#we should have gotten more of the too much magic can corrupt you
tsubasaclones · 8 months
when I'm in a "not resolving plotlines" competition and my opponent is clear card
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legacygirlingreen · 7 months
Part 4, Chapter 6: Repository II //Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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A/N: hi friends! Next repository chapter is up! I really struggle with action writing so I apologize but I hope you enjoy! I’m really anxious to hear people’s thought on my decisions in this chapter so please let me know what you liked, didn’t see coming, etc!
Also @animasola86 gets credits for Sebastian in the cover art!
The audio version of this chapter can be found here
Masterlist to the full series found here
Warnings: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, descriptions of bodily harm, seriously it’s gross fam…
Word count: 5k
As if the first scream he had to hear wasn’t bad enough a few seconds after he heard a second one. Granted not quite as loud and violent, but still chilling as the next room seemed to continue collapsing. He needed to hurry.
“At least take a wiggenweld mate,” Leander said, holding out a bottle. Normally he’d be skeptical of a potion coming from Garreth or a close friend of the boy, but given the circumstances Sebastian graciously took and downed its contents. The potion didn’t fully heal the injury, but it did slow the bleeding. 
“Mr. Sallow, I really must advise against this. Rushing into danger in general is not wise, certainly not while injured” Professor Fig spoke and he shook his head. 
“You’ve never stopped her before for doing the same. With all due respect sir, she is my priority. And while we sit here arguing, she could be injured. This is just a minor wound, it’ll be fine” he reasoned as he spat out the response. The notion he should sit back and let the girl face her death makes the words turn sour on his tongue. 
“You and I both know this is not what she would want Mr. Sallow” Fig continued to argue with him and Sebastian turned away from the man before hauling himself up so he could mount Highwing once more. 
“Yeah? And what about what I want? I certainly don’t intend on dragging her mangled and lifeless body from this cavern simply because you think she should face ranrok alone” he said. 
“Your uncle” Sharp cut in and he rolled his eyes.
“Precisely. She might as well be alone. In fact, I feel more concerned knowing that man is with her. So now that everyone has addressed their objections, they are duly noted. I’m going” Sebastian said as he lifted off the ground, the hippogriff hovering as he swallowed in a shaky breath. Knowing the entrance to the cavern had been blocked by falling debris, he knew he'd have to find another way around. 
“We can search to the left of the entrance if you’d like to go right” Poppy offered. As Sebastian turned to see that she had helped Imelda onto the back of the beast alongside her. 
“Fine. But please shout if you find a way in” he said.
“We shall stay here and continue to try and slowly dig out the debris” Professor Weasley quietly informed him. In all his years he’d never seen the woman so dejected. The deputy headmistress always being the pinnacle of authority and confidence, yet now she seemed sullen and nervous. 
“Alright. Someone should probably see what happened to Larson after going to find Officer Singer from Hogsmeade to help” he informed them as Everret nodded, “sounds good Sebastian” he said already heading back towards the mouth of the cave to find his housemate and direct the Aurors down to the cavern that no one outside knew of. 
“Be safe Mr. Sallow” Hecat told him. The woman had always had a soft spot for the boy who showed much promise in her classroom, but watching him repeatedly throw himself into danger without fear caused her to swell with pride. Sebastian probably would’ve acknowledged his favorite professor had he not already gotten out of earshot of the group, desperate to find a way in before it was too late. 
Although, who could hardly blame him with how grim the sounds coming from the repository chamber sounded…
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She had hardly been given time to react before the goblin was hurling the corrupted ancient magic in her direction. She had fought his loyalists but had yet to actually be in his line of fire. She had watched him kill Lodgok, his own brother, in a similar manner. She’d be damned if her or Solomon went down in a similar manner. 
It was truly wild how much her mind wandered during the fight. She had faced many opponents with complete concentration on the task at hand, and as she fought this goblin who threatened her world, she couldn’t help but think back on everything that had led up to this moment. She’d crossed paths with him so many times at this point: in the vault, in that alley outside the three broomsticks, in the shadows at rookwood castle, in the mine where Lodgok had died, now. All her hard work in doing the keepers bidding, finding the missing pages with a ghost, the trip to the restricted section - it had all been leading to this moment. 
Yet, she found her mind wandering as she continued to hurl rocks lifted with ancient magic at the goblin. Part of her remembered the poem her father had read to from the papers a few years back, before she even knew of magic.
It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul 
The other part of her kept glancing over and making eye contact with the frozen and terrified ex auror. Until now she had never noticed the way that he had such similar eyes to Sebastian. It was likely due to how often Solomon’s eyes looked angry, but now, seeing the fear in them, she recognized the resemblance. And although in both muggle and wizarding worlds, men showing their emotions so openly was frowned upon, she so deeply loved that her love had continued to be unashamed in showing all of himself to her. The fear, the excitement, the anger, the anxiety, the frustration, the love. His brown eyes had always been such a window into what he was thinking, and after almost a year of knowing him, she could read those eyes so well. Similarly now, the look Solomon was giving her was so reminiscent of the one Sebastian had worn before she left with Poppy. 
And as she tried to shake the thought from her head she could feel the hot and searing feeling against her shoulder as it knocked her to the ground. His corrupted magic stolen from other repositories swirling around her now blood dripping shoulder as she looked in horror,  watching as the goblin shot ahead, striking Bragbor’s container on the walkway in front of them. 
Pushing her now aching limbs she somehow managed to stand, hobbling towards the entrance in an effort to gain backup. There was no way she could fight Ranrok alone now that he had stolen the magic Isadora created.
“Run!” She tried to warn Solomon but it was too late. The goblin had already taken the magic as a bright flash filled the room. The eruption of the repository caused such a blinding light to fill her vision that she took a few moments to regain vision once more, watching in horror as now the transformed goblin swirled in the midst of the red and black magic. 
Rubble began to fall around them as she heard an almost demonic voice yell “Goblin kind shall answer to no one” before he dived at the platform her and Solomon were on. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Solomon’s body safely landing on the dirt ground as he covered his head with his hands. And then she felt it. The strong force of something large smacking into her chest, knocking the wind from her already damaged lungs as the contact was so intense she felt it in her bones. And then,
She was falling, and doing so, fast
And yet, it was almost as if she could perceive it happening in slow motion. She could nearly count the times her body flipped ankles over her head as she passed the cliff she had once been standing upon. Her mind could fully make out the quickly approaching sharp jagged rocks that would ultimately claim her life when she inevitably smashed into them, for in the fall she had dropped the most important thing she owned: her wand. 
“Arresto Momento!” 
Suddenly suspended in the air, a few yards above the ground she looked back up to see Solomon leaning over the platform. Only his head and shoulders were visible as he looked down the massive cliffside at her body hovering several yards above the ground. 
Even from far away she could see his eye still nearly swollen shut from where she had struck him in the infirmary, but his other one stared down at her wide, seemingly relieved he had caught her. He slowly continued to lower her to the ground safely as she closed her eyes and tried to think of how it was going to be best to proceed. Her wand had been lost and she doubted the keeper's wand would work in the same manner as a normal one. Now was certainly not the time to test it out. 
Her body slowly being lowered to the ground halted at the same time she looked up. Before she had time to process what was happening, once again her body was free falling. Only briefly making out the bright red light coming through the man’s chest before her body violently collided with the ground below. As time slowed once more, she laid on the ground as she experienced the scream tearing from her throat as if she was a passerby. Yet, the intense throbbing in her bones reminded her that no, it was indeed her that was screaming, and it was her body that had fallen to the stones below.
And then, she had an up close viewing of Solomon Sallow’s body crashing to the ground next to her with the most sickening thud she had ever experienced to date. Bones snapping viciously in a manner similar to the way she had broken his nose in the infirmary, except this time it was his legs that created the noise, as they came to rest in opposite directions. And this time when the scream tore from her raw throat, it was in terror as she saw the mangled appearance of Sebastian’s guardian as he lay next to her.
His lifeless brown eyes were still open as she continued to scream while the cavern caved in around them both and the last of her remaining strength was used to hold up a forcefield as the rubble encased their bodies.
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Sebastian could remember the first time he’d witnessed ancient magic. It had been in hogsmeade square during the troll attack. The static feeling that charged the air and made the hair on his neck stand up had only relieved itself when she tore lightning from the sky, reducing the troll to ash. His ears had rung for a few seconds as the clap of thunder she conjured had disoriented him while his rapidly blinking eyes had fixated themself on the girl, her newly acquired wand clutched in her hand.
Since then, he’d only seen her use that type of magic on occasion. Usually she tried to learn how to master it in small doses, using restraint as she aimed to learn to use it for productive purposes such as conjuration or healing instead of destructive like the first time he’d seen. Occasionally he’d see things in the room of requirement lifting in mid air as if she had used levioso, but the way she was doing it looked unnatural. Sometimes he’d witness a small flash of light before something like a quill emerge.  But without her abilities it truly was hard to tell what was ancient magic and what was simply spells she had learned during the year. 
And yet, he still had become acclimated to what it felt like to be around such magic, even if he couldn’t physically see it. Ever since christmas he had worn the cufflinks she’d gifted him, and he’d never tell her, but he always felt the slight thumping or hum coming off them every morning when he put them on his dress shirt.  Usually a dull vibration, as if they were alive and full of swarming lacewing flies. But on those rare occasions she did use her magic in his presence they’d warm up, the tingling that lingered on the objects growing more intense, like they were alive and desperately trying to join the stream of magic she was using. 
That had been the real reason he’d grabbed them when he changed in the room of requirement, threading them onto the sleeves of the dark outfit she’d woven for him. And now as he continued to try and find a way to enter the cavern he knew she was fighting that blasted goblin, he could feel them tingling more than he ever had. 
Highwing continued to fly through the cavern as he searched for a possible opening. It dawned on him that the last time he had physically laid eyes on her was when she left with Poppy after class.  And since that moment he’d experienced such a whirlwind. He had went to collect rings in order to secure their future, bought a very dismantled home to share some day and while riding the high of such a wonderful thing his world had collapsed. Arriving into feldcroft amidst a battle only to discover that not only was his whole family gone, but she hadn’t been seen. 
And then when he finally did get back to the school Fig had roped him into dealing with the Keepers as he worried for her safety and Professor Sharp’s ability to save her. Only to return and be locked in with the other students knowing she’d only barely been patched up before going to fight Ranrok and the entire goblin armada. Unfortunately it seemed they had so often almost crossed paths in this entire mess of a situation and yet continued to fight their own battles separately. 
In the chaos he also hadn’t had time to actually process what Poppy had told him. His Uncle. Solomon had known. And Even worse, the man had intended for him to take the curse over Anne. As Highwing continued to fly he really did wonder what his life would be like had he had endured the curse this whole time over his twin. Obviously he’d have struggled being back home with Solomon more than Anne, given their history. He wouldn’t have put it past the man to just leave him at St Mungos to rot alone. 
Surely his love would still have come to Hogwarts and been sorted into Slytherin, but would she have befriended Anne? Would Anne still have brought her to visit a sick brother to cheer him up as he had done? And if she did, would the girl look at him with eyes of love or pity…
Despite the horrific events of the year, and the grim circumstances to which they so often found themselves in, he would not trade a thing in the world to see her tired smile as she finally drifted off to sleep leaving behind the massive weight upon her shoulders. He would not trade the fear of holding her bleeding body to his chest at Christmas if it meant losing the beautiful hands that moved through his dark hair when they were alone. 
Even worse he realized he would rather have seen Anne continue to fight this curse than know the love of his life had died in that ashwinder camp. 
Because if you asked Sebastian back in August what his main priority in life was, he easily would’ve answered finding a cure for his sister. But in the quest to find answers for Anne he discovered something beautiful. A kind of love he had never felt. A kind of love those who experience its warmth would die for. A kind of love that healed the deep wounds pressed upon his soul from the tragedies he’d known as a young boy. A kind of love that made the journey of all of Solomon’s abuse somehow worth it, for without it he might not have met her or held on so tightly. 
Every event in his life seemingly now had a purpose, beyond just bringing him pain and torment. For without them, he never would have been in the right place, at the right time, with the right heart to love her. And more importantly, be loved by her. 
With every crash he heard from the wall that separated them, he felt like that beautiful thing to which he found was slowly slipping away. It’s why despite feeling lightheaded as blood continued to stain the wonderful gift she’d made for him, running down his back as it poured out of his right shoulder, he didn’t hesitate. What man would he be if it didn’t do everything in his power to get to the one he loved? What deep sorrow and regret he would be cursed to anguish in if she died alone?
As he neared a waterfall, Highwing attempted to move away from the water stream and just as he passed its refreshing mist he felt a sharp shooting pain on his wrist. Quickly tried to separate the material of his shirt from his wrist despite the way his limp non dominant hand fell to his side. As Sebastian saw the skin underneath he could make out a small blister forming where the inside latch of his cufflinks had burned into his blood soaked skin and he tugged the hippogriff to turn around. 
Reluctantly the creature flew close to the waterfall again and like before the metal heated to the point he could not stand it, casting glacius onto them in efforts to prevent further burning. As he looked ahead he tried to see through the waterfall but was unable due to its heavy stream. 
“Highwing come on” he begged the creature, attempting to urge the proud beast through the stream and it put up a fight, letting out a noise he could only interpret as annoyance before flying through the stream. As they came through the water, and onto the other side Sebastian realized a cavern was hidden away by the waterfall. Highwing moved forward enough to set him down on the solid ground they’d discovered and he stroked her feathers kindly as he hopped off and walked forward. 
“Lumos” he spoke as it echoed off the cave walls. And suddenly like discovering water in the desert he saw it: the rune symbol. To the right a torch became noticeable from the light his wand put off and he shouted confringo at it, before repeating the action on the other side of the symbol. Unlike the doors leading into Isadora’s workshop or even the map chamber this was simply just a simple hovering over a pile of rocks, as if some muggle attempt had been made to create a secondary entrance to the repository for emergencies. 
“Highwing go find the others!” he shouted. If there was one thing he had learned this year, it was that beasts were so much more intelligent than wizards and witches gave them credit for. Because the hippogriff bowed her head at him before running and jumping through the waterfall’s stream once more as she left him. 
Coming forward he began using simple charms to slowly dig the piled up stones from the entrance. As stones began to move one by one he grew weary, putting his wand away and reaching for the wall. Years of working for Solomon had taught him how to use his brute strength sometimes over magic to get things done quickly. Even this past yule when he’d repaired the stone fences in the yard by hand, he realized that sometimes the muggle way was more effective. 
Groaning as he lifted his injured arm he began pushing stone after stone to the ground, frantically digging through the pileup as his arm continued to bleed and his hands started to sting from the cuts he was getting from the jagged edges cutting his palms. 
Every new injury seemed dull in comparison to the way his heart continued to leap as he pushed aside another rock. He had to get through. He had to reach her. And the more stones pushed to the side the louder and louder things became on the other side of the wall. The blasting and crashing only intensified as he heard a very loud and dark voice call out “your pitiful magic is no match for mine, child”. 
Under normal circumstances such a voice would be bone chilling but to him it felt like a relief. It meant one thing: she was still alive.
For now. 
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As soon as the falling debris stopped she somehow mustered the strength to stand. Luckily having one last healing potion on her she was able to maintain a hold on the force field long enough to push the rubble away before downing the contents. It didn’t do much, nor did it return the air to her lungs, but it dulled the sting, which for now would have to be enough. Trying desperately to avert her eyes from Solomon’s body as ranrok’s newly transformed body flew about the space, she searched the ground for his wand. After moments of searching she stole a quick glance at his hand seeing he was still clutching it tightly. Gently she moved towards him, muttering a quick prayer to some god or entity despite the man’s malicious actions in life, before closing his eyes and ripping the wand from his grasp. 
“Accio wand” she called out, not expecting much. Her wand likely was crushed in the fall, but when suddenly she felt its energy approaching, she was surprised to see it coming straight for her unharmed. Deciding to pocket Solomon’s for safe keeping to return to the Sallows she quickly looked for cover in case Ranrok came back to pick her off.
Rushing forward along the walkway as the space continued to be filled with the swirls of dark ancient magic she came to an opening, finally seeing ranrok in his new form as he perched at the end. 
The anger of today, coming to a head as she pushed forward. How dare he attack the school? How dare he steal this magic? How dare he threaten the ones she loves? 
Hurling ancient magic at him she watched in horror as he laughed, backing up as he taunted, “so much fire… so much spirit… I shall snuff that out” before shooting a large blast towards her without little time to duck for cover. 
She would have to rethink exactly how to fight him this way. Suddenly she saw large force fields erupting nearby that reminisced the way she had fought the large pensive guards during the keeper trials. Hurling the freezing charm at it, she realized that it did in fact react similarly. If she was going to win this battle, she would need to stay moving and focus on those weak points until she could muster enough ancient magic to subdue him. 
And then she remembered a moment in the room of requirement one day with Sebastian. 
“So this corrupted magic, infused with pain, how do you think you can control it?” Sebastian asked her as he continued to take notes in a journal he’d been keeping on her magic. 
“I’m not sure I even can… Isadora certainly couldn’t. That’s why she contacted Bragbor to build containers for it in the first place” she retorted as she continued to go over something she stole from San Bakaar’s tower on a second lap through. Her frustration with the keepers for remaining tight-lipped had her sneaking back into the tower, steering clear of the portrait, to raid his office. In it he found the man’s notes on the magic in the repositories. 
“But isn’t Ranrok wielding it? Along with all the goblins? Surely you could find a way to do so, even if it’s simply a matter of protecting yourself from it” Sebastian countered as he glanced up. He knew that she likely wouldn’t see eye to eye with him on understanding the dark magic. The memories she spoke of being enough to discourage her from attempting to even entangle herself with that magic, but it didn’t stop him from being anxious. If she could control it, then perhaps if she faced the goblins she could turn the magic against them, or at the very least wield it enough to protect herself.
“I suppose in theory there is a way to control it. I am just nervous about what that could look like… Lodgok mentioned that all the goblins had been transformed by their attempts at using it. I am worried that if I allow myself to be influenced by it, that it may start to control me as well. Isadora’s journals end in madness. It’s easy to see she seemed to have been corrupted by it as well” she countered. 
“Hmm…” he said and when she looked up she noticed that his eyes showed how truly far away his mind was. Nervous to ask the reasons why he broached the topic, she pushed that aside in favor of getting answers even if they made her anxious. 
“You want me to heal Anne by wielding it don’t you?” she asked him with a defeated sigh, but when his eyes snapped back to hers and his brow furrowed almost angrily she regretted saying anything.
“What?” he asked in horror, frustration apparent in his tone as he spit the words out, laced with the venom he usually reserved for his uncle and no one else. 
“I just thought… that’s why you were asking… it’s okay if that was your train of thought, I was just curious-” she began rambling, hoping she could take back the insination but it was too late. He was already furious at her. 
“I am asking for you. You already told me what one of the memories showed - how it made a person devoid of emotions. I trust that. I trust you. I wouldn’t want that for my twin, even if it meant she wasn’t in pain. I wanted to know if you could wield it to protect yourself” he grumpily responded as she grew silent. 
“Oh” she spoke quietly as she stared into her lap, eyes glazing over as she felt similarly to a scolding child by the authority in his voice, and the guilt of assuming the worst in him. He must’ve seen the tiny piling of tears in the corner of her eye because he put down his book and came directly in front of where she sat on the sofa, sitting on his knees in front of her and grabbing her hands from her lap. 
“Hey” he spoke calmly and she didn’t respond so he spoke softer, gently squeezing her palms as she finally looked up. “I didn’t mean to upset you,” Sebastian spoke. 
“I know. I didn’t mean to upset you either” she responded. 
“I know. I just want to know all our options for keeping you safe. That’s my main priority” he told her as she looked down. 
“What about Anne…?” 
“What about her?” he asked in confusion.
“We only started down this journey to find a cure for her… I thought that was your priority” she explained. 
Watching as his eyes absorbed her words he looked at her, opening his mouth, before closing it again to ponder his response. “It’s okay if that’s still your main goal-” she continued but he cut her off. 
“Months ago, yes, that was my main priority. But now… my world has shifted. My goals have shifted. My loyalty and devotion have shifted” he spoke cooly as her eyebrow raised of its own accord in confusion. 
“But Anne is your sister, your twin-” She went to counter and he shook his head. 
“And you are my everything. Of course I want to heal Anne, but we will find a way to do so safely. The same way we will find a way to keep you safe if somehow Ranrok does get ahold of the last repository… but don’t think for a second that you aren’t important to me. That keeping you safe isn’t my main priority now” he told her. 
Unsure how to respond she simply blinked rapidly. She wasn’t sure when she started crying fully, but when she felt the wetness on her cheeks he was already there, pulling her into his arms. 
“I mean it… I love you… and I swear with all I have that I will do everything to keep you safe when the time comes…” 
Remembering back to that day, she did wonder about his theory. They hadn’t had a chance to actually test it out given only a few days later she left with Poppy… and now she was in this head on. But perhaps Sebastian was correct. Maybe there was a way to control it. Maybe even purify it by removing the pain somehow, so that it would be useless to Ranrok. Unlike the keepers she had isadora’s research. Unlike Isadora she had the keeper's research. She also had such an intelligent man who had working theories. 
Trying to recall the work he’d written out on one of the chalk boards, she tried to remember the way he had theorized perhaps using ancient magic instead of normal magic with a healing spell could cleanse the magic so to speak. Now was as good as any time to try such a theory out. 
Stepping out from behind a rock she’d used for cover she used one of the healing spells on a sliver of the magic swirling around her, watching in awe as it turned blue again, the pain quickly moving towards ranrok as he absorbed purely the pain and yelled out angrily, “your pitiful magic is no match for mine, child!”
Then she found herself lying face down in the stone a few feet away. Her head throbbing at the aggressive contact she’d made when he’d flung her through the air once more. She would be surprised if her skin wasn’t one large bruise at this point. The speed to which he retaliated by blasting her had been too quick to process but as she laid there trying to get up again she smiled as she realized that now she had a decent game plan.  Sebastian Sallow was a genius and if she lived long enough to see him again she would delight in telling him so.
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
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Mortal Kombat 11 Koncept: Havik by Jack Meng Kirkman
Though they were three, defeating Ashrah was no easy feat. Aided by the ten thousand souls of ermac and wielding her legendary kris, she nearly overpowered Li Mei, Sareena and Sub-zero. Sareena rushed forward and grabbed Ashrah by the collar, pointing her tarkatan blade at her. "Where is Bi Han! We know he was here!" She screamed. Ashrah looked at Sareena blankly. "Noob Saibot, where is he?!" Sareena shouted again invoking his tainted moniker. Ashrah’s eyes lit up at the name. "His blood is mine", she said sternly with cold silver eyes.
"I should kill you right now demon!"
"Sareena!" Subzero put his hand on her shoulder. "Killing her will not help us find Bi Han." Sareena let go of Ashrah in frustration, letting her drop back to the floor before storming away. Kuai Liang stood over her now. "We ask again, where is Noob Saibot…" Calling his brother by that name weighed heavy on his heart.
"If we knew, he would be dead", Ashrah said with an air of pride. Kuai Liang studied the demon for a moment, before letting out a sigh, “she is telling the truth.”
"Arghh!" Sareena growled. "Then it is the cleric we must follow!" She unsheathed the tarkatan blade once more and began walking to Ashrah. This one is useless!
"Sareena no… there is something about her. She seems lost. Her will may not be her own. I have seen it before in Cyrax. Something underneath the surface desperately clawing."
"The lantern…" Li Mei finally spoke. That’s Ermac isn’t it? They must be influencing her." Sareena changed course towards the lantern.
"Fools… my will is my own." Ashrah snarled. Then the lantern erupted with soul magic, lashing out at Sareena. Kuai Liang dived towards her, shielding her from the blast. Li Mei started sprinting as fast as she could to save herself from as much damage as possible. As the souls crashed like a wave, Ashrah called the lantern to her side and then in a flash of green energy disappeared completely.
"Kuai Liang!" Sareena cried. "Wake up!" Kuai Liang sputtered, coughed and groaned. He rolled over and looked at Sareena. "Your arms!" Sub-zero’s arms had been marred with what looked like burn marks. But streaks of green soul magic writhed around like worms under his skin. Li Mei staggered back to them and inspected herself for any marks. Fortunately, she had none. Sub-zero’s arms then began to freeze over. "I can numb the pain for a time. but I will need a healer at some point."
"So, you seek the cleric too now?" Li Mei interjected
"It would seem so. We are after someone we wish to free from corruption and it seems that only the cleric knows where they are." Sareena said
"The cleric’s name is Havik, and I also seek him."
"Thank the elder gods that our paths have crossed then, if not for you defeating Ashrah would have been much more difficult." Subzero said, climbing to his feet.
"If only the elder gods would make things a little easier from time to time…" Sareena murmured.
"We should make haste. Havik can't have gotten far". Li Mei said, focused.
The three left the ruined temple of order into the dunes of Chaosrealm. A crimson red painted the sky above and huge gusts of dust and dirt came in waves as they travelled. Sareena tracked the cleric with expert skill despite the shifting landscape. Her time with Jataaka had prepared her well for such incursions. Their journey led them to a crumbling castle that stood nearly isolated in the wastes. But there were scatterings of history around. Perhaps once this was a thriving civilization. But like everything else, it had succumbed to madness and discord. As they entered Sareena put her fist up to halt them. "Be wary of traps this castle is ancient, who knows what we may set off".
"Actually Sareena, chaosrealmers don't use traps. It is against their nature to prepare", Li Mei said, as if reciting scholarly scrolls. Sareena looked unimpressed. "Well, I'm still going to be on my guard, just in case."
They delved deeper into the decrepit place. As they did so, it got darker and breathing was more difficult, shadow suffocated the air out of the narrow hallways."Wait!" Kuai Liang halted. "He is here…"
"I too sense a dark energy", Li Mei concurred. Sareena stepped in front of them and gestured them back. "stay behind me. I'll scout ahead.". They didn’t have to search long. All were in tune with the dark shadow in some way. They found Noob Saibot kneeling at an altar. Candles were lit in front of him, but instead of fire, flickering shadows ate at the wicks. Sareena rushed up to Noob and grappled him from behind, pulling his arms up behind his head and kneeing him in the back. But instead of a hard thud, an echoing slapping sound emanated from the blow, as is she had struck liquid. Then the form of noob melted away into vaporous shadow. "A shadow clone!" Sub-zero shouted before getting kneed in the back himself. He turned around to face the real Noob Saibot standing over him, his sickle hooked through his chest. “Kuai Liang, we meet again. But this time, in my domain!”
Bi Han? Noob Saibot looked up from Sub-zero. Sareena stood there, a look of shock marring her face. “What has become of you?”
“Who ar-”, Noob was cut off as Kuai Liang tackled him to the ground. Li Mei began running over to aid Sub-zero, but then a burning orb of crimson energy appeared in front of her, blocking her path. In that instant, it detonated, sending her hurtling backwards. From a fissure of shadow in space, the cleric of chaos, Havik emerged. Li Mei looked up at him and for the first time, saw him for what he really was. He carried a horrid flail over his shoulder, which burned with the same crimson magic she had just been blasted with. Li Mei staggered to her feet. “Who is this Bi Han to you cleric? Why do you aid him?”
“It suits our purpose… He is an agent of chaos. He harnesses a power that not many wield in the universe. The Yin… But… iiiinteresting” Havik said through a low guttural laugh. One of you harnesses this same power, though his eyes were iris-less, Li Mei followed them to Sareena who was now in the throes of kombat with a myriad of shadow clones preventing her from aiding her komrade. "Perhaps it is to our benefit that Erron Black did not finish her…"
“I was told you do not refuse a conversation. Let us talk… Away from the fighting.” Li Mei said with an air of authority.
“Under normal circumstances, yes. But unfortunately, these are not normal circumstances. I must protect my own.” The cleric started walking forward. He used to float silently around Li Mei thought, but here, now, he seemed heavy and direct.
“Havik…” Li Mei said, taking the immoveable Tremor stance. “That was not a request…”
“Hahahah!” A manic laughter erupted from the cleric’s grinning skull. “Rain falls where it may”. Havik hefted the flail off his shoulder and swung it at Li Mei…
… Kuai Liang summoned a block of ice as the Sickle of Noob Saibot slashed into him. It hit the ice with a sharp crack. Noob quickly pulled the ice away with his sickle and in the same motion, turned his body with the momentum and back kicked Kuai Liang in the chest, sending him crashing to the ground. Then a shadow burst from the ground, grabbing Kuai Liang and opening a shadow portal below. Noob turned around to face Sareena who was being grappled by 3 clones. Realizing her struggle was futile, she dematerialized into smoky shadow and dashed away, rematerializing closer to Noob. Noob was stunned for a moment, “You too fight with Yin. You would make a fine pupil.”
“No Bi Han. We are here to save you from your corruption!”
“Save me? I have no flaws. My form is perfected. You will learn this!” A shadow clone dived from the sky at Sareena, but she ducked under it with blinding speed and tumbled into a roll. Noob summoned another clone from the ground, attempting to stop her in her tracks. With seamless movements, Sareena came out of the roll and swept her leg in a wide arch, beheading the clone with her heel blade and continuing the advance. Noob then advanced on her, forcing her to adapt her battle strategy, she swung her fist at him, but he caught it. “You are fast, but shadow is weightless”.
“This is the curse Bi Han. Your weapon is your body, but it was once mind and spirit as well. You taught me of their importance.” The Tarkatan blade of Demon Fang extended with a sharp screech and impaled Noob Saibot’s shoulder. He staggered back with a cry of pain and rage. He summoned his sickle in his other arm and ran towards Sareena, swinging chaotically. Sareena could feel his rage taking over. She blocked with her kama. “Even our weapons are similar, I could perfect you!” Noob spat.
“You used to believe in balance Bi Han. This is not the way.”
“Bi Han is GONE!” He unlinked their blades and swung wildly. Sareena shadow dashed to the side and hooked her kama in his once more, using his momentum to topple him over. She threw her kama at his skirt, using it as a pin. Then rushed over to him and locked her arms around Noob Saibots neck and head. "Bi Han… Please. Stop this!" Noob struggled against her, but her hold was unbreakable now. "I will not kill you!" Sareena cried. With a guttural rasp he replied, "I know…" As he uttered the words a clone appeared behind Sareena, grabbing her arms, locking them from moving. Then a portal opened up underneath them and they began to fall through. Kuai Liang skated on a bed of ice with blinding speed and dived towards Sareena, his arm outstretched. But in that moment, all time seemed to speed up around him, everything moved at a speed unimaginable and in the blink of an eye, Sareena and Bi Han were gone… Then sand began to well up in front of him like a geyser. It too swelled with the speed of Kabal and erupted in the same instance. From the sand, emerged the form of Geras…
… Geras? Li Mei exclaimed, evading Havik's flail as it smashed into the earth below. Why does he aid you!?
"I freed him. Just as I freed you Li Mei. He too was a slave". Havik gave a nod to Geras, who returned it in kind. Geras grabbed the Grandmaster's head, attempting to break it. But Geras' hands began to freeze over, he staggered back in pain. Time began to return to Sub-zero, who summoned an ice axe and swung it into Geras' side. Geras crushed the axe and summoned a giant fist and smashed the Grandmaster through a wall. As the fist melted into sand, Li Mei noticed the hand which held it had been shattered in the process. Geras looked blankly at his missing hand for a moment, then pursued the Grandmaster beyond the wall.
Suddenly, Li Mei was tackled to the ground. Havik took a deep breath over her and exhaled burning red flame towards her. Li Mei covered with open palms, releasing glowing white protective energy. She slowly pressed against the force of the chaos breath until her hands pressed against Havik's skull. She hooked her fingers around his mandible and snapped it off with a deafening crack. The breath immediately ceased and Havik wailed in pain, staggered off her, his jaw hanging off on one side. The wail turned into a staggered cacophony of laughs. Li Mei got up, as Havik reattached the broken jaw to his skull.
"Your allies are gone. Let us speak!" Havik looked around and sighed. "You are right. I've no notion of Noob's whereabouts. You have sought me out and travelled a great distance. I should be hospitable"
"What are your motives cleric. Why did you 'free' me". To what end does that serve you. You do not serve me Li Mei. You serve only yourself. Or do you follow commands by jaded vanguard."
I have come for answers Havik
"So… you have learnt my name… Havik thought for a moment. Shujinko?" He has taught you much, but he hides truth behind his eyes. A great secret, even I am not privy to.
I tire of your riddles cleric. Speak straight with me.
Water, like conversation, flows. It meanders and adapts to its path.
But… You can direct it and by its adaptive nature, it WILL follow.
This is what happens when the unrelenting meets the unwavering. Our destinies are interlinked. Within blood, interlinked." Li Mei's legs suddenly felt heavy, as if her blood had turned to quicksand. Havik's flail swung at her once more, unable to properly move, Li Mei simply dropped to the floor and rolled away. The stiffness began to subside and she stood up once more shouting, "Your blood magic. Who taught you?" She growled as she advanced on him with a series of chaos strikes
"You mean to use Chaos Kombat against me Li Mei? Foolish, wouldn't you say? Havik said deflecting the blows with perfect chaotic form. "The vampire renegade, Nitara. Our relationship was a great boon to me. Surrounding her is a power untapped. A tragedy uncovered."
Li Mei could feel a rage boiling inside. She want to keep asking about the specifics of what he was talking about, but knew it would get her nowhere. She tried to calm herself, all she could do now was keep him talking and remember his cryptic words.
"The people of this realm are said to be unwieldy. Directionless. They wait for their destinies. It seems to me that you are not like your brethren."
"Hmmmm". Havik paused. Li Mei had never seen him miss a step in conversation, but something caught him. "I was locked in a battle with a man from Seido, the realm of order. Our struggle was eternal and I thought it was my destiny to prevent him from attaining his desires. He would always beat me in our conflict, simply because he could plan and prepare. Study me like an animal. If there is one thing Seidans are good at, it is reducing things to their core elements. And I kept waiting, for him to enact some plan, some undertaking. But when you wait for destiny, you become a part of someone else’s. One day I was gazing over our sacred waters and destiny revealed its hand to me. Water never stops moving. The tides are in constant turbulence. Winds that you and I cannot feel make water dance and run. Through the waters, I came realize that destiny is no idle endeavour. When I told the Chaosrealmers what I had learned… They took my face…" Havik gestured to the skull visage under his eyes. "You see, for Chaosrealmers articulated thought is a danger, anathema... It gives form to what is nebulous. They reduced me to the same incoherent babble. But, magic…". Havik's maw started to glow with red energy "…Always proves a flexible tool. Their was a brief pause. Li Mei pondered whether the fighting would erupt again. But it seemed the cleric was still eager to speak. "The paradigm was shattered and I had to ruminate for an age about what I truly desired."
And what is it you truly desire?
Balance? But that is an antithesis to your being. Havik uttered a low, grumbling chuckle. "In recent history, the people of the realms have disregarded Yin as negative and acted solely to foster Yang. As a result, the universe has been thrown out of balance. But Yin is just a force. It has no motives, no vile ambition. My desire is for Yin to prosper and find balance with Yang, only then will everything become… Chaos
But balance is order, is it not? Plunging the realms into chaos is not exactly my idea of positive
"HA! Again, people fail to understand. The natural order of things is chaos! Raiden's folly is that he is too fixated on Yang. His brother Shinnok's, is his fixation on Yin. Their brother Fujin knows the balance, but it too weak to take action. The "order" you know is rigid. It is forced. Maintaining order is difficult and requires careful tending. It takes great power through auxiliary artefacts. I will relieve the universe of this burden."
"That is why you aid Noob…" Li Mei said, her eyes widening with the realization.
"You are faster than Master Shujinko"
"But I still don’t understand what Ashrah's purpose in all this is. Nitara. Geras. Do they serve a higher purpose?"
"Their purposes are their own, as is Noob's. We serve one another. I would not concern yourself with our purpose. I freed you to pursue your own destiny. But in some way, our fates are intertwined."
"Perhaps I am here to stop you. I can't allow you to unmake the universe. What was it you said, 'She must win'?"
"Perhaps… For now, we both must recover our allies. There's no telling where they have gone."
"You're not leaving… Not yet"
"You do not want this fight. I do not die here"
"What? More prophecies!?" Li Mei taunted
"Yes. Li Mei". Havik replied coldly. Li Mei took a stance and prepared for kombat. Havik took a vial from his belt and drank it, its glowing blue energies suffusing the red in his armour. His eyes too, burned a bright cyan. Li Mei rushed forward, but was met with a powerful wave of cyan breath, once again she defended with her protective chi, but this time, the power of the flames broke through and threw her backwards. She quickly recovered before charging towards him again, but was instantly met with a the detonation of a cyan orb. Her head spun, her ears rung. She was blinded for a moment. By the time her eyes readjusted to the burning red skies and shattered landscapes, Havik was gone.
She searched the ruins until coming across an unconscious Kuai Liang. Li Mei woke the Grandmaster, using her chi to ease his pain. "Where is Geras?" She inquired
"He is down that ruined hallway", Kuai Liang said, raising a heavily soul damaged arm and pointing down the way to a hallway that had sloped downwards over years of weathering. "Repairing his damages no doubt. Did you find Sareena?"
"Not yet, but we must leave before Geras recovers". Kuai Liang rose, with the help of Li Mei. "And what of Havik? What happened to him?" Sub-zero said through pained breaths.
"We mostly talked. I am trying to learn of his motivations and plans. He speaks in tongues. Difficult to understand. But the words I know. I will see if my masters can make sense of them."
"Let us search the grounds for Sareena. You can fill me in on the details. Maybe I can be of help"
The two searched the cracked castle for Sareena and Li Mei tried her best to relay the information to the Grandmaster.
"Hmmmm" Sub-zero mused pensively. So Havik seeks to use Yin energy to counterbalance the Yang. I believe I know what Havik wants. There is a place that Raiden has told me about. A place that holds the lifeforce of Earthrealm
The Jinsei?
So you've heard?
Bo’ Rai Cho has told me of it. It would make sense for Havik's plan to pollute it with Yin.
That is our lead for now then. Go to the Jinsei. Warn master Bo’ Rai Cho and others that it may be in danger. Maybe they can decipher the rest of what Havik said as well…" He turned away from Li Mei. "… I must find Sareena and Bi Han" Kuai Liang gritted his teeth. "I was supposed to protect her and save my brother. Now I have lost them both."
"We will find them… Li Mei put her hand on Kuai Liang's shoulder"
"I know… When I find her, I will send word and we will come find you. If we don’t come back, don't wait. Stop Havik…"
The Grandmaster prepared himself for a long journey. First he had to find a medic to heal his soul torn arms. Likewise, Li Mei had an arudous journey ahead of her. The two parted ways with the hopes of seeing each other once more…
… Li Mei hadn't travelled across the scarred land for more than twenty minutes before a flash of bright teal energy burst around her. She couldn’t move and looked down to see thick rings of energy binding her body. Her eyes darted around frantically and saw a figure emerging from the shadow. Then, a woman's voice echoed out, "You reek of Chaos…"
Havik entered a darkened chamber, beyond the veil of red waterfall. He raised an arm and red chaos magic sprung into lanterns that adorned the space. The red light illuminated the hewed stone and artefacts that laid around from previous machinations and a woman in pristine white and gold. The lantern with the souls of Ermac carefully placed in front of her and a kris blade by her side. "Ashrah, I am thankful you have returned". The woman stood slowly and turned around. "Of course… I have failed you, they bested me."
"You did not fail Ashrah, we do not seek their deaths. Time is all we need, and you have bought us ample. Even now Sub-zero must seek a medic for his arms, lest he lose them. They are scattered. Geras foresees that this time you have gifted us will ensure our victory at the Jinsei…"
"And remember Ashrah, you are my greatest instrument." Havik dropped to one knee and lifted the kris into Ashrah's hands. She gripped it tightly and with a look of determination said, "I have not forgotten…"
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halfetirosie · 2 months
🥥🤤🍖 Damn it, now I'm hungry... 🍖🤤🥥
(Exercise 14 - 16 React-os!)
1) Ah, yes, a man a few words... 😅
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I mean, to be fair, I assume Quincy has only ever participated in purely physical contests, so he might not know that he's supposed to elaborate?
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---I'm not the only one that read that a "magikarp" for a second, right??
Rei must still be suffering from the Pokemon Curse--first I misread his real name as "Jolteon," and now this! 😅😅😅
2) EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW!!!!! 🤢🤢🤢
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YOOOOO WTF?!?!?! (⊙ ᗣ ⊙)
I assume that this must be similar to how people will eat octopus tentacles, which still move after death? BUT I WOULDN'T EAT THOSE EITHER!!!! Dead things should stay dead!!!!!----And I think my gag reflex would jump into overdrive if my food starting moving around in my mouth!!!!!!
Poor Eiden is fighting for his life here, stretching as far as he can to find something nice to say about this meal from HELL!!!!!
3) Vegetarian surprise!
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(I thought the veggies would be a side-dish or a component of the meal, not the entire meal.)
At first I thought, "What do you mean by 'the limits of nutrition'? Is there such a thing as too much nutrition???"
But then I remembered that, YES, that is a very real thing! Consuming too much of a certain vitamin/mineral in a short time frame can actually be super dangerous to your health!
(I only remembered this because of a video essay I saw a while ago about a corrupt company in...I think South Korea??...whose upper executive would sometimes force employees to take huge amounts of vitamins, which made them get diarrhea/puke. It's fucked up.)
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Kuya continuing to reach new levels of evil; weaponizing Garu and Yaku's goodwill and cuteness against Eiden!!! 😈
Foxy Grandpa for sure put some of his weird-ass magic on the meal, like that tea that causes hiccups. 100%.
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🤦‍♀️ Yup, it figures. That was a bit too obvious...
But fuck, Garu's sincerity here is too muchhhhh!!! How has he gotten this far and still trust Kuya's bullshit????
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I said it before but I'll say it again; these dudes are coordinated as fuck!!! They're giving such a damn professional presentation of their dish without missing a beat---like they rehearsed it!!! (Honestly, I bet they did.)
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6) Edmond, my love, I hate to break it to you, but...
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....there is NO WAY IN HELL that anyone else will want to consume that "special honey sauce." ♡♡♡
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....Scratch that---I don't think they'd even be capable of consuming that sauce at all!
If he can smell the sauce from a distance, then WHAT IN GOD'S NAME is in that sauce????
....Don't answer that. I'm getting a cavity just think about it....
7) Awwww, look at them all pampering Garu!!!
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Rei might deny it, but he really does live up to his nickname of "Big Bro Rei!" It's adorable!!!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
8) Peepaw Kuya back at it again with his sensitive palate! 😂😂😂
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And Olivine is seriously too nice!!!
9) OH SHIT!!!!
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Is this the first chill interaction we've seen of these two so far, or am I not remembering a different one? Whatever---
All the Yaku/Dante shippers rejoice!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Shoutout again to From the Earth, Necatar, which lives in my head rent-free!
10) Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed that we didn't get to witness Quincy grill...
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I guess Dante's too proud to give up his role as Grill Master; instead Quincy's in charge of "crackin open a cold one with the boys!"
....Unrelated, but I'm not the only one that expected Quincy to break open the coconuts with his bare hands, right?
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I mean, I knew he would, but the confirmation feel nice. :D
12) !!! Oh??? 😮
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Have we ever seen Karu's face look that scared before??? I feel like we haven't, or it's at least been a while!
13) Their bickering is as charming as ever---
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It's a little hard to tell, since Danteis up to his Tsundere Bullshit™ and hell-bent on victory, but I'm pretty sure he's having the time of his life right now.
In fact, I think Dante's competitiveness is a sure-sign of that. Getting caught up in a silly contest is his way of having fun, you know?
It's like when he kept competing with Edmond at the festival games during Chase the Rainbow. He gets himself immersed/invested in something inconsequential, and has a good-ass time!!!
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
14) Honestly, this part completely went over my head at first... 😅
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I honestly don't know if Eiden's response was enough to confirm that he's secretly on Dante's team. Hell, I haven't even been theorizing about what Eiden's team might be or what his secret conditions are.
Usually I might've been trying to figure it out, but I feel like we've been given absolutely no clues in the story so far...Also, I have been hella busy lately---that's why my reaction posts have been slower lately---so I'm quite low on brain juice.
Idk man! This event is just so laid back, I don't feel the need to try so hard to figure it out. 🤷‍♀️
I'm just here to have a good time!
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
🍖 End of report! 🍖
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bardspeak · 8 months
And if you lost it all, and you lost it | ao3 link
(Some of) Hawke's letters to Fenris during dragon age inquisition. Hawke was left in the fade here.
Fenris -
I’m sorry for leaving, and I’m sorrier for getting angry that you didn’t want me to. I know you want to be with me, to protect me from what’s to come. I also know that what you could most protect me from is also what could most hurt you. I can’t have that. We protect each other, right?
I’d have you with me if it wouldn’t kill me to see you hurt.
The Inquisition has been looking for me, and Varric has held them off long enough. I guess I’ll find out why it was so important for them soon, but I know for me it’s Corypheus. We were both there – and I’ll never feel safer than when you have my back – but this is a burden of my own. It was my father’s blood that locked him away and mine that set him free. I feel I should be able to know him, understand at least the little my father must have, but I’m just as clueless as anybody else. I just know I can’t sit by and watch him happen to someone else. I hope you can forgive me.
You haven’t said, but I know I’ve been hurting you. I’m not sure why I don’t know how to live without something like this to turn to, to throw myself at. But I won’t drag you into it with me. It doesn’t mean I love you any less, and it doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t ache to be away from you. I love you so much I don’t know what to do with it some of the time. When you’re just gone for the day I’ll turn to tell you when you’re not there. I love your humor, even when you’re laughing at me. I love your anger, even if you’re angry with me now. I love your happiness, and I can’t be sorry enough that it’s not what I’m leaving you with.
You’re with me, even if I didn’t let you be. I’ll be thinking about you all the time. I’ll be dumb enough to forget I left you behind. But I’m leaving my heart there with you.
Make sure nothing happens to it, if it’s not too much trouble.
- Hawke
Fenris -
Varric hasn’t gotten anything from you, but I hope you’re reading this anyhow. I know you hate letters going through him (the nosy rat), so maybe you’re waiting to say whatever it is when I get home. I hope I’m not too long to hear it.
Everything here reminds me of you, even the Inquisitor! She’s not much like you, but I suppose I see an elf glow and I get misty in the eyes. In all seriousness, she’s kind of lovely once you get past the weight of the world on her shoulders. She even got me talking – I told her a couple stories from when it was all of us, and even about that hawk I brought home once. I still have the scar from where he bit me and you didn’t even appreciate the likeness. Still sore about it!
She got me to talk about you, too. But that’s not particularly difficult. What’s the opposite of a sore subject?
Varric’s the same as always, but he seems to feel the weight of Corypheus too. I know I shouldn’t tell him to back off, but come on. That’s my burden! The blood of my father trumps being the guy who came along, in my most expert of books. He’s also in trouble with a seeker here for hiding me for so long. Well. I suppose I’ll take a punch for him, if it comes down to it. Even though he didn’t tell me that CULLEN is a COMMANDER in the INQUISITION!
I couldn’t believe it either! They let him within an egg’s throw of command again? But alas. It’s just like old times, only instead of staring in judgment across the gallows it’s across fields of burly men, or a particularly robust table.
There hasn’t been much action yet, though we’ve gone to see our warden friend. I suppose there’s more than corruption in the ranks, if Corypheus has anything to say about it. I can only be glad Carver’s still in Highever.
Blood magic’s abound, there’s a Tevinter altus (as he so insists) trouncing about the library, and I can’t step three times in any direction without knocking into a templar. But as much as I’m glad you aren’t having to deal with this, I do wish you were here. I miss you more than I can say. Maybe that’s selfish of me. Sorry. You can be cross with me about it when I get back.
I love you! I hope you’re doing well. I always hope you’re doing well.
Don’t forget to walk the dog! I wouldn’t mind if you killed a couple of snakes in my honor, if you’re already at it.
All my love
I’d have given anything to not have to send you this letter. I’d have given anything to send him back home to you. But there was no fighting this. Fighting him.
Hawke is gone.
We were fighting something impossible. The fight had dragged us into the Fade, and that’s where we left him. We couldn’t go back. You know I would have if I could. I’d have been lost right along with him if the rift hadn’t closed behind us.
He slipped from my grasp, gone before I could do anything. The Inquisitor says he stayed behind to save her, shoved her through so she couldn’t even look back, and stayed to fight on his own. He liked her well enough. They got on like a house on fire. Maybe he thought it was something we would have been proud of him for. I’d just have wanted him alive. I know you do too.
He was staying in one of the rooms and I found a note on top of the mess he’d made of his desk. It doesn’t say it, but I know it’s for you. He was wearing his token, though, so I can’t send it with you.
I’m sorry.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to throw this away, or it might be some sort of something I bring with me when I come back home. A reminder, maybe, of how much I wish I was there with you. Something to knock me over the head with if I ever decide to leave again. I still hope you never have to read it.
I’ll do anything I can to make it back, I’m not giving up. It just seems like this gets bigger and bigger in my head every day I’m here. You know I’ll throw my lot in with anything I believe in even if it gets me nowhere good. It got me you, though, so it can’t all turn out bad.
This might be the most important thing I’ve ever done, but right now all I can think of is you. I’m still sorry for leaving you, for hurting you and not letting you be with me. I’m also sorry for being glad you’re not here. That feels like the worst thing I’ve ever done, but I know I wouldn’t have been able to say goodbye to you to your face. And you deserve that, if you can’t have a promise kept.
I’m not sure I’ve ever told you how proud I am of you. You’ve been the strongest person I've known since I met you, and you knew my mother. It’s a pretty high bar. But you don’t have to be strong all the time. You can hate me, never want to think of me again, and I’ll still love you. My heart is still there with you whether you choose to bury it or not. I’m not sure I’ll ever live up to how I wish I could love you, but I love you all the same. I still turn to tell you when you’re not here.
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more ffxvi liveblogging spoilers!
oh no clive is getting inspired by cid's ideals and believing in them. cid is so dead! one he has no more narrative worth and nothing more to teach clive its game over for him.
xvi is pulling a fe gaiden learn to live without the gods. learn to use agriculture to grow your own food. clive you fool you should absolutely be asking for more concrete proof and then look to get it independently verified that the mothercrystals are destroying the world before just taking someone's word.
ffxvi is really good at making sidequests that i don't want to do.
if moore and sabreque hate masterless branded so much than that arrangement with jill would have worked better than clive running around on his own.
i does bear saying that bearers in sabreque and rosaria at least, are slaves. to the bought, sold, and commanded as their masters see fit. like in rosaria any masterless bearer's ownership defaulted to the state.
there's something to be said about how... clique-y? or maybe just xenophobic everyone is. clive is soooo lucky that he's got friends of friends of friends who all want to help him and let him into the network. he's out here collecting pokemon badges and those badges really do make the difference between night and day. clive would have gotten no where without cid and his network or network of favors. part of it in probably everyone hates bearers but im starting to think most people hate outsiders in general. local politics (the tokens) are more powerful than bigotry against bearers,
wandering around sabreque, keeping the imperial armor could have come in handy.
"The way I understood it is that magic requires the user to draw upon ambient aether, either through a crystal or innately (Bearers/Dominants). Since the Deadlands are bereft of aether, there’s nothing to draw upon = no magic." (StickyBarb). Hmm that would mean all Dominants are Bearers, they simply aren't branded as such because Bearer is a political/class term and Dominants are too useful. Still doesn't quite explain Clive since no one knew he was Ifrit's Dominant.
why do i get the feeling this whole destroy the mothercrystal terrorist act is going to go poorly. wait that white on cid's arm is he turning to stone.
aetherflood/poisoning might not harm you dominants but what about torgal? more fuel to the magic dog fire i guess.
just like the ancient technology the only thing that can destroy the mother crystal is eikon power. the fallen, the mural at the phoenix gate sanctum apoca....thy??, the eikons, the wraiths, the mothercrystals, the game is telling us that it is all connected.
i was just thinking its rare that videogames have something beautiful be bad and that could be an interesting take. but also what if cid got it all wrong. what if the mothercrystals were channeling aether to seal something much worse and we just broke that seal. maybe whoever is trapped is trying to use clive. speculation on my part but theory crafting is half the fun
ok evil ancient civilization got sealed away by the mothercrystals and is trying to posses clive to get out. typhon fight was pretty cool best typhon yet.
how convenient that clive in unconscious when joshua shows up. joshua seriously on some main character quest to save the world. goes and seals the big bad evil inside himself. goddam. i'd say a normal person would get crushed by rubble but none of the other stuff killed him so who knows.
hmm i think you guys might have caused the collapse of a nation. with sabreque weakened dhalmek or woelod are just going to invade and i'll be more of the same. that plan of your only work if you destroy all of the mothercrystals in tandem thus maintaining the balance of power and political stability. when a regime collapse, even a corrupt bad one things usually get worse as local warlords and gangs move in. well actually dhalmek is a republic not a theocracy so at least there's that.
yup clive takes up cid's mantle
doing timeskips is fine but you have to make them count and so far im not convinced of either of the timeskips. it doesn't feel 13 years and it doesn't feel 5 years. i could have easily been 8 years and 2 years and would have been just as believable.
oh right sabreque took the crystal dominion. dhalmek's not going to be happy about that.
deus ex fortune 500 uncle. clive its rather rude to not visit your uncle for 18 years or at least let him know that you are alive and only show up when you need a favor. very rude.
mark of the guardians. sounds like a great way for the cops to identify you. wade is right though, old soldiers, its been 18 years. any of the original shields are at least in their 40s.
what annoys me is that even before the timeskip all the villagers were talking about how the imperials were coming after the bearers, all while hideout was talking about needing people. and well titan crushed the place but now its the exact same thing. there's a place for them to go so why doesn't clive talk with wade about getting these people out of rosaria.
hmm 20 years since rosaria fell. i stand by what i said earlier it doesn't feel that long. clive still feels more like 30 than 35
jill's killing the pope. hell yeah.
you'd think with the ifrit powers and the volcano aesthetic, clive would be resistant to heat and fire and lava
yeah its real fucking weird that jill didn't try and rescue these women she'd spent 13 years protecting. writer! why would you do this to her character. when introduced as shiva she reminded me of those bulls bounds in irons so strong that they no longer needed the physical ones. shiva could have killed the leadership at any time, she couldn't have killed all of them but she could have taken out a lot and she didn't because other's would have paid for her actions. that's her establishing character moment. but then the writers didn't do anything with that for 6 years.
what did joshua do? he raised his hand the lava went crazy and then a fire thing showed up to fight. wait no joshua took off the brown cloak, who was that.
oh he's still alive. go girl! go! kill him! kill him dead! woooooo!
mhmm the mothercrystals are definitely seals on ultima and for every one clive and jill break, a greater burden in placed on joshua who is using his body as a seal.
20 years and Anabella looks exactly the same. I'm surprised that son isn't older, like he looks 10. you're telling me Anabella didn't immediately jump the emperor but waited 9 years. I heard speculation at the beginning that Anabella isn't actually Clive's biological mother (well she's not an actual mother either) or that there's some sort of hereditary drama with the Rosfields given how much Clive doesn't look like Anabella and how much Joshua doesn't look like Elwin, and also how young Anabella looked when Clive was 15 but that could also just be the jrpg thing you can never tell. … did old man Elwin Rosfield have Clive out of wedlock? would help explain why Anabella hated him so much, why she says his bloodline in filthy, and why she said something along the lines of that he's the son of a whore.
oh right jill is from the north lands essentially taken as a political hostage so that her family and the other northerners don't attack rosaria. weird how this isn't addressed either. like you'd expect her to idk have opinions or something on the people that ripped her away from her family even if the archduke treated her well.
vivian where were at the beginning of the game
kupo? hugo! invasion of rosalith, is this the first time clive has been back to his hometown?
and of course jill has to play damsel. she coudl have fought harder than that. blow them up.
thats a point for the magic dog hypothesis
i might be slow on this but maybe clive can't summon ifrit because joshua sealed ultima and ifrit is tied to ultima. but clive also still has ifrit's combat abilities which is why i forgot he couldn't summon ifrit because he only couldn't use that power in cutscenes.
mythos. clive's head voice/ultima/hooded man also called him that. and i think that was the man from the opening round table. one of ... waloed's. a normal man would die of bloodloss from having his hands cut off but hugo is a dominant, but i dont think he's getting those back.
in and out eh i guess we wont be having any revolutionary or nationalist sentiments today.
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nixalegos · 2 years
what is an action your muse regrets NOT taking?
"I should have been more forceful. I shouldn't have respected their damn privacy, their useless trepidations and simply made the Unwavering Eye when I had originally planned."
"Nearing the end of the Blood War, I had an idea for a device. Fel tomes often burn out the mind. Void ones shift in lies and madness. Holy Tomes are too literal and yet prosey. Arcane Tomes are, well. They're not easy reads. Right? And I thought to myself. All this cosmic bullshit is getting annoying. These are all expressions of the building blocks of the universe. All just magic. And magic is just language, notes of music in a song we need training to hear. How do I abuse one to get context on the other?"
"So I went and thought in a small controlled device, like a jewelers lens, I could layer the cosmic expressions on top of one another."
"I'd made contact with a shady Draenei, who was obviously Auchenai, or possibly Sargerei. The tattoos they had visible were hard to read...due to burn scars. But they assured me, they could do the impossible, and secure a pound of dirt from Nathreza. Now, obviously, we've the hindsight provided by the Shadowlands to throw that into doubt, but at the time, I, and most of the world, was under the impression the world was truly dead and gone thanks to the Illidari. This, I felt, was a substitution for the Arcane."
"Next, I sought the dead. The Scourge remnants weren't easy to find, so you can -really- imagine my surprise when Icecrown was swarming with Cult of the Damned neophytes down the line. But I had the phylactery of a lesser Lich who'd returned to the glass three times. Taken as a prize by rite of conquest. Thrice had they stolen the song of life to the bottle. Thrice seen glimpses of the other side. You're not going to find much more in tune with death then that."
"The Light was going to be difficult, I didn't want some random paladin or priest doing some blessings and calling it a day. All the materials had to be equal. We've seen what happens with cosmically opposed forces rub against each other wrong. And I thought. Church glass. The Cathedral of Light of Stormwind. Now there was glass who'd been brushed by the prayers of hundreds of thousands of believers for years. I only needed a half panel of it. So I sought to contact the best thief I knew at the time...That's when things started to go wrong."
"The Void wasn't the issue, Void was bloody everywhere at the end of the conflict, you couldn't take two steps outside without stumbling over someone using corruptive armor and weapons then. I'd hired an Illidari to hunt a greater void beast who depended on foresight magics, and rip the chitinous face plate it uses for a face back as proof of the deed. I was going to crush the mask to a fine paste, and use the carbon it's built out of to make glass. They killed the damn monster, and then NEVER DELIVERED THE MASK."
"The rogue, ghosted on me. The Illidari threw a hissy fit like a petulant child. The draenei refused to deal until I could confirm I had enough other pieces to show I was in fact a serious player with might behind them, after two weeks past of my prying and poking for -some- sort of resolution, boom. Now my contact with them was dead, all their limbs and throat ripped out. Suspecting a double cross I raised their body, had them guide me to where they'd been actually murdered, and lo and behold. My supplier, now also dead and completely desecrated, their secrets taken with them."
"I still hadn't gotten a line of the Life domain, but after having to deal with a flippant half mad Pandaren Jade conjurer with a drinking problem I said to the nether with it."
"Time passes, The Shadowlands in turmoil, yada yada....And what's this?"
"Zerith Mortis. The clockwork machine behind the engine of death. Proof the universe is of intelligent design, and that metaphysically, supposed to slot against its kin, a massive gear, turning in time with its equals."
"...Maybe my plan wouldn't have worked. Maybe sabotage or backstabbing would have befallen me, and the device would explode, or kill me, or a thousand other problems. But knowing I was right, that my thought about the truth of the universe years before proof was forced into our laps was RIGHT?"
"Who knows what we could have prevented or seen coming had we been able to use the device if it had worked..."
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Hitlers family was patriarchy hunter fam.
Hitler had illegit bebe (gerard) w french woman who was an argent during? End of? War
Gerard resented women being in charge over him.
Chris not vicious/bloodthirsty and brown haired.
Kate vicious/bloodthirsty n easily manipulated by daddy n blonde/blue eyed.
Didnt have much to do w allison cuz coloring and didnt display his desired vicious traits.
But was easily manipulated later so worthy of some time n attention when he had no kate. 
Gerard molested kate, turned her to pedo, groomed her
Talia--born 1960
Deaton--born 1963
Marin-- born 1975 (12 yrs after deaton)
I was thinking about your post with human papa Hale/Talia and it turned into a hc about them being the prototype sterek with Talia being this serious, regal alpha-in-the-making and this clumsy disaster of a human boy who's just a big ol' simp and was like "yeah I'm gonna marry that woman and take HER last name" idk i just had to share because your posts make my day
That is my exact hc for them XD Like, Derek takes after his mom in more than just looks, aight?
Papa Hale wasn't even human-but-slightly-to-the-left like Lydia or questionably magical like Stiles, he was literally just Some Dude. Considering the decade in which he and Talia met, he was probably a stoner who was too blazed to be bothered by his gf turning furry. First time he saw her shift, he was just like, "Neato!" And Talia immediately went, "This one and no other."
Cue Nana Hale's well-meant parental despair like, "You're turning down eight suitors from established packs for that?!" Like, no, mom, you don't understand, he said my beta shift was neat and called my eyes pretty, and he thinks it's cool I can pick him up, I want this one.
Obvi, he quit smoking once Laura happened, but even then, he's just Chill. He vibes with the weird. He's like Gomez Addams. His wife is the most awesome wonderful fantastic woman ever and the greatest Alpha and the bestest mom, and his kids are just as incredible as she is, I love them so much, wanna see pictures?
NEMETON: northern California, Greenland, western Europe, Egypt (or Sudan), China, and Siberia in 6x16 map. Greenland, northern Africa, Toulouse in France, Zhengzhou in China, Logashkino in Siberia, and Brasília in Brazil. 
NEMETON--Mikaelsons tree was also nemeton
Nemeton--both deaton and alex argent cut Nemeton down for money and power
Talia's dad fought Alexander at Nemeton n bit but died, making Talia alpha, leading to Deaton able to convince her that if Nemeton was healthy n not corrupted the hunter wouldn't have gotten that far
Alexander argent bitten May 3, 1977
NEMETON--Nemeton a branch of world tree
According to Chris Argent, a Nemeton is a sacred space used by Druids for various rituals.
He says druids picked a large, older tree in a grove to represent the center of the world.
Many believed that cutting or harming the "world tree" would bring severe problems like fires, plagues, strife, “death and destruction of all kinds” to surrounding villages. (Visionary)
Druid Emissary Alan Deaton explains that the power of the Nemeton is like a magnet that draws supernatural creatures to itself like a beacon. (Alpha Pact)
WOLF--Wolves connected to world trees per spellwork from beginning to allow werewolf and not just wolf
WOLF--Full shift wolf is sign of punishment. Spell allowing human shift removed. Most cases.
WOLF--Will eventually lead to all wolf all the time if issues not corrected
WOLF--Wolfs must protect nemeton
NEMETON--Nemton murdered when cut down
NEMETON--Spirit of murdered nemeton is The Hollow. Needs to be moved sometimes. Requires symbolic sacrifice.
NEMETON: the tree should have grown back. It was deliberately NOT ALLOWED to over the years as we see example of when sprout is snatched on screen
What if Weres also came about because some ppl were closer to their spirit animals more than others and they eventually got so good at connecting that they took on traits?
As generations happened, it was typical for similar spirit-bondeds to become partners/spouses/whatev AND each generation the newest youngsters took the basics from the previous generations and added to it. Expounded upon it until eventually it became a part of their genetics? Like evolution, sorta?? 
Moms carry higher percentage likelihood gonna be born a were than dads do. Like 75 to men's 50? Ish?
Laura--born 1984
Jackson's parents run off road by hunters?
He was human kid of weres?
Peter n the woman in car are bio parents?
Talia chose Malia's name and adoptive family on purpose.
(t)ALIA/(m)ALIA T(ate)
She left what she thought was a clever fucking clue.
Argent pendant is hexed/spelled to enhance natural allure to hide the intensifying and ever increasing corruption of the wearers psyche. A sometimes slow process, the speed at which the malicious infection grows within is dependent on the size of the wearers naturally occurring unhealthy darkness. Also enhances supes naturally occurring desire for wearer but only if supe already has desire for wearer.
Deucalion--took out his 1st pack when marin in last yr college
prompted her choice of councilor/therapist masters while he healed/built new pack
then he killed 2nd pack and is how became alpha of alphas
Gerard placed spell on Deucalion via neurotoxin delivery system that had side effect of blindness when mixed with mt ash
The Beacon Hills Nemeton remained dormant, powerless for many years until Derek Hale killed his high school girlfriend Paige among the tree's roots. This unintentional blood sacrifice powered the tree enough to allow Druid Emissary Julia Baccari to survive after being attacked and left for dead by Alpha Werewolf Kali. (The Overlooked)
Stiles had boa constrictor as pet (mom prolly encouraged/helped)
Stiles n rents til claudia dies. (Second grade ish.)
Noah drinks.
Coworkers get him to stop.
Scott n sm Roxie dog, attacked by rabid doberman.
Roxie died to protect. Bloody leash in hospital.
Asthma attack. Likely had allergies as kid n stressful attack caused. Once happens, avalanche.
Scott n rents til stairs. (Elementary school.)
Stiles knew, so was after met.
McCalls divorce.
Scott lives with rafe.
Stiles n Scott 'bffs'--on stiles' side at least.
Hale wards didn't work against kate n hunters n arson n ill intent. Why not? Deaton's greedy, skeevy butt
Deaton helped hunters at hale fire
Peter hit with spell (while in house as seen in flashbacks) that initiated w/fire and ended w fire
Kept prisoner in his own brain, occasional slip out to plot for survival, reminiscent of stiles while possessed
Puppeteered, not in control, not technically a wolf so is how escaped fire w/mt ash AND why healing didnt kick in
FIRE--Wolfsbane was used in fire and held back healing as well
FLARE--Laura n peter had disconnect b4 fire so easy/relief to abandon peter
PETER--Nurse jennifer was assigned as nurse but practiced magic.
She was Deatons student?
Got peter and started using to power spells because werewolf stamina/energy and connection to Nemeton via hale blood pact with land and tree.
Like a battery
Then spelled his healing to suuuper slow?
tho inhaled wolfabane and mt ash in burns didn't help him either
PETER--Nurse jennifer sold permission for hunters to come trophyphoto peter
Perhaps kept dosed w wolfsbane to slow healing as well. Just to be safe.
Julia baccari did deer spiral to set up her own chess board for revenge
Was still in area all that time, but had to recover and then rebuild magic and sacrifice enough for glamour, but couldn't do in BH or would possibly prevent alpha pack showing up
Deaton alerts laura
Argents arrive for move prep
Argents house hunted (lol even houses aren't safe fr yhem) n xferred Allison before winter break so could start 1st day back of spring semester
Peter kills laura, not cuts in half. Is hunter MO
Argents check out hale property just to be safe
Find female body with werewolf claw marks
Cut body in half to make sure wont yurn
Leave to get Allison n move in
Derek arrives in bh
Jogger finds laura
gogo teen wolf power on!
Scott bitten cuz smelled like stiles and was also connection yo stiles
Peter chose lydia for banshee AND connection to stiles
Explains peter offering stiles bite--was lucid moment
Stiles' spark would have burned away yhe strings/the spell
Derek loves 90's alternative
Tyler Lockwood and danny mahealani are cousins
Advanced healing: each healing causes weres to age more, hence satomi's age looking the same and Peter aging so much in 6 yrs and Derek getting older in first season.
Which goes with power thing for mothers per later discussed cuz Malia
Kids didn't hafta drown for LOCATION spell
Power of three blood locator spell woulda worked
Supes can find Nemeton in supe-skin
Juliadarach burned all of spell, n mt ash out of Deucalion
neurotoxin was long gone/was just delivery system anyways 
Noshiko was over 800 yrs old when summoned nogi
Knew better
Doubtful 1st time noshiko did this 
Wasn't 1st time loved in all that time
What if nogi was influencing things before he got loose?
Like how it seemed nemeton was reaching out for stiles.
Deaton and/or Talia's actions/inactions?
It mite explain why nemeton didnt grow until that one tiny sprout that was pulled.
Nogi draining the power reserves
Why was nogi phys form a housefly when is a fox? 
Only oni were lightning bugs (agents of order)
Nogi was oni and she took his spark with way she summoned him, so altered him (Agent of chaos)
It's why he was attracted to stiles
Stiles is Spark
He kept saying 'nevwr trust a fox'
He was never in fox form (sorta makes sense tho cuz inhabited a non-shifter body) or w fox aura
Maybe nogitsune's hungers are determined by those who call them.
Like noshiko called one for fear, chaos and pain.
Maybe someone else would call one for plague-like reasons.
Maybe one is more of a burn it all type.
Maybe the foxes that are called are determined by who calls them.
Not like kira who was born by human ways.
But like noshiko coulda been called down by someone who had lost a kid or had a bunch of miscarriages n wanted to have a child.
One they wouldn't have to fear losing to death
Thunder kitsune level under celestial but related cuz made w human 'lesser' being
If had made kitsune with other celestial, woulda been celestial kira
Sooo what IF... Nogi was seen differently/understood
Fox: mischievous n clever n playful trickster rite?
But even tho they say he was the absurd age he was...
They also said kiras mom made him or summoned him or whatever rite?
So what if the way he was back at the camp and as voidstiles wasn't his natural behavior??
Im seeing a couple possibilities. It could be the WAY she did whatever corrupted or cursed or altered him. (My fave theory so far)
Or she had summoned him one way at the camp, and he woulda been back to himself when released later but absorbed all the negative/polluted magic while trapped?
Maybe by accident or maybe someone set it up that way
And the way he reacted seems rather self protective and kinda pissed off at the hand hes dealt while infected with dirty magic?
Or negative magic that clouds his thoughts or whatev?
So maybe he was trying to keep stiles safe and whole in the only way he could, with that white room?Maybe he needed stiles to figure it out n fix it? Its not like deaton wouldve if he was a reason for it.
And maybe the ones he killed he saw something in them that needed to die? Either because they were bad/evil or because the negative magic felt a threat from something in them?
If it was that he got tainted with the icky magic, maybe thats deaton related?
Like deaton felt the magic/power at the nemeton n thot that's where it came from but he was using nogi as a filter?
Like laundering money but filtering n 'cleaning' magic?
The stump gained further power when Scott, Stiles Stilinski, and Allison Argent performed a druid ritual to locate their parents.
The three students' sacrificial "deaths" fully charged the Nemeton and it is now broadcasting at full power to all the supernatural elements within the Teen Wolf Universe.
In More Bad Than Good, someone pulls out a freshly grown piece of the tree which causes fireflies to form into humanoid beings.
Noshiko Yukimura reveals that the ritual done by Scott, Stiles, and Allison did to power up the Nemeton also released the Nogitsune she had imprisoned there. (The Fox and the Wolf) 
Noshiko lied about their deaths powering up Nemeton
Doesn't make sense, as doesn't seem to have gotten any more powerful
Dr. Valack also explained that recharging the Nemeton also brought the Dread Doctors to Beacon Hills.
The Triskelion Box: Wood cut from the tree and objects made of that wood still retain some of the Nemeton's power.
Deaton used wood from the Nemeton to fashion a wooden jar, a cylindrical box, to hold Talia Hale's claws.
further proof he murdered the nemeton for his own gain
If Nemeton had actually been corrupt/needed cut down (even for natural reasons such as rot-tho pretty sure magic would keep healthy), you would NOT make magic powerful containers from it
At some point after that, the box fell into the hands of The Calaveras.
Derek, Peter, and Braeden find it hidden in a large chest made of Mountain Ash and filled with sawdust from the same type tree.
It is clearly stored in such a way as to keep supernatural creatures out.
The top of the cylinder is decorated with a carving of the triskelion (or Triskele) symbol, a popular werewolf symbol.
Inside there are five circular recesses, at the time of its discovery each held a single werewolf claw. (More Bad Than Good)
The box seems designed to be used to apply the claws as well.
Each claw sits in its own recess and when Peter's hand is jammed inside - it lines up perfectly to embed the claws under his own.
Because of the residual power, the box is used to contain the Nogitsune spirit in its housefly form. (The Divine Move)
So noshiko appears young in glashbacks rite? Then older during the show.
Ppl seem to think its weird but i think its cuz she had kira.
Similar to malias bio mom, power or something supernatural happens when they give life to a new supernatural creature
Like injuries that age them
Noshiko a liar 'fox n wolf don't get along'
her bestie was satomi.
She's almost as old as nogi and yet thought she could be possessed?
but if cant possess a werewolf then he cant possess her cuz shes a fox
Doesn't make sense
Had to be a human or non-shift/non-animal supe.
She woulda known that if she knew enuf to summon him
An oni is a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. Oni are mostly known for their fierce and evil nature manifested in their propensity for murder and cannibalism. Notwithstanding their evil reputation, oni possess intriguingly complex aspects that cannot be brushed away simply as evil. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads.[2] Stereotypically, they are conceived of as red, blue, black, yellow, or white-colored, wearing loincloths of tiger pelt, and carrying iron kanabō clubs.[2] They are creatures which instill fear and feelings of danger due to their grotesque outward appearance, their wild and sometimes strange behavior and their powers.
They are predominantly male but can be female. Females becoming oni has been attributed to them being overcome with grief or jealousy.
Noshiko n nogi half siblings. He oni prince by parentage. She lesser creature by her parentage. But she has tails, able to call upon oni. Would know the secrets of how to steal his spark.
Plus why call specifically for possession of a 'demon'? Its not like she had never been in that type of sitch before in her almost 1000 yrs because humans are utter assholes.
And she didn't ever fall so hard in lurve before that at her age?
Also? Zero to defcon 100 million? Really?! 
Yes instinct is to survive, but human is supposed to only be a form she takes.
So she woulda been okay.
Plus, u dont automatically bring possession by a demon as ur go-to.
Oh and since she n satomi couldn't n didn't ward the Nogitsune, how did she know he was released?
Its not like the kitsunes are all magically lojacked to each other, which wouldn't matter anyway because he stayed in bh.
So did Deaton tell her he let him out?
Or did she realize how long he could be held for? 
His spark was dimmed n it brightened when he escaped?
Or it moved towards his direction?
And she was scared of him n scared to fight him. Why? Shes almost as old as him n they both in human form.
If u only have 9 tails and takes u more than 1000 yrs to get them (her box of tails only about half full) then why would u use up 2 at the beginning of a problem, especially to only get 4 oni
Plus the fact that all other kitsune seem to be both good n bad, so why wouldn't nogi?
There cant be a purely bad entity without there being a totally good entity.
Nature (even supernatural) doesn't work that way.
There is a balance.
Equal and opposite.
And we only have HER word she is celestial/heaven kitsune, which humans equate to good.
She didn't display much good tho soooo...
Claudia had magic
Her FTD a result of being born or newborn when Nemeton cut down?
1977 when cut down
Sheriff did 2 tours n was army ranger? I think?
They say his bday 65/75
1965 would mean he was 11 or 12 yrs older than her, but he seems guy who would've waited yo be older n settled before marriage/kids
Also works with the abuse he suffered. Lots of abused don't want kids or not sure they do
Def went to college after army tho
Is where/when met Claudia
She woulda been legal (if barely) when she n sheriff met n married
Then 26 when died, when stiles 7? 8?
It reached out and her gift activated
But it also damaged her n caused FTD or what looked like it. Whichever.
Maybe her power was linked to it? 
OR, when we think of how the nemeton reached out for stiles, it reached out for claudia, and in draining her magic or tainting her magic somehow (maybe because she didnt know she had magic) thems the results.
Claudia's "disease" and then death, and then the fire.
Would also explain why sheriff (deputy at the time)wouldn't look into fire further. Distracted by grief n drowning his sorrows
Unfortunately, FTD is also associated with a shorter lifespan. Average life expectancy is 7 to 13 years after the start of symptoms.
So its likely she already had symptoms when they met n he just thought of as quirks or never actually realized the difference cuz didn't know her before symptoms
According to the Sheriff in Alpha Pact, she died 8 years ago.
According to the file seen in Silverfinger, she died in 2004.
These two combined don't match up with the fact that it was still the autumn of 2011 in Beacon Hills when this information was provided.
If she had died at midnight on January 1st 2004 it would be just 7 years, 9 months at the time the Sheriff was talking to Melissa McCall and Chris Argent under the Nemeton.
+++(altho maybe sheriff rounded the time up, and maybe is why stiles was so eager to go out n look for body that night...was around that time)
We’re going with Claudia’s death happening roughly seven years before the events of Season 3, placing it sometime in 2004.
She died after suffering from frontotemporal dementia.
According to the Sheriff in Alpha Pact, she was hospitalized and Stiles was with her when she died.
According to the file seen in Silverfinger, she was suffering symptoms similar to those her son was experiencing during the first half of Season 3(b).
In Riddled - Stiles explains that she suffered from frontotemporal dementia, a shrinkage of the brain that leads to dementia and death.
If noah conjured claudia, does mean he has magic too?
Just unaware?
Maybe is part of reason his dad was alcoholic too? Magic they didn't know about n it had negative effects
Would also explain stiles' adhd if wanted to
Natalie (Lydia's mom) n Claudia bffs in school?
Claudia Gajos, the daughter of Mieczysław Gajos and an unnamed mother, who attended Beacon Hills High School in the same class as Natalie Martin. ("Relics")
She met Noah Stilinski and was engaged to him while they were still in college.
In 1995, they gave birth to a son, named after her own father and nicknamed Stiles after Stilinski's father, Elias Stilinski. ("Sundowning")
However, in 2003, Claudia was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, a fatal disease that caused her perception of reality deteriorate rapidly.
She soon began suffering from insomnia, an inability to distinguish dreams from reality, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, irritability, and paranoia.
STILES--Claudia had gift.
Got sick, still got visions.
Saw stiles as nogitsune in future.
Is also why didn't always recognize him
This put a great deal of strain on both Claudia herself and her husband and son, especially when the dementia caused her to believe Stiles was trying to kill her. ("Required Reading")
What if claudia n the sheriff weren't on best of terms?
FTD has early symptoms years ahead of diagnosis rite?
And they are often wrongly called by other names til eventually they figure it out.
It can be pure forgetfulness, which can be a hundred tiny annoyances piling up.
Mood swings which are annoying and stressful.
And lead yo a diagnosis of bipolar, which is SO OFTEN a death knell for a relationship.
So it makes sense stiles was only kid.
Besides the fact that it turns out folks with higher iq scores tend to have fewer kids
Makes sense for them to have had him 1st and then all this comes more and more prevalent b4 they r ready to have 2nd, if theyd wanted. Which i kinda feel they wouldve.
So maybe they were on the outs, maybe considering splitting, maybe just going thru several rough times. Whatev. I mean, stiles doesn't get his ignore prob yil goes away from nobody.
And noah didn't go yo hospital when he was told to. Yeah, maybe he coulda pushed it away or vlown it off, but he also would've likely accepted it as a possibility and reacted, especially when his reaction to supernatural reveal is considered. 
It would also be another reason he would hit the bottle so hard.
Anger n guilt n frustration, along with grief n love.
All of that is more than enuf to drown out his kids needs.
Plus hes such a reminder.
Especially if he had found solace in the rough times by working more. So it had already become a coping mechanism.
She ended up dying in 2004 with her young son Stiles at her bedside while her husband, Stilinski, was dealing with a car accident victim at work; though the victim, a Banshee, warned Noah that he needed to leave right then if he wanted to be with her when she passed, he was a skeptic about the supernatural at this time and guessed that she was just delirious.
When he returned to the hospital, he found Stiles sitting in the hallway with his face in his hands, indicating that Claudia had in face died while he was at the crash site, just as the Banshee had predicted. ("Alpha Pact")
Stiles was 8 when she died
That hallucination of him accusing stiles coulda been all made up by stiles being so young n all the feels involved.
Or something that happened where Sheriff misplaced the blame he felt onto stiles cuz he couldn't face his own overwhelming feels.
Or a combo of the two.
It could explain why took him so long to move on. Also why he froze everything pertaining to claudia. Also why he holds her as perfect, tho she wasn't. 
Stiles would've seen her as a little kid sees their parent. Perfect and amazing. So not reliable.
And that sheriff had that version of claudia dreamed up when stiles was forgotten?
Especially when u remember most ppl r not perfect, even when they r dead n u dont wanna talk smack about em or u miss em.
Magic Stiles:
They let him play with mountain ash one (1) time and then DROPPED IT AND I'M SO SALTY.
Cuz he showed up WEREWOLVES by being cooler and more badass than they were when he was "just" a human. Now he can flex a magical Spark muscle based on *belief*?! Yeah, naw. They could not allow that to be followed through because obviously Stiles would have whooped the ass of whatever stupidfuck monster came by to fuck with HIS pack and HIS town... aaannnddd stoopid-dead-but-dont-know-it-yet said *what* about his boo and his dad? Smirking Stiles has 2 words for you: "Let's play." After all, have baseball bat and attitude, will travel.
Let's face some reality. Stiles believes he can protect all these supernats he has claimed as his...and He Does. He believes he can surpass human requirements for sleep and caffeine and superbraining with his fuckton sexy brain...and. He. DOES.
Do not doubt the Stiles. The writers Knew. Stiles woulda whipped the monsters and the town and the nemeton and the werewolves into shape and Derek woulda had no choice but to be Even More Blatant about his desperate NEED for some Stiles-lurve. God damn but I miss what an amazing damned show that would've been.
Stiles: This character is a f*king angel.
Sometimes comforting.
Sometimes protective.
Sometimes avenging.
Always beautiful.
Always luminous.
Always knows how to save your ass after he leads you to temptation.
Built completely out of "you may not understand my morals, but if you are Mine, you will always benefit from them."
Stiles is the person who will stand up to derek and argue and then immediately turn around and fling himself in front of the wolf without hesitation to save him
Also: i know what the stiles triplets would be nicknamed. Mischief menace n trouble
Further proof stiles is a supe? When he was forgotten he and peter and 1 other person (prolly another supe) weren't mindless zombies like everyone else
Paige n stiles related? Via Claudia? A cousin? Paige supe is why rejected?
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legends-of-time · 7 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 32: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part One
Amelia's POV
Amelia and Morgana end up staying with Morgause for a whole year. Amelia's eldest half-sister played the whole it's not just Uther that is the enemy but everyone is in Camelot. While Amelia was still angry at Uther, she can't bring herself to see those she cares about in Camelot as the enemy. But no matter what Amelia did, Morgana seemed to become more and more corrupt and angry.
Morgause never told them that she was the one that put the spell on Amelia, which meant Merlin had to poison her to wake everyone up. She would tell Amelia and Morgana that he knew how much she cared for them and did it to get at her. Amelia would try to defend Merlin when she and Morgana would be left alone but she never seemed to listen. It was always one step forward and two steps back. It hurt Amelia to see her sister so angry and vengeful.
Morgause would teach them more spells to help them develop their magic but it was all dark. Amelia had the memory of Anne and Merlin to keep her going and not fall into this mess. There was one time that Morgause taught them a spell that choked this poor prisoner and Amelia ended up running to her room, crying, at the end of it.
That wasn't the end of the trauma.
Screams pierce Amelia's ears from the small room that she has in the abandoned Castle. Morgause, Morgana, and Amelia never stay in one place for too long in fear of Camelot's patrols finding them, but Morgause has decided to stay at this place for a couple of weeks. While Amelia is happy with a break from travelling, she isn't happy that it means torturing some poor souls.
Amelia is trying to focus on the book that Morgause had gotten for her when she realised that Amelia likes to read, but all the thoughts that are filling her mind are the suffering she's overhearing. Amelia tries to ignore it at first by blocking the gaps in the door, moving to a different room on the opposite side of the Castle or using her bedsheets and pillow to block out the noise, even covering her ears but the screams are too loud. Every instinct within Amelia wants to go and help those men, but the worry of what Morgause might do to her if she finds out Amelia is a 'traitor', sister or not, stops her.
It eventually stops. Amelia hears the door open and sees Morgause entering the room.
"Yes, sister?" Amelia asks though she doesn't like calling this woman her sister.
Morgause smiles and leans over, kissing her on the cheek. "I was thinking we should have chicken tonight if that pleases you sister then we'll continue our lessons after."
"That sounds lovely," Amelia replies as if the past few hours had not traumatised her and the idea of these lessons don't scare her.
"I'll go ask Morgana." Morgause squeezes Amelia's hand and moves to leave.
Amelia's curiosity gets the better of her, and before she can stop herself, she asks, "How much longer until you're finished with your captured men?"
Morgause turns around, a slightly puzzled look on her face.
Amelia quickly shakes her head. "It's just... the screams..."
Morgause nods in understanding. "They are quite bothersome, aren't they?"
That wouldn't be how Amelia would describe it but she smiles and nods.
"Do not fret, sister," Morgause reassures her. "Their screams will not last much longer, as they will no longer have a life to scream and beg for."
Amelia waits until Morgause is gone and has shut the door behind her to let her face drop. Amelia presses her face into her hands and silently mourns the deaths that are about to happen.
Maybe ten minutes later, the screaming starts again.
Morgause would tell them more about her origins. She explains that their mother had an affair with a local blacksmith when she was engaged to some great noble but she fell pregnant, which broke it off. After giving birth to Morgause and pretending she was dead after giving her away was when their mother met Gorlois.
After a year had passed, Morgause decided it was time for them to return. For them to seamlessly go back to Camelot without suspicion, Morgause sets up a scenario that keeps up the idea that Amelia and Morgana had been kidnapped. Morgause had left a trail for Camelot search parties to find and once they reach the planned 'abandoned' camp, bandits would leap out and attack. Once the battle is over, Morgana and Amelia will make their entrance.
They wait in the distance and Amelia can hear the battle playing out. Amelia and Morgana had helped each other to look like they had been through hell as much as they can to sell the story. Amelia does not like this ploy but she's desperate to get home.
The battle is won by the Camelot party and Morgana and Amelia step forward through the fog. They stumble out of the fog to find Camelot Guards and Knights with Arthur and Merlin in the middle. All look shocked.
"Morgana. Amelia." Arthur gasps.
Amelia can't talk with Merlin about everything and Morgana and Morgause's plan with Morgana there as they all travel back to Camelot. She shares a horse with one of the Knights but drifts off on the way and wakes once again in her Chambers in Camelot in bed. Gaius and Anne walk in and she tries to sit up.
"No, no. Please sit." He says. He sits on her bed and begins to check her. After a few moments, he speaks, "You need to rest."
"I'll stay with her," Anne says.
"Where's Morgana?" Amelia asks sleepily.
"In her room. I must check on her." Gaius tells her. "Rest and I'll return when you have woken."
Amelia nods and watches him leave. Once he's gone, Anne flings herself on top of Amelia.
"Uh, Anne?" Amelia gasps.
"Oh, sorry, sorry. I am just so happy to see you back." Anne cries joyfully as she wipes the tears from her cheeks.
Amelia laughs. Oh, had she missed her. "I am happy to see you as well Anne." Anne smiles and steps away. "Wait."
"You need to rest. Do not worry, I'll just grab something but I'll be back." Anne reassures.
"No, it's not that. There's something I need to tell you." Amelia tells her.
Anne looks worried but nods.
Anne's POV
Anne leaves Amelia's Chambers feeling happy but also anxious as she walks hurriedly to Gaius' Chambers.
"She knows I tried to poison her; she knows that." Anne hears Merlin says as she nears the door. She opens it and the two in the Chambers turn to her in panic, probably wondering who had walked in and what they overheard, but they relax once they realise it's her.
"What's happening?" She asks.
"Merlin is worried about what Amelia will say about him poisoning her." Gaius answers.
"You had no choice, Merlin," Anne says, placing a reassuring hand on his arm and he relaxes under her touch. "Camelot was dying. Amelia was the source of the enchantment. Either you poisoned her, or the Kingdom fell. Amelia will understand that if she does not already."
"How do you know? We do not know what happened in the past year. She could hate me and will tell Uther that I tried to kill her, nothing else." Merlin argues.
"We can't be sure, Merlin," Gaius admits.
"She did say she wants to tell me something," Anne tells them.
Merlin looks at her in alarm. "Well, that just seals the deal! Can you think what Uther will do to me?!"
"You are being drastic," Anne says.
"Let's just wait and see what tomorrow brings," Gaius adds.
Gaius walks away and Anne turns to Merlin. "It'll be okay." He gives her a warm look. She wants to kiss him again but can't with Gaius watching so she settles for a kiss on the cheek. She hopes they'll be able to catch a moment alone soon but that is unlikely as Anne will be busy with Amelia and Merlin will go back to his usual routine, which is always busy.
Amelia's POV
Amelia wakes the next morning and Anne brings her breakfast. Amelia is working up the courage to tell Anne anything when there's a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Amelia can hear a bit of irritation in her voice.
"It's Arthur." Comes the reply. Arthur! Oh, how she has missed him!
"Come in." Arthur walks in and Amelia goes to stand from her bed.
"No, no. Sit." Arthur says hurriedly causing Amelia to roll her eyes at him. He nods to Anne, who picks up the breakfast tray and leaves. Amelia moves to sit on the edge of the bed and Arthur joins her, wrapping her in a tight hug.
"I'm happy to see you," Amelia says happily.
"As am I to see you," Arthur replies, pulling back. "Can I ask what happened?"
Amelia swallows uncomfortably. Here come the lies that will sell the plot. Arthur misunderstands the discomfort.
"You do not have to." He speaks.
Amelia shakes her head. "No, I want to." She pauses. "Morgana and I were kept in a Cell for almost a year. I thought I'd go mad if it were not for Morgana. We kept each other sane."
"How did you two escape?"
"They moved us about a week ago. I don't know why. It may have been the patrol from Camelot. I do not know." Amelia answers.
"The patrol found you?" Arthur asks.
Amelia nods tearfully, which isn't a complete lie. She does feel tearful and wishes that someone had found them. "We thought we were going to be free. But then we saw them killed. Every one of them cut down. But that night, the bandits were distracted by their spoils. We took our chance because who knew how much longer we would have been captive. When I saw you and Merlin, I couldn't believe it."
She sucks in a breath as if she's about to cry. Amelia doesn't like lying to Arthur like this but she knows she has to do that to stop Morgana and Morgause. Arthur leans forward and they share a hug. Amelia squeezes her eyes tightly to stop the tears as she clings to the man she sees as her brother and technically her unknowing biological first cousin considering their mothers were sisters. When she opens them, she sees Merlin lingering by the door behind them. Arthur and Amelia pull away.
"I think I need to rest." She speaks. Amelia wants Arthur gone so she can properly talk to Merlin, to tell him she's not angry with him.
"Everything's going to be alright," Arthur tells her, drawing Amelia's attention. "You're safe now." Amelia nods and gives him a watery smile. She's not sure whether to believe his words or not. Arthur gets up and leaves. Merlin begins to follow him.
"Merlin," Amelia calls out. He pauses at the door. "I want to speak to you." Merlin tentatively looks at her. "I know what you did. You tried to poison me."
Merlin swallows nervously. "I didn't want to."
Amelia gives him a small smile. "It's alright, Merlin. I understand. You were just trying to protect your friends; I would have done the same."
"Really?" Merlin gasps, as if unsure of the validity of her words.
"Of course," Amelia says. "You were in a difficult situation with very few options, but I do wish you had spoken to me about it. I would've understood. I am so sorry about my behaviour, Merlin. I don't think I really understood what I was doing, but you must understand how much I regret everything that I've done. I just...hope that you can forgive me?" Her voice breaks off as she tearfully looks at him.
"I am so sorry for everything you've been through. It's good to have you back." Merlin gives her a warm smile.
Amelia beams as she relaxes. "Thank you, Merlin. There's so much to talk about."
"Yes, of course, soon, but I need to go. Got things to do. You know what Arthur is like."
Amelia laughs though she's annoyed. "We'll have to talk later." Merlin nods and leaves.
Amelia loses another chance to talk to Anne when Morgana interrupts them when Anne is dressing Amelia so that they can go together to see Uther. Amelia grimaces at the thought of the performance she has to put on for that man. Unknown to Morgana, it's the only time where Amelia actually has to act like she's enjoying someone from Camelot's company. They had to go and greet him as they have to keep up pretences and fulfil Morgause's plan.
The doors to the Throne room open and Amelia and Morgana walk toward the dais where Sir Leon is giving Uther his report.
"The grain stores are running low, but we're expecting supplies from the northern borders before the end of the week..."
Amelia sees the moment Uther notices them because he lazily looks up and then suddenly straightens. "That's enough. Leave us." He dismisses. Amelia and Morgana continue walking calmly as people in the room pass them to walk out of the room. Soon Uther can't help himself and instead of walking, he begins rushing to meet them. He embraces them with tears of joy, which is what they need. Morgana laughs a little through her fake tears and wipes his tears away with a handkerchief.
"Look at the two of you." Uther sighs as he tries to stop crying. He keeps an arm around each of them. "You should sit." He pulls away but Amelia stops him.
"No, no." She says, giving him a smile through her fake tears. "If I sit for another minute, I'll go insane." Uther and Morgana chuckle tearfully.
"It's all we have been doing for the past year. Sit. And pray that you hadn't given up on us." Morgana continues. She reaches out and squeezes Amelia's hand and Amelia returns it.
"Never." He's slightly choked as he gives a kiss to each of their foreheads.
"I don't know why. I wouldn't blame you." Amelia replies. "You've done more for us than any guardian."
"You've always cared for us, loved us like we were your own daughters," Morgana adds. "And yet we've insulted you, defied you, hurt you."
"I don't know why you put up with us." Amelia jokes. They all chuckle.
"But we promise," Morgana begins, 'sobering up', "in the future I will show you the love and respect that you deserve." Amelia nods in agreement, she's beginning to feel uncomfortable. She looks at Morgana, trying to signal to her that she wants to leave. Morgana seems to have noticed and gives a slight nod. They both kiss Uther on his cheeks.
"We will leave you to your Council," Amelia says. They turn, taking each other's hand and walk away. Amelia's face drops to a blank one while Morgana begins smirking as she clutches the handkerchief in her hand tightly.
That night Amelia and Morgana leave the Castle and ride to a Cave guarded by the Bloodguard.
Amelia looks cautiously around the room. There's a bubbling cauldron in the middle and if Amelia wasn't freaking out internally, she would've laughed at it, maybe have done a cackle. Her attention diverts when she hears footsteps and her eyes land on Morgause, who had emerged and stands before them. As she takes in the sight of her eldest half-sister, Amelia knows she doesn't feel any loyalty, love or trust for her. Not like she does with Morgana. Or maybe she should say used to? Amelia is unsure.
"My sisters. How have you fared?" Morgause greets. Morgana begins to smirk and Amelia quickly does the same, falling into a performance she has perfected over the many months she has spent with her sisters.
"Camelot has welcomed back its daughters with open arms," Morgana reports as she pulls off her hood. Amelia does the same.
"Uther does not suspect?" Morgause asks as she takes their hands.
"He laps up our lies like the snivelling dog that he is." Morgana bites.
"And the boy?" Morgause asks, looking over at Amelia.
"Merlin?" Amelia asks, forcing herself to put a disgusted look on her face at the mere mention of his name. "He believes that nothing is wrong."
"Speaking of." Morgana interrupts as she reaches up and holds out the cloth with Uther's tears to Morgause.
"You've done well." Morgause praises them. Morgause holds up the tissue and stares at it. "The tears of Uther Pendragon have only begun to fall." She drops the handkerchief with Uther's tears into a giant cauldron filled with boiling mud, the previously yellow cloth sinking deep into the brown liquid. Morgana and Amelia watch as Morgause grabs a rather large, rather funny looking root, and drops it into the cauldron after the napkin.
As soon as it starts to sink in, a piercing scream invades Amelia's ears, and she flinches and instinctively puts a hand to her head to try and stop the screaming. One glance at Morgana confirms that she had heard it too. She looks just as befuddled as Amelia feels.
Morgause, however, is smiling away happily. "The Mandrake root is very special. Only those with magic can hear its cries. But for those without magic," Morgause begins to stir the liquid inside of the pot, "the magic pierces the very recesses of the soul, twisting the unconscious into the very image of fear and dread. Uther Pendragon will find that his great Kingdom counts for nothing when he has lost his mind." Amelia has no choice but to smile evilly, as does Morgana, though she can't help but feel slightly pleased with some of the plan.
"Mid þæm wundorcræft þæs ealdan æwþ ic þe hate nime Utheres wopdropan ond þa gemengan mid his blod. Sy he under wittig ond deofol seocnes his heorte afylþ." Morgause's eyes glow.
When she is finished, she reaches in and grabs the now covered in brown mulch Mandrake root, before handing it to Amelia, who cringes at how it feels. Morgause begins to explain the plan with what to do with the Mandrake to them.
So as to keep up pretences, Amelia helps Morgana place the Mandrake root under Uther's bed.
Amelia finally finds the chance to tell Anne what's going on the next morning. It all just spills out of her and Anne gapes at her in shock.
"We must get rid of the Mandrake root!"
"No!" Amelia exclaims before dialling down her voice at Anne's surprised face. "Uh, um, I mean no we cannot, it'll raise Morgana and Morgause's suspicions. We need to be more subtle about this. We need Merlin and Gaius on our side." Plus, the fact that Amelia wants to see Uther suffer a bit though hopes it'll be stopped before the Kingdom falls.
Anne nods in understanding. "You are right, of course." She then begins chewing her lip nervously.
Amelia narrows her eyes at her. "Anne... what's going on with you?"
"Well, I um, speaking of Merlin. He- I, uh, we might be or are a thing." Anne stumbles.
Amelia raises an eyebrow. "A thing?"
"A thing," Anne confirms.
"As in I like you, like you, let's kiss sort of thing?"
Anne blushes and looks down. "Maybe."
Amelia blinks in shock though she knows she really shouldn't as there had been something between the two of them for a while. "Wow, Anne. I, uh, congratulations!"
"Thank you." Anne smiles giddily to herself.
Amelia smirks at the sight of her. "It's adorable."
"Amelia!" Anne's face now resembles a tomato. Amelia laughs.
Amelia doesn't get to talk to Merlin all day, as he is far too busy with Arthur now that they were back to their regularly scheduled days because Morgana and Amelia had been 'found', and she is dying to catch even a second alone with him so she could spill the beans and he could go and tell Gaius the two of them would help Uther. Anne couldn't get him alone either as the preparation for the feast brings extra work and the two of them can't raise Morgana's suspicions. Can't be a good double agent if you expose that you are one.
All this intense pressure on her shoulders was exactly what was keeping her from enjoying the feast in the Banquet Hall to celebrate her and Morgana's return.
Uther stands to speak. "Standing here, seeing so many happy faces, seems almost like a dream. I can tell you, I have not felt like this in a long time."
"What, drunk?" Arthur jokes causing everyone to laugh and Amelia can't help but join in a bit.
"Drunk with happiness." Uther corrects as he swats his son with a napkin. "I would have searched the entire world, the seas, the skies, the stars, for those smiles." He gestures to Morgana and Amelia. Uther's tearful performance almost makes her waver but Amelia strengthens her resolve and puts on an adoring smile as does Morgana. This is one thing the two agree on, not liking Uther. "To have them stolen from me was like a blade to my heart. Amelia, Morgana, there are no words. You both mean more to me than you will ever know. To the Lady Morgana and the Lady Amelia." Uther holds up his glass to them.
"To the Lady Morgana and the Lady Amelia." The Court follows suit, raising their own drinks. Morgana and Amelia both stand to receive a hug from Uther. Amelia's face drops a bit once her face is over his shoulder.
Uther pulls away and stumbles. Amelia puts out her arms as if to catch him but he does it himself. "I need some air." Uther leaves the room. Amelia feels satisfied that the effects of the root should be taking effect soon.
Soon a Guard is whispering in Arthur's ear and he leaves the room with Morgana and Amelia hurrying after him. They find Uther outside curled up in the foetal position and rocking back and forth. Arthur and Merlin get him back to his Chambers. Amelia quickly pulls back the bedsheets as Uther is deposited on the bed.
"Careful." Morgana urges, her voice filled with fake worry. Amelia tries to look anxious and worried though seeing the genuine thing on Arthur's face helps as she genuinely feels bad for him. "Is he going to be alright?" Amelia and Morgana tuck Uther in.
"He should sleep 'til morning," Gaius suggests.
Morgana turns back to Uther to keep up the performance, as the others are still in the room as they leave, she grabs his hand and places a kiss on it. Amelia has to give her sister credit for the performance.
When they are gone, Morgana abruptly drops the hand in disgust and turns to Amelia, grabbing her hand and smiling. "It worked, sister!"
Amelia's returning smirk is somewhat real as she's glad it worked, seeing the terror on Uther's face brought her satisfaction, but she's worried about the consequences for Camelot and everyone else. "I'm glad. We must tell our sister."
Later that night, Amelia and Morgana slip out of the Castle again to see Morgause.
"Already the rumours are spreading," Morgana reports as Morgause makes a new Mandrake root.
"The Mandrake's poison does its work well," Morgause says.
"Soon all of Camelot will believe that their King is going mad," Amelia smirks. She would like this more if it weren't for the next phase of the plan.
"And a Kingdom without a King is ripe for the picking." Morgause continues.
"When do you go to Cenred?" Morgana asks. This is the next part of the plan. Morgause is going to use the fact that he fancies her to get him to help her take over Camelot. The knowledge that Camelot is going to be attacked makes Amelia feel antsy and wishes she can get a hold of Merlin soon.
"Tomorrow." Morgause answers.
"And he will do as we wish?" Amelia asks, pretending to be interested in this.
"Cenred wishes only to please me," Morgause tells them as she holds up the new Mandrake root.
"Then your time with him has been well spent." Morgana remarks as Morgause drops the Mandrake root into the cauldron. Amelia tries not to flinch as she hears the piercing screams again.
The two wards of Uther Pendragon slip back into Camelot, slipping past the various Guards on their way. They reach the battlements when a Guard, Patrick, suddenly appears. Amelia tenses worriedly.
"Lady Morgana. Lady Amelia." He greets looking at them in confusion.
"We were just taking a stroll," Morgana tells him, but Amelia sees him notice the mud dripping from a new Mandrake root under Morgana's cloak.
"What's that, My Lady?" He asks.
"You're bleeding," Patrick says.
"She's fine, really," Amelia says, trying to get rid of him as she worries what Morgana will do if he doesn't let this go.
"You're wounded." He insists and before either of them can stop him, he opens Morgana's cloak. Morgana stabs him and Patrick falls over the wall. Amelia gasps at the sight of it and tries to hold back her tears at the death of the poor man.
"It had to be done, Amelia." Morgana 'reassures'. Amelia nods, not trusting her voice and lets her sister take her back to her Chambers.
Amelia doesn't bother to get changed and sits despondently on her bed with the candle burning.
"My Lady?" Anne calls. She enters and smiles at Amelia. "I saw the light, wanted to make sure you were alright. Have you just come back from Morgause?" Amelia doesn't answer. "Amelia? Is everything okay?" She sits next to Amelia, who feels tears fall down her face.
Amelia sniffles. "No, it isn't."
"What is it? What has Morgause done?" Anne asks as she rubs Amelia's arm.
Amelia shakes her head. "It wasn't Morgause, it was Morgana. We were returning to Camelot and one of the Guards caught us." She lets out another sob.
"What did she do?"
"She killed him! She stabbed him and he fell over the battlements! I just stood there!" Amelia cries.
Anne shakes her head. "Do not blame yourself. You couldn't have done anything. Morgana is too changed and you can't let her see your true loyalties."
"But at the cost of others?!" Amelia argues. Anne doesn't answer and Amelia knows she doesn't know what to say.
"We've had reports that mercenaries are streaming into Cenred's Kingdom," Arthur reports to his father as he stands in front of him in the Council Chambers with the Court behind him.
"Do we know why?" Uther asks. Amelia watches Merlin and Gaius from where she sits on Morgana's left with a hopeful look on her face. Maybe she can grab them after the meeting?
"There is a rumour that Cenred is amassing an army. I think we should send a patrol out to assess the situation." Arthur suggests. Instead of answering Uther stares past Arthur.
"Father?" Arthur prompts. Arthur turns to see what his father is staring at and so does everyone else but nothing is there.
Uther stands up and points to what appears he can see but no one else. "Leave me alone. Get out of here." Amelia tries not to smirk in satisfaction at the terror on Uther's face.
"Father, will you..." Arthur tries to calm his father by reaching for him but Uther pulls away from him.
"I said get out! Get out! I'll have you hanged!" Uther yells. Arthur and Sir Leon restrain Uther and drag him from the room. "You hanged! You...! You...!" Gaius follows after them.
Amelia loses the chance to get a hold of Gaius and Merlin but soon they are back in the Council Chambers due to the warning bell having been sounded. This time Arthur stands in front of his father's chair with Amelia and Morgana behind him. Once Gaius explains why they are here and what for, Amelia struggles to hold herself together.
"The sentry must've been attacked at some point during the night." Gaius continues.
"Who could've done this?" Arthur asks. Gaius hands Arthur the dagger Morgana used to stab the Guard. Amelia tenses at the sight of it.
"That is a sigil of the Bloodguard," Gaius explains.
"The Bloodguard?" Arthur sounds out the name.
"Warrior priests sworn to protect the High Priestesses of the Old Religion."
"Surely they were wiped out during the Great Purge."
"Not all of them." Gaius corrects.
"So, you believe there is a traitor in Camelot," Arthur concludes. Amelia glances at Morgana, who is looking down.
"It is possible, Sire. The sentry will be able to tell us soon enough." Gaius says. Amelia looks up in alarm though she does feel some relief.
"He's still alive?"
Frustratingly Amelia loses sight of Morgana and only finds her later with a beaming smile on her face as Amelia walks to her Chambers.
"There's no need to worry. I've sorted it." Morgana greets.
Amelia frowns. "What do you mean?"
"I solved it. No one is going to expose us." Morgana explains cheerfully.
Amelia's stomach drops and the temporary relief she had felt leaves quickly. "You killed him again!"
Morgana rolls her eyes. "Technically I never killed him the first time."
"Morgana!" Amelia hisses. They really shouldn't be talking about this in the middle of the corridor. "Behaviour like this is going to draw attention!"
"What other choice did I have?" Morgana demands.
"Not killing him! It was unnecessary." Amelia doesn't like saying that last bit but has to say it to keep up pretences.
"Well, it's done now." Morgana retorts.
Anne's POV
Anne learns from Gaius that Merlin has been sent with a potion to Uther's Chambers and she takes this as a chance to finally be able to talk to him all about what Amelia has told her. She opens the door to see Merlin standing by Uther, who's sleeping.
"Finally, there's something I need to tell you—" Anne begins to say.
"Ssh, do you hear that?" Merlin whispers. Anne then hears mud dripping from the Mandrake. She walks to Merlin's side as he looks down to see some mud goo on the floor. Merlin crouches down to look and Anne joins him.
Suddenly there are footsteps and, fearing that it is Morgana, Anne joins Merlin when he darts under the bed, knocking his face into the root in the process. A hand comes under the bed and pulls off the root without looking.
"Do you have it?" A voice asks. Anne realises it's Amelia and that they are probably going to meet with Morgause. Merlin frowns and Anne hopes he isn't interrupting this the wrong way for Amelia.
"I do," Morgana says. Merlin moves to watch them leave the room and gestures for Anne to follow him. They follow Amelia Morgana through the Lower Town and into the woods.
Amelia's POV
Amelia notices that Merlin and Anne are following but hopes that Morgana doesn't notice. They make their way to a new location in the Darkling Forest where Morgause wants them to meet. Morgause and the Bloodguard arrive soon after on horseback.
Morgause gets off her horse and comes right over to them. "Sorry, you had to wait. There was much to discuss."
"But your visit was successful?" Morgana asks her.
"Cenred's army ride for Camelot on my command," Morgause reports proudly.
"There is nothing you cannot do." Amelia pretends to praise though she is conscious about Anne and Merlin watching, particularly the fact that Merlin still likely doesn't know about her double agent status.
Morgause smiles. "It is you two that gives me strength, sisters." She takes their hands and gives them a squeeze. "How goes the battle for Uther's mind?"
"When Cenred marches on Camelot, he will find a Kingdom without a leader." Morgana grins.
"Finally, we are ready," Morgause says.
"Not quite," Morgana says, a small frown line etching on her forehead. "Merlin suspects me."
Amelia tries not to look around for Merlin and Anne. "He does? Just you?" She's glad her voice doesn't give anything away.
Morgana nods as she begins pacing. "Just me."
"Has he told Arthur?" Morgause asks as she moves closer to Amelia.
"Not yet, but he will," Morgana replies.
"Well, then we must stop him." Morgause decides.
"That will not be difficult." Morgana deduces.
"Why?" Amelia asks curiously. Morgana hadn't noticed their followers as well, had she?
Morgana suddenly turns her head in the direction of a bunch of large rocks and a fallen tree. "Because he's already here." She calls out in that direction.
Suddenly Merlin comes out of hiding and Amelia quietly sighs in relief at the fact that Anne stays where she is. Morgana is glaring and Morgause looks surprised at the sight of Merlin. He looks over to Amelia and she feels incredibly ashamed at the disappointed look he gives her. She can't explain to him that he had just misinterpreted her role in all of this with Morgause, Morgana and the Bloodguard there. She can't blow her cover.
She avoids his eyes as Morgana asks, "Did you really think I was that stupid, Merlin?"
And with that Merlin immediately runs off. Morgause sends the Bloodguard after him and Amelia knows they'll get him eventually.
Morgause turns back to Morgana and Amelia. "You both need to go back to the Castle, keep up appearances while I take care of Merlin."
Amelia doesn't want to agree but knows she has to plus Anne is here to help Merlin if she needs to and as soon as she herself can, Amelia will slip out to help.
Anne's POV
Anne sits tensely as she watches the Bloodguard bring an unconscious but breathing Merlin to Morgause and he's wrapped in a chain. Anne knows she needs to wait until Merlin is alone to help him. Anne is thankful that Amelia is on their side and not truly on her sisters' side and will not get suspicious of why Anne is not in Camelot.
Merlin wakes and is yanked up by the Bloodguard to face Morgause, who observes him for a moment before speaking, "You intrigue me, Merlin. Why does a lowly servant continue to risk everything for Arthur and for Camelot?" Merlin looks away from her and Anne chews her lip anxiously. "You know the answer, but you're not telling me. Why? Come on. Time and again you put your life on the line." Morgause paces around him before crouching next to him. "There must be a reason."
"I believe in a fair and just land." Merlin answers.
"And you think Arthur will give you that?"
"I know it."
"And then what?" Morgause stands. "You think you'll be recognised, Merlin? Is that it? All this so, one day, you can be a serving boy to the King? No. There's something more. Something you're not telling me, isn't there?"
"I told you," Merlin replies.
"Well, you can take your secret to your grave." Morgause declares. "Weorc untoworpenlic." Merlin's chains glow and tighten from the magical binding. "You chose to poison one of my own. You may regret that." Merlin is then left and Anne takes her chance to dart out and pulls at the chains.
"She used magic, it's no use," Merlin warns her.
"Well, I'm going to try!" Anne exclaims.
"I can't believe Amelia would do this. I thought the Dragon was wrong." Merlin says painfully.
"You're wrong," Anne tells him, pausing what she's doing.
Merlin frowns. "How? You saw the same thing I did."
"You are though." Anne insists. "Amelia and I have been trying to talk to you since the day after her and Morgana returned."
"You have?"
"Yes!" Anne exclaims. "The only reason Amelia is with Morgause and Morgana is to find out their plans for Camelot! You've been too busy for us to tell you that the Mandrake root was the result of Amelia's sisters trying to weaken the Kingdom. Amelia can't exactly stop it without exposing her cover to which she needs to stop them!"
Merlin deflates and looks guilty. "Ah. I misinterpreted it didn't I?"
Anne snorts fondly. "Yes, you idiot. Stop jumping to conclusions!"
Then there's rustling in the leaves. Anne and Merlin freeze and look towards the noise only for Amelia to appear and they relax.
"Um, hi?" Amelia says cautiously, glancing to Anne while looking unsure.
"I've told him," Anne tells her and Amelia nods as she walks over to them.
"You really are on our side," Merlin says.
Amelia rolls her eyes. "Yes! I hate to betray Morgana but I have to protect my friends. I don't agree with their methods or their aims to harm you all."
"How did you get out?" Anne asks. She wonders how Amelia is here without Morgana lurking.
"Fed Morgana a few lies so she covers for me," Amelia replies.
Anne and Merlin take turns trying to break the chains with their magic but the chains glow, reinforcing its power. Anne hears scorpions approach and looks worriedly at the advancing creatures.
Amelia pulls out a sword. "Keep trying." She urges as she fights the scorpions but she struggles. Merlin blows a few occasionally back while Anne tries the chains.
Suddenly Anne feels this searing pain in her back and realises one had stabbed her in the back. Merlin throws the scorpion that stabbed her with a flash of his eyes and Amelia cries out and ferociously tears down the creatures.
As Anne slumps in pain, Merlin turns to the sky and yells, "Ω δρακον, έάω μαλερός σοφόνους φθέγγομαι τείδε άναδικέω!"
"What was that?" Amelia asks.
"You'll see," Merlin replies as Anne falls on him, groaning in pain. Amelia and Merlin try to keep her awake but Anne finds herself drifting into unconsciousness.
It is sundown and the scorpions continue to approach them. Anne feels the wind pick up and realises she can hear the flapping of wings.
"What?! You freed Kilgharrah?!" Amelia exclaims as the Dragon roasts the scorpions.
The Dragon picks them up with his talons. Anne faints from the poison sting as the Dragon flies off.
A/N: Oh Patrick! My favourite side character that would regularly turn up when I needed a Guard.
Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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muffinrecord · 3 years
Extremely Unpopular Opinion:
Mitama and Kanagi joining the Neo-Magius was actually a really cool writing move that gives the two characters more potential for character development and makes sense with the lore.
Yeah I’m entering 2022 with the spicey takes.
Anyways, Mitama started Arc 1 having already completed her character development. By the time we saw her, she had already been a bright and hopeful girl, encountered horrible trauma and classism, became twisted and angry under the pressure, made a horrible wish she regrets, reformed under Livia and Friendship (tm), got her act together, ran the Coordinator’s Shop, and was at peace with things.
Where do you go from there? Well, she had that weird Neutrality stance that was undone pretty easily by some Momoko chatter (hey, just like the anime!), and she had a bit in Swimsuit Kyoko’s event where she apologized for being overbearing but uh... yeah that’s it.
But hey, Arc 2 does away with this really cleverly. 
Turns out Mitama hadn’t actually gotten over her trauma like that. Turns out she was burying her feelings under friendship. But the Daito election, stuff getting burnt down, her worries over her lil sis and her little sister getting attacked was enough to bring up all that trauma right back to the surface.
I like this a lot. It gives her character some time under the spotlight to develop more and to face her issues properly, and it allows us to see it all on screen too.
As for Kanagi, I don’t understand what it is with this site and Kanagi but I feel like people elevate her to a pedestal where she can’t have flaws because she’s a favorite or something.
However it should be noted that she’s “joined” the Neo-Magius, but not because she agrees with their ideals or even thinks they’re amazing or whatever. But because she doesn’t mind being seen a “bad guy” if she thinks it’ll lead to justice. She wants to use them for her own goals.
Friendly reminder that Kanagi has watched Daito get shit on for a classim that has no true meaning or basis, and knows this through a wish that damned her soul.
Friendly reminder that Kanagi wanted/wants to destroy Kamihama so that it would be forced to rebuild without the classism.
Friendly reminder that Kanagi has been watching the Kamihama Magical Union be less than helpful through Arc 2 and has also been watching her friend Mitama unravel from stress, worry, concern, and other shit.
Friendly reminder that Kanagi has been watching the election and seen yet another corrupted politician win and plan on screwing over the Daito ward.
Kanagi has been trying to do this the “right way.” She’s been working with other Magical Girls from different classes and wards, she’s been viewing the election-- but every time, deceit, corruption, and underhandedness achieves results faster.
Kanagi isn’t joining the Neo-Magius because she thinks “lmao screw non-magical girls,” she’s joining because she thinks she needs a desperate, dire solution to a problem that keeps perpetuating itself. She doesn’t agree with the Neo-Magius, but they’re the ones that can produce the most chaos to achieve her goals.
Lastly, the Translation Discord was discussing last night (which helped flesh out some of my own opinions), but one thing that was mentioned is that very few folks are objecting to the Arc 2 characters who defected to the Neo-Magius.
Which... makes me think that a lot of the upset people are people who aren’t actually reading Arc 2. They’re either reading summaries or they’re hearing snippets and filling it in with their worst interpretations.
Which, fine. I haven’t read much of Arc 2 either, and it’s hard when translations aren’t up ASAP, but
I just want to end on a note. 
It’s not bad character writing just because you don’t like the choices the characters are making!
It’s not bad character writing to make characters have flaws!
If you actually like Kanagi and Mitama, you should be thrilled with this lead! We actually get to see Mitama go through her struggles in the plot this time! There’s no way they’re going to keep a fan favorite in the dark like this, so we’ll see her get pulled through into the light! We get to see Kanagi desperate and want to protect her family, friends, and ward through any means necessary, even if it ultimately hurts herself! We get to see her brand of self-sacrifice and stoicism! We get to see the strength of her conviction and ideals!
If you like these characters, why do you want to deny them of this? You don’t need to make them flawless to like them! Let these teenagers make mistakes! Let them be emotional about things and choose the wrong choices out of despair and a desire for better! 
How will Mitama and Kanagi ever get the support they need and deserve if they don’t make mistakes?
Anyways, this probably sounds really combative and I apologize. If you disagree with me still, that’s fine, but if people are going to be loud and constantly annoying about how much they hate the writing decisions, surely I can be loud and annoying with how much I like those same writing decisions.
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the-littlest-goblin · 3 years
fic prompt: shadowgast (obvs lol) and the idea of light as corruption or rot/decay
This was an interesting challenge! I did my best.
It took less than a minute for the blindness to wear off, but fear can make time stretch and slow as much as any magic.
“There we go.”
Essek blinked and blinked as Caleb’s face came slowly back into focus. He’d known Caleb was nearby, could hear his voice whispering soothing reassurances and feel his calloused palm stroking Essek’s cheek, but it was still an enormous relief to see him there. Essek’s racing heartbeat calmed down, though it still fluttered due to Caleb’s closeness. He found that a much more pleasant sensation than the painful thud of panic against his ribs.
“Where—” Essek cleared his throat. “Where did you take us?”
“The Blooming Grove. I figured we could both use a cleric after that… encounter.”
Essek glanced around. Though the magical blindness left over from the assassin’s spell had faded, the sun shining overhead in the cloudless sky still marred his vision with spots. Realizing this, Caleb drew them both several feet back into the shade.
Now, the scenery came into view properly. They were indeed surrounded by forest and lush greenery, but this was not the familiar garden of the Blooming Grove; there was not a single gravestone around, and the Clay’s cozy cottage was nowhere in sight.
Anticipating the question, Caleb cut him off. “I brought us a little ways away. I wanted to ensure we weren’t followed. Just in case.”
A shadow passed over his face that had nothing to do with the shade of the trees, and Essek was sure the expression was mirrored on his own face as he too recalled the week they had spent in the Grove, almost a year ago now, repairing the Clay’s home from the destruction wrought by those chasing Caleb.
“Thank you,” he said. Essek would never have forgiven himself if history repeated itself because of his enemies. Caleb nodded, understanding without Essek needing to explain.
“I think we are safe, though. You are still attuned, right?” Caleb lifted an orange pendant out from where it lay underneath his shirt, and Essek produced the matching one pressed against his own chest.
“Then there is no reason to think we were pursued. The Dynasty’s forces wouldn’t know to look for us here.” In contrast to his reassuring words, a note of fear still hitched in his voice. Essek nodded in confirmation.
“Good. Then we should go see if anyone is home who can lend us some healing. It will take a few minutes; can you walk?”
Breathing deeply through his nose, Essek leveraged himself up from the ground, bracing one hand against a tree for balance as he readjusted to the equipoise of his floatation. The movement stretched the tender burns covering his skin, and he winced.
Caleb, unable to help ease his pain, grimaced.
“What was that spell they used?” he asked, needing some detail to focus on other than Essek’s injuries and his own uselessness. “I have never seen it before.”
“It is a specialty of the Luxon. Common for priests and paladins in the Dynasty to use in worship, although I have never seen it utilized in combat before.”
Caleb thought back to the blinding, all-encompassing light that had emanated from the Dynasty assassin. Essek had gotten the brunt of it, but it had hit Caleb as well, burns spreading across his hands where he’d reached up to cover his eyes. It was not the scorching welts left behind by proximity to fire, with which Caleb was all too familiar, but rather the unique searing sensation of divine damage, which left no visible trace on the skin to account for the terrible pain of it.
“What possible use could that spell have outside of combat?”
“Well—” Essek wobbled, sent off balance as their path brought them into another sunny clearing. Instinctually, he reached out a hand, and Caleb grabbed it with both of his own. “I told you about the practice in Rosohna, where they lift the darkness over the city and worshippers give themselves to the light?”
“This is along the same idea. A ritual display of radiant power—in that situation, no one is near enough to be harmed by the light, as we were.” He winced again. “But they do give themselves over to the blinding effect. It is sort of like a, um… trust exercise?” Essek sighed. “To be honest, I have never understood the logic behind most of the religious practices. It’s something about ‘the light will reveal what the eyes cannot see,’ or… something like that. Personally, I believe those sorts of rituals are responsible for the unusually high rate of long-term vision problems amongst Luxon clerics, but since most clerics are also the main healers within the city, no one has cared to look into the issue.”
Caleb’s gate slowed, and it took Essek a moment to realize he was staring at him.
Caleb shrugged, a mirthless smile twitching at the corners of his lips. “The Dynasty is almost as fucked up as the Empire,” he laughed.
Essek raised an incredulous eyebrow. “You think?”
“I mean, I was aware of some of the… hypocrisies, within the Dynasty, on the big picture scale. But hearing you talk about it, I guess it just hit me. I am so used to the Empire’s corruption, anywhere else seems a utopia by comparison, at least at first. But it is only on the surface.”
“If you want to compare notes on corruption, I have plenty of other tales I could recount to you. Having been among the corrupt myself.”
Caleb’s slight smile turned tender and sad, as it so often did. “Later, my friend, after some healing. We are almost at the Grove.”
He pointed out ahead of them. Essek followed his gaze, but beyond the next twenty or so feet of shade in front of him, everything was a blur of white-hot sunlight.
“I will take your word for it,” he said, clutching Caleb’s hand closer to him.
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elizabethemerald · 3 years
Fall Anniversary at the Soltryce Academy
Caleb walked into his classroom at the Soltryce Academy with the immediate instinct that something was wrong. He had been teaching Transmutation theory and application in this same class room for the past twenty years, so anything that seemed different set off alarms in his head. 
He mentally checked the wards on the class room and found them intact. There were a few students in their seats, a few more filtering into the lecture hall, by the second. None of them seemed alarmed. Whatever was different today did not appear to be an immediate threat. 
Still just to be safe he subtly cast Detect Magic as he set his bag down and took off his coat. Immediately a few points were highlighted in his mind. Of course his own magical items, the amber around his neck and the amulet beside it, the ring on his finger, the chalk he had enchanted to help him lecture. Nothing off there. 
There were a few points of magic around the rest of the room, each quickly analyzed and dismissed. Transmutation magic on a small pile of coins near the wall, a low level student’s practice project. Abjuration magic in the wards along the walls. Divination magic in a button, another spying device Astrid had tried to sneak into his class room to keep him from teaching against the school’s policies. 
It was the illusion spells that caught his attention. A few of the students were covered in the same, linked illusion. Their appearance normal enough to blend in, but also entirely too normal for a real student. And there, a student he didn’t recognize even with his keen mind, covered in an illusion spell. Several other magical objects of varying power, hidden under the spell. The Vestige appeared to be within its pocket dimension, so at least they hadn’t brought a weapon onto campus. 
After setting down his things and greeting his class he squeezed past a few of the students to grab Astrid’s enchanted button. He quickly dispelled it and slipped it into an envelope to return to her later. As he returned to the front he gave the cat sitting on his desk a brief scratch. 
“Hello Jester.” He said. Of course he didn’t need Detect Magic telling him of the cat’s aura of Transmutation to know his friend. She was bright blue after all and staring at him far more smugly than even a magic fey cat would. 
“Now class, I know we were discussing transmutation principles as applied to effecting the elements around you, but I am afraid that lesson will have to be postponed. It would seem that it is the anniversary of the Mighty Nein getting together and they have decided to invite themselves to my class.”
There was a muttering around the class room as the students looked at each other, before one of them near the front stood up, the illusion dropping off her form as she did so. 
“I told you he wouldn’t fall for it!” Veth said in her high voice, She looked mostly unchanged from when they first brought her back to her proper body. A few more laugh lines, but nothing more to show the passing two decades. “Lebby, is an amazing wizard, he wouldn’t fall for something simple like that. You students better appreciate the skill of your teacher.”
Caleb smiled fondly as Veth walked up to the front to give him a hug. Interspersed through the seats a few more illusion spells dropped. A half elven man walked up from the front row and kissed him on the cheek. Essek’s own illusion lasting even as he dismissed the Seeming on Kingsley and Yasha. 
“How did they rope you into this?” Caleb whispered to Essek. 
“Oh you know I can’t resist a practical joke.” Essek maintained his deadpan delivery for only a few seconds before a small smile graced his lips. Caleb knew quite well that Essek looked as ageless as ever, under his illusion. His elven blood would keep him looking much the same for the next few centuries. Caleb returned the kiss, to the muttering of his students. They weren’t ever a 100% sure who Caleb’s rotating cast of elven boyfriends were, and Caleb was more than happy to keep them in the dark. 
“Well you can’t fault us for trying!” Kingsley said. They were wearing a scandalously low cut shirt, a pair of plain black pants, and a pair of thigh high boots. His purple hair was fading to a less vibrant shade just a bit near his ears and he had a larger collection of scars, as one would expect from years of piracy and being a bloodhunter. They were also wearing their sword much to Caleb’s disapproval, which was apparently not magical. 
“You can’t expect me to hide this glorious look without magic though can you?” He said, sliding his hands down to his hips then back up his torso. Then he grabbed Caleb’s chin and kissed him full on the mouth, with tongue for several seconds, while his students lost their collective minds. Caleb smiled against Kingsley’s lips right before the tiefling stepped back. He was sure the rumor mill of the school would go wild about that for a few weeks. He wished he could see the look on Master Beck’s face when the news came across her desk. “Here’s to another twenty years, magic man.”
Yasha and Caduceus walked up next, each giving Caleb a tight hug. These two showed their age the least of the non elven members of the Nine. Cad could have been just stepping out of the temple doors in the Blooming Grove, saying that he had only three cups, if it weren’t for the increased presence of lichens and mosses of all kinds on his clothes and armor. Caleb was fairly certain there was an actual bird’s nest in his pink hair. Yasha of course looked as badass and muscular as she had when they first found her. Her hair was completely white, done up in an ornate braid. Home life seemed to suit her well, she looked genuinely happy and relaxed like she certainly hadn’t when they had first gotten together. 
Fjord’s spell dropped as well. The half orc’s hair had large stripes of gray in it, he had crows feet at the corners of his eyes, and his salt and pepper beard had significantly more salt to it now. He still looked good, life at sea, despite its hardships, keeping him fit. He laughed at something over Caleb’s shoulder as he approached and he found himself lifted bodily into the air by a pair of muscular blue arms. 
Jester having dropped her polymorph spun him around briefly in the hug before setting him back on his feet. She would never fail to look divine. Her horns now curling in on themselves, almost like her mother’s had when they first met her. Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail, poofing out behind her head from the salt air. Her sailing days were certainly not hurting her in anyway. Her smile was still just as wide, her eyes just as sharp, and her arms just as strong, if not more so. 
“Happy anniversary Caleb! Twenty years ago you were a stinky wizard. Now you are here teaching!” Jester’s happiness in her voice carried to every corner of the lecture hall. 
“What happened to our plan of drinks in Nicodranas this evening?”
“I just couldn’t wait Cay-leb.” She pouted. “Fjord and I got into port early, and I was so bored.”
Caleb smiled at her, then looked around at the rest of the Nein, pretending to count. 
“We appear to be one short. Where is my sister? Couldn’t drag her away from the Cobalt training pit? Or did she get lost in a book like some kind of nerd?” Caleb said with a smirk.
“Mother fucker!” 
He looked up towards the voice above him, just in time to watch Beauregard drop from the ceiling, to land on his desk with a perfect three point landing. She hopped off the desk and punched his arm, before also grabbing him in a tight hug. 
“I am not a nerd, Widogast!” She snapped, a wide grin on her face. 
“Beauregard, please do not land on my desk. It was a gift and I don’t think it could bare too many impacts like that.” He stopped to look up at the vaulted ceilings of the class room. “Also, how did you get up there?”
If she had been invisible she would have tripped the wards on the class room. And if she had gone in the brief break between classes one of the early students would have noticed her and caused a stir. 
Beau took her turn to smirk. 
“I have been waiting up there for four hours so we could surprise you. It’s surprisingly comfortable. I could have gone another couple of hours without breaking a sweat.” She paused to flex, causing several students, and Yasha to blush at her muscles. 
Beauregard’s monk training meant that she looked like she hadn’t aged a day since Aeor. And she could still easily out fight everyone else in the room if she wanted to. She was also the one member of the Nein that Caleb saw the most frequently. Their work to root out corruption among the Cerberus Assembly, and other bodies of power in the Empire often kept them up together late into the night, until Yasha would intervene and throw her wife over her shoulder to carry her to bed. 
“Can I finish the lesson, or should we depart immediately?” Caleb asked, already guessing the answer. 
“Cayyyllleeeb.” Jester groaned, pulling at her face. “I’m sooooo bored. I want to drink and party already!”
Caleb turned back to his class of students. He was sure most of them had heard rumors about Professor Widogast and the wild adventures he got up to with the Mighty Nein back when they first got together. He wasn’t sure how much they actually believed, but he was sure that even the most widely blown out of proportion tale didn’t even begin to cover the truth of what they had done together. 
“In honor of the anniversary of this group of arschlochs finding each other, consider this to be a free day. Keep up on your readings, and if you have any questions I will be at my regular office hours tomorrow morning.” 
The students immediately started buzzing as they stood and packed. No doubt during tomorrow’s class he would have to field a whole host of questions about the Nein, and that was just the way he liked it. The day after the anniversary was the one day he would talk about what his family had done. As the class filtered out, with many a lingering glance thrown at the colorful group at the front, Caleb turned to Essek, setting the envelope with Astrid’s button in it on the table top to deal with later. 
“Would you like to teleport us to the beach, or shall I?”
Essek put up both hands. 
“I already used my spell slots getting us all back together again. You can bring us to the coast.” Essek said, his smile a mix between smug and fond. 
Caleb rolled his eyes before pulling him into a soft kiss. Then he turned to address the rest of the Nein. The family he had made for himself. 
“Are we ready?” After a series of nods, he pulled an ancient clay turtle from his pocket and gave it a squeeze. “Then let’s go!”
And they were off, to a night of drinks and celebration and stories told, and memories shared. And of course many toasts, “To another twenty years.”
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sepublic · 3 years
           But with the fact that Hunter probably had a childhood prior to Belos, a childhood where he got to mostly live and be himself…
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        Doesn’t that make his symbolic imprisonment all the more tragic, and painful for him? If he were a kid who grew up with this, who was born into Belos’ abuse and knew nothing else… Well you know what they say, you can’t miss what you’ve never had! Hunter would still have that desire to explore this new and amazing world, especially since in canon he does have that curiosity with wild magic anyway…
        But even then, the only way for Hunter to go is up. He’s had nothing for so long, and now he gets to look forward to new things, new chances and experiences! But… That’s not what Hunter’s scenario is. He himself explained it to Luz, he had a life before Belos, and presumably a level of freedom as a result. It might not have been an exactly enviable life, Hunter could’ve been out and fending for himself on his own, for all we know…
        And yet by the end of the day, Hunter still got to know and taste freedom. He was born into it, that had been his default, and it’s what he remembers so clearly- So it’s so much more painful for him to have lost that. Hunter remembers a time where he didn’t know Belos, where he wasn’t burdened by the abuse, by this obligation and expectation… A time when life was simpler, before things had changed.
        Hunter DOES remember and know what it’s like to be free, actually, to not be scarred nor abused- And so it’s all the more agonizing to miss that. To have actually lost that freedom, to remember what it was like to be himself, and then descend into darkness. In this scenario, he’s not going up from the bottom of a pit- This is Hunter reclaiming what he once had, what was taken from him by Belos, and getting that back… Because like with magic, Belos sure does like taking things from people, and forcing them to work to get it all back.
        Hunter doesn’t just imagine nor fantasize about a better life- He DOES know about a better life, he DID have that! And he lost it… He lost that, and it’s just an even crueler reminder for this kid, an innocence he actually did have, for him to mourn. And I can’t help but wonder if, amidst the pressure and the seclusion of being the Golden Guard, Hunter secretly regrets being ‘found’ by his uncle… But he wouldn’t dare admit that, because how ungrateful would he be? After all Belos has done for him, right- Taking him in, giving him a family… Isn’t companionship better than loneliness?
       But as Eda could teach Hunter- That isn’t really companionship, it’s just being bound to someone else, and controlled by them as a slave and puppet. That isn’t REAL connection, and so even alone in the wild, Hunter is better off- And he used to be better off before Belos essentially kidnapped and imprisoned him. Hunter DID have something to lose, and he’s lost and mourned it, now.
      Here’s hoping he can get that freedom back now, before it becomes such a distant memory, that Hunter can’t even fully remember if it was real or not- Or if it really was a happier time than before Belos... And I don’t want him to lose those happy memories of freedom. Hunter deserves to still hold onto them too, and not be gaslit by Belos into thinking he really is happier here, in the castle, than he’s ever been away from that cage. I don’t want Hunter to be conditioned to be apprehensive of his own past, as he already is of wild magic- Because at least that’s something he’s never been exposed to... Having Belos corrupt those past memories with abuse would be awful.
        ...Hunter wasn’t always abused. And he remembers when he wasn’t, he remembers going from freedom, to those scars. And in a lot of ways, it’s so much more messed up that Hunter has known a life before this, and he accepted/was forced into this current one by Belos, ensnared into caring for this uncle who had only recently adopted him.
        Abuse is new to him and alien, and Hunter has been indoctrinated to accept that as his new status quo. Imagine being this kid so excited and happy, learning that your uncle is the literal Emperor... Only to be struck with the horror, the intimacy of his breakdowns, and that abuse. And now you miserably remember the times before as you painfully, agonizingly adjust and rework your entire view for this, and have it altered that way against your will.
        ...What has he gotten himself into? Because that’s what Hunter likely thinks, because he blames himself for this, even though that’s not fair- And now he can’t back out because he’s attached to his uncle and feels obligated, and surely he must own up to and embrace his decision? He’s just a kid, he should be allowed to change his mind the way Eda lets Luz, even after working her back off to enroll her into Hexside- Backing out at the last second is still an option for Luz’s own comfort and sake!
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girl4pay · 3 years
This might be a big question but what would be the ideal way for the raven king to have ended in ur opinion. Bc it doesn’t make sense as is and thematically falls apart I feel but I can never quite figure out what the actually most narratively satisfying thing would be
lets get married. okay keeping in mind i haven't read the series in full in a couple years my core issues with trk are: i think gwenllian was criminally misused, i think adding in laumonier and blue's dad made very little sense and i think doing the gansey noah and cabeswater deaths back to back the way they were was a terrible way to handle a climax. you don't need blue's dad and you don't need laumonier. too many random new parents and men who are absolutely vestigal. gwenllian should be blue's mentor, you focus the piper plotline completely on a professional antagonism between her and henry's mom who can act as the antithesis to piper's greed and recklessness. the grey man is the reader's familiar link between Crime and Magic here, so you can still have him face the challenge of his old life threatening his new life by having to forge an alliance with seondeok to take down a shared threat. 
gwenllian as blue's mentor would come with a similar but almost opposite effect to persephone's mentorship on adam: blue isn't getting stranger, she's getting angrier. this witch who knows what she is keeps getting mayo in her hair and her teachers don't understand her and her family is being evasive and the boy she loves is going to die. also a demon is clouding her perspective, but she doesn't really know that yet. more adam and blue scheming to keep gansey alive. more research and bugging relatives and desperately looking into rituals while it becomes clearer to the reader that adam is losing his agency and blue is losing her clearsightedness. gansey's panic attacks begin to attune themselves to the moments where noah is not himself as well. his chest hurts, he can't breathe - it feels like something is sucking away at his heart. at the same time adam is still trying to help ronan with waking up the dreams, and blue is getting closer to gansey and henry, trying to imagine a future that feels like her own when she has the weights of her confused identity and her fate hanging around her neck. 
i would have ronan and gansey's relationship blow up here: between the hospital and aurora's death, maybe after his birthday party, ronan finds out - probably through declan, to add insult to injury and even more fucked up brother resentment - that gansey is trying to buy him a diploma. actually definitely just after the night of truth bullshit for prime outrageousness lmao. it goes nuclear. blue is, catastrophically to gansey, on ronan's side. adam is, infuriatingly to everyone, judgmentally neutral. things progress as they were except instead of henry getting kidnapped we get a very reluctant henry passing a message to tgm - things have progressed past the point that is acceptable with piper, and his mother wants to meet. also the visit with gansey's family is tense - they love her and henry, and they just can't understand what's gotten into gansey, who's distracted and snappy, and when helen confronts him, he blows up at her, saying a lot more about his worry for ronan and his fear about what will happen to him than was revealed in the initial fight. they're siblings, their relationship can handle it, but there's still an overarching sense that she doesn't really understand, because gansey is still holding his real fear of dying close to his chest. 
cut to auroras death and the grey man having to leave maura with this tragedy to join seondeok - a king, joining a king, doing what needs doing, instead of just a continued trope about being made for violence or whatever that was. there scene with ronan at the bmw goes more or less the same. gansey goes off on his own because he feels isolated and like the burden of fixing all this lies on his shoulders, gwenllians weird witch pep talk goes to blue instead. here is where you would insert cool fun shit about what being a mirror actually means! all of them reunite as in canon, ronan and gansey reconcile after ronan is like you dumb motherfucker i need you here you're my brother and gansey says some self sacrificing shit and blue and adam make it clear without Making It Clear they are going to stand by him, because they still don't know he knows he's going to die. 
here is where we reach the core difficulty: i think the death kiss is incredibly stupid and i don't know how i would write around it. i know how i would finish trk from here, but the kiss curse would not show up at all. i like the kiss curse as a concept but it just doesn't make any sense in the narrative of agency trc constructs and i think it limit's blue's storyline. so without considering the kiss curse: as the demon hijacks adam and tries to use blue as an amplifier to spread to other ley lines, everyone realizes the stakes. everything cabeswater has touched, everything the ley line has touched is at risk, and the ley lines are ALL CONNECTED. blue and adam have been skirting around the realization that the demon and cabeswater are like mirrors the whole book. you can't have one without the other. there is no corruption without something to corrupt. the way cabeswater focuses the ley line for ronan is how the demon has been getting power too, but it's a self contained loop, consumption instead of guidance. kill cabeswater, kill the demon. gansey asks it, realizing in a way they others don’t seem to that he and cabeswater are linked, and the others act. there's a little giving tree moment between ronan and cabeswater, which will surely not contribute to any farreaching survivors guilt that might show up in a sequel series. here is where blue being a mirror comes into play. when neeve was trying to see farther than she could, she used a mirror and it sent her there. the demon is trying to consume beyond it's bounds. a mirror sends it inwards. here blue sees the moment of violence that birthed the demon, and she's terrified and it's tragic. it's a very bildungsroman moment of grief and terror of what will come after for everyone. death of the child birth of the man etc. noah, perpetual child, gets laid to rest with cabeswater, but without cabeswater the ley line floods. here is where gansey dies: without noah fighting his hardest to keep him going, because noah loved him, because cabeswater needed him, his heart simply stops. here is where blue kisses him, because it doesn't matter any more, because he dies even though she didn't, because she's seeing without the demon clouding her for the first time in what feels like the longest time and all she can see is grief. shit gets magically weird with adam and ronan too, and it's henry who grounds them all, who is used to enforcing practicality on the unknown to keep himself safe. with his help the three of them dream something to save gansey. ta da! 
i feel like this would also feed much better into the theme of the dreamer trilogy of like opening ley lines etc bcus trk completely glosses over what happens to the ley line without cabeswater there, and adds to it making sense that ronan thinks opening the ley lines is a good idea - he saved gansey with it! what more could he do! whereas adam felt overwhelmed and out of control and spends the next year trying to construct and repair his own real life conduits and safeguards on the ley line as ronan builds lindenmere. what are your thoughts did i miss anything that you were like absolutely not hate that need it to be gone
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MLM!Cullen Fic Rec List
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Inspired by this post. Here is my fic rec list of some of my favorite fics with queer Cullen. Happy Pride :)  🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈
Only True in Fairy Tales by Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Summary:  In which Dorian is a special forces operative, Bull is his partner, and Cullen is the guy they're sent to rescue. Hijinks ensue. // Words: 110150
Modern AU. Dragonflies_and_Katydids makes me read the weirdest stuff. But their work is always captivating. The more ridiculous set up the better outcome, I promise. This one is both ridiculous and absolutely perfect. And somehow one of the very few modern au fics in which Cullen's lyrium addiction is well transfered without making it literal.
Fashionably Late by tsurai
For the tumblr prompt: Cullen/Dorian Soulmates AU? <3 "Maker’s breath, this is absolutely the worst timing, he thinks distantly." // Words: 1038
This is but a tiny thing but I'm a sucker for a soulmate AU. Would I love it more if it was 150,000 words? Yes. But I'm just greedy.
COLD HANDS, WARM HEART by spicyshimmy, stonelions
Summary: Cullen and Dorian's friendship deepens. Cullen is a romantic. Dorian is literally cold. Cullen is no longer certain what he would consider surprising. Mages and Templars working in perfect cooperation, perhaps. Evil and corruption disappearing into the ground along with the blight, blood magic falling so far out of favor it ceased to be. A united Thedas: that would be a surprise. // Words: 25369
I think this is most recced Cullrian fic and for a good reason. Slow burn, drama, all the delights. 
Light In This Darken'd Time Breaks by RamonaDecember
Summary: Cullen wouldn't say he hates mages, not anymore, but he can't see himself ever trusting one again. Dorian is no exception. The mage is off-color, self-important, and all together too much for Cullen to deal with. So why is it that every time Cullen is at his lowest, Dorian seems to be the only person by his side? // Words: 121289
Slow burn with 121289 words, what more do you want?
Jump In by Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Summary: In which Cullen is almost terminally awkward, Bull and Dorian are literally brothers (because why not?), and Bull tries really hard to be good. Or: In which Dorian tries to set up his brother and his roommate, if he can avoid killing them for being so clueless. (You might get cavities from reading it. Don't say I didn't warn you.) // Words: 33700
What did I say about Dragonflies_and_Katydids and ridiculous premises? But if you're as delighted with awkward Cullen as am I - enjoy.
Dragons from Stars in an Empty Sky by Midna_Ronoa
Summary: The one in which Bull takes Cullen dragon-hunting. // Words: 10423
Fluff and smut and dragons!
Stuck on the Puzzle by thespectaclesofthor
Summary: Once, back in Kirkwall, Cullen had an arrangement with a member of the city guard that satisfied his needs. But time changed all things, and he despaired of ever finding a similar arrangement again - that was, until he met The Iron Bull. Problem being that Bull seemed to care far more about sorting out the nitty-gritty of such an arrangement than Cullen ever has. // Words: 235586
No fic rec lists that can involve Bullen canot do without Stuck on the Puzzle. If you haven't read it - please give it a try. As far as I'm concerned - the best fic in the fandom. And definately one of the best fics in general. <3
Exit Light by Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Summary: In which Cullen is suicidally depressed, Dorian is a high-functioning alcoholic, and Bull just wants them both to be happy, except when he wants to crack their heads together for being emotionally stunted idiots. // Words: 77427
This premise is actually very close to canon, compared to some other stories by the same author recced here. The angst? Delightful. The smut? Delicious. The exploration of issues? Delectable! Cheff kisses all around.
to burn cool and collected by toomanyhometowns
Summary: Dorian hums. "Here is the function of the spell: Upon invocationne, ye caster's spyryt shal sterte to ye form of whomsoever mofte recently achieved releafe by hys hande." He taps the page in punctuation and looks back up. "And then there's a lot of text about the vast joys we may experience together, et cetera, et cetera." // Words: 16121
Ok, this list shows more than anything that my main delight is issues and angst wrapped in with porn. Anyway - cracky premise (body swap!), and angsty, sexy outcome.
Hold by queeniegalore
Summary: Everyone knows Cullen doesn't trust magic. But he trusts Dorian and Bull, so maybe they can make this work. // Words: 6654
Issues? Trauma? Kink? I'm a one trick pony when it comes to recs.
Okay now that we’ve gotten the obvious out, let’s enjoy the trully unexpected enjoyment.
Into The Light (Cole/Cullen Ficlets) by Sinister_Kid
Summary: A series of what I hope are tasteful Cole/Cullen fics that don't exploit or overly sexualize Cole's developing character. Based on a prompt I filled out of boredom in which I imagined the spirit actually hearing someone's pain like a physical noise in his ears that caused discomfort. Explores the option of making Cole more human, with my own original take on how that affects him as a character, and depicts Cole developing romantic feelings for the Commander as he discovers what it means to be human. // Words: 20454
I admit I don't often read Cole shippy fics but this one stays true to the info in the summary and it is careful and tasteful. Also Cullen learning to speak with Cole properly - <333
Verse & Volley Triptych by boycoffin
Summary: POSSIBLE TITLES: This Shit Was Even Weirder: A Surprisingly Not-Doomed Romance In The Shadow of the Apocalypse The Commander and the Rogue already taken, Antivan maritime smut with an elf girl in it How The Hell I Ended Up With That Guy: A Tale for The People Who Keep Asking Me About It In Bars The Short and Curlies that's just terrible Love Among the tropey garbage A Tale of Two Names pretentious and unclear The Penman's Paramour Memoirs of a Moron (That He's Going to Regret Publishing and Will Never Hear The End Of for As Long As He Lives) // Words: 133354
One of the very few fics in which I can not only accept but love 1st person POV. Crack. Slow-burn. Pennames. Lovable OCs. DELICIOUS. Also a fic that made me start this blog, so love all around.
Last but not least, my delightful fave (maybe, possibly, probably) and involving a shameless self-plug because it’s the month of pride.
Swordplay by orphan_account
Summary: The Bull's Chargers are undisciplined, untested, and unprofessional; but Cullen can't stop thinking about their lieutenant. // Words: 3910
I have a soft spot for whoever Krem being shipped with not knowing he's trans at first. But also oblivious, pining Cullen <3
If you have been starving, a creature of bone by missivesfromghosts
Summary: Cullen is content with where he is. He has a life and a purpose. He’s doing the Maker’s work and he’s cut the Chantry’s leash on him. He barely thinks about the fact that he’s trans anymore. The last person who knew he was born anything different, barring his sister Mia, died during the Blight. This works for him. That is, until he starts falling for Krem. // Words: 769
A tiny thing but I have a soft spot for the idea. Also what's better than a ship with trans character? A ship with two trans characters. Keep that in mind for further recs actually.
Sweet, Merciful Andraste by Tainaron
Summary: PWP. Honestly, Cullen should invest in walls and a ceiling that don't have holes if he's going to keep having such loud sex. Pure, unapologetic smut between trans men who love each other. // Words: 4187
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  What more do you want from me? Sometimes porn is just porn. Enjoy.
Champions of the Just by Tainaron
Summary: En route to Griffin Wing Keep before the battle of Adamant, Cullen falls prey to an injury that reveals a shameful secret about his trauma with magic. As Cullen struggles with his past, his duty to the Inquisition, and his love life, he becomes increasingly uncertain if he’s the target of an assassination attempt or just his own personal demons. // Words: 67885
Well, I also have some plottier and angstier fics in my rec disposal. This one actually explores the problems Krem and Cullen could encounter in their relationship and all within the canon plot line. Plus bonus points of Cullen actually interacting with other Chargers.
cabbage: a love story by psikeval
Summary: Krem’s grin fades into a quiet smirk, his eyes warm and amused, and Cullen does not forget how to move his legs because he is a grown man, a leader of soldiers, commander of the Inquisition’s army. He breaks the silence by coughing loudly, because he is also an imbecile. // Words: 18932
Creme de la creme of Krem/Cullen fics <3 Fluff, crack, porn <3 This delightful series has it all! 
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
Ok, Hades gameplay reaction time!
(Because I have been terrible this quarantine year about posting thoughts about stories I've been invested in, and I'm really enjoying this game, and I'm playing basically blind and I have theories, and what is tumblr for if not recording those things to look back on later.)
I love this specific kind of fantasy/speculative fiction, that straddles the line between 'allegory clearly designed to explore a real-world issue' and 'the themes of this reflect real-world issues but also everything is times one million for drama and setting's sake'. I love it so much. Because, look, this is a story about a teenager/young adult trying to gather up the skills and resources and help he needs to escape his controlling, possessive, emotionally abusive father's house. That's it. Strip away all of the trappings, and that's what the story is about. By comparison, I think about Star Wars. (I love Star Wars too.) That's also a story about a dysfunctional fucked-up family dynamic. But that family is fucked up because dad went on a magic-corruption-induced killing spree, and his twin children were separated at birth to be raised in seclusion with the intention of someday taking him down, and look, that's cool, but it's definitely not how people actually are. All of the dysfunction in that family is an outgrowth of the fantastical setting, which means it is fantastical dysfunction. It can occasionally mirror or remind us of real-life interactions, but it's a fantasy. Which is great and fun to watch and very comforting and so on, but I don't necessarily want that in every story, and I love Hades because it is not that, at all. When you extend out the basic 'kid trying to escape his toxic home environment', Hades is the story of Zagreus trying to get out with the help of his dad's estranged, complicated, wealthy and powerful family, who are absolutely part of the reason why dad is Like That in the first place, and may not be any more reliable in the long run but who he needs right now. And his stepmom and teacher, who love him enough to help him leave, unconditionally and supportively (ask me how many feelings I have about 'look, Hades can't hurt me for helping you, don't worry about me, I am going to take care of you and that means helping you get out of this house' coming from an adult authority figure, ask me). And his dad's employees, who like him but also have to fear the old man's wrath, and walk that line in different places the best they can. And stepmom's long-estranged parent, because this is a story about families and how they split apart and come back together. And all of that is so real, so grounded in actual, concrete, this-is-how-humans-work family dynamics. But it's also individual. The story works so well because Hades isn't just a silhouette of the controlling asshole father; he is clearly The Way He Is for reasons, complicated ones, good and bad alike. The Way He Is has details, particularities, paperwork, a dog he pretends not to love and rely on. He is specific. Nyx and Achilles are specific, not just generic kind stepmom here to be a trope inversion and cardboard cutout teacher. Nyx has backstory and personality of her own, Achilles has a complex history, opinions, a missing lover, and they BOTH have very particular relationships with Hades that aren't just boilerplate script. Yes, there's abstraction there, you meet these characters in brief visual novel-esque three-line conversations over the course of dozens of escape runs, of course there's abstraction--but there's the very real sense that all of these people have nuance, have good and bad days, that they've made choices to be who they are, even if we don't know what those choices are yet. And, like Star Wars, some of the ways in which this story is so specific rely entirely on the fact of the otherworldly setting! I've seen stories that go the other way, that try to use their setting entirely as window dressing, and they end up feeling so flat I can't even remember them right now because they don't let the environment lend complexity and nuance to their characters at all. The environment these characters live in matters. The absolute control Hades exerts over his surroundings is a divine power. The fact that everyone Zag runs into, for or against him, is either immortal or immortally dead, changes how the react to
one another and to the situation at hand. The shape of his attempted escapes (gauntlet combat with a variety of legendary weapons) might be an allegorical construct of the genre, true, but it doesn't work in any sort of real-world setting where there exists the possibility of authority figures above or aside from Hades and his extended fucked-up family. That's part of why the family is so fucked-up in the first place. But these changes still fit well within the realm of, 'yeah, if you took this extremely real-life dynamic and added these factors to it, I can envision people doing this thing'. I can envision these specific people doing this thing. They add to the specificity of these characters. Letting them be influenced by their unreal surroundings makes them more real. So hell yes for good storytelling!!!!
I'm still relatively early in the game (by which I mean I'm like thirty runs in but only just got past Meg for the third time, because I am not good at this game, although in my defense it's only the seventh video game and second button-mashing game I have ever played in my life so there's that), but I'm starting to develop suspicions about Persephone. Because, look, outside of Persephone's absence from the underworld, this story knows its Greek mythology, uses it, revels in it. And there is some kind of mystery still shrouding Persephone leaving in the first place. She left a goodbye to Cerberus in her letter but not to her own son. Nyx has warned Zagreus multiple times not to let the Olympians know she's his mother. He literally never even knew she existed. That's complicated! Add to that, Persephone left--the exact thing we are trying and failing to do again and again and again. She left with one note, which means either she managed a one-shot speedrun out of the entire realm or she had some other way to leave, because if she'd washed up in the Styx pool to plod back to her room and try again, she wouldn't've needed to leave the note in the first place. And, you know, she's Persephone. Really quite famous for leaving the Underworld! Also quite famous for being forced back. So. I'm wondering if Zagreus, so conspicuously absent from her goodbye, has something to do with it after all. Six pomegranate seeds condemned Persephone to six months, half a year, half her life. I wonder if a child that's half of her her constitutes a fitting trade instead. Which, of course Hades would be even more resentful and dismissive and cruel to the kid he got in place of the wife he loved (who he chased away by being cold in the first place). Of course Persephone would have difficulty saying goodbye to her son in those circumstances. It would make sense. The tricky thing here is how the Olympians fit into it, because I also suspect the rift between Hades and Zeus sprang from Persephone's departure. And yet, if the Olympians never knew Zagreus existed, let alone that he's Persephone's son--how can he count as payment into the deal in their eyes? So in that case, what does Zeus think is the justification for Persephone leaving, after the pomegranate thing? Or are we just not doing the pomegranate thing at all? It would be a shame to lose it entirely, out of a story that really seems to enjoy the myths it's playing with. And there should be something complex here, something more than simply 'mom fucked off and left because dad sucked and now I'm following her because same'. It feels more complex than that. 'Mom and dad had a baby to try and save their marriage, it didn't work, but when mom left she had to leave me behind because otherwise dad would have gotten the cops and her extended family involved' feels more right, while still just as grounded in reality as the story has been so far.
I sort of want to write some meta about how each of the six legendary weapons corresponds to their original divine wielder, but I haven't unlocked all of their codex entries yet (look I am very bad with ranged weapons in this game ok, I am working on it), and I still need to think about the details. Aside from, of course, fuck yes of course Hestia's the one with the railgun. Leave drama and elegance and traditional weaponry to her brothers and sister (Demeter, who knows how to get her hands dirty, gets a pass). Hestia is out here to get shit done. With a grenade launcher.
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