#we’re correct
f1inl3ey · 1 year
idk why but vance has divorced parents energy
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noodlebox-bird · 3 months
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the gang innocently murders lavi
thank u @metiredlr for the insp ✨
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lamentfulwarbler · 2 months
“Dazai is the big spoon!” “No, Chuuya is!” NO YOU’RE BOTH WRONG! SKK CUDDLE LIKE THIS:
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fjordfocused · 9 months
i’ll never forget my experience in even buying Deadly Premonition. went to my closest shop and asked if they had deadly premonition. the clerk looked at me with wide, tear-shining eyes and said in a sorrowful voice that no no they did not but god he wished they did . went to the second closest shop and asked if they had deadly premonition. the clerk looked at me with vile disgust, eyes full of bile and contempt, and said that they did.
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i feel like the queer community lost when we started policing labels and making sure everyone used the Correct™ labels instead of letting a person decide what feels right for them
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ohnothisisathing · 8 months
I love that the fandom saw those little eggs with legs and gave them human designs almost immediately that are as recognizable as their canon egg forms because those are children, but these mini-mes came along that are actually copies of the cubitos and everyone decided those are creatures. Brilliant.
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I feel like, if he could, Satoru would choose to take on his spouse's last name, just like Toji did
I AGREEEEEEEEEEE . I’VE NEVER AGREED WITH ANYTHING MORE . as cocky as satoru can be i truly believe the gojo name is an INTENSE weight on his back. one that he’s grown used to. :(((( so if he met someone who made him feel like he could let go off that weight…. he absolutely would. i think satoru wants to be Yours more than he wants you to be His, you know? he wants to be let into YOUR life, not the other way around, because his own life is so bleak in comparison. i think he’d get sooo giddy at the idea of having your last name 🥺🥺
….. it’d also be a very big “fuck you <3” to his clan and the higher ups . which he’d find fun. (he corrects people VERY sternly if they ever refer to him as satoru gojo instead of your last name …. it’s a little scary)
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noirandchocolate · 5 months
Age of Calamity is such a funny game when you think about it because most of the characters go through Events and use their strengths and suffer hardships and stuff, but honestly they mostly end the game the same as they started it. It’s not “bad storytelling” or anything to have most of the main characters (Link, the Champions, Impa, etc) not change very much character-growth wise, I’m not insinuating that. They’re heroes and it’s fun to watch them BE heroes and in some cases have nice heartfelt moments together, etc.
But it’s just hilarious to me that the characters in the game who DO get some form of character development arc are:
3. King Rhoam (a distant third place but he does realize his kid’s interests were helpful not frivolous and he apologizes and lets her continue leading the army and fights by her side)
2. Zelda (expected, she is the main character after all, and she gets to grow from doubting herself based on her father’s words and how special and talented everyone around her seems to be in comparison, and being upset at not being able to help more, to realizing her worth as a capable leader whose love and passions were what saved everyone)
1. MASTER FUCKIN KOHGA (goes from trying to peace out and let his lackeys take care of every fight, to desperately NOT wanting to leave Sooga and the others behind (poorly and obviously hiding it behind “come on stick together so you can protect me!” while he as the PC for your first play of that mission is clearly doing all the work to protect them); ends up not only joining Zelda’s faction to protect/get revenge for his Clan despite his hereditary beef with the royal family, but PERSONALLY taking to the battlefield including in the final deadly dangerous missions; declares during that final battle that HE is gonna “send that giant menace packing,” ie the very same monstrous entity he previously served)
Like. It’s not even close. Master “Top Banana” “Kill You All To Death” Kohga. Has THE most character development in the game.
And it’s just. So unexpected and therefore great and entertaining to me.
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nattikay · 6 months
so I started playing the new Frontiers of Pandora game last night, and was pleasantly surprised that not only did the opening cutscene feature a few lines of spoken Na'vi dialogue, but said dialogue was actually pretty accurate!! Good job game!!
Here’s the lines transcribed as far as I can tell:
Aha'ri: Plltxe po nìtsleng! He speaks falsely/he lies! Player: Ma tsmuke, ftang! Sister, stop!
Aha'ri: Ma Nor? Ma Nor, tìtxen si. Awnga ngahu, tam. Nor? Nor, wake up. We [are] with you, it’s ok. Nor: Tsat oel uniltsola nìmun…tsatxon a fol awngat kämolunge. I dreamed about it again…that night they took us.
Aha'ri: Awnga kä ne kelku! We go home! Player: Za'u, ma Teylan. Oeng kivä ne kelku. Come, Teylan. We [may] go home.
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rendiggitydog · 1 year
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My old height chart is starting to make the rounds again, so here’s the most updated chart and the google doc with all the sources!
edit: THIS CHART IS OUTDATED! Check the tag ‘hermitcraft heights’ for the most recent version <3
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badolmen · 2 years
Saw a post making fun of Asexuals in the year of our Good Vibes 2022 so a reminder:
The A stands for the Asexual community and spectrum (it also represents the Aromantic and Agender communities but I’m Asexual so I’ll be talking about that specifically in this post)
Celibacy is a choice to abstain from sex. Asexuality is a sexuality defined by a lack of sexual attraction to anyone, not by the choice to abstain from sex.
Every asexual person has different feelings on sex (an activity, not an attraction) - some are sex repulsed, some are sex neutral, and some are sex favorable. A physically pleasurable experience is not equal to an attraction to parties involved.
The Asexual community has been around since the dawn of the Queer liberation movement, and Asexual individuals have always existed.
Aphobia is real and has done tangible harm to Asexual people. Listen to and learn from their experiences.
If you make fun of Asexuals and their community jokes (dragons/cakes/cards) you are Aphobic. If you’re Asexual and you make fun of these aspects of your own community or consider them ‘cringe’ you have internalized Aphobia.
Sometimes teenagers and young people will identify as Asexual and change their label later in life. This does not mean that all young people who identify as Asexual will change their minds, nor does it mean that all people who identify as Asexual are young.
Seriously what do you people have against the dragons and cake jokes those are classic and hilarious please deconstruct why you have so much rage for harmless jokes that’s not a healthy response to silliness.
Anyways reblog this post if you’re Asexual, support Asexuals, or really want a dragon.
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hotvampireadjacent · 2 months
I love living in a more ethnically diverse community. One of the few good things about America. I bitched about it before but the suburb I grew up in was like 92% white. It ain’t unusual to see a lady wearing a hijab where I live and plenty of Mexicans. I love the world and our differences are what make American unique. We are all neighbors and that’s what matters
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irregularcollapse · 11 months
say it with me, everyone!
reading comprehension is reading, processing, and understanding meaning, i.e. decoding the text. looking at the letters, knowing what the word is, then recognising the definition/meaning of that word.
inference is identifying the implied or underlying meaning of the words — drawing conclusions from the evidence that has been given by the writer. this could mean looking more closely at a sentence to figure out what else is being suggested beyond the literal definitions of the words, or using clues to piece together a plot point or character backstory.
analysis is going a step beyond inference, and unpacking linguistic and structural elements of the text to access the writer’s intent, evaluate the effectiveness of the elements in achieving this intent, and also evaluating the effect of the elements on the reader. it looks at the text as an active work that has agenda and outcome — it isn’t simply about figuring out what the words are saying.
it’s fine if you’re at the reading comprehension stage of your text engagement, or if you’re at the inference stage! you’re still interacting with the text. but literature analysis is more than just understanding what is happening — it is about accessing how and why it is happening. it requires looking at the context of the work, at its execution of genre, at the messaging, the literary devices and the way these devices interact, the way the reader/audience is being positioned by these elements, etc. etc.
this has been another mini lit lecture from tumblr user b irregularcollapse mwah love you all! keep thinking hard about what you read! xx
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worstloki · 1 year
Unreliably narrated fic where Thor’s POV constantly refers to Loki as smaller/shorter/weaker/delicate/feminine/younger and everyone else’s POV (including Loki) is “these are two normal and similarly-sized guys”
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If anyone is confused by my posts whether I see Holmes as gay or aroace the answer is both
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iguessitsjustme · 21 days
My dash since Friday:
Friday - My Stand In (and anger at 23.5)
Saturday - WANDEE GOODDAY and some sprinklings of My Stand In
Sunday - Only Boo also WANDEE GOODDAY
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