a secret. The Prince would have been seventeen at the time of your conception, which is a royal scandal if I've ever heard one." 
"Seventeen?" you ask. 
"Lily didn't tell you any of this?" 
"Honestly, uh, she might have. I wasn't-" You clear your throat mildly. "Wasn't really listening? I had a pretty bad migraine at the time, and I was tired, you know?" 
"You were overwhelmed at finding out you're apprincess." 
"That I might be a princess." 
"Sure. When they told me I might be Prince of Italy, I had the same reaction." 
You wrinkle your nose at him, the most forceful thing you've done in his presence. He laughs a storm, only tamping it down when he remembers he's a  professional. 
Soon, the boys return from their airport traipsing. Remus makes a quiet comment on James' happy smile, and he pretends to zip his lips closed when they both spot Sirius' curious glances. James moves your entourage to a small aircraft, not private but almost, and you board into first class seats, two per each side of the aisle and partitioned by a sheet of frosted plexi-glass. 
You and James sit together. 
He doesn't subject you to conversation. He's technically working, and so while he relaxes into his seat and stretches out his tired legs, he doesn't cut vigilance. 
You look around in awe for some time. Eyes widened just slightly, lips parted, you sit up and sneak glances at everything you can. James knocks on the partition gently. 
"You want the fan? The heater?" 
"The fan," you say, and he supposes you do look a bit warm at the collar. "Please." 
He doesn't bother saying of course, or no worries, or no problem. He's a problem solver. If you're going to be under his watch, he's going to make it as easy on you as he can. That means letting you be thankful without shrugging it off. 
Your eyes close quickly. Your eyelashes flutter imperceptibly in the overhead fans slow breeze, and your lips part as you fall into sleep. Last night's disruption had been hard on you no doubt. He stands quietly and eases sideways down the aisle to check on Remus and Sirius inconspicuously. 
"Anything for me to read?" he asks Remus. 
Remus knows exactly what James is up to. If he appreciates or abhors the extra attention is anyone's guess, until he digs through the bag at his feet and pulls out one of his Russian philosophy novels with a smirk. "This or the newspaper." 
James takes the worn paperback with a wry look of defeat and reaches over and across to Sirius head of curls, tugging one cruelly. 
Sirius looks up, but is only irritable when he notices that it had been James, and not his seatmate. 
"What?" Sirius demands. 
"Do you need anything?" 
"No. Quit mothering. And maybe get some rest?" 
"I can't."
"You most certainly can. Swap out with Frank, or Mickey or someone." 
James swaps out with Mickey. Mickelson, please keep an eye on the entryway. Yes  boss. He returns, finding you aren't as asleep as he'd thought. You look at him through lashes. You've gone soft, in little regard for your appearance, and he's glad for it. Watching you is like watching a spring stretched tall, and now you've finally snapped into yourself and deflated. 
"You alright?" he murmurs. 
You nod, and he sits, and when he doesn't get up you fall asleep again, like you'd been waiting for him to get back. You sleep for hours, through turbulence, Sirius' roaring laughter, Remus' answering chuckles, and the flight attendant who scolds them. James wishes he could do the same, reading a mind-numbing forty pages of Russian literature densely translated and sipping on a glass of coke, the ache of an oncoming pressure headache pinching behind his eyes. 
The hubbub doesn't wake you. The plane lands, you sleep on. 
James whispers your name, quiet, speaking louder when you fail to rouse. Finally, he gives in and squeezes your shoulder. Heat radiates through the thick fabric of your hoodie. You hair is frizzy where it's rubbed against the seat behind you. 
You wake with a raspy cough. "James?" 
"We're here, Princess, in Genovia." 
"That was," —you yawn, turning to hide your face so he can't see— "fast." 
You look like you might fall asleep again. His heart does this awful little flip. He ignores it.
"It was hours. You've slept the whole time– A good thing, huh?" He bends down until you're face to face, an amicable gap between you as he squints at your bruise. He's close enough to share your breath. "Bruise is getting worse. Remus will give you painkillers, and I'm gonna get you an ice pack as soon as we're off the plane." 
He squeezes your shoulder again. "Up. Come on." 
You nod and rub your eyes, stretching in your seat. He averts his gaze and stands as tall as he can, shoulders hunched to avoid clipping his head. Remus has made no efforts to move yet and Sirius is in the aisle, pulling their bags into his arms. 
"Are you alright, Moony?" James asks. 
Remus has gone ashen. 
"He has a migraine." 
"Can you see okay?" James asks. 
Remus gets blurry, occluded vision when he gets these sudden migraines. He winces, hand over his eyes, and says, "Not really. Can I have your sunglasses?" 
"Yeah," James says, holding in the, of course you can, I'd genuinely die for you, that he wants to add. 
He slides his rucksack off of his shoulder and takes his sunglasses from the front pocket. He taps them into Remus' hand. 
"You'll have to touch up the Princess' bruise for me," Sirius says. 
James coughs. "What?" 
"It's easy–" 
"I'll take Remus," James says. 
"You can both go do your jobs, I'll be fine," Remus mutters, flinching at an invisible, biting pain. 
"No," they both deny. 
Remus doubles over. 
"All you have to do is stipple it," Sirius whispers fervently.
"Sirius, I don't know what stippling is." 
"Dots of makeup. She knows what shade we chose. Here, take my bag. There's a clean brush." 
Sirius smiles at James. Remus hasn't always let them take care of him. His disabilities have often made him the subject of disdain, pity, and misguided attention he has never, ever wanted, and he'd mistaken their friendship for lots of things at first. Nowadays, he accepts the help that he needs, help that his friend's are happy to give, and disregards their smothering overkill otherwise. That being said, Remus has always found it easier to accept help from Sirius than James. They all know it and none of them bother saying why that is aloud. 
Flying nearly but not quite privately means they can get off the plane whenever they're ready (within reason), and so James ushers you back into your seat where you'd been standing tentatively in the aisle and presents the little make up bag. He kneels in front of you. 
"I'll get the painkillers," he says, remembering his earlier promise, "Sirius is preoccupied, so. You're stuck with me on touch ups." 
"Is it bad?" 
"No. Does it feel bad?" 
Your slow response is telling. "No," you lie, "it's not that bad." You point at one of the colours through the clear case. "I think it was that one." 
"Thank you," he says, murmurs, opening the case. There's a brush tucked inside, and he picks it up clumsily. 
"Does he have a mirror?" you ask. "I can do it myself, if you want."
"If he does, he didn't give it to me. I promise not to mess you up too badly, Princess." 
James presses the brush into your chosen colour and pats. The concealer is harder than he'd thought it would be, tough under the brush. It all looks silly in his hands. 
"Lean your head back for me," he says softly. 
You tip your chin up. Your eyes close as he begins. 
He's too careful. The colour doesn't want to transfer. "Sorry," he murmurs, applying pressure. You wince but say nothing to stop him. "Tell me if it hurts too much." 
"It's only a bruise."
"You're allowed to be hurt. And you should be more angry with me." 
"It was an accident." 
"It was my mistake." He watches the bruise disappear under concealer, but the colour doesn't quite match your skin. He tries his best to blend out the edges. "A professional mistake, which means you're more than allowed to be annoyed." 
"I'm starting to think you want me to be mad," you say. You're trying not to move, and so each word is half a whisper. 
"I do. I want you to be furious. It's ten times harder to keep someone safe when they have no self-preservation." 
He gives up on the brush and uses his pinky, his cleanest finger, to smudge out the blocky colour he's left behind. Your skin is scorching under his touch. 
"So if I'm angry with you, that makes your job easier?" 
He hums. "Mh-hmm. Much easier." 
You hold your breath as he finishes up, a gentle patting motion as he was instructed. 
"How some girls do this every day," he mutters. 
"It gets easier." 
"Yeah?" He drags his pinky down your cheek without thinking. "Hopefully this is my last time. It looks fine. Maybe don't stop in direct sunlight." 
He collects all of his things and pulls the makeup bag into his chest, easing his way out into the aisle again. You follow. Everyone else has left, except for a pearly-smiled flight attendant, who's smile grows impossibly wider as they approach. 
"Everything okay today folks?" he asks. "How was your flight?" 
James offers thank-yous and guides you down the length of the plane to the exit. You're quiet from the plane to the steps, his hand ghosting your shoulder, to the tarmac, where your security entourage awaits. Including James there are eight bodyguards. Two stick close, five form a mock perimeter around you. 
"Unfortunately, you might draw attention from the protection detail alone. It's up to you, Princess, but I can hide your face." 
"Is that… dramatic?" 
"It's completely up to you. I don't think it's dramatic. Just depends on how comfortable you are with your face potentially being used somewhere." 
"Can I– Maybe I'll stay close," you say, pulling your hood up. 
"Yeah. Tell me if you're uncomfortable." 
He takes you by the elbow and you walk. There aren't any paparazzi waiting outside, and James thinks maybe the news of your arrival has escaped them, and you won't be exposed to the madness that is paps with a story like this one, until he sees Sirius and Remus waiting at the glass doors into the airport. 
"Can't we go around?" Sirius asks. 
"They have to check our passports, idiot," Remus says, with little malice. 
"You can fucking see them, mate," he says to James. 
James motions for you to stand where you are and crosses the gap to get a better look. Mickey takes his place by your side. 
"Fuck," he hisses, "what the fuck is that? Who fucking leaked?" 
"Should I be worried?" he hears you ask quietly. 
"Mickelson, give the Princess your sunglasses." 
"So yes, then," you say. 
James props open the door with his foot. "Princess, you're going first. They'll expect you in the middle. Hopefully that'll minimise what they can get." He holds out his arm. 
You slot perfectly underneath it. 
"Ready?" he asks. 
You don't look very ready. You nibble your lip and nod anyhow, tucking your face into his front. James walks you forward, into a storm of white flashes and shouting, the precipice of your new life.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
thank you so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 please consider reblogging if you did, I'd love to know what you thought and what you want to see in the next one! and a happy new year !!!!
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Hey! Hope you're having a fab day <3 I came across your lil Daemon/Matt 'crackfic' and it gave me such a giggle...plus also got me thinking about a similar scene with Aemond/Ewan..! Obviously no pressure to write this, but what about a sorta Aemond x reader scene where they're maybe filming a sparring scene? Fight training/flirting vibes? Doesn't have to be anything spicy, maybe just fluffy flirty good times but also realistically aemond x reader sparring = *sexual tension* so lol, take from it what you will. As I say, no pressure at all to write this. I love your blog so much and am such a fan of your work! Wishing you a wonderful weekend xoxo
Choke 'Em
Ewan Mitchell x Actress!Reader (low key Aemond x Reader)
Summary: You and Tom were very much convinced that Ewan is good at everything, so you had a bet that even if you took Ewan surprise in one of your sparring takes, he could 100% overpower you. Things don't necessarily go as planned.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, drama instigator!tom glynn-carney, puppy!ewan, idk how to choreograph action 😞, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: YES IN A MILLLION LANGUAGEs, i watched like this one of 3 actors from the last kingdom saying they think ewan is good at everything or something along the lines, and then theres this gif set of tom glynn-carney saying that he was going to bite ewan and ewan was basically "aw yeah!" and ASFHLASHFHASFHFHA PUPPY im love him, anyway, i had those stuff in mind when i wrote this i hope you like it my love floofdeloop. i did an express pass on your req cos i have been writing rpfs lol also this gif T_T HES SO ??????????? HOT ????? HELP ME WHY DO I THINK THIS OF HIM ???? HWELP? Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"No!" I exclaim, shoving Tom from the floor we were sat on. He nearly chokes on his salad as he falls to his side and laughs. His hand darts out to keep him upright, his laughter dies down when he turns to me.
I continue, "I can't attack him outside of the choreography we practiced!"
"I'm not telling you to do that!" Tom says, raising his voice in amusement, "I'm saying maybe just-" he breathes out through his nose, "go a bit harder than normal? Or-or add a few licks to-"
"Tom," I deadpan.
"Oh, please," he blows a raspberry, "against him? You're dead meat."
"He's not immune to accidents, lame brain," I take the final bites of my sandwich.
"All I'm saying is, Ewan is probably, like, secretly a swordsman."
"Dude," I point, "there's nothing secret about that."
I look out to the set, watching as Ewan, who quickly finished his lunch to rebuff on our choreography, twist the prop sword in his hands with much ease and mastery.
I chew slowly, "maybe I could tell him I'm doing extra attacks beforehand."
Tom, who stuffed some salad into his face as he too watched Ewan from afar, turns to me, perking up in intrigue. He speaks with a mouthful quite excitedly, "yes, yes, yeth, weth!"
I give him a look then purse my lips as I shove a tissue to his mouth
When we got to filming the dialogue part of our scene, we already set a pretty high bar for our consequential fight sequence, and so when I offered the idea of adding an extra few jabs in my sword fighting, not just to Ewan, but to our fight choreographer and director, they were all on board with it.
"I was thinking I could," I start, raising my imaginary weapon up, pointing at Ewan, "try to jab at you by your throat, then," I slowly step forward, twirling the way we did in practice, "once you evade me, I could elbow you," I bring my arm by his chest and slowly push him back, "and shove you against the wall."
Ewan, following my train of thought and movements, steps back and leans back on the wall. He nods, looking down at me with a soft smile, "I like it," he turns to the choreographer, "I think it adds to their tension."
I turn to our choreographer and director, nodding, "then we could add the dialogue we scraped off cause there was no room for it."
The director claps his hands, "I love it," he motions to us, "then you can grab her, and try to make her confess."
I turn to Ewan, leaning back into him a bit so that he could bring his arms around me. I turn front then look down at his arms that were coming around me. I pull him tightly around me like a jacket.
Ewan has no choice but to lean into me; my back was against his chest and I could hear his breathing. He was a welcome presence in all honesty. Quickly, I relax against him and he seemingly does the same against me.
"Well obviously not like that," the director calls, "you look like a married couple if you do that."
We break into a laugh. I lean against him, "it's not too late to change the script. She and Aemond could away together."
Ewan hums, as though he was in character, "I think he would like that."
I snort, turning to Ewan and his eyepatch, "I would like that."
Ewan's eye darts down to me quickly. He purses his lips, holding back a chuckle. I pull away from him when I see the pink in his skin, laughing a bit louder.
"Shall we give it a go?" the director asks.
One nod later, and were back in our marks, ready to tryout our added choreo.
"You lied to me," I heave, "you told me you would release my father if I gave you the information you needed.
Aemond walks over to me, hands behind his back, "I said I would think about releasing your father."
My expression drops, my nostrils flare, "liar."
He hums.
He chuckles.
"MONSTER!" I lunge towards him and the next second, Aemond has his sword unsheathed. We go against each other, weapon against weapon, then he overpowers me, sending me reeling back. I push against the crates behind me, as the prince calls out, "let me offer you another deal you surely cannot refuse."
I fume, groaning, "I think we're past deals, oh prince."
"Oh, but I-"
Aemond's eye widens as I press forward a few lines too early. Like clockwork, I attack him just like we practiced earlier, except, he was clearly taken off guard and reacts a bit too late.
Once I have him pressed against he wall, he looks down at me, shocked, heaving.
He's forgotten his line.
I make up for his silence, "perhaps you are prettier up close."
I pull away from Ewan, turning to him, dropping my prop. I reach out to his cheeks, giving him a worried look, "are you okay? I didn't injure you, did I?"
"I-" his hands come up to my wrists, "no, no," he chuckles under his breath, "I was just a bit floored by how fearsome my lady is."
My face contorts into a smile, "my lady, am I?"
"I-" he opens his mouth, "well, I mean... yes."
We both break into a chuckle. It seems we both had blood rising up our necks now.
"That was amazing!" the director calls, walking up to us, making us pull away, "I like these turn of events more than what we had planned."
"What if they have more contact?" Ewan pipes up, coming in front of me, "in this part, instead of being turned back," he looks at me intently, "you can lift your sword to my neck then choke me."
I gasp when he takes my hand and places it by the base of his throat. It was quite softly spoken, but it seems it was not soft enough, "damn, that's kinky."
Ewan's jaw slacks.
I break into a chuckle, playing it off, just as the director laughs, proceeding to say, "I like it! The more sexual tension the better." He turns to me, "choke him real good."
Ewan begins to stutter. My own jaw slacks as I feel my face heat up. I awkwardly nod and salute, "will do."
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
HIII!!! can I request an angst where the reader and the band were at a club and Tom is just flirting with this girl ( like touching her and eyeing her ) and the reader gets so mad and punches the girl and it causes a whole argument between Tom and the reader and it ends with smut 😏😏. HAVE AN AMAZING DAY !!
yess lovely!
Makeup sex
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2008 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + FLUFF + SMUT + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: The band and Y/N decide to go to the club to celebrate their recent album launch, before leaving Y/N and Tom have a massive fight, causing a lot of tension. He has been jealous of her male friends and won't stop causing problems, y/n then catches him flirting with another girl and she is livid, she starts a fight with the girl, Tom gets pissed and on the way home they have another argument, then Tom makes it up to her with makeup sex, reassuring her and talking things out A/N: WHY DO U GUYS LOVE BEING CHEATED ON DAMN, jk ty for the req ily, sorry if this isn't as you expected I felt like it needed to have makeup sex and apologsing, etc. <33 WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), slight teasing
Me, my boyfriend Tom and the rest of his band went to a club to celebrate their recent album launch. We had a massive fight beforehand, he was getting really posessive and wanted me to stop hanging out with my guy friends, I got mad and started to yell at him, causing us to be 20 minutes late to the club.
I was walking in with Tom, his eyes already fucking darting at all the women in short skirts and tight dresses, I grunted and nudged him "look at me not them, I'm your girlfriend not a fuck toy" I let go of his hand and walked off, super pissed.
He scoffed, rolling his eyes and disappearing in the crowd. I turned to Bill, "i'm so sick of his shit, I am so close to breaking it off with him" I sighed, he frowned and put his hand on my thigh "I know, he can be stubborn huh?" I nodded and hugged Bill "i just want him to realise how I feel, it's always about him" I winced, Bill rubbed my back reassuringly "cmon, let's have fun" Bill grabbed my hand and led me to the bar, ordering some shots and cocktails to loosen ourselves up.
Later in the night I went on the dancefloor and saw Tom eyeing up this blonde bitch, twirling her hair with his fingers and tracing her curves teasingly, my breathing hitched and tears pricked my eyes. "Motherfucker.." I grunted, my chest heaving up and down.
I was filled with rage, storming over and pushing him "what the fuck?" he stumbled back, surprised at my presence "uh..i.." "shut up!" I yelled, the girl nudged me slightly "who the fuck are you?" she narrowed her eyes at me "im his girlfriend you stupid slut!", she gasped, looking offended "well, obviously he wants me more", that comment hit me deep, I screamed and punched her in the face, busting her lip and butchering her nose.
"Woah! Hey hey hey!" Tom yelled and grabbed me, preventing me from hitting her any further, dragging me away. I screamed and kicked, trying to be let free, "get the fuck off me Tom! I fucking hate you!" I cried out, he talked with the guys briefly and shoved me in the car, ignoring my cries.
"What the fuck was that? Why did you punch her?", he grabbed my wrist, I scoffed "why? Tom are you deaf or something? You couldn't even stand up for me, you are a fucking coward!" I yelled at him, pulling my hand away and getting out of the car, walking into the street. I wrapped my arms around my torso, a million emotions fluctuating through out my body.
I heard Toms heavy footsteps behind me, "wait! Come back!" he screamed after me, grabbing me by my waist and turning me around to face him, holding me close to him and forcing me to look at him. "Don't fucking walk off" he growled lowly, I rolled my eyes "fuck you Tom, let me go" I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong, "we are going home, don't fight because you know you won't win" he mumbled, shoving me back into the car and locking the doors, speeding off back home.
We argued heavily as we drove home, still arguing when getting into the house. "I'm so sick of this shit! You make me feel crazy for having valid emotions!" I screamed at him, he crossed his arms "you're so fucking dramatic, I didn't do anything with her" I sighed in frustration and held my head, trying to process what he just said.
"You are the shittiest fucking boyfriend ever, you're pathetic!" I yelled at him, throwing the necklace he gave me for our anniversary at him.
"Whatever.." he mumbled, storming into our bedroom and slamming the door, causing the floor to vibrate heavily. I grabbed my phone and called Bill, ranting to him about Tom.
"I think I have to break up with him, I am so sick of his shitty behaviour" I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks, my body trembling from all the anger.
"Y/N, just have a normal talk with him, you guys always argue" he sighed "I try to Bill trust me, but he always twists my words and makes it like it's my fault and then I get mad and yell at him" "I know..he really needs to step up his game, he is going to lose you any day now."
I cried out a little too loudly "I miss when he was a good boyfriend, I don't know what happened."
Tom stepped out of the room upon hearing this, his heart breaking slightly, realising his shitty actions towards her, "fuck.." he mumbled and walked towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around, Toms soft expression meeting mine, I glared and told Bill I had to go. I hung up and Tom came around, sitting beside me and rubbing my thigh softly.
"I'm sorry baby..I didn't realise how much I was affecting you" he frowned, I scoffed "oh really? the crying, multiple nights not sleeping together and constant arguments didn't give you a fucking hint?" I pushed his hand off me "don't fucking touch me, filthy fucking pig" I mumbled, moving away from him.
"Please baby..I'm really sorry" he cried out, trying to pull me closer to him, I sighed and looked back at him "no..it's too late" I got up and walked off, going into our guest room and deciding to sleep there.
I had to figure out what to do, I couldn't be in such a miserable relationship anymore. I grabbed some clothes I had in there from the other times I had to sleep in here, putting them on and slipping into bed. I heard a faint knock at the door "baby..let me in..I'm so sorry" he winced, I yelled back "fuck off! leave me alone!", he sighed and walked back to our bedroom.
I woke up to the bed dipping slightly and familiar, comforting arms wrapping around my waist. "Baby..i'll do anything to make it up to you, I can't lose you, I love you so much" he kissed my neck lovingly, I caved in and turned around, whispering in his ear "turn the lamp on" he obliged and turned it on, illuminating his face, eyes red and puffy from crying so much.
I sighed "you know I love you, but you need to change or else I have no choice..we always fight and then have rough sex which leads to nothing being solved and the arguments to keep on going, I'm sick of it" he nodded "I know..i'll change i swear.." he pushed my head into his chest softly and stroked my hair.
"How about I make it up to you..i'll be gentle baby..appreciate you" he smiled softly, I looked up and nodded, laying back on the bed. Tom slowly crawled towards me, taking my shirt off gently and kissing my lips, down to my neck, then to my chest, both of my arms and down to my stomach, appreciating every little feature I had. "So beautiful liebe.." he wasn't being rough, passionate or lustful, rather gentle and sweet. Little did he know, I loved this side of him.
He pulled my shorts down softly, kissing me as he did it, "I love you baby, i'm not gonna allow us to fight like we do again, I want to love and hold you forever" he smiled softly, tears pricked my eyes and I nodded, "oh baby..don't cry.." he frowned, wiping a tear away as it fell.
I pushed my lips into his again, softly locking our lips into a sweet embrace. He slid his hand into my panties, softly rubbing my clit. I moaned into his mouth and bucked my hips "please...don't tease.." I whined, he chuckled softly and climbed up more, taking his sweatpants off and taking out his cock.
Before he could do anything I put my hand on his chest, "please be gentle.." looking up at him, he nodded and kissed my cheek "I promise baby", with that he slowly pushed his cock into my heat, bottoming himself out.
I held onto him as he started to thrust in slowly, his tip brushing against my g spot graciously, I moaned softly, his hands brushing small hairs away from my face "so so beautiful" "mein schönes mädchen", he whispered sweet nothings into my ear, making me feel loved.
His cock slid in and out of me so perfectly, like his cock was made for my pussy. He started to pick the pace up a little, thrusting faster. I moaned and bit down onto his shoulder "fuck.." he groaned, holding my hips tightly.
I caught his lips in a kiss again, it deepened, becoming more urgent. He looked down at me, his eyes full of love and desire. I felt so connected to him, like I was melting into him.
He started to move faster, thrusting a little bit harder but not too hard, the perfect pace, his hand coming up and squeezing my breast lightly, "you're perfect..so perfect" he whispered in my ear lovingly.
"G'nna cum.." I whimpered softly, a knot forming in my stomach and trailing down to my core. "Cmon baby..cum f'me" he groaned lowly, sweat beads forming on his forehead. The sight in front of me was so hot, Tom thrusting in and out, sweaty and his toned body, it made me so wet oh my god.
I moaned loudly, my thighs shuddering as I came on his cock, his orgasm followed shortly after, shooting his thick cum into my hole, painting my insides white. He collapsed forward, catching his breath, tucking loose hairs behind my ear.
After a while he finally spoke up, "i'm sorry for treating you so badly schatz, I honestly don't even have an excuse for my behaviour, I was just stupid and a big asshole" he sighed, kissing my chin softly, I smiled softly "yeah you were a big asshole, but I'm happy you're apologising, it means a lot" I continued "I hate when we have rough sex after an argument and it solves nothing, I want to be happy again like we were at the start" he nodded and held my hips, flipping us over so that I was on top of his chest, "I know baby, I'll actually communicate with you this time I swear, I will be a better man for you" he caressed me, tracing my curves just like he did with the other girl "did you actually like the girl you were flirting with" I said quietly, still obviously upset by it.
"No way baby, I just did it to piss you off, I don't know why but I was just being an idiot and you know I'd never actually hook up with her, you are my girl forever" he looked deeply in my eyes, I trusted him, usually when he lied he'd always look away but now this man can't break eye contact.
"I love you so much Tom, please keep to your word, I don't want to lose you" I frowned, he kissed me softly and played with my hair "I'll change for you, don't worry, i'll do anything" I smiled brightly and held onto him tightly.
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unreleasedwrites · 6 months
Love your writing!!! Could I request a fluff scenario with jake kim? Thank uu💕💕
Baking Shenanigans
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summary: You and your boyfriend are spending the weekend at your place. When you two were suddenly craving for something sweet, so you guys make the choice to try baking a strawberry shortcake using a highly reviewed recipe you guys found on the internet. Surprisingly, it went as you two hoped and tasted delicious.
character(s) included: Jake Kim x fem!reader
cw: fluff, cheesy pickup lines, teasing, flirting, idk much abt baking I just googled a recipe and the storyline follows the steps, jake is tall therefore you guys have a height difference, mentions of knives but its just for slicing strawberries, blushing/getting flustered, jake and reader are in an established and healthy relationship, nicknames or petnames like babe, kissing, waist holding, sLIGHTly just SLIGHTly suggestive at the end but not really so dw, there may be a few typos or grammatical errors so mb about that i didnt read too thoroughly
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unwrapped on: Wednesday Morning, December 20 2023
wrapped up on: Wednesday Night, December 20 2023
published on: Thursday Noon, December 21 2023 (at around 12 PM)
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“While you’re cutting up the strawberries, I’ll go ahead and preheat the oven!” You stated. “Oh- And I’ll also get our ingredients for the dough and some other materials we’ll need.” You added.
“Got it, shortcake.” Jake replied.
“Hey.. Just because were baking a strawberry shortcake, it doesn’t mean you should take the opportunity to give me a new nickname!”
He laughed in response as he swiftly sliced the fresh strawberries.
“You’re a natural in using knives, I thought you were more of a close combat kinda guy.” You mesmerized his hands slicing through each strawberry smoothly, glancing at the tattoos that trailed his arms.
“Well- I am, and I never really use knives. I rarely cook and it’s not my style to just stab my way through a serious match.” He shrugged.
You went ahead and got the different materials you guys needed to make the strawberry shortcake. You then took a stroll through the kitchen, from cabinet to fridge, to collect the various ingredients you’d be using according to the recipe you guys are following.
“Alright-y! I’ve got everything we were missing.”
“You’re the only one i’m ever missing,” he said as he turned towards your flustered face.
“Oh shut up, I’m right here. I always have been, and I always will be.” You replied as you got on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek then added, “Look at how the tables have turned.. You’re the one who’s fluster-” You added before he cut you off and kissed you on your lips for a good 5 or so seconds, which made you even more flustered than you already were beforehand.
“Well would you look at that! Little miss’ no longer flustered has her cheeks as red as these strawberries,” He teased as he brought one down to your lips and fed you it. “Hmph,” was all you said in return because you knew you wouldn’t be able to top that. Which in the end, only made him chuckle.
You guys started to open the ingredients and put what’s required in the bowl you put out for the dough. Once you guys finished doing so, you mixed the dough mixture and proceeded to knead it for about a minute— which your boyfriend was the one to do so since he’s really strong anyway and wouldn’t struggle one bit. After lightly coating it in some flour, he rolled the dough into the specific thickness that was instructed and stated on the said recipe.
“Now that we’ve finished rolling the dough, we now need the biscuit cutter!” You said joyfully as you looked up at your boyfriend.
“Right! I’ll go get that for us.” He paused as he opened your cabinet with all of your tools for baking and cooking. “..What exactly does that look like..?” He added.
You laughed and walked to his side to assist, “It’s that one, silly.”
“I knew that! ..Obviously, I just wanted to see if you did too.” He laughed and so did you.
Once you guys had cut your dough into two thick circles, you went on to quickly melt some butter while your boyfriend was lining up a baking sheet for your guys’ tray. After only a few seconds, you took the butter out and greased up the baking sheet using your good ol’ brush. Once Jake placed the dough onto the tray with the greased up baking sheet, you brushed them up with some of the remaining melted butter in your bowl.
“I think its time!” You announced.
“..For you to give me a kiss?” He teased.
“Uh-uh babe. My lips are locked, but maybe later— If you can crack the code, that is. But for now, lets place these in the oven for about 12 minutes.”
“Awh,” he pouted and gave you his best puppy eyed look (although he doesnt even have to try), “Cmonn~ I promise I’ll control myself and I wont smother you in kisses like last week, pretty please” He pleaded, “with a lil’ strawberry on top?”
“Alright Alright!” You finally gave in as you put the tray into the oven, right after you set it to the instructed temperature and time.
Before you could even give him the go, he already grabbed onto your waist, clinging onto your body like a koala with its favorite tree. He started planting kisses all over your head and neck, down to your collarbone and shoulders— which were out in the open since you were wearing a very loose off shoulder top along with shorts.
“Babe-! You promised you’d control yourself!” You tried to speak out, but it was slightly muffled since he was too busy kissing you all over, especially in places he knew you were ticklish in— which caused you to keep laughing, ultimately forgetting you were trying to stop him in the first place from getting away with his little acts.
Twelve minutes finally passed by and you two heard a ding, signaling it was ready. So you guys made your way to the kitchen and you took out some mittens and grabbed the tray from the oven.
“Ta-da! They aren’t raw and they aren’t burnt at all! Its perfect!”
“I never doubted us for a second!” Jake spoke sarcastically.
“Well when you say it like that, I dont believe you one bit..”
“All we need now is the cream, I’ll place everything in the bowl and I’ll also mix it, could you prepare the strawberries and grab a plate with utensils so we could plate it right after?” Your boyfriend said as he looked at you with his wholesome smile you can’t get enough of.
“Will do!”
So then Jake got the remaining ingredients for the cream and made the mixture altogether, while you got the plate and a fork right after you prepared the strawberries your boyfriend was slicing earlier.
“I’ve got the spatula (for baking) here, so let’s place the cream.”
“While you do that, I’ll place the strawberries in the lathered cream,” you replied.
After finishing up the cream with strawberries on the second layer, which is also the last, you topped it off with some tiny bits of strawberries while you snacked on the remaining ones.
“We’ve finally finished!”
Jake grabbed a knife from the utensils drawer and took the fork you placed on the counter beforehand, he then sliced through the cake. “Say Ahhh~” Your boyfriend said as he lifted it up towards your lips.
“Ahhh” You opened your mouth and your boyfriend fed you the slice of cake, “How is it, babe?” He asked as you chewed your food.
You nodded in approval in a positive look, and once you finished the food in your mouth— you replied, “It’s the perfect amount of sweet! It’s not overly sweet but it isn’t missing any flavor either, here- you try!” You sliced through the cake and placed it on the fork you two were sharing, “Say Ahhh~”
“F’me?” Your boyfriend said with a hint of rasp in his voice,
“Yes sir~” You replied and brought the fork up to his lips.
“Ahhh~” Your boyfriend opened his mouth after he chuckled in amusement from watching your precious reaction to cake.
Your boyfriend smiled in approval and gave you a thumbs up. You then took some of the icing/cream on top using the fork and ate it. You hummed and your boyfriend said, “You’ve got a lil something, babe.” You turned up and looked at him with a confused look and mumbled a little “Hm?” in response.
“Here let me get that for you,” He then grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss, all the while you still had a bunch of the icing in your mouth, which he started to help you with. You got insanely flustered, again. Despite this being such a regular occurrence, you’re always so flustered whenever it happens.
“So did I even have a little something? Or was that just my jake’s little excuse?”
“Believe it or not, you actually did have some icing on the side of your lips, which I cleaned up! So, your welcome~” He said with a smirk.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say.” You scoffed.
“How about we go watch a movie, What do you say? Your boyfriend suggested.
“What movie?”
“How about this romantic movie I heard about last week?”
“Of course its romance again, huh?” You scoffed sarcastically.
“What can I say? I am a sucker for romance after all.”
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notes: I HAVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG AND I AM SO SORRY😭 Its not like I just forgot about what I was doing here, I just got really busy with school and all the exams and everything.. I’m so sorry for disappearing out of the blue, but I have been going back and fourth in the works in my drafts, because I have been trying to finish some one’s request but it just keeps going NOWHERE. and I have literally restarted twice when I was already halfway because I really wasn’t happy with how it was going and i am struggling to get it done 💀 I hope this is good and since the pattern of my posts are fic-drabble-fic-drabble-fic-drabble/answering an ask-and this fic, I will be start working on a drabble of multiple lookism characters, im not yet sure what scenario I’ll be doing but yeah.. and to the anon who made the request about Gun, im really trying to work on it im so sorry its been almost 3 months.. 😭😭 ALSO, TO THE ANON WHO REQUESTED THIS, im sorry it took so long as well and since you just said a fluff scenario, I figured i’d go ahead with my idea to make my post about baking shenanigans a series, so yall can request a character for that
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for all of you that likes Jake or lookism, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism 🫶🫶
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svtminji · 9 months
what were the members reaction to jeongmi’s relationship? were some members rooting for them since the beginning or was totally shocked by the news
omg! this was something i’ve been meaning to start writing, esp. for the jeongmi files, but didn’t really know how to expand from it. the ask really drove me to write this.. so thank u anon !! 🐈‍⬛🐈🤍
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pairing. jeonghan x oc — seventeen x oc
date set. late 2020 / november 2020
word count. 1.1k
warnings. foul language used, one mention of their engagement, mutual pining omg 😫
an. again.. thank u to my anon for asking this ^_^
anon asks related to this. mingyu reaction
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LEAST SURPRISED — “oh, okay. yeah we could tell you two liked each other for a long ass time already. i’m surprised you didn’t get together sooner.” ->
seungcheol/s.coups & joshua
ok this two men were like.. thankful that the pair finally had the balls to ask each other out after like 2 years of painful flirting omg. since the 95 line are usually closer to each other, the jeongmi couple had their designated person that they talked to about their love problems. sc&js definitely heard both sides of jeonghan and minji about their “undying love” for each other but didn’t know if it really was that for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT. #1 WINGMEN—“oh hey jeonghan, why don’t you go help out mizu with her tasks. i’m sure she won’t mind you” or “oh sorry about that mizu, but i’m sure jeonghan can help you with that task”— and they would SET THEM UP on dates omfg. the news wasn’t surprising to them at all. to them, they were already a couple with the way they acted towards each other tbh. — “god fucking FINALLY!! it’s about damn time!”
seungkwan & chan/dino
seungkwan. kwannie. chan. channie *violently sobs*. these men rooted for them like children of divorce who went through hell and back to get their parents back even though they never had a divorce but they were just not together or married. in satirical forms, they would ironically call them mom and dad and only to please their ideals, they would respond to it. literally pushed the jeongmi agenda—“ah minji-noona, when are you going to date jeonghan-hyung? what do you mean ‘no?’, he literally throws heart eyes to you whenever you have the chance to speak and you do it as well..”— and they did not fail! news wasn’t surprising, they literally raised seungkwan and chan.. — “see! i told you they were going to date. now give me those $50 bucks right now.” “hyung, are you serious right now..?”
SEMI SURPRISED — “oh, i mean i expected it but i didn’t think it would be so early.” ->
just because this man is quiet, DOES NOT mean he doesn’t enjoy the drama 🙄!! one of the first people to realize what was going on between jeongmi, excluding the fact they smashed before dating each other. actively had told minji to ask jeonghan out but wonwoo never saw it happen rip 💔. he was more worried about the articles that would come out once they were either: 1) exposed, or 2) came out themselves and said it. — “ah. see! i told you everything was going to be alright! i literally told you to ask him and boom.. he beat you to it.”
minghao & vernon
these two could see that jeonghan & minji would eventually get together some day but they didn’t know when. unlike sc, js & chan, they didn’t push much thought into it but supported the jeongmi agenda. they’ve seen the signs of a future relationship, given how minji would act with jeonghan. minji also brought a side out of jeonghan.. ❪ like being babied ❫, and to be honest, hao and vern were like .. “tf when did he get all mushy mushy with mizu..?”. they were surprised to say the least but it wasn’t the biggest news to them ❪ like jeongmi getting engaged ❫.
SURPRISED — “how long did you guys know.. and why didn’t you tell us beforehand!!!” ->
he would see the sneaky glances between them during any sort of dance practice. during dance practices, soonyoung is on HIGH ALERT all the time and frankly, he does not want anyone messing up, including his main dancers chan and minji. seeing minji distracted during practice was pretty rare and seeing her this distracted because of jeonghan was even WEIRD. did some investigation but later gave up because he forgot. didn’t help that he got frequent visits from jeonghan ❪ same dorm building in 2020 ❫ and jeonghan would as him some questions about minji. — “what do you mean they’ve been dating? oh, is that why you asked me if minji was talking to anyone?”
dk/seokmin & mingyu
these two were surprised. seokmin was shocked and mingyu fell to his knees ❪ not clickbait, see image at the end ❫. mingyu couldn’t believe he was flirting with a taken woman, still did afterward. they couldn’t believe their eyes and had to take breather. — “so you’re telling me that you two are together? okay. that’s reasonable considering you two were always together. right mingyu? mingyu..?” image at the end.
oh this man LIVES on his phone, spends most of his off days catching up on whatever he missed. sure he’s heard a thing or two about them, especially from minji, and shrugged it off. he always thought that it was weird that minji had a certain feeling for jeonghan but honestly, who wouldnt? so whatever was said about him from her, he honestly did not give a f.. until they announced it. he’s literally the shocked cat meme or wtv cat memes there are now 🙀🙀🙀 literally him. ngl.. he’s the type to forget their dating because he’ll pop in the room and see them pdaing and boom! “what the fuck is going on??” — “what do you mean they’ve been eyeing each other? HOW?”
this man LIVES in his workplace. what makes you think he’s going to understand the emotional love from these two..? though he did find it weird that minji was asking his opinion on love songs she wrote, but didn’t mention it. and why was jeonghan so keen on wanting to learn more japanese..? on the dates they were busy with either music shows or gose, he did notice that they were closer to eachother and found it extremely strange. #was the last one to find out — “so you’ve been telling me that you two have liked each other for how many years? TWO? oh my god.. you better be fucking with me”
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mom and dad were NOT surprised at all. the calls made from minji to her parents always ended on a strange note: “so when are you going to ask out jeonghan?” or “are you and jeonghan finally dating or what?”. minji had enough during the early months of 2020, and kept her secret when they finally started dating. — “mariana mizuki cortez doi. why did we have to hear it from the agency that you were finally dating jeonghan..? oh, you better pray that you are not home til the next year.” — though afterward, they were extremely supportive of the young couple.
just like minji’s parents, the yoon parents were NOT surprised. they always regarded minji as a sweet girl and had always told jeonghan to bring her home more often, without the rest of the members. they also pushed the jeongmi agenda onto jeonghan in hopes he would ask out minji sooner or later. after a month or so of dating, jeonghan would eventually tell his parents on what their newfound relationship was built on.
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some were short due to the diverse set of reactions!! but here’s jun’s reaction and mingyu’s reaction.
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svtminji est 2023
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sungbeam · 1 year
motorcycle racer!ji changmin x gn!reader
1.4k words, flirting, changmin is wearing a leather jacket and aviators and dog tags (swoons), he calls u sweetheart ofc
a/n: at this point, i might as well just keep on going — btw, i recommend reading "rush" before this so the plot is put into context, but if u don't that's cool too
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You had never seen Ji Changmin in the daylight before. 
You had been summoned down to the front of your apartment complex by his text message, informing you that your car was waiting outside. Instead of seeing only your beloved, hand-me-down sedan, you found yourself gazing upon the very thing mentioned beforehand: Ji Changmin, in all his glory. 
He was leaning up against the side of your car with his hands tucked into the pockets of his leather jacket, a garment riddled with pretty patches of art and emblems you'd like to take a closer look at. His dark hair was swept back slightly, just enough to be out of his face. He wore a pair of dark aviators over his eyes, and your keen eyes caught the dog tags hanging from the chain around his neck. 
He grinned at the sight of you, his tongue caught between his teeth. The dimples were throwing you off immensely. 
"Well?" He said in greeting, throwing his arms out open wide in a vague gesture. "Told you, you could trust me."
You made your way down the stairs toward him and your sandaled feet slapped against the concrete. You laughed under your breath, a little disbelieving. "I have to admit: I didn't think you could drive cars, Ji."
Changmin's mouth pressed into a smile then, taking a step toward you until the two of you stood face to face on the sidewalk. "Just one of my many charms, sweetheart."
You braided your arms over your chest. "Well, uh, for what it's worth—thanks for bringing my car back safe and sound." You made a show of peering around him at the vehicle. "At least, I hope it's all sound."
He snorted. "You're talking to the city's resident mechanic, Yn. It's as sound as sound can be."
"Ah, so you're a mechanic now?"
"I always have been." He leaned forward slightly, and you saw his eyes over the rim of his glasses, just as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip. "If you want, we can take it out for a spin and maybe you can learn a few more of my many talents."
You tilted your head to the side. Your thundering heart was making it difficult to think, or maybe that was just Changmin. This man was definitely keeping you on your toes. "I think some things are better left to the imagination."
Even with the aviators, you saw surprise flash over his features, and satisfaction purred in your chest. It felt good to elicit that kind of reaction from him. 
You shifted your gaze to movement in your periphery to watch as one of your neighbors pulled into the lot down the block. The thought suddenly occurred to you that if Changmin had your car dropped off here, he might not actually have a way back to wherever his residence was, unless the walk wasn't far. 
Maybe you were about to take your car out for a spin after all. 
You sighed, facing Changmin again. He was still waiting for you. "Let me grab my wallet," you exhaled, already turning on your heel to head into the complex. 
His laugh followed you all the way in. 
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You had to adjust the driver's seat when you got into your car. Changmin was already settled in the passenger side, seat belt strapped over his chest and aviators propped up on his head. The keys were left dangling in the ignition for you, and he had even gone so far as to roll down his window and let the radio start playing. 
"You've made yourself at home," you noted as you sat up straight and quickly checked your mirrors. 
You stole a glance over at him at the same time as he did for you. 
He looked like he had too much room over there with his legs spread like that. "It's not every day that I get chauffeured. Usually it's the other way 'round. Pull out onto the main street and make a left," he instructed. 
"Yes, sir," you muttered under your breath as you followed his words, glancing over your shoulder as you turned out of the neighborhood and onto the bustling main intersection. 
Changmin tongued his cheek to keep from smiling. 
As you sped along the main road with the rest of traffic, you said, "For some reason, you feel very nocturnal to me."
He chuckled. "Why? Because races are at night?"
You lifted a shoulder half-heartedly. "I mean, yeah. I haven't seen you or associated you in any other context besides that. And maybe as Chanhee's weird friend—"
Changmin shot you a look. "I'm the weird one? Have you seen that man play Cool Math Games when he's bored?"
You guffawed aloud, and Changmin's mouth widened into a grin at the sound. "Do I keep going straight, or where do I turn?"
"Oh, keep going for two more intersections and then make a right into the first alleyway." He peered out his window for a second to watch the pedestrians and other cars on his side. "Again, not really sure what gave you the impression that I'm the weird one."
The smile on your face just wouldn't go away. But this time, you didn't have Changmin's helmet to hide it. 
You heeded Changmin's instructions and followed the road past two more intersections, then signaled to turn into the first alleyway. The alley led you into the back parking lot of what you assumed connected to the street of shops facing the main road. Changmin pointed toward an opened garage door like the yawning jaws of a cavern just down the block, and you carefully swung your car into park along the curb across from it. 
Changmin unbuckled his seatbelt and popped his door open. "My bike's inside," he said, as if interpreting your silent gaze toward the open garage door as a question. You could see all the equipment inside, as well as his motorcycle amongst the chaos. It seemed that he wasn't kidding about being a mechanic.
Your eyes darted upward at the second level above the garage. "Do you live here?" You blurted. "Sorry that was nosy—"
He shook his head, his hand propped on top of the car door where he stood just outside the car. "It's all good. Yeah, I live up there. It was just convenient and I couldn't exactly pass up the chance for a two-in-one rent," he chuckled. 
You nodded. There were thoughts running through your head, and yet, none of the words felt right on your tongue. 
Changmin pursed his lips into a dimpled smile, saluting you again. "Thanks for the ride back, Yn."
"Thanks for getting my car back," you replied. 
The car door slammed shut, and you slumped in your seat, waiting for him to round your car and head into his residence. 
Except, he rounded the car, then knocked on your window instead. 
You furrowed your brows, jamming your thumb on the button to lower the window all the way down. "Something up?"
He broke into an impish smile. "I forgot to give you this." He shouldered off the leather jacket on his shoulders, exposing the muscular build of his upper arms constrained in the navy blue T-shirt he wore. Your eyes widened as he folded the jacket in half, rolled it in a neat bundle, then passed it to you through the open window. You stared down at it like he had just placed a bomb in your lap. 
He snickered at your reaction, leaning his forearms above his head on the top of the car as he ducked his head in your window. "They see that, they'll let you in for free," he said, nodding to the jacket. 
You raised your head to meet his eyes. "They know it's yours?"
Changmin hummed, teeth capturing his bottom lip. "Mhm."
Oh. "They're gonna assume things."
"Like what?"
You deadpanned at him, and swore your heart tripped at the boyish smile on his face. He knew exactly what you were trying to get at. "They're gonna assume that we're an item."
Changmin shrugged his shoulders. "So? What does it matter what they think or assume? We know the truth."
"The truth?" You echoed. "You can't just tell them to let me in when I show my ID or something?"
Instead of addressing your logical suggestion, he simply said, "It's none of their business who you are to me." 
You blinked; his expression was unfaltering. You didn't know what game he was playing, but you had to remind yourself that you were only in this city for a short time, not a long one. (Then again, maybe that was more reason to live your life out like you had never gotten to before.) "And who am I to you?"
Changmin straightened, pushing off the car. He began walking backward toward his garage, putting distance between himself and his jacket. There was that cocky, smug smile again. "Whoever you wanna be, sweetheart."
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a/n: i *really* need to make up for the lack of jacob fics now :/ (sorry cobie close ur eyes !! u don't see ANYTHING)
tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @ethereal-engene @justalildumpling @vatterie @yogurteume
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bitchiswild · 3 months
please do inform us on what the family tree is :D and also how you came to be one family. i am very curious
Sit down or lay down and relax cause i am gonna tell you the whole entire story, of when i joined goon central up until now.
It was a fun afternoon (February 12 to be exact 🤓) i had family over and we were eating dinner and I got a message from @keervah asking if i wanted to be apart of the discord. when i saw that message my heart started racing 😰but I couldn't open Tumblr in front of my family 😓so I decided to open keers message later on, When i got home i knew i had to answer keer and so i did, I was so surprised they wanted me to join because tbh I've been eyeing them for a while, and I had already talked with keer beforehand on one of my older posts. But i was shocked and from then on Keer sent me the link and I joined.
Guys, i was so shy and nervous at first. My hands were shaking because i hadn't made online friends in over 2 years. But when i joined everyone greeted me warmly, I felt awkward at times since i was new, but as time passed and as I joined their banters i grew more comfortable and finally showed my true and crazy self. @jade-jini was the other person who wanted me to join alongside with keer and without the two of them requesting for me to join I would have never met anyone in Goon Central🥹.
As time past and our banter in the group chat grew i took note of everyone how they act, how they typed, and what their humor is like. (which thank godddd is similar to mine). I would always asked them questions about my nails and what I should do next and sent a hand reveal in the GC (lol) which from what I remembered, I had a couple of people going crazy over my hand 😅. That is where @kittyl1z came to be and simped over my hands (sorry for outing you Sienna) Sienna became a simp and had Jade gatekeep me from her. (Jade is a MAJOR gatekeeper yalls) She gatekept Sienna and i from eachother as Sienna kept trying to flirt her way to me.
Then out pops @lilacura, Lila and I bonded over nails and she helped me decide what to do ( white French tips 😎). Lila and I bonded so hard (??? why does this sound weird) that we took it to DMS and started talking nonsense. Then literally the next day we all decided to do a face reveal on the server. things went kindaaaaa crazy in there during that time. Soon enough i had two girls (Lila and Sienna) (Jade was still gatekeeping) fighting over me😰 and omg let me tell you I was so confused as to what was happening but of course, i went along with it ( for the plot) there were many banters between Lila and sienna.
Which eventually created a love triangle, mainlyyy since I was chatting up both of them 😗 at the same time (I know very messy of me). There were many banters, name calling, disapointment, and heart break through out this whole love triangle, but then Lila and i got married one random afternoon. How that lead up was that i teased that we should get married and she was like we're already married but i had no ring on my finger 🤨 so i was like wheres the ring????🤨then she proposed, then boom married. While sienna was being so sweet talking with me and all i did was break her heart 😔 (So sorry sienna).
Then news broke out through out goon central, then jade became Lila and I's daughter and since jade and Keer were twins 👯we had two daughters!! while trying to adopt keer and jade it TURNS OUTTTTT THEY WERE ALREADY TAKEN BY SOL @myouicieloz AND V @vlance (LIKE WTF) BUT IT ALSO TURNS OUT I BIRTH JADE(???) AND LILA BIRTH KEER (???) AND SOL IS MY SISTER! SINCE SOL IS MARRIED TO VLANCE THEY BOTH ADOPTED KEER AND JADE WAYYYYYY BFORE LILA AND I JOINED THE SERVER, THEN ONCE WE JOINED THE SERVER JADE WAS LIKE "MINE 👹" TO LILA AND I.
But we agreed to be her and keers birth parents 🤗 so, to sum up Lila and I are coparenting with Sol and Vlance 😇 Then jade is dating Kaye @wintersera and they have like 5 kids AND JADE WANTS MOREEEEEEE LIKE GIRL STOP BEFORE I NEUTER YOU!!!!🤨🤨 but everyday is an adventure and filled with love (lol) we banter and Im still as close as ever with sienna ( She still filrts with me till this day even tho she told me not to tell lila) 😊 ( im laughing writing this part 💀) Everything is great fun and fresh 😝 i have the LOML and kids and we also welcomed a new member, Lila and I's baby boy Bartholomew aka bart that mews aka bart, welcome him to the fam!
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Isn’t he precious 😊🥰🥰🥰
Jade and keer hates him 😪
but yes that practically what happened and the general family tree ( i still have no idea what this family tree is ) I gave you guys information yet no information at all since i kinda dont remember sorry its a mess like my brain atm but just know there was a lot of random banters throughout the server lol but it got us here today I hope you guys enjoyed this random story and not a ff LMFAOOOOO.
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gatitties · 2 years
Manager Miniseries
─ Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─ Summary: The guys decide to test you to see if you can get the manager job
─ Warnings: oikawa
0 < 1 > 2
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They were all gathered in the volleyball club room, sitting in a circle with serious eyes, analyzing the plan proposed by several of the members.
"So what exactly do we do?"
Matsukawa glanced at his cell phone for the last time to ask, taking a quick look at each of the boys to lean more comfortably in his seat.
"She could be our manager."
Yahaba's eyes seemed to have little stars while the place Kindaichi was in seemed like a blooming scene, they could already imagine a lot of scenes where they were gentlemen helping a lady in distress.
"What if she's a fan of shittykawa?"
The mother of the team broke all hope with his clear but harsh words, there was no girl who didn't know Oikawa Tōru in high school, there was no girl who didn't like that stupid setter in one way or another.
"Iwa-chan, she didn't seem to know me." he pouted, crossing his arms, but before anyone could say anything else he spoke again with a smile "Oh! What if she played hard? I mean" he fixed his hair and looked at his nails "to get my attention."
He received a blow to the neck.
"It could be possible."
"Then why are you hitting me?!"
"I don't know, habit I suppose."
"Iwa-chan, so mean!"
That was how they decided to approach you, you could be their future manager if you weren't another one of Oikawa's obsessed fans. The plan was simple, they would have Oikawa bump into you 'accidentally' so that he would start flirting —as usual— so they could see your reaction and decide whether or not you could be part of the team.
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Late. Late was a word that was followed by your name, never in your short years of life have you arrived anywhere on time, for that very reason and because your brain did not remember to charge your phone last night is that you were running to get to class. Luck wasn't in your favor either, you arrived fifteen minutes late looking quite messy, although you didn't care about that, your teacher wasn't very amused, that's why you had a little talk with the vice principal. Luckily you would only have to do a couple of things, including cleaning the classroom for a week, well, that was better than a punishment from your mother.
Anything but confront that devil.
Currently you were lying on your table, trying to rest what you had not been able to do that night, but what was your fault? No one warned you that one of your most anticipated series was going to come out so late and you clearly wasn't going to stay without seeing an episode, despite the fact that you ended up watching almost an entire season.
"Here you are, I was looking for you."
You didn't bother to turn your head to see your friend, you just raised a hand, warning that it wasn't the best time to talk.
"You were late again?"
You hummed affirmatively in response. The newly arrived girl sighed when she saw you, you would never change, she left some of her snack knowing that you would not have brought yours and left to let you rest. Like clockwork you woke up five minutes before break was over to eat the sandwich that your pious friend had left you, you would thank her later for being an angel who feeds you. The following hours passed slowly, if it weren't for the fact that a classmate reminded you where the cleaning utensils were, you would have thought that you were still in class. You walked to the closet where things were kept, surprised to find nothing, it was literally empty.
'And how the fuck do I clean the class now? If there is no material I can't clean so…'
A mischievous smile crossed your lips at the thought of not doing your punishment. Coincidentally and out of convenience, the vice principal passed by—surely knowing beforehand that the objects in that closet had been used by other classmates—he simply told you that you could use the third-year ones because they finished a little earlier, so they wouldn't be being used. The previous smile was destroyed in seconds, grumbling internally for not being able to get free.
You walked slowly while letting out a yawn, you really needed to rest more. You picked up everything you needed —which were not a few things— staggering a bit, you affirmed the grip of all the objects against your chest so that they would not fall to the ground, which was totally unnecessary because you collided with a boy, throwing everything to the ground.
'Who's here so late? Aww, now I'll have to pick it all up.'
"Oh, I'm sorry."
A flirtatious voice filtered through your ears, you sighed seeing everything on the floor, rubbed your temples taking a deep breath, this would be a big headache.
"It doesn't matter, I didn't see where I was going."
"Let me help you."
When you looked up, you both looked at each other, remaining like that for a second until you opened your mouth slightly when realized a small problem. The boys hiding behind the corner were disappointed thinking that you really were a fan.
"Don't move."
You said calmly in a whisper as you studied the boy, rather something else that was on him.
"Huh? So you know me? I already knew that no one would resist me."
You didn't listen to his words because all your attention was focused on the mosquito that the boy had fluttering through his hair, you raised your hand slowly, Oikawa remained static thinking that you were going to pounce on him, he smiled arrogantly at that thought.
"I got you!"
You hit the head of the setter, leaving both the person who received the slap and the hidden boys stunned, that was not what he had in mind that would happen but he continued in the line of thoughts, still believing that you were his fan.
"what was that? Are you a masochist? I'm not really into those things but I could try them for you…"
You wiped your hand with mosquito remnants to start picking up the utensils thrown on the floor, forgetting about the boy who imagined grotesque scenes in his mind, before you could leave quietly he touched your shoulder with a triumphant smile.
"So when do you want to meet? I can make a space in my schedule for you, darling."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, who wouldn't want to hang out with me?"
"Who are you?"
All the guys that were there froze thinking the same thing. 'She doesn't know me' echoed in the captain's head, no, you're just being tough, right? He broke out in a sweat as he stared at the blank face of the you.
"B-but we saw each other a couple of days ago." you tilted your head thinking "You have to know who I am!"
"Oh! I know who you are, you're the boy I gave my friend's letter to."
The boy's spirit returned to be present in his expression of victory.
"But I don't know who you are."
And he was down again in a matter of seconds. Seeing the boy's downcast expression, you felt a little sorry, you tried to remember all those times when you were eating and didn't listen to most of what your friend told you, until a lightbulb went on above your head.
"I remember, you're Oiwaka!"
'Oiwaka' gasped as he seemed to want to cry, he quickly walked away to where his companions were hiding from him, giving up.
'Where has he gone? Well I don't care, what a weird guy'
You shrugged your shoulders to go finish your punishment, well, part of your punishment, you would think about what to do with the other part of the problem.
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anemoflower · 2 months
Ship: Sophie x Elias Word Count: ~ 1.6k Warnings: Again a few nerd references. Not fully proofread (again) and it's... not too detailled. I think I could do better but I'm tired xD. It's a bit angst-y in the end? But those who read the "first part" to this know there's a happy end :> A/N: Just wanted to write some kind of Prequel to this one [click] in Elias POV :3 It's also some kind of practise to write him? Idk (There are a few re-occuring scenes from that one. I don't think you have to read this beforehand but it's good for a little more insight) Divider by @/cafekitsune
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Elias first saw her when she knocked over a cup of cocoa over the desk he was sitting on at the Café.
“I-I'm so sorry!” She apologized around a hundred times while wiping the spilled beverage off his desk with a napkin.
Elias just smiled at her and said: “It's alright, don't worry about it.”
“Sophie, stop flirting, we're already late!” A girl with black hair grabbed the girl on the arm and dragged her with her.
“I wasn't-” the girl named Sophie started to protest, her voice went very high and Elias could have sworn her cheeks blushed.
Sophie. That's quite the pretty name.
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He wouldn’t have thought to see her again in the comic book store he was working at. He recognized her by the glasses and the curly dark blonde hair, which barely reached over her shoulders.
She looked at the Marvel comics section and talked to her friend, full of excitement. Her smile was the prettiest he ever saw. But what he really admired were her eyes. They glowed. They glowed with so much passion and interest for the things around her.
When Elias’ shift was over and he went down to the main floor, she was still there with her friends. She was looking up the huge glass cabinet with famous statues and figures from anime and seemed to debate with her friend, the one who has been with her at the café, next to her. 
“But it’s too expensive!” Sophie exclaimed.
“You never buy something for yourself”, her friend said. “I think you can indulge yourself a bit.”
They were clearly looking at the statue of Loid Forger from Spy x Family, showing him in a graceful but powerful pose. It was part of a collection and you could buy daughter Anya and wife Yor also to put the family together. A huge fan (with too much money) would have bought them all. Elias was one of these people, not because he had too much money, but because of his inability to handle his finances very well. And there was too much cool merch to buy. The amount of money he already spent on figures of his favorite characters from One Piece… not to mention the lightsaber replica which hung on the wall in his apartment.
Sophie fiddled with the keychain, a small plushie of a chubby cat, on the strap of her pokémon themed bag, her cheeks turned a little rosy as she was fighting with herself if she should buy the statue or not.
Should he go to them? His shift was over, so it wasn’t his responsibility anymore. And it would have been weird if he just started a conversation, as he had never seen a single episode of that anime.
He decided against it, turned around and as he was leaving the store, he could still hear her voice out of the loud chatter in the store.
“I don't have room for that anyway,” she said.
“You can still think about it”, her friend said, “We can come back when the book I pre-ordered arrives.”
Elias smiled by the thought of seeing her again.
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A few days later Elias was scrolling through an online shop for various suits, looking for something like that Loid guy was wearing in the anime series.
“Will you attend a wedding or something?” His co-worker Joshua - Josh for short - was looking over Elias' shoulder. 
“Do you think men in suits are attractive?” Elias asked him.
Josh looked at him with raised eyebrows and blinked several times. “Dude, I feel very flattered but-”
Elias groaned. “Hell, Josh, you know what I mean!”
Josh shrugged. “Uh, yeah, I guess?” Then he frowned, his face got closer to Elias' and he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “So who is it?”
“Who... is what?”
“The girl you got a crush on?”
Elias felt how heat rushed through his face. “It's- it's not a crush-”
“Elias, my bro, my guy, my dude”, Josh patted him on the shoulder, “Weren’t you the one who always told me ‘just be yourself! Don’t change for anyone.’” He changed his voice to a higher tone to impersonate his co-worker.
Elias just rolled his eyes. "I don't sound like that."
“So, why are you looking at stuff you would never wear?”
“I know what you mean but-” Elias' face turned hot. “For some reason it is not that simple-” He fell silent when he heard steps coming closer up the stairs to the first floor of the graphic novel and comic section. It was her. Sophie.
Today her dark blonde hair was tied into low pigtails. She wore a cyan colored coat with a brown belt around the waist, a small ribbon kept it together. It looked good in combination with her brown boots. Cute even.
But something was different. Her friends weren’t with her this time. Her fingers nervously fiddled with her keychain again, her eyes darting around. She looked uneasy like an anxious deer on a wide field, far away from their forest. Alone she seemed so lost and… almost fragile. 
She searched the shelves with the letter “E” but seemed not to find what she was looking for.
Josh watched how his friend kept staring at her. “Ohh.” He grinned at Elias, who opened his mouth to explain but got cut off by his friend.
“I will go check the newly arrived mangas in stock. Maybe you can help her?” Josh winked at him and left Elias alone at the checkout. "What? Wait you can't-" He could only watch his colleague disappearing behind the next door and then glanced back to the girl, still looking around the comic books.
Normally he wouldn’t have any problems talking to people, he loved that. Get to know someone and their likes and personality. But for some reason this girl made his heart beat faster than before.
Nonetheless, she was a customer. And it was his job to assist her to find what she was looking for. He ruffled through his dark hair, tidied his gray shirt, straightened himself and walked over to her with the kindest smile he could bring up. “Do you need any help?”
The green deer eyes looked at him directly now and he felt a tingle in his belly. She blinked at him, then looked away, adjusting the glasses on her nose.
Elias couldn’t help but smile at her, maybe it would help her feel more at ease again. Her hands stopped fiddling with the keychain and her gaze found his again.
“The comic book ‘Extraordinary’ by V. E. Schwab?”
He blinked as soon as he realized that she started talking to him. Her voice was soft and reserved so he didn’t notice it at first. He remembered seeing the title she just mentioned somewhere yesterday. “Ah, that's quite new, we didn't get to fill them in the shelves yet. Wait a sec.”
When Elias went to check the stock he found Josh again, who was looking at him with a teasing smile. “How's it going?” he asked curiously.
Elias just shoved him to the side to get to the comic book he was looking for. “I’m gonna pay you back for this” he said in a dangerously low tone.
“Oh come on! You should thank me, you started talking to her now!” He crossed his arms while Elias glared at him annoyed, ”Will you invite me to your wedding?”
Elias knocked against a pile of Mangas while walking back to the door and the books fell over in Josh’s direction. Josh pushed his whole body against the pile to prevent it from falling to the floor and squeaked out a high-pitched: “Elias! Help!”
“Sorry, I have to assist our customer” Elias hummed, waved at his co-worker innocently and walked outside, leaving Josh alone.
He found Sophie again at the shelves in the Marvel comic section. Curiously she pulled a few books out, admiring the covers with a little smile on her face.
Elias had to stop himself from staring and walked over to her. “You're lucky, I saved that one from getting buried beneath tons of newly arrived One Piece Mangas.” His heart skipped a beat when she started to chuckle.
They started getting into a conversation about Marvel comics and Elias felt like she was finally opening up a little. She smiled and there was this glow in her eyes again. That beautiful glow that made her shine...
But suddenly an invisible force made her face change again to that insecure shyness. Elias wondered if it was something he said. She thanked him for his help and walked down the aisle to look around more.
He waited for her at the checkout, Josh still hadn't returned from the storage room. Hopefully he wasn't buried by the Mangas. Elias felt bad for him and thought about going to the storage room to check on his friend, but then Sophie approached the counter to pay for the comic book. Her eyes were focused on anything, the pokémon TCG packs displayed on the counter, her hands in her purse, anything but him.
While she was distracted putting the comic book into her backpack, Elias decided to do something he had never done before.
He scribbled a small note on the receipt. Something nice. Something that maybe could put a smile on her face again. “Keep that glow in your eyes, it suits you :)”
Whatever it was that made her feel uncomfortable, he didn’t want that to be the last thing she would remember when leaving the store.
“Oh and don't forget to keep a close eye on the receipt?” He said. “Sometimes the computer writes down strange stuff on it. Really weird.”
But she didn't pay attention, the receipt disappeared in the pocket of her coat and she went down the stairs again. Elias leaned over the counter to check if she maybe would glance at the receipt, but she didn't. A sigh left his lips and he hoped that she wouldn't just throw his message in the trash.
Josh returned to the checkout, his light blonde hair was tousled and there were a few stains of dust on his clothes.
“30 volumes of Monkey D. Luffy just kicked me in the guts. You better help me clean the mess right now-” He blinked at him confused as Elias wasn't answering. “Bro, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I'll help you clean up.” He said with a apologetic smile, which didn't reach his eyes.
- -
Taglist: @jils-things @ceruelaen @huggsbury @satosara @lovinglin If you want to be added or removed please let me know
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 7)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie and Steve go out again, this time to Lover's Lake. They learn more about each other's pasts, but mainly just want to make out.
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, link to Ao3)
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Tattoo artist/florist trope modern day au, you all know the drill by now, the boys are FERAL for each other in this chapter omg, lots of talk about sex, surprisingly no spicy content other than flirting tho
A/N: Hello everyone! I met Joe Quinn yesterday and I will be annoying about it for quite some time, sorry about that. As a reward, here is more of our favorite boys! I love hearing how much people enjoy this story. It's so fluffy and cute and what we all need in these trying times <3 Happy pride!!
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“Okay, you ready?” Robin asked. 
Steve nodded, confident in his plan for the night. 
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Well, duh,” she replied. “Do you have gas in the car?”
“Uhhh, yeah,” he said, remembering that he’d filled it the day before.
“Phone charged?”
“Yes, and beer in the cooler,” Steve confirmed. 
“Very nice. Sunscreen?”
“It’s 6:30pm,” he pointed out.
“Oh, right,” she responded. “Condoms?”
“I don’t think we’re gonna -” Steve began. Robin eyed him knowingly. “Yeah, okay. Just in case.” He walked to his bedroom as they continued talking.
“It’s the third date after all,” she reminded him. 
“Does yesterday count?” he asked, shuffling through his dresser drawer.
“I think so,” she replied. “Oh my god, this is your first date with Eddie that I won’t be present for!” Steve returned moments later, shoving the foil packets into the inside of his jacket.
“So you’re not going to hide in the bushes and spy on us?” he teased.
“Not unless you want me to,” she said with a smirk. “But no, I don’t need to see whatever the hell you two are going to do tonight.”
“You’re acting like we’re animals with no self control,” Steve pointed out. 
“You usually have sex on the first date, Steve,” she replied. “This is absurdly slow for you.”
“Don’t slut shame me.”
“I think I’m actually doing the opposite.”
“Whatever. I’m going.” 
Steve grabbed the cooler and headed out the door.
“Good luck!” Robin shouted behind him. He smiled, shaking his head. 
Eddie was excited. He really liked Steve, and things were going well. He also was a big fan of surprises, especially when people managed to actually surprise him. He tended to get too nosy and figure things out beforehand. Or, he just bugged the shit out of people until they told him. 
He didn’t do that this time. He waited patiently, and he got ready, and he wondered where Steve was taking him. 
It was the longest goddamn day of his entire life, but 7pm rolled around eventually. When he saw Steve’s car pull up, he rushed outside to hop into the passenger’s seat. 
“Hey!” Steve greeted excitedly. “So, I -”
Eddie’s lips were on his immediately. He couldn’t help it. That boy had some amazing lips. He hadn’t been kidding the other night about needing to kiss him more - he just couldn’t wait a single second longer. Steve melted into it instantly, his hands abandoning the steering wheel to hold Eddie’s face instead. They would have made out forever had they not been at a weird angle due to sitting in a car. 
Finally, Steve broke away, chuckling lightly. 
“What?” Eddie asked. 
“Something Robin said to me earlier,” Steve replied. Eddie raised his eyebrows quizzically.
“Do you think about Robin a lot when you make out with someone?” Steve blushed and shook his head. 
“Nooo, no no no,” he said. “She was teasing me about how this is the third date and you and I are going to be all over each other.”
“Yeah, well that’s just a fact,” Eddie replied, leaning back in his seat. “I told you as much already.”
“Does yesterday count as a date?”
“That’s what I asked!” Steve pointed out. “She says yes.”
“Okay, well if Robin says…” Eddie joked. “So, do I get to know where we’re going yet?”
“No, but it’s not far from here, so you’ll know soon enough.” Steve squeezed Eddie’s thigh and then put the car back in drive so they could head out.
Eddie listened to music softly playing as they drove around. He watched the trees and shops pass by him, content. They talked a little about music and the one-woman show from the night before. Eddie waited for Steve to ask him about what happened with Chrissy, but he didn’t. 
Steve wasn’t kidding. He halted the car to a stop about five minutes later. 
“Uhh,” Eddie said, looking around them. They were pulled over to the side of the road, with no restaurants or stores in sight. Just a line of trees leading into the woods. “Where are we?”
“We’re right by the neighborhood I grew up in,” Steve explained. 
“Steve, did you grow up as a tree elf?” Eddie teased, unbuckling his seatbelt. Steve laughed. 
“You caught me, yeah,” he joked, smirking. 
“So,” Eddie continued. “You’re taking me…into the woods?”
“Yeah.” Steve got out of the car, so Eddie followed suit. 
“Are you, like, gonna kill me in there or something?” 
“No, I’m not going to kill you,” Steve responded. “Look, does this make it better?” He popped the trunk to reveal a cooler filled with beer and snacks. 
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie agreed. “Definitely makes it better. Now at least I won’t die hungry.” Steve laughed, then pulled Eddie in to give him a peck on the lips.
“Okay, I get it, taking you on a date in the middle of the woods as a surprise isn’t the romantic gesture I’d hoped it would be,” Steve said. Eddie smiled, grateful that Steve wasn’t annoyed at his constant need to tease people incessantly about things like this. 
“It’s fine, I’m pretty sure I could take you in a fight if need be." Steve rolled his eyes. "Sorry for all the murder talk, I’m nervous,” Eddie admitted. Steve’s face fell slightly.
“Because you make me nervous,” he explained. “Like, in a good way, not in the way that I actually think you’re gonna murder me.”
“I make you nervous?” Steve asked, surprised.
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “You’re terrifying.” He grinned, causing Steve to blush and get flustered. After a moment, he collected himself and returned to the task at hand.
“Come on, it’s just through the trees.” Eddie watched Steve pick up the cooler, his biceps flexing in the setting sun. Steve caught him staring and smirked. “Keep it in your pants, Munson.” Eddie pouted.
“Aw, do I have to?” Steve laughed, shaking his head, and then held his unoccupied arm out to take Eddie by the hand into the woods.
“So,” Steve said as they walked. “I was on the swim team in high school. Actually, I was on most of the sports teams.” Eddie looked Steve up and down and nodded. 
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Steve blushed again, then continued. 
“Anyway, I was trying to think about ways I could show off my special skills like you did for me, and I remembered this spot up here that I used to go to all the time back then.”
Eddie considered making another comment about what other special skills Steve had, but he bit his tongue. He’d made his attraction more than clear and they were only seven minutes into the date.
They made it past the trees until they got to a shore of sorts. The woods faded into dirt that had been walked over so many times it was packed down smooth. From there led to a lake. Eddie looked out at the pretty water while Steve set up a blanket on the ground. He sat down and gestured for Eddie to join him.
“This,” he said, pointing to the water, “is Lover’s Lake. Well, that’s what everyone calls it. I think it has an actual name.”
“Why ‘Lover’s Lake?’” Eddie asked, knowingly.
“Because it’s kind of shaped like a heart, when you look at it on a map,” Steve explained. “Although, when I was growing up, I always thought it was because people came here to hook up.”
“Did you?” Steve chuckled, shaking his head. 
“No, I usually went about a half mile that way for that,” he replied. “At Skull Rock.”
“Called that because it kind of looks like a skull?” Steve nodded, taking two beers from the cooler and handing one to Eddie. “Ah, okay. I’m catching on. Your hometown really has a way with words.”
“Yeah,” Steve replied. “Where’d you grow up?”
Eddie didn’t like this question, mostly because he didn’t like to think of his old life that much. He cracked his can open and took a sip.
“Uhh, Indianapolis mostly,” he answered. “I moved here a few years ago to be closer to my uncle. He’s the reason I met Bob, actually. I’m not used to small-town living but I like it here well enough.”
“Well, Hawkins is glad to have you,” Steve said, raising his own opened can. They clinked their beers together and continued drinking in silence for a minute or two. 
“It’s a nice night,” Eddie said. 
“I kinda wanna see the infamous Skull Rock myself,” he noted. “You know, to confirm whether or not it lives up to its name.” Steve chuckled. 
“You want to see the place where I used to take girls to make out?” he asked. 
“Sure,” Eddie replied. “I’d love to learn more of the Steve Harrington lore. You only ever brought girls there?”
“I was a bit of a late bloomer with guys,” Steve admitted. 
“Well, Steve, there’s a first time for everything,” Eddie teased. “I’m assuming that’s why you brought me here, no?”
“Well, I -” Steve sputtered. “I didn’t bring you there, I brought you here, and - I mean, yesterday you said you wanted to -”
“Relax, I’m just messing with you,” Eddie said, putting Steve at ease again. “But we’re definitely gonna make out at Skull Rock tonight, right?” Steve looked at Eddie and smiled.
“Oh, obviously.” Steve took out a few of the snacks and set them between him and Eddie. “We could also go for a swim.”
Eddie considered it strongly, then shook his head. 
“Uhh, yeah no. I can’t see you shirtless for the first time in a public place,” he said. “I’m not trying to get arrested again.” Eddie shut his mouth, realizing that he’d just revealed something he hadn’t meant to. Goddamn Steve Harrington somehow breaking down Eddie’s previously impenetrable walls.
“Again?” Steve asked, intrigued. “From having sex in public?”
“Nooo,” Eddie said, maybe too quickly. “I’ve never done that. Have you?”
“Uhh, well, yeah,” Steve confessed. “I wasn’t arrested or anything, but the cops busted us a few times. God, the sheriff hated me back then. I got away with a lot of bullshit as a teenager.”
“Yeah, me too,” Eddie agreed. “Until I didn’t anymore.”
He waited for Steve to ask him what Eddie’s arrest was for, or why he moved away from Indianapolis, or to pry in any sort of way about his troubled past, but he didn’t. Instead, he changed the subject completely and asked about Eddie’s tattoos.
Steve was awesome.
They ate and drank by the water until it was dark, talking about life, the universe, and everything. It was calm and peaceful, and Steve was thankful that they both seemed to enjoy the night equally. 
“I think it might be too late to venture to Skull Rock,” Steve pointed out.
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed. “Wouldn’t want to be eaten by a coyote or something.”
“But,” Eddie continued. “Don’t think I forgot that you promised me a makeout session, Steve.”
“Oh, I didn’t forget.”
“So, where shall we go?” Steve smirked, then started packing up their stuff. 
“I’d say we go to my place, but Robin would never let me hear the end of it,” he said. 
“Because she'd be there.”
“Wait.” Eddie stood up, then helped Steve up to join him. “You two live together?”
“Yeah, you didn’t know?” Eddie shook his head. Steve thought back to all their previous conversations, and realized he’d never explicitly said that. Whoops. “Oh, shit. Yeah, we have an apartment together.”
“Separate bedrooms, right?” Eddie teased. Steve laughed, then nodded. 
“Sorry,” he said. “If you’re dating me, she comes with it.”
“I don’t mind,” Eddie insisted. “I like it. I like you.”
They looked at each other for a moment, and Steve caught himself admiring how pretty Eddie’s face shone in the moonlight. 
“I like you too,” he said. Eddie grinned, then clapped his hands. 
“So!” he exclaimed. “My place, then?” Steve nodded, and then they headed back through the woods to the car. 
Robin was right. She’s always right.
(next part)
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detective-casserole43 · 3 months
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Okay, so according to the first episode of Hazbin Hotel, the pilot IS canon!
And I might just be talking nonsense of whatever, but like... Angel Dust has a stronger relationship with Travis than Husker until like Episode 4.
Maybe it's my poor memory or the fast pacing that has my mind jumbled. But I seriously cannot remember a SINGLE meaningful Angel Dust and Husker interaction until "Loser, Baby." And if we're really stretching, maybe you can count the fight they have at the beginning of the episode. They don't even talk in Episode 2 despite being at the hotel together!
Meanwhile, Travis has a one night stand with Angel and actually seems quite familiar with him to some extent. In isolation, I might not have thought anything of this interaction... But seeing as the pilot IS proven canon and Travis is seen working with Angel at the studio, I think there could be a bit more to their relationship than not.
Now, Hazbin Hotel's weakest point is probably character interaction/relationships. With them introducing so many new characters within such a small time frame, while they are already struggling to fit all the other information they're trying to share- It makes sense that not all the characters we see would get the interactions we desire.
But the fact that Angel Dust, one of our most important characters from the main cast, only has three meaningful positive relationships (Charlie, Cherri, and Husker), one of which only shows up halfway through the first season is BONKERS.
And the fact that we have such little time to see our characters sharing time together means guys like Travis, who are background characters at BEST, technically have more important relationships with our character for over half the show run!
Just compare it for a minute-
Travis is Angel Dust's coworker and technical superior (If we're considering the fact that Travis is the director), who had sexual relations with him behind Valentino's back. Because let's be real, I don't think Valentino is too keen to be renting out his best actor off company time without reason to one of his lesser employees.
Meanwhile, Angel and Husk never got involved in anything more than uncomfortable flirting till Episode 4, which is halfway through the season! While I get this is supposed to come to a head for their eventual reconciliation in Episode 4, most of their time spent together beforehand is uncomfortable flirting. Anything more than that is said to be off-screen or rushed in a 5 minute interaction at the end of the episode, most of it being in a song.
Don't get me wrong, I loved watching Hazbin Hotel and I think it's amazing to see how far Viv has managed to get her shows, but I can't deny how fast the pacing is either and how it's been impacting the story. I know there was a certain vision they were trying to achieve for the finale with the next extermination- But we've only sacrificed important character building and relationships in turn for meeting these specific deadlines. Hell, 5 months go by in the first six episodes, and we don't even find out about it until Adam says it out loud!
I, like so many people, wanted so desperately for this show to do well, and I think it's brilliant what we've received so far. And I'm glad to hear there's even more to come, with a longer Season 2 for hopefully more meaningful character interactions!
But it's so obvious that so many things were sacrificed to make this story happen, and I just wonder what could've been if they dialed back the stakes a little bit and focused more on the main concept of the show.
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twicetheheartx2 · 2 years
Anyway, I finished season 2 of Warrior Nun and to avoid giving spoilers I'm going to be yelling about this season under the read more.
First off....
I still don't believe Shotgun Mary is fucking dead. YOU CAN'T KILL A BAD BITCH LIKE THAT
Loved Sister Yasmine, she was delightful.
That scene of Lilith fighting and killing all those dude while she was locked in that .... jail??? or whatever... THAT WAS SOOOO SEXY OF HER.
Ohhh!!!! And Sister Camila getting a bigger role and more development and... just more of her in general loved it. Her hair is also so cute.
Ava getting Beatrice drunk after finding out she's never really drank alcohol before and to dance with her.. And Bea getting so nervous about it beforehand.
Drunk Beatrice was so cute and carefree, girl deserved that. BUT ALSO AVA BEING SO MESMERIZED BY BEA AND THE WAY SHE WAS LOOKING AT HER.
HEHE, that part where that girl was flirting with Beatrice to get Ava jealous and then Ava actually getting jealous. And that girl totally wanted to hit on Beatrice, getting Ava jealous was just an added bonus. And Bea was so cute and nervous while being hit on.
And then Ava calling Beatrice jealous (which she lowkey was) about Miguel. And her denying it but also having a valid reason for being suspicious of Miguel.
Also her backstory, that brings up the question...so how old was Sister Shannon then???
Also Jillian coming in clutch to help the Warrior Nuns. Sad that she kinda always fucks up when it comes to helping them find out what they are cuz she gets to caught up in her desire to save Michael, get Michael back, or the Arc, etc. But in the end she does help them overall.
Also ew, why did they make that one scene of Adriel and Lilith.... like that... so WHY DID THEY FUCKING KISS??!!!!
Also Lilith, baby girl, get the fuck away from him, he's manipulating you. LOVE YOUR NEW LOOK THO
Also I'm sad about Duretti getting killed. I actually ended up liking him.
I already made post about this but... I FUCKING KNEW HE WAS MICHAEL. Sad that he died, and that in the end it was for nothing.
Camila shipping Avatrice and talking to Beatrice about loving the Warrior Nun.... GIRL YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE IS THERE SOMETHING YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS???!!!
Also every Christian/Catholic person that joined Ariel, you did not pass the vibe check.
(And this is where my religious upbringing comes into play)
Fuck Adriel, bastard got what was coming to him.
... but also we got the kiss but at what cost???
Also Ava is coming back right???!!!!
IS REYA.... GOD????
I HAD A SUSPICION THAT THE TARASKS WERE THE ACTUAL ANGELS OR AT LEAST HEAVENLY CREATURES... since the Tarask's skeleton in the catacombs was made of divinium.
Oh and one last thing....
Cuz we know Adriel is manipulating her and he's a fucking liar. Also she better get horns, if my theory that she's a new version of a Tarask or the Warrior Nun Tarask equivalent.... is corrected.
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
I've seen people theorize as part of the devil's timeline (which I don't really subscribe to, but am curious about) that ggdd were pretending not to know each other beforehand when they started filming CQL and that that would explain why they got more familiar over time but also so quickly in the BTS. To me this would explain a couple things (like sharing phones so soon) but creates so many more questions that I have a hard time buying it. Mainly: I 100% understand why they wouldn't want to tell fans/the world at large any more details about their personal lives/relationship, since it's not our business, but I can't figure out why they'd like... act in front of the whole rest of the cast as strangers. I don't *think* it would make it seem like one gave the other any advantage in the casting process, but what do I know? And I can't think of a lot of other reasons for acting that elaborate/long-term. I was wondering if you had any takes on this?
Also! I wanted to say thanks again for your posts so far and I respect that it's not something you plan to keep doing, but I was (hoping) wondering if you were thinking about sticking around in the fandom as more of a spectator? I'm also a new turtle as of like 5 months ago so it's nice not to be the only one still going 🤯 over some of the BTS in 2023 when it's ancient news to everyone else. Thanks again for your hard work on your posts and timeline!
Do they share phones really early? The earliest I saw was 7.7, though I'm not especially eagle-eyed. Beyond that instance and dd using gg's phone while the cast ate lunch on 8.2, I didn't notice either of them sharing phones in the videos I saw.
I guess I'm the odd one out bc I don't think they became familiar unusually fast. It seems like a reasonable timeline for the age they're at, from my experience. So I don't see the need to have an explanation for that since I don't see anything out of the norm in how their relationship progresses.
That's probably why I take the Devil's Timeline as interesting speculation but not much more.
But your main point is definitely a sticking point for me too.
Spitballing it, maybe they wanted to hide the nature of their relationship at first until they realized it was a gay-friendly set. But even then, why act like they don't know each other at all? They have a reasonable explanation for how they'd be acquainted: they met on DDU a year before. I'm not sure why they'd play coy.
Of course, behind the scenes industry stuff is always a wild card. We don't know what we don't know, and maybe gg and dd had a good reason to pretend they didn't know each other at all. I'm not well-versed enough in c-ent to even have a guess as to what that might be, but I assume it's possible.
At the same time, they later seem open about their relationship on set, even having couple fights and flirting while surrounded by cast and crew. So why hide things at the beginning?
I've been watching through some more of the daily bts on another playlist, and gg and dd act how I'd expect 2 reserved people to act on the first few days of working together. Of course, that's real subjective to assess, so somebody else could come away with a completely different impression of how they're acting. But, personally, I don't see anything that needs any explanation.
re: your second para: I'll probably go back to lurking. I have a primary tumblr acct that I use to lurk on a bunch of fandoms. I already followed the bjyx tags and a lot of the turtles on that acct before setting this up. I definitely plan to keep up with the boys, but I don't foresee posting that much in the future.
(I reserve the right to give in to my impulses and hunker down for the long-haul, though.)
I always get to a fandom late! I missed all the excitement when the bts first came out, but I still feel hype when I come across new-to-me stuff. I'm happy to enthuse with others!
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imaginepirates · 11 months
A few questions to consider, regarding James in POTC3: a). Did he know Will was working for Beckett once he was reinstated? b). Did he know Elizabeth was alive? c). Did he meet Sao Feng? and d). Why was he reassigned to the Flying Dutchman in the first place?
I really, really doubt it. I get the feeling Beckett likes to keep his pawns in isolation from each other, much like how Jones didn’t know Jack was alive. Letting James in on the deal with Will would put the two in a position to communicate, and, god forbid, form their own ideas, which Beckett simply couldn’t have. I think Beckett was still manipulating James’ love for Elizabeth, making him think he was one of the only, if not the only, person in a position to help her escape death. The reverse of the question is true too, I think; Will likely didn’t know James had been reinstated to his old position, either. Thus, he thought he was the only one who could save Elizabeth, and no old rivalries or new alliances could pop up between them. 
I don’t think he knew for certain, but I also don’t think it crossed his mind to assume her dead. After all, he knew she was with Jack, and without the news of what befell Jack and the Pearl in the Kraken incident, he would have no reason to think her dead. We see this a little in the deleted scene where Governor Swann goes to stab the heart. When he says Elizabeth is dead, we see this flash of alarm and fear and confusion cross James’ face because no, no she can’t be dead. 
Helluva interesting question. I’m cackling over the idea of their meeting. I can just imagine the looks of pure disdain. But overall, I’m going to say no? Sao Feng was operating with the brethren court up until …
Another great question, but I can posit a few reasons for this. Firstly, James already had some experience with the supernatural given what happened with the undead crew, so he was less likely to be surprised by anything that happened aboard the Dutchman. He even had experience with the Dutchman’s crew, having fought them not long beforehand. Beckett needed a calm, commanding officer in charge, and James was his best bet. In James’ previous career, he’d inspired confidence and trust in his men (presumably), and Beckett assumed at least some of that respect would carry over. James would have been the most qualified to deal with Jones, and if he could stay calm, the rest of the naval crew would be more likely to follow suit. Also, James might have been able to keep Jones from blowing the Pearl to smithereens, simply through sheer desperation to save Elizabeth. It seemed to me like Beckett wanted the Pearl afloat, if only so he could negotiate flirt with Jack.
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asmutwriter · 1 year
You Saved Me (Part 15)
DESCRIPTION: (season 11) After a long day at work you get back home and receive a phone call from an emotionally (or as emotional as he gets) Dean Winchester
A/N - I hope you guys don’t mind the fact that I write fluff content to try and help show the build up of their relationship. I feel like it helps you see their dynamic grow if it has some angst and fluff rather then just pure smut. I say this, I do have an idea for a smutty scene so stay tuned for that
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: swearing, light implications of insomnia/anxiety, flirting, 
- This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
- Not been proof read
“Thank you Hope... for saving our son” the woman says as she holds your hands. You smile at her. 
“Its my pleasure to help” you look at her as she kisses your hands. She heads over to her son. You pick up the box that now contains the demon inside of it. Going to your car and driving to your secure lock up. Filled with various items used for securing demons and ghosts. Or cult items used for worship. Anything that youve dealt wih that holds significant power you have kept safe here. You place the new addition onto one of the shelves. Blessing the room before you leave.
You unlock your front door. Loking it again behind you as you place the keys onto the hook. Hearing a soft humming coming from the living room. You walk in. The two girls curled up under a blanket on the sofa. Billy on the floor with his back resting agaisnt the same sofa. The three of them watching a film “Sorry Im so late back. Had a problem at work that meant I had to stay overtime”
“Its ok mum. We ordered a chinese. Left some of it for you in the fridge” Anna says, titling her head to look at you. You smile. Going over and kissing the top of her head
“You guys all done you’re homework?” they nod “oh you guys are so good. I’ll be in in a second” you smile at them as you go into the kitchen. Grabbing out the leftivers and heatung it up. Then joinging them in the living room as they watch their film. Once it finishes they slowly make their way to bed. Lydia having a quick shower, Billy making them all a hot drink as Anna packs her school bag ready for the morning. You unload the dishwasher as you takj to him “Ive already said this to the girls but I have a work thing tomorrow afternoon so I wont be able to pick you guys up from school. You’ll have to get the bus back”
“God I hate the bus”
“I know. Im sorry. But I can drive you in so you all get a lie in” you smile at him as he chuckles. 
“When they come in here tell them their drinks are ready. Im going to bed” he smiles “night”
“Goodnight” you say as he walks out. A few minutes later and botht e girl walk in. They take their drinks and also say goodnight. Heading off to their rooms. You do your usual check of the house. Making sure all the doors are locked and secure before reteiring to your bed. Getting in you snuggle under the soft duvet. Jumping slightly as you hear your ohone buzz, Turning on the bedside lamp you pick it up. Why was he ringing ths late at night? you answer it. 
“Hey Rose” he says.
“Dean. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah. I just thought that I should be better at keeping in touch with you. As we always say we will and never do. Thought Id start the process of it”
“But this late at night?”
“Its not- shit sorry. Didnt realise how late it had gotten. I’ll leave you to sleep” you shake your head as you rest your head down on pillow.
“No its ok. Its nice to hear from you. Like you said, we need to keep in contact more often then we do as we always say we will” a soft chuckle coming down the phone. “Did you have a hunt today then?”
“Yeah. Had a bit of a weird case today and I needed to talk to someone to help clear my head”
“What was the case?”
“A banshee. It really managed to screw with my head today. Quite badly screwed with it infact. But thats enough about my life. How are you and the girls? And Billy now I guess?”
“Theyre all good. We had a bit of a ghost problem in our old house so we had to move but that was a few months ago now”
“A ghost problem? ANd you didnt call me?” you laugh slightly
“Im a grown up. I can deal with my own ghosts” a soft chuckle coming down the phone
“How did the others react to you javeing a haunted house?”
“Well... they dont know. Well the girls dont anyway. Billy saw the spirit. He doesnt liek talking about it as he thinks hes going insane but he saw her. I didnt tell the girls. I just said that we had to move. Thankfully they know how I am with staying in one place to long so didnt question it”
“They dont know about the ghost then?”
“They dont know about ghosts period. And I plan on keeping it that way. The less they know about monsters the better”
“I agree with you on that” you rub yoru eyes slightly. Standing up you wrap your dressing gown around you as you head to the kitchen. You dont register that he was talking to you as you walked until you hear him say your name “Kat?”
“Sorry what did you say?” he laughs, you can almsot hear him shaking his head
“I asked how long youve been in your new place”
“Oh gosh. About 9 months Id say” you grab a cereal bar from the cupbaord “how long have youlived in your place?”
“We moved in about three years ago”
“Its just you and Sam there right?”
“Yeah. I mean Cas lives with us too but not constantly”
“Ive not heard you talk about Cas before”
"Hes just a friend of ours. Hes an angel”
“An angel? As in...”
“Yeah. Feathers, harps, robes, all that shit”
“I jave images of you and your brother being serrenaded each morning as you wake by a random man wearing a robe and playing a harp” he laughs
“Sadly not quite that ammusing” you chuckle soflt
“Thats a shame. Id pay money to see that”
“I would too” you smile as you finish off your food. Standing up you turn off the kitchen light. Going back into your room you hang your dressing gown on the back of the door before you climb into bed. Sitting cross legged with the duvet over your lower half. “What does he look like then? This angel friend of yours”
“Why? You hoping hes cute so you can get laid?”
“Shut up” a chuckle going down the phone “no I was just curious as to if he looked like how the bible depicts them to look like”
“No. Similar to demons they posess people so they look like whoever they are possessing. But angels have to ask for permission”
“Oh at least they are keen on peoes consent to be a meat puppet” another soft chuckle down the phone. You smile down the phone
“Thining of friends, how is... whats her name...” a pause as he thinks. “Tash. Thats her name. How is she?” you let out a small scoff as you roll your eyes
“Im not sure. Havent heard from her directly in about 3 weeks. She moved to Spain”
“Please do sound more disapointed” you say sarcasticly “really helps buid up my attraction towards you”
“No I- I didnt mean it like that” you chuckle as he tries to backtrack
“Just keep digging dude. Keep digging”
“I just wanted to know how she was doing. Thats all”
“Oh of course. Defiantly not because you wanted to ask me for her number a you forgot to get it when you last saw her”
“SHut up” you smile as you grab your water from your side, sipping it slightly “do you have her number though?”
“I do. But I feel liker he new boyfriend might be a bit pissed at me if I gave it to you” you laugh as he lets out an annoyed sigh
“Just a quick thing. Next time lead with that information”
“Aww but it was funny hearing you sound all hopeful” you mock him down the phone
“Bitch” he playfully mutters down the phone
“Im offended. Truly” you let out a soft laugh as he pauses on the other side
“WHat did you mean by your attraction towards me?” you can hear the smirk in his voice
“Wh-what do you mean?” you curxe at yourself silently for sutterong
“You said that it helos build up your attraction towards me. Just wanted to know what you eamtn by that exactly?” the teasing in his voice evident.
“I said it sarcasticly so...” you shrug “wouldnt think to much into it” you smile as he lets put a soft ‘uh huh’ down the phone.
“You sure that it doesnt mean that you have secretly have the hots for me?”
“You wish” he chuckles slightly. His voice goi g lower as he speaks
“I dont make you squirm just by the sound of my voice? That you dont think of me on those lonely nights when its just you and your thoughts?” you move slightly. Trying to think of a good comeback as his words go straight to your core.
“Idiot” you mutter. He chuckles
“Thats the best you got?”
“SHut up. Its late and I wasnt expecting this conversation”
“SO what you have to have a comeback prethpught of?”
“How would me hanging up on you be for a comeback?”
“Ok ok. Im sorry” you roll your eyes “I get it though. I am devilishly handsome”
“I would so kick your ass right now if you were here”
“Oh Id like to see you try sweetheart” once again you can hear the cocky grin on his face. You glare at the wall as you hear him let out a soft chuckle. 
“how is Sam?”
“Hes good. He met someone tday that I think hes pretty keen on. Of course he would never admit that” you chuckle soflty
“Of course not” you smile down the phone “How about you? You got any fancy ladies?” he chuckles soflty. Pausing for a little bit before he answers
“Im very much single” he says, you can hear a soft smile on his voice “how about you? You got any special man? Or woman for that matter?”
“No. To both of those. I did go on a date a couple of weeks ago withh a guy”
“Oh yeah? How did that go?”
“It went well. Very well actually. Until I realised he didn actually like kids. Very much disliked children. SO I just kind of... left him... didnt really think we would becompatable considering I have three”
“Three? When did you pop anotherone out?”
“Im incorporationg Billy into the mix. Gotta include the adoptive son” he chuckles slightly
“Yes. Having met him I can picture him being quite upset if you didnt consider him one of yours”
“Oh very much so. He insisited we had new family pictures done proffesionally so he was part of them. Its cute to be honest. I think hes just happy that he has a family again. Only downside is that Im more outnumbered when it comes to thwm asking for a pet”
“Oh really?”
“Yep. Im not keen on getting a pet anything. Lyida really wants a pet cat and Anna was never bothered. So it was essentially even. But now Billy wants a cat to. SHes done some sort of jedi mind trick on him to want to get one I think” he chuckles
“You could get a cat”
“No. Dont you side with them either”
“You could though. Really help add to your stress levels I feel. Needing to look after another living thing” you roll your eyss at his sarcasm
“Theyd look after it well enough. They always forget to drink and eat themselves but are great at reminding each other to do it” he chuckles softly down the phone
“Yeah that sounds about right. Exactly like their mother”
“SHut up” you glare down the phone, hearing him let out another chuckle. You smile. There was something about bis  laugh that coule easliy light up a room. You mentally shake yourself before mvoing under your duvet. STretching your legs out under the soft sheets, hearing Dean let out a muffled yawn on th enother end of the line. You chuckle slighty “Am I keeping you up?”
“No. Defiantl not. I did ring you so its me whos keeping you up, surely”
“ou arent wrong. But it is-” you look at the clock on the bedside table “12:06am. So I understand if you’re tired” he laughs slightly. 
“Ive stayed up way later then this”
“We cant pull an all nighter”
“And why not?” although the tone in his voice was slightly mocking, the way it sounded made you realise he was asking it as a genune question as well.
“No we cant. I have work tomorrow. Plus I have to get the girls and Billy to school” a soft ‘oh’ leaves his lips. The sadness in his voice making your heart break. You shut your eyes. Trying to think of a solution that meets you both. “I would say that you’re welcome to come round. But its very late and I imagine you wont want to travel far just for the sake of a sleepover” 
“Id like to. A lot actually. But I shouldnt. Too much going on for me to leave in the middle of the night. I really wish I could though. More then you think” you smile softly as you nod
“I understand. You have a hectic life. Saving the world and everything. Cant be easy”
“No its certainly a pain in my ass” you chuckle softly
“Its been lovely hearing from you though Dean. But I really should go to sleep now. Sorry”
“Its ok. I should get some shut eye too” you smile down the phone softly “I’ll see you around Kat” you nod at his statement
“I hope so. Goodnight”
“Night”. Click off. You place your phone down on the side cabinet. Rubbing your hand over your face before settling down underneath the covers.
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