#we really got to see these characters be happy..... we saw their relationships flourish...... we saw them be loving and kind to each other.
You know what really is enduring? Watching this fucking show
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buckets-and-trees · 1 month
I'm really late with this so feel free to ignore it 💙
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
For your cedar trees series 🥰
I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT BE IGNORING THIS! (and I'm still totally eager to entertain more asks for the SHIP ASK GAME if anyone is interested)
OKAY, JAQUI! We know I adore these two, so I'm over the moon to gush more about them and their story...
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Steve loves your smile. He loves that you give it so freely to him and to others. It speaks to how genuine you are. Steve was also concerned that when he did finally marry, it would be much more formal in the relationship, kind of Taking On A Queen, someone to perform the queenly duties, etc. And though you smile easily, it's never a vapid smile or put on for show. It's a reminder of your spirit and that you don't hide or withhold it from others - because you seek to have genuine connections with those around you.
You love how grounded Steve is. He doesn't inflate anyone's importance or undervalue anyone around him, and you saw that from the first meeting. Steve wasn't the first potential royal match for you, but he was the first who didn't put on a show in the talks with you or your family. There was a lot of protocol and tradition and pageantry with the wedding, but as soon as you two were put into the carriage and off to your honeymoon, he was just Steve - a kid from Brooklyn, not the King of Brooklyn.
Those two things you saw in each other - your genuine nature and his grounded character - were able to flourish in that magical honeymoon period. That flourishsing made you both fall so easily into that early part of love though you were both a bit in denial about how serious and deep the affection was then and worried that it would be gone or one-sided when you got back to reality - as discussed in the very first chapter of the story.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
They love it, but they're measured with it. Hand holding, a hand on the cheek, arms around each other, non-heated kisses. More formally, your hand tucked into the crook of his arm when walking anywhere publicly - that's pretty standard, but not a perfunctory action. The two of you can't help it, and so you don't stifle it. But you're also aware of how people always have their eyes on you as their king and queen - so affection is shown, but not heat.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
At first, no. You had siblings, and so some teasing and playfulness was pretty standard for you in your royal household. But Steve was an only child AND THEN became king and suddenly had so much duty and responsibility and places to be and a kingdom to take care of. Bucky had kept that side of him alive, but Steve was so unused to letting his guard down around anyone else that it took a while for him. He was fun, kind, interesting on the honeymoon, but not playful. It's a few weeks before that starts to come out. You married in the summer, but it was fall before the playfulness was really established. It was just uncovered in layers along with the rest of your relationship.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Steve often reaches for your hand. He wants the tie to you.
You become a fierce guard of Steve's health and well-being and reintroduce him to domesticity. You insist that he eats, sleeps, takes time away from royal business. You help him see that the candle can burn longer when it's not being burned from both ends, and you do it in a way that shows you're priority is his health and happiness. He takes care of the kingdom, but you take care of him.
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rurulaura · 1 year
It’s been four years since i drew the 25 yrs later ideas i had. I wanted to make my own headcannons and everything filled with inspiration like i saw with everyone else’s. But i just don’t.
It took time for me to realize it’s ok to not have the same amazing ideas as everyone else. I do have inspirations for some characters. But not for all.
Taichi and Yamato is the same. They are married with sora being the surrogate.
I want the theme of older sisters in this au. Because there are so many older brothers as the forefront in adv. I’m glad we got older sister in hunters! We also don’t have an older sister and younger sister chosen duo i don’t think? I would like that to become reality.
I can’t think of sora being married with biological kids. Instead i see her more in the mother figure position. Like a foster parent or works at an orphanage or day center.
I like mimi and meiko still being a married couple. Have a kid, maybe even live on the out skirts of the city:..
I didn’t have anything for relationship for Koushirou. Until digimon kizuna. Two geniuses that flourish in research and computers. They could talk about various subjects for days. I don’t know if i see them as having kids.
Sometimes people want to be married, but not have kids. And there is nothing wrong with that. Not that they dislike kids. But just don’t have interest.
Jou and the bike girl from the revenge of diaboromon i know is a common ship. And jou has a girlfriend in tri. So i don’t see why they couldn’t still be a thing. Shhh. I don’t care if tri used that as a running gag My brother and his wife was an example of love at first sight. ☺️🥰 i just don’t have inspiration for their character beyond that.
I am still keeping the takeru and hikari pairing. I was nervous that the two sets of siblings was illegal. But it’s not so heck ya! I like the idea of their twins being troublemaking pranksters too much.
Daisuke and keiko. I want daisuke to be happy! But beyond marrying someone who is a big food enthusiast as he is, that’s really all i know. If they mark and have kids, should i make them have a daughter? Or maybe this is one if the cases that daisuke stays single…
Miyako and ken are the same. Older daughter, son, and youngest daughter.
Iori and Mizuki from hunters who has the submarimon is an endearing couple. I can imagine her getting him to relax by exploring the ocean. Maybe he feels obligated to explore the digital world in honor of his dad.
I also thought about daigo and maki. I’d like them to be married too. I don’t have any sparks of inspiration of what to do. But they deserve happiness after tri. 😭
That’s my rambling for now…
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Can you do black clover headcanons of (William, nozel, and other characters of your choice!) react to their crush having chaos magic like Wanda from marvel! so basically they have the ability to use any type of magic! but reader can get very chaotic and reckless because they're the only one to have this kind of magic so they had to train themselves at such young age and was treated very harshly if they messed up (even though it's not their fault 😭poor baby) so it's hard to control it when they get emotional! they can be extremely strong like super powerful! but they dont give a f**k about becoming wizard king they don't want responsibility they just wanna have fun! That doesn't mean their irresponsible they just don't want to be held down! so as long as it doesn't hurt anyone they choose to let their chaos flourish! (In short words reader is a chaotic neutral 😂)
Scarlet Witch is OP as hell. What kind of power is chaos magic seriously! She is so underrated!
If you guys don't follow Marvel, basically her magic is telekinesis and telepathy. So it allows her to control objects / break objects and also do hypnosis. she can also produce energy waves. Meaning she can basically control any matter. LOL. Since that includes air, it also means she can fly.
Also this request is similar to Reckless series, here's PART 1 and PART 2. You can check it out!
William | Nozel | Zenon x f! reader
William Vangeance
Has always known that you were a powerful individual by the look in your eyes. He's really happy that you're on the side of good instead of evil, else you would probably be a very troublesome enemy to fight.
He was always very rest assured when he sent you on missions but one day, you lost control. The enemy hit a spot when they killed of some of your allies and villagers.
The enemy was ripped to pieces but you couldn't stop your powers. Things were being smashed into pieces and there was chaos everywhere.
William rushed to the scene. "Y/n! It's me!"
"Will.. don't come near! I'll hurt you." you cried, your mana surging throughout your body.
"No. you won't. Control yourself." William inched closer to you.
You calmed down slowly and before you knew it, you were wrapped in William's arms.
You were shaking in fear because when you messed up, you always got beaten up and abused. But William held you and stroked your back gently without uttering a word.
"I'm sorry Will.." You apologised to him after you recovered from your episode. "Should I.. leave? Should I quit being a magic kn-"
"No." he shook his head and smiled. "No you shouldn't give up just because you made a mistake y/n."
He stroked your head, "we should learn from our mistakes and just be a better person from now on."
William still put you on missions and he even put you in charge of the younger knights. He hoped that by teaching the younger ones, it would inspire them and also have you learn about yourself.
Sometimes the best way to learn is through teaching others. You were still the pride of the Golden Dawn and William. He's always so proud to call you his and wouldn't hesitate to drown you with compliments.
If he saw that you got a little too reckless, he'll be worried for you and he would only chide you behind closed doors, telling you that he was so worried and he could never bear to see you injured.
Off duty, he would also treat you as a princess and even though you might be stronger than him, he'd still treat you as equals in a relationship.
He'll never fail to hold you close to him at night and whisper sweet nothings in your ears so that you'll always feel safe and sound with him. William is absolutely your pillar of support and he makes sure that you know that.
Nozel Silva
Nozel finally understood the true extent of your powers when he saw you losing control during the fight with the devil. The devil played some dirty mind games with you and succeeded.
Seeing you lose control, reminded him of Noelle and how his heart ached for you. He put you in his silver star of execution and was careful that you did not hurt yourself or others.
He just waited until you calmed down yourself.
When you woke up, you were in Nozel's arms and you were both flying on his silver eagle.
What got him surprised was when you started sobbing uncontrollably.
After awhile, you felt him stroking your head and you looked up at him.
"You should be telling me 'thank you', not this."
He eased a little when you started laughing again.
Since then, Nozel was always protective of you. Not because he couldn't trust you to control yourself; on the battle field, he still let you go all out. But because he realised that you were always someone that had your weak points and was trying your best to be strong.
On nights where it was just the both of you behind closed doors, he would always hold you tightly in his arms and tell you, "you'll always have me. You're not alone."
One day you replied him, "So are you. You have me too, you're not alone. Sometimes, you can depend on me to shoulder your burdens too."
On days where you had a little too much fun and got injured, you could see that he would get extremely grumpy at you.
"I'm sorry~" you'd give him a little pout and your puppy eyes and it would work all the time.
"if you don't care about yourself, then care about people around you that are worried for you." he'd give a little humph while holding you in his arms.
Zenon Zogratis
He was absolutely star struck with your powers. He loved watching you fight, he thought it was like a dance and it kept him captivated and mesmerised.
Once, he saw you lose control of your powers and it even sent a little shiver down his spine. You were indeed formidable if you were in control of your full capacity of your powers.
You caught you as you were falling, you had run out of mana, but what took him by surprise was your trembling lips and your eyes in a daze, muttering "sorry" repeatedly.
He held you tightly, telling you "it's okay".
A week later, the headline on the spade news was that the school that you grew up in, was burnt to crisps and that there were no survivors.
Although you were strong and you could easily whip an enemy's ass, Zenon was still protective of you. He still enjoyed watching you fight though, but he would never let you come in any harm's way.
God bless anyone that speaks of any nasty remark about you. As long as it reaches Zenon's ears. They're dead.
He'll step in mid fight if you get too reckless and one glare from him is all it took for you to understand that you've gone too far. He'll finish the fight swiftly and move on.
He'll be a little more quiet the rest of the day but you know that he's just worried for you.
Give him a little physical affection and this man is whipped. Holding onto his hand and giving it a squeeze, pulling him into a hug when you both got home, pressing a little chaste kiss on his cheeks and telling him "thank you" was all that was needed.
Afterall, you're his precious woman and he loved everything about you.
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
When you think about it Ingrith (based off her character description from that one site introcduing the characters) her sole purpose was to be Finan's wife. We got no backstory, very few other character interactions. We just saw her being a loving wife to Finan. I don't get why some people are bitching about Finan x Eadith fans still being upset about them not being together and saying that all they want is for Eadith to be reduced to JUST Finan's wife, thats not true, but whatever. 🙄
i agree with that. but watch others say your misogynistic.
i actually wish we saw a little bit of ingrith and sihtric’s wife (i think her name is sid?). i reckon during those years they would have established a nice friendship. and it would’ve been great to learn more about ingrith - where she came from, if she has any siblings, maybe even a little comment on how her and finan met. she was cute, and i did like how she looked after finan. you could tell she really did love him.
the thing is, the whole “people only want eadith to be shackled to finan and don’t want to see her as her own woman” argument, is just a lazy excuse so they can then go make their own hate posts towards people who still ship finan and eadith. look, i’m not saying those comments have not been made. maybe some people only wanted to see eadith with finan. but i guarantee there are a lot of people who wanted to see their relationship flourish and to see eadith become a strong, independent woman. and this may come as a shock to some, but eadith 100% could’ve been in a happy relationship with finan and still been a strong, independent, powerful woman. it’s doesn’t have to be one or the other type of thing. also, before anyone jumps down my throat. i’m not saying the story they choose to tell of eadith was wrong or that i disliked it. i actually did like her going off and doing her own thing, establishing a friendship with aelswith and being a healer. her relationship with finan, watching that grow into something, would’ve just been a bonus on top of seeing eadith become her own woman.
it's just crazy to me how some automatically say "oh, you want eadith and finan together, therefore you must hate woman and only think they should be tied to a man". it’s that sort of tone i get from some of the comments i have seen in the tags. i feel like some have taken people’s disappointment in finan and eadith not being together, and turned it around making it seem like it's wrong to still be upset with not seeing what their relationship could have been. but in no way does that mean those people just wanted eadith to be finan’s lover. and the assumption of that is what pisses me off. how about you talk to a finan x eadith fan and open your mind to other reasons why they are still disappointed, instead of twisting their words.
and i feel like i have to say this once again for anyone who chose to ignore it, but, “i’m not saying those comments have not been made. maybe some people only wanted to see eadith with finan. but i guarantee there are a lot of people who wanted to see their relationship flourish AND to see eadith become a strong, independent woman”.
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orbitluke · 3 years
your hair falling into place like dominoes - steve harrington
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Summary: in a moment of boldness, Steve buys hair dye, causing your typical sleepover filled with movies and snacks to have a rather fun twist. (feat Robin because I love her <3)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (I don’t think I use any specific pronouns! Please correct me if I am wrong!)
Warnings: N/A 
Category: fluff, softboyfriend!steve
Word Count: 2643
Authors Note: I’m a bit scared about posting this because I feel like I’ve forgotten how to write! I also couldn’t think of a title, so you can have a taylor swift lyric instead that kinda relates lol. I appreciate feedback and I hope that this is somewhat ok! 
Steve’s shift at Family Video had ended an hour ago. Rather than going straight home, he decided to walk downtown for a bit. He needed to buy a few things for later. You and Robin were heading over to his for a sleepover. An annual occurrence that had taken place since you and Steve had become friends with Robin whilst working at Scoops Ahoy.
He found himself walking towards Melvald’s General Store. He figured he could pick up a few snacks for you all. Steve greeted Joyce working behind the cash register, with a small wave; seeing her after a long gruelling shift made his night slightly better. There appeared to be a few customers lingering in each section. He took note of the reduced banners sprawled across the ceiling. It seemed even with Starcourt Mall gone the small store was still struggling. He made his way through each aisle, picking out each item he needed for tonight. He pulled his jacket a little tighter as he entered the frozen section. He picked up two pints of ice cream for you and Robin, smiling to himself as he recalled your previous sleepover, where you overindulged on ice-cream and laid across his sofa, groaning at how sick you felt. He took his time walking through the aisles, mentally checking off each item on his list. He wanted everything to be perfect. It had been a while since he spent time with you and Robin as a trio. He missed observing you and Robin stretched out over his couch, eat popcorn, and judge the characters on screen for their actions, however as he had picked up some extra shift at Family Video, your annual sleepovers had been pushed back. Steve’s gaze trailed along the aisles and towards the large clock that hung above the shelves. It was only 6:30 PM; he still had a while before you and Robin were meant to arrive at his house. You had spent the day at Hawkins library catching up on work you had missed. Steve’s parents were away on yet another business trip meaning he did not have to worry about any inappropriate interactions between them if they arrived early.
He could only imagine the tense conversation. 
He ran his hand through his hair absentmindedly, thinking once more, what could he have forgotten. His hand stilled in recollection as he remembered he needed to buy more hairspray. Despite using it less frequently, Steve still liked to have a bottle on hand. As he made his way through the hair care aisle, he let his eyes flicker over the different products, smirking to himself when he saw the overpriced shampoo you insisted on buying, claiming it made your hair just an ounce softer. It seemed Steve was not the only one with a haircare clutch. Without even thinking, Steve grabbed a bottle telling himself he could keep it at his place just in case you needed it. A part of him knew he would find himself using it. The scent of your shampoo brought him closer to you and filled him with an immense comfort he had never felt before. His cheeks reddened as he thought back to how he had purposely sprayed your perfume on his jacket so he could have a reminder of you. He shook his head at the thought, grabbing the canister of hairspray he used, however, accidentally knocking over a bottle of hair dye in the process. Fumbling over his feet, Steve tried to balance his collection of snacks in his hand. He unexpectedly dropped a packet of cookies, letting out a quiet string of profanities. Managing to shift his weight, he picked up the two items with ease, thankful he did not drop anything else in the process. Steve inspected the bottle closely. Burgundy Red Hair Dye printed out in bold lettering. The bottle seemed familiar, then Steve remembered back to last Autumn, where you excitedly came over before the Fall Dance, holding this bottle. You insisted on dying your hair so you could match the Fall decorations. He gleamed at your excitement. Steve thought you were so cool, always pulling off different colours. He wanted to try. He thought for a moment and decided he was buying it. Perhaps knocking the bottle over was a sign to do something he considered drastic to his hair. Steve was a perfectionist when it came to his hair. He would spend a good half-hour every day ensuring each curl laid perfectly. A part of him believed that his hair was the only reason why people liked him. Doing something different was met with great unease. He always wanted to experiment with his hair. Admittedly he relied on his hair a lot for his self-worth and was extremely reluctant to change it. He vividly remembers his cheeks staining pink as his dad made fun of him for using a large amount of hairspray. However, you had always encouraged him to do whatever makes him comfortable.
Steve slowly started experimenting with his hair, parting it differently, even allowing his natural curls to flourish. Something you admired. He was certain at the start of your relationship, you were only dating him because of his hair. It was silly thinking that, but the small ounce of unease gnawing at his brain told him otherwise. He believed he didn’t have anything discernible about himself, but you showed him otherwise. Admittedly Steve merely wished he were as confident as you, especially when it came to changing your hair. Steve admired how you experimented with your hair, often switching it up, claiming you were bored with your appearance. Steve swore you would suit any colour. Steve merely wished he had the guts to do the same. There was a looming judgement from his dad who would make snide remarks whenever he was around. It made Steve feel uneasy, but he still followed through with making these small changes to his hair. It was different but good. His decision was set in stone as he placed the dye onto his pile of miscellaneous food and made his way over to Joyce, exchanging pleasantries and ringing up his total.
As Steve pulled up to the driveway, he was made aware of how long his little shopping trip had taken, seeing two figures sat on his porch and two bicycles ditched on his drive. He found himself smiling, remembering Robin and you declaring your distaste for learning to drive. Instead, you insisted that you were both happy riding your bikes or stealing rides from Steve whenever he was free. 
"Hurry up Harrington I need to piss," shouted Robin, uncrossing her legs so she could stand.
Steve shook his head at Robin, rolling his eyes mockingly. 
“Gimmie a sec!” he responded as he stepped out of his car.
Steve shifted the grocery bags, so he could reach his house keys that were in his pocket. He felt a pair of hands steadily brush his lower back and grab one of the bags, preventing him from dropping it. 
“Thanks,” he smiled, leaning down and placing a kiss on your cheek.
"No problem, my love."
He unlocked his front door, barely able to say another word before Robin bolted past him and down the hall towards the bathroom.
"She chugged three ice coffees earlier. She insisted it would help her study.”
Steve grinned at your words, shaking his head. That sounded like Robin.
He tried to take the groceries back off you, but you pulled the bag back out of his reach.
“You go in, I have got this bag." You placed the bags on the kitchen counter just as Robin returned, wiping her hands on her jean-clad thighs.
“You know there’s a towel in the bathroom,” you laughed. Robin shrugged at your words.
“Ooh, what did you get?” she leant forwards against the counter and began picking out the items one by one. She nodded her head in approval at the assortment of snacks Steve had brought, spreading them out on the counter so you could see.
“Wait, what is this-” Robin was unable to finish her sentence as Steve snatched the bottle out of her hand.
“Hey!” Steve felt his cheeks redden. “It’s nothing. Let’s put everything away.”
“Awh C’mon Steve, what is it?” Unwrapping his hand, Steve gradually revealed the bottle, causing you to let out an excited yell.
His cheeks reddened at your words.
“You’re finally doing something to that mop!” Robin grinned, reaching up to ruffle Steve’s hair. “I’m not sure yet,” he shrugged, placing the bottle on the counter suddenly insecure.
“No, do it!” you encouraged, “you’ll look great! I’ll help you if you want.” 
His heart warmed at your words.
“Yes!” You grinned already ushering the duo upstairs towards Steve’s other bathroom.
Unboxing the dye, Steve furrowed his brows at the instructions before asking, “Where do we start?” 
You snatched them off Steve, throwing them into the sink, insisting you did not need them. You were practically a professional after all. He was ready to protest, but you shushed him by placing a finger against his lips, causing Robin to laugh at your interaction. You pulled out the dye and developer before pausing.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, raising his brows with panic. 
“I need some Vaseline to line your head. Don’t wanna stain your skin,” you murmur, going over to the cabinet under his sink, rummaging through it.
“Aha!” you shouted in triumph.
"Here you go," you beam, gently opening the tub and caressing his forehead with the product, finishing by squeezing his cheek.
"Hey!" he exclaimed, shaking his head in protest, but secretly enjoying your playful actions.
"What can I do?" asked Robin, leaning against the doorframe observing quietly.
"You can go get snacks whilst I work my magic."
You tell Steve to sit on the edge of the bathtub. He lets out a playful groan before complying. You then wrap a towel around his shoulders, before mixing the developer and dye, shaking the bottle rapidly. He admired the way you furrowed your brow whilst in deep concentration. It was such a simple act, dying his hair, but Steve knew he would not trust another soul with this.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” you asked, falling serious for a moment. You were aware of how anxious Steve could get, especially when it came to his appearance.
You begin to part Steve’s hair, running your fingers through his hair to ensure it was all covered. Steve found himself relaxing at your touch.
“You’re gonna look so cool.”
“You think?” he quips, lifting his head so he could look at you. His heart fluttering as he watched your movements. 
You nod reassuringly as you continue to cover his hair. Steve smiles as you begin to hum a familiar tune. It felt so domestic sitting here whilst you did this for him. It was moments like this Steve treasured and kept with him whenever he felt down. 
“I love you,” Steve states, lifting his hand so he could pause your actions momentarily.
You glance down at him fondly, your heart racing at his words. No matter how many times you said those words to one another, it always felt like the first time. You reached down interlocking your free hand with his, squeezing gently as if uttering the words back. A silent gesture acknowledged by you both.
“Oh fuck!” 
A clatter sounded through the room, causing you to jump back and release Steve’s hand. Looking over your shoulder, Robin stood by the door, hunched over as she tried balancing the snacks. A single can of Coke rolling at her feet.
“Sorry!” she gasped, rushing to pick the can up.
“Here Harrington, take a cookie, it’s gonna be a long wait before we see the results.”
“It looks good so far,” she noted whilst moving past you.
“I just need to do the back and then we just wait,” you responded.
Surprisingly, it did not take long. You, Robin, and Steve had settled into his bedroom, an abundance of snacks surrounding you all as you spoke about your day. Robin updated you guys on the girl she was seeing. She spoke about their recent date, laughing at the way she fell whilst roller skating. The blush on her face whilst she spoke about the girl made you smile endlessly. Looking towards Steve, you share a nod, both silently noting your friend's infatuation. You then made your way back into the bathroom, guiding Steve by his shoulders towards the sink so he could lean backwards allowing you to rinse his hair. You detached his showerhead and turned it on, the water rinsing off the dye. Swirls of red, falling down the drain allowing you to note the change in Steve’s hair colour. You took the towel from around him, wrapping it around his head and fluffed his hair making him let out a muffled laugh. You quickly covered his eyes with your hands before he could turn around and see his reflection. 
“Not yet!” you squealed, nodding towards Robin, telling her to grab his hair dryer and comb off the counter so you could style his hair properly. She followed your lead, equally anticipating the result.
With one last brush of his hair, you finally allowed Steve to turn and see his reflection.
“What do you think?” Anxiety washes over you, uncertain by Steve’s reaction. He wore a pensive look, no clear indication of how he felt. Both you and Robin watched eagerly trying to gauge his response.
“I kinda hate it.” 
“What!” you exclaimed, sharing a look of panic with Robin.
He let out a boisterous laugh at your response.
“Kidding!” he chuckled.
He reaches up and runs a hand through his locks, noting the change in texture and colour. There was only a small change in hue, a deep burgundy colour, but Steve adored it. He felt good. His previous anxieties seemingly vanished as he turned to face you, wrapping you in a warm hug. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled, pressing his head in the crook of your neck. You break the embrace, jokingly hitting his chest. 
“That wasn’t nice.”
You look up at him closely, noting the way his eyes seem to be somewhat brighter. 
“I do look cool though, don’t I?” he laughed playfully.
You hummed in agreement, admiring the way he looked. Crests of light falling through his window, highlighting the darker shades of red lingering in his hair. It was such a small change, but he still looked stunning.
“It will probably wash out in a week,” you note softly, “so we can always do it again if you like.”
“Or” Steve begins, trailing off slightly before gleaming mischievously, “I could dye yours and Robin’s hair.”
“Absolutely not dingus!” Robin protested, holding her hands up in horror.
You pat Steve’s back teasingly whilst also laughing at Robin’s words.
“C’mon let's put a movie on.” 
“I’m choosing!” Declared Robin, already making her way out of the bathroom.
Just as you were about to follow, Steve tugged at your hand, halting your movement.
“I mean it,” he begins, “Thank you for doing this. I feel like anyone else would have made fun of me for making this such a big deal, but you,” 
He looked down at his feet, almost hesitant with his words.
“You always encourage me. I really do love you.”
Robin leant against the bathroom door, observing your interaction, admiring the way you and Steve acted with one another. She smiled softly to herself, thankful that her two friends loved each other. She wouldn’t admit it out loud but she thought you were a cute couple.
“I love you too.” you respond, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
Breaking away you smirk,
“Oh, and Steve, thank you for the shampoo.”
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mingoyeob-archive · 3 years
omg hey, if not done yet, can we please have 51 + jk? also take your time for part 3, no need to rush and stress about it, you're an amazing writer and good work always takes time 💜
under the oak tree drabble game ⚔️🌳 to make up for my delayed release of part 3 of under the oak tree i’ve decided to do a drabble game!
omg thank you for being so kind 🥲 I wanna end under the oak tree in a good way so I've just been pushing it off until I come up with something thats not a complete disappointment?? but I'm hoping these drabbles give you guys more time to enjoy the characters! hope you like it :)
51. “I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time” | jjk x reader ft yoongi | word count: 2k
The castle was eerily quiet.
Most days it would be loud with the sound of footsteps and the banging of mugs hitting wood tables followed by the clanking of cutlery. However today, no one seemed to want to make a peep; they were as quiet as a mouse. Unlike everyone else who found the lack of noise peculiar, Yoongi enjoyed it - reveled in it, flourished in it even. Nothing made him happier than being able to sit and enjoy his daily morning, afternoon and evening naps and it made studying all the damn protection spells Jungkook wanted for the castle a hell of a lot easier. But there was one thing that threatened his new paradise, a looming cloud over his glorious fantasy, the grey cloud that he called Jeon Jungkook.
Now Jungkook was never one to be in an especially chipper mood, at least not around most people that is (you on the other hand, seemed to be a completely different story). Yoongi distinctly remembers seeing baby pictures of the lad when he was just a baby with a scowl etched permanently on his face under bushy dark brows. He often found it comical. Here was this lumbering idiot, with a silver spoon practically being shoved in his mouth, the glorious savior of the kingdom, but he was walking around as if his favorite horse had died (which it hadn’t, he checked). It was really starting to get on his nerves.
“Kid, you’ve gotta stop scaring the men. I swore I saw one of them shit themselves the other day.” Yoongi said from beside Jungkook. Currently they sat side by side in the great hall, feasting on bowls of hearty beef stew, the kind with giant chunks of meat and half haphazardly chopped vegetables covered in a thick and glorious gravy. Hmm my favorite Yoongi hummed to himself, eyes slipping shut as he drank up the delicious broth with a loud slurping sound. His spoon made a loud clanging sound against his bowl when he dropped it back down, wiping his mouth to shift his gaze back over to the scowling man to his left. “You know if I were you I would be jumping for joy. You’re filthy fucking rich, whats to be sad about huh?”
Jungkook didn’t even let out his usual grunt in response, opting to continue swirling his spoon around in his stew while glaring down at it as if it had wronged him in some way. But the sudden sound of one the knights from across the hall laughing had him snapping his head up to send a growl over to the group of men which had them instantly silencing themselves, ducking down to continue silently eating their food. Yoongi watched the exchange with amusement, “Yeah you definitely need to get laid.”
Jungkook raised his hand to swing at him to which Yoongi merely stopped with a spell, not even bothering to look at him while he took another spoonful of his food. He knew Jungkook would never try to purposefully hurt him if he knew Yoongi couldn’t protect himself, so this was just considered normal playful banter between the two men. “That’s enough, Yoongi.” He mumbled angrily, dropping his fist to bang against the table. The noise gained the attention of everyone in the dining hall, but none of them dared to turn their heads to look at the commotion, afraid the Duke would redirect his anger towards them. “I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, you know, that's what tends to happen when you don’t get any for a while.” Yoongi sighed and leaned his hand against his hand, gazing pitifully at Jungkook. He noticed the slight twinge of confusion on Jungkooks face and decided to reiterate himself, “It’s called blue balls idiot.”
Jungkook nearly choked on his spit. Yoongi was never one to mince words and this time was no different, but still his blunt words caught him off guard. “Would you keep it down!” Jungkook seethed, whipping his head around to see if anyone had overheard the topic of their conversation. It’s not like he was scared of anyone mocking him (everyone knew better than that) but still, he didn’t need the whole castle knowing that him and his wife still hadn’t had sex yet since he’d been back.
Yes, you heard him correctly. Jungkook had been back for almost three months and you and him still hadn’t even so much as touched each other intimately. Sure they had a few passionate kisses and lust filled embraces here and there which had left your neck bruised with hickies, but outside of that, neither of you had even dared roaming a hand south of the border. He didn’t know why he hadn’t tried it, perhaps it was because he wanted to make sure you were ready this time, instead of forcing himself on you like last time. He wanted to be positive that you enjoyed yourself as much as he did, wanted to bring you to new heights that made you absolutely euphoric. But until you were comfortable with him enough to let him do so, he would stick to his hand and the dirty images that he had conjured up in his head.
“I know what blue balls are, Yoongi. But I’m perfectly fine with how mine and y/n’s relationship is going.” he mumbled, glaring at the sorcerer. “And I don’t need you meddling in my love life so why don’t you just go and frolic with that stable boy like you do and leave me be.”
Yoongi let out a noise of disagreement, throwing his hands up in annoyance, “How many times do I have to tell you, me and hoseok are not frolicking or whatever the hell you’re into-” Jungkooks foot kicked his leg under the table causing him to let out a hiss but nonetheless he continued, “You can’t keep waiting for her to make the first move. Y/n is a lady and a lady from Aster at that. Those chicks never make the first move.”
Jungkook grumbled and pushed his bowl away from him then sipped at his ale in contemplation. Perhaps Yoongi was right, maybe it was time for him to make the first move. “But how can I make sure she’s ready? What if I fuck up like last time?” he questioned, not bothering to hide the genuine concern in his voice.
The sorcerer just sighed, patting Jungkook on the shoulder, “Trust me, kid. If you fucked up, she wouldn’t still be here. And judging by the noises I heard last time, I’m pretty sure she enjoyed herself.” yoongi shuddered. No more late night walks through the hall he promised himself. “Just try to do something nice for her this time. Don’t just throw her around, take it easy. Try and lighten the mood, understand?”
Jungkook was quiet for a second, the gears turning in his head. When he finally seemed to come to a conclusion, he grunted and nodded his head. The corner of Yoongi's lips tilted up in a satisfied smile and he clapped the man on the shoulder, “Thatta boy!”
Immediately after dinner, Jungkook went to the kitchen to request the finest meats, cheeses and artfully crafted desserts they had along with the sweetest wine the chef could find. The kitchen staff were practically shaken in their boots when the Duke had first walked into the room, afraid they had done something to mess up his dinner. But when they saw how shy yet dedicated the man seemed to be (despite how much he had tried to hide it) they were more than happy to help him, promising him that they would do their best. Jungkook gave them a monotonous thanks and had practically run out the room, up the steps and to the bed chamber. He had a lot to do in a short amount of time.
“I am pooped!” You groaned, complaining to Seokjin about how much work you had done today while walking through the hard stone halls of the castle. You had spent most of today working in the library, learning and going over the finances with Seokjin so you could finally start taking on more of your ‘wifely duties’ and relieving him of some of the burden. “I’m still not sure how the conversion from pences to shillings works. Or is it shillings to pences? Ah, oh well.”
Seokjin merely rolled his eyes as he walked beside you, hands clasped behind his back in his usual gentlemanly fashion. “Yes my lady you did work very hard today. I do believe it is time for you to get a good night's rest so we can start again in the morning.” You whined at his words, stopping as you finally reached the door of your bed chambers. Seokjn just let out a small chuckle at your over the top theatrics, “Have a goodnight Y/n.”
You had returned his well wishes, sending him a beaming smile and wave as he walked back down the hallway. Once he was out of sight you turned back towards the door hand reaching out to grasp the knob. But before you got a chance to even touch the brass door handle, the mahogany swung open in front of you, your tall husband's looming figure instantly coming into sight. “Oh hello!” you greeted, surprised by the fact that he seemed to be waiting for your arrival.
Jungkook just stared at you, is he blushing? You asked yourself. The man didn’t say anything, just stepped out of the way and gestured for you to enter. You thought the whole exchange was weird and cautiously stepped around him, not expecting the sight that awaited you.
You let out a gasp, hand flying up to cover your mouth in shock as you surveyed the room. Almost every inch of the place was covered in the most beautiful and fragrant rose petals, the room lit up from the fireplace he had going across the room. Delicious food and desserts covered the tables so much of it that you had no idea how he expected you to finish it all. “Jungkook, what is all this?” you said, whipping around to look at him as he continued to stand by the entrance, stiff as a board.
He ducked his head, hands coming up to fidget as he nervously looked around the room. “Do you like it?” he asked, finally daring to meet your gaze. “I had Yoongi help me. He said you might like all this...or whatever.”
Your irises were practically lit up with admiration, eyes shining with pure undulated joy. You couldn’t believe he had done all of this for you. “Of course I like it! I mean- I love it! But what did I do to deserve this?”
Jungkook just furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, finally crossing the room to cradle your cheek and stare into your eyes affectionately. “What do you mean deserve this? I love you, y/n. I would give you the whole world if I could.”
His words had your eyes tearing up and you brought a hand up to gently hold the one he had placed on your cheek. Your head turned, placing a peck against the calloused skin of his palm as you returned his gaze, letting your eyes show just how thankful you were. “Jungkook...I love you too.” you whispered, watching as his face seemed to light up with your confession.
The rest of the night was spent dining on the luxurious food the kitchen had prepared, mouths full as you whispered sweet nothings to each other and spilled all of your darkest secrets and happiest moments. And despite the fact that the two of you still hadn’t managed to find your way to the bed or explored the rest of each other's bodies that had laid untouched by one another for quite some time, Jungkook couldn’t find himself to care. He was happy enough to be here at this moment, with you.
Blue balls be damned
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
A/N: I’m back to writing after my little break; I just needed this week to get back to enjoying writing again and I definitely am so here we are! I have so  many requests and yet here I am writing out a Draco fic. This is inspired by a conversation I had with the always lovely @dreamer821​ who loves Cassandra Clare just as much as I do - our conversations are making my day and I think you’re amazing. But it got me to thinking and this is the end result. I hope you all like! And yes, requests are still being written!
Summary: Bookshops, book signings. 
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none - fluff.
Word count: 2.3k
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You unzip your jacket the moment you enter the warm shop. Draco copies your movement, unbuttoning his suit jacket underneath it too.
You shake your head at him fondly. Only he would dress so formally to an event such as this one.
The welcoming scent of old books and worn pages washes over you as you step further into the bookshop. Your stomach had been full of butterflies all day for you were finally meeting your favourite author after being a fan for so long. Draco had surprised you with tickets to the event for your birthday knowing how much you adored her books but how rare it was for her to travel to the UK.
Draco follows you to where chairs have been set up in expectation. He leans close to your ear, murmuring, “Where are we sitting then, love?”
“I don’t want to seem too eager by sitting right at the front, but I’d like to have a good view and be able to hear her.”
Draco smiles, “What about the third row?”
You nod, letting him lead you to two seats furthest from the aisle. You sit in the final seat; turning your body diagonally for a better view. Draco sits in the seat beside you, carefully placing your bag of books down on the floor in front of him. He had insisted that he be the one to carry them as you had piled six hardback books into the bag after long consideration over which books you would take to be signed. Eventually, you decided on the original hardbacks of the series that made you fall in love with the author in the first place. Nostalgia and sentimentality winning the battle of choice.
A hand on your knee makes you realise that your leg was bouncing with nerves and excitement.
“You okay?” Draco asks, eyes searching your face.
“Nervous. Excited.”
Draco chuckles, watching you fondly. From his happier moments at Hogwarts, he remembers you walking around with your nose permanently hidden away in a book. There was always one series that you would return to over and over again – rereading the first books then reading the new book when it was released. He never stopped noticing how much you adored this author, even after you fell in love with him. He didn’t need to understand your love for this particular muggle author; he just accepted it as part of you. So when he caught wind that she was visiting the UK on a book tour for her most recent work, he immediately bought tickets and surprised you on your birthday.
It was the hardest secret he has ever kept from you. It was the only secret he has ever kept from you.
“Are you happy with your choices of books?” He asks, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You nod, grinning, “Very happy. And I get doubled signed thanks to you coming with me.”  
“What better use of your partner is there?”
“Very true.”
“Have you thought of any questions you’d like to ask her?”
You bite your lip, “I have but I don’t know if I want to ask anything.”
“Why not?”
“What if I mess up and make a fool of myself in front of her?”
“Then I’ll have to make a bigger fool out of myself to take the attention away from you.”
You sigh, sliding further into your seat, “I can’t help but wonder how you’d do that.”
“I won’t need to,” Draco reassures, “You aren’t going to mess up.”
“You astonish me with your faith in me.”
“As you astonish me, dear.” He takes your hand in his, tangling your fingers together. “Now, let’s meet your idol.”
Quiet falls over the expectant crowd as the interviewer and your favourite author take a seat at the front of the room.
Your hand tightens on Draco’s as you take in the sight of finally seeing your idol in the flesh.
Draco leans towards you, whispering, “Can you see okay?”
You nod at him as the interviewer greets the crowd and the event begins.
The latest book in her series wrapped up the previous plots from past books before bringing in new issues for freshly introduced characters. Angels and demons were using Earth as a battleground and it was down to a group of misfit teenagers to stop it.
A cliché plot but when you first read the books as a misfit teenager at Hogwarts, you fell in love with the world-building and character development. You had also formed somewhat of a crush on the sarcastic blonde-haired character that as you sit next to him, reminds you of Draco.
He hadn’t read the books, and he didn’t intend to, but he was happy to sit through the interview for you. Anything for you.
You sit entirely enraptured by the author as she details her inspirations for the novel as well as her hopes for the series.
You couldn’t be certain you weren’t dreaming.
Soon enough, the interviewer opens up to questions from the floor. Hand after hand shoot up, all wanting an opportunity to ask a question, to talk to the author.
Draco nudges your side with his elbow. You turn to him, catching his eyes. You stare at each other for a moment before he mouths, ‘go on’. Your hand raises itself in the air.
“Yes, you in the corner next to the blonde-haired man.”
Your eyebrows fly into your hair; you point down at yourself checking the interviewer meant you.
“Yes, you. What would you like to ask?”
You clear your throat. Draco squeezes your hand in support, reminding you that he’s here. “Erm… well my question revolves around the lore that runs through the series. It’s so heavy with mythology and that’s essential to the plot, so I was wondering where you got your inspiration from?”
Your favourite author smiles at you; she smiles at you and you are certain you stop breathing. “That’s a really good question. There’s a lot of biblical references throughout the series given that it’s angels and demons, but I drew inspiration from everywhere. Greek mythology especially, I love the story of Hades and Persephone, so I wanted to include that in some format. But I also enjoy researching the lore and history surrounding witches and wizards such as witch hunts and knew I had to involve magical lore somewhere. The series really is an amalgamation of those interests. Thank you for your question! Thank you for coming!”
You settle further back into your seat as the interviewer takes more questions. You sit there in disbelief at the conversation you just had with your favourite author. Your heart pounds from the adrenaline. You could cry from happiness right now.
Draco’s arm wraps around the back of your chair; he leans in to whisper in to your ear, “You did good, love.”
“I did?” You mouth.
He nods, smiling at you before turning his attention back to the Q&A session. You let your mind wander slightly, taking it all in. Her books had been your lifeline through Hogwarts where you felt lonely and invisible; they had been your comfort through exam stress, and teenage stress. You knew you could return to her books and feel as if you were being welcomed home.
You didn’t know that Draco had noticed you.
It was the perfect relationship, really. You both adored books; Draco loved his non-fiction and latest journals in the advancement of potion making and medicine. You loved your fiction; transporting yourself to different worlds for hours at a time.
The library in your home was split down the middle; your books taking over one half, his taking over the other half. In the middle of the room was a couch where you would both spread out on a weekend and either read or catch up with work.
Draco’s hand on your shoulder brings your attention back to the room, “They’re moving onto the signing. Are you ready to meet your idol?”
Excitement bubbles in your gut, “Never more ready.”
You both the join the queue where you give your names to the worker waiting with sticky notes to put in your book. Draco says your name when asked; you look up at him questioningly, but he shrugs it off.
You’re practically bouncing in your spot in line as you amble closer and closer to your favourite author. You can see her head over the top of the line where she signs book after book, personalising each one.
The line gets shorter and shorter and it isn’t long before you’re standing in front of her, “You asked the first question,” she says, recognising you.
“I did,” You say, somewhat in shock, “I’m (Y/N).”
“Well (Y/N),” she starts, signing the first of your books and pulling the second towards you, “I loved that question, so thank you for asking it.”
“Thank you for writing these books; they meant the world to me through high school.”
“I’m glad they mean that much to you. Thank you for coming today!” She says, signing your last book with a flourish before handing the pile back to you.
You smile at her before turning away; watching Draco as he walks up to her with his pile.
“Another (Y/N)?” She chuckles.
“Not really, she’s my partner. I’m getting them signed in her name.”
She looks taken aback, “That’s lovely.”
Draco shrugs, “She would read these over and over again in high school. I never saw her without them. I couldn’t let her miss this at all.”
“That’s… really very sweet.”
Draco smiles, “Thank you.”
She takes her time signing his final book, saying to Draco that she’s writing a special message to you. She hands it back to him with a smile and a ‘thank you’. Draco nods his head before walking over to where you’re waiting for him with barely concealed tears in your eyes. She cannot help but think Draco looks exactly what she pictures the protagonist to look like.
“Love?” He asks, taking your pile of books from you and putting them carefully in the bag.
“Oh Draco,” You say, wrapping him up in a hug. Your face hidden in his chest; arms wrapped around his middle. “Thank you,” You utter, words muffled by his clothes.
Draco chuckles, placing the bag of now signed books on the floor, and running a hand through your hair, “You’re very welcome, love.”
You look up at him, tears still in your eyes, “You’re the best, I hope you know that.”
“I do, but it’s nice to hear it sometimes.”
You step back, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket. Draco picks up the bag of books in one hand and holds your hand with the other. You walk out of the shop, taking a moment to fasten coats and jackets against the chill of the evening air.
“You asked a wonderful question, love.” Draco compliments.
“Thank you, darling. I wonder if she knew we’re a witch and wizard.” You muse.
Draco hums, “I do wonder myself. Is there a lot of witches and wizards in the books?”
You shake your head, “Not really. Though there is one figure that reminds me of Dumbledore in his description.”
Draco chuckles, “It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he met her once upon a time.”
You laugh with him, “No, I suppose it’d make sense.”
You fall silent as you walk down the street; hands swinging between your bodies.
“What did she say to you?” You ask Draco after a moment, “You looked to be having a good conversation.”
“She mentioned that I was the second person with your name, so I said that I was your partner. She thought I was very sweet; I’ll have you know.”
You lean into his arm, “You are very sweet. The sweetest.”
“I’m about to be even more sweet. Shall we get some dinner while we’re out?”
You groan in happiness, “Yes, please. I don’t feel like cooking tonight.”
Draco barks a laugh as he leads you into a nearby restaurant. You’re seated in a small booth and are given menus before ordering your drinks.
“Thank you for taking me, Draco. It means the world.” You say as the waitress goes to grab your drinks.
Draco smiles at you softly, “Anything for you, you know that.”
“I love you.” You grin.
“I love you too. You want to look at her signatures don’t you?”
You squirm in your seat, “I really do. Is that nerdy? It’s nerdy, isn’t it?”
“It’s not nerdy at all. I know that she wrote a special message for you in one of them.”
Your mouth drops open, “What? Really? You’re joking? Don’t joke about this.”
“I wouldn’t joke about this. She really did write a message for you.” Draco states, handing you the bag.
You pile the books onto the table, moving the ones she signed for you to one side. Focusing on the books that she signed for Draco. You run a hand over her signature; still not truly believing you met your favourite author.
“I can’t believe we met her,” You whisper in awe.
“You best believe it, love.”
You smile at him before flipping open the last book in the pile. The first two had simple signatures addressed to you, but as you turn the pages to the title page, you see her message inscribed in ink:
“To (Y/N), Few find a love like you have with him. He’s a keeper.”
And underneath is her shining signature. She had seen it so clearly; his love for you, and your love for him. It radiates from the both of you.
You show Draco the message and he laughs at it in disbelief, taking the book from your hands to read the message.
Draco eventually hands the book back to you, “I have to say I’m rather inclined to agree.”
“I think I agree with you. You are a keeper.”
His eyes shine with love and adoration as he holds your hand across the table.
General (HP) taglist: @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @kalimagik​ @summer-writes​ @lupins-sweater​ @slytherinprincess03​ @mischiefsemimanaged​ @soleil-amaryllis​ @masterofthedarkness​ @bforbroadway​ @chaotic-fae-queen​ @peachesandpinks​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @siriusly-addicted-to-writing​ @firewhisky-kisses​ @deafgirltingz​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @harrypotter289​ @sprvpti​ @accio-rogers​ @potterverseimagine​ @figlia--della--luna​ @angelinathebook​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @cheapglitter​ @the--queen-of-hell​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​
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merry-thieves · 4 years
Possible meanings of Chain of Iron snippets
Yes, this is going to be a long post. 
I didn’t put all teasers here only those where I could actually come up with something.
Alastair looked amused. “Never before have I heard such a concise statement of the ludicrous philosophy with which you and your school friends go through the world.”
So, Alastair is definitely speaking to one of the Merry Thieves
probably James, since Al and Matthew aren’t on the best terms and conversations between Thomas and Al would go in another direction (either fighting or with way more feelings)
it seems like James and Alastair are on quite good terms here if Alastair isn’t snappish and shows his true (happy) emotions
Anna was fortress-surrounded by her friends: tall, handsome Thomas; Christopher, who shared his sister’s stern delicacy of feature, peacock Matthew, who always looked as if he’d just rolled out of an unmade bed piled with silks and velvet. And Eugenia Lightwood, who hadn’t bothered to take off her canary-yellow gloves or hat, as if she were ready to run out the door any moment.
They all eyed Ariadne suspiciously as she approached Anna. Anna didn’t seem to see her at all; she was leaning back with one booted foot braced on the wall behind her. She was all lean black and white lines, her close-fitting jacket following the outline of her slim curves, her head thrown back as she laughed. Her ruby pendant glimmered in the hollow of her throat.
Keep your head up, Ariadne, she told herself. You can do this.
“Hello, Anna,” Ariadne said.
First of all, Eugenia is in this group which is interesting regarding the main characters in Chain of Iron
Is Eugenia part of the main group? Has she an important role to play? (we are supposed to find out the reason why she is disgraced)
We have Ariadne’s pov here, so she might play a big role too in Choi, at least we will have more of her and Anna’s relationship
Also, she calls Matthew “peacock” which is so accurate and funny!
Alastair’s gaze flicked to Matthew. “Why,” he said, “are you not even wearing a hat?”
“And cover up this hair?” Matthew indicated his golden locks with a flourish. “Would you blot out the sun?”
Okay, Matthew and Alastair aren’t brawling which is a good sign
Also, where are they? There has to be a good reason if both of them are attending and standing next to each other
I’m guessing they’re outside since they’re supposed to wear hats 
The brave princess Lucretia raced through the marble halls of the palace. "I must find Cordelia," she gasped. "I must save her."
"I believe the Prince holds her even now, captive in his throne room!" Sir Jerrod exclaimed. "But Princess Lucretia, even though you are the most beautiful and wise lady that I have ever met, surely you cannot fight your way through a hundred of his stoutest palace guard!" The knight’s green eyes flashed. His straight black hair was disarranged, and his white shirt was entirely undone.
"But I must!" Lucretia cried.
So, the main thing I want to point out here is that Lucie is crushing so hard on Jesse!
and does she picture him with an open shirt or am I reading too much into this?
James spoke at last, and there was real kindness in his voice. “You must give people time, Alastair,” he said. “We are none of us perfect, and no one expects perfection. But when you have hurt people you must allow them their anger. Otherwise it will only become another thing you have tried to take away.”
Alastair seemed to hesitate. “James,” he said. “Does he think —“
Soooo, James and Alastair are friendly now? (please, please, please)
And who does Alastair have to give time? Matthew or more likely Thomas?
Also, James is one eloquent babe
“I know that you’ve been doing something — something you’re keeping secret. I’m not angry,” Cordelia hastened to add. “I  just wish you’d tell me what it is.”
Lucie tried to cover her surprise.
it was about time that those two speak about all their secrets! They want to become Parabatai for Raziel’s sake!
but I have the sneaking suspicion that Lucie is going to deflect the question or is going to make something up to avoid telling the truth
(please let me be wrong)
“Alastair! Cordelia!” A familiar voice bellowed up from downstairs.
Sona went white and laid a hand against the wall to steady herself. “Elias?”
I’m not sure about you guys but going white and bracing oneself against a wall doesn’t seem like someone is happy
So, I guess Sona isn’t really happy that Elias is back
is there another reason besides the drinking why she isn’t
and is Elias mad at his children? I mean he is bellowing
also why is Elias mad at all? All his charges were dropped and he is a free man once more
Cordelia shivered a little, though it was not cold in the room. “There is something weighing on you, Matthew,” she said gently. “A secret. Will you tell me what it is?”
She saw his hand go to his breast pocket, where he often kept his flask. Then he lowered it stiffly to his side and took a deep breath. “You do not know what you are asking.”
“Yes, I do,” she said. “I am asking for the truth. Your truth. You know mine, and I do not even know what makes you so unhappy.”
Cordelia told Matthew everything about her father and maybe about her feelings for James
if we’re lucky Matthew tells Cordelia about the poisoning and someone can finally help him (I think CC said that Matthew would tell Cordelia everything in Chain of Iron, hopefully that’s true)
also, Matthew doesn’t want to drink after Cordelia told him the story about her father
Matthew also found out why Alastair had been so mean in school and that Matthew can't really partially blame him for what happened with Charlotte
Jesse glanced out the window. They were passing through Piccadilly Circus, nearly deserted at such a late hour. The statue of Eros in the center was lightly dusted with snow; a lone tramp slept upon the steps below it. “Don’t have too much hope, Lucie. Sometimes hope is dangerous.”
“Have you said that to Grace?”
Jesse shook his head. “She won’t listen.”
is there a possibility that Lucie won’t try to raise Jesse from the dead and instead tries to stop Grace from doing so? (the parallels between this and qoaad are uncanny)
I don’t think that there is anything that will stop grace from trying to perform necromancy other than force
“I’ve been trying to hate you,” Thomas said quietly, “for what you did to Matthew. You richly deserve to be hated for what you have done.”
Alastair’s dark eyes glittered. “It wasn’t just his mother I slandered. It was your father, too. You know it. So you don’t have to—to act all high-minded about this. Stop pretending you are only upset on behalf of Matthew. Hate me on your own behalf, Thomas.”
he is calling him Thomas!!! Ahhhh! (so they’re probably alone)
Thomas doesn’t really hate Alastair at this point but also hasn’t fully forgiven him
at least he hasn’t thrown Alastair into the themes 
maybe Thomas is trying to suppress the fact that Alastair also wronged Thomas’s own family and it’s easier for him to direct his attention to Matthew’s family?
His golden eyes were fixed on her, fierce as a hawk’s gaze. She said, "It doesn’t matter what I said. I wanted them to leave you alone —"
"I don’t believe you," he said. She could feel the slight tremors running through his body — tremors of stress, that meant he was holding himself very still. Holding himself back. "You don’t say things you don’t mean, Daisy —"
Okay now, what did she say? I’m guessing something quite flattering or that she loved him maybe?
also, who didn’t want to leave James alone? Some bigoted Enclave members?
is James trying to fight against the bracelet’s spell? Or is he breaking Cordelia’s heart yet again?
James closed his eyes. Against the back of his eyelids, he could see the city take shape—the minarets flung darkly against a blue sky, the silver river. Cordelia’s voice, low and familiar, rose above the clamor of his nightmare. He followed it out of the darkness, like Theseus following the length of thread out of the Minotaur’s labyrinth. And it was not the first time. Her voice had lifted him out of fever, once, had been his light in shadows. . . . A sharp pain spiked through his temples. He blinked his eyes open: he was firmly back in the present, his friends all looking at him worriedly. Cordelia had already moved away from him, leaving behind the lingering scent of jasmine. He could still feel where her fingers had rested against his shoulder.
JORDELIA! (Sorry; I just had to get that out)
What city is this? One in a demon dimension?
And does James have some kind of visions now? Interesting...
I love the connection between James and Cordelia
Apparently, the gracelet is trying to suppress James's feelings and memories of Cordelia...but please tell me he notices here that he is in love with her?
Also, Cordelia is trying to stay away from James :(
Hands caught his wrists; he was hauled up roughly, an arm around his back. he smelled brandy and cologne.
“Matthew,” he said, in a dry voice. “James needs water,” Christopher said. “Do we have any water?” “Never touch the stuff,” said Matthew, settling James onto the long sofa. He sat down next to him, staring so intently into James’s face that, despite everything, James had to stifle a laugh. “I’m fine, Matthew,” said James. “Also, I don’t know what you expect to discover by looking into my eyeball.”
Okay WHAT IS UP with James in the latest snippets?!? I NEED answers!
Is James follwing in his father's footsteps? Regarding drugs you know...
Also, Matthew has a tendency to stare into Jame's face (not that I blame him)
Okay, I'm devestated that James knows it's Matthew because he smells of alcohol. I'm NOT okay!
Also, what kind of stuff is this?
“You should have told us,” said Thomas. “We would have helped you move your things. I’m exceptionally good at carrying large objects.” “And think of all those hairbrushes you would have had to relocate,” Lucie said. “Haven’t you got six or seven?” Matthew glowered at her affectionately. “I try to be at least as stylish as our local ghosts.”
I think it's clear that Matthew just moved and didn't tell any of his friends of his plans...Why Matthew, why?
Also, Thomas and Lucie are just so wholesome how they try to brighten the situation with their comments
Sooooo, is Thomas also good at carrying people *cough*Alastair*cough*, just asking...?
How many Hairbrushes does one need? Seriously, what kind of purpose do seven hairbrushes serve?
Don't worry Matthew, only Magnus can beat your stylishness
That’s all for now! Should I add anything else in your opinion?
277 notes · View notes
idreamofplaid · 4 years
Married in Austin
Square Filled: Woke Up Married for @spnfluffbingo ; Free Space for @spngenrebingo ; Austin, Texas for @spndeanbingo
Characters: Jensen x Reader; Jared; Kim, Brianna, and Ruth mentioned
Rating: M
Summary: The reader wakes up to find herself living a dream.
Word Count: 4398
A/N: Beta’d by the in all ways wonderful @dean-winchesters-bacon . Thank you Kat! This is Part I of three parts.
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It was the biggest diamond ring you’d ever seen in person that wasn’t inside a case in a jewelry store, and it was sitting on your finger. If that wasn’t enough to have your heart pounding nearly out of your chest, there was a gold band sitting next to it. You stared at the two rings, couldn’t tear your eyes from them. They were gorgeous, exactly what you would have wanted. You just wished you knew how they got there.
You pulled the gray down filled comforter covering Jensen’s California King sized bed around your naked body. It didn’t surprise you that you’d spent the night; you had been spending a lot of nights at Jensen’s house lately. You remembered the party. You had planned it with him, looked forward to it for weeks. It was your big debut in his world in a way. You had met some of his friends from Supernatural due to the conventions you’d been to over the months you’d been together. The plan had been to invite all his friends from the show as well as his local Austin friends that he knew from his brewery business, his involvement in local music festivals, and even some he’d known since high school.
You remembered Jensen playing the guitar, and you remembered him singing to you. It was a song from his latest album, a song he had written for you. Since Supernatural had wrapped, he’d devoted his time to music and directing. So far he had enjoyed his time away from being in front of the camera. That would be changing soon when the announcement came about a new project he had in the works with Kripke that would push him back into the bright lights. For the time being, it had given your relationship time to develop without the pressure of so much publicity. 
The memory of his voice from last night, the way he sang to you, the way he could make you feel like the only person in a room calmed you a little. It always did when you could feel the anxiety bubbling up inside you. When you actually heard his voice calling your name, it had the opposite effect for once. “Y/N, babe are you up?”
When Jensen came through the door, he was breathtaking just like he always was in your opinion. He was wearing one of those Henleys that Dean had so rarely worn, much to the chagrin of many fans. It clearly defined the muscles in his shoulders, chest, and arms. Your eyes were fixed on him while he walked across the room and sat down next to you, leaning in for a kiss. “How’s my beautiful wife this morning?”
You were still holding the comforter next to you like he’d never seen you naked before. He looked at your hands clutching the covers to your body and back to your face. “Y/N, is everything okay? What is it, baby?”
You feebly held up your hand with the new rings on it. Then your eyes landed on Jensen’s hand. There was a thick gold band there too. You picked up his hand and ran your fingers over his ring. “Jensen, are we...did we...get married?” You felt stupid asking because all the evidence was there.
Jensen was silent, then finally asked, “You don’t remember?”
You let go of his hand and sat back, shaking your head. “I remember you singing.” Your eyes were wide, searching Jensen’s. “We had a wedding?”
Jensen took your hands in his and started to rub his thumb over your knuckles.”We had a party; our friends were here, and I proposed to you.”
You started to shake your head harder. “I don’t…”
Jensen stopped moving his thumb. “You had two drinks last night. That’s it. That’s never made you drunk before, especially not so drunk that you don’t remember anything.”
You brought your newly wedded, ring laden finger to your mouth and started to nibble at your fingertip. “I took one of my anxiety pills last night because I was nervous about making a good impression for your friends. It must have interacted with the alcohol.” You looked around the room, over the bed and back to him. “I don’t remember you proposing to me. You proposed to me, and we got married the same night? How? I don’t remember any of it.” Your eyes started to fill with tears.
Jensen took you into his arms, turned so his back was against the headboard, and settled your head on his shoulder. “Shh, baby. We don’t have to stay married if you don’t want to. You were so happy; I thought it was what you wanted too. I didn’t know how out of it you were; I should have. I’m sorry.”
You raised your head quickly.  “Please don’t say you’re sorry. I do want to be married to you. I just want to know how it happened.”
Jensen guided your head back down to his shoulder. “I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you all of it.” He stroked your hair and told you, “Breathe with me, okay?” You adjusted your breathing to the steady rhythm of his, and it calmed you.
Jensen held your head in his hand and started to tell the story. “I had planned this big, surprise proposal for you. Jared has been listening to me go on about it for weeks now.” Jensen chuckled and kissed your temple then went on. “I told you I had gotten you an early birthday present, and I gave you the envelope. You were so excited when you opened it and saw the plane tickets.”
You raised your head again. “You got me plane tickets? A trip?”
“Yeah. It was going to be a destination wedding. I had the ring in my pocket. It was in one of those fancy little boxes. I got down on one knee, opened it up and asked you to marry me.” Jensen laughed. “You dropped the tickets and started crying right there. After I put the ring on your finger, I stood up and held you until you stopped crying.” He ran his fingers through your hair. “You also did maybe say you love me once or twice.”
You whispered, “I wish I remembered.” Then your voice got even quieter. “I don’t even remember marrying you. How did it happen?”
“I was still holding you, even after your tears went away. I think we started swaying in each other’s arms; I just didn’t want to let you go,” he sighed, and it was a contented sound. “Rob started playing some music, and we started dancing. After a couple of minutes, I don’t know who it was, Briana maybe. Someone said, ‘Why are you waiting? Why don’t you get married now?’”
He rested his chin on top of your head and continued with the story. “We looked at each other, and I saw it in your eyes. We were thinking the same thing. That the destination wedding I had planned would be a great honeymoon. My friend Eric is a judge here in Austin. I’ve known him since high school, and he agreed to marry us.”
You tilted your head up to look at him. “What was the ceremony like?”
Jensen rubbed his hand soothingly down your back. “Tell you what. You want to take a little nap with me, then we’ll watch it together? Jared filmed the whole thing on his phone. I’ll ask him to send it to me. We can have our own private ceremony right here.”
Jensen knew how to bring you back from the edge of a downward spiral. Maybe it came from years of helping his best friend deal with depression and anxiety; he invariably knew how to make you feel better, no matter the circumstances. It also had a lot to do with how attentive he was with you; Jensen noticed everything.
You nodded against his shoulder. “Yeah. I want to see it with you.”
Jensen tipped your chin up with his finger so you were looking at him. “Rest first.” Then, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
Reluctantly, you pulled yourself away from the snug place he had created for you, cuddled next to him. “I’ll be right back.” You stopped on your way to the bathroom to grab a tank top and some panties from the drawer that was “yours” at his house. You stood staring at them in your hands for a couple of seconds because it hit you that all the drawers were yours now.
When you returned, Jensen was stripped down to his underwear. He was wearing black boxer briefs that you loved to see on him, no doubt he remembered that too. The covers were thrown back, and he was waiting for you to join him. You crawled in beside him;  he settled the bedding over you and opened his arms, beckoning you to him. You took your place, curling into his side, your head on his chest.
You opened your eyes a couple of hours later and had a momentary surge of panic when Jensen wasn’t next to you, until he opened the door carrying a champagne flute filled with what looked like strawberry yogurt. He handed it to you with a smile. “Just like a fancy hotel.” With his other hand, he brought a spoon from behind his back with a flourish. He dipped it into the yogurt and brought the spoon to your mouth. You opened your mouth so Jensen could feed you. It was, indeed, strawberry. You let the sweet, tangy taste cover your tongue, and Jensen stuck the spoon into the remaining yogurt. “Breakfast first, then we watch our wedding together.”
You couldn’t resist feeding Jensen a couple of spoonfuls of your yogurt, joking with him that he needed breakfast too. Really, you wanted the intimacy and simplicity of the moment. When the last bite was gone, Jensen put the glass and spoon on the bedside table and picked up his phone. He moved his fingers over the screen. When he found what he was looking for, he asked, “Are you ready?”
You looked at him for the longest time, not answering. The first thing you said wasn’t an answer, but instead, “Kiss me, Jensen.” He closed his eyes as his face moved in closer to yours, and when your lips met; your eyes were closed too. You were completely focused on his kiss, lost in it. He could ground your world; Jensen was your world.
When he broke the kiss, his fingers were lightly stroking your cheek. “I love you, Y/N.”
You slowly opened your eyes. “I love you too. I’m ready now.”
The two of you snuggled under the covers together and propped yourselves up against a massive number of pillows on the bed. Jensen held up the phone so you could watch last night’s events together. The first thing you saw was Jensen waving his hand at the camera. “C’mon, Jay. Get that thing out of my face. I’m nervous enough already.”
Jared’s voice answered. “This is for history. It’s the story of you and Y/N.” He centered the camera on Jensen’s face again. “Tell her what you’re thinking right now, but remember your kids will watch this one day.”
For a second, it looked like Jensen was going to fire back with some smart remark, but he stopped. His mouth softened first, his lips coming together, then his eyes filled with that far away look he got when he was withdrawing into the deepest part of himself where he kept his most private and treasured feelings. “Y/N, I love you. You’ve made me happy again, and I am so scared right now. Scared that I won’t be able to give you that kind of happiness back.” Jensen was silent for a minute, then he waved his hand good naturedly at Jared with a smile. “Now, get that thing away from me.”
You brushed tears from your eyes, and Jensen pressed pause so he could do it for you. “Hey, honey, it’s okay.”
“You were scared? Of not making me happy?” His thumb was still resting lightly on your cheekbone, and you put your hand over his. “You do. You make me happier than I’ve ever been.”
His eyes were a warm, deep crystal jade, and they were filled with more love than you had ever hoped to see returned to you. “I come with a lot of strings attached, strings that can be really hard to deal with.”
“So do I, Jensen, and you’re still here.” He smiled, kissed you, and pressed play again.
The next scene was near the pool where the caterers had set up tables laden with party finger foods as well as heartier fare. This was Texas, so brisket was a must at a gathering like this. Large potted plants and strings of twinkle lights had been added to the already gorgeous and immaculate landscaping.
All the new friends you’d made since you’d been with Jensen were gathered around, and he was sitting on a stool with his guitar propped on his thigh. You were standing beside him, and he was singing “The Man I’m Meant to Be”. It was the song he had written for you. 
This was the part of the night you remembered. He looked at you as he sang the last line. You are the one who changed me. He played the last chords to loud applause, and when he got up, put the guitar down, and kissed you; the applause got even louder. 
Jensen stood holding your arms and looking deeply into your eyes for a couple of seconds before he lowered himself down to one knee. He took that box he’d told you about from his pocket, looked up at you, and slowly opened it. “Y/N, it’s just like I said in the song. You’ve changed my life; you’ve changed me, made me better than who I was before I met you. I hope I can give you back just part of that and make you happy for the rest of your life. Would you let me try? Will you marry me?”
Your hands were cupped over your mouth and nose as you listened to him, your breath coming in deep gasps. Finally, you reached out to him, one hand still covering your face. He took your hand in his, still holding up the ring box in his other. “Jensen, I...I...Yes, I want to marry you.” He let go of your hand so he could take the ring from the box and slip it onto your finger. Then he stood and circled his arms around you, making the two of you an island in this group of people. 
You wished you could remember how that had felt. 
The video kept playing, and you heard the voice Jensen had mentioned. It sounded more like Kim to you than Briana, but the words clearly were, “Why don’t you just get married now?” 
You saw the way you and Jensen stopped and looked at each other. It was just like something out of a movie. The way he looked at you was making you feel butterflies gently stirring in your stomach right now. “What do you think? I can’t imagine anything better than not spending another day without you as my wife.”
You nodded and answered, “Let’s do it.” The smile on your face was so radiant, you almost didn’t recognize yourself. 
In the next scene, you were standing with Jensen in front of a man who must be his high school friend Eric, the judge. Jared was at Jensen’s side so it was unclear who was doing the filming now. Ruth had taken the place next to you to serve as your maid of honor. She had been so warm and welcoming to you when you had first shown up on the set of Supernatural in its last year. You’d quickly formed a friendship, and you couldn’t help but notice the subtle flirting that was going on between her and Jared, so this was probably also your way of giving them a nudge. 
There was no rehearsal, no weeks of shopping for the perfect dress, picking out the flowers that expressed just the right sentiment, choosing colors, selecting a menu, planning a guest list. Your wedding dress was the dress you’d chosen for the party. It was a blue, off the shoulder style with loose sleeves that fell just beneath your elbows trimmed in a wide ruffle. It made you think of the poem your grandmother used to tell you when you were a little girl. Married in blue, your love is true. Jensen’s shirt was blue too, such a deep navy it was almost black. It was one of your favorite colors on him, and he looked absolutely breathtaking. 
There had been no time to learn the traditional vows, not that you and Jensen would have said them anyway. There wasn’t much time to even think about writing your own, so everything you said to each other came from the heart. Jensen talked about the way you inspired him to always be better because that was what he saw in you, beauty that radiated from the inside, grace, kindness, and hope. He talked about how much you had given him, how much you brought to his life and made it richer.
The things he’d said to you were so beautiful. How could you have said anything that compared to that? What if you had said was unremarkable, ordinary? You moved in closer to him, and Jensen tightened his arm around you. Your hands were in his, and your voice sounded strong and sure when you started to talk. “Jensen, you are more than anything I ever dreamed of. You are incredible in every way. Talented, thoughtful, intelligent, handsome, and bigger than life. You’ve given a part of yourself to so many people, encouraged them, made them laugh, made them believe in themselves. You’ve changed more people than you even realize, but you are still so humble. I can’t quite comprehend you; you are that amazing and rare, but I do know how much I love you. I’ll be the best wife I can be for you. I promise.”
You finished talking, and Jensen leaned down to kiss your cheek. Then you put rings on each other as an outward symbol of your bond. Jensen had bought yours with your engagement ring as a set. That much was obvious when you looked down at your hand, but when Ruth gave you the ring for Jensen; you had no idea where it came from. You hadn’t bought him a ring. You turned to him, and he stopped the video. “Jensen, where did I get your ring?”
Jensen looked down at his hand and chuckled. “Jared had it. I mean he was still wearing it because he forgot to take it off after filming that day. Thank God, Walker is a grief stricken widower who refuses to stop wearing his wedding ring. I told him he’s not getting it back.”
Jensen’s ring was a prop. “Is it real? I mean is it actual gold?”
“I seriously doubt it; props usually aren’t that valuable. Could be though. Real stuff lasts longer.” He noticed you nibbling at your bottom lip. “Hey, it’s perfect. It tells the world I’m yours. You can get me whatever kind of ring you want, but for right now I’m wearing this one so everyone knows I’m your husband.”
“I want you to have something real. You should have a real ring.” 
He kissed you gently, just barely pushing his tongue into your mouth and letting it circle yours softly. “I have you.”
The rest of the video showed your first kiss as a married couple, the presentation of Jensen and Y/N Ackles to your assembled friends, and your first dance as husband and wife. There wasn’t a cake, so you fed each other chocolate covered strawberries. Your bouquet consisted of a floral arrangement taken from one the vases with the sash from Felicia’s dress tied around it. Your aim was good, and Ruth caught your bouquet just as you intended. That was the last of the video, and Jensen turned it off.
He put the phone on the table and turned to you to take you full into his arms. He kissed your mouth first and then left a long line of kisses along your jaw up to ear. He gently nibbled at the lobe. “Do you feel married now?”
“Jensen, what about last night? We made love, didn’t we?” He let go of your ear and sighed. “Tell me.”
“Yes, we did.” He threaded his fingers through yours to hold your hand. “It was amazing, everything it should be. Except that you don’t remember it.” He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. I’ll make it up to you.” He shook his head. I should have known. I should have known something was off with you.”
“Don’t say that.” You ran the back of your hand along his jaw that was beginning to show the first signs of a shadow of scruff. “I wouldn’t change anything because then we wouldn’t be married right now.” Jensen examined your eyes for evidence of truth. He was satisfied with what he saw there because he smiled. “I do remember flashes of being here with you, in this bed.” The reality of the situation settled over your again, and you changed your wording. “Our bed.” 
You slid down under the sheets and tugged gently on his hand so he’d join you. “I remember you kissing me, and feeling safe. You were on top of me, and I can remember feeling wanted, loved, and safe.” He was on his side looking at you and listening to every word intently. “Jensen, I know everybody makes a big deal out of the wedding night, but could we have a wedding morning?”
He raised up and positioned himself over you, his face just inches from yours. “You can have anything you want, Mrs. Ackles.” He lowered himself that last short distance to your mouth. Your lips parted for him, and his tongue slowly explored your mouth. You circled one arm around his neck, fingers reaching up to feel the hair just above the nape of his neck. He was in no hurry, like you had forever. Jensen kissed you until your lips were pink and a little swollen from his attention.
Your lips weren’t the only ones that bore the evidence of your kissing. His lips were even fuller, even more enticing than they usually were. You lightly touched his bottom one, running your fingertip across it. “I want you, Jensen. Show me everything you did last night.” 
He caressed your body, worshipped it. He kissed all the places that made you shiver and tingle, tasted you, watched you come undone, sighed and groaned at the feel of your mouth on him, filled you, and made you cry out for more. 
Jensen. It was the only thought your mind was capable of having.
He held you in his arms after he had thoroughly loved you. His kisses were soft on your temple and your cheek. He whispered all the words in your ear that a bride should hear. He told you how beautiful you were, how much he loved you. Jensen told you he would always take care of you, and he told you he had never been so happy. He talked about the future you would have together. 
It was after he made a comment about wanting to know every single one of your dreams that you asked him if you could see the plane tickets. He knew traveling and seeing the world was one of your dreams. Jensen opened the drawer in the table on his side of the bed and pulled them out. He handed them down to you, and you glanced down to read the destination. Florence. He was taking you to Italy. “Oh, Jensen.” 
A smile crossed his face as he watched your reaction. “Will you marry me again there? You can have any kind of wedding you want, a wedding you’ll remember for the rest of your life.”
“You are perfect, Jensen Ackles, you know that?” His hair was a little longer on top now that he wasn’t Dean, and you ran your fingers through it. “I would love to do that.” You let yourself enjoy this moment in your husband’s arms, imagining the life you would have together. The sheer depth of the hope and possibility you were feeling could only be diminished by one thing, and that thing reared its ugly head. 
You had to let your family know you were married. Considering your mother’s reaction when she first found out you were dating Jensen that wasn’t something you were looking forward to doing. You could hear her words in your head now when you had shared your excitement about your new relationship with her. “Y/N, what are you thinking? Are you ready to be dragged through the tabloids?” It didn’t matter to her when you tried to explain that Jensen stayed out of the tabloids.
Her next attack had been about his past and how you could never be compatible with him. “You’re only twenty-nine years old, Y/N. He’s just playing with you. He’s at a totally different place in his life. He has an ex wife, don’t even get me started with all the problems that could cause, and three children. Do you actually think he’ll want more?” You’d listened, not even defending yourself, just like you had when you were a little girl. Saying you had a complicated relationship with your mother would be a polite understatement.
Jensen noticed the change in your mood. “What is it, sweetheart?” 
“Nothing. I’m just going to have to tell my family about this, about us being married, and I’m not looking forward to it, especially the conversation with my mom.” You refused to let her invade this most private space between the two of you. You’d deal with the family drama later. Right now you were going to enjoy the love this incredible man had brought into your life. 
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @winchesterxfamilybusiness @deansotherotherblog 
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @sammit-janet​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @ellewritesfix05​ 
131 notes · View notes
12:45 AM | Sirius Black x Reader
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Warnings: major character death, angst 
Time/Era: Marauders era, Age 20 (and a smidge of 18)
Word Count:  2.8k 
Summary: Sirius will never forget that one night when he looked at the clock and saw 12:45 am. 
Request: yo, can I request a story where Sirius is dating Lily’s sister (twin/younger) and he realizes he likes her and they start dating and eventually get married and they’re both in the order but she dies on a mission and at the funeral Lily tells Sirius that she was expecting? Wow I’m kinda evil.
A/N: Thank you for the request and patience! Enjoy!
masterlist | sirius black playlist | read on ao3
“Evans!” James yelled, running towards Y/N. Y/N sighed, holding her books tightly to her chest and turning around. His Gryffindor tie flew across his chest as he came to a sudden stop. 
“I’m not Lily, Potter. Honestly, if you’re going to date my twin you need to be able to tell us apart.” 
James throws his head back with a loud laugh before shaking his head. “No, no, I know you’re not Lily. I just needed to talk to you,” He leans his hands on his knees as he struggles to catch his breath. “It’s insulting you think I can’t tell you apart. No offense, Y/N, but you don’t have the same….oopla that Lily has.” 
“Oopla? What is oopla?” Y/N asks, amused. Even after seven years of being friends with James, she never quite got over some of his strange analogies. 
“Something Lily has, don’t you listen?” James straightens his back and twists, cracking his spine. “It’s not that you don’t have oopla, it’s just different oopla.” 
Y/N shakes her head. “You know what, I don’t even want to know. Why do you need to talk to me?” 
“Talk to you? Why do I need to-” A lightbulb goes off in James’ head. “Oh! I know why I need to talk to you! Sirius was looking for you. Something about after graduation plans or something. I’m not quite sure, I didn’t ask.” 
“Do you know where he is?” 
“That’s another thing I don’t know,” A goofy grin filled his features as he spoke. 
“You don’t make for a very good owl, Jamesy.”
“Good thing I’m not an owl then,” James said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Do you know where Lily is?” 
“No clue, you would know better than me seeing as you have a map and all,” Y/N’s grin matched James’ and she started to walk down the hall. 
“Don’t you have twin telepathy or something?! Just use that and tell me where she is!” 
“Bye, Potter!” Y/N called over her shoulder while walking towards McGonagall’s office. She remembered vaguely that Sirius had a career counseling session with her today, so she figured that the small chance of bumping into him there would be worth her while. 
Y/N pattered across the floor as quickly as possible without running. Thoughts swirled in her mind about what Sirius may need her for; they weren’t the closest of friends, nothing like him and the other marauders, but recently their relationship has grown rather flirty. Her stomach fumbled over itself as she thought of Sirius, but her feet only sped up towards the classroom. As Y/N rounded the corner, Sirius walked out of his meeting with his pearly white smile blinding all who could see it. 
“Oh, just the lady I’ve been looking for! Hello, darling,” Sirius said, walking down the hall with various papers clutched in his fingers. 
“Hello, Sirius. Career meeting?” Y/N asks with a subtle gesture to the papers. He waved the papers in the air with a dramatic flourish. Each paper held some grand title about being an Auror and going to the Auror Academy. 
“Good! Apparently Dumbledore put in a good word for me, so the Order is recruiting me!” Sirius seemed to bounce on his heels, the rubber souls of his shoes squeaking on the wooden floors. 
“I’m so happy for you! Oh my god! Congratulations!!!” 
The grin on his face grew exponentially, “You know what would make my day even better?” 
Y/N hummed. 
“If you snuck into Hogsmede for a drink with me,” Sirius leans in to whisper in her ear. “Unless you’re too scared, of course.” 
Y/N sucked in a harsh breath through her nose in an attempt not to focus on his hair tickling her cheek, or how his lips almost brushed her ear. She cleared her throat and nodded. 
“Not scared if you’re not, I suppose,” Y/N croaked. “I’ve done it, like, a million times.” 
Sirius pulled his head away, making Y/N yearn for the smell of his shampoo. “I can think of one time, and you were latched onto my wrist the entire time, rambling about how we could get expelled for skipping class.” 
A harsh red stained Y/N’s chest, cheeks, and ears, which only made Sirius’ smirk grow. 
“I was a different person then,” Y/N countered lamely. 
“Yeah? That was four months ago, love.” Sirius’ hands worked on his papers, folding them four times before shoving them into the pockets of his skinny jeans. Y/N’s eyes followed his teasing fingers, her gaze accidentally lingering on his pants. “Eyes up here, Y/N.” 
The boy made a small tsk noise, wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, and his hips swayed slightly as he started leading Y/N to the entrance to the Honeyduke’s cellar. His fingers found the bottom of her hair and started twirling it in and out of his middle and pointer fingers as if it were a cigarette. 
“I’m a different person than I was 4 months ago, aren’t you?” Y/N hesitantly snaked her arm under his leather jacket and wrapped around his waist. This was definitely further than they had ever gone in terms of flirting, and Y/N couldn’t wait for more. 
“Perfect four months ago, and perfect now.” Sirius laughed playfully placing a big kiss on Y/N’s temple. “I’m just taking the piss, love.” He turned to the statue blocking the tunnel and said the secret password. “Ladies first, darling.” 
Y/N hesitantly walked into the dark tunnel and cast a simple lumos charm; the damp pathway illuminated in front of the two teens before twisting into the darkness. Sirius returned to his spot next to Y/N and began to lead her down the path. 
“So, I was wondering,” Sirius began, kicking a rock into the wall. Y/N noticed this was a habit of his. “We’ve been friends for a long time,” 
Y/N snuggled into his side, the warm cotton of the inside of his leather jacket brushing her soft skin. 
“And we’re graduating soon…” Sirius let his voice trail before pulling lightly on Y/N’s hair so she would meet his gaze. “And I was wondering if you wanted to spend some special one on one time with me after we graduate?” 
“Special one on one time? Like,” Y/N took a deep breath and took a leap into the unknown. “Hooking up? Is that what you mean?” 
Sirius chuckled lightly, “Not exactly, but I guess that would be a part of it,” Sirius’s cheeky smile was illuminated by the light of Y/N’s wand. “I mean becoming official. I know there’s something between us, and I know you feel the same way, so it makes sense.”
“So, you’re asking me to be your girlfriend?” 
“Precisely. Will you be my girlfriend?” Sirius stopped walking and looked at the girl under his arm. She smiled happily and lightly punched his stomach. 
“I can’t believe you asked me out in the middle of a dark tunnel!” She laughed happily and brought her arms up to his neck to hug him. 
“Hey! I thought it was a good place! Is that a yes, babygirl?”  
“Yes, you idiot, I’ll go out with you!” 
Sirius and Y/N’s relationship blossomed quickly after the tunnel; after graduation, they moved into a small flat right in the middle of London’s hustle and bustle. Sirius loved to go out and explore every inch of the city with his girl, which usually resulted in a lot of adventures and long nights. During these times, the couple really took the time to grow their relationship and become closer as a pair. 
Sirius proposed to Y/N in the middle of an ice skating rink on December 13th, 1978. It was perfect; the snow was floating down, gracefully sticking to Sirius’ hair and eyelashes, soft Christmas music was playing in the background and the entire atmosphere of the event was magical. It was a rather simple proposal, but it was more than enough for Y/N. The couple then had a stunning double Summer wedding with the Potters. 
Sirius did amazing in the Order, which Y/N later found out all the marauders had joined. Y/N grew used to Sirius being gone during the nights and coming back injured; this was something she would never wish on her worst enemy. The anxiety-ridden nights and the unbearably silent flat took a toll on Y/N’s mental health. The only thing that got her through these was her twin sister, who was in the same situation. 
The two girls often spent these lonely nights together in attempts to share the burden. The two waited into the early morning nights for something, anything, to ease their tired minds and let them know their boys were safe. Usually, one would send a patronus message or Remus would reach out with cryptic plans and whereabouts. Still, this didn’t completely resolve the paranoia in their minds. 
Sirius and James noticed this early on in their new careers. Sirius suggested they invite the two to join the Order, as you didn’t need to be an Auror to join. But, James disagreed with this idea because Lily was his world and he didn’t want her to get hurt. Without Lily, there was no James and he couldn’t risk losing her. Sirius countered that he felt that way about Y/N too, but keeping the two women in the dark was just harming their relationships and causing a mental decline in all four. It took some convincing, but James finally agreed. Thus, Lily and Y/N joined the Order. 
The two were brilliant additions to the group; both were extremely talented witches and they were beyond smart. They quickly grew to be vital members and went on increasingly more dangerous missions as time went on. The two were an unstoppable pair, and their near-identical looks only proved to be an advantage. That was until Lily got hurt. 
Lily and Y/N were on a mission to stop a group of death eaters from invading a small muggle village just outside of Cardiff. Lily got caught between the crossfire of two wizards and had a huge chunk of flesh taken out of her leg. Y/N had to make an emergency backup call and the two were apperated back to headquarters. That’s when James and Lily decided as a couple that Lily was not going to go on any more missions. 
Y/N, however, only increased the amounts of missions she went on. Specifically, she was after one person in particular.
“I don’t care, Y/N, you can’t go,” Sirius pleaded angrily from the couch. “You can’t go on a mission every day of the week. Just one night, love. Stay with me for one night.” Sirius stood and walked to Y/N, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a kiss on her forehead. 
“Babe, I am so close to capturing Bellatrix and putting her in Azkaban. Please, I have to go.” Against her better judgment, Y/N placed her head on his chest. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in her husband’s arms and let his soft voice lure her cramped body to sleep. Y/N noticed she seemed to be more fatigued lately, but she placed blame on her heavy work schedule.
 “I need you here, with me, baby. Between your schedule and mine, I barely see you. I miss you.” Sirius’ hands massaged her hips as they talked, all anger and annoyance disappearing from his voice. 
“How about this, we both take the next two or three days off and lounge around here together.” Y/N pulled away from Sirius’ warm, inviting body and began to gather her things. “Please try to get some sleep tonight, I’ll be home by dawn.” 
“I promise, my dear. I love you so much.” 
A ghost of a smile played on Y/N’s lips. “I love you more.” 
Sirius was awoken by James’ magnificent stag patronus entering the flat to find him. Rubbing his eyes and sitting up, unable to distinguish what words James’ voice was repeating. Sirius looked at the clock: 12:45 am.
“Can you repeat that?” Sirius’ voice was gruff with sleep.
“Pads, there’s been an accident. You need to get to headquarters immediately, it doesn’t look good. We need you to make some calls.” James’ voice was filled with more panic than Sirius had ever heard in his life, and there was the faint sound of a woman crying in the background. The patronus disappeared as Sirius jumped up and magically changed into some clothes. 
“Thank merlin you’re here,” James pulled Sirius’ arm into the next room once he appeared. He had blood splattered on his face. 
Upon entering the room, everything started to fade. Y/N was laid on the floor, a large gash in her shoulder and head, with healers all around her preforming different spells and CPR.  To her left sat Lily, her fingers coated in the red substance and gripping Y/N’s cold hand. She was crying, more like sobbing, while she watched the healers work on her sister. Sirius didn’t know whether he wanted to cry, puke or faint. All three, his body screamed.
 On the outside, no emotion covered Sirius’ face and he stood frozen near the door. He felt as if he was watching the situation happen from outside his body, almost like he was playing a video game or watching a movie. 
“She’s not going to make it!” One of the healers yelled, preforming compressions on her chest. The healer to his right, who was working on the head gash, cursed loudly and punched the floor. 
“She’s going to make it, god damn it! I’ll be damned if she doesn’t!” 
James nudged Sirius with his elbow, and his soul felt as though it returned to his body. Jumping to her side, he grabbed Y/N’s hand and squeezed. 
“Y/N, I love you so much,” Sirius said through his suffering. 
Her gorgeous green eyes that were focused on Lily rolled to see him and her lips mouthed, “I love you too, Sirius.” 
Sirius swore a smile ghosted her lips as her eyes closed and a final gasp exited her lips. 
Sirius stood in front Y/N’s grave in a slightly wrinkled black suit.
 The funeral service had been beautiful; all of Y/N’s friends, family, and casual acquaintances had been in attendance. Her close friends spoke of her adventures and funny stories, her family spoke of her character and strong will, and her professors spoke of her intelligence and quick wit. It didn’t click for Sirius that she was really gone until Minerva McGonagall had asked him how he was holding up, and if there was anything she could do to help. Sirius had responded that no, there was nothing she could do and that he was currently staying at the Potters’ for company. 
Sirius looked at the grave in front of him; it was littered with flowers, chocolate, and everything in between. He looked to his side and found Lily, staring down at Y/N next to him. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, and her nose was rubbed raw. 
“I could have saved her, you know. I was trying to talk her out of going. I should have tried harder.” Sirius mumbled, his voice cracking every other word. 
“This isn’t your fault, Sirius. You couldn’t have done anything,” Lily sniffled. She had no tears left, but if she did, she would be crying. 
Sirius takes in a big gulp of air and stares down at the grave in silence. 
“This might not be the right time,” Lily took a deep breath and looked at her friend. His eyes were dry and his nose wasn’t red, but Lily knew how hard he cries at night when he thought James and Lily were asleep. “But you need to know.” 
“Need to know what?” 
Lily paused for a moment before reaching in her bag and pulling something out. 
“When James went to your flat to grab your clothes, um, he found this in the bathroom.” 
Sirius reaches out his hand for Lily to hand him the mysterious object. 
It was a muggle pregnancy test. A positive muggle pregnancy test.  ~~~
General Taglist: @petalevans @modern-m-a-g-i-c​ Harry Potter x Reader Taglist: @strangerpilot011 join my taglist!
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z-ackfair · 3 years
why do you like sigurd?
because why not?
i feel like i see more 'hate' towards him than love and sometimes i genuinely wonder why? he was pretty shitty during the majority of the game, but that shouldn't completely define his character. eivor adores him. this is evident through the way she would literally do anything for him. if he was such a terrible person, she would have dropped him without a doubt. but, she stands by him until he can see the world clearly again because she trusts him and loves him. this just proves that he must of been a pretty darn wonderful person throughout their time growing up together.
i saw someone call him 'ab*sive' the other day and honestly that left me baffled because HOW? his failed marriage with randvi doesn't justify such an accusation, especially since we don't know the extent of their marriage. from what can be gathered in game, they got married - he probably wasn't happy, just like she wasn't happy - and then he left because he had much larger aspirations that his father wished to squash. he voices this concern in game. he was only ever kind to her when he returned, and he was kind to her throughout the small moments we saw them interacting. he probably just wasn't interested in the political marriage, but this doesn't make him ab*sive... also the fact he seems uninterested just shows that neither of them really had any time to get to know each other, so it is more awkward than it is harmful. i'm sure a lot of political marriages have played out the same way - especially in ancient and middle age time periods. like you can't compare it to today's standards of marriage, that would be stupid.
i genuinely think that there is much more for us to see with his character, and i hope he pops up in one of the future dlc's because i would love to explore more of his relationship with eivor. the small moments of dialogue we got from the cairn puzzles showed moments between them that honestly warmed my heart and tells me just how caring and wonderful he truly is. he loves fiercely and protects without question; this is evident through his bond with eivor and i adore it. he unfortunately just had his vulnerabilities totally manipulated and twisted by basim (loki) and i feel that is an unfair excuse to judge his character.
also when you add fulke's months long torture, sigurd was merely a shell of a man by the time he returns. his outbursts of anger are not strange and are actually completely understandable. he was hurt and vulnerable; he was attacking and deflecting in order to maintain the image of a strong leader everyone saw him as, but he was falling apart. he was left in the realm between the reality of the isu and that of being a man, it would do my head in too! his anger does seem to come more in the form of tyr voicing his anger at odin taking his position as chief among the aesir, so i think it is important to understand some of the mythological background to the gods before pointing a finger at how 'rude' and 'mean' sigurd is. especially because sigurd actually hints that he is aware of eivor being the reincarnation of odin when she rescues him! (he calls her mad one - which also shows he has been completely manipulated by loki.)
anyway... he is gorgeous and gudmundur thorvaldsson did an amazing job!!
p.s. people who claimed he did nothing for ravensthorpe. he did everything until basim managed to sink his claws in. he saved his people and provided them with a new opportunity to flourish in england. it is just unfortunate that other people's agendas caused him to fall from grace. also, it is all strictly following the script of tyr's fall and odin's rise as chief of the aesir, as said before.
i personally like to believe that post-game, he and eivor stand together as chieftons of the raven clan, where they both belong.
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norgestan · 3 years
crisana, norandro, jorgeva and amira x dani
ha, anon just wanted all the canon couples. fair enough!
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see, skam s3 is my favorite season of all time, but it has never been because of the love story. isak's story hits in a lot of sensitive places for me, and isak was also the first main character i encountered that was my age. i have a really special connection to him for that reason. on the other hand... i enjoy evak for what it is, but i never saw a future for their relationship after the season ended. in a lot of ways, isak's season ended just as their relationship started, a trope that i've never liked because how am i supposed to think that they will last? how am i supposed to know how they will work as a couple? it's just, ugh.
i had similar thoughts about crisana when i watched s2, except that the love confession scene and cris as a character made it even harder to get into the couple. moreover, the way people brush other characters' roles and presence on other seasons because they're so caught up on cris and joana is like... blegh. like it makes me forget that they're actually a well-written couple at times. because imo, og they never did anything really interesting with evak once they got together. but eskam........ oh, dear eskam.
there's something so beautiful about thinking of all the girls, the teenagers that will grow up watching a relationship like theirs on popular media. their entire subplot (??? can i even call it that) in s4 is proof of how GREAT of a relationship they turned out to be. like, i just wanna SCREAM thinking about it because, how is it possible that eskam saw evak and said "we're gonna make this SO good and we'll take our time and then tie it up in an incredibly satisfying and emotional way" and then did exactly that!!!!!! the way they respect each other, communicate, genuinely try to get to each other without dumb miscommunication. the way they understand each other and lift each other up! the way joana knew how to recognize cris' intelligence when everyone was telling her she's dumb, the way cris knows how to make joana feel worth it and show her affection in such a selfless, loving way. their last scene on joana's pov in s4 was the first time i cried during that season, just because it was all wrapped up so beautifully. because eskam understood that although the appeal of their relationship comes from the soulmate status of every evak couple, they had to also put in serious work to make it all work and they also managed to get that across with grounded drama, and also a hopeful message for people struggling with mental disorders. like AAAAAAAAAAAAA god what a great couple they are. maybe i'm too much of an eskam bootlicker but they're genuinely the best evak there is. i'll die on this hill. i'm so happy young wlw get to watch them as a guideline of what they should expect of a relationship.
NORANDRO: already done :)
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i mean... it's eskam's fault, without a doubt. i love what eskam did with them in s1: the change of pacing, the way they created jorge, the little story changes to make it more nuanced, i think come together in a pretty satisfying way to show a teenage romance with no real support to last for more than a while. i don’t think eskam fully got the gist of what jonas was supposed to be, but it’s for the better if we think of the message in season 1. for that reason, jorge is like the one jonas who i really wouldn’t mind coming back to his eva. so why don’t i like them?
the answer is simply that i don’t enjoy their trope and i don’t think eskam made a real case of eva and jorge getting back together. they work well as friends, sure, and it’s clear as day that jorge still has feelings for eva, sure. but like, what tells me that they’re just ready to go all in again? eva goes through a really great arc and i would definitely agree she’s in a good place to be in a relationship again, but we know NOTHING about jorge’s journey. he’s just, silently pining on eva and that’s it. i do think it’s sweet and the hints of their lost romance throughout the show are wholesome, but there’s just nothing more to it. jorge and eva work AMAZINGLY as friends! i don’t see why they should push a romantic endgame for them. in my head, eva kissing jorge at that party was just a mesh of the excitement of a new era, the nostalgia of ending highschool, the high of being on this place with someone she really cares about, stuff like that, but it just ends there, and it’s great that way. nothing about eva’s character really led to her aching to be in a relationship again, and for me it feels right to end things with her being single and surrounded by great friends.
MAYBE if eskam had devoted some time showing us their progress and romantic potential instead of trying to convince us that kasim was a real, compelling character. maybe. lol.
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(god, i don’t know how long this will be LOL)
i have. so many thought about this fucking pairing. let’s see what we can do LOL. the thing about damira is that i don’t think it’s a pairing that eskam had in mind when they laid out the first two seasons. the little hints of a friendship/childhood crush that happened during cris’ season really got the fandom and they quickly became the most popular non-canon ship in the show, so that’s where i think eskam said “okay, let’s run with this”. but it’s just...... meh. like i can tell that relationships like crisana were carefully crafted (well implemented in nora’s season, greatly wrapped up in amira’s season) but i cannot say the same for dani and amira. it’s almost like virihugo, where they just started giving each other Eyes on the middle of season 3, out of NOWHERE. it just feels forced to me and so i never really felt anything for the couple in question... like, for starters, i think nora and miquel were WAY more shippable than those two, strictly talking about their setup.
if you ever saw any of my posts during s4 then you should know how i actually feel about how they developed their romance (check my anti damira tag for more?) and i don’t wanna go through all those specific points again... but damira is not only an infuriating romance, but also a bad pairing in a narrative setting. like, damira clearly exists to answer amira’s questions about how would the future of a romance with a white guy would be, right? does she get an answer? no she fucking doesn’t, their final clip is like “after all these weeks, we still have no idea so we’re gonna cut things short, go back to our initial dynamic, and wait to see if amira any of us change our minds <3″. so like, even in that sense damira is a HUGE waste of time, and just like everything that happens to amira during her season it has no lasting impacts on her character or her settings.
and personally, i love couples where they’re both equal, and communicate at last, and both make great efforts to change so the relationship can flourish. this is why i offer so much praise to norandro and crisana, where in the first couple both character go through tremendous character growth and work through their problems individually before getting together, and in the second couple they show them clashing and fighting just to display their resolutions and show how willing they are to actually talk to each other and keep their relationship stable. dani and amira, on the other hand.... blegh. eskam wants me to think dani is a knight in shining armor for liking amira but that’s all he ever does. he doesn’t defend her in front of his friends, he doesn’t make efforts to get to know her and her world, he doesn’t communicate his real feelings to her, and the one time he did he humiliated her in public. like, idk, like, even MIQUEL explicitly defended nora when his roommates berated her for not drinking alcohol LOL.
at the end of the day the problem with damira is that it completely misses the point of yousana and its target audience. making yousef a white guy is not necessarily a bad choice if you implement it well (which eskam didn’t do btw), but you have to take into account that sana’s season exists to make a primarily white christian-raised audience relate and stand up for the muslim characters in the show. when the lazier partner of the main couple who makes zero efforts to work on the relationship happens to be white, it just means people will be sympathetic of him, and nor amira - and that’s exactly what happened in the show. people either thought amira was being too harsh by laying conditions for dani before they even began dating and making sure he respected her boundaries, or just wanted all the drama to go away soon so amira could kiss dani by the end of the season. so like, yeah. terrible stuff.
i would’ve liked damira’s impact on the season and amira’s journey a lot more if it had been about a one sided childhood crush from amira’s part. i thought their friendship was charming up to s3, and i simply hate that dani is literally in no way an older brother figure for the girl squad, since it’s a dynamic that’s lacking in the show and it would be a nice way to make dani be some sort of non-creepy eskild for the girl squad (but noooo, his only interactions w the gs are hooking up with eva and dating amira. smh). it would’ve been fun to have amira intimately dealing with those feelings just to learn a lesson by the end of it, at the time that she also falls for her muslim love interest - which is actually the isak/jonas/even dynamic when you think about it, also something that eskam didn’t really do with cris’ season. but also, all of this would mean that eskam had to do the good writing thing for s4, which they kinda forgot to do throughout the entirety of the season so, yeah.
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mc-critical · 3 years
I remember not too long ago, I had read an analysis on Kösem and Ahmed’s relationship, namely its development and whether or not it was truly healthy. I remember the sudden development of Kösem’s feelings for Ahmed were ascribed to stockholm syndrome, which as you dissect it further, even later in the series after Ahmed has passed away, makes total sense. However it made me wonder, why stop at Kösem/Ahmed? Truthfully, I think stockholm syndrome, trauma response and survival instinct were the primary factors in all of the sultanas “love” or attachment to the sultans. Hürrem, Mahidevran, Aysë, Halime, Handan..all of them. Hürrem had initially thought her fiance was murdered when she came to the palace, and within what looked like a couple of months if even, she was shown to be totally head over heels for Suleyman. No one can simply discard their former love interest so quickly unless trauma was a catalyst..and even when Leo came back to the palace that whole time period where he was in such a close proximity to her visibly caused Hürrem so much pain mentally and emotionally. Or with Handan and Kösem going on to fall in love after their sultans had died..it makes me think of when Handan was confessing her love to Dervish and called being a member of the royal family “her prison.” None of these women were truly in love with their sultans, nor do I blame them for it. Love is what develops when there’s no consequences, no strings attached, which is entirely untrue in the harem’s enviornment. Even with Mahidevran’s arc way back when Hürrem was first introduced and she started to feel like she was losing Suleyman. It looked to me Mahidevran ultimately feared lonliness rather than losing Suleyman himself. Harem rules wouldn’t permit her to fall in love with someone else if Suleyman lost interest in her. He was pretty much her only confidant and the only person she had been intimate with and likely from a very young age, unhealthy attachment is bound to develop due to those curcumstances. We all feel so sorry for royal borne sultanas when they’re forced to marry men they don’t love..but this courtesy is seldom extended to their mothers. It’s all very sad when I think about it. How do you feel about this perspective?
(~Fun fact: I got yours and the last ask in the same day and they are both somehow related to Kösem and Ahmet!!~)
Anyway, I have also read that analysis and it's really nuanced and awesome, Joanna always does such an amazing job with her blog and these posts! <3 It gives an amazing perspective to the nature of Kösem and Ahmet and makes us think hard on whether there are more relationship cases in the franchise where Stockholm Syndrome can be applied and how many women there are in the harem that aren't so in love with their sultans.
I also fully believe that, just like motherhood, love in the harem can't not be toxic in a way, because the environment itself won't ever let healthy dynamics happen, thanks to its very roots. And while mothers of children still have the small chance to forge some kind of a relationship with genuine affection despite of the toxicity, we have a totally different situation with the sultans who are basically on the top of the system that brought them in this mess in the first place. It's not easy to let go of the people you loved and it's even harder to get to truly love a person you not only don't know at all, but one you know you're supposed to at least try to win over by sheer force.
Survival instinct plays a lot into this, because sooner or later you see that you don't have a choice. You do what you have to do or else you'll either rot in this palace with everyone always bossing you around or be done for. Something I see some viewers forget is the way Hürrem was ultimately "convinced" to try her luck out with Süleiman. She wanted to get out of this place and let it burn in hell until Nigar told her what it took to win the game. Keep in mind that she hadn't met Süleiman yet back then and that faint was merely an act she pulled to gain his attention and she gained some kind of an affection for him only after some time had passed. This sheer pragmatism could've turned into something more eventually, but the beggining was precisely this survival instinct that was kept intact throughout the entire relationship and the birth and living of Hürrem's children. I think she had let go of Leo by the time when she met him again, but that letting go pained her so much, as seen by all her breakdowns when she saw him and lost him completely. It's something she knew she had to do; notice how she kept telling him to leave for "his own good" and for "the good of both of them". There is this looming, prevailing fear that if they had escaped, the consequences would be severe and Hürrem had already planted roots in the dynasty: as if she gained attachment after attachment she felt the need to protect. She's now responsible for these children and can't leave them behind for her own possible desires to get out of the system. Ibrahim did threaten the children in front of Leo and Hürrem in the S01 finale and that's a big reason why she decided it would be for the best to lose him in this particular situation, no matter how much it hurt afterwards. Hürrem already had a set goal to fulfill in the dynasty and letting go of Leo became the only plausible option for her thematically and narratively. Everything these women do in the harem they do is to survive, adapting to their circumstances and forging some kind of relationships with their sultans is the peak of it. A healthy dynastic is far from one where you have to be opportunistic at every turn. Even the favored women have to be as careful as ever, because a mistake can cost everything. They have to make sure they always have his approval and be in his good graces, behaving like he wants them to behave, not the way they actually are. The goal they have set for themselves in the harem is tightly linked with their love for the sultan. He isn't only love, he's also power, prestige and reassuring. The Sultanate of Women are probably even the most affected by this, because they are the ones who want to break the boundaries of power and by doing that they have to put the leg work to make him happy and pleased. These relationships need so much work and decisiveness for their flourishment, with the women having to be mindful of the sultan's moods and unpredictable nature. (especially when you have an unpredictable, very short tempered sultan like Murat!)
But attachment is still attachment and that's where Stockholm syndrome comes from. They do their best to win him over, but with doing that for such a long time, they learn to feel something for him. There is so much toxicity in the dynamic, but they get used to it and normalize it in their heads. The concept of the harem itself succeeds to make their life revolve around it and it's not something they question anymore. I absolutely agree that it's not limited to only Kösem and Ahmet - everyone is somehow subjected to it, no exceptions. The relationships each woman of the franchise has with the sultan certainly differ from one another, depending on the different personalities and goals, but its unhealthy core remains the same: it's still a toxic, dependant relationship with a massive power imbalance and will always remain so in these castle walls and rules. The big attachment makes it even scarier for one to discover that they might be losing everything, that's why there is such a resistence from Mahidevran, Hürrem, Kösem, Ayşe, Farya etc. when the sultan accepts or outrightly begins to favor other women and I always roll my eyes when these women get accused of "behaving like that while knowing the rules of the harem" without it being understood from a narrative standpoint - even though they know the rules, it still hurts, because the attachment is ultimately more self-centered than anything: they want the sultan to be all theirs, to have him all for themselves, perhaps for a validation of their efforts to forge and preserve their relationships. When they lose favor, everything seems to be crumbling and falling apart and that is so difficult to accept, you can't face helplessness like that, you can't face vulnerability like that and I guess for that it took Mahidevran so long to get over Süleiman. As you said, she got destructively attached to the person that seemigly gave her so much for years. (she herself even said that she's like a little kid in front of him in the second episode) And her suddenly not being regarded in the same way by someone she thought was her family (I still adore that thematic note of her character and perhaps it's the reason why we didn't get any backstory from her.) was catastrophic to her emotional stability and it took her 46 (55, if we begin from her direct confession) episodes to accept that she has lost and even then she was still trying to achieve vengeance at the very least, by thinking of her rule of the harem as a battle she fought with Hürrem, a last helpless try to prevail over her. (E63: "I congratulate you, Hürrem, you won.") That's also why Hürrem almost killed herself when Firuze seemed to have taken away her Thursdays, without having any regard for the children. It's like a chain, of sorts, that women are stuck in, fighting to the end to be the ones next to him, to the point of wanting to end their own lives if they lose. If they lose, that's the end. If they lose the favoritism or the sultan himself dies, leaving them to rest in the hands of the enemy, that's the end.
That's why Mahidevran and Ayşe getting over Süleiman and Murat respectively and realizing that it was more or less an unhealthy dynamic is so important, because these character arcs help spread awareness of the toxicity of this grown attachment to the sultan and the struggle it takes for them to take account of said toxicity, because of their attachments. Ayşe had a rough path accepting that Murat was the way he is, trying almost until the end to make things right with him, both missing in the process and slowly uncovering his unpredictability. While this realization rendered her to do the inevitable in killing herself along with the kids, her letter to Murat indeed felt so eye opening in this regard, putting this whole deal into perspective. Mahidevran, conversely, also found out his true nature and detached herself from it, daring to openly call out a root of the attachment (E139: "He decides the fates of all of us.") and put the free choice of everyone into light and question. (E139: "God, apart from reason, gave people free will.") It's rare for someone to gain such awareness of the system and that's a valuable quality to have, but in a future where Mahidevran and Ayşe aren't as grossly mistreated, would all this be possible to happen? No, I don't think so. And even from the ones that aren't favourites who are more likely to find this out, there are still people out there that probably would stay trapped in the attachment forever. And favourites would be the least likely to figure stuff out, judging by the series' themes. (Hürrem, E134: "I am the soul of all the women in the world and my existence is hidden in the love of the conqueror of my heart." - this assertion is honestly self-explanatory.)
[Handan's arc also extends on the traumatic response one gives the system and I think this aspect applies to her the most. She's a person with no real attachments that is so traumatized by fighting, she didn't even expect the possibility to win over players like Halime and Safiye. She's trying to adapt to her new role as Valide, give "cruel" advice to Ahmet in order to ensure it and make impulsive decisions, dictated by the fear it would all come back to square 1 again, but when she met Derviş, it turned out that nothing about the system made her fit. Hence, she "adapts out" from it by finding true love and killing herself for that love, leaving everything behind.]
So no matter how much these women come to idealize it, no matter how much they begin to think it is actually love or a "fairytale", there still are so many signs that it's not quite like that and that prevent it from being that. That truly includes everyone in the harem, it can't be denied.
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oceangenasi · 3 years
D&P and Merther for the shipping ask game???
Yax I would die for you except you’d probably stop me from dying with your EMT wizardry and then where would we be
🖤 D/P 💙
1. What made you ship it? I have eyes? But seriously, I like to joke about how my ships are either softboys and their badass women or queerbait m/m angst.... and then there’s this shining exception. A canon m/m ship that gets a love story and a happy ending :’’’) I started watching the show very casually, knowing David was queer but not that D/P was endgame and then the next thing I knew I had ascended to another plane of existence
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? I am never not thinking about the Dynamic... it’s the complementary aspects of their personalities for me!
You’ve got David: flamboyantly queer and deeply dramatic, who’s had intense emotions his whole life that have scared people away but he’s also brave and unique and creative and wonderful. He’s everything that Patrick didn’t know he needed. He’s been hurt a lot of times and he almost doesn’t believe that he’s capable of being loved so wholly and completely. Enter Patrick.
Patrick is so straight-laced and repressed and invested in being well-liked that he had built up a whole seemingly perfect life that was making him deeply unhappy. I don’t think that even Patrick knew he was capable of loving David the way he does, because he hadn’t cast off his old life and gone on that emotional journey until he met David. His “you make me feel right” speech is my favorite bit of the entire show. Patrick found himself in finding David.
They balance each other: Patrick grounds David, providing him the unconditional love that David can flourish with, and David brings beauty and color into Patrick’s life.
I also adore how much casual intimacy they get on screen, all the kisses and shoulder touches. It’s incredibly healing to watch after so much queer angst and suffering, when we get representation at all.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Yeah, Patrick’s not perfect. I get very pissy when people trash David for his actions surrounding the barbecue and/or the wedding and imply he was being unfair/selfish -- because even if he was, Patrick has a responsibility to communicate his concerns if he wants David to respond to them. Patrick has a tendency to avoid/repress his feelings and that can be incredibly damaging in a relationship if not addressed. David can’t read Patrick’s mind, nor should he be expected to. He doesn’t need to magically intuit Patrick’s distress from Patrick’s micro-expressions or whatever the fuck -- Patrick needs to step up and tell David when he doesn’t like David’s behavior. Yes, I’m projecting like hell when it comes to this but it is something that made me furious during season 6 and the discourse surrounding it.
💙 Merthur ❤
1. What made you ship it? I watched the first episode and was like “oh wow this show is even gayer than I’d heard it was.” No but seriously... fellas, is it gay to be literally and canonically someone’s other half? Fellas, is it gay to stare intensely into each other’s eyes at every given opportunity? Fellas, it is gay to dedicate your entire life to serving and protecting someone? Fellas, is it--
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? ah jeez where do I even start... Arthur is Merlin’s whole world. Merlin’s magic is “only for Arthur” and Merlin’s magic is... everything he is. I literally don’t know how you could read that as Merlin not being in love with Arthur. I genuinely and honestly think this interpretation is backed up by commentary by the actors and writers: Merlin loves Arthur, and that’s not even a point of debate. I adore Merlin as a character (son boy baby sweetheart sunshine child) and his unwavering faith in Arthur, his dedication, his tenderness, the years spent protecting someone who didn’t even know how much Merlin had done for him.... it gets me good.
And then there’s what Merlin is to Arthur! Setting aside the stuff Arthur doesn’t know about, which I will talk about in a moment, Merlin is possibly the only person in Arthur’s life who has always, always treated him as a person first and a prince second. Merlin’s unwavering faith and freely given friendship are because he sees the best in Arthur, not because of Arthur’s hereditary right to the throne. Merlin is Arthur’s first and truest friend -- I know the knights and Gwen care for him, but there is a component of social discrepancy to their relationship that Merlin simply has ignored. Merlin’s disrespect is because he fundamentally views Arthur as his equal, which is a gift Arthur didn’t even know he needed. Arthur was touch-starved, emotionally repressed, and incredibly lonely before Merlin came into his life. (Yes, the similarities between my two OTPs are well-known to me.) Just because Arthur struggles to express his emotions (thanks, Uther) and doesn’t have the same plot opportunities as Merlin to show how much he’d sacrifice for Merlin, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Merlin as deeply as Merlin does him. This is why I like writing Arthur POV so much -- I like describing how fundamental and immutable a concept Merlin is to him. He takes Merlin for granted, yes, because there is literally nobody else that he is so vulnerable around or trusts so completely. This is why the magic reveal was so temporarily devastating to Arthur -- it broke something he’d built his entire life around. Or at least, that’s what he thought.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Canon is a trash fire and I hate a lot of things about season 5, because it had some stellar opportunities that got rushed and squished by the way they timed the plot.... but I actually really, really like the finale. I think that considering what they’d done with the plot up to that point, it was brilliantly executed and gorgeously acted. There wasn’t enough time to do everything I would have liked with the magic reveal*, but in the last episode they hit every one of my buttons at least once. Arthur witnessing a competent Merlin, Arthur experiencing realistic grief and anger but being able to see how deeply Merlin loves him... Setting aside the plotholes and the timing, the people who made the show realized what was critically important in the finale, and it was digging deep into the relationship between Merlin and Arthur. This is why it completely and totally wrecks me, incidentally, and why I can’t watch the last part of the episode because it actually unhinges me too much. I’m not joking, I went into some kind of grief spiral the first time I saw it that took me a literal week to recover from. I care about things too much and feel my feelings too intensely, but we been knew.
Oh, and an even spicier opinion on later seasons/the finale: I don’t think that Morgana “isn’t really evil” or that her fall was “unnecessary.” I think that Morgana was indeed capable of being a fiercely good and loving person, but I also think that people with the kind of anger she carries can be dragged into some very dark places. I don’t think it was unrealistic, I think it was painful to watch, and there’s a difference. She didn’t get the support she needed -- she was gaslighted, manipulated, and tortured -- and I think that the same person who could be good in another situation is absolutely capable of becoming monstrous, considering the hand she was dealt. I have very similar opinions on her as I do on Anakin Skywalker, which is to say: her evil was both believable and tragic. She was a product of her circumstances, but her actions are not excusable, and she is responsible for how she responded to her trauma.
*I can and will read every damn magic reveal on ao3 because it’s really important to me that Arthur understand what Merlin has done for him. Truly, truly conceptualizes how crucial Merlin has been in helping him build his kingdom. That’s the one thing that I wanted to see so badly that never happened in canon.
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raveismysublime · 3 years
I just finished the book in one day, yes one fucking day (I slept at 4:27 AM so fucking happy, with a smile on my face), and so after waking up the next day I do have some thoughts. (I wrote this February 16th, and waited to post this after a few weeks so most people would have the chance to read it)
***this is extremely long, i’m sorry I just had to break it all down***
again... !!!SPOILERS!!!! 
I think the first thing I can say is that I wasn’t dissapointed. Sure, their were scenes that I wish we saw, more development in other places, but since the end goal was Nesta healing, I think we have flourished in that regard. 
But.... there are other issues that I have. 
For instance, how it seemed towards the end that Nesta wasn’t Nesta anymore.. but Feyre? In the sense of how soft spoken she was and discussing the child with Cassian. I feel towards the end she did lose a part of her angst, which isn’t really a bad thing and maybe that had to do with her healing because her angst is what drove her to hurt people or herself, but it still kind of felt like we lost her. The Nesta we loved, with her anger and hatred. I think my issue is that when she healed, it also changed her personality (which I get is a part of healing, and again am not saying is a bad thing at all, just kind of sad seeing your favourite character like that). 
Anyways, let’s start with the cons (or things I wish was in the book):
- I wish we had more angst between her and Cassian: So, I know their was angst, and sexual tension which I absolutely loved but I wanted more angst. More fighting, that sort of thing. I wanted them to have angry sex so fucking bad. It felt as if I needed that, but in the end the sex they did have was ansgty enough. Also wanted more cuddling time between them, we literally got none. Feyre projected them to be very hostile towards each other, and maybe in the beginning they were, but their could have been more.
- I wish they had spilled their hearts out to each other way more then they actually did: Basically, everything that they said in their heads, I wanted them to say out loud to each other. I wanted them to voice their trauma, their apologies, what they’ve been through, how they were actually feeling to each other out loud. Not in their heads, and then forget about it later or just not talk about it, no more of those looks that “told everything they wanted to say”. I wanted more communication between the two, wished their was more then when Cassian took Nesta on that hike, and she burst into tears. I wanted heartfelt one on ones, where their deepest secrets inside of themselves were shared. I JUST WANTED WHAT THEY WEREN”T SAYING TO BE SAID. 
- Even though I know it had to do with her healing, I wish Nesta didn’t apologize to the IC, when they didn’t apologize to her: Now I’m not saying that Feyre or Rhysand’s plans didn’t work, they obviously did. But I wish they apologized with how they treated her before and after, and not her apologize first. Granted, Nesta did apologize for the things she did that were wrong, but they didn’t either which irked me very greatly. 
- I NEEDED THAT CONVERSATION BETWEEN MOR AND CASSIAN: Mor was barley in the book, for reasons surley to be revealed in the next book but the fact their was no talk between Cassian and Mor, literally nothing made me royally pissed off. Their just needed to be a conversation, their just had to be, especially given what Mor said to Nesta in the beginning of the book. 
- THE FACT CASSIAN DIDN”T TELL NESTA HE LOVED HER OR GIVE HER ANY REASSURANCE: pissed me off. When Nesta was expressing herself, saying how she didn’t deserve Cassian, he didn’t give her the slightest reassurance that she was wrong. That she did deserve him, that she wasn’t as bad as she made herself be. Nesta tells Cassian she loves him AND HE DOES NOT, I REPEAT DOES NOT SAY IT BACKKKKKKK. this just made me so mad, this whole scene. 
- The sex during the hike, the whole hike tbh: SO, this hike was a turning point for Nesta, in a way  very good. She was able to cry and express what was eating at her inside, but I wish their was just more. Like more between her and Cassian. I wished that instead of them fucking for two days with her “bent over a rock”, that they had heartfelt talks about their trauma, unearthing it all. Don’t get me wrong, I love the sex in the book. But it just felt so out of place in that one part, and I just needed them to talk. To have a whole talk, a whole explosion of feelings. 
- How nesta changed at the end: I don’t like it. Why did she have to sacrifice her powers. AGAIN I understand why, I just wish it didn’t happen. I wanted her to keep her powers, mainly for herself then anything else.Yes, it was (again) a turning point in her growth, and her relationship with Feyre and Rhysand, but noooooo. Why did she give up death. LIKE I GET WHY but WHY. It just pissed me off, made me so mad. Nesta just changed, changed to the point where she was unrecognizable, and I am not sure if that was a good thing or not. 
- Why did she kneel to Amren: this was so unessecary to me. Like, I’m glad she apologized but something irks me inside seeing Nesta bow to anyone at all, and her and Amren (in my eyes atleast) are the same. They both said completley hurtful things, and Nesta should not have been the one to kneel to her, neither of them should have had to kneel tbh. They should have just talked it out, figured it out. Idk, that’s just me. 
- I feel like Nesta thawed out very quickly: by thawed out, her anger. her feelings. her emotions. In the excerpt in A court of frost and starlight, towards the end after starlight, Nesta says she doesn’t feel anything anymore. No shame, nothing. I feel as if the second she entered the house of wind she thawed out. She felt again (Not a bad thing), but it happened so quickly and I feel as if it wasn’t even acknowledged, like that specific change in her. 
- She forgave very quickly: again, I understand it has to do with her growth, but she forgave the way the IC treated her so quickly, as if it was all right and all her fault. Yes, Nesta is at fault for a lot of bad things that she did and said, but that doesn’t mean she is the only one who apologises. Their should have been a discussion, a talk between her and everyone else for how they slut shamed her, and treated her when she was in her lowest. At this point, it’s as if the IC is all right and correct, and yes when they intervened, Nesta got better, but that doesn’t change how they hurt her as well (if that makes any sense). 
- THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION: I think this speaks for itself, but the lack of communication between everyone in the book annoyed me so much. I wanted everyone to talk, to show their hand, their emotion and feeling. It’s what I needed. It’s what they all needed, IT JUST WHAT NEEDED TO HAPPEN. 
- Nesta not discussing everything in her: of course this will take its own time and patience, but I feel, us, as readers, and as this would be the only book between Nesta and Cassian that we deserved to know more about her mother, about Nesta (even though we did learn a lot) I guess I just wantd more, and wanted Cassian to understand that part of her. I wanted them to get closer to each other, besides the sex, in a sense they knew everything about each other and that their was no more room for doubt or questions. I’m just greedy and wanted more, because if this was the only book we’d get it was not enough!!!!!!
- How Nesta’s reasoning for not being with Cassian after the war is that she “didn’t deserve him”: that just made me mad. Sure, she can feel that way, but could it not have been about her PTSD? Be about her depression? Be because she hated what she was forced to be made into? surely, that is apart of the reasons but the fact she only expressed it as her not deserving Cassian annoyed me. All the emotions in her weren’t addressed.
- How the story ended with Feyre: This was Nesta’s healing growth, and the fact it ended with Feyre’s life and Nyx just made me mad. Of course, we want to know about Feyre and her life with the baby, but why did the book need to end on that note. Why could it not have ended with the mating ceremony, or something specifically about Nesta and Cassian? like why is it always Feyre. 
okay now pros 
- she found her own family: This was what I was absotlutley happy about, that she found her own family with Emerie and Gwyn. That they shared a special bond, so utterly close that Nesta was risking dying for them. That she found people who knew every bad thing she did and did not hate her for it, and still loved her the same (out of the IC).
- How her and Cassian started with a “favour for a favour” in terms of sex: I don’t know why but I absolutley loved it because it was different from Feyre and Rhysand, and fit Cassian and Nesta so perfectly. It was only fitting they’d do a “friends with benefits” arrangment. They are both sexual people, and the one way they could comfort each other, they matched in that aspect. It just felt so perfect to me, I don’t know why. 
- How Cassian didn’t ask about the other men she’d been with: I know this may seem weird, but I’m glad that Cassian didn’t ask to know about them, proving that he didn’t care about it, knowing it didn’t matter and was personal to Nesta. 
- How Cassian came to Nesta’s defence whenever he could: It was such a stark difference to how he acted around her in the other books, as if he was ashamed  of her. Now, he even snapped at Rhysand when Rhysand tried to get involved with Nesta’s relationships or friendships, or for believing Nesta to do evil things. This was something that I really loved in the book, I only wish we could have seen it happen with Mor. 
- That her and Cassian are not perfect at the end: How, in comparison to Feyre and Rhysand, Cassian and Nesta are utterly different. We only have one book, but in that one book, Cassian and Nesta didn’t lose themselves in the mating bond as Feyre and Cassian. They didn’t let it ruin themselves, or their personalities, more so acted the same. I love that Cassian and Nesta still had so much they need to uncover, about themselves and about each other, and that they weren’t finished, in the way Feyre and Rhysand were. 
- How Cassian always said “I don’t want to hurt you”: Probably the bare minimum, but it was super sweet and made me happy that their was someone out there that really didn’t want to hurt Cassian. Sure, he said it during sex, but it still shows the love and care he has for her. Idk, i just loved it, 
Overall, I really loved the book. I was left smiling at satisfied, even with the things that made me mad. I think that we all had such high expectations (understandably), and let that cloud over a lot. The book, to me, was good, and the only thing I want is another one of Nesta and Cassian (which we sadly won’t get). 
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