#we have been here before
thatsbelievable · 2 years
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kuwtsussexes · 2 years
I don’t know why people are jumping into conclusions regarding the book —especially those who have been following H&M for years.
If the tabloids were going to find a copy of the book, they were going to leak parts that would make the Sussexes look bad. They were always going to remove context, exaggerate, and select certain quotes to continue their agenda.
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appleciders · 1 year
one for the ages, am i sick or am i just tired and we've had the AC on for too long
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lukellios · 2 years
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History repeating itself as we all jump back on the train to hell
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numberonepoetryvoid · 2 months
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n0thingiscool · 8 months
Senator Nina Turner's Famous DC Speech
“Sisters and Brother, Brothers and Sisters, I counted all joy to be here with you on this rainy afternoon and I’m so glad that Reverend Al did not stop this, because this gives us just a little taste of what our ancestors had to endure. Now, we got troubles, but we don’t have middle passage troubles. We got troubles, but we don’t have selling your Mama, your kids, and your Daddy on the block type-troubles.
This moment reminds me of a spiritual song in the African American tradition, “How I Got Over”. ‘My soul looks back and wonders how I got over.’ Now Sisters and Brothers, we know we got over by the blood, the sweat, and the tears of “she-roes” and heroes, some whose names we know and some whose names we do not know. But I’m going to tell you something: We have been here before.
Now, the only difference is we got some company, Rev. We got our Gay Lesbian Sisters and Brothers with us this time. We got our Hispanic, Asian, Native American Sisters and Brothers with us this time. I think Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King said, ‘We may not have gotten here on the same ship, but we are in the same boat right now!’ We have been here before.
And I know that you might be disappointed, but I want you to take solace in these words. ‘We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.’ The valley may be lower, but we’ve been before. The mountain might be higher, but we’ve been here before. Because our mission for social justice and economic justice and political justice -- and oh, by the way Sisters, we want our whole damn dollar, say whole damn dollar.
You see the mission is so high we can’t get over it, and the mission is so low we can’t get under it, and the mission is so wide we can’t get around it. We might be disappointed, but we have been here before. And as sure as there is a God in Heaven, he is stronger and more powerful than any man. We cannot forget where we have come from.
So, Sisters and Brothers, I want to leave you with these three things: Number one, the creator of this great Universe has given us two hands, one to reach forward and one to reach back, lifting as we climb. Number two, and most importantly, we can’t ask other folks to do more for us than we are willing to do for ourselves.
And, lastly, in the words of my grandmother, who was hailed from the South, born in 1913, Grandma could not read or write, but she could count her money. She kept her money in the Southern Ladies Bank and Trust with a handkerchief, ya’ll know what I’m saying. When I asked Grandma, ‘What does it take to be successful in life?’ she said, ‘All you need are the three bones: the wishbone, the jawbone, and the backbone.’ She said the wishbone will keep you hoping and praying because hope is the motivator but the dream is the driver. The jawbone will give you courage to speak truth to power. But the most important bone of them all, the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bone, hey, is the backbone. ‘Cuz it will keep you standing through your trials and tribulations. And guess what Sisters and Brothers? We can’t have a testimony without a test. And we are being tested right now. Whether or not we’ve got courage enough, hope enough, fight enough, life enough to do what is necessary. Hallelujah, somebody." - Nina Turner
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egophiliac · 2 months
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crossing my fingers and wishing upon every star that chapter 10 finally brings us the tweel cards 🤞🤞
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cthulhum · 5 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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theabigailthorn · 2 months
"Good" Acting
i have a theory that a lot of people say acting is "good" when they're emotionally moved by it, and a lot of cishet white people have a lifelong habit of not listening or empathising when minoritised people speak, so minority actors get called "bad" even when they display some pretty fucking amazing technical skill
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inkskinned · 3 months
one of the things that's the most fucking frustrating for me about arguing with climate change deniers is the sheer fucking scope of how much it matters. sweating in my father's car, thinking about how it's the "hottest summer so far," every summer. and there's this deep, roiling rage that comes over me, every time.
the stakes are wrong, is the thing. that's part of what makes it not an actual debate: the other side isn't coming to the table with anything to fucking lose.
like okay. i am obviously pro gun control. but there is a basic human part of me that can understand and empathize with someone who says, "i'm worried that would lead to the law-abiding citizens being punished while criminals now essentially have a superpower." i don't agree, but i can tell the stakes for them are also very high.
but let's say the science is wrong and i'm wrong and the visible reality is wrong and every climate disaster refugee is wrong. let's say you're right, humans aren't causing it or it's not happening or whatever else. let's just say that, for fun.
so we spend hundreds of millions of dollars making the earth cleaner, and then it turns out we didn't need to do that. oops! we cleaned the earth. our children grow up with skies full of more butterflies and bees. lawns are taken over with rich local biodiversity. we don't cry over our electric bills anymore. and, if you're staunchly capitalist and i need to speak ROI with you - we've created so many jobs in developing sectors and we have exciting new investment opportunities.
i am reminded of kodak, and how they did not make "the switch" to digital photography; how within 20 years kodak was no longer a household brand. do we, as a nation, feel comfortable watching as the world makes "the switch" while we ride the laurels of oil? this boggles me. i have heard so much propaganda about how america cannot "fall behind" other countries, but in this crucial sector - the one that could actually influence our own monopolies - suddenly we turn the other cheek. but maybe you're right! maybe it will collapse like just another silicone valley dream. but isn't that the crux of capitalism? that some economies will peter out eventually?
but let's say you're right, and i'm wrong, and we stopped fracking for no good reason. that they re-seed quarries. that we tear down unused corporate-owned buildings or at least repurpose them for communities. that we make an effort, and that effort doesn't really help. what happens then? what are the stakes. what have we lost, and what have we gained?
sometimes we take our cars through a car wash and then later, it rains. "oh," we laugh to ourselves. we gripe about it over coffee with our coworkers. what a shame! but we are also aware: the car is cleaner. is that what you are worried about? that you'll make the effort but things will resolve naturally? that it will just be "a waste"?
and what i'm right. what if we're already seeing people lose their houses and their lives. what if it is happening everywhere, not just in coastal towns or equatorial countries you don't care about. what if i'm right and you're wrong but you're yelling and rich and powerful. so we ignore all of the bellwethers and all of the indicators and all of the sirens. what if we say - well, if it happens, it's fate.
nevermind. you wouldn't even wear a mask, anyway. i know what happens when you see disaster. you think the disaster will flinch if you just shout louder. that you can toss enough lives into the storm for the storm to recognize your sacrifice and balk. you argue because it feels good to stand up against "the liberals" even when the situation should not be political. you are busy crying for jesus with a bullhorn while i am trying to usher people into a shelter. you've already locked the doors, even on the church.
the stakes are skewed. you think this is some intellectual "debate" to win, some funny banter. you fuel up your huge unmuddied truck and say suck it to every citizen of that shitbird state california. serves them right for voting blue!
and the rest of us are terrified of the entire fucking environment collapsing.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Flower Empowered.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#wei wuxian#lan wunian#The absolute chaos that ensued when Lan Wangji showed up...those girls went wild.#We have to give kudos to narration that takes the form of a bunch of suitor seeking ladies.#They were so loud about being here for the hotties and whispering gossip. You go girls.#Wei Wuxian most likely just picked up a already tossed flower to throw. Second hand flowers...are still flowers I suppose.#Can you imagine if LWJ had allergies? Poor lad.#Okay it's time for the real gritty discussion point. The one everyone is waiting for me to talk about:#So...from where we are in the timeline...what the hell is WWX supposed to be wearing?#I'm serious. Put all the fanart out of your brain for a moment.#We are post burial grounds and sunshot campaign so he's had his little goth moment reveal.#*BUT* he is still with the Jiang sect. And by proxy of this flashback talking about his disrespect - they never bring up his attire.#meaning he is likely in some kind of Jiang Purple.#Continuity wise it really feels like this scene should have been *before* the burial mounds.#I understand why it's post - we need to build up on the mystery of how he became the YLLZ.#But also his personality feels way more 'pre-burial mounds WWX'. I think this was probably a 'I don't want to kill my darling' scene.#(The Phoenix mountain flashback is a lot of people's 'darling'. I am knowingly putting myself in the line of fire here).#I'm willingly putting him in Wen Qing's borrowed cloak and assuming people take him wearing it as like...a war trophy.#Historians will revise this moment later on but for now he *is* a hero of that war.
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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Katya / Goncharov
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shinynewmemories · 3 months
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Screaming crying throwing up etc over the fact that D12 weddings involve not only the TOASTING of BREAD but also the SINGING of a SONG. "There's always a traditional song we sing" are you FREAKING kidding me Suzanne?? How am I supposed to be normal about this? Knowing that Peeta's first memory of Katniss had her SINGING a SONG and Katniss' first memory of Peeta had him BURNING BREAD? Aughw maybe I'm losing my mind but what if Suzanne invented the toasting based off of Katniss and Peeta's first moments and not the other way around. What if the entire D12 wedding ceremony was created for the sole purpose of solidifying the idea that Katniss and Peeta have been spiritually married since they were 11. What if it's all always been about them. What then
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hannibard · 3 days
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ropes3amthoughts · 22 days
This is such a mess but do you guys get my vision
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khairosclerosis · 1 month
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🐴 the coolest defense in the west.
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