#we might even be going to the same school he's deciding tomorrow
thursdayg1rl · 2 years
some people in my school are really not bad people and its a shame we never interacted bc I do think we could have been better friends in different circumstances
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sixosix · 7 days
no one's ever had me, not like you
timeskip!hinata shoyo x reader
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“Are you really sure that you’re swearing off of dating?”
You wonder how many times you’ll be asked that before you finally get pressured into mingling just to get them off your back. But Akane, bless her heart, looks genuinely concerned, like choosing to stay single was a cruel fate she wouldn’t wish for anyone to bear.
“It’s not a big deal,” you tell her. “Dating’s just not for me.”
You think back to all your previous relationships, and find that you have never been more sure of your decision.
“It just means you haven’t found the right one!” To your left, Yuki, who is alarmingly a lot of shots in, exclaims. She becomes violent when drunk. You would know, your arm is starting to turn red from her smacking when laughing.
You shrug uncomfortably. “I’m not looking for any right one.”
Akane and Yuki share a glance.
“Well, if you say so,” Akane cedes.
Then Yuki slams her hands on the table as she bolts upright, expression grave and voice low as she says, “We’re doing it, though, right?”
You laugh under your breath. Yuki looks a little ridiculous, drunk, and swaying on her feet even when standing still. Her grip on her glass wavers, and you quickly pluck it from her grasp, ignoring her protesting wail.
Akane brightens. “Yes! Of course we’re doing it!”
You instead hand Yuki a glass of water. “Doing what? Are you two up to no good again?”
“Yes!” Yuki exclaims at the same time Akane calmly clarifies, “Noya’s inviting close friends out for dinner tomorrow.” Which makes sense, because they were pretty much the same thing.
“Oh! Nishinoya’s back?”
“Just arrived today! He said he’s visiting for a while.” Akane fishes out her phone from her hand, then pulls out the class’s group chat that you could never bring yourself to check ever since it hit 999+ notifications. It displays a picture of Nishinoya holding up a peace sign, face serious, and next to a large airport sign.
You hum thoughtfully. “I guess if you guys are coming…”
“Let’s go!” Yuki pumps her fists in the air. Akane smiles and tells her to settle down. Akane drank twice as many shots than her.
“Who else is coming?” You ask. “I might pass if it’s the entire school.”
“Noya’s not that wild. I heard it’s just his volleyball team, Ryuunosuke, and us,” Akane says. “I heard they’re also celebrating because Noya’s treating his kouhai’s return from Brazil.”
“Brazil?” The other side of the world! “Yuu and his friends sure are adventurous,” you remark in amusement, sipping idly on your own drink. It’s milder than either of theirs since you were assigned as the designated driver.
“You’ve heard of the guy. Hinata Shoyo, I think it was.”
You inhale your drink and start heaving. Akane’s hands flutter all over you in panic while Yuki descends in deep thought.
Yuki snapped her fingers. “Oh, right! Wasn’t that the first year who had a big crush on you when we were in second year? Noya’s favorite kouhai, Shoyo.”
Hinata Shoyo.
The first time you met Hinata Shoyo was when Nishinoya decided to invite close friends to watch them play. It was an ordinary day, and they had just come back from the Interhigh preliminaries. Their coach agreed to let them take it slow and relax, so Noya used it as an opportunity to invite his friends (it was just you who was free) to watch (read: to show off).
Having nothing better to do during club hours, you agreed.
You were late, stuck with cleaning duty, and forced to catch up to Noya, who had first wheeled into the volleyball gymnasium. The door was shut. You took deep, deep breaths before sliding it open and nearly having your face flattened by a volleyball speeding towards you.
Well, of course, it was a volleyball gymnasium.
Luckily, you managed to swerve out of the way and prevent long-lasting damage to your face. But the shock was more brutal than the would-be impact. You gaped at the ball that rolled onto the grass miles away. Just how fast was that thing?
“Y/N!” Nishinoya’s voice rang throughout the stunned silence of the gym.
Your head whipped around just in time to see a little guy with a mop of orange hair bound over to you.
“Sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry—-” He then looked up at you, now only inches away, and seemed to have run out of apologies. His face exploded in a bright shade of red, but his eyes looked like they were bluescreening.
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s fine!” You wave your hand to dismiss his guilt. “I didn’t actually get hit. Well—almost. But I didn’t! That was amazingly fast!” You hoped the praise would snap him out of it, but he was still gaping at you like you’d grown two heads. Or maybe you had something on your face?
Nishinoya comes barreling over soon enough, brows furrowed. “Y/N! Are you okay? You could’ve died!”
You frowned. “Idiot. I’m not going to die from that.”
Your statement seemed to shatter the tension that froze everyone in place. The captain murmured for them to continue practicing as Noya fluttered all over you like a mother hen, insisting on an ice pack.
Tanaka materialized out of nowhere. “Y/N! It’s you!”
“Ryuu!” You exclaim in delight, returning his hug. “Ryuu, it’s nice to see you again!”
Nishinoya turned to the tiny redhead with a raised eyebrow. “You good, Shoyo?”
Shoyo finally flinched out of his daze, narrowly avoiding your curious eyes. “Y-Yes! I’m just—I’ll go get the ball!” he squeaked out, nearly tripping over his own feet on a flat surface.
Nishinoya snorted, sharp eyes following Shoyo. “I think he has a crush on you.”
Tanaka cackled. “No way! Is that why Hinata looks so constipated?”
Hinata Shoyo. You glanced back just in time to catch him fumbling with the volleyball, trembling like a frightened mouse. It’s cute.
Now, you can confidently state that Hinata Shoyo is no longer just cute. Five years later, July, in an unsuspecting get-together party hosted by Nishinoya, and Hinata Shoyo definitely isn’t the same as before.
��Everyone!” Nishinoya’s voice bellows out throughout the venue. For such a small guy, he has the voice of a booming speaker. “Everyone, quiet! Shoyo’s here!”
Choruses of Hinata! echo through everyone as the crowd dispersed and bounded over to where Nishinoya was. You hear a faint laugh and a “Thank you!” From here, you could tell that his voice had gotten deeper. Still light and high, but it was different from the squeakiness you remembered.
Ever since finding out that Hinata had been back from Brazil, it turns out that his grand debut in the Nationals was aired all over. He’s famous now, not just some kid in Karasuno’s Volleyball Club.
“Ooh,” Yuki giggles maniacally. She hasn’t drunk anything yet. “He’s here. Do you think he still has a crush on you?”
“I doubt it. It was probably because I was his senpai back then. Remember how you reacted to Daichi-san visiting our hall? Everyone in our class was swooning, especially the boys!”
“Something about volleyball players, I tell you,” Yuki says, her gaze drifting over to where Akane was giggling as she talked with them. “Hmm. Speaking of them, I think one of them is on his way here.”
Yuki takes one last sip of her tequila shot and leaves without another word. You didn’t have to turn—didn’t even have to move. You can feel his presence the moment he is right behind you, like a burst of warmth hovering, but it’s gold and bright, so you’re not terrified
Hinata Shoyo sits beside you, asking for a drink. You can’t help but stare.
He turned to you, then seemed to do a double take. Hinata Shoyo—now built twice as big as he once was; no longer the cute, lanky, and short kouhai from your past; with neatly trimmed hair and a much deeper voice—stares at you in astonishment. Hinata Shoyo emits a wordless exclamation.
“Senpai!” he exclaims in disbelief.
“Hinata,” you laugh softly, fondly. “We’re not in high school anymore. I’m pretty sure we’re the same age. You can just call me Y/N.”
“Y-You—” He splutters, face tinged pink despite the untouched shot in front of him. “Thanks!”
“You’re welcome.” You smile, tilting your head and grinning wider at the way his eye catches on the curve of your neck. “So, how have you been?”
He forgets about the drink he just ordered, seemingly getting redder in the face as you inch closer. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve assumed he was drunk. Hinata Shoyo grins sheepishly, blushing and looking beautiful under the dim lighting of the venue.
Swearing off of dating, hmm… 
You consider him—his bright eyes, his wide and ever-genuine smile, and his undivided attention on you. Does he still have a crush on you? Or was it just the surprise that had him so flustered? You throw your head back and gulp down a shot, ignoring the burn that slid down your throat. You suppose there was no harm in finding out.
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rainyreading · 26 days
Hey! I love your Theo fics and I was wondering if I could request a Theo x Hufflepuff, granddaughter of Newt Scamander reader? I think it could be cute!
Maybe he notices her one day minding her business, and one of his friends calls her weird for the same reasons Newt was called weird in school? Whatever you like! thank you!
Theo Nott x Hufflepuff!reader
wc: 950
a/n: Sorry this took so long! Hope it’s ok.
Requests open
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Theo was in the library with his friends. He wasn’t doing any work of course because he was distracted talking with his friends. They were talking about the quidditch match that took place yesterday.
Theo quickly glanced around the library and his eyes landed on you. You were sitting there reading minding your own business. Theo thought you were pretty. He admired your beauty. He thought you were so cute and loved how you weren’t bothered by others.
Draco caught sight of Theo looking at you. He decided to speak up. “You know that’s Y/L/N, she’s weird. She talks to animals and what not. I’d stay away from her if I were you,” Draco warned.
“Maybe she’s just misunderstood,” Theo reasoned.
“Nah mate i’d listen to Draco, she’s a freak,” Blaise commented.
“You guys are mean,” Theo responded.
“Trust us, we would never steer you wrong,” Draco threw an arm around Theo.
“Ok ok I get it,” Theo put a stop to their conversation.
“We are just looking out for you,” Draco explained.
“Yeah yeah i know, let’s drop it please.” Theo grumbled.
Theo and his friends continued hanging out in the library for a little while longer. Theo however was busy thinking about you. He couldn’t get you off his mind. You intrigued him.
After Theo’s friends left he decided to go up and talk to you, despite what his friends told him. You were minding your own business, reading your book.
“Mind of I sit here?” Theo asked.
“Um sure go head,” you replied. You were shy and a little nervous but he seemed nice.
“You’re really pretty you know that,” Theo charmed.
You blushed at his words. You didn’t think anyone noticed you.
“What’s your name?” you asked.
“Theo,” he said with a smile.
“I’m Y/N.” You stuck your hand out for him to shake, which he did.
“I’ve seen you around school, I’ve always wanted to say hi,” Theo began.
“Why didn’t you?”
“I was always too nervous, and now I just thought hey, it’s worth a shot.”
“Well I’m glad you did,” you answered.
“Me too.”
“So what are you reading?” Theo asked.
“Oh this? I’m just reading about the care of magical creatures.”
“Really? Cause I find it fascinating.”
And maybe it was the way your eyes lit up or the smile on your face but Theo could have sworn he died and gone to heaven. You were simply stunning and so lively. He liked to look at you when there was a spark of joy in you.
“Forgive me if this is too forward, but would you like to have a picnic at the black lake with me tomorrow?” Theo requested.
“I’d love too!”
Tomorrow came fast. Theo couldn’t wait he was so excited to see you again. He planned out the whole thing. He brought a ton of food and he even got you flowers.
When you arrived at the black lake Theo gave you the flowers.
“These are beautiful, thank you!”
The two of you sat down on the picnic blanket, and Theo started to serve the food. What Theo’s friends might think if they saw him here with you was in the back of his mind, but he tried to ignore it and enjoy this time with you.
“Anything for you.”
You smiled at him, feeling really good about going out with Theo. He seemed really nice and you were excited to get to know him.
After the both of you ate you decided to just enjoy each other’s presence and talk.
“So what do you do on days you don’t have class?” Theo asked.
“Well I like to read, sometimes I go on walks around the castle. Then there’s spending time with my cat. I also like to draw. What about you?” You answered.
“That’s interesting! I usually hang out with my friends. I’d love to see your drawings sometime!”
“Really? I’m not that good,” you shrugged.
“I bet you are,” Theo implied.
You smiled at him. “Maybe someday.”
“What do you read about?”
“Mostly animals.”
“You really like animals don’t you.”
“Well my grandfather is Newt Scamander.”
“Really? No way.” Theo was impressed.
“That makes a lot of sense.”
“Have you ever gone swimming in the black lake?” Theo asked.
“No I haven’t,” you replied.
“Do you want to swim with me?” Theo grinned.
“Are you crazy?!”
“Come on,” Theo said lifting his shirt over his head.
You laughed at him. You were a little shy but you quickly stripped down to your underwear, ripping it off like a bandaid.
Theo did his best to avert his eyes from your body. You were breathtaking and he just couldn’t help it.
“Last one in is a sweaty oaf.” Theo called out.
You squealed as you jumped into the lake. The water was cold and it felt refreshing. You swam over to Theo.
Theo watched as droplets of water fell from your lashes. Theo went and held your waist.
“Is this ok?” Theo asked.
You nodded.
One hand came and brushed your hair out of you face then rested on your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You replied.
Theo placed his lips on yours in a heated kiss. His mouth explored yours. Your lips were moving in sync. When the need for air became to strong you pulled away.
“You are a really good kisser,” Theo complemented.
You giggled, “Thank you.”
Theo was quickly falling in love, and he didn’t even know it yet. The last thing on his mind was what his friends would think. He couldn’t care less about their opinion because he found someone he enjoyed spending time with.
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writeroutoftime · 10 months
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pairing: carmen berzatto x reader (requested by: @zablife)
summary: culinary school is hard, but luckily carmen is there to help you through
warnings: none
words: 0.9k
a/n: Lee, I'm sorry this took a little while for me to get out, but thank you for sending this my way, it was a lot of fun to write!! I was even searching 'a day in the life of a culinary student' to figure out what it might look like for them, lol! anyway, please enjoy!!
The blare of your alarm was the first thing that greeted you every day at 4:30 in the morning. Feeling as though your hand was made of lead, you reached out from underneath the covers and slapped it off, a groan not too far behind. As much as you longed to slip under the covers for another hour, you knew it was imperative you get to the kitchen and practice long before any of your classmates got there.
Throwing on your uniform, you made the short walk to the school's kitchen and quickly pulled out your cut boarding, knives, and vegetables. You took a moment to catch your breath and began practicing your dicing. It wasn't long before the knife slipped from your hand and you let out a shout, pushing away from the counter.
Tears of frustration welled in your eyes, and you let them fall thinking you were the only one in the cold, industrial kitchen. However, you quickly discovered you were, in fact, not alone when the there was a lot clattering from the other side of the room.
"Shit." someone whispered, obviously trying to hide.
"W-who's there?" you called out, quickly wiping away any evidence of your meltdown.
It took a moment, but a figure emerged from behind one of the refrigerators, raising his hands in faux surrender. "Ah, I'm really sorry, I wasn't trying to spy on your or anything."
You quickly recognized it as Carmen, from your classes, his blue eyes instantly recognizable. "It's okay, Carmen. W-what are you doing here so early?" you asked, trying to keep the attention off of you.
"Haven't been able to sleep." he shrugged. "Figured I'd come down early and set up before first lecture. What are you doing here so early? y/n, right?" he asked, pretending he didn't know your name or that he had recognized you even from behind.
Sheepishly, you glanced to failed dicing. "Just, you know, practicing." Embarrassed to admit to your faults when you had seen Carmen's flawless skills in the kitchen.
There was a long stretch of silence as Carmen looked at you, glanced to your station, and then back to you. "I could, um, you know, help you out." he offered. "Only if you want, and I'm not saying I like know everything or whatever." he quickly amended, looking rather frantic.
A small giggle slipped past your lips, and Carmen decided it was his new favorite sound. "That'd be great." you whispered, smiling your thanks.
"Oh, okay. Cool." Carmen said, almost surprised that you had agreed. "Why don't, uh, why don't you show me what you were doing, and we can see where to go from there."
Nodding, you picked the knife back up and continued to try and dice, trying to ignore Carmen's eyes watching you. No, watching your knife skill, you corrected yourself. Eventually, Carmen cut in with some advice, and continued to help you out. This went on for almost an hour until more students began to trickle in, setting up their stations before lecture.
"Same time tomorrow?" Carmen offered.
"Oh, no, I don't want you to have to get up so early every day. just to help me out, Carmen." you said, not wanting to scare Carmen away.
"I'll be up already, I promise." he said, trying to ease your worries. "And, uh, you can just call me Carmy. You know if you want."
You bit your lip to stop your smile from growing too large. "Okay, then, Carmy."
Carmy's tutoring continued on for the next few weeks. Each time, just after 5 in the morning, just the two of you in the kitchen. As time passed, you found yourself excited for your alarm to go off so you could spend some time with the curly-haired chef.
Slowly, your confidence grew in the kitchen with Carmy by your side. Patient and kind, Carmy always offered constructive criticism, never tiring when you asked him to demonstrate a technique just one more time. And if either of you noticed the way he began to stand closer and closer while watching you - enough you could feel his warm breath on your skin - neither of you said anything. But the conversation was easy and comfortable, and you, nor Carmy, wanted to let this opportunity slip away.
It was one morning, some weeks later, you found yourself with Carmy drinking coffee, instead of practicing. Your skills were nearly on par with Carmen's, and you suggested treating yourselves to coffee instead, just this once.
"So, what made you decide to apply to culinary school?" he asked.
"Cooking was such a huge thing for my family. You did it to show someone you loved them, you cared for them. And I wanted to take that feeling and offering it up to everyone. But no one in my family was a professional, so all the yelling and technical aspects of culinary school can be a bit jarring." you explained. "What about you?"
"Uh, my older brother has a restaurant. I loved watching him cook, too, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. Show him this is something I can really do." he told you, staring deeply into his coffee cup.
You smiled at the vulnerability in his statement and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "I'm sure he's so proud of you." you smiled.
Carmy relished the way your hand felt covering his, and opened his mouth to say something, but you pulled away, bashful, and downed the rest of your drink. "Wel, we better get to lecture, huh?" you asked, seeming more nervous than Carmy had seen you in weeks.
He made a mental note to ask you about it after class, and though he didn't know it yet, the day would soon go down as one of his favorites, when you finally kissed him in response to his question.
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mirage-aera · 2 months
can we please get more angst? 🙏
like what if reader decides to unalive herself? cant take the grief anymore and knowing that drinking and binge eating will not do anything but just burn money and delay the inevitable. and simon is too late to save her. cue simon grieving in return and drowning in guilt and self hatred for putting her in that situation.
•°. *࿐ Drowned
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader
pt. 1 - pt. 2
Synopsis: By the time Simon returns to your shared home, it's already too late for you. You've hit rock bottom in the rabbit hole, and Simon is ready to jump into that same hole.
Word count: 2.606
First of all I’d like to apologise for my two month(?) absence. I got overwhelmed with school work that I needed to focus on and some personal problems happened. For anyone who has stuck around, this is the long waited part 2 that I promised a while ago. I haven’t written anything in my long break so bear with me. Second of all you guys really want more angst from me. I was planning on doing a happy ending but this will do.
TW!! Suicide, alcoholism
For the people that wanted to be tagged: @somehopeatlast @yyiikes
It’s too much. Everything is too much. Everyone has been telling you that healing takes time. When in reality, all that you feel is despair. Instead of the wound gradually closing, all that’s really happening is your heart getting ripped out day by day. You don’t know how much longer you can keep this charade up. You’re throwing people fake smiles left and right, and ‘I’m fine’ has left your mouth more times than you could actually care for. It’s as if you’re living life as a mindless zombie. Barely doing the bare minimum to sustain yourself. Every time someone checks up on you, you tell them you’re doing okay, could be better but you’re fine. At least, that’s what you want them to think. You’re just a shell of the person you were when Simon was still here and alive. You’re blowing through your money like no tomorrow. But can you get yourself to care enough to do anything about it? No, and not for the foreseeable future. You spend your days drinking away, either at home or in bars. You’ve tried moving on, but the only thing you’re able to see in them is Simon. You chicken out before anything can get serious. Your bingeing habits haven't changed a bit, you’re on the same routine.
It's been months and you can’t get out of this rabbit hole you’ve dug yourself. Months.
It’s crazy to think about the chokehold Simon has on you, even when he isn’t physically here himself.
You’ve had enough. You’re not living life as is. You’re practically a dead person walking, a mindless being. All you’re doing is blowing money when you could be doing anything else but that. You’ve contemplated long and hard about this decision, and to be frank. You see no negatives to this option. Taking the way out seems like a way better alternative for you than continuing to waste the air around you with useless breaths.
The hooded figure that you sometimes see outside your window has started showing up less and less. You’ve made eye contact before, but before you can even mutter a word out the shadow has vanished. As if he never existed and is a figment of your imagination. You could’ve sworn that those were the eyes of Simon. His sharp brown eyes are unmistakable. You can recognize them from anywhere. But, he is dead. The possibility of it being him is simply impossible. You stare solemnly out the window. You want to see whether the shadow really is a figment of your imagination, or if it’s actually a person. But they never show up. If the shadow had shown up, would you have gone through with your plan? Probably not. As insane as it might sound, you feel a sort of pull for the shadow. As if it’s calling out for you.
When all you can see is the dark starry night. You sigh and shut the blinds. No one needs to see what you’re going to commit. You head upstairs to your once-shared bedroom. You walk absentmindedly to Simon’s bedside drawer. Revealing a small handgun. He always keeps weapons on him, or around him. To keep both you and him safe in case anyone ever dares to try anything in your own home. You pick up the piece of iron. Simon has taught you how to use it, in case there’s an emergency and he isn’t there to protect you. Back then it felt like a light piece of metal. Now, it sits heavy in the palm of your hand.
You slowly sit on the floor. Your back against the side of the bed. You expected to feel afraid. But to your surprise, you don’t feel anything at all. As if everything is numb. For that part you are a little thankful for, it’ll make this so much easier for you to do. You turn the gun in your hands. Inspecting your executioner. Minutes pass, and you’re still sitting idly on the floor. You’re waiting for the right moment. Deep down, you’re hoping that Simon will walk through the door. Wrap you up in his arms and tell you how everything is okay now. That it was simply a mission gone wrong, which made it so he couldn’t come home at the promised time frame. But as the silence of the house engulfs the house in an eerie peace. You close your eyes. This is the right moment. Simon won’t show, and he won’t show. You need to get that in your thick skull.
You look around your shared bedroom for the last time. Picture frames litter your dressers. His clothes are still hanging in his section of your closet. You put the gun away and back into his nightstand. You can’t do this, not here at least. Not at the serenity that belongs in your bedroom.
You scramble up from the floor. You pick up the crinkled piece of paper sitting on Simon’s desk. You go downstairs and pin it on the fridge with a magnet. Visible for anyone who comes looking for you. You rush outside, not bothering to bring a jacket with you. You’re not going to need it anyway. You run outside, not noticing the shadow blending in the night watching you. He wants to follow you, like he usually does, wanting to make sure you don’t do anything stupid or that you’ll regret. But this time, he can’t bring his feet to move. He simply watches you run off to whatever destination you have in mind.
You run off to the bridge you frequent with Simon. Not a lot of people go across it during the day. No one ever comes through at midnight. Giving you time alone to think and reminisce. You lean on the metal railing. Images of the various late-night dates Simon would take you on during his off days flash through your mind. You crack a small smile at that, embracing the pleasant memories once again. Your smile drops. Memories, that’s all they’ll ever be. You won’t be able to recreate them or make new ones anymore, not with Simon or anyone else. You brush away stray tears and let out a soft sniffle. You climb over the railing. You stand on the other side, peering down at the frigid cold water below. You look behind you, making sure no one is there. You suck in a deep breath, close your eyes, and let yourself slowly tip over the edge. One to two seconds feel like minutes. You feel the wind rushing past your face. Soon the cold water greets you. Despite the freezing temperature, it feels like a warm embrace. As if it’s welcoming you. You let yourself sink, letting more memories of you and Simon flash through your mind. Soon enough, everything goes black. You’ve lost this battle. Was it worth it? Some would say not, but to you? It was. You were miserable day after day. This was a peaceful alternative.
The shadow gets worried when hours pass by and you don’t return home yet. A bad feeling settles in the depths of his stomach. A nauseating feeling overwhelms him. He emerges from the shadows of the night. His mask was illuminated by the moonlight. He wants to know where you’ve gone. He shoves a flowerpot on your front porch aside with his foot, revealing a spare key. He grabs it and unlocks the door. It opens slowly. He steps inside, he takes off his worn boots. Not wanting to have anything traced back to him, anything that’ll show someone has been in the comfort of your own home. He looks around with confusion. He spots your phone and keys on the dining table. That’s weird. You never leave without those items, something Simon has drilled into your mind. He frowns behind his mask. He looks around everywhere. Eventually, he finds himself in the kitchen. At first glance, nothing seems out of the ordinary. He squints his eyes at the fridge. A note is pinned on the piece of metal. He takes big strides towards the fridge and reads the note. His heart sinks to his stomach. The urge to throw up is getting to him.
To anyone who finds this note. It’ll most likely be you, Price. I’m sorry. I know I’ve said that I’m fine, that I’m getting better. But I think you know this as well, that I’m not. If anything, I’m getting worse by the day. I’ll keep it short. I have nothing much to say anyway. Not that anyone would care. Don’t come looking for me. I’ll be long dead by the time you find this note. I don’t even know where I am. I might be in my bedroom, bathroom, in a ditch somewhere, or even floating in a river. On the bright side, I’m happy. Happier than ever. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. I have Simon to keep me company.
I love you Simon, I’ll see you soon.
He rips the note off the fridge. He rereads it over and over. Hoping, no, praying that his eyes are deceiving him. That this is just some sick joke being played on him. You’ve done your fair share of pranks on him, but they’ve never been this extreme. He crumples up the note and shoves it in his pocket. He rips his mask off and throws it on the table near your phone and keys. He lets out a snarl. He slams his palms on the wooden table. “Fuck!” He exclaims. He pulls out his burner phone. He dials a number. They immediately pick up on the third ring. “Simon.” A low voice comes through. “Price.” He replies. He clearly doesn’t sound happy. He can’t let out tears, not now. He doesn’t deserve to. “Did you find something?” This sets something ablaze in Simon. He lets out a dry chuckle. “I’ve found something alright.” He sneers. He can’t help but convert the feeling of anguish to anger, and frustration. Anything but sadness. A low hum follows. “What did you find?” He takes a deep breath in. “I’ve found a suicide note in my own home.” He spits out. A painful silence ensues. “What?” He glares at the wall, lined with your pictures together. “You’ve fucking heard me. Want to explain that to me? You said she was doing fine!” A sorrowful sigh could be heard through the fun. “That’s what she said. I-” Simon interrupts him. “And you believed her?! How didn’t you see what was going on?! I told you, I fucking told you to keep an eye on her while I am gone!” He snaps. Something he probably shouldn’t do to Price, but he can’t bring himself to care right now. Another sigh could be heard. “Simon, listen. The mission-” He scoffs. “I don’t give a damn about the mission right now. My girl is dead for fucks sake!” He shouts. He continues. “I wasn’t happy with this mission. I already told you, I’d only agree to do this if you keep a close eye on her. I trusted you, Price. Now look at what happens. I faked my death, and now she’s dead!” He takes another deep breath to calm himself. “After this mission, I’m done. I’m pulling out. It’s about time I retire from this shithole anyway.” He sneers and hangs up. He throws the phone down on the table as well. He runs a hand through his hair in frustration.
He takes a seat at the table. He runs his hands down his face. A million thoughts run through his head. How did it end up like this? Multiple what-ifs pop up in his mind. What if he showed himself to you on the first day he came back to see you, would you still be alive? He lets out a low growl and slams his fist down on the table. Silent tears stream down his face. How does he always fuck up whatever good comes in his life? At this point, he’s just cursed. He can’t have happiness without something ruining it.
After he collects himself he gets up, but he still has work to do. And as much as he wants to drown himself in guilt and self-hatred. He understands that he still needs to finish his mission. He narrows his eyes as he walks out of your house. The people at the other end of his wrath need to watch their backs. Simon will make anything and anyone suffer, to make them feel the same pain he’s feeling. Deep down, he knows nothing will compare to it.
A fucked mission later, a hell of debriefing, he comes back home as a retired soldier. A home that has turned into a cold, haunting, and uninviting. Everything that made this house a home was you, you were his home. You aren’t here anymore. And it’s all his fault. If only he went against orders, let you know what was happening. You would still be here. If only he came to check on you more often, he could’ve seen the signs and stopped you. If only he could’ve shown any sign he’s still alive, you would probably still be here. Alive, breathing, at home, doing whatever you love to keep yourself busy while he’s gone. But no. He fucked up, and he’s paying the price for it.
For days on end, he will feel the remorse, the regret, the guilt. He would fall into the same rabbit hole you dug. Instead of you going down it. You’re already rock bottom, he’s simply joining you. He spends his time drinking. That’s what he knows helps best in this situation. Whenever he’s not drinking he’s spending time in his home gym.
A thought crosses his mind. The same one that has yours at one point. He lays in bed, your pillow still has your smell and it haunts him. He reaches over to his nightstand and opens his drawer. What he sees breaks his heart all over again. His gun. It has been moved. He’s certain this wasn’t how he left his gun before he left. He always made sure that the grip was facing him so he could grab it quickly in a time of emergency. It isn’t lying in that position anymore. He sits up with the gun in his hand. He plays around with the piece of iron in his hand. Unloads and loads the bullets over and over. Pushing the safety back and forth. Anything to distract him from the void he’s feeling in the pit of his stomach. Your note that you’ve left on the fridge rests on his nightstand. You said you were going to be okay. That you’ll have Simon to keep you company. Well, he isn’t fucking there, is he? He wants to join you so desperately. But he’s afraid, not of death. But even if there is an afterlife, would you accept him? He lied to you. A lie that cost you your life. He doesn’t know if he could endure that on top of the grief he’s feeling. But even seeing you one last time would be better than this.
So he sits there, in the darkness of your shared bedroom. Contemplating if he should join you. Something you were doing a few nights prior. If only he didn't accept the damn mission. He wouldn’t be drowning in his grief and self-hatred if he let the mission go. You would be here, in his arms. And that thought would forever haunt him until he does opt for the other route.
I’m sorry lovie, for everything.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Benny weir x reader. Can you do one where Benny gets an online gf but have never met irl but she knows everything about the gang and him included the supernatural parts. Anyways Benny is like ALWAYS bragging about her but the gang fully just don't believe she's real. So reader flies out and decides to move to where Benny lives to surprise him. She tries really hard to wait to surprise him when he gets home from school but she just caught a glimpse of him while he was messing around outside the school and just couldn't resist running up and kissing him! Benny is? Shocked. The gang is? Shocked. Reader is? Love sick. Once Benny realized who it was he started to get so excited and not believing she was actually here all while Ethan is just like, who tf is this hot girl that's trying to get in Benny's pants rn?. And Benny has to literally make reader say she's his gf to make them believe him finally-🐇
Summer Love (Benny Weir X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Benny’s friends don’t believe him when he tells them he has a girlfriend.
A/N: I’m having the reader move because of her parents’ work instead of just for Benny bc idk it feels a lil weird for a teenager to move for their s/o and not even telling their s/o that they’re moving
School had just ended for the summer, and you were racing home. Your boyfriend had made a habit of facetiming you when you were out of school, but you were hiding something from him that you really wanted to keep a secret.
After greeting your parents, you went to your room. It was filled with boxes, bubble wrap, and suitcases. Your boyfriend couldn’t see this. It would ruin the surprise.
Suddenly, your phone started ringing. You pushed everything off your bed and ensured there was nothing out of the norm around you. Deciding that everything would look fine, you answered the phone. “Hey, Y/n!” His regular grin widened when you popped up on his screen.
“Hey, Benny!” You and Benny met last summer when he was taking a road trip and went through your town. You were waitressing at the diner he and his grandma stopped at. Usually, you’d roll your eyes whenever some rando tried flirting with you, especially when you were working. But there was just something different about Benny.
It might have been the fact that he was a warlock, but he insisted that it was his amazing charisma.
“So, how was your last day of school?” He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary with your surroundings, or if he did, he didn’t say anything.
The two of you talked for about an hour before you got a text from your mom. It said something about her needing your help loading boxes into the moving van that your family had rented. You sighed.
“I gotta go; my mom needs help with something.”
“Okay, Baby. I’ll talk to you tonight?”
“Of course, Bens.” After saying your goodbyes, you hung up and ran downstairs to help your mom.
“How was your talk with Benny?” Your mom asked as you carried a heavy box out of the house.
“He didn’t suspect a thing.” You didn’t like keeping secrets from someone you cared about, especially one this big. But you knew it would be totally worth it.
“What are you gonna do when we’re on the road?”
“I told him that people were fixing the power lines on our block starting tomorrow, so we can only text or call until the power and wifi are back on. But no facetime.”
“Smart. How are you gonna surprise him?”
You hauled the box into the van, dusting your hands off.
“Still figuring that out.”
After lengthy drives and your parents constantly switching between driving the car or the moving van, you had finally made it to Whitechapel, Ontario. Your dad was offered a promotion in one of the corporate offices of his company, which just so happened to be in the same town that your long-distance boyfriend lived in. To say you were ecstatic to hear the news was an understatement. You remember grabbing your phone as fast as you could, about to call Benny, when you paused. Something this big shouldn’t be told over the phone.
So you decided to just tell him when you saw him. Now, you were just debating on how to do it.
After unpacking a good amount of your stuff into the new house, you told your parents that you were going to explore Whitechapel. It would give you both time to think about how you’d surprise Benny and time to get used to your new surroundings.
Whitechapel was very beautiful when you didn’t think about the freaky supernatural stuff that your boyfriend and his friends encountered almost daily. Even if you didn’t have Benny, you think that you’d still be delighted about this move.
After walking through the park and getting lunch at some little restaurant, you decided to go by the school you would be attending after the summer. It was a decent walking distance from your new house, thank goodness. As you approached the courtyard in front of the main entrance, you heard lots of laughing and talking. There was a group of kids about your age messing around. As you caught the face of the tallest boy, you started to panic.
You must have forgotten that school was going for another week in Whitechapel. Because instead of hanging out at the park or someone’s house, it looked like Benny and his friends were just now leaving school.
If it was just Benny, you’d be all over him by now. But he was with his friends. And his friends were convinced that you didn’t exist. Sure, this could have easily been disproven by a phone or facetime call. But something always prevented you and Benny’s friends from interacting for some reason. One or the other being busy or faulty internet were the main things. But Benny had also shown them pictures of you, and they didn’t believe him.
You had to do something. You were just standing there like a weirdo while your boyfriend and his friends were messing around across the street. You needed to make a decision, either run to Benny or run away from him and figure out how to tell him later.
“Benny!” You yelled as you crossed the empty street. A look of recognition crossed his face before becoming confused. He heard your voice, but there was no way you could be in Whitechapel. “Benny!” He turned to the sound of your voice.
“Y/n?!” He shouted back with an incredulous tone. He started to run towards you, and the two of you met on the sidewalk. He kissed you the second you were in his arms. Months of being apart amplified the passion; you two didn’t even care that his friends were gawking at you.
“Why is Benny making out with her?” Ethan asked. “Who even is she?”
“Maybe he paid her a million dollars,” Erica replied, looking at the scene in front of her with slight disgust.
“Wait, you can do that?” Rory asked.
“What are you doing here?” Benny asked you, refusing to let go of you. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d be here?”
“Surprise.” You smiled. Seeing him on your phone was nothing compared to seeing him standing before you. He looked so pretty, especially when he was smiling at you with a smile that he only gave you. A lovesick smile, as if you were the person for Benny. “You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to surprise you.”
“Mission accomplished; this is crazy.” He kissed you again. “How long are you gonna be here?”
“Oh, you’ll be seeing a lot of me, Bens. Let’s just say you should change my address on your phone.”
“No way.” He muttered. “Are you serious?”
“Surprise again.” He kissed you to the point where you almost lost your breath, but you didn’t care in the slightest.
“This is probably the best day ever, holy crap.”
“Uh, Benny?” One of his friends called out, making the two of you remember that they were even there. “Wanna tell us what’s going on?” Benny turned around, you still in his hold. He brought you to his friends.
“Guys, this is Y/n. My girlfriend of almost a year that I keep telling you about.” His friends kept looking from you to him. “Y/n, this is-”
“Oh, don’t tell me. I got this.” You pointed to each person before naming them. “Erica, Sarah, and Rory, the vampires. Ethan, seer. And Benny, greatest warlock I know.” Your boyfriend blushed at the compliment and even more when you kissed his cheek.
“Right as always,” Benny said.
“Benny, you told her about us?” Sarah asked, somewhat panicked.
“Of course I did. That’s what you do with someone you’re dating; you tell them stuff.”
“Benny, I know that you’ve been pretty insistent on the fact that you have a girlfriend.” Ethan sighed. “But going as far as to hire someone and tell them very personal stuff about us? That’s crazy.”
“E, I didn’t hire her. She’s my girlfriend.” Benny groaned, frustrated that this debate was still going, even though his girlfriend was standing right in front of his friends. “Y/n, tell them.”
“I’m genuinely Benny’s girlfriend.” You said. “I wasn’t hired to do this; I’ve been dating him for almost a year. We met last year when he and his grandma were on a road trip.”
“I still kinda don’t believe this,” Sarah muttered. You shrugged.
“Well, it’s your guys’ loss if you don’t believe us, I guess.”
It took showing photos, messages, and even questioning Benny’s grandma. But at the end of the day, Benny’s friends finally believed the two of you. They apologized to you for not believing you were real and to Benny for not believing he really had a girlfriend all this time. 
“So, besides thinking you didn’t exist, what did you think of them?” Benny asked you as he walked you home.
“They were pretty cool. I’m kinda scared of Erica, though. She has a very intense energy to her.”
“Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you. It just takes time.”
“How long did it take for her to warm up to you?” He sighed.
“Still working on it.”
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 01 | JJK
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⏤banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren't expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK's noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 5k+
⏤ author's note❧ I just wanted to state that this is the first time I write a fic - so bear with me, please 😌 - also just as an FYI, I don't have an specific schedule to update since you know.. adult life hahaha but I'm already working on next chapter. I love this story and I hope you get to love it as much as I do 💜
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You were finishing unpacking your clothes when your phone started to ring, you smiled seeing that your screen was flashing with Chris’s name on it. Christian – aka Chris – has been your best friend since you were 15, you met him during your high school years through acquaintances and you clicked immediately.
You both feel like you’re each other’s soulmate but of course only in a platonic way, although a lot of people tend to misinterpret and think that there’s more to your friendship. It’s hard for people to understand that a woman and a man can be just friends without any sexual desires but to be honest at this point of your life you don’t care about what others might think of your relationship with your best friend.
‘Hey y/n, finished unpacking yet?’ asks your best friend with his chirpy tone as soon as you pick up the call
‘Hey Chris, ughhhhh no... still working on it, but I promise I’m making progress, I finished with almost every room of the apartment, I’m cleaning up in my bedroom right now. I think by tomorrow I might have everything in order’ you say while biting your lip and looking at your clothes scattered all over the new assembled bed, I mean... at least it doesn’t look any more like a tornado came through your window
‘I told you I could’ve helped you; you can be so stubborn sometimes’ you hear your friend sigh and although you can’t see him you know he’s shaking his head at you
‘No no…You’ve already helped me enough, if it wasn’t for you, I would never had the balls to move to another country – so take a rest of me, bestie’ And that is totally true, he had helped you with all the immigration bureaucracy, he also basically got your new apartment. While you were still at your native country, he went on apartment hunting and showed you the different options you had through videocalls, gave you tons of tips so you wouldn't miss anything while moving to another country since he had experience in that area. After all, he had moved to Seoul 2 years prior to you.
‘You would’ve done the same for me, we both know that!’ you smile while hearing your friend because you know that’s also true, you both would do anything for each other without hesitating.
He doesn’t give you the chance to respond anything and keeps going: ‘Anyways, I was actually calling you to invite you to a birthday party tonight – it’s Jackson’s birthday, remember I told you about him? He’s that friend that works at my gym. We were talking today, and I might have slipped that you moved to Seoul recently and he told me to invite you, he really wants to meet you’
‘Me? Why would he want to meet me?’ you respond with a surprised tone
‘According to Jackson’s words and I quote: he is really curious to get to know the only girl I’ve retained in my life without sleeping with her’ he says with amusing tone
He cackles when he hears you snorting ‘Wow, now that’s a good way to convince me to go to a birthday party of someone that I don’t even know’
‘It might not be the best invitation but at least is a chance to meet new people and make some friends’ he says that since he knows you struggle when it comes to meeting new people
‘Um..I have friends, I have you’ you respond almost immediately
‘You’re a sweetheart but I’m talking about other people than me, although you know how I love all your attention on me, babe’he says while chuckling because he’s already imagining how you’re rolling your eyes at him after you heard that pet name
‘Oh my god you’re so full of yourself – ughh, okay you’re right, I should get to know new people. New country, new life… new friends I guess’, you say a little insure knowing you’re not the most sociable person in the world but it would be kind of nice to have people to hang out other than Chris
‘And maybe you can get some action too, it’s been what? A year without any proper activity?’ he talks without any filter like he usually does
‘Wha- Okay, I’m hanging up on you. I’m not in the mood to talk about my sex life right now’ you respond acting offended though you both know that you're just teasing each other
‘Or the lack of –’ When Chris hears your gasp he chuckles and says immediately ‘Sorry sorry, just kidding bestie, I’ll pick you up around 9PM, don’t make me wait pleaseeee, byeeeee byeeeeee see ya. I love you’
You can’t even get mad at him for calling you out on your sadly lack of sex, it’s not like he’s wrong. So, you just laugh it off and respond by saying ‘Fuck off - You’re unbelievable. K, don’t worry I’ll be ready when you get here. See u later, love you too” 
Once you end your call with Chris, you grab some of the last items left in the moving boxes. You come upon a frame, it's a picture of you and your dad when you were 4 years old on your summer vacations at a swimming pool where he was teaching you how to swim. One of the many things that your dad taught you in life. Your eyes start to feel watery at the sight of your dad's sweet smile and with a deep sigh you give a kiss to the picture. You place the frame on your nightstand and while cleaning a few tears that dropped on your cheeks you can only whisper - "I really hope I'm making you proud dad, I'm finally looking for my happiness ".
You look at yourself in the mirror, thinking you did a decent work with your make up and cleaned yourself up pretty good after a long day of putting everything in order at your new apartment. You weren't so sure on what to wear for Jackson's birthday party, so you just went for an all-black outfit: leather jacket, mini leather skirt, a Ramones shirt that you love and combat boots.
After looking at your reflection in the mirror one last time, you took a selfie and sent it over to Chris to ask him if you were dressed properly for the occasion, which he replied with: 'You look gorgeous babe, almost too perfect for the occasion! I'll pick you up in about half an hour ;)' – you can’t help but smile at his compliment. You know he's nothing but honest with you, whenever he had to tell you that you looked like shit, he would do it. And of course, it goes both ways.
Your best friend is punctual as always, 9PM sharp he was at your building entry texting you that he was outside your home. Jackson’s place wasn’t that far away from yours, only about 10 minutes on a car drive. While Chris was driving, you chit chatted about your exhausting day, and he told you that this girl – Hani was her name you wanna say? - that he’s been hooking up for the past month asked him the golden question ‘What are we? Where is our relationship going?’ and that’s where Chris decided to put an end to the hooking up. He just doesn’t want anything serious right now and is totally understandable.
From what your friend has told you, Hani got really upset at his response, although to be fare... he did warn her when they started hooking up that he wasn't looking for anything serious, he’s not an asshole that goes around giving false hopes to any girl.
It’s been like this with Chris for a while now, he did had a girlfriend a few years ago and they dated for about 3 years until he found out that she was cheating him with her boss – pretty shitty move if you ask me – she broke his heart and after that he hasn’t been in a serious relationship with anyone, just hook ups until the girl finally gets tired of being just ‘friends with benefits’, that’s how it usually goes.
When you finally arrive at Jackson’s you start to feel slightly nervous, it’s been a while since you got to meet new people and it’s in a total new environment, new country... totally different cultures, a lot to take in. Chris knowing you, holds your hand tightly for a moment and before entering to his friend’s house tells you ‘Don’t worry, he and his friends are all pretty cool people, they’ll love you - now come on, let’s go and start socializing!’. You chuckle at his enthusiasm and as soon as you enter, you’re greeted by Jackson holding a red cup with beer on it.
Jackson smiles at you and your friend and says ‘You’re y/n, right? Wow, you’re even hotter that what I imagined – sorry I don’t mean to be unrespectful, but you know how weird is to see that this guy over here has a female friend and didn’t sleep with her yet? Anyways, it’s so nice to meet you finally, I’m Jackson’ and he immediately gives you a hug which it honestly startled you.
You chuckle and once he’s finished with the hug, you respond ‘I know, it’s always amusing to see how people get surprised that we’re really just best friends. Um, it’s nice to meet you too and happy birthday! Thanks for inviting me over’ you say shily
He keeps smiling at you while he also hugs your best friend (apparently, he’s a hugger) and says ‘Chris’s friends are also my friends, so please make yourself at home – I haven’t invited a lot of people because I actually have a small group of friends, come with me and I’ll introduced them’ and you both follow him to the living room going through a large hall – which by the way, is so freaking beautiful, you can’t stop staring the marble floors and beautiful art works hanging on the walls and you think to yourself how amazing this apartment looks – your thoughts are interrupted by the group of people who’s now in front of you having a discussion about who was the largest hands in the group - though you're not sure you heard right -
And then Jackson speaks getting everyone’s attention ‘Guys, this is y/n, Chris’s best friend – yes, she’s really his friend and she is a woman, I know!! How crazy it sounds, huh? She just moved to Seoul from basically the other side of the world so be nice to her’
One of the guys with a boxy smile says to Jackson ‘Hey! –  we are always nothing but nice, she’ll think poorly of us if you say it like that!’ and Jackson just laughs it off and starts to introduce each and one of them. There’s 10 people right in from of you – which to you, it sounds like a lot of friends, you never had more than 3 o 4 friends (one of them always being Chris of course) so 10 sounds like a lot of people – you learn that the guy with the boxy smile is called Taehyung, then there’s Namjoon, Seokjin – though he told you to call him Jin -, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok – or Hobi how he introduced himself - , Aria – which you learn is Hobi’s girlfriend -, Joey, Emma – Joey’s girlfriend – , and last but not least Jungkook who smiled you shily and waved his hand to greet you from afar – you almost gasp at how this last guy seemed like he was built by the God’s themselves, you felt like you wanted to look up to the sky and say ‘WOW, well done!’ – to be honest, they were all insanely attractive but there was something that caught your attention straight to Jungkook and you couldn’t quite wrap on your finger what was it.
The night went smoothly, they all seem to be really friendly and made you feel comfortable as if you were one of them already. You spent most of the time hearing their stories about the last trip they went to last year – Hobi’s parents own a lake house in Chuncheon, which you learn is about an hour away from Seoul – and they’re planning to go again in the next month or so – and you’ve been invited to go with them by Hobi himself which you gladly accepted and thanked him for including you even when you just exchanged a few words with him throughout the night.
Your red cup was empty for the third time by now, so you got up and approached to the table were all the drinks were placed and poured yourself some Soju, while you were at it you feel someone approaching you and then a sweet voice sounds saying ‘Are you having a good time so far?’, you look up and realize that is Jungkook who’s now besides you also pouring himself a drink while he smiles at you.
You also smile at him and respond ‘Yes, I really am. Honestly you guys made me feel really comfortable, I tend to be a lot shier when I meet new people, but I don’t feel that way at all with you’
‘I’m glad you feel that way, sometimes these guys can get loud, me myself included, and people look at us like we’re weirdos’ he chuckles and sees you just nodding while you giggle at him and then he continues ‘Mmh, mind if I ask you what made you move in all across the other side of the world? I don’t wanna intrude, I’m just curious’  
Although you feel comfortable talking to him, you don’t want to get into much detail... at least not yet, telling your whole story about how after your dad’s passing last year you felt like you needed to work in your happiness because you knew that’s all your dad wanted, for you to be happy. You don’t dwell on how you realized that you needed to break up your 9-year-old relationship with your boyfriend – now ex-boyfriend – because you really didn’t share anything in common anymore, you grew out towards different paths, and neither of you wanted to accept it.
So you go with a simple response while Jungkook watches you attentively with those beautiful doe eyes where you feel like you can get lost so easily : ‘You’re not intruding at all’ –  you give him a comforting smile and continue – ‘I always wanted to live somewhere abroad, to have that experience at least once in a lifetime, plus Chris had moved here and he used to say to me how much he loved Seoul and how the people here always treated him so nicely. To be honest, he was a great influence on me moving in here. He’s pretty much like a brother to me so it was easier to decide on moving to another country knowing that he was going to be by my side and I was really missing him back home – though please don’t tell him that I said that, because it will just inflate his ego more’ you both snicker once you’ve finished explaining him part of the reasons why you decided to move to Seoul. Is not like you’re lying but you’re leaving a few big details out of the conversation, maybe some other day you’ll have the opportunity to tell him.
‘Well, I hope you really enjoy being in Seoul, I’m sure I’m enjoying you being here’ he admits shily to you. Your cheeks start to feel like burning and you can’t help but to feel hypnotized by him, God did he have to be this fucking gorgeous?
Before you can respond anything back, Taehyung’s loud voice interrupts the moment that you two were having - ‘Hey you two, what’s with the chit chatting? You better not be talking behind our backs’ while the others laugh because they know he just loves gossiping and wants to be included in any of it.
So, you both just laugh it off while you share a look and go back to the others
About 4AM, the night ended for all of you. Chris was insanely wasted, and you were cursing under your breath because you two got here on Chris’s car and you also had drunk a fairly amount of alcohol and weren’t in the best state to drive yourselves home.
Jackson takes a few steps towards you and your best friend - who almost couldn’t stand on his own feet without swaying – it was quite obvious that Chris wasn’t okay to drive so he offered ‘Do you want me to call an Uber for you? I would drive you myself but I’m a little bit tipsy honestly’ and just when you were about to accept on his offer, another voice interrupts ‘I could drive you both home if you want to, I don’t mind at all and I’m okay to drive’, it was Jungkook that was watching the whole scene of drunk Chris holding himself to you from afar
You felt bad for dragging him along with you and Chris’s drunk ass so you said to him ‘I don’t wanna impose you, we could just call an Uber really’, whilst he came closer to you and helped you lifting Chris from yourself as if he weighted nothing and responded sweetly ‘I’m not taking a no for an answer, and you’re not imposing, I offered myself, come on let’s go’. So, you said your goodbyes from a far to all the other guys that were also getting ready to leave and thanked Jackson for inviting you one more time before finally following Jungkook and Chris over to JK’s car.
After the impossible task of getting Chris’s drunk ass in Jungkook’s car, you went into the passenger seat while you heard your best friend from the back mumbling nonsenses that only he could understand. Jungkook asked where to go and you told him your address, you couldn’t leave your best friend alone in that state so that’s where you headed to.
As soon as he started to drive, Jungkook asked ‘How long have you two met?’ hinting on the drunk man that was now singing - or at least he thought that he was doing that - Jason Derulo ‘Swalla’ while lying in the backseat.
‘Too long if you ask me’ you both start laughing and you continue ‘Mmh, it’s been like...15 years since we met. We went to the same high school but didn’t shared classes together because we were on different programs. One day when we were both at recess, there was this guy who was a senior that kept insisting on me dating him and I would always say no. Until that day it got up to the point that he pushed me against a locker’ - Jungkook’s eyes widened while he was letting you continue your story –‘And afterwards the idiot tried to kiss me even when I was pretty clear saying that I didn’t want anything to do with him. That’s when out of nowhere, Chris grabbed the guy and punched him right on the face and told him to fuck off and leave me alone’, you can’t help but smile remembering how your best friend stud up for you even when he didn’t even know you.
‘Wow, well done Chris! From the very first day you were already protecting y/n’ Jungkook said smiling while checking on your best friend through the rearview mirror
‘Yesssssss, I saved noona from that asshole’ you hear from the backseat
‘Noona?’ Jungkook widened eyes look over to you, ‘Wait, are you older than Chris, y/n?’
‘Yes… well only 3 months older than him, my birthday is in May and Chris’s birthday is in August’ - Now that you think of, he only calls you noona when he’s insanely drunk -
You start remembering how one morning you got up seeing that you had 10 voice messages from your best friend, you got so freaking scared for a moment thinking that something bad had happened.
That was until you started playing all the audios and it was clear that he was wasted while he was sending those audios, some of them you couldn’t even understand what language he was speaking, there was another one where he was singing ‘You’re my best friend! No, I didn't stutter till the day end. Through heaven and high water oooooohhhhhhh, it kills me not to tell you, you're my best friend’ and finally the one where he screamed ‘Noona I love you, you’re my bff’ and that was it.
Seeing JK’s still surprised look, you ask ‘What? You thought I was younger? I don’t know why people tend to think that Chris is older than me but no, we’re both 93 liners’
‘I actually did think you were younger; you certainly look like you’re. I didn’t think that you were my noona too’
That’s when your eyes almost pop out of you head and you say ‘Wait, are you telling me you’re younger than me too? I thought all of you in Jackson’s home were about the same age as us’
‘Yes, noona’ says Jungkook while wiggling his eyebrows to you. ‘I’m a 97 liner’, he laughs at your wide eyes
‘Oh my god you’re a baby’ – you can’t help to think that you were almost salivating because of this Adonis that you’re talking to and now that you learn he’s 4 years younger than you, it somehow feels weird.
You've never felt attraction for a guy younger than you, maybe is the prejudice... You used to notice how guys - not all of them but the majority, at least in your experience - would take more time to mature than girls, so you never dated anyone younger than you, not even someone of your same age. You always aimed for guys older than you.
Although, to be fair, last time you were single you were 19 years old so anyone at that point would be immature probably.
Maybe now that you’re almost 30 it wouldn’t be a bad thing to be open to date younger guys, you could find someone that's younger than you and still have a good time, right?
‘Don’t call me a baby, please’ you notice how Jungkook’s tone changed to a serious one
‘Sorry, I promise I won’t call you like that again’- you can't help snickering seeing how serious he got just because you called him a baby - ‘It’s just that you surprised me, maybe it’s because you’re all muscle and give such a masculine vibe that I thought that you were pretty much the same age as me’
– Oh for fucks sake, that freaking Soju made your tongue start to loosen up, you start panicking once you have finished the last sentence because you realize that you said everything you were thinking out loud, you shouldn’t drink when there’s a guy this hot near you –
You feel Jungkook’s burning gaze and as soon as you look at him you see him smirking at you. Then he opens that beautiful mouth he has and says ‘So…you think I’m pretty masculine, noona?’
‘Isn’t that what I just said?’ you mumble, not even knowing how to divert the conversation because you’re about to pee yourself, he’s so gorgeous you feel like you’ll start stuttering any time soon if he keeps looking at you with those doe eyes
Before he could open again his mouth and make you blush again, you see your building entry and you almost scream interrupting him ‘We’re here!!’
Fuck, why am I getting this nervous around him? I feel like a teenager. Jeez, you must keep it together y/n! - you think to yourself -  
He then stops the car, and you open the door getting out not even waiting a second because you were starting to panic in there. You feel like the Soju has taken all your filters down and you could say almost anything to Jungkook. You just met the guy, you can't start telling him how hot he looks with those cargo pants or how insanely good that sleeve of tatts looks on him…God, maybe it’s just that it’s been so long since you had sex, yes... yes, it must be that!! That explains why you’re just a horny mess.
Jungkook gets out of the car quickly after you and waves you off when he sees you trying to get Chris out of the car, who by the way, is totally passed out by now and once again Jungkook lifts him up like a bag of potatoes and lets you guide him towards your apartment.
The wait for the elevator almost felt eternal but once it arrived you pushed the 7th floor button while you feel JK’s burning gaze on you but neither of you said anything. Once you got to your floor, you quickly open your apartment door because poor JK has been putting up with Chris’s weight for a while.
You guide him through your living room and tell him to drop Chris on the sofa while you place a bucket right next to him in case he wants to throw up at any point. You feel relieved that you finished cleaning up your apartment earlier since you see JK already analyzing everything around the apartment while he says ‘Nice place’ then his doe eyes set on one special picture on your desk next to your laptop while you’re putting a pillow under Chris’s head ‘Who’s this in the picture? Your dad? You look so much like him’
You freeze for a second and respond shortly ‘Yes, that’s my dad’ while you come close to where he is standing watching the photograph, he says ‘You have a tight relationship with him, huh?’
‘Yeah, I did’ you say almost whispering with an unexpected sad tone. JK's eyes widen and realizes that you used the past to refer to your dad and starts cursing himself in his mind for his big mouth ‘I’m so so sorry y/n, I’m such an idiot If I kne- ‘
‘Hey’ - you interrupt and put a hand on his shoulder to make him understand that he didn’t do anything wrong, and you’re not upset at him at all - ‘There’s nothing to be sorry for, how would you know? Besides, it’s not like I can’t talk about it, it’s a sensitive topic for me… yes but it is what it is’ – he looks at you with a look that you got used to see on other people every time they found out that your dad passed away, it’s maybe pity? – ‘He passed away from bones cancer last year, such a fucking painful disease... you see how your loved ones are shutting down little by little while you can’t do anything to help them. We were really close to each other and we used to talk every single day. Even though I miss him like crazy, I know he’s not suffering anymore, and I held his hand until his very last breath. He was a great person but even more a greater dad and I’m proud to be able to say that I’m his daughter’ once you finish saying that you look down and take a deep breath because you know you’re about to cry – well, so long to not sharing your sad stories on the first day of meeting him
And then JK turns you to him and hugs you tightly while saying ‘The ones we love are always in our hearts’ then he grabs you by your cheeks and makes you look at him straight in his eyes while he cleans some of the tears in your face ‘I’m sure your dad is by your side all the time’
You nod at him, and you start to feel like an idiot crying in front of someone you met today, that’s not you – even Chris who was met you for 15 years only saw you crying two times, so you say ‘I’m sorry I’m such a cry baby, I always get really sensitive talking about my dad’
‘Now who’s the one apologizing for no reason noona, huh?’
You both share a look and start laughing while he’s still cupping your face. That’s when you both realize that you’re standing insanely close to each other’s faces, you clear your throat and JK’s hands leave your face. You swear you saw him blushing, but you don’t comment on that. In fact, you don’t say anything at all because you’re spacing out thinking how close you were from each other just moments ago.
You got back to earth once you listen to him saying ‘Um, so… do you need help with anything else? If not, I think I’ll head home, it’s been a long night’
‘It’s been a long night indeed’ you said smiling at him ‘but no, you already helped a lot, this moron is already sleeping so I’m just gonna have a nice long shower and head to bed’
You walk him to your door and meanwhile you’re debating in your mind whether you should ask him his cellphone or not. You feel like you’ll look desperate but since when do you care what people thinks about you? Ughhhhhh your mind is driving you crazy right now
So before saying your goodbyes, you settle on saying ‘Thanks for driving us here and for dragging Chris to the sofa, that was very sweet of you’
He smiles with that pair of lips that could knock someone over in a second and says ‘No worries, I’m glad that I helped. I had a great night being by your side. Sweet dreams, noona’ and he waves goodbye to you while heading to the elevator.
You feel like you’re about to melt thinking how sweet his voice sounds and before closing the door you hear him calling your name once again
‘Yeah?’ you manage to mumble
‘I was wondering if you could give me your cellphone number?’
‘Sure’ – and you can’t help feeling like a thousand butterflies were freed on your belly
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mvltisstuff · 9 months
thank you so so much for doing my “begin again” request!! it was amazing!!
i’m back with another idea!
maybe a one shot where buck and reader are in a sort of friends-w-benefits and reader is spending the night at his house and buck decides to confess his love for reader while they’re asleep.
plot twist!! reader is awake (you totally saw that coming). i’ll let you decide where to go from there!! <3
once more, thank you so so so!! much in advance! <33
dancing with our hands tied - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @evanbuckleydaily
a/n: i’m so sorry for the slow requests, i started school this week but hopefully i’ll be able to write a ton on the weekends! i’m so happy you loved begin again, and i’m thrilled to be able to write this one for you <3
bucks fear of commitment clearly shined through whenever he was with y/n. they had a good thing going, nothing too emotional with amazing sex. the walls that buck had put up around himself halted y/n from going any further into his gentle heart.
all relationships he’s been in have just added another layer of heartbreak onto him. abby, ally, taylor, each of them carved their name into him and then ran with the wind. if it were y/n, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make it out of the pit that she could leave him in.
everything about her was fully admired by buck, her luscious hair and how it felt between his fingers. her bright smile and how it shined off any surface. the feeling of her body intwined with his as he gets to have her to himself. the way her soft hands tread over his skin with such ease. there was a ticking time bomb between them, only a matter of time until buck broke into her.
it all flooded through his mind as she collapsed on top of him, coming down from her high as she pants against him. he lightly smiles, running his hands down her back and landing them on her lower spine. buck almost had a love-hate relationship with these nights. he wanted to be able to love her the way he truly wants. he gets a good orgasm out of it, but he doesn’t get the security of her afterwards. he hates feeling her warm skin against his chest while also knowing that she can’t be called his. she lay with the side of her head on him, noticing his spacey eyes and running mind.
“you ok?” she asks, almost making his chest sting with the craving of her attention.
“yeah, of course,” he turns his head and smiles at her, pushing the loose strands of hair out of her eyes. buck was so blinded by his own lust that he could barely see the mutual connection of fondness between them. he couldn’t notice the sparkle in her eyes when he touched her or even said her name. “did you want to stay here tonight? i don’t have work until later tomorrow, so maybe we could have a bit of a longer morning?” he remarks, a light smirk on his face which gets the same expression on y/n’s.
“sure,” she says, grinning. “i’m gonna go put a y-shirt on and maybe sleep for a little, if that’s ok.”
“do whatever you need, i might hop in the shower anyway.”
as she gets up and wanders to find a big shirt of bucks, he feels the hot water form in beads on his skin, relaxing his muscles. he sighs into the steamy air of the bathroom, slightly wishing that y/n could be in the shower with him, kissing every part of her body. however, she wasn’t there with him, instead in his bed close to dozing off.
he turned the shower off, trying his body and just putting on a pair of boxers. when he walked back out of the bathroom, he was shown with the gorgeous view of y/n on his bed, laying on her side with her leg bent to the side. her face was adorably crushed into the side of her (his) pillow. he stood on the side of the bed looking down on her. he dimmed the lights to hopefully make her more comfortable, and slipping the thin sheet over her legs. she only lightly shuffled under his touch, making him believe that she was already knocked out in his bed.
he lay down beside her on the bed, folding the blanket up to his hips and turning on his side. he looked at her lightly parted lips, and the even breaths she was taking in her sleep. y/n, on the other hand, was trying desperately to let sleep take over her mind, but the gentle murmurs from buck invaded her mind instead.
“god, i wish we were more than this,” he whispers, tilting his head to look at her slightly fluttering lashes, the ones he assumed were dreaming at this point. “i don’t think i could ever handle losing you, but there’s no one else i would choose to do this with. i want- i need more than your sex, i want your highs and your lows and everything you have to offer. you’re my favorite person and i don’t see that changing.”
each word echoed in y/n’s brain, trying to think of all the meanings he had being them. it was pretty clear, he seemed pretty enamored with her, but she never realized how much he needed her. she’s not used to guys wanting her for her personality or the life she can give, just her body and what she can offer to them. buck wants more, and he clearly wants to cherish that. that means more than any long night that they’ve had together.
she was almost frozen in the bed, not sure if she should move to let him know she heard him, and that she wants him as much as he wants her. he was like a deer, someone she never wanted to scare away but it could happen nonetheless, and it’s not his fault. she wants to save him from the pain he’s been through in his life, she just hopes he’ll let her.
her eyes don’t open, and she doesn’t speak a word to buck. she simply just turns her body, shuffling the blankets closer to him and leaning herself closer to his touch. her hand scours the sheets, searching for his comforting hand.
when they fingers finally meet and wrap together like a piece of a puzzle, buck knows that she heard him. and he can finally rest at night.
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neo404 · 3 months
What about a nick x younger brother where the younger brother thinks he might be gay so he goes to big brother nick for advice ( p.s. i know this isn’t like any of your other stories but i cant stop thinking about it ) ( the younger brother is gay )
Proud of you, buddy.
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Summary: you think you have catched feeling for one of your classmates, unsure about these new feelings towards this boy, you decide to ask your older brother Nick for some advice.
Note: Nick, Matt and Chris call reader ‘Buddy’. Also a bit short, hope you like this.
The bell rang, I stood up grabbing my backpack and walking to the parking lot of the school. I was excited because my brothers were home for mom’s birthday which is on the weekend. As I check my phone to see if Matt was already outside to pick me up like he said he would I feel an arm resting on my shoulders.
‘’HEY! Why are you in a hurry?’’ Jackson is my friend since I entered this school, he’s outgoing and loves to do sports and play videogames. Recently, I have started to feel weird around him.
‘’I didn’t tell you? My brothers are here for mom’s birthday.’’ We walk side by side, his arm around me, my face red and my gaze focused in front of me, I didn’t want him to look at me like this.
‘’That’s so cool. That means I’ll finally meat them, right?’’
‘’Yeah, I almost forgot mom told me you could come to the dinner.’’
‘’Of course I can go, she loves me.’’
‘’Yep.’’ I try to not let out a sigh, I try to not run away. Why do I feel like this? ‘’Hey, I think that’s Matt there, so I need to go, bye, see you tomorrow.’’ I don’t give him time to reply and rush to the car.
‘’Hey, buddy. Everything okay? You are all red?’’ Matt looks at me while I put my seatbelt on.
‘’Yeah, all good. I’m glad you guys are here.’’
‘’Me too, buddy.’’
‘’Omg, you are actually taller. That’s amazing.’’ Chris hugs me as I entered the kitchen. ‘’I think you might be as tall as us one day.’’
‘’Soon, you’ll see.’’ I smirk, and punch him playfully.
‘’Careful ladies, my bro is not here to play.’’ I stop smiling, he doesn’t notice ‘cus he’s already sitting at the table with Matt.
‘’All right, Chrissy. Leave your brother alone.’’ Mom says while putting another plate with food on the table. ‘’Honey, can you call Nick?’’ she looks at me and I nod.
I go to Nick’s old room and knock on the door. ‘’Come in.’’ I open the door and he is taking out some stuff from his backpack. ‘’Oh, Hi. How have you been?’’ I rush to him and hug him; he laughs and messes up my hair.
‘’Do you think… maybe, we can talk after lunch?’’
‘’Of course buddy, did something happened?’’ he looks down at me concerned.
‘’No, I mean, not really. I just wanted to talk to you about something.’’
‘’Okay, after we eat, we can talk about whatever you want.’’ After another quick hug we go downstairs to eat.
We talk about everything. How is it where they live, how’s school, old friends, about mom’s birthday, dad’s new hobby, Justin wanting a new car. Just a lot of chatting, and a small pit of anxiety grew on my stomach. I know Nick won’t say anything bad, he will be so supportive, understand me, but I’m not even sure if I’m gay, maybe I’m bisexual, I don’t know if I have ever liked a girl that way? What if I do some day?
‘’Buddy, lets go.’’ Nicks hand is on my shoulder. Matt and Chris were cleaning up the table. Mom and dad were picking up a movie to watch together. Nick and I went to the backyard.
‘’So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?’’ he sits on the cement floor, I sit besides him. The breeze messing our hairs.
‘’I like someone.’’ Nick looks at me and tilts his head. I think he know; I could tell anyone at this house, I can talk about girls with dad, Matt, Chris, Justin. Why would I be telling him about my crush if they weren’t a ‘he’.
‘’Okay, and?’’
‘’That someone is a boy… and I don’t know if I’m gay or I don’t know. Also, I don’t know what to do, because I want to be with him but what if he doesn’t want the same? And I’m freaking out, so I wanted to talk with you because maybe you could help me.’’ I cover my face with my hands.
‘’Wow, that’s a lot to take in… First of all, thank you for telling me. Second, you don’t need to know what you are, you don’t have to put a label to yourself yet, or ever, if you don’t feel like any sexualities define you, that’s okay.’’ My eyes start to water up a bit. ‘’So, about this boy. What is it that you like about him?’’ I let out a chuckle.
‘’What is it that I don’t like about him? he’s the best, so funny, kind, smart. I’m afraid because he’s my best friend, and I don’t know if he likes boys. I’m terrified to mess things up.’’
‘’Ow buddy.’’ He pats my back. ‘’It’s all right, you are still young, it’s okay to mess up and be in love. You can try to ask him out, I know it’s terrifying. But sometimes being afraid it’s better than regretting not doing it.’’
I nod and a few tears start to stream down my face. I feel Nicks hands wrap around me. This reminds me when he came out to me, he cried, and I cried because he was crying, we hugged and I told him I loved him. I bury my face in the crock of his neck I let myself go, all my fears, my anxiety, it went out in form of tears. After a while I stop, I back up a bit and clean my face with my hands.
‘’Want to get something to drink?’’ I nod.
‘’Don’t tell them yet. Please.’’ Nick gifts me a warm smile and nods. He knows what I’m experiencing, and I’m so glad to have him by my side to live this and learn about myself.
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ribbonprincess · 3 months
Since you want to write something I'm here to give a suggestion! 🙂‍↕️
Should we go old school and bring back s1 jj? 👀 R and jj have some history (not on talking terms anymore) so the pogues convince jj to ask her for the breathing things (I have no idea what they're called in english but iykyk) and she tells him he can get it only if he takes her with him? And then maybe some interactions with reader (a kook) and the pogues! Just some good ol' s1 vibes, some fluff, lil angst if you feel like it
Walking over your yacht at the port,JJ sighs,knowing this is the only option. Hopping on,it doesn't take long before he finds you "hey cupcake" turning your head to look at him you release a sigh before crossing your arms over your chest.
"JJ,what do you want? if my parents see you,you're good as dead?" "well...you see,I might need some scuba diving gear" Furrowing your eyebrows you stand up,looking over him before shaking your head,moving over the back of the place. You couldn't say no to him,you still need to work on that "why?found a new hobby?" Chuckling awkwardly, he rolls the pick in his mouth "no,no...uhm,me and the pogues need it"
"what- why?" "can't tell you that princess,it's private information- just know that we really need it" Raising an eyebrow you put everything in front of you. "if you really want everything then you either tell me or I come with you" JJ runs a hand through his hair as he thinks "I...fuck- fine,you can come but no questions okay?" "yeah,okay sure"
Driving over the other side of the island you sigh before talking "so,I can't know what you guys are looking for?" "no,John b will skin me alive if I told you- the others are gonna already be mad that you're there"
"I'm bringing you the gear so the least you can do is be a bit happy." Looking over him as you stop at a red light, you find him already staring at you,chucking awkwardly he is the first to speak. "I know we haven't talked in a while but,how are you doing?" Scoffing under your breath you continue to drive before answering "I'm fine,will ask the same about you but the answer wouldn't really be truthful so" "oh come on,I know things haven't ended in great terms but still-" "exactly they haven't,so drop it"
Arriving at the spot you park your car,hopping off as JJ picks up the gear. "seriously? what is she doing here?" you can hear Kiara groan as you walk over the boat. "hi guys,you haven't missed me?" Receiving an eye roll from everyone you nod to yourself "I brought the scuba gear,be happy."
As John b finally dives into the water after arriving at the spot you continue to steal glances with JJ, Pope and Kiara sitting in awkward silence as they look at you. "You wanna tell us something?" Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion,you look over her. "no,why would I?" "I mean...you disappeared like thin air" "yeah,well- you guys didn't like me much and me and jayj stopped talking...so" "yeah,right" JJ nods as he looks over the water in deep thoughts before deciding to just let it out.
"about that- since you gave us the scuba gear I thought...maybe if you wanted you could come surfing with me tomorrow,even if you don't know how" Nodding you smile a bit. "yeah,okay...sure" "but only because of the gear you know...no other reason"
"JJ you're so bad at this,just ask her out" "wha-" "yeah...Pope's right" Chucking he looks back at you,finding you already staring with a raised eyebrow "I mean...I wouldn't say no,we could give it another try- if you commit to it,because I'm for sure not losing my time again"
JJ sighs as he runs a hand over his hair, "yeah,okay then.. we can give it another try and I'll try my best" Smiling you nod,looking at the pogues who don't look the happiest but still not as annoyed as before so maybe it is a win. You couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive.
Should I do a part 2 where they go to the beach?(especially cause I'm not proud about how this turned out)
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strawberrysohn · 1 year
on the low — choi san. 
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the prologue
pairing: fboy!choi san x inexperienced good girl reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst, (lowkey) coming of age [nothing really like any of that for this part tho]
warnings for this part: slight fluff, playful banter, slightly cocky san, one (1) kiss, swearing, flirting that goes nowhere, very much plot, rather boring tbh :/
part summary: it's the night before your first day of university and you get a ride home from one of your friends. wary of going into college without any romantic experience, you decide to ask your friend for some help.
word count: 2919 (because it's just the prologue lol)
for the longest time it was just the two of you. you, a girl trying to break free from the "girl next door" cliché you fit almost perfectly, someone who lived with her overprotective father and very critical mother and felt happiest away from home. and wooyoung, a bubbly, talkative boy at your school who became your lab partner for chemistry in sophomore year. you two clicked rather easily, and he got a kick out of the fact that he was your first friend that was a boy. who would have thought that in three years, you'd be friends with him and his seven other friends that were also boys?
you met yeosang and hongjoong next. coincidentally, they were in book club with you but you just never talked to them. then there were yunho, jongho, and mingi, who didn't go to the same school, but instead the next one over. then there was seonghwa, who you instantly got along with, seeing as he lived in a similar situation as you.
finally, you met him. wooyoung's closest friend, choi san, who was the perfect example of people you had been taught to avoid.
much to your family's dismay, you got along really well with san. even though he was nothing but nice to you, they knew that he was bad news. and so did you, but you didn't care. it's not like you were one of the girls lining up to be the next one he sleeps with. you were just the girl friend. that is...friend that's a girl.
so, there the nine of you were sat cautiously on the top of yunho's mom's minivan, staring at the night sky.
"isn't it crazy that in a few minutes, it'll technically be the first day of our freshman year at university?" wooyoung speaks, staring wistfully at the sky above.
"yeah, and we should be sleeping," hongjoong retorts. "do any of you have any idea how much we're going to have to do tomorrow?"
mingi chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully. "whatever, i'm just glad we all ended up at the same place," he says, shooting a small smile to yunho. "and that yunho's mom willingly gave us the van."
"it was not willingly," yunho says. "she only let us use it because san was showing up separately."
san dangles his feet off the side of the van. "do any of your parents like me?" he asks with a small laugh in his tone.
"i don't know," you say to him with a shrug. "my dad might be warming up to you now that he knows you're a car guy."
"i'm not a 'car guy', i have a car," san tosses his empty chip bag down to the ground. "there's a difference."
"twenty seconds to midnight!" seonghwa announces as he puts his phone back in his pocket.
wooyoung gasps excitedly and shakes jongho, who had dozed off, by the shoulder. "is everyone ready?" he looks at the time on his phone impatiently. "first day of the rest of our lives starts in 15...14...13..."
"this is so dumb," san leans in to whisper to you. you hadn't even noticed that he was seated beside you.
"he's enjoying himself," you chuckle, whispering back to san. "i say let him have his fun."
san shifts his position so that he's more comfortable, sat next to you with one leg tucked up halfway to his chest. "you know, i can give you a ride, if you want," he says suddenly.
you turn your face to look at the boy next to you, not realizing just how close he was. startled for a moment, you blink softly. his dark hair was slightly windswept from the late summer air. you were about to respond when wooyoung's excited voice interrupted your thoughts before you could say them.
"...1!" wooyoung claps enthusiastically. "happy first day of freshman year, everyone!"
a defeaning silence overtakes the nine of you after the time hits midnight. aside from wooyoung's bright smile and big eyes, no one shows any reaction.
san meets your eyes as you look around. a concerned look paints his face and you stifle a laugh. the both of you knew wooyoung and his antics the best, so you weren't surprised.
hongjoong sighs. "are we done now?" he adjusts his glasses and looks at wooyoung expectantly before sliding down the side of the van, dusting off the back of his jeans. "my mom is gonna be upset if she finds out i'm out so late on a school night."
"yeah, can we go?" jongho wipes his tired eyes with the sleeve of his black sweater. "i'm tired, in case you haven't noticed."
a small frown on his face, wooyoung looks around at the various faces around him. "does everyone want to go?" when everyone including you nods, the boy sighs. "alright, fine, whatever. thank you all for agreeing to do this, though."
the rest of your friends slide down onto the ground from the top of the van, yunho warning everyone to be careful because he 'still has to drive it back to his house before going back to campus'.
you meet up with wooyoung once you find ground. "hang in there, woo, okay?" you pat his shoulder softly. "i'll see you tomorrow. have a good night." you smile at him, but he looks at you in slight confusion.
he watches as you start to walk in the opposite direction. "aren't you coming with us in the van?"
"nope," you shake your head. "san offered to drive me."
your friend's eyes light up and he grins at you. "really?" he lifts a hand for a high five, which you return, although you're not sure why it was initiated. "have fun, y/n!"
"calm down," you furrow your brows. "it's just a car ride."
"with the choi san?" wooyoung shakes his head and chuckles, only deepening your confusion. "nuh-uh, honey. a car ride with san is never just a car ride. he's probably gonna try to make a move on you."
you blink slowly. "nice try, woo," you shake your head, tired of his games. you were used to him making things up like this. "i'm just gonna go, okay? have a nice night."
wooyoung smirks as you walk away. "you too."
san, who was leaning against the front of his car, looks up as you approach. "hey, you accepted my offer!" he smiles slightly and stands up straight to welcome you. "isn't this your first time being in my car?"
"yeah, it is," you tell san as you both walk around to your sides of the car. you slide in the passenger seat, taking in the interior of san's car. it was very him, if that made sense. "it smells nice in here."
"strawberry," san points to an air freshener hanging from the mirror. "bought it two days ago so it's still fresh."
you breathe in the scent and smile as san starts up the car. you wondered deep down if there was any truth to wooyoung's statement. you knew about san's reputation as a hit it & quit it kinda guy, but would he really make a move on you?
"there are snacks in the glovebox, by the way," san interrupts your thoughts. "hand sanitizer in the box underneath your seat. kleenex is there also." he informs you and you internally applaud how organized he is.
"thanks!" you lean forward and open the glove box in front of you, your eyes lighting up at the selection of snacks you saw. chips, pretzels, various candies and cookies.
"so, are you excited for tomorrow?" you ask san as you grab a bag of pretzels and close the glove box. "well, later today, i should say."
san chuckles and hums in response. "i guess so," he shrugs. "i mean...hot college babes, am i right?" he smirks at you and you shake your head at him in mock disappointment.
"san, i swear," you giggle at him. "i know you're not kidding, but there's gotta be more things you're excited for?"
as san starts to pull out of the spot he had parked in. "well, i guess i'm glad about the fact that i'm finally moved out," he adds. "you know what my parents are like."
you nod in understand. "yeah, of course," you dig into your bag of pretzels, feeling the familiar sweet and salty taste excite your tastebuds. "same here."
"right, yeah," san nods. "i bet your parents are gonna call you every night."
"oh my god," you roll your eyes at the thought. "i'm gonna have to change my number!" you laugh at your own words, and san does to.
you finally hit the road, the radio playing music so quietly it was inaudible to you. "you think you're gonna get a boyfriend this year?" san asks you suddenly. you were confused as to why he brought this up.
"well, it is college," you start before letting out a sigh. you knew the answer. "but no. i don't think i'll ever get a boyfriend."
san glances at you from the corner of his eye. "why's that?"
"i don't know," you toy with a loose thread hanging off the hem of your shirt. "i don't think i'm relationship material. i have literally no experience whatsoever."
"really?" san hums in thought, keeping his focus on the road in front of him. "you've never been with anyone?" you shake your head. "no first dates?" you shake your head again, and san is only more perplexed. "have you ever fucked someone before?"
your eyes widen. "san, oh my god!" you smack his arm as your cheeks heat up.
"it's just a question!" he smiles at you. "was it the way i phrased it?"
"yes!" you reply, shaking your head at him as you reach for another pretzel from your bag.
"okay, fine," he clears he throat and tries again, this time sitting up straighter and speaking in a pompous tone. "dear, have you ever fornicated with anyone, perchance?"
you burst out into laughs, so much so that tears prick your eyes and your vision blurs slightly. luckily you had already finished swallowing your pretzel, or else you would have choked. when you calm down from your laughing fit, you take a deep breath and compose yourself. "no, san," you finally say. "i've never done it."
"wow," the man next to you was actually surprised. why did he think you had done all these things? "how about...have you ever kissed anyone?"
embarrassed, you turn away and look out the car window. that was enough to give san his answer.
"you're 18 and you've never even kissed someone?" san was truly baffled. "have you at least thought about kissing someone?"
you roll your eyes. "of course i've thought about it," you respond with a sigh before continuing. "i just...don't know how to kiss, really. and i really don't want to go into university a complete loser but it's the night before our first day. who am i gonna kiss between now and 7:30 am? who am I even going to see then?" you look at the man beside who, even though was focused on the road, was listening to you very intently.
and then it dawned on you.
"hey, um, san?"
he glances at you for a moment. "hm?"
you close your eyes and take a breath. this could end horribly. "would you like to...do me a favor?"
"of course, y/n," he says. "what's up?"
you wince. did you really have to spell it out? "what were we...what were we just talking about?"
"uh, that you don't wanna go into college as a loser and that you want to kiss someone between now and the morning but you're not gonna see anyone– oh."
san pauses and looks at you momentarily. seeing your bashful expression he shakes his head. "wait, really? are you for real?" you nod and he mutters something like 'jesus' under his breath. "y/n, you want me to be the person you kiss between now and the morning?"
"san, i swear, we never have to talk about it again," you tell him. "i just know that you know what you're doing so this should be an easy task for you. please understand that this will mean and change nothing. okay?"
after a long moment of silence and consideration on san's part, he sighs and pulls over on the road, parking on the side of the street. "fuck it," he unbuckled his seatbelt and turns to face you completely. "you're fully 100% sure about this?"
"i mean, i'm a little nervous, yeah," you admit, following it up with a shrug. "it's just a kiss, right?"
san looks at you and smiles, nodding. "yeah, just a kiss," he repeats back to you. "you have nothing to worry about. just...follow my lead, okay?" he gazes at you and you feel your heartbeat quicken. was this really happening? were you going to finally have your first kiss?
san leans in closer to you, and you stay where you are. you figured that it might be weird if both of you leaned in. you watch as your friend's face grows closer to yours, your eyes drifting to his lips as his tongue darts out to wet them. you notice how chapped and dry yours are due to the wind but realize you have no time to put on any chapstick or anything.
san's face is two centimeters away from yours when he speaks, his hot breath against your skin. "i'm going to kiss you now," he says, his voice quiet, but loud enough for you to hear. "like i said, follow my lead."
you nod, watching as he closes the gap between the two of you completely, his soft lips meeting yours for the first time. you feel your heartbeat almost pound out its confinement in your chest. remembering what you've seen in movies, you close your eyes and start to slowly kiss back, your lips moving against san's in a beautiful harmony.
it felt like you were floating on a cloud. except, the cloud was san...weird. you expected kissing to be this satisfying but something about doing it with san just felt right. you wondered if he thought the same...
after what feels like the shortest long time ever, san breaks the kiss, opening his eyes and looking at you. he catches his breath and grins – no, smirks – at you. "so?" he quirks a brow at you in question.
yeah, like you could put together words at this point. you had just had your first kiss! there weren't words to express how you were feeling. so, you just nod in response to san's question, earning a chuckle from him.
"good then?" he smiles and bows slightly in his seat, a somewhat cocky look on his face. "pleased to please, my dear."
shaking your head, you smack his shoulder lightly. "whatever," you groan, hiding your reddening cheeks with your hand. "just drive, okay? i should get some sleep."
san laughs and starts the car up again. "yes, ma'am," he replies, making you smile a bit from behind your hand.
the rest of the ride back to your dorms was silent between you two. you figured that san just wanted to listen to his music, and so did you, since he had very good taste. plus, you didn't know what to say. you had just kissed, what was there to say? not wanting to make things even more awkward for yourself, you decided that staying quiet and thinking your calm little thoughts was the best way to go. you just wished that you knew what san was thinking. were you good? were you bad? did you need more practice? this was very important!
finally, you pull up in front of your university campus dorms and san turns to you. "this is your stop, no?"
you look at him quizzically. "isn't it yours too?"
"ah, nope," san responds. "late night cravings. gonna go get some food." he hums as he unlocks the door on your side.
"oh, okay," you say with a nod of understanding. you unbuckle your seatbelt and make sure you have everything you entered with. "have fun! don't stay out too late! remember, big day today." you smile at san, who nods, a matching smile on his face.
"gotcha," he says in response. watching as you open your door to leave, he sends one last dimpled grin your way. "good night, y/n."
"good night," you say to him before closing your door, leaving you outside the car. as you walk around the front of the vehicle, you take a deep breath. you had to say something.
"and san?" you call to him through the open driver's side window. he looks up, turning his radio down to hear you.
you smile, seeing him so intrigued as to what you were gonna say. "thank you, by the way."
san grins mischievously at you. "you're very welcome, y/n," he winks and you roll your eyes. "for a beginner, you're pretty good."
a blush creeps onto your cheeks. "thanks, i guess," you tell him. "from what i know with my very limited experience, you're not so bad yourself, choi san."
the boy laughs and shoots finger guns at you. "catch you later, okay? take care of yourself." he drives off as you wave goodbye, a giddy feeling in your chest.
this was going to be an interesting school year.
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crljhnn · 1 year
Gareths totally real girlfriend
Pairing: Gareth Emerson x fem!Reader
Summary: Gareth and you are in a long-distance relationship, meeting for the first time since getting together. While he is excited, his friends doubt whether you are real or not.
No physical description; No use of y/n
Word count: 2k
Warnings: None really, just a bit of making out but no actual smut
[Also posted on AO3 - pseud: 04814]
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“Ohh Gareth is blushing!” “Aww are you talking to your girlfriend again?” “He is in love” his younger sisters are giggling, dancing around Gareth who is currently sitting on the kitchen counter, telephone in hand.
“He just can’t help himself, she is just so pretty!” “And smart” “and talented” with high-pitched voices they are mocking the way their older brother is regularly fawning over you, while overly batting their eyelashes.
“They are growing up so fast!” His oldest sister is dramatically wiping away fake tears.
“You’re literally five years younger than me, what do you mean?”
“Actually I’m only four and a half years younger than you, so you’re wrong!”
Gareth is about to tell her that that is basically the same when he gets distracted by your laugh coming through the phone. “I can’t wait to finally meet your sisters!”
He grins “Ohh so that is the real reason why you finally decided to come and visit me. I can’t believe it, my dearest girlfriend is only dating me because of my siblings.”
“Don’t be silly!” He can hear the grin in your voice “We both know that it’s actually your hair that wooed me, but I guess your personality and you as a person in general are alright as well.”
“Haha very funny. I think you guys meeting will probably be the death of me.”
“What a great way to die.” those are the last words his youngest sister says before she grabs the older one and pulls her out of the room.
Gareth and you met at a concert a few months ago and instantly hit it off. After finding out that you both drove about two hours to the concert, coming from opposite directions, you exchanged numbers and promised each other to at least call every once in a while. Planning to attend the next good concert, that’s somewhat nearby, together.
Well, looking back on it now you might have overdone the whole staying in touch thing a little bit, not that you’re complaining! You and Gareth had great chemistry from the start and easily spent multiple hours talking on the phone every day. Considering that, and the way you both have been quite smiley ever since coming back from the concert, none of your family members were surprised when you announced your relationship.
You both have been itching to meet in person again, which is why you decided that the first longer trip you are gonna make with your first own car that you just got for your eighteenth birthday, is going to be to Hawkins. Gareth was over the moon, hearing this news, having himself begged his mom at least a thousand times to let him borrow her car over the weekend, to make his way over to your city.
“It’s getting late, I think I should head to bed, after all, I have a long drive planned tomorrow.”
It’s Thursday afternoon right now, tomorrow around this time you are gonna be lying in your boyfriend's arms. You already have everything packed and safely stored in your trunk, planning to drive over directly after school in hopes of arriving during the early evening.
“Okay, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. Please drive safely, good night sweetheart.”
“Good night babes, see you tomorrow.”
He nearly has a heart attack when he hears his sister speaking up next to him “Aww he called her sweetheart, how adorable.” She giggles.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“Shouldn’t you be taller?”
The next day Gareth is up nearly an hour earlier than normal, being way too excited to even think straight. His giddiness follows him through the day confusing the Hellfire guys immensely. This is not how he normally responded to being at school.
“Okay, what’s up with you?” Eddie is the one to finally break the silence when they are all sitting at their lunch table “You’ve been acting weird all day!”
“Oh my girlfrie-” he is not able to finish his sentence before he gets interrupted by Jeff “Ohhh your totally real girlfriend that coincidentally lives super far away.” The boys laugh “You know we are all single, no need to make up lies to-” one of the other Hellfire boys speaks up just to end up getting interrupted as well. And that by no other than one of the freshmen “Not all of us are single, we’re not!”.
“Well,” Gareth, being fed up with his friends not believing that he could possibly be in a relationship, abruptly stands up “Actually, she is visiting this weekend so if you come over you can finally meet my in fact very real girlfriend.” With that he storms out of the cafeteria, leaving his tray behind for the others to clean up.
His angry mood doesn’t stick, but his good mood doesn't return either. Is it really so unlikely for him to have a girlfriend? Is it so unrealistic that a girl could be attracted to him? He always thought that you were out of his league, but before now it never worried him or made him feel insecure. Quite the opposite actually, he was always proud that he was able to score a girl like you.
But what if you remembered him in an idealized kind of way? Would you be disappointed after seeing him in the flesh again? Would it be awkward? What if you decided that he wasn’t what you expected and just broke up with him?
His spiraling was interrupted when his house came into view, with a car parked in front of it, which exactly matched the description you had excitedly given him a few days ago talking about your newest possession. Is he starting to imagine things now? You shouldn’t be arriving until way later in the day.
When he opens the front door he is greeted with the view of you and his mom, giggling and drinking tea at the kitchen table, something suspiciously looking like a photo album lying in front of you. The noise of the closing door notifies both of you of his presence making you simultaneously look up.
He is still frozen at the door. You stand up, cross the room and meet him at the door, embracing him in a hug as soon as he is within reachable distance. Coming back to earth he quickly returns it.
“You’re early.” It comes out more like a statement than a question. His tone made you fear that you crossed a boundary or upset him, slightly pulling back from the hug to look at his face “Yes, is that okay?”
“YES! Sorry! I mean yeah that’s totally cool, I’m just surprised. How did you get here so early?”
You grin sheepishly “I might or might not have skipped school today. But I wouldn't have been able to focus either way because I was way too excited” you reason.
“You’re lucky that it was my day off today or you would be sitting on the porch right now” his mother's amused tone pulled you out of your little daze, finally completely pulling out of the hug “I probably should be concerned about you being a bad influence on my son by skipping school, but it looks like he himself isn’t really taking his attendance that serious either.”
“However,” you and Gareth share a slightly anxious look “I'm gonna make an exception and let that slide today, but don't make skipping a habit. We don't want your academics to suffer, right?” Gareth groans, mumbling something about her embarrassing him under his breath.
You on the other side let out a breath you didn't knew you were holding in. You didn’t even think twice about what impression you would leave, when you show up for the first time meeting your boyfriend's mom, proudly proclaiming that you just skipped school.
She grabs her bag and turns to you. “I'm going grocery shopping, anything I should bring honey?” You both simultaneously shake your head. “I wasn't talking to you Gareth, you just skipped school, I may not punish you, but I’m sure as hell aren’t rewarding you either!”
“But she skipped too, why are you asking her then?”
Geez thanks.
“Well SHE is not my child to raise and SHE is also a guest, if you excuse me now, I want to be at the shop before all the good fruits and vegetables are gone.” With that the door closes behind her, resulting in you two being alone now.
“Hi” 'Wow smart thing to say, if she doesn’t already think that you are a total loser she sure does now.'
Instead of laughing at him as he expected, you smile.
“Hi! Wanna show me your room?”
Back at Hawkins High, the Hellfire Club is still sitting at their table.
“Wasn’t that a bit much? He seemed genuinely hurt.” Dustin, always the sweetheart, speaks up. “Yeah, I feel bad now too” agreement follows from the others.
“Do you really think that his girlfriend isn’t real?” Mike asks Eddie
“I mean I was suspicious before, but this kind of sold the deal, right? If he had a girlfriend, why would he react like that?” The others nod at their ‘leaders‘ reasoning.
Dustin decides to speak up again in hopes of making them see the said things from Gareth's perspective “I mean you sort of implied that it's extremely unlikely for a woman to want him”
Eddie looks offended “Come on now, that’s not what I said or meant and you know that.”
“Yeah, I know that, but does Gareth?”
“Okay, you know what, I'm gonna drive over and apologize. Then I'm telling him that it’s no biggy that he lied about having a girlfriend and we will all just forget about it. Yay happy ending, driving into the sunset together with our hair flowing in the wind.”
“Fine man, but Im coming with you,” Jeff says “Not the whole sunset thing, but I think I have to apologize too.” And with that, they both make their way to Eddies van to drive over to Gareths.
Gareth on the other hand has long forgotten about their ‘fight’ at lunch, being a lot more focused on the way his girlfriends' lips feel. He still can’t believe that he finally has you here, in his house, in his room, in his bed. That he can hug, touch and kiss you. He slowly pushes you down, laying part of his body weight on you to get closer, while your hands find their way under his shirt.
Eddie and Jeff have now arrived at their destination, ringing the doorbell a few times.
“He must still be mad, let's get in through the garage, they never lock it.” Eddie proposes.
“There is someone at the door” you break the kiss
“Yeah, I heard.” Gareth only takes a second to respond before instantly chasing your lips again.
“You don’t want to open?”
“Nah, whoever it is is gonna survive, I have more important matters to attend to.” You giggle, making your boyfriend aware of how smitten he is again.
The two boys have successfully entered the house and are now walking up the stairs, Eddie already talking the apology, that he and Jeff came up with on their way here, through in his head, being so deep in thought, he doesn’t even consider knocking before he opens the door, well more like slams the door open.
The first thing he hears is a shriek that sounds suspiciously like it came from a girl. The next sound is clearly Gareths voice.
“What the fuck dude, ever heard of knocking? Get the fuck out!” With that, he is pushed out of the room by a shirtless Gareth. Neither he nor Jeff has a chance to say anything before Gareth is slamming the door in their faces.
“Damn, maybe he wasn’t lying.”
“Good for him, good for him.”
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riordanness · 7 months
you are in love - [r.singh]
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0.9 wordcount
warnings: none
requested: yes! @ravisinghxmee
If you had told me that my sister going on yet another first date would bring me to my love, I would have laughed at you, and rolled my eyes, and decided right then and there that you were wrong.
Turns out though, you would’ve been right.
“Hey Anvi!” I shout down the stairs. “Where’re you going off to?”
My sister shoots daggers as me as our parents step into the walkway. “Anvi?” our mother questions. “Where are you going to?”
Anvi sighs. “I’m going on a date,” she says slowly, gauging their reaction.
I widen my eyes. “Is he hot?” I ask. Anvi catches my eyes, grins, and gives me a nod.
“Can I please go?” she begs our parents. They exchange a look that I’m sure is full of meaning, but I don’t know what that meaning is. I’ve never been great at reading people by their expressions.
“Yes, Vi,” our mother relents a little. “You may go. But be safe, yes?”
Anvi nods hastily and smiles. “Thank you, Mumma! Papa!” She runs out the door, leaving it banging behind her.
I slump against the rail of the staircase, and let out a sigh. I might be only a year younger than my sister, but so far have had absolutely nothing in the way of boys and dates, unlike her.
I don’t know if it’s just me, or if I’m just not supposed to yet. Maybe the right ‘one’ is out there somewhere, and I just have to be patient. Ugh. That’s such a load of nonsense. I’m just trying to convince myself.
It’s Anvi’s voice, echoing a little through the long walkway. “I am home!”
I get up from the kitchen table, to my mother’s protest, and hurry to the front door. Anvi stands next to a tall, handsome boy with bright eyes.
“This is Sal,” my sister says shyly, giving the boy a sweet smile.
Sal nods his head at us, smiling kindly. “Hello. It’s lovely to meet you all.” He reaches for Anvi’s hand. “I thought it best to walk your daughter home, sir,” he tells our father. “And my mother requested that I invite you all to dinner tomorrow night.”
My mother looks pleased. “We would love to, Sal.”
The boy gives my sister another smile, squeezes her hand, and is gone.
That night, I sit cross legged on our bed as I watch Anvi get dressed. “What was he like?” I ask, bouncing a little on the mattress. “Where did he take you?”
Anvi hasn’t stopped smiling since the date. “It was incredible. He was incredible. He took me to the aquarium.”
My nose wrinkles. “The aquarium? Anvi, that’s super lame.”
My sister shakes her head. “No, it wasn’t! There was a lobster fight on today, so we went to watch that. It was actually the best first date, like ever.” She sighs happily, and flops onto the bed next to me.
“Oh,” she says, sitting up on her elbows. “And he has a younger brother. He’s your age.”
I roll my eyes and throw my pillow at her. “Goodnight Anvi.”
He is gorgeous. And I don’t mean that in a light way. Sal’s younger brother, Ravi Singh, was beautiful. He has dark, laughing eyes, messy hair that looked like he’d just walked through a whirlwind, and the prettiest smile of just about anyone I knew.
I receive one of those smiles when we’re introduced, and I somehow can’t not return it.
We’re seated side by side at dinner, Anvi and Sal across from us. All throughout the first course, Ravi and I barely speak of anything but small things such as the weather, and school, and what jobs we want after soon is over.
I am not sure how I’ve never noticed Ravi at school before, since we are in the same year and even a few of the same classes. I guess I just wasn’t paying much attention.
Anvi keeps sneaking me teasing glances in between her flirtations with Sal, and I want to kick her under the table and tell her to sod off, but I don’t think it will do any good. Anvi is always making fun of me, but I think she means well.
All in all? Dinner is officially a success in my book.
“So…” Ravi is sitting beside me on the porch swing, one leg resting on the ground, keeping us at a gentle pace.
“So,” I reply, a small smile on my face.
“Tonight was really fun,” he answers, not looking at me, but rather, the lamppost across the street. I watch as a girl with short brown hair and black headphones jogs under the light, then vanishes again into the night.
“Yeah.” I tuck my leg underneath me. “It was.”
“I want to do it again,” Ravi says suddenly, his deep brown eyes meeting my gaze. “I want to get you really know you, y/n.”
A flutter of anticipation swirls inside of me, and all I can do is nod. “I’d love that,” I whisper. “More than anything.”
~ epilogue ~
“Remember how we first met?” Ravi asks, patting our new puppy’s head affectionately as he smiles up at me.
I watch him on the ground with the dog, relaxation resting on my face. My heart does a little skip, skip every time I see Ravi’s smile, and that’s something I don’t think I’ll ever be used to, to be honest.
“Yes,” I say, twirling a finger in Ravi’s hair. “Your brother took my sister to a lobster fight.”
Ravi laughs, stands, and takes both my hands in his. “And you came over for dinner,” he says in a low voice, sending shivers down my back. “And the moment I saw you, my little light, I knew I was hopelessly in love.”
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justsomewritingblog · 7 months
Late Night Lessons
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Request:  None
Requested By:  Nobody
Prompt: "You are possibly the worst I've ever trained." "Thanks for the encouragement."
Pairing:  Harry Potter x Gryffindor!OC/reader
Summary:  Drastic measures are taken when Umbridge takes over Hogwarts, forcing the students to practice magic on their own. A certain Gryffindor is having difficulties, though...
Warnings:  some mentions of injury and wounds (Umbridge's detentions), distant family
A/N:  I know they had the meeting in Hogsmeade before finding the Room of Requirement, but the conversation felt like it flowed naturally this way, so I left it.
Word Count:  5K+
This was the worst year of my life.
Dolores Umbridge had taken over the school, restricting everything under the sun and causing torment for anyone that even thought about stepping out of the line she had drawn.  
I walked with Hermione back to the Common Room, grumbling about the lack of practice in DADA.
“I mean, honestly,” I complained, “how does she expect us to defeat Voldemort if we can’t get any practice?”
“I know.  The readings aren’t even very useful.”
“They’re useless!”  I gestured wildly.  “It’s not like Voldemort’s going to quiz us when he finally decides to rear his ugly head.”
Hermione was silent as I continued to rant, waving my free hand through the air and nearly accidentally slapping her a couple times.
I could feel my anger rising the more I spoke, just thinking about the situation getting me more and more upset.
“We need a workaround,” Hermione interrupted.
I turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow.  “Excuse me?”
“We need a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.  Someone with experience.”
I let out a scoff.  “And who would that be?”
“I don’t know if I can, Hermione.”
“Harry, we don’t have much of a choice,” the muggle-born pressed.  “You’re perfect for the job.”
“And what if we get caught,” Ron questioned.  “We’re likely to be in some serious trouble.”
I leaned forward in my seat.  “Then we’ll just have to make sure we don’t get caught, won’t we?”
The three turned to me.
“And how do you propose we do that,” Harry questioned.
“I’m not sure yet.  But we need to find a safe place.”  I held my chin in thought.  “Somewhere that’s off the radar…that we can work in privacy and security.”
The room fell silent as we all thought.
“An empty classroom might do it,” Ron suggested.
“It might,” I acknowledged.
“We’d have to place some protection charms, then,” Hermione noted.  “Just in case someone walks in.”
“Especially if it’s noisy.”
“We’re bound to draw attention to ourselves either way,” Harry spoke up.  “If anyone sees a bunch of students going to the same place-”
“That’s an easy fix,” I said.  “We’ll just have to split up into smaller groups of twos and threes and have everyone show up at different times.”  I looked over at Harry, holding his gaze in an attempt to provide him some assurance and strength.  “No one will be the wiser.”
A few beats passed and he nodded.
“It’s settled, then.”  Hermione looked between the three of us.  “We’ll start looking tomorrow.”
“It’d probably be best if we split up,” I whispered to Hermione, Harry and Ron.  “We can cover more ground that way.”  I shrugged one shoulder.  “And maybe it’ll look less suspicious.”
The three nodded.
“I’ll take this side,” Hermione gestured behind her.  “Harry, you take that way,” she pointed to her left, “Davies, you that way,” she pointed ahead of herself, behind me, “and Ron, you that way,” she gestured to the right.
“What are we doing?”
Everyone spun to face the new voice.
“Neville…” I greeted with a grin that looked more like an anxious grimace.  “What’s going on?”
He looked down at me.  “I was about to ask the same thing.”  His gaze shifted between everyone in the group.
We all exchanged glances.
“We’re building an army,” Harry admitted quietly.  “We’re looking for somewhere private and safe to practice magic.”
“You can help us look, if you want,” Ron piped up.
Neville was silent for a few moments before nodding.  “Which way do I go?”
“Er…” I trailed off.  “Wherever you want, I guess?”
“We already each have a way, so you can pick your own,” Harry said.
“Unless I group with Hermione, or two of you boys group,” I suggested, crossing my arms.  “Since boys and girls aren’t supposed to be within six inches of each other.”
Silence followed.
“I’ll go with Harry,” Ron finally said.  He glanced over at his friend.  “We’re always together, anyway.  It might look more suspicious if we’re apart.”
“Good point,” I admitted.
“Alright.”  Harry nodded, looking between everyone.  “Let’s go.”
I made my way through the school, observing every door.  With each one I passed I mentally made notes on them.  So many of them were in crowded halls.  There was no way we were going to be able to use them secretly.
Letting out a huff, I tugged on my hair in annoyance as I turned another corner.  
Dead end.
With a sigh, I headed back to the Common Room.
Maybe the others had better luck.
I strode back to the Common Room as quickly as I could, desperate to hear how the others did.  Approaching the Fat Lady, I instantly supplied the password, not even slowing my steps and walking inside.
The portrait closed behind me.
My name was called and I turned, seeing the golden trio and Neville waving me over.  I walked over, sitting on the floor between Harry and Hermione.  “How’d we do,” I asked.
“Neville found a secret room,” Harry supplied quietly, leaning over to avoid the rest of the students hearing.
I looked over at him, slightly taken aback by the proximity and the intensity of his blue eyes.  I blinked before clearing my throat.  “That’s great,” I said hoarsely.  I forced my gaze to Neville.  “Where is it?”
“It just appeared on the wall.  I’ll show you guys when I can.”
“We want in, too.”
We all snapped our heads to the voice, seeing Fred and George leaning over us.
The matching serious expressions looked very out of place on their faces.
Harry looked up at them.  “Fine.”
“We should find out who else is interested,” Hermione suggested.
“We have to be careful, though.”  I looked over at her.  “We don’t want anyone telling Professor Umbridge,” I warned.
“Who do we really trust?  We can’t exactly just send out an advertisement,” Hermione said.
The group fell silent.
“We’ll work on that,” Harry decided.
I nodded and looked over at Neville.  “Where’s this room?”
“You’ve done it, Neville,” Hermione said as you all observed the large, open room.  “You’ve found the Room of Requirement.”
“The what,” Ron asked.
“It’s also known as The Come and Go Room,” she expanded.  “The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it, and is always equipped for the seeker’s needs.”
“So…say you really needed a toilet…”
Everyone turned to look at the redhead.
“Charming, Ronald,” Hermione said.  “But yes…that is the general idea.”
“It’s brilliant,” Harry finally spoke up.  “It’s like Hogwarts wants us to fight back.”
I looked around before turning to Harry.  “Maybe it does.”
Neville stared at the practice dummy, his wand raised.
Harry gave an encouraging nod.
Neville looked back to the dummy.  “Expelliarmus!”  His wand flew backwards out of his hand.
I, and everyone else in line, ducked out of the way.
“I’m hopeless,” Neville mourned.
“You-you’re just flourishing your wand too much,” Harry advised.  He held up his own wand.  “Try like this.”  Looking at the dummy, he flicked his wand.  “Expelliarmus!”
The dummy’s ‘wand’ flew onto the floor.
I grinned.
The line in front of me shortened as Ron, Hermione and Luna all tried, each with varying levels of success.
Harry looked over at me.  “Your turn.”
I nodded, stepping forward and raising my wand.  Taking a deep breath, I narrowed my eyes at the dummy.  “Expelliarmus!”
The fake wand shot out of its hand, landing a few feet away.
I grinned as I put my wand in my pocket.
“Nice work,” Harry said, nodding at me with a smile as he placed the wand back in the dummy’s hand for the next student.
I beamed at him, moving to the side to allow Fred to go.
“Great job,” Hermione whispered to me as Fred and George easily performed the spell.
“Thanks,” I whispered back.  “You, too.”
“Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal,” Harry stated, walking between the two sides we had formed.  “It-it’s sort of a wizard’s bread and butter, really.”
I made a confused face at the odd analogy.
Ron chuckled.
“...on then, Nigel,” Harry said.  “Give me your best shot.”
Everyone turned to look at the first- or was that second- year boy standing several paces opposite an unarmed Harry.
The ginger boy shuffled a little on his feet before aiming his wand at Harry.  “Stupefy!”
The spell hit Harry and he shot backwards, landing hard on his back.
Nigel also got flown backwards, though not as far.
I winced.
“Good,” Harry said, a little breathless as he pushed himself off the floor.  “Not bad…at all, Nigel.  Well done.”  He stood, clearing his throat and dusting off his hands.  “Next.”
Ron and Hermione stepped forward, sharing a quiet exchange, before Ron walked to the other side of the room, standing where Harry had.
They studied each other for a moment.
Ron opened his mouth, but he was too slow.
Hermione yelled out the spell, shooting Ron backwards.
I covered my mouth with my hand, eyes wide.
I stepped forward, turning to see who else had joined me.
One of the Weasley twins stood before me, too far away to tell which one it was.
I did my best to mask my apprehension.
“I’ll go easy on you, love,” he said, shrugging one shoulder.  “I am two years ahead of you, after all.”
“Don’t do me any favors, Weasley,” I shot back, trying to force my nerves down as I raised my wand.
The twin shrugged, moving back to the spot Ron had previously occupied. 
“You got this, Freddie,” the other twin called.
I narrowed my eyes at the twin I now knew to be Fred, swallowing a lump in my throat.  I snapped my arm forward, yelling out “stupefy!”
Fred blocked it with another spell, sending a “stupefy” my way.
The spell came at me so quickly I had no time to deflect it.
I flew backwards, landing on the ground with a very audible thud.  I winced.
Fred leaned over me moments later.  “Sorry, Davies.”
I groaned.  “I thought you said you’d take it easy on me.”
He shrugged, giving me a cheeky grin.  “You said not to do you any favors.”
Letting out a huff, I nodded in recognition.
His grin grew as he reached down a hand to help me up.  Pulling me to my feet, he clapped a hand on my shoulder before walking back to his counterpart.
“Next,” Harry called.
I rubbed at my back as I moved out of the way for the next students.
“Are you alright,” Harry asked quietly.
I turned to look at him, meeting his concerned gaze.  “I’ll be fine.”  I smiled at him.  “Thanks.”
He held my eyes a moment longer before nodding, turning sharply away from me to look at the dueling students.
“Have you heard?”
I turned my head to Hermione briefly before looking back towards where I was going.  “Heard what?”
“Professor Umbridge is holding interrogations between classes,” she hissed.
I snapped my head towards her.
“She knows something’s going on.”
My steps slowed to a stop.  I stared at Hermione for a long moment.  “She can’t get to us, can she?  I mean…” I lowered my voice to a whisper, “won’t the Room know that it needs to keep her out and adjust for it?”
“I don’t know.  I suppose it depends on the magic of Hogwarts in comparison to her own.”
I huffed, falling into step beside Hermione as she started walking again.
After several beats of silence, Hermione quietly wondered “I wonder what she uses to try to get the students to talk…”
I frowned.  “I don’t want to know.”
“Very good- keep your concentration,” Harry said as he made his way through the groups of students.  “Nice work.”
I focused on levitating one of the third years, my eyes narrowed as I tried to keep him up.
“Good job,” Harry’s soft voice came from right beside my ear.
My attention faltered, the third year dropping slightly before I regained focus and kept him hovering, though lower than previously.
“Widen your stance just a little,” Harry advised.
I felt a pair of hands land on my waist, a foot working its way between mine to shove them a little further apart.
A quiet, but audible gasp escaped me as my face flared.
The boy fell.
I blinked at him.  “I am so sorry.”
He stood, rubbing his elbow.  “It’s alright.”
I turned to glare at Harry, who stood only a few inches away from me.
Our eyes locked and my expression, without my consent, lost most of its malice.
He looked over at me.  “Sorry.”
I hummed, wanting to look angry at him, but finding myself unable to.
He held my gaze before clearing his throat.  “Try again.”
At my hesitant nod, he moved on.
I let out a harsh exhale, turning back to the third year.  “Are you ready to try again?”
He raised an eyebrow at me.  “Are you?”
“Working hard is important,” Harry began, adjusting people’s grips on their wands as they practiced against each other.  “But there’s something that matters even more: believing in yourself.”  He helped a student send a spell at another before moving on, after looking to see if they were alright.  “Think of it this way…every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now…students.”  He continued to move through the room, maneuvering around people.  “If they can do it, why not us?”
I smiled.
Harry pulled out the practice dummy again, wheeling it between everyone.  “Form a circle.”
Everyone walked closer.
“Now, don’t let the dummy touch you,” he instructed.  “If it gets close, send a spell at it to knock it away.”
I pulled out my wand.  “Sounds like a game, Harry,” I said, grinning.
He grinned back.  “It is.  Kind of.”  He looked back to the rest of the students.  “Alright- someone send the first spell.”
Fred was quick to cast a “stupefy” at the dummy.
It shot across from him, towards one of the fourth years.
“Wingardium leviosa!”
The dummy spun around the room, getting spell upon spell cast at it.
It spun to Neville.
It rocketed towards Ginny.
The dummy exploded into ashes.
Everyone whipped their heads to face the youngest Weasley in amazement.
“Geez, Ginny,” I muttered, looking back to the pile.
Harry moved to step in front of everyone, Ron and Hermione on either side of him.  “So, that’s it for this lesson.  Now, we’re not going to be meeting again until after the holidays…”
Disappointed groans filled the room.
“So, just keep practicing on your own as best you can, and- and well done everyone.  Great, great work,” he said with a proud smile.
Everyone clapped.
Students began to file out of the room, thanking him as they went.
I hung in the back with Ron and Hermione, waiting for everyone to get their turn, as well as not having everyone rushing out of the same place at the same time.
We didn’t need to draw more attention to ourselves than we already had.
Once everyone had left, Harry approached the three of us.
“Good job, Harry,” I said, smiling at him.
“Yeah,” Ron agreed.  “Well done, mate.”
Hermione grinned.  “I told you that you’d do well, Harry.”
The Boy Who Lived stopped in front of us.  “Thanks.”  He looked between us.  “You’re all doing really well, too.”
“Well, it helps to have a teacher with experience,” I stated.  “The only other people here with experience like that are actual teachers, and they can’t help us.”
Ron and Hermione sent quiet goodbyes our way, saying they’d see us in the Common Room.
I waved.
“See you, guys,” Harry replied.  When the two left, Harry turned back to me.
Silence filled the air.
I wrapped my arms around myself, lowering my gaze to the floor as I scuffed my foot against the stone.  Clearing my throat, and without looking up, I asked “do you have any plans for the holidays?”
Harry shrugged.  “I don’t really have a family to go back to, and Sirius is…” he trailed off.
“Elsewhere,” I supplied.
Harry nodded before looking up at me.  “What about you?”
“I’m staying at Hogwarts for the holidays,” I confessed.
Harry addressed me silently for a few moments.  “Do you have a family?”
I looked over at him.  “Yes.  But they’re away.”  I turned my head to the side, looking at the wall.  “Some business trip, or something.”
“Well, we’ll be here together, at least.”
My gaze shifted to the boy and I let a small smile form on my face.  “Yeah.”
We stood in a few more beats of silence before Harry spoke up.
“We should get going.  I think enough time has passed.”
I nodded, gesturing to the door.  “After you, Potter.”
“I snagged these from the kitchen.”  Grinning, I set a plate of cookies down on the table in the Common Room.
Harry looked up at me from his spot on the couch, his expression a mix of amusement and shock.  “You stole them?”
I shrugged one shoulder, sitting down beside him as I picked up a cookie.  “We practically have Hogwarts to ourselves.”  I bit off part of the cookie and chewed it.  “Unless these were for the teachers.”
Harry reached forward, taking a cookie for himself.  “Well, if you’re eating them, I might as well.”
I sent a crooked grin his way.  “I really pulled your arm there, didn’t I, Potter?”
He chuckled, a little bashfully, as he ate his treat.
We fell into silence, the only sounds being our own breathing and the crackling of the fireplace.
The fire’s warm glow filled the room, the heat radiating off of it covering me like a cozy blanket.
The Christmas tree sparkled in the corner, snow falling in front of the window.
I let out a long content sigh, relaxing into the couch and letting my eyes flutter closed.
This was the epitome of comfort.
The couch shifted beside me and I opened my eyes, turning to look at Harry.
He glanced at me before looking back at the table sheepishly.  “Sorry.”
I chuckled.  “You’re good.”
The silence that followed was slightly tense.
“Is Christmas your favorite holiday,” I asked, leaning forward to better see Harry, resting my elbows on my knees.
He looked over at me.  “Probably.”  Glancing back at the cookie tray, he rubbed his hands together.  “It was never very nice with my Aunt and Uncle, but since coming to Hogwarts, I’ve enjoyed it more.  I get to spend the holiday with the people I care about.”  He looked over at me.  “If that makes sense.”
I nodded.  “Absolutely.”
“What about you?”
I clasped my hands together, looking at them.  “Well… my family isn’t very close.”  I pulled my hands apart, gesturing with my right.  “We would spend the holiday together, but it wasn’t like the Christmas’ I would hear about from the other families I knew.  Theirs would be filled with laughter and happy memories.”  I looked at the fireplace, resolutely not looking at the boy next to me.  “I got presents, and we would be together all day, but…” I trailed off, shrugging.  “I don’t know.  It just…felt fake.”  I finally looked over at Harry, meeting his concerned blue eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
I smiled somewhat sadly.  “Well, like you said, now I have Hogwarts.  I have you, Hermione and Ron.”  My smile grew.  “I have Ginny, the twins, Seamus…”  Reaching forward, I grabbed Harry’s left hand with my right.  “I enjoy Christmas a lot more than I used to, too,” I finalized, reaching forward to grab another cookie with my free hand.
Harry smiled, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before grabbing another cookie, himself.  “Merry Christmas, Davies,” he said quietly as we settled back into the couch.
“Merry Christmas, Potter.”
I made my way to Harry’s class, strolling through the castle halls.  I was still going to be early, and I had to make sure to not draw any suspicion to myself, so I wasn’t hurrying.  Nearing the entrance to the Room of Requirement, I turned a corner.
The sight had my steps faltering slightly.
I quickly recovered, crossing my arms and halting in my steps, plastering a confident smirk on my face.  “Well, if it isn’t Malfoy and his goons… formerly.”
Draco sneered, marching towards me with quick steps, Crabbe and Goyle on either side of him.
They walked behind him, as they always did.
I briefly wondered if they knew that Draco only kept them around to be his bodyguards and viewed them as no more than that.
“What did you say, Davies?”  Draco’s tone was harsh as he approached me, using his height to try to intimidate me.
I looked up at him.  “Well, I said ‘formerly’, because you’re no longer ‘Malfoy’s gang’.”  I took my time in raking my gaze across the three of them, eyes drifting across the badges they’d received from our new ‘headmaster’, letting my words sink in.  “I’d say ‘Umbridge’s puppets’ is much more fitting…” I looked up and held Draco’s cool gaze, lowering my voice slightly, making sure to add bite to it.  “Don’t you?”
Anger flashed through his gray-ish blue eyes.  “I could take you in, Davies,” he said sternly, gesturing at the badge hanging from his robe.  “I have the authority.”
I let out a short laugh.  “For what?”
He looked down at the space between us before looking back up at my eyes.  “You’re within six inches of me, Davies.”
“You invaded my space,” I reminded.
Malfoy grabbed my arm, leaning down slightly to crowd me as he gave a vicious smirk.  “Professor Umbridge doesn’t know that.”
My eyes widened as he dragged me away.
I hurried to the Common Room, cradling my hand to my chest.  Stopping in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, I wiped my watery eyes and quickly uttered the password.
The portrait swung open, even as the Fat Lady looked at me with concern.
Stepping in, I went to make a beeline straight to my dorm but a call of my name had me halting in my quest.
I closed my eyes.  If I didn’t go over, they would know something was wrong.  Taking a brief second to steel myself, I turned around, approaching the three Gryffindors sitting on the couch.  “What’s up, guys?”  I forced my tone to sound more cheerful.
“What happened,” Hermione questioned.  “You weren’t in class…” she prompted quietly.
“I…” I pulled my sleeves down over my hands.  “I got held up.”
“We were worried about you,” Ron said.
I smiled at him.  “Thanks, Ron.”
“You missed a good lesson,” Hermione informed.  “We started learning about how to cast a Patronus.”
“Really?”  I shifted my gaze to Harry before looking back at Hermione.  “How’d it go?”
“It’s bloody hard,” Ron deadpanned.
Hermione gave him a slightly exasperated look before smiling up at me.  “It is difficult, but we’ll get it.”  She looked over the red head to look at the Boy Who Lived.  “Harry’s been trying to walk us through it.”
I shifted my gaze to Harry.  “How’s that been going?”
He smiled.  “It’s the hardest thing we’ve done yet, so it’s a little challenging.”
I nodded, looking to the wall as my hand trembled.  I slowly reached my other hand over, resting it on top of it.
“Are you alright?”
My head whipped back to look over at Harry, dropping my hand instantly.  “Yeah.  Why?”
Harry looked at me for a few moments before holding his hand out, palm up.  “Can I see your hand?”
Hermione and Ron fell silent, turning to look at us.
I stared at Harry, remaining as stoic as I could.  I gave him my right hand.
He didn’t break eye contact with me.  “The other one.”
“Harry-” I tried to protest, but he reached forward, taking my left hand carefully and rolling up my sleeve.  I winced at the sudden air to the open wound, as well as the knowledge that everyone was staring at it.
Everyone gasped.
‘I must not harass boys’ was carved across my hand.
Harry looked up to meet my eyes, his blue eyes filled with fury.  “What-”
“It was Malfoy,” I interrupted, looking down at the words in my irritated skin.  I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the lump that formed there.  “He claimed I had crossed the ‘six inch’ rule to get at him.”  I clenched my right hand.  “In reality, he was the one that invaded my space.”  Letting out a huff, I moved my gaze from my hand to the floor.  “But of course, it was the testimonies of three against one.”
“Crabbe and Goyle,” Ron supplied, frowning.
I nodded.
Hermione reached out, holding my other hand.
I looked up at the ceiling, trying to force the tears away.
A silence fell over the group, which Ron thankfully broke.
“Malfoy’s the worst.”
“That’s it.”  Harry walked through the students.  “Think of a powerful memory.  The happiest you can remember.  Allow it to fill you up.  Keep trying, Seamus.”  He walked over to the twins.  “George, your turn.”
George flicked his wand.  “Expecto Patronum!”
Pale wisps, a whitish blue, spiraled out of his wand.
Harry continued walking.  “A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents.”
Ginny’s wisps turned into a horse head that whinnied.
Harry beamed.  “Fantastic, Ginny!”  He kept walking.  “Remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused, so Luna-!”
The girl kept staring at the floor.
Hermione’s Patronus, an otter, floated around her head.
“Think of the happiest memory you can.”
“Expecto Patronum.”  Neville’s wand let out a few spirals, but nothing more.  He turned to Harry.  “I’m trying.”
“I know,” Harry assured.  “It’s good.”  He moved on, even as Ron’s dog Patronus ran between Neville’s legs, knocking the boy over.  “This is really advanced stuff, guys, you’re doing so well!”
A bunny formed in front of Luna, hopping around the room.
My wand sparked again.
I glared at it.
“Stupid wand,” I grumbled under my breath.  The urge to throw the thing that had chosen me five years ago was getting increasingly difficult to ignore.  I huffed, closing my eyes, trying to focus.
“How’s it going?”
I snapped my eyes open, looking over at Harry.  I was certain he could guess based on the expression I was sure was on my face, but I humored him.  “Dreadful.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Watch.”  I closed my eyes again, focusing hard on my memory.  I opened my eyes again, holding my wand out.  “Expecto Patronum!”
My wand let out a few white sparks.
I looked over at Harry.  “Maybe my wand’s busted.”
“I think that’s unlikely.  What memory are you thinking of?”
I hesitated, gaze shifting between his eyes.  “Getting my Hogwarts letter.”
“That’s your strongest happy memory?”
My gaze lowered to my wand.  “It was all I could come up with.”
Harry pursed his lips, regarding me thoughtfully.
I shifted a little uncomfortably under his stare.
“We could try private sessions?  I’ll work with you one on one.”
I sighed, nodding.
Harry clapped a hand on my shoulder before continuing on his way.
Harry and I walked to the Room of Requirement, hidden under his invisibility cloak.
My heart raced as we strode through the empty halls, terrified of encountering a teacher and a little unnerved at being in such close proximity to anyone, let alone Harry Potter.
The Room of Requirement opened and we walked in, the door closing behind us.
Harry pulled the cloak off us and I let out a breath of relief.
“Merlin, that was scary,” I mumbled.
“Sneaking around after hours still unnerves me a little, too,” Harry remarked, dropping the cloak to the side.  “It gets easier the more you do it, though.”
I raised an eyebrow at him.  “Got it: break the rules more often.”
He deadpanned at me before his expression shifted into a grin.  “Very funny.”
I grinned back.  “I thought so.”
Harry shook his head, moving to stand beside me.  “Alright.  I hope you have your wand on you, or we’ll have to sneak all the way back.”
I grimaced, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my wand, a quiet sigh of relief escaping me.
Harry nodded.  “Good.”  He gestured at me.  “Alright, think of your happiest memory.”
I held my wand out in front of me, once more thinking of receiving my letter.  “Expecto Patronum!”
Not even sparks.
I huffed.
“That’s okay.  Try again,” Harry encouraged.
And so I did.
For half an hour.
“Do you have any happier memories?”
I looked over at Harry.
“Remember, it has to be strong,” he advised.
I huffed, closing my eyes.  Getting my letter wasn’t enough.  Maybe arriving at Hogwarts?  Seeing the school for the first time was definitely one of my favorite memories.
Opening my eyes, I brought my wand forward, a new determination filling me.  “Expecto Patronum!”
A few wisps left my wand before dying out.
I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.
Harry patted my back.  “That was an improvement.”
I whipped my head around to glare at him.
He pulled his hand off me, raising his hands in surrender and taking a step back.  “Sorry.”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Harry.”
He pursed his lips.  “Let’s go to bed.  We’ll try again tomorrow.”
“Expecto Patronum!”
My wand produced a few wisps, lasting longer than before, but still dying out rather quickly.
Harry chuckled.
“Harry Potter!”  I glared at him.  “We have been doing this for almost a week- don’t you dare!”
He held up his hands.  “Sorry.  It’s just… you are possibly the worst I’ve ever trained.”
I deadpanned at him.  “Thanks for the encouragement.”
“I think you need some happier memories,” he admitted, his smile fading.
I frowned, looking down at the ground.  “Well, I won’t argue with that.”
He walked over to me.  “What do you care about?  What’s important to you?”
I lifted my gaze to meet his, staring at him in silence for several moments.  “My friends.  You, Hermione, Ron…”
Harry nodded.  “So think of a memory with us.  Was there a memory with us that filled you with such a happiness you’d never experienced before?”
I paused, looking away as I tried to think.
Meeting the golden trio was fun.  I enjoyed listening to them as they told me about their adventures.  Spending time in the library studying.  Visits with Hagrid.
Then it came to me.
I remembered the Christmas holiday.  I thought back to the warm fire, the tasty cookies I had snuck out of the kitchen, the comfortable silence, the winter coziness that I had shared with Harry.
I had never felt more content in my life.
I looked back up at Harry.  Lifting myself to stand tall, I turned back to the open space before me and raised my wand.  “Expecto Patronum!”
Pale wisps emerged from my wand, spiraling out.
A chestnut mare formed at the end of them, tossing its head and neighing.
Harry beamed.  “You did it, Davies!”
I turned to face him, grinning.  Reaching towards him, I pulled him into a tight hug.  “Ugh, after weeks-!”
“You did it,” he congratulated, hugging me back.
I sighed in relief, resting my chin on his shoulder.
He mirrored the action for a few moments before we separated.  “What was your memory?”
I blinked at him, face flushing.  I wrapped him in another hug, just so I didn’t have to look at him.
He stiffened, taken aback, but returned the hug again.
“Do you remember the Christmas holidays…” I trailed off, keeping my arms around him.
I felt him nod against me.  “Yeah.”
I paused.  “Do you remember the night I stole the cookies from the kitchen?  The snow was falling, and the Common Room was decorated…” I tightened my hold of him.  “We were sitting on the couch… the whole place to ourselves…”
At Harry’s prolonged silence, I loosened my grip, pulling away slightly, but not enough to look at him.
“I- I remember.”
I waited a few beats before stepping back so I could look at him.
He met my eyes, but I couldn’t read his expression.
I held his gaze, ignoring the way my voice wavered and my cheeks reddened.  “It meant a lot to me, Harry.”
He swallowed.  “It meant a lot to me, too.”
Staring at him, I tried to figure out what exactly he was trying to imply by that.  I took a step towards him.  “Did it,” I asked quietly.
He nodded, his gaze flickering to my lips briefly.
It was all the confirmation I needed.
Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to his, closing my eyes.
He returned it instantly.
Our lips moved together clumsily, but it filled my heart with warmth.
I reached up, resting my left hand on his shoulder and threading my other fingers through the hair on the back of his head.
He placed one hand on my waist, the other cradling my jaw.
I pulled away first, keeping my hold on him as I opened my eyes.
He smiled at me as we both tried to even out our breathing.
I beamed at him, chuckling, and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his forehead.
Harry met my gaze when I pulled away.  “I don’t know if we should have done that.”
My smile dropped instantly, arms falling to my sides.
A mischievous crooked grin formed on his face.  “I am your teacher, after all.”
I scoffed loudly, slapping him in the arm.
A/n: This was really fun to write, too. I've been on a Harry Potter kick, so expect more stories soon.
Oh! And if anyone is curious as to why I chose the patronus I did, I found this life-saver right here.
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cannibalsrider · 1 month
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Not a lot just forever Bonus episodes: big-footed monster?
pairings: kenma Kozume x yn
A/N: this took me so long to write but I feel like yall should see what I envisioned for Lev and Yn meeting because its probably funnier in my head but I hope u like it and this is like my little gift because I might not post a new chapter tomorrow for my birthday
The morning was quiet as I walked to school, even in the cold (why the hell did it decide to be freezing today). Morisuke had decided to go a bit earlier to get something to eat instead of walking together, but at least I didn't have to hear his chatter as I walked down the road leading to the school gates.
I spotted what looked like the creature my father had told me about, tales of a bigfooted giant in America people said had existed since the 1800s, but instead, it was probably a new transfer third year or another second year.
I figured I should probably say hi since he'd help the guys on the team and make it somewhat easier for us to go to nationals. "Are you new?" I asked, staring up at him when I finally reached where he was with the woman who handles the transfer students from abroad. It was obvious he was new, but I just thought to ask. I must have looked creepy sizing him up as if I was about to fight him when he nodded. I must have looked like I was about to jump for joy.
"I am! My name is Lev Haiba!" he told me with a smile. I returned one to him. "Yaku-yn, it's nice to meet you, Lev-kun. I can't help but ask, are you interested in joining our boys' volleyball team? I manage it, and I think you'd be a great fit," I told him, staring up at him with probably what seemed like bug eyes. "Uh? Sure, I heard the sports teams are perfect here from what I've been told," he answered. He must have been from abroad; his accent kinda reminded me of what you'd think a Russian person speaking Japanese was like.
"Okay, great. Do you have any experience with volleyball at all?" I asked, grabbing his wrist before muttering out an excuse to the teacher beside him as I started to drag him towards the gym. Most of the team was already there, more the third years and possibly Fukunaga, if he was practicing his serves before class, started since it was still early enough for them to. "I don't have much experience, but my sister says I learn pretty quick," he told me after a moment. We got to the entrance, and I spotted Kai and Kuroo.
"Kuroo-san! Kai-san!" I shouted, waving the co-captains over as I saw both of the liberos watching, confused, earning a head tilt from my brother as he spotted the weirdly tall boy next to me. I assumed he probably thought the same thing all of us had seen tall volleyball players since we started at Nekoma, me managing and Morisuke playing, but Lev had taken the cake as taller than anyone we had ever met. When Kuroo and Kai stopped in front of us, it was an obvious questioning look for both of them.
"This is Lev Haiba; he's a transfer student," I told them. "What year are you?" Kuroo asked, staring at him, trying to be lowkey intimidating as he watched him before Lev spoke. "I'm a first year," he answered, staring back at the co-captains, confused at their almost intimidating aura. I looked between the three, confused, before speaking. "He can be a middle blocker, and we can swap Inouka-kun to wing spiker to up defense and offense," I interrupted to give both captains an idea of what he could do. "Nekomata-sensei and Naoi-sensei should meet him if you think it wouldn't be too much trouble to teach him the ropes?" I hummed, watching Kuroo for a moment as Kai spoke up.
"Depends if he’d even want to learn. I'd think Yamamoto-kun would be willing to help teach him," he added, looking up at Lev so he could get a better idea of him. Behind the pair, I watched Morisuke show Shibayama-kun more help with his new position as a libero. From what I had known before, he was supposedly a wing spiker on his middle school team before he was swapped to play as a libero this year. "I'd love to learn more and become the ace for the team!" Lev said enthusiastically, and I tilted my head at him. I figured he probably knew as much as the other first years but just a bit less, most likely.
"We can have you come by for practice to get introduced to everyone, and we can talk to Nekomata-sensei and Naoi-sensei when they arrive," I told Lev with a kind smile. Checking my watch, I realized there was just enough time for the boys to pack up the net and clean up before they had to run to class. “You guys should start cleaning up so Naoi-sensei doesn't scold you again,” I told Kuroo. Then, I looked up at Lev. “I can walk you to class since you're new and I technically dragged you away from the woman who handles all the transfer students,” I elaborated.
Kuroo interjected, “What class are you in, Lev? Shibayama-kun can walk with you two, and Kai and I can handle the net if Yaku has to leave.” He looked between Lev and me. “Class three,” Lev answered, glancing at the small paper in his hand with his locker combination and class information. He looked like a lost fish in the wrong stream, to be honest.
“I can take him. It's probably easier since I have to head that way anyway because I have to do something for coach Nekomata this morning,” I told Kuroo. He nodded, and we had a borderline staring contest for a moment before I heard Morisuke’s voice.
“Y/N, what are you doing with a titan-looking boy?” he asked, staring at me with a confused expression. Kuroo answered for me, not even giving me a chance to talk, “She was introducing a potential new member.”
“A new member, huh?” Morisuke said, not very convinced as he stared at Lev for a moment.
“He's a first year. His name is Lev,” I added, giving him an idea of who the kid was before he spoke again.
“Shouldn't you show him to his class since you dragged him from Furudate-sensei? She was probably going to introduce him to his teacher and the guidance counselor so he had an idea of what he was doing. She’s probably worried you tried to kidnap another student to try and get them to join the team,” Morisuke said, looking at me. I scratched the back of my neck with a grumble.
“Furudate-sensei always thinks I’m trying to kidnap the first years that transfer here. It’s not like I do it a lot; it’s happened twice!” I countered before shrugging. “We probably should head that way, Lev-kun. I can introduce you to Akiyama-sensei. I had her my first year. She's really sweet; just don't mention anything about monsters because once she looked like she was going to cry when a boy in class three last year went in-depth about a monster he had a nightmare about. She reminded me of a frightened dog,” I told him, waving for him to follow me after giving the three a wave goodbye. As we started walking towards the double doors leading into the school, I asked, “So, when did you move here?”
“Two weeks ago. My sister Alisa and I moved here with our mother since she has a lot of family in Tokyo,” he answered as we weaved through a crowd of second years. I could see Kenma on the side of Fukunaga as they talked with some random kid they both knew. Kenma gave me a confused look as I went out of his eyeline.
“Where did you live before coming to Japan?” I asked curiously as we followed the hall leading us toward the door labeled with a three above it.
“In Russia, specifically in Moscow, because my father was military,” he answered. I nodded, not wanting to pry further into the topic.
“I heard it’s really beautiful there in the winter when it gets snowy. Is it like everyone says?” I asked.
“In a way, yeah! It was always really pretty in the wintertime. In the area we lived in, there was this little café where you could sit and get warm in between times you would be out in the snow,” he responded as we stood outside the classroom. He seemed very content with the idea of new friends and didn't have to do anything but follow along.
“Alright, this is class three. Akiyama-sensei isn’t here yet, but she’s the kind of old woman who's about the height of the first year in the gym you saw,” I told him as I spotted the older woman walking down the hall almost as if on cue. “Actually, here she comes!” I said, dragging him to meet the teacher.
“Akiyama-sensei, good morning!” I said with an almost too kind tone as we walked beside her.
“Good morning, Y/N-kun. Did you need to talk to me about something?” she asked with a small smile before spotting Lev beside me.
“I was just coming to introduce Lev-kun to you. He just started, and I had dragged him away from Furudate-sensei this morning when I saw him, so I just thought to get him introduced so he wasn’t lost,” I answered.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Akiyama-sensei,” Lev said. You could tell Lev would be a kind kid just from how he spoke. Even I was surprised at how sweet he was to the old woman.
“What a sweet boy! Y/N-kun, you are such a good upperclassman to show him the way,” she told me with a kind smile before turning back to Lev. “It’s good to meet you, Lev-kun. Furudate-san told me all about you. You’ll be a good fit for the class,” she told him. I waved goodbye to both of them so I could go say hi to Kenma since I still had some time before I needed to get to class. Wandering down the hall, I spotted him walking towards the stairs leading up to the second-year classes.
“Kenmaaa,” I called out almost in a sing-song tone to get his attention from the game he was playing.
“Who was that boy you were with? He looked like a third year,” he asked, almost curiously, not looking up from the boss fight he was in the middle of on his PSP.
“He's a new first year. He just moved back to Tokyo two weeks ago. I told Kuroo, and we’re gonna talk to Nekomata-sensei and Naoi-sensei about Lev-kun joining,” I answered.
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
New Jersey One
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Jack Hughes x Female Reader
This is chapter One of Four
Warning: Ex, fluff, cursing, Non supportive parents? Let me know if i missed any.
This has been in my draft for a while, I finally finished it.
word count: 1.7k
let me know what you guys think🤍
She was tired of the life she was living back home, the boy she loved broke her heart when he left to follow his dreams. She had gone to university in her hometown instead of going to the one of her dreams. Her parents didn’t want her to leave, but she couldn’t stay there anymore.
She decided to apply for a transfer to Columbia University, her dream university in New York. Thing is she hope she could stay away from her ex who moved away to New Jersey. New York and New Jersey are both big cities, right? There’s no way they would run it to each other, or so she thought.
Will her parents be mad at her for moving to New York, or will they be happy for finally living her dream.
Y/n wanted to start her own Clothing company, ever since she was 11 years old, she’s been designing clothes, planning outfits, she loves it and what better way to start her own company than New York. Now she’s 19 years old, still living in Michigan with her parents and a student at the university of Michigan, alongside some old friends.
She was ready to start living the life she wanted, not what her parents wanted. Even if that meant being closer to her ex-boyfriend, her first love. Her and Jack were childhood best friends, their moms were also best friends, so when they had kids, it was obvious they were also going to be friends. Her older brother James was the same age as Jack’s older brother Quinn, they had both played hockey together since before they could walk. Now Quinn, James, and Jack were all following their dreams of playing in the NHL. If her older brother could follow his dreams, why couldn’t she?
Today was the day I was finally going to tell my parents I wanted to move to New York. I have always wanted to go to Columbia University in New York, but when I had told my parents this when I was in high school, they told me it would be better if I stayed in Michigan and go to University of Michigan.
They didn’t want me to leave, even if they always encouraged me to follow my dreams. My older brother James was drafted in the NHL he moved to Ottawa Canada, since I was the baby of the family my parents didn’t want me to move away since they had already lost their first born.
Ever since I was 11 years old, I have always been drawing clothes, my dream was to start my own clothing company, my parents have always encouraged me to do so, they just didn’t want me to move away.
Columbia University has always been the place I wanted to be, I wasn’t happy being at Michigan anymore, I was miserable, sure most of my friends had decided to stay in Michigan after high school but that was their decisions not mine.
When I was 16 years old, I fell in love with my best friend Jack and he felt the same way, thing is when he’s an amazing hockey player just like his brother, so when he was 18 he was drafted in the NHL to New Jersey. When he moved to New Jersey so he could play for his team we broke up, I was going to be staying in Michigan while he was leaving, it was a mutual decision, but it still hurt when he first left.
When I got the letter saying I got accepted at Columbia university I was excited because my dream were finally going to be coming true, I was just afraid I might run in to Jack when I was in New York since we haven’t talk in over a year, but New York city and New Jersey are big enough I probably wouldn’t be running into him, but I was still scared.
I am 19 years old, it was time to finally do what I want to do, and to stop listening to what others want me to do. My acceptance letter came in the mail last week and I still couldn’t get the courage to tell my parents, thing is I had to let the university know before tomorrow morning, so my decision had to be made tonight. Christmas is a few days away, my parents are in a happy mood, what better time to let know I wanted to leave to go to Columbia.
I made my way downstairs to the living room where both my parents were sitting watching a Christmas movie with a fire on. I walked slowly and stop in front of them.
“Mom, dad can we talk” I asked playing with my neckless, It was a habit I always did when I got nervous.
“of course, honey is everything okay?” my mom asked worriedly
“No, everything is fine, I have some news I would like to talk to you about.”
“sure honey, you know you can tell us anything” my dad said this time giving me a small smile.
“I know since James moved to Canada, you guys didn’t want me to move away, but I don’t love the university of Michigan, my dreams have always been to go to Columbia” I told them
They both looked at each other, then back to me.
“If that’s really what you want, and if you really aren’t happy here at university, we can talk about you maybe going to Columbia next year” my mom said remaining calm
“That’s the thing… I applied for a transfer, and I got accepted, I need to give them my answer by tomorrow”
“what? Why didn’t you tell us this before?” my dad asked
“I was afraid of what you guys would say, this is my dream and I really want to go” I said, I really wanted them to understand that this was my dream university, it where I always wanted to be.
“We really wish you would have told us this before honey…” she said looking at my dad for some help then back at me.
“Please, mom I’m begging you, please say yes, this is what I want” I begged
My dad looked at my mom before looking back at me.
“We really wish you would stay here honey, but we understand, if this is your dream you should follow it. We have always encourage you and your brother to follow your dreams, were sorry we stopped you from doing that” my dad said resurging me.
“Thanks dad, mom?” I asked looking at her
“Does this mean you’ll be leaving after Christmas so you can be there for next semester?”
“Yes, I’ll be leaving December 28th if I say yes”
“Well if this is what you really want to do, then say yes” she said standing up and hugging me.
My eyes started watering; my dad joined our hug making us chuckle.
“We are so proud of you honey, your dad and I will come visit you, and you’ll be close to Jack again” my mom said happily
“Mom I haven’t talked to Jack in almost a year, I was away this summer, and I was hoping I wouldn’t run into him” I said nervously.
My parents along with his have always thought that Jack and I would be together forever. My brother and his thought the same, and honestly so did I, I’m just afraid of getting hurt. He’s a famous hockey player now, there’s girls everywhere wanting to date him, and what’s to say he didn’t move on, he could have any girl he wanted, why would he want me.
“I have a feeling you guys will run into each other” she said smiling.
Christmas had passed and it was now December 28th, the morning I was leaving for New York. My parents had told the Hughes family about me leaving so they were supposed to come over so they could say goodbye, the Hughes family are my second family.
I am going to miss them, especially Luke, he will be going to university of Michigan next year, the second he found out I was transferring to Columbia he texted me saying he was mad we weren’t going to be going to the same university next year, but that he was happy I was following my dreams. He was also happy that I was going to be closer to Jack same with his parent’s.
I was finally all packed up and ready to go, it’s only 10 a.m. and my plane is leaving at 2 p.m. so the Hughes will be here in a few minutes to say goodbye before I must leave to go to the airport.
“hello, were here to see our favorite girl before she leaves” I heard from the living.
I looked up and saw Ellen smiling at me, making me rush over and give her a hug.
“oh honey, I am so proud of you. Now I’ll be going to New York more often.” She said making me laugh
“Thank you, it means the world, I can’t wait to see you when you visit.” I said relishing the hug and going to Jim.
“Congrats honey, always follow your dreams” he said smiling
“Thank you, Jim,”
“I’m not going to miss you” Luke said, which made Ellen slap the back of his head.
“Awe Luke I’m going to miss you too” I said chuckling and giving him a big hug
“Please, go annoy Jack for me” he said
“I’ll think about it, deal?”
“deal, just know I’m going to ask every time we facetime” he said smirking
“I wouldn’t except anything else” I said laughing making him smile.
“I hope you have the best time in New York, and you better tell me all about it”
“You know it”
“Honey you ready to go? We need to get to the airport” my dad asked me
“Yeah, I am” I said happily
My parents dropped me off at the airport and said their goodbye and promised they would visit soon enough.
Just like that I was looking at down while we were landing in New York.
I couldn’t be happier as an uber driver was driving me to my apartment close to campus.
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