#weasley cousins
weasley--cousins · 2 years
The Huffle Trio gets detention for the first time… they all have older sibling that have wildly different reactions:
James to Lilly: This is sheer pride, mixed in with him making sure it was for a good reason. Whether that was a good prank or putting a bully in their place James doesn’t mind.
Rose to Hugo: Her first question to him is if he’s okay. Her first concern is that someone hurt her little brother and she needs a name. When she finds out he's though, he gets a smack on the head and she calls him a brat
Lucy to Molly: The only thing she is mad about is that her little sister got caught. She couldn’t care less about what happened because she knows her sister has a good reason for breaking the rules.
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rosevalleynb · 1 year
Bingo At The Burrow
“Poor Scorpius, he looks miserable,” Fred said, taking a handful of crisps from the bowl and passing it to Roxanne.
“No, that’s just his face. But I think he finally realises that he should have listened to his father and not date a Weasley,” Lucy chimed in, causing the others to chuckle. “We’re a wild bunch.”
The Weasley cousins have new favourite pastime: bingo.
Written for hp_nextgen100 Prompt 271: Entertainment
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347-emeraldbitch · 3 months
Percy: Crouch’s mother is my grandmother’s sister. We are cousins??? Next family reunion he better be ready to fucking fight.
Sirius: I hope you let me have a go at our cousin first.
Percy: Bloody hell!!! This will never not be funny and amazingly ridiculous.
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t1oui · 2 months
no voldemort au where jegulus raises harry and marpanlily raises luna. sirius, remus, peter, barty, and evan are the cool uncles while dorcas and marlene are the cool aunts. there's nobleflower who got together later in life and who are currently living in one of the black family's ancestral homes in france with neville and draco. (frank is around frequently and lucius isn't around at all.)
neville and draco being brothers. neville telling alice about draco's crush on blaise and draco chasing him around the school, landing them both in detention.
luna and harry being siblings. while neville and draco, their cousins, are fighting, they simply sit back and watch. they adore each other and, if they can help it, are almost never seen apart.
harry being a slytherin. he rooms with draco and blaise, is best friends with pansy, and still frequently visits hermione, ron, and neville up in gryffindor tower.
pansy and harry (and vincent and greg) have been losing their minds for years over draco and blaise's pining. the two of them finally get together when harry tells them to shag and spends the rest of the night in ron and neville's room. the next morning, it takes a glance at draco and blaise and him wiggling his eyebrows to get a detention from snape.
harry and luna firecalling lily from the hearth in ravenclaw tower at least two or three times a week. the two of them talking to her about homework, crushes, and their latest exploits in teasing draco.
their parents showing them how to become animagi, which leads to narcissa and alice wanting to learn how, too. mcgonagall giving her students a fond eyeroll when their words are slurred in class because, really, it is quite obvious when you're hiding a leaf underneath your tongue.
harry being best friends with the patil twins, some of the few people outside of his dad's family that he shares a culture with. him spending hours in the library studying with padma, even longer out on the quidditch pitch flying with parvati.
harry, who's been dating cedric since his fourth year (where he watched the tournament instead of competing), and padma, who isn't interested in romance, being the cause of at least 90% of hogwarts's couples: dean and seamus, draco and blaise, luna and ginny, neville and hannah, hermione and pansy, and - of course - parvati and lavender.
remus being the d.a.d.a. professor from harry's first year through to his seventh, and retiring soon after when harry decides he wants the position himself. neville becoming the herbology professor, pansy and blaise going to potions and charms, but draco deciding to become a healer. ("what the hell are we meant to talk about if we're all bloody teachers?" he asked them once, much to his friends' amusement.)
cedric becomes the transfiguration professor when dumbledore finally agrees to retire and promote mcgonagall, and cho spends three years playing for puddlemere united before becoming the school's newest, coolest flying instructor. hermione surprises no one by rising through the ranks to minister for magic, and pansy quickly finds herself the chief editor of the daily prophet. rita skeeter quickly finds herself without a job. ron becomes an auror, a job he excels at, and during a mission in bulgaria he finds himself running into viktor krum. harry and padma see an opportunity.
every summer without fail, harry finds himself curled up on regulus and james's couch with a book, legs tangled with luna's or draco's or nev's or sometimes cedric's. he spends hours flying above the burrow's fields with the weasleys, spends long summer days taking lessons from krum because even in regulus's increasing age, he's the best seeker harry's ever seen.
harry spends his evenings sitting on the porch of his late grandparents' farmhouse, braiding hermione's hair the way pandora and mary taught him when he was young. the adults are inside. pansy is curled into hermione, flipping through a copy of witch weekly while luna sits on harry's other side and flips through her own copy of the quibbler.
neville is showing hannah and blaise some sort of frog by the creek that lavender is swimming in with seamus, dean, and the patil twins. up high in the sky, ron, draco, and cedric are flying with viktor, ginny, and cho in a two-vs-two match that is most definitely in the latter team's favor.
here, harry thinks, is home.
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noahmullariii · 2 months
the main reason I'm an average height Remus truther - aside from this little fact being canon - is simple:
the only "tall, thin and gangling, with big hands and feet, and a long nose" character I advocate for is Ronald Weasley who deserves to tower over each and every authority figure he encounters.
so by 3rd year Ron is 5'11 / 180 cm which is ridiculously tall for a 13 year old boy and makes him slightly taller than all his Professors:
btw UK average adult heights are 5'4-5'6 for women and 5'8-5'10 for men
5'10 / 178 cm McGonagall (described as a tall woman)
5'9.5 / 177 cm Snape (rather shorter than Sirius; slightly taller than Narcissa, who's exactly 5'8 / 173 cm for me)
5'9 / 176 cm Lupin (not described = average)
5'8 / 172 cm Filch (not described = average; not a Prof but Staff)
5'7 / 170 cm Sinistra (not described, but she was on the taller side in the movies so I'll give her that. shorter than Minerva still)
5'6 / 167 cm Trelawney (not described = average)
5'1 / 154 cm Sprout (describes as a squat little woman)
4'5 / 134 cm Flitwick (described as tiny but has distant goblin ancestry so I see him as being 5 inches taller than average goblin)
Dumbledore doesn't count cuz Ron barely stands next to the man and I reckon it's pretty hard to grow over 2 meters at 13. Hagrid is irrelevant cuz half-giant.
then Ron gets kidnapped by the first adult that year who looms over him at 6'3 / 191 cm - no wonder Sirius is terrifying, being that tall.
by the time Sirius dies Ron only grows to 6'2.5 / 189 cm so he never gets to be taller than him... shit now I'm making myself sad.
anyway, when he's done growing Ron is 6'5 / 196 cm, making him the tallest Weasley and probably the tallest man in any room ever.
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
lily and hugo were the cousins that performed a choreographed dance to convince their parents to let them have a sleepover
ur so right and they would do fashion shows dressing up in their mum’s clothes & playing iggy azalea from their ipad as their plan b, just in case their waka waka dance didnt convince them.
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ameliathefatcat · 4 months
Wotter cousins cooking headcanons
Teddy- Can cook, he’s average at it
Victoire- One of the best cooks of the cousins
Molly II- Worst cook, banned from the kitchen’s after setting it on fire. Can only make scrambled eggs, uses UberEats way too much
Dominique- Can cook but doesn’t have the patience to. Loves set it and forget it recipes
James Sirius- Destroys the kitchen when he cooks
Rose- Loves to cook and try out new recipes
Albus- Can cook a handful of meals, mostly things that have instructions on the box
Freddie- Best baker in the family. He loves to bake for family and friends and NEVER uses a box cake mix
Roxanne- Freddie’s taste tester.
Lucy- Ends up cooking for Molly
Louis- Refuses to cook
Hugo- Loves to cook to relax and often makes recipes he finds on TikTok
Lily Luna- Pretty good at it, loves to make food that’s very colorful
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amalthea-fictions · 2 years
hello!, you cold please write something about Charlie Weasley x Jacob's sibling, were the plot goes around mc's family being abusive, bonus if their house is slytherin
Me: Asks for requests
Also me: doesn’t check my tumblr app for said requests 
I’m SO sorry it took me so long!!! I am SO happy to get these requests.
*Cracks knuckles* let’s start with the emotional pain ~
You splash water in your face. It’s cold and makes the crisp air bite against your skin.
Hopefully the shock will keep the nightmares away.
You grip the edge of the sink, lifting your head to look at the tired reflection in the mirror. 
Bags under your eyes. Hair frayed. 
He pulls your hair. You yelp. A firm hand presses against your mouth–
You shake your head.
Maybe if you sneak to the Potions classroom, you can make another WideEye potion. Anything to try and stop reliving those moments.
“Shut up. You’re worthless, anyway. No one will notice you’re hurt.”
You rub your eyes with more cold water.
“No use just standing here, I suppose,” you murmur. 
You inhale deeply, and release your white-knuckle grip from the prefects’ bathroom sink. Time to grow up, go back to the common room and–
Your blood runs cold.
“Funny running into you here, [y/n].”
Mal is leaning against the bathroom doorway. His face plastered with a sickening grin. 
“Wha…” you stammer, your head pounding. You must be in another nightmare. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m a prefect, too, remember?” He smirks, pushing himself off the doorframe. You instinctively flinch as he moves.
“No,” you shake your head. This can't be happening. “No, at Hogwarts. You… you were sent to prison!” 
Your older cousin clicks his tongue. “Ah, [y/n], you were never the brightest one, eh? Family’s sent me to take you home.”
He takes a step forward and you back up against the sink. 
You shake your head. “I…I’m not a scared little girl anymore!”
You draw your wand, hoping that helps the statement become more true. But your cousin's a Death Eater. And tried to force you to be one, too. Like so many others in your family. What could you possibly do to ward him off?
Mal laughs. “And what will you do with that?” He sneers. 
You clench your hand around the wand. “Petrificus Totalus!” 
A burst of purple energy envelopes your cousin. You wait, your heart pounding: one second. Two.
He snickers at you. 
It didn’t work.
He takes another step towards you, and you press your back so hard into the sink it starts to sting. Your eyes dart around the prefect’s bathroom, searching for other exits, other ways out. 
“Nice try,” he scoffs. “Let me show you how it’s done.”
You try to swing your wand up to cast a defensive spell, but you’re not fast enough. Mal has already whipped his wand in your direction, a flick of his wrist producing the full body binding spell. 
You feel your muscles tense and your mouth freezes mid-scream. And worse– through your frozen body, your heart is pounding furiously in your chest.
He comes so close to you that you can see the pores of his skin. He clucks his tongue again. “Poor, stupid girl,” he sighs. 
A jab of pain in your stomach sends fire through your body. 
“That’s for even trying to curse me,” he grunts. 
He kicks his knee up into your stomach again. More pain flares through your ribs. 
“And that’s–” he kicks again,  “--for thinking you’re good enough to even be a decent witch–” another kick, and you’re seeing white stars, “when you can’t even stand up to your own family!”
He continues on. Between the fire in your chest and the ugly words Mal keeps spitting, you feel your eyes begin to water.
You wonder if it’s possible to cry while under the full body bind.
Your cousin freezes.
Suddenly, horns sprout from his head. A riiiippping sound punctuates a dragon tail emerging from his trousers behind him. 
A small chuckle– one that makes your heart flutter on a daily basis, and is even more welcome now.
Mal poofs up in smoke. 
In the light of the bathroom hallway entrance, a robed figure with flaming red hair.
“Bloody hell, [y/n]!” 
Charlie Weasley rushes up to you. “I was helping some of the professors search for a boggart–” you watch his eyes search you up and down, assessing the damage “--thank goodness I found you in time!” 
He taps his wand on your chest. “Episkey.”
The bind is released and you fall forward. 
Charlie catches you before you can hit the bathroom floor.
And you break down.
Charlie blinks. You clutch the fabric of his sweater in your fists, trying to catch your breath. But all you can do is sob.
Charlie quickly recovers, bringing his arms around you and pulling you close. “Hey, hey, [y/n]. It’s alright. I’m here now.”
You nod into him, hiccupping. Tears and snot stain his Weasley sweater.
He rubs your back, shushing you sweet nothings, giving you time to catch your breath. You realize, too, that his episkey is at work, healing what probably would have been bruised ribs. 
“Thank you,” you finally manage, looking up to him. 
He offers you a soft smile and wipes a tear from your cheek. “Are you alright?”
You have to stop yourself from the automatic answer: yes, I’ll be fine. But that’s the cursebreaker, the one that can do anything, who always has to save the day. 
Charlie knows the real you.
So you inhale a shaky breath. “No,” you whisper. You swallow, and your throat feels hoarse. “Do you remember the cousin I told you about?”
Charlie furrows his brow and his mouth creases into a thin line. “That was him, then?”
You nod. Another sob rises in your throat and you hiccup trying to swallow it down. 
He cups your cheek. “Hey. It was only a boggart.” Then, his eyes sparkle. “Plus, now I know what he looks like. So if he ever actually gets out of Azkaban, I’ll know what to look for. And he’ll get much worse from me than a dragon tail out of his arse.”
At that, you can’t help but exhale a small giggle. 
It’s Charlie Weasley. Of course his version of 'funny' is going to be giving someone a dragon butt.
And, of course he is going to do anything he can to comfort you. Including making stupid dragon jokes.  
Plus, at the way Charlie’s eyes sparkle at you when you smile? The warmth of his hands around your back? 
You melt back into him, nuzzling your head into his chest.
He brushes a hand down through your hair. You start to catch your breath, listening to the steady beating of his heart. 
“Your family is utterly wrong,” he says, breaking the silence. 
“About you,” he clarifies. “They’re so caught up in their stupid traditional ideals, so blinded by their sense of perfection, that they can’t see how absolutely incredible you are.”
You stare at the floor. “I… I try to tell myself that.”
His fingers find your chin and force your gaze back up to him. His eyes burn with intensity. “Don’t let people who don’t care about you define your sense of self-worth, [y/n]. You are the one breaking the curses on the vaults. You are the star quidditch player of the year. You are brilliant at defense against the dark arts. You are wonderful at anything you try. And you need to emphasize your own worth, not anyone else’s opinion of you.” 
You feel tears welling in the creases of your eyes. You lean forward and rest your forehead on his. 
“It definitely helps,” you breathe, “to have you always saying such nice things about me.”
He smiles. “Well, then. I’ll keep saying them until you believe them for yourself.”
He cranes his neck to peer around the entryway without letting go of you. “We should probably head back,” he says, looking back to you. “The professors will want to know about the boggart.”
You nod, and he lets go of you. But when you move to take a step forward, pain shoots up from the base of your spine.
You cry out in pain as you crumple over. Instinctively your hand moves to your back– it’s the spot where the porcelain sink was biting into your back. 
Charlie is quick to your side almost immediately, steadying you. 
"Sorry," you groan. "I think there's something wrong with my back."
His fingers dance around the base of your spine, but he pauses. “Can I…?”
You nod, biting your lip. You feel him lift your shirt, just enough to reveal your lower spine.
“Ouch,” he says, tracing the spot on your back. “That’s a nasty bruise. Might've gone too deep. Better have Madam Pomfrey look at it.” 
Suddenly your feet are swept from under you as he’s scooping you into his arms. 
“Charlie,” you try, “I’m sure Episkey will work, you really don’t have to–”
He presses a kiss to your forehead. You stutter and stop in your tracks, which seems to be exactly the effect he was hoping for. He winks and smiles. That stupid, brilliant smile.
And suddenly, you can’t think of anything you’d rather be doing than letting Charlie Weasley carry you across Hogwarts. 
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strawberryscorp · 1 year
i mightve said this before but if albus severus saw how many people cared about him on this app he would explode into a bazillion pieces and then cry
and rose would brag about it to anyone who would listen
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evansisasadist · 9 months
Lucy gets to Hogwarts not knowing how to do her hair so Fred and James immediately learn how to plait hair
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weasley--cousins · 2 years
James and Roxanne are besties at Hogwarts
Molly II, Lilly Luna, and Hugo make up what’s commonly referred to as “The Huffle Trio”
Roxanne acts as the house mom in Hufflepuff specifically to said Huffle Trio
Since Lucy was in Slytherin Albus had a lot more protection when he arrived and they became really close
Victoire is a hero to her siblings and cousins; they think she is the most powerful, brave person ever. Teddy on the other hand, has always been the cool oldest cousin that all of them want to be like
Victoire and Teddy are like literally BFFs by the way
Basil was always closest with Roxanne
Lucan, Dom, and Louis love exploring new places together
Lucan tells Louis stories
Backyard quidditch matches were banned the first year Lilly was old enough to play. Yeah don’t put her and James on opposing teams… that same mistake was then made at Hogwarts.
Hermione taught everyone some muggle sports at one point… that was also a bad idea. Ever played Kickball with kids who really like to test their magic?
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helluo-librorums · 2 years
I think one of the saddest parts of Sirius dying is where Harry is in Dumbledore's office and Dumbledore starts talking about how its his fault that Sirius died and Phineas Nigellus askes if Dumbledore is telling the truth. To which Dumbledore obviously says yes but Phineas doesn't believe it so he goes to his portrait at Grimmuald Place running through all of the portraits calling Sirius' name to no avail. Like I know he would kinda talk badly about Sirius but he still loved his great great grandson and didn't want him to be murdered
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347-emeraldbitch · 3 months
Regulus: Cousin Leo!!!
Percy: Wow, we really are going with that? OKAY, yes cousin.
Regulus: Since your uproot at work, and it is not even remotely your fault!!! Honestly, his coworkers knew the man a decade longer than you and they had no clue anything was amiss—
Percy: COUSIN. Thank you for your support but what did you want to tell me?
Regulus: Oh yes, apologies. Have you thought about starting a blood feud or any form of curse on the those in the ministry that wronged you? I loath the minister so he can be a good start? My great-aunt has this amazing little black book full of secrets. It has come in handy many times for myself.
Percy: Cousin Regulus, what’s your middle name?
Regulus: Arcturus, like my paternal grandfather. Why do you ask? Do you want one too?
Percy: It all makes sense.
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it's so unsettling whenever I remember my cousins have other cousins that aren't also my cousins like how messed up is that I hate it omg
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marmotish · 5 months
Can you please draw Charlie Weasley in a Dragon Onesie? 🐉
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bonus Tonks because ✨Cousin Antics™✨
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ameliathefatcat · 3 months
Since I’m into Wotters now, Wotter cousins disability/mental illness headcanons
All of them have anxiety and depression
Teddy- ADHD, nickel silver penicillin allergies, ‘wolf periods’ (side effects of being part werewolf)
Victoire- just Anxiety and depression
Molly- Type one Diabetes,
Dominique- ADHD, Dyslexia, heart murmur
James Sirius- ADHD, Dyslexia
Rose- ADHD, and Auditory Processing (Sensory) Disorder
Albus- ADHD, Dyslexia,
Freddie- ADHD and Dyslexia
Roxanne- ADHD, Dylexia and became a cane user after an accident before her seventh year
Lucy- Autism (goes semi/non verbal when she gets overwhelmed), low muscle tone, Auditory Processing (Sensory) Disorder, GERD, asthma, her vomiting issues
Louis- Heart murmur and toxic masculinity (I know that’s not a mental illness but he does have it)
Hugo-ADHD and Dylexia
Lily Luna- ADHD
Do a lot of them have ADHD and/or Dyslexia because I have it? Yes. Do you grow out of low muscle tone? Since I had it as a little kid and wonder if I still do
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