#we're almost done I swear one more and it's over I swear 😭
yesyourstalker · 9 months
I don't know what part this is. I wrote this at 6 am
Slight NSFW mostly implied
Ikkan: Neta... Hey you ok?
Neta: yeah.... .. I'm fine I'm just waiting for him to leave completely..... He's such an asshole!!
Ikkan: hey come here.... Don't let him get to you okay? He doesn't know anything about you, your life and you never tried...
Neta: yeah.......he never got to see how amazing I am
Ikkan:oh you're so humble.... He doesn't know what he's missing come here [kiss] also you look good baby.... Look a lot happier... [Kiss]...Hehe...more relaxed...[kiss]
Neta: hehehe.....[kiss]
Ikkan: softer.......and warmer............
Neta: We're alone
Ikkan: yeah we are...heheheh
Neta: no cameras
Ikkan:....... .... You want to slow dance like we used to. Remember during our first date?
Neta: oh........ Ok
Ikkan: what what did you think I was implying?
Neta: nothing nothing it's stupid come here. Let's dance just the two of us away from the commotion.
Koi: so you must be my granddaughter... I've heard so much about you. You have straight A's, your captain on your turf war team, you play second chair
Cirrina: actually I play first chair now
Koi: wonderful!... Look at all that confidence and pride amazing... Oh look at me being so rude. Hi my name is koi koi you can call me Grandma Koi, grandma, admiral koi is also an option. I'm a former CEO now head of the advertisement for tech company venton industries.
Cirrina: weren't you the company that started out with game cards and now he's home consoles and arcades? You guys made jump squid right?
Koi: That's the one. I also dipped my foot in farm life raising krill herding sea cows some experience in going produce
Cirrina: I have a houseplant that I bought from the grocery store. I had to change its pot twice and it's taller than me now...oh I'm also skipping the grade and heading straight to high school next year.. My guidance counselor says if I'm good I can maybe even start college classes early. I'll get ahead of everyone else.
Koi: ohhh impressive... So proud to have you as a granddaughter. I see so much of myself in you. I can just tell you're going to be as powerful and successful as me.
Cirrina: I hope I do.......Grandma admiral koi.
Merv: they ran out of wine but I did snatch up the shrimp puffs They're not that bad..... Hello, who's this?
Koi: *ugh* ..... Hone... this is our granddaughter... Remember Neta told us about
Merv: ohhhhhhh nice to meet you.. you must be cirrina.... You're just as pretty as the picture he gave us. Nice to meet you sweetheart.
Cirrina: awww thank you........ Ikkan told me about you. He used to be a farmer. He told me you had acres of strawberries and would first place for best decal 3 years in a row. That's very impressive. You must know a lot about agriculture
Merv: that's correct! Wow you're really something!
Koi: I know! Ah! I just want to pick her in a bag and take her back to haddaido!
Cirrina:hehehe You're too kind..
Koi: well we have to go We're trying to find our kids. I know your uncle is somewhere.. do expect some presents to be in the mail for you sweetie. You just stole our little hearts.
Cirrina: ok bye....hehee
Mizole: You're a snake. You know that?
Cirrina: You've had spinach between your teeth the last 2 hour shut up.
Mahi: you think that is going to be mad when we bring this?
Warabi: what's so bad about it? It's just wine?
Mahi: when he expected us to bring drinks He expected it to be in bottles Something you just place on the table make it look nice
Warabi: Oh come on the parties like going to be over in like 4 more hours. We need something like this, that's why I bought five.....for the party
Mahi: We're definitely not going to use all of this. He just wanted one in the apartment
Candi: If he says anything I'm not involved.
Mahi: Baja! Help us bring this in
Baja: ok uhhh what is this exactly
Warabi: its for the party trust me
Baja: ok....
Neta: so yeah apparently I've been a captain for the military for 7 years and they didn't tell me- what the hell is this? what happened to the bottles of wine you were supposed to get??
Warabi: didn't have any I just so we just bought the barrel of wine. Five of them. I feel like that's enough right?
Neta: get a little too much where we even going to put this
Mahi: we can just put in the back and have waiters fill up cups
Candi: or you can just have all the guests fill up their own cups
Ikkan: That's not a bad idea...
Neta:....*sigh* ....... Yeah okay that's fine..... I'm gone for 2 minutes and y'all turn this into a keg party
Baja: You've actually gone for 45 minutes
Neta: ............ Just set up the barrels....
Ikkan: hehehehe...... Tonight is still early. Come on, let the guests have a little fun.. it'll be funny seeing some of these producers get drunk off their ass.
Koi: I hope one of them isn't you honey
Ikkan: mom! Uh hah.....wooow so good to see you!...... Neta didn't tell me.... He was inviting my parents. Mmmmm
Koi: well I think it would be nice to spend the holidays with my two boys this year...... I actually came here to see my granddaughter and also talk to my son-in-law. We had a conversation about installing a small arcade original in his original store to keep the traction going once his other store opens.
Neta: Yes we do need to talk more about that I also wanted to talk to Noji about buying vending machines as well, let's walk and talk. You look beautiful by the way Koi. Merv is a lucky man
Koi: you damn right it is... You know how long it took me to convince him to come here. I swear he thinks he bursts into flames interacting with people.
Warabi: what were you two doing for 45 minutes?
Ikkan: fuck off
Warabi: hehehehehehe going to tell your mom on you
Ikkan: Warabi!
Mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort or caught stealing one of the wine barrels
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jasntodds · 7 months
Petrichor [17]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 12,212
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, little bit of hurt/comfort, blood, gunshot, canon violence, mention of Jason pushing a serial rapist from a building
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: I can't believe we're almost done with season 3 and then we can move onto season 4 (I have a plan) lol You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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You're still sitting on Jason's bed, eating a few of the granola bars he gave you and drinking water to gather the energy to make your way back to the manor. And for just this hour, it's peaceful. You're scrolling on your phone as it charges, just scrolling through Instagram and catching up on some things you've missed while also quickly scrolling away from whatever chaos about Gotham someone is posting. It's peaceful for once even when you know it won't be soon. It is nice. For right now.
But, then your phone starts vibrating before your scrolling is interrupted with a video taking up your entire screen. The screen is black for a few seconds before the Batman symbol appears on your screen as Crane's voice starts talking.
"Gotham City used to have a protector, a guardian angel." Crane's voice says as it switches to a red Titans symbol.
That's not good.
"But Batman abandoned Gotham and left Nightwing and his friends in his place." A screen showing every Titan, including Sam, shows up on the screen with "Titans wanted" at the bottom of the screen. Then it switches to a clip of Nightwing fighting. "And what has Nightwing done?" Crane asks as texts calling Nightwing a thief, liar, and a conman flash across the clip. "He's robbing you. Poisoning the very water you drink," The clip changes to one of Gar as a tiger, attacking someone. "The water you give your children. Nightwing is a criminal." The clip changes to one of Nightwing and Starfire blowing up one of the drum barrels that poisoned the water. "Protected by Gotham City Police. Only you can stop him. There will be a $50,000 reward paid to the person who brings him in. Dead or alive." The clip changes again to a clip of Gar changing into a tiger. "But take heart Gotham, a new hero will rise and you will know his name." The clip changes to Jason's Red Hood symbol with a picture of the helmet on top. "Red Hood."
"Oh fuck." You groan.
None of you can really catch a break for longer than five minutes. And you find yourself even more irritated that Crane had the audacity to think Jason would just go back to him after almost killing you. Crane really thinks you don't mean anything to each other and you swear that's his downfall, underestimating what you mean to each other. Because Crane doesn't know Jason isn't going to be on his side anymore. Though this video seems like it's going to complicate things.
It's been bad enough with Jason wanting Dick dead the last few weeks but now the entire city of Gotham is going to want him dead. Gothamites already aren't thrilled with the Titans and this going to push them over the edge. They're already upset Batman abandoned them after Robin was killed. It seems like the city didn't mean too much to Batman if he fucks off the second Robin is killed. Gotham has been absconded and Crane is going to use their distrust and distaste over the situation against the Titans.
You let out an annoyed huff before ripping your phone from the charger and grabbing another granola bar for the road. You have to get back to the manor before every citizen in Gotham decides to become a bounty hunter. You don't have your suit but you're thinking it might be safer to get the hell out of the city sooner rather than later.
When you get to the manor, it's empty. The manor has always had a way of seeming just a little too quiet. It's a big space with only a handful of people living in the halls at any given time. It didn't bother you much before, because Jason's voice tended to bounce off the walls, etch itself into the plaster. And with so many Titans around, it filled a bit of the silent void but today, as you walk in, it's quiet. The hairs on the back of your neck start to stand on end because, from your experience, quiet in a place that's not usually quiet, is bad. You grab a knife from your belt as you make your way, quietly into the Batcave.
With every step, you try to figure out why you're being so paranoid about this. It's the Batcave. No one outside of the Titans or Bruce would even be down here and the Titans are likely out trying to sort out the mess Crane just created for them. But, something in you grips your knife tighter as if it's some sort of sick reflex to always dread for the worst. Maybe that's growing to be a bit exhausting, too.
Your worry washes away as you enter the main area of the cave and see Dick standing in front of the Batcomputer with his arms crossed, his eyes glued to the monitor. You pocket your knife as you continue to walk closer to him, gaining his attention. A sense of relief pools at the bit of Dick's stomach to see you're alive and walking. It wasn't just Gar that was worried about what happened to you.
"Where the hell were you?" Dick questions, not skipping a beat.
"Walking." You shake your head, looking at the screens to see the other Titans fighting what seems to be civilians. "Given the broadcast Crane put out, do you really think it's such a good idea to have them fighting civilians?" You look up at Dick, a look of worry and sorrow washing over your tired features.
Dick gives you a harsh glare that softens the second his eyes meet yours. He shakes his head before looking back at the Batcomputer. You watch Kory fight someone and watch their body twist into positions it should not. The man gets up, foaming viciously from the mouth like a bad case of rabies.
"Kory." Dick warns.
"What the fuck did I miss?" You question as you scrunch your nose in disgust.
It has to be the water because the more you watch, it's as if this person is bending like a zombie from a movie or something. He won't stay down and he looks rabid but his bones are broken and it's as if he doesn't even notice. It almost reminds you of the Rage Virus from 28 Days Later, just without the blood.
Kory takes another hit to the man and this time he goes and stays down.
"A lot." Dick mutters. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea, me staying here."
"No, you got a fifty thousand dollar bounty on your head. It'd only make things worse." Kory says.
"I got another one." Gar says as a man with an axe starts to walk towards him and fight. "Oh, come on, Pal." Gar groans before he starts fighting this guy until he goes down.
"Looks like the worst of it is over." Dick says, not seeing any other civilians that look to be affected.
"Hold that thought." Kory says as more innocent civilians walk over but they all keep their distance from the Titans.
"Please, don't hurt us." A civilian yells.
"Shit." Dick mutters.
On the one hand, you're a little offended these people saw one video and immediately switched sides. But, on the other, Batman abandoned them and ever since Nightwing and the Titans showed up, Gotham has been more of a shitshow than usual. To some extent, you can kind of see why they're upset and distrusting of the Titans. It's also Crane who can manipulate most people. But you want to know where their sense of loyalty is. So many people just throw their loyalty to the side when one thing goes wrong. You think it's actually pretty sad.
"Everything's alright." Kory assures them.
"You're Titans, Nightwing's gang."
"No, we're not much of a gang, really. More like roommates." Gar says back, trying to make light of the situation the best he can.
"Just get the fuck out of here and leave us alone." Another civilian says.
"We're here to help." Conner says. "That video you saw, it's all lies."
"They're the reason the water's poisoned." A civilian yells.
"Kory, get em out of there." Dick states.
"He wants us to just leave?" Conner asks.
"I vote stay. Give them a good reminder of which side we're on." Blackfire says.
"If you stay, it'll only get worse." Dick says. "Get out. Now."
The Titans do as directed, leaving the people to themselves. You look up to Dick who just looks frustrated. It must be hard to make a call like that when he's been raised for years to always help. The people have always wanted his help. Now, they don't want anything to do with him or the Titans. The Titans became some sort of collateral damage in it. It can't be easy and you feel for him.
"So..." You clear your throat, breaking the silence. "You were right. He did plan to poison people but...he just outed that? And the GCPD also put out a warning anyway? So, most of the city isn't infected."
"Luckily. We just have bounties on our heads while we're dealing with this." Dick lets out a scoff. "Do you want to explain what the hell happened last night?" Dick looks back at you with the raise of his brows, a look you're kind of tired of receiving. It's always the look of disappointment that makes you feel guilty.
"Well...I just...I just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna attack Jason so I went. And then, uh, I ran into Tim who was following Jason." You explain, earning a look screaming 'told you so' from Dick. "Crane was there first though, picked up a gun, and then he shot us." You look to the floor, your heart still feeling like it's filled with lead at the thought of Tim lying on the ground. "And I told Jason to run when he showed up because I knew you'd blame him because you always do. Took some convincing but he listened and I said I'd talk to you. It was all Crane. Not Jason." You nod your head once. "Then...I just-just couldn't do so I left and walked around. I ended up at Jason's a couple hours ago."
Dick nods his head with understanding. As much as he would appreciate you listening to him every once in awhile, he's starting to accept that you're going to do what's best for you and Jason regardless on what he says. Some part of him might find some part of that at least admirable. At least someone here has some loyalty, even if it ends up hurting the Titans. Most of him is still annoyed though and really wants you to understand that what he does and says is for everyone's best interest. Jason included most of the time. But, he is glad you're okay.
"So Crane shot the both of you because you were there?" Dick asks for clarity.
"Basically. I think he really just wants me dead but Tim was there. Which, uh...h-how is-is he?" You ask, dodging Dick's face.
"I don't know." Dick answers honestly. "He had a pulse when the ambulance took him."
"Cool." You nod softly, knowing you'll need to find your way to the hospital or Excellent Gotham later to find out how he is. "So, um...Jason's still on our side, by the way."
"Are you sure?"
You nod. "Yeah, Crane shot me and tried to kill me." You offer a wide smile. "He's a dead man walking now." You offer a chuckle. "So, he's working with Crane now to try and find out what his next step is. Poisoning the water system can't be his only plan, especially with that video. Jason wasn't gone long enough to have shit to do with it so he's got something else planned and Jason's going to try and get it out of him by pretending to be on his side."
Dick pauses, squinting his eyes at you before he looks back to the monitor. He doesn't like it because he's not sure they can trust Jason. You can all you want. You haven't been Jason's target the last two weeks. But, if this works, at least they have someone on the inside.
"What makes you think Crane will believe Jason is still with him?" Dick asks. "If you've been someone Crane has wanted dead and Jason refused, why would that suddenly change?"
"Because Crane is an arrogant ass." You quip right back. "He already had that video ready to go. He knew Jason would come back to him regardless. Though, I think he might have thought I'd die and I didn't. But, with the video up, I think Crane thinks he still has Jason. Also, Jason is more than willing to convince him just to tear him down later. Revenge is great motivation." You nod your head with confidence.
"Right." Dick nods his head, looking a bit displeased with your last words. "Alright, fine." Dick agrees knowing having Jason not trying to kill them is a lot better than nothing. "Where does that leave you then? I need to know where you plan to stand with everything that's happening."
"Since Crane grouped me with you guys, I'm with you and yes, I will listen." You roll your eyes.
"Yeah, I've heard that before." Dick snarks back.
"Yeah." You laugh softly. "Well, I'm with you guys. Gotta be anyway. Gotta make Crane think me and Jason are on opposite sides." You shrug your good shoulder.
Dick nods softly. "Alright." He clears his throat. "You're gonna stick with Gar this time."
"Stick with Gar." You echo.
"Good." Dick nods his head, grabbing his jacket from the chair. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." You nod your head quickly. "Uh...Jason helped. He, uh, he got the bullet out and everything so I'm good." You offer him a thumbs-up with a closed-mouth smile.
"Okay, good. I'm glad you're okay." Dick nods once. "I'm going to meet with Babs, the Titans are on their way back. Stay here until they get back and fill them in."
"Will do, Dickolas." You nod your head once, sucking in a breath before Dick shakes his head and heads out of the Batcave.
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When the Titans get back, you fill them in just as Dick asked you to. They aren't too happy about being pulled out from the streets but they also understand Dick's point of view of the situation. Everyone just hopes his meeting with Babs is to think of some sort of plan to get the city back. So, while you all wait for Dick to get back and tell you the next move, Gar shows you some of the things he's found about the Lazarus Pit including Bruce's notes about Ra's al Ghul. It doesn't say where the Pit is. It does say there are more but Bruce had sealed most of them off. That's all Gar really got so the two of you dive in to find out if you can find out how Ra's made it and what else it could be used for. It doesn't sit right with either of you that Jason was brought back to life using the Pit but no one even knows where it is or how it works or how it was created. So, you search as you wait.
When Dick comes back, he gathers everyone in the living room for a meeting. He stands in front of the main living area while everyone is scattered around, standing and waiting for what he has to say. Dick then explains that him and Babs think it's in everyone's best interest if the Titans turn themselves in. The room falls deadly silent with his words, everyone mostly looking at each other before looking back to Dick. According to Dick, it's for the best and it'll be just a show.
"So, we turn ourselves in and then what?" Gar asks.
"And then we post bail." Dick says. "Continue doing our work but in a less public way. Work in the shadows. Take the city back night by night. It's not gonna be easy and it's not gonna be fast but we can do it. If you have a better idea, please now's the time." Dick gestures a hand to the room before crossing his arms.
"They hate us." Gar says softly, voice etched in hints of defeat.
"They've been manipulated into hating us by Crane." Kory corrects.
"Y/n, Conner, Blackfire, what do you think?" Dick asks.
"It was brutal out there. I don't want to be looked at like that again." Conner says, his voice almost matching Gar's.
"Well, surrender isn't my thing. But I am used to people looking at me like I'm a monster so whatever you all decide on, I'm in." Blackfire states.
You hang your head and you think it's a horrible idea. You trust Babs, absolutely but there are parts of the GCPD that have been corrupt long before and long before her dad and long before Barnes. It doesn't matter how good someone's intentions are in the GCPD because there are always others within the PD who don't care about the greater good or what's good for even themselves. If anyone should know that, it should be the former detective. Does Dick really think him and Babs can just protect all of you? If people in the GCPD were corrupt before, they're going to be corrupt now. Crane got the entire city to hate all of you with one video, how do you all know Crane doesn't have eyes in the department?
"I think it's a bad idea." You say quietly.
"You weren't out there." Conner states.
"No, I know." You nod your head. "And I don't care if people look at me like that. They look anyway." You say softly, tugging your sleeve over your hands. "I just...we trust Babs but does Babs trust every single person in the department?" You look back at Dick.
"We won't be dealing with everyone. It'll be a select few to put on a show, make it seem legit." Dick explains. "You're just coming to our side. It's up to you if you want to go through with this."
You look to Gar and maybe it's against your better judgment but they are your friends, your family. You've done everything to protect Jason and it seems like that might be fixing itself now. Which means you need to fix your own relations with the Titans. And that, for you, means following Dick even if you think it's a bad idea. Plus, you really need to sell you being with the Titans, at least for Jason's own safety against Crane. You don't want him getting wind of Jason not actually being on his side.
"No, I'll do it." You nod your head, earning a quick look from Gar, surprised you agreed. "You just have to be sure this is going to be safe. I trust Babs. I don't trust any other person in that entire department."
"Why not?" Conner asks.
You look to Conner and you don't want to burst his bubble into trusting this plan. You will happily pop the bubble of police for him later. "Just don't." You keep it short.
"It'll be safe." Dick assures you.
"Alright then." You agree.
"Kory?" Dick asks.
"We've played it by the book so far and this is where it's led us. So, maybe you're right. Maybe we try a new way. I'm in." Kory says.
"Alright then, let's suit up." Dick states. "We go in together. As a team. As a family."
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While Dick was busy talking with the Titans about turning yourselves in, Jason is the one who started to panic with pure rage. After Jason's managed to convince Crane that they're still good and Jason agrees with him, Crane got word from one of his moles in the department. The commissioner is setting up for the Titans to be "arrested" and then let you all post bail. The commissioner is in on it but Crane was prepared for that. The commissioner has always had a hand in helping Batman and company. So, when Crane gets word, he sends Jason with a bag full of money to pay this mole off with several of the other cops who ride with him to take in the Titans. Override the commissioner. Bring the Titans to Crane.
If Crane gets the Titans, with everything in the Batcave, that's where Jason's worry comes in. The Titans still stand a good chance but if Crane gets all of these guys to go with him and given how unlucky the Titans have been lately, Jason is growing more and more concerned. If Crane has the Titans, the city goes to Hell. It will be destroyed. Jason doesn't know what else Caane is planning but he does know whatever it is, it's not for the greater good of the city. So, he does what Crane asks him, hoping he'll be able to call the Titans to call it off. Maybe Dick will say the others didn't want any part of it. Or maybe you will back out of it if you even agreed to it in the first place and then you and Jason can figure something out. So, once the deal is done and the plan is set into motion, Jason calls you.
But, as his own luck would have it, you don't answer. It rings and rings and then just goes to voicemail. His best guess? Dick has already set the plan into motion with all of you and you're preparing to turn yourselves in. You're going to side with Dick to make this whole thing believable even though Jason figures you're against this whole plan. You're too smart to fall for something like this. You'll go overprepared but you'll be the only one. So, Jason keeps calling, desperate to warn you and he tries Dick but that goes to voicemail, too. He tries Gar and nothing. None of you are answering your phones which leaves him two choices.
Keep trying until one of you picks up and hope for the best. Or, he can go to GCPD himself to try and warn you -- or help if he's too late.
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Once all of you are suited up and ready to go, Dick goes over the plan one more time just for extra clarity to make sure everyone is on the same page. All of you are going to pile into some SUVs, ride over, walk in, and then Babs will take it from there having you all be fake processed and the bail will be fake. Then, all of you get to go right back to the manor. In and out. It seems simple but no part of this has been simple. But, none of you argue. All of you nod along and once it's time, you pile into the SUVs just as Dick said.
You hop into the SUV with Gar, Conner, Blackfire, and Krypto while Kory and Dick take the other SUV. Krypto sits in between you and Gar in the back while Conner drives and Blackfire takes passenger. You find yourself watching the city pass by on the drive, your stomach twisting into knots. The last time you were arrested, you ended up with Jerry. This whole thing just seems like such a bad idea. And if it is and you have to fight back, that's even worse. That's just a bigger target on your backs if you can get out of there in one piece. There just had to be another way to win the city back. The city wasn't always on Batman's side.
"On Tamaran, it is called The Pit." Blackfire starts, pulling you from your thoughts. "It's dark. So dark, you cannot even see your hand." She explains, making you and Gar both look to your hands and then at each other.
Conner picks up her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "It isn't like that here." Conner says. "Right?" Conner looks in the rearview mirror for reassurance from Gar and you.
"Right." Gar starts. "I-it's totally not like that. It's gonna be fine." Gar offers a smile but you swear it's incredibly unconvincing. "Dick and Barabara have a plan. We're just going to go in and out. This is really just all for show." Gar explains, looking to you for reassurance. And now you just think he's trying to convince himself.
"Yeah, it's really not like that." You add in. It isn't like The Pit. It's not great and it sucks. There is a lot of unfairness and cruelty but it's not The Pit. And you think telling Blackfire everything about the corruption among the GCPD, probably won't help the situation. "I've been for real arrested once. It's not like The Pit." You explain, omitting every other detail.
"We'll be together the whole time. I've got you." Conner assures Blackfire with a calm but firm tone. "I promise." He glances over to her with a soft smile as you catch him squeeze her hand.
You smile softly because for all anyone knows, this isn't going to work out. Nothing has gone to plan but Conner still offers reassurance anyway and it's kind of sweet to watch. Gar offers a chuckle, catching the smile on your lips. It earns him a light shove with the roll of your eyes. It's just nice seeing the two of them unbothered by everything that's happening. It's maybe even a little cathartic in a weird way.
Within a few more minutes, both SUVs pull up to the back of the GCPD. There are snipers on the roof and several GCPD officers standing guard with full swat gear outside of the doors. This is supposed to be for show but you're really not buying it. This is a lot of people for something that's supposed to be fake.
Everyone starts to get out of their vehicles, you meeting up with Gar in the front of the SUV.
"You okay?" Gar whispers. "I mean, we trust Barbara." Gar nods his head, his brows raised as if looking for some form of reassurance from you. This isn't sitting right with him either.
"Yeah." You shake your head, eyeing one of the snipers on top of the roof. There are ten total and you start to think of an exit strategy to avoid them or take them out on your way if it comes to it. "If shit goes south, get out of here immediately. I'll be right behind you and stay close to the building until you reach the back alley. Less light and I didn't see snipers over there." You whisper back, pulling your attention right back to Gar.
Gar gulps, looking up at the roof where the guns are pointed right at you. "That wasn't reassuring." Gar almost whines as he looks back to you.
"Wasn't supposed to be." You shake your head, as you chew the inside of your cheek before you start walking. Gar follows right behind you until he's walking side-by-side.
The two of you fall in line right behind Kory and Dick while Conner, Blackfire, and Krypto follow Gar and you. As you all make your way to the entrance, every single person with a gun, trains their weapons on all of you. The Titans are the targets and these people are just waiting for the signal to start shooting. That's what it feels like. Being a vigilante is illegal, technically, but this is...a lot.
"This seems excessive." Kory states as all of you enter the building, passing by even more men with guns and swat gear.
"Barbara cleared it with me." Dick states. "It's all for show. They need to stand their ground." Dick states and you roll your eyes. Basically, they need to stroke cops' egos. What else is new?
"This is just optics, right?" Gar asks Dick, the growing pit in his stomach is starting to bubble. Gar doesn't normally second guess Dick's plans but tonight, he is. This seems wrong.
"Optics." Dick confirms calmly.
The Titans stand on the main level, looking up to the second floor where Babs and one of her right hands is standing beside her looking over the railing. There are cops on all sides of you and above you, covered in their swat gear with shields. Dick can say it's optics all he wants but you're getting a really bad feeling about this one. And then Blackfire bumps into you, making you and Gar turn around. One of the cops, used his shield to bump her and Conner used his superspeed to immediately be at Blackfire's side.
"Back off." Conner threatens, standing toe-to-toe with the cop that shoved her.
This is bad.
This is bad.
This is about to be really, really bad.
You look around as the cops start to slowly close in on all of you. This is not good. If this is optics and a show, they've done it. The show has been shown and it's time to get the hell out of here and finish the plan. There is no reason for them to be approaching the Titans. Not if they're on Barbara's side.
Dick sticks out of his hand, easing them away but it's not working. They're not going to listen to him. They just keep closing in with their shields and weapons pointed right at all of you. The Titans might not be here for a fight, but very clearly, the GCPD definitely is.
"Easy. We're not here for a fight." Dick states, keeping his voice calm but stern as to not piss anyone off.
"Move in." One of the men up top states, demanding the entire room.
Everything falls into slow motion as you look up to him, the other Titans and Barbara doing the same. It's as if everything starts to crumble at your feet. You are severely outnumbered and outgunned. This was a bad idea and you knew it was. It shouldn't have been but no one can trust people outside Barbara. That's how it is and now you're all trapped in this mess.
The cops start to close in, shoving all of the Titans. They try to shove you into smaller sections in order to separate you but you stand in between Gar and Dick as your hands form into fists. Your eyes scan the room quickly and there are fewer men up top. You could get up there and escape pretty easily with the grappling hook.
"Stand down!" Barbara yells but they aren't listening. They don't work for her anymore.
"There." You whisper to Gar, looking up to the second floor. "When you get the chance, get up there."
"What?" Gar questions quickly.
"They'll be too distracted by what's happening on the floor. You can get up there easily as a tiger and I can follow you." You nod your head once at him, reaching for a knife from your utility belt as you prepare for your own opening the second things start to turn violent.
This isn't going to be peaceful. Gar sees the knife in your hand, your hand gripping it tightly and he wonders when you became so prepared for everything to go south. He wonders if it's just trauma build-up like a clogged artery preparing for a heart attack or if this is a Bruce thing or maybe even a Jason thing. You never came here with any form of optimism.
Conner holds some of them off while others start to crowd Gar and you. Dick is entirely covered in cops before he shoves them off of him but then a gunshot rings out through the GCPD, Conner stopping the bullet with his hand. You, Gar, and Kory look over just in time to see the cop fire a second bullet and this time, it hits Blackfire.
"No!" Kory yells.
And that's when all hell breaks loose. Conner starts attacking the cop that shot Blackfire while the other cops jump in to attack the rest of you. Three go for you but you're quicker than they are, already having your free hand glow at your side. They're covered in protective gear and with the shield, you know you're not going to make any good shots with a knife. Desperate times, desperate measures. So, you pocket the knife and your other hand glows before you shoot acid at one of the men and the shield starts to melt. The other men keep coming closer, you punching and kicking them before you touch them with your hands, the acid melting right through their uniforms as they let out blood-curdling screams. The fabric and plastic becomes burned into their skin, sending them to the ground in agonizing pain.
Once those men are down, you jump in to help Gar so he can transform. You distract them and fight them until Gar jumps from behind you and then in front of you, fully turned into a green tiger. You can feel the bullet wound slowing you down. It's aching and throbbing, taking more of your energy you could really use right about now. And you swear you can feel blood leaking from the wound and down your arm as you land a right hook to one of the cops. That's when you hear that same guy above you, telling his men to shoot Gar.
"You gotta get out of here." You urge, shooting a hand full of acid at another man and melting his shield.
But, it's too late, as Gar defends himself, a tranquilizer is shot right out at him and he lets out a growl in response. This is just like the tower. Outnumbered. Outgunned. Even with the other Titans, you don't stand a chance. You can hear the other Titans fighting, getting a glimpse of the fire coming from Kory and Dick and Conner fighting hard. All of you need to get out of here.
"Go!" You point to the top, right where the man is. "Go, I'll be right behind you." You hold off the other men, giving Gar time to jump to the second level and head towards the exit.
You follow him, shooting your grappling hook to the top. The man pulls out his gun just as you reach him. With your feet planted on the floor, you put your hands up, the throbbing the front of your head echoing like a beating drum. He cowered when Gar jumped up here. You are fully confident even with a bum shoulder you could wrestle that gun from him with ease.
"Put the gun down!" You hear Barbara yell and that's when his eyes dart to her for just a second, giving you the perfect opportunity.
You lunge forward, grabbing the gun and then his wrist, twisting his arm. You squeeze and turn, just as Jason had taught you in several of your training sessions and then he drops the gun. You grab it before he even has a chance and you turn the gun on him.
One pull of the trigger and he's dead. That's all it would take. And you're ready to do it. All of the fighting is happening below you and yeah, maybe this guy is just under Crane's shit. But, you're really sick of it. He's not high. He's not drugged. He didn't have to join Crane but he did and he just got Gar shot. It feels like minutes as you almost debate shooting him at point-blank range but it's been five seconds. Five seconds for Barbara to realize you might not back down. Five seconds for the shooter behind you to aim his own gun at your back, kickstarting the throbbing in the back of your head.
"Bluejay!" Barbara yells and you grit your teeth.
You spin around, aiming the gun at the shooter's leg and shoot just once. It sends him to the ground and then you take off, not leaving the gun behind. You're real sick of people hurting the people you care about. He was going to shoot you on your way out anyway. Do or die. Kill or be killed.
You find Gar outside, limping as the tranquilizer is starting to take effect. He's not going to make it far and Sam needs to find somewhere for him to go. There has to be somewhere near here. And that's when she realizes...Gar isn't shot. Besides the tranquilizer. Sam looks up, not seeing a single sniper or cop on the roof and then she looks around the parking lot, not seeing anyone here either.
What the fuck?
That's weird given how many were here when the Titans arrived. That also cannot possibly be good. You roll your eyes and decide you both just need to get out of here and you'll find somewhere on the way. There's a tunnel entrance not far and you're pretty sure you and Gar can hide there until you think of a better place.
"Follow me, we're gonna go to the tunnels." You whisper to him as the two of you head for the alley that leads out to a side street.
The two of you run off to the alley, Gar slower than usual and your cape flowing behind you. Your shoulder is aching and you can feel the adrenaline wanting to crash. You're certain now that it's bleeding and your hand is shaking. Your entire arm is shaking. Gar isn't the only one who needs to take a breather.
The two of you exit through the alley and make your way on a sidewalk. You know if you take the sidewalk down to the intersection, you can cross over and head into an alley on that side of the street. The tunnel entrance will only be a block away and you'll be on the right side of the street.
But just as you and Gar go to walk past an alley right before the intersection, your head throbs from the side right before someone grabs your arm, yanking you into the alley. You fight back until the person spins you around and then you stop as relief comes over you.
"It's me. It's fine." Jason urges through the helmet just as Gar walks into the alley having seen you get grabbed by Jason.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" You spit back.
"You guys have to get the fuck off the streets. They'll be looking for you. Come with me." Jason urges you and Gar, trying to walk past but you and Gar block him.
"Answer me, Jason." Your eyes are narrowed at him and without seeing your mouth, Jason knows you're gritting your teeth behind the mask.
"I'll explain but let me get you guys somewhere safe first. You think those snipers just went on a fucking coffee run?" Jason quips back making you look to the Gar. Gar shakes his head and you let out a breath.
"You?" You ask, your eyes narrowing. How the fuck did he know to be there?
Jason nods. "Let's go before they show up." Jason's voice is stern and almost forceful as he walks past them.
Jason leads the two of you across the street and down a different alley. You exclusively take alleys and you're just relieved they clearly used a tranquilizer that wasn't as potent as the one CADMUS used. Gar is still slowing down but he's at least awake. But, you're still stuck trying to figure out how Jason knew and why he didn't do anything about it. You were all just attacked and you all could have been killed. He knew though. Pretending to be with Crane doesn't mean screwing the Titans over. You know there is probably an explanation but right now, you're pissed off and scared and in pain.
You reach an abandoned building and Jason opens the door in the back for the three of you. The three of you make your way upstairs and into a room with boarded-up windows. This place doesn't have any type of belongings but you're willing to bet Jason is hoarding the place. Jason would probably never not have a place to go after everything. Gar practically collapses on the floor before he starts to transform back into himself.
"Sleep it off. I'll wait until things calm down and I'll go looking for Dick and Kory, okay?" You crouch down to Gar as you put a hand on his shoulder.
"You okay?" Gar gets out with a labored breath.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Better at this now." You offer a nod and if Gar weren't so exhausted from the tranquilizer, he'd be worried about why you're suddenly better at it. Maybe Gotham does change people. It's something Dick warned the Titans about. Gotham eats people alive.
"Are you sure?" Gar's words start to slur together just a little.
"Yeah." You nod your head and offer him a soft smile. "Just...sleep, okay? I'll find you clothes, too."
Gar's face starts to burn. "Okay." Gar nods his head, plopping down on the floor as the tranquilizer finally kicks in entirely.
"Here." Jason offers a blanket of some sort and you use it to cover Gar before you get to your feet.
"He'll be out awhile." You say softly, a sadness coating your words.
There's almost a numbness that's coming with this territory. You wonder if this is how Bruce has done it for so long, maybe that's why Bruce is the way he is. His parents were killed in front of him and then...here he is. Batman, vengeance. Maybe in order for him to be Batman, he has to be numb to it, to the pain of what comes with being a hero. Maybe he's let some of that numbness leak into his personal life and that's why he was the way he was with Dick and why he tried to be better with Jason but still failed. You wonder if he just numbs it all in order to keep going. And maybe that's not entirely Bruce's fault. Because you don't want to be numb about everything.
The pain is the worst part but outside of pain, Bruce seems to push things away and maybe that's still how he can be Batman. Maybe it wasn't always like that but bad things happen. You don't want that. It's just, you're standing here with Jason and you're annoyed with him but you're not even that mad anymore. You're tired, your shoulder hurts but emotionally, the only thing you really feel right now is worry. Worry for Gar and the Titans. That's it. That doesn't feel too good either.
Jason nods his head before he looks to the floor. He looks back to the window and then to you, nodding his head toward the window. The two of you head over to the boarded window, taking a seat below it. Jason takes his helmet off, resting it beside him as he stretches his legs out in front of him. The white streak flops onto his forehead, you getting the slightest hit of a smile at the sight.
You follow his lead, taking your own mask off as you pull your legs to your chest. You rest your head against the boards, closing your eyes as you take in a breath. Jason watches you carefully, seeing a slight tremor in your hand of the shoulder that was shot as you rest your forearms on your knees. There's a mark near your temple that looks like it might be forming into a bruise. But, that's it. Jason doesn't see anything too bad. GCPD has never been very good at taking out vigilantes. It's not really their thing which Jason is thankful for. But, he really wishes he weren't too late.
It's not his fault. He's trying to work Crane and part of that is still doing his dirty work. He had no choice but the second he could, he tried his absolute hardest to warn the Titans. It just wasn't enough. It's another really hard pill to swallow. Working with Crane is his biggest mistake. Everything is a mess and that, that part is on him. He is desperate for it all just to come to an end.
"Oh, here." You mutter, pulling the gun from your utility belt. You hand it over with caution, Jason noticing the tremor worse as he takes the gun from you. Jason blinks at you and then at the gun, trying to find the right question. "Wrestled it from a piece of shit who caused this shit, shot the piece of shit that shot Gar, then I took it."
Jason shakes his head as his eyes close for a second, growing confused. Desperate times, desperate measures. He entirely understands how you ended up with the gun. That's not really the question he has now. It's you shooting someone. Your hands are shaking and your hands very rarely ever shake after a fight. It's one of the things Jason finds the most interesting. It's your steady hands before, during, and after heavy conflicts. He was like that, too and then Deathstroke happened but now they're shaking a lot. And something looks really wrong which could also just be what happened at the station. But, Jason wonders if it's the use of a gun. You always said you weren't a fan of using them.
"You shot someone?" Jason raises a brow at you as you read the disbelief on his face.
"I mean, yeah? You shoot people." You scoff, looking forward again. "I wrestled the gun away, had it aimed at the guy and Babs yelled at me. So, I turned and shot the guy who was about to shoot me who also shot Gar. Had it in my hand, might as well." You clear your throat, still dodging Jason's stare. "I didn't have a choice. He was gonna shoot me if I didn't do something." You state quietly as you chew the inside of your cheek.
It's really not the gun. The way you see it, it's really not that different than you throwing a knife at someone's head. It kills them all the same. It's not all that different than you throwing a knife at someone's leg. It wounds them all the same. It doesn't matter. It is just everything from the last two weeks. You really hate not having the choice to walk away. You might still pick the violent answer, but you'd like a choice. You would like a choice in the way your life goes.
"Alright." Jason nods his head before he shakes it. "Why the fuck did you take it with you?" Jason asks. You know these guns can be tracked. It's police issued.
"Fuck them." You state. "If I left it, they'd shoot me. So I took it to give to you to get rid of. Or I'll throw it in the Harbor out of spite."
"Right." Jason nods his head. "Shot someone? Using my R blades? Combat? Got a cape? You really are following in my footsteps, huh?" Jason offers you a teasing grin to try and lighten your mood, just a little bit. He just hates seeing you like this.
You narrow your eyes at him but Jason catches you starting to smirk. "You're really good at this." You roll your eyes. "Be stupid not to take notes. That's what you told me to do anyway."
Jason lets out a soft chuckle. "Can't believe you fucking listened."
"Yeah, it is a rarity." You quip before you look at him, lifting your head up. While this is nice discussing your own motives, you'd love to turn it around now. Jason knew to be there and when. That sounds like a problem. "You wanna tell me what the fuck?"
"Crane." Jason lets out a scoff. It's his turn to turn his attention forward. "Had me pay off one of the guys to turn on Babs, turn the whole department. Then, take all of you guys to him." Jason looks back at you, his face reading blatant annoyance.
"And you didn't warn me?" You shake your head in disbelief, the question coming out more as a demand -- an accusation.
"No! I tried! You, Dick, and Gar didn't answer!" Jason defends himself as he turns to face you. "I'd never let you walk in there if I had a choice. I tried. And when I got there, you were already inside. So, took out the snipers." Jason shrugs his shoulders. "The Titans against the GCPD?" Jason lets out a scoff. "I figured you'd all be fine inside but I didn't leave until I saw you and Gar. I was gonna go in to help when I heard the fighting but you and Gar walked out."
You nod your head before you pull out the burner and sure enough, you have three missed calls. That makes you feel a lot better. No part of you ever really believed Jason wouldn't at least try to warn you. You are relieved though, that even when things are messy as all hell, he still has your back. He always did but tonight just feels different.
"Took out?" You raise a brow.
"Knocked them out." Jason nods with a single nod.
"You know they're gonna tell Crane Red Hood got them, right?" You question, wondering how he plans to get himself out of it. And maybe you're a little relieved. You really hate him working with Crane still even if it was your idea.
"Thought of that." Jason says through a chuckle. "Wore a different mask, put on a different hoodie. They won't know any better. I was in and out anyway." Jason offers with confidence, clearly proud to do this work.
You shake your head but give Jason a gentle smile. "Well, thank you for risking it anyway. And for trying to warn us."
"Always." Jason nods his head right back, a toothy smile on display. It's a warm smile this time. "You alright, though?" Jason asks.
"Uh...yeah, I-I uh, I think I'm bleeding again." You state, looking to your shoulder and then back to him.
"Let me see." Jason states, gesturing his hand for you to lean forward.
You lean forward as Jason unzips your suit in the back and pulls down the shoulder part of your suit. Sure enough, the wound has bled through the gauze and there's blood everywhere he can see. Jason's heart jumps to his throat. It's been hours and the wound isn't that bad. For there to be this much blood in such a short amount of time, you had to be fighting like hell to get out of there. And you did it while looking out for Gar. And Jason gets a proud smile.
"What?" You raise a brow at him, wondering why the blood is making him smile.
"Trained you well." Jason states softly, confidence and pride etched into those three words.
"Shut up." You groan. "You would take credit for it." You let out a soft laugh.
"Well, if it weren't for me, you'd get your ass kicked." Jason quips right back. "So...you're welcome." Jason gives you a smirk.
Your eyes narrow before you roll them. "Yes, thank you so much. I would just be in so much distress if not for you. Please, where would I be?!" You fake a loud whine, the sarcasm spilling from your lips.
"Arrested." Jason answers plainly as he blinks at you.
You nod your head. "Fuck you." You shrug as you widen your eyes, earning a laugh from Jason.
"Oh, well in that case, I don't have to help you now. Ya know, if you don't need my help or anything." Jason sits back, his signature smirk crossing his face.
You let out a sigh, giving him a fake glare. "You won't let me bleed out." You state with confidence. "Where would you be without me? I'm the only one who plays your games." You offer him the same smirk.
Jason gives you a single nod. "Because I play yours." Jason quips.
"Which brings us back to you not letting me bleed out." You grin at him.
"You're really confident in that." Jason nods his head, knowing damn well you're not going to bleed out.
"I'm always confident in your abilities to not let something really bad happen to me." You say softly but there's a smirk on your face. It almost reads as a joke but Jason can tell by the sweetness in your voice and how quietly you said it that it's true. Even if you only said it out loud to mess with him.
Jason fake groans. "Alright. Fine." Jason says dramatically. "Guess I'll be fucking nice and help."
"You were going to anyway." You let out a soft laugh that makes Jason's stomach spin.
"Yeah..." Jason says softly, his smile turning soft as he scoots back over to you. "How many you take down anyways?" Jason asks as he pulls the gauze off.
"I lost count." You state. "There were a lot of them though. Uh, one of them shot Blackfire though. I think Kory was trying to get out with her. Dick and Conner were still fighting when we left though."
"I saw them follow you guys out." Jason assures you. "They're alright."
A surprised but kind smile starts to come to your lips. "Did you watch for them?" You ask.
Jason shrugs. "Saw you were alright and Gar, so maybe yeah. I just hung out a minute to make sure the others got out. Kory was with Blackfire and Dick was with Conner and Krypto. Blackfire was the only one who looked hurt." Jason explains as he grabs a gauze pad from his pockets.
"Didn't help though?"
"You know there's no fucking way in hell Kory would have let me." Jason quips back.
"Yeah...." You let out a sigh. "That's probably true." You nod as Jason sticks the gauze pad to the wound. "You just carrying first aid stuff now?"
"Just being prepared." Jason chuckles. "You should be proud." Jason nods up at you once the gauze is stuck and in place. "You should be okay. Here." Jason pulls another gauze pad out. "Just in case."
"Thanks, Jay." You take it, the shaking in your hands not as prominent now.
"You and me." Jason nods once at you with a soft smile before zipping her suit back up.
"You and me." You nod back before putting the gauze pad in your utility belt. "So...Crane has the department?" You clear your throat. It would be easier not to discuss that but you don't have that privilege.
"Yep." Jason shakes his head. "He's got more than that. The video, everyone is falling for his shit. He's gonna try to destroy Gotham." Jason states.
"How?" You ask.
"Taking over everyone and turning everyone against you guys for starters. I don't know what else he has planned. I know it's not fucking good though. He's losing it."
"Fantastic." You roll your eyes.
According to Bruce's file on Crane, this is what always happens. He has a plan and it works well at first but then he starts to crumble, spiral, and it all goes to shit. Crane does try to take people with him though and no one is left unscathed when Crane starts to fall off the deep end. You're getting the feeling this isn't going to end well.
"You, uh, you should probably head out then, right?" You ask cautiously. "Like, if someone sees you with us, leading us here or sees me leave after seeing you leave. That'll be a problem. You know Crane wants the city, so find out how."
Jason grits his teeth and he hates this. It was his idea to go to Crane in the first place and maybe this is just his penance for it. Being forced to work with him not that he wants to kill him. And he hates the idea of leaving you and Gar. The entire city is going to want you dead. The GCPD already tried to turn them in to Crane who would have killed you. You can handle yourselves but anything can happen out there. Worse things can happen though if he doesn't find out what Crane is doing and put a stop to it.
"Yeah." Jason answers shortly. "Alright, yeah." Jason nods his head with a sigh. "Use the burner though, let me know if you find anyone. I'll try to get into the traffic cameras and see if I can locate anyone for you and Gar to get to." Jason explains as he gets to his feet.
"Thanks, Jay." You offer him a soft smile. "We'll be fine." You assure him.
"Right." Jason nods his head, plucking his helmet from the floor. "If shit starts going south--"
"I'll call or text. I got it, Jay. We've been here plenty of times now. Look who's the one worrying now." You scrunch your nose at him, mostly to try and ease some of his worry and hide yours.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jason lets out a scoff but the corners of his mouth tug up slightly. "Good luck." Jason nods once before he turns and heads out of the room, leaving you alone with an unconscious Gar.
You sit against the window for several hours, just looking through the slats of the window. The city is going to shit. Chaos is already starting to hit the streets. Fires and fights, you can see the few buildings across the street boarding up their windows. Maybe this is what Crane wanted. GCPD is with Crane and Gotham doesn't have any vigilantes to protect it. That's when you start to think how odd this whole thing is.
Bruce ran the city on fear. Fear of the Bat and how he could take down anyone, send them to Arkham but with the insurance policy of making it out alive. It was still fear that kept a lot of people from committing at least serious crimes and it did keep Gotham, at least, somewhat safer with certain things. Crane's entire obsession is with fear. He makes people live out their worst fears. It's what he does but now he's trying to control Gotham by turning everyone against the vigilantes which just makes them unafraid. You aren't sure what that has to do with anything or if it even matters but it's something you can't help but think about it. And you wonder what will happen if it works. What happens if he gets what he wants this time? Where does that leave the Titans? Gotham?
You've never been much of a team player. You've always done better alone or with one person. It's easier that way. You wonder if that's how it should be. You remember when you left the tower and Dick said you could be a Titan again. If you wanted to. But, the more you sit here and think about it, maybe you don't want to. There are too many moving pieces and even though it's not your responsibility, it's too much to have to worry about so many people all at once. And if Dick fucks up, they all die. That's a pretty big burden to carry and you aren't so sure you want that every single day. Maybe to help sometimes, yeah. But, maybe not every day and if Crane wins, this is Gotham. You'll fight tirelessly until it's not his anymore because this city doesn't belong to him. It doesn't belong to anyone like him.
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After a few more hours, the sun starts to come up, the gloomy clouds blocking most of the pretty oranges and pinks. You check your phone, only for there to be an x where the service bars are. You try to make a call to Dick but the service is unavailable. Fantastic. Your best guess is this has to do with whatever Crane has coming or the chaos that Gotham is under which means you and Gar are on your own until you're able to find the rest of the Titans. But you can't just sit here for right now.
You still need to grab some sort of food for you both and grab clothes for Gar so while the streets aren't as busy you decide now might be a good time to try and find supplies. The streets aren't as busy as they were earlier and nothing should be open yet. There's a convenience store not far so if you're quick, you could break in, grab what you and Gar need, and be back before anyone spots you. It shouldn't be too hard. So, you grab your mask and make your way to the door Jason let you through last night only to be caught completely off guard as the door swings open.
"Rachel?" You question as you pull your mask off.
Rachel blinks at you a few times before gaining a soft smile. "Hey." She didn't know you even got a suit.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You ask as you tug Rachel inside and close the door behind her.
"I don't know. I just had a feeling I needed to come back." Rachel states, somewhat ominously.
You've never been so relieved to see Rachel. Rachel is literally the daughter of a demon. Based on how Gotham is looking right about now, you might need that. So far, nothing else has worked and Rachel killed her dad. Not to mention, the Titans could really just use some more hands if you stand a chance against the entire population of Gotham City.
"Oh, yeah no we could use some fucking help right about now." You laugh softly.
"Yeah? What is going on?" Rachel looks around the abandoned building, taking notice in how rundown and cold it is. "It's kind of weird out there." Rachel states, remembering how Gotham was before when Dick brought them on the way to San Fransisco.
This is not that Gotham. There are fires in the streets now, people yelling, being more guarded than usual. It's every person for themselves and it's six in the morning. No one should even have enough energy for that now. But, word got out that the vigilantes are gone and the commissioner was arrested. People have really lost it since.
"You haven't talked to anyone right?" You question, remembering Rachel was unreachable to everyone meaning she probably needs a full recap.
"Right, I couldn't really talk to anyone while I was there." Rachel says with hesitance, starting to worry about where this might go.
"Awesome. Jason died." You spit out, ripping the bandaid off.
Rachel coughs. "He what?!"
"Yeah, Joker beat him to death with a crowbar. So, Bruce went and killed the Joker. Fast forward to all the Titans showing up, and surprise, Jason's alive again. Lazarus Pit." You spit it out before Rachel can even ask. "Only he's Red Hood now and he was addicted to a drug made by Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow. That made him fearless which was unpleasant, honestly. So, for the last two weeks, I've been trying to get him clean while he's been trying to kill Dick. And Dick's been trying to capture him. He's clean now and on our side but I got shot and Dick got shot and Gar just got tranquilized last night. Crane is trying to take over the city, he poisoned the water. We were almost all killed last night because of it. It's been a mess." You nod casually as you finish.
"Um..." Rachel tries to find the right words to even process any of that. "I missed a lot." Rachel nods.
"Oh, yeah, welcome to Gotham." You mutter as you lead Rachel up the stairs. "And now, apparently, cell towers are down because I can't get a call out. I have no idea where everyone else is. It's just Gar and me."
"Okay, wait. So, where is everyone else? And where is Jason?" Rachel questions. She could tell that all of the Titans weren't here but she didn't realize you and Gar would be on your own entirely.
"No idea. He's been trying to find out what Crane is planning. He's the only reason any of us got out alive last night. He took out the snipers. As for the Titans, I don't know." You say sadly, sucking in a deep breath. "We got separated and the city went to shit not long after."
"What a mess." Rachel says softly.
"Yeah. Donna?" You ask with hope. If Jason can be brought back, there has to be a way to bring back Wonder Girl.
Rachel shakes her head sadly. "Nope."
You let out a sigh of defeat. "I'm sorry. At least you tried though." You look over to her as you reach the room where Gar is still passed out. "More than what most people would do. There has to be a way though." You assure her.
"Yeah, maybe we should ask Jason how it all works." Rachel says only half joking.
"He doesn't know. I did ask." You let out a soft laugh. "He doesn't even know where it is." You let out a breath. "Anyway, we're hiding here until we figure out what to do and until Gar wakes up." You gesture to the room just as Gar starts to stir awake.
Gar's eyes land on the two of you as confusion wraps itself around him. The last thing he remembers is you and Jason being here. It's fuzzy but he remembers that. The person standing next to you is not Jason though. Jason doesn't normally wear all black. He blinks a few times, trying to get his vision to focus and once it does, he's certain something went wrong.
"Rachel?" Gar asks, eyes still partially closed with sleep while the two of you get closer. "Did I die again or are you really real?"
"Of course I'm real." Rachel says as the two of you crouch down.
"I found her." You state.
"I found you." Rachel looks back at you.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah same thing." You state. "How you feeling?"
"Tired." Gar chuckles. "How did you find her?"
"I could just feel you guys." Rachel states simply. "Your energy. I started at GCPD, ended up here." Rachel explains as she hands Gar his clothes.
The two of you stand up and turn around so Gar can change. You're definitely thankful Rachel was able to grab his clothes because that was one thing you were not confident you could grab. And he can't very well just be out there with a blanket.
"Did you find anyone else?" Gar asks as he gets dressed.
"No, I came here first." Rachel says.
"I actually didn't leave. I opened the door and Rachel was there but cell towers are down so I can't even reach out to try to find them." You roll your shoulders.
"So, now what?" Gar asks once he's fully clothed.
You and Rachel turn around, looking between each other.
"I have no idea." You answer with defeat.
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Meanwhile, Crane decides he's earned his right to Wayne Manor. With the Titans out of commission and in hiding, the manor is open. It's safe and it'll be the perfect place for Crane to call home now. It'll make it easier to run Gotham from the Manor, having access to not only the Batcave but everything within the Batcave. And of course, he decided to take Jason with him who's still not liking this whole getting along with him thing when the only thing he wants to do is put a bullet in his head right about now.
With the lines down, it's going to make it that much harder for him to even contact anyone. If Jason does find out what Crane is planning, how is he supposed to find Dick without Crane catching onto what he's doing? This whole plan is a mess and being back at the manor isn't making Jason feel any better. It feels wrong.
This isn't Crane's home. Jason is pissed -- hurt by Bruce but maybe that doesn't mean letting Crane into the manor is a good idea. He's going to take over the place and make it his when he doesn't even belong here. But, Jason is also thinking of how he doesn't belong here either. Bruce abandoned him. This was never really Jason's home anyway. He tried to make it fit, tried to make it stick but it was never really him anyway. The fancy manor, the galas, events, press, money, just having a place to go home to that was safe. Even the training didn't feel like him. He loves it more than words but at the beginning, even that just felt like he was just trying to fill in the shoes that would always be the wrong size. But now, it feels worse. He feels more like he's trespassing. He's not supposed to be alive, let alone here with Crane. In another world, Jason thinks maybe he'd have ditched Crane after being brought back and he would have walked in to find Bruce. Maybe it would be different then.
But, it's not.
"So, this is what a billion dollars gets ya?" Crane asks, standing overlooking the living room. Crane makes his way down into the main living room, examining the curtains on his way down. "Interior designers the world over-exclaimed, meh." Crane shrugs with boredom before glancing to Jason who's still standing on the landing looking over the room. "Alright enough with the whole tortured hero stuff. Come on. We have reached the summit. It's time for us to enjoy the view. I think this calls for some spirits." Crane states as he takes his coat off, tossing it onto the couch before he grabs a bottle of alcohol.
Tortured hero? That's what he thinks the issue is here? Crane's gotten Jason to make a drug, get addicted to it, kill innocent people, turn on everyone who ever cared about him, Crane almost killed you, and is trying to tear down the city. Being this so-called tortured hero is not Jason's issue. Crane is arrogant and delusional. Jason can't tell if he's just doing it on purpose or if he believes any of the shit that leaves his mouth. Crane is selfish and cruel. Jason is kicking himself for not seeing it sooner. Crane doesn't care about anyone or anything besides himself. And Jason's just stuck here playing along.
"Look," Crane states as he uncorks the bottle. "Make a toast. To Batsy." Crane says, pouring himself a glass. "To beating them. To knowing them. To growing them." Crane says as he hands a glass to Jason. Jason takes it, not bothering to start the argument now. "We gotta redecorate." Crane says, looking around. "Starting with this." Crane says as he eyes the large painted portrait of the Wayne's hanging above the fireplace.
Crane pushes a chair in front of the fireplace, using it as a ladder to grab the painting. He places the painting down in front of the fireplace, kicking the chair out of the way. Then he grabs a knife from his pocket, eyeing the painting.
"Actually, you should do the honors." Crane turns around to face Jason, offering him the knife.
Jason walks around the couch, grabbing the knife from Crane before Crane walks to plop himself on the couch. Jason watches him before he looks back to the painting, questioning if he should actually listen to Crane on this one. It feels wrong but he is still really hurt.
"It's time to finally pay back your father for the gifts he's given you." Crane states with ease.
Jason stares at the painting and at first there's a guilt that comes over him. This is of Bruce and his parents. His parents are gone, it's not like this can be replaced. But, the more he stands here, the more he thinks about how badly he's been hurt by Bruce.
Bruce gave him magic by giving him Robin and then he just...ripped it away. He did what everyone always does. Promise him something and then take it away, take from him. He begged him not to give up on him and Bruce did anyway. Bruce gave up on him just like everyone else. He never bothered to try to understand him. Bruce just sent him to Leslie to fix him. And while Jason knows, he is the one that went after the Joker, Bruce didn't do anything about it.
He didn't even realize something was wrong or that something was going on. He should have noticed and he should have tried to help. Based on the context Jason has gotten from you, it does not sound like Bruce was worried and asked you to check on him. You figured it out. Not Bruce, the world's greatest detective. Jason was cooking Crane's drug and seeing Crane and Bruce never once figured it out. You did and while you're good at detective work, Bruce is supposed to be the best. But, when it comes to his own son, he just...failed? Jason swears it was on purpose because how else did he fucking miss it? How did he miss that Jason was struggling so badly? Jason doesn't scream from the rooftops that he needs help but he also makes it obvious in his own way and Bruce missed every single cry for help Jason has ever given him.
Bruce knows Jason's entire past, every piece of it and he will never understand. Jason pushed a serial rapist off a building and all Bruce did was get mad. He never bothered to care to understand Jason's point of view of the situation. Maybe that's just Jason breaking the rules, but it was Bruce's job to try to understand. Jason was just a kid. And he was brutally murdered and it's fine Bruce has a no-kill rule but the way Jason sees it, he should have killed the Joker because the Joker took Jason away from Burce. Jason is Bruce's son, he said so, and he picked him, and yet he's the one that feels left behind and abandoned and damaged. He was never good enough. He was always too much of a bother to try to understand. Bruce only ever wanted to fix him in the way Bruce wanted to fix everyone, make them just like him. But, that doesn't work for Jason and he doesn't think he'll ever be fixed and he's pissed and hurt because he hates feeling broken.
So, he pulls his arm back and starts slicing up the painting with everything in him.
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yuquinzel · 1 year
HELLO HANA 🤭🤭🤭 here to annoy u again
anyway.. rinnie ko bas ek din ghar pe invite karna hai for a sleepover to see his face when he realizes ki woh tumhare saath same room mein nahi sone wala h 😭 and then he gets so pouty and you have to be like "sorry rinnie :P just my family...... they're a little...." so he's like ok (sad) and woh guest room mein sota h but then he gets a text from you at like 1 in the morning which says "be quiet when you come in <3" and he's already getting out of the bed in seconds ??????? ugh this man. and bonus when tumhare bhai/behen ghar mein rehte h because he's extra scared of getting caught 😭😭😭😭 and then after cuddling all night you have to quite literally push him out of your room at 4 AM bc he gets so clingy and won't let you go (how are u gonna escape from those strong ass arms ???) and you're whisper-yelling at him in the dark like "rin! go back to your room i swear to god—" kyuki mummy 5 baje hi uthti hai ... ☠️ bechara rin </3
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“rin... let go, it's almost 4 am!”
rin's hold on you is firm, it's hard enough to keep your voice low and close to a whisper-yell, it's even more difficult to wrestle yourself free from the embrace of his strong arms when he's very obviously determined to not let go.
“quit whining, you're the one who asked me to come.”
“yeah, like an hour ago. my mom will be up by 5! you and i are dead if she sees you leave my room at this hour.” you try to reason, hands going to push away at his forearms to allow space between you both, but to no avail. if anything, he just holds you even tighter.
“sounds like a you problem. first you ask me for a sleepover, and then i find we're not even gonna sleep in the same room. then i get a text asking me to come over to your room, and now you want me leave again? not happening.”
“bro,” you deadpan, “you're lucky my parents even agreed to let you sleep over! I'll make up for it later, but please go back to your room!”
you can't help but snicker as the events of earlier come playing in your mind— the look of pure horror on rin's pretty face as he learns he's not going to be spending the night with you, but in the guest room instead. the way he was shrinking in his seat as your siblings give him the side-eye everytime they'd catch him staring at you. god, he looked adorable pouting when you slapped his hand away from your own, in front of your parents.
but now when you feel him inch closer, burying his face in your shoulders as the warmth of your bodies cover you like a second blanket— you know you've already lost. you don't really want him to leave either, and there's a tremble in your voice that's enough to tell rin that your resistance isn't as legitimate as you're hoping for it to be.
“i don't care. your parents already love me. I'll win them over, now shut up and let me sleep.”
the hushed sweetness to his voice betrays his words, he's only threading his fingers through your hair in what you assume is an attempt to lull you to sleep. you take a mental note to not underestimate itoshi rin's ability to charm you with his words past 3 am— he's uncharacteristically clingy, being all soft and delicate, tentative and loving— the way only you know rin to be.
“my sister's in the other room, she definitely knows you're here.”
“that means we're already done for, might as well let it be.”
“god, you are insufferable.” you say, (begrudgingly) settling into his chest.
you can only imagine a satisfied smirk on his face when he breathes— the rise and fall of his chest slowing falling in sync with yours— and you feel it resonate with your own.
yeah, you don't really want him to leave.
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hiii val im sorry for the late reply </3 here take this as a peace offering,, literally wrote this just now— i love your ideas, please stay in my inbox forever :(
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Part Seven: "Pour Over" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: (Then) Between postpartum blues and her baby's needy coos, Reader's having a hard time adjusting to her new life. But she quickly learns that sometimes you get by with a little help from your friends. — (Now) After dealing with her fussy child all night, the last thing Reader wants is a complicated day at work. Luckily for her, a certain nurse knows just how to make her day a little easier.
Pairing: Nurse!Steve Harrington x Fem!Byers!Reader
Word Count: 1,640
Content Warning: postpartum talk, anxiety talk, mentions of vomit (nothing in detail though), very mild swearing, mild hospital talk, mentions of food, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: yall i am so so so sorry that this took me so long to finish, more on this later but rn all i have to say is the world's biggest apology 😭
Originally Written: 01/06/2024 through 01/23/2024 (i'm so sorry)
honeysuckleharringtons main masterlist can be found here!
'brew and me' series masterlist can be found here!
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[ Then, February of 1988 ]
At this point, you weren't sure how you hadn't died from sleep deprivation.
It had been a whole two weeks since the baby was born, and you were pretty sure you hadn't slept a wink since. One sleepless night had turned into two, and well… now you couldn't remember the last time you had slept.
The clock on the wall told you it was nearing three in the morning, the blackness outside the windows further proving that fact. The baby was once again crying, and no amount of midnight feedings or diaper changes or rocking her in the rocking chair had done the trick. You were warned about colic, but nothing could've prepared you for what it would be like in real time.
Another new nightly ritual was a tired Joyce stumbling into your bedroom, eyes heavy and feet shuffling. You knew exactly what she had in mind, but your Byers genes were far too stubborn to accept her offer.
“Mom, we're fine,” you insisted from your spot in the rocking chair. But even you knew that to the naked eye, you surely didn't look fine. Unwashed hair, blanket tossed messily over your lap, purple spots nearly black underneath your eyes.
Joyce just sighed from her spot in the doorway. “Honey, you are clearly not fine. Don't take this the wrong way but you're a mess.” The comment almost hurt you, though you supposed you appreciated your mother's honesty.
“I'll be okay,” you insisted. “It's not my first sleepless night.”
She moved to sit on the edge of your bed, across from the newly placed rocking chair and crib. “That's the problem, honey. You need sleep. You can't properly be there for her if you-”
“I can't leave her.”
“Don't get enough sleep and-”
“Mom, I can't-”
“You need to eat something too, honey. I mean, when was the last time you-”
“Mom!” you raised your voice this time, effectively cutting her off. “I cannot leave this baby.”
Joyce let out a long sigh, running a hand through her already messy hair. “If you don't take proper care of yourself, exhaustion is gonna hit you like a freight train. Then what?”
You supposed she might be right. But still, her comments couldn't make you see past your postpartum anxiety, worst case scenarios running rampant through your mind.
“What if something happens to her while I'm asleep?” you asked, voice weak. “Or what if she thinks I left her, just like…” you couldn't finish the statement before tears began to prick your eyes.
“Y/N, you know that me and Will would never let anything happen to this baby.” You could tell by her tone that she was being genuine, though both of you knew her words were useless when it came to your anxiety. “We love both of you. We would never let anything happen to her.”
Tears pricked your eyes as your panicked thoughts ran rampant. “What about Dad?”
She nearly fell off the bed after hearing your question. “Dad? What does Lonnie have to do with-”
“I keep having this weird feeling in my gut that Dad is gonna try something with her,” you explained, tears fully soaking your cheeks now. “Like he's going to try and take her from me.”
“I would never let that happen.” Joyce's words weren't a suggestion. She said them with such finality that you were tempted to believe her. “Lonnie walked out of here seven years ago. He hasn't gotten in here yet and I will make damn sure he doesn't get in now.”
Your heart was racing a million beats a minute. You weren't really sure why—other than postpartum anxiety—that Lonnie had been on your mind. But just the thought of him sent shivers up your spine and tears down your face.
Clinging harder to the bundle in your arms, careful not to hurt her but still holding her closer, you rocked gently in the chair in hopes of calming both yourself and the baby. Her cries had yet to subside, if anything they'd just grown louder.
“Mom, I'm so scared,” you finally broke. Even you could hear the weakness, the brokenness, the defeat in your voice. “What if I'm doing this all wrong?”
Joyce stood again, with that same finality as her words from earlier. “I'm not here to tell you how to raise your baby. You're the mother now and you know what's best for you and her,” she started, the words stern but gentle. “But I am here to give you advice as a mother myself. Babies can sense things. Maybe she's upset because you're upset.”
And with that, Joyce was stepping toward the door, reaching for knob, and then-
“Okay.” The word came out as defeated as you felt. “I'll let you have her just long enough for me to shower and eat something.”
She turned to face you with a small smile, not one of smugness or one of someone proving a point, but one that showed you that she was simply just glad to help you out. She left a soft kiss on your forehead as she took the baby from your arms, quickly taking your place in the rocking chair as you headed over to your dresser.
Her smile went a little sideways as she looked up from the baby to you. “Yeah?”
“I love you. Don't ever forget that, okay?”
With a small nod, Joyce replied, “I won't. Don't you forget that I ditto.” A phrase that had been around since you were little. You weren't sure who started it, but in this moment you were thankful for it, five letters meaning the absolute world to you.
You walked over, leaving a peck to the prickly hairs you'd been seeing so much of these days, warmth filling the entire expanse of your body. “I love you, bub.”
“I'm sure she dittos you too, honey.”
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[ Now, January of 1992 ]
A loud yawn sounded from the other side of the counter, breaking you from your own mess of sleepy thoughts. “Me too,” you chuckled as you looked up, a yawn slipping between your own lips. Dark hair and round glasses met you, purple spots thick underneath his eyes. “You look about as tired as I feel.”
Steve chuckled, shaking his head. “I wouldn't have known it if you hadn't mentioned it,” he said. A crease formed between your brows as you wondered what he meant. “You look as nice as you always do.”
He set a new record for how quickly he'd ever made butterflies go off inside you. “Careful, Doc, or I'll think you're flirting with me,” you said through the crimson blush that had started to appear on your cheeks.
“Sorry,” he said sarcastically, “Must be the sleep deprivation from the double I just pulled.”
You cringed at his words, knowing all too well what that felt like. “I know the feeling. I might as well have pulled my own double after staying up all night with my dau-”
The word got caught in your throat as you realized what you were about to say. “Dog,” you covered quickly, hoping your lie flew over Steve's head.
On the outside, you were hoping to appear calm and cool. On the inside, you were face palming. You'd been sleep deprived many times before, considering you once had a baby on your hands who had colic from the day she was born. Not to mention being a mother made you miss sleep in many ways of its own. But you couldn't recall a time where you'd been so sleep deprived that you almost spilled your biggest secret to a practical stranger, much less a practical stranger who you were actively avoiding telling the secret to.
“I didn't know you had a dog,” Steve said with furrowed brows, his voice bringing you back to reality.
Even though you hated to lie to him, you were thankful that your job had given you the ability to think fast. “Yeah, she must've eaten something she wasn't supposed to. She was up all night throwing up.” The real story was that Mandy had snuck into the kitchen to eat the rest of her leftover Christmas candy after you told her not to, but Steve didn't have to know that.
“Plain rice helps.”
His reaction caught you off guard. “Huh?”
“Plain rice can help a dog's upset stomach,” he explained. “If it keeps happening though, you should definitely take her to a vet.”
Steve's suggestion was oddly sweet, and honestly tugged at your heartstrings a little bit. “Thank you for the tip. Out of curiosity though, how do you know about caring for a sick dog?”
His broad shoulders shrugged, and you tried not to drool at the sight of them. “I almost went to vet school. Boy, would that have made my dad mad. Not that med school has made him any less angry.” As if realizing he was rambling, an awkward chuckle slipped between his lips and he turned his attention to the menu. “You didn't ask. Anyway, what do you recommend?”
“Nice try,” you answered, rolling your eyes. “But for you, I recommend going home and getting some sleep.”
Steve chuckled, and the sound went straight to your belly. “Hey, you don't have to tell me twice. I just pulled a double and I have to be back on campus for classes in about five hours.”
Part of you wanted to tell him to just take the night off and get some rest. Another part of you wanted to drive him home yourself and tuck him in. “I do not envy you,” you giggled. “To answer your original question though, how does a strawberry smoothie sound?”
He met you with a closed-lip smile, one that had started to feel so comforting and oh so familiar these days. “That sounds perfect.”
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So this is about a month late...
I want to apologize for being gone with no announcement or explanation. Lots of things have happened in the past couple weeks that have taken a severe toll on my mental health and I just haven't really had the time to write, much less the energy.
I am feeling a little better and I have talked to my boss about my hours so I'm hoping that'll help somewhat. I really miss giving you guys content and I miss interacting with you guys.
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well! ❤️
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @corrodedseraphine @manuosorioh @esoltis280 @hazydespair @frostandflamesfanfic
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x22
Can't say I feel sorry for Genevieve bc that woman was nasty but Lana just got another thing added to the huge pile of trauma she already had😬
oh hey Lex, so what happened here was-
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"I had this one last week, really scary. This... guy wearing a red cape." "Wow, that sounds horrible Lois."
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I can't do this they're so?????
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I'mskSJkslKSL Jonathan's face kills me
Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I just wanted to say thanks for everything. You guys are like the Mom and Dad I've always wanted to have.
Lois bby🥺😭😭
"Lois, we want you to know that you are welcome back here any time."
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"Actually-" "We'll all miss you, Lois."
SHUSH Clark, we're having a moment here😭
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blushing kicking my feet
"Oh, come on Clark, your future is laid out right in front of you. You're gonna go to community college, major in agriculture, probably minor in law enforcement. And then you and Lana are gonna have a nice little church wedding."
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I can't😭
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He's such a menace around her it's EVERYTHING
"Even if I could spell, the last thing I'd wanna do is spend my time in a newsroom. With my luck, I'd probably end up across the desk from the most bumbling reporter on the masthead."
so much eye contact I'm going insane
If you hear faint screaming in the distance, that's me I'm losing it
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i already know I'm going to hit the media upload limit and have to delete stuff, ugh😭
this episode is feeding me so well
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my beautiful family😭😭😭 they raised me actually, true story
"Because you have a way of getting things in half the time a normal person gets things done." "And I'm not normal?"
Chloe really didn't do this one on purpose but OUCH😬
Lois with her "the general said/ taught me..."🥹
now tell me why this interaction fills me with so much joy😭
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I love them so much it makes me look stupid
✨and then I paused the episode and didn't continue until over a month later, my brain is wired like that I fear✨
Jor El is so unserious I'm sorry, if he wasn't so vague and cryptic all the time a lot of messes could've been avoided🤡
I just imagine the actual Jor El watching this go down in the afterlife and facepalming so hard
Clark is sad = I'm sad, it's the law
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Lana giving Clark the stone without even removing the blood first lol
I feel so bad for her😭 I swear whoever made the plot decisions on this show got off on Lana being in pain and I'm getting more and more angry on her behalf.
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and that's on good instincts
(I've seen people say that Lana going to Lex instead of Clark after killing Genevieve is further proof that she doesn't trust Clark at all and it's like... how tf was Clark going to help her in this situation???😭 I agree that Lana and Clark have trust issues ad infinitum but in this case she just did the logical thing, come on now)
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I have to respect this man for the level of unhinged he's reached, truly
Lois is so cool😩 Once again I am free on Saturday-
"Before you leave this earth I want you to know... you did create the son you always wanted."
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Lionel when I get my hands on you
I need Lex to chill and stop manhandling Lana & Chloe please and thank you💀 He's joining the unhinged club
Martha & Jonathan against Jason?? Yes please I love fights between people without powers or martial arts training
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🎶somebody save meeeeeee🎶
the way Chloe pushed Lex against the cave wall was hilarious I'm sorry
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Fortress bestie we're almost hereee🥳
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Lois is sad = I'm sad, again, those are the rules
seeing the only place she ever considered a permanent home getting completely destroyed, IT'S A LOT. This whole episode was a lot.
And let's not even get started on Lana JESUS CHRIST. Smallville writers I think we need to sit down and have a conversation about her because WTF?
I don't even care that the witch plot was wacky and Jason's character arc was really badly executed, this season was so much fun.
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dameronology · 2 years
would love to see "you're being ridiculous!" "why do you care? i'm not your boyfriend/girlfriend/s.o anymore!" with tasm! peter pls!
ofc! i changed the prompt to "we're not together anymore!" anymore bc it sounded a lil better😭(from the beck + jade prompt list)
warnings: angst, swearing
"We need to talk about this."
Peter barely avoided being shut in the door as it slammed behind you, sticking his leg out just in time. You were in a rampage - he knew that, your neighbours knew that, the entirety of fucking Queens knew it now too - and had been for the better part of two hours. Any sane person would have kept their distance, but not Peter. Never Peter. Whether he was blinded by love or just completely lacking common sense, you didn't know. Either way, it was wise to avoid your line of fire - especially when he was the cause of it.
"What is there to talk about?!" you demanded, throwing your bag onto the kitchen counter. "You broke a promise, again-"
"- there was a shoot out. What was I meant to do?" Peter cut you off. "Just...swing away?! Let people die so that I could make it to our anniversary dinner?!"
You let out a derivative snort. "You could have fucking called! Just a quick message to say you'd be late, or even to say that you weren't coming at all!"
"Oh, I am so sorry that YOU weren't the first thing on my mind whilst I was trying to avoid being shot at-"
"- that's just is it, isn't it?" you snapped. "I'm never the first thing on your mind. You have a million priorities and I don't even crack the top ten anymore."
It sucked, really. Seeing yourself move down Peter Parker's ladder of priorities. Everyone had always warned you during high school that doing long distance during college would be the hardest thing for your relationship but that had been a doddle compared to this. You'd been out of university for two years by that point and in the same city for the better part of it. It had been blissful at first, spending every second of every day together, just as you had in high school. Now, you were lucky if Peter even gave you the time of day.
You'd given him ultimatums before - if you don't try harder, it's over and if you miss a date again, I'm done and they'd seemed to work for a while. Peter would try harder for a few weeks; buying you flowers, taking you out to dinner, taking nights off of being Spiderman to remind you how much you meant to him. Then he would start to slip up again and it was...Well, it was tiring. To say the fucking least.
It was a toxic cycle and you had to break it. For your sanity, and for his.
"C'mon," Peter murmured. "Of course you. You're always my number one."
"So why you don't you call?" you asked quietly. "Why do you leave me sat there on my own for three hours in a diner like a fool?"
"- more to the point, Pete, why do we keep doing this?" you continued, dropping onto the couch. "Why do I keep letting you?"
"Letting me do what?"
"Treat me like shit!" you snapped. "You always promise to do better but you never do. It was bad enough the first five times I let you do it but now I'm making a complete clown of myself."
"I can do better," he begged, large hands reaching out for you. "Just let me prove it-"
"- you've had plenty of chances," you ripped your hands away. "Too many."
"What are you saying?"
You sniffed, standing up. "I'm saying that we're done."
Crossing the living room, you pushed past him and picked up your bag and keys.
"Are you breaking up with me?"
With a shrug, you turned to face him and gave him a curt nod. "Yeah. I am."
You pulled open the front door and made your way out the apartment, thundering down the corridor. Peter stumbled behind you, almost tripping over the laces of his converses as he followed you out. He was desperate now - maybe if he'd been that way before, none of this would have happened. It was a shame it took dangling your relationship right in front of him for him to realise.
"You're being ridiculous!" he called after you.
You glanced over your shoulder, not stopping. "Why do you care? We're not together anymore."
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
hey bestieee i went grocery shopping with my sibling and it was pure chaos so now i want reonsemishira grocery shopping headcanons !! no headcanons can be as chaotic yet domestic as grocery shopping !
Omg Logggg 🤭 I love grocery shopping thingys omgomgomg
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- Reon usually goes by himself so that he can get it done quick and easy
- But SemiShira INSISTED that they help their handsome boyfriend cuz they wanna be helpful
- Reon's too sweet to say no 💀 so he rolls up with the two hooligans this time
- It goes just about as well as you can expect
- It's a shit show
- They let Semi push the cart and within 2 minutes he had ran into Reon with it
- Semi's not allowed to push the cart no more :(
- Shirabu stuck his tongue out at him and now the two are swatting at each other in the store
- Reon grabs them by their wrists and puts them on either side of him 💀
- Fun's over :(
- For now >:)
- They make it to the candy isle and Semi comes to a complete stop
- "I want some candy :) Please, Reon?"
- "I'm your boyfriend, not your mom. Just go grab some."
- Semi goes waddling into the candy isle with Shirabu not far behind him
- Reon sighs and just turns the cart into the isle cuz he has a feeling they might be here for a while
- Semi can't choose between the chocolate pockys or the cookies and cream pockys
- Meanwhile Shirabu's telling him how it doesn't matter between those two because the chocolate banana ones are the best
- They end up throwing all three in the cart and Reon's about to turn out of the isle
- That is before they walk back towards the damn candy
- Semi wanted lemon flavored SHIGEKIX and Shirabu wanted Noisy Soda candy
- They plopped that in the cart and they were off again
- He sends Semi off to get milk and he comes back with whole milk
- "Eita, why don't you get the 2% milk? It's better for you." "It doesn't taste as good!"
- Reon looked at Shirabu for some back up
- "He's got a point."
- SemiShira, again, get their way
- Big shocker
- The other two race off to grab something. Reon gets a breather for a good two seconds
- He remembered just who the two he just left alone were and he fast walks to go look for them
- He walks into an isle to see Shirabu, reaching for something, using Semi, who's curled up on the ground, as a stool
- "Stop moving so much, Ei!" "I'm trying...your feet are digging into my back."
- He swears he hears a child go "Mom, look!"
- Reon grabs Shirabu and pulls him off before grabbing Semi by the back of his shirt and yanking him upward
- A very pissed off Reon is dragging two trouble-making setters with him and it almost looks like an angry dad and his two bad ass little kids
- "If you two don't behave I'll handcuff you both to the cart and leave you here for someone else to deal with you." "You're gonna put handcuffs on us? 😏" "Reon please, we're in public. There are children around. 😳"
- Reon's on the verge of strangling them.
- SemiShira hold hands and skip around acting like everything is all peaches and cream while Reon's about to implode
- Reon makes them watch the cart while he goes down the isles getting things that they actually need 💀
- SemiShira start feeling a little bad cuz Reon seems so upset with them 😪
- They both throw themselves on him
- "Reo, we're sorry :(" "Yeah, we didn't wanna make you upset babe :("
- Reon's skeptical but he kisses them both and tells them that it's ok
- Reon "Local sweetheart" Ōhira
- They finally make it to the cashier, by the grace of God 😭
- The cashier is some girl who's the same age as them
- And she's giving Reon the heart eyes
- Excuse them, but ummm, that's Semi and Shirabu's boyfriend? Thank you? 🤨💅
- Shirabu is hanging onto Reon's arm the whole time he's paying 💀
- But Semi? Semi's got an idea. He sees those little claw machines. And they only take 100 yen coins. Interesting...
- "Hey, I hate to be a bother. But do you mind giving us our change in 100 yen coins?"
- Shirabu's proud. Reon's mentally rolling his eyes at the piece of shit.
- They really had to make this girl's life harder cuz she thought Reon was cute 💀 wait until they hear about the fandom.
- They play the claw machine, they gat an equal amount of turns. Reon won two stuffed animals, the others didn't win shit 💀
- Reon makes them load up the car, bring the groceries inside, AND put them away. All while he stood there and watched.
- He didn't let SemiShira come with him anymore ✋️💀
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moonundernostalgia · 3 years
Alright kinda bit of a big Nightwing question here but I think you might interested;
Say You’re an Editor at DC Comics of a Nightwing book, what will be some storylines, character dynamics, tone and overall directions for it would you want to do?
You have access to all sorts of characters from Starfire and the Titans, the Batfamily to the citizens of Bludhaven and villains at your disposal. The choices are all yours.
Oh Gosh where do i even start (;;;・_・)
Well....i always wanted to do a fanfiction,an accurate fanfiction for (if that ever happened) Dick staying dead (yea wow the ansgt is real in this one).
Im gonna go with 3 topics cuz i think it's easier to explain :)
Dick would die for a sacrifice,saving the world with his life and those emotional stuff everyone loves :) or he would die in a really sad way like what happened to Lois in Injustice or what happened to Wally in YJ Season 2 finale,he would have been murdered by a villain and this villain would want the chaos if he is literally killing the person who next to superman is the hero who everyone trusts the most i mean---- can you imagine? but while I want the heroes closest to Dick to "lose their heads" over his death I think there should properly be a week of mourning for him because I SWEAR TO GOD DC never knows how to handle anyone's death, It's never depressing and genuinely sad, you know? I would think of something close to what happened to Dick at the end of Forever Evil but in the version that was not published, where he was supposedly killed and everyone thought that and there were several moments showing people remembering Dick (when the citizens on the street paid tributes 😭 I have to confess that I cried a little) but in that case he would really be killed and it would be much much sadder and more melancholy :)
I sound like a heartless psychopath saying this but I need to see the Batfamily suffer at least a little bit...I personally hated their reactions when Dick "died" in Forever Evil so something should be redone and done right. (as my favorite youtuber says "do it again do it right!") Bruce as a father (and I must warn you that I am WEAK for a father-son relationship especially if it involves older children or adoption) I want him to cry a lot, look at pictures of Dick when he was a kid or take his clothes and cuddle in them and maybe even be unable to be Batman, I need Jason to get angry and take his anger out on criminals on the street but in the dark of his apartment alone he cries himself to sleep remembering his brother,Tim not knowing what to do with himself falling into depression and blaming himself for not being a more understanding brother when he could have been Damian...oh my baby... :( he would be so sad and would only find comfort in Alfred (he would be alive in my story) or Cass or his animals of course. He is the one who would suffer the most along with Bruce actually... they would be very close in this story for them to heal from the emptiness they both feel of losing the person who was most able to understand them...Ah! the titans would be there too and it would be almost the same vibe we had and we're still having this new phase of Young Justice, with Wally still dead(or just stuck in the speed force who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and Conner...theoretically dead too(or not...)
I'm one of the few fans of Nightwing who likes the idea of ​​him being connected to the Court of Owls. I really like it like it's really cool for his story, so I would use that as a base. Dick would die but the Court (better his great-grandfather?) would steal his body after a while to not bring up suspicion and they would bring Dick back to life but as a Talon,he would not be the same. Eventually his family would discover that there's a Talon acting in Gotham and his movements look familiar, Tim as the observer that he is and the fact that just by seeing the way Robin moves he discovered that it was after all the Grayson boy from the Circus, he would be the first to suspect that Talon It's Dick then informs Bruce and together they go to Dick's coffin but his body is not there, and at the bottom of the coffin there is an owl feather, message from the Court to basically say "yes we took his body, it's ours now" . so there's that insane quest to save Dick with the Batfamily teaming up with the Titans and even a part of the league teaming up to try to rescue him and in the end I imagine a "happy ending" because as much as Dick is still a Talon totally transformed, he would still be aware in his mind of when he was sane and would live with his family again...
You should keep in mind that i don't really know how to explain stuff like- i have my thoughts on my mind but i can't express it for u guys i'm just horrible at this type of thing and i tried to make this the shorter i could 😅 but anyways-
After reading again i should say that you guys should go read "a storge for you" by @romanticism-is-maudlinism (on ao3) because my thing here is basically the same thing she is doing there and honestly- GO READ IT!! It has an amazing writing and the chapters keeps getting better 🛐 so pls go check if you liked my "idea" of fanfiction
(i'm sorry if this has spelling mistakes,english is not my first language and using google translator is the shit :D)
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Tick tock, it's Lore O'Clock! Time (ha!) for Elsewhere and Elsewhen!
(I swear to the Titan I'm gonna try to make this shorter)
Ah, I see we're starting with a good old fashioned conspiracy board! Last time I saw one of those was during an 8 hour Victorious retrospective (you know the one)
And Luz continuing to be smart and studious
Don't be too hard on yourself, Luz, a door capable of interdimensional travel isn't exactly the sort of thing you get right the first time around
Ayyy it's Steve! He even has the shirt lmao
Ah, so it's a celebration of a new museum position! So much for a birthday
Lulu seems less than thrilled...
Hooty continues to be gross and upsetting. Wouldn't have him any other way♥
She must be Flora Desplora
Yup, I was right
Hmm, not getting into any trouble? The music cue tells me I should be uneasy about this, so I'm going to oblige
I don't think I like her, especially with what she did to that poor griffin :(
"I have questions about that name" LA;FKHJD;OSHFAP LUZ KNOWS LMFAOOOO
Lilith having yet another existential crisis
Also, that "Snorses" moment, besides being yet another Luz being cute moment, had real "Snadger" vibes
Well, that's one way of getting around changing the title card yet (probably ran short on time for the episode)
Ah, Philip has metioned the Collector👀
Eda gets it (I might not have mentioned my leg hair, but still)
Here we go, time for the time travel method in this show
People will probably pay more attention to "Lender Man," but I'm just amused that possums are considered a cryptid in the Boiling Isles
Time travel method mixed with fond childhood memories! Well done
I know balusters are supposed to be a prime example of a dry topic, but considering Demon Realm architecture, I think it could actually be genuinely interesting...
Luz is so encouraging to Lilith 😭😭 (I didn't actually mean to put two emoji there, but fuck it)
Thus, the adventure begins!
Everyone wanting more of nerdy Lilith is getting fed today
Oop, Luz found something magical! She's gonna put her face in it!
Side note: that's the exact same sound the pictures in Willow's mind made when entering those, too
Lilith telling her reflections "In your face!" 😂
"I shall revel mineself to death!" And he did, the end
Lmao Lilith tripped over her own head
"And yes, I am a crab maiden!" Flashbacks to The Time Traveler's Pig, anyone?
"Bloody fly effect" I once again have to mention how the wordplay in this show is top tier
It's so adorable how Luz genuinely thinks Lilith is cool despite how impossibly lame she acts
"I get to meet my Grandpa?!"
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Eda panicking juuust a little bit...
So that's where they got the hats
Also, I get the feeling that's more of Belos' propaganda talking through Lilith
Luz looking at Lilith like "I don't get it, but you're clearly having fun"
The man himself! Philip!
Oh, Eda's definitely gonna try to bounce to avoid seeing Dell
I would make a "cockblocking" joke here, but I'm above that😤
A terrible impersonation, but not inaccurate
Oh, we gonna have a fight?...Guess not
And Philip's a dick. I expected better from a 17th century English settler! /s
"Luzura and Dirtrude" loooool
...Luz totally cribbed that backstory from Good Witch Azura, didn't she?
So Philip also knows how to use glyphs...
"Almost as if the world wanted to hide them from me" Hmm....
Lilith seems suspicious...
That's quite an elaborate glyph combo
Yes, Eda, Gwen will surely be fooled by that
C'mon, Eda, she might have been duped by Wartlop, but that's just pathetic
Yo, there he is!
The way he talks, you can definitely tell running away is something she's done many times before, and it's goddamn heartbreaking💔
Head of the Titan, huh? A shortcut, indeed
I'm starting to get the impression our dear friend Philip is taking Luz and Lilith for a ride, and not in a fun way
"This feels uncomfortably familiar" Uh oh
Whatcha doing with that palisman, Phil?
Oh, you motherfucker
You slimy piece of shit
Oh, she's gonna scratch that thing in the place Lilith mentioned, isn't she?
Of course Luz could make a giant stone monster dinosaur thing cute
That's what you get, you fuck
"Stay mad" Cool aunt indeed
And the smack on the way out lmao
Luz is so sweet and supportive of Lilith in this episode😭😭😭
Here comes the long-awaited heart to heart with dad
Wait, that was his tower all along?!
God, I already love Dell, what a sweet man
"Grandson" I need another moment
Wow, looks like Owl Beast Eda got more than just his eye...And the shaking...
She carved Owlbert with Dell I-
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I do hope we see more of Dell, he's the best
The exchanging of finger guns so great
Oh FUCK his arm
(The episode did hint at this heavily, but now it's outright confirmed, goddamn!)
And there's even the Belos voice mixing with Philip's!
Seems like he's concerned with more than just getting home...
Well, what a doozy that was! Plenty of lore and worldbuilding, plus the big reveal that most of the fandom totally guessed! That said, it's about the journey, not the destination, and the way this was told and built up was quite well done! Also, the interaction with Eda and Dell...I want more, dammit!
Now we know what kind of person Philip was/Belos is, and that he truly does not give a shit about anyone in this realm. And next week we're gonna have to see Hunter try once again to earn his approval, knowing full well he'll never get it...
This show continues to be great!
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tododeku-or-bust · 4 years
So out of spite I sped-read The Iliad
Because I wanted to see if there was any way that Patroclus and Achilles’ relationship wasn’t as understandable or blatantly obvious as The Song of Achilles made it out to be. Y’all are welcome. 
Here are things Achilles has said to/thought about Patroclus, heavily paraphrased bc I’m not citing verse (my thoughts in italics):
In general, to start, “Patroclus” is almost always followed by some variation of “my companion”, so there’s that-
Book 11
"(Patroclus), joy of my heart"
Book 16
"Every Trojan and Greek can die as long as we two survive! We can take Troy together" ---Achilles’ goofy ass bruh, I swear -_-
"Zeus, give him strength, keep Patroclus alive and bring him back to me" ---Zeus: ope
Book 18 (y'all I put the wrong book why ain't y'all stop me! 😭)
"I hope the gods have not done something that will break my heart (like kill Patroclus)"
[Antilochus preventing him from cutting his wrists after hearing he's dead, covers his face in dust, screams so loud his mom hears it at the bottom of the ocean]
"What pleasure is there for me, when Patroclus, my beloved companion has been destroyed, the man I honored above all..."
"My own heart has no desire to live on....unless Hector is (killed for killing Patroclus)"
"So now I'll go (kill Hector), killer of the man I loved" ---Now I know he claims love for a lot of men, but he wasn’t willing to fight for any of their dead bodies until Patroclus, sooooo
"I'm going to wait to bury you until we're both dead so that we're together in death" ---Shit’s a lil weird, but Achilles is a drama queen so it’s in line- UPDATE- okay so, if they wait to be buried together they'll go to the same place! Makes sense!
Book 19
"I can't even eat I'm so distressed, not even my own father's death would upset me as much. I would have had you tell my son of me if you were alive because I thought only I would die" ----this one in particular gets me because Deidameia is alive, but he wanted Patroclus to tell his son about him!
Book 20
"(Hector's) getting closer, the man who scarred my heart more than all other men"
Book 22
"I'm going to leave your [Hector’s] body here to be torn apart by animals while Patroclus is getting the burial he deserves"
"I'll not forget [Patroclus] as long as I'm alive. Even when I'm dead, I won't forget my companion"
Book 23
[Patroclus' ghost asks to be buried together, Achilles agrees and tries to hold him but he vanishes] ----Why would Patroclus ask this of someone he didn’t love? And why would Achilles agree so easily?
[Gives him a golden urn and commands they have a mound]
In fact, literally all of book 23 is a damn festival for Patroclus lmao
Incidents of him with women:
Book 9
“He stole from me (Briseis), a woman I love. Let him sleep with her! I still won’t fight”  ----Don’t sound very loving to me, and also star point because they offered Briseis back amongst hella other shit and he still said no
"Achilles slept with Diomede, Patroclus slept opposite Achilles with Iphis" 
Book 19 (again!)
Briseis cries over Patroclus’ body, saying that when Achilles killed her husband, Patroclus was nice and would make sure Achilles would marry her instead  -----Idk how this would make anyone feel better about their dead spouse, but....go off, I guess? Not to mention he knew Achilles wasn’t gone make it! Liar lmao
Book 24
He sleeps with Briseis after Priam comes to beg for Hector’s body
Final verdict: 
Bisexual, open relationship. I won’t deny evidence of him and the ladies, but he was most definitely in love with Patroclus. 
The movie Troy can suck it, and I’ll die on this hill in aristeia like Patroclus. 
(update! Lmao y'all I had the right quotes, wrong book for some of them- why ain't y'all say nothing?)
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